Little Apple Pies Lorraine Pascale
Little Apple Pies Lorraine Pascale
Little Apple Pies Lorraine Pascale
Shop bought apple sauce is fine to use. In fact it is a great time saver when in a hurry, ditto for the pastry. here may be some leftover pasty here which can be wrapped up and fro!en and "ept for a month. #r roll it out into a rectangle, spread on either tapenade or chopped sundried tomatoes, roll up li"e a Swiss roll then slice in 1cm slices and ba"e. $ey presto easy little canap%s.
&rep ime' 1( minutes )hilling ime' 10 minutes in the free!er *or 20 minutes in the fridge+ )oo" ime' 2( minutes ,a"es -
-00g *1 . lb+ bramley apple sauce *see page 000 if ma"ing yourself+ but shop bought is fine too.
/or your own apple sauce' 4 bramley apples 2 tsps brown sugar
&lus for homemade sauce or if using shop bought apple sauce' 0est of 1 lemon 1 tsp cinnamon powder 1 tsp ground ginger
&AS 12 small handful of plain flour (00g *1 lb 2o!+ puff pastry *shop bought or to ma"e your own see page 000+ 1 egg softly whipped cream, ice cream or cr3me anglaise *&age 000+, to serve
45uipment' large ba"ing sheet, medium bowl *if using shop bought apple sauce+,
6ine a large ba"ing sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
If you are using shop bought apple sauce, then 7ust empty it into a medium bowl and finely grate the lemon !est over. Add the cinnamon and ginger, stir everything well to combine and set aside. If using your own homemade apple sauce ma"e sure it is completely cool before using *and simply s"ip onto the ne8t step+.
&ut some flour on the wor" surface and roll the pastry out to a 40cm *19 in+ s5uare. :eep the pastry moving around as you roll, so it does not stic", adding more flour underneath if need be. he pastry will be really nice and thin. hen cut out eight 10cm *4 in+ 8 20cm *- in+ rectangles *cut the pastry in half and then across the opposite way into
)rac" the egg into a mug, whis" it lightly and then using a pastry brush, brush a 1cm *; in+ border around the edge of each pastry rectangle *and hang on to the remaining egg for later+. hen, using up all of the apple sauce, put a couple of big dollops of it on one half of each one *inside the boarder+. hen fold the other half of the pastry over the apple and use your fingers to press the edges down to seal. &ress in nice and tight to the apple so everything is nice and cosy.
hen put them in the free!er for 10 minutes to firm up *or the fridge will do 7ust fine if you have double that time to spare+. hen, preheat the oven to 200) *400/ < =as ,ar" 9+.
#nce firm remove them from the free!er, brush liberally with the remaining egg and then mar" the top of the pastries with a sharp "nife with which ever pattern you li"e. I li"e to do the outline of an apple. &ut them in the oven for about 2( minutes.
#nce coo"ed the pastry should be crisp and golden brown, so remove them from the oven. 6eave to cool a bit before eating *that apple gets super hot>+. I really love to eat these while they are nice and warm, but they are very tasty served cool too. 4ither way, give a little sift of icing sugar over them before tuc"ing in. #h and they are delicious with a little softly whipped cream, ice cream or cr3me anglaise also.