Chaotic S
Chaotic S
Chaotic S
Philip Kotler
S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
John A. Caslione
Founder and President GCS Business Capital LLC
Todays Presenters
Drivers of Turbulence and Chaos in The Age of Turbulence National economies are now all intimately linked, interconnected and interdependent upon each other. While global interdependence works in everyones favor in good times, globalization's interlocking fragility rapidly spreads much pain and damage virally in bad times.
1. Technological Advances and the Information Revolution 2. Disruptive Technologies and Innovations 3. The Rise of the Rest 4. Hypercompetition 5. Sovereign Wealth Funds 6. The Environment 7. Customer and Stakeholder Empowerment
Drivers of Turbulence and its Consequent Chaos Technological Advances and the Information Revolution