2013-10 Gbi-Guidelines Final-Operational Guidelines
2013-10 Gbi-Guidelines Final-Operational Guidelines
2013-10 Gbi-Guidelines Final-Operational Guidelines
2013) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) Block14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi110 003, India. Tel: 911124361298,24360707 Fax:911124361830 Website:http://mnre.gov.in Indian Renewable Energy DevelopmentAgencyLimited (AGovernmentofIndiaEnterprise) CorporateOffice 3rd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, BhikajiCamaPlace, NewDelhi110066.India Tel:+91112671740026717413 Fax:+911126717416 RegisteredOffice IndiaHabitatCentre,EastCourt, Core4A,1stFloor,LodhiRoad NewDelhi110003 Tel:+91112468220619 Fax:+911124682202 Website:http://www.ireda.gov.in
TheMinistryofNewandRenewableEnergy(MNRE)hasannouncedtheextension of the scheme for continuation of Generation Based Incentive (GBI) for Grid InteractiveWindPowerProjectsfortheentire12thplanperiod(20122017). TheobjectivesoftheGBIschemeare:
a. ToBroadenInvestorBase. b. To incentivize actual generation with the help of a generation /outcome basedincentive. c. TofacilitateentryoflargeIndependentPowerProducers(IPPs)andForeign DirectInvestment(FDI)totheWindPowerSector. Themainfeaturesoftheschemeare:
Under the scheme, a GBI will be provided to wind electricity producers @ Re. 0.50 per unit of electricity fed into the grid for a period not less than 4 years and a maximum period of 10 years with acapofRs.100LakhsperMW.Thetotaldisbursement in ayearwill not exceed one fourth of the maximum limit of the incentive i.e. Rs. 25.00 Lakhs per MW during first four years. The GBI scheme will be applicableforentire12thplanperiodhavingatargetof15,000MW. GBI would be available for wind turbines commissioned on or after 01.04.2012 and for entire 12th plan period and shall be governed by theguidelines.
All wind power producers wishing to avail Generation Based Incentive (GBI) are required to be registered with IREDA. The incentive is over and above the tariff that may be approved by the StateElectricityRegulatoryCommissions(SERCs)invariousstates. (iv) Post registration; a Registration Number and a Unique Identification Number (UIN) shall be allotted to each project and for each machine commissionedrespectively. 2. ELIGIBILITYFORAVAILINGGBI: 2.1 The incentive would be available for grid connected wind power projects set up for sale of electricity to grid, at a tariff notified by SERC and /or State Govt. and also for Captive Wind Power Projects including Group Captivetotheextentofsaleofelectricitytothegridgroupcaptivetothe extentofsaleofelectricitytothegridonly.. Exclusion: GBI would not be available to any wind power project selling powertothirdparty,(viz.merchantpowerplants). 3. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION FOR CLAIMING GENERATIONBASEDINCENTIVE(GBI): a. The company shall fill online application through web link available at IREDAswebsite.Thedetailsofweblinkisasgivenbelow: LogintoIREDAswebsiteatwww.ireda.gov.in Undertheheadingonmainpage,gotoSectionGovt.Schemes IntheGovt.SchemesclickthelinkonWindGBI. Under this link, the following link appears: Online application for WindGBIschemeII. Copies of Commissioning Certificates issued by Competent Authority in the respective state, original or duly certified/attested by an Officer not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent in the concerned Utility/StateNodalAgency.
DeclarationfromDirectorofthecompanyaspertheformatatAnnexure A as available on IREDAs GBI web portal along with copy of the Boards ResolutionforauthorizingtheDirectorforsigningtheDeclaration.
d. A onetime nonrefundable processing fee for registration, compilation ofdataandanalysis&processingofGBI,payabletoIREDA@Rs.75,000/ perMWalongwithservicetaxasapplicablebywayDD/RTGS. The Demand Draft is to be issued in favour of M/s Indian Renewable EnergyDevelopmentAgencyLtd.,payableatNewDelhi. In case of registration fees payment by RTGS, the RTGS payment receipt needs to be enclosed. The RTGS details are attached as AnnexureE. Notesforpoints1(iv)&3(b):
The commissioning certificate should indicate the location number for each individualturbine. All machines are required to have the Unique Identification Number (UIN) issued by IREDA for each commissioned machine to be painted horizontally on the Tower. The height at which the tendigit UIN should be painted wouldbewithin3to4metersfromthebase.Thesizeofeachlettershould beapproximately25cminheightand5cminwidth.Themachinesavailing thebenefitofGBIneedstopaintedinGreencolour.Incaseoflatticetower, the number can be painted on a suitable board arrangement to ensure visibility.
4.DOCUMENTSREQUIREDFORCLAIMOFGBI: 4.1ClaimformdulyfilledinshallbesubmittedinIREDAsformat. 4.2 The following documents shall be submitted by the company for claiming GBI. However, it may be noted that the first GBI claim shall be processed only for the period of October to March along with submission of all the necessarydocumentsasmentionedbelowfortheconcernedperiod. Period April September Documents required processingGBIclaim for To be attested / Certified by:
October March
Joint Meter Reading (JMR) oftheclaimperiod, Invoices raised against JMR oftheclaimperiod, PhotoGraphofUINpainted Complete Set of Income Tax Return along with Income Tax acknowledgement of thefinancialyear, Tax Auditor Certificate of the financial year stating depreciation has been claimed by the company @ 7.69% (Format attached as annexureB)
Director/Authorised Signatory of the Company. Original to be submitted,onlyonce while filling first claim. Tax Auditor of the company Tax Auditor of the company
Auditedbalancesheetofthe financial year along with all theAnnexures. Tax audit report of the financial year with all annexures Machine wise depreciation calculation indicating UIN no. as per Income Tax ( format attached as per AnnexureC) Machine wise depreciation calculation indicating UIN no. as per Companies Tax ( format attached as AnnexureD) 5.QUERIES:
Statutory Auditor / Director / Company secretary of the company Tax Auditor of the company Tax Auditor of the company Tax Auditor of the company
AnyqueriesinregardtoregistrationforGBIandclaimofGBI,maybesentto thefollowing: Toemail:windgbi@ireda.gov.in In case of nonreceipt of suitable reply from the above email, you may contact the following officials at IREDA in chronological order of (a then b andthenc).
a. Mr.SurendraAgrawalGBIconsultant,Tel:0112468220619, Extn.223. b. Mr. Praveen Khambra Technical Officer (Technical Services), IREDA, Tel: 0112468220619,Extn.171. c. Mr. R. K. Vimal Assistant General Manager (Technical Services), IREDA, Tel:0112468220619,Extn.212.
6. STEPSTOREGISTER: a. Fill in the complete details in the web portal at IREDAs website /: Online registrationforWindGBI. b. Send the duly certified hard copies of commissioning certificates, demand draft or RTGS payment receipt, Declaration as per Annexure A, at the followingRegisteredOfficeaddressofIREDA: IndiaHabitatCentre,EastCourt, Core4A,1stFloor,LodhiRoad NewDelhi110003 Tel:+91112468220619 Fax:+911124682202 c. On receipt of hard copies of the above documents followed by registration, a letter regarding project registration number and Unique Identification Number for each commissioned machine shall beforwardedtotheapplicant.
AnnexureA (To be submitted on Rs. 100/ non judicial stamp paper, signed the DirectoroftheCompany) DECLARATION We, Name of the Company Regd. Office Address of the company hereby agreeandundertaketoabidebythefollowing: 1. We have read carefully and understood the scheme Extension of the scheme for continuation of Generation Based Incentive for Grid Connected Wind Power Projects issued by MNRE vide notification No. 53/10/2011 WE dt. 04.09.2013 and Operational Guidelines in this regard issued by IREDA dt. .and agree to the terms and conditions of the said guidelines and procedures announced by MNRE/Program Administrator or any other agencyauthorizedbythem. 2. We declare that all details/information/documents for registration of the said wind power project under GBI wind scheme given on behalf of << Name of Project Company>> District :<< District>> State<<State>> for a capacity of<<MW>>MW, consisting of <<N>> WTGS of <<KW>>KW each; is true,completeandaccuratetothebestofourknowledge. 3. We confirm that depreciation shall be availed for wind turbines @ SLM whichisatpresent7.69%foreachandeverywindmillregisteredunderGBI withIREDAwhichfallunderthisprojectthroughoutGBItenure. 4. We understand that MNRE/Program Administrator or their authorized representatives shall have a right to visit and inspect project site and or /seek information related to project data as may be required from time to time. During the inspection if any major deficiencies /deviations are observed and / or violations of the guidelines are noticed that cannot be rectified in specified time, suitable action may be initiated as deemed appropriate.
5. Wedeclarethatwehavenotbeendebarredfromreceivinganygrantfrom theMNRE/IREDA/Sategovt.
6. Further,weagreeonthefollowing:
a) The MNRE has a right to modify the guidelines from time to time and the prevalent terms and conditions of the guidelines shall be binding on all parties.
b) To abide by the applicable laws and other regulatory requirements announced by CERC, name of the state ERC, concerned distribution licensee,Centralandstategovernmentfromtimetotime. c) To submit original copies of Joint Meter reading and the Invoices raised of any claim period starting from April 2012 onwards, if required by IREDA for certifyingauthenticityofthesedocuments.
d) The company shall not change the mode of sale of power (PPA) once finalized before registration of project viz the company will not change its mode of sale of power from sale to SEB to REC or to Captive or Group Captive or any other mode except for sale of power to SEB either partially orinfullwithoutpriorintimationtoIREDA.
e) To periodically submit the required performance data related to the GBI projecttoIREDA.
g) UIN issued by IREDA shall be painted on the tower and shall not be tampered with. confirm that UIN issued by IREDA shall be painted on the towerandshallnotbetamperedwith.
h) In case of any changes in the information provided, we shall inform the same to IREDA/MNRE within one month of the occurrence of such a change/s.
i) As far as we understand mere registration of the project for GBI does not entitleustoreceivetheGBI. j) To abide by the additional condition(s) imposed by the Program me Administratorduringregistration/claimreleasewithrespecttowindGBI. k) In case, at any point of time, the information furnished by me for and on behalf of << Name of Project Company>> is found to be incorrect, the entireGBIamountreceived includingany penalinterestsasapplicableshall beliabletoberecoveredbyIREDA/MNRE. 7. I, Sh. ..Director of the company is hereby authorized to sign and submit theapplicationformandcompleteotherrelatedformalitiesassociatedwith thewindGBIscheme. 8. We also agree that any dispute relating to this subject to exclusive jurisdictionofcourtsatNewDelhionly. Signature:___________________ NameoftheDirector: NameoftheOrganization: