Middle East Guide v1
Middle East Guide v1
Middle East Guide v1
Introduction The Middle East1 has a total population of nearly 260 million people, speaking more than 95 languages of which 23 are each spoken by at least 500,000 people in the region. Most of these languages come from three major language families: Semitic (including Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic); Indo-European (Kurdish, Persian, Armenian); and Turkic (Turkish, Azeri). These language families reflect the successive migrations of different peoples into the region.2 With the exceptions of Israel and Turkey, the Middle East is dominated by people groups who speak multiple varieties of Arabic, though one must not assume common cultural, [This seems out of place] religious or political views simply on the The Five Pillars of Islam basis of linguistic similarity. Because of its location 1. Reciting the Creed: There is no astride important imperial and colonial trade routes, the God but Allah and Muhammad is his region has been one of the most fought-over, occupied, prophet. and politically unstable in all of history. Recent political 2. Prayer five times a day. changes and civil wars confirm this. More recently in 3. Alms-giving to the poor. history the over-arching issue has been the regions 4. Fasting: Especially during the control of or access to nearly two-thirds of the worlds holy month of Ramadan. operational oil reserves. 5. Pilgrimage once in a lifetime to
Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that nine out of ten Muslims in the Middle East do not know any Christians.
The multiplicity of languages spoken in the Middle East reflects its ethnic diversity.
Comment [AW1]: The main idea of this paragraph is that the multiplicity of languages reflects diversity, so I dont think the rest of this info is necessary.
Islamic Faith According to the Islamic faith, Mohammed began to receive revelations and instruction from the archangel Gabriel at the age of 40 in the year 610 AD. These revelations form the basis of the Quran. Jewish and Christian ideas, practices and history are very present in the Quran, although they are often distorted. Muslims believe in Allah and that he is unique, all powerful, gracious and merciful to all Muslims. The Islamic faith is lived out according to five pillars that must be adhered to if one is to hope for salvation. Sunni and Shia Muslims (also known as Shiites) comprise the two main sects within Islam. Sunni and Shia identities were first formed around a dispute over leadership succession in 632 A.D. In time, the divide broadened to theological distinctions and differences in religious practices. Hijab, partial or full veils Muslim Sunnis include followers of the Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali schools and also the Wahhabi or Salafi
women wear to cover their faces refers to a rule of modesty that applies to both men and women. [this seems out of place]
Comment [AW2]: Perhaps a closing sentence that connects this introduction to the central message in this guide? Despite this turmoil, TWR is working to bring the Gospel, and people are more hungry than ever.
In this publication we will consider TWRs ministry in the following countries: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, State of Palestine (http://www.un.int/wcm/content/site/palestine/), Syria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Yemen. 2 Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 14th Edition - http://www.ethnologue.com/ - 2004 SIL International
movement. Shias include Ithna Asharis (Twelvers), Ismailis, Zaydis, Alevis and Alawites. In the countries we consider in this publication there are more than 200 million Muslims of which around 40 million are Shias. In these countries percentage of Muslim population is 93%.3 Shame Culture Arabic culture uses shame and the threat of ostracism to maintain social harmony. Because of this, people are shy and are not comfortable sharing about their personal feelings and problems. As a result, many people from Arabic cultures struggle silently, and isolation takes a spiritual toll. Family Young marriage remains the norm in the region, but many women postpone marriage and childbearing until after age 25. Eighty-six of women are married by age 30 and the age at first marriage is 28 years old. As is the case in much of the Muslim world, the Middle East is experiencing explosive population growth. Five of the worlds twenty-five fastest growing countries through the year 2050 are in the Middle East. Though the number of children per women has dropped from six to three in recent years4 due to improvements in health care, the Middle East is still experiencing one of the fastest population growth rates at over 2% per year.
Treatment of Women In Islam, the predominant religion in the Arab World, femaleness suggests disability and inequality. According to the Quran, the bedrock of Islam, womens legal testimony is worth one half that of mens and their shares in the inheritance of relatives are usually fixed at one half of the corresponding male share. In addition, it is legal for a man to marry up to four wives and he has the ability to divorce his wives without cause and with little penalty, and the childrens custody is to the father and his family.
Comment [AW3]: Im not sure if this information is necessary. Comment [AW4]: Perhaps move to another location?
Comment [AW5]: I thought this would be important info that needs to be presented up front
Comment [AW6]: Again, I thought this info would need to be presented early on
Sadly, many Arab women face a frightening fate even before they are born as many are aborted when the gender is known. Upon their birth, some are abandoned as infants; others are thrown on the roads or on orphanages doorsteps, and many others are killed at the moment of birth. A quick overlook shows the status of women in the MENA region: Egyptian Women: In study of 631 Egyptian women, 22% experienced intimate partner violence. (Vizcarra et al. 2004) Iranian Women: A study of 1,800 pregnant Iranian women found that 60.6% of the women experienced multiple forms of domestic violence, including psychological (60.5%), physical (14.6%), and sexual (23.5%) violence. (Jahanfar & Malekzadegan 2007) Lebanese Women: A study of 1,418 Lebanese women attending primary health centers found that 35% experienced domestic violence, including verbal abuse (88%) and physical violence (66%). (Usta, Farver & Pashayan 2007) Palestinian Women: Prior to 2005, just over 66% of ever-married Palestinian women were subjected to psychological violence including 60% who were frequently exposed
3 4
Pew Research Centers Forum on Religion & Public Life, Mapping the Global Muslim Population, October 2009 Worldfocus.org, Arab World Experiences Rapid Population Explosion
to shouting and yelling. Almost 34% experienced physical violence and just over 15% experienced sexual violence. (UNDP, 2009) Sudanese Women: A study of 146 Sudanese women at an outpatient clinic found that 45.8% had been victims of domestic violence. (Ahmed 2007) Honor Killing: (the pre-planned murder, usually of a woman, for believing she has brought shame on the family) 5,328 Arab women were murdered in one year. Data indicates that about half or more of them were killed by a husband or boyfriend.
Economic Factors The most significant economic factors in the region can be summed up in two words: water and petroleum. Sixty-five percent of the worlds known oil reserves lie beneath the Middle East. However, the most critical resource is water, which has contributed to past conflicts and may one day start others. Along with the few of regional water agreements and the growing threat of pollution, the most fundamental problem is scant and undependable rainfall. Without oil, the Middle East cannot live well; without water it cannot live at all.5 In the coming two decades, world oil consumption is expected to increase by more than 60%. The Middle East (including Iran) holds a place of critical importance and influence due to its dominance of proven reserves. Christian Faith Christianitys roots, both physically and spiritually, lie in the Middle East. But in much of todays Middle East, Christianity is little more than a forgotten heirloom. Where once there were thriving churches and Christian communities, there are now struggling enclaves representing nearly every spectrum of ancient and of modern Christianity. Despite the apparent richness of Christianitys heritage in the Middle East, the outlook for the church is not bright.6 Hostility to Christians and other Minorities Unlike some democratic societies in which minority groups enjoy fair treatment from the majority, the Middle East presents many challenges to practicing Christians and other minorities. Muslims, who are told by their holy book that they are the noblest of creatures and that the former are the vilest of animals, dominate the social and political environment, and scorn, if not actively persecute, the religious minorities. Opportunities in education, employment, and business are tilted toward the majority and away from the minority. In times of political and economic misfortune, those of the majority feel free to attack, plunder and kill those of the minority out of hatred and revenge. Even the clergy of the majority preaches hatred for the
Jihad, or exerted effort or struggle, is a term that refers to a broad range of activities, including an inner struggle to become a better person. This loaded term illustrates a deep gulf of miscommunication between Islam and the Western world.
Middle East Natural Resources - National Geographic Society, 2004 William Damick The Middle East, A Regional Overview, TWR, June 2004
minority and issues religious decrees urging its followers to wage war against the minority. Men of the majority regard the women of the minority as shameless and frequently molest them. Ignorance, superstition, corruption, abuse, denigration of women, oppression, and persecution of religious and ethnic minorities are the norms, not the exceptions. The Absence of Christian Influence It is easy to see the dangers and risks that Christians in Muslim societies face and understand why they seek to emigrate.7 Since the aftermath of World War I, and particularly in the last decade, emigration by Christian groups from the Middle East has significantly reduced the Christian population. In 1990, there were between 1.2 and 1.4 million Christians in Iraq. Today, it is
estimated that less than 500,000 Christians remain.
One TWR ministry leader in the region notes the paradox of physical and spiritual well-being. If you are encouraging someone to make a decision for Christ, you are also encouraging himto be rejected from his family, to lose [his] job and to be persecuted. In other words, you are preaching to put someone in trouble. Is the physical security of a person more important than his spiritual situation? But it is our conviction that the spiritual well-being is more important than the physical one, believing that God can and will provide for everything that is needed. This is of course easier said than lived!
During the last two years, a series of protests, demonstrations, and political changes have swept through the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Because of these events perceived symbols of rebirth, growth, and hope for the future, they have come to be known as the "Arab Spring." However, despite the glorious visions of Spring as perpetuated by the media, the Arab Spring has resulted in very different reality for the Arab world. Tensions are not at ease, and the reality of flames, anger, and frustration persists. Instead of new life, it appears that Arab spring has turned into a cold Arab Winter of persecution against Christians. The Arab Winter has resulted persecution against Christians including denied freedoms, kidnappings, bombings, killings, and forced conversions. Many Iraqi, Egyptian, and Syrian Christians are being forced to flee their countries. In 1990, there were between 1.2 and 1.4 million Christians in Iraq. Today, it is estimated that less than 500,000 remain. With the current events and the vague future ahead, here comes an important consideration: If secular media played a major role in changing the face of the Arab World, can Christian media play a more powerful role to bring change into the lives of the peoples of the area? What would that role be amidst this chaos? Agents of Change In this situation, TWR Arabic Ministries decided to stand up in prayer and action as God showed throughout these past two years that He is at work. No matter how hard the situation is, He is still opening amazing doors for outreach and evangelism through radio and various media platforms. We praise the Lord that the message we are delivering is helping many people from all backgrounds to put their trust in the true God, the One who can provide peace and comfort in the midst of danger and a dreadful future. So, radio programs are not just radio programs anymore, but they are becoming and will continue to be agents of change in the lives of many Arabs! The year 2012 was a milestone in the history of TWR Arabic Ministries. Our dream for an Arabic Internet Radio (AiR) came to life in addition to our engagement in mobile applications, landing pages, mobile version websites, and more. See ArabicPrograms.org for more on these. From the notebook of TWRs Arabic Ministries Director
Comment [AW8]: Perhaps there is a better location for this information?
Comment [AW7]: This is really good, but should be highlighted in a different section
II. TWRs Work in the Middle East Despite the Arab Worlds thirst for the Living Water, lack of religious freedom among other barriers prevent open outreach. Moreover, upon declaring their faith, Muslim converts become at risk of losing their lives. Hence, many are unable to study the Word of God freely or declare their Christian faith, a matter which hinders their spiritual growth. The year 2012 was a milestone in the history of TWR Arabic Ministries. Along with continued engagement in mobile applications, landing pages, and mobile version websites, TWR launched the Arabic Internet Radio (AiR) Visit ArabicPrograms.org for more information.
In cooperation with other Christian organizations and churches, TWR broadcasts around 30 hours/week of Arabic programs to the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf area via medium wave on two different outlets located outside the Arab World. The programs minister to variety of audiences including women and youth to make Bible studies, evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training accessible to those who would not otherwise have access. Through TWRs radio programs, many listeners have become effective evangelists, pastors, and church planters in the Middle East region. TWR History in the Region Since TWRs broadcasts began from Monte Carlo in 1960, reaching the Arabic people with the Gospel in their own language has been a high priority. Paul Freed, the founder of TWR, attended school in Jerusalem during his youth as his parents ministered among the Arab people, and it was an encounter with an Arab boy that first kindled Freeds passion to bring the Gospel to Arabic people. 8 TWR established offices and studio in Lebanon because of its relative neutrality, and the first radio broadcasts in Arabic began in 1961. In the mid 1970s, however, the relative tranquility in Lebanon erupted into civil war which If secular media played a major role lead to the loss of the studio as armed men forced in changing the face of the Arab World, the staff to leave the offices. Amazingly enough, can Christian media play a more although this was the end of the studio, it was not powerful role to bring change into the the end of the radio programs. After the studio was lives of the peoples of the area? shut down, TWR began to receive reports that Christians in Lebanon were still hearing the programs. How could this be? The political faction who had overtaken the offices did not have any programs of their own and had resorted to replaying the Christian programs still left over in the office. Though the studio had been seized, the Gospel could not be contained. People continued to hear the good news uninterrupted and from in the same radio station. After the loss of the studios in Lebanon, the Arabic ministry moved to Monte Carlo. At present, programs are again produced in three countries in the Arab World and heard in all Arab speaking countries, including North Africa. For 50 years, TWR has brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people who are not able to hear the message freely.
On Language and Production The fact that Arabic language is spoken in 22 countries presents both a tremendous opportunity and challenge for TWR. It is challenge in terms of the sheer size and scope of the work to reach people in their own dialect, but it is a great opportunity in that the common language thread between these 22 countries promises the ability to reach a larger number of people with fewer resources involved. Whereas a single language is usually concentrated within only two to three countries, the vast stretch of the Arabic language promises the ability to more efficiently reach more people with the Gospel. Classical Arabic is the language of the Quran and the official spoken language in all Arabic countries. In other words, classical Arabic is used in all written materials (including official letters) whether in Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, or Jordan. By broadcasting foundational programs like TTB and Talmatha in classical Arabic, TWR can ensure that Gods word remains pure and clear and is able to be delivered to the largest possible number of listens. The rest of TWRs Arabic programs, however, are produced by local believers for local believers in their specific dialects including Jordanian Arabic, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, and Moroccan, among others. TWR partners with churches and local believers to find opportunities for locals (especially women and youth) to get involved in the program production. Though people would be able to understand the classical Arabic programs, the idea behind this strategy of engaging locals is to foster a sense of inclusion among listeners. TWR realizes the need to speak differently to an Egyptian woman than to a Jordanian woman, and to speak with a teenager in Tunisia differently than with one in Lebanon. The goal of making programming available in the local dialects is to show care for the local community and help address specific challenges listeners may be facing. Interactive Programming As Arab culture is a shame culture, many people do not feel comfortable sharing about their personal feelings and problems out of fear they will be rejected or ostracized. However, by keeping quiet their problems they inevitably grow bigger and begin to impact their lives in negative ways. TWR attempts to break the silence and bring people out of spiritual isolation by facilitating conversations where people can openly and honestly talk about difficult issues. For instance, in The Way Campanion TWR opens up the floor for young men to discuss challenges they go through that they might not learn about at home or church. Discussions take place in an honest and edifying manner and center around biblical truth. TWRs goal is that through an open dialogue, people of all ages and backgrounds will begin to grapple with difficult question, express their own thought,s and find answers to their difficult questions without shame. Follow-up During each program, a phone number is given out and follow-up is made available 24/7. Once a person makes a call into the station, a return call is made over Skype to maintain security. The follow-up team is intimately aware of the needs of their listening audience and are prepared to interact and pray in specifics. The Arabic radio program ministry is like a church without a building. The Arabic radio program ministry collects all the data from every interaction that has taken place and sends appropriate
discipleship material if the feel that the person is ready. In a survey, the station found out that they interact with 1,000 different individuals per year. In this way, the radio programs have the ability to go beyond what all the churches are able to do together. You are fishing for people through the program. But once you have them in the net you need to take care of them, support them, be in the situation where they are, be careful See devotion Ruth 1 we need to take care of their security.we need to lead them to security and tell them the way how to do that. Naomi tells Ruth exactly how to clean and dress and behave. But first of all we ourselves need to find security in God. The Lord himself is asking us this question. He is for us, He want the best for ustelling us the way to true security. True security is only possible in Him. TWR Arabic ministries are adapting new programming strategy that is being implemented within the Arabic broadcast into the region. Believing that The Arabic Ministries are in a strategic position to reach out to all people of the region from all backgrounds and allow biblical truth to minister to people at this important time of history. Knowing now, that unless Gods word changes peoples hearts, there will be no peace, no stability in the area. Therefore the need is huge and the opportunity is great! Through this new strategy the Arabic team is planning several approaches: prepare short daily messages that present Biblical values in reflections to the current situation in the region, and use the programs that we have direct control over them to convey powerful messages from the Word of God. We are mostly using the Oasis of Hope four different programs by adding new content into them, sharing Gods Word in relation to the current situation.
Key TWR Arabic Programs Youth in Mind a 15 minutes/week Syrian The role of TWR is to be a catalyst youth program that was the first Christian radio you see a need and respond to it. program ever produced in Syria. Started 3 years We are not after building our own ago by a pastor and the initiative of a local kingdom but helping to build the church, the program belongs to TWR, but is kingdom of God. What we want to operated by the local church who is responsible see ministry happening, that people for fundraising and training young people. come to know the Lord and Talmatha, or Discipleship in Arabic, is a 30sometimes TWR acts as a minute, Classical Arabic, discipleship radio facilitator to bring people together. program that is aired four days per week from [cut] Monte Carlo on AM (MW on 1467 kHz) and from Central Asia on AM (MW on 1377 kHz). Talmatha is accompanied by a full manual to enable consistent discipleship. The written material includes manuals for group leaders that are offered to small groups, as well as for private study. These study materials are also available for download off the Internet. Talmathas Arabic Web site www.talmatha.org, will engage users by seeking their feedback and providing them with recordings of the audio programs and written scripts. This will build a bridge to help non-believers find their way to Christ, and believers grow in their faith. Material is also available in English on the Discipleship on the Air Web site: www.dota.net. Talmathas goal is to reach out to Arab people in the Middle East region, Christians and especially Muslims, with sound and profound biblical teaching that can lead nonbelievers to Christ, and help new believers grow in their knowledge of Christ and their faith journey. The Women of Hope (WoH) Arabic broadcast is a a 30-minute friend-to-friend style program, which is simple, yet challenging. It addresses womens life issues and offers health information and practical advice for daily living from a Christian perspective. Soul issues bring to the listener the good news of hope and salvation, information for Christian living, and address spiritual as well as matters of worldview and relationships with God, with others and with oneself.
TALMATHA Imagine becoming a believer of Jesus while living in a place where it is dangerous to talk about your faith. You cannot go to church, and you have limited access to the Bible. All around you is a desperate search for peace, yet past experience teaches you that it is not wise to openly discuss the little knowledge you have concerning the Prince of Peace. [ cut]
Their critical need for thorough Bible teaching and discipleship stands out as a major challenge to church growth. How can a believer grow spiritually and learn to stand in a difficult spiritual environment when no food for faith is readily available? Missiologically, the Church needs believers from a Muslim background to
learn, grow and multiply their faith, since few other opportunities exist to evangelize in such a complex culture. TWR is one of the Christian ministries that God has graciously called to evangelize and complement the difficult church-planting process in the Arab world that includes discipleship and leadership development. With cooperative Kingdom goals and objectives in mind, TWRs vision is to reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced. In partnership with Open Doors and The Navigators, TWR has sought to provide untold thousands of hungry souls in the Arab World with spiritual food. With the continuous rise of political and economic conflicts not only in the Middle East-North Africa region, but in the world at large, there is an increasing sense of insecurity and fear among average citizens desperate for salvation from the turmoil that describes their lives. They seek salvation, not knowing that it is at hand in the person of Jesus Christ, the Savior. Nevertheless, various barriers prevent open outreach. While these vary from political to geographic to social and economic factors, the most critical barrier in the Middle East-North Africa region is the lack of religious freedom which prevents the open distribution of biblical and Christian resources. Moreover, upon declaring their faith, Arab Muslim converts become at risk of losing their jobs, families or lives. Hence, many Arab converts are unable to study the Word of God freely, declare their Christian faith or openly interact with faithful Christians, hindering or delaying their spiritual growth. This is where TWR has realized its powerful tool in reaching the Arab World, penetrating the walls of silence where many are living, to bring Light the Light of Jesus Christ! This is where the Talmatha program plays its role, nurturing new believers in their growth and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Goals and Objectives Talmathas goal is to reach out to Arab people in the Middle East region, Christians and especially Muslims, with sound and profound biblical teaching that can lead non-believers to Christ, and help new believers grow in their knowledge of Christ and their faith journey. Through this program, TWR looks to achieve the following objectives: Reach and teach Christian believers from a Muslim background the Word of God; Disciple newborn believers, from all backgrounds, so they grow and mature as children of God and eventually self-sustain their growth; Provide a full manual of material which complements the radio program and enables consistent discipleship. The program comprises 390 episodes, each 30 minutes long, and is aired four days a week. It is important to note that Talmatha is accompanied by a full manual to enable consistent discipleship. The written material includes manuals for group leaders (three series of four books Radio is a safe outreach medium that preserves the privacy of listeners and hence their security yet at the same time leads them to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Comment [AW12]: This information feels preachy and is expressed in other sections
each) that are offered to small groups, as well as for private study. These study materials are also available for download off the Internet. Talmathas Arabic Web site www.talmatha.org, will engage users by seeking their feedback and providing them with recordings of the audio programs and written scripts. This will build a bridge to help non-believers find their way to Christ, and believers grow in their faith. Material is also available in English on the Discipleship on the Air Web site: www.dota.net.
Project Hannah (PH) Reaching the Arab Women with Hope involves many elements working together and in parallel to achieve the goals: Prayer is the backbone of PH, mobilizing individuals, churches, and women's groups to participate in its Global Prayer Movement. Countless women and men use the prayer guide, asking God to intervene on behalf of oppressed women. PH Prayer coordinators and field workers go into various areas to set up prayer groups, to meet with, and minister to our intercessors on a regular basis. Awareness in order to pray more specifically, it is necessary to be aware of what suffering women deal with every day. Each month, PH provides a prayer guide with information focusing on a particular people group, country or issue. PHs team also holds awareness meetings in churches, at Ladies Retreats, conferences, etc
In Islam, the predominant religion in the Arab World, femaleness suggests disability and inequality. According to the Quran, the bedrock of Islam, womens legal testimony is worth one half that of mens and their shares in the inheritance of relatives are usually fixed at one half of the corresponding male share. In addition, it is legal for a man to marry up to four wives and he has the ability to divorce his wives without cause and with little penalty, and the childrens custody is to the father and his family. [moved to first section]
The Women of Hope (WoH) Arabic broadcast is a a 30-minute friend-to-friend style program, which is simple, yet challenging. It addresses womens life issues and offers health information and practical advice for daily living from a Christian perspective. Soul issues bring to the listener the good news of hope and salvation, information for Christian living, and address spiritual as well as matters of worldview and relationships with God, with others and with oneself. Whether a house wife in Cairo, an executive in Beirut, a student in Baghdad, a worker in Syria, a lawyer in Jordan, or veiled in a Harem in Saudi Arabia, the Arab woman shares with her sisters a common fate: a life of rejection and captivity! It even gets worse as she will have to atone for her sin of having been born a woman in a dominated-male society where being a woman remains synonymous with shame and threat! As they grow, many Arab women are shackled in the silence of their pain and misery, with no one to speak on their behalf, no one to listen to their needs, and no one to extend a helping and loving arm.
Sadly, many Arab women face a frightening fate even before they are born as many are aborted when the gender is known! Upon their birth, some are abandoned as infants; others are thrown on the roads or on orphanages doorsteps, not to mention that many are killed from the moment of birth. Realizing the need to free the Arab woman from the bondage of ignorance, loneliness, fear and lack of self-confidence, TWR Arabic Ministries initiated PH in 2012 to shed the Light of Jesus Christ on these needy women the Light that heals, reconcile, and restores the social, emotional, and physical pain women continue to face particularly in the Middle East region.
Alas Diary: a program created and produced for young adults by young adults that airs 52 episodes a week. Based off of the idea of a 23-year-old a young woman shared during a follow-up call 6 year ago, scripts are written based on listen response and feature segments of stars such as Christian athletes giving their testimonies. The radio program has even spawned a magazine based on the idea of living in freedom. The Oasis of Hope series consists of four programs produced for four distinct audiences in the Middle East. Each audience has its own special characteristics and needs, which also correspond with TWR's Global Strategic Plan initiatives: How Are You? helps Middle Eastern listeners understand holistic health issues from a biblical perspective. Since health issues are not often discussed in Middle Eastern society, this program provides practical insight and opens the door for people to meet Jesus, the Great Healer. The Way Companion allows Arabic young men the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about taboo subjects in healthy, edifying way. Counseling and biblical application are the cornerstones of this program. Healing Touches provides support and encouragement for young women who face "hidden" pressures of the Arabic culture. The program exists to give them a forum so that they do not have to suffer in isolation. I Long For You reaches the more than 55 percent of the Middle East's population who live in rural, oral communities. The program expresses God's love in a simple way and deals with the many challenges this sector of society faces.
Interview with the Director of TWR Arabic Ministries In 2011 TWR celebrated 50 years of Arabic broadcasts. How do you see it today? I have been with TWR for 15 years now and during these many years there was not one day that we did not air at least one program. I could tell you story after story of Gods wonderful provision for this important ministry. It is truly Gods ministry and we are privileged to be part of what He is doing in this region! It is this conviction and his provision over these last 50 years that gives us the strength to step out in faith again and face the new challenges ahead of us. What are some of the factors that helped the ministry thrive? One big advantage of TWRs Arabic Department, is that we do exist in the heart of the region. We know the people; we breathe the same air and drink the same water. This gives us credibility, free access to the community and the opportunity to conduct ministry according to the local felt needs. Another factor is the mindset behind the ministry that we are doing. There is a difference between successful and fruitful ministry. Success can be produced by men and it often fools us. Only the Holy Spirit can bring forth fruit, fruit in the form of changed hearts and lives! This is why it is so important to be involved in the right thing at the right time. We are not working to succeed but to help that lasting fruit is being produced in peoples hearts. What are the challenges of ministry in this part of the World? Arab people will not come to the Lord by tenth or by hundred. To bring about change in the hearts of these people you need time, patience and a long term commitment. We are not marketing a message or selling Jesus, we are no salesmen. It is a completely new lifestyle that we convey. Ministry is calling people one by one and staying focused, like Jesus did. Culture and religion are very much intertwined in the Arab World. For many decades and even today missions preach that Arab people have to leave their culture, change their ID when accepting Jesus as their Savior. We do not preach culture, we preach faith. I believe that God wants to start the church in the communities as they are. I do not need to ask the lady who been used to cover her head for 40 years to take it off, when coming to church. I will be pushing her to the limits. Continue to live wherever you are, continue to wear the scarf, there is not harm in it, but have a real faith in Christ, that is the difference. Is radio still an appropriate medium for ministry in the Arab region? Radio is still a very powerful tool to bring the truth. It is a private and personal tool which makes it perfect for this part of the world and culture to bring the Good News. In the old days radio was the only medium to bring the Good News into the Arab World. In some closed countries the Word of God was not available and it was not possible for missionaries to go and share the Good News openly. There is only between5-6 % of the Christian population, so the witness was insufficient. Media was important to expand and multiply the efforts of Christians and believers.
TWR, since 50 years ago, was the only voice to bring the good News into the closed Arab World through radio waves that can cross the boarders and penetrate any barriers. Things have changed since and there are many TV satellite channels that bring the Good News which is a great complement to what we do. However, within the Muslim culture and community it is not possible for a Muslim family to sit all together and openly watch a Christian broadcasts. Through listeners we receive responses sharing that they cannot watch a Christian TV program as their family members or parents would not allow that. However they can take a personal radio set and listen in their room. Radio is a private and personal tool. We talk to people who have learned not to question their beliefs, to people who have been told that they should not do anything else, nor listen to anything else except Islam. So to encourage someone to reconsider his beliefs we need to talk to him privately. Radio is a friend, a secret friend that can talk privately to someone telling them that they are a free human being, that God has created them and are free to reconsider everything, question anything and obtain the truth that they are convinced with. This is the strength of radio. We as TWR are of course aware of the changes happening in technology and we do not want to be left behind and we certainly are not neglecting the change that is happening around us. This is why we are trying wisely to use all these changes to complement what we do on radio. For instance: making our programs available on the internet, broadcasting on the internet radio, encouraging everyone who has a radio program to have their own website that will allow expanding the outreach, etc. Internet is a very powerful tool that we are using to complement our work in radio. Including any other media tool including Podcasting, having our programs available on CD for mass distribution, flashcards etc. We want to be up-to-date with what is happening around us but this does not mean that we will move out of radio and do something else. I believe God is using radio and he will be using it for many years to come. As long as there are people who do not know the Lord in closed countries who are needing to be exposed to the Good News radio will be a powerful tool to be that carrier to bring this News to them safely, privately and in a personal way. What about TV? 10 years ago TWRs Arabic ministry was the leading media organization in terms of size, quality, quantity and listenership within the whole Arab World. TV was non-existent. Fortunately the Good News is now available on the internet, on satellite TV and on radio also from other agencies. However, within the Arab culture and community TV is still a family activity. It is therefore not possible for believers to openly watch a Christian broadcast as their family members or parents would not allow that. However they can take their personal radio set and listen to it in the privacy of their room. This is why I am saying that in this part of the world if you focus on evangelism, challenging people to reconsider their current believes, you have to use radio. What is your vision for the Arab World? Many good people here are sincerely wrong, which means that they are really trying to do the right thing but fail because they are misled. I would rather say they do not know better. It is our responsibility to make the Word of God available to them. After that it is the persons choice to
receive it or reject it. Out of 168 hours in a week, we are currently broadcasting only around 3540 hours. My vision is to see this number doubled or even tripled so that people cannot say we do not know. This however will require us to get more workers and mobilize more local believers.
Olson, Dick 50 years of Arabic Broadcasts, Infoserve, volume 16, number 1, p.3
Prayer Points Pray that the broadcast of Gods Word into the Middle East would continue to have a profound and extensive impact on people Pray for Christians in the Arab world to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit and emboldened to share the Gospel with others Pray for Arabs who come to Christ to have fellowship with other believers and for Bibles and Christian literature to establish them in the faith and encourage their spiritual growth Pray for wisdom for TWRs Arabic ministries staff as they explore the opportunities to broadcast WoH in Arabic. Pray against the oppression of women. Pray for the safety of the Christians in the Arab World as well as the safety and security of TWR staff and offices
Bringing Light to Dark Places My name is Ali; I was born and raised in a conservative Muslim family in Saudi Arabia. Ever since I was a young boy Ive been reading and studying the Quran on a daily basis and performing my Islamic duties such as fasting and praying. As years passed by, my knowledge in Islam increased. I was extremely religious but I had no true relationship with the God I was worshipping. I always felt that there was a barrier separating me from God. I felt that there was a great void within me, filling me completely for I worshipped God on the outside only. But on the inside, I was a slave to many bad habits and lusts. Thats why I tried to reach God by performing those duties such as prayer and fasting. What robbed my sleep at night was the fact that I never knew what my fate after death would be. It seemed that whatever good deeds I did, it was meaningless as one remains absolutely unsure whether or not he is going to heaven. All I could say was, "Only God Knows!" Therefore, I hoped for the mercy of Allah and hoped that the angels or the Prophet will intercede for me in the last day, so I will be saved from Hell. What a doomed life I had to live! Isnt there any hope for man? Is this what life is all abouttrying to please God and at the end you are surprised that you have not pleased him enough and youll end up in hell?! Is this fair? Is there no hope or no answer to mans dilemma? These and many other questions haunted me day and night. I tried to seek help from Muslim scholars but they were as unsure and ignorant as I was! I needed God himself to reveal the Truth for me! One day, as I was reading the Quran, trying hardly to find answers for my doubts and fears, I came across a verse that spoke about the prophet Issa. Curiosity grew in me to know more about this man. I knew I could learn about Him through reading the Bible but how can I have access to a Bible when Im living in the most closed and anti-Bible country! I tried hardly to find a Bible but it was useless; even the mention of its name in front of my scholars was demeaning and I was advised never to mention my interest in Jesus Christ again. But God never leaves His chosen children. In His own timing and ways He intervenes and opens an unexpected door! It was one cold night, as I was striving to sleep, that I cried out to God from the depth of my heart, in the midst of inner conflict, and said: "Lord, show me the truth! Is it Jesus or Muhammad? Could it be that You are my Father? Show me the truth, and the truth you lead me to I will serve all my life whatever the cost may be! And God answered my prayer in a special and surprising way: through the radio! Radio? Yes, God revealed Himself and showed me the Truth through the transmission of radio waves! As I was flipping the stations that night, in an attempt to sleep, I came across a radio station that
would change my life forever. It was Trans world Radio which broadcasted Christian programs in the Arabic language. Night after night, I found myself waiting patiently for the time the broadcast would begin. It was amazing how the programs answered my inquiries and doubtsas if they knew my struggles and inner thoughts and they were directly answering me! For the first time in my life, I began asking the question "why?" and challenged everything I took for granted. All postulates were critically examined. This would get me into trouble in an authoritarian and fanatic society. Questions and doubts, they say, fly in the face of Allah. Obey. That is all. But I knew that I couldnt just obey. Obey who and what? Therefore, I corresponded with TWRs Arabic team for several months and they faithfully replied all of my letters and messages. I was humbled by their profound knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith. I started to know Jesus Christ and Christianity from a new perspective. I found in Jesus sacrifice the solution to the problem of sin in my life. For in His crucifixion is the atonement for all my sins and iniquities. I decided to seek him and his precious blood for shelter because He is the one who died instead of me and shed His holy blood for me! I couldnt achieve salvation on my own, not by doing good words or my duties or anything else for that matter. So I decided to submit my life to him. I asked the Lord to forgive me my transgressions and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. TWRs broadcast did not only lead me to salvation but its team helped me grow in my relationship with God by sending me constantly discipleship lessons through emails. These were like bread to my hungry soul! Consequently, I got baptized secretly and now my passion and goal is to live for Jesus Christ and to tell my fellow friends and lost people that Jesus is the Light, the Way, and the Truth. Who would ever have thought that in a country like Saudi Arabia, where neither a Bible nor a church is an option, a Christian radio station would penetrate the walls of a dark country and be the Bible and the Church to the thirsty and hungry souls!
A PALESTINIANS SALVATION STORY The situation in my country is life-threatening Coming from a Muslim background, I was hooked on our God. The rules from the holy book were laid out for me to follow. However, if I would not obey them, I would have to face the wrath of God. A personal relationship with God was never discussed. I had been memorizing our holy book since childhood and I even led prayer in our building of worship. Nevertheless, I felt a powerful pain and longing for something that I was missing. I tried to satisfy my hearts desire by studying, as I had always been an excellent student. However, religion only filled my days, not my heart. Finally, I asked myself: Is God for real? Looking around at creation, I knew He must be there. In a final attempt I said: God, you know I am sincere, so I want to find you in this holy book! When I was almost done reading it, I knew more of who God was, but still, my heart remained empty. It felt as if something great was surrounding me and waiting for me to run to it, but what could it be??? One day, as I was listening to the radio, I suddenly felt a great sense of happiness and excitement. Nice, comforting words were spoken through the Arabic program of TWR, even though I did not understand at all what they meant. The words talked about Jesus. That was what my heart had been yearning for! I decided to look further this time, so I secretly went to a nearby church in order to meet the priest, who was from southern Europe. That day, joy filled my heart and it felt as if the bells of the church chimed in harmony with the beats of my heart! Ive learned about Jesus love and his longing for a relationship with me. I have much more to share, but for now I want to declare: Jesus is God and the Son of God and that is my faith now! My dream is to be baptized and pray at church but the situation in my country is life-threatening. This is my story of salvation. Is there anyone who can stand by me? M. is being followed up through our regional department. He is now studying Talmatha, a discipleship program. His life is changing day by day, with his relationship with the Lord getting stronger in many ways. Talmatha includes seminars, radio broadcasts, and personal ministry with local believers. It is a 30-minute radio program aired four days a week for the new believers from different backgrounds in the Arab World.
LET FREEDOM RING Standing behind rock-solid iron bars, hearing the sounds of gnashing and gnawing echoing in the hallway, smelling the rotten, stinking odor of my cell, and looking at the eyes of the desperate and the hopeless, my life was doomed to failure and anguish. Being a first class thief, I was sentenced at the age of 35 to fifteen years of imprisonment. Even if I survived the cruelty of prison life and made it out in due time, I would have grown old and weary to enjoy my left over days. Therefore, death would do me a favor if he visited me and asked my company for one of his dark and long journeys! How I longed for death, and asked for it daily. I tried to kill myself more than once, but it was in vain. Even death refused my companionship! Amidst this dark pit of doom, there was a ray of light flickering so bright! This Light will soon cast away all of my shadows! At the prison we were allowed to have only one lavish request every year. That was their act of mercy towards us. Being full of pride, I turned down their offer for many years and rejected their gift. During my 10th year in prison, and when we were asked for our annual request, I decided to make use of this opportunity. I only wanted a radio, which can fill the long hours of heavy silence. My request was granted and one of my family members brought me a radio. I now had a friend, whom I could hear but not talk to. Still that was better than nothing! But soon, what I thought would entertain me and help me forget my worries, was actually mounting my despair. The meaningless songs, the trivial talk shows and political interviews reminded me of the outer free world that was struggling with pain and slavery just like Im doing here in prison. I remembered that while I was free in the societys eyes, I was a slave in my own! Thus, neither prison nor freedom could help me. One night, and after all had gone to sleep, I was flipping through the radio stations and I came across onethat would soon change my life forever! Someone was talking about the love of God that cleanses the stains of sin, forgives, heals, restores, and gives joy and peace; a love that has been extended to a fallen race, through Jesus the Savior, theres hope in saving grace. That love is greater far than gold or silver ever could afford; it reaches past the highest star and covers all the world! It knows no race or religion; it gives without anything in return. Coming from a non-Christian background, I was raised to believe that love is a lie. No one loves genuinely; no one sacrifices without expecting a pay back. I was taught that among Gods many attributes, he loved people, but they had to be good and righteous. Therefore, for God to love a wretch like me was unquestionable! The announcer continued and said, The love of God goes beneath the deepest stain that sin could ever leave; it redeems souls to live again! Live again? Oh, how I needed to live again, to breathe once more the breath of life. Somehow my desire to live again sprang in me. I got addicted to listening to Trans World Radio. I woke up early every morning to listen to its programs; at night, it was the last thing I heard before I slept.
Day by day I started learning about God, His grace, His redeeming blood through His Son, Jesus Christ. And in one of the nights, I heard a hymn that was calling me to take a life-time decision: Come ye sinners lost and lonely, Jesus blood can make you free; for He saved the worst among you when He saved a wretch like me. Jesus blood can make the vilest sinner clean; its the blood of Jesus that can make you clean. Oh, how I needed to be clean from the filth of sin. I was that vilest sinner and I believed that only the blood of Jesus on Calvary can make me clean. I bowed down my head and cried out to the Lord with tearful eyes, Lord have mercy on me, forgive me, save me, come and renew my broken spirit, I want to be a new person and I want to live for you. Suddenly, I felt I was a different person. The gloom and fretfulness were gone; instead, joy and peace filled my heart. I never felt happier in my entire life. I wanted to shout, to dance, to sing, to cry, to laughI did become a new person! I was finally FREE! Jesus came and brought to me the victory! I started corresponding with TWR team, who answered my numerous questions and helped me grow in my journey and relationship with the Lord. In a miraculous way, I was able to have the Bible, which became and still is the priceless treasure one could ever have. I started witnessing to my fellow inmates and at night we used to gather around the radio to listen to TWR. Soon, the circle of listeners enlarged and more than 10 prisoners were committed to join us daily. One day, a prisoner approached me and said, I have noticed that you have become a totally new person, as if I dont know you anymore. Whats the secret of your constant smile and joy, your self-control and ideal behavior? I want to be like you, what shall I do? After testifying to him, that prisoner accepted the Lord as His Savior and together, we started Bible study groups in prison! Although in prison, I was more free than the eagles that soared in the skybecause my soul was free! The walls and iron bars that surrounded me could not hold me captive; I have known the Truth and the Truth has set me free! Now, prison was no more a pain; it became a joy! I now have a reason to liveand oh what a reason! Five wonderful years passed in prison, where God used me to witness to the broken hearts and where He amended their souls. Time for my release was near. As much as I was happy to leave, I was also sad for my fellow friends at prison who need to hear about that Great Love that died and gave Himself in their places, so we can live. Outside prison, God had also prepared a vital ministry for me. I was passionate to tell my family, friends, all those who live in darkness and ignorance, that the only Way for true freedom is through Jesus Christ. I want majority people in my area to experience the power of salvation and the victory in Jesus Christ. Severe persecution was and still is my portion, but Im honored not only to suffer for Christ but to die for Him as well. My pain now is far worse than the beatings of the prison, but theres no greater joy than to see lost souls coming back for Christ. All hurt is forgotten as soon as a soul is saved from hell. I am committed now and until I meet my King to Let Freedom Ring. I join my voice with the song writer and say:
Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring. God built freedom into every fiber of creation And He meant for us to all be free and whole When my Lord bought freedom through the blood of His redemption His cross stamped pardon on my very soul. Ill sing it out with every breath, Ill let the whole world hear it This hallelujah anthem of the free That iron bars and heavy chains can never hold us captive The Son has made us free and free indeed. Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring!