Before You Run A Scenario
Before You Run A Scenario
Before You Run A Scenario
To specify where results are stored: 1. Choose Results > Results Settings. The Set Results Directory dialog box opens.
2. %.
In the Results Name box enter a name !or the results. "#oid using the same name $ith di!!erent paths since the names $ill appear identical on the graphs. In the Directory box type the !ull path o! the results directory. I! you are using the de!ault !ile storage setting &local machine' speci!y a directory in $hich to store all o! the collated results a!ter the scenario run. I! you speci!ied a shared net$or( dri#e as the !ile storage method speci!y the directory to $hich )user groups should $rite during scenario execution.
4. Select the appropriate chec( box !or subse*uent executions+ Automatically create a results directory for
each scenario execution or Automatically overwrite existing results directory without prompting for confirmation. ,. Clic( OK to sa#e the results directory setting.
Understanding the Set Results Directory Dialog Box The &et results. esults 'irectory dialog "o% lets you set the location in $hich the #ontroller saves scenario
Results Na e: &pecify a name for the results. The #ontroller saves the results using the name that you specify. Directory: &pecify a location in the file system $here the #ontroller $ill save the results. #lick Browse to find the desired location. The #ontroller creates a su"directory in the results directory. All results are saved $ithin this su"directory. Results !ath: 'isplays the specified location for the results. "uto atically create a results directory for each scenario execution:
Instructs Load unner to create a uni(ue results directory for each scenario e%ecution. By default, the result names are res1, res2, res3, etc. "uto atically o#erwrite existing results directory without pro pting for confir ation: Instructs Load unner to automatically over$rite previous result sets, $ithout prompting the user. $uality %enter (only $hen connected to )uality #enter)* +na"les you to save the results to a )uality #enter test set. &ile Syste path. (only $hen connected to )uality #enter)* 'isplays the default Load unner directory
!hen you set the results directory, you also specify a results name. Load unner creates a su"directory using the results name, and places all of the data it gathers in that directory. +very set of results contains general information a"out the scenario in a result file ( .lrr) and an event (.eve) file. 'uring scenario e%ecution, Load unner creates a directory for each group in the scenario and a su"directory for each ,user. A typical result directory has the follo$ing structure*
t_rep.eve in the main result directory contains )user and rende-#ous in!ormation. collate.txt contains the !ile paths o! the result !iles and "nalysis collation in!ormation. collateLog.txt contains the status &succeeded !ailed' o! result diagnostics and log !ile collation !rom each load generator. local_host.eve contains in!ormation !rom each agent host. offline.dat contains sample monitor in!ormation. *.def are de!inition !iles !or graphs that describe the online and other custom monitors. output.mdb is the database created by the "nalysis &!rom the results !iles' that stores the output in!ormation. remote_results.txt contains the !ile paths !or the host e#ent !iles. results_name.lrr is the .oadRunner "nalysis document !ile. *.cfg !iles contain a listing o! the script/s run0time settings as de!ined in the )u1en application &thin( time iterations log 2eb'. *.usp !iles contain the script/s run logic including ho$ the actions sections run. Log directory contains output in!ormation generated during replay !or each )user. " separate directory exists !or each )user group that runs in the scenario. 3ach group directory consists o! )users subdirectories. Sum data directory. " directory containing the graph summary data &.dat' !iles. !hen you generate analysis graphs and reports, the Load unner Analysis engine copies all of the scenario result files (.e#e and 'lrr) to a data"ase. -nce the data"ase is created, the Analysis $orks directly $ith the data"ase and does not use the result files.
Collating Results
!hen you run a scenario, "y default all ,user information is stored locally on each load generator. After scenario e%ecution, the results are automatically collated or consolidated results from all of the load generators are transferred to the results directory. To ena(le)disa(le auto atic collation:
#hoose Results . "uto %ollate Results to ena"le automatic collation. !hen this feature is ena"led, the Auto #ollate esults icon is displayed in the status "ar. To disa"le automatic collation, clear the check mark ad/acent to the option. To anually collate results:
#hoose Results %ollate Results %ollate Results. The #ollate esults dialog "o% opens, and displays the progress of result, diagnostics, and log file collation from each load generator.
esults files display the status and file si0e of the +vent, 'iagnostics,
!rogress Details: 'isplays the status (succeeded, failed) of result, diagnostics, and log file collation from each load generator. This information is stored in the collate+og'txt file. %lose auto completed. atically: Automatically close the #ollate esults dialog "o% after collation is
To stop collating the results: #lick Stop and then %lose. To resume collating the results, select Results %ontinue stopped collation. %ollate Results
The log and result directories are only deleted from a load generator once Load unner successfully collates the results from the machine. 1ou can therefore close the #ontroller after saving a scenario, and collate the results once you reopen the scenario in the #ontroller. If collation fails due to a lack of disk space, select Results %ollate Results Recollate. Load unner attempts to collate the results again, $ithout compressing the .eve file. Before generating the analysis data, Load unner automatically collates the results if they $ere not previously collated.
Scenario !ath: 'isplays the name and location of the scenario definition file ( 'lrs). "uthor: +nter the name of the scenario2s author. Su(-ect: +nter a su"/ect name or short title for the scenario.