Correspondence - Business Glossary

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Business Correspondence Glossary

apologize, verb approach noun attitude noun by invitation only commence verb complimentary adjective concerns noun confidential adjective conscientious adjective contribution noun convenient adjective cooperation noun coordinator noun dedication noun dependable adjective disregard verb do not hesitate phrase dropped verb say "sorry" izviniti se method or style of doing something pristup (nain) outlook on life stav, stanovite, pogled na ivot only those who are asked to come will e allowed in start poeti, zapoeti free pro lems, issues private ! poverl"ivo cares a out #uality of work ! savestan individual effort or support in a group doprinos, udeo suita le, favoura le, makes life easy pogodan, povol"an the act of working together ! saradn"a person who organizes something organizator a lot of effort put into something posve$enost, predanost can e trusted ! pouzdan ignore, pay no attention to zanemariti, ne o azirati se don%t wait ne okleva"te fell to a lower amount

effective adjective efficient adjective enclosed adjective encouraged verb enquire (BrE) inquire (AmE) verb e travaganza noun formal adjective grateful adjective guarantee verb impact noun indicates verb invoice noun latest adjective lay!off verb notice noun outstanding balance adjective pleasure noun postpone (v)

produces a positive response performs well included inside ! priloen persuaded or inspired ! ohra ren

looking for information

e&citing and rare event following set re#uirements thankful promise effect shows document detailing purchases and money owed most modern take a "o away from an employee (when employee is not at fault) document that indicates a change or event

money still owed

en"oyment delay until later

preferred customer present verb professional adjective profound adjective punctual noun reach me verb records noun regarding verb regret verb reliable adj replacement noun representative noun resignation noun respected adj retirement noun senior staff noun severance noun sharp adverb

uyer who comes ack often award something to someone e&hi its suita le ehaviour on the "o deep always on time find and talk to me files that keep track of usiness matters eing a out feel ad dependa le someone who fills the position of another a person who acts on ehalf of another person, company, policy''' the act of leaving a "o position considered good and honest a permanent leave from the workplace (usually due to aging) employees who hold high positions or have een working at the same place for a long time money paid to make up for a separation e&actly (in reference to time)

s"yroc"eted verb stoc" noun struggle verb sufficient adj support noun #$B$A versatile adj %elcome adjective

went up higher very #uickly share in ownership work at with difficulty enough financial help (o )e *nnounced with a variety of skills and a ilities (happily) permitted to do something

The Start Dear Personnel Director, Dear Sir or Madam: (use if you don't know who you are writing to) Dear Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms Smith: (use if you know who you are writing to, and have a formal relationship with - VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss) Dear Frank: (use if the person is a close business contact or friend) The Reference With reference to your advertisement in the Times / your letter of 23 rd March / your phone call today... Thank you for your letter of March 5 th . The Reason for Writing I am writing to inquire about apologize for confirm Requesting Could you possibly? I would be grateful if you could...

Agreeing to Requests I would be delighted to Giving Bad News Unfortunately I am afraid that Enclosing Documents I am enclosing Please find enclosed Enclosed you will find Closing Remarks Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. ...there are any problems. you have any questions. Reference to Future Contact I look forward to ... hearing from you soon. meeting you next Tuesday. seeing you next Thursday. The Finish Yours faithfully, (If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to) Yours sincerely, (If you know the name of the person you're writing to) Best wishes, Best regards, (If the person is a close business contact or friend)

10 good opening lines

We need an opening line in a business letter or professional email: to make reference to previous correspondence; to say how we found the recipients name/address; to say why we are writing to the recipient. With reference to your letter of 8 June ! " ! am writing to en#uire about " $fter having seen your advertisement in " ! would like " $fter having received your address from " ! " ! received your address from " and would like " We/! recently wrote to you about " %hank you for your letter of 8 &ay. %hank you for your letter regarding " %hank you for your letter/e'mail about " !n reply to your letter of 8 &ay "

10 good closing lines

We need a closing line in a business letter or email: to make a reference to a future event; to repeat an apology; to offer help !f you re#uire any further information feel free to contact me. ! look forward to your reply. ! look forward to hearing from you. ! look forward to seeing you. (lease advise as necessary. We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. )hould you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. *nce again ! apologise for any inconvenience. We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom. ! would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

'ord Part of speech alternatives noun amplify verb arbitration noun (eaning E ample )entence +e can%t offer you the raise you re#uested, ut let%s discuss some other alternatives' -ould you amplify on your proposal please' +e%re etter to settle this etween us, ecause a formal arbitration will cost oth of us money' +e bargained on the last issue for over an hour efore we agreed to take a reak' .%ll accept a raise of one dollar per hour, ut that%s my bottom!line' (his is a collective concern, and it isn%t fair to discuss it without /arie present' .f you are willing to work ten e&tra hours a week we will compensate you y paying you overtime' .%d e willing to comply if you can offer me my own private office' +e are willing to compromise on this issue ecause it means so much to you'
. think we can offer all of these concessions, ut not all at once'

other options

e&pand, give more information conflict that is addressed y using a neutral third party try to change a person%s mind y using various tactics the lowest one is willing to go

bargain verb bottom!line noun collective adj


compensate verb comply verb

make up for a loss

agree changing one%s mind0terms slightly in order to find a resolution a thing that is granted or accepted general term for negotiations present an issue to someone directly

compromise verb

concession noun conflict resolution noun confront verb

.t is impossi le to engage in conflict resolution when one of the parties refuses to listen'
. confronted my oss a out eing undervalued, and we%re going to talk a out things on /onday'

consensus noun cooperation noun counter proposal noun

agreement y all

.t would e great if we could come to a consensus y 1233 4'/' . have appreciated your cooperation throughout these negotiations' .n their counter proposal they suggested that we keep their company name rather than creating a new one' )efore we could start our counterattac" they suggested we sign a contract' . tried to close the discussions at noon, ut my counterpart would not stop talking'
.n the past . have had little respect for that client, ut today she spoke cordially and listened to my point of view'

the working together the offer0re#uest which is presented second in response to the first proposal present other side of an issue person on the other side of the negotiations politely needs0e&pectations that one side elieves it deserves point where neither party will give in

counterattac" verb/noun

counterpart noun cordially verb/noun demands adv deadloc" noun

(hey had some last minute demands that were entirely unrealistic' +hen the discussions came to a deadloc" we wrote up a letter of intent to continue the negotiations ne&t week' . was hoping to avoid discussing last year%s dispute, ut /onica is still holding a grudge' /a& has such a loud voice, he tends to dominate the conversations' /y contract says that . am entitled to full enefits after si& months of employment' +e have always een fle ible in terms of your working hours'

dispute noun


dominate verb

have the most control0stronger presence e deserving of

entitled adj fle ible adj

open0willing to change


arguing ack and

+e%ve een haggling over this issue


forth (often a out prices) long!term anger towards another make a re#uest that is much higher than you e&pect to receive #uick decision without thought or time has difficulty choosing0making a decision ( argaining power) something that gives one party a greater chance at succeeding over another trading one favour for another offer something much lower than you think the opponent will ask for convince y altering or not telling the whole truth a out something agreed y oth or all

for too long now' . want you to know that we don%t have any hostility towards your company despite last year%s mi&up' .%m planning to high!ball my e&pectations when . open the discussion' . acted on impulse when . signed that si&!month contract' (hey were so indecisive we finally asked them to take a reak and come ack ne&t week'

hostility noun

high!ball verb

impulse noun

indecisive adj

leverage noun

+e have a little it of leverage ecause we are the only stationary company in town'

log!rolling verb

*fter a it of log!rolling we came to an agreement that pleased oth of us' . was e&pecting my oss to lo%!ball in the initial offer, ut he proposed a fair salary increase'

lo%!ball verb

mislead verb

(hey misled us into thinking that everything could e resolved today'

mutual adj ob*ective noun point of vie% noun

(he decision to call off the merger was mutual' /y prime ob*ective is to have my family mem ers added to my enefits plan'
5rom my point of vie% it makes more sense to wait another si& months'

goal for the outcome

person%s ideas0 thoughts

pressure verb proposal noun receptive adj resentment noun resistance noun resolve verb tactics noun

work hard to convince another of an idea argument to present

6e pressured me to accept the terms y using intimidation tactics' +hile . listened to their proposal . noted each of their o "ectives' 6is positive ody language demonstrated that he was receptive to our suggestions' /ary%s resentment stems from our not choosing her to head the pro"ect' +e didn%t e&pect so much resistance on the final issue' )efore you can resolve your differences you%ll oth need to calm down' (here are certain tactics that all skillful negotiators employ' (here was a lot of tension in the room when 7eorge threatened to #uit' 8ower payments over a longer period of time sounded like a fair trade!off until we asked a out interest charges' 6is ultimatum was that if . didn%t agree to give him the raise he asked for, he%d #uit today without two week%s notice' .t%s unrealistic to think that we will have all of our demands met' +e considered it a victory ecause they agreed to four of our five terms' (he client will only yield to our conditions, if we agree to work over the holiday weekend'

open to0interested in an idea anger held onto from a previous conflict a display of opposition end conflict, come to an agreement strategies used to get one%s goals met feeling of stress0an&iety caused y heavy conflict terms that are offered in return for something else a final term that has serious conse#uences if not met very unlikely to happen a win

tension noun

trade!off noun

ultimatum noun

unrealistic adj victory noun yield verb

to give in to another%s re#uests

9 : ; < Balance ban" charges Branch Chec"boo"+) n. the difference etween credits and de its in an account n. money paid to a ank for the ank%s services etc n. local office or ureau of a ank n. ook containing detacha le checks, che#ue ook=> n. written order to a ank to pay the stated sum from one%s account, che#ue=> n. money in a ank a0c, sum added to a ank a0c, money lent y a ank also v. n. (plastic) card from a ank authorising the purchasing of goods on credit n. ank a0c from which money may e drawn at any time, checking account=B n. a sum deducted from a ank account, as for a che#ue ! also v. n. ank a0c on which interest is paid, savings account=B v. to add written information to a document to make it complete, to fill out=B n. money paid for the use of money lent ! interest rate n. n. money lent y a ank etc and that must e repaid with interest ! also v. n. deficit in a ank account caused y withdrawing more money than is paid in v. Dpaid, paidE to deposit or put money in to a ank account n. person to whom money is paid n. small document recording money that you pay in to a ank account n. an instruction to a ank to make regular payments n. a record of transactions in a ank account v. D!dre%, !dra%nE to take money out of a ank account ! withdrawal n.

1 chec"+) ? credit @ credit card A current account

C debit deposit 93 account 99 fill in+, 9: interest

9; loan 9< overdraft 91 9? pay in payee

9@ paying!in slip 9A 9C standing order statement

:3 %ithdra%

Company )tructure
n. department responsi le for administering a company%s financial affairs abbr. *nnual 7eneral /eeting of a company%s : A$G$($+, shareholders n. group of people chosen to esta lish policy for and ; board of directors control a company n. person who heads a )oard of Firectors, head of a < chairman+, company, chairperson 1 director n. a mem er of the oard of directors e ecutive n. person managing the affairs of a corporation ! chief ? e ecutive officer n. officer+) 9 Accounts -ept$ @ headquarters n. a company%s principal or main office or centre of control n. person responsi le for day!to!day running of a dept', e&ecutive officer=B n. senior director after the chairman responsi le for day! to!day direction

A manager managing C director+, 93 (ar"eting -ept$

n. department that puts goods on market, inc' packaging, advertising etc organisation n. a ta le or plan showing a company%s structure 99 chart graphically n. department responsi le for recruitment and welfare of 9: .ersonnel -ept$ staff or employees n. the highest e&ecutive officer of a company, head of a 9; president+) company .roduction -ept$ n. department responsi le for physical creation of 9< product n. department responsi le for finding and uying 91 .urchasing -ept$ everything for a company n. department responsi le for Gesearch and 9? / 0 - -epartment Fevelopment of (new) products n. the place where visitors and clients report on arrival at 9@ reception a company n. department responsi le for finding customers and 9A )ales -epartment making sales n. person who holds or owns shares in or a part of a 9C shareholder company or corporation n. any of several e&ecutive officers, each responsi le for :3 vice president+) a separate division

n. an arrangement etween two or more people, countries etc, contract n. additional or supplementary material at end of contract, : appendi ook etc n. settlement of a dispute y a person chosen y oth parties ; arbitration ! to arbitrate v. article n. a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc, < clause clause n. a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc, 1 article n. anything necessary efore the performance of something ? condition else n. superior, power, unforeseea le event e&cusing one party @ force majeure from fulfilling contract v2 to satisfy a condition, to complete the re#uired task, to A fulfil fulfill=B herein C adv2 in here, in this (document etc) 9 agreement 93 99 9: 9; 9< hereinafter hereto heretofore in behalf of null and void adv2 in the following part (of this document etc) adv2 to this (document etc) Deg2 attached heretoE adv2 up until now, until the present, efore this in the interests of (person etc), for (person etc), on ehalf of=> invalid, without legal force, not inding on one side ! on the other hand on the other side n. the person or persons forming one side of an agreement v. to specify as an essential condition ! stipulation n. n. conditions or stipulations v. to give formal assurance, to guarantee con"2 it eing the case that, in view of the fact that Din introduction to contractsE

on the one 91 hand 9? 9@ 9A 9C :3 party stipulate terms %arrant %hereas

9 : bonus curriculum vitae+, n. additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward n. short account of one%s education, career etc, -I=>, resume=B, resume=B v. to remove or discharge from employment, to sack Dcollo#'E, to fire=B n. person or firm who employs people ! employee n. person employed v. Dcollo#'E to dismiss v. an oral e&amination of an applicant for a "o ! also v. v. Dmade, madeE to dismiss ecause of not eing needed ! redundancy=> n. n. period of a sence from work (for a woman) when having a a y n. advance warning of intention to resign ! to give or tender one1s notice v. abbr. per#uisite, something additional to regular salary Deg2 free meals, a carE n. the people who work for a firm n. manager responsi le for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel n. advancement in rank or position ! to promote v. n. opportunity for success, promotion etc n. to look for and employ personnel ! recruitment n. v. to give up a "o ! letter of resignation n. v. to leave employment, esp' ecause of age ! retirement n. n. a fi&ed, regular payment, usually monthly, made y employer to employee n. the people who work for a firm or a particular department, employees v. Dtoo", ta"enE to employ, to hire

; dismiss < employer 1 ? fire+) intervie%

ma"e @ redundant+, A maternity leave C notice 93 per" 99 personnel

personnel 9: officer 9; 9< 91 9? 9@ promotion prospects recruit resign retire

9A salary 9C staff :3 ta"e on

2mport!E port
9 bill of lading : c$0f$ ; c$i$f$ < cargo certificate of 1 origin ? container @ customs A declare C f$a$s$ 93 f$o$b$ freight 99 9: irrevocable 9; letter of credit 9< merchandise 91 pac"ing list 9? pro forma invoice n. list of goods and shipping instructions, way ill abbr. cost J freight2 includes shipping to named port ut not insurance abbr. cost, insurance J freight2 includes insurance and shipping to named port n. goods or products that are eing transported or shipped n. a document that shows where goods come from n. huge o& to hold goods for transport ! container port n. to containerisev. n. 3 government ta& or duty on imported goods 4 officials who collect this ta& v. to make a statement of ta&a le goods ! customs declaration form n. abbr. free alongside ship Dincludes delivery to #uayside ut not loadingE abbr. free on oard2 includes loading onto ship n. goods eing transported, cargo adj. that cannot e undone, unaltera le ! irrevocable letter of credit n. n. a letter from a ank authorising a person to draw money from another ank n. things ought and sold, commodities, wares ! also v. n. a document that is sent with goods to show that they have een checked n. an invoice or re#uest for payment sent in advance of goods supplied n. a solid, artificial landing place for (un)loading ships, wharf ! quayside n. v. to send or transport y land, sea or air ! also n. shipment n. n. a person acting for or representing a ship or ships at a port n. list of goods and shipping instructions, ill of lading ! air %aybill n.

9@ quay 9A ship 9C shipping agent :3 %aybill

9 actuary : assessor ; claim < comprehensive n. a person who calculates risks for insurance companies n. a person who calculates the value of something Deg2 a uilding, car etcE n. an application for payment under an insurance policy ! to ma"e a claim v. n. Dof an insurance policyE all!inclusive, providing

complete protection consequential n. a loss that happens as a conse#uence of or as a result 1 loss of another n. the protection given y an insurance policy Deg2 pu lic ? cover+, lia ility coverE employer1s n. lia ility or responsi ility of a firm for damage caused to @ liability one of its employees n. property, merchandise or any goods in the process of A goods in transit eing transported n. agent who arranges insurance, middleman etween C insurance bro"er insurer J policyholder n. 9 the state of eing lia le : anything for which a 93 liability person is lia le adj. legally o liged to pay for damage, in"ury etc, 99 liable responsi le ! liability n. n. death, in"ury, damage etc that is the asis for a claim ! 9: loss to lose v. n. a person who assesses the amount of compensation 9; loss ad*uster arising from a claim 9< policy n. a contract of insurance Deg2 a product lia ility policyE 91 policyholder n. the person to whom an insurance policy is issued n. a payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an 9? premium insurance policy n. lia ility or responsi ility of a firm for damage caused y 9@ product liability one of its products n. responsi ility of a firm for damage caused to a mem er 9A public liability of the pu lic n. the insuring of risk y one insurance company with 9C reinsurance another ! to reinsurev. n. 3 chance or possi ility of in"ury, loss etc 4 person or :3 ris" thing causing risk

9 attorney : barrister+, ; brief < case 1 contract ? court of la% n. 9 a person appointed to act for or represent another :=B lawyer n. a lawyer who pleads efore a superior court n. 9=> instructions to a arrister ! also v. :=B written statement of facts n. statement of the facts in a trial, esp' the argument of one side n. a formal agreement, usually in writing, etween two or more parties n. the place where law cases are hear and decided, court ! courtroom n.

@ evidence A guilty C *udge 93 *ury 99 la%suit 9: la%yer 9; plead 9< sentence 91 solicitor 9? sue 9@ sum up 9A trial 9C verdict %ithout :3 pre*udice

n. information presented to a court to prove or support a point in #uestion adj. responsi le for wrong, culpa le ! guilt n. - not guilty adj. n. official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law ! also v. n. a group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision n. a trial at court etween two private parties n. a person trained in law and who advises or represents others v. 3 to defend a law case 4 to declare oneself to e guilty or not guilty ! plean. n. 3 decision of a court, esp' as to the punishment 4 the punishment ! also v. n. 9=> lawyer advising clients J riefing arristers :=B law officer for a city etc v. to start legal action against someone in a court of law ! la%suit n. v. to summarise J review the evidence of a case ! summing up n. n. a formal e&amination of a case in a court of law ! to try v. n. the formal decision or finding of a "udge or "ury without detriment or damage to a legal right or claim

9 brand : consumer ; cost < develop 1 distribution ? end!user @ image A label C launch n. a particular make of product ! to brand v. ! branded adj. n. the person who uys and uses a product or service ! to consume v. v. Dcost, costed, costedE to estimate the price of making a product ! costing n. v. to create a new product or improve an e&isting one ! product developmentn. n. the delivering of products to end!users, inc' advertising, storing etc n. the person, customer etc who is the ultimate (and so real) user of a product n. the concept or perception of a firm or product held y the general pu lic n. small piece of paper, metal etc on a product giving information a out it v. to introduce a new product, with pu licity etc ! product launch n.

93 mail order mar"et 99 research 9: pac"aging+,

n. the selling of goods y post ! mail!order catalogue n. n. study of consumers% needs J preferences, often for a particular product n. the wrapping or container for a product n. the place where a product is actually sold to the pu lic ! point!of!sale adj. n. something made to e sold, merchandise Dincludes servicesE ! to produce v. n. creation and maintenance of a good pu lic image ! public relations officern. adj. registered or officially recorded as a trademark ! 6 abbr. ! to register v. n. firm supporting an organisation in return for advertising space ! also v. Abbr. Btrength, +eaknesses, Kpportunities, (hreats n. the whole product, inc' name, packaging, instructions, relia ility, after!sales etc n. special sym ol, design, word etc used to represent a product or firm ! " abbr.

9; point of sale 9< product 91 public relations

9? registered 9@ sponsor 9A )$'$7$#$

9C total product :3 trademar"

9 A$G$($ : A$7$B$ ; absent < agenda 1 apologies ? ballot @ casting vote A chairman C conference 93 conference call 99 consensus 9: decision 9; item abbr. *nnual 7eneral /eeting abbr. *ny Kther )usiness Dusually the last item on an agendaE adj. not here, not at the meeting, not present n. a written programme or schedule for a meeting n. item on agenda announcing people who are a sent, apologies for a sence n. a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret! secret ballot n. n. a deciding vote (usually y the chairman) when the votes are otherwise e#ual n. the person who leads or presides at a meeting, chairperson, chair n. formal meeting for discussion, esp' a regular one held y an organisation n. telephone call etween three or more people in different locations n. general agreement n. a conclusion or resolution to do something ! to decide v. n. a separate point for discussion Das listed on an agendaE

n. item on agenda for discussion of what has happened as a result of last meeting 91 minutes n. a written record of everything said at a meeting 9? pro y vote n. a vote cast y one person for or in place of another 9@ sho% of hands n. raised hands to e&press an opinion in a vote 9A unanimous adj. in complete agreement, united in opinion n. conference of people in different locations linked y 9C videoconference satellite, (I etc v. to e&press opinion in a group y voice or hand etc ! also :3 vote n. ! to cast a votev. 9< matters arising

9 A$#$($ : ban"note ; bill+) < blac" mar"et 1 bureau de change abbr. *utomated (eller /achine, cash dispenser=> n2 a piece of paper money, ill=B n$ a anknote, a piece of paper money n. illegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such as foreign currency n$ esta lishment where currencies of different countries may e e&changed n$ 9 coins or ank notes (not che#ues), : actual money paid (not credit) n2 automatic machine from which clients of a ank may withdraw money, *(/ n. person dealing with cash transactions in a ank, store etc n2 a piece of metal money n. the money in general use or circulation in any country n. money etc owed y one person to another
n$ the rate at which one currency can e e&changed for another

? cash cash dispenser+, A cashier C coin 93 currency 99 debt 9: e change rate foreign 9; e change @ 9< hard currency 91 invest 9? legal tender 9@ petty cash+, 9A soft currency 9C speculate :3 transaction

n2 the currency of other countries n. currency that will pro a ly not fall in value and is readily accepted v. to put money for profit into usiness, land etc ! investment n. n2 currency that cannot legally e refused in payment of a de t n. a cash fund for small, everyday e&penses n. currency that will pro a ly fall in value and is not readily accepted v. (risky) uying of foreign currency, land etc for rapid gain ! speculation n. n. a (usually commercial) e&change, a deal ! to transact v.

9 after!sales service n. service that continues after a product has een sold Deg2 repairs etcE n. 3 any person who uys anything 4 a person employed y a firm to uy n. a person who uys services from a lawyer, architect or other professionals v. to finalise a deal or sale, to make a sale v. to telephone a prospect without previous contact ! also n. n. a person who uys goods or services from a shop or usiness n. a usiness transaction ! also v. dealer n. n. a reduction in the price, a deduction Dusually e&pressed as a percentage (L)E v. to continue to follow persistently, to maintain contact Deg2 after a leadE n. a promise that a product will e repaired or replaced etc if faulty ! also v. in large #uantity, usually at a lower price n. useful indication of a possi le customer to e followed up n. a reason given y a prospect for not uying ! to ob*ect v. seeovercome v. D!came, !comeE to overcome an ob*!ection to show an o "ection is invalid n. something made and usually for sale ! to produce v. seeservice n. a possi le or pro a le customer, prospective customer n. sales representative person who represents J sells for a firm, salesperson v. to sell in small #uantities (as in a shop to the pu lic) also n. see wholesale n. work done usually in return for payment ! to serve v. see product v. to sell in ulk (as to a shop for resale to the pu lic) also n. See retail

: buyer ; client < close 1 cold call ? customer @ deal A discount C follo% up 93 guarantee 99 in bul" 9: lead 9; ob*ection 9< overcome 91 product 9? prospect 9@ representative 9A retail 9C service :3 %holesale

British and American 8inancial #erms

6ere are some of the main differences etween )ritish and *merican financial terminology' British *nnual 7eneral /eeting (*7/) *rticles of *ssociation authorised share capital arometer stock ase rate )onus or capitalisation issue ridging loan uilding society che#ue company creditors current account de tors gilt!edged stock (gilts) la our /emorandum of *ssociation merchant ank ordinary share overheads profit and loss account property #uoted company retail price inde& (G4.) share share premium shareholder shareholders% e#uity stock trade union unit trusts visi le trade American *nnual Btockholders /eeting )ylaws authorized capital stock ellwether stock prime rate stock dividend or stock split ridge loan savings and loan association check corporation accounts paya le checking account accounts receiva le (reasury onds la or -ertificate of .ncorporation investment ank common stock overhead income statement real estate listed company consumer price inde& (-4.) stock paid!in surplus stockholder stockholders% e#uity inventory la or union mutual funds merchandise trade

&ocabulary ! (eetings
'ord Part of speech absent adj accomplish verb address verb ad*ourn verb agenda noun AG( noun(abbr.) allocate verb A7B noun(abbr.) (eaning not present succeed in doing deal with, speak on close a meeting list of o "ectives to cover in a meeting *nnual (yearly) 7eneral /eeting assign roles0tasks to certain people *ny Kther )usiness (unspecified item on agenda) item on agenda announcing people who are a sent, apologies for a sence a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret group of elected mem ers of an organization0company who meet to make decisions E ample )entence (he vice president is absent due to unforeseen circumstances' +e have a lot to accomplish today, so let%s egin' . hope we do not have to address this matter again in the future' .f there are no further comments, we will ad*ourn the meeting here' 4lease forward the agenda to anyone who is speaking at the meeting' +e always vote for a new chairperson at the AG(' . forgot to allocate someone to ring refreshments' (he last item on the agenda is A7B'

apologies noun

Hveryone is present today, so we can skip the apologies'

ballot noun

4lease fold your ballot in half efore you place it in the o&'

board of directors noun

(he board of directors meets once a month to discuss the udget'

boardroom noun brainstorm verb

a large meeting room, (he boardroom is reserved for a often has one long ta le managers% meeting, so we%ll have to and many chairs meet in the lounge' thinking to gather ideas 8et%s take a few minutes and brainstorm some ways that we can cut costs'

casting vote noun chairperson9c hair noun clarification9v erification noun closing remar"s noun collaborate verb commence verb comment verb or noun conference noun conference call noun confidential adjective consensus noun deadline noun designate verb formality noun

deciding vote (usually y the chairman) when the votes are otherwise e#ual

(he role of treasurer was decided ased on the chairman%s casting vote' *s chair, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, /r' *llan Favis' )efore we address this matter, .%ll need some clarification as to who was involved' . "ust have a few closing remar"sand then you will all e free to go' (he oard fell apart ecause the mem ers had difficulty collaborating' +e will commence as soon as the last person signs the attendance sheet' .f you have a comment, please raise your hand rather than speak out' )efore the conference there will e a private meeting for oard mem ers only' 4lease make sure . have no interruptions while .%m on theconference call' *ny financial information shared during this meeting should e keptconfidential' .f we cannot come to a consensus y the end of the meeting we will put it to a vote' (he deadline for uying tickets to the conference is /ay :1th' .f no one volunteers to take the minutes . will e forced to designatesomeone' Hveryone knows who is going to e the ne&t vice president, so this vote

the person who leads or presides at a meeting e&planation0proof that something is true0understood last thoughts spoken in a meeting (i'e' reminders, thank yous) work together as a pair0group egin

e&press one%s opinions or thoughts

formal meeting for discussion, esp' a regular one held y an organisation

telephone meeting etween three or more people in different locations private, not to e shared general agreement

due date for completion assign

a procedure (often unnecessary) that has to

e followed due to a rule

is really "ust a formality' (he first item on the agenda relates to a grievance reported y the interns' . am delighted to welcome our guest spea"er 6olly, who is going to e offering some sales pitch tips' .t%s not a #uestion of whether or not we%re going to use this idea, it%s whether or not we know how toimplement it' .t is mandatory that all supervisors attend 5riday%s meeting' )efore we egin with today%s meeting, let%s #uickly review the minutes from last month' (he motion to e&tend store hours has een passed' .%m pleased that we were a le to cover all of the ob*ectives today within the designated time' *s . mentioned in my opening remar"s, we have to clear this room efore the end of the hour' .%m going to put a pie chart on theoverhead pro*ector so that everyone can visualize how our profits have declined' -an . have a show of hands of all of those who were participants in last year%s conferenceM (here must have een one pro y vote ecause . count twelve allots ut only eleven attendees' 5irstly, . want to thank you all for eing punctual despite this early meeting'

grievance noun

complaint person who "oins the group in order to share information or deliver a speech make something happen, follow through

guest spea"er noun

implement verb mandatory adjective minutes noun motion noun ob*ectives noun opening remar"s noun

re#uired a written record of everything said at a meeting a suggestion put to a vote goals to accomplish chairperson or leader%s first words at a meeting (i'e' welcome, introductions) machine with a special light that pro"ects a document onto a screen or wall so that all can see person who attends and "oins in on an event a vote cast y one person for or in place of another on time (not late)

overhead pro*ector noun

participant noun pro y vote noun punctual adjective

recommend verb


. recommend that you sit closer to the front if you have trou le hearing' 5rom the sho% of hands it appears that everyone is in favour of taking a short reak' +e need to come up with a strategythat will allow us to have meetings less fre#uently' (he vote was unanimous to cut work hours on 5ridays' +e need to vote for a new vice chairperson now that Nerry is retiring' 8et%s %rap up here so that we can get ack to our desks'

sho% of hands raised hands to e&press noun an opinion in a vote strategy noun unanimous adj vote verb or noun %rap up verb plan to make something work in complete agreement, united in opinion to e&press (the e&pression of) an opinion in a group y voice or hand etc finish

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