Human Resource Case Study
Human Resource Case Study
Human Resource Case Study
Introduction to Company
Company Name Location Owner General Manager Type Employee : Dewandaru Culture Resto : Mayjend Sungkono 17B and G-Walk : Grace Marcella : Harijadi Surya : Restaurant : 60 employee
Dewandaru is one of the Unix restaurant in Surabaya, Dewandaru Combine the Java Culture and The old Chinese culture. The first entrance we can see the style of Java, but when we go inside there is outdoor style then we can see the old Chinese house, and also with the statue and lot of antics stuff. To remainder the Chinese long time ago.
The Main HR Problem 1. Our Employee cant work with optimal 2. Our employee easy to go out 3. Our Employee is easy to think negative with their partner 4. There is space between Senior & Junior
HR Functions 1. Employee and Community relations labor relations 2. Benefits to employee insurance, vacation, profit sharing 3. Employment & Recruiting Interviewing, testing 4. Strategic Planning mergers and acquisitions 5. Training and development Productivity enhancement
In our group opinion is better to use Training and Development because our company is investing for the future. 2. Our Employee is easy to get out (Benefits) First we discover our basic employee need 1. contract this restaurant use contract to solve this easy to get out problem. By this contract, they cant get out easily and they must perform better. 2. Health insurance specifically, many employees feel that their health insurance costs too much, especially prescription drug programs, when employers pass part of their rising costs to employees.
3. Communication with HR Lets face it. Employees want face-to-face communication time with both their supervisors and executive management. This communication helps them feel recognized and important. And, yes, your time is full because you have a job, too. But, a managers main job is to support the success of all his or her reporting employees. Thats how the manager magnifies their own success.
4. Facility cleanliness Employees want a clean, organized work environment in which they have the necessary equipment to perform well.
5. Pay increase annually Employees believe the compensation system should place greater emphasis on merit and contribution. Employees find pay systems in which all employees receive the same pay increase annually, demoralizing. Such pay systems hit the motivation and commitment of your best employees hardest as they may begin asking whats in this for me?
As you adopt a merit pay system, one component is education so that employees know what behaviors and contributions merit additional compensation. Employees who did not must be informed by their manager about how their performance needs to change to merit a larger pay increase.
The effective one is use a contract. Because it can decrease this problem. Although some people still easy to get out. 3. Employee think Negative with other (Community relations)
negativity are beginning in your organization, talking with employees will help you understand the exact problems and the degree to which the problems are impacting your workplace. You will want to identify the exact employee groups who are experiencing the negativity, and the nature of the issues that sparked their unhappiness. Whatever the cause of the workplace negativity, you must address the issues. Or like a seemingly dormant volcano, they will boil beneath the surface, and periodically bubble up and overflow to cause fresh damage.
How to resolve the Negative in our company: i) Open with each other This very important if every employee can share with each other they will know each other well, and very hard to broke it, because the communication among the employee can make a familiarity.
ii) Hangout Together Every year our company will invite all of our employee to get vacation together, all is cost by company so every employee can have time to refreshing together and have time to know each other better
iii) Company Culture We have the company culture that we build since the first time our company is opened (7 Years Ago) our culture, we want to get success together with our employee and we always think our employee not as our employee but our partner
iv) Share Together In dewandaru, every employee can share with the owner if they have problem at work, our owner & manager will hear their voice and also decide the right thing so, from the owner to employee they can share like brother.
We use sharing together because it can help us to solve this problem together.
For recruiting employee, he has 3 steps: the first step is promotion work in the newspaper for recruiting employee; the second is giving a test for the employee. In this step, he gives 2 test, psychological test and general knowledge. Psychological test is to know the employees have a sick or not, and for general knowledge to know the employee knowledge. The third is giving training.
Increasingly, securing the best quality candidates for almost all organizations relies, at least occasionally if not substantially, on external recruitment methods. Rapidly changing business models demand skill and experience that cannot be sourced or rapidly enough developed from the existing employee base. It would be unusual for an organization to undertake all aspects of the recruitment process without support from third-party dedicated recruitment firms. This may involve a range of support services, such as; provision of CVs or resumes, identifying recruitment media, advertisement design and media placement for job vacancies, candidate response handling, short listing, conducting aptitude testing, preliminary interviews or reference and qualification verification. Typically, small organizations may not have in-house resources or, in common with larger organizations, may not possess the particular skill-set required to undertake a specific recruitment assignment. Where requirements arise, these are referred on an ad hoc basis to government job centers or commercially run employment agencies.
Origination Design
This is the main organisation design each devision has the person in charge. In this company every pepople has the same chance to get higer position base on his performance the Human Resources Development framework views employees as an asset to the enterprise, whose value is enhanced by development, Its primary focus is on growth and employee developmentit emphasises developing individual potential and skills.