The Kasha Guitar
The Kasha Guitar
The Kasha Guitar
Michael Kasha
Physical he!ist
+or,e$ with Luthier -ichar$ )chnei$er in $esigning the #irst Kasha guitars
lassical guitars only con0ert aroun$ 45 o# string 0i2rations to soun$6 7Ma8ority is lost as heat9
Kasha:s Goal
The goal was to create an i!'ro0e$ $esign that con0erts ; to <5 o# 0i2rational energy into soun$6
(ocus was on #i0e ,ey area:s o# the guitar= /ec, &ri$ge )oun$2oar$ &racing on soun$2oar$ &racing on 2ac,
(un$a!ental #re?uency o# the string is $eter!ine$ 2y string weight@ tension@ an$ length6
Ma8ority o# soun$ co!es #ro! 0i2rations gi0en to soun$2oar$ through the 2ri$ge
Han$ 2uilt an$ only !a$e 2y certain luthiers E>'ensi0e an$ har$ to #in$
htt'=//www6guitar!asterwor,s6co!/a2outFguitarFacousticsF1016ht!l htt'=//www68th2ass6co!/,asha6ht!l htt'=//en6wi,i'e$ia6org/wi,i/MichaelGKasha
htt'=//www6$rea!guitars6co!/sol$Fguitars/1;39F2oaAG!a8,ows,iG,ash htt'=//www6!a>,ri!!el6co!/Guitars/Kasha/Kasha6ht!l -e2er@ Ja!es6 C*n'lugge$= The Physics o# a .coustic Guitar6D American University.
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