eGLMS Module V7
eGLMS Module V7
eGLMS Module V7
Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM)
eGLMS Module
User Manual
eGLMS Module
Table of Contents
1. 2. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6 OVERALL..................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. 2.2.6. 2.2.7. 2.2.8. 2.2.9. 2.2.10. 2.2.11. 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.4. 3. LABELER ........................................................................................................................ 11 Label Bdy Object ............................................................................................................ 11 Label Stn Object ............................................................................................................. 12 Label Lot Object ............................................................................................................. 14 SEARCH TOOLS ............................................................................................................... 15 PU Search ........................................................................................................................ 15 IndexMap Search ............................................................................................................ 17 Hidro ............................................................................................................................... 18 Jalan ................................................................................................................................ 19 TownKg Search ............................................................................................................... 20 ADMBdy Search .............................................................................................................. 21 Bangunan Search ............................................................................................................ 22 QT Search ........................................................................................................................ 23 NDCDB Search ................................................................................................................. 24 Warta ......................................................................................................................... 26 Coordinate ................................................................................................................. 29 RASTER REGISTRATION TOOL ............................................................................................ 31 Open Raster File .............................................................................................................. 31 Projection ........................................................................................................................ 34 Add Point ........................................................................................................................ 34 CAD TOOLS ................................................................................................................... 37
EADMBDY ................................................................................................................................ 48 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. NEW JOB ...................................................................................................................... 48 OPEN INCOMPLETE JOB .................................................................................................... 53 DATA EDITING ................................................................................................................ 54 Create New Record ......................................................................................................... 54 By Polygon Tool .......................................................................................................... 54 By CAD Tools .............................................................................................................. 56 Object Editing ................................................................................................................. 58 Split Function ............................................................................................................. 58 Edit Information .............................................................................................................. 60 Delete object ................................................................................................................... 62
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3.4. 3.4.1. 3.5. 3.6. 3.6.1. 3.6.2. 3.6.3. 3.6.4. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 4.
COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ........................................................................................... 64 Lot Annotation ................................................................................................................ 65 LOT ANNOTATION ........................................................................................................... 68 MODIFY ORACLE DATA .................................................................................................... 71 Set Editing Layer ............................................................................................................. 71 Modify Graphical Object ................................................................................................. 74 Move Node ................................................................................................................. 76 Add Node ................................................................................................................... 77 Modify Attribute ............................................................................................................. 78 Delete Object From Database ......................................................................................... 81 DETECT PA FOR ANNOTATION ........................................................................................... 82 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................... 85 REOPEN WORKSPACE ...................................................................................................... 86
EJALAN ..................................................................................................................................... 88 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.3.4. 4.3.5. 4.3.6. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.6.1. 4.6.2. 4.6.3. 4.7. 4.8. NEW JOB ...................................................................................................................... 88 OPEN INCOMPLETE JOB .................................................................................................... 91 DATA EDITING ................................................................................................................ 92 Create New Record ......................................................................................................... 93 Import from Topo File ..................................................................................................... 95 Import from AutoCAD File ............................................................................................... 98 Copy Object into Working Table ................................................................................... 100 Edit Information ............................................................................................................ 101 Delete Object ................................................................................................................ 103 COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ......................................................................................... 104 THEMATIC MAP............................................................................................................ 105 MODIFY ORACLE DATA .................................................................................................. 107 Modify Graphical Object ............................................................................................... 108 Move Node ............................................................................................................... 109 Add Node ................................................................................................................. 109 Modify Attribute ........................................................................................................... 110 Delete Object From Database ....................................................................................... 112 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................. 113 REOPEN WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 115
ETOWNKG .............................................................................................................................. 117 5.1. 5.2. NEW JOB .................................................................................................................... 117 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 119
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5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. 5.2.5. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.5.1. 5.5.2. 5.5.3. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 6.
Create New Record ....................................................................................................... 120 Import from AutoCAD File ............................................................................................. 121 Copy Object into Working Table ................................................................................... 123 Edit Information ............................................................................................................ 124 Delete Object ................................................................................................................ 125 COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ......................................................................................... 126 THEMATIC MAP............................................................................................................ 127 MODIFY ORACLE OBJECT................................................................................................ 129 Modify Graphical Object ............................................................................................... 130 Modify Attribute ........................................................................................................... 132 Delete Object From Database ....................................................................................... 133 SEARCH BY COORDINATE ................................................................................................ 135 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................. 136 REOPEN WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 138
EHIDRO .................................................................................................................................. 139 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.3.2. 6.3.3. 6.3.4. 6.3.5. 6.3.6. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.6.1. 6.6.2. 6.6.3. 6.7. 6.8. NEW JOB .................................................................................................................... 139 OPEN INCOMPLETE JOB .................................................................................................. 142 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 143 Create New Record ....................................................................................................... 143 Import from Topo File ................................................................................................... 145 Import from AutoCAD File ............................................................................................. 147 Copy Object into Working Table ................................................................................... 149 Edit Information ............................................................................................................ 150 Delete Object ................................................................................................................ 151 COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ......................................................................................... 153 THEMATIC MAP............................................................................................................ 155 MODIFY ORACLE DATA .................................................................................................. 157 Modify Graphical Object ............................................................................................... 157 Move Node ............................................................................................................... 158 Add Node ................................................................................................................. 159 Modify Attribute ........................................................................................................... 160 Delete Object From Database ....................................................................................... 161 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................. 163 REOPEN WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 165
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7.2. 7.3. 7.3.1. 7.3.2. 7.3.3. 7.3.4. 7.3.5. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.6.1. 7.6.2. 7.6.3. 7.7. 7.8. 8.
OPEN INCOMPLETE JOB .................................................................................................. 169 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 170 Create New Record ....................................................................................................... 171 Import from Topo File ................................................................................................... 172 Copy Object into Working Table ................................................................................... 174 Edit Information ............................................................................................................ 176 Delete Object ................................................................................................................ 177 COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ......................................................................................... 178 THEMATIC MAP............................................................................................................ 179 MODIFY ORACLE DATA .................................................................................................. 182 Modify Graphical Object ............................................................................................... 182 Move Node ............................................................................................................... 183 Add Node ................................................................................................................. 184 Modify Attribute ........................................................................................................... 185 Delete Object From Database ....................................................................................... 187 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................. 189 REOPEN WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 191
EWARTA ................................................................................................................................. 192 8.1. 8.1.1. 8.1.2. 8.2. 8.2.1. 8.2.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.4.1. 8.4.2. 8.5. 8.5.1. 8.5.2. 8.5.3. 8.5.4. 8.6. 8.7. 8.8. 8.9. START JOB ................................................................................................................... 192 Capture New Warta Job ................................................................................................ 192 Capture Existing Warta Plan ......................................................................................... 195 NEW JOB .................................................................................................................... 196 Create New Job ............................................................................................................. 196 Search Job Location ...................................................................................................... 199 OPEN INCOMPLETE JOB .................................................................................................. 201 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 203 Copy Lot from Existing NDCDB ...................................................................................... 203 Digitizing ....................................................................................................................... 204 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 207 Graphical- Split Object (Revoke) ................................................................................... 207 Graphical Add More Lot ............................................................................................. 210 Attribute ....................................................................................................................... 212 Delete object ................................................................................................................. 213 COMMIT JOB INTO DATABASE ......................................................................................... 214 THEMATIC MAP............................................................................................................ 216 VIEW HISTORY RECORD.................................................................................................. 216 REOPEN WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 218
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EGRID ..................................................................................................................................... 219 9.1. 9.2. 9.2.1. 9.2.2. 9.3. 9.3.1. 9.3.2. NEW JOB .................................................................................................................... 219 CREATE NEW GRID........................................................................................................ 220 Create New Record ....................................................................................................... 220 Divide From Existing Grid .............................................................................................. 222 DATA EDITING .............................................................................................................. 224 Attribute Editing ........................................................................................................... 224 Delete Existing Record .................................................................................................. 225
eGLMS Module
eGLMS is developed to produce an application which is able to create, capture and maintain the following eGLMS layers in Oracle Spatial: I. 3rd Class Layers a. Lot b. Bdy c. PA II. III. IV. Connection Line Jalan Town/Kampung
In addition, under Surat Pekelilng KPUP Bil. 2/2004, the respective state JUPEM have also made use of GLMSs MapInfo GIS Map engine to capture additional Layers in order to enhance PDUK usage with value added data. These layers are: I. Administrative Boundaries (eAdmBdy) a. Admbdy_Daerah b. Admbdy_Mukim c. Admbdy_Seksyen II. Warta a. Kaw_Berwarta b. Rez_Bukit c. Rez_Hutan d. Rez_Orang_Asli e. FELDA f. FELCRA
eGLMS Module
k. Warta_Pelbagai l. Hidrografi
eHidro a. Hidrography
eBangunan a. Bangunan
In order to maintain and populate the above layers, the proposed eGLMS shall consist of the following modules: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. eJalan eTownKg eAdmBdy eWarta eBangunan eGrid eHidro
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS window will be presented as below.
eGLMS Module
Application Button
Description Create New Job Open Incomplete Job Edit Information Save Into Oracle Edit Oracle Object Generate PA List for Annotation Reshape Add Node Edit Oracle Attributes Thematic map Re-Open Workspace CAD Tool Featurize Load Raster Search Point by Coordinate Add Point Edit Information Create Grid Divide Grid Edit Grid Commit View History Record Check Out
eGLMS Module
Check In Label Lot Object Label Bdy Object Label Stn Object Search Tools
Below are the settings for boundary object label: Font Size - Set the font size to be display for the label text Font Color - Set the color for the label text Position Set the display at the Center, Left or Right of the boundary Enable Interactive - This will enable/disable certain layer check box Remove label from unchecked Layer - The label will be remove automatically from the map when all the layer check box be un-tick Operational layers will be shown under column Layer with attributes such as Bearing and Distance. User has to tick on the check box in order to label the by the selected attribute.
Click on Clear button to uncheck every check box. Click on OK button to label the selected layer with the chosen attribute. Click on Close button to terminate the labeling window.
eGLMS Module
Once user clicks on the OK button, boundary object will be label with the chosen attribute as showed above.
Below are few settings for stone object label: Font Size - Choose the pre-defined font size to be display for the label text Font Color - Choose the color for the label text
eGLMS Module
Position - Choose either display at the Center, Left or Right of the stone Enable Interactive - This will enable/disable certain layer check box Remove label from unchecked Layer - The label will be remove automatically from the map when all the layer check box be un-tick
Click on Clear button to uncheck every check box. Click on OK button to label the selected layer with the chosen attribute. Click on Close button to terminate the labeling window.
Once user clicks on the OK button, stone object will be label with the chosen attribute as showed above.
eGLMS Module
After user clicks OK button at the labeling window, the label will be place on each lot like the screen shown above.
eGLMS Module
2.2.1.PU Search
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Click on the PU tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by either: UPI No PU No. Pejabat Tanah No Fail Ukur No SKL and No Syit Piawai.
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any. This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
Note: Among the search criteria available, user does need not necessary to fill in every column in order to perform the search. User need to insert only 1 criterion, before the click on the OK button to begin the search process.
eGLMS Module
2.2.2.IndexMap Search
Click on the Index Map tab to activate this search function. User need to key in the No Peta as the search criteria to begin the search process. Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any.
This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
Click on the Hidro tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: Kategori Hidro No. Hidro Nama
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any. This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
Click on the Jalan tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: Kategori Jalan Nama
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any.
This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
2.2.5.TownKg Search
Click on the TownKg tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: Kategori TownKg Nama
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any.
This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
2.2.6.ADMBdy Search
Click on the ADMBdy tab to activate this search function. User need to key in the UPI as the search criteria to begin the search process. Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any.
This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
2.2.7.Bangunan Search
Click on the Bangunan tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: Skim No Nama Lain Bangunan
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any. This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
2.2.8.QT Search
Click on the QT tab to activate this search function. User need to key in the ID_Hakmilik as the search criteria to begin the search process. Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any.
This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box. .
eGLMS Module
2.2.9.NDCDB Search
Click on the NDCDB tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: UPI PA Kod Kegunaan Tanah No Pejabat Tanah No Fail Ukur
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any. This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
Click on the Layer dropdown list to NDCDB_Plan, therefore, User may choose to search by: PA No Syit Piawai Pengukur IC Diukur Oleh
eGLMS Module
Click on the Warta tab to activate this search function. User may choose to search by: Kelas Jalan Nama Jalan
Notice the column named Layer; user may click on the column to obtain a drop down list of layers if there is any. This column indicates the layer which user will make their search from. Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box.
eGLMS Module
User may select from the Layer dropdown list to change from Warta_Jalan to Warta_KWS_Lot. Therefore, user may search by: No PW No Warta.
User may select from the Layer dropdown list to change from Warta_KWS_Lot to. Warta_Pelbagai Therefore, user may search by: No PW No Warta Nama No Fail Ukur Kod_JenisWarta
eGLMS Module
User may select from the Layer dropdown list to change from Warta_Pelbagai to SPR. Therefore, user may search by: No Warta Nama Kawasan
eGLMS Module
Click on the following tool button to activate the Search Point by Coordinate function. Once the function has been activated, the dialog box as below will be display:
Click on the Cassini Soldner or Longitude/Latitude WGS84 tab to perform search using coordinate in Cassini Soldner projection or coordinate in Longitude/Latitude WGS84 projection.
eGLMS Module
Click on the OK button to begin the search process; or Click on the Cancel button to close the search dialog box
eGLMS Module
Click on the Add button to browse for the raster file for raster registration purposes. Click on the Delete button to delete the added raster file Click on the Open button to register the selected raster plan. Click on the Cancel button to cancel the raster registration process. User need to click on the Add button to open the raster file.
eGLMS Module
After user click onto the Add button, an Open dialog as above will be displayed. User need to browse to the desired raster file; click on the Open button to include the raster file into the raster file listing as below.
eGLMS Module
Then, select the raster file from the Raster Registration listing and click on the Open button. An Image Registration window will be prompt out and user are required to register the raster file.
eGLMS Module
2.3.2. Projection
By Default, system will present the projection to Cassini-Soldner System (GDM2000). However, user may change the projection by clicking on to the Projection button; a dialog box Choose Projection will be prompt. User may select the respective projection from the dialog box, click on the OK button to continue.
eGLMS Module
The above 3 steps (Red 1, 2, 3) need to do repeatedly until user gets 4 points.
Nota From the Image Registration dialog box, where there will be a column named Error (pixels). Error (Pixels) will indicate the accuracy of the registered raster. The Error Pixels can range from 0-999. The lesser of the error pixel point equal to the greater of accuracy for the registered raster.
eGLMS Module
PT 2 PT 1
PT PT 4 3
After user has done with the 4 points, click on the OK button to place the raster file onto the Map.
eGLMS Module
Create Polygon
Usage Create line objects by using Polygon Tool Activate the Create Polygon function, click on the starting How to Use point, drag the mouse pointer to the subsequence point, click once on the second point again, repeat the proces until the last point, double click to close the polygon object.
Usage Delete the created CAD line
How to Use
Select the desired CAD Line, click on this button to delete the selected line.
Move Line
Usage Move the CAD Line Select the CAD Line(s), activate this Move Line function, click on the starting point, hold the mouse click and drag to How to Use the ending point. Release the mouse click to move the selected CAD Line(s) from the starting point to the ending point.
Move Node
Usage Move CAD Line(s) by node.
eGLMS Module
Activate the Move Node function, place the mouse pointer onto the CAD Lines node (On the Snapping), click on to the How to Use node, hold the mouse click, drag and move to the desired location, release the mouse click to move the CAD Line by Node.
Extend Line
Usage Extend the selected CAD Line according to the length Activate the Extend Line function, identify the CAD Line need to be extend, click on the the edge of the CAD Line which need to be extend. If the line is link to other CAD Line(s), therefore, all the intersect CAD Line will be listed in the list as below. User may 1 or all CAD Line to perform the extend function. Once user has made the selection, click on the OK button to continue. Click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
How to Use
The above dialog box will be displayed, user need to enter the length to be extend. Click on the OK button to extend the selected line.
How to Use
eGLMS Module
Break Line
Usage Split the selected CAD Line according to the breaking point set by user. Activate the Break Line function, identify the CAD Line, How to Use place the mouse pointer onto the breaking point , click once and the CAD Line will be split at the breaking point.
Turn and rotate the CAD line based on the rotation angle Usage and turning point specified. Select the CAD Line, activate the Rotate function, click once on the Map window to determine the turning point. A Rotate window as below will be displayed:
How to Use
Enter the degree of rotation, click on the Left Turn to rotate the CAD Line to left and click on the Right Turn button to rotate the CAD Line to right. User may click on the OK button to set the CAD Line to the existing rotation, or click on the Cancel button to revert the process.
Usage Turn and rotate the CAD line based on the rotation angle. Select the CAD Line, activate the Spin function, A Rotate window as below will be displayed:
How to Use
eGLMS Module
the CAD Line to left and click on the Right Turn button to rotate the CAD Line to right. User may click on the OK button to set the CAD Line to the existing rotation, or click on the Cancel button to revert the process.
Usage Create a parallel line base on the selected CAD Line Select the desired CAD Line(s), then activate the Parallel function, the dialog box as below will be display.
How to Use
User need to determine the gap (determine by Unit & Length) between the newly created parallel line and the CAD Line. Subsequently enter the number of lines user wish to create. Finally, user may choose to create the parallel line left, right to the CAD Line or both. Click on the OK button to continue, or click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
Usage Create a perpendicular line across the selected CAD Line. Select the CAD Line to be the base line. Activate How to Use the Perpendicular function, create a line across the selected CAD Line, a perpendicular line will be created begin from the intersection point.
eGLMS Module
Usage To close the gap between 2 CAD Line
How to Use
How to Use
Trim Corner
Usage To close the gap at corner between 2 CAD Line.
How to Use
Auto Snap
This the extension of the Trim and Split function where by this Usage function enable user to perform the snapping of multiple CAD Line at once. How to Use Activate the Auto Snap function to display the dialog box as below:
eGLMS Module
User need to select the CAD Lines which will be categorized as Outer Lines, then user need to click on the Fill List >>> button to add the line. Click on the Remove <<< button to remove the selected line from the CAD Line listing. User can choose to click on the Clear List button to remove all line from the listing. User then need to select the CAD Lines which will be categorized as Inner Lines, then user need to click on the Fill List >>> button to add the line. Click on the Remove <<< button to remove the selected line from the CAD Line listing. User can choose to click on the Clear List button to remove all line from the listing. Trim off the extra line(s) activate this option to remove the extra lines. Extend Lines to snap activate this option to extend the CAD lines in case selected CAD lines does not intersects. Finally, click on the Auto Snap button to complete the process or click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
eGLMS Module
Usage Calcualte the perimeter of a close CAD Lines (Connected CAD Lines which can form a polygon) Activate the Perimeter function, direct the mouse cursor to the middle of a close CAD Lines. Click into the compound of the close CAD Lines to obtain the perimeter of the close CAD Lines How to Use
Usage Calcualte the area of a close CAD Lines (Connected CAD Lines which can form a polygon)
Activate the Area function, direct the mouse cursor to the middle of a close CAD Lines. Click into the compound of the close CAD Lines to obtain the Area of the close CAD Lines
How to Use
eGLMS Module
Calculated area of the close CAD Line will be display in the Calculated Area coumn, user therefore need to key in the area they desired into the Approved Area column, and system will automatically calculate the area different in percentage. User can click on the OK button to continue the area adjustment.
Once user has determine the Lot, Line and Point, user need How to Use to key in the New Area, before click on the OK button to continue. User can click on the Cance button to halt the process.
eGLMS Module
Once user has determine the Line, user need to key in the How to Use New Area, before click on the OK button to continue. User can click on the Cance button to halt the process.
Plot Line
Usage Create CAD Line by entering the Bearing & Distance for the new line. Activate the Plot Line function to display the dialog below.
How to Use
eGLMS Module
coordinate manually or , click on the Get Point button, move the mouse cursor to the selected point on Map window, (activate snapping) click onto the map to get the map coordinates. User may then key in the Bearing and Distance of the boundary line, then click on the Add button to create the new line. User can continue the adding process in order to create connecting line. To form a line from the last point to the starting point, user may click on the Close Line button to create the new line which connecting starting point and the last point.
Tujuan utama butang ini adalah Usage
How to Use
Enter the length of the lines for both line, click on the OK button to continue. User may click on the Cancel to terminate the process.
Copy To Clipboard
Usage Copy the selected CAD Line into memory Select the desired CAD Line(s), click once on the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the CAD Line object.
How to Use
eGLMS Module
Usage Paste the copied object
How to Use
Usage To Undo the previous action Click once on the Undo button to revert back to the previous action
How to Use
Usage To Redo the undo action
How to Use
How to Use
User may select the the CAD Lines from the CAD Line listing, the respective CAD Lines information will be display. User may modify the CAD Line information, click on the Save button to commit the updates. Click Close button to halt the process.
eGLMS Module
3.1. New Job
Click on Search Tool button to search for the nearby location.
A dialog box as below will be presented. Assign the needed information and click OK
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eGLMS Module
To edit Daerah, user needs to click on the tree option and select Daerah from the list. Assign New Job information such as Negeri, Daerah (Kod) and Daerah Keterangan (Name).
Note: User can select which admin boundary layer to edit/insert from the Admin Boundary Layer List. Select any item from the tree list, before begin the data entry process. To edit Mukim, user needs to select Mukim from the list and insert all the needed information
eGLMS Module
To edit Seksyen, user needs to select Seksyen from the list and insert all the needed information
Note: Column mark with symbol ** is the mandatory column. Users are required to fill in the necessary information before they can click on the OK button to continue.
eGLMS Module
A Check Out Setting dialog box will be display. User need to select from the drop down of the check out mode, then click on the OK button to continue.
Note: In order to perform the check out operation, user can either choose to check out by Window, or check out by selection. The Buffer column will be enabling when user select the Check Out By Selection option, users are allow to enter the buffer size, whereby the size of the buffer will indicates the areas or zones which will be check out around the map objects
eGLMS Module
Once user click the Open Incomplete Job button, Open Job window will be pop out as below and user can select the existing job from the job list.
After select the job, click OK button to continue with the incomplete job or click on the CANCEL button to terminate this process.
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eGLMS Module
Once the object has been draw, click on the Done button
Object formed will be display in light blue color and auto label with objects name.
eGLMS Module
By CAD Tools
button to load in the CAD Tools
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Note: There are set of CAD tools available for user. Check out Chapter 2.4 for further information.
eGLMS Module
Below dialog box will be presented. Click Yes to Featurize the object
Once user click the Split button, Split window will be pop out as below.
User need to first identify the target object for splitting by selecting the object from the mapper.
eGLMS Module
Subsequently click on the Set Target button to mark the selected object. Then user need to select the object which will be act as the cutter.
eGLMS Module
User need to click on the Split button to split the target object based on the selected cutter.once the split process has been completed, targetted object will be split into 2, accordint to the border of the cutter.
To clear a target, user can click on the Clear Target button. To revert the spliting process, user can click on the Revert button. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
3.3.3.Edit Information
Click on Edit Informatin button and click on the object
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Edit the information and click OK button to continue. Or user may click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
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3.3.4.Delete object
Click on Edit Information button and click on the object
The dialog box below will be display, user may click on Delete button to delete the respective object.
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A dialog box will be presented. Click Yes to save into ADMBDY_SEKSYEN layer.
eGLMS Module
3.4.1.Lot Annotation
To perform Lot Annotation process, click on the Yes button to continue. Else click on the No button to close the dialog box.
The dialog box as below will be display after user click on the Yes button to run the Lot annotation process.
UPI involved, which overlay with the modified admin boundary will be listed in the UPI to be updated column.
eGLMS Module
To allocate new UPI number to the affected lot, check the checkbox next to the existing UPI in the UPI to be updated list. Click on the Update button to assign new number.
updated Lot Number will be list in the Updated UPI column. Click on the Save Log button to save keep the list as future reference.
eGLMS Module
The generated log file which saved in "C:\update_UPI_result.txt". This file will be overwritten whenever new Lot Annotation process is invoked.
To permanently save this file, simply save the file as different file name, to prevent the file to be overwrite.
The dialog box as above will be display, click to continue. Once the dialog box is dismissed, the another Annotation PA list will be display as below. PA which lots are annotated will be listed, and the respective PA will be added into CSRS PA annotation list.
eGLMS Module
To perform Lot Annotation manually; user need to click on the working button and dialog box as below will be display
Select the type of administrative boundary for further process, then click on the Process button to continue.
eGLMS Module
A confirmation dialog box will be prompt, click on the Yes button to proceed.
UPI involved, which overlay with the selected admin boundary will be listed in the UPI to be updated column.
To allocate new UPI number to the affected lot, check the checkbox next to the existing UPI in the UPI to be updated list. Click on the Update button to assign new number.
eGLMS Module
updated Lot Number will be list in the Updated UPI column. Click on the Save Log button to save keep the list as future reference. The generated log file which saved in "C:\update_UPI_result.txt". This file will be overwritten whenever new Lot Annotation process is invoked.
To permanently save this file, simply save the file as different file name, to prevent the file to be overwrite.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
If user wish to chage the modify layer click on Change Layer button. The Modify Layer drop down will be activated, and user may select different layer from the drop down list.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Users are required to make selection onto the graphical object before click on the Reshape button. A messagebox as above will be display no graphical object has been selected when user click on the Reshape button.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Nod e
Move Node
eGLMS Module
Add Node
button to add nodes at the line
Click on Reshape button to save the edited layer. A dialog box as below will be displayed . Click Yes to continue and No to cancel.
eGLMS Module
3.6.3.Modify Attribute
Click on Edit Oracle Attributes button
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Note: The hierarchy for Admin Boundary looks like: Negeri Daerah Mukim Seksyen Lot Therefore, when users are editing the lower rank, they will be restricted to modify the higher rank. E.g, when users are modifying the Seksyen (AdmBdy), during the information editing, they are not allowed to modify Mukim, Daerah and Negeri. Same concept applied when users are modifying Mukim (AdmBdy), during information editing, they will be restricted to modify Daerah , and Negeri. The following message box will be displayed when users are trying to modify the higher rank object when they editing the lower rank record.
eGLMS Module
A dialog box as below will be presented. Click on Delete button to delete the selected object
eGLMS Module
After the deleting process below dialog box will presented. .click OK
Layer selection dialog box will promt. Select the Overlap Layer
eGLMS Module
Note: System will automatically detect the overlayed Admin Boundary. Users are allowed to select from the drop down list to indicate which admin layer they wish to overlay with the Plan layer to retrieve the record (PA) which need to perform annotation process.
Click OK to continue.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record window will be pop out as below.
User need to select which layer for viewing from the drop down list. Click on the OK button to continue. Click on the Cancel to halt the process.
eGLMS Module
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
4.1. New Job
Click on Search Tool button.
Search the surrounding object. User may choose to search by: Jalan TownKg Bangunan and etc.
eGLMS Module
A dialog box as below will be presented. Insert appropriate information and click OK
eGLMS Module
Note: Column mark with symbol ** is the mandatory column. Users are required to fill in the necessary information before they can click on the OK button to continue.
A Check Out Setting dialog box will be display. User need to select from the drop down of the check out mode, then click on the OK button to continue.
eGLMS Module
Note: In order to perform the check out operation, user can either choose to check out by Window, or check out by selection. The Buffer column will be enabling when user select the Check Out By Selection option, users are allow to enter the buffer size, whereby the size of the buffer will indicates the areas or zones which will be check out around the map objects
Once user click the Open Incomplete Job button, Open Job window will be pop out as below and user can select the existing job from the job list.
eGLMS Module
After select the job, click OK button to continue with the incomplete job or click on the CANCEL button to terminate this process.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Note: There are set of CAD tools available for user. Check out Chapter 2.4 for further information.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
A dialog box will be display as below. User need to key in the No Fail as the search criteria to begin the oracle search process. This process will help to load the Topo file from Oracle database.
System will load the Topo file from Oracle if data file is found.
If system fail to load Topo file from database, due to file not found, therefore, user may browse the file by locating the file using the explorer browser.
Click on the Browse button. The dialog box as below will be display.
eGLMS Module
Locate the folder where the Topo file resided, click on the OK button to load the Topo file.
User may make use of the CAD tools to digitize the object loaded from Topo file.
eGLMS Module
User need to browse to the .dxf file for importing purpose. Click on the Open button to load the selected file.
eGLMS Module
Then, user need to select the destination folder to store the translated file. Click on the OK button once the destination folder has been selected.
A message box as above will be display once the AutoCAD file is successfully imported. User need to open the translated file from the destination process in order to continue the data digitizing process using the CAD Tool.
eGLMS Module
Select the desired lot object, click on the Copy To Working Tab button
to copy
the selected object into the editing layer. Once the object has been copied successfully, user will found a blue color object resided on the selected object.
eGLMS Module
4.3.5.Edit Information
Select the object to be edit, click on Edit Information Information dialog box will be display. button, the Edit
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
4.3.6.Delete Object
Select the object to delete, click on Edit Information Information dialog box as below will be display. button, the Edit
eGLMS Module
Click OK
eGLMS Module
Click on Check In
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Users are required to make selection onto the graphical object before click on the Reshape button. A messagebox as above will be display no graphical object has been selected when user click on the Reshape button.
The Node apperar after click on Reshape button User may reshape a selected polygon by Move Node or Add Node.
eGLMS Module
Nod e
Move Node
Add Node
button to add nodes at the line
eGLMS Module
Click on Reshape button to save the edited layer. A dialog box as below will be displayed . Click Yes to continue and No to cancel.
4.6.2.Modify Attribute
Click on Edit Oracle Attributes button
eGLMS Module
A dialog box as below will be presented. A dialog box as below will be presented.
User may change the information of the respective object. Click on the Update button to commit the changes. Below box will promt click Yes to update the record
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Click on the Delete button to delete the selected object. A Delete Record confirmation dialog box will be display as below. Click Yes to delete the record
After the deleting process has been completed,below dialog box will presented. Click OK
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record Searching window will be pop out as below.
User can select either Wild Search or Show All to make history record selection.
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on Next Search to continue with new searching.
eGLMS Module
User can restore the history record by select on the record and click on Restore button. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
5.1. New Job
Click on Search Tool button
A dialog box as below will be presented. Assign the needed information and click OK To search the surrounding object. User may choose to search by: Jalan TownKg Bangunan and etc.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Note: Column mark with symbol ** is the mandatory column. Users are required to fill in the necessary information before they can click on the OK button to continue.
eGLMS Module
Move the mouse cursor to the desired location, click once onto the Map to create a new object for the newly created record.
eGLMS Module
User need to browse to the .dxf file for importing purpose. Click on the Open button to load the selected file.
eGLMS Module
Then, user need to select the destination folder to store the translated file. Click on the OK button once the destination folder has been selected.
A message box as above will be display once the AutoCAD file is successfully imported. User need to open the translated file from the destination process in order to continue the data digitizing process using the CAD Tool.
eGLMS Module
Select the desired lot object, click on the Copy To Working Tab button
to copy
the selected object into the editing layer. Once the object has been copied successfully, user will found a blue color object resided on the selected object.
eGLMS Module
5.2.4.Edit Information
Click on Edit Information buttton to edit the information of the Townkg object.
Dialog box below will be display, edit the necessary information, click OK to save the edited information.
eGLMS Module
5.2.5.Delete Object
Click on Edit Information buttton
Select the record and the dialog box below will be display. Click on the Delete button to delete the respective record.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Click on the Edit the point button to modify the location of the TownKg object.
Select the new location in map, click once on the new location, the existing point will be shift to the new point. Click On Update button to commit the changes.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
5.5.2.Modify Attribute
Click on Edit Oracle Attributes button, identify and select the object to be modify.
The dialog box below Edit Oracle Record dialog box will be display.
Modify the necessary information, then click on the Update button to update the changes.
eGLMS Module
Dialob box as below will be display, click on Delete button to delete the respective object.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
User has option to search with 2 type of projection: Cassini Soldner Longitude/Latitude WGS 84
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record Searching window will be pop out as below.
eGLMS Module
User can select either Wild Search or Show All to make history record selection
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on Next Search to continue with new searching.
eGLMS Module
User can restore the history record by select on the record and click on Restore button. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
6.1. New Job
Click on Search Tool button
A dialog box as below will be presented. Assign the needed information and click OK To search the surrounding object. User may choose to search by: Jalan TownKg Bangunan and etc.
eGLMS Module
Click on the OK button to begin the search process. System will zoom to the searched area. Click on Create New Job button. button. Assign needed information and click OK
eGLMS Module
Note: Column mark with symbol ** is the mandatory column. Users are required to fill in the necessary information before they can click on the OK button to continue.
A Check Out Setting dialog box will be display. User need to select from the drop down of the check out mode, then click on the OK button to continue.
Note: In order to perform the check out operation, user can either choose to check out by Window, or check out by selection. The Buffer column will be enabling when user select the Check Out By Selection option, users are allow to enter the buffer size, whereby the size of the buffer will indicates the areas or zones which will be check out around the map objects
eGLMS Module
Once user click the Open Incomplete Job button, Open Job window will be pop out as below and user can select the existing job from the job list.
After select the job, click OK button to continue with the incomplete job or click on the CANCEL button to terminate this process.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
After digitize the object, click on the button Done to featurize the object.
Note: To create polyline object, Click on CAD Tools button to load the CAD Tools.
There are set of CAD tools available for user. Check out Chapter 2.4 for further.
eGLMS Module
A dialog box will be display as below. User need to key in the No Fail as the search criteria to begin the oracle search process. This process will help to load the Topo file from Oracle database.
System will load the Topo file from Oracle if data file is found.
eGLMS Module
If system fail to load Topo file from database, due to file not found, therefore, user may browse the file by locating the file using the explorer browser.
Click on the Browse button. The dialog box as below will be display.
eGLMS Module
Locate the folder where the Topo file resided, click on the OK button to load the Topo file.
User may make use of the CAD tools to digitize the object loaded from Topo file.
eGLMS Module
User need to browse to the .dxf file for importing purpose. Click on the Open button to load the selected file.
Then, user need to select the destination folder to store the translated file. Click on the OK button once the destination folder has been selected.
eGLMS Module
A message box as above will be display once the AutoCAD file is successfully imported. User need to open the translated file from the destination process in order to continue the data digitizing process using the CAD Tool.
Select the desired lot object, click on the Copy To Working Tab button
to copy
the selected object into the editing layer. Once the object has been copied successfully, user will found a blue color object resided on the selected object.
eGLMS Module
6.3.5.Edit Information
Click on Edit Information buttton to edit the information of the created object.
Edit Information dialog box will be display. User may modify the information, then click on the OK button to commit the changes.
eGLMS Module
6.3.6.Delete Object
Click on Edit Information buttton, identify and select the the respective record.
Edit Information dialog box will be display. User may click on the Delete button to delete the respective information.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Click Ok
eGLMS Module
Click on Check In
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Users are required to make selection onto the graphical object before click on the Reshape button. A messagebox as above will be display no graphical object has been selected when user click on the Reshape button.
Move Node
Select the Nodes and drag. The selected notes will moved
eGLMS Module
Add Node
eGLMS Module
6.6.2.Modify Attribute
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record Searching window will be pop out as below.
User can select either Wild Search or Show All to make history record selection
eGLMS Module
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on Next Search to continue with new searching.
User can restore the history record by select on the record and click on Restore button. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
7.1. New Job
Click on Search Tool button
A dialog box as below will be presented. Assign the needed information and click OK Search the surrounding object. User may choose to search by: Jalan TownKg Bangunan and etc.
eGLMS Module
Click on the OK button to begin the search process. System will zoom to the searched area. Click on Create New Job button. button. Assign needed information and click OK
eGLMS Module
The New Job dialog box as below will be display. User need to enter the necessary information; click on the OK button to continue.
Note: Column mark with symbol ** is the mandatory column. Users are required to fill in the necessary information before they can click on the OK button to continue. Check out the surrounding area. Click on the Check Out button to continue.
eGLMS Module
A Check Out Setting dialog box will be display. User need to select from the drop down of the check out mode, then click on the OK button to continue.
Note: In order to perform the check out operation, user can either choose to check out by Window, or check out by selection. The Buffer column will be enabling when user select the Check Out By Selection option, users are allow to enter the buffer size, whereby the size of the buffer will indicates the areas or zones which will be check out around the map objects
eGLMS Module
Once user click the Open Incomplete Job button, Open Job window will be pop out as below and user can select the existing job from the job list.
After select the job, click OK button to continue with the incomplete job or click on the CANCEL button to terminate this process.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
After digitize the object, click on the button Done to featurize the object.
Note: There are set of CAD tools available for user. Check out Chapter 2.4 for further information.
A dialog box will be display as below. User need to key in the No Fail as the search criteria to begin the oracle search process. This process will help to load the Topo file from Oracle database.
eGLMS Module
System will load the Topo file from Oracle if data file is found.
If system fail to load Topo file from database, due to file not found, therefore, user may browse the file by locating the file using the explorer browser.
Click on the Browse button. The dialog box as below will be display.
eGLMS Module
Locate the folder where the Topo file resided, click on the OK button to load the Topo file.
User may make use of the CAD tools to digitize the object loaded from Topo file.
eGLMS Module
Select the desired lot object, click on the Copy To Working Tab button
to copy
the selected object into the editing layer. Once the object has been copied successfully, user will found a blue color object resided on the selected object.
eGLMS Module
7.3.4.Edit Information
To edit the information of the created object, user need to select and click on Edit Information button.
The Edit the information dialog box as below will be display. User may enter or modify the data, then click on the OK button to complete the editing process.
eGLMS Module
7.3.5.Delete Object
To delete the created object, user need to select and click on Edit Information button.
The dialog box as below will be display. User may click on the Delete button to delete the respective object.
eGLMS Module
Click on Check In
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
button again.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Users are required to make selection onto the graphical object before click on the Reshape button. A messagebox as above will be display no graphical object has been selected when user click on the Reshape button.
Nod e
Move Node
Select the Nodes and drag. The selected notes will moved
eGLMS Module
Add Node
Click on Reshape button to commit. The following dialog box will be appear. Click Yes to save or No to cancel
eGLMS Module
7.6.2.Modify Attribute
Click on Edit Oracle Attributes button to modify the attribute of the object.
Dialog box as below will be display. User may edit the information, then click on the Update button to update the changes.
eGLMS Module
System will prompt a confirmation dialog box, user need to click Yes to continue
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record Searching window will be pop out as below.
User can select either Wild Search or Show All to make history record selection
eGLMS Module
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on Next Search to continue with new searching.
User can restore the history record by select on the record and click on Restore button. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
8.1. Start Job 8.1.1.Capture New Warta Job
Activate the CSRS log in page. Key in the User Name and Password, then click on the Log In button to proceed.
eGLMS Module
System will load the Kerja Dalam Tindakan of the login user. Select the respective file, click on the Edit File button and the following page will be display.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Activate the CSRS log in page. Key in the User Name and Password, then click on the Log In button to proceed.
System will load the Kerja Dalam Tindakan of the login user. Select the respective file, click on the eWarta button to activate the eWarta module.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
User may modify the information of the job. Then click on the OK button to continue.
Users are allowed to modify those columns which are NOT grey shaded. For Job involving capture existing Warta Plan, users will notice most of the column will be empty, and user need to key in the necessary information.
eGLMS Module
Once user has key in all the necessary information, user needs to click on the OK button to save the changes.
eGLMS Module
Search the surrounding object. User may choose to search by: Jalan TownKg Bangunan NDCDB_Lot and etc.
A dialog box as below will be presented. Assign the needed information and click OK
eGLMS Module
A Check Out Setting dialog box will be display. User need to select from the drop down of the check out mode, then click on the OK button to continue.
eGLMS Module
Note: In order to perform the check out operation, user can either choose to check out by Window, or check out by selection. The Buffer column will be enabling when user select the Check Out By Selection option, users are allow to enter the buffer size, whereby the size of the buffer will indicates the areas or zones which will be check out around the map objects
Before user checkout the area of interest, user are not allow to carry out any of the data population process, as the following dialog box will be display.
eGLMS Module
Once user click the Open Incomplete Job button, Open Job window will be pop out as below and user can select the existing job from the job list.
After select the job, click OK button to continue with the incomplete job or click on the CANCEL button to terminate this process.
eGLMS Module
Identify the Lot which user needs to copy, select the Lot(s), and click on the Copy Object(s) button to copy the selected Lot into the Warta Layer.
Copied object will be automatically assign with Lot Identifier, starting from A,B and subsequently Z, if there are total of 26 objects copied.
eGLMS Module
Prior to the digitizing process,user need to perform the raster registration. Please refer to Chapter 2.3 for Raster Registration Process, and Chapter 2.4 of CAD Tools handling. Once user has complete the raster registration process, user may activate the CAD tools by clicking on CAD Tools button
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Note: There are set of CAD tools available for user. Check out Chapter 2.4 for further information. Click on Featurize button
eGLMS Module
Click on the Revoke button to activate the Split Process dialog as below.
eGLMS Module
User needs to first select the object to be split. For this case, user needs to select the existing warta object wherey part of the object will be revoke. Once user has select the object, click on the Set Target button.
eGLMS Module
Subsequently user need to select the Revoke area, and subsequently click on the Split button to split the existing warta object.
Once the existing warta object has been split, 2 exclusive object will be created: Revoke Area and Warta Object.
eGLMS Module
The above dialog will be prompt to user when user try to append a warta object whereby the warta object is over with another warta object.
To include additional lot after user has complete the Lot adding process, user may click on the Polygon Tool again.
eGLMS Module
A dialog box as above will be display. Getting confirmation from the user whether to clear the existing object and continue to create new objects. Click on the Yes button to remove all the object created previously. Click on the No button to maintain the created object. Click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
The above dialog box will be display. To create more object, user may click on the Draw button and start to construct a polygon in the Mapper. Once user has complete the drawing process, user need to click on the Done button, system will generate a Warta Lot object with respect to the newly created polygon.
eGLMS Module
The newly created warta object will be assign with the Lot Identifier. Option 2 User may identify and select the lot which need to be include into the warta layer, then click on the Copy Object(s) button to copy the lot into the warta lot layer.
To edit the information, user need to select and click on Edit Information button
eGLMS Module
Identify the Warta Lot object, select the respective object from the Warta Lot listing. User need to may modify the information, then click on the OK button to update the changes.
8.5.4.Delete object
User need to select the object to be delete then click on Edit Information button.
eGLMS Module
Dialog box as below will be display. User need to click on the Delete button to delete the respective object.
eGLMS Module
User may click on the Yes button to commit the job. User may click on the No button to cancel the process.
Once the data has been append successfully into the database, system will prompt a dialog box. User needs to click on the OK button to close the dialog box.
Click on Check In
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Once user click the View History Record button, History Record window will be pop out as below.
User need to select from the drop down list the history layer for reviewing. Click on the OK button to continue. Click on the Cancel button to halt the process.
User can double click on the record and will zoom to graphical selected record. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
9.1. New Job
Click on Create Job button
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Notice the black color cross, that is the location where the XY point is. When user click on this button the XY point will be resided on the upper left corner of the created grid Notice the black color cross, that is the location where the XY point is. When user click on this button the XY point will be resided on the upper right corner of the created grid When user click on this button the XY point will be resided on the lower left corner of the created grid When user click on this button the XY point will be resided on the lower right corner of the created grid
Click on Clear
A dialog box as below will prompt after the Grid has been created. Edit the information and click OK
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module
Click on the Get Grid button to identify the parent grid user wish to use as a reference grid for the division process. User then need to select the target layer where user need to inserts the newly created grid into. Click on the Divide process to begin the process.
Note: System will auto fill the No Peta of the newly created grid object. The naming of the new grid will be according to its parent grid.
eGLMS Module
eGLMS Module