Evaluation Question 2
Evaluation Question 2
Evaluation Question 2
My duo 'SMALL EARED SHREW' are two 19 year olds who make electronic music and hold raves that send a crowd wild. This is similar to artists such as Disclosure, Nero etc. However these are both groups of men and my duo includes a girl. In the industry today girls are normally the vocals to an electronic DJ set, however I wanted to change that and show my audience that there was even more reason to follow SMALL EARED SHREW because they had a girl on the decks. My product represents the Young Alt group of teens & adults who 'experiment with art, fashion and music' and 'want out of the mainstream music'.
I feel that my magazine represents this social group because of the style of the magazine. I feel that my cover is similar to those of Clash and Fader who follow artists who are different and show and almost 'alternative' music genre. I feel that the colours and photos that I used within my product are exciting and make my audience want to buy UV. I feel that the name represents certain connotations and that it would attract my target audience of Young Alts. I feel that my magazine is less conventional than other magazines and therefore represents the Young Alt social group because they are looking for something other than 'mainstream' which is what most music magazines are. My models show a realistic image of how a duo would look due to their clothing and style and the way in which the photos aren't completely serious and portray an exciting magazine that would represent the Young Alts who are always looking for a good time.