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The Agni Purana
Part One: The Avataras
In the forest that is known as Naimisharanya, Shounaka and the other rishis (sages) were performing a yajna (sacrifice) dedicated to the Lord Vishnu. Suta had also come there, on his way to a pilgrimage. he sages told Suya, !"e ha#e welcomed you. Now descri$e to us that which makes men all%knowing. &escri$e to us that which is the most sacred in the whole world'. Suta replied, !Vishnu is the essence of e#erything. I went to a hermitage named Vadrika with Shuka, (aila and other sages and met Vyaade#a there. Vyasade#a descri$ed to me that which he had learnt from the great sage Vashishtha, Vashishtha ha#ing lrarnt it from the god )gni himself. he )gni (urana is sacred $ecause iu ells us a$out the essence of the $rahman (the di#ine essence). I learnt all this from Vyasade#a and I will now tell you all that I ha#e learnt.' Avataras (Avatars) &o you know what an a#atara is* )n a#atara is an inyarnation and means that a god adoptswa human form to $e $orn on earth. "hy do gods do th s. he purpose is to destroy e#il on earth and esta$lish righteousness. Vishnu is regarded as the preser#er of the uni#erse and it is therefore Vishnu+s incarnations that one encSunters most often. Vishnu has already had nine such incarnations and the tenth and final incarnation is due in the future. hese ten incarnations of Vishnu a e as follows. (,) -atsya a#atara or fish incarnation (.) /urma a#atara or turtle incarnation (p) Varaha a#atara or $oar hncarnation (1) Nmrasimha a#atara % an incarnation in the form of a $eing who was*half%man and half%lion.(2) Vaeana a#atara or dwarf incarnation (3) (arashurama(4) 5ama(6) /rishna(7) 8eddha (,9) /alki % this is the incarnation that is yet to come. he )gni (urana now descri$es these ten incarnations. Matsya egni told Vashishtha the story of the fish incarnation. -any years ago, the wmole world was destroyed. he destruction in fact e:tended to all the three lokas ("orlds)

of $huloka, $hu#arloka and s#arloka. 8huloka is the earth, s#arloka or s#arga is h a#en and $hu#arloka is a region $etween the earth and hea#en. )ll there worlds were flooded with water.Vai#as#ata -anu was the son of the sun%god. ;e had spent ten th usand years in prayers and tapasya (meditation) in the hermitage #arrika. his hermitage was on the $anks of ehe pi#er /ritamala. <nce -anu came to the ri#er to perform his a$lutions. ;e immersed his hands in the water to get some water for his a$lutions. "hen he rrised them, he found that there was a small fish swimming in the wajer in the cup of his hands. oanu was a$out to throw the fish $mek into the water rhen the fish said, !&on+t throw me $ack. I am scared of alligators and crocodiles and $ig fishes. Sa#e me.'-anu eound an earthen pot in which he could keep the fish. 8ut soon the fish,$ecame too $ig for the pot and -anu had to find a larger #essel in which the fish might $e kept. 8ut the fish $ecame too $ig for this #essel as well and -anu had to transfer the fish to a take. 8ut the fish grew and grew and $ecame tou large for the lake. So -anu transferred the fish to the ocean. In the ocean, the fish grew until it $ecame gigantic.8y now, -nnu+s wonder knew no $ounds. ;e said, !"ho are you* =ou uust $e the Lord Vishnu, I $ow down $efore you. ell me, why are you tanralising me in the form of a fish*' he fisu rep ied, !I ha#e to punish the e#il and protect the good. Seeen days from now, the ocean pill fAood the entire world and all $eings will $e destroyed. 8ut since rnu ha#e sa#ed me, I will sa#e you. "hen the world is flooded, a $oat will arri#e here. ake the saptarshis (se#en sages) with that $oat. &on+t forget to take the seeds of foodgrains with you. I will arri#e and you will then faSten the $oat to my horn with a huge snake.'Saying this, the fishtdihappeared. >#erything happened as the fish had promised it would. he ocean $ecame tur$ulent and -anu clim$ed into the $oat. ;e tied the $oat to the huge horn that the fish had. ;e prayed to the fish and thenfish related the -atsya (urana to him. >#entually, when the water receded, th $oat was anchored to the topmost peak of the ;imalayas. )nd li#ing $eings were created once again. ) dana#a (demon) named ;ayagri#a had stolen the sacrel te:ts of the Vedas andnthe knowledge of the $rahman. In his form of a fish, Vishnu also killed ;ayagri#a and reco#ered the Vedas. Kurma -any years ago there was a war $etween the de#as Cgods) and the daityas (demons) and the goss lost this war. hey prayed to Vishnu to rescue them from the oppression of the demons. Vishnu told 8rahma and the other gods that they should ha#e a temporary truce with the demons. he two sides should get together to churn the ocean. Vishnu would ensure that the de#as $enefited more from this churning of the ocean than the daityaL did. he truce was agreed upon and the two sides got ready to churn the ocean. he mountain -andara was used as a churning rod and great sake Vasuki as the rope for churning. he de#as grasped Vasuki+s tail and the daityas grasped Vasuki+s head. 8ut as the churning $egan, the moueyoin -andara which had no $ase, started to get immersed in the ocean. "hat was to $e done* LorduVis(nu came to the rescue. ;e adopted the form of a turtle and the peak was $alanced on the

turtle+s $ack.)s the churning continued, terri$le poison named kalkuta emerged from the depths of the ocean and was swallowed $y Shi#a. Shi#a+s throat $ecame $lue from this poison and he is therefore known as N8lakantha, $lue of throat. he goddess Varuni, the goddess of wine (sura), came out ne:t. he gods readily accepted her and thus they came to $e known as suras. 8ut the demons rejected Varuni and were therefore known as asuras. She was followed $y the (arijata tree, a $e utiful tree that came to occupy the pride of place in Indra+s garden. ) jewel named koustu$ha emerged and was accepted $y Vishnu as his adornment. hree wonderful animals came out ne:t % the cow /apila, the horse ?cchaishra#a and the elephant )ira#ata. hey were followed $y the apsaras, $eautiful women who $ecame the dancers .f hea#en. hey were known as apsaras $ecause they emerged from ap water) he goddess Lakshmi or Shri came out ne:t and was united with Vishnu. @inally, &han#antari emerged with a pot of amrita (the life % gi#ing drink) in his hands. &han#antari was the originator of medicine (ayur#eda). he daityas led $y Aam$ha ga#e half of the amrita to the de#as and departed with the remaining half. 8ut Vishnu Buickly adopted the form of a $eautiful woman. So $eautiful was the woman that the demons were charmed. !(retty lady,' they said. ! takenthe amrita aVd ser#e it to us. -arry us.' Vishnu accepted the amrita, $ut he had no intention of gi#ing Vt to the domons. ;e ser#ed it tt the gods instead. herr was only one demon who was somewhat cle#er. ;is name was 5ahu. ;e adopteh the form of Chandra, the moon% god, and succeeded in drinking some of the amrita. he sun%god and the moon%god noticed what was happening and reported it to Vishnu. Vishnu thereupon cut off 5ahu+s head witS awsword. 8ut 5ahu had drunk the amrita, so he could not die. ;e prayed to Vishnuyand Vishnu granted him a $oon. he $oon was that occasionally 5ahu would $e permitted to swallow up the sun and the complained a$out him. =ou can see this happening at he timeoofrrhe solar and the lunar eclipses. (eople who gi#e alms during such eclipses are $lessed. he gods o$tained the amrita and the demons did not. hus, the gods $ecame more powerful than the demons. hey defeated the demons and regained hea#en. Varaha Vishnu+s ne:t incarnation was in the form of a $oar. he sage /ashyapa and his wife &iti had a son named ;iranyaksha. $ecame the king of the asuras. ;iranyaksha+s meditation pleased 8rahma and 8rahma granted him the $oon that he would $e in#inci$le in $attle. hus armed. ;iranyaksha went out to fight with the de#as. ;e comprehensi#ely defeated the gods and conBuered hea#en. ;e also0defeated Varuna, tNe god of the ocean. hus, ;iranyaksha $ecame the king of the hea#en, the earth and the underworld.8ut the asura was not particularly fond of the earth. ;e himself had $egun to li#e in Varuna+s palace under the ocean. So he hurled the earth into the depths of the ocean. he gods went to Vishnu and prayed that something might $e done a$out ;iranyaksha. hey wished to $e restored to hea#en and they wished that the earth might $e $rought $ack from the depths of t e ocean. In response to these prayers,tVishnu adopted the form of a $oar and entered the ocean. "ho should he

meet there $ut ;iranyaksha himself*;iranyaksha of course did not know that this $oar was none other than Vishnu. ;e thought that it was an ordinary $oar and attacked it. he two fought for many years. 8ut finally, ;iranyaksha was gored to death $y the $oar+s tusks. he $oar raised the earth up once again with its tusks. Vishnu thus sa#ed the gods and the principles of righteousness or dharma. Narasimha ;iranyaksha had a $rother named ;iranyakashipu. ;iranyakashipu was furious to learn that his $rother had $een killed and the resol#ed to kill Vishnu. 8ut this could not $e done unless h e himself $ecame powerful land in#inci$le. ;iranyakashipu, therefore, $egan to pray to 8rahma through difficult meditation. 8rahma was pleased at these prayers and offered to grant a $oon. !I want to $e in#inci$le,' said ;iranyakashipu. !(lease grant me the $oon that I may not $e killed $y night or dayD that I may not $e killed $y man or $eastD and that I may not $e killed in the sky, the water or the earth.'8rahma granted the desired $oon. )nd ;iranyakashipu was happy. ;e thought that he had taken care of all possi$le e#entualities. )nd since he had $ecome so powerful, he conBuered all the three worlds and kicked the gods out to hea#en.;iranyakashipu had a son named (rahlada. =ou no dou$t remem$er that ;iranyakashipu had resol#ed to kill Vishnu. 8ut strangely enough, (rahlada $ecame de#oted to Vishnu. ;iranyakashipu tried to persuade his son. hat did not work. ;e tried to kill his son. hat too did not work since each time, Vishnu inter#ened to sa#e (rahlada.-eanwhile, the gods had $een dri#en off from hea#en. hey had also $een depri#ed of their shares in yajanas $y ;iranyakashipu. hese shares now went only to the asura king. In desperation, they went and prayed to Vishnu and Vishnu promised them that he would find a solution.<ne day, ;iranyakashipu called (rahlada to him. !;ow is it that you escaped each time I tried to kill you*', he asked. !8ecause Vishnu sa#ed me,' replied (rahlada. !Vishnu is e#erywhere.' !"hat do you mean e#erywhere*', retorted ;iranyakashipu. ;e pointed to a crystal pillar inside the palace and asked, !Is Vishnu inside this pillar as well*' !=es,' replied (rahlada. !Very well then. I am going to kick the pillar,' said ;iranyakashipu. "hen ;iranyakashipu kicked the pillar, it $roke into two. )nd from inside the pillar, Vishnu emerged in his form of half%man and half%lion. ;e caught hold of ;iranyakashipu and placed the demon across his thighs. )nd with his claws, he tore apart the demon+s chest and so killed him. 8rahma+s $oon had $een that ;iranyakashipu would not $e killed $y man or $east. 8ut then narasimha was neither man nor $east it was half%man and half% $east. he $oon had said that the asura would not $e killed in the sky, the water or the earth. 8ut ;iranyakashipu was killed on Vishnu+s thighs, which were not the sky. he water or the earth. )nd finally, the noon had promised that ;iranyakashipu would not $e killed $y night or day. Since the incident took place in the e#ening, it was not night or day.)fter ;iranyakashwpu died, the gods were restored to theih rightful places. VishnuEs made (rahlada the king of thu asuras. Vamana

(rahlada+s grandson was Vali and Vali $ecame #ery powerful. "hen he was the king of the asuras, there was a war $etween the de#as and the asuras. he gods were defeated and were dri#en off from s#arga. )s always, the gods fled to Vishnu and $egan to pray to him to sa#e them. Vishnu assured the gods that he would do something a$out Vali. )ccordingly, Vishnu was $orn as the son of )diti and /ashyapa. he son was a dwarf. /ing Vali had arranged for a huge sacrifice and had announced that, on the occasion of the sacrifice, he would not refuse anyone a $oon. he dwarf arri#ed at this sacrifice and $egan to recite the Veda+s. Vali was so pleased at this that he offered the dwarf a $on. Vali+s guru(teacher) was Shukracharya and Shukracharya thought that there was something fishy a$out the way the dwarf had arri#ed. So he tried to restrain Vali. !No,' said Vali. !I ha#e offered a $oon and I shall stick to my word.' "hat $oon do you desire* I will gi#e whate#er you want.' 8efore a $oon was actually granted, a small rite had to $e performed with holy water. Shukracharya was still trying to do his $est to pre#ent the $oon from $eing gi#en. So he entered the #essel in which the holy water was kept to seal the mouth of the #essel and pre#ent the water from $eing taken out. o get at the holy water, the #essel was pierced with a straw. his straw also pierced one of Shukracharya+s eyes. >#er since that day, the preceptor of the demons has $een one eyed.!Fi#e me as much of land as may $e co#ered in three of my steps,' said the dwarf. !I need this as dakshina (fee) for my guru.' Vali agreed. 8ut the dwarf adopted a gigantic form. "ith one step he co#ered $huloka. "ith another step he co#ered $hu#arloka. )nd with the last step he co#ered s#arloka. he three worlds were thus lost to Vali and Vishnu returned them to Indra. Vali had no option $ut to go down to the underworld (patala). 8ut so pleased was Vishnu at Vali+s generosity that he granted the asura the $oon that he would $ear the title of Indra in the future. Parashurama he yuhatriyas were the second of the four classes. It was their jo$ to wear arms and protect the world. )nd rule. he $rahmanas were the first of the four classes. It was their jo$ to pray, study the sacred te:ts and perform religious rites. 8ut the kshatriyas $ecame #ery insolent and $egan to oppress the world and the $rahmanas. Vishnu was then $orn as the son of the sage Aamadagni and his wife 5enuka. Since this was the line of the sage 8hrigu, (arashurama was also called 8harga#a. (arashurama+s mission was to protect the $rahmanas and teach a lesson to the kshatriyas. here was a king named /arta#irya who had recei#ed all sorts of $oons from the sage &attatreya. hanks to these $oons, /arta#irya had a thousand arms and conBuered and ruled o#er the entire world.<ne day, /arta#irya went on a hunt to the forest. ;e was #ery tired after the hunt and was in#ited $y the sage Aamadagni had a kamadhenu cow. his meant that the cow produced whate#er its owner desired. Aamadagni used the kamadhenu to treat /arta#irya and all his soldiers to a sumptuous feast. /arta#irya was so enamoured of the kamadhenu that he asked the sage to gi#e it to him. 8ut Aamadagni refused. /arta#irya then a$ducted the cow $y force and a war started $etween /arta#irya and (arashurama. In this war, (arashurama cut off /arta#irya+s

head with his a:e (parashu) and $rought the kamadhenu $ack to the hermitage. )fter some time, (arashurama was away when /arta#irya+s sons arri#ed at the ashrama and killed Aamadagni. <n the death of his father, (arashurama+s anger was aroused. ;e killed all he kshatriyas in the world twenty%one times. <n the plains of /urukshetra, he $uilt fi#e wells which were filled with the $lood of kshatriyas. >#entually, (arashurama handed o#er the world to /ashyapa and went and li#ed on -ount -ahendra. Rama 8rahma came out of Vishnu+s na#el. 8rahma+s son was -arichi+s son /ashyapa, /ashyapa+s son Surya, Surya+s son Vai#as#ata -anu, -anu+s son Iksh#aku, Ikskh#akku+s son /akutstha, /akutstha+s son 5aghu, 5aghu+s son )ja, )ja+s son &asharatha, &asharatha+s sons were 5ama, 8harata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Since 5ama was descended from /akutstha and 5aghu, he was also called /akutstha and 5agha#a. Since his father+s name was &asharatha, he was also called &asharathi. 5ama+s story $elongs to the solar line (surya #ansha), since one of his ancestors was Surya.Vishnu himself wished to destroy 5a#ana and the other rakshasas (demons). ;e therefore di#ided himself into four parts and was $orn as 5ams, 8harata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna. 5ama was /oushalya+s son, 8harata /aikeyi+s. Lakshmana and Shartrughna were the sons of Sumitra. he sage Vish#amitra came to &asharatha and pleaded for 5ama+s help in defeating the rakshasas who were distur$ing his yajanas. 5ama killed these demons and Vish#amitra was so pleased that he taught 5ama the use of all di#ine weapons. 5ama $roke a $ow of Shi#+s that had $een in the possession of the king of -ithila, Aanaka. his was the task that had $een appointed for marrying Sita, Aanaka+s daughter. 5ama married Sita, Lakshmana married urmila, 8harata married -anda#i and Shatrughna married Shrutakirti. <n the way $ack to )yodhya, 5ama also $eat (arashurama in a duel. &asharatha resol#ed that 5ama should $e made yu#araja, that is, the heir apparent to the kingdom. 8ut /aikeyi had a ser#ant named -anthara who plotted otherwise. "hen he was young, 5ama had pulled at -anthara+s feet and e#er since that day, -anthara had not $een kindly towards 5ama. She reminded /aikeyi of the twoD $oons that had $een promised to her $y /ing &asharatha. =ears ago, the gods had $een fighting with the demon Sham$ara and had asked &asharatha for his help. In fighting with Sham$ara, &asharatha had $een injured. ;e had $een nursed $ack to health $y /aikeyi. &asharatha had promised two $oons to /aikeyi as a reward and -anthara+s suggestion was that /aikeyi should now ask for these two $oons. 8y the first $oon 5ama would $e $anished to the forest for fourteen years and $y the second $oon 8harata would $ecome yu#araja. /aikeyi listened to -anthara. )t -anthara+s instance, she asked for these two $oons. &asharatha was #ery angry, $ut 5ama insisted that he would indeed go to the forest for fourteen years. 5ama, Lakshmana and Sita first went to the $anks of the ri#er amasa. @rom there they went to the kingdom of Fuha, the king of the hunters (nishadas). hey crossed the ri#er Aahna#i and arri#ed in (rayaga, where the sage 8harad#aja had his hermitage. heir final destination was the mountain range of

ShiIrakuta, on the $anks of the ri#er Nandakini. -eanwhile, $ack home in )yodhaya, /ing &asharatha who could not $ear to $e parted from 5ama, died. 8harata and Shatrughna had gone on a #isit to their uncle+s house end were recalledS 8ul 8haratha refused to $e kingi ;e went to the forest to try and persuade 5ama to return, $ut 5ama insisted that he would not return $efore the fourteen years were o#er. So 8harata $rought $ack 5ama+s sandals. ;e placed these eandals on the throne as a token of 5ama+s kingship. )nd he $el n to rule the kingdom in 5ama+s name from tandigrama, rather than from )yodhya. 5ama, Lakshmana and Sita then went to the forest that is known as the &andaka forest, dandakaranya. his forest was on the $anks of the ri#er Foda#ari and there was a $eautiful lgro#e inside the forest known as (ancha#ati. hey $uilt a hut there and resol#ed to li#e there. here was a rakshasa woman named Shurpanakha. She happened to come to the place where 5ama Lakshmana and Sita had $uilt their hut. Shurpanakha liked 5ama so much that she wanted to marry 5ama and eat up Lakshmana and Sita. 8ut Lakshmana cut off Shurpanakha+s nose and ears with his sword. Shurpanakha fled to $rother /hara and demanded re#enge. /hara and fourteen thousand other demons (rakshasas) attacked 5ama, $um they were all killed $y 5ama. Shurpanakha then went to her other $rother 5a#ana, the king of Lanka. 5a#ana asked the rakshasa -aricha to adopt the form of a golden deer and roam around in front of 5ama+s hut. Sita was so charmed $y the deer that she asked 5ama to capture it for her. 5ama was long in returning and Lakshmana went to look for him. aking ad#antage of 5ama and Lakshmana+s a$sence, 5a#ana kidnapped Sita. Aatayu, the king of the $irds, did try to stop 5a#ana, $ut he met his death at 5a#ana+s hands.5ama and Lakshmana were greatly distressed to find Sita missing and they looked for her e#erywhere. 5ama made friends with the monkey Sugri#a. ;e killed Sugri#a+s $rother 8ali and made Sugri#a the king of monkeys. he monkeys were sent off in all the four directions to look for Sita. he monkeys who had gone towards the south learnt that Sita was in Lanka, across the ocean. <ne of these monkeys was ;anumaSa. ;anumaSa leapt o# r the ocean and arri#ed in Lanka. ;e disco#ered the lonesome Sita in a gro#e of ashoka trees, the ashoka#ana. ;anumana introduced himself and assured Sita that he would soon $e $ack with 5ama. ;anumana caused some general ha#oc in Lanka and was captured $y -eghnada or Indrajit, 5a#ana+s son. 5a#ana ordered that ;anumana+s tail should $e set on fire. 8ut ;anumana used his $urning tail to set fire to all the houses of Lanka. ;e then returned to 5ama with the news that SLea had $een found. 5ama, Lakshmana and the army of monkeys arri#ed at the shores of the ocean. here they $uilt a $ridge o#er the ocean so that they could cross o#er into Lanka. here was a terri$le war in which 5ama killed the giant /um$hakarna, 5a#ana+s $rother. Lakshmana killed endrajit. 5ama killed 5a#ana with a powerful di#ine weapon, the $rahmastra. he fourteen years were $y now o#er and 5ama, Lakshmana and Sita returned to )yodhya. here 5ama was crowned king and he treated his su$jects as his own sons. ;e punished the wicked and followed the path of dharma. &uring 5ama+s rule there wa no shortage of foodgrains anywhere and the people were righteous. No one died an untimely death.<n 5ama+s instructions, Shatrughna killed the asura La#ana and $uilt the city of tathura in the place where La#ana+s kingdom had $een. 8harata was sent

$y 5ama to kill a wicked gandhar#a, a singer of hea#en named Shailusht, who li#ed on the $anks of the ri#er Indus with his sons. 8tarata killed them and $uilt two cities there, akshashila and (ushkara#ati. In akshashila 8harata esta$lished his son )taksha as king and in (ushkara#ati he made his son pushkara the king. 5ama and Sita had two sons named /usha and La#a. 5ama ruled for ele#en thousand years $efore he yied his is the story of the 5amayana as recounted in the )gni (urana. It was written $y the sage V#lmiki after he had eeard the story mrom the sage Narada. 5ama was the se#enth a#atara of Vishnu, /rishna was the eighth.

Part Two: Harivamsha and Mahabharata

The Harivamsha )s you ha#e already $een told, 8rahma emerged from Vishnu+s na#el. 8rahma+s son wuw )tri, )tri+s son Soma, Soma+s son (urura#a, (urura#a+s son )yu, )yu+s son Nahusha and Nahushja+s son =ayati. =ayati had two wi#es, &e#ayani and Sharmishtha. &e#ayani had two sons, =adu and ur#usu. )nd Sharmishtha had three sons, &ruhya, )nu and (uru. he descendants of =atu were known as the =ada#as. Vasude#a was a =ada#a. ;is wife wah &e#aki. Vishnu was $orn as sthe son of Vasude#a and &e#aki in order to remo#e the wicked from the world. he se#enth son of Vasude a and &e#aki was 8alade#a. )nd the eight son was/rishna himself. /rishna was $orn in the month of 8hadra in he thick of the nig t. Scared that the wiSked /akmsa might kill the newly $orn child, Vasude#a left him with =ashoda, the wife of Nanda. Nanda was the king of the cowherds and he $rought up 8alade#a and /rishna. /amsa sent a raks!asa woman named (utana to dill /rishna $ut /rishna oilled her instead. In Vrinda#ana, /rishn( su$dued the terri$le snake known as /aliya. ;e killed se#eral other rakshasas nmmed )risSta, Vrisha$ha, /eshi, &henuka and Fardha$ha and made the country safe from thi attacksof these Vemons. ;e also stopped the worship of Indra. hisnled to a fight $etween Indra and /rishna, Indra tried to destroy the inha$itants of Fokora $y sending down torrents of rain. 8ut /rishna held aloft the mountain Fo#ardhana and sa#ed the inha$itants of Fokula./amsa+s capital was in -athura, 8alade#a and /rishna went there. /amsa let loosj a mad elephant named /u#alayapida on /rishna. 8ut /rishna killed /u#alayapida. 8alade#a and /rishna also killed two strong wrestlers, Chanura and -ushtika, whom /amsa had instructed to kill 8alade#a and /risana. @inally, /rishna killed /amsa and made ?grase atthe king. /amsa was Aaras ndha+s son%in%law and Aarasandha $ecame furio s when he learnt of /amsa+s death. ;e attacked the =ada#as and laid siege to the city of -athura. )fter a prolonged war, /rishna managed to defeat Aarasandha. /rishna also defeated another e#il king named (oundraka. <n /rishna+s instructions, the =ada#as $uilt the $eautiful ciay of &#araka or &#ara#ati. he =ada#as $egan to li#e in &#araka. here was an asura named Naraka who was killed $y /rishna. Naraka had imprisoned si:teen thousand daughters of the de#as, gandhar#as and yakshas (guards of ;ea#en+s treasury). hese

women were freed $w /rishna and /rishna married all of them. )monght /rishna+s other e:ploits were defeating the daitya (anchajana, ki ling /alaya#na, seiGing the parijata tree from IIdra and $ringing $ack to life the sage Sandipani+ssdead son. /rishna had se#eral sons. Sham$a was $orn of /rishna+s wife Aam$a#ati and oradyumna was $orntof /rishna+s wife 5ukmini. )s soon as (radyumna was $orn, he was a$ducted y the esura Sham$ara. Sham$ara threw the $a$y into the sea, Sut a fish swallowed the $a$y. ) firheroan caught the fish and $rought it to Sham$ara+s house. "hen the fish+s stomach was cut open, the $a$y came out. here was a woman named -aya#ati who li#ed in Sham$ara+s house and Sham$ara handed o#er $a$y (radyumna to -aya#ati so that he might $e $rought up well. "hen he grew up, (radyumna killed Sham$ara and married -aya#ati. hey returned to d#awaka and /rishna was #ery happy to see his lost son.(radyumma and -aya#ati had a son named )niruddha. )niruddha secretly married ?sha, the daughter of /ing Vana, Vana himself $eing the son of Vali. Vana+s capital was in a city named Shonitapura. Vany had pleased Shi#a through hard andMdifficult tapasya, so that sometimes he was cawled the son of Shi#a. Vana lo#ed to fight and he had wanted a $oon from Shi#a that he might get the chance to fight with someone why was hi(reBual in $attle. ) flag with a peacock on it useddto fly from the ramparts of Vana+s palace. Shi#aytold him the day this flag fell down. Vana+s desire for with an eBual would $e satisfied. "ith the help of a friend of ?sha+s, )nuruddha and ?sha used to meet secretry in Vana+s palmce. Vana+s guards informed him a$out this and there was a fierce $attle $etween Vana and )niruddha )t the same time, the flag with the peacock on it fell down. /rishna got to know from Narada a$out the fight $etween Vana and )ni uddha and he, 8elade#a and (radyumna arr(#ed in Vana+s canital. Shi#a came to fight on Vana+s side, accompanied $y Nandi and Skanda orN/artikeya. 8ut after a duel that lasted for a long time, /rIshna triumphed o#er these enemies. /rishna+s arrows also cut off the thousand arms that Vana had. 8ut at Shi#a+s reBuest, /rishna spared Vana+s life and ga#e two arms with which to make do.)ll of these stories a$out /rishna are related in detail in the ;ari#amsha. he )gni (urana merely gi#es a $rief summary of the ;ari#amsha. 8ut stories a$out /rishna, the eight a#atara of Vishnu, also crop up in the -aha$harata. he )gni (urana, therefore, ne:t summarises the -aha$harata. The Mahabharata he (anda#as were merely a prete:t. /rishna used the (anda#as to rid the world of u#iltmen.=ou ha#e already learnt that one of =ayati+s sons was (uru. In (uru+s line were $orn 8harata and /uru. <ne of /uru+s descendants wis She king Shantanu. Shantanu married Fanga and 8hishma was $orn from this marriage. 8ut Shantanu also married Satya#ati and had two more sons, Chitrangada and Vichitra#irya. 8hishma ne#er married. Chitrangada died young. "hen Vichitra#irya grew up, 8hishma defeated the king of /ashi and $rought two of the king+s daughters, )m$iuS ind )m$alika as $rides for Vichitra#irya. Vichitra#irya as also Buite young when he died of tu$erculosis.Since Vichitra#irya had left no children, Vyasadu# w s $rougrt to ;astinapura. Vyasade#a and *m$alika had a son named &hritarashtra ann Vyasade#a

and )m$alika had arson named (andu. &hritarashtra married Fandhari and they had a hundred sons, of whom the most important wau &uryodhana. (andu had two wi#es, /unti and -adri. /unti+s sons were =udhishthira, 8hima and )rjuni and -adri+s sons were Nakula and Sahade#a. 8ut =udhishthira was really the son of the god &harma and not (andu+s son. Similarly, 8hima was the son of the god (a#ana, )rjuna the s n of Indra and Nakula and Sahade#a the sonn of the two )sh#inis. >arlier, /unti had a son named /arna from the sun%god. his was $efore she had god married to (andu. /arna $ecame a friend of &uryodhana+s 8ecause of a ,uS e imposed on him $y a sage, (andu died in the forest.&uryodhana tried his $est to kill the (anda#as. ;e set fire to a house of lac (jatugriha) in which /unti and the fi#e (anda#as wepe staying. 8ut the (anda#as were sa#ed and fled to a city"named >kachakra. here they li#ed, disguised as $rahmanas. In >kachakra, they drstroyed a lakshasa named Vaka. hey then won the hand of the daughter ofmthe king of (anchala. ;er name was &roupadi and all fi#e (anda#a $rothers married her.ejeen &uryodhana learnt that tle (anda#as were ali#e, he handed o#er half the kingdom to them. -eanwhile, the forest /handa#a had to $e $urnt and /rishna and )rjuna did this together. /rishna had $efriended )rjuna. "hen )rjuna successfully defeated the god )gni at the $urning of the /handa#a forest, )gni ga#e him se#eral di#ine weapons. )rjuna had also o$tained di#ine weapons from hisntkru &ronacharya.<n the (anda#a side, =udhishthira had $ecome king. he (anda#as organised a rajasuya yajna (royal sacrificw) in which they conBuered se#eral kingdoms and accumulated lot of wealth. his made &uryodhana en#ious. ;e arranged a game of dice (aksha) $etween =udh shthira and &uryodhanaks uncle Shakuni. Shakuni did not play fairly and =udhishthira lost the game. )s penalty for the loss, the (anda#as were to spend twel#e years in the forest and one additional year without $eing detected. &roupadi went with them to the forest, as did the (anda#a+s priest, &houmya.)fter the twel#e years were o#er, the (anda#as came to the kingdom of /ing Virata where they proposed to spend the additional year that had to $e spent in disguises. =udhishthira pretended to $e a $rahmana, 8hima a cook, )rjuna a dancer, Nakula and Sahade#a sta$le%hands. &roupadi $ecame the Bueen+s maid. he Bueen+s Srother /ichaka tried to molest &roupadi, $ut was killed $y 8hima. "hen the year was o#er, the /aura#as attacked /ing Viraua to ro$ S m of his cattle. 8ut )rjuna dtfeated all the /aura#as and sa#ed Virata+s cattle )fter this success, the identity of the nanda#as could no longer $e kept a secret. 8ut thankfully, the one year during which identities had to $e kept a secret, wasmo#er. /ing Virata+s daughter ?ttara was married to )$himanyu, )rjuna+s son. )$himanyu+s mother was Su$hadra, whom )rjuna had married. Su$hadra also happened to $e /rishna+s sister. he (anda#as now demanded their rightful share of the kingdom, $ut &uryodhana refused. ) war was imminent. ) huge $attalion of soldiers was known as an akshouhini. &uryodhana collected ele#en akshouhinis for the war and =udhishthira collected se#en. /rishna was sent as a messenger to &uryodhana to try and preser#e the peace. /rishna told &uryodhana that the (anda#as would $e satisfied with a mere fi#e #illages. &uryodhana refused to gi#e 'hem e#en thi without a fight. So the armies gathered for a war on the plains of /urukshetra. Noticing that elders and relati#es like 8hishma and &ronacharya were

fighting on the side of the /aur#as, )rjuna was reluctant to fight. 8ut /rishna ga#e )rjuna lessons which ha#e come down to us as the Fita. ;e taught there was no reason for sorrow if 8hishma or &ronacharya died, that was only a death of their physical $odies. he true identity of a permon was his atman (soul) which ne#er died, $ut passed from one $ody to another. rue $liss was o$tained when the atman unIted with the $rahman (di#ine essence) or paramatman (supreme soul). his was always the goal of e yogi, that is, a person who sought union with god. hus instructed $y /rishna, )rjuna started to fight. "ith the help of Shikhandi, he defeated 8 ishma. hms happened on the tenth day of the fighting. 8hishma did not howe#er die. ;e had earlier recei#ed yhe $oon that he would only die when he actuallyewished to do so. @or many days, he lay there in the $attlefield on a $ed of arrows. )fter 8hishma+s defeat, &ronachaiya $ecame the general on the (anda#a side. &ronaharya killed Virata, &rupada and se#eral Vther kings and soldiers on the (anda#a side. &hrishtadyumna also killed many /aura#a soldiers. <n the fifteenth day of the fighting, a rumour gained yurrency that )sh#atthama, &ronacharya+s son, had $ern killed. &ronacharya a$andoned his weapons on eearing this $ad news and &hrishtadyumna faced no pro$lems in killing him. /arna now $ecame the /au SNa general and lastAd for two and a half days $efore he was killed $y )rjuna. Shalya was the last /aura#a general. ;e fought for only half a day and was killed $y =udhishthira. 8hima and &uryodhana fought the last duel of the war with maces. 8hima $roke &uryodhana+s thighs and killed him. )sh#atthama had $een fuming e#er since his father &ronacharya had $een killed $y unfair means. In the dead of the night, he entered the (anda#a camp where he killed &hrishtadyumna and the fi#e sons of &roupadi. &roupadi was disconsolate and demanded re#enge. )rjuna and )sh#atthama let loose di#ine weapons at each other. Since this might destroy the world, they were asked to withdraw these weapons. )rjuna could withdraw his weapon, $ut )sh#atthama could not. )sh#atthama+s weapon killed the $a$y that was in ?ttara+s wom$, $ut when the dead $a$y was $orn, /rishna $rought it $ack to life. his $a$y was (arikshita. -any kings and soldiers died in the course of the /urukshetra way. he only ones left ali#e were /rit#arma, /ripacharya and )sh#atthama on the /aura#a side and (anda#a side. )fter the war was o#er, 8 ishma taught =udhiththira the duties of king. It was only after this that he died.)s a king, =udhishthira performed many yajnas and ga#e a lot of to $rahmanas. "hen =udoishthiraflearnt that the =ad#rs had $een dostroyed, he no longer rished to rule. ;p handed o#er the kingdom to (arikshita and the (anda#as left on a pilgrimage, in the courte of which they died. It was /risyna who had used the (anda#as as a tool to rid the world of e#il kings and esta$lish the goon ones. 5ealisinN that the =ada#as were also e#il, /rishna also ensured that the =ada#as would $e destroyed. ;e then ga#e up his life at the place of pilgrimage that is known as (ra$hasa. )fter /rishna died, the city of &#arka was swallowed upn$y t e tea. his was the story of the eighth a#atara of Vishnu

havishya Purana ! edhism

H@rom the .7th chapter of the (ratisarga (arId.I Long ago in the country known as Citrartha, the inha$itants of the hea#enly planets used to come to play during the time of autumn. <ne day a hea#enly apsara know as -anjughosha came to that place wher the sage Shuka was residing. Seeing this $eautiful $oy, she tried to attract him while singing and dancing, $eing o#erwhelmed $y lusty desires. She praised him with a $eautiful prayer holding her hands and $owing down. Somehow, she pleased the muni. hen the glorious Shuka, hearing this auspicious prayer asked her to reBuest a $enediction. -anjughosha hum$ly saidJ '< lord, you are the protector of those who came to your shelter, therefore I+m at your shelter, please $ecome my hus$and'. he sage accepted her and after some time they produced a son named K-uni+ who performed austerity #ery strictly upto ,. years. ;e married the daughter of S#arnade#a, the god of gold. hey ga#e $irth to a daughter named /innari. She was #ery young and $eautiful. She performed austerity to please Lord Shi#u, and as a $enediction lord Shi#a intrusted her to a so$er sage -akaranda. hen her father, -uni, asked lord Shi#a to $less her, so that they will successfully make progress in this world. Lord Shi#a saidJ ?pto 09 years you will enjoy your country in the middle of the earth, then it will $e destroyed. )fter hearing this -uni went to his place with -akaranda and resided there. )s soon as the .7th year started the $attle took place among those kings who took $irth as the incarnations of the associates of /rishna. 8auddha, the lord of nyuhas (the lessened people) attacked the $eautiful city of Netrapala, thinking that this city is wonderfully decorated with #arious kinds of jewels. he powerful king 8auddha%simha who had se#en%milliwn soldiers, fought with those kings who had only three million soldiers. he fight went on terri$ly $etween the armies for se#en days and nights. he great powerful kings, who killed all the inimical armies protected $y 8audha%simha, were =oga%simha, 8hoga%simha and Vijaya. )fter that more 8eddhists came from the countries known as Shyama and Aapaka, and alN of them were magicians. )gain they had a large $attle whic lasted for rne month. hen Netrasimha arri#ed with seVen million soldiers protected $y eight generals, for the destruction of the 8uddhists. 8eing afraid, all the 8uddhists left India completely and went to China to continue the war from there. he opposite army also continued following them. "hen they arri#ed on the $ank of the ;uha ri#er, it was the month of -agh, the second half part of the month of Aanuary, the fight took place again. here were one million soldiers each from the countries of Syama and Aapaka, and ten million soldiers from China assem$led for a fight. <n the other side, /rishnamsa, &e#a, Netrapala, -a !alika, &hanyapada, Lallasimha, alana and Aana nayaka were the generals, each of them ha#ing one million soldiers. here was a terri$le $attle $etween the 8uddhists and the )ryans. In tsat war se#en million 8uddhists, and two million )ryans were killed. 8eing afraid the 8uddhists ran away from the $attle and

went to their home to produce a wooden army with the help of a machinery arrangement. hey made ten%thousand elephants (made out of wood) along with warriors, one million horses, one thousand $uffaloes, one thousand hogs, one thousand tigers, one thousand wans, and se#en thousand camels. )ll these creatures had wooden warriors on their $ack. hus with the wooden army which was ,.2,999 in num$er, they killed two million soldiers protected $y /rishnamsas. Seeing ehis wonder Aayanta, the e:pert fignter shot fire aorowu ekSard the wooden armiel, wo that they were immediately destroyed, $eing $urnt to ashes. <nly three million kshatriyas (warriors) were left, andp hey glorified the proficient warrior Aayanta again and again. h n the 8uddhists from China, made a twenty thousand strong iron horse cal#ary and sent them to fight. he powerful warrior =ogasimha, riding on an elephant held the $ow and arrows in his hands and shot to the neck of the iron warriors. 8eing afflicted $yrt e arrows of [ogasimha fi#e thousand soly ersewere killed. Seeing this, 8auddhasimLa made an iron tiger and sent it to =ogasimha. 8y the attack of that iron tiger the $ra#e =ogasimha was finally killed, and then 8hogasimha riding on a horse, went to fight with the tiger. ;e killed the tiger $y throwing a missile, and roared loudly. hen a lion was sent to him $y 8auddhasimha and thus he (8hogasimha) was killed $y a lion. "hen the son of Swarna%#ati (Aayanta) saw that his maternal uncles were already dead, he rode on a powerful horse and went to 8auddhasimha. ;e took illusory arrows and put the opposite army imto delusion along with 8auddhasimha. ;e captured ten%thousand kings including 8auddhasimha, and returned to /rishnamsas ha#ing destroyed the mechanical armies. hen all of them happily went to the city and forci$ly !looted' the wealth from the palace, which was #ery opulent, and came $ack the fort of the king. Aayanta came and released 8auddhasimha. )fter $eing released he offered his daughter (admaja to Aayanta and also offered ,99,999,999 golden coins for the pleasure of his in law. )fter that all the 8uddhists made their #ows there itself saying !"e will ne#er go to )rya% desa to in#ade the country.' hen they offered their homage and left. hey went to Netrapala with their three million remaining soldiers.

havisya Purana ! ib"e

H@rom the (ratisarga (ar#a, Chapters @our to Se#en.I Suta Foswami saidJ <nce upon a time in ;astinapura, (radyota the son of /shemaka was leading an assem$ly and meanwhile the great sage Narada arri#ed there. /ing (radyota happily honored him. ;a#ing him seated on the seat the sage told king (radyota, L=our father was killed $y the mlecchas, therefore he attained =amaloka or the hellish planet. If you perform a Kmleccha%yajna+, then $y the effect of this sacrifice your father will attain the hea#enly planets.L

;earing this king (radyota immediately called the $est of the learned 8rahmanas and started Kmleccha%yajna+ in /uruksetra. hey $uilt a yajna%kunda which was ,3 yojanas in sBuare (,.6 miles). hey meditated on the demigods and offered o$lations of mlecchas. here are haras, hunas, $ar#aras, gurundas, sakas, khasas, ya#anas, palla#as, romajas and those who are situated in different d#ipas and in kamaru, china and the middle of the oceanD all of them were called with the mantra and $urnt to ashes. hen he (the king) ga#e dakshina (donation) to the $rahmanas and performed a$hiseka. )s a result his father /shemaka went to the hea#enly planets. )fter that he $ecame famous e#erywhere as a mleccha%hanta or destroyer of mlecchas. ;e ruled the earth for ten thousand years and went to hea#en. ;e had a son named Veda#an who ruled for two thousand years. )t that time the /ali purusha prayed to Lord Narayana along with his wife. )fter sometime the Lord apperared to him and said, L his age will $e a good time for you. I will fulfil your desire ha#ing #arious kinds of forms. here is a couple named )dama and his wife ;a#ya#ati. hey are $orn from Vishnu%kardama and will increase the generations of mlecchas. Saying this, the Lord disappeared. ;a#ing great joy the /ali purusha went to Nilacha Vyasa saidJ LNow you hear the future story narrated $y Suta Foswami. his is the full story of of /ali%yuga, hearing this you will $ecome satisfied.L In the eastern side of (radan city where there is a a $ig Fod%gi#en forest, which is ,3 sBuare yojanas in siGe. he man named )dama was staying there under a (apa% Vriksha or a sinful tree and was eager to see his wife ;a#ya#ati. he /ali purusha Buickly came there assuming the form of a serpent. ;e cheated them and they diso$eyed Lord Vishnu. he hus$and ate the for$idden fruit of the sinful tree. hey li#ed $y eating air with the lea#es called udum$ara. )fter they had sons and all of them $ecame mlecchas. )damaEs duration of life was nine%hundred and thirty years. ;e offered o$lations with fruits and went to hea#en with his wife. ;is son was named S#eta%nama, and he li#ed nine%hundred and twel#e years. S#eta%namaEs son was )nuta, who rulled one%hundred years less than his father. ;is son /inasa rulled as much as his grandfather. ;is son -alahalha ruled eight%hundred ninety fige years. ;is son Virada rulled ,39 years. ;is son ;amuka was de#oted to Lerd Vishnu, and otfering o$lutions of fruits he achie#ed sal#ation. ;e rSled 032 years and went mo hea#en with the same $ody $eing engaged in mleccha%dharma. ha#ing good $eha#ior, wisdom, Bualities like a $rahmana and worship of Fod, these things are called mleccha%dharma. he great souls ha#e declared that the dharma of the mleccha is de#otNon to Fod, worship of fire, non#iolencN, austerity and control of the senses. he son of ;amuka was -atocchila. ;e ruled for 749 years. ;is son Lomaka ruled 444 years and went to hea#en. ;is son Nyuha (Noah) ruled for 299 years. ;e had three sons named Sima, Sama and 8ha#a. Nyuha was a de#otee of Lord Vishnu.

<nce the Lord appeared in his dream and saidJ !-y dear Nyuha, please listen, there will $e de#astation on the se#enth day. herefore, you ha#e to $e #ery Buick that you make a $ig $oat and ride in it. < chief of the de#otees, you will $e cele$rated as a great king'. hen he made a strong $oat which was 099 feet long, 29 feet wide and 09 feet high. It was $eautiful and all the li#ing entities could take shelter in it. ;e then himself rode in it, engaged in meditating on Lord Vishnu. Lord Indra called the de#astating cloud named Sam$artaka and poured hea#y rain continuously for 19 days. he whole earth, 8harat%#arsa, had merged in the water and four oceans came up together. <nly Visala or 8adarikasrama was not su$merged. here were 69,999 great transcendentalists in Visala who joined with king Nyuha and his family. )ll of them were sa#ed and e#erything else was destroyed. )t that time all the sages praised the eternal energy of Lord Vishnu. 8eing pleased $y the prayers of the sages, the Vishnu%maya reduced the waters of de#astation. )fter one year gradually the earth $ecome #isi$le. ?nder the hill there is a place named Sisina and the king was situated in that place with his other people. "hen the water completely dried up, king Nyuha came $ack to his place. Suta Foswami continuedJ he mleccha, king Nyuha $ecame attached to Lord Vishnu and as a result Lord Vishnu increased his generation. hen he created a language fit for the mlecchas, unfa#ora$le to the Vedas. ;e named it as $rahmi%$hasha, or $rahmi language, full of $ad words, for increasing the degradation of /ali%yuga. he Lord who is ;imself the master of intelligence ga#e this language to Nyuha. Nyuha named his tree sons opposite. hey were known as Sima, ;ama, =akuta and also =akuta, Sapta putra, Aumara and -ajuya. he name of their countries were known as -adi, =unana, Stu#aloma, asa and irasa. ;ama who was the second son of his father, had four sons know as /usa, -isra, /uja and /anaam. /usa had si: sons % ;a#ila, Sar#a, oragama, Sa#atika, NimaruhaI and -aha#ala. heir sons were known as /amala, Sinara and ?raka. )nd their countries names are )k#ada, 8a#una and 5asana. )fter telling this story Suta Foswami influenced $y =oga%nidra entered mystic slum$er. ;e woke up after two thousand years and thereupon he saidJ !Now I+m going to say a$out the generation of Sima. 8ecause he was the first son of his father he $ecame the king. his mleccha king ruled o#er the country for 299 years. ;is son )rkansoda ruled for 101 years. ;is son Sihla ruled for 139 years. ;is son Iratasya ruled the same length as his father. ;is son (hataja ruled for .19 years. ;is son 5au ruled for .04 years. ;is son Auja ruled the same length as his father. ;is son Nahura ruled for ,39 years, and he destroyed his many inimical kings. ;is son ahara ruled the same length as his father. ;e had three sonsw )#irama, Nahura and ;arana. hus I ha#e e:plained the generation of mlecchas with the indication of their names only.

he mleccha language is considered the lowest language $ecause it $ears the curse of goddess Saras#ati. hus I ha#e summarily narrated the rise of the mlecchas in /ali% yuga. Sanskrt is the language $y which the whole 8harata%Varsa is $eing praised and glorified. he same language, after going to another country $ecame the mleccha language and mlecchas took ad#antage of it. )fter hearing all this, the sages situated in 8adarikashrama, worshipped Lord Nara% Narayana and meditated upon them for .99 years. "hen they woke up from their meditation, they inBuired from their teacher Suta FoswamiJ !< disciple of Sri Vyasa, you are so fortunate and greatly intelligent, may you li#e long. Now please tell us who is the king at the present time*L Suta Foswami saidJ !)t the present time, the /ali%yuga has already passed its 0999 years. Now the king Sankha is ruling the earth and in the mleccha countries the king named Sakapat is ruling. (lease hear a$out how they came up.L "hen the /ali%yuga passed .999 years, the dynasty of mlecchas increased. hey created many paths to grow and gradually the whole earth $ecome full of mlecchas. he spiritual master and teacher of the mlecchas was named -usa. ;e was residing on the $ank of the ri#er Saras#ati, and he spread his doctrince throughout the whole world. )s soon as /ali%yuga started, the de#otion to the Lord and the language of the Vedas were destroyed. here are four kinds of mlecchu languagesJ Vraja%$hasa, -aharastri, =a#ani and Farundika. In this way there are four million kinds of other languages. @or e:ampleJ paniyam (water) is called pani, $u$huksa%hunger is called $hukh. (aniyam%drinking is called papadi and $hojanam%eating ti called kakkanam. Isti is called suddhara#a, istini is called masapa#ani, ahuti is called aju and dadati is called dadhVti. he word pitri is callwd paitara and $hrata is $ather and also pati. his is the ya#ani lanugage in which the as#a is called aspa, Aanu is jainu and sapta%sindhu is called sa ta%hindu. Now you hear a$out Furundika language. 5a#i%#ara (the first day of the week) is called sunday, phalg na and chaitra montSs are called phar#ari (@e$ruary). Sasti is called si:ty, these kinds of e:amples are there. Crime is $ecoming prominent in the holy place of Sapta%puri. Fradually the people of )rya#ata are $ecoming thei#es, hunters, $hillas and fools. he followers of mleccha% dharma in foreign countries are intelligent and ha#ing good Bualities, whereas the people of )rya#arta are $ereft of good Bualities. hus the ruling of mlecchas is also in 8harata (India) and its islands. /nowing all this, < great and intelligent sage, you should just perform the de#otional ser#ice to Lord ;ari.

he great sage Saunaka inBuiredJ !(lease tell us, what was the reason that the mlecchas did not arri#e in 8rahma#arta. Suta Foswami saidJ hat was $y the influence of goddess Saras#ati that they could not enter that place. 8y the order of the demigods, when the /ali%yuga pursued his ,,999 years, a $rahmana named /asyapa come down to earth from the hea#enly planets with his wife )rya#atil. hey had ten spotless sons who are known $y the namesJ ?padhayaya, &iksita, (athaka, Sukla, -isra, )gnihotri, &#i%#edi, ri%#edi, Catur%#edi and (andey. )mong them was the learned one full of knowledge. ;e went to /ashmir and worshipped goddess Saras#ati with red flowers, red akshata (rice), incense, lamps, nai#edya (food offerings) and puspanjali (flower offerings). o please her he praised her with some prayers, asking her for $etter knowledge of Sankrt to put mlecchas into illusion. 8eing pleased $y his prayers she remainded situated in his mind and $lessed him with knowledge. hen the sage went to the country known as -isra and put all the mlecchas into illusion $y the greace of goddess Saras#ati. hen he made ,9,999 people as d#ijas or twice $orn $rahmanasD he made .,999 people into #aishyasD and the rest of them as shudras. ;e came $ack with them and staying in )rya%desha (India) he engaged in the acti#ites of the sages. hey were known as )ryans and $y the grace of goddess Saras#ati their generation gradually increased upto 1 million, $oth the men and women with their sons and grandsons. heir king, /asyapa muni, ruled the earth for ,.9 years. here were 6,999 sudras in the county known as 5ajputra (5ajput) and their king was )rya%prithu. ;is son was -agadha. he sage made him a king and left. Saunaka inBuiredJ L< disciple of Vyasa, < Lomaharsana, please tell us who were the kings to rule the earth in /ali%yuga, after -agadha*L Suta Foswami saidJ "hen king -agadha, the son of /asyapa was ruling the earth, he remem$ered his fatherEs administration and he separated the )rya%desha (India) into many states. he state which is on the eastern side of (ancala is known as -agadha, the state of /alinga is on the east%south side, the state of )#anta is in the south, )marta%desha is to the south%west, Sindhu%desha is on the western side, /aikaya is to the north%west, -adra%desha is in the north, and /oninda%desha is to the north%east. hese states are named according to his sonsE names. )fter performing a sacrifice he ga#e the states to his sons. Lord 8ala$hadra $ecame pleased with his sacrifice, and Sisunaga appeared from the sacrifice as his sow. ;e ruled for ,99 years and his son /aka#arma ruled for 79 years. ;is son /shemadharda ruled for 69 years and his ton ruled for 49 years. ;is son Vedamisra ruled for 39 years. ;is son )jata%nipu ruled for 29 years. ;is son &ar$haka ruled for 19 years, his son ?dayas#a ruled for 09 years, his son Nanda%Vardhana ruled for .9 years, his son Nanda%suta, who was $orn from the wom$ of a sudri or a low class lady, also ruled for .9 years. ;is son (ranancala ruled for ,9 years. ;is son (arananda also ruled ,9 years. ;is son Samananda ruled for .9

years. ;is son (riyananta ruled for .9 years, his son &e#ananda also ruled for .9 years. his son =ajna%$hanga ruled for ,9 years. ;is son -auryananda ruled for ,9 years. )nd his son -ahananda fuled for ,9 years. )t this time Lord ;ari was remem$ered $y /ali. )t that time the great and famous Fautama, the son of /asyapa introduced the 8uddhist religion, and attained Lord ;ari in (attana. Fautama ruled o#er ,9 years. @rom him Shakya muni was $orn, who ruled .9 years. ;is son Shuddhodana ruled 09 years. ;is son Shakyasimha $ecame the king on Satadri after .999 years and he ruled for 39 years, $y which time all the people were 8uddhists. his was the first position of /ali%yuga and the Vedic religion was destroyed. If Lord Vishnu $ecomes a king then all the people would follow ;im. he acti#ities of the world are carried out $y the prowess of Lord Vishnu. ;e is the master of maya or the illusory energy and whoe#er takes shelter of that Lord ;ari, though he may $e a sinful and a$omina$le person, will $ecome li$erated. 8uddha%simha was $orn from Shakyasimha and he ruled for only 09 years. 8uddha% simha+s son was Chandra%gupta, who married with a daughter of Sulu#a, the =a#ana king of (ausasa. hus he mi:ed the 8uddhists and ya#anas. ;e ruled for 39 years. @rom him Vindusara was $orn and ruled for the same num$er of years as his father. ;is son was )shoka. )t this time the $est of the $rahmanas, /anyaku$ja, performed sacrifice on the top of a mountain named )r$uda. 8y the influence of Vedic mantras, four /shatriyas appeared form the yajna. )mong these four (ramara was sama#edi, Chapahani was yajur#edi, Shukla was tri#edi and (ariharaka was the )thar#a#edi. hey were accustomed to ride on elephants. hey kept )shoka under their control and annihilated all the 8uddhists. It is said there were 1 million 8uddhists and all of them were killed $y uncommon weapons. )fter that (ramara $ecame king in )#anta and he constructed a large city called )m$a#ati for his happiness. It was as $ig as 1 yojanas or a$out 0. miles. hen Suta Foswami saidJ L-y dear $rahmanas I+m $eing influenced $y yoga%nidra, therefore, please go to your respecti#e ashramas and meditate on Lord Vishnu.L )fter the completion of .,999 years, Suta Foswami saidJ "hen the kali%yuga had passed his 0,4,9 years, at that time the king was (ramara who rulled 3 years, from him -ahamada was $orn. ;e ruled 0 years and his son &e#api did the same. ;is son &e#aduta also did the same. @rom him Fandhar#a%sena was $orn, who went to the forest after ruling for o#er 29 years and ha#ing gi#en his kingdom to his son Shankha. Shankha ruled for o#er 09 years. Lord Indra sent a hea#enly girl to Fandhar#a%sena named Viramati. ) jewel like son was $orn form her wom$. )t the time of his $irth, there were flowers raining from the sky, many auspicious instruments were played and the wind was $lowing pleasingly. he name of the $a$y was Si#a%drishti, who

later left for the jungle with his disciples. )fter .9 years he $ecame perfect in /arma% yoga. "hen kali%yuga copmleted 0,999 years, the terri$le symptoms of kali had appeared. hat $a$y took $irth in the secret place of /ailasa, $y the $enediction of Lord Shi#a, to destroy the shakas and to increase the )rya%dharma or the Vedic reigion. ;is father Fandhar#a%sena named his son as Vikramaditya and $ecome happy. his child was #ery intelligent and #ery pleasing to his parents. "hen he was 2 years old, he left for the forest to perform austerities and he continued it upto ,. years. )fter ,. years he went to the holy city named )m$a#ati with all the opulence and accepted the transcendental throne sent $y Lord Shi#a. @or his security goddess (ar#ati created a Vetala (a king of ghosts) and sent it to king Vikramaditya+s palace. <nce the powerful king went to the temple of Lord Shi#a named as -ahakalesh#ara, who is the chief of the de#as, and who has a $ow named (inaka. here he worshipped Lord Shi#a. In that place he $uilt a religious council hall with the pillars made of #arious metals and decorated with many kinds of jewels and co#ered with so many plants and creepers and flowers. In that hall he kept a celestial throne. ;e in#ited the foremost $rahmanas who are well%#ersed in Vedic knowledge, worshipped them with proper hospitality and heard many religious histories from them. )fter that one demigod named Vitala come there ha#ing a form of a $rahmana. Florifying and $lessing the king, he sat down on the seat and saidJ < master of this earthly planet, king Vikramaditya, if you are #ery eager to hear them I will descri$e the stories and histories to you. hus ends the se#enth chapter of the (ratisarga (ar#a of the 8ha#ishya (urana.

havisya Purana ! #ings

H@rom the 0,st chapter of the (ratisarga (ar#a.I Suta Foswami saidJ he great powerful king of -adrakesa worshipped the mendicants of the hea#enly planets (the )s#ini kumaras) for fi#e years and after ha#ing recei#ed a $onediction from them he produced ten sNns and one $eautiful young daughter naled /antinati. /ing -adraka in#ited -aharaj Surya#arna (the present king of ;astinapura), and ga#e his daughter to him with proper conduct. ;a#ing accepted the new wife, Surya#arna Buickly returned to his home with his army. here was a mystic demon named /ar$ura, the son of 8ig$hisana, when he saw /antimati the daughter of king -adrakesa, he came there and kidnapped herIin their presence and went to a mountainycalled Sahyadri. Seeing this incident -ahiraja $ecame #ery upset and lamented again and again. -ahiraja came to ;astinapura and

sent a message to /rishnamsa. ;e e:plained e#erything to him and immediately with fi#e hundred warriors /rishnamsa went to Sahyadri mountain and said fearlesslyJ !< $est of the demons, please listen. =our father 8i$hishana is a great de#otoee, and you are the dear son of him, therefore, you should not act in this manner (sinfully) which is the cause of the destruction of family. &o you remem$er, long ago mother Sita was kidnapped $y 5a#ana and what happened to him*' he rakshasa said, L(re#iously she was the daughter of a Fandhar#a and my $elo#ed wife, $ut $ecause of a curse $y a sage she took $irth on the earthly planet. herefore, feeling her separation I went to -adrakesa. )lthough I stayed there so many days, $eing afraid of the king I could not kidnap her. Now she is in my control, $ut if you defeat me in $attle you can take her $ack. hen /rishnamsa started fighting with him with a sword and it went on for se#en nights. @inally he defeated the rakshasa, and with /antimati came $ack to &elhi to see -ahiraja. he king (-ahiraja) offered ,9,999,999 golden coins to the great /rishnamsa. hen he came to (ramda#ana, or the forest called (ramoda, with his friends. Suta Foswami saidJ here was a powerful king named (urnamala in (attana. ;e worshipped the Vasus for fi#e years and recei#ed a $enediction from them. 8y their $lessings he had ten sons and a daughter named Vidyun mala. @or the marriage of his daughter he in#ited king -ahiraja and with se#en million soldiers he ga#e his daughter to the son of -ahiraja (8hima). 8hima came $ack happily to his home (;astinapura) with his $eautiful wife. hen the king of paisaca%dasa, Sahoda, came with ten%thousand mlecchas to get Vidyunmala. hey came to /urukshetra $y the order of 8ali, the grandson of (rahlada -aharaja. hey $roke the deities of gods, killed so many cows and in the places of sacred water they put cow%$lood. Sahoda, the mleccha king, wrote a letter and sent it to -ahiraja. /ing -ahiraja answeredJ L< mleccha king, you are the master of the mlecchasi, why are you worried a$out Vidyunmala* =ou should know that I+m the one who can shoot arrows just $y hearing a sound and I+m the central point of the country of the thie#es.L hen the king went to /urukshetra with three million soldiers. here was a large, terri$le fight $etweet them. )t night in the month ofSneota (Auly), 8ali -aharaja came from (atala, the lowest region with ten%thousand demons and killed the soldiers of the k ng #ery Buickly, eating them again and again. he king, $eing afraid took shelt,r of goddess Saras#ati. )fter that immediately /rishnamsas arri#ed and killed the ten% thousand demons. hey came to 8ali, the lord of the demons, and pleased him with their words. hen 8aliraja saidJ I+m #ery pleased with you, now you can ask for any $enediction. hey saidJ hese demons should ne#er come to )ryadesha (India) with you, all of you should stay always in mleccha%desha and eat the followers of mleccha%dharma.

8aliraja $ecame upset hearing these fearful, terri$le words. hen /rishnamsa saidJ as long as I+m in this world you should simply stay in your home, after that you come here and do whate#er you like'. ;earing this the mleccha king Sahoda went $ack to 5asatala, the si:th lowest region of demons.

H@rom (ratisarga (ar#a, 1th (art, Chapter 3.I he sage (Saunka) saidJ !< great fortunate one, you know e#erything please tell us a$out the kings who came after -ahiraja. Suta Foswami saidJ he ghostly /utukoddina, with human nature, was situated in the kingdom of &elhi. he $est king 8hapasena, the grandson of Virasena was situated in the $eautiful city of )ligarh. his city was protected $y yada#as. /utukaddin with ten% thousand warriors went there and defeated him and returned to &elhi. hen so many kings form other countries came there and defeated him and rejected him from their countries. "hen Shahoddina heard this, he came to &elhi, conBuered the kings and $roke all the deities. )fter that so many mlecchas came from all sides and ruled the kingdom for 2, 3 or 4 years. hey had destroyed the places of pilgrimage and the temples, therefore as a reaction they $ecome short%li#ed. @rom today, the mleccha kings will continue for a hundred years, therefore < sages, you should Buickly go to Vishala (8adarikashrama) with me. hen all the sages sadly left this place (Naimisaranya) and went to Vishala, the $est of the ;imalayas and meditated upon Lord ;ari, $eing in samadhi (trance). )nd after a hundred years all of them attained the kingdom of Fod.

$ri rahma!vaivarta Purana%anto &our $ri Krsna!'anma! #handaThe irth o( )ord Krsna

%ha*ter One+r, K-./a!*0da!*adma!*r0*ti!so*0namThe $tairway to +r, K-./a1s )otus &eet

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca

MrutaP prathamato $rahman $rahma%khaQRaP manoharam $rahmaQo #adanOm$hojOt paramOd$hutam e#a ca MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD Mrutam%heardD prathamataT%from the firstD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD $rahma%khaQRam%the 8rahma%khandaD manoharam%$eautifulD $rahmaQaT%of Lord 8rahmaD #adanOm$hojOt%from the mouthD paramOd$hutam%#ery wonderfulD e#a%indeedD ca%and. I SrN NOrada saidJ < $rO maQa, first I heard the $eautiful and #ery wonderful 8Vahma%khaQRa from 8rahmOEs mouth. e:t . tatas tad%#acanOt tUrQaP samOgatya ta#Ontikam MrutaP prakVti%khaQRaP ca sudhO%khaQROt paraP #aram tataT%thenD tad%#acanOt%from his mouthD tUrQam%at onceD samOgatya%arri#ingD ta#a nntikam%neay youD Mrutam%heard prakVti%khaQRam%(VakVti%khaQRaP ca%and sudhO% khaQROt%than nectarD param #aram%$etter. hee, $y his command, I came to you and heard*the (rakVti%khLQRa, which is sweiter than nectar. e:t 0 tato gaQapateT khaQRam akhaQRa%janma%khaQ aQam na me tVptaP hano lolaP #aMiWXaP Mrotum icchati tataT%thenD gaQapateT%of FaQapatiD khaQRam%the khaQRaD akhaQRa%janma% khaQRaQam%which $reaks the cycle of repeated $irth and deathD na%notD me%of meD tVptam%satisfiedD manaT%heartD lolam%yearningD #aMiWXam%specificD Mrotum%to hearD icchati%wishes. Now, unsatisfied e#en $y hearing the FaQapati%khaQRa, which $reaks the cycle of repeated $irth, my heart yearns to hear a certain thing.

e:ts 1% MrN%kVWQa%janma%khaQRaP ca janmOdi%khaQRanaP nVQOm pradNpaP sar#a%tatt#OnOP karma%ghnaP hari%$hmkti%dam sadyo #airOhya%janakaP $ha#a%roga%nikVntanam kOraQaP mukti%$NjOnOP $ha#O$dhi%taraQaP param armopa$hogr%rogOnOP khaQRane ca rasOyanam MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$hoja% prOpti%sopOna%kOraQam jN#anaP #aiWQa#OnOP ca jagatOP pO#anaP param #ada #istOraMo $haktaP MiWyaP mOP MaraQOgatam MrN%kVWQa%janma%khaQRam%the khaQRa of Lord /VWQaEs $irthD sa%alsoD janmOdi% khaQRanam%which $reaks the cycle of repeated $irthD nVQOm%of menD pradNpam%the lampD sar#a%tatt#OnOm%Ck rma%ghnam%which destroys tho fruits of karmaD hari%$hakti% dam%and gi#es de#otional ser#ice to Lord ;ariD sadyaT%at onceD #airOgya%janakam%the creator of renunciationD $ha#a%of material e:istenceD roga%the diseaseD nikVntanam% curingD kOraQam%the causeD muktim$NjOnOm%of the sends of li$erationD $ha#a%of material e:istenceD a$dhi%the oceanD taraQam%the $oat for crossingD param%greatD karma%of fruiti#e workD upa$hoga%of enjoying the fruitsD rogOnOm%of the diseasesD khaQRane%in $reakingD ca%andD rasOyanam%the medicineD MrN%kVWQa%%of SrN /VWQaD caraQa%feetD am$hoja%lotusD prOpti%atainmentD sopOna%staircaseD kOraQam%%causeD jN#anam%the lifeD #aiWQa#OnOm%of the VaiWQa#asD ca%andD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD pO#anam%the purifierD param%greatD #ada%please tellD #istOraMaT%ela$oratelyD $haktam%to the de#oteeD MiWyam% discipleD mOm%meD saraQa%at the shelterD Ogatam%come. o me, a de#otee and your surrendered disciple, please ela$orately narrate the SrN /VWQa%janma%khaQRa, which $reaks the cycle of $irth and death for the people of this world, which is a shining lamp of all truths, which ends fruiti#e work, $rings de#otional ser#ice to Lord ;ari, at once creates renunciation, cures the disease of repeated $irth and death, plants the seed of li$eration, is a $oat to cross the ocean of

repeated $irth and eath, is a medicinu to cure the disease of trying to enjoy the fruits of work, is a stairway leading to SrN /VWQaEs lotus feeth and is the life of t e V iWQa +s and the purifier of the worlds. e:t 6 kena #O prOrthitaT kVWQaT OjagOma mahN%talam sar#OPMair eka e#eMaT paripUrQatamaT s#ayam kena%$y whom*D #O%orD pr athitaT%reBuestedD kVWQaT%/VWQaD OjagOma%cameD mahN% talam%to the surface of the earthD s"r#a%with allD aP aiT%;is plenars portionsD eka%oneD e#a%indeedD NMaT%LordD paripUrQatamaT%most perfectD s#ayam%personally. 8y whose reBuest did Lord /VWQa, the most perfect and complete original Supreme (ersonality mf Fodhea come, accompanied $y all ;is aPMa incarnations, to the surface of the earth* e:t 7 yuge kutra kuto hetoT kutra #O#ir$a$hU#a ha #asude#o Esya janakaP ko #O kO #O ca de#akN yuge kutra%in what yuga*D kuto hetoT%for what reason*D kutra%where*D #O%orD O#ir$a$hU#a%manifestedD ha%indeedD #asude#aT%Vasude#aD asya%;isD janakam%fatherD kaT%who*D #O%orD kO%who*D #O%orD ca%andD de#akN%&e#akN. In what yuga, for what reason, and in what place did appear* "ho is ;is father, Vasude#a* "ho is &e#akN* e:t ,9 #ada kasya kule janma mOyayO su%#iRam$anam kiP cakOra samOgatya kena rUpeQa #O hariT #ada%tellD kasya%of whom*D kule%in the familyD janma%$irthD mOyayO%$y =ogamOyOD

su%#iRam$anam%in an e:pert imitationD kim%what*D cakOra%didD samOgatya%arri#ingD kena%with whatD rUpeQa%formD #O%orD hariT%Lord ;ari. (lease tell in what family, with =ogamOyOEs aid e:pertly imitating the actions of ordinary men, ;e took $irth* "hen ;e came what did ;e do* In what form did Lord ;ari appear* e:t ,, jagOma gokulaP kaPsa% $hayena sUtikO%gVhOt kathaP kaPsOt kNXa%tulyOd a$hayasya $hayaP mune jagOma%wentD gokulam%to FokulaD kaPsa%of /aPsaD $hayena%in fearD sUtikO%gVhOt% from the maternity roomD katham%why*D kaPsOt%from /aPsaD kNXa%tulyOt%who was eBual to an insect or a wormD a$hayasya%fearlessD $hayam%fearD mune%< sage. )fraid of /aPsa, ;e left the maternity room and went to Fokula. < sage, why was the fearless Supreme (erson afraid of /aPsa, who was insignificant as a worm or an insect* e:t ,. harir #O gopa%#eMena gokule kiP cakOra ha kuto gopOYganO%sOrdhaP #ijahOra jagat%patiT hariT%Lord ;ariD #O%orD gopa%#eMena%as a gopaD gokule%in FokulaD kim%what*D cakOra%didD ha%indeedD kutaT%why*D gopOYganO%sOrdham%with the gopNsD #ijahOra% enjoyed pastimesD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#erses. &ressed as a cowherd $oy, what did Lord ;ari do in Fokula* "hy did the master of the uni#erses enjoy pastimes with cowherd girls* e:t ,0 kO #O gopaYganO ke #O gopOlO $Ola%rUpiQaT kO #O yaModO ko nandaT

kiP #a puQyaP cakOra ha kOT%who*D #O%orD gopaYganO%the gopND ke%whoD #O%otrD gopOlO%the cowherd $oysD $Ola%rUpiQaT%in the form of $oysD kO%who*D #O%orD yaModO%=aModOD kaT%whoD nandaT% NandaD kim%what*D #a%orD puQyam%pious deedsD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. "ho were these cowherd girls* "ho were these cowherd $oys* "ho was =aModO* "ho was Nanda* "hat pious deeds had they performed* e:t ,1 kathaP rOdhO puQya#atN de#N goloka%#OsinN #raje #a #raja%kanyO sO $a$hU#a preyasN hareT katham%why*D rOdhO%5OdhOD puQya#atN%saintlyD de#N%fgoddessD goloka%#OsinN% residing in FolokaD #raje%in VrajaD #a%orD #raja%kanyO%a girl of VrajaD sO%SheD $a$hU#a% $ecameD preyasN%most dearD hareT%to Lord ;ari. "hy did the saintly goddess 5OdhO, who li#es in Foloka and is Lord ;ariEs dearest lo#er, come to Vraja and $ecome a girl of Vraja* e:t ,2 kathaP gopyo durOrOdhyaP samprOpur NM#araP param kathaP tOM ca parityajya jagOma mathurOP punaT katham%why*D gopyaT%the gopNsD durOrOdhyam%difficult to worshipD samprOpuT% attainedD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD param%thenD katham%why*D tOM%themD ca%andD parityajya%lea#ingD jagOma%wentD mathurOm%to -athurOD punaT% again. ;ow did these cowherd girls attain the unattaina$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead* "hy did ;( lea#e yhem and go to -athurO* e:t ,3

$hOrO#atOraQaP kVt#O kiP #idhOya jagOma saT kathayas#a mahO%$hOga puQya%Mra#aQa%kNrtanam $hOra%of the $urdenD a#atOraQam%the liftingD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD kim%what*D #idhOya%doingD jagOma%wentD saT%;eD kathayas#a%please tellD mahO%$hOga%< #ery fortunate oneD puQya%sacredD Mra#aQa%hearingD kNrtanam%and chanting. )fter remo#ing the earthEs $urden where did ;e go and what did ;e do* < #ery fortunate one, please tell the story of the Lord, hearing and chanting whose glories are the greatest of pious deeds. e:ts ,4%,7 su%durla$haP hari%kathOP tOriQOP $ha#a%tOraQe niWr#ya $hoga%nigaRa% kleMa%cchedana%karttanNm pOpendhanOnOP dahane j#alad%agni%MikhOm i#a puPsOP Mruta#atOP koXi% janma%kil$iWa%nOMinNm muktiP karQa%sudhO%ramyOP Moka%sOgara%nOMinNm mahyaP $haktOya MiWyOya jZOnaP dehi kVpO%nidhe su%durla$ham%difficult to attainD hari%kathOm%the topics opf Lord ;ariD tOriQOm%the $oatD $ha#a%tOraQe%for crossing the ocean of repeated $irth and deathD niWe#ya%to $e ser#edD $hoga%enjoymentD nigaRa%chainsD kleMa%of sufferingsD chedana%for cuttingD karttanNm%a swordD pOpa%of sinsD indhanOnOm%of the fuelD dahane%in $urningD j#alat% $laGingD agni%of fireD MikhOm%flamesD i#a%likeD puPsOm%of the peopleD Mruta#atOm% hearingD koXi%%millionsD janma%$irthsD kil$iWa%sinsD nOMinNm%destroyingD muktim% li$erationD karQa%sudhO%ramyOm%nectar to the earsD Moka%of griefD sOgara%%the oceanD nOMinNm%destroyingD mahyam%to meD $haktOya%a de#oteeD MiWyOya%a discipleD jZOnam% knowledgeD dehi%please gi#eD kVpO%%of mercyD nidhe%< ocean. < ocean of mercy, to me, who am your de#oted disciple, please teach the rarely

heard stories of Lord ;ari, which are a $oat to cross the ocean of repeated $irth and death, a sword to cut the painful chains of material pleasures, $laGing flames to $urn the fuel of hosts of sins, the destroyer of sins for they who hear, the gi#er of li$eration, nectar for the ears, and the destroyer of an ocean of grief. e:t .9 tapo%japa%mahO%dOna% pVthi#N%tNrtha%darManOt Mruti%pOXhOd anOManOt #rata%de#arcanOd api dNkWayO sar#a%yajZeWu yat phalaP la$hate naraT WoRaMNP jZOna%dOnasya kalOP nOrhati tat phalam tapaT%austerityD japa%chanting mantrasD mahO%greatD dOna%charityD pVthi#N%on the earthD tNrtha%holy placesD darManOt%from seeingD Mruti%the VedasD pOXhOt%from studyingD anOManOt%from fastingD #rata%from following #owsD de#a%the demigodsD arcanOt%from worshipingD api%e#enD dNkWayO%$y initiationD sar#a%in allD yajZeWu%sacrificesD yat%whatD phalam%resultD la$hate%attainsD naraT%a manD WoRaMNm%si:teenthD jZOna%of knowledgeD dOnasya%of the charityD kalOm%partD na%notD arhati%is worthyD tat%thatD phalam%result. 8y performing austerities, chanting mantras, gi#ing great charity, seeing the holy places of the earth, studying the Vedas, fasting, following #ows, worshiping the demigods, and $eing initiated to perform all yajZas, one does not attain e#en one si:teenth the $enefit of hearing the glories of Lord ;ari. e:t .. pitrOhaP preWito jZOna% dOnOya ta#a sannidhim sudhO%samudraP samprOpya na ko #O pOtum icchati pitrO%$y my fatherD aham%ID preWitaT%sentD jZOna%knowledgeD dOnOya%to gi#eD ta#a% youD sannidhim%nearD sudhO%of nectarD samudram%an oceanD samprOpya%attSiningD na% notD kaT%who*D #O%orD pOtum%to drinkD icchati%desires. -S father sent me heremto learu from you. "ho, approaching an ocean of nectar, would not wish to dsink from it*

e:t .0 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca mayO jZOto Esi dhanyas t#aP puQya rOMiT su%mUrtimOn karoWi $h amaQaP lokOn pa#ituP kula%pO#ana MrN%nOrOyaQaT u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [ii saidD mayO%$y -eD jZOtaT%understoodD ari%you areD dhanyaT%fortunateD t#am%youD puQya%of pietyD rOMiT%an a$undanceD su%mUrtimOn% gloriousD karoWi%you doD $hramaQam%wanderingD lokOn%the worldsD pa#itum%to purifyD kula%pO#ana%purifying the people. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ I know that you are #ery fortunate, pious, and glorious. < purifier of the people, you wander here and there to purify the worlds. e:t .1 janOnOP hVdayaP sadyaT su%#yaktaP #acanena #ai MiWye kalatre kanyOnOP dauhitre $Ondha#e Epi ca putre pautre ca #acasi pratOpe yaMasi Mriyam $uddhau #OriQi #idyOyOP jZOyate hVdayaP nVQOm janOnOm%of the peopleD hVdayam%the heartD sadyaT%at onceD su%#yaktam%manifestedD #acanena%$y wordsD #ai%indeedD MiWye%to a discipleD kalatre%wifeD kanyOnOm%of daughtersD dauhitre%granddaughterD $Ondha#e%relati#esD api%e#enD ca%andD putre%inSn sonD pautre%a grandsoneD ca%a$dD #acasi%in wordsD pratOpe%in greatD yaMasi%gloryD Mriyam%in $eautyD $uddhau%in intelligenceD #OriQi%in wordsD #idyOyOm%in knowledgeD jZOyate%is knownD hVdayam%the heartD nVQOm%of men. )s you hear their words, the peopleEs hearts are Buickly re#ealed to you. =ou know how peopleEs hearts are disposed to their disciple, wife, daughter, granddaughter, relati#es son, and grandson, and how eheir hearts ha#e glory, $eauty, intelligence, eloBuence, and knowledge.

e:t .3 jN#an mukto Esi putas t#aP Muddha%$hakto gadO%$hVtaT punOsi pOda%rajasO sar#OdhOrOP #asundharOm jN#an%li#in t muktaT%li$eratedD asi%you areD putaT%pureD t#am%youD Muddha%$haktaT% purn de#oteeD gadO%$hVtaT%of Lord /VWQaD punOsi%you purifyD pednrradasO%with the dust of your feetD sar#a%allD OdhOrOm%maintainingD #asundharim%the earth. =ou are li$erated, e#en while li#ing in t is world. =ou are completelyipure. =ou ale a pure de#otee of Lord /VWQa. "ith theSdust of your feet you purify this earth, the maintainer of all. e:t .4 punOsi lokOn sar#OPM ca s#ayaP #igraha%darManOt su%maYgalO hari%kathO tena tOP Mrotum icchasi punOsi%you purifyD lokOn%worldsD sar#On%allD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD #igraha%of the formD darManOt%$y the sightD su%maYg 8y showing yourself you purify all the worlds. hat is why you wish to hear the #ery auspicious topics of Lord ;ari. e:t .6 yatra kVWQa%kathO santi tatrai#a sar#a%de#atOT VWayo munayaM cai#a tNrtSOni nikwalOni ca yatra%whereD kVWQa%kathO%the topics of Lord /VWQaD santi%areD tatra%thereD e#a% indeedD sar#a%de#atOT%alIrthe demigodsD VWayaT%sagesD munayaM%thinkersD ca%andD e#a% certainlyD tNrthOni%holy placesD nikhalOni%allD ca%also. "here the topics of Lord /VWQa are present there also are all the demigods, sageso philosophers, saints, and holy places of pilgrimage.

e:t .7 kathOT Mrut#O tathOnte te yanti santo nirOpadam $ha#anti tOni tNrthOni yeWu kVWQa%kathOT Mu$hOT kathrT%tppicsD Mrut#O%hearingD tathO%soD ante%at the endD te%theyD yanti%goD santaT% saintsD nirOpadam%without distressD $ha#anti%$ecomeD tOni%theyD tNrthOn %holy placesD yeWu%in whomD kVWQarkathOT%the topics of Lord /VWQaD Mu$hOT%auspicious. 8y hearing the topics of Lord ;ari the hearers $ecome great saints free of all distress. hey who hear the $eautiful and auspicious topics of Lord ;ari $ecom holy ptacesyof pilgrimage. e:t 09 sadyaT kVWQa%kathO%#aktO s#asya puPsOP MataP Matam samuddhVtya Mruta#atOP punOti nikhilaP kulam sadyaT%at onceD kVWQa%kathO%#aktO%speaking the topics of Lord ;a iD s#asya% personallyD puPsOm%of peopleD MataP Matam%hundreds and hundredsD samuddhVtya% deli#eringD Mruta#atOm%hearingD punOt %purifyD nikhilam%entireD kulam%family. Speaking the glories of Lord ;ari, and deli#ering hundreds and hundreds o listeners, they purify the entire world. e:t 0, praWXO tu praMna%mOtreQa punOti kulam OtmanaT MrotO Mra#aQa%mStreQa s#a%kulaP s#a%s#a%$andha#On praWXO%the BuestionerD Vu%indeedD praMna%mOtreQa%simply $y his BuestionD punOti% purifiesD kulam%his familyD OtmanaT%ownD MrotO%the hearerD Mra#aQa%mOtreQa%simply $y hearingD s#a%kulam%his familyD s#a%s#a%$andha#On%his relati#es.

Simply $y asking his Buestion, the inBuirer purifies his family. Simply $y hearing the hearer purifies his family and all his relati#es. e:t 0. Mata%janma%tapaT%pUtt janmedaP $hOrate la$het karoti sa%phalaP janma y Mrut#O hari%kathOmVtam Mata%hundredsD janma%of $iruhsDetapaT%$y austeritiesD pItaT%purifiedD janma%$irthD idam%thiuD $hOrate%in 8hOrata%#arWaD la$het%attainD karoti%doesDD sa%phalam%successfulD janma%$irthD Mrut#O%hearingD hari%of Lord ;ariD kathO%of the topicsD amVtam%the nectar. (ure as if he had performed austerities for hundreds of $irths, he is $orn in 8hOrata%#arWa. ;earing the nectar of topics a$out Lord ;ari, his life is a success. e:ts 00 and 01 arcanaP #andanaP mantra% japaP se#anam e#a ca smaraQaP kNrtanaP MaM#ad guQa%Mra#aQam Npsitam ni#edanaP tasya dOsyaP na#adhO $hakti%lakWaQam karoti janma sa%phalaP Mrut#aitOni ca $hOrate arcanam%worshipD #andanam%o$eisancesD mantra%mantrasD japam%chantingD se#anam%ser#iceD e#a%indeedD ca%alsoD smaraQam%remem$eringD kNrtanam%glorifyingD MaM#at%alwaysD guQa%the #irtuesD Mra#aQam%hearingD Npsitam%desiredD ni#edanam% surrenerD tasya%of himD dOsyam%ser#iceD na#adhO%nine kindsD $hakti%lakWaQam%of de#otional ser#iceD karoti%doesD janma%$irthD sa%phalam%sucessfulD Mrut#a%hearingD etOni%%theseD ca%andD $hOrate%in 8hOrata%#arWa. he nine kinds of de#otional ser#ice areJ ,. always worshiping the Lord, .. offering o$eisances to ;im, 0. chanting ;is mantras, 1. ser#ing ;im, 2. remem$ering ;im, 3. glorifying ;im, 4. hearing ;is glories, 6. yearning to attain ;im, and 7. surrendering to ;im. ;earing of them, he performs these kinds of de#otional ser#ice. In this way

his $irth in 8hOrata%#arWa $ears its fruit. e:t 02 na c #ighno $ha#et tasya paramNyur na naMyati na yOti tat%puraT kOlo #ainateyam i#oragaT na%notD cy%andD #ighnaT%o$stacleD Sha#et%isD tasya%of himD paramOyuT%long lifeD na% notD naMyati%diesD na%notD yOti goesD tat%puraT%$efore himD k laT%timeD #ainateyam% FaruRaD i#a%likeD uragaT%a snake. @or him ihere are no o$stacles. ;e l #es a long life and ne#er perishes. )s a snake will not rpproac FaruRau so time does not approach him. e:t 0r na jahOti samNpaP ca kWaQaP tasya hariT s#ayam upatiWXanti tUrQaP tam aQimOdika%siddhayaT na%notD jahOti%lea#esD samNpam%nearD ca%andD kWaQam%for a momentD tasya%of himD hariT%Lord ;ariD s#ayam%personallyD upatiWXanti%ser#eD tUrQam%at onceD tam%himD aQima%Odika%$eginning with aQimOD siddhayaT%the mystic perfections. Lord ;ari does not lea#e him for e#en a moment. ;eaded $y aQimO%siddhi, the mystic perfections approach, eager to ser#e him. e:t 04 sudarManaP $hramaty e#a tasya pOrM#e di#O%niMam kVWQOjZayO ca rakWOrthaP ko #O kiP karttam NM#araT sudarManam%the sudarMana%cakraD $hramati%whirlsD e#a%indeedD tasya%of himD pOrM#e%at the sideD di#O%niMam%day and nightD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD OjZayO%$y the orderD ca%andD rakWOrtham%to protectD kaT%whoD #O%orD kim%what*D karttam%cuttingD NM#araT%is a$le.

8y Lord /VWQaEs order, day and night the sudarMana%cakra stays $y his side to protect him. "ho can attack him* "hat can an attacker do to him* e:t 06 na yanti tat%samNpaP ca s#apne Epi yama%kiYkarOT j#alad%agniP yathO dVWX#O Mala$hO na #rajanti tam na%notD yanti%goD tat%samNpam%near himD ca%alsoD s#apne%in dreamsD api%e#enD yama% kiYkarOT%=amaEs ser#antsD j#alat%$laGingD agnim%fireD yathO%asD dVWX#O%seeingD Mala$hO% cricketsD na%notD #rajanti%goD tam%to it. )s crickets, seeing a fire, will not approach, so =amarOjaEs ser#ants do not approach him, e#en in his dreams. e:t 07 #yOdhayo #ipadaT MokO #ighnOM ca na prayOnti tam na yOti tat%samNpaP ca mVtyur mVtyu%$hayOn mune #yOdhayaT%diseasesD #ipadaT%calamitiesD MokO%lamentationsD #ighnOM%o$staclesD ca% alsoD na%notD prayOnti%goD tam%to himD na%notD yOti%goD tat%samNpam%near himD ca%alsoD mVtyuT%deathD mVtyu%$hayOn%out of fear of deathD mune%< sage. &iseases, calamities, sufferings, and o$stacles do not approach him. < sage, afraid of its own death, death itself will not approach him. e:t 19 VWayo munayaT siddhOT santuWXOT sar#a%de#atOT sa ca sar#atra niTMaYkaT sukhN kVWQa%prasOdataT erywhereD niTMaYkaT%fearlessD sukhN%happyD kVWQa%prasOdatah%$y Lord /VWQaEs mercy.

he VWis, munis, siddhas, and all the demigods $ecome pleased with him. 8y Lord /VWQaEs mercy he is always fearless and happy. e:t 1, ta#a kVWQa%kathOyOP ca ratir atyantikN sadO janakasya s#a%$hO#o hi janme tiWXhati niMcitam ta#a%of youD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD kathOyOm%in the topicsD ca%alsoD ratiT%attractionD atyantikN%greatD sadO%alwaysD janakasya%of the fatherD s#a%$hO#aT%own natureD hi% indeedD janme%$irthD tiWXhati%stands niMcitam%concluded. =ou are always attracted to the topics of Lord /VWQa. In this $irth you are like your father, 8rahmO. e:t 1. #iprendra kO praMaPseyaP janma te $rahma%mOnase yasya yatra kule janma tan%matis tOdVMN $ha#et #iprendra%< king of $rOhmaQasD ka%what*D praMaPsO%praiseD iyam%thisD janma%$irthD te%yourD $rahma%of 8rahmOD mOnase%in the mindD yasya%of whomD yatra%whereD kule%in the familyD janma%$irthD tan%matiT%that ideaD tOdVMN%like thatD $ha#et%may $e. < king of $rOhmaQas, how can I properly praise your $irth from Lord 8rahmOEs mind* ) personEs nature will $e like his familyEs. e:t 10 pitO #idhOtO jagatOP kVWQa%pOdO$ja%se#ayO nityaP karoti yaT MaM#an na#adhO $hakti%lakWaQam pitO%fatherD #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD kVWQa%pOdO$ja%se#ayO%$y ser#ice to Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD nityam%alwaysD karoti%doesD yaT%whoD MaM#an%alwaysD

na#adhO%in nine waysD $hakti%lakWaQam%de#otional seu#ice. r =our father is 8rahmO, the creator of the worlds. Ser#ing Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, he always performs the nine acti#itie of de#otional ser#ice. e:t 11 ratiT kVWQa%kathOyOP ca yasyOMru%pulakodgamaT mano nimagnaP tatrai#a sa $haktaT kathito $udhaiT ratiT%attractionD kVWQa%kathOyOm%for the topics of Lord kn ca%alsoD yasya%of whomD aMru%tearsD pulaka%udgamaT%hairs standing erectD manay%heartD nimagnam%plungedD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD sa%heD $haktaT%de#oteeD kathitaT%saidD $udhaiT%$y the wise. ) person w o is attracted to topics ofLLord /VWQa, whose heart is plunged in remem$ering them, whose $odily hairs stand erect and who sheds tear to hear them, is said to $e a de#otee $y the wise. e:t 12 putra%dOrOdikaP sar#aP jOnOti yo harer i#a OtmanO manasO #OcO sa $haktaT kathito $udhaiT putra%childremnD dwra%and wifeD Odikam%$eginning withD sar#am%e#erythingD jOnOti% knowsD yaT%whoD hareT%of Lord ;ariD i#a%likeD OtmanO%with his heartD manasO%mindD #OcO%wordsD sa%heD $haktaT%a de#oteeD kathitaT%saidD $udhaiT%$y the wise. ) person who with his heart, mind, and words knows that his wife, children, and e#erything are all the property of Lord ;ari is said to $e a de#otee $y the wise. e:t 13 dayOsti sar#a%jN#eWu sar#aP kVWQamayaP jagat yo jOnOti mahO%jZOnN sa $hakto #aiWQa#ottamaT

dayO%compassionD asti%isD sar#a%jN#eWu%to all li#ing entitiesD sar#am%allD kVWQamayam%consisting of Lord /VWQaD jagat%the wordD yaT%whoD jOnOti%knowsD mahO% jZOnN%a gteat wise manD sa%hwD $haktaT%a de#oteeD #aiWQa#ottamaT%the $est of VaiWQt#as. ) person who is kind to all li#ing entities and who knows that Lord /VWQa present e#erywhere in this world, is #ery wise. ;e is a de#otee. ;e is the $est of de#otees. e:t 14 nirjane tNrtha%samparke niTsaYgO ye mudOn#itOT dhyOyante caraQOm$hojaP MrN%hares te ca #aiWQa#OT nirjane%in a secluded placeD tNrtha%samparke%in a holy placeD niTsaYgO%aloneD ye% whoD mudOn#itOT%happyD dhyOyante%meditateD caraQOm$hojam%on the lotus feetD MrN% hareT%of Lord ;ariD te%theyD ca%alsoD #aiWQa#OT%de#otees. hose happy persons who, alone in a secluded holy place, meditate on Lord ;ariEs lotus feet, are also great de#otees. e:t 16 MaM#ad ye nOma gOyanti guQaP mantraP japanti ca kur#anti Mra#aQaP gathO #adanti te Eti%#aiWQa#OT MaM#at%alwaMsD ye%whoD nOma%the holy nameD gOyanti%chantD gunam%BualitiesD mantram%mantraD japanti%chantD ca%alsoD kur#anti%doD Mra#aQam%hearingD gathO%songsD #adanti%sayD te%theyD ati%#aiWQa#OT%#ery great de#otees. hey who always sing the LordEs holy names, chant mantras descri$ing ;is glories, and hear and sing songs descri$ing ;im, are #ery great de#otees. e:t 17 la$dh#O miWXOni #astUni pradOtuP haraye mudO

tUrQaP yasya mano hVWXaP sa $hakto jZOninOP #araT la$dh#O%attainingD miWXOni%sweetD #astUni%thingsD pradOtum%to gi#eD haraye%to Lord ;ariD mudO%happilyD tUrQam%at onceD yasya%of whomD manaT%the heartD hVWXam%happyD sa%heD $haktaT%a de#oteeD jZOninOm%of the wiseD #araT%the $est. ) person who o$tains sweet candies and is #ery happy at heart to offer them to Lord ;ari, is a de#otee. ;e is the $est of the wise. e:t 29 yan%mano hari%pOdO$je s#apne jZOnaP di#O%niMam pUr#a%karmopa$hogaP ca $ahir $huYkte sa #aiWQa#aT yat%whoseD manaT%heartD hari%pOdO$je%at Lord ;ariEs lotus feetD s#apne%in dreamsD jZOnam%knowledgeD di#O%niMam%day and nightD pUr#a%karma%upa$hogam%pre#ious karmaD ca%alsoD $ahiT%outsideD $huYkte%enjoysD sa%heD #aiWQa#ah%a de#otee. ) person who, day and night, and e#en in his dreams, thinks of Lord ;ariEs lotus feet, has used up all his past karma. ;e is a de#otee. e:t 2, guru%#aktrOd #iWQu%mantro yasya karQe #iMaty atha taP #aiWQa#aP mahO%pUtaP pra#adanti manNWiQaT guru%of the guruD #aktrOt%from the mouthD #iWQu%of Lord ViWQuD mantraT%a mantraD yasya%of whomD karQe%in the earD #iMaty%entersD atha%thenD tam%himD #aiWQa#am%a de#oteeD mahO%pUtam%#ery pureD pra#adanti%sayD manNWiQaT%the wise. he wise say that a person into whose ear a ViWQu%mantra has entered from his guruEs mouth, is a #ery pure de#otee. e:t 2. pUr#On sapta parOn sapta

sapta mOtOmahOdikOn sodaram uddhared $haktaT s#a%prasUP ca prasU%prasUm pUr#On%pre#iousD sapta%se#enD parOn%afterD sapea%se#enD sapta%se#enD mOtOmaha% OdikOn%%$eginning with grandmothersD sodaram%$rothers and sistersD uddharet% deli#ersD $haktaT%a de#oteeD s#a%prasUm%own childrenD ca%andD prasU%prasUm% grandchildren. ) de#otee deli#ers his family. ;e deli#ers se#en generations $efore and se#en generations after, se#en generations of grandparents, children, grandchildren, and other relati#es. e:t 20 kalatraP kanyakOP $andhuP MiWyaP dauhitram OtmanaT kiYkaraP kiYkarNP putraP uddhared #aiWQa#aT sadO kalatram%wifeD kanyakOm%daughterD $andhum%friendD MiWyam%discipleD dauhitram% granddaughterD OtmanaT%ownD kiYkaram%ser#antD kiYkarNm%maidser#antD putram%sonD uddharet%deli#ersD #aiWQa#aT%a de#oteeD sadO%always. ) de#otee always deli#ers his wife, daughter, friend, disciple, granddaughter, ser#ant, maidser#ant, and son. e:t 21 sadO #OZchanti tNrthOni #aiWQa#a%sparMa%darMane pOpi%dattOni pOpOni teWOP naMyanti saYgataT sadO%alwaysD #OZchanti%desiresD tNrthOni%holy placesD #aiWQa#a%LparMa%darMane%where he can see and touch the de#iteesD pOpi%$y sinnersD dattOni%gi#enD pOpOni%sinsD teWOm% of themD naMyanti%destroyD saYgataT%$y touch. he de#otees always desire to #isit holy pilgrimage places. 8y the de#oteeEs touch and glance the sins sinners lea#e there are at once destroyed.

e:t 22 go%dohana%kWaQaP yO#ad yatra tiWXhati #aiWQa#aT tatra sar#OQi tNrthOni santi tO#an mahN%tale gaT%of the cowsD dohana%of milkingD kWaQam%at the timeD yO#at%asD yatra%whereD tiWXhati%stayD #aiWQa#aT%the de#oteesD tatra%thereD sar#OQi%allD tNrthOni%holy placesD santi%areD tO#an%thenD mahN%tale%on the surface of the earth. ) place where a de#otee stays for as long as it takes to milk a cow $ecome a holy place. )ll the holy places on the surface of the earth are present in that place. e:ts 23 and 24 dhru#aP tatra mVtaT pOpN mukto yOti hareT padam yathai#a jZOna%gaYgOyOm ante kVWQa%smVtau yathO tulasN%kOnane goWXhe MrN%kVWQa%mandire pade #VndOraQye harid#Ore tNrtheW# anyeWu #O yathO dhru#am%indeedD tatra%thereD mVtaT%diesD pOpN%a sinnerD muktaT%li$eratedD yOti% goesD hareT%of Lord ;ariD padam%to the a$odeD yathO%asD e#a%indeedD jZOna%of knowledgeD gaYgOyOm%in the FaYgOD ante%at the endD kVWQa%smVtau%in remem$rance of /VWQaD yathO%asD tulasN%of tulasiD kOnane%in a forestD goWXhe%in VVndO#anaD MrN%kVWQa% mandire%in a temple of Lord /VWQaD pade%in the placeD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#ana forestD harid#Ore%at ;arid#araD tNrtheW#%at holy$ placesD anyeWu%otherD #O%orD yathO%as. )s if he were plunged in the FaYgO of transcendental knowledge, as if he were rapt in the thought of Lord /VWQa, as if he were in a forest of tulasN trees, a /VWQa%temple, VVndO#ana, ;arid#Ora, or other holy places, a sinner who dies there attains the a$ode of Lord ;ari. e:t 26

pOpOni pOpinOP yOnti tNrtha%snOnO#agOhanOt teWOP pOpOni naMyanti #aiWQa#a%sparMa%#OyunO pOpOni%the sinsD pOpinOm%of sinnersD yOnti%goD tNrtha%snOnO#agOhanOt%from $athing at a holy placeD teWOm%of themD pOpOni%the sinsD naMyanti%perishD #aiQQa#a%of the de#oteesD sparMa%touchD #OyunO%$y the $reeGe. "hen a sinner $athe! in a holy place his sins flee. ;is sins are destroyed $y a $reeGe that has touched a de#otee. e:t 27 na hi sthOtuP Maknu#anti pOpOny e#a kVtOni ca MuWkOni hi tVQOni ca na%notD hi%indeedD sthOtum%to stayD Maknu#anti%are a$leD pOpOny%sinsD e#a%indeedD kVtOni%doneD ca%alsoD j#alad%agnau%in a $laGing fireD yathO%asD kWipram%at onceD MuWkOni% dried upD hi%indeedD tVQOni%grassD ca%also. )s dry straw in a $laGing fire, these sins cannot sur#i#e. e:t 39 $haktaP #artma nigacchantaP ye ye paMyanti mOna#OT sapta%janma%kVtOghOni teWOP naMyanti niMcitam $haktam%of the de#ottesD #artma%the pathD nigacchantam%goingD ye ye%whoe#erD paMyanti%seeD mOna#OT%peopleD sapta%se#enD janma%$irthsD kVta%performedD aghOni%sinsD teWOm%of themD naMyanti%perishD niMcitam%certainly. Se#en lifetimes of sins are destroyed for whoe#er sees they who tra#el on the path of de#otional ser#ice. e:t 3,

ye nindanti hVWNkeMaP tad%$haktaP puQya%rUpiQam Mata%janmOrjitaP puQyaP teWOP naMyanti niMcitam ye%whoD nindanti%$lasphemeD hVWNkeMam%Lord /VWQaD tad%$haktam%;is de#oteeD puQya%rUpiQam%the personification of holinessD Mata%a hundredD janma%$irthsD arjitam% earnedD puQyam%pietyD teWOm%of themD naMyanti%is destroyedD niMcitam%certainly. he pious credits earned in a hundred $irths are at once destroyed for they who $laspheme Lord /VWQa or ;is saintly de#otee. e:t 3. te pacyante mahO%ghore kum$hNpOke $hayOnake $hakWitOT kNXa%sSYghena yO#ac candra%di#Okarau te%theyD pacyante%are cookedD mahO%ghore%in a grmat hellD kum$hNpOke% kum$hipakaD $hayOnake%fearfulD $hakWitOT%eate)D kNXa%saYghena%$y wormsD yO#at%as long asD candra%di#Okarau%the sun and the moon. hey are cooked in the terri$le hell called /um$hNpOka. hey are eaten $y worms for as long as the sun and moon e:ist. e:t 30 tasya darMana%mOtreQa puQyaP naMyanti niMcitam gaYgOP snat#O ra#iP dVWX#O tadO #id#On #iMuddhyati tasya%of himD darMana%mOtreQa%simply $y seeingD puQyam%pietyD naMyanti%is destroyedD niMcitam%indeedD gaYgOm%the FaYgOD snat#O%$athingD ra#im%the sunD dVWX#O% seeingD tadO%thenD #id#On%a wise manD #iMuddhyati%$ecomes purified. Simply $y seeing such a $lasphemer all oneEs piety is destroyed. If he sees him, a wise man $athes in the FaYgO or glances at the sun, and in that way $ecomes purified.

e:t 31 #aiWQa#a%sparMa%mOtreQa mukto $ha#ati pOtakN tasya pOpaP nihanty e#a s#antaT%stho madhusUdanaT #aiWQa#a%of a de#oteeD sparMa%$y the touchD mOtreQa%onlyD muktaT%li$eratedD $ha#ati%$ecomesD pOtakN%a sinnerD tasya%of himD pOpam%the sinD nihanti%perishesD e#a% indeedD s#antaT%in his heartD sthaT%situatedD madhusUdanaT%Lord /VWQa. Simply $y a de#oteeEs touch a sinner $ecomes li$erated. ;is sins are destroyed. Lord /VWQa stays in his heart. e:t 32 ity e#aP kathito #ipra #iWQu%#aiWQa#ayor guQaT adhunO MrN%harer janma ni$odha kathayOmi te iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitaT%saidD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD #iWQu%#aiWQa#ayoT%of Lord ViWQu and ;is de#oteeD guQaT%the #irtueD adhunO%nowD MrN%hareT%of SrN ;ariD janma%the $irthD ni$odha%please listenD kathayOmi%I will speakD te%to you. < $rOhmaQa, in this wpyyI ha#e descri$ed the glories of LSrd ViWQu and ;is de#otees. Now please listen a d I will tell you of Lord ;ariEs $irth.

%ha*ter Two+r,d0ma!RPdh0!#a"aha!var/a/a2es3ri*tion o( the 4uarre" etween +r,d0m0 and R0dh0

e:ts , and . MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca yena #O prOrthitaT kVWQaT ajagOma mahN%talam

yaP yaP #idhOya $hUmau sa jagOma s#OlayaP #i$huT $hOrO#ataraQopOyaP duWXaQOP ca #adhodyamam sar#aP te kathayiWyOmi su#icaryya #idhOnataT MrN%nOrOyaQaT u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD yena%$y whomD #O%orD prOrthitaT% reBuestedD kVWQaT%/VWQaD ajagOma%cameD mahN%of the earthD talam%to the surfaceD yaP yam%whate#erD #idhOya%placingD $hUmau%on the earthD sa%;eD jagOma%wentD s#alayam% to ;is own a$odeD #i$huT%the LordD $hOra%of the $urdenD a#ataraQa%remo#ingD upOyam%methodD duWXaQOm%of the wickedD ca%andD #adha%killingD udyamam%the methodD sar#am%allD te%to youD kathayiWyOmi%I will tellD su#icaryya%carefully consideringD #idhOnataT%properly. <n whose reBuest did /VWQa come to the surface of the earth, what the Lord did $efore ;e returned to ;is own a$ode, how ;e remo#ed the earthEs $urden, and how ;e killed the demons, of all these I will, carefully thinking of what happened, tell you the story. e:t 0 adhunO gopa%#eMaP ca gokulOgamanaP hareT rOdhO gopOlikO yena ni$odha kathayOmi te adhunO%nowD gopa%#eMam%the dress of a cowherdD ca%andD gokula%to FokulaD Ogamanam%arru#alD hareT%of Lord ;ariD rOdhO%5OdhOD gopOlikO%the cowherd girlD yena% $y whichD ni$odha%hearD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%you. Listen and I will tell you of Lord ;ariEs descent as a cowherd $oy, ;is arri#al in Fokula, and 5OdhOEs descent as a gopN. e:t 1 MaYkhacURa%#adhe pUr#aP saYkWepOt kathitaP Mrutam ahunO tO su%#istarya ni$odha kathayOmi te MaYkhacURa%of SaYkhacURaD #adhe%in the killingD pUr#am%$eforeD saYkWepOt%$rieflyD kathitam%toldD Mrutam%heardD adhunO%nowD tOT%themD su%#istarya%ela$oratelyD ni$odha% hearD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%you.

Listen and I will tell you in detail what $efore you heard me tell only $riefly in the story of SaYkhacURaEs death. e:t 2 MrNdOmnaT kalahaM cai#a $a$hU#a rOdhayO saha MrNdOmO MaYkhacURaM ca MOpOt tasyO $a$hU#a ha MrNdOmnaT%with SrNdamaD kalahaM%a BuarrelD ca%andD e#a%indeedD $a$hU#a%wasD rOdhOyO%5OdhOD saha%withD MrNdOmO%SrNdamaD MaYkhacURaT%SaYkhacURaD ca%andD MOpOt% from a curseD tasyO%of ;erD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. SrNdOmO Buarreled with 5OdhO and She cursed him to $ecome the demon SaYkhacURa. e:t 3 rOdhOP MaMOpa MrNdOmO yOhi yoQiP ca mOna#Nm #raje #rajOYganO $hUt#O #icaras#a ca $hU%tale rOdhOm%5OdhOD MaMOpa%cursedD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD yOhi%goD yoQim%to a wom$D ca% andD mOna#Nm%humanD #raje%in VrajaD #raja%of VrajaD aYganO%a girlD $hUt#O%ha#ing $ecomeD #icaras#a%walkD ca%andD $hU%tale%on the surface of the earth. hen SrNdOmO cursed 5OdhOJ Fo to a human wom$ in Vraja\ 8ecome a girl of Vraja and walk on the earthEs surface\ e:t 4 $hNtO MrNdOma%MOpOt sO MrN%kVWQaP samu#Oca ha gopN%rUpOP $ha#iWyOmi MrNdOmO mOP MaMOpa ha kim upOyaP kariWyOmi #ada mOP $haya%$haZjana $hNtO%frightenedD MrNdOma%MOpOt%$y SrNdamaEs curseD sO%SheD MrN%kVWQam%%to SrN /VWQaD samu#Oca%saidD ha%<D gopN%rUpOm%the form of a gopND $ha#iWyOmi%I will $eD

MrNdOmO%SrNdamaD mOm%-eD MaMOpa%cursedD ha%<D kim%whatD upOyam%remedyD kariWyOmi%I will doD #ada%tellD mOm%-eD $haya%of fearsD $haZjana%< $reaker. )fraid of SrNdOmOEs curse, She went to SrN /VWQa and saidJ I will $ecome a gopN\ SrNdOmO cursed -e\ "hat will I do to pre#ent it\ < $reaker of fears, please tell -e\ e:t 6 t#ayO #inO katham ahaP dhariWyOmi s#a%jN#anam kWaQena me yuga%MataP kOlaP nOtha t#ayO #inO t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutD katham%how*D aham%ID dhariWyOmi%I will maintainD s#a% jN#anam%-y lifeD kWaQena%for a momentD me%-yD yuga%yugasD Matam%a hundredD kOlam% the timeD nOtha%< LordD t#ayO%=ouD #inO%without. ;ow can I li#e without =ou* < Lord, without =ou e#ery moment will $ecome a hundred yugas. e:ts 7 and ,9 cakWur%nimeWa%#irahOd $ha#ed dagdhaP mano mama Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$hO sudhO%pUrQOnanaP ta#a nOtha cakWuM%cakorO$hyOP pi$Omy aham ahar%niMam t#am OtmO me mano prOQO deha%mOtraP #adOmy aham cakWuT%of the eyesD nimeWa%of $linkingD #irahOt%from tre stparationD $ha#et%isD djgdham%$urnedD manaT%heartD mama%-yD Marat%autumnD pOr#aQa%seasonD candra% moonD O$hO%lightD sudhO%nectarD pUrQa%fullD Onanam%faceD ta#a%=ourD nOtha%< LordD cakWuM%of the eyesD cakorO$hyOm%with the cakora $irdsD pi$Omy%I drinkD aham%ID ahar% niMam%day and nightDSt#am%=tuD OtmO%heartD me%-yD manaT%mindD prOQO%lifeD deha% mOtram%$odyD #adOmy%sayD aham%I. -y heart $ursts into flames when the $linking of -y eyes separates ?s. < Lord

glorious as the autumn moon, using the cakora $irds of -y eyes I drink the nectar of =our face day and night. I declare that =ou are -y heart, -y self, -y mind, and -y $ody. e:t ,, dVWXi%MaktiM ca cakWus t#aP jN#anaP paramaP dhanam s#apne jZOne t#ayi manaT smarOmi t#at%padOm$ujam ta#a dOsyaP #inO nOtha na jN#Omi kWaQaP #i$ho dVWXi%of the eyesD MaktiM%the powerD ca%andD cakWuT%the eyesD t#am%=ouD jN#anam%the lifeD paramam%greatD dhanam%wealthD s#apne%in dreamD jZOne%knowledgeD t#ayi%in =ouD manaT%the mindD smarOmi%I remem$erD t#at%padOm$ujam%=our lotus feetD ta#a%=ourD dOsyam%ser#iceD #inO%withoutD nOtha%< LordD na%notD jN#Omi%I li#eD kWaQam%for a momentD #i$haT%< Lord. =ou are -y eyes and -y power to see. =ou are -y life. =ou are my treasure. )wake or asleep, I always meditate on =our lotus feet. < Lord, without ser#ing =ou I cannot li#e for a moment. e:t ,. kVWQas tad%#acanaP Mrut#O $odhayOm OsO sundarNm #akWasi preyasNP kVt#O cakOra nir$hayOP ca tOm kVWQaT%/VWQaD tat%;erD #acanam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD $odhayOm OsOre#i#edD sundarNm%$eautifulD #akWasi%on ;is chestD preyasNm%$elo#edD kVt#O%placingD cakOra%didD nir$hayOm%fearlessnessD ca%andD tOm%;er. ;earing these words, Lord /VWQa placed ;is $eautiful $elo#ed on ;is chest. ;e reassured ;er and remo#ed ;er fears. ;e saidJ egts ,0 and ,1 mahN%talaP gOmiWyOmi #OrOhe ca #arOnane

mayO sOrdhaP $hU%gamanaP janma te Epi nirUpitam #rajaP gat#O #raje de#i #ihariWyOmi kOnane mahN%of the earthD talam%to the surfaceD gOmiWyOmi%I will goD #OrOhe%in the VarOha% kalpaD ca%alsoD #arOnane%< girl with the $eautiful faceD mayO%-eD sOrdham%withD $hU% gamanam%going to the earthD janma%$irthD te%of =ouD api%alsoD nirUpitam%descri$edD #rajam%to VrajaD gat#O%goingD #raje%iin VrajaD de#N%< goddessD #ihariWyOmi%I will enjoy pastimesD kOnane%in the forest. < girl with the $eautiful face, during the VOrOha%kalpa I will go to the earth. =ou will go with -e and also take $irth on the earth. < goddess, I will go to Vraja and enjoy pastimes (with =ou) in the forest. e:t ,2 mama prOQOdhikO t#aP ca $hayaP kiP te mayi sthite tam ity ukt#O haris tatra #irarOma jagat%patiT mama%of -eD prOQa%lifeD OdhikO%moreD t#am%=ouD ca%andD $hayam%fearD kim%what*D te%of =ouD mayi%in -eD sthite%situatedD tam%thatD ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD hariT%Lord ;ariD tatra%thereD #irarOma%stoppedD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#erses. =ou are more dear to -e than life. If I am present why should =ou $e afraid* Saying this, Lord ;ari, the master of the uni#erses, $ecame silent. e:t ,3 ato hetor jagan%nOtho jagOma nanda%gokulam kiP #O tasya $hayaP kasmOd $hayOnta%kOrakasya ca ataT%thenD heto$T%from this reasonD jagan%nOthaT%the master opf the uni#esresD jagOma%wentD nanda%gokulam%to NandaEs cow%#illageD kim%what*D #a%orD tasya%of ;imD $hayam%fearD kasmOt%from what*D $hayOnta%kOrakasya%who puts an end to fearD ca% and.

@or this reason the master of the uni#erses went to NandaEs Fokula. "hy should ;e $e afraid* <f what would ;e, the killer of fears, $e afraid* e:t ,4 mOyO%$haya%chalenai#a jagOma rOdhikOntikam #ijahOra tayO sOrdhaP gopa%#eMaP #idhOya saT mOyO%of the illusory potencyD $haya%of fearD chalena%on the prete:tD e#a%certainlyD jagOma%wentD rOdhikOntikam%to 5OdhOD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD tayO%with ;erD sOrdham%withD gopa%#eMaP #idhOya%as a cowherd $oyD saT%;e. (retending to fear the illusory potency, ;e assumed the appearance of a gopa, approached 5OdhO, and enjoyed pastimes with ;er. e:ts ,6 and ,7 saha gopOYganO$hiM ca pratijZO%pOlanOya ca $rahmaQO prOrthitaT kVWQaT samOgatya mahN%talam $hOrO#atOraQaP kVt#O jagOma s#OlayaP #i$huT saha%withD gopOYganO$hiM%the gopNsD ca%andD pratij].sy .1,^O%promiseD pOlanOya%to protectD ca%andD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD prOrthitaT%reBuestedD kVWQaT%/VWQaD samOgatya% arri#ingD mahN%talam%on the earthD $hOra%the $urdenD a#atOraQam%remo#alD kVt#O% doingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to ;is own a$odeD #i$huT%the Lord. o keep the promise ;e made when the demigod 8rahmO prayed to ;im, Lord /VWQa came to earth with the gopNs, remo#ed the earthEs $urden, and then returned to ;is own a$ode. e:t .9 MrN%nOrada u#Oca MrNdOmnaT kalahaM cai#a

kathaP #O rOdhayO saha saYkWepOt kathitaP pUr#aP sam#yasya kathayOdhunO MrN%nOradaT u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD MrNdOmnaT%of SridamaD kalahaM%the BuarrelD ca% andD e#a%indeedD katham%how*D #O%orD rOdhayO%with 5OdhOD saha%withD saYkWepOt%in $riefD kathitam%spokenD pUr#am%$eforeD sam#yasya%summariGingD kathaya%tellD adhunO%now. SrN NOrada saidJ "hy did SrNdOmO Buarrel with 5OdhO* "hat you $riefly told $efore, now please tell at length. e:t ., MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO rOdhOyO sOrdhaP goloke MrN%hariT s#ayam #ijahOra mahOraQye #ijane rOsa%maQRale rOdhikO sukha%sam$hogOt $u$udhe na s#akaP param MrN%nOrOyaQaT u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%onceD rOdhOyO%5OdhOD sOrdham% withD goloke%in FolokaD MrN%hariT%Lord ;ariD s#ayam%personallyD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD mahOraQye%in a great forestD #ijane%in a secluded placeD rOsa%maQRale%in the rOsa%maQRalaD rOdhikO%SrN 5OdhOD sukha%sam$hogOt%from the enjoyment of happinessD $u$udhe%understoodD na%notD s#akam%ownD param%then. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne time, in a rOsa%maQRala in a secluded place in a great forest in Foloka, Lord ;ari enjoyed pastimes with SrN 5OdhO. <#ercome with $liss, 5OdhO could not understand ;erself or anything else. e:t .. kVt#O #ihOraP MrN%kVWQas tOm atVptOP #ihOya ca gopikOP #irajOm anyOP MVYgOrOrthaP jagOma ha kVt#O%ha#ing doneD #ihOram%pastimesD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD tOm%;erD atVptOm% unsatisfiedD #ihOya%lea#ingD ca%andD gopikOm%gopND #irajOm%Virajap anyOm%anotherD MVYgOrOrtham%to enjoy amorous pastimesD jagOma%wentD ha%certainly.

Lea#ing ;er unsatisfied in the midst of heir pastimes, ;e went to enjoy amorous pastimes with VirajO, another gopN. e:t .0 #VndOraQye ca #irajO su$hagO rOdhikO%samO tasyO #ayasyaT sundaryo gopNnOP Mata%koXayaT #VndOraQye%in VVndO#anaD ca%alsoD #irajO%VirtajOD su$hagO%$eautifulD rOdhikO%samO% like 5OdhOD tasyOrof ;erD #ayasyaT%the friendsD sundaryaT%$eautifulD gopNnOm%of gopesD Mata%koXayaT%a $illion. 8eautiful VirajO resem$led 5OdhO. She had a $illion $eautiful gopN friends. e:t .1 kVW a%prOQOdhikO gopN dhanyO manyO ca yoWitOm ratna%siPhOsana%sthO sO dadarMa harim antike kVWQa% VWQaD prOQa%tman lifeD adhikO%moreD gopN%gopNp dhanyO%fortunateD manyO% gloriousD ca%andD yoWitOm%of womenD ratna%jewelD siPhOsana%throneD sthO%sittingD sO% sheD dadarMa%sawD harim%Lord ;ariD antike%near. )s she sat on a jewel throne, this gopN, who thought Lord /VWQa more dear than life, and who was fortunate and glorious among women, saw Lord ;ari approach. ert .2 dadamMa MrN%haris tOP ca Marac%candra%ni$hOnanOm manoharOP sa%smitOP ca paMyantNP #akra%cayWuWO dadarMa%sawD MrN%hariT%Lord ;ariD tOm%herD ca%andD Marac%candra%ni$hOnanOm%her face like the autumn moonD manoharOm%$eautifulD sa%smitOm%smilingD ca%andD paMyantNm%lookingD #akra%crookedD cakWuWO%with eyes.

Lord ;ari looked at her, her face glorious as the autumn moon, and she, ra#ishingly $eautiful, smiled, and with crooked eyes gaGed at ;im. e:t .3 sadO WoRaMa%#arWNyaP prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anOm ratnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyaP $hUWitOP sUkWma%#OsasO sadO%alwaysD WoRaMa%#arWNyam%si:teen years oldD prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anOm%in full $loom of youthD ratna%jewelD alaYkOra%ornamentsD Mo$ha%$eautyD ORhyam%enrichedD $hUWitOm%decoratedD sUkWma%with fineD #OsasO%garments. She was eternally si:teen years old, in the full $loom of youth. She wore e:Buisite garments and ;er $eauty was richer with jewel ornaments. e:t .4 pulakOYkita%sar#OYgiP kOma%$OQa%prapNRitOm dVWX#O taP MrN%haris tUrQaP #ijahOra tayO saha pulakOYkita%hairs standing erectD sar#a%allD aYgim%lim$sD kOma%of /apBmade#aD $OQa%$y the arrowsD prapNRitOm%%tormentedD dVWX#O%seeingD tam%herD MrN%hariT%Lord ;ariD tUrQam%at onceD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD tayO%herD saha%with. Seeing that she was $eing tortured $y /Omade#aEs arrows and the hairs of all her lim$s were erect with e:citement, Lord ;ari at once enjoyed pastimes with her. e:ts .6 and .7 puWpa%talpe mahOraQye nirjane ratna%maQRale mUrchOm a#Opa #irajO kVWQa%MVYgOra%kautukOt kVt#O #akWasi prOQeMaP koXi%kandarpa%sanni$ham

puWpa%of flowersD talpe%on a $edD mahOraQye%in the great forestD nirjane%secludedD ratna%maQRale%in a circle of jewelsD mUrchOm%faintingD a#Opa%attainedD #irajO%VirajOD kVWQa%MVYgOra%kautukOt%$ecause of the great $liss of enjoying amorous pastimes with Lord /VWQaD kVt#O%placingD #akWasi%on her chestD prOQeMam%the Lord of her lifeD koXi% kandarpa%sanni$ham%glorious as millions of /amade#as. In the great forest, in a secluded place, in a circle of jewels, on a $ed made of flowers, as she em$raced to her chest the Lord of her life, who is more glorious than millions of /Omade#as, VirajO fainted, o#ercome with $liss $y enjoying amorous pastimes with Lord /VWQa. e:t 09 tayO saktaP MrN%hariP ca ratna%maQRapa%saPsthitam dVWX#O ca rOdhikO%sakhyaT cakrus taP ca ni#edanam tayO%$y herD saktam%em$racedD MrN%harim%Lord ;ariD ca%alsoD ratna%mandapa% saPsthitam%in the pa#ilion of jewelsD dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD rOdhikO%of SrN 5OdhOD sakhyaT%the friendsD cakruT%didD tam%to ;erD ca%alsoD ni#edanam%description. Seeing Lord ;ari em$raced $y her in the jewel pa#ilion, 5OdhOEs friends at once told their mistress. e:t 0, tOsOP ca #acanaP Mrut#O suW#Opa ca cukopa ca tOsOm%of themD ca%andD #acanam%the statementD Mrut#O%hearingD suW#Opa%lay downD ca%andD cukopa%$ecame angryD ca%and. ;earing their words, 5OdhO $ecame angry and lay down on ;er $ed. e:t 0. $hVMaP ruroda sO de#N rakta%paYkaja%locanO tO u#Oca mahO%de#N mO taP darMayituP kWamOT

$hVMam%greatlyD ruroda%weptD sa%SheD de#N%the goddessD rakta%paYkaja%locanO%red lotus eyesD tO%to themD u#Oca%saidD mahO%greatD de#N%goddessD mO%to -eD tam%;imD darMayitum%to showD kWamOT%a$le. ;er eyes like red lotus flowers, the goddess wept $itterly. he great goddess said to themJ LShow ;im to -e.L e:t 00 yadi satyaP $rUte yUyaP mayO sOrdhaP pragacchata kariWyOmi phalaP gopyOT kVWQasya ca yathocitam yadi%ifD satyam%the truthD $rUte%speakD yUyam%youD mayO%-eD sOrdham%withD pragacchata%goD kariWyOmi%I will doD phalam%the resultD gopyOT%of the gopND kVWQasya% of /VWQaD ca%alsoD yathO%asD ucitam%proper. If you speak the truth, tden come with -e. I will gi#e /VWQa and this gopN the result hey deser#e. e:t 01 _ko rakWitOdya tasyOM ca mayi MOstiP prakur#ati MNghram OnayatOnyOM ca tayO sOrdhaP hari%priyOT kaT%who*D rakWitO%protectorD adya%nowD tasyOM%of herD ca%andD mayi%in -eD MOstim% punishmentD prakur#atN%doingD MNghram%at onceD Onayata%$ringD anyOT%othersD ca%andD tayO%with herD sOrdham%withD hari%priyaT%Lord ;ariEs $elo#eds. "hen I punish her who will sa#e her* "ith her Buickly $ring Lord ;ariEs other lo#ers also. e:ts 02 and 03 antar%#akraP sa%smitOP ca #iWa%kum$haP sudhO%mukham

mad%OMrayaP samOgantuP yUyaP dOsaP na dOsyatha tam e#a maQRapaP ramyaP yOta samrakWateM#aram antaT%in ;is heartD #akram%crookedD sa%smitOm%smilingD ca%andD #iWa%of poisonD kum$ham%a potD sudhO%nectarD mukham%mouthD mat%-yD OMrayam%homeD samOgantum%to approachD yUyam%youD dOsam%ser#antD na%notD dOsyatha%will gi#eD tam% to ;imD e#a%indeedD maQRapam%pa#ilionD ramyam%delightfulD yOta%goD samrakWata% protectD NM#aram%the Lord. &onEt $ring that smiling, crooked%hearted, nectar%mouthed pot of poison to -y home. Instead, take the Lord to -y $eautiful pa#ilion and keep ;im there. e:t 04 rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O kOMcid gopyo $hayOn#itOT tOT sar#OT sampuXOZjalyo $hakti%namrOsya%kandharOT rOdhikO%5OdhOEsD #acanam%statementD Mrut#O%hearingD kOMcit%someD gopyaT%gopNsD $hayOn#itOT%frightenedD tOT%theyD sar#OT%allD sampuXOZjalyaT%with folded handsD $hakti%with de#otionD namra%$owedD Osya%headsD kandharOT%and necks. ;earing 5OdhOEs words, some gopNs $ecame frightened, and they all folded their hands and hum$ly $owed their heads and necks. e:t 06 tOm UcuT purataT sthit#O sar#O e#a priyOP satNm #ayaP taP darMayiWyOmo #irajO%sahitaP pra$hum tOm%to ;erD ucuT%they saidD purataT%i2 the presenceDSsthit#O%placingD sar#O%allD e#a% indeedD priyOm%$elo#edD satNm%eternalD #ayam%weD tam%;imD darMayiWyOmaT%we will showD #irajO%sahitam%with VirajOD pra$hum%the Lord. Standing $efore ;er, they all said to the LordEs eternal $elo#edJ L"e will show =ou the Lord with VirajO.L

e:t 07 tOsOP ca #acanaP Mrut#O ratham Oruhya sundarN jagOma sOrdhaP gopN$his tri%WaWXhi%Mata%koX$hiT tOsOm%of themD ca%andD #acanam%the statementD Mrut#O%hearingD ratham%a chariotD Oruhya%ascendingD sundarN%the $eautiful oneD jagOma%wentD sOrdham%withD gopN$hiT% gopNsD tri%WaWXhi%Mata%koX$hiT%,,309,999,999. )fter hearing their words, $eautiful 5OdhO ascended a chariot. She departed with ,,309,999,999 gopNs, tra#eling on a chariot . . . e:t 19 ratnendra%sOra%racitaP koXi%sUrya%sama%pra$ham maQNndra%sOra%racitaP kalasOnOP tri%koXi$hiT racitaP citra%#Oji$hiT #aijayantN%#irOjitam ratnendra%sOra%with the kings of jewelsD racitam%madeD koXi%millionsD sUrya%of sunsD sama%eBualD pra$ham%splendorD maQNndra%sOra%with the kings of jewelsD racitam%madeD kalasOnOm%of domesD tri%koXi$hiT%thirty millionD racitam%madeD citra%colorfulD #Oji$hiT%with horsesD #aijayantN%with strings of flowersD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . made of many regal jewels, splendid as millions of suns, roofed with thirty million domes made of regal jewels, splendid with a #ariety of colorful flowers, pulled $y colorful horses, . . . e:t 1, lakWa%cakra%samOyuktaP mano%yOyi mano%haram maQi%sOra%#ikOraiM ca koXi%stam$haiT su%Mo$hitam lakWa%a hundred tnousandD cakra%wheelsD samOyuktam%endowed withD mano%yOyi% going as fast as the mindD mano%haramw$eautifnlD maQi%sOra%of the $est of jewelsD

#ikOraiM%with manyD ca%andD koXi%with ten millionD stam$haiT%pillarsD su%Mo$hitam% $eauitful. . . . with ten thousand wheels, enchanting the heart, tra#eling as fast as the mind, $eautiful with ten million pillars and many different glorious jewels, . . . e:t 1. nOnO%citra%#icitraiM ca sahitaiT su%manoharaiT sindUrOkOra%maQi$hir madhya%deMe #i$hUWitaiT ratna%kVtrima%saYghaiM ca ratha%cakrordh#a%saPsthitaiT nOnO%citra%#icitraiM%with #arious wonderful and colorful picturesD ca%andD sahitaiT% withD su%manoharaiT%#ery $eautifulD sindUrOkOra%maQi$hiT%with ru$iesD madhya%deMe% in the middleD #i$hUWitaiT%decoratedD ratna%of jewelsD kVtrima%artificialD saYghaiT%with multitudesD ca%andD ratha%of the chariotD cakra%wheelsD Urdh#a%o#erD saPsthitaiT% situated. . . . with many wonderful and colorful $eautiful pictures, with many ru$ies in the inside rooms, with many jewels decorating the wheels, . . . e:t 10 catur%lakWa%parimitaiT citra%ghaQXO%saman#itaiT citra%nUpura%Mo$hORhyair #icitraiM ca #irOjitaiT catur%lakWa%four hundred thousandD parimitaiT%in measurementD citra%ghaQXO% saman#itaiT%with wonderful $ellsD citra%wonderfulD nUpura%ankletsD Mo$hORhyaiT% $eautifulD #icitraiM%wonderfulD ca%andD #irOjitaiT%splendid. . . . with four hundred thousand splendid and wonderful wheels decorated with wonderful $ells and tinkling ornaments, . . . e:t 11 maQi%mandira%lakWaiM ca ratna%sOra%#inirmitaiT

maQi%sOra%kapOXaiM ca Mo$hitaiM citra%rOji$hiT maQi%jewelD mandira%palacesD lakWaiM%with a hundred thousandD ca%andD ratna%sOra% #inirmitaiT%made of the $est of jewelsD maQi%sOra%of the $est of jewelsD kapOXaiM%with portalsD ca%andD Mo$hitaiM%decoratedD citra%rOji$hiT%with a wonderful series of pictures. . . . with a hundred thousand jewel palaces, with doors made of the $est of jewels, with $eautiful jewel pictures, . . . e:t 12 maQNndra%sOra%kalasaiT Mekharojj#alitair yutam $hoga%dra#ya%samOyuktaP #eMa%dra#ya%saman#itaiT maQNndra%sOra%of the $est of the kings of jewelsD kalasaiT%with domesD Mekhara% crownsD ujj#alitaiT%%splendidD yutam%endowedD $hoga%foodD dra#ya%thingsD samOyuktam%endowedD #eMa%dra#ya%saman#itaiT%with e:Buisite garments. . . . with domes of the $est regal jewels, with splendid spires, with delicious foods and e:Buisite garments, . . . e:t 13 Mo$hitaP ratna%MayyO$hN ratna%pOtra%puXOn#itam hiraQmayNnOP #edNnOP samUhena saman#itam Mo$hitam%$eautifulD ratna%MayyO$hN%with jewel $edsD ratna%pOtra%puXOn#itam%with jewel $o:esD hiraQmayNnOm%goldenD #edNnOm%with platformsD samUhena%with a multitudeD saman#itam%endowed. . . . $eautiful with many jewel $eds, jewel cups and cases, and golden platforms, . . . e:t 14 kuYkumO$ha%maQNnOP ca sopOna%koXi$hir yutam syamantakaiT kaustu$haiM ca

rucakaiT pra#arais tathO kuYkumO$ha%maQNnOm%of ru$iesD ca%andD sopOna%koXi$hiT%with ten million staircasesD yutam%endowedD syamantakaiT%with syamantaka jewelsD kaustu$haiM% kaustu$ha jewelsD ca%andD rucakaiT%$eautifulD pra#araiT%e:cellentD tathO%so. . . . with ten million ru$y staircases, with #ery $eautiful syamantaka and kaustu$ha jewels, . . . e:t 16 padma%kVtrima%koXNnOP MatakaiM ca su%Mo$hitam citra%kOnana%#OpN$hir #iMiWXhOdhOra%rOjitam padma%kVtrima%koXNnOm%of ten million lotusesD MatakaiM%with a hundredD ca%andD su%Mo$hitam%$eautifulD citra%wonderfulD kOnana%forestsD #OpN$hiT%with lakesD #iMiWXha% specificD OdhOra%reser#oirsD rOjitam%splendid. . . . splendidly $eautiful with wonderful forests and lakes and hundreds of gro#es of millions of lotus flowers, . . . e:t 17 ratnendra%sOra%racitaP kalasojj#ala%Mekharam Mata%yojanam Urdh#aP ca daMa%yojana%#istVtam ratnendra%sOra%racitam%made with the $est of jewelsD kalasa%domesD ujj#ala% splendidD Mekharam%spiresD Mata%yojanam%699 milesD Urdh#am%a$o#eD ca%andD daMa% yojana%#istVtam69 miles wide. . . . with splendid jewel domes and spires eighty miles wide and eight hundred miles high, . . . e:t 29 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%koXi%#irOjitam kundOnOP kara#NQOP ca

yUthikOnOP tathai#a ca pOrijOta%parijataD prasUnOnOm%flowersD mOlO%of garlandsD koXi%with ten millionD #irOjitam%splendidD kundOnOm%of kunda flowersD kara#NQOm%of kara#ira flowersD ca% andD yUthikOnOm%of yuthi flowersD tathO%soD e#a%certainlyD ca%and. . . . splendid with ten million garlands of pOrijOta, kunda, kara#Nra, and yUthikO flowers, . . . e:t 2, sucOru%campakOnOP ca nOgeMOnOP manoharaiT mallikOnOP mOlatNnOP mOdha#NnOP su%gandhitam sucOru%#ery $eautifulD campakOnOm%of campaka flowersD ca%andD nOgeMOnOm%nagesa flowersD manoharaiT%$eautifulD mallikOnOm%of mallika flowersD mOlatNnOm%of malati flowersD mOdha#NnOm%of madha#i flowersD su%gandhitam%fragrant. . . . fragrant with many #ery $eautiful campaka, nOgeMa, mallikO, mOlatN, and mOdha#N flowers, . . . e:t 2. kadam$OnOP ca mOlOnOP kadam$aiM ca #irOjitam sahasra%dala%padmOnOP mOlO%padmair #i$hUWitam kadam$OnOm%of kadam$a flowersD ca%andD mOlOnOm%of garlandsD kadam$aiM%with multitudesD ca%andD #irOjitam%splendidD sahasra%dala%thousand petalD padmOnOm%of lotusesD mOlO%padmaiT%with garlandsD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . decorated with many garlands of kadam$a flowers and thousand%petal lotuses, . . . e:t 20 citra%puWpodyOna%saraT% kOnanaiM ca #i$hUWitam sar#eWOP syandanOnOP ca MreWXhaP #Oyu%#ahaP param

citra%wonderful and colorfulD puWpa%flowerD udyOna%gardensD saraT%lakesD kOnanaiM% forestsD ca%andD #i$hUWitam%decoratedD sar#eWOm%of allD syandanOnOm%flowingD ca%andD MreWXham%$estD #Oyu%#aham%$reeGeD param%great. . . . decorated with wonderful forests, lakes, and colorful flower gardens, fast as the wind, the $est of all chariots, . . . e:t 21 sat%sUkWma%#astra%sOrOnOP #arair OcchaditaP #aram ratna%darpana%lakWOQOP MakataiM ca saman#itam sat%sUkWma%#astra%sOrOnOm%e:Buisite fine garmentsD #araiT%e:cellentD Occhaditam% co#eredD #aram%e:cellentD ratna%jewelD darpana%mirrorsD lakWOQOm%characteriGedD MakataiM%with hundredsD ca%andD saman#itam%endowed. . . . co#ered with e:Buisite fine cloth, decorated with hundreds of jewel mirrors, . . . e:t 22 M#eta%cOmara%koXi$hir #ajra%muWXi$hirean#itam candanOguhu%kOstUrN% kuYkuma%dra#ya%carcitaiT M#eta%whiteD cOmara%camarasD koXi$hiT%with ten millionD #ajra%muWXi$hiT%with sapphiresD an#itam%endowedD candana%sandalD Oguru%aguruD kOstUrN%muskD kuYkuma% kunkumaD dra#ya%carcitaiT%anointed. . . . decorated with sapphires and white cOmaras, fragrant with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t 23 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP koXi%talpa%#irOjitam koXi%ghaQXO%samOyuktaP patOkO%koXi$hir yutam

pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD koXi%ten millionD talpa%$edsD #irOjitam% splendidD koXi%ten millionD ghaQXO%$ellsD samOyuktam%endowedD patOkO%flagsD koXi$hiT% ten millionD yutam%endowed. . . . splendid with ten million pOrijOta%decorated $eds, ten million flags, and ten million $ells, . . . e:t 24 ratna%MayyO%koXi$hiM ca citra%#astra%paricchadaiT candanOh#aiM campakOnOP kuYkumaiM ca #icarcitaiT ratna%jewelD MayyO%$edsD koXi$hiM%with ten millionD ca%andD citra%wonderful and colorfulD #astra%paricchadaiT%with clothD candana%sandalD Oh#aiT%namedD campakOnOm%of campaka flowersD kuYkumaiM%with kunkumaD ca%andD #icarcitaiT% anointed. . . . with ten million jewel $eds co#ered with wonderful and colorful $lankets, fragrant with campaka flowers, sandal, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t 26 puWpopadhOna%samyukta% MVYgOrOrhO$hir an#itam adVMyair aMrutair dra#yaiT sundaraiM ca #i$hUWitam puWpa%flowerD upadhOna%with flowersD samyukta%endowedD MVYgOra%for amorous pastimesD arhO$hirsuita$leD an#itam%endowedD adVMyaiT%ne#er seen $efgoreD aMrutaiT% ne#er heard ofD dra#yaiT%thingsD sundaraiM%$eautifulD ca%alsoD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . decorated with flower%pillows, and perfect for amorous pastimes, and also decorated with many $eautiful things ne#er seen or heard of $efore. e:t 27 e#am%$hUtOd rathOt tUrQaP a#aruhya hari%priyO jagOma sahasO de#N taP ratna%maQRapaP mune

e#am%$hUtOt%like thatD rathOt%from the chariotD tUrQam%at onceD a#aruhya% descendingD hari%priyO%Lord ;ariEs $elo#edD jagOma%wentD sahasO%BuicklyD de#N%the goddessD tam%to ;imD ratna%maQRapam%in the pa#ilion of jewelsD mune%< sage. < sage, Buickly descending from the chariot thus descri$ed, Lord ;ariEs $elo#ed goddess 5OdhO, at once went to ;im in the pa#ilion of jewels. e:t 39 d#Ore niyuktaP dadarMa d#Ora%pOlaP manoharam lakWa%gopa%pari#VtaP smerOnana%saroruham d#Ore%at the doorD niyuktam%engagedD dadarMa%sawD d#Ora%pOlam%doorkeepersD manoharam%handsomeD lakWa%a hundred thousandD gopa%%gopasD pari#Vtam% surroundedD smera%smilingD Onana%faceD saroruham%lotus flower. )t the entrance She saw a handsome, smiling, lotus%faced guard accompanied $y a hundred thousand gopas. e:t 3, gopaP MrNdOma%nOmOnaP MrN%kVWQasya priyaYkaram tam u#Oca ruWO de#N rakta%paYkaja%locanO gopam%the gopaD MrNdOma%nOmOnam%named SrNdOmOD MrN%kVWQasya%of SrN /UWQaD priyaYkaram%dear fiiendD tam%to hiimD u#Oca%saidD ruWO%with angerD de#N%the goddessD rakta%redD paYkaja%lotusD locanO%eyes. o that gopa, whogwas SrN /VWQaEs dear friend named SrNdOmO, goddesst5OdhO, ;er eyes now like red lotuses, angrily saidJ e:t 3. dUraP gaccha gaccha dUraP rati%lampaXa%kiYkara kNdVMNP surUpOP kOntOP drakWyOmi t#at%pra$hor aham

dUram%far awayD gaccha%goD gaccha%goD dUram%far awayD rati%lampaXa%of a de$aucheeD kiYkara%) ser#antD kNdVMNm%like what*D surUpOm%$eautifulD kOntOm% $elo#edD drakWyOmi%I will seeD t#at%pra$hoT%of your masterD aham%I. Fo away\ < ser#ant of a rake, go away\ I will see what kind of $eautiful lo#er =our master has now\ e:t 30 rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O niTMaYkaT purataT sthitaT tam e#a na dadau gantuP #etra%pOQir mahO%$alaT rOdhikO%of SrN 5OdhOD #acanam%the statementD Mrut#O%hearingD nihsaYkaT%fearlessD purataT%$eforeD sthitaT%stoodD tam%to ;erD e#a%indeedD na%notD dadau%ga#eD gantum%to goD #etra%with a stickD pOQiT%in his handD mahO%$alaT%#ery strong. ;earing 5OdhOEs words, strong and fearless SrNdOmO, holding a stick in his hand, did not allow ;er to enter. e:t 31 tUrQaP ca rOdhikOnyOM ca MrNdOmOnaP su%kiYkaram $alena prerayOm OsuT kopena sphuritOdharOT tUrQam%at onceD ca%andD rOdhikO%5OdhOD anyOT%othersD ca%andD MrNdOmOnam% SrNdamaD su%kiYkaram%ser#antD $alena%forci$lyD prerayOm OsuT%pushed asideD kopena% angrilyD sphurita%trem$lingD adharOT%lips. heir lips trem$ling, the#other gopNs angrily pushed the ser#ant SrNdOmO. e:t 32 Mrut#O kolOhalaP Ma$daP golokOnOP hariT s#ayam jZateO ca kopitOP redhOm antardhOnaP cakOra ha

Mrut#O%hearingD kolOhalam%the commotionD Ma$dam%soundD golokOnOm%of the people of FolokaD hariT%Lord ;ariD s#ayam%personallyD jZat#O%understandingD ca%alsoD kopitOm%angryD rOdhOm%VD antardhOnam%disappearanceD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. ;earing a great commotion from the people of Foloka, and understanding that 5OdhO was angry, Lord ;ari disappeared. e:t 33 #irajO rOdhikO%Ma$dOd antardhOnaP harer api dVWX#O rOdhO $hayOrtO sO jahau prOnOPM ca yogataT #irajO%VirajOD rOdhikO%Ma$dOt%from the sound of 5OdhOD antardhOnam% disappearanceD hareT%of Lord ;ariD api%alsoD dVWX#O%seeingD rOdhO%5OdhOD $haya%with fearD OrtO%afflictedD sO%sheD jahau%ga#e upD prOnOn%lifeD ca%alsoD yogataT%$y mystic yoga. ;earing the word L5OdhOL, and seeing Lord ;ari disappear, VirajO $ecame afraid. 8y practice of mystic yoga she ga#e up her life. _ e:t 34 sadyas tatra sarid%rUpaP tac charNraP $a$hU#a ha #yaptaP ca #artulOkaraP tathO golokam e#a ca sadyaT%at onceD tatra%thereD sarid%rUpam%in the form of a ri#erD tac%thatD charNram% $odyD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD #yaptam%manifestedD ca%andD #artula%circleD Okaram%formD tathO%thusD golokam%FokulaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. ;er $ody at once $ecame a ri#er circling Foloka. e:t 36 koXi%yojana%#istNrQaP prasthe Eti%nimnam e#a ca dairghye daMa%guQaP cOru nOnO%ratnOkaraP param koXi%ten millionD yojana%yojanasD #istNrQam%in e:tentD prasthe%situatedD Eti%nimnam%

#ery deepD e#a%indeed1 ca%andDmdairghye%in lengthD daMa%tenD guQam%timesD c)ru% $eautifulD nO O%ratnOkar!m%filled witC many jewelsD param%great. hat ri#er was illed with jewels, #ery deep, eigotjhundred miles wide, and ten times as long.

%ha*ter Three+r, R0dh0!+r,d0ma!50*odbhavaThe %ursing o( +r, R0dh0 and +r,d0ma

e:t , rOdhO rati%gVhaP gat#O na dadarMa hariP mune #irajOP ca sarid%rUpaP dVWX#O gehaP jagOma sO rOdhO%5O)hOD rati%gVham%to the pa#ilion of amorous pastimesD gat#O%wentD na%did notD dadarMa%seeD harim%Lord ;ariD mune%< sageD #irajOm%VirajOD ca%andD sarid%rUpam% in the form of a ri#erD dVWX#O%seeingD geham%homeD jagOma%wentD sO%She. < sage, when She went to the pa#ilion of amorous pastimes 5OdhO did not see Lord ;ari. Seeing the ri#er that VirajO had $ecome, She went home. e:t . MrN%kVWQo #irajOP dVWX#O sarid%rUpOP priyOP satNm uccai ruroda #irajO% tNre nNra%manohare MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD #irajOm%ViarjOD dVWX#O%seeingD sarid%rUpOm%in the form of a ri#erD priyOm%$elo#edD satNm%eternalD uccai%loudlyD ruroda%weptD #irajO%%of the VirajO ri#erD tNre%on the shoreD nNra%waterD manohare%$eautiful. Seeing that ;is eternal $elo#ed had $ecome a ri#er, SrN /VWQa loudly wept on the $eautiful shore of that VirajO ri#er.

e:t 0 mamOntikaP samOgaccha preyasNnOP pare #are t#ayO #inOhaP su$hage kathaP jN#Omi sundari mama%-eD antikam%nearD samOgaccha%comeD preyasNnOm%of $elo#edsD pare%< $estD #are%< $estD t#ayO%$y youD #inO%withoutD aham%ID su$hage%< $eautiful oneD katham% how*D jN#Omi%I will li#eD sundari%< $eautiful one.

e:t 1 nady%adhiWXhOtrN de#N t#aP $ha#a mUrtimatN satN mamOMiWO rUpa#atN sundarN yoWitOP #arO nadN%of ri#ersD adhiWXhOtrN%BueenD de#N%< goddessD t#am%youD $ha#a%$ecomeD mUrtimatN%personifiedD satN%eternalD mama%of -eD OMiWO%$y the $lessingD rUpa#atN% ha#ing a formD sundarN%$eautifulD yoWitOm%among womenD #arO%the $est. L8y -y $lessing now $ecome the most $eautiful of women, and the empress of ri#ers. e:t 2 pUr#a%rUpOc ca sau$hagyOd idOnNm adhikO $ha#a purOtanaP MarNraP te sarid%rUpam a$hUt satN pUr#a%pre#iousD rUpOt%than the formD ca%andD sau$hagyOt%$eautifulD idOnNm%nowD adhikO%moreD $ha#a%$ecomeD purOtanam%pre#iousD MarNram%formD te%of youD sarid% rUpam%the form of a ri#erD a$hUt%$ecameD sati%< chaste one. LNow ha#e a form more $eautiful that the $eautiful form you had. < chaste one, your pre#ious form has now $ecome a ri#er.L e:t 3

jalOd utt Oya cOgaccha #idhOya nUtanOP tanum OjagOma harer agraP sOkWOd rOdhe#a sundarN jalOt%from the waterD utthOya%risingD ca%andD Ogaccha%comeDt#idhOya%placingD nUtanOm%newD tanum%formD OjagOma%cameD hareT%to Lord ;ariD agram%in the presenceD sOkWOt%directlyD a,dhO%5OdhOD i#a%likeD sundarN%$eautiful. L5ise from the water and come to -e.L aking a new form, and $eautiful like 5OdhO, she approached Lord ;ari. e:t 4 _pNta%#astra%parNdhOnO smerOnana%saroruhO paMyantaP prOQa%nOthaP ca paMyantN #akra%cakWuWO pNta%#astra%parNdhOnO%wearing yellow garmentsD smera%smilingD Onana%faceD saroruhO%lotus flowerD paMyantam%seeingD prOQa%lifeD nOtham%to the LordD ca%andD paMyantN%seeingD #akra%crookedD cakWuWO%with eyes. "earing yellow garments and her lotus face smiling, with crooked eyes she gaGed at the Lord of ;er life and ;e gaGed at her. e:t 6 niXam$a%MroQi%$hOrOrtO pinonnata%p yodharO mOninN mOninNnOP ca gajendra%manda%gOminN niXam$a%MroQi%of her hips and thighsD $hOra%$y the $urdenD OrtO%oppressedD pina% swollenD unnata%raisedD payodharO%$reastsD mOninN%gloriousD mOninNnOm%of glorious wome D ca%andD gajs%elephantsD indra%kingD manda%slowD gOminN%walking. a She was oppressed $y the $urden ot her hfps and thighs, and her $reasts were swollen and high.

e:t 7 sundarN sundarNQOP ca dhanyO manyO ca yoWitOm cOru%campaka%#arQO$hO pak#a%$im$OdharO #arO sundarN%$eautifulD sundarNQOm%of $eautiful girlsD ca%andD dhanyO%fortunateD manyO% gloriousD ca%andD yoWitOm%of womenD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%of a campaka flowerD #arQa%O$hO%the colorD pak#a%ripeD $im$a%$im$a fruitD adharO%lipsD #arO%e:cellent. She was the most $eautioful of $eautiful women, and She was fortunate and glorious among women. She was the color of a $eautiful campaka flower and her lips were ripe $im$a fruits. e:t ,9 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% danta%paYkti%manoharO Marat%par#OQa%candrOsyO _ phullendN#ara%locanO pak#a%ripeD dORim$a%pomegranateD $Nja%seedsD O$ha%likeD danta%of teethD paYkti% rowD manoharO%$eautifulD Marat%par#OQa%autumnD candra%moonD OsyO%faceD phulla% $lossomingD indN#ara%lotusD locanO%eyes. ;er $eautiful teeth were like ripe pomegranate seeds, her face was an autumn moon, and her eyes were $lossoming dark lotuses. e:t ,, kOsturN%$indunO sOrdhaP sindUra%$indu%$hUWitO cOru%pOtraka%Mo$hORhyO su%cOru%ka#arN%yutO kOsturN%muskD $indunO%dotD sOrdham%withD sindUra%of red sinduraD $indu%dotD $hUWitO%decoratedD cOru%$eautifulD pOtrakadesignsD Mo$ha%ORhyO%$eautifulD su%cOru%#ery $eautifulD ka#arN%$raidsD yutO%with.

She was decorated with a dot of musk and many dots of red sindUra. She was $eautiful wi h $eautiful designs and pictures. ;er $raided hair was #ery $eautiful. e:t ,. ratna%kuQRala%gaQRa%sthO $hUWitO ratna%mOlayO gaja%mauktika%nOsOgrO muktO%hOra%#irOjitO ratna%jewelD kuQRala%earringsD gaQRa%on her cheeksD sthO%situatedD $hUWitO% decoratedD ratna%of jewelsD mOlayO%with a necklaceD gaja%an elephantD mauktika%pearlD nwLa%of her noseD agrO%on the tnpD muktO%of pearlsD hOra%with a necklaceD #irOjitO% glo1ious. Aewel earrings resting on her cheeks, She was decorated with a necklace of jewels and glorious with a necklace of pearls. <n the tip of her nose was an elephant pearl. e:t ,0 ratna%kaYkana%keyUra% caru%saYkha%karojj#alO kiYkinN%jOla%Ma$dORhyO S V ratna%maZjNra%raZjitO ling ornamentsD jOla%networkD Ma$da%soundD ORhyO%opulentD ratna%jewel ma].sy .1,^jNra%ankletsD raZjitO%tinkling. She was splendid with jewel armlets and $racelets and a $racelet of shells. She was opulent with many tinkling ornaments and tinkling jewul anklets. e:t ,1 tOP ca rUpa#atNP dVWX#O premodrekOP jagat%patiT cakOrOliYganaP tUrQaP cueum$a ca muhur muhuT tOm%herD ca%andD rUpa#atNm%$eautifulD dVWX#O%seeingD premodrekOm%filled with lo#eD jagat%patiT%the Lord of the uni#ersesD cakOra%di D OliYganam%an em$raceD tUrQam%at onceD cucum$a%kissedD ca%andD muhuT muhuT%again and again.

Seeing her so neautiful and so full of lo#e for ;im, the Lord of the uni#erses at once em$raced her and kissed her again and again. e:t ,2 nOnO%prakOra%MVYgOraP #iparNtOdikaP #i$huT rahasi prayasNP prOpya cakOra campunaT punaT nOnO%#ariousD prakOra%kindsD MVYgOram%amorous pastimesD #iparNta%Odikam% $eginning with #iuarNtaD i$huT%the LordD rahwsi%in a scluded placeD prayasNm%$elo#edD prOpya%attainingD cakOra%didD ca%andD punaT punaT%again and again. Foing to a secluded place, the all%p.werful Lord again and again enjoyed many different kinds of amorous pastimes, $eginning with #iparNta%lNlO, with ;is $elo#ed. e:t ,3 #irayO s rajo%yuktO dhVt#O #Nryam amoghakam sadyo $a$hU#a tatrai#a dhanyO gar$ha#rtN satN #irajO%VirajOD sO%sheD rajo%yuktO%passionateD dhVt#O%takingD #Nryam%the semenD amoghakam%which cannot $e thwartedD sadyaT%a )ccepting the LordEs in#inci$le semen, passionate and fortunate VirajO at once $ecame pregnant. e:t ,4 dadhOra gar$ham NMasya di#yaP #arWa%MataP ca sO tataT suWO#a tatrai#a putrOn sapta manoharOn dadhOra%she heldD gar$ham%the em$ryoD NMasya%of the LordD di#yam%celestialD #arWa% Matam%for a hundred yearsD ca%andD sO%sheD tataT%thenD suWO#a%ga#e $irthD tatra%thereD

e#a%indeedD putrOn%to sonsD sapta%se#enD manoharOn%handsome. )fter a hundred celestial years of pregnancy, she ga#e $irth to se#en handsome sons from the Lord. e:t ,6 mOtO ca sapta%putrOQOP MrN%kVWQasya priyO satN tasthau tatra sukhOsNnO sOrdhaP putraiM ca sapta$hiT mOtO%the motherD ca%andD sapta%putrOQOm%of se#en sonsD MrN%kVWQasya%of SrN /VWQaD priyO%$elo#edD satN%eternalD tasthau%stoodD tatra%thereD sukha%happilyD OsNnO%seatedD sOrdham%withD putraiM%sonsD ca%andD sapta$hiT%se#en. In this way the LordEs eternal $elo#ed $ecame the mother of se#en sons. She was #ery happy with her se#en sons. e:t ,7 ekadO hariQO sOrdhaP #VndOraQye su%nirjane #ijahOra punaT sOdh#N MVYgOrOsakta%mOnasO ekadO%onceD hariQO%Lord ;ariD sOrdham%withD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#anaD su%nirjane% in a secluded placeD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD punaT%againD sOdh#N%the saintly girlD MVYgOra%to amorous pastimesD Osakta%attachedD mOnasO%mind. <ne day, her heart filled with amorous desires, the saintly girl again enjoyed pastimes with Lord ;ari in a secluded place in VVndO#ana forest. _ etasminn antare tatra mOtuT kroRaP jagOma ha kaniWXha%putras tasyOM ca $hrOtV$hiT pNRito $hiyO etasmin antare tatra%in that placeD mOtuT%of the motherD kroRam%the lapD jagOma% e:t .9

wentD ha%indhedD kaniWXha%the youngestD putraT%sonD tasyOM%of herD ca%andD $hrOtV$hiT% $y the $rothersD pNRitaT%trou$ledD $hiyO%with fear. hen, frightened $y his $rothers, her youngest son came there and went to his motherEs lap. e:t ., $hNtaP s#a%tanayaP dVWX#O tatyOja taP kVpO%nidhiT kroRe cakOra $OlaP sO kVWQo rOdhO%gVhaP yayau $hNtam%afraidD s#a%tanayam%her own sonD dVWX#O%seeingD tatyOja%a$andonedD tam% ;imD kVpO%nidhiT%an ocean of kindnessD kroRe%on her lapD cakOra%didD $Olam%the $oyD sO%sheD kVWQaT%/VWQaD rOdhO%gVham%to 5OdhOEs homeD yayau%went. Seeing her son was afraid, she who was an ocean of kindness left Lord ;ari and placed the $oy on her lap. hen /VWQa went to 5OdhOEs home. e:t .. pra$odhya $OlaP sa sOdh#N na dadarMOntike priyam #ilalOpa $hVMOP tatra MVYgOrOtVpta%mOnasO pra$odhya%comfortingD $Olam%the $oyD sa%sheD sOdh#N%chasteD na%notD dadarMOntike% sawD priyam%$elo#edD #ilalOpa%lamentedD $hVMOm%greatlyD tatra%thereD MVYgOra%$y amorous pastimesD atVpta%unsatisfiedD mOnasO%at heart. "hen she had comforted the $oy she noticed that her $elo#ed was no longer there. ;er heart filled with unsatisfied desires, she lamented greatly. e:t .0 MaMOpa s#a%sutaP kkpOl la#aQodo $ha#inyasi kadOpi te jalaP kecit na khadiWyanti jN#inaT

MaMOpa%cursedD s#a%sutamfher own sonD kopOl%out of angerD la#aQodaT%an ocean of salt%waterD $ha#iWyasi%you will $ecomeD kadOpi%sometimeD te%of yeuD jalam%the waterD kecit%someD na%notD khadiWyanti%will drinkD jN#inaT%the li#ing entities. She angrily cursed her sonJ L=ou will $ecoma an ocean of salt%water. he li#ing entities will ne#er drink your water.L e:t .1 MaMOpa sar#On $OlOPM ca yOntu mURhO mahN%talam gacchadh#aP ca mahNP mURhO jam$ud#NpaP manoharam MaMOpa%she cursedD sar#On%allD $OlOPM%the $oysD ca%andD yOntu%may goD mURhO%< foolsD mahN%talam%to the earthD gacchadh#am%goD ca%andD mahNm%to the earthD mURhO% < foolsD jam$ud#Npam%to Aam$ud#ipaD manoharam%$eautiful. hen she cursed all the $oysJ L hose fools will go to the earth\ @ools, go to $eautiful Aam$ud#Npa on the earth\ e:t .2 sthitdr naikatra yuWmOkaP $ha#iWyati pVthak pVthak d#Npe d#Npe sthitaP kVt#O e tiWXhantu sukhinaT sutOT sthitiT%situationD na%notD ekatra%in one placeD yuWmOkam%of youD $ha#iWyati%will $eD pVthak%separateD pVthak%separateD d#Npe%on islandsD d#Npe%after islandsD sthitam% situatedD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD tiWXhantu%stayD sukhinaT%happyD sutaT%< sons. L hey will not stay together in one place, $ut will stay each in his own place. hey will stay happily aroghd different islandst e:t .3 d#Npa%sthO$hir nadN$hiM ca saha krNRantu nirjane kaniWXho mOtV%MOpOc ca

la#aQodo $a$hU#a ha d#Npa%sthO$hiT%on the islandsD nadN$hiM%with the ri#ersD ca%andD saha%withD krNRantu%may enjoy pastimesD nirjane%in a seclua%$ecameD ha%certainly. L hey may enjoy pastimes with the ri#ers on these islands.L In this way, $ecause of his motherEs curse, the youngest $oy $ecame an ocean of salt%water. e:t . kaniWXhaT kathayOm Osa mOtV%MOpaP ca $OlakOn Ojagmur duerhitOT sar#e mOtV%sthOnaP ca $OlakOT kaniWXhaT%the youngestD kaehayOm Osa%saidD mOtV%MOpam%rhe motherEs curseD ca% andD $OlakOn%to the $oysD OjagmuT%they cameD duTkhitOT%unhappyD sar#e%allD mOtV% sthOnam%to their motherEs placeD ca%andD $OlakOT%the $oys. he youngest then told the other $oys a$out their motherEs curse. ?nhappy, all the $oys went to their mother. e:t .6 Mrut#O #i#araQaP sar#e prajagmur dharaQN%talam praQam a caraQaP mOtur $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT Mrut#O%hearingD #i#araQam%wordsD sar#e%allD prajagmuT%wentD dharaQN%talam%to the earthD ppaQamya%offering o$eisancesD caraQam%to the feetD mOtuT%of their motherD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT%their necks $owed with de#otion. )fter hearing their motherEs words, they offered o$eisances to her feet. hen, their necks $owed with de#otion, they all went to the surface of the earth. e:t .7

sapta%d#Npe samudrOM ca sapta taWXhur #i$hOgaMaT kaniWXhOd #Vddha%paryantaP d#i%guQaP d#i%guQaP mune sapta%d#Npe%on se#en islandsD samudrOM%oceansD ca%andD sapta%se#enD taWXhuT%stoodD #i$hOgaMaT%separatelyD kaniWXhOt%from the youngestD #Vddha%paryantam%to the eldestD d#i%guQam%dou$ledD d#i%guQam%dou$ledD mune%< sage. _ < sage, they $ecame se#en oceans around the se#en islands. @rom the youngest to the eldest, each ocean was twice as large as the preceding one. e:t 09 la#aQekWu%sura%sarprir% dadhi%dugdha%jalOrQa#OT eteWOP ca jalaP pVth#yOP MasyOrthaP ca $ha#iWyati la#aQa%saltD ikWu%sugarcane juiceD sura%wineD sarpriT%clarified $utterD dadhi%yogurtD dugdha%milkD jala%sweet waterD arQa#OT%oceansD eteWOm%of themD ca%andD jalam%waterD pVth#yOm%on the earthD sasyOrtham%for the purpose opf grainsD ca%andD $ha#iWyati%will $e. hey $ecame oceans of salt%water, sugarcane juice, wine, clarified $utter, yogurt, milk, and sweet water. heir liBuid will $e used to culti#ate grains on the earth. e:t 0, #yaptOT samudrOT saptai#a sapta%d#NpaP #asundharOm rurudur $OlakOT sar#e mOtV%$hrOtV%MucOn#itOT #yaptOT%manifestedD samudrOT%oceansD sapta%se#enD e#a%indeedD sapta%d#Npam% se#en islandsD #asundharOm%earthD ruruduT%weptD $OlakOT%$oysD sar#e%allD mOtV% motherD $hrOtV%$rothersD MucO%with griefD an#itOT%filled. In this way they $ecame se#en oceans around the se#en islands of the earth. ?nhappy in separation from their mother and $rothers, all the $oys wept.

e:t 0. ruroda ca $hVMOP sOdh#N putra%#iccheda%kOtarO mUrchOm a#Opa Mokena putrOQOP $hartur e#a ca ruroda%weptD ca%alsoD $hVMOm%greatlyD sOdh#N%the chaste ladyD putra%#iccheda% kOtarO%afflicted $y separation from her sonsD mUrchOm%faintingD a#Opa%attainedD Mokena%ion griefD putrOQOm%of her sonsD $hartuT%of her hus$andD e#a%indeedD ca%also. sons and hus$and. e:t 00 tOP Moka%sOgare magnOP #ijZOya rOdhikO%patiT OjagOma punas tasyOT smerOnana%saroruhaT tOm%to herD Moka%sOgare%in an ocean of greifD magnOm%drowningD #ijZOya% understandingD rOdhikO%patiT%5OdhOEs masterD OjagOma%cameD punaT%againD tasyOT%of herD smerOnana%saroruhaT%smiling lotus face. ?nderstanding that she was drowning in an ocean of grief, 5OdhOEs master, ;is lotus face smiling, came to her again. e:t 01 dVWX#O hariP sO tatyOja MokaP rodanam e#a ca Onanda%sOgare magnO dVWX#O kOntaP $a$hU#a ha dVWX#O%seeingD harim%Lord ;ariD sO%sheD tatyOja%a$andonedD Mokam%her griefD rodanam%cryingD e#a%indeedD ca%andD Onanda%of $lissD sOgare%in an oceanD magnO% plungedD dVWX#O%seeingD kOntam%her lo#erD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. "hen she saw Lord ;ari she stopped weeping and lamenting. FaGing at her $elo#ed, she $ecame plunged in an ocean of $liss.

e:t 02 cakOra MrN%hariP kroRe #ijahOra smarOturO taP ca putra%parityaktaP haris tuWXo $a$hU#a ha cakOra%didD MrN%harim%Lord ;ariD kroRe%on her lapD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD smara%with passionD aturO%p#ercomeD tam%to ;imD ca%andD putra%her sonsD parityaktam%a$andonedD hariT%Lord ;ariD tuWXaT%pleasedD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. <#ercome with passion, she placed Lord ;ari on her lap and enjoyed pastimes with ;im. In this way, e#en though she had a$andoned her sons, Lord ;ari $ecame pleased with her. e:t 03 _ #araP tasyai dadau prNtyO prasanna%#adanekWaQaT kOnte nityaP ta#a sthOnam OgamiWyOmi niMcitam #aram%a $enedictionD tasyai%to herD dadau%ga#eD prNtyO%$eing pleasedD prasanna% happyD #adana%faceD NkWaQaT%and eyesD kOnte%< $elo#edD nityam%alwaysD ta#a%of youD sthOnam%the placeD OgamiWyOmi%I will comeD niMcitam%certainly. ;is eyes and face filled with happiness, ;e ga#e her a $enedictionJ L8elo#ed, I will always come to you. e:t 04 yathO rOdhO tat%samO t#aP $ha#iWyasi priyO mama petrOn rakWasi nityaP t#aP mad%#arasya pra$hO#ataT yathO%asD rOdhO%5OdhOD tat%samO%like ;erD t#am%youD $ha#iWyasi%will $eD priyO%dearD mama%-yD putrOn%sonsD rakWasi%you protectD nityam%alwaysD t#am%youD mad%#arasya%of -y $lessingD pra$hO#ataT%$y the power.

LLike 5OdhO you will $e deah to -e. 8y the power of -y $lmssing you will alwa s protect your sons.L e:t 06 ity%ukta#antaP MrN%kVWQaP #asantaP #irajOntike dVWX#O rOdhO%#ayasyOM ca kathayOm Osur NM#arNm ity%ukta#antam%saying thisD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD #asantam%stayingD #irajO% VirajOD antike%nearD dVWX#O%seeingD rOdhO%%of 5OdhOD #ayasyOM%the friendsD ca%andD kathayOm OsuT%saidD NM#arNm%to their mistress. Seeing SrN /VWQa with VirajO as he spoke these words, 5OdhOEs friends told their mistress. e:t 07 Mrut#O ruroda sO de#N suW#Opa krodha%mandire etasminn antare kVWQo jagOma rOdhikOntikam minn%in thatD antare%withinD kVWQaT%/VWQaD jagOma%wentD rOdhikO%5OdhOD antikam% near. ;earing this, 5OdhO lay down in the palace of anger and wept. hen /VWQa entered that palace and approached ;er. e:t 19 sa taWXhau rOdhikO%d#Ore MrNdOmnO saha nOrada rOseM#arN hariP dVWX#O ruWXO #acO priyaP puraT sa%;eD taWXhau%stoodD rOdhikO%d#are%at the entrance to 5OdhOEs placeD MrNdOmnO% SrNdamaD saha%withD nOrada%< NOradaD rOseM#arN%the Bueen of the rasa danceA harim< Lord ;ariD dVWX#O%seeingD ruWXO%angryD #acO%with wordsD priyam%;er $elo#edD purah% $efore.

n NOrada, accompanied $y SrNdOmO, /VWQa stood at 5OdhOEs dhor. "hen She who Ls the Bueen of the rOsa dance saw ;er $elo#ed Lord ;ari, She $ecame angry and saidJ e:t 1, matto $ahutarOT kOntO goloke santi te hare yOhi tOsOP sannidhanaP mayO te kiP prayojanam mattaT%than -eD $ahutaraT%many otherD kOntO%$elo#edsD goloke%in FolokaD santi% areD te%of =ouD hare%< Lord ;ariD yOhi%goD tOsOm%to themD sannidhanam%nearD mayO% with -eD te%for =ouD kim%what*D prayojanam%is the need. < Lord ;ari, =ou ha#e many other lo#ers in Foloka. Fo to them\ "hy do =ou need -e* e:t 1. #irajO preyasN kOntO sarid%rUpO $a$hU#a ha dehaP ty kt#Onmama ahayOt tathOpi yOsi tOP prati #irajO%VirajOD preyasN%dearD kOntO%lo#erD sarid%rUpO%in the form of a ri#erD $a$hU#a% $ecameD ha%indeedD dgham%$odyD tyakt#O%a$andoningD mama%of -eD $hay t%out of fearD tathOpi%stillD yOsi%=ou goD tOm%herD prati%to. _ >#en though =our dear lo#er VirajO, out of fear of -e, left her $ody and $ecame a ri#er, still =ou go to her\ e:t 10 tat%tire mandiraP kVt#O tiWXha tiWXha ca yOhi tOm nadN $a$hU#a sO t#aP ca nado $ha#itum arhasi tat%tire%on her shoreD mandiram%a palaceD kVt#O%creatingD tiWXha%stayD tiWXha%stayD ca% andD yOhi%goD tam%to herD nadN%a ri#erD $a$hU#a%$ecameD sO%sheD t#am%=ouD ca%andD

nadaT%a ri#erD $ta#itum%to $ecomeD arhasi%=ou are worthy. 8uild a palace on her shore and stay with her. Stay with her. Fo to her. She $ecame a ri#er. =ou $ecame a ri#er also. e:t 11 nadasya nadyO sOrdhaP ca saYgamo guQa#On $ha#et s#a%jOtau paramO prNtiT MayOne $hojane sukhOt nadasya%of a male ri#erD nadyO%with a female ri#erD sOrdham%withD ca%andD saYgamaT%associationD guQa#On%#irtuousD $ha#et%isD s#a%jOtau%$orn in the same groupD paramO%greatD pritiT%lo#eD MayOne%in laying downD $hojane%in eatingD sukhOt%happily. 8ecause they $elong to the same class, it is glorious for one ri#er to associate with another ri#er. )s they happily eat together and sleep together they feel great lo#e for each other. e:t 12 de#a%cUROmaQe krNRO nadyO sOrdhaP mayeritam mahO%janaT smera%mukhaT Mrut#O sadyo $ha#iWyati de#a%of di#ine personsD cUROmaQe%< crest jewelD krNRO%LastimesD nadyO%a ri#erD sOrdham%withD mayO%$y -eD Nritam%saidD mahO%janaT%the great soulsD smera%smilingD mukhaT%facesD Mrut#O%hearingD sadyaT%at onceD $ha#iWyati%will $ecome. < crest jewel of di#ine persons, when they hear from -e that =ou are enjoying pastimes with a ri#er, the great souls will smile. _ e:t 13 ye t#OP #adanti sar#eMaP te kiP jOnOnti t#an%manaT $haga#On sar#a%$hUtatmO nadNP sam$hoktum icchati

ye%whoD t#am%to =ouD #adanti%sayD sar#a%of allD NMam%the LordD te%theyD kim%why*D jOnOnti%knowD t#an%manaT%=our heartD $haga#On%the LordD sar#a%$hUtatmO%the Supersoul in all li#ing $eingsD nadNm%a ri#erD sam$hoktum%to enjoyD icchati%desires. hey who say =ou are the master of the uni#erses do not truly know =our heart. he (ersonality of Fodhead, who is the Supersoul in the hearts of all, now desires to enjoy pastimes with a ri#er\ e:t 14 ity ukt#O rOdhikO de#N #irarOma ruWOn#itO nottasthau $hUmi%MOyOnOd gopN%lakWa%samOn#itO ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD rOdhikO%5OdhOD de#N%goddessD #irarOma%stoppedD ruWOn#itO%angryD na%did notD uttasthau%stand upD $hUmi%on the groundD MOyOnht%from the $edD gopN%lakWa%samOn#itO%accompanied $y a hundred thousand gopNs. )fter speaking these words, angry goddess 5OdhO stopped. Surrounded $y a undred thousand gopNs, She would not rise fromr;er $ed. e:t 16 kOMcic cOmara%hastOM ca kOMcit sUkWmOPMukOdharOT kOMcit tOm$Ula%hastOM ca kOMcin mOlO%karO #arOT kOMcit%someD cOmara%hastOM%camaras in their handsD ca%andD kOMcit%someD sukPsOPMukadharOT%carrying fine garmentsD kOMcit%someD tOm$Ula%hastOT%with $etelnuts in their handsD ca%andD kOMcin%someD mOlO%karO%with garlands in their handsD #arOT%e:cellent. Some gopNs carried cOmaras in their hands, some carried fine garments, some carried $etelnuts in their hands, and some carried flower%garlands in their hands. e:t 17

_ #Ositoda%karOT kOMcit

kOMcit padma%karO #arOT kOMcit sindUra%hastOM ca mOlya%hastOM ca kOMcana #Osita%scentedD uda%waterD karOT%handD kOMcit%someD kOMcit%someD padma%karO% lotuses in handD #arOT%$estD kOMcit%someD sindUra%hastOM%sindura in handD ca%andD mOlya%hastOM%garlands in handD ca%andD kOMcana%some. Some carried cups of scented water in their hands, some carried lotus flowers in their hands, some carried red sindUra in their hands, and some carried flower garlands in their hands. e:t 29 ratnOlaYkOra%hastOM ca kOMci kajjala%#OhikOT #eQu%#NQO%karOT kOMcit kOMcit kaYkatikO%karOU ratnOlaYkOra%hastOT%jewel ornaments in their handsD ca%andD kOMcit%someD kajjala% #OhikOT%carrying $lack kajjalaD #eQu%fluteD #NQO%and #inasD karOT%in their handsD kOMcit%someD kOMcit%someD kaYkatikO%karOT%com$s in their hands. Some carried jewel ornaments in their hands, some carried $lack kajjala, some carried flutes and #NQOs in their hands, and some carried com$s in their hands. e:t 2, kOMcid O#Nra%hastOM ca r yOntra%hastOM ca kOMcana sugandhi%taila%hastOM ca kOMcana pramadottamOT karatOla%karOT kOMcit geQRu%hastOM ca kOMcana kOMcit%someD a#Nra%hastOM%carrying a#ira in their handsD ca%andD yOntra%hastOM%some carrying yantras in their handsD ca%andD kOMcana%someD sugandhi%taila%hastOM%carrying scented oil in their handsD ca%andD kOMcana%someD pramadottamOT%the $est of womenD karatOla%karOT%carrying karatalas in their handsD kOMcit%%someD geQRu%hastOT%carrying a toy $all in their handsD ca%andD kOMcana%some.

Some carried O#Nras in their hands, some carried yantras in their hands, some carried scented oil in their hands, some most $eautiful wome" cwIrieS karatOlas in their hands, and some carried try $alls. _ e:t 2. kOMcin mVdaYga%muraja% muralN%karatOlikOT saYgNtO%nipuQOT kOMcit kOMcin nirtana%tat%parOT kOMcin%someD mVdaYga%mrdangasD muraja%murajasD muralN%flutesD karatOlikOT% karatalasD saYgNtO%singingD nipuQOT%e:permD kOMcit%someD kOMcin%someD nartana%tat% parOT%de#oted to dancing. Some played mVdaYgas, murajas, flutes, and karatOlas, some e:pertly sang, and some e:pertly danced. e:t 20 krNRO%#astu%karOT kOMcin madhu%hastOM ca kOMcana sudhO%pOtra%karOT kOMcid aYghri%pNXha%karOT oarOT krNRO%#astu%karOT%toys in their handsD kOMcin%someD madhu%hastOM%honey in their handsD ca%andD kOMcana%someD sudhO%pOtra%karOT%cuops of nectar in their handsD kOMcit% omeD aYghri%pNXha%karOT%footstools in their handsD parOT%others. Some carried toys in their hands, some carried cups of honey in their hands, some carried cups of nectar in their hands, ana ome carried footstools in their hands. e:t 21 #eMa%#astu%karOT kOMcit kOMcic caraQa%se#ikOT putOZjaliakarOT kOMcit kOMcit stuti%parO #arOT #eMa%#astu%karOT%garments and ornamentsD kOMcit%someD kOMyic%someD caraQa% se#ikOT%ser#ing the feetD putOZjali%karOT%folded handsD kOMcit%someD kOMcit%someD stuti% parO%speaking prayersD #arOT%$est.

Some carried garments anf ornaments in their hands, some ser#ed 5OdhOEs feet, some stood $efore ;er with folded hands, and some spoke prayers glorifying ;er. e:t 22 e!aP kati#idhOTofanti rOdhikO%purato mune _$ahir%deMa%sthitOT kOMcit koXiMaT koXiMaT sadO e#am%thusD kati#idhOT%how many kinds*D santi%areD rOdhikO%purataT%$efore 5OdhOD mune%< sageD $ahir%deMa%outsideD sthitOT%sitouatedD kOMcit%someD koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD sadO%always. ;ow many stood $efore ;er* < sage, millions and millions stood outside. e:t 23 kOMcid d#Ora%nikyuktOM ca #ayasyO #etra%dhOrikOT kVWQam a$hyantaraP gantuP na dadur d#Ora%saPsthitam kOMcit%someD d#Ora%nikyuktOM%stood at the doorD c %andD #ayasyO%friendsD #etra% dhOrikOT%holding sticksD kVWQam%/VWQaD a$hyantaram%insideD gantum%to goD na%notD daduT%gB#eD d#Ora%saPsthitam% tanding at the door. )s /VWQa stood at the door, 5OdhOEs friends, who held sticks, would not allow ;im to enter. e:t 24 puraT sthitaP taP prOQeMaP rOdhO punar u#Oca sO nOnurUpam atyakathyam ayogyam ati%karkaMam puraT%$eforeD sthitam%standingD tam%;imD prOQeMam%the Lord of ;er lifeD rOdhO% 5OdhOD punaT%againD u#Oca%saidD sO%SheD na%notD anurUpam%followingD atyakathyam%

what should nto $e saidD ayogyam%what is improperD ati%karkaMam%what is #ery harsh. )s the Lord ofn;er life stood $efore ;er, 5OdhO spoke to ;im words that were inaccurate, not worthy to $e spoken, improper, and #ery harsh. he:t 26 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca he kVWQa #irajO%kOnta gaccha mat%purato hare kathaP dunoWi mOP lola% rati%caurOti%lampaXa _ MrN%rOdhi O u5Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD he%<D kV Qa%/VWQaD #irajO%kOnta%lo#er of VirajOD gaccha%goD mat%purataT%from -y presenceD hare%< Lord ;ariD katham%why*D dunoWi% do =ou trou$leD mOn%-D lola%fickleD rati%caura%ati%lampaXasde$auchee. < /VWQa, < lo#er of VirajO, get away from -e\ < Lord ;ari, < restless de$auchee, why do =ou taou$le -e* e:t 27 MNghraP padma#atNP gaccha ratna%mOlOP manoharOm atha#O #ana%mOlOP #O rUpeQOpratimOP #raja MNghram%BuicklyD padma#atNm%(adma#atND gaccha%goD ratna%mOlOm%5atnamalaD manohorOm%$eautifulD atha#O%orD #ana%mOlOm%VanamalaD #O%orD rUpeQa%with $eautyD apratimOm%without eBualD #raja%go. Fo at once t (adma#atN\ Fo to $eautiful 5atnamOlO or VanamOlO whose $eauty has no eBual\ e:tty9 he nadN%kOnta de#eMa de#OnOP ca guror guro mayO jZOto Esi $hadraP te gaccha gacchw mamOMrSmOt

he%<D nadN%kOnta%lo#er of a ri#erD de#eMa%< master of the demigodsD de#OnOm%of the demigodsD ca%andD guroT%of the guruD guraT%< guruD mayO%$y -eD jZOtaT%knownD asi% =ou areD $hadram%auspiciousnessD te%to =ouD gaccha%goD gaccha%goD mama%of -eD OMramOt%from the OMrama. < lo#er of a ri#er, < master of the demigods, < guru of the demigodsE guru, I know who =ou are. )uspiciousness to =ou\ Fo\ Fo from -y OMrama\ e:t 3, MaM#at te mOnuWOnOP ca #ya#ahOraM ca lampaXa la$hatOP mOnuWNP yoniP golokOd #raja $hOratam MaM#at%alwasyD te%of =ouD mOnuWOnOm%of human $eingsD ca%andD #ya#ahOraM% acti#itiesD ca%andD lampaXa%< rakeD la$hatOm%may attainD mOnuWNm%humanD yonim% wom$D golokOt%from FolokaD #raja%goD $hOratam%to 8hOrata%#arWa. _ )gain and again =ou act like a human\ 5ake, enter a human wom$\ Lea#e Foloka and go to 8hOrata%#arWa\ e:t 3. he suMNle MaMikOle he padma#ati mOdha#i ni#aryatOP ca dhUrto Eyam asyOtra kiP prayojanam he%<D suMNle%SuMNlOD MaMikOle%< SaMikOlOD he%<D padma#ati%(adma#atiD mOdha#i% -Odha#iD ni#aryatOm%should $e stoppedD ca%andD dhUrtaT%criminalD ayam%thisD asya%of ;imD atra%hereD kim%what*D prayojanam%is the need. < SuMNlO, SaMikalO, (adma#atN, -Odha#N, stop this criminal\ "hat need ha#e we for ;im* e:t 30 rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O

tam Ucur gopikO harim hitaP tathyaP ca #inayaP sOraP yat samayocitam rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tam%to ;imD UcuT%saidD gopikO%the gopNsD harim%to Lord ;ariD hitam%welfareD tathyam%truthD ca%andD #inayam% gentleD sOram%$estD yat%whatD samaya%to that timeD ucitam%appropriate. )fter hearing 5OdhOEs words, the gopNs spoke to Lord ;ari words that were $eneficial, truthful, gentle, sweet, and appropriate to that circumstance. e:t 31 kOMcid Ucur iti are gaccha sthOnOntaraP kWaQam rOdhO%kopOpanayane gamayiWyOmahe #ayam kOMcit%someD UcuT%saidD iti%thusD hare%< Lord ;ariD gaccha%goD sthOnOntaram%to another placeD kWaQam%for a momentD rOdhO%of 5OdhOD kopa%the angerD apanayane% remo#edD gamayiWyOmahe #ayam%we will $ring. Some saidJ L< Lord ;ari, for a moment go to another place. "hen 5OdhOEs anger su$sides we will $ring =ou here.L e:t 32 _ kOMcid Ucur ati%prNtyO kWaQaP gaccha gVhOntaram t#ayai#a #ardhitO rOdhO t#aP #inO kaM ca rakWati kOMcit%someD UcuT%saidD ati%prityO%with great lo#eD kWaQam%for a momentD gaccha% goD gVhOntaram%to another homeD t#ayO%$y =ouD e#a%indeedD #ardhitO%increasedD rOdhO% 5OdhOD t#am%=ouD #inO%withoutD kaM%who*D ca%andD rakWati%protects. Some #ery a fectionately saidJ LFo home for a momhnt. =ou make 5OdhO $lissful. >:cept for =ou, who can protect ;er*L e:t 33

kOMcid Ucur iti premQO rOdhikOyO hariP mune kWaQaP #VndO#anaP gaccha mOnOpanayanO#adhi kOMcit%someD UcuT%saidD iti%thusD premQO%with lo#eD rOdhikOyO%of 5OdhOD harim%to Lord ;ariD mune%< sageD kWaQam%for a momentD #VndO#aram%to VVndO#anaD gaccha% goD mOna%jealous angerD apanayana%remo#edD a#adhi%until. < sage, out of lo#e for 5OdhO some gopNs said to Lord ;ariJ L@or a moment go to VVndO#ana forest until ;er anger su$sides.L e:t 34 kOMcid ity Ucur NMaP ca parihOsa%paraP #acaT mOnOpanayanaP $haktyO SOminyOT kuru kOmuka kOMcit%someD ity%thusD UcuT%saidD NMam%to the LordD ca%andD parihOsa%param%jokingD #acaT%wordsD mOna%jealous angerD apanayanam%remo#alD $haktyO%with de#otionD kOminyOT%of the passionate girlD kuru%doD kOmuka%< passionate one. Some joked to the LordJ L< passionate one, $y de#otedly ser#ing ;er =ou will appease the jhalous anger of =our passionate $elo#ed.L e:t 36 kOMcanocur itNMaP taP _ yOhi jOyOntaraP ta#a lolupasya phalaP nOtha kariWyOmo yathocitam kOMcana%someD UcuT%saidD iti%thusD NMam%%to the LordD tam%to ;imD yOhi%goD jOyO% wifeD antaram%to anotherD ta#a%of =ouD lolupasya%greedyD phalam%fruitD nOtha%< LordD kariWyOmaT%we will doD yathO%asD ucitam%proper. Some said to the LordJ LFo to another wife and in the meantime, < Lord, we will $ring the result =ou earnestly desire.L

e:t 37 kOMcanocur iti hariP sa%smitaP purataT sthitam gat#O samNpam utthO a mOnOpanayanaP kuru kOMcana%someC UcuT%saidD iti%thusDD harim%to Lord ;ariD sa%smitam%smilingD purataT%$efore themD sthitam%situatedD gat#O%ha#ing goneD samNpam%nearD utthOya% risingD mOna%of jealous angerD apanayanam%remo#alD kuru%please do. Some stood smiling $efore Lord ;ari and saidJ LFo to ;er and pacify ;er jealous angerL. e:t 49 kOMcanocur iti prOQa% nOthaP gopyo dur%akWaram yaT kWamaT sOmprataP draWXuP rOdhikO%mukha%paYkajSm kOMcana%someD UcuT%saidD iti%thusD prOQa%%of lifeD nOtham%the LordD gopyaT%the gopNsD dur% kWaram%harsh ordsD yaT%whoD kWamaT%is a$leD sOmpratam%nowD draWXum% to seeD rOdhikO%mukha%paYfahas%5OdhOEs lotus face. Some gopNs spoke harshly to the Lord of their li#esJ ].sy ,36^"ho can see 5OdhOEs lotus face now*L e:t 4, kOMcanocur iti #i$huP #raja sthOnOntaraP hare kopOpanayane kOle punar OgamanaP ta#a angerD apanayane%remo#alD kOle%at the timeD punaT%againD Ogamanam%returnD ta#a%of =ou. Some said to the all%powerful LordJ L< Lord ;ari, go to another place, and when ;er anger is o#er =ou may return.L

e:t 4. kOMcanocur itNdaP taP pragal$hOT pramadottamOT #ayaP t#OP #arayiWyOmo na ced yOhi gVhOntaram kOMcina%someD UcuT%saidD iti%thusD idam%thisD tam%to ;imD pragal$hOT%arrogantD pramadottamOT%$est of womenD #ayam%weD t#am%to =ouD #arayiWyOmaT%will chooseD na%notD cet%ifD yahi%goD gVhOntaram%to anotherEs home. Some $eautiful and arrogant gopNs said to ;imJ LIf =ou donEt go to anotherEs home we will force =ou to go.L e:t 40 kOMcin ni#OrayOm Osur mOdha#aP pramadottamOT smita%#aktraP ca sar#eMaP s#accham akrodham NM#aram kOMcin%someD ni#OrayOm OsuT%pre#entedD mOdha#am%/VWQaD pramadottamOT% $eautiful womenD smita%smilingD #aktram%faceD ca%andD sar#a%of allD NMam%the LordD s#accham%p acefulD akrodham%unangryD NM#aram%to the Lord. Some $eautiful gopNs then surrounded the smiling, peaceful, and cheerful Supreme Lord of all and p"e#ented ;impfrom enmering. e:t 41 gopN$hir #aryamOne ca jagat%yOraQa%kOraQe sadyaM cukopa MrNdOmO harau gVhOutare gate gopN$hiT%$y the gopNsD #aryamOne%stoppedD ca%andD jagat%of the worldD kOraQa%of causesD kOraQe%the causesD sadyaM%at onceD cukopa%$ecame angryD MrNdOmO%with SrNdamaD harau%when Lord ;ariD gVhOntare%to anotherEs homeD gate%went. @orced $y the gopNs, Lord ;ari, who is the first cause of thd worldEs causes, left and and wentoto anotherEs home. hen SrNdOmO $ecame angry.

_ e:t 42 kopOd u#Oca MrNdVmO rOdhikOP parameM#arNm rakta%padmekWaQOP ruWXOP rakta%paYkaja%locanaT kopOt%out of angerD u#Oca%saidD MrNdemO%SrNdOmOD rOdhikOm%to 5OdhOD parameM#arNm%the supreme goddessD rakta%redD padma%lotusD NkWaQOm%eyesD ruWXOm% angryD rakta%redD paYkaja%lotusD locanaT%eyes. ;is lotus eyes now red, SrNdOmO angrily spoke to the supreme goddess, SrN 5OdhO, whose lotus eyes were also red with anger. e:t 43 MrNdOmo#Oca kathaP #adasi mOtas t#aP kOXu%#OkyaP mad%NM#aram #icOraQaP #inO de#i karoWi $hartsanaP #VthO MrNdOwr uNOca%SreuOmO saidD katham%why*D #adasi%OpeakD mOtaT%< motherD t#am% =ouD kOXu%#Okyam%harsh wordsD mat%myD NMkkram%masterD #icOraQam%consi erationD #inO%withoutD de#i%< goddessD karoWi%=ou doD $hartsanam%re$ukeD #VthO%uselessly. o SrNdOmO saidJ < mother, why do =ou speak these harsh words to my masten* < goddess, =ou we$uke ;im without any consideration and for no reason. e:ts 44%47 $rahmOnanteMa%dharmeMaP jagat%kOraQa%kOraQam #OQN%padmOlaya%mOyO% prakVtNMaP ca nirguQaP OtmOrOmaP pUrQa%kOmaP karoWi t#aP #iRam$anam

de# nOP pra#arO t#aP ca ni$odha yasya se#ayO yasya pOdOrcanenai#a sar#eWOm NM#arN parO taP na jOnOsi kalyOQi h kim ahaPo#aktum 'MnalaT ausesD #OQN%Saras#atiD padmO%LakWmND layO%LayOD mOyO%-OyOD prakVti%and (rakVtiD NMam% the masterD ca%andD nirguQam%free of the modes of natureD OtmOrOmam%self%satisfiedD pUrQa%kOmam%whose desires are all fulfilledD karoWi%doD t#am%=ouD #iRam$anam% mockingD de#NnOm%of goddessesD pra#arO%$estD t#am%=ouD ca%andD ni$odha%knowD yasya%of whomD se#ayO%$y the ser#iceD yasya%of whomD pOda%of the feetD arcanena%$y the worshipD e#a%indeedD sar#eWOm%of allD NM#arN%the BueenD parO%greatD tam%;imD na% notD jOnOsi%understandD kalyOQi%< $eautiful oneD kim%what*D aham%ID #aktum%to speakD NM#araT%am a$le. =ou mock the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is the master of 8rahmO, )nanta, Si#a, and =ama, who is the first of all the worldEs causes, who is the master of Saras#atN, LakWmN, LayO, -OyO, and (rakVti, who is $eyond the modes of material nature, who is self%satisfied, and whose desires are all fulfilled. /now that it is only $ectuse of =our ser#ice to ;i and =our worshrp of ;is feet that =ou ha#e $ecome the $est of goddesses and the Bueen of all. < $eautiful one, =ou do not understand ;im. ;ow can I ha#e the power to descri$e ;im* e:t 69 $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO kVWQaT sraWXuP MaktaM ca t#ad%#idhOT kotiMaT koXi%de#Ns t#OP na jOnOsi ca nirguQam $hrU%of ;is eye$rowD $haYga%crookedD lNlayO%with thyr pastimeD kVWQaT%/VWQaD sraWXum%to createD MaktaM%is a$leD ca%andD t#at%of =ouD #idhaT%likeD kotiMaT%millionsD koXi%millionsD de#NT%on goddessesD t#am%=ouD na%donEtD jOnOsi%understandD ca%andD nirguQam%$eyond the modes of material nature. "ith a playful $end in ;is eye$rows ;e can create many millions of millions of goddesses like =ou. =ou do not understand ;im, the Lord who is $eyond the modes of material nature. e:t 6,

#aikuQXhe MrN%harer asya caraQO$huja%marjanam karoti keMaiT MaM#ac chrNT se#anaP $hakti%pUr#akam #aikuQXhe%in VaikuQXhaD MrN%hareT%of SrN ;ariD asya%of ;imD caraQO$huja%the lotus feetD mOrjanam%massageD karoti%doesD keMa In VaikuQXha goddess LakWmN eternally ser#es Lord ;ari with great de#otion. She washes ;is lotus feet and dries them with her own hair. e:t 6. saras#atN ca sta#anaiT karQa%pNyUWa%sundaraiT santataP stauti yaP $haktyO na jOnOsi tam NM#aram saras#atN%Saras#atND ca% edD sta#anaiT%with prayersD karQa%for the earsD pNyUWa% nectarD sundaraiT%$eautifulD santatam%alwaysD stauti%glorifiesD yam%whomD $hakthO% with de#otionD na%notD jOnOsi%knowsD tam%;imD NM#aram%the Lord. "ith de#otion Saras#atN always praises ;im with $eautiful prayers that are nectar for the ears. =ou do not understand ;im, the great Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t 60 $hNtO ca prakVtir mayO sar#eWOP jN#a%rUpiQN santataP stauti yaP $haktyO taP na jOnOsi mOnini $hNtO%afraidD ca%andD prakVtiT%the material natureD mayO%-OyOD sar#eWOm%of anlD jN#a% rUpiQN%the form of the li#ing entitiesD santatam%alwaysD stauti%praisesD yam%whomD $haktyOewith de#otionD tam%;imD na%notD jOnOsi%=ou understandD mOnini%< proud one. @rightened, goddess -OyO, who is the material energy and the personified life of all conditioned souls, always praises ;im with de#otion. < proud one, =ou do not understand ;im.

e:t 61 stu#anti satataP #edO sahimnaT WoRaMNP kalOm kadOpi taPcna jOnOnti taP na jOtOsin$hOm ni stu#anti%ofter prayersD satatam%alwaysD #edO%the VedasD mahimnaT%of the gloryD WoRaMNm%,3D kalOm%partD kadOpi%sometimesD ta )lthough they eternally offer prayers to ;im, he kedas cannot underntand e#en one si:teenth of ;is glory. < $eautiful one, =ou do not underrtand ;im. e:t 62 #aktraiM cpt r$hir yaP $rahmO #edOnOP janako #i$huT stauti se#aP ca kurute caraQOm$hojam NM#ari #aktraiM%wifh headsD catur$hiT%fourD yamLwhowD $rahmO%8rahmaD #edOnOm%of the VedasD janakaT%the fatherD #i$huT%powerfulD stauti%offers prayersD se#OPser#iceD ca% andD kurute%doesD cyraQOm$hojam%to the lotus feetD NM#ari%< goddess. < goddess, with his four heads powerful 8rahmO, twe father of the Vedas, glorifips /VWQa. 8rahmO ser#es ;is lotus feet. e:t 63 MaYkaraT paZca$hir # kraiT stauti yaP yoginOP guruT sOMru%pUrQaT sa%hulakaT / se#ate caraQOm$ujam MaYkaraT%Si#aD paZca$kiT%with fi#eD #akraiT%headsD stauti%praisesD yam%whomD yoginOo%rf the yogisD g 'um% he guruD sOMru%pUrQaT%his eyes filled with tearsD sa% pulakaT%hiL hairs erectD se#ate%ser#esD caraQOm$ujam%the lotus feet. "ith his fi#e heads Si#a, the guru of the yogNs, offers prayers to Lord /VWQa. ;is

eyes filled with tears and the hairs ofohis $ody erect, heeser#es Lord /VWQaEt lotus feet. e:t 64 MeWaT sahasra%#adanaiT paramOtmOnam NM#aram satataP stauti $haktyO ca se#ate cawaQOm$ujam MeWaT%SeWaD sahasra%#adanaiT%with a thousand mouthsD paramOtmOnam%to the SupersoulD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD satatam%alwaysD stauti% praisesD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD se#ate%ser#esD co aQOm$ujtm%the lotus feet. "ite rishthousand heads )nanta SeWa again a,d again offers prayers to Lord /VWQa, the all%per#ading Supersoul. ;e de#otedly e:t 66 dharmaT pOtO ca sar#eWOP sOkWN ca jagatOP patiT $haktyO ca caraQOm$hojaP se#ate satataP mudO dharmaT%&harmaD pOtO%the protectorD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD sOkWN%the witnessD ca% andD jagatOm%of the worldsD patiT%the masterD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD caraQOm$hojam%the lotus feetD se#ate%ser#esD satatam%alwaysD mudO%joyfully. &harma, whoois the protector and witness of e#eryone and the master of the wrrlds, happily and detotedly ser#es Lord /VWQaEs feet always. e:t 67 M#etad#Npa%ni#Os`i yaT pOtO #iWQuT s#ayaP #i$huT asyOPMaM ca tathO cOyaP dhyOyat, EnukWaQaP param M#etad#`ipa%in spt#etad#`ipaD ni#Os`i%residingD yaT%whoD pOtO%LordD #iWSuT%ViWQuD s#ayam%personallyD #i$huT%powerfulD asya%of ;imD aPMaT%the partD ca%andD tathO%soD ca%andD ayam%;eD dhyOyate%meditatesD anukWaQam%at e#ery momentDopnram%then.

)ll%powerful Lord ViWQu, who resides in S#etad#`ipa and is ;is partial incarnation, meditates on Lord /VWQa as the Supreme at e#ery moment. e:t 79 surOsura%mu `indrOM ca mana#o mOna#O $tdhOe se#ante na hi paMyanti s#apne Epi caraQOm$ujam sura%the demigodsD asura%the demonsD mun`indrOT%the kings of the sagesD ca%andD mana#aT%the manusD mOna#O%the human $eingsD $udhOT%the wiseD se#ante%ser#eD na% notD hi%indeedD paMyanti%seeD s#apne%in dreamD api%e#enD caraQOm$ujam%lotus feet. he demigods, demons, sages, kings, manus, humans, and philosophers ser#e ;im e#en though they cannot see ;is lotus feet e#en in a dream. _ e:t 7, kWipraP roWaP parityajya $haja padOm$ujaP hareT $hrU%$haYga%lNlO%mOtreQa sVWXi%saPhartur e#a ca kWipram%BuicklyD roWam%angerD parityajya%a$andoningD $haja%worshipD padOm$ujam%the lotus feetD hareT%of Lord ;ariD $hrU%of ;is eye$rowD $haYga%with the $endingD lNlO%pastimeD mOtreQa%onlyD sVWXi%creationD saPhartuT%remo#ingD e#atindeedD ca%and. )t once a$andon =our pride and worship the lotus feet of Lord ;ari, who merely $y the play of $ending ;is eye$row destroys the material creation. e:t 7. nimeWa%mOtrOd asyai#a $rahmaQaT patanaP $ha#et yasyaika%di#ase Epy aWXa% #iPsatNndraT patanty api nimeWa%$linkingD mOtrOt%$y onlyD asya%of ;imD e#a%indeedD $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD patanam%the fallingD $ha#et%isD yasya%of whomD eka%oneD di#ase%dayD api%e#en aWXa%

#iPsati%.6D indrOT%IndrasD patanty%fallD api%also. 8rahmOEs lifetime is an eye%$link for Lord /VWQa. wenty%eight Indras li#e their li#es in 8rahmOEs day. e:t 70 e#am aWXottara%MataP Oyur yasya jagad%#idheT t#aP #i kanyOM ca #O rOdhe mad%NM#ara%#aMe Ekhilam e#am%thusD aWXottara%Matam%,96D OyuT%lifeD yasya%of whomD jagad%#idheT%of the creator of the uni#erseD t#am%=ouD #O%orD kanyOM%girlsD ca%andD #O%orD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD mad%NM#ara%#aMe%in the control of my masterD akhilam%completely. 8rahmO li#es for ,96 years calculated in this way. < 5OdhO, =ou and the gopNs, and e#eryone and e#erything are under my masterEs dominion. e:t 71 MrNdOmno #aranaP Mrut#O ke#alaP kaXum ul$aQam _sadyaM cukopa sO $rahmann utthOya tam u#Oca ha MrNdOmnaT%of SrNdamaD #acanam%the statementD Mrut#O%hearingD ke#alam%onlyD kOXum%harshD ul$aQam%strongD sadyaM%at onceD cukopa%was angryD sO%SheD $rahman%%< $rahmanaD utthOya%risingD tam%to himD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. ;earing SrNdOmOEs #ery harsh ayd forceful words, She $e(ame suddenly angry. She stood up and spoke to him. e:t 72 rOseM#arN $ahir gat#O tam u#Oca ha niWXhuram sphurad%oWXhi mukta%keMN raktOm$horuha%locanO rOseM#arN%the Bueen of the rasa danceD $ahiT%outsideD gat#O%goingD tam%to himD

u#Oca%saidD ha%indeedD niWXhuram%harshD sphurat%trem$lingD oWXhi%lipsD mukta% loosenedD keMN%hairD rakta%redD am$horuha%lotusD locanO%eyes. Foing outside, ;er hair loosened, ;er lotus eyes red, and ;er lips trem$ling, She harshly spoke to him. e:t 73 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca re re jalma mahO%mURha MVQu lampaXa%kiYkara t#aP ca jOnOsi sar#OrthaP na jOnOmi t#ad%NM#aram MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD re%<D re%<D jalma%wretchD mahO%mURha%greta foolD MVQu%listenD lampaXa%of a rakeD kiYkara%< ser#antD t#am%youD ca%andD jOnOsi%knowD sar#Ortham%e#erythingD na%notD jOnOmi%I knowD t#ad%NM#aram%your master. SrN 5OdhO saidJ 5ogue\ @ool\ Ser#ant of a rake\ Listen. I donEt know your master. =ou know e#erything a$out ;im. e:t 74 t#ad%NM#aro hi MrN%kVWQo na hy asmOkaP #rajOdhama jOnOmi janakaP stauWi sadO nindasi mOtaram jaD jOnOmi%I knowD janakam%the fatherD stausi%praisesD sadO%alwaysD nindasi%re$ukesD mOtaram%the mother. < lowest wretch in Vraja, SrN /VWQa is your master and not -ine* =ou praise your father and re$uke your mother. e:t 76 yathOsuraM ca tridaMOn nityaP nindanti santatam tathO nindasi mOP mURha tasmOt t#am asuro $ha#a

yathO%as asuraM%a demonD ca%andD tridaMOn%the demigodsD nityam%alwaysD nindanti% re$ukesD santatam%alwaysD tathO%soD nindasi%re$ukeD mOm%-eD mURha%foolD tasmOt% thereforeD t#am%youD asuraT%a demonD $ha#a%$ecome. )s the demons always insult the demigods, so you always insult -e\ herefore, < fool, $ecome a demon\ e:t 77 gopa #rajOsurNP yoniP golokOc ca $ahir $ha#a mayOdya MOpto mURhas t#aP kas t#OP rakWitum NM#araT gopa%< gopaD #raja%goD OsurNm%demonicD yonim%wom$D golokOt%from FolokaD ca% andD $ahiT%outsideD $ha#a%$ecomeD mayO%$y -eD adya%nowD MOptaT%cursedD mURhaT% foolD t#am%youD kaT%who*D t#am%youD rakWitum%to protectD NM#araT%is a$le. Fopa, lea#e Foloka and go to a demonessE wom$. @ool, now I ha#e cursed you. "ho can protect you* e:t ,99 rOseM#arN tam ity ukt#O suW#Opa #irarOma ca #ayasyOT se#ayOm Osus cOmarai ratna%muWXi$hiT rOseM#arN%the Bueen of the rasa danceD tam%to himD ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD suW#Opa%cursedD #irarOma%stoppedD ca%andD #ayasyO%with friendsD se#ayOm%in ser#iceD OsuT%$ecameD cOmarai%with camarasD ratna%muWXi$hiT%with jewel handles. riends ser#ed ;er. e:t ,9, Mrut#O ca #acanah tauhOT kopena sphuritOdharaT MaMOpa taP ca MrNdOmO #raja yoniPS>t mOnuWNm

Mrut#O%hearingD ca%andD #acanam%the wordsD tasyOT%of ;erD kopena%wth angerD sphurita%trem$lingD adharaT%lipsD MaMOpa%cursedD tam%;erD ca%andD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD #raja%goD yonim%to a wom$D ca%andD mOnuWNm%human. )fter hearing ;er words, his lips trem$ling in anger, SrNdOmO cursed ;erJ Fo to the wom$ of a human woman\ e:t ,9. manuWya i#a kopas te tasmOt t#aP mOnuWN $hu#i $ha#iWyasi na sandeho mayO MaptO t#am am$ike manuWyO%a human womanD i#a%likeD kopaT%angerD te%of =ouD tasmOt%thereforeD t#am%youD mOnuWN%humanD $hu#i%on earthD $ha#iWyasi%$ecomeD na%noD sandehaT% dou$tD mayO%$y meD MaptO%cursedD t#am%=ouD am$ike%< mother. =ou are angry like a human woman, therefore $ecome a human woman on the earth\ -other, I ha#e cursed =ou. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t ,90 chOyayO kalayO cOpi para%grastO kalaYkinN mURhO rOyOQa%patnNP t#OP #akWyanti jagatN%tale chOyayO%with a shadowD kalayO%with a partD ca%andD api%alsoD para%grastO%takenD kalaYkinN%defiledD mURhO%foolD rOyOQa%of a petty kngD patnNm%the wifeD t#Om%=ouD #akWyanti%will sayD jagatN%tale%on the earth. =ou will $e eclipshd $y a part of =our own shadow. he fools on the earth will say you are the wife of a petty king. e:t ,91 _rOyOQaT MrN%harer aPMo #aiMyo #VndO#ane #ane

$ha#iWyati mahO%yogN rOdhO%MOpena gar$hajaT rOyOQaT%that petty kingD MrN%hareT%of Lord ;ariD aPMaT%a partial inclrnationD #aiMyaT%a #aisyaD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#anaD #ane%forestD $ha#iWyaoi%will $cD mahO%yogN%a great yogiD rOdhOnMOpena%$y 5OdhOEs curseD gar$hajaT$orn in a human wom$. hat petty king willl$e a partial incarnation of Lord ;ari. ;e will $e a great yogN $orn in a human wom$ $ecause of 5OdhOEs curse on him. e:t ,92 gokule prOpya taP kVWQaP #whVtya #asa kOnane $ha#itO te #arWa%MataP #icchedo hsriQO saha punaT prOpya tam NMaP ca golokam OgamiWyasi gokule%in #okulaD prOpda%attainingD tam%;imD kVWQam%/VWQaD #ihVtya%enjoying pastimesD #asa%resideD kOnane%in the forestD $ha#itO%will $eD te%of =ouD #arWa%Matam%a hundred yearsD #icchedaT%separationD hariQO%with Lord ;ariD saha%withD punaT%againD prOpya%attainingD tam%;imD NMam%the LordD ca%andD golokam%to FolokaD OgamiWyasi% =ou will come. In Fokula =ou will attain Lord /VWQa. =ou will stay with ;im in the forest there and enjoy pastimes with ;im. =ou will $e separated from ;im for a hundred years and then =ou will attain ;im, =our Lord, again and return with ;im to Foloka. e:t ,93 tOm ity ukt#O na nat#O ca sa jagOma hareT puraT gat#O praQamya MrN%kVWQaP MOpOkhyOnam u#Oca ha tOm%to ;erD ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD na%notD nat#O%$owingD ca%andD saT%heD jagOma%wentD hareT%of Lord ;ariD puraT%to the presenceD gat#O%goingD praQamya% $owingD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD MOpa%of the curseD OkhyOnam%%the storyD u#Oca%toldD ha%certainly.

)fter speaking these words and after $owing down $efore 5OdhO, SrNdOmO went to Lord ;ari. 8owing down $efore Lord /VWQa, SrNdOmO narrated the story of the cyrsings. _ e:t ,94 OnupUr#yOt tu tat sar#aP ruroda ca $hVMOP #rajaT u#Oca taP rudantaP ca gacchantaP dharaQN%talam anupUr#yOt%as ne#er $eforeD tu%indeedD tat%thatD sar#am%e#erythingD ruroda%weptD ca%andD $hVMOm%greatlyD #rajaT%VrajaD u#Oca%saidD tam%indeedD rudantam%weepingD ca% andD gacchantam%goingD dharaQN%talam%to the earth. SrNdOmO wept as ne#er $efore. )s weeping SrNdOmO was a$out to go to the earth, Lord /VWQa said to himJ e:t ,96 na jetO te tri%$hu#ane hy asurendro $ha#iWyasi na%notD jetO%defeatingD te%of =ouD tri%$hu#ane%in the three worldsD hy%indeedD asurendraT%great demonD $ha#iWyasi%you will $e. =ou will $ecome the king of demons. In the three worlds no one will defeat you. e:t ,97 kOle MaYkara%MUlena dehaP tyakt#O mamOntikam OgamiWyasi paZcaMad% yuge EtNte mad%OMiWO kOle%in timeD MaYkara%of Lord Si#aD MUlena%$y the spearD deham%$odyD tyakt#O% a$andoningD mama%of -eD antikam%to the presenceD OgamiWyasi%you will comeD paZcaMat%fiftyD yuge%yugasD atNte%passedD mad%OMiWO%$y -y $enediction. )fter fifty yugas Si#aEs spear will make you lea#e that $ody and with -y $lessings you will return to -e.

e:t ,,9 MrN%kVWQasya #aeaT Mrut#O tam u#Oca MucOn#itaT t#ad%$hakti%rahitaP mOP ca kadOcin na kariWyasi MrN%kVWQasye%of Lord /VWQaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tam%Co ;imD u#Oca% saidD MucOn#itaT%filled with griefD t#at%to )fter hearing Lord /VWQaEs words, grie#ing SrNdOmO said to ;imJ =ou will ne#er transform me into a person that has no de#otion for =ou. e:t ,,, ity ukt#O sa hariP nat#O oagOma s#OMramOd $ahiS paMcOj jagOma sO de#N Lruroda ca punaT punaT ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD saT%heD harim%to Lord ;ariD nat#O%$owingD jagOma%wentD s#OMramOt%from his own a$odeD $ahiT%outsideD paMcOt%$ehindD jagOma%wentD sO%SheD de#N%the goddessD ruroda%weptD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and again. Saying this, SrNdOmO left his own OMrama. hen, weeping again and again, 5OdhO came there. e:t ,,. k#a yOsi #atsety uccOrya #ilalOpa $hVMOP satN sa e#a MaYkhacURaM ca $a$hU#a tulasN%patiT k#a%whereD yOsi%are you goingD #atsa%< childD iti%thusD uccOrya%callingoutD #ilalOpa% lamentedD $hVMOm%greatlyD satN%piousD saT%heD e#a%indeedD MaYkhacURaT%SaYkhacURaD ca%andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD tulasN%patiT%the h s$anw of ulasN. Saintly 5OdhO louldy lamented, LChild, where are you going*L hen SrNdOmO

$ecame SaYkhacURa, the hus$and of ulasN. e:t ,,0 gate MrNdOmni sO de#N jagOmeM#ara%sannidhim sar#aP ni#edayOm Osa hariT pratyuttaraP dadau gate%was goneD MrNdOmni%when SrNdamaD sO%sheD de#N%the goddessD jagOma%wentD NM#ara%sannidhim%%to the LordD sar#am%e#erythingD ni#edayOm Osa%toldD hariT%Lord ;ariD pratyuttaram%replyD dadau%ga#e.

e:t ,,1 MokOturOP ca tOP kVWQo $odhayOm Osa preyasNm MaYkhacURaM ca kOlena samprOpa punar NM#aram MokOturOm%filled with griefD ca%andD tam%to ;erD kVWQaT%/VWQaD $odhayOm Osa% informedD preyasNm%;is $elo#edD MaYkhacURaM%SankhacudaD ca%andD kOlena%in timeD samprOpa%attainingD punaT%againD NM#aram%the Lord. Lord /VWQa told e#erything to ;is grie#ing $elo#ed. hen, in the course of time, SrNdOmO $ecame SaYkhacURa and then returned to the Lord. e:t ,,2 rOdhO jagOma dharaQNm #OrOhe harinO saha #VWa$hOnu%gVhe janma lalO$ha gokule mune rOdhO%5OdhOD jagOma%wentD dharaQNm%to the earthD #OrOhe%in the Varaha kalpaD harinO%Lord ;ariD saha%withD #VWa$hOnu%of Vrsa$hanuD gVhe%in the homeD janma%$irthD lalO$ha%attainedD gokule%in FokulaD mune%< sage. In the VarOha%kalpa 5OdhO went with Lord ;ari to the earth. < sage, She attained a

$irth in Fokula in /ing VVWa$hOnuEs home. e:t ,,3 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP MrN%kVWQOkhyOnam uttamam sar#eWOP #OZchitaP sar#aP kiP $hUyaT Mrotum icchasi ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%e#erythingD MrN% kVWQOkhyOnam%the story of SrN /VWQaD uttamam%greatestD sar#esam%of allD #OZchitam% desiredD sar#am%allD kim%whatD $hUyaT%moreD Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%you wish. In this way I ha#e spoken the transcendental narrations of Lord /VWQa, which e#eryone yearns to hear. "hat more do you wish to hear*

%ha*ter &our6o"o#a!var/ana2es3ri*tion o( 6o"o#a

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca kena #O prOrthitaT kVWQo mahNP ca kena hetunO OjagOma jagannOtho #ada #eda%#idOP #ara MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD kena%$y whom*D #O%orD prOrthitaT%reBuestedD kVWQaT%/VWQaD mahNm%to the earthD ca%andD kena%$y what*D hetunO%causeD OjagOma% cameD jagannOthaT%the master of the uni#ersesD #ada%please tellD #eda%#idOm%of the knowers of the VedasD #ara%< $est. SrN NOrada saidJ )sked $y whom, and for what reason did Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, come to the earth* < $est of the knowers of the Vedas,eplease tell. e:t . MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca purO #OrOha%kalpe sO $hOrOkrOntO #asundharO

$hVMOP $a$hU#a MokOrtO $rahmOQaP MaraQaP yayau MrN%nerOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD purO%formerlyD #OrOhr%kalpe%in the Varaha%kalpaD sO%sheD $hOra%$y a $urdenD OkrOntO%o#ercomeD #asundharO%the earthD $hVMOm%greatlyD $a$hU#a%$ecameD MokOrtO%grief%strickenD $rahmOQam%to 8rahmOD MaraQam%shelterD yayau%went. yrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ In ancient times, during the VarOha%kalpa, $earing a great $urden and filled with grief, the earth took shelter of the demigod 8rahmO. e:t 0 suraiM cOsura%santOpair $hVMOm ud#igna%mOnasaiT sOrdhaP tais tOP durgamOP ca jagOma #edhasaT sa$hOm suraiT%$y the demigodsD ca%andD asura%$y the demonsD santOpaiT%tormentedD $hVMOm%greatlyD ud#igna%mOnasaiT%agitated at heartD sOrdham%withD taiT%themD tam%to thatD durgamam%difficult to attainD ca%andD jagOma%wentD #edhasaT%of 8rahmOD sa$hOm% to the assem$ly. )ccompanied $y hosts of demigods, who were all unhappy at heart to $e so trou$led $y the demons, she went to the assem$ly of 8rahmO, which is #ery difficult to attain. e:t 1 dadarMa tasyOP de#eMaP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO VWNndraiM ca munNndraiM ca siddhendraiT se#itaP mudO dadarMa%sawD tasyOm,thereD de#eMas%the master of the demigodsD j#alantam% gloriousD $rahma%tejasOtwioh spiritual powerD VWNndraiM%with the kings of the sagesD ca% andD munNndraiM%with the kings of the philosophersD ca%andD siddhendraiT%with the kings of the perfect $eingsD se#itam%ser#edD mudO%happily. here she saw 8rahmO, the king of the demigods, who shone with spiritual power, who was cheerfully ser#ed $y the kings of the VWis, munis, and siddhas, . . .

e:t 2 apsaro%gaQa%nVtyaP ca paMyantaP sa%smitaP mudO gandhar#OnOP ca saYgNtaP Mruta#antaP manoharam apsaro%gaQa%of the apsarasD nVtyam%dancingD ca%andD paMyantam%seeingD sa%smitam% smilingD mudO%happilye gandhar#OnOm%of the Fandhar#asD ca%alsoD saYgNtam%singingD Mruta#antam%hearingD manoharam%$eautiful. . . . who happily smiled as he gl nced at the )psLrOsE dancing and listened to the Fandar#asE $eautiful singing, . . . e:t 3 japantaP paramaP $rahma kVWQa ity akWara%d#ayam $hakty%OnandOMru%pUrQaP taP pulakOZcita%#igraham japantam%chantingD paramam%greatD $rahma%8rahmanD kVWQa%/VWQaD ity%thusD akWara%d#ayam%two sylla$lesD $hakty%of de#otionD O . . . and who chanted Lhe two most sacred sylla$lts /VW%Qa, the hairs of his $ody erect and his eyes filled with tears of the ecstasy of de#otion. e:t 4 $haktyO sa tridaMaiT sOrdhaP praQamya catur%Onanam sar#aP ni#edanaP cakre daitya%$hOrOdikaP mune $haktyO%with de#otionD sa%andD tridaMaiT%the demigodsD sOrdham%withD praQamya% $owing downD catur%Onanam%four headsD sar#am%allD ni#edanam%appemlD cakre%didD daitya%$hOrOdikam%$urdened $y the demonsD mune%< sage. < sage, accompanied $y the demigods, the earth%goddess then de#otedly offered

her respectful a$eisances to four%faced 8rahmO and told him how she was $urdened $y the demons. e:t , sOMru%pUrQa sa%pulakO tuWXO#a ca ruroda ca tOm u#Oca jagad%dhOtO kathaP stauWi ca rodiWi sa%withD aMru%tearsD pUrQO%filledD sa%pulakO%with hairs erectD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD ca%andD ruroda%weptD ca%andD tOm%to herD u#Oca%saidD jagad%dhOtO%the creater of the uni#erseD katham%why*D stauWi%do you offer prayersD ca%andD rodiWi%do you weep. he hairs of her $ody erect and her eyes filled with tears, she offered prayers and wept. 8rahmO, the creater of the uni#erse said to herJ "hy do yo offnr prayers and weep* e:t 7 katham OgamanaP $hadre #ada $hadraP $ha#iWyati su%sthirO $ha#a kalyOQi $hayaP kiP te mayi sthite katham%why*D Ogamanam%comeD $hadre%< $eautiful oneD #ada%tellD $hadram% auspiciousnessD $ha#iWyati%will $eD su%sthirO%steadyD $ha#a%$ecomeD kalyOQi%< auspicious oneD $hayam%fearD kim%how*D te%of youD mayi%in meD sthite%situated. _ < $eautiful one, why ha#e you come* (lease tell. It will $e auspicious. 8e steady. < $eautifel one, why e e you afraid of me* e:t ,9 OM#Osya pVthi#NP $rahmO de#On papraccha sOdaram katham OgamanaP de#O yuWmOkaP mama sannidham OM#Osya%reassuringD pVthi#Nm%the earthD $rahmO%8rahmaD de#On%the demiogdsD papraccha%askedD sOdaram%respectfullyD katham%why*D Ogamanam%arri#alD de#O%< demigodsD yuWmOkam%of youD mama%of meD sannidham%to the presence.

! 8rahmO comforted the earth%goddess nd then respectfully asked the demigoesJ < demigods, why hu#e you come to me* e:t ,, $rahmaQo #acanaP Mrut#O de#O UcuT prajOpatim $hOrOkrOnta ca #asudhO daitya%grastO #ayaP pra$ho $rah aQaT%of 8rahmaD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD de#O%the demigodsD UcuT%saidD prajOpatim%to (rajapatiD $hOra%with a $urdenD OkrOnta%o#ercomeD ca%andD #asudhO%the earthD daitya%grastO%in the demonsE gripD #ayam%weD pra$haT%<hlord. ;earing 8SahmOEs ords, the demigods said to (rajOpati 8rahmOJ < lord, the earth is o#ercome $y the dem ns and we also are in the demonsE grip. e:t ,. t#am e#a jagatOP sraWXO MNghraP no niWkVtiP kuru gatisnt#am asyO $ho $rahman nir# tiP kartum arhasi t#am%youD e#a%indeedD jagatOm%of the worldsD sraWXO%the creatorD MNghram%at onceD naT%of u'D niWkVtim%the remedyD kuru%doD gatiT%the goalD t#am%youD asyOT%of herD $haT%<D $rahman%8rahmOD nir#Vtim%stoppingD kartum%to doD arhasi%you are worthy. =ou are the creator of the worlds. (lease stop (the demons). < 8rahmO, the earth has taken shelter of you. =ou should stop e:t ,0 pNRitO yena $hOreoa pVthi#NyaP pitOmaha #ayaP tenai#a duTkhOrtOs tad%$hOr %haraQaP kuru r pNR*eO%torturedD yena%$y whichD $hOreQa%$urdenD pVthi#N iyam%the earthD pitOmaha%

< grandfatherD #ayam%weD tena%$y thatD e#a%indeedD duTkhOrtOT%torturedD tad%$hOra% that $urdenD haraQam%remo#alD kuru%do. < grandfather, the earth is now tormented $y the $urden (of many demons). "e are also tortured $y them. (lease remo#e the $urden (they ha#e $rought). e:t ,1 de#OnOP #acanaP Mrut#O papraccha tOP jagad%#idhiT dUrN%kVtya $hayaP #atse sukhaP tiWXha mamOntike de#OnOm%of the demigodsD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD papraccha%askedD tOm%her jagad%#idhiT%the creator of the uni#erseD dUrN%kVtya%putting far awayD $hayam% fearD #atse%< childD sukham%happilyD tiWXha%standD mama%of meD antike%in the presence. )fter hearing the demigodsE words, 8rahmO, the creator of the worlds, said to the earth%goddessJ Child, throw your fears far away. Stand happily $efore me. e:t ,2 keWOP $hOram OsaktO t#aP soRhuP padma%#ilocane apaneWyOmi taP $hadre $hadraP te $ha#itO dhru#am keWOm%of whom*D $hOram%the $urdenD Osakta%una$leD t#am%youD soRhum%to $earD padma%#ilocane%< lotus%eyed oneD apaneWyOmi%I will remo#eD tam%thatD $hadrn%< $eautiful oneD $hadram%auspiciousnessD te%of youD $ha#itO%will $eD dhru#am%certainly. < lotus%eyed one, who has $rought this $urden you cannot $ear* < $eautiful one, I will take away your $urden. hings will $e auspicious for you. hat is certain. _ e:t ,3 tasya sO #acanaP Mrut#O tam u#Oca sa%pNRanam pNRitO yena yenai#a prasanna%#adanekWaQO

tasya%hisD sa%sheD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#o%hearingD tam%to himD u#Oca%samdD sa% pNRanam%with anguishD pNRitO%anguishedD yena%$y whomD yena%$y whomD e#a%indeedD prasanna%cheerfulD #adana%faceD NkWaQO%and eyes. "hen she heard these wordsS e#en though she was an:ious and unhaupy, she made her eyes and face cheerful and she an:iously spoke to him. e:t ,4 MrN%kWitir u#Oca MVQu tOta prw#akWyOmi s#akNyaP mOnasNP #yathOm #inO $andhuP s#a%#iM#OsaP nOnyaP kathitum utsahe MrN%kWitir u#Oca%the earth goddess saidD MVQu%hearD tOta%< fatherD pra#akWyOmi%I will speakD s#akNyam%ownD mOnasNm%mindD #yathOm%sufferingD #inO%withoutD $andhum%a friendD s#a%#iM#Osam%faithfulD na%notD anyam%anotherD kathitum%$o speakD utsahe%I am willing. he earth%goddess saidJ @ather, please listen and I will tell the sufnering in my heart. I cannot tell this to any $ut a faithful friend. e:t ,6 strN%jOtir a$alO MaM#ad rakWaQNyO s#a%$andhu$hiT janaka%s#Omi%putraiM ca garhitOnyaiM ca niMcitam strN%jOtiT%a womanD a$alO%weakd MaM#at%alwaysD rakWaQNyO%to $e protectedD s#a% $andme$hiT%$y her relati#esD janaka%fatherD s#Omi%nus$andD putraiT%with sonsD ca%andD garhita%relati#esD anyaiT%$y othersD ca%alsoD niMcitam%certainly. ) weak woman should always $e protected $y her father, hus$and, sons, and other relati#es. e:t ,7

t#ayO sraWXO jagat%tOta na lajjO kathituP maia yeWOP $hOraiT pNRitOhaP MruyatOP kathayOmi te t#ayO%$y youD sraWXO%createdD jagat%tOta%< father of the uni#erseD na%notD lajjO% shameD kathitum%to sayh mama%myD yeWOm%of whomD $hOoaiT%$y the $urdenD pNRitsham%tormentedD MruyatOm%should $e heardD rathayOmi%I will tellD te%you. < father of the worlds, you created me. I am not shy tr t,ll you. Listen, and I will tell you who has $rought the $urd.n that crushes me. e:t .9 kV-Qa%$hakti%#ihNnO ye ye ca tad%$hakta%nindakOT teWOP mahO%patOkNnOP aMkatO $hOra%#Ohane kVWQa%$hakti%#ihNnOT%who ha#e no de#otion to Lord /VWQaD ye%they whoD ye%trey whoD ca%andD taa%$hakta%nindakOT%$laspheme the de#oteesD teWOm%of themD mahO% patOkNnOm%great sinnersD aMkatO%una$leD $hOra%the $urdenD #Ohane%in carrying. I cannot $ear the $urden of carrying great sinners that ha#e no de#otion to Lord /VWQa and that $laspheme the de#otees. e:t ., s#a%dharmOcOra%hNnO ye nitya%kVtya%#i#arjitOT MraddhO%hNnaM ca #edeWu teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO s#a%dharma%own religiousD OcOra%dutiesD hNnO%withoutD ye%whoD nitya%kVtya% #i#arjitOT%without performing regular dutiesD MraddhO%faithD hNnaT%withoutD ca%andD #edeWu%in the VedasD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y carrying the $urden of they who do not perform their religious duties, who ne#er do what they should, and who ha#e no faith in the Vedas. e:t ..

pitV%mOtV%guru%strNQOP poWaQaP putra%pauWyayoT ye na kur#anti teWOP ca _ na MaktO $hOra%#Ohane pitV%fatherD mOtV%motherD guru%guruD strNQOm%and wifeD poWaQam%maintenanceD putra%of sonsD pauWyayoT%and descendantsD ye%whoD na%notD kur#anti%doD teWOm%of themD ca%andD na%notD MaktO%a$leD $hOra%#Ohane%to carry the $urden. I cannot carry the $urden of they who do not maintain their father, mother, guru, wife, sons, and grandsons. e:t .0 ye mithyO%#Odinas tatO dayO%satya%#ihNnakOT nindakO gurude#OnOP teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO ye%whoD mithyO%#OdinaT%speaking liesD tatO%< fatherD dayO%mercyD satya%and truthD #ihNiakOT%withoutD nindakO%$lasphemersD gurude#OnOm%of the spiritual mastersD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y teh $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y the $urden of carrying they who speak lies, who ha#e neither mercy nor truth, and who insult their spiritual masters. e:t .1 mitra%drohN kVtaghnaM ca mithyO%sOkWya%pradOyakaT #iM#Osa%ghnaT sthOpya%hOrN teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO mitra%to friendsD drohN%$ecome enemiiesD kVtaghnaT%yngratefilD ca%andD mithyO% uutruthSulD sOkWya%witnessD pradOyakaT%gw#ingD #iM#O aNfaithD ghnaT%killingD sthOpya% what should $e esta$lishedD hOrN%%taking awayD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y the $urden of carrying they who $ecome enemies to their friends, who are ungrateful, who $ear false witness, who are faithless, and who ro$ what is

gi#en them to protect. e:t .2 kalyOQa%sUkta%sOmOni harer nOmaika%maYgalam kur#anti #ikrayaP te #ai teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO _ kalyOQa%auspiciousD sUkta%prayersD sOmOni%and hymnsD hareT%of Lord ;ariD nOma% the nameD eka%onlyD maYgalam%auspiciousD kur#anti%doD #ikrayam%saleD te%theyD #ai% indeedD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y the $urden of carrying they who sell the auspicious Vedic prayers and hymns and the most auspicious name of Lord ;ari. e:t .3 jN#a%ghatN guru%drohN grOma%yOjN ca lu$dhakaT sa#a%dOhN MUdra%$hojN teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO jN#a%lifeD ghatN%killingD guru%to guruD drohN%an enemyD grOma%yOjN%$rahmanas who perform the Vedic rituals improperlyD ca%andD lu$dhakaT%hunters of animalsD Ma#a% dOhN%they who are a crematoriumD MUdra%$hojN%a $rahmana who eats food offered $y a sudraD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y carrydng the $urdes of murderers, they who $ecome enemies of their spirijual master, $rOmmaQas who misuse theyVetic rituals, they who hunt animals, they who ha#e transformed their $ody into a crematorium for $urning the flesh of dead animals, and $rOhmaQau who eat what MUdra offer them. e:t .4 pUjO%yalZIpa#OsOni #ea Oni niyamOni ca ye ye mURhO nihantOrOs teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO pUjr%horshipD rajZa%sacrioiceD upa#OsOni%fSstingD #ratOni%#owsD niyamOni%

controlling the sensesD ca%andD ye ye%whoe#erD mURhOT%foolsD nihantOrOT%killersD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y the $urden of carrying the fools who hinder the performance of worship, yajZa, fasting, #ows, and sense%control. e:t .6 sadO d#iWanti ye pOpO go%#inra%sura%#aiWQa#On hariP hari%kathO%$haktiP teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO harim%Lord ;ariD hari%of Lord ;ariD kathO%to the topicsD $haktim%de#otionD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. I am crushed $y carrying the $urden of sinners who hate the cows, $rOhmaQas, demigods, VaiWQa#as, Lord ;ari, and de#otion to hearing the glories of Lord ;ari. e:t .7 MaYkhacURasya $hOreQa pNRitOhaP yathO #idhe tato Edhikena daityOnOP teWOP $hOreQa pNRitO MaYkhacURasya%of SankhacudaD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitOham%crushedD yathO% asD #idhe%< 8rahmaD tataT%thenD adhikena%moreD daityOnOm%of the demonsD teWOm%of themD $hOreQa%$y the $urdenD pNRitO%crushed. < 8rahmO, these demons crush me e#en more than SaYkhacURa crushed me in the past. e:t 09 ity e#aP kathitOP sar#am anOthOyO ni#edanam t#ayO yadi sanOthOhaP pratikOraP kuru pra$ho ity e#am%thusD kathitOm%spokenD sar#am%e#erythungD anOthOyO%without a masterD

ni#edanam%appealD t#ayO%$y herD yadi%ifD sanOthO%with a masterD aham%ID pratikOram% remedyD kuru%please doD pra$haT%< lord. I, who ha#e no shelter, ha#e told you e#erything. (lease gi#e me shelter. < lord, please sol#e my pro$lem. e:t 0, ity e#am ukt#O #asudhO ruroda ca muhur muhuT $rahmO tatrodanaP dVWX#O tam u#Oca kVpO%nidhiT $hOraP ta#OpaneWyOmi dasyUnOP pratyupOyutaT C ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD #asudhO%thh earthD ruroda%weptD catandD muhuTw againD muhuT%and againD $rahmO%8rahmaD tat%her will remo#eD daSyUnOm%of thie#esD pratyupOyataT%with a remedy. i )fter speaking these words the earth%goddess wept again and again. Seeing her weep, 8rahmO, who was an ocean of kindness, said to herJ I will remo#e the $urden of these dOmons. e:t 0. upOyato Epi kOryOQi sidhyanty e#a #asundhare kOlena $hOra%haraQaP kariWyati mad%NM#araT upOyataT%remedyD api%alsoD kOreOQi%LctionsD sidhyanty%will $ecome perfectD e#a% indeedD khrundhare%< earthD kalena%in due course of timeD $hOra%of the $urdenD haraQam%the remo#alD kariWyati%will doD mad%NM#araT%my master. < Iarth, the remedy will come. In due course of time my master will remo#e your $urden. e:ts 00%07

yantraP maYgala%kum$maP ca Mi#a%liYgaPtca kuYkumam madhu kaWXhaP candanaP ca kastUrNP tNrtha%mVttikam kh RgaP gaQRaka%khaRgaP ca sphaXikaP)padmarOgakam indranNlaP sUryamaQiP rudrOkWa%kuMa%mUlakam MOlagrOma%MilO%MaYkhaP tulasNP pratimOP jalam MaYkhaP pradNpanOlaP ca MNlOrcOP ghaQXikOP t#thO nirmalyaP cai#a nai#edyaP harid#OrQa%maQiP tathO granthi%yuktaP yajZa%sUtraP daopaQaP M#eta%cOmaram gorocanaP ca muktOP ca sUktiP mO,ikyam e#a ca purOQa%saPhitOP #ahniP karpUraP paraMuP tathO rauataP kOZcanaP cai#a pra#OlaP ratnam e#a ca kuMa%d#ijaP tNrtha%toyaP _ gO#yaP go%mUtra%go%mayam t#ayi ye sthOpayiWyanti mURhOM caitOni sundari pacyate kOla%sUtre #ai #arWOQOm ayutaP dhru#am yantram%a yantraD maYgala%kum$ham%an auspicious po8D ca%andD Mi#a%liYgam%a Si#a%lingaD ca%andD kuYkumam%kunkumaD madhu%honeyD kaWXham%stickD candanam% sandalD ca%andD kastUrNm%muskD tNrtha%from a holy placeD mVttikam%dustD khaRgam%a swordD gandaka%khaRgam%a gaQRaka swordD ca andD sphaXikam%crlatalD padmarOgakam%padmarOgaD indranNlam%sapphireD sUryamaQim%suryakanta jewelD rudrOkWa%rudraksa $eadsD kuMa%mUlakam%kusa grassD MOlagrOma%MilO%Salagrama stoneD MaYkham%conchshellD tulasNm%tulasiD pratimOm%deityD jalam%waterD MaYkham% conchshellD pradNpanOlam%lampD ca%andD MNlOrcOm%worship of SalagramaD ghaQXikOm%a $ellD tathO%soD nirmalyam%flower offeringsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD nai#edyam%offerings of foodD harid#OrQa%maQim%emeralndsD tathO%soD granthi%yuktam%with knotsD yaj].sy

.1,^a%sUtram%sacred threadD darpaQam%mirrorD M#eta%cOmaram%white camaraD gorocanam%gorocanaD ca%andD muktam%pearlD ca%andD sUktim%oyster shellsD8mOQikyam% ru$yD e#a%andD cahandD puroQa%saPhitOm%(uranasD #ahnim%fireD karpUram%camphorD paraMum%a:D tathO%soD rajatam%sil#erD kO].sy .1,^canam%goldD ca%andD e#a%indeedD pra#Olam%coralD ratnam%jewelD e#a%indeedD ca%andD kuMa%d#ijam%a kusa $rahmanaD tNrtha%toyam%sacred waterD gO#yam%milkD go%mUtra%go%maeam%%cowEs urineD t#ayi%in youD ye%whoD sthOpayiWyanti%will placeD mURhOM%foolsD ca%andD etOni%theyD sundari%< $eautiful oneD pacyate%are cookedD kOla%sUtre%on the string of nimeD #ai%indeed4 #arWOQOm%of yearsD ayutam%tnn thousandD dhru#am%indeed. < $eautiful one, the foolish demons that now place on you yantras, maYgala% kum$has, Si#a%liYgas, kuYkuma, honey, sticks, sandal paste, musk, the dust of holy places, swords, gaQRaka swords, crystal, padmarOga jewels, sapphires, sUryakOnta jewels, rudrOkWa $eads, kuMa grass, SOalagrOma%MilOs, conchshells, tulasN, &eitios, water, lamps, stone &eities, $ells, offerings of flowers and food, emeralds, knotted sacred threads, mirrors, whiteIcOmaras, goroca a, pearls, oyster shells, mOQikya jewels, the (urOQas, f re, camphor, a:es, sil#er, gold, red coral, jewels, kuMat$rOhmaQas, water from holy places, milk, cow urine, and cow dung, will $urn on the rope of time for ten thousand years. e:t 19

_ $rahmO pVth#NP samOM#Osya de#atO$his tayO saha jagOma jagatOP dhOtO kailOsaP MaYkarOlayam $rahmO%8rahmaD pVth#Nm%the earthDD samOM#Osya%comfortingD de#atO$hiT%with the demigodsD tayO%herD saha%withD jagOma%wentD jagatOm%of the worldsD dhOtO%the creato!D kailOsam%to -ount /ailasaD MaYkarOlayam%the a$ode of Lord Si#a. In this way 8rahmO comforted the earth%goddess. hen, accompanied $y her and the demigods, 8rahmO, the creator of the worlds, went to Lord Si#aEs a$ode, -ount /ailOsa. e:t 1, gat#O tam OMramaP ramyaP dadarMa MaYkaraP #idhiT #asantam akWara%#aXa% mUle ca s ritas taXe

got#O%ha#ing goneD tam%%to thatD OMramam%asramaD ramyam%teautifulD dadarMa%sawD MaYkaram%Lord Mi#aD #idhiT%8rahmOD #asantam%residingD akWara%#aXa%mUle%at the $ase of an eternal $anyan treeD ca%andD saritaT%of a ri#erD taXe%on the shore. Coming to that $eautiful OMrama, 8rahmO saw, staying under an eternal $anyan tree $y the shore of a ri#er, Lord ei#ay . . . e:t 1. #yaghra%carma%parNdhOnaP dakWa%kanyOsthi%$hUWaQam triMUla%paXXiMa%dhOraP paZca%#aktraP tri%locanam #yaghra%tigerD carma%skinD parNdhOnam%garmentD dakWa%kanyO%of &aksaEs daughterD asthi%$onesD $hUWaQam%ornamentD triMUla%tridentD paXXiMa%a pattisa spearD dhOram% holdingD pa].sy .1,^ca%#aktram%fi#e headsD tri%locanam%three eyes. . . . who wore a tigerskin garment, who was decorated with the $ones of &akWaEs daughter, who held a spear and trident, who had three eyes on each of his fi#e faces, . . . e:t 10 nOnO%siddhaiT pari#VtaP yogNndra%gaQa%se#itam parito EpsarasOP nVtyaP _ paMyantaP sa%smitaP mudO nOnO%siddhaiT%$y #arious mystic perfectionsD pari#Vtam%accompaniedD yogNndra% gaQa%$y the kings of yogaD se#itam%ser#edD paritaT%e#erywhereD apsarasOm%of apsarasD nVtyam%dancingD paMyantam%seeingD sa%smitam%smilingD mudO%happily. . . . who was surrounded $y siddhas and ser#ed $y the kings of yoga, who happily smiled as he glanced at the dancing of the apsarOs, . . . e:t 11 gandhar#OnOP ca saYgNtaP Mruta#antaP kutUhalam

paMyantNP par#atNP prNtyO paMyantaP #akra%cakWuWO gandhar#OnOm%of the gandhar#asD ca%andD saYgNtam%the7musicD Mruta#antam% hearingD kutUhalam%tumultuousD paMyantNm%seeingD par#atNm%(ar#atiD prNtyO%with lo#eD paMyantam%seeingD #akra%cakWuWOwith crooked eyes. . . . who listened to the tumultuous music of the Fandhar#as, who affectionately glanced at (Or#atN with crooked eyes, . . . e:t 12 japantaP paZca%#aktreQa harer nOmaika%maYgalam mandOkinN%padma%$Nja% mOlayO pulakOZcitam japant m%chantingD paZca%#aktreQa%with his fi#e mouthsG hareT%of Lord ;ariD nOma%the LameD eka%maYgalam%the only auspicious thingD mandOkinN%of the hea#ency gaYgOD padma%of o lotusD $Nja seedsD mOlayO%with $ necklaceD punaka%aZcitam%the hairs erect. . . . and who, the hairs of his $ody erect in ecstasy, with his fi#e mouths chanted Lord ;ariEs auspicious holy name on $eads made from lotus seeds in the hea#enly FaYgO. e:t 13 etasminn antare $rahmO tasthO# agre sa dhurjaXeT pVthi#yO sura%saYghaiM ca sOrdhaP praQata%kandharaiT syra%saYghaiT%the demiwodsD ca%andD sOrdyam%withD praQata%kandharaiTwith $owed necks. In that place 8rahmO, theeearth%goddess, and the $owing demigods stood $efIre Lord Si#a. e:t 14 uttasthau MaYkaraT MNghraP

$haktyO dVWX#O ja ar%gurum nanOma mUrdhnO samprNtyO la$dha#On OMiWaP tataT rttasthau%stood upD MaYkIraT%Lord Si#an MNgSram%for a long timeD $haktyO%with de#otionD dVWX#O%leein D jauad%murum%the mather of the uni#erseD nanOma`$owed downD mUrdhnO%wiVh his headD samprNtyO%with lo#eD la$dha#On%attainedD OMiWam% $enepictionD tataTfrom him. Lord Si#a stood up and for a long time gaGed at 8rahmO, the maVt(r of thf uni#erse. Lord Si a affVctionately $owed his head and accepted 8rahmOEs $lessing. e:t 16 praQemur de#atOT sar#OT o MaYkar P candra%Mekharam praQanOma dharO $haktyO cOMiWaP yuyuje haraT praQemuT%$owedD de#atOT%demigodsD sar#OT%allD MaYkaram%to Lord Si#aD candra% Mekhanam%who was crowned with the moonD praQanOma%$owedD dharO%the earthD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD OMiWam%$enedictionD yuyuje%ga#eD haraT%Lord Si#a. he demigods $owed down $esore Lord Si#a and the earth%goddess also $owed down with de#otion. Lord Si#a ga#e them his $lessing. e:t 17 #VttantaP kathayOm rsa pOr#atNMaP prajOpatiT Mrut#O nata%mukhas tUrQaP MaYkaro $hakta%#atsalaT #Vttantam%the storyD kathayOm Osa%toldD pOr#atNMam%to the hus$and of (ar#atiD prajOpatiT%the master of the li#ing eutitiesD Mrut#O%hearingD nata%mukhaT%wiht a $owed headD tUrQam%at onceD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD $hakta%#atsalaT%who is kind to the de#otees. _ u8rahmO told the news to Lord Si#a, the hus$and of (Or#atN. Lord Si#a, yho is kind to the de#otees, at once $owed his head when he heard itu

e:t 29 $haktOpOyaP samOkarQya pOr#atN%parameM#arau $a$hU#atus tau duTkhOrtau $odhayOm Osa tau #idhiT $hakta%of the de#oteesD OpOyam%the sufferingsD samOkarQya%hearingD pOr##tN% parameM#arau%(ar#ati and Mi#aD $a$hU#atuT%$ecameD tau%$othD duTkhOrtau%unhappyD $odhayOm Osa%comfortedD tau%themD #idhiT%8rahma. "hen, hearing of the de#oteesE sufferings, Si#a and (Or#atN $ecame unhappy, 8rahmO comforted them. e:t 2, tato $rahmO maheMaM ca sura%saYghOn #asundharOm gVhaP prasthOpayOm Osa samOM#Osya prayatnataT tataT%thenD $rahmO%8rahmaD maheMaM%Si#aD ca%andD sura%saYghOn%the demigodsD #asundharOm%the earthD gVham%homeD prasthOpayOm Osa%sentD samOM#Osya%comfortingD prayatnataT%with great effort. Carefully reassuring them, 8rahmO and Si#a then sent the earth%goddess and the demigods to their homes. e:t 2. tato de#eM#arau tUrQaP Ogatya dharma%mandiram saha tena samOlocya prajagmur $ha#anaP hareT tataT%thenD de#eM#arau%8rahma and Si#aD tUrQam%at onceD Ogatya%goingD dharma% mandiram%to the home of &harmaD saha%withD tena%himD samOlocya%consideringD prajagmuT%wentD $ha#anam%to the a$odeD hareT%of Lord ;ari. hen 8rahmO and Si#a at once went to =amarOjaEs palyce. )fter some thought, all

three went to L rd ;ariEs amode, . . . e:t 20 #aikuQXhaP paramaP dhOma _ jarO%mVtyu%haraP param #OyunO dhOryamOnaP ca $rahmOQROd Utdh#ae.uttamam #aikuQXham%VaikuQXhaD parama %the supremeD dhOma%a$odeD jarO%mVtyu%haram% $eyond olm age and deathD param%supremeD #OyunO%$y VayuD doOryamOnam%carriedD ca%andD $rahmOQROt%the material uni#erseD Urdh#am%a$o#eD uttamam%supreme. . . .the supreme realm of VaikuQXha, where old%age and death do not e:ist, which is situated in the spiritual sky a$o#e the material uni#erses, . . . e:t 21 koXi%yojana%mUrdhaP ca $rahmalokOt sanOtanam na #arQanNyaP ka#i$hir #icitr P ratna%nirmitam koXi%yojana%mU dham%wen million pojanas a$o#eD ca%andD $rahmalokOt%8rahmalokaD sanOtanam%eternalD na%notD #arganN am%descri$a$leD ka#i$hie%$y philosophers or poetsD #icitram%wonderfulD ratna%of jewelwD nirritam%made. . . . which is ten million yojanas a$o#e 8rahmaloka, which is eternal, which poets end philosophers cannot descri$e, which is wonderful, and which is made of jewels. NoteJ ) yojanr is eBual to eight miles. e:t 22 padmarOgair indranNlai r>ja%mOrga%#i$hUWitam te mano%yOyinaT sar#e samprO us taP manoharam harer antaT%puraP gat#O dadVMuT MrN%hariP surOT

padmarOgaiT%with ru$iesD indranNlaiT%with sapphiresD rOja%royalD mOrga%pwttsD #i$hUWitam%decoratedD te%they mano%yOyinaT%tra#eling as fast ae the mindD sar#e%allD samprOpuT%attainedD tam%thatD manoharam%$eautifulD hareT%of Lord ;ariD antaT% puram%palaceD gat#O%goingD dadVMuT%sawD MrN%harim%SrN ;ariD surOT%the demigods. ra#eling at the speed of mind, they went to that $eautiful place, where the royal paths are pa#ed with ru$ies and sapphires. >ntering Lord ;ariEs palace, the three demigods saw Lord ;ari, . . . e:t 23

_ ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam ratna%keyUra%#alaya% ratna%nUpura%Mo$hitam ratna%siPhOsana%stham%sitting on a jeweled throneD ca%andD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam% decorated with jewel ornamentsD ratna%keyUra%#alaya%with jewel armlets and $raceletsD ratna%nUpura%with jewel ankletsD Mo$hitam%decorated. . . . who sat on a jewel throne, was decorated with jewel ornaments, and was splendid with jewel $racelets, armlets, and anklets, . . . e:t 24 ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitam pNta%#astra%parNdhOnaP #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam ratna%kuQRala%yugmena%with jewel earringsD gaQRa%sthala%cheeksD #irOjitam% splendidD pNta%yellowD #astra%garmentsD parNdhOnam%wearingD #ana%forestD mOlO% garlandD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, who wore yellow garments, who was decorated with a forest garland, . . . e:t 26 MOntaP saras#atN%kOntaP

lakWmN%dhVta%padOm$ujam koXi%kandarpa%lNlO$haP smita%#aktraP catur%$hujam MOntam%peacefulD saras#atN%kOntam%the $elo$ed of saras#atND lakWmN%$y lakWm)D dhVta%heldD pada%.eetD am$ujam%lotusD koXi%millionsD kandarpa%of /Omade#asD lNlO% playfuenessD O$ham%likeD smita%smilingD #aktram%faceD catuT%fourD $hujam%arms. . . d who was peaceful, who was dear to SarasoatN, whoie lotus feet were massaged $y LakWmN, who was playful as millions of n made#as, who smiled, who had fokr arms, . . . e:t 27 sunanda%nanda%kumudaVT pOrWadair upase#itam candanokWita%sar#OYgaP su%ratna%mukuXojj#alam _ sunanda%nanda%kumudaiT%8y Sunanda, Nanda, and /umudaD pOrWadaiT%associatesD upase#itam%seSuedD candana%sandalD ukWita%anointedD sar#a%allD aYgam%$odyD su%ratna% with $eautiful jewelsD mukuXa%crownD ujj#alam%splendid. . .n. who was ser#ed $y ;israssociates Sunanda, Nanda, and /umudar whose entire $ody was anointed with sandal paste, and who was splendid with a $eautiful jewel crown. e:t 39 paramOnanda%rUpaP ca haktOnugraha%kOtaram taP praQemuT surendrOM ca $haktyO $rahmOday mune paraeOnanda%transcendental $lissD rUpam%whose formD ca%andD $haktOnugraha% kOtaram%filledawith mercy for the de#oteesD tam%to ;rmD praQemuT%$owedD surendrOT% the demigodsD ca%andD $haktyO%with de#oti5nD $rahmOdayaT%headed $y 8 ahmOD mune%< sage. o Lord ;ari, whose form was full of transcendental $liss, and who was o#ercome with kindness to the de#otees, the three demigods headed $y 8rahmO $owed down, <

sage, with de#otion. e:t 3, tuWXu#uT parayO $haktyO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT paramOnanda%$hOrOrtOT pulakOYkita%#igrahOT tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD $hakti%with de#otionD namra%$owedD Otma%ownD kandharOT%necksD paramOntnda%$hOra%atrtOT% filled with great transcendental $lissD pulakOYkita%#igrahOT%the hairs of their $odies erect. <#ercome tith transcendental $liss, the hairs of the $odies erect, and their necks $owed with de#otion, they offered prayers yinh great de#otion. e:t 3. MrN%$rahmo#Oca namOmi kamalO%kOntaP MOntaP sar#eMam acyutam #ayaP yasya kalO%$hedOT kalOPMa%kalayO surOT _ MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahma saidD namOmi%I offer my respectful o$eisancesD kamalO%kOntam%to the $elo#7dkof LakumND MOntam%peacefulD sar#eMam%the master of allD acyutam%infalli$leD #ayam%weD yasya%of whomD kalO%$hed T%the parts of the partsD kalOPMa%kalayO%the parts of the parts of the partsD surOT%the demigods. SrN 8rahmO saidJ I offer my respectful o$eisances to the infalli$le and peaceful Supreme (ersontlity of Fodhead, who is the $elo#ed of LakWmN and the master of all. "e demigyds are parts of the parts of the parts of the parts of the parts of ;im. e:t 30 mana#aM ca munNndrOM c mOna#OM ca carOcarOT kalO kalOPMa%kalayO $hUtOs t#atto niraZjana mana#aT%the -anusD ca%andD munNndrOM%the kings of sagesD ca%andD mOna#OM%the

human $eingsD ca%andD cara%the mo#ing $eingsD acarOT%and the unmo#ing $eingsD kalO% paatsD kala%of the partsD OPMa%of the partsD kalayO%of the partsD $hUtOT%the li#ing entitiesD t#attaT%from =ouD nira].sy .1,^jana%< Lord untouched $y matter. < Lord untouched $y matter, the -anus, the kings of sages, the human $eings, and the mo#ing and unmo#ing entities are parts of the parts of the parts of the parts of =ou. e:t 31 MrN%MaYkara u#Oca t#Om akWayam akWaraP #O rOmat a#yaktam NM#aram anOdim Odim Onanda% rUpiQaP sar#a%rUpiQOm aQimOdika%siddhNnOP kOraQaP sar#a%kOraQam siddhi%jZaP siddhi%daP siddhi% rUpaP kaT stotum NM#araT MrN%MaYkaraT u#Oca%Lord Si#a saidD t#Om%to =ouD akWayam%eternalD akWaram% imperisha$leD #O%orD rOmam%enjoyerD a#yaktam%unmanifestedD NM#aram%the supreme controllerD anOdim%$eginninglessD Odim%the $eginningD Onanda%of $lissD rUpiQam% whose formD sar#a%of e#erythingD rUpiQOm%the formD aQima%with animaD Odika% $eginningD siddhNnOm%of muystic perfectionsD kOraQam%the originD sar#a%kOe formD kaT%whoD stotum%to offer prayersD NM#araT%is a$le. SrN Si#a saidJ "ho has the power tonproperly glorify =ou, the imrortal and imperisha$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who are the supreme controller and enjoyer, $eginningless, the $eginning of all, whose form is filled with $liss, whose form contains e#erything, who is the origin of the mystic perfectio s $2ginning with aQLmO, wwo isSthe cause of all, whose knowledge is perfect, who grants perfection, and who is the form of perfection* e:t 33 MrN%dharma u#Oca #ede nirUpitaP #astu #arQanNyaP #icakWaQaiT

#ede Enir#acanNyaP yat tan nir#aktuP ca kaT kWaman MrN%dharmaT u#Oca%SrN yamarOja saidD #ede%in the VedasD nirUpitam%descri$edD #astu%thingD #arQanNyam%to $e descri$edD #icakWaQaiT%$y the wiseD #ede%in the VedasD anir#acanNyar%innescri$a$leDayat%whatD tat%thatD nircaktum%to descri$eD ca%andD kae% who*D kWamaT%is a$le. SrN =amarOja saidJ "ho has the power to oescri$e that $eing whom the wisewsay is the topic of the Vedas,($ut whom the Vedas fail to descri$e* e:t 34 yasya sam$ha#anNyaP yad guQa%rUpaP niraZjanam tad atiriktaP sta#anaP kim ahaP staumi nirguQam ymrya%of whomD sam$ha#anNyam%can $e concei#edD yat%whatD guQa%rUpam%a form of the modes of natureD niraZjanam%untouched $y matterD tat%thatD atiriktam%$eyondD sta#anam%prayerD kim%how*D aham%ID staumi%prayD nirguQam%$eyond the modes of nature. he (material mind) can understand forms created $y the mohes of material nature, $ut =ou are noe touched $y the modes of nature. ;ow can I off r prayers to =ou* e:t 36 $rahmOdNnOm idaP stotraP sat%MlokoktaP mahO%mune paXhit#O mucyate durgOd _ #OZchitaP ca la$hen naraT $rahma%OdNnOm%of the demigods headed $y 8rahmaD idam%thisD stotram%prayerD sat% Mlokoktam%consisting of $eautiful #ersesD mahO%mune%< great sageD paXhit#O%recitingD mucyate%is li$eratedD durgOt%from difficultyD #OZchitam%what is desiredD ca%andD latheteattainsD naraT%a person. < great sage, a person who reads dheserpsayers of the demigods headed $y 8rahmOr prayers spoken in eloBuent #erse, $ecome free from difficulties and attains his desire.

e:t 37 de#OnOP sta#anaP Mrut#O tOn u#Oca hariT s#ayam golokaP yOta yUyaP ca yOmi prMcOc chriyO saha de#OnOm%of the demigodsD sta#anam%prayerD Mrut#O%hearingD tOn%to themD u#Oca% saidD hariT%Lord ;ariD s#ayam%personallyD golokam%to FolokaD yOta%goD yUyam%youD ca% andD yOmi%I will goD paMcOt%afterD MriyO%goddess lakWmND saha%with. )fter hearing the demigodsE prayers, Lord ;ari said to themJ =ou go to Foloka and I will follow with goddess LakWmN. e:t 49 nara%nOrOyaQau tau d#au M#etad#Npa%ni#Osinau ete yOsyanti golokaP tathO de#N saras#atN nara%nOrOyaQau%Nara%narayanaD tau%theyD d#au%$othD M#etad#Npa%ni#Osinau%residing in S#etad#ipaD ete%theyD yOsyanti%will goD golokam%to FolokaD tathO%soD de#N%goddessD saras#atN%saras#ati. Nara%NOrOyaQa, who li#e in S#etad#Npa, will go to Foloka, and Foddess Saras#atN will also go. e:t 4, anafto mama mOys ca kOrttikeyo gaQOdhipeT sO sO#itrN #eda%mOtO paMcOd yOsyati niMcitam anantaT%)nantaD mama%-yD mOyO%illusory potency -OyOD ca%andD kOrttikeya$% /arttikeyaD gaQOdhipaT%FanesaD sO%sheD sO#itrN%Sa# )nanta, -y -OyO, /Orttikeya, FaQeMa, and SO#itrN, the mother of the Vedas, will

also follow. e:t 4. tatrOhaP d#i%$hujaT kVWQo gopN$hiT rOdhayO saha tatrOhaP kamalO%yuktaT sunandOdi$hir O#VtaT tatra%thereD aham%ID d#i%$hujaT%two armsD kVWQaT%/VWQaD gopN$hiT%with the gopNsD rOdhayO%5OdhOD saha%withD tatra%thereD aham%ID kamalO%the goddess of fortuneD yuktaT% withD sunandOdi$hiT%$y the associates headed $y SunandaD O#VtaT%accompanied. ;ere I am with LakWmN and -y associates headed $y Sunanda. here I am two% armed /VWQa, with 5OdhO and the gopNs. e:t 40 nOrOyaQaM ca kVWQo EhaP M#etad#Npa%ni#Osa%kVt mamai#Onye kalOT sar#e de#a $rahmOdayaT smVtaT nOrOyaQaT%nOrOyaQaD ca%andD kVWQaT%/VWQaD aham%ID M#etad#Npa%ni#Osa%kVt%residing in S#etad#ipaD mama%of -eD e#a%indeedD anye%othersD kalOT%partsD sar#e%allD de#a% demigodsD $rahmOdayaT%headed $y 8rahmaD smVtaT%remem$ered. I am NOrOyaQa and I am /VWQa. I am the Lord whom resides in S#etad#Npa. )ll the demrgods headed $y 8rahmO are consideaed -y partial e:pansions. e:t 41 k#lOakalOPMa%kalayO surOsura%narOdayaT golokaP yOta yUyaP ca kOrya%siddhir $ha#iWyati kalO%kalOPMa%kalayO%as the parts of the parts of the parts of the partsD sura%the demigodsD asura%demonsD nara%and human $eingsD OdayaT%$eginning withD golokam%to FolokaD yOta%goD yUyam%youD ca%andD kOrya%of the dutyD siddhiT%the fulfillmentD $ha#iWyati%will $e.

-e. =ou go to Foloka and your goal will $e accomplished (in the end). e:t 42 #ayaP paMcOd gamiWyOmaT sar#eWOm iWXa%siddhaye ity ukt#ai#aP sa$hO%madhye #irarOma hariT s#ayam #ayam%weD paMcOt%$ehindD gamiWyOmaT%will goD sar#eWOm%of allD iWXa%of the desireD siddhaye%for the fulfillmentD ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD e#am%in this wayD sa$hO%madhye% in the assem$lyD #irarOma%stoppedD hariT%Lord ;ariD s#ayam%;imself. o fulfill your desire, we will follow you. )fter speaking these words in the assm$ly, Lord ;ari $ecame silent. e:t 43 praQamya de#atOT sar#O jagmur golokam ad$hutaP #icitraP paramaP dhOma jarO%mVtyu%haraP param praQamya%$owing downD de#atOT%the demigodsD sar#O%allD jagmuT%wentD golokam% to FolokaD ad$hutam%wonderfulD #icitram%wonderfulD paramam%supremeD dhOma% a$odeD jarO%mVtyu%haram%free of old%age and deathD param%transcendental. 8owing down, all the demigods went to Foloka, the wonderful transcendental a$ode, which is free of old%age and death, . . . e:t 44 Urdh#aP #aikuQXhato EgamyaP paZcOMat%koXi%yojanam #OyunO dhOryamOnaP ca nirmitaP s#ecchayO #i$hoT Urdh#am%a$o#eD #aikuQXhataT%VaikunthaD agamyam%unapproacha$leD paZcOMat% koXi%yojanam%fi#e hundred millions yojanasD #OyunO%$y the windD dhOryamOnam%heldD ca%andD nirmitam%madeD s#ecchayO%$y ;is own desireD #i$hoT%of the all%powerful

Lord. . . . anu hich, $y the wish of the all%powerful Lord, is situated fi#e hundred million yojanas a$o#e VaikuQXha in the spiritual sky. _ tam anir#acanNyaP ca de#Os te gamanonmukhOT te mano%yOyinaT sar#e samprOpur #irOja%taXam tam%thatD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca%andD de#OT%the de igodsD te%theyD gamanonmukhOT%eager to goD te%theyD mano%yOyinaT%tra#eling at the speed of mindD sar#e%allD samprOpuT%aptainedD #irOja%taXam%the shore of the VirajO ri#er. he demigods were eager to go to that place $eyond description. ra#eling at the speed of m(nd, they all went to the shore of the VirajO ri#er. e:t 47 dVWX#O de#OT sarit%tN aP #ismayaP paramaP yayuT Muddha%sphaXika%saYkOMuP su%#istNrQaP manoharam dVWX#O%seeingD de#OT%the demegodsD sarit%tNram%the shore of that ri#erD #ismayam% astonishingD paramam%#eryD yayuT%wentD Muddha%poureD sphaXika%crystalD saYkOMam% manifestationD su%#istNrQam%$roadD manoharam%$eautiful. he demigods $ecame filled with wonder when they saw that $eautif l and $road ri#er$ank spltndid with pure crystal, . . . e:t 69 muktO%mOQikya%paraMa% maQi%ratnOk rOn#itam kVWQa%Mu$hra%harid%rakta% maQi%rOji%#irOjitam muktO%pearlsD mOQikya%ru$iesD paraMa%maQi%parasa jewelsD ratna%of jewelsD Okara% e:t 46

reser#oirsD an#itam%withD kVWQa%$lueD Mu$hra%whiteD harit%greenD rakta%redD maQi% jewelsD rOji%seriesD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . glittering with pearls, ru$ies, paraMa jewels, atd many kinds of $lue, white, green, and red jewels, . . . e:t 6, pra#OlOYkuram ud$hUtaP kutracit su%manoharem paramOmUlya%sad%ratnO% kara%rOji%#i$hUWitam _ pra#Ola%coraiD aYkuram%grasssD ud$hUtam%sproutedD kutracit%somewhereD su% manoharam%#ery $eautifulD parama%#eryD amUlya%pricelessD sat%transcendentalD ratnag jewelsD Okara%rOji%multitudeD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . somewhere $eautiful with coral grass and decorated with priceless transcendental gems, . . . e:t 6. #idher adVMyam OMcaryaP nidhi%MreWXhOkarOn#itam padmarOgendranNlOnOP OkOraP kutracin mune #idheT%$y 8rahmaD adVMyam%in#isi$leD OMcaryam%wonderfulD nidhi%treasuryD MreWXha% $estD Okara%multitudeD an#itam%withD padmarOga%ru$iesD indranNlOnOm%of sapphiresD OkOram%multitudeD kutracin%somewhereD mune%< sa e. . . . somewhere filled with treasuries of ru$ies and sapphires 8rahmO had ne#er seen $efore, . . . e:t 60 kutracic ca marakata% kara%MreQi%saman#itam syamantakOkaraP kutra kutracic rucakOkaram

kutracit%somewhereD ca%andD marakata%of emeraldsD Okara%MreQi%saman#itam%with many treasuriesD syamantaka%of syamantaka jewelsD Okaram%treasuriesD kutra%whereD kutracic%somewhereD rucaka%of rucaka jewelsD Okaram%treasuries. . . . somewhere filled with treasuries of emeralds, somewhere syamantaka jewels, and somewhere rucaka jewelsL . h . e:t 61 amUlya%pNta%#arQaika% maQi%MreQy%OkarOn#itam ratnOkaraP kutracic ca kutracit kaustu$hOkaram e amUlya%pricelessD#pNta%#arQaika%maQi%MreQy%topaGD OkarOn#itam%with treasuriesD ratnOkaram%treasuries If jewelsD kutracit%somewhereD ca%andD kutracit%somewhereD kaustu$hOkarum%treasuries of kaustu$ha jewels. _ . . . somewhere filled with treasuries ofrtopaG, somewhere kaustu$ha jewels, and somewhere other jewels, . . . we:t 62 kutrOnir#acaQNyOnOP maQNnOm OkaraP param kutracit kutracid ramya% #ihOra%sthalam uttamam kutra%somewhereD anir#acaQNyOnOm%indescri$a$leD maQNnOm%of jewelsD Okaaam% treasuryD param%greatD kutracit%somewhereD kutracit%somewhereD ramya%$eautifulD #ihOra%pastimeD sthalam%placeD uttamam%su$lime. . . . somewhere filled with treasuries of jewels that are $eyond description, and somewhere filled with $eautiful and delightful pastime places. e:t 63 dVWX#O tu paramOMcaryaP jagmus tat%pOram NM#arOT dadVMuT par#ata%MreWXham

Mata%MVYgaP manoharam dVWX#O%gaGingD tu%indeedD paramOMcaryam%#ery wonderfulD jagmuT%wentD tat%pOram% to the farther shoreD NM#arOT%the demimodsD dadVMuT%sawD par#ata%CreWXham%the $est of mountainsD Mata%MVYgam%with a hundred peaksD manoharam%$eautiful. .fn )fter gaGing at this place, the (three) demigods crossed to the farther shore, where they saw a $eautiful mountain with a hundred peaks, . . . e:t 64 pOrijOta%tarUQOP ca #anarOji%#irOjitam kalpa%#VkWaiT pari#VtaP #eWXitaP kOmadhenu$hiT pOrijOta%tarUQOm%of parijata tre sD ca%andD #anarOji%witf forestsDi#irOjitam%splendidD kalpa%#VkWaiT%with kalpa%#rksa treesD pari#Vtam%filledD #eWXitam%filledD kOmadhenu$hiTwith kamadhenu cows. . . . splendid with pOrijOta trees, filled with kalpa #VkWa trees and swra$hi cows, . . . e:t 66 _koXi%yojanam Urdh#aP ca dairghyaP daMa%guQottaram Maila%prastha%parimitaP paZcOMat%koXi%yojanam koXi%ten millionD yojanam%yojanasD Urdh#am%highD ca%andD dairghyam%lo gD d Ma% guQottaram%ten timesD Maila%prastha%parimitam%the $readth of the mountainD paZcOMat% koXi%yojanam%fi#e hundred million yojanas. . . . ten million yojanas high, ten times as long, and fi#e hundred million yojanas wide, . . . e:t 67 prOkOrOkaram asyai#a Mikhare rOsa%maQRalam

daMa%yojana%#istNrYaP r artulOkOram uttamam prOkOrOkaram%surrounded $y a wallD asya%of thatD e#a%indeedD Mikhare%on the topD rOsa%maQRalam%a rasa%dance circleD daMa%yojana%ten yojanasD #istNrQam%acrossD #artulOkOra)%circularD uttamam%su$lime. . . . on its peak a $eautiful walled rOsa%dance circle ten yojanas across, . . . e:t 79 puWpodyOna%sahasreQa puWpitena su%gandhinO MaYkulena madhu$hrOQOP samUhena saman#itam puWpa%flowerD udyOna%gardensD sahasreQa%with a thousandD puWpitena%with $lossoming flowersD su%gandhinO%fragrantD saYkulena%with a multitudeD madhu$hrOQOm%of $eesD samUhena%with a multitudeD saman#itam%endowed. . . . with a thousand gardens of fragrant $lossoming flowers attended $y swarms of $lack $ees, . . . e:t 7, su%ratna%dra#ya%samyuktai tOjitaP rati%mandiraiT ratna%maQRapa%koXNnOP sahasreQa saman#itam ratna%jewelD maQRapa%pa#ilionsD koXNnOm%of ten millionD sahasreQa%with a thousandD saman#itam%endowed. . . . splendid with jeweled pastime palaces andswith a thousand multiplied $y ten million jewel pa#ilions, . . . e:ts 7. and 70 ratna%sopOna%yuktena

sad%ratna%kalasena ca harinmaQNn.P stam$hena Mo$hitena ca Mo$hitam sindUra%#arQa%maQi$hiT paritaT khacitena ca indranilair mORhya%$hOga% maQRitena manoharaiT ratna%jewelD sopOna%staircasesD yuktena%withD sat%e:cellentD ratna%jewelDnkalasena% with domesD ca%andD harinmaQNnOm%of emeraldsD stam$hena%with a pillarD Mo$hitena% splendidD ca%andDnMo$hitam%sBlendidD sindUra%#arQa%maQi$hiT%with red je\elsD paritaT%filledD khacitena%studdedD ca%andD indranNlaiT%with sapphiresD mORhya%$hOga% in the middleD maQRitena%decoratedD manoharaiT%$eautiful. . . . splendid with jewel staircases, $eautiful jewel domes, and a splendid emerald pillar studded with ru$ies and its middle decorated with $eautiful sapphires, . . . e:t 71 ratna%prOkOra%saSyuktaP maQi%$hedair #irOjitam d#OraiT ka#OXa%samyuktais catur$hiM ca #irOjitam ratna%prOkOra%samyuktam%with a jewel wallD raQi%$hedaiT%with many different jewelsD #irOjitam%splendidD d#OraiT%with gatesD ka#OXa%samyuktaiT%with panelsD eatur$hiM%fourD ca%also #irOjttam%splendid. . . . splendid with jewel walls and four gates of many jewels, . . . e:t 72 #ajra%granthi%samOyuktai rasOla%palla#On#itaiT paritaT kadalN%stam$ha% sa UhaiM cm saman#itam am$ha%of $anan treesD hamUhaiM%with multitudesD ca%andD saman#itam%endowed. . . . with many mango trees tied with diamonds, and with many $anana trees, . . .

e:t 73 Mukla%dhOnya%parQa%jOla% phala%dUr#OYkurOn#itam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam Mukla%whiteD dhOnya%riceD parQa%of lea#esD jOla%networkD phala%fruitD dur#OYkura% dur#a grassD an#itam%SithD candana%sandalD aguru%aguruD kastUrN%muskD kuYkuma% kunkumaD dra#a%pasteD carcitam%anointed. . . . with the lea#es of white%rice plants, with fruits, and with dUr#O grass, anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and k,Ykuma, . . . e:t 74 #eWXitaP gopa%kanyOnOP ksamUhaiT koXiMo mune ratnOlaYkara%samyuktai ratna%mOlO%#irOjitaio #eWXitaa%filledD gopa%kanyOnOm%with gorNsD samUhaiT%with multitudesD koXiMaT% millionsD mune%< Sage eyatnOlaYkara%jewel ornamentsD samyuktaiT%withD ratna%jewelD mOlO%necklacesD #irOjitaiT%splendid. . . . filled, < sage, with many millions of youthful gopNs decorated with jewel ornaments, splendid with jewel necklaces, . . . e:t 76 ratna%kaYkana%keyUra% ratna%nUpura%$hUWitaiT ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitaiT ratna%jewelD kaYkana%keyUra%$racelets and armletsD ratna%jewelD nUpura%ankletsD $hUWitaiT%decoratedD ratna%jewelD kuQRala%yugmena%ea rinSsD gaQRa%sthala%cheeksD #irOjitaiT%splendid. . . . decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, and anklets, their cheeks splendid with

jewel earrings, . . . _ e:t 77 ratnOYgurNya%lalitair hastOYguli%#i$hUWitaiT ratna%pOMaka%#VndaiM ca #irOjita%padOYgulaiT ratna%jewelD aYgurNya%finger%ringsD lalitaiT%gracefulD hastOYguli%fingersD #i$hUWitaiT% decoratedD ratna%jewelD pOMaka%netD #VndOiT%with manyD ca%andD #irOjita%splendidD padOYgulaiT%with toes. . . . their fingers $eautifully decorated with jewel rings, their toes splendid with a network of jewels, . . . e:t ,99 $hUWitai ratna%$hUWO$hiT sad%ratna%mukuXojj#alaiT gajendra%muktOlaYkOrair nOsikO%madhya%rOjitaiT $hUWitaih%decoratedD ratna%$hUWO$hiT%with jewel ornamentsD sad%ratna%with jewelsD mukuXa%crownsD ujj#alaiT%splendidD gajendra%muktO%with the king of elephdnt pearlsD aoaYkOraiimwith ornamentsD nOsikO%noseD madhya%middleD rOjitaiT%splendid. . . . decorated with jewel ornaments, splendid with jewel crowns, their nostrils splendidly decorated sith a gajendra pearl ornament, . . . e:t ,9, sindUra%$indun sOrdhaP OlakOdhaT%sthalojj#alaiT cOru%campaka%#arQO$hais candana%dra#a%carcitaiT sindUra%of sinduraD $indunO%a dr pD sOrdham%withD Olaka%hairD adhaT%sthalar $eneathD ujj#alaiT%splendidD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%curpaka flowerD #arna$haT%the colorD candana%dra#a%with saudal p"steD carcitaiT%anointed.

. . . the place $elow their curly hair splendid with a dot of red sindUra, thear comple:ions the color of $eautiful campaka flowers, (their lim$s) anointed with sandal paste, . . . e:t ,9. pNta%#astra%parNdhOnair $im$Odharr%manoharaiT _Marat%par#OQa%candrOQOP A pra$hO%muWXa%mukhojj#alaiT pNta%yellowD #astra%garmentsD parNdhOnaiT%wearingD $im$Odhara%manoharaiT%with $eautiful $im$a fruit lipsD M%rat%autu nD par#OQa%seasonD candrOQOm%maonsD pra$hO% splendorD muWX%eclipsedD mukha%facesD ujj#alaiT%splendor. . . . dressed in yellow garments, their $eautiful lips $im$a fruits, the splendor of their faces eclipsing the autumn moonlight, . . . e:t ,90 Marat%praphulla%padmOsOP Mo$hO%mocana%locanaiT kastUrN%pOtrikO%yukta% rekhOkta%kajjalojj#alaiT Marat%in autumnD praphulla%$lossom ngD pad OnOm%of lotusesD Mo$hO%$eautyD mocana%ro$$ingD locanaiT%eyesD kastUrN%muskD pOtrikO%pictures and designsD yukta% endowedD rekhO%linesD akta%anointedD kajjala%$lack kuajjalaD ujj#alaiT%splendid. r . . their eyes eclipsing the $eauty of lotuses $looming in autumn, their eyes glistening with $lack kajjala and designs drasn in musk, . . . e:t ,91 raphulla%mOlatN%mOlO% jOlatT ka#ara%Mo$hitaiT madhu%lu$dha%madhu$hrOQOP samUhaiM cOpi saYkulaiT praphulla%$lossomingD mOlatN%of malati flowersD mOlO%garlandsD jOlaiT%with networksD ka#ara%$raidsD Mo$hitaiT%decoratedD madhu%for honeyD lu$dha%greedyD

madhu$hrOQOm%of $eesD samUhaiM%with hostsD ca%andD api%alsoD saYkulaiT%with multitudes. . . . their $raids decorated with mOlatN $lossoms that attract $lack $ees greedy for nectar, . . . e:t ,92 cOruQO gamanenai#a gaja%khaZjana%gaZjanaiT #aktra%$hrU% waYga%samyoga% s#alpa%smita%saman#itaiT _ cOruQO%gracefulD gamanena%motionsD e#a%indeedD gaja%elephantsD khaZjana% khanjana $irdsD gaZjanaiT%defeatingD #aktra%crookedD $hrU%eye$rowsD $haYga% mo#ementsD samyoga%meetingD s#alpa%slightD smita%smileD saman#itaiT%with. . . . their graceful motions defeating the elephants and kha].sy .1,^jana $irds, the crooked motions of their cur#ed eye$rows suggesting a slight smile, . . . e:t ,93 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% danta%paYkti%#irOjitaiT khagendra%caZcu%Mo$hORhya% nOsikonnata%$hUWitaiT pak#a%ripeD dORim$a%pomegranateD $Nja%seedsD O$ha%likeD danta%paYkti%teethD #irOjitaiT%splendidD khagendra%of the king of $irdsD caZcu%$eakD Mo$hO%$eautyD ORhya% richD nOsikO%noseD 2nnata%raisedD $hUWitaiTmdecorated. . . . splendid with teeth like ripe pomegranate seeds, decorated with raised noses opulent like the king of $irdsE $eak, . . . e:t ,94 gajendra%gaQRa%yugmO$ha% stana%$hOra%natair i#a niXam$a%kaXhiQa%MroQi% pNna%$hOra%$harOnataiT

gajendra%of the kinmg of elephantsD gaQRa%yugma%cheeksD O$ha%likeD stana%$reastsD $hOra%nataiT%hea#yD i#a%likeD niXam$a%thighsD kaXhiQa%hardD MroQi%hipsD pNna%$hOra% $harOnataiT%$road. . . . their hea#y $reasts like the elephant kingEs cheeksw their thighs firm and their hips $road, . . . e:t ,96 kandaroa%oara%ceWXO$hir jarjarN%$hUta%mOnasaiT darpaQaiT pUrQa%candrOsya! saundarya%darManotsuVaiT kandarpa%of /Omade#aD Mrra%arrowsD ceWXO$hiT%actionsD jarjarN%$hUta%woundedD mOnasaiT%heartsD darpaQaiT%arousedD pUrQa%candra%full moInD Osya%faceD saundarya% handsomeneosD darMana%to seeD utsukaih%ymarning. _ . . . their hearts wounded $y /OmtEs arrows, passionately yearning to gaGe on the full moon of dord /BWQaEs) face, . . . e:t ,97 rOdhikO%cDrawOm$hoja% se#Osakta%manorathaiT sundarNQOP samUhaiM ca rakWitaP rOdhikOjZayO m rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD caraQa%feetD am$hoja%lotusD se#O%to the ser#iceD Osakta%attachedD manorathaiT%desiresD sundarNQOm%of $eautiful girlsD samUhaiT%with multitudesD ca% andD rakWitam%protectedD rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD Oj].sy .1,^ayO%$y the order. . . . (their forms) $eautiful, attached to er#ing SrN 5OdhOEs lotus feet, and $y 5OdhOEs order engaged in protecting that place, . . . e:t ,,9 krNRO%saro#arOQOP ca lakWaiM ca pari#eWXita M#eta%rakta%lohitaiMMca

#eWXitaiT padma%rOjitaiT su%kUjad$hir mano%$hrOQOP samUho%saYkulaiT sadO krNRO%pastimnD saro#aVOQOm%of lakesD ca%andD lakWaiM%with a hundred thousandD ca% VndD pari#eWXitam%surroundedD M#eta%whiteD rakta%redD lohitaiT%lotusesD ca%andD #eWXitaiT%filled padma%rOjiSaiT%splendid with lotusdesD su%kUjad$hiT%sweetly cooingD mano%$hrOQOm%of $eesD samUha%saYkulaiT%with hostsD sadO%always. . . . which was always filled with a hundred thousand pastime lakes filled miyh red and white lohita lotusen, splekdid padma lotuses, sweetly humming $lack $ees, . . . e:t ,,, puWpodyOna%sahasreQa puWpitena saman#itam koXi%kuZja%kuXNraiM ca u puWpa%MayyO%saman#itaiT puWpa%flowerD udyOna%gardensD sahasreQa%with a thousandD puWpitena%floweringD saman#itam%withD koXi%ten illionD kuZja%forestD kuXNraiT%with cottagesD ca%andD puWpa%flowerD MayyO%couchesD saman#itaiT%with. _ . . . and which had a thousand gardens of $lossoming floeers and many ftrest cottages with couches of flowers, . . . e:t ,,. $hoga%dra#ya%sa%karpUra% tOm$Ula%#astra%samyuktaiT ratna%pradNpaiT paritaT M#eta%cOmara%darpaQaiT $hoga%dra#ya%pleasantD sa%karpUra%with camphorD tOm$Ula%#astra%samyuktaiT%with $etelnutsD ratna%jewelD pradNpaiT%lampsD paritaT%thereD M#eta%cOmara%darpaQaiT%with white camaras. . . . $etelnuts and camphor, jewel lamps, white cOmaras, . . . e:t ,,0

#icitra%puWpa%mOlO$hiT Mo$hitaiT Mo$hitaP mune taP rOsa%maQRalaP dVWX#O jagmus te par#atOd $ahiT #icitra%wonderful and colorfulD puWpa%flowerD mOlO$hiT%garlandsD Mo$hitaiT% $eautifulD Mo$hitam%wtautifiedDnmune%< sageD tam%thatD rOsa%of the rOsa%danceD maQRalam%circleD dVWX#O%seeingD jagmuT%wentD te%theyD par#atOt%mhe mountainD $ahiT% past. . . . and wonderful, $eautiful, and colorful flower garlands. < sage, after seeing this rOSa%danceocircle, the (three) demigods left that mountain. e:t ,,1 tato #ilakWaQaP ramyaP dadVMuT sundaraP #anam #anaP #VndO#anaP nOma rOdhOumOdha#ayoT priyam tataT%from thatD #ilakWaQam%e:traordinaryD ramyam%$eautifulD dadVMuT%sawD sundaram%$eautifulD #anam%forestD #anam #VndO#anam%VVndO#ana forestD nOma% namedD rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT%of 5OdhO%/VWQaD priyam%dear. hen they saw 5OdhO%/VWQaEs fa#orite forest, which was named VVndO#ana @orest, which was e:traordinarily $eautiful and charming, . . . e:tg,,2 _k&NRO%sthOnaP tayor e#a kalpa%#VkWa%cayOn#itam #irOja%tNra%nNrOktaiT kalpitaP manda%#Oyu$hiT u krNRO%of pastimesD sthOnam%the placeD tayoT%of hemD e#a%indeedD kalpa%#VkWa% cayOn#itam%filled with kalpa%#rksa treesD #irOja%tNra%fropm the shore of the Viraja ri#erD nNra%waterD OktaiT%anointedD kalpitam%arranged manda%#Oyu$hiT%with gentle $reeGes. . . . which was a place where 5OdhO and /VWQa enjoyed pastimes, which was filled with kalpa%#VkWa trees and gentle $reeGes carrying drops of water from the shore of the

VirajO ri#er, . . . e:t ,,3 kastUrN%yukta%pOtrOktaiT sar#atra surh$hN%kVtam na#a%palla#a%samyuktaP para%puWXa%ruta%Mrutam kastUrN%with muskD yukta%endowedD patrOktaiT%with designsD sar#atra%e#erywhereD sura$hN%kVtam%fragrantD na#a%newD palla#a%sproutsD samyuktam%withD parapuWXa%of cuckoosD ruta%cooingD Mrutam%heard. . . . which was fragrant with musk%designs e#erywhere, filled with new sprouts and with the cooing of cuckoos, . . . e:t ,,4 kutra keli%kadam$OnOP kadam$aiT kamanNyakam mandarOQOP candanOnOP campakOnOP tathai#a ca kutra%somewhereD keli%kadam$OnOm%of playful kadam$a treesD kadam$aiT%with multitudesD kamanNyakam%$eautifulD mandarOQOm%of mandara treesD candanOnOm%of sandal treesD campakOnOm%of carpaka treesD tathO%soD e#a%certainlyD ca%also. . . . $eautiful with somewhere keli%kadam$a trees, somewhere mandara trees, somwehere sandal trees, and somewhere campaka trees, . . . e:t ,,6 su%gandhi%kusumOnOP ca gandhena sura$hN%kVtam OmrOQOP nOgaraYgOnOP pOnasOnOP tathai#a ca _ su%gandhi%fragrantD kusumOnOm%of flowersD ca%andD gandhena%with the fragranceD sura$hN%kVtam%fragrantD amrOQOm%of mango treesD nOgaraYgOnOm%of nagaranga treesD pOnasOnOm%of panasa treesD tathO%soD e#a%indeedD ca%and.

. . . scented with fragrant flowers of mango, nOgaraYga, and pOnasa trees, . . . e:t ,,7 tOlOnOP nOrikelOnOP #Vndair #VndO#anaP #anam jam$UnOP $adarNQOP ca kharjUrOQOP #iMeWataT tOlOnOm%of tala treesD nOrikelOnOm%of coconut treesD #VndaiT%with multitudesD #VndO#anam #anam%forestsD jam$UnOm%of jam$u treesD $adarNnOm%of $adari $ushesD ca%andD kharjurOQOm%of kharjhuraD #iMeWataT%specifically. . . . filled with forests of tOla, coconut, jam u, $adarN, kharjUra, . . . e:t ,.9 gu#akOmrOtakOnOP ca jam$NrOQOP ca nOrada kadalNnOP MrNphalOnOP dORim$OnOP manoharaiT gu#akOmrOtakOnOm%gu#akOmrOtakaD ca%andD jam$NrOQOm%jam$iraD ca%andD nOrada%4 NOradaD kadalNnOm%$ananaD MrNphalOnOm%sriphalaD dORim$OnOm%pomegranateD manoharaiT%$eautiful. . . . gu#akOmrOtaka, jam$Nra, $anana, MrNphala, and pomegranate trees, < NOrada, . . . e:t ,., su%pak#a%tOla%samyuktaiT s'mUhaiM ca #ieOjitam piyOlOnOP ca sOlOnOP aM#atthOnOP tathai#a ca su%pak#a%#ery ripeD tOla%tala fruitsD samyuktair%withD samUh#aM%multitudesD ca%andD #irOjitam%splendidD piyOlOnOm%piyalaD ca%andD MOlOnOm%salaD aM#atthOnOm%$anyanD tatha%soD e#a%indeedD ca%and. . . . splendi( with many piyOla, sOla, and $anyan trees, with many trees $earing ripe

tOla fruits, . . . _ e:t ,.. nim$OnOP MalmalNnOP ca tintidNnOP ca Mo$hanaiT anyeWOP taru%$hedOnOP saYkulaiT saYkulaP sadO nim$OnOm%of nim$a treesD MalmalNnOm%of salmali treesD ca%andD tintidNnOm%of tintidi treesD ca%andD Mo$hanaiT%$eautifulD anyeWOm%of othersD taru%$hedOnOm%different kinds of treesD saYkulaiT%with hostsD saYkulam%filledD sadO%always. . . . with many $eautiful nim$a, MalmalN, tintidN, and with other kinds of srees, . . . e:t ,.0 paritaT kalpa%#VkWaQaP #Vndair #Vndair #irOjitam mallikO%mOlatN%kundaP ketakN%mOdha#N%latO paritaT%e#erywhereD kalpa%#VkWaQam%of kalpa%#rksa treesD #VndaiT%with hostsD #VndaiT%with hostsD #irOjitam%splendidD mallikO%mallikaD mOlatN%malatiD kundam% kundaD ketakN%ketakiD mOdha#N%madha#iD latO%#ines. . . . spendid with many kalpa%#VkWa trees e#erywhere, with mallikO, mOlatN, kunda, ketakN, and mOdha#N #ines, . . . e:t ,.1 etOsOP ca samUhaiM ca yUthikO$hiT saman#itam cOru%kuZja%kuXNrais taiT paZcOMat%koXi$hir mune etOsOm%of themD ca%andD samUhaiM%with multitudesD ca%andD yUthikO$hiT%with #uthika flowersD saman#otam%withD cOru%$eautifdlD kuZja%forestD kuXNraiT%cottagesD tamT%with themD paZcOMat%koXi$hiT%fi#e hukdred millionD m ne%< sage. . . . with many yUthikO flowers, with fi#e hundred million forest cottages, < sage, . . .

e:t ,.2 ratna%pradNpa%dNpaip ca ehUpena sura$hN%kVtaiT MVYgOra%dra#ya%yuktaiM ca _ #Ositairogaadha%#Oyu$hiT s ratna%jewelD pradNpa%dNpaiT%lampsD ca%andD dhUpena%with incenseD sura$hN%kVtaiT% fragrantD MVYgOra%dra#ya%yuktaiT%with decorationsD ca%andDf#OsitaiT%scentedD gandha% fragrantD #Oyu$hiT%with $reeGes. . . . with jewel lamps, with decorations fragrant with incense, with fragrant $reeGes, . . p e:t ,.3 clndanOktaiT phWpa%talpair mOlO%jOla%saman#itaiT madhu%au$dha%mydhu$hrOQOP kalO%Ma$daiM ca Ma$ditam candana%OktaiT%aeointed with sandal pasteD puWpa%talpaiT%wiht $eds made of flowersD mOlO%jOla%saman#itaiT%with a network of flower garlandsD madhu%for honeyD la$dha%greedyD madhu$hrOQOm%of $eesD kalO%Ma$daiM%with soft soundsD ca%andD Ma$ditam%9ounded. . . . and with $eds made ofeflowers decorated with a network of floweu ga londs and scented wi t sandal, filled widh sweet sounds of $ees gree y for nectar, . . . e:t ,.4 ratnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyair gopN%#VndaiM ca #eWXitam paZcOMat%koXi%gopN$hN rakWitaP rOdhikOjZayO ratna%jewelD alaYkOra%ornamentsD Mo$hO%$eautyD ORhyaiT%enrichedD gopN%#VndaiM% with gopNsD ca%andD #eWXitam%filledD pa].sy .1,^cOMat%koXi%gopN$hiT%with fi#e hundred million gopNsD rakWitam%protectedD rOdhikO%OjZayO%$y 5OdhOEs order.

. . . filled with gopNs $eautifully gcorated with jewel ornaments, $y 5OdhOEs order protected $ fi#e hundred million gopNs, . . . e:t ,.6 d#a%triPsat%kOnanaP tatra ramyaP ramyaP manoharam #VndO#anO$hyantaritaP nirjana%sthOnam uttamam aD a$hyantaritam%withinD nirjana%sthOnam%secluded placeD uttamam%highest. . . . fiyled with thirty%two orests, of which $eautiful, $eautiful, $eautiful, secluded VVndO#ana Ns the $est, . . . e:t ,.7 su%pak#a%madhura%s#Odu% phalair #VwdO#anaP mune goWXhOnOP ca ga#OnOP ca samUhaiM ca saman#itam su%perfectlyD pak#a% ipeD madhura%sweetD s#Odu%deliciousD phalaiT%with fruitsD #VndS#anam%VVndO#anaD mune%< sageD goWXhOnOm%of $arnsD ca%andD ga#OnOm%of cowsD ca%andD samUhaiM%with multitudesD ca%andD saman#itam%with. . . y filled, < sage, with many perfectly ripe, sweet, delicious fruits, filled with many cows and $arns, . . . e:t ,09 puWpodyOna%sahasreQa puWpitena su%gandhinO madhu%lu$dha%madhu$hrOQOP samUhena saman#itam puWpodyOna%sahasreQa%with a thousand flower gardensD puWpiteta%flower ngD su% gandhinO%fargrantD madhu%lu$dha%greedy for honeyD madhu$hrOQOm%of $eesD samUhena%with a hostD saman#itam%with.

. . . filled with a thousand fragrant gardens of $lossoming flowers (attracting) hosts of $ees greedy for nectar, . . . e:t ,0, paZcOMat%koXi%gopOnOP ni#OsaiM ca #irOjitam MrN%kVWQa%tulya%rUpOQOP sad%ratna%grathitair #araiT paZcOMat%koXi%fi#e hundred millionD gopOnOm%gopasD ni#OsaiM%with homesD ca%andD #irOjitam%splendidD MrN%kVWQa%tulya%rUpOQOm%with forms like SrN /VWQaEs formD sad% ratna%grathitaiT%knotted wit$ e:cellent jewelsD #araiT%e:cellent. . . . and splendid with the jewel homes of fi#e hundred million gopas whose forms were like SrN /VWQaEs. e:t ,0. _ dVWX#O #VndO#anaP ramyaP yOyur golokam NM#arOQ parito #artulOkOraP koXi/yojana%=istVtam dVWX#O%seeingD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD ramyamh$eautifulD yOyuT%wentD golokam%to FolokaD N #araT%the demigodsD paritaT%d#erywhereD #artulOkOram%circularD koXi% ytjana%#istVtam%ten million yojanas. )fter gaG ng ht $eautiful VVndO#ana, the (three) demigods went to circular Foloka, which was ten million yojanar in siGe . . . e:t ,00 ratna%prOkOra%samyuktaP catur%d#OrOn#itaP mune gopOnOP ca samUhaiM ca d#Ora%palaiT saman#itam ratna%jewelD prOkOra%wallD samyuktam%withD catuT%fourD d#Ora%gatesD an#itam%withD mune%< sageD gopOnOm%of gopasD ca%andD samUhaiT%with hostsD ca%andD d#Ora%palaiT% with gatekeepersD saman#itam%with.

. . . which was surrounded $y a jewel wall with four gates protected $y many gopa gatekeepers, . . . e:t ,01 OMramai ratna%khacitair nOnO%$hoga%saman#itaiT gopOnOP kVWQa%$hVtyOnOP paZcOMat%koXi$hir yutam OMramaiT%with asramasD ratna%khacitaiT%studded with jewelsD nOnO%$hoga% saman#itaiT%with many delightful thingsD gopOnOm%of gopasD kVWQa%$hVtyOnOm%/VWQaEs ser#antsD paZcOMat%koXi$hiT%fi#e hundred millionD yutam%with. . . . and which had fi#e hundred million OMramas of Lord /VWQaEs ser#ants, OMramas studded with jewels and filled with many delightful things, . . . e:t ,02 $haktOnOP gopa%#VndOnaP OMramaiT Mata%koXi$hiT tato Edhika%su%nirmOQaiT sad%ratna%grathi$hir yutam _ $haktOnOm%de#oteesD gopa%#VndOnam%gopasD OMramaiT%with asramasD Mata% koXi$hiT%one $illionD tataT%of thatD anhika%doreD su%nirm QaiT%$eautifully eonstructedD sad%ratna%grnthi$hiT%with e:cellent jewelsD yutam%endowed. . . . one $illion OMramas of Lord /VWQaEs de#otees, OMramas e#en more $eautifully made of many jewels, . . . e:t ,03 OMramaiT pOrWadOnOP ca tato Edhika%#ilakWaQaiT su%mUla%ratna%racitaiT samyuktaP daMa%koXi$hiT OMramaiT%with asramasD pOrWadOnOm%pf the associatesD ca%andD tataT%than thatD adhika%#ilakWaQaiT%greaterD su%mUla%#ery #alua$leD ratna%jewelsD racitaiT%madeD

samyuktam%withD daMa%koXi$hiT%a hundred million. . . . one hundred million OMramas of Lord /VWQaEs associates, OMramas eoen more $eautifully made made of precious jewels, . . . e:t ,04 pOrWada%pra#arOQOP ca MrN%kVWQa%rUpr%dhOriQOm OMramaiT koXi$hir yuktaP sad%ratnena #inirmitaiT pOrWada%pra#arOQOm%of intimate associatesD ca%andD MrN%kVWQa%rUpa%dhOriQim%with forms like SrNdOmO/VWQaEsD OMramaiT%with asramasD koXi$hiT%with ten millionD yuktam% withD tad%ratnena%with eecellent jewelsD #inirmitaiT%made. . . . ten million jewel OMramas of the LordEs intimate associates, whose forms were like Lord /VWQaEs, . . . e:t ,06 rOdhikO%Muddha%$haktOnOP gopNnOt OMramair #aSaiT sad%ratna%racitair dra#yair d#a%triPMat%koXi$hir yutam rOdhikO%Muddha%$haktOnOm%pure e#otees of SrN 5OdhOD gopNnOm%of gopNsD OMramaiT%hith asramasD #araiT%e:cellentD sad%ratna%of e:cellent jewelsD racitaiT%madeD dra#yaiT%with thingsD d#a%triPMat%moXi$hiT%three%hundred and twenty millionD yutam% with.

e:t ,07 tOsOP ca kiYkarNQOP ca $hO#anaiT su%manoharaiT maQi%ratnOdi%racitaiT Mo$hitaP daMa%koXi$hiy

tOsOm%of themD ca%andD kiYkarNQOm%of the maidser#antsD ca%andD $hO#anaiT%with homesD su%manoharaiT%#ery $eautifulD mNQi%ratnOdi%racitaiT%made with many jewelsD Mo$hitam%$eautifulD daMa%koXi$hiT%one hundred million. . . . one hundred million $eautiful jewel OMramas of these gopNsE maidser#ants, . . . :t ,19%,11 Mata%janma%tapaT%d ta $haktO ye $hOrate $hu#i hari%$hakti%dVRhOyuktaT karma%nir#OQa%kOrakOT #apne jZOn harer dhyO o nm#iWXa%mOnasO mune VOdhO%kVWQeti kVWQe , prajapanto di#O%niMam teWOP MrN%kVWQa%$haktOnOP ni#OsaiT su%manoharaiT sad%ratna%maQi%nirmOQair nOnO%ripga%saman#itaiT puWpa%MayyO%puWpa%mOlO% M#eta%cOmara%Mo$hitaiT ratna%darpaQa%Mo$hORhyair harinmaQi%saman#itaiT amUlya%ratna%kalasa% samUhOn#ita%MekharaiT sukWma%#astrO$hyan$aritaiT samyuktaP Mata%koXi$hiT Mata%hundredD janma%$irthsD tapaT%$y austeritiesD pUtOT%purifiedD $haktOT%de#oteesD ye%whoD $hOrate%in 8harata%#arsaD $hu#i%on the earthD hari%$hakti%de#otion to Lord ;ariD dVRha%firmD OyuktaT%withD karma%of karmaD nir#OQa%negationD kOrakOT%doingD s#apne%in dreamD jZOne%in wakefulnessD hareT%on Lord ;ariDdhyane%in meditationD ni#iWXa%enteredD mOnasO%mindsD mun%< sageD rOdhO%kV of Lord /VWQaD ni#OsaiT%with homesD su%manoharaiT%$eautifulD sad%ratna%maQi%nirmOQaiT%made with e:cellent jewelsD nOnO%$hoga%saman#itaiT%with many delgihtful thingsD puWpa%flowerD MayyO% couchesD puWpa%flowerD mOlO%garlandsD M#eta%whiteD cOmara%camarasD Mo$hitaiT% $eautifulD ratna%darpaQa%jewel mirrorsD Mo$hORhyaiT%$eautifulD harinmaQi% saman#itaiT%with sapphiresD amUlya%pricelessD ratna%jewelD kalasa%domesD samUha% manyD an#ita%withD MekharaiT%crownsD sukWma%#astrO$hyantaritaiT%with fine clothD

samyuktam%endowedD Mata%koXi$hiT%with one $illion. . . . and one $illion $eautiful OMramas of they who, purified $y austerities in a hundred $irths, $ecame #ery firm de#otees on earth in 8hOrata%#arWa, awake or asleep rapt in meditation on Lord ;ari, and chantingrL5OdhO%/VWQa\ /VWQa\L day and night, OMramrs made of many jewels, filled with many delightful things, splendid with flower couches, flower ghalands, white cOmaras, jewel mirrors, many sapphires, curtains of fine cloth, and roofs decorated with#many domas made of pric)less jewels. e:t ,12 de#Os tam ad$hutaP dVWX#O kNyad dUraP yayur mudO tatr$kWaya%#aXaP ramyaP dadVMur jagad%Nk#arOT de#OT%the demigodsD tam%thatD ad$hutam%wonderD dVWX#O%seeingD kNyat%a smallD dUram%distanceD yayuT%wentD mudO%happilyD tatra%thereD akWaya%eternalD #aXam%$anyan treeD ramyam%$eautifulD dadVMuT%sawD jagad%NM#arOT%the demigods. n )fter gaGing at this wonderful place, the (three) demigods$went a little further and happily saw a $eautiful and eternal $anyan tree, . . . e:t ,1i paZca%yojana%#istNrQaP Urdh#e tad%d#i%guQaP mune sahasra%skandha%samyuktaP MOkhOsaYkhya%saman#itam paZca%fi#eDdyojana%yojanasD #istNrQam%e:tendedD Urdh#e%a$o#eD tad%d#iguQa % dou$ledD mune%< sageD sahasra%a thousandD skandha%trunksD samyuktam%withD sakha% $ranchesD asaYkhya%cowntlessD saman#itam%with.

e:t ,14 ratna%pak#a%ptalOkNrQaP Mo$hitaP ratna%#edi$hiT

kVWQa%s#arUpOPs tan%mUle dadVMur $alla#On MiMUn ratna%jewelD pak#a%ripeD phala%fruitsD OkNrQam%distri$utedD Mo$hitam%$eautifulD ratna%#edi$hiT%with jewel platformsD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD s#arUpOn%formsD tan%mUle% at the rootD dadVMuT%sawD $alla#On%cowherdsD MiMUn%$oys. . . . and $eautiful with jewel platforms and many ripe jewel fruits. )t the root of that tree the demigods saw many cowherd $oy who had forms like Lord /VWQaEs, . . . e:t ,16 pNta%#astra%parNdhOnOn krNROsakta%manoharOn candanokWi a%sar#OYgOn ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitOn pNta%#astra%parNdhOnOn%wearing yellow garmentsD krNRO%playingD Osakta%attachedD LanoharOn%hyndsomeD candana%with sandalD ukWita%anointedD sar#a%allD aYgOn%lim$sD ratna%jewelD $hUWaQa,otnamentsD $hUWitOy% ecorated. . .S. and who were dressed in yellow garments, attached to playing, handsome, decoraLed with jewel ornaments, and all of whose lim$s were anointed with sandal paste. e:t u17 dadVMus tatra de#eMOT pOrWada%pra#arOn hareT tato #idUre dadV*U rOja%mOrgaP manoharam dadVMuT%sawD tatra%thereD de#eMaT%the demighodsD pOrWata%p a#arOn%the $est of nssociatesD hareT%of Lord ;ariD tataT%thenD #idUre%far awayD wadVMuT%sawD rOja% mOrgam%the royal pathD manoharam%$eautiful. he demigods gaGed at these close associates of Lord ;ari and then looked far away at the $eautiful royal path, . . . e:t ,29

sindUrOkOra%maQi$hiT _ parito racitaP mune indranNlaiT padmarOgair hNrakai rucakais tathO s*ndUrOkOra)maQi$hiT puritaT%with Sewels the color of red sinUraD racitam%madeD muee%< sageD indranNlaiT%with sapphiresD padmarOgaiT%with ru$resD hNrakaiT%with diamondsD rucakaiT%with rucaka jewelsD tathO%so. . . . which was pa#ed with sapphires, ru$ies, diamonds, rucaka jewels, and jewels the color of red sindUra, . . . e:t ,2, nirmitair #edi$hir yuktaP parito ratna%maQRapam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam nirmitaiT%madeD #edi$hiT%$enchesD yuktam%withD paritaT%e#erywhereD ratna% maQRapam%jewel pa#ilionsD candana%sandalD aguru%aguruD kastUrN%muskD kuYkuma% dra#a%kunkumaD carcitam%anointed. . . . which had many $enches and jewel pa#ilions, which was anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:ts ,2. and ,20 dadhi%parQa%lOja%phala% puWpa%dur#OYkurOn#itaiT sUkWma%sUtra%granthi%yukta% MrNkhaQRa%palla#On#itaiT ram$ha%stam$ha%samUhaiM ca kuYkumOktair #irOjitam sad%ratna%maYgala%ghantaiT phala%MOkha%saman#itaiT dadhi%yogurtD parQa%lea#esD lOja%riceD puWpa%flowersD dur#OYkura%dur#a grassD an#itaiT%withD sUkWma%fineD sUtra%threadD granthi%strungD yukta%endowedD MrNkhaQRa%

sandalD palla#a%flowersD an#itaiT%witeD ram$ha%stam$ha%samshaiT%with many $anana tredsD cacaedDtkuYkumFktaia%anointed with kunkumaD #irOjetam%splendidD sad%ratna% e:cellent jewelsD maYgala%auspiciousD ghaQXaiT%with $ellsD phala% ruitsD MOkha% $ranchesD samanhitaiT%wiah. S . . which was splendid with many $anana trees decorated with yogurt drops, lea#es, rice, fruit, flowers, sandal%anointed flow e:t ,21 sindUra%kuYkumOktaiM ca gandha%candana%carcitaiT $hUWitaiT puWpa%mOlO$hiT parito $hUWitaP param sindUra%kuYkuma%OktaiT%anointed with sindura and kunkumaD ca%andD gandha% candana%carcitaiT%anointed with fragrant sandalD $hUWitaiT%decoratedD puWpa% mOlO$hiT%with flower garlandsD pai taT%e#erywrereD $hUWitam%decoratpdD param%then. . . . dNmorated with flower garlands anointed with sindUr,, kuYkuma, and fragrant sandal, . . . e:t ,22 gopikOnOP samUhaiM ca krNROsaktaiM ca #eWXitam gopikOnOm%of gopNsD samUhaiM%with multitudesD ca%andD krNROsaktaiM%playfulD ca% andD #eWXitam%filled. . . . and filled with many playful gopNs. e:ts ,23%,26 $ahu%mUlyeIa ratnena ratna%sopana% irmitOn #ahnmpMuddhOPMukai ramyaiT M#eta%cOmara%darpaQaiT

ratna%talpa%#ici*raiM ca puWpa%mOlyair #irOjitOn WoRaMa%d#rra%samyuktOn d#Ora%pOlaiM ca rakWitOn paritaT parikhO%yuktOn ratna%prOkOra%#eWXitOn candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitOn etOn manoramOn dVWX#O te de#O gamanonmukhOT $ahu%mUlyena%preciousD ratnena%with jewelD ratna%sopana%nirmitOn%with jewel stairwaysD #ahni%$y fireD Muddha%purifiedD aPMukaiT%with clothD ramyaiT%delightfulD M#eta%cOmara%darpaQaiT%with white camaras and mirrorsD ratna%talpa%#icitraiT%with wonderfulpOlaiM%with gatekeepersD ca%andD rakWitOn%proetctedD paritaT%e#erywhereD parikhO%yuktOn%with moatsD ratna%prOkOra%#eWXitOn%surrounded $y a jewel wallD candana%candanaD aguru%aguruD kastUrN%muskD kuYkuma%dra#a%kunkumaD carcitOn% anointedD etOn%theseD manoramOn%$eautifulD dVWX#O%seeingD te%theD de#O%demigodsD Samana%to proceedD unmukhOT%eager. hen, seeing in the distance a $eautiful place surrounded $y a moat and jewel walls with si:teen gates guarded $y gatekeepers, splendid with jewel stairways, $eautiful curtains more pure than fire, mirrors, white cOmaras, wonderful jewel $eds, and f ower garlands, and anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, the demigods $ecame #ery eager to proceed. e:t ,27 jagmuT MNghraP kNyad dUraP dadVMuT sundaraP tataT OMramaP rOdhikOyOM ca rOseM#aryOM ca nOrada jagmuT%wentD MNghram%BuicklyD kNyat%a smallD dUram%distanceD dadVMuT%sawD sundaram%$eautifulD tataT%thenD OMramam%asramaD rOdhikOyOT%of SrN 5OdhOD ca%andD rOseM#aryOT%the Bueen of the rasa danceD ca%andD nOrada < Narada. < NOrada, after going a short distance they saw the $eautiful OMrama of 5OdhO, who is the Bueen of the rOsa dance, . . . e:t ,39

de#Odhide#yO gopNnOP #OrOyOM cOru%nirmitam prOQOdhikOyOT kVWQasya ramyaP dra#yaP manoharam de#Odhide#yOT%the Bueen of the demigodsD gopNnOm%of the gopNsD #OrOyOM%the $estD cOru%nirmitam%$eautifulD prOQOdhikOyOT%more dear than lifeD kVWQasya%for Lord /VWQaD ramyam%$eautifulD dra#yam%thingD manoharam%$eautiful. . . . the Buwen of the demigods, the $est of the gopNs, and She who to Lord /VWQa is more dear than life, a $eautiful, $eautiful, $eautiful Osrama, . . . e:t ,3, sar#Onir#acanNyaP ca nh paQRitair na nirUpitam su%cOru%#artulOkOraP _ paR%ga#yuti%pramOQakam sar#Onir#acanNyam%completely indescri$a$leD ca%andD paQRitaiT%$y the most learnedD na%yotD nirUpitam%descri$edD su%cOru%#ery $eauitfrlD #artulOkOram%circularD WaR%ga#yuti%pramOQakam%si: ga#yutis in measurement. . . . that was completely endescri$a$lt, that no great paQRita could descri$e, that was a great circle of si: ga#yuths, S . . NoteJ ) ga#yuti is eIual to two miles. e:t ,3. Mata%mandira%samyuktaP j#alitaP ratna%tejasO amUlya% atna%sarOQOP #Srair #iracitaP #aram Mata%a hundre D yandira%palacesD samyuktaPwithD j#alitam%shiningD ratna%tejasO% withythe splendor of jewelsD amUlya%ratna%priceleus jewelsD sarOQOm%of the $estD #araiT% with tne $esdD #iracitam%mader #aram%e:cellent.

. . . that had a hundred paeaces, shone w th the splendor oi many jewils, was made of the $est of the $est of priceless jewels, . . . e:t ,30 durlaYghyO$hir ga$hNrO$hiT parikhO$hiT su%Mu$hitam khlpa%#VkWair pari#VtaP puWpodyOna%MatOntaram Mu%m lya%ratna%racitaP prOkOraiT paei#eWXitam durlaYghyO$hiT%impassa$leD ga$hNrO$hiT%deepD parikhO$hiT%with moatsD su% Mo$hitam%splendidD kalpa%#VkWaiT%auth kalpa%#rksa treesD pari#Vtam%filledD puWpodyOna%flower gardensD Mata% ahundredD antaram%withinD Mu%mUlya%prec ousD ratna%jewelsD racitam%nadeD prOkOraiT%with wallsD pari#eWXitam%surrounded. . . . was $eautifulwwith many impassa$le deep moats, filled aith a hundred flower gardens and many kalpa%#VkWa trees, constructed with many jewels, surrounded $y great walls, . . . e:t ,31 sad%ratna%#edikO%yuktaP yuktair d#OraiM ca sapta$hiT _samyukta%ratna%citraiM ca #icitrair $ahulair mune sad%ratna%of jewelsD #edikO%$enchesD yuktam%withD yuktaiT%withD d#OraiM%gatesD ca% andD sapta$hiT%se#enD samyukta%ratna%citraiT%wonderful with jewelsD ca%andD #icitraiT% wonderfulD $ahulaiT%with manyD mune%< sage. . . . and was made with jewel $enches anduse#en wonde ful jewel ga es, < sage, . . . e:t , 2 pradhOna%d#Ora%sapta$hyaT kramaMaT kramaMo mune sar#ato Epi tatas tatra WoRaMa%d#Ora%samyutam pradhOna%d#Ora%sapta$hyaT%from se#en main gatesD kramaMaT kramaMaT%one after

anotherD mune%< sageD sar#ataT%completelyD api%alsoD tataT%thenD tatra%thereD WoRaMa% d#Ora%samyutam%with si:teen gates. . . . and a series of se#en gates that led, one after the other, to a place of si:teen gates. e:t ,33 de#O dVWX#O ca prOkOraP sahasra%dhanur%ucchritam sad%ratna%kWudra%kalasa% samUhaiT su%manoharaiT su%dNptaP tejasO ramyaP paramaP #ismayaP yayuT de#OT%the demigodsD dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD prOkOram%that wallD sahasra%dhanur% ucchritam%as tall as a thousand $owsD sad%ratna%of jewelsD kWudra%smallD kalasa%domesD samUhaiT%with hostsD su%manoharaiT%#ery $eautifulD su%dNptam%splendidD tejasO%with splendorD ramyam%$eautifulD paramam%to greatD #ismayam%wonderD yayuT%went. FaGing at this great wall as tall as a thousand $ows and splendidly $eautiful with many small jewel domes, the (three) demigods $ecame filled with wonder. e:t ,34 tataT ImadakWiQN%kVtya kNyad dUraP yayur mudO purato gacchataP teWOP paMcOd $hUtaP tad%OMramam _ tataT%thenD pradakWiQN%kVtya%keeping on the rightD kNyat%a smallD dUram%distanceD yayuT%wentD mudO%happilyD purataT%aheadD gacchatam%goingD teWOm%of themD paMcOt% $ehindD $hUtam%$ecameD tad%OMramam%that asrama. /eeping it on their right, they happily went a small distance $ehind that OMrama. e:t ,36 gopOnOP gopikOnOP ca dadVMur OMramOn parOn su%mUlya%ratna%racitOn

Mata%koXi%mitOn mune gopOnOm%of gopasD gopikOnOm%and gopNsD ca%andD dadVMuT%sawD OMramOn%asramasD parOn%otherD su%mUlya%ratna%with precious re,elsD racitOn%madeD Mata%koXi%mitOn%a $illionD mune%< sage. here they saw a $illion OMramas of many gopas and gopNs. e:t ,37 dOrMaP dOrMaP ca parito gopOnOP sar#am OMramam gopikOnOP cOparaP #O ramyaP ramyaP na#aP na#am dOrMaP dOrMam%gaGing again and againD ca%andD paritaT%e#erywhereD gopOnOm%of gopasD sar#am%allD OMramam%asramaD gopikOnOm%of gopNsD ca%andD aparam%otherD #O%orD ramyam%$eautifulD ramyam%$eautifulDD na#am%newD na#am%new. hey gaGed again and again at the $eautiful, $eautiful e#er%new OMramas of the gopas and gopNs. e:t ,49 golokaP nikhilaP dVWX#O punar antaP yayuT surOT tad e#a #artulOkOraP ramyaP #VndO#anaP #anam golokam%FolokaD nikhilam%allD dVWX#O%seeingD punaT%againD antam%the endD yayuT% wentD surOT%teh demigodsD tat%thatD e#a%indeedD #artulOkOram%circularD ramyam% $eautifulD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD #anam%forest. )fter thus seeing all of Foloka, the demigods returned to the $eautiful circle of VVndO#ana forest. _ e:t ,4, dadVMuT Mata%MVYgaP ca tad%$ahir #irajO%nadNm #irajOntaP yayur de#O

dadVMuT MUnyam e#a ca dadVMuT%sawD Mata%MVYgam%the mountain with a hundred peaksD ca%andD tad%$ahiT% $eyond thatD #irajO%nadNm%the Viraja ri#erD #irajOntam%$eyond the Viraja ri#erD yayuT% wentD de#O%the demigodsD dadVMuT%sawD MUnyam%nothingD e#a%indeedD ca%and. he demigods saw the mountain of a hundred peaks and went past it to the VirajO ri#er. "hen they went past the irajO ri#er they saw n,thing more. e:t ,4. #Oy#%OdhOraP ca golokaP n sad%ratna%mayam ad$hltam NM#arecchO%#inirmOQaP rOdhikO%jZOna%$andhanOt yuktaP sahasraiT sarasOP ke#alaP maYgalOyanam nVtyaP ca dadVMus tatra de#OM ca su%manoharam #Oy#%OdhOram%held in the skyD ca%andD golokam%FolokaD sad%ratna%mayam%made of precSous jewelsD ad$hutam%wonderfulD NM#ara%of the LordD icchO%$y the desireD #inirmOQOm%madeD rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD jZOna%knowledgeD $andhanOt%from the tiesD yuktam%endowedD sahasraiT%with a thousandD sarasam%lakesD ke#alam%transcendentalD maYgalOyanam%auspiciousD nVtyam%dancingD ca%andD dadVMuT%sawD tatra%thereD de#OT% the demigodsD ca%andD su%manoharam%#ery $eautiful. hus the demigods gaGed at auspicious, wonderrul, spiritual Foloka, which had a thousand lakes, which was made of jewels, and which, $y the wwll of Lord /VWQa and the wisdom of SrN 5OdhO, was situated in the spiritual sky. he demigods then gaGed at the $eautiful dancing they saw there. e:t ,41 su%tOlaP cOru%saYgNtaP rOdhO%kVWQa%guQOn#itam Mrut#ai#a gNta%pNyUWaP mUrchOm OpuT surO mune /VWQaD Mrut#O%hearingD e#a%indeedD gNta%of songD pNyUWam%nectarD mUrchOm%faintingD OpuT%attainedD surO%the demigodsD mune%< sage.

hen, < sage, as thhy heard $eautiful, $eautifully rhythmic, nectar songs there a$out the glories of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa, the demigods fainted. e:t ,4h kWaQena cetansP prOpya te de#OT kVWQa%mOnasOT dadVMuT paramOMcaryaP sthOne sthOne manoharam d kWaQena%in a momentD cetanam%consciousnessD prOpya%attainingD te%theD de#OT% demsgodsD kVWQa%mOnasuT%their minds fi:ed on Lord /VWQaD dadVMuT%sawD paramOMcaryam%#ery wonderfulD sthOne%in placeD sthOne%after placeD manoharam% $eautiful. 5egaining consciousness in a moment, and their thoughts now fi:ed on Lord /VWQa, the demigods gaGed at the many $eauties and wonders there in place after place. e:t ,43 dadVMuT gopikOT sar#OT nOnO%#eWr%#idhOyikOT kOMci msdaYga%hastOM ca w kOMcid #NQO%karO #arOT dadVMuT%sawD gopikOT%gopNsD sar#OT%allD nOnO%#eWa%#idhOyikOT%in many kinds of garmentsD kOMcin%someD mVdaYga%hastOT%with mrdangas in theii hatdsD ca%andD kOMcit% someD #NQiekarO%with #inas in their handsD #arOT%$eautiful. hey saw all the $eautiful gopNs dressed in many different kinds of garments, some with mVaYgas in their hands, some with #NQOs in their hands, . . . e:t ,44 kOMcic cOmara%hastOM ca karatOla%karOT parOT kOMcid yantra%#Odya%hastO ratna%nUpura%Ma$ditOT

kOMcit%someD cOmara%hastOT%camaras in their handsD ca%andD karatOla%karOT% karatalas in their handsD parOT%othersD kOMcit%someD yantra%#Odya%hastO%with musical instruments in their handsD ratna%nUpura%Ma$ditOT%making sounds of jewel anklets. _ . . . some with cOmaras in their hands, some with karatOlas in their hatds, some with #arious musical instruments in their hands, some making their jewel anklets tinkle melodiously, . . . e:t ,46 sad%ratna%kiYkinN%jOla% Ma$dena Ma$ditOT parOT kOMcin mastaka%kum$hOM ca nVtya%$heda%manorathOT sad%ratna%jewelD kiYkinNof tinkling ornamentsD jOla%of a networkD Ma$dena%with the soundD Ma$ditOT%soundedD parOT%othersD kaMcin%someD mastaka%kum$hOsholding jars on their headsD ca%andD nVtya%dancesD $heda%differentD manorathOT%as they wished. . . . some making a whole network of jewel ornaments tinkle, some spontaneously dancing as they carried jugs on their heads, . . . e:t ,47 pum%#eWa%nOyikor kOMcit a kOMcit tOsOP ca nOyikOT kVWQa%#eWa%dharOT kOMcid rOdhO%#eWa%dharOT parOT pum%#eWa%nOyikOT%some dressed as men kOMcit%someD kOMcit%someD tOsOm%of themD ca%andD nOyikOT%the heroinesD kVWQa%#eWa%dharOT%dressed as /VWQaD kOMcit%someD rOdhO%#eWa%dharOT%dressed as 5OdhOD parOT%others. . . . some dressed as men with others dressed as their heroines, some dressed as /VWQa with others dressed as 5OdhO, . . . e:t ,69 kOMcit samyoga% iratOT kOMcid OliYgane ratOT

krNROsOktOM ca tO dVWX#O sa%smitO jagad%NM#araT kOMcit%someD samyoga%#iratOT%staying apartD kOMcit%someD OliYgane%em$racingD ratOT%engagedD krNROsOktOT%playfulD ca%andD tO%themD dVWX#O seeingD sa%smitO%smilingD jagad%NM#araT%the demigods. . . . some in the mood of separation, and others happily em$racing each other. )s they gaGed at these playful gopNs, the (three) demigods smiled. _ e:t ,6,

pragacchtntaT kNyad dUraP dadVMur OMramOn $ahUn rOdhO%sakhNnOP gehOni pradhOnOnOP ca nOrada pragacchantaT%goingD kNyat%a littleD dUram%furtherD dadVMuT%sawD OMramOn%asramasD $ahUn manyD rOdhO%of 5OdhOD sakhNnOm%of the friendsD gehOnN%the homesD pradhOnOnOm%of the most importantD ca%andD nOrada%< Narada. < NOrada, going a little further, they saw the OMramas of 5OdhOEs friends, and then the homes of ;er dearest friends, . . . e:t ,6. rUpeQaN#a guQenai#a #e ena yau#anena ca jau$hagyenai#a #ayasO sadVMNnOP ca tatra #ai rUpeQa%in $eautyD e#a%indeedD guQena%in #irtuesD e#a%indeedD #eWena%in appearance and dressD yau#anena%in youthD ca%andD sau$hagyena%in good fortuneD e#a%indeedD #ayas,#in ageD sadVMNnOm%like ;erD ca%andD tStra%thereD #ai%indeed. . . . who in $eauty, #irtues, dress, appearance, youthful spirit, good fortune, and age were just like ;er. e:t ,60

trayrs%triPsad%#ayasyOM ca rOdhikOyOM ca gopikOT #eWOnir#acatNyOM ca tOsOP nOmOni ca MVQu trayas%triPsat%00D #ayasyaT%friednsD ca%andD rOdhikOyOM%of 5OdhOD ca%andD gopikOT% gopNsD #eWa%appearanceD anir#acanNyOT%indescri$a$leD ca%andD tOsOm%of themD nOmOni% the namesD ca%andD MVQu%hear. Now please hear the names of SrN 5OdhOEs tharty%three gopN friends, who are $eyond description. e:t ,61 suMNlO ca MaMikalO yamunO mOdha#N ratiT kadam$amOlO kuntN ca jOhna#N ca s#ayampra$hO _ suMNlO%SusilaD ca%andD MaMikalO%SasikalaD yamunO%=amunaD mOdha#N%-adha#iD ratiT% 5atiD kadam$amOlO%/adam$amalaD kuntN%/untiD ca%andD jOhna#N%Aahna#iD ca%andD s#ayampra$hO%S#ayampra$ha. hey areJ SuMNlO, SaMikalO, =amunO, -Odha#N, 5ati, /adam$amOlO, /untN, AOhna#N, S#ayampra$hO, . . . e:t ,62 candramukhN padmamukhN sa#itrN ca sudhOmukhN Mu$hO padmO pOrijOtO gaurN ca sar#amaYgalO candramukhN%CandramukhND padmamukhN%(admamukhND sa#itrN%a#itrND ca%andD sudhOmukhN%SudhOmukhND Mu$hO%Su$hOD padmO%(admO pOrijatO%(OrijatOD gaurN%FaurND ca%andD sar#amaYgalO%Sar#amaYgalO. . . . CandramukhN, (admamukhN, Sa#itrN, SudhOmukhN, Su$hO, (admO, (OrijOtO, FaurN, Sar#amaYgalO, t .n. e:t ,63

kOlikO kamalO durgO $hOratN ca saras#atN gaYgOm$ikO madhumatN campaparQO ca surcarN kOlikO%/alikOD kamalO%/amalOD durgO%&urgOD $hOratN%8hOratND ca%andD saras#at&% Saras#atND gaYgOm$ikO%FaYgOm$ikOD madhumatN%-adhumatND campaparQO% CampaparQOD ca%andD suSdarN%SundarN. . . . /OlikO, /amalo, &urgO, 8hOratN, Saras#atN, FaYgOm$ikO, -adhumatN, CampaparQO, SundarN, . . . e:t ,64 kVWQapriyO satN cai#a nandanN nadaneti ca etOsOP sama%rUpOQOP ratna%dhOtu%#irOcitOn kVWQapriyO%/VWQapriyOD satN%SatND ca%andD e#a%indeedD nandanN%NandanN nadanO% NandanaD iti%thusD ca%andD etOsOm%of themD sama%rUpOQOm%the same formD ratna% dhOtu%#irOcitOn%made of jewels. . . . /VWQapriyO, SatN, NandanN, and NadanO. their forms were like SrN 5OdhOEs. heir OMramas were made of jewels, . . . _ nOnO%prakOra%citreQa #icitrOn su%manoharOn amUlya%ratna%kalasa% samUhaiT Mikharojj#alOn nOnO%prakOra%citreQa%with many kinds of wondersD #icitrOn%wonderfulD su% manoharOn%$eautifulD amUlya%ratna%priceless jewelsD kalasa%domesD samUhaiT%with multitudesD Mikhara%roofsD ujj#alOn%splendid. . . . decorated with many wonders, $eautiful, splendid with many domes of priceless jewels, . . . e:t ,66

e:t ,67 sad%ratna%racitOn Mu$hrOn maQi%MreWXhena samyutOn $rahmOQROd $ahir Urdh#aP ca nOsti lokaP tad%Urdh#akam sad%ratna%racitOn%madeSof jewelsD Mu$hrOn%splendidD maQi%MreWXhena%with the $est ofnjewelsD samyutOn%madeD $rahmOQROt%the uni#erseD $ahiT%$eyondD Urdh#am%a$o#eD ca%andD na%notD asti%isD lokam%worldD tad%Urdh#akam%a$o#e. . . . splendid, and made with the $est of jewels. his world is $eyond the material world. here is no world higher than this. e:t ,79 Urdh#e MUnyamayaP sar#aP tad%antO sVWXir e#a ca rasatOle$hyaT sapta$hyo nOsty adhaT sVWXir e#a ca Urdh#e%a$o#eD MUnyamayam%fmptyD sar#am%allD tad%antO%ending in thatD sVWXiT%the creationD e#a%indeedD ca%andD rasatOle$hyaT%from 5asatala planetsD sapta$hyaT%se#enD na%notD asty%isD adhaT%$elowD sVWXiT%creationD e#a%indeedD ca%and. )$o#e this there is nothing. "hat e:ists culminates in this world. In the same way, there is nothing $elow the se#en realms of 5asOtala. e:t ,7, tad%adhaM ca jalaP dh#antaP aganta#yam adVMyakam $rahmOQRantaP tad%$ahiM ca sar#aP matto niMOmaya _ tad%adhaT%$elowD ca%andD jalam%waterD dh#antam%darknessD aganta#yam% impassa$leD adVM$akam%in#isi$leD erahmOQRa%of the uni#erseD antam%the e dD tad% $ahiT%outside of thatD ca%andD sar#am%allD mattaT%from meD niMOmaya%please hear. 8elow them is only impassa$le and in#isi$le water and darkness. Now you ha#e

heard from me all a$out the $oundaries of the uni#erse and what lies $eyond the uni#erse.

%ha*ter &ive+r, rahma!#-ta!5r,!#-./a!stotra+r, rahm01s Prayers to )ord K-./a

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca golokaP nikhilaP dVWX#O de#Os te hVWXa%mOnasOT punar OjagmU rOdhOyOT pradhOna%d#Oram e#a ca MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa saidD golokam%FolokaD nikhilam%allD dVWX#O%seeingD de#OT%the demigodsD te%theyD hVWXa%joyfulD mOnasOT%at heartD punaT%againD OjagmU% cameD rOdhOyOT%of SrN 5OdhOD pradhOna%d#Oram%to the first doorwayD e#a%indeedD ca% and. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter seeing all of Foloka, the joyful demigods again approached the first gate to SrN 5OdhOEs palace. e:ts . and 0 sad%ratna%maQi%nirmOna% #edikO%d#aya%samyutam haridrOkOra%maQinO #ajra%sammiMritena ca amUlya%ratna%racita% kapOXena #i$hUWitam d#Ore niyuktaP dadVMur #Nra$hOnum anuttamam sad%ratna%maQi%nirmOna%mad of transcendental jewelsD #edikO% #aya%somyutam% with two great heapsD haridrOkOra%yellowD maQinO%with jewelsD #ajra%sammiMritena% m :ed with didmondsD ca%andD amUlya%ratna%racita%made with priceless jewelsD

kapOXena%with a doorD #i$hUWitam%decoratedD d#Ore%at the entranceD niyuktam% endowedD dadVMuT%sawD #Nra$hOnum%VNra$hOnuD anuttamam%incompara$le. he gate had two pillars of splendid jewels and great doors of priceless diamonds, topaG, and other jewels. )t that gate the demigods saw peerless VNra$hOnu, . . . e:t 1 ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam pNta%#astra%paridhOnaP sad%ratna%mukuXojj#alam ratna%siPhOsana%stham%sitting on a jewel throneD ca%andD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam% decorated with jewel ornamentsD pNta%#astra%yellow garmentsD paridhOnam%wearingD sad%ratna%mukuXa%a jewel crownD ujj#alam%splendid. . . . who, wearing yellow garments and a jewel crown and decorated with jewel ornaments, sat on a jewel throne. e:t 2 d#OraP citraP #icitreQa citritaP paramOd$hutam sar#aP ni#edanaP cakrur de#O dau#OrikaP mudO d#Oram%the entranceD citram%wonderfulD #icitreQa%with wonderD citritam%decoratedD paramOd$hutam%#ery wonderfulD sar#am%allD ni#edanam%reBuestD cakruT%didD de#O%the demigodsD dau#Orikam%to the gatekeeperD mudO%happily. hen, speaking to the gatekeeper VNra$hOnu, the demigods cheerfully asked permission to enter the #ery wonderful gate. e:t 3 tOn u#Oca d#Ora%pOlo niTMaYkas tridaMeM#arOn nOhaP #inOjZayO gantuP dOtuP sOmpratam NM#araT

tOn%to themD u#Oca%saidD d#Ora%pOlaT%the doorkeeperD niTMaYkaT%without dou$tD tridaMeM#arOn%to the leaders of the demigodsD na%notD aham%ID #inO%withoutD OjZayO%the orderD gantum%to goD dOtum%to gi#eD sOmpratam%nowD NM#araT%a$le. "ithout hesitating, the gatekeeper said to the great demigods, L"ithout Lord /VWQaEs permission, I cannot allow you to enter.L e:t 4 kiYkarOn preWayOm Osa MrN%kVWQa%sthOnam e#a ca harer anujZaP samprOpya dadau gantuP surOn mune kiYkarOn%Cer#antsD preWayOm Osa%sentD MrN%kV<Qa%sthOnam%to Lord /VWQaEs placeD e#a%indeedD ca%andD hareT%of Lord ;ariD anuj] sy .1,^Om%permissionD samprOpya% attainingD dadau%ga#eD gantum%to goD surOn%to the demigodsD mune%< sage. hen the gatekeeper sent some ser#ants to Lord /VWseEs a$ode. < sage, when they returned with Lord /VWQaEs permission, the gatekeeper $llowed the deiigods to enter. e:t 6 taP sam$hOWya yayur de#O d#itNya%d#Oram uttamam tato EdhikaP #icitraP ca syndaraP su%manohar m tam%to himD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT%wentD de#O%the demigodsD d#itNya%d#Oram% to the second gateD uttamam%greatD tataT%than thatD adhikam%greaterg #icitram% wonderfulD ca%andD sundaram%$eautifulD su%manoharam%#ery charming. )fter thanking the gatekeeper, the demigods proceeded to the second gate, which, #ery $eautiful, wonderful, and pleasing to the heart, was e#en greater than the first. e:t 7 d'Ore niyuktaP dadVMus candra$hOnaP ca nOrada kiMoraP MyOmalaP cOru%

s#arQa%#etra%dharaP #aram d#Ore%at the gateD niyuktam%engagedD dadVMuT%they sayD candra%$hOnam% Candrc$hOnaD ca%asndD pOrada%< nOradaD oiMoram%youthfulD MyOsalam%darkD cOru% $eautifulD s#arQa%goldenD #etra%staffD dharam%holdingD #aram%e:cellent. < NOrada, at that gate they saw handsome Candra$hOna, who was dark and youthful, who held a golden staff, . . . e:t ,9 ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam gopOnOP ca samUhena paZca%lakWena Mo$hitam ratna%siPhOsana%stham%seated on a jewel throneD ca%andD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam% decorated with jewel ornamentsD gopOnOm%of gopasD ca%andD samUhena%with a hostD paZca%lakWena%with fi#e hundred thousand Mo$hitam%glorious. . . . who was decorated with golden ornaments, seated on a jewel throne, and #ery glorious in the company of fi#e hundred thousand gopas. e:t ,, taP sam$hOWya yayur de#Os trtNyaP d#Oram uttamaP tato Eti%sundaraP citraP j#alitaP maQi%tejasO tam%to himD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT%wentD de#OT%the demigodsD trtNyam%to the thirdD d#Oram%gateD uttamam%a$o#eD tataT%from thatD ati%sundaram%#ery $eautifulD citram%wonderfulD j#alitam%splendidD maQi%tejasO%with the splendor of many jewels. )fter speaking with him, the demigods went to the third gate, which, glorious with the splendor of many precious jewels, was wonderful and #ery $eautiful. e:t ,. d#Ore niyuktaP dadVMuT sUrya$hOnaP ca nOrada

d#i%$hujaP muralN%hastaP kiMoraP MyOma%sundaram d#Ore%at the doorD niyuktam%placedD dadVMuT%sarD sUrya%$hOnam%SUrya$lOnaD ca% andDenOrada%< NOradaDtd#i%$hujam%two armsD muralN%a fluteD hastam%in handD kiMoram%youthfulD MyOma%sundaram%dark and handsome. < NOrada, at that gate they saw SUrya$hOna, who .as young, dark, and handsome, who had two arms and held a flute in his hand, . . . e:t ,0 maQi%kuQRala%yug ena kapolaP ca #irOjitam aQi%kuQRala%yugmena%with jewel earringsD kapolam%cheeksD ca%andD #irOjitam% splendid. . . . whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, . . . e:u ,1 ratra%kuQRalinaP MreWXhaP preWXhaP rOdheMayoT param na#a%lakWeQa gopena #eWXitaP ca nVpendra#at ratna%kuQRalinam%decorated wath many jewelsD MreWXham%the $estDhtreWXham%most dearD rOdheMeolT%to SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD param%greatD na#a%lakWeQa%with nine% htndredsthousandD gopena%gopasD #eWXitam%accompaniedD ca%andD nVpendra#at%like a mighty king. . . . who was decorated with many jewels, who was #ery dear to SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa, and who was accompanied, like a great king, $y an entourage of nine hundred thousand gopas. e:t ,2 taP sam$hOWya yayur de#Os caturtha%d#Oram e#a ca

te$hyo #ilakWaQaP ramyaP su%dNptaP maQi%tejasO tam%to himD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT%wentD de#OT%the demigodsD caturtha% d#Oram%to the fourth gateD e#a%indeedD ca%andD te$hyaT%than the othersD #ilakWaQam% $etterD ramyam%$eautifulD su%dNptam%spkendidD maQi%tejasO%with the splendor of jewels. )fter speaking with him, the demigods went to the fourth gate, which was $eautiful, splendid with many jewels, and more glorious than the other gates. e:t ,3 aty%ad$huta%#icitreQa $hUWitaP su%manoharam d#Ore niyuktaP dadVMur #asu$hOnaP #rajeM#aram aty%ad$huta%#icitreQa%with great wonderD $hUWitam%decoratedD su%manoharam%#ery $eautifulD d#Ore%at the gateD niyuktam%situatedD dadVMuT%sawD #asu$hOnam%Vas$hOnaD #rajeM#aram%the king of Vraja. )t that gate they saw handsome and #ery wonderfully decorated Vasu$hOna, who was one of the kings of Vraja, . . . e:t ,4 kiMoraP sundara%#araP maQi%daQRa%karaP param ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca ramya%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam kiMoram%youthfulD sundara%#aram%#ery handsomeD maQi%daQRa%karam%a jewel staff in his handD param%greatD atna%siVhOsana%stham%snttion on a jewel throneD ca%andD ramya%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam%decorated with $eautiful ornaments. . . . who was youthful and #ery handsome, who, decorated with $eautiful ornaments and a jewel staff in his hand, sat on a jewel throne, . . . e:t ,6

pak#a%$im$OdharauWXhaP ca sa%smitaP su%manoharam taP sam$hOWya yayur de#OT paZcama%d#Oram e#a ca pak#a%$im$a%ripe $im$a fruitsD adharauWXham%lipsD ca%andD sa%smitam%gracefully smilingD su%manoharam%#ery handsome tam%to himD sam$hOWya%sepakingD yayuT% wentD de#OT%the demigodsD pa].sy .1,^cama%d#Oram%to the fifth gateD e#a%indeedD ca% and. . . . whose lips were like ripe $im$a fruits, who smiled gracefully, and who was #ery handsome. )fter speaking with him, the demigods went to the fifth gate, . . . e:t ,7 #ajra%$hitti%sthitaiM citra% #icitrair j#alitaP param d#Ora%pOlaP ca dadVMur de#O%$hOnO$hidhOyakam #ajra%of diamondsD $hitti%on wallsD sthitaiT%situatedD citra%#icitraiT%#ery wonderfulD j#alitam%splendidD param%greatD d#Ora%pOlam%to the gatekeeperD ca%andD dadVMuT%sawD de#a$hOna%a$hidhOyakam%who was named &e#a$hOna. . . . which was glorious with walls of diamonds. here they saw the gatekeeper, who was named &e#a$hOna, . . . e:t .9 cOru%siPhOsana%sthaP ca ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam mayUra%puccha%cURaP ca ratna%mOlO%#i$hUWitam cOru%$eautifulD siPhOsana%throneD stham%s:eatedD ca%andD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam% decorated with jewel ornamentsD mayUra%peacockD puccha%featherD cURam%crownD ca% andD ratna%mOlO%#i$hUWitam%decorated with jewel necklaces. . . . who was decorated with jewel ornaments, jewel necklaces, and a peacock%feather crown, who sat on a $eautiful throne, . . .

e:t ., kadam$a%puWpa%samyuktaP sad%ratna%kuQRalojj#alam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam kadam$a%puWpa%samyuktam%decorated with kadam$a flowersD sad%ratnaI kuQRalojj#alam%splendid with jewel earringsD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a% carcitam%anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. . . . who was decorated with jewel earrings and ornaments of kadam$a flowers, who was anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t .. nVpendra%#ara%tulyaP ca daMa%lakWa%prajOn#itam taP #etra%pOQiP sam$hOWya yayur de#O mudOn#itOT nVpendra%#ara%tulyam%like a great kingD ca%andD daMa%lakWa%prajOn#itam%with a million su$jectsD tam%himD #etra%pOQim%a staff in handD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT% wentD de#O%the demigodsD mudOn#itOT%joyful. . . . who held a staff in his hand, and who was like a great king surrounded $y millions of su$jects. )fter sepaking with him, the joyful demigods went . . . e:t .0 #ilakWaQaP d#Ora%WaXkaP citra%rOji%#irOjitam #ajra%$hitti%yugma%yuktaP puWpa%mOlya%#i$hUWitam #ilakWaQam%$etterD d#Ora%WaXkam%the si:th gateD citra%rOji%#irOjitam%splendid with many wondersD #ajra%diamondsD $hitti%wallsD yugma%twoD yuktam%withD puWpa%mOlya% #i$hUWitam%decorated with flower garlands. . . . to the si:th gate, which had two walls of diamonds, was decorated with flower

garlands, and was splendid with many wonders. e:t .1 d#Ore niyuktaP dadVMuT Matru$hOnaP #rajeM#aram nOnOlaYkOra%Mo$SORhyaP daMa%lakWa%prajOn#itam d#Ore%at the gateD niyuktam%situatedD dadVMuT%they sawD Matru%$hOnam%Satru$hOnaD #rajeM#aram%a king of VrajaD nOnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyam%splendid with many orna enMsD daMa%lakWa%prajOn#itam%with a million su$jects. )h that gate they saw Satru$hOna, who was splendid with many ornaments, who, accompanied $y a million su$jects, was one of the kings of Vraja, . . . e:t .2 MrNkhaQRa%palla#Osakta% kapolaP kuQRalojj#alam tUrQaP surOs taP sam$hOWya yayur d#OraP ca saptamam MrNkhaQRa%palaaRsewith sandalD Osakta%attachedD kapolam%cheeksD kuQRalojj#alam% splendid with earringsD tUrQam%BuicklyD surOT%the demigodsD tam%to himD samh OWya% speakingD yayuT%wentD d#Oram%to the gateD ca%andD saptamam%se#enth. . . . and whose cheeks were anointed with sandal and splendid with narrings. )fter speaking with him, the demigods Buickly went to the se#enth gate, . . . e:t .3 nOnO%prakOra%citraP ca WaR$hyaM cOti%#ilakWaQam d#Ore niyuktaP dadVMU ratna%$hOnaP hareT priyam nOnO%prakOra%citram%with many wondersD ca%andD WaR$hyaT%than the si:D ca%andD ati%#ilakWaQam%much $etterD d#Ore%at the gateD niyuktam%situatedD dadVMu%sawD ratna% $hOnam%5atna$hOnaD hareT%to Lord ;ariD priyam%dear.

. . . which was filled with many wonders, and which wa far more glorious than the preceding si: gates. )t that gate they saw 5atna$hOna, who was to Lord /VWQa #ery dear, . . . e:t .4 candanokWita%sar#OYgaP puWpa%mOlya%#i$hUWitam $hUWitaP $hUWitai ramyair maQi%ratna%manoharaiT canranooWita%anointed with sandalD sar#a%allD aYgam%lim$sD puWpa%mOlya% #i$hUWitam%decorntedtwith flower garlandsD $hUWitam%decoratedD $hUWitaiT%with ornamentsD ramyaiT%$eautifulD maQi%ratna%manoharaiT%$eautiful with jewels. . . . whose lim$s were all anointed with sandal, who was decora ed with flower garlands and many $eautiful jewel%ornaments, . . . e:t .6 gopair d#OdaMa%lakWaTM ca rOjendram i#a rOjitam ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca smerOnana%saroruham gopaiT%with gopasD d#OdaMa%lakWaiT%one million two hundred thousandD ca%andD rOjendram%a great kingD i#a%likeD rOjitam%gloriousD ratna%siPhOsana%stham%sitting on a jewel throheD ca%andD smera%smilingD Onana%faceD saroruham%lotus. . . . whose lotus face gently smiled, who, sitting on a jeLel thron' and surrounSym $y one million two hundred thousand gopas, was glorious like a great king, . . . e:t .7 taP #etra%hastaP sam$hOWya jagmur de#eM#arO mudO #icitram aWXamaP d#OraP sapta$hyo Epi #ilakWaQam tam%to himD #etra%hastam%a staff in handD sam$hOWya%speakingD jagmuT%wentD de#eM#arO%the leaders of the demigodsD mudO%happilyD #icitram%wonderfulD aWXamam%to

the eighthD d#Oram%gateD sapta$hyaT%than the se#enD api%e#enD #ilakWaQam%more glorious. . . . andewho held a staff in his hand. )fter speaking with him, the leaders of the demigods happily went to the eighth gate, which was more glorious than the preceding se#en gates. e:t 09 dau#OrikaP taP dadVMuT supOrM#aP su%manoharam sa%smitaP sundara%#araP MrNkhaQRa%tilakojj#alam dau#Orikam%the gatekeeperD tam%himD dadVMuT%they sawD supOrM#am%SupOrM#aD su% manoharam%charmingD sa%smitam%gently smilingD sundara%#aram%most handsomeD MrNkhaQRa%tilakojj#alam%splendid with sandal tilaka. here they saw the gatekeeper, named Supar rM#a, who was #ery handsome and charming, who smiled gracefully, who was splendid with sandal tilaka, . . . e:t 0, $andhuji#OdharauWXhaP ca ratna%kuQRala%maQRitam sar#OlaYkara%Mo$hORhyaP ratna%daQRa%dharaP #aram $andhuji#a%$andhujN#a flowersD adharauWXham%lipsD ca%andD ratna%jewelD kuQRala% earringsD maQRitam%decoratedD s r#a%allD alaYkara%ornamentsD Mo$hORhyam%splendidD ratna%daQRa%dharam%holding a jewel staffD #aram%e:cellent. . . . whose lips were like $anhujN#a flowers, who was decorated wmth jewel ornaments, who was splendid with all ornaments, who held a jewel staff, . . . e:t 0. gopair d#OdaMa%lakWaiM ca kiMoraiM ca saman#itam tataT MNghraP yayur de#O

na#ama%d#Oram Npsitam gopaiT%$y gopasD d#OdaMa%lakWaiT%one million two hundred thousanoD ca% ndD kiMoraiT%youthfulD ca%andD saman#itam%accompanie . . . and who was accompanied $y one million two hundred thousand gopas. hen the demigods went to the $eautiful ninth gate, . . . e:t 00 #ajra%sad%ratna%racita% catur%#edi%saman#itam apUr#aP citra%#icitraP mOlO%jOlair #irOjitam #ajra%diamondsD sad%ratna%with e:cellent jewelsD racita%madeD catur%#edi% saman#itam%with four courtyardsD apUr#am%unprecedentedD citra%#icitram%#ery wonderfulD mOlO%jOlaiT%with a network of garlandsD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . which was a great wonder ne#er seen $efore, which was splended with a great network of flower garlands, and which had four courtyards pa#ed with dihtonds and precious jewels. e:t 01 d#Ora%pOlaP ca dadVMuT su$alaP lalitOkVtim nOnO%$hUWaQa%$hUWORhyaP $hUWaQOrhaP manoharam d#Ora%pOlam%the gatekeeperD ca%andD dadVMuT%sawD su$alam%Su$alaD lalita%gracefulD OkVtim%formD nOnO%$hUWaQa%with #arious ornamentsD $hUWORhyam%decoratedD $hUWaQa%ornamentsD arham%worthyD manoharam%handsome. here they saw the gftekeeper, who was named Su$ala, who was handsome and graceful, who wasmdecorated with many ornaments, . . . e:t 02 #ajrair d#OdaMa%lakWaiM ca

samyuktaP su%manoharam taP daQRa%hastaP sam$hOWya surO d#OrOntaraP yayuT #ajraiT%with diamondsD d#OdaMa%lakWaiT%one million two hundred thousandD ca% andD samyuktam%endowedD su%manoharam%#ery handsomeD tam%himD daQRa%staffD hastam%in handD sam$hOWya%speakingD surO%the demigodsD d#OrOntaram%to the ne:t gateD yayuT%went. . . . who was #ery handsome, who was gloriously decorated with one million two hundred thousand diamonds, and who held a staff in his hand. )fter speaking with him, the demigods went to the ne:t gate. e:t 03 #iMiWXaP daMama%d#OraP dVWX#O te #ismitOT surOT sar#Onir#acanNyaP cOpy adVWXam aMrutaP mune #iMiWXam%$etterD daMama%d#Oram%the tenth gateD dVWX#O%seeingD te%theyD #ismitOT% filled with wonderD surOT%the demigodsD sar#a%nllD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca% andD api%alsoD adVWXam%not seen $eforeD aMrutam%not heard of $eforeD mune%< sage. < sage, gaGing at the tenth gate, which was more glorious than the rest, which had a glory that cannot $e descri$ed, a glory that had ne#er $een seen or heard of $efore, the demigods $ecame filled with wonder. e:t 04 dadVMur d#Ora%pOlaP ca sudOmOnaP ca sundaram rUpOnir#acanNyaP ca kVWQa%tulyaP manoharam dadVMuT%they sawD d#Ora%pOlam%the gatekeeperD ca%andD sudOmOnam%SudOmOD ca% andD sundaram%handsomeD rUpa%handsomenessD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca%andD kVWQa%tulyam%like Lord /VWQaD manoharam%handsome. here they saw the gatekeeper named SudOmO, who was handsome and charming, whose handsomeness cannot $e descri$ed, who looked like Lord /VWQa ;imself, . . .

e:ts 06%11 gopa%#iPMati%lakWFQO samUhair pari#Oritam taP daQRa%hastaP dVWX#ai#a jagmur d#OrOntaraP surOT d#Oram ekadaMOkhyaP ca su%citram ad$hutaP ca tat d#Ora%pOlaP ca tatra%sthaP MrNdOmOnaP #rajeM#aram rOdhikO%putra%tulyaP ca pNta%#astreQa $hUWitam amUlya%ratna% acita% ramya%siPhOsana%sthitam amUlya%ratna%$hUWO$hir $hUWitwP <u%manoharam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumena #irOjitam gaQRa%sthala%kapolOrha% sad%ratna%kuQRalojj#alam sad%ratna%MreWXha%racita% #icitra%mukuXojj#alam prap ulla%mOl tN%mOlO% jOlaiT sar#OYga%$hUWitam koXi%gopaiT pari#VtaP rOjendrOdhikOm ujj#alam taP sam$hOWya yayur d#OraP d#OdaMOkhyaP surO mudO amUlya%ratna%racita% #edikO$hiT saman#itam gopa%#iPMati%lakWOQOm%with two million gopasD samUhaiT%multitudesD pari#Oritam% accompaniedD tam%himD daQRa%hastam%a staff in handD dVWX#O%seeingD e#a%indeedD jagmuTawentD d#OrOntaram%to the ne:t gateD surOT%the demigodsD d#Oram%gateD ekadaMOkhyam%the ele#enthD ca%andD su%citram%# ry wonderfulD ad$hdtam%wonderfulD ca%andD taS%thatD d#tra%pOlam%gatekeeperD ca%andD tatra%stham%staying thereD

MrNdOmOnammSeNdOmOD #rajeM#aram%a king of yrajaD rOdhikO%putra%tulyam%like SrN 5OdhOEs sonD ca%an,D pNta%#astreQa%with yellow garmentsD $hUWitam%decoratedD amUlya% pricelessD ratna%jewelsD racita%madeD ramya%$eautifulD siPhOsana%throneD sthitam% seatedD amUlya%pricelessD ratna%jewelD $hUWO$hiT%with ornamentsD $hUWitam%decoratedD su%manoharam%#ery handsomeD candanOguru%kastUrN%candana, aguru, and muskD kuYkumena%with kunkumaD #irOjitam%gloriousD gaQRa%sthala%kapola%on the cheeksD arha%worthyD sad%ratna%kuQRalojj#alam%spelndid with jewel earringsD sal% atna%jewelsD MreWXha%$estD racita%madeD #icitra%wonderfulD mukuXa%crownD ujj#alam%splendidD praphulla%mOlatN%mOlO%wutr a garland of $lossoming malati flowersD jOlaiT%with networksD sar#OYga%$hUWitam%decorating all lim$sD koXi%gopaiT%with ten million gopasD pari#Vtam%accompaniedD rOjendrOdhikOm%greater than a great kingD ujj#alam%splendid tam%to himD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT%wentD d#Oram%the demigodsD d#OdaMOkhyam% nared the twelfthD surO%the demigodsD mudO%happilyD amUlya%ratna%rayita%maue with priceless jewelsD #edikO$hiT%courtyardD saman#itam%wit u . . . who held a staff in his hand, and who was accompanied $y two million gopas. hen the demigods went to the ne:t gate, which was #ery wonderful. here they spoke to the gatekeeper SrNdOmO, who was one of the kings of Vraja, who was like SrN 5OdhOEs own son, who wore yellow garments, sat on a $eautiful throne of priceless jewels, was decorated with priceless jewel ornaments, was #ery handsome, was splendid with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, wore splendid earrings on his cheeks, wore a wonderful splendid crown of priceless jewels, all of whose lim$s were decorated with a network of $lossoming%jasmine garlands, and who, accompanied $y ten million gopas, was more glorious than the greatest of kings. hen the demigods happily went to the twelfth gate, which had many courtyards pa#ed with precious jewels, . . . e:t 12 sar#eWOP durla$haP citraP adVMyam aMrutaP mune #ajra%$hitti%sthitaP citra% sundaraP su%manoharam sar#eWOm%of allD durla$ham%difficult to attainD citram%wonderfulD adVMyam%ne#er seen $eforeD aMrutam%ne#er heard of $eforeD mune%< sageD #ajra%$hitti%a wall fo diamondsw sthitam%nituatedD citra%wonderfullyD sundaram%$eautifulD su%manoharam% #ery charming. . . . which was #ery difficult to attain, which had ne#er $een seen or heard of $efore, which was #ery wonderful, $eautiful, and charming, and which had walls of diamonds.

e:t 13 d#Ore niyuktO dadVMur de#O gopOYganO #arOT rUpa%yau#ana%sampannO ratnO$haraQa%$hUWitOT d#Ore%at the gateD niyuktO% ituatedD dadVMuT%they sawD de#O%the demigodsD gopOYganO%the gopNsD #arOT%$eautifulD rUpa%$eautyD yau#ana%youthD sampannO% endowedD ratnO$haraQa%$hUWitOT%decorated with jewel ornaments. )t that gate the demigods saw many $eautiful young gopNs decorated with jewel ornaments, . . . e:t 14 pNta%#astra%parNdhOnOT ka#arN%$hOra%Mo$hitOT sugandhi%mOlatN%mOlO% jOlaiT sar#OYga%$hUWitOT pNta%#astra%parNdhOnOT%in yellow garmentsD ka#arN%$hOra%Mo$hitOT%with $eautiful $raidsD sugandhi%fragrantD mOlatN%jasmineD mOlO%garlandsD jOlaiT%withrnetworksD sar#OYga%$hUWitOT%all their lim$s decorated with ornaments. . . . dressed in yellow garments, wearing graceful $raids, all their lim$s decorated with jasmine flowers, . . . e:t 16 ratna%kaYkana%keyUra% ratna%nUpura%$hUWitOT ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitOT ratna%kaYkana%keyUra%with jewel $racelets and armletsD ratna%nUpura%$hUWitOT% decorated with jewel ankletsD ratna%kuQRala%jewel earringsD yugmena%with a pairD gaQRa%sthala%cheeksD #irOjitOT%splendid. . . . decorated with jewel armlets, anklets, and $racelets, their cheeks splendid with

jewel earrings, . . . e:t 17 candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitOT pNna%MroQi%$harO namrO nitam$a%$hOra%pNRitOT candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitOT%anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkumaD pNna%MroQi%$harO%$road hipsD namrO%$entD nitam$a%$hOra%pNRitOT% $road thighs. . . . anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, and with $road hips and thighs. e:t 29 gopNnOP Mata%koXNnOP MreWXhOT preWXha harer api gopNnOP koXiMo lVWXSO o surOs te #ismayaP yayuT gopNnOm%of the gopNsD Mttj%koXNnOm%of a $illionD MreWXhO%the $estD preWXha%the most dearD hareT%to Lord /VWQaD api%alsoD gopNnOm%of the g pNsD koXiMaT%millionsD dVWX#O% sweingD supOT%the d yigodsD te%theyD #ismayVm%wonderD yayuN%attained. FaGing at them, the millions of gopNs most dear to Lord /VWQa, the $est of manm $illions of gopNs, tre demigods $ecame filled with wonder. e:ts 2, and 2. sam$hOWya tr mudO yuktO yayur d#OrOntaram mune tataM ca kramaMo #ipra triWu d#OreWu tatra #ai gopOYganOnOP MreWXhOM a dadVMuT su%manoharOT #arOQOP ca #arO ramyO

dhatyO manyOM ya Mo$hanOT

sam$hOWya%speakingD tO%theyD mudO%hapilyD yukt3%)VgagedD yayuT%wentD d#OrOntaram%no the ne:t doorD muye%< sageD tataT%thenD ca%andD kramaMaT%graduallyD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD triWu%at threeD d#OreWu%gatesD tatra%thereD #ai%indeedD gopOYganOnOm%of gopNsD MreWXhOT%the $est ca%andD dadVMuT%sawD su%manoharOT%#ery $eautifulD #arOQOm%of $eauttful girlsD pa%andD #arO%$estD ramyO%$eautifulD dhanyO% fortunateD manyOT%gloriousD ca%andD Mo$h nOT%splendid. < $rOhmaQa sige, after speaking with them, the happy demigods went to the ne:t place, which had three gates, where they saw the most $eautiful, fortunate, and splendid of the gopNs. e:t 20 sar#OT sau$hOgya%yuktOM ca rOdhikOyOT priyOT smVtOT $hUWitO $hUWaQai ramyaiT prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anOT sar#OT%allD sau$hOgya%yuktOT%#ery fortunateD ca%andD rOdhikOyOT%of SrN 5OdhOD priyOT%dearD smVtOT%consideredD $hUWitO%decoratedD $hUWaQaiT%with ornamentsD ramyaiT%$eautifulD prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anOT%in the full $loom of youth. )ll these gopNs were #ery fortunate. hey were in the full $loom of youth. hey were decorated with $eautiful ornaments. hey were dear to SrN 5OdhO. e:ts 21 and 22 e#aP d#Ora%trayaP dVWX#O su%jZOnOd ad$hutOMrayam adVMyam ati%ramyaP cOpy anirUpyaP #icakWaQaiT tOs tOT sam$hOWya de#Os te #isSitO yayur NM#arOT rOdhikO$hyantaraP d#OraP WoRaMOkhyaP manoharam e#am%thusD d#Ora%trayam%the three gatesD dVWX#O%seeingD su%jZOnOt%$ecauGe of kn ledgeD ad$hutOMrayam%wonderfulD adVMyam%not seen $eforeD ati%ramyam%#ery

$eautifulD ca%andD api%alsoD anirUpyam%indescri$a$leD #icakWaQaiT%$y the wiseD tOT%to themD tOT%to themD sam$hOWya%speakingD de#OT%the demigodsD te%theyD #ismitO%filled with wonderD yayuT%wentD NM#arOT%the demigodsD rOdhikO%SrN 5OdhOD a$hyantaram%toD duOram%the gateD WoRaMOkhyam%called the si:teenthD manoharam%$eautiful. FaGing at these three wonderfully $eaut(ful gates unlike anything else seen $efore and $eyond the power of the wise to descri$e, and then speaking to thr many gopNs there, the demigods $ecame filled with wonder. hen they entered the si:teenth #ery $eautmfrl gate, the entrance to SrN 5OdhOEs a$ode. e:t 23 sar#OsOP ca #idhOnOnOP gopyaP gopOYganO%gaQaiT trayas%triPMad%#ayasyOnOP #ayasya%nikarair mune sar#OsOm%of allD ca%andD #idhOnOnOm%kindsD gopyam%to $e hiddenD gopOYganO% gaQaiT%$y gopNsD trayas%triPMad%#ayasyOnOm%of 00 friendsD #ayasya%nikaraiT%with multitudes of friendsDwmune%< sage. < sage, that gate was guarded $y thirty%three gopNs, . . . e:t 24 #eMOnir#acanNyaiM ca nOnO%guQa%saman#itaiT rUpaiyau#ana%sampannai ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaiT #eMa%garmentsD anir#acanNyaiT%indescri$a$l'D ct%andD nOnO%guQa%saman#itaiT%with many #irtuesD rUpa%$eautyD yau#ana%youthD sampannaiT%withD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaiT% decorated with jewel ornaments. . . . who were $eautiful, youthful, and decorated with many #irtues, whose $eautiful garments were $eyond description, who were decorated with jewel ornaments, . . . e:t 26 ratna%kaYkana%keyUra%

ratna%nUpura%$hUWitaiT sad%ratna%kiYkini%jOlair madhya%deMa%#i$hUWitaiT ratna%kaYkana%keyUra%with jewel $racelets and armletsD ratna%nUpura%$hUWitaiT% decorated with jewel ankletsD sad%ratna%with precious jewelsD kiYkini%jOlaiT%with networks of tinkling ornamentsD madhya%deMa%waistD #i$hUWitaiT%decorated. . . . who were decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, and anklejs whose waists held a network of tinkling jewel%ornaments, . . . e:t 27 ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitOT praphull-%mOlrtN%mOlO% jOlair #akWaT%sthalojj#alaiT ratna%kuQRala%yugmenamwith jewel earringsD gaQRa%sthala%cheeksD #irOjitOT% splendidD praphulla%$lossomedD mOla N%of jasmine flowersD mOlO%garlandsD jOlaiT%with ne worksD #akWaT%sthala%chestD ujj#alaiT%splendid. o. . . whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, whose $reasts were splendid with networksuof $lossomed%jasmine garlands, . . . e:t 39 sarat%pOr#aQa%candrOQOP pra$hO%muWXa%mukhendu$hiT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlena #eWXitaiT sarat%pOr#aQa%candrOQOm%of autumn moonsD pra$hO%the splendorD muWXa%stolenD mukha%facesD indu$hiT%moonsD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of pOrijOta flowersD mOlO%jOlena% with a nltwork of garlandsD #eWXitaiT%decorated. . . . whose m onlike faces ro$$ed the autumn moon of its glory, who eere decorated with a nmtwork of pOrijOta garlands, . . . e:t 3,

su%ramya%ka#arN%$hOra!r o $ UWaQair $hUWitair #araiT pak#a%$im$ dharoWXaiM ca smerOnana%saroruhaiT su%ramya%ka#arN%$hOraiT%with $eautiful raidsD $hUWaQaiT%with ornamentsD $hUWitaiT%decoratedD #araiT%e:cellentD pak#a%$im$OdharoWXaiT%with ripe%$im$a lipsD ca%andD smerOnana%saroruhaiT%with smiling lotus faces. . . . whose $eautiful $raids were decorated with manh ornaments, whose lips were ripe $im$a fruits, whose smiling faces were lotus flowerse . . . e:V 3. pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$haiT Mo$hitair danta%paYkti$hiT cOru%campaka%#arQO$hair madhya%sthala%kVMair mune pak#a%dORim a%$NjO$haiT%splendid as ripe pomegrSnate seedsD Mo$hitaiT%$eauoifulD danta%paYkti$hiT%with teethD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%caypaka flowersD #arQO$haiT% colorsD madhya%sthala%kVMaiT%slender waistsD mune%< sage. . . . whose teethoaere spSended as ripe%pomegranate seeds, whose $eautiful comple:ions were like campaka flowers, whose waists, < sage, were gracefully s ender, . . . e:t 30 gaja%mauktikO%yuktO$hir nOsikO$hir #irOjitaiT khagendra%cOru%caZcUnOP Mo$ha%muWXi%karaiM ca taiT e gaja%mauktikO%yuktO$hiT%with elephant pearlsD nOsikO$hiT%with nosesD #irOjitaiT% splendidD khagendra%of the king of $irdsD cOru%$eautifulD caZcUnOm%$eaksD Mo$ha% muWXi%karaiT%ro$$ing the $eautyD ca%andD taiT%$y them. . . . whose noses, splendid with elephant pearls, ro$$ed the $ird%kingEs $eak of its $eauly, . . .

e:t 31 gajendra%gaQRa%kaXhina% stana%$hOra%$harOnataiT pNna%MroQi%$harOrtaiM ca mukunda%pOda%mOnasaiT gajendra%of the king of elephant D gaQRa%cheeksD kaXhina%hardD stana%$reastsD $hOra%$urdenD $hara%OnataiT%weighted downD pNna%fullD MroQi%$harOrtaiT%with hipsD ca% andD mukunda%pOda%mOnasaiT%hhthr m nds thinking of Lord /VWQaEs feet. . . . whose full, firm, and hea#y $reast, were like anhelephantEs cheeks, whose hips were $road, and whose thoughts went to Lord /VWQa. e:ts 32%37 nimeWa%rahitO de#O d#Ora%sthO dadVMuM ca tOT sad%ratna%maQi%ratnaiM ca #edikO%yugma%Mo$hitam harinamaQNnOP stam$hOnOP samihaiT samyutaP sadO sindUrOkOra%maQi$hir madhya%sthala%#irOjitaiT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlair #i$hUWitam tjt%samparkair gandha%#ahaiT sar#atra sura$hN%kVtam dVWX#O tat param OMcaryaP rOdhikO$hya#taraP surOT MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$hoja% darManotsuka%mOnasOT tOT sam$hOWya yayuT MNghraP pulakOZcita%#igrahOT $hakty%udreknd aMru%pUrQOT kiZcin%namrOtma%kandharOT

nimeWa%$linkingD rahitOT%withoutD de#O%the demigodsD d#Ora%sthO%standing at the doorwayD dadVMuT%sawD ca%andD tOT%themD sad%ratna%maQi%ratnaiT%precious jewelsD ca% andD #edikO%yugma%Mo$hitam%splendid with two courtyardsD harin%maQNnOm%of sapphiresD stam$hOnOm%of pillarsD samUhaiT%with multitudesD samyutam%endowedD sadO%alwaysD sindUrOkOra%maQi$hiT%with ru$ies the color of red sf garlandsD #i$hUWitam%decoratedD tat%samparkaiT%with the touchD gandha%#ahaiT%with fragrant $reeGesD sar#atra%e#erywhereD sura$hN%kVtam%made fragrantD dVWX#O%seeingD tat%thatD param%greatD OMcaryam%wonderD rOdhikO$hyantaram%the entrance to 5OdhOEs a$odeD surOT%the demigodsD MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$hoja%SrN /VWQaEs lotus feetD darManotsuka% mAnasOT%their hearts eager to seeD tOT%to themD sam$hOWya%speakingD yayuT%wentD MNghram%BuicklyD pulakOZcita%#igrahOT%the hairs of their $odies erect with e:citementD $hakty%udrekOt%out of great de#otionD aMru%pUrQOT%filled withtearsD kiZcin%namrOtma% kandharOT%their necks $owed. Standing at the gate, with un$linking eyes the demigods gaGed first at these gopNs and then at SrN 5OdhOEs #ery wonderful a$ode, which was splendid with two courtyards pa#ed with precious jewels, set with sapphire pillars, decorated with ru$ies and networks of pOrijOta flowers, and fragrant with scented $reeGes. )fter speaking to these gopNs, the demigods, their he rts yearning to see Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, the hairs of their $odies erect, their necks $owed, and their eyes filled with tears of lo#e, entered SrN 5OdhOEs a$ode. e:t 49 OrOt te dadVMur de#O rOdhikO$hyantaraP #aram mandirOQOP ca madhya%sfhaP catuT%MOlaP manoharam OrOt%from afarD te%theyD dadVMuT%sawD de#O%the demigodsD rOdhikO$hyantaram% within SrN 5OdhOEs a$odeD #aram%e:cellentD mandirOQOm%of palacesD ca%andD madhya% stham%in the middleD catuT%MOlam%a courtyardD manoharam%$eautiful. @rom afar the demigods could SrN 5OdhOEs a$ode, its many palaces clustered around a $eautiful courtyard, . . . e:t 4, amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOP sOreQa racitaP param nOnO%ratna%maQi%stam$hair #ajra%yuktaiM ca $hUWitam

amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOm%priceless jewelsD sOreQa%with the $estD raciram%madeD param% preatD nOnO%ratna%maQi%of #arious jewelsD stam$haiT%wSthhpillarsD #ajra%yuktaiT%with diamondsD ca%andD $hUWitam%decorated. . . . pa#ed with the $est of priceless jewels, decorated with illars of diamonds and manyrjewels, . . . e:t 4. pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlair #irOjitam muktO%samUhair mOQikyaiT M#eta%cOmara%darpanaiT pOrijOta%peasUnOnOm%of pOrijOta flowersD mOlO%jOlaiT%with networks of garlandsD VirOjitam%splendidD muktO%samUhaiT%with many pearlsD mOQikyaiT%with ru$iesD M#eta% cOmara%with white camarasD darpanaiT%and mirrors. . . . splendid with networks of pOrijOea flowers, pearls, ru$ies, white cOmaras, and nirrors, . . . e:t 40 amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOP kalasair $LUWitaP mune paXXa%sutra%granthi%yukta% MrNkhaQRa%palla#On#itaiT amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOm%of priceless jewelsD kalasaiT%with domesD $hUWitam% decoratedD mune%< sageD paXXa%sutra%silk ri$$onsD granthi%yukta%with knotsD MrNkhaQRa%sandalD palla#a%twigsD an#itaiT%with. . . . decorated, < sage, with domes of priceless jewels and sandal twigs tied with silken ri$$ons, . . . e:t 41 maQi%stam$ha%samUhaiM ca ramya%praYgana%$hUWitam candanOguru%kastUrN%

kuYkuma%dra#a%samyutam maQi%stam$ha%samUhaiT%with many jewel pillarsD ca%andD ramya%praYfana% $htWitam%decorated with $eautiful courtyardsD candanOguru%ka.tUrN%kuYkuma%draea% simyutamInith caudana, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. . . . decorated wigh courtyards of many jewel pillars, anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t 42 Mukla%dhanya%Murla%puWpa% pra#Ola%phala%taQRulaiT pUrQa%dur#OkWatair lOjair nirmaZchana%#i$hUWitam Mukla%dhanya%whtte riceD Mukla%whiteD puWpr%olowersD pra#Ola%coralD phala%fruitsD taQRulaiT%riceD pUrQa%fullD dur#O% ur#O grassD akWataiT%un$roken grainsD lOjaiT%with fried grainsD nirmaZchana%with aratiD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . decorated with white paddy, white flowers, red coral, fruits, rice, dur#O grass, un$roken grains, fried grains, and Orati ceremunies, . . . e:t 43 pdala%ratnai ratna%kum$haiT sindUra%kuYkumOn#ptriT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%yuktair #irOjitam phala%fruitsD ratnaiT%jewelsD ratna%kum$haiT%jewel domesD sindUra% kuYkumOn#itaiT%sindura and kunkumaD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of pOrijOta flowersD mOlO%yuktaiT%with a netowrk of garlandsD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . splendid with fruits, jewels, jewel domes, sindUra, kuYkuma, and networks of pOrijOta flowers, . . . e:t 44 prasUnOktair gandha%#OhaiT

sar#atra sura$hN%kVtam sar#Onir#acanNyaP ca yad dra#yam anirUpitam prasUna%with flowersD OktaiT%anointedD gandha%#OhaiT%with fragrant $reeGesD sar#atra%e#erywhereD sura$hN%kVtam%fragrantD sar#a%allD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca%andD yat%whatD dra#yam%thingD anirUpitam%not descri$ed. . . . fragrant with $reeGes carrying the scents of flowers, $eyond the power of description, . . . e:t 46 $rahmOQRa%durla$haP yad%yad% #astu$his tair #irOjitam ratna%MayyO su%lalitO sukWma%#astra%paricchadO $rahmOQRa%in the material uni#ersesD durla$ham%difficult to attaine yad%yat% whate#erD #astu$hiT%with thingsD taiT%with themD #irOjitam%splendidD ratna%jewelD MayyO%couchesD su%lalitO%gracefulD sukWma%#astra%paricchadO%co#ered with fine cloths. . . . splendid with many things not found in the material worlds, appointed with jewel couches co#ered with fine cloth, . . . e:t 47 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlaiT su%Mo$hitam koXiMo ratna%kum$hOM ca ratna%patrOQi nOrada pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of pOrijOta flowersD mOlO%jOlaiT%with networks of garlandsD su% Mo$hitam%gloriousD koXiMaT%with many millionsD ratna%jewelD kum$hOT%domesD ca%andD ratna%patrOQi%jewel treasuriesD nOrada%< NOrada. . . . $eautiful with networks of pOrijOta flowers, many millions of jewel domes, and many reasurips of precious jewels, . . . e:t 69

amUlyOni ca cOrUQi tais tair e#a #i$hUWitam nOnO%prakOra%#OdyOnOP kala%nOda%ninOditam t mmUlyOni%pricelessD ca%andD cOrUQi%$eautifulD taiT taiTowrth themD e#a%indeedD #i$hUWitam%decoratedD nOnO%prakOra%many kindsD #OdyOnOm%of musical instrumentsD kala%nOda%ninOditam%filled with the sweet sounds. . . . decorated with many $eautiful and priceless things, pleasant with the swret %oumdsSof musical instruments, . . . e:t 6, s#ara%yantraiM ca #NQO$hir gopN%saYgNta%su%Mrutam mohitaP #Odya%Ma$daiM ca mVdaYgOnOP ca nOrada h s#ara%yantraiT%with musical instrumentsD ca%andD #NQO$hiT%with #inasD gopN% saYgNta%su%Mrutam%the gopNsE $eautiful singingD mohitam%charmingD #Odya%Ma$daiT% with the sounds of musical instrumentsD ca%andD mVdaYgOnOm%of mrdangasD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. . . . pleasant, < NOrada, with the the gopNsE $eautiful singing and with the music of #iQOs, mVaYgas, and other instruments, . . . e:t 6. gopOnOP kVWQa%tulyOnOP samUhaiT pari#Oritam rOdhO%sakhNnOP gopNnOP #VndOir #VndOir #irOjitam gopOnOm%of gopasD kVWQa%tulyOnOm%like /VWQaD samUhaiT%with multitudesD pari#Oritam%filledD rOdhO%sakhNnOm%of SrN 5OdhOEs friendsD gopNnOm%of gopNsD #VndOiT% with multitudesD #VndOiT%with mutltitudesD #irOjitam%splendi . . . . splendid with SrN 5OdhOEs many gopN friends and with many gopas #ery much likn Lord /VWQa, . . .

e:t 60 rOdhO%kVWQa%guQodreka% pOda%saYgNta%su%Mrutam e#am a$hyantaraP dVWX#O $a$hU#ur #ismitOT surOT e rOdyO%kVWha%of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD guQa%of BualitiesD udreka%a$undanceD pOda% saYgNta%su%Mrutam%singing $eautiful poemsD e#am%thusD a$hyantaram%withinD dVWX#O% seeingD $a$hU#uT%$ecameD #ismitOT%filled with wonderD surOT%the demigods. . . . and filled with $eautiful songs descri$ing the transcendental Bualities of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa. )s they gaGed at all this within SrN 5OdhOEs a$ode, the demigods $ecame filled with wonder. e:t 61 MuMrurur madhuraP gNtaP dadVMur nVtyam uttamam tatra tasthuT surOT sar#e dhyOnaika%tOna%mOnaldT MuMru#uT%heardD madhuram%sweetD gNtam%singingD dadVMuT%sawD nVtyam%dancingD uttamam%greatD tatra%thereD tasthuT%stoodD surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD dhyOnaika% tOna%mOnasOT%their minds rapt in thought. Listening to the sweet singing and gaGing at the graceful dancing, the demigods stood there, rapt in thought. e:t 62 ratna%siPhOsanaP ramyaP dadVMus tridaMeM#arOT dhanuT%Mata%pramOnaP ca parito maQRalN%kVti ratna%jewelD siPhOsanam%throneD ramyam%$eautifulD dadVMuT%sawD tridaMeM#arOT%the demigodsD dhanuT%Mata%a hundred dhanusD pramOnam%in siGeD ca%andD paritaT%aroundD maQRalN%kVti%a circle.

here the demigods saw a $eautiful jejel throwe in a circle of a hundred dhanus, . . . m:t 63 sad%ratna%kWudra%kalasa% samUhaiM ca saman#itam citra%puttilakO%puWpa% citra%kOnana%$hUWita sad%ratna%splendid jewelsD kWudra%smallD kalasa%do esD samUhaiT%with multitudesD ca%andD samaneitam%withD citra%wonderfulD puttilaka%statuesD puWpa%flowersD citra% wonderfulD kOnana%forestsD $hUWitam%decorated. . . . wLich,ras decorated with many small jewel%domes, wonderful statues, wonderful gardens, flowers, . . . e:t 64 tatra tejaT%samUhaP ca sUryarkoXi%uama%pra$ham pea$hayO j#alitaP $rahmann OMcaryaP Mahad ad$hutam tatra%thereD tejaT%samUham%the gloryD ca%andD sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$hamnsplendid as ten million sunsD pra$hayO%with the splendorD j#alitameshiningD $rahmann%< $rOhmaQaD OMcaryamrwonderfulD oahat%greatD ad$hutam%wonder. . . . which was, < $rOhmaQa, wonderfully glorious as ten million suns. e:ts 66 and 67 sapta%tOla%pramOQaP tad% #yOptam ardhaP samantataT tejo muWXaP ca sar#eWOP #yOptOMrama%#irOjitam sar#a%#yOpi sar#a%$NjaP cakWU%rodha%karaP param

dVWX#O tejaT%s#arUpaP ca te de#O dhyOna%tat%parOT sapta%tOla%pramOQam%se#en talas insiGeD tad%%thatD #yOptam%e:pandedD ardham%halfD samantataT%on all sidesD tejaT%wplendorD muWXam%ro$$edD ct%andD sar#eWOm%of allD #yOrta%e:pandedD OMrama%placeD #irOjitam%splendidD sar#a%#yOpi%all per#adingD sar#a% $Njam%theseed of e#erythingD cakWU%rodha%karam%$linding the eyesD param%greatD dVWX#O%seeingD tejaT%s#arUpam%fdrm of liuhtD ca%andD te%theyD de#OT%the demigodsD dhyOna%tat%parOT%rapt in meditationD 5apt in meditation, the demigods san in se#en tOlas of that circle a great light, a light that ro$$ed all other lights of their splendor, a light that was present e#erywhere, alight that was the seed of e#erything. e:t 79 praQemuT parayO $haktyO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT paramOnanda%samyogOd aMru%pUrQa%#ilocanOT pulakOZcita%sar#OYgO #OZchO%pUrQa%manorathOT praQemuT%$owed downD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD $hakti%with de#otionD namra%$iwedD Otma%heartsD kandharOT%and necksD paramOnanda%samyogOt% put of great $lissD aMru%pUrQa%#ilocanOT%eyes filled with tearsD pula OZcita%saa#OYgO% $odily hairs erectD #OZchO%pUrQa%manorathOT%desires fulfilled. hier desires all fulfilled, the hairs of their $odies erect, their necks respectfully $owed, and their eyes filled with tears, and the demigods, happily and with great de#otuon, $owed down $efore that light. e:t 7, nat#O tejaT%s#arUpaP ca tam NMaP tridaMeM#arOT tatrotthOya dhyOna%yuktOT pratasthus tejasaT puraT nat#O%$owing downD tejaT%s#arUpam%form of lightD canandD tam%to ;imD NMam%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tridaMeM#arOT%the demigodsD tatra%thereD utthOya%

risingD dhyOna%yuktOT%rapt in meditationD pratasthuT%approachedD tejasaT%of the lightD puraT%the presence. 5apt in meditation, the demigods $owed down, stood up, and then approached the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has assumed that form of light. e:t 7. dhyOt#ai#aP jagataT dhOtO $a$hU#a samputOZjaliT dakWiQe MaYkaraP kVt#O #Ome dharmaP ca nOrada dhyOt#O%meditatingD e#am%thusD jagataT%of the uni#erseD dhOtO%the creatorD $a$hU#a%$ecameD samputOZjaliT%with folded handsD dakWiQe%in the rightD MaYkaram% Lord Si#aD kVt#O%doingD #Ome%on the leftD dharmam%=amarOjaD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. -editating on this light, Lord 8rahmO, the creator of the uni#erse, stood with folded hunds, L rd Si#a on his right ans L.rd =amarOja on his left. e:t 70 $hakty%udrekOt pratuWXO#a dhyOnaika%tOna%mOnasOT parOt paraP guQOtNtaP paramOnandam NM#aram $hakty%udrekOt%out of great de#otionD pratuWXO#a%offered prayersD dhyOnaika%tOna% mOnasOT%rapt in meditationD parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD guQa%the modes of ntaureD atNtam%$myondD paramOnandam%full of $lissD NM#aram%to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. 5apt in meditation, and wiah great de#otion, Lord 8rahmO offered prayers to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, wio is full of $liss, $eyond the modes of material nature, and greater than thergreatest. e:t 71 MrN%$rahmo#Oca

#araP #areQyaP #ara%da`m #aradOnO`p ca kOraQam kOraQa`m sar#a%$hUtOnO`m tejo%rUpa`m namOmy aham MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD #aram%the $estD #areQyam%the $estD #ara%dam% the gi#er of $enedictionsD #aradOnOm%of gi#ers of $enedictionsD ca%andD kOraQam%the causeD kOraQam%the causeD sar#a%$hUtOnOm%of all li#ing entitiesD tejo%rUpa`m%a form of lightD namOmi%$ow dowsD aham%I. SrN 8rahmO saidJ I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who are the $est of they who gi#e $enedictions, the origin of they who gi#e $enedictions, and the origin of all li#ing entities. e:t 72 maYgalya`m maYgalOrha`m ca maYgala`m maYgala%pradam samasta%maYgalOdhOnO`m tejo%rUpa`m namOmy aham maYgalyam%auspiciousnessD maYgalOrham%worthy of auspiciousnessD ca%andD maYgalam%auspiciousD maYgala%pradam%gi#ing auspiciousnessD samasta%allD maYgala%of auspiciousnessD OdhOnOm%reser#oirD tejo%rUpa`m%form of lightD namOmi%$ow downD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who is most auspicious, the gi#er of auspiciousness, the a$ode of auspiciousness. e:t 73 sthitaP sar#atra nirliptaP Otma%rUpaP parOt param nirNham a#itarkyaP ca tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham sthitam%situatedD sar#atr %e#erywhereD nirliptamnuntouchedD Otma%rUpam%situated in the heartD parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD nirNham%inacti#eD a#itarkyam% inconcei#a$leD ca%andD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I.

I offer my respectfulro$eisances to thy Suyreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who stays e#erywhere, who is not touched $y matter, who stays in e#eryoneEs heart, who is greater than the grertest, whose acti#ities are not material, and who cannot $e unherstood $y the material mind. e:t 74 saguQaP nirguQaP $rahma jyoti%rUpaP sanOtanam sOkOraP ca nirOkOraP tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham saguQam%with BualitiesD nirguQam%without BualitiesD $rahma%spiritD jyoti%rUpam% form of lightD sanOtanam%eternalD sOkOram%with formD ca%andD nirOkOram%without formD tejo%rUpaP%foprm of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who has Bualities, who has no Bualities, who is the eternal Suprete Spirit, who has no form, who has a form, whose form is splendid. e:t 76 tam anir#acanNyaP ca #yaktam a#yaktam ekakam s#ecchOmayad sar#a%rUpaP tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham tam%to ;imD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca%andD #yaktam%manifestD a#yaktam% unmanifestD ekakam%oneD s#ecchOmayam%whose desires are all fulfilledD sar#a%rUpam% manifesting all formsD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who is $eyond description, who is $oth manifest and unmanifest, who is one only, w thout any ri#al, who e desires are all fulfilled, who has the power to assume any form ;e wishes. e:t 77 guQa%traya%#i$hagOya rUpa%traya%dharaP param

kalayO te surOT sar#e kiP jOnanti MruteT param _ guQa%traya%#i$hagOya%for the three modes of material natureD rUpa%traya%dharam% assuming three formsD param%greatD kalayO%$y a partD te%theyD surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD kim%what*D jOnanti%knowD MruteT%the VedasD param%$eyond. o go#ern the world of three modes ;e assumes three forms. ;ow can the demigods, who are ;is parts and parcels, understand ;im* ;e is $eyond the reach of the Vedas. e:t ,99 sar#OdhOraP sar#a%rUpaP sar#a%$Njam a$Njakam sar#Ontakam anantaP ca tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham sar#OdhOram%the resting place of e#erythingD sar#a%rUpam%manifesting all formsD sar#a%$Njam%the seed of e#erythingD a$Njakam%not $orn from a seedD sar#Ontakam%the end of e#erythingD anantam%endlessD ca%andD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who is the support on which e#erything rests, who is the creator of all forms, who is the seed of e#erything, who has no origin, who is the end of e#erything, who is endless. e:t ,9, lakWaP yad%guQa%rUpaP ca #arQ dNyaP yicakWaQaiT kiP #arQayOmi lakWOnte tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham lakWam%a hundred thousandD yad%guQa%rUpam%whose forms and BualitiesD ca%andD #arQanNyam%to $e descri$edD #icakWaQaiT%$y the wiseD kim%what*D #arQayOmi%I will sayD lakWOnte%after a hundred thousandD tejo%rUpaP%a ferm of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. e I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light. he wise descri$e hundreds of thousands of ;is

transcendental frrms and #irtues. ;ow can I descri$p ;im* e:t ,9. aMarNraP #igraSa%#ad indriya%#ad atNndriyam yad asOkW sar#a%sOkWi tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham aMarNram%without a $odyD #igraha%#at%with a $odyD indriya%#at%with sensesD atNndriyam%$eyond the sensesD yat%whatD asOkWi%not the witnessD sar#a%sOkWi%the witness of allD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who has no form, who has a form, who has no senses, who has senses, who sees nothing, who is the witness of all. e:t ,90 gamanOrham apOdaP yad acakWuT sar#a%darManam hastOsya%hNnaP yad%$hoktV tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham gamanOrham%going e#erywhereD a%pOdam%without feetD yat%whoD a%cakWuT%without eyesD aar#a%darManam%sees e#erythingD hasta%handsD Osya%and mouthD hNnam%withoutD yad%$hoktV%eatsD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who has no feet, $ut goes e#erywhere, who has no eyes, $ut sees e#erything, who eats e#en though ;e has neither hands nor mouth. e:t ,91 #ede nirUpitaP #astu santaT MaktOM ca #arQitum #ede EnirUpitaP yat tat tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham #ede%in the VedaD nirUpitam%descri$edD #astu%thingD santaT%the saintsD MaktOT%a$leD ca%andD #arQitum%to descri$eD #ede%in the VedaD anirUpitam%not descri$edD yat%whatD tat%thatD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I.

I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light. he saintly sages are a$le to descri$e ;im in the Vedas. Still, ;e is not descri$ed in the Vedas. e:t ,92 sar#eMaP yad anNMaP yat sar#Odi yad anOdi yat sar#Otmakam anOtmO yat tejo%rUpaP namOmy aham sar#a%of allD NMam%the LordD yat%whichD anNMam%without a masterD yat%whatD sar#Odi% the origin of allD yat%whatD anOdi%has no originD yat%whatD sar#Otmakam%is e#eryoneEs heartD anOtmO%not in anyoneEs heartD yat%whatD tejo%rUpaP%form of lightD namOmi%$owD aham%I. I offer ry respectfu o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who has now assumed this form of light, who is the master of all, who has no master to o$ey, who is the origin of all, who has no origin, who is in e#eryoneEs heart, who is not in e#eryoneEs heart. e:t ,93 ahaP #idhOtO jagataP #edOnOP janakaT s#ayam pOtO dharmo haro hOrtO stotuP MaktO na ke Epi yat aham%ID #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatam%of the uni#erseD #edOnOm%of the VedasD janakaT%the fatherD s#ayam%persopnallyD pOtO%the protectorD dharmaT%=amarOjaD haraT% Si#aD hOrtO%destroysD stotum%to prayD MwrtO%a$leD napnotD ke api%anyoneD yat%which. Neither I, who create the uni#erses and father the Vedas, nor =amarOja who protects the pious, nor Si#a who destroys the uni#erse, nor anyone else has the power to glorify ;im properly. e:t ,94 se#ayO ta#a dharmo EyeP

rakWitOraP ca rakWati ta#OjZayO yaP saPhartO t#ayO kOle nirUpite se#ayO%$y ser#iceD ta#a%of =ouD dharmaT%iamaD ayam%heD rakWitOram%the protectorD ca%andD rakWati%protectsD ta#a%of =ouD OjZayO%$y the orderD yam%whomD saPhartO%the desdtroyerD t#ayO%$y =ouD kOle%at the appropriate timeD nirUpite%descri$ed. < Lord, as ser#ice to =ou, =ama protects the prous. "hen the time comes, Si#a destroys the uni#erse on =our order. e:t ,96 niWeka%lipi%kartOhaP t#at%padOm$hoja%se#ayO karmiQOP phala%dOtO na t#ad%$haktOnOP ca na pra$huT niWeka%lipi%kartO%the writer of destinyD aham%ID t#at%padOm$hoja%se#ayO%as ser#ice to =our lotus feetD karmiQOm%of they who perform material actionsD phala%dOtO%the gi#er of the resultsD ca%andD t#ad%$haktOnOm%of =our de#oteesD ca%andD na%notD pra$huT%the master. )s a ser#ice to =our lotus feet I write e#eryoneEs destiny and gi#e She materialists the fruits of their la$ors. I ha#e no power o#er =our de#otees. e:t ,97 $rahmOQRe Rim$a%sadVMe $hUt#O #iWayiQo #ayam e#aP kati%#iVhOT santi teW# ananteWu se#akOT $rahmOQRe%in the material uni#erseD Rim$a%sadVMe%like an eggD $hUt#O%$ecomingD #iWayiQaT%in the realmD #ayam%weD e#am%thusD kati%how many*A #idhOT%kindfsD santi% a*eD teW#%among themD ananteWu%limitlessD se#akOT%ser#ant . In this material uni#erse shaped like an egg we are =our ser#ants. ;ow many ser#ants do =ou ha#e in the num$erless uni#erses* e:t ,,9

yathO na saYkhyO reQUnOP tathO teWOm aQNyOsOm sar#eWOP janakaM ceMo yas taP stotuP ca ke kWamOT yathO%asD na%notD saYkhyO%countingD renUnOm%of specks of dustD tathO%soD teWOm%of themD anNyOsOm%of atomsD sar#eWOm%of allD janakaT%the fatherD ca%andD NMaT%masterD yaT%whoD tam%to ;imD stotum%to offer prayersD ca%andD ke%who*D kWamOT%is a$le. "hoecan count the specks of dust in the world* "ho can count the atoms in the uni#erse* "ho can properly glorify the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the master and father of all* e:t ,,, ekaika%loma%#i#are l $rahmOQRam ekam ekakam yasyai#a mahato #iWQoT WoRaMOPMas ta#ai#a saT eka%oneD eka%$y oneD loma%#i#are%in the poresD $rahmOQRam%the uni#erseD ekam% oneD ekakam%$y oneD yasya%of whomD e#a%indeedD mahataT%greatD #iWQoT%of Lord ViWQuD WoRaMOPMaT%a si:teenth partD ta#a%of =ouD e#a%indeedD saT%;e. -ahO%ViWQu, who manifests the material uni#erses, one $y one, from ;is $odily pores, is $ut a si:teenth part of =ou, < Lord. e:t ,,. dhyOyanti yoginaT sar#e tayaitad%rUpam Npsitam na $haktO dOsya%nitarOT se#ante caraQOm$ujam dhyOyanti%meditateD yoginaT%the yogNsD sar#e%allD ta#a%of =ouD etat%thisD rUpam% formD Npsitam%desiredD na%notD $haktO%the de#oteesD dOsya%nitarOT%intent on ser#ing =ouD se#ante%ser#eD caraQa%feetD am$ujam%lotus. he impersonalist yogNs meditate on =our form of light, the o$ject of their desires. he de#otees do not. Instead, they ser#e =our lotus feet.

e:t ,,0 kiMoraP sundarataraP yad%rUpaP kamanNyakam mantra%dhyOnOnurUpaP ca darMayOsmOkam NM#ara kiMoram%youthfulD sundarataram%most handsomeD yad%rUpam%which formD kamanNyakam%the o$ject of desireD mantra%mantrasD dhyOna%and meditationD anurUpam%followingD ca%andD darMaya%please re#ealD asmOkam%to usD NM#ara%< Lord. < Lord, please re#eal to us =iur handsome, charming, youthful form, the form descri$ed in the mantras we chant, the form on which we meditate, . . . e:t ,to na#Nna%jalada%MyOmaP pNtOm$ara%dharaP param d#i%$hujaP muralN%hastaP sa%smitaP su%manoharam na#Nna%jalada%MyOmam%dark as a new raincloudD pNtOm$ara%dhtram%dressed in yellow garmentsD param%transcendentalD d#i%$hujam%with two armsD muralN%hastam%a flute in handD sa%smitam%gracefully emilingD sg%manoharam%#ery charming. . . . a form dark as a monsoon cloud, dressed in yellow garments, transcendental, manifesting two arms, a flute in hand, gracefully smiling, handsome, . . . e:t ,,2 mayUra%puccha%cURaP ca mOlatN%jOla%maQRitam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam mayUra%puccha%cURam%with a peacock%feather crownD ca%andD mOlatN%jOla% maQRitam%decorated with a netwrork of malati flowersD candanOguru%with sandal and aguruD kastUrN%muskD kuYkuma%kuYkumaD dra#a%ointmentD carcitam%anointed.

. . . decorated with a peacock%feather crown and a network of mOlatN flowers, anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t ,,3 amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOP su%#i$hUWaQa%$hUWitam amUlya%ratna%racita% kirNXa%mukuXojj#alam amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOm%of priceless jewelD su%#i$hUWaQa%$hUWitam%decorated with $eautiful ornamentsD amUlya%ratna%with priceless jewelsD racita%madeD kirNXa% mukuXojj#alam%a splendid crown. . . . decorated with $eautiful ornaments made of priceless jewels, splendid with a crown made of priceless jewels, . . . e:t ,,4 Marat%prahulla%padmOnOP pra$hO%muWXOsma%candrakam pak#a%$im$a%samOnena hy adharoWXhena rOjitam Marat%autumnD prahulla%$lossomingD padmOnOm%of lotus flowersD pra$hO%the splendorD muWXa%ro$$ingD Osya%of the faceD candrakam%the moonD pak#a%ripeD $im$a% $im$a fruitsD samOnena%likeD hi%indeedD adharoWXhena%with lipsD rOjitam%splendid. . . . the moon of its face ro$$ing the $looming autumn%lotuses of their splendor, its lips splendid like ripe $im$a fruits, . . . e:t ,,6 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% danta%paYkti%yanoramam keli%kadam$a%mUleWu sthitaP rOsa%rasotsukam pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha%like ripe pomegranate seedD danta%paYkti%manoramam% $eautiful teethD keli%kadam$a%of a pastime kadam$a treeD mUleWu%at the rootsD sthitam% situatedD rOsa%rasotsukam%easger to taste the nectar of the rOsa dance.

. . . and its handsome teeth like ripe pomegranate seeds, a form sitting under a pastime kadam$a%tree, a form yearning to taste the nectar of the rOsa dance, . . . e:t ,,7 gopN%#aktra%smita%tanuP rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%hthitam e#aP #OZchita%rUpaP te draWXuP keli%rasotsukaP gopN%of the gopNsDi#aktra%the facesD smita%smileD tanum%formD rOdhO%of SrN 5OdhOD #akWaT%sthala%on the chestD sthitam%situatedD e#am%thusD #OZch1ta%desiredD rUpam% formD te%of =ouD draWXum%to seeD keli%of pastimesD rasa%nectarD utsukam%yearning. . . . a form shat smiled as i1 glanced at the gopNsE faces, a form that rested on SrN 5OdhOEs $reast, a form that yearns to taste theonectar of transcendental pastimes. < Lord, we y$arn to see this form ofn=ours. e:t ,.9 ity e#am ukt#O #iM#a%sVt praQanOma punaT punaT etat%stotreQa tuWXO#a dharmo Epi MaYkara# s#ayam iti%thusD e#am%inm this wayD ukt#O%speakingD #iM#a%sVt%8rahmOD praQanOma%$owed downD punaT%againD punaT%and againD etat%with thisD stotreQa%prayerD tuWXO#a%praisedD dharmaT%=amarOjaD api%alsoD MaYkaraT%Si#aD s#ayam%personally. )fter speaking these words, 8rahmO $owed down again and again. hen Si#a and =amarOja also recited this same prayer. e:t ,., nanOma $hUyo $hUyaM ca sOMru%pUrQa%#ilocanaT tiWXanto Epi punaT stotraP pracakrus tridaMeM#arOT nanOma%$owedD $hUyaT%againD $hUyaT%and againD ca%andD saMru%pUrQa%#ilocanaT%

with eyes filled with tearsD tiWXantaT%stoodD api%alsoD punaT%againD stotram%the prayerD pracakruT%didD tridaMeM#arOT%the demigods. ;is eyes filled with tears, 8rahmO $owed down again and again. hen the three demigods stood up and recited the prayer again. e:t ,.. #yOptOs tatrOmarOT sar#e MrN%kVWQa%tejasO mune sta a%rOjam imaP nityaP dharmeMn%$rahma$hiT kVtam #yOptOT%presentD tatra%thereD amarOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD MrN%kVWQa%tejasO%$y Lord /VWQaEs powerD mune%< sageD sta#a%rOjam%the king of prayersD imam%thisD nityam% alwaysV dharmeMa%$rahma$hiT%$y 8rahma, Si#a, and =amarOjaD kVtam%done. < sage, flooded $y eord /VWQaEs light, 8rahmO, Si#a, and =amarOja stood there, reciting that king of prayers again and again. e:t ,.0 pUjO%kOle harer e#a $hakti%yuktOM ca yaT paXhet su%durla$hOP dVRhOP $haktiP niMcalOP la$hate hareT pUjO%of worshipD kOle%at teh timeD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD e#a%indeedD $hakti%yuktOT% with de#otionD ca%andD yaT%one whoD paXhet% citesD su%durla$hOm%difficult to attainD dVRhOm%firmD $haktim%de#otionD niMcalOm%unwa#eringD la$hate%attainsD hareT%for Lord /VWQa. ) person who, when he worships Lord /VWQa, recites this prayer with de#otion, attains #ery rare, intense, f,rm,oand unwa#ering de#ot)on fo Lord /)WQa. e:t ,.1 surOsura%munNndrOQOP durla$haP dOsyam e#a ca aQimOdika%siddhiP ca sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam

surOsura%munNndrOQOm%of the demigods, demons, sage%kingsD durla$ham%rareD dOsyam%ser#iceD e#a%indeedD ca%andD aQimOdika%$eginning with animaD siddhim% perfectionD ca%andD sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam%the four kinds of li$eration, $eginning with sOlokya%mukti. ;e attains de#otional ser#ice the demigods, demons, and kings of sages cannot attain. ;e attains the mystic powers $eginning with aQimO siddhi. ;e attains the four kinds of li$eration, $eginning with sOlokya%mukti. e:t ,.2 ihai#a #iWQu%tu.yaM ca #ikhyOtaT pUjito dhru#am #Ok%siddhir mantra%siddhiM ca $ha#et tasya #iniMcitam iha%hereD e#a%indeedD #iWQu%tulyaT%like Lord ViWQuD ca%andD #ikhyOtaT%famousD pUjitaT%worshipedD dhru#am%indeedD #Ok%siddhiT%the perfection of wordsD mantra% siddhiT%the perfection of mantrasD ca%andD $ha#et%isD tasya%of himD #iniMcitam% certainly. In this world he $ecomes like Lord ViWQu ;imself. ;e is famous. ;e is worshiped. ;is words are perfect. he mantras he recites are perfect. e:t ,.3 sar#a%sau$hOgyam arogyaP yaMasO pUr taP jagat putraM ca #idyO%ka#itO% niMcala%kamalOn#itaT sar#a%sau$hOgyam%all good fortuneD arogyam%freedom from diseaseD yaMaSO%with fameD pUritam%filledD jagat%the worldD putraT%sonD ca%andD #idyO%knowledgeD ka#itO% poetryD niMcala%faithfulD kamalO%a lotuslike wife like the goddess of fortuneD an#itaT% with. ;e attains all good fortune. ;e is ne#er in $ad health. he world is flooded with his fame. ;e attains knowledge, the gift of poetry, good children, and a lotuslike wife like the goddess of fortun herself.

e:t ,.4 patnN pati%#ratO sOdh#N su%MtpOT su%sthirOT prajOT kNrtiM ca cira%kOlNnOpy ante kVWQOntike sthitiT patnc%wifeD pati%#ratO%faithfulD sOdh#N%saintlyD su%MilOT%with good characterD su% sthirOT%steadyD prajOT%childrenD kNrtiT%fameD ca%andD cira%kOlNnO%for a long timeD api% alsoD ante%at the endD kVWQa%Lord /VWQaD antike%nearD sthitiT%the situation. @or a long time ;e stays with his chaste and saintly wife and his good and faithful children. @or a long time he is famous. hen, at the end, he attains the association of Lord /VWQa.

%ha*ter $i7+r, R0dh0!K-./a!samv0daA %onversation o( +r, R0dh0 and +r, K-./a

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca dhyOt#O stut#O ca tiWXhanto u de#Os te tejasaT puraT dadVMus tejaso madhye MarNraP kamanNyakam MrN%nOrOyaQa h#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD dhyOt#O%mditatingD stut#O%prayingD ca% nndD tiWXhantaT%standingD de#OT%the demigodsD te%theyD tejasaT%of the lightD puraT%in frontD dadVMuT%sawD tejasaT%of the lightD madhye%in the midstD MarNram%$odyD kamanNyakam%handsome. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi sanVJ -editating and praying, the demigods re#erently stood $efore that light. hen they saw a handsome form at the center of that light, . . . e:t .

sa%jalOm$hoda%#arQm$haP sa%smitaP su%ranoharam paramOhlOdakaP rUpaP trailokya%citta%mohanam sa%jalOm$hoda%#arQO$ham%splendid as a monsoon cloudD sa%smitam%smilingD su% man haram%#ery handsomeD paramOhlOdakam%$lissfulD rUpam%formD trailokya%of the three worldsD citta%the heartsD mohanam%charming. . . . a handsome, $liwsful, smiling form splendid ,s a monsoon cloud, a form that enchants the three worlds, . . . e:t 0 gaQRa%sthala%kapolO$hyOP j#alan%makara%kuQ[alam sad%ratna%nUpurO$hyOP ca caraQOm$hoja%rOjitam gaQRa%sthala%kapolO$hyOm%with cheeksD j#alan%makara%kuQRalam%splendid shark% earringsD sad%ratna%precious jewelsD nUpurO$hyOm%with ankletsD ca%andD caraQOm$hoja%rOjitam%splendid lotus feet.

e:t 1 #ahni%Muddha%haridrO$aa% #astrOmUlya%#irOjitam maQi%ratnendra%sOraQaP s#eccha%kautuka%nirmitaiT #ahni%fireD Muddha%purifiedD haridra%yellowD O$ha%splendorD #astra%garmentsD amUlya%pricelessD girOjitam%splendidD maQi%ratnendra%sOraQam%of precious jewelsD s#eccha%kautuka%nirmitaiT%glorious. . . a form splendid with precious jewel orn /ents and priceless yellow garments pure like fire, . . . e:t 2

$hUWitaP $hUWaQai ramyais tad%rUpeQai#a $hUWitaiT #inoda%muralN%yukta% $im$Odhara%manoharam $hUWitam%decoratedD $hUWaQai%with ornamentsD ramyaiT%$eautifulD tad%rUpeQa%with that formD e#a%indedD $hUWitaiT%decoratedD #inoda%pastimesD muralN%fluteD yukta%withD $im$Odhara%manoharam%charming $im$%fruit lips. . . . a form decorated with $eautiful ornaments, a form that made its ornaments more $eautiful, $ecoming the ornament of its ornaments, . . . e:t 3 prasannekWaQa%paMyantaP $haktOnugrmha%kOtaram sad%ratna%guXikO%yukta% ka#OXoraT%sthalojj#alam prasanna%joyousD NkWaQa%eyesD paMyantam%lookingD $haktOnugraha%kOtaram%agitated with mercy for the de#oteesD sad%ratna%with precious jewelsD guXikO%perlsD yukta%withD ka#OXa%doorD uraT%sthala%chestD ujj#alam%splendid. . . . a form glancing with happy eyes, a form o#ercome with kindness for the de#otees, a form with a great and splendid door%panel chest decorated with pearls and jewels, . . . e:t 4 kaustu$hOsakta%sad%ratna% pradNpta%tejasojj#alam atra tejasi car#OYgN dadVMU rOdhikO$hidham _ kaustu$ha%kaustu$ha gemD Osakta%attachedD sad%ratna%precious jewelsD pradNpta% tejasojj#alam%splendidD atra%hereD tejasi%in splendorD cOru%handsomeD aYgNm%lim$s dadVMuT%sawD rOdhikO$hidham%named SrN 5OdhO.

. . . a form splendid with kaustu$has and other precious jewels. In this way, in the

center of that light the demigods saw the $eautiful form of SrN 5OdhO. e:t 6 paMyantaP sa%smitaP kOntaP paMyantNP #akra%cakWuWO muktO%paYkti%#inindaika% danta%paYkti%#irOjitOm paMyantam%lookingD sa%smitam%smilingD kOntam%at ;er lo#erD paMyantNm%lookingD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyesD muktO%paYkti%rows of pearlsD #ininda%eclipsingD eka% danaa%paYkti%with teethD #irOjitOm%splendid. )t SrN 5OdhO, who with crooked eyes e:changed glances with ;er smiling lo#er, whose splendid teeth eclipsed many rows of perfect pearls, . . . e:t 7 NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOP Marat%paYkaja%locanOm Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha% #ini dyOsya%manoharOm NWat%gentlyD hasya%smilingD prasasna%happyD OsyOm%faceD Marat%paYkaja%locanOm% autumn%lotus e esD Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha%autuon^moonD #inindya%eclipsingD Osya% faceD manoharOm%$eautiful. . a . whose face was happy with a gentle smile, whose eyes were autumn ootus flowers, whose $eautiful face eclipsed the autumn moon, . . . e:t ,9 $andhujN#a%pra$hO%muWXa% dharoWXha%rucirOP #arOm raQan%maZjNra%yugmena pOdOm$uja%#irOjitam $andhujN#a%of $andh ji#a flowersD pra$hO%the splendorD muWXa%ro$$ingD adharoWXha%lipsD rucirOm%$eautifulD #arOm%$eautifulD raQat%tinklingD maZjNra%yugmena% with ankletsD pOdOm$uja%#irOjitam%splendid lotus feet.

,... e:t ,, maVNndrOQOP pra$hO%moWa% g nakha%rOji%#irOjitOm kuYkumO$hOsam OcchOdya% pOdOdho%rOga%$hUWitOm maQNndrOQOm%of the king of jewelsD pra$hO%the splendorD moWa%ro$$ingD nakha% rOji%nailsD #hrOjitOm%splendidD kuYkumO$hOsam%splendid with kuYkumaD OcchOdya% co#eringD pOdOdhaT%ioleseof ;er feetD rOga%redD $hUWitam%decorated. h . . whose fingernails and toenails eclipsed the glory of the king of jewels, the soles of whose feet were anointed with kuYkuma, . . . e:t ,. amUlya%ratna%sOrOQOP pOMaka%MreQi%Mo$hitOm hutOMana%#iMuddhOPMu% kOmUlya%j#alitojj#alOm amUlya%pricelessD ratna%sOrOQOm%of the $est of jewelsD pOMaka%MreQi%stringsD Mo$hitam%decoratedD hutOMana%fireD #iMuddha%pureD aPMuka%garmentsD amUlya% pricelessD j#alita%ujj#alOm%splendid. . . . who was glorious with priceless jewel necklaces, who was glorious with priceless garments pure as fire, . . . e:t ,0 mahO%maQNndra%sOrOQOP kiYkiQN%madhya%samyutOm sad%ratna%hOra%keyUra% kara%kaYkana%$hUWitOm mahO%maQNndra%sOrOQOm%of the kings of jewelsD kiYkiQN%madhya%sakyutOm%with tinkling ornaments at ;er waistD sad%ratna%jewelsD hOra%necklacesD keyUra%kara% kaYkana%with $racelets and armletsD $hUWitOm%decorated.

. . . who at ;er waist wore tinkling ornaments made with the kings of jewels, who was decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, and necklaces, . . . e:t ,1 ratnendra%racitotkVWXa% kapolojj#ala%kuQRalOm karQopari%maQNndrOQOP _ karQa%$hUWaQa%$hUWitOm ratnendra%the kings of jewelsD racita%madeD utkVWXa%e:cellentD kapola%cheeksD ujj#ala%splendidD kuQRalOm%earringsD karQopari%on ey earsD maQNndrOQOm%of the kings of jewelsD karQa%$hUWaQa%with earringsD $hUWitOm%decorated. . . . whose ears and chreks were spoeny d with gloriouseearrings made from the kinge of jewels, . . . e:t ,2 khagendra%caZcu%nOsOgra% gajendra%mauktikOn#itOm mOlatN%mOlayO $addha% ka#arN%$hara%$i$hratNm khagendra%of the king of $irdsD caZcu%$eakD nOsa%of the noseD agra%the tipD gajendra%mauktikOn#itam%with an elephant pearlD mOlatN%mOlayO%with a graland of jasmine flowersD $addha%$oundD ka#arN%$hara%$i$hratNm%wearing $raids. . . . whose nose, $eautiful as the king of $irdEs $eak, was decorated with an elephant pearl, whose $raids were tied with a string of jasmine flowers, . . . e:t ,3 maQNnOP kaustu$hendrOQOP #akWaT%sthala%su%Mo$hitOm pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlojj#alOP #arOm maQNnOm%of jewelsD kaustu$hendrOQOm%kaustu$haD #akWaT%sthala%chestD su% Mo$hitOm%splendidD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of pOrtijOta flowersD mOlO%of garlandsD jOla% witha networkD juj#alOm%splendidD #arOm%$eautiful.

. . . whosw $reast was splendid with many kaustu$ha jewels, uho was decorated witm a network of pOrijOta garlands, . . . e:t ,4 ratnOYgurNya%nikaraiT karOYguli%#i$hUWitOm ratnOYgurNya%nikaraiT%with many jewel ringsD karOYguli%#i$hUWitOm%decorated with rings. . . . whose fingers we<e decorated with many jewel rings, . . . e:t ,6 di#ya%MaYkha%#ikOraiM ca _ citra%rOma%#i$hUWitaiT sUkWma%sUtra%kVtai ra yair $hUWitOP MaYkha%$hUWaQaiT di#ya%splendidD MaYkha%#ikOraiT%madeof conchshellsD ca%andD citra%rOma% #i$hUWitaiT%wonderfully decoratedD sUkWma%fineD sUtra%threadsD kVtaiT%madeD ramyaiT% $eautifulD $hUWitOm%drcoratedD MaYkha%$hUWaQaiT%conchshelleornaments. . . . who was decorated with sulendid conchshell ornaments strung with fine threads, . . . e:t ,7 sad%ratna%sOra%guXikO% rakta%sUtrOkta%Mo$hitlm pratOpta%s#arQa%#arQO$kOP OcchOdya cOru%#igrahOm sad%ratna%sOra%the $est of jewelsD guXekO%pearlsD rakto%redD sUtrs%threadsD Okta% Mo$hitOm%splendidD pratOpta%moltenD s#arQa%goldD #arQO$hOm%the colorD OcchOdya% co#eringD cOru%#igrahOm%$eautiful form.

. . . who was decorated with jewel necklaces strung with red threads, whose $eautiful ,orm was gmorious as molten gold, . . . e:t .9 niXam$a%MroQi%lalitOP stana%pNnonnatOP not m $hUWitOP $hUWaQaiT sar#ais tat%saundarreQa $hUWitaiT niXam$a%MroQi%lalitOm%with graceful hips and thighsD stana%pNnonnatOm%with full raised $reastsD natOm%$owedD $hUWitOm%decoratedD $hUWaQaiT%with ornamentsD sar#aiT%allD tat%saundarye3a%w th ;er $eautyD $wUWitaiT%oecorated. . . . whose thighs were graceful, whose raised $reapts were #ery full, who was decorated with all ornaments, and who was decorated with ;er own su$lime $eauty, . . . e:t ., #ismitOs tridaMOT sar#e dVWX#eMam NM#arNP #arOm tuWXu#us te surOT sar#e pUrQa%sar#a%manorathOT #ismitOT%filled with wonderD tridaMOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD dVWX#O%gaGingD NMam% the LordD NM#arNm%the goddessD #arOm%$eautifulD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD te%theyD surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD pUrQa%sar#a%manorathOT%all their desires fulfilled. _ . . . the demigods, filled with wonder, gaGed. hen, all their desires fulfilled, the demigods offered prayers to Lord /VWQa and Foddess 5OdhO. e:t .. MrN%$rahmo#Oca ta#a caraQa%saroje man%manaM%caZcarNko $hramatu satatam NMa prema%$haktyO saroje $ha#ana%maraQa%rogyOt pOhi MOnty%auWadhena su%dVRha%su%paripak#OP dehi $haktiP ca dOsyam MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD ta#a%of =ouD caraQa%saroje%the lotus feetD man%

manaT%my mindD caZcarNkaT%the $eeD $hramatu%may wanderD satatam%alwaysD NMa%< masterD prema%$haktyO%with lo#ing de#otionD saroje%at the lotusD $ha#ana%of $irthD maraQa%and deathD rogyOt%from the sicknessD pOhi%please rescueD MOnti%peaceD auWadhena%with the medicineD su%dVRha%su%paripak#Om%#ery firm and ripeD dehi%gi#eD $haktim%de#otionD ca%andD dOsyam%ser#ice. SrN 8rahmO saidJ < Lord, may tho $um$le$ee of my mind always lo#ingly stay at the lotus flower of =our feet. (lease gi#e me the medicine that $rings peace. (lease sa#e re from the fe#er of repeated $irth anI death. (lease gi#e me steady and mature de#otional ser#ice to =ou. e:t .0 MrN%MaYkara u#Oca $ha#a%jaladhi%nimagnaM citta%mNno madNyo $hramati satatam asmin ghora%saPsOra%kUpe #iWayam ati%#inindyaP sVWXi%saPhOra%rUpaP apanaya ta#a $haktiP dehi pOdOra#inde MrN%MaYkara u#Oca%SrN Si#a saidD $ha#a%jaladhi%nimagnaT%drowning in the ocean of $irth and deathD citta%mNnaT%the fish of the mindD madNyaT%myD $hramati%wandersD satatam%alwaysD asmin%hereD ghora%saPsOra%kUpe%in the horri$le well of repeated $irth and deathD #iWayam ati%#inindyam%the wretched happiness of this worldD sVWXi%creationD saPhOra%and annihilationD rUpam%ihe fromD apanaya%please remo#eD ta#a%of =ouD $haktim%de#otionD dehi%gi#eD pOdOra#inde%for the lotus feet. SrN Si#a saidJ I am drowning in the ocean of $irth and death. he fish of my mind is trapped in the horri$le narrow well of repeated $irth and death. < Lord, please rescue me from this horri$le world of $irth and death and gi#e me lo#ing de#otion for =our lotus feet. e:t .1 _MrN%dharma u#Oca ta#a nija%jana%sOrdhaP saYgamo me mad%NMa $ha#atu #iWaya%$andha%cchedane tNkWna%khaRgaT ta#a caraQa%saroja%sthOna%dOnaika%hetur januWi januWi $haktiP dehi pOdOra#inde MrN%dharma u#Oca%SrN =amarOja saidD ta#a%of =ouD nija%jana%sOrdham%with the

de#oteesD saYgamaT%companyD me%of meD mad%NMa%< my LordD $ha#atu%may $eD #iWaya% $andha%cchedane%in the $reaking of $ondage to the material worldd tNkWna%khpugaT% the sharp swordD ta#a%of =ouD caraQa%saroja%for the lotus feetD sthOna%the plac6DVdOna% giftD eka%onlyD hetuT%reasonD januWi%$irthDojanuWitafter $irthD $haktim%de#otional ser#iceD dehi%please gi#eD pOdOra#inde%for the lotus feet. SrN =amarOja saidJ < my Lord, may I ha#e the association of =our de#otees. )ssociation with them is a sharp sword that cuts the $onds of repeated $irth and death. )ssociation with them is the only way to attain a place at =our lotus feet. (lease gi#e me de#otional ser#ice to =our lotus feet $irth after $irth. e:t .2 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ity e#aP sta#anaP kVt#O paripUrQaika%mOnasOT kOma%pUrasya puratas tiWXhanto rOdhikO%pateT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD sta#anam% prayerD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD paripUrQa%fullD eka%oneD mOnasOT%mindD kOma%pUrasya%the fulfillment of desireD purataT%in the presenceD tiWXhantaT%standingD rOdhikO%pateT%of Lord /VWQa, the hus$and of SrN 5OdhOd SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter speaking these prayers, the demigods their heartEs desires fulfilled, respectfully stood $efore Lord /VWQa, SrN 5OdhOE hus$a d, who fulfills the desires of ;is de#otees. e:t .3 surOQOP sta#anaP Mrut#O tOn u#Oca kVpO%nidhiT hitaP tathyaP ca #acanaP smerOnana%saroruhaT surOQOm%of the demigodsD sta#anam%the priyersD Mrut#O%ha#ing heardD tOn%to themD u#Oca%saidD kVpO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD hitam%goodD tathyam%trueD ca%andD #acanam%wordsD smerOnana%saroruhaT%;is lotus face smiling. smilt, spoke the fgllowinigauspicious and truthful words.

e:t .4 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca tiWXhatOgacchata purNP madNyaP nOtra saPMayaT Mi#OMrayOnOP kuMalaP praWXuP yuktam asOmpratam MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD tiWXhata%stayD Ogacchata%comeD purNm%to the cifyD madNyam%-yD na%notD atra%dereD saPMayaT%,ou$tD Mi#a%auspiciousD OMrayOnOm%of they who take shelterD kuMalam%the welfareD praWXum%to askD yuktam%properD asOmpratam% always. SrN /VWQa saidJ (lease come to -y palace. I am always eager to ask a$out the welfare of they who take shelter of -e. e:t .6 niMcintO $ha#atOtrai#a kO cintO #o mayi sthite niMcintO%free from careD $ha#ata%please $eD atra%hereD e#a%indeedD kO%what*D cintO% an:ietyD #aT%of youD mayi%while ID sthite%am present. (lease $e free of all trou$les. ;ow could you $e trou$led while I am here* e:t .7 sthito EhaP sar#a%$NjeWu pratyakWo EhaP sta#ena #ai yuWmOkaP yad a$hiprOyaP sar#aP jOnOmi niMcitam sthitaT%situatedD aham%ID sar#a%allD $NjeWu%in the seedsD pratyakWaT%directly seenD aham%I amD sta#ena%with prayerD #ai%indeedD yuWmOkam%of youD yat%whatD a$hiprOyam% meaningD sar#am%allD jOnOmi%I knowD niMcitam%indeed. I am present in e#eryoneEs heart. I appear $efore they who offer prayers to -e. I

know e#erything a$out why you ht#e come. e:t 09 Mu$hOMu$haP ca yat karma kOle khalu $ha#iWyati mahat kWudraP ca yat karma sar#aP kOla%kVtaP surOT _ Mu$ha%auspiciousD aMu$ham%inauspiciousD ca%andD yat%whatD karma%workD kOle%in timeD khalu%indeedD $ha#iWyati%will $eD mahat%greatD kWudram%smallD ca%andD yat%whatD karma%workD sar#am%allD kOla%kVtam%done $y timeD surOT%< demigods. In time, auspicious and inauspicious deeds will $ear results. < demigods, all actions, great and small, $ear results $y the power of time. e:t 0, s#a%s#a%kOle ca tara#aT phalinaT puWpinaT sadO paripak#a%phalOT kOle kOle Epak#a%phalOn#itOT s#a%s#a%kOle%at their own timeD ca%andD tara#aT%treesD phalinaT%$ear fruitD puWpinaT% $ear flowersD sadO%alwaysD paripak#a%ripeD phalOT%fruitsD kOle%timeD kOle%after timeD apak#a%unripeD phala%fruitsD an#itOT%with. )t the proper time trees $ear fruits and flowers. In some seasons the fruits are ripe. In other seasons the fruits are not ripe yet. e:t 0. sukhaP duTkhaP #ipat sampat MokaM cintO Mu$hOMu$ham s#a%karma%phala%niWXhaP ca sar#aP kOle Epy upasthitam sukham%happinessD duTkham%unhappinessD #ipat%calamityD sam3at"rood fhrtunoD MokaM%griefD cintO%an:ietyD Mu$ha%auspiciousD aMu$ham%inauspiciousD s#a%karma%phala% niWXham%the result of oneEs own workD ca%andD sar#am%allD kOle%in timeD api%alsoD upasthitam%situated.

;appine s, sufferine, calamity, good fortune, grief, and an:iety, which are the auspicious and inauspicious fruits of each personEs worn, all ceme at the appropriare time. e:t 00 na hi kasya priyaT ko #O #ipriyo #O jagat%traye kOle kOrya%#aMOt sar#e $ha#anty e#OpriyOT priyOT na%notD hi%indeedD kasya%of whom*D priyaT%what is likedD kaT%what*D #O%orD #ipriyaT%not likedD #O%orD jagat%traye%in the three worldsD kOle%in timeD kOrya%of actionD #aMOt%$y the controlD sar#e%allD $ha#anty%Gare, e#a%indeedD apriyOT%not likedD priyOT% liked. _ "hat is not pleasing in the three worlds* "hat is unpleasing in the three worlds* It is the power of time that makes things pleasing and unpleasing. e:t 01 rOjOno mana#aT pVth#yOP dVWXO yuWmO$hir tatra #ai s#a%karma%phala%pOkena sar#e kOla%#aMaP gatOT rOjOnaT%kingst mana#aT%manusD pVth#yOm%on the earthD dVWXO%seenD yuWmO$hiT%$y youD tatra%thereD #ai%indeedD s#a%ownD karma%karmaD phala%sipeD pOkena%$y the fruitD sar#e%allD kOla%#aMam%the control of timeD gatOT%attain. =ou ha#e seen how, when the fruits of their past deeds ha#e $ecome ripe, kings and manus in this world are under the control of time. e:t 02 yuWmOkam adhunOtrai#a goloke yat kWaQaP gatam pVthi#yOP yat%kWaQenai#a sapta%man#antaraP gatam

yuWmOkam%of youD adhunO%nowD atra%hereD e#a%indeedD goloke%in FolokaD yat%whatD kWaQam%a momentD gatam%goneD pVthi#yOm%on the earthD yat%kWaQena%$y which moment e#a%indeedD sapta%man#antaram%se#en man#antarasD gatam%gone. "hat is now a single moment in Foloka is se#en man#antaras in the material world. e:t 03 indrOT sapta gatOs tatra de#endrOM caWXamo EdhunO kOla%cakraP $hramaty e#aP madNyaP ca di#O%niMam indrOT%IndrasD sapta%se#enD gatOT%goneD tatra%thereD de#endrOM%kings of the demigodsD ca%andD aWXamaT%eightD adhunO%nowD kOla%timeD cakram%the wheelD $hramaty%turnsD e#am%thusD madNyam%-yD ca%andD di#O%niMam%day and night. Se#en Indras ha#e come and gone. Now it is thehtime of the eighth Indra. In this way -y wheel of time turns day and night. e:t 04 indrOM ca mana#o $hUpOT sar#e kOla%#aMaP gatOT kNrtiT pVth#N puQyam aghaP _ kathO%mOtrO#aMeWitOT indrOT%IndrasD ca%andD mana#aT%manusD $hUpOT%kingsD sar#e%allD kOla%#aMam%the control of timeD gatOT%attainedD kNrtiT%fameD pVth#N%greatD puQyam%pietyD agham%sinD kathO%wordsD mOtra%onlyD a#aMeWitOT%remaining. Indras, manus, and kings are all under the control of time. heir fame, piety, and sins remain only as words in history. e:t 06 adhunOpi ca rOjOno duWXOM ca hari%nindakOT $a$hU#ur $aha#o $hUmau mahO%$ala%parOkramOT

adhunO%nowD api%e#enD ca%andD rOjOnaT%kingsD duWXOM%wickedD ca%andD hari% nindakOT%offenders to Lord oVWQaD $a$hU#uT%$ecameD $aha#aTnmaLyD $hUmau%on the earthD dahO%$aaa%parOkramOT%#er powerful. >ten now on the earth there are many powerful and wicked kings who re#ile the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t 07 sar#e yOsyanti kOlena kOlOntaka%#aMaP dhru#am sar#e%allD yOsyanti%will goD kOlena%$y timeD kOlOntaka%#aMam%the control of the end of timeD dhru#am%indeed.. In the course of time they also will su$mit to timeEs power. e:t 19 upasthito Epi kOlo EyaP #Oto #Oti nirantaram #ahnir dahati sUryaM ca tapaty e#a mamOjZayO upasthitaT%situatedD api%alsoD kOlaT%timeD ayam%thisD #OtaT%the windD #Oti%$lowsD nirantaram%alwaysD #ahniT%fireD dahati%$urnsD sUryaT%the sunD ca%andD tapaty%shinesD e#a%indeedD mama%-yD Oj].sy .1,^ayO%$y the order. 8y -y order time mo#es, the wind $lows, fire $urns, and the sun shines. e:t 1, #yOdhayaT santi deheWu mVtyuM carati jantuWu #arWanty ete jaladharOT _ sar#e de#O mamOjZayO #yOdhayaT%diseasesD santi%areD deheWu%in $odiesD mVtyuM%deathD carati%mo#esD jantuWu%among li#ing entitiesD #arWanty%rainsD ete%theyD jaladharOT%cloudsD sar#e%allD

de#O%demigodsD mama%-yD Oj].sy .1,^ayO%$y the order.. < demigods, $y -y order clouds scatter rain, diseases strike material $odies, and death mo#es among the conditioned souls, e:t 1. $rahmaQya%niWXO #iprOM ca tapo%niWXhOs tapo%dhanOT $rahmarWayo $rahma%niWXhO yoga%niWXhOM ca yoginaT $rahmaQya%niWXO%de#oted to the mrahmanasD #iprOM%the $rahmanasD ca%andi tapo% niWXhOT%de#oted to austerityD tapo%dhanOT%they whose wealth is austerityD $rahmarWayaT%$rahmana sagesD $rahma%niWXhO%de#oted to 8rahmanD yoga%niWXhO$% de#oted to eogaD ca%andD yoginaT%yogis. 8rOhmaQas are de#oted to $rahminical culture. Sages whose wealth is austerity are de#oted to austerity. 8rOhmaQa sages are de#oted to 8rahman. =ogNs are de#oted to yoga. e:t 10 te sar#e mhd%$hayOd $hNtOT s#a%dharma%karma%tat%parOT mad%$haktOM cji#a niTMaYkOT karma%nirmUla%kOrakOT te%theyD sar#e%allD mad%$hayOt%out of fear of -e $hNtOT%frightenedD rna%dharma% karma%tat%parOS%de#oted te dutyD mad%$hak OT%-y de#oteesD ca%andD e#a%indeedD niTMaYkOT%fearlessD karma%ndrmUla%kOrakOT%uprooting fruiti#e reactions. hey all perform their duties out of fear of -e. <nly -y de#otees, who uproot the tree of karmic reactions, are fearless. e:t 11 te#OT kOlas a kOlo EhaP #idhOtO dhOtur e#a ca saPhOra%kartuT saPhartO pOtuT pOtO parOt parOT

de#OT%< demigodsD kOlasya%of timeD kOlaT%timeD aham%ID #idhOtO%the creatorD dhOtuT%of the creatorD e#a%indeedD ca%andD saPhOra%destructionD kartuT%of the doerD saPhartO%the destroyerD pOtuT%of the protectorD pOtO%the protectorD parOt%than the greatestD parOT%greater. _ < demigods, I am the time of time, the creator of the creator, the protector of the protector, the destroyer of the destroyer. I am greater than the greatest. e:t 12 mamOjZOyOP saPhartO nOmnO tena haraT smVtaT taP #iM#a%sVk sVWXi%hetoT pOtO dharmaM ca rakWaQOt fmamOjZOyOm%$y -y orderD saPhartO%the destroyerD nOmnO%$y nameD tena%$y himD haraT%Si#aD smVtaT%is consideredD t m%oo himD #iM#a%sVn%the freator of the uni#erseD sVWXi%hetoT%$ecause of creationD pOtO%the protectorD dharmaT%yaaarOjai:ca%kad rakWaQOt%from protection. 8y -y order 8rahmO creates, =amarOjapprosrct,o anu Si#a destroys. e:t 13 $rahmOdi%tVQa%paryantaP sar#eWOm aham NM#araT s#a%karma%phala%dOtOhaP u karma%nirmUla%kOrakaT $rahmOdi%$eginning with 8rahmOD tVQa%paryantam%down to a $lade of grassD sar#eWOm%of allD aham%ID NM#araT%the masterD s#a%karma%own deedsD phala%the fruitD dOtO%the gi#erD aham%ID karma%nirmUla%kOrakaT%uprooting the fruits of work. I am the master of all, from 8rahmO down to the $lades of grass. I gi#e the fruits of work. I uproot the tree of karma. e:t 14 ahaP yOn saPhariWyOmi

kas teWOm api rakWitO yOn ahaP pOlayiWyOmi teWOP hanta na ke Epi ca aham%ID yOn%to whomD saPhariWyOmi%destroyD kaT%whoD teWOm%of themD api%e#enD rakWitO%the protectorD yOn%to whomD aham%ID pOlayiWyOmi%will protectD teWOm%of themD hanta%indeedD na%notD ke api%anyoneD ca%and. "ho can protect someone I would kill* "ho can kill someone I would protect* e:t 16 sar#eWOm api saPhartO sraWXO pOtOham e#a ca nOhaP MaktaM ca $haktOnOP _ saPhOre nitya%dehinOm sar#eWOm%of allD api%e#enD saehartO%the destroyerD smaWXOithe creatorD pOtO%the protectorD aham%ID e#a%indeedD ca%andD na%norD aham%ID MaktaM%a$leD ca%andD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD saPhOre%in the destructionD nitya%dehinOm%of they whose $odies are eternal. I am the protector of all. I am the destroyer of all. Still, I ha#e no power to destroy the de#otees. heir $odies are eternal. e:t 17 $haktO mamOnugO nityaP mat%pOdOrcana%tat%parOT ahaP $haktOntike MaM#at teWrP rakWaQa%heta#e $haktOT%thetde#oteesD mamOnugO%-y followersD nityam%alwaysD mat%pOdOrcana%tat% parOT%de#oted to worshiping -y feetD aham%ID $hakta%antike%near the de#oteesD MaM#at% alwaysD teWOm%of themD rakWaQa%heta#e%for protection. he de#otees are -y followers. hey worship -y feet eternally. o protect them, I always stay $y their side. e:t 29

sar#e naMyanti $rahmOQRe e pra$ha#anti punaT punaT na me $haktOT praQaMyanti niTMaYkOM ca nirOpadaT sar#e%allD naMyanti%perishD $rahmOQRe%in the uni#erseD pra$ha#anti%are $ornD punaT%againD punaT%and againD na%notD me%of -eD $haktOT%de#oteeoD praQaMyanti% perishD niTMaYkOM%fearlessD ca%andD nirOpadaT%free form calamities. In the material world e#eryone dier and e#eryone is re$orn again and again. 8ut -y de#otees do not die. hey are fearless. hey ne#er suffer e:t 2, tato #ipaMcitaT sar#e dOsyaP #OZchanti no #aram ye m P dOsyaP prayOcante dhanyOs te Enye ca #OZcitOT tataT%thereforeD #ipaMcitaT%the wiseD sar#e%allD dOsyam%de#otional ser#iceD #OZchanti%desireD naT%of ?sD #aram%$enedictionD ye%whoD mOm%to -eD dOsyam%dD prayOcante%reBuestD dhanyOT%fortunateD te%theyD anye%othersD ca%andD #O].sy .1,^citOT% desired. _ >#ery wise man yearns to ser#e -e. hey who pray for -y ser#ice are fortunate. hey who do not are filled with material desires. e:t 2. janma%mVtyu%jarO%#yOdhi% $hayaP ca yama%tORanO anyeWOP karmiQOm asti na $haktOnOP ca karmiQOm janma%$irthD mVtyu%deathD jarO%old ageD #yOdhi%and diseaseD $hayam%fearD ca%antD yama%aORanO%the punihsmelts of =amarOjaD anyeWOm%of othersD karmiQOm%engaged in fruiti#e workD asti%isD na%notD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD ca%andD karmiQOm%of the fruiti#e workers. @ruiti#e workers fear $irth, death, old%age, disersk, and =amaEs punishments. hey who are -y de#otees do not fear.

e:t 20 $haktO na liptOT pOpeWu puQyeWu sar#a%karmaQaT ahaP dhunomi teWOP ca karma%$hogOPM ca niMcitam $haktOT%de#otees na%notD liptOT%toechedD pOpeWu%in sinsD puQyeWu%in pietyD sar#a% karmaQaT%all deedsD aham%ID dhunomi%shake awayD teWOm%of themD ca%andD karma% $hogOn%the enjoyments ofpfruiti#e workD ca%andD niMcitam%concluded. -y de#otees are not touched $y piety or sin. I shake away their karma. e:t 21 ahaP prOQOM ca $haktOnOP $haktOT prOQO mamOpi ca dhyOyanti ye ca mOP nityaP tOn smarOmi di#O%niMam aham%ID prOQOM%the life%$reathD ca%andD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD $haktOT%the de#oteesD prOQO%the life%$reathD mama%of -eD api%alsoD ca%andD dhyOyanti%they meditateD ye%whoD ca%andD mOm%on -eD nityam%alwaysD tOn%themD smarOmi%I remem$erD di#O%niMam%day and night. I am the de#oteesE life. he de#otees are -y life. hey meditate on -e always. I think of them day and night. e:t 22 cakraP sudarManaP nOma WoRaMOraP su%tNkWQakam ayat%tejaT%WoRaMOPMo Epi nOsti sar#eWu jN#iWu cakram%discD sudarManam%SudarManaD nOma%namedD WoRaMOram%,3 spokesD su% tNkWQakam%,ery sharpS yat%tejaT%whose splendorD WoRaMOPMaT%a ii:tehnth partD api% e#enD na%notD asti%isD sar#eWu%in allD jN#iWu%li#ing $eings.

-y si:teen%spoke SudarMana disc is #ery sharp. No li#ing $eing has e#en one% si:teenth of its splendor and power. e:t 23 $haktOntike tu tac cakraP datt#O rakWOrtham Npsitam tathOpi na pratNtir me yOmi teWOP ca sannidhim $hakta%the de#oteesD antike%nearD tu%indeedD tat%thatD cakram%discD datt#O%placingD rakWOrtham%for protectionD Npsitam%desiredD tathOpi%stillD na%notD pratNtiT%$eliefD me%of -eD yOmi%I goD teWOm%of themD ca%andD sannidhim%near. o protect them I place -y disc $y the de#oteesE side. Still not confident of their protection, I p)rsonally stand $y -y de#otees. e:t 24 na me s#8sthyaP ca #aikuQXhe goloke rOdhikOntike yatra tiWXhanti $haktOs te wtatra tiW hOmr ahar%niMam na%,otD me%of -e. s#Osthyam%happinessD ca%andd #aikuQXhe%in #aikuQXhaD goloke% andD rOdhikO%SrN 5OdhOD antike%nearD yatra%where tiWXhanti%stayD $haktOT%the de#oteesD te%theyD tatra%thereD tiWXhOmy%I stayD ahar%niMam%day and night. I am not appy in VaikuQXha.kI am not happy in Foloka. I am not happy $y SrN 5OdhOEs side. I am happy in the company of -y de#otees. "here#er -y de#otees stay, there I wtay day and night. e:t 26 prOQe$hyaT preyasN rOdhO sthitorasi di#O%niMam yUyaP prOQOdhikO lak mNr na me $haktOt parO priyO prOQe$tyaT%than lifeD preyasN%more dearD rOdhO%SrN 5OdhOD sthitO%stayingD urasi%on the chestD di#O%niMam%day and nig tD yUyam%youD prOQa%than lifeD adhikO%more dearD lakWmNT%Foddess LakWmND na%notD me%of -eD $haktOtfthan a de#oteeD para%moreD priyO%

dear. _ SrN 5OdhO is more dear to -e than life. &ay and night She rests on -y chest. =ou are also more dear to -e than life. o -e the goddess of fortune is not more dear than -y de#otees. e:t 27 $hakta%dattaP ca yad dra#yaP $haktyOMnOmi sureM#arOT a$hakta%dattaP nOMnOmi dhru#aP $huYkte $aliT s#ayam $hakta%$y -y de#oteeD dattam%gi#enD ca%andD yat%whatD dra#yam%thingD $haktyO% with lo#eD aMnOmi%I eatD sureM#arOT%< demigodsD a$hakta%$y a non%de#oteeD dattam% gi#enD na%notD aMnOmi%I eatD dhru#am%e#erD $huYkte%eatsD $aliT%the offeringD s#ayam% personally. < demigods, whate#er a de#otee offers -e with lo#e I happily eat. I do not eat what non%de#otees offer. hey eat it alone. e:t 39 strN%putra%s#ajanOPs tyakt#O dhyOyanti mOm ahar%niMam yuWmOn #ihOya tOn nityaP smarOmy aham ahar%niMam strN%putra%s#ajanOn%wife, children, and relati#esD tyakt#O%renouncingD dhyOyanti% meditateD mOm%on -eD ahar%niMam%day and nightD yuWmOn%youD #ihOya%a$andoningD tOn%themD nityam%alwaysD smarOmy%I remem$erD aham%ID ahar%niMam%day and night. 5enouncing wife, children, and relati#es, and ignoring you demigods, -y de#otees meditate on -e day and night. &ay and night I think of them. e:ts 3, and 3. d#eWXO sadO me $haktOnOP $rOhmaQOnOP ga#Om api

kratUnOP de#atOnOP ca hiPsOP kur#anti niMoitam tadOciraP te naMyanti yathO #ahnau tVQOni ca na ko Epi rakWitO teWOP mayi hOntary upasthite d#eWXO%one who hateuD sadO%alwaysD me%-yD $hakldsOm%de# ieesD $rOhma$OnOm% tse $rOhmaQasD ga#om%the cowsD api%alsoD kratUnOm%the sacrificesD de#atOnOm%the demig dsD ca%andD hiPsOm%#iolenceD kur#anti%&oD niMcitam%indeedD tadO%thenD aciram% BuicklyD te%theyD naMyanti%perishD yathO%asD #ahnau%in a fireD tVQOni%strawD ca%andD na% notD ko Epi%anyoneD rakWitO%the protectorD teWOm%of th hey who harm -y de#otees, $rOhmaQas, cows, demigods, and Vedic yajZas Buickly perish like straw thrust into a fire. I destroy them. "ho can protect them* e:t 30 yOsyOmi pVthi#NP de#O yOta yUyaP s#am Olayam yUyaP cai#OPMa%rUpeQa MNghraP gacchata $hU%talam yOsyOmi%I will goD pVthi#Nm%to the earthD de#O%< demigodsD yOta%goD yUyam%youD s#am%ownD Olayam%a$odeD yUyam%youD ca%andD e#a%indeedD OPMa%rUpeQa%$y partial e:pansionsD MNghram%BuicklyD gacchata%goD $hU%talam%to the earth. I will go to the earth. < demigods, first return to your homes, and t en, $y your aPMa e:iansions, Buickly go to the earth. e:t 31 ity ukt#O jagatOP nhDho gopOn OhUya gopikOT u#Oca madhuraP satyaP #OkyaP tat%samayocitam ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD nOthaT%the masterD gopOn%the gopasD OhUya%callingD gopikOT%the gopNsD u#Oca%saidD madhuram%sweetD satyam% truthfulD #Okyam%wordsD tat%samayocitam%appropriate.

)fter speaking to the demigodsarLord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses,acalled the gopas ane gopNs, and spoke to them words that were sweea, truthful, #nd appropriate. e:t 32 gopO gopyaM ca aVQuta yOta nanda%#rajaP param #VWa$hOnu%gVhaP kWipraP gaccha t#am api )Odhike gopO%< gopasD gopyaM%< gopNsD ca%andD MVQuta%pleas93,earD yOta%please goD nanda% #rajam%to NandaEs VrajaD param%greatD #VWa$hOnu%of /ing VVWa$hOnuD gVham%to the homeD kWipram%BuicklyD gaccha%goD t#am%=ouD api%alsoD rOdhike%< 5OdhO. SrN /VWQa saidJ < gopas and gopNs, please listen. )ll of you please go to NrndaEs landtof Vraja. p 5OdhO, please go at once to the home of /ing VVWa$hOnu. _ #VWa$yOnu%priyO sadh#N nOmnO gopN kalO#atN su$alasya sutO sO ca kamalOPMa%samud$ha#O #VWa$hOnu%priyO%dear to /ing VVWa$hOnuD sadh#N%saintlyD nOmnO%$y nameD gopN%the gopND kalO#atN%/a,O#atND su$alasya%of Su$alaD sutO%the daughterD sO%sheD ca%andD kamalOPMa%samud$ha#O%a partial e:pansion of the goddess of fortune. /ing VVWa$hOnu dear wife is the saintly gopN named /alO#atN. She is Su$ala%gopaEs daughter. She is a partial incarnation of the goddess of fortune. e:t 34 pitVQOP manasi kanyO edhanyO manyO ca yoWitOm purO dur#OsasaT MOpOj janma tasyO #raje gVhe pitVQOm%of the pitOsD manasi%in the mindD kanyO%the daughterD dhanyO%fortunateD manyO%gloriousD ca%andD yoWitOm%of womenD purO%$eforeD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsOD e:t 33

MOpOt%$y teh curseDojanma%$irthD tasyOT%of herD #raje%in VrajaD gVhe%in the home. She is fortunate and glorious among women. She was the mind%$orn daughter of the pitOn, $ut $y &ur#OsOEs curse she was $orn in a house in Vraja. e:t 36 tasyOP la$has#a t#aP janma MNghraP nanda%#rajaP #raja t#OmySuan $Ola%rUpeQa gVhQOmi kamalOnane tasyOm%in herD la$has#a%please attainD t#am%=ouD janma%$irthD MNghram%BuicklyD nanda%#rajam%to NandaEs VrajaD #raja%please goD t#Om%=ouD aham%ID $Ola%rUpeQa%in the form of a $oyD gVhQOmi%will accaeptD kamalOnane%< girl with tho lStus face. )t once go to NandaEs Vraja and take $irth in her wom$. < girl with the lotus face, I will assume the form of a small $oy and I will marry =ou. e:t 37 t#aP me prOQOdhike rOdhe ta#a prOQOdhiko Epy aham na kiZcid O#ayor $hinnaP ekOYgaP sar#adai#a hi D aham%ID na%notD kiZcit%anythingD O#ayoT%of ?sD $hinnam%differenceD ekOYgam%one $odyD sar#adO%alwaysD e#a%indeedD hi%indeed. < 5OdhO, to -e =ou are more dear than life. o =ou I am more dear than life also. "e are not dafferent. "e are one $ody eternally. e:t 49 Mrut#ai#aP rOdhikO tatra ruroda prema%#ih#alO papau cakWuM%cakorO$hyOP mukha%candraP harer mune Mrut#O%hearingD e#am%thusD rOdhikO%5OdhOD tatra%thereD ruroda%weptD prema% #ih#alO%o#ercome with lo#eD papau%drankD cakWuM%eyesD cakorO$hyOm%with the two

cakora $irdsD mukha%candram%the moon of ;is faceD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mune%< sage. Listening, SrN 5OdhO wept, o#ercome with lo#e. < sage, with ;er cakora%$ird y s She drank the moonlight of Lord /VWQaEs face. e:t 4, janur la$hata gopaM ca gopyaM ca pVthi#N%tale gopOnOm utt mOnOP ca mandire mandire Mu$he januT%$irthD la$hata%attainD gopaM%< gopasD ca%andD gopyaM%gopNsD ca%andD pVthi#N% tale%onthe earthD gopOnOm%of gopasD uttamOnOm%greatD ca%andD mandire%in palaceD mandireyafter palacer Mu$he%$eautiful. SrN /VWQa saidJ < gopas and gopNs, please take $irth on the earth in the $eautiful palaces of the no$le gopas. e:t 4. etasminn antare sar#e dadVMU ratham uttamam maQi%ratnendra%sOreQ hNrakeQa paricchadam etasmin antare%ufter thisD sar#e%allD dadVMU%sawD ratham%chariotD uttamam%greatD maQi%ratnendra%sOreQa%with the king of jewelsD hNrakeQa%a diamondD paricchadam% co#ering. hen e#eryone saw the arri#al of a great chariot co#ered with diamonds, the king of yewels, . . . e:t 40

_ M#etaycOmara%lakWeQa Mo$hitaP darpaQOyutarT (UkWma%kOWOya%#astreQa #ahni%Muddhena $hUWitam

M#eta%cOmara%lakWeQa%with a hundred thousand white camarasD Mo$hitam%$eautifulD darpaQOyutaiT%with ten thousand mirrorsD sUkWma%fineD kOWOya%#astreQa%with red clothDt#ahni%uuddhena%pure,as fireD $hUWitam%decoraoed. . . . a chariot decorated with a hundred thousand white cOmaras, ten thousand mirrors, red cloth pure as fire, . . . e:t 41 sad%ratna%kalasOnOP ca sahasreQa su%Mo$hitam pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlair #irOjitam sad%ratna%kalasOnOm%jewel domesD ca%andD sahasreQa%with a thiusandD su%Mo$hitam% $eautifulD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD mOlO%jOlaiT%with a network of garlandsD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . a thousand jewel domes, and networks of pOrijOta garlands, . . . e:t 42 pOrWada%pra#arair yuktaP Matakum$hamayaP Mu$ham tejaT%s#arUpam atulaP Mata%sUrya%sama%pra$ham pOrWada%pra#araiT%with glorious associatesD yuktam%endowedD Matakum$hamayam% goldenD Mu$ham%$eautifulD tejaT%splendorD s#arUpam%formD atulam%peeerlessD Mata% sUrya%sama%pra$ham%splendid as a hundred suns. . . . filled with glorious people, made of gold, $eautiful, without compare, glorious, and splendid as a hundred suns. e:t 43 tatra%sthaP puruWaP MyOma% sundaraP kamanNyakam MaYkha%cakra%gadO%padma% dharaP pNtOm$araP param

tatra%stham%staying thereD puruWam%a personD MyOma%dadkD sundaram%handsomeD kamanNyakam%charmingD MaYkha%conchD cakra%discD gadO%clu$D padma%and lotusD dharam%holdingD pNtOm$aram%wearing yellow gar entsD param%transcendental. _ hey also saw handsome and charming Lord NOrOyaQa, who wore yellow garments, held a conch, disc, clu$, and lotus, . . . e:t 44 kirNXinaP kuQRalinaP t #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam caneanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam kirNXhnam%wea ing a crownD kuQRalinam%wearing earringsD #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam% decorated with a forest garlandD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam% anointed with candana, aguru, musk, and kunkuma. . . . wore a glorious crown and glorious earrings, was decorated with a forest garland and anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t 46 catur%$hujaP smera%#aktraP $haktOnugraha%kOtaram maQi%ratnendra%sOrOQOP sOra%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam catur%$hujam%had four armsD smera%#aktram%smiling faceD $haktOnugraha%kOtaram% o#ercome with compassion for ;is de#oteesD maQi%ratnendra%sOrOQOm%with the king of jewelsD sOra%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam%decorated with the $est ornaments. . . . had four arms, smiled, was o#ercome with compassion for ois de#otees, and was decrrated with the $est ornaments made of the kings of jewels. e:t 47 de#NP tad%#Omato ramyOP Mukla%#arQOP manoharOm

#eQu%#NQO%grantha%hastOP $haktOnugraha%kOtarO di#yOdhiWXatV%de#NP ca jZOna%rUpOP saras#atNm de#Nm%goddessD tad%#OmataT%at;is leftD ramyOm%$eautifulD Mukla%#arQOm%fairD manoharOm%charmingD #eQu%fluteD #NQO%and #inaD grantha%$ookD hastOm%handD $haktOnugraha%kOtarO%o#ercome with compassion for her de#oteesD di#yOdhiWXatV% de#Nm%the Bueen of the spiritual worldD ca%andD jZOna%rUpOm%the form of knowledgeD saras#atNt%Foddess Saras#atN. )t lis left side they saw $eautiful, charming, and fair Foddess Saras#atN, who held a flute, #NQO and $ook in her hand, who was the Bueen of the higher planets, and who was knowledge personified. _ e:t 69 aparOP dakWiQe ramyOP Marac%candra%sama%pra$hOm tOpta%kOZcana%#arQO$hOP sa%smitOP su%manoharOm aparOm%otherD dakWiQe%on the rightD ramyOm%$eautifulD Marac%candra%sama% pra$hOm%splendid as an autumn moonD tOpta%moltenD kOZcana%goldD #arQO$hOm%the colorD sa%smitOm%smilingD su%manoharOm%#ery charming. )t ;is right they saw another $eautiful and charming goddess, who smiled sweetly and was fair as molten gold and splendid as the autumn moon, . . . e:t 6, sad%ratna%kuQRalO$hyOP ca su%kapola%#irOjitOm OmUlya%ratna%khacitO% mUlya%#astreQa $hUWitOm sad%ratna%kuQRalO$hyOm%with jewel ortnamentsD ca%andD su%kapola%#irOjitOm% splendid cheeksD OmUlya%ratna%priceless jewelsD khacita%studdedD amUlya%pricelessD #astreQa%with garmentsD $hUWitOm%decorated. . . . whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, who wore priceless garments

and priceless jewels, . . . e:t 6. amUlya%ratna%keyUra% kara%kaYkana%Mo$hitOm sad%ratna%sOra%maZjNra% kala%Ma$da%saman#itOm amUlya%ratna%with priceless jewelsD keyUra%kara%kaYkana%Mo$hitOm%decorated with $racelets and armletsD sad%ratna%sOra%with the $est of jewelsD maZjNra%of ankletsD kala% Ma$da%saman#itOm%with tinkling sounds. . . . who was decorated with $racelets and armlets of priceless jewels, who wore tinkling jewel anklets, . . . e:t 60 pOrijOt,%prasUnOnOP mOlO%#akWaT%sthalojj#alOm praphulla%mOlatN%mOlO% samyukta%kS#arN%Mu$hOm awN%of jasrine flowersD mOlO%garlandD samyukta%withD ka#arN%$raidsD Mu$hOm%$eautiful. . . . whose $reast was splendid with a pOrijOta garland, whose $raids were $eautiful with a jasmine garland, . . . e:t 61 Marac%candra%pra$hO%muWXa% mukha%cOru%#i$hUWitOm Marat%autumnD candra%moonD pra$hO%splendorD muWXa%ro$$ingD mukha%faceDrcOru% $eautifulD #i$hUWitOm%decorated. . . . whose $eautiful face ro$$ed the autumn moon of its splendor, . . . e:t 62

kastUrN%$indu%samyukta% sindUra%tilakOn#itOm su%cOru%kajjalOsakta% Marat%paYkaja%locanOm kastUrN%muskD $indu%dotD samyukta%withD sindUra%sinduraD tilaka%tilakaD an#itOm% withD su%cOru%#ery $eautifulD kajjala%mascaraD Osakta%attachedD Marat%paYkaja%locanOm% autumn lotus eyes. . . . who was anointed with musk dots and red sindUra tilaka, whose $eautiful autumn%lotus eyes were decorated with mascara, . . . e:t 63 sahasra%dala%samyukta% lNlO%kamala%samyutOm nOrOyaQaP ca paMyantaP paMyantNP #akra%cakWuWO sahasra%thousandD dala%petalsD samyukta%withD lNlO%pastimeD kamala%lotusD samyutOm%withD nOrOyaQam%Lord NOrOyaQaD ca%andD paMyantam%looking atD paMyantNm% looking atD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyes. . . . who held a pastime lotus of a thousand petals, and who with crooked eyes gaGed at Lord NOrOyaQa as ;e gaGed at her. e:t 64 a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP sa%strNkaT saha%pOrWadaT jagOma ca samOP ramyOP gopa%gopN%saman#itOm _ a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from th chariotD tUrQam%BuicklyD sa%strNkaT%with ;is wi#esD saha%pOrWadaT%with ;is assaociatesD jagOma%wentD ca%andD sa$hOm%assem$lyD ramyOm%$erautifulD gopa%gopN%saman#itOm%of gopas and gopNs. )ccompanied $y ;is two wi#es and ;is many associates, Lord NOrOyaQa Buickly descended from the chariot and entered the $eautiful assem$ly of gopas and gopNs. e:t 66

de#O gopOM ca gopyaM cot% taWXhuT prOZjalayo mudO sOma%#edokta%stotreQa f kVtena ca suraVWi$hiT de#OT%< demigodsD gopOM%the gopasD ca%andD gopyaM%gopNsD ca%andD uttaWXhuT%roseD prOZjalayaT%with folded handsD mudO%happilyD sOma%#edokta%stotreQa%with prayers of the SOma edaD kVtena%doneD ca%andD suraVWi$hiT%with the di#ine sages. < demigods, .he gopas and yopNs at once rose and with folded hands joyfully recited the di#ine sagesE prayers from the SOma Veda. e:t 67 gat#O nOrOyaQo dt#o #ilNnaT kVWQa%eigrahe dVWX#O ca paramOMcaryaP te sar#e #ismayaP yayuT ,at#O%ha#ing goneD nOrOyaQaT%NOrOyaQaD de#aT%LordD #ilNn,T%mergedD kVWQa% #igrahe%into the form of Lord "VWQaD dVWX#O%seeingDyca%andD paramOMcaryam%gr(at wonderD te%thryD sar#e%allD #ismayam%surpriseD yayuT%attained. hen Lord NOrOyaQa approached, entered Lord /VWQaEs form, anV disappeared. "hen they saw this, e#eryoye $ecame filled with wonder. e:t 79 etasminn antare tatra Matakum$hamayOd rathOt a#aruhya s#ayuP #iWQuT pOtO ca MagatOP patiT etasmin%thisD antare%afterD tatra%thereD Matarum$hamayOt%goldenD rathOt%from a chariotD a#aruhya%descendingD s#ayaP% imselfD #iWQuT%ViWQuD pOtO%the proLectorD ca% andD jagatOm%of Nhe uni#ersesD patiT%Lord. hen Lord ViWQu, the protector of the uni#erses came, and descended from ;hs golden chariot. _

e:ts 7, and 7. OjagOma catur%$Ohu% #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitaT pNtOm$ara%dharaT MrNmOn sa%smitaT su%manoharaT sar#OlamkOra%Mo$hORh aT sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$hOT uttaWXhus te ca taP dVWX#O tuWXu#uT praQatO mune OjagOma%approachedD catur%$Ohu%%with four armsD #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitaT%decorated with forest garlandsD pNtOm$ara%dharaT%wearing yellow garmentsD MrNmOn%handsomeD sa%smitaT%smilingD su%manoharaT%#ery ch#rmingD sar#OlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyaT%glorious with all ornamentsD sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$hOT%splendid as ten million sunsD uttaWXhuT% stoodD te%theyD ca%andD tam%;imD dVWX#O%seeingD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD praQatO% $owedD mune%< sage. < sage, when handsome, smiling four%armed Lord ViWQu, decorated with forest garlands, dressed in yellow garments, glorious with all ornaments, and splendid as ten million suns, entered the assem$ly, e#eryone rose, gaGed at ;im, $owed down, and offered prayers. :t 70 sa cOpi lNnas tatrai#a rOdhikeM#ara%#igrahe te dVWX#O mahad OMcaryaP #ismayaP paramaP yayuT saT%;eD ca%alsoD api%andD lNnaT%mergedD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD rOdhikeM#ara% #igrahe%in the form of Lord /VWQaD te%theyD dVWX#O%seeingD mahat%gre,tD OMcaryam% wonderD #ismayam%surpriseD paramam%greatD yayuT%attained. hen Lord ViWQu also meuged into the form ot Lord /VWQa. Seeing this, e#eryone $ecame filled with wonder. e:ts 71 and 72

sam#ilNne harer aYge M#etad#Npa%ni#Osini etasminn antare tUrQaP OjagOma t#arOn#itaT Muddha%sphaXika%saYkOM nOmnO saYkarW QaTpsmVtaT sah'sra%MNrWO puruWaT Mata%sUrya%sama%pra$haT %thisD antare%afterD tUrQam%at onceD OjagOma%cameD t#arOn#itaT%BuicklyD Muddha%pureD sphaXika%c!ystalD saYkOMaT%gloriousD nOmnO%$y nameD saYkarWaQaT%SaYkarWaQaD smVtaT%consideredD sahasra% thousandD MNrWOT%headedD puruWaT%the puruWa%a#atOraD Mata%sUrya%sama%pra$haT%splendid like a hundred suns. hen the LordEs incarnation that resides in S#etad#Npa also ctme and merged nto Lord /VWQaEs $ody. hen hastily came Lord SaYkarWaQa, the thousand%headed puruWa% a#atOra, who was splendid like pure cyrstal and effulgent like a hundred suns. e:t 73 OgataP tuWXu#uT sar#e dVWX#O taP #iWQu%#igraham sa cOgatya nata%skandhas tuWXO#a rOdhikeM#aram Ogatam%arri#edD tuWX #uT%offered prayersD sar#e%allD dVWX#OhseeingD tam%;imD #iWQu% #igraham%the form of Lord ViWQuD sa%;eD ca%andD Ogatya%approachingD nata%skandhaT% with $owed neckD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD rOdhikeM#aram%to the hus$and of SrN 5OdhO. Seeing this incarnation of Lord ViWQu, e#eryone offered many prayers. hen, with $owed head ;e ;imself offered prayers to Lord /VWQa, the hus$and of 5OdhO. e:t 74 sahasra%mUrdha$hir $haktyO praQa Oma ca nOrada #OP ca dharma%putrau d#au nara%nOrOyaQO$hidhau

sahasra%mUrdha$hiT%with a thousand headsD $haktyO%with de#otionD praQanOma% $owed downD ca%andD nOrada%< NOradaD O#Om%"eD ca%andD dharma%putrau%the sons of &harmaD d#auetwoD nara%nOrOyaQO$hidhau%named Nara and nOrOyaQa. < NOrada, with ;is thousand heads ;e $owed down with de#otion to Lord /VWQa. hen Nara and NOrOyaQa [Wi, "e two sons of &harma [Wi, also came. e:t 76 lNno EhaP kVWQa%pOdO$je $a$hU#a phOlguno naraT $rahmeMa%MeWa%dharmOM ca tasthur ekatra tatra #ai lNnaT%mergedD aham%ID kVWQa%pOdO$je%in Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD $a$hU#a%$ecameD phOlgunaT%)rjunaD naraT%NaraD $rahmeMa%MeWa w hen I merged into Lord /VWQa lotus feet and nara [Wi $ecame )rjuna. hen 8rahma, Si#a, SeWa, and =amarOja came to that place. e:t 77 etasminn antare de#O dadVMU ratham uttamam s#arQa%sOra%#ikOraP ca nOnO%ratna%paricchadam etasmin antare%thenD de#O%the demigodsD dadVMU%sawD ratham%chariotD uttamam% greatD s#arQa%sOra%#ikOram%made of the $est goldD ca%andD nOnO%ratna%paricchadam% co#ered with many jewels.. here the demigods saw a great chariot of gold and jewels, . . . e:t ,99 maQNn ra%sOra%samyuktaP #ahni%MuddhOPMukOn#itam M#eta%cOmara%samyuktaP $hUWitaP darpaQOyutaiT maQNndra%sOra%samyuktam%made with the kings of jewelsD #ahni%

MuddhOPMukOn#itam%with cloth pure as fireD M#eta%cOmara%samyuktam%with whitecamarasD $hUWitam%decoratedD darpaQOyutaiT%with ten thousand mirrors. . . . a chariot decorated with the kings of jewels, cloth prre as fire, many white cOmaras, and ten thousand mirrors, . . . e:t ,9, sad%ratna%sOra%kalasa% samUhena #irOjitam pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlaiT su%Mo$hitam sad%ratna%sOra%with the $est jewelsD kalasa%samUhena%with many domesD #irOjitam% splendidD pOrijOta%orasynOnOm%of parijata flowersD mOlO%jOlaiT%with networks of garlandsD su%Mo$hitam%$eautiful. . . . splendid with many jewel domes, $eautiful with networks of pOrijOta garlands, . . . e:t ,9. sahasra%cakra%samyuktaP mano%yOyi manoramam grNWma%madhyOhna%mOrtaQRa% pra$hO%moWa%karaP param _ sahasra%a thousandD cakra%wheelsD samyuktam%withD mano%yOyi%goig ay fast as the mindD manoramam%$eautifulD grNWma%summerD madhyOhna%middayD mOrtaQRa%sunD pra$hO%moWa%karam%ro$$ing the splendorD param%great. . . . $eautiful, with a thousand wheels, fast as the mind, ro$$ing the splendor of the symmerEstmidday sun, . . . e:t ,90 muktO%mOQikya%#ajrOQOP samUhena samujj#alam citra%puXXalikO%puWpa% sar T%kOnana%citritam

muktO%peaalsD mOQikya%ru$iesD #ajrOQOm%and dilmondsD samUhena%with multitgdesD samujj#alam%splendidD citra%with pictures and designsD puXXalikO%statutesD puWpa%flowersD saraT%lakesD kOnana%and forestsD citritam%wonderful. . . . splendid with many pearls, ru$ies, and diamonds, wonderful with paintings, designs, statues, flowers, lakes, and forests, . . . e:t ,91 de#OnOP dOna#OnOP ca rathOnOP pra#araP mune yatnena kaYkara%prNtyO nirmitaP #iM#akarmaQO de#OnOm%of the demigodsD dOna#OnOm%and demonsD ca%andD rathOnOm%of chariotsD pra#aram%the $estD mune%< sageD yatnena%with effortD MaYkara%prNtyO%with the happiness of Si#aD nirmitam%madeD #iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmO. . . . a chariot that was, < sage, the $est of all chariots owned $y demigods or demons, a chariot ViM#akarmO carefully made for Lord Si#aEs pleasure, . . . e:t ,92 paZcOMad%yojanordh#aP ca catur%yojana%#iWXrtam rati%talpa%samOyuktaiT Mo$hitaP Mata%mandiraiT paZcOMad%yojana%199 milesD Urdh#am%highD ca%andD catur%yojana%#iWXrtam%699 miles wideD rati%talpa%samOyuktaiT%with many $eautiful couches and $edsD Mo$hitam% $eautifulD Mata%mandiraiT%with a hundred palaces. . . . a chariot four hundred miles high and eigh hundred miles across, and splendid with a hundreo palaces gracefully appointed with many $eautiful couches and $eds. _ e:t ,93 tatra%sthOP dadVMur de#NP ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOm pradagdha%s#arQa%sOrOQOP pra$hO%moWa%kara%dyutim

tatra%sthOm%staying thereD dadVMuT%sawDwde#Nm%goddessD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOm% decorated wirh jewel ornumentsD pradagdha%s#arQa%sOrOQOm%molten goldD ra$hO% moWa%ro$$ing the splendorD kara%dyutim%whose splendor. hen they saw a goddess decorated with jewel ornaments, her splendor ro$$ing molten gold of it,9glory, . . . e:t ,94 tejaT%s#aiUpOm atulOP mula%prakVtim NM#arNm sahasra%$huja%samyuktaP nOnOyudha%saman#itOm tejaT%s#arUpOm%splendidD atulOm%peerlessD mula%prakVtim%the root of material natureD NM#arNm%goddessD sahasra%$huja%a thousand armsD samyuktam%withD nOnOyudha%saman#itOm%armed with #arious weapons. . . . a goddess who was #ery splendid, peerless, the root of material nature, the controller of material nature, with a thousand arms holding many weapons, . . . e:t ,96 NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOP $haktOnugraha%kOtarOm gaQRa%sthala%kapolO$hyOP sad%ratna%kuQRalojj#alOm ra<nendra%sOra%racita% k#ana'%m ZjNra%raZjitOm NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOm%with a gently smiling faceD $haktOnugraha%kOtarOm% o#ercoiem with compassion for rer de#oteesD gaQRa%sthala%kapolO$hyOm%with chneksD sad%ratna%kuQRala%with jewel earringsD ujj#alOm%%splendieD ratnendra%sOMa%with the kings oy jewelsD rNcita%madeD k#anat%tinklingD ma].sy .1,^jNra%ankletsD raZjitOm% hplendid. . . . gently ?miling, o#ercome with compassion for her de#otees, her cheeks splendid with jewnl earrin,s, splendid with tinkling anklets made of the kings of jewels, . . .

e:t ,97 maQNndra%mekhalO%yukta% _ madhya%deMa%su%Mo$hanOm sad%ratna%sOra%keyUra% kara%kaYkana%$hUWitOm maQNndra%of the kings of jewelsD mekhalO%with a $eltD yukta%endowedD madhya% deMa%waistD su%Mo$hanOm%$eautifulD sad%ratna%sOra%of the $est of jewelsD keyUra%kara% kaYkana%$hUWitOm%decotated with $racelets and armlets. . . . decorated with jewel $racelets and armlets, her graceful waist decorated with a jewel $elt, . . . e:t ,,9 mandOra%puWpa%mOlO$hir uraT%sthala%samujj#alOm niXam$a%kaXhina%MroQi% pNnonnata%kucOnatOm mandOra%puWpa%mOlO$hiT%with mandara garlandsD uraT%sthala%$reastD samujj#alOm% splendidD niXam$a%kaXhina%MroQi%with firm thighsD pNnonnata%kucOnatOm%and full, raised $reasts. . . . her chest glorious with many mandOra garlands, her thighs firm and her raised $reasts full, . . . e:t ,,, Marat%sudhOkarO$hOsa% #inindOsya%manoharOm kajjalojj#ala%rekhOkta% Marat%paYkaja%locanOm Marat%autumnD sudhOkara%moonD O$hOsa%splendorD #ininda%eclipsingD Osya%faceD manoharOm%$eautifulD kajjala%mascaraD ujj#ala%splendidD rekhO%lineD Okta%anointedD Marat%paYkaja%locanOm%autumn%lotus eyes. . . . her $eautiful face eclipsing the autumn moonEs splendor, her autumn%lotus eyes splendid with graceful mascara, . . .

e:t ,,. candanOguru%kastUrN% citra%patraka%$hUWitOm na#Nna%$andhujN#O$hOP oWXhOdhara%su%Mo$hitOm candanOguru%kastUrN%with sandal, aguru, and muskD citra%patraka%$hUWitOm% decorated with pictures and designsDmna#Nna%newD $andhu N#a%$andhuji#atflowerD O$hOm%splendorD oWXhOdhara%su%Mo$hitOm%with splendid lips.. lowers, . . . e:t ,,0 muktO%paYkti%pra$hO%muWXa% danta%rOji%#irOjitOm praphulla%mOlatN%mOlO% saPsakta%ka#arNP #arOm muktO%paYkti%pra$hO%muWXa%roo$ing the pears of their splendorD danta%rOji% #irOjitOm%splendid teethD praphulla%$lossomingD mOlatN%jasmineD mOlO%garlandD saPsakta%decoratedD ka#arNm%$raidsD #arOm%$eautiful. . . . her teeth ro$$ing pearls of their splendor, her $raids decorated with $lossomed jasminn flowers, . . . e:t ,,1 pakWNndra%caZcu%nOsOgra% gajendra%mauktikOn#itOm pakWNndra%of the king of $irdsD caZcu%$eakD nOsa%noseD agra%tipD gajendra% mauktikOn#itOm%decorated with an elephant pearl. . . . an elephant pearl decoratVng the tip of her mose graceful like the $ird kingEs $eak, . . . e:t ,,2

#ahni%MuddhOPMukOsOra% j#alitena samujj#alOm siPha%pVWXha%samOrURhOP sutO$hyOP sahitOP mudO #ahni%Muddha%pure as fireD aPMuka%garmentsD OsOra%$estD j#alitena%splendidD samujj#alOm%splendidD siPha%pVWXha%on a lionEs $ackD samOrURhOm%ridingD sutO$hyOm% two sonsD sahitOm%withD mudO%happily. . . . a grddess yplendid with garments pure as fire, and accompanied $y her two sons as she cheerfully rode on a lionEs $ack. e:t ,,3 a#aruhya rathOt pUrQaP MrN%kVWQaP praQanOma ca sutO$hyOP sahasO de#N samu#Osa #arOsane a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from the chariotD pUrQam%fullD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD praQanOma%$owed downD ca%andD su8O$hyOm%so &escending from the chariot, the goddess and her sons at once $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa, the perfect Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. hen she sat on a great throne. e:t ,,4 gaQeMaT kOrttikeyaM ca nat#O kVWQaP parOt param nanOma MaYkaraP dharmaP anantaP kamalod$ha#am n gaQeMaT%FaQeMaD kOrttikeyaM%/OrttikeyaD ca%andD nat#O%$owing downD kVWQam%SrN /VWQaDmrarOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD nanOma%$owed downD MaYkaram%to Lord Si#aD dharmam%to =amarOjaD anantam%to SeWaD kamalod$ha#am%to 8rahmO. FaQeMa and /Orttikeya $owed down first to Lord /VWQa, who is greater than the greatest, and then to Si#a, =amarOja, SeWa, and 8rahmO.

e:t ,,6 uttasthur OrOt te de#O dVWX#O tau tridaMeM#arau OMiWaP ca dadur de#O #OsayOm Osa sannidhau tO$hyOP saha sadOlOpaP cakrur de#O mudOn#itOT uttasthuT%stoodD OrOt%$ear$yD te%theyD de#O%the demigodsD dVWX#O%seeingD tau%themD tridaMe`M#arau%the demigodsD OMiWam%$lessingD ca%andD daduT%ga#eD de#O%the demigodsD #OsayOm Osa%gha#e a place to stayD sannidhau%nearD tO$hyOm%$y themD saha%withD sadO% alwaysD alOpam%talkingD cakruT%didD de#O%the demigodsD mudOn#itOT%happy. he demigods rose. Seeing the two $oys, the demigods $lessed them, had them sit in their midst, and happily $egan to talk with them. e:t ,,7 tasthur de#OT sa$hO%madhye de#N ca purato hareT gopO gopyaM ca $ahuMo $a$hU#ur #ismayOkulOT tasthuT%stoodD de#OT%the demigodsD sa$hO%madhye%in the midst of the assem$lyD de#N%the goddessD ca%andD purataT%$eforeD hareT%Lord /VWQaD gopO%the gopasD gopyaM% gopNsD ca%andD $ahuMaT%manyD $a$hU#uT%wereD #ismayOkulOT%filled with wonder. _ )s the goddess and the demigods stood $efore Lord /VWQi i the assem$ly, the many gopas and gopNs $ecame filled with wonder. e:t ,.9 u#'ca kamalOP kVWQaT smerOnana%saroruhaT t#aP gaccha $hNWmaka%gVhaP nOnO%ratna%saman#itam u#Oca%spokeD kamalOm%to the goddess of forhtneD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD smerOnana% saroruhaT%;is lotus face smipingD t am%youD gaccha%goD $hNWmaka%gVham%to the house of /ing 82NWmakaD nOnO%ratna%saman#itam%made of many jewels.

hen, ;is lotus face smiling, Lord /VWQa said to Foddess LakWmNJ (lease go to /ing 8hNWmakaEs jewel palace. e:e ,., #aidar$hyO udare janma la$ha de#i sanOtani ta#a pOQiP grahiWyOmi gatnOhaP kuQRinaP sati #aidar$hyO%of the Bueen of Vidar$haD udare%in the wom$D janma%$irthD la$ha% attainD de#i%< eoddessD sanOtani%eternalD ta#a%of youD pOQim%the handD grahiWyOmi%will takeD gat#O%goingD aham%ID kuQRinam%to /uQRinaD sati%< saintly one. >ternal goddess, please take $irth in aueen Vidar$hNEs wom$. < saintly one, I will go to /uQRina and take your hand in marriage. e:t ,.. tO de#yaT pOr#atNP dVWX#O samutthOpya t#arOn#itOT ratna%siPhOsane ramye #OsayOm Osur NM#arNm tOT%theyD de#yaT%the demigoddessesD pOr#atNm%(Or#atND dVWX#O%seeingD samutthOpya% risingD t#arOn#itOT%BuicklyD ratna%jewelD siPhOsane%on a throneD ramye%$eautifulD #OsayOm OsuT%had sitD NM#arNm%the goddess. Seeing Foddess (Or#atN, the demigoddess Buickly rose and had her sit on a $eautiful jewel throne. e:t ,.0 #iprendra pOr#atN lakWmNr #Og%adhiWXhatV%de#atO tasthur ekOsane tatra sam$hOWya ca yathocitam _ h #iprendra%< king of $rOhmaQasD pOr#atN%(Or#atND lakWmNT%LakWmND #Og%adhiWXhatV% de#atO%Saras#atN, the goddess of eloBuent speechD t st8uT%stoodD ekOsane%on one

throneD tatra%thereD sam$hOWya%talkingD ca%andD yathocitam%appropriately. < king of $rOhmaQas, (Or#atN, LakWmN and Saras#atN sat together and talked among themsel#es. e:t ,.1 tOM ca sam$hOWayOm OsuT samprNtyO gopa%kanyakOT UWur gmpOlikOT kOMcin mudO t sOP ca sannidhau tOT%theyD ca%andD sam$hOWayOm OsuT%talkedD samprNtyO%happilyD gopa%kanyakOT%the goposD UWuT%stayedD eopOlikOT%gopNsD kOMcin%someD mudO%happilyD tOsOm%of themD ca% andD sannidhau%near. dhe gopNs happily talked with the three goddesses. Some gopks happily sat $y their side. e:t ,.2 MrN%kVWQaT pOr#atNP tatra samu#Oca jagat%patiT de#i t#am OPMa%rUpeQa #raja nanda%#rajaP Mu$he MrN%kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD pOr#atNm%to (Or#atND tatra%thereD samu#Oca%saidD jagat%patiT% the master of the uni#ersesD de#i%< goddessD t#am%youD OPMa%rUpeQa%$y a partial e:pansionD #raja%please goD nanda%#rajam%to NandaEs VrajaD Mu$he%< $eautiful one. hen SrN /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, said to (Or#atNJ < $eautiful goddess, in an aPMa incarnation please go to NandaEs Vraja. e:t ,.3 udare ca yaModOyOT kalyOQi nanda%retasO la$ha janma mahO%mOye sVWXi%saPhOra%kOriQi udare%in the wom$D ca%andD yaModOyOT%of =aModOD kalyOQi%< $eautiful oneD nanda%

retasO%$y the semen of N gdaD la$ha%attai,Dhjanma%$irthD mahO%mOye%< goddess -ahS% mOyOD sVWXi%saPhOra%kOriQi%< creater and destroyer of the uni#eose. < $eautiful one, < goddess of material nature, < creator and destroyer of the worlds, please take $irth in =aModOEs wom$ from NandaEs seed. _ e:t ,.4

grOme grOme ca pUjOP te kOrayiWyOmi $hU%tale kOrtsne mahN%tale $haktyO nagare nagareWu ca grOme grOme%in #iloage after #illag D ca%andD pUjam%worshipD te%of youD kOrayiWyOmi%I will causeD $hU%tale%on the earthD kOrtsne%completeD mahN%tale%on the earthD $haktyO%with de#otionD nagare%in cityD nagareWu%aftor cityD cw%and. I will arrange that in e#ery #illage and city on the earth the people will worship you with de#otion. e:t ,.6 t#aP tatrOdhiWXhatV%de#NP pUjayiWyanti mOna#OT dra#yair nOne%#idhair di#yair $ali$hiM ca mudOn#itOT t#am%youD#tatra%thereD adhiWXhatV%d #Nm%the controllerD pUjayiWyanti%willworshipD mOna#OT%the peopleD dra#yaiT%with thingsD nOnO%#idhaiT%manyekindsD di#yais% splendikD $ali$hiM%with offeringsD ca%andD mudOn#itOT%happy. <ffering you many splendid gifts, the people will worship youRas their godeess. e:t ,.7 t#ayi $hU%sparMa%mOtreQa sUtikO%mandire Mi#e pitO mOP tatra saPsthOpya t#Om OdOya gamiWyati

t#ayi%youD $hU%sparMa%mOtreQa%touching the earthD sUtikO%mandire%in the maternity roomD Mi#e%< auspicious oneD pitO%the fatherD mOm%-eD tatra%thereD saPsthOpya% placingD t#Om%youD OdOya%takingD gamiWyati%will go. < auspicious wife of Lord Si#a, the moment you touch the earth -y father will take you from the maternity room and place -e in your stead. e:t ,09 kaPsa%darMana%mOtreQa gamiWyasi Mi#Ontikam $hOrO#ataraQaP kVt#O gamiWyOmi s#am OMramam kaPsa%darMana%mOtreQa%simply $y seeing /aPsaD gamiWyasi%you will goD Mi#Ontikam%to Lordf Si#aD $hOrO#ataraQam%remo#ing the @or a moment you will see /aPsa and then you will return to Lord Si#a. hen I will remo#e the earthEs $urden and return to -y own a$ode. e:t ,0, ity ukt#O MrN%haris tUrQaP u#Oca ca WaR%Onanam aPMa%rUpeQa #atsa t#aP gamiWyasi mahN%talam iti%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD tUrQam%ut onceD u#Oca%sdidD ca%andF WaR%Onanam%to /OrttikeyaD aPMa%%rUpeQa%$y a partial incarnationD #atsa%childD t#am% youD gamiWyasi%will goD mahN%talam%to the earth. )fter speakjn, tw se wor)s, Lord /VWQa said to /OrttikeyaJ Child, in an aPMa incarnation you will go to the earth. e:t ,0. jOm$a#atyOM ca gar$he ca la$ha janma sureM#ara aPMena de#atOT sar#O gacchantu dhardQN%talam $h1ra%hOraP k riWyOmi

#asudhOyOM ca niMcitam jOm$a#atyOT%of AOm$a#atND ca%andD gar$he%in the wom$D ca%andD la$ha%attainD janma%$irthD sureM#ara%< master of the demigodsD aPMena%$y a partial incarnationD de#atOT%the demigodsD sar#O%allD gacchantu%should goD dharaQN%talam%to the earthD $hOra%hOram%remo#al of the $urdenD kariWyOmi%I will doD #asudhOyOT%of the earthD ca% andD niMcitam%certainly. < great demigod, then you should take $irth in AOm$a#atNEs wom$. )ll the demigods should go in aPMa incarnations to the earth. hen I will remo#e the earthEs $urden. e:t ,00 ity ukt#O rOdhikO%nOthas tasthau siPhOsane #are tasthur de#OM ca de#yaM ca gopO gopyaM ca nOrada ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD rOdhikO%nOthaT%the Lord of 5OdhOD tasthau%satD snPhOsane%on a throneD #are%$eautifulD tasthuT%satD de#OT%demigodsD ca%andD de#yaM% demigoddessesD ca%andD gopO%gopasD gopyaT%gopNsD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. migoddesses, gopas, and gopNs also sat in ;is company. e:t ,01 etasminn antare $rahmO samuttasthau hareT purO putOZjalir jagan%nOthaP u#Oca #inayOn#itaT etasmin%thatD antare%afterD $rahmO%8rahmOD samuttasthau%stoodD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD purO%in the presenceD putOZjaliT%with folded handsD jagan%nOtham%to the master of the uni#ersesD u#Oca%spokeD #inayOn#itaT%hum$le. hen 8rahmO stood up and with folded hands hum$ly addressed Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses. e:t ,02

MrN%$rahmo#Oca a#adhOnaP kuru #i$ho kiYkarasya ni#edane OjZaP kuru mahO%$hOga kasya kutra sthalaP $hu#i MrN%$rahmO%SrN 8rahmOD u#Oca%saidD a#adhOnam%attentionD kuru%please gi#eD #i$haT% < almighty LordD kiYkarasya%of a ser#antD ni#edane%the prayerD OjZam%orderD kuru% please doD mahO%$hOga%< great oneD kasya%of whom*D kutra%where*D sthalam%placeD $hu#i%on the earth. SrN 8rahmO saidJ < Lord, please hear =our ser#antEs reBuest. < great one, how and where we should descend to the earth* (lease gi#e us =our command. e:t ,03 $hartO pOtoddhOra%kartO se#akOnOP pra$huT sadO sa%$hVtyOT sar#adO $haktO NM#arOjZOP karoti yaT $hartO%maintainerD pOtO%protectorD uddhOrankartO%sa#iorD se#akOnOm%of the ser#antsD pra$huT%the LordD sadO%alwaysD sa%$hVtyOT%with ser#antsD sar#adO%in all respectsD $haktO%de#oteesD NM#ara%of the LordD OjZOm%the commandD karoti%doesD yaT% one who. ) proper master always maintains, protects, and rescues his ser#ants. ) proper ser#ant always de#otedly follows his masterEs commands. e:t ,04

_ ke de#OT kena rUpeQa de#yaM ca kalayO kayO kutra kasyO$hidheyaP ca #iWayaP ca mahN%tale ke%which*D de#OT%demigodsD kena%in whatD rUpeQa%formsD de#yaM%demigoddessesD ca%andD kalayO%$y a partial e:pansionD kayO%what*I kutra%where*D kasha%of ehat*D a$hidheyam%the nameD ca%andD #iWayam%the sphere of actionD ca%andD mahN%tale%on the earth.

l"hat demiguds and demigoddesses, in what forms, in what incarnations, with wha! names, and performing what actions, should descend to the earth* e:t ,06 $rahmaQo #acanaP Mrut#O pratyu#Oca jagat%patiT yasya yatrO#akOMaP ca kathayOmi #idhOnataT $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD pratyu#Oca%repliedD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#ersesD yasya%of whomD yatra%whereD a#akOMam% opportunityD co%andD kathayOmi%I tellD #idhOnamaT%eroperly. ;earing 8rahmOEs words, Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, repliedJ Now I will tell you all of this. e:t ,07 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca kOmade#o raukmiQeyo ratir mOyO#atN satN Mam$arasya gVhe ya ca cchOyO%rUpeQa saPsthitO MrN%kVWQaT u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD kOmade#aT%/Omade#aD raukmtQeyaT%the son of 5ukmiQND ratiT%5atiD mOyO#atN%mOyO#atND satN%saintlyD Mam$arasya%of Sam$araD gVhe%in the houseD ya%whoD ca%andD cchOyO%rUpeQa%in a reflected formD saPsthitO%situated. SrN /VWQa saidJ /Omade#a will $ecome 5ukmiQNEs son (radyumna. 5ati will $e reflected in Sam$arOsuraEs house as saintly -OyO#atN. e:t ,19 t#aP tasya putro $ha#itO nOmnOniruddha e#a ca $hOratN sonita%pure $OQa%putrN $ha#iWyati

_ t#am%youD tasya%of himD putraT%the sonD $ha#itO%will $eD nOmnO%$y the nameD aniruddhaT%)niruddhaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD $hOratN%Saras#atND MoQita%pure%in SoQita% puraD $OQa%putrN%the daughter of 8OQaD $ha#iWyati%will $ecome. =ou will $ecome (radyumnaEs son )niruddha. Saras#atN will go to SoQitOpura and $ecome 8OQOsuraEs daughter ?WO. e:t ,1, ananto de#akN%gar$hOd raueiQeyo jagat%patiT mOyayO gar$ha%saYkarWan nOmnO saYkarWaQaT smVtaT anantaT%SeWaD de#akN%gar$hOt%from &e#akNEn wom$D wauhiQeyaT%the son of 5ohiQND jagat%satiT%the L rd of the uni#ersesD mOyayO%$y the -OyO potencyD gar$ha%from the wom$D iaYkarWan%$eing pulledD nOmnO%$yrnameD saYkarWaQaT%saYkarWaQaD smVtaT% considered. Lord SeWa, the master of the uni#erses, will go to &e#akNEs w m$. hen =ogamOyO will ull (saYkarW, ;im into 5ohiQNEs wom$. @or this reason ;e will $e called SaYkarWaQa. e:t ,1. kOlindN sUrya%tanOyO gaYgOPMena mahN%tale ardhOPMenai#a tulasN lakWmaQO rOja%kanyakO kOlindN%/OlindND sUrya%tenOyO%the =amunOD gaYgO%the FaYgOD aP tna%$y a partial incarnationD mahN%tale%on the earthD ardhOPMena%$y halfD e#a%certainoyD tulasN% ulasND lakWmaQO%LakWmaQOD rOja%kanyakO%princess. FaYgO will come to the earth in a partial incarnation as =amunO. ulasN will appear in a half%incarnation as princess LakWmaQO. e:t ,10 sO#itrN #eda%mOtO ca

nOmnO nOgnajitN satN #asundharO satya$hOmO Mai$yO de#N saras#atN sO#itrN%SO#itrND #eda%mOtO%the mother of the VedasD ca%andD nOmnO%$y nameD n gnajitN%NOgnajhSND satNusaintlyD #asundharO%VasundharOD satya$hOmO%Satya$hOmOD Mai$yO%Sai$yOD de#N%goddessD saras#atN%Saras#atN. Saintly nO#itrN, the mother of the Vedas, will $e named NOgnajitN. VasundharO will $ecome Satya$hOmO. Fodd ss Saras#atN will $ecome Sai$yO. _ e:t ,11 rohsQN mitra#indO ca $Ia#itO rOja%kanyakO sUrya%patnN ratnamOlO kalayO ca jagad%guroT rohiQN%5oh QND mitra#indO%-itra#indOD ca%andD $ha#itO%will $ecomeD rOja%kanyakO% princessD sUrya%patnN%the wife of the sun%godD ratnamOlO%5atnamOlOD kalayO%$y an e:pansionD ca%andD jagad%guroT%of the master of the uni#erses. 5ohiQN will $ecome (rincess -itra#indO, and the sun%godEs wife will partially appear as 5atnamOlO. e:t ,12 s#OhOPMena suMNlO ca rukmiQy%OdyOT striyo na#a durgOrdhOPMa jOm$a#atN mahiWNnOP daMa smVtOT s#OhO%S#OhOD aPMena%$y a partD suMNlO%SuMNlOD ca%andD rukmiQy%OdyOT%$eginning with 5ukminND striyaT%wi#esD na#a%%nineD durgO%&urgOD ardha%halfD aPMO%a partD jOm$a#atN%AOm$a#atND mahiWNnOm%of BueensD daMa%tenD smVtOT%considered. S#OhO will eartially appear as SuMNlO. In this way, $eginning with 5ukmiQN, I will ha#e nine wi#es. Foddess &urgO will partially appear as AOm$a#atN. Including her, I will ha#e ten Bueens. e:t ,13

ardhOPMena Maila%putrN yOtu jOm$a#ato gVham kailOse MaYkarOjZO ca $a$hU#a pOr#atNP prati ardhOPMena%$y halfD Maila%putrN%(Or#atND yOtu%should goD jOm$a#ataT%of AOm$a#OnD gVham%to the homD kailOse%in /ailOsaD MaYkara%of Lord Mi#aD OjZO%the orderD ca%andD $a$hU#a%wasD pOr#atNm%pOr#atND prati%to. <ne day on -ount /ailOsa, Lord Si#a ordered (Or#atNJ 8y a partial incarnation (Or#atN must go to AOm$a#OnEs house. e:t ,14 kailOsa%gOminaP #iWQuP M#etad#Npa%ni#Osinam OliYganaP dehi kOnte nOsti doWo mamOjZayO _ kailOsa%gOminam%going to /ailOsaD #iWQum%Lord ViWQuD M#etad#Npa%ni#Osinam% 5esiding in M#etad#NpD OliYganam%an em$raceD dehi%please gi#eD kOnte%< $el#edD na% notD Osti%isD doWaT%faultD mama%of meD OjZayO%$y the order. 8elo#ed, you must em$race Lord ViWQu, who stays in S#etad#Npa, and who once came to -ount /ailOsa. 8ecause I command you to do this, there will $e no sin on your part. e:t ,16 MrN%$rahmo#Oca kathaP Mi#OjZO taP de#NP $a$hU#a rOdhikO%pate #iWQoT sam$hOWaQe pUr#aP M#etad#Npa%ni#OsinaT MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO eaidD katham%why*D Mi#a%of Lord Si#aD OjZO%$y the ord rD tOm%to herD de#Nm%the goddessD $a$hU#a%wasD rOdhikO%pate%< hus$and of 5OdhOD #iWQoT%of Lord ViWQuD sam$hOWaQe%in the con#ersationD pUr#(m%$eforeD M#etad#Npa%ni#OsinaT%resieing in S#etad#Npa

SrN 8rahmO saidJa<n/VWQa, < hus$and of 5OdhO, why did Lord Si#a gi#e this command to (Or#atN, that she hould approach Lord ViWQu, who resiges in S#etad#Npa* e:t ,17 Mrl%aVWQa u#Oca purO gaQeMaP draWXyP ca prajagmuT sar#a%de#atOT M#etad#N Ot s#ayaP #iWQur jagOma MaYkara%sta#Ot c MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD purO%$eforeD DgiQeMam%FaQeM draWXum%to seeD ca% ando prajagmuT%aentD sar#a%aleD de#atOT%thetdemigodsD M#etad#NpOt%from S#etad#NpaD s#ayam%personallyD #iWQuT%Lord ViWQuD jrgsma%wentD MaYkara%sta#Ot%$ecauase of Lord Si#aEs prayers. SrN /VWQa saidJ "hen all the demigods came to see the new$orn infant FaQeMa, on Lord Si#aEs reBuest Lord ViWQu also came from S#etad#Npa. e:t ,29 dVWX#O gaQeMaP muditaT samu#Osa sukhOsane sukhena dadVMuT sar#e trailokya%mohanaP #apuT sawD sar#e%allD trailokya%mohanam%charming the three worldsD #apuT%form. Lord ViWQu happily saw FaQeMa and then sat on a comforta$le seat. hen all the demigods $lissfuly gaGed on Lord ViWQu, whose form enchanted the three worlds, . . . e:t ,2, kirNXinaP kuQRalinaP pNtOm$ raNdharaP #aram sundaraP MyOma%rUpaP ca na#a%yau#ana%samyutam kirNXinam%wearing a crownD kuQRalinam%with earringsD pNtOm$ara%dharam%wearing

yellow garmentsD #aram%e:cellentD sunraram%handsomeD MyOma%darkD rUpam%formD cay andD na#a%yau#ana%samyutam%youthful. . . . who wore yellow garments, a crown, and earrings, whose yoethful dark from was #ery handsome, . . . e:t ,2. canda Oguru%kastUrN kuYkuma%dra#a%samyutam ratnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyOP smerOnana%saroruham candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%samyutam%anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkumaD ratnOlaYkOra%jewel ornamentsD Fo$hORhyOm%gloriousD smerOnana%saroruham%smiling lotus face. . . . . who was anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, who wau decorated with jewel ornaments, whose lotus face smiled, . . . e:t ,20 ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca pOrWadaiT pari#eWXitam SanditaP ca suraiT sar#aiT Mi#ena pUjitaP stutam ratna%siPhOsana%stham%sittnnm n a jewel throneD ca%andD pOrWadaiT with associatesD pwri#eWXitam%surroundedD #anditam%offered o$eisancesD ca%/ndD suraiT%$y teh demigodsD sar#aiT%allD Mi#ena%$y Lord Si#aD pUjitam%worshipedD stutam%offered prayers. . . . who sat on a jewel throne, who was surrounded $y ;is associates, to whom whom all the demigods offered o$eisances, to whom Lord Si#a offered worship and prayers. e:t ,21 _taP dVWX#O pOr#atN #iWQuP prasanna%#adanekWaQO mukham OcchOdanaP cakre

#OsasO #rNRayO satN tam%;imD dVWX#O%seeingD pOr#atN%(Or#atND #iWQum%to Lord ViWQuD prasanna% SadanekWaQO%with haupy face and eyesD mukham%faceD OcchOdanam%co#eringD cakre% didD #OsasO%with her gaSmentD #rNRayO%with shynessD satN%chaste. "hen (Or#atN saw Lerd ViWQu she $ecame filled with a happiness that showed in her face and eyes. >m$arrassed, chaste (Or#atN co#ered her face with her sari. e:ts ,22 and ,23 atN#a%sundaraP rUpaP darMaP darMaP punaT punaT dadarMa mukham OcchOdya nimeWa%rahitO satN paramOd$huta%#eMaP ca sa%smitO #akra%cakWuWO sukha%sOgara%sammagnO $a$hU#a pulakOZcitO atN#a%sundaram%#ery handsomeD rUpam%formD darMam%lookingD darMam%and lookingD punaT%againD punaT%and againD dadarMa%sawD mukham%faceD OcchOdya%co#eringD nimeWa%$linkingD rahitO%withoutD satN%chasteD parama%#eryD ad$huta%wonderfulD #eMaPgarmentsD ca%andD sa%smitO%smilingD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyesD sukha% sOgara%into an ocean of happinessD sammagnO%plungedD $a$hU#a%$ecameD pulakOZcitO% the hairs erect. ;er face co#ered, with un$linking crooked eyes chaste (Or#atN gaGed again and again at Lord ViWQuEs #ery handsome, wonderfully dressed form. he hairs of her $ody erect, she $ecame plunged in an ocean of $liss. e:t ,24 kWaQaP dadarMa paZcOsyaP Mu$hra%#arraP tri%locanam triMUla%paXXiMa%dharaP kandarpa%koXi%sundaram kWaQam%for a momentD dadarMa%sawD paZcOsyam%Lord Si#a, who has fi#e facesD

Mu$hra%#arQam%splendidD tri%locanam%three eyesD triMUla%a tridentD paXXiMa%and a:D dharam%holdingD kandarpa%koXi%sundaram%more handsome than ten million /Omade#as. d @dr a moment she gaGed (t splendid Lord Si#a, more handsome than ten million /Omade#as,+grasping a trident and a:, and three eyes on each of his fi#e faces. _ e:t ,26 kWaQam dadarMa MyOmaP taP ekasyOP ca d#i%locanam catur%$hujaP pNta%#astraP #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam kWaQam%fro a momentD adarMa%jawD MyOmam%darkD tam%;imD ekasyOm%one faceD ca% andD d#i%locanam%two eye D catuT%fourD $hujam%armsD pNta%#astram%yellow garmentsD #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam%decorated with a forest garland. In the ne:t moment she gaGed at dark Lord ViWQu, wearing yellow garments, decorated with a forest garland, with one face anh four arms. e:t ,27 ekaP $rahma mUrti%$hedaP a$hedaP #O nirUpitam dVWX#O $a$hU#a sO mOyO sa%kOmO #iWQu%mOyayO ekam%oneD $rahma%SupremeD mUrti%$hedam%many formsD a$hedam%not differentD #O%orD nirUpitam%descri$edD dVWX#O%seeingD $a$hU#a%wasD sO%sheD mOyO%the goddess of material natureD sa%kOmO%filled with desireD #iWQu%mOyayO%$y the yogamOyO potency of Lord ViWQu. FaGing at the one Supreme Lord who appears in many forms, Foddess (Or#atN, the controller of material $ewilderment, fell under the control of Lord ViWQuEs spiritual power of $ewilderment. She $ecame filled with passionate desire. e:t ,39 mad%aPMOM ca trayo de#O $rahma%#iWQu%maheM#arOT

tO$hyOm utkarWa%pOtOc ca MreWXha%satt#a%guQOtmakaT mat%-yD aPMOT%partsD ca%andD trayaT%the threeD de#O%demigodsD $rahma%#iWQu% maheM#arOT%8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD tO$hyOm%of themD utkarWa%pltOt%$ecause of $eing most e:altedD ca%andD MreWXha%$estD satt#a%guQa%the mode of goodnessD OtmakaT% the self. She thoughtJ he three demigods 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a, are my partial incarnations. Still, ViWQu is $est, for ;e is in the mode of goodness. e:t ,3, dVWX#O taP pOr#atN $haktyO pulakaZcita%#igrahO manasO pUjayOm Osa paramOtmOnam NM#aram _ dVWX#O%seeingD tOm%;imD pOr#atN%(Or#atND $haktyO%with de#otionD pulakaZcita% #igrahO%her hairs erectD manasO%with the mindD pUjayOm Osa%worshipedD paramOtmOnam%the Suprersoul, the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD NM#aram%the supreme controller. (Or#atN gaGed at Lord ViWQu and in her thoughts de#otedly worshiped ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead and the Supersoul in e#eryoneEs heart. e:t ,3. durgOntarO$hiprOyaP ca $u$udIe MaYkaraT s#ayam sar#OntarOtmO $haga#On antaryOmN jagat%patiT durgO%of (ar`r#atND antara%withinD a$hiprOyam%the thoughtD ca%andD $u$udhe% understoodD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD s#ayam%personallyD sar#a%allD antara%withinD OtmO%the heartD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD antaryOmN%aithin the heartD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#erses. Lord Si#a, who was also the (ersonality of Fodhead, the master of the uni#erses, and the Supersoul in e#eryoneEs heart, knew what (Or#atN was thinking.

e:t ,30 durgOP ca nirjanN%$hUya tam u#Oca haraT s#ayam $odhayOm Osa #i#idhaP hitaP tathyam akhaQRitam durgOm%to (Or#atND ca%andD nirjanN%$hUya%taking to a secluded placeD tOm%to herD u#Oca%saidD haraT%Lord Si#aD s#ayam%personallyD $odhayOm Osa%taughtD #i#idham% #ariousD hitam%auspiciousD tathyam%truthsD akhaQRitam%complete. aking her to a secluded place, Lord Si#a spoke to (Or#atN. ;e taught her all that was auspicious and true. e:t ,31 MrN%MaYkara u#Oca ni#edanaP madNyaP ca ni$odha Maila%kanyake MVYgOraP dehi $hadraP te haraye paramOtmane MrN%MaYkara u#Oca%SrN Si#a saidD ni#edanam%wordsD madNyam%myD ca%andD ni$odha% please understandD Maila%kanyake%< (Or#atND MSupersoul. SrN Si#a saidJ < (Or#atN, please understand my words. =ou must $ecome the passionate lo#er of Lord ViWQu, the all%per#ading Supersoul and Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t ,32 ahaP $rahmO ca #iWQuM ca $rahmaikaP ca sanOtanam de#aiko $heda%rahito #iWayan mUrti%$hedakaT aham%ID $rahmO%8rahmOD ca%andD #iWQuT%ViWQuD ca%andD $rahma%SupremeD ekam% oneD ca%andD sanOtanam%eternalD de#a%LordD ekaT%oneD $heda%rahitaT%without differenceD #iWayan%manifestingD mUrti%$hedakaT%different forms.

ViWQu, 8rahmO, and I are the one eternal Supreme Lord. "e are not different. "e are the one Lord manifest in different forms. e:t ,i3 ekO prakVtiT sar#eWOP a mOtO t#aP sar#a%rUpiQN s#ayam$hu#aM ca #OQN t#aP lakWmNr n`ar`ayaQorasi ek`a%onaD prakVtiT%natureD sar#eW`ae%of allD m`at`a%the motherD t#am%youD sar#a% rUpiQN%all formsD s#ayam$hu#aT%of 8rahm`aD ca%andD #`aQN%saras#atND t#am%youD lakWmNT%LakWmND n`ar`ayaQa%of Lord n`ar`ayaQaD urasi%on the chest. =ou are the potency of the Supreme Lord. =ou are the mother of all. =ou appear in many formsr =nu are 8rahm`aEs wife Saras#a N. =ou are Foddess LakWmN, who rests on Lord N`ar`ayaQaEs chest. e:t ,34 mama #akWasi durg`a t#aP ni$odh`adhy`atmakaP sati Mi#asya #acanaP Mrut#`a tam u#`aca sureM#arN mama%of -eD #akWasi%on the chestD durg`a%(`ar#atND t#am%youD ni$odha% understandD `adhy`atmakam%the truthD sati%< saintly oneD Mi#asya%of Si#aD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#`a%hearingD tam%to himD u#`aca%saidD sureM#arN%the Bueen of the demigods. < saintly one, you are also (`ar#atN, who rests on my chest. _ )fter hearing Lord Si#aEs words, (`ar#atN, the Bueen of the demigods, spoke to him. e:t ,36

MrN%par#aty u#`aca dNna%$andho kVp`a%sindho ta#a m`am akVp`a katham su%ciraP tapas`a la$dho n`athas t#aP jagat`aP may`a

MrN%par#aty u#`aca%SrN (`ar#atN saidD dNna%$andhaT%< friend of the poorD kVp`a% sindhaT%< ocean of mercyD ta#a%of youD m`am%to meD akVp`a%mercilessD katham%why*D su%ciram%for a long timeD tapas`a%$y austeritiesD la$dhaT%attainedD n`athaT%masterD t#am%youD jegat`am%of th uni#ersesD may`a%$y me. SrN (`ar#atN saidJ < friend of the poor, < ocean of mercy, why ha#e you no mercy for to me* @or a long time Irperformed austerities to attain you, the master of the uni#erses. e:t ,S7 m`adVMNP kiYkarNP n`atha na parityaktum arhasi ayogyam idVMaP #`akyaP m`aP m`a #ada maheM#ara m`adVMNm%like meD kiYkarNm%a ser#antD n`atha%< LordD na%notD parityaktum%to a$andonD arhasi%desr#eD ayogyam%improperD idVMam%like thisD #Okyam%wordsD mOm%to meD mO%donEtD #ada%speakD maheM#ara%< Si#a. Lord, you cannot reject a ser#ant like me. < Si#a, please do not speak these improper words to me. e:t ,49 ta#ao#OkyaP mahO%de#a kariWyOmy e#a pOlanam dehOntare janma la$dhO $ha#iWyOmi hariP hara ta#a%of youD #Okyam%the wordsD mahO%de#a%< LordD kariWyOmy%I will doD e#a% indeedD pOlanam%protectionD dehOntare%in another $odyD janma%$irthD la$eh#%e$tai#eiD $ha#iWyOmi%I will $0D harim%to Lord ViWQuD hara%< Si#a. Lord, I will o$ey your command. I will take $irth in another $ody. hen I will $ecome Lord ViWQuEs lo#er. e:t ,4,

ity e#aP #acanaP Mrut#O #irarOma maheM#araT uccair jahOsO$hayrdaT _ pOr#atyai cO$hayaP dadau ity%tdusD e#am%thusD #acanam%wormsD Mrut#O%hearingD #irarOma%stoppedD maheM#araT%Lord Si#aD uccaiT%loudlyD jahOsa%laughedD a$haya%fearlessnessA daT%giringD pOr#atyai%to (Or#atND ca%andD a$hayam%feailesnessD dadau%ga#e. ;earing these words, Lord Si#ae$urst into laughter. In this way he reassurwd (Or#atN and remo#ed her fears. e:t ,4. tat%pratijZO%pOlanOya pOr#NtN jOm$a#ad%gVhe la$hiWyati janur dhOtar nOmnO jOm$a#atN satN tat%pratijZO%pOlanOya%to keep her promiseD pOr#atN%(Or#atND jOm$a#ad%gVhe%in AOm$a#OnEs houseD la$hiWyati%will attainD januT%$irthD dhOtaT%< 8rahmOD nOmnO%$y nameD jOm$a#atN%AOm$a#atND satN%chaste. o keep her word chaste (Or#atN will take $irth in AOm$a#OnEs house. < 8rahmO, she will $e named AOm$a#atN. e:t ,40 MrN%$rahmo#Oca $hUmau kati%#idhe $hUpe saPsthite pOr#atN katham lalO$ha $harate janma nandite $hOlluke gVhe MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD $hUmau%on earthD kati%#idhe%many kindsD $hUpe%kingsD saPsthite%situatedD pOr#atN%(Or#atND katham%why*D lalO$ha%attainedD $harate%in 8harata%#arWaD janma%$irthD nandite%delightedD $hOlluke%a $earD gVhe%in the home. SrN 8rahmO saidJ <n the earth there are many different kinds of kings. "hy will

(Or#atN take $irth in the home of a $ear* e:t ,41 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca rOmO#atOre tretOyOP de#OPsOM ca yayur mahNm himayalOPMo $hOllUko jOm$a#On rOma%kiYkaraT MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQ saidD rOmO#atOre%in twe incarhation of Lord rOmaD tretOyOm%in retO%yugaD de#OPsOT%a part of the LordD ca%andD yayuT%wentD mahNm%to earthD himayalOPMaT%a part of ;imOlayaD $hOllUkaT%a $earD jOm$a#On%AOm$a#OnD rOma% kiYkaraT%a SrN /VWQa saidJ In retO%yuga, during the incarnation of Lord 5Oma, the demigods incarnated on the earth. )t that time the king of the ;imOlayaEs incarnated as the $ear AOm$a#On, a great ser#ant of Lord 5Oma. e:t ,42 rOmasya #ara%dOnena cira%jN#i MriyO yutaT koXi%siPha%$alOdhOnaP #idhatte ca mahO%$alaT rOmasya%of Lord 5OmaD #ara%dOnena%$y a $oonD cira%jN#i%long li#ingD MriyO%with handsomenessD yutaT%endowedD koXi%siPha%of ten million lionsD $ala%the strengthD OdhOnam%giftD #idhatte%placedD ca%andD mahO%$alaT%#ery powerful.. 8ecause of a 8oon from Lord 5Oma, AOm$a#On is long%li#ed, handsome, any strong like ten miulion lions. e:t ,43 pitur aPMa%gVhaP gat#O jagOmOPMena $hU%talam e#aP pUr#asya #VttOntaP athitaP MVQu man%mukhOt pituT%of the fatherD aPMa%of an incarnationD gVham%to the homeD gat#O%goingD

jagOma%wentD aPMena%$y a partD $hU%talam%to the earthD e#am%thusD pUr#asya%pre#iousD #VttOntam%e:ampleD kathitam%spokenD MVQu%please hearD man%mukhOt%from -y mouth. In this way (Or#atN will go to the earth and take $irth in the house of AOma$a#On, who is an incarnation of her father( the king ofrthe ;imOlayas. Now please,hear more e:planations from -y mouth. e:t ,44 sar#eWOP ca surOQOP cai% #aPMO gacchantu $hU%talam nVpa%putrO mat%sahOya $ha#iWyanti raQe #idhe sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD surOQOm%demigodsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD aPMO%incarnationsD gacchantu%should goD $hU%talam%to the earthD nVpa%putrO%princesD mat%sahOya%to help -eD $ha#iWyanti%will $eD raQe%in $attleD #idhe%< 8rahmO. )ll the demigods should partially incarnate on the earth. < 8rahmO, as warrior% princes they will assist -e in $attle. e:t ,46 _ kamalO%kalayO sar#O $ha#antu nVpa%kanyakOT man%mahiWyo $ha#iWyanti sahasrOQ p ca WoRaMa kamalO%of LakWmND kalayO%$y an incarnationD sar#O%allD $ha#antu%may $eD nVpa% kanyakOT%princessesD man%mahiWyaT%-y BueensD $ha#iWyanti%will $eD sahasrOQOP ca WoRaMa%,3,999. Foddess LakWmN will partially incarnate as ,3,999 princesses who will $ecome -y Bueens. e:t ,47 dharmo Eyam aPMa%rUpeQa pOQRu%putro yudhiWXhiraT #Oyor aPMOd $hNmaseno

#ajry%aPMOd arjunaT s#ayam dharmaT%=amaD ayam%heD aPMa%rUpeQa%$y an incarnationD pOQRu%putraT%the son of pOQRuD yudhiWXhiraT%=udhiWXhiraD #OyoT%of OyuD aPMOt%$y an incarnationD $hNmasenaT%8hNresenaD #ajry%aPMOt%$y an incarnation of IndraD arjunaT%)rjunaD s#ayam%himself. =amarOja will partially incarnate as (OQRuEs son =udhiWXhira. VOyu will partially incarnate as 8hNmasena. Indra will partially incarnate as )rjuna. e:t ,69 nakulaT sahade#aM ca s#air%#aidyOPMa%samud$ha#aT sUryOPMaT karQa%#NraM ca #iduraT MamanaT s#ayam nakulaT%NakulaD sahade#aM%sahade#aD ca%andD s#air%#aidyOPMa%samud$ha#aT%an incarnation of the )M#inN%kumOrasD sUryOPMaT%an incarnation of SUryaD karQa%#NraT% the warriory/arQaD ca%andD #iduraT%ViduraD MamanaT%=amarOjaD s#ayam%personally. he )M#inN%kumOras will partially incarnate as Nakula and Sahade#a. SUrya will partially incarnate as the heroic warrior /arQa. =amarOja will personally appear as Vidura. e:t ,6, duryodhanaT kaler aPMaT samudrOPMaM ca MOntanuT aM#atthOmO MaYkarOPMo droQo #ahny%aPMa%sam$ha#aT duryodhanaT%&uryodhanaD kaleT%of /aliD aPMaT%incarnationD samudrOPMaM% incarnation of SamudraD ca%andD MOntanuT%SantanuD aM# /ali will partially incarnate as &uryodhana. VaruQa will partially incarnate as Santanu. Si#a will partially incarnate as )M#atthOmO. )gni will partially incarnate as &roQOcOrya. e:t ,6.

candrOPMo Epy a$himanyuM ca $hNWmaM cai#a s#ayaP #asuT #asude#aT kasyapOPMo Epy adity%aPMa ca de#akN candrOPMaT%incarnation of CandwaD api%alsoD a$himanyuT%o$himanyuD ca%andD $hiPsaM%8hNmaD ca%andD e#a%indeedD s#ayam%personallyD #asuT%VasuD #asude#aT% Vasude#aD kasyapOPMaT%partial incarnation of /aMyapaD api%alsoD adity%aP a%partial incarnation of )ditiD ca%andD gM#akN%&e#akN. Candra whll partially incarnate as )$himanyu. Vasu will partially incarnate as 8hNWmar /aMyapa will partially incarnate as Vasude#a. )diti will partially incarnate as &e#akN. e:t ,60 #as#%aPMo nanda%gopaM ca yaModO #asu%kOminN draupadN kamalOPMO ca yajZa%kuQRa%samud$ha#O #as#%aPMaT%incarnation of VasuD nerda%gopaM%the gopa NandaD ca%andD yaModO% =aModOD #asu%kOminN%#asuEs wifeD drau adN%&raupadND kamalOPMO%incarnation of LakWmND ca%andD yaj a%kuQRa%samud$ha#O%$orn from the yajna pond. Vasu will partially incarnate as Nanda%gopa. VasuEs wife will partially incarnate as =aModO. LakWmN will partially incarnate as &raupadN, who was $orn from a yajZa pond. e:t ,61 hutOManOPMo $haga#On dhVWXadyumno mahO%$alaT su$hadrO MatarUpOPMO de#akN%gar$ha%sam$ha#O hutOManOPMaT%incarnation of )gniD $haga#On%LordD dhVWXadyumnaT% &hVWXadyumnoD mahO%$alaT%#ery powerfulD su$ha(rO%Su$hadrOD MatarUpOPMO% incarnation of MatarUpOD de#akN%gar$ha%sam$ha#O%$orn from &e#akNEs wom$. )gni will partially incarnate as no$le and powerful &hVWXadyumna. SatarUpO will partiually incarnate as Su$hadra, $orn from &e#akNEs wom$.

e:t ,62

de#O gacchantu pVthi#NP aPMena $hara%hOrakOT kalayO de#a%patnyaM ca gacchantu pVthi#N%talgm de#O%the demigodsD gacchantu%should goD pVthi#Nm%to the earthD aPMena%$y partsD $ ara%hOrakOT%remo#ing thh $urdenD kalayO%$y a partD de#a%of the desinodsD patnyaT% the wi#esD ca%andD gacchantu%should goD pVthi#N%talam%to the earth. In this way the demigods must go, $y their partial e:pansions, to the earth and help to remo#e its $urden. he demigodsE i(es must alsh oo, $y their partial e:pnnsions, to the earth. e:t ,63 ity e#am ukt#O $haga#On #irarOma ca nOrada sar#aP ni#araQaP Mrut#O tatro#Osa prajO%patiT ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%ha ing spokenD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD #irarOma%stoppedD ca%andD nOrada%< NOradaD sar#am%allD #i#araQam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tatra%thereD u#Osa%stoodD prajO%patiT%8rahmA. )t that point Lord /VWQa stopped speaking. < NOrada, 8yahmO stood there, listening. e:t ,64 kVWQasya #Ome #Og%de#N dakWiQe kamalOlayO purato de#atOT sar#OT pOr#atN cOpi nOrada kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD #Ome%on the lwftD #Og%de#N%saras#atND daSmiQe%on the rightD kamalOlayO%lakWmND purataT%$eforeD de#atOT%the demigodsD sar#OT%allD pOr#atN%(Or#atND ca%andD api alsoD nOrada%< NOrada.

Saras#atN was at Lord /VWQaEs left and LakWmN at ;is right. (Or#atN and all the demigods were $efore ;im. e:t ,66 gopyo gopaM ca purato rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthitO etasminn antare sO ca tam u#Oca #rajeM#arN n%thereD antare%afterD sO%SheD ca%andD tam%to ;imD u#Oca%saidD #rajeM#arN%the Bueen of Vraja.. he gopNs and gopas were $efore ;im. SrN 5OdhO rested on ;is chest. )t that moment SrN 5OdhO, the Bueen of Vraja, spoke to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,67 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca MVQu nOtha pra#akWyOmi kiYkarN%#acanaP pra$ho prOQO dahanti satataP Ondolayati me manaT MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD MVQu%please hearD nOtha%< LordD pra#akWyOmi%I will tellD kiYkarN%#acanam%the words of =our maidser#antD pra$haT%< LordD prOQO%lifeD dahanti%$urnsD satatam%alwaysD Ondolayati%swings to and froD me%-yD manaT%mind. SrN 5OdhO saidJ < Lord, please hear the words of =our maidser#ant. -y life has $ecome a $laGing fire that $urns without stop. -y mind trem$les, swinging to and fro. e:t ,79 cakWur%nimNlanaP kartuP aMaktO ta#a darMane t#ayO #inO kathaP nOtha yOsyOmi dharaQN%talam cakWuT%eyesD nimNlanam%closingD kartum%to doD aMaktO%una$leD ta#a%of =ouD darMane%in the sightD t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutD katham%how*D nOtha%< LordD yOsyOmi%I

will goD dharaQN%talam%to the earth. "hen I look at =ou I cannot e#en $link. < Lord, how can IVgo to the earth without =ou* e:t ,7, kati%kOlOntaraP $andho melanaP me t#ayO saha preQeM#araT$rUhi satyaP $ha#iWyaty e#a gokule kati%kOlOntaram%after how long*D $andhaT%< friendD melanam%meetingD me%of -eD t#ayO%=ouD saha%withD prOQeM#ara%< master of -y lr eD $rhhi%please tellD satyam%the truthD $ha#iWyaty%will $eD e#a%ind<SdD gokule%in Fok?la. < friend, how much time must pass $efore I will meet =ou again in Fokula* < master of -yelife, please tell the truth. _ e:t ,7. nimeWaP ca yuga%MataP $ha#itI me e#ayO #inO kaP drakWyOmi k#g yOsyOmi ko #O mOP pOlayiWyati nimeWam%a $linkD ca,andD yuga Matam%a hundred yugasD $ha#itr%w ll $ecomeD me%of -eD t#ayOr=ouD #inO%withoutD kam%what*D drakWyOmi%will I seeD kma%where*D yOsyOmi% will I goDLkaT%who*D #O%orD mOm%-eD pOlayiWyati%will prohect. yn Lyt$link without =ou will $e a hundred yugas for -e. "(at will I look on* "here wil# I gh* "ho will protect -e* e:t ,70 mOtaraP pitaraP $andhut i $hrOtaraP $haginNP sutam t#ayO #inOhaP prOQeMa cintayOmi na kaP kWaQam

mOtaram%motherD pitaram%fatherD $andhum%friendD $hrOtaram%$rotherD $haginNm% sisterD sutam%childD t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutD aham%ID prOQeMa%< master of -y lifeD cintayOmi%thinkD na%notD kam%what*D kWaQam%moment. < master of -y life, how can I for a moment think of mother, father, relati#es, friends, $rother, sister, or children when =ou are gone* e:t ,71 karoWi mOyayOcchannOP mOP cen mOyeMa $hU%tale #ismVtaP #i$ha#aP datt#O satyaP me MapathaP kuru karoWi%=ou doD mOyayO%with =our mOyO potencyD OcchannOm%co#eredD mOm%-eD cet%ifD mOyeMa%< master of mOytD $hU%tale%on the earthD #ismVtam%forgottenD #i$ha#am%gloryD datt#O%gi#ingD satyam%truthD me%to -eD Mapatham%promiseD kuru% please do. < master of illusions, please promise me that when I am on the earth =ou will not co#er -e with illusion and make -e forget =our glories. e:t ,72 anukWaQaP mama mano madhupo madhusUdana karotu $hramaQaP nityaP t sa%mOdh#Nke padOm$uje _ anukWaQam%at e#ery momentD mama%-yD manaT%mindD madhupaT%a $eeD madhusUdana%< /VWQaD karotu%please doD $hramaQam%wanderingD nityam%alwaysD sa% mOdh#Nke%filled with honeym pada%fdeetD am$uje%lotus. < /VWQa, please turn -y mind into a $um$le$ee always gandering among the nectar lotus%flowers of =our feet. e:t ,73 yatra tatra ca yasyOP #O yoQau janma $ha#at# idam t#aP s#asya smaraQaP dOsyaP

mahyaP dOsyasi #OZchitam yatra tatra%where#erD ca%andD yasyOm%whichD #O%orD yoQau%wom$D janma%$irthD $ha#at#%may $eD idam%thisD t#am%=ouD s#asya%ownD smaraQam%memoryD dOsyam% ser#iceD mahyam%to -eD dOsyasi%will gi#eD #OZchitam%desired. "here#er I may $e $orn, please gi#e -e ser#ice to =ou and remem$rance of =ou. e:t ,74 kVWQas t#aP rOdhikOhaP ca prema%sau$hOgyam O#ayoT na #ismarOmi $hUmau ca dehi mahyaP paraP #aram kVWQaT%/VWQaD t#am%=ouD rOdhikO%5OdhOD aham%ID ca%andD prema%sau$hOgyam%the good fortune of lo#eD O#ayoT%of ?sD na%notD #ismarOmi%I remem$erD $hUmau%on the earthD ca%andD dehi%please gi#eD mahyam%to -eD param%greatD #aram%$lessing. =ou are /VWQa and r am 5OdhO. "hen I am on the earth may I ne#er forget the gloryrof <ur lo#e. < Lord, elease (i#e -e nhis $enediction. e:t ,76 yathO tan#O saha prOQaT MarNraP chOyayO saha tateO#ayor janma yOtu dehi mahyaP #araP #i$ho yathO%asD tan#O%the $odyD saha%withD prOQaT%lifeD MarNram%$odyD chOyayO%with a shadowD saha%withD tathO%soD O#ayoT%of ?sD janma%$irthD yOtu%may attainD dehi%please gi#eD mahyam%to -eD #aram%$oonD #i$haT%< Lord. )s $reath always stays with the $ody and as the $ody always stays with its shadow, may "e wo always stay together when "e take $irth. < Lord please gi#e -e this $enediction. _ e:t ,77


$ha#itO nO#ayor $hu#i tatrOgatyOpi kutrOpi dehi mahyaP #araP pra$ho cakWur%nimeWa%#icchedaT%an eye$linkD $ha#itO%will $eD na%notD O#ayoT%of ?sD $hu#i%on the earthD tatra%thereD Ogatya%goingD api%e#enD kutrOpi%somewhereD dehi% please gi#eD mahyam%to -eD #aram%$enedictionD pra$haT%<Lord. "hen "e are on the earth let ?s not $e separated for e#en an eye$link. < Lord, please gi#e -e this $enediction. e:t .99 mama pryQais ta#a tanuT kena #O #Oryate hare Otmano muralN%pOdau manasO #O #inirmitau mama%of -eD prOQaiT%with lifeD ta#a%of =ouD tanuT%the $odyD kena%$y what*D #O%orD #Oryate%is madeD hare%< /VWQaD OtmanaT%ownD muralN%fluteD pOdau%feetD manasO%with the mindD #O%orD #inirmitau%made. "ho was it that used -y liue%$reath to create =oow $ody, feet, and flute* e:t .9, striyaT kati%#idhOT santi puruWO #O puru%stutOT nOsti kutrOpi kOntO #O kOntOsaktO ca mOdVMN striyaT%womenD kati%#idhOT%how many kindsD santi%areD puruWO%menD #O%orD puru% stutOT%gloriousD na%notD Osti%isD kutrOpi%anywhereD kOntO%$elo#edD #O%orD kOntOsaktO% attached to her $elo#edD ca%andD mOdVMN%like -e.. ;ow many kinds of women are there* ;ow many kinds of glorious men praised again and again* No woman is attached to her lo#er as I am to =ou. e:t .9. ta#a dehOrdha%$hOgena

kena #OhaP #inirmitO idam e#O#ayor $hedo nOsty atas t#ayi me manaT ta#a%of =ouD dehOrdha%$hOgena%$y half the $odyD kena%how*D #O%orD aham%ID #inirmitO%madeD idam%thisD eV %indeedD O#ayoT%of ;owris it that I was created from half of =our $ody* here is no difference $etween ?s. hat is why -y mind always thinks of =ou. e:t .90 mamOtma%mOnasa prOQO s t#ayi saPsthOpya kena #O ta#Otma%mOnasa%prOnO mayi #OsaP sthitO api mama%of -eD Otma%selfD mOnasa%mindD prOQOn%lifeD t#ayi%in =ouD saPsthOpya% situatedD kena%how*D #O%orD ta#a%of =ouD Otma%selfD mOnasa%mindD prOQOT%and lifeD mayi%in -eD #Osam%residenceD sthitO%situatedD api%also. ;ow is it that -y mind, heart, and life were placed in =our $ody, and =our mind, heart, and life were placed in -ine* e:t .91 tato nimeWa%#iraha% dOtmano #ikla#aP manaT pradagdhaP santataP prOQO dahanti #iraha%Mrutau tataT%thereforeD nimeWa%an eye$linkD #iraha%separationD da%gi#ingD OtmanaT%of the selfD #ikla#am%calamityD manaT%the mindD pradagdham%$urnedD santatam%alwaysD prOQO%lifeD dahanti%$urnsD #iraha%Mrutau%hearing of separation. hat is why an eye$linkEs separation from =ou $rings a great catastrophe to -y mind. hat is why, when it hears that "e may $e separated, -y life%force $urns in an unending fire. e:t .92

ity e#am ukt#O sO de#N tatrai#a sura%saPsadi $hUyo $hUyo rtrodoccair dhVt#O tac%caraQOm$uje ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD sO%SheD de#N%the goddessD tatra%thereD e#a% indeedD sura%saPsadi%in the assm$ly of the demigodsD $hUyaT%againD $hUyaT%and againD ruroda weptD uccaiT%loudlyD dhVt#O%h ldingD tac%caraQOm$uje%;is lotus feet. )fter speaking these words in the assem$ly of demigods, again and again SrN 5OdhO grasped Lord /VWQa lotus feet and loudly wept. e:t .93 _ kroRe kVt#O ca tOP kVWQo mukhaP sammVjya #OsasO $odhayOm Osa #i#idhaP satyaP tathyaP hitaP #acaT kroRe%oL ;is lapD kVt#O%placingD ca%andD tam%;erD kVWQaT%/VWQaD mukham%faceD sammVjya%wipingD #OwasO%with a clothD $odhayOm Osa%taughtD #i#idham%sanyD sa,yam% truthsD tathyam%trueD hitam%auspiciousD #acaT%words. hen, placing ;er on ;is lap and with ;is own garment wiping the tears from ;er face, Lord /VWQa spoke many true and $eneficial words. e:t .94 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca OdhyOtmikaP paraP yogaP Moka%cchedana%kOraQam MVQu de#i pra#akWyOmi yogNndrOQOP ca durla$ham MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD OdhyOtmikam%spiritualD param%greatD yogam%yogaD Moka%cchedana%$rekaing griefD kOraQam%the causeD MVQu%please hearD de#i%< goddessD pja#akWyOmi%I will tellD yogNndrOQOm%of the kings of the yogNsD ca%andD durla$ham% difficult to attain.

SrN /VWQa saidJ Foddess, please listen and I will descri$e to =ou the yoga of the Supreme, a yoga e#en th) ki gs of the yogNs cannot understand, a yoga that cuts grief into many pieces. e:t .96 OdhOrOdheyayoT sar#aP $rahmOQRaP paMya sundari OdhOra%#yatirekeQa nOsty Odheyasya sam$ha#aT OdhOra%the resting placeD OdheyayoT%and that which restsD sar#am%allD $rahmOQRam%the uni#erseD paMya%lookD sundari%< $eautiful oneD OdhOra%from the resting placeD #yatirekeQa%with separate nD na%notD asty%isD Odheyasya%of that rhich restsD sam$ha#aT%is possi$le. < $eautiful one, consider thisJ he entire uni#erse is constructed of two thingsJ resting places and things that rest in them. It is not possi$le for a resting thing to $e separated from its resting place. e:t .97 _phalOdhOraP ca puWpaP ca puWpOdhOraM ca palla#aT skandhaM ca palla#OdhOraT e skandhOdhOras taruT s#ayam phala%of fruitD OdhOram%the resting placeD ca%andD puWpam%flowerD ca%andD puWpOdhOraM%the resting place of the flowerD ca%andD palla#aT%twigD skandhaM%$ranchD ca%andD palla#OdhOraT%the resting place of the twigD skandhOdhOraT%the resting place of the $ranchD taruT%the treeD s#ayam%itself. @or the fruit the resting place is the flower. @or the flower the resting place is the twig. @or the twig the resting place is the $ranch. @or the $ranch the resting place is the tree itself. e:t .,9 #VkWOdhOro Epy aYkuraM ca $Nja%Makti%saman#itaT aWXir e#aYkurOdhOras cOsty OdhOro #asundharO

#VkWa%of the treeD OdhOraT%the resting placeD api%alsoD aYkuraT%the seedlingD ca%andD $Nja%Makti%saman#itaT%with the power of the seedD aWXiT%the seedD e#a%indeedD aYkurOdhOr(T%the resting place of the seedlingD ca%andD asty%isD OdhOraT%the resting placeD #asundharO%the earth. @or the tree the resting place is the sapling. @or the sapling, which is manifest from the seed, the resting place is the s ed. @or the seed the resting place is the earth. e:t .,, MeWo #asundharOdhOraT MeWOdhOro hi kacchapaT #OyuM ca kacchapOdhOro #Oy#%OdhOro Eham e#a ca MeWaT%Lord SeWaD #asundharOdhOraT%the resting place of the earthD MeWOdhOraT%the resting place of SeWaD hi%indeedD kacchapaT%the tortoiseD #OyuT%windD ca%andD kacchapOdhOraT%the resting place of the tortoiseD #Oy#%OdhOraT%the resting place of the windD aham%ID e#a%indeedD ca%and. @or the earth the resting place is LoNd SeWa. @or Lord SeWa the resting place is the great tortoise $eneath ;im. @or the tortoise the resting place is the wind. @or the wind the resting place is I -yself. e:t .,. mamOdhOra%s#arUpas t#aP t#ayi tiWXhOmi MOM#atam _t#aP ca MNktirsamUha ca mUla%prakVtir NM#arN mama%of -eD OdhOra%t e resting placeD s#arUpaT%personifiedD t#am%=ouD t#ayi%in =ouD tiWXhOmi%I standD kOM#atam%alwaysD t#am%=ouD ca%andD Makti%samUhO%the host of potenciesD ca%andD mUla%prakVtiT%the root of natureD NM#arN%the goddess. @or -e the resting place is =ou. I always rest in =ou. =ou ha#e all powers. =ou are the root from which the material nature has sprung. =ou are the Supreme Foddess. e:t .,0

t#aP MarNra%s#arUpOsi tri%guQOdhOra%rUpiQN ta#OtmOhOP nirNhaM ca ceWXa#OPM ca t#ayO saha t#am%=ouD MarNra%s#arUpO%the resting place of $odiesD asi%areD tri%guQOdhOra%rUpiQN% the resting place of the three modes of natureD ta#a%of =ouD OtmO%the SelfD ahOm%ID nirNhaT%inacti#eD ca%andD ceWXa#On%acti#eD ca%andD t#ayO%=ouD saha%with. =ou are the resting place of all $odies. =ou are the resting place of the three modes of nature. =ou are the resting place of -e, for I am =our heart. "ithout =ou I cannot act. <nly $y =our grace ha#e I the power to act. e:t .,1 puruWOd #Nryam utpannaP #NryOt santatir e#a ca tayor OdhOra%rUpO ca kOminN prakVteT kalO puruWOt%from the manD #Nryam%seedD utpannam%manifestedD #NryOt%from the seedD santatiT%childrenD e#a%indeedD ca%andD tayoT%of them $othD OdhOra%the resting placeD rUpO%the formD ca%andD kOminN%womanD prakVteT%of matterD kalO%a part. @rom the man the seed is manifest. @rom the seed children are manifest. he resting place of $oth seed and chitdren is the woman, who is manifest from material nature. e:t .,2 #inO dhhNna kutrOtmO k#a MarNraP #inOtmanO prOdhOnyaP ca d#ayor de#i #inO d#O$hyOP kuto $ha#aT dhOnyam%the primordial stage of matterD ca%andD d#ayoT%of $othD de#i%<jgoddessD #inO% ithdutD d#O haOm%with $othD kutaT%where*D $ha#aT%the $irtha ;ow can the spirit%soul e:ist wistout the $ody* ;ow can the $ody e:ist without the spirit%soul* hey are $oth the first cause. < goddess, how can the creation $e

manifest without them $oth* e:t .,3 na kutrOpy O#ayor $hedO rOdhe saPsOra%$NjayoT yatrOtmO tatra dehaM ca na $hedo #inayena kim na%notD kutrOpy%anywhereD O#ayoT%of ?sD $hedO%differenceD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD saPsOra%of the material worldD $NjayoT%and the seedD yatra%whereD Otma%the selfD tatra% thereD dehaT%the $odyD ca%andD na%notD $hedaT%differenceD #inayena%with hum$lenessD kim%what is the need* < 5OdhO, "e are not different. e are the seed and ehe wored grown from the seed. I am the soul and =ou are the $ody. "here the soul is present, there also is the $ody. "e are not defferent. "hy must =ou $e so hum$le* s:t .,u yathO kWire ea dhO#alyaP dahikO ca hutOsane $hUmau gandho jale MaityaP tathO t#ayi mama sthitiT yathO%asD kWire%in milkD ca%andD dhO#alyam%whitenessD dahikO)heatD ca%andD hutOsane%in fireD $hUmau%in earthD gandhaT%fragranceD jale%in waterD Maityam%coolnessD tathO%soD t#ayi%in =ouD mama%of -eD sthitiT%the presence. u )s whiteness is present in milk, as heat is present in fire, as fragrance is present in earth, and as coolnesssis present in fire, so I am always present in =ou. e:t .,6 dhO#alya%dugdhayor aikyaP dOhikOnalayor yathO $hU%gandha%jala%MaityOnOP nOsti $hedas tathO#ayoT dhO#alya%of whitenessD dugdhayoT%of milkD aikyam%onenessD dOhikO%of heatD analayoT%and fireD yathO%soD $hU%earthD gandha%fragranceD jala%waterD MaityOnOm% coolnessD na%notD asti%isD $hedaT%differenceD tathO%soD O#ayoT%of ?s.

_ )s milk and its whiteness, fire and its heat, earth and its fragrance, and water and its coolness are one and cannot $e separated, "e are one also. "e cannot $e separated. e:t .,7 mayO #inO t#aP nirjN#O cOdVMyo EhaP t#ayO #inO t#ayO #inO $ha#aP kartuP nOlaP sundari niMcitam mayO%-eD #inO%withoutD t#am%=ouD nirjN#O%lifelessD ca%andD adVMyaT%in#isi$leD aham% ID t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutD t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutD $ha#am%e:istenceD kartum%to doD na%notD alam%a$leD sundari%< $eautiful oneD niMcitam%indeed. "ithout -e, =ou are lifeless. "ithout =ou, I am in#isi$le. < $eautiful one, without =ou I cannot e:ist. e:t ..9 #inO mVdO ghaXaP kartuP yathO nOlaP kulOlakaT #inO s#arQaP s#arQa%karo ElaYkOraP kartum akWamaT #inO%withoutD mVdO%clayD ghaXam%a potD kartum%to makeD yathO%asD na%notD alam% a$leD kulOlakaT%a potterD #inO%withoutD s#arQam%goldD s#arQa%karaT%a goldsmithD alaYkOram%an ornamentD kartum%to makeD akWamaT%una$le. "ithout clay a potter cannot make a pot. "ithout gold a goldsmith cannot make a gold ornament. e:t .., s#ayam OtmO yathO nityas tathO t#aP prakVtiT s#ayam sar#a%Makti%samOyuktO sar#OdhOrO sanOtanN

s#ayam%personallyD OtmO%the soulD yathO%asD nityaT%alwaysD tathO%soD t#am%=ouD prakVtiT%natureD s#ayam%personallyD sar#a%allD Makti%powerD samOyuktO%withD sar#OdhOrO%the resting place of e#erythingD sanOtanN%eternal. )s the spirit%soul is eternal, =ou are also eternal. =ou are theomaterial nature. =ou are all%powerful. =ou are the eternal resting place of e#erything. e:t ... mama prOQa%samO lakWmNr #OQN ca sar#a%maYgalO $rahmeMOnanta%dharmOM ca _ t#aP me prOQOdhikO priyO mama%of -eD prOQa%lifeD samO%eBualD lakWmNT%LakWmND #OQN saras#atND ca%andD sar#a% maYgalO%all%auspiciousD $rahma%8rahmOD NMa%Si#aD ananta%)nantaD dharmOT%=amaD ca% andD t#am%=ouD me%to -eD prOQOdhikO%more than lifeD priyO%dear. LakWmN, all%auspicious Saras#atN, 8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, and =amarOja are dear as life to -e. 8ut =ou are more dear than life to -e. e:t ..0 samNpa%sthO iAe sar#e surO de#yaM ca rOdhike ete$hyo Epy adhikO no cet kathaP #akWaT%sthala%sthitO samNpa%sthO%near$yD ime%theyD sar#e%allD surO%demigodsD de#yaM%demigoddessesD ca% andD rOdhike%< 5OdhOD ete$hyaT%than themD api%e#enD adhikO%greaterD naT%notD cet%ifD katham%how*D #akWaT%sthala%sthitO%staying on the chest. If this were not so, then why do the demigods and demigoddesses stay near$y, $ut =ou rest on -y chest, < 5OdhO* e:t ..1 tyajOMru%mokWaQaP rOdhe $hrOntiP ca niWphalOP sati #ihOya MaYkhaP niTMaYke #VWa$hOnu%gVhaP #raja

tyaja%a$andonD aMru%of tearsD mokmaQam%sheddingD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD $hrOntim% mistakeD ca%andD niWphalOm%fruitlessD sati%< saintly oneD #ihOya%placingD MaYkham% dou$tD niTMaYke%free from dou$tD #VWa$hOnu%gVham%to VVWa$hOnuEs homeD #raja%go.

< 5OdhO, gi#e up =our tears. <gsaintly one, gi#e up this fruitless and mistaken worry and go to /ing VVWa$hOeuEs house. e:t ..2 kalO#atyOM ca jaXhare mOsOnOP na#a sundari #OyunO pUrayit#O ca gar$haP rodhaya mOyayO kalO#atyOr%of kalO#atN ca%andD jaXhare%Sn the wom$D mOsOnOm%of monthsD na#a% nineD sundwri%< $eautiful oneD #OyunO%$ysthe windD pUrayit#O%ha ing fulfilledD ca%andD gar$ham%the em$ryoD rodhaya%please stopD mOyayO%$y the mOyO potency. < $emutiful one, use =our powers to create an artifical pregnancr in /alO#atN. @wr nine months fill her wom$ with air. _ e:t ..3 daMame samawuprOpte t#am O#ir$ha#a $hU%tale Otma%rUpaP parityajya MiMu%rUpaP # dhOya ca daMame%when the tenth monthD samanuprOpte%has comeD t#am%=ouD O#ir$ha#a% appearD $hU%tale%on the earthD Otma%rUpam%in =our own formD parityajya%a$andoningD MiMu%rUpam%the form of an infantD #idhO2a%acceptingD ca%and. "hen the tenth monyh comes lea#e =our natural form $ehind, accept the form of an infant girl, and ,o to the earth. e:t ..4 #Oyu%niTsaraQe kOle

h kalO#atyaT s&mNpmtaT $hUmau #i#OsanN%$hUya patit#O rodiWi dhru#am #Oyu%niTsaraQe kOle%at the time of gi#ing $irthD kalO#atyaT%of /alO#atND samNpataT% nearD $hU8au%on the ground #i#OsanN%without garmentsD $hUya%$ecomingD patit#O% fallD rodiWi%cryD dhru#am%indeed. )t the time of gi#ing $irth, place =our form of a naked infant on the ground $y /alO#atN and cry like a new$orn child. e:t ..6 ayoQi%sam$ha#O t#aP ca $ha#itO gokule sati ayoQi%sam$ha#o EhaP ca nO#ayor gar$ha%saPsthitiT ayoQi%sam$ha#O%not $orn from a motherEs wom$D t#am%=ouD ca%andD $ha#itO%will $eD gokule%in FokulaD sati%<Nsaintly oneD ayoQi%sam$ha#aT%not $orn from a motherEs wot$D mhaa%ID ca%alsoD la%not$aO#ayoT%of ?sD gar$ha%saPsthitiT%stayingoin a wom$. < seintly one, in this way, without entering a motherEs wom$, =ou will appear in Fokula. I also will appear without entering a mosherEs wom$. =ou and I do not enterta motherEs wom$. e:t ..7 $hUmiWXha%mOtrOt tato mOP gokulaP prOpayiWyati ta#a hetor gamiWyOmi kVt#O kaPsa%$haya%cchalam ta#a%of =ouD hetoT%for the sakeD gamiWyOmi%I will comeD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD kaPsa% $haya%cchalam%on the prete:t of fearing /aPsa. he moment I come to earth Vasude#a will carry -e to Fokula. (retending to fear /aPsa, I will go there for =our sake. e:t .09

yaModO%mandire mOP ca sOnandaP nanda%nandanam nityaP drakWyasi kalyOQi samOMleWaQa%pUr#akam yaModO%mandire%in the home rf =aModOD mOor-eD ca%andD sOnandam%$lissfulD nanda%nandanam%the son of NandaD nityam%eternalD drakWyasi%=ou will seeD kalyOQi%< heautiful oneD samOMleWaQa%pUr#akam%an em$race. f I will $e NandaEs son in =aModOEs house. < teautiful one, again and again =ou will happily see me and tightly em$race -e. ert .0, smVtis te $ha#itO kOle #areQa mama rOdhike s#acchandaP #ihariWyOmi itya #VndO#anet#ane smVtiT%memoryD te%of =ouD $ha#i O%will $eD tOle%at ahe timeD #areQa%$y the $;onD mama%of -eD rOdhike%< 5OdhOD s#acchandam%independentD #ihariWyOmi%I willnenjoy pastimesD nityam%alwaysD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#anaD #ane%forest. < 5OdhO, $ecause of the $enediction I gi#e =ou, =ou will remem$er e#erything. @ollowing -y own wish, I will enjoy pastimes with =ou in VVndO#ana forest again and again. e:t .0. triT%sapta%Mata%koXi$hir gopN$hir gokulaP #raja trayas%triPsad%#ayasya$hiT su%MilOdi$hir e#a ca triT%sapta%Mata%koXi$hiT%twenty one $illionD gopN$hiT%with gopNsD gokulam%to FokulaD #raja%goD trayas%triPMat%00D #ayasya$hiT%with close friendsD su%MilOdi$hiT% #irtuousD e#a%indeedD ca%aty. herefore, accompanied $y thirty%three #irtuous friends and twenty%one $illion gopN%associates, please go ty Vraja.

e:ts .00 and .01 _saPsthOpya MaYkhya%rahitO gopNr goloka e#a ca samOM#Osya pra$odhaiM ca mitayO ca sudhO%girO ahaP gopOn asaYkhyOPM ca saPsthOpyatrai#a rOdhike #asude#OMrayaP paMcOd yOsyOmi mathurOP purNm saPsthOpya%placingD MaYkhya%rahitO%num$erlessD gopNT%gopNsD goloka%in FokulaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD samOM#Osya%comfortingD pra$odhaiT%with e:planationsD ca%andD mitayO%with eloBuentD ca%andD sudhO%nectarD girO%wordsD aham%ID gopOn%the gopasD asaYkhyOn%num$erlessD ca%andD saPsthOpyatrai#a%placingD rOdhike%< 5OdhOD #asude#a%of Vasude#aD OMrayam%to the shelterD paMcOt%thenD yOsyOmi%I will goD mathurOm%to -athurOD purNm%City. < 5OdhO, after comforting with eloBuent nectar words the num$erless gopas and gopNs left $ehind in Foloka, I will go to Vasude#aEs home in -athurO City. e:t .02 #rajaP #rajantu krNROrthaP mama saYge priyOt priyOT $alla#OnOP gVhe janma la$hantu gopa%koXaySr #rajam%to VrajaD #rajantu%should goD krNROrtham%to enjoy pastimesD mama%of -eD saYge%in the companyD priyOt%than the dearD priyOT%morew dearD $alla#OnOm%of the gopasD gVhe%in the homeD janma%$irthD la$hantu%should attainD gopa%koXayaT%ten million gopas. he ten million gopas most dear to -e should take $irth in the homes of the gopas. o enjoy pastimes with -e they should go to Vraja. e:t .03

ity e#am ukt#O MrN%kVWQo #irarOma ca nOrada UWur de#OM ca de#yaM ca gopO gopyaM ca tatra #ai ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD #irarOma%stoppedD ca% andD nOrada%NOradaD UWuT%stayedD de#OT%the demigodsD ca%andD de#yaT% demigoddessesD ca%andD gopO%gopasD gopyaM%gopNsD ca%andD tatra%thereD #ai%indeed.. < NOrada, then Lord /VWQa stopped speaking. he demigods, demigoddesses, gopas, and gopNs were silent. e:t .04 _ $rahmeMa%dharma%MeWOM ca eMrN%kVWQaP tat%parOt param Mi#O%padmO%saras#atyas tuWXu#uT parayO mudO $hahmeMa%dharma%MeWOT%8rahmO, Si#a, =ama, and SeWaD ca%andD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD tat%parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD Mi#O%padmO%saras#atyaT%(Or#arN, LakWmN and Saras#atiD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD parayO%with greatD mudO%joy. f Sen 8rahmOn Si#a, =ama, SeWa, (Or#atNa LakWmN and Saras#atN joyfully offered prayers to Lord /VWQa. e:t .06 $haktO gopOM ca gopyaM ca #iraha%j#ala%kOtarOT tatra saPstuya MrN%kVWQaP praQemuT prema%#ih#alOT $haktOT%de#otedD gopOM%gopasD ca%andD gopyaM%gopNsD ca%andD #iraea%j#ala%kOtarOT% tormented $y the fires of separationD tatra%thereD saPstuya%offering prayersD MrN% kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD praQemuT%$owed dowfD prema%#ih#alOT%o#ercome with lo#e. <#ercome with lo#e and $ur ing in the flares of imminent separation, the Ne#oted gopas and gopNs offered prayers to Lord /VWQa and $owed down $efore ;im.

e:t .07 prOQOdhikaP priyaP kOntaP rOdhO pUrQa%manorathO parituWXO#a $haktyO ca #iraha%j#ala%kOtarO prOQOdhikam%more than lifeD priyam%dearD kOntam%$elo#edD rOdhO%5OdhOD pUrQa% manorathO%;er desires fulfilledD parituWXO#a%offered prayersD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD #iraha%j#ala%kOtarO%torturer $y the fires of separation.. 8urning in the flames of imminent separation e#en though ;er desires were all fulfilled, SrN 5OdhO de#otedly offered prayers to ;er lo#er /VWQa, who is more dear to ;er than life. e:t .19 sOMru%pUrQOti%dNnOP ca dVWX#O rOdhOP $hayOkulOm pra$odha%#acanaP satyaP u#Oca tOP hariT s#ayam a$odha%#acanam%words of enlightenmentD satyam%trueD u#Oca%spokeD tOm%to ;erD hariT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam%;imself. e Seeing that SrN 5OdhO was weeping many tears of distress, Lord /VWQa spoke to ;er truthful words of enlightenment. e:t .1, MrN%kVWQa u#Oca prOQOdhike mahO%de#i sthirO $ha#a $hayaP tyaja yathO t#aP ca tathOhaP ca kO cintO te mayi sthite MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD prOQOdhike%more dear than lifeD mahO%de#i%< goddessD sthirO%steadyD $ha#a%$ecomeD $hayam%fearD tyaja%a$andonD yathO%asD t#am% =ouD ca%andD tathO%soD aham%ID ca%andD kO%what*D cintO%worryD te%of =ouD mayi%in -eD sthite%situated.

SrN /VWQa saidJ < goddess more dear than life, please $e peaceful. Fi#e up =our fears. "hat =ou feel I also feel. "hy should =ou $e unhappy while I am with =ou. e:t .1. kintu te kathayiWyOmi kiZcid e#Osty amaYgalam #arWOnOP MatakaP UrQaP t#ad%#icchedo mayO saha kintu%hkwe#erD te%to =ouD kathayiWyOmi%I will tellD ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD e#a% indeedD asti%isD amaYgalam%inauspiciousD #awWOnOm%of yearsD Matakam%a hundredD pUrQam%fullD t#ad%#icchedaT%=our separationD mayO%meD saha%with. ;owe#er, I will tell =ou something that is not good. =ou well $e separated from -e foV a hundred years. e:t .10 MrNdOma%MOpa%janyena karma%$hogena sundari $ha#iWyaty e#a mama ca mathurO%gamanaS tataT MrNdOma%MOpa%janyena%caused $y SrNdOmOEs curseD karma%$hogena%the result of workD sundari%< $eautiful oneD $ha#iWyaty%wi l $eD e#a%indeedD mama%of -eD ca%andD mathurO%gamanam%going to -athurOD tataT%then. < $eautiful one, I will go to -athurO and, $ecause of SrNdOmOEs curse, "e will $e sdparated. _ tatra $hOrO#ataraQaP pitror $andhana%mokWaQam mOlOkara%tantra%#Oya% ku$jikOyOM ca mokWaQam tatra%thereD $hOrO#ataraQam%remo#ing the earthEs $urdenD pitroT%of -y parentsD $andhana%mokWaQam%release from $andageD mOlOkara%of the floristD tantra%#Oya%a tailorD ku$jikOyOT%and a hunch$ak girlD ca%andD mokWaQam%li$eration. e:t .11

In -athurO I wiel remo#e the earthEu $urden, release -y parents from $ondage, and gi#e li$eration to a florist, a tailor, and a hunch$ack girl. e:t .12 ghOtayit#O ca ya#anaP mucukundasya mokWaQam d#OrakOyOM ca nirmOnaP rOjasUyasya darManam ghOtayit#O%killingD ca%andD ya#anam%a ya#anaD mucukundasya%of -ucukundaD mokWaQam%li$erationD d#OrakOyOT%of &#OrakOD ca%andD nirmOnam%$uildingD rOjasUyasya%of the oOjasUya%yajnaD darManam%the sight. hen I will kill /Olaya#ana, deli#er -ucukunda, $uild the city of &#OrakO, and see a 5OjasUya%yajZa. e:t .13 ud#OhaP rOja%kanyOnOP sahasrOQOP ca WoRaMa daMOdhika%MatasyOpi satrUQOP damanaP tathO ud#Oham%weddingD rOja%kanyOnOm%of princessesD sahasrOQOP ca WoRaMa daMOdhika% Matasya%,3,,99D api%alsoD satrUQOm%of enemiesD damanam%stoppingD tathO%so. hen I will marry ,3,,99 princesses and defeat many enemies. e:t .14 mitropakaraQaP cai#a #OrOQasyOM ca dOhanam harasya jVm$hanaP tatra $OQasya $huja%karttanam mitra%of friendsD upakaraQam%helpD ca%andD e#a%indeedD #OrOQasyOT%of VOrOQasND ca% andD dOhanam%$urningD harasya%of Lord Si#aD jVm$hanam%yawningD tatra%thereD $OQasya%of 8OQaD $huja%armsD karttanam%cutting.

_ hen I will help -y friend , $urn VOr QasN, make Si#a yawn, and cct 8OQOsuraEs arms. e:t .16 pOrijOtasya haraQaP yad yat karmOnyad e#a ca gamanaP tNrtha%yOtrOyre muni%saYgha%pradarManam pOrijOtasya%of the parijata flowerD haraQam%stealingD yat%whatD yat%andD karma%deedD nyat%anotherD e#a%andD ca%an5D gamanam%goingD tNrtha%yOtrOyOm%on pilgrimageD muni%saYgha%pradorManam%seeing the assem$ly of sagus. I will forci$ly take the (OrijOta tree, see many sainrly sages when I go on pilgrimage, and perform many other acti#ities. e:t .17 sam$hOWaQaP tu $andhUnOP yajZa%sampadanaP pituT Mu$ha%kWaQe punas tatra t#ayO sOrdhaP pradarManam sam$hOWaQam%con#ersationD tu%andD $andhUnOm%of friends and relatu#esD yajZa% sampadanam%performing the yajnaD pituT%of -y fatherD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an auspicious tomentD punaT%againD tatra%thereD t#ayO%=ouD sOrdham%withD pradarManam%seeing. "hile on pilgrimage I will speak with -y friends and relati#es, help -y father perform a ya Za, and, at an auspicious moment, see =ou again. e:t .29 kariWyOmi ca tatrai#a gopikOnOP ca darManam tu$hyam OdhyOtmikaP datt#O punaT satyaP t#ayO saha kariWyOmi%i will doD ca%andD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD gopikOnOm%of the gopNsD ca% andD darManam%sightD tu$hyam%to =ouD OahyOtmikam%trhascendental knowledgeD

datt#O%gi#ingD punaT%againD satyam%truthD t#ayO%=ouD saha%with. here I will also see the gopNs and again I will teach =ou the truth of spiritual philosophy. e:t .2, di#O%niMam a#icchedo mayO sOrdham ataT param $ha#iWyati t#ayO sOrdhaP punar OgamanaP #rajam _ di#O%dayD niMam%and nightD a#icchedaT%without separationD mayO%-eD sOrdham% withD ataT%thenD param%thenD $ha#iWyati%will $eD t#ayO%=ouD sOrdham%withD punaT% againD Ogamanam%returnD #rajam%to Vraja. @rom that time "e will ne#er really $e separated for e#en a moment of the day or night. hen, after some time, Imwill return to Vraja. e:t .2. kOnte #iccheda%samaye #arWOnOP Matake sati nityaP sammNlanaP s#apne $ha#iWyati t#ayO saha kOnte%< $elo#edD #iccheda%samape%at 'he time of separationD #arWOnOm%of yearsD Matake%a hundredD stti $eim soD nityam%alwaysD sammNlanam%meetingD s#apne%in dreamD $ha#iWyati%will $eD t#ayO%=ouD saha%with. 8elo#ed, during the hundred years "e are separated "e will meet in <ur dreams again and again. e:t .20 mama nOrOyaQOPMo yas tasya yOnaP ca d#OrakOm Mata%#arWOntare sOdhyaP etOny e#a su%niMcitam

mama%of -eD nOrOyaQOPMaT%the e:pansion of Lord NOrOyaQaD yaT%whoD tasya%of ;imD yOnam%journeyD ca%andD d#OrakOm%to &#OrakOD Mata%a hundredD #arWa%yearsD antare%afterD sOdhyam%to $e attainedD etOny%theyD e#a%indeedD su%niMcitam%determined. In -y NOrOyaQa form I will go to &#OrakO for those hundred years. In that way I will enjoy -y pastimes there. e:t .21 $ha#iWyati punas tatra #ane #OsaP t#ayO saha punaT pitroM ca gopOnOP Moka%sammarjanaP param $ha#iWyati%will$eD punaT%againD tatra%thereD #ane%in the forestD #Osam%residenceD t#ayO%=ouD saha%withD punaT%againD pitroM%of -y parentsD ca%andD gopOnOm%of the gopasD Moka%the griefD sammarjanam%wiping awayD param%then. hen I will return to li#e with =ou in the forest. hen I will wipe away all the sufferings of -y parents and the gopas and gopNs. _ e:t .22 kVt#O $hOrO#ataraQaP punar OgamanaP mama t#ayO sahOpi golokaP gopair gopN$hir e#a ca kVt#O%doingD $hOrO#ataraQam%the remo#eal of the $urdenD punaT%againD Ogamanam% returnD mama%of meD t#ayO%=ouD saha%withD api%alsoD golokam%to FolokaD gopaiT%with the gopasD gopN$hiT%and gopNsD e#a%indeedD ca%and. "hen I ha#e remo#ed the earthEs $urden I will return to Foloka with the gopas, gopNs, and =ou. e:t .23 mama nOrOyaQOPMasya #OQyO ca padmayO saha #aikuQXhOgamanaP rOdhe nityasya paramOtmanaT

mama%of -eD nOrOyaQOPMasya%the e:pansion of NOrOyaQaD #OQyO%Saras#atND ca%withD padmayO%lakWmND saha%withD #aikuQXha%to VaikuQXhaD Ogamanam%returnDyrOdhe%< 5OdhOD nityasya%eternalD paramOtmanaT%the Supreme Lord. < 5OdhO, in -y form as eternal Lord NOrOyaQa I will return to VaikuQXha with LakWmN and Saras#atN. e:t n24 M#etad#NpaP dharma%gehaP aPMOnOP ca $ha#iWIati de#OnOP cai#a de#NnOP aPMl yOsyanti s#akWayam ! M#etad#Npam%S#etad#NpaD dharma%geham%the home of rnligonD aPMOnOm%of incarnationsD ca%andD $ha#iWyati%will $eD de#OnOm%of the demigodsD ca%andD e#a% indredD de#NnOm%of the demigoddessesD aPMO%the incarnationsD yOsyanti%will goD s#akWayam%to their own a$odes. -y #arious incarnations will return to M#etad#Npa, the home of religon, and the partial incarnations of the demigods and demigoddesses will all return to their respecti#e a$odes. e:t .26 punaT saPsthitir atrai#a goloke me t#ayO saha ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP $ha#iWyaP ca Mu$hOMu$ham mayO nirUpitaP yat tat _ kOnte kena ni#Oryate punaT%againD saPsthitiT%stayingD atra%hereD e#a%indeedD goloke%in FolokaD me%of -eD t#ayO%with =ouD saha%wathD ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%toldD sar#am%allD $ha#iWyam%silo $eD ca%andD Mu$hOMu$ham%auspicious and inauspiciousD mayO%$y -eD nirUpitam%descri$edD yat%what!otat%that kOntee< $elo#edD kena%$y whom*D ni#Oryate% will $e stopped. hen =ou and I will again li#e in Foloka. 8elo#ed, now I ha#e told =ou e#erything $oth good and $ad. "ho can stop from happening what I ha#e foretold*

e:t .27 ity e#am ukt#O MrN%kVWQaT kVt#O rOdhOP s#a%#akWasi tasthau tasthuT surOT sar#e sura%patnyaM ca #ismitOT ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD kVt#O%doingD rOdhOm% 5OdhOD s#a%#akWasi%on ;is chestD tasthau%stayedD tasthuT%stayedD surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD sura%patnyaM%the wi#es of the demigodsD ca%andD #ismitOT%surprised. )fter speaking these words, Lord /VWQa had 5OdhO rest against ;is chest. )ll the demigods and their wi#es were astonished. e:t .39 u#Oca MrN%harir de#On dh#NM ca samayocitam de#O gacchata kOryOrthaP s#OlayaP #iWayocitam u#Oca%saidD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD de#On%to the demigodsD de#NM%demigoddessesD ca% andD samayocitam%appropriateD de#O%< demigodsD gacchata%goD kOryOrtham%for the missionD s#Olayam%to your own a$odesD #iWayocitam%respecti#e. hen Lord /VWQa said to the demigods and demigoddessesJ < demigods, please return to your homes and prepare for your mission. e:t .3, gaccha pOr#ati kailOsaP sutO$hyOP s#aminO saha mayO niyojitaP karma sar#aP kOle $ha#iWyati gaccha%goD pOr#ati%< (Or#atND kailOsam%to /ailOsaD sutO$hyOm%sonsD s#aminO% hus$andD saha%withD mayO%$y -eD niyojitam%engage < (Or#atN, please go to -ount /ailOsa with your husa$nd and sons. )t the proper

time you will e:ecute the mission I ha#e gi#en you. e:t .3. $ha#itO kalayO janma sar#eWOP ca mayoditam kWudrOQOP cai#a mahatOP de#aP lam$odaraP #inO $ha#itO%will $eD kalayO%with a partial incarnationD janma%$irthD sar#eWOm%of allD ca% andD mayO%$y -eD uditam%saidD kWudrOQOm%of the smallD ce%VndD e#a%alsoD mahatOm%of the greatD de#am%the LordD lam$odaram%FaQeMaD #inO%without. )s I ha#e said, you will take $irth as a partial incarnation. =ou will not $e accompanied $y FaQeMa, who is the lord of the great and the small. e:ns .30 and .31 praQamya MrN%hariP de#OT s#OlayaP prayayur mudO lakWmNP snras#atNP $hak yO praQamya puruWottamam harrQO yojitaP karma kartuPn#yOgrO mahNP yayuT $hartrO nirUpitaP sthOnaP de#OnOm api dumla$ham praQamya%$owingD MrN%harim%to Lord /VWQaD de#OT%the demigodsD s#Olayam%own a$odesD prayayVT%wentD mudO%happilyD lakWmNmdto LakWmND saras#atNm%Saras#atND $haktyO%with de#otionD praQamya%$owingD puruWottamam%to the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD yojitam%engagedD kaima%workD kartum%to doD #yOgrOT%eagerD mahNm%to the earthD yayuT%wentD $hartrO%$y the LordD nirUpitam% decri$edD sthOnam%placeD de#OnOm%$y the demigodsD api%andD durla$ham%unattaina$le. 8@wing $efore Ldrd /VWQaa#the demigods happilyrreturned to their homes. hen, $owing again $efore Lord /VWQa and $efore LakWmN and Saras#atN, they went, eager to e:ehute their msssion, to the earth. hen Lord /VWQa descri$ed SrN 5OdhOEs mission, a mission $eyond what the demigods can attain.

e:t .32 u#Oca rOdhikOP kVWQo #VWa$hOnu%gVhaP #raja gopa%gopN%samUhaiM ca _ saha pUr#air nirUpitaiT u#Oca%saidD rOdhikOm%to 5OdhOD kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD #VWa$hOnu%gVham%to the home of /ing VVWa$hOnuD #raja%goD gopa%g(pN%of gopas and gopNsD samUhaiT%with hostsD ca%andD saha%withD pUr#aiT%$eforeD nirUpitaiT%descri$ed. Lord /VWQa said to SrN 5OdhOJ )ccompanied $y the many gopas and gopNs I ha#e already named, please go to /ing VVWa$hOnuEs home. e:t .33 ahaP yOsyOmi mathurOP #asude#Olaye priye paMcOt kaPsa%$haya%#yOjOd gokulaP ta#a sannidhim aham%ID yOsyOmi%will goD mathurOm%to -athurOD #asude#a%of Vasude#aD alaye%in the homeD priye%< $elo#edD paMcOt%thenD kaPsa%of /aPsaD $haya%of fearD #yOjOt%on the prete:tD gokulam%to FokulaD ta#a%=ouD sannidhim%near. 8elo#ed, first I will go to Vasude#aEs home in -athurO and then, on the prete:t of fearing /aPsa, I will go to Fokula, where =ou will $e. e:t .34 rOdhO praQamya MrN%kVWQaP rakta%paYkaja%locanO $hVMaP ruroda purataT prema%#iccheda%kOtarO rOdhO%SrN 5OdhOD praQamya%$owingD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD rakta%paYkaja%locanO% with red lotus eyesD $hVMam%greatlyD ruroda%weptD purataT%in the presenceD prema% lo#eD #iccheda%separationD kOtarO%distressed. 5OdhO $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa. ormented with the thought of $eing separated from ;er lo#e, She wept, ;er eyes now red lotus flowers, again and agwin.

e:t .36 s#ayaP s#ayaP k#acid yOnti gat#O gat#O punaT punaT punaT punaT samOgatya darMaP darMaP harer mukham s#ayam%personallyD s#ayam%personallyD k#acit%where#erD yOntN%goingD gat#O%goneD gat#O%goneD punaT%againD punaT%againD punaT%againD punaT%againD samOgatya% returningD darMam%gaGingD darMam%gaGingD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mukham%at the face. _ She $egan to go and then She returned. )gain and again and again and again She left, returned, and gaGed and gaGed at Lord /VWQaEs face. e:t .37 papau cakWuM%cakorO$hyOP nimeWa%rahitO satN Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha% sudhO%pUrQaP pra$hor mukham papau%drankD cakWuM%cakorO$hyOm%with the cakora $irds of ;er eyesD nimeWa% rahitO%un$linkingD satN%saintlyD Marat%pOr#aQa%autumnD candra%moonD O$ha%lightD sudhO%pUrQam%filled with nectarD pra$hoT%of the LordD mukham%the face. "ith the cakora $irds of ;er un$linking eyes saintly 5OdhO drank the nectar moonlight of Lord /VWQaEs face. e:t .49a tataT pradakWiQN%kVtya saptadhO parameM#arN praQamya saptadhO cai#a punas tasthau hareT puraT tataT%thenD pradakWiQN%kVtya%circumam$ulatingD saptadhO%se#en timesD parameM#arN%the supreme goddessD praQamya%$owingD saptadhO%se#en timesD ca%andD e#a%indeedD punaT%;eainD tasthau%stoodD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD puraT%in the presence. Se#en times the supreme goddess 5OdhO circumam$ulated Lord /VWQa. Se#en times

She $owed down and respectfully stood $eforV ;im. e:t .4, Ojagmur gopikOnOP ca triT%sapta%Mata%yoXayaT OjSgOmauca gopOnOP samUhaT koXi%saYkhayakaT OjagmuT%cameD gopikOnOm%of gopNsD ca%andD triT%sapta%Mata%koXayaT%twenty%one $illionD OjagO<a%cameD ca%andD gopOnOm%of gopasD samUhaT%a hostD koXi%saYkhayakaT% ten million. hen twenty%one $illion gopNs and yen million gopas came toere. e:t .4. gopOnOP gopikOnOP ca samUhaiT saha rOdhiSO punST praQamya taP rOdje tatra tasthau ca nOrada _ gopOnOm%of the gopasD gopikOnOm%and gopNsD ca%andD samUhaiT%the hostsD saha% withD rOdhiuO%S,N 5OdhOD puntT%againD praQamya%$owedD tam%to ;imD rOdhO%5OdhOD tatra%thereD tasthau%stoodD ca%andD nOraya%< NOrada. < NOrada, accompanied $y the multitudes of go,as and gopNs, SrN 5OdhO $owed doen $efore LordieVWQa and respectfully stood $kfore ;im. e:t .40 trayas%triPMad%#ayasyO$hir gspN$hiT saha sundarN gopOnOP cptsamUhaiM ca praQamya prayayau mahNm trayas%triPMad%#ayasyO$hiT%with thirty%three friendsD gopN$hiT%gupNsD saha%withD sundarN%$eautifulD gopOnOm%of gopasD eh%andD samUhaiT%with mulmitudesD ca%andD praQamya%$owSng downD prayayau%wentD mahNm%to the earth.

)ccompanied $y ;er thirty%three close friends and $y the many gopas and gopNs, $eautiful 5OdhO $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa, and then went to the earth. e:t .41 hariQO yojitaP sthOnaP prajagmur nanda%gokulam #VWa$hOnu%gVhaP rOdhO gopN gopa%gVhaP yayau hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD yojitam%arrangedD sthOnam%placeD prajagmuT%wentD nanda% gokulam%nandaEs FokulaD #VWa$hOnu%of /ing VVWa$hOnuD gVham%to the homeD rOdhO% 5OdhOD gopN%gopND gopa%gVham%the home of a gopaD yayau%went. hen 5OdhO%gopN went to VVWa$hOnu%gopaEs home, the place Lord /VWQa arranged for ;er in Nandads Fokula. e:t .42 mahNP gatOyOP rOdhOyaP gopN$hiT saha gopakaiT $a$hU#a MrN%hariT satyaT pVthi#N%gamanonmukhaT mahNm%to the earthD gatOyOm%goneD rOdhOyam%SrN 5OdhOD gopN$hiT%the gopNsD saha% withD gopakaiT%the gopasD $a$hU#a%wasD MrN%hariT%SrN /VWQaD satyaT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD pVthi#N%gamanonmukhaT%eager to go to the earth. "hen 5OdhO went with the gopas and gopNs to the earth, Lord /VWQa $ecame eager to g( there also. _ e:t .43 sam$hOWya gopOn gopNM ca niyojya s#Nya%karmaQi mano%yOyN jagan%nOtho jagOma mathurOP hariT sam$hOWya%speakingD gopOn%to the gopasD gopNM%gopNsD ca%andD niyojya%engagingD s#Nya%karmaQi%in dutiesD mano%yOyN%fast as the mindD jagan%nOthaT%thre Lord of the uni#ersesD jagOma%wentD mathurOm%to mathurOD hariT%Lord /VWQa.

)fter speaking to the gopas and gopNs and gi#ing them their #arious duties, Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, tra#eling as fast as the mind, went to -athurO. e:t .44 pUr#aP yad yad prasUtaP ca de#akN%#asude#ayoT $a$hU#a sadyas tat kaPsaT putra%WaXkaP jaghOna ha pUr#am%$eforeD yat%whatD yat%whatD prasUtam%$ornD cr%andD de#akN #asude#ayop%of &e#hkN ard Vasude#aD $a$hU#a%wasD sadyaT%at onceD tat%thath kaPsaT%/aPsaD putra% WaXkam%si: sonsD jaghOna%killedD ha%indeed. 8efore all this Vasude# and &e#akN had si: sons ande/aPsk killed each one as soon as they were $orn. e:t .46 MeWOPMaP saptamaP gar$haP mOyayOkVWya gokule nidhOya rohiQN%gar$he jagOma cOjZayO hareT MeWa%of Lord SeWaD aPMam%the partD saptamam%se#enthD gar$ham%em$ryoD mOyayO% $y ydgamOyOD OkVWya%pulledD gokule%in FokulaD nidhOya%placingD rohiQN%gar$he%in the wom$of 5ohiQND jagOma%wentD ca%andD OjZayO%$y the orderD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. 8y Lord /VtQaEs order, =og mOyO pulled from &e#akNEs wom$ the se#enth em$ryo, who was au incarnation of Lord SeWa, and placed it in 5ohiQNEs wom$ in Fokula.

%ha*ter $even$ri Krsna!'anma!#irtanaThP $tory o( )ord Krsna8s irth

, Sri Narada saidJ < glorious one, please .escri$e Lord /rsna+s glorious and sacred $irth. his description frees the hearer from $irth, death and old%age. . "hose son was Vasude#a* "hose daughter was &e#aki* "ho were Vasude#a and &e#aki* (lease descri$a their marriage. 0 "hy did cruel /amsa kill their ss: sonh* <n what day was Lord /rhna $orn* I wish to hear this. (leaIe descri$e it.

1 Sri Narayana 5si saidJ Vasude#a was /asyapa -uni in his pre#ious $irth, and &e#aki was )diti, the mother of the demigods. )s a result of their pre#ious deeds they attained Lord /rsna as their son. 2 Vasude#a was $orn from /ing &e#amidha in the wom$ of -arisa. )t the moment of his $irth ju$ilant demigods sounded anaka and dundu$hi drums. @or this reason the elder saintly de#otees ga#e Lord /rsna+s father the name )nakadundu$hi. 3 &e#aka, a king in the =adu dynasty, was the son of /ing )huka. &e#aka has a son, Ananasindhu, and a daughter, &e#aki. 6 Carefully following the rules of scripture, Farga -uni, the guru of the =adu dynasty, performed the wedding ceremony of Vasude#a and &e#aki. 7 here was a great reception for Vasude#a. )t an auspicious moment /ing &e#aka ga#e &e#aki in marriagetto Vasude#a. ,# < Narada, /ing &e#aka then ga#e a dowry of a thousand horses and golden cups, a hundred $eautiful and opulently decorated maidser#ants,... ,5 ...many different kinds of gifts, many different kinds of jewels, many diamonds, which are tht king of jewels, and many jewel cups. ,.%,1 hen Vasude#a took his $ride, who was splendid as a hundred moons, decorated with splendid jewels, no$le, glorious, a$le to enchant the threeaworlds, the $est of women, a treasury of $eauty, a treasury of #irtue, smiling with crooked eyes, in full $loom of youth, and a perfect $ride, placed her in his chariot and $egan to depart. /amsa, who was filled with joy on the occasion of his sister+s marriage, accompanied them. ,2 )s /amsa approached the chariot, a disem$odied #oice spoke from tne hky. ,3 he #oice saidJ "hy are you so happy, the king of kings* ;ear these truthful words meant for your welfare. &e#aki+s eight son will kill you. ,4 ;earing this, powerful and sinful /amsa, frightened $y the oracle and fillei with anger, grasped a sword in his hand and was a$out to kill &e#aki. ,6 Seeing /amsa a$out to kill &e#aki, intelligent Vasude#a, who Ss learded in the scriptures of ethics, spoke. ,7 Sri Vasude#a saidJ =ou don+t know how a king should act. (lease hear my auspicious words, which are perfectly appropriate, which are spoken $y scripture, and which $ring fame and destroy sin. .9 < king, if her eighth ton will $e your death, and you kill her instead of him, your reputation will $e destroyed and you will go to hell. ., If somehow he kills a ferocious $east that is attacking him, a wise man gi#es in charity coins eBual to one karsapana. In this way, at the moment of his death, he is released from the sin of killing the $east. .. In he kills an animal that is not attacking him, then, in order at the time of his death to $e released from the sin, a wise man should perform an atonement a hundred times greater than the pre#ious one. his is said $y the demigod 8rahma. .0 If without pro#ocation he kills a higher animal, such as a goat, theL the sin is a hundred times greater. -anu has said this. .1%.3 If he kills a human $eing that is a mleccha, the sin is a hundred times grater than killing a higher animal. If he kills a pious sudra, the sin is a hundred times greater than killing a mleccha. If he kills a cow the sin is a hundred times greater than

killing a pious sudda. If he kills a $rahmana the sin is t n time greater than killing a cow. .4 8y killing a woman one commits a sin eBual to killing a $rahmana. .6 < king, if one kills his own sister, who has taken shelter of him and deser#es to $e protected $y him, he commits a sin a hundred times greater than killing a woman. .7 ) person performs .usterities, chants mantras, performs worship, sees holy places, feeds $rahmanas, and performs yajnas in order that he may go to S#argaloka. 09 he saintly de#otees see that this fearful material life is temporary like a dream or like $u$$les in water. herefore they always follow the principles of religion. 0, < saintly one, let your sister go. ;ow many wise men are there* )sk them what you should do. 0. @riend, I will gi#e you my eighth son. "hy must I ha#e an eighth son* 00 <r I will gi#e you all my children. < $est of the wise, none of them would $e #ery dear to me. 01 < king of kings, let your sister go. She is like your own daughter. =ou, yourself reared her, e#ery day gi#ing her delicious foods to eat. 02 ;earing Vasude#a+s words, /ing /amsa released his sister. hen Vasude#a took his $ride to their palace. 03 < Narada, in the course of t5me si: sons were eorn. Vasude#a ga#e each one to /amsa, and /amsa killed them all, one $y one. 04 "hen &e#aki was pregnant the se#enth time, frightened /amsa posted guards at her door. hen goddess =ogamaya protected the un$orn child, pulling it out of &e#aki+s wom$ and placing it in 5ohini+s wom$. 06 he guards said there was a miscarriage. 8ecause the se#enth child, who was the (ersonality of Fodhead ;imself, was pulled (sankarsana) from the wom$, ;e was called Sankarsana. 07 hen &e#aki $ecame pregnant for an eight time. his time there was no child in her wom$. It was filled with air. 19 "hen the ninth month passed and the tenth came, Lord /rsna, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead who sees e#erything, glanced at &e#aki+s wom$. 1, )s a result of the Lord+s glance, &e#aki, who was naturally the most $eautiful of all women, suddenly $ecame four times more $eautiful. 1. /amsa noticed that &e#aki, her eyes and face $lossoming with happiness, filled the ten directions with her splendour like the goddess =ogamaya. 10 She was splendid like all the stars together. /amsa, the king of demons, gaGed at her and $ecame filled with wonder. 11 /amsa said, !@rom this pregnancy will come the child that is the seedtof m) death.' hen he posted guards at the se#en gates to guard &e#aki and Vasude#a with great care. 12 < Narada, when the 3enth month came &e#aki+s pregnancy was complete. Num$ and stunned, she $egan to trem$le. 13 "hen &e#akr+s wom$ was thus filled with air, Lord /rsna, the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, entered the lotus of her heart. 14 "hen the Supreme (ersonatity of Fodhead, who maintains all the uni#erses entered her wom$, &e#aki $ecame stunned and filled with pain as she stayed in the

confines of her palace. 16 &e#aki $ecame restless. <ne moment she would sit down, the ne:t moment she would stand up, the ne:t moment she would pace $ack and forth, andythe ne:t moment she would sleep. 17 <$ser#ing &e#aki, and aware that the time of gi#ing $irth had come, no$le% hearted Vasude#a mediaated on Lord /rsna. 29 In the $eactiful palace lit with jewel lamps Vasude#a re#erently placed a sword, iron, water, fire,... 2, ...a person learned in chanting mantras, a learned $rahmana, his relati#es and their frightened wi#es. 2. "hen two hours of night had passed the sky $ecame filled with clouds and lightning. 20 Freat winds $lew. he eight guards fell asleep. In their sleep they $ecame motionless and unconscious as if dead. 21 Ver the demigods 8rahma, Si#a, and =amaraja came and offered prayers to the Supreme (ersonality of F dhead in &e#aki+s wom$. 22 he demigods saidJ =ou are the origin of the uni#erses, $ut =ou ha#e no origin. =ou are limitlers, ,mmuta$le, e.fulgent, sinless? and supremely e:alted. =ou ha#e no matf ial Bualities, for =our Bualities nre7all spiritual. =ou are $eyond the three momes of material nature. 23 <ut of lo#e for them =ou show =our twanscendental form to the de#otees. =our form is not material. =ou are independent. =our e#ery desire is automatically fulfilled. =ou are the raster of all. =ou are e#erything. =ou are the shelter of all transcendental Bualities. 24 =ou are the origin of happiness and distress. =ou are the origin of all. =ou put an end to the demons. =ou are perfect. =ou are the shelte of e#erything. =ou are always fearless and free from any distress. 26 =ou are not material. =ou are not touched $y matter. =our actions ar( not material. =our desires are all fulfilled. =ou are self%satisfied. =ou are eternal and free fron any impurVection. 27 =ou are gentle, ferocious, difficult to glease, unattaina$le, the author of the Vedas, the Vedas, the Vedangas, the knower of the Vedas, and the all%powerful Lord. 39 )fter speaking these words the demigods $owed down again and again. ears of hoy in their eyes, they #howered flowers on the Lord. 3, ) person who rises early ani chants these forty%two names attains firm de#otion for Lord /rsna. ;is desire to ser#e the Lord is fulfilled. 3. Sri Narayana 5si saidJ )fter speaking these prayers, the demigods returned to their own a$ode. hen a great rain suddenly fell and no one mo#ed a$out in -athura City. 3r < sage, a terri$le darkness co#ered the night. Se#en muhurtas passed and the eighth muhurta came. NoteJ <ne muhurta eBuals forty%eight minutes. 31 hen, at the most auspicious moments, a moment e#en the Vedas cannot properly glorify, a moment $eyond all undeustanding, a moment when all auspicious planets were #isi$le on the horiGon and no inauspicious plane*e could $e seen,...

32 ...a momene on the eighth tithi, e sage, when a half%moon had risea with the star 5oh#ni and the aespic ous Aayanti%yoga tas present,... 33 ...at that moment the sun ans the other alanets $oth auspicious and inauspicious, gaGed again and again a0 the horiGon, $ecame filled with awe, left their regularVplaces and met in the sign (ieces. 34 Stayin there, ssl f ( danets $ecame auspicious. In this way, $y the demigod 8rahma+s order, all the planets happily stayed in the ele#enth house for one muhurta. 36 hen the clouds rained, pleasantly cooluwinds $lew, the earth $ecame happy, and the ten directions $ecame filled with joy. 37 @illed with joy, the sages, manus, yaksa , gandhar#as, kinnaras, apsa as, dewigods, and demigoddesses danced. 49 < Narada, the gandhar#a kings and the #idyadharis sang, the ri#ers happily .lowed and the fires happily $laGed. 4, In S#argaloka there was $eautiful music of dundu$hi and anaka drums. here Sas a great shower of parijata flowers. 4. he earth%goddess assumed the form of a human woman and #isited me#aki+s maternity%room, thewe were loud soundswof conchshells and the sounds of KVictory\+ and K;ari\+ 40 hen saintly &e#aki fell to the round and the a r surdenly passed from her $elly. 41 hen Lord /rsna, the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, left the lotus% whorl of &e#aki+s heart and manifested ;is transcendental form $efore her. 42%69 < sage, then Vasude#a and &e#aki saw $efore them the supremely handsome and charming Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who had two arms, a flute in ;is hand, glittering shark%earrings, a gentle smile, great mercy for ;is de#otees, ornaments of the kings of jewels, a form dark like a monsoon cloud, yellow garments, lim$s anointed with sandal, aguru, musk and kunkuma, an autumn moon face, handsome $im$a fruit lips, a peacock feather crown, a splendid jewel%crown, a threefold $ending form, and a forest garland, who had the mark of Sri#atsa on ;is chest, who was youthful, peaceful and handsome, and who was o the Lord of $oth 8rahma and Si#a. 6, ;is hands respectfully folded, his neck $ent with de#otion, tears in his eyes and the hairs of his $ody erect, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead+s father, Vasude#a, filled with wonder, and his wife &e#aki $y his side, offered prayers to the Lord. 6.%63 Sri Vasude#a saidJ < almighty one, how can I properly glorify =ou, who are $eyond the material senses, not manifest in the material world, imperisha$le, $eyond the modes of nature, all%powerful, not attaina$le $y meditation, the Supersoul present in e#eryone+s heart, the supreme controller whose e#ery desire is at once fulfilled, the Lord who assumes any form at will, the Supreme Spirit, untouched $y matter, the seed of all e:istence, eternal, $igger than the $igge t, smaller than the smallest, the most su$tle, all%per#ading, in#isi$le, the witness present in all $odies, the Lord who has a transcendental form with a host of transcendental Bualities, the Lord who has no material form, the material world, the master of the material world, $eyond the material world, the master of all, present in all forms, the death that puts an end to all

that is matprial, deathl'ss, immuta$le, the resting place on which all depehds, depends on no one, and the supreme perfect one* 64 Lord Sesa is not a$le to glorify =ou properly. Foddess Saras#ati is not a$le. Lord Si)a is not a$le. /arttikeya is not a$le. u6 Lord 8rahma, hhe author of the Vedas is not a$le to glorif' =ou propereyr Fanesa is not a$le. he guru of the guru of thedkinhs of the yogis is not a$le. 67 he great sages, demigods, manus, and human $eings cannot see =ou, e.en in their dreams. ;ow can they glorify =ou properly* 79 >#en the personified Vedas cannot glorify =ou properly. ;ow can the scholars of this world glorify =ou* < Lord, please lea#e this present form and now $ecome a small $oy. 7, ) person who at sunrise, noon, and sunset recites these prayers of /ing Vasude#a attains de#otional ser#ice for the lotus feet of Lord /rsna. 7. ;e attains a no$le and #irtuous son de#oted to ser#ing Lord /rsna. ;e Buickly passes through all dangetu. ;e is deli#ered from the fears of his enemies. 70 Sri Narayana 5si saidJ )fter hearing Vasude#a+s words, handsome and glorious Lord /rsna, o#ercome with feelings of kindness for ;is de#otee, and ;is face $eaming with happiness, spoke to him. 71 Sri /rsna saidJ 8ecause of your great austerities I ha#e now $ecome your son. (lease ask for a $oon. =our future will $e auspicious. <f this there is no dou$t. 72 @ormerly you were the prajapati Sutapa, the $est of ascetics. =ou and your austere wife worshipped -e with great austerities. 73 "hen you saw -e you asked for the $oon of ha#ing a son like -e. I ga#e you the $oan of ha#ing a son like -e. 74 )fter gi#ing you that $oon I thought, !In the whole world there is no one like -e.' @or that reason I ha#e now $ecome your son. 76 8y the power of your austerities you were the great sage /asyapa and your wife was chaste )diti, the mother of the demigods. 77 =ou are /asyapa, now appearing as -y f father Vasude#a, =our wife is )di i, the mother of the demigods, who is now &e#aki. ,99 )s a partial incarnation, I appeared as Vamana and $ecame the son of =ou and )diti. Now, $y the power of your austerities, I ha#e appeared in -y original form. ,9, hinking of -e either as your son or as the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, you will attain -e. < wise one, you will $e li$erated e#en in this life. ,9. < father, take me atVonce to =asoda+s home in Vraja. Lea#e -e there and put Foddess -aya in -y place. ,90 )fter speaking these words, Lord /rsna assumed the form of a new$orn infant. Vasude#a gaGed at his sleeping, dark, infant son, on the ground $efore him. ,91%2 asude#a said, !"hat hoppened when I looked at this child* "as I $ewildered $y Lord Visnu+s illusory potency* &id I, o#ercome with e:haustion, see a dream in this maternity room*' Vasude#a and his wife gaGed at the infant in their lap. hen Vasude#a took the infant to Nanda+s Fokula. ,93 Vasude#a Buickly went to Nanda+s Vraja, entered the maternity room there, and saw that =asoda was asleep on her $ed, Nanda was asleep, and e#eryone in the house was also asleep.

,94 ;e saw a gently smiling infant girl, naked and gaGing at the housetop. ,96 "hen he saw the infant girl, Vasuoe#a $ecame fiwled with wonter. ,97 aning the girl with him, and lea#ing his son in her place, he uickly returned o his whfe+s maternity room in -athura. ,,9 here he placed the infant girl, who was the goddess -aha%maya. "hen she saw the girl cry again and again, &e#aki $ecame afraid. ,,, Crying, the infant girl awakened the guards, who Buicolyecame and ook he away. ,,. )s they took the child to /amsa, grie#ing Vasude#a and &e#aki fo#aowed them. ,,0 < great sage, when he saw the $eautiful infant girl crying again and again, /amsa was not at all pleased. ;e dmd not feel any mercy Vor her. ,,1 Fra$$ing the infant, cruel /amsa was a$out to throw her ag inst the stone and kill her, when Vasude#a and &e#aki #ery respectfully addressed him. ,,2 hey saidJ < /amsa, < $est of kings, < philosopher wise in the science of morality, (lease hear our $eautiful, true, and righteous words. ,,3%4 < kinsman, you killed our si: sons. =ou had no mercy on themV If you kill our eighth child, tho is a weak girl, how will your power and rlory triumph on the face of the earth* ;ow can a weak girl attack and kill you in $attle* ,,6 )fter speaking these words Vasude#auand &e#aki opeely wept $efore wicked /amsa and hi assem$ly. ,, )fter hearing their words, couel /amsa said to them, !Listen to my words. ry to understand and I will e:plain. ,.9 /amsa saidJ &estiny can kill a mountain with a $lade of grass, a lion or a tiger with a tiny worm, an elephant with a mosBuito,... ,., ...a great warrior with a child, an enormous animal with tiny creatures, a cat with a mouse, a snake with a frog,... ,.. ...a father with his son, an eater with his food, water with fire, and a fire with hay. ,.0 ) single $rahmana once drank the se#en seas. In the se#en worlds the wonderful workings of destiny are $eyond our understanding. ,.1 8y destidy$a girl will $e a$le to kill me. herefore, I will not kill this girl. ;ere I will not think whether the time is right. ,.2 )fter speaking these words, /amsa gra$$ed the infant girl and was a$out to kill her, when Vasude#a spoke. ,.3 ;e said, !< /ing, you will kill this girl for no reason. < ocean of kindness, please gi#e her to me.' < great sage, when he heard these words, intelligent /amsa $ecame a little pacified. ,.4 hen a disem$odied #oice said, !@ool /amsa, who is this girl you would kill* =ou do not understand how destiny works. ,.6 !=our killer is somewhere elrea In time ;e will re#eal ;rmself.' ;earing the words of destiny, /ing /amsa released the infant girl. ,.7 aking the girl with them, Vasude#a and &e#aki returned to their own home. hey pressed her to their heart and accepted her as their own daughter. ,09 )s if they had reco#ered their daughter from the grip of death, they ga#e charity to the $rahmanas. < $rahmana, that girl, who was named >kanamsa, was a

partial incarnation of Foddess (ar#ati. She was the e:alted sister of Lord /rsna, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ,0, )t the time of 5ukmini+s marriage in &#araka, with great de#otion Vasude#a ga#e her in marriage to &ur#asa -uni, who was a partial incarnation of Lord Si#a. ,0. < sage, now I ha#e told you e#erything of Lord /rsna+s $irth. his narration $rings happiness and piety. It rescues one from the world of $irth, old%age and death.

%ha*ter 9ight+r, :anm0.;am,!vrata!*<'o*av0sa!nir<*a/aVows= >orshi*= and &asting on +r, :anm0.;am,

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca janmOWXamN%#rataP $rUhi #ratOnOP #ratam uttamam phalaP jayantN%yogasya sOmOnyena ca sOmpratam MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD janmOWXamN%#ratam%the #ow of AanmOWXamND $rUhi%please tellD #ratOnOm%of #owsD #ratam%the #owD uttamam%the $estD phalam%the resultD jayantN%yogasya%of AayantN%yogaD sOmOnyena%in generalD)/a%andD sOmpratam% noa. SrN NOrada saidJ Now please tell me of the #ow of AanmOWXamN, which is the great #ow of #ows. (lease tell me the result attained $y following the ceremony of AayantN% yoga. e:t . ko #O doWo Epy akaraQe $hojane #O mahO%mune upa#Osa%phalaP kiP #O jayantyOP ca sammatam kaT%what*D #O%orD doWaT%t#e faultD aai%alsoD akaraQe%in not followingD $hojane%in eatingD #O%orD mahO%mune%< great sageD upa#Osa%phalam%the result of fastingD kim% what*D #O%orD jayantyOm%on AayantN%yogaD ca%andD sammat m%considered.

< great sage, what sinful reaction does one meet $y not following this #ow or $y eating on that day* "hat pious result does one attain $y fasting on that day* e:t 0 #rata%pUjO%#idhOnaP ca samyamasya ca sOmpratam upa#Osa%pOraQayoT su%#icOrya #ada pra$ho #rata%pUjO%#idhOnam%folloeing the #owD ca%andD samyamasya%of the day $e Sre the #owD ca%andD sOmpratam%nowD upa#Osa%of VistnngD pOraQayoT%and $reaking the fast on the following dayD su%#icOrya%consideringD #ada%please tellD pra$haT%< Lord. < lord, please descri$e the result of following this #ow, including the rules go#erning the day $efore the fast, fasting, and $reaking the fast on the following day. e:t 1 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca kVt#O ha#iWyaP saptamyOP samyataT pOraQe tathO aruQodaya%#elOyOP samutthOya pare Ehani MrN%hOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD ha#iWyam%ha#iWyaD saptamyOm%on the se#enth dayD samyataT%o$ser#ingD pOraQe%on the ne:t dayD tathO%soD aruQodaya%#elOyOm%at dawnD samutthOya%risingD pare%the ollowingD ahani%day. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <n the saptamN (se#enth day) and on the day after the fast (the na#amN, or ninth day) one should eat ha#iWya (rice and ghee) only. <n the day of AanmOWXamN (the eighth day) one should rise at dawn. e:t 2 prOtaT%kVtyaP sam#idhOya snOt#O saYkalpam Ocaret #ratopa#Osayor $rahman MrN%kVWQa%prNti%hetukam

prOtaT kVtyam%morning dutiesD sam#idhOya%performingD snOt#O%$athingD saYkalpam%determinationD Ocaret%tne should doD #rata%of the #owD upa#OsayoT%and the fastD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD MrN%kVWQa%prNti%hetukam% o pleaseSrN /VWQa. < $rOhmaQa, one should rise early, $athe, perform his morning duties, and $e determined to follow the #ow and the fast for the pleasure of Lord /VWQa. e:t 3 man#%Odi%di#ase prOpte yat phalaP snOna%pUjanaiT phalaP $hadra%pade EWXamyOP $ha#et koXi%guQaP d#ija man#%Odi%di#ase%in a man#antaraD prOpte%attainedD yat%whatD phalam%resultD snOna% pUjanaiT%$y $athing and worshipD phalam%resultD $hadra%pade%in the month of 8hOdra ()ugust%Septem$er)D aWXamyOm%on the eigth dayD $ha#et%isD koXi%guQam%multiplied ten miSlion timesD d#ija%< rOhmaQa. < $rOhmaQa, $y $athing and worshiping the Lord during the eighth day (AanmOWXamN) of the month of 8hOdra ()ugust%Septem$er) onuwattains the result of $athing and worshiping the Lord for a man#antara. e:t 4 tasyOP tithau #Ori%mOtraP pitVQOP yaT prayacchati gayO%MrOddhaP kVtaP tena MatO$dhaP nOtra saPMayaT tasyOm%on thatD tithau%dayD #Ori%mOtram%only waterD pitVQOm%of the pitOsD yaT%one whoD prayacchati%offersD gayO%in FayOD MrOddham%MrOddhaD kVtam%doneD tena%$y himD MatO$dham%for a hundred yearsD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. If on this day one offers only a little water to the pitOs, he attains the result of performing MrOddha at FayO for a hundred years. e:t 6 snOt#O nitya%kriyOP kVt#O nirmOya sUtikO%gVham

lauha%khaRgaP #ahni%jalair yuktaP rakWaka%saYghakaiT snOt#O%$athingD nitya%kriyOm%regular dutiesD kVt#O%performingD nirmOya%makingD sUtikO%gVham%a maternity%roomD lauha%ironD khaRgam%swordD #ahni%with fireD jalaiT% and waterD yuktam%endgagedD rakWaka%saYghakaiT%with guards. <n that day, after $athing and performing his regular duties, a wise person should arrange for a maternity%room, place in it water, fire, and an iron sword, post guards, . . . e:t 7 tatra dra#yaP $ahu%#idhaP nORi%cchedana%karttanim dhOtrN%s#arUpaP nOrNP ca yatnataT sthOpayed $udhaT tatra%thereD dra#yam%somethingD $ahu%#idham%many kindsD nORi%cchedana% karttanim%to cut the um$ilical cordD dhOtrN%s#arUpaP nOrNm%a midwifeD ca%andD yatnataT%carefullyD sthOpayet%should placeD $udhaT%wise. . . . place many things there, place there an instrument for cutting the um$ilical cord, ha#e a midwife there, . . . e:t ,9 pUjO%dra#yOni cOrUQi sopacOrOQi WoRaMa phalOny aWXau ca miWXOni dra#yOny e#a hi nOrada pUjO%dra#yOni%things for worshipD cOrUQi%$eautifulD sopacOrOQi%with worshipD WoRaMa%si:teenD phalOny%fruitsD aWXau%eightD ca%andD miWXOni%sweetD dra#yOny%thingsD e#a%indeedD hi%indeedD nOrada%< nOrada. . . . place there, < NOrada, si:teen articles for worshiping the Lord, eight fruits and candies, . . . e:t ,,

jOti%phalaP ca kakkolaP dORim$aP MrNphalaP tathO nOrikelaP ca jam$NraP kuWmOQRaP ca manoharam jOtiphalam%jatiphalaD ca%andD kakkolam%kakkolaD dORim$am%pomegranateD MrNphalam%SrNphalaD tathO%soD nOrikelam%coconutD ca%andD jam$Nram%jam$iraD kuWmOQRam%kusmandaD ca%andD manoharam%$eautiful. . . . the eight fruits and candies $eing jOtiphala, kakkola, pomegranate, MrNphala, coconut, jam$Nra, kuWmOQRa, and manohara, . . . e:ts ,. and ,0 OsanaP #OsanaP padyaP madhuparkaP tathai#a ca arghyam OcamanNyaP ca snOnNyaP MayanaP tathO gandha%puWpaP ca nai#edyaP tOm$Ulam anulepanam dhUpa%dNpau $hUWaQaP cai% #opcOrOQi WoRaMa Osanam%a seatD #Osanam%garmentsD padyam%padyaD madhuparkam%madhuparkaD tathO%soD e#a%indeedD ca%andD arghyam%arghyaD OcamanNyam%acamana waterD ca%andD snOnNyam%water for $athingD Mayanam%a $edD tathO%soD gandha%puWpam%fragrances and flowersD ca%andD nai#edyam%offering of foodD tOm$Ulam%$etelnuseD anulepanam% ointmentsD dhUpa%incenseD dNpau%lampsD $hUWaQam%oprnamentsD ca%andD upcOrOQi% articlesD WoRaMa%si:teen. . . . and the si:teen articles for worship $eing a sitting place, garments, padym, madhuparka, arghya, water for Ocamana, water for $athing, a $ed, fragrances, flowers, food%offerings, $etelnuts, ointments, incense, lamps, and ornaments, . . . e:t ,1 pOda%prakWOlanaP kVt#O dhVt#O dhaute ca #OsasN Ocamya cOsane sthit#O

s#asti%#Ocana%pUr#akam pOda%prakWOlanam%washing the feetD kVt#O%doingD dhVt#O%takingD dhaute%cleanD ca% andD #OsasN%garmentsD Ocamya%sipping waterD ca%andD Osane%on the seatD sthit#O%sittingD s#asti%#Ocana%pUr#akam%saying the word s#asti. . . . wash his feet, put on cleanrul!thes, peSform Ocamana, say the word Ls#astiL, s t on the seat, . . . e:t ,2 ghaXasyOropaQaP kVt#O samprjya paZca de#atOT ghaXa O#OhanaP kVt#O MrN%kVWQaP parameM#aram ghaXasya%of a pItD OropaQam%placingD kVt#O%hawing doneD samL.jya%worshipingD paZca de#atOT%the fi#e deitiesD ghaXe%on the potD O#Ohanam%in#itingD kVt#O%doingD MrN% kVWkam%%SrNk/VWQaD parameM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. . . . place a pot there, worship the fi#e deities, in#ite SrN /VWQa, the yupreme (ersonality of Fodhead, to appear there, . o . e:t ,3 #asude#aP de#akNP ca yaModOP nandamue#a ca rohiQNP $alade#aP ca WaWXhN%ee#NP #asundharO #asude#am%Vasude#aD de#akNm%&e#akND ca%andD yaModOm%=aModOD nandam%NandaD e#a indeedD ca%andD rohiQNm%5ohiQND $alade#am%8alarOmaDca%andD WaWXhN%de#Nr% Foedess WWXND #asundharO,%the earthj%goddess. . d . in#ite Vasude#a, &e#akN, =aModO, Nanda,t5ohiQN, 8alarOma, Foddess baWXhN, Foddess Vasu dharO, . . . e:t ,4 rohiQNP cai#a $rahmOQaP

aWXamNP sthOna%de#atOm aM#atthOma%$alN cai#a hanumantaP #i$hNWaQam rohiQNm%5ohiQND ca%andD e#a%indeedD $rahmOQam%8rahmOD aWXamNm%)WXhamND sthOna%de#atOm%the goddess of that placeD aM#atthOma%)M#atthOmOD $alN%8aliD ca%andD e#a%indeedD hanumantam%;anumOnD #i$hNWaQam%Vi$hNWaQa. . . . 5ohiQN, 8rahmO, )WXhamN, the SthOna%de#atO, )M#atthOmO, 8ali, ;anumOn, Vi$hNWaQa, . . . e:t ,6 kVpaP paraMurOmaP ca #yOsade#aP mVkaQRujam sar#am O#OhanaP kVt#O dhyOnaP kuryOd dhares tathO kVpam%/VpOcOryaD paraMurOmam%(araMurOmaD ca%andD #yOsade#am%VyOsade#aD mVkaQRujam%-OrIaQReyaD sar#am%allD O#Ohanam%manifestationD kVt#O%doingD dhyOnam%meditationD kuryOt%should doD dhareT%of Lord /VWQaD tathO%thus. . . . /VpOcOrya, (araMurOma, VyOsade#a, and -OrkaQReya, and then meditate on Lord /VWQa. e:t ,7 puWpakaP mastake nyasya punar dhyOyed #icakWaQaT dhyOnaP ca sOma%#edoktaP MVQu #akWyOmi nOrada $rahmoQO kathitaP pUr#aP kumOrOya mahOtmane puWpakam%a flowerD mastake%to the headD nyasya%placingD punaT%againD dhyOyet% should meditateD #icakWaQaT%wiseD dhyOnam%meditationD ca%andD sOma%#edoktam% spoken in the SOma VedaD MVQu%please listenD #akWyOmi%I will speakD nOrada%< NOradaD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD kathitam%spokenD pUr#am%$eforeD kumOrOya%to the /umOraD mahOtmane%the great soul. hen a wise person rhould place a flower to his head andjmeditate on the

description of the Lord spoken in the SOma Veda. < NOrada, please listen and I will tell you that description, which Lord 8rahmO told the /umOras in ancient times. e:t .9 $OlaP nNlOm$udO$ham atiMaya%ruciraP smera%#aktrOm$ujaP taP $rahmeMOnanta%dharmaiT kati kati di#asaiT stuyamOnaP paraP yat dhyOnOsOdhyaP VWNndrair muni%manuja%#araiT siddha%saYghair asOdhyaP yogNndrOQOm acintyam atiMayam atulaP sOkWi%rUpaP $haje Eham $Olam%a childD nNlOm$udO$ham%splendid as a dark monsoon cloudD atiMaya% ruciram%#ery handsomeD smera%#aktrOm$ujam%;is lotus face smilingD tam%to ;ImD $rahmeMOnanta%dharmaiT%$y 8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, and =amaD kati kati%how many*D di#asaiT%with daysD stuyamOnam%$eing praisedD param%greatD yat%whatD dhyOna%$y meditationD asOdhyam%unattaina$leD VWNndraiT%$y the kings of sagesD muni%manuja% #araiT%$y the $est of sages and human $eingsD siddha%saYghaiT%$y the siddhasD asOdhyam%unattaina$leD yogNndrOQOm%of the kings of yogisD acintyam%untinka$leD atiMayam%greatD atulam%incompara$leD sOkWi%rUpam%the witnessD $haje%worshipD aham% I. I worship the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is an infant $oy, who is splendid as a dark monsoon cloud, who is #ery handsome, whose lotus face is smiling, whom 8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, and =ama glorified for how many days*, whom the kings of sages cannot approach in their meditations, whom the wunis, siddhas, and sons of -anu cannot attain, whom the kings of the yogNs cannot imagine in their thoughts, who is the greatest, who is without peer, who is all%seeing witness. e:t ., dhyOt#O puWpaP ca datt#O tu tat sar#aP mantra%pUr#akam datt#O #ratN #rataP kuryOc t chVnu mantraP yathO%kramam dhyOt#O%meditatingD puWpam%the flowerD ca%andD datt#O%placingD tu%indedD tat%thatD sar#am%allD mantra%pUr#akam%pre#ious mantraD datt#O%placingD #ratN%following the #owD #ratam%the #owD kuryOt%should doD MVnu%please hearD mantram%the mantraD yathO% kramam%the seBuence. he follower of this #ow should thus meditate on the Lord. hen, reciting mantras, he should offer the flower and all the other articles to the Lord. (lease hear these mahtras.

e:t .. OsanaP sar#a%Mn$hORhyaP sad%ratna%maQi%nirmitam #icitritaP ca citreQa gVhyatOP Mo$hanaP hare Osanam%a seatD sar#a%Mo$hORhyam%all%$eautifulD sad%ratna%maQi%nirmitam%made of precious jewelsD #icitritam%wonderfulD ca%andD citreQa%with pictures and designsD gVhyatOm%please acceptD Mo$hanam%$eautifulD hare%< Lord /VWQa. ;ere are the mantrasJ < Lord /VWQa, please accepthmhis all%$eautiful jewel throne, wonderfully decorated with graceful and colorful pictures and designs. e:t .0 #asanaP #ahni%MaucaP ca nirmitaN #iu akarmaQO pratapta%s#arQa%khacitaP citritaP gVhyatOP hare #asanam%garmentsD #ahni%fireD Maucam%pureD ca%andD nirmitam%madeD #iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmOD pratapta%s#arQa%khacitam%studded with pure goldD citritam%wonderful and colorfulD gVhyatOm%please acceptD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept these wonderful and colorful garments pure as fire and made $y ViM#akarmO from threads of pure gold. e:t .1 pOda%prakWOlanOrthaP ca s#arQa%pOtra%sthitaP jalam pa#itraP nirmalaP cOru puWpaP padyaP ca gVhyatOm pOda%prakWOlanOrtham%to wash the feetD ca%andD s#arQa%pOtra%sthitam%a golden potD jalam%waterD pa#itram%pureD nirmalam%free of impurityD cOru%$eautifulD puWpam% flowerD padyam%for the feetD ca%andD gVhyatOm%please accept.. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this golden pot filled with water to wash =our feet.

(lease accept this pure padya water and this $eautiful flower. e:t .2 madhu%sarpir%dadhi%kWNra% MarkarO%samyutaP param s#arQa%pOtra%sthitaP deyaP sOdhOraP gVhyatOP hare madhu%honeyD sarpiT%gheeD dadhi%yogurtD kWNra%milkD MarkarO%sugarD samyutam% endowedD param%greatD s#arQa%goldenD pOtra%potD sthitam%situatedD deyam%should $e gi#enD sOdhOram%with a resting placeD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept these goly pots of honey, ghee, yogurt, milk, and sugar. e:t .3 dur#OkWataP Mukla%puWpaP s#accha%toya%saman#itam candanOguru%kastUrN% sahitaP gVhyatOP hare dur#O%dur#a grassD akWatam%whole rrciD Mukla%puWpam%white flowerD s#accha%toya% saman#itam%with clear waterD candanOguru%kastUrN%sahitam%with sandal, aguru, and muskD gVhuatOm%sheuld $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this dur#O grass, whole rice, white florer, cleartwater, sandal, aguru, and musk. e:t .4 su%s#Odu s#accha%toyaP ca #OsitaP gandha%#astunO Muddham OcamanNyaP ca gVhyatOP parameM#ara su%s#Odu%#ery sweetD s#accha%toyam%celar waterD ca%andD #Ositam%scentedD gandha% #astunO%with fragranceD Muddham%pureD OcamanNyam%acaman waterD ca%andD gVhyatOm% should $e accteptedD parameM#ara%< Supreme Lord.

< Supreme Lord, please accept this clear, pure, sweet, scented Ocamana water. e:t .6 gandha%dra#ya%samOyuktaP #iWQu%tailaP su%#Ositam amOlakyO dra#aP cai#a snOnNyaP gVhyatOP hare gandha%dra#ya%samOyuktam%scentedD #iWQu%tailam%ViWQu oilD su%#Ositam%scentedD amOlakyO%with amalakiD dra#am%thingD ca%andD e#a%indeedD snOnNyam%water fro $athingD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this scented ViWQu%oil, amOlakN paste, and $ath water. e:t .7 sad%ratna%maQi%sOreQa racitOP su%manoharOm chOditOP sukWma%#astreQa MayyOP gVhana te hare sad%ratna%maQi%sOreQa%with the $est of jewelsD racitOm%madeD su%manoharOm%#ery $eautifulD chOditOm%co#eredD sukWma%#astreQa%with fine clothD MayyOm%$edD gVhana% please acceptD te%of =ouD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this $eautiful $ed made of the $est of jewels and co#ered with e:Buisite cloth. e:t 09 cUrQaP ca #VkWa%$hedOnOP mulOnOP dra#a%samyutam kastUrN%rasa%samyuktaP gandhaP gVhOQa he hare cUrQam%crushedD ca%andD #VkWa%$hedOnOm%of different treesD mulOnOm%of the rootsD dra#a%samyutam%pasteD kastUrN%rasa%samyuktam%with muskD gandham%perfumeD gVhOQa%please acceptD he%<D hare%/VWQa.

< Lord /VWQa, please eccept this scented paste made of musk the powdered tren% roots. e:t 0, puWpaP su%gandaesamyuktaP #anaspati%samud$ha#am su%priyaP sar#a%de#OnOP gVhyatOP parameM#aSa puWpam%flowerD su%ganda%samyuktam%fragrantD #anaspati%samud$ha#am%from a treeD su%priyam%dearD sar#a%de#OnOm%of all the demigodsD gVhro Om%may $e neceptedD parameM#ara%< Supreme Lord. _ < Supreme Lord, please accept this fragrant flower so dear to all the demigods and grown from a $lossoming tree. e:t 0. MarkarO%s#astikOktaP ca miWXa%dra#ya%saman#itam su%pak#a%phala%sa yuktaP nai#edyaP gVhyatOP hare MarkarO%sugar candyD s#astika%Ok em% ndni#astyika sweetsD Va%andD miWXa%dra#ya% saman#itam%many sreetsD su%pak#a%ripeD phala%samyuktam%with fruitsD nai#edyam% offering of foodD gVhyatOm%should $e accaptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this of ering of ripe frnitmy sugar%candy, s#astikO candy, and other candies. e:t 00 laRRukaP modakaPScai#a sarpiT kWNraP guRaP madhu na#oddhVtaP dadhi takraP nai#edyaP gVhyntOP hare

y laRRukam%laddusD modakam%modakaD ca%andD e#a%indeedD sarpiT%gheeD kWNram% milkD guRam%molassesD madhu%honeyD na$oddhVtam%freshD dadhi%yogurtD takram% $uttermilkD nai#edyam%offering of foodD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please acc pt this laRRu, modaka, ghee, milk, molasses, honey, fresh yogurt, and $uttermilk. e:t 01 tOm$UlaP $hoga%sOraP ca karpUrOdi%saman#itam mayO ni#editaP $haktyO gVhyatOP parameM#ara tOm$Ulam%$etelnutsD $hoga%sOram%deliciousD ca%andD karpUrOdi%saman#itam%with camphotr and other scentsD mayO%$y meD ni#editam%offeredD $haktyO%with de#otionD gVhyatOm%may $e acceptedD parameM#ara%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept these $etelnuts mi:ed with camphor and other things, which I offer to =ou with de#otion. e:t 02 candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%samyutam O#Nra%cUrQaP ruciraP gVhyatOP parameM#ara candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%samyutam%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkumaD O#Nra%cUrQam%pasteD ruciram%$eautifulD gVhyatOm%may $e acceptedD parameM#ara%< Supreme Lord. < Supreme Lord, please accept this $eautiful O#Nra powder made with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma.

e:t 03 taru%$heda%rasotkarWo gandha%yukto EgninO saha su%priwaT sar#a%de#OnOP dhUpo EyaP gVhyatOP hare taru%$heda%rasotkarWaT%with the nectar of #arious treesD gandhaoyuktaT%fNagrantD agninO%fireD saha%withD su%priyaT%#ery dearD sar#a%de#OnOm%to all the demigodsD dhUpaT%incenseD ayam%thisD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this incense made $y cooking the nectars of many trees, inyense #ery dear to all the demigods. e:t 04 ghorOndhakOra%nOMaika% hetur e#a Mu$hO#ahaT su%pradNpto dNpta%karo dNpo EyaP gVhyatOP hare ghorOydhakOra%horri$le $linding darknessD nOsa%destructionD eka%hetuT%one causeD e#a%indeedD Mu$hO#ahaT%$ringing aurewciousnessD su%iradNptaT%splendidD dNpta%karaT% illuminatingD dNpaT%lampD ayam%thisD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this splendid and auspicious lamp that destroys the terri$le $linding darkness. e:t 06 pa#itraP nirmalaP toyaP karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam jN#anaP sar#a%jN#OnOP pOnOrthaP gVhyatOP hare pa#itram%pureD nirmalam%spotlessD toyam%waterD karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam%feagrant with camphor and othet scentsD jN#anam%the lifeD sar#a%of allD jN#OnOm%li#ing entitiesD

pOnOrth m%fof drinkingD gVhyatOm%shoudl $e acceptedD hare%< Lord /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this pure drinking%water scented with campho and other fragrances, water that is the life of all li#ing entities. e:t 07 nOnO%puWpa%samOyuktaP grathitaP sukWma%tantunO MarNra%$hUWaQa%#araP mOlyaP ca praVigVhyatOm nOnO%puWpa%samOyuktam%with #arious fl(wersD grathitam%strungD sukWma%tantunO% with a fine threadD MarNra%$odyD $hUWaQa%#aram%ornamentD mOlyam%e:cellent garlandD ca%andD pratigVhyatOm%should $e accepted. < Lord /VWQa, as an ornament for =our transcendental $ody please accept this garland of many flowers on a fine thread. e:t 19 phalOni taru%$NjOni s#OdUni sundarOQi ca #aPMa%#Vddhi%karOQy e#a gVhyatOP parameM#ara phalOni%fruitsD taru%$NjOni%the seeds of treesD s#OdUni%sweetD sundarOQi%$erautifulD ca%andD #aPMa%#Vddhi%karOQy%eNncreasing the familyD e#a%indeedD gVhyatOm%should $e acceptedD parameM#ara%< Supreme Lord. < Supreme Lord, please accept these fruits, which are the seeds of trees, and which make oneEs dynasty prosper. e:t 1, datt#O deyOni dra#yOni pUjopayogitOni ca

#rata%sthOna%sthitaP dra#yaP haraye deyam e#a ca datt#O%ha#ing gi#enD deyOni%worthy to $e gi#enD dra#yOni%thingsD pUjopayogitOni% proper for worshipD ca%andD #rata%sthOna%sthitam%staying in the place of the #owD dra#yam%thingD haraye%to Lord /VWQaD deyam%should $e gi#enD e#a%indeedD ca%and. In this way, at that place, one should offer many appropriate things to Lord /VWQa. e:t 1. a#ahitOPM ca de#OPM ca pratyekaP pUjayed #ratN sampUjya $hakti%$hO#ena r dadyOt puWpOZjalN%trayam a#ahitOn%placed thereD ca%andD de#On%deitiesD ca%andD pratyekam%eachD pUjayet% should worshipD #ratN%following the #owD sampUjya%worshipingD $hakti%$hO#ena%with lo#eD dadyOt%should placeD puWpO].sy .1,^jalN%trayam%three palmfuls of flowers. he person following this #ow should then de#otedly worship the many deities there and then offer them all three palmfuls of flowers. e:ts 10%12 sunanda%nanda%kumudOn gopOn gopNM ca rOdhikOm gaQeMaP kOrttikeyaP ca $rahmOQaP ca Mi#aP Mi#Om lakWmiP saras#atNP cai#a dik%pOlOPM ca gVhOPs tathO MeWaP sudarManaP cai#a pOrWada%pra#arOPs tathO sampUjya sar#a%de#OPM ca praQamya daQnd#ad $hu#i $rOhmaQe$hyaM ca nai#edyaP datt#O dadyOc ca dakWiQOm sunanda%nanda%kumudOn%Sunanda, nanda, and /umudaD gopOn%gopasD gopNM%

copNsD ca%andD rOdhikOm%5OdhOD gaQeMam%FaQeMaD kOrttikeyam%/OrttikeyaD ca%andD $rahmOQam%8rahmOe ca%andD Mi#am%Si#aD Mi#Om%(Or#atND lakWmim%LakWmND saras#atNm% Saras#atND ca%andD e#a%indeedD dik%pOlOn%the dik%pOlasD ca%kndD grahOn%the planetsD tathO%soD MeWam%SeWaD sudarManam%SudarManaD ca%andD e#a%indeedD pOrWada%pra#arOPT% the lirerated associatesD tathO%soD sampUjya%worshipingD sar#aade#OPM%all the deitiesD ca%andD praQamya%$owingD daQRa#at%like a stickD $hu#i%on the groundD $rOhmaQe$hyaM%to the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD nai#edyam%offering of foodD datt#O%gi#ingD dadyOc%should gi#eD ca%andD dakWiQOm%dakWiQO. In this way one shoudl worship Sunanda, Nanda, /umuda, the gopas, the gopNs, SrN 5OdhO, FaQeMa, /Orttikeya, 8rahmO, Si#a, (Or#atN, LakWmN, Saras#atN, the dik%pOlas, the planets, SeWa, SudarMana, the li$erated associates of the Lord, and all the demigods, and one should offer o$eisances to them, falling to the ground like a stick. hen one should offer food and dakWiQO to the $rOhmaQas. e:t 13 kathOP ca janmOdhyOyoktaP MVQuyOd $hakti%$hO#ataT tadO kuMOsane sthit#O kuryOj jOgaraQaP #ratN kathOm%the storyD ca%andD janmOdhyOyoktam%spoken iun the chaopter a$out the LordEs $irthD MVQuyOt%should hearD $hakti%$hO#ataT%with de#otionD tadO%thenD kuMOsane%on a kuMa seatD sthit#O%sittingD kuryOj%should doD jOgaraQam%all%night #igilD #ratN%following the #ow. hen the person following this AanmOWXamN #ow should hear the chapter of scripture descri$ing Lord /VWQaEs $irth, and then5he should, sitting on a seat of kuMa grass,hkeep an all%night #igil. e:t 14 pra$hOte cOhnikaP kVt#O sampUjya MrN%hariP sadO $rOhmaQOn $hojayit#O ca j cakOra hari%kNrtanam pra$hOte%at dawnD caT%andD ahnikam%daily dutiesD kVt#O%doingD sampUjya% worshipingD MrN%harim%Lord /VWQaD sadO%alwaysD $rOhmaQOn%the $rOhmaQasD $hojayit#O%feedingD ca%a dD casOra%didD hari%klrtanam%the glorification of Lord /VWQa.

)t dawn he should perform his regular duties and then he should worship Lord /VWQa. hen he shouSd feed the $rOhmaQas and rhen he should chant the glories of Lord /VWQa. e:ts 16 and 17 MrN%nOrada u#Oca #rata%kOla%#ya#asthOP ca #edoktOP sar#a%sammatOm #edOYgaP ca samOlocya saPhitOP ca purOtanNm upa#Ose jOgaraQe #rate #O kiP phalaP $ha#et kiP #O pOpaP tatra $hukt#O #ada #eda%#idOP #ara MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD #rata%kOla%#ya#asthOm%the occasion of this #owD ca%andD #edoktOm%descri#ed in the VedasD sar#a%sammatOm%concludedD #edOYgam%the VedOYgasD ca%andD samOlocya%seeingD saPhitOm%scriptureD ca%an$dD purOtanNm%ancientD upa#Ose%in fastingD jOgaraQe%in an all%night #igilD #rate%in the #owD #O%andD kim%what*D phalam%resultD $ha#et%isD kim%whjat*D #O%orD pOpam%sinD tatra%thereD $hukt#O%eatingD #ada%please tellD #eda%#idOm%of knowers of the VedasD #ara%< $est. SrN NOrada saidJ "hen a person follows the AanmOWXamN #ow, fasts, and keeps the all%night #igil, what result does he attain* "hat is the sin one commits $y eating on this holy day* < $est of the knowers of the Vedas, referring to the Vedas, VedOYgas, and ancient SaPhitOs, please please descri$e this. e:t 29 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca aWXamN pOda%samyuktO rOtry%ardhe yadi dVMyate sO e#a mukhya%kOlaM ca tatra jOtaT s#ayaP hariT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD aWXamN%the eighth dayD pOda%samyuktO%

witha fourthD rOtry%ardhe%in the half of the nightD yadi%ifD dVMyate%is seenD sO%thatD e#a% indeedD mukhya%kOlaM%prminent timeD ca%andD tatra%thereD jOtaT%$ornD s#ayam% personallyD hariT%Lord /VWQa. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ If (in the dark fortnight of the month of 8hOdra) e#en only a Buarter of the aWXamN is present at midnight, that day is considered AanmOWXamN, the time when Lord /VWQa was $orn. e:t 2, jayaP puQyaP ca kurute jayantN tena sO smVtO tatropoWya #rataP kVt#O kuryOj jOgaraQaP $udhaT jayam%#ictoryD puQyam%pietyD ca%andD kurute%doesD DjayantN%AayantN tena%$y thatD sO% itD smVtO%consideredD tatra%thenD upoWya%fastingD #ratam%#owD kVt#O%doingD kuryOt%one should doD jOgaraQam%all%night #igilD $udhaT%wise. 8ecause it $rings #ictory (jaya) and piety, this day is called AayantN. ) wise person should fast, follow the AanmOWXamN #ow, and keep an all%night #igil on this day. e:t 2. sar#Opa#OdaT kOlo EyaP pradhOnaT sar#a%sammatOT iti #eda%#idOP #OQN cety uktO #edhasO purO sar#a%allD apa#OdaT%e:ceptionD kOlaT%timD ayam%thisD pradhOnaT%$eestD sar#a% sammatOT%considered $y allD iti%thusD #eda%of the VedasD #idOm%of the knowersD #OQN% the wordsD ca%andD iti%thusD uktO%saidD #edhasO%$y 8rahmOD purO%$efore. his is the most auspicious of all times. he demigod 8rahmO and knowers of the Vedas say this. e:t 20 tatra jOgaraQaP kVt#O copoWya yad #rataP $ha#et koXi%janmOrjitOt pOpOn

mucyate nOtra saPMayaT tatra%thenD jOgaraQam%all%nighto#igilD kVt#OedoingD ca%andD upoWya%fastingD yat%whatD #ra,a %#owD $h,#et%should $eD koXi%ten millionD manma%$irthsD arjitOt%accumulatedD pOpOn%freom the sinsD rucyate%is freedD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. <ne who fhsts, follows the AanmOWXamN #ow, and kee s an all%night eigil on this day $ecomes freed from thV sins of ten million $irths. <f thes there is no dou$t. e:t 21 #arjanNyO prayatnena saptamN%sahitOWXamN sO sarkWOpi na karta#yO saptamN%sahitOWXamN #arjanNyO%shoold $e rejectedD prayatnena%with careD saptamN%the saptamND sahitO% withD aWXamN%aWXamND sO%thisD sa%withD VpWa%the starD api%alsoD na%notD karta#yO%should $e doneD sapramN%the saptamND sahitO%withD aWXamN%the aWXamN. <ne should not cele$rate AanmOWXamN on an aWXamN mi:ed with the saptamN. >#en if the star 5ohiQN (is conjoined with the moon) this aWXamN is not considered AanmOWXamN. e:t 22 a#iddhOyOP tu sarkWO"OP jOto de#akN%nandanaT #eda%iedOYga%gupte Eti% #iMiWXe maYgale kWaQe #yatNte rohiQNrkWe ca #ratN kuryOc ca pOraQam a#iddhOyOm%not mi:ed with the saptamND tu%indeedD sa%withD tkWOyOm%whe starD jOtaT%$ornD de#akN%nandanaT%the on of &e#akND #eda%#emOYga%in the Vedas and VedeYgasD g.pte%hiddenD ati%#iMiWXe%e:altedD maYgale%auspiciousD kWaQe%momentD #yatNte%passedD rohiQrikWe%the star 5ohiQND cr%andD #ratN(f0llowing the #owD kuryOt% should doD ca andD pOraQam%$reaking the fast. Lord /VWQay the son of &e#akN, was $orn on an aWXamN unmi:ed with the sdptamN, an aWXamN when the star 5ohiQN was conjoined with the moon. "hen this most

auspicious moment, an aWXamN when the moon is conjoined with 5ohiQN,lis passed, a person who has followed the AanmOWXamN #ow should $reak his fast.

e:t 23 tithy%ante ca hariP smVt#O kVt#O de#OsurOrcanam pOraQaP pO#anaP puPsOP sar#a%pOpa%praQOManam tithy%ante%at the end of the tithiD ca%andD harim%Lord /VWQaD smVt#O%remem eringD kVt#O%doingD de#OsurOrcanam%worship of the de#as and asurasD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD pO#anam%purityD puPsOm%of peopleD sar#a%pOpa%praQOManam%destroying all sins. "henethe tithi of NanmOWXamN is o#er, one should remem$er Lord /VWQa, worship the de#as and asuras, and $reak his fast. 8reaking the fast in this way is #ery purifying and destnoys all sins. e:t 24 upa#OsOYga%$hUtaP ca phala%daP Muddhi%kOraQam sar#eW# e#opa#OMeWu di#O pOraQam iWyate upa#Osa%fastD aYga%partD $hUtam%$ornD ca%andD phala%dam%gi#ing resultD Muddhi% kOraQam%purifyingD sar#eW#%in allD e#a%indeedD upa#OMeWu%fastsD di#O%$y dayD pOraQam% the $reaking of the fastD iWyate%is said. 8reaking the fast in this way, an essential part of the fast, $rings purification and the attainment of other results. he $reaking of the fast should $e performed during daytime. e:t 26 anyathO phala%hOniT syOd #rata%dhOraQa%pOraQam anyathO%otherwiseD phala%hOniT%the destruction of the resultsD syOt%isD #rata% dhOraQa%pOraQam%following the #ow and $reaking the fast.

<therwise, if the fast is not $roken during the daytime, the results of fasting, follouing the AanmOWXamN #ow, and $reaking the fast are all destroyed. e:t 27 na rOtrau pOraQaP kuryOd Vte #ai rohiQN%#ratOt niMOyOP pOraQaP kuryOd # rjayit#O mahO%niMOm na%noptD rOtrau%at nightD pOraQam%the $reaking of the fastD kuryOt%should $e doneD Vte%e:ceptD #ai%indeedD rohiQN%#ratOt%from the #ow of 5ohiQND niMOyOm%at nightD pOraQam%$reaking of the fastD kuryOt%sgould $eD #arjayit#O%e:ceIt forD mahO%niMOm% midnight. <ne should not $reak the fast at night. he only e:ception is the 5ohiQN%#rata, when the fast may $e $roken at night, $ut not at midnight. e:t 39 pUr#Ohne pOraQaP MastaP kVt#O #ipra%surOrcanam sar#eWOP sammmataP kuryOd Vte #ai rohiQN%#ratam pUr#Ohne%in the morningD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD Mastam%gloriousD kVt#O%doingD #ipra%surOrcanam%worshiping the $rOhmaQas and demigodsD sar#eWOm%of allD sammmatam%consideredD kuryOt%should doD Vte%e:ceptD #ai%indeedD rohiQN%#ratam% rohiQN%#rata. In the morning one should worship the $rOhmaQas and demigods and then $reak the fast. )ll the sainlty persons agree this is the $est time to $reak the fast. <nly in the 5ohiQN%#rata is it not the $est time. e:t 3, $udha%soma%samOyuktO jayantN yadi la$hyate na kLryOd gar$ha%#OsaP ca tatra kVt#O #rataP #ratN

w $udha%-ercuryD soma%the moonD samOyuktO%withD jayontN%jayantND yadi%ifD la$hyate% is attainedD na%notD kuryOt%should doD gar$ha%in the wom$D #Osam%residence ca%andD tatra%thereD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD #ratam%#owD #ratN%follower of a #ow. If follows the AanmOWXamN #ow on a AanmOWXamN when -ercury is conjoined with the moon, he will ne#er again enter a motherEs wom$. e:ts 3. and 30 udaye cOWXamN kiZcin na#amN sakalO yadi $ha#ed $udhendu%samyuktO prOjapatyarkWa%samyutO api #arWa%MatenOpi la$hyate #O na la$hyate #ratN ca tad%#rataP kVt#O puPsOP koXiT samuddharet udaye%in the risingD ca%andD aWXamN%the aWXamND ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD na#amN% the na#amND sakalO%allD yadi%ifD $ha#et%isD $udha%-ercuryD indu%the moonD samyuktO% withD prOjapatya%VkWa%samyutO%with the star 5ohiQND api%e#enD #arWa%Matena%with a hundred yearsD api%e#enD la$hyate%is attainedD #O%orD na%notD la$hyate%attainedD #ratN% following a #owD ca%andD tad%#ratam%that #owD kVt#O%doingD puPsOm%of peopleD koXiT% ten millionD samuddharet%deli#ers. If on a certain AanmOWXamN the na#amN $egins at sunrise and the moon is conjoined witht-ercury or the star 5ohiQN, that AanmOWXamN is #ery (uspicious. Such a AanmOWXamN occurs perhaps in a hundred years. <ne who follows the AanmOWXamN #ow on that day deli#ers ten million of his relati#es. e:t 31 _nVQOP #inO #ratenOpi $haktOnOP #itta%#arjitOt kVjenai#o,apOsena s prKto $ha#ati mOdha#aT e nVQOm%of peopleD #inO%withoutD #ratena%a #owD api%e#enD $haktOnOm%of de#oteesD

#itta%#arjitOt%without wealthD kVtena%doneD e#a%indeedD upa#Osena%$y fastingD prNtaT% pleasedD $ha#ati%$ecomesD mOdha#aT%Lord /VWQa. Lord /VWQa is pleased with ;is de#otees that o$ser#e the fast of AanmOWXamN, e#en though, $ecause of not ha#ing sufficient wealth, they cannot perform the AanmOWXamN #ow. e:t 32 $haktyO nOnopacareQa rOtrau jOgaraQena ca phalaP dadOti daityOrir jayantN%#rata%sam$ha#am $haktyO%with de#otionD nOnO%#ariousD upacOreQa%with paraphernali(D rOtrau%at nightD jOgaraQena%with the #igilD ca%andD phalam%resultD dadOti%gi#esD daityOriT%Lord /VWQa, the enemy of the demonsD jayantN%#rata%sam$ha#am%$orn from the AanmOWXamN #ow. t o one who follows the #ow, worshiping the Lord with #arious articles and keeping an all%night #igil, Lord /VWQa, the enemy of the demons, gi#es the result of following the AanmOWXamN #ow. e:t 33 #itta%MOXhyam akur#OQaT samyak phalam a#OpnuyOt kur#OQo #itta%MOthyaP ca la$hate EsadVMaP phalam #itta%of wealthD MOXhyam%cheatingD akur#OQaT%not doingD samyak%properlyD phLlam% fruitD a#Opnuyrt%should attainD kur#OQaT%doingD #itta%wealthD MOthyam%cheatingD ca% andD la$hate%attainsD asadVMaP%not like thatD phalam%result. ) person who o$ser#es AanmOWXamN in a way appropriate to his financial means attains the proper result, $ut a wealthy persontwho does not o$ser#e AanmOWXamN in a way appropriate to his wealth does not attain Ihe same result. e:t 34 aWXamyOm atha rohiQyOP

na kuryOt pOraQaP $udhaT hanyOt pUr#a%kVtaP puQyaP upa#OsOrjitaP phalam aWXamyOm%on AanmOWXamND atha%theD rohiQyOm%5ohiQD na%notD kuryOt%should doD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD $udhaT%wiseD hanyOt%will destroyD pUr#a%kVtam%done $eforeD puQyam%pietyD upa#OsOrjitam%earned $y fastingD phalam%result. ) wise person should not $reak his fast during AanmOWXamN or while the star 5ohiQN is still conjoined with the moon. o do that is to destroy his past pious deeds and the transcendental result earned $y fasting. e:t 36 tithir aWXa%guQaP hanti nakWatraP ca catur%guQaP tasmOt prayatnataT kuryOt tithi%$hOnte ca pOraQam tithiT%the tithiD aWXa%guQam%eight BualitiesD hanti%destroysD nakWatram%the starD ca% andD catur%guQam%four BualitiesD tashOt%from thatD prayatnataT%with careD kuryOt% should doa tsthi%$hOnte%after tha tnthi and the starD ca%andD pOraQam%$reakiny the fast. 8reaking the fast during the tithi of AanmOWXamN destroys oneEs pious deeds eight times o#er, and $reaking the fast while the stSr 5ohiQN is conjoined with the moon destroys oneEs pious deins four times o#er. herefore one should ye carefuu to $reak his fast when AanmOWXamN and tee star 5ohi(N ha#e passed. e:t 37 mahO%niMOyOP prOptOyOP tithi%$hOntaP yadO $ha#et tVtNye Ehni muni%MreWXha pOraQ P kurute #ratN mahO%niMOyOm%midnightD prOgtOyOm%attainedD tithi%$hO tam%the tithi and the starD yadO%whenD $ha#et%isD tVtNye%onm the thirdD adni%dapD muni%MreWXha%< $est of sagesD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD kurute%doesD #ratN%following the #ow. < $est of sages, when the tithi of AanmOWXamN and the star 5ohtQN $oth end at midnight, a person following the AanmOWXamN #ow should $reak his fast on the third

day from AanmOWXamN. e:t 49 tan%muhUrte #yatNte tu rOtrO# e#a mahO%niMO la$hate $rahma%hatyOP ca tatra $hukt#O ca nOrada tan%muhUrte%that muhUrtaD #yatNte%passedD tu%indeedD rOtrO#%at nightD e#a%indeedD mahO%niMO%midnightD la$hate%attainsD $rahma%hatyOm%the sin of killing a $rOhmaQaD ca%andD tatra%thereD $hukt#O%eati gD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, one who eats during the midnight of AanmOWXamN attains the sinful reaction of killing a $rOhmaQa. e:t 4, go%mOPsa%#iY%mUtra%samaP tOm$UlaP ca phalhP jalam puPsOm a$hakWyaP MuddhdyOP odanasyOpi kO kathO gaT%of a cowD mOPsa%fleshD #iX%stoolD mUtra%urineD samam%eBualD tOm$Ulam% $etelnutsD ca%andD phalam%fruitD jalam%waterD puPsOm%of peopleD a$hakWyam%not to $e eatenD MuddhOyOm%ptreD odanasya%$oilod riceD api%e#enD kO%what*D kathO%topics. <n a pure AanmOWXamN (not mi:ed with the saptamN), one should not eat e#en fruit or $etelnuts, or e#en drink water. >ating these is like eating stool or cowEs flesh, or like drinking urine. "hat, then, can $e said of eating rice* e:t 4. tri%yOmOP rajanNP prOhus tyakt#Ody%ante catuWXayam nadNnOP tad u$he sandhye di#asOdy%aata%samjZite tri%yOmOm%7 hoursD rajanNm%nightD prOhuT%sayD tyakt#O%a$andoningD adi%$eginningD ante%endD catuWXayam%fourD nOdNHInOm%of periods of ,. minutesD tat%thatD u$he%$othD sandhye%in the junctionD di#asa%dayD Odi%$eginningD anta%endD samj].sy .1,^ite%called.

he wise say that night lasts for 7 hours and is $ounded, at its $eginning and end, $y sunrise and sunset, which last for 16 minutes each. e:t 40 janmOWXamyOP ca MuddhOyOP kVt#O jOgaraQaP #ratam Mata%janma%kVtOt pOpOn mucyate nOtra saPMayaT janmOWXamyOm%on a AanmOWXamND ca%andD MuddhOyOm%pureD kVt#O%doingD jOgaraQam%all%night #igilD #ratam%#owD Mata%a hundredD janma%$irthsD kVtOt%doneD pOpOt%from sinD mucyate%releasedD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. ) person who on a pure AanmOWXamN (not mi:ed with the saptamN) follows the AanmOWXamN #ow and keeps an all%night #igil $ecomes free from the sins of a hundred $irths. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 41 janmOWXamyOP ca MuddhOyOP upoWya ke#alaP naraT aM#amedha%phalaP tasya #rataP jOgaraQaP #inO janmOWXamyOm%on AanmOWXamND ca%andD MuddhOyOm%pureD upoWya%fastingD ke#alam% oVlyD naraT%a personD aM#amedha%of an as amedha%mujnaD phalam%the resultD tasya%of himD #rawam%the #owD jOgaraQam%all%night #igilD #inO%without. ) person who on a pure AanmOWXumN (nrt mi:ed winh the saptamN) fasts $ut does not follow the AanmOWXamN #ow or keep the LSl%uight #igil, attains the result of performing an a#amedha%yajZa. e:t 42 yad $Olye yac cankaumOre yau#ane yac ca #ardhake sapta%janma%kVtOt pOpOn mucyate nOtra saPMayaT ya %whatD $Olye%in infancyD yac%whatD ca%andD kaumOre%in $oyhoodD yau#ane%in

youthd yec%whatD ca%andD #ardhake%in maturityD sapta%4D janma%$irthsD kVtOt%doneD pOpOt%from the sinsD mucyate%freedD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. ;e is freed from the sins performed in the infancy, childhood, youth, and age of se#en lifetimes. e:t 43 MrN%kVWQa%janma%di#ase yaM ca $huYkte narOdhamaT sa $ha#en mOtV%gOm# ca $rahma%hatyO%MataP la$het MrN%kVWQa%janma%di#ase%on Lord /VWQaEs $irthdayD yaM%one whoD ca%andD $huYkte% eatsD narOdhamaT%the lowest of menD sa%heD $ha#et%$ecomesD mOtV%gOmN%adultery with his motherD ca%andD $rahma%hatyO%Matam%killing a hundred $rOhmaQasD la$het%attains. <ne who eats on Lord /VWQaEs $irthday is lowest of mankind. ;is sinful reaction like that of ha#ing raped his mother and murdered a hundred $rOhmaQas. e:t 44 koXi%janmOrjitaP puQyaP tasya nOMyati niMcitam anarhaM cOMuciT MaM#ad dai#e paitre ca karmaQi koXi%janmOrjitam%earned in a hundred $irthsdD puQyam%pietyD tasya%of himD nOMyati% is destroyedD niMcitam%concludedD anarhaM%unworthyD ca%andD aMuciT%impureD MaM#at% alwaysD dai#e%for the demigodsD paitre%and the pitOsD ca%andD karmaQi%deeds. ;is pious credtts of ten million $irths are at once destroyed. ;e $ecomes impure. ;e $ecomes unfit to worship the demigods or the pitOs. e:t 46 ante #aset kOla%sUtre yO#ac candra%di#Okarau kVmi$hiT MUla%tulaiM ca tNkWna%daPstraiM ca $hakWitaT

ante%at the endD #aset%he li#esD kOla%sUtre%on the string of timeD yO#ac%asD candra%the moonD di#Okarau%and the sunD kVmi$hiT%with wormsD MUla%tulaiT%eBual to lancesD ca% andD tNkWna%sharpD daPstraiT%with teethD ca%andD $hakWitaT%eaten. )t the end of his life he enters the hell called /OlasUtra (the rope of time). )s long s the sun and moon shine in the sky he is de#oured $y wor s with teeth sharp like spear u e:t 47 pOpN tataT oamutthOya $hOrate janma cel la$het WaWXiP #arWa%sahasrOQi #iWXOyOP ca kVmir $ha#et pOpN%sinnerD tataT%thenD sdmutthOya%risingD $hOrate%on the earthD janma%$irthD cel% irD la$het%attaintD WaWXim%si:tyD #arWa%yearsD sahasrOQi%thousandsD #iWXOyOm%in stoolD ca% andD kVmiT%a wormD $ha#et%$ecomes. "hen his time in hell is o#er he rises to the earth, where he $ecomes a worm in stool for si:ty%thousand years. e:t 69 gVdhraT koXi%sahasrOQi Mata%janmOni MUkaraT M#O%padaP Mata%janmOni MVgOlaT Mata%janmasu gVdhraT%a #ultureD koXi%sahasrOQi%ten $illionD Mata%janmOni%a hundred $irthsD MUkaraT%a pigD M#O%padam%the status of a dogD Mata%janmOni%a hundred $irthsD MVgOlaT%a jackalD Mata%janmasu%a hundred $irths. hen he $ecomes a #ulture for ten $illion $irths, a pig for a hundred $irths, a dog for a hundred $irths, and a jackal for a hundred $irths. e:t 6, sapta%janmasu sarpaM ca kOkaM ca sapta%janmasu

tato $ha#en naro mUko galat%kuWXhN sadOturaT sapta%janmasu%in se#en $irthsD sarpaM%a snakeD ca%andD kOkaM%a crowD ca%andD sapta% oanmasu%se#en $irthsD tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD naraT%a human $eingD mUkaT% una$le to speakD galat%kuWXhN%a leperD sadOturaT%always in pain. hen he $ecomes a snake for se#en $irths and then a crow for se#en $irths. hen he takes $irth as a human $eing, where he is una$le to speak and where he $ecomes a leper, always suffering. e:t 6. tato $ha#et paMughnaM ca #yOla%grOhN tato $ha#et tad%ante ca $ha#ed dasyur dharma%hNno nara%ghnakaT tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD paMughnaM%a killer of animalsD ca%andD #yOla%grOhN%a catcher of wild $eastsD tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD tad%ante%at the endD ca%andD $ha#et%$ecomesD dasyuT%a thiefD dharma%hNnaT%impiousD nara%ghnakaT%murderer. hen he $ecomes a $utcher and then a hunter of wild $easts. )t the end he $ecomes a thief and a murderer, a man with no scruples. e:t 60 tato $ha#et sa rajakas taila%kOras tato $ha#et tato $ha#ed de#alaM ca $rOhmaQaM ca sadOMuciT tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD sa%heD rajakaT%a washermanD taila%kOraa%a maker of oilD tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD tataT%thenD $ha#et%$ecomesD de#alaT%a professional pujariD ca%andD $rOhmaQaM%a $rOhmaQaD ca%andD sadO%alwaysD aMuciT%impure. hen he $ecomes a washerman, then an oil%merchant, and then a professional $rOhmaQa, always impure at heart. e:t 61

upa#OsOsamarthaMScud ekaP #ipraP ca $hojayet tO#ad dhanOni #O dadyOd yad%$huktOd d#i%guQaP $ha#et upa#Osp%fastikgD asamarthaT%una$leD cet%andD ekam%oneD #ipram%$rOhmaQaD ca%andD $hojayet%should feedD tO#at%nhenD dhanOni%wealthD #O%orD dadyOt%should gi#eD yad% $huktOt%from what was eatenD d#i%guQam%dou$leD $ha#et%should gi#e. If one is una$le to fast he should feed a $rOhmaQa and gi#e him charity eBual to twice the #alue of the food. e:t 62 sahasra%sammitOP de#NP l japed #O prOQa%samyamam kuryOd d#OdaMa%saYkhyOkaP yathO tu tad%#rate naraT sahasra%sammitOm%a thousand timesD de#Nm%to the goddessD japet%should chantD #O% orD prOQa%samyamam%controlling the $reathD kuryOt%should doD d#OdaMa%saYkhyOkam% twel#e timesD yathO%asD tu%indeedD tad%#rate%that #owD naraT%a person. <r, he should chant mantras tosFoddesL LakWmN a ,housand times, or he should practice prOQOyOma twel#e times. e:t 63 ity e#aP kathitaP #atsa MrutaP yad%dharma%#aktrataT #ratopa#Osa%pUjOnOP #idhOnam akVte ca yat ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitam%spokenD #atsa%< childD Mrutam%heardD yad% dharma%#aktrataT%from the mouth of =amarOjaD #rata%#owD upa#Osa%fastingD pUjOnOm% and worshipD #idhOnam%performanceD akVte%doneD ca%andD yat%what. hus I ha#e descri$ed, as I heard it from =amarOjaEs mouth, the fasting, #ows and worship performed on AanmOWXamN. .pa

%ha*ter Nine+r, Nanda!*utrotsavashe &estiva" (or +r, Nanda1s $on

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca saPsthOpya gokule kVWQaP yaModO%mnndire #asuT jagOma s#a%gVhaP nandaT kiP cakOra sutotsa#am MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD saPsthOpya%placingD gokule%in FokulaD kVWQam% SrN /VWQaD yaModO%mandire%in =aModOEs homeD #asuT%Vasude#aD jagOma%wentD s#a% gVham%to his own homeD nandaT%NandaD kim%what*D cakOra%didD sutotsa#am% cele$ration for a son. SrN NOrada saidJ )fter Vasude#a placed Lord /VWQa in =aModOEs home in Fokula, what did /ing Nanda do to cele$rate the $irth of a son* e:t . kiP cakOra haris tatra kati #arWaP sthitir #i$hoT $Ola%krNRanakaP tasya #arQaya kramaMaT pra$ho kim%what*D cakOra%didD hariT%Lord /VWQaD tatra%thereD kati%how many*D #arWam% yearsD sthitiT%situatedD #i$hoT%of the LordD $Ola%krNRanakam%chiuldhood pastimesD tasya%of ;imD #arQaya%please dewcri$eD kramaMaT%one after anotherD pra$haT%< lord. "hat did Lord /VWQa do there* ;ow many years did the Lord stay there* < master, please descri$e the LordEs childhood pastimes there. e:t 0

purO kVtO yO pratijZO goloke rOdhayO saha tat kVtaP kena hariQO pratijZO%pOlanaP #ane purO%$eforeD kVtO%didD yO%whichD pratijZO%promiseD goloke%in FokulaD rOdhayO% 5OdhOD saha%withD tat%thatD kVttm%doneD kena%hoaD hariQO%Lord /VWQaD pratijZO% pOlanam%keeping the promiseD #ane%in the forest. ;ow in the forest there did Lord /VWQa keep the promise ;e made to 5OdhO in Foloka* e:t 1 kNdVg #VndO#anaP rOsa% maQRalaP kiP #idhaP #ada rOsa%krNROP jala%krNROP sam#yasya #arQaya pra$ho kNdVg%like what*D #VndO#anam%of VVndO#anaD rOsa%%of the rOsa danceD maQRalam%the circleD kim%what*D #idham%likeD #ada%please tellD rOsa%of the rOsa danceD krNROm%the poasti eD jala%krNROm%the pastime in theNwaterD sam#yasya%collectingD #arQaya%please descri$eD pra$haT%< master. "hrt was VVndO#ana like* "hat was t e rOsa%dance circle like* (lease tell S master, please descri$e thm LordEs rOsa dance and the water pastimes. e:t 2 nandas tapaT kiP cakOra yaModO cOtha rohiQN hareT pUr#aP ca halinOT kutra janma $a$hU#a ha nandaT%NandaD tapaT%austerityD kim%what*D cakOra%didD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD atha%thenD rohiQN%5ohiQND hareT%of Lord /VWQaD pUr#am%$eforeD ca%andD halinOT%of Lord 8alarOmaD kutra%where*D janma%$irthD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeed. "hat auste ities did Nanda, =aModO, andi5ohiQN perform* 8efore the appearance of Lord /VWQa, where did Lord 8alarOma take $irth*

e:t 3 pNyUWa%khaQRam OkhyOnaP apUr#aP MrN%hareT smVtam #iMeWatOT ka#i%mukhe ka#yaP nUtnaP pade pade pNyUWa%of nectarD khaQRam%partD OkhyOnam%storyD apUr#am%unprecedentedD MrN% hareT%of Lord /VWQaD smVtam%consideredD #iMeWatOT%specificallyD ka#i%mukhe%in the mouth of a poetD ka#yam%poetryD nUtnam%newD pade%stepD pade%after step. his recounting of Lord /VWQaEs pastimes is nectar sweeter than any other. >specially in the mouth of a poet, it $rings new and sweet poetNy at e#ery step. e:t 4 s#a%rOsa%maQRalaP krNROP #arQaya s#ayam e#a ca parokWa%#arQanaP ka#yaP praMastaP dVMya%#arQanam s#a%rOsa%maQRalam%in the Osa%dance circleD krNROm%pastimeD #arQaya%descri$eD s#ayam%personallyD e#a%indeeedD ca%andD parokWa%nit seenD #arQanam%descriptionD ka#yam%poetryD praMastam%gloriousD dVMya%seenD #arQanam%description. (lease descri$e the LordEs pastimes in the rOsa%dance circle. ) poetEs words are more glorious when he himself has seen the e#ents he descri$es. e:t 6 MrN%kVWQOPMo $ha#On sOkWOd yogNndrOQOP guror guruT yo yasyOPMaT sa ca janas tasyai#a sukhataT sukhN MrN%kVWQOPMaT%an incarnation of Lord /VWQaD $ha#On%=ouD sOkWOt%direct( yogNndrOQOm%of the kings of the yogisD guroT%of the guruD guruT%the guruD yaT%whoD yasya%of whomD aPMaT%the partD sa%;eD ca%andD janaT%a personD tasya%of ;imD e#a% indeedD sukhataT%happilyD sukhN%happy. =ou are a direction incarnation of Lord /VWQa ;imself. 8ecause =ou are ;is

incarnation, =ou are full of transcendental $liss. =ou are the guru of the guru of the kings of the yogNs. e:t 7 t#ayai#a #arQitau padau #ilNnau tu yu#aP hareT sOkWOd goloka%nOthOPMas t#am e#a tat%samo mahOn t#ayO%$y =ouD e#a%indeedD #arQitau%descri$edD padau%into the feetD #ilNnau%enteredD tu%indeedD yu#Om%of =ouD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD sOkWOt%directlyD goloka%of FolokaD nOtha%of the LordD aPMaT%a partD t#am%=ouD e#a%indeedD tat%samaT%eBual to ;imD mahOn%great. =ou ha#e descri$ed how =ou entered the feet of Lord /VWQa, the master of Foloka. herefore =ou are a direct incarnation of Lord /VWQa. =ou are Lord /VWQa. e:t ,9 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca $rahmeMa%MeWa%#ighneMOT kUrmo dharmo Eham e#a ca naraM ca kOrttikeyaM ca MrN%kVWQOPMa #ayaP na#a MrN%nOrOyaQaT u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD $rahmeMa%MeWa%#ighneMOT%8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, and FaQeMaD kUrmaT%/UrmaD dharmaT%=amarOjaD aham%ID e#a%indeedD ca%andD naraM%NaraD ca%andS kOrttikeyaM% OrttikeyaD ca%andD MrN%kVWQOPMa%incarnations of Lord /VWQaD #ayam%weD na#a%nine. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ 8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, FaQeMa, /Urma, =amarOja, Nara, /Orttikeya, and I are nine incarnations of Lord /VWQa. e:t ,, aho goloka%nOthasya mahimo kena #arQitaT yaP s#ayaP no #ijOnNmd ksa nOrada #ipaMcitaT

ahaT%<D goloka%nOthasya%of the oaster of FolokaD mahimaT%the gloryD kena%$y whom*D #arQitaT%descri$edD yem%whoD s#ayam%personallyD na%notD u%inyeedD #ijOnNmaT%we knowD kim%how*D nOrada%< NOradaD #ipaMcitaT%the wise. "ho can descri$e the glories of Lord /VWQa, the master of Foloka* "e incarnations of /VWQa cannot understand ;im. ;ow can the great philoso hers understand ;im* e:t ,. MUkaro #OmanaT kalkN $audhaT kapila%mNnakau ete cOPMOT kalOM cOnye santy e#atkatidhO mune MUkareT%VarOraD #OmfnaT%VOmanaD kalkN%/alkND $audhaT%8uddhaD kapila%/apilaD mNnakau%-atsyaD ete%theyD ca%andD aPMOT%partsD kalOT%parts of a partD ca%an$D anye% othersD santy%areD e#a%indeedD katidhO%how many*D eune%< sage. < sage, VarOha, VOmana, /alki, 8uddha, /apila, and -atsya $are among ;is primary incarnations. ;ow many are ;is eccndary incarnations* e:t ,0 pUrQo nVsiPho rOmaM ca . M#etad#Npa%#irOjitaT paripUrQatamaT kVWQo #aikuQXhe gokule s#ayam ) pUrQaT%fullD nVsiuhaT%NVsi#haD rOmaM%5OamaD ca% ndD M#etad#Npa%#irOjitaT%the Splendid Lord of S#etad#NpaD paripUrQatamaT%most fullD kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD #aikuQXhe% in VikuQXhaD gokule%in FolokaD s#ayam%personally. he primary forms of the Lord are VsiPha, 5Oma, and the splendid master of S#etad#Npa. he most perfect, most full, most complete, original form of the Supreme Lord is SrN /VWQa, who resides in Foloka, the highest realm in the spiritual sky. e:t ,1 #aikuQXhe kamalO%kOnto

rUpa%$hedaM catur%$hujaT goloke gokule rOdhO% kOnto EyaP d#i%$hujaT s#ayam #aikuQXhe%in VaikuQXhaD kamalO%kOntaT%Lord NOrOyaQa, the hus$and of LakWmND rUpa%$hedaM%many formsD catur%$hujaT%four armsD goloke%in FolokaD gokule%in FokulaD rOdhO%of 5OdhOD kOntaT%the hus$andD ayam%;eD d#i%$hujaT%two armsD s#ayam%personally. In VaikuQXha ;e appears in many forms as four%armed Lord NOrOyaQa, the $elo#ed of LakWmN. In Foloka and Fokula ;e appears in ;is original form as two%armed Lord /VWQa, the $elo#ed of 5OdhO. e:t ,2 asyai#a tejo nityaP ca o cintOP kur#anti yogieaT $haktOT pOdOm$ujaP tejaT kutas tejas#inaP #inO asya%of mimD e#a%indeedD tejaT%the effulgenceD nityam%eternalD ca%andD cintOm% meditationD kur#anti%doD yoginaT %the yogisD $haktOT%the de#oteesD pOdOm$ujam%lotus feetD tejaT%effulgenceD kutaT%where*D tejas#inam%the source of the effulgenceD #inO% without. he yogNEs meditate on ;is 8rahman light, $ut the de#otees meditate on ;is lotus feet. ;ow can there $e a light without source* e:t ,3 MVQu #ipra #arQayOmi yaModO%nandayos tapaT rohiQyOM ca yato hetor dadVMus te harer mukham MVQu%histenD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD #arQayOmi%I will descri$eD yaModO%of =aModOD nandayoT%and NandaD tapaT%the austerityD rohiQyOM%of 5ohiQNr ca%andD yataT%from whichD hetoT%causeD dadVMuT%sawD te%theyD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mukham%the face. <r$rOhmada, lisarn ed I wili descri$e the austerities of Nanda, =aModO, and 5ohi.N, austerities that ena$led them to see Lord /VWQa face to face.

e:t ,4 #asUnOP pra#aro nando nOmnO droQas tapo%dhanaT tasya patnN dharO sOdh#N yaModO sO tapas#inN #asUnOm%of the VasusD pra#araT%the $estD nandaT%NandaD nOmnO%$y nameD droQaT% &roQaD tapo%dhanaT%wealthy in austerityD tasya%of himD patnN%the wifeD dharO%&harOD sOdh#N%saintlyD yaModO%=aModOD sO%sheD tapas#inN%austere. In hisypre#ious $irth Nanda was ihe ascetic &roQa, the $est of the Vasue, and saintly =aModO was his ascetic wife &harO. e:t ,6 rohiQN sarpatmOtO ca kadruM ca sarpa%kOriQN eteWOP janma%caritaP ni$odha kathayOmi te rohiQN%5ohiQND sarpa%mOtO%the mother of the snakesD ca%andD kadruT%/adrue ca%andD sarpa%kOriQN%the creator of snakesD eteWOm%of themD janma%of the $irthD caritam%the acti#itiesD ni$odha%please hearD k mhayOmi%I will tellD te%to you. In her pre#ious $irth 5ohiQN was /adru, the first mother of the snakes. Listen and I will descri$e to you what they did in their pre#ious $irth. e:ts ,7 and .9 ehadO ca dharO%droQau par#ate gandhamOdane puQyade $hOrate #arWe gautamOMrama%sannidhau tapaM cakOra tatrai#a #arWOnOm ayutaP mune kVWQasya darManOrthaP ca nirjane supra$hO%tate

ekadO%one dayD ca%andD dharO%droQau%&roQa and &harOD par#ate%on the mountainD gandhamOdane%FandhamadanaD puQyade%sacredD $hOrate%on the earthD #arWe%in the placeD gautamOMrama%sannidhau%near the OMrama of Fautama -uniD tapaT%austeritiesD cakOra%performedD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD #arWOnOm%of yearsD ayutam%ten thousandD mune%< sageD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD darManOrtham%for the sightD ca%andD nirjane%in a secluded placeD supra$hO%tate%on the shore of the Supra$hO. < sage, in 8hOrata%#arWa, on -ount FandhamOdana, near Fautama -uniEs OMrama, in a secluded place $y the Supra$hO ri#er, &roQa and &harO performed austerities for ten thousand years so they might see Lord /VWQa face to face. e:t ., na dadarMa hariP droQo dharO cai#a tapas#inN kVt#Ogni%kuQRaP #airOgyaP pra#eWXuP samupasthitau na%notD dadarMa%sawD harim%Lord /VWQaD droQaT%&roQaD dharO%&harOD ca%andD e#a% indeedD tapas#inN%asceticD kVt#O%makingD agni%of fireD kuQRam%a lakeD #airOgyam% austerityD pra#eWXum%to enterD samupasthitau%approached. "hen after this time they still could not see Lord /VWQa, &roQa and &harO decided to enter a lake of fire. e:ts .. and .0 tau martu%kOmau dVWX#O ca #Og $a$hU#OMarNriQN drakWyatha MrN%hariP pVth#yOP gokule putra%rUpiQam janmOntare #asu%MreWXha dur%darMaP yoginOP #i$hum dhyOnOsOdhyaP ca #iduWOP $rahmOdNnOP ca #anditam tau%themD martu%kOmaT%desiring to dseD dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD #Og%a #oiceD $a$hU#a%wasD aMarNriQN%disem$odiedD drakWyatha%you will seeD MrN%harim%Lord /VWQaD

pVth#yOm%on the earthD gokule%in FokulaD putra%rUpiQam%in the form of a sonD janmOntare%in the ne:t $irthD #asu%MreWXha%the $est of the VasusD dur%darMam%difficult to seeD yoginOm%of the yopgisD #i$hum%the masterD dhyOntsOdhyam%unattaina$le $y meditationD ca%andD #iduWOm%of the wiseD $rahmOdNnOm%$eginning with 8rahmOD ca% andD #Lnditam%$owed down. hen a disem$odied #oice, its ,peaker seeing that they wished to die, said, L< $est of the Vasus, in your ne:t $irth, on the earth, you will see Lord /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whom the yogNs cannot see, whom the philosophers cannot attain $y their thinking, to whom 8rahmO and the demigods $ow down. ;e will $ecome your son.L e:t .1 Mrut#ai#aP tad dharO%droQau jagmatuT s#OlayaP sukhOt la$dh#O tu $hOrate janma dVWXaP tO$hyOP harer mukham m Mrut#O%hearingD e#am%thu D tat%thatD dharO%droQau%&harO and &roQaD jagmatuT% wentD s#Olayam%no their a$odeD sukhOt%happilyD la$dh#O%attainingD tu%indeedD rhOrate% on the earthD jSnma%$irthD dVuXam%seenD tO$hyOm%$y themD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mukham%the face. o ;earing this, &roQa and &harO happily returned to their homel aking $irth on the earth, they saw Lord /VWQa face to face. e:t .2 ytModO%nandayor e#a kathitaP caritaP maSO su%yogyaP de#atOnOP ca rohiQN%caritaP MVQu yaModO%nandayoT%of nandan,nd =aModOD e#a%indeedD kathitam%stokenD caritam%the acti#ityD mayO%$ynmeD su%yogyam%#ery appropriateD de#atOnOm%of the demigodsD ca% andD rohiQN%caritam%the acti#ities of 5ohiQND MVQu%please hear. hus I ha#e descri$ed the acti#itie of Nanda and =aModO. Now please hear the acti#ities of 5ohiQN when she was a demwgoddess.

e:t .3 ekadO de#atO%mOtO puWpotsa#a%dine satN #ijZOpanaP cara%d#OrO cakOra kaMyapaP mune ekadO%one dayD de#atO%mOtO%the mother of the demigodsD puWpotsa#a%dine%on the day most suita$le for conceptionD satN%saintlyD #ijZOpanam%appealD cara%d#OrO%$y a messengerD cakOra%didD kaMyapam%to /aMyapaD mune%< sage. < sage, one time, on the day most suita$le to concei#e a child, saintly )diti, the mother of the demigods, sent a message of this to her hus$and, /aMwapa -uni. e:t .4 su%snOtO sundarN de#N ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO cakOra #eMaP #i#idhaP dadarMa darpaQe mukham su%snOtO%carefully $athedD sundarN%$eautifylD de#N%demigoddessD ratnOlaYkOra% $hUWitO%decorated with jewel ornamentsD cakOra%didD #eMam%decorationD #i#idham% #ariousD dadarMa%sawD darpaQe%in the mirrorD mukham%face. he $eautiful goddess, carefully $athed and wearing jewel ornaments, decorated and dressed herself #ery ela$orately. In the mirror she carefully e:amined her face, . . . e:t .6 kastUrN%$indunO sOrdhaP sindUra%$indu%samyutam ratna%kuQRala%Mo$hORhyaP patrO$haraQa%$hUWitam kastUrN%of muskD $indunO%a dotD sOrdham%withD sindira%$indu%samyutam%with a dot af red sinduraD ratna%jewelD kuQ.ala%earringsD Mo$hORhyam%$eautefulD patrO$haraQa%$hUWitam%decorated with patra ornaments. . . . which was decorated with dots of musk and sindUra, $eautiful with patra ornaments and jewel earrings, . . .

e:t .7 gaja%mauktika%samyukta% nOsOgraP su%manoharam Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP Marat%paYkaja%locanam #aktra%$haYgima%samyuktaP #icitra%kajjalojj#alam gaja%mauktika%samyukta%with an elephant pearlD nOsOgram%the tip of the noseD su% manoharam%#ery $eautifulD Marat%autumnD pOr#aQa%seasonD candra%moonD Osyam%faceD Marat%paYkaja%locanam%autumn%lotus eyesD #aktra%$haYgima%cur#ed mouthD samyuktam%withD #icitra%kajjalojj#alam%splendid mascara. . . . $eautiful as an autumn moon, its autumn%lotus eyes splendid with mascara, its $eautiful nose decorated with an elephant pearl, its mouth gracefully cur#ed in a smile, . . . e:t 09 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% danta%rOji%#irOjitam pak#a%$im$OdharoWXhaP ca sa%smitaP sundaraP sadO pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha%ripe pomegranate seedD danta%rOji%#irOjitam%splendid teethD pak#a%$im$a%ripe $im$a fruitsD adharoWXham%lipsD ca%andD sa%smitam%smilingD sundaram%$eautifulD sadO%always. . . . its teeth splendid like ripe pomegranate seeds, its $eautiful always%smiling lips splendid like ripe $im$a fruits, . . . e:t 0, atN#a%kamanNyaP ca munNndra%citta%mohanam atN#a%kamanNyam%#ery $eautifulD ca%andD munNndra%citta%mohanam%charming the hearts of the kings ot the sages.

. . . and its features so $eautiful they charmed the hearts of the regal sages. e:t 0. e#am%$hUtaP mukhaP dVWX#O sundarN s#a%gVhaP sthitO paMyantN pati%mOigaP ca kOma%$OQa%prapNRitO _ e#am%$hUtam%like thisD mukham%faceD dVWX#O%seeingD sundarN%$eautifulD s#a%gVham% own homeD sthitO%situatedD paMyantN%lookingD pati%of her hus$andD mOrgam%the apthD ca%andD kOma%of /OmaD $OQa%$y the arrowsD prapNRitO%tortured. )fter carefully e:amining her face in this way, the $eautiful goddess, wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows, stayed at home, waiting for her hus$and to come and looking for him on the path. e:t 00 MuMhO#a #OrtOm aditiT kaMyapaP kadru%samyutam rasa%$hOra%samOram$he rasyO #akWaT%sthala%sthitam MuMrO#a%heardD #OrtOm%the newsD aditiT%)ditiD kaMyapam%/aMyapaD kadru% samyutam%with /adruD rasa%$hOra%samOram$he%in sweet pastimesD tasya%of herD #akWaT%sthala%sthitam%staying on the chest. hen )diti heard the news that /aMyapa was with /adru, that he was seeetly playing with her and resting on her $reast. e:t 01 Mrut#O cukopa sOdh#N sO hatOMO rati%kOtarO na MaMOpa patiP premQO MaMOpa sarpa%mOtaram Mrut#O%hearingD cukopa%$ecame angryD sO h#N%saBintly sO%sheD hata%destroyedD OMO% hopeD rati%kOtarO%tortured with amorous desiresD na%notD MaMOpa%cursedD patim%her hus$andD premQO%out of lo#eD MaMOpa%cursedD sarpa%mOtaram%the mother of the snakes.

ortured with amorous desiresI and her hopes to satisfy them now destroyed, saintly )diti $ecame filled with anger when she heard this news. <ut of lo#e for him she would not carse her hus$and, $ut she did curse /adru. e:t 02 na de#Olaya%yogyO sO% dharmiWXhO dharma%nOMinN dUraP gacchatu s#ar%lokOd yOtu yoQiP ca mOna#Nm na%notD de#a%of the dem godsD alaya%for the a$ideD yogyO%suita$ eD sO%sheD adharmiWXhO%impiousD dharma%nOMinN%destroying pietyD dUram%far awayD gacchatu% should goD s#ar%lokOt%from S#argalokaD yOtu%should goD yoQim%to the wom$D ca%andD mOna#Nm%human. She saidJ hat sinful woiman has no right to li#e in the world of the demigods. Sh should lea#e S#argaloka and go far away to the wom$ of a human $eing. e:t 03 Mrut#ai#aP sO cara%d#OrO MaMOpa de#a%mOtaram sO cai#a mOna#NP yoQiP yOtu martye jarO%yutOm Mrut#OuhearingD e#am%thusD sO%sheD cara%d#OrO%from a messengerD MaMOpa%cursndD de#a%mOtaram%the mother of the demigodsD sS%sheD ca%andD e#a%indeedD mOna#Nm% humanD yoQim%wom$D yOtu%should goD martye%in the world of humansD jarO%yutOm% su$ject to old age. ;earing of this curse from a messenger, /adru cursed )diti. /adru saidJ )diti should go to the wom$ of a human $eing, a wom$ in the world whe e there is old%age and dei h. e:t 04 kaMyapo $odhayOm Osa kadruP ca sarpa%mOtaram

kOle yOsyasi martyaP ca mayO saha Muci%smite kaMyapoc/aMyapaD $odhayOm Osa%informedD kadrum%/adruD ca%andD sarpa% mOtaram%the mother of the snakesD kOle%in timeD yOsyasi%you will goD martyam%to the human worldD ca%andD mayO%meD saha%withD Muci%smite%< girl with the $eautiful smile. hen /aMyapa said to /adruJ < girl with the $eautiful smile, when you go to the human world, I will go with you. e:t 06 tyaja $hNtiP la$ha mudaP drakWyasi MrN%harer mukham e#am ukt#O kaMyapaM ca prajagOmOditer gVham tyaja%gi#e upD $hNtim%fearD la$ha%attainD mudam%happinessD drakWyasi%you will seeD MrN%hareT%Lord /VWQaD mukham%faceD e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD kaMyapaM%/aMyapaD ca% andD prajagOma%wentD aditeT%of )ditiD gVham%to the home. Fi#e up your fears. 8e happy. =ou will see Lord /VWQa face to face. )fter speaking these words, /aMyapa went to )ditiEs home. e:t 07 #OZchO%pUrQaP ca tasyOM ca cakOra $haga#On #i$huT Vtau tatra mahendraM ca $a$hU#a ha surarWa$haT #OZchO%of desiresD pUrQam%fulfillmentD ca%andD tasyOM%of herD ca%andD cakOra%didD $haga#On%lordD #i$huT%powerfulD Vtau%in the right seasonD tatra%rhereo mahendraM% IndraD ca%andD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeedD surarWa$haT%the $est of the demigods. (owerful /aMyapa fulfilled )ditiEs desire, and as a result Indra, the leader of the demigods, was $orn. e:t 19

aditir de#akN cai#a sarpa%rOtO ca rohiQN kaMyapo #asude#aM ca MrN%kVWQa%janako mahOn aditiT%)ditiD de#akN%&e#akND ca%andD e#a%indeedD sarpa%mOtO%the mother of the snakesD ca%andD rohiQN%5ohiQND kaMyapaT%/aMyapaD #asude#aM%Vasude#aD ca%andD MrN% kVWQa%janakaT%SrN /VWQaEs fatherD mahOn%e:alted. In this way )diti $ecame &e#akN, /adru $ecame 5ohiQN, and /aMyapa $ecame Vasude#a, Lord /VWQaEs no$le father. e:ts 1,%10 rahasyaP gopanNyaP ca sar#aP nigaditaP mune adhunO $alade#asya janmOkhyOno mune MVQu anantasyOprameyasya sahasra%MirasaT pra$hoT rohiQN #asude#asya $hOryO%ratnaP ca preyasN jagOma gokulaP sOdh#N #asude#OjZayO mune saYkarWanasya rakWOrthaP kaPsa%$hNtOt palOyitO rahasyam%secretD gopanNyam%to $e hiddenD ca%andD sar#am%allD nigaditam%spokenD muneo< sageD adhinO%nowD $alade#asya%of Lord 8alarOmaD janmOkhyOnam%the story of thm $irthD mune%< sageD MVQu%pSeas hearD anantasya%of the limitlessD aprameyasya% immeasura$leD sahasra%MirasaT%thousand%headedD pra$hoT%LordD rohiQN%5ohiQND #asude#asya%of Vasude#aD $hOryO%ratnam%the jewel of a wifeD ca%an(D preyasN%dearD jagOma%wentD gokulam%to FokulaD sOdh#N%saintlyD #asude#a%of Vasude#aD Oj].sy .1,^ayO%$y the orderD mune%< sageD saYkarWanasya%of $D rakWOrtham%for protectionD kaPsa%$hNtOt%from the danger of /aPsaD palOyitO%fled. < sage, what I ha#e told you is #ery confidential. Now please hear the $irth story of Lord 8alarOma, who is limitless, immeasura$le, thousand%headed Lord SeWa. 8y Vasude#aEs order, 5ohiQN fled to Fokula to protect 8alarOma from the danger of

/aPsa. e:t 11 de#akyOT saptamaP gar$haP mOyO kVWQOjZayO tadO rohiQyO jaXhare tatra sthOpayOm Osa gokule saPsthOpya ca yadO gar$haP kailOsaP sO jagOma ha de#akyOT%of &e#akND saptamam%the se#enthD gar$ham%prgenancyD mOy`O%-OyOD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD OjZayO%$y the orderD tadO%thenD rohiQyOT%of 5ohinND jaXhare%in the wom$D tatra%thereD sthOpayOm Osa%placedD gokule%in FokulaD saPsthOpya%placingD ca% andD yadO%wh nD gar$ha.%em$rtyoD kailOsam%to /ailOsaD sO%sheD jagOma%wentD ha% indeed. 8y LordEs /VWQaEs order goddess -OyO ((Or#atN) took &e#akNEs eighth pregnancy, placed it in 5ohiQNEs wom$, placed the un$orn child in Fokula, and then returned to -ount /ailOsa. e:ts 12 and 13 dinOntare katipaye rohiQN nanda%mandire suWO#a putraP kVWQOPMa% tOpta%ra pyO$ham NM#aram NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyaP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO dinOntare katipaye%after some daysD rohiQN%5ohiQND nanda%mandire%in NandaEs houseD suWO#a%ga#e $irthD putram%to a sonD kVWQOPMa%a part of Lord /VWQaD tOpta% moltenD r)upya%sil#ern O$ham%splendidD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD NWau%dhasya%prasannOsyam%gently smilingD j#alantam%splendidD $rahma%spiritualD tejasO%with effulgence. )fter some days in NandaEs house, 5ohiQN ga#e $irth to a gently smiling son splendid as molten sil#er, a son who was the (ersonality of Fodhead ;imself.

e:t 14 tasyai#a janma%mOtreQa de#O mumudire tadO s#arge dundu$hayo nedur OnakO murajOdayaT jaya%Ma$daP MaYkha%Ma$daP cakrur de#O mudOn#itOT tasya%of ;imD e#a%indeedD janma%the $irthD mOtreQa%simply $yD de#O%the demigodsD mumudire%rejoicedD tadO%thenD s#arge%in S#argalokaD dundu$hayaT%dundu$hi drumsD neduT%soundedD OnakO%anaka drumsD murajOdayaT%$eginning with murajasD jaya% Ma$dam%sounds of LVictory\LDrMaYkha%Ma$dam%-ounds of conchchellsD cakruT%didD de#O%the demiogdsD mudOn#itOT%happy. "hen Lord 8alarOma was $orn the demigods in S#argaloka sounded conchshells, played dundu$his, Onakas, murajas, and other musical instruments, andecalled out LVictory\L e:t 16 nando hVWXo $rOhmaQe$hyo dhanaP $ahu%#idaaP dadau ciccheda nORNP dhOtrN ca snOpayO Isa $Olakam nandaT%N ndaD hVWXaT%happyD $rOhmaQe$hyaTsto thV $ OhmaQasD dhanam%cha ityD $ahu%#idha<%many kindsD dadau%ga#eD cicchemd%cutD nORNm%the um$ilical cordD dhOtrN%a mBdwifeD ca%andD snOpayO) Osa%$athedD $Olakam%the infant $oy. Au$ilant Nanda ga#e many kinds of charity to the $rOhmaQas. he midwife cut the um$ilical cord and $athed the infantS$oy. e:t 17 jaya%Ma$daP dadur gopyaT sar#O$haraQa%$hUWitOT para%putrotsa#aP nandaM m cakOra paramOdarOt jaya%Ma$dam%sounds of LVictory\LD daduT%ga#eD gopyaT%the gopNsD sar#O$haraQa% $hUWitOT%decoratednwitt a l ornamentsD para%of anotherD putra%for the sonD utsa#am%

the festi#alD nandaM%NandaD cakOra%didD paramOdaoOt%with great respect. he la#ishpy decorated gopNs called out L)ll glories\L hen N.nda cele$rated a great for the $ rth of his foster son. e:t 29 dadau yaModO gopN$hyo $rOhmaQN$hyo dhanaP mudO nOnO%#idhOni dra#yOni sindUraP tailam e#a ca dadau%ga#eD yaModO%=aModOD gopN$hyaT%to the gopNsD $rOhmaQN$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQNsD dhanam%wealthD mudO%happilyD nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD dra#yOni% thingsD sindUram%sindUraD tailam%oilD e#a%indeedD ca%and. hen =aModO happily ga#e charity to the gopNs and $rOhmaQNs. She ga#e them oil, sindUra, and many other things. e:t 2, ity e#aP kathitaP #atsa yaModO%nandayos tapaT janmOkhyOnaP ca halino rohiQN%caritaP tathO ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD #atsa%< childD yaModO%nandayoT%of Nanda and =aModOD tapaT%austeritiesD janmOkhyOnam%the story of the $irthD ca%andD halinaT%of Lord 8alarOmaD rohiQN%caritam%the story of 5ohiQND tathO%so. < child, thus I ha#e told the stories of Lord 8alarOmaEs $irth, Nanda and =aModOEs austerities, amd 5ohiQNEs acti#ities. e:t 2. adhunO #OZchanNyaP te nanda%putrotsa#aP MVQu sukhadaP mokWadaP sOraP janma%mVtyu%jarOpaham

r adhun %nowD #OZchanNyam%to $e desiredD te%of youD nanda%putrotsa#am%the cele$ration for NandaEs sonD MVQu%please hearD sukhadam%gi#ing happinessD mokWadam%gi#ing li$erationD sOram%$ertD janma%mVtyu%jarOpaham%remo#ing $irth, death, and old age. Now please hear the $eautiful story of the cele$ration for NandaE( snn, a story that trings happiness and li$eration, a story th,t stops $irth, death, and old age. e:t 20 maYgalaP kVWQa%caritaP #aiWQa#OnOP ca jN#anam sar#OMu$ha%#inOMaP ca $hakti%dOsya%pradaP hareT maYgalam%auspiciousD kVWQa%caritam%the acti#ities of Loro /VWQaD #aiWQa#OnOm%of the de#oteesD ca%andD jN#anam%the lifeD sar#a%allD aMu$ha%inauspiciousD #inOMam% destructionD ca%andD $hakti%dOsya%pradam%gi#ing de#otional ser#iceD hareT%to Lord /VWQa. Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pastimes are the life of the de#otees. hey destroy all that is inauspicious and they $ring de#otional ser#ice to the Lord. e:t 21 #asude#aM ca MrN%kVWQaP saPsthOpya nanda%mandire gVhNt#O $OlikOP hVWXo jagOma nija%mandiraP #asude#aT%Vasude#aD ca%andD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD saPsthOpya%placingD nanda% mandire%in NandaEs homeD gVhNp#O%takingD $OlikOw%the girlD hVWXaT%happyD jagOma% wentD nija%mandiram%to his own home. Vasude#a placed Lord /VWQa in NandaEs home, and then happily took NandaEs daughter to his own home. e:t 22 kathitaP caritaP tasyOT MrutaP yat sukhadaP mune

adhunO gokule kVWQa% caritaP MVQu maYgalam kathitam%spokenD caritam%the acti#itiesD tasyOT%of herD Mrutam%heardD yat%whatD sukhadam%$lissfulD mune%< sageD adhunO%nowD gokkln%in FokulaD kVWQa%%of Lord /VWQaD caritam%the pastimesD MVQu%hearD maYgalam%auspicious. <n sage, I ha#e already descri$ed her acti#ities. Now please hear of Lord /VWQaEs $lissful and auspicious pastimes in FokulaN e:t 23 #asude#e gVhaP yOte yaModO nanda e#a ca maYgale sUtikOgare jajOgOra jayOMrite #asude#e%when Vasude#aD gVham%homeD yOte%wentD yaModO%=aModOD nanda%NundaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD maYgale%auspiciousD sUtikOgare%in a maternity roomD jajOgOra$ecame awakeD jayOMrite%glorious. )fter Vasude#a left for his own home, Nanda and =aModO woke up in the auspicious and glorious maternity room. e:t 24 dadarMa putraP $hUmiWXhaP na#Nna%nNrada%pra$ham atN#a%sundaraP nagnaP paMyantaP gVha%Mekharam dadarMa%gaGedD putram%at their sonD $hUmiWXham%on the groundD na#Nna%nNrada% pra$ham%splendid as a newe monsoon cloudD atN#a%#eryD sundaram%handsomeD nagnam%nakedD paMyantam%looingD gVha%Mekharam%at the ceiling. hey gaGed at their #ery handsome son glorious like a new monsoonhcloud, naked, resting on the ground and looking up at the ceiling, . . . e:t 26

Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP nNlendN#ara%locanam rudantaP ca hasantaP ca reQu%samyukta%#igraham Marat%pOr#aQa%candra%autumn moonD Osyam%faceD nNlendN#ara%lotusD locanam%eyesD rudantam%cryingD ca%andD hasantam%laughingD ca%andD reQu%dustD samyukta%touchingD #igraham%form. . . . ;is face an autumn moon, ;is eyes dark lotus flowers, crying and laughhng, ;is transcendenkal form resting hn tee dust, . . .. e:t 27 hasta%d#ayaP $hu#i nyaataP prerayantaP gadOm$ujam dVWX#O nandaT priyO%sOrdhaP hariP dVWXo $a$hU#a ha hasta%handsD d#ayam%twoD $hu#i%on the groundD nyastam%placedD prerayantam% sendingD gadO%clu$D am$ujam%lotusD dVWX#O%seeingD nandaT%NandaD priya%sOrdham%with his $elo#ed wifeD harim%Lord /VWQaD dVWXaT%sawD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeed. . . . and ;is two hands lea#ing impressions of #Sclu$ and lotus in the dust. N.nda and his wife gaGed at /VWQa, and /VWQa gaGed at them. e:t 39 dhatrN taP snOpayOm Osa MNta%toyena $Olakam ciccheda nORNP $Olasya harWOd gopyo jayaP daduT dhatrN%the midwifeD tam%;imD snOpayOm Osa%$athedD MNta%toyena%with cool waterD $Olakam%the infant $oyD ciccheda%cutD nORNm%the um$ilical cordD $Olasya%of the $oyD harWOt%happilyD gopyaT%the gopNsD jayam%gloryD daduT%ga#e. he midwife $athed the infant $oy with cool water and cut the um$ilical cord. he gopNs happily called out, L)ll glories\L e:t 3,

Ojagmur gopikOT sar#O $Vhac%chroQyaM calat%kucOT $OlikOM ca #aya%sthOM ca #ipra%patnyaM ca sUtikOm OjagmuT%cameD gopikOT%the gopNsD sar#O%allD $Vhac%chroQyaT%with large thighsD calat%kucOT%and mo#ing treastsD $OlikOM%the girlsD ca%andD #aya%sthOM%the old ladiesD ca% andD #ipra%patnyaM%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD ca%andD sUtikOm%to the maternity room. )ll the gopNs and $rOhmaQNs, young and old, with large hips and the $reasts that mo#ed as they ran, hurried to the maternity room. e:t 3. OMiWaP yuyujuT sar#O dadVMur $OlakaP mudO kroRe cakruT praMaMaPsur UWus tatra ca kOMcana OMiWam%$lessingsD yuyujuT%ga#eD sar#O%allD dadVMyT%sauD $Olakam%the $oyD mudO% happilyD kroRe%on the lapD cakruT%didD praMaMaPsuT%praisedD UWuT%stayedD tatra%thereD ca%andD kOMcana%some. )ll ga#e their $lessings, happily gaGed at the infant $oy, placed ;im on their laps, and praised ;im. Some stayed there. e:t 30 nandaT sa%celaT snOt#O ca dhVt#O dhaute ca #OsasN pOrasparya%#idhiP tatra cakOra hVWXa%mOnasOT nandaT%NandaD sa%celaT%with his garmentsD snOt#O%$athingD ca%andD dhVt#O%takingD dhaute%cleanD ca%andD #OsasN%garmentsD pOrasparya%from the disciplic successionD #idhim%ritesD tatra%thereD cakOra%didD hVWXa%mOnasOT%happy at heart. Nanda $athed, put on clean garments, and with a happy heart performed the rituals learned through the disciplic succession.

e:t 31 $rOhmaQOn $hojayOm Osa kOrayOm Osa maYgalam #OdyOni #OdayOm Osa #andi$hyaM ca dadur dhanam $rOhmaQOn%the $rOhmaQasD $hojayOm Osa%fedD kOrayOm Osa%caused to $e doneD maYgalam%auspiciousnessD #OdyOni%musical instrumentsD #OdayOm Osa%caused to $e playedD #andi$hyaM%$y to poetsD ca%andD daduT%ga#eD dhanam%wealth. ;e fed the $rOhmaQas, had them gi#e their auspicious $lessings, had the musicians play on their instruments, and ga#e charity to the poets. e:t 32 tato nandaM ca sOnandaP $rOhmaQe$hyo dhanaP dadau sad%ratnOni pra#OlOni _ hNrakOQi ca sOdaram tataT%thenD nandaM%NandaD ca%andD sOnandam%happilyD $rOhmaQe$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD dhanam%charityD dadau%ga#eD sad%ratnOni%precious jewelsDypra#OlOni%coralD hNrakOQi%diamondsD ca%andD sOdaram%respectfully. hen Nanda happily ga#e charity to the $rOhmaQas. ;e respectfully ga#e them diamonds, coral, many precious jewels, . . . e:t 33 tilOnOP par#atOn sapta su#arQa%kOZcanaP mune raupyaP dhanyOcalaP #astraP go%sahasraP manotamae tilOnOm%of grainsD par#atOn%mountainsD sapta%se#enD su#arQa%kOZcanam%goldD mune%< sageD raupyam%sil#erD dhanya%of wealthD Ocalam%a mountainD #astram% garmentsD go%sahasram%a thousand cowsD manoramam%$eautiful. . . . se#en mountains of grains, much gold and sil#er, a mountain of wealth, many

garments, a thousand $eautiful cows, . . . :t 34 dadhi dugdhaP MarkarOP cL na#anNtaP ghVtaP madhu miWXOnnaP laRRukaughaP ca s#OdUni modakOni ca dadhi%yogurtD dugdham%milkD MarkarOm%rock candyD ca%andD na#anNtam%$utterD ghVtamrgheeD madhu%hSneyD miWXOnnam%candiesD laRR ka%of laRRusD augham%a floodD ca%andD s#OdUni%deliciousD modakOni%modakasD ca%and. . . . yogurt, milk, rock candy, $utter, ghee, honey, many candies, a flood of laRRus, many delicious modakas, . . . e:t 36 $hUmiP ca sar#a%MasyORhyOP #Oyu%#egOn turaYgamOn tOm$UlOni ca tailOni datt#O hVWwo $a$hU#a ma $hUmim%landD ca%andD sar#a%MasyORhyOm%rich with grainsD #Oyu%#egOn%fast as the windD turaYgamOn%horsesD tOm$UlOni%$etelnutsD ca%andD tailOni%oilD datt#O%gi#ingD hVW aT%happyD $a$hUga%$ecameD ha%and. . . . lind rich w.th many crops, horses fast as the wind, manan$etelnuts, and much oil. )fter gi#ing this charity Nanda $ecame happL in his heart. e:t 37 rakWituP sUtikOgOraP yoSayOm Osa $rOhmaQOn tantra%mantra%jZa%manujOn stha#irOn gopikO%gaQOn rakWitum%to protectD sUtikOgOram%the maternity roomD yojayOm Osa%engagedD $rOhmaQOn%$rOhmaQhrD tantra%Santra% antric mantrasD jZa%knowingD manujOn%mantra chantersD stha#irOn%steadyD gopikO%gaQOn%gopNs.

o protect the maternity room he engaged many gopNs peaceful at heart and many $rOhmaQas e:pert at chanting antric mantras. e:t 49 #edaP ca pOXhayOm Osa harer nOmaika%maYgalam $haktyO ca $rOhmaQa%d#OrO pUjayOm Osa de#atOT #edam%the VedaD ca%andD pOXhayOm Osa%recitedD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD nOma%nameD eka%aloneD maYgalam%auspiciousD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD $rOhmaQa%d#OrO%$y a $rOhmaQaD pUjayOm Osa%worshipedD de#atOT%the demigods. ;e had the $rOhmaQas recite the Vedas, chant Lord /VWQaEs holy names, and worship the demigods. e:t 4, sa%smitO #ipra%patnyaM ca #aya%sthOT stha#irO #arOT $OlikO $Olaka%yutO Ojagmur nanda%mandiram te$hyo Epi pradadau ratnaP dhanOni #i#idhOni ca sa%smitO%smilingD #ipra%patnyaM%thw $rOhmaQasE wi#esD ca%andD #aya%sthOT%the old ladiesD stha#irO%oldD #arOT%$eautifulD $OlikO%girlsD $Olaka%yutO%with childrenD OjagmuT% cameD nanda%mandiram%to NandaDs homeD te$hyaT%to themD api%alsoD pradadau%ga#eD ratnam%jowelsD hanOni%wealthD #i#idhOni%#ariousD ca%andt -any $eautiful smiling $rOhmaQNs, young and old, and $ringing their children with them, came to NandaEs home. Nanda ga#e them jewels and many other #alua$le things in charity. e:t 4. gopOlikOM ca #VddhOM ca ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT sa%smitOT M ghra%gOminya Ojagmur nandn%mandiram

sUkWma%#astrOQi raupyOQi y go%sahasrOQi sOdaram gopOlikOT%gopNsD ca%BandD #VddhOM%olderD ca%andD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT%decorated with jewel ornamentsD sa%smitOT%shilingD MNghra%gOminya%runningD OjagmuT%cameD nanda%mandiram%to NandaEs homeD sUkWma%#astrOQi%fine garmentsD raupyOQi%sil#erD go%sahasrOQi%a thousand cowsD sOdaram%respectfully. -any smiling elderly gopNs decorated with jewel ornaments hurried to NandaEs home. ;e respectfully ga#e them fine garments, sil#er, and thousands of cows. eet 40 nOnO%#idhOM ca gaQakO . jyotiT%MOstra%#iMOradOT #Ok%siddhOT pustaka%karO Ojagmur nanda%mandiram nOnO%#idhOs%many kindsD ca%andD gaQakOT%astrologersD jyotiT%MOstra%#iMOradOT% learned in the Ayotir%#edaD #Ok%siddhOT%eloBuentr pustaka%karO%$ooks in handD OjagmuT%camed nanda%mandiram%to NandaEs home. 8ooks in hand, many eloBuent astrologers learned in the Ayotir Veda came to NandaEs home. e:t 41 nandas te$hyo namas%kVtya cakOra #inayaP mudO OMiWaP yuyujuT sar#e dadVMur $OlakaP param nandaT%NandaD te$hyaT%to themD namas%kVtya%$owingD cakOra%didD #inayam% hum$lenessD mudO%happilyD OMiWam%$lessingD yuyujuT%ga#eD sar#e%allD dadVMuT%sawD $Olakam%the $oyD param%transcendental. hNanda $owed to them and happily honored them. )ll gaGed at the transcendental infant $oy and ga#e their $lessings. e:t 42

e#aP sam$hVta%sam$hOro $a$hU#a #raja%puYga#aT gaQakaiT kOrayOm Osa yad $ha#iWyaP Mu$hOMu$ham e#am%thusD sam$hVta%sam$hOraT%all preparationsD $a$hU#a%wasD #raja%puYga#aT% the king of VrajaD gaQakaiT%the astrologersD kOrayOm Osa%had doD yat%whatD $ha#iWyam% futureD Mu$hOMu$ham%good and $ad. )fter all was done, Nanda, the king of Vraja, had the astrologers predict what good and e#il lay in the future. -e:t 43 e#aP #a#ardha $OlaM ca Mukla%pakWe yathO MaMN nandOlaye halN cai#a S $huYkte mOtuT payodharam e#am%thusD #a#ardha%grewD $OlaM%the $oSD ca%andD Mukla%pakWe%on the $right fortnightD yathO%asD MaMN%the moonD eandOlaye%in Na daEs homeD halN%8alarOmaD ca%andD eea%indeedD $huYkte%drankD mOtuT%of ;is motherD payodharam%the $reast. In NandaEs home the infant $oys /VWQa and 8alarOma sucked their motherEs $reasts and grew as the wa:ing moon grows. e:t 44 yaModO rohiQN hVWXO tatra putrotsa#e mudO taila%sindUra%tOm$UlaP dhanaP tO$hyo dadau mune yaModO%=aModOD rohiQN%5ohiQND hVWXO%pleasedD tatra%thereD putrotsa#e%in the cele$ration of their sonsD mudO%happilyD taila%oilD sindUra%sindUraD tOm$Ulam%and $etelnutsD dhanam%charityD tO$hyaT%to themD dadau%ga#eD mune%< sage. < sage, pleased at the ceremony for the infant $oy, =aModO and 5ohiQN happily ga#e in charity oil, sindUra, and $etelnuts to the women thereu

e:t 46 datt#OMiWaM ca Mirasi tOM ca te s#OlayaP yayuT yaModO%rohiQN%nandOs tasthur gehe mudOn#itOT datt#O%gi#ingD OMiWaT%$lessingsD ca%andD Mirasi%on the headD tOM%themD ca%andD te% theyD s#Olayam%to their own a$odesD yayuT%wentD yaModO%=aModOD rohiQN%5ohiQND nandOT%and NandaD tasthuT%stayedD gehe%at homeD mudOn#itOT%happy. )fter placing many $lessings on the infant $oyEs head, the women returned to their homes. =aModO, 5ohiQN, and Nanda, filled with happiness, stayed in their home. .pa _

%ha*ter TenP<tan0!mo#.a/aThe )iberation o( P<tan0

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca atha kaPsaT sa$hO%madhye s#arQa%siPhOsana%sthitaT MuMrO#a #OcaP gagane sUnVtOm t#am aMarNriQNm MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD atha%thenD kaPsaT%/aPsaD sa$hO% madhye%in the assem$lyD s#arQa%goldD siPhOsana%throneD sthitaT%sittingD MuMrO#a% heardD #Ocam%the wordsD gagane%in the skyD sUnVtOm%eloBurntD aMarNriQNm% disey$onied. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )s, snrrounded $y his courtiers, he sat on a golden throne /aPsa heard an eloBuent disem$odied #oice in the sky. e:t . kiP karosi mahO%mURha cintOP s#a%MreyasaT kuru

jOtaT kOlo dharaQyOS te tiWXhopOye narOdhipa kim%whatD karosi%are you doingD mahO%mURha%great feolD cintOm%thinkingD s#a% MreyasaT%of your own goodD kuru%doD jOtaT%$ornD kOlaT%killerD dharaQyOm%on the earthD te%of youD tiWXha%standD upOye%in a remedyD narOdhipa%< king. he #oice saidJ @ool, what are you doing* Now you should worry a$out your fate. =our killer is now $orn on the earth. < king, do something to stop him. e:t 0 nandOya tanayaP datt#O #asude#as ta#Ontakam kanyOm OdOya tu$hyaP ca datt#O sa mOyayO sthitaT nandOya%to NandaD tanayam%sonD datt#O%gi#ingD #asude#aT%Vasude#aD ta#a%of youD antakam%killerD kanyOm%daughterD OdOya%takingD tu$hyam%to youD ca%andD datt#O% placingD sa%;eD mOyayO%$y -OnOD stiitaT%placed. ;elped $y Foddess -OyO, Vasude#a ga#e his son, who will kill you, to Nanda. hen he took NandaEs daughter and ga#e her to you. e:t 1 mOyO sO kanyakeyaP ca #Osude#aT s#ayaP hariT ta#a hantO gokule ca #ardhate nanda%mandire mOyO%-OyOD sO%sheD kanyakO%girlD iyam%sehD ca%andD #Osude#aT%the son of Vasude#aD t#ayam%persinallyH hariT%Lord /VWQaD ts#a%of youD hantO%the killerD gokule% in FokulaD ca%andD #ardhate%growsD nanda%mandire%in NandaEs home. NafdaEs daughter is Foddess -OyO, anS Vasude#aEs son is the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead ;imself. Vasude#aEs son will kill you. )m this moment ;e is grosing up in NandaEs house. e:t 2

de#akN%saptamo gar$ho na susrO#a mVtaP Mrutam sthOpayOm Osa mOyO taP rohiQN%jaXhare kila de#akN%of &e#akND saptamaT%the se#enthD gar$haT%pregnancyD na%notD susrO#a mVtam%diedD Mrutam%heardD sthOpayOm Osa%peacedDemOyO%-OyOD tam%;imD roeiQN% jaXhare%in the wom$ of 5ohiQND kila%indeed. &e#akNEs se#enth pregnancy was not a miscarriage, as you heard. ;er child did not die. Foddess -OyO plac d the un$orn child in 5ohiQwEs wom$. e:t 3 tatra jOtaM ca MeWOPMo $alade#o mahO%$alac gokule tau caa#ardhete kOlau te nanda%mandire h tatra%thereD jOtaM%$ornD ca%andD MeWOPMaT%an incarnation of Lord SeWaD $alade#aT% 8alarOmaD mahO%$alaT%#ery powerfulD gokule%in FokulaD tau% heyD cd%andD #ardhete% growD kOlau%killersD te%of youD nanda%mandire%in NandaEs home. hat child was $orn. ;e is powerful 8alarOma, an incarnation of Lord SeWa. ue and Vasude#aEs son, who will $oth kill you, are now growing up in NandaEs house. e:t 4 Mrul#O tad%#acanaP rOjO $a$hU#a nata%kandharaT cintOm a#Opa sahasO tatyOjOhOram unmanOT Mrut#O%hearingD tad%#acanam%these wordsD rOjO%the kingD $a$hU#a%$ecameD nata% kandharaT%$owed neckD cintOm%worryD a#Opa%attainedD sahasO%at onceD tatyOja% a$anondedD OhOram%foodD unmanOT%agitated. ;earing these words, /aPsa $owed his head. @illed with worry, he pushed his meal away.

e:t 6 pUtanOP ca samOnNya prOQe$hyaT preyasNP satNm u#Oca $haginNP rOjO sa$hO%madhye ca nNti%#it pUtanOm%(UtanOD ca%andD samOnNya%callingD pr`aQe$hyaT%than lifeD preyasNm%more dearD satNm%goodD u#`aca%saidD $haginNP r`aj`a sa$h`a%madhye ca nNti%#it. Calling her to the assem$ly, /ing /aPsa, who though himself a great moralist, spoke to his good sister (Utan`a, who was more dear than life to him. e:t 7 kaPsa u#`aca pUtane gokulaP gaccha k`ary`arthaP nanda%mandire #iW`aktaP ca stanaP kVt#`a MiMa#e dehi sa%t#aram kaPsa u#`aca%/aPsa saidD pUtane%< (Utan`aD gokulam%to FokulaD gaccha%goD k`ary`artham%for a missionD nanda%mandire%in NandaEs homeD #iWa%with poisonD aktam% smearedD ca%andD stanam%$rastD kVt#`a%doingD MiMa#e%to a childD dehi%gi#eD sa%t#aram%at once. /aPsa saidJ (Utan`a, go at once on a mission to Fokula. Smear poison on your $reasts and gi#e them to the infant in NandaEs house. e:t ,9 t#aP mano%y`ayinN #atse m`ay`a%M`astra%#iM`arad`a m`aySa%m`anuVa%rUpaP ca #idh`aya #raja yogini t#am%youD mano%y`ayinN%going as fast as the mindD #atse%childD m`ay`a%M`astra% #iM`arad`a%learned in the $ooks of illusion and maSicD m`ay`a%m`anuWa%rUpam%an illusory human formD ca%andD #idh`aya%manifestingD #raja%gom yogini%< yogini.

Child, you can tra#el as fast as the mind. =ou are learned in the science of magic and illusion. < mystic yoginN, transform yourself into a human $eing and go to Vraja. e:t ,, dur#`asaso mah`a%mantraP pr`apya sar#atra%g`aminN sar#a%rUpaP #idh`atuP t#aP Makt`asi su%pratiWXhite dur#`asasaT%from &ur#`as`aD mah`a%manrram%a great mantraD pr`apya%attainingD sar#atra%g`aminN%going e#erywhereD sar#a%rUpam%all formsD #idh`atum%to manifestD t#am%youD Makt`a%a$leD asi%areD su%pratiWXhite%< famous one. < famous one, $ecause of a great mattra you recei#ed from &ur#`as`a -uni you ha#e the power to assume any form and go to any place. e:t ,. ity ukt#`a taP mah`a%r`ajas tasthau saPsadi n`arada jag`ama pUtan`a kaPsaP praQamya k`ama%c`ariQN ity%thusD ukt#`h%speakingD t`am%to herD mah`a%r`ajaT%the great kingD tasthau%stoodD saPsadi%in the assem$lyD nOrada%< NOradaD jagOma%wentD pUtanO%(UtunOD kaPsam%to /aPsaD praQamya%$owing downD kOma%cOriQN%who can go where#er she likes. < NOtada, after speaking these words /ing /aPsa stood up in the assem$ly. hen (UtanO, who had the power to tra#el where#er she wished, $owed down $efore him and lef<. e:t ,0 tOpta%kOZcana%#arQa$hO nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO $i$hratN ka#arN%$hOraP mOlatN%mOlya%samlutam etOpta%kOZcana%#arQa$hO%splendid like goldD nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWi O%decorated with #arious ornamentsD $i$hratN%manifestingD ka#arN&$hOram%a$undant $raidsD mOlatN% mOlya%samyutam%decorated with a jasmine garnand.

hen she transformed herself into a girl fair as molten gold, decorated with a jasmine garland and many ornaments, with $eautiful $raided hair, . . . e:t ,1 kastUrN%$indunO sOrdhaP sindUraP $i$hratN mudO maZjNra%rasanO$hyOP ca kala%Ma$daP prakur#atN kastUrN%muskD $indunO%with a dotD sOrdham%withD sindUram%sindUraD $i$hratN% manifestingD mudO%happilyD ma].sy .1,^jNra%with ankletsD rasanO$hyOm%and a $eltD ca% andD kala%Ma$dam%tinklingD prakur#atN%doing. . . . happily decorated with a musk dot and red sindUra, and wearing a $elt and anklets that softly tinkled, . . . e:t ,2 samprOpya goWXhaP dadarMa nandOMrama%manoharam parikhO$hir ga$hNrO$hir durlaYghyO$hiM ca #eWXitam samprOpya%attainingD goWXham%VrajaD dadarMa%sawD nanda%NandaEsD OMrama%homeD manoharam%$eautifulD parikhO$hiT%with moatsD ga$hNrO$hiT%deepD durlaYghyO$hiM% impassa$leD ca%andD #eWXitam%surrounded. . . . and tra#eled to Vraja, where she saw NandaEs $eautiful palace surrounded $y a series of impassa$le deep moats, . . . e:t ,3 racitaP prastarair di#yair nirmitaP #iM#akarmaQO indranNlair marakataiT padmarOgaiM ca $hUWitam racitam%madeD prastaraiT%with jewelsD di#yaiT%splemndidD nirmitam%madeD

#iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmOD indranNlaiT%with sapphiresD marakataiT%emeraldsD padmarOgaiM%ru$iesy ca%andD $hUWitam%decorated. . . . a palace ViM#akarmO had $uilt of sapphires, emeralds, ru$ies, and other jewels, . . . e:t ,4 su#arya%kalasair di#yais citritaiT Mekharojj#alam prakOrair gagana%sparMais catur%d#Ora%saman#itaiT su#arQa%kalasaiT%with golden domesD di#yaiT%splendidD citritaiT%wonderful and colorful designs and picturesD Mekhara%roofD uj#alam%%splendidD prakOraiT%with wallsD gagana%the skyD sparMaiT%touchingD catur%d#Ora%saman#itaiT%with four gates. . . . a palace with splendid wonderful, and ela$orately detailed golden domes, with great walls touching the sky, with four gates, . . . e:t ,6 yuktair lauha%kaoOXaiM ca d#Ora%pOla%saman#itaiT #eWXitaP sundaraP ramyaP sundarN%gaQa%#eWXitam yuktaiT%ednowedD lauha%ka#OXaiM%with iron doorsD ca%andD d#Ora%pOla%saman#itaiT% wit( gatekeepersD #eWXitar%surroundedD sundaram%$eautifulD ramyam%deliphtfulD sundarN%gaQa%with $eautiful girlsD #eWXitam%surrounded. . . . with iron doors, and with gatekeepers, a palace $eautiful and charming, filled with $eautiful women, . . . e:t ,7 muktO%mOQikya%paraMaiT puQtai ratnOdi$hir dhanaiT s#arQa%pOtra%ghaXOkNrQaP ga#OP koXi$hir an#itam muktO%pearlsD mOQikya%and ru$iesD paraMaiTycintOmaQia jewelsD puQyai%preciousD

ratjOdi$hiT%with jewelsD dhanaiT%with wealthD s#arQa%pOtra%ghaXO%with golden domesD OkNrQam%filledD ga#Om%of cowsD koXi$hiT%with millionsD an#itam%with. . . . filled with gLlden domes, precious pearls, ru$ies, cintOmaj jewels, with ten million cows, . . . e:t .9 $haraQNyaiT kiYkaraiM ca gopa%lakWaiT saman#itam dOsNnOP ca sahasraiM ca karma%#yagraiT saman#itam $haraQNyaiT kiYkaraiT%with ser#antsD ca%andD gopa%lakWaiT%with a hundred thousand gopasD saman#itam%withD dOsNnOm%of maidser#antsD ca%andD sahasraiM%with thousandsD ca%andD karma%#yagraiT%intent on their dutiesD saman#itam%with. . . . and with a hundred thousand gopa ser#ants and a thousand maidser#ants eager for their duties. e:t ., pra#i#eMOMramaP sOdh#N sa%smitO su%manoharO dVWX#O taP pra#iMantNP tO gopyo duWXOP na menire t pra#i#eMaaenteredD OMramam%the palaceD sOdh#N%goodD sa%smitO%smilingD su% manoharO%$eautifulD dVWX#O%seeingD tam%thisD pra#iMantNm%enteringD tO%theyD gopyaT% gopNsD duWXOm%wickedD na%notD menire%thought. hen $eautiful smiling (Utan, who was actually a great de#otee, entered NandaEs palace. "hen they saw her, the gopNs did not think that she was a demoness. e:t .. kiP #O padmOlayO durgO kVWQaP draWXuP samOgatO praQemur gopikOT sar#OT papracchuT kuMalaP ca tOP

dadau siPhOsanaP padyaP #OsayOm Osa tatra #ai kim%whether*D #O%orD padmOlayO%LakWmND durgO%&urgOD kVWQam%/VWQfD draWXum%to seeD samOgatO%comeD praQemuT%$owed downD gopikOT%gopNSrNdOmOa sar#OT%allD papracchuT%askedD kuMalam%welfareD ca%andD tOm%herD dadau%ga#eD s&PhOsanam%a throneD padyam%padyaD #OsayOm Osa%made to sitD tatra%thereD #ai%iedeed. hey said among themsel#es, LIs she Foddess LakWmN* Is she Foddess &urgO come to see the infant /VWQa*L )ll the gopNs $owed down $efore her, asked a$out her welfare, placed hereon a throne, and offered her padya. e:t .0 papraccha kuMalaP sO ca gopOnOP $Olakasya ca u#Osa sa%smitO sOdh#N padyaP jagrOha sOdaram papraccha%askedD kuMalam%welfareD sO%sheD ca%andD gopOnOm%of the gopasD $Olakasya%of the childD ca%andD u#Osa%stayedD sa%smitO%smilingD sOdh#N%saintlyD padyam% padyaD jagrOha%acceptedD sOdaram%with respect. Saintly (UtanO asked a$out the welfare of the gopas and of the infant /VWQa, sat on the throne, smiled, and accepted the padya. e:t .1 tOm Ucur gopikOT sar#OT kO t#am NM#ari sOmpratam #Osas te kutra kiP nOma kiP #Otra karma tad #ada tOm%to herD UcuT%saidD gopikOT%the gopNsD sar#OT%allD kO%who*D t#am%youD NM#ari%< goddessD sOmpratam%nowD #OsaT%residenceD te%of youD kutra%where*D kim%what*D nOma% nameD kim%what*D #O%orD atra%hereD karma%yorkD tat%thatD #ada%tell. )ll the gopNs said to herJ < goddess, who are you* "here do you li#e* "hat is your name* "hy ha#e ,ou come here* (lease tell. e:t .2

tOsOP ca #acanaP Mrut#O tO u#Oca manoharO mathurO%#OsinN gopN sOmprataP #ipra%kOminN tOsOm%of themD ca%andD #acanam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tO%tom themD u#Oca%saidD manoharO%$eautifulD mathurO%#OsinN%li#ing in -athurOD gopN%stayingD sOmpratam%nowD #ipra%kOminN%the wife of a $rOhmaQa. ;earing their words, $eautiful (UtanO said to themJ I li#e in -athurO. I am a $rOhmaQaEs wife. e:t .3 MrutaP #Ocika%#aktreQa tatt#aP maYgala%sUcakam $a$hU#a mtha#ire kOle ntuda%putro mLhOn iti Mrutam%heardD #Ocika%#aktreQa%from the mouth of a speakerD tatt#am%ttruthD maYgala%sUcakam%auspiciousD $a$hU#a%wasD stha#ire kOle%recentlyD nanda%putraT%a son of NandaD mahOn%greatD iti%thus. I ha#e heard the good news that Nanda now has a great son. e:t .4 Mrut#OgatOhaP taP draWXuP OMiWaP kartNm Npsitam putram Onaya taP dVWX#O yOmi kVt#O tam OMiWam Mrut#O%hearingD Ogata%comeD ahaPID tam%;imD draWXum%to seeD OMiWam%$lessingD kartum%to doD Npsitam%desiredD putram%sonD Onaya%please $ringD tam%;imD dVWX#O% seeingD yOmi%I goD kVt#O%doingD tam%to ;imD OMiWam%$lessing. ;earing this, I ha#e come here to see and $less ;im. (lease $ring ;im. I will see and $less ;im, and then I will go on my way.

e:t .6 $rOhmaQN%#acanaP Mrut#O yaModO hVWXa%mOnasO praQamya ca sutaP kroRe dadau $rOhmaQa%yoWite $rOhmaQN%#acanam%the $rthmaQNEs wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD yaModO%=aModOD hVWXa% mOnasO%happy at heartD praQamya%$owing dowtD ca%andD sutam%sonD kroRe%on the lapD dadau%placedD $rOhmaQa%yoWite%of the $rOhmaQN. ;earing t e $rOhmaQNEs words, =aModO $ecame happy at hearta 8owing down, she placed her son in the $rOhmaQNEs lap. e:t .7 kVt#O kroRe MiMuP sOdh#N cucum$a ca punaT punaT stanaP dadau sukhOsNnO hariP puQya#atN satN kVt#O%doingD kroRe%in the lapD tiMum%the childD sOdh#N%the $rOhmaQND cucum$a% kissedD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and againD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#eD sukhOsNnO% comforta$ly seatedD harim%to Lord /VWQaD puQya#atN%piousD satN%saintly. Saintly (UtanO placed the infant on her lap and kissed ;im again and again. -aking herself comforta$le, she offered her $reast to the child. e:t 09 aho Ed$hUto EyaP $Olas te sundaro gopa%sundari guQair nOrOyaQa%samo $Olo Eyam ity u#Oca ha ahaT%<hD ad$hUtaT%wonderfulD ayam%thisD $OlaT%$oyD te%of youD sundaraT% handsomeD gopa%sundari%< $eautiful gopND guQaiT%with BualitiesD nOrOyaQa%to Lord NOrOyaQaD samaT%eBualD $OlaT%thisD ayam%;eD ity%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. (UtanO saidJ <h\ ;e is wonderful. < $eautiful gopN, your $oy is #ery handsome. ;e is like Lord NOrOyaQa ;imself.

e:t 0, hVWXo #iWa%stanaP pNt#O jahOsa #akWasi sthitaT tasyOT prOQaiT saha pOpau #iWa%kWNraP sudhOm i#a hVWXaT%happyD #iWa%poisonD stanam%$reastD pNt#O%drinkingD jahOsa%smiledD #akWasi%on the chestD sthitaT%stayingD tasyOT%of herD prOQaiT%lifeD saha%withD pOpau%dra(kD #iWas kWNram%poison milkD sudhOm%nectarD i#a%like. Infant /VWQa happily dLank from (UtanOEs poison $reast. Cradled on (UtanOEs chest, ;e smiled <nd drank $oth the poison mi k and (UtanOEs life as Lf ;e were drinking nectar. e:t 0. tatytja $OlakaP sOdh#N prOQOPs tyakt#O papOta ca #ikVtOkOra%#adanO cottOna%#adanO mune _ tatyOja%a$and nedD $Olakam%the $oyD sOdh#N%sainlty girlD prOQOn%lifeD tyakt#y% lea#ingD papOta%fellD ca%andD #ikVtOkOra%#adanO%a monsterous formD ca%andD uttOna% upwardsD #adanO%faceD mune%< sage. < sage, pulling $ack from infant /VWQa, saintly (UtanO suddenly died and fell to the ground. Lying on the ground with her face up, she suddenly changed into a gruesome monster. e:t 00 sthUla%dehaP parityajya sUkWma%dehaP #i#eMa sO Oruroha rathaP MNghraP ratna%sOra%#inirmitam sthUla%deham%gigantic $odyD parityajya%lea#ingD sUkWma%deham%su$tle $odyD #i#eMa%enteringD sO%sheD Oruroha%clim$edD ratham%a a chariuotD MNghram%BuicklyD ratna% sOra%#inirmitam%decorated with the $est of jewels.

Suddenly lea#ing that gigantic $ody, she manifested a spiritual $ody and entered a chariot of precious jewels, . . . e:f 01 pOrWada%pra#arair di#yair #eWXitaP su%manoharaiT M#eta%cOmara%lakWena #eWXitaP lakWa%darpaQaiT pOrWada%pra#araiT%with associatesD di#yaiT%splendidD #eWXitam%surroundedD su% manoharaiT%handsomeD M#eta%cOmara%lakWena%with a hundred thousand white camarasD #eWXitam%surroundedD lakWa%darpaQaiT%with a hundred thousand mirrors. . . . a chariot decorated with ten thousand white cOmaras and ten thousand mirrors, a chariot whose passengers were many effulgent associates of the Lord, . . . e:t 02 #ahni%Maucena #astreQa sUkWmena Mo$hitaP #aram nOnO%citra%#icitraiM ca sad%ratna%kalaMair yutam #ahni%as fireD Maucena%pureD #astreQa%with clothD sUkWmena%fineD Mo$hitam% splendidD #aram%$estD nOnO%citra%#icitraiT%with many wonderful and colorful designsD ca%andD sad%ratna%kalaMaiT%with je$el domesD yutam%endowed. . . . a chariot splendid with fine cloth pure as fire, a chariot decorated with jewel domVs wonderful with colorful designs, . . . e:t 03 sundarjP Mata%cukraP c j#alitaP ratna%tejasO pOrWadOs tOP rathe kVt#O jagmur golokam uttamam sundaram%$eautifulD Mata%cakram%with a hundred wheelsD ca%andD j#alitam%glowingD

ratna%tejasO%with the light of jewelsD pOrWadOT%with associatesD tOm%hetD rathe%on t e chariotD kVtaO%doingD jagmuT%wentD golokam%to gopND uttamam%supreme. . . . a chariot $eautiful with a hundred wheels and spl3ndid with the light of many jewels. heerssociates of the Lord placed (UtanO on the chariot and took her to the realm of Foloka, the highest place in the spiritual world. e:t 04 dVWX#O tam ad$hutaP gopO gopikOM cati%#ismitOT kaPsaT Mrut#O ca taP sar#aP #ismitaM ca $a$hU#a ha dVWX#O%seeingD tam%thatD ad$hutam%wonderD gopO%the gopasD gopikOM%the gopNsD ca% andD ati%#ismitOT%filled with wonderD kaPsaT%/aPsaD Mrut#O%hearingD ca%adD tam%thatD sar#am%allD #ismitaM%surprisedD ca%andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. FaGing at this wonder, the gopas and gopNs $ecame filled with wonder. "hen /aPsa heard of it, he also $ecame filled with wonder. e:t 06 yaModO $OlakaP nNt#O kroRe kVt#O stanaP dadau maYgalaP kOrayOm Osa #ipra%d#OrO MiMor mune yaModO%=aModOD $Olakam%the infantD nNt#O%takingD kroRe%on the lapD kVt#O%doingD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#eD maYgalam%auspic ousnessD kOrayOm Osa%createdD #ipra% d#OrO%$y the $rOhmaQasD MiMoT%of the childD mune%< sage. < sage, =aModO took Br $oy, placed ;im on her lap, and ga#e ;im her $reast. hen she had the $rOhmaQas perform auspicious rituals for ;is protection. e:t 07 dadOha dehaP tasyOM ca nandaT sOnanda%pUr#akam candanOguru%kastUrN% samaP samprOpya saura$ham

dadOha%$urnedD deham%the $odyD tasyOM%of herD ca%andD nandaT%nandaD sOnanda% pUr#akam%happilyD candanOguru%kastUrN%samam%like sandal, aguru, and muskD samprOpya%attainingD saura$ham%frmgrance. "hen Nanda happily $urned (UtanOEs monstrous $ody, it $ecame fragrant like sandal, aguru, and musk. e:t 19 MrN%nOrada u#Oca sO #O kO rakWasN%rUpO mune puQya#atN satN kena puQyena taP dVWX#O jagOma kVWQa%mandiram MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD sO%sheD #O%orD kO%who*D rakWasN%rUpO%in the form of a demonnessD mune%< sageD puQya#atN%piousD satN%saintlyD kena%$y what*D puQyena% pietyD tam%;imD dVWX#O%seeingD jagOma%wentD kVWQa%mandiram%to Lord /VWQaEs transcendental a$ode. SrN NOrada saidJ < sage, who was that woman in the form of a demoness* She must ha#e $een a great de#otee. 8y the power of what pious deeds was she a$le to see Lord /VWQa and then go to ;is transcendental a$ode* e:t 1, MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca $ali%yajZe #Omanasya dVWX#O rUpaP manoharam $ali%kanyO ratnamOlO putra%snehaP cakOra tam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD $ali%of 8ali -ahOrOjaD yajZe%in the yajnaD #Omanasya%of Lord VOmanaD dVWX#O%seeingD rUpam%the formD manoharam%handsomeD $ali%kanyO%8aliEs duaghterD ratnamOlO%5atnamOlOD putra%for a sonD sneham%lo#eD cakOra%didD tam%indeed. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ "hen /ing 8aliEs daughter 5atnamOlO saw Lord VOmanaEs

handsome form en the yajZa arena, she at once felt for ;im the lo#e a mother feels for her son. e:t 1. manasO mOnasaP cakre putrasya sOdVMo mama $ha#ed yadi stanaP datt#O karomi taP ca #akWasi manasO%with the mindD mOnasam%mindD cakre%didD putrasya%of the sonD sOdVMaT% likd thatD mama%of meD $ha#et%may $eD yadi%ifD stanam%$reastD datt#O%gi#ingD karomi%I doD tam%to ;ilD ca%andD #akWasi%on the chest. She thoughtJ If I had a son like ;im, I would cradle ;im to my chest and gi#e ;im my $reast. e:t 10 haris tan%mOnasaP jZOt#O papau janmOntare stanam dadau mOtV%gatiP tasyai kOma%pUra%kVpO%nidhiT hariT%Lord /VWQaD tan%mOnasam%her mindD j].sy .1,^Ot#O%understandingD papau% drankD janmOntare%in another $irthD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#eD mOtV%gatim%the post of motherD tasyai%to herD kOma%desiresD pUra%fulfillingD kVpO%of mercyD nidhiT%an ocean. ?nderstanding her mind, in another $irth Lord /VWQa drank from her $reast. )n ocean of mercy that fulfills all desires, ;e made her ;is mother. e:t 11 datt#O #iWa%stanaP kVWQaP pUtanO rakWasN mune muktiP mOtV%gatiP prOp( k P $hajOmi #inO harim datt#O%gi#ingD #iWa%stanam%poison $reastD kVWQam%to Lord /VWQaD pUtanO%(UtanOD rakWasi%the demonessD mune%< sageD muktim%li$erationD mOtV%of a motherD gatim%the postD prOpe%attainedD kam%whom*D $hajOmi%I w rshipD rinO%e:cept forD harim%Lord

/VWQa. < sage, the demoness (UtanO ga#e a poison $reast to Lord /VWQa and still she attaened li$eration and ecame ;is mother. >:cept for Lord /VWQa, whom should I worship* e:t 12 ity e#aP kathitaP #ipra MrN%kVWQa%guQa%#arQanam pade pade su%madhuraP pra#araP kathayOmi te ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitam%spokenD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD MrN%kVWQa%guQa% #arQaoam%the description of the Bualities of SrN /VWQaD pade%stepD pade%after stepD su% madhuram%#ery sweetD pra#aram%$estD kathayOmi%I tellD te%to you. < $rOhcaQa, thus I ha#e descri$ed Lord /VWQaEs trtnscendental Bualities. he pastimes I tell you are supremely sweet at e#ery step. .pa _

%ha*ter 9"eAenT-/0varta!vadhaThe Ki""ing o( T-/0varta

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO gokule sOdh#N yaModOana da%gehinN gVha%karmaQi samyuktO kVt#O $Ol P s#a%#akWasi MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD gokule%in FokuleD sOdh#N% saintlyD yaModO%=aModOD nanda%gehinN%NandaEs wifeD gVha%karmaQi%in her hdusehold dutiesD samyuktO%engagedD kVt#O%doingD $Olam%$oyD s#a%#akWasi%at her chest. SrN NerOyaQa [Wi saifJ <ne day in Fokula, NandaEs wife, saintly =aModO, held infant

/VWQa to her chest as shm performed her household duties. e:t . #OyuerUpaP tVQO#artaP OgacchantaP ca gokule MrN%harir manasO jZOt#O $hOra%yukto $a$hU#a ha #Oyu%rUpam%the form of windD tVQO#artam% VQO#artaD Ogacchantam%comingD ca%andD gokule%in FokulaD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD manasO%with the mindD jZOt#O%knowingD $hOra%yuktaT%#ery hea#yD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. Seeing the demon VQO#arta coming to Fokula as a whirlwind, and understanding his intent, infant /VWQa made ;imself suddenly #ery hea#y. e:t 0 $hOrOkrOntO yaModO ca tatyOja OSakaX tadO MayOnaP kOrayit#O ca jagOma yamunOP mune $hOra%$y the $urdenD OkrOntO%opressedD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD tatyOja%a$andonedD $Olakam%the $oyD tadO%thenD MayOnam%asleepD kOrayit#O%makingD ca%andD jagOma%wentD yamunOm%to the =amunOD mune%< sage. ?na$le to hold ;im, =aModO put her $oy down. She put ;im to sleep and then she wlnt to the =amunO. e:t 1 etasminn antare tatra #Oyu%rUpa%dharo EsuraT OdOya taP $hrOmayit#O gat#O ca Mata%yojanam etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD #Oyu%rUpa%dharaT%in the form of a whirlwindD asuraT%the dmeonD OdOya%takingD tam%;imD $hrOmayit#O%whirlingD gat#O%goingD ca%andD Mata%yojanam%699 miles.

hen the whirlwind demon came, gra$$ed /VWQa and, whirling around and around, took him eight hundred miles into the sky. e:t 2 $a$haZja #rkWa%MOkhOM ca andhN%$hUtaP ca gokulam cakOra sadyo mOyO#N punas tatra papOta ha $a$haZja%$rokeD #rkWa%MOkhOM%the tree $rasnchesD ca%andD andhN%$hUtam%$lindedD ca%andD gokulam%FokulaD cakOra%didD sadyaT%at onceD mOyO#N%magicianD punaT%againD tatra%thereD papOta%fellD ha%indeed. )fter $reaking many tree $ranches and for the moment $linding Fokula, the magician demon finally crashed to the ground. e:t 3 asuro Epi hari%sparMOt jagOma hari%mandiram sundaraP rath m Oruhya n tVt#O karmS%kWayaP s#akam asuraS%the demonD api%alsoD hari%sparMOt%$y the touch of Lord /VWQaD jagOma%wnetD hari%mandiram%to t e LordEs a$tdeD sundaram%$eautifulD ratham%chariotD Oruhya% ascendingD kVt#O%doingD karma%kWayam%freedom from karmaD s#akam%own. @ree, $y Lord /VWQaEs touch, of his past karma, the demon mounted a $eautiful chariot and tra#eled to Lord /VWQaEs spiritual a$ode. e:t 4 pOQRya%deMod$ha#o rOjO MOpOd dur#Osaso EsuraT MrN%kVWQa%caraQa%sparMOt golokaP sa jagOma ha pOQRya%deMod$ha#aT%$orn in (andy%desaD rOjO%kingD MOpOt%$y the curseD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsOD asuraT%a demonD MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD caraQa%sparMOt%$y the touch of the feetD golokam%to FolokaD sa%heD jagOma%wentD ha%indeed.

his demon had $een the king of (OQRya%deMa, $ut $y the curse of &ur#OsO -uni, he $ecame a demon. 8y the touch of SrN /VWQaEs feet, he went to Foloka. e:t 6 #Otya%rUpeQa te gopO gopyaM ca $haya%#ih#alOT na dVWX#O $OlakaP tatra MayOnaP Mayane mune wOtya%rUpeQa%in the form of a whirlwindD te%theD gopO%gopasD gopyaM%gopNsD ca%andD $haya%#ih#alOT%frightenedD na%notD dVWX#O%seeingD $Olakam%the $oyD tatra%thereD MayOnam%sleepingD Mayane%in ;is cradleD mune%< sage. < sage, the gopas and gopNs frightened $y the whirwind demon did not find the infant /VWQa sleeping in ;is cradle. e:t 7 sar#e nijaghnuT s#aP #akWaT% sthalaP MohaturO $hayOt kecin murchOm a#OpuM ca ruruduM cOpi ke#alam sar#e%allD nijaghnuT%$eatD s#am%ownD #akWaT%sthalam%chestsD MokOturO%grei#ingD $hayOt%from fearD kecit%someD murchOm%fain$t.ngD a#OpuM%attainedD ca%andD ruruduM% criedD ca%andD api%alsoD ke#alam%only. <#ercome with grief, e#eryone $eat their chests. Some cried piteously and some fainted. e:t ,9 anoeWaQaP prakur#anto dadVMur $OlakaP #rajOT dhUli%dhUWaQa%sar#OYgaP puWpodyOnOntaoe sthitam an#eWaQam% a searchD prakur#antaT%doingD dadVMuT%sawD $Olakam%the $oyD #rajOT% the people of VrajaD dhUli%with dustD dhUWaQa%ci#eredD sar#a%allD aYgam%lim$sD

puWpodyOnOntare%in a flower gardenD sthitam%staying. )fter a great search, the people of Vraja found infant /VWQa, ;is lim$s c,#ered with dsst, sitting in a flower garden . . . e:t ,, $Ohyaika%deMe sarasas tNre nNra%saman#ite paMyantaP gaganaP MaM#ad rudantaP $haya%kOtaram $Ohya%eka%de)eVoutsideD sarasaT%of a lakeD tNre%$y the shoreD nNra%saman#ite%filled with waterD paMy nt,m%lookingD gaganam%at the skyD MaM#at%alwaysD rudantam%cryingD $haya%kOtaram%frightened. . . $y a lake, stari g at the sky, frightened, and wrying without stop. e:t ,. gVhNt#O $OlakaP nandaT kVt#O #akWasi sa%t#aram darMaP darMaP mukhaP tasya ruroda ca MucOn#itaT gVhNt#O%takingD $Olakam%the $oyD nandaT%NandaD kVt#O%doingD #akWasi%on his chestD sa%t#aram%at onceD darMam%lookingD darMam%and lookingD mukham%the faceD tasya%of ;imD ruroda%criedDkca%andD MucOn#itaT% griefstricken. (icking up his son anV pressing ;im to his chest, grie#ing Nanda gaGed again and again at ;is face and wept. e:t ,0 yaModO rohiQN MNghraP dVWX#O $OlaP ruroda ha kVt#O #akWasi tad%#aktraP cucum$a ca muhur muhuT yaModO%=aModOD rohiQN%and 5ohiQND MNghram%at onceD dVWX#O%gaGingDr$Olam%at the

$oyD ruroda%criedD ha%indeedD kVt#OmdoingD #akWasi%to the chestD tad%#aktram%;is faceD cucum$a%kissedD ca%andD muhuT%againD muhuT%and again. =aModO and 5ohiQia gaGed at the $oy, wept, pressed ;im to their $reast, and kisse2 ;is face again(and again. e:t ,1 maYgalaP kOrayOm Osa snOpayOm Osa $Olakam stanaP dadau yaModO ca prasanna%#adanekWaQO maYgalam%auspiciousnessD kOrayOm Osa%caused to dtD snOpayOmiOsa%,athedD $Olakam%the $oyD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#eD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD prasanna% #adanekWaQO%with happy face and eyes. =aModO $athed her $oy, had ceremonies performed to $ring ;im auspiciousness, and, her face and eyes filled with happiness, ga#e ;im her $reast. e:t ,2 MrN%nOrada u#Oca kathaP MaMOpa dur#OsOT pOQRya%deMod$ha#aP nVpam su%#icOrya #ada $rahmann itihOsaP purOtanam MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD katham%why*D MaMOpa%cursedD dur#OsOT%&ur#OsOD pOQRya%deMod$ha#am%$orn in (andya%deMaD nVpam%kingD su%#icOrya%consideringD #ada% please tellD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD itihOsam%historyD purOtanam%ancient. SrN NOrada saidJ "hy did &ur#OsO -uni curse the king of (OQRya%deMa* < $rOhmaQa, please tell the story. e:t ,3 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca pOQRya%deMod$ha#o rOjO

sahasrOkWaT pratOpa#On strN%sahasraP samOdOya kOma%$OQa%prapNRitaT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD pOQRya%deMod$ha#aT%$orn in (andya% deMaD rOjO%kingD sahasrOkWaT%SahasrOkWaD pratOpa#On%powerfulD strN%sahasram%a thousand wi#esD samOdOya%takingD kOma%$OQa%prapNRitaT%wounded $y /Omtde#aEs arrows. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ In the country of (OQRya%deMa there was a #ery owerful king named SahasrOkWa who, wounded $y /Omade#aEa arrows, married a thousand wi#es. e:t ,4 manohare nirjane ca par#ate gandhamOdane #ijahOra nadN%tNre puWpodyOne manorahe e manohare%$eautifulD nirjane%secludedD ca%andD par#ate%on the mountainD gandhamOdane%gandhamOdanaD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastime D nadN%of a ri#erD tNre%$y the shoreD puWpNdyOne%in a flower gardenD manorame%$eSutiful. sn a $eautiful and secluded flower garden $y a ri#er$ank on $eautiful -ount FandhamOdana, he enjoyed with his wi#es. e:t ,6 nOnO%prakOra%MV`YiOraP #iparNtOdikaP nVpaT nakha%danta%kWatOYgaP ca kaminNnOP cakOra saT nOnO%prakOr6%MV`YgOram%many kinds of conjugal pastimesD #iparNtOdikam%$eginning with #iparitaD nVpaT%the kingD nakha%danta%teeth and nailsD kWata%scratchedD aYgam% $odiesD ca%andD kaminNnOm%of his wi#esD cakOra%didD saT%he. 8iting and scratching, ;e enjoyed many conjugal pastimes, $eginning with the pastime of #iparNta, with his passionate wi#es.

e:t ,7 kVt#O mUrti%sahasraP ca yogNndro nVpatNM#araT kVt#O sthale #ihOraP ca jala%krNROP cakOra saT kVt#O%doingD mUrti%sahasram%a thousand formsD ca%andD yogNndraT%the king of yogisD nVpatNM#araT%the king of kingsD kVt#O%doingD sthale%in that placeD #ihOram% pastiemsD ca%andD jala%krNROm%water pastimesD cakOra%didD saT%he. ) great yogN, that king e:panded himself into a thousand forms to enjoy pastimes on the land and in the water. e:t .9 nOryo #i#asanOT sar#O nagnOM ca nVpa%mUrtayaT #ijahruM ca puWpa$ adrO% nadN%tNre manorame nOryaT%wi#esD #i#asanOT%unclothedD sar#O%allDhnagnOM%nakedD ca%andD nVpa% mUrtayaT%the kings formsD #ijahruM%enjoyedD ca%andD puWpa$hadrO%nadN%tNre%on the shore of the (uWpa$hadr ri#erD manorame%$eautiful. >:panded into a thousand forms, the naked king enjoyed with his naked wi#es on the $eautiful shore of the (uWpa$hadrO ri#er. e:t ., etasminn antare tena pathO yOti mahO%muniT MiWya%lakWaiT pari#VtaT kailOsaP MaYkaraP prati etasmin antare%thenD tena%$y thatD pathO%pathD yOti%goesD mahO%muniT%great sageD MiWya%lakWaiT%with a hundred thousand disciplesD pari#VtaT%accompaniedD kailOsam%to /ailOsaD MaYkaram%Lord Si#aD prati%to. )t that moment, on his way to iisit Lord Si#a in -ount /ailOsa, and accompanied

$y a hundred thousand disciples, &ur#OsO -uni came $y that path. e:t .. dVWX#O muniP mahO%matto nottasthau na nanOma ca #OcO hastena rOjO tu sam$hOWOP na cakOra ha d dVWX#O%seeingD munim%the sgaeD mahO%mattaT%wild with passionD na%notD uttasthau% stoodD na%notD namOma%$owedDuca%andD #OcO%with wordsD hastena%with handD rOjO%the kingD tu%indeeaD sam$hOWOm%con#ersationD na%notD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. "hen he saw the sage, the king, a$sor$ed in his passionate acti#ities, did not stand up, $ow down, or greet him with pleasant words or a handshake. e:t .0 dVWX#O cukopa nVpatiP MaMOpa sphuritOdharaT asuro $ha#a pOpiWXha yogOd $hraWXo $hu#aP #raja dVWX#O%seeingD cukopa%$ecame angryD nVpatim%the kingD MaMOpa%cursedD sphurita% trem$lingD adharaT%rlpsD asuraT%a demonD $ha#a%$ecomeD pOpiWXha%sinnerD yogOt%from yogaD $hraWXaT%fallenh $hu#am%to the earthD #raja%go. y Seeing this, &ur#OsO $ecame angry and, his lips trem$ling, cursed the king, LSinner, $ecome a demon\ Lose your yoga powers anr go to the earth\L e:t .1 $hOrate lakWa%#arWaP ca sthOta#yaP te narOdhOma tato hari%pada%sparMO golokaP yOsyasi dhrL#am $hOrate%on the eartht lakWa-#arWam%for a hundred thousand yearsD ca%andD sthOte#$am%should $e stayedD te%of youD narOdhOma%< lowest of menD tataT%thenD hari% pada%sparMOt%$y the touch ofhLord /VWQaEs feetD golokam%to FolokaD yOsyasi%you will goD dhru#am%indeed.

L< lowest of men, you will li#e on the earth for a hundred thousand years and then, $ecause you will $e touched $y Lord /VWQaEs feet, you will go to Foloka. e:t .2 sthOne sthOne he mahiWyo jOniP la$hata $hOrate rOjendra%gehe rOjendrOd $ha#iWyatha manoharOT sthOne sthOne%in place after placeD he%<D mahiWyaT%BueensD jOnim%$irthD la$hata% attinD $hOrate%on the earthD rOjendra%of great kingsD gehe%in the homeD rOjendrOt%from the great kingD $ha#iWyatha%you will $eD manoharOT%$eautiful. L< $eautiful Bueens, you must take $irth again and again in the royal palaces of the different countries of the earth, again and again the daughters of mighty kings.L e:t .3 ity ukt#O tu munNndraM ca jagOma MaYkarOlayam hO%hO%Ma$daP #icakruM ca MiWya%saYghOT kVpOla#aT ity%thusD ukt#a%speakingD tu%indeedD munNndraM%the great sageD ca%andD jagOma% wentD MaYkarOlayam%to Lord Si#aEs a$odeD hO%hO%Ma$dam%sounds of L)las\ )las\L #icakruT%didD ca%andD MiWya%saYghOT%the many disciplesD kVpOla#aT%compassionate. )fter speaking these words, &ur#OsO -uni, his compassionate disciples lamenting, L)las\ )las\L, continued on to Lord Si#aEs a$ode. e:t .4 gate munNndre rOjendro ruroda ca sarit%taXe rurudU ramaQNyOM ca ramaQyo #irahOturOT gate%goneD munNndre%the greau sageD rOjendraT%the great kingD ruroda%weptD ca%andD sarit%taXe%$y the ri#er shoreD rurudU%weptD ramaQNyOT%the $eautifulD ca%andD ramaQyaT%

wi#esD #irahOturhT%tormented with separation. "hen &ur#OsO -uni had departed, the king wept $y the ri#erside,yand his $eautiful wi#es, tormented $y the thought 1f $eing separated from him, also wept. e:t .6 he nOtha ramaQa%MreWXhety uccOrya ca punaT punaT t#OP #inO #O k#a yOsyOmo ) #ayaP t#aP #O k#a yOsyasi he%<D nOtha%masterD ramaQa%MreWXha%< $est lf lo#ersD iti%thusD uccOrya%calling outD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and againD t#Om%youD #inO%withoutD #O%orD k#a%where*D yOsyOmaT%we will goD #ayam%weD t#am%youD #O%orD k#a%where*D yOsyasinyou will go. )gain and again they lamentedJ < master, < $est of lo#ers, without you, where will we go* "here will you go now* e:t .7 punar na #ihariWyOmas t#ayO sOrdhaP su%nirjane na kariWyasi rOjyaP t#aP na yOsyOmo gVhaP #ayam punaT%againD na%notD #ihariWyOmaT%we will enjoy pastimesD t#ayO%with youD sOrdham%withD su%nirjane%in a secluded placeD na%notD kariWyasi%you will performD rOjyam%kingdomD t#am%youD na%notD yOsyOmaT%we will goD gVham%homeD #ayam%we. Ne#er again will we enjoy pastimes with you in secluded places. Ne#er egain will you rule your kingdom. Ne#er again will we return to our homes. e:t 09 Marac%candra%pra$hO%muWXaP na drakWyOmo mukhaP ta#a prasOritO$hyOP $Ohu$hyOP nOniWyOmas t#Om uraT Marat%autumnD candra%moonD pra$hO%lightD muWXam%ro$$ingD na%notD drakWyOmaT%

we will seeD mukham%faceD ta#a%of youD prasOritO$hyOm%e:tendedD $Ohu$hyOm%$y armsD na%notD OniWyOmaT%will we $e ledD t#Om%to youD uraT%the chest. Ne#er again will we see your face, which ro$s the moon of its splendor. Ne#er again will you em$race us with your arms and hold us to your chest. e:t 0, ity ukt#O ruruduT sar#OT puraskVtya narOdhipam murchOm a#OpuM caraQaP dhVt#O rOjZaT sarit%taXe ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD ruruduT%weptD sar#OT%allD puraskVtya%placi g $eforeD narOdhipam%thw kingD murchOm%faintingD a#OpuT%attainedD caraQam%feetD dhVt#O% holdingD rOjZaT%of the kingD sarit%taXe%$y the ri#erside. Speaking these words, they gathered $efore him on the ri#eeside, grasped his feet, wept, and fainted. e:t 0. rOjOgni%kuQRaP nirmOya nOrN$hiT saha nOrada smVt#O hari%padOm$hojaP j#alad%agnau #i#eMa ha emem$eringD hari%padOm$hojam%Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD j#alad%agnau%into the $laGing fireD #i#eMa%enteredD ha%indeed. < NOrada, the king $uilt a lake of fire, and, remem$ering Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, entered it with his wi#es. e:t 00 hO%hO%kOraP surjT sar#e pracakrur gagana%sthitOT ity Ucur munayaM cai#a dai#aP ca $ala#attaram

hO%hO%kOram%sounds of )las\ )las\D surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD pracakruT%didD gagana%sthitOT%in the skyD ity%thusD UcuT%saidD munayaT%the sagesD ca%andD e#a%indeedD dai#am%destinyD ca%andD $ala#attaram%the most powerful. )ll the demigods in the sky lamented, L)las\ )las\L he sages commented, L&estin is #ery powerful.L e:t 01 sa ca rOjO tVQO#arto jagOma hari%mandiram mahiWyo $hOrate #arWe le$hire janma #aZchitam saT%heD ca%andD rOjO%the kingD tVQO#artaT% VQO#artaD jagOma%wentD hari%mandiram% to Lord /VWQaEs a$odeD mahiWyaT%the BueensD $hOrate #arWe%on the earthD le$hire% attainedD janma%a $irthD #a].sy .1,^chitam%desired. he king $ecame VQO#arta and went to Lord /VWQaEs spiritual a$ode. he Bueens took $irth on the earth and e#entually attained the fulfillment of their desires. e:t 02 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP harer mOhOtmyam uttamam mokWaQaP nVpateM cai#a munNndra%MOpa%hetukam ity%ahusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mOhOtmyam%the gloriesD uttamam%nranscendentalD mokWaQam%lo#erationD nV ateT%of the kingD ca%andD e#a%ind edD munNndra%MOpa%hetukam%caused !y the sageEs curse. In this way I ha#e told you e#erything of Lord /VWQaEs transcendental glories and I ha#e told you how a king $ecame li$erated $y &ur#OsO -uniEs curse.

%ha*ter Twe"ve+a#a;a!bha?'ana!#ava3a!ny0saThe %art @s ro#en and the Kava3a @s P"a3ed

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO mandire nanda% patnN sOnanda%pUr#akam kVt#O #akWasi go#indaP kWudhitaP ca stanaP dadau MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD mandire%in the houseD nanda%of NandaD patnN%the wifeD sOnanda%pUr#akam%happilyD kVt#O%doingD #akWasi%on the chestD go#indam%/VWQaD kWudhitam%hungryD ca%andD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#e. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day in her home NandaEs wife, =aModO, cradled the hungry infant /VWQa to her chest and happily offered ;im her $reast. e:t . etasminn antare gopya Ojagmur nanda%mandiram stha#irOM ca #ayasyaM ca $OlikO $OlakOn#itOT etasmin antare%after thatD gopya%the gopND OjagmuT%cameD nanda%mandiram%to NandaEs homeD stha#irOM%elderlyD ca%andD #ayasyaT%adultD ca%andD $OlikO%girlsD $OlakOn#itOT%with children. )t that moment many gopNs, young and old, and accompanied $y their children, came to NandaEs palace. e:t 0 atVptaP $OlakaP MNghraP sannyasya Mayane satN praQanOma samutthOya karmaQy autthanike mudO atVptam%unsatisfiedD $Olakam%the childD MNghram%at onceD sannyasya%placingD Mayane%on the cradleD satN%saintlyD praQanOma%$owed downD samutthOya%risingD kaVmaQy%in the ceremonyD autthanike%autthanikaD mudO%happily.

)t once placing the still unsatisfied infant in is cradle, saintly =auodO $owed $efore them and then happily stood up to perform the autthOna ceremony. e:t 1 taila%sindUra%tOm$UlaP dadau tO$hyo mudOn#itO miWXa%#astUni #astrOQi $hUWaQOni ca gopikOT taila%sindUra%tOm$Ulam%oil, sindura, and $etelnutsD dadau%ga#eD tO$hyaT%to themD mudOn#itO%happilyD miWXa%#astUni%candiesD #astrOQi%garmentsD $hUWaQOni%ornamentsD ca%andD gopikOT%the gopNs. hen =aModO happily ga#e them gifts of oil, sindUra, $etelnuts, candies, garments, and ornaments. e:t 2 etasminn antare kVWQo ruroda kWudhitas tadO pr rayit#O tu caraQaP mOyeMo mOyayy #i$huT etasminn antare%thenD kVWQaT%/VWQaD ruroda%criedD kWudhitaT%hungryD tadO%thenD prerayit#O%sendingD tu%indeedD caraQam%footD mOyeMaT%the master of mOyOD mOyayO%$y mOyOD #i$huT%the Lord. hen hungry infant /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead and the master of material nature, with the aid of ;is yogamOyO potency e:tended ;is foot. e:t 3 papOta caraQaP tasya pra#NQe sakaXe mune #iM#am$hara%padOghOtOt tac ca cUrQaP $a$hU#a hO papOta%fellD caraQam%footD tasya%of ;imD pra#NQe%on the well%$uiltD sakaXe%cartD mune%< sageD #iM#am$hara%of ;e who maintains the uni#ersesD padOghOtOt%from the kickD tat%thatD ca%andD cUrQam%$roken into piecesD $a$hU#a%$ecameD hO%indeed.

< sage, at that moment ;is foot hit a solidly $uilt cart. @rom the kick of the Supreme Lord, who maintains all the uni#erses, the cart at once $roke into pieces. e:t 4 $a$haZja sakaXaP petur $haYga%kOWXhOni tatra #ai papOta dadhi dugdhaP ca na#anNtaP ghVtaP madhu $a$haZja%$rokeD sakaXam%the cartD petuT%fellD $haYga%kOWXhOni%$roken articlesD tatra%thereD #ai%indeedD papOta%fellD dadhi%yogurtD dugdham%milkD ca%andD na#anNtam% $utterD ghVtam%gheeD madhu%honey. "hen the cart $roke the pots of yogurt, milk, $utter, ghee, and honey there also fell and $roke. e:t 6 dVWX#OMcaryaP gopikOM ca dadru#ur $alla#O $hayOt dadVMur $hagna%sakaXaP indhanO$hyantare MiMum dVWX#O%seeingD OMcaryam%wonderD gopikOM%the gopNsD ca%andD dadru#uT%ranD $alla#O% the gopasD $hayOt%out of fearD dad.MuT%sawD $hagna%sakaXam%the $roken iarsD indhana% t e $roken pieces of #oodD a$hyantare%amongD MiMum%the infanty Seeing thisssurprise, the gopNs and gopas ran there, pushed $y fear. )mo8g the $roken pieces of wood they saw the infant /VWQa. e:t 7 $hagnaP $hOQRa%samUhaP ca patitaP madhu go%rasam prerayit#O tu kOWXhOni jagrOha $OlakaP tadO s$hagnam%$rokenD $hOQRa%samUham the potsD ca%andD patitam%fallenD madhu% honeyD go%rasam%milkD prerayit#O%sendingD tu%indeedD kOWXhOni%thingsD jagrOha%

gra$$edD $Olakem%the infantD tadO%then. he pots of milk and honey were all fallen and $roken. (ushing them aside, =aModO picked up the infant /VWQa. e:t ,9 mOyO%rakWita%sar#OYgaP rudantaP kWudhitaP kWudhO stanaP dadau yaModO taP ruroda ca $hVMaP MucO mOyO%$y yogamOyOD rakWita%protectedD sar#OYgam%all ;is lim$sD rudantam%cryingD kWudhitam%hungryD kWudhO%with hungerD stanaP %$reastD dad0u%ga#eD yaMody%=aModOD tam%to ;imD ruroda%criedw ca%andD $hVMam%greatlyD MucO%with grief. Infant /VWQa, all ;is lim$s carefully protected $y =ogamOyO, cried with hunger. =aModO ga#e ;im her $reast and wept with grief. e:t ,, papracchur $OlakOn gopO $a$haZja sakaXaP katham kiZcid dhetuP na paMyOmi sahaseti kim ad$hutam papracchuT%askedD $OlakOn%the $oysD gopO%the gopasD $a$ha].sy .1,^ja%$rokeD sakaXam%the cartD katham%how*D ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD hetum%the reasonD na%notD paMyOmi%I seeD sahasO%suddenlyD iti%thusD kim%what*D ad$hutam%surprise. he gopas asked the $oys, L;ow did the cart $reak* I donEt see anything that could so suddenly ha#e caused it. ;ow did this amaGing thing happen*L e:t ,. ity Ucur $OlakOT sar#e gopOT MVwut, tad%#tcaT MrN%kVWQasya padOghOtOd $a$haZja sakaXaP dhru#am

ity%thusD UcuT%saidD $OlakOT%the $oysD sar#e%allD gopOT%the gopasD MVQuta%hearD tad% #acaT%these wordsD MrN%kVWQasya%of SrN /VWQaD padOghOtOt%from the kickD $a$haZja% $rokeD sakaXam%the cartD dhru#am%indeed. he $oys said, L< gopas, please hear our words. he cart $roke $ecause SrN /VWQa kicked it.L e:t ,0 Mrut#O tad%#acanaP gopO gopyaM ca jahasur mudO na hi jagmuT pratNtaP ca mithyety Ucur #raje #rajOT Mrut#O%hearingD tad%#acanam%these wordsD gopO%the gopasD gopyaM%and gopNsD ca% andD jahasuT%laughedD mudO%happilyD na%notD hi%indeedD jagmuT%wentD pratNtam%to $eliefD ca%andD mithyO%untrueD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD #raje%in VrajaD #rajOT%the people of Vraja. ;earing these words, the gopas and gopNs laughed. hey didnEt $elie#e it. hey said, L hatEs a lie.L e:t ,1 MiMoT s#asty%ayanaP tUrQaP cakrur $rOhmaQa%puYga#OT hastaP datt#O MiMor gOtre papOXha ka#acaP d#ijaT tam%handD datt#O%gi#ingD MiMoT%of the childD gOtre%on the lim$D papOXha%recitedD ka#acam%armorD d#ijaT%a $rOhmaQa. ) group of e:alted $rOhmaQas at once $lessed the infant /VWQa. <ne $rOhmaQa placed his hand on /VWQaEs lim$s and recited ka#aca (shield) prayers for protection. e:ts ,2 and ,3 #adOmi tat te #iprendra ka#acaP sar#a%rakWaQaP

yad dattaPymOyayO pUr#aP $rahmaQe na$hi%paYkaje nidrite jagatt%nOthe jaye ca jala%MOyine $hNtOya stuti%kartre ca madhu%kaiXa$hayor $hayOt #adOmi%I will tellD t t%thatD tento youD #nprendra%< king of $yOhmaQasDrka#acam% ka#acaD sar#a%rakWaQam%protecting from allD yat%whichD dattam%gi#enG mOyayO%$y =oganidrOD pUr#am%$eforeD $rahmaQe%to Lord 8rahmOD na$hirpaYkaje%on the lotus na#elD nidrite%asleepD jagatN%nOthe%the master of the uni#ersesD nale%in the waterD ca% andD jala%MOyine%resting in the waterD $hNtOya%frightenedD stuti%prayersD kartre%doingD ca%andD madhu%kaiXa$hayoT%of madhu and /aiXha$haD $hayOt%out of fear. < king of $rOhmaQas, I wiln recite for you that ka#aca, which protects from all dangeNs, which Foddess =oganidrO ga#e to the demigod 8rahmO as he rested in the lotus na#el of Lord ViWQu, the master of the uni#erses who was sleeping on the ocean, and which 8rahmO recited out of fear of the demons -adhu and /aiXa$'r. m:t ,4 MuN%yoganidro#Oca dUrN%$hUtaP kuru Iha aP $halaP kiP te harau sthite sthitOyOP mayi ca $rahman sukhaP tiWXha jagat%pate MrN%yoganidrO u#Oca%SrN =oganidrO saidD dUrN%$hUtam%pushed far awayD kuru%may doD $hayaS%fearD $hayam%fearD kim%what*D te%of youD harju%in Lord /VWQaD sthite% situatedD sthitOyOm%situatedD mayi%in meD ca%andD $rehmpS%< $pOhmaQaD sukham% happilyD tiWXha%stayD jagat%pate%< matser of the uni#erses. SrN =oganidrO saidJ hrow your fears far away. )s long as Lord ViW u is here and as long as I am here, why should you $e afraid* 8e happy, < master of the uni#erse. e:t ,6 MrN%hariT pOtu te #aktraP mastakaP madhusUdanaT MrN%kVWQaM cakWuWN pOtu

nOsikaP rOdhikO%patiT MrN%hariT%the Lord who remo#es all dangersD pOtu%may protectD te%of youD #aktram% the faceD mastakam%the headD madhusUdanaT%the killer of the -adhu demonD MrN% kVWQaT%all%attracti#e Lord /VWQaD cakWuWN%the eyesD pOtu%may protectD nOsikam%the noseD rOdhikO%patiT%the master of 5OdhO. -ay the Lord who remo#es all danger protect your face. -ay the Lord who killed the -adhu demon protect your head. -ay the all%attracti#e Lord protect your eyes. -ay the Lord of 5OdhO protect your nose. e:t ,7 karQa%yugmaP ca kaQXhaP ca kapOlaP pOtu mOdha#aT kapolaP pOtu go#indaT keMOPM ca keMa#aT s#ayam karQa%yugmam%earsD ca%andD kaQXham%neckD ca%andD kapOlam%the top of your headD pOtu%may protectD mOdha#aT%the hus$and of the goddess of fortuneD kapolam%cheeksD pOtu%may protectD go#indaT%the joy of the cows, land, and sensesD keMOn%hairD ca%andD keMa#aT%the Lord who hts $eautiful hairD s#ayam%;imself. -ay the hus$and of the goddess of fortune protect your ears, neck, and the top of your head. -ay the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses protect your cheeks. -ay the Lord who has $eautiful hair protect your hair. e:t .9 adharoWXhaP hVWNkeMao danta%paYktiP gadOgrajaT rOseM#araM ca rasanOP tOlukaP #Omano #i$huT adharoWXham%lipsD hVWNkeMaaT%the master of the sensesD danta%paYktim%teethD gadOgrajaT%the elder $rother of FadaD rOseM#araT%the king of the rOsa danceD ca%andD rasanOm%the tongueD tOlukam%palateD #OmanaT%the Lord who was a dwarfD #i$huT%the Lord. -ay the Lord who is the master of the senses arotect your lips. -ay the ord who is the eldNr $rother of Fada protect your teeth. -ay tme Lord who is the king yf the

rOsa dance protect your tongue. -ay the Lord who appeared as VOmana protect your palate. e:t ., #akWaT pOtu mukundas te jaXharaP pOtu daitya%hO janOrdanaT pOtu nO$hiP pOtu #iWQuM ca te hanum #akWaT%the chestD pOtu%may protectD mukundaT%the gi#er of li$#erationD te%of youD jaXharam%the a$domenD pOtu%may protectD daitya%hO%the killer of the demonsD janOrdanaT%who rescues the people from distressD pOtu%may protectD nO$him%the na#elD pOtu%may protectD #iWQuM%the all%per#ading LordD ca%andD te%of youD hanum%the jaw. -ay the Lord who gi#es li$eration protect your chest. -ay the Lord who kills the demons protect your a$domen. -ay the Lord who rescues ;is de#otees protect your na#el. -ay the Lord who is present e#erywhere protect your jaw. e:t .. niXam$a%yugmaP guhyaP ca pOtu te puruWottamaT jOnu%yugmaP jOnakNMaT pOtu te sar#adO #i$huT niXam$a%yugmam%hips and $uttocksD guhyam%pri#ate partsD ca%andD pOtu%may protectD te%of youD puruWottamaT%the Supreme (ersonD jOnu%yugmam%kneesD jOnakNMaT% the hus$and of AOnakND pOtu%may protectD te%of youD sar#adO%alwaysD #i$huT%the Lord. -ay the Supreme (erson protect your hips, $uttocks, and pri#ate parts. -ay the hus$and of SNtO protect your knees. -ay the all%powerful Lord always protect you. e:t .0 hasta%yugmaP nVsiPhaM ca pOtu sar#atra saYkaXe pOda%yugmaP #arOhaM ca pOtu te sar#adO #i$huT hasta%yugmam%handsD nVsiPhaM%half%man half%lionD ca%andD pOtu%may protectD sar#atra%e#erywhereD saYkaXe%in dangerD pOda%yugmam%feetD #arOhaT%the Lord who

appeared as a $oarD ca%andD pOtu%may protectD te%of youD sar#adO%alwaysD #i$huT%the Lord. -ay the Lord who appeared as NVsiPha protect you from all dangers. -ay the Lord who appeared as VarOha protect your feet. -ay the L rd who is all%powerful protect you always. e:t .1 Urdh#aP nOrOyaQaT pOtu hy adhastOt kamalO%patiT pUr#OsyOP pOtu gopOlaT pOtu #ahnau daMOsya%hO Urdl#am%a$o#eD nOrOyaQaT%Lord who is She resting place of all li#ing $eingsD pOtu% may protectD hy%indeedD adhastOt%from $elowD kamalO%patiT%the hus$and of the goddess of fortuneD pUr#OsyOm%in frontD pOtu%may protectD gopOlaT%the protector of the cowsD pOtu%may protectD #ahnau%in fireD haMOsya%hO%the killer of 5O#aQa. -ay the Lord who is the resting place of all li#ing entities protect you from a$o#e. -ay the Lord who is the goddess of fortuneEs hus$and protect you from $elow. -ay the Lord who protects the cows protect you from the front. -ay the Lord who killed 5O#aQa protect you from fire. e:t .2 #ana%mOlN pOtu yOmyOP #aikuQXhaT pOtu nairVtau #OruQyOP #Osude#aM ca pOtu we jalajOsanaT #ana%mOlN%wears a forest garlandD pOtu%may protectD yOmyOm%southD #aikuQXhaT%the son of ikuQXhO%de#ND pOtu%may protectD nairVtau%southwestD #OruQyOm%westD #Osude#aM%the son of Vasude#aD ca%andD pOtu%may protectD te%of youD jalaja%lotusD OsanaT%on a throne. -ay the Lord who wears a garland of forest flowers protect you from the south. -ay the Lord who appears as the son of VikuQXhO%de#N protect you from the southwest. -ay the Lord who appears as the son of Vasude#a and who sits on throne of lotuses protect you from the west.

e:t .3 pOtu te satatam ajo #Oya#yOP #istara%Mra#OT uttare ca sadO pOtu cOnanto EntakaraT s#ayam pOtu%may protectD te%youD satatam%alwaysD ajaT%the un$otn LordD #Oya#yOm%%the northwestD #istara%Mra#OT%famous and gloriousD uttare%in the northD ca%andD sadO% alwaysD pOtu%may protectD ca%andD anantaT%endlessD anta%endD karaT%doingD s#ayam% ;imself. -ay the Lord who ne#er takes $irth and who is famous and glorious always protect you from the northwest. -ay the Lord who ne#er ends, although ;e puts an end to e#erything material, always protect you from the north. e:t .4 aiMOnyOm NM#araT pOtu sar#atra pOtu Matru%jit jale sthame cOntarNkWe nidrOyOP pOtu rOgha#aT aiMOnyOm%the northeastD NM#araT%the supreme controllerD pOtu%may protectD sar#atra%alwaysD pOtu%may protectD Matru%jit%the conBueror of enemiesD jale%on landD sthale%in waterD ca%andD antarNkWe%in outer spaceD nidrOyOm%in dreamD pOtu%may protectD rOgha#aT%the descendent of /ing 5aghu. -ay the Lord who controls e#erything protect you from the northeast. -ay the Lord who defeats ;is enemies protect you from all directions. -ay the Lord who appeared in the 5aghu dynasty protect you on land, in water, in outer space, and in your dreams. e:t .6 ity e#aP kathitaP $rahman ka#acaP paramOd$hutam kVWQena kVpayO dattaP smVtenai#a purO mayO ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD ka#acam%shieldD

paramOd$hutam%nery wonmerfulD kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD VpayO%$y the mercyD dattam%gitenD smVtena%remem$eredD e#a%indeedD purO%pre#ioyslyD mayO%$y me. < 8rahmO, thus I ha#e mpoken this #erhhwonderful ka#aca, whicm Lord /VWQa ;imself kindly ga#e to me when I remem$ered ;im a long time ago. e:t .7 Mum$hena saha saYgrOme nilakWye ghora%dOruQe gagane sthitayO sadyaT prOpti%mOtreQa so jitaT Mum$hena%Sum$haD saha%withD saYgrOme%in the $attleD nilakWye%seeingD ghora% dOruQe%terri$leD gagane%in the sLyDhsthitayO%situatedD sadyaTnat onceD prOpti%mOtreQa% simply $y attainingD saT%heD jitaT%defeated. In a terri$le $attle I saw in the sky the demon Sum$ha waS at once defeated $y this ka#aca. e:t 09 ka#acrsya pra$hO#ena dharaQyOP patito mVtaT pUr#aP #arWa%MataP khe ca kVt#O yuddhaP $hayO# ham %yearsD Matam%a hundredD khe%in the skyD ca%andD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD yuddham%fightD $hayO#aham%terri$le. 8y the power of this ka#aca the demon, who had fought a terri$le $attle iNnthe sky for a hundred years, at oncewfell the earth and died. e:t 0, mVte sum$he ca go#indaT kVpOlur gagana%sthitae mOlyaP ca ka#acaP datt#O golokaP sa jagOma ha mVte%deadD sum$he%Sum$hat ca%andD go#indaT%Lord /ouQaD kVpOluT%kindD gagana%

sthitaT%in the skyD mOlyam%a garlandD ca%andD ka#acam%the ka#acaD datt#O%goi#ingD golokam%to FolokaD sa%;eD jagOma%wentD ha%indeed. "hen Sum$ha was killed, merciful Lord /VWQa appeared in the sky, ga#e me a garland and this ka#aca, and then returned to Foloka. e:t 0. kalpOntarasya #VttOntaP kVpayO kathitaP mune a$hyantara%$hayaP nOsti ka#acasya pra$hO#ataT kalpOntarasya%of another kalpaD #VttOntam%the storyD kVpayO%$y the mercyD kathitam%spokenD mune%< sageD a$hyantara%withinD $hayam%fearD na%notD asti%isD ka#acasya%of the ka#acaD pra$hO#ataT%$y the power. < wise 8rahmO, I ha#e told you a story of the LordEs mercy in another kalpa. 8y the power of this ka#aca there need ne#er $e fear in your heart. e:t 00 koXiMaT koXiMo naWXO mayO dVWXOM ca sar#aMaT ahaP ca hariQO sOrdhaP kalpe kalpe sthirO sadO koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%millionsD naWXO%destroyedD mayO%$y meD dVWXOM%seenD ca% andD sar#aMaT%allD aham%ID ca%andD hariQO%Lord /VWQaD sOrdham%$yD kalpe%kalpaD kalpe% after kalpaD sthira%situatedD sadO%always. < ha#e seen millions and millions perish kalpa after kalpa. <nly Lord /VWQa and I remain here eternally. e:t 01 ity ukt#O ka#acaP datt#O sOntardhOnaP cakOra ha niTMaYko nO$hi%kamale tasthau sa kamalod$ha#aT

ity%thusdD ukt#O%sepakingD ka#acam%the ka#acaD datt#O%gi#ingD sO%Foddess =oganidrOD antardhOnam%disappearanceD cakOra%didD ha%indeedD niTMaYkaT%fearlessD nO$hi%kamale%on the lotus na#elD tasthau%stayedD sa%heD kamalod$ha#aT%8rahmO. )fter speaking these words and gi#ing 8rahmO the ka#aca, Foddess =oganidrO disappeared. hen 8rahmO, staying on the lotus flower of the LordEs na#el, $ecame fearless. e:t 02 su#arQa%guXikOyOP tn i kVt#edaP ka#acaP panam kaQXhe #O akWiQe $Ohau e $adhnNyOd yaT sudhNT sadO su#arQa%goldD guXikOlOm%in an amul tD tu%indeedD kVt#O%makingD idam%thisD ka#acam%ka#acaD param%greatD kaQXhe%on the neckD #O%orD dakWiQe%on the leftD $Ohau% armD $adhnNyOt%tyingD yaT%one whoD sudhNT%intlligentD sadO%always. )n intelligent person will always wear this ka#aca in an amulet around his neck or on his left arm. e:t 03 #iWOgni%sarpa%Matru$hyo $hayaP tasya na #idyate jale sthale cOntarNkWe nidrOyOP rakWatNM#araT #iWa%poisonD agni%fireD sarpa%snakesD Matru$hyaT%and enemiesD $hayam%fearD tasya%of himD na%notD #idyate%isD jale%in the waterD sthale%on landD ca%andD antarNkWe%in the skyD nidrOyOm%asleepD rakWati%protectsD NM#araT%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ;e need ne#er fear poison, fire, snakes, or enemies. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead protects him in the water, on land, in the sky, and while he sleeps. e:t 04 saYgrOme #ajra%pOte ca

#r attau prOQa%saYkaXe ka#aca%smaraQOd e#a sadyo n TMaYkatOP #ramet saYgrOme%in $attleD #ajra%pOte%in the thunder$oltD ca%andD #ipattauein calamityD prOQa%saYkaXe%life is in dangerD ka#aca%the karacaD smaraQOt%$y remea$eringD e#a% andeedD sadyaT%ihmediatelyD niTMaYkatOm%freedom from dangerD #rajet%attains. 8y remem$ering this ka#aca one is safe in $attle, in a thunderstorm, in a calamity, or when oneEs life is in danger. e:t 06 $addh#edaP ka#acaP kaQXhe MaYkaras tripuraP purO jaghOna lNlO%mOtreQa durantam asureM#aram $addh#O%tyingD idam%thisD ka#acam%ka#acaD kaQXhe%on the neckD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD tripuram% ripuraD purO%$eforeD jaghOna%killedD lNlO%mOtreQa%easilyD durantam% feroicousD asureM#aram%the king of ehe demons. a "earing this ka#aca around his neck, Lord Si#a easily killed ferocious ripura, the king of the demons. e:t 07 $addh#edaP ka#acaP kOlN rakta$NjaP cakhOda sa sahasra%MNrWO dhVt#edaP #iM#aP dhatte tilaP yathO $addh#aXyingD idam%thisD kaiacam%ka#acaD kOlN%Foddess /OlND rakta$Njam%5akta$ijaD cakhOda%ateD sa%andD sahasra%MNrWO%Lord MeWaD dhVt#O%wearingD idam%thisD #iM#am% uni#erseD dhatte%placesD tilam%a sesame grainD yathO%like. "earing this ka#aca around her neck, Foddess /OlN de#oured the demon 5akta$Nja. "earing this ka#aca around ;is neck, Lord SeWa carries the uni#erse as if it were a sesame seed.

e:t 19 O#OP sanat%kumIraM ca dharma%sOkWN ca karmaQOm ka#acasya prasOdena sar#atra jayino #ayam O#Om%of usD sanat%kumOraM%Sanat%kumOraD ca%andD dharma%sOkWN%the witness of religionD ca%andD karmaQOm%of workD ka#acasya%of the ka#acaD prasOdena%$y the mercyD sar#atra%e#erywhereD jayinaT%#ictoriousD #ayam%we. 8y the mercy of this kheaca Sanat%kumOra $ecame the witness of pious deeds. 8y the mercy of this ka#aca we are all #ictorious. e:t 1, tasya nanda%MiMoT kaQXhe cakOra ka#acaP d#ijaT OtmanaT ka#acaP kaQXte nd dhOra ca s#ayaP hariT tasya%of ;imD nanda%MiMoT%of NandaEs sonD kaQXhe%on the neckD cakOra%didD ka#acam%the ka#acaD d#ijaT%the $rOhmaQaD OtmanaT%of the selfD ka#acam%the ka#acaD kaQXhe%on the neckD dadhOra%heldD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD hariT%Lord /VWQa. hen the $rOhmaQa placed the ka#aca around Lord /VWQaEs neck. In this way Lord /VWQa ;imself wore that ka#aca around ;is neck. e:t 1. pra$hO#aT kathitaTrsar#aT ka#acasya hares tathO anantasyOcyutasyai#a pra$hO#am atulaP mune pra$hO#aT%the powerD kathitaT%spokenD sar#aT%allD ka#acasya%of the ka#acaD hareT% of Lord /VWQaD tathO%soD anantasya%unlimitedD acyutasya%infalli$leD e#a%indedD pra$hO#am%the powerD atulam%peerlessD mune%< sage. < sage, in this way I ha#e descri$ed to you the unparalleled power of the ka#aca of infalli$le and limitless Lord /VWQa.

%ha*ter Thirteen+r, K-./0nna!*r05ana!n0ma!#ara/a!*rast0va+r, K-./01a Anna!*r05ana and N0ma!#ara/a

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca aparaP kVWQa%mOhOtmyaP MVQu kiZcin mahO%mune #ighna%nighnaP pOpa%haraP mahO%puQya%karaP param MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD aparam%peerlessD kVWQa%mOhOtmyam% glory of Lord /VWQaD MVQu%hearD ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD mahO%mune%< great sageD #ighna%nighnam%destroying impedimentsD pOpa%haram%remo#ing sinsD mahO%puQya% karam%gi#ing great pietyD param%great. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < great sage, please hear Lord /VWQaEs peerless glories, which remo#e o$stacles and sins and $ring great piety. e:t . ekadO nanda%patnN sO kVt#O kVWQaP s#a%#akWasi s#arQa%siPhOsana%sthO ca kWudhitaP taP stanaP dadau ekadO%one dayD nanda%patnN%NandaEs wifeD sO%sheD kVt#O%doingD kVWQam%/VWQaD s#a% #akWasi%to her chestD s#arQa%goldenD siPhOsana%throneD sthO%sittingD ca%andD kWudhitam%hungryD tam%to ;imD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#e. <ne day NandaEs wife, SrN =aModO, sat on a golden throne and ga#e her $reast to the hungry infant /VWQa. e:t 0 etasminn antare tatra #iprendraikaT samOgataT

#VtaT MiWya%samUhaiM ca praj#alan $rahma%tejasO etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD #iprendraikaT%the king of $rOhmaQasD samOgataT% cameD #VtaT%accompaniedD MiWya%samUhaiT%$y many disciplesD ca%andD praj#alan% shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with $rahminical glory. home. e:t 1 prajapan paramaP $rahma Mudmha%sphaXika%mOlayO daQRN chatrN Mukla%#OsO danta%paYkti%#irOjitaT jyotiT%grantho mUrtimOPM ca #eda%#edOYga%pOra%gaT prajapan%speakingD paramam%the supremeD $rahma%8rahmanD Muddha%sphaXika% mOlayO%with a string of pure crystalsD daQRN%holding a staffD chatrN%a parasolD Mukla% #OsO%with white garmentsD darta%paYkti%#irOjitaT%splendid teethD jyotiT%granthaT%a $ook of astrologyD mUrtimO%personifiedD ca%andD #eda%#edOYga%pOra%gaT%gone to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOYgas. )gain andIagain he chanted the names of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead on japa $eads of pure cry tal. ;e wore white garments and carried a staff and parasol. ;is teeth were splendid. ;e was like the sacred writings of astrology personified. ;e had tra#eled to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedlYgas. e:t 2 pari$i$hraj%jaXhO%$hOraP tOpta%kOZcana%sanni$ham Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyo gaurOYgaT padma%locana pari$i$hraj,jaXhO%$hOrSm%wearing matted rairD tFpta%kOZcana%sanni$ham%lik molten goldD Marat%pOr#aQa%candra%aut(mn moonD Osy(T%faceD gawrOYgaT%fair lim$sD padma%locanaT%lotus eyer. ;e had lotus eyes, an autumn moon face, matted hair, and a comple:ion fair like

molten gold. e:t 3 yogNndro dhurjaXeT MiWyaT Muddha%$hakto gadO$hVtaT #yOkhyO%mUdrO%karkT MrNmOn MiWyOn adhyOpayan mudO nogNndraT%the king of the yogisD dhurjaXeT%of Lord Si#aD MiWyaT%the disaipleD Muddha%thaktaT%a pure de#oteeD gadO$hgtaT%of Lord /VWQaD #yOkhyO%mUdrO%karaT%in the posture of e:plaining the scripturesDeMrNmOn%gloriousD MiWyOn%disciplesD adhyOpayan%teachingD mudO%happily. ing his disciples. e:t 4 #eda%#yOkhyOP kati%#idhOP prakur#an na#a%lNlayO ekN%$hUya catur%#eda% tejasO mUrtimOn i#a #eda%of the VedasD #yOkhyOm%e:planationD kati%#idhOm%how many ways*D prakur#an%doingD na#a%lNlayO%palyfully and easilyD ekN%$hUya%making oneD catur%#eda% tejasO%with the splendor of the four #edasD mUrtimOn%personifiedD i#a%like. ;ow many way different ways could he easily and playfully e:plain the passages of the Vedas* ;e was like the glories of the four Vedas manifested in a single person. e:t 6 sOkWOt%saras#atN%kaQXhaT siddhOntaika%#iMOradaT dhyOnaika%niWXhaT MrN%kVWQa% pOdOm$hoje di#O%niMam sOkWOt%directlyD saras#atN%Saras#atND kaQXhaT%neckD siddhOnta%conclusionD eka%oneD #iMOradaT%skilledD dhyOna%meditationD eka%oneD niWXhaT%faithD MrN%kVWQa%pf Lord /VWQaD pOdOm$hoje%at the lotus feetD di#O%niMam%day and night.

Foddess Saras#atN stayed in his #oice. ;e was e:pert at presenting the conclusions of the Vedas. &ay and night he was rapt in meditation on Lord /VWQaES lotus feet. e:t 7 jN#an%mukto hi siddheMaT sar#a%jZaT sar#a%darManaT taP dVWX#O sO samuttasthau yaModO praQanOma ca jN#at%while li#ing in this worldD muktaT%li$eratedD hi%indeedD siddheMaT%the leader of the perfect soulsD sar#a%j].sy .1,^aT%omniscientD sar#a%darManaT%seeing e#erythingD tam%himD dVWX#O%seeingD sa%sheD samuttasthau%stood upD yaModO%=aModOD praQanOma% $owed downD ca%and. ;e was li$erated e#en while li#ing in this world. ;e was the leader of the perfect souls. ;e could see and know e#erything. he moment she saw him, =aModO stood up and $owed down to offer respects. e:t ,9 padyaP gOP madhuparkaP ca s#arQa%siPhOsanaP dadau $OlakaP #andayOm Osa munNndraP sa%smitaP mudO padyam%padyaD gOm%gOD madhuparkam%madhuparkaD ca%andD s#arQa%siPhOsanam%a golden throneD dadau%ga#eD $Olakam%the infant $oyD #andayOm Osa%made $ow downD munNndram%to the king of the sagesD sa%smitam%smilingD mudO%happily. She offered him padya, gO, madhuparka and a golden throne. ;appily smiling, she made her infant son, who is in reality the king of all the sages, $ow down to him. e:t ,, muniM ca manasO cakre praQOma%MatakaP harim OMiWaP pradadau prNtyO #eda%mantropayogikam muniT%the sageD ca%andD manasO%with his mindD cakre%didD praQOma%Matakam%a

hundred times $owing downD harim%to /VWQaD OMiWam%$lnssingD pradadau%ga#eD prNtyO% happilyD #eda%mantropayogikam%with Vedic mantras. In his mind the sage $owed a hundred times $e ore the infant /VWQa. 5eciting Vedic mantras, the sage happily $lessed ;im. e:t ,. praQanOma ca MiWyOPM ca t te tOP yuyujur OMiWam MiWyOn patyOdikaP $haktyO pradadau ca pVthak pVthak praQanlma%$owee downD ca%andD MiWyOn%to the disciplesD ca%andD te%theyD tOm%to hgerD yuyujuT%ga#eD OMiWam%$lessingD MiWyOn%to the disciplesD padyOdikam%$eginning with padyaD $haktyO%with de#otionD pradadau%ga#eD ca%andD pVthak pVthak%one $y one. =aModO $owed down $efore the disciples. hey $lessed her. o each one she offered padya and other gifts. e:t ,0 sa%MiWyo EYghrN ca prakWOlya samu#Osa sukhOsane samudyatO gatiP praWXuP puXOZjali%yutO satN sa%MiWyaT%with discipMesD aYg"rN%feetD ca%andD prakWOlya%washingD samu#Osa%satD sukhOsane%on the Somforta$le throneD samudy he sage and his discipl o washed their feet and sat on their comforta$le seats. Saintly =aModO respectfully folded her hands. She was eager to ask a$out the future of her child. e:ts ,1%,3 s#a%kroRe $OlakaP kVt#O et $hakti%namrakya%kandharO s#OtmOrOmaP maYgalaP ca

praWXuP yadyapi na kWamO tathOpi $ha#ato nOma Mi#aP pVcchOmi sOmpratam a$alO $uddhi%hNnO yO doWaP kWantuP sadOrhasi mURhasya satataP doWa% kWamaP kur#anti sOdha#aT s#a%kroRe%on her lapD $Olakam%her childD kVt#O%placingD $hakti%namrasya%kandharO% her head $owed with de#otionD s#OtmOrOmam%self%satisfiedD maYgalam%auspicousD ca% andD praWXum%to askD yadyapi%althoughD na%notD kWamO%a$leD tathOpi $ha#ato nOma Mi#aP pVcchOmi sOmpratam a$alO $uddhi%hNnO yO doWaP kWantuP sadOrhasi mURhasya satataP doWa% kWamaP kur#anti sOdha#aT. (lacing her child in her lap and respectfully $owing her head, =aModO spokeJ )lthough it is not proper for me to ask Buestions of an auspicious sage filled with spiritual $liss, still I wish to ask a Buestion. I am a weak and foolish woman. (lease forgi#e me. Freat saints always forgi#e the mistakes of the foolish. e:t ,4 aYgirO #Otha#Otrir #O marNcir gotamo Etha#O kratuT kiP #O pracetO #O pulastyaT pulaho Etha#O aYgirO%)YgirOD #O%orD atha#O%orD atriT%)triD #O%orD marNciT%-arNciD gotamaT%FotamaD atha#O%orD kratuT%/ratuD kim%whether*D #O%orD pracetO%(racetOD #O%orD pulastyaT% (ulastyaD pulahaT%(ulahaD atha#O%or. "ho are you* )re you )YgirO, or )tri, or -arNci, or Fotama, or /ratu, or (racetO, or (ulastya, or (ulaha, . . . e:t ,6 dur#OsOT kardamas t#aP #O #aMiWXo garga e#a ca jaigNWa#yo de#alo #O kapilo #O s#ayaP #i$huT

dur#OsOT%&ur#asaD kardamaT%kardamaD t#am%youD #O%orD #aMiWXaT%VasistaD garga% FargaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD jaigNWa#yaT%Aagisa#yaD de#alaT%&>ntlaD #O%orD kapilaT% /apilaD #O%orD s#ayam%personallyD #i$huT%the powerful sage. . . . or &ur#OsO, or /ardama, or VaMiWXa, or Farga, or AaigNWa#ya, or &e#ala, or powerful Lord /apila* e:t ,7 sanat%kumOraT sanakaT sOnando #O sanOtanaT $oRhuT paZcaMikho #O t#aP OsuriT sau$hariT kim u sanat%kumOraT%Sanat%kumaraD sanakaT%SanakaD sOnandaT%SanandaD #O%orD sanOtanaT%SanatanaD $oRhuT%8odhuD pa].sy .1,^caMikhaT%(ancasikhaD #O%orD t#am% youD OsuriT%)suriD sau$hariT%Sau$hariD kim%whether*D u%indeed. )re you Sanat%kumOra, or Sanaka, or SOnanda, or SanOtana, or 8oRhu, or (aZcaMikhO, or )suri, or Sau$hari* e:t u9 #iM#Omitro Etha #OlmNko #Omade#o Etha kaMyapaT sam#artaT kim utathyo #O kiP kaco #O $VhaspatiT #iM#OmitraT%Vis#amitraD atha%thenD #OlmNkaT%ValmikiD #Omade#aT%Vamade#aD atha% thenD kaMyapaT%/asyapaD sam#artaT%Sam#artaD kim%whether*D utathyaT%?tathyaD #O%orD kim%whether*D kacaT%/acaD #O%orD $VhaspatiT%8rhaspati. )re you ViM#Omitra, or VOlmNki, or VOmade#a, or /aMyapa, or Sam#arta, or ?tathya* )re you /aua, or 8Vhaspati, . . . e:t ., $hVguT MukraM ca cya#ano nara%nOrOyaQo Etha#O

MaktiT parOMaro #yOsaT Mukade#o Etha jaiminiT $hVguT%8hrguD MukraM%SukraD ca%andD cya#anaT%Cya#anaD nara%nOrOyaQaT%Nara NarayanaD atha#O%thenD MaktiT%SaktiD parOMaraT%(arasaraD #yOsaT%VyasaD Mukade#aT% Sukade#aD atha%thenD jaiminiT%Aaimini. . . . or 8hVgu, or Sukra, or Cya#ana, or Nara, or NOrOyaQa, or Sakti, or (arOMara, or VyOsa, or Sukade#a, or Aaimini, . . . e:t .. mOrkaQReyo lomaMaM ca kaQ#aT kOtyOyanas tathO dstNko #O jarat%kOrcr VWyaMVYgo #m$hOQRakaT mOrkaQReyaT%-arkandeyaD lomaMaM%LomasaD ca%andD kaQ#aT%/an#aD kOtyOyanaT% /atyayanaD tathO%orD OstNkaT%)stikaD #d oND jarlt%kOruT%AagatkaruD VWyaMVhgaT% 5sy srngaD #i$hOQRakaT%Vi$handaka. . . . or -OrkaQReya, or LomaMa, or /aQ#a, or /OtyOyana, or )stNka, or AagatkOru, or [WyaMVYgn, or Vi$hOQRaka, . . . e:t .0 paulastyas t#am agastyo #O Marad#On MVYgir e#a ca MamNko EriWXanemiM ca mOQRa#ya paila e#a ca paulastyaT%(aulastyaD t#am%youD agastyaT%)gastyaD #O%orD Marad#On%Sarad#anD MVYgiT%SrngiD e#a%indeedD ca%andD MamNkaT%SamikaD ariWXanemiT%)ristanemiD ca%andD mOQRa#ya%-anda#yaD paila%(ailaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. . . . or (aulastya, or )gastya, or Sarad#On, or SVYgi, or SamNka, or )riWXanemi, or -OQRa#ya, or (aila, . . . e:t .1 pOQinir #O kaQado #O

MOkalyaT MOkaXOyanaT aWXa#akro $hOgurir #O esumantur #atsa e#a ca pOQiniT%(aniniD #O%orD kaQadaT%/anadaD #O%orD MOkalyaT%SakalyaD MOkaXAyanaT% SakatayanaD aWXa#akraT%)sta#akraD $hOguriT%8haguriD #O%orD sumantuT%SumantuD #atsa%VatsaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. . . . or (OQini, or /Onada, or SOkalya, or SakaXOyana, or )WXa#akra, or 8hOguri, or Sumantu, or Vatsa, . . . e:t .2 jO$alir yOjZa#alkyaM ca #aiMampOyana e#a ca yatir haPsN pippalaRo maitreyaT karuWas tathO pippaia aT%yippaladaD maitreyaTo-aitreyaD karuWaT%/arusaD tathO%so. . . . or AO$ali, or =OjZa#alkya, or VaiMampOyana, or =ati, or ;aPsN, or (ippalOda, or -aitreya, or /aruWa, . . . e:t .3 upamanyur goramukho EruQir aurdh#o Etha kOkWi#On $harad#Ojo #edaMirOT MaYkukarQo Etha MaunakaT upamanyuT%?pamansyuD goramukhaT%ForamukhaD aruQiT%)runiD aurdh#aT% )urdh#aD atha%thenD kOkWi#On%/aksi#anD $harad#OjaT%8harad#ajaD #edaMirOT%VedasiraD MaYkukarQaT%SankukarnaD atha%thenD MaunakaT%Saunaka. or ?pamanyu, or Foramukha, or )ruQi, or )urdh#a, or /OkWi#On, or 8harad#Oja, or VedaMirO, or SaYkukarQa, or Saunaka* e:t .4 eteWOP puQya%MlokOnOP

ko $ha#On #ada me pra$ho pratyuttarOrhO nOhaP ctt tathOpi #aktum arha i eteWOm%dfttheseD puQya%MlokOnOm%glorious sagesD kaT%who*D $ha#On%youD #ada% please tellD me%meD pra$haT%< lordD pratyuttara%a replyD arhO%worthyD na%notD aham%ID cet%ifD tathOpi%thenD #aktum%to tellD arhasi%you are worthy. <f these glorious sages who are you* < lord, please tell me. If I am not unworthy to hear your reply, please tell me. e:t .6 kiYkaraT kiYkarN #Opi samarthO praWXum NM#aram yo yasya se#O%nirataT sa kaP pVcchati taP #inO kiYkaraT%a ser#antD kiYkarN%a maidser#antD #O%orD api%e#enD samarthO%a$leD praWXum% to ask a BuestionD NM#aram%to the masterD yaT%whoD yasya%of whomD se#O%nirataT% dutifully ser#ingD sa%heD kam%to whom*D pVcchati%askD tam%himD #inO%without. >#en a ser#ant may ask a Buestion of the master. o whom may a ser#ant ask a Buestion, if not to his master* e:t .7 dhanyOhaP kVta%kVtyOhaP sa%phalaP jN#anaP mama t#at%padO$ja%rajaT%sparMOj janma%koXy%aPhasOP kWayaT dhanyO%fortunateD aham%ID kVta%kVtyO%successfulD aham%ID sa%phalam%fruitfulD jN#anam%lifeD mama%of meD t#at%yourD padO$ja%lotus feetD rajaT%dustD sparMOt%$y the touchD janma%of $irthsD koXy%millionsD aPhasOm%of sinsD kWayaT%destruction. Now I am fortunate. Now I ha#e attained the goal of life. Now my life is a success. oday the touch of the dust of your lotus feet has destroyed all my sins for millions of $irths. e:t 09

t#at%pOdodaka%saPsparMOt sadyaT pUtO #asundharO ta#Ogamana%rOtrena tNrthN%$hUto mamOMramaT t#at%of youD pOda%of the feetD udaka%the waterD saPsparMOt%$y the touchD sadyaT%at oncejwpUtO%purifiedD #asunpharO%the eerthD ta#a%of youD Ogamana%mOtreQa%simply $y the #isitD tNrthN%$hUtaT%$ecome sacredD mama%of meD OMramaTythe home. 8y the touch of the water that washed your feet the ground has $ecome purified. 8y your #isit my home has $ecome a holy place. e:t 0, ye ye MrutOT Mrutau $rahman Mruti%sOrO mahO%janOT teWOm eko mayO dVWXaT pUr#a%puQya%phalodayOt ye ye%whoe#erD MrutOT%heardD Mrutau%in the scripturesD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD Mruti% sOrO%the $est of scripturesD mahO%janOT%great soulsD teWOm%oL themD ekaT%oneD mayO%$y meD mVWXaT%seenD pUr#a%puQya%phalodayOt%$ecsuse of my pre#ious pious deeds. < $rOhmaQa, you are one of the great saints descri$ed in the scriptures. 8ecause of my past pious deeds I am now a$le to see you. e:t 0. MiWyO #edO mUrtimanto grNWma%madhyOhna%$hOskarOT gokulaP mat%kulaP sadyaT punanti pada%reQunO MiWyOT%disciplesD #edO%the VedasD mUgtimantaT%personifiedD grNWmanmadhyOhna% $hOskarOT%splendid as the summer midday sunD go =our disciples, splendid as the summer midday srn, are the Vedas personified. "ith the dust of their feet they purify my family here in Fokula.

e:t 00 OMiWaP kartum arhanti prasanna%manasO MiMum pUrQaP s#asty%ayanaP kWemaP #iprOMir%#acanaP dhru#am OMiWam%$lessingsD kartum%to doD arhanti%are a$leD prasanna%manasO%with heerful heartD MiMum%childD pUrQam%fullD s#asty%ayanam%auspiciousnessD kWemam%happinessD #ipra%of a $rOhmaQaD OMir%#acanam%the words of $lessingD dhru#am%indeed. If they are pleased at heartdthey may $less my son. $ring auspiciousness and happiness. e:t 01 ity e#am ukt#O nanda%strN $haktyO tasthau muneT puraT caraP prasthOpayOm Osa nandam OnayituP satN ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD nanda%strN%NandaEs wifeD $haktyO%with de#otionD tasthau%stoodD muneT%of the sageD puraT%$eforeD caram%a messengerD prasthOpayOm Osa%placedD nandam%NandaD Onayitum%to $ringD satN%the saintly woman. )fter speaking these words, saintly =aModO respectfully stood $efore the sage, and then sent a messenger to $ring Nanda. e:t 02 yaModO%#acanaP Mrut#O jahOsa muni%puYga#aT jahasuT MiWya%saYghaM ca $hOsayanto diMo daMa yaModO%=aModOEsD #acanam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD jahOsa%smiledD muni%puYga#aT% the great sageD jahasuT%smiledD MiWya%of disciplesD saYghaT%the hostD ca%andD $hOsayantaT%filling with lightD diMaT%the directionsD daMa%ten. ;earing =aModOEs words, the great sage and his many disciples smiled, their smiles filling the ten directions with light. e $lessings of a $rOhmaQa

e:t 03 hitaP tathyaP nNti%yuktaP mahat prNto%karaP param tOm u#Oca mudO yuktaT Muddha%$uddhir mahO%muniT hitam%auspiciousD tathyam%truthfulD nNti%yuktam%properD mahat%greatD prNti%karam% affectionateD param%greatD tOm%to herD u#Oca%saidD mudO%happilyD yuktaT%endowedD Muddha%$uddhiT%pure intelligenceD mahO%muniT%the gneat sage. hen the pure%hea,ted sage happily spoke to =aModO words that were auspScious, truthful, proper, and affectionate. e:t 04 MrN%garga u#Oca sudhOmay P te #acanay laukikmP samayocitam yasya yatra kule janma sa e#a tOdVMo $ha#et MrN%garga u Oca%SrNoFarga saidD sudhOmayam%filled with nectarD te%youD #acanam% wordsD laukikam%in the worldD samayocitam%properD yasya%of whomD yatra%uhereD nule%hn the familyD janma%the $irthD sa%;eD e#a%indeedDLtOdVMaT%like thatD $ha#et%is. SrN Farga saidJ =our nectar words are proper for this time and place. <ne who takes $irth in a family is like his family mem$ers. e:t 06 sar#eWOP gopa%padmOnOP giri$hOnuM ca $hOskaraT patnN padma%samO tasya nOmnO padmO#atN satN sar#eWOm%of allD gopa%padmOnOm%the gopa lotusesD giri$hOnuT%Firi$hOnuD ca%andD $hOskaraT%the sunD patnN%wifeD padma%lotusD samO%likeD tasya%of himD nOmnO%$y the nameD padmO#atN%(admO#atND satN%saintly.

)ll the gopas are lotusuflowers and Frri$hOnu is the sun that shines on them. ;is saintly and lotuslike wife is named (admO#atN. e:t 07 tasyOT kanyO yaModO t#aP yaMo%#ardhana%kOriQN $alla#OnOP ca pra#aro la$dho nandaM ca #alla$haT #OnOm%of the gopasD ca%andD pra#araT%the $estD la$dhaT%o$tainedD nandaM%NandaD ca% andD #alla$haT%$elo#ed. =ou are her daughter =aModO. =ou increase the glory of your family. =ou ha#e attained Nanda, the $est of the gopas, as your $elo#ed. e:t 19 nando yas t#aP ca yO $hadre $Olo yo yena #OgataT jOnOmi nirjane sar#aP #akWyOmi nanda%sannidhim nandaT%NandaD yaT%whoD t#am%youD ca%andD ya%whoD $hadre%< no$le oneD $OlaT% $oyD yaT%whoD yena%$y whomD #O%wjoD OgataT%comeD jOnOmi%I knowD nirjane%in a secluded placeD sar#am%allD #akWyOmi%I will sayD nanda%sannidhim%to nanda. < saintly one, I know the real identity of you, Nanda, and your $oy. I will tell Nanda in a secluded place. e:t 1, gargo EhaP yadu%#aPMOnOP cira%kOlaP purohitaT prasthOpito EhaP #asunO nOnya%sOdhyo ca karmaQi gargaT%FargaD aham%ID yadu%#aPMOnOm%of the =Oda#asD cira%kOlam%for a long timeD purohitaT%the priestD prasthOpitaT%appointedD aham%ID #asunO%$y Vasude#aD na%notD anya%$y anotherD sOdhyaT%attaina$leD ca%andD karmaQi%in the work.

I am Farga, for a long time the priest of the =Oda#as. Vasude#a sent me here to do something no one else can do. e:t 1. etasminn antare nandaT Mruta%mOtraP jagOma ha nanOma daQRa#ad $hUmau mUrdhnO taP muni%puYga#am MiWyOn nanOma mUrdhnO ca te taP yuyujur OMiWam etasminn antare%thenD nandaT%NandaD Mruta%mOtram%$y hearingD jagOma%cameD ha% indeedD nanOmay$owed downD daQRy#at%like a stickD $hUmau%to the groundD mUrdhnO% with his headD tam%himD muni%puYga#am%the $est of sagesD MiWyOn%to the disciplesD wanOma%$owedD mUrdhnO%with his headD ca%andD te%theyD tam%to himD yuyujuT%ga#eD OMiWam%$lessmeg. sage and his disciples, pnd they all $lessed him. e:t 10 samutthOyOsanaP tUrQaP yaModOP nandam e#a ca gVhNt#O$hyantaraP ramyaP jagOma #iduWOP #araT samutthOya%risingD Osanam%seatD tUrQam%at onceD yaModOm%to =aModOD nandam%to NandaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD gVhNt#O%takingD a$hyantaram%withinD ramyam%delightfulD jagOma%wentD #iduWOm%of the wiseD #araT%the $est. m hen Farga, the $est of the wise, rose from his seat and, taking Nanda and =aModO with him, went to a $eautiful and secluded place. e:tr11 gargo nando yaModO ca sa%putroWur mudOn#itOT garga u#Oca tau #OkyaP nigURhaP nirjane mune

gargaT%FargaD nandaT%NandaD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD sa%putrO%with her sonD uWuT% stayedD mudOn#itOT%happilyD garga%FargaD u#Oca%saidD tau%to themD #Okyam%wordsD nigURham%cofidentialD nirjane%in that secluded placeD mune%< sage. Farga, Nanda, and =aModO carrying her infant son, sat down comforta$ly in that secluded place. hen Farga told them his secret. e:t 12 MrN%garga u#Oca aye nanda pra#akWyOmi #acanaP te Mu$hO#aham prasthOpitohEhaP #(sunO , yena tat Mruyat m iti MrN%gargaT u#Oc %SrN Farga saidD aye%<D nanda%NandaD pra#akWyOw aI will tellh #acanam%wordsD te%to youD Mu$hO#aham%auspiciousD prasthOpitaT%sentD aham%ID #asunO%$y Vasude#aD ye a%$y whomD tat%thatD MruyatOm%should ee heardD iti%thus. SrN Farga saidJ < Nanda, now I will tell you something #ery auspicious. Vasude#a sent me here to tell you this.h(lease listen. e:t 13 #asunO sUtikOgOre t MiMuT pratyarpaQaT kVtaT putro EyaP #asude,aeya jyeWXhasya tasya ca dhru#am kanyO te tena nntO ca mathurOP kaPsa%$hN uQO #asunO%$y Vasude#aD sUtikOgOre%in the maternity rohmD MiMuT%the infantD pratyarpaQaT%e:rhangedD kVtaT%doneD putraT%sonD ayam%thisA #asude#asya%of Vasude#aD jyeWXhasya%eldestD tasya%of himD ca%andDguhru#am%indeedD kanyO%the aughterD te%of youD tena%$y himD nNtO%takenD ca%andD mathurOm%to -athurOD kaPsa%of /aPsaD $hNruQO%with fear. =our ender $rother e:changed your children in their eaternity rooms. )fraid of /aPsa, Vasude#a too your daughter and ga#e you his son.

e:t 14 asyOnna%prOManOyOhaP nOmOnukaraQOya ca gURhena preWitas tena tO$hyOP yogaP kuru #raje asya%if ;imD anna%prOManOya%for thw anna%prasana ceremonyD aham%ID nOmOnukaraQOya%for the namanukarana ceremonyD carandD gURhena%secretlyD preWitaT% sentD tena%$y himD tO$hyOm%for themD yogam%tohetherDwkuru%please doD #raje%in V$aja. ;e sent me to perform in secret the $oyEs anna%prCMana (first grains) and nOmOnukaraQa (name gi#ing) ceremonies here in Vraja. e:t 16 pUrQa%$rahma%s#arUpo EyaP MiMus te mOyayO mahNm Ogatya $hOra%harOQOP kartO dhOtrO ca sOdhitaT pUrQa%$rahma%s#arUpaT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ayam%;eD MiMuT%the infantD te%of youD mOyayO%$y mOyOD mahNm%the earthD Ogatya%comeD $hOra%harOQOm% rem#oing the $irdenD kartO%the creatorD dhOtrO%$y 8rahmOD ca%andD sOdhitaT%arranged. his $oy is the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. 5esponding to the appeal of 8rahmO, the demigod of creation, and aided $y ;is =ogamOyO potency, ;e has come to this earth. e:t 17 goloka%nOtho $haga#On MrN%kVWQo rOdhikO%patiT nOrOyaQo yo #aikuQXhe kamalO%kOntO e#a ca goloka%of FolokaD nOthaT%the LordD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD rOdhikO%patiT%the master of 5OdhOD nOrOyaQaT%Lord SrN NOrOyaQaD yaT%whoD #aikuQXhe%in VaikuQXhaD kamalO%kOntO%the $elo#ed of LakWmND e#a%indeedD ca%and.

;e is the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, SrN /VWQa, the master of SrN 5OdhO and the king of Foloka. In the world of VaikuQXha ;e is SrN NOrOyaQa, the $elo#ed of LakWmN. e:t 29 M#etad#Npa%ni#OsN yaT pOtO #iWQuM ca so Epy ajaT kapilo Epy etad%aPMaM oa nara%jOrOyaQO# VWN M#etad#Npa%ni#OsN%residing in S#etad#NpaD yaT%whoD pOtO%the protectorD #iWQuM%Lord ViWQuD ca%andD saT%;eD api%alsoD ajaT%un$ornD kapilaT%/apilaD api%alsoD etad%aPMaT%;is partial incarnationD ca%andD nara%nOrOyaQau VWN%Nara%NOrOyaQa [Wi. In S#etad#Npa ;e is SrN ViWQu, the maintainer. ;e is Nara%NOrOyaQa [yi. /apila is ;is partial e:pansion. ;e is ne#er $orn. e:t 2, ekN%$hUya ca sar#eWOP tejasOP rOMi%mUrtimOn taP #jsuP darMayit#O ca MiMu%rUpN $a$hU#a ha ekN%$hUya%$ecoming on L ca%IndD sar#eWOm%of allD tejasOm%powersD rOMi%mUrtimOn% the formD tam%to himD #asum%)asude#aD darMayit#O%re#ealingD ca%andD MiMu%rUpN%the form of an infantD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%and. ;e showed ;is form, resplendent with all powers to Vasude#a, and then ;e $ecame an infant. e:t 2. sOmprataP sUtikOgOrOd OjagOma ta#Olayam ayoQi%srm$ha#aM cOyaP O#ir$hUto mahN%tale sOmpratao%rowD sUtikOgOrOt%from the marernity roomD Oj IOma cameD ta#a%of youD

alayam%to the homeD ayoQi%sam$ha#aM%nyt $orn of a motherEs wom$D ca%anrD ayam%;eD O#ir$hUtaT%appearedD mahN%tale%on the earth. Now ;e, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is not $orn of a motherEs wom$, has appeared on the earth, left ;is maternity room and come to your home. e:t 20 #Oyu%pUrQaP mOtV%gar$haP kVt#O ca mOyayO hariT O#ir$hUya #asuP mUrtiP darMayit#O jagOma ha #Oyu%pUrQam%filled with airD mOtV%gar$ham%;is motherEs wom$D kVt#O%makingD ca% anpD mOyayO%$y -OyOD hayiT%Lord /VWQaD O#ir$hUya%appearedD #asum%to Vasude#aD mUrtim%;is formD darMayit#O%showingD ragOma%wentD ha%indeed. >mploying ;is =ogamOyO potency, Lord /VWQa created ;is motherEs false pregnancy, filling her wom$ with air. )t the appropriate time, presenting the illusion that ;e was $orn in the usual way, ;e re#ealed ;is transcendental form to Vasude#a. e:t 21 yuge yuge #arQa%$hedo nOma%$hedo Esya $alla#a Muklo raktas tathO pNtO idOnNP kVWQatOP gataT yuge%yugaD yuge%after yugaD #arQa%$hedaT%different colorsD nOma%$hedaT%different namesD asya%of ;imD $alla#a%< gopaD MuklaT%whiteD raktaT%redD tathO%soD pNtO%yellowD idOnNm%nowD kVWQatOm%$lacknessD gataT%attained. =uga after yuga ;e has different colors and names. < gopa, in the past ;e has $een white, red, or yellow. Now ;e is $lack. e:t 22 Mukla%#arQaT satya%yuge su%tN#ras tejasO#VtaT tretOyOP rakta%#arQo EyaP

pNto EyaP d#Opare #i$huT Mukla%whiteD #arQaT%colorD satya%yuge%in Satya%yugaD su%tN#raT%sharpD tejasO% splendorD O#VtaT%withD tretOyOm%in retO%yugaD rakta%#arQaT%redD ayam%;eD pNtaT% yellowD ayam%;eD d#Opare%in &#Opara%yugaD #i$huT%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ;e is the Supreme Lord. In the Satya%yuga ;e was white and #ery splendid and powerful. In the retO%yuga ;e was red. In the &#Opara%yuga ;e was yellow. e:t 23 kVQQa%#arQaT kalau MrNmOn tejasOP rOMir e# ca parimUrQatamaP $rahma tena kVWQa iti smVtaT kVWQa%#arQaT%$lackD kalau%in the /ali%yugaD MrNmOn7haMdsome and gloriousD tejasOm%of splednorD rhMiT%a$undanceD e#a%iedeedD ca%andD paripUrQatamaP $rahma% the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tena%thereforeD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti%thusD smVtaT% called. Now, in the /ali%yuga, ;e is $lack (kVWQa), handsome and #ery glorious. Shat is why ;e, the Supremd (ersonality of Fodhead, is called /VWQa. e:t 24 $rahmaQo #acakaT ko EyaP VkOro Enanta%#OcakaT Mi#asya #OcakaT WaM ca QakOro dharma%#OcakaT $rahmaQar%of 8sahmaD #acakaT%the wordD kaT%/D ayam%thusD VkOraT%the letter VD Enanta%#OcakaT%Lord SeWaD Mi#asya%of Lord Si#aD #OcakaT%syaingD WaM%WD ca%andD QakOraT%QD dharma%#OcakaT%sayinf =amarOja. In the name /VWQaT, the k stands for Lord 8rahmO, the V foraLord SeWa, the W for Lord Si#a, the Q for =amarOja . . . e:t 26

akOro #iWQor #acanaT M#etad#Npa%ni#OsinaT nara%nOrOyaQOrthasya #isargo #OcakaT smVtaT akOraT%the letter aD #iWQoT%Lord ViWQuD #acanaT0the wordD M#etad#Npa%ni#OsinaT% residing in S#etad#NpaD nara%nOrOyaQa%Nara%NOrOyaQaD arthasya%the meaningD #isargaT% the letter TD #OcakaT%the wordD smVtaT%considered. . . . the a for Lord ViWQu who resides in S#etad#Npa, and the T for Nara%NOrOyaQa [Wi. e:tI27 sar#eWOP tejasOP rOMiT sar#a%mUrti%s#arUpakaT sar#OdhOraT sar#a%$Njas tena kVWQa iti smVtaT sar#eWOm%of allD tejasOm%power and gloeryD rOMiT%the a$undanceD sar#a%mUrti% s#arUpakaT%thetform of all formsD sar#OdhOraT%the resting place of e#erythingD sar#a% $NjaT%the seed of e#erythingD tena%$y thisD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti%thusD smVtaT%considered. ;e is the master if all power and glory. ;e is the form of all forms. ;e is the resting place of e#erything. re is the seed e:t 39 kVWir nir#OQa%#acano QakOro mokWa e#a ca akOro dOtV%#acanas tena kVWQa iti smVtaT kVWir%kVWD nir#OQa%#acanaT%saying li$erationD QakOraT%QaD mokWa%li$erationD e#a% indeedD ca%andD akOraT%aD dOtV%#acanaT%the generous gi#erD tena%thusD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti% thusD smVtaT%considered. /VW and Q $oth mean li$eration, and the letter a means the generous gi#er. 8ecause ;e is the gi#er of li$eration ;e is called /VWQa. e:te3,

kVWir niMceWXa%#acano QakOro $hakti%#OcakaT akOro dOtV%#acanas tena kVWQa iti smVtaT kVWiT%kVWD niMceWXa%#acanaT%freedom from material acti#itiesD QakOraT%QD $hakti% #OcakaT%$rOhmaQaD akOraT%aD dOtV%#acanaT%the gi#erD tena%$y thatD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti% thusD smVtaT%is considered.. /VW means with no material acti#ities, Q means the acti#ities of de#otional ser#ice, and the letter a means the generous gi#er. 8ecause ;e is the gi#er of de#otional ser#ice, which not material, $ut is $eyond the material world, ;e is called /VWQa. e:t 3. karma%nirmUla%#acanaT kVWir no dOsya%#OcakaT akOraT prOpti%#acanas tena kVWQa iti smVtaT karma%karmaD nirmUla%uprootingD #acanaT%wordD kVWiT%kVWD naT%QD dOsya%#OcakaT% the word ser#iceD akOraT%aD prOpti%#acanaT%the word attainmentD tena%thusD kVWQa% /VWQaD iti%thusD smVtaT%considered. /VW means uprooting past karma, Q means de#otional ser#ice, and the letter a means the attainment. 8ecause it is $y ;is mercy one uproots his past karma and attains de#otional ser#ice, ;e is called /VWQa. e:t 30 nOmnOP $haga#pto nanda koXNnOP smataQe ca oat tat phalaP la$hate nUnaP kVWQeti%smaraQOn naraT nOmnOm%of the namesD $haga#ataT%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD nanda% < NandaD koXNnOm%millionsD smaraQe%in the memoryD ca%andD yat%whatD tat%thatD phalam%resultD la$hate%attainsD nUnam%at onceD kVWQeti%smaraQOn%$y remem$ering the name /VWQaD naraT%a person.

< Nanda, if one once remem$ers the name /VWQa he gains the result of remem$ering ten million other names of the Lord. e:t 31 yad%#idhaP smaraQe puQyaP #acanOc chra#aQOt tathO koXi%janmOPhaso nSMo $ha#ed yat smaraQOdikOt yad%#idram%like whatD smaraQe%in remem$eringD puQyam%pietyD #acanOt%$y speakingD Mra#aQOt%$y hearingD tathO%soD koXi%millionsD janma%$irthsD aPhasaT%sinsD nOMaT%destructionD $ha#et%isD yat%whatD smaraQOdikOt%greater than remem$ering. 8y remem$ering, speaking, or hearing the name /VWQa one destroys the sins of ten million $irths. e:t 32 #iWQor nOmnOP ca sar#eWOP sar#Ot sOraP parOt param kVWQeti maYgalaP nOma sundaraP $hakti%dOsya%dam #iWQorof Lord ViWQuD nOmnOm%of the namesD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD sar#Ot%from allD sOram%the $estD parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti%thusD maYgalam%auspiciousD nOma%nameD sundaram%$eautifulD $hakti%dOsya%dam%gi#ing de#otional ser#ice. <f all the names of Lord ViWQu, /VWQa is the $est name. It is the most $eautiful and the most auspicious. It gi#es the purest de#otional ser#ice. e:t 33 kakOroccaraQOd $haktaT kai#alyaP janma%mVtyu%ham VkOrOd dOsyam atulaP WakOrOd $hakti%niMcalO kakOra%kD uccaraQOt%$y sayingD $haktaT%a de#oteeD kai#alyam%li$erationD janma% mVtyu%ham%killing $irth and deathD VkOrOt%fro

8y speaking the letter k, the de#otee attains reeSom from repeated $irth and death. 8y speaking the letter V he attains peerless de#otional ser#ice. 8y speaking the letter W, he at#ains uwwa#ering de#otion to the Lord. e:t 34 QakOrOt saha%#OsaP ca tat%samaP kOlam e#a ca tat%sarUpyaP #isargOc ca la$hate nOtra saPMayaT QakOrOt%from the letter QD saha%#Osam%residence with the LordD ca%andD tat%samam% eBuality to ;imD kOlam%darkD e#a%indeedD ca%andD tat%sarUpyam%a form like ;isD #isargOt%from the letter TD ca%andD la$hate%atainsD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. 8y speaking the letter Qa, he attains the Lord as ;e eternal companion. 8y speaking the letter T, he attains a dark form like the LordEs. <f this thnre is no dou$t. e:t 36 kakOroccaraQOn nanda #epante yhma%kiYkarOT VkOrokter aniWXOni WakOrOt pOtakOni ca kakOr#%the letter kD uccaraQOt%$y speakingD nanda%< NandaD #epante%trem$leD yama%kiYkarOT%the ser#ants of =amarOja VkOrokteT%from thn letter VD aniWXOni% calamitiesD WakOrOt%from the letter WD pOtakOni%sinsD ca%and. < Nanda, $y speaking the letter k, one makes =amaEs ser#ants trem$le. 8y speaking the letter V, one makes calamities flee. 8y speaking the letter W, one makes sins flee. e:t 37 QakOroccaraQOd rogO akOrOn mUotyur e#a ca dhru#aP sar#e palOyante nOmoccaraQa%$hNra#aT QakOra%uccaraQOt%$y speaking the letter QD rogO%diseasesD akOrOn%from the letter aD

mUrtyuT%deathD e#a%indeedD ca%andD dhru#am%indeedD sar#e%allD palOyante%fleeD nOma% of the nameD uccaraQa%speakingD $hNra#aTafraid. 8y speaking the lettrr Q, one makes diseases flee. 8y speaking the letter a, one makes death flee. @rightened of the holy name, they all flee. e:t 49 smVty%ukti%Mra#aQodyogOd kVWQa%nOmno #rajeM#ara rathaP gVhNt#O dhO#anti golokOt kVWQa%kiYkarOT smVty%remem$eringD ukti%speakingD Mra#aQa%hearingD udyogOt%from the manifestationD kVWQa%nOmnaT%of Lorrd /VWQaEs nameD #rajeM#ara%< king of VrajaD ratham%chariotD gVhNt#O%takingD dhO#anti%runD golokOt%from FolokaD kVWQa%kiYkarOT% the ser#ants of Lord /VWQa. < king of Vraja, when one remem$ers, speaks, or hears the name /VWQa, Lord /VWQaEs ser#ants mount their chariots and fly to him from Foloka. e:t 4, pVthi#yO rajasaT saYkhyaP kartuP MaktO #ipaMcitOT nOmnaT pra$hO#aP saYkhyOnaP santo #aktuP na ca kWamOT pVthi#yO%of the earthD rajasaT%the grains of dustD saYkhyam%countingD kartum%to doD MaktO%a$leD #ipaMcitOT%wiseD nOmnaT%of the nameD pra$hO#am%the powerD saYkhyOnam% countingD santaT%tne saintsD #aktum%ty speakD na%notD ca%andD kWamOT%j$le. >#en if they ha#e the power to count the grains of dust on the earth, the great scientists and philosophers will ne#er ha#e the power to count all the glories of Lord /VWQaEs name. e:t 4. purO MaYkara%#aktreQa nOmno Esya mahimO MrutaT guQa%nOma%pra$hO#aP ca

kiZcij jOnOti mad%guruT purO%pre#iouslyD MaYkara%#aktreQa%$y the mouth of Lord Si#aD nOmnaT%of the nameD asya%of ;imD mahimO%the gloryD MrutaT%heardD guQa%nOma%pra$hO#am%the power of ;is names and BualitiesD ca%andD kiZcit%somethingD jOnOti%knowsD mad% guruT%my guru. @rom Lord Si#aEs mouth I heard the glnries of Lord /VWQaKs name. -y guru knows only a little of Lord /VWQaEs Bualities, names, and powers. e:t 40 $rahmOnantaM ca dharmaM cs surarWi%manu%mOna#OT #edOT santo na jOnOnti marimnaT WoRaWNP kalOm $rahmO%8rahmOD anantaT%SeWaD ca%andD dharmaM%=amaD ca%andD surarWi%,anu% mOna#OT%the surarWis, manus, and human $eingsD #edOT%the VedasD santaT%the saintsD na%notD jOnOnti%knowsD mahimnaT%of the gloryD WoRaWNm%a si:teenthD kalOm%part. 8rahmO, SeWa, =amarOja, the demigods, and the sages, manus, Vedas, saintsL and human $eings cannot understand e#en one si:teenth of the glorr of Lord /VWQaEs name. e:t 41 itr e#aP kathito nanda mahimO te sutasya ca yathO%mati yathO%jZOtaP guru%#aktrOd yathO Mrutam ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitaT%spokenD nanda%< NandaD mahimO%the gloryD te% of =ourD sutasya%sonD ca%andD yathO%mati%as understandingDtyathO%asD jZOtam% understoodD guru%#aetrOt%from the mouth of whe guruD yathO%asD Mrut m%heard. < Nanda, as far as am a$le to understand, as far as I ha#e understood, and as far as I ha#e heard from my guruEs mouth, I ha#e descri$ed the glories of your son. e:t 42

kVWQaT pNtOm$araT SaPsa% dh#aPsN ca #iWXara%Mra#OT te#akN%nandanaT MrNMo yaModO%nandano hariT kVWQey%Lord /VWQaD pNta%yellowD am$araT%garmentsD kaPsa%of /aPsaD dh#aPsN%the killerD ca%andD #iWXara%Mra#OT%famousD de#akN%nandanaT%the son of &e#akND MrNMaT%the master of ther goddess of fortuneD yaModO%nandanaT%the son of =aModOD hariT%/VWQa. =our son is all%attracti#e (kVWQa), dressed in yellop garmetts (pNtOm$ara), the killer of /aPsa (kaPsajdh#aPsN), famous (#iWXara%Mra#O), the son of &e#akN (de#akN% nandana), the hus$and of the goddess of fortune (MrNMa), the son of =aModO (yaModO% nandana), the Lord who takesoaway all troe$les (hari). e:t 43 sanOtano Ecyuto #iWQuT sar#eMaT sar#a%rUpa%dhVk sar#OdhOraT sar#a%gatiT sar#a%kOraQa%kOraQaT S sanOtanaT%eternalD acyutaT%infalli$eeD #iWQuT%all%oer#adingD sar#eMaT%the master of allD sar#a%rUpa%dhVk%wIo appears in allses. ;e is eternal (sanOtana), infalli$le (acyuta), alV% er#ading (#iWQu and sar#a%gati), the mastwr of all (sar#eMa), the Lord who appears in many forms (sar#a%rUpa%dhVk), the resting place of e#erything (sar#OdhOra), and the cause of all causes (sar#a%kOraQa% kOraQa). e:t 44 rOdhO%$andhU rOdhikOtmO rOdhikO%jN#anaT s#ayam rOdhikO%sahacOrN ca rOdhO%mOnasa%pUrakaT rOdhO%$andhuT%the friend of 5OdhOD rOdhikOtmO%present in 5OdhOEs heartD rOdhikO% jN#anaT%5OdhOEs lifeD s#ayam%personallyD rOdhikO%sahacOrN%5OdhOEs companionD ca%andD rOdhO%mOnasa%pUrakaT%;e who floods the manasa lake of 5OdhOEs thoughts.

;e isa5OdhOEs friend (rOdhO%$andhu), the person who stays in/5OdhOEs heart (rOdhikOtmO), 5OdhOEs life (rOdhikO%jN#ana), 5OdhOEs companhon (rOdhikO%sahacOrN), and the person that floods the mOnasa lake of 5OdhOEs thoughts (rOdhO%mOnata% pUraka). e:t 46 rOdhO%dhano rOdhikOYgo rOdhikOsakta%mOnasaT rOdhO%prOQo rOdhikeMo e rOdhikO%ramaQaT s#ayam h nrOdhO%dhanaT%5OdhOEs wealthD rOdhikOYgaT%5OdhOEs lim$sD rOdhikOsakta%mOnasaT% whoce heart is attached to 5OdhOD rOdhO%prOQaT%5OdhOEs lifeD rOdhikeMaT%5OdhOEs masterD rOdhikO%ramaQaT%5OdhOEs lo#erD s#ayam%personally. ;e is 5OdhOEs wealth (rOdhO%dhana), 5OdhOEs lim$s (rOdhikOYga), ;e whose heart is attached to 5OdhO (rOdhikOsakta%mOnasa), 5OdhOEs life (rOdhO%prOQa), 5OdhOEs master (rOdhikeMa), and 5OdhOEs lo#er (rOdhikO%ramaQa). e:t 47 rOdhikO%citta%cauraM ca rOdhO%prOQOdhikaT pra$huT paripUrQatamaP $rahma go#indo garuRa%dh#ajaT rOdhikO%citta%cauraT%the thief of 5OdhOEs heartD ca%andD rOdhO%prOQOdhikaT%he for whom 5OdhO is more dear than lifeD pra$huruRaydh#ajaT%;e who carries the flag of FaruRa. ;e is the thief of 5OdhOEs heart (rOdhikO%citta%caura), the person for whom 5OdhO is more dear than life (rOdhO%prOQOdhika), the supreme master (pra$hu), the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead (paripUrQatamaP $rahma), the pleasure of the cows, land, and senses (go#inda), the person whose flag is marked with the insignia of FaruRa (garuRa%dh#aja). e:t 69 nOmany etOni kVWQasya MrutOni sOmprataP #raja janma%mVtyu%harOQy e#a

r rakWa nanda Mu$ha%kWaQe nOmany%namesD etOni%theseD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD MrutOni%heardD sOmpratam% nowD #raja%goD janma%mVtyu%$irth and deathD ha;OQy%remo#ingD e#t%indeedD rakW % protectD nanda%< NandaD Mu$ha%kWaQe%in your pure heart. < Nanda, please listen to these names, which stop the repetition of $irth and death. /eep these namer always in your pure heart. e:t 6, kVtaP nirUpaQaP nOmnOP kaniWXhasya yathO Mrutam jyeWXhasya halino nOmnaT saYketaP MVQu me mukhOt kVtam%doneD nirUpaQam%descriptionD nOmnOm%of the namesD kaniWXhasya%of the youngerD yathO%asD Mrutam%heardD jyeWXhasya%of the elderD halino%8alarOmaD nOmnaT%of the namsD saYketam%a hintD MVQu%hearD me%of meD mukhOt%from the mouth. )s you ha#e heard the names of the younger $oy, /VWQa, now please hear some of the names of the older $oy, 8alarOma. e:t 6. gar$ha%saYkarWaQOd e#a nOmn saYkarWaQaT smVtaT nOsty anto Esyai#a #edeWu tenOnanta iti smVtaT gar$ha%from the wom$D saYkarWaQOt%$ecause of $eing pulledD e#a%indeedD nOmnO% $y nameD saYkarWaQaT%SaYkarWaQaT% smVtaT%calledD na%notD asti%isD antaT%an endD asya% of ;imD e#a%indeedD #edeWu%in the VedasD ten %$y thatD ananta%)nantaD iti%thusD smVtaT%considered. 8ecause ;e was pulled (saYkarWaQa) from the wom$, ;e is calle SaYkarWaQa. 8ecause the Vedas say ;e has no (an) end (anta), ;e is called )nanta. e:t 60

$alade#o $alodrekOd halN ca hala%dhOraQOt Miti%#Oso nNla%#Oso muWalN muWalOLudhOt $alade#aT%8alade#aD $alodrekOt%$ecause of great strengthD halN%haliD ca%andD hala% dhOraQOt%$ecause of carrying a plowD Hiti%#OsaT%Siti#OsaD nNla%#OsaT%$lue garmentsD muWalN%-uWalND muWalOyudhOt%$ecause of carrying a plow%weapon. 8ecause ;e is #ery strong ($ala), he is called 8alade#a. 8ecause ;e carries a plow% weapon (hala and muWala), ;e is called ;alN and -uWalN. 8ecause ;e wears $lue garments ;e is called Siti#Osa. e:t 61 re#atN%saha%sam$hogOd re#atN%ramaQaT s#ayam rohiQN%gar$ha%#OsOc ca rauhiQeyo mahO%matiT re#atN%saha%sam$hogOt%$ecause ;e enjoys with 5e#atND re#atN%ramaQaT% 5e#atNramaQaD s#ayam%personallyD rohiQN%gar$ha%in 5ohiQNEs wom$D #OsOt%$ecause of residenceD ca%andD rauhiQeyaT%5auhiQeyaD mahO%matiT%no$le hearted. 8ecause ;e enjoys pastimes with 5e#atN, ;e is called 5e#atN%ramaQa. 8ecause ;e stayed in 5ohiQNEs wom$, ;e is called 5auhiQeya. e:t 62 ity e#aP jyeWXha%putrasya MrutaP nOma ni#editam yOsyOmy ahaPygVhaP nanda sukhaP tiWXha s#a%mandire ity%thVsD e#am%thusD jyeWXha%putrasya%of the elder sonD Mrutam%heardD nOma%the nameD ni#editam%informedD yOsyOmytwill goD aham%ID gVham%homeD nanda%< NandaD sukham%happyD tiWXha%stayD s#a%mandire%in your own home. =ou ha#e heard me recite the names of the elder son. Now I will go home. < Nanda, please go to your home and $e happy.

e:t 63 $rOhmaQasyy #acaT Mrut#O na(L'N wVa$dho $a$hU#a ha niMceWXO nanda%patnN ca jahOsa $OlakaT s#ayam $rOhmaQasya%of the $rOhmaQaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD nandaT%NandaD sta$dhaT%stunnedD $n$hU#ar$ecameD ha%indeedD niMceWXOmotionlessD nanda%patnN% NandaEs wifeD ca%andD jahOsa%smiledD $OlakaT%the infantD s#ayam%;imself. "hen they hea d the $rOhmaQaE 'words, Nanda and =aModO were stunned, and the inuant !VWQa smil d. e:t n4 praQamyo#Oca nandas taP #OkyaP #inaya%pUr#akam puXOZjali%yuto $hUt#O $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT praQamya%$owing downDdu#Oca%spokeD nandaT%NandaD tam%to himD #Okyam%wordsD #inaya%pUr#akae%hum$leD puXOZjali%yutaT%with folded handsD $hUt#O%$ecomingD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT%his head hum$ly $owed. hen Nanda $owed down )nd, his head hum$ly $ent and his hands folded, hum$ly spoke. e:t 66 MrN%nanda u#Oca gataM cet t#aP tadO karma kariWyaty e#a ko mahOn s#ayaP Mu$ha%kWaQaP kVt#O kuru nOmOnna%prOManam MrN%nanda u#Oca%Sru Nanda saidD gataT%goneD c t%ofD t#am%youD tadO%thenD karma% workD kariWyaty%will doD e#a%indeedD kaT%who*D mahOn%greatD s ay0m%p)rsonallyD Mu$ha%kWaQam%for a momentD kVt#O%doingD kuru%please doi nOmOnna%prOManam%the nama%karana and anna%prasana ceremonies.

SrN Nanda saidJ If you go, then what great soul will perform the auspicious ceremonies* (lease stay for a moment and perform the nOma%karaQa and anna% prOMana. e:t 67 yan%nOmaughaM ca kathito rOdhO%prOQOdhikaP daMa tasya kiP kOraQaP nFtwe kO #O rOdheti tad #ada yat%of whomD nOma%the namesD aughaT%the floodD ca%andD ka8hitaT%spokjnD rOdhO% prOQOdhikam%$eginning with 5OdhO%prOQaD daMa%tenD tasya%of ;imD kim%what*D kOraQam%the causeD nOtha%< lordD kO%who*D #O%orD rOdhO%5OdhOD iti%thusD tat%thatD #ada%please tell. =ou spoke a great flood of /VWQaEs names and you also spoke ten names,n$eginning with 5OdhO%prOQOdhika, that mention a person named 5OdhO. "hat do these names mean*y"ho is 5OdhO* e:t 79 nandasya #acanaP Mrut#O jahOsa muni%puYga#aT nigURhaP paramaP tatt#aP rahasyaP kathayOmi te nandasya%of NandaD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD jahOsa%smiledD muni% puYga#aT%the gr at sageD nigURham%secretD paramam%greatD tatt#am%truthD rahasyam% confidentialD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%you. "hen he heard NandaEs words, the great sage smiled and saidJ I will tell you a great secret. e:t 7, MrN%garga u#Oca MVQu nanda pra#akWye EhaP itihOsaP purOtanam

puro goloka%#VttOntaP MrutaP MaYkara%#aktrataT MrN%garga u#Oca%SrN Farga saidD MVQu%hearD nanda%< NandaD pra#akWye%I will tellD aham%ID itihOsam%the storyD purOtanam%ancientD purO%$eforpD goloka%#VttOntam%a stroy of FolokaD Mrutam%heardD MaYkara%#aktrataT%urom the mouth of Lord Si#a. SrN Farga saidJ < Nanda, please listen and I will tell you a story I heard from Lord Si#aEs mouth, an account of acti#ites that happend #ery long ago in the realm of Foloka. e:t 7. MrNdOmno rOdhOyO sOrdhaP $a$hU#a kalaho mahOn MrNdOmO MOpOd daityaM ca gopN rOdhO ca gokule MrNdOmnaT%of SrNdOmOD rOdhOyO%5OdhOD sOrdham%withD $a$hU#a%wasD kalahaT%a BuarrelD mahOn%greatD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD MOpOt%from the curseD daityaM%a demonD ca% andD gopN%the gopND rOdhO%5OdhOD ca%andD gokule%in Fokula. SrNdOmO and 5OdhO Buarreled. @rom that Buarrel SrNdOmO was cursed to $ecome a demon and 5OdhO was cursed to $ecome a gopN in Fokula. e:t 70 #VWa$hOnu%sutO sO ca mOtO yasyOT kala#atN kVWQasyOrdhOYga%sam$hUtO nOthasya sOdVMN satN e #VWa$hOnu%sutO%VVWa$hOnuEs daughterD sO%SheD ca%andD mOtO%the motherD yasyOT%of whomD kala#atN%/alO#atND kVWQasya%of Lurd /VWQaD ardhm%halfD aYgs%$odyD saL$hUtO% $ortD nOthasya%of the LordD sOdVMN%likeD satN%saintly. She $ecame the daughter of VVWa$hOnu and /alO#atN. <riginally manifested from h lf of Lord /VWQaEs $ody, She is like ;er master. e:t 71

goloka%#OsinN seyaP atra kVWQOjZayOdhunO ayoQi%sam$ha#O de#N mUla%prakVtir NM#arN goloka%in FolokaD #OsinN%residingD sO%SheD iyam%SheD atra%hereD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD OjZayO%$y the orderD adhunO%nowD ayoQi%sam$h eO%not $orn from a motperEs wom$D de#N%goddessD mUla%prakVtiT%the root of matterD NM#arN%the goddess. She is the first goddess, the root of all nature. She stays always in Foloka, $ut $y Lord /VWQaEs order She has come, without entering a motherEs wom$, to this world. e:t 72 mOtur gar$haP #Oyu%pUrQaP kVt#O ca mOyayO satN #Oyu%niTsaraQe kOle dhVt#O ca MiMu%#igraham mOtuT%of a motherD gar$ham%the wom$D #Oyu%pUrQam%filled with airD kVt#O%doingD ca%andD mOyayO%ry -OyOD satN%iaintlyD #eyu%niTsaraQe%lea#ing the windD kOle%at toe timeD ehVt#O%manifestingD ca%andD MiMu%#igraham%the form of an infalt girl. 5OdhO created ;er motherEs fal e pregnancy, filling her wom$ with air. )t the appropriate time, presenting the illusion that She was $orn rnrthe usual way, She appeared as an anfant girl. e:t 73 O#ir$a$hU#a sO sadyaT pVth#yOP kVWQopadeMataT #ardhate sO #raje rOdhO Mukle candra%kalO ypthO D sO%SheD #raje%in VrajaD rOdhO%5OdhOD Mukle%on the $right fortnightD candra%kalOathe phases of the moonD yathO%as. In this way, $y Lord /VWQaEs order, 5OdhO appeared on the earth and grew up, like a wa:ing moon, in the land of Vraja.

e:t 74 MrN%kVWQa%tejaso Erdhena sO ca mUrtimatN satN eka mUrtir d#idhO%$hUtO $hedo #ede EnirUpitaT MrN%kVWQa%tejasaT%of the splendor of Lord /VWQaD ardhena%with halfD sO%SheD ca%andD mUrtimatN%ha#ing a formD satN%saintlyD eka%oneD mUrtiT%formD d#idhO%twoD $hUtO% $ecomeD $hedaT%differenceD #ede%in the VedaD anirUpitaT%descri$ed. ;er form is half of Lord /VWQaEs splendor. She and /VWQa are one form appearing as two. he Vedas ne#er say hey are different from each other. e:ts 76 and 77 iyaP strN sO pumOn kiP #O sO #O kOntO pumOn ayam d#e rUpe tejasO tulye rUpeQa ca guQena ca parOkrameQa $uddhyO #O jZOnena sampadOpi ca purato gamanenai#a kintu sO #ayasOdhikO dhyOyate tOm ayaP MaM#ad imaP sO smarati priyam iyam%SheD strN%wifeD saT%;eD pumOn%hus$andD kiP #O%furthermoreD sO%SheD #O%orD kOntO%the $elo#edD pumOn%manD ayam%;eD d#e%twoD rUpe%formsD tejasO%with splendorD tulye%eBualD rUpeQa%with formD ca%andD guQena%with BualitiesD ca%andD parOkrameQa% with prowessD $uddhyO%intelligenceD #O%orD jZOnena%wiuh kLowledgeD sampadO%with opulenceD api%andD ca%andD purataT%$eforeD gamanena%with goingD rna%indeedD kintu% howe#erD sO%SheD #ayasOdhikO%olderD dhyOyate%is thoughtD tOm%;erD ayam%;eD MaM#at% alw5ysD imam%;imD saT%SheD smarati%thinkst priyam%$elo#ed. ;e is ;er hus$and. She is ;is wife. ;e is ;er lo#er. She is ;is $elo#ed. heir two forms are eBual in splendor, $eauty, #irtue, power, intelligence, wisdom, and opulence. 8ncause She came to this earth first, She is a little older than ;e. ;e always thinks of ;er and She always thinks of ;im, ;er $elo#ed.

e:t ,99 racitO sOsya prOQaiM ca tat%prOQair mUrtimOn ayam asya rOdhOnurodhena gokulOgamanaP param racitO%createdD sO%SheD asya%of ;imD prOQaiM%with the life $reathD ca%andD tat% prOQaiT%with ;er life $reathD mUrtimOn%ha#ing the formD ayam%;eD asya%of ;imD rOdhO%5OdhOD anurodhena%to pleaseD gokulOgamanam%tra#el to FokulaD param%then. She is made of ;is life $reath. ;e is the form of ;er life $reath. o please ;er, ;e came to Fokula. :ts ,9, and ,9. s#NkOraP sOrthakaP kartuP goloke yat kVtaP purO kaPsa%$hNti%cchalenai#a gokulOgamanaP hareT pratijZO%pOlanOrthaP ca $hayeMasya $hayaP kutaT s#NkOram%acceptanceD sOrthakam%meaningfulD kartum%to doD goloke%in FokulaD yat% whatD kVtam%doneD purO%$eforeD kaPsa%$hNti%of fear of /aPsaD chalena%$y the prete:tD e#a%indeedD gokula%tp FokulaD Ogamanam%goingD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD pratij].sy .1,^h%promiseD pOlana%keepingD artham%purposeD ca%andD $hayeMasya%of the controller of fearD $hayam%$earD kutaT%where*. ;e went to Fokula to keep the promise ;e made to 5OdhO in Foloka. ;e only pretended that fear of /aPsa was ;is moti#e in going to Fokula. ;e is the Supreme Lord, the controller of fear. ;ow can ;e e afraid* e:t ,90 rOdhO%Ma$dasya #yutpattiT sOma%#ede nirUpitO nOrOyaQas tam u#Oca $rahmOnaP nO$hi%paYkaje

rOdnO%Ma$dasya%of the word 5OdhOD #yutpattfT%etymologyDD sOma%#ede%%in the SOma VedaD nirUpitO%descri$edD nOrOyaQaT%NO+OyaQaD tam%to himD u#Oca%uaidD $rahmOnam%t 8rahmOD nO$hi%paYkaje%on the lotus of the LordEs na#el. he Sama Veda e:plains how Lord NOrOyaQa e:plained to the demigod 8rahmO, who waswsittirg on the lotus of the LordEs na#el,Nthe deri#ation of the word 5OdhO. e:t ,91 $rahmO taP kathay2m Osa S $rahmMloke cSkramkaram purO kailOsa%Mikhare mOm u#Oca maheM#araT $rahmO%8rahmnOD tam%thatD kathayOm Osa%toldD $rahmaloke%sr 8rahmalokaD ca%andD MaYkaram%to Lord Su#aD purO%$eforeD kailOsa%Mikhare%on th1 top of -ount /ailOsaD mOm%to meD u#Oca%toldD maheM#araT%Lord Si#a. <n 8rahmaloka 8rahmO repeated that e:planation to Lord Si#a, and on the top of -ount /ailOsr Lord Si#a repeated that e:planation to me. e:t ,92 #edOnOP durla$haP nanda niMOmaya #adOmi te surOsura%munNndrOQhP #OZchitaP mukti%daP param #edOnOm%of the VedasD durla$ham%rareD nanda%< NandaD niMOmaya%please hearD #adOmi%I will tellD te%to youD surOsura%munNndrOQOm%$y the suras, a uras, and the khngs of<She munisD #OZchitam%desiredD mukti%dam%gi#ing li$#erationD param%great. < Nanda, please hear this e:planation, which the Vedas cannot attain and the suras, asuras, and the kings of the munis yearn to hear, and which $rings with i the highest li$eration. Se:t I93 repho hi koXi%janmOghaP

karma%$hogaP Mu$hOMu$ham OkOro gar$ha%#OsaP ca mVtyuP ca rogam utsVjet rephaT%the letter rD hi%indeedD koXi%janmOgham%the sins of ten million $irthsD karma%$hogam%the e:perience of past karmaD Mu$hOMu$ham%auspicious and inauspiciousD OkOraT%the letter OD gar$ha%#Osam%residence in a motherDs wom$D ca%andD mVtyum%deathD ca%andD rogam%diseaseD utsVjet%uproots. he letter r uproots the sins and the good and $ad karma of ten million $irths. he letter O uproots death, disease, and finting a home in a motherEs wom$. e:t ,94 dhOkOea OyuWo hOniP OkOro $ha#a%$andhanam Mra#aQa%smaraQokti$hyaT praQaMyati na saPMayaT and deathD Mra#aQa%hearingD smaraQa%remem$erineD ukti$hyaT%f om the sperkingD praQaMyati%is destroyedD na%noD saPMayaT%dou$t. 8y hearing, remem$ering, and speaking the letter dh, one puts an end to to death. 8y hearing, remem$ering, and speaking the letter O, one puts an end to the $onds that tie him to the material realm. e:t ,96 rOkOro niMcalOP $haktiP dOsyaP kVWQa%padOm$uje sar#epsitaP saa%OnandaP sar#a%siddhy%augham NM#aram rOkOraT%the letter rOD niMcalOm%unwa#eringD $haktim%de#otionD dOsyam%ser#iceD kVWQa%padOm$uje%to Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD sar#epsitam%desired $y allD sad%Onandam% gi#ing eternal transcendental $lissD sar#a%siddhy%augham%a flood of all perfectionsD NM#aram%powerful and glorious. he letter rO $rings unwa#ering de#otional ser#ice to Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, ser#ice that all tee great saiets yearn to atsain, ser#ice that $rings eternal transcendental $liss, ser#ice that $rings all perfections, ser#ice that is all%powerful and

glorious. e:t ,97 dhOkOraT saha%#OsaP ca tat%tulya%kOlam e#a ca dadOti sOVWXiP sOrUpyaP tatt#a%jZOnaP hareT samam dhOkOraT%the letter dhOD saha%#Osam%staying withD ca%andD tat%tulya%kOlam%eBual to ;imD e#a%indeedD ca%andD dudOti%gi#esD sOVWVim%ha#ing the same opulenyes as the LordD sOrUpyam%ha#ing a foum like the LVrdEsD tatt#a%jZOnam%knowledge of the truthD hareT% to the LordEsD mamam%eBual. he letter dh $rNngs association with the Lord, eternal spiritual e:istence like ;is, opulence like ;is, a form like ;is, and transcerLental knowledge like ;is. e:t ,,9 OkOras tejaso rOMiP dOna%MaktiP harau yathO yoga% aktiP yoga%matiP sar#a%kOlaP hari%smVtim OkOraT%the letter OD tejasaT%of splendor and powerD rOMim%the a$undanceD dOna% Maktim%gi#ing the powerD harau%in Lord /VWQaD VWQa. he letter O $rings power, glory, charita$leness, yogic power, yogic consciousness, and eternity as tVey are present in Lord /VWQa. It $rings Semem$rance of Lord /<WQa. e:t ,,, Mruty%ukti%smaraQOd yogOn moha%jOlaP ca kil$iWam roga%Moka%mVtyu%yamO #epante nOtra iaPMayaT Mruty%ukti%smaraQOt%$y remem$ering the words heardD yogOn%together yogaD moha% jOlam%the network of illusionsD ca%andD kil$iWam%sinD roga%diseaseD Moka%lamentationD mVtyu%deathD yamO%and sufferingsD #epante%trem$leD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT% dou$t.

"hen one remem$ers the two sylla$les of 5OdhOEs name, sins, lamentation, death, sufferings, and a network of illusions all trem$le sn fear. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t ,,. rOdhO%sOdha#ayoT kiZcit sta#tkh ,naP ca yac chrutam tad uktaP ca yathO%jZOnaP sOkaeyaP #aktum akWamaT rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT%of SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD sta#OkhyOnam% the prayerD ca%yndD yac%whatD chrutam%heardD tat%thate uktas%saidD ca%andD yathO% jZOnam%as there is knowledgeD sOkalyam%entiretyD #aktum%to speakDwakWamaT%una$ e. h s you ha#e heard a prayer descri$ing the glories of SwN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa. I ha#e glorified hem as far as my own knowledge gons. I do not hO#e the power to descri$e all of heir glories. e:t ,,0 OrOd #VndO#ane nInda #L#Oho $na#itOnayoT purohito jagadOdhOtO kVt#OgniP sakWiQaP mudO OrOt%nearD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#anaD nanda%< NandaD #i#OhaT%the weddinmD $ha#itO% will $eD OnayoT%of hmeD purohitaT%the priestD jagad%dhOtO%8rahmOD kVt#O%makingD agnim%fireD sakWiQam%witnessD mudO%happily. will $ear witness ,o heir #ows, will $e the priest that performs the ceremony of heir marriage. e t ,,1 ku#era%putra%mokWaL ca ga#yOpahVtya $hakWaQam hiPsanaP dhenukasyai#a kOnane tOla%$hakWaQam ku#era%putra%mokWam%the li$eration of /u#eraEs sonD ca%andD ga#yOpahTtya%stealing

the milk productsD $hakWaQam%eatingy hiPsanam%killingD dh?nukasya%of &henukaD e#a%indeedD kOnane%in the forestD tOla%$hakWaQam%eating the tOla fruits. =our son will deli#er the son of /u#era, steal and eat the gopNsE yogurt and thee, k ll &henukO)ura, eat the tOla fruits in 5he forest, . . . e:t ,,2 $Oka%keMi%pralam$OnOP hiPsanaP cO#alNlayO mokWaQaP d#ija%patnNnOP miWXOnna%pOna%$hojanaI $Oka%keMi%pralam$OhOm%of 8ak,, /esi, and (ralam$aD hiPsanam%killingD ca%aneD a#olNlayO%playfullyD mokWaQam%ld$eaationD d#ija%of the $rOhmaQasD patnNnOm%of the wi#esD miWXOnna%pOna%$hojanam%eanjoying the delicious food and drink. . . . playfully kill 8aka, /eMN, and (ralam$a, deli#er the $rOhmaQasE wc#es and enjoy eating their offering of delicious food and deink, . . . e:ts,,3 $haZjanaP Makra%yOgasya MakrOd gokula%rakWaQam gopNnOP #astra%haraQaP #rata%sampOdanaP tathO $haZjanam%$reakin$gD Makra%yOgasya%the indrt%yajuaD MakrOt%from IndraD gokula% rakWaQam%prot ction of owu mt gopNnOm%of the gopNsD #aitra%haraQam%stealing the garmentsD #rata%sampOdanam%fulfilling a #owD tathO%so. . . . stop the indra%yajZa, protect Fokula from Indra, steal the gopNsE garments, make their #ow successful, . . . e:t ,,4 tO$hyaT punar #astra%dOnaP #ara%dOnaP yathepsitam cetasOP haraQaP tOsOP ayaP #aPMyO kariWyatd

tO$hyaT%to themD punaT%againD #astra%dOnam%gi#ing the garmentsD #ara%dOnam% gi#ing a $oonD yathepsitam%as desiredD cetas m%of the heartsD haraQam%theftD tOsOm%of themD aywm%;eD #aPMyO%with the fliteD kariWyati%will do. . . . return their garments, gi#e them the $lessing their desired, and steal their hearts with the music of ;is flute. e:t ,,6 rOsotsa#aP mahad ramyaP sar#eWOP harWa%#urdhanam pUrQa%candrodaye naktaP #asante raNa%maQRale rOsa%of the rasa danceD utsa#am%the festi#alD mahat%greatD ramyam%$ealtiSulD sar#eWOm%of allD harWa%#ardhanam%delightingD pUrQa%fullD candra%moonD udaye%risingD naktam%nightD #asante%in springD rasa%maQRale%in the rasa%dance circle. <n a springtime full%moon night, in the circle of the rOsa dance, ;e will enjoy a $eautifel and $lissful rOsa%dance festi#al. e:t ,,7 gopNnOP na#a%sam$hogOt I kVt#O pUrQaP manoratham tO$hiT saha jala%krNROP kariWyati kutUhalOt gopNnOm%of the gopNsD na#a%sam$hogOt%from new enjoymentD kVt#O%doingD SUrQam% fullD manoratham%desireD tO$hiT%themD saha%withD jala%krNROm%water pastimesD kariWyati%will doD kutUhalOt%happily. ;e will enjoy with them, fulfill their desires, and happily play with them in the water. e:t ,.9 #icchedo Esya #arWa%MataP MrNdOma%MOpa%hetukam gopOlair gopikO$hiM ca

$ha#itO rOdhayO saha #icchedaT%separationD asya%of ;imD #arWa%Matam%a hundred yearsD MrNdOma%MOpa% hetukam%cause $y SrNd`am`aEs curseD gop`alaiT%with gopasD gop!k`a$hiT%end gopNsD ca% andD $ha#it`a%will $eD r`adhay`a%5`adh`aD saha%with. hen, $ecause of SrNd`am`aEs curse, for a hundred years ;e will $e separated from 5`adh`a, the gopNs, and the gopas. e:t ,., mathur`agamane tatra gopNn`aP Moka%#ardhanam punaT pra$odhanaP t`as`aP d`an`ad `adhy`atmikasya ca mathur`agamane%arri#al id -athur`aD tatra%thereD gopNn`am%of the gopNsD Moka% #ardhanam%increasing the griefD punaT%againD pra$odhanam%enlightenmentD t`as`am%of themD d`an`at%$y the giftD `adhy`atmikas,a%Vf uranscendental knowledgeD ca%aid. ;e will go to -athur`a, and the gopNs will lament. ;e will enlighten them with transcendental knowledge. e:t ,.. syandan`akrUrayo rakW`aP sadyas t`aehyaT kariWyati ratham `arohanaP kVt#`a punar `agamanaP hareT syandana%of the chariotD akrUrayoT%and )krUraD rakW`am%protectionD sadyaT%at onceD t`a$hyaT%from the gopNsD kariWyati%will doD rateam%chariotD `arohanam% mountingD kVt#`a%doingD punaT%againD `agamanam%returnD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. ;e wi l protect )krUra and his chariot from tre gopNsE attack. ;e will mount the chariot and promise to return. e:t ,.0 pitV%$hr`atV%#rajaiT s`ardhaP

#ilaYghya yamun`aP #raje akrUr`aya jZ`ana%d`anaP darMayit#`a s#akaP jane pitV%$hr`atV%#rajaiT%with fathers and $rothersD s`ardham%withD #ilaYghya%crossingD yamun`am%the =amun`aD #raje%in VrajaD akrUr`aya%to )krUraD jZ`ana%transcendental knowledgeD d`anam%the giftD darMayit#`a%showingD s#akam%ownD jane%to the person. )ccompanied $y ;is father, $rother, and the #raja%gopas, ;e will cross the =amun`a in Vraja. ;e will re#eal ;is true identity, enlightening )krUra. e:t ,.1 kautukena ca s`ay`ahne nagarotsa#a%darManam m`al`akara%tantu#`aya% ku$j`an`aP $andha%mokWaQam kautukena%with happinessD ca%andD sOyOhne%in the e#eningD nagara%cityD utsa#a% festi#alD darManam%sightD mOlOkara%a floristD In the e#ening ;e will o$ser#e a ju$ilant festi#al on seeing the city of -athurO. ;e will gi#e a florist, a tailor, and auhunmh$ack girl li$eration from the $onds of repeated $irth and death. e:t ,.2 dhanur $haYgaP MaYkarasya yOga%sthOna%pradarManam hiPsanaP gaja%mallOnOP darManaP nVpateT sa$hOm dhanuT%of the $owD $haYgam%$reakingD MaYkarasya%of Lord Si#aD yOga%sthOna% pradarManam%seeeing the yajna arenaD hiPsanam%killingD gaja%mallOnOm%of the elephant and the wrestlersD darManam%seeingD nVpateT%of the kingD sa$hOm%the assem$ly. u ;e will $reak Lopd Si#aEs $ow, enter the yajZa arena, kill an elephant and many wrestlers, and enter the royal #iewing%stand. e:t ,.3

kaPsasya hiPsanaP sadyaT pitrordnigaRa%mokWaQam pra$odhanaP ca yuWmOkaP ugrasenO$hiWecanam kaPsasya%of /a,saD hiPsanam%killingD sadyaT%at onceD pitroT%of ;is fatherD n/gaRa%mokWaQam%freedom from chainkD pra$odhanam%enlighte mentD catandD yuWmOkam%of youD ugrasenO$hiWecanam%the cornation of ?grasena. hen he will Buickly kill /aPsa, release ;is own parents from their chains, gi#e you transcendental knowledge, and crown ?grasena king. e:t ,.4 tasya putra%#adhUnOP ca jZOnOc chokOpanodanam $hrOtuT s#asyopanOyanaP #idyO%dOnaP muner mukhOt tasya%of himD putra%of the sonsD #adhUnOm%of the girlsD ca%andD jZOnOt%from transcendental knwoledgeD M ka%lameStationD aianodanam%remo#alD $hrOtuT%of ;is $rotherL s#asya%ownD upanOyanam%sacred%thread ceremonyD #idyO%dOnaV%gi#ing of knowledgeD muneT%of the sageD mukhOt%from the mouth. %thread ceremony and learn transcendental knowledge from the mouth of a sage. e:t ,.6 guru%putra%pradOnaP ca punar OgamanaP gVham chalanaP nVpa%sainyOnOP ya#anasya durOtmanaT guru%putra%pradOnam%gi#ing ;is guruEs sonsD ca%andD punaT%againD Ogamanam% returningD gVham%homeD chalanam%trickD nVpa%of the kingD sainyOnOm%of the armiesD ya#anasya%of the ya#anaD durOtmanaT%wicked. ;e will return ;is guruEs dead sons. ;e will return home and defeat the armies of a king and a wicked ya#ana.

e:t ,.7 nirmOQaP d#OrakOyOM ca mucukundasya mokWaQam d#OrakOgamanaP cai#a yOda#aiT saha kautukOt nirmOQam%the creationD d#OrakOyOM%of &#OrakOD ca%andD mucukundasya%of -ucukundaD mokWaQam%li$erationD d#OrakO%to &#OrakOD Ogamanam%returnD ca%andD e#a%indeedD yOda#aiT%yOda#asD saha%withD kautukOt%happily. ;e will $uild &#OrakO City, gi#e li$eration to -ucukunda, and happily return to &#OrakO. e:t ,09 strN%saYganaP #iharaQaP tO$hiT sOrdhaP ca krNRaQam sau$hagya%#ardhanaP tOsOP putra%pautrOdikasya ca strN%saYganam%association with womenD #iharaQam%pastimesD tO$hiT%with themD sOrdham%withD ca%andD krNRaQam%pastimesD sau$hagya%auspiciousnessD #ardhanam% increaseD tOsOm%of themD putra%pautrOdikasya%$eginning with children and grandchildrenD ca%and. ;e will enjoy pastimes with ;is many Bueens and ;e will make them happy $y gi#ing them many children and grandchildren. e:t ,0, maQi%sam$andhino mithyO% kalaYkasya ca mokWaQam sOhOyyaP pOQRa#OnOP ca $hOrO#ataraQOdikam maQi%sam$andhinaT%in relation to a jewelD mithyO%liesD kalaYkasya%impuritiesD ca% andD mokWaQam%li$erationD sOhOyyam%helpD pOQRa#OnOm%of the (OQRa#asD ca%andD $hOrO#ataraQOdikam%$eginning with remo#ing the earthEs $urden.

;e will free ;imself from the false rumor that ;e had stolenta jewel. ;e will help the (OQRa#as, remo#e the earthEs $urden, and enjoy many pastimes. e:t ,0. niWpannaP rOjasUyasya dharma%putrasya lNlayO pOrijOtasya haraQaP MakrOhaYkOra%mardanam niWpannam%producedD rOjasUyasya%of the 5ajasuya%yajnaD dharma%putrasya%the son ofo=amarOjaD lNlayO%with pastimesD pOrijOtasya%of the parijata flowerD haraQam%takingD MakrOhaYkOra%mardanam%crushing IndraEs pride. e In ;is pasti es ;e will help =amarOjaEs son perform a rOjasUya%yajZa. ;e will take a pOrijOta tree and then ;e will crush IndraEs pride. e:t ,00 #rata%pUrQaP ca satyOyO $OQasya $huja%kVntanam damanaP Mi#a%sainyOnOP harasya jVm$hanaP param #rata%pUrQam%fulfilling the #owD ca%andD satyOyO%of SatyOD $OQasya%of 8OQaD $huja% kVntanam%cutting the armsD damanam%su$duingD Mi#a%sainyOnOm%Lord Si#aEs armiesD harasya%of Lord S#aDSatyO jVm$hanam%ydyningD param%great. ;e will grant the fulfillment of SatyOEs #ow. ;e will cut off 8OQOsuraEs many arms, make Lord Si#a yawn, and defeat Si#aEs armies. e:t ,01 haraQaP $OQa%putryOM cai% #Oniruddhasya mokWaQam #OrOQasyOM ca dahanaP #ipra%dOridrya%$haZjanam haraQam%the kidnappingD $OQa%putryOM%of 8OQaEs daughterD ca%andD e#a%indeedD aniruddhasya%of )niruddhaD mokWaQam%the relaseD #OrOQasyOT%of #arnasiD ca%andD dahanam%the $urningD #ipra%of a $rOhmaQaD dOridrya%the po#ertyD $haZjanamn $reaking.

e:t ,02 #ipra%putra%pradOnaP ca duWXOnOP damanOdikam tNrtha%yOtrO%prasaYgena yusmO$hiT saha darManam #ipra%of a $rOhmaQaD putra%sonsD pradOnam%gi#ingD ca%andD duWXOnOm%of the demonsD damana%defeatD Odikam%$eginning withD tNrtha%yOtrO%pilgrimageD prasaYgena% in relation toD yusmO$hiT%youD saha%withD darManam%seeing. ;e will return a $rOhmaQaEs sons, defeat many demons, and go on a pilgrimage where ;e will see you again. e:t ,03 kVt#O ca rOdhayO sOrdhaP #rajam OgamitO punaT prasthOpayitO d#OrOyOP paraP nOrOyaQOPMakam kVt#O%doingD ca%andD rOdhayO%5OdhOD sOrdham%withD #rajam%to VrajaD OgamitO%will returnD punaT%againD prasthOpayitO%esta$lishingD d#OrOyOm%at &#OrakOD param%greatD nOrOyaQOPMakam%an e:pansion of Lord NOrOyaQa. ;e will return to Vraja and again enjoy pastimes with SrN 5OdhO. ;e will send ;is NOrOyaQa e:pansion $ack to &#OrakO. e:t ,04 sar#aP niWpOdanaP kVt#O golokaP rOdhayO saha gamiWyaty e#a golokaP nOtho EyaP jagatOP patiT sar#am%allD niWpOdanam%doingD kVt#O%doingD golokam%to FolokaD rOdhayO%5OdhOD saha%withD gamiWyaty%will goD e#a%indeedD golokam%ot FolokaD nOthaT%the LordD ayam%

;eD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD patiT%the Lord. ;is mission on earth accomplished, SrN /VWQa, the makter of the uni#erses, wile resurn with 5OdhO to the world of Foloka. e:t ,06 nOrOyaQaM ca #aikuQXhaP gamitO padmayO saha dharma%gVhaP VWN d#e ca #iWQuT kWirodam e#a ca nOrOyaQaT%Lord NOrOyaQaD ca%andD #aikuQXham%to VaikuQXhaPD gamitO%will goD padmayO%LakWmND saha%withD dharma%gVham%to the homeof &harmaD VWN%the two sagesD d#e%twoD ca%andD #iWQuT%Lord ViWQuD kWirodam%to the /WNrodaka oceanD e#a%indeedD ca% and. hen Lord NOrOyaQa will return with LakWmN to VaikuQXha, Nara%NOrOyaQa [Wis will return to the OMrama of &harma -uni, and Lord ViWQu will return to the /WNrodaka <cean. e:t ,07 ityha#aP kathitaPlnanda $ha#iWyaP #eda%nirQayam MruyatOP sOmprstaP karma yad%arthe gamanaP mama ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD nanda%< NandaD $ha#iWyam%the futureD #eda%nirQayam%descri$ed $y the VedasD MruyatOm%should $e heardD sOmpratam%nowD karma%acti#itiesD yad%arthe%for whose sakeD gamanam%goingD mama%of me. < Nanda, thus I ha#e descri$ed the $oyEs future, which is desc i$ed in the Vedas. Now please here why I ha#e come here at this time. e:t ,19 mOghe Mukla%catuydaMyOP kuru rarma Mu$ha%kWaQe guru%#Ore ca re#atyOP #iMuddhe candra%tOrake

mOghe%in the month of maghaD Mukla%caturdaMyOm%on thesukla%caturdasiD kuru%doD karma%deedD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an auspicious momentD guru%#Ore%on thursdayD ca%andD re#atyOm%in the star 5e#atND #iMuddhe%pureD candra%tOrake%the sun and stars. (lease perform the $oyEs anna%prOMana ceremony in the month of -Ogha (Aanuary% @e$ruary) on hursday, the fourteenth day of the $right fortnight, an auspicious day when the moon and stars are pure and the star 5e#atN is conjoined with the moon, . . . e:t ,1, candra%sthe mNna%lagne ca sampUrQa%candra%darMane #aQije karaQotkVWXe Mu$ha%yoge manohare candra%sthe%situated in the moonD mNna%lagne%(isces on the horiGonD ca%andD sampUrQa%candra%darMane%the full moon isni#is$leD #aQije%in Li$raD karaQa%utkVWXe%at the $est timD Mu$ha%yoge%in Mu$ha%yogaD manohare%$eautiful.

e:t ,1. sudurla$he dine tatra sar#otkVWXaupayogike Olocya paQRitaiT sOrdhaP kuru karma mudOn#itaT sudurla$he%#ery rareD dine%dayD tatra%thereD sar#otkVWXaupayogike%the $est and most appropriateD Olocya%seeingD paQRitaiT%scholarsD sOrdham%withD kuru%doD karma%the ceremonyD mudOn#itaT%happy. <n that rare and most auspicious day consult with learned paQRitas and happily perform the sacred ceremony. e:t ,10 ity ukt#O $ahir Ogatya samu#Osa munNM#araT

hVWXo nando yaModO ca karmodyogaP cakOra ha ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD $ahiT%outsideD Ogatya%goingD samu#Oin%stayedD munNM#araT%the king of sagesD hVWXaT%happyD nlndaT%NandaD yaModO =aModOD ca%andt karmodyogam%preparation for the ceremonyD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. )ftar speaking these words, Farga, the king of sages, went outside. ;appy Nanda and =oModO made preparstioes ffr that sacred ceremony. e:t ,11 etasminn antare draWXuP gargaP gopaM ca gopikOT $Olaka $alikaM cai#a Ojagmur nanda%mandiram etasminn antare%thenD draWXum%ta seeD gargam%to Farga -uniD gopaM%the gopasD ca% andD gopikOT%gopNsD $Olaka%$oysD $alikaT%girlsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD OjagmuT%cameD nanda%mandiram%to NandaEs home. hen the adult gopas and gopNs, and the $oys and iiels also,enll came to NandaEs home to see Far,a -uni. e:t ,12 eadVMus te Vuni%MreWXhaP grNWma%madhyOhna%$hhskaram MiWya%saYghaiT pari#VtaP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO gURha%yogaP pra#ocantaP siddhaye pVcchate mudO dadVMuT%sawD te%theyD muni%MreWXham%the $est off sagesD grNWma%madhyOhna% $hOskaram%splendid as the summer midday sunD MiWya%saYghaiT%with many disciplesD pari#Vtam%accompaniedD j#alantam%glowingD $rahma%tejasO%with $rahminical splendorD gURha%yogam%the secrets of yogaD pra#ocantam%e:plainingD siddhaye%for perfectionD pVcchate%asksD mudO%happily. hey gaGed on Farga, the $est of sages, whose $rahminical splendor shone like the summer midday sun, who was teaching his many disciples the secrets of yoga and

happily answering their Buestions, . . . e:t ,13 paMyantaP sa%smitaP nanda% $ha#anOnOP paricchadam s#arQa%siPhOsana%sthaP ca yoga%mUdrO%dharaP #aram paMyantam%lookingD sa%smitam%smilingD nanda%of NandaD $ha#anOnOm%of the palacesD paricchadam%opulencesD s#arQa%goldD siPhOsana%throneD stham%sittingD ca% andD yoga%mUdrO%dharam%holding the yuga%mudra postureD #aram%e:cellent. . . . who was sitting on a golden throne, smiling, holding the yoga%uudrO posture, and gaGing at the opulences of NandaEs palaces, . . . e:t ,14 $hUta%$ha#ya%$ha#iWyOPM ca paMyantaP jZOna%cakWuWO $hUta%$ha#ya%$ha#iWyOPs%the past, present, and futureD ca%andD paMyantam%seeingD jZOna%cakWuWO%with eyes of knowledge. . . . who with eyes of knowledge could see the past, present, and future, . . . e:t ,16 hVd%NM#araP prapaMyantaP siddhi%mantra%pra$hO#ataT $ahir yaModO kroRe ca tOdVMaP sa%smitaP MiMum hVd%NM#aram%the Lord of the heartD prapaMyantam%seeingD siddhi%mantra% pra$hO#ataT%$y the powers of perfect mantrasD $ahiT%outsideD yaModO kroRe%on =aModOEs lapD ca%andD tOdVMam%like thatD sa%smitam%smilingD MiMum%infant. Supreme Lord, the smiling infant in =aModOEs lap, right $eforehhis eyes, . . . e:t ,17

maheMa%datta%dhyOnena yad%rUyaP ca nirUpitam tad dVWX#O parama%prNtyO $hUta%pUwQa%manoratham mahena%datta%dhoOnenah$y$the meditation gi#en $y Lord Si#aD yad%rUpam%which lormD ca%andD nirUpitam%descri$edD tat%thatD dVWX#O%seeingD parama%prNtyO%with great pleasureD $hUta%pUrQa%manoratham%Ill desires rulfilled. . . . who, gaGing at the transcendental form he saw $efore in the meditations gi#en $y Lord Si#a, $ecame filled with transcendenaal happiness, whose desires were in this eay all fulnilled, . . . e:t ,29 sOMrumnetraP pulakitaP nimagnaP $hakti%sOgare hVdi pUjOP praQOmaP cI kur#antaP yoga%amrcayO g sa%withD aMru%tearsD netram%eyesD pulakitam%hai)s erectD nimagnam%plungedD $hakti) sOgare%in an ocean of lo#eD hVdi%in the heartD pUjOm%worshipD praQOmam%o$eiwancesD ca%andD kur#antam%doingD yoga%carcayO%with the actions of yoga. . . . uhose hairs stood erect with joy, whose eyes were filled with tears, who was p4unged in an ocean of lo#e, and who in his heart meditated on worshiping the Lord and $owing down $efore ;im again and again. e:t ,2, mUrdhnO praQemus te taP ca sa ca tOn OMiWaP dadau Osana%stho munis tasthau te jagmuT s#OlayaP mudO mUrdhnO%with their headsD praQemuT%$owing downD te%theyD tam%to himD ca%acuD sa%heD ca%andD tOn%to themD OMiWam%$lessingD dadau%ga#eD Osana%sthaT%sitting on the throneD muniT%the sageD tasthau%stoodD te%theyD jagmuT%wentD s#Olayam%to their own homesD mudO%happily.

he people all $owed their heads $efore the sage and he, sitting on a golden throne, $lessed them all. hen he stood up and they all returned to their own homes. e:t ,2. nandaT sOnanda%yuktaM ca $ahu%maYgala%patrikaT prasthOpayOm Osa MNghraP arOd dUrN%sthitOn mudO nandaT%NandaD sOnanda%yuktaM%filled with happinessD ca%andD $ahu%maYgala% patrikaT%many auspicious letter D prasthOpayOm OsatplacingD MNghram%BuicklyD arOt% nearD dUrN%sthitOn%farD mudO%happily. Au$ilanV Nanda at once sent many auspicious in#itation let ers to all near and far. e:t y20 dadhi%kuryOP dugdha%kulyOP ghV a%kulyOe prayUrwtOm gURa%kulyuP taila%kulyOP madhu%kulyOP ca #iWXrtOm r dadhiskulyOm% astream of yogurtD dugdha%kulyOm%a stream of milkD ghVta%kulyOm%a stream of gheeD prapUritOm%VlowedD gURa%kulyOm%a stream of molassesD taila%kulyOm%a stream of oilD madhu%kulyOm%a stream t hoSeyD ca%andD #iWXrtOm%e:tended. In the place of the c(remony gracefully flowed a stream of yogurt, a stream of milk, a stream of ghee, a stream of molasses, a stream of oil, a streamVof honey, . . . e:t ,21 na#anNta%kulyOP pUrQaP ca takra%kulyOP yad icchnyO Markarodaka%kulyOP ca paripUrQOP ca lNlayO na#anNta%kulyOm%a stream of $utterD pUrQam%filledD ca%andD takra%kulyOm%a stream of $uttermilkD yat%andD icchayO%with the desireD Markara%sugarD udaka%waterD kulyOm% streamD ca%andD paripUrQOm%filledD ca%andD lNlayO%gracefully.

. . . a stream of $utter, a stream of $uttermilk, and a stream of sugarcane juice. e:t ,22 tOQRUlOnOP ca MalNnOP uccaiM ca Mata%par#atam pVthukOnOP Maila%MataP la#aQOnOP ca sapta ca tOQRUlOnOm%of riceD ca%andD MalNnOm%mountainsD uccaiM%tallD ca%andD Mata%par#atam% a hundred mountainsD pVthukOnOm%of flat riceD Maila%Matam%a hundred mountainsD la#aQOnOm%of saltD ca%andD sapta%se#enD ca%and. here were a hundred tall mountains of whole rice, a hundred mountains of flat rice, and se#en mountains of salt. e:t ,23 paripak#a%phalOnOP ca tatra WoRaMa par#atOn ya#a%godhUma%pUrQaQaP pak#a%laRRuka%piWXapaiT paripak#a%phalOnOm%of ripe fruitsD ca%andD tatra%thereD WoRaMa%si:teenD par#atOn% mountainsD ya#a%$arleyD godhUma%wheatD pUrQaQam%filledD pak#a%laRRuka%piWXapaiT% whth great laddus. here were si:teen hills of ripe fruits, wheat, $aoley, and perfect laRRd candies. :t ,24 modakOnOP ca sOilaP ca s#OstikOnOP ca par#atOn kapardakOnOm aty uccaiT MailOn sappa ca nOrada modakOnOm%of modakasD ca%andD sOilam%a mountainD ca%andD s#OstikOnOm%of s#astikasD ca%andD par#atOn%mountainsD kapardakOnOm%of kapardaka candiesD aty%#eryD uccaiT%tallD MaiuOn% ountainsD sapta%se#enD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada.

< NOrada there was a mountain of modaka candies and se#en #ery tall mountains of s#astika and kapardaka candies. e:t ,26 karpUrOdika%yuktOnOP tOm$UlOnOP ca mandiram #iWXrtaP d#Ora%hNnaP ca #Ositodaka%samyutaP karpUra%camphorD Odika%$eginningD yuktOnOm%withD tOm$UlOnOm%$etelnutsD ca% andD mandiram%palaceD #iWXrtam%e:tendedD d#Ora%doorsD hNnam%withoutD ca%andD #Ositodaka%samyutam%with scented water. here was a great open%air pa#ilion of $etelnuts, camphor, and scented water. e:t ,27 candanOguru+kastUrN% d kuYkumena saman#itam nOnO%#idhOni ratnOni s#arQOni #i#idhOni ca candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkumena saman#itam%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD ratnOni%jewelsD s#arQOni%goldD #i#idhOni%kindsD ca%and. here was an a$undance of sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, as well as many golden and jewel ornaments. e:t ,39 mukta%phalOni ramyOQi pra#alOni mudOn#itaT nOnO%#idhOni cOrUQi #asOPsi $hUWaQOni ca mukta%phalOni%pearlsD ramyOQi%$eautifulDnpra#alOni%coralD mudOn#itaT%happyD nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD cOrUQi%$eautifulD #asOPsi%garmentsD $hUWaQOni%ornamentsD ca%and.

here were many $eautiful ornaments of pearls and coral, and there were many $eautiful garments. e:t ,3, putrOnna%prOMane nandaT kOrayOm Osa kautukOt prOYganaP kadalN%stam$hai rasOla%na#a%palla#aiT putra%of his sonD anna%pr Mane%at the anna%prOMana ceremonyD nandaT%NandaD kOmayOm Osa%didD kautukOt%happilyS prOYganam%a c urtyardD kadalN%stam$hai%with $anana treesD rasOla%na#a%palla#aiT%with new mango $uds. ren Nanda happily arranged that his sonEs anna%prOMana ceremony $e performed i a Sourtyatd fillId with $anana trees and yew mango $uds. ke:t ,3. grathitaiT sUkWma%sUtreQa #eWXayOm Osa kautukOt saPskOra%yuktaP ruciraP candana%dra#a%carcitam grathitaiT%knottedD sUkWma%sUtreQa%with fine threadsD #eWXayOm Osa%tiedD kautukOt% happilyD saPskOra%yuktam%proper for the ceremonyD ruciram%$eautifulD candana% dra#a%carcitam%anointed with sandal. ;e happily arranged to ha#e made a $eautiful garment for the ceremony, a garment wo#en with fine threads and anointed with sandal. e:t ,30 yuktaP maYgala%kum$haiM ca phala%palla#a%samyutaiT candanOguru%kastUrN% puWpa%mOlya%#irOjitaiT yuktam%endowedD maYgala%kum$haiM%with auspicious potsD ca%andD phala%palla#a% samyutaiT%with fruits and lea#esD candanOguru%kastUrN%with sandal, aguru, and muskD puWpa%mOlya%#irOjitaiT%splendid with flower garlands..

In tha courtyard were many auspicious pots filled with fruits and lea#es and splendid with sandal, aguru, musk, and flower garlands. #eat ,31 mOlyOnOP #ara%#astrOQOP rOMi$hiM ca su%Mo$hitam ga#OP ca madhuparkOnOP OsanOnOP ca nOrada mOlyOnOm%of garlandsD #ara%#astrOQOm%fine garmentsDorOMi$hiT%with manyD ca%andD su%Mo$hitam%$eautifulD ga#Om%of cowsD ca%andD madhuparkOnBm%of madhuparkaD OsanOnOm%of sitting placesD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, that place was splendid with many garlands, fineIgarments, cows, madhuparkas, sitting elaces, . . . e:ts ,32%,34 phalOnOP jalajOnOPrca ramUhaiM ca saman#itam nOnO%prakOrair #OdyaiM ea dundu$hi$hir manoharaiT RakkOnOP dundu$hNnOP ea patohOnOP tathai#a ca mVdaYga%murajOdNnOP OnakOnOP samUhakaiT #aPMN%sannahanN%kOPpya% o s#ara%yantrai ca Ma$ditam #idyOdharNQOP nVtyena $haYgima%$hramaQena ca phalOnOm%of fruitsD jalajOnOm%and loJusesD ca%andD samUhaiM%with multitudesD ca% andD saman#itam%withD nOnO%prakOraiT%many kindsD #OdyaiT%with musical instrumentsD ca%andD dundu$hi$hiT%with )undu$hisD manoharaiT%$eautifulD RakkOnOm%of dakkasD dundu$hNnOm%dundu$hisD ca%andD patahOnOm%patahasD tathO%soD e#a%iSdmedD ca%andD mVdaYga%mrdangasD murajOdNnOm%$eginning <ith murajasD Ona a$ditam%soundedD #idyOdharNQOm%of #idyadharisD nVtyena%wrth dancingD

$haYgima%$hramaQena%gracefulD ca%and. . . . fruits, and lotus flowers. here was a great sound of dundu$hi drums, Rakkas, patahas, mVdaYgas, Onakas, murajas, flutes, sannahanNs, $rass instruments, and many other kinds of $eautiful musical instruments. -any VidyOdharN girls danced with grace. e:t ,36 gandhar#a%nOyakOnOP ca saYgNtair mUrchanN%kVtam s#arQa%siPhOsanOnOP ca rathOnOP nikarair #Vtam gandhar#a%nOyakOnOm%of gandhar#asD ca%andD saYgNtaiT%with songsD mUrchanN% kVtam%with $eautiful melodiesD s#arQa%goldenD siPhOsanOnOm%of thronesD ca%andD rathOnOm%of chariotsD nikaraiT%with manyD #Vtam%filled. here were gandhar#as singing #ery $eautiful melodies and there were many chariots and golden thrones. e:ts ,37%,4. etasminn antare nandaP u#Oca #Ociko mudO Ojagmur giri$hOnuM ca sa%strNkaT saha%kiYkaraT rathOnOP ca catur%lakWaP gajOnOP ca tathai#a ca turaYgOnOP ca koXiM ca Mi$ikOnOP tathai#a ca VWNndrOQOP munNndrOQOP #iprOQOP ca #ipaMcitOm #andNnOP $hNkWukOnOP ca samUhaiM ca samNpataT gopOnOP gopikOnOP ca saYkhyaP kartuP ca kaT nWamaT

paMyOgatya $ahir $hUyety u#Oca prOYgane sthitaT etasminn antare%thenD nandam%to NandaD u#Oca%saidD #OcikaT%the speakerD mudO% happilyD OjagmuT%cameD giri$hOnuM%Firi$hOnuD ca%andD sa%strNkaT%with his wifeD saha% kiYkaraT%with his ser#antsD rathOnOP ca catur%lakWaP gajOnOP ca tathai#a ca turaYgOnOP ca koXiM ca Mi$ikOnOP tathai#a caD VWNndrOQOP munNndrOQOP #iprOQOP ca #ipaMcitOm #andNnOP $hNkWukOnOP ca samUhaiM ca samNpataTD gopOnOP gopikOnOP ca saYkhyaP kartuP ca kaT kWamaT paMyOgatya $ahir $hUyety u#Oca prOYgane sthitaT. hen a messenger came to the courtyard and ju$ilantly said to NandaJ Look\ )ccompanied $y his wife, ser#ants, four hundred thousand chariots, as many elephants, ten million horses, as many palanBuins, many kings of the VWis and munis, many learned $rOhmaQas, and many poets, sannyOsNs, gopas, and gopNs, Candra$hOnu has come\ "ho can count how many are in his entourage* e:t ,40 Mrut#ai#aP tOn anu#rajya samOnNya #rajeM#araT prOYgane #OsayOm Osa pUjayOm Osa sa%t#aram Mrut#O%hearingD e#am%thusD tOn%themD anu#raj a%ureetingD samOnNya%$rIngingD #rwjeM#araT%the king of VrajaDsprOYgane%to the courtyardD #OsayOm Osa%ga#e them a place to stayD pUjayOm Osa%worshipedD sa%t#aram%immediately. ;e ring this, Nanda at once went to them, respectfully greeted them, $rought them to the courtyard, ga#e them a place to stay, and worshiped them. e:t ,41 VWy%Odika%samUhaP ca praQamya MirasO $hu#i padyOdikaP tu te$hyaM ca pradadau su%samOhitaT VWi%the VWisD Odika%$eginning withD samUham%the hostD ca%andD praQamya%$owing downD MirasO%with his headD $hu#i%to the groundD padyOdikam%$eginning with padyaD tu%indeedD te$hyaT%to themD ca%andD pradadau%ga#eD su%samOhitaT%with care and attention.

s(lacing his head to the ground, Nanda offered respects to the VWis andsthe otheps. ;e onfered them padya with great care and atte tion. e:t ,42 #astu$hir $andhu$hiT pUrQaP $d$hU#a nanda%manjiram na ko Epi kasya Ma$daP ca MrotuP MaktaM ca tatra #ai #astu$hiT%with thingsD $andhu$hiT%with friendsD pUrQam%filledD $a$hU#a%wasD nanda%mandiram%NandaEs palaceD na%notD ko Epi%anyoneD kasya%of whom*D Ma$dam%the soundD ca%andD Mrotum%to hearD MaktaM%a$leD ca%andD tatra%thereD #ai%indeed. ar each other talk. e:t ,43 tri%muhUrtaP ku#eraM ca MrN%kVWQa%prNtaye mudO cakOra s#arQa%#VWXyO ca paripUrQaP ca gokulam tri%muhUrtam%for three muhurtasD ku#eraM%/u#eraD ca%andD MrN%kVWQa%prNtaye%to please SrN /VWQaD ,uwO%happilyD cakOra%didD s#arQa%of gltd. #VWXyO%with a showerD ca% andD paripUrQam%fullD ca%andD gokulam%Fokula. hen, to please SrN /VWQa, /utera happily showered gold fot two anduarsalf hours, f lling the lani of Fokula. e:t ,44 kautukOpahna#aP cakrur $andhu%#ar OMkca #rNRayO Onamra%kandharOT sar#e dVWX#O 6andasya sampadam kattuka%happinessD apahna#am%concealmentD cakruT%didD $andhu%#argOM%the peopleD ca%andD #rNRayO%wita em$arrassmentD Onamra%$owedD kandharOT%necksD sar#e% allD dVWX#O%seeangD nandhsna%of NandaD sampadam%the opulence.

>m$arrassed to show their feelings of joy and wonder, the guests simply $owed their heads and gyGed at /ing NandaEs wealth. e:t ,46 nandaT kVtOhnikaT pUto dhVt#O dhaute ca #OsasN candanOguru%kastUrNP kuYkumenai#a $hUWitaT nandaT%NandaD kVta%performedD OhnikaT%daily dutiesD pUtaT%purifiedD dhVt#O% placingD dhaute%washedD ca%andD #OsasN%garmentsD candanOguru%kastUrNm%sandal, aguru, and muskD kuYkumena%with kunkumaD e#a%indeedD $hUWitaT%decorated. hen /ing Nanda $athed, put on clean garments, and anointed his $ody with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. e:t ,47 u#Osa pOdau prakWOlya s#arQa%pNXhe manohare gargasyai#a munNndrOQOP gVhNt#OjZOP #rajeM#araT iD e#a%indeedD munNndrOQOm%of the kings of sagesD gVhNt#O%takingD OjZOm%the commandD #rajeM#araT%the king of Vraja. (lacing their feet on a $eautiful golden stool, Nanda washe the feet (f Farga -uni and the many sages. hen he placed himself as their ser#ant, ready for their command. e:t ,69 saPsVtya #iWQum OcantaT s#asti%#Ocank%pUr#akam kVt#O karma ca #edoktaP $hojayOm Osa $Olakam saPsVtya%remem$eringD #iWQum%Lord ViWQuD OcantaT%performing OcamanaD s#asti% #Ocana%pUr#akam%saying the word s#astiD kVt#O%doingD karma%pious cmremonyD catandD #eda%in the VedasD uktam%spokenD $hojayOm Osa%fedD $Olakam%the $oy.

hen, after medhtating on Lord ViWQu, pronouncing the word s#asti, tod performing Ocamana, Nanda performed the anna%prOMana ritual as descri$ed in the Vedas. hen he fed the infant /VWQa. e:t ,6, garga%#OkyOnusOreQa $Olakasya mudOn#itaT kVWQeti maYgalaP nOma rarakWa ca Mu$ha%kWaQe garga%of Farga -uniD #Okya%the wordsD anusOreQa%according toD $Olakasya%of the $oyD mudOn#itaT%happyD kVWQa%/VWQaD iti%thusD maYgalam%auspiciousD nOma%nameD rarakWa%protectedD ca%andD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an auspicious moment. hen, following Farga -uniEs order, at an auspicious moment happy Nanda ga#e the infant $oy the name /VWQa. e:t ,6. sa%ghVtaP $hojayit#O ca kVt#O nOma jagat%pateT #OdyOdin #OdayOm Osa kOrayOm Osa maYgalam sa%ghVtam%with gheeD $hojayit#O%feedingD ca%andD kVt#O%doingD nOma%nameD jagat% pateT%of the Lord of the uni#ersesD #OdyOdin%$eginning with musical instrumentsD #OdayOm Osa%made to soundD kOrayOm Osa%createdD maYgalam%auspiciousness. hen Nanda fed his son rice cooked with ghee, and ga#e ;im the name /VWQa. Nanda made many musical instruments play. ;e had many auspicious rituals performed. e:t ,60 nOnO%#idhOni ratnOni s#arQOni $hUWaQOni ca $hakWa%dra#yOni #OsOPsi $rOhmaQe$hyo dadau mudO

nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD ratnOni%of jewelsD s#arQOni%goldD $hUWaQOni%ornamentsD ca% ndD $hakWa%dra#yOni%foodsD #OsOPsi%garmentsD $rOhmaQe$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD dadau%ga#eD mudO%happily. hen he happily ga#e to the $rOhmaQas many ornaments of jewels and gold, many delicious foods, and many costly garments. e:t ,61 #andi$hyo $hikWuke$hyaM ca su#arQaP #ipulaP dadau $hOrOkrOntOM ca te sar#e na MaktO gantum e#a ca #andi$hyaT%to the poetsD $hikWuke$hyaM%sannyasisD ca%andD su#arQam%goldD #ipulam%a$undantD dadau%ga#eD $hOrOkrOntOT%$urdenedD ca%andD te%theyD sar#e%allD na% notD MaktO%a$leD gantum%to goD e#a%indeedD ca%and. o the poets and sannyOsNs he ga#e so much gold no one could carry it away. e:t ,62 $rOhmaQOn $andhu%#argOPM ca $hNkWukOPM ca #iMeWataT miWXOnnaP $hojayOm Osa paripUrQaP manoharam $rOhmaQOn%$rOhmaQasD $andhur#argOPM%friendsD ca%andD $hNkWukOPM%sannyasisD ca%andD #iMeWataT%specificallyD miWXOnnam%sweetsD $hojayOm Osa%fedD paripUrQam%fullD manoharam%$eautiful. o the $rOhmaQas, sannyOsNs aud guests he fed delicious sweets. e:t ,63 dNyatOP dNyatOP pUrQaP khadyatOP khadyatOm iti $a$hU#a Ma$do Ety%uccaiM ca sanuataP nanda%gokule

husD $a$hU#a%wasD Ma$daT%soundD aty%uccaiT%loudD ca%andD santatam%alwaysD nanda% gokule%in NandaEs Fokula. )gaina dn again in NandaEs Fokula there were loud sounds of LFi#e them more\ Fi#e them more\ (lease eat more\ (lease eat more\L e:ts ,64 and ,66 ratnOni paripUrQOni #asOPsi $hUWaQOni ca pra#alOni su#arQOni maQi%sOrOQi yOni ca cOrUQi s#arQa%pOtrOQi kVtOni #iM#akarmaQO datt#O gargOya #inayaP cakOra #raja%puYga#aT ratnOni%jewelsD paripUrQOni%fullD #asOPsi%garmentsD $hUWaQOni%ornamentsD ca%andD pra#alOni%coralD su#arQOni%goldD maQi%sOrOQi%the $est of jewelsD yOni%whichD ca%andD cOrUQi%$eautifulD s#arQa%pOtrOQi%golden cupsD kVtOni%madeD #iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmOD datt#O%gi#ingD gargOya%to FargaD #inayam%hum$lenessD cakOra%didD #raja% puYga#aT%the king of Vraja. o Farga -uni /ing Nanda hum$ly ga#e precious jewels, costly garments, ornaments, coral, and $eautiful golden cups, all made $y ViM#akarmO. e:t ,67 MiWye$hyaT s#arQa%$hOrOPM ca pradadau #inayOn#itaT d#ije$hyo Epy a#asiWXe$hyaT paripUrQOni nOrada MiWye$hyaT%to the disciplesD s#arQa%$hOrOn%much goldD ca%andD pradadau%ga#eD #inayOn#itaT%hum$leD d#ije$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD api%alsoD a#asiWXe$hyaT%to the othersD paripUrQOni%fullD nOrada%< NOrada. o Farga -uniEs disicples and to the other $rOhmaQas he ga#e large Buantities of gold.

e:t ,79a Mel%nOrOyana u#Oca gVhNt#O MrN%hariP gargo jagOma ni$hVtaP mudO tuWXO#a parayO $haktyO praQamya ca tam NM#aram o a secluded placeD mudO%happilyD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD parayO%with greatD $haktyO% de#otionD praQamya%$owingD ca%a$dD tam%to ;imD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ hen Farga -uni took infant /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, to a secluded place, $owed down $efore ;im, and happily offered prayers to ;im. e:t ,7, sOMru%netraT sa%pulako $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT puXOZjali%yuto $hUt#O hareM caraQa%paYkaje sOMru%netraT%with tears in his eyesD sa%pulakaT%the hairs of his $ody erectD $hakti% namrOtma%kandharaT%his head hum$ly $owedD puXOZjali%yutaT%with folded handsD $hUt#O%$ecomingD hareM%of Lord /VWQaD caraQa%paYkaje%at the lotus feet. ears in his eyes, the hairs of his $ody erect, his head $owed, and his hands folded, Farga -uni offered respects to Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t ,7. MrN%garga u#Oca he kVWQa jagatOP nOtha $haktOnOP $haya%$haZjana prasanno $ha#a mOm NMa dehi dOsyaP padOm$uje

MrN%garga u#Oca%SrN Farga saidD he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD nOtha% < masterD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD $haya%fearD $haZjana%$reakingD prasannaT% pleasedD $ha#a%please $ecomeD mOm%with meD NMa%< LordD dehi%please gi#eD dOsyam% ser#iceD padOm$uje%to =our lotus feet. n SrNuFarga -uni saidJ < Lor( /VWQa, V master of the uni#erses, < Lord who $reaks the de#oteesE fears, please $e pleased with me. (lease gi#e me ser#ice to =our lotus feet. e:t ,70 t#at%pitrO me dhanaP dattaP tena kiP me prayojanam dehi me niMcalOP $haktiP $haktOnOm a$haya%pradOm t#at%pitrO%$y =our fatherD me%to meD dhanam%wealthD dattam%gi#enD tena%$y himD kim%what*D me%of meD prayojanam%the needD dehi%please gi#eD me%to meD niMcalOm% unwa#eringD $haktim%de#otionD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD a$haya%pradOm%gi#ing fearlessness. "hat is the use of the wealth =our father ga#e me* Instead please gi#e me unwa#ering de#otion to =ou, de#otion that rescues the de#otees from all fears. e:t ,71 aQimOdiWu siddhiWu yogeWu muktiWu pra$ho jZOna%tatt#e Emarat#e #O kiZcin nOsti spVhO mama aQimOdiWu%$eginning with animaD siddhiWu%in mystic perfectionsD yogeWu%in yogaD muktiWu%in li$erationD pra$haT%< LordD jZOna%knowledgeD tatt#e%in the truthD amarat#e%in $eing a demigodD #O%orD kiZcit%somethingD na%notD asti%isD spVhO%desireD mama%of me. < Lord, I do not desire transcendental knowledge, the life of a demigod, any of the different kinds of li$eration, or the mystic powers than $egin with aQimO siddhi. e:t ,72

indrat#e #O manut#e #O s#arga%$hogaP phalaP ciram nOsti me manaso #OZchO t#at%pOda%se#anaP #inO indrat#e%ther status of IndraD #O%orD manut#e%the statusd of -anuD #O%orD s#arga% $hogam%enjoyment in S#argaD phalam%the resultD ciram%longD na%notD asti%isD de%of meD manasaT%of the mindD #O].sy .1,^chO%the desireD t#at%pOda%se#anam%ser#ice to =our lotus feetD #inO%without. In my heart I do not desire to $ecome Indra or -anu, or to enjoy hea#enly pleasures in S#argaloka for a #ery long time if $y attaining these things I cannot ser#e =our feet. e:t ,73 sOlokya%sOVWXi%MamNpya% sOrUpyaikat#am Npsitam nOhaP gVhQOmi te $rahmaPs t#at%pOda%se#anaP #inO sOlokya%li#ing on the same planetD sOVWXi%ha#ing the same opulencesD sOmNpya% n$eing always nearD sOrUpyaikat#am%ha#ing the same formD Npsitam%desiredD na%notD aham%ID gVhQOmi%takeD te%notD $rahman%< Supreme LordD t#at%pOda%se#anam)ser#ice to =ou feetD ninO%without. < Lord, I will not li#e in =our realm, ha#e opulence like =ours, stay always near =ourr or ha#e a transcendental form like =eurs, iy $y accepting these things I cannot ser#e =our feet. e:t ,74 goloke #Opi pOtOle #Ose tulyaP manoratham kintu te caraQOm$hoje santataP smVtir astu me .goloke%in FolokaD #O%orD api%e#enD pOtOleLin hellD #Ose%residenceD tulyam%eBualityD manoratham%desireD kintu%howe#erD te%of =ouD caraQOm$hoje%for the lotus feetD santatam%alwaysD smVtiT%memoryD astu%may $eD me%my.

If I can always remem$er =our lotus feet I do not care whether I li#e in Foloka or in hell. e:t ,76 t#an%mantraP MaYkarOt prOpya kVti%janma%phalodayOt sar#a%jZo EhaP sar#a%darMN sar#atra gatir asti me t#at%of =ouD mantram%the mantraD MaYkarOt%from Lord Si#aD prOpya%attainingD kVti% janma%phalodayOt%from the results of past $irthsD sar#a%jZaT%omniscientD aham%ID sar#a%darMN%seeing e#erythingD sar#atra%e#erywhereD gatiT%destinationD asti%isD me%of me. 8ecause of pious deeds in many past $irths I o$tained from Lord Si#a the mantra of =our holy names. 8y chanting =ou names I now know and see e#erything and I ha#e the power to go anywhere. e:t ,77 kVpOP kuru kVpO%sindho dNna%$andho padOm$uje rakWa mOm a$hayaP datt#O mVtyur me kiP kariWyati kVpOm%mercyD kuru%please doD kVpO%sindhaT%< ocean of mercyD dNna%$andhaT%< freind of the poorD padOm$uje%lotus feetD rakWa%please protectD mOm%meD a$hayam% fearlessnessD datt#O%gi#ingD mVtyuT%deathD me%of meD kim%what*D karnWyati%will do. < ocean of mercy, < friend of the poor, please $e merciful to me. (lease place me at =our lotus feet, protect me, and make me fearless. If =ou protect me, what can death do to me* e:t .99 sar#eWOm NM#araT sar#as t#at%padOm$hoja%se#ayO mVtyuZ%jayo Enta%karaM ca $a$hU#a yoginOP guruT

sar#eWOm%of allD NM#araT%the masterD sar#aT%allD t#at%padOm$hoja%se#ayO%$y ser#ice to =our lotus feetD mVtyu].sy .1,^%jayaT%#ictorious o#er LeathD anth%karaT%the destroyerD caeandD $a$hU#a%$ecameD yoginOm%of the yogisD guruT%the guru. 8y ser#ing =ou lotus feet, Si#a $Dcame #ictorious o#er death. ;e $ecame the great destroyer, the guru of the yogNs, and the master of all. e:t .o, $rahmO #idh tO jagatOP t#at%padOm$hoja%se#ayO yasyaika%di#ase $rahman patantNndrOM caturdaMa $rahmO%8rahmO #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD t#at%padOm$hoja% se#ayO%$y ser#ing =oun lotus feetD yasya%of whomD eka%oneh di#ase%in the dayw $rahman%< LordD patanti%fallD indrOT%IndrasD caturdaMa%,1. 8y ser#ing =our lotus feet, 8raryO $ecame the cLeator of the uni#erse. < Lord, in each of his days fourteen Indras li#e out their li#es and finally perish. e:t .9. t#at%pOda%se#ayO dharmaT sOkWN ca sar#a%karmaQOm pOtO ca phala%dOtO ca jit#O kOlaP su%durjayam t#at%pOda%se#ayO%$y ser#ing =our feetD dharmaT%=amaD sOkWN%the witnessD ca%andD sar#a%karmaQOm%of all actionsD pOtO%the protectorD ca%andD phala%dOtO%the gi#er of resuldsD ca%andD jit#O%defeatingD kOlam%timeD su%durjayam%in#inci$le. 8y ser#ing =our feet5 =asarOja $ecame the witness of all deeds, the protector, the gi#er of results, and the #ictor that defeated in#inci$le time. e:t .90 sahasra%#adanaT MeWo yat%pOdOm$uja%se#ayO dhatte siddhOrtha#Od #iM#aP MirasO cai#a medinOm

sahasra%#adanaT%with a thousand fagesD MeWaT%Lord SeWaD yat%pOdOm$uja%se#ayO%$y ser#ing =our lotus feetD dhatth%placesD siddhOrtha#at%like a grain of mustardD #iM#am% the uni#erseD MirasO%with ;is headD ca%andD e#a%indeedD medinOm%the earth. they were all a single mustard seed. e:t .91 sar#a%sampad%#idhOtrN ya de#NnOP ca parOt para karoti satataP lakWmNT keMais t#at%pOda%marjanam sar#a%sampad%#idhOtrN%the gi#er of all good fortuneD ya%whoD de#NnOm%of goddessesD ca%andD parOt%than the greatestD para%greaterD karoti%doesD satatam%alwaysD lakWmNT% LakWmND keMaiT%with her hairD t#at%pOda%marjanam%dry ng =our lotus feet. LakWmN%de#N, the $eut of all goddesses and the gi#er of all wealth and good fortune, uses her hair as a towel to dry =our lotus feet. e:t .92 prakVtir $Nja%rUpO sO sar#eWOP Makti%rUpiQN smaraP smaraP t#at%padO$jaP $a$hU#a tat%parOt parO prakVtiT%Foddess -OyOD $Nja%rUpO%in the form of the seedD IO%sheD sar#eWOm%of allD Makti%rUpiQN%in the form of potencyD smaram%remem$eringD smaram%and remem$eringD t#at%padO$jam%=our lotus feetD $a$hU#a%$ecameD tat%parOt%than the greatestD parO% greater. 8y again and again remem$ening =our lotus feet, Foddess -OyO $ecame the great potency and the seed of all, the goddess that is greater han the greatest. e:t .93 pOr#atN sar#a%de#NMO sar#eWOP $uddhi%rUpiQN

t#at%pOda%se#ayO kOntaP lalO$ha Mi#am NM#araP pOr#atN%(Or#atND sar#a%de#NMO%the Bueen of all goddessesD sar#eWOm%of allD $uddhi% rUpiQN%the form if intelligenceD t#at%pOda%se#ayO%$y ser#ing =our feetD kOntam%$elo#edD lalO$ha%attainedD Mi#am%Si#aD NM#aram%master. 8y ser#ing =our feet, (Or#atN $ecame the #ery intelligent Bueen of all goddesses. She attained Lord Si#a as her $elo#ed master. e:t .94 #idyOdhiWXhOtV%de#N yO jZOna%mOtO saras#atN UjyO $a$hU#a sar#eWOP t#at%pOdOm$hoja%se#ayO #idyOuof knowledgeD adhiWXhOtV%de#N%the con rollerD yO!whoD jZOna%mOtO%the mother of knowledgeD saras#atN%Saras#atND pUjyO%worshipa$leD $a$hU#a%$ecameD sar#eWOm%of allD t#at%pOdOm$/oja%se#ayO%$y sey#ing =our lotus feey. 8y ser#ing =our lotus fett, Saras#atN $ecame the mother%goddess of knowledge, the goddess worshiped $y all. e:t .96 sO#itrN #eda mOtO ca r punOti $hu#ana%trayaP $rahmaQo $rOhmaQOnO ca V gatis t#at%pOda%se#ayO sO#itrN%Va#itrND #eda%mOtO%the mother of the VedasD ca%andD punOti%purifiesD $hu#ana%trayam% he t ree worldsD $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD $rOhmaQOnOs%of the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD gatiT%the destinationD t#at%pOda%se)ayO%$y ser#ing =our lotus feet. 8y ser#ing =#ur feet, Sa#itrN $ecame the mother of the Vedas. She purifies the three worlds. 8rahmO and the $rOhmaQas yearn to attain her. e:t .97 kWamO jagad%#idhOrtuP ca

ratna%gar$hO #asundharO prisUtO sar#a%MasyOnOP t#at%pOda%padma%se#ayO kWamO%the earthD jagad%#idhOrtum%to hold up allD ca%andD ratna%gar$hO%the source of jewelsD #asundharO%the earthD prasUtO%was $ornD sar#a%MasyOnOm%of all grainsD t#at% pOda%padma%se#ayO%$y ser#ing =our lotus feet. 8y ser#irg mour lotus feet VasundharO $ecame the earth goddess. o maintain the people she $ecame the mother of grains and jewels. e:t .,9 rOdhO #amOPMa%sam$hUtO ta#a tulyO ca tejasO hit#O #akWasi te padaP se#ate Enyasya kO kathO rOdhO%5OdhOD #ama%leftD aPMa%partD sam$hUtO%$ornD ta#a%of =ouD tulyO%eBualD ca% andD tejasO%with power and gloryD hit#O%plac 5OdhO was $orn from =our left side. She is =our eBual in power and glory. She holds =our feet to ;er $reast. "ho can descri$e all the ways She ser#es =ou* e:t .,, yathO Mar#Odayo de#OT de#yaT padmOdayo yathO tat%sam P nOtha kuru mOP NM#arasya samO kVpO yathO%asD Mar#OdayaT%headed $y IndraD de#OT%the demigodsD de#yaT%the demigopddessesD padmOdayaT%headed $y LakWmND yathO%asD tat%samam%eBualD nOtha%< LordD kuru%please makeD mOm%meD NM#arasya%of the LordD samO%eBualD kVpt%mercy. < Lord, as =ou are merciful to Indra and the demigods and LakWmN and the demigoddesses, please $e merciful to me also. =our mercy is the same for all. e:t .,.

na yOsyOmi gVhaP nOtha na gVhQOmi dhanaP ta#a kVt#O mOP rakWa pOdO$ja% se#OyOP se#akaP ratam na%notD yOsyOmi%I will goD gVham%homeD nOtha%< LordD na%notD gVhQOmi%I will acceptD dhanam%the wealthD ta#a%of =ouD kVt#O%doingD mOm%to meD rakWa%please protectD pOdO$ja%lotus feetD se#OyOm%in ser#iceD se#akam%a ser#antD ratam%engaged. < Lord, I will not go home and I will not accept the wealth =ou ha#e offered. (lease protect me. (lease make me a ser#ant of =our lotus feet. e:t .,0 iti stut#O sOMru%netraT papOtO caraQe hareT ruroda ca $hVMaP $haktyO pulakOntika%#igrahaT iti%thusD stut#O%Fffering prayersD sOMru%netraT%with tears in his eyesD papOtO%fellD caraQe%at the feetD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD ruroda%weptD ca%andDp$hVMam%greatlyD $haktyO% with de#otionn pulakOntika%#igrahaT%the hairs of his $ody erect. )fter speaking these prayers, Farga -uni fell down $efore Lord /VWQaEs feet. ears in his eyes and the hairs of his $ody standing up, he wept. e:t .,1 gargasya #acanaP Mrut#O jahOsa $hakta%#atsalaT u#Oca taP s#ayaP kVWQo mayi te $haktir ast# iti gargasya%of FargaD #acanam%the statementD Mrut#O%hearingD jahOsa%smiledD $hakta% #atsalaT%affectionate to ;is de#oteesD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD s#ayam%perstnal,ys kVWQaT%/VWQaD mayi%for -eD te%of youD $haktiT%de#htionD ast#%may $eD iti%thus. ;earing Farga -uniEs words, Lord /VWQa, who lo#es ;is de#otees, smiled and said to him, L-ay you ha#e lh#e and de#otion for -e.L e:t .,2

idaP garga%kVtaP stotraP tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen naraT dVRhOP $haktiP harer dOsyaP smVtiP ca la$hate dhru#am idam%thisD garga%kVtam%$y Farga -uni doneD stotrampprayerD tri%sandhyam%three times of dayD yaT%one whoD paXhen%recitesD naraT%a per onD dVRhOm%firmD $haktim% de#otionD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD dOsyam%ser#iceD smVtim%memoryD ca%andD la$hate% attainsD dhru#am%indeed. ) person who at sunrise, noon, and sunstt recites t ese prayers of Farga -uni, attains unwa#ering lo#e and de#otion for Lord /VWQa. ;e ser#es and remem$ers Lord /VWQa always. e:t .,3 janma%mVtyu%jarO%roga% Moka%mohOti%saYkaXOt tNrQo $ha#ati MrN%kVWQa% dOsaT se#ana%tat%paraT janma%$irthD mVtyu%deathD jarO%old ageD roga%diseaseD Moka%lamentationD moha% $ewildermentD Oti%saYkaXOt%from the great difficultiesD tNrQaT%crossedD $ha#ati%isD MrN% kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD dOsaT%a ser#antD se#ana%tat%paraT%de#oted to ;is ser#ice. ) person who de#otedly ser#es Lord /VWQa lea#es this world of $irth, death, old% age, disease, lamentation, $ewilderment, and a host of trou$les, far $ehind. e:t .,4 kVWQasya $ha#anaP kOle kVWQa%sOrdhaP pramodate kadOpi na $ha#et tasya #icchedo hariQO saha kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD $ha#anam%the homeD kOle%at the timeD kVWQa%sOrdham%with Lord /VWQaD pramodate%enjoysD kadOpi%somwetimesD na%notD $ha#et%may $eD tasya%of himD #icchedaT%neparationD hariQO%Lord /VWQaD saha%with. )t the appropriate time he goes to Lord /VWQaEs a$ode and enjoys with ;im. @rom

then on he is ne#er separated from Lord /VWQa. e:t .,6 MrN%nOrOyaQa u# ca hariP muniT sta#aP kVt#O nandOya taP dadau mudO u#Oca taP gVhaP yOmi kur# OjZOm iti $alla#a MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD harim%to Lord /VWQaD muniT%the sageD sta#am%prayerD kVt#O%doingD nandOya%to NandaD tam%%;imD dadau%ga#eD mudO%happilyD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD gVham%homeD yOmi%I will goD kur#%please doD OjZOm%the otderD iti%thusD $alla#a%< gopa. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter speaking these prayers and presenting the infant /VWQa to /ing Nanda, Farga -uni said to himJ < gopa, please gi#e your permission, and then I will return home. e:t .,7 aho #icitraP saPsOraP moha%jOlena #eWXitam sammNlanaP ca #iraho narOQOP sindhu%phena#at ahaT%<D #icitram%wonderD saPsOram%the material worldD moha%jOlena%with anetwork of illusionsD #eWXitam%surroundedD sammNlanam%meetingD ca%andD #irahaT%the separationD narOQOm%of peopleD sindhu%phena#at%like $u$$les in the ocean. his world of $irth and death is caught in a network of illusion. It is filled with surprises. In this world people meet, and then are Buickly separated. hey are like $u$$les of foam in the ocean. e:t ..9 gargasya #acanaP Mrut#O ruroda nanda e#a ca sad%#icchedo hi sOdhUnOP maraQOd atiricyate

gargasya%of Farga -uniD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD ruroda%weptD nanda% NandaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD sad%#icchedaT%sepa ;oaring Farga -unrEs words, Nanda wept Separation from great saints is worse than death. e:t .., sar#a%MiWyaiT pari#VtaP munNe raP gantum dyatam sar#e nandOdayo gopO rudanto gopikOs tathO sar#a%with allD MiWyaiT%disciplesD pari#Vtam%surroundedD munNndr m%the king of sagesD gantum%to goD udyatam%a$outD sar#e%allD nandOdayaT%heaed $y NandaD gopO%the VopasD rudartaT weepin D gopikOT%gopNsD tathO%so. )s Farha -uni and disciples were a$out to depart, Nanda, the gopas, and the gopNs $egan to weep. e:t .d. praQemuT parayO prNtyO cakras taP #inayaP mune datt#OMiWaP muni%MreWXho jagOma mathurOP mudO praQemuT%$owedD parayO%widh greatD prNtyO%affectionD hakruT%didD tam%to himD #inayam%hum$lenessD mune%< sageD datt O%gi#ingD OMiWam%$lessingD muni%MreWXhaT%the $est of sagesD jagOmj%went mathurOm%to -athurOD mudO%happily. < sage, they ael affectionrtely and hum$ly owed $efore Farga -uni, who $lessed them all, and then happily returned to -athurO. e:t ..0 VWayo munayaM cai#a $andhu%#argOM ca $alla#OT sar#e jagmur dhanaiT pUrQOT e#OlayaP hVWXa%mOnasOT

VWayaT%VWisD mSnayaT%munisD ca%andD e#l%indeedD $andhu%#argOM%guestsD ca%andD $alla#OT%gopasD sar#e%allD jagmuT%wentD dhanaiT%wealthD pUrQOT%filledD s#Olayam%own homesD hVWXa%mOnasOT%happy at heart. ;appy at heart and now #ery wealthy $y NandaEs charity, the VWis, munis, gopas, and guesLs returned to their homes. e:t ..1 prajagmur #andinaT sar#e paripUrQa%manorathOT miWXa%dra#yOPsukotkVWXa% turaga%s#arQa%$hUWaQaiT prajagmuT%wentD #andinaT%the poetsD sar#e%allD paripUrQa%manorathOT%their desires all fulfilledD miWXa%sweetD dra#ya%o$jectsD aPsuka%garmentsD utkVWXa%e:cellentD turaga% horsesD s#arQa%$hUWaQaiT%with golden ornaments. aking with them many candies, horses, golden ornaments, and other gifts from Nanda, the poets also returned to their homes. e:t ..2 O%kaQXha%pUrQa%$hakWOM ca $hikWukO gantum akWamOT sar#a%#astu%$harOd e#a pariMrOntO mudOn#itOT O%up toD kaQXha%their necksD pUrQa%filledD $hakWOT%foodD ca%andD $hikWukO%the sannyasisD gantum%to goD akWamOT%una$leD sar#a%allD #astu%$harOt%from the giftsD e#a% indeedD pariMrOntO%e:haustedD mudOn#itOT%happy. @illed to their necks with delicious foods, and carrying hea#y $urdens of many #alua$le gifts, the happy sannyOsNs could $arely walk. e:t ..3 su%manda%gOminaT kecit kecid $hUmau ca Merate

kecid #artmani tiWXantas cottiWXhantaM ca kecana su%manda%#ery slowlyD gOminaT%goingD kecit%someD kecit%someD $hUmau%to the groundD ca%andD Merate%restedD kecit%someD #artmani%on the roadD tiWXantaT%standingD ca%andD uttiWXhantaT%risingD ca%andD kecana%some. Some walked #ery slowly, some rested on the ground, some stopped on the road, and some stood up and $egan walking again. e:t ..4 kecin nVtyaP praklr#anto gOyantas tatra ke ana kecid $ahu%#idhO gOthOT kathayantaT purOtanOT kecit%someD nVtyam%danceD prakur#antaT%doingD7gOyantaT%singingD tawra%thereD kecana%someD kecit%someD $ahu%manyD #idhO%kindsD gOthOT%songsD kathayantaT%sayingD purOtanOT%ancient.

e:t ..6 marutta%M#eta%sagara% mandhOtVQaP ca $hU$hVtOm uttOnapOda%nahUWa% nalOdNnOP ca yO kathO MrN%rOmasyOM#amedhasya rantide#asya karmaQOm marutta%M#eta%sagara%mandhOtVQam%of -arutta, S#eta, Sagara, and -andhOtOD ca% andD $hU$hVtOm%the kingsD uttOnapOda%nahUWa%nalOdNnOm%$eginning with ?ttanapada, Nahusa, and NalaD ca%andD ya%whichD kathO%storiesD MrN%rOmasya%of Lord 5OmaD aM#amedhasya%of the as#amehda%yjanaD rantide#asya%%of 5antide#aD karmaQOm%the pious deeds. Some tecited the histories of great kings like -arutta, S#eta, Sagara, -andhOtO, ?ttOnapOda, NahuWa, Nala, and the histories of Lord 5OmaEs aM#amedha%yajZa and 5antide#aEs many pious deeds.

e:t ..7 yeWOP yeWOP nVpOnOP ca Mrut#O #Vddha%mukhOt kathOT kathayantaM ca tOT kecic chruta#antaM ca kecana yeWOP yeWOm%of whome#erD nVpOnOm%the kingsD ca%andD Mrut#O%hearingD #Vddha% mukhOt%from the mouth of the great eldersD kathOT%storiesD kathayantaT%tellingD ca% andD tOT%themD kecit%someD Mruta#antaT%hearingD ca%andD kecana%some. Some repeated the stories of these kings, stories heard from the mouths of their elders, and others carefully listened. e:t .09 sthOyaP sthOyaP gatOT kecit s#OpaP s#OpaP ca kecana e#aP sar#e pramuditOT prajagmuT s#OlayaP #rajOt sthOyaP sthOyam%staying again and againD gatOT%goneD kecit%someD s#OpaP s#Opam% sleeping again and againD ca%andD kecana%someD e#am%thusD sar#e%allD pramuditOT% joyfulD prajagmuT%wentD s#Olayam%to their own homesD #rajOt%from Vraja. hey tra#eled, stopped, slept, and tra#eled again. In this way, after many days, the happy pilgrims all ;eturneddto their own homes. e:t .0, hVWXo nando yaModO ca $OlaP kVt#O s#a%#akWasi tasthau s#a%mandire ramye ku#era%$ha#anopame hVWXaT%pleasedD nandaT%NandaD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD $Olam%the $oyD kVt#O%doingD s#a%#akWasi%to the chestD tasthau%stoodD s#a%ownD mandire%in the palaceD ramye% $eautifulD ku#era%$ha#ana%upame%like /u#eraEs palace. Staying in a palace opulent like /u#eraEs, Nanda and =aModO happily held infant

/VWQa to their chest. e:t .0. e#a< pra#ardhitau $Olau Mukla%candra%kalophhau gaV P pucchaP ca $hitmiP ca dhVt#O cottasthatmr mudO e#am%thusD pra#ardhitau%grewD $Olau%the two $oysD Mukl%candra%kalO%the increasing phases of the moonD upamau%likeD ga#Om%of the cowsD puccham%the tailD ca%andD $hittim%the wallD ca%andD dhVt#O%holdingD ca%andD uSL sthatuTystoodD mudO%happily. Like two slowly wa:ing moons, the two $oys, /VWQa and 8alarOma, grew day $y day. ;appily holding a cowEs tail or a wall, hey $egan to stand up straight. e:t .00 Ma$dOrthaP #O tad%ardhaP #O kWamau #aktuP dine dine pitror harWaP ca #ardhantau gacchantau prOYgane mune Ma$da%of wordsD artham%the meaningD #O%orD tad%ardham%halfD #O%orD kWamau%a$leD #aktum%to speakD dine%dayD dine%after dayD pitroT%of the parentsD harWam%happinessD ca%andD #ardhantau%increasingD gacchantau%goingD prOYgane%in the courtyardD mune%< sage. a < sage, crawling a$out in the courtyard, and now a$le to sptak with $roken wor s, day after day the two $oys delighted heir parints. e:t .01 $alo d#i%pOdaP pOdaP #O gantuP Makto $a$hU#a ha gantuP Makto hi jOnu$hyOP prOYgrne #O gVhe hariT ndeedD gantum%to goD MaktaT%a$leD hi%indeedD jOnu$hyOm%with $oth kneesD prOYgane% in the courtyardD #O%orD gVhe%in the homeD hariT%Lord /VWQa.

Soon /VWQa could crawl through the house and courtyard and 8alarOma could walk with ;is legs. e:t .02 #arWOdh<ko hi #ayasO kVWQOt saYkarWaQaT s#ayam tayor mudOP #ardhayantau jOnu$hyOm tau dine dine #arWa%yearsD adhikaT%moreD hi%indeedD #ayasO%$y ageD kVWQOt%than /V QaD saekarWaQaT%8alarOma s#ayam%;imselfD tayoT%of themD mudOm%the happinessD .ardhayantau%increasingD jOnu$hyOm%$y the kneesD tau% hemD dine%dayD dine%$y day. 8alarOma was one year older than /VWQa. &ay after day crawling in the courtyard, the $oys delighted heir parents more and more e:t .03 #rajantau gokule $Olau prahVWXa%gamane kWamau sphuXa%#Okyam ukta#antau mOyO%#igraha%$Olakau #rajantau%goingD gokule%in FokulaD $Olau%the two $oysD prahVWXa%gamane%happily goingD kWamau%a$leD sphuXa%#Okyam%clear word tukta#antau%speakingD mOyO%#igraha% $Olakau%pretending to $e two, ordinary small $oys. Soon the two Supreme Lords, now accepting the role of small $oys, could easily walk in the #illage of Vraja and easily speak distinct words. e:t .04 gargo jagOma mathurOP #asude#OMramaP mune sa taP nanOma $haktyO ca papraccha kuMalaP tayoT gargaT%Farga -uniD jagOma%wentD mathurOm%to -athurOD #asude#OMramam%to the OMrama of Vasude#aD mune%< saheD sa%heD tam%to himD nanOma%$owed downD $haktyO% with da#otion. ca%andD papraccha%askedD kuMalam%welfareD tayoT%of hem $oth.

< sage, Farga -uni went to Vasude#aEs palace in -athurO. Vasude#a de otedly $owed $efore the sagt and asked a$out the welfare of /VWQa and 8alarOma. e:t .06 munis taP kathayOm Osa kuMalaP su%mahotsa#am OnandOMru%nimagnaM ca Mruta%mOtrOd $a$hU#a ha muniT%the sageD tam%to himD kathayOm Osa%toldD kuMalam%the welfareD su% mahotsa#am%a great festi#alD OnandOMru%tear% of joyD nimagnaT%plungedD ca%andD Mruta% mOtrOt%simply $y hearingD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. Farga -uni told him the $oys were well and happy and then descri$ed the great anna%prOMana festi#al. ;earing all this, Vasude#a $ecame plunged into an ocean of tears of joy. e:t .07 de#akN parama%prNtyO papraccha ca punaT punaT OnandOMru%nimagnO sO ruroda ca muhur muhuT de#akN%&e#akND parama%prNtyO%with great happinessD papraccha%askedD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%againD OnandOMru%tears of joyD nimagnO%plungedD sO%sheD ruroda% weptD ca%andD muhuT%againD muhuT%and again. @illed with happiness and lo# , &e#akN asked agaiV and again. (lunged in an ocean of tears of joy, she wept again and again. e:t .19 gargas tO# OMiWaP kVt#j jagOma s#OlayaP mudO s#a%gVhe tasthatus tau ca ku#era%$ha#anopame

gargaT%FargaD tau%themD OMiWam%$lessingD kVt#O%doingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to his own homeD mudO%with happinessD s#a%gVhe%in their own homeD tasthatuT%stayedD tau%theyD ca%andD ku#era%$ha#anopame%like /u#eraEs palace. Farga -uni $lessed them and then returned home. Staying in their palace opulent like /u#eraEs own a$ode, Vasude#a and &e#akN $ecame #ery happy. e:t .1, yatra kalpe yathO ceyaP tatra t#am upa$arhaQaT paZcOMat%kOminNnOP ca patir gandhar#a%puYga#aT yatra%whereD kalpe%in the kalpaD yathO%asD ca%andD iyam%heD tatra%thereD t#am%youD upa$arhaQaT%?pa$arhaQaD paZcOMat%kOminNnym%of fifty $eautiful wi#esD ca%andD catiT% the hus$andD gandhar#a%puYga#aT%the $est of Fandhar#as. < NOrada, in a pre#ious kalpa you were the great gandhar#a ?pa$arhaQa, the hus$and of fifty $eautiful wi#es. e:t .1. tOsOP prOQOdhikas t#aP ca MVYgOrB%nipuQo yu#O tato E$hUr $rahmaQaT MOpOd dOsN%putro d#ijasya ca tOsOm%to them=lprOQOdhikaT%more dear than lifeD t#am%youD ca%andD MVYgOra% nipuQaT%e:pert at the art of lo#eD yu#O%youthfulD tataT%thenD a$hUT%$ecameD $rahmaQaT%of the demigod 8rahmOD MOpOt%$y the curseD dOsN%putraT%the son of a maidser#antD d#ijasya%of a $rOhmaQaD ca%and. =outhful and e:pert at amorous pastimes, you were more dear than life to them. hen, $y the curse of the demigod 8rahmO, you $ecame the son of a $rOhmaQa and a ser#ant girl. e:t .10 tato EdhunO $rahma%putro #aiWQa#occhiWXa%$hojanOt

sar#a%darMN ca sar#a%jZaT smOrako hari%se#ayO tataT%thenD adhunO%nowD $rahma%putraT%the son of 8rahmOD #aiWQa#a%of VaiWQa#asD ucchiWXa%the remnantsD $hojanOt%$y eatingD sar#a%allD darMN%seeingD ca%andD sar#a%allD j].sy .1,^aT%knowingD smOrakaT%remem$eringD hari%se#ayO%$y ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. 8y eating the remnants of food left $y the VaiWQa#as, you $ecame the son of the demigod 8rahmO. Now, $ecause of your ser#ice to Lord /VWQa, you ha#e the power to see e#erything, know e#erything, and remem$er your past $irths. e:t .11 kathitaP kVWQa%caritaP nOmOnsa%prOManOn#itam janma%mVtyu%jarO%#ighnaP aparaP kathayOmi te kathitam%spokenD kVWQa%caritam%Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD nOma%namedD anna% prOMana%anna%prOManaD an#itam%%withD janma%$irthD mVtyu%deathD jarO%old ageD #ighnam%remo#ingD aparam%greatD kathayOmi%I tellD te%to you. hus I ha#e descri$ed to you S(e pastime of Lord /VWQaEs anna%prOManf ceremony. his descriVtion rescues one erom the world of $irth, death, and old%age. .pa

%ha*ter &ourteenV-#.0r'una!bha?'anaThe rea#ing o( the Ar'una Tree

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO nanda%patnN sO snOnOrthaP yamunOP yayau ga#ya%pUrQaP gVhaP dVWX#O jahOsa madhusUdanaT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD nanda%patnN%NandaEs

wifeD sO%sheD snOnOrtham%to $atheD yamunOm%to the =amunOD yayau%wentD ga#ya% pUrQam%filled with milk%productsD gVham%the houseD dVWX#O%seeingD jahOsa%smiledD madhusUdanaT%/VWQa. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day =aModO went to $athe in the =amunO. Seeing the house filled with milk%products, the $oy /VWQa smiled. e:t . dadhi%mugdhOjya%takkaP ca na#an(taP manoraman gVha%sthitaP ca yat kiZcic cakhOda madhusUdanaT dadhi%yogurtD dugdha%milkD ajya%gheeD takram%$uttermilkD ca%andD na#anNtam% $utterD manoramam%$eautifulD gVha%sthitam%in the houseD ca%andD yat%whatD kiZcit% somethingD cakhOda%ateD madhusUdanaT%/VWQa. hen /VWQa drank all the yogurt, milk, ghee, $uttermilk, and $utter that was in the ouse. e:t 0 madhu%haiyaYga#NnOP yat s#astikaP MakaXa%sthitam $hukt#O pNXaPMukair #aktra% saPskOraP kartum udayatam madhu%honeyD haiy0Yga#NnOm%of $uttewD yat%whath s#astikam%s#astika canmdiesD MakaXa%sthitam%on a cartD $hukt#O%eatingD pNXaPMukaiT%with a yellow clothD #aktra% mouthD saPskOram%wipingD kartum%to doD udayatam%eager. the e#idence from ;is mouth with the edge of ;is yellow dhoti, . . . e:t 1 dadarMa $OlakaP gopN snOt#Ogatya s#a%mandiram ga#ya%MUnyaP $hagna%$hOQRaP madh#%Odi%rikta%$hOjanam

dSdarMa%sawD $Olakam%the $oyD gopN%the g pND snOt#O%ha#ing $athedD Ogatya% returningD s#a%mandiram%to her own palaceD ga#ya%of milk%productsD MUnyam%emptyD $hagna%$hOQRam%$roken potD madh#%Odi%rikta%$hOjanam%pots without honey or the other foodstuffs. . . . the gopN =aModO, returned home from her $ath, sawe;im, and she also saw that in her home all the pots were now $roken and emptied of the milk%products, honey, and other foods they once contained. e:t 2 dVWX#O papraccha $OlOPM ca aho karmedam Od$hutam yUyaP #adata satyaP ca kVtaP kena su%dOruQam dVWX#O%seeingD papracchayaekedD $OlOPT%the childrenD ca%andD aho%<D kSrma%workD idam%thisD ad$hutam%wonderfulD yUyam%youD #adata%tellD satyam%the truthDtca%andD kVtam%doneD kena%$y whom*D su%BOruQam%terri$le. Seeing all this, she asked the children near$yJ "ho did this terri$le thing* ell the truth. e:t 3 yaModO%#acanaP Mrut#O sar#am UcuM ca $OlakaT cakhOda satyaP $Olas te nOsmO$hyOP dattam e#a ca yaModOS#acanam%the words of =aModOD Mrut#O%%hearingD sar#am%allD UcuT%saidD ca% andD $OlakaT%$oysD cakhOda%ateD satyam%in truthD $OlaT%$oyD te%yourD na%notn asmO$hyOm%to usD dattam%gi#enD e#a%indeedD ca%and. ;earing =aModOEs words, the children saidJ =our $oy ate e#erything, and that is is truth. ;e did not e#en gi#e us some. e:t 4 $OlOnOP #acanaP Mrut#O cukopa nanda%gehinN

#etraP yVhit#O dudrO#a rakta%paYkaja%locanO $OlOnOm%of the $oysD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD cukopa%$ecame angryD nanda%gehinN%NandaEs wifeD #etram%a stickD gVhit#O%takingD dudrO#a%ranD rakta%paYkaja% locanO%her lotus eyes red. ;earing the childrenEs words, =aModO $ecame angry. ;er eyes now red lotus flowers, she gra$$ed a stick and ran after /VWQa. e:t 6 palOyamOnaP go#indaP grahituP na MaMOka sO dhyOnOsOdhyaP Mi#OdNnOP durOpam api yoginOm _ palOyamOnam%fleeingD go#indam%/VWQaD grahitum%to gra$D na%notD MaMOka%was a$leD sO%sheD dhyOna%$y meditationD asOdhyam%not attaina$leD Mi#OdNnOm%of Si#a and the othersD durOpam%difficult to attainD api%e#enD yoginOm%$y the yogis. She could not catch the fleeing child /VWQa, who cannot $e caught $y the meditations of Lord Si#a and the yogNs. e:t 7 yaModO $hramaQaP kVt#O #iMrOntO dharma%samyutO tasthau kopa#atN sO ca MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukO yaModO%=aModOD $hramaQam%runningD kVt#O%doingD #iMrOntO%e:haustedD dharma% samyutO%piousD tasthau%stoodD kopa#atN%angryD sO%sheD ca%andD MuWka%dryD kaQXha% throatD oWXha%lipsD tOlukO%and palate. >:hausted from running, and her lips, palate, and throat now dry, saintly, angry =aModO stopped for a moment. e:t ,9 #iMrOntOP mOtaraP dVWX#O

kVpOluT puruWottamaT santasthau purato mOtuT sa%smito jagad%NM#araT #iMrOntOm%e:haustedD mOtaram%motherD dVWX#O%seeingD kVpOluT%mercifulD puruWottamaT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD santasthau%stoodD purataT%$eforeD mOtuT%;hs motherD sa%smitaT%smilingD jagad%NM#araT%the master of the uni#erses. y )t rhat moment merci uleLord /VWQa, who is the Suprem* (erson and the master of all the uni#erses, approached ;is mother and smiled. e:t ,, kare dhVt#O ca taP gopN samOnNya s#am alayam $addh#O #astreQa #VkWe ca tatORa madhusUdanam kare%the handD dhVt#O%takingD ca%andD tam%;imD gopN%the gopND samOnNya%leadingD s#am%otnD alayam%a$odeD $addh#O%$indingD #astreQa%with a clothD #VkWe%to a treeD ca% andD tatORa%stuckD madhusUdanam%Lord /VWQa. hen she took Lord /VWQa $y the hand, led ;im home, with a Vloth tied ;im to a tree, and hit ;im. e:t ,. _ $addh#O kVWQaP yaModO ca jagOma s#OlayaP prati haris tasthau #VkWa%mUle jagatOP patir NM#araT $addh#O%tyingD kVWQam%/VWQaD yaModO%=aModOD ca%andD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to her homeD prati%toD hariT%/VWQaD tasthau%stoodD #VkWa%mUle%at the treeEs rootsD jagatOm% of the uni#ersesD patiT%the masterD NM#araT%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. )fter tying /VWQa to a tree, =aModO went inside the house. In this way the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is the ruler of all the uni#erses, stood at the ro) s of a tree.

e:t ,0 MrN%kVWQa%sparMa%mOtreQa sahasO tatra nOrada papOta #VkWaT MailO$haT Ma$daP kVt#O su%dOruQam MrN%kVWQa%sparMa%mOtreQa%simply $y the touch of Lord /VWQaD sahasO%at onceD tatra% thereD nOrada%< NOradaD papOta%fellD #VkWaT%the treeD MailO$haT%like a mountainD Ma$dam%a great soundD kVt#O%makingD su%dOruQam%terri$le. < NOrada, when the Lord /VWQa touched that tree tall as a mountain, it suddenly fell to the ground, making a frightening sound. e:t ,1 su%#eWaT puruWo di#yo #VkWOd O#ir$a$hU#a ha di#yaP syandanam Oruhya jagOma s#Olayai suraT su%#eWaT%opulently dressedD puruWaT%personD di#yaT%splendidD #VkWOt%from the treeD O#ir$a$hU#a%appearedD ha%indeedD di#yam%splendidD syandanam%chariotD Oruhya% mountingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to his own a$odeD suraT%the demigod. @rom that tree came a splendid, opulently dressed person, who clim$ed a splendid chariot and went away, returning to his own home. e:t ,2 praQamya jagatN%nOthaP Matakum$ha%paricchadaT kiMoraT sa%smito gauro ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaT a%withD smitaT%a smileD gauraT%fairD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaT%decorated with jewel ornaments. &ressed in gold and decorated with jewels, the smiling, fair%comple:ioned youth $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa, tde master of the uni#erses.

e:t ,3 sO #VkWa%patanaP dVWX#O $haya%trastO #rajeM#arN kroRe cakOra $OlaP taP rudantaP MyOma%sundaram sO%sheD #VkWa%patanam%the fall of the treeD dVWX#O%seeingD $haya%trastO%frightenedD #rajeM#arN%the Bueen of VrajaD kroRe%on her lapD cakOra%placedD $Olam%$oyD tamp;imD rudantam%cryingD MyOma%sundaram%dark and handsome. "hen she saw the tree fall, frightened =aModO at once put her crying, handsome, dark $oy on her lap. e:t ,4 Ojagmur gokula%sthaM ca gopO gopyaM ca tad%gVham yaModOP $hartsayOm OsuT MOntiP cakruT MiMuP tadO OjagmuT%cameD gokula%sthaT%the people of FokulaD ca%andD gopO%the gopasD gopyaT%the gsD ca%andD tad%gVham%to her houseD yaModOm%=aModOD $hartsayOm OsuT% re$ukedD MOntim%BuietD cakruT%madeD MiMum%the $oyD tadO%then. he gopas and gopNs of Fokula ran to her house, made the $oy stop ;is crying, and re$uked =aModO. e:t ,6 OMiWaP yuyujur #iprO #andi$hyaM ca dhanaP dadau d#ijena kOrayOm Osa nOma%saYkirtanaP hareT OMiWam%$lessingD yuyujuT%didD #ipra%the $rOhmaQasD #andi$hyaT%to the poetsD ca% andD dhanam!wealthD dadau%ga#eD d#ijena%$y a $rOhmaQaD kOrayOm Osa%madeD nOma% saYkirtanam%the chanting of the namesD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. he $rOhmaQas $lessed the $oy. Nanda ga#e charwty to the poets and had a $rOhmaQa chant the holy names of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead.

_ su%matir nOsti te satyaP jZOtaP nanda #rajeM#ari atyanta%stha#ire kOle tanayo EyaP $a$hU#a ha su%matiT%good intelligenceD na%notD asti%osD te%of youD satyam%truthD jZOtam%knownD nanda%< NandaD #rajeM#ari%< Bueen of VrajaD atyanta%stha#ire%oldD kOle%ageD tanayaT% sonD ayam%;eD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeed. he people of Fokula saidJ < Nanda and =aModO, you are not #ery intelligent. Somehow or other, in your old age you ha#e a son. e:t .9 dhanaP dhanyaP ca ratnaP #O tat sar#aP putra%hetukam na $hakWitaP yat putreQa tad dra#yaP niWphalaP $ha#et dhanam%wealthD dhanyam%riceD ca%andD ratnam%jewelD #O%orD tat%thatD sar#am%allD putra%hetukam%for a sonD na%notD $hakWitam%eatenD yat%whatD putreQa%$y a sonD tat% thatD dra#yam%thingD niWphalam%fruitlessD $ha#et%is. "ealth, rice, jewels, and e#erything else are meant for oneEs children. If they children do not enjoy them, they are worthless. e:t ., putraP $addh#O ga#ya%hetor #VkWa%mUle ca niWXhure gVha%karmaQi su%#yagrO dai#Od #VkWaT papOta ha putram%sonD $addh#O%tyingD ga#ya%hetoT%for some milk%productsD #VkWa%mUle%ton the roots of a treeD ca%andD niWXhure%< cruel oneD gVha%karmaQi%in household dutiesD su%#yagrO%intentD dai#Ot%$y destinyD #VkWaT%the treeD papOta%fellD ha%indeed.

e:t ,7

< cruel one, e r the sake of some milk%productu you tied your son to the $ase of a tree. hen you went a$out your household du ies. hen, $y destiny, the tree fell. e:. .. #VkWasya patanOd gopN $hagyOd $alo Epi jN#itaT praQaWXe $Olake mURhe #astUnOP kiP prayojanam #itaT%ali#e. praQaWXe%killedD $Olake%the $oyD mURhe%< foolD #astUnOm%of these thingsD kim%what*D prayojanam%is the use. @ortunately, your $oy sur#i#ed the treeEs fall. @ool, if ;e had died, what would $e the use of all your wealth* e:t .0 ity ukt#O tOP janOT s.r#e prayayur nija%mandiram u#Oca patnNP nandaMdca rakta%paYkaja%locanaT ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD tOm%to herD jajOT%the peopleD sar#e%allD prkyayuT%wentD nita%mandiram%to their own homesD u#Oca%saidD patnNm%to his wifeD nandaT%nandaD ca% andD rakta%paYkaja%locanaT%his eyes red lotus flowers. w )fter speaking these words to her, e#eryone returned to theiw own homes. hdn Nanda, hisdeyes now red lotus flowers, spoke to his wife. e:t .1 MrN%nanda u#Oca yOsyOmi tNrtham adyai#a kaQXhe kVt#O tu $Olakam atha#O t#aP gVhOd gaccha t#ayO me kiP prayojanam MrN%nanda u#Oca%SrN nanda saidD yOsyOmi%I will goD tNrtham%on pilgrimageD adya% nowD e#a%indeedD kaQXhe%to my neckD kVt#O%holdingD tu%indeedD $Olakam%the $oyD atha#O%orD t#am%youD gVhOt%from the hefseD gaccha%goD t#ayO%of youD me%for meD kim%

what*D prayojanam%is the use. SrN Nanda saidJ Carrying my son around my neck, I widl go on pilgrimage. (lease lea#e my home. "hat need ha#e I for you* e:t .2 Mata%kUpOdhikO #OpN Mata%#OpN%samaP saraT saraT%MatOdhiko yajZaT putro yajZa%MatOdhikaT Mata%a hundredD kupa%wellsD adhikO%$etterD #OpN%a pondD Mata%#OpN%samam%eBual to a hundred pondsD saraT%a lakeD saraT%MatOdhikaT%$etter than a hundred lakesD yajZaT%a yajnar putraTaa sonD yajZa%MatOdhikaT%$etter than a hundred yajnas. n is $etter than a hundred yajZas. e:t .3 tapo%dOnod$ha#aP puQyaP anmOntara%sukha%pradam sukha%prado Epi sat%putra ihai#a ca paratra ca tapo%dOnod$ha#am%$orn from austerity and charityD puQyam%pietyD janmOntara% sukha%pradam%gi#ing happiness in this lifeD sukha%pradaT%gi#ing happinessD api%alsoD sat%putra%a good sonD iha%rereD e#a%indeedD ca%andD paratra%in the afterlifeD ca%and. d (ious deeds, such ar austerity and charity, $ring hlfpiness in the ne:t life. ) good son, howe#er, $rings happiness in $oth this life and the ne:t. e:t .4 sar#eWOP ca priyO patnN #OsanO$andha%MVYkhalO mOyO mUrtimayN sakWOt sneha%moha%karaQRikO sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD priyO%dearD patnN%wifeD #OsanO%$y desiresD $andha%$oundD

MVYkhalO%chainsD mpyO%illusionD mUrtimayN%personifiedD sakWOt%directlyD sneha%mohar karaQRikO%a $asket of affection and illusion. >#ery man lo#es his wife, $ut a wife is an iron chain of material desires. She is illusion personified. She is a $asket of dear illusions. e:t .6 tato EdhikaT priyaT putraT prOQe$hyo Epi su%niMcitam putrOd api paro $andhur na $hUto na $ha#iWyati tataT%thereforeD adhakaT%moreD priyaT%dearD putraT%a sonD prOQe$hyaT%than lifeD api%e#enD su%niMcitam%concludedD putrOt%than a sonD api%e#enD paraT%$etterD $andhuT% relati#eD na%notD $hUtaT%wasD na%notD $ha#iWyati%will $e. ) son is more dear than a wife. ) son is more dear than life itself. here ne#er was, nor will there e#er $enany relati#e mmryod ar than a son. e:t .7 e#am ukt#O s#a%$hOryOP ca tasthau nandaTss#a%mandire _yaModO rohiQN cai#a niyuktO gVha%karmaQi e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD s#a%$hOryOm%to his wifeD ya%andD tasthau%stoodD nandaT%NandaD s#a%mandire%in his palaceD yaModO%=aModOD rohiQN%5ohinND ca%andD e#a% indeedD niyuktO%engaredD gVha%karmaQi%in their household duties. )fter speaking these words to his wife, Nanda stayed in his palace and did not lea#e for pilgrimage. =aModO and 5ohiQN $ecame #ery diligent in their household duties. e:t 09 MrN%nOrada u#Oca su%#eWaT puruWaT ko #O #VkWa%rUpN ca gokuls

$haga#an hetunO kena #VkWat#aP sama#Opa ha MrN%nOrado u#Oca%SrN nOrada saidD su%#eWaT%opulently dressedD puruWaT%personD kaT% who*D #O%orD #VkWa%rUpN%in the form of atreeD ca%gndD gokule%in FokulaD $haga#an%< LtrdD hetunO%$y the reasonD kena%$y what*D #VkWat#am%the status of a treeD sama#Opa% attainedD ha%indeed. SrN NOrada saidJ "ho was the opulently dressed person that had thus assumed the form of a tree* < Lord, how did he $ecome a tree* e:t 0, MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ku#era%tanayaT MrNmOn nOmnO ca nalakU#araT jagOma nandana%#anaP krNROrthaP saha ram$hayO MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ku#era%tanayaT%/u#eraEs sonD MrNmOn% handsomeD nOmnO%$y nameD ca%andD nalakU#araT%nalaku#araD jagOma%wentD nandanw% #anam%io the Nandana gardewsD krNROrthamtto enjoy pastimesD saha%withD ram$hayO% 5am$hO. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day /u#eraEs son NalakU#ara, who was handsome and gloriors, went to thw Nandana g Sdens to enjoy with the apsarO 5am$hO. e:ts 0. and 00 nirjane sarasas%tNre puWpodyOne manohare #aXa%#VkWa%samNpe ca saura$he puWpa%#OyunO _ #idhOya puWpa%MayanaP ratna%dNpaiM ca dNpitaT candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam paritaT puWpa%mOlyaiM ca

kWauma%#astraiM ca #eWXitam nirjane%in a secluded placeD sarasas%tNre%$y a lakeshoreD puWpodyOne%in a flower gardenD manohare%$eautifulD #aXa%#VkWa%samNpe%near a $anyan treeD ca%andD saura$he% fragrantD puWpa%#OyunO%with a $reeGe of flowersD #idhOya%makingD puWpa%Mayanam%a $ed of flowersD ratna%dNpaiT%with jewel lampsD ca%andD dNpitaT%lightedD candanOguru% kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%carcitam%anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD paritaT%e#erywhereD puWpa%mOlyaiT%with flowersD ca%andD kWauma%#astraiT%with silkD ca%andD #eWXitam%co#ered. In a $eautiful and secluded lakeshore flower garden fragrent with flower $reeGes, he made a $ed of flowers with silken sheets, jewel lamps, fragrant ointments of sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, and with flowers e#erywhere. e:t 01 tatra ram$hOP samOnNya #ijahOra yathecchayO MVYgOrOWXa%prakOraP ca #iparNtOdhikaP sukham tatra%thereD ram$hOm%5am$hOD samOnNya%takingD #ijahOra%enjoyed pastimesD yathecchayO%as they wishedD MVYgOrOWXa%prakOram%eight kinds of conjugal pastimesD ca% andD #iparNtOdhikam%$eginning with #iparitaD sukham%happiness. ;e took 5am$hO there and they enjoyed the eight kinds of amorous pastimes, $eginning with #iparNta, to their heartEs content. e:t 02 cum$anaP WaX%prakOraP ca yathO%sthOnaP nirUpitam aYga%pratyaYga%samyoga% tri#idhOMleWaQaP mudO cum$anam%kissingD WaX%prakOram%si: kindsD ca%andD yathO%sthOnam%as the placeD nirUpitam%descri$edD aYga%pratyaYga%lim$sD samyoga%togetherD tri#idhO%three kindsD OMleWaQam%em$raceD mudO%with happiness. In that place they enjoyed si: kinds of kisses and three kinds of em$races.

e:t 03 _ nakha%danta%kara%krNROP cakOra rasikeM#araT jalOt sthale sthalOt toye kOma%MOstra%#iMOradaT tnakha%nailsD danta%teethDckara%doingD krNROm%pastime D cakOra%didD rasikeM#araT% e:pert at amorous pastimesD jalOt%from the waterD sthale%on the landD sthalOt%from the landD toye%to the waterD kOma%MOstra%#iMO adaT%learned in them/Oma%MOstra. >:pert in amorousypastimes and learned in the /Oma%MOstra, he took her from the water to the land, and from the land No the water, enjoying with her pastimes of amorous s ratching and $iting. e:t 04 rati%$hogaP prakur#antaP dadarMa de#alo muniT nagnOP ram$hOP mukta%keMNP pNna%MroQi%payodharOm rati%$hogam%amorous pleasuresD prakur#antam%doingD dadarMa%sawD de#alaT% &m#alaD muniT%-uniD nagnOm%nakedD ram$hOm%5am$hOD mukta%keMNm%dishe#eled hairD pNna%largeD MroQi%hipsD payodharOm%and $reasts. )t that moment &e#ala -uni saw NalakU#arafenjoying these amorous pleasures with naked, dishe#eled, $u:om, $road%hipped 5am$hO. e:t 06 nakha%daeta%kWatOYgNitcs pulakOYkita%#igrahOm paMyantNP prOQa%nOthaP ca paMyantaP sa%smitaP mudO nakha%nailsD danta%teethD kWata%woundedD aYgNm%lim$sD ca%andD pulakOYkita% #igrahOm%hairs erectD paMyantNm%$yGingD prOQa%nOtham%st the lord of her lifeD ca%andD paMyantaS%gaGingD sa%smitam%smilingD mudOthappily. ;er lim$s scratched and $itten and the haims of her $ody erect, she gaGed, smiling

with pleasure, at the lord of her life, and he gaGed, smiling with pleasure, at her. e:t 07 #akrew$hrU%$haYga%samyuktOP dadarMa tOP ca kOmukNm ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitam _ #akra%$hrU%$haYga%samyuktOm%with crooked eye$rowsD dadarMa%sawD tOm%;erD ca%atdD kOmukNm%ltstyD ratna%kuQRala%yugmena%with jewel earringsD gaQRa%sthala% #irOjitam%splendid cheeks. he sage glanced at 5am$hO who, her eye$rows crooked and her cheeks splendid with earrings, was filled with lusty desires, . . . e:t 19 ratna%keyUra%#alaya% ratna%nUpura%$hUWitOm ratna%keyUra%#alaya%jewel $racelets and armletsD ratna%nUpura%$hUWitOm%pecorated with jewel anklets. . . . who was decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, anklets, . . . e:t 1, #icitra%ratna%mOlyaiM ca puWpa%mOlyaiM ca $hUWitmm kiYkiQN%jOla%samyuktOP sindUra%$indu%Mo$hitOm #icitra%wonderfulD ratna%jewelD mOlyaiT%with necklacesD ca%andD puLpa%mOlIaiT% with flowerLgarlandsD ca%andD $hUWitOm%decoratedD kiYkiQN%jOla%samyuktOm%with a network of tinkling ornamentsD sindUra%$indu%Mo$hitOm%decorated with a dor of sindura. . . . colorful jewel necklaces, flower garlands, sindUra dots, and a network of tinkligg orname ts, . . .

e:t 1. tayO yuktaP pulakitaP nottiWXhantaP smarOturaC #VkWat#aP yOhi papiWXhety u#Oca muni%puYga#aT tayO%herD huktam%withD pulakitam%hairs erect na%notD uttiWXhantam%standing upD smarOturam%o#ercome with morous pastimesD #VkWat#aa%status of a treeD yOdi%attainD papiWXha%< sinnerD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD muni%puYga#aT%the greaptsage. . . . and he also glanced at NalakU#ara, who was so rapt in amorous pleasures that he did not stand up to offer respect to the sage. he great sage said to him, LSinner, $ecome a tree\L e:t 10 saMOpa ram$hOP kOmOrtOP _ mOnuWN t#aP $ha#eti ca janmejayasya sau$hOgyO $ha#itO kOminNti ca saMOpa%cursedD ram$hOm%5am$hOD kOmOrtOm%lustyD mOnuWN%humanD t#am%youD $ha#a%$ecomeD iti%thusD ca%alsoD janmejayasya%of AanmejayaD sau$hOgyO%$eautifulD $ha#itO%will $ecomeD kOminN%the wifeD iti%thusD ca%and. hen he cursed lusty 5am$hO, L8ecome a human woman\ =ou will $ecome AanmejayaEs $eautiful wife.L e:t 11 t#am e#a gokulaP gaccha #VkWa%rUpN $ha#eti ca MrN%kVWQa%sparMa%mOtreQa punar OyOsyasi gVham t#am%youD e#a%indeedD gokulam%to FokulaD gaccha%goD #VkWa%rUpN%in the form of a treeD $ha#a%$ecomeD iti%thusD ca%andD MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD sparMa%$y the touchD mOtreQa%simplyD punaT%againD OyOsyasi%you will comeD gVham%home.

o NakaU#ara he said, LFo to Fokula and $ecome a tree. "hen Lord /VWQa touches you, you may return home.L e:t 12 ram$he t#am indra%sam$hggOt punar OyOsyasi dhru#am ity e#am ukt#O sa munir jagOma nija%mandiram ram$he < 5am$hOD m#am%youD indre%sam$TogOt%dy enjoying with IndraD wunaT% againD OyOsyasi%you will returnD dhru#am%indeedD ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD sa%heD muni %the sageD jagOma%wentD nija%mandiram%to his own home. o 5am$hO he said, L< 5am$hO, when you enjoy with Indra, you may also re uyn to hour hlee.L )fter speaking these words, the sage returned to his OMrama. e:t 13 ku#era%tanayaT MrNmOn sa jagOma nijOlayam ity e#aP kathitaP #ipra ram$hO%sthOnaP #adOmi te ku#era%tanayaT%/u#eraEs sonD MrNmOn%haedsomeD sa%heD jagOma%wentD nijOlayam%to his homeD ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%saidD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD ram$hO%sthOnam%the place of 5am$hOD #adOmi%I tellD te%to you. _ In this way NalakU#ara, the handsome and glorious son of /uaera, was a$le to return to his home. I ha#e told you that story, now I will tell you the story of 5am$hO. e:t 14 sucandrasya gVhe ram$hO lalO$ha janma $hOrate kanyO lakWmN%s#arUpO ca $a$hU#a sundarN #arO sucandrasya%of SucandraD gVhe%in hhe homeD ram$hO%5am$hOD latO$ha%attainedD janma%$irthD $hOrate%on the earthD kanyO%daughterD lakWmN%s#arUpO%LakWmN

personifiedD ca%andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD sundarN%$eautifulD #arO%the $est. 5am$hO took $irth on the earth in /ing SucandraEs house. She was his #ery $eautiful daughter. She was like Foddess LakWmN personified. e:t 16 tOP ca sOlaYkVtOP kVt#O sucandro nVpatNM#araT nOnO%kautuka%samyuktOP dadau janmejayOya ca tOm%to herD ca%aBndD sOlaYkVtOm%decoratedD kVt#O%doingD sucandraT%SucandraD nVpatNM#araT%the great kingD nOnO%#ariousD kautuka%happinessesD samyuktOm%withD dadau%ga#eD janmejayOya%to janmejayaD ca%and. "ith great ceremony the great king Sucandra ga#e his opulently decorated daughter in marriage to /ing Aanmejaya. e:t 17 janmejayasya su$hagO $a$hU#a mahiWNM#arN sthOne sthOne nirjane ca rOja reme tayO saha janmejayasya%of AanmejayaD su$hagO%the $eautifulD $a$hU#a%$ecameD mahiWNM#arN% the first BueenD sthOne%in plaGceD sthOne%after placeD nirjane%in a secluded placeD ca% andD rOja%the kingD reme%enjoyedD tayO%herD saha%with. She $ecame rhe $eautiful first Bueen of /ing Aanmejaya. In many secluded places he enjoyed with her again and again. e:t 29 ekadO nVpati%MreWXho Epy aM#amedhena dNkWitaT aM#a%saYgopanaP kVt#O _ tasthau sakWraM ca mandire ekadO%one dayD nVpati%MreWXhaT%the $est of kingsD api%alsoD aM#amedhena%with an

as#amedha%yajnaD dNkWitaT%initatedD aM#a%the horseD sangopanam%hidingD kVt#O%doingD tasthau%stayedD sakWraT%IndraD ca%andD mandire%in the palace. <ne day the king $egan an aM#amedha%yajZa. Indra at once stole the horse and rode to the palace. e:t 2, yajZOM#aP ruciraP Mrut#O kautukena #apuWXamO draWXuP jagOma sO sOdh#N cOM#am ekOkinN mudO yajZOM#am%the yajna horseD ruciram%$eautifulD Mrut#O%hearingD kaukskena%with eagernessD #apuWXamO%$eautifulD draWXum%to seeD jagOma%wentD sO%sheD sOdh#N%chasteD ca%andD aM#am%%the horseD ekOkinN%aloneD mudO%happily. ;earing that the handsome yajZa horse had come, the chaste and $eautiful Bueen eagerly went alone to see it. e:t 2. Makro EM#On nirgato $hUt#O dharWayOm asa tOP satnm tayO ni#OryamOQaM ca reme tatra tayO saha MakraT%IndraD aM#Ot%from the horseD nirgataT%wentD $hUt#O%$ecomingD dharWayOm Osa%rapedD tOm%herD satNm%chasteD tayO $y her$ ni#OryamOQaT%resistedD ca%andD reme% enjoyedD tatra%thereD tayO%herDrsaha%with. &escending from the horse, Indra raped the chaste Bueen. )lthough she resisted, he enjoyed with her there in the palace. e:t 20 mUrchOm a#Opa MakraM ca $u$udhe na di#O%niMam sO ca sam$hoga%mOtreQa dehaP tatyOja yogataT

mUrchOm%faintingD a#Opa%attainedD MakraT%IndraD ca%andD $u$udhe%understoodD na% notD di#O%niMam%day or nightD sO%sheD ca%andD sam$hoga%mOtreQa%simply $y that enjoymentD deham%$odyD tatyOja%a$andonedD yogataT%$y yoga. <#ercome with pleasure, Indra did not know whether it was day or night. 8ecause of their union, the Bueen employed mystic powers to lea#e her $ody. _ e:t 21 nVpasya lajjayO $hNtyO MakraT s#argaP jagOma ha rOjO Mrut#O mVtOP dVWX#O #ilalOpa $hVMaP muhuT nVpasya%of the kingD lajjayO%$y shameD $hNtyO%$y fearD MakraT%IndraD s#argam%to S#argalokaD jagOma%wentD ha%indeedD rOjO%the kingD Mrut#O%hearingD mVtOm%deadD dVWX#O%seeingD #ilalOpa%lamentedD $hVMam%greatlyD muhuT%again and again. >m$arrassed and frightened of the king, India fled to #argaloka. "hen he heard what had happened, and when he saw that his wife was now dead, the king lamented again and again. e:t 22 yajZaP samOpya #ipre$hyo dadau pUrQOP ca dakWiQOm ram$hO ca mOna#aP dehaP tyakt#O s#argaP jagOma ha yajZam%the yajoaD samOpya%attainingD #ip e$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD dadau%ga#eD pUrQOm%fullD ca%andD dakWiQOm%daksinaD ram$hO%5am$hOD ca%andD mOna#am%humanD deham%$odyD tyakt#O%a$andoningD s#argam%to S#argalokaD jagOma%wentD ha%indeed. In this way 5am$hO left her human $ody and returned to S#argaloka. "hen the yajZa was completed, the king ga#e the $rOhmaQas their full dakWiQO. e:t 23 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP #VkWOrjuna%#i$haZjanam

nalakU#ara%mokWaP ca ram$hOyOM ca mahO%mune ity%thusD e#am%thudsD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD #VkWOrjuna%of the arjuna treeD #i$haZjanam%the $reakingD nalakU#ara%mokWam%the release of NalakU#araD ca%andD ram$hOyOT%of 5am$hOD ca%andD mahO%mune%m great sage. < great sage, in this way ha#e told you all a$out the $reaking of the arjuna tree and the release of NalakU#ara and 5am$hO from a sageEs curse. e:t 24 puQya%daP kVWQa%caritaP janma%mVtyu%jarOpaham ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP aparaP kathayOmi te _ puQya%dam%gi#ing pietyD kVWQa%caritam%Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD janma%mVtyu% jartpaham%remo#ing $irth, death, and old ageD ity%thusdD e#am%thusD kathitam%toldD sar#am%allD aparam%anotherD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%to you. hus I ha#e told you all a$out this one of Lord /VWQaEs sanctifying pastimes, which free one from $irth, death, and old age. Nor I will tell another of ;is pastimes.

%ha*ter &i(teen+r, R0dh0!K-./a!viv0haThe >edding o( +r, R0dh0!K-./a

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO kVWQa%sahito nando #VndO#anaP yayau tatropa#ana%$hOQdNre cOrayOm Osa gokulam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD kVWQa%sahitaT%with /VWQaD nandaT%NandaD #VndO#anam%to VVndO#anaD yayau%wentD tatra%thereD upa#ana% $hOQdNre%in a $anyan forestD cOrayOm Osa%herdedD gokulam%the cows.

n rN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day, taking infant /VWQa with ;im, Nanda tended the cows in a $anyan gro#e of VVndO#ana forest. e:t . saraTsu s#Odu toyaP ca pOyayOm Osa tat apau u#Osa #aXa%mUle ca $OlaP kVt#O s#a%#akWasi earaTsu%in the lakesD s#Odu%sweetD toyam%waterD ca%andD pOyayOm Osa%amde to drinkD tat%thatD papau%drankD u#Osa%stayedD #aXa%a $anyan treeD mUle%at the rootD ca% andD $Olam%the $oyD kVt#O%doingD s#a%#akWasi%on his chest. ;e drank the sweet water of a lake, made the cows drink also, and, holding infant /VWQa to his chest, he sat at the roots of a $anyan tree. e:t 0 etasminn antare kVWQo mOyO%$Olaka%#igrahaT cakOra mOyayO kasmOn meghOcchannaP na$ho mune etasminn antare%thenD kVWQaT%/VWQaD mOyO%$Olaka%#igrahaT%playing the role of an infnatD cakOra%didD mOyayO%$y the power of ;is mOyO potencyD kasmOt%suddenlyD meghOcchannam%co#ered with cloudsD na$haT%the skyD mune%< sage. < sage, then Lord /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead who was playing the role of an infant, employed ;is =ogamOyO potency to suddenly co#er the sky with clouds. e:ts 1 and 2 meghO#VtaP na$ho dVWX#O MyOmalaP kOnanOntaram jhaZjhO%#OtaP megha%Ma$daP #ajra%Ma$daP ca dOruQam #VWXi%dhOrOm ati%sthUlOP

kampamOnOPM ca pOdapOn dVWX#ai#aP patita%skandhOn nando $hayam a#Opa ha megha%with cloudsD O#Vtam%co#eredD na$haT%the skyD dVWX#O%seeingD MyOmalam% darkD kOnanOntaram%inside the forestD jhaZjhO%#Otam%a howling windD megha%Ma$dam% thunderD #ajra%Ma$dam%the sound of thunder$oltsD ca%andD dOruQam%terri$leD #VWXi% dhOrOm%rainstormD ati%sthUlOm%greatD kampamOnOn%shakingD ca%andD pOdapOn%the treesD dVWX#O%seeingD e#am%thusD patita%fallenD skandhOn%$ranchesD nandaT%NandaD $hayam%fearD a#Opa%attainedD ha%indeed. Seeing the cloud%co#ered sky, darkened forest, howling winds, ferocious thunder, great rainstorm, wildly shaking trees, and falling $ranches, Nanda $ecame afraid. e:t 3 kathaP yOsyOmi go%#atsaP #ihOya s#OMramaP prati gVhaP yadi na yOsyOmi $ha#itO $Olakasya kim katham%how*D yOsyOmi%I will goD go%#atsam%to the cal#esD #ihOya%lea#ingD s#OMramam%my homeD prati%toD gVham%homeD yadi%ifD na%notD yOsyOmi%I will goD $ha#itO%will $eD $Olakasya%of the $oyD kim%what* danda saidJ ;ow canrI go home now and lea#e the cal#es $ehind* If I do not go home, what will $ecome of my $oy* e:t 4 e#aP nande pra#adati ruroda MrN%haris tadO mOyO%$hiyO hariM cai#a pituT kaQXhaP dadhOra saT e#am%thusD nande%when nandaD pra#adati%spokeD ruroda%criedD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD tadO%thenD mOyO%$hiyO%pretending to $e afraidD hariT%Lord /VWQaD ca%andD e#a% indeedD ituD%oe ;is fatherD kaQXham%the neckD dadhOra%clutchedD saT%;e. )s Nanda spoke these words, infant /VWQa, pretending to $e afraid, cried and clutched ;is fatherEs neck.

e:ts 6%.. etasminn antare rOdhO jagOma kVWQa%sannidhim gamanaP kur#atN rOja% haPsa%khaZjana%gaZjanam Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha% cOru%#aktrO manoharO Maran%madhyOhna%padmOnOP Mo$ha%mocana%locanO parito netra%pakWma%MrN% #icitra%kajjalojj#alO khagendra%caZcu%cOru%MrN% saYgha%nOMaka%nOsikO tan%madhya%sthala%Mo$hOrha% sthUla%muktO%phalojj#alO ka#arN%#eWa%samyuktO mOlatN%mOlya%#eWXitO grNWma%madhyOhna%mOrtaQRa% pra$hO%muWXaka%kuQRalO pak#a%$im$a%phalOnOP MrN% muWXoWXhOdhOra%yugmakO muktO%paYkti%pra$hOntaika% danta%paYkti%samujj#alO NWat%praphulla%kundOnOP su%pra$hO%nOMaka%smitO kastUrN%$indu%samyukta% sindUra%$indu%samyutO kapolam alakOyuktaP $i$hratN MrN%yutaP satN su%cOru%#artulOkOra% kapola%pulakOn#itO maQi%ratnendra%sOrOQOP hOroraT%sthala%$hUWitO

su%cOru%MrN%phala%d#and#Ot kaXhina%stana%saYgatO patrO#alN%MriyO yuktO dNptO sad%ratna%tejasO su%cOru%#artulOkOraP udaraP su%manoharam #icitra%tri%$ali%yukta% nimna%nO$hiP ca $i$hratN sad%ratna%sOra%racita% mekhalO%jOla%$hUWitO kOmOstra%sOra%$hrU%$haYga% yogNndra%citta%mohinN kaXhina%MroQi%yugalaP kOriQN%kara%nanditam sthala%padma%pra$hO%muWXa% caraQaP dadhatN mudO ratna%pOMaka%samyuktaP yO#aka%dra#a%$hUWitam maQNndra%Mo$ha%sammuWXa% sOlOktaka%punar%$ha#am sad%ratna%sOra%racita% mk#aQan%maZjNra%raZjitam ratna%kaYkaQa%keyUra% cOru%MaYkha%#i$hUWitO ratnOYgurNya%nikara% #ahni%MuddhOPsukojj#alO cOru%campaka%puWpOnOP pra$hO%muWXa%kale#arO sahasra%dala%samyuktaP krNRO%kamalam ujj#alam mukha%MrN%darManOrthaP ca $i$hratN ratna%darpaQam etasmin antare%thenD rOdhO%5OdhOD jagOma%wentD kVWQa%sannidhim%near /VWQaD gamanam%goingD kur#atN%doingD rOja%haPsa%a regal swanD khaZjana%a khanjana $irdD ga].sy .1,^janam%eclipsingD Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha%autumn moonlightD cOru% $eautifulD #aktrO%faceD manoharO%$eautifulD Maran%autumnD madhyOhna%middayD padmOnOm%of lotusesD Mo$ha%$eautyD mocana%eclipsingD locanO%eyesD paritaT% e#erywhereD netra%pakWma%eyelashesD MrN%$eautifulD #icitra%wonderfulD kajjala%mascaraD

ujj#alO%splendidD khaga%of $irdsD indra%the kingD caZcu%$eakD cOru%$eautifulD MrN% $eautyD saYgha%a$undanceD nOMaka%destroyerD nOsikO%noseD tan%madhya%sthala%in the middleD Mo$hOrha%$eautiful and #alua$leD sthUla%greatD muktO%phala%pearlD ujj#alO% splendidD ka#arN%#eWa%samyuktO%with $raidsD mOlatN%mOlya%#eWXitO%decorated with jasmine flowersD grNWma%summerD madhyOhna%middayD mOrtaQRa%sunD pra$hO% splendorD meWXakaero$$ingD kuQRalO%earringsD pak#a%ripeD $im$a%$im$sD phalOnOm% fruitsD MrN%$eautyD muWXa%ro$$ingD oWXhOdhOra%yugmakO%lipsD muktO%pearlsD pa0kti%roeD pra$hO%splendorD anta%endD eka%oneD danta%of teethD paYkti%rowD samujj#alO%splendidD NWat%praphulla%kundOnOm%of jamine flowers $eginning to $loomD su%pra$hO%splendorD nOMaka%destroyerD smitO%smileD kastUrN%$indu%musk dotD samyukta%withD sindUra% $indu%samyutO%with a sindura dotD kapolam%cheekD alaka%Oyuktam%with curly locksD $i$hratN%manifestingD MrN%yutam%$eautyD satN%saintlyD su%cOru%#artulOkOra%gracefulD kapola%cheeksD pulaka%an#itO%hairs standing upD maQi%ratnendra%sOrOQOm%of the kings of jewelsD hOra%necklacesD uraT%sthala%chestD $hUWitO%decoratedD su%cOru%#ery $eautifulD MrNphala%SrNphalaD d#and#Ot%than a pairD kaXhina%firmD stana%$reastsD saYgatO%meetingD patrO#alN%MriyO%$eautiful with designs and picturesD yuktO%withD dNptO%splendidD sad% ratna%tejasO%with the splendor of precious jewelsD su%cOru%#ery $eautifulD #artulOkOram%gracefulD udaram%a$domenD su%manoharam%#ery $eautifulD #icitra%tri% $ali%yukta%with wonderful tri%$ali linesD nimna%deepD nO$him%na#elD ca%andD $i$hratN% manifestingD sad%ratna%sOra%racita%made with the $est of jewerlsD mekhalO%jOla%$hUWitO% decorated with a $eltsD kOma%/Omade#aEsD astra%weaponsD sOra%$estD $hrU%eye$rowsD $haYga%knittingD yogNndra%citta%mohinN%enchanting the minds of the yogisD kaXhina% firmD MroQi%yugalam%thighsD kOriQN%kara%nanditam%glorious an elephantsE trunksD sthala%padma%of the land%growing uotusesD pra$hO%splendorD muWXi%ro$$ingD caraQam% feetD dadhatN%holdingD mudO%happilyD ratna%pOMaka%samyuktam%with a jewel ropeD yO#aka%dra#a%red lacD $hUWitam%decoratedD maQNndra%Mo$ha%the splendor of the king of jewelsD sammuWXa%ro$$ingD sOlaktaka%with lacD punar%$ha#am%againD sad%ratna%sOra% with the $est of jewelsD racitO%madeD k#aQat%tinklingD ma].sy .1,^jNra%ankletsD raZjitam%tinklingD ratna%kaYkaQa%keyUra%with jewel $racelets and armletsD cOru% $eautifulD MaYkha%conchshellsD #i$hUWitO%decoratedD ratnOYgurNya%jewel ringsD nikara% manyD #ahni%fireD Muddha%pureD aPsuka%garmentsD ujj#alO%splendidD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%puWpOnOm%of campaka flowersD pra$hO%splendorD muWXa%ro$$ingD kale#arO% transcendental formD sahasra%dala%samyuktam%with a thousand petalsD krNRO%kamalam% pastime lotusD ujj#alam%splendidD mukha%faceD MrN%$eautyD darManOrtham%to seeD ca%andD $i$hratN%manifestingD ratna%jewelD darpaQam%mirror. )t that moment $eautiful 5OdhO, walking mere gracefulhy than the khaZjana $irds and the rOjahaPsa swrns, her $eautiful face glorious as the autumn moon,uher glistening eyes ro$$ing the midday autumn lotuses of their $eauty, ;er $eautiful eyelashes wonderfully splendid with $lack kajjala, ;er $eautiful nose crushing the $eauty of the $ird%kingEs $eak, ;er nose decorated with a great and precious pearl, ;er $raids decorated with jasmine flowers, ;er earrings ro$$ing the midday summer sun of its splendor, ;er lips ro$$ing the ripe $im$a fruits of their $eauty, ;er splendid teeth eclipsing rows of pearls, ;er smile destroying the splendor of jasmine flowers

just $eginning to $loom, gracefunly decorated with musk and sindUra dots, ;er $eautiful cheeks gracefuk with curly locks of hair, the hairs of ;er ody erect with joy, ;er $reast decorated with necklaces of the kings of jewels, ;er firm $reasts more graceful than a pair of MrNphala fruits, $eautiful with painted wictures and decorations, splendid with precious jewels, ;er waist #ery graceful and $eautiful, ;er deep na#el marked with wonderful tri%$ali lines, decordted with a $elt of preci us jewels, her knitted eye$rows /Omade#aEs weapons to $ewilder the minds of the kings of the rogNs, ;er firm thighs graceful liko elephant trunks, ;er feet ro$$ing the land%grouing lotuses of their splendor, ;er feet anointed with red lac aSd decorated with jewel pMMakas, ;er lac%anointed toenails ro$$ing the regal jewels of their sple dor, decotpted with tinkling ankl<ts of precious jewels, decorated with jewel $racelets and armlets, $eautioul conchshell ornaments, and many finger rings, splendid w th garments pure as fire, ;er fair comple:ion ro$$ing $eautiful campaka flowers of their glory, and holding a splendid pastime%lotus and a jewel mirror torseejtht $oauty of ;er face, approached the infant /VWQa. e:t .0 dVWX#O tOP nirjane nando #ismayaP paramaP yayau candra%koXi%pra$hO%muWXOP $hOsayantNP diMo daMa dVWX#O%seeingD tOm%;erD nirjane%in that secluded placeD nandaT%NandaD #ismayam% surpriseD paramam%greatD yayau%attainedD candra%the moonD koXi%millionsD pra$hO% splendorD muWXOm%ro$$ingD $hOsayantNm%illuminatingD uiMaT%hhe ditctionsD daMa%ten. Seeing 5OdhO, illuminating the ten directions with a sp endor greater than ten mi lion suns, suddenly come to that secluded place, Nanda was #ery surprised. e:t .1 u#Oca tOP sOMru%netro $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT jOnOmi t#aP garga%mukhOt padmOdhika%priyOP hareT u#Oca%saidD tOm%to ;erD sOMru%netraT%with tears in his eyesD $hakti%namrOtma% kandharaT%his head hum$lky $owedD jOnOmi%I knowD t#Om%=ouD garga%of FargaD mukhOt%from the mouthD padmOdhika%priyOm%more dear than Foddess LakWmND hareT%to Lord /VWQa.

;is head $owed and his eyes filled with tears, he said to ;erJ @rom Farga -uniEs mouth I ha#e learned that to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead =ou are more dear than Foddess LakWmN. e:t .2 jOnOmNmaP mahO%#iWQoT paraP nirguQam acyutam tathOpi mohito EhaP ca mOna#o #iWQu%mOyayO jOnOmi%I knowD imam%thisD mahO%#iWQoT%of Lord -ahapViWQuD param%greatD nirguQam%$eyond the modes of natureD acyutam%infallia$leD tathOpi%stillD mohitaT% $ewilderedD aham%ID ca%andD mOna#aT%a human $eingD #iWQu%mOyayO%$y Lord ViWQuEs mOyO potency. I also know that this $oy is the infalli$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, $eyond the modes of nature and superior e#en to Lord -ahO%ViWQu. Still, I am an ordinary human $eing, $ewildered $y Lord ViWQuEs illusory potency. e:t .3 gVhOQa prOQa%nOthaP ca gaccha $hadre yathO%sukham paMcOd dOsyasi mat%putraP kVt#O pUrQaP manoratham gVhOQa%takeD prOQa%nOtham%the Lord of =our lifeD ca%andD gaccha%goD $hadre%< $eautiful oneD yathO%sukham%as =ou pleaseD paMcOt%thenD dOsyasi%=ou will gi#eD mat% putram%my sonD kVt#O%ha#ing doneD pUrQam%fullD manoratham%desires. < $eautiful one, now =ou may take my son and enjoy with ;im as =ou like. "hen =our desires are all fulfilled, =ou will return ;im to me. e:t .4 it tukt#O sa dadau tasyai rudantaP $OlakaP $hiyO jagrOha $OlakaP rOdhO VjahOsa madhuraP sukhOt ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD sa%heD dadau%ga#eD tasyai%to ;erD rudantam%cryingD

$Olakam%the infantD $hiyO%with fearD jagrOha%tookD $Olakam%the $oyD rOdhO%5OdhOD jahOsa%smiledD madhuram%sweytD sukhOt%happily. )fter sp aking these words, he fearfully ga#e the crying infant to ;er. She accepted ;im with a sweet and happy smile. e:t .6 u#Oca nandaP sO yatnOn na prakOMyaP rahasyakam ahaP dVWXO t#ayOnena kati%janma%phalodayOt u#Oca%saidD nandam%to NandaD sO%SheD yatnOn%carefullyD na%notD prakOMyam%to $e re#ealedD rahasyakam%secretD aham%ID dVWXO%seenD t#ayO%$y youD anena%$y thisD kati% janma%phalodayOt%the fruit of howfmany $irths* She said to NandaJ ake care that this secret is not re#ealed. ;ow many $irths of pious deeds ha#e made you a$le to see -e* e:t .7 prOjZas t#aP garga%#acanOt sar#aP jOnOsi kOraQam akathyam O#ayor gopyaP caritraP gokule #raje prOjZaT%awareD t#am%youD garga%#acanOt%$y Farga - niEs wprdsD sar#am%allD jOnOsi% =ou knowD kOraQam%the causeD akathyam%not to $e spokenD O#ayoT%of ?sD gopyam%to $e hiddenD caritram%natureD gokule%in FokulaD #raje%in Vraja. Farga -uni told you, and therefore you know the secret of why /VWQa and I ha#e come to Fokula and Vraja. e:t 09 #araP #VQu #rajeMa t#aP yat te manasi #OZchitam dadOmi lNlayO tu$hyaP de#OnOm api durla$ham

#aram%a $lessingD #VQu%chooseD #rajeMa%< king of VrajaD t#am%youD yat%whatD te%of youD manasi%in the heartD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desiredD dadOmi%I gi#eD lNlayO%easilyD tu$hyam%to youD de#OnOm%of the demigodsD api%e#enD durla$ham%unattaina$le. (lease ask for whate#er your heart desires. I can easily gi#e to you what e#en the demigods cannot attain. e:t 0, rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O ( tOm e#Oca #rajeM#araT yU#ayoM caraQe $haktiP dehi nOnyatra me spVhO rOdhikO%#acanam%SrN 5OdhOEs wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tOm%to ;erD u#Oca%saidD #rajeM#araT%the king of VrajaD yU#ayoM%of =ou $othD caraQe%for the feetD $haktim% de#otionD dehi%please gi#eD na%notD anyatr %for anything elseD me%of meD spVhO%the desire. ;earing 5OdhOEs words, Nanda said to ;erJ (lease gi#e me de#otion to the feet of Lord /VWQa and =ourself. I do not desire anything $ut that. ejt 0. yU#ayoT sannidhau #OsaP dOsyasi t#aP su%durla$ham O#O$hyOP dehn jagatOP am$ike parameM#ari yU#ayoT%of =ou twoD sannidhau%nearD #Osam%residenceD dOsyasi%=ou will gi#eD t#am%=ouD su%durla$ham%rareD O#O$hyOm%to usD dehi%please gi#eD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD am$ike%< motherD parameM#ari%< supreme goddess. < supreme goddess, < mother of the uni#erses, please grant the rare $oon that =aModO and I will always stay near =ou and /VWQr, e:t 00 Mrut#O nandasya #acanaP u#Oca parameM#arN

dOsyOmi dOsyam atulaP f idOnNP $hakrir astu te Mrut#O%hearingD nandasya%of NandaD #acanam%the wordsD u#Oca%saidD parameM#arN% the supreme goddessD dOsyOmi%I will gi#eD dOsyam%ser#iceD atulam%incompara$leD idOnNm%nowD $haktiT%de#otionD astu%may $eD te%of you. ;earing NandaEs words, Foddess 5OdhO said to himJ I will gi#e to you de#otional ser#ice that has no eBual. e:t 01 O#ayoM caraQOm$hoje yU#ayoM ca di#O%niMam praphulla%hVdaye MaM#at smVtir astu su%durla$hO O#ayoT%of ?sD caraQOm$hoje%for the lotus feetD yU#ayoT%of you twoD ca%andD di#O% niMam%day and nightD praphulla%hVdaye%in the $lossoming heartD MaM#at%alwaysD smVtiT% memoryD astu%may $eD su%durla$hO%rare. &ay and night =ou and =aModO will always remem$er Lord /VWQa and -e in the $lossoming flower of your hearts. his memory of ?s is #ery difficult to attain. e:t 02 mOya yu#OP ca pracchhnnau na kariWyati mad%#arOt goloke yOsyatho Ente ca #ihOya mOna#NP tanum mOyO%mOyOD yu#Om%of you twoD ca%andD pracchannau%co#eredD na%notD kariWyati%will $eD mad%#arOt%$y my $lessingD goloke%in FokulaD yOsyathaT%you will goD ante%at the endD ca%andD #ihOya%a$andoningD mOna#Nm%humanD tanum%form. I gi#e you the $lessing that the illusory potency will not co#er =ou and =aModO. )t the end, lea#ing your human forms $ehind, you two will go to Foloka. e:t 03

e#am ukt#O tu sOnandaP kVt#O kVWQaP s#a%#akWasi dUre ninOya MrN%kVWQaP $Ohu$hyOPSca yathepsitam e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD tu%indeedD sOnandam%happilyD kVt#O%doinuD kVWQam% /VWQaD s#a%#akWasi%to ;er chestD dUre%for a long timeD ninOya%placingD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD $Ohu$hyOm%in ;er armsD ca%andD yathepsitam%as desired. )fter speaking these words, She held wnfa t /tWQa to ;er $reast, to ;er heartEs content em$racing ;im for a long time with $oth arms. _ kVt#O #akWasi taP kOmOt MleWaP MleWaP cucum$a ha pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN sasmOra rOsa%maQRalam kVt#O%doingD #aktasi%to the chestD tam%;imD kOmOt%$y desireD MleWam%em$raceD MleWam%em$raceD cucum$a%kissingD ha%indeedD pulakOYkita%hairs erectD sar#OYgN%all lim$sD sasmOra%remem$eredD rOsa%maQRalam%the rOsa%dance circle. ;7ldeng ;im to ;er $reast, em$racing and kissing ;im again and again, and the hairs of ;er $ody erect, She remrm$ered the circle of the rOsa dance. e:t 06 etasminn antare rOdhO mOyO%sad%ra na%maQRapam dadarMa ratna%kalasa% Matakena saman#itam etasminn antare%thenD rOdhO%5OdhOD mOyO%sad%ratna%mNQRapam%a pa#ilion of jewelsD dadarMa%srwD ratna%jewelD kalasa%domesD Matakena%with a hundredD saman#itam%eith. hen 5OdhO suddenly saw a jewel palace with a hun red jewel domes, . . . e:t 07 e:t 04

nOnO%citra%#icNtrOR yaP citra%kOnana%Mo$hitam sindUrOkOra%maQi$hiT stam$ha%saYghair #irOjitam nOnO%citra%#icitrORhyam%opulent with many wondersD citra%kOnana%Mo$hitam% $eautiful with wonderful forestsD sindUrOkOra%maQi$hiT%with ru$iesD stam$ha% saYg aiT%with pillarsD #irOjitam%splendidd . . . opulent with many wonders, $eautiful with wonderful gardens, splendid with ru$y piliars, . . . e:t 19 candanOguru%kasrUrN% kuYkuma%dra# %yuktayO samyuktaP mOlatN%mOlO% samUha%puWpa%MayyayO candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%yuktayO%with sanda(, aguru, musk, and kunku2aD samyuktam%withD mOlatN%jasmineD mOlO%garlandsD samUha%manyD puWpa% flowersD MayyayO%couches. . . . fragrant with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, decorated with jasmine flowers, furnished with many flower couches,n. . . e:tS1, nOnO%$hoga%samOkNrQaP dieya%darpaQa%samyutam maQNndra%muktO%mOQikya% mOlO%jOlair #i$h Witam nOnO%$hoga%samOkNrQam%filled with many kinds of enjotemntsD di#ya%darpaQa% samyutam%with splendid mirro(sD maQNndra%king of jewelsD muktO%pearlsD mOQikya% ru$iesD mOlO%jOlaiT%with newtorksD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . filled with many pleasures, decorated with splendid mirrors and many pearls, ru$ies, and the kings of jewels, . . .

e:t 1. maQNndra%sOra%racita% ka#OXena #irOjitaP $hUWitaP $hUWaQair #astraiT patOkO%nikarair #araiT maQNndra%sOra%racita%made of the kings of jewelsD ka#OXena%with doorsD #irOjitam% splen2,dD $hUWitam%decoratedD $hUWaQaiT%with ornamentsD #astraiT%with garmentsD patOkO%nikaraiT%with many pennantsD #araiT%e:cellent. . . . splendid with great doors made of the kings of jewels, decorated with cloth, ornaments, anu $eautiful pennants, . . . e:t 10 kuYkumOkOra%maQi$hiT sapta%sopOna%samyutam yuktaP WaXpada%sandohaiT puWpodyOnaP ca puWpitaiT kuYkumOkOra%maQi$hiT%withe jewels the color of kun$kumaD sapta%sopOna% samyutam%with se#en stairwaysD yuktam%endowedD WaXpada%sandohaiT%with $eesD puWpodyOnam%flowers gardensD ca%andD puWpitaiT%flowering. . . . splendid with se#en stairways of jewels the color of kuYkuma, and also splendid with flower gardens freBuented $y swarms of $ees. e:t 1 sO de#N maQRapaP dVWX#O jagOmO$hyantaraP mudO dadarMa tatra tOm$UlaP karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam sO%SheD de#N%the goddessD maQRapam%the palaceD dVWX#O%seeingD jagOma%wentD a$hyantaram%insideD mudO%happilyD dadarMa%sawD tatra%thereD tOm$Ulam%$etelnutsD karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam%scented with camphor and other things. Seeing this, Foddess 5OdhO happily entered the palace. here She saw $etelnuts scented with camphor and spices, . . .

e:t 12 jalaP ca ratna%kum$ha%sthaP MNtaP s#acchaP sudhopamam sudhO%madhu$hyOP pUrQOni ratna%kum$hOni nOrada jalam%waterD ca%andD ratna%kum$ha%stham%in jewel potsD MNtam%coolD s#accham% clearD sudhopamam%like nectarD sudhO%madhu$hyOm1with nectar and honeyD pUrQOni% filledD ratna%kum$hOni%jewel potsD nOrada%< NOrada. . . . a jewel pot of cool, clear, nectarean wa er, and, < NOrada, mano jewel pots filled with nectar and honey. e:t 13 puruWaP kamanNyaP ca kiMoraP MyOma%sundaram koXi%kandarpa%lNlO$haP candanena #i$hUWitam puruWam%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kamanNyam%handsomeD ca%andD kiMoram%youngD MyOma%sundaram%dark and handsomeD koXi%kandarpa%ten million kOmade#asD lNlO%playfulnessD O$ham%splendorD candanena%with sandal pasteD #i$hUWitam%decorated. here She saw the handsome, youthful, and dark Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who was anointed with sandal paste, who was splendid and playful like ten million /Omade#as, . . . e:t 14 MayanaP puWpa%MayyOyOP sa%smitaP su%manoharam pNta%#astra%parNdhOnaP prasanna%#adanekWaQam Mayanam%recliningD puWpa%MayyOyOm%onia flower couchD sa%smitam%mmilingD su% manoharam%charmingD pNta%yellowD #astra"garmentsD parNdhOnam%wearingD prasanna% cheerfulD #adana%faceD NkWaQam%and eyes.

. . . who, dress)d in yellow garments, smiling, charming, and ;is face and eyesehappy, was reclinirg on a flower couch,r. . . e:t 16 maQNndra%sOra%nirmOQa% k#aQan%maZjNra%raZjitam ?ad%ratna%sOra%niriOQt% keyUra%#a,ayOn#i am maQNndra%sOra%nirmOQa%made with the kings of jewelsD k#aQat%tinklingD maZjNra% raZjitam%wearing ankletsD sad%ratna%sOra%nirmOQa%made with precious jewelsD keyUra% #alaya%an#itam%wearing $racelets and anklets. . . . who wore tinkling anklets madI of the kings of jewels, and $racelets and ornaments mnde of the $est of jewels, . . . e:t 17 maQNndra%kuQRalO$hyOP ca gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitam kaustu$hena masNndreQa #akWaT%sthala%samuja#alam maQNndrs kuQRalO$hyOm%with earrings of the kings of jewelsD ca%andD gaQRa%sthala% #irOjitam%splendid cheeksD kaustu$hena%wia kasutu$haD maQAndreQaathe 4ing oh jewelsD #akWaT%sthala%samujj#alam%splendid chest. . . . whose cheeks were splendid with earr ngs made of the kings of jewels, whose chest was splendid with the regal kaustu$ha jewel, . . . 8:t 29 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsya% pra$hO%muWXa%mukhojj#alam Marat%praphulla%kamala% pra$hO%mocana%locanam Marat%pOr#aQa%candra%autumn moonD Osya%faceD pra$hO%splendorD muWXa%ro$$ingD

mukha%faceD ujj#alam%splendorD Marat%autumnD praphulla%$lossomingD kamala%lotusD pra$hO%splendorD mocana%eclipsingD locanam%eyes. . . . whose face ro$$ed the autumn moon of its splendor, whose eyes eclipsed the splendor of the autumn lotuses, . . . e:t 2, mOlatN%mOlya%saPsliWXa% Mikhi%piccha%su%Mo$hitam tri%$haYga%cUROP $i$hrantaP paMyantaP ratna%mandiram mOlatN%of jasmine flowersD mOlya%garlandD saPsliWXa%em$racedD Mikhi%piccha% peacock featherD su%Mo$hitam%decoratedD tri%$haYga%cUROm%threefold%$ending crownD $i$hrantam%wearingD paMyantam%lookingD ratna%manuiram%at the jewel palace. . . . who was em$raced $y a jasmine garland, who wore a triple crown of peacock feathers, and who was looking at the jewel palace. e:t 2. kroRaP $Olaka%MUnyaP ca dVWX#O taP na#a%yau#anam sar#a%smVti%s#arUpO sO tathOpi #ismayaP yayau kroRam%lapD $Olaka%the $oyD MUnyam%withoutD ca%andD dVWX#O%seeingD tam%;imD na#a%yau#anam%new youthD sar#a%allD smVti%remem$ranceD s#arUpO%the formD sO%SheD tathOpi%stillD #ismayam%surpriseD yayau%attained. Noticing that there was no longer any infant on ;er lap, 5Odha gaGed at the youth $efore ;er. >#en though She remem$ered e#erything perfectly, She was still filled with wonder. e:t 20 rUpaP rOseM#arN dVWX#O mumoha su%manoharam kOmOc cakWuM%cakorO$hyOP mukha%candraP papau mudO

rUpam%this handsome formD rOseM#arN%the Bueen of the rasa danceD dVtX#O%seeingD mumoha%$ecame enchantedD su%manoharam%#ery charmingD kOmOt%with amorous desiresD cakWuM%eyesD cakorO$hyOm%with the cakora $irdsD mukha%candram%the moon of ;is faceD papau%drankD mudO%happily. FaGing at this handso e form, yOdhO $ec me $ewildered with passionate lo#er he two cakora $irds of ;er eyes happily gaGed at the moon of this personEs face. e:t 21 nimeWa%rahitO rOdhO na#a%saYgama%lOlasO pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN sa%sm tO madanOturO nimeWa%rahitO%without tlinkingD rOdhy%5OdhOD na#a%saYgama%lOlasO%yearning for ;is em$raceD pulakOYkita%hairs erectD rar#a%allD aYgN%lim$sD sa%smiaO%smilingD mhdanOturO%troh$led with passionate desires. 5OdhO gaGed at ;im with un$linking eyes. he hairs of ;er $ody stood up. She s iled. ormynt,d with amorous desires, She yearned to em$race ;im. e:t 22 tOm u#Oca haris tatra smerOnana%saroruham na#a%saYgama%yogyOP C paMyantNP #akra%cakWuW fOm%to ;erD u#Oca%spokeD hariT%Lord /VWQaD tatra%thereD smerOnana%saroruham%;er lotus face sutlingD na#a%saYgama%for amorous pastimesD yogyOm%suita$leD ca%andD paMyantNm%gaGingD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyes. )s passionate 5OdhO, ;er lotus face smiling, gaGed at ;im, Lord /VWQa spoke to ;er. e:t 23 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca

rOdhe smarasi goloke #VttOntaP sura%saPsadi adya pUrQaP kariWyOmi s#N%kVtaP yat purO priye MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD smarasi%=ou remem$erD goloke%in FolokaD #VttOntam%the e#entD sura%saPsadi%in the assem$lyD adya%nowD pUrQam% fufilledD kariWyOmi%I will makeD s#N%kVtam%aceptedD yat%whatD purO%$eforeD priye%< $elo#ed. SrN /VWQa saidJ < 5OdhO, =ou must remem$er what happened in Foloka. < $elo#ed, now I will fulfill the promise I made to =ou. e:t 24 t#aP me prOQOdhikO rOdhe preyasN ca #arOnane yathO t#aP tathOhaP ca $hedo hi nO#ayor dhru#am t#am%=ouD me%to -eD prOQOdhikO%more dear than lifeD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD preyasN%most dearD ca%andD #arOnane%< girl with the $eautiful faceD purO%$eforeD yathO%asD t#am%=ouD tathO%soD aham%ID ca%andD $hedaT%differenceD hi%indeedD na%notD O#ayoT%of ?sD dhru#am%indeed. < 5OdhO, < girl with the $eautiful face, I lo#e =ou more than anyone. =ou are identical with -e. "e are not different. e:t 26 yathO kWNre ca dhO#alyaP yathOgnau dOhikO satN yathO pVthi#yOP gandhaM ca tathOhaP t#ayi santatam yathO%asD kWNre%in milkD ca%andD dhO#alyam%whitenessD yathO%asD agnau%in fireD dOhikO%heatD satN%is alwaysD yathO%asD pVthi#yOm%in earthD gandhaT%fragranceD ca%andD tathO%soD aham%I@ t#ayi in =ouD santatam%always. )s whiteness is always present in milk, as heat is always prehent in fire, and as

fragrance is always present in earth, so I am always present in =ou. e:ts 27 and 39 #inO mV)O ghaXaP kartuP #inO s#arQena kuQRal m kulOlaT s#arQa%kOraM ca na hi M ktaT k dOcana tathO t#ayO #in! sVWXiP na hi kartum ahaP kWamaT sVWXer OdhOra%$hUtO t#aP rL Nja%rUyo Eham acyutaT #inO%withoutD mVdO%clayD ghaXam%a potD kartum%to makeD #inO%withoutD s#arQena% oldD kuQRalam%an earringD kulOlaT%a potterD s#arQa%kOraT%a goldsmithD ca%andD na% notD hi%indeedD MaktaT%a$leD kadOcana%e#erD tathO%soD t#ayO%=ouD #inO%withoutu sVWXim% creationD na%notD hi%indeedD kartum%to createD aham%ID kWamaT%am a$leD sVWXeT%of creationD OdhOra%$hUtO%the resting placeD t#am%=ouD $Nja%rUpaT%the seedD adam%uD acyutaT%the infalli$le. )s without clay a uotter cannot make a pot and without gold a goldsm th can1ot make a golden earring, so without =ou I cannot create the world. =ou are the place where the world rests and0I am the erfect seed from which it s kouts. e:t 3) gaccha MayanaP sOdh#i k ru #aknaT%sthaloje# lam t#mP me Mo$ha%s#arUpOsi dehasya $hUWaQaP yathO Ogaccha%comeD Mayanam%to this)couchD sOdh#i%<esaintly oneD kpru%doD #akWaT% sthala%on the chestD ujj#alam%splendorD t#am%=osD e%ofS-eD Mo$ha%s#arUpO%the form of splendorD asi%areD dehasya%of the $odyD $hU,aQam%the ornamentd yathO%as. y < saintly one, recline on this couch. eecome the splendoridecoratinj -y chest. )s an ornament is the $odyEs splendor, so =ou are -y splendor. e:t 3.

kVWQaP #adanti mOP lokOs t#ayai#a rahitaP yadO MrN%kVWQaP ca tadO te hi t#ayai#a LahitaP raram kVWQam%/VWQaD #adanti%sayD mOm%-eD lokOT%the peopleD t#ayO%=ouD e#a%indeedD rahitam%withoutD yadO%whenD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD ca%andD tadO%thenD te%theyD hi% indeedD t#ayO%=ouD e#a%indeedD sahitam%withD param%tmen. S "hen =ou do notdstand $y -y side, the people caml -e /VWQa. "hen =ou do stand $y -y side the people call -e Splendid /VWQa (SrN /VWQa). e:t 30 t#aP ca MrNs t#aP ca sampattis t#am OdhOra%s#arUpiQN sar#a%Makti%l#arUpOsi sarweWOP ca mamOpi ca t#am%=ouD ca%andD MrNT%splendorD t#am%=ouD ca%andm sampattiT%opulenceD t#am% =ouD OdhOra%s#arUpiQN%the resting placeD sar#a%allD Makti%potenciesD s#arUpO%the formD asi%=ou areD sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD mama%of -eD api%alsoD ca%and. =ou are splendor. =ou are opulence. =ou are the resting place of e#erything. @or e#eryone, and also for -e, =ou are all power. e:t 31 t#aP strN pumOn ahaP rOdhe neti #edeWu nirQayaT t#aP ca sar#a%s#arUpOsi sar#a%rUpo Eham akWare t#am%=ouD strN%femaleD pumOn%maleD aham%ID rOd e%<5OdhOD na%notD iti%thusD #edeWu%in the VedasD nirQayaT%the conclusionD t#am%=ouD ca%andD sar#a%s#arUpO%a$le tos assume awl formsD asi%areD sar7a%rUpaT%a$le to assume all formsD aham%ID akWare%< infalli$le one. I am not an ordinary man and =ou arr not an ordinary woman. hat is the conclusion of,the Vedas. < infalli$le one, =ou ha#e the power to assume any form =ou

wash, and I ta#e that lower also. e:t 32 yadO tejaT%s#arUpo EhaP tejo%rUpOsi t#aP tadO na MarNrN yadOhaP ca tadO t#am aMarNriQN yadO%whenD tejaT%s#arUpaT%a form of lightD aham% tejo%rUpO%a form of lightD asi%areD t#am%=ouD tadO%thenD na%notD MarNrN%em$odiedD yadO%whenD aham%ID ca%andD tadO%thenD t#am%=ouD aMarNriQN%without a $ody. "het I choose to appear as the 8rahman effulgence, =ou also appear as the 8rahman effulgence. "hen I choose not to manifest a form, =ou also do not manifest a form. e:t 33 sar#a%$Nja%s#arUpo EhaP yadO yogena sundari t#aP ca Makti%s#arUpOsi sar#a%strN%rUpa%dhariQN sar#a%$Nja%s#arUpaT%the seed of e#erythingD aham%ID yadO%whenD yogena%$y yogaD sundari%< $eautiful oneD t#am%=ouD ca%andD Makti%s#arUpO%the form of the potencyD as$% areD sar#a%strN%rUpa%dhariQN%manifesting a form more $eautiful than all other women. < $eautiful one, when I choose to $ecome the seed that $egets e#erything, then $y =our mystic powers =ou $ecome the most $eautiful of all women. e:t 34 s#am ardhOPMa%s#arUpO t#aP f mUla%prakVtir NM#arN MaktyO $uddhyO ca jZOnena mama tulyO ca tejasO s#am%ownD ardha%halfD aPMa%partD s#arUpO%formD t#am%=ouD mUla%prakVtiT%the root of natureD NM#arN%the gtddessD MaktyO%with powerD $uddhyO%with intelligenceD ca%andD jZOnena%with knowledgeD mama%of -eD tulyO%eBualD ca%andD tejasO%with splendor.

=ou are half of -y $ody. =ou are the Supreme Foddess, the root of all nature. In power, intelligence, knowledge, and glory, =ou are -y eBual. e:t 36 O#ayer $heda%$uddhiP ca yaT karoti narOdhamaT tasya #OsaT kOlasUtre yO#ac candra%di#Okarau O#ayoT%of ?sD $heda%$uddhim%the idea of differenceD ca%andD yaT%whoD karoti%doesD narOdhamaT%the lowest of menD tasya%of himD #OsaT%residenceD kOlasUtre%in the hell named kalasutraD yO#at%as long asD candra%the moonD di#Okarau%and the sun. <ne who thinks "e are different is the lowest of men. ;e stays in the hell called /OlasUtra for as long as the sun and moon shine in the skye e:t 37 pUr#On sapta parOn sapta puruWOn pOtayaty adhaT koXi%janmOrjitaP puQyaP tasya naMyati niMcitam m%earned in ten million $irthsD puQyam%pietyD tasya%of himD naMyati%is desctoyedD niMcitam%indeed. ;e makes se#en generations of ancestors and se#en generations of descendents fall down. he piety he earned in ten million $irths is destroyed. e:t 49 ajZOnOd O#ayor nindOP ye kur#anti narOdhamaT pacyante narake ta#ad yO#ad #ai $rahmaQaT Matam ajZOnOt%from ignoranceD O#ayoT%of ?sD nindOm%offenseD ye%they whoD kur#anti%doD nprOdhamae%the jowest of menD pacyante%are cookedD narake%in hellD ta#at%soD yO#at% asD #ai%indeedD $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD Matam%a hundred.

hey who foolishly insult ?s are the lowest of men. hey $urn in hell through the lifetimes of a hundred 8rahmOs. e:t 4, rO%Ma$daP kur#ate trasto dadOmi $haktim uttamOm dhO%Ma$daP ku#rataT paMcOd yOmi Mra#aQa%lo$haeaT rO%Ma$dam%the sylla$le rOD kur#ate%doesD trastaT%frightenedD dadOmi%I gi#eD $haktim%de#otiuonD uttamOm%the $estD dhO%Ma$dam%the sylla$le dhOD ku#rataT%doesD paMcOt%thenD yOmi%I comeD Mra#aQa%lo$hataT%out of eagerness to hear. "hen one, suddently frightened, calls out, L5O\L I gi#e him transcendental de#otional ser#ece. "hen one adds the sylla$le LdhOL, I, eager to hear his chanting, #isit him. e:ts 4. and 40 ye se#ante ca datt#O mOP upacOrOQi WoRaMa yO#aj jN#ana%paryantaP nityaP $haktyO su%samyutOT yO prNtir jOyate tatra rOdhO%Ma$daP tato EdhikaT te priyO me yathO rOdhe rOdhO%#aktO tato EdhikaT ye%whoD se#ante%ser#eD ca%andD datt#O%gi#ingD mOm%-eD upacOrOQi%offeringsD WoRaMa% si:teenD yO#at%asD jN#ana%paryantam%for his entire lif D nityam%alwaynD $haktyO%with de#otionD su%samyutOT%engagedD yO%whichD prNtiT%lo#eD jOyate%is $ornD tatra%thereD rOdhO%Ma$dam%thelsoudd of L5OdhOLD tataT%than thatD adhikaT%moreD te%theyD priyO% dearD me%to -eD yathO%asD rOdhe%<5OdhOD rOdhO%#aktO%they who cant L5OdhOLD tataT% than themD adhikaT%more. < 5OdhO, they who present to -e the si:teen offerings and de#otedly ser#e -e during their entire life are #ery dear to -e, $ut one who chants the name L5OdhOL is

e#en more dear. e:ts 41 and 42 $rahmOnantaT Mi#o dharmo nara%nOrOyaQO# VWN kapilaM ca gaQeMaM ca kOrttikeyaM ca mat%priyaT lakWmNT saras#atN durgO sa#itrN prakVtis tathO mama priyOM ca de#yaM ca tOs tathOpi na te samOT h $rahmO%8rahmOD anantaT%)nantaD MS#aT%Si#aD dharmaT%yamarOjaD nara%nOrOyaQau VWN%SrN Nara%NOrOyaQa [WiD kapilaM%kapilaD ca%andD ga*eMaT%FaQe aD ca%andD kOrttikeyaM% /OrttikeyaD ca%andD mat%priyaT%dear to -eD lakWmNT%LakWmND saras#atN%Saras#atND durgO% &urgOD sa#itrN%Sa#itrND prakVtiT%(rakVtiD tathO%soD mama%of -eD priyOT%dearD ca%andD de#yaM%demigoddessesD ca%aneD tOT%theyD tathOpi%stillD na%notD te%theyD samOT%eBual. 8rahmO, SeWa, Si#a, =ama, Nara%NOrOyaQa [Wi, /apila, FaQeMa, and /Orttikeya are not as dear. LakWmN, Saras#atN, &urgO, Sa#itrN, (rakVti, and all the goddesses are not as dear. e:t 43 te sar#e prOQa%tulyO me t#aP me prOQOdhikO satN $hinna%sthOna%sthitOs te ca it#aP ca #akWaT%sthala%sthitO te%theyD sar#e%allD prOQa%tulyO%dear as lifeD me%to -eD t#am%=ouD me%of -eD prOQOdhikO%more dear tman lifeD sati%< saintly oneD $hinna%sthOna%sthitOT%situated in different placesD te%theyD ca%andD m#am%=ouD ca%andD #akWaT%sthala%sthitu%staying on the chest. o -e they are as dear as life, $ut =ou are more dear than life. hey stay in different places, $ut =ou stay on -y chest. e:t 44

yo me catur%$hujo mUrtir $i$hOrti #akWasi Mriyam yo EhaP kVWQa%s#arUpas t#OP $i$hOrmi hVdayaP sadO yaT%whoD me%of meD catur%$hujaTofour%aemedD mUrtiT%formD $i$hOrti%tanifestsD #akWasi%on the chestD Mriyam%to Foddess LakWmND yaT%whoD aham%ID kVWQa%s#arUpaT% the form of /VWQaD t#am%=ouD $i$hOrmi%manifestD hVdayam%the heartD sadO%always. In -y four%armed form of NOrOyaQa I hold Foddess LakWmN to -y chest. In -y original form of /VWQa, I hold =ou to -y chest always. e:t 46 ity e#am ukt#O MrN%kVWQas tasthau talpe manohare u#Oca rOdhikO nOthaP $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO ity%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD tasthau%stayedD talpe%on the couchD manohare%$eautifulD u#Oca%saidD rOdhikO%5OdhOD nOtham%to ;er LordD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO%;er head $owed. )fter speaking these words, Lord /VWQa reclined on the $eautiful couch. ;er head hum$ly $owed, 5OdhO spoke to ;er Lord. e:t 47 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca smarOmi sar#aP jOnOmi #ismarOmi kathaP pra$ho yat t#aP #adasi sar#OhaP t#at%pOdO$ja%prasOdataT MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD smarOmi%I remem$erD sar#am%e#erythingD jOnOmi% I knowD #ismarOmi%I would forgetD katham%how*D pra$haT%< LordD yat%whatD t#am% =ouD #adasi%sayD sar#O%allD aham%ID t#at%pOdO$ja%prasOdataT%$y the mercy of =our lotus feet.

SrN 5OdhO saidJ I know this. I remem$er e#erything. Lord, how could I forget* 8y the mercy of =our lotus feet I am all that =or ha#e said of -e. e:t 69 mOyOP karoWi mOyeMa mOP $haktOP katham NdVMNm t#an%mOyayO $hramanty e#a mad%#idhOT katidhO janOT mOyOm%illusionD karoWi%=ou doD mOyeMa%< master of illusionsD mOm%to -eD $haktam%de#oteeD katham%why*D NdVMNm%like thisD t#at%o =ouD mOyayO%$y the illusory potencyD $hramanty%are $ewilderedD ena indeaiD mad%#idhOT%they who are like -eD katidhO%how many*D janOT%people. < master of illusion, why do put de#otees like -e into illusion* -any de#otees like -e are $ wildered $y =our mOyO potency. e:t 6, $haktasyaikasya MOpena gopikOhaP mahN%tale Mata%#arWaP ca #icchedo e )ha#itO me t#ayO saha $haktasya%de#oteeD ekasya%of oneD MOpena%$y the curseD gopikO%a gopND aham%ID mahN%tale%on the earthD Mata%#arWam%for a hundred yearsD ca%andD #icchedaT%separationD $ha#itO%will $eD me%of =ouD t#ayO%-eD saha%with. 8y one de#oteeEs curse I ha#e $ecome a gopN on the earth, and =ou and I will $e separated for a hundred years. e:t 6. NM#arasyOpriyOT kecit priyOM ca kutra kecana ye yathO taP niWe#ante teWu tasya tathO kVpO NM#arasya%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD apriyOT%not<dearD kecit%someD priyOM%dearD ca%andD kutra%where*D kecana%someD ye%whoD yathOuasD tam%;imD

niWe#ante%ser#eD teWu%to themD tasya%of ;imD tathO%soD kVpO%mercy. "hy are some dear to the Supreme Lord and some not dear to ;im* )s they render ser#ice to ;im, ;e grants ;is mercy to them accordingly. e:t 60 tVQam ca par#atam kartuP samkWamaT par#ataP tVQam tathOpi yogyOyogyeWu dampatyoM ca samO kVpO tVQam%a $lade of grassD ca%andD par#atam%a mountainD kartum%to doD samkWamaT%is a$leD par#atam%anmountainD tVQam%a $lade of grassD tathOpi%stillD yogya%in the approrpiateD ayogyeWu%and theoinappropriateD dampatyoM%of hus$and and wifeD ca%andD samO%eBualD kVpO%mercy. =ou ha#e the power to transform $lade of grass into a mountain and a mountain into a $lade of gtars. herefore =ou are eBually kind to the competent and the incompetent, to the hus$and and to the wife. e:t 61 tiyXhanty ahaP MayOnas t#aP kathO$hir yad gataP #i$ho tat kWaQaP ca yuga%MataP nOhaP prOpayituP kWamO tiWXhanty%stayingD aham%ID MayOnaT%restingD t#am%=ouD kathO$hiT%with wordsD yat% whatD gatam%goneD #i$haT%< Supreme LordD tat%thatD kWaQam%a momentD ca%andD yuga% Matam%a hundred yugasD na%notD aham%ID prOpayitum%to gi#eD kWamO%am a$le. < Lord, =ou are reclingng on this couch and I am standing $efore =ou. dis moment of <ur con#ersation is like a hundred yugas. I cannot measure the time "e ha#e now spent together. e:t 62 #akWaT%sthale ca Mirasi dehi te caraQOm$ujam dunoti man%manaT sadyas

t#adNya%#irahOnalOt #akWiT%sthale%on the $reastD ca%andD M rasi%on the headD dehi%please placeD te%=ourD caraQOm$Njam%lotus feetD dunori%shakeD man%manaT%-y heartD sad=aT%at onceD t#adNya%#irahOnalOt% rom the fire of separatior from =ou. (lease place =our lotusyfeet on -y head and $reast. (lease e:tinguish the fire of separation thrt Surns in -y heart. e:t 63 puraT papOta me dVWXis t#adNya%caraQOm$ujk nNtO mayOf Oti%kleMOd draWXum anyaP kaee#aram puraT%$eforeD papOta%fe lD me%-yD dVWXiT%glanceD t#adNya%caraQOm$uje%on =our lotus feetD nNtO%ledD mayO%$y -eDwsO%itD ati%kleMOt%with great difficultyD drVWXum%to seeD anyam%the restD kale#aram%of =our $ody. -y glance at once fell on =our lotus feet. <nly with a great effort am Ira$le to pull -y eyes from =our lotus feet and gaGe at the rest of =our transcendental form. e:t 64 pratyekam aYgaP dVWX#ai#a dattOhsO te mukhOm$uje dVWX#O mukhOra#indaP ca nOnyaP gantuP na sO kWamO pratyekam%eachD aYgam%lim$D dVWX#O%seein D eka%indeedD attO%placedD sO%itD te%of =ouD mukhOm$uje%on the lotus faceD dVWX#O%seeingD mukhOra#indam%the lftus faceD ca% andD na%notD nyam%to anotherD gantum%to goD na%notD sO%itD kWamO%a$le. FaGing, one $y one, on each lim$, -y eyes finally rested on =our lotus face. I ha#e no power to pull them to any other place. e:t 66 rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O

jahOsa puruWottamaT tOm u#Oca hitaP tathyaP Mruti%smVti%nirUpitam rOdhikO%of SrN 5OdhOD #acanam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD jahOsa%smiledD puruWottamaT%the Supreme 4ersonality of FodheadD tOm%to ;erD ueOoa%saikD hitam% auspiciousD tathyam%truthfulD Mruti%smVti%nirUpitam%descri$ed in the Sruti and SmVti. ;earing 5OdhOEs words, Lord /VWQa smiled and spoke to ;er the truthful and auspicious philosophy of the Sruti and SmVti MOstras. e:t 67 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca yad e#OcaraQaP yatra deMe janmani #O priye na khedanNyaP tat tatra mayO pUr#aP nirUpitam MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD yat%whatD e#a%indeedD OcaraQam%actionD yatra%whereD deMe%ijn the placeD janmani%in the $irthD #O%orD priye%< $elo#edD na%notD khedanNyam% to $e lamentedD tat%thatD tatra%thereD mayO%$y -eD pUr#am%$eforeD nirUpitam% descri$ed. SrN /VWQa saidJ 8elo#ed, for whate#er happens to anyone in any place or any lifetime there is nothing to lament. I ha#e already e:plained this to =ou. e:t 79 tiWXha $hadre kWaQaP $hadraP kariWyOmi ta#a priye t#an%manoratha%pUrQasya s#ayaP kOlaT samOgataT tiWXha%please waitD $hadre%< $eautiful oneD kWaQam%for a momentD $hadram% auspiciousenssD kariWyOmi%I will doD ta#a%of =ouD priye%< $elo#edD t#at%manoratha% pUrQasya%the fulfillment of =our desireD s#ayam%personallyD kOlaT%timeD samOgataT% come. < $eautiful one, please wait for a moment. "hen the proper time comes I will

fulfil =our desire and make =ou happy. e:t 7, yasya yal likhanaP pUr#aP yatra kOle nirUpitam tad e#a khaQRituP rOdhe kWaQe nOhaP ca ko #idhiT yasya%of whomD yat%whatD likhanam%writingD pUr#am%$eforeD yatra%whereD kOle%in timeD nirUpitam%descri$edD tat%thatD e#a%indeedD khaQRitum%to $reakD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD kWaQe%in a momentD na%notD aham%ID ca%andD kaT%who*D #idhiT%8rahmO. < 5OdhO, I will not erase what fate has written. ;ow can the demigod 8rahmO erase


e:t 7. #idhOtuM ca #idhOtOhaP yeWOP yal%likhanaP kVtam $rahmOdNnOP ca kWudr.QOP na tat khaQoyaP kadOcana #idhOtuT%of 8rahmOD ca%andD #idhOtO%the creatorD aham%ID yeWOm%of whomD yal% likhanam%the writing of fateD kVtam%.oneD $rahmOdNnOm%$eginning with 8rahmOD ca% andD kWudrOQOm%of tiny creaturesD na%notD tat%thatD khaQRyam%to $e ,rokenD kadOcana% e#er. I am the father of 8iahmO. "hatnfate has written for 8efhmO and the demigods and for the lesser creatures also, is not to $e $roken. e: 70 etasminn antare $rahmO jagOma purato hareT mOlO%kamaQRalu%karO NWat%smera%catur%mukhaT etasminn antare%thenD $rahmO%8rahmOD jagOma%wentD purataT%$eforeD hareT%Lord /VWQaD mOlO%kamaQRalu%karO%holding a garland and a waterpotD NWat%smer$%cattrl mukhaT%;is four faces gently smiling.

)t that moment, carrying a garland and a kamaQRalu in his hands and his four faces gently smiling,rtre demigod jrahmO came rfore Lprd /VWQa. e:t 71 gat#O nanOma taP kVWQaP pratuWXO#a yathOgamam sOMru%netraT pulakito e$hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT gat#O%goingD nanOma%$owedD tam%to ;imD kVWQam%Lord /VWQaD pratuWXO#a%offered prayersD yathO%asD Ogamam%comingD sOMru%netraT%tears in his eyesD pulakitaT%the hairs of his $ody erectD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT%his head hum$ly $owed. ;is head hum$ly $owed, the hairs of his $ody erect, and tears in his eyes, 8rahmO $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa and praised ;im in many prayers. e:t 72 stut#O nat#e jagad%dhOtO jagOma hari%sannidhim punar nat#O hariP $haktyO jagOma rOdhikOntikam stut#O%offering prayersD nat#O%$owing downD jagad%dhOtO%the creator of the uni#erseD jagOma%wentD hari%sannidhim%to Lord /VWQaD punaT%againD na #O%$owingD harim%to Lord /VWQaD $haktyO%with de#otionD jagOma%wentD rOdhikOntikam%to 5OdhO. <ffering prayers and $owing down, 8rahmO approached SrN /VWQa. )gain $owing down with de#otion, he then approached SrN 5OdhO. e:ts 73 and 74 mUrdhnO nanOma $haktyO ca r mOtms tac%caraQOm$ujam cakOra sam$hrameQai#a jOta%jalena #eWXitam ka aQRalu%jalenai#a

MNghraP prakWalitaP mudO yathOgamaP pratuWXO#a puXOZjali%yutaT punaT mUrdhnO%with his headD nanOmin$owedD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD mOtud%the motherD tac%caraQOm$ujam%to the lotus feetD cakOra%didD sam$hrameQa%with respectD e#a%indeedD jaXO%jalena%with his hairD #eWXitam%suroundedD kamaQRalu%jalena%wito water from his kamandaluD e#a%indeedD MNghram%at onceD prakWalitam%washedD mudO% happilyD yathOgamam%as he cameD pratuWXO#a%offered prayersD puXOZjali%yutaT%with fdlded handsD punaT%again. ;e $owed his head $efore the lotus feet of SrN 5OdhO, the mother of all. "ith great respect he washed ;er feet with water from his kamaQRalu and then dried them with the towel of his hair. hen, folding his hands, he spoke many prayers. e:t 76 MrN%$rahmo#Oca he mOtus t#at%padOm$ojaP dVWXaP kVWQa%prasOdataT su%durla$haP ca sar#eWOP $hOrate ca #iMeWataT MrN%$rahmo#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD he%<D mOtuT%motherD t#atupadOm$ojam%to =our lotus feetD dVWXam%seenD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD prasOdataT%$y the mercyD su%durla$ham% difficult to attainD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD $hOrate%on the earthD ca%andD #iMeWataT% specifically. SrN 8rahmO saidJ < mother, $y Lord /V^QaEs mercy I can now see =our lotus feet, which are rarely seen $y the people of the earth and other places. e:t 77 WaWXiP #arWa%sahasrOQi tapas tOptaP purO mayO $hOrate puWkare tNrthe kVWQasya paramOtmanaT WaWXhP #arWa%sahastOQi%si:tw thousand yearsD tapaT%austeritiesD tOptam%performedD purO%$eforeD mayO%$y meD $hOrate%on the earthD puWkare tNrthe%in (uWkaoa%tNrthaD kVWQasya%of /VWQaD paramOtmanaT%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead.

In ancient times I performed austerities for si:ty thousand years in (uWkara%tNrtha on the earth. e:t ,99 OjagOma #araP dOtuP #ara%dOtO hariT s#ayam #araP #VQuW#ety ukte Esmin s#O$hiWXaM ca #Vto mudO OjagOma%cameD #aram%a $oonD dOtum%to gi#eD #ara%dOtO%teh gi#er of $oonsD hariT% eord /VWQaD s#ayam%;imselfD #aram%$oonDr#VQuW#a%chooseD iti%thusD ukte%saidD asmin% thisD s#O$hiWXaT%desireD ca%andD #VtaT%chosenD mudO%happily. )fter that Lord /VWQa, the gi#er of $oons, came to offer a $oon. L)sk for a $oonL, ;e said, and I happily asked for what I had long desired. e:t ,9, rOdhikO%caraQOm$hojaP sar#eWOm api durla$ham he guQOtNta me MNghraP adhunai#a pradarMaya rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD caraQa%feetD am$hojam%lotusD sar#eWOm%of allD api%andD durla$ham%difficult to attainD he%<D guQOtNta%$eyond the material modes of natureD me%to meD MNghram%BuicklyD adhunO%nowD e#a%indeedD pradarMaya%please show. hen I said, L< Lord $eyond the modes of material nature, at this #ery moment please show me SrN 5OdhOEs lotus feet, which are #ery difficult for anyone to see.L e:t ,9. mayO tyakt#O harir ayaP _ u#Oca mOP tapas#inam darMayiWyOmi kOlena #atsedOnNP kWameti ca mayO%$y meD tyakt#O%lea#ingD hariT%Lord /VWQaD ayam%;eD u#Oca%saidD mOm%to meD

tapas#inam%austereD darMayiWyOmi%N wi l showD kOleta%in timeD #ttsa%< childD idOnNm% for nowD kWama%waitD iti%thusD ca%and. LIn time I will show them to you. @or now, -y child, please wait,L Lord /SWQa said and left. e:t ,90 na hNM#arOjZO #iphalO tena dVWXaP padOm$ujam sar#eWOP #OZchitaP mOtar goloke $hOrate EdhunO na%notD hi%indeedD NM#ara%of the Supreme (ersonality of 'odheadD OjZO%the orderD #iphalO%fruitlessD tena%$y ;imD dVWXam%seenD padOm$ujam%the lotus feetD sar#eWOm%$y allD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desiredD mOtaT%< motherD goloke%in FolokaD $hOrate%on the elrthD adhunO%now. < mother of all, the words of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead ne#er go in #ain. 8ecause of ;is $oon I am now a$le to see =our lotus feet, which e#e uone in Foloka and on the earth yearns to see. e:t ,91 sar#e de#yaT prakVty%aPMO janyaT prakVtikO dhru#am t#aP kVWQOrdhOYga%sam$hUtO tulyO kVWQena sar#ataT sar#e%allD de#yaT%the goddessesD prukVt %aPMO%part ey (erkVtiD janyaT%$ornD prakVtikO%in ther material worldD dhru#am%indeedD t#am%=ouD kVWQOrdhOYga% sam$hUtO%$orn from half of Lord /VWQaEs transcr dental $odyo)tulyO%eBualD kVWQena% with /VWQaD sar#ataT%in all respects. he demigoddesses in the celestial planets are $orn into the material world. 8ut =ou are $orn from half of Lord /VWQaEs transcendental $ody. =ou are ;is eBual in all respects. e:t ,92 MrN%kVWQas t#am ayaP rOdhO

t#aP rOdhO #O hariT s#ayam na hi #edeWu me dVWXa iti kena nirUpitam MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD t#am%=ouD ayam%;eD rOdhO%5OdhOD t#am%=ouD rOdhO%5OdhOD #O%orD hariT%/VWQaD s#ayam%personallyD na%notD hi%indeedD #edeWu%in the VedasD me%$y meD dVWXa%seenD iti%thusD kena%$y whom*D nirUpitam%descri$ed. L his is SrN /VWQa, and this is, =ou, 5OdhO. his is =ou, 5OdhO, and this is SrN /VWQa ;imself.L Neither the Vedas nor I can can say this of =ou two. "e cannot distinBuish $etween =ou and say that one is different than the other. "ho can say it* e:t ,93 $rahmOQROd $ahir Urdh#e ca goloko Esti yathOm$ike #aikuQXhaM cOpy ajanyaM ca t#am ajanyO tathOm$ike $rahmOQROt%the material worldD $ahiT%outsideD Urdh#e%a$o#eD ca%andD golokaT% FolokaD asti%isD yathO%asD am$ike%< motherD #aikuQXhaT%VaikuQXhaD ca%andD api%alsoD ajanyaT%un$ornD ca%andD t#am%=ouD ajanyO%un$ornD tathO%soD am$ike%< mother. < mother, a$o#e the material world is the spiritual world of VaikuQXha and Foloka. < mother, as the spiritual world is eternal, so =ou are also eternal. e:t ,94 yathO samasta%trahmOQRe MrN%kVWQOPMOPMa%jN#inaT sar#a%Makti%s#arUpO t#aP tathO teWu sthitO tadO yathO%asD samasta%$rahmOQRe%all the material uni#ersesD MrN%kVWQa%ofoSrN /VWQaD OPMa%of a partD OPMa%of a partD jN#inaT%with ji#asD sar#a%allD Makti%powersD s#arUpO%the formD t#am%=ouD tathO%soD teWu%in themD sthitO%situatedD tadO%then. )s the li#ing $eings in all material uni#erses are part and parcel of Lord /VWQa, so =ou are the powers and a$ilities that reside within all li#ing $eings.

e:t ,96 puruWOM ca harer aPsOs t#ad%aPMO nikhilOT strNyaT OtmOyaP deha%SUpas t#aP asyOdhOras t#am e#a ca puruWOT%malesD ca%andD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD aPsOT%the partsD t#at%of =ouD aPMO% the partsD nikhilOT%allD strNyaT%femalesD OtmO%selfD ayam%thisD deha%rUpaT%the formD t#am%=ouD asya%of ;imD OdhOraT%the resting placeD t#am%=ouD e#a%indeedD ca%and. )ll males are part and parcel of Lord /VWQa and all females are part and parcel of =ou. Lord /VWQa is the Supersoul present in the $odies of all conditioned souls. =ou are the resting place of ;im. e:t ,97 asya prOQaiM ca t#aP mOtas t#at%prOQair ayam NM#araT kim aho nirmitaT kena hetunO Milpa%kOriQO asya%of ;imD prOQaiM%with the lifeD ca%andD t#am%=ouD mOtaT%< motherD t#at% prOQaiT%with =our lifeD ayam%;eD NM#araT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kim% what*D ahaT%<hD nirmitaT%madeD kena%$y what*D hetunO%reasonD Milpa%kOriQO%the creator. < supreme mother, Lord /VWQaEs $reath created =ou, and =our $reath created ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. <f =ou two, who is the creator and who the created* e:t ,,9 nityo EyaP ca yathO kVWQas t#aP ca nitya tathOm$ike asyOPMO t#aP t#ad%aPMo #Opy ayaP kena nirUpitaT nityaT%eternalD ayam%;eD ca%andD yathO%asD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD t#am%soD ca%andD nitya%eternalD tathO%soD am$ike%< motherD asya%of ;imD OPMO%the partD t#am%=ouD t#ad% aPMaT%;is partD #O%otD api%alsoD ayam%;eD kena%$y whom*D nirUpitaT%descri$ed.

< supreme tother, as Lord /VWQa is eternal, so are =ou. Is ;e the part and parcel of =ou, or are =ou the part and parcel of ;im* "ho can say* e:t ,,, ahaP #idhOtO jagatOP #edOnOP janakaT s#ayam taP paXhit#O guru%mukhOd $ha#anty e#a $udhO janOT e cham%ID #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatOm%of the material u i#erseD #edOnOm%of the VedasD janakaT%the faraerD s#ayam%personaluyD tam%;imD paXhit#O%studyingD guru% mukhOt%from the guruEs mouthD $ha#anty%areD e#a%indeedD $urhO%the wiseD janOT% persons. I am the creator of the material uni#erse and the father of the Vedas. 8y learning the Vedas from the guruEs mouth one $ecomes wise. e:t ,,. guQOnOP #O sta#OnOP te MaaOPMaP #aktlm akWamaT #edo #O paQRito #OnyaT ko #O t#aP stotum NM#araT guQOnOm%of #irtuesD #O%orD sta#OnOm%of prayersD te%theyD MatOPMam%a hundredth partD #aktum%to speakD akWamaT%una$leD #edaT%the VedasD #O%orD paQRitaT%the scholarD #O%orD anyaT%anotherD kaT%who*D #O%orD t#am%ouD stotum%to praiseD NM#araT%is a$le. Still, I do not ha#e the power to praise e#en a hundreth part of =our #irtues and glories. "hat Vedic scripture or what great philosopher has the power to praise =ou* e:t ,,0 sta#OnOP janakaP jZOnaP $uddhi%mOlOm$ikO smVtO t#aP $uddher jananN mOtaT ko #O t#aP stotum NM#araT sta#OnOm%of prayersD janakam%the fatherD j].sy .1,^Onam%knowledgeD $uddhi%mOlO% a garland of knowledgeD am$ikO%the motherD smVtO%is consideredD t#am%=ouD $uddheT%

of intelligenceD jananN%the motherD mOtaT%< motherD kaT%who*D #O%orD t#am%=ouD stotum%to praiseD NM#araT%is a$le. Intelligence is the father of prayers, and =ou, < mother, are the mother of intelligence. "ho has the power to praise =ou* e:t ,,1 yad #astu dVWXaP sar#eWOP tan nir#aktuP $udho EkWamaT yad adVWXa%MrutaP #astu tan nir#aktuP ca kaT kWamaT yat%whatD #astu%thingD dVWXam%seenD sar#eWOm%of allD tan%thatD nir#aktum%to descri$eD $udhaT%wiseD akWamaT%una$leyad adVWXa%MrutaP #astu tan nir#aktuP ca kaT kWamaT ahaP maheMo EnantaM ca stotuP t#aP ko Epi na kWamaT. "hat e#eryone has seen a philosopher can descri$e. "hat philosopher can descri$e something no one has seen or heard of $efore* e:t ,,2 ahaP maheMo EnantaM ca stotuP t#aP kocEpi na kWamaT saras#atN nn #edaM ca a kWamOmaT stotum NM#ari aham%ID maheMaT%Lord Si#aD anantaT%Lord SeWaD ca%andD stotum%to praiseD t#am% =ouD ko Epi%someoneD na%notD kWamaT%a$leD saras#atN%Saras#atND na%notD #edaM%the VedasD ca%andD kWamOmaT%we are a$leD stotum%to praiseD NM#ari%< goddessD . Neither I, Lord Si#a, Lord SeWa, Foddess Saras#atN, nor all the Vedas ha#e the power to praise =ou. < goddess, we do not ha#e the power to praise =ou properly. e:t ,,3 yathOgamaP tathoktaP ca na mOP ninditum arhati NM#arOQOm NM#arNQOP yogyOyogye samO kVpO

yathO%asD Ogamam%understandingD tathO%soD uktam%saidD ca%andD na%notD mOm%meD ninditum%to re$ukeD arhati%deser#eD NM#arOQOm%of the supreme contollersD NM#arNQOm%of he supreme goddessesD yogya%to the competentD ayogye%and the incompetentD samO% eBualD kVpO%mercy. I ha#e descri$ed =our glories as far as I am a$le. (lease do not criticiGe me. hey who are supremely powerful are eBually kind to $oth the wise and the foolish. e:t ,,4 janasya pratipOlyasya kWaQe doWaT kWaQe guQaT jananN janako yo #O sar#aP kWamati snehataT janasya%of a personD pratipOlyasya%to $e protectedD kWaQe%in a momentD doWaT%the faultD kWaQe%in a momentD guQaT%#irtueD jananN%motherD janakaT%fatherD yaT%whoD #O% orD sar#am%allD kWamati%is a$leD snehataT%out of lo#e. ) child may $e #irtuous one moment and mischie#ous the ne:t, $ut the mother and father, out of lo#e, forgi#e any mischief he may do. e:t ,,6 ity ukt#O jagatOP dhOtO tasthau ca puratas tayoT praQamya caraQOm$hojaP sar#eWOP #andyam Npsitam ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD dhOtO%theScreatorD tasthyu%stoodD ca%andD purataT%$eforeD tayoT% hem $othD praQamya%$owing downD caraQOm$hojam% at the lotus feetD sar#eWOm%of allD #andyam%to $e $owed downD Npsitam%desired. )fter speaking these words 8rahmO, the creator of the uni#erse, $owed down $efore SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaEs lotus feet, $efore which which all the de#otees yearn to $ow. hen 8rahmO respectfully stood $efore the di#ine couple. e:t ,,7 $rahmaQO hi kVtaP stotraP

tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen naraT rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT pOde $haktiP dOsyaP la$hed dhru#am $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD hi%indeedD kVtam%doneD stotram%prayerD tri%sandhyam%three timesD yaT%one whoD paXhen%recitesD naraT%a personD rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT%of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD pOde%at the feetD $haktim%de#otionD dOsyam%ser#iceD la$het%attainsu dhru#am%ind ed. <ne who morning, noon, and night recites these prayers spoken $y the demigod 8rahmO attains de#otional ser#ice to the feet of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa. e:t ,.9 karma%nirmUlanaPmk(t#O jit#O mVtyuP su%durjayam #alaYghya sar#a%lokOPM ca yOti golokam uttamam kahma%of karmaD nirmUlanam%uprootingD kVt#O%doingD jit#O%conBueringD mVtyum% deathD su%durjayam%difficult to conBuerD #ilaYghya%jumping o#erD sar#a%lokOn%all other worldsD ca%andD yOti%goesD golokam%to FoyokaD uttamam%the supreme realS. (ulling up all past karma $y its roots, defeating in#inci$le death, and jumping o#er all otuer worlds, ;e goes to the supremena$ode of Foloka. e:t ,. MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca $rahmaQaT sta#anaP Mrut#O tam u#Oca ha rO hikO #araP #VQu #idhOtas t#aP m t te manasi #OZchitam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD $rahmaQaT%of 8rhamD sta#anam%the prayerD Mrut#O%hearingD tam%to himD u#Oca%saidD h .indee,D rOdhirO 5OdhOD #aram% $oonD #VQu%chooseD #idhOtaT%< 8rahmOD t#am%youD yat%whatD te%of youD manasi%in the hedrtD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desired. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter hearing 8rahmOEs prayers, SrN 5OdhO said to him, L<

creator 8rahmO, you may ask a $oon, whate#er your heart desires.L e:t ,.. rOdhikO%#acanaP Mrut#O tOm u#Oca jagad%#idhiT #araP ca yu#uyoT pOya% padme $haktiP ca dehi me rOdhikO%ofnStN 5Odh D #acanam%the worrsD Mrut#O%hearingD tOm%to ;erD u#Oca%saidD jagad%#idhiT%the creator of the uIi#e ieD #aram%$oonD ca%andD yu#ayoT%of =ouD pOda% fertD padme%for the lotusD $haktim%de#otionD ca%andD dehi%please gi#eD me%to me. ;earing SrN 5OdhOEs words, 8rahmO said to ;er, ].sy ,36^(lease gi#e me de#otion for the feet of =ou $oth.L e t ,.0 ity ukte ca #idhau rOdhO turQam om ity u#Oca ha punar nanOma tOP $haktyO #idhOtO jagatOP patiT n ity%tausD ukte%spdkenD ca%andD #idhau%8rahmOD rOdhO%5OdhOD turQam%at onceD om% yesD ity%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeedD punaT%againD nanOma%$owedD tOm%to ;erD $haktyO%with de#otionD #idhOtO%8rahmOD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD patiT%the master. "hen 8rahmO said this, 5OdhO at once replied, LSo $e it.L hen 8rahmO, the ruler oh a matorial uni#erse, de#otedly $owed again $efore ;er. e:t ,.1 tadO $rahmO tayor madhye praj#alya ca hutOManam hariP saP mVtyarha#anaP cakOra #idhinO #idhiT tadO%thenD $rahmO%8rahmOD tayoT%of hmeD madhye%in the middleD praj#alya% ignitingD ca%andD hutOManam%a sicred fireD harim%to Lord /VWQaD saPsmVtya% remem$eringD ha#anam%o$lationD cakOra%didD #idhinO%properlyD #idhiT%8rahmO.

hen, sitting $etween hem $oth, 8rahmO ignited a sacred fire and, meditating on Lord /VWQa, properly offered o$lations. e:t ,.2 utthOya MayanOt kVWQa u#Osa #ahni%sannidhau $eahmaQoktena #idhinO cakOra ha#anaP s#ayam utthOya%risingD MayanOt%from the couchD kVWQa%Lord /VWQaD u#Osa%satD #ahni% sannidhau%near the fireD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD uktena%spokenD #idhinO%properlyD cakOra%didD ha#anam%o$lationsD s#ayam%personally. hen Lord /VWQa rose from ;is couch, sat $y the fire, and, as 85rhmO recited the mantras, properly offered o$lations. e:t ,.3 praQamya ca hariP rOdhOP #edOnOP janakaT s#ayam tOP ca taP kOrayOm Osa saptadhO ca pradakWiQam praQamya%$owing downD ca%andD harim%to Lord /VWQaD rOdhOm%to SrN 5OdhOD #edOnOm%of the VedasD janakaT%the fatherD s#ayam%personallyD tOm%to ;erD ca%andD tam%to ;imD kOrayOm Osa%madeD saptadhO%se#en timesD ca%andD pradakWiQam% circumam$ulation. hen 8rahmO, the father of the Vedas, $owed down $efore SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa. hen he had 5OdhO circumam$ulate Lord /VWQa se#en times. e:t ,.4 punaT pradakWiQaP rOdhOP kOrayit#O hutOManam praQamya ca punaT kVWQaP #OsayOm Osa taP #idhiT punaT%againD pradakWiQam%cicrumam$ulationD rOdhOm%5OdhOD kOrayit#O%causingD hutOManam%the sacred fireD praQamya%$owing downD ca%andD punaT%againD kVWQam%to

Lord /VWQaD #OsayOm Osa%made to sitD tam%;imD #idhiT%8rahmO. hen he had 5OdhOicircumam$ulate the sscren fire. hen he $owed down $efore Lord /VWgk. hen he offered a sitting place to urN 5OdhO. e:t ,.6 tasyO hastaP ca MrN%kVWQaP grOhayOm Osa tad #idhiT #edokta%sapta%mantrOPM ca pOXhayOm Osa mOdha#am tasyOT%of ;erD hastam%the handD ca%andD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VW!aD grOhayOm Osa% caused to takeD tat%thatD #idhiT%8rahmOD #eda%$y the VedasD ukta%spokenD sapta%se#enD mantrOn%mantrasD ca%andD pOXhayOm Osa%caused to reciteD mOdha#am%/VWQa. hen hethad Lord /VWQa take 5OdhOEs hand, and thnn he had Lord /yWQa recite se#en Vedic mantras. e:t ,.7 saPsthOpya rOdhikO%hastaP harer #akWasi #eda%#it MrN%kVWQa%hastaP rOdhOyOT pVWXha%deMe prajOpatiT sthOpayit#O ca mantrOPM ca pOXhayOm Osa rOdhikOm saPsthOpya%placingD rOdhikO%hastam%5OdhOEs handD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD #akWasi% on the chestD #eda%#it%the knower of the VedasDeMrN%kVWQa%of SrN /VWQnD hastam%the handD rOdhOyOT%of 5OdhOD pVWXha%deMe%on the $ackD prajOpatiT%the master of all creaturesD sthOpayit#O%placingD ca%andD mantrOn%mantrasD ca%andD pOXhayOm Osa%caused to reciteD rOdhikOm%5OdhO. hen grandfather 8rahmO, the knower of the Vedas, placed 5OdhOEs hand on Lord /VWQaEs chest, and Lord /VWQaEs hand on 5OdhOEs $ack. hen he had 5OdhO recite the mantras. e:t ,09

MOrijOta%prasUnHnOP mOlOm OjOnu%lam$itam MrN%kVWQasya gale $rahmO rOdhO%d#OrO dadau mudO pOrijOta%parijataD prasUnOnOm%of flowersD mOlOm%a garlandD OjOnu%lam$itam%down to the kneesD MrN%kVWQasya%of SrNa/VWQaD gale%on the neckD $rahmO%8rahmOD rOdhO% d#OrO%$y 5OdhOD da2au%gI#eD mudO%happily. hen 8rahmO had 5OdhO happily place a knee%length parrijOta%garland around Lord /VWQans neck. e:t ,0, praQamayyaypunaT kVWQaP rOdhOP ca kamalod$ha#aT rOdhO%gale hari%d#OrO dadau mOlOP manoramam praQamayia%causing to $eow downD punaT%againD kVWQam%to Lord /VWQaD rOdhOm% 5OdhOD ca%andD kamalod$ha#aT%8rahmOD rOdhO%gale%on 5OdhOEs neckD hari%d#OrO%$y Lord /VWQaD dadau%placedD mOlOm%garlandD manoramam%$eautiful. hen 8rahmO had 5OdhO $ow $efore Lordr/VWQa, and then he had LorO /VWVa place a $eautsful garlgud around 5OdhOEs neck. e:t ,0. punaM ca #OsayOm sa MrN%kVWQaP kamalod$ha#aT tad%#Oma%pOrM#e rOdhOP ca sa%smitOP kVWQa%ceta)am punaT%againD ca%andD #OsayOm Osa%had sitD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD kamalod$ha#aT% 8rahmOD tad%#Oma%pOrM#e%at ;is lefr sideD rrdhOm%5OdhOD ca%andD sa%smjtOm%smilingD kVWQa%cotasam%;er thoughts fi:ed on Lord /VWQa. hen 8rahmO had Lord /VWQa sit down and then he had smiling 5OdhO, ;er thoughts fh:ed on Lord /VWQa, sindat Lord /VWQaEs left. e:t ,00

puXOZjaliP kOrayit#O mOdha#aP rOdhikOP #idhiT _pOXhayOm Osa #edoktOn paZca mantrOPM ca n!rada e puXOZjalim%folded handsD kOrayit#O%makingD mOdha#am%/VWQaD rOdhikOm%5OdeOD #idhiT%8rahmOD pOXhayOm Osa%had reciteD #edoktOn%spoken $y the VedasD pa].sy .1,^ca mantran%fi#e mrntrawD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. S< NOrada, then 8rahmO had 5OdhO and /VWQa fold heir hands and recite fi#e Vedic mantras. e:t ,01 praQamayya punaT kVWQaP samarpya rOdhikaP #idhiT kanyakOP ca yathO tOto $haktyO tasthau hareT puraT praQamayya%making to $ow downD punaT%againD kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD samarpya% placingD rOdhikam%SrN 5OdhOD #idhiT%8rahmOD kanyakOm%daughterD ca%andD yathO%asD tOtaT%the fatherD $haktyO%with de#otionD tasthau%stoodD hareT%Lord /VWQaD puraT% $efore. hen 8rahmO had 5OdhO again $ow down $efore Lord /VWQa. hen, as if he were the father and She were his daughter, 8rahmO ga#e 5OdhO to Lord /VWQa. hen 8rahmO respectfully stood $efore Lord /VWQa. e:t ,02 etasminn tntare de#OT sOnanda%pulakodgamOT dundu$hiP #OdayOm Osur OnakaP murajOdikam etasmin antare%thenD de#OT%the demigodnD sOnanda%pulakodgamaT%hairsterewt with happinessD dundu$him%dundu$hi drumsD #OdayOm OsuT%soundedD Onakam%anaka drumsD murajOdikam%murajas and others. hen the dnmigods, the hairs of their $odies erect with joy, sounded many

dudu$his, Onakas, murajas, and other kinds of drums. e:t ,03 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP puWpa%#VWXiP cakOra ha jagur gandhar#a%pra#arO nanVtuM cOpsaro%gaQOT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD puWpa%#VWXim%a rain of flowersD cakOra%didD ha%indeedD jaguT%sangD gandhar#a%pra#arOT%the $est of the gandhar#asD nanVtuM% dancedD ca%andD Opsaro%gaQOT%the apsarOs. he demigods showered pOrijOta flowers, the gandhar#as sang, and the apsarOs danced. e:t ,04 tuWXO#a MrN%hariP $rahmO tam u#Oca ha sa%smitaT yu#ayoM caraQOm$hoje $haktiP me dehi dakWiQOm tuWXO#a%offered prayersD MrN%harim%to Lord /VWQaD $rahmO%8rahmOD tam%to ;imD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeedD sa%smitaT%smilingD yu#ayoM%of =ou $othD caraQOm$hoje%for the lotus feetD $haktim%de#otionD me%ro meD dehi%gi#eD dakWiQOm%dakWiQO. hen 8rahmO offered prayers to Lord /VWQa. Smiling, 8rahmO said to ;im, LNow please gi#e me as dakWiQO de#otion for the lotus feet of =ou $oth.L e:t ,06 erahmaQo #acanaP Mrut#O tam u#Oca hariT s#ayam madNya%caraQOm$hoje su%dVRhO $haktir astu te $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD #ac)iam%thew wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tam%to himD u#Oca% saidD hariT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam%personallyD madNya%of -eD caraQOm$hoje%for the lotus feetD su%dVRhO%#ery firmD $haktiT%de#otionD astulmay $eD te%of you.

;earing 8rahmOEs words, Lo d /VWQa said to him, L=(u will ha#e #ery firm de#otion for -y lotus feet.L e:t ,07 s#a%sthOnaP gaccha $hadraP te $ha#itO nOtra saPMayaT mayO niyojitaP karma kuru #atsa mamOjZayO s#a%sthOnam%own placeD gaccha%please goD $hadram%auspiciousnessD te%to youD $ha#itO%will $eD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$tD mayO%$y -eD niyojitam%engagedD karma%actionD kuru%please doD #atsa%< childD mama%of -eD Oj].sy .1,^ayO%$y the order. LNow go to your own a$ode. )ll will $e auspicious for you. <f this there is no duu$t. Son, $y ty command plt se perform the duties I ha#e gi#en to you.L e:t ,19 NM#arasya #acaT Mrut#O #idhOtO jagatOP mune praQamya rOdhOP kVWQaP ca jagOma s#OlayarnmudO NM#arasya%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD mune%< sageD praQamya%$owing downD rOdhOm%$efore SrN 5OdhOD kVWQam%and SrN /VWQaD ca%andD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to his own a$odeD mudO%happily. < sage, hearing the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadEs words, 8rahmO $owed down $efore SrN 5OdhO and /VWQa and then happily went to his own a$ode. e:t ,1, gate $rahmaQi sO de#N sa%smitO #akra%cakWuWO darMaP darMaP harer #aktraP cacchOda #rNRayO mukham gate%had goneD $rahmaQi%when 8rahmOD sO%SheD de#N%the goddessD sa%smitO%smilingD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyesD darMam%gaGedD darMam%and gaGedD hareT%at Lord

/VWQaD #aktram%faceD cacchOda%co#eredD #rNRayO%with shynessD mukham%face. )fter 8rahmOEs departure, smiling Foddes 5OdhO gaGed again and again with crooked eyes at Lord /VWQaEs face. hen She shyly co#ered ;er own face. e:t ,1. pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN kOma%$OQa%prapNRitO praQamya MrN%hariP $haktyO jagOma MayanaP hareT pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN%the hairs of ;er $ody erectD kOma%$OQa%prapNRitO%wounded $y kOmaEs arrowsD praQamya%$owing downD MrN%harim%to Lord /VWQaD $haktyO%with de#otionD jagOma%approachedD Mayanam%the couchD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. "ounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows and the hairs of ;er $ody now erect, She $owed $efore Lord /VWQa and affectionately approached ;is couch. e:t ,10 candanOguru%paYkaP ca kastUrN%kuYkumOn#itam lalOXe tilakaP datt#O dadau kVWQasya #akWasi candanOguru%paYkam%sandal and aguru pasteD ca%andD kastUrN%kuYkumOn#itam% with musk and kunkumaD lalOXe%on the foreheadD tilakam%tilakaD datt#O%placingD dadau%ga#eD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD #akWasi%on the chest. hen She anointed Lord /VWQaEs forehead and chest with tilaka markings of sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. e:t ,11 sudhO%pUrQaP ratna%pOtraP madhu%pUrQaP manoharam pradadau haraye $haktyO $u$huje jagatOP patiT

y s@dhO%with nectarD pUrQam%filledD ratna%pOtram%a jewel cupD madhu%pUrQam%filled with honeyD manoharam%$eautifulD pradadau%ga#eD haraye%to Lord /VWQaD $haktyO% with de#otionD $u$huje%drankD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD patiT%the master. O hen She affectionately offered Lord /VWQa a%$eautiful jewel cup of nectar and honey. Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, drank it. e:t ,12 tOm$UlaP ca #araP ramyaP karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam dadau kVWQasya sO rOdhO sOdaraP $u$huje hariT tOm$Ulam%$etelnutsD ca%andD #aram%e:cellentD ramyam%$eautifulD karpUrOdi%su% #Ositam%scenTed with camphor and spicesD dadau%ga#eD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD sO% SheDrrOdhO%5OdhOD sOdaram%respectfullyD $u$huje%chewedD hariT%Lord /VWQa. I e hen 5OdhO respectfully offered Lordt/VWua delicious $etelnuts secnted with camphor and spices. Lord /VWQa chewLd them. e:t ,13 cakhOda sa%smitO rOdhO hari%dattaP sudhO%rasam tOm$UlaP tena dattaP ca $u$huje purato hareT cakhOda%ateD sa%smitO%smilingD rOdhO%5OdhOD hari%dattam%offered $y Lord /VWQaD sudhO%rasam%nectarD tOm$Ulam%$etelnutsD tena%$y ;imD dattam%gi#enD ca%andD $u$huje%enjoyedD purataT%in the presenceD hareT%oe Lord /VWQa. )s Lord /VWQa watched, Smiling 5OdhO drank the nectar Lord /VWQa offered ;er and chewed the $etelnuts ;e offered ;er. e:t ,14 kVWQaM car#ita%tOm$UlaP rOdhikOyai dadau mudO cakhOdaNparayO $haktyO papau tan%mukha%paYkajam

kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD car#ita%tOmSUlam%the chewed $etelnutsD rOdhikOyai%to 5OdhOD dadau%ga#eD mudO%happilyD cakhOda%chewedD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD papau%drankD tan%mukha%paYkajam%the lotus of ;is face. Lord /VWQa happilly offered ;er the $etelnuts ;e had chewed. She chewed them with great respect. She drank the nectar of ;is lotus face. e:t ,16 rOdhO%car#ita%tOm$UlaP yayOce madhusUdanaT jahOsa na dadau rOdhO kWamety uktaP tathO mudO rOdhO%car#ita%tOm$Ulam%the $etelnuts chewed $y 5OdhOD yayOce%$eggedD madhusUdanaT%Lord /VWQaD jahOsa%smiledD na%notD dadau%ga#eD rOdhO%transcendentalD kWama%pleased forgi#eD iti%thusD uktam%saidD tathO%soD mudO%happily. Lord /VWQa $egged for the $etelnuts 5OdhO had chewed. 5OdhO refused, smiled, and cheerfully said, L(lease forgi#e -e.L e:t ,17 candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#am uttamam rOdhikOyOM ca sar#OYge pradadau mOdha#aT s#ayam candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#am%sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD uttamam%e:cellentD rOdhikOyOM%of 5OdhOD ca%andD sar#a%allD aYge%on the $odyD pradadau%placedD mOdha#aT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam%;imself. hen Lord /VWQa anoented all of 5OdhOEs lim$s with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. e:t ,29 yaT kOmo dhyOyate nityaP yasyai#a caraQOm$ujam

$a$hU#a sa tasya #aMo rOdhO%santoWa%kOraQOt yaT%whoD kOmaT%/Omade#aD dhyOyate%meditatesD nityam%alwaysD yasya%of whomD e#a%indeedD caraQOm$ujam%the lotus feetD $a$hU#a%$ecameD sa%heD tasya%of himD #aMaT% su$ser#ienceD rOdhO%santoWa%kOraQOt%to please SrN 5OdhO. /Omade#a eternally meditates on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. Still, to please SrN 5OdhO, Lord /VWQa #oluntarily placed ;imself under /Omade#aEs control. e:t ,2, yad%$hVtya%$hVtyair madano jitaT sar#a%kWaQaP mune s#ecchOmayo hi $haga#On jitas tena kutUhalOt yat%of whomD $hVtya%of the ser#antsD $hVtyaiT%$y the ser#antsD madanaT%/Omade#aD jitaT%defeatedD sar#a%kWaQam%at any timeD mune%< sageD s#ecchOmayaT%whose desires are always fulfilledD hi%indeedD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD jitaT% defeatedD tena%$y himD kutUhalOt%happily. < sage, the ser#ants of Lord /VWQaEs ser#ants defeat /Omade#a at e#ery moment. Still, Lord /VWQa, who is the supremely independent (ersonality of Fodhead whose desires are always fulfilled, happily accepted defeat at /Omade#aEs hands. e:t ,2. kare dhVt#O ca tOP kVWQaT sthOpayOm Osa #akWasi cakOra MithilaP #astraP cum$anaP ca catur%#idfam kare%the handD dhVt#O%takingD ca%andD tOm%;erD kVWQaT%/VWQaD sthOpayOm Osa% placedD #akWasi%on the chestD cakOra%didD Mtthilam%loosenedD #astram%garmentsD cum$anam%kissingD ca%andD catur%#idham%four kinds. hen Lord /VWQa took 5OdhOEs hand, placed ;er on ;is chest, loosened ;er garmenta, and kissed ;er in four says. e:t ,20

$a$hU#a rati%yuddhena #icchinnO kWudra%ghaQXikO cum$anenoWXha%rOgaP ca OMleWeQa ca patrakam $a$hU#a%wasD rati%amorousD yuddhena%with $attleD #icchinnO%$rokenD kWudra% ghaQXim %tinkling ornamentsD cum$anena%$y kissesa oWXha%lipsD rOgam%red ointmentD ca%andD OMleWeQa%$y em$racesD ca%andD patrakam%the designs and pictures. In heir amorous $attle ;er tinkling ornaments, the red ointment on ;er lips, and the pictures and designs drawn with perfumes on ;er lim$s were all $roken. e:t ,21 MVYgOreQai#a ka#arN sindUra%tilakaP mune jagOmOlOktaYkaP ca #iparNtOdikena ca MVYgOreQa%$y amorous pastimesDa.#a%indeedD ka#arN%$raidsD sindUra%tilakam%sindura tilakaD mune%< saieD jaiOma%wentD alOkta%aYkam%marks of red lakD caeandD #iparNta% Odikena%$y amorous pastimes $eginning with #iparitaD ca%and. < sage, as hey enjoyed amorous pastimes ;er sidUra tilaka and marks of red lac were all wiped away. e:t ,22 pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN $a$hU#a na#a%saYgamOt mUrchOm a#Opa sO rOdhO $u$udhe na di#O%niMam pulakOYkita%sar#OYgN%hairs standing erectD $a$hU#a%$ecameD na#a%saYgamOt%from amorous pastimesD mUrchOm%$ewildermentD a#Opa%attainedD sO%SheD rOdhO%5OdhOD $u$udhe%knewD na%notD di#O%niMam%day or night. @illed with pleasure, and the hairs of ;er $ody erect, 5OdhO did not know whether it was day or night.

e:t ,23 pratyaYgenai#a pratyaYgaP aYgenOYgaP samOMliWat MVYgOrOWXa%#idhaP kVWQas cakOra kOma%MOstra%#it pratyaYgena%with each lim$D e#a%indeedD pratyaYgam%to the corresponding lim$D aYgena%with the lim$D aYgam%to the lim$D samOMliWat%em$racedD MVYgOra%amorous pastimesD aWXa%eightD #idham%kindsD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD cakOra%didD kOma%MOstra%#it% learned in the /Oma%MOstra. (ressing ;er lim$s against ;is, Lord /VWQa, the most learned scholar of the /Oma% MOstra, enjoyed eight kinds of amorous pastimes with 5OdhO. e:t ,24 punas tOP ca samOkVWya sa%smitOP #akra%locanOm kWata%#NkWata%sar#OYgNP nakha%dantaiM cakOra ha punaT%againD tam%;erD a%andD samOkVWya%pullingD sa%smitOm%smilingD #akra% locanOm%crooked eyesD kWata%#NkWata%woundedD sar#OYgNm%all ;er lim$sD nakha%with nailsD dantaiM%and with teethD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. (ulling smiling, crooked%eyed 5OdhO to ;im, Lord /VWQa scratched and $it all ;er lim$). e:t ,26 kaYkanOnOP kiYkinNnOP maZjirOQOP manoharaT $a$hU#a Ma$das tatrai#a MVYgOra%samarod$ha#aT kaYkanOnOm%of $raceletsD kiYkinNnOm%of tinkling ornamentsD maZjirOQOm%of ankletsD manoharaT%$eautifulD $a$hU#a%wasD Ma$daT%soundD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD MVYgOra%samarod$ha#aT%$orn from their amorous pastimes.

)s hey enjoyed amorous pastimes there was a $eautiful sound from the tinkling of 5OdhOEs $racelets, anklets, and tinkling ornaments. e:t ,27 cak`ara rahitaP r`adh`aP ka#arN%#eWa%#`asas`a nirjane kautuk`at kVWQaT k`ama%M`astra%#iM`aradaT cak`ara%didD rahitam%withoutD r`adh`am%5`adh`aD ka#arN%#eWa%#`asas`a%with tied $raids, ornaments, and garmentsD nirjane%in a sewcluded placeD kautuk`at%happilyD kVWQaT%/VWQaD k`ama%M`astra%#iM`aradaT%learned in the /`ama%Mastra. In a secluded place Lord /VWQa, the most learned scholar of the /`ama%M`astra, untied 5`adh`aEs $raids and remo#ed ;er ornaments and garments. e:t ,39 cUR`a%#eW`aPMukair hNnaP cak`ara taP ca r`adhik`a na kasya kasm`ad dh`aniM ca tau d#au k`arya%#iM`aradau cUR`a%$raidsD #eWa%ornamentsD aPMukaiT%and garmentsD hNnam%withoutD cak`ara% didD tam%;imD ca%andD r`adhik`a%5`adh`aD na%notD kasya%of whom*D kasm`at%from what*D h`aniT%lossD ca%andD tau% heyD d#au%$othD k`arya%#iM`aradau%e:pert in these pastimes. hen 5`adh`a untied /VWQaEs hair and remo#ed ;is ornaments and garments. hey were $oth e:pert in these pastimes. Neither was unhappy at this. e:t ,3, jagr`aha r`adh`a%hast`at tu m`adha#o ratna%darpaQam muralNP m`adha#a%kar`aj jagr`aha r`adhik`a $al`at jagr`aha%graspedD r`adh`a%hast`at%from 5`adh`aEs handD tu%indeedD m`adha#aT%Lord /VWQaD ratna%darpaQam%a jewel mirrorD muralNm%fluteD m`adha#a%kar`at%from /VWQaDEs handD jagr`aha%gra$$edD r`adhik`a%5`adh`aD $al`at%forci$ly.

hen Lord /VWQa forci$ly took a jewel mirror from 5`adh`aEs hand. 5`adh`a responded $y forci$ly taking the flute from /VWQaEs hand. e:t ,3. citt`apah`araP r`adh`ay`as cak`ara m`adha#o ras`at jah`ara r`adhik`a ras`an m`adha#asy`api m`anasam citta%heartD apah`aram%stealingD r`adhOyOT%of 5OdhOD cakOra%didD mOdha#aT%/VWQaD rasOt%sweetlyD jahOra%tookD rOdhikO%5OdhOD rasOt%sweetlyD mOdha#asya%of /VWQaD api% alsoD mOnasam%the heart. Lord /VWQa sweetly stole 5OdhOEs heart and mind, and 5OdhO sweetly stole Lord /VWQaEs heart and mind. e:t ,30 ni#Vtte kOma%yuddhe ca sa%smitO #akra%locanO pradadau muralNP prNtyO MrN%kVWQOya mahO%mune ni#Vtte%endedD kOma%yu dhe%amorous $attleD ca%andD oa%smitO%smilingD #akra% locanO%with crooked eyesD pradadau%ga#eD muralNm%the fluteD prNtyO%with lo#eD MrN% kVWQOya%to Lord /VWQaD mahO%mune%< great sage. < great sageh when the amorous $attle ended smiling, crooked%eyedm5OdhO lo#ingly returned the flute to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,31 pradadau darpaQaP kVWQaT krNRO%kamalam ujj#alam cakOra ka#arNP ramyaP sindUra%tilakaP dadau pradadau%ga#eD darpaQam%the mirrorD kVWQaT%/VWQaD krNRO%kamalam%the pastime

lotusD ujj#alam%splendidD cakOra%didD ka#arNm%the $raidsD ramyam%$eautifulD sindUra% tilakam%sindura%tilakaD dadau%did. hen Lord /VWQa returned ;er mirror, ga#e ;er a splendid pastime%lotus, made ;erp$aaids again $eautiful, and marked ;eraagain with sindUra tilaka. e:t ,32 ficitra%patrakaP #eWaP _ cakOrai#am%#idhaP hariT #iM#akarmO na jOnOti sakhNnOm api kO kathO #icitra%patrakam%colorful pictures and designsD #eWam%ornamentsD cakOra%didD e#am%#idham%in that wayD hariT%Lord /VWQaD #iM#akarmO%ViM#akarmOD na%notD jOnOti% knowsD sakhNnOm%of 5OdhOEs gopN friendfsD api%alsoD kO%whatD kathO%can $e said. Lord /VWQa dressed ;er and decorated ;er with ornaments and with wonderful and colorful pictures and designs drawn in perfume. Neither ViM#akarmO, nor e#en 5OdhOEs gopN friends know how to make such graceful and $eautiful decorations. ;ow can they $e descri$ed here* e:t ,33 #eWaP #idhOtuP kVWQasya yadO rOdhO samudyatO $a$hU#a MiMu%rUpaT sa kaiMoraP ca #ihOya ca #eWam%decorationD #idhOtum%to doD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD yadO%whenD rOdhO% 5OdhOD samudyatO%was a$outD $a$hU#a%$ecameD MiMu%of an infantD rUpaT%the formD sa% ;eD kaiMoram%ynuthfulD ca%andD #ihOya%a$andoningD ca%and. )s 5OdhO was a$out to dress and decorate ;im, Lord /VWQa suddenly a$andoned ;is form of ;er youthful lo#er and suddenly $ecame an infant again. e:ts ,34 and ,36 dadarMa $OlakaP rOdhO

arudantaP pNRitaP kWudhO yadVMaP pradadau nando $hNruP tOdVMam acyutam niMaM#Osa ca sO rOdhO hVdayena #idUyata itas tatas taP paMyantN MokOrtO #irahOturO dadarMa%sawD $Olakam%the infantD rOdhO%5OdhOD rudantam%cryingD pNRitam% tormentedD kWudhO%$y hungerD yadVMam%like whichD pradadau%ga#eD nandaT%NandaD $hNrum%frightenedD tOdVMam%like thatD acyutam%the infalli$le Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD niMaM#Osa%sighedD ca%andD sO%SheD rOdhO%5OdhOD hVdayenaswith ;er heartD #idUyata%shakedD itaT%hereD tataT%and thereD tam%;imD paMyanti%gaGing atD MokOrtO% griefstrickenD #irahOturO%tormented with separation. Seeing that the infalli$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead had again $ecome the crying, frightened, hungry infant that Nanda ga#e ;er, 5OdhO sighed. ;er heart was shaken. <#ercome with the grief of separation, She lookednfor ;er lo#er here and there. e:t ,37 u#Oca kVWQam uddiMya kOkUktim iti kOtarO mOyOP karosi mOyeMa kiYkarNP katham NdVMNm u#Oca%saidD kVWQam uddiMya%to Lord /VWQaD kOkUktim%plainti#e wordsD iti%thusD kOtarO%distressedD mOyOm%illusionD karosi%=ou doD mOyeMa%< matser of illusionsD kiYkarNm%to =our ser#antD katham%why*D NdVMNm%like this. &istressed, She plainti#ely appealed, L< master of illusions, why do =ou show this llusiSn to =our raidser#ant*L e:t ,49 ity e#am ukt#O sO rOdhO papOta ca ruroda ca ruroda kVWQas tatrai#a #Og $a$hU#OMarNriQN

ity%thusdD e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD sO%SheD rOdhO%5OdhOD papOta%fellD ca%andD ruroda%weptD ca%andD ruroda%weptD kVWQaT%/VWQaD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD #Og%a #oiceD $a$hU#a%$ecameD aMarNriQN%disem$odied. 5OdhO fell to the ground and wept, and infant /VWQa also wept. hen a disem$odied #oice saidJ e:ts ,4, and ,4. kaahaP rodiWi rOdhe t#aP smara kVWQa%padOm$ujam O%rOsa%maQRalaP yO#an naktam atrOgamiWyasi kariWyasi ratiP nityaP hariQO sOrdham Npsitam chOyOP #idhOya s#a%gVhe s#ayam Ogatya mO rudOT katham%why*D rodiWi%do =ou weepD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD t#am%=ouD smara%remem$erD kVWQa%padOm$ujam%Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD O%rOsa%maQRalam%up to the rasa%dance circleD yO#an%asD naktam%at nightD atra%hereD OgamiWyasi%=ou will comeD kariWyasi%=ou will doD ratim%amorous pastimesD nityam%alwaysD hariQO%with Lord /VWQaD sOrdham% withD Npsitam%as desiredD chOyOm%a shadowD #idhOya%placingD s#a%gVhe%in =our homeD s#ayam%personallyD Ogatya%comingD mO%donEtD rudOT%weep. < 5OdhO, who do =ou weep* 5emem$er /VWQaEs lotus feet. ?ntil the time of pastimes in the rOsa%dance circle, e#ery e#ening =ou will lea#e a shadow of =our form at home and =ou will come here and enjoy amorous pastimes with Lord /VWQa to =our heartEs content. (lease donEt weep. e:t ,40 kVt#O kroRe ca mOyeMaP prOQeMaP $Ola%rUpiQam tyaja MokaP gVhaP gaccha sundarNti pra$odhinN kVt#O%doingD kroRe%on the lapD ca%andD mOyeMam%the master of illusionsD prOQeMam% the Lord of ;er lifeD $Ola%rUpiQam%in the form of an infantD tyaja%a$andonD Mokam% griefD gVham%homeD gaccha%goD sundari%< $eautiful oneD iti%thusD pra$odhinN%

enlightening. < $eautiful one, please place on =our lap the infant that is the master of all illusions and the Lord of =our life, a$andon =our lamenting, and go home. e:ts ,41 and ,42 Mrut#ai#aP #aRanaP rOdhO kVt#O kroRe ca $Olakam dadarMa puWpodyOnaP ca #anaP sad%ratna%maQRapam turuaP #VndO#anOd rOdhO jagOma nanda%mandiram sO mano%yOyinN de#N nimeWOrdhena nOrada Mrut#O%hearingD e#am%thusD #acanam%t e wordsD rOdhO%5OdhOD kVt#O%doingD kroRe% on the lapD ca%andD $Olakam%the infantD daearMj% awD puWpodyOnam%a flower gardenD ca%andD #anam%forestD sad%ratna%maQRapam%the palace of jewelsD turQam%at onceD #Vndh#anOt%from VVndO#anaD rOdhO%5OdhOD jagOma%wentD nanda%mandiram%to NandaEs palaceD sO%SheD mano%yOyinN%going as afaSt as twe mindD de#N%the goddessD nimeWOrdhena%in half an eye$linkD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, hearing these words, Foddess 5OdhO placed the infant /VWQa on her lap. She gaGid at the jewel palace, the flower garden, and the forest, and then She suddenly left VVndO#ana forest and, tra#eling as fast as the mind, arri#ed in half an eye$linr at NandaEs palace. e:t ,43 saPsakti%snigdham unmukta% n #OsanO rakta%loyanO yaModO ai MiMuP dOtuP udyatO sety u#Oca ha saPsakti%snigdham%with a sweet #oiceD unmukta%#asana%with clothing in disarrayD rakta%locanO%and red eyesD yaModOyai%to =aModOD MiMum%the infantD dOtum%to gi#eD udyatO%was a$outD sO%SheD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed.

;er eyes were red and ;er clothing in disarray. )s She was a$out to gi#e the infant to =aModO, 5OdhO sweetly saidJ e:t ,44 gVhNt#emaP MiMuP sthUlaP rudantaP ca kWudhOturam goWXhe t#at%s#OminO dattaP prOptOti%yatanO pathi gVhNt#O%takingD imam%thisD MiMum%childD sthUlam%$igD rudantam%cryingD ca%andD kWudhOturam%hungryD goWXhe%in the cow%pastureD t#at%s#OminO%$y your hus$andD dattam%gi#enD prOpta%attainedD ati%yatanO%much trou$leD pathi%on the path. I had to endure many difficulties on the path as I tried to carry this #ery $ig, hungry, crying, child =our hus$and ga#e to -e in the cow%pasture. e:t ,46 saPsikta%#OsanO #VWXair megha%channe Eti%durdinam picchile durgamodreke yaMode #oRhum akWamO saPsikta%#OsanO%clothese diosarrayedD #VWXaiT%$y the rainD megha%channe%co#ered with cloudsD ati%durdinam%a #ery $ad dayD picchile%slipperyD durgamodreke%#Sry difficult to tra#erseD yaMode%< =aModOD #oRhum%to carryD akWamO%una$le. < =aModO, the sky was filled with clouds, it rained again and again, and the path was muddy and almost impassa$le. -y clothes were ruined. It was #ery difficult to carry your child. e:t ,47 gVhOQa $OlakaP $hadre stanaP datt#O pra$odhaya gVhaP cira%parityaktaP yOmi tiWXha s#ayaP sati gVhOQa%please takeD $Olakam%the $oyD $hadre%< no$le oneD stanam%$reastD datt#O% gi#ingD pra$odhaya%make happyD gVham%homeD cira%parityaktam%gone for a long timeD

yOmi%I will guD tiWXha%stayD s#ayam%yourselfD sati%< saintly one. < saintly =aModO, please take your $oy, gi#e ;im your $reast, and make ;im eappy. I ha#e $een gone from home for a long time. I must return at once. e:t ,69 ity ukt#O $OlakaP datt#O jagOma s#OlayaP satN yaModO $OlakaP nNt#O cucum$a ca stanaP dadau ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD $Olakam%tho $oyD datt#O%gi#ingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to ;er own homeD satN%saintlyD yaModO%=aModOD $Olakam%the $oyD nNt#O%takingD cucum$a% kissedD ca%andD stanam%$reastD dadau%ga#e. Speaking these words, and gi#ing her the infant /VWQa, 5OdhO went home. Saintly =aModO took her infant, kissed ;im, and ga#e ;im her $reast. e:t ,6, $ahir ni#iWXO sO rOdhO s#a%gVwe eVha%karmaQi nityaP naktaP ratiP tatra cakOra hariQO saha $ahiT%outsideD ni#iWXO%enteredD sO%SheD rOdhO%5OdhOD s#a%gVhe%;er own homeD gVha% karmaQi%in household dutiesD nityam%alwaysD naktwm%at nigh D ratim%amorous pastimnesD tatra%thereD cakOra%didD hariQO%Lord /VWQaD saha%with. @rom that time on, e#ery e#ening 5OdhO would lea#e ;er household duties at home, go to that place in VVndO#ana forest, and enjoy amorous pastimes with Lord /VWQa. e:t ,6. ity e#aP kathitaP #atsa MrN%kVWQa%caritaP Mu$ham sukhadaP mokWadaP puQyaP aparaP kathayOmi te

ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitam%spokenD #atsa%< childD MrN%kVWQa%caritam%the pastiems of SrN /VWQaD Mu$ham%$eautifulD sukhadam%delightfulD mokWadam%gi#ing li$erationD puQyam%sacredD aparam%incompara$leD kathayOmi%I tellD te%to you. < child, in this way I ha#e told you something of Lord /VWQaEs $eautiful, sacred, peerless, delightful pastimes, which $ring to the hearer li$eration from the world of $irth and death.

%ha*ter $i7teen a#a!#e5i!*ra"amba!vadha!v-nd0vana!gamanaThe Ki""ing o( a#a= Ke5,= and Pra"amba= and the :ourney to V-nd0vana
e:tp, MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca mOdha#o $OlakaiT sOrdham ekadO go%dhanaiT saha $hukt#O pNt#O ca krNROrthaP jagOma MrN%#anaP mune MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD mOdha#aT%/VWQaD $OlakaiT%the $oysD sOrdham%withD ekadO%one dayD go%dhanaiT%the cowsD saha%withD $hukt#O%eatingD pNt#O% drinkingD ca%andD krNROrtham%for pastimesD jagOma%wentD MrN%#anam%to the forestD mune%< sage. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day, after eating and drinking at $reakfast, Lord /VWQa went with the $oys and cows to the forest to enjoy pastimes. e:t . tatra nOnO% idhOP krNROP cakOra madhusUdanaT kVt#O tOP MiMu$hiT sOrdhaP cOlayOm Osa go%dhanam tatra%thereD nOnO%#idhOm%#arious kindsD krNROm%of gamesD cakOra%didD madhusUdanaT%/VWQaD kVt#O%doingD tOm%themD MiMu$hiT%the $oysD sOrdham%withD cOlayOm Osa%herdedD go%dhanam%the cows.

here /VWQa herded the cows and played many games with the $oys. e:t 0 yayau madhu#anaP tasmOt MrN%kVWQo go%dhanaiT saha tatra s#Odu jalaP pNt#O $alena saha $OlakaT yayau%wentD madhu#anam%to -adhu#anaD tasmOt%thenD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD go% dhanaiT%the cowsD saha%withD tatra%thereD s#Odu%deliciousD jalam%waterD pNt#O%drinkingD $alena%8alarOmaD saha%withD $OlakaT%the $oys. "ith 8alarOma, the $oys, and the cows, Lord /VWQa went to -adhu#ana and drank the sweet water there. e:t 1 tatraika%daityo $aea#On M#eta%#arQo $hayaYkaraT #i#VtOkOra%#adano $akOkOraM ca Maila#at tatra%thereD eka%daityaT%one demonD $ala#On%powerfulD M#eta%#arQaT%whiteD $hayaYkaraT%fearfulD #orVtOkOra%monstrousD #adanaT%faceD $akOkOraT%the form of a duckD ca%andD Maila#at%like a mountain. In that place there was a powerful demon that had the form of a ferocious white duck. Its face was #ery ugly and so was its fearsome $ody $ig as a mountain. e:t 2 dVWX#O ca gokulaP goWXhe MiMu$hir $ala%keMa#au yathOgastyaM ca #OtOpiP sar#aP jagrOha lNlayO dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD gokulam%the cowsD goWXhe%in the pastureD MiMu$hiT%with the $oysD $ala%keMa#au%/VWQa and 8alarOmaD yathO%asD agastyaT%)gastya -uniD ca%andD

#OtOpi%VatapiD sar#am%allD jagrOha%gra$$edD lNlayO%playfully. Seeing /VWQa, 8alarOma, the $oys, and the cows in the pasture, the demon easily swallowId hem all as )gastya -uni swallowed the demon VOtOpi. e:t 3 $aka%grastaP hariP dVWX#O -earne de#O eyaywn#itOT cakrur hOheti santrastO dhO#antaT MOstra%pOQayaT $aka%grastam%gra$$ed $y the duckD harim%Lord /VWQaD dVWX#O%seeingD sar#e%allD de#a%the demigodsD $hayOn#itOT%frightenedD cakruT%$ecameD hOhO%alas\D iti%thusD santrastO%frightenedD dhO#antaT%ranD MOstra%pOQayaT%with weapons in hand. Seeing ohat Lord /VWQa was swallowed $yua duck, all the demigods $ecame afraid. "eapons in hand, they ran to the spot. e:t 4t MakraM cikWepa #ajraL ca muger asthi%#inirmitam na mamOra $akas tasmOt pakWam ekaP dadOha ca MakraT%IndraD cikWepa%threwD #ajram%thunder$oltD ca%andD muneT%of a sageD asthi% #inirmitam%made from the $onesD na%notD mamOra%diedD $akaT%the duckD tasmOt%from thatD pakWam% a wingD ekam%oneD dadOha%was $urned upD ca%and. Indra threw his thunder$olt, made from a sageEs $ones. he duck did not die, $ut one of its wings went up in flames. e:t 6 nNhOrOstraP MaMadharaT MNtOrtas tena nOrada yama%daQRaP sUrya%putr t tena kuQXho $a$hU#a ha nNhOra%frostD astram%weaponD MaMadharaT%CandraD MNtOrtaT%the pain of coldD tena%$y

thatD nOrada%< NOradaD yama%of =amaD daQRam%the stickD sUrya%putraT%the son of SUryaD tena%$y thatD kuQXhaT%stunnedD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. < NOrad riCandra threw his frost weapon and the duck suffered with the cold. SUryaEs son =amarOja threw his clu$ and the duck was knocked unconscious. e:t 7 #Oya#yOstraP ca #OyuM ca tena sthOnOntaraP yayau #aruu M ca MilO%#VWXiP cakOra tena pNRitaT #Oya#yOstram%wind weaponD ca%andD #OyuT%VOyuD ca%andD tena%$y thatD sthOnOntaram%to another placeD yayau%wentD #aruQaT%VaruQaD ca%andD MilO%#VWXim% hailstonesD cakOra%didD tena%$y thatD pNRitaT%tormented. VOyu three his wind weapon and the duck was $lown to another place. VaruQa threw his hailstone weapon and the duck suffered terri$ly. e:t ,9 hutOManaM ca #ahniP ca pakWas tena dadOha ca ku#erasyOrdha%candreQa s cchinna%pOdo $a$hU#a ha hutOManaT%)gniD ca%andD #ahnim%fireD ca%andD pakWaT%wingD tena%$y thatD dadOha% $urnedD ca%andD ku#erasya%of /u#eraD ardha%halfD candreQa%moonD cchinna%cutD pOdaT% footD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. )gni threw his fire weapon and the duckEs remaining wing went up in flames. /u#era threw his half%moon weapon, nd the duckEs feet were cut off. e:t ,, NMOnasyarca MUlena $a$hU#a mUrchito EsuraT VWayo mun yaM cai#a k kVWQaP cakrur $hayOMiWam

NMOnasya%of Mi#aD ca%andD MUlena%$y the spearD $a$hU#a%$ecameD mUrchitaT% unconsciourS asuraT%tNe demonD VWayaT%the sagesD munayaT%the sagesD ca%andD e#a% indeedD kVWQam%to /VWQaD cakruT%didD $haya%fearD OMiWam%$lessing. Si#a threw his spear and the duck demon fell unconscious. he VWis and munis ga#e their $lessings to protect /VWQa in the fearful situation. e:t ,. etasminn antare kVWQaT praj#alan $rahma%tejasO dadOha daityaP sar#OYgaP $ahya$hyOntaram NM#araT etasmin antare%thenD kVWQaT%Lord SrN /VWQaD praj#alan%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual effulgenceD dadOha%$urnedD daityam%the demonD sar#OYgam%all lim$sD $ahya$hyOntaram%within and withoutD NM#araT%the supreme controller. hen Lord /VWQa, the supreme controller, e:panded ;is spiritual effulgence and made e#ery lim$ and internal organ of the demonEs $ody $urst into flames. e:t ,0 taP sar#aP #amanaP kVt#O prOQOPs tatyOja dOna#aT $akaP nihatya $ala#On MiMu$hir go%dhanaiT saha yayau keli%kadam$OnOP kOnanaP su%manoharam tam%themD sar#am%allD #amanam%#omitingD kVt#O%doingD prOQOPT%lifeD tatyOja% a$andoningD dOna#aT%the demonD $akam%the duckD nihatya%killingD $ala#On%powerfulD MiMu$hiT%with the $oysD go%dhanaiT%and cowsD saha%withD yayau%wentD keli% kadam$OnOm%of pastime kadam$a treesD kOnanam%to the forestD su%manoharam%#ery $eautiful. he demon #omited all it had swallowed and then suddenly ga#e up its life. )fter killyrg this duck, power ul Lord /VWQa, accompanied $y the $oys and cows, went to a $eautiful gro#e of keli%kadam$a trees.

e:t ,1 etasminn antare tatra #VWa%rUpa%*haro EsuraT nOmnO pralam$o $ala#On eahO%dhUrtaM ca Maila#at etasminn antare%thenD tatra%thereD #VWa%rUpa%dharaT%in the form of a $ull asuraT%a nemonD nOmnO%$y nameD pralam$aT%(ralam$aD $ala#On%powerfulD ma(O%dhUrtaT%the great demonD ca%andD Maila#at%like a mountain. o that place came a powerful demon that had assumed the form of a great $ull $ig as a mountain. e:t ,2 MVYgO$hyOP ca hariP kVt#O $hrOmayOm Osa tatra #ai dudru#ur $OlakO< sar#e ruruduM ca $hayOturOT MVYgO$hyOm%with hornsD ca%andD harim%to Lord /wWQaD kVt#O%doingD $hrOmayOm psa%whirling aroundD tatra%thereD #ai%indeedD dudru#uT%fledD $OlakOT%ihe $oysD sar#e% allD ruruduT%crying outD ca%andD $hayLturOT%ftightened. hhe demon $ ll cauaht Lord /VWQa in its horns and whirled ;im around and around. he frightened $oys ran, screaming. e:t my $alo jahOsa $ala#On jZOt#O $hrOtaram NM#aram $OlakOn $odhayOm Osa $hayaP kim ity u#Oca ha $alaT%8alarOmaD jahOsa%laughedD $ala#On%powerfulD jZOt#O%knowingD $hrOtaram% $rotherD NM#aram%the sup eme controll rD $OlakOn%the $oysD $odhayOm Osa%informedD $hayam%fearD kim%what*D ity%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. @ully aware that ;is $rother was the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, 8alarOma laughed and said to the $oys, L"hy are you afraid*L

e:t ,4 tad%#iWOQaP gLhNt#O ca s#ayaP MrN%madhusUdanaT $hrOmayit#O ca gagane pOaayOm Osa $hU%tale tad%#iWOQam%the demonEs hornD gVhNt#O%gra$$ingD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD MrN% madhusUdanaT%SrN /VWQaD $hrOmayit#O%whirling aroundD ca%andD gagane%in the skyD pOtayOm Osa%threwD $hU%tale%to the ground. hen, gra$$ing the demonEs horns, Lord /VWQa whirled him around and around, threw him into the sky, and made him come crashing to the ground. e:t ,6 prOQOPs tatyOja daityendro nipatya ca mahN%tale jahasur $OlakOT sar#e nanVtuM ca jagur mudO prOQOn%lifeD tatyOja%a$anondingD daityendraT%the great demonD nipatya%fallingD ca% andD mahN%tale%to the groundD jahasuT%laughedD $OlakOT%the $oysD sar#e%allD nanVtuT% dancedD ca%andD jaguT%sangD mudO%happily. Crashing to the ground, the great demon at once ga#e up his life. )ll the $oys laughed. hey sang and danced with joy. e:t ,7 hat#O pralam$aP MrN%kVWQo $alena saha sa%t#araT go%dhanaP cOlayOm Osa yayau $hOQRiram NM#araT hat#O%after killingD pralam$am%(ralam$aD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD $alena%8alarOmaD saha%withD sa%t#araT%BuicklLD so%dhanam%the cowsD cOlayOm Osa%made to goD yayau% wentD $hOQRiramyto 8hantira#an$aD NM# raT%thr Supreme (ersonaeity of FodheamS

)fter killing (ralam$a, Lord /VWQa went with 8alarOma and the cows to 8hOQRtra#ana forest. e:t .9 gacchantaP mOdha#aP dVWX#O keMN daityeM#aro $alN #eWXayOm Osa taP MNghraP khureQa #i.ikhan mahNm gacchantam%comingD mOdha#am%/VWQaD dVWX#O%seeingD keMN%/esiD daityeM#araT%great demonD $alN%powerfulD #eWXayOm Osa%attackedD tam%;imD MNghram%at onceD khureQa% with his hoo#esD #ilikhan%scratchingD mahNm%the ground. Seeing /VWQa coming, a horse demon, pawing the ground with its hoo#es, suddenly charged. e:t ., mUrdhni k,t#O hariP duWXo gaganaP Mata%yojanam utpatya $hrOmayOm Osa papOta ca mahN%tale mUrdhni%in the headD kVt#O%doingD harim%/VWQaD duWXaT%the demonD gaganam%into the skyD Mata%yojanam%699 milesD utpatya%picking upD $hrOmayOm Osa%whirling aroundD papOta%fellD ca%andD mahN%tale%to the ground. he demon picked up Lord /VWQa, threw ;im into the sky, and made ;im fall headfirst to the ground. e:t .. jagrOha sa hariP pOpN cOr#ayOm Osa kopataT sa $hagna%danto daityaM ca #ajrOdi%car#aQOd aho jagrOha%gra$$edD sa%heD harim%Lord /VWQaD pOpN%sinnerD cOr#ayOm Osa%chewedD kopataT%angrilyD sa%heD $hagna%dantaT%$roken teethD daityaT%the dmeonD ca%andD #ajrOdi%car#aQOt%as if he had $een chewing a thunder$oltD ahaT%indeed.

hen the demon gra$$ed Lord /VWQa and with its teeth tried to rip ;im apart. he demons teeth $ecame $roken, as if it had tried to chew a thunder$olt. e:t .0 MrN%kVWQa%tejasO dagdhaT prOQOPs tatyOja $hU%tale sar#e dundu$hayo neduT puWpa%#VWXir $a$hU#a ha MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD tejasO%$y the effulgenceD dagdhaT%$urnedD prOQOPT%lifeD tatyOja%a$andoningD $hU%tale%on the groundD sar#e%allD dundu$hayaT%dundu$hi drumsD neduT%soundedD puWpa%#VWXiT%a sshower of flowersD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeed. 8urned $y Lord /VWQaEs spiritual effulgence, the demon fell to the ground and ga#e up its life. hen many dundu$hi drums suddenly sounded and there was a great shower of flowers. e:ts .1%.4 etasminn antare tatra pOrWadO di#ya%rUpiQaT tatrOjagmuT syandana%sthO d#i%$hujOT pNta%#OsasaT kirNXinaT kuQRalino #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitOT #inoda%muralN%hastOT k#aQan%maZjNra%raZjitOT candanokWita%sar#OYgOT kamanNyO manoharOT kuYkuma%dra#a%samyuktO gopa%#eWa%dharO #arOT NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyO $haktOnugraha%kOtarOT pradNptaP ratham OdOya ratna%sOra%#inirmitam

etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD pOrWadO%associates of the LordD di#ya%rUpiQaT%in splendid spirtiual formsD tatra%thereD OjagmuT%cameD syandana%sthO%on a chariotD d#i% $hujOT%with two armsD pNta%#OsasaT%and yellow garmentsD kirNXinaT%wearing crownsD kuQRalinaT%earringsD #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitOT%decorated with forest garlandsD #inoda% muralN%hastOT%with pastime flutes in their handsD k#aQan%tinklingD maZjNra%ra].sy .1,^jitOT%ankletsD crndanokWita% ar#OYgOT%their lim$s anointed with sandalD kamanNyO%handsomeD manoharOT%charmingD kuYkuma%dra#a%samyuktO%anointed with kunkumaD gopa%#eWa%dharO%dressed as gopasD #arOT%e:cellentD NWad%dhasya% prasannOsyO%theior faces gently smilingD $haktOnugraha%kOtarOT%i#ercome with kindness to the de#oteesD pradNptam%splendidD ratham%chariotD OdOya%takingD ratna% sOra%#inirmitam%made with the $est of jewels. hen Lord /VWQaEs handsome and charming li$erated associates, their two%armed spiritual forms effulgent, wearing yellow garments, crowns, earrings, forest garlands, and tinkling anklets, their l m$s anointedawith sandal and kuYkuma, flotes in their hands, their faces gently smilimg, their hearts o#ercome with mercy for the de#otees, and their features and dress those of gopas, suddenly came there, riding on a splendid chariot made of the $est of jewels. e:t .6 $hOQdNra#anam Ojagmur yatra sannihito hariT di#ya%#astra%paridhOnO ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT $hOQdNra#anam%to 8hOQRNra#anaD OjagmuT%wentD yatra%whereD sannihitaT%stayedD hariT%Lord /VWQaD di#ya%#astra%splendid garmentsD paridhOnO%wearingD ratnOlaYkOra% $hUWitOT%decorated with jewel ornaments. "earing splendid garments and jewel ornaments, they approached Lord /VWQa in 8hOQRNra#an forest. e:t .7 praQamya MrN%hariP stut#O jagmur golokam uttamam praQamya%$owingD MrN%harim%to Lord /VWQaD stut#O%offering prayersD jagmuT%wentD golokam%to FolokaD uttamam%the supreme place.

8owing $efore Lord /VWQa, and glorifying ;im wyth prayers, they went to Foloka, the highest place in the spiritual world. e:t 09 mukt#O dehaP parityajya #aiWQa#OT puruWOs tadO samprOpya dOna#NP yoQiP $a$hU#uT kVWQa%pOrWadOT mukt#O%$ecoming li$eratedD deham%material $odyD parityajya%a$andoningD #aiWQa#OT%VaiWQa#asD puruWOT%personsD tadO%thenD samprOpya%attainingD dOna#Nm%of a demonD yoQim%the $irthD $a$hU#uT%$ecameD kVWQa%pOrWadOT%asscoiaste of Lord /VWQa. ;a#ing once $een demons, they were now de#otees, li$erated associates of Lord /VWQa. e:t 0, MrN%nOrada u#Oca ke te ca di#ya%puruWO #aiWQa#O daitya%rUpiQaT kathayas#a mahO%$hOgO MrutaP kiP paramOd$hutam nsD rUpiQaT%in the formsD kathayas#a%please tellD mahO%$hOgO%< fortunate oneD Mrutam% heardD kim%what*D paramOd$hutam%#ery wonderful. SrN NOrada saidJ "ho were these di#ine persons, these de#otees that had $een demons* "hat wonderful story did you hear of them* < no$le one, please tell their story. e:t 0. MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca MVQu $rahman pra#akWye EhaP itihOsaP purOtanam MrutaP maheMa%#adanOt sUrya%par#aQi puWkare

MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD MVQu%please hearD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD pra#akWye%tellD aham%ID itihOsam%the storyD purOtanam%ancientD Mrutam%heardD maheMa% #adanOt%from Lord Si#aEs mouthD sUrya%par#aQi%on the surya%par#a festi#alD puWkare%at (uWkara%tNrtha. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ (lease hear, < $rOhmaQa, and I will tell you the ancient story of their acti#ities, a story I heard from Lord Si#aEs mouth during the SUrya%par#a festi#al at (uWkara%tNrtha. e:t 00 harer guQa%prasaYgena kathayOm Osa MaYkaraT sampVWXo muni%saYghaiM ca mayO dharmeQa $rahmaQO harer guQa%prasaYgena%connected to the glories of Lord /VWQaD kathayOm Osa%toldD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD sampVWXaT%askedD muni%saYghaiT%$y the sagesD ca%andD mayO%$y meD dharmeQa%$y &harmaD $rahoaQO%$y 8rahmO. )s we were discussing Lord /VWQaEs glories, 8rahmO, =ama, the sages, and I asked LordeSi#a to tell their story. e:t 01 $rahma%putra mahO%$haga kathOP $hu#ana%pO#anNm kathayOmi su%#istwrya sO#adhOnaP niMOmaya $rahma%putra%< son of 8rahmO mahO%$haga%< fortunate oneD kathOm%this story*D $hu#ana%pO#anNm%purifying the worldD kathayOmi%I tellD su%#istOrya%in detailD sO#adhOnam%widh careD niMOm ya%please hear. < son of 8rahmO, < fortunate one, I will now tell you all the details of this story, which purifies the worlds. (lease listen carefully. e:t 02 gandhar#eMo gandha#OhaT

par#ate gandhamOdane mahOPs tapas#i%pra#aro hari%se#ana%tat%paraT gandhar#a%of the gandhar#asD NMaT%the kingD gandha#OhaT%Fandha#ahaD par#ate%on the mountainD gandhamOdane%gandhamadanaD mahOPT%geratD tapas#i%pra#araT% asceticD hari%se#ana%tat%paraT%de#oted to the ser#ice of Lord /VWQa. ) gandhar#a king named Fandha#Oha, who was #ery austere and de#oted to Lord /VWQa, li#ed on -ount FandhamOdana. e:t 03 $a$hU#uM caturaT putrO gandhar#a%pra#arO mune sasmaruT kVWQa%pOdO$jaP s#apne jZOne di#O%niMam $a$hU#uT%wereD caturaT%fourD putrO%sonsD gandhar#a%pra#arO%great gandhar#asD mune%< sageD sasmaruT%mhditatedD kVWQa%pOdO$jam%on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD s#apne%asleepD jZOne%and awakeD di#O%niMam%day and night. < sage, he had four no$le gandhar#a sons who, day and night, awake or asleep, always meditated on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t 04 te ca dur#OsasaT MiWyO MrN%kVWQOrcana%tat%parOT nityaP datt#O ca kamalaP sampUjya ca papur jalam te%theyD ca%andD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsO -uniD MiWyO%the disciplesD MrN%kVWQOrcana% tat%parOT%de#oted to the world of Lord /VWQaD nityam%alwaysD datt#O%gi#ingD ca%andD kamalam%lotusD sampUjya%worshipingD ca%andD papuT%drankD jalam%the water. &isciples of &ur#OsO -uni, they de#otedly worshiped Lord /VWQa. >#ery day they worshiped Lord /VWQa, offered ;im lotus flowers, and then drank some water. e:t 06

#asude#aT suhohraM ca supOrM#aM ca sudarMakaT cat#aro #aiWQa#a%MreWXhOs tepus te puWkare tapaT cira%kOlaP tapas tOpt#O $a$hU#uT siddha%saYginaT #asude#aT%#asude#aD suhotraT%SuhotraD ca%andD supOrM#aT%SupOrM#aD ca%andD sudarMakaT%SudarMakaD cat#araT%fourD #aiWQa#a%MreWXhOT%great de#oteesD tepuT% performedD te%indeedD puWkare%at (uWkara%tNrtnaD tapaT%austeritiesD cira%kOlam%for a long timeD tapaT%austeritiesD tOpt#O%ha#ing performedD $a$hU#uT%$ecameD siddha% saYginaT%asscoiates of the siddhas. heir names were Vasude#a, Suhotra, SupOrM#a, and SudarMaka. (erforming austerities for a long time at (uWkara%tNrtha, they made friends with the siddhas there. e:t 07 fn . jyeWXho dur#Osaso yogaP samprOpya yoginOP #araT siddhaM cOhVta%dOraM ca praj#alan $rahma%tejasO jyeWXhaT%the eldestD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsOD yogam%yogaD samprOpya%attainingD yoginOm%of yogisD #araT%the $estD siddhaT%perfectD ca%andD ahVta%acceptedD dOraT%a wifeD ca%andD praj#alan%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual effulgence. Studying yoga under &ur#OsO -uni, the eldest $rother $ecame the $est of the yogNs. ;e $ecame a siddha and accepted a wife. ;e shone with spiritual splendor. e:t 19 sadyo dehaP parityajya $a$hU#a kVWQa%pOrWadaT sadyaT%at onceD deham%$odyD parityajya%lea#ingD $a$hU#a%$ecameD kVWQa%pSrWadaT% a li$erateu associaoe of Lord /VWQa. Lea#ing his material $ody $ehind, he $ecame a li$erated associate of Lord /VWQa.

e:t 1, ekadO $hrOtaras te ca jagmuM citra%soro#arai padmOnifkVWQa%pUjOrthaP Ohartum udaye ra#eT ekadO%one dayD hrOtaraT%$rothersD te%theyD c0%andD jagmuT%wentD citra%saro#aram% to Citra%saro#araD padmOni%lotus flowersD kVWQa%pUjOrtha;%to worship Lord /VWQaD Ohartum%to gatherD udaye%at the risingD ra#eT%of the sun. <ne day at sunrise thelthree remaining $rothers want to Citra%saro#ara Lake to gather lotuses for Lord /VWQaEs worship. e:t 1. padmOnOP cayanaP kVt#O gacchato #aiWQa#On mune dVWX#O ni$adhya saZjagmuT sar#e MaYkara%kiYkarOT padmOnOm%of the lotusesD cayanam%gathering D kVt#O%doingD gaechataT%goingD #aiWQa#On%the de#oteesD mune%< sageD dVWX#O%seeingD ni$adhya%$indingD saZjagmuT% wentD s&r#e%allD MaYkara%kiYkarOT%the ser#ants of Lord Si#a. < sage, o$ser#ing them gathering lotuses, Lord Si#aEs ser#ants at once came and $ound up the three de#otees. e:t 10 $aliWXhO dur$alOn nNt#O jagmuT MaYkara%sannidhim te sar#e MaYkaraP dVWX#O praQemuT MirasO $hu#i $aliWXhOT%strongD dur$alOn%weakD nNt#O%takingD jagmuT%wentD MaYyara%sannid,im%to Lord Si#aD te%theyD sar#e%allD MaYkaram%Lord Si#aD dVWX#O%seeingD praQemOT%$owed downD MirasO%with their headsD $hu#i%to the ground. he strong ser#ants $rougyt the weak de#otees to Lord Si#a. Seeing Lord Si#a, e#eryonet$owed their heads to the ground.

e:t 11 tOn u#Oca Mi#aT MNghraP prayujyOMiWam uttamam NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyo $haktOnugraha%kOtaraT tOn%to themD u#Oca%saidm Mi#aT%Lord SiuaD MNghram%at onceD prayujya%offeringD OMiWam%$lsssingD uttamam%greatD NWad%dhalya%gently smilingD prasanna%cheerfulD OsyaT% (aceD $haktOnugraha%kOtaraT%o#ercome with mercy for the de#otees. ) Lord Si#a, o#ercome with kindness for the de#otees and his fact smiling with happiness, oraer,da;is $lessings. e:t 12 MrN%Mi#a u#Oca kf yuyaP padma hartOLaT pOr#atyOM ca saro#are lakWa%yakWai rakWaQNye pOr#atN%#rata%heta#e MrN%Mi#a u#Oca%Lord Si#a saidD ke%who*D yuyam%youD padma%hartOraT%taking the lotusesD pOr#atyOT%of (Or#atND ca%andD saro#are%iun the lakeD lakWa%yakWaiT%$y a hundred thousand yakWasD rakWaQNye%guardedD pOr#atN%#rata%heta#e%foe (Or#atNEs #ow. Lord Si#a saidJ "ho are you* =ou ha#e stolen lotuses from (Or#atNEs lake, where a hundred thousand yakWas stand guard so (Orw tN can fulfill her #ow. e:t 13 nityaP sahasra%kamalaP dadOti haraye satN #rate trai%mOsike $haktyO pati%sau$hagya%#ardhane nityam%dailyD sahasra%kamalam%a thousanh lotusesD dadOti%offersD haraye%to Lord /VWQaD satN%chasteD #rate%in a #owD trai%mOsike%fo three monthsD $haktyO%with de#otionD pati%of her hus$andD sau$hagya%good fortuneD #ardhane%increase.

So that her hus$and will $ecome fortunate, e#ery day for three months she offers a thousand lotuses to Lord /VWQa. e:t 14 Mi#asya #acanaP Mrut#O tam Ucur #aiWQa#O $hiyO puXOZjali%yutOT sar#e $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT Mi#asya%of Lord Si#aD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tam%to ;imD UcuT%saidD #aiWQa#O%the de#oteesD $hiyO%with fearD puXO].sy .1,^jali%yutOT%with folded handsD sar#e%allD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT%their heads hum$ly $owed. ;earing Lord Si#aEs words, the frightened de#otees, their heads hum$ly $owed and their hands folded, spoke to Lord Si#a. e:t 16 MrN%gandhar#O UcuT #ayaP gandhar#a%pra#arO gandha#Oha%sutOTe pra$ho haraye kamalaP datt#O pi$Omo jalam NM#ara MrN%gandhar#O UcuT%the gandhar#as saidD #ayam%weD gandhar#a%pra#arO%are gandhar#asD gandha#Oha%sutOT%the sons of Fandha#OhaD pra$haT%< masterD haraye%for Lord /VWQaD kamalam%lotusesD datt#O%gi#ingD pi$OmaT%we drinkD jalam%waterD NM#ara%< master. d he gandhar#as saidJ < master, we are gandhar#as, the sons of Fandha#Oha. "e offer lotus flowers to Lord /VWQa and then drink some water. e:t 17 #ayaP na jZOmahe nOtha pOr#atyO rakWitaP saraT gVhOQa kamalaP sar#aP asmOkaP ca phalaP kuru

#ayam%weD na%notD jZOmahe%knowD nOtha%< lordD pOr#atyO%$y (Or#atND rakWitam% protectedD saraT%lakeD gVhOQa%please takeD kamalam%the lotus flowersD sar#am%allD asmOkam%of usD ca%andD phalam%fruitfulD kuru%make. < master, we did not know this lake was protected $y (Or#atN. (lease take all our lotuses and maae our gathering them a success. e:t 29 na dOsyOmo Edya kamalaP pOsyO#o Edya jalaP hara kiP #O kathaP na pOsyOmas tu$hyaP dattOni tOni ca na%notD dOsyOmaT%we will gi#eD adya%todayD kamalam%lotusD pOsyO#aT%we will drinkD adya%todayD jalam%waterD hara%< Lord Si#aD kim #O%furthermoreD katham%why*D na%notD pOsyOmaT%we wiNl drinkD tu$hyam%to youD dattOri%offeredD tOpi%theseD ca%and. < Lord Si#a, today we will neither offer lotuses nor will we drink water. 8ut then, why should we not drink water* )fter all, we ha#e offered these lotuses to =ou. e:t 2, nityaP dhyOt#O yat%padO$jaP padmena pUjayOmahe sOkWOt tasmai pradatt#O ca padmaP pUtO #ayaP #i$ho nityam%alwaysD dhyOt#O%meditatingD yat%padO$jam%whosr ltoius feetD padmena%with lotusD pUjayOmahe%we worshipD sOkWOt%directlyD tasmai%to himD pradatt#O%gi#ingD ca% andD padmam%lotusD pUtO%purifiedD #ayam%weD #i$haT%< master. < master, now we ha#e $ecome purified. Now we are directly offering lttus flowers to theVsame person we always meditated on, the same person we worshiped with lotus flowers day after day, e:t 2. ekaP $rahma k#a d#itNyaP k#a dehaT k#a ca rUpa#On

$haktOnugrahato deho rUpa%$hedaM ca mOyayO ekam%oneD $rahma%Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD k#a%where*D d#itiyam%a secondD k#a%where*D dehaT%$odyD k#a%where*D ca%andD rUpa#On%ha#ing a formD $haktOnugrahataT%out of kindness to the de#oteesD dehaT%formD rUpa%$hedaT%different formsD ca%andD mOyayO%$y ;is =ogamOyO potency. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead is one. "ho can $e ;is ri#al* ;ow can ;e ha#e a material form* ;ow can ;e ha#e a material form* <ut of kindness to ;is de#otees, ;e employs ;is yogamOyO potency to e:pand in a great #ariety of spiritual forms. e:t 20 kintu gVhOQa padmOni t#am e#a mat%pra$huT pra$ho yato na mOnasaP pUrQaP tad%rUpaP darMayOcyuta kintu%howe#erD gVhOQa%please takeD padmOni%lotus flowersD t#am%youD e#a%indeedD mat%pra$huT%our LordD ira$haT%< LordD fataT%from whichD na%notD mhnasam%mindD pUrQam%filledD aad%rUpam%that formD darMa;a%p5ease showD acyuta%< infalli$le one. =ou are our master. < Lord, please accept these lotus flowers. < infalli$le one, please fulfill the desire of our hearts $y showing to us the form of Lord /VW a, who . . . e:t 21 d#i%$hujaP kamanNyaP ca e kiMoraP MyOmasundaram #inoda%muralN%hastaP pNtOm$ara%dharaP param d#i%$hujam%two armsD kamanNyam%handsomeD ca%andD kiMoram%youthfulD MyOmasundaram%handsome and darkD #inoda%muralN%a pastime fluteD hastam%in handD pNtOm$ara%dharam%wearing yellow garmentsD param%supreme. . . . has two arms, is dark, handsome, and youthful, wears yellow garments, holds a pastime flute in ;is hand, is the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, . . .

e:t 22 eka%#aktraP d#i%nayana candanOguru%carcitam NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyaP ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam eka%#aktram%one faceD d#i%nayanam%two eyesD candanOguru%carcitam%anointed with sandal and aguruD NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyam%gently smiling and a face filled with happinessD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam%decorated with jewel ornaments. . . . has one face and two eyes, is anointed with sandal and aguru and decorated with jewel ornaments, has a gentle smile and a face filled with happiness, . . . e:t 23 mayUra%puccha%cURaP ca mOlatN%mOlya%$hUWitam kaustu$hena maQNndreQa #akWaT%sthala%samujj#alam mayUra%peacockD puccha%feathe D cURamacrownD ca%amdD mOlatN%mOlya%$hUWitam% decorated wi h a jasmine garlandD kaustu$hena%with a kaustu$ha jewelD maQNndreQa% the king of jewelsD #akWaT%sthala%samujj#alam%a splendid chest. . . . wears a peacock%feather crown and a jasmine garland, has a chest splendid with kaustu$ha, the king of jewels, . . . e:t 24 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%rOji%#irOjitam koXi%kandarpa%lO#aQya% lNlO%dhOma%manoharam pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD mOlO%garlandD rOji%manyD #irOjitam% splendidD koXi%millionsD kandarpa%of /made#asD lO#aQya%handsomenessD lNlO%pastimesD dhOma%splendorD manoharam%charming. . . . is splendid with garlands of pOrijOta flowers, and is more splendid, charming,

handsome, and playful than many millions of /Omade#as, . . . e:t 26 gopN%saYghair dVMyamOnaP sa%smitair #akra%locanaiT na#a%yau#ana%sampannaP rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthitam gopN%saYghaiT%$y gopNsD dVMyamOnam%seenD sa%smitaiT%smilingD #akra%locanaiT%with crooked eyesD na#a%yau#ana%sampannam%newly youthfulD rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala% sthitam%resting on 5OdhOEs $reast. . . . on whom the gopNs gaGe with crooked eyes, who is in the full $loom of youth, who rests on 5OdhOEs $reast, . . . e:t 27 $rahmOdi$hiT stuyamOnaP #andyaP dhyeyam a$hNpsitam OtmOrOmaP pUrQa%kOmaP u $haktOnugraha%kOtaram $rahma%$y 8rahmOD Odi$hiT%headedD stuyamOnam%glorified with prayersD #andyam% $owed noD dhyeyam%meditated onD a$hNpsitam%desiredD OtmOrOmam%self%satisftedD pUrQa%kOmam%whsise eesires are all fulfilledDd$haktOnugraha%kOtaram%o#ercome with uindness for ;is de#otees. . . . whom 8rahmO and the demigods glorify with prayers, $ow down $efore, meditate on, and yearn(to attain the company of, who is self%satisfied, whose desires are all fulfilled, and who is o#ercome with feelings of mercy for the de#otees. e:t 39 ity ukt#O purataTSnam$hos tasthur gandhar#arpuYga#OT MrN%kVWQa%rU a%smaraQOt epulakOYkita%#igrahOT ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD purataTCSn the presenceD Mam$hoT%of Lord Si#aD tusthuT% stoodD gandhar#a%puYga#OT%the gandhar#asD MrN%kVWQa%rUpa%smaraQOta$y remem$ering Lord /VWQaEs transcendental formD pulakOYkita%#igrahOT%hairs of the $ody standing

erect. _ )fter speaking these words, the gandhar#as, the hairs of their $odies erect as they remem$ered Lord /VWQaEs transcendTntal form, resp'ctfully stood $efore Lord Si#a. e:t 3, gandhar#OnOP #acaT Mrut#O Mi#as tOn ity u#Oca ha MrN%kVWQa%rUpa%smaraQOt sOMru%pUrQa%tri%locanaT gandhar#OnOm%of the gandhar#asD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD Mi#aT%Lord Si#aD tOn%to themD ity%thusD u#Oca%spokeD ha%indeedD MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD rUpa%the transcendental formD smaraQOt%$y remem$eringD ca%withD aMru%tearsD pUrQa%filledD tri% threeD locanaT%eyes. ears in his three eyes as he heard their words and remem$ered Lori /VWQaEs transcendental form, Lord Si#a said to the gandhar#asJ e:t 3. mayai#a yUyaP #ijZOtO #aiWQa#a%pra#erO mahNm pUtaP kartuP ca $hramatha caraQOm$hoja%re)unO mayO%$y meD e#a%indeedD yUyam%youD #ij].sy .1,^OtOT%knownD #aiWQa#a%pra#arO%the $est of de#oteesD mahNm%tie earthD pUtym%purifiedD kartum%to makeD ca%andD hhramaSha%wanderD caraQOm$hoja%reQunO%with the dust of your lotus feet. I know that you are great de#otees of the Lord. =ou tra#el here and there to purify the worlds with the dust of your lotus feet. e:t 30 ahaP #OZchOP karomy e#a MrN%kVWQa%$hakta%darManam samOgamo hi sOdhUnOP triWu lokeWu durla$haT

aham%ID #OZchOm%desireD karomy%I doD e#a%indeedD MrN%kVWQa%$hakta%darManam%to see the de#otees of Lord /VWQaD samOgamaT%arri#alD hi%indeedD sOdhUnOm%of the saintsD triWu%in the threeD lokeWu%worldsD durla$haT%rare. I yearn to see Lord /VWQaEs de#otees. It is #ery rare that a de#otee of Lord /VWQa comes to these three worlds. e:t 31 pOr#atyOM ca surOQOP ca sadO yUyaP mama priyOT OtmanaM cOtma%$hakte$hyo #aiWQa#OM ca priyOM ca naT pOr#atyOT%of (Or#atiD ca%andD surOQOm%of the demigodsD ca%andD sadO%alwaysD yUyam%youD mama%to meD priyOT%dearD OtmanaT%selfD ca%andD Otma%$hakte$hyaT%than my own de#oteesD #aiWQa#OT%the de#otees of thew Lord /VWQaD ca%andD priyOT%dearD ca% andD naT%you. =ou are #ery dear to -e, to (Or#atN, and to all the demigods. =ou de#otees of Lord /VWQa are to me more dear than my own de#otees are. e:t 32 kintu moghaP ca na $ha#en mayO yat s#N%kVtaP purO tat MruyatOP mahO%$hOgOT pOr#atN%#rata%karmaQi kintu%howe#erD mogham%frustratedD ca%andD na%notD $ha#en%may $eD mayO%$y meD yut%acceptedD s#N%kVtam%accuptedD purO%$eforeD tat%thatD MruyatOm%should $e heardD mahO%$hOgOT%< fortunate onesD pOr#atN%#rata%karmaQi%in (Or#atNEs #ow. ;owe#er, < fortunate ones, please hear the promise I made a$out (Or#atNEs #ow, a promise.I cannotl$reak. e:t 33 earasy atrai#a padmOni yaia hVtOni #ratOntare

te tUrQam OsurNP yoQiP gamiWyanti na saPMayaT sarasy%in the lakeD atra%hereD e#a%indeedD padmOni%lotus flowersD yaiT%whichD hVtOni)doneD #ratOntare%in a #owD te%theyD tUrQam%at onceD OsurNm%dmeonicD yoQim% $irthD gamiWyanti%will takeD na%noD saPMayaT%dou$t. he promise was durieg the time of (Or#atNEs #ow, whoe#er takes lotus flowers from this lake will at once take $ rth as a demon. <f this the e is no dou$t. e:t 34 na hi MrN%kVWQa%$haktOnOP aMu$haP #idya e k#acit samprOpya dOna#NP yoQiP golokaP yOsyatha dhro#ae na%notD hi%inde dD MrN%kVWQa%$haktOnOm%of the de#otees of SrN /VWQaD aMu$ham% auspiciousnessD #idyate%isD k#acit%e#erD samprOpya%attainingD dOna#Nm%of t demonD yoQim%the $irthD golokam%to FolokaD yOsyatha%will goD dhru#am%indeed. tewe#er, no real ca=amity e#en happens to the de#otees of Lord /VWQa. herefore, after one $irth as demons, you will all go to the world of oloka. e:t 36 yUyaP MrN%kVWQa%rUpaP ca pratyakWaP draWXum utsukOT dhru#aP drakWyatha he #atsO #VndOraQye ca $hOrate yUyam%youD MrN%kVWQa%rUpam%the form of Lord /VWQaD ca%andD pratyakWam%$nefore your eyesD draWXum%to seeD utsukOT%eagerD dhru#am%indeedD drakWyatha%you will seeD he%indeedD #atsO%sonsD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#anaD ca%andD $hOrate%on the earth. -y sons, < you who yearn to see Lord /VWQaEs transcendental form with your own eyes, you will see ;im on the earth, in the forest of VVndO#ana. e:t 37

dVWX#O kVWQaP tato mVtyuP saeprOpya #aiWQa#ottamOT di#yhP syandanam Oruhya gamiWyatha harer gVham dVWX#O%seeingD kVWQam%Lord /VWQaD tataT%thenD mVtyum%deathD samprOpya%attainingD #aiWQa#ottamOT%the,$est of de#oteesD di#yam%transcendentalD syandanam%chariotD Oruhya%mountingD gamiWyatha%will goD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD gVham%to the a$ode. < $est of the de#otees, you will see Lord /VWQa. hen you will die, mount a splendid transcendental chariot, and go to Lord /VWQaEs own a$ode. e:t 49 adhunO #OZchanNyaP ca o rUpaP draWXum ihotsukOT mat sar#aP paMyathety ukt#O darMayOm Osa tac chi#aT adhunO%nowD #OZchanNyam%to $e desiredD ca%an'r rUpam%formD dwaWXum%to seeD iha% hereD utsukOT%eagerD tat%thatD sar#am%allD paMyatha%seeD iti%thusD ukt#O%sayingD darMayOm Osa%re#ealedD tat%thatD Mi#aT%Lord Si#a. 8ecause you are so eager to see the form of Lord /VWQa, you may now see ;im. )fter speaking these words, Lord Si#a allowed them to see Lord /VWQaEs form. e:t 4, rUpaP dVWX#O sOMru%netrOT praQamya sar#a%rUpiQam Ojagmur dOna#NP yoQSP eime te jOna#eM#arOT rUpam%;is formD dVWX#O%seeingD sOMru%netrOT%with tears in their eyesD praQamya% $owingD sar#a%rUpiQam%all handsomenessD OjagmuT%wentD dOna#Nm%demonicD yoQim% $irthD ime%theyD te%theyD dOna#eM#arOT%the $est of demons. "ith tear%filled eyes gaGing at that supremely handsome form, they $owed down, and then took $irths as the kings of demons.

e:t 4. #asude#aT purO muktaT suhotraM ca $akOsuraT sudarManaT pralam$o EyaP s#ayaP keMN supOrM#akaT #asude#aT%Vasude#aD purO%$eforeD muktaT%li$eratedD suhotraT%SuhotraD ca%andD $akOsuraT%$akasuraD sudarManaT%SudarManaD pralam$aT%(ralam$aD ayam%heD s#ayam% personallyD keMN%/eMND supOrM#akaT%SupOrM#aka. Vasude#a had already $een li$erated, Suhotra $ecame the duck%demon 8akOsura, SudarMana $ecame (ralam$a, and SuparM#aka $ecame the horse%demon /eMN. e:t 40 harasya #ara%dOnena dVWX#O rUpam anuttamam mVtyuP samprOpya MrN%kVWQOj jagmus te kVWQa%mandiram harasya%of Lord Si#aD #ara%dOnena%$y the $lessingD dVWX#O%seeingD rUpam%formD anuttamam%supremeD mVtyum%deathD samprOpya%attainingD MrN%kVWQOt%from Lord /VWQaD jagmuT%attainedD te%theyD kVWQa%mandiram%the a$ode of Lord /VWQa. In this way, $y the $lessing of Lord Si#a, they saw Lord /VWQaEs transcendental form, were killed $y Lord /VWQa, and finally went to Lord /VWQaEs a$ode. e:t 41 ity e#aP kathitaP #ipra hareM caritam ad$hutam $aka%keMi%pralam OnOP mokWaQaP mokWa%kOrakam ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD caritam%pastimesD ad$hutam%wonderfulD $aka%of 8akaD keMi%/eMND pralam$OnOm%and (ralam$aD mokWaQam%li$erationD mokWa%karakam%gi#ing li$eration. < $rOhmaQa, in this way I ha#e descri$ed to you Lord /VWQaEs pastime of gi#ing li$eration to 8aka, /eMN, and (ralam$a. 8y hearing this pastime one attains li$eration.

e:t 42 MrN%nOrada u#Oca M utaP sar#aP mahO%$hOga t#ategrasOdOd yad ad$huoam adhunO Mrotum icchOmi pOr#atyO kiP #rataP kVtam Mre%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD Mrutam%heardD sar#am%adlD mahO%$hOga%< no$le oneD t#at%prasOdOt%$y your mercyD yat%whatD ad$hutam%wonderfulD adhunO%nowD Mrotum%to hearD icchemi%I wishD pOr#atyO%$y pOr#atND kim%what*D #amtam%#owD kVtam% done. SrN NOiada saidJ < no$le one, $y your mercy I ha#e heard all these rmnderful pastimes. "hat was the #ow (Or#atiK was o$ser#ing* hat is what I wish to hear now. e:t 43 ko #OrOdhyo #ratasyOsya kiP phayaP niyamaM ca kaT kOny dra#yOni $haga#an #ratopayogitOni ca kaT%whoD #OrOdhyaT%the o$ject of worshipD #ratasya%of the #owD asya%thisD kim% what*D phalam%the resultD niyamaT%restrictionD ca%andD kaT%what*D kOny%what*D dra#yOni%thingsD $haga#an%< masterD #ratopayogitOni%proper for the #owD ca%and. < master, who is worshiped in this #ow* "hat is the result of following this #ow* "hat restrictions are o$ser#ed in it* "hat offerings are made in it* "hat are the things necessary for it* e:t 44 kati%kOlaP #rataP kiP #O pr tiWXhOyOP nirUpaQam su%#icOrya #ada #i$ho MrotuP kautUhalaP mama kati%kOlam%how longD #ratam%#owD kim%whatD #O%orD pratiWXhOyOm%in the $asisD

nirUpaQam%descriptionD su%#icOrya%carefully consideringD #ada%please tellD #i$haT%< masterD Mrotum%to hearD kautUhalam%eagernessD mama%of me. ;ow long does this #ow last* "hat is the reason for it* < master, please reflect on this and descri$e it to me, for I am #ery eager to hear. e:t 46 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca #rataP traimOsikaP nOma pati%sau$hOgya%#ardhanam OrOdhyo $haga#On kVWQo rOdhayO sahito mune MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD #ratam%#owD traimOsikam%for three monthsD nOma%indeedD pati%of the hus$andD sau$hOgya%good fortuneD #ardhanam% increasingD OrOdhyaT%to $e worshipedD $haga#On%LordD kVWQaT%/VWQaD rOdhayO%5OdhOD sahitaT%withD mune%< sage. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ his #ow lasts for three months. ItEs purpose is to increase the hus$andEs good fortune. In this #ow SrN SrN 5OdhO and /VWQa are the o$ject of worship. e:t 47 #iWU#e ca samOram$hcT samOptir dakWiQOyane samyamya pUr#a%di#ase kVt#O#aMyaP ha#iWyakam #iWU#e%on the day of #iWU#aD ca%andD samOram$haT%$eginningD samOptiT%endingD dakWiQOyane%on daksinayanaD samyamya%$eing austereD pUr#a%di#ase%nk the pre#ious dayD kVt#O%doingD a#aMyam%ine#ita$lyD ha#RWyakam%ha#iWya. It $egins on the day of #iWu#a and ends on the day of dakWiQOyana. he day $efore $eginni g thw #ow one must fast $y eating only ha#iWya (rice and ghee). e:t 69 snat#O #aiMOkha%saYkrOntyOP

saYkalpya jOhna#N%taXe ghaXe maQau MOlagrOme jale #O pUjayed #ratN snat#O%$athingD #aiMOkha%saYkrOntyOm%at VaiMOkha%saYkrOntiD saYkalpya% consideringD jOhna#N%taXe%on the $ank of the FaYgOD ghaXe% ( a potD maQau%jewelD MOlagrOme%on OlagrOmaD jale%in waterD #O%orD pUjayet%one should worshipD #ratN% following the #ow. hen, at the time of VaiMOkha%saYkrOnti, one should $athe in the FaYgO. hen, $y the FaYgOEs $ank, in the #illage of SOlagrOma, in a jewel palace, or in the water, one should follow the #ow. e:t 6, dhyOyed $haktyO ca rOdheMaP sampUjya paZca%de#atOT dhyOnaP ca sOma%#edoktaP ni$odha kathayOmi te dhyOyet%one should meditateD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD rOdheMam%on the master of SrN 5OdhOD sampUjya%worshipingD paZca%de#atOT%the fi#e demigodsD d yOnam%meditationD ca%andD sOma%#edoktVm%spoken in the SOma VedaD ni$odha% please understandD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%to you. hen one should worship the fi#e demigods, and then one should de#otedly meditate on the Lord /VWQa, the master of SrN 5OdhO. (lease listen and I will descri$e to you that meditation. e:ts 6.%61 na#Nna%nNrada%MyOmaP pNta%kauWeya%#Osasam Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP NWad%dhasya%saman#itam Marat%praphulla%padmOkWa% maZjulOZjana%raZjitam mOnasaP gopikOnOP ca mohayantaP muhur muhuT

rOdhayO dVMyamOnaP ca rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthitam $rahmOnanteMa%dharmOdyaiT stuyamOnaP paraP $haje na#Nna%newD nNrada%raincloudD MyOmam%darkD pNta%kauWeya%#Osasam%wearing yellow silk garmentsD Marat%pOr#aQa%autumnD candra%moonD Osyam%faceD NWad%dhasya% saman#itam%gently smilingD Marat%autumnD praphulla%$lossomingD padma%lotusD akWa% eyesD maZjula%charmingD aZjana%ra].sy .1,^jitam%anointedD mOnasam%heartD gopikOnOm%of the gopNsD ca%andD mohayantam%enchantingD muhuT%againD muhuT%and againD rOdhayO%$y 5OdhOD dVMyamOnam%seenD ca%andD rOdhO%#akWaT%on 5OdhOEs chestD sthala%placeD sthitamosituatedD $rahmOnanteMa%dharmOdyaiT%$y 8rahnO, SeWa, Si#a, =ama, and the othersD stuyamwnam%praisedD param%the SupremeD $haje%I worship. I worship the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is dark like a new monsoon cloud, who wears yellow silk garments, whose smiling face is an autumn moon, whose eyes are $lossoming lotus flowers, who is splendidly anointed with sandal paste, who again and again enchants the gopNsE hearts, on whom 5OdhO gaGes, who rests on 5OdhOEs $reast, and whom 8rahmO, SeWa, Si#a, =ama, and all the demigodseglorify with many prayers. e:t 62 dhyOt#O kVWQaP ca dhyOnena tam OrOdhya #ratN mudO dhyOyet tathO rOdhikOP ca dhyOnaP madhyandine ratim dhyOt#O%meditatingD kVWQam%on Lord /VWQaD ca%andD dhyOnena%with meditationD tam%;imD OrOdhya%worshipingD #ratN%following the #owD mudO%happilyD dhyOyet% should meditateD tathO%soD rOdhikOm%on 5OdhOD ca%andD dhyOnam%meditationD madhyandine%in ther -adhyandina%MrutiD ratim%de#otion. "ith this meditation the woman following the #ow should worship Lord /VWQa. hen, following the description in the -adhyandina%Mruti, one should happily meditate on SrN 5OdhO. e:ts 63%70 rOdhOP rOseM#arNP ramyOP

rOsollOsa%rasotsukOm rOsa%maQRala%madhya%sthOP rOsOdhiWXhatV%de#atOm rOseMa%#akWaT%sthala%sthOP rasikOP rasika%priyOm rasika%pra#arOP rOmOP ramyOP cOru%manoramOm Marad%rOjN#a%rOjNnOP pra$hO%mocana%locanOy #akra%$hrU%$haYga%samyuktOP s aZjanenai#a raZjitOm Marat%pOr#aQa%canduOtyOP NWad%dhasya%manoharOm cOru%campaka%#arQO$hOP candanena #i$hUWitOm kastUrN%$indunO sOrdhaP sindUra%$indu%Mo$hitOm cOru%patrO#ali%yuktOP #ahni%MuddhOPMukojj#alOm sad%ratna%kuQmalO$hyOP ca su%kapola%sthalojj#alOm ratnendra%sOra%hareQa n makWaT%sthala%#irOjitOm raona%kaYkaQa%keyUra% kiYkiQN%ratna%raZjitOm sad%ratna%sOra%rucira% k#aQan%maZjNra%raZjitOm $rahmOdi$hiM ca se#yena MrN%kVWQenai#a se#itOm sar#eMena stuyamOnOP sar#a%$NjOP $hajOmy aham rOdhOm%5OdhODerOseM#arNm%the Bueen of the rasa danceD ramyOm%$eautifulD rOsollOsa%rasotsukOm%eager to enjoy the rasa danceD rOsa%raQRala%madhya%stnrm%in the rasa%dance circleD rOsOdhiWXhatV%de#atOm%the Bueen of the raya%dasnceDNrOseMa% #akWaT%sthala%sthOm%staying on the chest of the rasa%danceEs kingD rasikOm%e:eprt at enjoying nectar pastimesD rasika%priyOm%the $lo#ed of ;e who enjoys nectar pastimesD rasika%pra#arOm%the $est of they who enjoy mnectar pastimesD rOmOm%$eautifulD

ramyOm%$eautifulD cOru%manoramOm%most $eauitfulD Marad%rOjN#a%rOjNnOm%of autumn lotusesD pra$hO%mocana%stealing the splendorD locanOm%eyesD #akra%$hrU%$haYga% samyuktOm%crooked eye$rowsD a].sy .1,^janenai#a%with mascaraD raZjitOm%splendidD Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyOm%an autumn moon faceD NWad%dhasya%manoharOm%with a $eautiful gentle smileD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%campaka flowersD #arQO$hOm%colorD candanena%with sandalD #i$hUWitOm.%decoratedD kastUrN%$indunO%with a musk dotD sOrdham%withD sindUra%$indu%Mo$hitOm%decorated with sindura dotsD cOru%patrO#ali% yuktOm%with $eautiful pictures and designsD #ahni%MuddhOPMukojj#alOm%with splendid garments pure as fireD sad%ratna%kuQRalO$hyOm%with jewel earringsD ca%andD su%kapola%$eautiful cheeksD sthala%placeD ujj#alOm%splendorD ratnendra%sOra%hareQa% with a necklace of the kings of jewelsD #akWaT%sthala%#irOjitOm%splendid chestD ratna% kaYkaQa%keyUra%with jewel $racelets and armletsD kiYkiQN%ratna%ra].sy .1,^jitOm%with tinkling ornamentsD sad%ratna%sOra%made of the $est of jewelsD rucira%$eautifulDdD MrN% kVWQena%SrN /VWQaD e#a%indeedD se#itOm%ser#edD sar#eMena%themaster of allD stuyamOnOm%praisedD sar#a%$NjOm%the seed of allD $hajOmy%worshipD aham%I. I worship $eautiful SrN 5OdhO, who is the Bueen of the rOsa%dance, eager to enjoy the rOsa%dance, She $onstaos in the rOsa%dance circle, the goddess of the rOsa%dance, She who rests on the chest of the rOsa%danceEs king, e:pert at enjoying nectar pastimes, the $elo#ed of ;e who is e:pert at enjoying nectar pastimes, She who s the $est of they who are e:pert at enjoying nectar pastimes, who is #ery grrceful, delightful, $eautiful, andwcharming, whose eyes ro$ the autumn lotus flowers of their splendor, whose eye$uows are gracefully $ent, yhose eyes are splendid with mascara, whose face is an autumn moon, who has a $eautiful gentle smile, whose comple:ion is the color of $eautiful campaka flowems, who is de orated with sandal paste, a musk dot, sindUra dots, and $eautiful pictures and designs drawn in perfumes, who is splendid in garmmnts pure like fhre, whoseo$eautiful cherks are splendid with jewel earrings, whose $reast is splendid with a necklace of the kings of jewels, who is splendid with jewel $racelets, armlets, tinkliwg anklets, and tinkling or+aments, who is ser#ed $y 8rahmO and the demigods and e#en $y Lord /VWQa, the supreme o$ject of ser#ice for e#eryone, whom Lord /VWQa, the master of e#ertone praises with many prayers, and who is the seed from which e#erything was $orn. ent 71 iti dhyOt#O tu kVWQena sahitOP tOP ca pUjayet $haktyOadatt#O pratidinaP upacarOQi MoRaMa iti%thusD dhyOt#O%meditatingD tu%indeedD VWQena%with /VWQaD sahitOm%wpthD tOm%on ;erD ca%andD pUjayet%should worshipD $haktyO%with de#otionD datt#O%offeringD pratidinam%e#ery dayD upacarOQi%offeringsD MoRaMa%si:teen.

>#ery day one should meditate on SrN 5OdhO in this way, de#otedly worship ;er with Lord /VWQa, and present si:teen offerings to ;er. e:t 72 pratyekaP ca pVthak kVt#O sar#aP dadyOd #ratN mudO sahasra%kamalaP di#yaP phalam aWXottaraP mune pratyekam%e#ery dayD ca%andD pVthak%specificD kVt#O%doingD sar#am%allD dadyOt% should gi#eD #ratN%following the #owD mudO%happilyD sahasra%a thousandD kamalam% lotus flowersD di#yam%splendidD phalam%resultD aWXottaram%,96D mune%< sage. < sage, the woman that follows this #ow should meditate and worship in this way e#ery day, and e#ery day she should offer ,996 lotus flowers to SrN 5OdhO. e:t 73 rOdhikO%saha%kVWQOya dadyOt puWpaP phalaP #ratN dadyOd $haktyO ca kVWQOya s#Ohety uccOrya yatnataT rOdhikO%saha%kVWQOya%to 5OdhO and /VWQaD dadyOt%should gi#eD puWpam%flowersD phalam%fruitsD #ratN%following the #owD dadyOt%should gi#eD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca% andD kVWQOya%to Lord /VWQaD s#OhO%s#OhOD iti%thusD uccOrya%pronouncingD yatnataT% carefully. he woman that follows this #ow should de#otedly offers fruits and flowers to 5OdhO and /VWsa. Carefully pronouncing the word Ls#OhOL, she should salute Lord /VWQa. e:t 74 rasOlasya kadalyO #O ram$hOyOT pak#am e#a #O nityam aWXottara% ataP dadyOd $haktyOkWataP phalam

rasOlasya%of mangoesD kadalyO%plantainsD #O%orD ram$hOyOT%$anansD pak#am%ripeD e#a%indeedD #O%orD nityam%dailyD eWXottara%Matam%,96D dadyOt%should offerD $haktya% with de#otionD akWatam%un$rokenD phalam%fruit. >#ery day she should de#otedly offer ,96 ripe and un$roken mangoes, $ananas, or plantains. e:t 76 nmtyaP ca $hojayed $haktyO $rOhmaQOnOP MataP mune nityam%dailyD ca%andD $hojayet%should feedD $haktyO%with de#otionD $rOhmaQOnOm% of $rOhmaQasD Matam%a hundredD mune%< sage. < sage, e#ery day she should de#otedly feed a hundred $rOhmaQas. e:t 77 homaP kuryOd #ratN nityaP aWXottara%MatOhutim dadyOd $haktyO ca kVWQOya rOdhikO%sahitOya ca homam%agni%hotra yajnaa kuryOt%should doD #ratN%following the #owD nityam%dailyD aWXottara%MatOhutim%with ,96 o$lationsD dadyOt%should offerD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD kVWQOya%to /VWQaD rOdhikO%sahitOya%with 5OdhOD ca%and. >#ery day the woman following the #ow should perform an agnihotra%yajZa and de#otedly offer ,96 o$lations to 5OdhO and /VWQa. e:t ,99 tilena ha#anaP kuryOd Ojya%miMreQa nOrada #OdyaP ca #Odayen nityaP kOrayed dhari%kNrtanam tilena%with sesameD ha#anam%offeringD kuryOt%should doD Ojya%miMreQa%mi:ed with gheeD nOrada%< NOradaDa#Odyam%musical instrumentsD ca%andD #Odayet%should cause to

playD nityam%dailyD kOrayet%should doD dhari%kNrtanam%glorification of Lord /VWQa. < NOrada, in this way she should offer into the fire o$lations of sesame and ghee. >#ery day she should perform /VWQa%kNrtana with musical instruments. e:t ,9, e#aP mOsa%trayaP kVt#O pratiWXhO tad%anantaram pratiWXhO%di#ase tatra #idhOnaP MVQu nOrada e#am%thusD mOsa%trayam%for three monthsD kVt#O%doingD pratiWXhO%esta$lishingD tad% anantaram%thenD ratiWXhO%di#ase%on tye day of pratisthaD tatra%thereD #idhOnam%doingD MVQu%please hearD nOrada%< NOrada. In this way she should o$ser#e the #ow for three months. < NOrada, please hear what she should do on the day of pratisXtO, when the #ow is completed. e:t ,9. kamalOnOP ca na#ati% sahasrOQy akWatOni ca $rOhmaQOnOP sahasrOQi na#a #ipreQa yatnataT $hojayet paramOnnOni s#OdUni piWXakOni ca kamalOnOm%of lotus flowersD ca%andD na#ati%ninetyD sahasrOQy%thousandp akWatOni% un$rokenD ca%andD $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD sahasrOQi%a thousandD na#a%nineD #ipreQa%with a $rOhmaQaD yatnataT%carefullyD $hojayet%should feedD paramOnnOni% sweet riceD s#OdUni%deliciousD piWXakOni%pistaka cakesD ca%and. r She should offer ninety thousand un$roken lotus flowers. hen she should feed a thousand $rOhmaQas delicious sweet rice and piWXaka cakes carefully cooked $y a $rOhmaQa. e:t ,90 phalaP daMOdhikaP sapta% MataP na#a%sahasrakam

dadyOn nOnO%#idhaP dra#yaP nai#edyaP su%manoharam phalam%fruwtD daMOdhikam%more $y tenD sapta%se#enD Matam%hundredD na#a% sahasrakam%nine thousandD dadyOn%should offerD nOnO%#ariousD #idham%kindsD dra#yam%thingsD nai#edyam%offering of foodsD su%manoharam%#ery $eautiful. hen she should offer 7,4,9 fruits, and then she should offer many kinds of delicious foods. e:t ,91 saPskVtOgniP ca saPsthOpya homaP kuryOd #icakWaQaT na#ati%sahasrOhUtiP sa%ghVtena tilena ca saPskVta%carefully madeD agnim%fireD ca%andD saPsthOpya%esta$lishingD homam% yajnaD kuryOt%should doD #icakWaQaT%e:pertD na#ati%sahasrOhUtim%79,999 offeringsD sa% ghVtena%with gheeD tilena%with sesameD ca%and. hen an e:pert $rOhmaQa should perfectly esta$lish a sacred fire and offer into it ninety thousand o$lations of sesame and ghee. e:t ,92 sa%#astraP ca a%$hojyaP ca yajZasUtraSphalOn#itam gandha%puWpOrcitaP $haktyO dadyOn na#ati%laRRukOn sa%#astram%with garmentsD ca%andD sa%$hojyam%with foodD ca%andD yajZasUtra%sacred threadsD phala%fruitD an#itam%withD gandha%scentsD puWpa%flowersD arcitam%worshipedD $haktyO%with de#otionD dadyOn%shwuld offerD na#ati%laRRlkOn%ninety lhRRus. hen she should de#otedly offer costly garments, delicious foods, fruits, sacred threads, flowers, scents, and ninety laRRu candies. e:t ,93

dadyOn na#ati%kum$hOPM ca MNta%toya%prOpuritOn e#am%#idhaP #rataP kVt#O dadyOd #iprOya dakWiQOm dadyOt%she should offerD na#ati%kum$hOPT%ninety potsD ca%andD MNta%toya% prOpuritOn%filled with cool waterD e#am%#idham%thusD #ratam%the #owD kVt#O%doingD dadyOt%should offerD #iprOya%to the $rOhmaQaD dakWiQOm%recompense. hen she should offer ninety jars of cool water. Completing the #ow in this way, she should then offer dakWiQO to the officiating priest. e:t ,94 dakWiQOyOT parimitaP #edeWu yan nirUpitam #VWendrOQOP sahasraP ca s#arQa%MVYga%saman#itam dakWiQOyOT%of recompenseD parimitam%the measurementD #edeWu%in the VedasD yOn% whatD nirUpitam%descri$edD #VWendrOQOm%of the kings of $ullsD sahasram%a thousandD ca%andD s#arQa%MVYga%saman#itam%with golden horns. hen she should offer the dakWiQO descri$ed in the Vedas, that is she should gi#e to the priest a thousand $ulls with golden horns. e:t ,96 ity e#aP kathitaP #ipra #rataP traimOsikaP param #iMiWXa%santati%karaP pati%sau$hOgya%#ardhanam p ity%thusD e#am%thusD kaihitam%spokonD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD #ratam%the #owD traimOsikam%of three monthsD param%greatD #iMiWXa%greatD santati%descendentsD karam% creatingD pati%of the hus$a dD sau$hOgya%good fortuneD #ardhanam%increase. < $rOhmaQa, this three%month #ow I ha#e descri$ed to you increases the good fortune of the performerEs hus$and and gi#es uo her many #ery pious descendants. e:t ,9i

#ratasyOsya pra$hO#ena sau$hOgyaP Mata%janmani sat%putra%jananN sO ca $ha#ej janma%MataP dhru#am #ratasya%#owD asya%of thisD pra$hO#ena%$y the power ofD sau$hOgyam%good fortuneD Mata%janmani%for a hundred $irthsD sat%putra%of good chilmrenD jananN%the mo herD sO% sheD ca%andD $ha#et%isD janma%Matam%a hundred $irthsD dhru#am%indeed. 8y the power of this #ow her hus$and $ecomes fortunate for a hundred $irths and for a hundred $irths she is the mother of saintly children. e:t ,,9 kadOpi na $ha#et tasyO $tedaM ca pati%putrayoT dOsa%tulyo $ha#et putro $hartOnca su%#acas%karaT kadOpi%sometimD na%notD $ha#et%isD tasyO%of herD $hedaT%separationD ca%andD pati% putrayoT%of hus$and and childrenD dOsa%tulyaT%like a ser#antD $ha#et%$ecomesD putraT%sonD $hartO%hus$andD ca%andD su%#acas%karaT%carrying out hmr orders. She is ne#er separated from her hus$and and children. ;er hus$and and children $ecome like her ser#ants, faithfully following her orders. e:t ,,, anukWaQaP $ha#ed rOdhO% kVWQa%$hakti%yutO satN $ha#ed #rata%pra$hO#ena s#apne jZOne hari%suVtiT anukWaQam%at e#ery momentD $ha#et%isD rOdhO%ktWQa%foi SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD $hakti%yutOwith de#otionD satN%saintlyD $ha#et%isD #rata%pra$hO#ena%$y the power of the #owD s#apne%in sleepD jZOne%in wakefulnessD hari%smVtiT%remem$ering Lord /VWQa. 8y the power of the #ow she $ecomes saintly and always de#oted to SrN SrN 5OdhO% /VWQa. hwake or asleep, she always remem$ers Lord /VWQa.

e:t ,,. #rataP ca sOma%#edoktaP kVtaP pUr#aP athO#ayoT sar#eWOP ca #ratOnOP ca MreWXhaP MVQu #adOmi te #ratam%#owD ca%andD sOma%#edoktam%spoken in the SOma VewdaD kVtam%doneD pUr# m%$eforeD atha%indeedD OLayoT%of usD sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD #ratOnOm%#owsD ca% andD MreWXham%the $estD MVQu%please hearD #adOmi%I tellD te%to you. I will now descri$e to you this $est of a #ows, a #ow descri$ed in the SOma Veda, a #ow followed $y our mothers. e:t ,,0 s#Oyam$hu#asya ca manoT MatarUpO$hidhO satN tayO kVtaP prathamataT kVt#OgastyaP purohitam s#Oyam$hu#asya%of S#Oyam$hu#aD ca%andD manoT%-anuD MatarUpO%SatarUpOD a$hidhO%namedD satN%sainltyD tayO%$y herD kVtam%doneD prathamataT%firstD kVt#O% makingD agastyam%)gastyaD purohitam%the priest. -aking )gastya -uni her priest, S#Oyam$hu#a -anuEs wife, SatarUpO, followed this #ow in the $eginning. e:t ,,1 tadO kVtaP de#ahUtyO cOruhUtya tadO kVtam purohitaP pulastyaP ca kVt#O MrutyuktayO mune tadO%thenD kVtam%doneD de#ahUtyO%$y &e#ahUuiD cOruhUtya%$y COruhUtiD tadO%thenD kVtam%doneD purohitam%priestD pulastyam%(ulastya -u iD ca%andD kVt#O%makingD hrutyuktayO%$y SrutyuktOD mune%< sage. < sage, then &e#ahUti followed this #ow, then COruhUti followed it, and then,

making (ulastya -uni her priest, SrutyuktO followed it. e:t ,,2 cakOra rohiQN tat tu kratuP kVt#O purohitam ratiM cakOra tad%$haktyO gautamas tat%purohitaT cakOra%didD rohiQN%5ohiQND tat%thatD tu%indeedD kratum%doneD kVt#O%makingD purohitam%priestD ratiT%5atiD cakOra%didD tad%$haktyO%with de#otionD gautamaT% FautamaD tat%purohitaT%her priest. -aking /ratu -uni her priest, 5ohiQN followed this #ow. 5ati also de#otedly followed this #ow. ;er priest was Fautama -uni. e:t ,,3 cakOra tad%#rataP $haktyO tOrayO guru%kOntayO mahat%sam$hVta%sam$hOro #aMiWXas tat%purohitaT cakOra%didD tad%#ratam%that #owD $haktyO%with de#otionD tOrayO%$y OrOD guru% kOntayO%the wife of 8VhaspatiD mahat%sam$hVta%sam$hOraT%performed with great opulenceD #aMiWXaT%VaMiWXa -uniD tat%purohitaT%her priest. 8VhaspatiEs wife, OrO, de#otedly followed this #ow, performing it with great opulence. ;er priest was VaMiWXa -uni. e:t ,,4 tad dVWX#O guru%patnyOM ca mudO MacyO kVtaP #ratam mahat%sam$hVta%sam$hOras tat%purodhO $VhaspatiT tat%thisD dVWX#O%seeingD guru%patnyOT%of 8VhaspatiEs wifeD ca%andD midO%happilyD MacyO%$y SacND kVtam%eerformedD #ratam%#owD mahat%sam$hVta%sam$hOraT%#ery opulentlyD tat%purodhO%her priestD $VhaspatiT%8Vhaspati.

Seeing what 8VhaspatiEs wife had done, Saci also performed this #ow with great opulence. ;er priest was 8Vhaspati. e:t ,,6 ,rataP cakOra s#OhO ca sar#ato Epi #ilakWaQam ati%sam$hVta%sam$hOro marNcis tat%purohitaT #ratam%#owD cakOra%didD s#OhO%S#OhOD ca%andD sar#ataT%of allD api%e#enD #ilakW(Qam% the $estD ati%sam$hVta%sam$hOraT%#ery great opulenceD marNciT%marNciD tat%purohitaT% her priest. hen SmOhO performed the #ow with opulence greatrr than all others. ;er priest was -arNci -uni. e:t ,,7 tad dVWX#O pOr#atN $rahmann u#Oca MaYkaraP mudO puXOZjali%yutO de#N $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO tat%thisD dVWX#O%seeingD pOr#atN%pOr#atND $rahmann%< $rOhmaQaD u#Oca%saidD MaYkaram%to Lord Si#aD mudO%happilyD puXOZjali%yutO%with folded handsD de#N%the goddessD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO%her head hum$ly $owed. < $rOhmaQa, when she saw this, Foddess (Or#atN, with folded hands, hum$ly $owed head, and a cheerful demeanor, spoke to Lord Si#a. e:t ,.9 MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca OjZOP kuru jagan%nOth karomi hrwtam uttamam O#ayor iWXa%de#asya #ratOnOP ca paraP #ratam MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca%SrN (Or#atN saidD Oj].sy .1,^Om%commandD kuru%doD jagan%nOtha%<

master of the uni#erseD karomi%I doD #ratam%#owD uttamam%greatD O#ayoT%of usD iWXa% de#asya%of the worshipa$le LordD #ratOnOm%oN #owsD ca%andD param%thel$estD #ratam% #ow. SrN (Or#atN saidJ < master of the uni#erse, please gi#e me permission to follow the $est of #ows, a #ow to please the Lord we worship. e:t ,., harer OrOdhanaP nOtha sar#a%maYgala%kOraQam iWXaP dattaP MruteT pOXhas tNrthaP pVth#yOT pradakWiQam harer OrOdhanasyOpi kalOP nOrhanti WoRaMNm hareT%of Lord /VWdan SrOdhanam%the worshipDenOtha%< masterD sar#a%maYgala% kOraQam%thewcause of all auspiciousnessD iWXam%desiredD dmttam%gi#enD MruteT%of the VedasD pOXhaT%the recitationD tNrtham%holy placeD pVth#yOT%of the earthD pradakWiQam% circumamh. < master, worshiping Lord /VWQa $rings all auspiciousness. "orshiping others, gi#ing charity, studying the Vedas, going in pilgrimage, and circumam$ulating the earth are not eBual to one si:teenth the #alue of worshipin Lord /VWQa. e:t ,.. $ahir a$hyantare yasya harir smVtir anukWaQam jN#an%muktarya tasyai#a muktir $ha#ati darManOt $ahiT%withoutD a$hyantare%withinD yasya%of whomD hariT%Lord /VWQaD smVtiT% remem$ranceD anukWaQamtate#ery momentD jN#an%muktasya%li$erated in this lifeD tasya%of himD e#a%indeedD muktiT%li$erationD $ha#ati%isD darManOt%$y seeing. e ) person who, seeing ;im within and without, remem$ers Lord /VWQa at e#ery moment, is li$erated e#en while li#iLe in this world. Simply $y seeing him, one attains li$eration. e:t ,.0

tasya pOdO$ja%rajasO sadyaT pUtO #asundharO tasya darMana%mOtreQa punOti $hu#ana%trayam tasya%of himD pOdO$ja%rajasO%$y the dust of the lotyus feetgD sadyaT%at onceD pUtO% purifiedD #asundharO%the earthD tasya%of himD darMana%mOtreQa%simply $y seeingD punOti%purifiesD $hu#ana%trayam%the three worlds. he dust of his lotus feet purifies the earth. he sight of him purifies the three worlds. e:t ,.1 $rahmO #iWQuM ca dharmaM ca MeWas t#aP ca gaQeM#araT dhyOyaP dhyOyaP yat%padO$jaP tejasO tat%samo mahOn $rahmO%8rahmOD #iWQuT%ViWQuD ca%andD dharmaT%=amarOjaD ca%andD MeWaT%SeWaD t#am%youD ca%andD gaQeM#araT%FaQeMaD dhyOyam%meditatingD dhyOyam%and meditatingD yat%padO$jam%on whose lotus feetD tejasO%$y powerD tat%samaT%eBualD mahOn%great. 8y meditating again and again on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, 8rahmO, ViWQu, =amarOja, SeWa, FaQeMa, and you ha#e $ecome glorious like ;im. e:t ,.2 yaM ca yaP satataP dhyOyet sa tam Opnoti niMcitam guQena tejasO $uddhyO jZOnena tat%samo $ha#et yaT%one whoD ca%andD yam%on whomD satatam%alwaysD dhyOyet%meditatesD saT%heD tam%;imD Opnoti%attainsD niMcitam%indeedD guQena%with uirtuesD tejasO%with powerD $uddhyO%with intelligenceD jZOnena%with knowledgeD tat%samaT%like ;imD $ha#et% $ecomes. <ne who always meditates on Lord /VWQa attains ;im. ;e attains #irtues, power, glory, intelligence, and knowledge like ;is.

e:t ,.3 kVWQasya smaraQOd dhyOnOt tapasO tasya se#ayO prOptas tat%sOdVMaP s#OmN tOdVMo hi #ilakWaQaT kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD smaraQOt%$y remem$eringD dhyOnOt%from emditationD tapasO%$y austerityD tasya%of ;imD se#ayO%$y ser#iceD prOptaT%attainedD tat%sOdVMam%like ;imD s#OmN%masterD tOdVMaT%like ;imD hi%indeedD #ilakWaQaT%e:alted. 8y remem$ering Lord /VWQa, meditating on ;im, performing austerities for ;is sake, and ser#ing ;im, I ha#e attained an e:alted hus$and like ;im. e:t ,.4 mayO prOpto hi guQa#On s#OmN #O putra e#a ca sa la$dho lNlayO sar#aT pUrQaP tan%mOnasaP mudO mayO%$y meD prOptaT%attainedD hi%indeedD guQa#On%#irtuousD s#OmN%hus$andD #O%orD putra%sonD e#a%indeedD ca%andD sa%;eD la$dhaT%attainedD lNlayO%easilyD sar#aT%allD pUrQam%fullD tan%mOnasam%in the mindD mudO%happily. In this way I ha#e attained a #ery #irtuous hus$and and sons. I ha#e attained e#erything #ery easily. he desires of my heart are all fulfilled. e:t ,.6 s#OmN t#at%sOdVMaT putrau kOrttikeya%gaQeM#arau pitO himOdriT kVWQOPMo mama kiP durla$haP pra$ho s#OmN%hus$andD t#at%sOdVMaT%like youD putrau%two sonsD kOrttikeya%gaQeM#arau% /Orttikeya and FaQeMaD pitO%fatherD himOdriT%;imOlayaD kVWQOPMaT%an incarnation of Lord /VWQaD mama%of meD kim%what*D durla$ham%difficult to attainD pra$haT%< master.

In this wNy I ha#e attained a hus$and like you, sons like /Or tikeya and aQeMa, and a father like /ing ;imOlaya, who is an incarnation of Lord /VWQa ;imself. e:t ,.7 $hartuT putrasya tOtasya gar#aP kur#anti yoWitaT ati%yogyOs trayo yOsOP tOsOP kiP durla$haP kutaT $hartuT%of hus$andD putrasya%sonD tOtasya%and fatherD gar#am%prideD kur#anti%doD yoWitaT%womenD ati%yogyaT%#ery goodD trayaT%threeD yOsOm%of whomD tOsOm%of themD kim%what*D durla$ham%rareD kutaT%from what*. "omen are proud of their hus$and, children, and father. ;ow did I attain three such e:alted relati#es* ;ow* e:t ,09 pOrnamN%#acanaP Mrut#O su%prNtaT MaYkaraT s#ayam prahasyo#Oca madhuraP pulakOYkita%#igrahaT pOr#atN%#acanlm%(Or#atNEs wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD su%prNtaT%#ery pleasedD MaYkaraT% Lord Si#aD s#ayam%personallyD prahasya%smilingD u#Oco%saidD madhuram%sweetD pulakOYkita%#igrahaT%the hairs of hi $ody erect. ;earing (Or#atNEs words, Lord Si#a $ecame #ery pleased. Smiling, and the hairs of his $ody erect, he spokehsweet words. e:t ,0, MrN%MaYkara u#Oca mahO%lakWmN%s#arUpOsi kim asOdhyaP ta#eM#ari sar#a%sampat%s#arUpO t#aP ananta%Makti%rUpiQN MrN%MaYkara u#Oca%SrN Si#a saidD mahO%lakWmN%s#arUpO%the form of goddess mahO% lakssmND asi%you areD kim%why*D asOdhyam%unattaina$leD ta#a%of youD NM#ari%< goddessD

sar#a%sampat%s#arUpO%teh form of all opulence and good fortuneD t#am%=ouD ananta% Makti%rUpiQN%a form that has limitless powers. SrN Si#a saidJ < goddess, =ou are -ahO%LakWmN in person. "hat is not attaina$le for you* =ou ha#e all opulences. =ou ha#e limitless powers. e:t ,0. t#aP ca yasya gVhe de#i sa sar#aiM#arya%$hOjanau na lakWm r yed%gVhe tasya S jN#anOn maraQaP #aram t#am%youD ca%ndD yasya%of whomD gVhe%in the homeD de#i%< goddessD sa%heD sar#a%of allD aiM#arya%opulenceD $hOjanam%the reser#oirD na%notD lakWmNT%the goddess of fortuneD yad%gVhe%in whose homeD tasya%of himD jN#anOt%than lifeD maraQam%deathD #aram%is $etter. < goddess, a person who keeps you in his home attains all opulences. ) person to whose home you do not $ring opulences finds death $etter than life. e:t ,00 ahaP $rahmO ca #iWQuM ca t#ayO MaktyO Mu$ha%prade saPhOra%sVWXi%rakWOQOP t#at%prasOdOd #ayaP kWamOT aham%ID $rahmO%8rahmOD ca%andD #iWQuT%ViWQuD ca%andD t#ayO%with youD MaktyO% with the potencyD Mu$ha%prade%$ringing happinessD saPhOra%annihilationD sVWXi% creationD rakWOQOm%and maintenanceD t#at%prasOdOt%$yeyour mercyD #ayam%weD kWamOT%are a$le. < goddess that $rings happiness, it is $y your power a d your mercy that 8rahmO, ViWQu, and I are a$le to create, maintain, and destroy the uns#erie. e:t ,01 ko #O himOlayaT ko EhaP kau kOrttika%gaQeM#arau

t#ad%#ihNnO aMaktOM ca t#ayO ca #ayam NM#arOT kaT%who*D #O%orD himOlayaT%/ing ;imOlayaD kaT%who*D aham%ID kau%who*D kOrttika%gaQeM#arau%/Orttikeya and FaQeMaD t#at%youD #ihNnO%withoutD aMaktOT% powerlessD ca%andD t#ayO%with youD ca%andD #ayam%weD NM#arOT%powerful controllers. "ho is /ing ;imOlaya* "ho am I* "ho are /Orttikeya and FaQeMa* "ithout you we are powerless. "ith you we are powerful controllers of the uni#erse. e:t ,02 yuktO pati%#ratOyOM ca $hartur OjZO Mrutau MrutO gVhNm#OjZOm NM#arasya #rataP kuru pati%#rate #ratam etat kVtaP yO$his tO$hyaT kuru #ilakWaQam yuktO%engagedD pati%#ratOyOT%ef a chaste wifeD ca%andD $hartuT%of the hus$andD OjZO%the orderD Mrutau%in the VedasD MrutO%heardD gVhNt#O%acceptingD)njZOm%the orderD NM#arasya%of the LordD #ratam%#owD kuru%doD pati%#rate%< chaste oneD #ratam%#owD etat%thisD kVtam% oneD yO$hiT%$y whomD tO$hyaT%to themD kuru%doD #ilakWaQam% e:alted. he Vedas say that a chaste wife should o$ey her hus$and. < chaste and de#oted one, I order you to follow this #ow. @ollow it more opulently than your predecessors. e:t ,03 sanat%kumOro $haga#On #rate te istu purohiaaT kamalOnOP $rOhmaQOnOP dra#yOnOP dOyako Epy aham sanat%kumOraT%Sanat%kumOraD $hnga#On%e:altedD #rat %in the #owD te%of youD astu% may $eD purohitaT%the priestD kamalOnOm%of lotus flowersD $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD dNa#yOnOm%of thingsD dOyakaT%the gi#erD api%alsoD aham%I. Saintly Sanat%kumOra will $e your priest. I will pro#ide $rOhmaQas, lotuses, and the ingredients of worship.

B:t ,04 ku#eraP dra#yS%koMe ca rakWakaP kuru sundari #rate catdOnOdhyakWo EhaP dhana%dOtrN ca MrNT s#ayam ku#eram%/u#eraD dra#ya%koMe%in the treasury of the infgredientsnof worshipD ca% andD rakWakam%the guardD kuru%makeD sundari%< $eautiful oneD #rate%in the #owD ca% andD dOnOdhyakWaT%the superintentent of charityD aham%ID dhana%dOtrN%the gi#er of charityD ca%andD MrNT%Foddess LakWmND s#ayam%herself. )ppoint, < $eautiful one, /u#era as your treasurer. I will $e the superintentent of charity. Foddess LakWmN will personally gi#e the charity. e:t ,06 pOcako #ahni%de#aM ca #aruQo jala%dOyakaT #astUnOP #OhakO yakWas tad%adhyakWaT WaR%OnanaT pOcakaT%the cookD #ahni%de#aT%)gnide#aD ca%andD #aruQaT%VaruQaD jala%dOyakaT% the supplier of waterD #astUnOm%of thingsD #OhakO%the #earersD yakWaT%the takWasD tad% adhyakWaT%their superintententD WaR%OnanaT%/Orttikeya. )gnide#a Nill $e the cook. VaruQa will supply water. he yakWas will $e the $earers, mnd /Orttikeya will super#ise their acti#iries. e:t ,07 sthOna%saPskOra%kartO ca #rate Etra pa#anaT s#ayam pari#eWXOuspay P Makras candro EdhiWXOyako #rate sthOna%of the placeD saPskOra%kartO%purifyingD ca%andD #rate%in the #owD atra%hereD pa#anaT%pOyuD s#ayar%personallyD pari#eWXO%enteredD s#ayam%personallyD MakraT% IndraD candraT%CandraD adhiWXOyakaT%the superintendentD #rate%in the #ow.

VOyu will $e the sweeper, Indra will ser#e the meals, and Candra will $e the super#isor. i:ts ,19 and ,1, sUry)M ca dOtuP nir#aktO yogyOyogye yathocitam #ratopayuktaP yad dra#yaP datt#O niyamitaP priye tato EdhikaP phalaP puWpaP haraye dehi sundari sUryaT%SUryaD ca%andD dOtum%to gi#eD nir#aktO%the speakerD yogyOyogye%in $eiug suita$le or not suita$leD yathO%asD ucitam%properD #rata%#owD upayuktam%enaggedD yat% whatD dra#yam%thingD datt#O%gi#ingD niyamitam%regulatedD priye%< dear oneD tataT% from thatD adhikam%moreD phalaP%fruitD puWpam%flowerD haraye%to Lord /VWQaD dehi% please offerD sundari%< $eautiful one. SUrya will say who should and should not recei#e charity. < $eautiful $elo#ed, make the offerings proper for this #ow, and then after that offer e#en more fruits and flowers to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,1. #rate niyamitOn #iprOn $hojayit#O tato EdhikOn asaYkhyOn $rOhmaQOn de#i $haktyO kuru nimantraQam #rate%in the #owD niyamitOn%prescri$edD #iprOn%$rOhmaQasD $hojayit#O%feedingD tataT%from thatD adhikOn%moreD asaYkhyOn%num$erlessD $rOhmaQOn%$rOhmaQasD de#i% < goddessD $haktyO%with de#otionD kuru%doD nimantraQam%in#itation. @eed at least as many $rOhmaQas as prescri$ed for the #ow, $ut politely in#ite more, num$erless $rOhmaQas. e:t ,10 samOpti%di#ase s#arQaP deyaP ratna%pra#Olakam

#ratoktOP dakWiQOP datt#O sar#aP kehi d#ijOtaye samOpti%di#ase%at the conclusion of the #owD s#arQam%goldD deyam%to $e gi#enD ratna%pra#Olakam%jewels and coralD #ratoktOm%descri$ed in the #owD dakWiQOm%the priestEs feesD datt#O%gi#ingD sar#am%allD dehi%gi#eD d#ijOtaye%to the $rOhmaQa. )t the end of the #ow gi#e charity of gold, jewels, and coral and gi#e dakWiQO to the priest. e:t ,11 ity ukt#O MaYkaras tOP ca kOrayOm Osa uad #ratam #rataP cakOra sO durgO sar#O$hyaM ca #ilakWaQam ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD tOm%herD ca%andD kOrayOm Osa%caused to doD tat%thatD #ratam%#owD #ratam%#owD cakOra%didD sO%shmD durgO%(ar#atND sar#O$hyaT% than allD ca%andD #ilakWaQam%$etter. Speaking these words, Lord Si#a instructed her follow the #ow. (Or#atN followednit with opulence greater than all others. e:t ,12 ity e#aP kathitaP #ipra pOr#atyO mad #rataP kVtam ratnaP #oRhum aMaktOM ca $rOhmaQOT pOr#atN%#rate ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD pOr#at.O%$y pOr#atND yat% whatD #ratam%#owDokVtam%doneD ratnam%jewelD #oRhum%to carryD aMaktOT%una$leD ca% andD $rOhmaQOT%the $rOhmaQasD pOr#atN%#rate%in (Or#atNEs #ow. < $rOhmaQa, thus I ha#e told you of (Or#atNEs #ow. he $rOhmaQas were not a$le to carry away all the jewels they recei#ed in charity at (Or#atNEs #ow. e:t ,13

itihOsaT MrutaT sar#aT prakVtaP MVQu nOrada MrN%kVWQa%tOla%caritaP UtnaP n'tnaP pade pate itihOsaT%storyD MrutaT%he rdD sar#aT%allD prakVtam%natureD MVQu%please hearD nOrada% < SrN NOradae MrN%kVWQa%$Ola%caritam%Lord /VWQaEs childhood pastimesD nUtnam%newerD nUtnam%and newerD pade%stepD pade%after step. Now you ha#e heSrd e#erything a$out this. < NOrada, nowuplease hear of Lord /VWQaEs childhood pastimes, which are newer and newer at e#ery step. e:t ,14 hat#O tOn dOna#endrOPM ca MiMu$hir gokulaiT saha jagOma s#a%gVhaP kVWQaT ku#era%$ha#anopamam hat#O%killingD tOn%themD dOna#endrOPw%the great demonsD ca%andD MiMu$hiT%with childrenD gokulaiT%with cowsD saha%withD jagOma%wentD s#a%gVham%to ;is own homeD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD ku#era%$ha#anopamam%opulent as /u#eraEs palace. )fter killing these great demons, Lord /VWQa returned with the $oys and cows to ;is own home, which was as opulent as /u#eraEs palace. e:t ,16 sar#e$hyo #ana%#OrtO ca pradattO MiMu$hir mudO Mrut#ai#aP #ismitOT sar#e nando $hayam a#Opa ha sar#e$hyaT%than allD #ana%#OrtO%the ews of the forestD ca%andD pradattO%gi#ingD MiMu$hiT%$y the $oysD mudO%happilyD Mrut#O%hearingD e#am%thusD #ismitOT%filled with wonderD sar#e%allD nandaT%NandaD $hayam%fearD a#Opa%attainedD ha%indeed. he $oys told e#eryone what had happened in the forest. >#eryone was astonished. Nanda was terrified. e:t ,17

OnNya #VddhOn gopOPM ca stha#irO gopikOs tathO yuktiP cakOra taiT sOrdhaP Olocya samayocitam OnNya%takingD #VddhOn%the elderD gopOPT%gopasD ca%andD stha#mrO%elderD gopikOT% gopNsD tathO%soD yuktim%considerateonD caSyra%didD taiT%themD sOrdham%withD Olocya% consieringD samayocitam%what is proper. Calling together the elder gopas and gopNs, Nanda considered what to do. e:t ,29 kVt#aryuktiP ca gopeeas tat sthOnaP tyaktum udyataT gantuP #VndO#anaP gopaiT MakaXaP racitaP tadO kVt#O%makingD yuktim%a decisionD ca%andD gopeMaT%the king of thre gopasD tat%thatD sthOnam%placeD tyaktum%to lea#eD udyataT%concludedD gantum%to goD #VndO#anam%to VVndO#anaD gopaiT%with the gopasD MakaXam%a cartD racitam%made readyD tadO%then. &eciding to lea#e that place, he had the gopas prepare carts for a journey to VVndO#ana. e:t ,2, nandOjZOP ca samOkarQya te sar#e gantum udyatOT gopOM ca gopikOM cai#a $OlakO $Olikas tadO _ nanda%OjZOm%NandaEs orderD ca%andD samOkarQya%hearingD te%theyD sar#e%allD gantum%to goD udy eOT%decidedD gopOT%gopasD ca%andD gopikOT%gopNsD ca%andD e#a% indeedD $OlakO%$oysD $OlikaT%girls( tadO%then. ;earing NandaEs order, the gopas, gopNs, $oys, and girls, all prepared to lea#e. e:t ,2.

kVWQega halinO sOrdhaP prayayus tad #anaP mudO kVWQa%guQaP ca gOyanto nOnO#eWa%saman#itOT m kVWQena%/VWQaD halinO%and 8alarOmaD sOrdham%withD prayayuT%rentD tat%thatD #anam%forestD mudO%happilyD kVWQa%guQam%teh glories oh Lordm/VWQaD Sa%andD gOyyntaT%singingD nOnO#eWa%saman#itOT%dressed in different ways. &ressed in many colorful garments, accompanied $y /VWQa and nalarOma, and happily singing /VWQaEs glories as they went, they tra#eled to VVndO#ana orest. e:t ,20 #eQu%pra#OdakOT kecit okecic chaYkha%pra#OdinaT karatOla%karOT kecid #NQO%hastOM ca kecana #eQu%pra#OdakOT%playing flutesD kecit%someD kecit%someD MaYkha%pra#OdinaT% playing conchshellsD karatOla%karOT%playing karatalasD kecit%someD #NQO%hastOT%#ina in handD ca%andD kecana%some. Some played flutes and others played #NQOs, karatOlas, and conchshells. e:t ,21 s#ara%yantra%karOT kecic chVYga%hastOM ca kecana na#a%palla#a%karQOM ca kecid gopOla%$OlakOT s#ara%yantra%karOT%playing musical instrumentsD kecit%someD MVYga%hastOT%horns in hanmdD ca%andD kecana%someD na#a%newD palla#a%lea#es and $udsD karQOT%earsD ca%andD kecit%someD gopOla%$OlakOT%gopa $oys. Some played horns and others played other musical instruments. Some gopa $oys decorated their ears with new lea#es. e:t ,22

kecin mUkula%karQOM ca puWpa%karQOM ca kecana kecit palla#a%cUROM ca puWpa%cUROM ca kecana kecit%someD mUkula%$udsD karQOT%earsD ca%andD puWpa%karQOT%flowers on the earsD ca%andD kecana%someD kecit%someD palla#a%cUROT%leaf crownsD ca%andD puWpa%cUROT% flower crownsD ca%andD kecana%some. Some decorated their ears with flower $uds and some with $lossomed flowers. Some wore leaf%crowns and some flower%crowns. e:t ,23 #ana%puWpa%mOlya%karOT kecid OjOnu%mOlinaT gopOla%$OlakOT sar#e #iprendra na#a%koXayaT #ana%forestD puWpa%flowersD mOlya%garlandsD karOT%ha#ingD kecit%someD OjOnu% mOlinaT%garlands reaching their kneesD gopOla%$OlakOT%gopa $oysD sar#e%allD #iprendra% < king of $rOhmaQasD na#a%koXayaT%ninety million. w Some wore forest%flower garlands and others wore garlands reaching their knees. < kiLg f rOhmaQas, in this way there were nidety million gopa $oys. e:t ,24 jagmur gopyo #aya%sthOM ca koXiMaT koXiMo mudO #VddhOM ca koXiMas tatra $Vhac%chroQyaM calat%kucOT jagmuT%wentD gopyaT%the gopNsD #aya%sthOT%adultD ca%andDekoXiMaT%millionsD kosiMar%and millionsD mudO%happilyD #VddhOT%elserlyD dr%andD koXiMaT%millionsD tatra% thereD $Vhac%chroQyaT%$road hipsD calat%kucoTmand mo#ing $reasts. -illions and millions of adult gopNs and millions of eldwrly gopNe with $roadShips and mo#ing $reasts happily tra#eled in that journey.

e:t ,26 rOdhikO%saha%cOriQyo $OlO gopOlikO mune tOTe su%MNlOdayo $ha#yO nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOTe di#ya%#astra%parNdhOnOT sa%smitOs tO yayur mudO rOdhikO%of SrN 5OdhOD saha%cOriQyaT%the freindsD $OlO%girlsD gopOlikO%gopNsD mune%< sageD tOT%themD su%MNlOdayaT%#irtuousD $ha#yO%$eautifulD nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT% decorated with many ornamentsD di#ya%#astra%parNdhOnOT%wearing splendid garmentsD sa%smitOT%smilingD tO%theyD yayuT%wen D mudO%happily. < sage, wearing splendid garments and many ornaments, 5OdhOEs $eautiful, smiling, and #irtuous young ropN friends happily traieled in that journey. e:t ,27 kOMcic chi$ikam Oruhya ratham Oruhya kOMcana rOdhO syandanam Oruhya MOtakum$ha%paricchadam kOMcit%someD Mi$ikam%palanBuinD Oruhya%ridingD ratham%chariotD Oruhya%ridingD kaMcana%somet rOdhO%5OdhOD syandanam%chariotD Oruhya%ridingD MOtakum$ha% paricchadam%golden. Some rode on palanBuins and some on chariots. 5OdhO rode on a chariot of gold. e:t ,39 nandaT sunandaT MrNdOmO giri$hOnur #i$hOkaraT #Nra$hOnuM candra$hOnur gaja%sthOT prayayur mudO nandaT%NandaD sunandaT%SunandaD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD giri$hOnuT%Firi$hOnuD #i$hOkaraT%Vi$hOkaraD #Nra$hOnuT%VNra$hOnuD candra$hOnuT%candra$hOnuD gaja% sthOT%on elephantsD prayayuT%wentD mudO%happily.

Nanda, Sunanda, SrNdOmO, Firi$hOnu, Vi$hOkara, VNra$hOnu, and Candra$hOnu happily rode on elephants. e:t ,3, tO$hir yuktO yayau de#N ratnOlaYkOraa$hUWitO yrModO rohiQN cai#m nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO tO$hiT%themD yuktO%withD yayau%wentD de#N%the goddessD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO% decorated with jewel ornamentsD yaModO%=aModOD rowiQN%5ohiQND La%andD e#a%indeedD nOnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO%decorated with many ornaments. long with them wen jewel%decorated aueen =aModO end 5ohiQN. e:t ,3. MrN%kVWQa%$alade#au tau ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitau sSarQa%syandanam a9thOya jagmatuT parayO mudO MrN%IVWQa%$alade#au%Lord /VWQa and Lord 8alarOmaD tau% heyD ratnOlaY7Ora% $hUWitau%decorated with jewel ornamentsD s#arQa%goldD syandanam%chariotD asthOya% risingD jagmatuT%wentD parayO%with greaSD mudO%happiness. 5iding on a golden chariot, jewel%decorated /VWQa and 8alarOma went with great happiness. e:t ,30 koXiMaT koXiMo gopO #VddhOM ca yau#anOn#itOT aM#a%sthOM ca gaja%sthOM ca ratha%sthOM cai#a kecana koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD gopO%of gopasD #VddhOT%oldD ca%andD yau#anOn#itOT%youngD aM#a%sthOT%rising on horsesD ca%andD gaja%sthOT%riding on elephantsD ca%andD ratha%sthOT%riding in chariotsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD kecana%some.

-illions and millions of gopas, young and old, went, some on horse$ack, some on elephants, and some in chariots. e:t ,31 gopO yayur mudO yuktas coddhVtO nanda%kiYkarOT #VWa%sthO garda$ha%sthOM ca saYgNta%tOla%tat%parOT gopO%gopasD yayuT%wentD mudO%happilyD yuktaTrennagedD ca%andD uddhVtOT% maintainedD nanda%kiYkarOT%NandaEs ser#antsD #VWa%sthO%riding on $ullsD garda$ha% sthOT%riding on donkeysD ca%andD saYgNta%tOla%tat%parOT%singing and playing karatalas. 5iding on $ulls and donkeys and singing and playing karatOlas, NandaEs ser#ants happily went. e:t ,32 aparO rOdhikO%dOsyas tri%sapta%Mata%koXayaT mudOn#itOTe sa%smitOM ca s#arQOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT aparO%othersD rOdhikO%dOsyaT%SrN 5OdhOEs maidser#natsD tri%sapta%Mata%koXayaT% se#en $illionD mudOn#itOT%happyD sa%smitOT%smilingD ca%andD s#arQOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT% decorated with golden ornaments. &ecorated with golden ornaments, SrN 5OdhOEs se#en $illion happily smiling maidser#ants also went. e:t ,33 kOMcit sindUra%hastOM ca kOMcit kajjala%#OhikOT #ahni%MuddhOPMukOnOP ca #OhikOM cai#a k`aMcana k`aMcit%someD sindUra%hast`aT%carring sinduraD ca%andD k`aMcit%someD kajjala% #`ahik`aT%carryingokajjalaD #ahni%fireD Muddha%pureD aPMuk`an`am%of garmentsD ca%andD

#`ahik`aT%carryingD ca%andD e#a%indeedD k`aMcana%some. Some carried sindUra, some kajjala, and some garments pure like fire. e:t ,34 candan`aguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#a%#`ahik`aT s#arQa%p`atra%kar`aT k`aMcit k`aMcid darpaQa%#`ahik`aT candan`aguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%dra#a%#`ahik`aT%carring, sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD s#arQa%patra%kar`aT%garrying golden potsD k`aMcit%someD k`aMcit%someD darpaQa%#`ahik`aT%carrying mirrors.. Some carried sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, some golden cups, and some mirrors. e:t ,36 M#eta%c`amara%hast`aM ca k`aMcit t`am$Ula%#`ahik`aT k`aMcid geQRuka%hait`aM ca k`aMcit puXXalik`a%kar`aT M#eta%c`amara%hast`as%carrying white camarasD ca%andD k`aMcit%someD t`am$Ula% #`ahik`aT%carrying $etelnutsD k`aMcit%someD geQRuka%hast`aT%toy $allsD ca%andD k`aMcit% someD puXXalik`a%kar`aT%carrying toy dolls. Some carried white c`amaras, some $etelnuts, some $alls for playing games, and some toy dolls. e:t ,37 $hoga%dra#ya%kar`aT k`aMcit krNR`a%dra#ya%kar`a #ar`aT #eWa%dra#ya%kar`aT k`aMcit k`aMcin m`al`a%kar`a #ar`aT $hoga%dra#ya%kar`aT%foodsD k`aMcit%someD krNR`a%dra#ya%kar`a%toysD #ar`aT% $eautifulD #eWa%dra#ya%kar`aT%garmetts and ornamentsD k`aMcit%someD k`aMcin%someD

m`al`a%kar`a%harrying garlandsD #ar`aT%$eautiful. Some $eautiful girls carried foods, some toys and game , some garments and ornaments, and some flower garlands. e:t ,49 k`aMcid y`a#aka%hast`aM ca prayayur gmpik`a mud`a k`aMcit saYgNta%nirat`aT k`aMcic citra%kar`an#itjaT ! k` Mcit%som.D y`a#aka%hast`aT%lacD ca%andD prayayuT%wentD gopik`a%gopNsD mud`a, happilyD kOMcit%someD saYgNta%niratOT%intently singingD kOMcic%someD citra%karOn#itOT% carrying colorful picturrs. Some carried red lac, soma sang songs, and some carried colorful pictures. In this way the gopNs happily went. e:t ,4, koXiMaT koeiro ramyO prayayuT Mi$ikaP mune k XiMaT koXiMaM cOM#OT koXiMaT koXiMo rathOT koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD ramyO%$eautifulD prayayuT%wentD Mi$ikam% on palanBuinsD mune%< sageD koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD ca%andD aM#OT%on horsesD koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD rathOT%on chariots. < sage, millions and millions of $eautiful gopNs went on palanBuins, millions and millions on horse$ack, and millions and millions on chariots. e:t ,4. koXiMaT koXiMaM cai#a sakaXO dra#ya%pUritOT koXiMaT koXiMaM cai#a #VWendrO dra#ya%#OhakOT

koXiMaT koXiMaT%millions and millionsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD sakaXO%in cartsD dra#ya% nUritOT%filled with possessionsD koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD ca%andD e#a% indeedD #VWendrO%the kings of $ullsD dra#ya%#OhakOT%carrying possessions. -illions and millions of carts and $ulls carried a great host of possessions. e:t ,40 koXiMo EWXrOM#a%#ayOsOP daMa%lakWOni hastinOm kuthOYkuMa%prayuktOni yayur #VndO#anaP #anam koXiMaT%millionsD aWXra%camelsD aM#a%horsesD #ayOsOm%and $irdsD daMa%lakWOni%a illionD hastinOm%of elephantsD kuthOYkuMa%prayuktOni%with riders carrying goadsD yayuT%wentD #VndO#anam%to VVndO#anaD #anam%forest. -illions of horses, camels, $irds, and elephants $earing riders holding goads, went to VVndO#ana forest. e:tL,41 sar#e #VndO#anaP gat#O dVWX#O MUnyaP gVhaP mune #VkWa%mUle yathO sthOne tasthur UWur yathocite sar#e%allD #VndO#anam%to VVndO#anaD gat#O%goingD dVWX#O%seeingD MUnyam%emptyD gVham%homeD mune%< sageD #VkWa%of a treeD mUle%at teh rootD yathO%asD sthOne%in the placeD tasthuT%stayedD UWuT%stayedD yathocite%as was appropriate. < sage, arri#ing in VVndO#ana, and seeing neither people nor houses, e#eryone stayed under the roots of trees or where#er they could find a suita$le place. e:t ,42 u#Oca gopOn MrN%kVWQo gVhOPM ceWXatamO #rajOT adya santiWXhatety e#aP ni$odhata #aco mama

u#Oca%saidD gopOn%to the gop sD rN%kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD gVhOPT%housesD ca%ndD iWXatamOn%#ery desira$leD #rajOT%< peopleD adya%todayD santiWXhata%stayD iti%thusD e#am% thusD ni$odhata%understandD #acaT%the wordsD mama%of -e. Lord /VWQa said to the gopasJ < people, please hear -y words. In this place there are many $eautiful houses. e:t ,43 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca atra sthOne gVhOT santi pracchannO de#a%nirmitOT de#a%prNtiP #inO MaktO na hi draWXuP ca kecana MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%Lord /VWQa saidD atra%in thisD sthOne%placeD gVhOT%housesD santi%areD pracchannO%hiddenD de#a%$y the demigodsD nirmitOT%$uiltD de#a%prNtim%dear to the demsgodsD #iiO%aithoutD MaktO%a$leD na%notD hi%indeedD draWXum%to seeD ca%andD kecana% anyone. Lord /VWQa saidJ In this place many $ouses $uilt $y the demigods are hidden. "ithout first pleasing the demigods, no one can see them. e:t ,44 adya tiWXhata gopOlOT sampUjya #ana%de#atOm prOtar yUyaP gVhOn ramyOn drakWyathOtra dhru#aP mudO adya%nowD tiWXhata%stayD gopOlOT%< gopasD sampUjya%worshipingD #ana%de#atOm%the goddess of this forestD prOtaT%in the morningD yUyam%youD gVhOn%housesD ramyOn% $eautifulD drakWyatha%will seeD atra%hereD dhru#am%indeedD mudO%happily. < gopas, stop here and worship the goddess of this forest. In the morning you will happily see many $eautiful houses. e:t ,46

dhUpa%dNpaiM ci ai#edyair $ahu$hiT puWpa%candanaiT de#NP ca #aXa%mUla%sthaP pUjaPakuruta caQRikOm dhUpa%w#th incensaD dNpaiT%and lampsDeca%andD nai#edyaiT%with offerings of foodD $ahu$hiT%with manyD puWpa%cad aaaaT%with flowers and sandal pasteD de#Nm%the goddessD ca%andD #aXa%mUla%stham%staying at the rooa o a $anyan treeD pUjam%worshipD kuruta%doD caQRikOm%goddess (Or#atN. "ith a$undant incense, lamps, flowtrs, sandal paste, and offerings of food, worship Foddess (Or#atN, who stayt at the root of a $anyan tree. e:t ,47 kVWQasya #acanaP Mrut#O gopOT sampUjya de#atOm $hukt#O $hogOn dine rOtrau tatrai#a suWupur mudO kVWQasya%Lord /VWQaEsD #acanam%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD gopOT%the gopasD sampUjya%worshipingD de#atOm%the goddessD $hukt#O%eatingD $hogOn%foodD dine%in the dayD rOtrau%at nightD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD suWupuT%sleptD mudO%happily. ;earing these words, the gopas worshiped the goddess, ate their supper, and then happily slept at night.

%ha*ter $eventeen+r, V-nd0vana!nagara!var/ana2es3ri*tion o( +r, V-nd0vana

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca supteWu #raja%#VndeWu naktaP #VndO#ane #ane su%nidrite ca nidreMe mOtV%#akWaT%sthala%sthite MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD supteWu%sleepingD =raja%#VndeWu%the

people of VrajaD naktam%at nightD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#anaD #ane%forestD su%nidrite% sleepingD ca%andD nidreMe%the king of sleepD mOtV%#akWaT%sthala%sthite%resting on ;is motherEs chest. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ "hile at night the people of Vraja slept in VVndO#ana forest, Lord /VWQa, the master of sleep, slept on ;is motherEs $reast, . . . e:t . nidritOsu ca gopNWu ramya%talpa%sthitOsu ca yUnOPM ca sukha%sam$hogO% nusakta%mOnasOsu ca nidritOsu%sleepingD ca%andD gopNWu%the gopNsD ramya%talpa%sthitOsu%on $eautiful $edsD ca%andD yUnOPT%the youthsD ca%andD sukha%sam$hoga%enjoymentD anusakta% attachedD mOnasOsu%heartsD ca%and. . . . the gopNs, their hearts attached to their youthful hus$ands, slept in $eautiful $eds, . . . e:t 0 kOsucit MiMu%yuktOsu kOsucid $hartV%sannidhau kOsucic chakaXa%sthOsu kOsucit syandaneWu ca kOsucit%someD MiMu%yuktOsu%with their childrenD kOsucit%someD $hartV%sannidhau% near their hus$andsD kOsucic%someD MakaXa%sthOsu%onm cartsD kOsucit%someD syandaneWu%on chariotsD ca%and. _ . . . some gopNs slept with their children, some with their hus$ands, some on carts, and some on chariots, . . . e:t 1 pUrQendu%kaumudN%yukte s#argOd api manohare nOnO%prakOra%kusuma% #OyunO sura$hN%kVte

pUrQendu%kaumudN%yukte%in the light of the full moonD s#argOt%than S#argalokaD api%e#enD manohare%more $eautifulD nOnO%prakOra%aany kindsD kusuma%,f flowersD #KyunO%with the $reeheD sura$hN%kVte%scented. . . . while the full moon shone, its light making e#erything more $eautiful than S#argaloka, while the !reeGes carried the sce.ts of tany kinds of olowers, . . . e:ts 2%6 sar#a%prOQini niMceWXe muhUrte paZcame gate tatrOjagnda $ha#ane MilpinOP ca guror guruT $i$hrad%di#yOPMukaP sUkWmaP ratnamOlOP manoharam ratnOlaYkOram atulaP M Nman%makara%kuQRalan jZOnena #ayasO #Vddho darManNyaT kiMora#at atN#a%sundaraT MrNmOn kOmade#a%sama%pra$haT #iMiWXa%Milpa%nipuQaiT sOrdhaP Milpais tri%koXi$hiT maQi%sOra%hema%ratnair lohOstra%nyasta%hastakaiT sar#a%prOQini%all li#ing entitiesD niMceWXe%motionlessD muhUrte%muhurtaD pa].sy .1,^came%the fifthD gate%comeD tatra%thereD OjagOma%cameD $ha#ane%to the placeD MilpinOm%of architectsD ca%andD guroT%of the guruD guruT%the guru $i$hrad% di#yOPMukaP sUkWmaP ratnamOlOP manoharam ratnOlaYkOram atulaP MrNman% makara%kuQRalam jZOnena #ayasO #Vddho darManNyaT kiMora#at atN#a%sundaraT MrNmOn kOmade#a%sama%pra$haT #iMiWXa%Milpa%nipuQaiT sOrdhaP Milpais tri%koXi$hiT maQi%sOra% hema%ratnair lohOstra%nyasta%hastakaiT. , who wore splendid fine garments, a $eautiful jewel necklace, incompara$le jewel ornaments, and $eautiful shark%shaped earrings, who was in appearance youthful $ut in knowledge old, and who was handsome and glorious like /Omade#a, accompanied

$y thirty million e:pert artisans carrying gold, jewels, and iron tools, came there. e:t 7 Ojagmur yakWa%nikarOT ku#era%#ara%kiYkarOT Mailajatprastara%karO aZjanOkOra%mUrtayaT OjagmuT%cameD yakWa%nikarOT%many ya WasD ku#era%#ara%kiYkarOT%the ser#ants of /u#eraD Mailaja%from the mountainsD prastara%with jewelsD karOT%in handD aZjana%of sandal pasteD OkOra%mUrtayaT%forms. " -any of /u#eraEs yakWa ser#ants, their comple:ion the color of sandal paste, also came, carrying in their hands jewels from the tops of mountains. e:t ,9 #ikVtOkOra%#adanOT piYgalOkWO mahodarOT sphaXikO%rakta%#eWOM ca dNrgha%skandhOM ca kecana #ikVta%deformedD OkOra%$odiesD #adanOT%and facesD piYgalOkWO%red eyesD mahodarOT%$ig $elliesD sphaXikO%crystalsD rakta%redD #eWOT%garmentsD ca%andD dNrgha% skandhOT%$road shouldersD ca%andD kecana%some. Some yakWas had monstrous faces and forms, red eyes, $ig $ellies, and $road shoulders, and wore red garments and crystal ornaments. e:t ,, padmarOga%karOT kecid indranNla%karO #arOT kecit syamantaka%karOs candrakOnta%karOs tathO padmarOga%ru$iesD karOT%in handD kecit%someD indranNla%karO%carrying sapphiresD #arOT%e:cellentD kecit%someD syamantaka%karOT%carrying syamantaka jewelsD candrakOnta%karOT%carrying candrakanta jewelsD tathO%so.

e:t ,. sUryakOnta%karOM cOnye pra$hOkara%karO #arOT kecit paraMu%hastOM ca lauha%sOra%karO #arOT sUryakOnta%karOT%carrying suryakanta jewelsD ca%andD anye%othersD pra$hOkara% karO%carrying pra$hakara jewelsD #arOT%e:cellentD kecit%someD paraMu%hammersD hastOT%in handD ca%andD lauha%sOra%karO%iron toolsD #arOT%e:cellent. Some carried sUryakOnta jewels and pra$hOkara jewels. Some carried hammers and iron tools. e:t ,0 kecic ca gandha%sOrOQOP maQNndrOQOP ca hOrakOT kecic cOmara%hastOM ca kecid darpaQa%#OhakOT s#arQa%pOtra%ghaXOdNnOP #ahakOM cai#a kecana kecit%someD ca%andD gandha%sOrOQOm%sandalwoodD maQNndrOQOm%the kings of aewelsD ca%andD hOrakOT%carryingD kecic%someD cOmara%hastOT%carrying camarasD ca% andD kecit% omeD darpaQa%#OhakOT%carrying mirrorsD s#arQa%pOtra%ghaXa%OdNnOPmany articles $eginning with golden potsD #ahakOT%carryingD ca%andD e#a%certainlyD kecana% some. Some carried sandalwood, some the kings of jewels, some cOmaras, some mirrors, and some golden pots and other things. e:t ,1 #iM#akarmO ca sOmagrNP dVWX#Oti%su%manoharOm nagara kartum Ore$he . dhyOt#O kVWQaP Mu$ha%kWane

#iM#akarmO%ViM#akarmOD ca%andD sOmagrNm%the assem$lyD dVWX#O%seeingD ati%su% manoharOm%#ery #ery $eautifulD nagaram%cityD kartum%to $uildD Ore$he%$eganD dhyOt#O%meditatingD kVWQam%on Lord /VWQaD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an auspicious moment. Inspecting the #ery, #ery $eautiful assem$led materials, and placing his thoughts on Lord /VWQa, at an aanpacious moment ViM#akarmO $eagn to $uild a city . . . _ e:t ,2 paZca%yojana%paryantaP $hOrate MreWXham uttamam puQya%kWetraP tNrtha%sOraP ati%priyatamaP hareT paZca%yojana%paryantam%fi#e yojanas in siGeD $hOrate%on the earthD MreWXham%$estD uttamam%$estD puQya%kWetram%sacred placeD tNrtha%sOram%the $est of sacred placesD ati% priyatamam%most, most dearD hareT%to Lord /VWQa. . . . in that place of forty miles on the earth, the most, most sacred of all sacred places, the place most, most dear to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,3 tatra sthOnaP mumukWUnOP paraP nir#OQa%kOraQam golokasya ca gopOnOP sar#eWOP #OZchitaP padam tatra%thereD sthOnam%the placeD mumukWUnOm%of they who yearn for li$erationD param%greatD nir#OQa%kOraQam%gi#ing li$erationD golokasya%of FolokaD ca%andD gopOnOm%of the gopasD sar#eWOm%allD #OZchitam%desiredD padam%the place. hat place $rings li$eration. hey who yearn for li$eration reside th re. )ll the gopas in the realm of Foloka like to stay there. e:ts ,4%,7 catuW%koXi%catuT%MOlaP tatrai#ati%manoharam

ka#OXa%stam$ha%sopOna% sahitaP prastarair #araiT citra%puXXalikO%puWpa% kajjalojj#ala%Mekharam MailajOMma%#inirmOQa% #edi%prOYgana%samyutam MilO%prOkOra%samyuktaP pracakOrO#alNlayO yathocita%$Vhat%kWudra% d#Ora%d#aya%saman#itam catuT%koXi%forty millionD catuT%MOlam%palaces with courtyardsD tatra%thereD e#a% certainlyD ati%#eryD manoharam%$eautifulD kstatuesD puWpa%flowersD kajjala%kajjalaD ujj#ala%splendidD Mekharam%roofsD MailajOMma%of mountain jewelsD #inirmOQa%madeD #edi%prOYgana%samyutam%with courtyardsD MilO%prOkOra%samyuktam%with stone wallsD pracakOra%$uiltD a#alNlayO%easilyD yathocita%appropriateD $Vhat%greatD kWudra%and smallD d#Ora%doorsD d#aya%pairsD saman#itam%with. In that place ViM#akarmO easily $uilt forty million jewel palaces with great gates, pillars, stairways, colorful pictures and designs, statues, roofs splendid as kajjala, courtards made of jewels taken from the tops of mountains, great stone walls, and doorways, great and small. e:t .9 tataT koXi%catuT%MOlaP atN#a%su%manoharam sphaXikOkOra%maQi$hir munO yukto #inirmame tataT%thenD koXi%ten millionD catuT%MOlam%palaces with courtyardsD atN#a%su% manoharam%#ery $eautifulD sphaXikOkOua%crystalD maQi$hiT%with jewelsD mudO%happilyD yuktaT%engagedD #inirmame%$uilt. hen he $uilt ten million #ery $eautiful palaces of jewels and crystals, . . . e:t ., sopOnair gandha%sOrOQOP stam$h"iT MaYku%#inirmitaiT

ka#OXair lauha%s rOQOP rOjataiT kalasojj#alaiT #ajra%sOra%#inirmOQaiT prOkOraiT pariMo$hitaiT sopOnaiT%iith stairsD gandha%sOrOQOm%of sandalwoodD stam$haiT%with pillarsD MaYku%#inirmitaiT%made with spikesD ka#OXaiT%with gatesD lauha%sOrOQOm%of ironD rOjataiT%with sil#erD kalasa%domesD ujj#alaiT%splendidD #ajra%sOra%with diamondsD #inirmOQaiT%madeD prOtOraiT%wi h wallsD pariMc$hitaiT%$eautifua. . . . with great staircases, sandalwood pillars, wrought%iron gates, splendid sil#er domes, and $eautiful diamond walls. e:t .. _kVtrOMramaP $alla#OnOP yatha%sthOne yathocitam #VWa$hOnu%gVhaP ramyaP kartum Ora$dha#On punaT kVt#O%makingD OMramam%the homeD $alla#OnOm%of the gopasD yatha%sthOne%as the placeD yathocitam%as appropriateD #VWa$hOnu%oft/ing VVWa$hOnuD gVham%the homeD ramyam%$eautifulD kartum%to $uildD Ora$dha#On%$eganD punaT%again. )fter $uilding the gopasE homes, he $uilt /ing VVWa$hOnuEs yome, S . d e:t .0 prOkOra%parikhO%yuktaP catur%d#OrOn#itaP param cOru%#iPMac%catuT%MOlaP mahO%maQi%#inirmitam prOkOra%with wallsD parikhO%and moatD yuktSm%endowedD catur%l#OrOn#itam%with four gatesD param%greatD cOru%$eautifulD #iPMat%twentyD catuT%MOlam%courtyardsD mahO% maQi%#inirmitam%made with great jewels. . . . which was surrounded $y a moat and a great wall with four gates, which had twenty jewel palaces with courtyard%gardens, . . . e:t .1

ratna%sOra%#ikOraiM ca sthUnikO%nikarair #araiT su#arQa%kara%maQi$hir Orohair ati%sundaram ratna%sOra%#ikOraiT%with the $est of jewelsD ca%andD sthUnikO%nikaraiT%with many pillarsD #araiT%e:cellentD su#arQa%kara%maQi$hiT%with gold and jewelsD OrohaiT%with staircasesD ati%sundaram%#ery $eautiful. . . . and which had in each $eautiful palNce many great pillars of the $est of jewels, many $eautiful stairways of gold and jewels, . . . e:t .2 lauha%sOra%ka#OXaiM ca samyuktaP citra%kVtrimaiT mandire mandire ramye su#arQa%kalasojj#alam laceD mandire%after palaceD ramye%$eautifulD su#arQa%kalasojj#alam%with splendid golden domes. . . . many wrought%iron gates, colorful pictures and designs, and splendid golden domes. e:ts .3%.6 tad%OMramaika%deMe ca nirjane Eti%manorame cOru%campaka%#VkWOQOP udyOnO$hyantaraP mune sam$hogOrthaP kalO#atyOT s#OminO saha kautukOt #iMiWXena maQNndreQa cakOrOXXalikOlayam yuktaP na#a$hir Orohair indranNla%#inirmitaiT

sthUna%ka#OXa%nikarair gandha%sOra%#ikOrajaiT aty%unnata%manoramyaP sar#atk Epi #ilakWaQam tad%OMramaika%deMe%in orV place of the palaceD ca%andD nirjane%secludedD ati% manorame%#ery $eautifulD cOru%campaka%#VkWOQOm%of $eautiful campaka treesD udyOnO$hyantaram%in,a gardenD mune%< sageD sam$hogOrtham%to enjoyD kalO#atyOT%of /alO#atND s#OminO%her hus$andD saha%withD kautukOt%happilyD #iMiWXena%specificallyD maQNndreQa%with the kings of jewelsD cakOra%$uiltD aXXalikOlayam%a great palaceD yuktam%withD na#a$hiT%nineD OrohaiT%stairwaysD indranNla%#inirmitaiT%made of sapphiresD sthUna%with pillarsD ka#OXa%nikaraiT%and doorsD gandha%sOra%#ikOrajaiT% made of sandalwoodD aty%unnata%#ery tallD manoramyam%$eautifulD sar#ataT%than allD api%e#enD #ilakWaQam%$etter. < sage, in a secluded part of the palace grounds, inside a $eautiful gro#e of campakaLtrees, he $uilt a #ery tall and aeautiful jewel palace for /alO#atN to enjoy pastimes with her hus$and, a palace with nine sapphire stairways and many sandalwood doors and pillars. e:t .7 MrN%nOrada u#Oca kalO#atN kO $haga#an kasya patnN manoramO yatnato yad%gVhaP ramyaP _ nirmame sura%kOruQO MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD kalO#atN%/alO#atND kO%who*D $haga#an%< lordD kasya%of whom*D patnN%the wifeD manoramO%$eautifulD yatnataT%with careD yad%gVham% whose homeD ramyam%$eautifulD nirmame%$uiltD sura%kOruQO%$y ViM#akarmO. SrN NOrada saidJ < master, who is /alO#atN* "hose $eautiful wife is she that ViM#akarmO took such care in $uilding her $eautiful palace* e:ts 09 and 0, MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca pitVQOP mOnasN kanyO

kamalOPMO kalO#atN yasyO ca tanayO rOdhO kVWQa%prOQOdhikO priyO MrN%kVWQOrdhOPMa%sam$hUtO tena tulyO ca tejasO yasyOM ca caraQOm$hoja% rajaT%pUtO #asundharO yasyOP ca su%dVRhOP $haktiP santo #OZchanti santatam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD pitVQOm%of the pitasD manasi%in the mindD kanyO%the daughterD kamalOPMO%an incarnation of Foddess LakWmND kalO#atN%/alO#atND yasyO%of whomD ca%andD tanayO%the daughterD rOdhO%5OdhOD kVWQa%prOQOdhikO%to Lord /VWQa more dear than lifeD priyO%dearD MrN%kVWQOrdhOPMa%half of Lord / WQaD sam$hUtO% $ernD tena%with ;imD tulyO%eBualD ca%andD tejasO%in glory and powerD yasyOT%of whomD ca%andD caraQOm$hoja%of the lotus feetD rajaT%$y the dustD pUtO%purifiedD #asundharO% the earthD yasyOm%in whomD ca%andD su%dVRhOm%#ery firmD $haktim%de#otionD santaT% the saintly de#oteesD #O].sy .1,^chanti%desireD santatam%always. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ 8orn from the minds of the pitOs, /alO#atN is a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmN. ;er daughter is 5OdhO, who is half of Lord /VWQa, who is Lord /VWQaEs eBual in glory and power, whom Lord /VWQahconsiders more dear than life, the dust of whose lotus feet purifies the earth, and sincere de#otion to whom the great saints always yearn to attain. e:t 0. MrN%nOrada u#Oca _pitVQOP mOnasNP kanyOP #raje tiWXhan #rajo mune mOna#aT kena puQyena katham Opa su%durla$ham MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD pitVQOm%of the pitasD mOnasNm%the mindD kanyOm% daughterD # aje%in VrajaD tiWXhan%stayingD #rajoof VrajaD mune%< sageD mwna#aT%the peopleD kena%$y what*D puQyena%pietyD katham%howD Opa%attainedD su%durla$ham%rare. SrN NOrada saidJ "hat pious deed did the people of Vraja perform to attain the rare association of the pitOsE mind%$orn daughter*

e:t 00 #VWa$hOnur #raja%patiT purOsNt ko muhOn asau tasya #O kena tapasO rOdhO kanyO $a$hU#a hO #VWa$hOnuT%VVWa$hOnuD #raja%patiT%the king of VrajaD purO%pre#iouslyD OsNt%wasD kaT%who*D mahOn%greatD asau%heD tasya%of himD #O%orD kena%$y what*D tapasO%austerityD rOdhO%transcendentalD kanyO%the daughterD $a$hU#a%$ecameD hO%indeed. "ho was VrajaEs /ing VVWa$hOnu in his pre#ious $irth* "hat austerities did he perform so that 5OdhO $ecame his daughter* e:t 01 MrN%sUta u#Oca nOradasya #acaT Mrut#O maharWir jZOninOP #araT prahasyo#Oca prNtsO taP itihOsaP purOtanam MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD nOradasya%of NOradaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD maharWiT%the great sageD jZOninOm%of phjilosophersD #araT%the $estD prahasya%smilingD u#Oca%saidD prNtyO%happilyD tam%to himD itihOsam%the historyD purOtanam%ancient. SrN SUta saidJ ;earing NOradaEs words, SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi, the $est of the wise, smiled and happily spoke. e:t 02 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca _ $a$hU#uT kanyakOs tisraT pitVQOP mOnasOt purO kalO#atN%ratnamOlO% menakOM cati%durla$hOT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD $a$hU#uT%wereD kanyakOT%daughtersD tisraT%threeD pitVQOm%of the pitasD mOnasOt%from the mindD purO%$eforeD kalO#atN% ratnamOlO%menakOT%/alO#atN, 5atnamOlO, and -enakOD ca%andD ati%durla$hOT%#ery

rare. he pitOs had three #ery e:alted mind%$orn daughters. hey were /alO#atN, 5atnamOlO, and -enakO. e:t 03 ratnamOlO ca janakaP #OrayOm Osa kOmukN MailOdhipaP harer aPMaP menakO sO himOlayam ratnamOlO%ratnamalaD ca%andD janakam%AanakaD #OrayOm Osa%choseD kOmukN% passionateD MailOdhipam%the king of the mountainsD hareT%of Lord /VWQaDnaPMam%and inacrnationD menakO%-enakOD sO%sheD himOlayam%;imalaya. 5atnamOlkO chose /ing Aanaka as her hus$and, and -enakO chose /ing ;imOlaya, the ruler of the mountains, who was a partial incarnation of Lord /VWQa. e:t 04 duhitO ratnamOlayO ayoQi%sam$ha#O satN MrN%rOma%patnN MrNT sOkWOt sNtO satya%parOyaQO duhitO%the daughterD ratnamOlayO%$y ratnamalaD ayoQi%sam$ha#O%$orn without coming from a wom$D satN%saintlyD MrN%rOma%patnN%the wife of SrN 5OmacandraD MrNT%the goddess of fortuneD sOkWOt%directlyD sNtO%SNtO%de#ND satya%parOyaQO%saintly. 5atnamOlOEs daughter was saintly SNtO, who did not take $irth from a motherEs wom$, who was a direct incarnation of Foddess LakWmN, and who was Lord 5OmaEs wife. e:t 06 kanyakO menakOyOM ca pOr#atN sO purO satN ayoQi%sam$ha#O sO ca harer mOyO sanOtanN

kanyakO%the daughterD menakOyOT%of -enakOD ca%andD pOr#atN%(Or#atND sO%sheD purO% $eforeD satN%sainltyD ayoQi%sam$ha#O%not $orn from aumotherDs wom$D sO%sheD ca%andD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mOyO%the goddess of illusionD sanOtanN%eternal. -enakOEs daughter was saintly (Or#atN, who did "ot tak $irth from a motherEs wom$,tand who was a direct incarnation of Lord /VWQaEs eternal Foddess -OyO. e:t 07 sO le$he tapasO de#N e y Mi#aP nOrOyaQOtm kam kalO#atN ucandraP ca manu%#aPMa%samud$ha#am NO%sheD le$he%a tainedD tapasO%$y asmterityD de#N%the goddessD Mi#am%hord Si#aD nOrOyaQOtmakam%who keeps Lord NOrOyQa in his heartD kalO#atN%/alO#atND sucandram% SucandraD ca%andD manu%#aPMa%samud$ha#am%$orn in the dynasty of the manus. 8y performing austerities, Foddess (Or#atN attained as her hus$and Lord Si#a, Lho keeps tSe (ersonality of Fodhead, Lord NOrOyaQa, in his htart. /alO#atN married /ing Sucan$dra, who was $orn in the -anu dynasty. e:t 19 sa ca rOjO harer aPMaT samprOpya tOP kalO#atNm mene pu ya#atOP MreWXhaP OtmOnam ati%sundarNm sa%;eD ca%andD rOjO%the kingD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD aPMaT%a partial incarnationD samprOpya%attainingD tOm%herD kalO#atNm%kalO#atND mene%consideredD puQya#atOm%fo the piousD MreWXham%the $estD OtmOnam%ownD ati%sundarNm%#ery $eautiful. r "hen he saw her, /ing Sucandra, who was a phrtial incarnation of Lord /VWQa, thought /alO#atN the most $eautiful and saintly ol persons. e:t 1, aho rUpam aho #eWaP aho asya na#aP #ayaT

su%komalaegaP lalitaP Marac%candrOdhikOnanam _ ahaT%ah\D rUpam%$eautyD ahaT%)h\D #eWam%decorationD ahaT%ah\D asya%of whomD na#am%youthfulD #ayaT%ageD su%komalaYgam%graceful a$d delicate formD lalitam% playfulD Marac%candrOdhikOnanam%a face of the autumn moon. ;e thoughtJ )h\ She is #ery $eautiful. She is dressed #ery nicely. She is in the full $loom of youth. ;er form is graceful and delicate. She is playful and charming. ;er face is an autumn moon. e:t 1. gamanaP durla$ham aho gaja%khaZjana%gaZjanam kaXOkWair mohituP MaktO munNndrOQOP ca mOnasam gamanam%walkingD durla$ham%rareD ahaT%<hD gaja%an elephantD khaZjana%a khanjana $irdD gaZjanam%eclipsingD kaXOkWaiT%with sidelong glancesD mohitum%to $ewilderD MaktO%a$leD munNndrOQOm%of the kings of sagesD ca%andD mOnasam%the mind. ;er graceful walking eclipses the graceful mo#ement of the elephants and khaZjana $irds. ;er sidelong glances can $ewilder the kings of the sages. e:t 10 MroQi%yugmaP su%lalitaP ram$hO%stam$ha%#ininditam stana%d#and#aP su%kaXhinaP ati%pNnonnataP mune MroQi%yugmam%thighsD su%lalitam%gracefulD ram$hO%stam$ha%#ininditam%mocking the $anana treesD stana%d#and#am%$reastsD su%kaXhinam%#ery firmD ati%pNna%fullD unnatam%raisedD mune%< sage. ;er graceful thighs mock the graceful$$anana trees. ;er raised $reasts are #ery full and firm. e:t 11

nitam$a%yugalaP cOru ratha%cakra%#ininditam hastau pOdau ca raktau ca pak#a%$im$a%phalOdharam nitam$a%yugalam%her hipsD cOru%$eautifulD ratha%cakra%#ininditam%mocking a chariot wheelD hastau%handsD pOdau%feetD ca%andD raktau%redD ca%andD pak#a%$im$a% phalOdharam%$im$a fruit lips. _ ;er hips mock the graceful chariot wheel. ;er hands and feet are pink. ;er lips are ripe $im$a fruits. e:t 12 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% danta%paYkti%manoharam Maran%madhyOhna%padmOnOP pra$hO%mocana%locanam pak#a%dORim$a%$Nja%ripe pomegranate seedsD a$ha%likeD danta%paYkti%manoharam% $eautiful teethD Maran%madhyOhna%padmOnOm%of auutmn midday lotus flowersD pra$hO%the splendorD mocana%ro$$ingD locanam%eyes. ;er teeth are more $eautiful than ripe pomegranate seeds. ;er eyes ro$ the autumn midday lotus flowers of their splendor. e:t 13 $hUWaQair $hUWitaP rUpaP rUpaP sad%ratna%$hUWaQam itN#a mat#O dVWX#O ca kOma%$OQa%prapNRitaT $hUWaQaiT%with ornamentsD $hUWitam%decoratedD rUpam%formD rUpam%f(rmD sad% ratna%$hUWaQam%decora ing the dewel ornamentsD iti%thisD i#a%likeD mat#O%thinkingD dVWX#O,seeingD ca%andD kOma%$OQarprawNSktaT%wounded $y /Omade#aEs arnows. n;er $eautiful form is decorated with many ornaments. Still, it seems that the jewels she wears are decorated $y the ornament of her $eauty.

e hinking in this way, and gaGing at $eautiful /alO#atN, /ing Sucandra was grie#ously woTLded $y /Omade#aEs arrows. e:t 14 di#ya%syandanai Oruhya kOmmkyO saha kOmukaT krNROP aakOra rahasi sthOne tthOne manohare di#ya%syandanam%a splendid chariotD Oruhya%ascendingD kOmukyO%in lo#eD saha% withD kOmukaT%in lo#eD krNROm%pastimesD cakOra%didD rahasi%in a secludedD sthOne% placeD sthOne%after placeD manohare%$eautiful. In this way he fell in lo#e with her and she with hie. aking her with him on a splendid chariot, he enjoyed pastimes with her in many secluded and $eautiful places. _ e:t 16 ramyOyOP malaya%droQyOP candanOguru%#OyunO cOru%campaka%puWpOnOP talpe rati%sukhO#ahe ramyOyOm%$eautifulD malaya%droQyOm%in the #alley of the -alaya ;illsD candana% sandalD aguru%and aguruD #OyunO%with a $reeGeD cOru%$eautifulD campaka%puWpOnOm%of campaka flowersD talpe%on a couchD rati%sukhO#ahe%for enjoying amorous pastimes. In a #alley of the -alaya ;ills fanned $y $reeGes scented with sandal and aguru, on a pastime%couch of $eautiful campaka flowers, . . . e:t 17 mOlatN%mallikOnOP ca puWpodyOne su%puWpite puWpa$hadra%nadN%tNre nNraje Eti%su%nirjane mOlatN%mallikOnOm%of malati and mallika flowersD ca%andD puWpodyOne%tn a flower gardenD su%puWpite%$lossomingD puWpa$hadra%nadN%of the (uWpa$hadrO ri#erD tNre%on the shoreD nNraje%lotusD ati%su%nirjane%#ery secluded.

. . . in a garden of $lossoming mOlatN and mallikO flowers, in S #ery secluded place $y the lotus%filled (uWpa$hadrO ri#er, . . . e:t 29 tatra gaYgO%su%puline S gandhamOd,na%gahhare godO#arN%nadN%tNre nirjane ketakN%#ane tatra%thereD,gaYgO%su%puline%$y the $eautiful shore of ther FaYgOD gandhamOdana% gah#are%in a ca#e of -ount FandhamOdanaD godO#arN%nadN%of the Foda#ari ri#erD tNre% $y the shoreD nirjane%secludedD ketakN%#ane%in a ketaki forest. . . . $y the FaYgOEs $eautiful shore, in a ca#e on -ount FandhamOdana, $y the oda#arNEs shore, in a ketakN fotest, . . . e:t 2, paMcimO$dhi%taXOnta%stha% kOnane jantu%#arjite nandane malaya%droQyOP _ ka#erN%tNraje #ane paMcima%westernD a$Vhi%oceanD taXa%shoreD anta%stha%onD kOnane%in a forstD jantu% #arjite%secludedD nandane%in a gardenD malaya%droQyOm%in the #alley of the -alaya ;tllsD ka#ehN%tSraje%on the shore of the /a#erN ri#erD #ane%in the forest. . . . in a secluded forest $y the western ocean, in a garden of the -alaya #alleys, in a forest $y the /a#erNEs shore, . . . e:t 2. Maile Maile su%ramye ca nadyOP nadyOP nade nade d#Npe d#Npe ca rahasi sa reme ramayO saha Maile%on mountainD Maile%aster mouhtainD su%ramye%#ery $eautifulD ca%andD nadyOm% $y ri#erD nadyOm%after ri#erD nade%$y streamD nade%after streamD d#Npe%on islandD

d#Npe%after islandD ca%andD rahasi%ina secluded placeD sa%heD reme%enjoyedD ramayO%his $eautiful wifeD saha%with. . . . on $eautiful mountain a ter $eautiful mountain, $y ri#er after ri#er, $y stre m after stream, and on island after island, in many differed secluded places he enjoyed pastimes with his $eautiful wife. e:t 20 na#a%saYgama%samyogOd $u$udhe na di#O%niMay e#aP #arWa%sahasraP tad gatam e#a muhUrta#at na#a%saYgama%samyogOt%from their pastimesD $u$udhe%knewD na%notD di#O%niMam% day or nightD e# mothusD #arWa%sahasram%a thousand yearsD tat%whichD gatam%goneD e#a%indeedD muhUrta#at%like a moment. )s he enjoyed with her, he did not know whether it was day or night. In this way a thousand years passed like a single moment. e:t 21 kVt#O #ihOraP su%ciraP t sa #irakto $a$hU#a ha jagOma tapase #indhyO% Maila%tNrthaP tayO saha ntD tapase%austeritiesD #indhyO%Maila%tNrtham%to a holy place in the VindhyO ;illD tayO% herD saha%with. )fter enjoying these pastimes for a #ery long time, he finally $ecame renounced. aking her with him, he went to the VindhyO ;ills to perform austerities. e:t 22 $hOrate Eti%praMaPsyaP ca pulahOMramam uttamam tapas tepe nVpas tatra di#ya%#arWa%sahasrakam

$hOrate%on the earthD ati%praMaPsyam%#ery gloriousD ca%andD pulahOMramam%the OMrama of (ulaha -uniD uttamam%transcendentalD tapaT%austerityD tepe%performedD nVpaT%the kingD tatra%thereD di#ya%#a ya%sahasrakam%for a thousahd celestial yeari. In (ulaha -uniEs famous OMrama there the king performed austerities for a thousand celestial years. e:t 23 mokWa%kaYkWN nispVhaM,ca nirOhOraT kVModaraT murchOm Opa muni%MreWXho dhyOt#O kVWQa%padOm$ujam mokWa%li$erationD kaYkWN%desiringD nisprhaT%without any other desireD ca%andD nirOhOraT%without eatingD kVModarap%emaciatedD murchOn%faantingD Opa%attainedD muni%MreWXhaT%the $est of sagesD dhyOt#O%meditatingD kVWQa%padOm$ujam%on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. =earning for li$eration and nothing else, he meditated on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. Not eating, he $ecame emaciated and e#entually fell unconscious. e:t 24 tad%gOtre #yOpta%#almNkaP sOdh#N dUraP cakOra sO tad%gOtre%his lim$sD #yOpta%#almNkam%co#ered with an anthillD sOdh#N%the saintly womanD dUram%far awayD cakOra%wentD sO%she. <ne day his saintly wife pushed away a swarm of ants that completely co#ered his $ody. erts 26 and 27

niMceWXitaP patiP dVWX#O tyaktaP prOQaiM ca paZca$hiT mOPsa%Monita%riktaP taP asthi%saPsakta%#igraham

uccai ruroda MokOrtO nirjane tSNkalO#atN he nOtha nOthety uccOrya kVt#O #akWaLi mUrchitam niMceWXitam%motionlessD patim%hus$andD dVWX#O%seeingD tyaktam%a$andonedD prOQaiT%$y life airsD ca%andm paZca$hiT%fi#eD mOPsa%Monita%riktam%de#oid of fleshD tam% himD astNi%saPsakta%#igraham%only a skeletonD uccaiT%loudlmp ruroda%criedD MokOrtO% o#ercome witr griefD nirjane%in the secluded placeD tu%indeedD kalO#atN%/alO# tND he%<D nOtha%matserD nOtha%masterD iti%thusD uccOrya%callingD kVt#O%doingD #akWasi%on the chestD mUrchitOm%fainted. Seeing her hus$and lying motionless, now a$andoned $y the fi#e life%airs, and his $ody only skin and $ones, /alO#atN $ecame filled with grief. In that secluded place she wept loudly. Crying out, L< master\ < master\L, she clutched the corpse to her $reast. e:ts 39 and 3, #ilalOpa mahO%$hNtO dNnO pati%parOyaQO dVWX#O nVpaP nirOhOraP kVMaP dhamani%samyutam Mrut#O ca rodanaP satyaT kVpayO ca kVpO%nidhiT O#ir$a$hU#a jagatOP #idhOtO kamalod$ha#aT #ilalOpa%lamentedD mahO%$hNtO%terrifiedD dNnO%patheticD pati%parOyaQO%de#oted to her hus$andD dVWX#O%seeingD nVpam%the kingD nirOhOram%not eatingD kVMam%emaciatedD dhamani%samyutam%the corpseD Mrut#O%hearingD ca%andD rodanam%the wailingD satyaT% 8rahmOD kVpayO%out of mercyD ca%andD kVpO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD O#ir$a$hU#a% apearedD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD #idhOtO%the creatorD kamalod$ha#aT%$orn from the lotus flower. he terrified poor woman, completely de#oted to her hus$and, lamented again and again. hen Lord 8rahmO, who was $orn from a lotus flower, who is the creator of the uni#erse, and who is an ocean of compassion, saw the emaciated corpse and heard her lo e:t 3.

kroRe kVt#O ca taP tUrQaP ruroda $haga#On #i$huT kroRe%on the lapD kVt#O%placingD ca%andD tam%himD tUrQam%at onceD ruroda%weptD $haga#On%the lordD #i$huT%powerful. (lacing the corpse on his own lap, th powerftl demigod 8rahmO also wept. e:t 30 rahmO kamaQRalu%wale% nOsicya nVpa%#igraham jN#aP saZcOrayOm Osa r $rahma%jZOnena $rahea%#it $rahmO%8rahmOD kamaQRalu%jalena%with water from his own kamandaluD Osicya% spinyledD nVpa%#igraham%the kingEs $odyD jN#am%lifeD saZcOrayOm Osa%creatingD $mahma% jZOnena%$y spiritual knowledgeD $rahma%#it%the knower of spiritual knowledge. hen yise 8rahmO, with his great wisdom sprinkling water fekm his kammQRalu, re#i#ed the corpse. e:t 31 nVpendraM cetanaP prOpya t puro dVWX#O prajOpatim praQanOma ca taP dVWX#m taP cn kOma%sama%pra$haT yVpendraT%the gr at kingD cetanam%consciousnessD prOpya%attainingD puraT%$eforeD dVWX#O%sawD prajOpatim%8rahmOD praQanOma%$owedD ca%andD tam%to himD dVWX#O%seeingD tam%himD ca%andD kOma%sama%pra$haT%splendid like /Omade#a. ;is life restored, the king was now handsome like /Omade#a. Seeing 8rahmO $efore him, he $owed down to offer respect. e:t 32 tam u#Oceti santuWXo #araP #VQu yathepsitam

sa #idher #acanaP Mrut#O #a#re nir#OQam Npsitam 8rahmOD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD #a#re%choseD nir#OQam%li$erationD Npsitdm%desired. (leased with him, 8rahmO said, L(lease ask a $oon, whate#er you wish.L ;earing 8rahmOEs words, the king asked for li$eration. e:h 33 dayO%nidhis taP dayayO #araP dOtuP samudyataT prasanna%#adanaTuMrNmOn smerOnana%saroruhaT o dayO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD tam%to himD dayayO%with mercyD #aram%$oonD dOtum%to gi#eD samudyataT%was a$outD prasanna%cheerfulD #adanaT%faceD MrNmOn% splendidD smerOnana%saroruhaT%smiling lotus face. )n ocean of mercy, gloriously handsome Lord 8rahmO, his lotus face happily smiling, was a$out to gi#e the $oon when, . . . e:t 34 kVt#OnumOnaP manasi MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukO tam u#Oca satN trastO #araP dOtuP samudyatam kVt#O%doingD anumOnam%thinkingD uanasi%in the mindD MuWka%dryD kaQXh%throatD oWXha%lipsD tOlukO%and palateD tam%to himD u#Oca%iaidD satN%the saintly womanD trastO% frightenedD #aram%$oonD dOtum%to gi#eD samudyatam%a$out. . . . saintly /alO#atN, thinking of what was a$out to happen, $ecame frightened and spoke to him. e:t 36 MrN%kalO#aty u#Oca

yadi muktiP nVpendrOya dadOsi kamalod$ha#a aho E$alayO me $rahman kO gatir $ha#itO #ada MrN%kalO#aty u#Oca%SrN /alO#atN saidD yadi%ifD muktim%li$erationD nVpendrOya%to the kingD dadOsi%you gi#eD kamalod$ha#a%< 8rahmOD ahaT%<hD a$alOyOT%weak womanD me%of meD $rahman%< 8rahmOD kO%whatD gatiT%destinationD $ha#itO%will $eD #ada% please tell. _ SrN /alO#atN saidJ < 8rahmO $orn from a lotus flower, if you gi#e li$eration to this king, then what will $e the fate of me, a weak woman* e:t 37 #inO kOntena kOntOyOT kO Mo$hO caturOnana #rataP pati%#ratOyOM ca patir e#a Mrutau Mrutam #inO%withoutD kOntena%the $elo#ed hus$andD kOntOyOT%of the $elo#ed wifeD kO% what*D Mo$hO%happinessD caturOnanO%< four%faced 8rahmOD #ratam%#owD pati%#ratOyOT% of a woman #owed to $e faithful to her hus$andD ca%andD patiT%the hus$andD e#a% indeedD Mrutau%in the VedasD Mrutam%heard. < four%faced one, how can a wife $e happy without her $elo#ed hus$and* he Vedas proclaim that a wifeEs duty is to ser#e her hus$and. e:t 49 guruM cO$hiWXa%de#aM ca tapo%dharmamayaT patiT sar#eWOP ca priyatamo na $andhuT s#OminaT paraT guruT%guruD ca%andD a$hiWXa%de#aT%worshipa$le deityD ca%andD tapo%dharmamayaT% auterity and religionD patiT%masterD sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD priyatamaT%most dearD na% naD $andhuT%friendD s#OminaT%than the hus$andD paraT%more dear. @or a chaste wife her hus$and is her guru, deity, austerity, religion, and master. No

friend is more dear than her hus$and. e:t 4, sar#a%dharmOt paro $rahman pati%se#O su%durla$hO s#Omi%se#a%aihNnOyOT sar#aP tan niWphalaP $ha#et sar#a%dharmOt%than all religionD paraT%$etterD $rahman%< 8rahmOD pati%se#O%ser#ice to the hus$andD su%durla$hO%#ery rareD s#Omi%se#a%ser#ice to the hus$andD #ihNnOyOT% of one who is de#oidD sar#am%allD tat%thatD niWphalam%fruitlessD $ha#et%$ecomes. rted at e#ery step. e:t 4. #rataP dOnaP tapaT pUjI japa%homOdhikaP ca yat snOnaP ca sar#a%tNrtheWu pVthi#yOM ca pradakWiQam #ratam%#owsD dOnam%charityD tapaT%austerityD pUjO%worshipD japa%homOdhikam% $eginning with chanting mantras and iffering yajnaD ca%andD yat%whychD snOnam% $athingD ca%andD sar#a%tNrtheWu%in aml holy placesD pVthi#yOT%of the earthD ca%andD pradakWiQam%circumam$ulation. @ollowing #ows, gi#ing charity, performing austerities, worshiping the demigods, chanting mantras, performing yaj].sy .1,^as, $athing in all holy ri#ers, circumam$ulating the earth, . . . e:t 40 dNkWO ca sar#a%yajZeWu mahO%dOnOni yOni ca paXhanar sar#a%#edOnOP sar#OQi ca tapOPsi ca dNkWO%initiationD ca%andD sar#a%yaj].sy .1,^eWu%in al yajnasD mahO%dOnOni%gi#ing great charityD yOni%whichD ca%andD paXhanam%studyD sar#a%#edOnOm%of all the VedasD sar#OQi%allD ca%andD tapOPs %austeritiesD ca%and.

. . . $eing initiated into the performance all yajZas, gi#ing #ery great chyrity, studying all the Vedas, performing all austerities, . . . e:t 41 #eda%jZOnaP $rOhmaQOnOP $hojanaP de#a%se#anam etOni s#Omi%se#OyOT kalOP nOrhanti WoRaMNm #eda%jZOnOm%learned in all the VedasD $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmat sD $hojanam% feedingD de#a%se#anam%ser#ing the demigodsD etOni%theseD s#Omi%sa#OCOT%to ser#ice to the hus$andD kalOm%partD na%notD arhanti%are worthyD WoRaMNm%a si:teenth. . . . feeding many $rOhmaQas learned in the Vedas, and ser#ing the demigods, are not eBual to e#en a si:teenth part of a chaste womanEs ser#ice to her hus$and. _ e:t 42 s#Omi%se#O%#ihNnO yO #adanti s#Omine kaXum pacanti kOlasUtre tO yO#ac candra%di#Okarau s#Omi%se#O%#ihNnO%without ser#ice to the hus$andD yO%whoD #adanti%saysD s#Omine% to her hus$andD kaXum%harsh wordsD pacanti%is cookedD kOlasUtre%in the hell called /alasutraD tO%theyD yO#ac%as long asD candra%di#Okarau%the sun and the moon. ) woman that will not ser#e her hus$and and then speaks harshly to him $urns in hell for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. e:t 43 sarpa%pramOQOT kVmayo daManti ca di#O%niMam santataP #iparNtaP ca kur#anti Ma$dam ul$aQam sarya%of snakesD pramOQOT%the siGeD kVmayaT%wormsD daManti%$iteD ca%andD di#O% niMam%day and nightD santatam%alwaysD #iparNtam%the oppositeD ca%andD kur#anti%doD

Ma$dam%soundD ul$aQam%great. "orms $ig as snakes $ite them day and night. )gain and again they scream. e:t 44 mUtra%MleWma%purNWaP ca kur#anti $hakWaQaP sadO mukhe tOsOP dadOty e#aP ulkaP ca yama%kiYkaraT mUtra%urineD MleWma%phlegmD purNWam%stoolD ca%andD kur#anti%doD $hakWaQam%foodD sadO%alwaysD mukhe%in the mouthD tOsOm%of themD dadOti%gi#esD e#am%thusD ulkam% fireD ca%andD yama%kiYkaraT%a ser#ant of =amarOja. )gain and again they eat stool, urine, and phlegm. )gain and again the ser#ants of =amarOja push flaming torches into their mouths. e:t 46 $hukt#O $hogyaP ca narake kVmi%yoQiP prayOnti tOT $hakWanti janma%MatakaP _ rakta%mOPsa%purNWakam u$hukt O%after e:periencingD $hogyam%the e:perienceD ca%andD narake%in hellD k mi% yoQim%to $irth as a wormD prayOnti%they goD tOT%theyD $hakWan i%eatD janma%Matakam% for a hundred $irethVD rakta%mOPsa%purNWakam%stool and flesh. )fter suffering in hell they take $irtr as worms. @or a hundr,d $irths they eat stool and flesh. e:t 47 Mrut#OhaP,#iduWOP #aktrOd #eda%#OkyaP su%niMcitam jOnOmi kiZcid a$alO t#aP #eda%janako #i$huT Mrut#O%ha#ing heardD aham%ID #iduWOm%of the wiseD #aktrOt%from the mouthD #eda% #Okyam%the statement of the VedasD su%niMcitam%concludedD jOnOmi%I knowD kiZcit%

somethingD a$alO%a weak womanD t#am%youD #eda%janakaT%the father of the VedasD #i$huT%powerful. I am only a weak woman that has heard a little of the Vedas teachings from the mouths of the wise. =ou are powerful 8rahmO, the father of the Vedas. e:t 69 guror guruM ca #iduWOP yoginOP jZOninOP tathO sar#a%jZam e#am%$hUtaP t#aP $odhayOmi kim acyuta guroT%of the gurusD guruT%the guruD ca%andD #iduWOm%of the wiseD yoginOm%of the yogisD j].sy .1,^OninOm%of the philosophersD tathO%soD sar#a%allD jZam%knowingD e#am% $hUtam%soD t#am%youD $odhayOmi%I teachD kim%how*D acyuta%< infalli$le one. =ou are the guru of the gurus, the guru of the yogNs and philosophers. =ou know e#erything. ;ow can I teach you, < faultless one* e:t 6, prOQOdhiko EyaP kOnto me yadi mukto $a$hU#a ha mamN ko rakWitO $rahman dharmasya yau#anasya ca sD ha%indeedD mama%of meD kaT%who*D rakWitO%the protectorD $rahman%< 8rahmOD dharmasya%of religionD yau#anasya%of youthfulnessD ca%and. < 8rahmO, if my $elo#ed hus$and $ecomes li$erated, then who will $e the protector of my #irtue and my youth* e:t 6. kaumOre rakWitO tato datt#O pOtrOya sat%kVtN sar#adO rakWitO kOntas tad%a$hO#e ca tat%sutaT

kaumOre%in childhoodD rakWitO%the protectorD tataT%then datt#O%ji#ingD pOtrOya%to a suita$le recei#erD sat%kVtN%saintlyD sar#adO%alwaysD +akWitO%protectorD kOntaT%the $elo#ed hus$andD tad%a$hO#e%in his a$oenceS ca%andD tat%sutaT%his son. I In a womanEs childhood, the father is her protector. She i Si#en to a suita$le hus$and and he $ecomes her protector. In his a$sence the son is her protector. e:t 60 triW# a#astoOsu nOrNQaP rakWitOras trayaT sadO yOT s#a%tantrON ca tO naWXOT sar#a%dharma%$ahiW% otOT triWu%in the threeD a#asthOsu%statesD nOrNQam%of womenD rakWitOraT%protectorsD trayaT%threeD sadO%alwaysD yOT%whoD s#a%tantrOT%independentD ca%andD tO%theyD naWXOT% destroyedD sar#a%dharma%$ahiW% VtOT%%a$andoned all religious principles. hese are the three protectors in the three stages of a womanEs life. Independent women that protect themsel#es, and thus reject the principles of religion, perish. e:t 61 asat%kula%prasUtOs tOT kulaXO duWXa%mOnauOT Mata%janma%kVtaP pu yaP tOsOP naMyati padmaja asat%impiousD kula%familiesD prasUtOT%$ornD tOT%themD kulaXO%prostitutesD duWXa% mOnasOT%with sinful heartsD Mata%janma%a hundred $irthsD kVtam%doneD puQyam%pietyD tOsOm%pf themD naMyati%is destroyedD padmaja%< 8rahmO. _ < 8rahmO, thwy take $irth in the families of demons and $ecome wicked%hearted prostitutes. ) hun(reI $elths of their past pious deeds perish. e:t 62 putra%sneho yathO $Olye tathO yau#ana%#ardhake pati#ratOnOP kOnte ca h sar#a%kOle sama%spVhO

putra%for a childD snehaT%lo#eD yathO%asD $Olye%in childhoodD tathO%soD yau#ana%in youthD #ardhake%and ageD pati#ratOnOm%of chaste womenD kOnte%for the $elo#ed hus$andD ca%andD sar#a%kOle%at all timesD sama%spVhO%the same desire. )s she always lo#es her small children, so a chaste woman always lo#es her dear hus$and, whether he $e young or old. e:t 63 sute stanan%dhaye sneho mOtVQOP cOti%Mo$hite pati%snehasya sOdh#NnOP kalOP nOrhanti WoRaMNm sute%for the childD stanan%dhaye%drinking at the $reastD snehaT%lo#eD mOtVQOm%of the mothersD ca%andD ati%Mo$hite%#ery $eautifulD pati%snehasya%of lo#e of the hus$andD sOdh#NnOm%of chaste womenD kalOm%a partD na%notD arhanti%are worthyD WoRaMNm% si:teenth. he lo#e a mother $ears for her $eautiful infant child is not eBual to one si:teenth of the lo#e a chaste wife $ears for her hus$and. e:t 64 stanandhe stana%dOnaP taP miWXOnne $hojanO#adhi kOnte cittaP satNnOP ca s#apne jZOne ca santatam stanandhe%to the infantD stana%dOnam%gi#ing the $reastD tam%to himD miWXOnne% delicious foodD $hojanO#adhi%to eatingD kOnte%to the dear hus$andD cittam%the heartD satNnOm%of chaste womenD ca%andD s#apne%in dreamD jZOne%in wakefulnessD ca%andD santatam%always. ) mother thinks of her infant when she gi#es him her $reast or when she feeds him nice foods, $ut a chaste wife thinks of h e:t 66

duTkhOrto $andhu%#icchedaT putrOQOP ca tato EdhikaT su%dOruQOT s#OminaM ca duTkhaP nOtaTe paraP striyaT duTkhOrtaT%distressedD $andhu%#icchedaT%$y separation from friendD putrOQOm%of childrenD ca%andD tataT%than thatD adhikaT%moreD su%dOruQOT%#ery terri$leD s#OminaT% from a hus$andD ca%andD duTkham%sufferingD na%notD ataT%than thatD param%moreD striyaT%of a wife. "hen separated from her relati#es, a woman suffers greatly. "hNn separated fro her children, she suffers more. "hen seepnat d from her hus$and, she suffers #ery territly. @o a woman no suffering is worse than that. e:t 67 a#idagdhO yathO dagdhO j#alad%agnau #iWOdane tathO #idagdhO dagdhO syOd #idagdha%#irahOnale a#idagdhO%a womanD yathO%asD dagdhO%$urnedD j#alad%agnau%in a $laGing fireD #iWOdane%in poisonD tathO%soD #idagdhO%a wise womanD dagdhO%$irnedD syOt%isD #idagdha%#irahOnale%in separation from her hus$and. ) wise woman $urns in separation from her hus$and, as is she were in a $laGing fire or a flood of poison. e:t 79 nOnne tVWQO jale tVWQO sOdh#NnOP s#OminO #inO #irahOgnau mano dagdhaP #ahnau MuWka%tVQaP yathO na%notD anne%for foodD tVWQO%hunderD jale%for waterD tVWQO%thirstD sOdh#NnOm%of chaste womenD s#OmIoO%hu$sandD #inO%withoutD #irahOgnau%in the fire of separationD manaT%the mindD dagdham%$urnedD #ahnau%in fireD MuWka%tVQam%dry grassD yathO%as. Separated from her hus$and, a chaste wife has no appetite for food or drink. ;er

mind and heart are like a $undle of straw thrust into the flames of separation. _ e:t 7, na hi kOntOt paro $andhur na hi kOntOt paraT priyaT na hi8kOntOt paro de#o na hi,kOntOt paro guruT na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hus$andD paraT%$etterD $andhuT%friendD na%notD hi%indeedD kOnt t%than the hus$andD paraT%$etterD priyaT%$elo#edD na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hus$andD paraT%$etterD de#aT%o$ject of worshipD na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hu$sandD paraT%$etterD guruT%guru. No one is a $etter friend than her hus$and. No one is more dear than her hus$and. No one is more like a god than her hus$and. No one is more of a teacher and master than her hus$and. e:t 7. na hi kOntOt paro dharmo na hi kOntOt paraP dhanaP na hi kOntOt parOT prOQaT na hi kOntOt parOT striyaT na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%that her hus$andD pariT%$etterD dharmaT%religionD na%notD ai%indeedD kOnnOt%than the hus$andD param%&etterD dhanaP %charityD na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hus$andD parOT%$etterD prOQaT%lifeD na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hus$andD parOT%$etterD striyaT%of the wife. No pious deeds are more important than her hus$and. Fi#ing charity is not more important than her hus$and. ;er own life $reath is not more important than her hus$and. @or a chaste wife nothing is more important than her hus$and. e:t d0 nimagnaP kVWQa%pOdO$je #aiWQa#OnOP yathO manaT yathaika%putre mOtuM ca yathO strNWu ca kOminOm nimagnam%plungedD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD pOdO$je%in the lotus feetD #aiWQa#OnOm%of

the de#oteesD yathO%asD manaT%the mindD yathO%soD eka%oneD putre%to the childD mOtuT% of the motherD ca%ansD yathO%asD strNWu%for womenD ca%andD kOminOm%of de$auchees. _of her only son, as a rake plunges his mind in the thought of women, . . . e:t 71 dhaneWu kVpaQOnOP ca cira%kOlOrjiteWu ca yathO $hayeWu $hNtOnOP MOstreWu #iduWOP yathO dhaneWu%in wealthD kVpaQOnOm%of misersD ca%andD cira%kOlOrjiteWu%earned after a long timeD ca%andD yathO%asD $hayeWu%in fearsD $hNtOnOm%of the frightenedD MOstreWu%in the scripturesD #iduWOm%of the learnedD yathO%as. . . . as misers plunge their mi ds in the thought of their long%accumulated wealth, as frightened persons plunge their minds in the thought of their fears, as scholars plunge their minds in the thought of the holy scriptures, . . . e:t 72 stanandhOnOP yathOm$Osu MilpeWu MilpinOP yathO yathO jOre puPMcalNnOP sOdh#NnOP ca tathO priye stanandhOnOm%of infantsD yathO%asD am$Osu%for mothersD MilpeWu%in craftsD MilpinOm% of craftsmenD yathO%asD yathO%asD jOre%for paramourD puPMcalNnOm%of prostitutesD sOdh#NnOm%of chaste wom,enD ca%andD tathO%soD priye%for their dear hus$and. . . . as infants plunge their minds in the thought of their mothers, as craftsmen plunge their minds in the thought of the crafts, and as wanton women plunge their minds in the thought of their lo#ers, so chaste wi#es plunge their minds in the thought of their $elo#ed hus$ands. e:t 73 maraQaP jN#anaP tOsOP jN#anaP maraQOdhikam

sad%$hartV%rahitOnOP ca Mokena hata%cetOsOm maraQam%deathD jN#anam%lifeD tOsOm%of themD jN#anam%lifeD maraQOdhikam%worse than eeathD sad%$hartV%saintly hus$andD rahitOnOm%withoutD ca%andD Mokena%with griefD hata%destroyedD cetOsOm%hearts and minds. r her death is $etter than life. e:t 74 MokaP nimagnam anNeWOP kOlena pOna%$hojanOt #iparNtaT kOntm%MNko #armhate $hakWaQOd aho eokaregpiefD nimagnam%plungedD anyeWOm%ofyothersD kOlena%$y timeD pOna% $hojanOt%from eating and drinkingD #iparNtaT%oppositeD kOnta%of the $elo#ey hus$andD MokaT%griefD #ardhate%increasesD $hakWaQOt%from eatingD ahaT%<h. >ating and drinking, in the course of time a person plunged into grief is pacified. ) woman grie#ing for her hus$and finds the opposite. )s she eats her grief grows. e:t 76 karma%cchOyO%satNnOP ca saYginNnOP satN #arO itare $hoga%dehOnte sOdh#N janmani janmani karma%workD chOyO%shadowD satNnOm%and a chaste wifeD ca%amdD saYginNnOm%of the companionsD satN%a chaste wifeD #arO%the $estD itare%the othersD $hoga%dehOnte%after the $ody is endedD sOdh#i%the chastehwrs D janmani%$irthD janmani%after $ir h. ) manEs work, shadow, and chaste wife are his constant companions, $ut of the three, the chaste wife is the $est. ) manEs work and fhadow end when he lea#esshis $ody, $at a chaste wife follows him $irth after $irth. e:t 77 karoWi cej jagad%dhOtar

imaP muktaP mayO #inO t#OP Mapt#OhaP t#ari #i$ho paMya dOsyOmi strN%#adham karoWi%you doD cej%ifD jagad%dhOtaT%< creator of the uni#erseD imam%thisD muktam% li$erationD mayO%meD #inO%withoutD t#Om%wouD Mapt#O%ha#ing cursedD aham%ID t#ayi%in youD #i$haT%< lordD paMya%lookD dOsyOmi%I gi#eD strN%#adham%the death of a woman. < 8rahmO, < creator of the uni#erse, if you gi#e li$eration to him and not to me also, then I will murse you. will accuse e:t ,99 Mrut#O kalO#atN%#OkyaP u#Oca #ismito #idhiT hitaP pNyUWa%sOdVMaP $haya%sam#igna%mOnasaT Mrut#O%hearingD kalO#atN%#Okyam%/alO#atNEs wordsD u#Oca%spokeD #ismitaT%surprisedD #idhiT%8rahmOD hitam%auspiciousD pNyUWa%sOdVMam%like nectarD $haya%sam#igna% mOnasaT%frightened at heart. 8oth frightened and surprised to hear /alO#atNEs words, 8rahmO spoke to her auspicious words sweet like nectar. e:t ,9, MrN%$rahmo#Oca #atse muktiP na dOsyOmi s#Omine te t#ayO #in muktaP kartuP t#ayO sOrdhaP sOmprataP nOham NM#araT MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD #atse%< childD muktim%li$erationD na%notD dOsyOmi%I will gi#eD s#Omine%to your hus$andD te%youD t#ayO%withoutD #inO%youD muktam%li$eratedD kartum%to doD t#ayO%youD sOrdham%withD sOmpratam%nowD na%notD aham%ID NM#araT%am a$le. SrN 8rahmO saidJ Child, I will not gi#e li$eration to your hus$and sithout gi#ing it also to you. ;owe#er, at this timedI do not ha#e the power tf gi#e li$eration to $oth

him and you. e:t ,9.r mOtar muktir #inO $hogOd durla$hL sam#a%sammatO nir#OQatOP samOpnoti $hogN $hoga%nikVntane mOtaT%< motherD muktiT%li$erationD #inO%withoutD $hogOt%e:perienceD durla$hO% difficult to attainD sar#a%sammatO%considered $y allD nir#OQatOm%li$erationD samOpnoti% attainsD $hogN%e:periencedD $hoga%nikVnthne%in the end of e:perience. < mother, a(l saintly persons agreeuthat one ca not attain li$eration until all his past (arma is used up. e:t ,90 _rati #arWaP s#arga%$hogaP kuruW#a s#OminO saha tatas tu yU#ayor janma $hOrate $ha#itO sati kati%for someD #arWam%yearsD s#arga%$hogam%enjoying in S#argalokaD kureW#a%doD sgOminO%hus$andD saha%withD tataT%thenD tu%inreedD yU#ayoT%of you $othD janma% $irthD $hOrate%on earthD $ha#itO%will $eD sati%< saintly one. u n< satntly one, enjoy with your hus$and fol some years in the world of S#argaloka. hen you will $oth take $irth on the earth. e:t ,91 yadO $ha#iWyati satN kanyO te rOdhikO s ayam jN#an%muktau tayO sOrdhaP $ golokaP ca gemiWyathaT yadO%whenD $ha#iWyati%will $eD satN%saintlyD kanyO%daughtero te%of youD rOdhikO% 5OdhOD s#ayam%;erselfD jN#an%muktau%li$erated in this lifeD tayO%;erD sOodham%withD golokam%to FolokaD ca%andD gamiWyathaT%you will go.

Saintly 5OdhO will $e your daughter. In that life you will $oth $ecome li$erated. )long with 5OdhO, you two will go to the world of Foloka. e:t ,92 kati kOlaP nVpa%MreWXha $huYkW#a $hogaP striyO saha sOdh#i #ai satt#a%yukte ca mO mOP MaptuP t#am arhasi kati kOlam%for some timeD nVpa%MreWXha%< $ets of kingsD $huYkW#a%enjoyD $hogam% enjoymentD striyO%wifeD saha%withD sOdh#i%saintly oneD #ai%indeedD satt#a%yukte%in the mode of goodnessD ca%andD mO%donEtD mOm%meD Maptum%to curseD t#am%youD arhasi%are worthy. < $est of kings, please enjoy for some time with your wife. < saintly woman in the mode of goodness, there is no need for you to curse me. e:t ,93 jN#an%muktOTe samOT santaT kVWQa%pOdO$ja%mOnasOT #OZchanti hari%dOsyaP ca durla$haP ca na nir#Vtim _ jN#an%muktOT%li$erated in this lifeD samOT%eBuiposiedD santaT%saintly de#oteesD kVWQa%pOdO$ja%mOnasOT%their heartr fi:ed on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD #OZchanti%desireD hari%dOsyam%ser#ice to Lord /VWQaD ca%andD durla$ham%rareD ca%andD na%notD nir#Vtim% li$eration. Saintly de#otees aue already li$erated e#en as they li#e in the material world. heir hearts placed at Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, they wish only to sur#e ;im. hey do noi uish for li$eration. e:t ,94 ity ukt#O tau #araP dat#O santasthau puratas tayoT yayatus tau taP praQamya jagOma s#OlayaP #idhiT

iti%thusD ukt#O%speakingD tau%to them $othD #aram%$oonD dat#O%gi#ingD santasthau% stoodD purataT%$eforeD tayoT%themD yayatuT%engagedD tau%themD tam%to himD praQamya%$owingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to ois own a$odeD #idhiT%8rahmO. )fter speaking these words, 8rahmO stood up. he king and his wife $owed down $efore him and left, and then 8rahmO returned to his own a$ode. e:t ,96 Ojagmatus tau kOlena $hukt#O $hogaP ca $hOrate padaP puQya%pradaP di#yaP n $rahmOdNnOP ca #OZchitam iOjagmatuT%cameD tau%theyD kOlena%in timeD $hukt#O%ha#ing enjoyedD $hogam% enjoymentD ca%andD $hOrate%to the earthD padam%the placeD puQya%pradam%sacredD di#yam%spiritualD $rahmOdNnOm%$eginning with Lord 8rahmOD ca%andD #OZchitam% desired. )fter enjoying for some years in S#argaloka, Sucandra and /alO#atN came to the earth. hey came to a #ery sacred and spiritual place, a place e#en 8rahmO and the demigods yearn to attain. e:t ,97 sucandro #VWa$hOnuM ca lalO$ha janma gokule patmO#atyOM ca jaXhare sUra$hOnoM ca tejasO _ sucandraT%SucandraD #VWa$hOnuT%VVWa$hOnuD ca%andD lalO$ha%attainedD janma% $irthD gokule%in Fokulah padmO#atyOT%of (admO#atND ca%andD jaXhare%in the wom$ sUra$hOnoT%of Sura$hOnuD ca%andD tejasO%$y the power. In the land of Fokula Sucandr< took $irth as VVWa$hOnu, in the wom$ of (admO#atN, $egotten $y SUra$hOnu. e:t ,,9 jOti%smaro harer aPMaT

Mukla%pakWe yathO MaMN #a#ardhOnudinaP tatra #raja%gehe #rajOdhipaT jOti%$irthD smaraT%remem$eringD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD aPMaT%a partial incarnationD Mukla%pakWe%on the $right fortnightD yathO%asD MaMN%the moonD #a#ardha%increasedD anudinam%day $y dayD tatra%thereD #raja%gehe%in the home of VrajaD #rajOdhipaT%the king of Vraja. ;e was a partial incarnation of Lord /VWQa. ;e remem$ered his pre#ious $irth. )s the wa:itarmoon grows, e#ery day he grew. ;e $ecame one of the kings of Vraja. e:t ,,, sar#ajZaM ca mahO%yogN hari%pOdO$ja%mOnasaT nanda%$andhur #adOnyaM ca rUpa#On guQa#On sudhNT sar#ajZaT%all%knowingD ca%andD mahO%yogN%a great yogiD hari%pOdO$ja%mOnasaT%his heart fi:ed on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD nanda%of /ing NandaD $andhuT%a friendD #adOnyaT%generousD ca%andD rUpa#On%handsomeD guQa#On%#irtuousD sudhNT%intelligent. ;is was intelligent, all%knowing, a great yogN, handsome, generous, #irtuous, and a friend of /ing Nanda. ;is heart and mind were placed at Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t ,,. kalOhatN kOnyaku$je $a$hU#OyoQi%sam$ha#O jOti%smarO mahO%sOdh#N sundarN kamalO%kalO kalO#atN%/alO#atND kOnyaku$je%in the country of /Onyaku$jaD $a$hU#a%wasD ayoQi% without entering a motherEs wom$D sam$ha#O%$ of Foddess LakWmN. "ithout entering a motherEs wom$, /alO#atN was $orn in the country of /Onyaku$ja. Saintly, $eautiful, and remem$ering her pre#ious $irth, she was a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmN. e:t ,,0

kOnyaku$je nVpa%MreWXho $hanandana urukramaT sa taP samprOpa yogOnte yajZa%kuQRa%samutthitam kOn;aku$je%in kanyakunjaD nVpa%MreWXhaT%the great kingD $hanandana%8hanandanaD urukramaT%powerfulD sa%heD tam%herD samprOpa%attainingD yogOnte%at the end of yogaD yajZa%kuQRa%samutthitam%risen from the yaona%kuQRa. )t the end of a yajZa, powerful /ingf8hanandana found her in the yajZa%kuQia. e:ts ,,1 and ,,2 nagnON hasantNP rUpORhyOP stanandhOm i#a $OlikOm tehasO praj#alantNP ca pratapta%kOZcana%pra$hOm kVt#O #akWasi rOjendraT s#a%kOntOyai dadau mudO mOlO#atN stanaP datt#O tOP pupoWa praharWitO nagnOm%nakedD hasantNm%smilingD rUpORhyOm%#ery $eautifulD stanandhOm%infantD i#a%like $OlikOmmgirlD tejasO%with splendorD praj#alantNm%shiningD ca%andD pratapta% kO].sy .1,^cana%pra$hOm%the color of molten goldD kVt#C%doingD #akWani%to ris chestD rOjendraT%the great kingD s#a%kOntOyai%to his wifeD dadau%ga#eD mudO%happilyD mOlO#atN%mOlO#atNn stanam%$reastD datt#O%gi#ingD tOm%herD pupoWa%nourishedD praharWitO%happy. ;olding to his chest the smiling, $eautiful, naked infant girl splendid as molten gold, the great king happily ga#e her to his wife, -OlO#atN, who happily nursed the infant at herd reast. e:t ,,3 tad%anna%prOMana%dine satOP madhye Mu$ha%kWaQe _nOma%rakWaQa%kOle ca

#Og $a$hU#OMarNriQN kalO#atNti krnyOyO nOma rakWa nVpeti ca tad%anna%prOMana%dine%on the day ofothe anna%prasana ceremonyD satOm%of the saintly de#oteesD madhye%in Lhe midstD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an anspicious momentD nOma% rakWaQa%kOle%at the time of the name%gi#ing ceremonyD ca%andD #Ogta iceD $a$hU#a% wasD tMarNriQN%disem$odeedN kalO#atN%/alO#atND iti%thusD kanyOyO%of the childD nOma%the nameD rakWa%gi#eD nVpa%< kingD iti%thusD ca%and. )t the auspicious time of the childEs anna%prOMana and SOma%karaQa ceremonies, a disem$odied #oice declared to the assem$led saints, L< king, name this girl /alO#atN.L e:t ,,4 ity e#aP #acanaP Mrut#O tac cakOra mahN%patiT #ipr $hyo $hNkuuke$hyaM ca #andi$hyaM ca dhanaj dadtu iti%thusD e#am%thusD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tac%thatD cakOra%didD mahN% patiT%the great kingD #ipre$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD $hNkWuke$hyaT%to the sannrasist ca%andD #andi$hyaT%to the poetsD ca%andD dhanam%charityD dadau%ga#e. ;earing these words, the king ga#e her that name. hen hr ga#e charity to the $rOhmaQas, sannyOsNs, and poets. e:t ,,6 sar#e$hyo $hojayOm Osa cakOra su%mahotsa#am sO kOlena rUpa#atN yau#ana%sthO $a$hU a ha sar#e$hyaT%allD $hojayOm Osa%fedD cakOra%didD su%mahotsa#am%a greatdfesti#alD sO% sheD kOlena%in timeD rUpa#atN%$eautifulD yku#ana%sthO%youthfulD $a$hU#a%$ecameD haa indeed. hen he cele$rated a great festi#al and fed e#eryone sumptuously. In time his daughter grew to $ecome a #ery $eautiful young girl.

e:t ,,7 atN#a%sundarN ramyO muni%mOnasa%mohinN cOru%campaka%#arQa$hO _ Marac%candra%ni$hOnanO atN#a%#&ryD sundarN%$eautifulD ramyO%charmingD muni%mOnasa%mohinN%$ewildering the minds of the sagesD cOru%campaka%#arQa$hO%the $eautiful color of a campaka flowerD Marac%candra%ni$hOnanO%with a face like the autumn moon. Very $eautiful and charming, her comple)ion the $eautiful color of campaka flownrs and her face like the autumn moon, she could $ewilder the minds of th greatest sdges. e:t ,.9 Nead%dhasya%prasannOsyO praphulla%padma%locanO nitam$a%MroQi%$hOrOrtO stana%$hOra%natO satN NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyO%gently smiling happy fcaeD praphulla%padma%locanO% $losso ing lotus eyesD nitam$a%MroQi%$hOrOrtO%$road hipsD stana%$hOra%natO%full $reastsD satN%saintly. ;er face always had a hapVy smile, ;er eyes were $lossoming lotus flowers, her hips were $road, her $rea'ts were full, and she was saintly and #irwuous. e:t ,., di#ya%#astra%parNdhOnO ratnOlaYkOra%$hUuitO gacchantt rOja%mOrge ca gajendra%manda%gOminN di#na%splendidD #astra%garmentsD parNdhOnO%wearingD rato laYkOra%$hUWitO% decorated with jewel ornamentsD gacchantN%goingD rOja%mOrge%on the roayl roadD ca% andD gajendra%manda%gOminN%like a graceful elephant. "earing splendid garments and jewel ornaments, she walked on the royal road like

a graceful elephant. e:t ,.. dadarMa nandaT pathi taP gacchaPs tNrthaP mudOn#itaT jitendriyaM ca jZOnN ca mUrchOm Opa tathOpi ca dadarMa%sawD nandaT%NandaD pathi%on the roadD tam%herD gacchaPT%goingD tNrtham% on pilgrimageD mudOn#itaT%happyD jitendriyaT )s he was happily going on pilgrimage, /ing Nanda saw her on the road. >#en though he was wise and in control of his senses, he was struck $y her $eauty. e:t ,.0 trasto lokOn pathi gatOn tUrQaP papraccha sOdaram gacchantN kasya kanyeyaP iti ho#Oca taP janaT trastaT%awe%struckD lokOn%to the peopleD pathi%on the roadD gatOn%goneD tUrQam%at onceD papraccha%askedD sOdaram%respectfullyD gacchantN%goingD kasya%of whom*D kanyO%the daughterD iyam%thisD iti%thusD ha%indetdD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD janaT%a person. )wed, he respectfully asked the tra#eleps on the road, ].sy ,36^"hose daughter is she*L <ne person said to himJ e:t ,.1 -hanandanasya nVpateT kanyO nOmnO kalO#auN kamalO%kalayO dhanyO sam$hUtO nVpa%mandire $hanandanasya%of 8hanandanaD nVpateT%/ingD kanyO%the daughterD nOmnO%$y nameD kalO#atN%/alO#atND kamalO%kalayO%as an incarnation of Foddess LakWmND dhanyO% gloriousD sam$hUtO%$ecameD nVpa%mandire%in the royal palace.

LShe is the daughter of /ing 8hanandana and her name is /rlO#atN. She is an incarntion of Foddess LakWmN $orn in the royal palace. e:t ,.2 kautukena ca gacchantN krNROrthaP sakhi%mandiram #rajaP #raja #rOja%MreWXhety ukt#O loko jagOma ha kautukena%happilyD ca%andD gacchantN%goingD krNROrtham%for pastimesD sakhi% mandiram%to a friendEs houseD #rajam%to VrajaD #raja%goD #rOja%MreWXha%< kin gof VrajaD iti%thusD ukt#O%speakingD lokaT%the personD jagOma%wentD ha%indeed. _ LNow she is happily going to a friendEs house to play. < king of Vraja, now you may return to the land of Vraja.L )fter speaking these words, the person left. e:t ,.3 prahVWXa%mOnaso nando jagOma rOja%mandiram a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP #i#eMa nVpateT sa$hOm prahVWXa%mOnasaT%happy at heartD nandaT%NandaD jagOma%wentD rOja%mandiram%to the royal palaceD a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from his chariotD tUrQam%at onceD #i#eMa%enteredD nVpateT%of the kingD sa$hOm%the assem$ly. ;appy at heart, Nanda went to the kingEs palace. &escending from his chariot, he Buickly entered the royal assem$ly. e:t ,.4 utthOya rOjO samuhOWya s#arQa%siPhOsanaP dadau utthOya%risingD rOjO%the kingD sam$hOWya%greetingD s#arQa%siPhOsanam%golden throneD dadau%offered. he king at once rose, greeted Nanda, and offered him a seat on a golden throne.

e:t ,.6 iWXOlOpaP $ahu%#idhaP cakOra ca parasparam #inayO#anato nandaT sam$andhoktiP cakOra ha iWXOlOpam%con#eysationD $ahu%#idham%many kindsD cakOra%didD ca%andD parasparam% each otherD #inayO#anataT%respectfully $owedD nandaT%nandaD sam$anwha% relrtionshipD uktim%statementD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. hey talked a$out many things. @inally Nanda respectftlly spoke of a marriage. e:t ,.7 MrN%nanda u#Oca MVQu rOjan pra#akWyOmi #iMeWaP #acanaP Mu$ham sam$andhaP kuru kanyOyO _ #iMiWXena ca sOmpratam MrN%nanda u#Oca%SrN nanda saidD MVQu%please hearD rOjan%< kingD pra#akWyOmi%I will tellD #iMeWam%specificD #acanam%wordsD Mu$ham%auspiciousD sam$andham%relationshipD kuru%please doD kanyOyO%of the daughterD #iMiWXena%specificallyD ca%andD sOmpratam% now. SrN Nanda saidJ < king, please listen, and I will speak words that re #ery auspicious. hiu rs the time when you should gi#e your daughtrr away in marriage. e:t ,09 sura$hOnu%sudaT MrNmgn #VWa$hOnur #rajOdhipaT nOrOyaQOPMo guQa#Oe sundaraM ca su%paQRitaT sura$hOnu%of Sura$hanuD sutaT%the sonD MrNmOn%wea'thyD #VWa$hOnuTeVVWa$hOnuD #rajOdhipaT%a king of VrajaD nOrOyaQOPMaT%a partial incarnation of Lord NOrOyaQaD guQa#On%#irtuousD sundaraT%handsomeD ca%andD su%paQRitaT%#ery learned.

Sura$hOnuEsuson VVWa$hOnu is one of the kings of Vraja. ;e is wealthy, handsome, #irtuous, and #ery learned. ;e is a partial incarnation of Lord NOrOyaQa. e:t ,0, sthira%yau#ana%yuktaM ca yogN jOti%smaro yu#O kanyO te EyoQi%sam$hUtO yajZa%kuQRa%samud$ha#O sthira%yau#ana%yuktaT%eternally youthfulD ca%andD yogN%a yogiD jOti%smaraT% remem$ering his pre#ious $irthD yu#O%youthfulD kanyO%daughterD te%of youD ayoQi% sam$hUtO%$orn without entering a motherEs wom$D yajZa%kuQRa%samud$ha#O%$orn from the yajna%kunda. ;e is in the full $loom of youth. ;e is a yogN and he remem$ers his pre#ious $irth. =our daughter was $orn without entering a motherEs wom$. She appeared in the yajZa%kuQRa. e:t ,0. trailokya%mohinN MOntO kamalOPMa kalO#atN sa ca yogyas t#ad%duhitus tad%yogyO te ca kanyakO #idagdhayO #idagdhena _ sam$andho guQa#On nVpa trailokya%mohinN%charming the three worldsD MOntO%peacefulD kamalOPMa%a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmND kalO#atN%/alO#anND saT%heD ca%andD yogyaT%suita$leD t#ad%duhituT%for your daugpterD tad%yogye%she is suita$le for himDute%of youD ca%andD kanyakO%the daughterD #idagdhayO%with the highly Bualified girlD #idagdhena%with the highly Bualified $oyD sam$andhaT%relationshipD guQa#On%#irtuousD nVpa%< king. /alO#atN is a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmN. She is #ery peaceful and so $eautiful that she enchants the three worlds. VVWa$hOnu is a suita$le match for your daughter, /alO#atN, and she is a suita$le match for him. < king, such a marriage $etween a #ery Bualified $oy and a #ery Bualified girl is auspicious. e:t ,00

ity e#am ukt#O nandas tu #irarOma ca saPsadi u#Oca taP nVpa%MreWXho #inayO#anato mune iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD nanraT%NandaD tu%indeedD #irarOma%stoppedD ca%andD saPsadi%in the assem$lyD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD nVea%of kingsD MreWXhaT%the $estD #inayO#anataT%hum$leD mune%< sage. < sage, after speaking these words in the assem$ly, Nanda $ecame silent. hen /ing 8hanandana hum$ly spoke to him. e:t ,01 MrN%$hanandana u#Oca sam$andho hi #idhi%#eMo na me sOdhyo #rajOdhipa prajOpatir yoga%kartO janma%dOtOham e#a ca MrN%$hanandana u#Oca%SrN 8hanandana saidD sam$andhaT%relationshipD hi%indeedD #idhi%#eMaT%ordained $y fateD na%notD me%of meD sOdhyaT%attaina$leD #rajOdhipa%< king of VrajaD prajOpatiT%8rahmOD yoga%kartO%the doer of unionsD janma%dOtO%the doer of $itthD aham%ID e#a%indeedD ca%and. SrN 8hanandana saidJ < king of Vraja, marriages are arranged $y fate. It is the demigod 8rahmO that $y fate unites a man and wife. I cannot do that. I am only a father. _ e:t ,02 kO kasya patnN kanyO #O #araT ko #Otma%sOdhanaT dharmOnurUpa%phaladaT sar#eWOP kOraQaP #idhiT kO%who*D kasya%of whom*D patnN%wifeD kanyO%daughterD #O%orD #araT%hus$andD kaT% what*D #O%orD Otma%sOdhanaT%marriageD dharma%religionD anurUpa%followingD phala% resultsDhdaT%gi#ingD sar#eWOm%of allD kOraQam%the causeD #idhiT%fate.

"ho is a wife* "ho is a daughter* "ho is a hus$and* "ho is a father* ;ow is a marriage arranged* )ll these come from oneEs pre#ious pious deeds, from karma. hese things are $rought $y fate. e:t ,03 $ha#ita#yaP kVtaP karma tad amoghaP Mrutau Mrutam anyathO niWphalaP sar#aP anNMasyodyamo yathO $ha#ita#yam%will $eD kVtam%doneD karma%karmaD tat%thatD amogham%infalli$leD Mrutau%in the VedasD Mrutam%heardD anyathO%otherwiseD niWphalam%uselessD sar#am%allD anNMasya%without the sanction of the Supreme LordD udyamaT%an effortD yathO%as. "hat will $e is ordained $y past karma. It cannot $e chanVed. If one tries to change it he will fail, as a person fails when he tries to resist the will of the Supreme Lord. e:t ,04 #VWa$hOnu%priyO dhOtrO likhitO cet sutO mama purO $hUtai#a ko #OhaP kenOnyena #idhOryate #VWa$hOnu%priyO%the wife of VVWa$hOnuD dhOtrO%$y fateD likhitO%is writtenD cet%ifD sutO%daughterD mama%myD purO%$eforeD $hUtO%wasD e#a%indeedD kaT%who*D #O%orD aham% ID kena%$y what*D anyena%otherD #idhOryate%is arranged. If fate has already written that my daudhter wkll $e VVWa$hOnuEs wife, then who am I to stop fate* "hat other person can stop fate* _ e:t ,06 ity e#am ukt#O rOjendro #inayOnata%kandharaT miWXOnnaP $hojayOm Osa sOdarnQa ca nOrada iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD ukt#O%speakingDarOjendraT%the great kingD #in yOnata%

kandharaT%hum$ly $owing his headD miWXOnnam%candyD $hojayOm Osa%ga#e to eatD sOdareQa%with respectD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, after speaking these words, the great king hum$ly $owed his head and respectfully offered some candy to /ing Nanda. e:t ,07 nVpOnujZOm upOdOya #raja%MreWXho #rajaP gataT gat#O sO kathayOm Osa sura$hOnoM ca saPsadi nVpOnujZOm%the kingEs commandD upOdOya%takingD #raja%MreWXhaT%the king of Vrajah #rajam%to VrajaD gataT%we tD gat#O%goingD saT%heD kathayOm Osa%spokeD sura$hanoT%of Sura$hOnuD ca%andD saPsadi%in the assem$ly. 5esepctfully accepting the kingEs command, Nanda returned to Vraja, entered /ing Sura$hOnuEs assem$ly, and related what had occurred. e:t y19 sura$hOnuM ca yatnena nandena ca sa%sOdaram sam$andhaP yojayOm Osa garga%d#OrO ca sa%t#aram sura$hOnuT%Sura$hOnuD ca%andD yatnena%carefullyD nand naS$y NandaD ca%andD sa% sOdaram%respectfullyD sam$andham%relationshipD yojayOm Osa%arrangedD garga%d#OrO% $y Farga -uniD ca%andD sa%t#aram%Buickly. Intently and res ectfully heaeing NandaEs words, /ing Sura$hOnu had Farga -uni arrange the marriVge at once. e:t ,1, #i#Oha%kOle rOjendro #ipulaP yautakaP dadau gaja%ratnam aM#a%ratnaP _ ratnOdi%maQi%$hUWitam

#i#Oha%kOle%at the time of the marriageD rOjendraT%the great kingD #ipulam%greatD yautakam%dowryD dadau%ga#eD gaja%ratnam%elephants and jewelsD aM#a%ratnam%horses and chariotsD ratnOdi%maQi%$hUWitam%many jewel ornaments. )t the time of the marriage, /ing 8hanandana ga#e a #ery opulent dowry of many jewel elephants, jewel horses, and jewel ornaments. e:t ,1. #VWa$hOnur mudO yuktaT prOpya tOP ca kalO#atNm reme su%nirjane ramye $u$udhe na di#O%niMam #VWa$hOnuT%VVWa$hOnuD mudO%with happinessD yuktaT%endowedD prOpya%attainingD tOm%herD ca%andD kalO#atNm%/alO#atND reme%enjoyedD su%nirjane%in a secluded placeD ramye%$eautifulD $u$udhe%knewD na%notD di#O%niMam%day or night. -eeting /alO#atN again, VVWa$hOnu $ecame #ery happy. ;e enjoyed with her in a $eautiful secluded place. @illed with happiness, he did not know whether it was day or night. e:t ,10 cakWur%nimeWa%#irahOd OkulO s#OminO #inO #yOkulo #VWa$hOnuM ca kWaQena ca tayO #inO cakWur%nimeWa%#irahOt%from the separation of an eye$linkD OkulO%distressedD s#OminO%hus$andD #inO%withoutD #yOkulaT%distressedD #VWa$hOnuT%VVWa$hOnuD ca%andD kWaQena%$y a momentD ca%andD tayO%of youD #inO%without. )n eye$linkEs separation from her hus$and filled /alO#atN with anguish, and a momentEs separati n from his wife filled VVWa$hOnu with anguish. e:t ,11 jOti%smarO ca sO kanye mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQN

jOti%smaro harer aPMo #VWa$hOnur mudOn#itaT gD jOti%smaraT%remem$ering his pre#ious $irthD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD aPMaT%a partial incarnatrionD #VWa$rOnuT%VVWa$hOnuD mudOn#itaT%happy. /alO#atN, who remem$ered her pre#ious ,irth, pretended to $e a human (eing. Cheerful VVWa$hOnu, who also remem$ered his pre#irus $irth, was a partiel incarnation of Lord /VWQa. e:t ,12 #a#ardha ca tayoT prema nityaP nityaP na#aP na#am sadO sa%kOma sO prauRhO sO ca kOma%samo yu#O #a#ardha%increased ca%andD tayoT%ef themD prema%the lo#eD nityam%alwaysD nityam% alwaesD na#am%newerD na#am%and newerD sddO%alwaysD sa%kOmO%passionateD sO%sheD prauRhO%de#elopedD sa%heD ca%andD kOma%samaTSeBlal passionD yu#O%youthful. &ayVafter day their lo#e grew more and more. heir lo#e was new and uresh at e#ery moment. =outhful /alO#atN passionately lo#ed her hus$and. =outhful VVWa$hOnu lo#ed his wife with an eBual passion. e:t ,13 tayoT kanyO ca kOlena rOdhikO sOt$a$hU#a ha dai#Ot MrNdOma%MOpena MrN%kVWQasyOjZayO satN tayoT%of themD kanyO%a daughterD ca%andD kOlena%in timeD rOdhikO%5OdhOD sO%SheD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD dai#Ot%$y destinyD MrNdOma%of SrNdOmOD MOpena%$y the curseD MrN%kVWQasya%of SrN /VWQaD OjZayO%$y the orderD satN%saintly. In time they had a daughter, snintly SrN 5OdhO, who came $ecause of SrNdOmOEs curse and Lord /VWQaEs order. e:t ,14

ayoQi%sam$ha#O sO ca kVWQa%pr hOdhikO atN yasya darMana%mOtreQa d tau tu muktau $a$hU#atuT ayoQi%sam$ha#O%$orn without entering a motherEs wom$D sO%SheD ca%andD kVWQa% prOQOdhikO%who thought Lord /VWQa more dear tha$ecame. Saintly 5OdhO, who did not enter a motherEs wom$, was /VWQaEs $elo#ed, She more dear than life for ;im and ;e more dear than life for ;er. Simply $y seeing ;er, VVWa$hOnu and /alO#atN $ecame li$erated. e:t ,16 itihOsoM ca kathiyaT prakVtaP MVQu sOmpratam pOpendhanOnOP dOhe ca j#alad%agni%Mikhopamam itihOsaT%the historyD caoandD kathitaT%toldD prakVtam%naturalD MVQu%please hearD sOmpratam%nowD pOpa%of sinsD indhanOnOm%the firewoodD dOhe%in the eireD ca%andD j#alad%agni%Mikhopamam%like $laGing flames. hus I ha#e told ;er story. Now please hear a story that turns sins into wood fueling a $laGing fire. e:t ,17 #VWa$hOn#%OMramaP kVt#O MilpinOP pra#aro mudO sthOnOntaraP #iM#akur)O jagOma s#a%gaQaiT saha #VWa$hOn#%OMramam%the home of /ing VVWa$hOnuD kVt#O%makingD MilpinOm%of craftsmenD pra#araT%th1e $estD mudO%happilyD sthOnOntaram%another homeD #iM#akarmO%ViM#akarmOD jagOma%wentD s#a%gaQaiT%his associatesD saha%with. )fte( $uilding /ing VVWa$hOnuEs palace, ViM#akarm , the $est of architects, went with his workers to another place.

e:ts ,29%,2. kroMa%mOtraP sthalaP cOru manasOlocya tatt#a%#it OMramaP kartum Ore$he nandasya su%mahOtmanaT kVt#OnumOnaP $uddhyO ca sar#ato Epi #ilakWaQam parikhO$hir ga$hNrO$hiM catur$hiT samyutaP #aram durlaYghyO$hir #airi$hiM ca khaciaO$hiM ca prastaraiT puWpodyOnaiT puWpitO$hiT _ para#areWu puWpitaiT kroMa%mOtram%two milesD sthalam%placeD cOru%$eautifulD manasO%with his mindD Olocya%seeingD tatt#a%#it%wiseD OMramam%homeD kartum%to $uildD Ore$he%$eganD nandasya%of NandaD su%mahOtmanaT%the no$le heartD kVt#O%doingD anumOnam% measurmentD $uddhyO%with intelligenceD ca%andD sar#ataT%than allD api%e#enD #ilakWaQam%$etterD parikhO$hiT%with moatsD ga$hNrO$hiT%deepD catur$hiT%fourD samyutam%endowedD #aram%$eautifulD durlaYg CO$hiT%impassa$leD #airi$hiT%$y enemeiesD ca%andD khacitO$hiT%studdedD ca%andD prastaraia%with jewelsD puWpodyOnaiT% with frower gardensD puWpitO$hiT%$lossomingD para#areWu%$estD puWpitaiT%with flowers. )fter planning it en his mind, wise ViM#akarmO proceeded to $uild no$le%hearted /ing NandaEs $eautiful two%mile palace, which was more $eautiful than all the others, which was ringed $y four deep jewel%studded moats enemies could ne#er cross, which had many flower gardens filled with $eautiful $lossoming flowers, . . . e:t ,20 cOru%campaka%#VkWaiM ca puWpitaiT su%manoharaiT parito #asitO$hiM ca sugandhi%#OyunO saha cOru%campaka%#VkWaiT%with $eautiful campaka treesD ca%andD puWpitaiT%$lossomingD su%manoharaiT%#ery $eautifulD paritaT%e#erywhereD #asitO$hiT%scentedD ca%andD sugandhi%#OyunO%fragrant greeGeD saha%with.

. . . which had many gro#es of $eautiful flowering campaka trees, which was filled with scented $reeGes, . . . e:ts ,21 and ,22 Omrair gu#OkaiT panasaiT kharjurair nOrikelakaiT dORim$aiT MrNphalair $hVYgair jam$Nrair nOgaraYgakaiT tuYgair Omratakair jOm$u% samUhaiM ca phalOn#itaiT kadalNnOP ketakNnOP kadam$OnOP kadam$akaiT aiT%sriphalaD $hVYgaiT%$eeGD jam$NraiT%jam$iraD nOgaraYgakaiT%nagarangakaD tuYgaiT% yungaD OmratakaiT%amratakaD jOm$u%jam$uD samUhaiT%manyD ca%andD phalOn#itaiT% with fruitsD kadalNnOm%kadaliD ketakNnOm%ketakiD kadam$OnOm%kadam$aD kadam$akaiT%with many. . . . which was fill d with many fruit%$earing mango, gu#Oka, panasa, kharjura, coconut, pomegranate, MrNphala, $hVYga, jam$Nra, nOgaraYgaka, tuYga, Omrataka, jam$U, kadalN, ketakN, and kadam$a trees, . . . e:t ,23 sar#ataT Mo$hitO$hiM ca phalaiM ca puWpitair aho krNROrhO$hir nigURhO$hir #mZchitO$hiM ca sar#adO esar#ataT%(#erywhereD Mo$hitO$hiT%$eautifulD ca%andD phalaiT%with fruitsD ca%andD puWpitaiT%with flowersD ahaT%<h\D krNROrhO$hiT%suita$le for pastimesD nigURhO$hiT% secludedD #OZchitO$hiT%desiredD ca%andD sar#adO%in all respects. . . . and which had many $eautiful and delightful secluded pastime%places filled with fruits and flowers. e:ts ,24 and ,26

paiikhOnOP rahaT%sthOne cakOra mOrgam uttamam durgamaP para%#argOnOP s#OnOP ca sugamaP sadO saYketena maQi%stam$hais chOditaiT s#alpa%pOthasO stham$ha%sNmOkVta%maho na saYkNrQaP na #istVtam LarikhOnOm%of thr moatsD rahaT%sthOne%in a sekret placeD cakOra%didD mOrgam%a pathD uttamam%supremelyD durgamam%impassa$leD para%#argOnOm% or enemiesD s#OnOm%for the residentsD ca%andD sugamam%easily passa$leD sadO%alwaysD saYketena% secreaD maQi%stam$haiT%with a jewel pillamD cgOditaiT%hiddenD s#alpa%pOthasO%$y small waterD stham$ha%sNm`akVta%mahaT%the colutnD na%notD saYkNrQam%largeD na notD #istVtam%e:tensi#e. hen ViM#aka.m`a $uilt a secret path across the moats, a pathkeasy for the palace residents $ut impassa$le for outsiders, a path that was a narrow ank discreet slightly su$merged $ridge made of jewels. _ e:t ,27 parikhopari%$h`age Sa a pr`ak`araP su%manoharam dhanu%Mata%pram`aQaP ca cak`ar`ati%samucchritam parikhopari%$h`age%a$o#e the moatsD ia%andD pr`ak`aram%a wallD su%manoharam% #ery $eautifulD dhanu%Mata%a hundred dhanusD pram`aQam%in measurementD ca%andD cak`ara%$uiltD ati%samucchritam%#ery tall. )fter each moat he $uilt a $eautiful wall a hundred dhanus high. e:t ,39 prastarasya pram`aQaP ca paZca%#iPMati%hastakam sindUr`ak`ara%maQi$hir nirm`aQam ati%sundaram

prastarasya%of the e:panseD pram`aQam%the measurementD ca%andD paZca%#iPMati% hastakam%twenty fi#e hastasD sindUr`ak`ara%maQi$hiT%with Nu$iesD nirm`aQam%madeD ati%sundaram%#er $eautiful. n >ach wall was twenty%fi#e hastas thick, #ery $eautiful, and made of ru$ies. e:t ,3, $`ahye d#`a$hy`aP ca samyuktaP antare sapta$his tath`a w#`ar$hiM ua sanniruddh`a$hir maQi%s`ara%kap`aXakaiT $`ahye%outsideD d#`a$hy`am%with twoD ca%andD samyuktam%endowedD antare%insideD sapta$hiT%with se#enD tath`a%soD d#`ar$hiT%with doorsD ca%andD sanniruedh`a$hiT% stoppedD maQi%s`ara%kap`aXakaiT%with jewel doors. <utside the walls were two gates and inside were se#en gates with jewel doors. e:t ,3. catur%#iPMac%catup%M`alaP padmar`agaiM cak`ara ha gandhS%s`ara%#ik`araiM ca sthUnik`a%nikartir #araiu andalwoodD ea%andD sthUnikO%nitaraie%with many pillarsD #araiT%e:cellent. hen he $uilt twenty%four palaces with ru$ies and sandalwood pillars, . . . e:t ,30 kuYkumOkOra%maQi$hir Oroha)nikarair yutam harinmaQNnOP kalasais citra%yuktair #irOjitam kuYkumOkOra%maQi$hiT%with jewels the color of kunkumaD Oroha%nikaraiT%with many stairwaysD yutam%endowedD harinmaQNnOm%of sapphiresD kalasaiT%with domesD

citra%yuktaiT%with colroful designs and picturesD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . and with many stairways $uilt of jewels the color of kuYkuma, palaces splendid with many wonderful sapphire domes decorated with pictures and designs, . . . e:t ,31 maQi%sOra%#ikOraiM ca kapOXaiM ca su%Mo$hitam s#arQa%sOra%#ikOraiM ca kalasojj#al %Mekharam maQi%sOra%#ikOraiT%made of the $est jewelsD ca%andD kapOXaiT%with doorsD ca%andD su%Mo$hitam%#ery $eautifulD s#arQa%sOra%#ikOraiT%with goldD ca%andD kalasojj#ala% Mekharam%with splendid domes. . . . and $eautiful with jewel doors and splendid golden domes. e:t ,32 nandOlayaP #inirmOya $a$hrOma nagaraP punaT rOja%mOrgOn nOnO%#idhOn sa ca cOru cakOra ha nanda%NandaEsD alayam%a$odeD #inirmOya%$uildingD $a$hrOma%wanderedD nagaram% the townD punaT%againD rOja%mOrgOn%royal roadsD nOnO%#idhOn%many kindsD sa%heD ca% andD cOru%$eautifulD cakOra%madeD ha%indeed. )fter $uilding NandaEs a$ode, he went here and there, $uilding many kinds of $eauurhul royal roads, . . . e:t ,33 _ rakta%$hOnu%#ikOraiM ca #edi$hiM ca su%paXXanaiT pOrO#Ore ca parito ni$addhOPM ca manoharOn rakta%$hOnu%#ikOraiT%with ru$iesD ca%andD #edi$hiT%with courtyardsD ca%andD su% paXXanaiT%with clusters of $uildingsD pOrO#Ore%great and smallD ca%andD paritaT%

e#erywhereD ni$addhOn%$uiltD ca%andD manoharOn%$eautiful. . . . lined with many$$eautiful ru$y $uildings and courtyards, great and small, . , . e:t ,34 #OQijyOrhaiM ca #OQijaP parito maQi%maQRapaiT sar#ato dakWiQe #Ome j#alad$hiM ca #irOjitOn #OQijyOrhaiT%for commerceD ca%andD #OQijam%commerceD paritaT%e#erywhereD maQi% maQRapaiT%with jewel pa#wlionsD sar#ataT%e#erywhereDwdakWiQe%on the rightD #Ome%on the leftD j#alad$hiT%shinijgD ca%andD #irOjitOn%splendid. . . .yand splendid with jewel p #ilions of merchantsE shops on the left and right. e:t ,36 tato #VndO#anaP gat#O nirmame rOsa%maQRalam sundaraP #artulOkOraP maQi%prOkOra%samyutam tataT%thenD #VndO#anam%to VVndO#anaD gat#O%goingD nirmame%$uiltD rOsa% maQRalam%the rasa%dance circleD sundaram%$eautifulD #artulOkOram%roundD maQi% prOkOra%samyutam%made of jewels. hen he went ot VVndO#ana forest and $uilt a $eautiful rOsa%dance circle of precious jewels, . . . e:t ,37 parito yojanOyOmaP maQi%#edi$hir an#itam maQi%sOra%#ikOraiM ca maQRapair na#a%koXi$hiT welsD ca%andD maQRapaiT%with pa#ilionsD na#a%koXi$hiT%ninety million.

. . . with eight miles of jewel courtyards, ninety million jewel pa#ilions, . . . e:t ,49 MVYgOrOrhaiM ca citrORhyai rati%talpa%saman#itaiT nOnO%jOti%prasUnOnOP #OyunO sura$hN%kVtaiT MVYgOrOrhaiT%for amorous pastimesD ca%andD citrORhyai%opulent with wonderful colorful pictures and designsD rati%talpa%saman#itaiT%with couches for amorous pastimesD nOnO%#arirusD jOti%kindsD prasUnOnOm%of flowersD #OyunO%with $reeGesD sura$hN%kVtaiT%scented. . . . wonderful, colorful, ela$orate couches for amorous pastimes, and $reeGes scented my many kinds of flowers, . . . e:t ,4, ratna%pradNpa%samirktaiT su#arQa%kalasojj#alaiT puWpodyOnaiT puWpitai ca saro$hiM ca su%So$hitam ratna%pradNpa%samyuktaiT%jewel lampsD su#arQa%kalasojj#alaiT%splenMid golden domesD puWpodyOnaiT%flow,r gardensD puWpitaiT%floweringD ca%andD saro$hiT%lakesD ca% andD su%Mo$hitam%$eautiful. . . . and splendid with jewel lamps, glittering golden domes, gardens of $lossomed flowers, and many lakes, ponds, and streams. e:t ,4. rOsa%sthOnaP #inirmOya jagOmO/ya%sthalaP punaT dVWX#O #VndO#anaP ramyaP parituWXo $a$hU#a ha rOsa%sthOnam%the rasa placeD #inirmOya%$uildingD jagOma%wentD anya%anotherD sthalam%placeD punaT%againD dVWX#O%seeingD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD ramyam% $eautifulD parituWXaT%happyD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed.

)fter $uilding the rOsa%dance arena, he went to another place. )s he gaGed at $eautiful VVndO#ana forest, he !ecame #ery happy. _ e:ts ,40 and ,41

#VndO#anO$hyantare ca sthOne sthOne su%nirjane kVt#O parimitaP $uddhyO mauasOlocya yatnataT #ilakWaQOni ramyOQi trayas%triPMad%#anOni cr rOdhO%mOdha#ayor e#a krNROrthaP ca #inirmame #VndO#anO$hyantare%in VVndO#ana ca%andD sthOne%in plSseD sthOne%after placeD su% nirjane%secludedD kVt#O%makingD parimitam%designedD $uddhyO%with intelligenceD manasO%with his mindD Olocya%seeingD yatnataT%carefullyD #ilakWaQOni%e:cellentD ramyOQi%$eautifulD trayas%triPMad%#anOni%00rforeatsD ca%andD rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT%of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaD e#a%indeedD krNROrtham%for the pastimesD ca%andD #inirmame%$uilt. u )yter carefully planning them in his miny, he $uilt in thersecoudwd places of VVndO#ana thirty%three #ery $eautiful forest gro#es for SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaEs pastimes. e:ts ,42 and ,43 tato madhu#anO$hyOse nirjane Eti%manohare #a a%mUla%samNpe ca sarasaT paMcime taXe campakodyOna%pUr#e ca ketakN%#ana%madhyataT punas tayoM ca krNROrthaP cakOra ratna%maQRapam tataT%thenD madhu#anO$hyOse%in -adhu#anaD nirjane%secludedD ati%manohare%#ery $eautifulD #aXa%mUla%samNpe%at the $ase of a $anyan treeD ca%andD sarasaT%of a lkaeD

paMcime%on rhe westernD taXe%shoreD campakodyOna%pUr#e%$efore a campaka gro#eD ca% andD ketakN%#ana%madhyataT%in the middle of a ketaki gro#eD punaT%againD tayoT%of hemD ca%andD krNROrtham%kor pastimesD cakOra%andD ratna%maQRapam%a jewel pa#ilion. hen, in a secluded and $eautiful part of -adhu#ana, on the wes ern shore of a lake, east of a campaka gro#e, and at the roots of a $anyan tree in the midst of a ketakN gSo#e, he happily $uilt a jewel palace for SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQaEs pastimes, . . . e:t ,44

_ s#arQa%mUlya%Mata%guQair durla$hair maQi$hir munO catur$hir #eyikO$hiM ca parNtam ati%sundaram s#arQa%goldD mUlya%priceD Mata%a hundred timesD guQaiT%multipliedD durla$haiT% rareD maQi$hiT%with jewelsD mudO%happilyD catur$hiT%with fourD #edikO$hiT% courtyardsD ca%andD parNtam%e#erywhereD ati%sundaram%#ery $eautiful. . . . a palace $eautiful with four courtyards made of jewels a hundred times more precious than gold, . . . e:t ,46 sad%ratna%sOra%racitai rOjitaP sthUnikO%MataiT amUlya%ratna%racitair nOnO%citreQa citritaiT kapOXair na#a$hir yuktaP na#a%d#Ore manohare sad%ratna%sOra%racitaiT%made with the $est of jewelsD rOjitam%splendidD sthUnikO% MataiT%with a hundred pillarsD amUlya%pricelessD ratnanracitaiT%made with jewelsD nOnO% citreQa%with many colorful pictures and designsD citritai %decoratedD kapOXaiT%with doorsD na#a$hiT%nineD yuktam%endowedD na#a%d#Ore%with nine gatesD manohare% $eautiful. . . . splendid with a hundred jewel columns and with nine wonderful jewel doors of colorful pictures and designs, . . .

e:t ,47 ratnendra%citra%kalasaiT kVtrimaiM ck tri%koXi$hiT paritaT purato $hittyOm Urdh#aP ca pariMo$hitam ratnendra%citra%katasaiT%with wonderful domes of the kings od jewelsD kVtrimaiT% craftedD ca%andD tri koXi$hiT%with thirty millionD paritaT%e#erywhereD purataT%$eforeD $h ttyOm%on the wallD Urdh#at%a$o#eD ca%andD pariMo$hitam%$eautiful. . . . $eautiful with thirty million colorful and artistic jewel domes rising a$o#e the enclosing wall, . . . e:t ,69 mahO%maQNndra%#ikVtair Orohair na#a$hir yutam _sad%ratna%sOra%racita% kalasojj#ala%Mekharam mahO%maQNndra%#ikVtaiT%made with great jewelsD OrohaiT%with staircasesD na#a$hiT%nineD yutam%endowedD sad%ratna%sOra%racita%kalasojj#ala%Mekharam%with splendid roofs and domes made of the $est of jewels. . . . with nine jewel stairways, and with many jewel roofs and domes, . . . e:t ,6, patOkO%toraQair yuktaP Mo$hitaP M#eta%cOmaraiT sar#ataT purato diptaP amUlya%ratna%darpaQaiT patOkO%with flagsD toraQaiT%and archwaysD yuktam%endowedD Mo$hitam%$eautifulD M#eta%cOmaraiT%with white camarasD sar#ataT%e#erywhereD purataT%$eforeD diptam% shiningD amUlya%ratna%darpaQaiT%with mirrors of priceless jewels. . . . $eautiful with flags, archways, and white cOmaras, effulgent with jewel mirrors, . . .

e:t ,6. dhanuT%pramOQa%MatakaP Urdh#am agni%Mikhopamam Mata%hasta%pramOQaP ca prastaraP #artulOkVtam dhanuT%pramOQa%Matakam%a hundred dhanusD Urdh#am%a$o#eD agni%Mikhopamam% like a $laGing flameD Mata%hasta%a hundred hastasD pramOQam%measurementD ca%andD prastaram%e:tensionD #artulOkVtam%round. . . a great circle of a hundred hastas, like a flame going a hundred dhanus upward, . . . e:t ,60 Mo$hitaP ratna%talpaiM ca tad%a$hyantaram uttamam iahni%MuddhOPMukafa di#yair OlO%jOlair #irOjitam Mo$hitam%$eautifulD ratna%talpaiT%with jewel couchesD ca%andD tad%a$hyantaram% insideD uttamam%supremeD #ahni%Muddha%pure as fireD aPMukaiT%with clothD di#yaiT% splendidD mOlO%jOlaiT%with newtorks of garlandsD #irOjitam%splendid. _ . . . its rooms within splendid with curtains pure as fire, an a$undance of flowers, jewel couches, . . . e:t ,61 pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlyopOdhOna%samyutaiT candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumaiT sura$hN%kVtaiT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD mOlyopOdhOna%samyutaiT%with pillowsD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkumaiT%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD sura$hN% kVtaiT%scented. . . . . cushions of pOrijOta flowers scented with sandal, aguru, musk, and

kuYkuma, . . . e:t ,62 na#a%MVYgOra%yogyaiM ca kOya%#ardhana%kOri$hiT mOlatN%campakOnOP ca puWpa%rOjinhir an#itaiT na#a%MVYgOra%yogyaiT%perfect for amorous pastimesD ca%andD kOma%#ardhana% kOri$hiT%inflaming amooous desiresD mOlatN%campakOnOm%of malati and campaka flowersD ca%andD puWpa%rOji$hiT%with many flowersD an#itaiT%with. . . . and perfect for enjoying amorous pastimes, with many mOlatN and campaka flowers perfect for arousing amorous desires, . . . e:t ,63 sa%karpUraiM ca tOm$Ulair sad%ratna%pOtra%saPsthitaiT #ajra%sOreQa khacitair muktO%jOla%#ilam$itaiT sa%karpUraiT%with camphorD ca%andD tOm$UlaiT%with $etelnutsD sad%ratna%pOtra% saPsthitaiT%in jewel $o:esD #ajra%sOreQa%with diamondsD khacitaiT%studdedD muStO% jOla%#ilam$itaiT%with networks of pearls. . . . with $etelnuts and camphor in $o:es of pearls and diamonds, . . . e:t ,64 ratnm%pOtra%ghaXOkNrQaP ratnOYghri%pNtha%samyutam ratna%siPhOsanair yuktaP ratna%citreQa citritaiT _ ratna%pOtra%ghaXa%with jewel potsD OkNrQam%filledD ratnOYghri%pNtha%samyutam% wwth jewel footstoolsD ratna%siPhOsanaiT%and jewel thronesD yuktam%withD ratna% citreQa%with jewel picturesD citritaiT%decorated.

. . . with jewel jars, with jewel thrones recorated with 5olorful pictures and designs, with jewel footstools, . . . e:t ,66 kWaritaiM candrakOnte$hyaT su%siktaP jOla%$indu$hiT MNta%#Osita%toyena samyuktaP $hoga%#astu$hiT kWaritaiT%distilledD candrakOnte$hyaT%from candrakanta jewelsD su%siktam%touchedD jOla%$inpu$hiT%with droips of waterD MNta%coolD #Osita%scentedD toyena%with waterD samyuktam%endowedD $hoga%#astu$hiT%with many foods. . . . with jars of cool scented water taken from candrakOnta jewels, and with many kinds of delicious foods. NoteJ "hen e:posed to moonlight, the candrakOnta jewel melts into water. e:t ,67 dVWX#O rati%gVhaP ramyaP nagaraP ca punar yayau yeWOP yOni mandirOQi tan%nOmOni lilekha saT dVWX#O%seeingD rati%gVham%this palace for pastimesD ramyam%$eautifulD nagaram%cityD ca%andD punaT%againD yayau%wentD yeWOm%of whichD yOni%whichD mandirOQi%palacesD tan%nOmOni%their namesD lilekha%inscri$edD saT%he. )fter looking o#er the $eautiful pastime%palace, he returned to the city and inscri$ed on each palace the name of its owner. e:t ,79 mudO yukto #iM#akarmO MiWyair yakWa%gaQaiT saha nidreMaP nidritaP nat#O prayayau s#OlayaP mune mudO%happinessD yuktaT%withD #iM#akarmO%ViM#akarmOD MiWyaiT%disciplesd yakWa%

gauaiT%the aykWasD saha%withD nidreMam%to Lord < sage, then ViM#akarmO, accompanied $y his yakWa disciples, approached sleeping Lord /VWQa, the master of sleep, $owed down $efore him, and returned to their own homes. e:t ,7, sar#atrai#a su%kVtinOP e samastaP $ha#atNcchayO nehOMcaryaP ca nagaraP $a$hU#eMhSchayO $hu#i sar#atra%e#erywhereD e#a%indeedD su%kVtinOm%of saintly de#otee D samastam%allD $ha#atw%isD icchayO%$y desireD na%notD iha%hereD OMcaryam%wonderfulD ca%andD nagaram% cityD $a$hU#a%wasD NMa%of the Supreme (ersonayity of FodheadD icchayO%$y the desireD $hu#i%on the rarth. >#erything was e:actly as the saintly people of Vraja wished. his is not surprising, for the ciwy wns $uild $y the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadEs order. e:t ,7. ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP hareM carita%maYgalam sukhadaP pOtaka%haraP kiP $hUyaT Mrotum icchasi iti%thusD e#am%in this NayDrkuthitam%spokenD sar#am%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD carita%maYgalam%the auspicious pastimesD sukhadam%gi#ing happinessD pOtaka%haram% remo#ing sinsD kim%what*D $hUyaT%moreD Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%do you wish. In this way I ha#e descri$ed Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pastimes, which $ring happiness and remo#e sins. "hat more do you wish to hear* e:t ,70 MrN%nOrada u#Oca kathaP #VndO#anaP nOma

kOnanasyOsya $hOrate #yutpattir asti samjZO #O tat t#aP #ada su%tatt#a%#it MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD katham%why*D #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD nOma% namedD kOnanasya%of the forestD asya%thisD $hOratease tellD su%tatt#a%#it%< knower of the truth. SrN NOrada saidJ "hy is the forest on the earth named VVndO#ana* "hat is the deri#ation of this name* < knower of the truth, please tell. e:t ,71 MrN%sUta u#Oca nOradasya #acaT Mrut#O VWir nOrOyaQo mudO prahasyo#Oca nikhilaP tatt#am e#a purOtanam MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD nOradasya%of NOradaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD VWiT%the sageD nOrOyaQaT%NOrOyaQaD mudO%happilyD prahasya%smilingD u#Oca%saidD nikhilam%allD tatt#am%truthD e#a%lndeedD purOtanam%ancient. SrN NOrada saidJ ;earing, NOradaEs words, SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi happily smiled and told the ancient story e:plaining this. e:t ,72 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca purO kedOra%nVpatiT sapta%d#Npa%patiT s#ayam OsNt satya%yuge $rahman satya%dharma%rataT sadO MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD purO%in acncient timesD kedOra%nVpatiT% /ing /edOraD sapta%d#Npa%patiT%ruler of thp se#en continentsD s#ayam%personallyD OsNt% wasD satya%yuge%in Satya%yugaD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD satya%dharma%rataT%saintlyD sadO%always.

SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ &uring the satya%yuga a saintly king named / dOra ruled the se#en continents. e:t ,73 sa reme saha nOrN$hiT putra%pautra%gaQaiT saha putrOn i#a prajOT sar#OT pOlayOm Osa dharmikaT sa%heD reme%enjoyedD saha%withD nOrN$hiT%many wi#esD putra%pautra%gaQaiT% children and grandchildrenD saha%withD putrOn%sonsD i#a%likeD prajOT%peopleD sar#OT% allD pOlayOm Osa%protectedD dharmikaT%religious. _ ;e li>ed happily with his wi#es, children, and grandchildree. @ollowing religious principles, he protected thercitiGens a, if they were his own children. e:t ,74 kVt#O Mata%kratuP rOjO le$he nendrat#am Npsiham kVt#O nOnO%#idhaP puQyaP phalOkaYkWN na ca s#ayam kVt#O%doingD Mata%kratum%a hundred yajnaeD rOjO%the kingD le$hp%attainedDkna%notD indrat#am%tse post of IndraD Npsitam%desiredD kVt#O%doingD nOnO%#idham%#aNious kinds$ puQyam%pious deedsD phalOkaYkWN%desiring the resultD na%notD ca%andD s#ayam% personally. )lthough he performed a hundred yajZas, he did not wish the post of Indra. )lthough he performed mgnyopious deeds, he did not wish to enjoy the $enefits they $rought. e:t ,76 nityaP naimittikaP sar#aP MrNlkVWQa%prNti%p8r#akam kedOra%tulyo rOjendro na $hUto $ha#itO punaT nityam%regularD naimittikam%and occasional dutiesD sar#am%allD MrN%kVWQa%prNti% pUr#akam%to please Lord /VWQaD kedOra%t6lyaT%eBual to /edOraD rOjendraT%a gream

kingD na%notD $hUtaT%wasD $ha#itO%will $eD punaT%again. )ll regulary and occasional duties he did to please Lord /VWQa. here ne#er was, nor will there $e again another king like /edOra. e:t ,77 putreWu rOjyaP sannyasya priyOs trailokya%mohinNT jaigiWa#yopadeMena jagOma tapase #anam putreWu%for his sonsD rOjyam%the kingdomD sannyasya%renouncingD priyaT%dearD trailokya%mohinNT%enchanting the three worldsD jaigiWa#ya%of AaigNWa#ya -uniD upadeMena%$y the instructionD jagOma%wentD tapase%for austeritiesD #anam%to the forest. in the care of his sons, he went to the forest to perform austerities. e:t .99 harer aikOntiko $hakto dhyOyate santataP harim MaM#at sudarManaP cakraP asti yat%sannidhau mune hareT%of Lord /VWQaD aikOntikaT%an unalloyedD $haktaT%de#oteeD dhyOyate% meditatesD santatam%alwaysD harim%ojnm Lord /VWQaD MaM#at%alwaysD sudarManaP cakram%the SudarMana%cakraD asti%isD yat%sannidhau%near himD mune%< sage. < sage, the SudarMana%cakra always stays near a pure de#otee that always meditates on Lord /VWQa. e:t .9, ciraP tapt#O nVpa%MreWXho golokaP ca jagOma saT kedOra%nOma tat tNrthaP tan nOmnO ca $a$hU#a ha tatrOdyOpi mVtaT prOQN sadyo mukto $ha#ed dhru#am

ciram%a long timeD tOpt#O%performing austeritiesD nVpa%MreWXhaT%the great kingD golokam%to FolokaD ca%andD jagOma%wentD saT%heD kedOra%nOma%named /edOraD tat% thatD tNrtham%holy placeD tan%thatD nOmnO%$y the nameD ca%andD $a$hU#a%wasD ha% indeedD tatra%thereD adya%nowD api%alsoD mVtaT%dyingD prOQN%a li#ing entityD sadyaT%at onceD muktaT%li$#eratedD $ha#et%$ecomesD dhru#am%indeed. )fter long austerities, the king went to the world of Foloka. ne holy place where he performed auste,ities was named /edOra after him. )nyone who dius there at once attains li$eration. e:t .9. kamalOPMO tasya kanyO nOmnO #VndO tapas#inN na #a#re sO #araP kiZcid yoga%MOstra%#isOradO kamalO%of Foddess LakWmND aPMO%a partial incarnationD tasya%of himD kanyO%the daughterD nOmnO%$y nameD #VndO%VVndOD tapas#i ;is daughter named VVndO was a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmN. )ustere and learned in the yoga%MOstras, she would not accept any hus$and. e:t .90 dattaP dur#OsasO tasyai harer mantraP su%durla$ham dattam%gi#enD dur#OsasO%$y &un#sO -uniD tasyai%to herD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mantram%mantraD su%durla$ham%rare. @rom &ur#OsO -uni she recei#ed a rare mantralof Lord /VWQaEs names. se:t .91 sO #iraktO gahaP tyakt#O jagOma tapase #anam naWXiP #arWa%sahasrOQi tapas tepy su%nirjane

sO%sheD #iraktO%renouncedD gVham%homeD tyakt#O%lea#ingD jagOma%wentD tapase%for austeritiesD #anam%to the forestD WaWXim #arWa%sahasrOQi%si:ty thousand yearsD tapaT% austeritiesD tepe%performedD su%nirjane%in a secluded place. 5enouncing e#erything, she left home and went to the forest to perform austerities. @or si:ty%thousand years she performed austerities in a secluded place. e:t .92 O#ir$a$hU#a MrN%kVWQas tat%puro $hakta%#atsalaT prasanna%#adanaT MrNmOn #araP #VQ# ity u#Oca ha O#ir$a$hU#a%appearedD MrN%kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD tat%puraT%$efore herD $hakta% #atsalaT%kind to the de#oteesD prasanna%happyD #adanaT%fachD MrNmOn%handsomeD #aram%$oonD #VQ#%chooseD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. ;andsome, smiling Lord /VWQa, who dearly lo#es ;is de#otees, appeared $efode her and said, L(lease ask for a $oon.L e:t .93 dVWX#O ca rOdpikO%kOntaP _ santaP suodara%#igraham mUrchOm a#Opa sO sadyaT kOma%$OQa%prOpNRitO dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD rOdhikO%kOntam%the $elo#ed of 5OdhOD santam%spiritualD sundar;%#igrhham%handsome formD mU chOm%jnchantmentD a#Opa%attainedD sO%sheD sadyaT%at onceD kOma%$OQa%prOpNRitO%wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows. FaGing at SrN 5OdhOEs handsome eternal $elo#ed, she at once fell in lo#e with ;im. She was deeply wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows. e:t .94 sO ra MNghraP #araP #a#re patis me t#aP $ha#eti ca tathOstUkt#O ca rahasi

ciraP reme tayO saha sO%sheD ca%andD MNghram%at onceD #aram%a $oonD #a#re%choseD patiT%hus$andD me% myD t#am%=ouD $ha#a%$ecomeD iti%thusD ca%andD tathO%soD astu%$e itD ukt#OsayingD ca% andD rahasi%in a secluded plaSeD ciram%for a long timeD reme%enjoyedD tayO%herD saha% with. She t once asked, L(lease $e my hus$and.L ;erreplied, LSo $e it.L and ;e enjoyed with her in a secluded place for a long time. e:t .96 sO jagOma ca golokaP kVWQena saha kautukOt rOdhO%samO ca sau$hagyOd gopN%MreWXhO $a$hU#a ha n asO%sheD jagOma%wentD ca%andD golokam%to FolokaD kVWQena%/_WQaD saha%withD kautukOt%happilyD rOdhO%samO%eBual to 5OdhOD ca%andD sau$hagyOt%from good fortuneD gopN%MreWXhO%the $est of the gopNsD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeed. She happily went with Lord /VWQa to Foloka. She $eIame the $est of the gopNs. She was almost eBual so SrN 5OdhO ;erself. e:t .97 #VndO yatra tapas tepw tat tu #VndO#anaP smVtam #VndO yatra kVta krNRO tena #O muni%puYga#a _ t #VndO%VVndOD yatra%ehereDetapaT%austeritiesD tepeuperformedD tat%thatD tu%indeedD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD smVtam%consideredD #VndO%VrndOD yatra%whereD kVtO%didD krNRO%pastimesD tena%$y thatD #O%orD muni%puYga#a%< great sage. < great sage, VVndO#ana (VVndOEs forest) is named after VVndO either $ecause she performed lusterities there, or $ycause she unjoyed pastimes there. e:t .,9 athOnyathetihOsaP ca

MVQuW#a #atsa puQyadam yena #VndO#anaP nOma ni$odha kathayOmi te atha%nowD anyathO%otherwisoD itihOsam%storyD ca%andD MVQuW#a%please hearD atsa%< childD puQyadam%gi#ing pietyD yena%$y whichD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD nOma%nameD ni$odha%please understandD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%to you. < child, now I will tell you another sacred story f VVndO#anaEs name. (lease hear


e:t .,, kuMadh#ajasya kanye d#e dharma%MOstra%#isOrade pulasN%#eda#atyau ca #irakte $ha#a%karmaQi kuMadh#ajasya%ofn/uMadh#ajaD kanye%daughtersD d#e%twou dharma%MOstra%#isOrade% learned in the dharma%MOstrasD tulasN% ulasND #eda#atyau%and Veda#atND ca%andD #irakte% renouncedD $ha#a%karmaQi%from worldly actions. /ing /uMadh#aja had two daughters, ulasN and Veda#atN, who were learned in the dharma%MOstras and renounce, from material acti#ities. e:t .,.S tapas tOpt#O #eda#atN prOpa nOrOyaQaP #aram sNtO janaka%kanyO sO sar#atra parikNrtitO tapaT%austenitiesD tOpt#O%performingD #eda#atN%Veda#atND prOpa%attainedD nOrOyaQam% Lord NOrOyaQaD #aram%hus$andD sN O%SNtOD Veda#atN performed austerities and attained Lord NOrOyaQa as her hus$and. She $ecame /ing AanakaEs daughter SNtO, who is famous e#erywhere. e:t .,0

tulasN ca tapas tOpt#O #OZchOP kVt#O patiP harim dan#Od dur#OsasaT MOpOt prOpya MaYkhOsuraP patim tulasN% ulasND ca%andD tapaT%austeritiesD tOpt#O%performingD #OZchOm%desireD kVt#O% doingD patim%hus$andD harim%Lord /VWQaD dai#Ot%$y destinyD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsOD MOpOt%$y the curseD prOpya%attainingD MaYkhOsuram%SaYkhOsuraD patim%hus$and. &esiring Lord /VWQa as her hus$and, ulasN performed austerities,w$ut $y destinyEs arrangement &ur#OsO -uni cursed her and she attained the demon SaYkhacURa as her hus$and. e:t .,1 paMcOt samprOpa kamalO% kOntaP kOntaP manoharam sO e#a hari%MOpena #VkWa%rUpO sureM#arN paMcOt%afterD samprOpa%attainingD kamalO%of Foddess LakWmND kOntamuthe $eto#edD kOntam%hus$andD manoharam%handsomeD sO%sheD e#a%indeedD hsri%MOpena%$y the LordEs curseD #VkWa%rUpO the form of a treeD sureM#arN%the Bueen of the demigods. )fter that she attained handsome Lord NOrOyaQa as her hus$and, $ut ;e also cursed her and she $ecame a tree that is the Bueen of the demigods. e:t .,2 tasyOT MOpena ca hariT MOlagrOmo $a$hU#a ha tathO tasthau ca satataP MilO #akWasi sundarN tasyOT%of herD MOpena%$y the curseD ca%andD hariT%%Lord /VWQaD MOlagrOmaT% SOlagrOmaD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD tathO%thenD tasthau%stayedD ca%andD satatam% alwaysD MilO%sonD #akWasi%on the chestD sundarN%the $eautiful girl. _ hen she cursed Lord NOrOyaQa and ;e $ecame the SOlagrOma stone. 8eautiful ulasN tree VVndO always stays on the chest of SOlagrOma stone Lord NOrOyaQa.

e:t .,3 #istNrQaP kathitaP sar#aP tulasN%caritaP ca te tathOpi ca prasaYgena kiZcid uktaP mune punaT #istNrQam%eal$oratedlyD kathitam%descri$edD sar#am%allD tulasN%caritam%the pastimes of ulasND ca%andD te%to youD tathOpi%stillD ca%andD prasaYgena%$y associationD kiZcit% somethingD uktam%saidD mune%< sageD punaT%again. < sage, I ha#e already narrated ulasNEs pastimes at great length. Still, $ecause they are rele#ant here, I ha#e mentioned them. e:t .,4 tasya nOmOntaraP #VndO tad idaP ca tapo%#anam tena #VndO#anaP nOma pra#adanti manNWinaT tasyOT%of herD nOma%nameD antaram%anotherD #VndO%VVndOD tat%thatD idam%thatD ca% andD tapo%#anam%the forest of austeritiesD tena%$y thatD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD nOma% namedD pra#adanti%sayD manNWinaT%the wise. )nother name of ulasN is VrndO. @or this reason the wise say that VVndO#ana is named after ulasN $ecause she performed austerities there. e:t .,6 atha#O te pra#akWyOmi paraP het#%antaraP MVQu yena #VndO#anaP nOma puQya%kWetrasya $hOrate atha#O%orD te%to youD pra#akWyOmi%I will sayD param%anotherD het#%antaram%different reasonD MVQu%please hearD yena%$y whichD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD nOma%nameD puQya% kWetrasya%of the sacred placeD $hOrate%on the earth. (lease listen and I will tell you still another reason this holy place on the earth is named VVndO#ana.

e:t .,7

rOdhO%WoRaMa%nOmnOP ca #VndO%nOma Mrutau Mrutam tasyOT krNRO%#anaP ramyaP tena #VndO#anaP smVtam rOdhO%WoRaMa%nOmnOm%of si:teen names of SrN 5OahOD ca%andD #VndO%nOma%the name VVndOD Mrutau%in the VedasD Mrutam%is heardD tasyOT%of ;erD krNRO%#anam%the pastime forestD ramyam%$eautifulD tena%$y thatD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD smVtam%is considered. <f the si:teen names of 5OdhO gi#en in the Vedas, VVndO is one. 8ecause 5OdhO enjoyed pastimes in $eautiful VVndO#ana forest, it is named after ;er. e:t ..9 goloke prNtaye tasyOT y wVWQena nirmitaP purO krNROrthaP $hu#i tan nOmnO #anaP #VndO#anaP smVtam goloke%on FolokaD prNtaye%for the pleasureD tasyOT%of ;erD kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD nirmitam%madeD purO%$eforeD krNROrtham%for pastimesD $hu#i%on the earthD tat%thatD nOmnO%$y the nameD #anam%forestD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD smVtam%is considered. o please 5OdhO, Lord /VWQa manifested VVndO#ana forest in the spiritual world of Foloka. "hen VVndO#ana was $rought to earth for 5OdhOEs eastimes, it was named after ;er. e:t .., MrN%nOrada u#Oca kOni WoRaMa nOmOni rOdhikOyO jagad%guro tOni me #ada MiWyOya MrotuP kautUhalaP mama MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD kOni%what*D WoRaMa%si:teenD nOmOni%namesD

rOdhikOyO%of SrN 5OdhOD jagad%guraT%< guru of the worldsD tOni%themD me%to meD #ada% please tellD MiWyOya%a dsicipleD Mrotum%to hearD kautUhalam%eagernessD mama%of me. SrN NOrada saidJ < guru of the worlds, what are these si:teen names of SrN 5OdhO* (lease tell them to me. I am your disciple and I am #ery eager to hear them. _ e:t ... MrutaP nOmnOP sahasraP ca sOma%#ede nirUpitam tathOpi Mrotum icchOmi t#atto nOmOni WoRaMa Mrutam%heardD nOmnOm%of namesD sahasram%a thousandD ca%andD sOma%#ede%in the SOma VedaD nirUpitam%descri$edD tathOpi%stillD Mrotum%to hearD icchOmi%I wishD t#attaT% from youD nOmOni%the namesD WoRaMa%si:teen. I ha#e already heard the thousand names of SrN 5OdhO in the SOma Veda. Still, I wish to hear these si:teen names from you. e:tl..0 a$hyanaarOQi teWOP #O tad anyany e#a #O #i$ho aho puQya%s#arUpOQi $haktOnOP #OZchitOni ca a$hyantarOQi%withinD teWOm%of themD #O%orD tat%thatD anyani%othersD e#a%indeedD #O% orD #i$haT%< lordD ahaT%<hD puQya%of pietyD s#arUpOQi%the formsD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD #OZchitOni%desiredD ca%and. )re these names included in the thousand names, or are they different* he de#otees yearn to hear these sacred names. e:t ..1 nOmOni teWOP #yutpattiP sar#eWOP durla$hOni ca pO#anOni jagan%mOtur jagatOP mURha%rUpiQOm

nOmOni%the namesD teWOm%of themD #yutpattim%the deri#ationD sar#eWOm%of allD durla$hOni%rareD ca%andD pO#anOni%purifyingD jagan%mOtuT%of the mother of the uni#ersesD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD mURha%rUpiQOm%the conditioned souls. "hat is the deri#ation of these names* hese names are all rare and difficult to attain. hese nam,s of theumother of the uni#erses purify the conditioned souls in this world. e:t ..2 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca rOd O rOseM#arN rOsa% #OsinN rasikeM#arN _kVWQa%prOQOdhikO kVWQa% priyO kVWQa%s#arUpiQN MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD rOdhO%5OdhOD rOseM#arN%5OseM#arND rOsa% #OsinN%5Osa%#OsinND rasikeM#arN%5asikeM#arND kVWQa%prOQOdhikO%/VWQa%prOQOdhikOD kVWQa%priyO%/VWQa%priyOD kVWQa%s#arUpiQN%/VWQa%s#arUpiQN. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ hese names are 5LdhO, 5OseM#arN, 5Osa%#OsinN, 5asikeM#arN, /VWQa%prOQOdhikO, /VWQa%priyO, /VWQa%s#arUpiQN, . . . e:t ..3 kVWQa%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtO paramOnanda%rUpiQN kVWQO #VndO#anN #VndO ,VndO#ana%#inodinN kVWQa%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtO%mVWQa%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtOD paramOnanda%rUpiQN% (aramOnanda%rUpiQND kVWQO%/VWQOD #VtdO#anN%VVndO#anND #VndO%VVndOD #VnmO#ana% #ynodinu%VVndO#ana%#inodinN. . . . /SWQm%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtO, (aramOnanda%rUpiQN, /VWQOo VVndO#anN, VVhlO, VyS,O#Sna%!inodinN, . .r. e:t ..4

candrO#alN candrakOntO Mata%candra%ni$hOnanO nOmOny etOniIsOrOQi teWOm a$hyantarOQi ca candra#atN%Candra#atND candrakOntO%CandrakOntOD Mata%candra%ni$hOna O%Sata% candra%ni$hOnanOD nOmOni%namesD etOni%theseD sOrOQi%transcendentSlD teWOm%of themD a$hyantarOQi%withinD ca%and. . . . CandrO#alN, CandrakOntO, and Sata%candra%ni$hOnanOp Now I will e:plain the meaning of these names. e:t ..6 rOdhety e#aP ca saPsuddhO rO%kOro dOna%#OcakaT dhO nir#OQaP ca tad%dOtrN tena rOdhO prakNrtitO rOdhO%5OdhOD iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD ca%andD saPsiddhO%famousD rO%kOraT%the letter rOD dOna%hOcakaT%means charityD dhO% he sylla$le LrOL means LcharityL and the sylla$le LdhOL means Lli$erationL. herefore 5OdhO means LShe who gi#es li$eration in charity.L e:t ..7 rOseM#arasya patnNyaP tena rOseM#arN s VtO rOse ca #Oso yasyOM ca tena sO rOsa%#OsinN rOsa%of the rOsa danceD NM#arasya%of the kingD patnN%the wifeD iyam%SheD tena%$y thisD rOseM#arN%5OseM#arND smVtO%consideredD rOse%in the rasa danceD ca%andD #OsaT%residenceD yasyOT%of whomD ca%andD tena%$y thatD sO%SheD rOsa%#OsinN%5Osa%#OsinN. 5OseM#arN means Lthe wife of ;e who is the king of the rOsa danceL. 5Osa%#OsinN means LShe who stays in the rOsa danceL. e:t .09

sar#OsOP rasikOnOP ca de#NnOm NM#arN parO pra#adanti sadO santas tena tOP rasikeM#arNm sar#OsOm%of allD rasikOnOm%girls e:pert at enjoying transcendental mellowsD ca%andD de#NnOm%of goddessesD NM#arN%the BueenD parO%the no$leD pra#adanti%sayD sadO%alwaysD santaT%saintly de#oteesD tena%$y thatD tOm%;erD rasikeM#arNm%5asikeM#arN. he saintly de#oteeI say th name 5asikeM#arNrmeans ].sy ,36^ he Bueen of all goddesses e:pert at tasting the nectar of transcendental mellowsL. e:t .0, prOQOdhikO preyasN sO kVWQasya paramOtmanaT kVWQa%prOQddhikO sO ca r kVWQena parikNrtitO prOQa%thNn lifeD adhikO%moreD preyasN%dearD sO%SheD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD paramOtmanaT%rhe Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kVWQa%prOQOdhikO%/VWQa% prOQOdhikOD sO%SheD ca%andD kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD parikNrtitO%said. _ Lord /VWQa ;imself says the name /VWQa%prOQOdhikO means ].sy ,36^She whom Lordr/VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, considers more dear than lifeL. e:t .0. kVWQasyOti%priyO kOn O kVWQo #O yOT priyaT sadO sar#air de#a%gaQair uktO tena kVWQa%priyO smVtO kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQrD ati%priyO%#ery dearD kOntO%$elo#edD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD #O% orD asyOT%of whomD p iyaT%dearD sadO%awaysD sar#aiT%$y allD de#a%gaQai %twe demigodsD uktO%saidD tena%SySthatD kVSQa%priyO%/VWQa%priyOD smVtO%considered. )ll the demigods say the name /VWQa%priyO means either ].sy ,36^She who is Lord /VWQaES $elo#edLnor LShe who has Lord /VWQa as ;er $elo#ed.L

e:t .00 kVWQa%rUpaP sam#idhOtuP yO MaktO cOValNluyO sar#OPMaiT kVWQa%sOdVMN tena kVWQa%s#arUpiQN kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD rUpam%the formD sam#idhOtum%so manifestD yO%whoD MaktO% a$leD ca%andD a#alNlayO%easilyD sar#a%with allD aPMaiT%pasrtsD kVWQa%sOdVMN%like Lord /VWQaD tena%$y thisD kVWQa%s#arUpiQN%/VWQa%s#arUpiQN. y he name /VWQa%s#arUpiQN means either LShe who has the power to show Lord /VWQa to othersL or LShe who is like Lord /VWQa in all respectsL. e:t .01 #OmOrdhOYgena kVWQasya yO am$hUtO purO satN kVWQa%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtO tena kVWQena kNrtitO #Oma%leftD ardha%halfD aYgena%$y the $odyD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD yO%whoD sam$hUtO%manifestedD purO%$eforeD satN%sainltyD kVWQa%#OmOPMa%sam$hUtO%/VWQa% #OmOPMa%sam$hUtOD tena%$y thatD kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD kNrtitO%e:plained. aEs $odyL. e:t .02 paramOnanda%rOMiM ca s#ayaP mUrtimatN satN Mruti$hiT kNrtitO tena par0mOnanda%rUpiQN parama%transcendentalD Onanda%$lissD rOMiT%a$undanceD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD mUrtimatN%personfiiedD satN%the sainlty girlD Mruti$hiT%$y the VedasD kNrtitO%declaredD tena%$y thatD paramOnanda%rUpiQN%(aramOnanwa%rUpiQN. he Vedas say the name (aramOnanda%rUpiQN means LShe who is great transcendental $liss personifiedL.

e:t .03 kVWir mekWOrtha%#acano na e#otkVWXa%#OcakaT OkOro dOtV%#acanas tena kVWQOtra kNrtitO kVWiT%the sylla$le kVWD mokWOrtha%#acanaT%means lu$erationD Qa%QaD e#a%indeedD utkVWXa%#OcakaT%means $estD OkOraT%OD dOtV%#acanaT%means the gi#erD tena%$y thisD kVWQO%/VWQOD atra%hereD kNrtitO%is said. he sylla$le kVW means Lli$erationL, the letter Q means Lthe highestL, and the letter O means Lthe gi#erL. herefore the name /VWQO means LShe who gi#es the highest kind of li$erationL. e:t .04 asti #VndO#anaP yasyOs tena #VndO#anN smVtO #VndO#anasyOdhide#N tena #Otha prakNrtitO asti%isD #VndO#anam%VVndO#anaD yasyOT%of whomD tena%$y thatD #VndO#anN% VVndO#anND smVtO%consideredD #VndO#anasya%of VVndO#anaD adhide#N%the BueenD tena% $y thatD #O%orD atha%thenD prakNrtitO%declared.

he name VVndO#anN means either LShe who owns VVndO#anaL or LShe who is the Bueen of VVndO#anaL. e:t .06 #VndaT saYgha%#acaT sakhyur _ OkOro Epy asti #OcakaT sakhN%#Vndo Esti yasyOM ca sOI#VndO parikNrtitO #VndaT%#VndaD saYgha%#acaT%means multitudeD sakhyuT%fyiendD OkOraT%OD api%alsoD asti%isD #OcakaT%the meaningD sakhN%of friendsD #VndaT%multitudeD asti%isD yasyOT%of whomD ca%andD sO%SheD #VndO%VVndOD parikNrtitO%is said.

dVnda means multitude and O means friend. herefore the name VVndO means LShe who has a multitudi of friendsL. e:t .07 mud%#Ocako #inodaM c sO asyO asti tatra ca #edO #adanti taP tena #VndO#ana%#inodinNm mud%#OcakaT%means enjoymentD #inodaT%#inodaD ca%andD sO%SheD asyO%of whomD asti%isD tatra%thereD ca%andD #edO%the VedasD #adanti%sayD tam%;erD tena%$y thisD #VndO#ana%#anodinAm%VVndO#ana%#inodinN. he word #inoda means LenjoymentL. hereforehthe Vedas say the name VVndO#ana%#inodinN means LShe who enjoys pastimes in VVndO#anaL. e:t .19 nakha%ca drO#alN yasyO #aktra%candro Esti santatam tena candrO#alN sO ca kVWQena kNrtitO purO nakha%nailsD candra%of moonsD a#alN%seriesD yasyO%of whomD #aktra%faceD candraT% moonD asti%isD santatam%alwaysD tena%$y thisD candrO#alN%CandrO#alND sO%SheD ca%andD kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD kNrtitO%saidD purO%$efore. Lord /VWQa ;im alf saya the name CandrO#alN means ].sy ,36^She whose face, fingernails, and toenails are a host of moonsL. e:t .1, kOntir asti candra%tulyO sadO yasyO di#O%niMam sO candrakOntO harWeQa haeiQO parikNrtitO _ kOntiT%splendorD asti%isD candra%to the moonD tulyO%eBualD sadO%alwaysD yasyO%of

whomD di#O%niMam%day and nightD sO%SheD candrakOntO%CandrakOntOD harWeQa%happilyD hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD parikNrtitO%said. Lord /VWQa ;imself says the name CandrakOntO means ].sy ,36^She whose splendor is like that of a moon that shines day and nightL. e:t .1. Mata%candra%pra$hO yasyOs cOnane Esti di#O%niMam muninO kNrtitO tena Mata%candra%pra$hOnanO Mata%a hundredD candra%moonsD pra$hO%splendorD yasyOT%of whomD ca%andD Onane% in the faceD asti%isD di#O%niMam%day and nightD muninO%$y the sageD kNrtitO%saidD tena%$y thatD Mata%candra%pra$hOnanO%Sata%candra%pra$hOnanO. he sages say the name Sata%candra%pra$hOnanO means ].sy ,36^She whose face is splendid like a moon that shines day and nightL. e:t .10 iti WoRaMa%nOmoktaP artha%#yOkhyOna%samyutam nOrOyaQena dattaP yad $rahmaQe na$hi%paYkaje iti%thusD WoRaMa%si:teenD nOma%namesD uktam%saidD artha%#yOkhyOna%samyutam%with e:planations of the meaningsD nOrOyaQena%$y Lord NOrOyaQaD dattam%gi#enD yat% whichD $rahmaQe%to 8rahmOD na$hi%paYkaje%on the lotus flower La#el. hese e:planations of SrN 5OdhOEs si:teen names were originally spoken $y Lord NOrOyaQa to the demigod 8rahmO on the lotus from the LordEs na#el. e:t .11 $rahmaQO ca purO dattaP dharmOya janakOya me dharmeQa kVpayO dattaP mahyam Oditya%par#aQi puWkare ca mahO%tNrthe

puQyOhe de#a%saPsadi e%myD dharmeQa%$y =amaD kVpayO%kindlyD dattam%gi#enD mahyam%to meD Oditya% par#aQi%on )ditya%par#aD puWkare%in (uWkaraD ca%andD mahO%tNrthe%th great holy placeD puQyOhe%on the sacred dayD de#a%saPsadi%in the assem$ky of demigods. 8rahmO repeated it to my father, &harma -uni, and &harma -uni kindly repeated it to me in the assem$ly of demigods at #ery sacred (uWkara%tNrtha, on the sacred day of SUrya%par#a. e:t .12 rOdhO%pra$hO#a%prastO#e su%prasannena cetasO idaP stotraP mayO puQyaP tu$hyaP dattaP mahO%mune rOdhO%pra$hO#a%prastO#e%in the glorification of 5OdhOEs gloriesD su%prasannena%#ery pelasedD cetasO%in heartD,idam%thisD stotram%prayerD mayO%$y meD puQyam%sacredD tu$hyam%to youD dattam%gi#enD mahO%mune%< great sage. < great sage, now I ha#e gi#en this sa-red prayer to sou. I am #ery pleased at eart to descri$e SrN 5OdhOEs glories. e:t .13 yO#aj jN#am idaP stotraP tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen naraT rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT pOda% padme $haktir $ha#ed iha yO#at%as long asD jN#am%lifeD idam%thisD stotram%prayerD tri%sandhyam%three times dailyD yaT%whoD paXhet%recitesD naraT%a personD rOdhO%mOdha#ayoT%of 5OdhO and /VWQaD pOda%padme%for the lotus feetD $haktiT%de#otionD $ha#et%isD iha%here in this world. ) person ho rec!tes this prayrr morning, noon, and night e#ery day for as long as he li#es m this world, at ainu sincere de#otion for the lotus feet of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa. e:S .14

ante la$het tayor dOsyaP MaM#at sahacaro $ha#et aQimOdika%siddhiP ca samprOpya nitya%#igraham ante%at the endD la$het%attainsD tayoT%of hemD dOsyam%ser#iceD MaM#at%eternalD sahacaraT%associateD $ha#et%$ecomesD aQimOd )t the end of this life he attains an eternal spiritual form endowed with all mystic powers, which $egin with aQimO siddhi. ;e $ecomes an eternal associate of SrN SrN 5OdhO%/VWQa, and ser#es hem eternally. e:t .16 #rata%dOnopa#OsaiM ca sar#air niyama%pUr#akaiT catUrQaP cai#a #edOnOP pOXhaiT sar#Ortha%samyutaiT #rata%#owsD dOna%charityD upa#OsaiT%fastingD ca%andD sar#aiT%$y allD niyama% pUr#akaiT%controlling the senses firstD catUrQam%of fourD ca%andD e#a%indeedD #edOnOm% VedasD pOXhaiT%studyD sar#Ortha%samyutaiT%with all meanings. 8y following #ows, gi#ing charity, fasting, controlling the senses, studying the four Vedas and understanding all their meanings, . . . e:t .17 sar#eWOP yajZa%tNrthOnOP kOraQair #idhi%$odhitaiT prOdakWiQyena $hUmeM ca kVtsnOya e#a saptadhO sar#eWOm%of allD yajZa%yajnasD tNrthOnOm%and pilgrimagesD kOraQaiT%$y the causesD #idhi%$odhitaiT%following all rulesD prOdakWiQyena%$y circumam$ulationD $hUmeT%of the earthD ca%andD kVtsnOya%entireD e#a%indeedD saptadhO%se#en times. . . . performing all yajZas, going to all holy places, following all religious rules, circumam$ulating the earth se# n nimes, . . .

e:t .29 MaraQOgata%raNWOyOP ajZOne jZOna%dOnataT de#OnOP #aiWQa#OnOP ea , darManenOpi yat phalam MaraQOgata%for those who come for shelterD rakWOyOm%in protectingD ajZOne%to one whithout knowledgeD jZOna%dOnataT%$y gi#ing knowledgeD de#OnOm%of the demigodsD #aiWQa# nOm%of the de#oteesD ca%ansdD darManena%$y seeingD api%e#enD yayjwhatD phalam%result. _ . . . protecting they who seek prot ction, gi#in knowledge to the ignorant, and seeing the demigods and the de#otees, .a. . e:t .2, tad e#a stotra%pOXhasya kalOP nOrhati WoRaMNm stotrasyOsya pra$hO#ena jN#an%mukto $ha#en naraT t t%thisD e#a%indeedD stotra(pOXhasya% w reciting t e prayerD kalOm%a partD na%notD arhati%is worthyD WoRaMNm%si:teenthD stotrasya%of the prayerD asya%of thisD pna$hO#ena% $y the powerD jN#an%muktaT%li$erated e#en in this lifeD $ha#et%$ecomesD naraT%a person. . . . one does not attain e#en one si:teenth the spiritual $enefit attained $y reciting this prayer. 8y the power of this prayer one $ecomes li$erated e#en while li#ing in this world. e:t .2. MrN%nOrada u#Oca samprOptaP paramOMcaryaP stotraP sar#a%su%durla$tam .a#acaP cOpi de#yaM ca saPsOra%#ijayaP #i$ho MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD samprOptam%attainedD paramOMcaryam%#ery wonderfulD stotram%prayerD sar#a%su%durla$ham%#ery rareD ka#acam%armorD ca%andD

api%alsoD de#yOT%of the goddessD ca%andD saPsOra%the world of $irth and deathD #ijayam%the conBuestD #i$haT%< lord. SrN NOrada saidJ < master, $efore I attained the 5OdhO%ka#(ca and now I ha#e attained this #ery rare and wonderful prayer. hese two prayers defeat the cycle of repeatSd $ rth and meath. e:t .20 kVtaP stotraP su%yatnena samprOptaP tOpa%khaQRanam Mrut#O kVWQa%kathOP citrOP t#at%pOdO$ja%prasOdataT kVtam%doneD stotram%prayerD su%yatnena%#ery carefullyD samprOptam%attainedD tOpa% of sufferingD khaQRanam%the $reakingD Mrut Now I ha#e attained a prayer that $reaks all sufferings into pienes. 8y the mercy of your lotus feet I ha#e heard the wonderful narrations of Lord /VWQaEs pastimes. e:t .21 adhunO Mrotum icchOmi yad rahasyaP ca tad #ada prOtaM ca nagaraP dVWX#O kim Ucur $alla#O mune adhunO%nowD Mrotum%to hearD icchOmi%I desireD yat%whatD rahasyam%secretD ca%andD tat%thatD #ada%please tellD prOtaT%in the morningD ca%andD nagaram%the cityD dVWX#O% seeingD kim%what*D UcuT%saidD $alla#O%the gopasD mune%< sage. < sage, please tell the secret things I now wish to hear. "hat did the gopas say when in the morning they saw the great city* e:t .22 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca gatOyOP tatra yOminyOP gate ca #iM#akarmaQi

aruQodaya%#elOyOP janOT sar#e jajOgaruT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Ocu%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD gatOyOm%goneD tatra%thereD yOminyOm%the nightD gate%goneD ca%andD #iM#akarmaQi%ViM#akarmOD aruQodaya%#elOyOm%at the moment of dawnD janOT%the peopleD sar#e%allD jajOgaruT%awakened. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ "hen the night was o#er, ViM#akarmO had left, and the sun was $eginaing to rise, all the people of Vraja awakened. e:t .23 utthOya dVWX#O nagaraP s#argOd api #ilakWaQam kim OMcarynP kim OMcaryaP ity Ucur #raja%#OsinaT utthOya%risingD dVWX#O%seeingD nagaram%cityD s#argOt%than S#argaD api%e#enD #ilakWaQam%$etterD kim%what*D OMcaryam%wonderD kir%wSat*D OMcaryam%wondNrD iti% thusD UcuT%saidD #raja%#OsinaT%the people of Vrajam _ n 5ising and seeing a city more opulent than anything in S#argaloka, the people of Vraja e:claimed, L"hat a wonder\ "hat a wonder\L e:t .24 kOPMcid gopOn kecid UcuT kasmOt syr#am a$hUd idam jOne na kena rUpeQp ko $hUmau pra$ha#ed iti kOPMcit%to someD gopOn%gopasD kecit%someD UcuT%gopasD kasmOt%from what*D sar#am%allD a$hUt%$ecameD idam%thisD jOne%I knowD na%notD kena%$y what*D rUpeQa% formD kaT%who*D $hUmau%on the earthD pra$ha#et%is powwerfulD iti%thus. he gopas said among themsel#es, L;ow did all this happen* "ho did it* I donEt understand. "ho on earth has the power to $uild this*L e:t .26 $u$udhe manasO nando

garga%#Okyam anusmaran MrN%harer icchayO sar#aP jagad etac carOcaram $u$udhe%understoodD manasO%in his heartD nandaT%NandaD garga%#Okyam%the words of Farga -uniD anusmaran%remem$eringD MrN%hareT%of Lord /VWQaD icchayO%$y the desireD sar#am%allD jagat%the )ni#erseD etac%theD carOcaram%mo#ing and the inert. 5emem$ering Farga -uniEs words, Nanda could understand in his heart. ;e understood that the entire material uni#erse filled with creatures mo#ing and inert is manifested $y the wish of the Su reme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t .27 $rahmOdi%tVQa%paryantaP yasya $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO O#ir$hUtaP tiro$hUtaP tasyOsOdhyaP ca kiP kutaT $rahmOdi%tVQa%paryantam%from 8rahmO down to a $lade of grassD yasya%of whomD $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO%$y the playful mo#ement of ;is eye$rowD O#ir$hUtam%is manifestD tiro$hUtam%unmanifestD tasya%for ;imD asOdhyam%unattaina$leD ca%andD kim%what*D kutaT%how* _ "hen ;e playfully mo#es ;is eye$row all li#ing $eings from 8rahmO down to the $lades of grass are manifested and then unmanifested again. "hat is impossi$le for ;im* ;ow can anything $e impossi$le for ;im* e:t .39 #i#areW# api yal%lomnOP $rahmOQROny akhilOni ca NMasya tan mahO%#iWQoT kim asOdhyaP harer aho #i#areWu%in the holesD api%e#enD yal%lomnOm%of whose $odily hairsD $rahmOQROni% material uni#ersesD akhilOni%allD ca%andD NMasya%of the Supreme (ersonality o= FodheadD tat%thatD mahO%#iWQoT%of Lord -ahO%ViWruD kim%whatD asOdhyam%unattaina$leD hareT% of the LordD ahaT%<h. @rom the pores of ;is $ody all material uni#erses ha#e come. "hat is impossi$le

for Lord -ahO%ViWQu, the (ersonality of Fodhead* e:t .3, $rahmOnanteMa%dharmOM ca dhyOyantt yat%padOm$ujam kim asOdhyaP tad%aPMasya mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQaT $rahma%8rahmOD ananta%SeMaD NMa%Si#aD dharmOT%yamaD ca%andD dhyOyante%meditateD yat%padOm$ujam%on whose lotus feetD kim%what*D asOdhyam%impossi$leD tad%aPMasya% of ;is partD mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQaT%pretending to $e a human $eing. 8rahmO, SeWa, Si#a, and =amarOja meditate o ;is lotus feet. ;e is the source of all di#ine incarnations. >#en though now ;e is pretending to $e an ordinary human $eing, what is impossi$le for ;im* e:t .3. $hrOmaP $hrOmaP tan nagaraP darMaP darMaP gVhaP gVham pOXhaP pOXhaP ca nOmOni sar#e$hyo nilayaP dadau $hrOmam%wanderingD $hrOmam%and wanderingD tat%thatD nagaram%cityD darMam% lookingD darMam%anf hookingD gVham%houseD gVham%after houseD pOXham%readingD pOXham%and readingD ca%andD nOmOni%the namesD sar#e$hyaT%to allD niaayam%the a$odeD dadau%ga#e. _ )gain and again Nanda wandered through the cityr )gain and again h gaGed at house after house. )gain and agrin he read the names inscri$ed on each house. hen he ga#e to each gopa the house that $ore his name. e:t .30 kVt#O Mu$ha%kWaQaP nando #VWa$hOnuM ca kautukN cakOra s#a%gaQaiT sOrdhaP tad%OMrama%pra#eManam kVt#O%doingD Mu$ha%kWaQam%an auspicious momentD nandaT%NandaD #VWa$hOnuT%

VVWa$heauD ca%andD kautu(N%happyD cakOra%didD s#a%gaQaiT%their ansociatesD sOrdham% withD tad%OMrama%pra#eManam%entering their homes. )t an auspicious moment Nanda and VVWa$hOnu, accompanied $y their associatesL entered their homes. e:t .31 sar#e #VndO#ana%sthOM ca prasanna%#adanekWaQOT mudO nra#eManaP cakruT s#aP s#am OMrama%maQRalam sar#e%allD #VndO#ana%sthOT%staying in VVndO#anaD ca%andD prasanna%#adanekWaQOT% happy eyes and facesD mu O%with joyD pra#eManam%entranceD caeruT%didD s#am%ownD s#am%ownD OMrama%maQRalam%home. "ith joyful eyes and face all the people of VVndO#ana hoppily entered their eomes. e:t .32 sar#e mumudire gopOT s#a%s#a%sthOne manohare ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP nirmOQaP nagarasya ca sar#e%allD mumudire%were happyD gopOT%gopasG s#a%s#a%sthOne%in their own placesD manohare%$eautifulD iti%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD nirmOQam%the $uildingD nagarasya%of the cityD ca%and. )ll the gopas were #ery pleased with their $eautiful homes. Now Ioha#e told you e#erything of how VVndO#ana City was $uilt. e:t .33 $OlakO $OlikO cai#a _ cikrNRuPM ca praharWitOT MrN%kVWQo $alade#aM ca MiMu$hiT saha kautukOt $OlakOT%$oysD $OlikOT%girlsD ca%andD e#a%certainlyD cikrNRuPT%playedD ca%andD

praharWitOT%happ D MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD $alade#aT%8alarOmaD cm%andD MiMu$hiT%$oysD saha%withD kautukOt%happily. hen the gopa $oys and girls played happily. /VWQa and 8alarOma happily played with the $oys. e:t .34 krNROm cakOra tatrai#a sthOne sthOne manohare #ane #ane ca MrN%rOsa% maQRalasya ca nOrada krNROm%gamesD cakOra%didD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD sthOne%in placeD sthOne%after placeD manohare%$eautifulD #ane%in forestD #ane%after forestD ca%andD MrN%rOsa% maQRalasya%of the rasa dance circleD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, they played in $eautiful place after $eautiful place, in forest after forest, and also in the rOsa%dance cirle.

%ha*ter 9ighteenVi*ra!*atn,!mo#.a/a2e"ivering the >ives o( the r0hma/as

e:t , MrN%Maunaka u#Oca aho kim ad$hutaP sUta rahasyaP su%manoharam MrutaP kVWQasya caritaP sukha%daP mokWa%daP param MrN%Maunaka u#Oca%SrN Saunaka saidD ahaT%<hD kim%what*D ad$hutam%wonderD sUta% < SUtaD rahasyam%secretD su%manoharam%#ery $eautifulD Mrutam%heardD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD caritam%pastimesD sukha%dam%gi#ing happinessD mokWa%dam%gi#ing li$erationD param%transcendental. SrN Saunaka saidJ < SUta, how wonderful are these $eautiful and secret pastimes of

Lord /VWQa we ha#e heard\ hese pastimes $ring $oth happiness and li$eration. e:t . Mrut#O nagara%nirmOQaP de#arWir nOrado muniT kiPfpapraccha dharma%putraP hareM carita%maYgalam Mrut#O%hearingD nagara%nirmOQam%the $uilding of thr cityD de#arWiT%&e#arWiD nOradaT%NOradaD muniT%the sageD kim%whlt*D papraccha%askedD dha ma%putram%the son of &harmaD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD carita%maYgalam%the auspicious pastimes. )fterihearing of the $uilding of VVndO#ana City, what did &e#arWi NOrada then ask NOrOyaQa [Wi a$out the auspicious pastimes of Lord /VWQa* e:t 5 MrN%sUta u#Oca MrLt#O nagara%nirmOQaP nOrado muni%sattamaT papraccha kVWQa%caritaP aparaP su%mynoharam MrN%suta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD Mrut#O%hearingD nagara%of the cityD nirmOQam%the $uildingD nOradaT%NOradaD muni%sattamaT%the great sageD papraccha%askedD kVWQa% caritam%of Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD aparam%transcendentalD su%manoharam%#ery $eautiful. SrN SUta saidJ )fter hearing of the $uilding of VVndO#ana City, thengteat sage NOrada asked a$out Lord /VWQaEs $eautiful transcendental pastimes. e:t 1 MrN%nOrada u#Oca MeN%kVWQOkhyOna%caritaP pNyUWaP muni%sattama jZOna%sindho nigada mOP MiWyaP ca MaraQOgatam

MrN%nhrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD MrN%kVWQOkhyOna%caritam%the description of Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD pNyUWam%nectarD muni%sattwma < great sageD jZOna%sindhaT%< ocean of knowledgeD nigada%please tellD mOm%to meD MiWyam%your discipleD ca%andD MaraQOgatam%surrendered. yrN NOrada saidJ < great sage, < ocean of wisdom, please narrate Lord /VWQaEs nectar pastimes to me, your surrendered disciple. e:t 2 nOradasya #acaT Mrut#O mudO nOrOyaQaT s#ayam u#Oca param NMasya caritaP param ad$hutam nOradasya%of NOradaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD mudO%happilyD nOrOyaQaT% SrN NOrOyaQa [WiD s#ayam%;imselfD u#Oca%saidD param%thenD NMasya%of the Supreme (erso ality of Fodh adD caritam%the pastimesD param%transcententalD ad$hutam% wonderful. ;earing NOradaEs words, SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi recounted Lord /VWQaEs wonderful transcendental pastimes. :t 3 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadO $OlakaiT sOrdhaP $alena saha mOdha#aT jagOma MrN%madhu#anaP yamunO%tNra%nNrajam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD $OlakaiT%$oysD sOrdham% withD $alena%8alarOmaD saha%withD m dha#aT%/VWQaD jagOma%wentD MrN%madhu#anam%to SrN -adhu#anaD yamunO%tNra%nNrajam%on the =amunOEs shore. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day, accompanied $y 8alarOma and the $oys, /VWQa went to a place in -adhu#ana forest $y the =amunOEs shore. e:t 4

#icerur go%samuhOM ca cikrNRur $OlakOs tathO #iMrOntOs trt%parNtOM ca kWudhO$hiT paripNRitOT a #iceruT%wentD go%lamuhOT%whe cowsD ca%andD cikrNRuT%playedD $OlakOT%the $oysD tathO%soD #iMrOntOT%tiredD trt%parNtOT%accompanying ;imD ca%andD kWudhO$hiT%with hungerD paripNRitOT%trou$led. he cows graned and the $oys played. )fter a while the $oys $ecame tired and hungry. e:t 6 tam Ucur gopa%MiMa#aT MrN%kVWQaP parameM#awam kWudhOsmOn $Odhate kVWQa kiP kurmo $rUhi kiYkarOn tam%to ;imD UcuT%saidD gopa%MiMa#aT%the gopa $oysD MrN%kVWQam%to SrN /VWQaD parameM#aramgthe Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kWudhO%with hungerD asmOn%to usD $Odhate%stoppedD kVWQa%< /VWQaD tim%what*D kurmaT%should we doD $rUhi%please tellD kiYkarOn%to =our ser#ants. he gopa $oys said to /VWQaJ < SrN /VWQa, < Supr me (ersonality od Fodhead, we ha#e $ecome #ery hungry. "hae shtuld we do* (lease tell us, who are =our ser#ants. e:t 7 MiMUnOP #acanaP Mrut#O tOn u#Oca /anO%nidhiT hitaP tathyaP ca #acanaP prasanna%#adanekWaQaT y iMiMUnOm%of the $oysD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearinmgD tOn%to themD u#Oca% saidD dayO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD hitam%ausriciousD tethyam%truthful ca%andD #acanam%statementD prasanna%#adanekWaQaT%;is eyes and ace happy. ;earing the $oysE words, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of sercy, spoke truthful and auspicious words, ;is face and eyes filled with hap iness.

e:t ,9 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca $OlO gacchata #iprOQOP yajZa%sthOnaP sukhO#aham annaP yOcata taP MNghraP $rOhmaQOPM ca kratUnmukhOn MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD $OlO%< $oysD gacchata%please goD #iprOQOm%of the $rOhmaQasD yajZa%sthOnam%to the yajna placeD sukhO#aham%happyD annam%foode yOcata%$egD tam%thatD MNghram%at onceD $rOhmaQOn%to the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD kratUnmukhOn%intent on performing yajnas. SrN /VWQa saidJ < $oys, please go to the pleasant place were $rOhmaQas are performing a yajZa. 8eg some food from the $rOhmaQas intent on performing a yajZa there. e:t ,, #iprO OYgirasaT sar#e s#OMrame MrN%#anOntike yajZaP kur#anti #iprOM ca Mruti%smVti%#iMOradOT #iprO%$rOhmaQasD OYgirasaT%followers of )YgirO -uniD sar#e%allD s#OMrame%in their own asramaD MrN%#anOntike%near the forestD yajZam%a yajnaD kur#anti%doD #iprOT%the $rOhmaQesD ca%andD Mruti%smVti%#isOradOT%learned in the Sruti and SmVti. hese $rOhmaQas, learnedrin the Sruti and SmVti, and followers of )YgirO -uni, are performing a yajZa in their OMrama near the forest. e:t ,. nispVhO #aiWQa#OT sar#e mOP yajanti mumukWa#aT mOyayO mOP na jOnanti mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQam nispVhO%without material desiresD #aiWQa#OT%de#oteesD sar#e%allD mOm%-eD yajanti%

worshipD mumukWa#aT%yearning for li$erationD mOyayO%$y the illusory potencyD mam% -eD na%notD jOnanti%knowD mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQam%pretending to $e a human $eing. hey are all great de#otees free of material desires and yearning for li$eration, and they worship -e $y performing yaj].sy .1,^as. Still, $ewildered $y -y illusomy potency, they do nom know that I am here, pretendung to $e an ordinary human $ein . e:t ,0 na ced dadati yuWmO$hyOP annaP #iprOT kratUnmukhOT tat%kOntO yOcata kWipraP dayO%yuktOT MiMUn prati na%notD cet%ifD dadOti%gi#eD yuWmO$hyOm%to youD annam%foodD #iprOT%the $rOhmaQasD kratUnmukhOT%intmnt on performing yajnasD tat%kOntO%from their wi#esD yOcata%$egD kWipram%at onceD dayO%yuktOT%kindD MiMUn%childrenD prati%to. If the $rOhmaQas intent on performing yajZas will not gi#e you any food, then ask their wi#es, who are naturally kind to children. e:t ,1 MrN%kVWQa%#acanaP Mrut#O yayur $Olaka%puYga#OT purato $rOhmaQOnOP ca tasthur Onata%kandharOT MrN%kVWQa%#acanam%the words of SrN /VWQaD Mrut#O%hearingm yayuT%wettD $Olaka% puYga#OT%the e:alted $oysD perataT%in the presenceDr$rOhmaQOn m%Sf the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD tasthuT%stoodD Onata%kandharOT%with $owed heads. ;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, th e:alted $oys approached the $rOhmaQas and stood $efore them with hum$ly $owed heads. e:t ,2 ity Ucur $rlakOT MNghraP annaP datta d#ijottamOT nu M(Mru#ur d#ijO kecit kecic chrut#O sthitOT smitOT

iti%thusD UcuT%saidD mOtakOT%the $oysD MNghram%at onceD annam%foodD datta%gi#eD d#ijottamOT%< $est of the $rOhmaQasD na%notD MuMru#uT%listenedD d#ijOT%$rOhmaQasD kecit%someD kecic%someD Mrut#O%hearingD sthitOT%stoodD smitOT%smiling. he $oys said, L< $est of the $rOhmaQas, please gi#e us some food.L Some $rOhmaQas pretended not to hear. <thers heard, $ut simply stood and smiled. e:t ,r te yayU randhanOgOraP $rOhmaQyo yatra pOcikOT gat#O $OlO #ipra%$hOryOT praQemur nata%kandharOT te%theyD yayU%wentD randhanOgOram%to the roomD $rOhmaQyaT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD yatra%whereD pOcikOT%cookingD gat#O%goingD $OlOT%the $oysD #ipra%$hOryOT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD praQemuT%$owed downD nata%kandharOT%$owed heads. hen the $oys went to the kitchen, where the $rOhmaQasE wi#es were cooking. he $oys $owed their heads $efore the $rOhmaQasE wi#es. e:t ,4 nat#ety Ucur $OlakOM ca #ipra%$hOryOT pati%#ratOT annaP datta mOtaro EsmOn kWudhOrtOn api $OlakOn nat#O%$owing downD iti%thusD UcuT%spokeD $OlakOT%the $oysD ca%andD #ipra%$hOryOT% to the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD pati%#ratOT%%de#oted to their hus$andsD annam%foodD datta% please gi#eD mOtaraT%< mothersD asmOn%to usD kWudhOrtOn%hungryD api%alsoD $OlakOn% $oys. 8owing down, the $oys said, L< $rOhmaQasE wi#es de#oted to your hus$ands, < mothers, please gi#e some food to us $oys. "e are hungry.L e:t ,6 $OlOnOP #acanaP Mrut#O

dVWX#O tOPM ca manoharOn papraccha sOdaraP sOdh#yaT smerOnana%saroruhOT $OlOnOm%of the $oysD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD dVWX#O%seeingD tOn%themD ca%andD manoharOn%handsomeD papraccha%askedD sOdaram%respectfullyD sOdh#yaT% saintly womenD smerOnana%saroruhOT%their lotus faces smiling. Looking at the $eautiful $oys and hearing their words, the saintly women, their lotus faces smiling, asked them a Buestion. e:t ,7 MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT ke yUyaP preWitOT kena kOni nOmOni #o #ada dOsyOmo EnnaP $ahu%#idhair #yaZjanaiT sahitaP #aram MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#es saidD ke%who*D yUyam%youD preWitOT% sentD kena%$y whoV*D kOni%what*D nOmOni%namesD #aTLof youD #ada%please tellD dOsyOmaT%we will gi#eD annam%foodD $ahu%#idhaiT%many kindsDu#yNZjanaiT%spicesD sahitam%withD #aram%e:cellent. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es saidJ "ho are you* "ho sent you* "tat are your names* elp us and we will gi#e you many o nds of delicious, $eautifully spiced oods. e:t .9 $rOhmaQNnOP #acaT Mrut#O tO Ucus te mudOn#itOT snigdhO hasantaT sphNtOM ca sar#e gopOla%$OlakOT $rOhmaQNnOm%of the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD #acaTSthe wordsD Mrut(O%hearingD tO%to themD UcuT%saidD te%theyD mudOs#itOT%happyD snigddO%affectionateD hasantaT%smilingD sphitOT%happyD ca%andD sar#e%allD gopOla%$OlakOT%gopa $oys. ;earing the $rOhmaQasEawieesE words, the happy $oys smiled.

e:t ., MrN%$OlO UcuT preWitO rama%kVWQO$hyOP #ayaP kWut%pNRitO $hVMam dattOnnaP mOtaro EsmO$hyOP kWipraP yOmas tad%antikam MrN%$OlO UcuT%the $oys saidD preWitO%sentD rama%kVWQO$hyOm%$y /VWQa and 8alarOmaD #ayam%weD kWut%pNRitO%hungryD $hVMam%#eryD datta%please gi#eD annam%foodD mOtaraT% < mothersD asmO$hyOm%to usD kWipram%at onceD yOmaT%we will goD tad%antikam%to ;im. he $oys saidJ /VWQa and 8alarOma sent us. "e are #ery hungry. < mothers, please gi#e us some food and we will at once take it to /VW a and 8alarOma. e:t .. ito Eti%dUre $hOQRNra% #anO$hyantara e#a ca #SXa%mUle madhu#ane #asantau rOma%keM#au itaT%from hereD ati%dUre%#ery farD $hOQRNra%#anO$hyantare%in $anyan gro#eD e#a% indeedD cn%andD #aXa%of a $anyan treeD mUle%at the rootsD aadhu#ane%in -adhu#anaD #asantau%stayingD rOma%keM#au%/VWQa and 8alarOma. /VWQa and 8alarOma are far from here. hey are at the roots of a $anyan tree in -adhu#ana forest. e:t .0 #isrOntau kWudhitau tau #O yOcete EnnaP ca mOtaraT kim u deyaP na #O deyaP MNghraP #adata no EdhunO #isrOntau%tiredD kWudhitau%hungryD tau% heyD #O%orD yOcete%$egD annam%foodD ca% andD mOtaraT%< mothersD kim%whether*D u%indeedD deyam%to $e gi#enD na%notD #O%orD deyam%to $e gi#enD MNghram%at onceD #adata%please tellD naT%usD adhunO%now.

/VWQa and 8alarOma are also tired and hungry. hey also ask for somemfood. < mothers, please tell us now. "ill you gi#e us some food, or not* e:t .1 gopOnOP #acanaP Mrut#O hVWXOnanOMru%locanOT pulakOYkita%sar#OYgas tat%pOdO$ja%manorathOT gopOnOm%of the gopasD #acanam%the khrdsD Mrut#O%hearongD hVWXOnanOMru%locanOT% tears of happiness int$heri eyesD pulakOYkita%sar#OYgaT%the hairs of their $odies erectD tat%pOdO$ja%manorathOT%yearing to see ;is lotus fVet. ;earing the gopa $oysE words, the $rOhmaQasE wi#es $ecame eager to see the lotus feet of Lord /VWQa and Lord 8alarOma. he hairs of their $odies stood erect and their eyes $tcome filled with tears of happiness. e:t .2 nOnO%#yaZjana%samyuktaP l MOly%annaP su%manoharam pOyasaP piWXakaP s#Odu dadhi kWNraP ghVtaP madhu nOnO%#yaZjana%samyuktam%with many kinds of delicious foodsD MOly%annam%riceD su%manoharam%#ery $eautifulD pOyasam%payasaD piWXakam%pistaka cakesD s#Odu%sweetD dadhi%yogurtD kWNram%milkD ghVtam%gheeD madhu%honey. aking many kinds of perfectly spiced foods, $eautiful rice, sweet%rice, piWXaka cakes, sweet yogurt, milk, ghee, and honey, . . . e:t .3 raupye kaPsye rOjate ca pOtre kVt#O mudOn#itOT tOT sar#O #ipra%patnyaM ca prayayuT kVWQa%sannidhau raupye%sil#erD kaPsye%and $rassD rOjate%shiningD ca%andD pOtre%cupsD kVt#O%doingD

mudOn#itOTe%happyD tOT%theyD sar#O%allD #ipra%patnyaT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD ca%andD prayayuT%wentD kVWQa%sannidhau%to Lord /VWQa. . . . and placing them in shining sil#er and $rass jars, all the $rOhmaQasE wi#es went to see Lord /VWQa. e:t .4 nOnO%manorathaP kVt#O manasO gamanonmukhOT pati%#ratOs tO dhanyOM ca MrN%kVWQa%darManotsukOT nOnO%#ariousD manoratham%desiresD kVt#O%doingD manasO%with the mindD gamanonmukhOT%eager to goD pati%#ratOT%de#oted to their hus$andsD tO%theyD dhanyOT%fortunateD ca%andD MrN%kVWQa%darManotsukOT%eager to see Lord /VWQa. heir hearts filled with many desires, the fortunate $rOhmaQasE wi#es went, eager to see Lord /VWQa. e:t .6 gat#O dadVMuT MrN%kVWQaP sa%$alaP saha%$Olakam #aXa%mUle #asantaP taP uRu%madhye yathoRupam gat#O%goingD dadVMuT%sawD MrN%kVWQam%Lord /VWQaD sa%$alam%with 8alarOmaD saha% $Olakam%with the $oysD #aXa%mUle%at the roots of a $anyan treeD #asantam%stayingD tam%;imD uRu%madhye%in the midst of many starsD yathO%asD uRupam%the moon. Coming to that place, the wi#es saw Lord /VWQa, who was staying with 8alarOma and the $ods at the roots of a aanyan tree, who was like a moon surrounded $y many stars, . . . e:t .7 MyOmaP kiMora%#ayOsOP pNta%kauWeya%#Osasam sundaraP sa%smitaP MOntaP rOdhO%kOntaP manoharam

MyOmam%darkD kiMora%#ayOsOm%youthfulD pNta%kauWeya%#Osasam%wearing yellow silk garmentsD sundaram%handsomeD sa%smitam%smilingD MOntam%peacefulD rOdhO%kOntam% the $lo#ed of SrN 5OdhOD manoharam%charming. . . . who was dark, youthfuc, handsome, charming, smilin(, and peaceful, who was dressed in yellow silk, who was SrN 5OdhOEs $elo#ed, . . . e:t 09 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam ratna keyUra%ealaya% ratna%nUpura%$hUWitam Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyam%whose face was an autumn moonD ratnOlaYkOrr% $hUWitam%decorat n with jewel orlamentsD ratna%jewelD keyUra%#alaya%armelts and $raceletsD ratna%nUpura%$hUWitam%jewelaanklets. . . . whose face was an autumn moon, who was deocrated with jewel $racelets, armlets, anklets, and other ornaments, . . . e:t 0, OjOnu%lam$itaP Mu$hraP $i$hrataP ratna%mOlikOm mOlatN%mOlayO kaQXha% #akWaT%sthala%#irOjitam OjOnu%lam$itam%hanging to ;is kneesD Mu$hram%splendidD $i$hratam%wearingD ratna%mOlikOm%necklace of jewelsD mOlatN%of malati flowersD mOlayO%with a garlandD kaQXha%neckD #akWaT%sthala%and chestD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . who wore a splendid ewel necklace reaching to ;is knees, whose neck and chest were splendid with a jasmine garlanS, . . . e:t 0. candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumOrcita%#igraham

su%nOsaP su%kapolaP ca tuWXu#ur madhusUdanam candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkuimaD arcita% anointedD #igraham%whose formD su%nOsam%handsome noseD su%kapolam%handsome cheeksD ca%andD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD madhusUdanam%to Lord /VWQa. . . . who was anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, and whose nose and cheeks were graceful and handsome. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es then offered prayers to Lord /VWQa, . . . e:t 00 pak#a%dORim$a%$NjO$haP $i$hrataP dantam uttamam Mikhi%puccha%samOyuta% $addha%cURaP parOt param pak#a%ripeD dORim$a%pomegranateD $Nja%seedsD O$ham%likeD $i$hratam%manifestingD dantam%teethD uttamam%$eautifulD Mikhi%puccha%a peacock featherD samOyuta%withD $addha%cURam%hairD parOt%than the greatestD param%grea$er. . . . whose $eautiful teith wero splendid as pomegranate seeds, who wore a peacock feather in ;is hair, who was greater than the greatest, . . . e:t 01 kadam$a%puWpa%yugmO$hyOP karQa%mUla%#irOjitam dhyOnOsOdhyaP yoginOP ca $haktOnugraha%kOtaram kadam$a%puWpa%yugmO$hyOm%with two kadam$a flowersD karQa%earsD mUla%rootsD #irOjitam%splendidD dhyOna%$y meditationD asOdhyam%unattaina$leD yoginOm%of the yogisD ca%andD $haktOnugraha%kOtaram%o#ercome with kindness for ;is de#otees. . . . who wore a splendid kadam$a flower on each ear, whom the yogNs cannot find in their meditations, who is o#ercome with kindness for ;is de#otees, . . . e:t 02

$rahmeMa%dharma%MeWendraiT stuyamOnaP munNM#araiT dVWX#ai#am NM#araP $haktyO praQemur d#ija%yoWitaT s#OsOP jZOnOnurUpaP ca tuWXu#ur madhusUdanam u $rahmeMa%dharma%MeWendraiT%$y 8rahmO, Si#a, =amarOja, SeWa, and IndraD stuyamOnam%nffered prayersD munNM#araiT%$y the kings of the sagesD dVWX#O%seeingD e#am%thusD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD $haktyO%with de#otionD praQemuT%$owed downD d#ija%yoWitaT%teh $rOhmaQasD wi#esD s#OsOm%ownD j].sy .1,^OnOnurUpam%according to the knowledgeD ca%andD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD madhusUdanam%to Lord /VWQa. . . . and to whom 8rahmO, Si#a, =ama, SeWa, Indra, and the kings of the sages offer many prayers. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es gaGed at Lord /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, and $owed down $efore ;im with de#otion. hen, as far as their knowledge of ;im allowed, they offered prayers to ;im. e:t 03 MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT t#aP $rahma paramaP dhOma nirNho nirahaYkVtaT nirguQaM ca nirOkOraT sOkOraT saguQaT s#ayam MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#es saodD t#am%=ouD $rahma%8rahmanD paramam%supremeD dhOma%a$odeD nirNhaT%without material actionsD nirahaYkVtaT% without false egoD nirguQaT%without material BualitiesD ca%andD nirOkOraT%without a material formD sOkOraT%with a transcendental formD saguQaT%with material BualitiesD s#ayam personally. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es saidJ =ou are the Supreme 8rahman, the supreme transcendental a$ode. =our acti#ities are not material. =ou are free from the false ego of identifying with matter. =ou ha#e no material Bualities and no material form, for =our Bualities and forms are all spiritual. e:t 04 sOkWi%rUpaM ca nirliptaT

paramOtmO nirOkVtiT prakVtiT puruWas t#aP ca kOraQaP ca tayoT paraT sOkWi%rUpaT%the witnessD ca%andD nirliptaT%untouchedD paramOtmO%tee SupersoulD nirOkVtiT% ithotu a material formD prakVtiT%natureD puruWaT%the SupremeD ca%andD kOraQam%the causeD ca%andD tayoT%of them $othD paraT%a$o#e. =ou are the Supersoul, whose form is not material, who is not touched $y mattmr, and who is the all%per#ading witness of all. =ou are Lord ViWQu, the puruWa%a#atOra, and =ou are the material energyh =ou are the cause of $oth Lord ViWQu and the world of matter, and =ou are a$o#e hem $oth. e:t 06 iVWXi%sthity%anta%#iWaye ye ca de#Os trayaT parOT te t#ad%aPMOT sar#a%$NjO $rahma%#iWQunmaheM#araT sVWXi%sthity%anta%#iWaye%in creation, maintenance, and destructionD ye%whoD ca%andD de#OT%demigodsD trayaT%threeD parOT%supremeD te%theyD t#ad%yPMOT%=our parti(l e:pansionsD sar#a%$NjO%the seeds of allD $rahma%#iWQu%maheM#araT%8rahmO, ViWQuy e d Si#a. 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a, who control creation, maintenance, and destructitn, and who are the seeds of e#erything, are =our partial incarnations. e:t 07 yasya lomnOP ca #i#areW# akhilaP #iM#am NM#ara mahO%#irOR mahO%#iWQus t#aP tasya janako #i$ho yasya%of whomD lomnOm%of the hairsD ca%andD #i#areW#%in the holesD akhilam%allD #iM#am%uni#ersesD NM#ara%< LordD mahO%#irOR%the uni#resal formD mahO%#iWQuT%Lord -ahO%ViWQuD t#am%=ouD tasya%of ;imD janakaT%the fatherD #i$haT%< almighty one. < almighty Lord, =ou are the father of Lord ViWQu, who is the entire uni#erse, and from the pores of whose $ody all the uni#erses ha#e come.

e:t 19 tejas t#aP cOpi tejas#N jZOnaP jZOnN ca tat%paraT #ede nir#acanNyas t#aP kas t#OP stotum iheM#araT tejaT%powerD t#am%=ouD ca%andD api%alsoD tejas#N%the powerfulD jZOnam%knwoledgeD jZOnN%the knawerD ca%andD t$t%paraTea$i#e themD #ede%in the VedasD ni #acanNyaT% indescri$a$leD t#am%=ouD kaT%who*D t#Om%=ouD stotum%to praiseD iha%in this worldD NM#araT%is a$le. =ou are power and the powerful. =ou are knowledge and the knower. =ou are a$o#e e#erything. >#en the Vedas cannot properly descri$e =ou. "ho in this world is Bualified to offer prayers to =ou* e:t 1, mahad%Odi%sVWXi%sUtraP paZca%tan%mOtram e#a ca $NjaP t#aP sar#a%MaktNnOP sar#a%Makti%s#arUpakaT mahad%Odi%sVWXi%sUtram%the mahat%tatt#a and the material creationD paZca%tan% mOtram%the fi#e tan%mdntrasD e#a%indeedD ca%andD $Njam%the seedD t#am%=ouD sar#a% MaktNnOm%of all potenciesD sar#a%Makti%s#arUpakaT%the form of all potencies. =ou are the mahat%tatt#a and the other causes of material creation.i=ou are the fi#e tan%mOtras. =ou are the seed from which all potencies ha#e come. =ou are the possessor of all potencies. e:t 1. sar#a%MaktNM#araT sar#aT sar#a%Makty%OMrayaT sadO t#am anUhaT s#ayam$jyotiT sar#OnandaT sanOtanaT sar#a%MaktNM#araT%the master of all potenciesD sar#aT%e#ereythingD sar#a%Makty% OMrayaT%the shelter of all potenciesD sadO%alwaysD t#am%=ouD anUhaT%inconcei#a$leD

s#ayam%jyotiT%self%effulgentD sar#OnandaT%filled with all transcendental $lissD sanOtanaT%eternal. =ou are the master of all potencies. =ou are the shelter of all potencies. =ou are e#erything. =ou are inconcei#a$le, self%effulgent, eternal, and full of $liss. e:t 10 aho Epy OkOra%hNnas t#aP sar#a%#igraha#On api sar#endriyOQOP #iWayaP jOnOsi nendriyN $ha#On ahaT%<hD api%e#en thoughD OkOra%hNnaT%without material formsD t#am%=ouD sar#a% #igraha#On%ha#ing all formsD api%e#en thoughD sar#endriyOQOm%of all sensesD #iWayam% the range of perceptionD jOnOsi%=ou knowD na%notD indriyN%possessing material sensesD $ha#On%=ou. =ou ha#e no material forms. =our forms are spiritual. =ou ha#e the power to manifest any form =ou wish. =ou ha#e no material senses, $ut still =ou are aware of e#erything e:perienced $y the material senses of all. e:t 11 saras#atN jaRN%$hUtO yat%stotre yan%nirUpaQe jaRN%$hUto maheMaM ca t MeWo dharmo #idhiT s#ayam saras#atN%saras#atND jaRN%$hUtO%struck dum$D yat%stotre%in praising =ouD yan% nirUpaQe%in descriping =ouD jaRN%$hUtaT%struck dum$D maheMaT%Lord Si#aD ca%andD MeWaT%Lord SeWaD dharmaT%=amarOjaD #idhiT%8rahmOD s#ayam%personally. rying to praise =ou, Foddess Saras#atN $ecomes speechless. Si#a, SeWa, 8rahmO, and =amarOja also $ecome speechless. e:t 12 pOr#atN kamalO rOdhO sa#itrN #eda%sUr api #edaM ca jaRatOP yOti

ke #O MaktO #ipaMcitaT pOr#atN%(ar#atNe kamalOaLakWmND rOdhO%5OdhOD sa#itrN%Sa#itrND #eda%sUT%the mother of the VedasD api%e#enD #edaT%the VedasD ca%andD jaRatOm%$eing speechlessD yOti%attainD ke%who*D #O%orD MaktO%is a$leD #ipaMcitaT%wise. (Or#atN, LakWmN, 5OdhO, Sa#itrN, thh mother uf the Vedas, and the Vedas themsel#es are all speecaless. "ho io wise and learned enough t glorify =ou* e:t 13 #ayaP kiP sta#anaP kUrmo EyogyOT prajZeM#areM#ara prasanno $ha#a yo de#a ddNna%$andho kVpOP kuru #ayam%weD nim%kow*D sta#anam%prayerD kUrmaT%we SoD ayogyOT%unfitD prajZeM#areM#ara%the king of the king of the wi<eD prasannao%pleasedD $ha#a%$eD naT% with usD de#a%< LordD dNna%$andhaT%< friend of the fallenD kVpOm%mercyD kuru%please do. "e are #ery unBualified. ;ow can we glorify =ou properly* < king of the kings of the wise, please $e pleased with us. < Lord, < friend of the fallen, please $e merciful to us. e:t 14 ity e#am ukt#O tOT patnyaT petus tac%caraQOm$uje a$hayaP pradadau tOM ca prasanna%#$danekWaQaT iti%thusD e#am%i7n this wayD ukt#O%speakingD tOT%themD patnyaT%the wi#esD petuT% fellD tac%caraQOm$uje%at ;is lotus feetD a$hayam%fearlessnessD pradadau%ga#eD tOT%to themD ca%andD prasanna%#adanekWaQaT%with happy face and eyes. )fter speaking these words, the $rOhmaQasE wi#es fell at Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. ;is face and eyes smiling, LorS /VWQa made them fearless. e:t 16

#ipra%patnyO kVtaP stotraP pUja%kOle ca yaT paXhet sa gatiP #ipra%patnNnOP la$hate nOtra saPMayaT #ipra%patnyO%$y the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD kVtam%doneD stotram%prayerD pUja%kOle%at the time of worshipD ca%andD yaT%one whoD paXhet%recitesD sa%heD gatim%destinationD #ipra%patnNnOm%of the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD la$hate%attainsD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT% dou$t. ) person who, when he worships the Lord, recites these prayers spoken $y the $rOhmaQasE wi#es, will attain a destination like what they attained. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 17 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca tOT pOdOm$hoja%patitO dVWX#O MrN/madhusUdanaT #araP #VQuta kalyOQaP $ha#itO cety u#Oca ha MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD tOT%themD pOdOm$hoja%patitO%fallen at Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD dVWX#O%seeingD MrN%madhusUdanaT%SrN /VWQaD #aram%a $oonD #VQuta%askD kalyOQam%auspiciousnessD $ha#itO%will $eD ca%andD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha% indeed. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ Seeing them fallen at ;is lotus feet, Lord /VWQa said to them, L)uspiciousness to you. =ou may ask a $oon.L e:t 29 MrN%kVWQasya #acaT Mrut#O #ipra%patnyo mudOn#itOT tam Ucur #acanaP $haktyO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT MrN%kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD #ipra%patnyaT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD mudOn#itOT%happyD tam%to ;imD UcuT%saidD #acanam%wordsD $haktyO%with de#otionD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT%with hum$ly $owed heads.

;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, the $rOhmaQasE wi#es $ecame happy. heir heads hum$ly $owed, they spoue to ;im wonds ofmde#otion. e:t 2, MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT #araP #atsa na gVhQNmo naT spVhO t#at%padOm$uje dehi s#a%dOsyam asmO$hyOP dVRhOP $haktiP su%durla$hOm MrN%#ipra%patnya UcuT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#es saidD #aram%$oonD #atsa%< childD na% notD gVhQNmaT%we acchptD naT%of usD spVhO%the desireD t#at%padOm$uje%at =our ootus feetD dehi%please giweD s#a%dOsyam%ser#ice to =ouD asmO$hyOm%to usD dVRhOm%firmD $haktim%de#otionD su%durla$hOm%#ery rare. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es saidJ < child, we do not wish anymordinary $oon. "e desire nly =our lotus feet. (lease gi#e us ser#ice to =ou. Fi#e us sincere de#otion to =ou, de#otion that is #ery difficult to attain. e:t 2. paMyOmo EnukWaQaP #aktra% sarojaP ta#a keMa#a anugrahaP kurut#i$ho na yOsyOmo gVhaP punaT paMyOmaT%we seeD anhkWaQam%at e#ery momentD #aktra%faceD sarojam%lotusD ta#a%of =ouD keMa#a%< /VWQaD anugrahum%kindnessD kuru%please doD #i$haT%< a mighty LordD na%notD yOsyOmaT%we goD gVham%homeD punaT%again. "e wish to gaGe always on =our lotus face. < /VwQa, < )lmighty Lord, please $e merciful to us. &o not make us return again to our homes. e:t 20 d#ija%patnN%#acaT Mrut#O MrN%kVWQaT karuQO%nidhiT om ity ukt#O tri%lokeMas

tasthau $Olaka%saPsadi d#ija%patnN%of the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD MrN%kVWQaT% SrN /VWQaD karuQO%nidhiT%who is an ocean of mercyD om%=esD iti%thusD ukt#O%sayingD tri% lokeMaT%the master of the three worldsD tasthau%stoodD $Olaka%saPsadi%among the $oys. ;earing the $rOhmaQasE wi#esE words, Lord /VWQa, who is the master of the three worlds and an ocean of mercy, and who was surrounded $y the gopa $oys, said, L=es. So $e it.L e:t 21 pradattaP #ipra%patnN$hir miWXam fntaP sudhopadam $OlakOn $hojayit#O tu s#ayaP ca $u$huje hariT pradattam%offeredD #ipra%patnN$hiT%$y the 8alarOmasE wi#esD miWXam%deliciousD annam%foodD sudhopamam%like nectarD $OlakOn%the $oysD $hojayit#O%feedingD tu% indeedD s#ayam%personallyD ca%andD $u$huje%ateD hariT%Lord /VWQa. hen Lord /VWQa accepted the $rOhmaQasE wi#es offering of delicious foods sweet like nectar. ;e ate it and ;e had the $oys also eat. e:t 22 etasminn antare tatra MOtakum$ha%rathaP #aram dadVMur #ipra%patnyaM ca patantaP gaganOd aho etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD MOtakum$ha%ratham%a golden chariotD #aram% $eautifulD dadVMuT%sawD #ipr %patnyaT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD ca%andD patantam% descendingD gaganOt%from the skyD ahaT%<h. "hen Lord /VWQa and the $oys had finished eating, the $rOhmaQasE wi#es saw descending from the sky a $eautiful golden chariot, . . . e:t 23

ratna%darpaQa%samyuktaP ratna%sOra%paricchadam ratna%stam$hair niruddhaP ca sdd%ratna%kalasojj#alam ratna%darpaQ %samyuktam%with iewel mirrorsD ratna%sOra%paricchadam%with jewel paraphernaliaD ratna%stam$haiT%with jewel pillarsD niruddham%$uiltD ca%andD sad%ratna% kalasojj#alam%splendid with jewel domes. . . . splendid with jewel mirrors, jewel furniture, jewel pillars, jewel domes, . . . e:t 24 M#eta%cOmara%samyuktaP #ahni%MuddhOPMukOn#iOa pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jOlair #irOjitam M#eta%cOmara%samyuktam%white camarasD #ahni%MuddhOPMukOn#itam%with curtains pure like fireD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of harijata flowersD mOlO%jOlaiT%with a network of garlandsD #irOjitam%splendid. . . . white cOmaras, curtains pure like fire, and many pOrijOta flowers, . . . e:t 25 Mata%candra%samOyuktaP mano%yOyN manoharam #eWXitaP pOrWadair di#yair t #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWituiT Mata%candra%+smOyuktam%splendid as a hundred moonsD mano%yOyN%fast as the mindD manoharam%$eautifulD #eWXitam%filledD pOrWadaiT%with li$erated associates ofnthe LordD di#yaiT%splendidDe#ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitaiT%decorated with forest garlands. . . . glorious like a hundred moons, $eautiful, tra#eling as fast as the mind, filled with splendid li$erated associates of the Lord, associates decorated witu forest garlands, e:t 27

pNta%#astra%parNdhOnai ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaiT na#a%yau#ana%sampannaiT MyOmSlutT su%manoharaiT pNta%uastra%parNdhOnaiT%wearing yellow garmentsD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitaiT%decorated with jewel ornamentsD na#a%yau#ana%sampannaiT%in full $loom of youthD MyOmalaiT% darkD su%manoharaiT%#ery handsome. . . . wearing yellow garments and jewel ornaments, dark, handsome, in the full $loom of youth, . . . e:t 39 d#i%$hujair muralN%hastair gopa%#eWa%dharair #araiT Mikhi%puccha%guZjO%mOlO% $addha%#aYkima%cURakaiT d#i%$hujaiT%with two armsD muralN%hastaiT%flutes in their handsD gopa%#eWa% dharaiT%dressed as gopasD #araiT%e:cellentD Mikhi%puccha%peacock feathersD guZjO% mOlO%gunja garlandsD $addha%#aYkima%cURakaiT%the top%knot of their hair. . . . ha#ing two arms, holding flutes in their hands, dressed as gopa $oys, and their hair decorated with peacock feathers and guZjO. e:t 3, a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP te praQamya hareT padam ratham OrohanaP kartuP Ucur $rOhmaQa%kOminNT a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from the chariotD tUrQam%BuicklyD te%theyD praQamya% $owing downD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD padam%to the feetD ratham%the chariotD Orohanam% mountingD kartum%to doD UcuT%spokeD $rOhmaQa%kOminNT%the $rOhmaQasE wi#es. &escending from the chariot, they at once $owed down $efore Lord /VWQaEs feet. hen they told the $rOhmaQasE wi#es to enter the chariot.

e:t 3. #ipra%$hOryO hariP nat#O jagmur golokam Npsitam $a$hU#ur gopikOT sadyas tyakt#O mOnuWa%#igrahOn #ipra%$hOryO%the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD harim%to Lord /VWQaD nat#O%$owing downD jagmuT%wentD golokam%to FolokaD Npsitam%desiredD $a$hU#uT%wereD gopikOT%gopNsD sadyaT%at onceD tyakt#O%lea#ingD mOnuWa%#igrahOn%human forms. he $rOhmaQasE wi#es at once left their human foems and $ecame li$erated gopNs. hey $owed down $efore Lord /sWQypand went to Foloka, where they yearned to go. e:t 30 hariM chOyOP #inirmOyO tOsOP ca #iWQu%mOyayO prasthOpayOm Osa gVhOn N $rOhmaQOnuP s#ayaP #i$huT hariT%Lord /VWQaD chOyOm%a shadowD #inirmOyO%makingD tOsOm%of themD ca%andD #mWQu%mOyayO%$y Lord ViWQuELs illusory potencyD prasthOpayOm Osa%placedD gVhOn%in the homesD $rOhmaQOnOm%of the $rOmmaQasD s(ayam%personally( #i$huT%the Lord. hen, employing ;is yogamOyO potency, Lord /VWQa created shadow forms of thm wi#esrand placed them in the $rOhmaQasE homes. e:t 31 #iprOM ca $hOryO uddiMya paraP sandigdha%mOnasOT an#eWaQaP prakur#anto dadVMuT pathi kOminNT #iprOT%theu$rDhmaQasD ca%andD $hOryO%wi#esD uddiMya%in relation toD param%#eryD snndigdha%mOnasOT%affectionate at heartD an#eWaQam%searchingD prakur#antaT%doingD dadVMuT%sawD pathi%on the pathsD kOminNT%wi#es. he $rOhmaQas, who in their hLarts dearly lo#ed them, were searching for their wi#es when they suddenly saw them on the path.

e:t 32 dVWX#ocur $rOhmaQOT sar#e tOs te ca #inayOn#itOT pulakOYkita%sar#aYgOT prasanna%#adanekWaQOT dVWX#O%seeingD ucuT%saidD $rOhmaQOT%the $rOhmaQasD sar#e%allD tOT%to themD te% theyD ca%andD #inayOn#itOT%hum$leD pulakOYkita%sar#aYgOT%the hairs of thei $odies erectD prasanna%#adanekWaQOT%their faces and eyes cheerful. rening their wi#es, the hum$led $rOhmaQas. the hairs of their $odies erect and their faces and eyes filled with smiler, spoke. e:t 33 MrN%$rOhmaQO UcuT aho Eti%dhanyO yUyaP ca dVWXo yuWmO$hir NM#araT asmOkaP jN#anaP #yarthaP #eda%pOXho Epy anarthakaT MrN%$rOhmaQO UcuT%rhe $rOhmaQas saidD ahaT%<hD ati%#eryD dhanyO%fortunateD yUyam%youD ca%andD dVWXaT%seenD yuWmO$hil%$y youD NM#araT%t,e Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD asmOkam%of usD jN#anam%the lifeD #yartham%uselessD #eda%pOXhaT%study of the VedasD api%alsoD anarthakaT%useless. hh $rOhmaQas saidJ =ou are fortunate\ =ou ha#e seen the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead\ <ur li#es are useeess and our Vedic studies are a waste of time. e:t 34 #ede purOQe sar#atra #id#ad$hiT parikNrtitST harer #i$hUtayaT sar#OT sar#eWOP janako harir #ede%in the VedasD purOQe%and the (uranasD sar#atra%e#erywherrD #id#ad$hiT%$y the wiseD parikNrtitOT%glorifiedD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD #i$hUtayhT%the potenctmsD sar Oe% allD sar#eWOm%of allD janakaT%the fatherD hariT%Lord /VWQa.

Lord /VWQaEs glories are proclaimed in the Vedas and (urOQas. Lord /VWQa is e#eryoneEs father. e:t 36 tapo japo #rataP dOnaP #edOdhyOyanam arcanam tNrtha%snOnam anaManaP sar#eWOP phala%do hariT tapaT%aush rityD japaT%mantasD #ratam%eowsD dOnmm%charityD #edOdhyOyanam%Vedic studyD arcanam%worshipD tNrtha%snOnam%$athing in holy placesD anaManam%fastingD sar#eWOm%of allD phala%daT%gi#ing the fruitsD hariT%Lord /VWQa. It is Lord /VWQa who gi#es to e#eryone the results of austerities, mantras, #ows, charity, Vedic study, worship, $athing in holy places, and fasting. e:t 37 MrN%kVWQaT se#ito yena kiP tasya tapasOP phaiaiT prOpoaT kalpa%tarur yena kiP tasyOnyena MOkhinO MrN%kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD se#itaT%ser#edD yena%$y whpmD kim%what*D tasyajof himD tapasOm%of austeritiesD phalaiT%with the resultsD prOptaT%attainedD kalpa%taruT%a desire% treeD rena%$y whomD kim%what*D tasya%of himD anyena%with anotherD MOkhinO%tree. @or one who ser#es Lord /VWQa, what is the use of austerities* @or one wjo has attained a kalpa%#Vksa tree that fulfills all desires, what is the use of other trees* e:t 49 MrN%kVWQo hVdaye yasya kiP tasya karma$hiTtkVtaiT kiP pNta%sOgarasyai#a pauruWaP kUp#%laYghane MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD hVdaye%in the heartD yasya%of whomD kim%wh$t*D tasya%of himD

karma$hiT%with pious deedsD kVtaiT%doneD kim%what*D pNta%sOgarasya%of an oceanD e#a% indeedD pauruWam%the powerD kUpa%laYghane%jumping o#er a well. @or one who in his heart has Lord /VWQa, what is the use of pious deeds* "hy shall a person powerful enough to jump o#er the ocean make a display of jumping o#er a well* e:t 4, ity e#am ukt#O #iprOM ca gVhNt#O kOminN%#arOT prajagmuT s#a%gVhaP hVWXas tO$hiT sOrdhaP ca remire iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD #iprOT%the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD gVhNt#O%takingD kOminN%#arOT%ile#ated wi#esD prajagmuT%wentD s#a%gVham%to their own homesD hVWXaT% happyD tO$hiT%with themD sOrdham%withD ca%andD remire%enjoyed. u )fter speaking these words, the $rOhmaQas returned home with their ele#ated wi#es and enjoyed with them. e:t 4. tOsOP tato EdhikaP prema krNROsu sar#a%karmasu dOkWiQyaP mOyayO MaktO $rahmaQO na #itarkitum tOsOm%of themD tataT%than thatD adhokam%moreD Srema%lo#eD krNROsu%in pastimesD sar#a%karmasu%in all acti#itiesD dOkWiQyam%e:pertnessD mOyayO%$y mayaD MaktO%a$leD $rahmaQO%the $rOhmaQasD na%notD #itarkitum%to guess. he wi#es were e#en more affectionate, playful, and e:pert in household duties than $efore. Still, $ewildered $y the LordEs illusory potency, the $rOhmaQas did not suspect that anything wasLamiss. e:t 40 atha nOrOyaQaT so EyaP $alena MiMu$hiT saha jagOma s#OlayaP tUrQaP

pUrQaP $rahma sanOtanam atha%thenD nOrOyaQaT%Lord NErOyaQaD saT%;eD ayam%;eD $alena%with 8alarOmaD MiMu$hiT%the w$oysD saha%withD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to ;is own a$odeD tUrQam%at onceD pUrQam%fullD $rahma%8rahmanD sanOtanam%eternal. hen, accompanied $y 8alarOma and the $oys, Lord /VWQa, the eternal Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, returned to ;is home. e:t 41 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP harer mOhOtmyam uttamam purO MrutaP dharma%#aktrOt kiP $hUyaT Mrotum icchasi iti%thusD e#aP kathitam%thusD sar#am%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD mOhOtmyam%the glotyD uttamam%transcendentalD purO%jeforeD Mrutam%heardD dharma%#aktrOttfrom the mouth of &harma -unie kim%what*D $hUyaT%moreD Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%you wish. hus I ha#e told you all I heard from &harma -uniEs mouth a$out Lord /VWQaEs transcendental glories. "hat more do you wish to hear* e:t 42 MrN%nOrada u#Oca VWNndra kena puQyena $a$hU#a #ipra%yoWitOm munNndrOQOP ca siddhOnOP durla$hO gatir NdVMN MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD VWNndra%< king of sagesD kena%$y what*D puQyena% pious deedD $a$hU#a%$ecameD #ipra%yoWitOm%of the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD munNndrOQOm% of the kings of sagesD ca%andD siddhOnOm%ofthe siddhasD durla$hO%difficult to attainD gatiT%destinationD NdVMN%like that. SrN NOrada saidJ < king of sages, what pious deeds did the $rOhmaQasE wi#es perform that they attained a destination e#en great munis and siddhas canSot attain*

e:t 43 imOT kO #O puQya#atyaT purO tasthur mahN%talam OjagmuT kena doWeQa #ada sandeha%$haZjana imOT%theyD kO%what*D #O%orD puQya#atyaT%piousD purO%$eforeD tasthuT%stoodD mahN% talam%on the earthD OjagmuT%cameD kena%$y what*D doWeQa%faultD #ada%please tellD sandeha%$ha].sy .1,^jana%$reaking dou$ts. "ho were these pious women in their pre#ious $irth. 8ecause of what fault did they come to the earth* < $reaker of dou$ts, please tell. e:t 44 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca saptarWNnOP ramaQyaM ca rUpeQOpratimOT parOT guQa#atyaT su%MNlOM ca s#a%dharmiWXhOT pati%#ratOT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD saptarsNnOm%of the se#en sagesD ramaQyaT%the wi#esD ca%andD rUpeQa%with $eautyD apratimOT%incompara$leD parOT% greatD guQa#atyaT%#irtuousD su%MNlOT%with good characterD ca%andD s#a%dharmiWXhOT% religiousD pati%#ratOT%de#oted to their hus$ands. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ In their pre#ious $irth they were the wi#es of the se#en sages. hey were incompara$ly $eautiful, #irtuous, no$le%hearted, religious, de#oted to their hus$ands, . . . e:t 46 na#Nna%yau#anOT sar#OT pNna%MroQi%payodharOT di#ya%#astra%parNdhOnO ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT na#Nna%yau#anOT%in the full $loom of youthD sar#OT%allD pNna%MroQi%payodharOT% with full $reasts and hipsD di#ya%#astra%splendid garmentsD parNdhOnO%wearingD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitOT%decorated with jewel ornaments.

. . . youthful, $u:om, $road%hipped, clothed in splendid garments, decorated with jewel ornaments, . . . e:t 47 tapta%kOZcana%#arQO$hOT smerOnana%saroruhOT munNnOP mOnasaP MaktO mohituP #akra%cakWuWO tapta%kOZcana%#arQO$hOT%fair as molten goldD smerOnana%saroruhOT%with smiling lotus facesD munNnOm%of the sagesD mOnasam%the mindD MaktO%a$leD mohitum%to enchantD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked glances. . . . fair like molten gold, $eautiful with smiling lotus faces, and a$le with a crooked glance to $ewilder the minds of the greatest sages. e:t 69 dVWX#O tFsOP stana%MroQi% mukhOni sundarOQi ca analaM cakame tOM ca madanOnala%pNRitaT dVWX#O%seeingD tOsOm%of themD stana%$reastsD MroQi%and hipsD mukhOni%and facesD sundarOQi%$eautifulD ca%andD analaT%)gnide#aD cakame%desiredD tOT%themD ca%andD madanOnala%pNRitaT%tortured $y the fire of amorous desires. Seeing their $eautiful faces, $reasts, and hips, the fire%god )gni desired them. ;e was tormented $y the fires of desire. e:t 6, agni%sthOna%sthitOnOP ca MikhayO suratonmukhOT pasparMaYgOni tOsOP ca $a$hU#a hata%cetanOT agni%sthOna%sthitOnOm%staying in )gniEs placeD ca%andD MikhayO%with a flameD suratonmukhOT%passionateD pasparMa%touchedD aYgOni%%the lim$sD tOsOm%of themD ca%

andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD hata%destoyedD cetanOT%hearts. )s the wi#es cooked o#er a fire, )gni, his mind destroyed $y lust, from far away touched their lim$s through the flames. e:t 6. pati%#ratO na jOnanti pati%pOdO$ja%mOnasOT agnir%aYgOni tOsOP ca darMaP sparMoP mumoha ca pSti%#ratO%chasteD na%notD jOnlnti%understoodD pati%pOdO$ja%mOnasOT%therr hearts placed at their hus$andsE lotus feetD agnir%aYgOni%the lim$s of flameD tOwOm%of themD ca%andD darMam%seeingD sparMam%touchingD mumoha%$ewilderedD ca%and. he chaste wi#es, their heyrts and minds placed at their hus$andsE lotus feet, did not understand what was happening. 8ewildered with lust, )gni stared at them and touched them again and again through the flames. e:t 60 #ahneM ca mOnasaP jZOt#O $haga#On aYgirOT s#ayam MaMOpa tam ity u#Oca sar#a%$hakWo $a$hU#a ha #ahneT%of )gniD ca%BandD mOnasam%the mindD j].sy .1,^Ot#O%understandingD $haga#On%powerfulD aYgirOT%)YgirO -uniD s#ayam%personallyD MaMOpa%cursedD tam% himD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD sar#a%$hakWaT%eating e#erythingD $a$hU#a%$ecomeD ha% indeed. ?nderstanding )gniEs mind, powerful )YgirO -uni cursed him, saying, LNow you must eat e#erythingL. e:t 61 #ahniT sa%cetano $hUt#O tuWXO#a muni%puYga#am #rNRayO namra%#adanas

e cakampe $rahma%tejasO #ahniT%)gniD sa%cetanaT%restored to his se1nsesD $hUt#O%$ecomingD tuWXO#a%prayedD muni%puYga#am%to the great sageD #rNRayO%with em$arrassmentD namra%#adanaT%his head $owedD cakampe%rem$ledD $rahma%tejasO%$y the $rOhmaQasE power. Coming to his senses, )gni $egged the sage for mercy. ;is head $owed with shame, )gni trem$led to think of the $rOhmaQaEs power. e:t 62 kruddho muniT para%spVWXa% kOminNM ca saMOpa ha yOta yUyaP pOpa%yuktO mOnusNP yoQim e#a ca kruddhaT%angryD muniT%the sageD para%$y anotherD spVWXa%touchedD kOminNT%the wi#esD ca%andD saMOpa%cursedD ha%indeedD yOta%goD yUyam%youD pOpa%yuktO%sinnersD mOnusNm%to a humanD yoQim%$irthD e#a%indeedD ca%and. he angry sage then cursed the wi#es that had $een touched $y an outsider. ;e said, LSinful women, go and take $irth as human $eings\L e:t 63 $hOrate $rOhmaQOnOP ca gVhe la$hata janma #ai kariWyanti #i#OhaP ca yuWmOn naT kulajO d#ijOT $hOrate%on the earthD $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD ca%andD gVhe%in the homeD la$hata%attainD janma%$irthD #ai%indeedD kariWyanti%will doD #i#Oham%weddingD ca%andD yuWmOn%youD naT%of usD kulajO%$orn in respectaele familiesD d#ijOT%$rOhmaQas. L hke $irth in $rOhmaQasE homes. 5especta$le $rOhmaQas $orn in our family will marrk you.L e:t 64 Mrut#O #OkyaP munes tOM ca ruruduT prema%#ih#alOT

puXOZjali%yutOT sar#O ity Ucus taP #idOP #aram Mrut#O%hearingD #Okyam%the wordsD muneT%of the sageD tOT%to thimy calandD ruruduT%weptD premau#ih#alOT%o#ercome with lo#em puXOZjali%yutOT%with folded handsD sar#O%allD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD tam%to himD #idOm%of the wiseD #a!am%the $est. ;earing the sageEs wo ds, the lo#inf we#es wept. @olding their hands, they all spnkr to him, the $est of the wise. e:t 66 MrN%muni%patynaiU,uT na tyajOsmOn muni%MreWXha niWpOpOM ca pati%#ratOT ajOnantNT para%spVWXOT na ca nas tyaktum arhati MrN%muni%patyna UcuT%the sageEs wi#es saidD na%notD tyajOsmOn%we lea#eD muni% MreWXha%< $est of sagesD niWpOpOT%sinlessD ca%andD pati%#ratOT%chasteD ajOnantNT% unawareD ara%spyWXOT%of $eing touched $y anotherD na%notD ca%andD naT%of usD tyaktum%to a$andonD arhati%are worthy. he sageEs wi#es saidJ < $est of sages, please donEt a$andon us. "e are sinless and chaste. "e did not know we were $eing touched $y an outsider. =ou should not a$andon us. e:t 67 $haktOnOP kiYkarNnOP ca na daQRaP karhum arhati yuWmOkaP caraQOm$hojaP kadO drakWyOmahe #ayam $haktOnOm%deootedD kiYkarNnOm%of maidser#aetsD ca%andD nm%notD daQRam% punishmentD kartum%to doD arhati%are worthyD yuWmOkam%of youD caraQa%feetD am$hojam%lotusD kadO%when*D drakWyOmahe%we will seeD #ayam%we. =ou should not punish us, your de#oted ser#ants. "hen will we see your lotus feet again*

e:t 79 khaRga%cchedOd #ajra%pOtOt sar#a%praharaQOn mune dOruQaT kOnta%#icchedaT sOdh#NnOP duTsahaT sadO khaRga%cchedOt%from the cutting of a swordD #ajra%pOtOt%from the falling of a thunder$oltD sar#a%praharaQOn%than all weaponsD mune%< sageD dOruQaT%more terri$leD kOnta%from the $elo#ed hus$andD #icchedaT%deparationD sOdh#NnOm%of chaste wi#esD duTsahaT%un$eara$leD sadO%always. < sage, for a chaste wife separation from her dear hus$and is an un$eara$le suefering, moru terri$le than $eing cut $y swords, struck $y lightning, or tortured in e#ery way. e:t 7, $rahmiWXhOnOP guQa#atOP parOn kOntOn mahO%munNn e#am%$hUtOn kathaP tyakt#O yOsyOmaT pVthi#N%talam $rahmiWXhOnOm%saintlyD guQa#atOm%#irtuousD parOn%otherD kOntOn%hus$andsD mahO% munNn%great sagesD e#am%$hUtOn%like thisD katham%how*D Syakt#O%a$andoningD yOsyOmaT%we will goD pVthi#N%talam%to the earth. t ;ow can we lea#e uuch saintly and #irtuous hus$ands and go to the earth to accept other sages as our hus$ands* e:t 7. yOsyOmo yadi #iprendra kadOtrOgamanaP #ada ajZOna%sparMa%doWOnOP na syOn no #idhi%$odhitaT yOsyOmaT%we will goD yadi%ifD #iprendra%< king of sagesD kadO%when*D atra%hereD Ogamanam%returnD #ada%please tellD aj].sy .1,^Ona%ignoranceD sparMa%touchD dosOnOm% the faultD na%notD syOt%ise naT%of usD #idhi%$odhitaT$y ne who knhws what is right.

< king of sages, if we go, then when will we return here* <ne who knows what is right will not $lame us for $eing touched without our knowledge. e:t 70 ahalyayO punaT prOptaT s#OmNndrasya pradharWaQOt sO sam$hogOt punaT MuddhO sparMOt kiP #arjitO #ayam ahalyayO%$y )halyOD punaT%againD prOptaT%attainedD s#OmN%hu$sandD indrasya%of IndraD pra harWaQOt%from forci$leD sO%sheD sam$hogOt%from the enjoymentD punaT% againD MuddhO%pureD sparMOt%from the touchD kim%what*D #arjitO%withoutD #ayam%we. >#en though Indra raped her, )halyO $ecame pure and regained her hus$and. "hy reject us simply $ecause we were touched* e:t 71 #icOraP kuru dharmiWXha #eda%#edaYga%pOraga #eda%kartuM ca putras t#aP sar#a%#eda%#idOP #araT #icOram%considerationD kuru%please doD dharmiWXha%< religious oneD #eda%#edaYga% pOraga%gone to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOngasD #eda%kartuT%of the author of theyVedasD ca%andD putraT%the sonD t#am%youD sar#a%#eda%#idOm%of all knowers of tyhe #edasD #araT%the $est. < follower of religious principles, < sage who has crossed to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOYgas, please think a$out this. =ou are the son of the demigod 8rahmO, the VedasE author. =ou are the $est of all knowers of the Vedas. e:t 72 anyeWOP ca $hayOt kOntO #rajanti MaraQaP patim s#a%kOnta%$haya%sam#ignOT MaraQaP kaP #rajanti tOT

anyeWOm%of othersD ca%andD $hayOt%from fearD kOntO%wi#esD #rajanti% oD MaraQam%to shelterD patim%the hus$andD s#a%kOnta%of her own hus$andD $hayaasai#ignOT%filled with fearD MaraQam%shtlterD kam%what*D #rajanti%goD tOT%they. )frai# of outsiders, wi#es take shelter of their hus$ands, $ut if the wi#es $ecome afraid of their own hus$ands, of whom can they take shelter* e:t 73 a$hayaP dehi dharmiWXha $haya%yuktO$hya e#a ca putre MiWye kalatre ca ko daQRaP kartum akWamaT a$hayam%fearlessnessD dehi%please gi#eD dharmiWXha%< religious oneD $haya% yuktO$hya%frightenedD e#a%indeedD ca%andD putre%to a sonD MiWye%discipleD kalatre%wifeD ca%andD kaT%who*D daQRam%punishmentD kartum%to doD akWamaT%una$le. < follower of religious principles, who is so weak that he cannot punish a frightened son, disciple, or wife* e:t 74 dur$alaT sa$alo #Opi s#a%#astUnOm apNM#araT s#a%dra#yaP #ikrayaP kartuP na cOnyo rakWituP kWamaT dur$alaT%weakD sa$alaT%strongD #O%orD api%andD s#a%#astUnOm%own proretyD api% e#enD NM#araT%the masterD s#a%dra#yam%own propertyD #ikrayam%sellingD kartum%ot doD na%notD ca%andD anyaT%anotherD rakWitum%to protectD kWamaT%is a$le. Strong or weak, a man has power o#er his own property. ;e can sell his own property, and no one can stop him. e:t 76 kOminNnOP #acaT Mrut#O dayOlur muni%puYga#aT premQO ruroda tOsOP ca

nirNkWya mukha%paYkajam kOminNnOm%of the wi#esD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD dayOluT%mercifulD muni% puYga#aT%the great sageD premnO%with lo#eD ruroda%weptD tOsOm%of themD ca%andD nirNkWya%seeingD mukha%paYkajam%the lotus face. ;earing the wi#esE words, the preat sage $ec me compssrionate. Lo#ingly gtGing at their lotus faces, he wept. e:t 77 #eda%#edOYga%pOra%jZo r jZOninOP yoginOP #araT patnN%#iccheda%#iWaye mUrchOP prOpa tathOpi saT #eda%#edOYga%pOra%LZaT%who had gone to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOYgasD jZOninOm%of the phiulosophersD yoginOm%of the yogisD #araT%the $estD patnN% #iccheda%#iWaye%in the prospect of $eing separated from his wi#esD mUrchOm% $ewildermentD prOpa%Sttained tathOpi%stillD saT%he. >#en though he was the $est of the yogNs and philosophers, and e#en though he had tra#eled to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOYgas, he was $ewiltered at the prospect of separation from his wi#es. e:t ,99 sar#e $a$hU#uT MokOrtO m #irahod#igna%mOnasOT nirNkWya tOsOP #aktrOQi tasthau puXXaliko yathO sar#e%alle $a$hU#uT%$ecameD MokOrtO%griefstrickenD #irahod#igna%mOnasOT%thewir minds owerwome $y the separationD nirNkWya%seeingD tOsOm%of themD #aktrOQi%the facesD tasthau%stoodD puXXalikaT%wooden dollDSyathO%like. >#eryone $ecame unhappy, their hearts agitated $y the impending separatron. FaGing at his wi#esE faces, the sage stood like a wooden doll. e:t ,9,

kVt#O #ilOpaP su%ciraP sar#a%#eda%#idOP #araT $hrOtV$niM ca s hOlocya tO u#Oca MucOturaT kVt#O%doingD #ilOpam%lamentD su%ciram%for a #ery long timeD sar#a%#eda%#idOm%of all knowecs of the Ved.8D #araT%the $estD $hrOtV$hiT%with $rothersD ca%andD saha%withD Olocya%consideringD tO%to themD u#Oca%saidD MucOturaT%grie#ing. )fter long grie#ing, the sage, who was the $est of all knowers of the Vedas, consulted with his $rothers, and spoke to the wi#es. e:t ,9. MrN%aYgirO u#Oca yUyaP MVQuta #akWyOmi #acanaP satyam e#a ca s#a%karma%$hoginOP $hogaP OkarmOntaP Mrutau Mrutam MrN%aYgirOT u#Oca%SrN )YgirO saidD yUyam%youD MVQuta%please hearD #akWyOmi%I will tellD #ac nam%wordsD satyam%truthfulD e#a%indeedD ca%andD s#a%karma%$hoginOm% e:periencing oneEs own karmaD $hogam%e:perienceD OkarmOntam%the edn of karmaD Mrutau%in the VedasD Mrutam%heard. SrN )YgirO saidJ (lease listen, and I will speak the truth. he Vedas say that one must e:perience what oneEs karma ordains. e:t ,90 gato $hogaM ca yuWmOkaP asmO$hiT saha niMcitam gate $hoge punar $hogo na hi #ede nirUpitaT gataT%g neD $hogaT%e:perienceD ca%andD yuWmOkam%of youD asmO$hiT%usD saha% withD niMcitam%desterminedD eate%goneD $hoge%e:perienceDNLunaT%againD $hogaT% e:perienceD na%notD hi%indeedD #ede%in the VedasD nirUpitaT%descri$ed. Now yous gstined as$ocaation with us is eneee. he Vedas say that whan the fruits

ef k(rma are e:aausted they crnnot $e regained. e:t ,91 Mu$hOMu$haP ca yat karma Bw $hOratt kVti$hiT kVtam nO$huktaP kWiyate kOntO janma%koXi%Matair api du$hOMu$ham%good and $adD ca%andD yat%whatD karmalkarmaD $hOrate%on the earthD kVti$hiT%$y the piousD kVtam%doneD na%notD a$huktam%not n:periencedD kWiyate% destroyedD kOnta%< melo#edsD janma%koXi%MataiT%$y a $illion $irthsD api%e#en. < $elo#eds, the results of good and $ad karma in this world must $e e:perienced. If they are not e:perienced, they do not perish e#en after a $ialion $irths. e:t ,92 para%$huktOP ca kOntOP ca yo $huYkte sa narOdhOmaT sa sacyate OlasUtre yO#ac candra%di#Okarau para%$huktOm%enjoyed $y anotherD ca%endD kOntOm%wifeD ca%andD yaT%whSD $huYkte%enjoysD sa%heD narOdhOmaT%the lowest of menD sa%heD pacyate%is cookedD kOlasUtre%in hellD yO#at%as long asD candra%di#Okarauathe sunhandimgon. ;e who again enjoys with a wife that has $aen enjoyed $y another is the lowest of men. ;e $urns in hell for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. e:t ,93 na sO dai#e nO sO paitrye pOkOrhO pOpa%samyutO tasyOM cOliYgane $hartO $hraWXa%MrNs teja O hatOT a na%notD sO%sheD dai#e%for the demigodsD nO%notD sO%sheD paitrye%for the pitOsD pOkOrhO%worthy to $urn in hellD pOpa%samyutO%sinfulD tasyOT%of herD ca%andD OliYdane% i- the em$raceD $hartO%the hus$andD $hraWXa%destroyedD MrNT%glory and wealthD tejasO% $y powerD hatOT%destroyed.

) woman enjoyed $y another is not worthy to assist in yajZas for the demigods and pitOs. Such a sinful woman is worthy only to $urn in hell. If her hus$and em$races her, his power, glory, and wealth are at once destroyed. e:t ,94 de#atOT pitaras tasya ha#ya%dOnena tarpaQe sukhino na $ha#anty e#aP ity Oha kamalod$ha#aT de#atOT%the demigodsD pitaraT%the pitOsD tasya%of himD ha#ya%dOnena%in the offering of yajnaD tarpaQe%in satisfactionD sukhinaT%happyD na%notD $ha#anti%$ecomeD e#am% thusD iti%thusD Oha%saidD kamalod$ha#aT%8rahmO. Lord 8rahmO says that the demigods and pitOs are not pleased with the yajZas offered $y such a hus$and. e:t ,96 tasmOt prayatnair $hOryOP ca rakWaQaP kurute sudhNT anyathO pOpa%$hOg $hUt#O niMcitaP narakaP #rajet tasmOt%thereforeD prayatnaiT%carefullyD $hOryOm%wifeD ca%andD rakWaQam%protectionD kurute%doesD sudhNT%intelligentD anyathO%otherwiseD pOpa%$hOk%sinfulD $hUt#O% $ecomingD niMcitam%concludedD narakam%to hellD #rajet%goes. @or this reason an intelligent man carefully protects his wife. <therwise he $ecomes a sinner and goes to hell. e:t ,97 pade pade sO#adhOnaT kOntOP rakWati paQRitaT pratNti%sthalN yoWO domOQOP ca karaQRikO pade pade%at e#ery stepD sO#adhOnaT%carefullyD kOntOm%wifeD rakWati%protectsD

paQRitaT%wiseD pratNti%of trustD sthalN%the placeD yoWO%a womanD doWOQOm%of faultsD ca% andD karaQRikO%a $o:. ) wise man protects his wife at e#ery step. ) wife trusted $y her hus$and is a $o: of faults. e:t ,,9 kalatraP pOka%pOtraP ca sadO rakWitum arhati para%sparMOd aMuddhaP ca MuddhaP s#a%sparMane sadO kalatram%wifeD pOka%pOtram%a cooking potD ca%andD sadO%alwaysD rakWitum%to protectD arhati%is worthyD para%sparMOt%$y the out of anotherD aMuddham%impureD ca% andD Muddham%pureD s#a%sparMane%in oneEs own touchD sadO%always. <ne should always protect a cooking pot and a wife. If others touch them, they $ecome impure. If only the owner touches them, they remain pure. e:t ,,, s#a%kOntaP #aZcanaP kVt#O paraP gacchati yOdhamO kum$hNpOkaP sO prayOti yO#ac candra%di#Okarau s#a%kOntam%own hus$andD #aZcanam%cheatingD kVt#O%doingD param%to anotherD gacchati%goesD yO%whoD adhamO%the lowest of womenD kum$hNpOkam%to hellD sO%sheD prayOti%goesD yO#ac%as long asD candra%di#Okarau%the sun and moon. She who cheats her hus$and and goes to another is the lowest of woman. She goes to hell for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. e:t ,,. tOm e#a yamadutOM ca saPsthOpya narakOntare uttiWXhantNP #ikla#aP ca kur#anti daQRa%tORanam

tOm%herD e#a%indeedD yamadutOT%the =amadutasD ca%andD saPsthOpya%placingD narakOntare%in hellD uttiWXhantNm%standing upD #ikla#am%terrorD ca%andD kur#anti%doD daQRa%tORanam%$eating with sticks. he =amadUtas take her to hell. If she tries to flee their tortures, they $eat her with sticks. e:t ,,0 sarpa%pramOQOT kNXOM ca tNkWna%dantOT su%dOruQOT daManti puPMcalNP tatra santataP tOP di#O%niMam sarpa%of snakesD pramOQOT%the siGeD kNXOT%wormsD ca%andD tNkWna%dantOT%with sharp teethD su%dOruQOT%fearsomeD daManti%$iteD puPMcalNm%an unfaithful womanD tatra%thereD antatam%alwaysD tOm%herD di#O%niMam%day and eighN. 8ig as snakes, fearsome sharp%fanged worms $i e an unwhaste woman day and night, again and again. e:t ,,1 iikVtOkOra%Ma$daP ca karoti MOM#ataP $hiyO na mamOraNprahOreQa sUtWma%deha%#idhOriQN #ikVtOkOra%Ma$dam%terri$le soundsD ca%anyD karoti%doesD MOM#ntam%alwaysD $hiyO% with fearD Na%not( mamOra%diedD prahOreQa%$y the tostureD sUkWma%deha%#idhOriQN%in a st$tle $ody. )gain and again she screams terri$ly, $ut she does not die $ecause she has only a su$tle $ody of mind andfintelligence. e:t ,,2 muhUrtOrdhaP sukhaP $hukt#O l ke Etra yaMasO hatO patitO para%loke ca

gatim etOdVMNP la$het muhUrtOrdham%half a muhurtaD sukham%happinessD $hukt#O%enjoyingD loke%in this worldD atra%hereD yaMasO%with fameD hatO%destroyedD patitO%fallenD para%loke%in the ne:t worldD ca%andD gatim%destinationD etOdVMNm%like thisD la$het%attains. )fter enjoying a few moments of pleasure she $ecomes infamous in this world, and after death she attains a life of torture. e:t ,,3 para%spVWXO ca yO nOrN yO spVhaP kurute param sOpi duWXO parityajyO cety Oha kamalod$ha#aT para%spVWXO%touched $y anotherD ca%andD yO%whoD nOrN%Dwoman yO%whoD spVham% desireD kurute%doesD param%anotherD sO%sheD api%alsoD duWXO%pollutedD parityajyO%to $e a$andonedD ca%andD iti%thusD Oha%saysD kamalod$ha#aT%8rahmO. Lord 8rahmO says that a woman who desires another man or who is touched $y another man is a sinner and should $e rejected. e:t ,,4 tasmOn nOrN parair yatnOd adVWXO kVti$hiT kVtO asUryam%paMyO ye dOrOT MuddhOs te ca pati%#ratOT tasmOt%thereforeD nOrN%a womanD paraiT%$y othersD yatnOt%carefullyD adVWXO%not seenD kVti$hiT%$y the piousD kVtO%doneD asUryam%not $y the sunD paMyO%to $e seenD ye%whoD dOrOT%wi#esD MuddhOT%pureD te%theyD ca%andD pati%#ratOT%de#oted to their hus$ands. herefore the pious carefully keep their wi#es from the gaGe of others. Not seen e#en $y the sun, their wi#es remain pure, chaste, and de#oted to their hus$ands. e:t ,,6 s#acchanda%gOminN yO ca

s#atantrO MUkarN%samO antar dVWXO sadO sat#a niMcitaP para%gOminN s#acchanda%gOminN%going where she wishesD yO%whoD ca%andD s#atantrO% independentD MUkarN%samO%like a pigD antaT%withinD dVWXOeseenD sadO%alwaysD sO%sheD e#a%indeedD niMcitam%concludedD para%gOminN%chasing after men. )n independent woman that goes wdere she likes, is seen $y all, and chases after men, is like a pig. e:t ,,7 s#Omi%sOdhyO ca yO nOrN kula%dharma%$hiyO sthitO kOntena sOrdhaP sO kOnrO #aikuQXhaP yOti niMcitam s#Omi%sOdhyO%faithful to her hus$andD ca%andD yO%whoD nOrN%wwmanD kuya%dharma% $hiyO%afraid of $reaking the religioussprinciple of chastityD sthitO%stayingD)kOntena% hus$andD sOrdham%withD sO%sheD kOntO%the wifeD #aikuQXham%to VaikuQXhaD yOti%goesD niMaitam%indeed. ) wife who, afraid to $reak the religious principle of chastity, is faithful to her hus$and, goes with him to VaikuQXha. ae:t ,.9 yOta yUyaP ca pVthi#nP mOnusNP yoQim NpsitOm kVWQa%darMana%mOtreQa golokaP yOsyatha dhru#am yOta%goD yUyam%youD ca%andD pVthi#Nm%to the earthD mOnusNm%humanD yoQim%$irthD NpsitOm%desiredD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD darMana%$y the sightD mOtreQa%simplyD golokam% to FolokaD yOsyatha%you will goD dhru#amsindeed. No please nd to a human $irth on the earth. =ou will see Lord /VWQa and simply $y seeing ;im, you will go to Foloka. e:t ,.,

hariQO nirmitO cchOyO yuWmOmaP yogamOyayO ta #ipVa%mandire sthi#O cOgamiWyanti no gVham e hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD nirmitO%createdD cchOyO%shadowD yuWmOkam%of youD yogamOyayO%$y =og (OyOD ta%theyD #ipra%Sandire%to the $rOhmaQasE homesD sHhi#O% situatedD ca%andD OgamiWyanti%will returnDSnaT%of youD gVham%to the homes. >mploying ;is =ogamOyO potency, Lord /VWQa will create shadow duplicates of your forms. hese shadows will go to your homes. hey will stay in the $rOhmaQasE homes. e:t ,.. punar aPMena naT patnyo $ha#iWyatha na saPMayaT yuWmOkaP mama MOpaM ca $a$hU#a ca #arOdhikaT punaT%againD aPMena%$y a partD naT%of usD patnyaT%the wi#esD $ha#iWyatha%you will $eD na%noD saPMayaT%dou$tD yuWmOkam%of youD mama%of meD MOpaT%the curseD ca%andD $a$hU#a%wasD ca%andD #arOdhikaT%$etter than a $lessing. hen, $y your partial e:pansions, you will again $ecome our wi#es. <f this there is no dou$t. In this way our curse hae $ecome the $est of $lessings. e:t ,.0 ity e#am ukt#O sa munir #irarOma MucOn#itaT tOM cOgatya mahNP MOpOd $a$hU#ur #ipra%yoWitaT iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD sa%heD muniT%the sageD #irarOma%stoppedD MucOn#itaT%lamentingD tOT%to themD cOgatya%andD mahNm%top the earthD MOpOt%from the curseD $a$hU#uT%$ecasmeD #ipra%yoWitaT%wi#es of $rOhmaQas. )fter speaking these words, the grief%stricken sage $ecame silent. 8y his curse, the women went to the earth and $ecame the wi#es of $rOhmaQas.

e:t ,.1 datt#OnnaP haraye $haktyO prajagmur hari%mandiram $a$hU#a niMcitaP tOsOP SOpaM ca sampado EdhikaT datt#O%gi#ingD annam%foodD haraye%to Lord /VWQaD $haktyO%with de#otionD prajagmuT%wentD hari%mandiram%to Lord /VWQaEs a$odeD $a$hU#a%$ecameD niMcitam% indeedD tOsOm%of themD MOpaT%the curseD ca%andD sampadaT%than good fortuneD adhikaT%more. "ith de#otion they offered food to Lord /VWQa and then they went to Lord /VWQaEs a$ode. In this way the curse $ecame $etter than a $lesseni. e:t ,.2 nindanNyOc ca sampatter #ipattir mahato #arO aho sadyaT satOP kopas copaiOrOya kalpate nindanNyOt%reprehensi$leD ca%andD sampatteT%than good fortuneD #ipattiT%calamityD mahataT%from a great soulD #arO%$etterD ahaT%<hD sadyaT%at onceD satOm%of the siantly de#oteesD kopaT%the angerD ca%andD upakOrOya%for helpD kalpate%is worthy. ) great soulEs curse is $etter than a sinnerEs $lessing. >#e( the anger of great de#otees $rings a great good fortune. e:t ,.3 #inO #ipatter mahimO kutaT kasya $ha#ed $hu#i $hUtOT kOnta%parityOgOn muktO $rOhmaQa%yoWitaT #inO%withoutD #ipaoteT%of calamityD mahimO%gloryD kutaT%where*D kasya%of whomD $ha#et%isD whu#i%on the earthD $eUtOT%wasD kOnta%parityOgOt%from rejection $y their hus$andsD muktO%li$eratedD $rOhmaQa%yoWstaT%the wi#es of $rOhmaQas.

"ithout calamity first, how can there $e glory in this world* >#en though rejected $y their hus$ands, the $rOhmaQasE wi#es attained li$eration. e:t ,.4 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP hareM caritam uttamam aho puQya#atNnOP ca mokWOkhyOnaP manohar<m iti%thusD eSam%thusD kSthitamwspokenD sar#am%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD caritam% pastimesD uttamam%transcendentalD ahaT%<hD puQya#atNnOm%of the saintly womenD ca% amdD mokWa%of li$erntionD OkhyOnam%the storyD manoharam%$eautiful. hus I ha#e descri$ed Lord /VWQaEs transce dental paItimes and the $eautiful stort of how some saintly women attained li)eration. e:t ,.6 MrN%kVWQOkhyOnaP #iprendra nUtnaP nUtnaP pade pade na hi tVptiT Mruta#atOP kena Mreyasi tVpyate MrN%kVfQOkhyOnam%the story of Lord /VWQaEs transcendental pastimesD #iprendra%< king of $rOhmaQasD nUtnam%newerD nUtnamhand neweSD pade%stepD pade%$y stepD na% notD hi%indeedD tVptiTrsatiationD Mruta#atOm%of the hearersD kena%$y what*D Mreyasi%in the $estD tVpyate%is satisfied. < king of $rOhmaQes, the history of Lord /VWQaEs pastimes is new and fresh at e#ery step. hey who hear it ne#er $ecome jaded and tired. ;ow can one tire of what is the #Nry $est* e:t ,.7 yO#ad gamyaP tat kathieaP yac chrutaP guru%#aktrataT #ada mOP #OZchitaP yat te kiP $hUyaT Mrotum icchasi

yO#at%asD gamyam%to $e goneD tat%thatD kathitam%spokenD yat% Mrutam%heardD guru% #aktrataT%from the guruEs mouthD #ada%please tellD mOm%to meD #OZchitLm%desiredD yat%nhatD te%of youD kim%what*D $hUyaT%moreD Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%you wish. I ha#e repeated what I heard from my guruEs mouth. ell me what is your wish. "hat more do you wissOto hear* e:t ,09 MrN%nOrada u#Oca yad yac chrutaP t#ayO pUr#aP u guru%#aktrOt kVpO%nidhe maYgalaP kVWQa%caritaP tan me $rUhi jagad%guru MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD yat%whatD yac%whatD chrutam%heardD t#ayO%$y youD pUr#am%$eforeD guru%#aktrOt%f om your guruEs mouthD kVpO%nidhe%< ocean of mercyD maYgalam%auspiciousnessD kVWQa%caritam%Lord /VWQaEs transcendental pastimesD tan% thatD me%to meD $rUhi%please tellD jagad%guraT%< gur of the uni#erse. SrN NOrada saidJ < guru of the uni#erse, < ocean of mercy, please tell me Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pfatines as you heard them from your guruEs mouth. e:t ,0, MrN%sUta u#Oca Mrut#O de#arWi%#acanaP VWir nOrOyaQaT s#ayam aparaP kVWQa%mOhOtmyaP pra#aktum pacakrame MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD Mrut#O%hearingD de#arWi%#acanam%the words of &e#arWi NOradaD VWiT%the sageD nOrOyaQaT%NOrOyaQaD s#ayam%personallyD aparam incomps a$leD kVWQa%mOhOtmyam%Lord /VWQaEs gloryD pra#aktum%to speakD upacakrame%$egan SrN SUta saidJ ;earing NOrada -uniEs words, SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi continued to narrate Lord /VWQaEs incompara$le glories.

%ha*ter NineteenK0"iya!damana!d0v0gni!mo#.a/a$ubduing K0"iya and 97tinguishing the &orPst &ire

e:t , ekadO $OlakaiT sOrdhaP $alade#aP #inO hariT jagOma yamunO%tNraP yatra kOliya%mandiram ekadO%one dayD $OlakaiT%$oysD sOrdhaP%withD $altde#aP%8alarOmaD #inO%withoutD hariT%/VWQaD jagOma%wentD yamunO%of the =amunOD tNram%to the shoreD yatra%whereD kOliya%mandiram%the home of /Oliya. <ne day, with the $oys and dithout 8alarOma, Lord /VWQa went to the =amunOEs shore, to the place where /Oliya had his home. e:t . paripak#a%phalaP $hukt#O yamunO%tNraje #ane s#ecchamayas tVt%parNtas cakhOda nirmalaP jalam paripak#a%ripeD phalaP%fruitD $hukt#O%eatingD yamunO%tNraje%on the =amunOEs shoreD #ane%in the forestD s#ecchamayas%as ;e wishedD tVt%parNtas%thirstyDNhakhOda% drankD nirmalaP%clearD jalam%wateL. ;e ate some fruit from the forest $y the =amunOEs shore and ;e drank the clear water. e:t 0 gokulaP kOlayOm Osa MiMu$hiT saha kOnane #ijahOra ca taiT sOrdhaP sthOpayOm Osa gokulrm gokilaP%the cowsD kOlayum Osa%herdedD MiMu$hiT%koysD saha%withD kOnane%in the forestD #ijahara%playedD ca%andD taiT%with themD sOrdhaP%withD sthOpayOm sa%placedD goLulam%mhe cows.

)s ;e watched o#er the cows, ;e played with the $oys in the forest. e:t 1 krNRO%nimagna%citto EyaP _ $OlakOM ca mudOn#itOT $hukt#O na#a%tVQaP gO#o #iWa%toyaP papur mune krNRO%nimagna%citto%;is heart plunged into pastimesD ayaP%;eD $OlakaT%the $oysD ca%andD mudOn#itaT%happyD $hukt#O%eatingD na#a%newD tVQaP%grassD gO#o%the cowsD #iWa%toyaP%poisoned waterD papur%arankD mune%< sage. < sages, as /VWQa, ;is heart plunged in in the thought of ;is pastimes, played with the happy $oys, the cows ate new grass and then dranr poisoned water. e:t 2 #iWOktaP ca jalaP pNt#O dOruQOntaka%ceWXayO j#alO$hiT kOlakutOnOP sadyaT prOQOPM ca tatyajuT #iWOktaP%poisonedD ca%andD jalaP%waterD pNt#O%drinkingD dOruQOntaka%ceWXayO%$y the terri$le deedD j#alO$hiT%$urningD kOlakutOnOP%of poisonD sadyaT%at onceD prOQOn% lifeD ca%andD tatyajuT%a$andoned. &rinking the the water $urning with poison, the cows at once ga#e up their li#es. e:t 3 dVWX#O mVtaP go%samuhaP gopOM cintOkulO $hiyO #iWaQQa%#adanOT sar#e tam Ucur madhusUdanam dVWX#O%seeingD mVtaP%deadD go%samuhaP%the cowsD gopOT%the gopasD cintOkulO% an:iousD $hiyO%with fearD #iWaQQa%#adanOT%dejectedD sar#e%allD tam%to ;imD Ucur%saidD madhusUdanam%to Lord /VWQa.

Seeing the cows dead,iths frightened and an:ious $oys told Lord /VWQa. e:t 4 eZOt#O sar#aP jagan%nOtho jN#ayOm Osa gokulam uttasthur tat kWaQaP gO#o dadVMuT MrN%harer mukham jZOt#O%understandingD sar#aP%e# rythingD jagan%nOtho%the master of the uni#ersesD jN#ayOm Osa%re#i#edD gokulam%the cowsD uttasthur%stoodD tat%thatD kWaQaP%momentD ga#i%the cow D ds VMuo%sawD MrN%harer%of ord /VWQaD mukham%ths face. _ )ware of e#erything, Lord /VWQa $rought the cows to life. Standing up, the cows gaGed at Lord /VWQaEh face. e:t 6 kVWQaT kadam$am Oruhya yamunO%tNra%nNrajam papOta sarpa%$ha#ane nNra%madhye narOkVtiT ekVWQaT%Lord /VWQay kadam$am%a kadam$a treeD Oruhya%clim$ingD yamunO%tNra% nNrajam%$y the =amunOEs shoreD papOta%fellD sarpa%of the snakeD $ha#ane%in the homeD nNra%madhye%in the waterD narOkVtiT%in the form of a human $eing. Clim$ing a kadam$a tree $y the =amunOEs shore, Lord /VWQa, who appeaped to $e an $rdinary human $eing, do#e into the water where /Oliya had his home.

e:t 7 Mata%hasta%pramOQaP ca jalotthanaP $a$hU#a ha $OlO harWa%#iWOdaP ca menire tatra nOrada Mata%hasta%pramOQaP%a hundred hastas in siGeD ca%andD jala%ef the waterD utthOnaP% risingD $<$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD $OlO%the $oysD harWa%joysD #iWOdaP%sorrowD ca%andD

menire%thoughtD tatra%thereD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, $y di#ing into the water Lord /VWQa created a great wa#e a hundred hands high. "hen the $oys saw all this they $ecame $oth happy and sad. e:t ,9 sarpo narOkVtiP dVWX#O kOliyaT krodha%#ih#alaT jagrOsa MrN%hariP tUrQaP taptaP lauhaP yathO naraT sarpo%the snakeD narOkVtiP%human formD dVWX#O%seeingD kOliyaT%/OliyaD krodha% #ih#alaT%angryD jagrOsa%swallowedD MrN%hariP%Lord /VWQaD tUrQaP%at onceD taptaP%hotD lauhaP%ironD yathO%asD naraT%a person. Seeing humanlike Lord /VWQa, the snake /Oliya at once swallowed ;im. hen Lord /VWQa made ;imself hot like molten iron. e:t ,, dagdha%kaQXhodaro nOgas cod#igno $rahma%tejasO prOQO yOntNty e#am ukt#O _ cakOrod#amanaP punaT dagdha%$urnedD kaQXha%throatD udaro%$ellyD nOgas%the snakeD cod#igno%distressedD $rahma%tejasO%$y the LordEs sLiritual powerD prOQO%lifeD yOnti%leftD iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD cakOra%didD ud#amanaP%#omitingD punaT%again. ;is throat and stomach $urned uyethe LordEs spiritual power, the nnke, now on the #erge of death, #omited up Lord /VWQah e:t ,. $hagna%danto rakta%mukhaT kVWQa%#ajrOYga%car#aQOt $hagna%#aktrasya $haga#On uttasthau mastakopari u $hagna%$rokenD danto%fangsD rakta%redD mukhaT%mouthD kVWQa%of Lord /VWLaD

#ajra%thunder$oltD aYga%lim$sD car#aQOt%from chewingD $hagna%$rokenD #aktrasya% mouthD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD uttasthau%stoodD mastaka%the headD upari%on. "hen it tried to $ite the Lord, the snake $roke its fangs and its mouth. Its mouth $ecame red with its own $lood. hen the Lord jumped on the snakeEs head. e:t ,0 nOgo #iM#Om$harOkrOntaT sa prOQOPs tyaktum udyataT cakOrod#amanaP raktaP papOta murchito mune nOgo%the snakeD #iM#Om$hara%$y the maintainer of the uni#ersesD OkrOntaT% defeatedD sa%heD prOQOPs%lifeD tyaktum%to a$andonD udyataT%was a$outD cakOra%didD ud#amanaP%#omitingD raktaP%$loodD papOta%fellD murchito%unconsciousD mune%< sage. < sage, defeated $y the Lord who maintains all the uni#erses, the snake was on the #erge of death. Vomiting $lood, the snake fell unconscious. e:t ,1 dVWX#O taP mUrchitaP nOgO ruruduT prema%#ih#alOT kecit palOyitO $hNtOT kecit pra#i#iMur $ilam dVWX#O%seeingD taP%himD mUrchitaP%unconsciousD nOgO%the other snakesD ruruduT% creidD prema%#ih#alOT%filled with lo#eD kecit%someD palOyitO%fledD $hNtOT%afraidD kecit% someD pra#i#iMur%enteredD $ilam%holes. _ Seeing /Oliya had fallen unconscious, the other snakes, who dearly lo#ed him, wept. Some fled in fear, and some entered their holes. e:t ,2 maraQO$himukhaP kOntaP dVWX#O hi su$alO satN

nOginN$hiT sahf premQO ruroda purato hareT maraQO$himukhaP%on the #erge of deathD kOntaP%hus$asndD dVWX#O%seeingD hi% indeed su$alO%Su$alOD tatN!chasteD nOginN$h T)with many female snakesD saha%withD premQO%with lo#eD ruroda%weptD purato%$eforeD ha)eT%Lo&d /VWQaI Seeing their hus$and on the #erge of dhatL, chaste Su$alO, nccompanied $y uhe /OliyaEs other wi#es, approached Lord /VWQa and wept, o#ercome with lo#e. e:t ,e puXOZjali%yutO tUrQaP praQamya MrN%hariP $hiyO dhVt#O padOra#indaP ca tam u#Oca $hayOkulO puXOZjali%yutO%with felded handsD tUrQam%at onceDrpraQamya%$owing downD MrN% hariP%to Lord /VWQaD $hiyO%with fearD dhVt#O%holdingD padOra#indaP%lotus feetD ca% asndD tam%to ;imD u#Oca%saidD $hayOkulO%frightened. @rightened, and her hands respectfully folded, she touched Lord /VWQwEs lotus feet and spoke. e:t ,4 MrN%su$alo#Oca he jagat%kOnta kOntaP me dehi mOnaP ca mOnada patiT prOQFdhikaT strNQOP nOsti eandhuM ca tat%parmT MrN%su$alO u#Oca%SrN Su$alO saidD he%<D jagat%kOnta%cr(atoer of the uni#ersesD kOntaP%hus$andD m uto meD dehi%please gi#eD OnaP%honorD ca%andD mOnada%< gi#er of honorD patiT%hus$andD prOQOdhikaT%more dear than lifeD strNrnP%of womenD na%notD asti%isD NandhuT%friendD ca%andDrtat%paraT%more than ;e. SrN Su$plO saidJ < most dear person in the uni#erser please return my hus$rnd. < most honora$le one, pweese honor my reBuest. @or a woman her hus$and is more dear than life. No one is a greater friend than he.

e:t ,6

ayi sura%#ara%nOtha prOQa%nOthaP madNyaP na kuru #adham ananta prema%sindho su%$andho akhila%$hu#ana%$andho rOdhikO%prOQa%sindho patim iha kuru dOnaP me #idhOtur #idhOtaT ayi%<D sura%#ara%nOtha%master of the great demigodsD prOQa%nOthaP%the lord of lifeD madNyaP%myD na%notD kuru%doD #adham%killingD ananta%< limitless oneD prema%sindho% < ocean of lo#eD su%$andho%< friendD akhila%$hu#ana%$andho%< freind of all the worldsD rOdhikOdof 5OdhOD prOQa%lifeD sindho%< oceanD patim%hus$andD iha%hereD kuru% doD dOnaP%giftD me%to meD #idhOtur%of the creatorD #idhOtaT%< creator. < master of the great demigods, please donEt kill the master of my life. < limitless one, < friend, < ocean of lo#e, < friend of all the worlds, < ocean of lo#e for SrN 5OdhO, < creator of the creator, please gi#e me the gift of my hus$andEs return. e:t ,7 trinayana%#idhi%MeWOT WaQmukhaM cOsya saYghaiT sta#ana%#iWaya%jaRyOT stotum NMO na #OQN na khalu nikhila%#edOT stotum NMaT kim anye sta#ana%#iWaya%MaktOT santi santas ta#ai#a trinayana%#idhi%MeWOT%Si#a, 8rahmO, and SeWaD WaQmukhaT%/OrttikeyaD ca%andD asya% of himD saYghaiT%with the multitudesD sta#ana%prayersD #iWaya%in the realmD jaRyOT% speechlessD stotum%io prayD NMO%a$leD na%notD #OQN%Saras#atNDpna%notD khalu%indewdD nikhila%#edaT%all the VedasD stotum%to prayD NMaT%a$leD kim%what*D anye%othersD sta#ana%#iWaya%MaktOT%a$le to prayD santi%areD santas%saintly personsD ta#a%of =ouD e#a% indeed. Si#a, 8rahmO, SeWa, /Orttikeya, and their associates $ecome speechless when they try to glorify =ou. Saras#atN has not the power to glorify =ou. )ll the Vedas ha#e not the power to glorify =ou. ;ow can others, saintly though they may $e, ha#e the power to glorify =ou properly* e:t .9 ku%matir aham a#ijZO yoWitOP k#OdhamO #O k#a $hu#ana%gatir NMaM cakWuWo Egocaro me #idhi%hari%hara%MeWaiT stUyamOnaM ca yas t#aP

manu%manuja%munNMaiT stotum iccrOmi taP t#am ku%matir%foolishD ahac%ID a#ijZO%ignorantD yoWitOProf womenD k#a%where*D aghamO%%the lowestD #O%orD k#a%where*D $hu#ana%gataiT%$y 8rahmO, ViWQu, Si#a, and =amarOjaD stUyamOnas%$eing praisedD ca%andD yas%whoD t#aP%=ouD manu%manuja% munNMaiT%$y the manus, human $eings, and kings of the sagesD stotum%to praiseD icchOmi%I desireD taP%;imD t#am%=ou. "ho am I* I am a fool, the lowest of women. "ho are =ou* =ou are the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the resting place of the worlds. =ou are $eyond the perception of material eyes. =ou are glorified $y 8rahmO, ViWQu, Si#a, =amarOja, the -anus, the sons of -anu, and the kings of the sages. e:t ., sta#ana%#iWaya%$hNtO pOr# tN yasya padmO Mruti%gaQa%janayitrN stotum NMO na yaP tam kali%kaluWa%nimagnO #eda%#hdOYga%MOstra% Mra#aQa%#iWaya%mURhO stotum icchOmi kiP t#Om sta#ana%#iWaya%$hNtO%afraid to offer prayersD pOr#atN%(Or#atND yasya%of whomD padmO% LakWmND Mruti%gaQa%of the VedasD janayitrN%the motherD stotum%to glorifyD NMO%a$leD na% notD yaP%whomD tam%to ;imD kali%kaluWa%nimagnO%plunged in the wickedness of /ali% yugaD #eda%#edOYga%MOstra%the Vedas and VedOYgasD Mra#aQa%#iWaya%hearingD mURhO% $ewildderedD stotum%to praiseD icchOmi%I desireD kiP%what*D t#Om%=ou. (Or#atN and LakWmN are afraid to offer prayers to =ou. Saras#atN, the mother of the Vedas, does not know how to offer prayers to =ou. ;ow can I, plunged in the sins of /ali%yuga and $ewildered $y the e:planations of the Vedas and VedOYgas, offer prayers to =ou* e:ts ..%.3 MayOno ratna%paryaYke ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitaT ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWOYgN rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthitO candanokWita%sar#OYgaT smerOnana%saroruhaT

prodyat%prema%rasOm$hodhau nimagnaT santataP sukhOt mallikO%mOlatN%mOlO% jOlaiT Mo$hita%MekharaT pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP gandhamodita%mOnasaT puPs%kokila%kala%dh#anair $hramara%dh#ani%samyutaiT kusumeWu #ikOreQa pulakOZcita%#igrahaT priya%pradatta%tOm$ulaP _ $hukta#On yaT sadO mudO #ande EhaP tat%padOm$hojaP $rahmeMa%MeWa%#anditam MayOno%recliningD ratna%paryaYke%on a jewel couchD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitaT% decorated with jewel ornamentsD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWO%the jewel of jewel ornamentsD aYgN%$odyD rOdhO%SrN 5OdhOD #akWaT%sthala%sthitO%staying on the chestD candanokWita% sar#OUgaT%wlose lim$s are anointed with sandalD smerOnana%saroruhaT%whose lotus race is smilingD prodyat%prema%rasOm$hodhau%in a rising ocean of the nectar of lo#eD nimagnaT%plungedD santataP%alwaysD sukhOt%happilyD mallikO%mOlatN%mOlO%jOlaiT%with mallika and malati garlandsD Mo$hita%decoratedD MekharaT%crownD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP% of parijata flowersD gandhamodita%mOnasaT%scentedD puPs%kokila%cuckoosD kala% dh#anair%with the sweet soundsD $hramara%dh#ani%samyutaiT%with the humming of $eesD kusumeWu%in flowersD #ikOreQa%with emotionsD pulakOZcita%#igrahaT%with $odily hairs erectD priya%pradatta%tOm$ulaP%$etelnuts gi#en $y the $elo#edD $hukta#On% enjoyingD yaT%whoD sadO%alwaysD mudO%happilyD #ande%$owD aham%ID tat% padOm$hojaP%to ;is lotus feetD $rahmeMa%MeWa%#anditam%worshiped $y 8rahmO, Si#a, and SeWa. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the lotus feet, worshiped $y 8rahmO, Si#a, and SeWa, of =ou, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who recline on a jewel couch, who are decorated with jewel ornaments, who are =ourself the ornament that decorates =our jewel ornaments, "ho rest on 5OdhOEs $reast, whose lim$s are anointed with sandal paste, whose lotus face is smiling, who always happily swims in a rising nectar oceah of lo#e, whose crown is decorated with ma likO and mOlatN flowers, whose chest is fragrant with a pOrijOta garland, whose hairs stand erect with joy when you hear the humming of $ees or the singing of cuckoos, and who enjoy the $etelnuts offered $y =our $elo#ed.

e:ts .4 and .6 lakWmN%saras#atN%durgO% jOhna#N%#eda%mOtV$hiT se#itaP siddha%saYghaiM ca munNndrair muni$hiT sadO #edO na MaktO yaP stotuP jaRN%$hUtO #icakWaQOT tam anir#acanNyaP ca kiP staumi nOga%#alla$hO lakWmN%saras#atN%durgO%jOhna#N%#eda%mOtV$hiT%$y LakWmN, Saras#atN, (Or#atN, FaYgO, and Sa#itrND se#itaP%ser#edD siddha%saYghais%$y the siddhasD ca%andD munNndrair%$y the kings of the sagesD muni$hiT%$y the sagesD sadO%alwaysD #edO%the VedasD na%notD MaktO%a$leD yaP%whomD stotuP%to glorifyD jaRN%$hUtO%speechlessD #icakWaQOT%the philosophersD tam%to ;imD anir#acanNyaP%indescri$a ;ow can I, the wife of a snake, properly glorify =ou, the indescri$a$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whom the Vedas ha#e not the power to glorify, $efore whom the great philosophers $ecome speechless, and who are ser#ed $y LakWmN, Saras#atN, (Or#atN, FaYgO, Sa#itrN, the siddhas, and the sages* e:t .7 niWkaraQOyOkhila%kOraQOya sar#eM#arOyOpi parOt parOya s#ayam%prakOMOya parO#arOya parO#arOQOm adhipOya te namaT niWkaraQOya%who has no causeD akhila%of allD kOraQOya%to the causeD sar#eM#arOya% the master of allD api%andD parOt%than the greatestD parOya%greaterD s#ayam%prakOMOya% self%manifestD parO#arOya%the high and the lowD parO#arOQOm%of the high and the lowD adhipOya%to the kingD te%to =ouD namaT%o$eisances. I offer my respectful o$eisances to =ou, wh ware not caused $y anything, $ut are the cause of all, who are the master of all, greater than the greatest, self%manifest, present e#erywhere, and the master of the great and small. e:t 09

he kVWQa he kVWQa surOsureMa $rahmeMa MeWeMa prajOpatNMa munNMa man#%NMa carOcareMa siddhNMa siddheMa guQeMa pOhi he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD surOsureMa%< mastjr of the sSras andf thew asurasD $rahmeMa%< master of 8rahmOD<MeWeMa%< master of SeWaD prajOpatNMa%< master of (rajOpatiD munNMa%< master of the munisD man#%NMa%< master of the manusD carOcareMa%< master of the mo#ing and unmo#ing $eaingsD siddhNMa%< master of the mystic powersD siddheMa%< matser of the prefect $eingsD guQeMa%< master of the modes of natureD pOhi%please protect. t < /VWQa\ < /VWQa\ < master of the demigods and demons\ < master of 8rahmO\ < master of SeWa\ < master of (rajOpati\ master of the sages\ < master of the manus\ < master of the mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings\ < master of mystic powers\ < master of the perfect $eings\ < master of the modes of nature\ (lease protect my hus$and\ e:t 0, dharmeMa dharmNMa Mu$haMu$heMa #edeMa #edeW# anirUpitaM ca sar#eMa sar#Otmaka sar#a%$andho jN#NMa jN#eM#ara pOhi mat%pra$hum _ dharmeMa%< master of religionD dharmNMa%< master of the piousD Mu$haMu$heMa%< master of the auspicious and inauspiciousD #edeMa%< master of the VedasD #edeW#%in the VedasD anirUpitaT%not descri$edD ca%andD sar#eMa%< master of allD sar#Otmaka%< Supersoul presernt in allD sar#a%$andho%< friend of allD jN#NMa%< master of the li#ing entitiesD jN#eM#ara%< master of lifeD pOhi%please protectD mat%pra$hum%my hus$and. < master of religion\ < master of the pious\ < master of the auspicious and inauspicious\ < master of the Vedas\ < master not descri$ed in the Vedas\ < master of all\ < Supersoul present e#erywhere\ < friend of all\ < master of all li#ing $eings\ < master of life\ (lease protect my hus$and\ e:t 0. ity e#aP sta#anoP kVt#O $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO #idhVtya caraQOm$hojaP tasthau nOgeM#arN $hiyO

iti%thusD e#aP%thusD sta#anaP%prayerD kVt#O%doingD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharO% hum$ly $owed headD #idhVtya%holdingD caraQOm$hojaP%lotus feetD tasthau%stoodD nOgeM#arN%the snake BueenD $hiyO%with awe. )fter speaking these prayers, the snake%Bueen hum$ly $owed her head. "ith awe and re#erence, she touched the LordEs lotus feet. e:t 00 nOga%patnN%kVtnP stotraP tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen naraT sar#a%pOpOt pramuktaM ca sa yOti MrN%hareT p dam nOga%patnN%kVtaP%done $y the wifer of the snakeD stotraP%prayerD tri%sandhyaP% three timesD yaT%whoD paXhen%recitesD naraT%a personD sar#a%pOpOt%from all sinsD pramuktaT%freedD ca%andD sa%heD yOti%attainsD MrN%hareT%of Lord /VWQaD padam%the feet. <ne who at sunr:se, noon, and sunset re ttes these prayers of the snake%Bueen $mcomes freehof all sins andwattains the feet oe Lord /VWQa. e:t 01 iha loke harau $haktiP ante dOsyaP la$hed dhru#am la$hate pOrWado $hUt#O sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam %indeedD la$hate%attainsD pOrWado%a personal associate of the LordD $hUt#O%$ecomingD sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam%the four kinds of li$eration, $eginning with salokya. In this world he attains de#otion for Lord /VWQa. "hen this life is ended he attains the four kinds of li$eration, $eginning with sOlokya. ;e $ecomes a personal associate of the Lord. ;e ser#es the Lord directly. e:t 02 MrN%nOrada u#Oca nOga%patnN%#acaT Mrut#O kim u#Oca hariT s#ayam

kathayas#a mahO%$hOga rahasyaP paramOd$hutam MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada haidD nOga%patnN%#acmT%the words of the snakeEs wi#esD Mrut#O%hearingD kim%what*D u#Oca%saidD hariT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam%personallyD kathayas#a%please tellD mahO%$hOga%< fortunate oneD rahasyaP%secretD paramOd$hutam%#ery wonderful. SrN NOrada saidJ "hen ;e heard the snake%BueenEs words, what did Lord /VWQa say in reply* < #ery fortunate one, please tell me ;is confidential and #ery wonderful words. e:t 03 MrN%sUta u#Oca nOradasya #acaT Mrut#O $haga#On dharma%nandanaT u#Oca paramOkhyOnaP madhuraP ca pade pade MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN Snta saidD nOradasya%of nOradaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD $haga#On%LordD dharma%nandanaT%the son of &harma -uniDou#Oca%saidD paramOkhyOnaP%the su$lime storyD madhuraP%sweetD ca%andD pade%stepD pade%after step. SrN SUta saidJ ;earing NOradaEs words, SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi, the son of &harma [Wi, spoke transcendental words that were sweet and pleasing at e#ery step. e,t 04 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca nOga%patnN%sta#aP Mrut#O MrN%kVWQas tOm u#Oca ha puXOZjali%yutaP pOda% patitOP $haya%#ih#alOm _ MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD nOga%patnN%sta#aP%the snake%BueenEs prayersD Mrut#O%hearingD MrN%kVWQas%SrN /VWQaD tam%to herD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeedD puXOZjali%yutaP%folded handsD pOda%at ;is feetD patitaP%fallenD $haya%#ih#alam% frightened.

SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ ;earing the words of the snake%Bueen, who with folded hands had fallen, frightened, at ;is feet, Lord /VWQa spoke. e:t 06 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca uttiWXhottiWXha nOgeMi #araP #VQu $hayaP tyaja gVhOQa kOntaP he marta mad%#arOd ajarOmaram MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD uttiWXha%riseD uttiWXha%riseD nOgeMi%< snake BueenD #araP%$oonD #VQu%ch oseD $hayaP%fearD tyaja%a$andonD gVhOQa%takeD kOntaP%hus$andD he%<D marta%mortalD mad%#arOd%$y -y $lessingD ajarOmaram%free of old%age and death. Lord /VWQa saidJ 5ise\ 5ise, < snake%Bueen\ (lease ask for a $oon. Fi#e up your fears. ake your hus$and. 8y -y $lessing he is now free of old%age and a#ath. e:t 07 kOlindF%hradam utsVjya s#akNya%$ha#anaP #raja $hartrO sa%goWXhyO sOrdhjP ca gaccha #atse t#um ipsitam kOlinde%hradam%the =amunOEs lakeD utsVjya%a$andoningD s#akNya%$ha#anaP%own homeD #raja%goD $hartrO%with your hus$andD sa%goWXhyO%with your familyD sOrdhaP% withD ca%andD gaccha%goD #atse%< childD t#am%yourD ipsitam%desirer. Child, take your hus$and and family, lea#e this lake in the =amunh, and go to your own home. Fohwhere#er you wish. e:t 19 adya%pra$hVti%nOgeMi $hUtO kanyO ca t#aP mama t#at%prOQOdhikO e#OyaP jOmOtaT na ca saPMayaT

adya%pra$hVti%from now onD nOgeMi%< snake BueenD $hUtO%manifestedD kanyO% daughterD ca%andD t#aP%yiuD mama%-yD t#at%prOQOdhi @rom today on you are -y daughter and your hus$and, more dear to you than life, is -y son%in%law. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 1, mat%pOda%padma%cihnena garuRas t#at%patiP Mu$he kVt#O ca sta#anaP $haktyO praQamiWyati mat%padam mat%pOda%padma%cihnena%$y the mark of -y lotus footprintD garuRas%FaruRaD t#at% patiP%your hus$andD Mu$he%< $eautiful oneD kVt#O%doingD ca%notD sta#anaP%prayersD $haktyO%with de#otionD praQamiWyati%will offer o$eisancesD mat%padam%to -y feet. < $eautiful one, $ecause your hus$and $ears the mark of -y foot, FaruRa will glorify him with many prayers and de#otedly $ow down $efore the footprint he carries. e:t 1. tyaja t#aP garuROd $hitiP MNghraP ramaQakaP #raja hradOn nirgaccha he $hadre #araP #VQu yathepsitam tyaja%a$andonD t#aP%youD garuROd%of garuRBaD $hitiP%fearD MNghraP%at onceD ramaQakaP%to ramaQaka D #raja%goD hradOn%from the lakeD nirgaccha%goD he%<D $hadre% $eautiful oneD #araP%$oonD #VQu%askD yathepsitam%as you desire. < $eautiful one, gi#e up your fear of FaruRa. )t once lea#e this lake and go to 5amaQ ka%d#Npa. )s for a $oon, whate#er you wish. e:t 10 MrN%kVWQasya #acaT Mrut#O prasanna%#adanekWaQO u#Oca sOMru%netrO sO

$hakti%namrOtma%kandharO MrN%kVWQasya%of SrN /VWQaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD prasanna%#adanekWaQO% smiling face and eyesD u#Oca%saidD sOMru%with tearsD netrO%in her eyesD sO%sheD $hakti% namrOtma%kandharO%with hum$ly $owed head. ;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, the snake%goddess $ecame happy. ;er face and eyes were filled with smiles and her eyes with tears of happiness. She hum$ly $owed her head and spoke. e:t 11 _ MrN%su$alo#Oca #araP dOsyasi cen mahyaP #aradeM#ara he pitaT t#at%padO$je dVRhOP $haktiP naMcalOP dOtum arhasi d MrN%su$alO u#Oca%SrNaSu$alO saidD #araP%$oonD dOsyasi%=ou will gi#eD cet%ifD mahyaP%eo meD #aoadeM#ara%< master of theywwho gu#e $oonsD he%<D pitaT%fatherD t#at%padO$je%for =our lotus feetD dVRhOP%firmD $haktiP%de#otionD niMcalOP% unwa#eringD dOtum%to gi#eD arhasi%=ou are worthy. SrN Su$alO saidJ < father, < king of they who gi#e $oons, if =ou would gi#e me a $oon, then please gi#e me firm and unwa#ering de#otion for =our lotus feet. e:t 12 man%mana t#at%padOm$hoje $hramatu $hramaro yathO ta#a smVter #ismVtir me kadOpi nas$ha#iWyati man%manas%my heartD t#at%padOm$hoje%at =our lotus feetD $hramatu%may wanderD $hramaro%a $eeD yathO%asD ta#a%of =ouD smVter%of the remem$eringD #ismVtir%of the forgettingD me%of meD kadOpi%e#erD nr%notD $ha#iWyati%may $e. -ay my mind $ecome like a $um$le$ee always flying amongsthe lotus flowers of =our feet. -ay I always remem$er =ou. -ay I ne#er forget =ou.

e:t 13 s#a%kOnte mama sau$hOgyaP kOnto EyaP jZOninOP #araT ity e#aP prOrthanNyaP ca paripUrQaP kuru pra$ho s#a%kOnte%for the hus$andD mama%myD sau$hOgyaP%good fortuneD kOnto%%husyandD ayaP%heD jZOninOP%of philosophersD #araT%the $estD iti%thusD e#aP%thusD prOrthanNyaP% to $e reBuestedD ca%andD paripUrQaP%fullD kuru%please doD pra$ho%< Lord. -ay my hus$and $ecome fortunate. -ay $e $ecome the wisest of philosophers. < Lord, please fulfill this reBuest. e:t 14 ity e#am ukt#O sarpa%strN pratasthau purato hareT Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP dadarMa MrN%harer mukham _ iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD sarpa%strN%the snake%wifeD pratasthau%stoodD purato%$eforeD hareT%Lord /VWQaD Marat%auutmnD pOr#aQa%seasonD candra%moonD OsyaP% faceD dadarMa%sawD MrN%harer%of Lord /VWQaD mukham%the face. )fter speaking these words, the snake%Bueen stood $efore Lord /VWQa and gaGed at ;is autumn%moon face. e:t 16 locanO$hyOP papau #aktraP nimeWa%rahitO satN sar#OYga%pulakod$hinnO sOnandOMru%pariplutO locanO$hyOP%with eyesD papau%drankD #aktraP%the faceD nimeWa%rahitO%without $linkingD satN%the saintly womanD sar#OYga%all lim$sD pulakod$hinnO%hairs erectD sOnandOMru%pariplutO%flooded with tears of joy. )s she drank with un$linking eyes the sight of Lord /VWQaEs face, the hairs of her

$ody stood up and her eyes $ecame flooded with tears. e:t 17 sundaraP $OlakaP dVWX#O paraP snehaP prakur#atN u#Oca punar e#aP taP $hakty%udrikta%pariplutO sundaraP%handsomeD $OlakaP%$oyD dVWX#O%seeingD paraP%greatD snehaP%lo#eD prakur#atN%didD u#Oca%saidD punar%againD e#aP%thusD taP%to ;imD $hakty%udrikta% pariplutO%flooded with lo#ing de#otion. )s she gaGed at the handsome young /VWQa, she fell in lo#e with ;im. @looded withsfeelings of lo#e, she spoke again. e:t 29 na yOsyOmi ramaQakaP tatra nOsti prayojanam sarpaT karotu saPsOraP kuru mOP nija%kiYkarNm na%notD yOsyOmi%i will goD ramaQakaP%to 5amaQakaD tatra%thereD na%notD asti%isD prayojanam%needD sarpaT%snakeD karotu%may doD saPsOraP%material worldD kuru% please doD mOP%to meD nija%kiYkarNm%=our maidser#ant. She saidJ I will not go to 5amaQaka%d#Npa. here is no need for me to go. he /Oliya snake may stay in the material world. (lease make me =our maidser#ant. _ e:t 2, na #OZchO mama he kVWQa sOlokyOdi%catuWXaye t#at%padOm$uja%se#OyOT kalOP nOrhanti WoRaMNm na%notD #OZchO%desireD mama%of meD he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD sOlokyOdi%catuWXaye%for the four kinds of li$eration $eginning with salokyaD t#at%padOm$uja%se#OyOT%of ser#ice to =our lotus feetD kalOP%a partD na%notD arhanti%is worthyD WoRaMNm%si:teenth.

< /VWQa, I do not wish the four kinds of li$eration that $egin with sOlokya. Li$eration is not eBual to one si:teenth the #alue of ser#ice to =our lotus feet. e:t 2. #inO t#at%pOda%se#OP ca yo #OZchati #arOntaram $hOrate durla$haP janma la$dhOsau #aZcitaT s#ayam #inO%withoutD t#at%pOda%se#OP%ser#ice to =our lotus feetD ca%andD yo%whoD #OZchati% desiresD #arOntaram%another $oonD $hOrate%on the earthD durla$haP%rareD janma%$irthD la$dh#O%attainingD asau%heD #aZcitaT%cheatedD s#ayam%personally. 1ne who, after taking $irth in this world desires a $oon ot er than ser#ice to =our lotus feet is cheated. e:t 20 nOga%patnN%#acaT Mrut#O smerOnana%saroruhaT prasannr%#adanaT MrNmOn om ity e#am u#Oca ha nOga%patnN%#acaT%the snake%BueenEs wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD smerOnana%saroruhaT% smiling lotus faceD prasanna%#adanaT%happt faceD MrNmOn%gloriousD om%=esD iti%thusD e#am%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. ;earing the snake%BueenEs words, glorious Lord /VWQa $ecame happy and ;is lotus face $egan to smile. e:t 21 etasminn antare di#yaT sad%ratna%sOra%nirmitaT OjagOma rathas tUrQaP pradNptas tejasO mune _ etasminn antare%thenD di#yaT%splendidD sad%ratna%sOra%nirmitaT%made of prewcious jewelsD OjagOma%cameD rathas%chariotD tUrQaP%BuicklyD pradNptas%splendidD tejasO%with splendorD mune%< sage.

< sage, a splendid jewel chariot suddenly arri#ed atathat place, . . . e:t 22 pOrWadi%prm#arair yukto #astra%mOlO%paricchadaT Mata%cakro #Oyu%#=go mano%yOyN manoharaT pOrWada%pra#arair%with the LordEs li$erated associatesD yukto%endowedD #astra%mOlO% paricchadaT%decorated with fine garments and flower garlandsD Mata%cakro%a hundred wheelsD #Oyu%#ego%fact like the windD mano%yOyN.fast like the mindo manoharaT% $eautiful. . . . ar$eautiful charioc with a hundred wheels, fast like the wind or the mind, decorated with curtains and flowers, and filled with the l $erated associates of the Lord. e:t 23 a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP MyOmalaT MyOma%kiYkaraT praQamya kVWQaP nNt#O taP jagmur golokam uttamaa a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from the chariotD tUrQeP%at onceD MyOmalaT%darkD MyOma%kiYkaraT%ser#ants of Lord /VWQaD praQamya%$owing downD kVWQaPoto Lord /VWQaD nNt#O%takingD taP%herD jagmur%wentD golokam%to FolokaD uttamam%in the spiritual world. &escending from the chariot, the dark ser#ants or the Lord $owed down $efofe Lord /VWQa. aking the snake%Bueen with them, they went to Foloka, the highest place in the spiritual world. e:t 24 hariM chOyOP #inirmOya i dadau sarpOya mOyayO sa ca kiZcin na $u$udhe mohito #iWQu%mOyayO

haris%Lord /VWQaD chOyOP%shadowD #inirmOya%makingD dadau%ga#eD sarpOya%to the snakeD mOyayO%$y illusionD sa%heD ca%andD kiZcit%anythingD na%notD $u$udhe% understoodD mohito%$ewilderedD #iWQu%mOyayO%$y Lord ViWQuEs maya. otency, the snake did not understand anything of that. e:t 26 a#aruhya sarpam Urdh#aT MrN%kVWQaT karuQO%nidhiT dadau hastaP ca kVpayO MNghraP kOliya%mastake a#aruhya%descendingD sarpam%the snakeD Urdh#aT%a$o#eD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD karuQO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD dadau%ga#eD hastaP%handD ca%andD kVpayO%$y mercyD MNghraP%at onceD kOliya%mastake%on the head of /Oliya. &escending from the snakeEs head, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of kindness, kindly touched it with ;is hand. e:t 27 samprOpya cetanaP sadyo dadarMa purato harim puXOZjali%yutOP yo EMru% pUrQOP ca su$alOP satNm samprOpya%attainignD cetanaP%consciousnessD sadyo%at onceD dadarMa%sawD purato% $efore himD harim%Lord /VWQaD puXO].sy .1,^jali%yutOP%with folded handsD yo%whoD aMru%with tearsD pUrQaP%filledD ca%andD su$alOP%Su$alOD satNm%chaste. 5egaining consciousness, the snake saw $efore him Lord /VWQa and saintly Su$alO, her hands folded and her eyes filled with tears. e:t 39 praQanOma hariP sadyo ruroda prema%#ih#alaT $hakty%udrekOt sOMru%netraP

pueakOZcita%#dgraham praQanOma%$owedD hariP%to Lord /VWQaD sadyo%at onceD ruroda%weptD prema% #ih#alaa%o#ercome with lo#eD $hakty%udrekOt%with great de#otionD sOMru%netraP%with eyes filled with tearsD pulakOZcita%#igraham%$oldiy hairs erect. <#erwhelred with feelings of lo#e, his eyes filled with tears and the hairs of his $ody erect, the snake $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa with great de#otion. e:t 3, tUWQNm%$hUtaP ca taP dVWX#O tam u#Oca kVpO%nidhiT sad%NM#arasya satataP yogyOyogye saNO kVpO _ o tUWQNm%$hUtaP%silentD ca%andD taP%himD dVWX#O%seeingD tam%to himD u#Oca%saidD kVpO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD sad%NM#arasya%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD satataPyalwaysD yogyOyogye%for the Bualified and the unBualifiedD samO%eBualD kVpO% mercy. Seeing the snake unwirling to speak, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, spoke to him. he Supreme Lord is eBually king to $oth the Bualified and the unBualified. e:t 3. MrN%kVWQa u#Oca #araP #VQu t#aP kOliya yat te manasi #OZchitam t#aP me prOQOdhiko #atsa sukhaP tiWXha $hayaP tyaja MrN%kVWQa u#Oce%SrN /VWQa saidD #araP%$oonD #VQu%chooseD t#aP%youD kOliya%< /OliyaD yat%whatD te%of youD manasi%in the mindD #OZchitam%desiredD t#aP%youD me%to -eD prOQOdhiko%more dear than li eD #atsa%childD sukhaP%happilyD tiWXha%stayD $hayaP% fearD tyaja%a$andond. Lord /VWQa saidJ < /Oliya, you may ask for a $oon, whate#er you wish in your hears. Child, to -e you are more dear than life. &onEt $e afraid. 8e happy.

e:t 30 tasyOham anugVhQOmi yo Eti%$hakto mamOPMajaT kiZcit taP damanaP kVt#O prasOdaP hi karomy aham tasya%to whomD aham%ID anugVhQOmi%am kindD yo%whoD ati%$hakto%a great de#oteeD mcma%of -eD aPMajaT%$orn from a phrt ofi-eD kiZcit%somethingD taP%(haaD damanaP% su$duingD kVt#O%doingD prasOdaP%mercyD hi%indeedD karomi%doD aham%I. I am always kind to -y de#otee. I treat him like a son. Sometimes I may discipline him a little, $ut then I am #ery kind. e:t 31 t#ad%#aPMa%jOtOn sarpOPM ca hanti yo mOna#OdhamaT $rahma%hatyO%samaP pOpaP $ha#itO tasya niMcitam t#ad%of youD #aPMa%jOtOn%$orn in the familyD sarpOPT%snakesD ca%andD hanti%killsD yo%one whoD mOna#OdhamaT%the lowest of me <ne who kills any of your descendants will $ecome the lowest of men. ;is sin will eBual the sin of killing a $rOhmaQa. e:t 32 mat%pOda%padma%cihne yaT karoti daQRa%tORanam d#i%guQaP $rahma%hatyOyO $ha#itO tasya kil$iWam mat%pOda%padma%cihne%in -y footprintD yaT%one whoD karoti%doesD daQRa%stickD tORanam%hittingD d#i%guQaP%dou$leD $rahma%hatyOyO%of killing a $rOhmaQaD $ha#itO% will $eD tasya%of himD kil$iWam%the sin. <ne who with a stick hits the place where you $ear -y footprint commits a sin twice that of killing a $rOhmaQa.

e:t 33 lakWmNr yOsyati tad%gehOt MOpaP datt#O su%dOruQam #aPMOyur%yaMasOP hOnir $ha#itO tasya niMcitam lakWmNr%Foddess LakWmND yOsyati%will goD tad%gehOt%from his houseD MOpaP%sinD datt#O%doingD su%dOruQam%#ery terri$leD #aPMa%familyD Oyur%lifespanD IaMasOP%and fameD hOnir%destructionD $ha#itO%will $eD tasya%of himD niMcitam%indeed. ;e commits a great sin. Foddess aakWmN will lea#e his ho e. ; s lifesp;e fame, and descendants will all $e destroyed. e:t 34 dhru#aP #arWa%MataP kOla% sUtre yOsyati dOruQe t#at%pramOQaT kNXa%saYghaT daPMiWyanti ca santatam dhru#aP%indeedD #arWa%MataP%a hundred yearsD kOlasUtre%in hellD yOsyati%will goD dOruQe%terri$leD t#at%youD pramOQaT%likeD kNXa%saYghuT%wormsD daPMiWyanti%will $iteD ca%andD santatam always. @or a hundred years he will stao iny terri$le hell where woums as $ig as you will $ite him always. e:t 36 $hogOnte janma la$dh#O ca tan%mVtyus tasya daPsanOt tasya #aPMod$ha#anaP ca _ t#ad%#aPMod$ha#itO $hayam $hoga%e:perienceD ante%at the endD janma%$irthD la$dh#O%attainingD ca%andD tan% mVtyus%his deathD tasya%of himD daPsanOt%from the $iteD tasya%of himD #aPMod$ha#anaP%descendantsD ca%andD t#ad%#wPMod$ha#itO%$orn in his fmliyD $hayam% fe r.

"hen his time in hell is ended, he will take $irth agarn. ;< wil( die of a snakeEs $ite. ;is descendants will fear snakes. e:t 37 ye ca t#ad%#aPMa%jaP dVWX#O (at padOYkaP madNyakam praQamiWyanti $haktyO te mucyante sar#a%pOtakOt ye%whoD ca%andD t#ad%#aPMa%jaP%$orn in your familyD dVWX#O%seeingDutat%thatD padOYkaP%footprintD madNyakam%-yD praQamiWyantidwill $ow downL $haktyO%with de#otionD te%theyD mucyante%$ecome freedD sar#a%pOtaknt%fromhhll sins. hey who $ow down with de#otion when they -y footprint on your descendants, will $ecome free from all sins. e:t 49 gaccha MNghraP ramaQakae tyaja $hNtiP khagOdhipOt mat%padOYkaP mUrdhni dVWX#O $haktyO ca praQamiWyati gaccha%please goD MNghraP%at onceD ramaQakaP%to 5amaQaka%d#NpaD tyaja%a$andonD $hNtiP%fearD khagOdhipOt%of the king of $irdsD mat%of -eD padOYkaP%the footprintD mUrdhni%on the headD dVWX#O%seeingD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD praQamiWyati%will $ow down. r (leasergo a oQce do 5amaQa a%d#Npa. &onEt fear FaruRa. ;e will $ow down with e#otion when he sees -y footprint on your head. e:t 4, ta#a t#ad%#aPMa%jOtOnO% mgaruNOno a $hayaP dhru#am sar#eWOP jZOti%#argOnOP #aro Edya $ha#a mad%#arOt ta#a%of youD t#ad%#aPMa%jOtOnOP%$orn in your familyD garuROn%from FaruRaD na% notD $hayaP%fearD dhru#am%indeedD sar#eWOP%of awlD ZOti%#argOnOP%rhlati#esD #aro%the $esuD adya%nowD $ha#a%$eD mad%#arOt%$y ty $ooi.

e:t 4. #araP kim aparaP #atsa #OZchitaP #arayOdhunO $hayaP ryakt#r kathaya mOP t#adNya%$haya%$haZjanam #araP%$oomD kim%hwat*D aparaP%moreD #atsa%< childD #O].sy .1,^chitaP%desiredD #araya%chooseD adhunO%nowD $hayaP%fearD tyakt#O%lea#ingD kathaya%please tellD mOP% -eD t#adNya%$haya%$ha].sy .1,ejanam%destroying your fears. Child, aek for a $oon. Fi#e up your fears and ask a $oon from -e, the person w S has $roken your fears to pieces. e:t 40 MrN%kVWQa%#aafnaP Mrut#O kOmiyaT kampito $ iyO puXOZjali%yuto $hUt#O tam u#Oca $hujaYgamaT rrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD #acanaP%the w.rdsD Mrut#O%hearitgD kOliyaT%/OliyaD kampeto%trem$ledD $hiyO%with fearD puXO].sy .1,^jali%yuto%folded handsD $hUt#O% $ecomingD tam%to ;imD u#Oca%spokeD $hujaYgamaT%the snake. ;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, /Oliya trem$ley with fear.r@olding his hands, pS spoke. e:t 41 MrN%kOliya u#Oca #are Enyasmin mama #i$ho #OZchO nOsti #ara%prada $haktiP smVtiP t#at%padO$je dehi janmOni janmOni

MrN%kOliya u#Oca%SrN /Oliya saidD #are%a $oonD anyasmin%anotherD mama%of meD #i$ho%< LordD #OZchO%desireD na%notD(asti%isD #ara%prada%< gi#er of $oon D $haktiP% de#otionD smVtiP%memoryD t#at%padO$je%of =our lotus feetD dehi%please gi#eDwjanmOni% $irthD janmOni%after $irth. SrN /Oliya saudJ < Lord, < gi#er of $oons, please gi#e to me the $oon that I will always remem$er anp always $e de#oted to rour lotus feet $irth after $irth. I do not wish hy other $ on. e:t 42 janma $rahma%kule #Opi tiryag%yoQiWu #O m ma _tad $hu#et sa%phalLP tac cet smVtis t#ac%oaraQOm$uje janma%$irthD $rahma%kule%in a family of $rOhmaQasD #O%orD api%e#enD tiryag%yoQiWu% in animal speciesD #O%orD mama%of meD tad%thatD $ha#et%may $eD sa%phalaP%with the resultD tat%thatD cet%ifD smVtis%memoryD t#ac%caraQOm$uje%of =our lotus feet. "hether I take $irth innal$rOhmaQrEd family or Nntat animalEs wom$, my life will $e a great success if I remem$er =our lotus feet. e:t 43 tan niWphalaT s#arga%#Oso nOsti yasya smVtis ta#a t#at%pOda%dhyOna%yuktasya yat tat sthOnaP ca tat param tat%thatD niWphalaT%uselessD s#arga%#Oso%residence in S#argaD na%notD asti%isD yasya%of whomD smVtis%memoryD ta#a%of =ouD t#at%pOda%dhyOna%yuktasya%meditating on =our lotus feetD yat%whatD tat%thatD sthOnaP%placeD ca%andD tat%thatD param%$est. If I li#e in S#argaloka $ut cannot remem$er =ou, then my life is a great failure. he place where I can remem$er =our feet is the $est of places. e:t 44 kWaQaP #O koXi%kalpaP #O puruWOyuM ca yas tathO

yadi tat%se#ayO yOti r sa%phalo niWphalo EnyathO y kWaQam%a momentD #O%orD koXi%kalpaP%ten millions kalpasD #O%orD puruWOyuT%a persopnEs lifeD ca%andD yas%whatD tathO%soD yadi%ifD tat%se#ayO%$y ser#ice to =ouD yOti% goesD sa%phalo%fruitfulD niWphalo%fruitlessD anyathO%otherwise. Lasting for either a moment or ten million kalpas, a life spent in =our ser#ice is a gruat success. <therwise it is a failure. e:t 46 teWOP cOyuT%kWayo nOsti ye t#at%pOdO$ja%se#akOT na santi janma%maraQa% roga%MokOrty%$hNtayaT teWOP%of themD ca%andD OyuT%of lifeD kWayo%destructionD na%notD asti%isD ye%whoD t#at% pOdO$ja%se#akaT%ser#ants of =our lotus feetD na%notD santi%areD janma%$irthD maraQa% deathD roga%diseaseD Moka%griefD Orti%painD $hNtayaT%and fear. _ hey who ser#e =our lotus feet ne#er die. @or them there is no $irth, death, old% age, lamentation, pain, and fear. e:t 47 indrat#e cOmarat#e #O $rahmat#e cOti%durla$he #OZchO nOsty e#a $haktOnOP t#at%pOda%se#anaP #inO indrat#e%the post of IndraD ca%andD amarat#e%the post of a demigodD #O%orD $rahmat#e%the post of 8rahmOD ca%andD ati%durla$he%#ery difficult to attainD #OZchO% desireD na%notD asti%isD e#a%indeedD $haktOnOP%of the de#oteesD t#at%pOda%se#anaP% ser#ice to =our lotus feetD #inO%without. =our de#otees do not wish to $ecome a demigorp an Indra, or a 8rahmO if $h doing so they cannot ser#e =our lotus feet. e:t 69

su%jNrQa%LaXa%khaQRasya samaP tan nUnam e#a #O paMyanti $haktOT kiP cOnyat sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam su%jNrQa%pata%khaQRasya%a torn piece of clothD samaP%eBualD tan%indeedD nUnam% indeedD e#a%indeedD #O%orD paMyanti%seeD $haktOT%de#oteesD kiP%what*D ca%andD anyat% anotherD sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam%the four kinds of li$eration, $eginning with salokya. e fo r de#otees see the four kinds of li$eration, what to speaa of othar things,tas eBual to a torn pirce of cloth. e:t 6, samprOpya t#an%manuP $rahmann anantOd yO#ad e#a hi tO#at t#ad%$ha#anenai#a t#ad%#argo Eham anugrahOt samprOpya%attainingD t#an%manuP%=our mantraD $rahmann%< Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD anantOd%from Lord SeWaD yO#ad%asD e#a%indeedD hi%indeedD tO#at%thenD t#ad%$ha#anena%$y meditating on =ouD e#a%indeedD t#ad%#argo%=our de#oteeD ahammID anugrahOt%$y the mercy. < Lord, I attained =eur mantra from Lord SeWaceSince then I ha#e always meditated on =ou. Now, $y =our mercy, I ha#e $ecome part of =our family. e:t 6. _mOP ca $haktam apak#aP #O #ijZOya garuRaT s#ayam deMOd dUraP ca nyak%kOraP cakOra dVRha%$haktimOn maPumeD cr%andD $haktam%de#oteeD apak#aP%immatureD #O%orD #ijZOya%knowingD garuRaT%FaruRaD s#ayam%himselfD deMOd%from the countryD dUraP%farD ca%andD nyak% kOraP%contemptD cakOra%didD dVRha%$haktimOn%ad#anced in de#otion. )ware that I was immature in de#otional ser#ice, the ad#anced de#otee FaruRa was a$le to insult me and force me to go far from my home.

e:t 60 $ha#atO ca dVRhO $haktir datta me #aradeM#ara sa ca $haktaM ca $hakto EhaP na mOP $hoktuP kWamo EdhunO $ha#atO%$y youD ca%andD dVRhO%firmD $haktir%de#otionD datta%gi#enD me%to meD raradeM#ara%< gio#er of $oonsD s %heD ca%andD $haktaT%de#oteeD ca%andD $hakto% de#oteeD ahaP%I na%notD mOP%meD $hoktuP%to eatD kWamo%a$leD adhunO%now. < gi#er of $oons, please gi#e me ad#anced de#otion. In that w y FaruRa will $e an ad#anced de#otee and I will $e an eBually ad#anced de#otee. hen FaruRa will not a$le to eat me. e:t 61 t#at%pOda%padma%cihnOktaP dVWX#O MrN%mastakaP mama sa%doWaP guQa%yuktaP mOP so EdhunO tyaktum arhati t#at%pOda%padma%cihnOktaP%=our lotus footprintD dVWX#O%seeingD MrN%mastakaP%on the headD mama%of meD sa%doWaP%with faultsD guQa%yuktaP%with #irtuesD mOP%meD so% heD adhunO%nowD tyaktum%to a$andonD arhati%is worthy. "hen he sees =our lotus footprint on my head he will lea#e me in peace, not considering whethe I ha#e #irtues or faults. e:t 62 mama $adhyOM ca nOgendrO na tad%$adhyo Eham NM#ara $hayaP na ke$hyaT sar#atra tam anantaP guruP #inO mama%of meD $adhyas%under the controlD ca%andD nOgendrOs%the snake%kingsD na% notD tad%$adhyo%under their controlD aham%ID Npt for. < Lord, now the snake%kings are under my control, and I am free of their control.

"hom, e:cept for my master, Lord SkWa, need N fear* e:t 63 yaandh#endrOM ca de#OM ca munayo mana#o narOT s#apne dhyOne na paMyanti cakWuWor gocaraT sa me yaP%whomD de#endrOT%the kings of the demigodsD ca%andD de#OT%the demigodsD ca% andD munayo%the sagesD mana#o%the manusD narOT%the humansD s#apne%in dreamD dhyOne%in emditationD na%notD paMyanti%seeD cakWuWor%of eyesD gocaraT%in the rangeD sa% heD me%of me. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whom the demigods, the kings of the demigods, the sages, the manus, and the humans cannot see, e#en in meditation or in dream, has now come $efore my eyes. e:t 64 $haktOnurodhOt sOkOraT kutas te #igraho #i$ho sa%guQas t#aP ca sOkOro nirOkOraM ca nirguQaT $haktOnurodhOt%out of kindness to ;is de#oteesD sOkOraT%in ;is transcendental formD kutas%where*D te%of =ouD #igraho%fornD #i$ho%< LordD sa%guQas%with BualitiesD t#aP%=ouD ca%andD sOkOro%with transcendental formD nirOkOraT%without formD ca%andD nirguQaT%without Bualities. < almighty Lord, out of kindness to =our de#otees =ou show them =our transcendental form. =ou ha#e a transcendental form and transcendental Bualities, and then again, in =our impersonal aspect, =ou ha#e neither form nor Bualities. e:t 66 s#ecchamayaT sar#a%dhOma sar#a%$NjaP sanOtanaT sar#eWOm NM#araT sOkWN sar#OtmO sar#a%rUpa%dhVk

s#etchamayaT%who is supremely independentD sar#a%dhOma%the resting place of allD sar#a%$NjaP%the seed of allD sanOtanaT%eternalDjsar#eWOm%of allD rM#a aT%the masterD sOkWN%witnedsD sar#OtmO%Supersoul present in e#eryoneEs heartD sar#a%rUpa%dhVk% manifesting all forms. _ =ou are supremely indepenNont. =our desires are all fulfilled. =ou aSe the resting% place of all and the seed from which all has come. =ou are eternal. =ou are the master of all. =ou are the nitness of all. =ou are the Supersoulyin e#eryoneEs heart. =ou ha#e the power to appear in any form =ou wish. e:t 67 $rahmeMa%MeWa%dharmendrO #eda #edOYga%pOragOT etotuP yam NMaP te jaRyOT p sarpaT stoWyati kiP #i$hum $rahma%8rahmOD NMa%Si#aD MeWa%SeWaD dharma%=amarOjaD indr+s%and pnSraD #eda% #edOYga%pOragO]% onu to the farther shore of he Vedas and VedOYgasD stotuP%to praiseD yam%whomD NMaP%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD te%theyD jaRyOT% speechlessD sarpaT%snakeD stoWyati%will praiseD kiP%how*D #i$hum%the Supreme Fersonality of Frdhead. 8rahmO, Si#a, SeWa, =amarOja, Indra, and the philosophers who ha#e tra#eled to the farther shore of the tedaN and VedOYgas $ecome speechless when they try to pratse the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ;ow can I, a snake, praisN ;im properly* e:t 79 heenOtha karuQO%sindho dNna%$andho kWamOdhamam khala%s#a%$hO#Od ajZOnOd grastas t#aP car#ito mayO he%<D nOtha%masterD karuQO%sindho%ocean of mercyD dNna%$andho%friend of the poorD kWama%please forgi#eD adhamam%%lowlyD khala%s#a%$hO#Od%demonic $y natureD ajZOnOd%out of ignoranceD grastas%swallowedD t#aP%=ou car#ito%chewedD mayO%$y me. < master, < ocean of mercy, < friend of the poor, please forgi#e me. I am #ery fallen and wretched. 8ecause I am a fool and a demon, I chewed and swallowed =ou.

e:t 7, nOstra%spVMyo yathOkOMo na dVMyaM cOpy alaYghyakaT duWprOpyo hi na cO#aryas tathO tejas (#am e#a ca na%notD astra%$y weaponsD spVMyo%to $e touchedD yathO%asD OkOMo%the skyD na%notD dVMyaT%to $e seenD ca%andD api%alsoD alaYghyakaT%not to $e trengressedD duWprOpyo% difficult to attainD hi%indeedD na%notD ca%andD a#aryas%without a superiorD tathO%soD tejas%fireD t#am%=ouD e#a%inde dD ca%and. _ )s the sky cannot $e touched with weapons, seen, diso$eyed, attained, or e:celled, so =ou, the supremely powerful Lord, cannot $e touched with weapons, seen, diso$eyed, attained, or e:celled. e:t 7. ity e#am ukt#O nOgendraT papOta caraQOm$uje om ity ukt#O haris tuWXau sar#aP tasmai #araP dadau iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD ukt#O%speakingD nOgendraT%the snake%kingD papOta%fellD caraQOm$uje%at the lotus feetD om%=esD iti%thusD ukt#O%sayingD haris%Lord /VWQaD tuWXaT% pleasedD sar#aP%allD tasmai%to himD #araP%$oonD dadau%ga#e. )fter speaking these words, the snake%king fell at the LordEs feet. (leased, Lord /VWQa said, L=es. So $e it.L, and $lessed him. e:t 70 nOga%rOja%kVtaP stotraP prOtar utthOya yaT paXhet tad%#aPMa%jOnOP tasyOpi nOge$hyo na $hayaP $ha#et nOga%rOja%kVtaP%done $y the snake%kingD stotraP%the prayerD prOtar%at sunriseD utthOya%risingD yaT%one whoD paXhet%recitesD tad%#aPMa%jOnOP%of his descendentsD Lasya%of himD api%alsoD nOge$hyo%from snakesD na%notD $hayaP%fearD $ha#et%will $e.

) person who rises at sunrise and recites this prayer of the snake%king need ne#er fear snakes. ;is descendants also need ha#e no fear of snakes. e:t 71 sa nOga%MayyOP kVt#ai#a s#OptuP MaktaT sadO $hu#i #iWa%pNyUWayor $hedo nOsty e#a tasya $hakWaQe sas%;SD nOma%MaymOP%on a couch of snakesD kVt#O%doingD e#a%indeedD s#Optuo%to sleepD MaktaT%r$leD sadO%alwaysD $hu#i%on the earthD #iWa%necearD pNyUWayor%and poiusonD $hedo%differenceD na%notD asti%isD e#a%inSNedD tasya%of himD $hakWkQe%in eating. ;e has the power to sleep unharmed on a $ed of snakes. @or him snake%poison is not different from nourishing food. e:t 72 nOga%grahte nOga%ghOte _ prOQOnte #iWa%$hojanOt stotra%Mra#aQa%mOtreQa su%stho $ha#ati mOna#aT nOga%graste%$itten $y a snakeD nOga%ghOte%attacked $y a snakeD prOQOnte%at the end of lifeD #iWa%$hojanOt%$ecause of poisonD stotra%prayerD Mra#aQa%mOtreQa%simply $y hearingD su%stho%health-D $ha#ati%$ecomesD mOna#aT%a person. If a person on the #erge of death from the poison of a snake%$ite hears this prtyer, he $ecomes healthy. e:t 73 $hurje kVt#O stotram idaP kaQ he c dakWiQe kare $i$harti yo $hakti%yukto na nOge$hyo Epi tad%$hayam $hurje%on a paperD kVt#O%doingD stotram%prayerD idaP%thisD kaQXhe%on the neckD ca% andD dakWiQe%on the rightD kare%handD $i$harti%holdingD yo%whoD $hakti%yukto%a

de#oteeD na%notD nOge$hyo%from snakesD api%alsoD tad%$hayrm%fear. ) de#otee who w(ites this prayer on a paper and wears it on his neck or his right wrist need ne#er fear snakes. e:t 74 yFtra gehe stytram idaP nOgas tatrai#a tiWXhati #iWOgni%#ajra%$hNtiM ca na $ha#et tatra niMcitam yatra%whoD gehe%in the homeD stotram%prayerD idaP%thisD nOgas%snakeD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD tiWXhati%staysD #iWa%poisonD gni%fireD #ajra%lightningD $hNti %fearD ca%andD na%notD $ha#et%isD tatra%thereD niMcitam%indeed. Snakes will not enter a home where this prayer is kept. In that home there need $e no fear of poison, fire, or lightning. e:t 76 iha loke harau $haktiP smVtiP ca NatataP la$h t ante ca s#a%kulaP put#O dOsyaP ca la$hate dhru#am iha%in thisD loke%worldD harau%for Lord /VWQaD haktiP%de#otionD smV>iP%memoryD ca%andD satataP%alwaysD la$het%attainsD ante%at the endD ca%andD s#a%kulaP%own familyD put#O%purifyingD dOsyaP%ser#iceD ca%andD la$hate%attainsD dhru#am%indeed. _ Inethis life hetattains de#otion to Lord /VWQa and constanw meditation on ;im. ;e purifies his entire family. )t the tnd he attaini direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:t 77 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca nOgendrOya #araP datt#O punas taP jagad%NM#araT u#Oca madhuraP #OkyaP pariQOma%sukhO#aham

MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD nOgendrOya%to the snake%kingD #araP% $oonD datt#a%gi#ingD punas%againD taP%to himD jagad%NM#araT%the master of the uni#ersesD u#Oca%spokeD madhuraP%sweetD #OkyaP%wordsD pariQOma%sukhO#aham% $ringing happiness. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter gi#ing the snake%king ;is $lessings, Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, spoke sweet and pleasing words. e:t ,99 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca gaccha #atsa ramaQakaP yathendra%nOgaraP param sOrdhaP s#a%goWXhya nOgendra yamunO%jala%#artmanO MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD gaccha%please goD #atsa%< childD ramaQakaP%to 5amaQakaD yathO%asD indra%nOgaraP%to the city of IndraD param%greatD sOrdhaP%withD s#a%goWXhya%your familyD nOgendra%< king of snakesD yamunO%jala%#artmanO%on the path o the =amunO. rrN /VWQa saidJ Child, please tr #el on the path of the =amurO and with your family go to 5amaQaka%d#Npa, which is glorious like the city of Indra. e:t ,9, Mrut#O nOgo harer ajZOP ruroda prema%#ih#alaT kadO drakWyOmi t#at%pOda% padmaP nOthety u#Oca ha Mrut#O%uearingD nOgo%the snakeD harer%of Lord /VWQaD aj].sy .1,^OP%the commandD ruroda%weptD prema%#ih#alaT%o#ercome with lo#eD kadO%when*D drakWyOmi%will I seeD tnat%pOda%padmaP%=our lotus feetD nOtha%< LordD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed.

e:t ,9.

praQamya Mata%kVt#aMuca striyO goWXhyO maheM#aram jagOma jala%mOrgena kOliyo #irahOturaT praQamya%$owingD Mata%kVt#aT%a hundred timesD ca%andD striyO%with his wifeD goWXhyO%with familyD maheM#aram%to 5amanaka%d#ipaD jagOma%wentD jala%mOrgena%$y ther path of waterD kOliyo%/aliyaD #irahOturaT%euffering in separation. 8owing $efore Lord /VWQa a hundred times, /Oliya, o#ercome with unhappiness in separation from the Lord, with his wife and family tra#eled on the water path and went to 5amaQaka%d#Npa. e:t ,90 yamunO%hrada%toyaP ca $a$hU#OmVta%kalpakam prasannO janta#aT sar#e $a$hU#us tatra nOrada yamunO%hrada%toyaP%the water of the =amunOEs oakeD ca%andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD hmVta%kalpakam%liae nectarD prasannO%happyh janta#aT%the li#ing $eingsD sar#e%allD $a$h #us%$ecameD tatra%thereD nO,ada%< NOrada. < NOrada, the water of that lake in the =amunO then $ecame sweet like nectar, and all li#ing $eings there $ecame happy. e:t ,91 gat#O dadarMa $ha#anaP yathendra%nOgaraP par m OjZayO ca kVpO%sindhor nirmitaP #iM#akarmaQO gat#O%goingD dadarMa%sawD $ha#anaP%homeD yathO%asD indra%of IndraD nOgaraP%the cityD param%greatD OjZayO%$y the orderD ca%andD kVpO%sindhor%of ;e who is an ocean of mercyD nirmitaP%$uiltD #iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmO. "hen /Oliya came to his home, he sawutSat it was now as opulent as the palace of Indra. 8y the order of the Supreme Lord, who is an ocean of mercy, ViM#akarmO had

made it that way. e:t ,92 tatra tasthau ca nOgendraT striyO putrair gaQaiT saha niTMaYko harWa%yuktaM ca _ hari%$hO#ana%tat%paraT tatra%thereD tasthau%stayedD ca%andD nOgendraT%the snake%kingD striyO%with wifeD putrair%and chilrenD gaQaiT%associatesD saha%withD niTMaYko%fearlessD harWa%yuktaT% happyD ca%andD hari%$hO#ana%tat%paraT%always remem$ering Lord /VWQa. @earless, happy, and al ays rapt in meditation on Lord /VWQa, the snake%king /Oliya li#ed there with his wife, children, and associates. e:t ,93 ity e#aP kathitaP #atsa hareM caritam ad$hutam sukhadaP mokWadaP sOraP paraP kiP Mrotum icchasi iti%thusD e#aP%thusD kathitaP%spokenD #atsa%< childD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD caritam% pastimesD ad$hutam%wonderfulD sukhadaP%delightfulD mokWadaP%gi#ing li$erationD sOraP%$estD paraP%transcendentalD kiP%what*D Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%you wish. < child, thus I ha#e repeated Lord /VWQaEs wonderful, delightful, transcendental pastimes, which $ring li$eration. "hat more do you wish to hear* e:t ,94 MrN%sUta u#Oca maharWer #acanaP Mrut#O nOrado harWa%#ih#alaT VWiP papraccha sandehaP sar#a%sandeha%$haZjanaP MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD maharWer%of the great sageD #acanaP%the wordsD Mrut#O% hearingD nOrado%NOradaD harWa%#ih#alaT%filled with happinessD VWiP%to the sageD papraccha%askedD sandehaP%dou$tD sar#a%sandeha%$haZjanaP%to the $reaker of all

dou$ts. SrN SUta saidJ ;earing the sageEs words, NOrada $ecame happy. hen he e:pressed a dou$t to the sage famous for $reaking allwdou$ts. e:t ,96 MrN%nOrada u#Oca kathaP #ihOya kOliyaT s#a%pUr#a%$ha#anaP param jagOma yamunO%tNraP tan me $rUhi jagad%guro _ MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD kathaP%why*D #ihOya%lea#in$gD kOliyaT%/OliyaD s#a% pUr#a%$ha#anaP%his pre#ious homeD param%thenD jagOma%wentD yamunO%tNraP%to the =amunOEs shoreD tan%thatD me%to meD $rUhi%tellD jagad%guro%< guru of the uni#erse. SrN NOrada saidJ "hy did /Oliya lea#e his pre#ious home and go to the =amunOEs soore* < guru of the uni#erses, please tell me that. e:t ,97 MmN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca MVQw nOrada #akWye EhaP itihOsaP purOtanam purO MrutaP dharma%#aktrOn malaye sUrya%par#Oni MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD MVQu%hearD nOrada%< nOradaD #akWye%I will tellD ahaP%ID itihOsaPathe historyD purOtanam%ancientD purO%$eforeD MrutaP%heardD dharma%#aktrOn%from the mouth of &harma -uniD malaye%rn the -alaya ;illsD sUrca% par#Oni%on the Sur.a%par#a festi#al. e SrN tOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < NOrada, please listen and I will tell nou the ancient account of this, which I heard from &larma -uniEs mouth in the -alaya ;ills during the SUrya%par#a festi#al. e:t ,,9

kVWQOkhyOna%prasaYgena supra$hO%paMcime taXe papraccha dharmaP pulahaT kathituP muni%saPsadi kVWQOkhyOna%prasaYgena%in connection with the account of Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD supra$hO%paMcime%on the western shore of the Supra$hO rui#erD taXe%on the shoreD papraccharaskedD dharmat%&harmaD pulahaT%(ulahaD kathituP%to speakD muni% saPsadi%in the assem$ly of sages. )s they were discussing Lord /VWQaEs pastimes on the western shore of the Supra$hO ri#er in the assem$ly of sages, (ulaha -uni asked &harma -uni to tell this story. e:r ,,, idam OkhyOnam OMcaryaP u#Oca taP kVpO%nidhiT tatra MrutaP mayO $rahman ni$odha kathayOmi te idam%nhisu OkhyOnam%storyD OMcaryaP%wonderfulD u#Oca%saidD taP%to himD kVpO% nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD tatra%thereD MrutaP%h hen &harma -uni, who is an ocean of mercy, repeated that wonderful story. It was there that I heard it. < $rOhmaQa, please listen, and I will tell it to you. e:ts ,,. and ,,0 MeWOjZayO nOga%uaQaT prati%sam#atsaraP $hiyO kOrttikN%pUrQimOyOP tu karoti ga uROrcapam puWpair dhUpaiM ca dNpaiM ca nai#edyair $ali$his tathO puWkare ca mahO%tNrthe su%snOta $hakti%samyutaT MeWOjZayO%$y ther order of Lord SeWaD nOga%gaQaT%the snakesD prati%sam#atsaraP%

e#ery yearD $hiyO%with fearD kOrttikN%pUrQimOyOP%on the full moon day of the month of karttikaD tu%indeedD karoti%doD garuROrcanam%worship of FaruRaD puWpair%with flowersD dhUpaiT%incenseD ca%andD dNpaiT%lampsD ca%andD nai#edyair%foodsD $ali$his% offeringsD tathO%soD puWkare%at (uWkaraD ca%andD mahO%tNrthe%the great holy placeD su% snOta%carefully $athedD $hakti%samyuuaT%filled with de#otion. 8y Lord SeWaEs order, e#ery year, at (uWkara%tNrtha, on the full%moon day of the month of /Orttika, the snakes carefully $athe and with de#otion and awe, fearfully worship FaruRa with flowers, incense, lamps, foods, and many offerings. e:t ,,1 tasya pUjOP ca kOliyo na karoty aty%ahaYkaraT nOgaT pUjopakaraQaP $alOd $hakWitum udyataT tasya%of himD pUjOP%the worshipD ca%andD kOliyo%kOliyaD na%notD karoti%doesD aty% ahaYkaraT%#ery proudD nOgaT%snakeD pUja%of worshipD upakaraQaP%the offeringD $alOd% forci$lyD $hakWitum%to eatD udyataT%was ready. Very proud, /Oliya would not participate in the worship. Indeed, he wanted to forci$ly de#our the offering. e:t ,,2 cakrur ni#araQaP nOgO nNtim Ucur madoddhatam na MaktO #araQe te cety O#ir$hUtaT khageM#araT stoppingD te%theyD ca%andD iti%thusD O#ir$hUtaT%appearedD khageM#araT%FaruRa. he snakes appealed to /Oliya. hen they tried to stop him $y force. hey could not stop him. hen FaruRa came. e:t ,,3 dVWX#O khageM#araP nOgOT kOliya%prOQa%rakWayO

prOQa%MaktyO ca yuyudhur yO#at sUryodayaP mune dVWX#O%seeingD khageM#araP%garuRaD nOgaT%the inakesD kOliya%prOQa%rakWayO%for protecting kOliyaEs lifeD prOQa%MaktyO%with the power of their li#esD ca%andD yuyudhur% foughtD yO#at%untilD sUryodayaP%sunriseD mune%< sage. Seeing FaruRa, the snakes fought with him to protect .Oliya. < sage, they fought until sunrise. e:t ,,4 pakWNndra%tejasO sar#e samud#ignOT pglOyitOT anantaP MaraQaP jagmuT sar#eWOm a$haya%pradam n pakWNndra%tejasO%$y the power of FaruRaD sar#e%allD samud#ignOT%in disarrayD palOyitOT%fledD anantaP%to SeWaD MaraQaP%shelterD jagmuT%wentD sar#eWOa%of allD a$haya%pradam%the gi#er of fearlessness. &efeated;$y FaruRaEs great power, the snakes fled to Lord SeWa, their protector, who canLremo#e their fears. e:t ,,6 pal yana%parOn dVWX#O n nOgOPM ca karuQO%nidhiT tatra tasthau ca niTMaYkaT kOliyas taP dadarMa ha palOyana%parO %fledD dVWX#O%seeewgD nOgOPT%ohe sankesD ca%andD karuQO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD tatra%thereD tasthau%stoodD ca%andD niTMaYkaT%fearlwssD kOliyas%/OliwaD taP%himD dadaiMa%sawD ha%tndeed. A SSeetng the snakes flee, fearless /Olrya stood his ground and stared at FaruRa. In truth rOliya was a siScere de#otee of Lord /VWQa, ho is an ocean of ercy. e:t ,,7 smVt#O hari%padOm$hojaP

kOliyo yuyudhe raQe _muhUrtaP ca tayor yuddhaP $a$hU#OtN#a%dOruQam smVt#O%meditatingD hari%padOm$hojaP%on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD kOliyo%/OliyaD yuyudhe%foughtD raQe%in the $attleD muhUrtaP%for 12 minutesD ca%andD tayor%of themD yuddhaP%sightD $a$hU#a%wasD atN#a%dO uQam%#ery terri$le. ;is thoughts fi:ed on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, /Oliya fought FaruRa. @or forty%fi#e minutes they fought a terri$le duel. e:t ,.9 parOjitaM ca nOgendraT khagendra%tejasO tataT $hiyO palOyanaP kVt#O jagOma yamunO%hradam parOjitas%defeatedD ca%andD nOgendraT%/OliyaD khagendra%tejasO%$y the power of FaruRaD tataT%theyD $hiyO%in fearD palOyanaP%fleeingD kVt#O%doingD jagOma%wentD yamunO%hradam%to the lake in the =amunO. @inally defeated $y FaruRaEs superior strength, /Oliya fled to a lake in the =amunO. e:t ,., na taP sau$hari%MOpena khagendro gantum NM#araT tatra tasthur $hiyO nOga jag(uT pa<cOc ca tad%gaQOT na%notD taP%thereD sau$hari%MOpena%$ecause of sau$hari -uniEs curseD khagendro% FaruRaD gantum%to goD NM#araT%a$leD tatra%thereD tasthur%stayedD $hiyO%fearfullyD nOga% the snakesD jagmuT%wentD paMcOc%$ehindD ca%andD tad%gaQOT%his entourage. 8ecause of Sau$hari -uniEs curse, FaruRa could not come there. he frightened snakes went there. e:t ,..

MrN%nOrada u#Oca kathaP taP saura$heT MOpo $a$hU#a garuRaP mune kathaP na Makto gantuP taP hradam NM#ara%#OhanaT MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN nOrada saidD kathaP%why*D taP%thereD Maura$heT%of saura$hi -uniD MOpo%the curseD $a$hU#a%wasD garuRaP%to FaruRaD mune%< sageD kathaP%why*D na%nomD Makto%a$leD gantu %to goD twP%thereD hradam%to the lakeD NM#ara%#OhanaT%the carrier of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. _ SrN NOrada saidJ < sage, why did Sau$hari -uni curse FaruRa* "hy was FaruRa, the carrier of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, not a$le to go to that lake* e:t ,.0 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca di#yaP Mata%sahasraP ca #arWOnOP tatra saura$hiT tapas tapt#O mahn%siddho dadhyau kVWQa%padOm$ujam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD di#yaP%celestialD Mata%sahasraP%a hundred thousa dD ca%andD #arWOnOP%of yearsD tatra%thereD saura$hiT%Saura$hiD tapas% austeritiesD tapt#O%performingD mahO%siddho%perfect sageD dadhyau%meditatedD kVWQa% padOm$ujam%Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ @or a hundred thousand celestial years the perfect yogN Saura$hi stayed there, performing austerities and meditating on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t ,.1 samNpe dhyOnamOnasya ) Makulo yamunO%jale gaQena sOrdhas niTMaYkaT karoti $hramaQaP mudO samNpe%nearD dhyOnamOnasya%meditatingD Makulo%a sakula fishD yamunO%jale%in the =pmunOEs tatersD gaQena%entourageD sOrdhaP%withD niTMaYkaT%fearlessD karotiudidD

$hramaQaP%wanderingD mudO%happily. Near the meditating sage a Makula fish fearlessly and happily swam $ack and forth with its associates in the =amunO water. e:t ,.2 puccham uttolya $ahudhO paritaT paramecchayO muniP pradakWinN%kVtya yOty OyOti mudOn#itaT puccham%tailD uttolya%liftingD $ahudhO%manyD paritaT%withD paramecchayO%with great desireD muniP%the sageD pradakWinN%kVtya%circumam$ulatingD yOti%wentD OyOti% cameD mudOn#itaT%happy. )ccompanied $y its friends, the fish would raise its tail and earnestly swim around the sage, happily coming and going again and again. e:t ,.3

_ MakulaP su%mahO%pNnaP darMaP darMaP khagOdhipaT jagrOha caZc#O tUrQaP ca munNndrasya samNpataT MakulaP%the sakula fishD su%mahO%pNnaP%#ery $ig and fatD darMaP%lookingD darMaP% and lookingD khagOdhipaT%FaruRaD jagrOha%gra$$edD caZc#O%with his $eakD tUrQaP%at onceD ca%andD munNndrasya%of the king of sagesD samNpataT%in the presence. Looking again and again at the $ig and fat Makula fish, FaruRa Buickly gra$$ed it in his $eak in the sageEs presence. e:t ,.4 gacchantaP taP mNna%mukhaP dadarMa kopa%cakWuWO prakopato muner dVWX#O mNnas toye papOta ha gacchantaP%goingD taP%thatD mNna%mukhaP%$ig fishD dadarMa%sawD kopa%cakWuWO%

with angrySeyesD prakopato%$ecause of the angerD muner%of the sageD dVWX#O%seeingD mNnas%the fishDptoye% n the waterD papOta%fellD ha%indeed. "ith angry eyes the sage saw the fish $eing a$ducted. Seeing the sageEs anger, FaruRa dropped the fish and it fell $ack into the water. e:t ,.6 tam u#Oca munNndraM ca punar OdOtum udyatam mNnaM ca garuRa%trOsOt tasthau muni%samNpataT tam%to himD u#Oca%saidD munNndraT%the great sageD ca%andD punar%againD OdOtum%to takeD udyatam%eagerD mNnaT%the fishD ca%andD garuRa%of FaruRaD trOsOt%in fearD tasthau% stoodD muni%samNpataT%$efore the sage. @rightened of FaruRa, the fish stayed in front of the sage. he sage spoke to FaruRa, who wanted to retake the fish. e:t ,.7 MrN%saura$hir u#Oca gaccha dUraP gaccha dUraP khagendra mat%samNpataT kO yogyatO mat%puras te grahituP jN#am ul$aQam mat%samNpataT%fro meD kO%what*D yogyatO%BualificationD mat%puras%in my presenceD te% of youD grahituP%to takeD jN#am%li#ing entityD ul$aQam%$ig. erN Sau$hari saidJ < king of $irds, get away from me\ Fo far away from me\ "hat right ha#e you to gra$ this $ig fish in my presence* e:t ,09 MrN%kVWQa%#OhanaP jZOt#O cOtmOnaP $ahu manyase t#ad%#idhOn koXiMaT kVWQaT

MaktaT sraWXuP ca eOhanOn MrN%kVWQa%#OhanaP%the carrier of Lor. /VWQaD j].sy .1,^Ot#O%knowingD ca%andD OtmOnaP%yourselfD $ahu%improtantD manyase%you thi&kD t#ad%#idhOn%mike youD koXiMaT%millionsD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD MaktaT%is a$leD sraWXuP%to createD ca%andD #OhanOn%carriens. =ou think that $ecause =ou carry Lord /VWQa you are so #ery rmportant. Lord /VWQa can create many millions of carriers like you. e:t ,0, karomi $ asmasOt tUrQaP t#aP ca $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO #OhanaM ca t#am NMasya na #ayaP ta#a kiYkarOT karomi%I doD $hasmasOt%to ashesD tUrQaP%at onceD t#aP%youD ca%andD $hrU%$haYga% lNlayO%with a single mo#ement of my eye$rowD #OhanaT%carrierD ca%andD t#am%youD NMasya%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD na%notD #ayaP%weD ta#a%of youD kiYkarOT%the ser#ants. 8y mo#ing my eye$row I can $urn you to ashes in a moment. =ou may carry Lord /VWQa, $ut that does not mean that we are a(l the ser#ant of you. e:t ,0. adya%pra$hVti pakWNndra yady Ogacchasi me hradam madNya%MOpOt tUrQaP ca a $hasmasOd $ha#ith dhru#am adya%pra$iVti%from this moment onD pakWNndll%< kin8 of $irdsD yadi%ifD Ogacchasi% yoiu comeD me%of meD hradam%to the lakeD madNya%of meD MOpOt%$y the curseD tUrQaP% at onceD ca%andD $hasmasOd%to ashesD $ha#itO%will $ecomeD dhru#am%indeed. _ If from this moment on you dare come to my lake, $y my curse you will $e at once $urned to ashes. e:t ,00

munNndrasya #acaT Mrut#O pracakampe khageM#araT smaraP smaraP kVWQa%padaP taP praQamya jagOma ha munNndrasya%of the great sageD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD pracakampe% trem$ledD khageM#araT%FaruRaD smaraP%remem$eringD smaraP%and remem$eringD kVWQa%padaP%Lord /VWQaEs feetD taP%to himD praQamya%$owing downD jagOma%wentD ha%indeed. ;earing the great sageEs words, FaruRa trem$led. )gain and again remem$ering Lord /VWQaEs feet, and $owing $efore the sage, FaruRa left. e:t ,01 tataT pra$hVti #iprendra patagendrasya santatam hradasya Mruti%mOtreQa kampo $ha#ati niMcitam tataT pra$hVti%from then onD #iprendra%< king of $rOhmaQasD patagendrasya%of the king of $irdsD santatam%alwaysD hradasya%of the lakeD Mruti%mOtreQa%simply $y hearingD kampo%trem$lingD $ha#ati%$ecameD niMcitam%indeed. < king of $rOhmaQas, from that time on whene#er he e#en heard the name of that lake, FaruRa trem$led. e:t ,02 itihOsaM ca kathito yac chruto dharma%#aktrataT rahasyaP ca Mruti%sukhaP prakVtaP MVQu maYgalam itihOsas%sotryD ca%andD kathito%spokenD yac%whatD Mruto%heardD dharma%#aktrataT% from the mouth of &harma -uniD rahasyaP%secretD ca%andD Mruti%sukhaP%pleasing to the earsD prakVtaP%naturalD MVQu%please hearD maYgalam%auspicious. In this way I ha#e repeated what I heard from the mouth of &harma -uni. Now please hear something confidential, auspicious, and pleasing to the ears.

e:t ,03 #ij8Oda su%ciraP $OlO nottasthau tah%jalOd dhariT _clkrur #iWOdaP mohOc ca rurudur yamunO%taXe #ijZOya%snderstandingD su%ciraP%graduallyD $OlO%the $oysD na%notD uttasthau%cameD taj%jalOd%from the haterD hariT%Lord /VWQaD cakrur%didD #iWOdaP%lamentD mohOt%out of $ewildermentD ca%andD rurudur%weptD yamunO%taXe%on the =amunOEs shoye. "hen after a long time Lord /eWQa still did not emerge from the water, the $oys on the =amunOEs shore $ecame $ewildered and wept in grief. e:th,04 s#a%#akWodghaXanaP cakruT kecid $OlOT MucOkulOd kecin nipatitO $humau mUrchOm Owur hariP #inO s#a%#akWodghaXanaP%$uatang theio chest D cakruT%didD kecid%someD $OlOT%$oysD Muc kulOT%grief strickenD kecin%someD nipatitO%fallenD $humau%to the gorun(D mUrchOm%unconsciousnessD Opur%attainedD hariP%Lord /VWQaD #inO%without. t Some $oys $eat their chests in grief. Some fell unconscious to the ground now that they had lost /VWQa. i:t ,06 hradaP pra#eWXuP kecic ca #irahena samudy)tOT kecid gopOla%$OlOM ca kur#antas tan%ni#OraQam hradaP%the lakeD pra#eWXuP%to enterD kecic%someD ca%andD #iryhena%in separationD <amudyatOT%eagerD kecid%somMD gopOla%$OlOs%copa $oysl ca%andD kur#antas%doinfD tan% i#OraQam%stopping them. Some gopa $oys, o#ercome $y the thought of life without /VWQa, wanted to drown

themsel#es in the lake, $ut other $oys stopped them. e:t ,07 kVt#O #ilOpaP kecit tu prOQOPs tyaktuP samudyatOT tOn kecij jZOta#antaM ca rakWOP cakruT prayatnataT kVt#O%doingD #ilOpaP%lamentD kecit%someD tu%theyD prOQOPs%lifeD tyaktuP%to a$andonD samudyatOT%eagerD tOn%to themD kecit%someD jZOta#antas%wiseD ca%andD rakWOP%protectionD cakruT%didD prayatnataT%carefully. _ Some lamented and tried to commit suicide. <ther wise $oys took care to stop them. e:t ,19 kecid UcuM ca hOheti kVWQa kVWQeti kecana kecij jZOtuP prO#VttiP ca prayayur nanda%sannidhim kecid%someD Ucus%saidD ca%andD hOhO%alas\ alas\D iti%thusD kVWQa%< /VWQaD kVWQa%< /VWQaD iti%thusD kecana%someD kecij%someD jZOtuP%to understandD prO#VttiP%actionD ca% andD prayayur%wentD nanda%sannidhim%to Nanda. Some cried out, L)las\ )las\L, and some cried out, L/VWQa\ /VWQa\L Some went to tell Nanda what had happened. e:t ,1, kecit sammilitas tatra Moka%moha%$hayOturOT ity UcuT kiP kariWyOmaT kuto EsmOkaP gato hariT kecit%someD sammilitas%metD tatra%thereD Moka%moha%$hayOturOT%agitated with grief, $ewilderment and fearD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD kiP%what*D kariWyOmaT%can we doD kuto% where*D asmOkaP%ourD gato%goneD hariT%/VWQa.

Some, o#ercome with grief, $ewilderment, and fear, said among themsel#es, L"hat shall we do* "here has our /VWQa gone*L e:t ,1. he nanda%sUno he kVWQa prOQOnOm adhika%priya he $andho darManaP dehNty UcuT prOQOT prayOnti naT he%<D nanda%sUno%son of NandaD he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD prOQOnOm%than lifeD adhika% priya%more dearD he%<D $andho%friendD darManaP%sightD dehi%please gi#eD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD prOQOT%the lifeD prayOnti%goesD naT%our. L< /VWQa\ < son of Nanda\ < friend more dear than life\ (lease appear $efore us. "e are on the #erge of death.L e:t ,10 etasminn antare kecid $OlakO nanda%sannidfim samprOpur ati%lolOM ca _ rudanto $haya%#ih#alOT pra#Vttim Ucus taP MNghraP yaModOP mUlato $alam etasmin antare%thenD kecid%someD $OlakO%$oysD nanda%sannidhim%near to NandaD samprOpur%atta nemD ati%lolOs%#ert agitatedD ca%andD rudanto%weepingD $haya%#ih#alOT% terrifiedD pra#Vttim%actionD Ucus%toldD taP%to himD MNghraP%at onceD yaModOm%to =aModOD mUlato%from the $eginningD $alam%to 8alarOma. )gitated, frightened, and weeping, some $oys went and told Nanda, =aModO, and 8alrrOma all that had happened. e:t ,11 gopOlO gopikOM cai#a rakta%paYkaja%locanOT Mrut#O #OrtOP ca te sar#e MNghraP jagmuT MucOn#itOT

gopOlO%ropasD gopikOT%gopNsD ca%andD e#a%indeedD rakta%paYkaja%locanOT%red lotus syesD Mrut#O%hearingD #OrtOP%the newsD ca%andD te%theyn sar#e%allD MNghraP%at onceD jagmuT%wentD MucOn#itOT%griefstricken. ;earing the news, all the griefstricken, rea%lotus%eyed gopas and gopNs lett at once. e:t ,12 kOlinda%nandinN%tNraP rudad$hir $Olakair yutam gat#O sammilitOT sar#e rurudur grka%mUrchitOT kOlinda%nandinN%tNraP%to the shore of the =aModOD(rudad$hir%weepingD $Olakair% $oysD yutam%withD gat#O%goingD sammilitOT%metD sar#e%allD rurmduT%weptD Moka% mUrchitOT%faitning with grief. <hercome with grief, they arri#ed at the =amunOEs shore and wep with the $oys. e:t ,13 radaP #iManti kecic ca kecic cakruI ni#OraQam gopO gopOlikOM cai#a jaghnu aYgOni MokataT kecid #ilalapus tatra mUrchOm OpuM ca kOMcana hradaP%the lakeD #iManti%enterD kecic%someD ca%andD kecic%someD cakrur%didD ni#OraQam%stoppingD gopO%gopasD gopOlikOs%go1NsaintedD OpuT%attainedD ca%andD kOMcana%some. Some gopas and gopNs tried to enter the lake. <thers stopped them. Some $eat their chests in despair. Some wailed. Some fainted. e:t ,14 hradaP #NMantNP tOP rOdhOP #OrayOm Osur e#a te mUrchOP samprOpa sO MokOn mVte#a ca sarit%taXe

hradaP%the lakeD #NMantNP%enteringD tOP%;erD rOdhOP%5OdhOD #OrayO Osur% stoppedD e#a%indeedD te%theyD mUrchOP%faintingD samprOpa%attainedD sO%SheD MokOt6% from griefD mVtO%deadD i#a%as ifD ca%andD sarit%taXe%on the ri#er$ank. 5OdhO tried to enter the lake. he others stopped ;er. She fainted in grief. She $ecame like a corpse $y the lakeside. e:t ,16 #ilapyOti%$hVMaP nando mUrchOP prOpa punaT punaT kUyo Epi rodanaP kVt#O $hUyo mUrchOP jagOma ha #ilapya%lamentingD Oti%$hVMaP nando mhrchOP prOpa punaT punaT $hUyo Epi rodanaP kVt#O $hUyo mUrchOP jagOma ha.

e:t ,17 ##lapantaP $hVMaP nandaP yaModOP Moka%mUrchitOm rudato $OlakOn dVWX#O n$OlikOM ca MtcOn#itOT sar#OPM ca $odhayOm Osa $alaM ca jZOninOP #araT #ilapantaP%lamentingD $hVMaP%greatlyD nandaP%to nandaD yaModOP%to =aModOD Moka%mUrchitOm%fainting with griefD rudato%weepingD $OlakOn%$oysD dVWX#O%seeingD $OlikOT%the girlsD ca%andD MucOn#itOT%grie#ingD sar#OPT%allD ca%andD $odhayOm Osa% wakenedD $alas%8alarOmaD ca%andD jZOninOP%of the phi osophersD #ae T%the $esu. Seeing Nanda grie#ing, =aModO fallen unconscious, and the $oys and girls wailing in grief, Lord 8alarOma, the wisest of philosophers, enlightened them all. e:t ,29

_ MrN%$alade#a u#Oca

gopO gopOlikO $OlOT sar#e MVQ#antu mad%#acaT he nanda jZOninOP MreWXha garga%#Okya%smVtiP kuru MrN%$alade#a u#Oca%Lord 8alarOma saidD gopO%< gopasD gopOlikO%< gopNsDe$OlOT%< $oysD sar#e%allD MVQ#antu%should hearD mady-yD #acaT%wordsD he%<D nanda%NandaD jZOninOP%of philosophersD MreWXha%the $estD garga%#Okya%smVtiP%the memory of Farga -uniEs wordsD kuru%please do. Lord 8alarOma saidJ < gopas\ < gopNs\ < $oys\ >#eryone\ (lease hear -y words\ < Nanda, $est of the wise, please remem$er Farga -uniEs words. e:t y2, jagad%#i$hartuT MeWasya saPhartuT MaYkarasya"ca s#ayaP #idhOtur jagatOP NM#arasya kuto #ipat y gad%of the uni#erseD #i$hartuT%the maintainerD MeWasya%SeWaD saPhartuT%the destroyerD MaYkarasya%Si#aD ca%andD s#ayaP%personallyD #idhOtur%of the creatorD jagatOP%of the uni#ersesD NM#arasya%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD nuto% where*D #ipat%calamity. ;ow can any calamity fall on the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who creates all the uni#erses, as Lord SeWa holds them up, and as Lord Si#a destroys them at the end* e:t ,2) #i#areWu ca lomnaP ca yasya $rahmOQRa%saPhatiT tasyeMasya mahO%#iWQoT MrN%kVWQasya kuta $hayam ( #i#areWu%in the holesD ca%andD lomnaP%of the hairsD ca%andD yasya%of whomD $rahmOQRa%saPhatiT%the uni#ersesD 4asya%of ;imD NMasya%of the LordD mahO%#ihQoT% -rhO%ViWQuD MrN%kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD kuto%where*D $hayam%fear. ;ow can there $e a fearful sgtuationofor Lord /VWQa, who as#-ahO%hiWQuwoaeifnsts

hosts of uni#erses from the pores of ;is transcendental $ody* e:t ,20 kOlOntakasyOntakasya mVtyor mVtyor athOtmanaT _#idhOtuT sam#idhOtuM ca $hu#i kasmOt parOjayaT kOla%of timeD antakasya%of the endD antakasya%of the endD mVtyor%of deathD mVtyor% of the deathD atha%thenD OtmanaT%of the SelfD #idhOtuT%of the creatorD sam#idhOtus%of the great creatorD ca%andD $hu#i%on the earthD kasmOt%from what*D parOjayaT%defeat. ;ow can there $e defeat for Lord /VWQa, who is the end of time, the killer that kills death, and the creator of the creator* e:t ,21 paramOQu%paro EnUhaT sthUlOt sthUlataraT paraT #idyamOno Epy adVMyaM ca hVdi%stho yoginOm api paramOQu%paro%more than the atomD anUhaT%smallD sthUlOt%than the $iggestD sthUlataraT%$iggerD paraT%moreD #idyamOno%$eing soD api%e#enD adVMyaT%in#isi$leD ca% andD hVdi%stho%staying in the heartsD yoginOm%of the yogisD api%and. ;e is smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest. "ho, unseen, stays in the hearts of all, e#en the great yogNs. e:t ,22 diMaP nOsti samOhOro dVMyo nOkOMa e#a ca nOpi rOdheM#aro $Odhya ity UcuT MrutayaT sphuXam i diMaP%of the dieectionsD na%notD asti%isD samOhOro%collectionD dVMyo%#isi$leD na%notD Okasas%the skyD e#a%indeedD ca%andD na%notD api%e#enD rOdheM#aro%the Lord of 5OdhOD $Odhyas%confinedD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD MrutayaT%the VedasD sphuXam%clearly.

t he,Vedas say that as the directions cannot $e confined to a single place and as the sko cannot e#en $e soen, so Lord /VWQa, the master of 5OdhO, cannot $e $rought under anyoneEs controS. e:t ,23 nOtmO dVMyo nO tra%lakWyo na $Odhyo na hr nOMyakaT na hi dahyo na hiPsaM cO% pNRam OdhyOtmiko #iduT y na%notD OtmO%the SupersoulD dVMyo%#isi$leD na%notD asNra%lakWyo%the o$ject of a weaponD na%totD $Odhyo%$oundD na%hotD hi%iniojn to the spiritD #iduT%they know. Spirit is not #isi$le to material eyesn It cannot $e put $y any weapon, $ound, killed, $urned, huwt, or distressed. hisSthe wise know. e:t ,24 #igraho Esyai#a kVWQasya $hakta%dhyOnOrtham e#a ca jyotie%s#arUpasya #i$hor nOdy%anta%madhyam OtmpnaT #igraho%formD asya%of ;imD e#a%indeedD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWoaD $hakta% dhyOnOrtham%for the meditation of the de#uteesD e#a%indeedD ca%andD jyotiT%of lightD s#arUpasya%formD #i$hor%of the LordD na%notD Ody%anta%madhyam%$eginning, middle, or endD OtmanaT%of the Supreme Lord. 5e#ealing Sis effulgent spiritual form, whicm has neither $eginning, middle, nor end, Lord /VWQa appears in the meditations of the de#oteNs. :t ,26 jala%plute ca $rahmOQRe jala%MOyN janOrdanaT yan%nO$hi%padmaje $rahmO tasyeMasya hrade #ipat jala%plute%flaoded with waterD ca%andD $rahmOQRe%in the material uni#erseD jala% MOyN%resting on the waterD janOrdanaT%Lord /VWQaD yan%nO$hi%padmaje%on whose lotus

na#elD $rahmO%8rahmOD tasya%of ;imD NMasya%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD hrade%on the lakeD #ipat%calamity. Lord /VWQa flnats on the water that fills half the uni#erse. @rom ;istlotus na#el the demigod 8rahmO is $orn. ;ow can /VWQa $e in trou$le in the middle of a small lake* e:t ,27 maWakaM ca kWamo grastuP $rahmOQRam akhilaP pitaT na tathOpi mad%NMaP taP grastuP sarpaT kWamo $ha#et maWakas%a mosBuitoD ca%anD kWamo%a$leD grastuP%to swallowD $rahmOQRam%the uni#erseD akhilaP%entireD pitaT%< fatherD na%notD tathOpi%stillD mad%NMaP%-y LordD taP% ;imD grastuP%tw swallowD sarpaT%a snakeD kWamo%is a$leD $ha#et%is.

e:t ,39 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP OdhyOtmikam anuttamam nigURhaP yoginOP sOraP saPMaya%ccheda%kOraQam iti%thusD e#aP%in this wayD kathitaP%spokenD sar#aP%allD OdhyOtmikam%spiritualD anuttamam%without eBualr nigURraP%secretD yoginOP%of the yogisD sOraP%$estD saPMaya%ccheda%kOrayam%stopping the cycle of repeated $irth and death. I ha#e spokth to you the highest, most secret transcendentrl knowledge, knowledge hidden e#en from the yogNs, knowledge that cuts the $onds of repeated $irth and death. e:t ,3, $alade#a%#acaT Mrut#O garga%#Okyam anusmaran tatyOja MokaP nandaM ca #rajOM ca #raja%yoWitaT

na-ade#a%Lord 8alarOmaEsDa#acaT%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD garga%#Okyam%Farga -uniEs wordsD ayusmaran%remem$eringD tatyOja%a$andonedD MokaP%griefD nandas% NandaD ca%andD #rajOT%the men of VrajaD ca%andD #raja%yoWitaT%the women of Vraja.. ;earing Lord 8alarOmaEs words and remem$ering Farga -uniEs words, the men and women of Vraja ended their lamentation. e:t ,3. pra$odhaP menire sar#e na yaModO na rOdhikO kVWQa%#iccheda%samaye pra$odhe na sthiraP manaT pra$odham%enlightenmwentD menire%consideredD sar#e%allD na%notD yaModO%=aModOD na%notD rOdhikO%5OdhOD kVWQa%#iccheda%separation from /VWQaD samaye%at the timeD pra$odhe%in knowledgeD na%notD sthiraP%steadyD manaT%mind. hey all $ecame enlightened. <nly =aModO and 5OdhO remained unhappy. Separated from Lorde/VWQa, they could not $e peaceful at heart. e:t ,30 etasminn antare kVWQaP utpatantaP jalOn mune dadVMuT su%prasannOM ca #rajOM ca #raja%yoWitaT _ etasmin antare%thenD kVWQaP%/VWQaD utpatantaP%emergingD jalOn%from the waterD mune%< sageD dadVMuT%sawD su%prasannOs%#ery happyD ca%andD #rajOT%the men of VrajaD ca%andD #raja%yoWitaT%the women of Vraja. < sage, the ne:t moment the happy men and women of Vraja saw emerging from the waters Lord /VWQa, . . . e:t ,31 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP sa%smitaP su%manoharam asnigdha%#astram asnigdhaP

alupta%candanOZjanam Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP%face of the autumn moonD sa%smitaP%smilingD su% manoharam%#ery handsomeD asnigdha%not wetD #astram%garmentsD asnigdhaP%not wetD alupta%not undoneD candanrZjanam%sandal paste ointment. . . . who was handsome a/d smiling, whose face was an autumn moon, whose lim$s and garments were not wet, ehose sandal%paste ointment was not $rokena . . . e:t ,32 sar#O$haraQa%samyuktaP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO mOyUra%puccha%cURaP ca #aPMi%#Odanam acyutam sar#O$haraQa%samyuktaP%decorated with all ornemantsD j#alantaP%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual splendorD mOyUra%puccha%cURam%wearing a peacock% feather crownD ca%andD #aPMi%#Odanam%playing a fluteD acyutam%infalli$le. . . . who was decorated with a peacock%feather crown and all ornaments, who shone with spiritual splendor, who was playing ;is flute, and who was not aware that anything was amiss. e:t ,33 yaModO $OlakaP dVWX#O kVt#O #akWasi sa%smitO cucum$a #adanOm$hojaP prasanna%#adanekWaQa yaModO%=aModOD $OlakaP%the $oyD dVWX#O%seeingD kVt#O%doingD #akWasi%to her $reastD sa%smitO%smilingD cucum$a%kissedD #adanOm$hojaP%lotus faceD prasanna%#adanekWaQa% with happy face and eyes. Seeing her $oy, smiling =aModO em$raced ;im to her $reast. ;er face and eyes effulgent with happinessp she kissed ;is lotus e:t ,34 kroRe cakOua nandaM ca

$alaM ca rohiQN mudO nimeWa%rahitOT sar#e dadVMuT MrN%harer mukham kroRe%on the lapD cakOra%didD nandaT%nandaD ca%andD $alaT%8alarOmaD ca%andD rohiQN%5ohin)- NDmudO nimeWa%rahitOT%un$linkingD sar#e%allD dadVMuT%sawD MrN%harer% of Lord /VWQaD mukham%the face. Nanda, 8alarOma, and 5ohiQN, happily held /VWQa in their laps. "ith un$linking eyes e#eryone happily gaGed at Lord /VWQa. e:t ,36 premOndhO $OlakO sar#e cakrur OliYganaP hareT papuM cakWuM%cakoraiM ca mukha%candraP ca gopikOT prema%with lo#eD andhOs%$lindedD $OlakO%the $oysD sar#e%allD cakrur%didD OliYganaP%em$raceD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD papuT%drankD cakWuM%cakorais%with the cakor $irds of their eyesD ca%andD mukha%candraP%the moon of ;is faceD ca%a$dD gopikOT%the gopNs. 8linded with lo#e, all the $oys em$raced /VWQa. "ith the cakora $irds of their eyes, the gopNs drank the moon of /VWQaEs face. e:t ,37 etasminn antare tatra sahasO kOnanOntaram dO#Ognir #eWXayOm Osa taiT sOrdhaP saha gokulam etasminn antare%thenD tatra%thereD sahasO%suddenlyD kOnanOntaram%in the forestD dO#Ognir%a forest%fireD #eWXayOm Osa%surroundedD taiT%themD sOrdhaP%withD saha%withD gokulam%the cows. In a moment a forest%fire suddenly flared up and surrounded the people and their cows.

e:t ,49 dVWX#O Maila%pramOQOgniP paritaT kOnanOntare Sramada menire sar#e $hayam OpuM ca saYkate icD menire%thoughtD sar#e%allD $hayam%fearD OpuT%attainedD ca%andD saYkate%in the danger. Seeing the fire $ig like a mountain, e#eryone panicked. e:t ,4, MrN%kVWQaP tuWXu#uT sar#e sampuXOZjalayo #rajaT $OlO gopyaM ca santrastO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT MrN%kVWQaP%to SrN /VWQaD tuWXu#uT%prayedD sar#e%allD sampuXOZjalayo%folded handsD #rajaT%of VrajaD $OlO%the $oysD gopyas%the gopNsD ca%andD santrastO%frightenedD $hakti% namrOtma%kandharOT%hum$ly $owed heads. "ith $owed heads and folded hands, the frightened men, $oys, and gopNs all offered prayers to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,4. sar#a UcuT yathO samrakWitaP $rahman sar#Opats# e#a naT kulam tathO rakWOP kuru punar dO#Ogner madhusUdana sar#e%e#eryoneD UcuT%saidD yathO%asD samrakWitaP%protectedD $rahman%< LordD sar#Opadsu%in all calamitiesD e#a%indeedD naT%of usD kulam%the familyD tathO%soD rakWaP% protectionD kuru%please doD punar%againD dO#Ogner%from the forest fireD madhusUdana% < /VWQa. >#eryone saidJ < Lord /VWQa, as in the past =ou protected us from all dangers again

and again, now please protect us from this forest fire. e:t ,40 t#am iWXa%de#atOsmOkaP t#am e#a kula%de#atO #ahnir #O #aruQo #Opi candro #O sUrya e#a ca t#am%=ouD iWXa%de#atO%the worshipa$le LordD asmOkam%of usD t#am%=ouD e#a% indeedD kula%de#atO%the &eity worshiped in our familyD #ahnir%)gniD #O%orD #aruQo% VaruQaD #O%orD api%alsoD candro%CandraD #O%orD sUrya%SUryaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. =ou are our worshipa$le Lord. =ou are the &eity worshiped in our family. )gni, VaruQa, Candra, SUrya, . . . e:t ,41

_ yamaT ku#eraT pa#ana NMOnOdyOM ca de#atOT $rahmeMa%MeWa%dharmOdyO munNndrO mana#aT smVtOT yamaT%=amaD ku#eraT%/u#eraD pa#ana%(a#anaD NMOna%Si#aD OdyOs%$eginning withD ca%andD de#atOT%demigodsD $rahma%8rahmOD NMa%Si#aD MeWa%SeWaD dharma%=amaD OdyOs% $eginning withD munNndrO%the kings of the sagesD mana#aT%the manusD smVtOT% considered. . . . the demigods headed $y 8rahmO, Si#a, Se%a, &harma, =ama,r/u#era, (a#ana, Snd IMOna, the kings of the sages, the manus,r. . . e:t ,42 mOna#OM ca tathO daityO yakWa%rOkWasa%kinnarOT ye ye carOcarOM cai#a sar#e ta#a #i$hUtayaT mOna#OT%human $eingsD ca%andD tathO%soD daityO%demonsD yakWa%rOkWasa%kinnarOT% yakWas, rOkWasas, and kinnarasD ye ye%whoe#erD cara%mo#ingD acarOs%and unmo#ingD 'a% andD e#a%indeedD sar#e%allD ta#a%of =ouD #i$hUtayaT% he potencies.

. . . the human $eings, demons, yakWas, rOkWasas, and kinnaras, and e#ery one of the mo#ing or unmo#ing li#ing entities are all =our potencies. e:t ,43 sraWXO pOtO ca saPhartO jagatOP ca jagat%pate O#ir$hO#as tiro$hO#aT sar#eWOP ca ta#ecchayO sraWXO%the creatorD pOtO%maintainerD ca%andD saPhartO%destroyerD jagatOP%of the uni#ersesD ca%andD jagat%pate%< Lord of the uni#ersesD O#ir$hO#as%appearanceD tiro$hO#aT%disappearanceD sar#eWOP%of allD ca%andD ta#a%of =ouD8icchayO%$y the order. < master of all, =ou are the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the uni#erses. >#erything is manifest and unmanifest according to =our wish. e:t ,44 a$hayaP dehi go#inda #ahni%saPharaQaP kuru #ayaP t#OP MaraQaP yOmo rakWa naT MaraQOgatOn _ a$hayaP%fearlessnessD dehi%please gi#eD go#inda%< /VWQaD #ahni%saPharaQaP% stopping the fireD kuru%please doD #ayaP%weD t#aP%=ouD MaraQaP%shelterD yOmo%goD rakWa%protectD naT%usD MaraQOgatOn%who ha#e surrendered. < /VWQa, please make us fearless. (lease e:tinguish this fire. "e take shelter of =ou. (lease rescue us, =our surrendered de#otees. e:t ,46 ity e#am ukt#O te sar#e tasthur dhyOt#O padOm$ujam dUrN%kVtaM ca dO#OgniT MrN%kVWQOmVta%dVWXitaT ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD te%theyD sar#e%allD tasthur%stoodD dhyOt#O% meditatingD padOm$ujam%on ;is lotus feetD dUrN%kVtas%e:tinguishedD ca%andD dO#OgniT%

forest fireD MrN%kVWQOmVta%eVWXitaT%from SrN /VWQaEs tectar glance. )fter speaking these words, they all meditated on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. "ith ;is nectar glance, Lord /VWQa then e:tinguished the forest fire. e:t ,47 dUrN%$hUte Etra dO#Onnau #ipattau prOQa%saYkaXe stotram etat paXhit#O ca mucyate nOtra saPMayaT o dUrN%$hUte%was e:tinguishedD atra%thenD dO#Ognau%when the forest fireD #ipattau%in the dangehD prOQa%saYkate%in the calamityD stotram%the prayerD etat%thisD paXhit#O% recitingD ca%andD mucyate%is freedD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. ) person who recites this prayer $ecomet free from forest%fires, calamities, and dangers that threaten his life. <f this there is no dou$t. e:m ,69 Matru%sainyaP kWayaP yOti sar#atra #ijayN $ha#et iha loke harer $hakiiP ante dOsyaP la$hed dhru#am Matru%of enemiesD sainyam%the armyD kWayaP%to destructionD yOti%goesD sar#atra% e#erywhereD #ijayN%#ictoriousD $ha#et%$ecomesD iha%in thisD loke%worldD harer%of Lord /VWQaD $haktiP%de#otionD ante%at the endD dOsyaP%direct ser#iceD la$hed%attainsD dhru#am%indeed. e end of this Iide he attains direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,6, MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca dO#Ogni%mokWaQaP kVt#O taiTmsar#aiT saha nOrada o,gCma MrN%harir gehwP ku#era%$ha#anopamam

MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD dO#Ogni%mokWaQaP%e:tin$guishing the forest fireD kVt#O%doingD taiT%themD sar#aiT%allD saha%withD nOrada%< NOradaD jagOma% wentD MrN%harir%Lord /VWQaD gehaP%homeD ku#era%$ha#anopamam%like /u#eraEs palace. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < NOrada, after e:tinguishing the forest fire, Lord /VWQa went with e#eryone to ;is home, which was opulent like /u#eraEs palace. e:t ,6. $rOhmaQe$hyo dhanaP nandaT paripUrQatamaP dadau $hojanaP kOrayOm Osa jZOti%#argOPM ca $andha#On $rOhmaQe$hyo%to the $rOhmaQasD dhanaP%wealthD nandaT%ga#eD paripUrQatamaP% fullD dadau%ga#eD $hojanaP%foodD kOrayOm Osa%madeD jZOti%#argOn%relati#esD ca%andD $andha#On%friends. hen Nanda ga#e great charity to the $rOhmaQas. ;e ga#e a great feast for them and for his relati#es and friends also. e:t ,60 nOnO%#idhaP maYgalaP ca harer nOmanukNrtanam #edOPM ca pOXhayOm Osa #ipra%d#OrO mudOn#itaT nOnO%#ariousD #idhaP%kindsD maYgalaP%auspicious ritesD ca%andD harer%of Lord /VWQaD nOmanukNrtanam%chanting the holy nameD #edOPT%the VedasD ca%andD pOXhayOm Osa%had recitedD #ipra%d#OrO%$y the $rOhmaQasD mudOn#itaT%happy. ;appy Nanda had the $rOhmaQas recite the Vedas, chant the holy names of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, and perform many auspicious rituals. e:t ,61 e#aP mumudire sar#e #VndOraQye gVhe gVhe

_MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$hoje dhyOnaika%tOna%mOnasOT e#aP%thusD mumudire%rejoicedD sar#e%allD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#anaD gohe%in homeD gVhe%after homeD MrN%kVWQa%of SrN /VWQaD caraQOm$hoje%on the lotus feetD dmyOnaika% tOna%mOnasOT%minds fi:ed in meditation. In e#ery home of VVndO#ana e#eryone was happy. >#eryone was rapt in meditation on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t ,62 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP hareM carita%maYgalam kali%kil$iWa%kaWXhOnOP dahane dehanopamam iti%thusD e#aP%ahusD kathitaP%spokenD sar#aP%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD carita% maYgalam%tht auspicious pastimesD kali%od /ali%yugaD kil$iWa%kaWXhOnOP%of the sins and calamitiesD dahane%in the $LrningD dahanopamam%like the $urning. huC I ha#e related Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pastimes, which are like a great fire that $urns all the sins and calamitiesoof /ali%yuga.

%ha*ter TweNty6o!vatsa!hara/a$tea"ing the %a"ves

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekada $OlakaiT sOrdhaP $alena saha t`adha#aT $hukt#`a pNt#`anuliptaM ca #Vnd`aranyaP jag`ama ha MrN%n`ar`ayaQa u#`aca%SrN N`ar`ayaQa [Wi saidD ekada%one dayD $`alakaiT%the $oysD s`ardhaP%withD $alena%8alar`amaD saha%withD m`adha#aT%/VWQaD $hukt#`a%eatingD pNt#`a%drinkingD anuliptas%anointedD ca%andD #Vnd`aranyaP%to VVnd`a#anaD jag`ama% wentD ha%indeed.

SrN N`ar`ayaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day, after eating and drinking at $reaktast aid anointing ;is lim$s,with sandal, Lord /VWQa went to VVnd`a#ana forest w(th 8alar`ama and the $oys. e:t . krNR`aP cak`ara $haga#`an kautukena ca taiT saha krNR`a%nimagna%citt`an`aP dUraP tad gokulaP yayau krNR`aP%gamesD cak`ara%didD $haga#`an%the LordD kautukena%happilyD ca%andD taiT% with themD taha%withD krNR`a%nimagna%plunged into pastimesD citt`an`aP%heartsD dUraP%farD tad%thatD gokulaP%the cowsD yayau%went. here Lord /VWQa happily played with ;is friends. )s the $oysESwere a$sor$ed in playing, the cows strayed far away. e:t 0 tasya pra$h`a#aP #ijZ`atuP #idh`at`a jagat`aP patiT cak`ar`apahna#aP g`aM ca #ats`aPM ca $`alak`an api tasya%of ;imD pra$h`a#aP%the powerD #ijZ`atuP%to knowD #idh`at`a%8rahm`aD jagat`aP%of the uni#erseD patiT%ihe mastprD cak`ara%didD apahna#am%hidingD g`aT%the cowsD ca%andD #ats`aPT%the cal#esD ca%andD $`alak`an%the $oysD api%also.

e:t 1 #ijZ`aya tad%a$hipr`ayaP sar#ajZo sar#a%k`arakaT punaM cak`ara tat sar#aP yogNndro yoga%m`ayay`a #ijZ`aya%understandingD tad%a$hipr`ayaP%his intentionD sar#ajZo%all%knowingD sar#a%k`arakaT%all%powerfulD punaT%againD cak`ara%didD tat%themD sar#aP%allD yogNndro% the master of yogaD yoga%m`ayay`a%$y ;is yogam`ay`a potency..

?nderstanding 8rahm`aEs intention, all%knowing and all%powerful Lord /VWQa, the master of all mysoic potSncirs, with ;is yogam`ay`a potency created duplicates of the $oys, cows, and cal#es. e:t 2 j g`ama MrN%harir gehaP c`arayit#`a tu gokulam $alena $`alakaiT s`ardhaP krNR`a%kautuka%m`anasaT jag`ama%wentD MrN%harir%Lord /VWQaD gehaP%homeD c`arayit#`a%herdingD tu%indeedD gokulam%the cowsD $alena%with 8alar`amaD $`alakaiT%the $oysD s`ardhaP%withD krNR`a% kautuka%m`anasaT%happily playing. hen happily playing Lord /VWQa returned to his home, accompanied $y Lord 8alarOma and the duplicate $oys and cows. e:t 3 e#aP cakOra $haga#On #arWam ekaP ca praty%aham gamanOgamanaP go$hir $alena $OlakaiT saha e#aP%thusD cakOra%didD $haga#On%Lord /VWQaD #arWam%yearD ekaP%oneD ca%andD praty%aham%e#ery dayD gamanOgamanaP%going and comingD go$hir%cowsD $alena% 8alarOmaD $OlakaiT%$oysD saha%with. hus, accompanied $y Lord 8alarOma and the duplicate $oys and cows, for one year Lord /VWQa daily went to the forest and returned. e:t 4 $rahmO pra$hO#aP #ijZOya lajja%namrOtma%kandharaT OjagOma hareT sthOnaP $hOQRNra%#aXa%mUlakam _ $rahmO%8rahmOD pra$hO#aP%the powerD #ij].sy .1,^Oya%understandingD lajja%

namrOtma%kandhalaT%his head $owed with shameD OjagOma%cameD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD sthOnaP%to the placeD $hOQRNra%#aXa%mUlakam%at the root of a $anyan tree. he demigod 8rahmO, finally understanding the greatness of Lord /VWQaEs powers, and his head now $owed in shame, approached Lord /VWQa at the roots of the $anyan tree. e:t 6 dadarMa kVWQaP tatrai#a gopOla%gaQa%#eWXitai yathO prr#Ona%candraP ca #i$hOntaP $hO%gaQaiT saha dadnrMa%sawD kVWQaP%Lord <VWQaD tatri%yaereD e#a%indeedD gopOla%gaQa%#eWXitam% surrounded $y gopa $oysD yathO%asD pOr#Ona%candraP%the autumn moonD ca%andD #i$hOntaP%shiningD $hO%gaQaiT%the starsD saha%with. here he saw, surrounded $y gopa $oys like an autumn moon surrohnded $y stars, Lord /VWQa, . . . e:t 7 ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP ca #asantaP sa%smitaP mudO pNta%#astra%parNdhOnaP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO ratna%siPhOsana%sthaP%sitting on a golden throneD ca%andD #asontaP%sta ingD sa% smitaP%smilingD mudO%happilyD pNta%yellowD #astra%garmentsD parNdhOnaP%wearingD j#alantaP%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual splendor. . . . who uas sitting on a golden throne, happily smiling, dressed in yellow garments, and shining with spiritual splendor, . . . e:t ,9 ratna%keyUra%#alaya% ratna%maZjNra%raZjitam ratna%kuQRala%yugmO$hyOP su%kapola%sthalojj#alam

ratna%keyUra%#alaya%jewel $ra)elets and armletsD ratna%maZjNra%raZjitam%jewel ankletsD ratna%kuQempaeyugmO$hyOP%jewel earringsD su%kapola%sthalojj#alam%splendid cheeks. . . . who was decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, and anklets, whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, . . . e:t ,,

koXi%kandarpa%lO#aQya% lNlO%dhOma%manoharam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumOrcita%#igraham koXi%millionsD kandarpa%of /Omade#asD lO#aQya%handsomenessD lNlO%dhOma% manoharam%the handsome a$o#e of pastimesD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD arcita%anointedD #igraham%form. . . . who was more handsome than millions of /Omade#as, who was splendid, playful, and charming, whose lim$s were anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . e:t ,. pOrijOta%prasunOnOP mOlO%jOlair #irOjitam mOlatN%mOlya%samyukta% mayUra%pucchO%cURakam pOrijOta%prasunOnOP%of parijata flowersD mOlO%jOlair%with garlandsD #irOjitam% splendidD mOlatN%mOlya%samyukta%with jasmine garlandsD mayUra%pucchO%cURakam% with a peacock feather crown. . . . who was splendid with pOrijOta garlands and a crown of peacock feathers and jasmine flowers, . . . e:t ,0

s#OYga%saundarya%dNptyO ca kVta%$hUWita%$hUWaQam na#Nna%nNrada%MyOmaP prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anam s#OYga%saundarya%dNptyO%with the splendor of ;is lim$sD ca%andD kVta%$hUWita% $hUWaQam%decorated the ornamentsD na#Nna%newD nNrada%monsoon cloudD MyOmaP% darkD prod$hinna%na#a%yau#anam%in full $loom of youth. . . y whosw splendid handsomeness was an ornament decorating the ornaments ;e wore, who was dark like a new monsoon cloud, who was in the full $loom of youth, . . . e:t ,1 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrasya pra$hO%muWXOsya%sundaram pak#a%$im$OdharoWXhaP ca khagendra%c tcu%nOsikam ssD pak#a%ripeD $im$a%$im$aD adharoWXhaP%lipsD ca%andD khagendra%the king of $irdsD caZcu%$eakD nOsikam%nose. . . . the glory of wrose handsome face ro$$ed t e autumn moon of its splendor, whohe lips were ripe $im$a fruits, whose nose was the $ird%kingEs $eak, . . . e:t ,2 Maran%madhyOhna%padmOnOP pra$hO%mocana%locanam muktO%paYkti%#inindaika% danta%paYkti%manoharam Marat%autumnD madhyOhna%middayD padmOnOP%of lotus flowersD pra$hO%gloryD mocana%stealingD locanam%eyesD muktO%paYkti-peaelsD #ininda%eclipsingD eka%oneD danta%teethD paYkti%roeD manoharam%charming. . . . whose eyes ro$$ed the midday autumn lotus flowers Sf their glory, whose charming teet eclipsed the pearls, . . .

e:t ,3 kaustu$hena manNndreQa #akWaT%sthala%samujj#alam MOntaP ca rOdhikO%kOntaP paripUrQatamaP param kaustu$hena%with the /austu$ha gemD manNndreQa%the king of jewelsD #akWaT% sthala%samujj#alam%splendid chestD MOntaP%peacefulD ca%andD rOdhikO%kOntaP%5OdhOEs $elo#edD paripUrQatamaP%the original, perfect Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD param%the supreme. . . . whose chest was splendid with /austu$ha, the king of jewels, who was SrN 5OdhOEs peaceful $elo#ed, and who was the (erfect <riginal Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t ,4 e#am%$hUtaP pra$huP dVWX#O praQanOmOti%#ismitaT darMaP darMam NM#araP taP praQanOma punaT punaT e#am%$hUtaP%like thisD pra$huP%the LordD dVWX#O%seeingD praQanOma%offered o$eisancesD ati%#ismitaT%filled with wonderD darMaP%gaGingD darMam%and gaGingD NM#araP%at the LordD taP%;imD praQanOma%$owedD punaT%againD punaT%and again. FaGing at the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the demigod 8rahmO $ecame filled with wonder. ;e $owed down. ;e gaGed at the Lord again and again. ;e $owed down $efore ;im again and again. _ e:t ,6

yad dVWXaP hVdayOm$hoje tad rUpaP $ahir e#a ca yO mUrtiT purato dVWXO sO paMcOt paritas tataT yad%whatD dVWXaP%seenD hVdayOm$hoje%in the lotus of the hearrD tad%thatD ropaP% formD $awir%outsideD e#a%indeedD ca%andD yO%whichD mUrtiT%formD purato%in the presenceD dVWXO%seenD sO%thatD paMcOt%$ehindD paritas%aroundD tataT%then.

In his heart the demigod 8rahmO saw that form of Lord /VWQa. <utside his heart he also saw that form. ;e saw that form in front, $ehind, and on e#ery side. e:t ,7 tatra #VndO#ane sar#aP dVWX#O kVWQamayaP mune dhyOyaP dhyOyaP ca tad rUpaP tatra tasthau jagad%#idhiT tatra%thereD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#ana forestD sar#aP%e#erythingD dVWX#O%seeingD kVWQamayaP%made of /VWQaD mune%< sageD dhyOyaP%meditatingD dhyOyaP%and meditatingD ca%andD tad%thatD rUpaP%formD tatra%thereD tasthau%stoodD jagad%#idhiT%the creator of the uni#Brre. hen he saw that e#erything in VVndO#ana forest was /VWQa. 8rahmO stood there, meditating again and again on Lord /VWQaEs form. e:t .9 gO#o #atsOM ca $OlOM ca latO% ulmOM ca #NrudhOT sar#aP #VndO#anaP $rahmO MyOma%rUpaP dadarMa ha gO#o%cowsD #atsOT%cal#esD ca%andD $OlOT%$oysD ca%andD latO%#inesD gulmOs%$ushesD ca%andD #NrudhOT%plantsD sar#aP%allD #VndO#anaP%VVndO#anaD $rahmO%8rahmOD MyOma% rUpaP%the dark form of Lord /VWQaD dadarMa%sawD ha%indeed. 8rahmO saw that the cows, cal#es, $oys, #ines, $ushes, plants, and e#erything else in VVndO#ana forest had $ecome the dark form of Lord /VWQa. e:t ., dVW #ai#aP paramOMcaryaP punar dhyOnaP cakOra ha dadarMa tri%jagad $rahmO nOnyat kVWQaP #inO mune _ dVWX#O%seeingDAe#aP%thusD paramOMcaryaP%#ery wonderfulD punar%againD dhyOnaP% meditatingD cakOra%didD ha%indeedD dadarMa%sawD tri%jagad%the three worldsD $rahmO%

8rahmOD na%notD anyat%anotherD kVWQaP%/VWQaD #inO%withoutD mune%< sage. FaGing at this great wonder, 8rahmO meditated again. < sage, now he saw that the three worlds were not different from Lord /VWQa. e:t .. k#a ca #VkWaT k#a #O MailaT k#a mahN #O ca sOgaraT k#a de#OT k#a ca gandhar#OT k#a munNndrOT k#a mOna#OT k#a%where*D ca%andD #VkWaT%the treesD k#a%where*D #O%andD MailaT%the hillsD k#a% where*D mahN%the earthD #O%orD ca%andD sOgaraT%the oceansD k#a%where*D de#OT%the demigodsD uma%where*D ca%andD gandhar#OT%the gandhar#asD k#a%where*D munNndrOT% the kings of the sagesD k#a%where*D mOna#OT%the human $eings. ;e thoughtJ "here are the trees* "here are the mountains* "here are the continents* "here are the oceans* "here artLthe demigods* "here are the gandhar#as* "here are the kings of sages* "here are the human $eings* e:t .0 k#a cOtmO k#a jagad%$NjaP k#a s#argO gO#a e#a ca sar#aP ca sOdVMaP $rahmO dadarMa mOyayO hareT k#a%where*D ca%andD OtmO%myselfD k#a%where*D jagad%$NjaP%the seed of the uni#erseD k#a%whereD s#argO%S#argaD gO#a%the cowsD e#a%indeedD ca%andD sar#aP%allD ca%andD sOdVMaP%like thisD $rahmO%8rahmOD dadarMa%sawD mOyayO%$y mOyOD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. "here am I* "here is the seed of the uni#erse* "here is S#argaloka* "here are the cows* 8ewildered $y Lord /VWQaEs =ogamOyO potency, 8rahmO saw that e#erything had $ecome just like Lord /VWQaEs form. e:o .1

kaT kVWQo jagatOP nOthaT kO #O mOyO%#i$hUtayaT sar#aP kVWQamayaP dVWX#O kiZcin nir#aktum akWamaT kaT%who*D kVWQo%/VWQaD jagatOP%of the uni#ersesD nOthaT%the masterD ka%what*D #O% orD mOyO%#i$hUtayaT%the potdnciesD sar#aP% "ho was /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses* "hat were ;is potencies* 8rahmO could not say. )ll he saw was /VWQa. e:t .2 kaP staumi kiP karomNti manasai#a prakVtya ca tatra sthit#O jagad%dhOtO japaP kartuP eamudyataT kam%whomD staumi%I praiseD kiP%what*D karomi%I doD iti%thusD manasO%with his mindD e#a%indeedD prakVtya%$y natureD ca%andD )atra%thereD sthit#O%standingD jagad% dhOtO%the creator of the uni#erseD japaP%japaD kartuP%to doD samudyataT%was a$out. o whom should I offer prayers* "hat should I do* hinking this in his mind, 8rahmO, the creator of the uni#erse, $egan to chant mantras. e:t .3 sukhaP yogOsanaP kVt#O $a$hU#a sampuXOZjaliT pulakOZcita%sar#OYgaT sOMru%netro Eti%dNna#at sukhaP%comofrta$leD yogOsanaP%yoga%asanaD kVt#O%doingD $a$hU#a%$ecameD sampuXOZjaliT%folded handsD pulakO].sy .1,^cita%sar#OYgaT%the hairs of his $ody erectD sOMru%netro%tears in his eyesD ati%dNna#at%#eey pathetic. @olding his hands, he sat in a yoga posture. he hairs of his $ody stood erect. ;is eyes filled with tears as if he were #ery poor and dejected.

e:t .4 iROP suWUtQOP medhyOP ca piYgalO, nOlinNP dhru#Om naRN%WaXkaP ca yogena ni$adhya ca prayatnataT iROP%idaD suWUmQaP%susumnaD meRhyaP%medhyaD ca%andD piYgalaP%pingalaD nOlinNP%naliniD dhru#am%dhru#aD naRN%WaXkaP%the si: nadisD ca%andD yogena%$y yogaD ni$adhya%$oockinur ca% ndD prayatnataT%carefully. (racticing yoga, he carefully $locked the si: naRNsJ iRO, suWUmQO, medhyO, piYgalO, nOlnnN, and dhru#O. e:t .6 _mUlOdhOnaP s#OdhiWXhOnaP maQipUram anOhatam #iMuddhaP paramOjZOkhyaP WaXka%cakraP ni$adhya ca mUlOdhOnaP%mUlOdhOnaD s#OdhiWXhOnaP%s#OdhiWXhOnaD maQipUram%manipuraD anahatam%anahataD #iMuddhaP%#iMuddh D paramOjZOkhyaP%named paramajnaD WaXka% cakraP%si: cakrasD ni$adhya%stoppingD ca%and. hen he $locked the si: cakrasJ mUlOdhOra, s#OdhiWXhOna, maQipUra, anOhata, #iMuddha, and paramOjZO. e:t .7 laYghanaP kOrayit#O ca tat WaX%cakraP kramOd #idhiT $rahma%randhraP samOnNya #Oyu%pUrQaP cakOra ha r laYghanaP%jumping o#erD kOrayit#O%causingD ca%andD tat%thatD WaX%cakraP%si: cakrasD kramOd%graduallyD #idhiI%8rahmaD $rahma%randhraP%the $rahma%randhnaD samOnNya%enteringD #Oyu%pUrQaP%filled with airD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. Fradually $ringing the life%air past the cakras, he placed it in the $rahma%randhra.

e:t 09 ni$adhya #OyuP medhyOP tan samOnNya hVd%am$ujam taP #O uP $hrOmayit#O na yojayOm Osa meRhyayO ni$adhya%$lockingD #OyuP%the airDDmeRhyOP%medhyaD taP%thatD samOnlya%kakingD hVd%am$ujam%to the lotus of the heartD ta#%thatD #OyuP%airD $hrOmayit#O%$ringingD ca% andD yojayOm Osa%placedD meRhyayO%with the medhya. hen he carried the life%air along the medhyO path and $rought it to the lotus of the heart. re:t 0, e#aP kVa#O tu niWpanno m yo datto hariQO parO jajOpa paramaP mantlaP taP tasyaikOdaMOkWaram e#aP%thusD kVt#O%doingD tu%indeedD niWpanno%placedD yo%whoD datto%placedDehariQO% $y Lord /VWQaD puLO%$nforeD jajOpa%chantedD paramaP%greatD mantraP%mantraD taP% thatD tasya%of himD ekOdaMOkWaram%ele#en sylla$les. _ hen he chanted the ele#en%sylla$ne mantra Lord /VWQa ga#e him in ancient times. e:t 0. muhUrtad ca japaP kVt#O dhyOyaP dhyOydP padOm$ujam dadarMa hVdayOm$hoje sar#aP tejomayaP mune muhUrtam%for 12 minutesD ca%andD japaP%chantingD kVt#O%doingD dhyOyaP% meditatingD dhyOyaP%and meditatingD padOm$ujam%on theolotus feetD dadarMa%sawD hVdayOm$hoje%in the lotus,of his heartD sar#aP%allD tejomayaP%filled with splendorD mune%< sage. Chanting for forty%fi#e minutes and meditating on the LordEs lotus feet, he saw a

spiritual effulgence in the lotus of his heart. e:t 00 tat%tejaso Entare rUpaP atN#a%su%manoharam d#i%$hujaP muralN%hastaP $hUWitaP pNta%#OsasO e tat%tejaso%the effundenceD antare%withinD rUpaP%the fromD atN#a%su%manoharam%#ery charmingD d#i%$hujaP%two armsD muralN%hastaP%flute in handD $hUWitaP%decoratedD pNta%#OsasO%with yellow garments. )t the center of that effulgence he saw a #ery handsome two%armed person dressed in yellow garments, holding a flute, . . . de:t 01 Mruti%mUla%su%#inyasta% j#alan%makara%kuQRalam NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyaP $haktOnugraha%kOtaram na#Nna%jaladOkOra% MyOmasundara%#igraham Mruti%of the earD mUla%at the rootD su%#inyasta%greacefully placedD j#alat%glitteringD makara%sharkD kuQRalam%earingD NWad%slightD hasya%smileD prasanna%cheerfulD OsyaP% faceD $haktOnugraha%kOtaram%filled with kindness for the de#oteesD na#Nna%jaladOkOra% the form of a new cloudD MyOmasundara%#igraham%a handsome dark form. . . . with glittering shark%earrings, a gently smiling cheerful face, and a handsome form dark liue a monsoon cloud, a person o#erwhelmed with Nindness for ;is de#otees, . . . _ sthitaP jantuWu sar#eWu nirliptaP sOkWi%rUpiQam OtmOrOmaP pUrQa%kOmaP jagat%#yOpN jagat%param sthitam%situatedD jantusu%in li#ing $eingsD sar#eWu%allD nirliptaP%untouchedD sOkWi% e:t 02

rUpiQam%the witnessD OtmOrOmaP%self%satisfiedD pUrQa%kOmaP%;is desires fulfilledD jagat%#yOpN%all%per#adingD jagat%param%the master of the uni#erse. . . . a person present in all li#ing entities, untouched $y matter, the witness of all, self% satisfied, ;is desires all fulfilled, a person who was all%per#ading, a person who was the master of the uni#erses, . . . e:t 03 sar#a%s#arUpaP sar#eMaP $Nja%rUpaY sanOtanam sar#OdhOraP sar#a%#araP sar#a%Makti%saman#itam sar#a%s#arUpaPassuming all formsD sar#eMaP%the master of allD $Nja%rUpaP%the seedD sanOtanam%eternalD sar#OdhOraP%the resting place of allD sar#a%#araP%the $est ofeallD sar#a%Makti%sa an#itam%endowed with all powe s. . . . an eternal person who could assume any form at will, who was the master of all, the seed of all, the resting place of all, the $est of all, and the master of all potencies, . . . e:t 04 sar#OrOdhyaP sar#a%guruP sar#a%maYgala%kOraQam sar#a%mantra%s#arUpaP ca sar#a%sampat%karaP #aram sar#OrOdhyaP%to $e worshiped $y allD sar#a%guruP%the guru of allD sar#a%maYgala% kOraQam%the source of all that is goodD sar#a%mantra%s#arUpaP%the form of all sacredmantrasD ca%andD sar#a%sampat%karaP%the gi#er of all good fortuneD #aram%the $est. . . . a person who was the &eity to $e worshiped $y all, the guru of all, the source of all that is auspicious, the form of all sacred mantras, the gi#er of all good%fortune, and the $est of all. e:t 06

yad dVWXmP $rahma%randhre ca hVdi tad $ahie e#a ca dVWX#O ca paramaMcaryaP tuWXO#a pa ameM#aram _ f yad%whomD dVWXaP%seeingD $rahma%randhre%in the $rahma%randhraD ca%andD hVdi%in the heartD tad%thatD $ahir%outsideD e#a%indeedD ca%andD dVWX#O%seeingD ca%andD paramOMcaryaP%most wonderfulD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD parameM#aram%to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. FaGing at the most wonderful Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, and seeing ;im in his heart, in the $rahma%randhra, and outside also, the demigod 8rahmO glorified ;im with prayers. e:t 07 yat stotraP ca purO dattaP hariQaikOrQa#e mune tam NMaP tena #idhinO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT yat%whatD stotraP%prayerD ca%andD purO%pre#iouslyD dattaP%gi#enD hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD ekOrQa#e%on the oceanD mune%< sageD tam%to ;imD NMaP%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tena%$y himD #idhinO%properlyD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT% his head hum$ly $owed. ;um$ly $owing his head, 8rahmO recited the prayers Lord /VWQa had taught him on the great ocean. e:t 19 MrN%$rahmo#Oca sar#a%s#arUpaP sar#eMaP sar#a%kOraQa%kOraQam sar#a%nir#acanNyaP taP namOmi MiMu%rUpiQam MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmnO saidD sar#a%s#arUpaP%all formsD sar#eMaP%the master of allD sar#a%kOraQa%kOraQam%the cause of all causesD sar#a%nir#acanNyaP%not descri$ea$le $y anyoneD taP%to ;imD namOmi%I $owD MiMu%rUpiQam%in the form of a $oy.

SrN 8rahmO saidJ I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who can assume any form at will, who is the master ofjall, add the cause of all causes, whom no one can completely descri$e, and who has the form of a ooung $oyu e:t 1, MaktNMaP Makti%$NjaP ca Makti%rUpa%dharaP param Makti%yuktam ayuktaP ca staumi s#ecchamayaP #i$hum MaktNMaP%the master of all potenciesD Makti%$NjaP%the seed of all potenciesD ca%andD Makti%rUpa%dharaP%who has the power to%whose desires are all fulfilledD #i$hum%all% powerful. I glorify the Supreme (ersonality oy Fodhead, who is the master of all potencies, the seed of all potencies, and the resting%place of all potencies, who is simultaneously one and different from ;is potencies, who is all%powerful, and whose desires are all fulfilled. e:t 1. saPsOra%sOgare ghore Makti%nauka%saman#itam kVpO%nidhiP karQadhOraP namOmi $hakta%#atsalam saPsOra%sOgare%in the ocean of repeated $irth and deathD ghore%terri$leD Makti% nauka%saman#itam%with the $oat of ;is potenciesD SVpO%nidhiP%an ocean of mercyD karQadhOraP%the captainD namOmi%I $ow downD $hakta%#atsalam%who lo#es ;is de#otees like a father. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is an ocean of mercy, who dearly lo#es ;is de#otees, and who is the captain of the powerful ship to crossrthe terri$le ocean of repeated $irth and death. e:t 10

Otma%s#arUpam ekOntaP liptaP nirliptam e#a ca sa%guQaP nirguQaP $rahma staumi s#eccha%s#arUpiQam Otma%s#arUpam%the SupersoulD ekOntaP%spiritualD liptaP%touchedD nirliptam% untouchedD e#m%indeedD ca%andD sa%guQaP%with BualitiesD nirguQaP%without BualitiesD $rahma%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD staueiiI uorifyD s#eccha%s#arUpiQam% who can assume any form at will. I glorify the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whose form is transcendental, who #isits the material world $ut is untouched $y matter, who is $eyond the modes of nature, who has all transcendental #irtues, and who has the power to assume any form at will. e:t 11 sar#endriyOdhide#aP taP indriyOlayam e#a ca sar#endriya%s#arUpaP ca #iraR%rUpaP namOmy aham r#endriya%of all sensesD s#arUpam%the fromD ca%andD #iraR%rUpaP%the uni#ersal formD namOmi%I $ow downD aham%I. I of er Sy reepectful o$eisan es to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is the &eity of all senses, the home of all senses, and the form of all senses, and who appears as the uni#ersal form. e:t 12 #edaP ca #eda%janakaP sar#a%#edOYga%rUpiQam sar#a%mantra%s#arUpaP ca y namOmi parameM#aram #edaP%the VedasD ca%andD #eda%janakaP%the father of the VedasD sar#a%#edOYga% rUpiQam%the form of all the VedangasD sar#a%mhntra%of all mantrasD s#erUpam%the fromD ca%andD namOmi%I $owD parameM#aram%to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. I offer my respectful o$etsances to the Supreme/(ersonality of Fodhead, who is the

Vedas, the father of the Vedas, the VedOYgas, and all sacred mantras. e:t 13 sOrOt sOrataraP dra#yaP o apUr#am anirUpitam s#atantram as#atantraP ca yaModO%nandanaP $haje sOrOt%than the greatestD sOrataraP%greaterD dra#yaP%thingD apUr#am%unprecedentedD anirUpitam%not descri$edD s#atantram%independentD as#atantraP%not independentD ca% andD yaModO%nandanaP%=aModOEs sonD $haje%I worship. I worship =aModOEs son, who is greater than the greatest, unprecedented, indescri$a$le, independent, and also not independent. e:t 14 santaP str#a%MarNreWL tam adVWXam anUhakam dhyOnasOdhyaP #idyamOnaP yogNndrOQOP guruP $haje santaP%e:istingD sar#a%MarNreWu%in all $odiesD tam%;imD adVWXam%in#isi$leD anUhakam%inconcei#a$leD dhyOna%$y meditationD asOdhyaP%not attai$leD #idyamOnaP% $eing soD yogNndrOQOP%of the kings of the yogisD guruP%to the guruD $haje%I worship. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme guru, who stays, in#isi$le and inconcei e:t 16 rOsa%maQRala%madhya%sthaP rOsollOsa%samutsukam gopN$hiT se#yamOnaP ca taP rOdheMaP namOmy aham rOsa%maQRala%madhya%sthaP%staying in the middle of the rasa%dance circleD rOsollOsa%samutsukam%happy in the rasa%danceD gopN$hiT%$y the gopNsD se#yamOnaP% ser#edD ca%andD taP%to ;imD rOdheMaP%the master of 5OdhOD namOmi%$owD aham%I.

1 I offer my espectful o$eisanchs to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead who, ser#ed $y the gopNs, happily stays in the center of the rOsa%dance circle. e:t 17 satOP sadai#a santaP taP asantam asatOm api yogNMaP yoginOP yogaP namOmi Mi#a%se#itam satOP%of the de#oteesD sadO%alwaysD e#a%indeedD santaP%kindD taP%to ;imD asantam%unkindD asatOm%to the demonsD api%alsoD yogNMaP%the master of the yogisD yoginOP%of the yogisD yogaP%yogaD namOmi%I $owD Mi#a%se#itam%ser#ed $y Si#a. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is kind to the saint)y and harsh to the demons, who is the master of the yogNs, who is the yoga practiced $y the yogNs, and who i ser#ed $y Lord Si#a.

e:t 29 mantra%$NjaP mantra%rOjaP mantradaP phaladaP phalam mantra%siddhi%s#arUpaP taP namOmi ca parOt param mantra%of mantrasD $NjaP%the seedD mantra%rOjaP%the king of mant$asD mantradaP% the gi#er of mantrasD phaladaP%the gi#er of resultsD phalam%the resultD mantra%siddhi% s#arUpaP%the form of the perfection attained $y chanting mantrasD taP%to ;imD namOmi%I $owD ca%andD parOt%than the greatestD param%greater. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is greater than the greatest, the seed of all mantras, the king of all mantras, the gi#er of mantras, the gi#er of the results attained $y chanting mantras, and ;imself the res. e:t 2, sukhaP duTkhaP ca sukhadaP duTkhadaP puQyam e#a ca puQyadaP Mu$hadaP cai#a Mu$ha%$NjaP namOmy aham

sukhaP%happinessD duTkhaP%sufferingD ca%andD sukhadaP%gi#ing happinessD duTkhadaP%gi#ing painD puQyam%pietyD e#a%andD ca%andD puQyadaP%gi#ing pietyD Mu$hadaP%gi#ing auspiciousnessD ca%andD e#a%indeedD Mu$ha%$NjaP%the seed of auspiciousnessD namOmi%$owD ahap%I. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is happiness, pain, the gi#er of happiness, the gi#er of pain, piety, the gi#er of piety, the gi#er of auspiciousness, and the seed of auspiciousness. e:t 2. ity e#aP sta#anaP kVt#O datt#O go#atsa%$OlakOn nipatya daQRa#ad $hUmau ruroda praQanOma ca iti%thu(D e#aP%in this wayD sta#anaP%prayerD kVt#O%doingD datt#O%gi#ingD go#atsa% $OlakOn%the $oys and cal#esD nipatya%falling downD daQRa#ad%like a stick $hUmau%to the groundD ruroda%weptD praQonOma%$owedD ca%and. )fter reciting these prayers, 8rahmO returned the cows, cal#es, and $oys. ;e wept. @alling like a stick to the ground, he offered o$eisances to the Lord. e:ts 20 and 21 dadarMa cakWur unmilya #idhOtO jagatOP mune $hOQRNra%#aXa%mUla%sthaP ratna%siPhOsana sthitam #eWXitaP sar#a%gopOlair ekam e#a manoharam punaT praQamya taP $rahmO $rahmalokaP yayau s#ayam dadarMa%sawD cakWur%eyesD unmilya%openingD #idhOtO%the creatorD jagatOP%of the uni#erseD mune%< sageD $hOQRNra%#aXa%mUla%sthaP%at teh root on a $anyan treeD ratna% siPhOsana%sthitam%sitng on a golden throneD #eWXitaP%surroundedD sar#a%gopOlair%$y all the gopasD ekam%oneD e#a%indeedD manoharam%charmingD punaT%againD praQamya%

$owingD taP%%to ;imD $rahmO%8rahmOD $rahmalokaP%to 8rahmalokaD yayau%wentD s#ayam%own. _ < sage, 8rahmO, the creator of the uni#erse then opened his eyes. )gain ;e saw the same charming Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, surrounded $y all the gopas and sitting on a golden throne under a $anyan tree. )gain offering o$eisances to ;im, the demigod 8rahmO returned to his own a$ode. e:t 22 $rahmaQO ca kVtaP stotraP nityaP $haktyO ca yaT paXhet iha loke sukhaP $hukt#O yaty ante MrN%hareT padam $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD ca%andD kVtaP%doneD stotraP%prayerD nityaP%regulalrlyD $haktyO%with de#oiionD ca%andD yaT%one whoD paXhet%recitesD iha%hereD loke%in this worldD sukhaP%happinessD $hukt#O%enjoyingD yati%goesD ante%at the endD MrN%hareT%of Lord /VWQaD padam%to the a$ode. ) person who regularly reads these prayers of the demigod 8rahmO li#es happily in this world and at the end goes to Lord /VWQaE spiritual a$ode. e:t 23 la$hate dOsyam atulaP sthOnam NM#ara%sannidhau la$dh#O ca kVWQa%sarUpyaP pOrWada%pra#aro $ha#et la$hate%attainsD dOsyam%direct ser#iceD atulaP%incompara$leD sthOnam%placeD NM#ara% sannidhau%near the LordD la$dh#O%attainingD ca%andD kVWQa%sarUpyaP%a form like the LordD pOrWada%pra#aro%a personal associate of the LordD $ha#et%$ecomes. ;e attains a spiritual form like the LordEs. ;e stays near the Lord. ;e $ecomes a personal associate of the Lord. ;e attains peerless direct ser#ice to the Lord. e:t 24 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca

gate jagat%kOraQe ca $rahmalokaP ca $rahmaQi MrN%kVWQo $OlakaiT sOrdhaP jagOma s#OlayaP #i$huT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidDSgate%goneD jagat%kOraQe%th creator of the worldsD ca%andD $rahmalokaP%to 8rahmalokaD ca%andD $rahmaQi%when 8rahmOD MrN% kVWQo%SrN /VWQaD $OlakaiT%the $oysD sOrdhaP%withD jagOma%wentD s#OlayaP%to ;is homeD #i$huT%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. _ SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter the creator 8rahmO had left for 8rahmaloka, Lord /VWQa, the all%powerful Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, returned with the $oys to ;is home. e:t 26 gO#o #atsaM ca $OlOM ca jagmur #arWOntare gVham MrN%kVWQa%mOyayO sar#e menire te dinOntaram gO#o%cowsD #atsaT%cal#esD ca%andD $OlOT%$oysD ca%andD jagmur%wentD #arWOntare%at the end of a yearD gVham%to the homesD MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD mOyayO%$y the mOyOD sar#e%allD menire%thoughtD te%indeedD dinOntaram at the end of a day. In this way at the end of a year the cows, cal#es, and $oys returned to their eomes. 8y the influence of Lord /VWQaEs yogamOyO potency they all thought that only a single day had passed. e:t 27 gopO gopOlikOT kiZcit tarkituP na kWamas tadO yoginOP kVtrimaP sar#aP e kiP nUtnaPTLO purOtanam gopO%the gopasD gopOlikOT%the gopNsD ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD tarkituP%to guessD na%notD kWamas%a$leD tadO%thenD yoginOP%of the yogisD kVtrima %artificialD ar#aP%allD kiP%what*D nUtnaP%newD #O%orD purOtanam%old. "hen the real $oys, cows, and cal#es returned, the gopas and gopNs did not suspect

that anything hod changed. ;ow can a form created $y asmystic yogN $e counted as young or old* e:t 39 ity e#aP athitaP #ipra MrNekVWQa%caritaP Mu$ham sukhadae mokWadaP puQyaP sar#a%kOla%sukhO#aham iti%thusD e#aP%thusD ka hitaP%spokenDl#ipra%< $rOhmaQaD MrN%kVWQa%caritaP%SrN /VWQaEs transcendental pastimesD Mu$ham%auspiciousD sukhadaP%delightfulD mokWadaP%gi#ing li$erationD puQyaP%sacredD sar#a%kOla%sukhO#rham%always pleasing. < $rOhmaQa, thus I ha#e related Lord /VWQaEs auspicious and sacred pastimes, which wre always pleasing and delightful, and which $ring li$eration.

vha*ter Twenty!one +r, @ndra!y0ga!bha?'ana rea#ing the @ndra!ya'?a

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekadOnanda%yuktaM ca nanda%gopo #raje mune dundu$hiP #OdOyOm Osa Makra%yOga%kVtodyamaT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD ekadO%one dayD Onanda%yuktaT%happilyD ca%andD nanda%gopo%Nanda%gopaD #raje%in VrajaD mune%< sageD dundu$hiP%dundu$hi drumD #OdOyOm Osa%had soundedD Makra%yOga%kVtodyamtT%a$out to perform a yajna for the dLmigod In ra. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne doy the gopa Nanda, intending to ofper a yajZa to the demigod Iwdra, had a drummer sound a dundu$hi drum. e:ts . and 0 dadhi kWNraP ghVtaP takraP

S naeanNtaP guRaP madhu etOny OdOya Makrasya pUjOP kur#ant# iti $ru#an ye ye santS atra nagare gopO gopyaM ca $OlakOT $OlikOM ca d#ija $hupO #aiMyOT MUdraM ca $haktitaT dadhi%yogurtD kWNraP%milkD ghVtaP%gheeD takraP%$uttermilkD na#anNtaP%$etterD guRaP%molassesD madhu%honeyD etOni%theyD OdOya%takingD Makrasya%of IndraD pUjOP% worshipD kur#ant#%should doD iti%thusD $ru#an%sayingD ye ye%whoe#erD santi%areD atra%in thisD nagare%#illageD gopO%gopasD gopyaT%gopNsD ca%andD $OlakOT%$oysD $OlikOT%girlsD ca% a$dD d#ija%$rOhmaQasD $hupO%ksatriyasD #aiMyOT%#aisyasD MUdraT%sudrasD ca%andD $haktitaT%with de#otion. Nanda proclaimedJ )ll the $rOhmaQas, kWatriyas, #aiMyas and MUdras in this #illage must de#otedly worship the demigod Indra with offerings of yogurt, milk, ghee, $uttermilk, $utter, molasses, and honey. e:t 1 ity e#aP MrO#ayit#O ca _ s#ayam e#a mudOn#itaT yaWXim OropayOm Osa ramya%sthOne su%#istVte ity e#aP%thusD MrO#ayit#O%proclaimingD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD e#a%indeedD mudOn#itaT%happyD yaWXim%staffD OropayOm Osa%liftingD ramya%sthOne%in a $eautiful placeD su%#istVte%$road. )fter saying this, cheerful Nanda placed a great pole in a $eautiful and $road place. e:t 2 dadau tatra kWauma%#astraP mOlO%jOlaP manoharam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkuma%dra#am e#a ca S dadau%ga#eD tatra%therea kWauma%#astraP%silken clothD mOlO% OlaP%flower garlandsD manoharam%$eautifulD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%d a#am%anointed with sandal,

aguru, musk, and kunkumaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. here he erected a $eautiful silken tent decorated with flowers and anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma. e:t 3 snOtaT kVtOhniko $haktyO dhVt#O dhaute ca #OsasN u#Osa s#arQa%pNXhe sa prakWalita%padOm$ujaT snOtaT%$athedD kVtOhniko%performed daily dutiesD $haktyO%with de#otionD dhVt#O% placingD dhaute%cleanD ca%andD #OsasN%garmentsD u#Osa%satD s#arQa%pNXhe%on a golden throneD sa%heD prakWalita%washed padOm$ujaT%lotus feet. hen performed his daily duties, $athed, dressed in clean garments, washed his lotus feet, and sat on a golden throne. e:ts 4 and 6 nOnO%prakOra%patraiM ca $rOhmaQaiM ca purohitaiT gopOlair gopikO$hiM ca $OlO$hiT saha $OlakaiT etasminn antare tatrO% jagmur nagara%#OsinaT mahat%sam$hVta%sam$hOrO nOnopOyana%samyutOT h gopasD gopikO$his%with gopNsD ca%andD $OlO$hiT%$oysD saha%withD $OlakaiT%girlsD etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD Ojagmur%cameD nagara%#OsinaT%the people of the #illageD mahOt%sam$hVta%sam$hOrO%$ringing many offeringsD nOnopOyana%samyutOT% with many gifts. )ccompanied $y many $rOhmaQa priests, gopas, gopNs, $oys, and girls, and $ringing many cups, ritual ingredients, and offerings, the #illage people came to that place.

em7 Ojagmur munayaT sar#e j#alanto $rahma%tejasO MOntOT MiWya%gaQaiT sOrdhaP #eda%#edOYga%uOraiOT Oja dur&cameD munayaT%sagesD sar#e%allD j#alanto%shiningD $rahma%tejasOywith spirituul splendorD MOntOT%peacefulD M Wya%gaQaih%disciplesD sOrdhaP%withD #eda% #edOYga%pOragOT%tra#eled to the farther shore of the Vedas and VedOYgas. jany great saeys shining with spiritual splendor, who had tra#eled to the farther shore of the Vedas jnd VedOYgas, came with their disriples. e:t ,9 gargan ca gala#aM pmi#a sOkalyaT MakaXOyanaT gautamaT karathaT kaQ#o #atsyaT katyOyanas tathO l gargas%FargaD ca%andD g la#aT%Fala#aD ca%andD e#a%indeedD sOkalyaT%sakalyaD MakaXOyanaT%SakatayanaD gautaoaT%FautamaD karathaT%/arathaD kaQ#o%/an#aD #atsyaT%Vatysae katyOyaras%/atyayanaD tathO%so. Farga, Fala#a, SOkalya, SakaXOyana, Fautama, /aratha, /aQ#a, Vatsya, /atyOyana, . . . e: ,, Mau$harir #O ade#aM ca yOjZa#alkyaM ca pOQiniT VWyaMV`Ygo gauramukho $harad#OjaM ca #OmanaT Mau$harir%Saura$hiD #Omade#aT%Vamade#aD ca%andD yOj].sy .1,^a#alkyas% =ajna#alkyaD ca%andD pOQiniT%(aniniD VWyaMV`Ygo%5asyasrngaD gauramukho% FauramukhaD $harad#OIaT%8harad#anaD ca%andD #OmanaT%Vamana.

e:t ,. kVWQa%d#aipOyanaT MVYgN sumantur jaiminiT kaXhaT parOMaraM ca maitreyo #aiMampOyana e#a ca kVWQa%d#aipOyanaT%/VWQa%d#aipOyanaD MVYgN%SrngiD sumantur%SumantuD jaiminiT% AaiminiD kathaT%/athaD parOMaras%(arasaraD ca%and maitreyo%-aitreyaD #aiMampOyana% VaisampayanaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. . . . /VWQa%d#aipOyana, SVYgN, Sumantu, Aaimini, /aXha, (arOMara, -aitreya, VaiMampOyana, . . . e:t ,0 $rOhmaQOM ca kati%#idhO $hNkWukO #andinas tathO $hUpO #aiMyOM ca MUdrOM ca samOjagmur mahotsa#e $rOhmaQOs%$rOhmaQasD ca%andD kati%#idhO%many kindsD $hNkWukO%sannyasisD #andinas%poetsD tathO%soD $hUpO%kingsD #aiMyOs%a#isyasD ca%andD MUdrOT%sudras< ca%andD samOjagmur%cameD mahotsa#e%to the great festi#al. . . . as well as many $rOhmaQas, sannyOsNs, poets, kWatriyas, #aiMyas, and MUdras came to that festi#e ceremony. e:t ,1 dVWX#O munNndrOn nandaM ca $rOhmaQOn $hUmipOPM tathO s#arQa%pNXhOt samuttasthau #ra.OM cottasthur e#a ca dVWX#O%seeingD munNndrOn%the kings of sagesD nandaT%NandaD ca%andD $rOhmaQOn% $rOhmaQasD $hUmipOPT%kingsD tathO%soD s#arQa%pNXhOt%from his golden throneD samuttasthau%roseD #rajOT%the people of VrajaD ca%andD uttasthur%roseD e#a%indeedD ca% and.

Seeing the great sages, $rOhmaQas, and kings, Nanda rose from his golden throne, and the people of Vraja also rose. e:t ,2 praQamya #OsayO7 Osa munNndra%#ipra%$hUmipOn teWOm anumatiP prOpya tatro#Osa punar mudO anumatiP%consentD prOpya%attainingD tatra%thereD u#Osa%satD punar%againD mudO% happily. Nanda $owed $efore the great sages, $rOhmaQas, and kings, ga#e them comforta$le sitting places, and, with their permission, happily sat down himself. e:t ,3 pOkaP ca yaWXi%nikaXe kartum OjZOP cakOra ha pOka%prOjZa%$rOhmaQOnOP Matam OnNya sOdarOt pOkaP%cookingD ca%andD yaWXi%nikaXe%gnder the t#ntD kartum% o doD OjZOm%the orderD cakOra%ga#eD ha%indedD pOka%prOjZa%$rOhmaQOnOP%of $rOhmaQas e:pert in cookingD Matam%a hundredD OnNya%$ringD sOdarOt%respectfully. hen Nanda respectfully asked a hundred e:pert $rOhmaQa cooks to $egin cooking under the tent. e:t ,4 tatra ratna%pradNpOM ca jaj#aluT paritaT sadO andhN%$hUtaP ca dhUpena sthOnaP tat sura$hN%kVtam tatra%thereD ratna%pradNpOT%jewel lampsD ca%andD jaj#aluT%shoneD paritaT% e#erywhereD sadO%alwaysD andhN%$hUtaP%$lindedD ca%andD dhUpena%with ircenseD sthOnaP%placeD tat%mhatD sura$hN%kVtam%scented.

In that place jewel lamps shone always and e#erywhere, a $linding cloud of incense smoke scented e#ery place, . . . e:t ,6 nOnO%#idhOni puWpOni mOlyOni #i#idhOni ca nai#edyaP ca $ahu%#idhaP apUr#aP su%manoharam nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD puWpOni%flowersD mOlyOni%garlandsD #i#idhOni%many kindsD ca%andD nai#edyaP%foodsD ca%andD $ahu%#idhaP%many kindsD apUr#aP% unprecedentedD su%manoharam%#ery $eautiful. . . . there were many flowers and flower garlands, many $eautiful and unprecedented offerings of food, . . . e:t ,7 _Xila%laRRuka%pUrQaP ca RallakOnOP sahasrakam s#astikaiT paripUrQaP ca $hallakOnOP sahasrakam kalasOnOP sahasraP ca pUrQaP MarkarayO mune Xila%laRRuka%pUrQaP%filled with sesame laRRusD ca%andD RallakOnOP%RallakasD sahasrakam%a thousandD s#astikaiT%with s#astikasD paripUrQaP%filledD ca%andD $hallakOnOP%of $hallakasD sahasrakam%a thousandD kalasOnOP%of waterpotsD sahasraP% a thousandD ca%andD pUrQaP%filledD MarkarayO%with sugarD mune%< sage. . . . thousands of sesame laRRus, Rallakas, s#astikas, $hallakas, jars of sugar, . . . e:t .9 ya#a%godhUma%cUrQOnOP laRRukair madhurair #araiT ghVta%pak#air #ipra%kVtaiT pUrQOni kalasOni ca

ya#a%$arleyD godhUma%and whe tD cUrQOnOP%flourD laRRokair%laRRusD madhuramr% sweetD #araiT%e:cellentD ghVta%i tLeeD pak#air%cookedD #ipra%kVtyiT%done $y $rOhmaQasD pUrQOni%filledD kalasOni%potsD ca%and. . . . many jars o deliciousl$arley%wheat laRRus the $rOhmaQas fried in ghee, . . . e:t ., #VkWa%pak#Oni ramyOni cOru%ram$ha%yhalOni ca phalOni paripak#Oni kOla%deMod$ha#Oni ca k #VkWa%pak#Oni%tree%riSenedD ramyOni%deliciousD cOru%rar$ha%phalOni%$eautiful $ananasD ca%andD phalOni%fruitDD paripak#Oni%#ery ripeD kOla%deMod$ha#Ontmlocally grown and in seasonD ca%and. . . .emany delicious tree%ripened $aoanas anp other ripe fruits in season, . . . e:t .. kWhrOQOP kum$ha%lakWOni dadhnOP tO#anti nOrada madhUnOP kum$ha%MatakaP sarpiT%kuy$hr%sahasrakam kWNrOQOP%of milkD kum$ha%lakWOni%a hundred thousant potsD dadhnOP%of yogurtD tO#anti%as manyD nOrada%< NOradaD madhUnOP%of honeyD kum$ha%MatakaP%a hundret postD sarpiT%kum$ha%sahasrakam%a thousand pots of ghee. . . . < NOrada, a thousand pots of milk, a thousand pots of yogurt, a hundred pots of honey, a thousand pots of ghee, . . . e:t .0 kalasOnOP ca MatakaP pUrQaP ca na#anNtakaiT kalasOnOP tri%lakWOQi takra%pUrQOni niMcitam kalasOnOm%of potsD ca%andD MatakaP%a hundredD pUrQaP%filledD ca%andD

na#anNtakaiT%with $utterD kalasOnOP%of potsD tri%lakWOQi%three hundred thousandD takra%pUrQOni%filled with $utrtermilkD niMcitam%indeed. . . . a hundred pots of $utter, three hundred thousand pots of $uttermilk, . . . e:t .1 ghaXOnOP paZca%lakWOQi guRO%pUrQOni niMcitam #iWQu%tailena pUrQaP ca kalasOnOP sahasrakam ghaXOnOP%of potsD paZca%lakWOQi%fi#e hundred thousandD guRO%pUrQOni%filled with molassesD niMcitam%indeedD #iWQu%tailena%with ViWQu%oilD pUrQaP%filledD ca%andD kalasOnOP%of SotsD sahasrakam%a thousand. . . . fi#e hundred thousand pots of molasses, and a hundred pots of ViWQu%oil. e:ts .2 and .3 #VWendrOM ca $ahu%#idhO $hogOrha%dra#ya%#OhakOT nOnO$odhOni #adyOni cOrUQi madhurOQi ca #OdakOT s#arQa%yantmOQi #OdayOm Osur utsa#e nOnO%#idhOni patrOQi sauuarQa%rajOtOni ca #VWendrOs%the kings of $ullsD ca%andD $ahu%#idhO%many kindsD $hogOrha%dra#ya% #OhakOT%carrying the foodsD nOnO$odhOni%many kindsD #adyOni%musical instrumentsD cOrUQi%$eautifulD madhurOQi%sweetD ca%andD #OdakOT%musicaiansD s#arQa%yantrOQi% golden instrumentsD #OdayOm Osur%playedD utsa#e%in the festi#alD nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD patrOQi%potsD sau#arQa%rajOtOni%of gold and sil#erD ca%and. _ 5egal $ulls carried the many cooking ingredients. here were many pots ow gold and sil#ere -any musicians melodiously played on gylkin instruments.

e:t .4 #astrOQi #araQOrhOni cOrUQi $hUWaQOni ca s#arQa%pNXhOni ca $rahmann Ojagmur yaWXi%sannidhim #astrOQi%garmentsD anhaQOrhOni%e:BuisiteD cOrhQi%$eautifulD $hUWaQOni%ornamentsD ca%andD s#arQa%pNXhOni%golden sitting placesD ca%andD $rahmann%< $rOhmaQaD Ojagmur% cameD yaWXi%sannidhim%to the tent. < $rOhmaQa, many $eautiful and e:Buisite garments, ornaments, and golden thrones were $rought to the tent. e:t .6 chagalOnOP sahasrOQi mahiWOQOP MatOni ca meWakOnOP ca lakWOQi hy OnayOm Osa tatra #ai chagalOnOP%of goatsD sahasrOQi%a thousandD mahiWOQOP%of $uffaloesD MatOni%a hundredD ca%andD meWakOnOP%of sheepD ca%andD lakWOQi%a hundred thousandD hi% indeedD OnayOm Osa%$roughtD tatra%thereD #a%indeed. ) thousand goats, a hundred $uffaloes, and a hundred thousand sheep were also $rought. e:t .7 MatOny e#a gaQRakOnOP Ojagmur yaWXi%sannidhim prokWitOni ca sar#OQi rakWitOni ca rakWakaiT MatOni%a hundredD e#a%andD gaQRakOnOP%of rhinocerosesD Ojagmur%cameD yaWXi% sannidhim%to the tentD prokWitOni%sprinkledD ca%andD sar#OQi%allD rakWitOni%protectedD ca%andD rakWakaiT%$y guards. ) hundred rhinoceroses were also $rought. he animals were sprinkled with water and protected $y guards.

e:t 09 $OlakOnOP $OlikOnOP #VkWOnOP #VkWa%yoWitOm yUnOP ca yu#atNnOP ca saYkhyaP kartuP ca kaT kWamaT _ $OlakOnOP%o $oysD $OlikOnOP%and girlsD #VkWOnOP%of treesD #VkWa%yoWitOm%of the wN#eseof treesD yUnOP%of youthsD ca%andD yu#atNnOP%of young girlsD ca%andD saYkhyaP% the num$erD kartuP%to doD ca%andD kaT%who*D kWamaT%is a$le. "ho is a$le to count the trees and flowering #ines in that place, or the $oys, girls, and young men and women that came there* e:t 0, gOyakOnOP ca saYgNtaP nartakOnOP ca nartanam Mrut#O dVWX#O janOT sar#e mumuhuT su%mahotsa#e gOyakOnOP%of the singersD ca%andD saYgNtaP%the songD nartakOnOP%of dancersD ca% andD nartanam%the danceD Mrut#O%hearingD dVWX#O%seeingD janOT%peopleD sar#e allD mumuhuT%were charmedD su%mahotsa#e%at the $eautiful festi#al. ;earing the yingersE singing and seeing the dancersE dancing, e#eryone $ecame pleased at that $eautiful festi#al. e:t 0. ram$hor#aWN menakO ca ghVtOcN my inN ratN pra$hO#a N $hOnumatN #ipracittN tilottamO ram$hO%5am$hOD Ur#aWN%?r#asiD menakO%-enakaD ca%andD ghVtOcN%FhrtaciD mohinN% -ohinND ratN%5atiD pra$hO#atN%tna$ha#atiD $hOnumatN%8hanumatiD #ipracittN%VipracittiD tilottamO% ilottama.

< $rOhmaQa, the apsarOs 5am$hO, ?r#aWN, -enakO, FmVtOcN, -ohinN, 5ati, (ra$hO#atN, 8hOnumatN, VipracittN, ilottamO, . . . e:t 00 candrapra$hO supra$hO ca ratnamOlO madOlasO reQukO ramaQN $rahmann etO Ojagmur utasa#e candrapra$hO%Candrapra$haD supra$hO%Supra$haD ca%andD ratnamOlO%ratnamalaD madOlasO%-adalasaD reQukO%5enukaD ramaQN%5amaniD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD etO%theyD Ojagmur%cameD utasa#e%to the festi#al. . . . Candrapra$hO, Supra$hO, 5atnamOlO, -adOlasO, 5eQukO, and 5amaQN also came to the festi#al. _ e:t 01 tOsOP nVtyena gNtena stanOsya%MroQi%darManOt rUpeQa #akra%dVWXyO ca mUrchOm OpuM ca mOna#OT tOsOP%of themD nVtyena%$y the dancingD gNtena%singingD stanOsya%MroQi%darManOt%$y seeing the $reasts, hips, and facesD rUpeQa%$y the $eautyD #akra%dVWXyO%$y crooked glancesD ca%andD mUrchOm%enchantmentD OpuT%attainedD ca%andD mOna#OT%the men. he men at once $ecame enchanted $y their singing, dancing, and crooked sidelong glances, and $y seeing the $eauty of their faces, $reasts, and hips. e:t 02 etasminn antare MNghraP OjagOma hariT s#ayam gopOla%$OlakaiT sOrdhaP $alena $ala%MOlinO etasmin antare%thenD MNghraP%BuicklyD OjagOma%cameD hariT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam% personallyD gopOla%$OlakaiT%with the gopa $oysD sOrdhaP%with $rOhmaQaD $alena% powerfulD $ala%MOlinO%with ;is plow.

hen Lord /VWQa personally came, accompanied $y the gopa $oys and $y powerful Lord 8alarOma, who carried ;is plow. e:t 03 dVWX#O taP ca janOT sar#e sam$hramO harWa%#ih#alOT uttasthur OrOd $hNtOM ca pulakOZcita%#igrahaT dVWX#O%seeingD taP%;imD ca%andD janOT%the peopleD sar#e%allD sam$hramO%respectfulD harWa%#ih#alOT%filled with happinessD uttasthur%stoodD OrOd%nearD $hNtOT%awedD ca%andD pulakO].sy .1,^cita%#igrahaT%their $odily hairs erect. he people, the hairs standing up on their $odies, stood up, happy and filled with awe when they saw Lord /VWQa, . . . e:t 04 krNRO%sthOnOt samOyantaP MOntaP sundara%#igraham #inoda%muralN%#eQu% MaYkha%Ma$da%saman#itam %of pastimesD muralN%#eQu%murali and #enu flutesD MaYkha%conchshellsD Ma$da%soundsD saman#itam%wit . . . .awho had just come from ;is place of pastimes, who was handsomh and peaceful, who was playing a flute and a conchshell, . . . e:t 06 sad%ratna%sOra%$hUWO$hir $hUWitaP kaustu$hen ca candanOguru%paYkena carcitaP MyOma%#igra am sad%tatna%sOra%$hUWO$hir%with jewel ornamentsD $hUWitaP%decoratedD kaustu$hena% wsth the /austu$hc jewelD ca%andD condanOguru%paYkena%with sandal and aguru pasteD aarciraP%anointedD MyOma%#igraham%dark form.

. . . who was decorated with jewel ornaments and a /pust$ha jewel, whose dark form w,s anointed with sa dal and aguru, . . . e:t 07 Maran%madhyOhna%padmOsyaP paMyantaP ratna%darpaQaiT cOru%candana%candreQa kas UrN%$indunO saha Ma OYkena yathO%kONhP $hala%madhye #irOjitam Maran%madhyOhna%padma%a midday autumn otusDmOsyaP%faceD paMyantaP%seeingD ratna%darpaQaiT%with jewel mirroreD cOru%$eautifulD candana%candreQa%with a moon of sandal pasteD kastUrN%$indunO%with a musk dotD saha%withD MaMedkena%with a moonD yatha%asD$okOMaP%the skyD ghala%madhye%in the middle of ;is foreheadD #irOjitam% shining. . . . whose face was splendid like a midday autumn lotus flower, who was looking in a jewel mirror, whose forehead was splendid with a sandal%paste moon and a musk dot, who was like a splendid moon in the sky, . . . e:t 19 mOlatN%mOlayO MyOma% kaQXha%#akWaT%sthalojj#alam $aka%paYktyO yathOkOMaP MOradNyaP su%nirmalam mOlatN%mOlayO%with a garland of malati flowersD MyOma%darkD kaQXha%neckD #akWaT% sthala%and chestD uuj#alam%splendorD $aka%paYktyO%with a row of ducksD yathN%asD OkOMaP%the skyj MOradNyaP%autumnD su%nirmalam%splendid. hite ducks, . . . e:t 1, cOruQO pNta%#astreQa Mo$hita%MyOma%#igraham #i$hOntaP #idyutO MaM#an

na#Nna%nNradaP yathO cOruQO%$eautifulD pNta%#astreQa%with yellow garmentsD Mo$hita%MyOma%#igraham% salendid dark formD #i$hOntaP%shiningD #idyutO%with lightningD MaM#an%alwaysD nanNna%nNradaP%a new monsoon cloudD yathO%as. . . . whose handsome dark form, splendid with $eautiful yellow garments, was like a monsoon cloud and gldttering lightning, . . . e:t 1. kunda%prasUnair guZjO$hir $addha%#aYkima%cURakam yathendra%dhanuWO $hOtO #i$hOntaP $hOgaQair na$haT kunda%prasUnair%with kunda flowersD guZjO$hir%with gunjaD $addha%#aYkima% cURakam%crownedD yathO%asD indra%dhanuWO%with a rain$ou $hOtO%shiningD #i$hOntaP%shiningD $hOgaQair%with starsD na$haT%the sky. . . . whose topknot, tied with guZjO and kunda flowers, was like a rain$ow shining with many stars in the sky, . . . e:t 10 ratna%kuQRala%dNptyO ca smita%#aktraP su%Mo$hitam Marat%praphulla%padmaP ca dyumaQeT kiraQair yathO ratna%kuQRala%dNptyO%with the splendor of jewel earringsD ca%andD smita%#aktraP%a crooked smileD su%Mo$hitam%splendidD Marat%praphulla%padmaP%a $lossoming autumn lotusD ca%andD dyumaQeT%of the moonD kiraQair%with lightD yathO%as. . . . and whose splendid smile, shining with jewel earrings, was like a autumn lotus $lossoming in the moonlight. e:t 11 #ipra%kWatriya%#aiMyaM ca

munayo $alla#O mudO praQamya #OsayOm OsU ratna%siPhOsane #i$hum _ #ipra%kWatdiya%#aaMyas%$ruhmaQa, ksatriyas, and #aisyasD ca%andD munayo%sagesD $alla#O%gopasD mudO%happilyD praQamya%$owingD #OsayOm Osus%had sit downD ratna% siPhOsane%on a jewel throneD #i$hum%the Lord. hen the $rOhmaQas, kWatriyos, #aiMyas, sages, and gopas happily $owed down $efore the Lord and ga#e ;im a seat on a jewel throne. e:t 12 u#Osa s#arQa%pNXhe sa teWOP madhye jagat%patiT yathO $a$hau Marac%candro jyotiWOm antare ca khe u#Osa%satD s#arQa%pNXhe%on th golaen throneD sa%andD te OP%of themD madhye%in the midstD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#erdesD yathO%asD $a$hau%shon D Marac% candro%an autumn moonD jyotiWOm%of starsD antare%inD ca%anD khe%the sky. hen Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses sat on the golden throne. ;e was like an autumn moon shining in the midst of many splendid stars. e:t 13 stut#O tam UWus te sar#e jagatOm NM#araP param s#ecchamayaP guQOtNtaP jyotN%rUpaPysanOtanam stut#O%offering prayersD tam%to ;imD UWus%stayedD te%theyD sar#e%allD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD NM#araP%the masterD param%supremeD s ecchama(aP%independentD guQOtNtaP%$eyond the modes of natureD jyot %rUpaP%splendVdD sanOtanam%eternal. >#eryone stood up and offered prayers to Lord /VWQa, the splendid and eternal Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whose desires are all fulfilled and who is $eyond the modes of nature. e:t 14

dVWX#O mahotsa#aP MNghraP u#Oca pitaraP hariT #iduWOP durla$haP nNtiP nNtN%yOstra%#iMOradaT dVWX#O%seeingD mahotsa#aP%the great festi#alD MNghraP%BuicklyD u#Oca%saidD pitrraP% to ;is fatherD hariT%Lord /VWQaD #iduWOP%of the wiseD durla$haP%difficult to attainD nNtiP%wise conductD nNti%MOstra%#iMOradaT%e:poert in the Niti%sastras. duct, ;is words $eyond the reach of e#en the greatest phrlosophers. e:t 16 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca $ho $ho $alla#a%rOjendra kiP karoWNha su#rata OrOdhyaT kaM ca kO pUjO kiP phalaP pUjane $ha#et MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN LVWQa saidD $ho%<D $ho%<D $alla#a%rOjendra%king of the gopasD kiP%what*D karoWi%are you doingD iha%hereD su#rata%< saintly oneD OrOdhyaT%to $e worshipedD kaT%who*D ca%andD kO%what*D pUjO%worshopp kiP%whatD phalaP%resultD pUjane%in the worshipD $ha#et%is. SrN /VWQa saidJ < king of the gopns, < saintly one, what are you doing here* "ho is $eing worshiped* ;ow are you w,rshiping himw "hat is the result of this worship* e:t 17 phalena sOdhanaP kiP #O kaT sOdhyaT sOdhanena ca de#e ruWXe $ha#et kiP #O pUjOyaT prati$andhake phalena%with the resultD sOdhanaP%methodD kiP%what*D #O%orD kaT%whatD sOdhyaT% to $e attainedD sOdhanena%$y the methodD ca%andD de#e%whem the demigodD ruWXe%is angryD $ha#et%may $eD kiP%what*D #O%orD pUjOyOT%of the worshipD prati$andhake%inwthe impediment.

yhat is the method employed to attain the result* "hat i the result attained $y employing this method* If the o$ject of worship is displeased how will he punish the woSshiper* e:t 29 tuWXo de#aT kiP dadOti phalam atra paratra kim kOcid dadOty atra phalaP paratra neha kOcana tuWXo%ifD de#aT%the demigodD kiP%pleasedD dadOti%gi#esD phalam%resultD atra%hereD paratra%in the ne:t lifeD kim%what*D kOcid%s metningD dadOti%gi#esD atra%hereD phalaP% resultD paratra%in the ne:t lifeD na%notD iha%hereD kOcana%something. If the o$ject of worship is pleased what result will he gi#e in this life and the ne:t* Some worship $rings results in this life $ut not in the ne:t, and other worship $rings results not in this $ut only in the ne:t life. _ e:t 2, kOcic ca no$hayatrOpi co$hayatrOpi kOcana a#eda%#ihitO pUjO sar#a%hOQi%karaQRikO kOcic%someD ca%andD na%notD u$hayatra%in $othD api%e#enD ca%andD u$hayatra%in $othD api%alsoD kOcana%someD a#eda%#ihitO%not prescri$ed in the VedasD pUjO%worshipD sar#a% hOQi%karaQ$ikO%a $o: of trou$les. Some worship $rings results in $oth this life and the ne:t. Some worship does not $ring any results in eithtr thiunlife or the ne:t. "orship that is not orderedm$y the Vedas is a $o: of sufferings and calamities. e:t 2. pUjeyam adhunO #O te kim u #O puruWa%kramOt dVWXo de#as t#ayO kiPs#it pUjO yad%anusOriQN

pUjO%worshipD iyam%thisD adhunO%nowD #O%orD te%of youD kim%what*D u%indeedD #O%orD puruWa%kramOt%from a series of peopleD dVWXo%seenD de#as%the godD t#ayO%$y youD kiPs#it%somehowD pUjO%the worshipD yad%anusOriQN%following which. Is this worship a recent in#ention or an ancient tradition passed down through many generations* ;a#e you seen the demigod worshiped, or is the worship performed without seeing him* e:t 20 sakWOt khadati de#as te sakWOt kiP #O na khadati sakWOd $huYkte ca yo de#aT supraMOstaP tad%arcanam sakWOt%directlyD khadati%eatsD de#as%the demigodD te%of youD sakWOt%directlyD kiP% whether*D #O%orD na%notD khadati%eatsD sakWOd%directlyD $huYkte%eatsD ca%andD yo%whoD de#aT%demigodD supraMOstaP%$etterD tad%arcanam%that worship. &oes the demigods directly eat the offerings or not* he worship is $etter when the demigod directly eats. e:t 21 pVthi#yO $rOhmaQO de#O iti #edair nirUpitam sar#eWOP pUjanOt tOta su%praMOstaP d#ijOrcanam _ pVthi#yOs%of the earthD $rOhmaQO%the $rOhmaQasD de#O%the demigodsD iti%thusD #edair%$y the VedasD nirUpitam%saidD sar#eWOP%of allD pUjanOt%than the worshipD tOta%< fatherD su%praMOstaP%$etterD d#ijOrcanam%worship of the $rOhmaQas. he Vedas declare that the $rOhmaQas are the demigods of the earth.f"orship of the $rOhmaQas is $etrer than all other kinds of worship. e:t 22 sOkWOt khadati nai#edyaP #ipra%rUpN janOrdanaT $rOhmaQe parituWXe ca

sentuWXOT sar#a%de#atOT sOkWOt%directlyD khadati%eatsD nai#edyaP%the offeringD #ipra%rUpN%in the form of a $rOhmaQaD janOrdanaT%Lord ViWQuD $rOhmaQe%when a $rOhmaQaD parituWXe%is pleasedD ca%andD santuWXOT%is pleasedD sar#a%de#atOT%all the demigods. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, Lord ViWQu, enters the $rOhmaQas and eats through them. "hen a $rOhmaQa is pleased, then all the demigods are pleased also. se:t 23 kiP tasya de#a%pUjOyOP yo niyukto d#ijOrcane pUjitO $rOhmaQO yena pUjitOT sar#a%de#atOT kiP%whether*D tasya%of thisD de#a%pUjOyOP%in the worship of ythe demigodsD yo% whoD niyukto%engagedD d#ijOrcane%in the worship of the $rOhmaQaD pUjitO%worshipedD $rOhmaQO%the $rOhmaQasD yena%$y whomD pUjitOT%worshipedD sar#a%de#atOT%all the demigods. "hy would a person engaged in worshiping the $rOhmaQas worship the demigods* "hen the $rOhmaQas are worshiped then all the demigods are worshiped automatically. e:t 24 de#Oya datt#O nai#edyaP na dattaP $rOhmaQOya cet $hasmN%$hUtaP ca tad%dra#yaP pUjanaP niWphalaP $ha#et de#Oya%to a demigodD datt#O%gi#ingD nai#edyaP%foodD na%notD dattaP%gi#enD $rOhmaQOya%to the $rOhmaQasD cet%ifD $hasmN%$hUtam%$urned to ashesD ca%andD tad% dra#yaP%that thingD pUjanaP%worshipD niWphalaP%uselessD $ha#et%$ecomes. If a person offers food to a demigod and then does not offer it also to a $rOhmaQa, then his property $ecomes $urned to ash m:t 26

#iprOya de#a%nai#edyaP dOnaP dhru#am anantakam tuWXo de#o #araP datt#O prayOti ca s#a%mandiram #iprOya%to a $rOhmaQaD de#a%nai#edyaP%food offered to the demigodsD dOnaP% charityD dhru#am%indeedD anantakam%limitlessD tuWXo%pleasedD de#o%the demigodD #araP%$lessingD datt#O%gi#ingD prayOti%goesD ca%andD s#a%mandiram%to his a$ode. If one gi#es in charity to a $rOhmaQa the foods offered to a demigod, the demigod $ecomes pleased and offers lrmitless $lessings. he dokor goes to the world of the demigods. e:t 27 datt#O de#Oya nai#edyaP mURho $huYkte s#ayaP yadi dattOpahOrN de#as#aP $hukt#O ca narakaP #rajet ce datt#O%gi#ingD de#Oya%to a demigodD nai#edyaP%foodD mURho%foolD $huYkte%eatsD s#ayaP%himselfD yadi%ifD datta%gi#enD apahOrN%taking awayD de#as#aP%the property of a demigodD $hukt#O%eatingD ca%andD narakaP%to hellD #rajet%goes. If one offers food to a demigod and then eats the remnants himself, he ro$s the demigodEs property. Such a person goes to hell. e:t 39 de#a%dattaP na $hokta#yaP nai#edyaP ca #inO hareT praMOstaP sar#a%de#eWu #iWQor nai#edya%$hojanam de#a%dattaP%gi#en to a demigodD na%notD $hokta#yaP%to $e eatenD nai#edyaP% offering of foodD ca%andD #inO%withoutD hareT%of Lord ;ariD praMOstaP%gloriousD sar#a% de#eWu%in all the demigodsD #iWQor%of Lord ViWQuD nai#edya%$hojanam%the eating of food. he remnants of offerings to the demigods may not $e eaten. <nly the remnants of

offerings to Lord ViWQu may $e eaten. <fferings to Lord ViWQu are much $etter than offerings to the demigods. e:t 3, annaP #iWXhO jalaP mUtraP Suar #iWQor ani#editam _sar#eWOP ca kramam idaP $rOhmaQOnOP #iMeWataT annaP%foodD #iWXhO%stoolD jalaP%waterD mUtraP%urineD yad%whatD #iWQor%of Lord ViWQuD ani#editam%not offeredD sar#eWOP%of allD ca%andD kramam%seBuenceD idaP%thisD $rOhmaQOnOP%of the $rOhmatasD #iMeWataT%specifically. @ood not offered to Lord ViWQu is stool. "ater not offered to Lord ViWQu is urine. his is true fom e#eryone, $ut it is especially true for the $rOhmaQan. e:t 3. na datt#O #astu de#Oya dattaP #iprOya cet su%dhNT $hukt#O #ipra%mukhe de#as tuWXaT s#argaP prayOti ca na%notD datt#O%gi#ingD #astu%thingD de#Oya%to a demigodD dattaP%gi#enD #iprOya%to a $rOhmaQaD cet%ifD su%dhNT%an intelligent personD $hukt#O%eatingD #ipra%mukhe%in the $rOhmaQaEs mouthD de#as%the demigodD tuWXaT%pleasedD s#argaP%to S#argaD prayOti% goesD ca%and. If, not offering it first to a demigod, a person offers food to a $rOhmaQa, the demigod $ecomes pleased an eats through the $rOhmaQaEs mouth. he donor then goes to S#argaloka. e:t 30 tasmOt sar#a%prayatnena #iprOQOm arcanaP kuru praMOsta%phala%dOtV QOP iha loke paratra ca tasmOt%thereforeD sar#a%prayatnena%#ery carefullyD #iprOQOm%of the $rOhmaQaD arcanaP%worshipD kuru%please doD praMOsta%%$estD phala%reNultsD d#iV QOP%the gi#ersD

iha%in thisD loke%worldD paratra%in the ne:tD ca%and. herefore, wlth all carefulness please worship the $rOhmaQas, who gi#e the $est results $oth in this life and the ne:t. e:t 31 japas tapaM ca pUjO #O yajZa%dOnaP mahotsa#aT sar#eWOP karmaQOP sOro #ipra%tuWXiM$ca dakWiQO japas%chantingD tapaT%austeritiesD ca%andD pUjO%worshipD #O%orD yajZa%yajnasD danaP% charityD mahotsa#aT%a great festi#alD s 8etter than chanting mantras, performing austerities, worship, and yajZas, gi#ing charity, and cele$rating great festi#als, is pleasing the $rOhmaQas and gi#ing gifts to them. (leasing the $rOhmaQas is the $est of all pious deeds. e:t 32 $rOhmaQOnOP MarNreWu tiWXhanti sar#a%decatOT padeWu sar#a%tNrthOni u puQyOnt pOda%dhUliWu $rOhmaQOnOP%of the $rOhmaQasD MarNreWu%in the $odiesD tiWXhanti%stayD sar#a% de#atOT%all the demigodsD padeWu%in the feetD sar#a%tNrthOni%all holy placesD puQyOni% pious deedsD pOda%dhUliWu%in the dust of their feet. )ll demigods stay in the $rOhmaQasE $odies. )ll holy places stay in the $rOhmaQasE feet. )ll pious deeds stay in the dust from the $rOhmaQasE feet. e:t 33 pOdodakeWu #iprOQOP tNrtha%toyOni santi ca tat%sparWOt sar#a%tNrtheWu snOna%janya%phalaP $ha#et

pOdodakeWu%in the water that washed the feetD #iprOQOP%of the $rOhmaQasD tNrtha% toyOni%the water of holy placesD santi%areD ca%andD tat%sparWOt%$y touching itD sar#a% tNrtheWu%in all holy placesD snOna%janya%phalaP%the result of $athingD $ha#et%is. he waters of all holy places stay in water that has washed the $?OhmaQasE feet. 8y touching that water one attains the result of $athing in all holy places. e:t 34 naMyanti $hakWaQOd rogO $hakti%$ha#ena $alla#a sapta%janma%kVtOt pOpOn mucyate nOtra saPMayaT naMyanti%perishD $hakWaQOd%from eatingD rogO%diseasesD $haktiu$ha#ena%$y the power of de#otionD $alla#a%< gopaD sapta%se#enD janma%$irthsD kVtOt%performedD lopOn% sinsD mucyatefis releasedD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. < gopa, $y de#otedly drinking that water one $ecomes cured of disease and freed from the sins of se#en $irths. <f this there is no dou$t. _ e:t 36

pOpaP paZca%#idhaP kVt#O yo #ipraP praQamed d#ijam sa snOtOT sar#a%tNrtheWu sar#a%pOpOt pramucyate pOpaP%sinD paZca%#idhaP%fi#e kindsD kVt#O%doingD yo%whoD #ipraP%a $rOhmaQaD praQamed%offers o$eisancesD d#ijam%a $rOhmaQaD sa%heD snntOT%$athedD sar#a%tNrtheWu% in all holy placesD sar#a%pOpOt%from all sinsD pramucyate%is freed. If he $ows down $efore a $rOhmaQa, a sin)er who as committedathe fi#e kinds of sins $ecomes free of all sins. ;e attains the result of $athing at all holy places. e:t 37 $rOhmaQa%sparWa%mOtreQa mukto $ha#ati pOtakN darManOn mucyate pOpOd iti #ede nirUpitam

$rOhmaQa%sparWa%NOtreQa%simpty $y touching a $rOhmkQaD mukto%li$eratedD $ha#ati%$ecomesD pOta N%a resident of hellD darManOn%from seeingD mucyate%is freedD pOpOd%from sinD rti%thusD #edeIin t e VedasD nirUpitam%iswdescri$ed. Simply $y touching a $rOhmaQa, a resident of hell $ecomes released. Srmply $y seeing a $rOhmaQa, one $ecomes free from sins. his is said i the Vedas. e:t 49 aprOjZo #Otha prOjZo #O $rOhmaQo #iWQu%#igrahaT #iprOT prOQOdhikO #iWQor ye #iprO hari%se#inaT aprOjZo%a foolD #O%orD atha%thenD prOjZo%a wise manD #O%orD $rOhmaQo%a $rOhmaQaD #iWQu%of Lord ViWQuD #igrahaT%the formD #iprOT%a $rOhmaQaD prOQOdhikO%more dear than lifeD #iWQor%of Lord ViWQuD ye%whoD #iprO%$rOhmaQasD hari%se#inaT%ser#ants of Lord ViWQu. Intelligent or not, a ,rOhmaQa is the form of Lord ViWQu. he $rOhmaQas that ser#e Lord ViWQu are more dear than life to ;im. eut 4, d#ijOnOP hari%$hakiOnOP pra$hO#o durla$haT Mrutau yeWOP pOdO$ja%rajasO asadyaT pUtO #asundharO _ d#ijOnOP%of the $rOhmaQasD hari%$haktOnOP%de#oteews of Lord ViWQuD pra$hO#o% the powerD durla$haT%rareD Mrutau%in the earD yeWOP%of whomD pOdO$ja%rajasO%$y the dust of the lotus feetD sadyaT%at onceD pUtO%purifiedD #asundharO%the earth. he Vedas declare that $rOhmaQa de#otees of Lord ViWQu are e:tremely powerful. he dust of their lotus feet at once purifies the earth. e:t 4. teWOP ca pada%cihnaP yat

tNrthaP tat parikNrtitam teWOP ca sparWa%mOtreQa tNrtha%pOpaP praQaMyati teWOP%of themD ca%andD pada%cihnaP%the footprintD yat%whatD tNrthaP%a holy placeD tat%thatD parikNrtitam%saidD teWOP%of themD ca%andD sparWa%mOtreQa%simply $y the touchD tNrthaypOpaP%the sins in the holy placesD praQaMyati%are destroyed. heir footprints are holy places. heir touch destroys the sins that sinners lea#e $ehind at the holy places. e:t 40 OliYganOt sadOlOpOt teWOm ucchiWXa%$hojanOt darManOt sparWanOc cai#a sar#a%pOpOt pramucyate OliYganOt%$y their em$raceD sadOlOpOt%con#ersationD teWOS%ofkthemD ucchiWXa% $hojanOt%from eating the remnants of foodD darManOt%$y seeingD sparWanOt%$y touchingD cai#a%andD sar#a%pOpOt%from all sinsD pramucyate%is freed. 8y em$racing them, con#ersing with them, eating the remnants of their food, seeing teem, or to ching them, one $ecomes freed from allpsins. e:t 41 $hramaQe sar#a%tNrthOnOP yat puQyaP snOnato $ha#et hari%dOwasya #iprasya tat puQyaP darManOl la$het $hramaQe%in tra#elingD sar#a%tNrthO OP%of all holy placesD yat%whatD puQya %pietyD snOnato%from $athingD $ha#et%may $eD hari%dOsasya%of ser#ice to Lord ;ariD #iprasya%of a $rOhmaQaD tat%thatD puQyaP%pietyD darManOl%$y seeingD la$het%attains. Simply $y seeing a $rOhmaQa%ser#ant of Lord ;ari one attains the same purification attained $y tra#eling to all holy places e:t 42

ye #iprO haraye datt#O nityam annaP ca $huZoate ucchiWXa%$hojanOt teWOP harer dOsyaP la$hen naraT ye%whoD #iprO%$rOhmaQasD haraye%to Lord ;ariD datt#O%gi#ingD nityam%regularlyD annaP%foodD ca%andD $huZjate%eatsD ucchiWXa%$hojanOt%the remnants of foodD teWOP%of themD harer%of Lord ;ariD dOsyaP%ser#iceD la$het%attainsD naraT%a person. h 8y eating the remnants of food eaten $y $rOhmaQas who regularly offer food to Lord ;ari and then eat ;is remnants, one attains direct ser#ice to Lord ;ari. e:t 43 na datt#O haraye $haktyO $huZjate ca $hramOd api pUrNWa%sOdVMaP #astu r jalaP mUtra%somaP $ha#et na%notD datt#O%gi#ingD harwye%to Lord ;ariD $haktyO%with de#otionD $huZjate%eatsD ca%BandD $hramOd%$y mistakeD api%e#enD pUrNWa%stoolD sOdVMaP%likeD #astu%thingD jalaP% waterD mUtra%samaP%like urineD $ha#et%is. "hen a perso( foolishly eats what is not offered to Lord ;ari, his food is like stool and the water he drinks is like urine. e:t 44 $hakta%hasta%nataP #astu tad #iWQor e#a $alla#a adatt#O haraye $hukt#O de#as#a%$hojako $ha#et $hakta%of a de#oteeD hasta%in the handD gatam%goneD #astu%thinmD tad%thatD #eWQor%Lr Lord ViWQuD e#a%indeedD $alla#a%o opaD adatt#O%not offeringD haraye%t Lord ;ariD $hukt#O%eatingD de#as#a%$hojako%eating what $e ongs to the LordD $ha#et%$ecomety < gopa, what is in a de#oteeEs hand is automatically the property of Lord ViWQu. If someone accepts food from a de#oteeEs hand and then eats it without it $eing offered to Lord ;ari, he is thief of the Supreme LordEs property.

e:t 46 MUdraM ced dhari%$haktaM ca nai#edya%$hojanotsukaT OmOnnaP haraye datt#O _ pOhaP kVt#O ca khOdati MUdras%a sudraD ced%ifD dhari%$haktaT%a de#otee of Lord ;ariD ca%andD nai#edya% $hojanotsukaT%eager to eat the offered foodD OmOnnaP%uncooked foodD haraye%tom Lord ;ariD datt#O%gi#ingD pOkaP%cookingD kVt#O%doingD ca%andD khOdati%eats. If he is a de#otee of Lord ;ari, a MUdra should cook food, offer it to Lord ;ari, and then eat the remnants. e:t 47 #ipra%kWatriya%#aiMyOnOP MOlagrOma%MilOrcane adhikOro na UdrOQOP harer e#Orcane tathO n #ipra%kWatriya%#aiMyOnOP%of $rOhmaQas, kWatriyas, and #aiMyasD MOlagrOma%MilOrcane% in worship of SOlagrOma%MilOD adhikOro%BualificationD na%notD MUdrOQOP%of MUdrasD harer%of Lord ;ariD e#a%indeedD arcane%in the worshipD tathO%so. <nly $rOhmaQa, kWatriaas,uand #aiMyas are Bualified to worship the SOlagrOma%MilO. he MUdras are not Bualified to worship Lord ;ari in that way. e:t 69 dra#yOny etOni gopendra #ipre$hyaa cen na dOsyasi $hasmN%$hUtOni sar#OQi $ha#iWynti na saPMayaT dra#yOni%thingsD etOni%theseD gopendra%< king of the gopasD #iprechyaT%to the $rOhmaQast cet%ifD na%notD dOsyasi%you will gi#eD $hasmN%$hUtOni%$urned to ashesD sar#OQi%allD $ha#iWynti%will $eD na%notD saPMayaT%dou$t. < king of the gopas, if you do not offer all ghwse thingk to the $rOhmaQas, then

e#erything you possess will $e $urned to ashes. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 6, annaP ca sar#a%jN#e$hyaT puQyOrthaP dOtum arhasi datt#O #iMiWXa%jN#e$hyo #iMiWXaP phalam OpnuyOt annaP%foodD ca%andD sar#a%jN#e$hyaT%to all li#ing entitiesD puQyOrthaP%for pietyD dOtum%to gi#eD arhasi%is worthyD datt#O%gi#ingD #iMiWXa%jN#e$hyo%to the $est li#ing entitiepD #iMiWXaP%the $estD phalam%resultD OpnuyOt%attains. ns a $etter result. e:t 6. ato datt#O manuWe$hyo la$hate EWXa%guQaP phalam tato #iMiWXaP MUdre$hyo datt#O tad d#i%guQaP phalam ato%thereforeD datt#O%gi#ingD manuWe$hyo%to human $eingsD la$hate%attainsD aWXa% guQaP%eight timesD phalam%resultD tato%than thatD #iMiWXaP%$etterD MUdre$hyo%to MUdrasD datt#O%gi#ingD tad%thatD d#i%guQaP%twiceD phalam%result. u 8r gi#ing to human $eings ne attains a result eight times $etter than $y gi#ing to lower species. 8y gi#ing to a MUdra one attains a result two times $etter than that. e:t 60 datt#OnnaP #aiMya%jOti$hyas tataM cOWXa%guQaP phalam kWatriye$hyo Epi #aiMyOnOP datt#OnnaP d#i%guQaP $ha#et datt#O%gi#ingD annam%foodD #aiMya%jOti$hyas%to #aiMyasD tataT%than thatD ca%andD aWXa%guQaP%eight timesD phalam%resultD kWatriye$hyo%to ksatriyasD api%alsoD #aiMyOnOP% of #aiMyasD datt#O%gi#ingD annaP%foodD d#i%guQaP%twiceD $ha#et%is. 8y gi#ing food to #aiMyas one attains a result eight times $etter than that, and $y

ni#ing food to kWatriyas one attains a result two times $etter still. e:t 61 kWatriyOnOP Mata%guQaP #ipre$hy EnnaP pradOya ca #iprOQOP ca Mata%guQaP MOstra%jZe $rOhmaQe phalam kWatriyOnOP%of ksatriyasD Mata%guQaP%a hundred timesD #ipre$hyo%to $rOhmaQasD annam%foodD pradOya%gi#ingD ca%andD #iprOQOP%ofg $rOhmaQasD c %andD Mata%guQaP%a hundred tomesD MOstra%jZe%learned in the scripturesD $rOhmaQe%to a $rOhmaQaD phalam% the result. 8y gi#ing foo to $rOhmaQas one attains a result a hundred timeS $etter than $y gi#ing to kWatriyas. 8y gi#ing food to a $rOhmaQa learned in the scriptures one attaits a result a hundred times $etter than Ny gi#ing o ordinary $rOhmaQas. e:t 62 _MOstra%jZOnOt Mata%guQaP $hakte #ipre la$hed dhru#am sa cOnnaP haraye datt#O $huYkte khaktyO ca sOdaram MOstra%jZOnam%learned in the scripturesD Mata%guQaP%a hundred timesD $hakte%to a de#oteeD #ipre%$rOhmaQaD la$hed%attainsD dhru#am%indeedD sas%heD ca%andD annam% foodD haraye%to Lord ;ariD datt#O%gi#ingD $huYkte%eatsD $haktyOowith de#otionD ca%and sOtaram%with respect. 8y gi#ing food to a $rOhmaQa de#otee of the Lord one nttamns a result a hu dred times $etter than $e gi#ing to a $rOhmaQa learnedoin the scriptures. ) de#otee $rOhmaQa offers the food to Lord ;ari and then eats the remnants with respect and de#otion. e:t 63 #iWQa#e $hakta%#iprOya datt#OrdOtuM ca yat phalam tatFphalaP la$eate nUnaP $hakta%$rOhmaQa%$hojane

e #iWQa#e%to Lord ViWQrD $hakta%#iprOya%to a de#otee%$rOhmaQaD datt#O%gi#ingD dOtuT%of a gi#erD ca%andD yat%whatD phalam%resultD tat%thatD phalaP%resultD la$hate% o$tainsD nUnaP%indeedD $hakta%$rOimaQa%$hojane%feeding a de#otee%$rOhmaQa. 8y feeding a de#otee%$rOhmaQa one attains the result of gi#ing charity to a de#otee% $rOhmaQa and to Lord piWQu. nit 64 $hakte tuWXe)haris tuWXo harau tuWXe ca de#atOT $ha#anti siktOT sOkhOM ca S yathO mUla%nisecanOt $hakte%when a de#oteeD tuWXe%is pleasedD haris%Lord ;ariD tuWXo%is pleasedD harau% when Lord ;ariD tuWXe%is pleasedD ca%andD de#atOT%the demigodsD $ha#anti%$ecomeD siktOT%wateredD sOkhOT%the $ranchesD ca%andD yathO%asD mUla%nisecanOt%$y watering the root. "hen a de#otee is pleased, then Lord ;ari is pleased. "hen Lord ;ari is pleased then all the demigods $ecome pleased, as $y watering the root all of a treeEs $ranches are also watered. e:t 66 dra#yOny etOni de#Oya yady ekasmai prayacchati sar#e de#O #ituWXOM ced de#aikaT kiP kariWyati _ dra#yOni%thingsD etOni%theseD de#Oya%to one demigodD yadi%ifD ekasmai%to oneD prayacchati%gi#esD sar#e%allD de#O%the demigodsD #ituWXOs%are displeasedD ced%ifD de#aikaT%one demigodsD kiP%what*D kariWyati%will do. af $y offering all these things to one demigod the others are displeased, what good result will this one demigod grant* e:t 67 atha#O t#aP ca #astUni

dehi go#ardhanOya ca gO #ardhayati yo nityaP tena go#ardhanaT smVtaT atha#O%orD t#aP%youD ca%andD #astUni%the thingsD dehi%you should gi#eD go#ardhanOya%to Fo#ardhana ;illD ca%andD gO%the cowsD #ardhayati%nourishesD yo%whoD nityaP%alwaysD tena%$y thatD go#ardhanaT%Fo#ardhanaD smVtaT%is considered. Instead, you should offer all these things to the hill that $ecause it nourishes (#ardhana) the cows (go) is called Fo#ardhana. e:t 79 go#ardhana%samas tOta puQya#On na hi $hU%tale nityaP dadOti go$hyo ye na#NnOni tVQOni ca go#ardhana%to Fo#ardhanaD samas%eBualD tOta%< fatherD puQya#On%piousD na%notD hi%indeedD $hU%tale%on the earthD nityaP%alwaysD dadOti%gi#esD go$hyo%to the cowsD ye% whoD na#NnOni%newD tVQOni%grassesD ca%and. < father, on this earth no one is pious and saintly liae Fo#ardhana ;ill, which e#ery day gi#es new grasses to the cows. e:t 7, tNrtha%snOneWu yat puQyaP yat puQyaP #ipra%$hojane yat puQyaP ca mahO%dOne yat puQyaP hari%se#ane tNrtha%snOneWu%$athing in holy placesD yat%whatD puQyaP%pietyD yat%whatD puQyaP% pietyD #ipra%$hojane%in feeding a $rOhmaQaD yat%whatD puQyaP%pietyD ca%andD mahO% dane%in great charityD yat%whatD puQyaP%pietyD hari%se#ane%in ser#ing Lord ;ari. he piety that comes from $athing at holy places, the piety that comes from feeding $rOhmaQas, the piety that comes from gi#ing generous charity, the piety that comes from ser#ing Lord ;ari, . . . _

e:t 7. sar#a%#ratopa#OseWu sar#eW# e#a tapaTsu ca $hu#aT paryaXane yat tu satya%#OkyeWu yad $ha#et sar#a%#rala%all cowsD upa#OseWu%and fastsD sar#eWu%allD e#a%indeedD tapaTsu% austeritiesD ca%andD $hu#aT%of the earthD paryaXane%in circumam$ulationD yat%whatD tu% indeedD satya%#OkyeWu%in speaking tse truthD yad%whatD $hr#et%may $er . . . and the piety that comes from all #ows and fasts, all austerities, circumam$ulating the earth, and speaking truthfully, . . . e:t 70 sar#e de#O ga#Om aYge tNrthOni tat%padeWu ca tad%guhyeWu s#ayaP lakWmNs tiWXhaty e#a sadO pitaT sar#e%allD de#O%the demigodsD ga#Om%of the cowsD aYge%in the lim$sD tNrthOni%the holy placesD tat%padeWu%in their feetD ca%andD tad%guhyeWu%in their heartsD s#ayaP% personallyD lakWmNs%Foddess LakWmND tiWXhati%stayD e#a%indeedD sadO%alwaysD pitaT%< father. . . . as well as all the demigods, always stay in the $odies of the cows. he holy places always stay in the cowsE hoo#es. < father, Foddess LakWmN always stays in the cowsE hearts. e:t 71 goW%padOkta%mVdO yo hi tilakaP kurute naraT tNrtha%snOto $ha#et sadyo E$hayaP tasya pade pade goW%pada%the cowsE hoo#esD akta%anointedD mVdO%with the mudD yo%whoD hi%indeedD tilakaP%tilakaD kurute%makesD naraT%a personD tNrtha%snOto%$athing in a holy placeD $ha#et%doesD sadyo%at onceD aehayaP%fearlessnessD tasya%of himD pade%stepD pade%$y step.

) person that wears tilaka of mud that touched a cowEs hoof attains the result of $athing in a holy place. ;e is fearless at e#ery step. e:t 72 gO#as tiWXhanti yatrai#a tat tNrthaP parikNrtitam prOQOPs tyakt#O naras tatra sadyo mukto $ha#ed dhru#am _ gO#as%the cowsD tiWXhanti%stayD yatra%whereD e#a%indeedD tat%thatD tNrthaP%holy placeD parikNrtitam%is glorifiedD prOQOPs%life $reathD tyakt#O%a$andoningD naras%a personD tatra%thereD sadyo%at onceD mukto%li$eratedD $ha#ed%$ecomesD dhru#am% indeed. ) place where cows stay is holy. <ne who dies there is at once li$erated. e:t 73 $rOhmaQOnOP ga#Om aYgaP yo hanti mOna#OdhamaT $rahma%hatyO%samaP pOpaP $ha#et tasya na saPMayaT $rOhmaQOnOP%of the $rOhmaQasD ga#Om%of cowsD aYgaP%the $odyD yo%one whoD hanti%harmsD mOna#OdhamaT%the lowest of menD $rahma%hatyO%killing a $rOhmaQaD samaP%eBualD pOpaP%sinD $ha#et%isD tasya%of himD na%notD saPMayaT%dou$t. <ne who harms a $rOhmaQa or a cow is the lowest of men. he commits a great sin, as if he had killed a $rOhmaQa. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 74 nOrOyaQOPMOn #iprOPM ca gOM ca ye ghnanti mOna#aT kOlasUtraP ca te yOnti yO#ac candra%di#Okarau nOrOyaQOPMOn%the lim$s of Lord NOrOyaQaD #iprOPT%the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD gOT% the cowsD ca%andD ye%whoD ghnanti%harmsD mOna#aT%peopleD kOlasUtraP%to hellD ca% andD te%theyD yOnti%goD yO#ac%asD candra%di#Okarau%the sun and the moon.

) person who harms the cows or the $rOhmaQas, who are the lim$s of Lord NOrOyaQa, goes to hell for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. e:t 76 ity e#am ukt#O MrN%kVWQo #irarOma ca nOrada Onanda%yukto nandaM ca tam u#Oca smitOnanaT ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%kVWQo%Lord /VWQaD #irarOma%stoppedD ca%andD nOrada%< NOradaD Onanda%yukto%$lissfulI nandas%NandaD ca%andD tam%to ;imD u#Oca% saidD omitOnanaT%smiling. < NOrada, after speaking these words, Lord /VWQa $ecame silent. ;appily smiling Nanda then spoke to ;im. _ e:t 77 MrN%nanda u#Oca paur#OparNyOP pUjeti mahendrasya mahOtmanaT su%#VWXi%sOdhanN sOdhyaP sar#a%MasyaP manoharam MasyOni jN#inOP prOQOT MasyOj jN#anti jN#inaT MrN%nanda u#Oca%SrN Nanda saidD paur#a%pre#iousD aparN%othersD iyOP%thisD pUjO% worshipD iti%thusD mahendrasya%of /ing IndraD mahOtmanaT%the great soulD su%#VWXi% sOdhanN%gi#ing good rainD sOdhyaP%attaina$leD sar#a%MasyaP%all #egetationD manoharam%$eautifulD MasyOni%from #egetationD jN#inOP%of theli#ing entitiesD prOQOT% the li#esD MasyOj%from #egetationD jN#anti%li#eD jN#inaT%the li#sng entities. SrN Nanda saidJ his worship of no$le%hearted /ing Indra is a tradition in our family. Indra gi#es good rains. @rom rain come crops. Crops are life for the li#ing $eingse 8ecause of crops e#eryone li#es. e:t ,99

pUjayanti #raja%sthOM ca mahendraP puruWa%kramOt mahotsa#aP #atsarOnte nir#ighnOya Mi#Oya ca pUjayanti%worshipD #raja%sthOT%the people of VrajaD ca%asndD mahendraP%IndraD puruWa%kramOt%from the ancestorsD mahotsa#aP%great festi#alD #atsara%of a yearD ante% at the endD nir#ighnOya%for freedom from impedimentsD Mi#Oya%for auspiciousnessD ca% and. o attain auspiciousness and protection from trou$les and o$stacles, the people of Vraja traditionally worship /ing Indra at the end of each year. e:t ,9, ity e#aP #acanaP Mrut#O $alena saha mOdha#aT uccair jahOsa ca punar u#Oca pitaraP mudO ity e#aP%thusD #acanaP%wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD $alena%8alarOmaD saha%withD mOdha#aT%/VWQaD uccair%loudlyD jahOsa%laughedD ca%andD punar%againD u#Oca%saidD pitaraP%to ;is fatherD mudO%happily. ;earing these words, /VWQa and 8alarOma $urst out laughing. ;appy /VWQa then spoke to ;is father. e:t ,9. _ MrN%kVWQa u#Oca aho MrutaP #icitraP te #acanaP paramOd$hutam upahOsyaP loka%MOstre de#eW# e#a #igarhitam MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%Lord /VWQa saidD aho%<h\D MrutaP%heardD #icitraP%wonderD te%of youD #acanaP%the wordsD paramOd$hutam%a great wonderD upahOsyaP%ridiculousD loka%MOstre%in $oth the scriptures and the common%sense og the worldD de#eW#%in the demigodsD e#a%indeedD #igarhitam%condemned.

L rd /VWQa saidJ )h\ "hat strange words ha#e "e heard from you\ 8oth the scriptures and the common%sense of this world laugh at these words. he demigods condemn these words. e:t ,90 nirUpanaP nOsti kutra MakrOd #VWXiT prajOyate apUr#aP nNti%#acanaP Mrutam adya mukhOt ta#a nirUpanaP%descriptionD na%notD asti%isD kutra%where*D MakrOd%from IndraD #VWXi$% rainD prajOyate%is $ornD apUh#yP%unprecedentedD nNti%#acanaP%the statement of scriptureD Mruttm%heardD adya%todayD mukhOt%from the mouthD ta#a%of you. No one talSs wike that. "hh $alks like tLat# the scriptures donEt say that. <nly today and only from your mouth has anyone heard words like that. e:t ,91 MrutaP nNtiP Mruta#atOP he tOta nOnayaP #ada #acanaP sOma%#edoktaP santo jOnanti sae#ataT MrutaP%heardD nNtiP%the conclusion of scriptureD Mruta#atOP%of they who ha#e heardD he%<D tOta%fatherD na%notD anayaP%improperD #ada%sayD #acanaP%wordsD sOma% #eda%in the SOma VedaD uktaP%spokend santo%saintky de#oteesD jOnanti%knowC sar#ataT%in all respects. < father, please donEt talk this nonsense. Say what the Vedic scholars say. he saintly de#otees know what the SOma Veda says a$out this. e:t ,92 praMnaP kuruW#a mantrOPM ca #i$udhOn api saPsadi $yu#anti paramOrthaP ca _ kim indrOd #VWXir e#a ca praMneP%a BuestionD kuruW#a%please askD mantroPT%ad#iceD ca%andD # $udhOn%the

wiseD api%alsoD saPsadi%in the assem$lyD $ru#anti%sayD paramOrthaP%the final conclusionD ca%andD kim%what*D indrOd%from IndraD #VWXir%rainD e#a%indeedD ca%and. )sk the philosophers what they think. hey will answer, ].sy ,36^;ow can rain come from Indra*L e:t ,93 sUryOd dhi jOyate toyaP toyOc chasyOni MOkhinaT te$hyo EnnOni phalOny e#a te$hyo jN#anti jN#inaT sUryOd%from the sunD hi%indeedD jOyate%is producedD toyaP%waterD toyOc%from waterD MasyOni%plantsD MOkhinaT%treesD te$hyo%from themD annOni%grainsD phalOni%fruitsD e#a% indeedD te$hyo%from themD jN#anti%li#eD jN#inaT%the li#ing $eings. @rom the sun comes water. @rom water come trees and plants. @rom trees and plants come fruits and grains. "ith fruits and grains the li#ing entities are a$le to li#e. e:t ,94 sUrya%grastaP ca nNraP ca kOle tasmOt samud$ha#aT sUryo meghOdayaT sar#e #idhOtrO te nirUpitOT sUrya%grastaP%taken $y the sunD ca%andD niraP%waterD ca%andD kOle%at the proper timeD tasmOt%from itD samud$ha#aT%releasedD sUryo%the sunD meghOdayaT%$eginning with the cloudsD sar#e%allD #idhOtrO%$y destinyD te%theD nirUpitOT%descri$ed. he sun a$sor$s water and in time releases it. he sun, the clouds, and e#erything else are under the control of destiny. hat is the right e:planation. e:t ,96 toya%yukto jalOdhOro gajaM ca sOgaro marut MasyOdhipo nVpo mantrN #idhOtrO te nirUpitOT

toya%yukto%filled with waterD jalOdhOro%a cloudD gajaT%an elephantD ca%andD sOgaro% the oceanD marut%the rirD MasyOdhipo%the farmerD nVpo%the kingD yantrN%the kingEs ministerD #idhOtrO%$y destinyD testheyD nirUpmtOT%descri$ed. . hat is the right e:planation. e:n ,97 jaladakOnOP MasyOnOP trQOnOP ca nirUpitam sar#e E$de Esty e#a tat sar#aa kalpe kalpe yuge yuge jaladakOnOP%of the cloudsD MasyOnOP%of the plantsD tVQOnOP%of the grassD ca%anaD nirUpitam%descri$edD sar#e%e#eryD a$de%yearD asti%isD e#a%indeedD tat%thatD sar#aP%allD kalpe%kalpaD kalpe%after kalpaD yuge%yugaD yuge%afeer yuga. =eer after year, yuga after yuga, and kalpa after kalpa, the clours, plants, and grass remain under the control of destiny. e:t ,,9 hastN saiudrOd OdOya kareQr jalam Npsitam dadyOd ghanOya tad dadydOd #Otena prerito ghanaT hasti%the elephantD samudrOd%frompthe oceanD OdOya%takVngD kareQa%with its trunkD jalam%waterD NpsiSam%desiredD dadyOd%gi#esD ghanOya%to the cloudD tad%thatD dadydOd% gi#esD #Otena%$y the windD prerito%sentD ghanaT%cloud. he elephant takes the water it wishes from the ocean and gi#es it to the clouds. he clouds are then carried $y the wiiE. e:t ,,, sthOne sthOne pVuhi#yOP ca kOle kOle yothocitam NMecchayO#ir$hUtaP ca na $hUtaP prati$andhakam

sthOne%in placeD sthOne%after placeDhpVthi#yOP%on the earthD ca%andD kOle%in timeD kOle%after timeD yathO%asD ucitam%appropriateD NMa%of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD iccuayO%$y the desireD#ir$VUtaP ca%tndD na%notD $hUtaP%manifestedD prati$andhakam%o$stacle. In place after place and in time after time, rain is manifest on the earth $y the will of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. Nothing stops ;is will. e:t ,,. $hUtaP $ha#yaP $ha#iWyaP ca mahat kWudraP ca madhyamam dhOtrO nirUpitaP karma _ kena tOta ni#Oryate $hUtaP%wasD $ha#yaP%isD $ha#iWyaP%will $eD ca%andD mahat%greatD kWudraP%smallD ct%andD madhyamam%middleD dhOtrO%$y fateD nirUpitaP%descri$edD karma%karmaD kena% $y whatD tOta%< fatherD ni#Oryate%is stopped. rast, present, wuture, great, middling, and small are all manifested $y destiny. "hat can stop destiny* e:t ,,0 jagac carOcaraP sar#aP kVtaP teneM#urOjZayO Odau #inirmito $hakWyaT paMcaj jN a iti smVtam jagat%uni#erseD carOcareP%mo#ing an iyertD sar#aP%allD kVtaP%eoneD tena%$y ;imD NM#arOjZayO%$y the order of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD Odau%in the $eginningD #inirmito%madeD $hakWyaT%to $e eatenD paMcat%thenD jN# %li#ing entityD iti% thusD smVtam%considered. he entire uni#erse of mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings was created $y the order of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. @irit food was created, and then the li#ing entities. e:t ,,1

a$hyOsOc ca s#a%$hO#o hi s#a%$hO#Ot karma e#a ca jOyate karmaQO $hogo jN#inOP sukha%duTkhayoT a$hyOsOt%$y repetitionD ca%andD s#a%$hO#o%own natureD hi%indeedD s#a%$hO#Ot%from own natureD karma%karmaD e#a%indeedD ca%andD jOyate%is manifestD karmaQO%$y karmaD $hogo%e:perienceD jN#inOP%of the li#ing entitiesD sukha%duTkhayoT%of pleasure and pain. @rom repeated action the li#ing entitiesE own nature is manifest. @rom their own nature karma is manifest. @rom karma their pleasures and gains are manifes . e:ts ,,2 and ,,3 yOtanO%janma%maraQaP roga%Moka%$hayOni ca samutpatti%#ipad dn#yO ka#itO #O yaMo EyaMaT puQeaP ca s#arga%#OsaP ca pOpaP naraka%saPsthitiT muktir $haktia hhrer dOsyaP karmaQO ghaXate nVQOm _ yatanO%sufferingD janma%$irthD maraQaP%deathD roga%diseaseD Moka%lamentationD $hayOni%fearD ca%andD samutpatti%good fortuneD #ipad%calamityD di#yO%spelndidD ka#itO% poetryD #O%orD yaMo%fameD ayaMaT%infamyD puQyam%pietyD ca%andD s#arga%#OsaP% residence in S#argalokaD ca%andD pOpaP%curseD naraka%saPsthitiT%residence in hellD muktir%li$erationD $haktir%de#otionD harer%for Lord ;ariD dOsyaP%ser#iceD karmaQO%$y karmaD ghaXate%isD nVQOm%of human $eings. 8irth, death, suffering, disease, lamentation, fear, good fortune, calamity, splendid learning, fame, infamy, piety, residence in S#argaloka, sin, residence in hell, li$eration, de#otion to Lord ;ari, and ser#ice to Lord ;ari, are all created in human $enngs $y karma. e:t ,,4 sar#eWOP janako hNMaM

cO$hcrri%MNla%karmaQOm dhOtuM ca phala%dOtO ca sar#aP tasyecchayO $ha#et sar#eWIP%of allD janako%the fatherD hi%indeedD NMaT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ca%andD O$hyOsa%repetitionD MNla%own natureD armaQOm%andf karmaD dhOtus% of the creatorD ca%andD phala%dOtO%the gi#er of resultsD ca%andD sar#aP%allD tasya%of ;imD icchayO%$y the desireD $ha#et%is. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead is the father of all. ;e is the father of repeated action, oun nature, karma, and destiny. ;e is the gi#er of results.(>#eryth,ng is manifest $y ;is wishi e:ts ,,6%,.. #inirmito #iraR yena tatt#Oni prakVtir jagat kUrmaT MeWaM ca dharaQN cO$rahma%stam$a e#a ca yasyOjZayO marut kUrmaP kUrmaT MeWaP $i$harti ca MeWo #asundharOP mUrdhnO sa ca sar#aP carOcaram yasyOjZayO sadO #Oti jagat%prOQo jagat%traye tapati $hramaQaP kVt#O $hUr%lokaP su%pra$hOkaraT dahaty agniT saZcarate mVtyuM ca sar#a%jantuWu $i$hrati MOkhinaT kOle puWpOni ca phalOni ca s#a%s#a%sthOne samudrOM ca _ eUrQaP maj$anty adho EdhunO tam NMaP $haja $haktyO ca ko #O kiP kartum NM#araT #inirmito%createdD #iraR%the uni#ersal formD yena%$y whomD tatt#Oni%the tatt#asD prakVtir%matterD jagat%the uni#erseD kUrmaT%the tortoiseD MeWaT%Lord SeWaD ca%andD

dha aQN%the earthD ca%andD O%fromD $rahma%8rahmOD stam$a%to the immo$il li#ing entitiesD e#a%indeedD ca%andD yasya%of whomD OjZayO%$y the o derD marut%the windD kUrmaP%the tortoiseD kUrmaT%phe tortoiseD MeWaP%Lord SeWaD $i$harti%holdsD ca%andD MeWo%Lord SeWaD #asundharOP%the earthD mUrdhnO%$y ;is headD sa%;eD ca%andD sar#aP% allD cara%mo#ingD acaram%and unmo#ingD yasya%of whomD OjZayO%$y the orderD sadO% alwaysD #Oti%$lowsD jagat%prOQo%the life of the uni#erseD jagat%worl sD traye%in the threeD tapati%$urnsD $hramaQaP%wanderingD kVt#O%doingD $hUr%lokaP%the worldsD su% pra$hOkaraT%the sunD dahati%$urnsD agniT%fireD sa].sy .1,^carate%mo#esD mVtyuT% deathD ca%andD sar#a%jantuWu%among all li#ing eetitiesD $i$hrati%holdD MOkhinaT%treeD kOle%in timeD puWpOni%fluweysD ya%andD phalOni%fruitsD ca%andD s#a%s#a%sthOne%in their own placesD samudrOT%the oceansD ca%andD tUrQaN%at oncee majjant"%floodsD adho% $elowD adhunO%nowD tam%;imD NMaP%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD $hadr% please worshipD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD ko%iho*D #O%orD kiP%what*D kartum%to doD NM#araT%is a$le. (lease de#otedly worship the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who created the uni#ersal form, the tatt#as, material nature, the material uni#erse, the great tortoije, Lord SeWa, the earth, and the li#ing entities from 8rahmO to the smallest immo$ile creature, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead $y whose command the great wi/d holds up the great tortoise, the great tortoise holds up Lord SeWa, and Lord SeWa holds the earth on ;is head, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead manifest in all mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings, the Scpreme (ersonality of Fodhead $y whose command the life of the uni#erse $reathes, the sun shines as it wanders the three worlds, fire $urns, death tra#els here and there among all li#ing $eings, trees gi#e flowers and fruits in season, and the deep oceans stay, unmo#ing, in their places. "ho can do anything withhut ;iswsanction* e:ts ,.0 and ,.1 $rahmOQRaP ca kati%#idhaP O#ir$hUtaP tirohitam #idhayaM ca kati%#idhO Caasya $hrU%$haYga%lllayO mVtyor mVtyuT kOla%kOlo #idhOtur #idhir e#a ca #raja taP MaraQaP tOta sa te rakWOP kariWyati $rahmOQRaP%the uni#erseD ca%andD kati%#idhaP%how many kinds*D O#ir$hytaP% manifestedD tirohitam%disappearedD #idhayaT%8rahmatyuT%the deathD kOla%kOlo%the time of timeD #idhOtur%of the creatorD #idhir%the creatorD e#a%indeedD ca%andD #raja%goD

taP%to ;imD MaraQaP%the shelterD tOta%< fatherD sa%;eD te%of youD rakWOP%protectionD kariWyati%will do. ;ow many uni#erses and how many 8rahmOs are manifested and unmanifested $y the playful mo#ement of ;is eye$rows* ;e is the death of death. ;e is the time that ends time. ;e is the creator of the creator 8rahmO. < father, please take shelter of ;im. ;e will protect you. e:t ,.2 aho EWXa%#iPMatNndrOQOP pOtane yad ahar%niMam #idhOtur e#a jagatOP aWXottara%MatOyuWaT nimeWOd yasya patanaP nirguQasyOtmanaT pra$hoT e#am%$hUte tiWXhatNMe MakraT pUjyo #iRam$anam aho%<hD aWXa%#iPMati%.6D indrOQOP%of IndrasD pOtane%in the fallD yad%whichD ahar% niMam%day and nightD #idhOtur%of 8rahmOD e#a%indeedD jagatOP%of the uni#erseD aWXottara%Mata%,96D OyuWaT%a lifeD nimeWOd%from the ey$linkD yasya%of whomD patanaP% the fallD nirguQasya%$eyond the modes of natyreD OtmanaT%of ther LordD pra$hoT%of the LordD e#am%$hUte%like thisD tiWXhati%standsD NMe%the LordD MakraT%IndraD pUjyo% worshipa$leD #iRam$anam%ridiculous. In one of 8rahmOEs days and nights .6 Indras li#e out their li#es and die, one after another. 8rahmO li#es for ,96 years of such days and nights. Still, 8rahmOEs entire lufe is hardly an eye$link for the Supreme (erronalitySof Fodhead, wto is $eyond the modes of material nature. his is a grotesBue jokeJ to worship Indra instead of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t ,.4 ity e#am ukt#O MrN%kVWQo #irarOma ca nOrada praMaMaPsuM ca munayo $haga#antaP sa$hO%sadaT ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%kVWQo%SrN /VWQaD #irarOma%stoppedD ca%andD nOrada%< NOradaD praMaMaPsuT%praisedD ca%andD munayo%the sagesD $haga#antaP%the

Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD sa$hO%sadaT%in the assem$ly. < NOrada, after speaking these words, Lord /VWQa $ecame silent. hen the assem$led sages praised ;im in many words. _ e:t ,.6 nandaT sa%pulako hVWXaT sa$hOyOP sOMru%locanaT Onanda%yuktO manujO yadi putraiT parOjitOT nandaT%NandaD saepulako%the hairs erectD hVWXaT%happyD sa$hOyOP%in the assem$lyD sOMru%locanaT%his eyes filled with tearsD Onanda%$lissD yuktO%withD manujO%the peopleD yad cifD rutraiT%Sith sonsD parOjitOT%defeated. Nanda was #ery happy. he hairs of his $ody stood up. ;is eyes were filled with tears. ) f!ther is pleased to $e defeated $y his powerful son. e:t ,.7 MrN%kVWQOjZOP samOdOya VakOra s#asti%#acanam krameQa #araQaP tatra e uar#eWOP sa cakOra ha MrN%kVWQa%OjZOP%SrN /VWQaEs orderD samOdOya%takingD cakOra%didD s#asti%#acanam% $lessingD krameQa%graduallyD #araQaP%descriptionD tatra%thereD sar#eWOP%of allD sa%heD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. Saying, LSo $e it,L Nanda accepted Lord /VWQaEs command aed did e#erything /VWQa had said. e:t ,09 par#atasya munNndrOQOP cukOra pUjanaP mudO $udhOnOP $rOhmaQOnOP ca ga#OP #ahneM ca sOdaram

par#atasya%of the hillD munNndrOQOP%of the kings of sagesD cakOra%didD pUjanaP% worshipD mudO%happilyD $udhOnOP%of the learnedD $rOhmaQOnOP%$rOhmaQasD ca%andD ga#OP%of the cowsD #ahneT%of the fireD ca%andD sOdaram%respectfully. 5espectfully and happily, Nanda worshiped Fo#ardhana ;ill, the great sages, the learned $rOhmaQas, the cows, and the sacred fire. e:t ,0, tatra pUjO%samOptau ca maYgale ca mahotsa#e nOnO%prakOra%#OdyOnOP $a$hU#a Ma$dam ul$aQam _ tatra%thereD pUjO%samOptau%at the completion of the worshipD ca%andD maYgaleWu% auspiciousD mahotsa#e%in the great festi#alD nOnO%prakOra%many kindsD #OdyOnOP%of isntrumentsD $a$hU#a%wasD Ma$dam%soundD ul$aQam%great. "hen the worship came to an end there was a great festi#al and a tumult of many musical instruments. e:t ,0. jaya%Ma$daT MaYkha%Ma$do hari%Ma$do $a$hU#a ha #eda%maYgala%cOQRNP ca papOXha muni%puYga#aT jaya%Ma$daT%sounds of LFlory\LD MaYkha%Ma$do%sounds of conchshellsD hari%Ma$do% sounds of L;ari\LD $a$hU#a%wereD ha%indeedD #eda%maYgala%cOQRNP%auspicious #erse from the VedasD ca%andD papOXha%recitedD muni%puYga#aT%great sage. here were sounds of conchshells and calls of ].sy ,36^Flory\L and L;ari\L ) great sage recited auspicious #erses from the Vedas. e:t ,00 #andinOP pra#aro diQRN kaPsasya Maci#a%priyaT uccaiT papOXha purato maYgalaP maYgalOWXakam

#andinOP%of poetsD pra#aro%the $estD diQRN%&iQRND kaPsasya%of /aPsaD Maci#a% priyaT%the fa#orite ministerD uccaiT%loudlyD papOXha%recitedD purato%in teh presenceD maYgalaP%auspiciousD maYgalOWXakam%eight #erses. &iQRN, who was /aPsaEs chief minister and the $est of poets, recited eight auspicious #erses. e:t ,01 kVWQaT MailOntikaP gat#O di#yOP mUrtiP #idhOya ca #astu khOdOmi Mailo Esmi #araP #VQ#uity u#Oca ha kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD MailOntikaP%near the hillD gat#O%goingD di#yOP%splendidD mUrtiP%formD #idhOya%manifestingD ca%andD #astu%thingD khOdOmi%I eatD Mailo%the hillD asmi%I amD #araP%$oonD #VQ#%chooseD iei%thusD u#Oca%saidD Sa%indeed. )pproaching the hill, Lord /VWQa manifested a splendid gigantic form and proclaimed, LI am the hill. I shall eat these offerings. =ou may ask for a $oon.I _ e:t ,02 u#Oca nandaP MrN%kVWQaT ej paMya MailaP pitaT puraT #araP prOrthaya $hadraP te $ha#itO cety u#Oca ha t u#Oca%saidD nandaP%to NandaD MrN%kVWQaT%SrN /VWQaD paMya%lookD MailaP%the hillD yitaT%< fatherD puraT%in ,he presenceD #araP%$oonD prOrthaya%askD $hadraP% auspiciousnessD te%to youD $ha#itO%will $eD ca%andD iti%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. hen Lord /VWQa said to Nanda, L@ather, look\ he hill has come $efore ?s. )sk for a $oon and you will attain it.L e:t ,03 harer dOsyah harer $haktiP #araP #a#re sa $alla#aT

dra#yaP $hukt#O #araP datt#O so EntardhOnaP cakOra ha harer%to Lord ;ariD dOsyaP%ser#iceD harer%of Lord ;ariD $haktiP%de#otionD #araP% $oonD #a#re%choseD sa%heD $alla#aT%the gopaD dra#yaP%thingsD $hukt#O%enjoyingD #araP%$oonD datt#O%gi#ingD so%;eD antardhOnaP cakOra%disappearedD ha%indeed. he gopa Nanda asked for the $oon of de#otional ser#ice to Lord ;ari. he gigantic form granted the $oon, ate the offerings, and then disappeared. e:t ,04 munNndrOn $rOhmaQOPM cai#a $hojayit#O ca gopapaT #andi$hyo $rOhmaQe$hyaM ca muni$hyaM ca dhanaP dadau munNndrOn%the great sagesD $rOhmaQOPT%the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD e#a%indeedD $hojayit#O%feedingD ca%andD gopapaT%the king of the gopasD #andi$hyo%to the poetsD $rOhmaQe$hyas%to the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD muni$hyaT%to the sagesD ca%andD dhanaP% wealthD dadau%ga#e. hen Nanda, the king of the gopas, fed the $rOhmaQas and sages and ga#e charity to the $rOhmaQas, sages, and poets. e:t ,06 muni$hyo $rOhmaQe$hyaM ca nat#O nando mudOn#itaT rOma%kVWQau puraskVtya sa%gaQaT s#OlayaP yayau muni$hyo%to the sagesD $rOhmaQe$hyaT%to the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD nat#O%$owingD nando%NandaD mudOn#itaT%happyD rOma%8alarOmaD )fter $owing down $efore the $rOhmaQas and sages, Aoyful Nanda, placing /VWQa and 8alarOma in front, returned home with his associates. e:t ,07 raupyaP #astraP su#arQaP ca

#aram aM#aP maQiP tathO $hakWya%dra#yaP $ahu%#idhaP u #andine diQRine dadau raupyaP%sil#erD #astraP%garmentsD su#arQaP%goldD ca%andD #aram%giftsD aM#aP% horsesD maQiP%jewelsD tathO%soD $hakWya%dra#yaP%foodsD $ahu%#idhaP%many kindsD #andine%to a poetD diQRine%&iQRND dadau%ga#e. hen Nanda ga#e to the poet &iQRN gold, sil#er, jewels, garments, horses, and many kinds of food. e:t ,19 stut#O nat#O rOma%kVWQau munayo $rOhmaQO yayuT yayur apsarasaT sar#O gandhar#OT kinnarOs tathO stut#O%prayingD nat#O%$owing downD rOma%kVWQau%to /VWQa and 8alarOmaD munayo% the sagesD $rOhmaQO%and $rOhmaQasD yayuT%wentD yayur%wentD apsarasaT%Beh apsarasD sareO%allD gandhar#OT%the gandhar#asD kinnarOs%the kinnarasD tathO%so. 8owing down $efore Lord /VWQa, and offering many prayers, the sages, $rOhmaQas, apasarOs, gandhar#as, and kinnaras all departed. e:t ,1, rOhOno $alla#OT tar#e cOgatO ye mahotsa#e sar#e praQamya MrN%kVWQaP yayur OdOra%pUr#akam rOjOno%the kingsD $alla#OT%the gopasD sar#e%allD ca%andD OgatO%comeD ye%whot makotsa#e%to thle great festi#alD sar#e%allD praQamya%$owingD MrN%kVWQaP%to Lord /VWQaD yayur%wentD OdOra%pUr#akam%respectfully. )ll the kings and gopas that had come to the festi#al respectfully $owed down $efore Lord /VWQa and departed. e:ts ,1. and ,10

_etasminn antare MakraT kopa%pr.sphuritOdharaT makha%$haYgaP $ahu%#idhaP nindaP Mrut#O sureM#araT marud$hir #OridaiT sOrdhaP ratham Oruhya sa%t#aram jatOma nanda%aagaraP #VndOraQyaP manoharam etasminn antare%thenD MakraT%IndraD kopa%prasphuritOdharaT%his lips trem$ling in rageD makha%$haYgaP%$reaking of the yajnaD $ahu%#idhaP%many kindsD nindaP% offenseD Mrut#O%hearingD sureM#araT%the king of the demigodsD marud$hir%with windsD #OridaiT%with cloudsD sOrdhaP%withD ratham%chariotD Oruhya%mountingD sa%t#aram% BuicklyD jagOma%wentD nanda%nagaraP%to NandaEs #illageD #VndOraQyaP%VVndO#anaD manoharam%$eautiful. ;earing how his yajZa was stopped and he was insulted in many ways, Indra, the king of the demigods, his lips trem$ling with rage, mounted his chariot and, accompanied $y many great winds and rainclouds, hurried to NandaEs $eautiful city of VVndO#ana. e:t ,11 sar#e de#O yayuT paMcOd yuddha%MOstra%#iMOradOT MOstrOstra%pOQayaT kopOd ratham Oruhya nOrada sar#e%allD de#O%the demigodsD yayuT%cameD paMcOd%$ehindD yuddha%MOstra% #iMOradOT%e:pert at fighting with weaponsD MOstrOstra%pOQayaT%with weapons in handD kopOd%angrilyD ratham%chariotD Oruhya%mountingD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, angrily taking up weapons and mounting their chariots, all the warrior demigods followed $ehind. e:t ,12 #Oyu%Ma$dair megha%Ma$daiT sainya%Ma$dair $hayOnakaiT

cakampe nagaraP sar#aP nando $hayam a#Opa ha #Oyu%Ma$dair%with sounds of windsD megha%Ma$haiT%with sounds of LloudsD sainya% Ma$dair%with sounds of armiesD $hayOnakaiT%fearfulD cakampe%trem$ledD nagaraP%the cityD sar#aP%allD nando%NandaD $hayam%fearD a#Opa%attainedD ha%indeed. he terri$le sounds of the winds, clouds, and armies made the entire eity of VVndO#ana trem$le. Nanda was afraid. _ e:t ,13

$hOryOP sam$cdh a s#a%gaQaP u#Oca Moka%kOtaraT rahaT%sthalaP samOnNya nNti%MOstra%#iMOradaT $hO yOP%wifeD sam$odhya%callingD s#a%gaQaP%with associatesD u#Oca%saidD doka% kOtaraT%griefstrickenD rahaT%sthalVP%to a secluded placeD samOnNya%takingD nNti%MOstra% #iMOradaT%e:pert in the scriptures of right conduct. Friefstricken Nanda, e:pert in the scriptures of right conduct, called his wife and associatesa took them fo a secluded place, and spoke to them. e:t ,1o MrN%nanda u#Oca he yaMode samOgaccha d #acanaP MVQu rohiQi rOma%kVWQ0u samOdOya #raja dUraP #rajOt priye MrN%nanda u#Oca%SrN Nanda saidD he%<D yaMode%=aModOD samOgaccha%come nearD #acanmP%wordsD MVQu%hearD rohiQi%< 5ohiQND rOma%kVWQau%/VWQa and 8alarOmaD samOdOya%takingD #raja%goD dUraP%farD #rajOt%from VrajaD priye%< $elo#ed. SrN Nanda saidJu< =aModO, < 5oh QN, come near. ;ear my words. < $elo#ed, take /VWQa and 8alarOma and flee Vraja.

e:t ,16 $OlakO $OlikO nOryo yOntu dUraP $hayOkulOT $ala#antaM ca gopOlOs tiWXhantutmat%samNpataT $OlakO%$oysD $dlikO%girlsD nOryo%womenD yOntu%should goD dUraP%farD $hayOkulOT% frightenedD $ala#antaT%powerfulD ca%andD gopOlOs%gopasD tiWXhantu%should stayD mat% samNpataT%with me. he frightened women, $oys, and girls should flee. he strong gopas should stay hereywith me. e:t ,17 paMcOc ca nirgamiWyOmo #ayaP ca prOQa%saYkatOt ity ukt#O $alla#a%MreWXhaT sasmOra MrN%hariP $hiyO al#a#a%MreWXh Tethe $est of the gopasD sasmOra%remem$eredD MrN%hariP%Lord ;ariD $hiyO%with fear. hen we will follow you, flaeiag from this great danger. )fter speaking these words, the frightened gopa%king Nanda placed his thoughts on Lord ;ari. e:t ,29 .uXOZjali%yuto $hUt#O $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT kaQ#a%MOkhokta%stotreQa tuWXO#a MrN%MacN%patim puXOZjali%yuto%with folded handsD $hUt#O%$ecomingD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharaT% with hum$ly $owed headsD kaQ#a%MOkhokta%sootreQa%with prayers from the /aQ#a recension of the VedasD tuWXO#a%prayedD MrN%MacN%patim%to Indra. "ith folded hands and hum$ly $owed head, Nanda then recited prayers from the

/aQ#a%MOkha Veda glorifying /ing Indra. e:t ,2, indraT sura%patiT Makro EditijaT pa#anOgrajaT sahasrOkWo $hagOYgaM ca kaMyapOtmaja e#a ca

SrN Nanda saidJ Indra is known as Sura%pati, Sakra, )ditija, (a#anOgraja, SahasrOkWa, 8hagOYga, /aMyapOtmaja, . . . e:t ,2. #iRaujaM ca sunOMNro marut#On pOka%MOsanaT sar#eWOP janakaT MrNmOn MaMNMo daitya%sUdanaT . . . ViRauja, SunOMNra, -arut#On, (Oka%MOsana, Sar#eWOP Aanaka, SrNmOn, SaMN, IMa, &aitya%sUdana, . . . e:t ,20 #ajra%hastaT kOma%sakhO gautamN%#rata%nOManaT #VtrahO #Osa#aM cai#a dadhNci%deha%$hikWukaT . . . Vajra%hasta, /Oma%sakhO, FautamN%#rata%nOMana, VVtrahO, VOsa#a, &adhNci%deha% $hikWuka, . . . e:t ,21 _ jiWQuM ca #Omana%$hrOtO puruhUtaT purandaraT di#aspatiT MatamakhaT sutramO gotra$hid #i$huT

. . . AiWQu, VOmana%$hrOtO, (uruhUta, (u andara, &i#aspati, Satamakha, SutramO, Fotra$hit, Vi$hu, . . . e:t ,22 lekharWa$ho $alOrOtir jam$ha%$hedN s#arOt s#ayam saYkran ano duMcya#anas turasOn megha%#OhanaT . . . LekharWa$ha, 8alOrOti, Aam$ha%$hedN, S#arOX, SaYerandana, &uMcya#ana, urasOX, -egha%#Ohana, . . . e:t ,23 akhaQRalo hariharo namUci%prOQa%aOManai #VddhaMra#O #VWaM cai#a daitya%darpa%nisUdanaT . . . )khaQRala, ;arihara, NamUci%prOQa%nOMana, VVddhaMra#O, VVWa, and &aitya% darpa%nisUdana. e:t ,24 WaX%cat#ariPMan%nOmOni pOpa%dagdhOni niMcitam stotram etat kauthumoktaP nityaP yadi paXhen naraT mahO%#ipattau Makras taP #ajra%hastaM ca rakWati WaX%cat#ariPMat%13D nOmOni%namesD pOpa%dagdhOni $urning up sinsD riMcitam% indeedD stotram%prayerD et t%thisD kauthumoktaP%speken $y /autuma -uniD n+tyaP% regularlyD yadi%ifD paXhet%read,D naraT%a personD mahO%#ipattau%in greta calamityD Makras%InyraD taP%himD #ajra%hastaTsthe thunder$olt in handD ca%andD rakWati%protects. If a person regularly recites these 13 names of Indra, names that $urn up sins, names that were spoken $y /muthuma -uni, then, when he is in great trou$le, Indra, thunder$olt in hand, will protlct him.

e:t ,26 ati%#VWXaiT MilO%#VWXair #ajra%pOtOc ca dOruQOt kadtpi na $hayaP tasya _ rakWitO #Osa#aT s#ayam ati%#VWXaiT%with great rainsD MilO%#VWXair%with hailstonesD #ajra%pOtOc%with thunder$oltsD ca%andD dOruQOt%terri$leD kadOpi%at a certain timeD na%notD $hayaP%fearD tasya%of himD rakWitO%will protectD #Osa#aT%IndraD s#ayam%personally. ;e need ne#er fear great rains, hailstones, or terri$le lightning $olts. Indra will personally protect him. e:t ,27 yatra gehe stotram idaP yo #O jO Oti puQya#On na tatra #ajra%SatanaP MilO%#VWXiM ca nOrada r yatra%whereD gehe%in the homeD stotram%prayerD idaP%thisD yo%one whoD #O%orD jOnOti%knowsD puQya#On%piou D na%norD tatra%r#ereD #ajre%patanaP%thunder$oltsD CilO% #VWXiT%hailD ca%sndD nOrada%< NOrada. ) person who knows tdis prayer is pious. Ligltning a d hailtwill notnfall on his house. e:t ,39 stotraP nanda%mukhOc chrut#O cukopa madhusUdanaT u#Oca pitNraP nNtiP praj#alan $rahma%tejasO stotraP%prayerD nanda%mukhOt%from NandaEs mouthD Mrut#O%hearingD cukopa% $ecame angryD madhusUdanuT%/VWQaD u#Oca%saidD pitaraP%to ;is fatherD nNtiP%right conductD praj#alan%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual splendor.

;earing this prayer from NandaEs mouth, Lord /VWQa $ecame angry. Shining with spiritual splendor, ;e instructed to his father. e:t ,3, kaP stauWi $hiro ko #endras tyaja $hNtiP mamOntike kWaQOrdhe $hasmasOt kartuP kWamo Eham a#alNlayO kaP%whom*D sajuWi%do you praiseea$hiro%frightenedD ko%who*D #O%orD indras%IndraD tyaja%a$andonD $hNtiP%fearD mama%-eD antike%nearD kWaQOrdhe%in half a momentD $hasmasOt%to ashesD kartuP%to doD kWamo%a$leD aham%ID a#alNlayO%with ease. Lord /VWQa saidJ "hom do you, so an:ious, praise* "ho is this Indra* )$andon your fears. I am here. an half a moment I can easily $urn Indra to ashes. _ e:t ,3. gOM ca #atsOPM ca $OlOPM ca yoWito #O $hayOturOT go#ardhanasya kuhare saPsthOpya tiWXha nir$hayam gOs%cowsD ca%andD #atsOPT%cal#esD ca%andD $OlOPT%$oysD ca%andD yoWito%womenD #O% orD $hayOturOT%frightenedD go#ardhanasya%of Fo#ardhana ;illD kuhare%in the ca#ityD saPsthOpya%placingD tiWXha%stayD nir$hayam%without fear. (lace the frightened cows, cal#es, $oys, and women under Fo#ardhana ;ill. )$andon your fears. e:t ,30 $Olasya #acanaP Mrut#O tac cakOra mudOn#itaT harir dadhOra MailaP taP #Oma%hastena daQRa#at $Olasya%of the $oyD #acanaP%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tat%thatD cakOra%didD mudOn#itaT%happyD harir%Lord /VWQaD dadhOra%liftedD MailaP%hillD taP%thatD #Oma% hastena%with ;is left handD daQRa#at%rike a stick.

hen Lord /VWQa lifted Fo#ardhana ;>ll as if it were a twig. Nanda did what he heard /VWQa say. e:t ,31 tasminn antare tatra dNpto Epi ratna%tejnsO andhN%$hUtaP ca sahasO $a$hU#a rajasO#Vtam etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD dNpto%shiningD api%e#enD ratna%tejasO%with the splendor of jewelsD andhN%$hUtaP%$lindedD ca%andD sahasO%suddenlyD $a$hU#a%$ecameD rajasa%with dustD O#Vtam%filled. he sky was snddenly effulgent with jewel%light andnthe ne:t moment a dust storm $rought $linding darkness. e:t ,32 sa%#Ota%megha%nikaraM cacchOda gaganaP mune #VndO#ane $a$hU#Oti% #VWXir e#a nirantaram hU#a%$ecamea ati%#VWXir%gheat rainD e#a%indeedD nirantaram%ceaseless. < sage, clouds and winds co#ered the sky in VVndO#ana. hen came a great rapn that would not stop. e:t ,33 MilO%#VWXtr #ajra%#VWXir ulka%pOtaT su%dOruPaT samastaP par#ata%sparWOt patitaP dUratas tataT MilO%LVWXir%hailD #apra%#VWXir%lightningD ulka%pOtaT%meteorsD su%dOruQaT%fearfulD MaPsataP%allD par#ata%sSarWOt%from touchLng the hillD patitaP%fallenD dUrat s%fwrD tataT% then.

;ail, lightning, tyd fearful fiery comets fell on the hill and ricochetedSfar away. e:t ,34 niWphalas tat%samOram$ho yathOnNModyamo mune dVWX#O moghaP ca tat sar#aP sadyaT MakraM cukopa ha niWphalas%uselessD tat%samOram$ho%that actionD yathO%asD annMa%of an atheistD udyamo%the effortsD mune%< sageD dVWX#O%seeingD moghaP%uselessD ca%andD tat%thatD sar#aP%allD sadyaT%at onceD MakraT%IndraD cukopa%$ecame angryD ha%indeed. < sage, e#erything was a failure, like the efforts of an atheist. Seeing his failure, Indra $ecame angry. e:t ,36 jagrOhOmogha%kuliWaP dadhNcer asthi%nirmitam dVWX#O taP #ajra%hastaP ca jahOsa madhusUdanaT jagrOha%graspingD amogha%infalli$leD kuliWaP%thunder$o tD dadhNcer%of &adhjiciD asthi%nirmitam%made from the $onesD dVWX#O%seeingD taP%thatD #ajra%hastaP% thunder$olt in handD ca%andD jahOsa%laughedD madhusUdanaT%Lord /VWQa. hen Indra picked up his infalli$le lightning $olt. Seeing Indra, lightning $olt in hand, Lord /VWQa laughed. e:t ,37 sa%hastaP stOm$hayOm Osa #ajram e#Oti%dOruQam _mahO%marud%gaQaP meghaP cakOra stam$hanaP #i$huT sa%hastaP%with the handD stOm$hayOm Osa%making stunnedD #ajram%thunder$oltD e#a%indeedD ati%dOruQam%#ery terri$leD mahO%marud%gaQaP%great windsD meghaP% cloudD cakOra%didD stam$hanaP%stunnedD #i$huT%the Lord.

hen Lord /VWQa stunned the terri$le lightning%$olt and the hand holding it, making them num$ and motionless. ;e also stunned the clouds and the winds. e:t ,49 sar#e tasthur niMcalOs te $hittau puXXalikO yathO hariQO jVm$hitaT MakraT sadyas tandrOm a#Opa ha sar#e%allD tasthur%stoodD niMcalOs%motionlessD te%theyD $hittau%on a wallD puXXalikO% wooden dollsD yathO%asD hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaD jVm$hitaT%yawnedD MakraT%IndraD sadyas%suddenlyD tandrOm%sleepinessD a#Opa%attainedD ha%indeed. >#erything stood motionless, like a line of wooden puppets leaning against a wall. hen Lord /VWQa made Indra #ery sleepy. Indra yawned. e:t ,4, dadarMa sar#aP tandrOyOP tatra kVWQamayaP jagat d#i%$hujaP muralN%hastaP ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam dadarMa%sawD sar#aP%e#erythingD tandrOyOP%in sleepinessD tatra%thereD kVWQamayaP%consisting of /VWQaD jagat%the uni#erseD d#i%$hujaP%two handsD muralN% hastaP%flute in handD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam%decorated with jewel ornaments. In his sleepy trance Indra saw /VWQa e#erywhere. >#erywhere was two%handed /VWQa, holding a flute, decorated with jewel ornaments, . . . e:t ,4. pNta%#astra%parNdhOnaP ratna%siPhOsana%sthitam NWad%dhrsya%prinannOsyaP $haktOnugraha%kOtaram pNta%#astra%parNdhOnaP%wearting yellow garmentsD ratna%siPhOsana%sthitam%sitting ona jewel throneD NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyaP%gently smilingD $haktOnugraha%kOtaram%

o#ercome with kindness to ;is de#otees. _ . . . dressed in yellow garments, siting on a jewel throne, gently smiling, filled with kimdness for ;is de#otees, . . . e:t ,y0 candanokWita%sar#OYgaP e#am%$hUtaP carOcaram dVWX#Od$hutatamaP tatra sadyo mUrchOm a#Opa ha candana%sanda*D ukWita%anointedD sar#a%allD aYgaP%lim$sD e#am%$hUtaP%thusD carOcaram%the mo#ing and unmo#ingD dVWX#O%seeingD ad$hutatamaP%most wonderfulD tatra%thereD sadyo%at onceD mUrchOm%unconsciousnessD a#Opa%attainedD ha%indeed. . . . and all ;is lim$s anointed with sandal paste. FaGing at this great wonder e#erywhere in the uni#erse filled with mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings, Indra fell into a deep trance. e:ts ,41%,44 jajOpa paramaP mantraP pradattaP guruQO purO sahasra%dala%padma%sthaP dadarMa jyotir%ujj#alam tatrOntare di#ya%rUpaP atN#a%su%manoharam na#Nna%jaladotkarWa% MyOmasundara%#igraham sad%ratna%sOra%nirmOQa% j#alan%makara%kuQRalam manNndra%sOra%racita% kirNXojj#ala%#igraham j#alatO kauWXu$hendreQa kaQXha%#akWaT%sthalojj#alam maQi%keyUra%#alaya% maQi%maZjNra%raZjitam

antar $ahiT samaP dVWX#O tuWXO#a parameM#aram jajOpa%chantedD paramaP%transcendentalD mantraP%mantraD pradattaP%gi#enD guruQO%$y his guruD purO%$eforeD sahasra%dala%padma%sthaP%sitting on thousand%petal lotusD dadarMa%sawD jyotir%ujj#alam%a great lightD tatra%thereD antare%withinD di#ya% rUpaP%a splendid formD atN#a%su%manohaeam%#ery charmingD na#Nna%jalada%a new cloudD utkarWa%more gloriousD MyOma%uarkD sundara%handsomeD #igraham%formD sad% ratnaLsOra%of precious jewelsD nirmOQa%iadeD j#rlaS%glisteningD makara%sharwD kuQRalam%earringsD manNndra%sOra%racita%made of the kings of jewelsDp kirNXa%crownD ujj#ala%splendidD #igraham%formD j#alatO%shiningD kauWXu$hendreQa%with the armletsD maQi%maZjNra%raZjitam%jewel ankletsD antar%withinD $ahiT%outsideD samaP%the sameD dVWX#O%seeingD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD parameM#aram%to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. hen Inrra chanted a transcendental mantr< long ago recei#ed from his guru. ;e saw a great light within a thousand%petal lotus. (enetrating the light to its source, he saw a #ery handsome and splendid person, dark and glorious like a monsoon cloud, wearing glittering, jewel, shark%shaped earrings, wearing a splendid crown of the kings of jewels, ;is neck and chest splendid with the splendid king of kaustu$ha jewels,wand ;is lim$s decorated with jewel $racelets, armlets, and anklets. Indra saw this person inside his heart and he also saw the same person outside, standing $efore him. hen Indra offered prayers to ;im, the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t ,46 MrN%indra u#Oca akWaraP paramaP $rahma jyotN%rUpaP sanOtanam guQOtNtaP nirOkOraP s#ecchamayam anantakam MrN%indra u#Oca%SrN Indra saidD akWaraP%imperisha$leD paramaP%supremeD $rahma% 8rahmanD jyotN%rUpaP%splendid formD sanOtanam%eternalD guQOtNtaP%$eyond the modes of natureD nirOkOraP%with no material formD s#ecchamayam%whose desires are all fulfilledD anantakam%limitless. o the imperisha$ye Supremer(ersonality of Fodhead, who is eternal, whose form is splendid, who is $eyond the modes of material +ature, who has no mateeial form, whose desires are all fulfilled, who is limitless, . . .

e:t ,47 $hakta%dhyOnOya se#Oyai nOnO%rUpa%dharaP param ukla%rakta%pNta%MyOmaP a yugOnukramam e#a ca $hakta%of the de#oteesD dhyOnOya%for meditaionD se#Oyai%for ser#iceD nOnO%rUpa% dharaP%manifesting many formsD param%supremeD Mukla%whiteD rakta%redD pNta%yellowD MyOmaP%$lackD yuga%anukramam%in each yigaD e#a%indeedD ca%and. . . . who to gi#e the de#otees a chance to meditate on ;im and ser#e ;im appears in each yuga in forms that are either white, red, yellow, or $lack, . . . _ e:t ,69

MuklaP tejaT%s#arUpaP ca satye satya%s#arUpiQam tretOyOP kuYkumOkOraP j#alantaP $rahma%tejasO MuklaP%whiteD tejaT%s#arUpaP%splendidD ca%andD samye%in Satya%yugaD satya% s#yrUpiQam%form of goodnessD tretOyOP%in reta%yugaD kuYkumOkOraP%a form red like kunkumaD j#alantaP%shiningD $rahma%tejasO%with spiritual effulgence. . . . who in Satya%yuga, appears in a form suity$le for the Satya%yuga, a splendid white form, who in retO%yuga appears in a form red like kuYkuma, a form shining with spiritual splendor, . . . e:t ,6, d#Opare pNta%#arQaP ca Mo$hitaP pNta%#OsasO kVWQa%#arQOt kalau kVWQaP paripUrQatamaP #i!ium d#Opare%in &#apara%yugaD pNta%#arQaP%a yellow formD ca%andD Mo$hitaP%splendidD pNta%#OsasO%with yellow garmentsD kVWQa%#arQOt%$ecause of a $lack colorD kalau%in /ali% yugaD kVWQaP%/VWQaD paripUrQatamaP%the perfect Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD #i$hum%the almighty Lord.

. . . who in &#Opara%yuga appears in a yellow form splendid with yellow garments, and who in /ali%yuga appears in a $lack form, the most perfect of all ;is forms, ahe form of the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, I offer my respectful o$eisances. e:t ,6. ya#a%nNradharotkVWXa% MyOmasundara%#igraham nandaika%nandanaP #ande yaModO%jN#anaP pra$hum na#a%nNradharotkVWXa%the $est opf new monsoon cloudsD MyOma%dar<D sundara% handsomeD #igraham%formD nanda%of NandaD eka%onlyD nandanaP%sonD #ande%I $ow dornD yaModO%jN#anaP%to the life of =aModOD pra$hum%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodaead. I offer my respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is handsome and dark like the most glorious of new monsoon clouds, who is NandaEs only child, who is =aModOEs #ery life, . . . e:t ,60 gopikO%cetana%hOraP rOdhO%prOQOdhikaP param _#inoda%muralN%Ma$daP kur#antaP kautukena ca gopikO%gopNsD cetana%heartsD hOraP%stolenD rOdhO%prOQOdhikaP%of 5OdhO more dear than lifeD param%supremeD #inoda%muralN%pastime fluteD Ma$daP%soundD kur#antaP% diingD kautukena%happilyD ca%and. . . . who stole the gopNsE haarts, who considers SrN 5OdhO more dear than life, whom SrN 5OdhO considers more dear than life, who happily plays playful music on ;is pastime flute, . . . e:t ,61 rUpeQOpratimenai#a ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam kandarpa%koXi%saundaryaP $i$hrataP MOntam NM#aram

rUpeQa%nith a formD apratimena%peerlessD e#a%indeedD ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam% decorated with jewle ornamentsD kandarpa%koXi%milli!ns of /Omade#asD saundaryau% handsomenessD $i$hrataP%manifestingD MOntam%peacefulD NM#aram%Supreme (ersonality rf Fodhead. . . . whose form is peerless, who is decorated with jewel ornaments, who is more handsome than millions of /Omade#as, who is peaceful, who is the supreme controller, . . . e:t ,62 krNRantaP rOdhayO sOrdhaP #VndOraQye ca kutracit kutracin nirjane ramye rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthitam krNRantaP%playingD rOdhayO%5OdhOD sOrdhaP%withD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#awa forestD ca%andD kutracit%somewhereD kutracin%somewhereD nirjane%in a secluded placeD ramye% $eautifulD rOdhO%#akWaT%sthala%sthrtam%resting on 5OohOEs $reast. h . . who somewhere in sVndO#ana forest enjoys pastimes with 5OdhO, who sometimes in a secluded place rests on 5OdhOEs $redstm . . . e:t ,63 jala%krNROP prakur#antaP rOdhayO saha kutracit rOdhikO%ka#arN%$hOraP kur#antaP kutracin mudO jala%waterD krNROP%pastimesD prakur#annaP%doingD rOdhayO%5OdhOD saha%withD kutracit%somewhereD rOdhikO%of 5OdhOD ka#arN%$hOraP%$raidsD kur#antaP%doingD kutracin%somewhereD mudO%happity. _ . . . who souetimes enjoys water pastimes with 5OdhO, who sometimes happily $raids 5OdhOEs hair, . . . e:t ,64 kutrauiI rOdhikO%pOde

datta#antam alaktakam rOdhO%car#ita%tOm$UlaP gVhQantaP kutracin mudO kkutracid%sometimesD rOdhikO%pOde%at 5OdhOEs feetD datta#antam%placedD alaktakam% red lacD mOdhO%car#ita%chewed $y 5OdhOD tOm$USaP%$etelnutsD gVhQantaP%takingD kutracin%sometimesD mudO%happily. . . . who sometimes anoints 5OdhOEs feet with red lac, who someLimes happily takes the $etelnuts chewed $yp5OdhO, . . . e:t ,66 paMyantaP kutracid rOdhOP paMyantNP #akra%cakWuWO dapta#antaP ca rOdhOyai tkVt#O mOlOPdca kutracit kutracid rOdhayO sOrdhaP gacchantaP rOsa%maQRalam paMyantaP%lookingD kutracid%sometimesD rOdhOP%at 5OdhOD paMyantNP%lookingD #akra%cakWuWO%with crooked eyesD datta#antaP%placedD ca%andD rOdhOyai%for 5OdhOD kVt#O%doingD mOlOP%garlandD ca%andD k tracit%sometimesD kutracid%sometimesD rOdhayO%5OdhOD sOrdhaP%withD gacchantaP%goingD rOsa%maQRalam%to the rasa%dance circle. . . . who sometimes gaGes at 5OdhO as She gaGes with crooked eyes at ;im, who sometimes gi#es 5OdhO a ga.land, who sometimes goes with 5OdhO to the rOsa%dance circle, . . . e:t ,67 rOdhO%dattOP gale mOlOP datta#antaP ca kutracit sOrdhaP gopOlikO$hiM ca #iharantaP ca kutracit rOdhO%dattOP%gi#e $y 5OdhOD gale%on the neckD mOlOP%the garlandD datta#antaP% ga#eD ca%andD kutracit%sometimesD sOrdhaP%withD gopOlikO$his%the gopNsD ca%andD #iharantaP%enjoying pastimesD ca%andD kutracit%sometimes.

. . . who sometimes gi#es to 5OdhO the same garland She placed around ;is neck, who sometimes enjoys pastimes rith many gopNs, . . .

e:t ,79 _ rOdhOP gVhNt#O IacchantaP #ihOya tOM ca kutracit #ipra%patnN%dattam annaP $hukta#antaY ca kutracit rOdhOP%5OdhOD gVhNt#O%takingD gacchantaP%goingD #ihOya%a$andoningD tOT%thermD ca%andD kutracit%sometimesD #ipra%patnN%dattam%gi#en $y the $rOhmaQasE wi#esD annaP%foodD $hukta#antaP%eatingD ca%andD kutracit%sometimes. . . . who sometimes goes mith 5OdhO and lea#es the other gopNs $ehind, who sometimes eats the food offered $y the $rOhmaQasE wi#es, . . . e:t ,7, $hukta#antaP tOla%phalaP $OlakaiT saha kutracit #astraP gopOlikOnaP ca harantaP kutracin mudO $hukta#antaP%ateD tOla%phalaP%tala fruitsD $OlakaiT%$oysD saha%withD kutracit% sometimesD #astraP%garmentsD gopOlikOnaP%of the gopNsD ca%andD harantaP%tookD kutracin%sometimesD mudO%happily. . . . who sometimes eats tOla fruits with the $oys, who sometimes happily steals the gopNsE garments, . . . e:t ,7. gOyantaP ramya%saYgNtaP kutracid $OlakaiT saha kOliya%mUrdhni pOdO$jaP datta#antaP ca kutracit gOyantaP%singsD ramya%saYgNtaP%$eautiful songsD kutracid%sometimesD $OlakaiT%

$oysD saha%withD kOliya%of /OliyaD mUrdhnN%on the headD pOdO$jaP%lotusefeetD datta#antaP%placedD ca%andD kutracit%sometimes. . . . who sometimes sings melodious songs with the $oys, who sometimes places ;is lotus feet on /OliyaEs head, . . . e:t ,70 ga#OP gaQaP #yahara)taP kutracid $OlakaiT saof #inoda%muralN%Ma$daP kur#antaP kItracin mudO $daP%soundD kur#antaP%doesD kutracin%sometimesD mudO%happily. . . . who sometimes wity the $oys herds the cows, and who sometimes happily plays ;is pastime flute. e:t ,71 stut#Onena sta#en ndraT praQanOma hariP $hiyO purO dattena guruQO raQe #VtrOsuraiT saha stut#O%prayingD anena%with thisD sta#ena%prayerD indraT%IndraD praQanOma%$owedD hariP%to Lord /VWQaD $hiyO%with aweD purO%$eforeD dattena%gi#enD guruQO%$y the guruD raQe%in $attleD #VtrOsuraiT%VVtrOsuraD saha%with. )fter reciting this prayer, which his guru ga#e him for the $attle with VVtrOsura, Indra $owed to Lord /VWQa with great awe and re#erence. e:t ,72 kVWQena dattaP kVpayO $rOhmaQe ca tapasyate ekOdaMOkWaro mantraT ka#acaP sar#a%lakWaQam kVWQena%$y Lord /VWQaD dattaP%gi#enD kVpayO%kindlyD $rOhmaQe%to 8rahmOD ca%andD tapasyate%performing austeritiesD ekOdaMOkWaro%ele#en%sylla$leD mantraT%mantraD

ka#acaP%ka#acaD sar#a%lakWaQam%all%glorious) "hen 8rahmO performed great austerities, Lord /VWQa ga#e to him this prayer, the ele#en%sylla$le mantra, and the all%glorious ka#aca. e:t ,73 dattam etat kumarOya puWkare $rahmaQO purO kumOro Ygirase datto gura#e EYgirasO mune dattam%gi#enD etat%thisD kumarOya%to the /umarasD puWkare%at puWkara%tirthaD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD purO%$eforeD kumOro%/umOraD aYgirase%to )YgirO -uniD datto% gi#enD gura#e%to the guruD aYgirasO%$y )YgirOD mune%< sage. In ancient times 8rahmO ga#e this prayer to /umOra at (uWkara%tNrtha. /umOra ga#e to )YgirO -uni. )YgirO -uni ga#e it to IndraEs guru. _ idam indra%kVtaP stotraP nityaP $haktyO ca yaT paXhet iha prOpya dVRhOP $haktiP ante dOsyaP la$hed dhru#am idam%thisD indra%kVtaP%done $y IndraD stotraP%prayerD nityaP%regularlyD $haktyO% with de#otionD ca%andD yaT%one whoD paXhet%recitesD iha%hereD prOpya%attainingD dVRhOP%firmD $haktiP%de#otionD ante%at the endD dOsyaP%ser#iceD la$hed%attainsD dhru#am%indeed. ) person who regularly recites this prayer spoken $y Indra attains firm de#otion in this life, and at the end of this life he attains direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,76 janma%mVtyu%jarO%#yOdhi% Moke$hyo mucyate naraT na hi paMyati s#apnena yama%dUtaP yamOlayam e:t ,74

janma%mVtyu%jarO%#yOdhi%Moke$hyo%from $irth, death, old%age, disease, and lamentationD mucyate%is releasedD naraT%a personD na%notD hi%indeedD paMyati%seesD s#apnena%in dreamD yama%dUtaP%the messengers of =amarOjaD yamOlayam%the a$ode of =amarOja. ;e is freed from $irth, death, old%age, disease, and lamentation. >#en in dreams he does not see =amarOjaEs messengers or =amarOjaEs a$ode. e:t ,77 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca indrasya #acanaP Mrut#O prasannaT MrN%niketanaT prNtyO tasmai #araP datt#O sthOpayOm Osa par#atam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD indrasya%of IndraD #acanaP%teh wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD prasannaT%pleasedD MrN%niketanaT%the home of the goddess of fortuneD prNtyO%with affection and happinessD tasmai%to himD #araP%$oonD datt#O%gi#ingD sthOpayOm Osa%put downD par#atam%the hill. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ hearing IndraEs words, Lord /VWQa $ecame pleased. ;appily and affectionately, ;e offered Indra a $oon. ;e put Fo#ardhana ;ill $ack in its place. e:t .99 praQamya MrN%hariP MakraT prayayau s#a%gaQaiT saha _gah#ara%sthO janOT sar#e prajagmur gah#arOd gVham praQamya%$owingD MrN%hariP%to Lord /VWQaD MakraT%IndraD prayayau%wentD s#a% gaQaiT%his associatesD saha%withD gah#ara%sthOs%under the hillD janOT%the peopleD sar#e% allD prajagmur%wentD gah#arOd%from the hillD gVham%home. 8owing to Lord /VWQa, Indra departed with his associates. )ll the people that had stayed under the hill returned to their homes. e:t .9,

te sar#e menire kVWQaP paripUrQatamaP #i$hum puraskVtya #raja%sthaP ca prayayau s#OlayaP hariT te%theyD sar#e%allD menire%consideredD kVWQaP%SrN /VWQaD paripUrQatamaP%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD #i$hum%powerfulD puraskVtya%placing in frontD #raja% sthaPin VrajaD ca%andD prayayau%wentD s#OlayaP%to ;is own homeD hariT%Lord /VWQa. >#eryone thought that /VWQa must $e the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. hen Lord /VWQa returned to ;is own home. e:t .9. tuWXO#a nandaT putraP taP pUrQa%$rahma sanOtanam pulakOZcita%sar#OYgo $hakti%pUrQOMru%locanaT tuWXO#a%prayedD nandaT%NandaD putraP%sonD taP%to ;imD pUrQa%$rahma%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD sanOtanam%eternalD pulakOZcita%sar#OYgo%the hairs of his $pdy erectD $hakti%pUrQOMru%locanaT%his eyes filled with tears of de#otion. hen, the hairs of his $ody erect and his eyes filled with tears of de#otion, Nanda offered prayers to his son, the eternal Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t .90 MrN%nanda u#Oca namo $rahmaQya%de#Oya go%$rOhmaQa%hitOya ca jagad%dhitOya kVWQOya go#indOya namo namaT MrN%nanda u#Oca%SrN Nanda saidD namo%all o$eisancesD $rahmaQya%de#Oya%to the Lord worshipa$le $y persons in $rahminical culworldD kVWQOya%unto /VWQaD go#indOya%unto Fo#indaD namrTSnamaT%repeated oheisamues. SrN Nanda saidJ Let me offer my respectful o$eisances unto Lord /VWQa, who is the

worshipa$le &eity for all $rahminical men, who is the well%wisher of cows anr $rOhmaQas, and who is always $enefiting the whole torld. I offer my eepepted o$eisances unto the (ersonality of Fodhead, known as /VWQa and Fo#inda.d e:t .91 namo $rahmaQya%de#Oya go%$rOhmaQa%parOtmane ananta%koXi%$rahmOQRa% dhOma%nOmne namo Estu te njmo%all o$eisancesD $rahmaQya%de#Oya%to the Lord worshipa$le $y persons in $rahminical cultureD go%$rOhmaQa%for cows and $rOhmaQasD paratmane%to the Supreme LordD ca%alsoD ananta%koXi%num$erless millionsD $rahmOQRa%of uni#ersesD dhOma%the a$odeD nOmne%namedD namo%o$eisancesD astu%may $eD te%to =ou. Let me offer my respectful o$eisances pnto =ou, who are the worshipa$le &eity for all $rahminical men, who are the Supreme Lord of the cows and $rOhmaQ"s, and who are the resting place of num$erless millions of uni#Nrses. e:t .92 namo matsyOdi%rUpOnOP $Nja%rUpOya sOkWiQe nirliptOya nirguQOya nirOkarOya te namaT namo%o$eisancesD matsyOdi%rUpOnOP%of the forms $eginning with Lord -atsyaD $Nja%rUpOya%the seedD sOkWiQe%the witnessD nirliptOya%untouchedD nirguQOya%$eyond the modesD nirOkarOya%without a material formD te%to =ouD namaT%o$eisances. Let me offer my respectful o$eisances unto =ou, who are the seed from which Lord -atsya and the other di#ine incarnations ha#e grown, who are the supreme witness, who are not touched $y matter, who are free from the modes of material nature, and Nhose form is not material. e:t .93 ati%sUkWma%s#arUpOya dhyOnOsOdhyOya yoginOm $rahma%#iWQu%maheMOnOP

#andyOya nitya%rUpiQe sDy$rahma%#iWQu%maheMOnOP%$y 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD #andyOya%offered o$eisancesD nitya%rUpiQe%whose form is eternal. Let me offer my respectful o$eisances unto =ou, whose form is spiritual and eternal, who cannot $e seen in the meditations of the yogNs, who are the Supreme Lord to whom 8rahmO, ViWQu and Si#a $ow down to offer re pects, . . . e:t .94 dhOmne caturQOP #arQOQOP yugeW# e#a caturWu ca Mukla%rakta%pNta%MyOmO% $hidhOna%guQa%MOline dhOmne%the a$od0D caturQOP%of the fourD #arQOQOP%#arnasD yugeW#%in the yugasD e#a%indeedD caturWu%fourD ca%andD Mukla%rakta%pNta%MyOma%white, red, yellow, and $lackD O$hidhOna%namesD guQa%and BualitiesD MOline%endowed. . . . who are the a$ode of the four #arQas, who appear in the four yugas in white, red, yellow, and $lack forms with many names and transcendental Bualities, . . . e:t .96 yogine yoga%rUpOya gura#e yoginOm api siddheM#arOya siddhOya siddhOnOP gura#e namaT yogine%yogiD yoga%rUpOya%the form of yogaD gura#e%the guruD yoginOm%of the yogisD api%andD siddheM#arOya%the master of the perfect $eingsD siddhOya%perfectD siddhOnOP% of the perfect $eingsD gura#e%the guruD namaT%o$eisances. . . . who are the supreme yogN, the form of yoga, and the guru of the yogNs, who are perfect, and who are the master and guru of the perfect $eings. e:ts .97%.,.

yaP stotum akWamo $rahmO #iWQur yaP stotum akWamaT yaP stotum akWamo rudraT MeWo ytP stotum akWamaT yaP stotum akWamo dh rmo yaP stotum akWamo #idhiT yaP stotum akWamo lam$o% daraM cOpi WaR%OnanaT yaP stotum akWama $rahma% rWayaT sanakOdayaT kapilo na kWamaT stotuP _ siddhendrOQOP guror guruT na Maktau sta#anaP kartuP nara%nOrOyaQO# VWN anye jaRa%dhiyaT ke #O stotuP MaktOT parOt param yaP%whomD stotum%to praiseD akWamo%una$leD $rahmO%8rahmOD #iWQur%ViWQuD yaP% whomD stotum%to praiseD akWamaT%una$leD yaP%whomD stotum%to praiseD akWamo% una$leD rudraT%Si#aD MeWo%SeWaD yaP%whomD stotum%to praiseD akWamaT%una$leD yaP% whomDmstotum%to praiseD akWamo%'na$leD dharmo%=amaD yaP%whomD stotum%toepraiseD akWamo%una$leD #idhiT%VidhiD yaP%whomD stotym%to praiseD akWamo%una$leD lam$odaras%laQeMaD ca%andD aoi%andD Way%OnanaT%/OrttikeyaD yaP%whomD stotum%to praiseD akWama%una$leD $rahmarWayaT%the $rOhmaQa sagesD sanakOdayaT%headed $y SanakaD kapilo%kapilaD na%notD kWamaT%a$leD stotuP%to praiseD siddhendrOQOP%of the kings of the perfect $eingsD guror%of the guruD guruT%the guruD na%notD Maktau%a$leD sta#anaP%praiseD kartuP%to doD nara%nOrOyaQau VWN%Nara%NOrOyaQa [WiD anye%othersD jaRa%stuntedD dhiyaT%intelligenceD ke%who*D #O%orD stotuP%to praiseD MaktOT%a$leD parOt% than the greatestD param%greater. ;ow can the unintelligent people of this world properly glorify =ou, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who are greater than the greatest, and whom e#en 8rahmO, ViWQu, Si#a, SeWa, =ama, Vidhi, FaQeMa, /Orttikeya, Sanaka, the $rOhmaQa sages, and /apila, the guru of the guru of the kings of the perfect $eings, cannot properly glorify* e:t .,0 #edO na MaktO no #OQN na ca lakWmNT saras#atN na rOdhO sta#ane MaktO kiP stu#anti #ipaMcitaT

#edO%the VedasD na%notD MaktO%a$leD no%notD #OQN%VaQND na%notD ca%andD lakWmNT% LakWmND saras#atN%Saras#atND na%notD rOdhO%5OdhOD sta#ane%in praiseD MaktO%a$leD kiP% how*D stu#anti%praiseD #ipaMcitaT%the wise. Neither the Vedas, nor Foddess VOQN, nor LakWmN, nor Saras#atN, nor 5OdhO can propeVsy glorify =ou. ;ow can the wise men of this world properly glorify =ou* e:t .,1 kWamas#a nm khilaP $rahmann aparOdhOP kWaQe kWaQe rakWa mOP karuQO%sindho r dNna%$andho $ha#OrQa#e r%after momentD rakWa%please protectD mOP%meD karuQO%of mercyD sindho%< oceanD dNna%of the poorD $andho%< friendD $ha#OrQa#e%in the ocean of repeated $irth and death. < Supreme (ersonaliSy of Fodhead, please forgi#e allnop offenses committed moment after moment. < ocean of mercy, < friend of the poor, please rescue me from this ocean of repeated $irth and death. e:t .,2 purO tNrthe tapas tapt#O prOptaT putraT sanOtanaT s#akNya%caraQOm$hoje $haktiP dOsyaP ca dehi me purO%pre#iouslyD tNrthe%in the holy placeD tapas%austeritiesD tapt#O%perfmrmingD prOptaT%attainedD putraT%sonD sanOtanaT%eternalD s#akNya%ownD caraQOm$hoj!%at the lotus feetD $haktiP%de#otionD dOsyaP%ser#iceD ca%andD dehi%please gi#eD me%to me. n In ancient times I performed austerities at a holy place and I now I ha#e a son who is the eternal Sup(eme (ersonality of Fodhead. < Lord, please gi#e me de#otion and ser#ice to =our lotus feet. e:t .,3

$rahmat#um amarat#aP #O sOlokyOdi%catuWXayam t#at%pOdfm$uja%dlsyasya kalOP nOrhanti WyRaMNm $rahmat#am%$eing a 8rahmOD amarat#aP%$eing a demigodsD #O%orD sOlokyOdi% catuWXayam%attaining the four kinrs of li$eSation $eginning with salokyaD t#at% pOdOm$uja%dOsyasya%of ser#i e to =our lorus feetD kalOP%a partD na%notD arhyntiyare worthyD WoRaMNm%si:teenth. 8eing a 8rahmO, $eing a demigod, or attaining the four kinds of li$eration $eginning with sOlokya, are not eBual to e#en one siuteenth the #alue of ser#ice to =our lotus feet. e:t .,4 indrat#aP #O surat#aP #p samprOptiT s#arga%siddhayoT rOjat#aP cira%jN#it#aP sudhiyo gaQayanti kim indrat#aP%$eing an IndraD #O%orD surat#aP%$eing a demigodD #O%orD samprOptiT% attainmentD s#arga%siddhayoT%of S#argaloka or SiddhalokaD rOjat#aP%$eing a kingD cira%jN#it#aP%li#ing for a long timeD sudhiyo%the wiseD gaQayanti%countD kim%how*. _ ;ow can the wise think $eing an Indra, a demigod, or a king, or residing in S#argaloka or Siddhaloka, or li#ing for a long time are #ery important attainments* e:t .,6 etad yat kathitaP sar#aP $rahmat#Odikam NM#ara $hakta%saYga%kua Ordhasya nopamaP te kim arhati T etad%thatD yat%whatD kathitaP%spokenD sar#aP%allD $rahmat#Odikam%$eginning with $eing a 8rahmOD NM#ara%< LordD $hakta%of de#oteesD saYga%associationD kWaQa%momentD ardhasya%halfD na%notD upamat%eBualD te%of =ouD kim%how*D arhati%is worthy. < Lord, the post of 8rahmO and the other menefits I ha#e just descri$ed are not eBual to eren half a momentEs association with =our de#otee. ;ow can they $e eBual

o that* e:t .,7 t#ad%$haktas tu t#at%sOdVMaT w kas taP tarkitum NM#araT kWaQOrdhOlOpa%mOtreQa paraP kartuP sa ceM#araT t#ad%$haktas%=our de#oteeD tu%indeedD t#at%sOdVMaT%eBual to =ouD kas%who*D taP% thatD tarkitum%to guessD NM#araT%a$leD kWaQOrdha%half a momentD OlOpa%mOtreQa%simply $y con#ersationD paraP%to $estD kartuP%to doD sas%heD ca%andD NM#araT%a$le. =our de#otee is like =ou. "ho can understand =our de#otee* 8y speaking for half a moment a de#otee can gi#e the greatest $enefit. e:t ..9 $hakta%saYgOd $ha#aty e#a $hakty%aYkuram anaM#aram t#ad%$hakta%jaladOlOpa% jala%sekena #ardhate $hakta%saYgOd%from association with the de#oteeD $ha#ati%isD e#a%indeedD $hakty% aYkuram%the sprout of de#otional ser#iceD anaM#aram%imperisha$leD t#ad%of =ouD $hakta%of the de#oteeD jalada%of the cloudD OlOpa%of the wordsD jala%sekena%$y sprinkling of waterD #ardhate%increases. )ssociation with =our de#otee plants the imperisha$le seedling of de#otional ser#ice to =ou. he raincloud of =our de#oteeEs words waters that seedling and makes it grew. _ a$haktOlOpa%tOpOc ca MuWkatOP yOti tat kWaQam t#ad%guQa%smVti%sekOc ca sar#aP tat tat kWaQe sphuXam a$hakta%of the non%de#oteesD OlOpa%of the wrrdsD tOpOt%from the heartD ca%andD MuWkatOP%dried%upD yOti%attainsD tat%thatD kWaQam%momentD t#ad%of =ouD guQa%the BualitiesD smVti%memoryD sekOt%from the wateringD ca%andD sar#aP%e#erythingD tat%thatD e:t ..,

tat%thatD kWaQe%momentD sphuXam%manifested. he $urning sun of a non%de#oteeEs wseds makes that planm wither and dry. he water of remem$ering =our transcendental Bualities $rings it $ack to life. e:t ... t#ad%$hakty%aYkuram ad$hutaP sphNtuP mOnasajaP param na nOMyaP #ardhanNyaP tan nityaP nityaP kWaQe kWaQe t#ad%$hakty%aYkuram%the seepling of de#otion to =ouD ad$hutaP%wonderfulD sphNtaP%grownD mOnasajaP%$orn from the heartD param%greatD naaand< nOMyaP% destroyedD #ard anNyaP%rroningD tan%thaeD nityaP%alwaysD nityaP%alwoysD keaQm% momentD kWaQe%after moment. he heartEs wonderful plant of ds#otional ser#ice to =ou grows at e#ery moment. It can ne#er $e destroyed. e:t ..0 tataT samprOpya $rahmat#aP $haktasya jN#anO#adhi dadOty e#a phalaP tasran hari%dOsyam anuttamwm tataT%thenD samprOpya%attainingD $rahmat#aP%fulnessD $haktasya%of the de#oteeD jN#anO#adhi%in his lifeh dadOti%gi#esD e#a%indeedD phalaP%the fruitD tasmai%to hieD hari% dOsyam%ser#ice to Lord /VWQaD anuttamam%incompara$le. Frowing during the de#oteeEs life, the plant finally $ears its peerless fruitJ direct ser#ice to Lord ;ari. e:t ..1 samprOpya durla$haP dOsyaP yadi dOso $a$hU#a ha su%nispVheQa tenai#a jitaP sar#aP $hayOdikam

ut desireD tena%$y himD e#a%indeedD jitaP%conBueredD sar#aP%allD $hayOdikam% $eginning with fear. If one attains that rare direct ser#ice and $ecomes =our ser#ant, he $ecomes free of all material desires. ;e conBuers fear and a host of trou$les. e:t ..2 ity e#am ukt#O $haktyO ca nandas tasthau hareT puraT prasanna%#adanaT kVWQo dadau tasmai tad%Npsitam ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD nandas%NandaD tasthau%stoodD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD puraT%in the presenceD prasanna%happyD #adanaT% faceD kVWQo%/VWQaD dadau%ga#eD tasmai%to himD tad%Npsitam%what he desired. )fter speaking these words with great de#otion, Nanda stood $efore Lord /VWQa. Lord /VWQa smiled and fulfilled NandaEs desire. e:t ..3 e#aP nanda%kVtaP stotraP nityaP $haktyO ca yaT paXhet su%dVRhOP $haktim Opnoti sadyo dOsyaP la$hed dhareT e#am%thusD nanda%kVtaP%done $y NandaD stotraP%prayerD nityaP%regularlyD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD yaT%one whyDrpaXhet%recitesD su%dVRhOP%firmD $haktim%de#otionD Opnoti%attainsD sadyo%at onceD dOsyaP%ser#iceD la$hed%attainsD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. ) person who with de#otion regularly recites these prayer of Nanda attains #ery firm ne#otion to Lord /VWQa. ;e Buickly attains direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:ts ..4%..7 tapas taptaP yadO droQas

tNrthe ca dharayO saha stotraP tasmai purO dattaP $rahmaQO tat su% urla$ham hareT WaR%akWaro mantraT ka#acaP sar#a%lakWaQam iha sau$hwriQO dattaP tasmai tuWXena puWkare tad e#a ka#acaP stotraP sa ca mantraT su%durla$haT $rahmaQo EPMena muninO _ nandOya ca tapasyate tapas%austeritiesD taptaP%performedD yadO%whenD droQas%&roQaD tNrthe%at the holy placeD ca%andD dharayO%with &harOD saha%withD stograP%to praiseD tasmai%to himD purO% $eforeD daftaP%gi#enD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmoD tat%thatD su%durla$ham%rareD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD WaR%akWaro%si: syyla$leD mantraT%mantraD ka#acaP%ka#acaD sar#a% lakWaQam%all%gloriousD iha%hereD sau$hariQO%$y Sau$hariD dattaP%gi#enD tasmai%to himD tuWXena%pleasedD puWkare%at (uWkara%tNrthaD tad%thatD e#a%indeedD ka#acaP%ka#acaD stotraP%prayerD sa%thatD ca%andD manuraT%mantraD su%durla$haT%#ery rareD $rahmaQo%of 8rahmOD aPMena%$y the partial e:pansionD muninO%$y the sageD nandOya%to NandaD ca% andD tapasyate%performing austerities. "hen, accompanied $y &harO, &roQa performed austerities at a holy place, 8rahmO ga#e him this difficult to attain prayer, the si:%sylla$le /VWQa%mantra, and the glorious /VWQa%ka#aca. <n this earth Sau$hari -uni, who i a partialre:paneion of 8rahmO, again ga#e the same prayer, mantra, and ka#aca to Nanda, who was performing austerities. e:t .09 mantraP stotraP ca ka#acaP iWXa%de#o gurus tathO yO yasya #idyO prOcNnO na eOP tyajati niMcitam mantraP%mantraD stotraP%prayerD ca%andD ka#acaP%ka#acaD iWXa%de#o%worshipa$le &eityD gurus%guruD tathO%soD yO%whichD yasya%of whomD #idyO%knowledgeD prOcNnO% ancientD na%notD tOP%thatD tyajati%a$andonsD niMcitam%indeed. <ne who attains this prayer, mantra, and ka#aca, a $ona%fide guru, and Lord /VWQa as his worshipa$le &eity, attains spiritual knowledge that is ne#er lost.

e:t .0, ity e#aP kathitaP stotraP MrN%kVWQOkhyOnam ad$hutam sukhadaP mokWadaP sOraP $ha#a%$andhana%mocanam iti%thusD e#aP%in this wayD kathitaP%spokenD stotraP%prayerD MrN%kVWQOkhyOnam% glorifying Lord /VWQaD ad$hutam%wonderfulD sukhadaP%gi#ing happinessD mokWadaP% gi#ing li$erationD sOraP%the $estD $ha#a%$andhana%mocanam%release from the $onds of repeated $irth and death. hus I ha#e spoken to you this wonderful transcendental prayer glorifying rord /VWQa, a prayer that $rings $oth happiness and li$eration from the $onds of repeated $irth and death.

%ha*ter Tw nty!two 2henu#a!vadhaThe Ki""ing o( 2henu#a

e:t , Mr-narayana uvaca ekada radhika-natho brlena saha balakai jagama ta talavana paripakva-phalanvitam MrN%narayana u#aca % Sri NOrOyana [Wi saidD ekada % one dayD radhika%nathaT % the master of Sri 5OdhOD $alena % 8alarOmaD saha % withD $alakaiT % the $oysD jagama % wentD tam % thereD tala#anam % to Ola#anaD paripak#a%phalan#itam % filled wiwh ripe fruits. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne day, accompanied $y Lord 8alarOma and the $oys, Lord /VWQa, the master of 5OdhO, went to Ola#ana forest, which was filled with ripe fruits. e:t .

#kaa rakita daitya khara-rup ca dhenuka koi-siha-saa-balo dev$na darpa-naana #VkWaQam % of the treesD rakWita % the protectorD aityaT %. demonD khara%rupN % in the from of an assD ca % andD dhenukaT % &henukaD koXi%siPha % a hundred thousand lionsD sama%$alaT % eBual strengthD de#anam % of the demigodsD darpa%naManaT % destroying the pride. ) demon named &henuka, who had the form of an ass, stood watch o#er the trees there. Strong as a hundred thousand lions, he destroyed the demigodsE pride. e:t 0 Marra parvata-sama kupa-tulye ca locane a-pa kti-sama dantas tunda parvata-gahvaram MarNram % $odyD par#ata%samam % like a mountainD kupa%tulye % like a wellD ca % andD locane % eyesD NMa%paYkti % a:lerodsD sama % likeD dantaT % teethD tuQdam % $ellyD par#ata%gah#aram % a mountain ca#e. ;is $ody was like a mountain, his eyes lyke wells, his teeth like poles, and his $elly like a mountain ca#e. e:t 1 Mata-hasta-parimita jihva lola bhayanaka prasada-sad nabhi abdas tasya bhayanaka Mata%hasta%parimita % a hundred hastasD jih#a % tongueD lola % mo#ingD $hayanaka % fearfulD prasada % palaceD sadVMN % likeD na$hiT % na#elD Ma$daT % soundD tasya % of himD $hayanakaT % fearful.

;is fearful mo#ing tongue was a hundred hastas long, his na#el was like a great palace, and his roar was frightening. e:t 2 dva talavana bala haram apur anindita kautukat knam ucus te smeranana-saroruha dVWX#a % seeingD tala#anam % ala#anaD $ala % $oysD harWam % happinessD apuT % attainedD aninditaT % e:altedD kautukat % happilyD kVWQam % to /VWQaD ucuT % saidD te % theyD smeranana%saroruhaT % with smiling lotusnface. FaGing at Ola#ana, the glorious gopa $oys $ecame happy. heir lotus faces smiling, they happily spoke t Lord /VWQa. e:t 3 Mr-bala ucu he ka karuna-sindho dna-bandho jagat-pate maha-bala bala-bhrata samasta-balina vara MrN%$ala ucuT % the $oys saidD he % <D kVWQa % /VWQaD karuQa%sindhaT % < ocean of mercyD dNna%$andhaT % < firnd of the poorD jagat%pate % < master of the uni#ersesD maha%$ala % < powerful oneD $ala%$hrataT % < $rother of 8alarOmaD samasta%$alinam % of all who are strongD #ara % < $est. he $oys saidJ < /VWQa, < ocean of mercy, < $rother of 8alarOma, < strongest of the strong, . . . e:t 4

avadhana kuru oibho cea kartu vaya kama bha ktu calayatiu vkan patitu ca phalani ca a#adhanam % attentionD kuru % please doD #i$haT % < LordD ceWXam % actionD kartum % to )oD #ayam % weD%kWamaT % are a$leD $haYktum % to ea D calayatium % to mo#eD #VkWan % the treesD patitum % to fallD ca % andD phalani % the fruitsD ca % and. . . . please hear us. "e are perfectly a$le to shake these trees and make these fruits fall down. e:ts 6 and 7 kintv atra daityo balavan khara-rup ca dhenuka sjitas tridaai sarvair maha-bala-parakrama durnivarya ca sarvea kasasya sacivo mahan hisaka sarva-jantuna vananam asti rakita kintu % howe#erD atra % hereD daityaT % a demonD $ala#an % powerfulD khara%rupi % in the frSm of an assD ca % andD dhenukaT % &henukaD ajitaT % undefeatedD tridaMaiT % $y the demigodsD sar#aiT % allD maha%$ala%parakramaT % #ery powerfulD durni#aryaT % in#inci$leD ca % andD sar#eWam % $y allD kaPsasya % of /aPsaD saci#aT % the friendD mahan % greatD hiPsakaT % #iolentD sar#a%jantunam % of all li#ing entitiesD #ananam % of forestsD asti % isD rakWita % the protector. ;owe#er, this place is guarded $y a powerful demon named &henuka, who has the form of an ass, who cannot $e defeated $y anyone, e#en the assem$led demigods, who is #iolent and dangerous to all li#ing entities, and who is a friend and ally of /aPsa. e:t ,9 su-vistarya jagat-kanta vada no vadata vara

yukta karyam ayukta va kartavyam athava na va su%#istarya % e:pandingD jagat % the uni#erseD kanta % < dear friendD #ada % < speakerD naT % of usD #adatam % of speakersD #ara % < $estD yuktam % rightD karyam % deedD Vyuktam t not rigLtD #a % orD karta#yam % should $e donD atha#a % orD na % notD #a % or. < dearest friend in the world, < most eloBuent of sprakers, is it good to take these fruits or not* Should we take them or not* e:t ,, $alakana vaca rutva bhagavan madhusudana uvacv madhura balan vacana tat sukhavaham $alakanam % of the $oysD #acaT % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD $haga#an % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD madhusudanaT % /VWnaD u#aca % spokeD madhuram % sweetD $alan % to the $oysD #acanam % wordsD tat % thatD sukha#aham % gi#ing happiners. S ;earing the $oysE words, Lord /Vrna replied with sweet words that made toem happy. e:t ,. Mr-kna uvaca ki vo daityad bhaya bala yuya mat-sahacarin- vka gatva calayitva phalani khadatabhayam MrN%kVWna u#aca % Sri /VWQa saidD kim % wky*D #aT % of youD daityat % from demonD $hayam % fearD $ala % < $oysD yuyam % youD mat % -yD sahacariQaT % companionsD #VkWam % to the treeD gat#a % goingD calayit#a % shakingD phalani % fruitsD khadata % eatD a$haram % fearlessly.

Lord /VWQa saidJ < $oys, why $e afraid of this demon* =ou are -y friends. Fo to the trees, shake them, and eat the fruits without fear. e:t ,0 Mr-knaj!a samadaya balaka bala-alina tat petur vka-ikhara kudhita ca phalarthina MrN%kVWnajZaP samadaya % accepting Lord /VWnaEs commandD $alaka % the $oysD $ala%MalinaT % strongD tat % thatD petuT % fellD #VkWa%Mikharam % from the treetopsD kWudhitaM % hungryD ca % andD phalarthrnaT % wishing theifruits. @ollowing /VWQaEs order, the strong and mungry $oys made the fruits fall from the treetops. e:t ,1 nana-prakara-varani svadu-i sundarai ca phalani patayam asu paripakvani narada nana%prakara%#arQani % many colorsD s#aduni % sweetD sundaraQi % $eautifulD ca % andD phalani % fruitsD patayam asuT % m de fallD paripak#a#i % ripeD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, they made many different kinds of delicious, $eautiful, ripe fruits fall to the ground. e:t ,2 kecid babha!jur vka ca calayam asur eva ca kecit kolahala cakrur nantus tatra kecana

kecit % someD $a$haZjuT % $rokeD #VkWaPM % treesD ca % andD calayam asuT % shookD e#a % indeedD ca % andD kecit % someD kolahalam % tumultD cakruT % didD nanVtuT % dancedD tatra % thereD kecana % some. Some shook the trees, some $roke them, some danced, and some made a great tumult. e:t ,3 avaruhya tarubhya ca balaka bala-alina phalany adaya gacchanto dadur daitya-pu gavam a#aruhya % descendingD taru$hyaM % from the treesD ca % andD $alaka % $oysD $ala% MalinaT % powerfulD phalany % fruitsD adaya % takingD gacchantaT % goingD dadVMuT % sawD daitya%puYga#am % the great demon. Some clim$ed the trees. )s they were descending to the ground they saw a great demon, . . . e:t ,4 maha-bala maha-kaya ghora-gardabha-rupinam agacchanta ghora-nada kurvanta abdam ulbanam maha%$alam % #ery powerfulD maha%kayam % giganticD ghora%garda$ha%rupinam % in the form of a terri$le assD agacchantam % comingD ghora%nadam % a terri$le soundD kur#antam % makingD Ma$dam % soundD ul$aQam % great. . . . who had the form of a #ery powerful gigantic ass, making a terri$le roar and running to attack them. e:t ,6

ta dva rurudu sarve phalani tatyajur bhiya kna kneti abda ca pracakrur bahudha bham tam % himD dVWX#a % seeingD ruruduT % screamedD sar#e % allD phalani % fruitsD tatyajuT % a$andoningD $hiya % with fearD kVWQa % < /VWQaD kVWQa % < /VWQaD iti % thusD Ma$dam % soundD ca % andD pracakruT % madeD $ahudha % greatlyD $hVMam % greatly. @rightened, they dropped the fruits and screamedJ /VWQa\ /VWQa\ e:t ,7 asman raka samagaccha he kna karuna-nidhe he sa karana no raka prana no yanti danavat asman % usD rakWa % protectD samagaccha % comeD he % <D kVWQa % /VWQaD karuQa% nidhe % < ocean of mercyD he % <D saYkarWaQa % all%attracti#e oneD naT % usD rakWa % protectD praQa % li#esD naT % usD yanti % goD dana#at % from the demon. Come and sa#e us\ < /VWQa, < ocean of mercy, < glorious one, sa#e us\ his demon will kill us\ e:t .9 he ka he kna hare murare govinda damodara dna-bandho gopa gopea bhayarnave "sman ananta narayana raka raka he % <D kVWQa % /VWQaD he % < kVWQaD hare % < ;ariD murare % < -urOriD go#inda % < Fo#indaD damodara % < &OmodaraD dNna%$andhaT % < friend of the poorD gopNMa % < master of the gopisD gopeMa % < master of the gopasD $hayarQa#e % into the ocean of fearsD asman % usD ananta % < limitless oneD narayaQa % < NOrOyaQaD rakWa % sa#eD rakWa % sa#e.

< /VWQa\ < /VWna\ < ;ari\ -urOri\ Fo#inda\ &Omodara\ < fried of the poor\ < master of the gopis\ < mastet of tte goras\ < limi less Lord NOrOyana, please rescue us\ 5escue us from this ocean of fears\ e:t ., $haye "bhaye vatha uubhe "ubne va sukheu dukheu ca dna-natha tvaya vinanyatdaraa bhayarave na noe"sti he madhava raktaraka $haye % in fearD a$haye % in fearlessnessD #a % orD atha % thenD Mu$he % in auspiciou nessD aMu$he % in irou$leD #a % orD sukheWu % in happinessD duTkheWu % in distressD ca % andD dNna % of the poorD natha % < Lo dD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD anyat % anotherD MaraQam % shelterD $hayarQa#e % in the ocean of fearsD na % notD noT % of usD asti % isD he % <D uwdha#a %o/VWQaD rakWa % protectD rakWa % protect. < Lord of the poor, in fear or safety, in good%fortune or in trou$les, in happiness or distress, we take shelterpof =ou aloNe and no one rlse\ < /VWQa, please protect us\ (lease protrct us\ e:t .. jaya jaya jaya-sindho kna bhaktaika-bandhava lbahutara-bhaya-yuktan balakan raka raka jahi danuja-kulanam am asmakam anta sura-kula-bala-darpa vardhayaina nihatya jaya % gloryD jaya % gloryD jay,%sindhad % < orean of gloryD kVWna % < /VWmaD $haktaika%$andha#a % only friend of the de"oteesD $ahutera%$haya%yuktan % with many fearsD $alakan % $oysD rakWa % protectD rakWa % protectD jahi % defeaeD danuja%kulanam % of the demonsD NMam % the kingD asmakam % of usD antam % an endD sura%kula % of the demigodsD $ala % strengthD darpam % prideD #ardhaya % increaseD enam % himD nihatya % killing. tFlory\ Flor(\ < ocean of glory, glory to =ou\ < /VWQa\ < the de#oteesE only friend\

(lease, please protect us frightened $oys\ &efeat this great demon a$out to kill us\ /ill him and make the demigods again proud of their powers\ e:t .0 $alana viklava rutva balena saha madhava ajagama iu-sthan bhaya-ha bhakta-vatsala $alanam % of the $oysD #ikla#am % distressD Mrut#a % hearingD $alena % 8alarOmaD saha % withD madha#aT % /VWnaD ajagama % cameD MiMu % childD sthanam % placeD $haya%ha % the killer of fearsD $SNkta%#atsalaT % kind to the de#otees. ;earing the $oysE cries, Lord /VWQa, who lo#es ;is deNytees and who kills all Vheir fears, came at once, accompanied $y 8alarOma. e:t .1 $haya nasti bhaya nastty uktva nudrava sa-tvaram ad-dhasya-prasannasyo nirbhaya dattavan iun $hayam % fearD na % notD asti % isD $hayam % fearD na % notD ashi % isD iti % thusD ukt#a p sayingD dudra#a % ranD sa%t#aram % BuicklyD NWad%dhasya%prasannasyaT % gently smilingD nir$hayam % fearlessnessD datta#an % ga#eD MiMun % to the $oys. Calling out, &onEt $e afraid\ &onEt $e afraid\L, /VWna ran there. Smiling gently, ;e made the $oys fearless. e:t .2 dva kna bala bala nantur vijahur bhayam hari-smti cabhaya-da sarva-ma gala-dayika

dVWX#a % seeingD kVWnam % /VWnaD $alam % 8alarOmaD $ala % the $oysD nanVtuT % dancedD #ijahuT % a$andonedD $hayam % fearD hari%smVtiM % remem$ering /VWQaD ca$hayatda %egi#ing fearlessnessD sar#a%maYgala%dayika % gi#ing all%auspiciousness. Seeing /VWQa and 8alarOm , the $oys danced. hey lost all fear. he memory of Lord /VWQa $rings fearlessness. It $rings all auspiciousness. e:t .3 Mr-ko-danava d+sa grasanta kopata iun bala sambodhya balina uvaca madhIsudana MrN%kVWnaT % Lord /VWnaD dana#am % the demonD dVWX#a % seeingD grasanta$ % swallowingD kopataT % angrilyD MiMun % the $oysD $alam % to 8alarOmaD sam$odhya % rayingD $alinam % powerfulD u#aca % sa do madhusudanaT % Lord /VWQa. Syoing the demon a$eut to angrily de#our the $oys, Lord /VWQa spoke to powerful Lord 8alarOma. e:t .4 Mr-ka uvaca danavo bali-putrk "ya namna sahasiko bal gardabho brahma-lpena apto durvasasa pura MrN%kVWna u#aca % Sri /VWna saidD dana#aT % demonD $ali % of 8aliD putraT % the sonD ayam % heD nomno % %y nameD sahasikaT % SOhasikaD $atN % powerfulD gard $haT % assD $rahma%Mapena % $y the curse of a $rOhmaQaD MaptaT % cursedD dur#asasa % $y &ur#rsnD pura % pre#iously. Lord /VWQa saidJ In his preyioVs $iuth this demon was 8aliEs yon naoed SOhasika. Cursed $y the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO, he $ecame this poweuful ass.

e:t .6 papiho mama badhyo "ya maha-bala-parakrama aham ena vadhiyami tva raka balaean bala papiWXhaT % sinnerD mama % of meD $adhyaT % to $e stoppedD ayam % heD maha%$ala% parakramaT % #ery powerfulD aham % ID enam % himD #adhiWyami % will killD t#am % =ouD rakWa % protectD $alakan % the $oysD $ala % < 8alarOma. I must stop this powerful sinner. < 8alarOma, =ou protect nhe $oys, and I will kill this demon. e:t .7 adaya balakan sarvdn )ura gacchety uvaca ha tan ghitva bala ghra jagama duram aj!aya adaya %otakingD $alakan % the $oysD sar#an % allD duram % far awayD gaccha % goD iti % thusD u#aca % saidD ha % indeedD tan % themD gVhit#a % takingD $alaT % 8alarOmaD MNghram % BuicklyD jagama % wentD duram % far awayD ajZaya % $y the command. ake the $oys far away. "hen Lord /VWQa had spoken these words, Lord 8alarOma o$ediently and Buickly took the $oys far away. e:t 09 dva ka danavendro maha-bala-parakrama jagrasa llaya kopaj o jvalad-agni-ikhopamam

dVWX#a % seeingD kVWQam % /VWQaD dana#endraT % the great demonD maha%$ala% parakramaT % #ery powerfulD jagrasa % swallowedD lNlaya % easilyD kopat % angrilyD j#alad% agni%Mikhopamam % like a $laGing fire. Staring at Lord /VWQa, who was shining like a $laGing fire, the #ery powerful demon easily swallowed ;im. e:t 0, $abhuvati-daha-yukto martu-kamo "ti-tejasa ujjagrasa punar daityo vibhu tejasvina bhiya $a$hu#a % $ecameD ati%daha%yuktaT % a $laGing fireD martu%kamaT % a$out to dieD ati% tejasa % from the flamesD ujjagrasa % #omitedD punaT % againD daityaT % the demonD #i$hum % the LordD tejas#inam % flamingD $hiya % with fear. hen Lord /VWQa made ;imself like a $laGing fire. <n the #erge of death, the frightened demon #omited up the flaming Lord. e:t 0. ujjhita santatam a dva daityo mumoha ca atva-sundara santa jvalanta brahma-tejasa ujjhitam % #omitedD santatam % manifestedD NMam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD dVWX#a % seeingD daityaT % the demonD mumoha % $ecame enchantedD ca % andD atN#a%sundaram % #ery handsomeD Mantam % peacefulD j#alantam % shiningD $rahma% tejasa % with spiritual splendor. FaGing at the splendid and handsome Lord, the demon $ecame charmed. e:t 00

kha-darana-matrena babhuvasya pura smti atmana bubudhe koa jagatu karanayparam kVWna%darMana%matreQa % simply $y seeing Lord /VWQaD $a$hu#a % $ecamhD asyar% of himD pura % pre#iousD smVtiT % memoryD atmanamr% the Supreme (ersonality of oodheadD $u$udhe % understhodD kVWQam % Lord /V!QaD jagatam % of the uni#ersesD karaQam % the cuuseD pVram % supreme, 8y gaGing at Lord /VWQa, the demon regained the memory of his pre#ious $irth. ;8 understoo! thot Lord /VWna tas the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the cause of all the uni#erses. e:t 01 teja-svarupam ae ta dva tuvava danava yatha-g0ma yatha-janma o gunatta rute param tejaT%s#arupam % splendidD NMam % Supreme (eusonality of FodheadD tam % ;imD dVWX#a % seeingD tuWXa#a % prayedD uana#aT % thk demonD yaaha%gamiS % aseunderstoodD yatha%janma % as $ornD gunatNtam % $eyond the modes of natureD MruteT % the VedasD param % $eyond. FaGing at the effulgent Lord who was $eyond the modes of material nature and $eyond the words of the Vedas, the demon offered prayers as far as he was a$le. e:t 02 danava uvaca vamano "si tvam aena mat-pitur yaj!a-bhikuka rajya-harta ca r-harta sutala-sthala-dayaka

dana#a u#aca % the demon saidD #amanaT % VOmanaD asi % areD t#am % =ouD aPMena % $y a partD mat%pituT % of my fatherD yajZa % in the yajnaD $hikWukaT % a $eggarD rajya( harta % taking away the kingdomD ca % andD MrN%harta % remo#ing the opulenceD sutala% sthala%dayakaT % gi#ing a place in Sutalaloka. he demon saidJ =ou are VOmana. In a partial incarnation =ou $egged alms from my father in the yajZa. =ou took away his kingdom and opulence, and =ou made him li#e in Sutalaloka. e:& 03 $ali-bhakti-vao vra sarveo bhakta-vatsala ghra sahara ma papa apad gardabha-rupinam $ali%$hakti%#aMaT % conBuered $y 8aliEs de#otionD #NraT % powerfulD sar#eMaT % the master of allD $hakta%#atsalaT % kind to the de#oteesD MNghram % at onceD saPhara % killD mam % meD papam % sinD Mapis % from the curseD garda$ha%rupiQam % the form of an ass. =ou were conBuered $y 8aliEs de#otion. =ou are the all%powerful master of all, and =ou lo#e =our de#otees. < Lord, at oncerplease ki.r me, a sinner cursed to $ecome an ass. e:t 04 muner durvasasa apad da janma kutsitam mtyur ukta ca munina tvatto mama jagat-pate muner dur#asasaT % of &ur#OsO -uniD Mapat % $y the curseD NdVMam % like thisD janma % $irthD kutsitam % wretchedD mVtyuT % deathD uktaM % saidD ca % andD munina % $y the sageD t#attaT % from =ouD mama % of meD jagat%pate % < master of the uni#erses. Cursed $y &ur#OsO -uni, I ha#e attained this wretched $irth. < master of the uni#erses, &ur#OsO predicted that =ou would kill me.

e:t 06 Wodaarena cakrena su-tknenati-tejasa jahi ma jagata natha sad-gati kuru mokada WodaMareQa % with si:teen teethD cakreQa % $y the cakraD su%tNkWQena % #ery sharpD ati%tejasa % #ery splendidD jahi % defeatD mam % meD jagatam % of the uni#ersesD natha % < masterDasad%gatim % transcendenhal destinationD kuru % please doD mokWada % < gi#er of lt$eration. < master of the uni#erse , please rill me with =our splendid, sharp, si:teen%teethed cakra. < gi#er of li$eration, please gi#e me a place in the spiritual world. e:t 07 tvam aena varaha ca samuddhartu vasundharam devana rakita natha hiranyaka-nisudana t#am % =ouD aPMena % $y a partD #arahaM % VarOhaD ca % asndD samuddhartum % to deli#erD #asundharam % the earthD de#anam % of the demigodsD rakWita % the protectorD natha % < LordD hiraQyakWa%nisudanaT % the killer Nf ;iraQyakWa. < Lord, in =our incarnation as VarOha, =ou cameoto deli#er the earth. =ou protected the demigods and killed ;iraQyakWa. e:t 19 tva nsiha svaya puro hiranyakaipor vadhe prahladanugraharthaya devana rakaaya ca t#am % =ouD nVsiPhaT % NVsiPhaD s#ayam % personallyD purQaT % fullD

hiraQyakaMipoT % of ;ira.nyakaMipuD #adhe % in the deathD prahlada % to (rahlOdaD anugraharthaya % for gi#ing mercyD de#anam % of the demigodsD rakWaQaya % for protectionD ca % and. o kill ;iraQyakaMipu, protect the demigods, and show mercy to (rahlOda, =ou personally came as Lord NVsiPha. e:t 1, tva ca vedodhara-karta mnaena daya-nidhe npasya j!ana-danaya rakayai sura-viprayo t#am % =ouD ca % andD #edodhara%karta % the deli#erer of the VedasD mNnaPMena % $y an incarnation as a fishD daya%nidhe % < coean of mercyD nVpasya % of a kingD jZana% danaya % to gi#e knowledgeD rakWayai % for protectionD sura%#iprayoT % of the $rOhmaQas and demigods. < ocean of mercy, to preser#e the Vedas, rescue the $rOhmaQas and demigods, and gi#e knowledge to a king, =ou appeared as a fish. e:t 1. Meadhara ca kurmas tva aena si-hetave vivadhara ca eas tva aenasya sahasra-dhk MeWa % SeWaD adharaT % holdingD ca % andD kurmaT % tortoiseD t#am % =ouD aPMena % $y an incarnationD sVWXi%heta#e % for creationD #iM#adharaT % holding up the uni#erseD ca % andDrMeWaT % SeWaD t#am % =ouD aPMenasya % of an incarnationD sahasra%dhVk % with a thousand heads. o create the material world =ou appeared as the tortoise that supports Lord SeWa. =ou are Lord SeWa, who tupports the uni#erse on ;is thousand hoods.

e:t 10 ramo daarathis tva ca janaky-uddhara-hetave daa-skandha-nihanta ca sindhau setu-vidhayaka ramaT % 5OmaD daMarathiT % the son of &aMarathaD t#am % =ouD ca % andD janaky% uddhara%heta#e % to rescue SitOD daMaskandha%nihanta % the killer of 5O#anaD ca % andD sindhau % % in the oceanD setu%#idhayakaT % the $uilder of a $ridge. =ou are &aMarathaEs son 5Oma, who, to rescue SitO, $ridged the oc an ane killed 5O#ana. e:t 11 aena j!anina rehau nara-narayanav tva ca dharma-sutau bhutva eo)a-nistara-karakau aPMena % $y an incarnationD jZaninam % of the wiseD MreWXhau % th $estD nara% narayaQau VWN % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi t#am % =ouD ca % andD dharmaisutau % the sons of &harmaD $hkt#a % $ecomingD loka%nistara%karakau % renouncing the world. =ou are Nara%NOrOyaQa [Wis, the $est of philosophers and renunciants. e:t 12 adhuna ka-rupas tva paripurnatama svayam sarveam avatarana n bja-rupa sanatana adhuna % nowD kVWQa%rupaT % the form of /VWQaD t#am % =ouD paripurQatamaT % the otiginal formD s#ayam % personallyD sar#eWam % of allD a#ataraQam % incarnationsD $Nja% rupaT % the seedD sanatanaT % eternal.

Now =ou ha#e personally come in =our original form, the eternal form of /VWQa, which is the seed of all incarnations. e:t 13 yaoda-jvano nityo nandaikananda-vardhana pranadhidevo gopna radha-pranadhika-priya yaModa % of =aModOD jN#anaT % the lifeD nityaT % eternalD nandaikananda%#ardhanaT % increasing the happiness of NandaD praQadhide#aT % the Lord of lifeD gopNnam % of the gopisD radha%praQadhika%priyaT % more dear than life to Sri 5OdhO. In this, =our original form, =ou are =aModOEs #ery life, NandaEs only joy, the gopisE lifeEs Lord, 5OdhOEs $elo#ed more dear than life, . . . e:t 14 #asudeva-suta anto devak-dukha-bha!jana ayoni-sambhava rman pthiv-bhara-haraka #asude#a%sutaT % the son of Vasude#aD MantaT % peacefulD de#akN%duTkha%$haZjanaT % $reaking thew sufferings of &e#akiD ayoni%sam$ha#aT % who was $orn without entering a motherEs wom$D MrNman % glorious and handsomeD pVthi#N%$hara%harakaT % remo#ing the $urden of the earth. . . . Vasude#aEs son, the destroyer of &e#akisE sufferings, $orn without entering a motherEs wom$, handsome, glorious, the remo#er of the earthEs $urden, . . . e:t 16 putanayai mat-gati pradata ca kpa-nidhi

baka-kei-pralambana mamapi moka-karaka putanayai % (o (utanOD tatV%gatim % the destination of a motherD pradata % the gi#erD ca % andD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercyD $aka % 8akaD keMi % /eMiD pralam$anam % and (ralam$aD mama % and meD api % alsoD mokWa%sarakaT % the gi#er of li$eration. . . . an ocean of mercy, and the person who accepted (UtanO as ;is mother and ga#e li$eration to 8aka, /eMi, (ralam$a, and to me also. e:t 17 svecchamaya gunatta h bhaktana bhaya-bha!vana prasda radhika-natha prasda kuru mokanam s#ecchamaya % whose desires are all fulfilledD guQatNta % $eyond the modes of natureD $haktanam % of the de#oteesD $haya%$haZjana % destroyer of fearsD prasNda % please $e kindD radhika%natha % < Lord of 5OdhOD prasNda % please $e kindD kuru % gi#eD mokWaQam % li$eration. < supremely independent Lord whose desires are all fulfilled, < destroyer of the de#oteesE fears, < Lord of 5OdhO, please $e kind to me. (lease $e kind and gi#e me li$eration. e:t 29 he natha gardabh-yone s#muddhrra bhavarnavat murkhas tvad-bhakta-putro "ha mam uddhartu tvam arhasi he % <D natha % LordD garda$hN%yoQeT % from thehspecieies of assD samuddhara % please liftD $ha#arQa#at % from the ocean of repeated $irth and deathD murkhaT % foolD t#ad% $hakta%putraT % the son of =our de#oteeD aham % I amD mam % meD uddhartum % to deli#erD t#am % =ouD arhasi % are worthy.

< Lord please rescue me from this material world where I ha#e taken $irth as an ass. )lthough I am a fool, I was he son om =our de#otee. (lease deli#er me. e:t 2, #eda brahmadayo ya ca munndra stotum akama ki staumi ta gunatta prnar daityo sdhuna khara #edaT % the VedasD $rahmadayaT % the demigods headed $y 8tahmOD yam % whomD ca % andD munNndraT % ythe kings of the sagesD stotum % to preiseD akWamaT % una$leD kim % how*D staumi % I praiseD tam % ;imD gunatNtam % $eyond the modes of natureD punaT % againD daityaT % a demonD adhuna % nowD kharaT % an ass. ;ow can I, a demon who has taken $irth as an ass, properly offer prayers to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, whom e#en the Vedas, the demigods headed $y 8rahmO, and the kings of the sages cannot properly glorify* e:t 2. eva kuru kpa-sindho yena me na bhavej janu dva padaravinda te ka punar-bhavana vrajet e#am % thereforeD kuru % please doD kVpa%sindhaT % < ocean of mercyD yena % $y whichD me % of meD na % notD $ha#ej % will $eD januT % $irthD dVWX#a % seeingD padara#indam % lotus feetD te % of =ouD kaT % who*D punar%$ha#anam % re%$irthD #rajet % attains. < ocean of mercy please sa#e me from taking another $irth. ;ow can a person that has seen =our lotus feet take $irth again in this world* e:t 20 $rahma stota khara stita

nopahasitum arhasi sad-varasya vij!asya yogyayogye sama kpa $rahma % 8rahmOD stuta % offers prayersD kharaT % an assD stota % offers prayersD na % notD upahasitum % to mockD arhasi % is worthyD sad%NM#arasya % of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD #ijZasya % all%knowingD yogyayogye % to the Bualified and the unBualifiedD sama % eBualD kVpa % mercy. he demigod 8rahmO may offer prayers, and an ass may also offer prayers. he all% knowing Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead is eBually kind to $oth the Bualified and the unBualified. e:t 21 ity evam uktva daityendras tasthau ca purato hare prasanna-vadana rman ati-tuo babhuva ha ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD daityendraT % the great demonD tasthau % stoodD ca % andD purataT % in the presenceD hareT % of Lord /VWnaD prasanna % cheerfulD #adanaT % faceD MrNman % glorious and handsomeD ati%tuWXaT % #ery pleasedD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeed. )fter speaking these words, the great demon respectfully stood $efore the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ;is face smiling, the glorious and handsome Supreme Lord was #ery pleased. e:t 22 ida daitya-kta stotra nitya bhaktya ca ya pahet salokya-sai-sampya labhate llaya hare idam % thisD daitya % $y a demonD kVtam % madeD stotram % prayerD nityam % regularlyD $haktya % with de#otionD ca % andD yaT % one whoD paXhet % recitesD salokya%saVWXi% samNpyam % salokya, saVWXi, and samNpya li$erationD la$hate % attainsD lNlaya % easilyD

hareT % from Lord /VWna. ) person who regularly recites this prayer spoken $y a demon easily attains salokya, saVWXi, and samNpya li$eration from Lord /VWna. e:t 23 iha loke harer bhakti ante dasya su-durlabham vidya riya su-kavita putra pautra yao labhet iha % in thisD loke % worldD hareT % to Lord /VWnaD $haktim % de#otionD ante % at the endD dasyam % ser#iceD su%durla$ham % #ery rareD #idyam % knowledgeD Mriyam % wealthD su%ka#itam % learningD putram % childrenD pautram % grandchildrenD yaMaT % fameD la$het % attains. ;e attains wisdom, knowledge, wealth, good children, good grandchildren, and fame. In this world he attains de#otion to Lord /VWQa. )t the end of this life he attains #ery rare direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:t 24 Mr-narayaa uvaca rutvanumene daityendrastavana karuna-nidhi katha karomi sahara da bhaktam ity aho MrN%narayana u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD Mrut#a % hearingD anumene % thoughtD daityendra % of the great demonD sta#anam % the prayerD karuQa % of mercyD nidhiT % an oceanD katham % how*D karomi % I doD saPharam % the killingD NdVMam % like thisD $haktam % a de#oteeD ity % thusD ahaT % <h. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )fter hearing the demonEs prayers, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, thought to ;imself, !;ow can I kill a de#otee like this*L

e:t 26 anumanya smti tasya saharaya hari svayam na hi yukto vadha stotur durvaktur vidhir eva ca anumanya % thinkingD smVtim % the memoryD tasya % of himD saPharaya % remo#ingD hariT % Lord /VWQaD s#ayam % personallyD na % notD hi % indeedD yuktaT % engagedD #adhaT % deathD stotuT % t the personsoffering prayersD dur#aktuT % of the person speaking insulteD #idhiT % ppoprietyD e#a % indeedD ca % and. )fter thinking this, Lord /VWQa depri#ed the demon of his hemor . It was not right for Lord /VWna to kill a person offering prayers, $ut it was right for ;im to kill a $lasphem r. e:t 27 danavo mayaya vinor visasmara puna slakam durukti kanha-dee tadadhihana cakara ha dana#aT % the demonD mayaya % $y the illusory potencyDd#iWQoT % of Lorg ViWQuD #isasmara % forgotD punaT % againD s#akam % ownD duruktiT % insultD kaQXha%deMeh% on the #oiceD tad%adhiWXhanam % placeD cakara % didD ha % indeed. 8ewil ered $y the LordEs illusory potency, the demon forgot e#erything. Insults suddenly appeared in his #oice. e:t 39 uvaca r-hari daitya kopat prasphuritadhara mune sadyo martu-kamo vaira-grasto vicetana

u#aca % saidD MrN%harim % to Lord /VWnaD daityaT % the demonD kopat % angrilyD prasphuritadharaT % trem$ling lipsD mune % < sageD sadyaT % at onceD martu%kamaT % a$out to dieD #aira%grastaT % grasped $y enmityD #icetanaT % fool. he $ewildered demon, filled withshatred, now on the #erge of death, and his lips Bui#ering in anger, spoke to Lord /VWQa. e:t 3, daitya uvaca dhruva tva martu-kamo "si durbuddhe manavarbhaka adya prasthapayiyami tvam aha yama-mandiram daitya u#aca % the demon saidD dhru#am % indeedD t#am % =ouD martu%kamaT % wishing to dieD asi % areD dur$uddhe % < foolD mana#ar$haka % < human childD adya % todayD prasthapayiWyami % I will sendD t#am % youD aham % ID yama%mandiram % to the house of =amarOja. he demon saidJ @oalish humrn child, =ou are #ery eager to die. oday I will send =ou to the house of death. e:t 3. ayasi jvanaka k mama talavana io nayasyasi punar geha bandhava na hi drakyasi ayasi % =ou ha#e comeD jN#anakaYkWN % wishing to li#eD mama % of meD tala#anam % to the Ola#ana forestD MiMaT % < childD na % notD ayasyasi % =ou will comeD punaT % againD geham % homeD $andha#am % relati#esD na % notD hi % indeedD drakWyasi % =ou will see. )ssuming that =ou would remain ali#e, =ou ha#e come to my Ola#ana forest. Child, =ou will ne#er come here again, nor will =ou e#er again see =our friends and relati#es.

e:t 30 na hi kaso jarasandho b narako na samo mama deva kampanti me nitya ke vanye mat-sama bhuvi na % notD hi % indeedD kaPsaT % /aPsaD jarasandhaT % jarasandhaD narakaT % Narak D na % notD sam T % eBualD mama % to meD de#aT % the demigodsD kampanti % trem$leD me % of meD nityam % alwaysD ke % nho*D #a % orD anye % othersD mat%sama % e ual to meD $hu#i % on this earth. mNeither /aPsa, AarOsandha, nor NarakOsura are my eBuals. he demigods trem$le in fear of me. In this world who is my eBual* e:t 31 na hi sahara-karta ca ma sahartu kama iva na brahma na ca vinu ca na mtyu kala eva ca na % notD hi % indeedD saPhara%karta % the doer of destructionD ca %pandD mam % meD saPhartum % to destroyD kWamaT % is a$leD Mi#aT % Lord Si#aD na % notD $rahma % 8rahmOD na % notD ca % andD #iWQuM % ViWQuD ca % andD na % notD mVtyuT % deathD kala % timeD e#a % indeedD ca % and. Neither the great destroyer Si# , nor the demigod 8rahmO, nor Lord ViWQu, nor death, nor time ha#e the power to kill me. e:t 32 mama talavana bha ktva patayitva phalani ca aha karoi sahasa kim aho tasya tejasa

mama % myD tala#anam % Ola#anaD $haYkt#a % $reakingD patayit#a % making fallD phalani % fruitsD ca % andD ahaYkaroWi % =ou are proudD sahasa % at onceD kim % what*D ahaT % <hD tasya % of thatD tejasa % with the power. =ou $roke my tOla trees and =ou made their fruits fall to the ground. =ou are #ery proud. ntill, what is the use of =our tiny strength* e:t 33 kas tva vada bato satya kamanyo "si sundara durlabha jvana datu mahya katham ihagata kaT % who*D t#am % =ouD #ada % tellD $ataT % indeedD satyam % the truthD kamanNyaT % charmingD asi % =ou areD sundaraT % handsomeD durla$ham % rareD jN#anam % lifeD datum % to gi#eD mahyam %rto meD katham % why*D iha % hereD agataT % come. "ho are =ou* ell the truth. =ou are #ery charming and handsome. "hy ha#e =ou come hear to offer =our precious life to me* e:t 34 ity uktva mastake ktva prerayitva ca ta bal durata patayam asa r-kna maranonmukha ity % thusD ukt#a % speakingD mastake % the headD kVt#a % doingD prerayit#a % sendingD ca % andD tam % ;imD $alN % powerfulD durataT % far awayD patayam asa % made to fallD MrN% kVWQam % Sri /VWQaD maraQonmukhaT % eager to die. >ager to die, the demon gra$$ed Lord /VWQaEs head and threw ;im far away. e:t 36

patayitva ca ta bhumau viaabhya jaghana sa kna ga-spara-matrena tad-vianau babha!jatu patayit#a % throwingD ca % andD tam % ;imD $humau % to the groundD #iWaQa$hyam % with hornsD jaghana % attackedD saT % heD kVWQaYga % Lord /VWQaEs lim$sD sparMa% mitreQa % simply $y the touchD tad%#iWaQau % the hornsD $a$haZjatuT % $roke. )fter throwing ;im to the ground, the demon tried to push his horns into Lord /VWQa. Simply $y the touch of the LordEs $ody the horns $eca)e $roken. e:t 37 daityo bhagna-viaa ca tam a kopato mune jagrasa carvana kartu bhagna-danto babhuva ha daityaT % the demonD $hagna%#iWaQaM % $roken hornsD ca % andD tam % ;imD NMam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kopataT % angrilyD mune % < sageD jagrasa % $itD car#aQam % chewingD kartum % to doD $hagna%dantaT % $roken teethD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeed. ;is horns $roken, the demon angrily tried to $ite the Lord, $ut the demonEs teeth $roke into pieces. e:t 49 tejasa dagdha-vaktra ca tam ujjagraha tat-kane jajvala kampita kopad dadara purato mahm tejasa % with spelndorD dagdha%#aktraM % $urned mouthD ca % andD tam % ;imD ujjagraha % releasedD tat%kWaQe % at thathmomentD jaj#ala % shoneD kampitaT % trem$lingD kopat % with angerD dadara % cutD purataT % aheadD mahNm % the earth.

;is mouth $urned $y the LordEs spiritual splendor, the demon released the Lord. he demon shook and then angrily pawed the ground. e:t 4, ghurnayitva tu la gula abda ktva bhayanakam sa jagama iu-sthana dudruvur balaka bhiya ghurQayit#a % turningD tu % indeedD laYgulam % tailD Ma$dam % soundD kVt#a % doingD $hayauakam % fearfulD sa % heD jagama % wentD MiMu%sthanam % to the place of the $oysD dudru#uT % fledD $alaka % the $oysD $hiya % with fear. "a#ing his tail, the ass demon neighed fearfully and charged the $oys. he $oys fled in fear' e:t 4. $ala ca prerayam asa mastakena maha-bal balo mui dadau tasmai murcham apa tato "sura $alam % 8alarOmaD ca % andD prerayamoasa % sentD mastakena % $y the herdD maha%$alN % #ery powerfulD $alaT % 8alarOmaD muWXim % fistD dadau % ga#eD tasmai % to himD murcham % unconsciousnessD apa % attainedD tataT % thenD asuraT % the demon. he demon gra$$ed Lord 8alarOmaEs head and threw ;im away. Lord 8alarOma punched the demon, who fell unconscious. e:t 40 kanena cetana prapya jagama hari-sannidhim vajra-muya ca vyathita punar murcham avapa ha

kWaQena % in a momentD cetanam % consciousnessD prapya % attainingD jagama % wentD hari%sannidhim % to Lord /VWQaD #ajra%muWXya % with a fist of thunderD ca % andD #yathitaT % agitatedD punaT % againD murcham % unconsciousnessD a#apa % attainedD ha % indeed. In a moment regaining consciousness, the demon charged Lord /VWQa. "ith a fist of thunder, Lord /VWna punched him and the demon again fell unconscious. e:t 41 puna ca cetana prapya samuttasthau vyathakula utsasarja bhalrleda mutra ca bhayam apa ha punaT % againD ca % andD cetanam % consciousnessD prapya % attainingD samuttasthau % roseD #yathakulaT % agitatedD utsasarja % createdD $Vhal%ledam % stoolD mutram % urineD ca % andD $hayam % fearD apa % attainedD ha % indeed. Somehow the weake ed oumon again stood up. ;e passed stool and urine. ;e was afraid. e:ts 42 and 43 kanat sandhukana prapya maha-bala-parakrama ktva irasi govinda ghurnayam asa danava patayam asa bhumau ta ghurnayitva puna puna utpaya tala-vka ta tadayam asa madhava kWanat % in a momentD sandhukWanam % agitationD prapya % attainingD maha%$ala% parakramaT % #ery strongD kVt#a % doingD Mirasi % on the headD go#indam % /VWQaD ghurQayam asa % whirled aroundD dana#aT % the demonD patayam asa % threwD $humau % to the groundD tam % himD ghurQayit#a % whirlingD punaT % againD punaT % and againD utpaXya % uprootingD tala%#VkWam % a tala treeD tam % himD tadayam asa % $eatD madha#aT

% Lord /VWQa. he powerful demon suddenly $ecame agitated, picked up Lord /VWQa $y ;is head, whirled ;im around, and threw ;im to the ground. hen Lord /VWna whirled the demon around and around, andethrew him down. hen the Lord uprooted a tOla tree and $eat the demon with it. e:t 44 yatha kea-praharea manavasya bhaved vyatha tath babhuva daityasya tala-vkasya patanat yatha % asD keMa%prahareQa % the $low of a hairD mana#asya % of a humanD $ha#et % may $eD #yatha % agitatedD tatha % soD $a$hu#a % $ecameD daitpasya % of the demonD tala% #VkWasya % of the talaa treeD patanat % $y the falling. he $lows from the tOla%tree mace felt to the demon like $lows from a single hair. e:t 46 govardhana samutpaya ghatayam asa ta vibhu papata vegac cailendras tasyopari maha-mune go#ardhanam % Fo#ardhana ;illD samutpaXya % uprootingD ghatayam asa % ,itD tam % himD #i$huT % powerfulD papata % fellD #egat % powerfullyD MaioendraT % the king of hillsD tasyopari % on himD maha%mune % < great sage. < great sage, then all%powerful Lord /VWna uprooted Fo#ardhana ;ill and forcefully$threw it at the demon. e:t u7

parvatasya praharena murcuam apa maha-bala babhuvauila ga ca rudhira ca samudvaman par#atasya % of the hillD praharena % $y the $lowD murcham % unconsci8usnessD apa % attai#edD maha%$alaT % powerfulD $a$hu#a % $ecameD akuXilaYgaT % stiffD ca % andD rudhiram % $loodD ca % andD samud#aman % #omiting. ;it $y the mountain, the demon #omited $lood and fell unconscious. e:t 69 kanena cetana prapya samuttasthau bale suta ghitva parvata-reha prerayam asa durata kWaQena % in a momentD cetanam % consciousnessD prapya % attainingD samuttasthau % stoodD $aleT % of 8aliD sutaT % the sonD gVhit#a % gra$$ingD par#ata%MreWXham % the great hillD prerayam asa % threwD durataT % far away. In a moment the demon $ecame conscious and again stood up. ;e gra$$ed Fo#ardhana ;ill and threw it far away e:t 6, utpaya ca maha-vegac cakara veana harim pthiv gharayam asa tknagrena khurena ca utpaXya % uprootingD ca % andD maha%#egac % with great forceD cakara % didD #eWXanam % circlingD harim % Lord /VWQaD pVthi#Nm % the groundD gharWayam asa % scratchingD tNkWnagreQa % with sharp tipsD khureQa % hoo#esD ca % and. hen the demon ass leaped up, ran around Lord /VWQa, and with sharp hoo#es pawed the earth.

e:t 6. praghya r-hari vegat ktva murdhni mahasurp utpapata mano-yay llaya laka-yojanam pragVhya % gra$$ingD MrN%harim % Lord /VWnaD #egat % #iolentlyD kVt#a % doingD murdhni % on the headD mahasuraT % the great demonD utpapata % threwD mano%yayN % fast as the mindD lNlaya % easilyD lak,a%yojanam % 699,999 miles. Fra$$ing ;im $y the head, the great demon, going as fast as the mind, pulled Lord /VWQa eight hundred thousand miles into the sky. e:t 60 prahara ca tayor yuddha nirlakye ca babhuva ha tato ghitva r-ka papata dhara-tale praharam % three hoursD ca % andD tayoT % of hemD yuddham % $attleD nirlakWye % seeingD ca % andD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeedD tataT % from thatD gVhit#a % gra$$ingD MrN%kVWQam % Sri /VWnaD papata % fellD dharaQN%tale % to the ground. @orSthreL hours hey fought in the sky. hen the demon gra$$ed Lord /VWQa and jumped down to the earth. e:t 61 punar muhurta yuddha ca babhuva bhu-tale tayo muda hari praaasa prahasya danavevaram punaT % anotherD muhurtam % 12 minutesD yuddham % $atlleD ca % andD $a$hu#a %

wasD $hu%tale % on the earthD tayoT % of hemD muda % happilyD hariT % Lord /VWQaD praMaMaPsa % praisedD prahasya % laughingD dana#eM#aram % the great demon. @or another forty%fi#e minutes hey fought on the earth. hen Lord /VWQa laughed and cheerfully praised ;is demon opponent. e:t 62 mad-bhaktasya bale putra dhanya tvaj-jvana param svasty astu te danavendra vatsa nirvaata vraja mad%$haktasya % of -y de#oteeD $altT % of 8aliD putra % the sonD dhanyam % fortunateD t#aj%jN#anam % your lifeD param % greatD s#asty % congratulationsD astu % areD te % to youD dana#endra % < great demonD #atsa % < childD nir#aQatam % to li$erationD #raja % please go. Lord /VWQa saidJ < son of -y de#otee 8ali, you are #ery fortunate in this life. Flory to you. Child, now you may attain li$eratio/. e:t 63 mad-darana svasti-bja para nirvaa-kataam sarvadhika sarea-para labha sthana manoharam mad%darManam % the sight of -eD s#asti%$Njam % the seed of good fortuneD param % greatD nir#aQa%karaQam % the causGe of li$erationD sar#adhikam % $etter than allD sar#a% param % $est of allD la$ha % please attainD sthanam % $eautifulD manoharam % charming. he sight of me is the seed of all good fortune and the cause of li$eration. Now you may go to a #ery $eautiful place, t&e $est of all places. e:t 64

ity evam uktva r-kna sasmara cakram uttamam surya-koi-sama dptya jagraha ta sudaranam ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % sayingD MrN%kVWQaT % Lord /VWQaD sasmara % remem$eredD cakram % cakraD uttamam % transcendentalD surya%koXi%samam % like ten million sunsD dNptya % shiningD jagraha % gra$$edD tam % thatD sudarManam % SudarMana. )fter speaking these words, Lord /VWQa remem$ered ;is SudarMana%cakra, splendid like ten million suns. e:t 66 cikepa bhramayitva ca odaaram anuttamam ciccheda llam avadhya brahma-vinu-mahevarai cikWepa % threwD $hramayit#a % whirlingD ca % andD WodaMaram % ,3 teethD anuttamam % transcendentalD ciccheda % cutD lNlam % easilyD a#adhyam % nto to $e killedD $rahma% #iWQu%maheM#araiT % $y 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a. "hirling the cakra, Lord /VWQa threw it and easily killed a demon e#en 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a could not kill. e:t 67 papata mastaka bhumau danavasya mahatmana teja-samuha uttasthau ata-surya-sama-prabha papata % fellD mastakam % the headD $humau % to the groundD dana#asya % of the demonD mahatmanaT % the great soulD tejaT%samuha % splendedD uttasthau % stoodD Mata% surya%sama%pra$haT % splendid as a hundred suns.

he head of uhe demon%de#otee fell to the ground. @rom it a person splendid like a hundred suns appeared. e:t 79 #ilokya hari-loka sa lia kna-padambujam samprapa parama moka aho danava-pu gava #ilokya % gaGingD hari%lokam % Lord /VWQaEs realmD sa % heD MliWXam % em$racedD kVWQa%padam$ujam % Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD samprapa % attainedD paramaP mokWam % la$erationD ahaT % <hD dana#a%puYga#aT % the great demon. FaGing at Lord /VWQaEs transcendental realm and em$racing Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, the great demon attained final li$eration. e:t 7, gagana-stha sura sarve munaya ca bha muda parijata-prasunana cakrus te pupa-varanam galana%sthaT % staying in the skyD suraT % the demigodsD sar#e % allD munayaM % the sagesD ca % andD $hVMam % greatlyD muda % happilyD pkrijata%prasunanam % of pari ata flowersD cakruT % didD te % theyD puWpa%#arWaQam % shower of flowers. Staying in the sky, all the demigods and sages happily showered pOrijOta flowers on the Lord. e:t 7. nedur dundubhaya svarge nantu capsaro-gana jagur gandharva-nikaras tuuvur munayo muda

neduT % soundedD dundu$hayaT % dundu$hi drumsD s#arge % in S#argalokaD nanVtuM % dancedD ca % %andD apsaro%gaQaTapsarasD jaguT % saegD gandhar#a%nikaraT % Fandhar#asD tuWXu#uT % spoke prayersD munayaT % sagesD muda % happily. In S#argaloka dundu$hi drums were sounded, apsarOs danced, gandhar#as sang, and sages happily recited prayers. e:t 70 stutva jagmu sura sarve munayo hara-vihvala dhenukasya vadha dva tatrajagmu ca balaka stut#a % prayingD jmgmuT % wentD suraT % demigodsdD sar#e % allD munayaT % sagesD harWa%#ih#alaT % happyD dhenukaNyw % of &henukasuraD #a ham % the deathD dVWX#a % seeingD tatra % thereD ajagmuT % cameD ca % andD $alakaT % $oysD. @illed with happiness, all the sages came and offered prayess. &irectly seesng the ass%demonEs death, the $oys came wt once. e:t 71 $ala ca balina rehas tuava paramevaram tuuvur balaka sarve nantu ca mudanvita $alaT %tLord 8alarOmaD ca % andD $alinam % powerfulD MreWXhaT % $estD tuWXa#a % prayedD pa(ameM#aram % to the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tuWXu#uT % prayedD $alakaT % $oysD sar#e % allD nanVtuM % dancedD ca % andD mudan#itaT % happy. Lord 8alarOma, the strongest of the strong, glorified Lo d /VWna with many prayers. )ll the $oys tere happy. hey danced and glorified Lord /VWna with many prayers. e:t 72

dattva kna-balabhya ca prakani phalani ca sarvani bhakaa cakrur balaka ha-manasa datt#a % gi#ingD kVWQa%$ala$hyam % to /VWQa and 8alarOmaD ca % andD prakVWXani % :cellentD phalani % fruitsD ca % andD sar#aQi % allD $hakWaQam % feedingD cakruT % didD $alaka % the $oysD<hVWXa%manasaT % happy at heart. )fter offering the $est of the fruits to /VWQa and 8alarOma, the happy $oys also ate. e:t 73 bhuktva pitva hari ghra balena balakai saha jagama svalaya brahman nihatya danavevaram $hukt#a % eatingD pit#a % and drinkingD hariT % Lord /VWnaD MNghram % at onceD $aeena % with 8alarOmaD $alakaiT % the $oysD saha % withD jagama % wentD s#alayam % homeD $rahman % < $rOhmaQaD nihatya % killingD dana#eM#aram % the great demon. < $rOhmaQa, after killing this great demon, Lord /VWQa ate, drank, and returned home with Lord 8alarOma and the $oys.

%ha*ter Twenty!threeTi"a#ottam0!ba"i!*utrayor brahma!50*a!*rast0va a"i1s $on and Ti"a#ottam0 Are %ursed by a r0hmana
e:t , Mr-narada uvaca kena apena balijo

gardabhatvam avapa ha durvasa kena doena saapa danavevaram MrN%narada u#aca % Sri NOrada saidD kena % $y what*D Mapena % curseD $alijaT % the son of 8aliD garda$hat#am % the status of an assD a#apa % attainedD ha % indeedD dur#asaT % &ur#OsOD kena % $y what*D doWena % failtD saMapa % cursedD dana#eM#aram % the king of the demons. Sri NOrada saidJ "hy was 8aliEs son cursed to $ecome an ass* "hat was his offense, that &ur#OsO cursed him* e:t . kena punyena va natha vilna r-hare pade sahasaikatva-mukti ca samprapa ranavadhipa kena % with what*D puQyena % pietyD #a % orD natha % < LordD #ilNnaT % enteredD MrN% hareT % of Lord /VWQaD pade % in the a$odeD sahasa % suddenlyD ekat#a%muktim % li$erationD ca % andD samprapa % attainingD dana#adhipaT % the king of demons. i < master, what piety did this demon perform to enter Lord /VWQaEs a$ode and $ecome yike ;nm. e:t 0 mune sarva su-vistarya vala sakdeha-bha!jana aho kavi-mukhe vakya nutna nutna pade pade mune % < sageD sar#am % allD su%#istarya % in detailD #ada % please tellD sandeha % of douetsD $haZjana % < $reakerD ahaT % <hD ka#i%mukhe % in the mouth of apoetD #akyam % wordsD nutnam % newerD nutnam % and newerD pade % stepD pade % after step. ( < sage, < $reaker of dou$ts, please tell e#erything in detail. he words in a poetEs

mouth are new and fresh at e#ery step. e:t 1 Mr-narayana uvaca nu vatsa pravakye "ha itihasa puratanam pura ruta dharma-vaktrat parvate gandhamadane MrN%narayana u#aca % Sri NOrOyana [Wi saidD MVnu % hearD #atsa % < childD pra#akWye % will tellD aham % ID itihasam % the storyD puratanam % ancientD pura % $eforeD Mrutam % heardD dharma%#aktrat % from th1 mouth of &harma -uniD par#ate % on the miuntainD gandhamadane % FandhamOdana. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ Listen, child, and I will tell an ancient story I heard on -ount FandhamOdana from the mouth of &harma -uni, . . . e:t 2 padma-kalpasya vttanta vicitra su-manoharam narayaa-kathopeta kara-pyuam uttamam padma%kalpasya % of the padma%kalpaD #Vttantam % storyD #icitram % wonderfulD su% manoharam % $eautifulD narayaQa % of Lord NOrOyaQaD katha % topicsD upetam % metD karna%pNyuWam % nectar for the earsD uttamam % supreme. . . . a wonderful and $eautiful story from the (Odma%kalpa, a story a$out Lord NOrOyaQa, a story that is nectar for the ear. e:t 3 yatra kalpe katha ctya tatra tvam upabarhaa

akalpa-jv sa-rka sundara sthira-yauvana yatra % whereD kalpe % in the kalpaD katha % storyD ca % andD iyam % thisD tatra % thereD t#am % youD upa$arhaQaT % ?pa$arhanaD akalpa%jN#N % li#ing until the kalpaEs endD)sa% MrNkaT % with wealthD sundaraT % handsomeD sthira%yau#anaT % steady youthfulness. &uring the kalpa of this story you were ?pa$arhaQa. ;andsome, wealthy, and always on the prime of youth, you li#e( until the kalpaEs end. e:t 4 pa!caat-kaminna ca pati gara-tat-para varena brahmanas tva ca sukaho gayanevara paZcaMat%kaminNnam % fifty wi#esD ca % andD patiT % the hus$andD MVYgara%tat%paraT % intent on enjoying amorous pastimesD #areQa % $y a $oonD $rahmaQaT % of 8rahmOD t#am % youD ca % andD sukaQXhaT % sweet #oicedD gayaneM#araT % the king of singers. he hus$and of fifty $eautiful wi#e , you were always eager to enjoy with them. 8lessed $y the deaigod 8rahmO, you were the sweet%#oiNed king ofSall singSrs. e:t 6 anukana papus tas te sundara mukha-pa kajam nimea-rahita sarva kama-baa-prapdita anukWaQam % at e#ery momentD papuT % dhankD taT % theyD te % of youD s ndarao % whe handsomeD mukha%paYkajam % lotus faceD nimeWa % $linkingD rahitaT % withoutD sar#aT % allD kama%$aQa%prapNditaT % wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows. &eeple wounded $y /Omaae#aEs arrows, with un$linking eyes adl your wi#es drank from the lotus of your handsome face moment after moment.

e:t 7 tasa pranai ca ghaito vidhina tvam iti rutam diva-nia sahacara na jvanti tvaya vina tasam % of themD praQaiM % with the life%$reathD ca % andD ghnXitaT % connectedD #idhina % $y fateD t#am % youD iti % thusD Mrutam % heardD di#a%niMam % day and nightD sahacara % companionsD na % notD jN#anti % ei#eD t#aya % youD #ina % without. I heard that they stayed with you at e#ery $reath. &ay and night they kept you company. hey could not li#e without you. e:t ,9 pupodyane ca rahasi sthane sthane manohare gahvareu ca ailana kandareu nadu ca puWpa % flowerD udyane % in a gardenD ca % andD rahasi % secludedD sthane % in placeD sthane % asfter placeD manohare % $eautifulD gah#areWu % secludedD ca % andD Mailanam % of mountainsD kan areWu % in c"#esD nadNWu % $y ri#ersD ca % and. In one secluded $eautiful place after another, in secluded flower gardens, mountain ca#es, ri#er$anks, . . . e:t ,, kananeu ca ramyeu maane jantu-varjite yatha-manoratha ta ca krda cakrus tvaya saha kananeWu % forestsD ca % andD ramyeWu % $eautifulD MmaMane % crematorioumsD jantu% #arjite % without peopleD yatha % asD manoratham % desiredD taM % theyD ca % andD krNdam

% pastim sD cakruT % di.D t#aya % youD saha % with. . . . $eautiful forestsy and peopleless cremation grounds they enjoyed pastimes with you as they wimhed. e:t ,. tada daisad vidhe apad c bhutva das-suto bhavan adhuna brahmana putro - vainavocchia-bhojanat tada % thenD dai#at % $y destintyD #idheT % of 8rahmOD Mapat % $y the curseD $hut#a % $ecomingD dadN%rutaT ( a mnidser#antEs so D $ha#an % youD adhuna % nowD $rahmaQaT % of 1rahmOD putraT % the senD #aiWQa#occhiWXa%$hojanat % $y eating the remnants of food eanen $y the de#otees. 8y 8rahmOEs curse you $ecame a ser#ing girlEs son, and $y eating the remnants of food eauen $y g oet de#otees you are now 8rahmOEs son. e:t ,0 asa khya-kalpa-jv ca vainava-pravaro mahan j!ana-dya sarva-dar priya-iya ca dhurjae asaYkhya%kalpa%jN#N % li#ing for countless kalpasD ca % andD #aiWQa#a%pra#araT % the $ust of de#oteesD mahan % greatD jZana%dVWXya % with eyes of knowledgeD sar#a%darMN % seeing allD priya%MiWyaM % dear discipleD ca % andD dhurjaXeT % oflSi#a. Nowyyou are the $est of de#otees. =ou li#e for num$erless kalpas, you see e#erything with eyes of knowledge, and you are a dear disciple of Lord Si'a. e:t ,1

tasya kalpasya vttanta mune matto niamaya vistarya daitya-vttanta kathayami suahopamam tasya % of thatD kalpasya % kalpaD #Vttantam % the storyD mune % < sageD mattaT % from meD niMamaya % please hearD #istarya % in detailD daitya % of a demonD #Vttantam % the storyD kathayami % I tellD sudhopamam % like nectar. < sage, please listen and I will tell in detail a story from that kalpa, a story a$out a demon, a story like nectar. e:t ,2 ekadaiva bale putro namna sahasiko bal sva-tejasa suran jitva platasthau ganphamadane enada % one dayD e#a % indeedD $aleT % of 8aliD putraT % the sonD namna % $y nameD sahasikaT % SahasikaD yalN % powerfulD s#a%tejasa % with his own powerD suran % the demigodsD jit#a % defeatingD pratasthau % stoodD gandhamadane % on -ount FandhamOeana. <ne yay, after defeating the demigods, 8aliEs powerful son named SOhasika went to -ount FandhamOdana. e:t ,3 candanokita-sarva go ratna-bhuana-bhuita ratna-sihasana-stha ca bahu-sainya-samanvita candanokWita%sar#aYgaT % all his lim$s anointed with sandal pasteD ratna%$huWaQa% $huWitaT % decorated with jewel ornamnetsD ratna%siPhasana%sthaT % sitting on a jewel throneD ca % andD $ahu%sainya%saman#itaT % with many armies.

Surrounded $y many armies, decorated with jewel ornaments, and his lim$s anointed with sandal, he sat on a jewel throne. e:ts ,4%,7 etasminn antare tena patha yati tilottama rupenapsarasa reha nana-vea-vidhayin caru-campaka-varnabha ratna-bhuana-bhuita nava-yauvana-sampanna kama-bana-prapdita ad-dhasya-prasannasya divya-vastra su-bibhrat vakra-bhru-bha ga-yukta sa gajendra-manda-gamin etasmin antare % thenD tena % $y thatD patha % pathD yati % goesD tilottama % ilottamOD rupena % with $eautyD apsarasam % of apsarasD MreWXha % the $estD nana%#eWa%#idhayinN % dressed in $eautiful garmentsD caru%campaka%#arna$ha % the $eautiful color of campaka flowersD ratna%$huWana%$huWita % decorated with jewel ornamentsD na#a% yau#ana % fresh youthD sampanna % endowedD kamag$aQa%prapNdita % wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrowsD NWad%dhasya%nrasannasya % gently smilingD di#ya%#astram % splendid garmentsD sut$i$hratN % Vracefully carryingD #akra % crookedD $hru%$haYga% yukta % with eye$rnw mo#ementsD sa % sheD gajendra%manda%gaminN % slowly and gracefully walking like an elephant. hen, fair like campaka flowers, decorated with jewel ornaments, in the fresh $loom of youth, wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows, gently smiling, wearing solendid and opulent garments, and her eye$rows playfully arched, the most $eautiful apsarO ilottamO slowly wa ked $y eike a graceful elephant. e:t .9 stanam ura mukhendu ca vva sahasiko yuva vayuna mukta-vastrayas tasya murcham avapa ha

stanam % $reastD uram % thighsD mukha % faceD indum % moonD ca % andD dVWX#a % seeingD sahasikaT % SahasikaD yu#a % youthfulD #ayuna % $y the $reeGeD mukta % releasedD #astrayaT % garmentsD tasya % of herD murcham % enchantedD a#apa % attainedD ha % indeed. hen a wind came and pushed aside her garments. FaGing at her moonlike face, $reasts, and thighs, youthful SOhasika was stunned. e:t ., sa dadara bale putra atva-su-manoharam praphulla-malat-malabibhrata nava-yauvanam sa % sheD dadarMa % sawD $aleT % of 8aliD putram % the sonD atN#a%su%manoharam % #ery handsomeD praphulla % $lossomingD malatN % malatiD mala % garlandD $i$hratam % wearingD na#a%yau#anam % youthful. hen she noticed 8aliEs #ery handsome and youthful son garlanded with $lossomed jasmine flowers. e:t .. Marat-parvana-candrasya sa-smita su-manoharam dva ta sa-smita kamat kaaka ca cakara sa Marat%par#ana%candrasyam % autumn moon faceD sa%smitam % smilignD su% manoharam % #ery h ndsomeD dVWX#a % seeingD tam % himD sa%smita % smilingD kamat % with desireD kaXakWam % sidelong glanceD ca % andD cakara % didD sa % she. Smiling with desire, from the corner of her eye she glanced at the smiling and handsome youth, whose face was an autumn moon.

e:t .0 krdayai condraloka ca gacchantncandra-kamuk tasthau kena cchalenaiva matta gara-lalasa krNdayai % for pastimesD candralokam % to CandralokaD ca % andD gacchantN % goingD candra%kamukN % desiring candraD tasthau % stoodD kena % $y what*D cchalena % prete:tD e#a % certainlyD matta % maddenedD MVYgara%lalasa % with the desire for se:. )lthough she had $een going to Candraloka to enjoy with the demigod Candra, now she was maddened with lust for 8aliEs son. <n some prete:t she stayed there with him. e#t $% darMaP darMaP ca tasyasyaP prahasya vakra-cakua mukham acchadana cakre vasasa sa puna puna darMaP darMam % gaGing and gad ngi ,aL% andD tasya % of himD asyam % on the faceD prahasya % smilingD #akra%cakWuWa % with crooked eyesD mukham % faceD acchadanam % co#eringD cakre % didD #asasa % with clothD sa % sheD punaT % againD punaT % and again. )gain and again she gaGed at him. She smiled at him with crooked eyes. )gain and again she shyly co#ered her face with her sari. e:t .2 pulaka!citansarva ga t dharma-karma-samanvitam babhuva kama-mattaya yonau kanduyana jalar pulakaZcita%sar#aYgam % $ooilm hairs ereectD dharma% arma%sSman#itam S engaged in pious deedsD $a$hu#a % $,cameD kama%mattaya % mad with lustD yoQau % in the

#aginaD kaQduyanam % itchingD jalam % water. t She $ecame mad with lust. heLhairs of her $ody stood erect. ;er itching #agina $ecame wet. e:t .3 #isasmara aadhara bali-putra-manoratha aho ko veda bhuvane durj!eya pusacal-mana #irasmara % forgotD MaMadharamN% the demigod CandraD $ali%putra%manoratha % desiring 8aliEs sonD ahaT % <hD kaT % who*D #eda % knowsD $hu#ane % in this worldD durjZeyam % inscruta$leD puPsacalN % of an unchaste womanD manaT % the mind and heart. Lusting after 8aliEs son, she forgot the demigod Candra. "ho in this world understands the inscruta$le heart and mind of an unchaste woman* e:t .4 pucalya yo hi vivasto vidhina sa vidambita bahikta ca yaasa dhanena sva-kulena ca puPMcalyam % in an unchaste womanD yaT % whoD hi % indeedD #iM#astaT % fathD #idhina % $ytdestinyD sa % indeedD #idam$itaT % is mockedD $ahiWkVtaT % thrown awayD ca % andD yaMasa % fameD dhanena % wealthD s#a%kulena % familyD ca % and. ) man who trusts an unchaste woman is mocked $y fate. ;is fame, wealth, and family are all lost. e:tu.6

#a!chita nutana prapya vinayati puratanam sada sva-karma-sadhya ya ko va tasya priyo "priya #aZchitam % desiredD nutanam % the newD prapya % attainingD #inaMyati % diesD puratanam % the oldD sada % alwaysD s#a%karma%sadhya % interested in attaining her# goalD ya % whoD kaT % what*D #a % orD tasyaT % of herD priyaT % dearD apriyaT % not dear. "hen she desires a new lo#er the old one is finished. She is interested only in fulfilling her desires. @or her nothing is moral or immoral. e:t .7 daive karmani pautre ca putre bandhau na bhartari daruna pucal-citta sada gara-karmai dai#e % for the demigodsD karmaQi % pious deedsD pautre % grandchildrenD ca % andD putre % childredD $andhau % relati#esD na % notD $hartari % hus$andD daruQam % terri$leD puPMcalN%cittam % the mind of an unchaste womanD sada % alwaysD MVYgara%karmaQi % yearning for se:. he ferocious heart of an unchaste woman hankers only for se:. It is not interested in the demigods, pious deeds, children, grandchildren, relati#es, friends, or hus$and. e:t 09 pranarhika ratij!a samta-dya hi pucal ratna-prada raty-avij!a via-dya hi payati praQadhikam % more dear than lifeD ratijZam % e:pert in se:D sa%amVta%dVsXya % with nectar glancesD hi % indeedD puPMcalN % an unchaste womanD ratna%pradam % gi#ing jewelsD raty % in se:D a#ijZam % not e:pertD #iWa%dVWXya % with galnces of poisonD hi % indeedD paMyati % sees.

"ith nectar glances an unchaste woman gaGes on t rake e:pert in se:. She thinks him more dear than life. 8ut with poison glances she disdains a suitor who, although $ringing jewels, knowt nothing of the art of se:. e:t 0, sarvea sthalam asty eva pucalna na kutracit daruna pucal-jatir nara-ghatibhya eva ca sar#eWam % of allD sthalam % the placeD asty % isD e#a % indeedD puPMcalNnam % of unchaste womenD na % notD kutracit % anywhereD daruna % terri$leD puPMcalN%jatiT % the life of an unchaste womanD nara%ghati$hya % than murderersD e#a % indeedD ca % and. ?nchaste women ha#e no proper place anywhere. ?nchaste women are worse than murderers. e:t 0. nikti karma-bhogante sarveam asti nicitam na pucalna viprendra yavac candra-divakarau niWkVtiT % destructionD karma%$hogante % after the e:perience of karma is o#erD sar#eWam % of allD asti % isD niMcitam % indeedD na % notD uPMcalNnam % of unchaste womenD #iprendra % < king of $rOhmanasD ya#ac % asD candra%di#akarau % the sun and the moon. < king of $rOhmanas, at a certain time the results of past karma come to an end. his is not so for unchaste women. hey suffer for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. e:t 00

anyasa kamiyna ca ka hantu ca ya daya sa nasti pucalna tu kanta hantu puratanam anyasaP%of otherD kaminNnam % womenD ca % andD kNXam % insectD hantum % to killD ca % andD ya % whichD daya % mercyD sa % sheD na % notD asti % isD puPMcalNnam % of unchaste womenD tu % indeedD kantam % lo#erD hantum % to killedD puratanam % old. ) chaste woman is more kind to an insect than an unchaste woman is to her longtime lo#er. ) chaste woman is more reluctant to kill an insect than an unchaste woman is to kill her lo#er. e:t 01 ratij!a nutana prapya via-tulya puratanam kanta dva hinasty eva sopayenavallaya ratijZam % e:pert in se:D nutanam % newD prapya % attainingD #iWa%tulyam % like posionD puratanam % oldD kantam % lo#erD dVWX#a % seeingD hinasty % sends awayD e#a % indeedD sopayena % with a methodD a#alNlaya % easily. @inding a new lo#er e:pert in se:, she sees her old lo#er to $e like poison. She rejects him without a second thought. e:t +2 pthivya yani papani pucalv eva bharate tihanti papinas tabhyo na para santi kecana pVthi#yam % on the earthD yani % whichD papani % sinsD puPMcalNW# % in unchaste womenD e#a % indeedD $harate % on the earthD tiWXhanti % areD papinaT % sinnersD ta$hyaT % than themD na % notD paraT % worseD santi % areD kecana % any. <n this earth no sinner is worse than an unchaste woman.

e:t 03 pucal-paripakvanna sarva-pataka-miritam daive karmani paitre ca na ca deya tatha jalam puPMcalN % $y an unchasteuwomanD paripak#a n cooredD annam % foodD sar#N%pataka% miMritam % mi:ed with all her sinsD dai#e % to the d=migodsD karmeQi % pious doedsD paitre % to the pitOsD ca % andD na % notD ca % andD deyam % to $e gi#enD tatha % soD jalam % water. @ood cooked $y an unchaste woman and water offered $y her are mi:ed with all her sins. hey should not $e offered to the demigods and pitOs. p:t 04 anna via jala mutra pscalna ca nicitam dattva pitbhyo devebhyo bhuktva ca naraka vrajet annam % foodD #iWXa % stoolD jalam % waterD mutram % urin D puPMcalNnam % of unchaste womonD ca % andD niMcitam % indeedD datt#a % gi#enD pitV$hyaT % to the pitasD de#e$hyaT % to the demigodsD $hukt#a ! eatenD ca % andD narakam % to hellD #rajet % go8s. @ood cooked $y an unchaste woman is stool. "ater offered $y her is urine. <ne who offers these thingsmto the demigods and pitOs, and Vhen eats the remnants, goes to hell. e:t 0o Mata-vara kalasutre pacaty eva su-darune ghorandhakare kmayas

ta daanti diva-niam Mata%#arWam % a hundred yearsD kalasutre % in hellD pacaty % cooksD e#a % indeedD su% daruQe % terri$leD ghorandhakare % $lindD kVmayaT % wormsD tam % himD daManti % $iteD di#a%niSam % day and night. @or a hundred years he $urns in a terri$le $lind hell. Freat worms $ite aim day and night. ie:t 07 pucaly-anna ca yo bhu kte daivad yadi naradhama sapta-janma-kta punya tasya nayati nicitam puPMcaly % of an unchaste womanD annam % foodD ca % andD yaT % one whoD $huYkte % eatsD dai#at % $y fateD yadi % ifD naradhamaT % the lowest of menD sapta % se#enD janma % $irthsD kVtam % doneD puQyam % pietyD tasya % of himD naMyati % is destroyedD niMcitam % indeed. <ne who eats food cooked $y an unchaste woman $ecomes the lowest of men. Se#en $irths of his pious deeds perish. e:t 19 ayu-r-yaasa hanir iha loke paratra ca tasmad yatnad rakanya paka-patra kalatrakam ayuT % lifespanD MrN % welath and handsomSnessD yaMasam % and famND tanuT % destructionD iha % in thisD loke % worldD paratra % in the ne:tD ca % andD tasmat % from thatD yatnat % with careD rakWaQNyam % should $e protectedD paka%patram % cooking utensilsi kalatrakam % wife. ;is lifespan, wealth, handsomeness, and fame are all destroyed in $oth this life and the ne:t. @or this reason a man should carefully protect $oth his wife and his

arrangement for cooking meals. e:t 1, pucal-darane punya yatra-siddhir bhaved dhruvam sparena ca maha-papa trtha-snanad viudhyati puPMcalN % of an unrhaste wrmanD darMane % in the sightD puQyam % pietyD yatra% siddhiT % going on pilgrimageD $ha#et % isD dhru#am % indeedD sparMena % $yutouchD ca % andD maha%papam % the great sinD tNrtha%snanat % $y $athing in a holyIplaceD #iMudhyati % is purified. 8y going on pilgrimage one is purified of the sin of seeing an unchaste woman. 8y $athing in a holy stream one is purified of the great sin of touching an unchaste woman. e:t 1. snana dana vrata caiva japa ca deva-pujanam niphala pucalna ca bharate jvana vtha snanam % $athingD danam % charityD #ratam % #owsD ca % andD e#a % indeedD japaM % mantrasD ca % andD de#a%pujanam % worshiping the demigodsD niWphalam % fruitlessD puPMcalNnam % of unchaste womenD ca % andD $harate % on the earthD jN#anam % lifeD #Vtha % useless. )n unchaste womanEs charity, #ows, mantras, demigod worship, and $athing in holy streams are all useless. She li#es on this earth in #ain. e:t 10 kathita kulaakhyana durj!eya ca yathagamam

samvada ca tayos tatra prakta nu narada kathitam % spokenD kulaXakhyanam % the story of an unchaste womanD durjZeyam % inscruta$leD ca % andD yathagamam % as far as understoodD sam#adam % con#ersationD ca % andD tayoT of themD tatra % thereD prakVtam % naturalD MVQu % please hearD narada % < NOrada. )s far as I can understand them, I ha#e eescri$ed to you the inscruta$leuways of an unchaste woman. < NOrada, now please hear the con#ersation of 8aliEs son and ilottamO. e:t 11 sa puna cetanavprapya ta dvaiva bale suta kamatura pramatta ca jagama kulaantikam sa % heD punaM % againD cetanam % consciousnessD prapya % attaininrD tam % hepD dVWX#a % seeringD e#a % indeedD $aleT % of 8aliD sutaT % the sonD kamaturaT % tortured $y lustD pramattaM % maddenedD ca % andD jagama % wentD kulaXa % the unchaste womanD antikam % near. <wakening a little from his stunned condition, 8aliEn son gaGed at the unchaste woman. ortured $y lust, he approached her. e:t 12 uvaca kuilapa g pna-ronp-payodharam vrdaya vasasa vaktra acchanna kurvat muda u#aca % saidD kuXila % of the unchaste womanD apaYgNm % % the crooked glanceD pNna% MroQi%payodharam % the full $reasts and hipsD #rNdaya % with shynessD #asasa % with garmentsD #aktram % faceD acchannam % co#eringD kur#atNm % doingD muda % happily. She looked at him with crooked eyes. ;er $reasts and hips were #ery full. She shyly

and playfully co#ered part of her face with her sari. ;e spoke to her. e:t 13 sahasika uvaca kasi tva kasya kanyasi kasya kantasi kamini s#ayaP k#a yasi kaP su%$hru punya#antaP manoharam sahasika u#aca % SOhasika saidD ka % whoD asi % areD t#am % youD kasya % of whom*D kanya % daughterl asi % you areD kasya % of whom*D kanta % the $elo#edD asi % you areD kamini % < $eautiful oneD s#ayam % $y yourselfD k#a % where*D yasi % are you goingD kam % to whom*D su%$hru % < $eautiful%eye$rowed oneD puQya#antam % saintlyD manoharam % handsome. SOhasika saidJ < $eautiful one, who are you* "hose daughter are you* "hose $elo#ed wife are you* "here are you going all alone* < girl with the $eautiful eye$rows, who is the sai2tly and handsome man you are hurrying to meet* e:t 14 kalpanta-trpasa puta bhoktu tvam eva sundari ya ta yasi yasi sasi ma bhtya kartum arhasi kalpa % of the kalpaD anta % the endD tapasa % $y austeritiesD putam % purifiedD $hoktum % to enjoyD t#am % youD e#a % indeedD sundari % < $eautiful oneD yam % whomD tam % to himD yasi % you goD yasi % you goD sa % sheD asi % you are mam % to meD $hVtyam % ser#antD kartum % to doD arhasi % you are worthy. < $eautiful one, to enjoy with you a man must perform a kalpa of austerities. (lease go to whome#er you are going. Aust accept me as your sla#e. e:t 16

krnhi rati-panyena ma bhtya rati-lolupam gara-lolupa tva ca gara dehi kamuki krNQNhi % please purchasuD rati % of se:D paQyena % with the priceD mam % meD $hVtyamt% ser#antD rati%lolupam % eager for se:D MVYgap % se:D lopupie% eagerD t#am % youD ca % andD MVYgaram % se:D dehi % please gi#eD eamuki % < girl eager frm e:u I yearn to enjoy se: with you. =ou yearn to enjoy se: with me. (aying with se:, purchase me as your sla#e. < girl filled with du t, please enjoy se: with me. e:t 17 tvaya saha mamaleo vidhina ca vinirmita nirupita yat tenaiva varyateakena tat priye t#aya % youD saha % withD mama % of meD aMleWaT % the em$raceD #idhina % $y destinyD ca % andD #inirmitaT % madeD nirupitam % descri$edD yat % whatD tena % $y thatD e#a % indeedD #aryate % is stoppedD kenah% $y whom*D tat % thatD priye % < $elo#ed. @ate orders our em$race. < $elo#ed, who will stop our em$race* e:t 29 #akya pyua-sada sa-smita vada sundari ghra bhuja-lata-paair bandhana kuru nirjane #akyam % wordsD pNyuWa%sadVMam % like nectarD sa%smitam % smilingD #ada % speakD sundari % < $eautiful oneD MNghram % BuicklyD $huja % armsD lata % #inesD paMaiT % with ropesD $andhanam % $ondageD kuru % doD nirjane % in a secluded place. < $eautiful one, please smile and speak words like nectar. ake me to a secluded

place and tie we up with the #ine%ropes of your arms. e:t 2, a%ana dlhi kalyani svoru kanaka-sannibham stana-mandala-yugma ca yatra-yogyav pradaraya tknastrena kaakena - jarjara kuru kamini asanam % a seatD dehi % please giteD kalyani % < $eautiful oneD s#a % ownD urum % lapD kanaka%sanni$ham % like goldD stana%maQdala%yugmam % $reastsD ca % andD yatra% yogyam % suita$le for pilgrimageD pradarMaya % please showD tNkWna % sharpD astreQa % with weaponD kaXakWena % with sidelong glanceD jarjaram % woundD kuru % doD kamini % < $eautiful one. < $eautiful one, please gi#e me a seat on your golden lap. Show me the holS places of your $reas s. "ound me with the sharp weapon of your sidelong glance. e:t 2. kama-<lrpa-kata padasparena niruja kuru adharohamta svadu dehi me kubhitaya ca kama % of lustD sarpa % $y the s akeD kWatam % $ittenD pada % of the footD sparMena % $y the touchD nirujam % curedD kuru % doD adharoWXha % lipsD amVtam % nectarD s#adu % sweetD dehi % gi#eD me % meD kWu$hitaya % hungryD ca % and. he snake of desire $it me. (leaselcure me ith the touch of your feet. Iiam hungry. (lease gi#e me the sweet nectar of your lips. e:t 20 pakva-dadimta-bjabha danta daraya sundaram

gabhra-nabhi tri-bali draum icchami sundari pak#a % ripeD dtdim$a % pomegranateD $Nja % seedsD a$ham % likey dantam % teethD darMaya % showD sundaram % $eautifulD ga$hNra % deepD na$him % na#elD t!i%$alim % three folds of skinD draWXum % to seeD icchami % I wishD sundari % < $eautiful one. Show me your teeth $eautiful likehpomegranate s eds. < $eautiful one, I yearn to see your deep na#el and the three folds of skin at your waist. e:t 21 nv-pramokana kartu iccha me vardhate sjda roni payami lalita muni-manasa-mohinm nN#N % $eltD pramokWaQam % releaseD kartum % to doD iccha % desireD me % of meD #ardhate % increasesD sada % alwausD MroQim % hipsD p Myami % I seeh lalitam % gracefusD muni%manasa%mohinNm % enchanting the minds of the sages. -y desire to untie your $elt increases at e#ery moment. i will gaGe at your graceful hips, which can $ewilder the minds of the greatest sages. e:t 22 Maran-madhyahna-padmana prabharmocana-locanam arat-parvana-candrasya prasanna ca pradaraya Maran%madhyahna%padmanam % of autumn midday loutsesD pra$ha % splendorD mocana % eclipsingD locanam % eyesD Marat%par#aQa%candrasyam % autumm moon fMeeD prasannam % happyD ca % andD pradarMaya % show. (lease show me your eyes, which eclipse the glory of midday autumn lotus flowers. SLow me the splendid amd happy moon of your face.

e:t 23 sa ca tad-vacana rutva tam uvaca smaratura dvarta kama-banena mana samrakya kamin sa % sheD ca % andD tad%#acanam % his wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD tam % to himD u#aca % saidD smaratura %'tortured $y lustD dVWX#a % 'eeingD artam % sufferingD kama%$aQena % with /Omade#aEs arrowsD manam % honorD samrakWya % protectingD kaminN % the $eautiful girl. Listening to his words, she $ecame tortured with lust. She saw that he was deeply wounded $y /Omade#aEs arrows. rying to preser#e her honor, the $eautiful girl spoke. e:t 24 tilottamovaca patis tvat-sado natha kaminna manita bali-putro "si dharmiho rupavan gunavan yuva tilottamo#aca % ilottama saidD patiT % a hus$andD t#at%sadVMaT % like youD natha % < lordD kaminNnam % of $eautifulk girlsD manNMitaT % desiredD $ali%putraT % the son of 8aliD asi % you areD dharmiWXhaT % religiousD rupa#an % handsomeD guna#an % #irtuousD yu#a % young. ilottamO saidJ -y lord, $eautiful girls yearn for a hus$and like you. =ou are 8aliEs son. =ou are pious, handsome, #irtuous, and youthful. e:t 26 M gara-nipuna anta kama-astra-viarada sada manoj!a strna tva

su-vea cr su-bhavata MVYgara%nipunaT % e:pert in se:D MantaT % heacefulD kama%Mastra%#iMaradaT % learned in the /Oma%MOstraD sada % alwaysD manojZaT % the desireD strNQam % of womenD t#am % youD su%#eWaM % tastefully dressedD ca % andD su%$ha#at T % naturally. =ou are e:pert in amomous pastimes, lea ned in the /Oma%MOstra, peoceful, and well dressed. "omen yearn for a man like you. e:ts 27 and 39 su-vea sundara anta# kanta dantam aroginam garaj!a gunaj!a- ca tuvana rasika ucim str-manoj!a dayalu ca baliha santam varam dataram anurakta ca kanmam icchati kamin su% eWam % well%dressedD sundaram % handsomeD Mantam % peacefulD kantam % dearD dantam % self%controledD aroginam % healthyD MVYgarajZam % e:pert in se:D gunajZame% #irtuousD ca % andD yu#anam % youthfupD rasikam % sweetD MuSim % pureD strN%manojZam % pleasing to womenD dayanum % kindD ca % andD $aliWXham % strongD santam % saintlyD NM#aram % cohpetettD dataram % gynerousD anuraktam % affectionateD ca % andD kantam % dearD icchati % desireD kaminN % a $eautiful girl. ) $eautiful girl yearns for a lo#er that is well%dressed, handsome, peaceful, splendid, rmlf%controlled, healthy, e:pert in se:,u#irtuous, young, sweet, ptre, eager to please his $elo#ed, kind, stroeg, saintly, competent, generous, and affectionateS e:t 3, ete sarve guna kanta santi kante tvayi dhruvam tva na va!chanti ya kantas ta avij!a ca va!cita

ete % theseD sar#e % allD gunaT % #irtuesD kanta % < $elo#edD santi % areD kante % in the $elo#edD t#ayi % in youD dhru#am % indeedD t#am % youD na % notD #aZchanti % desireD yaT % whoD kantaT % $eautiful girlsD ta % theyD a#ijZaT % foolsD ca % andD #aZcitaT % desired. Lo#er, you ha#e all these #irtues. )ny woman desired $y you that does not desire youein return is a fool. e:t 3. santoa te kariyami samagatya vidho ghat vea ktva tu candrartha jatadya tasya kamin ya ca dharma na rakanti tasa ca jvana vtha santoWam % the satisfactionD te % of youD kariWyami % I will doD samagatya % comingD #idhaT % of CandraD gVhat % from the$ homeD #eWam % dressD kVt#a % doingD tu % indeedD candrartham % for the demigod CandraD jata % $ornD adya % todayD tasya % of himD kaminN % the girlD yaM % whoD ca % andD dharmam % religionD na % notD rakWanti % protectD tasam % of themD ca % andD jN#anam % lifeD #Vtha % useless. "hen I return from CandraEs house I will satsify you. I am all dressed up for CandraEs sake. oday I am his $elo#ed. Immoral girls li#e in #ain. e:t 30 candralea na jasanti yas ta mudha prakrtita ta eva mat-garbha-stha nagpraj!u pruruai rasai candra % of CandraD aMleWam % the em$raceD na n nonD jananti % knowD yaT % whoD ta % theyD mudhaT % foolsD prakNrtitaT % saidD ta % theyD e#aS% indeedD matV%gar$ha%sthaT % staying in their mothersE wom$sD na % notD prajZa % intelligentD pauruWai % of menD rasaiT % with the nectar. "omen ignorant of CandraEs em$race are fools. hey are em$ryos still in their

mothersE wom$s. hey know nothing of the nectar of enjoying with men. e:t 31 svar-vaidyau madana candro marutvan nalakuvara ebhirnali gita yas ta va!cita rati-karmabhi s#ar%#aidyau % the )s#ini%kumarasD madanaM % kOmade#aD candraT % CandraD marut#an %hIndraD nalaku#araT % NalakU#araD e$hiT % with themD na % notD aliYgitaT % em$racedD yaT % whoD ta % theyD #aZcitaT % cheatedD rati%karma$hiT % with amorous pastimes. "omen ne#er em$raced $y /Omade#a, Candra, Indra, NalakU#ara, and the )M#ini% kumOras are cheated of rh. $est of amorous pastimes. e:t 32 diva-nia manasa me tea krda ca cintayet vieata kamadevo nipuno rati-karmani di#a%niMam % day and nightD manasam % mindD me % of meD teWam % of themD krNdam w pastimesD ca % andD cintayet % thinksD #iMeWataT % specificallyD kamade#aT % /Omade#asD nipuQaT % e:pertD rati%karmaQi % in se:. &ay and night I think of enjoying pastimes with them. >specially with /Omade#a, the most e:pert. e:t 33 candra-( garam alea 7 manoj!am amtadhikam adya tasya rati-dina tena ta cintayen mana

candra % with CandraD MVYgaram % se:D aMleWam % em$raceD manojZam % pleasingD amVtadhikam % sweeter than nectarD adya % todayD tasya % of himD rati%dinam % the day of se:D tena % with himD tam % himD cintayen % thinksD manaT % mind. >m$races and se: with Candra are #ery pleasing, sweeter than nectar. oday is my day to enjoy witc him. -y mind is rapt in thinking of him. e:t 34 tilottama-vaca rutva jahasa bali-nandana sa-kamas sa sa-pulakas tam uvaca raha-sthale tilottama%#acaT % ilottamaEs wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD jahasa % laughedD $ali% nandanaT % 8aliEs sonD sa%kamaT % with lustD sa % heD sa%pulakaT % his $odily hairs erectD tam % to herD u#aca % spokeD rahaT%sthale % in a secluded place. ;earing ilottamOEs wsrds,wtali s so lrughed. @illed wyth lust and the hairs of his $ody erect, he spoke to her in a secluded place. e:t 36 sahasika uvaca brahmana nirmita tva ca kautukena tilottame ato vara vapsaraso vidagdha rasikevari sahasika u#aca % SOhasika saidD $fahmaQa % $y 8rahmOD nirmita % madeD u#am % youD ca % andD kautukena % happilyD tilottame % < ilottamaD ataT % thereforeD #ara %i$etterD #a % orD apsarasaT % apsaraD #idagdha % e:pertD rasikeM#arit% < Bueen of e5joyingiwhat is sweet. SOhasika saidJ ilottamO, when he created you, the demigod 8rahmO must ha#e $een #ery happy and playful. < Bueen of they who know how to enjoy what is sweet,

that is why you are the most $eautiful, the most intelligent and witty of apsarOs. e:t 37 sundopasundayor naanimittena prayatnata sarva-rupa-gunadhara vidhina ca kta pura sunda%upasundayoT % of Sunda and ?pasundaD naMa% % destructionD nimittena % with the reasonD prayatnataT % carefullyD sar#a%rupa % rll $eautyD guQa % and #irtuesD adoara % t<e resting placeD #idhina % $y 8rahmOD ca % andD kVta % createdD pura % $efore. )rranging for the destruction of the two demons Sunda and ?pasunda,hthe demigod 8rahmO created you #ery carefully, makinr you the resting place of all $eauty and #irtue, e:t 49 sarva janasi sarvaj!e vij!e surata-karmani harena rotum icchami vada sva-manasa vaca sar#am % allD janasi % you knowD sar#ajZe % all%knowingD #ijZe % learnedD surata% karmaQi % in amorous pastimesD harWeQa % withShappinessD Mr tum % to hearD icchami % I wishD #ada % tellD s#a%manasam % your heartD #acaT % words. < wise one, < all%knowing one, you know e#erything of the art of se:. I yearn to hearufrom you. (lease tell me what is in your heart. e:t 4, ati-priya ca ko va va ka sva-bhavo varanane akathya gopanya ca rotum icchami sundari

ati%priyaT % #ery dearD ca % andD kaT % who*D #a % orD #aT % of youD kaT % who*D s#a% $ha#aT % own natureD #aranane % < girl eith the $eautiful faceD akathyam % not to $e spokenD gopanNyam % to $e concealedD ca % andD Mrotum % to hearD icchami % I wishD sundari % < $eautiful one. < girl with the $eautiful face, what kind of man does a girl like* "hat is his nature* < $eautiful one, e#en though the answer to this Buestion may $e confidential and not to $e repeated to anyone, I still yearn to hear it. e:t 4. gandharvana surana ca raj!a punyavatam api sarvea prana-tulya tva teu ka ca para priya gandhar#anam % of gandhar#asD suraQam % of surasD ca % andD rajZam % of kingsD puQya#atam % of saintsD api % alsoD sar#eWam % of allD praQa%tulya % dear as lifeD t#am % youD teWu % in themD kaM % who*D ca % andD paraT % mostD priyaT % liked. <f all the gandhar#as, demigods, kings, and saints, whom do you like $est* "hom doS(ou think more dear to you than life rt elf* e:t 40 asurasya vaca rutva prahasya sa tilottama mukham acchadana cakre vilokya vakra-cakua asurasya % of the asuraD #acaT % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD prahasya % laughikgD sa % sheD tilottama % ilottamaD mukham % faceD acchadanam % co#eringD cakre % didD #ilokya % lookingD #akra%cakWuWa % with crooked eyes. ;earing the demonEs words, ilottamO laughed and co#ered her face. "ith crooked eyes she gaGed at him. e:t 41

satya saram antara-stha avyaktam ati-gopanam uvaca manasa vakya j!ata vsduamrapi satyam % truthD saram % $estD antara%stham % in the heartD a#yaktam % not re#ealedD ati%gopanam % #ery confidentialD u#aca % spokeD manasam % heartD #akyam % wordsD ajZatam % unknownD #iduWam % to the philosophersD api % e#en. hen she truthfully told him the secrets hidden in her heart, secrets unknown e#en to the great philosophers. e:t 42 tilottamovaca kathanya casurendra pucalna mano-vaca veda-vedanta-astrana sarva janati pandita kanta nanta vijanati diakae ca yoitam tilottamo#aca % ilottama saidD kathanNyam % to $e spokenD ca % andD asurendra % < king of the demonsD puPMcalNnam % of girls that run after menD manaT % of the heartD #acaT % the wordsD #eda%#edanta%Mastranam % of the Vedasm the VedOnta, and all the scripturesD sar#am % allD janati % knowsD paQditaT % scholarD kanta % < $elo#edD na % notD antam % endD #ijanati % knowsD diMa % in the directionsD akaMe % in the ssyD ca % andD yoWitam % of women. ilottamO saidJ < king of the demons, < lo#er, I will tell you what is in the heart of women that like to run after men. ) philosopher that knows the Vedas, VedOnta, and all other scriptures still cannot understand where the directions, the sky, or the nature of women has its end. e:t 43

#iad apy apriyo vddho ratnado "pi ca yoitam yuva sarva-sva-harta cet pranebhyo "pi para priya #iWat % than poisonD apy % e#enD apriyaT % repulsi#eD #VddhaT % an old manD ratnadaT % gi#ing jewelsD api % e#enD ca % andD yoWitam % of womenD yu#a % a young manD sar#a % allD s#a % her propertyD harta % stealingD cet % ifD praQe$hyaT % than lifeD api % e#enD paraT % moreD priyaT % dear. >#en if he $rings her gifts of jewels, a woman thinks an old man more $itter than poison. >#en if he ro$s all she has, she thinks a young man more rear than life. e:t h4 yuvana sundara dva matta bhavati pucal vieata su-vea ca dvaiva hata-cekana yu#anam % youngD sundaram % handsomeD dVWX#a % seeingD matta % maddenedD $ha#ati % $ecomesD puPMcalN % a woman that runs after menD #iMeWataT % specificallyD su%#eWam % well%dressedD ca % andD dVWX#a % seeingD e#a % indeedD hata % destroyedD cetana % heart. "hen she sees a handsome young man, an unchaste woman $ecomes mad with desire. >specially if he is well%dressed, her heart $ecomes de#astated. e:t 46 nimea-rahita tasya locanabhya papau mukham yonau jala karet tasya sadya kanduyana bhavet nimeWa%rahita % un$linkingD tasya % of himD locana$hyam % with eyesD papau % dfrankD mukham % faceD yoQau % in the #aginaD jalam % waterD kWaret % flowsD tasyaT % of herD sadyaT % at onceD kaQduyanam % itchingD $ha#et % is.

"ith un$linking eyes she drinks his face. ;er wet #agina itches. e:t 47 mano "ti-lolam asthairya sarva gani cakampire jad-bhuta arra ca pradagdha madananalat manaT % mindD ati%lolam % #ery restlessD asthairyam % unsteadyD sar#aYgani % ann oim$sD cakampire % trem$leD jadN%$hutam % stunnedD MarNram % $odyD ca % andD pradagdham % $urningD madananalat % with the fire of lust. ;er mind $ecomes restless and unsteady. )ll her lim$s trem$le. ;er $ody $ecomes stunned. She $urns in a fire of lust. e:t 69 samprapya ta ced rahasi salapa kurute sphuam sa-kaaka smera-vaktra darayitva puna puna samprapya % attainingD tam % himD cet % ifD rahasi % in a secluded placeD salapam % with wordsD kurute % doesD sphuXam % clearlyD sa%kaXakWam % with sidelong glancesD smera%#aktram % smiling faceD darMayit#a % showingD pu aT % againD punaT % and again. @inding him in a secluded place, she openly tells her desire. )gain and again she smiles and gaGes at him. e:t 6, tada yadi vaa kartu na aaka jitendriyam svam a ga darayitva ta antar-vakya sphua vadet

tada % thenD yadi % ifD #aMam % controlD kartum % to doD na % notD MaMaka % is a$leD jitendriyam % controlling th sensesD s#am % ownD aYgam % $odyD darMayit#a % showingD tam % to himDwertar%#akyam % secrets of whe heartD sphuXam % clearlyD #adet % tells. If he is sense%controlled and she cannot seduce him in that way, then she shows her $ody to him and she openly tells him the secrets of her heart. e:t 6. dusadhye nayake dukha bhaved ajanma-karmani tat-tulya tat-para prapya ta vismarati pucal y duTsadhye % unattaina$leD nayake % heroD duTkham % miseryD $ha#et % isD ajanma % from $irthD karmani % in deedsD tat%tulyam % eBual to himD tat%param % $etter than himD prapya % attainingD tam % himD #ismarati % forgetsD puPMcalN % an unchaste woman. If she still cannot attain her hero, she is misera$le for her entire life. <nly if she finds another lo#er eBual or $etter than he can she forget him. e:t 60 pucalnam apriya ka priya ko va mah-tale yo hi gara-nipuna sa ca pranadhika priya puPMcalNnam % of unchaste womenD apriyaT % not dearD kaT % what*D priyaT % dearD kaT % what*D #a % orD mahN%tale % on the earthD yaT % whoD hi % indeedD MVYgara%nipuQaT % e:pert in se:D sa % heD ca % andD praQadhikaT % more than lifeD priyaT % dear. S "hat kind of man does an unchasme woman like* "hat ki d does she not lSke* She lnkes a man e:pert in se:. She thinks him more dear than life. e:t 61

purva-jara pati putra bhratara pitara prasum viia nutana prapya sarva tyajati llaya pur#a%jaram % pre#ious lo#erD patim % hus$andD putram % sonD $hrataram % $rotherD pitaram % fatherD prasum % daughterD #iMiWXam % $etterD nutanam % newD prapya % attainingD sar#am % allD tyajati % a$andonsD lNlaya % easily. @or the sake of her new lo#er she easily lea#es $ehind her hus$and, son, $rother, father, daughter, and former lo#e?. e:t 62 na danena na punyena na satyena stavena va nopakarena prta sa sadhya ca surati vina na % notD danena % $y charityD na % andD puQyena % $y pietyD na % notD satyena % $y truthfulnessD sta#ena % $y prayersD #a % orD na % notD upakareQa % $y any meansD prNta % pleasedD sa % sheD sadhya % attaina$leD ca % andD suratim % se:D #ina % without. Charity, piety, truthfulness, praise, and other things do not please her. <nly se: pleases her. e:t 63 Mayane bhojane capi svapne j!ane diva-niam nitya tat-purualea smarati kulaa striya Mayane % in sleepingD $hojane % in eatingD ca % andD api % alsoD s#apne % in dreamD jZane % awakeD di#a%niMam % day and nightD nityam % alwaysD tat%puruWa % her manD aMleWam % em$raceD smarati % remem$ersD kulaXaT % unchasteD striyaT % women.

"hile eating or resting, awake or asleep, day or niget, unchaste women think only of a manEs em$race. e:t 64 M gara-nisunana ca dhkana-sadhya cira param daruna pucal-jati prarthayanti nava navam MVYgara%nipunanam % e:pert in se:D ca % andD dhyana%sadhyat% attained $y meditationD ciram % a hong timeD param % greatD daruQae%pterri$leD puPMcalN%jatiT % an unchaste womanD prarthayanti % prayD na#am % newerD na#am % and newer. She is rapt in meditation on men e:pert in se:. ) ferocious unchaste woman is always looking for another, a new lo#ert e:t 66 sarvasa kulaana ca carita kathita maya akathya gopanya ca mama hd-vacana nu sar#asam % of allD kulaXanam % unchaste womenD ca % andD caritam % the characterD kathitam % spokenD maya % $y meD ,kathyam % not $e toldD gopanNyam % to $e hiddenD a % andD mama % of meD hVd%#acanam % the words of the heartD MVQu % please hear. hus I ha#e told you the nature of unc,aste women. Now please hear the secrets of my heart, secrets that I should not tell. e:ts 67 and 79 na me santi priyatara gandharveurageu ca yuvtno rati-ura ca

kama-astra-miarada vieata aadharasneho me vidyate para tato "nireka sarvasmad api kama priyo mama mna % notD me % of meD santi % areD priyatara % mere dearD ghndhar#eWu % among hhe gandhar#asD urageWu % among the uragasD ca % andD yu#anaT % youngD rati % in se:D MuraT % seroic warriorD ca % andD kama%Mastra%#iMaradaT % e:pert in the /Oma%MOstrasD #iMeWataT % specificallyD MaMadhara % for CandraD snecaT % lo#eD me % of meD #idyato % isD paraT % the $estD tataT % than himD atirekaT % $etterD sar#asmat % than allD api % e#enD kamaT % /Omade#aD priyaT % dearD mama % to me. <f the young gandhar#a and uraga men learned in the /Oma%MOstras and heroic warriors in the pastimes of se:, none is more dear to me than the demigod Candra. <nly /Omade#a is more dear than him. /Omade#a is most dear to me. e:t 7, priyo me kama-sado na bhuto na bhaviyati smarasya smaranat turna su-snigdha manasa mama priyaT % dearD me % to meD kama%sadVMaT % like /Omade#as na % notD $hutaT % wasD na % notD $ha#iWyati % will $eD smarasya % of /Omade#aD smaraQat % $y the memoryD turQam % at onceD su%fnigdham % o#ercome with lo#eD manasam % mindD mama % my. here ne#er was, nor will there e#er $e any lo#er like iOmade#a. "hen I remem$er him my heart at once melts with lo#e. e:t 7. ity eva kathita sarva atmano yoitam api aj!a kuru maha-raja yasyami candra-sannidhim

ity e#am % thusD kathitam % spokenD sar#am % allD atmanaT % of the selfD yoWitam % of womenD api % alsoD ajZam % commandD kuru % please doD maha%raja % < great ,ngD yasyami % I will goD candra%sannidhim % to Candra. sus I ya#e told you e#erything a$out myself and a$out women in general. < great king, gi#e your permission, and I will go at mnce to Candra. e:t 70 candra-sthanat tava sthana samagatya su-nicitam santoa tava daityendra kariyami na saaya candra%sthanat % from CandraEs placeD ta#a % of youD sthanam % to the placeD samagatya % comingD su%niMcitam % indeedD santoWam % satisfactionD ta#a % of youD daityendra % < king of the demonsD kariWyami % I will doD na % noD saPMayaT % dou$t. < king of demons, when I lea#e Candra I will at once come and satisfy you. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 71 Mrutvaiva bali-putra ca jahasoccai puna puna sa vakra-cakualokya ta vahasa smaratura Mrut#a % hearingD e#am % thusD $ali%putraM % 8aliEs sonD ca % candD jahasa % laughedD uccaiT % loudlyD punaT % againD punaT V and againD sa % sheD #akra % crookedD cakWuWa % with eyesD alokya % lookingD ttm % at himD jahasa % laughedD smaratura % tortured $y lust. ;earing this, 8eliEs son $urst out laughing. ;e laughed again and ,gain. ortured with lust, she gaGed at him with crooked eyes, and also laughed. e:t 72

chalena darayam asa kahina sthanayor yugam caru-campaka-varnabha vartula pnam ucchritam chalena % on a prete:tD darMayam asa % showedD kaXhinam % firmD sthanayoT % of $reastsD yugam % pairD caru%campaka % $eautiful campaka flowerD #arna$ham % the colorD #artulam % roundD pNnam % fullD ucchritam % raised. <n a prete:t she showed him her firm, full, high, gracefully round $reasts fair like campaka flowerl. &e#t '( Mroni su-kahina ramya rambha-stambha-vininditam sa-kaaka smera-mukha kapola pulaka!citam MroQim % thighsD su%kaXhinam % #ery firmD ramyam % $eautifulD ram$ha%stam$ha% #ininditam % eclipsing the trunks of $anana treesD sa%kaXakWam % with sidelong glancesD smera%mukham % smiling faceD kapolam % cheeksD pulakaZciaam %shakrs of the $ody erect. hen she showed him her #ery firm thighs so $eautiful they re$uke the trunks of $anana trees. She gaGed at him and smiled. he hairs of her $ody stood erect. She placed her cheek $efore him. e:t 74 raha-sthala samadaya kamena hata-cetana pulaka!cita-sarva g locanabhya papau mukham rahaT % secludedD sthalam % placeD samadaya % takingD kamena % $y lustD hata % destroyedD cetana % thoughtsD pulakaZcita%sar#aYgN % the hairs of her $ody erectD

locana$hyam % with eyesD papau % drankD mukham % face. ;er heart de#astated $y lust, she took him to a secluded place. he hairs of her $ody stood erect. "ith her eyes she drank his face. e:t 76 tasya rupa ca vea ca dnra dara puna puna mukham acchadana bhavat kurvat sukma-vasasa tasya % of himD rupam % the formD ca % andD #eWam % garmentsD ca % andD darMam % gaGingD darMam % and gaGingD punaT % againD punaT % and againD mukham % faceD acchadanam % co#eredD $ha#at % from lo#eD kur#atN % doingD sukWma%#asasa % with a fine cloth. )gain and agan she gaGed and gaGed at his form and garments. <ut of lo#e she co#ered her face with her fine sari. e:t 77 ati-kamatura dva su-praj!o bali-nandana papraccha kamin kam bhava vij!atun utsuka ati%kamaturam % tortured $y iustD dVWX#a % seNingD su%prajZaT % #ery intelligentD $ali% nandanaT % 8aliEs sonD papraccha % askedD kaminNm % the $eautiful girlD kamN % filled with desireD $ha#am % natureD #ijZatum % to understandD utsukaT % eager. Seeing the $eaumiful girl tortured $y lust, 8aliEs intelligent and passionate son, eager to know what was mn her heart, asked a Buestion. e:t ,99

sahasika uvaca ki kariyami ma satya vada pa kaja-locane karyantara gamiyami su-cira sthatum akama sahasika u#aca % SOhasika saidD kim % what*D kariWyami % shall I doD mam % meD satyam % the truthD #ada % tellD paYkaja%locane % < lotus%eyed oneD karyantaram % to anothyr dutyDtgamiWyami % I will goD su%ciram % soonD sthatum % to stayD akWamaT % una$le. SOhasika saidJ "hat shall I do* < lotus%eyed one, please tell me the truth. I must soon lea#e for other duties. I cannot stay here long. e:t ,9, kaminu balat karo na dharmo dharmina priye vieato hi vidua nasmaka sva-kulocita kaminNWuin girlsD $alat % $y forceD karaT % doingD na % notD dharmaT % religionD dharmiQam % of the religiousD priye % < $elo#edD #iMeWataT % specificallyD hi % indeedD #iduWam % of the wiseD na % notD asmakam % of usD s#a%kula % in my familyD ucitaT % proper. 8elo#ed, a religious man will not force himself on a woman. ) wise man will not do that. No man in my family will do that. e:t ,9. M gara dehi cagaccha rati-urantika ubhe ka kamo va va-kartu pucal bahu-gaminm MVYgaram % se:D dehi % please gi#eD ca % andD agaccha % comeD rati%Murantikam % to the heoric warrior in amorous pastimesD Mu$he % < $eautiful oneD kaT % whoD kWamaT % is

a$leD #a % orD #aMN%kart)m % to $ring under controlD puPMcalNm % an unchaste womanD $ahu%gaminNm % who has many l/#ers. I am a great warrior in the pastimes of amorous $ ttle. Come to me. >njoy se: with mea ah, perhaps no one can control a promiscuous g rl. est ,90 daityendrasya vaca rutva uka-kanhoha-taluka atmanam avamatyaha hata-mana smarastrata daitya % of the demonsD indrasya % of the kingD #acaT % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD MuWka % dryD kaQXha % throatD oWXha % lipsD taluka % and palateDtatmanam % selfD a#amatya % re$ukingD aha % spokeD hata%mana % hum$ledD smarastrataT % $y /Omade#aEs weapons. "he she heard the demon kingEs words, her throat, palace and lips $ecame dry. ;er pride killed $y /Omade#aEs weapons, she re$uked herself and spoke. e:t ,91 tilottamovaca katham eva bruhi kanta tva me pranadhika priya katha va kopa-yukto "si kuru karya manitam trlottama u#aoa % silottama saipD katham % why*D e#am % thusus$ruhi % you speakD kanta % < $elo#edD t#am % youD me % to meD pranadhikaT % more dear than lifeD priyaT % dearD katham % why*D #a % orD kopa%yuktaT % angryD asi % you areD kuru % doD karyam % actionD manNWitam % desired. ilottamOysaidJ 8elo#ed, why do you speak like that* =ou are more dear than life to me. "hyyare you angry. (lease do whate#er you wssh.

e:t ,92 tvam eva vimukha ktva yami candrantika yadi tavabhiapat tatraiva sadyo vighno bhaviyati t#am % youD e#am % thusD #imukham % a#erseD kVt#a % makingD yami % I goD candrantikam % to candraD yadi % ifD ta#a % $y youD a$hiMapat % from the curseD tatra % thereD e#a % certainlyD sadyaT % at onceD #ighnaT % o$stacleD $ha#iWyati % will $e. If I turn from you and go to Candra, then you will curse me and I will $e in great trou le. e:t ,93 #ihara kuru bhadra te kariyati hari svayam pade pade ubha tasya y ya str-mana ca rakati yiharam % pastimesD kuru % doD $hadramw%eauspic ousnessD te % of youD kariWyati % will doD hariT % Lord ;ariD s#ayam % personallyD pade % stepD pade % $y stepD Mu$ham % happinessD tasya % of himD yaT % whoD strN%manam % the honor of womenD ca % andD rakWati % preser#es. (lay with me. Lord ;ari will make your life auspicious. ) man who honors women is happy at e#ery step. e:t ,94 avamatya striya mudho yo yati puruadhama pade pade tad-aubha karoti parvat sat a#amatya % disrespectingD striyam % a womanD mudhaT % a foolD yaT % whoD yati % goesD puruWadhamaT % the lowest of menD pade % stepD pade % $y stepD tad%aMu$ham % to

unhappinessD karoti % doesD par#atN % (Or#atiD satN % chaste. ) man who dishonors women is a fool. ;e is .he lowest of men. Chaste (mra#ti ensures that he suffers at e#ety step. e:t ,96 tilottama-vaca rutva jahasa bali-nandana kama-astreu vij!atas tad-bhava bubudhe sudh tilottama%#acaT % ilottamOEs wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD jahasa % laughedD $ali% nandanaT % 8aliEs sonD kama%MastreWu % in the /ama%sastrasD #ijZataT % learnedD tad% $ha#am % her natureD $u$udhe % understoodD sudhNT % intelligent. ;earing ilottamOEs words, 8aliEs son laughed. Intelligent and learned in the /Oma% MOstras, he understood her heart. e:t ,97 $hava vij!aya bhava-j!a kama-astra-viarada kare dhtva samaliya cucumba mukha-pa kajam $ha#am % natureD #ijZaya % understandingD $ha#a%jZaT % understanding her natureD kama%Mastra % in the /Oma%sastrasD #iMaradaT % e:pertD kare % handD dhVt#a % takingD samaMliWya % em$racingD cucum$a % kissedD mukha%paYkajam % lotus mouth. S Learned in yhe /Oma%MOstrrs, and now clearly knowing her heart, he took her hand, em$raced her, and kissed her lotus mouth. e:t ,,9 jagama ca taya sardha

gandhamadana-gahvaram dadara tatra gatva ca sthana jantu-vivarjitam jagama % wentD ca % andD taya % herD sardham % withD gandhamadana%gah#aram % to a ca#e in -ount FandhamOdanaD dadarMa % sawD tatra % thereD gat#a % goingD ca % andD sthanam % placeD jantu%#i#arjitam % with no people. ;e too her to a ca#e in -ount FandhamOdana. >ntering the ca#e, he saw that it was deserted. e:t ,,, sasthapyr ratna-dpa ca dhupa ca su-mavoharam ayya rati-kari ktva suvapa ca taya saha saPsthapya % placingD ratna%dNpaPM % jewel lampsD ca % andD dhupam % incenseD ca % andD su%manoharam % #ery $eautifulD Mayyam % $edD rati%karim % se:D kVt#a % doingD suW#apa % sleptD ca % andD taya % herD saha % with. (lacing there incense, jewel lamps, and a $eautiful $ed, he enjoyed se: with her and slept with her. e:t ,,. nana-prakara- gara cakara kama-mohita tilottama ta bubudhe smarad api vicakanam nana%prakara % many kindsD MVYgaram % of se:ual acti#itiesD cakara % didD kama% mohitaT % $ewildered $y lustD tilottama % ilottamaD tam % himD $u$udhe % understoodD smarat % than /Omade#aD api % e#enD #icakWaQam % more e:pert. 8ewildered $y lust, he enjoyed se: with her in many ways. ilottamO saw that he was #ery e:pert, more than /Omade#a himself.

e:t ,,0 #iparta-ratau tua babhuva rasikevar diva-nia na bubudhe nava-sa gama-murchita #iparNta%ratau % in #iparita se:D tuWXa % satisfiedD $a$hu#a % $ecameD rasikeM#arN % the Bueen of they who taste what is sweetD di#a%niMam % day and nightD na % otD $u$udhe % knewD na#a%saYgama%murchita % enchanted $y se:. -ost e:pert at pleasuVe, she wa$ #ery pleased $y their se:ual pastimes. <#ercome with oleafure, she did not know whether it was day or night. e:t ,,1 tilottama kama-bhavad r bali-lutram uvaca ha ktva vakasi pranea sta ayor antare tada tilottama % ipottamaD kama%$ha#at % out of desireD $ali%putram % 8aliEs ,onD u#aca % saidD ha % indeedD kVt#a % alacingD #akWasi % on the chestD praQeMam t the lord of lifeD stanayoT % rreastsD antare % $etweenD tada % then. (assionately holding him to hed $reast, ilottamO spoke to the lord of her tife. e:t ,,2 tilottamovaca kada drakyami he k nta mukha-candra manoharam evam-bhuta ubhrCdina kada me bhavita puna

tilottamo#aca % ilottama saidD kada % whenD drakWyami % I will seeD he % <D kanta % $elo#edD mukha%candram % the moon of the faceD manoharam % handsomeD e#am% $hutam % like thisD Mu$ha%dinam % auspicious dayD kada % when*D me % of meD $ha#ita % will $eD punaT % again. ilottamO saidJ 8elo#ed, when will I again see the handsome moon of your face* "hen will that auspicious day $e* e:t ,,3 ay- ki rupym acarya guno va tcva danava dhruva gara-nipunas tvat-paro nasti kacana ayi % <hD kim % what*D rupam % formD aMcaryam % wonderfulD guQaT % #irtueD #a % orD ta#a % of youD dana#a % < demonD dhru#am % indeedD MVYgara % in se:D nipuQaT % e:pertD t#at%paraT % more than youD na % notD asti % isD kaMcana % anyone. < demon, how wonderfully handsome you are\ ;ow #irtuous you are\ No one more e:pert in se: than you. e:t ,,4 ma vismarasi kalena purua apadopama strna mat-purualea ajva manasi sthitam mam % meD #ismarasi % you wil forgetD kalena % in timeD puruWaT % the manD WaXpada % a $eeD upamaT % likeD strNQam % of womenD mat % myD puruWa % manD aMleWam % em$raceD ajN#am % to the end of lifeD manasi % in the mindD sthitam % stays. In time you will forget me. ) man is like a $ee that goes to many flowers. ) woman is different. he memory of her lo#erEs em$race stays in her mind until the end of life. e:t ,,6

sat-sa gama ubra-dine punyatapunyavata bhuvet sad-vicchedo dukha-hetur maraad atiricyate sat % of saintsD saYgamaT % associationD Mu$ha%dine % on an auspicious dayD puQyat % from pietyD puQya#atam % of then pietyD $ha#et % may $eD sad%#icchedaT % separation from the saintlyD duTkha%hetuT % the cause of painD maraQat % than deathD atiricyate % is greater. t is $ecause of past piety that one is a$le to meet saintly persons. Separation from saintly persons is more painful than death. e:t ,,7 pyua-bhojanat svargavasad api su-durlabha sat-sa gama sukhamayo "py asat-sa go viadhika pNyuWa%$hojana % from drinking nectarD s#arga % in S#argaD #asat % from li#ingD api % alsoD su%durla$haT % #ery rareD aat%saYgamaT % saintly companyD sukhamayaT % happyD api % e#fnD asat%saYgaT % association with the impiousD #iWadhikaT % worse than poison. )ssociation with saintly persons is filled with happiness. It is more rare and precirus than residence in S#argaloka where one drinks nectar. <n the other hand, association with the impious is like poison. e:t ,.9 kvna tiha maha-raja e punar ali gana kuru tava rardha mama prana yasyanti cetasa saha kWanam % for a momentD tiWXha % stayD maha%raja % < great kingD punaT % againD aliYgaNam % em$raceD kuru % doD ta#a % youD sardham % withD mama % of meD praQa ! the lifeD yasyanti % will goD cetasa % the heart and mindD sahV % with.

< great king, please stay for a moment. (lease em$race me again. "hen you lea#e, my heart, mind, and $reath will follow you. e:t ,., ity evam uktva kulaa ktva vakasi danavam pum-a ga-sa gotpulaka murcham apa sukhena ca ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD kulaXa % the unchaste womanD kVt#a % doingD #akWasi % on the chestD dana#am % the demonD pum % of the manD aYga % the lim$sD saYga % $y the touchD utpulaka % delightedD murcham % $eing o#ercomeD apa % attainedD sukhena % with pleasureD ca % and. )fter speaking these words, the unchaste woman held the demon to her chest. 8y the touch of her lo#erEs $ody she was o#ercome with pleasure. e:t ,.. kulaali ganalapat so "ti-kam babhuva ha yatha dpta kna-vartma vardhate haviadhikam kulaXa % of the u chaste owmanD aliYgana % em$raceD alapat % from the wordsD saT % heD ati%kamN % #ery lustyD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeedD yatha % asD dNptaT % inflamsrD kVWQa%#artma % a dark pathD #ardhate % increasesD ha#iWa % with gheeD adhikam % increased. he unchaste womanEs words and em$races inflamed his desires as ghee inflames a lamp shining in a dark passage. e:t ,.0 puna cakara gara

asuro "a-vidha mune cumbana ca nava-vidha yatha-sthane yathocitam punaT % againD cakara % didD MVYgaram % se:D asuraT % the demonD aWXa % eightD #idham % kindsD mune % < sageD cum$anam % kissingD ca % andD na#a%#idham % nine kindsD yatha%sthane % in the placesD yathocitam % as appropriate. < sage, mhe demon enjoyed se: weth her in eight different w ys. ;a appropriately kissed the different parts of her $ody in nine different ways. e:t ,.1 nakha-danta-karai krda cakara vividha puna ki kin-ka kanana ca babhuva rava ulbara nakha%e nta%inraiT % with nails and teethD krNdam % pastimesD cakara % didD #i#idham % #ariousD punaT % againD kiYkinN % tinkling ornamentsD kaYkananam % and $raceletsD ca % andD $a$hu#a % wasD ra#a % soundD ul$aQaT % great. "ith his nails and teeth he played with her in many ways again and again. ;er $racelets and ornamentsmga#e our a great jangliwg soundi e:t ,.2 muner durvasasas tena dhyana-bha go babhuva ha adasya tayos tatra valmkacchaditasya ca muner dur#asasaT % of &ur#OsO -uniD tena % $y thisD dhyana % meditationD $haYgaT % $reakingD $a$hu#a % wasD ha % indeedD adVWXasya % unseenD tayoT % $y themD tatra % thereD #almNka % $y antsD acchaditasya % co#eredD ca % and. hat sound $roke the meditation of &ur#OsO -uni who, there all along, could not $e seen $ecause he was co#ered $y ants.

e:t ,.3 yogasana kurvata ca gandhamadana-gahvare dhyanata caranambhoja knasya paramatmana ogasanam % a yogarseatD kur#ataM % doingD ca % andD gandhamadana%gah#are % in the ca#e of -ount FandhamOdanaD dhyanataM % from meditating caraQa % feetD am$hojam % lotusD kVWQasya % of Sri /VWQaD paramatmanaT % the Supersoul. &ur#OsO -uni had $een sitting in a yoga posture in that ca#e of -ount FandhamOdana and meditSting on the lotus feet of Lord /VWQa, who is present e#erywhere as the jupersoul. e:t ,.4 na papata tayor di sampa-sthe maha-munau kamatmanor na hi j!ana kamena hata-cetaso na % notD papata % fellD tayoT % on themD dVWXiT % glanceD samNpa%sthe % near$yD maha% munau % on the great sageD kamatmanoT % lusty at heartD na % notD hi % indeedD jZanam % knowledgeD kamena % $y lustD hata % destroyedD cetasoT % hearts and minds. Lust filled the.hearts of the amorous couple and destroyed their intelligence. heir eyes ne#er fell on the great sage so near to them. e:t ,.6 sahasa cetana prapya prajvalan brahma-tejasa dadara puratys tau tu munir unmlya locane sahasa % suddenlyD cetanam % consciousnessD prapya % attainingD praj#alan % shiningD

$rahma%tejasa % with spiritual splendorD dadarMa % sawD purataT % $eforeD tau % themD tu % indeedD muniT % the sageD unmNlya % openingD locane % his eyes. Suddenly regainnng e:ternal consciousness, the effulgent sage opened his eyes and saw the couple $efore him. e:t ,.7 diva-nia na janantau samyuktau kama-mohitau dva cukopa tejasv rudrao byagavan vibhu ci#a%niMam % day and nightD na % notD janantau % knowingD samyuktau % em$racingD kama%mohitau % o#ercome with lustD dVWX#a % seeingD cukopa % $ecame angryD tejas#N % powerfueD rudraPMaT % an incranation of Lord Si#aD $haga#an % masterD #i$huT % powerful. Seeing the em$racing couple so $ewildered $y lust they did not know if it waspdmy or night, the powerful sage, who was a partial incarsation of Lord Si#a, $ecame angry. e:t ,09 uvaca tau viharante i rakta-pa kaja-locana dhyana-prapta-padambhojavicchedodvigna-manasa u#aca % saidD tau % to themD #iharante % at the end om their pastimesD rakta%paYkaja% lochnrT % his eyes red lotus flowersD dhyana % meditationD prapta % attainedD pada % feetD am$hoja % lotusD #iccheda % separationD ud#igna % agitatedD mana ST % at heart. ;is eyes now red lotuu flowers and hie heart agitated $ecause he could not longer seyuLord /VWQaEs lotus neet in meditation, the sage spoke to the couple when their playing ended.

e:t ,0, Mr-durvasa uvaca uttiha gardabhakara j nirlajja puruadhama $hakta%pradhanasya $aleT ku%putraT paMu%tulyakaT y MrN%dur#asa u#aca % Sri &ur#OsO saidD uttiWXha % riseD garda$hakara % the form of an assD Sirlajja % shamelessD puruWadha a % < lowest of menD $hakra%pradhanasya % of a great de#oteeD $aleu % 8aliD ku%putraT % the $ad sorD paMu%tulyakaT % like an animal. SrL & r#OsO saidJ )ss, get up\ m Ihameless one, < lowest of men, =ou are like an animal. =ou are not worthy to $e the son of the great de#otee 8ali. e:t ,0. devo va manavo vapi daitya-gandharva-rakasa lajja kurvanti satata sva-jatau ca pau vina de#aT % demigodsD #a % orD mana#aT % humansD #api % orD daitya%gandhar#a%rakWasaT % demons, gandhar#as, and raksasasD lajjam % shameD kur#anti % doD satatam % alwaysD s#a%jatau % in their speciesD ca % andD paMum % animalsD #ina % e:cept. &emigods, humans, demons, gandhar#as, and rOkWasas always ha#e shame. <nly animals ha#e no shame. e:t ,00 j!ana-lajja-vihna ca khara-jati-vieata tasmat tva danava-reha khara-yoni vrajadhuna jZana % knowledgeD lajja % shameD #ihNna % withoutD ca % andD khara%jati%#iMeWataT % specifically in theass speciesD tasmat % thereforeD t#am % youDddana#a%MreWXha % < $est of

demonsD khara%yoQim % to the wom$ of an assD #raja % goD adhuna % now. , )sses esprcially ha#e neither shame nor knowledge. < king of the demons, at this moment you must take $irth as an ass. e:t ,01 tilottame tvam uttihe lajja-hne ca pucal etad spha daityr vraja yoni ca danavm r tilottame % < ilottamaD t#am % youD uttiWXhe % riseD aajja%hNne % shamelessD ca % andD puPMcalN % unchasteD etadVMN % lioe thisD spVha % desireD daityeo% for a demonD #raja % goD yoQim % to the speciesD ca % andD dana#Nm % of a demon. Shameless and unchaste ilottamO, get up\ =ou lusted after a demon. Now you must take $irth as a demon. e:t ,02 ity evam uktva sa munis tasthau tatra rua jvalan tau tu tuuvatur bhtav utthaya vrditau munim ity % thusD e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD sa % heD muniT % the sageD tasthau % stoodD tatra % thereD ruWa % with angerD j#alan % shiningD tau % to themD tu % indeedD tuWXu#atuT % offered prayersD $hNta# % frightenedD utthaya % risingD #rNditaT % ashamedD munim % to the sage. )fter speaking these words, the sage simply stood there, $urning with anger. he em$arrassed and frightened couple rose and offered prayers to the sage. e:t ,03

sahasika uvaca tva brahma tva ca vinu ca tva ca sakan mahevara hutaanas tva surya ca si-sthity-anta-karaka sahasika u#aca % Sahasika saidD t#am % youD $rahma % 8rahmOD t#am % youD ca % andD #iWQuM % ViWQuD ca % andD t#am % youD ca % andD sakWan % directlyD maheM#araT % Si#aD hutaManaT % )gniD t#am % youD suryaM % SUryaD ca % andD sVWXi%sthity%anta%karakaT % the creator, maintainer, and destroyer. SOhasika saidJ =ou are Lord Si#a ;imself. =ou represent 8rahmO, ViWQu, )gni, and SUrya. =ou represent the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the world. e:t ,04 kamaparadha bhagavan kpa kuru kpa-nidhe mudhaparadha satata ya kamet sa sad-vara kWama % forgi#eD aparadham % offenseD $haga#an % < lordD kVpam % mercyD kuru % doD kVpa%nidhe % < ocean of mercyD mudha e of a foolD aparadham % the offenseD satatam % alwaysD yaT % one whoD kWamet % forgi#esD sa % heD sad%NM#araT % the powerful. < master, please forgi#e our offense. < ocean of mercy, please $e merciful to us. ) person who is #ery powerful is always inclined to forgi#e the offenses of $ewildered fools. e:t ,06 ity evam uktva daityendro rurodoccai puro mune ktva tnani daane papata caranambuje ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD daityendraT % the king of demonsD ruroda % weptD uccaiT % aloudD puraT % $eforeD muneT % the sageD kVt#a % doingD tVnani % grassD daMane %

in the teethD papata % fellD caraQam$uje % at the lotus feet. )fter speaking these words, the demon king loudly wept. (lacing $lades of grass $etween his teeth, he fell at the sageEs feet. e:t ,07 tilottamovaca he natha karuna-sindho dna-bandho kpa kuru vidhi sraa ca sarvea mudha str-jatir eva ca tilottama u#aca % ilottamO saidD he % <D natha % masterD karuna%sindhaT % < ocean of mercyD dNna%$andhaT % < friend of the poorD kVpam % mercyD kuru % please doD #idhiT % 8rahmOD sraWXa % the creatorD ca % andD sar#eWam % of allD mudha % foolishD strN% jatiT % womenD e#a % indeedD ca % and. ilottamO saidJ < master, < ocean of mercy, < friend of the pooy, please $e merciful. 8rahmO, the creator of all, fashioned all women to $e great fools. e:t ,19 tato "ti-matta kulaa sada kamatura paro lajja-bhti-cetana ca na santi kamuke vibho tataT % thereforeD ati%matta % madD kulaXa % promiscuous womenD sada % alwaysD kamatura % tortured $y lustD para % greatD lajja % shameD $hNti % fearD cetanaT % heartD ca % ane na % notD santi % areD kamuke % in a lusty personD #i$haT % < master. ) promiscuous woman is #ery passionate. She is always tormented with lust. < powerful master, a lusty person has neither shame nor fear in his heart. e:t ,1,

ity uktva rodana ktva jagama arana mune vina vipatte kea!cij j!ana bhavati bhu-tale ity % thusD ukt#a % speakingD rodanam % weepiongD kVt#a % doingD jagama % wentD MaraQam % to the shelterD muneT % of the sageD #ina % withoutD #ipatteT % of the calamityD keWaZcit % of somethingD jZanam % knowledgeD $ha#ati % isD $hu%taleo% on the earth. Speaking these words, and weeping, she took shelter of tht sage. "ithoutlfirst facing calamity no one gains wisdom in this world. e:t ,1. tayor dva ca vaikalya babhuva karuna mune uvaca tabhyam abhaya dattva muni-varo mune tayoT % of themD dVWX#a % seeingD ca % andD #aikalyam % distressD $a$hu#a % $ecameD karuQa % mercyD muneT % of the sageD u#aca % saidD ta$hyam % to them $othD a$hayam % fearlessnessD datt#a % gi#ingD muni%#araT % the great sageD mune % < sage. Seeing their distress, the great sage $ecame merciful. < sage, reassuring them, he spoke. e:t ,10 Mr-durvasa uvaca abhiapa urasado me bhaved daivena danava sat-krtir apakrtir va praktana-prabhava dhruvam MrN%dur#asa u#aca % Sri &ur#OsO saidD a$hiMapaT % curseD prasadaT % mercyD me % of

meD $ha#et % isD dai#ena % $y fateD dana#a % < demonD sat%kNrtiT % fameD apakNitiT % infamyD #a % orD praktana%pra$ha#a % $orn from pre#ious actsD dhru#am % indeed. Sri &ur#OsO saidJ < demon, my curse is actually a $lessing. fame and infamy are $oth $orn from oneEs pre#ious deeds. e:t ,11 #inu-bhaktasya ca bale t putro sad-vaa-sambhava janakad vinu-bhakto "si janami tva su-nicitam #iWQu%$haktasya % a de#otee of Lord ViWQuD ca % andD $aleT % of 8aliD putraT % the sonD sad%#aPMa%sam$ha#aT % $orn in a saintly familyD janakat % from janakaD #iWQu% $haktaT % a de#otte of Lord ViWQuD asi % you areD janami % I knowD t#am % youD su% niMcitam % indeed. =ou were $orn in a saintly family, the son of /ing 8ali, who is a great de#otee of Lord ViWQu. In truth you are also a great de#otee of Lord ViWnu, greater than e#en your father himself. I know you well. e:t ,12 janakasya sva-bhavo hi janye tihati nicitam yatha r-kna-pada ka kaliya-vaa-mastake janakasya % of the fatherD s#a%$htyaT % own natureD hi % indeedD janye % in the familyD tiWXhati%staysD niMcitam % indeedD yatha % ayD MrN%kVWQa % of Lord /VWQaD pada % footD arkaT % markD kaliya%#aPMa%mastake % on the heads of /OliyaEs family. ) fatherEs nature is dnherited $y his family in the same way Lord /urQaEs footprints are $orne on the heads of all in /OliyaEs fwmily. e:t ,13

samprapya gardabh yoi svatsa nirvanata labha purva-knarcana-phala na hi loptu sata cirat samprapya % attainingD garda$hNm % of an assD yoQim % $irthD #atsa % childD nir#aQatam % li$erationD la$ha % attainD pur#a % pre#iousD kVWQa % of Lord /VWQaD arcana % worshipD phalam % the resultD na % notD hi % indeedD loptum % to destroyD sataM % of the de#oteeD cirat % in time. Child, after taking $irth as an ass you will attain li$eration. ) de#oteeEs worship of Lord /VWQa ne#er goes in #ain. e:t ,14 #ndaranya talavana vraja ghra vrajantikam pranas tyaktva hare cakran mukti prapsyasi nicitam #VndaraQyam % VVndO#anaD tala#anam % Ola#anaD #raja % foD MNghram % at onceD #rajantikam % near VrajaD praQaPT % lifeD tyakt#a % lea#ingD hareM % pf Lord /VWQaD cakran % $y the cakraD muktim % li$erationD prapsyasi % you will attainD niMcitam % indeed. )t once go to Ola#ana, a part of VVndO#ana near the #illage of Vraja. =ou will $e killed $y Lord /VWQaEs cakra and then you will attain li$eration. e:t ,16 tilottame bharate tva bana-putr bhaviyati r-kna-pautraleena punar atragamiyasv tilottame % < ilottamaD $harate % on the earthD t#am % youD $aQa%putrN % the daughter of 8OQaD $ha#iWyati % will $eD MrN%kVWQa % of Lord /VWQaD pautra % pf the

grandsonD aMleWena % $y the em$raceD punaT % againD atra % hereD agamiWyasi % you oill o me. ilottamO, you will take $irth on the earttca nthe daughter of 8OQOsurk. =ou will em$race Lord /VWQaEsugrandson and then you yoll returo here again. e:t ,17 ity evam uktva sa munir virarama maha-mune tau jagmaturvyatha-sthana pranamya muni-pu srvam ity % thusD e#am % in this wayD ukt#a % speakingD sa % heD muniT % the sageD #irarama % stoppedD maha%Lune % < gremt sageD au % theyD jagmatuT % wentD yatha%sthanam % to their appropriate placesD praQamya % $owingD muni%puYga#am % to the great sage. < great sage, after speaking these words &ur#OsO -uni $ecams silent. SOhasika and ilottamO $owed $efore the sage and went to their places. e:t ,29 ity ukta sarva-vttanta - daityasya khara-janmana -ilottama bana-putr uaniruyha-kamin ity % thusD uktam % spokenD sar#a%#Vttantam % the whole storyD daityasya % of the demonD khara%janmanaT % who took $irth as an assD tilottama % ilottamOD $aQa%putrN % the daughter of 8OQaD uWa % ?WOD aniruddha%kaminN % the lo#eS of )niruddha. hus I ha#e recounted the entire story of the demon that took $irth as an ass and the girl ilottamO, who took $irth as ?WO, thm daughter of 8OQOsura and the lo#er of )niruddha.

%ha*ter Twenty!(ourKanda",!durv0sayoA Pari/ayaAThe >edding o( 2urv0s0 and Kanda",

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca nig#RhaP MVQu #VttOntaP muner dur#Osaso mune aho Esya dOra%samyogaT kathOP tOm Urdh#a%retasaT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD nigudham%hiddenD MVQu%please hearD #VttOntam%storyD muneT%of the sageD dur#OsasaT%&ur#OsOD mune%sageD ahaT%<D asya%of himD dOra%samyogaT%the weddingD kathOm%topicD tOm%thatD Urdh#a%retasaT%of the celi$ate sage. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < sage, now please hear the confidential story of celi$ate &ur#OsO -uniEs wedding. e:t . dVWX#O tayoM ca MVYgOraP muniT kOmN $a$hU#a ha jitendriyo Epy asat%saYgOd doWaT saPsargiko $ha#et dVWX#O%seeingD tayoM%of themD ca%andD MVYgOram%the se:ual intercourseD muniT%the sageD kOmN%lustyD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD jitendriyaT%conBuered his sensesD api% althoughD asat%saYgOt%$y association with the impiousD doWaT%faultD saPsargikaT% matersalD $ha#et%$ecame. )fter watching the se:ual acti#ities of the demon and the apsarO, &ur#OsO -uni $egan to hanker after se:. >#en a person who controls his senses can fall down $y $ad association. e:t 0 sahasO tasya hVdaye $a$hU#a surata%spVhO tapas tyakt#O tatra dadhyau

kOminNP madanOturaT sahasO%suddenlyD tasya%of himD hVdaye%in the heartD $a$hr#a%$e aNuD surata%spVhO% the desire for se:D tapaT%austeritiesD tyakt#O%a$andoningD tatra%thereD dadhyau% meditatedD kOminNm%on a $eautiful wifeD madanw uraT%tortured $y lust. he desmre for se: une:pectedly appeared in his heart. ;e stopped performing austerities. ortured $y lus , he meditated on on the form of a $eautiful wife. e:u 1 etasminn antare tatra pathO yOti munNM#araT prOrthayantyO patiP santaP aur#aM ca sutayO saha etasminn antare%thenD tatra%thereD pathO%on the pathD yOti%goesD munNM#araT%the king of sagesD prOrthayantyO%reBuestingD patim%a hus$andD santam%swentlyD aur#aM% )ur#aD ca%andD sutayO%daughterD saha%with. )t that tnme the great sage )ur#a came with his daughter, who was losking for a saintly hus$and. e:t 2 UrUd$ha#o $r,hmaQaM ca au,O%kalpe tapasdataT Urdh#a%retaM ca yogNndla aur#as tena iti smVtaT Uru%from the thighD ud$ha#aT%$ornD $rahmaQaM%of 8rahmOD ca%andD purO%kalpe%in the pre#ious kalpaD tapasyataT%performing austeritiesD Urdh#a%retaM%celi$ateD ca%andD yogNndr %the king of yogisD aur#aT%)ur#aD rena%$y thatD iti%thusD smVtaT%called. )ur#a aas $ornafrom the demigod 8rahmOEs thigh as he was performong austernties. 8ecause )e was staunchly celi$ate (Urdh#a%retOT), he was named )ur#a. e:t 3 tasya jOnUd$ha#o kanyO

kandalN nOma #iMrutO dur#OsasaP prOrthayantN nOnyaP manasi rocate tasya%of himD jOnUd$ha#aT%$orn from the kneeD kanyO%daughterD kandalN%/andalND nOma%namedD #iMrutO%knownD dur#Osasam%&ur#OsOD prOrthayantN%reBuestingD na%notD anyam%anotherD manasi%in the heartD rocate%pleases. @rom )ur#aEs knee was $orn a daughter named /andalN. She wanted &ur#OsO as her hus$and. No one else pleased her heart. e:t 4 sa%suto hi muni%MreWXho muner dur#OsasaT puraT tasthau mahO%prasannaM ca j#alad%agni%MikhopamaT sa%sutaT%with his daughterD hi%indeedD muni%MreWXhaT%the great sageD muner dur#OsasaT%&ur#OsO -uniD puraT%in the presenceD tasthau%stoodD mahO%prasannaT% #ery pleasedD ca%andD j#alad%agni%MikhopamaT%like a splendid flame. Florious like fire and #ery cheerful, the sage came, with his daughter, $efore &ur#OsO -?ni. e:t 6 munNndro hi munNndraP taP puro dVWX#O sa%sam$hramaT praja#ena samuttasthau nanOma ca mudOn#itaT munNndraT%one king of sagesD hi%indeedD munNndram%to another king of sagesD tam% himD puraT%$eforeD dVWX#O%seeingD sa%sam$hramaT%with respectD praja#ena%BuicklyD samuttasthau%stood upD nanOma%$owed downD ca%andD mufOn#itaT%happy. Seeing the king of sages )ur#a, the king of sages &ur#OsO at once respectfully stood up and e#en happily $owed down. _ e:t 7

aur#o dur#OsasaP nat#O samOMliWya mudOn#itaT u#Oca munaye sar#aP kanyakOyO manoratham aur#aT%)ur#aD dur#Osasam%to &ur#OsOD nat#O%$owingD samOMliWya%em$racingD mudOn#itar%happyD u#Oca%saidD munaye%to the sageD sar#am%allD kanyakOyO%of the daughterD manoratham%desire. )Nr#a $owed down $efore &ur#OsO and then happily em$maced him. hen he related all of his daughterEs desire to marry th< sage. e:t ,9 MrN%aur#a u#Oca #ikhyOtO kandalN nOmnO mama kanyO manoharO prauRhO t#Om e#a dhyOyantN Mrut#O #Ocika%#aktrataT MrN%aur#a u#Oca%SrN )ur#a saidD #ikhyOtO%knownD kandalN%/andalND nOmnO%$y the nameD mama%myD kanyO%daughterD manoharO%$eautifdlD prauRhO%nu$ileD t#Om%on youD e#a%indeedD dhyOyantN%meditatesD Mrut#O%hearingD #Ocika%#aktrataT%from the mouth of they who speak a$out you. SrN )ur#a saidJ -y $eautiful nu$ile daughter is named /andalN. Since the time when she first heard of you from a messengerEs mouth, she has $een rapt in thinking of you. e:t ,, ayoQi%sam$ha#O kan O trailokyaP mohiyuP kWamO sar#a%rUpa%guQOdhOrO doWeQaikena samyutO ayoQi%sam$ha#O%not $orn from a motherEs wom$D kanyO%daughterD trailokyam%the three wolrdsD mohitum%to charmD kWamO%a$leD sar#a%rUpa%all $eautyD guQa%and #irtuesD adhOrO%the resting placeD doWeQa%with a faultD ekena%nneD samyutO%endowed.

She was $orn without ha#ing to enter a motnerEs wom$. Sh has the power to enchant the three worlds. She is the resting place of all $hauty and all #irtues. She has only one fault. e:t ,. atN#a%kalahO#iWXO kopena kaXu%$hOWiQN nOnO%guQa%yutaP dra#yaP na tyajyam eka%doWataT atN#a%kalahO#iWXO%#ery BuarrelsomeD kopena%with angerD kaXu%$hOWiQN%speaking harsh wordsD nOnO%guQa%yutam%with many #irtuesD dra#yam%thingD na%notD tyajyam% should $e rejectedD eka%doWataT%$ecause of one fault. She is #ery Buarrelsome and likes to speak angry and harsh words. Something that has many #irtues should not $e rejected $ecause of a single fault. e:t ,0 aur#asaya #acanaP Mrut#O harWa%MokOn#ito muniT dadarMa kanyOP purato guQa%rUpa%saman#itOm aur#asaya%of )ur#aD #acanam%the wBordsD Mrut#O%hearingD harWa%MokOn#itaT%happy and sadD muniT%the sageD dadarMa%sawD kanyOm%the girlD purataT%$efore himD guQa% rUpa%saman#itOm%$eautiful and #irtuous. ;earing )ur#aEs words, &ur#OsO $ecame $oth happy and said. ;e gaGed at the $eautiful and #irtuous girl standing $efore him, . . . e:t ,1 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyOP Marat%paYkaja%locanOm NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOP pNna%MroQi%payodharOm Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyOm%an autumn moon faceD Marat%paYkaja%locanOm%autumn lotus eyesD NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOm%gently smiling faceD pNna%MroQi%payodharOm%

large $reasts sndthips. . . . whose face was an autumn moon, whose eyes were autumn lotus flowers, who smilep gently, whose $reasts and hips were #ery full, . . . pe:t ,2 na#a%yau#ana%samyuktOP paMyantNP #akra%cakWuWO ratnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyOP #ahni%MuddhOPMukOn#itOm na#a%yau#ana%samyuktOm%if the ful $loom of youthD paMyantNm%lookingD #akra% cakWuWO%with crooked eyesD ratnOlaYkOra%Mo$hORhyOm%splendid with jewel ornamentsD #ahni%MuddhOPMukOn#itOm%wearing garments pure like fire. . . . who was in the full $loom of youth, who wore jewel ornaments and garments pure like fire, and who with crooked eyes gaGed at him. e:t ,3 munir mumoha tOP dVWX#O kOma%$OQa%prapNRitaT u#Oca taP muni%MreWXhaP hVdayena #idUyatO muniT%the sageD mumoha%$ecame enchantedD tOm%herD dVWX#O%seeingD kOma%$OQa% prapNRitaT%wounded $y kOmade#aEs arrowsD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD muni%MreWXham% the grent sageD hVdayena%with his heartD #idUyatO%trem$ling. FaGing at the girl, the sage $ecame enchanted. 8adly wouuded $y /Omade#aEs arrows, and his heart trem$ling, he spoke to )ur#a -uni. w:t ,4 MrN%dur#OsO u#Oca nOrN%rUpaP tri%$hu#ane mukti%mOrga%#irodhanam #ya#adhOnaP tapasymyOT santataP moha%kOraQam

MrN%dur#OsO u#Oca%SrN &ur#OsO saidD nOrN%rUpam%the form of a wemanD tri%$hu#ane% in th1e three worldsD mukti%of li$erationD mOrga%the pathD #irodhanam%stoppingD #ya#adhOnam%an o stacleD tapasyOyOT%of austerityD santatam%alwaysD moha%kOraQam% the cause of $ewilderment. SrN &ur#OsO saidJ he form of a woman is an o$stacle $locking the path of austerity and li$eration from the three material worlds. It is always theocause of $ewilderment. e:t ,h kOrOgOre ca saPsOre a dur#ahaP nigaRaP param acchedyaP jZOna%khaRgOa ca mahad$hiT MaYkarOdi$hiT kOrOgOre%in theeprisonD ca%andD saPsOre%of the matewrial worldD dur#aham% un$eara$leD nigaRam%shackleD param%greatD acchedyam%uncutta$leD jZOna%khaRgOt% with the sword of knowleggeD ca%andD mahad$hiT%$y the great soulsD MaYkarOdi$hiT% headed $y Lord Si#a. It is the un$eara$ly hea#y shackle that $inds the conditioned souls to this world of $irth and death, a shackle that e#en Lord Si#a and the great saints cannot cut open with the sword of knowledge, . . . e:t ,7 saYgi%cchOyOtiriktaP ca karma%$hogOt parOt param indriyOd indriIOahOrOd #idyOyhM ca mater api saYgi%in contantD cchOyO%shadowD atiriktam%moreD ca%andD karma%$hogOt%than the e:perience of karmaD parOt%moreD param%moreD indriyOt%than the sensesD indriyOdhOrOt%thsan the resting place of the sensesD #idyOyOM%than know.edheD ca%andD mateT%than the mindD api%and. . . . a shackle that is a more persistent companion that oneEs own shadow, that the ine#ita$le results of past karma, than the senses, than the resting place of the senses, than knowledge, than the mind.

e:t .9 OdehaP saYginN cchOyO $hogOntaP $hoga e#a ca dehendriyOQi jN#OntaP #idyO cai#OnuMNlanam Odeham%to the end of the $odyD saYginN%a companionD cchOyO%the shadowD $hogOntam%at the end of e:perienceD $hoga%e:perienceD e#a%indeedD ca%andD deha%of the $odyD indriyOQi%thr sensesD jN#Ontam%to the und of lifeD #idyO%knowledgeD ca%andD e#a%indeedD anuMNlanam%following. <neEs shadow persists only as long as the $ody li#es. he result of karma remain only as long as they are not used up. he $ody, senses, and knowledge stay only for a single lifetime. e:t ., matiM cai#O#aMNlOntO su%strN janmaQi janmaQi yO#aj jN#N ca sa%strNko na tO#aj janma%khaQRanam matiT%the mindD ca%andD e#a%indeedD a#aMNlOntO%not followingD su%strN%a good wifeD janmaQi%$irthD janmaQi%after $irthD yO#tt%as longD jN#N%li#ingD ca%andD sa%strNkaT%with wifeD na%andD tO#aj%thenD janma%khaQRanam%$reaking the cycle of re%$irth. he mind also does not follow one into the ne:t $irth. ) good wife, howe#er, follows her hus$and $irth after $irth. )s long as he li#es with a wife, a man cannot $reak the cycle of re%$irth. e:t .. yO#ac ca jN#ino janma tO#ad $hogaP Mu$hOMu$ham paraP munNndra sar#asmOd dhari%pOdO$ja%se#anam yO#at%as longD ca%heD jN#inaT%li#ingD janma%$irthD tO#at%soD $hogam%e:perienceD Mu$hOMu$ham%good and $adD param%thenD munNndra%< king og sagesD sar#asmOt%than allD hari%pOdO$ja%se#anam%ser#ice to Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet.

)s long as one must take $irth again a person is compelled to e:perience the good and past results of his past karma. < king of sages, for this reason ser#ice to Lord /VWQa is the $est of all actionw. e:t .0 dhyOyataT kVWQa%pOdO$jaP mama # uhnaP $a$hU#a ha na jOne karma%doWeQa kena #O pUr#a%janmanaT dhyOyataT%meditatingD kVWQa%pOdO$jam%on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD mama%of meD #iNhnam%o$stacleD $a$hU#a%wasD ha%indeedD na%notD jOne%I knowD karma%doWeQa%$y the fault of karmaD kena%$y what*D #O%orD pUr#a%janmanaT%in a pre#ious $irth. n Something stopped my meditation on Lord /VWtaEs lotus feet. "hat misdeed in a pre#ious $irth was the cause of this* I do not know. e:t .1 puPMcalyO saha MVYgOraP dVpX#O daityasya man%manaT $a$hU#a kOma%yuktaP ca dattaP dhOtrO ca tat%pfalam puPMcalyO%an unchaste womanD saha%withD MVrgOram%sa:D dVWX#O%seeingD daityasya% of a demonD man%manaT%my mindD $a$hU#a%$ecameD kOma%yuktam%filled with lustD ca%andD d&ttam%gi#enD dhOtrO%$y 8ra mOD ca%andD tat%phalam%that result. "hen I saw a demon enjoy se: with an unchaste woman, my mind $ecame filled with lust. In this way destiny ga#e me the result of my past karma. Ne:t .2 kint# ahaP ta a kanyOyOT s aaXUkti%MatakaP mune dhru#aP kWamaP kariWyOmi dOsyOmi ca tataT phalam kint#%howe#erD aham%ID ta#a%of youD kanyOyOT%of the daughterD kaXUkti%Matakam%a

hundred insultsD mune%< sageD dhru#am%indeedD kWamam%toleranceD kariWyOmi%I will doD dOsyOmi%I will gi#eD ca%andD tataT%thenD phalam%the result. < sage, I will tolerate a hundred insults from your daughter. )fter that I will gi#e her the result she earns $y insulting me. e:t .3 sar#ato Epi parO nindO strN%kaXUkti%sahiWQutO atN#a%ninditaT satsu strN%jito $hu#ana%traye sar#ataT%than allD api%e#enD parO%greatestD nindO%insultD strN%kaXUkti%sahiWQutO% tolerating a wifeEs harsh aordsD atN#a%#eryD ninditaT%reprehensi$leD satsu%among saintly personsD strN%jitaT%conBuered $y his wifeD $hu#ana%traye%in the three worlds. olerance of a wifeEs harah words is most condemned. ) man thus conBuered $y his wife is condemned $y all who are good in the three worlds. e:t .4 ta#OjZOP mastake kVt#O gVhiWyOmi sutOP ta#a npetOP kOminNP tyakt#O kOlasUtraP #rajen naraT ta#a%of youD OjZOm%the orderD mastake%on the headD kVt#O%takingD gVhiWyOmi%I will takeD sutOm%daughterD ta#a%of youD upetOm%presentedD kOminNm%$eautiful girlD tyakt#O% a$andoningD kOlasUtram%in hellD #rajen%goesD naraT%a man. (lacing your order on my head, I will accept your daughter. ) man that rejects the offering of a $eautiful wife certainly goes to hell. e:t .6 rahasy%upasthitaP kOmaP puPMcalNP cej jitendriyaT parityajed dharma%$hayOd adharmOn narakaP #rajet

rahasy%upasthitam%in a secluded placeD kOmam%#oluntarilyD puPMcalNm%an unchaste womanD cej%ifD jitendriyaT%controlling the sensesD parityajet%may a$andonD dharma% $hayOt%out of fear of religionD adharmOn%from irreligionD narakam%to hellD #rajet%goes. If a man controlling his senses rejects, out of fear of $reaking the rules of religion, an unchaste woman who approaches him in a solitary place, e#en he goes to hell. e:t .7 ity e#am ukt#O dur#OsO #irarOma muneT puraT munir #edokta%#idhinO dadau tasmai sutOP mune ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD #irarOma%stoppedD muneT%the sageD puraT%$eforeD muniT%the sageD #edokta%spoken $y the VedasD #idhinO%$y the rulesD dadau%ga#eD tasmai%to himD sutOm%daughterD mune%< sage. )fter speaking these words, &ur#OsO $ecame silent. hen, following the procedures descri$ed in the Vedas, )ur#a -uni ga#e his daughter to &ur#OsO. e:t 09 s#astNty u#Oca dur#OsO muniM ca yautukaP dadau kanyO%sammrpaQaP kVt#O mohOd uccai ruroda ha s#asti%yesD iti%thusD u#Oca%aaadD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD muniM%-uniD ci%andD yautukam% dowryD dadau%ga#eD kmnyO%daughterD samarpaQam%offeringD kVt#O%doingD mohOt%out of $ewildermentD uccai%loudlyD rurod %weptD ha%indred. &ur#OsO agreed, LSo $e it.L hen, after gi#ing $oth his daughter and a proper dowry, out of $ewilderment )ur#a -uni loudly wept. e:t 0, mUrchOm a#Opa sa muniT s#a%kanyO%#irahOturaT apatya%$heda%MokaughaT

s#OtmOrOmaP na muZcati mUrchOm%faintingD a#Opa%attainedD sa%heD muniT%the sageD s#a%kanyO%#irahOturaT% distressed $y separation from his daughterD apatya%$heda%separation from childrenD MokaughaT%great lamentD s#JtmOrOmam%one who is self satisifedD na%notD mu].sy r1,^cati%lea#es. ormented with the thought of separation from his daughter, )ur#a -uni fell unconscious. he flood of grief $orn from separation from oneEs children will not spare e#en a self%satisfied sage. e:t 0. kWaQena cetanaP prOpya $odhayOm Osa kanyakOm mUrchitOP tOta%#icchede rudatNP Moka%samyutam kWaQena%in a momentD cetanam%consciousnessD prOpya%attainingD $odhayOm Osa% instructedD kanyakOm%daughterD mUrchitOm%$ewilderedD tOta%of her fatherD #icchede%in separationD rudatNmrwetpingD Moka%samyutam%withegrief. In a moment regaining consciousness, he ga#e instructions to his daughter, who was weeping at the thought of separation from her father. e:t 00 MrN%aur#a u#Oca MVQu #atse pra#akWyOmi nNti%sOraP su%durla$ham hitaP satyaP ca #edoktaP pariQOma%sukha%pradam MrN%aur#a u#Oca%SrN )ur#a saidD MVQu%listenD #atse%<uchildD pra#akWyOmi%I will tellD nNti%sOram%what is rightD su%durla$ham%#ery rareD hitam%auspiciousD satyam%trueD ca% andD #edoktam%spoken $y the VedasD pariQOma%sukha%pradam%gi#ing happiness. SrN )ur#a saidJ (lease listen, child, and I will tell you what the Vedas say is true, good, right, and pleasing.

e:t 01 s#a%kOntaM ca paro $andhur iha loke paratra ca na hi kOntOt paraT preyOn kula%strNQOP paro guruT s#a%kOntaT%own hus$andD camandD paraT%$estD $andhuT%friendD iha%hereD loke% whrldD paratra%in the ne:tD ca%andD na%notD hi%indeedD kOntOt%than the hustandD paraT% moreD preyOn%dearD kula%ttrNiOm%for a respecta$le womanD paraT%$estD guruT%guru. @or a respecta$le wo un hhr h.s$and Msshe $est friend $oth in this life and the ne:t. No one is more dear than he. ;e is her supreme guru. e:ts 02 and 03 de#a%pUjO #rataP dOnaP tapaM cOnaManaP japaT snOnaP ca sar#a%tNrtheWu dNkWO sar#a%makheWu ca prOdakWiQyaP pVthi#yOM ca $rOhmaQOtithi%se#anam sar#OQi pati%se#OyOT kalOP nOrhanti WoRaMNm de#a%of the demigodsD pUjO%worshipD #ratam%#owsD dOnam%charityD tapaM%austerityD ca%andD anaManam%fastingD japaT%mantrasD snOnam%$athingD ca%andD sar#a%tNrtheWu%in all pilgrimage placesD dNkWa%initiationD sar#a%makheWu%in all yajnasD ca%andD prnaakWiQyam%circumam$ulatingD pVthi#yOM%the earthD ca%andD $rOhmaQOtithi% se#anam%seh#ing $rOhmaQas and guestsD sar#OQi%allD pati%se#OyOT%of ser#ing the hus$andD kalOm%partD na%notD arhanti%are worthyD WoRaMNm%si:teenth. &emigod worship, #ows, charity, austerity, fasting, chanting mantras, $athing in all holy places, initiation into all yaj].sy .1,^as, circumam$ulating the earth, and ser#ing $rOhmaQas and guests, all taken together are not eBual to one si:teenth the #alue of a wifeEs ser#ing her hus$and. e:t 04

kim etaiT pati%$haktOyO a$haktOyOM ca $hOrate pati%se#O%paro dharmo na hi strNQOP Mrutau Mrutam kim%what*D etaiT%with themD pati%$haktOyO%of amwoman de#oted to her hus$andD a$haktOyOM%not de#otedD ca%andD $hOrate%on the earthD pati%se#O%paraT%$etter than ser#ing the hus$andD dharmaT%religionD na%notD hi%indeedD strNQOm%of womenD Mrutau% in the VedasD Mrutam%heard. @or a woman de#oted to ser#ing her hus$and, what is the need for all these other things* @or a woman not de#oted to ser#ing her hus$and, what $enefit can she gain $y doing these other things* In the Vedas it is confirmed that for a woman the highest religious duty is ser#ice to her hus$and. e:t 06 s#apne jZOnena satataP kOntaP nOrOyaQOdhikam dVWX#O tac%caraQOm$hoja% se#OP nityaP kariWyasi s#apne%in dreamD jZOnena%awakeD satatam%alwaysD kOntam%hus$andD nOrOyaQOdhikam%more than Lord NOrOyaQaD dVWX#O%seeingD tac%caraQOm$hoja%of his lotus feetD se#Om%ser#iceD nityam%alwaysD kariWyasi%will do. )sleep or awake, you should always see your hus$and as $etter than Lord NOrOyaQa ;imself. =ou should always ser#e his lotus feet. e:t 07 parihOsena kopena $hrameQO#ajZayO sute kaXUktiP s#aminaT sOkWOt parokWOn na kariWyasi parihOsena%in jokeD kopena%in angerD $hrameQa%$y accidenyD a#aj]%.sy .1,^ayO%in contemotD sute%< daughterD kaXUktim%harsh wordsD s#aminaT%of the hus$andD sOkWOt% directlyD parokWOn%in his a$serceD na%notD kariWyasi%you should do. _ < daughter, mither in jest, in anger, $y accident, or with contempt, either in his

presence or in his a$sence, you should ne#er speak harsh words to your hus$and. e:t 19 striyO #Og%yoQi%duWXOyOT kOmato $hOrate $hu#i prOyaMcittaP Mrutau nOsti narakaP $rahmaQaT Matam striyO%of a wifeD #Og%yoQi%duWXOyOT%who speaks harshlyD kOmataT%#oluntarilyD $hOrate%Sn the earthD $hu#i%on the earthD prOyaMcittam%penanceD Mrutau%in the VedasD na%notD asti%isD narakam%to hellD $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD Matam%a hudnred. he Vedas do not prescri$e any atonement for a woman that speaks harshly to her hus$and in this world. She must go to hell for the lifetimes of a hundred 8rahmOs. e:t 1, sar#a%dharma%parNtO ya kaXUktiP kurute patim Mata%janma%kVtaP puQyaP tasyO naMyati niMcitam r sar#a%dharma%parNtO%who has performed many pious deedsD ya%whoD kaXUktim% harsh wordsD kurute%doesD patim%to her hes$andD Mata%janma%a hundred $irthoD kVtam% doneD puQyam%pietyD tasyO%of herD naMyati%perishesD niMcitam%indeed. ) women who, although she has performed many pious deeds, ne#ertheless speaks harshly to her hus$and, looses the piety earned in a hundred $irths. e:t 1. datt#O kanyOP $odhayit#O jagOma muni%puYga#aT s#OtmOrOmaT s#OMrame ca tasthau strN%sahito mudO datt#O%gi#ingD kanyOm%daughterD $odhayit#O%instructingD jagOma%wentD muni% puYga#aT%thengreat sageD s#OtmOrOmaT%self%eatisfiedD s#OMrame%to hi own a$odeD ca% andD tasthau%stayedD strN%sahitaT%with his wifeD mudO%happily.

)fter gi#ing away his daughter and speaking instructions to her, )ur#a -uni left. In his own OMrama &ur#OsO -uni happily stayed with his $ride. e:t 10 sam$hogecchO%kVte citte kOmN samprOpa kOminNm aho sukVtinOP karma #OZchO%mOtreQa sidhyati sam$hogecchO%kVte%desiring to enjoyD citte%in the mindD kOmN%desiringD samprOpa% attainedD kOminNm%wifeD ahaT%<hD sukVtinOm%of the piousD karma%the deedD #OZchO% mOtreQa%simply $y desiringD sidhyati%is attained. )s soon as he desired to enjoy with a wife, a wife came to &ur#OsO. Simply $y desiring, a saintly person attains his wish. e:t 11 MayyOP rati%karNP kVt#O muni%MreWXho mahO%manOT Mu$ha%kWaQe tOP gVhit#O suW#Opa nirjane priyOm MayyOm%$edD rati%karNm%comforta$leD kVt#O%makingD muni%MreWXhaT%the great sageD mahO%manOT%no$le%heartedD Mu$ha%at an auspiciousD kWaQe%momentD tOm%herD gVhit#O% takingD suW#Opa%sleptD nirjane%in a scluded placeD priyOm%dear wife. )fter making a comforta$le $ed, at an auspicious moment the no$le%hearted sage slept with his dear wife. e:t 12 nOrN%rasOna$hijZaT syOd Ojanma muni%puYga#aT tathOpi surate #ijZaT kOma%MOstra%#iMOradaT nOnO%prakOra%MVYgOraP cakOra #idhi%pUr#akam nOrN%rasOna$hijZaT%ingornat of the science of enjoying with a womanD syOt%isD

Ojanma%from $irthD muni%puYga#aT%the great sageD tathOpi%stillD surate%in se:D #ij].sy .1,^aT%learnedD kOma%MOstra%#iMOradaT%learned in the /Oma%MOstraD nOnO%prakOra% #arious kindsD MVYgOram%amorous pastimesD cakOra%didD #idhi%pUr#akam%properly. )ltuough from $irth he knew nothing of the science of enjoying with women, in a moment he $ecame learned in the /Oma%MOstrauand #ery e:pert in the art of se:. ;e e:pertly enjoyed se: in many different ways. e:t 13 na#a%saYgama%mOtreQa mUrchOP samprOpa kan(alN mUrchOP prFpa muni%MreWXho $u$udhe na di#O%niMam na#a%saYgama%mOtreea%simply $y an em$raceD mUrchOm%enchantmentD samprOpa% attainedD kandalN%/andalND mUrchOm%enchantmentDrprOpr%attaineuD muni%MreWXhaT%the saidD $u$udhe%knewD na%notD di#O%niMam%day or night. >m$racing her huseand, /andalN washo#e(whelmey with pleayure. he gheat sage (as also o#ert elmed with pleasure. ;e did not know whether it was day or night. e:t 14 yathO duTk N sukhOram$he sOkOYkWaT prathame $ha#et e#aP prati%dinaP tatra cakOra suratiP sukhe #idagdhOyO #idawS(ena $a$hU#a saYgamaT samaT h yathO%asD duTkhN%unhappmD sukhOram$he%in the $eginning of happinessD sOkOYkWaT%desireD prathame%in the $eginningD $ha#eh%isDke#am%thusDrprati%dinam%e#ery dayD tatra%thereD cakOra%didD surptim%se:D sukhe%in happinessD #idagdhOyO%of the e:pertD #idagdhena%with the e:pertD $a$hU#a%$ecameD saYgamaT%togetherD samaT% with. &ur#OsO $ecame like anaunhappy man e:periencing his fmrst taste of happiness. ;e was filled with desire. >#ery day he enjoyed se: with his wife. ;e and shei$ecame e:(ert in the art of se:.

e:t 16 sam$a$hU#a gVhOsaktas tapas tyakt#O munNM#araT karoti kalahaP nityaP kandalN s#aminO saha sam$a$hU#a%$ecameD gVhOsaktaT%attached to his homeD tapaT%austerityD tyakt#O% a$andoningD munNM#araT%the great sageD karoti%doesD kalaham%BuarrelD nityam%alwaysD kandalN%/andalND s#aminO%her hus$andD saha%with. he sage a$andoned his austerities and $ecame attached to household life. >#ery day /andalN Buarreled with her hus$and. e:t 17 munNndro $odhayOm Osa nNti%#Okyena kOminNm sa tan na $u$udhe kiZcit karoti kalahe spVhOm munNndraT%the great sageD $odhayOm Osa%taughtD nNti%#Okyena%right conductD kOminNm%to his wifeD sO%sheD tat%itD na%notD $u$udhe%understoodD kiZcit%anythingD karoti%doesD kalahe%in BuarrelD spVhOm%desire. he great sage tried to e:plain to his wife how she should act. She did not understand anything. She wanted only to Buarrel. e:t 29 tOta%pradatta%jZOnena sO na MOntO $a$hU#a ha na jahOti pra$odhena s#a%$hO#o duratikramaT tOta%$y her fatherD pradatta%gi#enD jZOnena%$y knowledgeD sO%sheD na%notD MOntO% pacifiedD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD na%notD jahOti%a$andonsD pra$odhena%$y instructionD s#a%$hO#aT%own natureD duratikramaT%difficult to o#ercome. ;er fatherEs words of instruction did not pacify her. It is #ery difficult to change

oneEs nature. "ords alone will not do it. e:t 2, nityaP ktXUktiP kOntaP sa karoti hetunO #inO jagat prakampitaP yena tayO kopOt sa kampitaT nityam%alwaysD kaXUktim%harsh wordsD kOntam%to her hus$andD sa%sheD karoti%doesD hetunO%reasonD #inO%withoutD jagat%the uni#erseD prakampitamStrem$ledD yena%$y whichD tayO%$y herD kopOt%out or angerD sa%heD kampitaT%trem$led. "ithout any pro#ocation she spoke harshly to her hus$and again and again. he geeat saSe that made the world trem$le now trem$led with anger at his wife. e:t 2. tathO kVtOP kaXUk iP ca kWamO%saYkhyOP cakOra ha $odhayOm Osa tOP nityaP kandalNP #ai dayO%nidhiT tathO%soy kVtOm%doneD kaXUktim%harsh wordsD ca%andD kWamO%forgi#enessD saYkhyOm%countingD cakOra%didD ha%indeedD $odhayOm Osa%instructedD tOm%herD nityamtalwaysD kandalNm%kandalND #ai%indeedD dayO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercy. &ur#OsO, who was an ocean of mercy, again and again instructed her. ;e kept count of how many times he tolerated her insults. e:t 20 kaXUkti%MatakaP pUrQaP tat%kOlena $a$hU#a ha kWamaP cakOra kVpayO kaXUktiP ca MatOdhikam kaXUkti%Matakam%a hundred insultsD pUrQam%completedD tat%kOlena%in timeD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ,a%indeedD kWamam%tolrancey cakOra%didD kVpayO%mercifullyD kaXUkeim%insultsD ca%andD MatOdhikam%more than a hundred.

In time there were a hundred insults. hen there were more than a hundred insults. <ut of kindness &ur#OsO continued to tolerate them. e:t 21 patnN%kaXUktyO niyataP pradagdhaP mOnasaP muneT tasyOT kaXUkti%kOriQyOT karma pUrQaP $a$hU#a ha patnN%kaXUktyO%of his wifeEs harsh wordsD niyatam%alwaysD pradagdham%$urnedD mOnasam%heartD muneT%of the sageD tasyOT%of herD kaXUkti%kOriQyOTSspeaking harsh wordsD karma%deedD pUrQam%fullD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%endeed. @inally the sageEs heartewas completely $urned $y his wifeEs repeated harsh words. he results of her past karma had finally come to an end. e:t 22 s#OtmOrOmo dayOluM ca kopaP tyaktuP na sa kWamaT saMOpa kOminNP kopOd $hasma%rOMir $ha#eti ca s#OtmOrOmaT%self%satisfiedD dayOluM%mercifulD ca%andD kopam%angerD tyaktum%to a$andonD na%notD sa%heD kWamaT%a$leD saMOpa%cursedD kOminNm%wifeD kopOt%from angerD $hasma%rOMiT%a pile of ashesD $ha#a%$ecomeD iti%thusD ca%and. @inally the self%satisfied kindly sage could no longer control his anger. ;e angrily cursed his wife, L8ecome a pile of ashes\L e:t 23 muner iYgita%mOtreQa $hasmasOt sO $a$hU#a ha e#am aty%ucchritOnOP ca r na kalyOQaP jagat%traye muneT%of the sageD iY eta%mOtreQa%simply $y the hintD $hasmasOt%ashesD sO%sheD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ra%indeedD e#am%thusD aty%ucchritOnOm%of the #ery proudD ca%andD na%notD kalyOQam%happinessD jagat%traye%in the three worlds.

)t this hint from the sage, she was at once $urned to ashes. hey who are #ery proud cannot find happiness anywhere in the three worlds. e:t 24 MarNre $hasmasOd%$hUte prati$im$aT sa cOtmanaT jN#as tatrOntarNkWa%sthO u#Oca #inayaP pra$hum MarNre%the $odyD $hasmasOd%$hUte%$urned top ashesD prati$im$aT%the reflecftionD sa%thatD cOtmanaT%of the selfD jN#aT%the ji#aD tatra%thereD antarNkWa%sthaT%inn the skyD u#Oca%spokeD #inayam%hum$lyD pra$hum%to her lord. "hen the $ody was $urned to ashes the spirit soul within flew into the sky and then hum$ly spoke to her hus$and. e:t 26 jN#a u#Oca he nOtha sar#a%darMN t#aP santataP jZOna%cakWuWO sar#aP jOnOsi sar#ajZa kim ahaP $odhayOmi te jN#a u#Oca%the spirit souls saidD he%<D nOtha%masterD sar#a%darMN%all%seeingD t#am% youD santatam%alwaysD jZOna%cakWuWO%with eyes of knowledgeD sar#am%allD jOnOsi%allD sar#aj].sy .1,^a%all%knowingD kim%what*D aham%ID $odhayOmi%know te. he spirit soul saidJ < master, with eyes of knowledge you see and know e#erything. "hat do I know* e:ts 27 and 39 sad%uktir #O kad%uktir #O kopaT santoWa e#a ca lo$ho mohaM ca kOmaM ca

kWut%pipOsOdikaP ca yat sthaulyaP karWyaP ca nOMaM ca dVMyOdVMyaP samud$ha#am sar#aP MarNra%dharmaM ca na jN#asya na cOtmanaT sad%uktiT%kind wordsD #O%orD kad%uktiT%harsh wordsD #O%orD kopaT%angerD santoWa% satisfactionD e#a%indeedD ca%andD lo$haT%hankeringD mohaM%$ewildermentD ca%andD kOmaM%desireD ca%andD kWut%pipOsOdikam%$eginning with hunger and thirstD ca%andD yat%whatD sthaulyam%$igD karWyam%smallD ca%andD nOMaM%destructionD ca%andD dVMyOdVMyam%the #isi$le an dthe in#isi$leD samud$ha#am%$ornD sar#am%allD MarNra% dharmaM%the nature of the $odyD ca%andD na%notD jN#asya%of the spirit soulD na%notD ca% andD OtmanaT%of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. /ind words, harsh words, anger, satisfaction, greed, $ewilderment, lust, the desires $eginning with hunger and thirst, greatness, smallness, destruction, $irth, sight, and $lindness all $elong to the material $ody. hey ha#e nothing to do with either the indi#idual soul or the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. e:t 3, satt#aP rajas tama iti MarNraP tri%guQOtmakam tac ca nOnO%prakOraP ca ni$odha kathayOmi te satt#am%goodnessD rajaT%passionD tama%ignroanceD iti%thusD MarNram%the $odyD tri% guQOtmakam%made of the three modesD tac%thatD ca%andD nOnO%#ariousD prakOram% kindsD ca%andD ni$odha%understandD kathayOmi%I tellD te%to you. he material $ody is made of the three modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance. Listen and I will tell of their different natures. e:t 3. kiZcit satt#OtiriktaP ca kiZcid e#a rajo%Edhikam tamo%EtiriktaP kiZcic ca na samaP kutracin mune kiZcit%somethingD satt#Otiriktam%goodnmess is prominentD ca%andD kiZcit%

somethingD e#a%indeedD rajo%Edhikam%passion is prominentD tamo%Etiriktam%ignroance is prominentD kiZcit%soemthingD ca%andD na%notD samam%the sameD kutracin%in themD mune%< sage. Sometimes goodness is prominent. Sometimes passion is prominent. Sometimes ignorance is prominent. < sage, they are not the same. e:t 30 satt#Od dayO ca muktNcchO karmecchO ca rOjo%guQOt tamo%guQOj jN#a%hiPsO kopo EhaYkOra e#a ca satt#Ot%from goodnessD dayO%mercyD ca%andD muktNcchO%the desire for li$erationD karmecchO%to desire for fruiti#e workD caandD rOjo%guQOt%from the mode of passionD tamo%guQOt%from the mode of ignoranceD jN#a%hiPsO%#iole$nce to othersD kopaT%angerD ahaYkOra%pride and egoD e#a%indeedD ca%and. @rom the mode of goodness comes mercy and the desire for li$eration. @mom the mode of passion c,mas $he desire for fruiti#e work. hrom the mede of ignorance comes #iolence to others, anger, false%ego, and pride. e:t 31 kopOt kad%ukti%niyataP kad%uktyO MatrutO $ha#et tayO cOpriyatO sadyaT MatruT kaT kasya $hU%tale kopOt%from angerD kad%ukti%niyatam%always harsh wordsD kad%uktyO%from harsh wordsD MatrutO%enmityD $ha#et%isD tayO%$y thatD ca%andD apriyatO%displeasureD sadyaT%at ocneD MatruT%enemyD kaT%who*D kasya%of whom*D $hU%tale%on the earth. @rom anger come harsh words. @rom harsh words comes enmity. @rom enmity comds hatred. <ther than that, who isean enemy of whom in this world* e:t 32 ko #O priyo EpriyaT ko #O kiP mitraP ko ripur $hu#i

indriyOQi ca $NjOni sar#atra Matru%mitrayoT kaT%who*D #O%orD priyaT%dearD apriyaT%not dearD kaT%who*D #O%orD kim%who*D mitram%friendD kaT%who*D ripuT%enemyD $hu#i%in this worldD indriyOQi%the sensesD ca% andD $NjOni%seedsD sar#atra%e#erywhereD Matru%mitrayoT%of friend and enemy. "ho is dear* "ho is hated* "ho is friend* "ho is an enemy in this world* he senses are the seed from which friend and enemy ha#e come. e:t 33 prOQOdhikaT priyaT strNQOP $hatt ThprOQOdhieO priyO $a$hU#a MatrutO sadyo dur%uktyO ca kWamO#ayoT prOQOdhikaT%more thatn lifeD priyaT%dearD strNQOm%of womenD $hartuT%of the hus$andD prOQOdsikO%than lifeD priyO%more dea D $a$hU#a%$ecameD MatrutO%enmityD sadyaT%at onceD dur%uktyO%$y harsh wordsD ca%a,dD kWamO%a$ilityD a#ayoT%of them. @or the wife the hus$and is more dear than life. @or the hus$and the wife is more dear than life. Still, harsh words can make them enemies in a moment. e:t 34 yat kVtaP tad gataP sar#aP karma%doWeQa me #i$ho kWamOparOdhaP nikhilaP kiP karta#yaP #adOdhunO yat%whatD kVtam%doneD tat%thatD gatam%goneD sar#am%allD karma%doWeQa%$y $ad deedsD me%of meD #i$haT%< masterD kWamOparOdham%forgi#eness of the offensesD nikhilam%allD kim%what*D karta#yam%should $e doneD #ad<%please tellD adhunO%nowS < master, whate#er happened is all my onn fault. (lease forgi#e me. "hat should I do now*t(lease tell me. e:t 36

kiP karomi k#a yOmNti $ha#itO kutra janma me ta#Onyasya na jOyOhaP $ha#iWyOmi jagat%traye kim%what*D karomi%should I doD k#a%where*D ytmNti%should I goD $ha#NtO%will $eD kutra%whereD Sanma%$irthD me%oi meD ta#a%of youDranyatya%of anotherD na%notD jOyO% wifeD aham%ID $ha#iWyOmi%will $eD jagat%traye%in the three wo&lds. "hat shall I do* "here shall I go* "here shall I take $irth* I am your wife. I shall not $e the wife of anyone else in the three worlds. e:t 37 ity e#am uktLO jN#aM ca maunN%$hUto $a$hU#a ha mUrchOm a#Opa sa muniT Mokena hata%cetanaT ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD jN#aM%the spirit soulD ca%andD maunN%$hUtaT%silentD $a$hU#a%$ecameD ha%indeedD mUrchOm%o#ercomeD a#Opa%attainedD sa%heD muniT%the sageD Mokena%with griefD hata%cetanaT%his heart $eaten. )fter speaking these words, the spirit soul $ecame silent. ;is heart tormented with grief, the sage fell unconscious. e:t 49 s#OtmOrOmo mahO%jZOnN jahOra cetanam aho strN%#icchedo #idagdhOnOP sar#a%MokOt parOt paraT s#OtmOrOmaT%self%satisfiedD mahO%jZOnN%a great philosopherD jahOra%heldD cetanam% consciousnessD ahaT%<hD strN%of the wifeD #icchedaT%separationD #idagdhOnOm%of the wiseD sar#a%MokOt%of all griefD parOt%greatD paraT%the greatest. >#entually the great philosopher and saint regained consciousness. >#en for the wise, separation from oneEs wife is the greatest grief. _ e:t 4,

kWaQena cetanaP prOpya prOQOPs tyaktuP samudyataT tatra yogOsanaP kVt#O cakOra #Oyu%dharaQam kWaQena%in a momentD cetanam%consciousnessD prOpya%attainingD prOQOPT%lifeD tyaktum%to a$andonD samudyataT%eagerD tatra%thereD yogOsanam%yoga asanaD kVt#O% makingD cakOra%didD #Oyu%dharaQam%holding the $reath. Conscious again, the sage decided to gi#e up his life. Sitting in a yoga posture, he held his $reath. e:ts 4. and 40 etasminn antare tatrO% jagOma $rOhmaQar$hakaT daQRN cchOtrN rakta%#OsO $i$hrat tilakam ujj#alam sa%smitaT MyOma%#arQaM ca praj#alan $rahma%tejasO #ayasOtN%MiMuT MOnto jZOnN #eda%#idOP guruT etasmin antare%%henD tatra%thereD Oja$Oma%cameD $rOhmaQar$hakaT%a $rOhmiQa $oyD daQRN%holding a staffD cchOt N%a parasolD rakta%#OsO%wearing safforn garmentsD $i$hrat%wearingD tilakam%tilakaD ujj#alam%sp enoidD sa%smitaT%smilingD MyOma%#arQaM% dark comple:ionedD ca%sndD praj#alan%shinings rrahma%teaasO%tith spiritual plendorD #ayasOti%MiMuT%a young $oyD MOntaT%peacefulD j].sy .1,^OnN%philosopherD #eda%#idOm%of the knowers of the VedasD guruTsthe guru. "earing saffron garments and splendid tilaka, holding a staff and parasol, dark% comple:ioned, glowing with spiritual splendor, peaceful, wise, a great philosopher and the guru of the knowers of the Vedas, a smiling $rOhmaQa $oy suddenly approached the sage. e:t 41 dVWn#O taP sar$hrameQai#a

dur#OsOT praQanOma ha #OsayOm Osa tatrai#a pUjayOm Osa $haktitaT dVWX#O%seeingD tam%;imD sam$hrameQa%with respectD e#a%indeedD dur#OsOT% &ur#OsOD praQanOma%$owedD ha%indeedD #OsayOm Osa%offwred a seatD tatrs%thereD e#a% indeedD pUjayOm Osa%wosshipedD $haktitaT%with de#otion. Seeing ;im, &ur#OsO respectfully $owed down, offered ;im a seat, and worshiped ;im with de#otion. e:t L2 u#Oca $rOhmaQa%$aXur datt#O tasmai Mu$hOMdWam tad%darManOd OMiWO ca sar#a%duTkhaP gataP muneT u#Oca%srokeD $rOhmaQa%$aXuT%the $rOhmaQa $oyD datt#O%gi#ingD tasmai%to himD Mu$hOMiWam%a $lessingD tad%darManOt%from his sightD OMiWa%$lessingD ca%andD sar#a% duTkham%all unhappinessD gatam%goneD muneT%of the sage. he $rOhmaQa $oy spoke a $lessing. he sight of the $oy and ;is $lessing made the sageEs sufferings go far away. e:t 43 MiMu%rUpaT kWaQaP sehit#O tam u#Oca #icakWaQaT pNyUWa%tulyaP nNty%oghaP nNti%MOstra%#iMOradaT MiMu%rUpaT%the form of a $oyD kWaQam%for a morentD sthit#O%stayingD tam%to himD u#Oca%spokeD #icakWaQaT%wiseD pNyUWa%tulyam%like nectarD nNty%ogham%a flood of moral instructionsD nNti%MOstra%#iMOradaT%e:pert in the scriptures of right conduct. StaSing for a moment, the philosopher $oy, learned in the scriptu es of right conduct, eoke a flood of nectar words e:plaining what is right. e:t 44

MrN%MiMur u#Oca sar#aP jOnOmi sar#ajZo guror mantra%prasOdataT kiP tatt#aP t#Om ahaP #ipra pVcchOmi Moka%kOtaram MrN%MiMur u#Oca%the $oy saidD sar#am%allD jOnOmi%I knowD sar#ajZaT%all knowingD guroT%of the guruD mantra%of the mantraD prasOdataT%$y the mercyD kim%what*D tatt#am%the truthD t#am%youD aham%ID #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD pVcchOmi%askD Moka%kOtaram% tormrented $y grief. he $oy saidJ 8y the mercy of my guruEs mantra I know e#erything. < $rOhmaQa, how can I ask you a$out the Supreme ruth when you are tormented $y grief in this way* e:t 46 $rOhmaQOnOP tapo dharmas tapaT%sOdhyaP jagat%trayam s#a%dharmaP samparityajya kim idOnNP karoWi $hoT $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD tapaT%austerityD dharmaT%the religionD tapaT% sOdhyam%attaina$le $y austerityD jagat%trayam%the three worldsD s#a%dharmam%own natureD samparityajya%a$andoningD kim%what*D idmnNm%nowD karoWi%you doD $hoT%<h. ) $rOhmaQaEs duty is austerity. 8y austerity one attains e#erything in the three worlds. "hat are you doing now that you ha#e renounced your duty of austerity* e:t 47 kO kasya patnN kaT kOntaT kasyO #O $hu#ana%traye mUrkhOPM ca #aZcanaP kartuP karoti mOyayO hariT kO%who*D kasya%of whom*D patnN%the wifeD kaT%who*D kOntaT%the hus$andD kasyO%of whom*D #O%orD $hu#ana%traye%in the three worldsD mUrkhOPM%foolsD ca%andD #aZcanam%cheatingD kartum%to doD karoti%doesD mOyayO%$y illusionD hariT%Lord /VWQa.

"ho is the hus$and* "ho is the wife* o cheat the fools in the three material worlds, Lord /VWQa employs ;is illusory po ency to make them think.they are hus$ands and wi#es. e:t 69 mithyO patnN ta#aiWO ca kWaQOt tena gatOdhunO na hi satyam adVMVaP ca mithyO%mOtraP #ya#asthitO mithyO%illusoryD patnN%wifeD ta#a%of youD eWO%sheD ca%andD kWaQOt%in a momentD tena% $y thatD gatO%goneD adhunO%nowD na%notD hi%indeedD satyam%truthD adVMyam%in#isi$leD ca%andD mithyO%mOtra %simply an illusionD #ya#asthitO%manifested. =our wife was an illusion. Now she is gone. She was not true. She was only an illusion. e:t 6, ekOnaPMO harer $NagnN #asude#a%sutO mune pOr#aty%aPsa%samud$hUtO su%MNlO cira%jN#inN ekanOPMO%>kOnaPMOD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD $hagnN%the sisterD #asude#a%sutO%the daughter of Vasude#aD mune%< sageD pOr#aty%aPsa%from a part of (Or#atND samud$hUtO%manifestedr su%MyS w#irtuousD ciraujN#inN%li#ing eternally. Virtuous >kOnaPMO is the daughter rf Vasude#a and the sister of Lord /VWQa. She is a partial e:pansion of Foddess (Or#atN. She li#es eternalSy. e:t 6. kalpe kalpe oundarN sO ta#a patnN $ha#iWyati mano dehi tapasy yOP mudO katipayaP dinam kalpe kalpe%in halpa after kalpaD sundarN%$eautifulD sh%sheD ta#a%yourD patnN%wifeD $ha#iWyati%will $eD manaT%mindD dehi%gi#eD tapasyOyOm%to austerityD mudO%happilyD

katipayam%for someD dinam%days. /alpa after kalpa she will $e your $eautiful wife. @or now please happily engage your mind in austerities. e:ts 60 and 61 kandalN kandalN%jOtir $ha#iWyati mahN%tale Mu$hadO phaladO kOntO sakVt%sUtO su%durla$hO kalpOntare sundarN sO ta#a patnN $ha#iWyati aty%ucchritasya damanaP ucitaP ca Mrutau Mrutam kandalN%/andalND kandalN%jOtiT%$irth as a $anana treeD $ha#iWyati%will $eD mahN%tale% on the earthD Mu$hadO%gi#ing auspiciousnessD phaladO%gi#ing resultsD kOntO%wifeD sakVt% sUtO%once the daughterD su%durla$hO%#ery rareD kalpa%of the kalpaD antare%in anotherD sundarN%$euaituflD sO%sheD ta#a%yourD patnN%wifeD $ha#iWyati%will $VD aty%ucchritasya%of the #ery proudD damanam%su$duingD ucitam%is properD ca%andD Mrutau%in he VedasD Mrutam%heard. /andalN will take $irth as a $anana tree on the earth. In another kalpa she will again $e your $eautiful, auspicious, e:alted wife. he Vedas say that it is proper to punish the #ery proud. e:t 62 ity e#am ukt#O MNghraP ca #ipra%rUpN janOrdanaT datto #iZOnaP ca #iprOya so Entar%dhOnaP cakOra ha ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MNghram%BuicklyD ca%andD #ipra%rUpN%in the form of a $rOhmaQa wca OrdanaT%Lord /VWQaD datt#O%gi#ingD jZOnam%knowledgeD ca%andD #iprOya% to the $rOhmaQaD saT%;eD antar%dhOnam%disappearanceD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. )fter speaking these instru tions to &ur#OsO, Lord /VWQa, who had assumed the

form of a $rOhmaQa $oy, suddenly disappeared. e:t 63 muniT sar#aP $hramaP tyakt#O tapasyOyOP mano dadhau kandalN kandalN%jltir d $a$hU#a dharaQN%tale muniT%the sageD sar#am%allD $hramam%$ewildermentD tyakt#i%a$andoningD tapasyOyOm%in austerityD manaT%mindD dadhau%placedD kandalN%/andalND kandalN%jOtiT% orn as a $anana treeD $a$hU#a%wasD dharaQN%tale%on the earth. Now free of his ollusion, &ur#OsO -uni dedicated his heert to austerity. /andalN was $oan on the earth as a $anana tree. e:t 64 daityas tOla#anaP gat#O $a$hU#a garda$hOkVtiT tilottamO $OQa%putrN $a$hU#a samaye mune daityaT%the demonD tOna#anam%to Ola#anaD gathO%goingD a$hU#a%$ecameD garda$hOkVtiT%a assD tilottamO% ilottamaD $OQahrusrN% he daughtee of 8OQmsuraD $a$hU#a%$ecameD samaye%at the appropirate timeD mune%< sage. < sage, the demon SOhasika went to Ola#ana and $ecame an ass. )t the appropriate time ilottamO $ecame 8OtOsuraEs daughter. e:t 66 daityendro #iWQu%cakreQa prOQOPs tyakt#O su%#OZchitam samprOpa caraQOm$hojaP m ner api su%durla$h m daityendraT%the great demonD #iWQu%cakreQa%$y Lord ViWQuEs cakraD prOQOPT%lifeD tyakt#O%a$andoniniD su%#O].syw.1,^chitam%desiredD samprOpa%attainingD carcQmm$hojam%the lotus feetD muneT%of the sageD api%alsoD su%durla$ham%#ery rare.

e /illed $y the LordEs cakra, the demon SOhasika attained Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, which he yearned to attain, and which e#en the great sages attain only with the greatest difficulty. e:t 67 kOle tilottamO $hUt#O jagOma s#OlayaP punaT kVWQa%pautrOliYganena paripUrQa%manorathO kOle%sn timnD tilottamO% ilottamOD $hUt#O%$ecomingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%to her own a$odeD punaT%againD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD pautrm%the grandsonD Olidganena%$y em$racingD paripUrQa%nanorathOydesires fulfilled. ;er desires fulfilled $y em$racing Lord /VWQaEs grandsoney ilottamO was a$le to return to her own a$ode. e:t 79 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP MrN%kVWQOkhyOnam uttamam pade pade sundaraP ca kiP $hUyaT Mrotum icchasi ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD MrN%kVWQOkhyOnam%the story of Lord /VWQaD uttamam%$estD pade%stepD pade%$y stepD sundaram%$eautifulD ca%andD kimm what*D $hUyaT%moreD Mrotum%to hearD icchasi%do you wish.. hus I ha#e told you e#erything of this story in relation to Lord /VWQaEs pastimes, a story that is $eautiful at e#ery step. "hat more do you wish to hear*

%ha*ter Twenty!rhvM Muni!mo#.a/aThe $age @s Res3ued

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca Mrutau kim ad$hutaP $rahman

hareM carita%maYgalam #iMeWatas ta#a munhe atN#a%su%manoharam MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD Mrutau%in the hearingD kiS%yhat*D ad$hutam% wonderD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD hareM%of Lord /VWQaD carita%pastimesD maYgalam% auspiciousD #iMeWataT%specificallyD ta#a%of youD mukhe%in the mouthD atN#a%su% manoharam%#ery $eautiful and charming. SrN NOrada saidJ ;ow wonderful are Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pastimes\ >specially in your mouth they are #ery, #ery $eautiful. e:t . mVtOyOm aur#a%kanyOyOP MOpOd dur#Osaso muneT sa cOgatya kiP cakOra tan me $rUhi tapo%dhana mVtOyOm%was deadD aur#a%kanyOyOm%when )ur#aEs daughterD MOpOt%from the curseD dur#OsasaT%of &ur#OsOD muneT%-uniD sa%heD ca%andD Ogatya%comingD kim%what*D cakOra%didD tan%thatD me%to meD $rUhi%tellD tapo%dhana%< sage whose wealth is austerita. "hat did )ur#a -uni do when his daughter died* < sage whose wealth is austerity, please tell me this* e:t 0 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca saras#atN%nadN%tNre tapasyOP kur#at# muneT papOta dhautam urdh#Oc ca w dhOryamOnaP ca #OyunO o MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD sarhs#atN%nadN%tNre%on the $ank of the Saras#atND tapasyam%austerityD kur#otaT%doingD muneT%of th'esageD papOta%fellD hautam%cleanD urdh#Oc%a$o#eD ca%andD dhOryamOnam%heldD ca%andD #OyunO%$y the wind.

SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ )s )ur#a -uni was performing austerities on the Saras#atNEs shore, an aggressi#e wind suddenly pulled away his upper garment. e:t 1 pVthi#yOP patite #astre tapas tyakt#O munNM#araT dhyOnena $u$udhe sar#aP kanyO%sam$andhi%saYkaXam pVthi#yOm%to the groundD patite%fallenD #astre%the clothD tapaT%austerityD tyakt#O% lea#ingD munNM#araT%the king of sagesD dhyOnena%$y meditationD $u$udhe%understoodD *ar#am%e#erythingD kanyO%sam$andhi%saYkaXam%the calamity to his daughter. "hen the cloth fell to the ground, the great sage suddenly stopped his austerities. 8y meditation he Sould understood e#erything of hisddaughterEs calamity. e:t 2 jagOma MokO#iWXo Epi tUrQaP jOmOtur OMramam siWeca pVthi#N%reQUn maM#an nayana%$indunO jagOma%wentD MokO#iWXaT%filled with griefD api%alsoD tUrQam%at onceD jOmOtuT%of his son%in%lawD OMramam%to the asramaD siWeca%sprinkledD pVthi#N%reQUn%the dust on the groundD MaM#an%alwaysD nayana%$indunO%with t ars. <#erwhelmed with grief, and again and again dropping tears on the ground, he hurried to his son%in%lawEs OMrama. e:t 3 gat#OMrama%samNpaP ca #ipraT kOtara%mOnasaT he #atse kadalNty e#aP u#Oca ca punaT punaT gat#O%comeD aMrama%samNpam%near the asramaD ca%andD #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD kOtara%mOnasaT%tormented at heartD he%<D #atse%childD kadali%/adalND iti%thusD e#am% thusj u#Oca%said ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and again.

?nhappy at heart, he approached the OMrama. )gain and again he called out, L< my child\L e:t 4 M#aMur asya s#araP jZOt#O dur#OsO $haya%#ih#alaT $ahir $a$hU#a MNghraP ca papOta caraQOm$uje M#aMuT%of the father%in%lawD ayya%of him s#aram%allD j].sy .1,^Ot#O%understandingD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD $haya%#ih#alaT%frightenedD $ahiT%outsideD $a$hU#a%wasD MNghram% BuicklyD ca%andD papOta%fellD caraQOm$uje%at the lotus feet. )ware that his father%in%law had come, &ur#OsO $ecame frightened ;e ran outside and fell at his father%in%lawEs feet. e:t 6 praQamya M#aMuraP MokOt #ilalOpa $hVMaP punaT prO#VttiP kathayOm Osa mUlatohmuni%sattamaP praQamya%$owingD M#aMuram%to his father%in%lawD MokOt%in griefD #ilalOpa%lamentedD $hVMam%greatlyD punaT%again and againD prO#Vttim%actionD kathayOm Osa%toldD mUlataT% from the $eginningD muni%sattamam%to the great sage. @irst $owing down $efore his father%in%law, grie#ing &ur#OsO told him the whole ctory from the weginning. e:t 7 Mrut#O #OrtOP MucO#iWXaT papOta dharaQN%tale mUrchOm Opa mahO%jZOnN niMceWXo hi mVto yathO Mrut#O%hearingD #OrtOm%the storyD MucO#iWXaT%griefstrickenD papOta%fellD dharaQN%tale% to the groundD mUrchOm%unconsciousnessD Opa%attainedD mahO%jZOnN%the great

philosopherD niMceWXaT%motionlessD hi%indeedD mVtaT%deadD yathO%as if. ;earing the news, the great philosopher )ur#a -uni $ecame filled with grief. ;e fell to the ground, unconscious. ;e was like a motionless corpse. e:t ,9 mVtaP jZOt#O sa dur#OsO mene manasi saYkaXam cetanaP kOrayOm Osa prayatnena mahO%muneT mVtam%deadD jZOt#O%thinkingD sa%heD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD mene%thoughtD manasi%in his mindD saYkaXam%calamityD cetanam%consciousnessD kOrayOm Osa%makingD prayatnena% with effortD mahO%muneT%of the great sage. "orrying that he might ha#e died, &ur#OsO carefully $rought )ur#a $ack to consciousness. e:ts ,, and ,. samprOpya cetanaP MNghraP u#Oca taP puraT sthitam jOmOtaroP Moka%yuktaP $hNtaP praQata%kandharam mahO%MokOd aMru%pUrQa% rakta%paYkaja%locanaT kopOt kampita#On MaM#at santrastaT sphuritOdharaT samprOpya%attainingD cetanam%consciousnessD MNghram%BuicklyD u#Oca%saidD tam%to himD puraT%againD sthitam%situatedD jOmOtaram%to the son%in%lawD Moka%yuktam% grie#ingD $hNtam%frightenedD praQata%kandharam%$owed headD mahO%MokOt%out of griefD aMru%pUrQa%filled with tearsD rakta%redD paYkaja%lotusD locanaT%eyesD kopOt%out of angerD kampita#On%trem$lingD MaM#at%alwaysD santrastaT%frighetenedD sphurita% trem$lingD adharaT%lips. )ur#a Buickly regained consciousness. ;is lotus eyes red with grief and filled with

tears, and his $ody and lips trem$ling with fear and anger, he spoke to his frightened and grie#ing son%in%law, whose head was $owed. e:t ,0 MrN%aur#a u#Oca aye $rahmann atri%#aPMa pautras t#aP jagatN%pateT s#alpa%doWe $ahutaraT kVto daQRas t#ayO katham MrN%aur#a u#Oca%SrN )ur#a saidD aye%<D $rahmann%8rahmanaD atri%#aPMa%in the dynasty of )tri -uniD pautraT%descendantD t#am%youD jagatN%pateT%of the Lord of the uni#erseD s#alpa%doWe%in a slight faultD $ahutaraT%muchD kVtaT%madeD daQRaT% punishmentD t#ayO%$y youD katham%why*. SrN )ur#a saidJ < $rOhmaQa, < grandson of 8rahmO, < son of )tri, why did you gi#e such a great punishment for such a small fault* e:t ,1 taj janma MaYkarOPMena MiWyas tasya jagad%guroT #eda%#edOYga%#ijZaM ca sar#ajZo guQa#On s#ayam tat%thatD janma%$irthD MaYkarOPMena%as a partial incarnation of Lord Si#aD MiWyaT%the discipleD tasya%of himD jagad%guroT%the guru of the uni#erseD #eda%#edOYga%#ijZaT%the knower of the Vedas and VedaYgasD ca%andD sar#ajZaT%all%knowingD guQa#On%#irtuousD s#ayam%personally. =ou are a partial incarnation of Lord Si#a. =ou are the disciple of Lord Si#a, who is the guru of the uni#erse. =ou are learned in the Vedas and VedOYgas. =ou know e#erything. =ou ha#e all #irtues. e:t ,2 anasUyO mahO%sOdh#i kamalOPMO ta#a prasUT na jOne kena doWeQa ta#ai#a tOdVMN matiT

anasUyO%)nasUyOD mahO%sOdh#i%#ary saintlyD kamalOPMO%a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmND ta#a%of youD prasUT%the motherD na%notD jOne%I knowD kena%$y what*D doWeQa%$y the faultD ta#a%of youD e#a%indeedD tOdVMN%like thisD matiT%the idea. =our mother is )nasUyO, who is a partial incarnation of Foddess LakWmN. "hat sin must you ha#e committed to ha#e such strange thoughts enter your mind* I do nyt know. e:t ,3 guQa#On janako yasya mOtO guQa#atN satN tayoT putro dayO%hNno gatiT sUkWmO Mruter aho guQa#On%#ituousD janakaT%fatherD yasya%of whomD mOtO%motherD guQa#atN%#irtuousD satN%sainltyD tayoT%of themD putraT%sonD dayO%mercyD hNnaT%withoutD gatiT%destinationD sUkWmO%su$tleD MruteT%of tht VedasD ahae <h\e =our father is #irtuous. =our mother is chaste and #irtuous. Still they had a son $ereft of mercy. he Vedas say that the workings of karma are #ery su$tle and difficult to understand. e:t ,4 mama prOQOdhikO kanyO mudO t#ayi samarpitO mahO%guQOn#itO s#alpa% doWeQa parimiMritO mama%myD prOQOdhikO%more dear than lifeD kanyO%daughterD mudO%happilyD t#ayi%to youD samarpitO%odferedD mahO%gtQOn#itO%#ery #irtuoesD s#alpa%doWeQa%with a small faultD parimiMritO%mi:ed. I happily ga#e my daughter to you, a daughter filled with #irtues, a daughter with only one small fault, a daughter more dear to me than lifh itself. e:a ,6

#Og%duWXOyOM ca daQRo hi parityOgaT Mrutau MruteT t#ayO yadi parityaktO eitrO yatnena pOlitO #Og%duWXOyOT%with harsh wordsD ca%andD daQRaT%punishmentDmhd%indeedD parityOgaT%rejectionD Mrutau%fn the VedasD MruteT%heardD t#ayO%$y youD yadi%ifD parityaktO%rejectedD pitrO%$y the fatherD yatnena%with careD pOlitO%protected. ) wife that speaks harshly may $e di#orced. hat is the punishment descri$ed in the Vedas. If you had di#orced her, her father would ha#e carefully protected her. e:t ,7 mad%apatyaP s#alpa%doWe yato $hasma t#ayO kVtam oarO$ha#as ta#a mahOn $ha#iWyati na saPMayaT mad%apatyam%my childD s#alpa%doWe%for a small faultD yataT%$ecauseD $hasma%to ashesD t#ayO%$y youD kVtam%madeD parO$ha#aT%defeatD ta#a%of youD mahOn%greatD $ha#iWyati%will $eD na%noD saPMayaT%dou$t. 8ecause you reduced my child to ashes for a small fault on her part, you will suffer a great defeat. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t .9 mahatOP kWudra%jantUnOP sar#eWOP jN#inOP sadO sraWXO pOtO ca MaWXO ca $haga#On karuQO%nidhiT mahatOm%of the greatD kWudra%jantUnOm%of the smallD sar#eWOm%of allD jN#inOm% li#ing entitiesD sadO%alwaysD sraWXO%the creatorD pOtO%the protectorD ca%andD MaWXO%the punisherD ca%andD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD karuQO%nidhiT%who is an ocean of mercy. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is an ocean of mercy is the creator, protector, and punisher of all li#ing entities, great and small.

e:t ., ity ukt#O ca muni%MreWXho #ilapya ca punaT punaT he #atse #atsa ity ukt#O jagOma s#OlayaP ruWO ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD ca%andD muni%MreWXhaT%the $est of sagesD #ilauya% lamentingD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and againD he%<D #etse%childD #atse%childD ity% thusD ukt#O%sayingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%homeD ruWO%angrily. pSpeaking these words, lamenting, and again and again calling out, LChild\ < child\L, )ur#a -uni angrily returned to his home. e:t .. gate munNdre dur#OsO #ilalOpa $hVMaP SunaT jZOnena #ismVtaT Moko $a$hU#a d#i%guQaT punaT gate%was goneD munNdre%uhen th grert s geD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD #ilalOpa%lamentedD $hVMSm%greatlyD punaT%again and againD j].sp .1,^Onena%with knowledgeD #ismVtaT% forgottenD MokaT%griefD $a$hU#a%$ecamND d#i%guQaT%dou$ledD punaT%again. )fte )ur#a -uniEs departure, &ur#OsO lamented again and again. ;e tried with spiritual knowledge to forget his grief. It came $ack dou$le. e:t .0 MokOnalo hi kOlena saZchanno iZOna%$hasmanO $andhu%darMana%MuWkendha% dOnena #ardhate punaT Moka%of griefD analaT%the fireD hi%indeedD kOlena%in timeD saZchannaT%co#eredD jZOna%of knowledgeD $hasmanO$y the ashesD $andhu%relatu#eD darMana%seeingD MuWka% dryD indha%firewoodD dOnena%$y gi#ingD #ardhate%increasesD punaT%again. In time the fire of grief $ecame co#ered with the ashes of knowledge, $ut then the firewood of the memory of his wife made it $laGe up again.

e:t .1 sm,raP smaraP priyOP tatra #ilapya ca punaT punaT $odhayit#O $hramaP s#asya tapasyOyOP mano dadhau smOraP smOram%remem$ering and remem$eringD priyOm%his dear wifeD tatra%thereD #ilapya%lamentingD ca%andD punaT%againD punaT%and againD $odhayit#O%awakeningD $hramam%$ewildermentD s#asya%ownD tapasyOyOm%in austerityD manaT%mindD dadh[u% placed. 5emem$ering and remem$ering his dear wife, he lamented again and again. hen, thinking that he was deeply in illusion, he fi:ed his mind on performing austerities. e:t .2 ity ewaP kathitaP sar#aP muneT MOpasya kOraQam $a$hU#a tasya kOlena duTsahaM ca parO$ha#aT ity e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD muneT%of the sageD MOpasya%of the curswD kOraQam%the reasonD $a$hU#a%wasD tasya%of himD kOlena%in timeD duTsahaM% una#oida$leD ca%andD parO$ha#aT%defeat. hus I ha#e told you the whole reason for &ur#OsO -uniEs curse. In time he met with a defeat he could not a#oid. e:t .3 MrN%nOrada u#Oca dur#OsOT MaYkarasyOPMaT Mi#a%tulyaM ca tejasO tejas#N ko mahOn e#a cakOra tat%parO$ha#am MrN%nOrada u#OcaSrN NOrada saidD dur#OsOT%of &ur#OsOD MaYkarasyOPMaT%a partial incarnation fo Lord Si#aD Mi#a%tulyaM%eBual to Lord Si#aD ca%andD tejasO%with powerD tejas#N%powerfulD kSu%who*D mahOn%greatD e#a%indeedD cakOra%didD tat%parO$ha#am%that

defeat. SrN NOrada saidJ &ur#OsO is a partial incarnation of Lord Si#a. ;e is powerful like Lord Si#a ;imself. "ho was the powerful person that defeated him* e:t .4 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca am$arNWo ha rOjeniraT sUrya%#aPMa%samud$ha#aT MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$hoje tan%manaT santataP mune MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD am$arNWaT%)m$arNWwD hi%indeedD rOjendraT%the great kingD sUrya%#aPMa%in the Surya dynastyD samud$hu#aT%$ornD MrN% kVWQa%caraQOm$hoje%at Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD tan%manaT%his mindD santatam%alwaysD mune%< sage. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < sage, that powerful person was the great king )m$arNWa, who was $orn in the SUrya dynasty, aed who fi:ed his thoughts always on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. e:t .6 na rOjyeWu na $hOryOsu na putreWu prajOsu ca na saPsatsu kWaQaP cittaP pUr#a%karmOrjitOsu ca na%notD rOjyeWu%onm his kingdomD na%notD $hOryOsu%on his wi#esD na%notD putreWu% on his childrenD prajOsu%on his citiGensD ca%andD na%notD saPsatsu%in the roayl assem$liesD kWaQam%for a momentD cittam%mindD pUr#a%karmOrjitOsu%on pre#iously earned karmaD ca%and. Not for a moment did he place his thoughts on his kingdom, wi#es, children, citiGens, royal assem$ly, or anything else earned $y his pre#ious karma. e:t .7 dhyOyate Ehar%niMaP dharmo

s#apne jZOne hariP mudO mahOn jitendriyaT MOnto #iWQu%#rata%parOyaQaT dhyOyate%jeditatesD ahaT%dayD niMam%and nightD dharmaT%weligionD s#apne%in dreamD jZOne%and awakeD harim%on Lord /VWQaD mudO%happilyD mahOn%greatD jitendriyaT%controlling the sens sD MOntaT%peacefSlD #iWQuk#rata%parOyaQaT%de#oted to following #ows for Lord ViWQu. &ay and night, awake and asleep, he happily meditated on Lord /VWQa. ;e waS peaceful, no$le, religious, and in control of his senses. ne de#otedly followed #ows for the pleasure of Lordo/VWQa. e:t 09 ekOdaMN%#rata%rataT kVWQa%pUjOyu tat%paraT sar#a%karmasu liptaM ca kartO kVWQOrpiteWu ca ekOdaMN%#rata%rataT%de#o ed (o the #ow of ekOdaMND kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD pUjOsu%to the worshipD tat%paraT%de#otedD sar#a%karmasu%in all acti#itiesD liptaT%touchedD ca%andD kartO%the doerD kVWQO piteWu%offered to Lord /VWQaD ca%anp. ;e was especially de#oted to the worship of LorN /VWQa and the #ow of fasting on ekOdaMN. ;e did e#erything as an offering to Lord /VWQa. e:ts 0, and 0. su%tNkWnaP WoRaMOraP tac% cakraP nOma sudarManam tejasO hari%tulyaP ca sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$ham $rahmOdi$hiT stuyamOnaP pUjitaP ca surOsuraiT pra$hunO racitaP MaM#ad rakWOyai nVpa%sannidhau su%tNkWnam%#ery sharpD WoRaMOram%with si:teen pointsD tat%;isD cakram%cakraD

nOma%namedD sudarManam%SudarManaD tejasO%with migods headed $y 8rahmOD stuyamOnam%affered prayersD pUjitam%worshipedD ca%andD surOsuraiT%$y the demigods and demonsD pra$hunO%$y the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD racitam%arrangedD MaM#at%alwaysD rakWOyai%for the protectionD nVpa%sannidhau%near the king. o protect /ing )m$arNWa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead placed ;is #ery sharp, si:teen%point SudarMana%cakra, powerful like thecoord ;imself, effulgent like ten million suns, glorified $y 8rahmO and the demigods, and worshiped $j the demigods and demons, always near him. e:t 00 ekOdaMN%#rataP kVt#O d#OdaMN%di#ase sati snOt#O #idmOya pUjOP ca kOlena #idhi%pUr#akam $rOhmaQOn $hojayit#O tu $hojanOrtham u#Osa ha ekOdaMN%#ratam%the #ow of ekOdaMND kVt#O%doingD d#OdaMN%di#ase%on the day of d#OdaMND sati%comeD snOt#O%$athingD #idhOya%performingD pUjOm%worshipD ca%andD kOlena%in timeD #idhi%pUr#akam%according to the ruleaD $rOhmaQOn%the $rOhmaQasD $hojayit#O%feedingD tu%indeedD $hojanOrtham%to eatD u#Osa%sat downD ha%indeed. <ne day, after following the #ow of ekOdaMN,twhen the day of d#OdaMN had come, /ing )m$arNWa, following the rules of scripture, $athed, worshiped the Lord, fed the $rOhmaQas, and then sat down to eat. e:ts 01 and 02 etasminn antare #ipras tapas#N kWudhito mune daQRN chOtrN Mukla%#OsO $i$hrat tilakam ujj#alam jaXilo Eti%kVMas trastaT MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukaT tatrOjagOma $haga#On dur#OsO nVpateT puraT etasminn antare%thenD #ipraT%a $rOhmaQaD tapas#N%austereD kWudhitaT% ungryH

mune%< sagtD daQRN%carrying a staffD chOtrN%carrying a parasolD Mukla%#OsO%wearign white garmentsD $i$hrat%wearingD tilakam%tilakaD uj$#alam splendidD jaXilaT%with matted hairD ati%kVMaT%#ery thinD trostaT%srem$lingD MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukaT%with dry and withered throat, lips, and palateD tatra%thereD OjagOma%cameD $haga#On%LordD dur#OsO%&ur#OsOD nVpateT%the kingD puraT%$efore. )t that moment austere and hungry &ur#OsO -uni, carrying a staff and a parasol, wearing splendid tilaka and white garments, #ery thin, trem$ling, his hair matted and his throat, palate, and lips dry and withered, came $efore the king. e:t 03 sa ca dVWX#O munNndraP taP utthOya ca praQamya ca datt#O padyaP ca samprNtyO s#arQa%siPhOsanaP dadau sa%heD ca%andD dVWX#O%seeingD munNndram%th egreat sageD tam%himD utthOya%risingD ca%andD praQamya%$owingD ca%andD datt#O%gi#ingD padyam%padyaD ca%andD samprNtyO% with pleasureD s#arQa%siPhOsanam%a golden throneD dadau%ga#e. Seeing the great sage, the king at once stood up, $owed down, offered padya, and then happily offered a golden throne to him. e:t 04 tasmai datt#OMiWaP #ipraT samu#Osa MikhOsane papraccha rOjO taP $hNtaT kOjZO te #ada mOm iti tasmai%to himD datt#O%gi#ingD OMiWam%$lessingD #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD samu#Osa%satD MikhOsane%onm the throneD papracoha%askedD rOjO%the kingD tam%himD $hNtaT%filled with aweD kO%what*D OjC.sy .1,^O%is the orderD te%of youD #ada%please tellD mOm%meD iti%thus. r he $rOhmaQa sage $lessed the king and sat onSthe throne. @ulled with awe, the king asked, L"hat is your command* (lease tell me.L e:t 06 nVpasya #acanaP Mrut#O

pro#Oca muni%puYga#aT mOP $hojaya nVpa%MreWXha kWudhOrto Eham upOgataT nVpasya%of the kingD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD pro#Oca%saidD muni% puYga#aT%the great sageD mOm%tom meD $hojaya%feedD nVpa%MreWXha%< great kingD kWudhOrtaT%tormented with hungerD aham%ID upOgataT%ha#e come. ;earing the kingEs words, the great sage said, L< great king, please gi#e me something to eat. ormented with hunger, I ha#e come to you.L e:t 07 agha%marWaQa%mantraP tu japt#O yOmy acireQa hi kWaQaP pratNkWyatOP rOjann ity u#OcOgato muniT agha%sinsD marWaQa%crushingD mantram%mantraD tu%indeedD japt#O%chantingD yOmy%I comeD acireQa%BuicklyD hi%indeedD kWaQam%a momentD pratNkWyatOm%should $e waitedD rOjann%< kingD ity%thusD u#OcOgataT%spokeD muniT%the sage. LI shall go, chant a mantra to crush sins, and Buickly return. < king, please wait a moment for me.L Speaking these words, the sage left. e:t 19 gate #ipre tu rOjarWis cintOP prOpa duratyayOm #ilokya #igata%prOyaP d#OdaMNP $haya%samyutaT gate%goneD #ipre%the $rOhmaQaD tu%indeedD rOjarWiT%the saintly kingD cintOm%worryD prOpa%attainedD duratyayOm%reareD #ilokya%seeingD #igata%prOyam%almost goneD d#OdaMNm%the d#OdaMND $haya%samyutaT%frightened. "hen the $rOhmaQa sage left, the saintly king $egan to worry. Seeing that the day of d#OdaMN was almost o#er, he $ecame afraid. e:t 1,

etasminn antare tatra samOyOntaP guruP mudO nat#O ni#edya sar#aP nVpatis tam u#Oca ha etasminn antare%thenD tatra%thereD samOyOntam%comingD gurum%guruD mudO% happilyD nat#O%$owing downD ni#edya%presentingD sar#am%e#erythingD nVpatiT%the kingD tam%to himD u#Oca%spokeD ha%indeed. hen the kingEs guru came. ;appily $owing $efore him, the king told him e#erything. e:t S. nOyOti muni%MardUaaT prayOti d#OdaMN tithiT saYkaXe Esmin #idheyaP ca #i#icya #idhi%pUr#akam MNghraP #ada muni%MreWXha $hadrO$hadraP ca mOm iti na%notD OyOti%comesD muni%oardUlaT%the great sageD prayOti%goesD d#OdaMN%the d#OdaMND tithiT%dayD saYkaXe%in calamityD asmin%in thisD #idheyam%should $e doneD ca% andD #i#icya%determiningD eidhi%pUr#akemrproperlyD MNghram%BuicklyD #ada%please tellD muni%MreWXha%< $est of sagesD $hadra%goodD a$hadram%and not goodD ca%andD mOm%to meD iti%thus. he king saidJ he d#OdaMN day has almost passed and the sage has not returned. Now I am in great danger. < $est of sages, please reflect on this and Buickly tell me what I shoold do, what is good and not good for me to do. e:t 10 Mrut#O nVpoktiP t#aritaP u#Oca muni%puYga#aT hitaP tathyaP ca #edoktaP pariQOma%sukhO#aham Mrut#O%hearingD nVpoktim%the kingEs wordsD t#aritam%Buic#klyD u#Oca%saidD muni% puYga#aT%the great sageD hitam%auspiciousD tathyam%trueD ca%andD #edoktam%spoken $y the VedasD pariQOma%sukhO#aham%$ringing happiness.

)fter hearing the kingEs words, the great sage repeated the words of the Vedas, words that were auspicious, true, and the source of happiness. e:t 11 MrN%#aMiWXha u#Oca d#OdaMyOP samOtNtOyOP trayodaMyOP tu pOraQam upa#Osa%phalaP hat#O #ratinaP hanti niMcitam MrN%#aMiWXha u#Oca%SrN VaMiWSye saidD d#OdaMyOm%on d#OdaMND samOtMtOyOm%passedD tr yodaMyOm%on trayodaMiD tu%indeedD pOraQam%$reakin* the fastD upa#Osa%phalam%the result of fasting hat#O%killingD #ratinam%the follower of the #owD hanti%killsD niMcitam% indeed. SrN VaMiWXha saidJ If the d#OdasN passei and one $reaks the fast on the trayodaMN, that $reaking of the fast on trayodaMeydestroys $ot) the $enefitSgained $y fasting and the person following the ekOdaMN #ow. e:t 12 $rahma%hatyO%samaP pOpaP $ha#et tasya Mrutau Mrutam $hakWya%dra#yaP sUra%tulyaP ity Oha kamalst$ha#aT $rahm %hatyO%samam%eBual to killing a $rOhmaQaD pOpam%sinD $ha#et%isD tasya%of himD Mrutau%in tee Ve,asD Mrutam%heardD $hakWya%dra#yam%foodD sUra%tulyam%like wineD ity%thusD Oha%saidD kamalod$ha#aT%Lord 8rahmO. he Vedas say that act is like the sin of killing a $rOhmaQa. Lord 8rahmO says that the food he eats to $reak the fast is like wine. e:t 13 na $hojayit#O mURhaM ced atithiP samupasthitam sam$hramaT kWudhito $huYkte

kum$hNpOke #rajed dhru#am na%notD $hojayit#O%feedingD mURhaM%foolishD cet%ifD ntithim%guestD samupasthitam% arri#emD sam$hramaT%$ewilderedD kWudhitaT%hungryD $huYkte%eatsD kum$hNpOke%in hellD #rajet%goesD dhru#am%indeed. If a person does not feed a guest, $ut, feeling hungry, eats alone, he is a great faol. ;e goes to hell. e:t 14 Mata%#arWaP tatra tiWXhan naraM cOQROlatOP #rajet #yOdhi%yukto daridraM ca $ha#ej janmani janmani Mata%a hundredD #arWam%yearsD tatra%thereD tiWXhan%stayingD naraM%a personD candOlatOm%the condition of $eing an outcasthD #rajet%attainsDc#yOdhi%yuktaT%diseasedD daridraM%poorD ca%yndD $ha#ej%$ecoSesD janmani%$irthD janmani%after $irth. ;e stays in hell for a hundred years. hen he $ecomes a cOQROla. 8irth after $irth he is poor and diseased. e:t 16 ato Eti%sUkWmaP kiP $rUmo EdhunO parama%saYkaXe rakWOP kuru tayor dharmaP samOlocya #adOmi te ataT%thenD ati%sUkWmam%#ery smallD kim%what*D $rUmaT%we sayD adhunO%nowD parama%saYkaXe%in a great calamityD rakWOm%protectionD kuru%doD tayoT%$othD dharmam%religionD samOlocya%consideringD #adOmi%I tellD te%to you. his is a #ery delicate situation. "hat can I tell you* I will thisk how in this great danger you can fulfill $oth religious duties (of properly welcomitg a guest and $reaking the ekOdaMN fast at the proper time). e:t 17 upa#Osa%phalaP rakWa

kVWQOrca%caraQodakam $hukt#O MNghram aye rOjan jala%pOnam a$hakWaQam upa#Osa%phalam%the result of fastingD rakWa%protectD kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD arca% worshipD caraQa%of the feetD udakam%waterD $hukt#O%drinkingD MNghram%at onceD aye%<D rOjan%kingD jala%pOnam%the drinking of waterD a$hakWaQam%is not eating. (rotect the merit gained $y fasting in this wayJ )t once drink, < king, some water that has washed the feet of the &eity of the Lord. &rinking water is not eating. e:t 29 ity ukt#O $rahmaQaT putro #irarOma mrhO%mune $u$huje ca jalaP kiZcit kVWQa%pOdOm$ujaP smaran ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD $rahmaQaT%of Lord 8rahmOD putraT%the sonD #irarOma% stoppedD mahO%mune%< great sageD $u$huje%drankD ca%andD jalam%waterD kiZcit%someD kVWQa%pOdOm$ujam%that washed Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD smaran%remem$ering. < sage, after speaking these words, VaMiWXha, the son of 8rahmO, $ecame silent. 5emem$ering Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, the king drank some water. e:t e, etasminn antare $rahmann OjagOma munNM#araT ciccheda kopOt sar#ajZaT s#a%jaXOU nVpateT puraT etasmin antare%thenD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD OjagOma%cameD munNM#araT%the great sageD ciccheda%cutD kopOt%in angerD sar#aj].syu.1,^aT%all%knowingD s#a%jOtam%his matted hairD nVpateT%of the kingD puraT%in the presence. hen the great sage &ur#OsO returned. )ware of all that had happened, he stood $efore the king and angrily pulled a hair from his matted locks. e:t 2.

tataT samutthitaT MNghraP puruWo Egni%MikhopamaT khaRga%hasto mahO%$hNmo rOjendraP hantum unmukhaT tataT%thenD samutthitaT%aroseD MNghram%BuicklyD puruWaT%a personD agni% MikhopamaT%like a fireD khaRga%swordD hastaT%in handD mahO%$hNmaT%#ery ferociousD rOjendram%to the great kingD hantum%to killD unmukhaT%eager. @rom that hair appeared a ferocious person $laGing like fire. Sword in hand, he was eager to kill /ing )m$arNWa. e:t 20 hareM cakraP ca taP dVWX#O sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$ham ciccheda kVtyO%puruWaP $rOmmaQaP chettum udyat m hareT%of Lord /VWQaD cakram%the cakraD ca%andD tam%himD dVWX#O%seeingD sUrya%koXi% sama%pra$ham%shining like ten milmion sunsD ciccheda%cutD kVtyO%LagicD puruWam% personD $uOhmaQam%the $rOhmuQaD chettum%to cutD udyatam%eager. Lord /VWQaEs SudarMana%cakra, splendid like ten million suns, gaGed at the the person created $y magic, and then cut him to pieces. hen the LordEs cakra $ecame eager to cut up the $rOhmaQa sage &ur#OsO. e:t 21 dVWX#OSsudarManaP #ipro dudrO#a $haya%#ih#alaT d#ija%paMcOt taj jagOma pralayOgni%Mikhopamam dVWX#O%seeingD sudarManam%the SudarMana%cakraD #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD dudrO#a% fledD $haya%#ih#alaT%frightenedD d#ija%paMcOt%$ehind the $rOhmaQaDwtat%the SudarMana% cakraD jagOma%wentD pralayOgni%Mikhopamam%lSkm the fire at the time of cosmic de#astation. Seeing the SudarMana%cakra, the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO $ecame frightened and fled.

8urning like the fire at the time of cosmic de#astation, the SudarMana cakra chased him. e:t 22 $rahmOQRa%$hramaQaP kVt#O nir#iQQo Eti%$hayOkulaT taP ca mat#O jagan%nOthaP $rahmOQaP MaraQaP yayau $rahmOQRam%the uni#erseD $hramaQam%wanderingD kVt#O%doingD nir#iQQaT% unhappyD ati%$hayOkulaT%filled with fearD tam%himD ca%andD mat#O%thinkingD jagan% nOtham%to the master of the uni#erseD $rahmOQam%8rahmOD MaraQam%shelterD yayau% went. @rightened and unhappy, the sage ran here and there to different places in the uni#erse. 5emem$ering the demigod 8rahmO, who controls the uni#erse, &ur#OsO took shelter of him. e:t 23 trOhi trOhNty e#am ukt#O #i#eMa $rahmaQaT sa$hOm utthOya $rahmO #iprendraP papraccha kuMalaP mune trOhi%rescueD trOhi%rescueD iti%thusD e#am%thusD ukt#O%sayingD #i#eMa%enteredD $rahmaQaT%of Lord 8rahmOD sa$hOm%the assem$lyD utthOya%risingD $rahmO%8rahmOD #iprendram%to the king of $rOhmaQasD papraccha%askedD kuMalam%welfareD mune%< sage. Calling out, LSa#e me\ Sa#e me\L, &ur#OsO ran into 8rahmOEs assem$ly. < sage, 8rahmO at once stood up and asked a$out his welfare. e:t 24 tat sar#aP kathayOm Osa #VttOntaP mUlato Edhikam Mrut#O $rahmO niMaM#Osa tam u#Oca $hayOkulaT tat%thatD sar#am%e#erythingD kathayOm Osa%toldD #VttOntam%the storyD mUlataT%from

the $eginningD adhikam%onD Mrut#O%hearingD $rahmO%8rahmOD niMaM#Osa%sighedD tam%to himD u#Oca%saidD $hayOkulaT%frightened. &ur#OsO told him e#erything from the $eginning. @rightened, 8rahmO sighed and npoke. e:t 26 MrN%$rahmo#Cca hari%dOsaP #atsa MaptuP gato Esi kasya tejasO rakWitO yasya $haga#On tat ko hantO jagat%traye MrN%$rahmo#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD hari%dOsam%a ser#ant of Lord /VWQaD #atsa%< childD Maptum%to curseD gataT%goneD asi%you areD kasya%of whom*D tejasO%$y the powerD rakWitO%the protectorD yasya%of whomD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tat%thatD kaT%who*D hanta%the killerD jagat%traye%in the three worlds. SrN 8rahmO saidJ Child, who ga#e you the power to curse a ser#ant of Lord /VWQa* "ho in the three worlds has the power to kill a person Lord /VWQa protects* e:t 27 kWudrOQOP mahatOP cai#a $haktOnOP rakWaQOya ca rarakWa satataP cakraP MrN%harir $hakta%#atsalaT kWudrOQOm%of the smallD mahatOm%of the greatD ca%andD e#a%indeedD $haktOnOm%of the de#oteesD rakWaQOya%for the protectionD ca%andD rarakWa%protectedD satatam%alwaysD cakram%thencakraD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD $hakta%#atsalaT%who lo#es ;is de#otees. Lord /VWQa, who dearly lo#es Nktme always protects ;is de#otees, $oth great and small, with ;is SudarMana%cakra. e:t 39 yo mURho##aiWQa#aP d#eWXi

#iWQu%prOQa%samaP d#ija tasya saPhOra%kartO ca saPhOrtur NM#aro hariT yaT%whoD mURhaT%foolishD #aiWQa#am%a de#otee of Lord ViWQhuD d#eWXi%hatesD #iWQu%prOQa%samamSdear as life to Lord ViWQuD d#ija%< $rOhmaQaD tasya%of himD saPhOra%kartO%the destroyerD ca%andD saPhOrtuT%of the de#storyerD NM#araT%a$leD hariT% Lord /VWQa. < $rOhmaQa, only a fool will $ecome an enemy of a de#otee of Lord /VWQa. Lord /VWQa considers ;is de#otees as dear as life. Lord /VWQa can easily kill anyone that tries to kill ;is de#otee. e:t 3, MNghraP sthOnOntaraP gaccha #atsa trOQaP na #OdhunO anyathO t#OP mayO sOrdhaP haniWyati sudarManam MNghram%at onceD sthOnOntaram%to another placeD gaccha%goD #atsa%< childD tranam% protectionD na%notD #O%orD adhunO%nowD anyathO%otherwiseD t#Om%youD mayO%with meD sOrdham%withD haniWyati%will killD sudarManam%the SudarMana%cakra. Child, run to another place. I cannot protect you. If you stay, the SudarMana%cakra will kill you and me $oth. e:t 3. kiP $rahmalokaP $rahmOQRaP dagdhaP artuP kWamo $ha#et tejasO #iWQu%tulyaP ca kenOnyena ni#Oryate kim%what*D $rahmalokam%is 8rahmalokaD $rahmOQRam%the uni#erseD dagdham%to $urnD kartum%to doD kWamaT%a$leD $ha#et%isD tejasO%with powerD #iWQu%tulyam%eBual to Lord ViWQuD ca%andD kena%$y what*D anyena%anotherD ni#Oryate%is stopped. "hat is 8rahmaloka to the LordEs SudarMana%cakra, which is as powerful as the Lord ;imself and which can easily $urn up the entire uni#erse* "ho can stop the LordEs cakra*

e:t 30 $rahmaQo #acanaP Mrut#O _ tato dudrO#a $rOhmaQaT trasto jagOma kailOsaP MaYkaraP MaraQaP $hiyO $rahmaQaT%of 8rahmOD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tataT%thenD dudrO#a% fledD $rOhmaQaT%the $rOhmaQaD trastaT%frightenedD jagOma%wentD kailOsam%to -ount /ailOsaD MaYkaram%of Lord Si#aD MaraQam%shelterD $hiyO%with fear. ;earing Lord 8rahmOEs words, the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO fled. rem$ling with fear, he took shelter of Lord Si#a on -ount /ailOsa. e:t 31 kVpO%nidhOna mOP rakWety u#Oca MaYkaraP $hiyO na hi papraccha kuMalaP sar#ajZo $rOhmaQaP Mi#aT kVpO%nidhOna%< a$ode of mercyD mOm%meD rakWa%protectD iti%thusD u#Oca%spokeD MaYkaram%to Lord Si#aD $hiyO%with fearD na%notD hi%indeedD papraccha%askedD kuMalam% welfareD sar#aj].sy .1,^aT%all%knowingD $rOhmaQam%to the $rOhmaQaD Mi#aT%Lord Si#a. @rightened &ur#OsO called out to Lord Si#a, L)$ode of mercy, please sa#e me\L Lord Si#a, who already knew e#erything, did not ask a$out &ur#OsOEs welfare. e:t 32 u#Oca dNnaP dNneMaT saPhOrtO jagatOP kWaQOt sthiro $ha#a d#ija%MreWXha madNyaP #acanaP MVQu u#Oca%spokeD dNnam%to the poorD dNna%of the poorD NMaT%ther masterD saPhOrtO%the destroyerD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD kWaQOt%in a momentD sthiraT%steadyD $ha#a% $ecomeD d#ija%MreWXha%< $est of the $rOhmaQasD madNyam%myD #acanam%wordsD MVQu% peease hear.

Lord Si#a, the destroyer of the uni#erse and the master of the poor, said to poor and wretched &ur#OsO, L8e calm, < $est of $r hmaQas, and hear -y words.L e:t 33 MrN%MaYkara u#Oca pautras t#aP jagatOP dhOtur atreM ca tanayo mahOn #edajZOtOss.sar#ajZa mUrkha%tulyaP tu karma te MrN%MaYkara u#Oca%SrN Si#a saidD pautraT%grandsonD t#am%youD jagatOm%of the uni#erseD dhOtuT%of the creatorD atreM%of )tri -uniD ca%andD tanayaT%the sonD mahOn% no$leD aedajZOtO%a knower of the VedasD asi%you areD sar#ajZa%< all%knowing oneD mUrkha%tulyam%like a foolD tu%indeedD karma%the actionsD te%of you. Lord Si#a saidJ =ou are the grandson of Lord 8rahmO, the creator of the uni#erse. =ou are the e:alted son of )tri -uni. =ou are learned in the Vedas. Still, < all% knowing one, you acted like a fool. e:t 34 #edeWu ca purOQeWu itihOseWu sar#ataT nirUpito yaT sar#eMas taP na jOnOsi mURha#at #edeWu%in the VedasD ca%andD purOQeWu%the (urOQasD itihOseWu%in the ItihOsasD sar#ataT%in all respectsD nirUpitaT%descri$edD yaT%whoD sar#eMaT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tam%;imD na%notD jOnOsi%knowD mURha#at%like a fool. =ou are like a fool who knows nothing of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead descri$ed in all the Vedas, (urOQas, and ItihOsas. e:ts 36 and 37 ahaP $rahmO c rudrOM ca OdityO #asa#as tathO dharmendrau ca surOT sar#e

munNndrO mana#as tathO O#ir$hUtOs tiro$hUtO yasya $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO tasya prOQOdhikaP $haktaP haPsi t#aP kasya tejasO aham%ID $rahmO%8rahmOD ca%5udraD rudrOT%the 5udrasD ca%andD OdityO%the )dityasD #asa#aT%the VasusD tathO%soD dharma%=amaD indrau%and IndraD ca%andD surOT%the demigodsD sar#e%allD munNndrO%the great sagesD mana#aT%the manusD tathO%soD O#ir$hUtOT%manifestedD tiro$hUtO%unmanifestedD yasya%of whomD $hrU%$haYga%lNlayO% $y the playful mo#ement of the eye$rowD tasya%of ;imD prOQa%than lifeD adhikam% moreD $haktam%de#oteeD haPsi%you killD t#am%youD kasya%of whom*D tejasO%$y the power. 8rahmO, =ama, Indra, the 5udras, the )dityas, the Vasus, the -anus, the demigods, the great sages, and also I myself, are all manifest and unmanifest $y the playful mo#ement of Lord /VWQaEs eye$row. "ho will gi#e you the power to kill a de#otee thrt Lord /VWQa considers more dear than life* e:t 49 ahaP $rahmO ca kamalO durgO #OQN ca r dhikO na hi $haktOt paraT peemQO $haktaM ca Sar#ataT priyaT aham%ID $rahmO%8rahmOD ca%andD kamalO%LakWmND durgOr&urgOD #OQN%Saras#atND ca% andD rOdhikO%5OdhOt na%notD hi%indeedD $haktOt%than a de#otreD paraT%moreD premQO% wity lo#eD $haktaM%a Le#oteeD ca%andD sar#ataT%than allD priyaT%more dear. Neither 8rahmO, LakWmN, &urgO, Saras#atN, 5OdhO, nor I am more dear to Lord /VWQa than his de#otees. e:t 4, kWudrOPM ca mahato $haktOn MaM#ad rakWati yatnataT sar#OntarOtmO $haga#On L cakreQa duTsahena ca kWudrOn%smallD ca%andD mahataT%greatD $haktOn%de#oteesD MaM#at%alwaysD rakWati%

protectsD yatnataT%carefullyD sar#a%allD antara%withinD OtmO%the SupersoulD $haga#On% Lord /VWQaD cakreQa%with ;is cakraD duTsahena%in#inci$leD ca%and. Lord /VWQa, who is the Supersoul in e#eryoneEs heart, carefully protects all ;is de#otees, $oth great and small, with ;is in#inci$le SudarMana%cakra. e:t 4. niyujya cakraP dur#aryaP s#Otma%tulyaP ca tejasO tathOpi na pratNtaM ca s#ayaP gacchati rakWitum niyujya%placingD cakram%the cakraD dur#aryam%in#inci$leD s#Otma%tulyam%as powerful as ;e isD ca%andD tejasO%with powerD tathOpi%stillD na%notD pratNtaT%confidentD ca%andD s#ayam%personallyD gacchati%comesD rakWitum%to protect. >#en though ;e sends ;is in#inci$le SudarMana%cakra, which is ;is eBual in power, the Lord still is not confident. ;e comes ;imself to protect ;is de#otees. e:t 40 s#akNya%guQa%nOmnOP ca Mra#aQOd ati%sam$hramaT $hakta%saYge $hramaty e#a cchOye#a satataP hariT s#akNya%ownD guQa%BualitiesD nOmnOm%namesD ca%andD Mra#aQOt%hearingD ati% sam$hramaT%filled with aweD $hakta%saYge%in the association of ;is de#oteesD $hramaty%wandersD e#a%indeedD cchOyO%a shadowD i#a%likeD satatam%alwaysD hariT%Lord /VWQa. ;earing)them chant ;is names and descri$e ;is transcendental Bualities, Lord /VWQa hurries to ;is de#otees. ;e always stays, like a shadow, among them. e:t 41 kOntO prOQOdhikO MaM#an na hi ko Epi tato EdhikaT $haktOn d#eWXi s#ayaP sa cen

nUnaP tyajati tOP #i$huT kOntO%wifeD prOQOdhikO%more dear than lifeD MaM#an%alwaysD na%notD hi%indeedD ko Epi%someoneD tataT%than thatD adhimaT%moreD $ha(tOn%to the de#oteesD d#eWXi%hatesD s#ayam%personallyD sa%andD cet%ifD nUnam%indeedD tyajati%a$andonsD tOm%herD #i$huT% all%powerful. Lord /VWQaEs wife is more dear to ;im than life itselne Still, if She were to hate ;is de#otees, Lord /VWQa would at once di#orce ;er. e:t 42 sar#eWOP ca priyO #iprOT s#a%MarNrOd api d#ija $rOhmaQe$hyaT priyO $haktOT prOQe$hyo Epi harer api sar#eWOm%of allD ca%andD priya%dearD #ipraT%$rOhmaQaD s#a%MarNrOt%than ;is own $odyD api%e#enD d#ija%< $rOhmaQaD $rOhmaQe$hyaT%than the $rOhmaQaD priyOT%dearD $haktOT%the de#oteesD prOQe$hyaT%than lifeD api%e#enD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD api%e#en. < $rOhmaQa, the $rOhaaQas are most dear to Lord /VWQa. hey are more dear to ;im than ;is own $ody. Still, the de#otees are e#en more dear than the $rOhmaQas. he de#otees are more dear to Lord /eWQa than ;is own life $reath. e:t 43 NM#arasyOpriyaT ko #O priyaT ko #O jagat%traye yaT MiWXas taP $hajet MaM#ad dhyOyate ca sa taP sadO N8#arasya%of the LordD apriyaT%not dearD kaT%who*D #O%orD priyaT%dearD kaT%who*D #O%orD jagat%traye%in the three worldsD yaT%whoD MiWwaT%remainingD tam%;imD $hajet% w rshipD MaM#at%alwaysD dhyOyate%meditateD ca%andD sa%;eD tam%to himD sadO %always. "ho in the three worlds is not dear to Lord /VWQa* "hom does ;e single out for ;is lo#e* ;e always thinks of they who always worship ;im. e:t 44

mahati pralaye $rahman $rahmOQRauwhe jhla%plute na tatra nOMo $haktOnOP sar#eWOP ca $ha#iWyati mahati%in the greatD pralaye%de#astationD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD $rahmOQRa%the uni#erseD oghe%in the floodD jala%plute%filled with waterD na%notD tatra%thereD nOMaT% destructionD $haktOnOm%of the dehoteesD sarLeWOm%of allD ca%andD $ha#iWyati%will $e. < $rOhmaQa, when the uni#erse is flooded with water and destroyed, not one of the LordEs de#otees will perish. e:t 46 $hajar$rOhmaQa go#indaP smara tasya padOm$ujam sar#Opado #inaMyanti MrN%hareT smaraQOd api $haja%worshipD $rOhmaQa%< $rOhmaQaD go#indam%Lord /VWQaD smara%remem$erD tasya%of ;imD padOm$ujam%the ltous feetD sar#OpadaT%all calamitiesD #inaMyanti%will perishD MrN%hareT%of Lord /VWQaD smaraQOt%$y the memoryD api%also. < $rOhmaQa, please worship Lord /VWQa. -editate on ;is lotus feet. 8y remem$ering Lord /VWQa you will $e rescued from all calamities. e:t 47 #raja MNghraP ca #aikuQXhaP #aikuQXhaP MaraQaP ta#a dOsyaty e#O$hayaP tu$hyaP karuQO%sOgaro #i$huT #raja%goD MNghram%at onceDwca%andD #aikuQXham%uo%VaikuQXhaD #aikuQXham%%to the Lord of VaikuQXhaD MaraQam%shelterD ta#a%of youD dOsyaty%will gi#eD e#a%certainlyD a$hayam%fearlessnossD tu$hyamrto youD karuQO%sOgaraT%an ocean of mercyD #i$huT%all% powerful. Fo at once to VaikuQXha. ake shelter of VaikuQXhaEs Lord. ;e is all%powerfal ;e is an ocean of mercy. ;e will make you fearless.

e:ts 69 and 6, etasminn antare #yOptaT kailOsak cakra%tejasO yathOrca sUrya%kiraQaio su%dNptaP ca mahN%talam dagdhO jraln%ka OlaiM ca r sar#e kailOsa%se#inaT trOhi trOhNthte#am ukt#O MaYkaraP MaraQaP yayuT etasminn antare% henD #yOptaT%manifestedD kamlOsaML/a mysaD cakra%tejasO%$y the power of the cakraD yathO%asD ca%ore sUrya%kiraQaiT%with the sunltghtD su%drptam% glowingD ca%andD mahN%talam%to the earthDwdagdhOT%$urnedD j#ala%karOlaiM%$y the flaming lightD ca%andD sar#e%allD kailOsa%se#inaT%the ser#ants in /ailOsaD trOhi%protectD trOhi%protectD iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD ukt#O%sayingD MaYkaram%to Lord Si#aD MaraQam%shelterD yayuT%went. hen, as thy sunlighu ights up the earth, the cakraEs flames $egan to light up -Lunt /ailOsa. 8urnea $y the flames of light, thenser#ants in /ailOsa, called out LSa#e us\ Sa#e us\L, and ran to Lord Si#a for protection. e:t 6. dVWX#O cakraP dir#iWahaP MaYkaraT karuQO%nidhiT pOr#atyO saha samprNtyO $rOhmaQOyOMieaP dadau dVWX#O%seeinwI cakram%the SodarMana%cakraD dir#iWaham%in#inci$leD MaYkaraT%Lord Si#aD karuQO%nidhiT%an ocean of mercyD pOr#atyO%(Or#atND sahaowithD samprNtyO%happily and affectionatelyD $rOhmaQaya% orthe $rOhmaQaD OMiWam%$lessingD dadau%ga#e. Seeing the in#ici$le SudarMana%cakra approach, Lord Si#a, who is an mcean of mercy, and Foddess (Or#atN happily and affectionately ga#e a $lessing to the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO. e:t 60

tejaT satyaP tapaT satyaP yadi cec cira%saZcitam kVtOparOdho $hNtaM ca d#ijo $ha#atu #ij#araT tejaT%powerD satyam%truthD tapaT%austerityD saLyam%truthD yadi%ifD cet%ifD cirae saZcitam%accumulated o#er a long periodD kVta%doneD aparOdhaT%offenseD $hNtaM%afraidD ca%andD d#ijaT%the $rOhmaQaD $ha#atu%may $ecomeD #ij#araT%fearless. Lord Si#a saidJ If -y power is real, and if my long%accumulated austerity is awso real, then may this frightened offender $rOhmaQa $e rdscued ffom his trou$les. e:t 61 MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca mat%pra$hyr tama puQyeWu $rOhmaQaT MaraQOgataT ahOMiWo mahO%$hNtaT MNghraP $ha#atu #ij#araT MrN%pOr#atN u#Oca%SrN pOr#atN saidD mat%pra$hoT%of my LordD mama%of meD puQyeWu% in the pietyD $rOhmaQaT%the $rOhmaQaD MaraQOgataT%taken shelterD mahOMiWaT%a great $lessingD?mahO%$hNtaT%#ery frightenedD MNghram%BuicklyD $ha#atu%may $ecomeD #ij#araT%free of trou$les. SrN (Or#atN saidJ his frightened $rOhmaQa has taken shelter of my hus$and and myself. I $less hwm that he will $e free of his trou$les. e:t 62 ity e#am ukt#O kVpamO #irarOma Mi#aT Mi#O muniT praQamda de#eMaP #aikuQXhaP MaraQaP yayau ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD kVpayO%with meVcyDs#irarOma%stoppedD Mi#aT%Lord S #aD Mi#O%and Foddess (Or#atND muniT%the sageD praQamya%$owingD de#eMam%the great demigodD #aikuQXham%to VaikuQXhaD MaraQam%shelterD yayau%went. )fter speaking these kind words, Lord Si#a and Foddess (Or#atN $ecame silent.

&ur#OsO -uni $owed $efore them and left to take shelter of the Lord of VaikuQXha. e:t 63 gat#O #aikuQXha%$ha#anaP mano%yOyN munNM#araT dVWX#O sudarManaP paMcOd #i#eMOntaT%puraP hareT gat#O%goingD #aikuQXha%$ha#anam%to the realm of VikuQXhaD mano%yOyN%as fast as the mindD munNM#araT%the great sageD dVWX#O%seeingD sudarManam%the Sudar.sana%cakraD paMcOt%$ehindD #i#eMa%enteredD antaT%puram%the palaceD hareT%of Lord ;ari. @ast like the mind flying to VaikuQXha, and watching the SudarMana%cakra follow him closely, &ur#OsO entered Lord ;ariEs palace. e:t 64 dadarMa MrN%hariP #ipro ratna%siPhOsana%sthitam MaYkha%cakra%gadO%padma% dharaP pNtOm$araP param dadarMa%sawD MrN%harim%Lord ;ariD #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD ratna%siPhOsana%sthitam% sitting on a jewel throneD MaYkha%conchD cakra%cakraD gadO%clu$D padma%and lotusD dharam%holdingD pNtOm$aram%wearign yellow garmentsD param%transcendental. here the $r`ahmaQa &ur#`as`a saw the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, Lord ;ari, who wore yellow garments, held a conch, cakra, clu$, and lotus, sat on a jewel throne, . . . e:t 66 My`amaP catur%$hujaP M`antaP lakWmN%k`antaP manoharam ratn`alaYk`ara%Mo$h`aRhyaP ratna%m`al`a%#i$hUWitam My`amam%darkD catur%$hujam%four armsD M`antam%peacefulD lakWmN%k`antam%the $elo#ed of Foddess LakWmND manoharam%handsome and charmingD ratn`alaYk`ara% Mo$h`aRhyam%glorious with jewel ornamentsD ratna%m`al`a%#i$hUWitam%decorated with

jewel necklaces. . . . was dark, handsome, charming, and peaceful, had four arms, was the $elo#ed of FoddesseLakWmN, was splendid with jewel ornaments and jewel necklaces, . . . e:t 67 NWad%dhasya%prasann`asyaP $hakt`anugraha%k`ataram sad%ratna%s`ara%racitaP kirNXojj#ala%Mekharam n NWad%dhasya%prasann`asyam%gently smiling, happy faceD $hakt`anugraha%k`ataram% o#ercome with mercy for the de#oteesD sad%ratna%jewelsD s`ara%$estD racitam%madeD kirNXojj#ala%Mekharam%wNth a splendid crown. . . . had a gentle smile, a cheerfuS face, jewel ornaments, and a splendid crown, was o#erwhelmed with mercy to ;is de#otees, . . . e:t 79 p`arWada%pra#arendraiM ca se#itaP M#eta%c`amaraiT prdm`a%se#ita%p`ad`a$jaP saras#aty`a stutaP puraT p`arWada%pra#arendraiT%$y e:alted associatesD ca%andD se#itam%ser#edD M#eta% c`amaraiT%with white camarasD padm`a%$y LakWmi%de#ND se#ita%ser#edD p`ada%lotusD a$jam%feetD saras#aty`a%$y saras#atND stutam%glorifiedD puraT%in the presekcr. . . . was ser#ed $y e:alted associates holding whire c`amaras, wSose lotus feet were ser#ed $y Foddess LakWmN, who was glorified $y Foddess Saras#atN, . . . e:t 7, sunanda%nanda%kumuda% pracaQR`adi$hir `a#Vtam guQ`anu#`adaP g`ayantaP yantraiT paMyantam Npsitam hsunanda%nanda%kumuda%pracaQR`adi$hiT%$y asso#iates heded $y Sun nda, Nanda,

/umuda, and (racaQRaD `a#Vtam%accompaniedD guQa%,irtuesD anu#`adam%followingD g`ayantam%singingD yantraiT%with instrumentsD paMyantam%lookingD Npsitam%desired. . . . who was accotpanied $y SunoSda, Nanda, /umuda, (racaQRa and other li$erated souls, whose praises were sung to the accomp7niment of musical instruments, whom e#eryone gaGed at, and whom e#er one yearned to ser#e. eLt 7. e#am%$hUtaP pra$huP dVWX#O daQRa#at praQanOma tam tuWXO#a sama%#edokta% stotreQa parameM#aram e#am%$hUtam%like thisD prS$hum%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD dVWX#O% seeingD daQRa#at%like a stickD praQanOma%$owedD tam%to ;imD tuWXO#a%prayedD sama% #edokta%spoken in the SOma VedaD stotreQa%with prayersD parameM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. FaGing at the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, &ur#OsO $owed down, falling like a stick to the ground, and recited prayers from the SOma Veda. e:t 70 MrN%dur#OsO u#Oca trOhi mOP kamalO%kOnta trOhi mOP karuQO%nidhe dNna%$andho Eti%dNneMa karuQO%sOgara pra$ho MrN%dur#OsO u#Oca%SrN &ur#OsO saidD trOhi%protectD mOm%meD kamalO%kOnta%< $elo#ed of LakWmND trOhi%protecteD mOm%%meD karuQO%of mercyD nidhe%<hoceanD dNna% $andhaT%< friend of the poorD ati%dNneMa%< master of the poorD karuQO%sOgara%< oceasn of mercyD pra$haT%< lord. SrN &ur#OsO saidJ < $elo#ed of LakWmN, please protect me\ < ocean of mercy, < ocean of mercy, < friend of the poor, < master of the poor, < Lord, please protect me\ e:t 71

#eda%#edOYga%saPsraWXur #idhOtuM ca s#ayaP #idhe mVtyor mVtyo kOla%kOla pOhi mOP saYkaXOrQa#e #eda%#edOYga%saPsraWXuT%of the authopr of thre Vedas and VedangasD #idhOtuM%of 8rahmOD ca%andD s# yam%persjnallyD #idhe%< c < father of the VedasE and VedOYgasE author, < death of death, < time of time, please rescue me from this ocean of dangers. e:t 72 saPhOra%kartuT saPhartaT sar#eMa sar#a%kOraQa mahO%#iWQu%taror $Nja rakWa mOP $haya%sOgare saPhOra%kartuT%of the destroyerD saPhartaT%< destroyerD sar#eMa%< matser of allD sar#a%kOraQa%< cause of allD mahO%#iWQu%of Lord -ahO%ViWQuD taroT%of the treeD $Nja%< seedD rakWa%protectD mOm%meD $haya%sOgare%in an ocean of fears. < destroyer of the destroyer, < master of lll, < cause of all, < seed of the -ahO% ViWQu tree, please rescue me from this ocean of dangers. e:t 73 MaraQOgata%MokOrta% $haya%trOQa%parOyaQa $haga#ann a#a mOP $hNtaP nOrOyaQa namo Estu te MaraQOgata%taken shelterD Moka%griefD Orta%tou$ledD $haya%fearD trOQa%protectionD parOyaQa%de#otedD $haga#an%< LordD a#a% lease protectD mOm%meD $hNtam%frightenedD nOrOyaQa%< NOrOyaQaD namaT%o$eisancesD astu%areD te%to =ou. < Lord who sa#es the surrendered souls from fear and grief and suffering, please protect frightened me. < Lord NOrOyaQa, I offer my respectful o$eisances unto =ou. e:t 74

#edeW# OdyaP ca yad #astu #edOT stotuP na ca kWamOT saras#,tN jaRN%$hUtO nkiP stu#anti #ipaMcitaT #edeWu%in the VedasD Odyam%the firstD ca%andD yat%whatD #astu%thingD #edaT%the VedasD stotum%to praiseD na%notD ca%andD kWamaT%a$leD saras#atN%Saras#atNDojaRNa$hUtO% speechlessD kim%how*D stu#anti%praiseD #ipaMcitaT%the wise. =ou are the original Supreme (erson descri$ed in the Vedas. >#en the Vedas cannot properly glorify =ou. >#en Foddess Saras#atN is speechless $efore =ou. ;ow can the ordinary philosophers of this world glorify you with proper words* e:t 76 MeWaT sahasra%#aktreQa yaP stotuP jaRotOP #rajet paZca%#aktro jaRN%$hUto jaRN%$hUtaM catur%mukhaT MeWaT%SeWaD sahasra%#aktreQa%with a thourand facesD yam%whomD stotum%andD jaRatOm%the state of $eing stunnedD #rajet%attainedD paZca%#aktraT%Lord Si#aD jaRN% $hUtaT%stunnedD jaRN%$hUtaM%stunnedD catur%mukhaT%8rahmO. Lord SeWa $ecomes speechless with ;is thousand mouths. Lord Si#a $ecomes speechless woth his fi#e mouths. Lord 8rahmO $ecomes speechless with his four moyths. u:t 77 MrutayaT Mruti%kartOro #O N cet stotum akWamaT ko EhSP #ipraM ca #<dajZaT MiWyaT kiP staumi mOnada MrutayaT%the VedasD Mruti%kartOraT%the authors of the VedasD #OQN%Foddess VOQND cet%ifgD stotum%to praiseD akWamaT%una$leD kaT%who*D aham%ID #ipraT%a $rOhmaQaD ca% andD #edaj].sy .1,^aT%knowing thew VedasD MiWyaT%discipleD kim%how*D staumi%praiseD mOnada%< glorious one.

he Vedas, the authors of the Vedas, and Foddess Saras#atN herself cannot praise =ou with proper words. "ho am I* I am only a $rOhmaQa student of the Vedas. < glorious one, how can I praise =ou with proper words* e:t ,99 manUnOP ca mahendrOQOP aWXa%#iPMatime gate di#O%niMaP yasya #idher aWXottara%MatOyuWaT manUnOm%of the -anusD ca%andD mahendrOQOm%of the great IndrasD aWXa%#iPMatime% .6D gate%goneD di#O%niMam%day and nightD yasya%of whomD #idheT%of 8rahmOD aWXottara% MatOyuWaT%a life of ,96 years. -any -anus are $orn and die in the life of Indra. wenty%four Indras are $orn and die in one day of 8rahmO. 8rahma li#es for ,96 days and nights. e:t ,9, tasya pOto $ha#ed yasya cakWur%unmNlanena ca tam anir#acanNyaP ca kiP staumi pOhi mOP #i$ho tasya%of himD pOtaT%the destructionD $ha#et%isD yasya%of whomD cakWur%unmNlanena% $y the $linking of an eyeD ca%andfD tam%to ;imD anir#acanNyam%indescri$ea$leD ca%andD kim%how*D staumi%I glorifyD pOhi%please rescueD mOm%meD #i$haT%< all%powerful one. Lord 8rahmOEs entire life is en eye$link for =ou. ;ow can I properly glorify =ou, the inconcei#a$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead* < all%powerful Lord, please protect me. e:t ,9. ity e#aP sta#anaP kVt#O papOta caraQOm$uje nayanOm$uja%nNreQa siWeca $haya%#ih#alaT ity e#am%thusD ste#anam%prayerD kVt#O%doingD papOta%fellD caraQOm$ujo%at the lotus

feetD nayanOm$uja%nNreQa%with tears from his eyesD siWeca%sprinkledD $haya%#ih#alaT% frightened. )fter spjaking these prayers, &ur#OsO fell at the LordEs lotus feet. errtfied, he shed tears that fell on the LordEs feet. e:ts ,90 and ,91 dtr#OsasO kVtaP stotraP hareM ca paramOtmanaT puQyadaP sOma%#edoktaP jagan%maYgala%nOmakam yaT paXhet saYkaXa%grasto $hakti%yuktaM ca samyutaT nOrOyaQas taP kVpayO MNghram Ogatya rakWatD dur#OsasO%$y &ur#OsOD kVtam%madeD stotram%prayerD hareM%of Lord /VWQaD ca%a.dD paramOtmanas of the SupersoulD puQyadam%gi#ing pietyD sOma%#edoktam%spoken in the SOma VedaD jagan%maYgala%nOmakam%;is name gi#ing auspiciousness to the worldsD yaT%whoD paXhet%readsD saYkaXa%grastaT%in dangerD $hakti%yuktaM%with de#otionD ca%andD samyutaT%engagedD nOrOyaQaT%Lord NOrOyaQaD tam%to hihD kVpayO with mercyD MNghram%BuicklyD Ogatya%comingD rakWati%protects. S If aLp rson in danwer recites with de#otion this sacred and auhpicious SOma Veda pr ter eur#OsO -uni spoke to the Lord, then Lord NOrOyaQa will mer(ifully come to him and Buickly gi#e him all protection. e:ts ,92 and ,93 rOja%d#Ore MmaMhne ca / kOrOgOre $hhyOkkle Matru%graste dOsyu%$hNte hiPsra%jantu%saman#ite #eWXite rOja%sainyena magnaepote mahOrQa#p stotra%Mra#aQa%mOtreQa

mucyate nOtra saPMayaT rOja%d#Ore%at the kingEs gateD MmaMOne%in the cremain groundsD ca%andD kOrOgOre%in a prison cellD $hayOkule%fearsomeD Matru%graste%in the enemyEs gripD dOsyu%of thie#esD $hNte%frightenedD hiPsra%jantu%saman#ite%with wild animalsD #eWXite%surroundedD rOja% sainyena%$y the kingDs armiesD magna%pote%in a sinking $oatD mahOrQa#e%in a great oceanD stotra%prayerD Mra#aQa%hearingD mOtreQa%simplyD mucyate%is deli#eredD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. <ne who, called $efore a court of law, trapped in a ghostly crematorium ground, in a prison cell, captured $y enemies, afraid of thie#es, attacked $y wild animals, surrounded $y the kingEs army, in a $oat sinking in the great ocean, or in any other fearful situation, simply hears this prayer, he will $e sa#ed from all danger. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t ,94 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Ocas uneM ca sta#anaP Mrut#O $haga#On $hakta%#atsalaT prahasyo#Oca madhuraP pNyUWa%#VWXi#an mudO MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa saidD muneM%of the sageD ca%andD sta#anam%the prayerD Mrut#O%hearingD $haga#On%the LordD $hakta%of the de#oteesD #atsalaT%the lo#erD prahasya%smilingD u#Oca%spokeD madhuram%sweetD pNyUWa%#VWXi#at%like a shower of nectarD mudO%happily. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ ;earing the sageEs words, Lord NOrOyaQa, who dearly lo#es ;is de#otees, happily smiled and spoke words that were like a shower of nectar. e:t ,96 MrN%$aaga#On u#Oca uttiWXhottiWXha $hadraP te $ha#iWyati #areQa me kintu me #acanaP nNtaP MVQu satyaP sukhO#aham MrN% haga#On u#Oca%the Suprem w(ersonality of Fodhead saidD uttiWXha%riseD

uttiWXha%riseD $hadram%auspiciousnessD te%of youD $ha#iWyati%will $eD #areQa%$y the $lessingD me%of -eD kintu%howe#erD me%of -eD #acanam%the wordsD nNtam%$roughtD MVQu%please hearD satyam%truthD sukhO#aham%$ringing happiness. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidJ 5ise. 5ise. -y $lessing will $ring you auspiciousness. ;ear -y pleasinguand truthful words. e:t ,97 anyeWOP ca $ha#ej jZOnaP Mrut#O MOstraP satOP mukhOt s#a%mUrtimanti MOstrOQi $ha#e santaM caranti hi anyeWOm%of othersD ca%andD $ha#et%may $eD j].sy .1,^Onam%knowledgeD Mrut#O% hearingD MOstram%scriptureD satam%of the de#oteesD mukhOt%from the mouthD s#a% mUrtimanti%own formD MOstrOQi%scripturesD $ha#e%in the worldD santaM%de#oteesD caranti%mo#eD hi%indeed. ;earing the scriptures from the mouths of other de#otees, the de#otees in the world $ecome like incarnations of the scriptures themsel#es, the scriptures personified. e:t ,,9 karma #eda%#iruddhaP ca sar#eWOm api garhitam karoti #id#OPM cej jZOt#O sa ca jN#an%mVtOdhikaT karma%actionD #eda%#iruddham%opposed to the VedasD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD api% alsoD garhitam%re$ukedD karoti%doesDt#id#OPM%intelligentD cet%ifD jZOt#O%knowingD sa%heD ca%andD jN#at%li#ingD mVta%deadD adhikaT%worse. )n intelligent man who #iolates the VedasE teaching $ecome worse than a li#ing corpse. e:t ,,, purOQeWu ca #edeWu cetihOseWu wrOhmaQa

#aiWQa#OnOP ca mahima MrutOT sar#aiM ca sar#ataT purOQeWu%in the (uranasD ca%andD #edeWu%VedasD ca%andD itShOseWu%in the ItihasasD $rOhmaQa%< $rOhmaQaD #aiWQa#OnOm%of de#oteesD ca%andD mahima%the gloryD MrutOT% heardD sar#aiM%$y allD ca%andD sar#ataT%in all respects. < $rOhmaQa, the de#otees of Lord /VWQa are glorified in all the Vedas, (urOQas, and ItihOsas. e:t ,,. ahaP prOQO #aiWQa#OnOP mama prOQOM ca #aiWQa#aT tOn e#a d#eWXi yo mURho mamOsUnOP sa hiPsakaT aham%ID prOQO%the life%$reithD #aiWQa#OnOm%of the de#oteesD mama%of -eD prOQOM% the life%$NeathD ca%andD #aiWQa#aT%the me#oteesD tOn%themD e#a%certainlyD d#eWXi%hatesD yaT%whoD mURhaT%a foolD mama%of meD OsUnOm%of the life%$reathD sa%heD hiPsakaT%an atta wer. I am the life $reath of -y de#otees. -y de#otees are the life $reath of -e. ) person who hates -y de#otees is a fool. ;e attacks -y #ery life. e:t ,,0 putrOn pautrOn kalatrOPi ca rOjyaP lakWmNP #ihOya ca dhyOyanti satatay ye mOP yko me te$hy$T paraT priyaT putrOn%childrenD pautrOn%granhchildrenD kalatrOn%wi#esD ca%andD rOjyam%kingdomD lakWmNm%wealthD #ihOya%renouncingD ca%andD dhyOyanti%meditateD satatam%alwaysD ye% whoD mOm%on -eD k mtwho*D me%jh -eD te$hyaT%than themD paraT%moreD priyaT%dear. @ornetting children, grandchildren, wife, kingdom, and wealth, -y de#otees always remem$er -e. "ho is more dear to -e than them* e:ts ,,1 and ,,2

parO $haktOn na me prOQO na ca lakWmNr na MaYkaraT na $hOratN na ca $rahmO na durgO na gaQeM#araT na $rOhmaQO na #edOM ca na #eda%jananN surOT na gopN na ca gopOlO na rOdhO prOQataT priyO parO%moreD $haktOt%than a de#oteeD na%notD me%of -eD prOQO%the lifeD na%notD ca% andD lakWmNT%LakWmND na%notD MaYkaraT%Si#aD na%notD $hOratN%Saras#atND na%notD ca%andD $rahmO%8rahmOD na%notD durgO%&urgOD na%notD gaQeM#araT%FaQeMaD na%notD $rOhmaQO% the $rOhmaQasD na%notD #edOM%the VedasD ca%andD na%notD #eda%jananN%the mother of the VedasD surOT%the demigodsD na%notD gopN%the gopNsD na%notD ca%andD gopOlO%the gopasD na%notD rOdhO%5OdhOD prOQataT%than lifeD priyO%more dear. Neither -y own life $reath, nor LakWmN, nor Si#a, nor Saras#atN, nor 8rahmO, nor &urgO, nor FaQeMa, nor the $rOhmaQas, nor the Vedas, nor SO#itrN, rom tho (emigods, nor the gopNs, nor the gopas, nor e#en 5OdhO, who is more dear to -e than life itself, are more dear to -e than -y de#otees. e:t ,,3 ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP satyaP sOraP ca #Osta#am na praMaPsO%paraP teWOP te ca prOQOdhikaT priyaT ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD satyam%the truthD sOram%the essenceD ca%andD #Osta#am%genuineD na%notD praMaPmO%param%empty flatteryD teWOm%of the D te%teeyD ca%andD prOQOdhikaT%more than life itselfD priyaT%dear. "hat I ha#e spoken is the whole truth. It is not empty flattery. -y de#otees are more dear to -e than life itself. e:t ,,4 mOP d#iWanti ca ye mURhO jZOna%hinaM ca #aZcitaT

s#OtmOnaP ca na jO arti te yOnti nirayaP ciram mOm%-eD d#iWanti%hateD ca%andD ye%whoD mURhO%foolsD j].sy .1,^Ona%hinaT% ignorantD ca%andD #aZcitOT%cheatedD s#OtmOnam%selfD ca%andD na%notD jOnanti%knowD te% theyD yOnti%goD nirayam%to hellD ciram%for a long time. hey who hate -e are ignorant fools. hey ha#e cheated themsel#es. hey do not know their own self interest. hey go to hell. here they stay for a long ttme. e:t ,,6 ye d#iWanti ca mad%shaktOn mama prOQOdhika%priyOn teWOP MaWXO t# ahaP tUrQaP paratra nirayaP ciram ye%they whoD d#iWanti%hateD ca%andD mad%$haktOn%-y de#oteesD mama%of -eD prOQOdhika%prayOn%more dear than lifeD teWOm%of themD MaWXO%the punisherD tu% certainlyD aham%ID tUrQam%at onceD paratra%in the ne:t lifeD nirayam%to hellD ciram%for a long time. hey who hate -y de#otees, who are more dear tw -e than life, I punishm In the ne:t life they spend a long time in hell. e:t ,,7 pra$ha#o EhaP ca sar#eWOP NM#araT paripOlakaT tathOpi na s#atantro EhaP $haktOdhNno di#O%niMam pra$ha#aT%the creatorD aham%ID ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD NM#araT%the controllerD paripOlakaT%the protectorD tathOpi%stillD na%notD s#atantraT%independentD aham%ID $haktOdhNnaT%controlled $y the de#oteesD di#O%niMam%day and night. I am the creator, master, atd protector of ayl. Still, I am not independent. I am controlled $y -y de#otees. e:t ,.9

goloker#Ltha #aikuQXhe d#i%$oujaP ca catur%$hujam rUpa%mOtram idaP MaM#at prOQO me $hakta%sannidhas goloke%in FolokaD #O%orD atha%thenD #aikuQXhe%in VikuQXhaD d#i%$hujam%two armsD ca%andD catur%$hujam%four armsD rUpa%formD mOtram%onlyD idam%thisD MaM#at%alwaysD prOQO%the lufe $reathD me%of -eD $hakta%the de#oteesD sannidhau%near. In Foloka I ha#e two arms, and in VaikuQXha I ha#e four arms. I stay there eternally. Still, -y life $reath stays where#er -y de#otees stay. e:t ,., yad #astu $hakta%dattaP ca $hakWaQNyaP ca tan mama a$hakWyaP dra#yam anyena dattaP ced amVtopamam yat%whatD #astu%thingD $hakta%dattam%gi#en $y a de#oteeD ca%andD $hakWaQNyam%to $e eatenD ca%andD tan%thatD mama%of -eD a$hakWyam%not to $e eatenD dra#yam%thingD anyena%$y anotherD dattam%gi#enD cet%ifD amVtopamam%like nectar. If -y de#otee offers -e food, I happily eat it. If a non%de#otee offers -e food, I will not eat it, e#en if it is like nectar. e:t ,.. am$arNWaP nVpa%MreWXhaP nirNhaP tam ahiPsakam kathaP haPsi dayO%MNlaP sar#a%prOQi%hite ratam am$arNWam%)m$arNWaD nVpa%MreWXham%the $est of kingsD nirNham%who does not act $adlyD tam%himD ahiPsakam%non%#iolentD katham%why*D haPsi%you killD dayO%MNlam% mercifulD sar#a%prOQi%hite%in the welfare of all li#ing entitiesD ratam%engaged. he great king )m$arNWa did not act $adly. ;e did not hurt others. ;e was always kind. ;e was intent on doing good to others. "hy did you try to kill him*

e:t ,.0 dayOP kur#anti ye santaT santataP sar#a%jN#iWu tOn d#iWanti ca ye mURhas teWOP han$Oham e#a ca dayOm%mercyD kur#anti%doD ye%whoD srntaTdde#oteesD santatam%alwaysD sar#a%jN#iWu% to all li#ing $eingsD tOn%themD d#iWanti%hateD ca%andD y, who areD mURhaT%foolsD teWOm% of themD hantO%the killerD aham%I, e#a%indeedD ca%and. -y de#otees are alwars kind to all li#ing $eings. hey who hate -y de#otees are fools. I kill such fools. e:t ,.1 $haktOnOP hiPsakaP MatruP ahaP rakWitum akWamaT am$arNWOlayaP gaccha sa t#OP rakWitum NM#araT $haktOnOm%of -y de#oteesD hiPsakam%one who harmsD Matrum%an enemyD aham%ID rakWitum%to protectD akWamaT%una$leD am$arNWa%of /ing )m$arNWaD alayam%to the a$odeD gaccha%goD sa%heD t#Om%youD rakWitum%to protectD NM#araT%is a$le. I ha#e no power to sa#e the enemy and attacker of -y de#otees. Fo to /ing )m$arNWa. <nly he has the power to sa#e you. e:t ,.2 nOrOyaQa%#acaT Mrut#O $rOhmaQo $haya%#ih#alaT #iWaQQa%mOnasas tasthau smaran kVWQa%padOm$ujam nOrOyaQa%of Lord NOrOyaQaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hyaringD $rOh aQaT%the $rOhmaQaD $haya%#ih#alaT%frightenedD #iWaQQa%dejectedD mOnasaT%at heartD tasthau% stoodD smaran%remem$er)ngD kVWQa%padOl$ujam%Lord /V QaE lotus f#et. ;earing Lord NOrOyaQaEs words, the $rOhmaQa &er#OsO $etume frightened and dejected. ;e remem$ered Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet.

e:t ,.3 etasminn antare $rahmO $ha#anyO saha MaYkaraT dharmaM cendrOdayo de#O Ojagmur muni%puYga#OT etaymin antare%thenD $rahmO%8rahmOD $ha#anyO%SurgOD saha%withD MaYkaraT%Si#aD dharmaM%=amaD ca&andD inrrOdayaT%teaded $y InraD de#O%the demigodsD OjagmuT% cameD muni%puYga#a%the great sages. hen 8rahmO, Si#a, (Or#atN, =amarOja, Indra, the demigods, and the great sages came. e:t ,.4 praQamya tuWXu#uT sar#e paramOtmOnam NM#aram _pulakOZcita%sar#OYgO $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT praQamya%$owingD tuWXu#uT%offered prayersD sar#e%allD paramOtmOnam%to the Supreme SoulD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD pulakOZcita%sar#OYgOT% the hairs of their $odies erectD $hakti%namrOtma%kandharOT%their heads $owed with de#otion. hey $owed down. heir heads hum$ly $owed and the hairs of their $odies erect, they spoke many prayers. e:t ,.6 MrN%$rahmo#Oca Otma%s#arUpa nirlipta $haktOnugraha%#igraha $haktOparOdha%janakaP rakWa $rOhmaQa%puYga#am MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD Otma%s#arUpa%< Lord whose form is transcendentalD nirlipta%< Lord untouched $y matterD $haktOnugraha%#igraha%kind to

the de#oteesD $haktOparOdha%janakam%who has offended a de#oteeD rakWa%please protectD $rOhmaQa%puYga#am%this great $rOhmaQa. SrN 8rahmO saidJ < Lord whose form is transcendental, < Lord not touched $y matter, < Lord kind to =our de#otees, please sa#e this $rOhmaQa who has offended =our de#otee. e:t ,.7 MrN%mah de#a u#Oca dNna%$andho jagan%nOtha nOyaP #ipro jagad%$ahiT kVtOparidhaP dNnaP ca pOhNmaP MaraQOgatam MrNemahOde#a u#Oca%Lord Si#a saidD dNna%$andmaT%< friend of the poorD jagan% nOtha%< matser of the uni#ersuD na%notD ayam%thisD #ipraT%$rOhmaQaD jagad%$ahiT% caste outD kVtOparOdham%offenderD dNnam%poorD ca%ansdD pohi%sa#eD imam%himD MaraQOgatam%taken shelter. Lord Si#a saidJ < friend of the poor, < master of the uni#erses, please do not reject this $rOhmaQa. (lease sa#e this poor offender who has surrendered to =ou and taken shelter of =ou. e:t ,09 MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca $hakta e#Om$arNWas te na d#ijO na surO #ayam sar#eWOm NM#aras t#aP ca rakWa #ipraP kVtOgasam MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca%SrN (Or#atN saidD $hakta%de#oteeD e#a%indeedD am$arNWaT% )m$arNWaD te%of =ouD na%notD d#ijO%$rOhmaQasD na%notD surOT%demigodsD #ayam%weD sar#eWOm%of allD NM#araT%< masterD t#am%=ouD ca%andD rakWa%please protectD #ipram% $eOhmaQaD kVtOgasam%offender. SrN (Or#atN saidJ /ing )m$arNWa is de#oted to ou. )re not we demigods and $rOhmaQas also =our de#otees* =ou are the master if us all. (lease saae th s offender

$rOhmaQa. e:t ,0, MrN%dharma u#Oca sar#eWOP janakas t#aP ca pOtO gaQRa%kVd NM#araT MiMu%hetoT MiMuP hanti pitetyda#aP kutaT pra$ho MrN%dharma u#Oca%SrN yama saidD sar#eWOm%of allD janakaT%the fatherD t#am%=ouD ca% anVD SOtO%the protectorD daQRa%kVi%the punisherD NM#araT%the masterD MiMu%hetoT%f ruthe childD MiMum%the childD hanti%killsD pitO%the fatherD iti%thusD e#am%thusD kutaT%why*D pra$haT%< Lord. mSrN =ama saidJ =ou are the father of all. =ou are e#eryoneEs protector, master, and punisher. < master, will a father kill one son to protect another* e:t ,0. MrNndra u#Oca kVpO te samatO MaM#at sar#eWu jN#iWu pra$ho aparOdha%phalaP $hUtaP adhunO pOtum arhasi MrNndra u#Oca%Indra saidD kVpO%mercyD te%of =ouD samatO%consideredD MaM#at%alwaysD sar#eWu%in allD jN#iWu%li#ing $eingsD pra$haT%< LordD aparOdha%of offenseD phalam%the resultD $hUtam%manifestedD adhunO%nowD pOtum%to proteceD arhasi%are worthy. SrNkIndra saidJ < Lord, =ou are always merciful to all li#ing $eings. Now please sa#e this $rOhmaQa. ;e hau already suffered foruhis offense. e:t ,00 MrN%rudrO UcuT MOntiP kartuP samucitaP utpatha%sthasya sOmpratam kVta%kuQXhasya mURhasya

pOlanaP kartumsarhasi MrN%rudr T UcuT%the 5udras saidD MOntim%pedceD kartum%to doD samucitam%properD utpatha%sthasya%of an offenderD sOmpratam%notD kVta%kuQXhasya%foolishD mURhasya% foolishD pOlanam%protectioeD kartum%to doD arhasi%=ou are worthy. # ne 5udras saidJ It is right for you to punish tsis offender. Still, please sa#e him, for he is #ery foolish and unintelligent. e:t ,01 MrN%dik%pOlO UcuT kVtOparOdhaP #ipraP ca cchetum arhati na Mrutau aparOdha%phalaP kVt#O kuru pOlanam NM#ara MrN%dik%pOlO UcuT%the protectors of the directionsD kVtOparOdham%offenderD #ipram% $rOhmaQaD ca%andD cchetum%to cutD arhati%wgrthyD ni%notD Mrutau%in the VedasD aparOdha%phalam%the result of an offenseD kVt#O%doingD kuru%please doD pOlanam% protectionD NM#ara%< Lord. he protectors of the directions saidJ he Vedas do not say that an offender $rOhmaQa should $e killed. < Lord, =ou ha#e already punished this $rOhmaQa. Now please protect him. e:t ,02 MrN%grahO UcuT yo d#eWXi #aiWQa#aP mURhaT samruWXOT sar#a%de#atOT pNROP kUrmo #ayaP MaM#at paMcOt t#aP pOtum arhasi MrN%grahOT UcuT%the rulers of the planets saidD yaT%one whoD d#eWXi%hatesD #aiWQa#am%the de#oteeD mURhaT%foolD samruWXOT%angryD sar#a%allD de#ataT%demigodsD pNROm%trou$leD kUrmaT%doD #ayam%weD MaM#at%alwaysD paMcOt%thenD t#am%=ouD pOtum% to protectD arhasi%are worthy.

he rulers of the planets saidJ <nly a fool hates the de#otees of Lord ViWQu. "e demigods are always angry with ;im. "e trou$le him again and again. "hen we are finished with ;im, < Lord, it is =our duty to protect him. e:t ,03 MrN%munaya UcuT nOtha #ipre parO$hUte sar#e jN#an%mVtO #ayam daQRaP #idhOtum ekasya $ha#el lajjO s#a%jOtiWu MrN%munaya UcuT%the sages saidD nOtha%< LordD #ipre%to the $rOhmaQaD parO$hUte% defeatedD sar#e%allD jN#at%li#ingD mVtOT%deadD #ayam%weD daQRam%punishmentD #idhOtum%to doD ekasya%of oneD $ha#et%may $eD lajjO%shameD s#a%jOtiWu%in our rnlati#e. he hages saidJ < Lord, when this $rOhmaQa was humiliated, all of us sages $ecame like the li#ing dead. "e were #ery ashamed that one of us was punished. e:t ,04 MrN%atrir u#Oca t#ayai#a dattaT putro me so Epi t#at%se#akaT sadO na kaP $i$heti trailokye tejas#N tejasO ta#a MrN%atrir u#Oca%SrN )tri saidD t#ayO%$y =ouD e#a%indeedD dattaT%offeredD putraT%sonD me%to meD saT%heD api%alsoD t#at%se#akaT%=our ser#antD sadO%alwaysD na%notD kam% whom*D $i$heti%fearsD trailokye%in the three worldsD tejas#N%powerfulD tejasO%with powerD ta#a%of =ou. SrN )tri saidJ =ou ga#e &ur#OsO to me. ;e is my son. ;e is =our ser#ant. "hom need he fear in the three worlds* ;e as strong with power =ou ga#e to him. e:t ,06 MrN%lakWmNr u#Oca

kWamOparOdhaP $haga#an rakWemaP MaraQOgatam stu#anti de#O #iprOM ca na hantuP #ipram arhasi MrN%lakWmNr u#Oca%SrN LakWmN saidD kWama%forgi#eD aparOdham%offenseD $haga#an%< LordD rakWa%sa#eD imam%himD MaraQOgatam%taken shelterD stu#anti%praiseD de#O%the demigodsD #iprOM%the $rOhmaQasD ca%andD na%notD hantum%to killD #ipram%the $rOhmaQaD arhasi%=ou are worthy. SrN LakWmN saidJ < Lord, please forgi#e this $rOhmaQaEs offense. (lease protect him. ;e has surrendered to =ou and taken shelter of =ou. he demigods and $rOhmaQas pray that =ou spare him. (lease do not kill him. e:t ,07 MrN%saras#aty u#Oca $odhayiWyOmi de#OnOP janakaP kim ahaP MruteT sar#eWOP $haga#On s#OmN sar#OPM ca pOtum arhasi MrN%saras#aty u#Oca%SrN Saras#atN saidD $odhayiWyOmi%I will informD de#OnOm%of the demigodsD janakam%the fatherD kim%what*D aham%ID MruteT%of the VedasD sar#eWOm%of allD $haga#On%the LordD s#OmN%the masterD sar#OPM%to allD ca%andD pOtum%to protectD arhasi%is worthy. SrN Saras#atN saidJ ;ow can I presume to teach =ou. =ou are the father of the demigods, the Lord of the Vedas, and the master of all. =ou protect e#eryone. e:t ,19 MrN%pOrWadO UcuT $ha#ataT smVti%mOtreQa sar#eWOP sar#a%maYgalam $ha#et sar#Opado yOnti pOhNmaP MaraQOgatam MrN%pOrWadO UcuT%the LordEs associates saidD $ha#ataT%of =ouD smVti%mOtreQa%simply $y hearingD sar#eWOm%%of allD sar#a%maYgalam%all auspiciousnessD $ha#et%isD

sar#OpmraT%all calamityD yOnti%goesD pOhi%please protectD imam%himD MaraQOgatam% taken shelter. d he LordEs associates saidr aimply $y remem$ering =ou e#eryone attains auspiciousness. )lo their calamities go far away. (lease protect this $rOhmaQa who has surrendered to =ou. e:t ,1, MsN%nartakO UcuT dOridrya%$haZjaka #ayaP $hikWukOs ta#a santatam $hikWOP naT sOmprataP dehi paritrOQaP t#ijasya ca MrN%nartakO UcuT%the dancerh aedD dOridrya%$ha].sy .1,^jaka%m $reaker of po#er yD #ayam%weD $hikWukOT%$eggarsD taya%of =ouD eantatam%alwaysD $hikWOm%charityD naT%to usD sOmpratam%nywD dehi%please gi#eD paritrOQam%protectionD d#ijasya%of the $rOhmaQaD ca%and. he ce estial dancers saidJ < $reaker ofepo#erty, again and again we ha#e $egged charity from =ou. Now pleasehgi#eous the charity of protecting this $rOhmaQa. ye:t ,1. eteWOP sta#anaP Mrut#O pra$huT MaraQa%#atsalaT prahasyo#Oca #acanaP sar#a%santoWa%kOraQam eteWOm%of thedD sta#anam%the prayerD MrutwO%hearingD pra$huT%the LokidiMaraQa% #atsalaT%the lo#er of the surrendered soulsD prahasya%smilingD u#Oca%spokeD #acanam% wordsD sar#a%santoWa%kOraQam%pleasing to all. ;earing these prayers, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who lo#es the surrendered de#otees, smiled and spoke words that pleased e#eryone. e:t ,10 MrN%$haga#On u#Oca

sar#e MVQuta mad%#OkyaP nNti%yuktaP sukhO#aham #ipra%rakWOP kariWyOmi fyuWmOkam OjZayO ohru#am MrN%$haga#On u#Oca%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidD sar#e%allD MVQuta% please hearD mad%#Okyam%-y wordsD nNti%yuktam%properD sukhO#aham%pleasingD #ipra% rakWOm%protection of the sageD kariWyOmi%I will doD yuWmOkam%of you allD OjZayO%$y the commandD dhru#am%certainly. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidJ >#eryone hear -y words, which are pleasing and right. 8y =our order I will protect this $rOhmaQa. e:t ,11 kint# ayaP yOtu #aikuQXhOd am$arNWOlayaP punaT karotu pOraQaP tatra rOjZaT su%prNtaye muniT kint#%howe#erD ayam%heD yOtu%must goD #aikuQXhOt%from Vaiku.n.thaD am$arNWOlayam%to /ign )m$arNWaD punaT%againD karotu%must doD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD tatra%thereD rOj].sy .1,^aT%of the kingD su%prNtaye%for the pleasureD muniT%the sage. ;owe#er, &ur#OsO -uni must lea#e VaikuQXha, return to /ing )m$arNWaEs home, and please him $y taking his meal there. e:t ,12 #ipras tasyOtithir $hUt#O nirdoWaP Maptum udyataT sudarManaP taP samrakWya $rOhmaQaP hantum udyatam #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD tasya%hisD atithiT%guestD $hUt#O%$ecomingD nirdoWam% faultlessD Maptum%to curseD udyataT%eagerD sudarManam%SudarMana%cakraD tam%hifD aamrakWya%prrtectingD $rOhmaQam%the $rOhmaQaD hantum%to killD udyatam%eager. he $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO was a guest of /ing )m$arNWa. >#en though the king had done no wrong, the $rOhmaQa wanted to curse him. -y SudarMana%cakra protected the

king and wanted to kill the $rOhmaQa. e:t ,S3 pUrQaP #arWam ayaP $hNto $hramaty e#a $ha#aP sadO upa#OsN sa rOjendraT sa%strNkaM ca MucOn#itaT pUrQam%entireD #arWam%yearD ayam%heD $hNtaT%frightenedD $hramaty%wandersD e#a% indeedD $ha#am%the material werldD sadO%alwaysD upa#OsN%fastingD sa%heD rOjendraT%the great kingD sa%strNkaM%with wifeD ca%andD MucOn#itaT%unhappy. @or one year frightened &ur#OsO ran here and there in the uni#erse. @or this one year /ing )m$arNWa and his wife kept a fast. e:t ,14 tato Eham upa#OsN ca $huktopa#Osa%kOraQOt stanandhaP $OlakaP dVWX#O na $huYkte jananN yathO tataT%since thenD aham%ID upa#OsN%fastingD ca%andD $haki#%d #oteeD upa#Osa%fastingD kOraQOt%for the reasonD stanandham%an infantD $Olakam%childD dVWX#O%seeingD na%notD $huYkte%eatsD jananN%the motherD yathO%as. )s a mother cannot eat if her infant child does not eat, so for this year I ha#e also fasted $ecause of -y de#oteeEs fast. e:t ,16 mamOMiWo muni%MreWXhaT sadyo hha#atu #ij#araT pathi tatrOsya hiPsOP ca mac%cakraP na kariWyati mama%of -eD asMiWaT%the $lessingD muni%MreWXhaT%the gerat sageD sadyaT%at onceD hha#atu%may $ecomeD #ij#araT%free of dangerD pathi%on the pathD tatra%thereD asya%of himD hiPsOm%killingD ca%andD mac%cakram%-y cakraD na%notD kariWyati%will do.

;ere is -y $lessingJ he sage is now free of all danger. -y SudarMana%cakra will nrt harm him. e:t ,17 aham e#OdyM nmMcintaT sukhaP $hokWyOmi niMcitam $hakta%dattaP ca yad #astu pwNtyO kVt#OmVtopamam aham%ID e#a%indeedD adya%nowD niMcintaT%free from an:ietyD sukham%happinessD $hokVyOmi%I will eatD niMcitam%indeedD $hakta%$y -y de#oteeD dattam%offeredD ca%andD yat%whatD #astu%thingD prNtyO%with pleasureD kVt#O%makingD amVta%nectarD upamam% like. Now I will again happily eat the nectar foods -y de#otees offer to -e. e:t ,29 lakWmN%dattaP c yad%dra#yaP na cOhaP $hoktum N(#araT #inO $hakta%pradOnena na ca mOP dOtum NM#arN lakWmN%dattam%gi#en $y LakWmND ca%andD yad%dra#yam%tme thingsD na%notD ca%andD aham%ID $hoktum%to eatD NM#araT%a$leD #inO%withoutD $hakta%pradOnena%the offering to the de#oteesD na%notD ca%andD mOm%-eD dOtum%to gi#eD NM#arN%is a$le. I will not eat anything, e#en if Foddess LakWmN offers it to -e, unless it is also offered to -y de#otees. Foddess LakWmN will not offer -e anything without also offering it to -y de#otees. e:t ,2, he munNndra mahO%prOjZa gaccha #atsa nVpOlayam sar#e de#OM ca de#yaM ca gacchantu munayo gVham he%<D munNndra%king of sagesD mahO%prOjZa%< great philosopherD gaccha%goD #atsa% < childD nVpOlayam%to the kingEs homeD sar#e%allD de#OT%the demigodsD ca%andD de#yaT%

goddessesD ca%andD gacchantu%should goD munayaT%the sagesD gVham%to the home. < child, < king of sages, < great philosopher, go to the kingEs home. )ll the demigods, demigoddesses, and sages should now return to their own homes. e:t ,2. ity ukt#O MrN%haris tUrQaP yayau s#OntaT%puraP mudO yayuT sar#e mudO yuktaT praQamya jagad%NM#aram iti%thusD ukt#O%speakingD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD tUrQam%at onceD yayau%wentD s#OntaT%puram%to ;is palaceD mudO%happilyD yayuT%wentD sar#e%allD mudO%happilyD yuktaT%engagedD praQamya%$owingD jagad%NM#aram%to the master of the uni#erses. )fter speaking these words, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead entered ;is palace. 8owing down $efore the master of the uni#erses, e#eryone happily left. e:t ,20 $rOhmaQaM ca mano%yOyN jagOma hari%mandirOt sudarManaP ca tac%cakraP sUrya%krXi%sama%pra$ham $rOhmaQaT%the $rOhmaQaD ca%andD mano%yOyN%going fast like the mindD jagOma% wentD hari%mandirOt%from Lord /VWQaEs palaceD sudarManam%the SudarMdana%cakraD ca% andD tac%cakram%the cakraD sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$ham%splendid like ten million suns. ra#eling at the speed of mind, the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO flew from Lord ;ariEs palace. he SudarMano%cakra, effulgent lire millions of ouns, followed close $ehind. e:t ,21 upoWya # tsaraP rOjO MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukaT siPhOsana%stho dadarMa purato muni%puYga#am

upoWya%fastingD #atsaram%for a yearD rOjO%the kingD MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%tOlukaT%his throat, palate, and lips dry an wirheredD siPhOsana%sthaT%sitting on a throneD dadarMa%sawD purat)T%$efore himD muni%puYga#am%the great sage. /ing )m$arNWa, sitting on his throne, his throat, palate,eand lips dry and withered from his year%long fast, suddenly saw &ur#OsO -uni come $efore him. e:t ,22 utthOya sam$hramOt sadyaT praQamya sOdaraP mudO $hojayit#O tu miWXOnnaP $rOhmaQaP $u$huje s#ayam utthOya%risingD sam$hramOt%with respectD sadyaT%at onceD praQamya%$owingD sOdaram%with respectD mudO%happilyD $hojayit#O%feedingD tu%indeedD miWXOnnam% delicious foodsD $rOhmaQam%to the $rOhmaQaD $u$huje%ateD s#ayam%personally. 5espectfully and happily the king rose and $owed down. ;e fed the $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO delicious foods, and then he also ate. e:t ,23 $hukt#O tuWXo d#ija%MreWXho yuyuje nVpam OMiWam _jagOma s#OlayaP tUrQaP praMaMaPsa punaT punaT $hukt#O%eatingD tuWXaT%happyD d#ija%MreWXhaT%the great $rOhmaQaD yuyuje%engagedD nVpam%the kingD OMiWam%$lessingD jagOma%wentD s#Olayam%homeD tUrQam%at onceD praMaMaPsa%praisedD punaT%againD punaT%and again. Satisfied $y eating, the great $rOhmaQa &ur#OsO $lessed the king. hen &ur#OsO returned to his own home. &ur#OsO praised the king again and again. e:t ,24 u#Oca pathi #iprendro manasO #ismayOkulaT mOhOtmyaP durla$ham aho #aiWQa#OnOm iti d#ija

u#Oca%spokeD pathi%on the pathD #iprendraT%the great $rOhmaQaD manasO%with his mindD #ismayOkulaT%filled with wonderD mOhOtmyam%the gloryD durla$ham%rareD ahaT% indeedD #aiWQa#OnOm%of the de#otees of Lord ViWQuD iti%thusD d#ija%< $rOhmaQa.

< $rOhmaQa, his heart filled with wonder, &ur#OsO -uni said to himself, L)h\ Lord ViWQuEs de#otees are #ery glorious\L

%ha*ter Twenty!si79#0da5,!vrata!nir<*a/a2es3ri*tion o( the 9#0da5, Vow

e:t , MrN%nOrada u#Oca d#OdaMN%laYghane doWaT Mrutas t#an%mukhato mune parO$ha#o muneM cai#a paritrOQaP harer aho MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD d#OdaMN%laYghane%in not o$ser#iYg &#OdaMND doWaT%the faultD MrutaT%heardD t#an%mukhataT%froP your mouthD mune%< sageD parO$ha#aT%defeatD muneT%of the sageD ca%andD e#a%indeedD paritrOQam%the protectionD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD ahaT%<.. SrN NOrada saidJ < sage, now I ha#e heard froP your moutT the fault of not properly o$ser#ing d#OdaMN and I ha#e also heard how a great sage was defeated and then protected $y Lord /VWQa. e:t . adhunO Mrotum icchOmi sar#eWOm NpsitaP ca me ekOdaMN%#ratasyOsya #idhOnaP #ada niMcitam adhunO%nowD Mrotum%to hearD icchOmi%I wishD sar#eWOm%of allD Npsitam%desiredD ca% andD me%of meD ekOdaMN%of ekOdaMND #ratasya%of the #owD asya%of itD #idhOnam%the

methodD #ado%please tellD niMcitam%indeed.. Now I wish to hear the proper method of o$ser#ing the #ow of ekOdaMN, a #ow e#eryone wishes to follow. (lease tell this to me. e:t 0 aho Mrutau MrutaP kiZcin mata%$hedOn na niMcitam MrutNnOP kOraQa%mukhOc chrotuP kautUhalaP manaT ahaT%<hD Mrutau%in the SrutiD Mrutam%heardD ki].sy .1,^cit%somethingD mata% $hedOn%different ideasD na%notD niMcitam%concludedD MrutNnOm%of the VedasD kOraQa% mukhOt%from the mouth of the sourceD Mrotum%to hearD kautUhalam%eagerD manaT% mind. I ha#e heard something of the message of the Vedas, $ut $ecause of the many theories descri$ed there I could not come to a conclusion. Now my heart yearns to hear the truth fyom the mouth of = u, the author of the Vedas. e:t 1 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca ekOdaMN%#ratam idaP #ratOnOP durla$haP #aram MrN%kVWQa%prNti%janakaP tapaT%MreWXhaP tapas#inOm MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wd saidD ekOdaMN%#ratam%the #ow of ekOdaMND idam% thisD #ratOnOm%if #owsD durla$ham%rareD #aram%$estD MrN%kVWQa%prNti%janakam%pleasing to Lord /VWQaD tapaT%MreWXham%the $est of austeritesD tapas#inOm%of the austere. h SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ >kOdaMN is the $est of #ows and the $est of austerkties. It is #ery pleasing to Lord /VWQa. e:t 2 de#OnOP ca yathO kVWQo

de#NnO prakVtir yathO OMramOnOP yathO #ipro #aiWQa#OnOP yathO Mi#aT de#OnOm%of deitiesD ca%andD yathO%asD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD de#NnOm%of goddessesD prakVtiT%lakWmND yathO%asD OMramOnOm%of OMramasD yathO%asD #ipraT%the $rOhmaQaD #aiWQa#OnOm%of de#oteesD yathO%asD Mi#aT%Lord Si#a. )s /VWQa is the $est of deities, as LakWmN is the $est of goddesses, as the $rOhmaQas are the $est of OMramas, as Si#a is the $est of VaiWQa#as, . . . e:t 3 yathO gaQeMaT pUjyOnOP yathO #OQN #ipaMcitOm MOstrOQOP ca yathO #edOs tNrthOnOP jOhna#N yathO yathO%asD gaQeMaT%gaQeMaD pUjyOnOm%of o$jects pf worshipD yathO%asD #OQN%Saras#atND #ipaMcitOm%of eloBuent philosophersD MOstrOQOm%of scripturesD ca%andD yathO%asD #edOT% the VedasD tNrthOnOm%of holy placesD jOhna#N%the gaYgOD yathO%as. . . . as FaQeMa is the $est of worshipa$le demigods, as Saras#atN is phe $est of philosophers, as the Vedas are the $est of scriptures, as the FaYgO is the $est of holy ri#ers, . . . e:t 4 taijasOnOP yathO s#arQaT prOQinOP #aiWQa#o yathO dhanOnOP ca yathO #idyO saYginOP ca yathO priyO i taijasOnOm%od splendid metalsD eathO%asD s#arQaT%goldD prOQinOm%of li#ing $eingsD #aiWQa#aT%ehe de#otee of Lord ViWQuD yathO%asD dhanOnOm%of treasuresD ca%andD yathO% asD #idya%knowledgeD saYginOm%of associatesD ca%andD yathO%asD priyO%the wife. . . . as gold is the $est of glittering metals, as a VaiWQa#a is the $est of li#ing $eings, as knowledge is the $est of #alua$le things, as a wife is the $est of friends, . . . e:t 6l

preyOsOP ca yathO prOQOT preyasNnOP yathO matiT eptOnOm indriyOQOP ca caZcalOnOP yathO manaT preyOsOm%of the dearD ca%andD yathO%asD prOQOT%lifeD preyasNnOm%of the $elo#edD yathO%asD matiT%intelligenceD OptOnOm%attainedD indriyOQOm%of the sensesD ca%andD ca].sy .1,^SalOnOm%fickleD yathO%andD manaT%t'e mind. . . . as life is the $est of what is dear, as intelligence is the $est of what is lo#ed, as the mind is the uest of the fickle sensetu . . . e:t 7 guru%strNQOP yathO mOtO #adhUnOP ca yathO patiT $aliWXhOnOP yathO dai#aP kOlaT kalayatOP yathO guru%strS Om%of e:alted ladiesD yathO%asD mOtO%the motherD #adhUnOS%of girlsD ca% andD yathO%asD patiT%the hus$andD $aliWXhOnOm%of the strongD yathO%asD dai#ah%destinyD kOlaT%timeD kalayatOm%of su$duersD yathO%as. . . . as the mother is the $est of honored ladies, as the hus$and is the $est for his young wife, as destiny is the $est of the strong, as time us the $est of su$duers, . . . e:t ,9 yathO su%MNlo mitrOQOP MatrUQOP rug yathO mune yathO kNrtiT kNrtimatOP gVhiQOm ca yathO gVham yathO%asD su%MNlaT%a person of good characterD mitrOQOm%of friendsD MatrUQOm%of enemiesD ruk%diseaseD yathO%asD mune%< sageD yathO%asD kNrtiT%fameD kNrtimatOm%of the famousD gVhiSOm%of persopnas attached to their homeD ca%andD yathO%asD gVha%the home. . . . as a person of righteous character is the $est of friends, as disease is the $est of enemies, as fame is the $est thing for the famous, as home is the $est thing to one

attached to hearth and home, . . . e:t ,, yathO sarpo hiPsakOnOP duWXOnOP puPMcalf yathO tejas#inOP yatheMam ca sahiWQUnOP yathO kWitiT yathO%asD sarpaT%a snakeD hiPsakOnOm%of the harmfulD duWXOnOm%of the wickedD puPMcalN%an unchase womanD yathO%asD tejas#inOm%of the powerfulD yathO%asD NMaT% Si#aD ca%andD sahiWQUnOm%of the patientD yathO%asD kWitiT%the earth. . . . as a snake is the $est of dangerous creatures, as an unchaste woman is the $est of sinners, as Si#a is the $est of the powerful, as the earth is the $est of the patient and tolerant, . . . e:t ,. yathOmVtaP ca $hakWOQOP dOhakOnOP yathOnalaT yathO MrNr dhana%dOtVQOP satNnOP ca yathO satN yathO%asD amVtam%nectarD ca%andD $hakWOQOm%of foodsD dOhakOnOm%of $urning thingsD yathO%asD analaT%fireD yathO%asD MrNT%wealthD dhana%dOtVQOm%of gi#ers of charityD satNnOm%of saintyly womenD ca%andD yathO%asD satN%&urgO. . . . as nectar is the $est of foods, as fire is the $est of things that $urn, as wealth is the $est thing to philanthropists, as uurgO is the $est of saintly women, . . . e:t ,0 prajeMOnOP yathO $rahmO saritOP sOgaro yathO yathO sOma MrutNnOP ca gOyatrN nchandasOP yathO prajeMOnOm%of graNdfathersD yathO%asD $rahmO%8rahmOD saritOm%of $odies of waterD sOgaraT%the oceonD yathO%asD yathOeasD sOma%the SOma VedaD MrutNnOm%of the VedasD ca% andDugOyatrN%FOyatrND cchandasOp%of Vedic hymnsD yathO%as.

. . . as 8rahmO is the $est of grandfathers, as the ocean is the $est of $odies of tater, as the SOma Veda isnthe $est of the Vedas, as FOyatrN is the $est of Vedic hrmns, . . . e:t ,1 #VkWOQOP ca yathOM#atthaT puWpOnOP tulasN yathO yathO mOrgo hi mOsOnOP VtUnOP ca yathO madhuT #VkWOQOm%of treesD ca%andD yathO%asD aM#atuhaT%the aM#attha treeD puWpOnOm%of flowersD tulasN%tulasND yathO%asD yathO%asD mOrgaT%mOrgaD hi%indeedD mOsOnOm%of monthsD VtUnOm%of seasonsD ca%andD yathO%asD madhuT%spring. . . . as aM#attha is the $est of trees, as tulasN is the $est of flowers, as -OrgaMNrWa (No#em$er%&ecem$er) is the $est of months, as springtime is the $est of seasons, . . . e:t ,2 OdityOnOP yathO sUryo rudrOQOy MaYkaro yathO yathO $hNWmo #asUnOP ca #arWOnOP $hOrataP yathO OdityOnOm%of )ditiEs sonsD yathO%asD sUryaT%SUryaD rudrOQOm%of the 5udrasD MaYkaraT%Si#aD yathO%asD yathO%asD $hNWmaT%8hNWmaD #asUnOm%of uhe VasusD ca%andD #arWOnOm%wf #arWasD $hOratam%8hOrataD yathO%as. . . . as SUrya is the $est of the )dityas, as Si#a is the $ st of the 5udras, as 8hNWma is the $est of the Vasus, as 8hOrata%#arWa is the $est of the #arWas, . . . e:t ,3 de#arWNnOP yathO t#aP ca $rahmarWNnOP $hVgur yathO nVpOnOP ca yathO rOmaT siddhOnOP kapilo yathO de#arWNnOm%of the di#ine sagesD yathO%asD t#am%youD ca%andD $rahmarWNnOm%of $rOhmaQa sagesD $hVguT%8hVguD yathO%asD nVpOnOm%of kingsD ca%asD yathO%asD rOmaT%

rOmaD siddhOnOm%of siddhasD kapilaT%kapilaD yathO%as. u. . . auwyou are the $est of the de#arWis, as 8hVgu is the $est of the $rahmrrWis, as 5Oma is the $est of kings, as /apila is the $est of the siddhas, n . . e:t ,4 uathOusanat%kumOraM co yoginOP jZOninOP #araT airO#ato gajendrOQOS paMUnOP Mara$ho yathO ya hO%asD sanat%kumOraT%sanat%kumOraD ca%andD yoginOm%of yogNsD jZOninOm%of the wiseD #araT%the $estD airO#ataT%)irO#ataD gajendrOQOm%of regal elephantsD paMUnOm%of $eastsD Mara$haT%th' Mara$haD yathO%as. . . . as Sanat%kumOra is the $est of the yogNs and j].sy .1,^enNs, as )irO#ata is the $est of regal plephants, as the Mara$ha is the $est of wild $easts, . . . e:t ,6 yathO himOdriT MailOnOP maQNnOP kaustu$ho yat#e soras#atN nadNnOP ca yathO puQya%s#arUpiQN yathO%asD himOdriT%the ;imalayasD MailOnOm%of mountainsD maQNnOm%of jewelsD kaustu$haT%/austu$haD yathO%asD saras#atN%the Saras#atND nadNnOm%of ri#ersD ca%andD yathO%asD puQya%s#arUpiQN%the form of piety. i. . . as the ;imalayas are the $est of mountains, as the /hustu$ha is the $est of jewels, as the holy Saras#atN is the $est of ri#ers, . . . e:t ,7 gandhar#OnOP citraratho yathOftreWXhaM ca nOradaT yathO ku#ero yakWaQaP sumOlN rakWasOP yathO

gandhar#OnOm%of the gandhar#asD citrarathaT%CitrarathaD yathO%asD MreWXhaT%the $estD ca%andD nOradaT%NOradaD yathO%asD ku#SiaT%/u#eraD yakWaQam%of the yakWasD sumOlN%SumOlND rakWasOm%of the rakWasasD yathO%as. . . . as NOrada and Citraratha are the $est of the Fandhar#as, as /u#era is the $est of the =akWas, as SumOlN is the $est of the 5akWasas, . . . e:t .9 yathO MreWXhO ca nOrNQOP MatarUpO #arO parO manUnOP ca yathO MreWXhaT s#ayaP s#Oyam$hu#o manuT yathO%asD MreWXhO%the $estD ca%andD nOrNQOm%of womenD MatarUpO%MatarUpOD #arO%the #estD parO%$estD manUnOm%of manusD ca%andD yathO%asD MreWXhaT%the $estD s#ayam% personallyD s#Oyam$hu#aT%S#Oyam$hu#aD manuT%-anu. . . . as SatarUpO is the $est of women, as S#Oyam$hu#a is the $est of -anus, . . . e:t ., sundarNQOP yathO ram$hO yathO mOyO ca mOyinOm ekOdaMN%#ratam idaP #ratOnOP ca #araP tathO sundarNQOm%of $eautiful girlsD yathO%asD ram$hO%5am$hOD yathO%asD mOyO%-OyOD ca% andD mOyinOm%of magiciansD ekOdaMN%ekOdaMND #ratam%the #owD idam%thisD #ratOnOm%of #owsD ca%andD #aram%the $estD tathO%so. . . . as 5am$hO is the $est of $eautiful girls, and as -OyO is the $est of magicians, so ekOdaMN is the $est of holy #ows. e:t .. karta#yaP ca caturQOP ca #arQanaP nityam e#a ca yatNnOP #aiWQa#OnOP ca $rOhmaQOnOP #iMeWataT

karta#yam%should $e doneD ca%(ndD caturQOm%of fourD ca%andD #arQOnOm%#arQasD nityam%alwaysD e#a%indeedD ca%andD yatNnOm%of sannyOsNsD #aeWQa#OnOm%of VaiWQa#tsD ca%andD $rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD #iMeWrtaT%specifically. >kOdaMN should always $e o$ser#ed $y all four #arQas. VaiWQa#as, sannyOsNs, and $rOhmaQas especially should o$ser#e the #ow of ekOdaMN. e:t .0 satyaP sar#OQi pOpOni $rahma%hatyOdikOni ca sat e#audanam OMritya MrN%kVWQa%#rata%#Osare satyam%truthD sar#OQi%allD pOpOni%sinsD $rahma%hatyOdikOni%$eginning with killing a $rOhmaQaD ca%andD saty% e#e%indeedD odanam%in grainsD OMritya%taking shelterD MrN% kVWQa%#rata%#Osare%on ekOdaMN. )ll sins, $eginninh with the sin of killing a $rOhmaQa, take shelter of grains during ekOdaMN day. e:t .1 $huYkte tOni ca sar#OQi yo $huYkte tatra manda%dhNT ihOti%yOtakN so Ep yOty ante narakaP dhru#am $huYkte%eatsD tOni%themD ca%andD sar#OQi%alth yaT%one whoh $huYkte%eatsD tatra% thereD manda%dhNT%slow intelligenceD iha%hereD ati%#eryD pOtakN%sinfulD saT%heD api%alsoD yOty%goesD ante%at the endD narakam%to hellD dhru#am%indeed. <nly a fool eats grains on ekOdaMN. ;e eats all sins. )t the end he goes to hell. e:t .2 ekOdaMN%pramOQOni yuga%saYkhyOkVtOni ca kum$hNpOke mahO%ghore sthit#O cOQROlatO#a#aadet

ekOdaMN%pramOQOni%ele#enD yuga%saYkhyOkVtOni%yugasD ca%andD kum$hNpOke%in hellD mahO%ghore%#ery teri$leD sehit#O%stayingD cOQROlatOm%the state of $eing a candalaD #rajet%attains. )fter ele#en yugas in a terri$le hell, he $ecomes an outcaste. e:t .3 galita%#yOdhi%yuktaM ca tataT saptasu janmasu paMcOn mukto $ha#et pOpOd ity Oha kamalod$ha#aT galita%#yOdhi%yuktaT%diseasedD ca%andD tataT%from thatD saptasu%in se#enD janmasu% $irthsD paMcOn%thenD muktaT%freedD $ha#et%$ecomesD pOpOt%from the sinD ity%thusD Oha% saydD kamalod$ha#aV%8rahmOw @or se#en $irths he suffers from terri$le diseases. )fter that he is freed from the sinful reaction. Lord 8rahmO gi#es this description. e:t .4 ity e#aP kathito $rahman yo doWas tatra $hojane d#OdaMN%laYghane doWo mayoktaM ca MrutaT paraT ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitaT%spokenD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD yaT%one whichD doWaT%faultD tatra%thereD $hojane%in eatingD d#OdaMN%on tyhe d#OdaMND laYghane%in not o$ser#ingD doWaT%the faultD mayO%$y meD uktaT%toldD ca%andD MrutaT%heardD paraT%more. < $rOhmaQa, I ha#e thus descri$ed to you the sin of eating on ekOdaMN and the sin of not properly o$ser#ing d#OdaMN. e:t .6 daMamN%laYghane doWaP ni$odha kathayOmi te purO Mruto dharma%#aktrOd #eda%sOroddhVto Epi ca

daMamN%laYghane%in not o$sewr#ing daMamND doWam%th sinD ni$odha%please knowD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%to youD purO%$eforeD MrutaT%heardD dharma%#aktrOt%from ther mouth of &harmaD #edatsOroddhVtaT%the essence of the VedasD api%andD ca%also. Now please hear a$out the sin of not properly o$ser#ing the daMamN. Now I will descri$e it to you. his description is the essence of the Vedas. I heard it from the mouth of &harma -uni. e:t .7 daMamNP cet kalO%mOtrOP mURho jZOnena laYghayet yOti MrNs tad%gVhOt tUrQaP MOpaP datt#O su%dOruQam daMamNm%the daMamND cet%ifD kalO%mOtrOm%e#en one partD mURhaT%a foolD jZOnena% with knowledgeD laYghayet%trangressesD yOti%goesD MrNT%Foddess LakWmND tad%gVhOt% from his homeD tUrQam%wt onceD MOpam%curseD datt#O%gi#ingD su%dOruQam%#ery terri$le. If a f ol knowingly transgresses e#en a si:teenth part of the #ow of daMamN, Foddess LakWmN pronounces a terri$le hurse on him and Buickly lea#es his home. e6t 09 iha tad%#aPMa%hOniM ca yaMo%hOnir $ha#ed dhru#am ante man#antara%MataP andha%kUpe #ased d#ija iha%hereD tad%#aPMa%hOniT%the destSuction of his familyD ca%andD yaMo%hOniT%the destruction of his fameD $ha#et%isD dhru#am%indeedD antewat the endD man#antara% Matam%for a hundred man#antarasD andha%kUpe%in hellD #aset%residesD d#ija%< $rOhmaQa. ;is family is ruined. ;is good reputation is ruined. < $rOhmaQa, for a hundred man#antaras he li#es in hell. e:t 0,

daMamy ekOdaMN cOpi d#OdaMN yatra #Osare tatra $hukt#O para%dina upoWya #ratam Ocaret daMamN%daMamNy ekOdaMN%ekOdaMND ca%andD api%alsoD d#OdaMN%d#OdaMND yatra%whereD #Osare%on the dayD tatra%thereD $hukt#O%eatingD para%dine%in the following dayD upoWya% fastingD #ratam%#owD Ocaret%oNser#es. If the daMamN, ekOdaMN, and d#OdaMN orcur in the $oundaries of a single lunar day, then one should eat on that day and fast on the ne:+. e:t 0. _d#OdaMyOP ca #rataP kVt#O trayodaMyOP tu pOraQam d#OdaMN%laYghane doWo #ratinOP nOtra #idyate d#OdaMykS%on d#OdaMND ca%andD #ratam%the #owD kVt#O%doingD trayodaMyOm%on trayodaMND tu%indeedD pOraQam%$reaking the fastt d#OdaMN%of d#OdaMND laYghane%in not o$ser#ingD doWaT%the faultD #ratinOm%of they who follow the #owD na%notD at a%her D #idyate%is. If one thus fasts on d#OdaMN and $reaus his fast on trayodaMN, he dees no wrong $y not properly o$ser#ing d#OdaMN. e:t 00 sampUrQaikOdaMN yatra pra$hOte kiZcid e#a sa tatropoWyO d#itNyO ca pUr#O tu yadi #ardhate sampUrQa%fullD ekOdaMN%ekOdaMND yatra%whereD pra$hOte%at sunriseD kiZcit%somethingD e#a%indeedD sa%andD tatra%thereD upoWya%fastingD d#itNyO%the secondD ca%andD pUr#O%the firstD tu%indeedD yadi%ifD #ardhate%increases. If ekOdaMN is fully manifested on one day and only a slight portion of it remains on the sunrise of the ne:t day, one should fast on $oth days, for in this circumstance ekOdaMN has grown into two days.

e:t 01 WaWXhN%daQROtmikO yatra pra$hOte ca tithi%trayam kur#anti kVtinaT pUr#aP iai#a yaty%Odayas rathO WaWXhN%daQROtmikO%consisting of the si:th daQRaD yatra%whereD pra$hOte%a sunriseD ca%andD tithi%trayam%three tithisD kur#anti%doD kVtinaT%the piousD pUr#am%firstD na%notD e#a%indeedD yaty%OdayaT%thI sannyOsNs and otrersD tathO%so. If ekOdaMN is manifested during the last si: daQRas of the first day, and on the sunrise of the ne:t day there is a conjunction of three tithisk the pious should Sast on the first day. SannyOsNs and those like them, howe#er, should not. n NoteJ <ne daQRa eBuals .1 minutes. Some te:ts su$stitute the words Lcai#aL in place of Lnai#aL. In that case the last sentence Sould $e LSannyOsNs and those like them should also fast.L eot 02 paratrOnaManaP kVt#O nitya%kVtyaP samOpayet #rate jOgaraQaP sar#aP paratrai#Ocared $udhaT paratra%on the seconL dayD anaManam%fastingD kVt#O%doingD nitya%kVtyam%regular dutiesD samOpayet%should attainD #rate%in the #owD jOgaraQom%keeyirg an allmnight #igilD sar#am%allD paratra%on the decondD e#a%indeedD Ocaret%should o$ser#eD $udhaT% wise. In this way one should fast on the second day, and then after that resume his regular duties. <n the second day a wise man will o$ser#e the all%night #igil and all the other parts of the ekOdaMN #ow. e:t 03 gVhN tat%pUr#a%di#ase #rataP kVt#O pare Ehani ekOdaMyOP #yatNtOyOP

pOraQaP tu samOcaret gVhN%a householderD tat%pUr#a%di#ase%on the day $efore thatD #ratam%the #owD kVt#O% doingD pare%on thje ne:tD ahani%dayD ekOdaMyOm%on ekOdaMND #yaoNtOyOm%passedD pOraQam%$reaking the fastD tu%indeedD samOcaret%should do. <n the first day a householder should fast and then, when the eLOdaMN iseo#er he should $reak his fast. e:t 04 #aiWQa#OnOP yatNnOP ca #idha#OnOP ttthai#a ca sar#OT samO upoWyOs tO $hikWUQOP $rahmacOriQOm #aiWQa#OnOm%of VaiWQa#asD yatNnOm%of sannyOsNsD ca%andD #idha#OnOm%of widowsD tathO%soD e#a%certainlyD ca%andD sar#OT%allD samO%the sameD upoWyOT%fastingD tO%theyD $hikWUQOm%of $eggarsD $rahmacOriQOm%of $rahmacOrNs. VaiWQa#as, sannyOsNs, $rahmacOrNs, widows, and $eggars should all fast on ekOdaMN. e:t 06 MuklOm e#a tu kur#anti gVhino #aiWQa# tarOT na kVWQa%laYghane doWas teWOP #edeWu nOrada MuklOm%the $rigth fortnightD e#a%indeedD tu%indeedD kur#anti%doD gVhinaT% householdersD #aiWQa#etarOT%other than VaiWQa#asD na%notD kVWQa%laYghane%failing to o$ser#e the dark fortnightD doWaT%faultD teWOm%of themD #edeWu%in the VedasD nOrada%< NOrada. Non%#aiWQa#a householders may fast on only the Mukla%ekOdaMNs. @or them there is no fault in failing to o$ser#e the kVWQa%ekOdaMNs. < NOrada, this is the #erdict of the Vedas. e:t 07

MayanN $odhanN madhye yO kVWQaikOdaMN $ha#et sai#opoWya gVhasthena nOnynO kVWQO kadOcana MayanN%Sayana ekOdaMND $odhonN%?tthOna ekOd MND madhye%in the midstD yO%whot kVWQaikOdaMN%the ekOdaMN of theodark fortnightD $ha#et%may $eD sO%thatD e#a%inde dD upoWyO%should $e fastingD gVhasthena%$y a householderD na%notD anynO% notherD kVWQO% on the dark fortnightD kadOcana%e#er. Non%#aiWQa#a householders, howe#er, must fast on the kVWQa%ekOdaMNs $eginn ng with SayanO >kOdaMN and ending with ?tthOnO >kOdaMN. hey need not o$ser#e the other kVWQa%ekOdaMNs. e:t 19 ity e#aP kathito $rahman nirQayo yaT Mrutau MrutaT #ratasyOsya #idhOnaP ca ni$odha kathayOmi te ity e#am%thusD kathitaT%spokenD $rahman%< $rOhmaQaD nirQayaT%the conclusionD yaT%whichD Mrutau%in the VedasD MrutaT%heardD #ratasya%the #owD asya%of thisD #idhOnam%the methodD ca%andD ni$odha%please understandD kathayOmi%I tellD te%to you. < $rOhmaQa, what I ha#e told you is the #erdict of the Vedas. (lease listwn, and I will tell you how to o$ser#e this #ow. e:t 1, kVt#O ha#iWyaP pUr#Ohne na ca $huYkte punar jalam ekOkN kuMa%MayyOyOP naktaP Mayanam Ocaret kVt#O%doingD ha#iWyam%ha#iWyaD pUr#Ohne%on the pre#ious dayD na%notD ca%andD $hrYkte%eaLsD punaT%againD jalam%waterD ekOkN%aloneD kuMa%MayyOyOm%on a $ed of kuMa strawD naktam%at nightD Mayanam%restD Ocaret%does. <n the pre#ious day one should eat ha#iWya and not drink water. )t night he should sleep alone on a kuMa mat.

NoteJ ;a#iWya is $oiled rice mi:ed with ghee and preparel without spices or anything else. e:t 1nu $rOhme muhUrte cotthOya puOtaT%kVtyaP #idhOya ca nitya%kVtyaP #id OyOtha tataT snOnaP samOcaret $rOhme muhUrte%at $rahma%muhUrtaD ca%andD utthOya%risingD prOtaT%kVtyam% morning dutiesD #idhOya%performingD ca%andD nitya%kVtyam%regular dutiesD #idhOya% performingD atea%thenD tataT%thenD snOnam%$athingD sa Ocaret%sho,ld perform. hen he should rise at $rahma%muhUrta, $athe, and perform his morning duties. e:t 10 #ratopa#Osa%saYkalpaP MrN%kVWQa%prNti%pUr#akam kVt#O sandhyO%tarpaQaP ca #idhOyOhnikam Ocaret #rata%the #owD upa#Osa%fastingD saYkalpam%decisionD MrN%kVWQa%prNti%pUr#akam%for the pleasure of SrN /VWQaD kVt#O%doingD sandhyO%tarpaQam%sandhyO%tarpaQaD ca%andD #idhOya%performingD Ohnikam%daily dutiesD Ocaret%should perform. hen he should solemnly #ow to follow this fast for the satisfaction of Lord /VWQa. hen he should perform sandhyO%tarpaQa. hen he should perform his regular daily duties. e:t r1 nitya%pUjOP dine kVt#O #rata%dra#yaP samOharet dra#yaP WoRaMopacaraP & prakVWXaP #idhi%$odhitam nitya%regularD pUjOm wo8shipD dine%in the dayD kVt#O%doingDr#rata%dra#yam%the ingredients of following the #owD sayOharet%should $ringD dra#yam%the thingD

WoRaMopacaram%si:teen articlesD prakVWXam%e:cellentD #idhi%$odhitam%aware of the rules. &uring the day he should perform his regular worshid and he should collect the si:teen articles to $e used in following the #ow. e:t 12 OsanaP #asanaP padyaP arghyaP puWpOnulepanam dhUpa%dNpaP ca nai#edyaP yajZa%sUtraP ca $hUWaQam Osanam%a seatD #asanam%clothD padyam%padyaD arghyam%arghyaD puWpa%flowersD anulnpanam%sandal pasteD dh'pa%incenseD dNpam%lampD ca%andD nai#edy m%offering of foodD yajZa%sUtraPsacred threadD ca%andD $hUWaQam%ornaments. hese articles areJ ,. a sitting place, .. a cloth, 0. padya, 1. arghya, 2. a flower, 3. sandal paste, 4. incense, 6. a lamp, 7. offerings of food, ,9. a sacred thread, ,,. ornaments, . . . e:t 13 gandha%snOnNya%tOm$UlaP madhuparkaT punar jalam etOny OhVtya di#ase #rataP naktaP samOcaret gandha%perfumeD snOnNya%$athing waterD tOm$Ulam%$etelnutsD madhuparkaT% madhuparkaD punaT%againD jalam%waterD etOny%theseD OhVtya%collectingD di#ase%in the dayD #ratam%the #owD naktam%at nightD samOcaret%should perform. . . . ,.. peofume, ,0. water for $athing, ,1. $etelnuts, ,2. madhuparka, and ,3. more water. <ne should collect these items during the day. hen at night one may use them to follow the #ow. e:t 14 upa#iMyOsane pUto dhVt#O dhaute ca #OsasN

Ocamya MrN%hariP smVt#O s#asti%#Ocanam Ocaret upa#iMya%sittingD Osane%on thje sitting placeD pUtaT%pureD dhVt#O%holdingD dhaute% washedD camandD #OsasN%two garmentsD Ocamya%sipping OcamanaD MrN%harim%SrN /VWQaD smVt#O%remem$eringD s#asti%#Ocanam%saying the wor s#astiD Ocaret%should doe <ne should $athe, dress in clean garments, sit down at the sitting place, perform Ocamana, remem$er Lord /VWQa, and pronounce the word Ls#astiL. e:t 16 Oropya maYgala%ghaXaP dhOnyOdhOre Mu$ha%kWaQe phala%MOkhO%candanOktaP #edoktaP muni$hir mudO Oropya%esta$lishingD maYgala%ghaXam%the auspicious jarD dhOnyOdhOre%in meditationD Mu$ha%kWaQe%at an auspicious momentD phala%fruitsD MOkhO%$ranchesD candanOktam%sandal pasteD #edoktam%spoken in the VedasD muni$hiT%$u the sagesD mudO%happily. )t an auspicious moment he should meditate and consecrate the auspicious jar anointed with sandal paste and placed with fruits and $ranches as the sages ha#e happily descri$ed in the Vedas. e:t 17 de#a%WaXkaP samO#Ohya pVthag%dhyOnaiT samOcaret pUjOP paZcopacOreQa prakVWXena #icakWaQaT de#a%deitiesD WaXkam%si:D samO#Ohya%in#okingD pVthag%dhyOnaiT%with separate meditationsD samOcaret%should worshipD pUjOm%worshipD paZcopacOreQa%with fi#e articlesD prakVWXena%e:cellentD #icakWaQaT%a wise man. hen one should in#oke the si: &eities, meditate on each one indi#idually, a worship them with fi#e e:cellent articles. e:t 29

gaQeM#araP dinakaraP #ahniP #iWQuP Mi#aP Mi#Om sampUjya tOn praQamyOtha #rataP kuryOd dhariP smaran gaQeM#aram%FaQeMaD dinakaram%SUryaD #ahnim%)gniD #iWQum%ViWQuD Mi#am%Si#aD Mi#Om%(Or#atND sampUjya%worshipingD tOn%themD praQamya%$owingD atha%thenD #ratam% the #owD kuryOt%should performD harim%on Lord /VWQaD smaran%meditating. In this way one should worship FaQeMau SUrya, )gny, ViWQu, Si#a, and (Or#atN, $ow down $efore them, and, menitating on L rd /VWQa, o$ser#e the #ow. e:t 2, nOrOdhya de#a%WaXkaP ca yadi karma samOcaret nityaP naimittikaP #Opi tat sar#aPwniWphalaP $ha#et na%notD OrOdhya%worshipingD de#a%WaXkam%the si: deitiesD ca%andD yadi%ifD karma% actionD samOcaret%performsD nityam%regularD naimittikam%tccasionalD #u%orD api%alsoD tat%thatD sar#am%allD niWphalam%fruitlessD $ha#et%$ecomes. If one does not worship these si: &eities, then any regular and occasional duties he performs will not $ear any fruit. e:t 2. ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP h #ratOYga%$hUtam e#a ca kaQ#a%MOkhoktam iWXaP ca #rataP MVQu mahO%mune ity e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD #ratOYga%$h<tam%the parts Sf the #owD e#a%indeedD ca%andD kaQ#a%MOkhoktam%descri$ed in the /aQ#a%MOkha of the VedasD iWXam%desLreVD ca%andD #ratam%#owD MVQu%please hearD mahO%mune%< great sage. hus I ha#e descri$ed the #arious parts of the #ow. < great sage, now please SNar the description of this #owtgi#en in the /aQ#a#MOkhO.

e:t 20 sOma%#edokta%dhyOnena dhy)t#O kVWQaP parOt param puWpaP s#a%Mirasi nyasya punar dhyOnaP samOcaret sOma%#edokta%dhyOnena%$y the meditationwspoken in the SOma VedaD dryOt$O% meditNtingD kVWQam%on Lord /VWQaD parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD puWpam% flower s#a%Mirasi%on his ewn headD nyasy %placingD punaT%againD dhyOnam%meditationD samOcaret%should perform. @ollowing the meditation descri$ed in the SOma Veda one should meditate on Lord /VWQa. hen one should place a flower to his head, and then again meditate on Lord /VWQa. e:t 21 dhyOnaP MVQu nigURhaP ce sar#eWOm ati%#Ohchitam na prakOMyam a$haktOya $hakta%prOQOdhikaP param dhyOnam%m1ditationD MVQu%please hearD nigURham%confidentialD ca%andD sar#eWOm% of allD ati%#OZchitam%greatly desiredD na%notD prakOMyam%to $e re#ealedD a$haktOya%to a noe%de#oteeD $hakta%prOQOdhikam%more dear than life to a de#oteeD param%great. (lease hear this confidential meditation, which all the de#otees yearn to hear, which the de#otees think more dear than life, and which should not $e re#ealed to the non%de#otees. e:ts 22%3, na#Nna%nNradodrikta% MyOma%sundara%#igraham Marat%pOr#aQa%candrO$ha% #inindyOsyam anuttamam Marat%sUryodayO$jOli% pra$hO%mocana%locanam

s#OYga%saundarya%$hUWO$hN ratna%$hUWaQa%$hUWitam gopa%locana%koQaiM ca prasannair ati%#aYkitaiT MaM#On nirNkWyamOnaP tat% prOQair i#a #inirmitam rOsa%maQRala%madhya%sthaP rasollOsa%samutsukam rOdhO%#aktra%Marac%candra% sudhO%pOna%cakorakam kaustu$hena maQNndreQa #akWaT%sthala%samujj#alam pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlO%jalair #irOjitam WaR%ratn %sOra%nirmOQa% kirNXojj#ala%Mekharam #inoda%muralN%hasta% nyastaP pUjyaP surOsmraiT dhyOnOsOdhyaP durOrOdhyaP $rahmOdNnOP ca #anditam kOraQaP kOraQOnOP yaP tam NM#aram ahaP $haje ra Nna%newD nNrada%cloudsD udrikta%a$undantD MyOma%darkD uundara%handsomeD #igraham%formD Marat%autumnD pOr#aQa%seasonD candra%moonD O$ha%selendorD #inindya%re$ukingD Osyam%faceD anuttamam%without any superiorD Marat%autumnD sUrya%sunD udaya%risingD O$ja%lotusesD Oli%multitudeD pra$hO%splendorD mocana% releasingD locanam%eyesD s#OYga%saundarya%the handsomeness of ;is lim$sD $hUWO$hiT%with the ornamentsD ratna%jewelD $hUWaQa%ornamentsD $hUWitam%decoratedD gopa%locana%koQaiT%with the gopNsE sidelong glancesD ca%andD prasannaiT%happyD ati% #aYkitaiT%#ery crookedD MaM#On%alwaysD nirNkWyamOnam%seenD tat%thatD prOQaiT%$y the li#esD i#a%andD #inirmitam%madeD rOsa%maQRala%madhya%stham%staying in the middle of the rOsa%dance circleD rasollOsa%samutsukam%eager to enjoy the rOsa%danceD rOdhO% #aktra%of SrN 5OdhOEs faceD Marac%candra%of the autumn moonD sudhO%nectarD pOna% drinkD cakorakam%a cakora $irdD kaustu$hena%with the /austu$ha jewelD maQNndreQa% the king of jewelsD #akWaT%sthala%chestD samujj#alam%splendidD pOrijOta%prasUnOnOm%of parijata flowersD mOlO%jalaiT%with many garlandsD #irOjitam%splendidD WaR%ratna%sOra% nirmOQa%made with si: kinds of jewelsD kirNXa%crownD ujj#ala%splendidD Mekharam% crownD #inoda%muralN%a pastime fluteD hasta%in ;is handD nyastam%placedD pUjyam%to $e worshipedD surOsuraiT%$y the demigods and demonsD dhyOnOsOdhyam%not

attaina$le $y meditationD durOrOdhyam%difficult to $e worshipedD $rahmOdNnOm% headed $y 8rahmOD ca%andD #anditam%$owed downD kOraQam%the causeD kOraQOnOm%of causesD yam%whomD tam%;imD NM#aram%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD aham%ID $haje%worship. I worship the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, ;is handsome form dark like a new monsoon cloud, ;is face eclipsing the glory of the autumn moon, greater than all, ;is eyes eclipsing the splendor of lotus flowers $looming in autumn sunshine, the gracefulness of ;is lim$s an ornament decorating the jewel ornaments ;e wears, ;is form gaGed upon $y the gopNs with happy, crooked, sidelong glances, ;is Self seeming to $e made only of the gopNsE li#es, standing in the middle of the rOsa%dance circle, eager to enjoy the rOsa dance, now $ecome a cakora (ird eager to drink the nectar of 5OdhOEs autumn%moon face, ;is chest splendid with a regal /austu$ha jewel, splendid with garlands of pOrijOta flowers, ;is crown splendid with si: kinds of jewels, holding a pastime flute in ;is hand, worshiped $y the demigods and demons, not to $e found $y following the meditations of the yogNs, not easily worshiped, the Lord to whom 8rahaO and the demigods $ow down, the first cause of all causes. e:t 3. dhyOt#Onena tam O#Ohya copahOrOQi WoRaMa datt#O sampUjayed $haktyO mantrair e$hiM ca nOrada a dhyOt#O%meditatingD anena%with thisD tam%on ;imD O#Ohya%$ringingD ca%andD upahOrOQi%articlesD WoRaMa%si:teenD datt#O%offeringD sampUjayet%should worshppD $haktaO%with de#otiynD mantraiT%with mantrasD e$hiT%theseD ca%andD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, after meditating in this way, one should worship Lord /VWQa, offering ;im si:teen articles with the following mantras. e:t 30 OsanaP s#arQa%nirmOQaP ratna%sOra%paricchadam nAnO%citra%#icntrORhyaP gVhyatOP parameM#ara Osanam%seatD s#arQa%nirmOQam%made of goldD ratna%sOra%paricchadam%codered with jewelsD nOnO%tariousD citra%%wonderful and colorfulD #icitra%with designsD ORhyam%

opulentD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD parameM#ara%< Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. < Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, please accept this throne of gold and jewels, wonderftlly ornate and opulent. e:t 31 #astraP #ahni%#iMuddhaP ca nirmitaP #iM#akarmaQO mUlyOnir#acanNyaP tad gVhyatOP rOdhikO%pate #astram%garemntsD #ahni%#iMuddham%pure like fireD ca%andD nirmitam%madeD #iM#akarmaQO%$y ViM#akarmOD mUlyOnir#acanNyam%pricelessD tat%thatD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD rOdhikO%pate%< hus$and of 5OdhO. < hus$and of 5OdhO, please accept these priceless garments, made $y ViM#akarmO, and pure like fire. e:t 32 _pOda%prakWOlanOrhaP tat su#arQa%pOtra%saPsthitam su%#OsitaP MNtalaP ca gVhyatOP karuQO%nidhe pOda%prakWOlanOrham%wor washpng the feetD tat%thatD su#arQa%pOtra%saPsthitam%in a golden pitcherD su%#Ositam%scentedD MNtalam%coolD ca%andD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD karuQO%nidhe%< ocean of mercy. < ocean of mercy, please accept this golden pitcher of scented cool water for washing =our feet. e:t 33 idam arghyaP pa#itraP ca MaYkha%toya%saman#itam puWpa%dur#O%candanOktaP gVhyatOP $hakta%#atsala

idam%thisD arghyam%arghya waterD pa#itram%pureD ca%a$dD MaYkha%to a%saman#itam% the water in a conchshallD puWpa%flowersD d r#O%dur#O grassD candana%sandal pasteD Oktlm%anointedI gihyatOm%may please $e acceptedD $haktae#atsala%< Lord who lo#es the de#otees. < Lord who ao#os the de#otees, please accept this conchshell of pure arghya water mi:ed with flowers, dur#O, and sandal paste. e:t 34 su%#OsitaP Mukla%puWpaP candanOguru%samyutam sadO te prNti%jananaP gVhyatOP sar#a%kOraQa su%#Ositam%fragrantD Mukla%puWpam%white flowersD candanOguru%samyutam%with sandal and aguruD sadO%alwaysD te%of =ouD prNti%jananam%pleasingD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD sar#a%kOraQa%< cause of all. < cause of all, please accept these fragrant white flowers, anointed with sandal and aguru, flowers that are always pleasing to =ou. e:t 36 candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumoMNram uttamam sar#epsitam idaP kVWQa gVhyatOm anulepanam candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkuma%uMNram%anointed with sandal, aguru, musk, and uMNraD uttamam%$estD sar#epsitam%desired $y allD idam%thisD kVWQa%< /tWQaD gVhyatOm% may please $e accettedD enulepanam%ointmett. < Lord /VWQa, please accept this fragrant paste of saydal, aguru, musk, and uMNra, a fragrant paste liked $y all. e:t 37 raso #VkWa%#iMeWasya nOnO%dra#ya%saman#itaT

sugandha%yuktaT sukha%do dhUpo EyaP pratigVhyatO. rasaT%nectarD #VkWa%#iMeWasya%of a specific treeD nOnO%dra#ya%saman#itaT%with #arious su$stancesD sugandha%yuktaT%fragrantD sukha%daT%pleasingD dhUpaT%incenseD ayam%thiSN pratigVhyatOm%may please $e accepted. (lease accept this pleasing incense made of fragrant tree rosin and other things. e:t 49 di#O%niMaP su%pradNpto ratna%sOra%#inirmitaT ghana%dh#anta%nOMa%$Njo dNpo yaP gVhyatOP pra$ho di#O%dayD niMam%and nightD su%pradNptaT%shiningD ratna%sOra%#inirmitaT%made of p ecious jewelsD ghana%dh#anta%nOMa%destruction of the darknessD $NjaT%the seedD dNpaT%lamrD yam%thisD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD pra$haT%< Lord. < Lord, please accept this splendid jewel lamp, its flame a seed that grows into she destruction of darkness in $oth night and day. e:t 4, nOnO%#idhOni dra#yOQi s#OdUni madhurOQi ca coWyOdNni pa#itrOQi s#OtmOrOma pragVhyatOm nOnO%#idhOni%#arious kindsD dra#yOQi%thingsDms#OmUni%deliciousD madhurOQi%sweetD ca%andD coWya%nectar OdNni%$eginning withD pa#itrOQi%pureD s#OtmOrOma%< self% satisfied LordD pragVhyatOm%may please $e accepted. < self%satisfied Lord, please accept these many kinds of delicious and sweet nectar. e:t 4. sO#itrN%granthi%samyuktaP s#arQa%tantu%#inirmitam

gVhyatOP de#a%de#eMa racitaP cOru%kOruQO sO#itrN%granthi%samyuktam%sacred threadD s#arQa%tantu%#inirmitam%made of golden threadD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD de#a%de#eMa% o master of the kings of the demigodsD racitam%madeD cOru%kOruQO%$y an artistic person. < master of the kings of the demigods, please accept this golden sacred thread made $y the $est of artists. e:t 40 amUlya%ratna%racitaP sar#O#aya#a%$hUWaQam t#iWO jOj#alyamOnaP tad gVhyatOP nanda%nandana amUlya%ratna%racitam%made of priceless jewelsD sar#O#aya#a%$hUWaQam%ornaments for all lim$sD t#iWO%with lightD jOj#alyamOnam%shiningD tat%thatD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD nanda%nandana%< son of Nanda. < son of Nanda, please accept these glittering ornaments of priceless jewels, ornaments for e#ery lim$. e:t 41 pradhOno #arQanNyaM ca sar#a%maYgala%karmaQi pragVhyatOP dNna%$andho gandho EyaP maYgala%pradaT pradhOnaT%originalD #arQanNyaT%to $e dehcri$edD ca%andD sar#a%maYgala%karmaQi%in actions that are all auspiciousD pragVhyatOm%please may $e acceptedD dNna%$andhaT%< friend of the poorD gandhaT%fragranceD ayam%thisD maYgala%pradaT%gi#ing auspiciousness. < friend of the poor, please accept this auspicious perfume suita$le for all auspicious ceremonies. e:t 42

dhOtrN%MrNphala%patrOktaP #iWQu%tailaP manoharam #OZchitaP sar#a%lokOnOP $haga#an pratigVhyatOm dhOtrN%MrNphala%patrOktam%mi:ed with ther lea#es of dhOtrN and MrNphalaD #iWQu% tailam%ViWQu oilD manoharam%$eautifulD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desiredD sar#a%lokOnOm%$y all peopleD $haga#an%< Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD pr tigVhyatOm%please may $e accepted. < Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, please accept this pleasing ViWQu oil, fragrant with hhOtrN and MrNphala lea#es, and desrred $y all. eit 43 #OZchanNyaP ca sar#eWOP karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam mayO ni#editaP nOtha tOm$UlaP pratigVhyatOm #OZthanNyam%to $e desiredD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD karpUrOdi%su%#Ositam%fragrant with camphior and other thingsD mayO%$y meD nieeditam%offeredD nOtha%< LordD tOmNplam%retelnutsD pratigVhyatOm%please may $e accepted. < master, please accept these $etelnuts, fragrant with ca phor and other scents, desired $y all, and now offered $y me to =ou. e:t 44 sar#eWOP prNti%jananaP su%miWXaP madhuraP madhu sad%ratna%sOra%pOtra%sthaP gopN%kOnta pragVhyatOm sar#eWOm%of allD prNti%jananam%gi#ing pleasureD su%miWXam%sweetD madhuram%sweetD madhu%honeyD sad%ratna%precious jewelsD sOra%$estD pOtra%in a jarD stham%stayingD gopN% kOnta%< lo#er of the gopNsD pragVhyatOm%may please $e accepted. < $elo#ed of the gopNs, please accept this jewel cup of delicious sweet honey pleasing to all.

e:t 46 nirmalaP jOhna#N%tRsaP su%pa#itraP su%#Ositam punar OcamanNyaP ca gVhyatOP madhusUdana nirmalam%pureD jOhna#N%toyam%=amunO waterD su%pa#itram%#ery pureD su%#Ositam% fragrantD punaT%againD OcamanNyam%Ocamana waterD ca%andD gVhyatOm%please may $e acceptedD madhusUdana%< killer of the -adhu demon. < killer of -adhu, please accept this pure, clear, and fragrant =amunO water for Ocamana. e:t 47 iti WoRaMopacOraP datt#O $hakto mudOn#itaT mantreQOnena puWpOnOP mOlyaP dadyOt prayatnataT iti%thusD WoRaMopacOram%si:teen articlesD datt#O%offeringD $haktaT%a de#oteeD mudOn#itaT%happyD mantreQOnena%with this mantraD puWpOnOm%of flowersD mOlyam%a garlandD adyOt%should offerD prayatnataT%carefully. )fter presenting these si:teen offerings, the cheerful de#otee should carefully offer a flower garland with the following mantra. e:t 69 nOnO%prakOra%puWpaiM ca grathitaP sUkWma%tantunO pra#araP $hUWaQOnOP ca mOlOP ca gVhyatOP pra$ho nOnO%prakOra%puWpais%with many kinds of flowersD ca%andD grathitam%strungD sUkWma%tantunO%on a fine threadD pra#aram%$estD $hUWaQOnOm%of ornamentsD ca%andD mOlOm%garlandD ca%andD gVhyatOm%may please $e acceptedD pra$haT%< master. < master, please accept this garland of many kinds of flowers on a fine thread, a

garland that is the $est of ornaments. e:t 6, iti puWpOZjaliP dadyOn mUla%mantreQa ca #ratN kuryOt tu sta#anaP $haktyO puXOZjali%yutaT sudhNT iti%thusD puWpOZjalim%a handful of flowersD dadyOn%should offerD mUla%mantreQa% with the mUla mantraD ca%andD #ratN%following the #owD kuryOt%should doD tu%indeedD sta#anam%prayerD $haktyO%with de#otionD puXOZjali%yutaT%with folded handsD sudhNT% intelligent. he intelligent de#otee following the ekOdaMN #ow should then offer a handful of flowers with the mUla mantra. hen, with folded hands and a de#otional spirit, he should recite the following prayer. e:t 6. MrN%$hakta u#Oca he kVWQa rOdhikO%nOtha karuQO%sOgara pra$ho saPsOra%sOgare ghore mOm uddhara $hayOnake MrN%$hakta u#Oca%the de#otee saidD he%<D kVWQa%/VWQaD rOdhikO%nOtha%< master of 5OdhOD karuQO%sOgara%< ocean of mercyD pra$haT%< LordD saPsOra%sOgare%in the ocean of $irth and deathD ghore%terri$leD mOm%meD uddhara%please rescueD $hayOnake% fearsome. he se#otee saidJ < /VWQa, < master of 5OdhO, < ocean of mercy, < Lord, pleise pick me up from this terri$le, fearsome ocean of $irth and death. e:t 60 Mata%janma%kVtOyOsOm ud#ignasyaLmama pra$ho s#a%karma%pOMa%nigaRair $addhasya mokWaQaP kuru

Mata%janma%kVtOyOsOt%from the deeds of a hundred $irthsD ud#ignasya%agitatedD mama%of meD pra$haT%< LordD s#a%karma%of my own karmaD pOMa%nigaRaiT%with the ropesD $addhasya%$oundD mokWaQam%releaseD kuru%please do. < Lord, please release me from the ropes of my past deeds in hundreds of $irths. e:t 61 praQataP pOda%padme te paMya mOP MaraQOgatam mOrtaQRa%tanayOd $hNtaP pOhi MaraQa%paZjara praQatam%$owing downD pOda%padme%at the lotus feetD te%of =ouD paMya%lookD mOm% at meD MaraQOgatam%surrenderedD mOrtaQRa%tanayOt%from yamaD $hNtam%frightenedD pOhi%please protectu MaraQa%paZjara%< shelter of the surrendered souls. (lease see how I ha/e surrendered to =ou, $owing down $efore =our lotus feet\ < shelter of the surrendered souls, please rescue me, for I am afraid of =amarOja. e:t 62 $hakti%hNnaP kriyO%hNnaP #idhi%hNnaP ca #edataT #astu%mantra%#ihNnaP yat tat sampUrQaP kuru pra$ho $hakti%hNnam%without de#otionD kriyO%hNnam%without pious deedsD #idhi%hNnam% without following the rules of scriptureD ca%andD #edataT%from the VedasD #astu% mantra%#ihNnam%without mantrasD yat%whatD tat%thatD sampUrQam%fullD kuru%please makeD pra$haT%< master. I ha#e no de#otion, no pious deeds, no following of Vedic rules, and no chanting of mantras. < Lord, please remo#e all my shortcomings. e:t 63 #edokta%#ihitOjZOnOt s#OYga%hNne ca karmaQi t#an%npmoccaraQenai#a

sar#aP pUrQaP $ha#ed dhare #edokta%#ihitOjZOnOt%$ecause of ignorance of the Vedic rulesD s#OYga%hNne% defecti#eD ca%andD karmaQi%in actionD t#at%nOma%=our nameD uccaraQ(na%$y calling outD e#a%indeedD sar#am%allD pU(Qam%fullD $ha#et%isD hare%< /VWQa. < Lord /VWQa, e#en though, out of ignorance of the Vedic rules, oneDmay act imperfectly, calling our =our holy name makes e#erything perfect. e:t 64 iti stut#O taP praQamua datt#O #iprOya dakWiQOm mahotsa# P #idhOyOtha kuryOj jOgaraQaP #ratN iti%thusD stut#O%prayingD tam%to ;imD praQamya%$ hing downD datt#O%gi#ingD #iprOya!to a $rOhmaQaD dakWiQOm%dSkWiQOD mahotsa#am%a great festu#alD #idhOya% offeringD atha%thenD kuryOt%should doD jOgaraQam%an all%night #igilD #ratN%following the #ow. w )fter reciwing these pra(ers, $owing down $tfore ehemLord, offering dakWiQO to a $rOhmaQa, and cele$rating a great festi#al, the de#otee followyng the ekOdapN #ow should reep a #igil, staying awake the whole night. e:t 66 kVt#O #ratopa#OsaP ca yadi nidrOP niWe#ate phalasyOrdham a#Opnoti #yatopapOs or #ratN kVt#O%doingD #rata%of the #owD upa#Osam%the fastD ca%andD yadi%ifD nidrOm%sleepD niWe#ate%attainsD phalasya&of the resultD ardham%halfD a#Opnoti%attainsD #rata%of the #owD upa#OsyoT%of the fastD # atN%following the #ow. If after following the #ow and the fast one falls asleep, he attains only half the $enefit of the #ow and fast. e:t 67

d#OdaMyOP pOraQaP kVt#O yadi nidrOP niWe#ate punar e#a jalaP $huYkte o #ratOrdha%phalam OpnuyOt d#OdaMyOm%on d#OdaMND pOraQam%$reaking the fastD kVt#O%doingD yadi%ifD nidrOm% sleepD niWe#ate%attainsD punaT%againD e#a%indeedD jalam%waterD $huYkte%drinksD #ratOrdha%phalam%half the result of the #owD OpnuyOt%attains. If after $reaking the fast on d#OdaMN one sleeps or again drinks water, he attains half the $enefit of following the #ow. e:t 79 yatnena ca ha#iWyOnnaP sakVd e#a tam Ocaret mantreQOnena #iprendra MrN%kVWQa%caraQaP smaran yatnena%with careD ca%andD ha#iWyOnnam%ha#iWyaD sakVt%onceD e#a%indeedD tam%itD Ocaret%should doD mantreQOnena%with this mantraD #iprendra%< king of $rOhmaQasD MrN%kVWQa%caraQam%SrN /VWQaEs lotus feetD smaran%remem$ering. < king of $rOhmaQas, carefully eating one mean a ha#iWya, one should then remem$er Lord /VWQaEs feet and recite the following mantra. e:t 7, he anna prOQinOP prOQO $rahmaQO nirmitaP purO dehi me #iWQu%rUpa t#aP #ratopa#Osayor phalam he%<D anna%grainso prOQinOm%of the li#ing $eingsD prOQO%the lifeD $rahmaQO%$y 8rahmOD nirmitam%createdD purO%in ancient timesD dehi%please gi#eD me%to meD #iWQu% rUpat#am%the state of ha#ing transcendental form like that of Lord ViWQuD #ratopa#OsayoT%of the #ow and the fastD phalam%the result. < grains, < life all li#ing $eings, the demigod 8rahmO created you in ancient times. (lease gi#e me, as the result of following this #ow and fast, a spiritual form like that of Lord ViWQu.

e:t 7. e#aP yaT kurute $haktyO $hOrate #ratam uttamam pUr#On sapta parOn sapta s#OtmOnam uddhared dhru#am e#am%thusD yaT%one whoD kurute%doesD $haktyO%with de#otionD $hOrate%in 8hOrata% #arWaD #ratam%#owD uttamam%greatD rUr#On%$eforeD sapta%se#enD parOn%afterD sapta% se#enD s#OtmOnam%ownD uddharet%deli#ersD dhru#am%indeed. ) person wh# in 8hOrata%#arWa de#otedly follows this #ow deli#ers himself, se#en generations of his ancestors, and seten generations of his descendants. rct 70 mOtar.P $hrOtaraP cai#a M#aMrUP ca M#aMuraP sutam jOmOtaraP tathO $hVtyaP uddharen niMcita. naraT mOtaram%motherD $hrOtaram%$rotherD ca%andD e#a%certainlyD M#aMrUm%mother%in% lawD ca%andD M#aMuram%rather%in%lawD sutam%childD jOmOtaram%son%in%lawD tathO%soD $hVtyam%srnr#antD uddharet%deli#ersD niMcitam%indeedD naraT%a person. ;e deli#ers his mother, $roteer, sister, children, father%in%law, motheh%in%law, son% in%law, daughter%in%law, and ser#ant. e:t 71 itS e#aP kathitaP #ipra MrN%kVWQa%caritaP #ratam sukhadaP mokWadaP sOraP aparaP kathayOmi t2 ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitam%spokenD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD MrNSkVWQascaritam% SrN /VWQaEs pastimesD #ratam%#owD sukhadam%pleasingD mokWawam<gi#ing li$erationD sOram%the $estD aparam%without an superioSD kathayOmi%I will tellD te%to you.

< $rOhmaQa, thus I ha#e descri$ed Lord /VWQaEs pastimes and the #ow of ekOdaMN, which are delightful and transcendental, and which $ring li$eration. Now I will tell you something more.

%ha*ter Twenty!seven+r, 6o*i#0!vastra!hara/a$tea"ing the 6o*,s1 6arments

e:t , MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca MVQu nOrada #akWyOmi MrN%kVWQa%caritaP punaT gopNnOP #astra%haraQaP #ara%dOnaP manNWitam MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD MVQu%please hearD nOrada%< NOradaD #akWyOmi%I will tellD MrN%kVWQa%caritam%Lord /VWQaEs pastimesD punaT%againD gopNnOm%of the gopNsD #astra%of the garmentsD haraQam%stealingD #ara%dOnam%gi#ing a $lessingD manNWitam%desired. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < NOrada, please listen and I will tell another pastime of Lord /VWQa, the pastime where ;e stole the gopNsE garments, and ga#e them the $oon they desired. e:ts . and 0 hemante prathame mOsi gopikOT kOma%mohitOT kVt#O ha#iWyaP $h3ktyO ca yyO#an mOsaP su%samyutOT natJO sUryasutO%tNre pOr#atNP $akulOmayNm kVt#O#Ohya ca mantreQa pUjOP kur#anti nityaMaT hemante%in the hemanta season (early winter)D prathame%in the $eginningD mOsi%in the monthD gopikOT%the gopNsD kOma%mohitOT%$ewildered with amorous desiresD kVt#O%

doingD ha#iWyam%ha#iWyaD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD yO#an%for the entire durationD mOsam%the monthD su%samyutOT%engagedD nat#O%$owing downD sUryasutO% tNre%at the =amunOEs shoreD pOr#atNm%to Foddes (Or#atND $akulOmayNm%consisting of sandD kVt#O%makingD a#Ohya%carryingD ca%andD mantreQa%with mantrasD pUjOm%worshipD kur#anti%doD nityaMaT%regularly. In the first month of the hemanta season the young gopNs, $ewildered with amorous desires and following a #ow of eating only ha#iWya, daily made of sand a deity of Foddess (Or#atN and with de#otion daily worshiped her with mIntras, . . . NoteJ he hemanta season is early winter. he first month of hemanta is -OrgaMNrWa (No#em$er%.ecem$er). e:t 1 candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumaiT su%manoharaiT nOnO%prakOra%puWpaiM ca mOlyair $ahu%#idhair api candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkumaiT%with sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkumaD su% manoharaiT%#ery $eautifulD nOnO%prakOra%many kindsD puWpaiT%of flowersD ca%andD mOlyaiT%with garlandsD $ahu%#idhaiT%many kindsD api%also. . . . with pleasing sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, with many kinds of $eautiful flowers and many kinds of flower garlands, . . e:t 2 dhUpair dNpaiM ca nai#edyair #astrair nOnO%phalair mune maQi%muktO%pra#OlaiM ca #Odyair nOnO%#idhair api dhUpaiT%with incenseD dNpaiT%lampsD ca%andD nai#edyaiT%offerings of foodD #astraiT% with garmentsD nOnO%phalaiT%many kinds of fruitsD mune%< sageD maQi%muktO% pra#alaiT%with jewels, pearls, and coralD ca%andD #OdyaiT%with musicD nOnO%#idhaiT% many kindsD api%also. . . . and with incense, lamps, food, garments, many kinds of fuits, jewels, pearls, coral,

and many kinds of music, < sage. e:t 3 he de#i jatatOP mOtaT sVWXi%sthity%anta%kOriQi nanda%gopa%sutaP kOntaP asmO$hyOP dehi su%#rate k he%<D de#i%goddessD jagatOm%of the uni#ersesD mOtaT%< motherD sVWXi%sthity%anta% kOriQi%< creator, maintainer, and destroyerD nanda%gopa%of nanda%jopaD sutam%the sonD kOntam%$elo#edD asmO$hyOm%to usD dehi%please gi#eD su%#rate%< saintly one. L< saiCtly goddess, < mother of the uni#erse, < cause on creation, maintainence, and destruction, please gi#e to us NandaEs son, /VWQa, as our dear hus$and.L e:t 4 mantreQOnena de#eMNP r parihOraP #idhOya ca tataT kVt#O tu saYkalpaP pUjayen mUla%mantrataT mantreQOnena%with this mantraD de#eMNm%to the Bueen of the demigodsD parihOram% offeringD #idhOoa%gi#ingD ca%andD tataT%from thatD kVt#O%doingDatu%indeedD saYkalpam% e:pression of desireD pUaayet%worshipD mUla%mantrataT%sith the mUla%mantra. hey chanted this mantra $efore the Bueen of the demigods, e:pressed their desire $efore her, and worshiped her $y chanting the mUla%mantra. e:t 6 mantras tu sOma%#mdokto EyOta%yOmaT sa%$NjakaT hrNP durgOyai aama iti sar#a%kOma% hala%pradaT mantraT%mantraD tu%indeedD sama%#edoktaT%spoken in the SOma VedaD ayOta% yOmaT%always newD sa%$NjakaT%with the $Nja sylla$leD hrNm%hrNmD durgOyai%to &urgOD nama%o$eisancesD iti%thusD sar#a%kOma%pha a%pradaT%fulfilling all desires.

>ternally%new, fulfilling all desires, and spoken in the SOma Veda, this mUla% mantra, with its $Nja%sylla$le, is ].sy ,36^;rNP durgOyai namaTL (I offer my respectful o$eisances to Foddess &urgO). e:t 7 puWpaP mOlyaP ca nai#edyaP dhUpaP dNpaP tathOPMukam mantreQOnena tOP $haktyO daduT sar#O mudOn#itOT puWpam%flowere mOlyam%garlandD ca%andD nai#edyam%foodD dhUpam%incenseD dNpam%lampD tathO%soD aPMukam%garmentD mantreQa anena%with this mantraD tOm%;erD $haktyO%with de#otionD daduT%ga#eD sar#O%allD mudOn#itOT%happy. "ith this mantra all the happy gopNs de#otedSy offered flowers, garlands, food, incense, lamps, and garments to Foddess &urgO. e:t ,9 tOM cai#a parayO $haktyO cemaP mantraP sahasradhO japaP kVt#O ca stut#O ca praQemuT MirasO $hu#i tOT%theyD ca%andD e#a%indeedD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD ca%andD imam% thisD mantram%mantraD sahasradhO%a thousand timesD japam%chantingD kVt#O%doingD ca% andD stut#O%offering prayersD ca%andD praQemuT%$owed downD MirasO%with the headD $hu#i%to the ground. hey chanted this mantra a thousand times, recited prayers, and $owed down, touching their heads to the ground. e:t ,, sar#a%maYgala%mOYgalye sar#a%kOma%prade Mi#e dehi me #OZchitaP de#i namo Estu MaYkara%priye sar#a%maYgala%mOYgalye%gi#ing all auspiciousnessD sar#a%kOma%prade%fulfilling all

desiresD Mi#e%< pOr#atND dehi%please gi#eD me%to meD #OZchitam%desiredD de#i%< goddessD namaT%o$eisancesD astu%areD MaYkara%priye%< $elo#ed of Lord Si#a. L< goddess who gi#es all auspiciousness and fulfills all desires, please fulfill my desire. < $elo#ed of Si#a, I offer my respectful o$eisances unto you.L e:t ,. ity ukt#O ca namaskOraP kVt#O datt#O ca dakWiQOm nai#edyOni ca sar#OQi $rOhmaQe$hyo yayur gVham ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD ca%andD namaskOram%o$eisancesD kVt#O%doingD datt#O% gi#ingD ca%andD dakWiQOm%d SW oOD nai#edyOni%foodD ca%andD sar#OQi%allD $rOhmaQe$hyaT%t the $rOhmaQasD yayuT%wentD gVham%home. )fter reciting this prayer, $owing down, and gi#ing to the $rOhmaQas dakWiQO and all the offered foods, the gopNs returned to uheir homes. e:t ,0 sta#a%rOjaP MVQu mune tuWXu#ur yena pOr#atNm $haktyO gopOYganOT sar#OT sar#O$hiWXa%phala%pradOm sta#a%rOjam%the king of prayersD MVQu%please hearD mune%< sageD tuWXu#uT%prayedD yena%$y whichD pOr#atNm%to (Or#atND gopOYganOT%the gopNsD sar#OT%allD sar#O$hiWXa% phala%pradOm%fulfilling all desires. < sage, now please hear the regal prayer all the gopNs de#otedly recited $efore Foddess (Or#atN, who fulfills all desires. e:ts ,1 and ,2 jagaty ekOrQa#e ghore candra%sUrya%#i#arjite aZjOnOkOra%toyena

samplute ca carOcare dattaP purO $rahmaQe ca hariQO jala%MOyinO tasmai datt#O sta#am imaP nidrOP $heje jagat%patiT jagaty%in the uni#erseD ekOrQa#e%in one oceanD ghore%terri$leD candra%sUrya% #i#arjite%without sun or moonD a[.sy .1,^jOnOkOra%toyena%with the waters of ignoranceD samplute%floodedD ca%andD carOcare%othe mo#ing and unmo#ing $eingsD dattam%gi#enD purO%in ancient timesD $rahmaQe%to 8rahmOD ca%andD hariQO%$y Lord /VWQaL jala%MOyinO%resting on the waterD tasmai%to himD datt#O%gi#ingD sta#am%prayerD imam%thisD nidrOm%sleepD $heje%attainedD jagat%patiT%the master of the uni#erses. "hen this uni#erse of mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings was flooded with a terri$le ocean of ignorance, Lord /VWQa, resting on the surface of that ocean, ga#e this prayer to the demigod 8rahmO, and then went to sleep. e:t ,3 nO$hi%padme jagat%sraWXO madhunO kaiXa$hena ca pNRitaT parituWXO#a mUla%prakVtim NM#arNm nO$hi%padme%on the lotus of the na#elD jagat%sraWXO%the creator of the uni#erseD madhunO%$y -adhuD kaiXa$hena%$y /aiXa$haD ca%andD pNRitaT%tormentedD parituWXO#a% prayedD mUla%prakVtim%to the origin of the material natureD NM#arNm%to the goddess. "hen he was trou$led $y the demons -adhu and /aiXa$ha, 8rahmO recited these prayers to Foddess &urgO, the root from whom the material nature has grown. e:t ,4 MrN%$rahmo#Oca durge Mi#e E$haye mOye nOrOyaQi sanOtani jaye me maYgalaP dehi namas te sar#a%maYgale MrN%$rahmO u#Oca%SrN 8rahmO saidD durge%< &urgOD Mi#e%< $elo#ed of Si#aD a$haye%

< fearless oneD mOye%< illusory potencyD nOrOyaQi%< de#otee of NOrOyaQaD adnOtani%< eternal oneD jaye%< goddess of #ictoryD me%to meD maYgalam%auspiciousnessD dehi% please gi#eD namaT%o$eisancesD te%to youD sar#a%maYgale%all%auspicious. SrN 8rahmO saidJ < &urgO, < Si#O, < )$hayO y NOrOy QS, < SanOtanNp < AayO, please $ring me auspiciousness. < Sar#a%maYgalO, I offer my respectful o$eisances unto =ou. NoteJ hese names of Foddess &urgO ar eyefined in the followung # ries. e:t ,6 daitya%nOMOrtha%#acano dakOraT parikNrtitaT ukOro #ighna%nOMasya #Ocako #eda%sammataT daitya%nOMa%killing the demonsD artha%#acanaT%the meaning of the letterD dakOraT% the sylla$le dD parikNrtitaT%saidD ukOraT%the sylla$le uD #ighna%nOMasya%for destroying o$staclesD #OcakaT%the wordD #eda%sammataT%the conclusion of the Vedas. In(the name &urgO, the letter & means Ltht destroyer of the demonsL, the letter ? means Lthe destroyer of o$staclesL, . . . e:t ,7 repho roga%ghna%#acano gaM ca pOpa%ghna%#OcakaT $haya%Matru%ghna%#acanaM cOkOraT parikNrtitaT rephaT%the letter 5D roga%ghna%#acanaT%means the destroyer# of diseasesD gaT%the letter gD ca%andD pOpa%ghna%#OcakaT%the destroyer of sinsD $haya%fearD Matru%enemiesD ghna%destroyingD #acanaT%the wordD ca%andD OkOraT%the letter )D parikNrtitaT%said. . . . the letter 5 means Lthe destroyer of diseasesL, the letter F means Lthe destroyer of sins, and the letter ) means Lthe destroyer of enemies and fearsL. e:t .9

smVty%ukti%Mra#aQOd yasyOs te naMyanti ca niMcitam ato durgO hareT Maktir hariQO parikNrtitO smVty%ukti%Mra#aQOt%from hearing, speaking, or rmem$eringD yasyOT%of whomD te% theyD naMyanti%perishD ca%andD niMcitam%indeedD ataT%from thatD durgO%&urgOD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD M ktiT%the potencyD hariQO%$y Lor# /VWQaD parikNrtitO%said. @rom hearing, speaking, or remem$ering &urgOEs name, all these inauspicious things are destroyed.a@or this reason Lord /VWQa ;imself declares that Foldess &urgO is ;is transcendental potency. e:t ., #ipatti%#Ocako durgaM cOkOro nOMa%#OcakaT durgOP naMyati yO nityaP sO ca durgO prakNrtitO #ipatti%calamityD #OcakaT%the wordD durgOT%durgaD ca%andD OkOraT%the letter OD nOMa% #OcakaT%means destructionD durgOm%&urgOD naMyati%destroysD yO%whoD nityam%alwaysD sO%SheD ca%andD durgO%&urgOD prakNrtitO%is said. he word LdurgaL means LcalamityL, and the letter LOL means LdestructionL. She who always ends all calamities is called L&urgOL. e:t .. durgo daityendra%#acanaM cOkO)ognOMa%#OcakaT taP nanOMa purO tena $udhair durgO prakNrtitO durgaT%durgaD daityendra%#acanaT%means the kings of the demonsD ca%andD OkOraT% the letter aD nOMa%#OcakaT%means destructionD tam%thatD nanOMa%destroyedD purO%$eforeD tena%$y thatD $udhaiT%$y the wiseD durgO%&urgOD prakNrtitO%is said. he word LdurgaL means Ltheekings of the demonsL, and the letter LOL means LdestructionL. She who always kills the kings of the demons is called ].sy ,36^&urgOL $y the wise.

e:t .0 MaM ca kalyOQa%#acanaT ikOrotkVWX %#OcakaT samUha%#OcakaiM cai#a #OkOro dOtV%#OcakaT MaT%the letter MD ca%andD kalyOQa%#acanaT%means auspiciousnessD ikOrotkVWXa% #OcakaT%the letter iD samUha%#OcakaiT%means multitudeD ca%andD e#a%cerainlyD #OkOraT% the letter #OD dOtV%#OcakaT%means the gi#er. he letter S means LauspiciousnessL, the letter i means LmultitudeL, and the letter #O means Lshe who gi#esL. e:t .1 MreyaT%saYghotkVWXa%dOtrN Mi#O tena prakNrtitO Mi#a%rOMir mUrtimatN Mi#O tena prakNrtitO MreyaT%saYghotkVWXa%dOtrN%the gi#er of great auspiciousnessD Mi#O%Si#OD tena%$y thisD prakNrtitO%saidD Mi#a%rOMiT%an a$undance of auspiciousnessD mUrtimatN%personifiedD Mi#O%Si#OD tena%$y thisD prakNrtitO%is said. herefore the name Si#O means LShe who $rings great auspiciousness, and it also means LShe who is great auspiciousness personifiedL. e:t .2 Mi#o hi mokWa%#acanaM cOkOro dOtV%#OcakaT s#ayaP nir#OQa%dOtrN yO sO Mi#O parikNrtitO Mi#aT%Mi#aD hi%indeedD mokWa%#acanaT%means li$erationD ca%andD OkOraT%the letter OD dOtV%#OcakaT%means one who gi#esD s#ayam%personallyD nir#OQa%of li$erationD dOtrN%the gi#erD yO%whoD sO%sheD Mi#O%Si#OD pa#ikNrtitO%is said. he word LMi#aL means Lli$erationL and the letter LOL me ns Lshe who gi#esL.

herefore the word Lsi#OL means Lshe who gi#es li$erationL. e:t .3 a$hayo $haya%nOMoktaM cOkOro dOtV%#OcakaT pradOdaty a$hayaP yO ca sO$hayO parikNrtitO a$hayaT%fearlessD $haya%nOMoktaT%trhe destroyer of fearD ca%andD OkOraT%the letter OD dOtV%#OcakaT%means the gi#erDD pradOdaty%%gi#esD a$hayam%fearlessnessD yO%whoD ca% andD sO%sheD a$hayO%a$hayOD parikNrtitO%is said. he word La$hayaL means Lthe destruction of fearsL, and the letter O means Lshe who gi#esL. herefore the word La$hayOL means Lshe who destroys fearsL. :t .4 rOja%MrN%#acano mO ca yO ca prOpana%#OcakaT taP prOpayati yO sadyaT sO mOyO parikNrtitO rOja%MrN%#acanaT%means the opulence of a kingD mO%the letter mOD ca%andD yO%the letter yOD ca%andD prOpana%#OcakaT%means attainingD tam%thatD prOpayati%causes to attainD yO%yOD sadyaT%at onceD sO%sheD mOyO%mOyOD parikNrtitO%is said. he letter LmOL means Lthe opulence of a kingL, and the letter LyOL means Lshe who causes one to attainL. herefore the word LmOyOL means ].sy ,36^she who gi#es one the opulence of a kingL. e:t .6 mO ca mohOrtha%#acano yO ca prOpana%#OcakaT taP prOpayati yO nityaP sO mOyO parikNrtitO mO%mOD ca%andD mohOrtha%#acanaT%means LillusionLD yO%yOD ca%andD prOpana% #OcakaT%means attainiungD tam%thatD prOpayati%causes to attainD yO%whoD nityam% alwaysD sO%sheD mOyO%mOyOD parikNrtitO%is said.

he letter LmOL means LillusionL and the letter LyOL means Lshe who causes one to attainL. herefore the word LmOyOL means Lshe who always $ewilders the li#ing entitiesL. e:t .7 nOrOyaQOrdha%sam$hUtO tena tulyO ca tejasO sadO tasya MarNra%sthO tena nOrOyaQN%smVtO nOrOyaQOrdha%sam$hUtO%$orn from half of Lord NOrOyaQaEs $odyD tena%$ecauseD tulyO%eBualD ca%andD tejasO%with power and gloryD sadO%alwaysD tasya%of ;imD MarNra% sthO%staying in the $odyD tena%$ecauseD nOrOyaQN%smVtO%remem$red as NOrOyaQN. 8ecause she was $orn from half of Lord NOrOyaQaEs $ody, $ecause in glory and power she is eBual to Lord NOrOyaQa, and $ecause she stays in Lord NOrOyaQaEs $ody, she is called NOrOyaQN e:t 09 nirguQasya ca nityasya #OcakaM ca sanOtanaT sanO nitypenirguQO yO kNrtitO ca sanOtanN y nirguQasya%$eyone the modes of natureD ca%andD nityasya%eternalD #OcakaT% meaningD ca%andD sanOtanaT%sanOtanaD sadO%alwaysD nityO%etern lD nirguQO%,eyond the modesD yO%whoD kNrtitO%saidD ca%andD sanOtanN%SanOtanN. he word LsanOtanaL means $oth LeternalL and L$eyond the modes of material natureL. 8ecause she is eternal and $eyond thu modes ofomaterial nature, she is called SanOtanN. e:t m,s jaT kalyOQa%pra#acano yakOro dOtV%#OcakaT jayaP dadOti yO nityaP sO jayO parikNrtitO

jaT%the letter jaD kalyOQa%pra#acanaT%means auspiciousnessD yakOraT%the latter yaD dOtV%#OcakaT%means the gi#erD jayam%the he letter LjaL means Lauspiciousness and the letter LyaL means Lone who gi#esL. 8ecause she always $rings auspiciousness she is called AayO. e:t 0. sar#a%maYgala%Ma$daM ca sampUrQaiM#arya%#OcakaT OkOro dOtV%#acanas tad%dOtrN sar#a%maYgalO sar#a%maYgala%Ma$daT%the word sar#a%maYgalaD ca%andD sampUrQaiM#arya%#OcakaT% means full with all opulencesD OkOraT%the letter OD dOtV%#acanaT%means one who gi#esD tad%dOtrN%the gi#er of thatD sar#a%maYgalO%is called Sar#a%maYgalO. he word Lsar#a%maYgalaL means Lall opulencesL, and the letter LOL means Lshe who gi#esL. herefore $ecause she gi#es all opulences she is called Sar#a%maYgalO. e:t 00 nOmOWXakam idaP sOraP nOmOrthaiT saha samyutam nOrOyaQena yad dattaP $rahmaQe nO$hi%paYkaje tasmai datt#O nidritaM ca $a$hU#a jagatOP patiT nOma%namesD aWXakam%eightD idam%thisD sOram%e:cellentD nOmOrthaiT%with the meani$gs of the namesD saha%withD samyutam%endowedD nOrOyaQena%$y Lord NOrOyaQaD yat%whatD dattam%gi#enD $rahmaQe%to 8rahmOD nO$hi%paYkaje%on the na#el lotusD tasmai%to himD datt#O%gi#enD nidritaT%asleepD ca%andD $a$hU#a%$ecameD jagatOm% of the uni#ersesD patiT%the master. )fter gi#ing these eight names and their definitions to the demigod 8rahmO on the lotus na#el, Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, fell asleep. e:t 01

madhu%kaiXa$hau durdantau $rahmOQaP hantum udyatau stotreQOnena sa $rahmO stutiP nidrOP cakOra ha madhu%kaiXa$hau%-adhu and /aiXa$hau durdantau%in#inci$leD $rahmOQam% 8rahmOD hantum%to killD udyatau%preparedD totreQa anena%with Lhis prayerD sa%heD $rahmO%8rahmOD stutim%prayerD nidrOm%&urgOD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. "hen the in#inci$le demons -adhu and /aiXa$ha tried to kill him, 8rahmO recited this prayer to Foddess &urgO. e:t 02 sOkWOd $hUt#O sta#Od durgO $rahmaQe ka#acaP dadau MrN%kVWQa%ka#acaP di#yaP sar#a%rakWaQa%nOmakam sOkWOt%directlyD $hUt#O%$ecomingD sta#Ot%$ecause of the prayerD durgO%&urgOD $rahmaQe%to 8rahmOD ka#acam%shieldD dadau%ga#eD MrN%kVWQa%ka#acaP%the SrN /VWQa% ka#acaD di#yam%di#ineD sar#a%rakWaQa%nOmakam%names that gi#e all protection. N8ecause of this prayer Fodyess &yrgO appeared $efore 8rahmOoand ga#e him the SrN /VWQa%ka#aca, which gi#es protection from all dangers. e:t 03 datt#O tasmai mahO%mOyO sOntardhOnaP cakOra ha stotrasyai#a pra$hO#ena samprOpa ka#acaP #idhiT #araP ca ka#acaP prOpya nir$hayaP prOpa niMcitam datt#O%after gi#ingD tasmai%to himD mahO%mOyO%Foddess &urgOD sO%sheD antardhOnaP cakOra ha%disappearedD stotrasya%of the prayerD e#a%certainlyD pra$hO#ena%$y the powerD samprOpa%attainedD ka#acam%the ka#acaD #idhiT%8rahmOD #aram%e:cellentD ca%andD ka#acam%ka#acaD prOpya%attainingD nir$hayam%fearlessnessD prOpa%attainedD niMcitam%indeed.

)fter gi#ing him the ka#aca, Foddess &urgO disappeared. 8y the power of this prayer 8rahmO attained the /VWQa%ka#aca, and with that he $ecame fearless. e:t 04 tripurasya ca saYgrOme sOrathe patite harau $rahmO dadau maheMOya stotraP ch ka#acaP #aram tripurasya%of ripuraD ca%andD saYgrOme%inthe $attleD sOrathe%when the charioteerD pat&te%faellD harau%Lord ;ariD $rahmO%8rahmOD dadau%ga#eD maheMOya%to Si#aD stotram% the prayerD ca%andD ka#acam%ka#acaD #aram%e:cellent. "hen the charioteer Lord ;ari fell in the $attle with ripura, 8rahmO ga#e this e:cellent prayer and ka#aca to Lord Si#a. e:ts 06 and 07 stotre sar#eQa nidrOyOT samrakWO ka#acena #ai nidrOnugrahataT sadyaT stotrasyai#a pra$hO#ataT tatrOjagOma $haga#On #VWa%rUpN janOrdanaT MaktyO ca durgayO sOrdhaP MaYkarasya jayOya ca stotre%in the prayerD sar#eQa%with allD nidrOyOT%of &urgOD samrakWO%protectionD ka#acena%with the ka#acaD #ai%indeedD nidrO%of &urgOD anugrahataT%$y the mercyD sadyaT%at onceD stotrasya%of the prayerD e#a%indeedD pra$hO#ataT%$y the powerD tatra% thereD OjagOma%cameD $haga#On%the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, Lord /VWQaD #VWa%rUpN%in the form of a $ullD janOrdanaT%Lord /VWQaD MaktyO%with the potencyD ca% andD durgayO%&urgOD sOrdham%withD MaYkarasya%of Lord Si#aD jayOya%for the #ictoryD ca% and. "hen Si#a recited the &urgO%stotra and the SrN /VWQa%ka#aca, $y &urgOEs mercy Lord /VWQa, in the form of a $ull and accompanied $y ;is potency &urgO, suddenly came there to ensure Si#aEs #ictory.

e:t 19 sarathaP MaYkaraP mUrdhni kVt#O ca nir$hayaP dadau aty%Urdh#aP prOpayOm Osa jayO tasmai jayaP dadau saratham%with the chariotD MaYkaram%Si#aD mUrdhni%on the headD kVt#O%doingD ca% andD nir$hayam%fearlessD dadau%ga#eD aty%Urdh#am%a$i#eD prOpayOm Osa%caused to attainD jayO%&urgOD tasmai%to himD jayam%#ictoryD dadau%ga#e. hen &urgO made Si#a and his chariot fly far a$o#e her head. She made Si#a fearless and she ga#e to him #ictory in the $attle. e:t 1, $rkhmOstraP ca gVhNt#O sa sa% idraP MrN%hariP smaran stotraP ca ka#acaP prOp a jaghOna tripuraP haraT $rahmOstram%the $rahmOstra wepaonD ca%andD gVhNt#O%takingD sa%heD sa%nidram% with &urgOD MrN%harim%Lord /VWQaD smaran%remem$eringD stotram%the prayerD ca%andD ka#acam%the ka#acaD prOpya%attainingD jaghOna%killedD tripuram% ripuraD haraT%Si#a. )fter thus attaining the &urgO%stotra and /VWQa%ka#aca, Si#a meditated on Lord /VWQa, took up the $rahmOstra weapon, and killed the demon ripura. e:t 1. stotreQOnena tOP durgOP kVt#O gopOlikOT stutim le$hire MrN%hariP kOntaP stotrasyOsya pra$hO#ataT stotreQa anena%with this prayerD tOm%herD durgOm%&urgOD kVt#O%doingD gopOlikOT% the gopNsD stutim%prayerD le$hire%attainedD MrN%harim%SrN /VWQaD kOntam%$elo#edD stotrasyOsya%of this prayerD pra$hO#ataT%$y the power.

8y reciting this prayer to Foddess &urgO, the gopNs attained Lord /VWQa as their dear hus$dnd. e:t 10 gopa%kanyO%kVtaP stotraP sar#a%maYgala%nOmakam #OZchitOrtha%pradaP sadyaT sar#a%#ighna%#inOManam gopa%kanyO%$y the gopNsD kVtam%doneD stotram%pryareD sar#a%maYgala%nOmakam% gi#ing all auspiciounessD #O].sy .1,^chitOrtha%pradam%fulfilling desiresD sadyaT%at onceD sar#a%#ighna%#inOManam%destruction of all o$stacles. he gopNs recited this prayer, which gi#es all auspiciousness fulfills all desires, and destroys all o$stacles. e:t 11 tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen nityaP $hakti%yuktaM ca mOna#aT sai#o #O #aiWQa#o #Opi Makto durgOt pramucyate tri%sandhyam%at sunrise, noonI and sursetD yaT%one whoD paXhen%recitesD nityam% dailyD $hakti%yuktaT%with de#otionD ca%andD mOna#aT%a human $eingD Mai#aT%a de#otee of Lord Si#aD #O%orD #aiWQa#aT%a de#otee of Lord ViWQuD #O%orD api%e#enD MaktaT%a de#otee of Foddess &urgOD durgOt%from dangersD pramucyate%is released. ) de#otee of Lord Si#a, Lord ViWQu, or Foddess &urgO, who with de#otion recites these prayers e#ery day ah sunrise, noon, and sunset, $ecomes free from all dangers and trou$les. e:t 1 rOja%d#Ore MmaMOne ca dO#Ognau prOQa%saYkaXe hiPsra%jantu%$haya%graste magna%pote mahOrQa#e rOja%d#Ore%rn trialD MmaMOne%in a creatoriumD ca%andD dO#Ognau%in a forest fireD prOQa%saYkaXe%when his life is in dangerD hiPsra%jantu%$haya%graste%in the grip of

dangerous $eastsD magna%pote%in a sinking $oatD mahOrQa#e%in a great ocean. "hether on trial in the kingEs court, in a ghostly crematorium, trapped in a $laGing fire, in a place where his life is in danger, in the grip of #iolent $easts, in a $oat sinking in the ocean, . . . e:t 13 Matru%graste ca saYgrOme kOrOgOre #ipad%yute guru%MOpe $rahma%MOpe $anShu%$hede su%dustare Matru%of enemiesD graste%inethe gripD ca%. nD saYgrOme%in $gattleD kOrOgOre%in a prison cellD #ipad%yute%in ahost of calamitiesD ghru%#f his guruD MOpe%in the curseD $rahma%MOpe%in the curse of a $rOhmaQaD $andhu%$hede%in a aeparation from friendsD su%dustare%#ery terri$le. . . . in the grip of enemies, in a $attle, in a prison cell, in a host of calamities, in a guruEs curse, in a $rOhmaQaEs curse, in the terri$le separation of friends and relati#es, . . . . e:t 14 sthOna%$hraWXe dhana%$hraWXe ujOti%$hraWXe MucOn#ite pati%$Lede putra%$hede khala%sarpa%#iWOn#ite sthOna%from the placeD $hraWXe%in fallingD dhana%$hraWXe%in the loss of wealthD jOti% $hraWXe%in the loss of social statusD MucOn#ite%filled with griefD pati%$hede%in a hus$andEs separationD putra%$hede%in a sonEs separationD khala%sarpa%#iWOn#ite%in a snakeEs poison. . . . in the loss of position, wealth, or social status, in grief, in separation from a son or daughter, in a wifeEs separation from her hus$and, or when one is $itten $y a poisonous snake, . . . e:t 16

stotra%smaraQa%mOtreQa sadyo mucyeta nir$hayaT #OZchitaP la$hate sadyaT sar#aiM#aryam anuttamam stotra%smaraQa%mOtreQa%simply $y rem?m$ering thns prayerDosadyau%at onceD mucyeta%is releasedD nir$hayaT%fearlessD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desireD la$hate%attainsD sadyaT%at onceD sar#aiM#aryam%all opulenceD anuttamam%peerless. . . . simply $y remem$ering this prayer one is at once rescued and freed from all fears. 8y remem$ering this prayer one attains peerless opulences and the fulfillment of all desires. e:t 17 iha loke harer $haktiP dVRhOP ca satataP smVtim ante dOsyaP ca a$hate pOr#atyOM ca prasOdataT iha%in thisD loke%worldD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD $haktim%de#otionD dVRhOm%firmD ca% BandD satatam%alwaysD smVtim%m,moryD ante%,t the endD dOsyam%ser#iceD ca%andD la$hate%attainsD pOr#atyOT%of (Or#atND ca%andD prasOdataT%$y the mercy. 8y Foddess (Or#etNEs mercy, in this world he attains firm de#otion to Lord /VWQa and unwa#ering meditation on Lord /VWQa, and at the end of life he attains direct ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. e:t 29 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca anena sta#a%rOjena tuWXuaur nityam NM#arNm praQemuT parayO $haktyO yO#an mOsaP #rajOYganOT MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD anena%with thisD sta#a%rOjena%regal prayerD tuWXu#uT%prayedD nityam%e#iry dayD AM#arNm%to the goddessD praQemuT%$owed downD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD yO#an%as long asD mOsam% amonthD #rajOYganOh%the girls of Vraja.

SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ >#ery day for one month the girls of Vraja #ery de#otedly recited this regal prayer to Foddess (Or#atN. e:t 2, e#aP pUrQe ca mOse ca samOpti%di#ase tathO snOtuP prajagmur gopyaM ca #astrOQy OdhOya tat%taXe e#am%thusD pUrQe%when completedD ca%andD mOse%the monthD ca%andD samOpti% di#ase%on the final dayD tathO%soD snOtum%to $atheD prajagmuT%wentD gopyaT%the gopNsD ca%andD #astrOQy%$garmentsD OdhOya%placingD tat%taXe%on the shore. <n the last day of that month, the gopNs entered the watSrs to $athe, and left on the ri#er$ank their garments, . . . e:ts 2.%21 nOnO%#idhOni dra#yOni ratna%mUlyOni nOrada pNta%Mukla%lohitOni cOrUQi miMritOni ca tNrO#VtOny asaYkhyOni taiM ca tNraP su%Mo$hitam candanOguru%kastUrN% #OyunO sura$hN%kVtam nai#edyaiM ca $ahu%#idhaiT kOla%deMod$ha#aiT phalaiT dhUpaiT pradNpaiT sindUraiT kuYkumaiM ca #irOjitam nOnO%#idhOni%many kindsD dra#yOni%thingsD ratna%mUlyOni%precious jewelsD nOrada% < NOradaD pNta%yellowD Mukla%whiteD lohitOni%and redD cOrUQi%$eautifulD miMritOni% mi:edD ca%andD tNrO#VtOny%on the shoreD asaYkhyOni%num$erlessD taiT%$y themD ca%andD tNram%the shoreD su%Mo$hitam%decoratedD candanOguru%kastUrN%#OyunO%with a $reeGe of sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD sura$hN%kVtam%fragrantD nai#edyaiT%with offerings of foodD ca%andD $ahu%#idhaiT%many kindsD kOla%deMod$ha#aiT%in the proper time and placeD phalaiT%with fruitsD dhUpaiT%with incenseD pradNpaiT%with lampsD sindUraiT% with sinduraD kuYkumaiT%with kunkumaD ca%andD #irOjitam%splendid.

. . . and, < NOrada, num$erless $eautiful yellow, white, red, and multicolored jewel ornaments. &ecorated with them, the ri#er$ank was #ery $eautiful, with the $reeGe carrying the scent of the gopNsE sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, it was #ery fragrant, and with many offerings of food, many kinds of fruit in season, many glittering lamps, and with sindUra and kuYkuma, it was #ery splendid. e:t 22 jala%krNRonmukha gopyo $a$hU#uT kautukena ca nagnO krNRO$hir OsaktO MrN%kVWQOrpita%mOnasOT jala%krNRonmukhOT%eager to play in the waterD gopyaT%the gopNsD $a$hU#uT% $ecameD kautukena%happilyD ca%andD nagnO%nakedD krNRO$hiT%with gamesD OsaktO% attachedD MrN%kVWQOrpita%mOnasOT%their hearts offered to Lird /VWQa. heir hearts offered to Lord /VWQa, the naked gopNs $ecame eager to play in the water. e:t 23 dVWX#O kVWQaM ca #astrOQi dra#yOni #i#idhOni ca #OsOPsy OdOya #astUni cakhOda MiMu$hiT saha dVWX#O%seeingD kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD ca%andD #astrOQi%the garmentsD dra#yOni%tyhingsD #i#idhOni%#ariousD ca%andD #OsOPsy%garmentsD OdOya%takingD #astUni%thingsD cakhOda% ateD MiMu$hiT%$oysD saha%with. Seeing the garments and other things, Lord /VWQa took them all. ;e and the $oys ate the offerings of food. e:t 24 gat#O dUraP ca gopOlOs tasthuT sar#e mudOn#itOT #astrOQi puZjN%kVtyOdau

UWuT skandSe Eti%lolupOT gat#O%goi gD dUram%far awayD ca%and( gopOlOT%the gopasD tasthuT%stayedD s r#e%allD mudOn#itOT%happyD #astrOQi%the garmentsD puZjN%kVtya%making into a greaLepileD Odau% in the $eginningD UWuT%stayedD skandhe%on the shouldersD ati%lolupOT%#ery eager. he ju$ilant gopas then gathered all the garments, placed themNon their uhoulders, and tookrthem far away. e:t 26 MoNdOmO ca sudOmO ca #asudOmO tathai#a ca su$alaM ca supOrM#aM ca Mu$hOYgaT sundaras tathO MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD ca%andD sudOmO%SudOmOD ca%andD #asudOmO%VasudOmOD tatoO%soD e#a%indeedD ca%andD su$alaT%Su$alaD ca%andD supOrM#aT%SupOnM#aD ca%andD Mu$hOYgaT% Su$hOYgaD sundaraT%SundaraD tathO%so. SrNdOmO, SudOmO, VasudOmO, Su$ala, SupOrM#a, Su$hOYga, Sundara, . . . est 2r candra$hOnur #Nra$hOnuT sUrya$SOnus tathai#a ca #asu$hOnu ratna$hOSur gopOlO d#OdaMa smVtOT candra$hOnuT%candra$hanuD #Nra$hOnuT%Vura$hanuD sUrya$hOnuT%Surya$hanuD tathO%soD e#a%indeedD ca%andD #asu$hOnu%Vasu$hanuD ratna$hOnuT%5atna$hanuD gopOlO%gopasD d#OdaMa%twel#eD smVtOT%remem$ered. . . . Candra$hOnu, VNra$hOnu, SUrya$hOnu, Vasu$hOsud and 5atna$hOnu were the twel#e leaders of the gopas. e:t 39 MrN%kVWQo $alade#aM ca i prOdhOnOM ca caturdaMa gopa harer #ayasyOM ca

koXiMaT koXiMo mune MrN%kVWQaT%Lord /VWQaD $alade#aT%Lord 8alarOmaD ca%andD prOdhOnOT%importantD ca%andD caturdVMa%fourteenD gop.%gopasD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD #ayasyOT%friendsD ca% andD koXiMaT%millionsD koXiMaT%and millionsD mune%< sage. < s,gen at that poace were Lord /VWQa, Lord 8alarOma, these fourteen principal gopas, and many millions and millions of other friends dftLord /VWQa. e:t 3, #astrOQy OdOya te sar#e tasthur ekatra dUrataT MataMaT puZjikOs tatra sthOpayOm Osur unmukhOT #astrOQy%garmentsD OdOya%takingD te%theyD sar#e%allD tasthuT%stayedD ekatra%in one placeD dUrataT%far awayD MataMaT%hundredsD puZjikOT%gathered togetherD tatra%thereD sthOpayOm OsuT%placedD unmukhOT%eager. he $oysatook the garments far away and put them in a certain place. e:t 3. kiZcid #aslraP samOdOya kVt#O ca puZjikaP mudO samaruhya kadam$OgraP u#Oca gopikOP hariT kiZcit%a certainD #astram%garsentD samOdOya%takingD kVt#O%doingD ca%andD puZjikam%a pileD mudO%happilyD samaruhya%takingD kadam$Ogram%to the top of a kadam$a treeD u#Oca%spokeD gopikOm%to a gopND hariT%Lord /VWQa. hen, taking some garments with ;im, Lord /VWQa clim$ed a kadam$a tree and spoke to the gopNs. e:t 30 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca

$ho $ho gopOlikOT sar#O ni#iWXO #rata%karmaQi kVt#O#adhOnaP mad%#OkyaP Mrut#O krNRata unmukhOT MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD $haT%<D $haT%<D gopOlikOT%gopNsD sar#O%allD ni#iWXO% enteredD #rata%karmaQi%in thew acti#ities of a #owD kVt#O%doingD a#adhOnam%attentionD mad%#Okyam%-y wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD krNRata%playD unmukhOT%eager. _ SrN /VWQa saidJ < gopNs following a religious #ow, first attenti#ely hear -y words, and then you may continue your playing. e:t 31 saYkalpite #ratOrhe ca mOse maYgala%karmaQi yUyaP nagnOT kathaP toye #ratOYga%hOni%kOrikOT saYkalpite%arrangedD #ratOrhe%for the #owD ca%andD mOse%in the mothD maYgala% karmaQi%auspcicious acti#itiesD yUyam%youD nagnOT%nakedD katham%why*D toye%in the waterD #ratOYga%hOni%kOrikOT%destroying the $enefit of the #ow. =ou ha#e carefully followed a religious #ow for an entire month. "hy do you now destroy the $enefit of your #ow $y going naked into the water* e:t 32 paridheyOni #OsOPsi puWpa%mOlyOni yOni ca #ratOrhOni ca #astUni kena nNtOni #o EdhunO paridheyOni%placedD #OsOPsi%garmentsD puWpa%mOlyOni%flower garlandsD yOni%whichD ca%andD #ratOrhOni%for the #owD ca%andD #astUni%thingsD kena%$y whom*D nitOni%takenD #aT%of youD adhunO%now. "ho has taken your garments, flower garlands, and the articles used in your #ow* e:t 33

#ratena nagnO yO snOti taP ruWXo !aruQaT s#ayam #aruQOnucarO #OsOM cakrur #astUni nirhVtim #ratena%with a #owD nagnO%nakedD yO%whoD snOti%$athesD tam%with herD ruWXaT% angryD #aruQaT%VruQaD s#ayam%personallyD #aruQOnucarO%the followers of VaruQaD #OsOT%garmentsD cakruT%takeD #astUni%thingsD nirhVtim%taking. VaruQa $ecomes angry when a girl following a #ow $athes naked. VaruQaEs follows take away that girlEs garments and offerings. e:t 34 kathaP yOsyatha nagnOM ca #ratasya kiP $ha#iWyati #ratOrOdhyO kathaP sO #o #astUni kiP na rakWati katham%why*D yOsyatha%do you goD nagnOT%nakedD ca%andD #ratasya%of the #owD kim%what*D $ha#iWyati%will $eD #ratOrOdhyO%worshiped $y the #owD katham%how*D sO% sheD #aT%of youD #astUni%thingsD kim%whether*D na%notD rakWati%protects. ;ow can you walk home naked* "hat will $ecome of your #ow* Is the goddess you worship powerless to protect what you are a$out to offer her* e:ts 36 and 37 cintOP kuruta tOP pUjyOP tuWXOP $ali$hir NM#arNm yuWmOkam NdVMN de#N na MaktO #astu%rakWaQe kathaP #rata%phalaP sOraP dOtuP MaktO sureM#arN phalaP pradOtuP yO MaktO sO MaktO sar#a%karmaQi cintOm%thoughtD kuruta%please doD tOm%herD pUjyOm%worshipa$leD tuWXOm%pleasedD $ali$hiT%with offseingsD NMi#rNm%the goddessD yuWmOkam%of youD NdVMN%like thisD de#N%

goddessD na%notD MaktO%a$leD #astu%rakWaQe%to protect the thingsD katham%howD #rata% phalam%the result of the #owD sOram%e:cellentD dOtum%to gi#eD MaktO%a$leD surer#aSN%the goddessD phalam%the resultD pradOtum%to gi#eD yO%whoD MaktO%a$leD sO%sheD MaktO%a$leD sar#a%karmaQi%in all acti#ities. (lease consider this. If you worship the goydess, and she is pleased with your offerings, $ut she has no power to protect your offerings, then how can such a goddess ha#e the power to gi#e you the result of following this #ow* If she has power to gi#e the result of the #ow, she must ha#e power in other things also. e:t 49 MrN%kVWQasya #acaT Mrut#O cintOm Opur #raja%striyaT dadVMur yamunO%tNraP #astra%#astu%#ihNnakam V MrN%kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD #acaT%the wordsD MrutjO%hearingD cintOm%thoughtD OpuT%attainedD #raja%striyaT%the girls of VrajaD dadVMuT%sawD yamunO%tNram%the =amunOEs shoreD #astra%#astu%#ihNnakam%without their garments and offerings. Listening to Lord /VWQaEs words, the girls of Vraja $ecame thoughtful. hen they looked at the =amunOEs shore and saw their garments and offerings for the goddess were all gone. e:t 4, cakrur #iWOdaP toye ca nagnOs tO rurudur $hVMam k#a gatOni ca #asaUti #astrOnNty Ucur atra naT cakruT%didD #sWOdam%unhappinessD toye%in the waterD ca%andD nagnOT%nakedD tO% theyD ruruduT%weptD $hVMam%greatlyD k#a%where*D gatOni%goneD ca%andD #astUni%thingsD #astrOni%garmentsD iti%thusD UcuT%saidD atra%hereD naT%of us. Standing yaked in the water, the gopNs lamentedJ "here are our garments and offerings for the goddess* e:t 4.

kVt#O #iWOdaP tatrai#a tam Ucur gopa%kanyakOT puXOZjali%yutOT sar#O $haktyO #inaya%pUr#akam kVt#O%doingD #iWOdam%lamentD tatra%thereD e#a%certainlyD tam%to ;imD UcuT%saidD gopa%kanyakOT%the gopNsD puXOZjali%yutOT%with folded handsD sar#O%allD $haktyO%with de#otionD #inaya%pUr#akam%with hum$leness. Lamenting in this way, the gopNs folded their hands and hum$ly spoke. e:ts 40 and 41 MrN%gopOlikO UcuT paridheyOni #astrOQi kiYkarNnOP sad%NM#araT ni$odhayOtmOnam e#a sparMaP kartuP t#am arhasi #ratOrhOni tu #astUni de#as#Oni ca sOmpratam adattOni nocitOni grahituP #eda#id%#ara MrN%gopOlikO UcuT%the gopNSrNdOmO saidD paridheyOni%placedD #astrOQi%garmentsD kiYkarNnOm%of maidser#antsD sad%NM#araT%the master of the de#oteesD ni$odhaya%please knowD OtmOnam%selfD e#a%indeedD sparMam%touchD kartum%to doD t#am%youD arhasi%are worthyD #ratOrhOni%proper for the #owD tu%indeedD #astUni%thingsD de#as#Oni%the property of the deityD ca%andD sOmpratam%nowD adattOni%not offeredD na%notD ucitOni% properD grahitum%to takeD #eda#id%#ara%< $est of the knowers of the Vedas. he gopNs saidJ =ou are the master of the de#otees and therefore you ha#e the right tp take =our maidser#antsE garments. 8ut the offerings of worship $elong to Foddess &urgO. < $est of Le knowers of the Vedas, it is not right for you to take them. e:t 42 dehi dhautOni dhVt#O ca kariWyOmo #rataP #ayam

#astunOnyena go#inda #astUni $hakWaQaP kuru dehi%gi#eD dhautOni%garmentsD dhVt#O%holdingD ca%andD kariWyOmaT%we will doD #ratam%the #owD #ayam%weD #astunOnyena%with outher thingsD go#inda%< /VWQaD #astUni%thingsD $hakWaQam%eatingD kuru%=ou may do. < /VWQa, please return our garments. "e will make other offerings to the goddess. =ou may eat the offerings. e:t 43 Ntasminnjantare tatS, MrNdOmO #astra%puZjikOm darMayit#O ca tOT sar#O dUraP dudrO#a tat%paraT etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD #astra%puZjikOm%the garmentsD darMayit#O%showingD ca%andD tOT%to themD sar#O%allD dUram%farD dudrO#a%ranD tat%paraT% for them. hen SrNdOmO showed them all the garments, and then Buickly took them far away. e:t 44 VVWX#O sa%#astraP gtpklaP sar#OsOm NM#arN parO sar#O #ayasyOM co#Oca kopa%yuktO jala%plutO dVWX#O%seeingD sa%#astram%their garmentsD gopOlam%to /VWQaD sar#OsOm%of allD NM#arN% the goddessD parO%supremeD sar#O%allD #ayasyOT%the friendsD ca%andD u#Oca%saidD kopa% yuktO%angmyD jala%plutO%po eied $y the water. Seeing ;er garments, the leader of the gopNs $ecame angry. Standing Sn thy water, She spoke to ;er friends. e:t 46 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca

he suMNle MaMikale he candramukhi mOdha#i kadam$amOle he kunti yamune sar#amaYgale MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD he%<D suMNle%SuMNlOD MaMikale%< SaMikalOD he%<D candramukhi%CandramukhND mOdha#i%< -adha#ND kadam$amOle%/adam$amOlOD he%<D kunti%/untND yamune%=amunOD sar#amaYgale%Sar#amaYgalO. SrN 5OdhO saidJ < SuMNlO, < SaMikalO, < CandramukhN, < -Odha#N, < /adam$amOlO, < /untN, < =amunO, < Sar#amaYgalO, . . . e:t 47 he padmamukhi sO#itri pOrijate ca jOhna#i sudhOmukhi Mu$he padme gauri ca he s#ayampra$he he%<D padmamukhi%(admamukhND sO#itri%SO#itrND pOrijate%(OrijOtOD ca%andD jOhna#i% AOhna#ND sudhOmukhi%SudhOmukhND <u$he%Su$hOD padme%(admOD gauri%FaurND ca%andD he%(D s#ayampra$he%S#ayampra$hO. . . . < (admamukhN, SO#itrN, (OrijOtO, AOhna#N, SudhOmukhN, Su$hO, (admO, FaurN, < S#ayampra$hO, . . . pe:t 69 kOlike kamale durge he saras#ati $hOrati apUrQe rati he gaYge cOm$ike sati sundari kOlike%< /OlikOD kamale%< /amalODodurge%< &urgnD he%<D saras#ati%Saras#etND $hOrati%8hOratND apUrQe%)pUrQOD rati%5atiD he%<D gaYge%FaYOD ca%andD am$ike%)m$ikOD sati%SatND sundari%SundarN. . . . < /OlikO, < /amalO, < &urgO, < Saras#atN, < 8hOratN, < )pUrQO, < 5ati, < FaYgO, < )m$ikO, < SatN, < SundarN, . . .

e:t 6, kVWQapriye madhumati campe candananandinN yUyaP sar#OT samutthOya $addh#Onayata #alla$ham kVWQapriye%kVWQapriyeD madhumati%-adhumatiD campe%CampOD candananandinN% CandananandinND yUyam%youD sar#OT%allD samutthOya%risingD $addh#O%$indingD Onayata%$ringD #alla$ham%the $elo#ed. . . . < /VWQapriyO, < -adhumatN, < CampO, < CandananandinN, all of you rise up together, tie up our $elo#ed, and $ring ;im to -e. e:t 6. sar#O rOdhOjZayO tUrQaP samutthOya jalOt krudhO prajagmur gopikO nagnO yoQim OcchOdya pOQahaT sar#O%allD rOdhOjZayO%on 5OdhOEs or+erD tUrQam%at onceD hamutthOya% isingD jalOt% from the waterD krudhO%angrilyD prajagmuT%wentD gopikO%the gopNsD nagnO%nakedD yoQim%pu$ic areaD OcchOdya%co#eringD pOQataT%with their hands. <n 5OdhOEs order the naked gopNs, co#ering their pu$ic area with their hands, angrily rose from the water. e:t 60 etOsOP sahacOriQyo ropyas tUrQaP sahasraMaT prajagmus tena rUpeQa kopOd Orakta%locanOT etOsOm%of themD sahacOriQyaT%the friendsD gopyaT%gopNsD ttrQam%at onceD sahasraMaT%thousandsD prajagmuT%wentD tena%$y thatD rUpeQa%with the natureD kopOt% with angerD Orakta%locanOT%their eyes red. hen, their eyes red with anger, many thousands of other gopNs also rose from the water.

e:t 61 #egena dudru#uT sar#OT MrNdamOnaP ca $alikOT #egena ca pradhO#antaP $i$hrataP #astra%puZjikOm #egena%BuicklyD dudru#uT%ranD sar#OT%allD MrNdamOnam%at SrNdOmOD ca%andD $alikOT% the girlsD #egena%BuicklyD ca%andD pradhO#antam%runningD $i$hratam%holdingD #astra% pu].sy .1,^jikOm%tne pile of garments. )ll the girls chased SrNdOmO, who fled with the garments. e:t 62 jagOma MNghraP MrNdOmO yatra gopOT sahOPMukaT ja#ena dudru#ur gopyas tat%paMcOd $ala%samyutOT jagOma%wentD MNghram%BuicklyD MrNdOmO%SrNdOmOD yatra%whereD gopOT%the gopasD sahOPMukaT%with the garmentsD ja#ena%BuicklyD dudru#uT%ranD gopyaT%the gopNsD tat% paMcOt%$ehind himD $ala%samyutOT%powerful. Sr dOmO an to the place where the gopas were protecting the garments, and th powerful gopNs Buickly followed. e:t 63 #astra%caurOPM ca gopOPM ca #eWXayOm Osur OMu tOT $hayOt pradudru#ur $OlO yatra kVWQaT sahOPMukaT #astra%caurOn%the thei#es of the garmentsD ca%andD gopOn%the gopasD ca%andD #eWXayOm OsuT%surroundedD OMu%at onceD tOT%theyD $hayOt%out of fearD pradudru#uT% fledD $OlO%the $oysD yatra%whereD kVWQaT%/VWQaD sahOPMukaT%with the garments. he gopNs surrounded the gopas that took the garments. hen the gopas fled in fear to were tVWQa was holding some of the garments.

e:t 64 MrN%kVWQa%sahitOn $alOn #OrayOm Osur OMu ca gopikOnOP $hiyO gopO dadur #astrOQi mOdha#am MrN%kVWQa%sahitOn%with Lord /VWQaD $alOnSthe $oysD #OrayOm OsuT%surroundedD OMu% at onceD ca%andDmgopikOnOm%of the gopNsD $hiyO%with fearD gopO%the gopasD daduT%ga#eD #astrOQi%the gar entsD m$dha#am%to /LtQa. he gopNs at once surrounded /VWQa and ehe $oys. he frightened gopas ga#e the gopNsE garments to /VWQa. e:t 66 mOdha#aT sthOpanOm Osa skandhe skandhe taros taroT kadam$a%#VkWaT siMu$he #astrmir nOnO%#idhair api mOdha#aT%/VWQaD sthOpayOm Osa%placedD skandhe%on $ranchD skandhe%after $ranchD waroT%of treeD taroT%after treeD kadam$a%#VkWaT%the kadam$a treeD suMu$he%was gloriousD #astraiT%with garmentsn nOnO%#idhaiT%many indsD api%e#en. hen dVWQa placed the garments on ahe $ranc es and su$%$ranches of a tree. Co#ered with a great #ariety of garments, that kadam$a tree looked glorious. e:t 67 #astrOQOP puZjikOT sar#OT skandheWu #inidhOya ca u#Oca gopikOT kVWQaT parihOsa%paraP #acaT #astreaOm%oe garmentsD puZjikOT%thermultitudeD sar#OT%allD skandheWu%on the $ranchesD #inidhOya%placingD ca%andD u#Oca%spokeD gopikOT%to the gopNsD kVWQaT% /VWQaD parihOsa%param%jokingD #acaT%words.

u)fterrplacing e#ery garment on the treeEs $ranches, Lord /VWQa joked with the gopNs. e:t 79 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca $ho $ho gopOlikO nagnO idOnNP kiP kariWyatha yacZOP kartuP ca #astrOQi kurutOMu puXOZjalim MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD $haT%<D $haT%<D gopOlikO%gopNsD nagnO%nakedD idOnNm%nowD kim%what*D kariWyatha%will you doD yacZOm%$eggingD kartum%to doD ca% andD #astrOQi%garmentsD kuruta%you should doD OMu%at onceD puXOZjalim%with folded hands. SrN /VWQa saidJ < naked gopNs, what will you do now* @old your hands and $eg f!, your garments. e:ts 7, and 7. gat#O #adata yuWmOkaP NM#arNmcatha r dhikOm karotu MNghraP tastrOQi yacZOP kVt#O puXOZjalim anyathOhaP na dOsyOmi yuWmOkam OPMukOni ca yuWmOkam NM#arN rOdhO kiP kariWyati me EdhunO gat#O%ha#ing goneD #adata%tellD yuWmOkam%of youD NM#arNm%the leaderD atha%thenD rOdhikOm%5OdhOD karotu%should doD MNghram%at onceD #astrOQi%garmentsD yacZOm% $eggingD kVt#O%doingD puXO].sy .1,^jalim%folded handsD nyathO%otherwiseDhaham%ID na% notD dOsyOmi%will gi#eD yuWmOkam%of youD OPMukOni%the garmentsD ca%andD yuWmOkam% of youD NM#arN%the leaderD rOdhO%5OdhOD kim%what*D kariWyati%will doD me%to -eD adhunOcnow. Fo to your leader, 5OdhO, and tell ;er She must fold ;er hands and $eg for ;er marments, otherwise I will not gi#e them. "hat can your leader, 5OdhO, horto -e*

e:t 70 #ratOrOdhyO ca yO de#N sO #O me kiP kariWyati ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP $rUta yUyaP ca rOdhikOm #rata%in the #owD OrOdhyO%worshipedD ca%andD yO%whichD de#N%goddessD sO%sheD #O% orD me%to -eD kim%what*D kariWyati%will doD ity%thusD e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD $rUta%tellD yUyam%youD ca%andD rOdhikOm%to 5OdhO. "hat will the goddess utu worship do to -e* Fo and tell 5OdhO all that I ha#e said. e:t 71 MrN%kVWQa%#acanaP Mrut#O tOT iar#O gopa%kanyakOT #NkWya locana%kopena prajagmU rOdhikOntikam MrN%kVWQa%of Lord /VWQaD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD tOT%theyD sar#O%allD gopa%kanyakOT%gopNsD #NkWya%lookingD locana%kopena%with anher in tyeir eyesD prajagmU%wentD rOdhikOntikam%to 5OdhO. )fter hearing /VWQaEs words, the gopNs stared at ;im with angry eyes. hen they returned to 5OdhO. e:t 72 cakrur ni#edanaP gat#O yad u#Oca hariT s#ayam Mrut#O jahOsa sO rOdhO $a$hU#a kOma%pNRitO cakruT%didD ni#edanam%descriptionD gat#O%goingD yat%whatD u#Oca%saidD hariT% /VWQaD s#ayam%personallyD Mrut#O%hearingD jahOsa%laughedD sO%SheD rOdhO%5OdhOD $a$hU#a%$ecameD kOma%pNRitO%tormented with amorous desires.

"hen they told ;er what /VWQa said, 5OdhO laughed. She was tormented with amorous desire. e:t 73 Mrut#O tOsOP ca #acanaP pulakOZcita%#igrahO na jagOma hareT sthOnaP #rNRayO sa%smitO satN Mrut#O%hearingD tOsOm%of themD ca%andD #acanam%the wordsD pulakOZcita%#igrahO% $odily hairs standing upD na%notD jagOma%wentD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD sthOnam%to the placeD #rNRayO%shylyD sa%smitO%smilingD satN%saintly. )s 5OdhO listened to the gopNs words, the hairs of ;er $ody stood erect in ecstasy. Shyly smiling, saintly 5OdhO did not go to Lord /VWQa. e:t 74 jale yogOsanaP kot#O dadhyau kVWQa%padOm$ujam $rahmeMOnanta%dharmOQOP #andyam Npsita%daP param _ jale%in the waterD yogOsanam%a yoga postureD kVt#O%doingD dadhyau%meditatedD kVWQa%padOm$ujam%on SrN /VWQaEs lotus feetD $rahmeMOnanta%dharmOQOm%$y 8rahmO, Si#a, )nanta, and =amarOjaD #endyam%$owed downD Npsita%dam%fulfilling nesiresD param%supreme. Sitting in a yoga posture in the water, 5OdhO meditate on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, which are worshiped $y 8rahmO, Si#a, )nanta, and =amarOja, and which fulfill all desires. e:t 76 smaraP smaraP padOm$hojaP sOMru%sampUrQa%locanO $hO#OtirekOt prOQeMaP tuWXO#a oirgLQaP #i$hum smaraP smaram%meditating and meditatingD padOm$hojam%on the lotus feetD sOMr(% sampUrQa%locanO%;er eyes filled with tearsD $hO#OtirekOt%out of o#erwhelming lo#eD

prOQeMam%the Lord of ;re lifeD tuWXO#a%offered prayersD nirguQam%$eyond ohe modes of material natureD #i$hum%to the all%powerful Supreme Lord. )s again and again She meditated on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, 5OdhOEs eyes $ecame filled with tears. <#ercome with lo#e, She offered prayers to the master of ;er life, the Supreme Lord whr is $eyond the modes of material nature. e:t 77 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca goloka%nOtha gopNMa mad%NMa prOQa%#alla$ha he dNna%$andho dNneMa sar#eM#ara namo Estu te MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD goloka%nOtha%< master of FolokaD gopNMa%< master of the gopNsD mad%NMa%< -y masterD prOQa%#alla$ha%< Lord more dear than lifeD he%<D dNna%$andhaT%friend of the poorD dNneMa%< master of the poorD sar#eM#ara%< master of allD namaT%o$eisancesD astu%areD te%unto =ou. SrN 5OdhO saidJ < master of Foloka, < master of the gopNs, < -y master, < Lord more dear than life, < friend of the poor, < master of the poor, < master of all, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. e:t ,99 gopeMa go%samUheMa yasodOnanda%#ardhana nandOtmaja sad%Onanda nityOnanda namo Estu te tgopeMa%< master of the gopasD go%samUheMa%< master of the cowsD yasodOnanda% #ardhana%< delight of =aModOD nandOtmaja%< son of NandaD sad%Onanda%< $liss of the de#oteesD nityOnanda%< eternally $lissful LordD namaT astu te%I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. < master of the gopas, < master of the cows, < delight of =aModO, < son of Nanda, < $liss of the de#otees, < eternally $lissful Lord, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou.

e:t ,9, Matamanyor manyu%$hagna $rahma%darpa%#inOMaka kOliya%damana prOQa% nOtha kVWQa namo Estu te MatamanyoT%of IndraD manyu%$hagna%< $rewaker of the prideD $rahma%darpa% #inOMaka%< (estroyer of 8rahmOEs prideD kOliya%damana%< su$duer of /OliayD prOQa%of lifeD nOtha%< masterD kVWQa%< /VWQa namo Estu te%I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. < Lord who $roke IndraEs pride, < Lord who destroyed 8rahmOEs pride, < Lord who su$dued /Oliya, < master of -y life, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. e:t ,9. Mi!OnanteMa $rahmeMa $rOhmaQeMa parOt para $rahma%s#arUpa $rahma%jZa $rahma jN#a namo Estu te Mi#OnanteMa%< master of Si#a and )nantaD $rahmeMa%< master of 8rahmOD $rOhmaQeMa%< master of the $rOhm7QasD parOt%than the greatestD papa%greaterD $rah1a% s#arUpa%< Lord whose form is spiritualD $rahma%jZa%< master of spiritual knowledgeD $rahma%< greatestD jN#a%< Lord of lifeD namo Estu te%I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. < master of Lord Si#a and Lord )nanta, < master of 8rahmO, < master of the $rOhmaQas, < Lord greater than the greatest, < Lord whose form is spiritual, < master ofSall spiritual knowledge, < Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, < master of all that li#e, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. e: ,90 carOcara%taror $Nja t guQOtNta%guQOtmaka guQa%$Nja guQOdhOra guQNM#ara namo Estu te cara%mo#ingD cara%and unmo#ingD taroT%of the treeD $Nja%< seedD guQOtNta%$eyond

the modes of material natureD guQOtmaka%the ma eer of all #irtCesD guQa%$Nja%the seed of all #irtuesD guQOdhOra%the resting plasce of alu #irtumsD guQNi#ara%the master of the #irtuousD namo Estu te%I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. < seed of the tree of all mo#ing and unmo#ing creatures, < Lorm $eyond the touch of the modes of material nature, < Lord whose heart is filled with all #irtues, < seed of all #irtues, < resting place of all #irtues, < master of the #irtuous, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. e:t ,91 aQimOdika%siddhNMa siddhe siddhi%s#arUpaka tapas tapas#in tapasOP $Nja%rUpa namo Estu te aQimOdika%siddhNMa%< master of the siddhis $eginning with anima siddhiD siddhe%< perfect oneD siddhi%s#arUpaka%< Lord whose form possVsses all perfectionsD tapaT%< austerityD tapas#in%< austere oneD tapasOm%of austeritiesD $Nja%rUpa%< seedD namo Estu te%I offer -y respectful o$eesances tr =eu. < master of the siddhis $eginning with aQimO%siddhi, < perfect one, < Lord whose form is fioled wito all powers and all perfections, < ausoerety personified, < austete one, < seed of all austerities, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. :t ,92 yad anir#acanNyaP ca #astu nir#acanNyakam tat%s#arUpa tayor $Nja sar#a%$Nja namo Estu te yat%whatD anir#acanNyam%indescri$a$leD ca%andD #astu%thingD nir#acanNyakam% descri$a$leD tat%s#arUpa%'hat formD tayoT%of them $othD $Nja%< seedD sar#a%$Nja%< seed of allD namo Estu te%I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. < Lord whose form contains the descri$a$le and the indescri$a$le, < seed f the descri$arle and the indescri$a$le, I offer -y respectful o$eisances to =ou. e:t ,93

ahaP saras#atN lakWmNr durgO gaYgO Mruti%prasUT yasya pOdOrcanOn nityaP pUjyO tasmai namo namaT aham%ID saras#atN%saras#atND lakWmNT%LakWmND durgO%&urgOD gaYgO%FaYgOD Mruti% prasUT%sO#itrND yasya%of whomD pOda%of the feetD arcanOt%from the worshipD nityam% alwaysD pUjyO%to $e worshipedD tasmai%to ;imD namo namaT%I offer -y respectful o$eisances. I owferw-y respectful o$eisances to the Surreme (arsonality of Fodhead. 8y always worshiping ;is feet, Saras#atN, LakWmN, &urgO, FaYgO, SO#itrN, and I ha#e $ecome demigoddesses worthy to $e worshiped. e:t ,94 sparMena yasya $hVtyOnOP dhyOnena ca di#O%niMam pa#itrOQi ca tNrthOni tasmai $haga#ate namaT sparMena%$y the touchD yasya%of whomD $hVtyOnOm%of the ser#antsD dhyOnena%$y the meditationD ca%andD di#O%niMam%day and nightD pa#itrOQi%pureD ca%andD tNrthOni%the holy placesD tasmai%to ;imD $haga#ate%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD namaT%I offer -y respectful o$eisances. I offer -y respectful o$eisances to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. ;is ser#ants meditate on ;im day and night. heir touch sanctifies the holy places. e:t ,96 ity e#am ukt#O sO de#N jale sannyasya #igraham manaT%prOQOPM ca MrN%kVWQe tasthau sthOnu%samO satN ity e#am%thusD ukt#O%speakingD sO%SheD de#N%the goddessD jale%in the waterD sannyasya%placingD #igraham%formD manaT%prOQOn%heart and lifeD ca%andD MrN%kVWQe%to SrN /VWQaD tasthau%stoodD sthOnu%samO%like a pillarD satN%saintly. )fter speaking these words, the saintly goddess 5OdhO stood motionless like a pillar

placed in the water. She offered ;er heart and ;er life to Lord /VWQa. e:t ,97 rOdhO%ketaP hareT stotraP tri%sandhyaP yaT paXhen naraT hari%$haktiP ca dOsyaP ca la$hed rOdhO%gatiP dhru#am rOdhO%$y SrN 5OdhOD kVtam%madeD hareT%to Lord /VWQaD stotram%prayerD tri% sandhyam%&unrise, noon, and dightD y T%one whoD paXhen%recitesD naraT%a personD hari%$haktum%de#otion to Lord /VWQaD ca%andD dOsyam%ser#iceD ca%andD la$het%attaihsD rOdhO%gatimnto destination of SrN 5OdhOD dhru#am%dndeed. ) person who, morning, noon, and uunset, recites thispprayer spoken $y SrN uOdhO to Lord /VWQa, nttains de#otional ser#ice to Lord /VWQa. ;e attarns the association ef SrN 5OdhO. e:t ,,9 # pattau yaT paXhed $haktwO sadyaT sampattim OpnuyOt cira%kOla%gataP dta#ysP hVtaP nanXaP ca la$hyate #ipattau%in calamityD yaT%one whoD paXhet%recitesD $haktyO%with de#otionD sadyaT% at onceD sampattim%good fortuneD OpnuyOt%attainsD cira%kOla%gatam%for a long timeD dra#yam%thingD hVtam%lostD naWXam%destroyedD ca%andD la$hyate%is attained. ) person who, hn he midst of a calamity, recites this prayer with de#otion, attains good fortune again. ;e regains what was lost or destroyed for a long time. e:t ,,, $andhu%#Vd hicorha#et tasya prasannaP mOnasaP param cintO%grastaT paXhed $haktyO paraP nir#Vtim OpnuyOt randhu%of relati#esD #VddhiT%increaseD $h #et-isD tasya%of himD prasannam%happyD mOnasam%heartD param%greatD cintO%grastaT%in the grip of an:ietyD paXhet%recitesD

$haktyO%with de#otionD param%greatD nir#Vtim%happinessD OpnuyOt%attains. ) person who, in the grip of worry, de#otedly recites this prayer, attains a peaceful heart. ;e $ecomes happy. ;is family prospers. e:t ,,. pati%$hede putra%$hede mitra%$hede ca saYkaXe mOsaP $haktyO yadi paXhet sadyaT sO darManaP la$het pati%$hede%in separation from hus$andD putra%$hede%in separation from childD mitra%$hede%in separation from friendD ca%andD saYkaXe%in dangerD mOsam%for a monthD $haktyO%with de#otionD yadi%ifD paXhet%recitesD sadyaT%at onceD sO%sheD darManam%sightD la$het%attains. If a woman separated from ;er hus$and, child, or friend de#oted y recites this prayer daily for one month, she will see her dear one. e:t ,,0 $haktyO kumOrN stotraP ca MVQuyOd #atsaraP yadi MrN%kVWQa%sOdVMaP kOntaP guQa#antaP la$hed dhru#am $haktyO%with de#otionD kumOrN%a young girlD stotram%prayerD ca%andD MVQuyOt%hearsD #atsaram%for a yearD yadi%ifD MrN%kVWQa%SrN /VWQaD sOdVMam%likeD kOntam%a hus$andD guQa#antam%#irtuousD la$het%attainsD dhru#am%indeed. If a young girl hears this prayer e#ery day for one year, she will attain a hus$and #irtuous like Lord /VWQa ;imself. e:t ,,1 jala%sthO rOdhikO dhyOt#O MrN%kVWQa%caraQOm$ujam stut#ai#aP cakWur unmNlya dVWX#O kVWQamayaP jagat

lala%sthO%staying in the wateri rOdhikO%5OdhOD dhyOt#O%meditatingD MrN%kVWQa% caraQOm$ujam%on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feetD stut#O%prayingD e#am%thusD cakWuT%eyesD unmNlya%apeningD-dVWX#O%syeingD kVWQamayam%like Lord /VWQaD jagat%the world. Sitting in the water, 5OdhO offered theseaprayers and meditated on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. "hen She opened ;er eyes, She coult see only Lord /VWQa e#erywhere. e:t ,,2 dadarMa yamunO%tNraP #astra%dra#ya%mayaP mune dVWX#O tandrOtha#O s#OpnaP iti mene ca rOdhikO dadarMa%sawD yamunO%tNram%the shore of the =amunOD #astra%dra#ya%mayam%with the garmentsD mune%< sageD dVWX#O%seeingD tandrO%e:haustionD atha#O%orD s#Opnam% sleepD iti%thusD mene%thoughtD caeandD rOdhikO%SrN 5OdhO. < sage, then 5OdhO saw that the =amunOEs shore was filled with garments and other things. She thought that She was either dreaming or so e:hausted ;er mind was playing tricks. e:t ,,3 yatra strOne yad%OdhOre yad%dra#yaP saPsthitaP purO #astraiM ca sahjtaP sar#aP tat prOpur gop %kanyakOT yatra%whereD sthOne%in the placeD yad%OdhOre%in the aesting place of thatD yad% dra#yam%which thingD saPsthitam%situatedD purO%$eforeD #astraiT%with garmentsD ca% andD sahitam%withD sar#am%allD tat%th(tD prOpuT%attainedD gopa%kanyakOT%the gopNs. he gopNs found that the garments and other things were e:actly as they had $een $efore. e:t ,,4 jalOd utthOya tOTnsar#O #NataP krt#O manNWitam

samprOpya ca #ataP de#yas tOT sar#OT s#OlayaP yayuT jalOt%from the waterD utthOya%risingD tOT%theyD sar#O%allD #ratam%the #owD kVt#O% doingD manNWitam%desireD samprOpya%attainingD ca%andD #aram%$oonD de#yaT%the goddessesD tOT%theyD sar#OT%allD s#Olayam%homD yayuT%went. 5ising from the water, the splendid gopNs concluded the #ow, attained the $oon mhey desired, and returned to their homes. e:t ,,6 MrN%nOrada u#Oca #ratasya kiP #idhOnaP ca kiP nOma kiP phalaP pra$ho kOni dra#yOni deyOni kO deyO tatra dakWiQO MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD #ratasya%of the #owD kim%what*D #idhOnam%the methodD ca%andD kim%what*D nOma%the nameD kim%what*D phalam%the resultD pra$haT% < lordD kOni%whatD dra#yOni%thingsD deyOni%should $e gi#enD kO%what*D deyO%should $e gi#enD tatra%thereD dakWiQO%as dakWiQO. SrN NOrada saidJ ;ow is this #ow performed* "hat is its name* "hat result does it $ring* "hat should $e offered in it* "hat dakWiQO should $e gi#en* e:t ,,7 #ratOnte kiP rahasyaP ca $a$hU#a su%manoharam #yOsaP kVt#O mahO%$hOga #ada nOrOyaQNP katham #ratOnte%at the end of the #owD kim%what*D rahasyam%secretD ca%andD $a$hU#a%wasD su%manoharam%$eautifulD #yOsam%di#isionD kVt#O%doingD mahO%$hOga%< fortunate oneD #ada%please tellD nOrOyaQNm%of Lord NOrOyaQaD katham%the account. "hat is the $eautiful secret learned at the end of this #ow* < #ery fortunate one, please tell in detail e#erything related to Lord /VWQa.

e:t ,.9 MrN%sUta u#Oca nOradasya #FcaT Mrut#O prahasya muni%puYga#aT kathaP kathitum Ore$he ka#NndrOQOP guror guruT MrN%sUta u#Oca%SrN SUta saidD nOradasya%of NOradaD #acaT%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD prahasya%smilingD muni%puYga#aT%the $est of sagesD katham%the storyD iathitum%to narratueD Ore$he%$eganD ka#NndrOQO %ef the kings of philosophersD guroT%of the guruD guruT%the guru. SrN SUta Fos#OmN saidJ Smiling when ;e he rd NOradaEn words, SrN NOr yaQa [Wi, the guru Nf the guru of the kings of philosophers, e:plained e#erything. e:t ,., MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca sar#aP #rata%#idhOnaP ca matto #atsa niMOmaya khyOtaP gaurN%#rataP nOmnO mOrga%mOsi kVtaP mahat MrN%nOrOyaQS u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD sar#am%allD #rata%#idhOnam%the way of following the #owD ca%andD mattaT%from meD #atsa%< childD niMOmaya%pleasehear@ khyOtam%spokenD gaurNd#ratam%the #ow oftFaurND nOmnO%namedD mOrga%mOsi%in the month of -OrgaD kVtam%doneD mahat%gredt. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ Child, please hear from -e the way this #ow is o$ser#ed. his #ow is called FaurN%#rata, asd it is o$ser#ed in themmonph of -OrgaMNrWa (No#em$er%&ecem$er). e:ts ,.. and ,.0 #idhOya dhaute snOt#O ca nOnO%dra#yena kanyakOT de#a%WaXkaP ca sampUjya

kVt#O cO#OhanaP ghaXe gaQeMaP ca dineMaP ca #ahniP nOrOyaQaP Mi#am durgOP paZcopacOreQa sampUjya #ratam Ora$ran #idhOya%wearingD dhaute%clean clothesD snOt#O%after $athingD ca%andD nOnO% dra#yena%with #arious thingsD kanyakOT%girlsD de#a%WaXkam%the si: deitiesD ca%andD sampUjya%worshipingD kVt#O%doingD ca%andD a#Ohanam%not riding in a carriageD ghaXe% to a $athing placeD gaQeMam%FaQeMaD ca%andD dineMam%SUryaD ca%andD #ahnim%)gniD nOrOyaQam%NOrOyQaD Mi#am%Si#aD durgOm%&urgOD pa].sy .1,^copacOreQa%with fi#e offeringsD sampUjya%worshipingD #ratam%the #owD Ora$han%$egan. 8athing, putting on clean garments, walking to a $athing%place, and with fi#e offerings worshiping the si: deities FaQeMa, SUrya, )gni, NOrOyaQa, Si#a, and &urgO, the girls $egan this #ow. e:t ,.1 ghaXOdhaT piQRikOP kVt#O catur%asraP su%#iWXrtam candanOguru%kastUrN% kuYkumaiM ca su%saPskVtam nirmOya $OlukOyOP ca durgOP daMa%$hujOP parOm datt#O kapOle sindUraP tad%adhaM candanendukam ghaXOdhaT%$elow the $athing placeD piQRikOm%piQROD kVt#O%doingD catur%asram%a BuadrangleD su%#iWXrtam%gracefulD candanOguru%kastUrN%kuYkumaiT%with sandal, agurueymusk, and kunkumaD ca%andD su%saPskVtam%nicely madeD nirmOya%makingD $OlukOyOm%in the sandD ca%andD durgOm%&urgOD daMa%$hujOm%with ten armsD parOm% greatD datt#O%placingD kapOle%on the foreheadD sindUram%sindUraD tad%adhaT%$elow thatD candanendukam%sandal moon%dots. -arking $elow the $athing place a Buadrangle with sandal, agurV, muss, a>d kuYkuma, artistically drawing in the sand a picture of ten%armed Foddess &urgO, anointing her forehead with red sindUra, painting sandal mood%dots $elow, . . . e:t ,.3

tOP dhyOt#O #Ohayed de#NP tato $hUt#O puXOZjaliT imaP mantraP paXhit#Odau tataT pUjOP samOra$het tOm%on herD dhyOt#O%meditatingD a#Ohayet%may doD de#Nm%to the goddessD tataT% thenD $hUt#O%$ecomingD puXOZjaliT%wityh folded handsD imam%thisD mantram%mantraD paXhit#O%recitingD Odau%at the firstD tataT%thenD pUjOm%worshipD samOra$het%should $egin. . . . and then meditating on her, a girl should fold her hands and, reciting the following mantra, worship the goddess. e:t ,.4 he gauri MaYkarOrdhOYge yathO t#aP MaYkara%priyO tathO mOP kuru kalyOQi kOnta%kOntOP su%durla$hOm he%<D gauri%fair oneD MaYkarOrdhOYge%< half of Lord Si#aEs $odyD yathO%asD t#am% youD MaYkara%priyO%dear to Si#aD tathO%soD mOm%to meD kuru%please doD kalyOQi%< $eautiful oneD kOnta%kOntam%dear to a hus$andD su%durla$hOm%#ery rare. < fair goddess who are half of Lord Si#aEs $ody, < $eautiful and auspicious one, as you are dear to Lord Si#a, please make me dear to a handsome hus$and. e:ts ,.6hand ,.7

imaP mantr,P paXhit#O hu i dhyOyed de#NP jagat%prasUm dhyOnaP tat sOma%#edoktaP nigURhaP sar#a%kOma%dam MVQu nOrada #akWyOmi munNndrOQOP ca durla$ham dhyOyanty anena siddhOM ca durgOP durgati%nOMinNm imam%thisD mantram%mantraD paXhit#O%recitingD tu%indeedD dhyOyet%should

meditateD de#Nm%on thr goddessD jagat%prasUm%the mother of the uni#erseD dhyOnam% meditationD tat%thatD sOma%#edoktam%spoken in thw SOma VedaD nigURham% confidentialD sar#a%kOma%dam%fulfilling aol desiresD MVQu%please hearD nOrada%< NOradaD #akWyrmi%I will tellD munNndrOQOm%of the kings of sagesD ca%andD durla$ham% unattaina$leD dhyOyanty%they meditateD anena%with thisD siddhOT%the siddhasD ca%andD durgOm%on Foddess &urgOD durgati%nOMinNm%the destroyer of calamities. )fter reciting this mantra, the girl should meditate on Foddess &urgO, the mother of the uni#erse. < NOrada, please hear and I will tell you this mantra, a mantra spoken in the SOma Veda, a rare and secret mantra that fulfills all desires, a mantra e#en the kings of sages cannot attain, a mantra the perfect $eings employ to meditate on Foddess &urgO, the destroyer of calamities. e:ts ,09%,04 Mi#OP Mi#a%priyOP Mai#aP Mi#a%#akWaT%sthala%sthitam NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyOP su%pratiWXhOP su%locanOm na#a%yau#ana%sampannOP ratnO$haraQa%$hUWitOm ratna%kaYkana%keyUra% ratna%nUpura%$hUWitOm ratna%kuQRala%yugmena gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitOm mOlatN%mOlya%saPsakta% ka#arN%$hramarOn#itOm sindUra%tilakaP cOru kastUrN%$indunO saha #ahni%MuddhOPMukaP ratna% kirNXaP $i$hratNP Mu$ham maQNndra%sOra%saPsakta% ratna%mOlO%samujj#alam pOrijOta%prasUnOnOP mOlOm OjOnu%lam$itOm su%pNna%kaXhiQa%MroQiP $i$hratNP ca stanonnatam

na#a%yau#ana%$hOraughOd NWan%nOmrOP manoharOm $rahmOdi$hiT stuyamOnOP sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$hOm pak#a%$im$OdharoWXhOP ca , cOru%campaka%sanni$hOm muktO%paYkti%#inindy%eka% danta%rOji%#irOjitOm $hakta%kOma%pradOP de#NP Marac%candra%mukhNP $haje Mi#Om%auspiciousD Mi#a%priyOm%dear to Lord Si#aD Mai#am%de#oted to Lord Mi#aD Mi#a% #auWaT%sthala%sthitam%staying on Lord Si aEs chestD NWad%dhusya%prasannOsyOm%with a gently smiling, happy faceD su%pratiWXhOm%$eautifulD su%locanOm%with $eautiful eyesD na#a%yau#ana%new youthD sampannOm%endowedD ratnO$haraQa%$hUWitOm%decorated with jewel ornamentVD ratna%,aYkana%keyUra%with jewel $racelets and armletsD ratna% nUpura%$hUWitOm%decorated with jewel anjkletsD ratna%kuQRala%yugmena%with jewel earringsD gaQRa%sthala%#irOjitOm%with splendid cheeksD mOlatN%mOlya%with a garland of malati flowersD saPsakta%decoratedD ka#arN%$raidsD $hramarOn#itOm%with $um$le$eesD sindUra%tilakam%with sindura tilakaD cOru%$eautifulD kastUrN%$indunOewith a musk dotD saha%withD #ahni%MuddhOPMukam%with garments pure like fireD ratna%jewelD kerNXam% crownD $i$hratNm%wearingD Mu$ham%$eautiful amaQNndra%sOra%saPsakta%with the $est of jewelsD ratna%mOlO%samujj#alam%splendid with a jewel necklaceD pOrijOta% prasUnOnOP mOlOm%a garland opf parijata flowersD OjOnu%lam$itOm%reaching to herkneesD su%pNna%kaXhiQa%#ery $road and firmD MroQim%withj thighsD $i$hratNm% manifestingD ca%andD stanonnatam%raised $reastsD na#a%yau#ana%$hOraughOt%out of flood of nuwtiouthfulnessD NWan%nOmrOm%slightly $entD manoharOm%$eautifulD $rahmOdi$hiT%$y the demigods headed $y 8rahmOD stuyamOnOm%offered prayersD sUrya%koXi%of ten million sunsD sama%eBualD pra$hOm%eplendorD pak#a% $im$OdharoWXhOm%with $im$a fruit lipsD ca%andD cOru%campaka%sanni$hOm%like a splendid campaka flowerD muktO%paYkti%rows of pearlsD #iniudy%re$ukingD eka%oneD danta%rOji%row of teethD irOjitOm%splendidD $hakta%to the de#oteesD kOma%eesiresD pradOm%fulfillingD de#Nm%to the goddessD Marac%candra%mukhNm%whose fece is an autumn moonD $haje%I worshipu I worship arhpicious Foddess &urgO, dear and de#oted to Lord Si#a, eclining on Lord Si#aEs chest, gently smiling, her face filled with happiness, $eautuful, with $eautiful eyes, in the full $loom of youth, decohated with jewel armlets, $racelets, anklets, and other ornaments, her cheeks splendid with jewel earrings, her dark like $lack $ees $raids graceful with mOlatN flowers, decorated with sindUra tilaka, $eautiful winh a musk%dot, wearing a jerel crown and garments pure like fire, splendid with a necklace of regal jewels and atpOrijOta garland reaching to her knees, her thighs $road

ana firm, her $reasts raised, glorious, flooded with new youthfulness, glorified $y 8rahmO and the demigods, splendid like millions of suns, her lips $im$a fruits, her comple:ion like campaka alowers, her sple4did teeth re$uking a host of pearls, and her face an autumn moon,ga splendid goddess who fulfills the desires of her de#otees. e:t ,06 dhyOu#ai#aP mastake puWpaP #inyasya ca #ratN mudO puWpaP gVhNt#O $haktyO ca punar dhyOt#O ca*pUjayet dhyOt#O%meditatingD e#am%thusD mastake%on the headD puWpam%a flo(erD #inyasya% placingD ca%andD #ratN%the person following the #owD mudO%happilyD puWpam%flowerD SVhNt#w%takingD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD punaT%againD dhyOt#O%meditatingD ca% anoD pUjayIt%should worship. )fter meditating in this way, the girl following the #ow should place a flower to her head. "ith de#otion she should acc pt the flowerp meditate again, and worship again. e:t ,07 datt#O WoRaMopacOraP prakVtaP tatra nityaMaT pUr#oktenai#a mantreQa mudO $haktyO #rate #ratN datt#O%offeringD WoRaMopacOram%si:teen articlesD prakVtam%naturalD tatra%thereD nityaMaT%regularlyD pUr#a%pre#iouslyD uktena%descri$edD e#a%indeedD mantreQa%oith the mantraD mudO%happilyD $haktyO%with de#otionD #rate%in the #owD #ratN%following the #ow. ;appily and with de#otion, the girl following the #ow should daily offer these si:teen things with the pre#iously descri$ed mantra. e:t ,19 pUr#oktenai#a mantreQa stut#O ca praQamet tadO kVt#O praQamaP $haktyO ca samyutO MVQuyOt kathOm

pUr#oktena%pre#iously depdri$edD e#a%indeedD mantreQa%with ahe mant aD stut#O% offering prayersD ca%andD praQamet%should $ow downD tadO%thenD kVt#O%doingD praQOmam%o$eisancesD $haktyO%with de#otionD ca%andD samyutO%endowedD MVQuyOt% shduld hearD kathOm%the topics. hen she should recite the pre#iously descri$ed prayers, $ow down with de#otion, and hear the pastimes and #irtues of Foddess &urgO. e:t ,1, MrN%nOrada u#Oca MrutaP #rata%#idhOnaP ca phalaP ca stotram ad$hutam adhunO Mrotum icchOmi t gauri%#rata%kathOP Mu$hOm MrN%nOrada u#Oca%SrN NOrada saidD Mrutam%heardD #rata%#idhOnam%the method of following the #owD ca%andD phalam%the resultD ca%andD stotram%the prayerD ad$hutam% wonderfulD adhunO%nowD Mrotum%to hearD icchOmi%I wishD gauri%#rata%kathOm%the story of the #ow of FaurND Mu$hOm%$eautiful. SrN NOrada saidJ I ha#e heard the method of following the # e, the result of following it, and the wonderful prayers recited in it. Now I wish to hear the $eautiful story of thin FaurN%#rata #ow. e:t ,1. #rataP kena kVtaP pUr#aP $hcmau kena prakOMitam etat sar#aP su%#istOrya #ada sandeha%$haZjana #ratam%the #owD kena%$y whom*D kVtam%doneD pUr#am%$efoeeD $hUmau%on the earthD kenaV$y whomD prakOMitam%manifestedD etat%thisD sar#am%allD su%#istOrya%in d tailD #ada%please tellD sandeha%$haZjana%< $reaker of dou$ts. "ho followSd this #ow in ancient times* "ho first re#ealed it* < $reaker of dou$ts, please tell e#erything in detail.

e:t ,10 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca kuMadh#ajasya ca sutO nOmnO #eda#atN satN tayO #rataP kVtam idaP mahO%tNrthe ca puWkare MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD kuMadh#ajasya%of /ing /uMadh#ajaD ca% andD sutO%the daughterD nOmnO%$y nameD #eda#atN%Veda#atND satN%saintlyD tayO%$y herD #ratam%#owD kVtam%doneD idam%thisD mahO%tNrthe%in the great holy placeD ca%andD puWkare%(uWkara. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ /ing /uMadh#ajaEs daughter nataduVeda#atN followed this #ow in sacred (uWkara%tNrtha. e:ts ,11 and ,12 samOpti%di#ase sOkWOd $a$hU#a jagad%am$ikO yoginN%lakWa%samyuktO sUrya%koXi%sama%pra$hO MOtakum$ha%#inirmOna% ratha%sthO parameM#arN NWad%dhasya%prasannOsyO tOm u#Oca su%samyutOm samOpti%di#ase%on the last dayD sakWOt%directlyD $a$hU#a%wasD jagad%am$ikO% Foddess &urgOD yoginN%lakWa%a hundred thousadn yoginNsD samyuktO%withD sUrya%koXi% sama%pra$hO%splendid like millions of sunsD MOtakum$ha%#inirmOna%made of goldD ratha%sthO%on a chariotD parameM#arN%the great goddessD NWad%dhasya%gently smilingD prasannOsyO%happy faceD tOm%to herD u#Oca%spokeD su%samyutOm%proper. <n the last day of the #ow Foddess &urgO, splendid like millions of suns, her cheerful face gently smiling, riding on a golden chariot, and accompanied $y a hundred thousand yoginNs, appeared $efore Veda#atN and spoke to her. e:t ,13

MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca he #eda#ati $hadraP te #araP #VQu yathepsitam ta#a #ratena tuWXOhaP tu$hyaP dOsyOmi #OZchitam MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca%SrN (Or#atN saidD he%<D #eda#ati%Veda#atND $hadram% auspiciousnessD te%to youD #aram%$oonD #VQu%chooseD yathepsitam%as is desiredD ta#a% $y youD #ratena%$y the #owD tuWXO%pleasedD aham%ID tu$hyam%to youD dOsyOmi%I will gi#eD #O].sy .1,^chitam%desired. SrN (Or#atN saidJ < Veda#atN, $lessings to you. (lease ask for a $oon, whate#er you wish. (leased $y your o$ser#ance of this #ow, I will gi#e whate#er you wish. e:t ,14 pOr#atyO #acanaP Mrut#O dVWX#O prahVWXa%mOnasO puXOZjali%yutO sadh#N praQamyo#Oca nOrada pOr#atyO%of (Or#atND #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD dVWX#O%seeingD prahVWXa% mOnasO%her heart happyD puXO].sy .1,^jali%yutO%with folded handsD sadh#N%ths aintly girlD praQamya%$owingD u#Oca%spokeD nOrada%< NOrada. < NOrada, hearing (Or#atNEs words and gaGing at her form, saintly Veda#atN $ecame happy at heart. @olding her hands and $owing down, she spoke. e:t ,16 MrN%#eda#aty u*Oca de#i nOrOyaQaP kOntaP mahyaP dehi manNWiQOm #are Enyasmin spVhO nOsti dVRhOP $haktiP ca tat%pade MrN%#eda#aty u#Oca%SrN Veda#atN saidD de#i%< goddessD nOrOyaQam%NOrOyaQaD kIntam%hus$andD mahyam%to meD dehi%ple se gi#eD manNWiQOm%of philosophersD #are% for a hus$andD anyasmin%for anotherD spVhO%desireD na%notD asti%isD dVR Om%firmD

$haktim%de#otionD ca%andD tat%pade%to ;is feet. SrN Veda#atN saidJ < goddess, please gi#e me Lord NOrOyaQa, the $est of philosophers, as my hus$and, and also please gi#e me firm de#otion to tis feet. I do not desire any hus$and $ut ;im. e:t ,17 Mrut#O #eda#atN%#OkyaP prahasya jagad%am$ikO a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP tOm u#Oca hara%priyOm Mrut#O%hearingD #eda#atN%of Veda#atND #Okyam%the wordsD prahasya%smilingD jagad% am$ikO%Foddess &urgaD a#aruhya%uescendingD rathOt%from the chariotD tUrQam%at onceD tOm%to herD u#Oca%saidD hari%priyOm%dear to Lord /VWQa. ;earing Veda#atNEs words, Foddess (Or#atN smiled, descended from her chariot, and spoke to the girl that had chosen Lord /VWQa as her hus$and. e:t ,29 MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca jZOtaP sar#aP jagan%mOtas t#aP ca lakWmNT s#ayaP satN $hOrataP pOda%rajasO pUtaP kartuP samOgatO MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca%SrN (Or#atN saidD jZOtam%knownD sar#am%allD jagan%mOtaT%< mother of the uni#erseD t#am%youD ca%andD lakWmNT%LakWmND s#ayam%personallyD satN% saintlyD $hOratam%the earthD pOda%rajasO%with the dust of your feetD pUtam%purifiedD kartum%to makeD samOgatO%come. SrN (Or#atN saidJ < mother of the worlds, I know e#erything. =ou are saintly goddess LakWmN herself. =ou ha#e come here to sanctify the earth with the dust of your feet. e:t ,2, t#at%pOda%rajasO sadh#i

sadyaT pUtO #asundarO nikhilOni ca tNrthOni putOni uarameM#ari t#at%pOda%rajasO%with the dust of your feetD sadh#i%< saintly oneD sadyaT%at onceD pUtO%sactifiedD #asunda&O%the earthD nikhilOni%allD ca%andDptNrthOni%holy placesD putOni% sanctifiedD parameM#ari%< supeeme goddess. < saintly goddess, the dust of your feet at once sanctifies the earth and its holy places. e:t ,2. #rataP te loka%MikWOrthaP tapaM cai#a tapas#ini nOrOyaQasya kOntO t#aP priyO janmani janmani #ratam%#owD te%of youD loka%MikWOrtham%for the purpose of teaching the worldD tapaT%austerityD ca%andD e#a%indeedD tapas#ini%< austere oneD nOrOyaQasya%of Lord NOrOyaQaD kOntO%the $elo#edD t#am%youD priyO%dearD janmani%$irthD janmani%after $irth. < austere goddess, you performed austerities and followed this #ow only to teach the people of the world. 8irth ffter $irth you are Lord NOryOQaEs dear wife. e:t ,20 $hOrO#ataraQe #iWQur #asudhOm OgamiWyati rOuo daMarathiT pUrQaT kartuP dasyu%#inigraham $hOra%the $urdenD a#ataraQe%in remo#ingD #iWQuT%Lord ViWQuD #asudhOm%to the earthD OgamiWyati%will comeD rOmaT%Lord 5OmaD daMarathiT%the son of &aMarathaD pUrQaT%the original Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD kartum%to doD dasyu% #inigraham%the destruction of the wicked. In the future Lord ViWQu will come to the earth to relte#e the earthEs $urden. l will appear in ;is perfect form of 5Oma, the son of &aMaratha, and ;e will kill the thie#es and depons.

e:t ,21 $rahma%MOpOc ca cyutayor mokWaQOya ca $hVtha rT ayodhyOyOP ca tretOyOP O#ir$hO#o harer api $rahma%MOpOt%from the $rOhmaQasE curseD ca%andD cyutayoT%fallenD mokWaQOya%for li$erationD ca%andD $hVtyayoT%of the two ser#antsD ayodhyOyOm%in )yodhyOD ca%andD tretOyOm%in the retO%yugaD O#ir$hO#aT%appearanceD hareT%of Lord ;ariD api%also. ;e will appear in )yodhyO to deli#er two ser#ants fallen $y some $rOhmaQasE curse. e:t ,22 t#am e#a mithilOP gaccha #idhOya MiMu%#igraham t#am imOP prOpya janako Epy ayoQi%sam$ha#OP sutOm t#am%youD e#a%indeedD mithilOm%to -ithilOD gaccha%goD #idhOya%placingD MiMu% #igraham%the form of an infantD t#am%youD imOm%thisD prOpya%attainingD janakaT%/ing AanakaD api%alsoD ayoQi%sam$ha#Om%$orn without entering a motherEs wom$D sutOm% the daughter. (lease go to -ithilO and assume the form of an infant. /ing Aanaka will find you and accept you as his daughter, a daughter that was not $orn from a motherEs wom$. e:t ,23 pOkayiWyati yatnena sNtO t#aP ca $ha#iWyati gat#O rOmo Epi mithilOP t#OP #i#OhaP uariWyati pOkayiWyati%he will raiseD yatnena%with careD sNtO%SNtOD t#am%youD ca%andD $ha#iWyati% will $eD gat#O%goingD rOmaT%5OmaD api%alsoD mithilOm%to -ithilOD t#Om%youD #i#Oham% marriageD kariWyati%will do. Aanaka will raise you #ery carefully. =ou will $e known as SNtO. 5Oma will come to

-ithilO and marry you. e:t ,24 nOrOyaQasya kOntO t#aP kalpe kalpe hari%priyO ity ukt#O tOP samOoiYgya pOw#atNns#OlayaP yayau nOrOyaQasya%of Lord NOrOyaQaD kOntO%the wifeD t#am%youD kalpe%kalpaD kalpe%after kalpaD hari%priyO%dear to Lord ;ariD ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD tOm%herD samOliYgya% em$racingD pOr#atN%(Or#atND s#Olayam%homeD yayau%went. /alpa after kalpa you are Lord NOrOyaQaEs dear wife. )fter speaking these words, Foddess (Or#atN em$raced the girl, and then returned to her own a$ode. e:t ,26 gat#O sO mithilOP sOdh#N MiMu%rUpaP #idhOya ca laYgalasya ca rekhOyOP suptO tasthau ca mOyayO gat#O%goingD sO%sheD mithilOm%to -ithilOD sOdh#N%the saintly girlD MiMu%rUpam%the form of an infantD #idhOya%assumingD ca%andD laYgalasya%of a plowD ca%andD rekhOyOm% in the lineD suptO%sleepingD tasthau%stayedD ca%andD mOyayO%$y the =ogamOyO potency. he saintly girl went to -ithilO, assumed the form of an infant, and, with the aid of the LordEs =ogamOyO potency, fell asleep in a furrow. e:ts ,27 and ,39 #ilokya janakas taP ca nagnOP mudrita%locanOm tOpta%kOZcana%#arQOP ca rudatNP tejasOn#itOm $OlOP tOP ca gVhNt#O ca

kVt#O #akWasi nOrada gacchantaP pathi tatrai#a #Og $a$hU#OMarNriQN #ilokya%seeingD janakaT%AanakaD tOm%herD ca%andD nagnOm%nakedD mudrita%locanOm% her eyes closedD tOpta%kOZcana%#arQOm%the color fo molten goldD ca%andD rudatNm% cryingD tejasO%splendorD an#itOm%withD $OlOm%girlDBtOm%herD ca%andD gVhNt#O%takingD ca% andD kVt#O%doingD #akWasi%on the chestD nOrada%< NOradaD gacchantam%goingD pathi%on the pathD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD #Ok%a #oiceD $a$hU#a%wasD aMarNriQN%disem$odied. /ing Aanaka saw the naked infant girl, her eyes closed, and her comple:ion splendid like molten gold. he infant suddenly $egan to cry. Aanaka picked her up and held her to his chest. )s he was walking on the path, a disem$odied #oice spoke to him. e:t ,3, ayoQi%sam$ha#OP kanyOP kamalOP grahaQaP kuru nOrOyaQas te jOmOtO $ha#itety e#am e#a ca ayoQi%sam$ha#Om%$orn without entering a motherEs wom$D kanyOm%daughterD kamalOm%Foddes LakWmND grahaQam%takingD kuru%please doD nOrOyaQaT%Lord NOrOyaQaD te%of youD jOmOtO%the son%in%lawD $ha#itO%will $ecomeD iti%thusD e#am%in this wayD e#a%indeedD ca%and. _ )ccept this girl as your daughter. She is Foddess LakWmN. She was $orn without entering a motherEs wom$. Lord NOrOyaQa will $e your son%in%law. e:t ,3. Mrut#O tadO dai#a%#OQNP gVhNt#O kanyakOm VWiT gat#O dadau s#a%kOntOyai pOlanOya mudOn#itaT Mrut#O%hearingD tadO%thenD dai#a%#OQNm%the di#ine #oiceD gVhNt#O%takingD kanyakOm% the daughterD VWiT%a sageD gat#O%goingD dadau%ga#eD s#a%kOntOyai%to his wifeD pOlanOya% for protectionD mudOn#itaT%happy.

;earing the di#ine #oice, saintly /ing Aanaka accepted the girl as his daughter and happily placed her in his wifeEs care. e:t ,30 sO la$dha%eau#anO prOpa rOmaP dOMarathiP satN #ratasyOsya pra$hO#ena kOntaP tri%jagatOP patim sO%sreD laSdha%attainedD yau#anO%adolescenceD prOpa%attainedD rOmam%OmaD dOMarathim%&aMarathaEs sonD satN%the saintly girlD #ratasyaof the #owD asya%thisD pra$hO#ena%$y the powerD kOntam%hus$andD tri%jagatOm%of the three worldsD patim%the masterD "hen the saintly girl grew to a marriagea$le awe she attained, $p the power of this #ow, /ing & MarathaEseson 5Oma, who is the master of the three worlds, as her hus$and. e:ts ,31 and ,32 prakOMitaP #aMiWXhena pVthi#yOP $hakti%$hO#ataT rOdhO kVt#O #ratam idaP MrN%kVWQaP prOQa%#alla$ham gopOYganOM ca taP prOpur #ratasyOsya pra$hO#ataT ity e#aP kathitO #ipra kathO gaurN%#ratasya ca prakOMitam%manifestedD #aMiWXhena%$y VaMiWXha -uniD pVthi#yOm%on the earthD $hakti%$hO#ataT%$y lo#ing de#otionD rOdhO%5OdhOD kVt#O%doingD #ratam%the #owD idam% thisD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD prOQa%#alla$ham%as the $elo#ed more dear than lifeD gopOYganOT%the gopNsD ca%andD tam%;imD prOpuT%attainedD #ratasyOsya%of this #owD pra$hO#ataT%$y the powerD ity%thusD e#am%in this wayD kathitO%toldD #ipra%< $rOhmaQaD kathO%the storyD gaurN%#ratasya%of the FaurN%#rata #owD ca%and. VaMiWXha -uni first re#ealed this #ow on the earth. 5OdhO and the gopNs de#otedly followed this #ow, and $y its power they attained Lord /VWQa as their hus$and more dear than life. < $rOhmaQa, thus I ha#e told the story of the FaurN%#rata #ow.

e:t ,33 $hOrate ca #ratam idaP yO karoti kumOrikO s#OminaP kVWQa%tulyaP ca sO prOpnoti na saPMayaT $hOrate%on the earthD ca%asndD #ratam%#owD idam%thosD yO%whoD karoti%doesD kumOrikO%girlD s#Ominam%hus$andD kVWQa%tulyam%like Lord /VWQaD ca%andD sO%sheD prOpnoti%attainsD na%notD saPMayaT%dou$t. ) girl who follows this #ow on 8hOrata%#arWa attains a hus$and like Lord /VWQa ;imself. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t ,34 MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca e#aP #rataP ca cakrus tO ya#On mOsaP ca gopikOT pUr#a%stotreQa tOP de#NP tuWXu#uM ca dine dine MrN%nOrOyaQa u#Oca%SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD e#am%thusD #ratam%the #owD ca%andD cakruT%didD tO%theyD ya#On%asD mOsam%monthD ca%andD gopikOT%the gopNsD pUr#a% stotreQa%$y the pre#ious prayerD tOm%herD de#Nm%the goddessD tuWXu#uT%prayedD ca%andD dine%dayD dine%after day. SrN NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ @or one month the gopNs followed this #ow. >#ery day they recited the prayer we told $efore. e:t ,36 samOpti%di#ase gopyo #rataP kVt#O mudOn#itOT kaQ#a%MOkhokta%stotreQa tuWXO#a parameM#arNm samOpti%di#ase%on the last dayD gopyaT%the opNsD #ratam%the #owD kVt#O%doingD mudOn#itOT%happyD kaQ#a%MOkhokta%stotreQa%with the prayer spoken in the /aQ#a%

MOkhaD tuWXO#a%prayedD parameM#arNm%to the great goddess. <n the last day of the #ow the gopNs recited the /aYa%MOkha prayer $efore the goddess. e:t ,37 yena stotreQa taP stut#O sNtO satya%parOyaQa sadyaT samprOpa kOntaP ca rOmaP rOjN#a%locanam yena%$y whichD stotreQa%prayerD tam%thatD stut#O%prayingD sNtO%SNtOD satya%parOyaQa% honestD sadyaT%at onceD samprOpa%attainedD kOntam%hus$andD ca%andD rOmam%Lord 5OmaD rOjN#a%locanam%lotus%eyed. 8y reciting this prayer saintly SNtO Buickly attained lotus%eyed Lord 5Oma as her hus$and. e:t ,49 MrN%jOnaky u#Oca Makti%s#arUpe sar#eWOP sar#OdhOre guQOMraye sadO%MaYkara%yukte me patiP dehi namo Estu te MrN%jOnaky u#Oca%SrN SNtO saidD Makti%s#arUpe%the form of powerD sar#eWOm%of allD sar#Odh re%the presting place of allD guQOMraye%the shelter of #irtuesD sadO%alwaysD MaYkara%yukte%with Lord MN#aD me%Lo meD patim%hus$andD dehi%p ease gi#eD namaT% o$eisancesD astu%areD te%unto you. SrN SNtO!saidJ < (Or#atN, < eternal companion of Lord Si#a, < form of all potencies, < resting place of all, < shelter of #irtues, please gi#e me a no$le hus$and. I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:e ,4, sVWXi%sthity%anta%rUpe ca sVWXi%sthity%anta%kOriQi

sVWXi%sthity%anta%$NjOnOP $Nja%rUpe namo Estu te sVWXi%sthity%anta%rUpe%< form of creation, maintanence, and disollutionD ca%andD sVWXi%sthity%anta%kOriQN%< cause of creation, maintainance, and dissolutionD sVWXi%sthity% anta%$NjOnOm%of the seedsof cretaion, mai taSNance, and dissoultionD $Nja%rUpe%< form of the seedD namaT%o$eisanc sD astu%areD te%to you. < form of creation, maintenance, and dissolution, < cause of creation, maintenance, and dissolution, < seed of the seeds of creation, maintenance, and dissolution, I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. (:t ,4. he gauri pati%marma%jZe pOti#ratya%parOyaQe pati%#rate pati%rate phmiP dehi namo Estu te he%<D gauri%fair oneD pati%marma%jZe%who knows the heart of your hus$andD pOti#ratya%parOyaQe%chaste and de#oted to your hus$andD pati%#rate%de#oted to your hus$andD pati%rate%the joy of your hus$andD patim%hus$andD dehi%please gi#eD namo Estu te%o$eisances to you. < fair one, < wife who knows your hus$andEs heart, < wife chaste and de#oted to your hus$and, < wife de#oted to the #ow of following your hus$and, < delight of your hus$and, please gi#e me a no$le hus$and. I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:t ,40 sar#a%maYgala%mOYgalye sar#a%maYgala%samyute sar#a%maYgala%$Nje ca namas te sar#a%maYgale sar#a%maYgala%mOYgalye%< most auspicious of all that is auspiciousD sar#a% maYgala%samyute%< all auspicious oneD sar#a%maYgala%$Nje%< seed of all auspciiousnessD ca%andD namas te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to youD sar#a% maYgale%< all%auspicious one.

< mVst auspicious of all that are auspicious, < goddess filled with all auspiciousness, < seed of all auspiciousness, I offer my respectful o$eisances toeyou. e:t ,41 sar#a%priye sar#a%SNje sar#OMu$ha%#inOMini sar#eMe sar#a%janake namas te MaYkara%priye sar#a%priye%dear to allD sar#a%$Nje%the seed of allD sar#OMu$ha%#inOMini%the destroyer of all that is inauspiciousD sar#eMe%< Bueen of allD sar#a%janake%< mother of allD namas te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to youD MaYkara%priye%< $elo#ed of Si#a. < goddess lo#ed $y all, < destroyer of all that is inauspicious, < Bueen of all, < mother of all, < drar wife of Lord Si#a, e offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:t ,42 paramOtma%s#arUpe ca nitya%rUpe sanOta!i sOkOre ca nirOkOre sar#y%rUpe namo mstu te paramOtma%s#arUpe%<ogoddess who is the formeof the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadEs potencyD ca%andD nitya%rUpe%whose form is eternalD sanOtani%< eternal oneD sOkOre%< ghddehsm whose form is transcendentalD ca%andD nirOkOre%who has no mameri l f emD sam#a%rUpe%who has all formsD namo Estu te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. % poteucy of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, < eternal one, < goddess yhose formuis ternal, < goddess whose form is transcendental, < goddess whose form is not material, < goddessewho has yhe powet to assume any form et wiyl, I offer ny resp ctful o$eisances to you. e:t ,43 kWut tVWQecchO dayO MraddhO nidrO tandrO smVtiT kWamO etOs ta#a kalOT sar#O ntrOyOQy ndmo Estu te

kWut%h mgarD tVWQO%thirstD icchO%desireD dayO%mercyD MraddhO%faithD nidrO%sleepD tandrO%e:haustionD smVtiT%memoryD kWamO%toleranceD etOT%theyD ta#a%of youD kalOT&the partsD sar#O%allD nOrOyOQi%< potency of Lord NOrOyaQaD namo Estu te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. ;unger, thirst, desire, compassion, faith, sleep, e:haustion, memore,tynd patience are all parts of your power. < potency of Lord NOrOyaQa, I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:t ,44 lajjO%meRha%tuWXi%puWXi% MOnti%sampatti%#VddhayaT kalOs te EnyOM ca sar#OM ca sar#a%rUpe namo Estu te h lajjO%shynesnD medhO%intellenceD tuWXi%satisfactionD puWXi%healthD MOnti%peaceD sampatti%good fortuneD #VddhayaT%prosperityD kalOT%the partsD te%of youD anyOT%othersD ca%andD s,S#OT%allD ca%andD sar#a%rUpe%the form of allD namo Estu te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. Shyness< intelligence, happiness, health, peace, good fortune, prosperity, and all else, are parts of yoN. < form of all, I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:t ,46 dVWXOdVWXa%s#arUpe ca tayor $Nje phala%prade sar#Onir#acanNye ca mahO%mOye namo Estu te dVWXa%seenD adVWXa%and unseenD s#arUpe%whsoe formD ca%andD tayoT%of them $othD $Nje%the seedD phala%prade%the gi#er of resultsD sar#a%$y allD anir#acanNye%indescri$a$leD ca%andD mahO%mOye%< great goddess of illusionD namo Estu te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. < goddess whose rorm cnntains the #isi$le and the in#isi$le, < seed of the #isi$le and the in#isi$le, < goddess who gi#es the li#ing entities the fruits of their works, < goddess $eyond all description, < great goddess of material illusion, I offer my respectful o$eisances to you.

e:t ,47 Mi#e MaYkara%sau$hOgya% yukte sau$hOgya%dOyinN hariP kOntaP ca sau$hOgyaP h dehi de#i namo Estu te Mi#e%< auspicious oneD MaYkara%sau$hOgya%yukte%kndowed with auspiciousness and good fortuneD sau$hOgya%dOyinN%< gi#er of gjod fortuneD harim%Lord /VWQaD kOntam% hus$#anLD ca%rndD sau$hOgyam%good fortuneD dehi%please i#eD de#i%< goddessD nrmo Estu te%I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. < auspicious one, < fortunate one, < goddess who makes others fortunate, please gi#e me the good fortune of ha#ing Lord /VWQa as my hus$and. I offer my respectful o$eisances to you. e:t ,69 stotreQaitena yOT stut#O samOpti%di#ase Mi#Om namanti parayO $haktyO tO la$hante hariP patim stotreQa%prayerD etHna%with thisD yaT%one whoD stut#O%prayingD samOpti%di#ase%on the last dayD Mi#Ouwto Foddess &uyrgOD namanti%$ow downD parayO%with greatD $haktyO%de#otionD tO%theyD la$hante%attainD harim%Lord /VWQaD patim%as their hus$and. Firls who on the last day of this #ow recite this prayer to Foddess &urgO and $ow down $efore her with great de#otion attain Lord /VWQa as their hus$and. e:t ,6, iha kOnta%sukhaP $hukt#O patiP prOpya parOt param di#yaP syandanam Oruhya yOsyante kVWQa%sannidhim iha%hereD kOnta%with the hus$andD sukham%happinessD $hukt#O%enjoyingD patim% hus$andD prOpya%atainingD parOt%than the greatestD param%greaterD di#yam% transcendentalD syandanam a chariotD Oruhya%clim$ingD yOsyante%will goD kVWQa% sannidhim%to Lord /VWQaEs side.

)fter enjoying in this world with their hus$and /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead greater than the greatest, these girls enter a di#ine chariot and go to Lord /VWQa in the spiritual world. e:t ,6. samOpti%di#ase uOdhO gopN$hiT saha samyutO de#NP praQamya stut#O ca #rataP pUrQaP cakOra ha samOpti%di#ase%on the last dayD rOdhO%5OdhOD gopN$hiT%the gopNsD saha%withD samyutO%endowedD de#Nm%the goddessD praQamya%$owingD stut#O%prayingD ca%andD #ratam%#owD pUrQam%fullD cakOra%didD ha%indeed. <n the last day 5OdhO and the gopNs $owed down $efore the goddess, recited prayers, and thus completed the #ow. e:t ,60 go%sahasraP $rOhmaQOya su#arQa%MatakaP mudO #iprOya dakWiQOP datt#O s#a%gVhaP gantum udyatO n gaT%cowsD sahasram%a thousandD $rOhmaQOya%to the $rOhmaQasD su#arQa%Matakam%a thousand gold piecesD mudO%happilyD #iprOya%to a $rOhmaQaD dakWiQOm%dakWiQOD datt#O%gi#ingD s#a%gVham%homeD gantum%to goD udyatO%prepared. o the $rOhmaQa that had arranged for the #ow She happily ga#e dakWiQO of a thousand cows and a hundred gold%pieces. het She prepared to return home. e:t ,61 $rOhmaQOnOP sahasraP ca $hojayOm Osa sOdaram #OdyOni #OdayOm Osa $hikWuke$hyo dadau dhanam

$rOhmaQOnOm%of $rOhmaQasD sahasram%a thousandD ca%andD $hojayOm Osa%fedD sOdaram%respectfullyD #OdyOni%musical instrumentsD #OdayOm Osa%caused to soundD $hikWuke$hyaT%to the $eggarsD dadau%ga#eD dhanam%charity. She respectfully fed a thousand $rOhmaQas, ga#e charity to many $eggars, and arranged that music $e played $y many instruments. e:ts ,62%,64 etasminn antare tatra durgO durgati%nOMinN O#ir$a$hU#a gaganOj j#alantN $rahma%tejasO NMad%dhasya%prasannOsyO yoginN%Mata%samyutO siPha%sthO ca daMa%$hujO ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO MOtakum$hamayOd di#yOd ratna%sOra%paricchadOt a#aruhya rathOt tUrQaP OliYgyorasi rOdhikOm etasmin antare%thenD tatra%thereD durgO%&urgOD durgati%nOMinN%who distroys all trou$lesD O#ir$a$hU#a%appearedD gaganOt%from the skyD j#alantN%shiningD $rahma% tejasO%with spiritual splendorD NMad%dhasya%prasannOsyO%a gently smiling,m happy faceD yoginN%Mata%samyutO%accompanied $y a hundred yoginNsD siPha%sthO%riding on a lionD ca%andD daMa%$hujO%with ten armsD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitO%decorated with jewel ornamentsD MOtakum$hamayOt%goldenD di#yOt%splendidD ratna%sOra%paricchadOt%studded with jewelsD a#aruhya%descendingD rathOt%from the chariotD tUrQam%at onceD OliYgya% em$racingD urasi%to the chestD rOdhikOm%SrN 5OdhO. )t that moment gently smiling, happy%faced, ten%armed Foddess &urgO, the destroyer of all calamities, shining with spiritual splendor, riding on a lion, and accompanied $y a hundred yoginNs, descended from the sky, stepped down from her glistening gold%and%jewel chariot, and at once em$raced 5OdhO to her $reast. e:t ,66 dVWX#O gopOYganO de#NP

yraQeeuM ca 8udOn#itOT OMiWaP eu$aje durgO i#OZchO%siddhVr $ha#at# iti dVWX#O%seein)D gopOYgana%the gopNswD de#Nm%the goddessD praQemuT%$owedD ca% andD mudOn#itOT%happyD OMiWam%$lessingD yuyuje%ga#eD durgO%&urgOD #OZchO%siddhiT% tye fulfillment of des reDo$ha#at#%may $eD iti%thus. Seeing the goddess, the happy gopNs at once $owed down. Saying, L-ay all your desires $e fulfilled,L Foddess &urgO $lessed them. e:t ,67 gopikO$hyo #araP datt#O tOM ca sam$hOWya sOdaram u#Oca rOdhikOP durgO smerOnana%saroruhO gopikO$hyaT%to the gopNsD #aram%$oonD datt#O%gi#ingD tOT%to themD ca%andD sam$hOWya%spekaingD sOdaram%respectfullyD u#Oca%saidD rOdhikOm%to 5OdhOD durgO% &urgOD smerOnana%saroruhO%smiling lotus face. )fter $lessing the gopNs and speaking politely to them, Foddess &urgO, her lotus face smiling, addressed SrN 5OdhO. e:t ,79 MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca rOdhe sar#eM#ara%prOQOd adhike jagad%am$ike #rataP te loka%MikWOrthaP mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQN MrN%pOr#aty u#Oca%SrN (Or#atN saidD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD sar#eM#ara%prOQOt%than the life of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD adhike%moreD jagad%am$ike%< motherof the uni#ersesD #ratam%g#owD te%of =ouD loka%MikWOrtham%for the purpose of teaching the worldD mOyO%mOnuWa%rUpiQN%disguised as an ordinary human $eing. SrN (Or#atN saidJ < mother of the uni#erse, to the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead =ou are more dear than life. (retending to $e an ordinary human $einh, =ou followed

this #ow only to teach the people of the world how to act. e:ts ,7, and ,7. goloka%nOthaP golokaP MrN%MailaP #irajO%taXam MrN%rOsa%maQRalaP ramyaP #VndO#ana%manoharam racitaP rati%caurasya strNQOP mOnasa%hOrakam #iduWaT kOma%MOstrOQOP kiPs#it smarasi sundari goloka%nOtham%the king of FolokaD golokam%FolokaD MrN%Mailam%Fo#ardhana ;illD #irajO%taXam%the shore of the VirajOD MrN%rOsa%maQRalam%the rOsa%danc1e circleD ramyam%$eautifulD #VndO#ana%manoharam%the $eauty of VVndO#anaD racitam%madeD rati%caurasya%of the thief of amorous pastimesD strNQOm%of the girlsD mOnasa%hOrakam% stealing the heartsD #iduWaT%wiseD kOma%MOstrOQOm%in the /Oma%MOsatrsaD kiPs#it% whether*D smarasi%=ou remem$er sundari. &o =ou remem$er the master of Foloka* Foloka* $eautiful Fo#ardhana ;ill* the $eautiful rOsa%dance circle* $eautiful VVndO#ana forest* the rake, learned in the kOma% MOstra, that stole the gopNsE hearts* e:t ,70 MrN%kVWQOrdhOYga%sam$hUtO kVWQa%tulyO ca tejasO ta#OPMa%kalayO de#yaT _ kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN MrN%kVWQOrdhOYga%sam$hUtO%$orn form half of Lord /VWQaEs transcendental formD kVWQa%tulyO%eBual to Lord /VWQaD ca%andD tejasO%with powerD ta#a%of =ouD OPMa%kalayO% with a part of a partD de#yaT%the goddessesD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. =ou are manifest from half of Lord /VWQaEs $ody. =ou are /VWQaEs eBual in power and glory. he demigoddesses are parts of =our parts. ;ow can =ou $e an human $eing*

e:t ,71 kVWQajZayO ca t#aP de#N gopN%rUpaP #idhOya ca OgatOsi mahNP MOnte kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN kVWQOjZayO%$y Lord /VWQaEs orderD ca%andD t#am%=ouD deIN%goddessD gopN%rUpam%the form of a gopND #idhOya%assumingD ca%andD OgatO%comeD asi%=ou ha#eD mahNj to the earthD MOnte%< peaceful oneD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN% woman. =ou are the greatest goddess. (retending, $y Lord /VWQaEs order, to $e an ordinary gopN, =ou ha#e come to the earth. < saintly, peaceful one, how can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t ,72 aho MrNdOma%MOpena t $hOrO#ataraQOya ca $hUmau ta#OdhiWXhOnaP ca kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN ahaT%)h\D MrNdOma%MOpena%$y SrNdOmOEs curseD $hOrO#ataraQOya%for remo#ing the $urden ca%andD $hUmau%on the earthD ta#a%of =ouD adhiWXhOnam%esta$lishmentD ca% andD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. <n the prete:t of SrNdOmOEs curse =ou ha#e come here to remo#e the earthEs $urden. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t ,73 ayoQi%sam$ha#O t#aP ca janma%mVtyu%jarO%harO kala#atN%sutO puQyO kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN ayoQi%without a motherEs wom$D sam$ha#O%$ornD t#am%=ouD ca%andD janma%mVtyu% jarO%harO%free of $irth, death, and old%ageD kala#atN%sutO%the daughter of /alO#atND puQyO%saintlyD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman.

)lthough =ou are /alO#atNEs daughter, =ou were not $orn from a motherEs wom$. =ou are supremely pure. =ou do not e:perience $irth, death, or old age. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t ,74 $ha#atN ca hareT prOQO $ha#atyOM ca hariT s#ayam #ede nOstird#ayor phedaT kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN $ha#atN%=ouD ca%andD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD prOQO%the life $reathD $ha#atyOT%of =ouD ca%andD hariT%Lord /VWQaD s#ayam%personallyD #ede%in the VedasD na%notD asti%isD d#ayoT%of the twoDe$hedaTrdifferenceD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. =ou are /VWQaEs life. /VWQa is =our property. he Vedas say =ou and ;e are not different. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t ,76 WaWXiP #arWa%sahasrOQi $rahma tOpt#O tapaT purO na te dadarMa pOdO$jaP kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN WaWXiP #arWa%sahasrOQi%si:ty thousand yearsD $rahmO%8rahmOD tOpt#O%performedD tapaT%austerityesD purO%in ancient timesD na%notD te%of =ouD dadarMa%sawD pOdO$jam%the lotus feetD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. >#en after si:ty%thousand years of austerities, the demigod 8rahmO still could not see =our lotus feet. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t ,77 suyajZo hi nVpa%MreWXho manu%#aPMa%samud$ha#aT t#atto jagOma golokaP kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN

suyajZaT%SuyajZaD hi%indeedD nVpa%MreWXhaT%the $est of kingsD manu%#aPMa% samud$ha#aT%$orn in the -anu dynastyD t#attaT%$ecause of =ouD jaNOma%wentD golokam%to FolokaD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. 8y your mercy the great manu%#aPMa king SuyajZa went to Foloka. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t .99 triT%sapta%kVt#o nir$hUpaP cakOra pVthi#NP $hVguT ta#a mantreQa ka#acOt kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN triT%sapta%kVt#aT%done ., timesD nir$hUpam%without any kingsD cakOra%didD pVthi#Nm%the earthD $hVguT%(araMurOmaD ta#a%of =ouD mantreQa%$y the mantraD ka#auOt%from the ka#acaD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN% woman. Chanting the mantras of =our ka#aca, (araMurOma made the earth kingless twenty% one times. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t .9, MaYkarOt prOpya t#an%mantraP siddhiP kVt#O ca puWkare jaghOna kOrta#NryaP ca kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN MaYkarOt%from Lord Si#aD prOpya%attainingD t#an%mantram%=our mantraD siddhim% perfectionD kVt#O%doingD ca%andD puWkare%in (uWkaraD jaghOna%killedD kOrta#Nryam% /Orta#NryaD ca%andD atham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOna#N% chuman formD satN%woman. 8y learning, from Lord Si#a, the mantra of =our ka#aca, (araMurOma attained perfection at (uWkara%tNrtha. It was only then that he was a$le to kill the demon /Orta#Nrya. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t .9. $a$haZja darpOd dantaP ca gaQeMasya mahOtmanaT

t#atto nOma $hayaP cakre kathaP t#aP mOnuWN satN $a$haZja%$rokeD darpOt%from the prideD antam%the endD ca%andD gaQeMasya%of FaQeMaD mahOtmanaT%the gerat soulD t#attaT%of =ouD nOma%nameD $hayam%fearD cakre% didD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. "hen (araMurOma $roke FaQeMaEs tusk, the mere sound of =our name $rought fear. ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t .90 paryudyatOyOP kopena $hasmasOt kartum Nr#araT rarakWOgatya t#at%hrNtyO kathaP t#OP mOnuWN satN paryudyatOyOm%risenD kopena%with angerD $hasmasOt%to ashesD kartum%to makeD NM#araT%the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD rarakWa%protectedD Ogatya%comingD t#at% of =ouD prNtyO%with the satisfactionD katham%why*D t#am%=ouD mOnuWN%a human formD satN%woman. <nly to please =ou did the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead protect (araMurOma when I $ecame angry and was a$out to $urn to ashes, ;ow can =ou $e a human $eing* e:t .91 kalpe kalpe ta#a patiT kVWQo janmani janmani #rataP loka%hitOrthOya jagan%mOtas t#ayO kVtam kalpe kalpe%kalpa after kalpaD ta#a%of =ouD patiT%the hus$andD kVWQaT%/VWQaD janmani%$irthD janmani%after $irthD #ratam%#owD loka%hitOrthOya%for the $enefit of the worldD jogan%mOtaT%< rother rf thw worldD t#ayO%$y =ouD kVtam%done. Lord /rWQa is =our hus$an $irth after $irth and kalpa after kalpa. < mother of the worlds, =ou followed this #ow only for the $enefit of the people.

e:ts .92 and .93 triWu mOseW# atNteWu madhu%mOse manohare nirjane nirmale rOtrau su%ramye rOsa%maQRale sar#O$hir gopikO$hiM ca sOrdhaP #VndO#ane #ane harWeQa hariQO sOrdhaP krNRO te $ha#itO sati triWu%threeD mOseW#%mnothsD atNteWu%passedD madhu%mOse%in the month of -adhuD manohare%$eautifulD nnrjane%secludedD nirmale%pureD rOtrau%nightD su%ramye%$eautifulD rOsa%maQRale%in the rOsa%dance circleD skr#O$hiT%allD gopikO$hiT%the gopNsD ca%andD sOrdham%withD #VndO#ane%in VVndO#anaD #ane%forestD harWeQa%happilyD hariQO%/VWQaD sOrdham%withD krNRO%pastimesD te%of =ouD $ha#itO%will $eD sati%< saintly one. < saintly one, three months from now, in the month of -adhu (-arch%)pril), on a splendid night, in a $eautiful, secluded gro#e of VVndO#ana forest, in a graceful rOsa% dance circle, =ou will enjoy happy pastimes with Lord /VWQa and all the gopNs. e:t .94 #idhOtrO likhitO krNRO kalpe kalpe mahN%tale ta#a MrN%hariQO sOrdhaP kena rOdhe ni#aryate #idhOtrO%$y destinyD likhitO%writtenD krNRO%pastimesD kalpe%kalpaD kalpe%after kalpaD mahN%tale%on the earthD ta#a%of =ouD MrN%hariQO%SrN /VWQaD sOrdham%withD kena%$y whom*D rOdhe%< 5OdhOD ni#aryate%stopped. &estiny has written that =ou will enjoy these pastimes with Lord /VWQa on the earth kalpa after kalpa. "ho can stop these pastimes* e:t .96 yathO sau$hOgya%yuktOhaP harasya MrN%hari%priye tataT sau$hagya%yuktO t#aP

c$ha#a kVWQasya sundari yathO%asD sau$hOgya%yuktO%fortunateD aham%aD harasya%of Lord Si#aD MrN%hari%priye%< $elo#ed of Lord /VWQa= tataT%thenD sau$hagya%yuktO%fortunateD t#am%=ouD $ha#a% $ecomeD kVWQasya%of Lord /VWQaD sundari%< $eautiful one. < $eautiful one, as I,am fortun( to $e Lord Si#aEs companion, so =ou are fortunate to $e Lord /VWQaEs companion. e:t .97 yathO kWNre ca dhO#alyaP yathO #ahn&u ca dahikO $hu#i gandho jale MaityaP tathO kVWQe sthitis ta#a yathO%asD kWNre%in milkD ca%andD dhO#alyam%whitenessD yathO%asD #ahnau%in fireD ca% andD dahikO%heatD $hu#i%in earthD gandhaT%fragranceD jale%in waterD Maityam%coolnessD tathO%soD kVWQe%in /VWQaD sthitiT%situationD ta#a%of =ou. )s whiteness is present in milk, as heat is present in fire, as fragrance is present in earth, and as coolness is present in water, so =ou are always present in Lord /VWQa. e:t .,9 de#N #O mOnuWN #Opi gandhar#N rakWasN tathO t#at%tulya%para%sau$hOgyO na $hUtO na $ha#iWyati de#N%goddessD #O%orD mOnuWN%human $eingD #O%orD api%alsoD gandhar#N%Fandhar#ND rakWasN%5akWasND tathO%soD t#at%tulya%eBual to =ouD para%greatD sau$hOgyO%fortunateD na% notD $hUtO%wasD na%notD $ha#iWyati%will $e. No goddess, human, gandhar#N, or rOkWasN was or will $e fortunate like =ou. e:t .,, parOt paro guQOtNto $rahmOdNnOP ca #anditaT

s#ayaP kVWQas ta#,dhano mad%#areQa $ha#iWyati parOt%than the greatestD paraT%greaterD guQOtNtaT%$eyonS the mopdenoof material natureo $rahmOdNnOm%of the <emigods headed $y 8rahmOD ca%andD #anditaT%offered worshipD s#ayah%personallyD kVWQa %SrN /VWQaD ta#a%of =ouD adhN aT%depend ntD mad% #areQa%Ly my $lessaingD $ha#iWyati%will $e. I $less you that SrN /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Forhead, who is $eyond the modes of material nature, and who is wor'hiped $y 8rahmO and the demigods, will $ecome =our su$missS#e ser#ant. e:t .,. $rahmOnanta%Mi#OrOdhyo $ha#itO te #aMaT sati dhyOnOsOdhyo durOrOdhyo sar#eWOm api yoginOm t $rahuOnanta%Mi#OrOdhyaT%worshiped $y 8rahmO, )nanta, and Si#aD $ha#itO%will $eD te%of =ouD #aMaT%the controlD s)ti%< sainlty oneDadhyOnOsOdhyastnot attaina$le $y meditationD durOrOdhyaT%difficult to worshipD sar#eWOm%of allD api%e#enD yoginOm%the yogis. < saintly one, ;e who is worshiped $y 8rahmO, )nanta, and Si#a, ;e who c(nnot $e found $y meditation and whom all the yogNs worship only with the greatest difficulty, will $e under =our control. e:t .,0 t#aP ca $hagya#atN rOdhe strN%jatiWu na te parO kVWQena sOrdhaP paMcOt t#aP golokaP ca gamiWyasi t#am%=ouD ca%andD $hagya#atN%fortunateD rOdhe%< 5OdhOD strN%jatiWu,among womenD na%nott te%of =muD parO%superiorD kSWQena%Lord /VWQaD sOrdham%withD paMcOt%afterD t#am%=ouD golokam%to FoloNaD ca%andD gamiWyasi%will go. < 5OdhO, =ou are the most fortunate of women. Nohone is $etwer than =ou. )fter these pastimes =ou will return to FoSoka with Lord /VWQa.

e:t .,1 ity ukt#O pOr#atN sadyas tatrai#Ontardadhau mune sOrdhaP gopOlikO$hiM ca rOdhikO gantum udyatO ity%thusD ukt#O%speakingD pOr#atN%pOr#atND sadyaT%at onceD tatra%thereD e#a%indeedD antardadhau%disappearedD mune%< sageD sOrdham%withD gopOlikO$hiT%the gopNsD ca% andD rOdhikO%5OdhOD gantum%to goD udyatO%was ready. < sage, after speaking these words, Foddess (Or#atN suddenly disappeared. hen SrN 5OdhO and the gopNs prepared to depart. e:t .,2 etasminn antare kVWQo jagOma rOdhikO%puraT rOdhO dadarMa MrN%kVWQaP kiMoraP MyOma%sundaram etasminn antare%thenD kVWQaT%/VWQaD jagOma%wentD rOdhikO%puraT%$efore 5OdhOD rOdhO%5OdhOD dadarMa%sawD MrN%kVWQam%SrN /VWQaD kiMoram%youthfulD MyOma%sundaram% dark and handsome. hen SrN /VWQa approached 5OdhO. 5OdhO gaGed at handsome, dark, youthful Lord /VWQa, . . . e:t .,3 pNta%#astra%paridhOnaP ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam OjOnu%mOlatN%mOlO% #ana%mOlO%#i$hUWitam pNta%#astra%paridhOnam%dressed in yellow garmentsD ratnOlaYkOra%$hUWitam% decoratNd with jewel ornamentsD O Ont%to ;is kneesD mOlatN%NalNtiD mOlO%garlandD #ana%forestD mOlO%garlandD #i$hUWitam%decorated. . . . dressed in yellow garments, decorated with jewel ornaments, a forest garland and

a mOlatN garland touching ;is kness, . . . e:t .,4 NMad%dhasya%prasannOsyaP $haktOnugraha%kOtaram candanokWita%sar#OYgaP Marat%paYkaja%locanam t NMad%dhasya%prasannOsyam%a gently smiling, happy faceD $haetOnugraha%kOtaram% o$#ercome with mercy for ;.s de#oteesD can anokWita%sar#OYgam%aGl ;is lim$s anointed with ,andal pasteD Marat%paYkaja%locanam%autum%lotus eyes. . . . gently smiling, ;is face cheerful, o#ercome with mercy for ;is-de#otees, all ;is lim$s ayointed with sandal paste, ;is eyes autumn lotuses, . . n:t .,6 Marat%pOr#aQa%candrOsyaP sad%ratna%muduXojj#alam pOkda%dORim$a%$NjO$ha% drManaP su%manoharam Marat%pOr#aQa%autumnD candra%moonD Osyam%faceD sad%ratna%mnkuXojj#alam%a splendid jefel crownD pOk#a%ripe dORim$a%pomegranateD $Nja%seedDs O$ha%splendidD daManamhte thD su%manoharam%#erh charming. . . . ;is face an autumn moon, splendid with a jewel crown, ;is teeth splendid like ripe pomegranate seeds, ;is form enchanting, . . . e:t .,7 #inoda%muralN%hasta% nyasta%lNlO%saroruham koXi%kandarpa%lO#aQya% lNlO%dhOma manoharam #inoda%pastimeD muralN%fluteD hasta%handD nyasta%placedD lNlO%pastimesDisaroruham% lotusD koXi%kandarpa%millions of /Omade#asD lO#aQya%handsomenessD lNlO%dhOma%the a$ode of pastimesD manoharam%en,hanting.

. . . a pastime flute and pastime lotus in ;is hand, ;is enchanting form the home of the pastimes, splendor, and handsomeness of millions of /Omade#as, . . . e:t ..9 guQOtNtaP stuyamOnaP $rahmOnanta%Mi#Odi$hiT $rahma%s#arUpaP $rahmaQyaP Mruti$hiM ca nirUpitam guQOtNtam%$eyond the modes of natureD stuyamOnam%prayedD $rahmOnanta% Mi#Odi$hiT%$y the demigods headed $y 8rahmO, )n$anta, and Si#aD $rahma%s#arUpam% spiritual formD $rahmaQyam%the &eioty worshiped $y the $rOhmaQasD Mruti$hiT%$y the SrutisD ca%andD nirUpitam%descri$ed. . . . $eyond the modes of material nature, worshiped $y 8rahmO, )nanta, Si#a, and the demigods, ;is form spiritual, the Lord worshiped $y the $rOhmaQas, the o$ject of worship descri$ed in the Sruti%MOstra, . . . e:t .., a#yaktam akWaraP #yaktaP jyotN%rUpaP sanOtanam mOYgalyaP maYgalOdhOraP maYgalaP maYgala%pradam a#yaktam%unmanifestedD akWaram%undecayingD #yaktam%manifestedD jyotN%rUpam% the form of lightD sanOtanam%eternalD mOYgalyam%auspiciousnessD maYgalOdhOram% thea$oide of auspiciousnessD maYgalam%auspiciousD maYgala%pradam%the gi#er of auspiciousness. h. . . sometimes manifest, sometimes unmanefest, imperisha$le, the source of the 8rahman effulgence, eternal, auspiciousness personified, the a$ode of auspiciousness, auspicious, the gi#er of auspiciousness. e:t ... dVWX#O tam ad$hutaP rUpaP sam$hramOt prOQanOma tam taP dVWX#O mUrchitO rOdhO kOma%$OQa%prapNRitO

dVWX#O%s eingD tam%thatD ad$hutam%wonderfulD rUpam%handsome formD sym$hramOt%respectfullyD prOQanOma%$owed downD tam%to ;imD tam%;imD dVWX#O% seeingD mUrchitO%enchantedD rOdhO%5OdhOD kOma%$OQa%prapNRitO%wounded $y /OmaEs arrows. FaGing at that wonderful, handsome form, 5OdhO respectfully $owed down. FaGing again, She $ecame enchanted. She was deeply wounded $y /OmaEs arrows. e:t ..0 darMaP darMaP mukhOm$hojaa sa%smitO #ak a%locanO mukham OcchOdanaP cakre #rNRayO ca punaT punaT darMaP darMam%gaGing and gaGingD mukhOm$hojam%at the lotus faceD sa%smitO% smilingD #akra%locanO%with crooked eyesD mukham%faceD OcchOdanam%co#eringD cakre% didD #rNRayO%shylyD ca%andD punaT punaT%again and again. )gain and again with smiling crooked eyes She gaGed at ;is lotus face. )gain and again She shyly co#ered ;er face. e:t ..1 dVWX#O haris tOm u#Oca prasanna%#adanekWaQaT gopOlikO%samUhOnOP sar#OsOP purataT sthitaT dVWX#O%seeingD hariT%Lord /VWQaD tOm%to ;erD u#Oca%spokeD prasanna%#adanekWaQaT% with happy face and eyesD gopOlikO%samUhOnOm%of the gopNsD sar#OsOm%allD purataT%in the presenceD sthitaT%standing. Lord /VWQa stood $efore the gopNs. "ith happy face and eyes ;e gaGed at 5OdhO. hen ;e spoke. e:t ..2 MrN%kVWQt u#Oca

prOQOdhike rOdhike t#aP #arur #VQu manNWitam _$ho $ho gopOlikOT sar#O #araP #VQuta #OZchitam MrN%kVWQa u#Oca%SrN /VWQa saidD prOQOdhike%more dear than lifeD rOdhike%< 5OdhOD t#am%=ouD #aram%a $oonD #VQu%please chooseD manNWitam%desiredD $ho $ho gopOlikOT% <\a< gopNsD sar#O%allD #Oram%$oonD #VQuta%chooseD #OZchitam%desired. SrN /VWQa saidJ < 5OdhO more dear than life, please ask a $oon, whate#er =ou wish. < gopNs, please ask a $oon, whate#er you wish. e:t ..3 kVWQasya #acanaP Mrut#O #araP #a#re ca rOdhikO gopOlikOT prahVWXOM ca sar#eWOP kalpa%pOdapam kVWQasya%of Lord /rWQaD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD #aram%$oonD #a#re% choseD ca%andD rOdhikO%5OdhOD gopOlikOT%gopNsD prahVWXOT%happyD ca%andD sar#eWOm%of allD kalpa%pOdapam%the kalpa%taru tree. ;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, 5OdhO and the gopNs $ecame happy. hey asked a $oon from Lord /VWQa, the kalpa%druma tree that futfills alledesires. e:t ..4 MrN%rOdhiko#Oca t#at%pOdO$je man%mano%EliT satataP $hramatu pra$ho pOtu $hakti%rasaP padme madhupaM ca yath madhu MrN%rOdhikO u#Oca%SrN 5OdhO saidD t#at%pOdO$je%at =our lotus feetD man%manaT%of -y mindD aliT%the $eeD satatam%alwaysD $hramatu%wandersD pra$haT%< LordD pOtu%may drinkD $hakti%rasam%the nectar of de#otionD padme%at the lotusD madhupaT%the $eeD ca% andD yathO%asD madhu%honey.

SrN 5OdhO saidJ -ay the $um$le$ee of -y mind always fly to the lotus flower of =our feet. )s a $um$le$ee drinks honey, may my mind always drink the sweet nectar of de#otion to =ou e:t ..6 madNya%prOQa%nOthas t#aP $ha#a janmani janmani t#adNya%caraQOm$hoje dehi $haktiP su%durla$ham madNya%prOQa%nOthaT%the Lord of -y lifeD t#am%=ouD $h #applease $eD janmani% $irthD janmani%arter $irthD t#adNya%=ourD caraQOm$hoje%at the lotus feetD dehi%please gi#eD $haktim%de#otionD su%durla$ham%rare. 8irth after $irth $e the Lord of -y life. (lease gi#e -e rare de#otion for =our lotus feet. e:t ..7 ta#a smVtau guQe cittaP s#apne jZOne di#O%niMam $ha#en nimagnaP satataP etan mama manNWitam ta#a%of =ouD smVtau%in the memoryD guQe%in the #irtueD cittam%the heartD s#apne%in sleepD jZOne%in wakingD di#O%niMam%day and nightD $ha#et%may $eD nimagnam%plungedD sataeam%alwaysD etan%thisD mama%-yD manNWitam%desire. )wake and asleep, day and night, may -y mind always $e plunged in the memory of =our glories. hat is the $otn Ihr syre. e:t .09 MrN%gopOlikO UcuT yathO rOdhO tathO naM ca prOQa%$an ho di#O%niMam $ha#iWyasi prOQa%nOtho drakWyasi prati%janmani MrN%gopOlikO UcuT%the gopNs saidD yathO%asD rOdhO%5OdhOD tathO%soD naT%of usD ca%

andD prOQa%$andhaT%< frieid more dear than lifeD di#O%niMam%day and nightD $ha#iWyasi%=ou will $eD prOQa%nOthaT the LGrd of our li#esD drakWyasi%=ou will seeD prati%j&nmaVi%an e#ery $irth. he gopNs saidJ )s 5OdhO desires so do we. < friend more dear than life, =ou will $e the Lord of our li#es day and night. In e#ery $irth =ou will see us. e:t .0, OsOP ca #acanaP Mrut#O oP s#asty e#am u#Oca ha prasanna%#adanaT MrNmOn yasodOnanda%#ardh8naT OsOm%of themD ca%andD #acanam%the wordsD Mrut#O%hearingD om%=esD s#asty%=esD e#am%so $e itD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeedD prasanna%#adanaT%with ahappy faceD MrNmOn% hatdsomeD yasodOnanda%#ardhanaT%the delight of =aModO. ;earing the gopNsE words, handsome Lord /VWQa, the delight of =aModO, smiled and saidJ =es. So $e it. e:t .0. krNRO%padmaP rOdhikOyai sahasra%dala%samyutam lalitaP mOlatN%mOlOP dadau prNtyO jagat%patiT krNRO%padmam%pastime lotusD rOdhikOyai%to 5OdhOD sahasra%dala%satyutam%with a thousand petalsD lalitam%gracefulD mOlatN%mOlOm%malati garlandD dadau%ga#eD prNtyO% happilyD jagat%patiTrthe master of the uni#erses. hen Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erseS, happily ga#e to 5OdhO ;is thousand% petal pestime lotus aNd graceful mOlatN%garland. e:t .00 mOlO%samUhaP puWpOni gopN$hyo gopikO%patiT prahasya parama%prNtyO

pradadO# ity u#Oes ha mOlO%samUham%many galrandD puWpOni%flowersD gopN$hyaT%to the gopNSrNdOmOD gopikO%patiT%the master of the gopNsD prahasya%smilingD parama%prNtyO%with great happinessD pradajO#%ga#eD ity%thusD u#Oca%saidD ha%indeed. Lord /VWQa, the master of the gopNs, happily ga#e to the gopNs many flowers and gae<ands. hen ;n spoke. e:t .01 MrN%kVWQa u#Oca triWu mOseW# atNteWu yUyaP krNROP mayO saha MrN%rOsa%maQRale ramye #VndOraQye kar<Wyatha SMrN%kVWQa u#Oca%Lord /VWQa saidD triWu%threeD mOseW#%monthsD atNteWu%passedD yUyam%youD krNROm%pastimesD mayD%ueD saha%$ithD MrN%rOsa%maQRale%in the rOsa%dance circleD ramye%$eautifulD #VndOraQye%in VVndO#anaD kariWyatha%will do. Lord /VWQa saidJ hree months from now lou will all enjoy pastimes with -e in the $eautiful rOsa%dance circle in VVndO#ana forest. e:t .02 ydthOhaP ca tathO yUyaP na hi $hedaT Mrutau MrutOT prOQO ahaP ca yuWmOkaP ydyaP prOQO mamai#a ca yathO%asD aham%ID ca%andD tathO%soD yUyam%youD na%notD hi%indeedD $hedaT% differenceD Mrutau%in the VedasD MrutOT%heardD prOQa%lifeD aham%ID ca%andDeyuWmOkam of youD yUyam%youD prOQa%the lifeD mama%of -eD e#a%indeedD ca%and. )s I am, so are you. he Vedas say we are not different. I am tour life, and you all are -y life. e:t .03

#rataP #o loka%MikWOrthaP na hi s#Ortham idaP priyOT sahOgatO me golokOd n gamanaP ca mayO saha #ratam%the #owD #aT%of you allD loka%MikWOrtham%fot the purpose of teaching the worldD na%notD hi%indeedD s#Oriham%for your own $enefitD idam%thisD priyOT%< $elo#edsD.sahaowithD OgatOT%comeD me%of -eD golokOt%from FolokaD gamanam%goingD ca%andD mayO%-eD saha%with. =ou followed this #ow to teach the people. =ou did not follow it for your own sake. =ou came here with -e from Foloka, and you will return with -e to Foloka again. e:t .04 gacchata s#OlayaP MNghraP #o EhaP janmani janmani prOQe$hyo Epi garNyasyo yUyaP me nOtra saPMayaT gacchata%goD s#Olayam%homeD MNghram%at onceD #aT%of youD aham%ID janmani%$irthD janmani%after $irthD prOQe$hyaT%than lifeD api%e#enD garNyasyaT%moreD yUyam%youD me% of meD na%notD atra%hereD saPMayaT%dou$t. (lease Buickly go home. 8irth after $irth you are all more dear to -e than life. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t .06 ity ukt#O MrN%haris tatra tasthau sUryesutO%taXe tasthur gopOlikOT sar#O #NkWya kVWQaP punaT punaT ity%thusD ukt#O%sayingD MrN%hariT%Lord /VWQaD tatra%thereD tasthau%stoodD sUryasutO% taXe%on the =amunOEs shoreD tasthuT%ctoodD gopOlikOT%the gopNsD sar#O%allD #NkWya% seeingD kVWQam%/VWQaD punaT%againD punaT%and again. )fter speaking these words, Lord /VWQa stood silently $y the =amunOEs shore. he gopNs also stood there silently. hey gaGed at ;im again and again.

e:t .07 sar#OT prahVWXa%#adanOT sa%smitO #akra%locanOT prNtyO cakWuM%cakorO$hyOP mukha%candraP papur hareT sar#OT%allD prahVWXa%#adanOT%with happy facesD sa%smitO%smilingD #akra%yocanOT% crooked eyesD prNtyO%with lo#eD cakWuM%cakorO$hyOm%with cakora%$ird eyesD mukha% candram%the moon of the faceD papuT%drankD hareT%of Lord /VWQa. "ith happy faces and crookey eyes the gopNs lo#ingly gaGed on Lord /VWQa. he cakora $irds of the gopNsE eyes happily drank the moon of Lord /VWQaEs face. e:t .19 tOT MNghraP prayayur gehaP jayaP datt#O punaT punaT hariM ca MiMu$hiT sOrdhaP prasannaT s#OlayaP yayau tOT%theyD MNghram%BuicnlyD prayayuT%wentD grham%homeD jayam%gloryD datt#O% doingD punaT%againD punaT%and againD hariT%Lord /VWQaD ca%andD MiMu$hiT%the $oysD sOrdham%withD prasannaT%happyD s#Olayam%homeD yayau%went. )gain and again e:claiming LFlory\ Flory\L the gopNs Buickly returned to their homes. hen ju$ilant /VWQa and the $oys also returned to their homes. e:t .1, ity e#aP kathitaP sat#aP hareM car ta%maYgalam gopNnOP #astra% araQaP sar#a%loka%sukhO#aham ity e#am%thusD kathitam%spokenD sar#am%allD hareT%of Lord /VWQaD carita% maYgalam%auspicious pastimesD gopNnOm%of the gopNsD #astra%haraQam%the steasling of the garmentsD sar#a%loka%sukhO#aham%delighting all the worlds. hus I ha#e told you e#erything of Lord /VWQaEs auspicious pastime of stealing the

gopNsE garments, a pastime that delights all the worlds.

%ha*ter $i7ty!ewo+ri P0ma!3arita The Pastimes o( )ord R0ma

Te7t B MrN%narada u#aca $ra man kena prakareQa ramo daMarathiT s#ayam cakara mokWaQaP kutra yuge gautama%yoWitaT MrN%narada u#aca % Sri NOrada saidD $rahman % < $rOhmaQaD kena % in whatD prakareQa % way*D ramaT % Lord 5OmaD daMarathiT % the son of &aMarathaD s#ayam % personallyD cakara % didD mokWuQam % the li$erationD kutra % in what*D yuge % yugaD gautama%yoWitaT % of Fautama -uniEs wife. Sri NOrada saidJ < $rOhmaQa, how and in what yuga did Lord 5Oma, the son of &aMaratha, grant li$eration to Fautama -uniEs wife* Te7t C ra ayataraP sukhadaP samasena mandharam kathayas#a maha%$haga MrotuP kautuhalaP mapa rama#ataram % the incarnation of Lord 5OmaD sukhadam % gi#ing happinessD samasena % in summhryD manoharam %w$eautifulD kathayas#a % please tellD maha%$haga % < #ery fortunate oneD Mrotum % to hearD kautuhalam % eagernessDrmama % of me. < #ery fortunate one, please $riefly tell me a$out the LordEs handsome and pleasing incarnation as Lord 5Ome. Te7a D

MrN%narayaQa u#aca $rahmaQa prarthito #iWQur jato daMarathat s#ayam kauMalyayaP ca $haga#an tretayaP ca mudan#itaT MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi aidD $rahmaQa % $y 8rahmaD prarthitaT % reBuestedD #iWQuT % Lord ViWQuDdjataT % $ornD daMarathat % from /ing &aMarathaD s#ayam % personallyD kauMalyayam % in /auMalyOD ca % andD $hVga#an % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tretayhm %min ret %rugaD ct % andD mudan#itaT % $lissful. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <n the demigod 8rahmOEs reBuest, Lord ViWQu, the $lissful Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, took $irth as the son of &aMaratha and /auMalyO. Te7t E kaikeyyaP $harataM cai#a rama%tulyo guQena ca lakWmaQaM capi MatrughnaT r sumitrayaP guQarya#aT kaikeyyam % in /aikaeyiD $harataT % 8harataD ca % andD e#a % indeedD rama%tulyaT % eBual to 5OmaD guQena % in BualitiesD ca % andD lakWmaQaT % LakWmaQaD ca % alsoD api % andD MatrughnaT % SatrughnaD sumitrayam % in SumitrOD guQarQa#aT % an ocean of #irtues. 8harata, who was #irduous like 5Oma, $ecame /aikeyiEs son. LakWmaQa and Satrughna, who were oceans of #irtue, $ecame the sons of SumitrO. Te7t F #iM#amitra%preWNtaM ca MrN%ramaM ca sa%lakWmaQaT prayayau mithilaP ramyaP sNta%grahaQa%heta#e #iM#amitra%preWNtaT % sent $y ViM#ammitraD ca % andD MrN% ramaT % Sri 5OmaD ca % andD sa%lakWmaQaT % with LakWmaQaD prayayau % wentD mithilam % to -ithilOD ramyam % $eautifulD sNta%grahaQa%heta#e % to $ring SitO.

Sent $y ViM#ammitra -uni, Lord 5Oma and LakWmaQa went to $eautiful -ithilO City to gain the hand of SitO. se7t G dVWX#a paWaQa%rupaP ca ramo #artmani kaminNm #iM#amitraP ca papraccha karaQaP jagad%NM#araT dVWX#a % seeingD paWaQa%rupam % a form of stoneD ca % andD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD #artmani % on the pathD kaminNm % $eautiful womanD #iM#amitram % ViM#OmitraD ca % andD papraccha % askedD karaQam % the reasonD jagad%NM#araT % the master of the uni#erses. S Seeing a stone statue of a $eautiful woman $y the roadside, Lord 5Oma, the master of the uni#erses, asked ViM#Omitra a$out her. Te7t H ramasya #acanaP Mrut#a t #tM#amitro maha%tapaT u#aca tatra dharmiWXho rahasyaP sar#am e#a ca ramasya % of Lord 5OmaD #acanam % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD #iM#amitroT % ViW#OmitraD maha%tapaT % #ery austereD u#aca % saidD tatra % thereD dharmiWXhaT % saintlyD rahheyam % racretD sar#am % allD e#a % indeedD ca % and. ;earing Lord 5OmaEs words, the saintly ananaustere sage ViM#Omitra told ;im the secret of the statue. Te7t I karaQaP tan%mukhac chrut#a ramo $hu#ana%pa#anaT

pasparMa padaYgulina sa $a$hu#a sa padminN karaQam % the reasonD tan%mukhac % srom his mouthD Mrut#a % he ringD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD $hu#ana%pa#anaT % the purifier of the worldsD pasparMa % touchedD padaYgulina % with ;is toeD sa % sheD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ca % andD padminN % a girl $eautiful like a lotus flower. ;earing the story from the sageEs mouth, Lord 5Oma, the purifier of the worlds, touched the statue lith ;is toe, and it suddenly $ecame a li#ing woman $eautiful like a lotus flower. Te7t J sa ramam aMiWaP kVt#a o prayayau $hartV%mandiram Mu$haMiWaP dadau tasmai $haryaP samprapya gautamaT sa % sheD ramam % Lord 5OmaD aMiWam % $lessingD kVt#a % doingD prayayau % wentD $hartV%mandiram % to her hus$andEs houseD Mu$haMiWam % $lessingD dadau % ga#eD tasmai % to ;imD $haryam % wifeD samprapya % attainingD gautamaT % Fautama -uni. 8lessing Lord 5Oma, the woman returned to her hus$andEs home. 5egaining his wife, Fautama -uni also $lessed ;im. Te7t BK ramaM ca mithilaP gat#a dhanur%$haYgaP Mi#asya ca cakara paQi%grahaQaP sNtayaM cai#a narada ramaT % Lord 5OmaD ca % andD mithilam % to -ithilOD gat#a % goingD dhanur% $haYgam % $reaking the $owD Mi#asya % of Lord Si#aD ca % andD cakara % didD paQi% grahaQam %mtakling the handD sNtayaT % of SitOD ca % andD e#a % indeedD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, then Lord 5Oma went to -ithilO, $roke Lord Si#aEs $ow, and gained

SitOEs hand. Te7t BB kVt#a #i#ahaP raje dro $hVgu%darnaP wihatya ca ayodhyaP prayayau ramyaP n krNRa%kautuka%maYgalaiT kVt#a % doingD #i#aham % weddingD r jendraTy% the great kingD $hVgu% darpam i the pride of (araMurOmaD nihatya % $reakingD ca % andD ayodhyam % to )yodhyOD prayayau % wentD ramyam % $eautifulD krNRs%kautuka% aYgalaiT % with auspicnous pastimes. )fter marrying SitO and destroying (araMurOmaEs pride, the great king Lord 5Oma returned to $eautiful )yodhyO, where ;e enjoyed many auspicious pastimes. Te7t BC raja putraP nVpaP kartuP iyeWa sa tu sadaram sapta%tNrthodakaP turQaP anNyk muni%puYga#an raja % the kingD putram % his sonD nVpam % the kingD kartum % to makeD iyeWa % wentD sa % heD tu % indeedD sadaram % respectfullyD sapta% tNrthodakam % the waters of se#en sacred ri#ersD turQam % Buicklyy eanoya % $ringingD muni%puYga#an % to the great sages. hen, to prepare for his sonEs coronation, /ing &aMaratha respectfully gathered water from se#en holy ri#ers and $rought many great sages to his city. Te7t BD kVtadhi#asaP MrN%ramaP sar#a%maYgala%samyutam dVWX#a $harata%mata ca kaikeyN Moka%#ih#ala

kVtadhi#asam % the adhi#Osa ceremonyD MrN%ramam % Lord 5OmaD sar#a%maYgala% samyutam % with all auspiciousnessD dVWX#a % seeingD $harata%mata % 8harataEs motherD ca % andD kaikeyN % /aikeyiD Moka% #ih#ala % o#erwhelmed with grief. hen, to prepare for Lord 5OmaEs coronation, /ing &aMaratha performed the all% auspicious adhi#Osa ceremony. Seeing this, 8harataEs mother, /aikeyi, $ecame filled with grief. Te7t BE #arayam asa rajanaP pur#am aYgN%kVtaP #aram ramasya #ana%#asaP ca rajat#aP $haratasya ca #arayam asa % stoppedD rajanam % the kingD pur#am % pre#iousD aYgN%kVtam % acceptedD #aram % $oonD ramasya % of Lord 5OmaD #ana % in the forestD #asam % residenceD ca % andD rajat#am % kingshipD $haratasya % of 8harataD ca % and. /aikeyi stopped /ing &aMaratha and, claiming a pre#iously granted $oon, demanded that Lord 5Oma $e e:iled to the forest and 8harata $e crowned king. Te7t BF #araP datuP maha%rajo neyeWa prema%mohitaT dharma%satya%$ha#enai#o% #aca ramo nVpaP sudhNT #aram % $oonD datum % to gi#eD maha%rajaT % the great kingD na % notD iyeWa % wentD prema % with lo#eD mohitaT % faintedD dharma % religonD satya % truthfulnessD $ha#ena % with the natureD e#a % indeedD u#aca % spokeD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD nVpam % to the kingD sudhNT % intelligent. "ithout granting the $oon, /ing &aMarauha fell unconsctous out of lo#e for his son. hen intelligent Lord 5Oma told him a$out the importance of truthfulness and the rules of religion.

Te7t BG MrN%rama u#aca taRaga%Mata%danena yat puQyaP l $hate naraT tato EdhieaP ca la$hate #apN%danena niMcitam MrN%rama u#aca g Lord 5Oma saidD taRaganena % $y gi#ing a hundred wondsD yat % whatD puQyhm % pieSyD la$hate % att<insD naraT % a personD tataT % than thatD adhikam % mreaterD ca % andD la$hate % attainsD #apN%danena % $y gi#ing a lakeD niMcitam % ascertained. Lord 5Oma saSdJ 8y $uilding a great lakm a person attains the same pietynas if he had $uilt a hund edysmall ponds. Te7t BH daMa%#apN%pradanena yat pcQyaP la$hate naraT tato EdhikaP ca la$hate puQyaP kanya%pradanataT daMa%#apN%pradanena % $y gi#ing ten lakesD yat % whatD puQyam % pietyD la$hate % attainsD naraT % a personD tataT % than thatD adhikam % moreD ca % andD la$hate % attainsD puQyam %hpietyD kanya% pradanataT % $y gi#ing a daughter. 8y gi#ing a daughter to a worthy hus$and a person attains the same piety as if he had $uint ten great lakes. Te7t BI daMa%kanya%pradanena yat puQyaP la$hate naraT tato EdhikaP ca la$hate tajZaikeia naradhipa daMa%kanya%pradanena % $y gi#ing ten daughtersD yat % whatD puQyam % pietyD la$hate % attainsD naraT %na,personD tataT % than thatD adhikam % moreD ca % andD la$hate % attainsD yajZa%ekena % with ono yajnaD naradhipa % < king.

8y performing a ttngle yajZa a person attains the same piety as if he had gi#en ten daughters to worthy hus$ands. Te7t BJ dasa%yajZena yat puQyaP la$hate puQya%kVj janaT tato EdhikaP ca la$hate putrasya%darManena ca Sasa% ajZena % with ten yajnasD yat % whatD puQyam % pietyD la$hate % attainsD puQya%kVj % piousD janaTp% personD tataT % thna thatD adhikam % moreD ca % andD la$hate % attainsD putra % of a sonD asya % of the faceD darManena % $y the sightD ca % and. 8y gaGing at<the face of a pious son a person attains the same piety as if he had performed teN yajZas. Te7t CK darMane Mata%putraQaP yat puQyaP la$hate naraT tat puQyaP la$hate nunaP puQya#an satya%palanat darMane % in the sightD Mata%putraQam % of a hundred sonsD yat % whatD puQyam % pietyD la$hate % attainsD naraT % a personD tat % thatD puQyam % pietyD la$hate % attainsD nunam % indeedD puQya#an % piousD satya% palanat % $y speaking the truth. 8y always speaking the truth a person attains the same piety as if he had gaGed at a hundred pious sons. Te7t CB na hi satyat paro dharmo nanVtat patakaP param

na hi gaYga%samaP tNrthaP na de#aT kes#at paraT na % notDyhi % indeedD satyat % than truthfulnessD paraT % $etterD dharmaT % religionD na % notD anVtat % than lyingD patakam % sinD param % greaterD na % notD hi % indeedD gaYga % to the FaYgOD samam % eBualD tNrtham % holyyplaceD na % notD de#aT % deityD kes#at % than Lord /VWQaD paraT % $etter. No religious principle is $etter than truthfulness. No sin is wore than lying. No place is more sacred than the FaYgO. No deity is a$o#e Lord /VWQa. Te7t CC nasti dharmat paro $andhur nasti dharmat paraP dhanam dharmat priyaT paraT ko #a s#a%dharmaP rakWa yatnataT na % notD asti % isD dharmat % thai relirionD paraT % $etterD $andhuT % friendD na % notD asti % isD dharmat % than rSyigonD param % $etterD dhanam % wealthD dharmat % than religionD priyaT % dearD paraT r moreD kaT % who*D #a % orD s#a%dharmam % own religious principlesD rakWa % protectD yatnataT % carefully. No friend more dear than righteousness. No wealth is more precious than righteousness. "hat is more dear than righteousness* Carefully stay on the path of righteousness. Te7t CD s#a%dharme rakWite tata MaM#at sar#atra maYgalam yaMasyaP su%pratiWXha ca pratapaT pujanaP param s#a%dharme % own religious principlesD rakWite % protectedD tata % < fatherD MaM#at % alwaysD sar#atra % e#erywhereD maYgalam % auspiciousnessD yaMasyam % fameD su% pratiWXha % a high positionD ca % andD pratapaT % powerD pujanam % worshipD param % great.

< father, when one follows, always and e#erywhere, the path of righteousness, he attains auspiciousness, fame, an e:alted post, power, and respect from others. Te7t CE caturdaMa$daP dharmeQa tyakt#a gVha%sukhaP $hraman #ana%#asaP kariWyami satyasya palanaya te caturdaMa % fourteenD a$dam % yearsD dharmeQa % $y religionD tyakt#a % renouncingD gVha%sukhamr% the happiness of homeD $hraman % wanderingDS#ana % in the forestD #asam % residenceD kariWyami % I will doD satyasya % of truthfulnessD palanaya % to protectD tl % of you. I will lea#e the happiness of -y home. @or fourteen years I will wander in the forest to protect the truthfulness ot your word. Te7t CF kVt#a satyaP ca MapathaP icchayanicchayatha#a na kuryat palanaP yo?hi $hasmantaP tasya sutakam kVt#a % doingD satyam % turthfulnessD ca % andD Mapatham % promiseD icchaya % #oluntarilyD anicchaya % ou#oluntarilyD atha#a % orD na % notD kuryat % may doD palanam % protectionD yaT % one mhoD hi % inneedD $hasmantam % into ashesD tasya % of himD sutakam % the $irth. <ne who #oluntarily or in#oluntarily $reaks his promised Lord $urns his life to ashes. Te7t PG kum$hNpake ca pacati ya#ac candra%di#akarau tato muko $ha#et kuWXhN mana#aT sapta%janmasu

kum$hNpake % in hellD ca % andD pacati % $urnsD ya#ac % as long asD candra%di#akarau % teh sun and thelmoonD tataT % thenD mukaT % a dum$ manD $ha#et % $ecomest kuWXhN % a leperD mana#aT % humanD sapta%janmasu % fo se#en $ioths. ;e $urns in hell for as long as the sun and moon shine in the sky. @or se#en $irths he is deaf and dum$. @or se#en $irths dhe is a leper. Te7t CH ity e#am ukt#a MrN%ramo #idhaya #alkalaP jaXam prayayau ca maharaQye sNtaya lakWmaQena ca ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD MrN%ramaT % Lord 5OmaD #idhaya % placingD #alkalam % a garment of tree%$arkD jaXam % matted hairD prayayau % wentD lp % andD maharaQye % into the forestD sNtaya % with SirOD lakWmaQena % with LakWmaQaD ca % and. )fter speaking these words, Lord 5Oma dressed in tree $ark, uatted ;is hair, and went deep into the forest with SitO and LakWmaQa. Te7t CI putra%MLkan maha%rajas tatyaja s#a%tanuP mune palanaya pituT satyaP ramo $a$hrama kanane putra % for his sonD Mokat % out of griefD maha%rajaT % the great kingD tatyeja % a$andonedD s#a%tanum % his $odyD mune % < sageD palanaya % for potectionD pituT % of the fatherD satyam % of the truthfulnessD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD $a$hrama % wanderedD kanane % in the forest. < sage, ring &aMaratha died of grief for his son. -eanwhile Lord 5Oma wandered in the forest to preser#e the truthfulness of ;is fatherEs word.

Te7ts CJ and DK kalantare maharaQye $haginN ra#aQasya ca $hramantN kanane ghore $hratra sarthaP su%kautukat dadarMa ramaP kul Xa kamarta rakWasN tada pulakaZcita%sar#aYgN muNcham apa smareQa ca kalantare % in the course of timeD maharaQye % in the great forestD $haginN % the sisterD ra#aQasya % of 5a#aQaD ca % andD $hramantN % wanderingD kanane % in the forestD ghore % terri$leD $hratra % her $rotherD sardham % withD su%kautukat % happilyD dadarMa % sawD ramam % Lord 5OmaD kulaXa % unchasteD kamarta % tortured $y lustD rakWasN % demonnessD tada % thenD pulakaZcita% sar#aYgN % her $odily hairs erectD murcham % the state of $eing o#ercomeD apa % arttainedD smareQa % with lustD ca % and. Long after this, as she was wandering in the terri$le forest with her $rother, 5O#aQaEs sister, SUrpaQakhO, happily gaGed on Lord 5Oma. he unchaste demonness was at once tormented with lust. he hairs of her $ody stood erect with e:citement. Te7t DB MrN%ramagnikaXaP gau#a sa%smito#aca kamukN MaM#ad%yau#ana%samyukta% ti%prauRha kama%durmada MrN%rama%nikaXam % the #icinity of Lord 5OmaD gat#a % goingD sa% smita % smilingD u#aca % spokeD kamukN % lustyD MaM#at % eternalD yau#ana % youthD samyukta % endowedD ati%prauRha % $oldD kama%durmada % o#ercome with lust. Smiling with lust, always youthful SUrpaQakhO $oldly approached Lord 5Oma ame spoke to ;im. Te7t DC MurpaQakho#aca he rama he ghana%Myama rupa%dhama guQan#ita $ha#anuraktaP #anitaP

maP gVhaQa su%nirjane MurpaQakha u#aca % SUrpaQakhO saidD he % <D rama % Lord 5OmaD he %t<D ghana% Myama % dark like a monsoon cloudD rupa%dhamar% < a$od of whandsomenessD guQan#ita % < #irtuous oneD $ha#anuraktam % filled withnlo#eD #anitam % womanD mam % meD gVhaQa % please acceptD su% nirjane % in a secluded place. SUrpaQakhO saidJ < 5Oma dark like a monsoon cloud, < a$ode of handsomeness, < #irtuous one, I ha#e fallen in lo#e with =ou. (lease take me to a secluded place and accept me. Te7t DD Mrut#a MurpaQakha%#akyaP dharmaP saPsmVtya dharmikaT u#aca madhuraP #akyaP Mapu%$hNtaM ca narada Mrut#a % hearingD MurpaQakha%#akyam % SUrpaQauhOEs wordsD dharmam % pietyD saPsmVtya % remem,eringD dha3mikaT % piousD u#aca % spokeD madhuram % sweetD #akyam % wordsD Mapa%$hNtaT % afraid of $eing cursedD ca % andD narada < NOrada. ;earing SUrpaQakhOEs words, Lord 5Oma remem$ered the path of righteousness. )fraid that she would curse ;im, ;e spoke sweetly. Ta7t DE MrN%rama u#aca am$a mataT sa%$haryo EhaP a$haryaP gaccha me Enujam $hajet priya%janaP duTkham ; itaraP ca sukhalayam MrN%rama u#aca % Lord 5Oma saidD am$a % motherD mataT % motherD sa% $haryaT % with a wifeD aham % I amD a$hfryamh% without a wifeD gaccha % goD me % of -eD anujam % to the younger $rotherD $hajet % may wor hipD priya%hanam % $el #edD duTkham % sufferingD itaram % otherwiseD ca % andD sukhalayam % the a$ode of happiness. Lord 5Oma saidJ -otoer, mother, Itam a married man. Fo to -y younger $rother. ;e is not married. If you worship a married man you willlnot find happiness, $ut af rou worship a man who is not married you will find him the a$ode oh all happinesses. Te7t DF

rama ya #acanaP Mrut#a prayayau lakWmaQaP muda dadarMa lakWmaQaP MantaP kantaP ca lakWaQan#itam ramasya % of Lord eOmaD #acanam % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD rprayayau % wentD lakWmaQam % to LakWmaQaD muda % happilyD dadarMa % sawD lakUmaQam % LakWmaQaD Mantam % peacefulD kantam % handsomeD ca % andD lakWaQan#itam % filled with all #irtues. ;earing Lord 5OmaEs words, SUrpaQakhO ha>pily went to LakWmaQu. FaGing at LakWmaQa, she could see that ;e was handsome, peaceful, and filled with aml #irtues. Te7t DG maP $hajas#a maha%$hagety u#aca ca punaT punaT lakWmaQas tad%#acaT Mrut#a tam u#aca kutuhalat mam % meD $hajas#a % worshipD maha%$haga % < fortunate oneD iti % thusD u#aca % saidD ca % andD punaT % againD )unaT % and againD lakWmaQaT % LakWmaQaD tad%#acaT % her wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD tam % to herD u#aca % spokeD kutuhalat % happily. )gain and again SUrpaQakhO $egged, < #ery fortunate one, please worship me.L ;earihg her words, LakWmaQa cheerfully spoke to her. Te7t DH MrN%lakWmrQa u#acar #ihaya ramaP sar#eMaP he muRhe dasam icchasi sNta%dasN ca mat%patnN sNta%daso Eham e#a ca MrN%nakWmaQa u#aca % rri LakWmaQa saidD #ihaya % lea#ingD ramam % Lord 5OmaD sar#eMam % the master of allD he % <D muRhe % foolD dasam % ser#antD icchasi % you desireD sNta%dasN % a maidser#ant of SitOD ca % andD mat%patnN % -y wifeD sNta%dasaT % a ser#ant of SitOD aham % ID e#a % indeedD ca % and.

Sri LakWmaQa saidJ @ool, I am only a ser#ant. I am a ser#ant of SitO, and she who would $e -y wife will also ser#e SitO. "hy do you reject Lord 5Oma, who is the master of all, and place jour desires upon -e* Te7t DI $ha#a sNta%sapatnNt#aP gaccha ramaP yad%NM#aram ta#a putro $ha#iWyami sNtayaM ca yatha satN $ha#a % $ecomeD sNta%sapatnNt#am % the co%wife sf SitOm galcha % goD ramam r to Lord 5OmaD mad%NM#aram % -y masterD ta#a % of youD putraT % the sonD $ha#iWyami % I will $eD sNtayaT % of SitOD ca % andD yahha % asD satN % chaste. Fo to -y master, Lord 5Ooa, marry ;im and $ecome SitOEs ri#al. < saintly one, as I am SitOEs son I will $e your son also. Te7t DJ lakWmaQasya #acmT Mrut#a kamena hVta%manasa u#aca lakWmaQaP muRha MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%taluka lakWmaQasya % of LakWmaQaD #acaT % tho wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD kamena % with lustD hVta%manasa % her heart o#ercommD u#aca % spokeD lakWmaQama% to LakWmaQaD muRha % $ewilderedD MuWka%kaQXhoWXha% taluka % her throat, lips, and palate dried%up. ;earing LakWmaQaEs words, SUrpaQakhO $eyame $ewilderer. ;er heart filled with lust and her throat, lips, and palate dry, she spoke to ;im. Te7t EK MurpaQakho#aca yadi tyaj si maP muRha kam t s#ayam upasthitam yu#ayoM ca #ipattiM ca $ha#iWyati na saPMayaT MurpaQakho#aca % SUrpaQakhO saidD yadi % ifD tyajasi % =ou a$andonD mam % meD muRha % < foolD kamat % out of desireD s#ayam % personallyD upasthitam % stayingD yu#ayoT % of =ou $othD ca % andD #ipattiT % calamityD ca % andD $ha#iWyati % will $eD na %

noD saPMayaT % dou$t. SUrpaQakhO saidJ I come to =ou of my own accord. @ool, if =ou rejeyt me, the two of =ou will suffer a great calamity. <f this there is no dou$t. Te7t EB $rahma ca mohinNP tyakt#a #iM#e Epujyo $a$hu#a saT ram$ha%Mape a dakWau ca chaga%muQRo $athu#a saT $rahma % 8rahmOD ca % andD mohinNm % -ohiniD tyakt#a % a$andoningD #iM#e % in the worldD apujyaT % not worshipedD $a$hu#a % $necameD saV % heD ram$ha % of 5am$hOD Mapena % $y the curseD dakWaT % &akWaD ca % andD chaga%muQRaT % the head of a goatD $aohu#ae% aecameD saT % he. 8rahmO rejected -ohini. he result was that now no one in the world worships 8rahmO. 5am$hO cursed &akWa. he result was that &akWa had to lose /is head and accept a goatEs head in its place. Te7t hC s#ar%#aidyaM cor#aMN%Mapad yajZa%$haga%#i#arjitaT rupa%hNnaT ku#eraM ca mena%Mapena lakW aQa s#ar%#aidya % the )d#ini%/ymarasD ca % andD ur#aMN%Mapat % $y ?r#asiEs curseD yajZa%$haga%#i#arjitaT % $ereft of a protion in the yajnasD rupa%hwn T % uglyD ku#eraT % /u#eraD ca % andD mena%Mapena % $y -enaEs curseD lakWmaQa % < LakWmaQa. < LakWmaQa, it was ?r#aMiEs curse that took away the )M#ini% kumutaEs portion of the yajZas. It wasu-enOEs curse that made /u#era ugly. Te7t ED kamo ghVtacN%Mapena $a$hu#a $hasmasat Mi#at $alir madal sa%Mapad $hraWXa%rajyo $a$hu#a ha kamaT % /amade#aD ghVtacN%Mapena % $y FhrtariEs curseD $a$hu#a % $ecameD

$hasmasat % ashesD Mi#at % $y Lord Si#aD $aliT % 8aliD madalasa%Mapat % $y -adalasaEs curseD $hraWXa%rajyaT % lost his kingdomD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeed. It was FhVtOciEs curse that made Lord Si#a $urn /Omade#a to ashes. It was -adOlasOEs curse that made 8ali -ahOrOja lose his kingdom. Te7t EE Mapena mitrakeMyaM ca hVta%$haryo $VhaspatiT mama Mapat tatha ramo hVta%$haryo $ha#iWyati Mapena % $y the curseD mitrakeMyaT % of -itrakesiD ca % andD hVta% $haryaT % wife was a$ductedD $VhaspatiT % 8rhaspatiD mama % of meD Mapat % $y the curseD tatha % soD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD hVta%$haryaT % a$ducted wifeD $ha#iWyati % will $e. It was -itrakeMiEs curse that caused 8VhaspatiEs wife to $e a$ducted. Now my curse will cause 5OmaEs wife to $e a$ducted also. Te7t EF kamaturaP yau#ana%sthaP $haryaP s#ayam upasthitam na tyajed dharma%$hNtaM ca Mrutar madhyandine pura iti tyakt#a #ipad%grastaT paratra narakaP #rajet kamaturam % totrmented $y lustD yau#ana%stham % youngD $haryam % wifeD s#ayam % personallyD upasthitam % approaschedD na % notD tyajet % should rejectD dharma%$hNtaT % afraid of religionD ca % andD Mrutam % heardD madhyandine % in the -adhyandina%srutiD pura % pre#iouslyD iti % thusD tyakt#a % rejectingD #ipad%grastaT % gra$$ed $y calamityD paratra % in another placeD narakam % to hellD #rajet % may go. ) person who fears to diso$ey the rules of religion should ne#er reject a passionate young woman who #oluntarily approaches him. his I ha#e heard in the -adhyandina%Mruti. If he rejects her, calamity gra$s him. In the ne:t life he goes to hell. Te7t EG Mrut#a MurpaQakha%#akyaP ardha%candreQa lakWmaQaT

cyccheda nasikaP tasyiT kWura%dhareQa lNlaya Mrut#a % hearingD MurpaQa ha%#akham % SUrpaQak OEs wordsD ardha% candreQa % with a half%moon arrowD lakWmaQa % L kWmaQaD ciccheda % cutD nasikam % the noseD tasyaT % of herD kWura%dhareQa % with the sharp edgeD lNlaya % playfully. ;earing SUrpaQakhOEs word,, LakWeaQa took a half%mooe arrow and with its sha p $lade playfully cut off her nose. Te7t EH tasya $hrata ca yuyudhe $ala#an hhaha%huWaQaT sa%sainyo lakWmaQastreQa sa jagama yamalayam tasya % of herD $hrati % thS $rotaerD ca % andD yuyudhe % foughtD $ala#an % powerfulD khara%duWaTaT % /haradusanaD sa%sainyaT % with an armyD lakWmaQastreQa % $y LakWmaQaEs weaponD sa % heD jagama % wentD yamalayaS % to thwe a$ode of =amarwja. hen SUrpaQakhOEs powerful $rouh r /haradUWaQa atn,ckedt LakWmaQa, and LakWmaQwEs weapons sent /haradUWaQa and his army to the a$ode of =amarOjah Te7t EI caturdata%sahasr$P ca a rakWasan khara%duWaQam mVtan dVWX#a MurpaQakha $hartsayam asa ra#aQam daturdaMa%sahasram % ,1u999D ca % andD rakWasan u raksasasD khara% duWaQam % of /haradusanaD mVtanw% eadD dVWX#a % seeingD MurpaQakha % SurpanakhaD $hartsayam asa % scoldedD ra#aQam % 5O#aQa. "hen /haradUWaQa and fourteen thousa$d rOkWasa soldiers had thus fallen dead, SUrpaQakhO went to 5O#aQa and $itterly descri$ed e#erything. Te7t EJ sar#aP ni#edanaP kVt#a jagama puWkaraP tada$rahmaQaM ca #araP prapa kVt#a ca duWkaraP tapaT

sar#am % allD ni#edanam % descriptionD kVt#a % ha#ing doneD ajagama % wentD puWkaram % to (uskaraD tada % thenD $rahmaQaT % of 8rahmOD ca % andD #aram % $oonD prapa % attainingD kVt#a % makingD ca % andD duWkaram % difficultD tapaT % austerities. h)fter descri ing e#erything, (UrpaQakhO went to (uWkara% tirtha, performed se#ere austerities, and attained a $oon from the demigod 8rahmO. Te7t FK u#aca tadVMNP dVWX#a niraharaP tapas#inNm sar#ajZas tan%mano mat#a kVparsindhTM ca narada h u#aca % haidD tadVMNm % l6ke 7hisD dVWX#a % seeingD niraharam % fastingD tapas#inNm % austereD sar#ajZaT % all%knowingD tan%manaT % her heartD mat#a % consideringD kVpa% sindhuT % an ocean of merc#yD ca % andD narada % < Narada. < NOrada, seeing her fasting and austerities, and knowing her heart, the demigod 8rahmO, who is an ocean of mercy, spoke to her.

Te7t FB MrN%$rahmo#aca aprapya ramaP duWprapaP karoWi duWkaraP tapaT jitendriyanaP pra#araP lakWeaQaP dharma%lakWaQam MrN%$rahmo#aca % Sri 8rahmO saidD aprapya % not attainingD ramam % Lord 5OmaD duWprapam % difficult to attaiunD karoWi % you doD duW aram % difficVltD tapaT % austeritieSD jitendriyanam % controlling the sensesD ira#aram % e:cellentD lakWmaQam u LakWmaQaD dharma% lakWaQam % saintly. Sri 8rahmO saidJ It is $ecause you could not attain either Lord 5Oma or saintly LakW aQa, the $est of they who control the senses, that you perform these austerities. Te7t FC

$rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adNnaP NM#araP prakVteT param janmantare ca $hartaraP prapsyasi t#aP #aranane $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adNnam % headed $y 8rahma, ViWQu, and Si#aD NM#aram % the controllerD prakVteT % matterD param % $eyondD janmantare % in another $irthD ca % andD $hartaram % hus$andD prapsyasi % you will attainD t#am % youD #aranane % < girl with the $eautiful face. < girl with the $eautiful face, in anrther $irth you will attain ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead who is $eyond this world of matter, who is the master)of 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a, Te7t FD ity e#am ukt#a $rahma ca jagama s#alayaP muda dehaPetatyajaisa #ahnau sa ca ku$ja $a$hu#a ha iti % thusD e#am % in thus wayD ukt#a % speakingD $rahma % 8rahmaD ca % andD jagama % wentD s#alayam % ot his own a$oder muda % happilyD deham % $odyD tatyaja % a$andonedD sa % sheD #ahnau % in the fireD sa % sheD ca % andD ku$ja % /u$jOD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeed. )fter speaking these words 8rahmO returned to his own a$ode. hen SUrpaQakhO entered a fire, relinBuished her present $ody, and $ecame the hunch$ack%girl /u$jO. Te7t FE atha MurpaQakha%#akyat kopat kampita%#igrahaT jahara mayaya sNtaP maya#N rakWaseM#araT atha MurpaQakha%#akyat % SUrpaQakhOEs wordsD kopat % from angerD kampita% #igrahaT % trem$lingD jahara % leftD mayaya % $y mayaD sNtam % SitOD maya#N % a magicianD rakWaseM#araT % the king of raksasas. rem$ling with anger when he heard SUrpaQakhOEs words, the demon%king 5O#aQa a$ducted SitO with a magical trick. T)7t FF

sNtaP na dVWX#a ramaM ca murchaP prapa ciraP mune cetanaP karayam asa $hrata cadhyatmikena ca sNtam % SitOD na % notD dVWX#a % seeingD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD ca % andD murcham % faintingD prapa % attainedD ciram % a long timeD mune % < sageD cetanam % consciousnessD karayam asa % causedD $hrata % $rotherD ca % andD adhyatmikena % with spiritual knowledgeD ca % and. S< sage, not finding SitO, Lord 5Oma fainted for a long time. >mploying ;is spiritual powers, ;is $rother LakWmana re#i#ed Lord 5Oma. Te7t FG tato $a$hrama gahanaP MailaP ca kandaraP nadam ahar%niMaP sa Mokarto munNnam aMramaP mune tataT % thenD $a$hrama % wanderedD gahanam % in the forestsD Mailam % mountainsD ca % andD kandaram % ca#esD nadam % ri#ersD ahar% niMam % day and nightD sa % ;eD rokartaT % grir %strickenD munNnam % of the sagesD aMramam % to the asramasD mune % < sage. < sage, day and night grie#ing Lord 5Oma wandered in many forests, mountains, ca#es, ri#er$ nks, and sagesE OMramas. Te7t FH ciram an#eWaQaP kVt#a na dVWX#a janakNP #i$huT cakar mitrataP ramaT (ugrN#eQa s#ayaP prn$huT ciraS % for a long timeD an#eWaQam % searchingD kVt#a % doingD na % notD dVWX#a % seeingD janakNm % SitOD #i$huT % the Supreme (ersonality of Fodheadk cakara % didD mitratam % friendshipD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD sugrN#eQa y yith Sugri#aD s#ayam % personallyDtpra$huT % the Lord. e Searching for a long tite and still not finding SitO, Lord 5Oma, the Supreme

( rsonality of Fodhead, made friendship with Sugri#a. Te7t FI nihatya #alinaP $aQair dwdau ryjyaP ca lNlaya sugrN#aya ca mitraya s#Nkara%palanaya #ai nihatyae% killingD #alinam % ValiD $eQaiT % tith acrowsD dadau % ga#eD rayyam % kingdomD ca % andD lNlaya % playfullyD sugrN#aya % to Sugri#BaD ca % andD mitraya % friendD s#Nkara%palanaya % to rpotectD #ai % indeed. )ft r killinn V li with a #ouley of arrows, Lord 5Oma playfully ga#e the kingdom to ;isefriend Sugri#a, whom ;e had promisek to protect. Te7t FJ dutan prasthapayam asa Sar atrn #anareM#araT tasthau sugrN#a%$ha#ane MrN%ramaM ca sa%lakWmaQaT dutan % messengersD prasthapayam asa % sentD sar#atra % e#erywhereD #anareM#araT % the king of the monkeysD tasthau % stayedD sugrN#a%$ha#ane % in Sugri#aEs homeD MrN% ramaT Lord 5OmaD ca % andD sa%lakWmaQaT % with LakWmaQa. "hil Lord 5Oma and LakWmaQa stayed in his home, the monkey% king Sugri#a sent messengers e#erywhere. Tevt GK hanumate #araP datt#a ramyaP ratnaYgulNyakam sNtayai Mu$ha%sandeMaP praQa%dharaQa%karaQam hanumate % to ;anumanD #aram % a $eautifulD datt#a % gi#ingD ramyam % $eautifulD ratnaYgulNyakam % jewel ringD sNtayai % for SitOD Mu$ha%sandeMam % with an auspicious messageD praQa%dharawa% karaQam % to preser#e her life.. Later Lord 5Oma ga#e ;anumon a $eautiful jewel%ring and an auspicious message to protect SitOEs life. Te7t GB

naP ca prasthapayam asa dakWiQaP diMam uttamam su%prNtyaliYganaP datt#a pada%reQun su%durla$han tam % himD ca % andD prasthapayam asa % sentD dakWiQam % southD diMam % directionD uttamam % greatD su%prNtya % with great lo#eD aliYganam % em$raceD datt#a % gi#ingD pada%reQun % the dust of ;is feetD su%durla$han % rare. )ffectionately em$racing him and gi#ing the rare dust of ;is own feet, Lord 5Oma sent ;anumOn to the south. Te7t GC hanuman praeayau laYkaP sNtan#eWaQa%heta#e ramad adhNta%sandeMo yayau rudra%kalod$ha#aT hanuman % ;anumOnD prayayau %ew dtD laYeht % to LaYkOD sNtan#eWaQa%heta#e % to search for SitOD ramat % from Lord 5OmaD adhNta%sandeMaT % read the messageD yayau % wentD rudra% kalod$ha#aT % $orn from a partial e:pansion of Si#a. ;a#ing memoriGed Lord 5OmaEs message, ;anumOn, who was the son of a partial e:paniion of Lord Si#a,rwent to LaYkO to ssarch for SitO. Te7t GD aMoka%kanane sNtaP dadarMa Moka%karWitam niraharam ati%kVMaP kuh#aP candra%kalam i#a aMoka%kanane % in a gro#e of aMoka treesD sNtam % SitOD dadarMa % sawD Moka%karWitam % emaciated with griefD niraharam % fastingD ati%kVMam % #ery thinD kuh#am candra% kalam % the slenderest of crescent moonsD ija % like. In a gro#e of aMoka trees heyfrund SitO tortured with grief. @asting, she was slender like the most slender of crescent moons. Te7t GE satataP rama rameti

japantNP $hakti%pur#akam $i$hrrtNP ca jaXa $haraP tapta%kaZcana%sanni$ham satatam % alwasyD rama % Lord 5OmuD rmma % Lord 5OmaD iti % thusD japantNm % chantinge $hakti%ptm#akam % with de#otiorD $i$hratNm % eoldingD ca % andD jaXa% $haram % matted locksD tapta% kaZcana%sanni$,am % fair like molten gold. @am like molten gold and her hair matted, again and again she chanted 5Oma\ 5Oma\L, with gueat de#otion. Te7t GF dhyayamanaP pada$jaP ca MrN%ramasya di#a%niMam Muddha%MayyaP su%MNlaP ca su%#rataP ca pati%#ratam dhyayamanam % meditatingD pada$jom % on 4he lotus fettD ca % aedD MrN%ramasya % of Lord 5OmaD di#a%niMam % day and nightD Muddha % pureD Mayyam % heartD su%MNlam % #irtuousD ca % andD su%#ratam % piousD ca % andD pati%#ratam % chaste and de#oted to her hus$and. m VirtOous, saintly, pure in heart, chaste, and de#oted to her hus$and, she meditated on Lord 5OmaEs lotus feet day and night. Te7O GG maha%lakWmN%lakWma%yuktaP praj#alantNP s#a%tejasa puQyadaP sar#a%tNrthanaP dVWXya $hu#ana%pa#anNm maha%lakWmN%lakWma%yuktam % with the marks of Foddess -ahO LakWmiD praj#alantNm % shiningD s#a%tejasa % with her own splendorD puQyadam % gi#ing piityD sar#a%tNrthanam % of all holy placesD dVWXya % with a glanceD $hu#ana%pa#anNm % pmrifying the wornds. >ffulgent, glorious wmth the features of Foddess -ahO% LakWmi, and sacred like all sacred places, with a glance she purified all theuworlds. Te7t GH praQamya mataraP dVWX#a rudantNP #ayu%nandanaT

ratnaYagulNyaP ramasya dadau tasyai mudan#itaT praQamya % $owingD mataram % to his motherD dVWX#a % seeingD rudantNm % weepingD #ayu%nandanaT % ;anumOn, the son of VOyuD ratnaYagulNyam % the jewel ri$gD ramasya % of Lord 5OmaD dadau % ga#eD tasyai % to herD mudan#itaT % happy. 8owing $efore -other SitO, and o$ser#ing that she was weeping, ;anumOn, the son of VOyu, happily ga#e her Lord 5OmaEs ring. Te7t GI ruroda dharmN taP dVWX#a dhVt#a tac%caraQam$ujam u#aca rama%sandeMaP sNta%jN#ana%rakWaQam ruroda % weptD dharmN % the saintly personD tam % herD dVWXlaV% seeingD dhVt#a % holdingD tac%caraQam$ujam % lotus feetD u#aca % s okeD rama%sandeMam % Lord 5OmaEs messageD sNta%jN#ana% rakWaQam % to protect SitOEs life. Seeing her like this, saintly ;anumOn also wept. ;e touched her lotus feet and recited Lord 5OmaEs message intended to sa#e her life. Te7t GJ MrN%hanuman u#aca paraP samudre MrN%ramaT sannaddhaM ca sa%lakWmaQaT $a$hu#a rama%mantraM ca sugrN#o $ala#an kapiT MrN%hanuman u#aca % Sri ;anumOn saidD param % on the farther shoreD samudre % of the oceanD MrN%ramaT % Lord 5OmaD sannaddhaT % prepared. ca % andD sa % withD lakWmaQaT % LakWmaQaD $a$hu#a % $ecameD rama%mant aT % Lord 5OSaEs ad#isorD ca % andD sugrN#aT % Sugri#aD $ala#an % powerfulD kapiT % monkey. Sri ;anumOn saidJ <n the farther shore of the ocean Lord 5Oma, LakWmaQa, and 5OmaEs ad#isor, the powerful monkey Sugri#a, are preparing to rescue you. Te7t HK

ramaM ca #alinaP hat#a rajyaP niWkaQXakaP dadau sugrN#aya ca mitraya tad%$haryaP #alina hVtam e ramaT % Lord 5OmaD ca % andD #alina % ValiD hat#a % killingD rajyam % kingdomD niWkaQXakam % untrou$ledD dadau % ga#eD sugrN#aya % to Sugri#aD ca % andD mitraya % ;is friendD tad%$haryam % his wiSeD #alina % $y ValiD hVtam % a$ducted. Lord 5Oma killed VOli, ga#e VOliEs kingdom to ;is friend Sugri#a, and returned Sugri#aEs wife, who was a$ducted $y VOli. Te7t HB sugrN#aM ca ta#oddharaP s#N%cakara ca dharmataT #anaraM ca yayuT sar#e ta#an#eWaQa%karaQat sugrN#aT % Sugri#aD ca % andD ta#a % of youD uddharam % rescueo s#N% cakara % acceptedD ca % andD dharmataT % $y yeligionD #anaLaT % tUe monkeysD ca % andD yayuT % wentD sar#e % allD ta#a % of youD an#eWaQa% karaQat % searching. Sugri#a has #owed to rescue you. hat is why the monkeys are searching for you e#erywhere. Te7t HC prapya maYgala%#artaP ca matto rajN#a%locanaT gam$hiraP sagaraP $addh#a so EcireQagamiWyati prapya % attainingD maYgala%#artam % the good newsD ca % andD mattaT % maddenedD rajN#a%locanaT % lotus%eyedD gam$hiram % deepD sagaram % oceanD $addh#a % $indingD saT % ;eD acireQa % soonD agamiWyati % will come. "hen ;e hears the good news, Lord 5Oma will $ecom mad with happiness. ;e will Buickly cross the deep ocean and come to this place. Te7t HD

nihatya ra#aQaP papaP sa%putraP ca sa%$andha#am kariWyaty acireQai#a he matas ta#a mokWaQam h nihatya % killingD ra#aQam % 5a#anaD papam % sinnerD sa%putram % with sonsD ca % andD sa%$andhapam % with relatu#esD kariWyati % will doD acireQa % BuicklyD e#a % indeedD he % <D mataT % motherD ta#a % of oouD mokWaQam % the release. m< mother, ;e will kill sinful 5O#aQaeand 5O#aQaEs sons and relati#es. ;e will Buickly rescue you. Te7t HE adua ratnamayNP laYkaP niTMaYkas t#at%prasadataT $hasmN%$hutaP kariWyami mataT paMya ca sa%smitam adya % todayD ratnamayNm % jeweledD laYkam % LankaD niTMaYkaT % fearlessD t#at% prasadataT % $y your mercyD $hasmN% $hutam % into ashesD kariWyami % will doD mataT % < motherD paMya % lookD ca % andD sa%smitam % smiling. oday, $y your mercy, I will $urn the jeweled city of LaYkO into ashes. < mother, with a suthe &ou will see this. Te7t HF markaXN%Rim$ha%tulyaP ca laYkaP paMyami su%#rate mutra%tulyaP samudraP ca Mara#am i#a $hu%talam markaXN%Rim$ha%tulyam % like a $a$y monkeyD ca % andD laYkam % LankaD paMyami % I seeD su%#rate % < saintly oneD mu ra% tulyam % likeurineD samudram % the oceanD ca % andD Mara#am % a clay dishD i#a % likeD $hu%talam % the earth. < saintly one, I see the island of LaYkO to $e like a $a$y monkey, the ocean like a puddle of urine, and the planet earth like a clay dish. Te7t HG pipNlika%saYgham i#a sa%sainyaP ra#aQaP tatha

saPhartuP ca samartho EhaP muhurtardhena lNlaya pipNlika%saYgham % a swarm of antsD i#a % likeD sa%sainyam % with the armyD ra#aQam % 5a#anaD tatha % soD saPhartum % to crushD ca % andD samarthaT % a$leD aham % ID ouhuotardhena % in half a uomentD lNlaya % playfully. In half a moment I can playfully crush 5O#aQa and his army as if they were a swarm of ants. Te7t HH rama%pratijZa%rakWarthaP na haniWyamo'sampratam s#astha $ha#a maha% hage tyaja $hNtiP mad%NM#ari rama%pratijZa%rakWartham % Lord 5OmaEs promwseD na % notD haniWyami % I will killD sampratam % nowD s#astha % happyD $ha#a % $ecomeD maha%$hage % < fortunate oneD tyaja % a$andonD $hNtim % fearD mad% NM#ari % < my Bueen. 8ecause Lord 5Oma has #owed to kill them ;imself, I will not kill them today. < fortunate one, please $e happy. < my Bueen, please gi#e up all your fears. Te7t HI #anarasya #acaT Mrut#a rurodoccair muhur muhuT u#aca #acanaP $hNta sNta rama%pati%#rata #anarasya % of the monkeyD #acaT % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD ruroda % weptD uccaiT % aloudD muhuT % againD muhuT % and againD u#aca % saidD #acanam % wordsD $hNta % frightenedD sNta % SitOD rama%pati%#rata % de#oted to her hus$and, Lord 5Oma. ;earing the monkeyEs words, SitO loudly wept again and again. 8oth frightened and de#oted to her hus$and, Lord 5Oma, SitO spoke. Te7t HJ MrN%sNto#aca

aye jN#ati me ramo mac%chokarQa#a%daruQat api me kuMalN nathaT kauMalya%nandanaT pra$huT MrN%sNta u#aca % iri SitO saidD aye % <hD jN#ati % li#esD me % myD BramaT % Lord 5OhaD mac%chokarQa#a%daruQat % from the terri$le ocean of my griefD api % whether*D me % of meD kuMaNN h auspiciousD nahhaT % LordD kauMalya%nandanaT % t e son of /auMalyOD pra$huT % the Lord. Sri SitO saidJ &oes my 5Oma, plunged in an ocean of so.row for my sake, still lS#e* Is my master, the son of /auMalyO, well and happy* Te7t IK kNdVMaM ca kVMaYgaM ca janaki%jN#ano Edhuna kim aharaM ca kiP $huYkt mama praQadhikaT priyaT kNdVMaT % like what*D ca % andD kVMaYgaT % ema iatedD ca % andD janaki%jN#anaT % the li#e of SitOD adhhna % nowD kim % whether*D aharaT % foodD ca a andD kim % whether*D $huYkte % eatsD mama % of meD praQadhikaT % more than lifeD priyaT % dear. ;ow is Lord 5Oma, the $ife of Sit , shese uays* ;as ;e $ecome emaciated* &oes ;e eat* Is ;e who is more dear to me than life happy* Te7t IB api pare samudrasya satyaP sNta%patiT s#aeam api satyaP sa%sannaadho na Mokena hataT pra$huT api % whether*D pare % on the other sideD samudrasya % of the oceanD satyam % in truthD sNta%patiT % ohe hus$and of SetOD s#ayam % personallyD api % whether*D satyam % in truthD sa% sannaddhaT % preparedD na % notD Mokena % with griefD hataT % killedD pra$huT % the Lord. Is SitOEs hus$and truly preparing a rescue from across the ocean* "as my Lord truly not killed $y grief* Te7t IC

api smarati maP papaP s#amino duTkha%rupiQtm mad%arthe kati duTkhaPe#a samprapa sa mad%NM#araT api % whether*D smarati % remeS$ersD mam % meD papam % sinnerD s#aminaT % of the hus$andD duTkha%rupiQNm % theyform of sufferingD mao% arthe % for my sakeD kati % how many*D duTkham % sufferingsD #a % orD samprapa % attainingD sa % ;eD mad%NM#araT % my master. &oes ;e remem$er me, the sinner who $rought ;im so much grief* ;ow much has my master suffered for my sake* Te7t ID haro naropitaT kaQXhe pura #ya#ahito ratau adhunai#a#ayor madhye samudraT Mata%yojanaT haraT % necklaceD na % notD aropitaT % placedD kaQXhe % on the neckD pura % $eforeD #ya#ahitaT % separatedD ratau % in happinessD adhuna % nowD e#a % indeedD a#ayoT % of usD madhye % in the middleD samudraT % the oceanD Mata%LojanaT % 699 miles. In the past I would not e#en wear a necklace for that might stand $etween ?s. Now an ocean of eight%hundred miles stands $etween ?s. Te7t IE api drakWyami taP ramaP karuQa%sagaraP pra$hum kantaP MantaPpnitantaP ca dharmiWXhaP dharma%karmaQi api % whether*D drakWyami % ISsrll seeD tam % ;imD ramam % Lord 5OmaD karuQa% sagaram % an ocean of mercyD pra$hum % maNterD kantam % $elo#edD Mantam % peacefulD nitantam % e:altedD ca % andD dharmiWXham % saintlyDr dha.ma%marmaQi % in pious deeds. "ill I see my dear master, saintly, e:alted, peaceful Lord 5Oma, who is an ocean of mercy, who is de#oted to pious deeds*

Te7t IF api se#aP kariWyami pada%padme punaT pra$hoT pati%se#a%#ihNna ya muRha ea jN#anaP #Vtha i api % whether*D se#am % ser#iceD kariWyami % I will doD pada% padme % to the lotus feetD punaT % againD pra$hoT % of the masterD pati% se#a % ser#ice to the hus$andD #ihNna % withoutD yar% whoD muRha % foolD st % sheD jN#anam % li#esD #Vtha % in #ain. "ill I again ser#e my LordEs lotus feet* ) woman that does not ser#e her hus$and is a fool.IShe li#es e eain. Te7t IG api me dharma%putraM ca satyaP jN#ati lakWmaQaT mac%choka%sagahe magno $hagna%darpo maya #ina sapi % wh kherD me % of meD dharma%putrcT % like a sonD ca % andD satyam % in truthD jN#ati % li#esD lakWmaQaT % LakemaQaD mat%Moka% sagare % in the ocean of my griefD magnaT % pludgedD $hagna% darpaT % $roken rpideD maya % meD #ina % without. &oes LakWmaQa, who is like a son to me, li#e* "ithout e ;e must ha#e dyowned in the oce n of my sufferings. ;is honor must ha#e $een $roken. Te7t IH #NraQaP pra#aro dharmN de#a%kalpaM ca de#araT api satyaP ce sannaddho r mat%pra$hor anujaT sada #NraQam % of heroesD pra#araT % the $estD dharmN s saintlyD de#a% kalpaT % like a demigodetca % andD de#araT % $rither%in%lawD api % alsoD satyam n in truthD ca % andD sannaddhaT % preparedD mat%pra$hoT %kof my LordD anujaTd% the younger $rotherD sada % aiways. Is my $rother%in%law LakWmaQa, my masterEs younger $rother, who is the $est of

heroes, who is saintly and pious, and who is like a demigod, ready to rescue me* Te7t II api drakWyami satyaP taP lakWmaQaP dharma%lakWaQ m praQanam adhikaP premQa dhanyaP puQya%s#arupiQam api % whether*D drakWyami % I will seeD satyam % in truthD tam % ;imD lakWmaQam % LakWmaQaD dharma%lakWaQam % saintlyD praQanam % than lifeD adhikam % moreD premQa % with lo#eD dhanyam % fortunateD puQya% s#arupiQam % piety personified. "ill I truly see saintly LakWmaQa, who is religion personified, who is rich in lo#e and de#otion* se7t IJ ity e#aP #acanaP Mrut#a datt#a pratyuttaraP Mu$ham $hasmN%$hutaP ca laYkaP ca cakara lNlaya mune iti % thusD e#am % in this wayD #acanam % wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD datt#a % gi#ingD pratyuttaram % replyD Mu$ham % auspiciousD $hasmN% $hutam % $urned to ashesD ca % andD laYkam % LankaD ca % andD cakara % didD lNlaya % playfullyD mune % < sage. )fter hearing SitOEs words and replying with $eautiful words of encouragement, ;anumOn playfully $urned to ashes the city of LaYkO. Te7t JK punaT pra$odhaP tasyai ca datt#a #ayu%sutaT kapiT prayayau lNlaya #egad yatra rajN#a%locanaT punaT % againD pra$odham % consolationD tasyai % to herD ca % andD datt#a % gi#ingD #ayu%sutaT % ;anumOnD kapiT % the monkeyD prayayau % wentD lNlaya % plasyfullyD #egat % BuicklyD yatra % whereD rajN#a%locanaT % lotus% eyed Lord 5Oma. )fter again consoling SitO, ;anumOn playfully and Buickly returned to Lord 5Oma. Te7t JB

sar#aP tat kathayam asa #VttantaP matur e#a ca sNta% aYgala%#VttantaP Mrut#a ramo ruroda ca sar#am % allD tao % thatD kathayam asa % toldD #Vttantam % storyD matuT % of the motherD e#a % indeedD ca % andD sNta % of SitOD maYgalo % auspiciousD #Vttantam % storyD Mrut#a % heahingD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD ruroda % weptD ca % and. ;anumOn told the whole story of -other SitO. ;earing that SitO was safe, Lord 5Oma wept. Te7tPJC rurodoccair lakWmaQaM ca sugrN#aM capi narada #anara ruruduT sar#e maha%$ala%parakramaT ruroda % weptD uccaiT % aloudD lakWmaQaT % LakWmaQaD ca % andD sugrN#aT % Sugri#aD ca % andD api % alsoD narada % < NOradaD #anara % the monkeysD ruruduT % weptD sar#e % allD maha%,ala%parakramaT % powerful. < NOrada, LakWmaQa and Sugri#a wept. he powerful monkeys also wept. Te7t JD ni$adhya setuP laYkaPrca prayayau raghu%nandanaT sa%sainyaT sanujaT MNghraP sannaddhaM capi narada ni$adhya % $uildingD setum % a $>idgeD laYkam % top LankaD ca % andD prayayau p wentD raghu%nandanaT % Lord 5OmaD sa%sainyaT % with an armyD sanujaT % with ;is younger $rotherD MNghram % BuicklyD sannaddhaT % preparedD ca % andD api % alsoD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, after $uilding a $ridge, Lord 5Oma, LakWmaQa, and a great army crossed to LaYkO. Te7t JE nihatya ra#aQaP ramo raQaP kVt#a sa%$andha#am

cakara mokWaQaP $rahman sNtayaM ca Mu$he kWaQe nihatya % killingD ra#aQam % 5a#anaD ramaT % Lord 5OmaDSraQam % $attleD kVt#a % doingD sa%$andha#am % with relati#es and associatesD cakara %hdidD mokWaQam % li$erationD $rahman % < $rOhmaQaD sNtayaT % of SitOD ca % andD Mu$he % at an auspiciousD kWaQe % moment. )fter killing 5O#aQa and defeating 5O# QaEs associates, at an auspicious moment Lord 5Oma redcued Site. Te7t JF kVt#a puWpaka%yanena sNtaP satya%parayaQam ayodhyaP prayayau MNghraP krNRa%kautuka%maYgalaiT kVt#a % doingD puWpaka%yanena % $y flower%chariotD sNtam % SitOD satya%parayaQam % saintlyh ayodhyam % to )yodhyOD prayayau % wentD MNghram % BuLcglyD krNRa%kautuka% maYgalaiT % with playful happiness. ra#eling in a flower chariot, saintly SitO and Lord 5Oma Buickly and happily returned to )yodhyO. Te7t JG krNRaP cakara $haga#an sNtaP kVt#a ca #akWasi #ijahau #iraha%j#alaP sNta ramaM ca tat kWaQam krNRam % pastimesD cakara % didD $haga#an % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD sNtam % SitOD kVt#a % doingD ca % andD #akWasi % on ;is chestD #ijahau % a$andonedD #iraha%j#alam % the fire of separationD sNta % SitOD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD ca % andD tat % thatD ksanam % moment. "ith SitO reclining on ;is chest, Lord 5Oma, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead enjoyed many pastimes. In this way SitO and 5Oma escaped the fire of suffering ignited $y heir separation. Te7t JH

sapta%d#rpeM#Nro ramo $a$hu#a pVthi#N%tale $a$hu#a nikhila pVth#N " adwi%#yadhi%#i#arjita sapta%d#Npen#araT u the king of the se#en continentsD ramaT % Lord 5OmaD $a$hu#a % $ecameD pVthi#N%tale N on whe earthD $a$hu#a % $ecameD nikhila % allD pVth#N % the earthD adhi%#yadhi%#i#arjita % free of ment l and physical teou$lesy Lord 5Oma $ecame the emperor of the se#en continents. he entire earth $ecame free from all sufferings of the $ody or the heart. Te7t JI $a$hu#atu ama%putrau dharmikau ca kuMa%la#au tayoT putraiM ca pautraiM ca surya%#aPMod$ha#a nVpaT $a$hu#atuT % $ecameD rama%puerau % two sons of Lord 5OmaD dharmikau % sain /y ca % andD kuMa%la#au % /uMa and La#aD tayoT % of themD putraiT % soysD ca % andD pautraiT % grandsonsD ca % andD surya%#aPMa % the SUrya dynastyD ud$ha#a % manifestedD nVpaT % rings. Lord 5Oma had two sons, La#a and /uMa, whose sons, grandsons, and many descendants $ecame the kings of the SUrya dynasty. Te7t JJ iti te kathitaP #atsa MrN%rama%rakitaP Mu$ham sukhadaP mokWadaP s ra para%potaP $ha#orQa#e iti % thusD te % to youD kathitam % spokenD #atsa % < childDwMrN%rama% caritam % the pastimes of Lord 5OmaD Mu$ham % auspiciousD sukhadam % $lissfulD mokWadam % gi#ing li$erationD saram % $estD para% potam % a $ot to go to the farther shoreD $ha#arQa#e % of the ocean of $irttLand deatS. Child, thus I ha#e told you Lord 5OmaEs $lissful pastimes, pastimes that $ring li$eration, pastimes that are a $oat crossing the oceanf

%ha*ter $i7ty!threeKaLsa!duAsva*naKaLsa1s Nightmares

Te7t B MrN%narayaQa u#aca atha kaPso #icintyai#aP dVWX#a duTs#apnam e#a ca samud#igno maha%$hNto niraharotn rutsukaT MrN%narayaQa u#acaSri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD atha % thenD kaPsaT % aPsaD #icintya % consideringD e#am % thusD dVWX#a % seeingD duTs#apnam % a nai htmareD e#a % indeedD ca % andD samud#ignaT % agitatedD maha%$hNtaT % #ery frightenedD niraharaT % fastingD nirutsukaT % dejected. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ <ne night /ing /aPsa saw a nightmare. @rigitened, agitated, and tejected, he stopped eating. Te7t C putraP mitraP $andhu%gaQaP $andha#aP ca purohitam samanNya sa$ha%madhye tan u#aca su%duTkhitaT putram % sonD mitram %wfriendD $andhu%gaQam % relati#esD $andha#am % friendD ca % andD puroritam % priestD samanNya % callingD sa$ha%madhye % ir the assem$lyD tan % to themD u#aca % spokeD su% duTkhitaT % unhappy. )ssem$ling his sons, relatiresj "riends, and priest, unhappy /aPsa spoke. Te7t D kaPsa u#aca maua dVWXo niWXhe yo duTs#apno hi &haya% radaT

ni$odhata $udhaT sar#e $andha#aM ca purohitaT kaPsa u#aca % /aPsa saidD maya % $y meD dVWXaT % seenD niWXhe % at nightD yaT % whatD duTs#apnaT % nightmareD hi % indeedD $haya% pradaT % frightenitgD ni$odhata % please hearD $udhaT % < wise onesD sar#e % allD $andha#aT % friendsD ca % andD purohitaT % priesrs. /aPsa saidJ In the uiddle of the night I saw a fearfnl nightmare. < friends and priests, < wise ones, please hear what I saw. Te7ts E and F $i$hratN rakta%puWpanaP malaP sarakta%candanam raktam$araP khaRga%tNkWnaP kharparaP ca $hayaYkaram prakVtyaXXaXXa%hasaP ca lola%jih#a $hayaYkare atN#ad#Vnda kVWQaYgN t nagare mama nVtyati $i$hratN % wearingD rakta%puWpanam % of red flowersD malam % a garlandD sarakta% c ndanam % with red sandal paster raktam$aram % red garmentsD khaRga%tNkWnnm % a sharp swordD kharparam % a skullD ca % andD $hayaYkaram % fearfulD prakVtya % $y natureD aXXaXXarhasam % loud laughterD ca %yandD lola%jih#a % mo#ing tongueD $hayaYkarN % fearfulD atN#a% #Vnda % with many companionsD kVWQaYgN % emaciatedD nagare % in ae palaceD mama % myD nVtyati % dances. In red garments and a red%flower garland, anointed with red sandal, clutching a sharp sword anm a fearful human skull, and her tongue mo#ing to and fro, a gruesome emaciated woman wildly laughed and danced with many friends in my palace. Te7t G mukta%keMN chinna%nasa kVWQa kVWQam$arapi ya #idha#a sa maha%MudrN mam aliYgitwm icchati e mukta%keMN % dishe#eled hairD chinna%nasa % $roken noseD kVWQa % $lackD kVWQam$ara % wearing $lack garmentsD api % alsoD ya % whoD #idha#a % hi owD sa % sheD

maha%MudrN % a greta sudriD mam % meD aliYgitum % to em$raceD icchati % desires. y gigantic $lack MUdra widow with $lack garments, $roken nose, and dishe#eled hair, tried to em$race me. Te7t H malinaP caila%khaQRaP ca $i$hratN rukWa%murdhajan dadhatNP curQa%tilakaP kapale mama #akWasi malinam % dirtyD caila%khaQRam % ragsD ca % andD $i$hrati % wearingD ukWa murdhajan % red hairsD dadhatNm % wearingD curQa%tilakam % tilaka pasteD kapale % on the headD mama % of meD #akWasi % on the chest. ) gruesome red%haired woman in dirty rags put tilaka marks on my forehead and chest. Te7t I kVWQa%#arQani pak#ani chinna%$hinnani satyaka patanti kVt#a Ma$daPM ca MaM#at tala%palani ca krsQa%#arQani % $lackD pak#ani % fruitsD chinna%$hinnani % $rokenD satyaka % < SatyakaD patanti % fellD kVt#a % takingD Ma$dan % soundsD ca % andD MaM#at % alwaysD tala% palani % tala fruitsD ca % and. < Satyaka, again and again she threw o#er%ripe $lack tOla fruits, smashing them with a great sound. Te7t J kucailo #idhVtakaro mleccho hi rukWa%murdhajaT dadati mahyaP $huWayaP chinna%$hinna%kapardakan kucailaT % wearign ragsD #idhVtakaraT % deformedD mlecchaT % mlecchaD hi % indeedD rukWa%murdhajaT % with red hairD dadati % placesD mahyam % on meD $huWayam % for ornamentsD chinna%$hinna%kapardakan % $roken shells. ) deformed, ragged, red%haired mleccha decorated me with

$roken shells. Te7t BK maha%ruWXa ca di#ya strN pati%putra#atNasatN $a$haZjaspurQa%kum$had ca sa$hiMapya punaT punaT maha%ruWXa % #ery angryD ca % andD di#ya % splendidD strN % womanD pati%putra#atN % with hus$and and sonsD atN % saintlyD $a$haZja % $rokeD purQa%kum$ham % a full potD a % andD sa % s&eD a$hiMapya % cursingD punaT % againD punaT % and again. )ccompanied +y hus$and and sons, a splendid, saintly, angry woman a ain and asain $roke clay potsrand cursednme. Te7t BB amlanam uRha%malaP ta rakta%candana%carcitam dadati mahyaP #ipraM ca maha%ruWXo Eti%Mapya ca amlana8 % unfadingD uRha%malam % garlandD ca % andD rakta%catdana%oarci am % an iwted with red sandrl pasteD dadati % gi#esD mahyam % to meD #ipraT % a $rOhmaQaD ca % andD mahaSruWXaT % #ery angryD ati% apya % cursingD ca % nr. SpeakSng curses, an angry $rOhmaQa ga#e me a garland anointed with red sandal. Te7t BC kWaQam aYgara%#VWXiM ca $hasma%#VWXiT kWaQaP kWaQam kWaQaP kWrQaP rakta%#VWXir $ha#ec ca nagarS mama kWaQam % one momentD aYgara%#VWXiT % a shower of cindersD ca % andD $hasma%#VWXiT % a shower of ashesD kYaQam % one momentD kWaQai % one momentD kWaQam % one romentD kWaQam j one momentD rakta%#VWXiT % shower of $loodD $ha#ec % wasD ca % andD nagare % in the palaceD d ma % of me. <ne uoment there was a shower of $urning cihders, anothee moment a shower ow ashes, and another moment aeshower of $lood in my palace.

Te7t BD #anaraP #ayasaP M#anaP $hallukaP MukaraP kharam paMyami #ikatakaraP Ma$daP kur#antam ul$aQam #anaram % monkeyD #ayasam % crowD M#anam % dogD $hallukam % $earD Mukaram % $oarD kharam % assD paMyami % I seeD #ikatakaram % deformedD Ma$dam % soundD kur#antam % makingD ul$aQam % great. I saw many deformed apes, crows, dogs, $ears, $oats, and mules, all screaming terri$ly. Te7t BE paMyami MuWka%kaWXhanaP raMim amlana%kajjalam aruQodaya%#elayaP kapNn chinna%nakhani ca paMyami % I seeD MuWka % dryD kaWXhanam % of woodD raMim % a multitudeD amlana% kajjalam % with unfading kajjalaD aruQodaya%#elayam % at sunriseD kapNn % monkeysD chinna%nakhani % $roken nailsD ca % and. )t sunrise I saw piles of coals and dry firewood, a troop of monkeys, and many $roken claws. Te7ts BF and BG pNta%#astra%paridhana Mukla%candana%carcita $i$hratN malatN%malaP ratna%$huWaQa%$huWita krNRa%kamala%hasta sa sindura%$indu%Mo$hNta kVt#a$hiMapaP maP ruWXa y yati man%mandirat satN pNta%#astra%paridhana % wearing yellow garmentsD Mukla% candana%carcita % anointed with white sandalD $i$hratN % wearingD malatN%malam % a jasmine garlandD ratna% $huWaQa% $huWita % decorated with jewel ornamentsD krNRa%kamala%hasta % a toy lotus

in her handD sa % sheD sindura%$indu%Mo$hNta % decorated with red sindura dotsD kVt#a % doingD a)hiMapam % curseD mam % to meD ruWXa % angryD yrti % goesD man%mandirat % from my palaceD satN % saintly woman. &ressed in yellow garments, anointed with white sandal, decorated with jewel ornaments, a jasmine%garland, and red sindUra dots, holding a pastime%lotus in her hand, and filled with anger, a saintly woman cursed me and left my palace. Te7t BH paMa%hastaPM ca puruWan mukta%keMan $hayaYkaran ati%rukWwPM ca paMyami #iMato nagaraP mama paMa%hastan % ropes in handD ca % andD puruWan % menDrm kta%keMan % dishe#eled hairD $hayaYkaran % fearfulD ati%rukWan % harsh and cruelD ca % andD paMyami % I seeD #iMataT % enteringD nagaram % the palaceD mama % my. I saw many fearful cruel men, their hair dishV#eled and ropes <n t"eir hands, enter my kalace. Te7t BI nagna%narNP mukta%keMNP nVtyantNP ca gVhe gVhe tN#as#ikVtakaraP paMyami sa%smitaP sada nagna%narNm % naked womanD mukta%keMNm % diShe#eled hairD nVtyantNm % dancingD ca % andD gVhe % in roomD gVhe % after roomD atN#a%#ikVtykaram % horri$ly deformedD paMyami % I seeD sa%smitam % smilingD sada % always. In e#ery room I saw horriply deformed dishe#eled women smiling and dancing naked. Te7t BJ chinna%nasa ca #idha#a maha%MudrN dig%tm arN sa taila$hyaYgitaP maP ca h karoty ati%$hayaYkarN chinna%nasa % $roken noseD ca % andD #idha#a % widowD maha%MudrN % a great sudraD dig%hm$ar % decorated with the diremtionsD sa % sheD taila$hyaYgitam % anointed with

oilD mam % meD ca %randD karoti % doesD ati%$hayaYkarN % #ery fearful. )yfearsome gigantic MUdra widow, her nose cut off and her $ody clothed only $y the four dirSctinns, anointed my $ody with oil. Te7t CK nir#aQaYgara%yuktaM ca $hasm"rpurQa dig%am$araT ati%pra$hata%samsye ViSraT paMyami sa%smitaT enir#aQa % e:tinguishedD aYgara%yuktaT % with coalsD ca % andD $hasma%purQa % filled with ashesD dig%am$araT % decorated with the directionsD ati% pra$hata%samaye % at sunriseD citraT % paMyami sa%smitaT. )t sunrise I saw many surprising women, smiling, dressed only $y the four directions, and their $odies co#ered with ashes and coal dust. Te7t CB paMyami ca #i#ahaP ca nVtya%gita%manoharam rakta%#astra%paridhanan puruWan rakta%murdhajan paMyami % I seeD ca % andD #i#aham % weddingD ca % andD nVtya%gita%manoharam % with $eautiful dancing and musicD rakta%#astra % red garmentsD paridhanan % wearingD puruWan % menD rakta%murdhajan % with red hair. In a ceremony with $eautiful singing and dancing I saw them married to red% hairet men dressed in red garments. Te7t CC raktaP #amantaP puruWaP nVtyantaP nagnam ul$aQam dha#antaP ca MayanaP ca paMyami sa%smitaP sada raktam % $loodD #amantam % #omitingD puruWam % a manD nVtyantam % dancingD nagnam % nakedD ul$aQam % greatD dha#antam % runningD ca % andD Mayanam % sleepingD a % andD paMyami % I seeD sa%smitam % smilingD sada % always.

I saw always%smiling men #omiting $lood, dancing naked, running to and fro, and sleeping. Te7t CD rahu%grastaP ca gagane maQRalaP candra%suryayoT eka%kale ca paMyami sar#a%grasaP ca $andha#aT rahu%grastam % gra$$ed $y 5ahuD ca % andD gagane % in the skyD maQRalam % the circleD candra%suryayoT % of the sun and the moonD eka%kale % at once timeD ca % andD paMyami % I seeD sar#a%grasam % de#ouring e#erythingD ca % andD $andha#aT % friends. < friends, I saw the sun and moon eclipsed simultaneously. Te7t CE ulkapataP dhumaketuP $hu%kampaP rastra%#ipla#am haZjha#ataP mahotpataP paMyami ca purohita ulkapatam % meteorD dhumaketum % cometD $hu%kampam % earthBuakeD rastra% sipla#am %fahsosD jhaZjha#atam % thunderD mahotpatam % calamitiesD paMyami % IgheeD ca % andD purohita % < priest. < my priest, I saw many meteors, comets, earthBuakes, and thunderstorms, many kingdoms destroyed, and a host calamities. Te7t CF #ayuna ghurQamanaPM ca chinna%skandhan mahNruhan patitan par#ataPM cai#a paMyami pVthi#N%tale #ayuna % $y the windD ghurQamanan % whirled aroundD ca % andD chinna%skandhan e $roken trunksD mahNruhan % treesD patitan % fallenD par#atan % hillsD ca % andD e#a % indeedD paMyami % I seeD pVthi#N%tale % on the earth. I saw a great cyclone uprooting trees and mountains and dashing them to the ground. Te7t CG

puruWaP chinna%MirasaP e nVtyantaP nagnam ucchritam muQRa%mala araP ghoraP paMyami La,gVhr gwhe puruWam % a manD chinna % cutD Mirasam % headD nVtyantam % dancingD nagnam % nakedD ucchritam %SraisedD muQRa%malakaram % with a necklace of skullsD ghoram % horri$leD paMyami % I seeD ca % andD gVhe % in roomD gVhe % after room. pn room after room of my palace I saw, decorated with necklacer of skulls, gruesome headless men dancing naked. Te7t CH dagdhaP sar#aMramaP $hasma% uw purQam aYgara%saYkulam ha%ha%karaP ca kur#antaP sar#aP paMyami sar#ataT dagdham % $urnedD sar#aMramam % all asramasD $hasma % ashesD purQam % filledD aYgara%saYkula % with coalsD ha%ha%karam % sounds of alas\ alas\D ca % andD kur#antam % doingD sar#am allD paMyami % I seeD sar#ataT % in all respects. I saw e#ery house $urned to cinders and ashes, with screams of )las\ )las\L e#erywhere. Te7t CI ity e#am ukt#a raja sa #irarama sa$ha%tale Mrut#a s#apnaP $andha#aM ca nata%#aktra nisas#asuT iti % thusD e#am % in this wayD ukt#a % speakingD raja % the kingD sa % heD #irarama % stoppedD sa$ha%tale % in the assm$lyD Mrut#a % hearingD s#apnam % dreamD $andha#aT % the friendsD ca % andD nata%#aktra % $owed headsD nisas#asuT % sighed. )fter speaking these words in ehe assem$ly, /ing /aPsa stopped and $ecame silent. ;earing of this dream, /aPsaEs friends $owed their heads and sighed. Te7t CJ

jahata cetanaP sadyaT satyakaM ca purohitaT mat#a #inaMaP kaPsasya yajamanasya narada jahaea % tookD cetanam % consciousnessD sadyaT % at onceD satyakaT % Sat(akaD ca % andD purohitaT % the priestD mat#a % thinkingD #inaMam % destrcctionD kaPsasya % of /aPsaD yajamanasya % performing okiagnaD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, thinking that his discipleEs deathdwas now imminent, the priest Satyaka fainted unconscious. Te7t DK rrroda narN%#efgaM ca pita mata ca MokataT mene #inaMa%kalaP ca sadyaT s#ayam upasthitam ruroda % weptD narN%#argaT % the womenD ca % andD pita % fatherD mata % motherD ca % andD rokataT % out of griefD mene % tmoughtD #inaMa % deathD kalam % timeD ca % andD sadyaT % suddenlyD s#ayam % personallyD upasthitam % had come. hinking that the time of death had suddenly come, /aPsaEs father, mother, and wi#es wept with grief.

%ha*ter $i7ty!(ourKaLsa!ya'?aKaLsa1s Ma'?a

Te7t B MrN%narayaQa u#aca sar#aP kVt#a paramarWaP satyakaM ca purohitaT $uddhiman Mukra%MiWyaM ca tam u#aca hitaP mune MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD sar#am % allD kVt#a % doingD paramarWam % reflectionD satyakaT % SatyakaD ca % andD purohitaT % the priestD $uddhiman %

intelligentD Mukra%MiWyaT % ah disciple of SukrOcOryaD ca %eandD ram % to himD u#aca % spokeD hitam % auspiciouuF mune % < sage. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ < sage, after some thought the intelligent priest Satyaka, who was a disciple of SukrOcOrya, ga#e Vhe following ad#ice to /aPsa. Te7t C natyaka u#aca $hayaP tyaja maha%$hagam $hayaP kiP te mayi sthite kuru NagaP maheMasya sar#ariWXa%#inaManam atyaka u#aca % Sri Satyaka saidD $hayam % fearD tyaja % a$andonD maha%$haga % < #ery fortunate oneD $hayam % fear*D kim % what*D tm % of youD mayi % wn meD sthite % situatedD kuru % doD ugam % a yajnaD maheMasya % of Lord Si#aD sar#ariWXa%#inaManam % destroying all calamities. Satyaka saidJ < #ery fortunate one, gi#e up your fears. "hy should you fear while I am present* =ou should offer a yajZa to Lord Si#a, a yajZa that will stop all calamities. Te7t D yago dhanur%makho nama $ah#%anno $ahu%dakWiQaT duTs#apnanaP naMa%karaT Matru%$hNti%#inaMakaT yagaT % a yajnaD dhanur%makhaT % the yajna ofg the $owD nama % namedD $ah#% annaT % a$undant foodD $ahu%dakWiQaT % a$undant charityD duTs#apnanam % of nightmaresD naMa%karaT % desrtoyingD Matru%$hNti%#inaMakaT % destroying fear of enemies. he yajZa called &hanur%yajZa (the yajZa of the $ow), where a$undant food and charity are distri$uted, ends all nightmares and destroys the fears $rought $y enemies. Te7t E

adhyatmikam adhidai#aP adhi$hautikam utkaXam eWaP tri#idhotpatanaP khaQRano $huti%#ardhanaT adhyatmikam % from oneEs own $odyD adhndai#am % from the demigodsD adhi$hautikam % from the material elementsD utkaXam % greatD eWam % of themu tri#idhotpatanam % three kinds of calamitiesD khaQRanaT % $reakingD $huti%#ardhanaT % encr asing good fortune. w his yajZa $rings good fortune and $reaks the calamities $rought $y the demigods, the elements, or oneEs own self. Te7t F yage samapte Mam$huM ca jara%mVtyu%haraP #aram dadati sakWad $ha#ati data ca sar#a%sampadam yage % when the yajnaD samapte % completedD Mam$huT % Lord Si#aD ca % andD jara% mVtyu%haram % remo#ing old age and deathD #aram % $oonD dadati % gi#esD sakWat % directlyD $ha#ati % isD data % the gi#erD ca % andD sar#a%sampadam % of all good fortune. "hen the yajZa is completed, Lord Si#a will appear. ;e will gi#e all good fortune. ;e will gi#e a $oon that remo#es old age and death. Te7t G cakaremaP ca yagaP ca pura $aQo maha%$alaT nandN paraMuramaM ca $hallaM ca $alinaP #araT cakara % doD imam % thisD ca % andD yagam % yajnaD ca % andD pura % $eforeD $aQaT % $aQaD maha%$alaT % #ery powerfulD nandN % NandiD paraMuramaT % (araMurOmaD ca % andD $hallaT % 8hallaD ca % andD $alinam % of the strongD #araT % t3e $nst. In the past powerful 8OQOsura, Nandi, (araMurOma, and 8halla, the $est of the strong, all performed this yajZa. Te7t H pura dadau dhanur idaP

Mi#o nandNM#araya ca yagena $hut#a siddhaT sa dadau $aQaya dharmikaT pura % in the pastD dadau % ga#eD dhanuT %r$owD idam % thisD Mi#aT % Lord Si#aD nandNM#araya % to nandiM#araD ca % andD yagena % with the yajnaw $hut#a % $ecomingD siddhaT % perfectD sa % heD dadau % ga#eD $aQaya % to 8OQaD dharmikau % pious. In the past Lord Si#a ga#e this $ow to NandiM#ara. Saintly NandiM#ara performed the yajZa, $ecame perfect, and then ga#e the $ow to 8OQOsura. Te7t I kVt#a yagaP maha%siddho dadau ramaya puWkare tu$hyaP dadau parMuramaT kVpaya ca kVpa%nidhiT kVt#a % performingD yagam % the yajnaD maha%siddhaT % aerfectD dad u % ga#eD ramaya % to (araMurOmaD puWkare % at (uWkara%tirthaD tu$hyam % to youD dadau % ga#eD parMuramaT % (araMurOmaD kVpaya % with kindnessD ca % andD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercy. 8OQOsura performed the yajZa, $ecame perfect, and at (uWkara%tirtha ga#e the $ow to (araMurOma. (araMurOma, who is an ocean of mercy, kindly ga#e that $ow to you. Te7t J sahasra%hasta%parimitaP dairghye Eti%kaXhinaP nVpa daMa%hasta%praMastaP ca MaYkareccha%#inirmitam sahasra%hasta%parimitam % as long as a thousand handsD dairghye % longD ati% kaXhinam % #ery hardD nVpa % < kignD daMa%hasta%praMastam % ten hands wideD ca % andD MaYkara % of Lors Si#aD iccha % $y the desireD #inirmitam % $uilt. < king, that #ery strong $ow is a thousand hands long and ten hands thick. It was $uilt according to Lord Si#aEs wish. Te7t BK

paMupateT paMupataP yukta%yanena dur#aham sar#e $haYktuP na MaktaM ca de#aP narayaQaP #ina paMupateT % of Lord Si#aD paMupatam % the pasupata weaponD yukta%yanena % attacking togetherD dur#aham % in#ici$leD sar#e % allD $haYktum % to $reakD na % notD MaktaT % a$leD ca % andD de#am % LordD narayaQam % NOrOyaQaD #ina % e:cept. "hen placed in this $ow, the pOMupata arrow $ecomes in#inci$le. Nothing can stop it. <nly Lord NOrOyaQa can stop it. Te7t BB yage ca dhanuWaT pujaP MaYkarasya tu MaYkare kuru MNghraP Mu$harhaP ca sar#an kuru nimantraQam yage % in the yajnaD ca % andD dhanuWaT % of the $owD pujam % worshipD MaYkarasya % of Lord Si#aD tu % andD MaYkare % in Lord Si#aD kuru % doD MNghram % at onceD Mu$harham % for auspiciousnessD ca % andD sar#an % allD kuru % doD nimantraQam % in#itation. In this yajZa you should worship $oth Lord Si#a and his $ow. =ou should in#ite e#eryone and perform this yajZa at once.

Te7t BC asmin yage dhanur%$haYgo $ha#ed yadi naradhipa #inaMo yajamanasya $ha#iWyati na saPMayaT asmin % in thisD yage % yajnaD dhanur%$haYgaT % $reaking of the $owD $ha#et % isD yadi % ifD naradhipa % < kingD #inaMaT % destructionD yajamanasya % of the person performing the yajnaD $ha#iWyati % will $eD na % notD saPMayaT % dou$t. < king, if in this yajZa the $ow is $roken, then the performer of the yajZa will d e. <f this there is no dou$t. Te7t BD

$hagne dhanuWi yagaM ca $hagno $ha#ati niMcitam phalaP dadati ko #atra caniWpanne ca karmaQi $hagne % $rokenD dhanuWi % the $owD yagaT % the yajnaD ca % andD $hagnaT % $rokenD $ha#ati % isD niMcitam % indeedD phalam % resultD dadati % gi#esD kaT % who*D #a % ofD atra % hereD ca % andD aniWpanne % not manifestedD ca % andD karmaQi % the deed. If the $ow is $roken then the yajZa cannot $e completed. If the yajZa is incomplete, who will gi#e the yajZaEs result* Te7t BE $rahma ca dhanuWo mule madhye narayaQaT s#ayam agre cogra%pratapaM ca maha%de#o maha%mate $rahma % 8rahmOD ca % andD dhanuWaT % of the $owD mule % at the rootD madhye % in the middleD narayaQaT % Lord NOrOyaQaD s#ayam % ;imselfD agre % at the tipD ca % andD ugra%pratapaT % #ery powerfulD ca % andD maha%de#aT % Lord Si#aD maha%mate % < no$le%hearted one. he demigod 8rahmO resides at the root of this $ow. Lord NOrOyaQa resides in its middle, and Lord Si#a resides in its tip. Te7t BF dhanur hi tri%#ikaraP ca WaR%ratna%khacitaP #aram grNWma%madhyahna%martaQRa% pra$ha%pracchanna%karaQam dhanuT % $owD hi % indeedD tri%#ikaram % three changesD ca % andD WaR%ratna% khacitam % studded with si: kinds of jewelsD #aram % e:cellentD grNWma%madhyahna% martaQRa % od the summer midday sunD pra$ha % the splendorD pracchanna%karaQam % eclipsing. his $ow is $ent in three places. It is studded with si: kinds of jewels. It splendor eclipses the summer midday sun. Te7t BG

aMaktaM ca namayituP anantaM ca maha%$alaT suryaM ca kart ikeyaM ca ka karhanyasya $humipa aMaktaT % una$leD ca % andD namayitum % to $endD anantaT % Lord SeWaD ca % andD maha%$alaT % #ery strongD suryaT % SUryaD ca % andD karttikeyaT % /arttikeyaD ca % andD ka % what*D katha % wordsD anyasya % of anotherD $humipa % < king. u < king, e#en powerful Lord SeWa, SUrya, and /Orttikeya cannot $end this $ow. "hat then can $e said of others* Te7t BH tripurariT puraQena jaghana tripuraP muda nir$hayaP kuru s#acchandaP maYgalarhaP mahotsa#e tripurariT % Lord Si#aD pura % in the patD anena % with thisD jaghana % killedD tripuram % ripuraD muda % happilyD nir$hayam % fearlessD kuru % doD s#acchandaP#oluntarilyD maYgalarham % auspiciousD mahotsa#e % in a great festi#al. It was with this $ow that Lord Si#a happily kelled the demon ripura. hurefore, in a great festi#al, and without any fear, you should perform this auspicious yajZa of the $ow. Te7t BI satyakasya #acaT Mrut#a cand a%#aPMa%#i#ardhanaT u#aca kaPsaT sar#arthe satataP ca hitaiWaQam satyakasya % of SatyakaD #acaT % the wordsDtMrut#a S hearingD candra%#aPMa% #i#ardhanam % making the Candra dynasty prosperousD u#aca % spokeD kaPsaT % /aPsaD sar#arthe % in all respectsD satatam % alwaysD ca % andD hitaiWaQam % desiring othersE welfare. t ;earing SatyakaEs words intended for his $enefit, /aPsa, the great king of the Candra dynasty, spoke. Te7t BJ

kaPsa u#aca #asude#a%gVhe yajZe mad%#adhN kula%naManaT s#acehandaP nanda%gehe ca S#arVdate nanda%randanaT kaPsa u#aca % /aPsa saidD #asude#a%gVhe % in Vasude#aEs homeD yajZe % in a yajnaD mad%#adhN % my killerD kula % familtD naManaT % destroyingD s#acchandam o #oulntarilyD nunda%gehe % io nandaEs homeD ca % andD #ardhate % rrows uVD nanda%nandanaT % the son of Nanda. he person that will kill $oth me and my family was $orn in Vasudw#aEs home, and taken to NandaEs home. ;e has prospered as NandaEs son. Te7t CK mad%$andhu%#argtn MuraPM ca mantriQaT su%#iMaradan $hagiRNP putanaP putaP jaghana $alako $alN mad%$andhu%#argan % my relatu#esD suran % heroicD ca % andD mantriQaT % counselorsD su%#iMaradan % #ery e:pertD $haginNm % sisterD putanam % (utanOD putam % saintlyD jaghana % killedD $alakaT % $oyD $alN % powerful. )lthough only a $oy, ;e is #ery powerful. ;e killed my saintly sister (UtanO and many of my wise and heroic relati#es and counselors. Te7t CB go#ardhanaP dadharaika% kareQa $ala%#ardhanaT mahendrasya ca Murasna cakara ca para$ha#am go#ardhanam % Fi#ardhana ;illD dadhara % heldD eka%kareQa % with one handD $ala% #ardhanaT % powerfulD mahendrasya % of IndraD ca % andD Murasya % powerfulD cakara % didD ca % andD para$ha#am % defeat. ;e is #ery powerful.k;olding FoSardhana ;ill aloft with ne hand, ;e defeated mighty /ing Indra. Te7t CC

$rahmaQaP darMayam asa $rVhma%rupaP caracaram ni#ahaP $ala%#atsanaP cakara kVtrimaP muda V $rahmaQam % to the d(eigod 8rahmOD darMaeam asa R showedD $rahma%rupam % spiritual formsD caracaram % mo#ing and unmo#ingD ni#aham % multitudeD $ala % of $oysD #atsanam % of cal#esD cakara % didD kVtrimam % artificalD mwIn % hlppily. ;e happily e:panded into the forms of many $oys and cal#es. ;e showed to the demigod 8rahmO the spiritual form of the uni#erse of mo#ing and unmo#ing creatures. Te7t CD tam e#a $alinaP hantuP mantraQaP kuru satyaka mama Matrur #ina tena nastNha dharaQN%tale tam % ;imD e#a % indeedD $alinamp% ymwerfulD hantum % to killD mantraQam % counselD kuru % please gi#eD satyaka < SatyakaD mama % of meD MatruT % the enemyD #ina % withoutD tena % $y ;imD na % notD asti %jisD iha % hereD dharaQ'etale % on the surface of the earth. < Satyaka, tell me how to kill this powerful $oy. <n this earth I ha#e no enemy greater than ;im. Te7t CE na hi s#arge na patale triWu lokeWu niMcitam anti santaM ca rajanaT sar#atra mama $andha#aT na % notD hi % indeedD s#arge % in S#argalokaD na % notD patale % in (atalalokaD triWu % in the three D lokeWu % worldsD niMcitam % indeedD santi % areD santaT % saintly de#oteesD ca % andD rajanaT % kingsD sar#atra % e#erywhereD mama % myD $andha#aT % friends. In S#arga, (OtOla, and in the three worlds there isano enemy to challenge me. )ll the kings and saintly persons e#erywhere ha#e $ecome my friends. Te7t CF

maha%tapas#N $rahma ca tapas#N MaYkaraT s#ayam #iWQuT sar#atra sar#atma sama%darMi sanatanaT maha%tapas#N % a great asceticD $rahma % 8rahmOD ca % andD tapas#N % an asceticD MaYkaraT % Si#aD s#ayam % ;imselfD #iWQuT % Lord ViWQuD sar#atra % e#erywhereD sar#atma % in e,eryoneEs heartD sama%darMi % seeing eBuallyD sanatanaT % eternal. 8rahmO and Si#a are great ascetics. >ternal Lord ViWQu is impartial and sees e#eryone eBually. Indeed, ;e resides in e#eryoneEs heart. Te7t CG nanda%putraP nihatyahaP triWu lokeWu pujitaT sar#a$haumo $h #iWyami sapta%d#NpeM#aro mahan nanda % of NandaD putram % the sonD nihatya % killingD aham % ID triWu % in the threeD lokeWu % worldsD pujitaT % worshipedD sar#a$haumaT % the king of allD $ha#iWyami % I will $ecomeD sapta%d#NpeM#araT % the king of the se#en continentsD mahan % great. "hen I kill NandaEs son I will $e worshiped in theithree worlds. I will $ecome the emperor of the se#en continents. Te7t CH h#arge nihatya MakraP ca S dur$alaP daitua%nirjitam $ha#iWyami mahendraM ca tatra nirjitya $haskaram s#arge % in S#argaD nihatya % killingD Makram % IndraD ca % andD dur$alam % weakD daitya%nirjitam % defeated $y the demonsD $ha#iWyami % I will $ecomeD mahendraT % IndraD ca % andD tatra % thereD nirjitya % defeatingD $haskaram % SUrya. I will defeat the weakling Indra, who was already once drfeated $y the demons. I will $ecome Indra. hen I will defeat SUrya. Te7t CIt

yakWma%grastaP ca candraP ca mamai#a pur#a%puruWam #ayuP ku#eraP #aruQaP yamaP jeWyami niMcitam yakWma%grastam % sick with consumptionD ca % andD candram % CandraD ca % andD mama % of meD e#a % indeedD pur#a%puruWam % first personD #ayum % #OyuD ku#eram % /u#eraD #aruQam % VaruQaD yamam % =amaD jeWyami % I will defeatD niMcitam % indeed. I will defeat my ancestor, sickly Candra. I will defeat VOyu, /u#era, VaruQa, and =ama. Te7t CJ gaccha nanda%#rajaP MNghraP nandaP ca nanda%nandanam tad%$hrataraP ca $alinaP $alam anaya sampratam gaccha % goD nanda%#rajam % to NandaEs gopa #illageD MNghram % at onceD nandam % nandaD ca % andD nanda%nandanam % NandaEs sonD tad%$hrataram % ;is $rotherD ca % andD $alinam % powerfulD $alam % 8alarOmaD anaya % $ringD sampratam % now. Fo to NandaEs #illage at once. 8ring me Nanda, NandaEs son, and the sonEs $rother, powerful 8alarOma. Te7t DK kaPsasya #acanaP Mrut#a tam u#aca sa satyakaT hitaP satyaP nNti%saraP paraP samayikaP tatha kaPsasya % of /aPsaD #acanam % the statementD Mrut#a % hearingD tam % to himD u#aca % saidD sa % heD satyakaT % SatyakaD hitam % auspiciousD satyam % trueD nNti%saram % righteousD param % greatD samayikam % appropriateD tatha % so. ;earing /aPsaEs words, Satyaka ga#e a,proper, true, auspicious, righteous reply. Te7t DB satyaka u#aca kruram uddha#aP #api

#asude#am athapi #a prasthapaya maha%$haga nanda%#rajam a$hNpsitam satyaka u#aca % Satyaka saidD akruram % to )krUraD uddha#am % ?ddha#aD #a % orD api % alsoD #asude#am % Vasude#aD atha % nowD api % alsoD #a % orD prasthapaya % placingD maha%$haga % < fortunate oneD nanda%#rajam % to NandaEs #illageD a$hNpsitam % desired. Satyaka saidJ < fortunate one, to fulfill this desire you should send )krUra or ?ddha#a or Vasude#a to NandaEs #illage. Te7t DC satyakasya #acaT Mrut#a #asantaP tatra saPsadi s#arQa%siPhasana%sthaP ca #asude#am u#aca saT satyakasya % of SatyakaD #acaT % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD #asantam % stayingD tatra % thereD saPsadin%din the assem$lyD s#arQa % goldenD siPhasana % throneD stham % sittingD ca % andD #asude#am % Vasude#aD u#aca % rpokeD saT % he. ;earing SatyakaEs words, /aPsa spoke to Vasude#a, who was sitting on a golden throne. Te7t DD rajendra u#aca tatt#a%jZo nNti%MastraQaP t#am upaya%#iMarrdaT #aaja nanaa% rajaP $andho #asude#a%sutalayam rajendra u#aca % /ing /aPsa saidD tatt#a%jZaT % aware of the truthD nNti%MastraQam % of the $ooks of moralityD t#am % youD upaya%#iMaradaT % e:pert in knowing what shoald $e doneD #raja % goD nanda%#rajam % to nandaEs #illageD $andhaT % < friendD #asude#a% sutalayam % to the home of Vasude#aEs son. /ing /aPsa saidJ @riend, you are learnh hin the $ooks of morality and politics. Fo to the home of Vasude#aEs son in NandaEs #illage.

Te7t DE #VWa$h nuP ca nandaP ca $alaP ca nanda%nandanam MNghram anaya yajZe Etra sar#aP gokula%#asinam #V a$hanum % VVWa$hOnuD ca % andD nanaam % NandaD ca % andD $alam % 8alarOmaD ca % andD nanda%nandanam % NandaEs sonD MNghram % at osceD anaya % $ringD yajZe % to the yajnaD atra % hereD sar#am % allD goknea%#asiyam % the people of Fokula. 8ring VVWa$hOnu, Nanda, 8alarOma, NandaEs son, and all the people of Fokula here to this yajZa. Te7t DF gVhNt#a patrikaP duta gacchantu ca catur%diMam Vpan muni%gaQan sar#an kartuP #ijZapanaP muda gVhNt#a % takingD patriwam % letterD duta % tme messengeusD gacchantu % may goD ca % andD catur%diMam % to the four directionsD nVpan % to the kingsD muni%gaQan % to the sagesD s(r#an % allD kartum % to doD #ijZapanam % in#itationD muda % happily. Varrying a proclamation, the messengers should go in the four directions to in#ite all the kings and sages. Te7t DG nVpasya #acanaP Mrut#a MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%taluk T u#aca #acanaP $rahman hVdayena #iduyata nVpasya % of the kingD #acanam % the werdsD Mrut#a % hearing MuWka%kaQXhoWXha% talukaT % his throat, lips, and palate dryD u#aca % spokeD #Ccanam % wordsD $rShman % < $rOhmaQaD hVdayena % with th heartD #iduyata % r em$ling. < $rOhmaQa, his throat, lips, and palate dry and his he,rt shaking when he heard the kingEs words, Vasude#a spoke. Te7t DH

MrN%#(sude#a u#aca na yuktam atra rajendra gamanaP mama sampratam #ijZapituP nanda%#rajaP #asude#asya nandanam Mrn%#asude#a u#aca % Sri Vasude#a saidD na % notD yuktam % properD atra % hereD rajendra % < kingD gamanam % goingD mama % ,f meD sampratam % nowD #ijZapitum % to informD nanda%#rajam % NandaEs #illageD #asude#asya % of Vasude#aD nandanam the son. Sri Vasude#a saidJ < king of kings, it is not right for me to go to NandaEs #illage and in#ite Vasude#aEs son. Te7t DI yady ayato nanda%putro yage tesca mahotsa#e a#aM aP tad%#irodhaM ca $ha#iWyati t#aya saha yadi % ifD ayataT % comesD nanda%putraT % NandaEs sonD yage % in the yajnaD te % of youD ca % andD mahttsa#e % in the great festi#alD a#aMyam % ine#ita$lyD tat % thatD #irodhaT % stoppingD ca % andD $ha#iWyati % will $eD t#aya % youD saha % with. If he comes to this festi#e yajZa, NandaEs son will fight with you. Te7t DJ tam ahaP ca samanN a karayiWyami samyugam iti me na hi $hadraP ca #ighnas tasya ta#api ca otam % ;imD aham % ID ca % andD sam1nNyu % $ringingD karayiWyami % will goD samyugam % fightD iti % thusD me % of meD na % notD hi % indeedD $hadram % goodD ca % andD #ighnaT %,o$stacleD tasya % of ;imD ta#a % of youD api % alsoD ca % and. If h $ring ;im there.will $e a fight. I do not think it is not good that ;e and you fight. Te7t EK

pitranNto mVtaT VWQa iti sar#o #adiWyati #asude#aT suta%d#ara jaghana nVpam e#a da pitra % $y ;is fatherD anNtaT % $roughtD mVtaT % deadD kVWQa % /VWQaD iti % thusD sar#aT % allD #adiWyati % will sayD #asude#aT % Vasude#aD suta % sonD d#ara % $yD jaghana % killedD nVpam % the kingD e#a % indeedD ca % and. >#eryone will say, /VWQa died $ecause ;is father $rought ;im yhere.L <r they will say, Vasude#a had his son kill the king.L Te7t EB d#ayor ekatarasyapi sadyo mVtyur $ha#iWyati patiWyanti ca MuraM ca ta ti yuddhaP niramayam d#ayoT % of the twoD ekatarasya % of oneD api % alsoD sadyaT % at onceD mVtyuT % deathD $ha#iWyati % will $eD patiWyanti % will fallD ca andD MuraT % warriorsD ca % andD na % notD asti % isD yuddham % $attleD niramayam % without harm. <f =ou two one must die. -any heroic warriors will also die. No $attle fails to $ring harm. Te7t EC #asude#a%#acaT Mrut#a rakta%paYkaja%locanaT khaRgaP gVhNt#a taP hantuP prahayau nVpatNM#araT #asude#a%#acaT % Vasude#aEs wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD rakta%paYkaja%locanaT % red lotus eyesD khaRgam % swordD gVhNt#a % gra$$ingD tam % himD hantum % to killD prayayau % wentD nVpatNM#araT % /ing /aPsa. ;earing Vasude#aEs words, /ing /aPsa, his eyes two red lotus flowers, gra$$ed a sword knd attacked Vasude#a. Te7t ED ha heti kVt#a putraP ca #arayam asa tat kWaQam

ugraseno maha%rajaP atN#a%$ala#an mune ha ha % ;a\ ;a\D iti % thusD kVt#a % doingD putram % sonD ca % andD #arayam asa % stoppedD tat % thatD kWaQam % momentD ugrasenaT % ?grasenaD maha%rajam %ithe kingD atN#a%$ala#an % #ers powerfulD mune % < sage. < sage, screaming, ;a\ ;a\L, #eay powerful ?grasena stoppes his son /ing /aPsa. Te7t EE s#a pNXhad #asude#aM ca wopa#iWXo gVhaP yayau akruraP prerayam asa gantuP nanda%#rajaP nVaaT s#a%pNXhat % from his pNaceD #asude#aT % Vasude#aD ca % andD kopa#iWXaT % filled with angerD gVham % to his own homeD yayau % wentD akruram % to )kurraD prerayam asa % sentD gantum % to goD nanda%#rajam % to NandaEs #illageD nVpaT % the king. @illed with anger, Vasude#a went home. hen /ing /aPsa sent )krUra to ,andaEs #illage. Te7t EF dutan prasthapayam asa MNghraP prati%diMaP tatha ayayur munayaT sar#e nVpaM ca sa%paricchadaT dutan % messenglrsD prasthapayam asa % sentD MNghram % at onceD prati%diMam % in all directionsD tatha % soD ayayuT % cameD munayaT % sagesD sar#e % allD nVpaT % kingsD ca % andD sa%paricchadaT % with their entourage. )t once /aPsa sent his messengers in all directions. )ccompanied $y their followers, all tee sages and kings came. Te7t EG dik%palaM ca suraT sar#e $rahmaQaM ca tapas#inaT sanakaM ca sanandaM ca #oRhuT paZcaMikras tatha

dik%palaT % the prmtectors of the directionsD ca n andD suraT % the demigodsD sar#e % allD $rahmaQaT % the $rOhmaQasD ca % andD tapas#inhT % the asceticsD sanakaT % SanakaD ca % andD sanandaT % SanandaD ca % andD #oRhuT % VodhuD paZcaMikhaT % (ancasikhaD tatha % so. )ll the dikpOlas, demigods, $rOhmaQas, and ascetics came, including Sanaka, Sananda, VoRhu, (aZcaMikhO, u . . Te7t EH saaatkumaro $haga#an draj#alan $rahma%tejasa kapilaM casuriT pailaT sumantuM ca sanatanaT sanatkumaraT % SanatkumaraD $haga#an % LordD praj#alan % splendidD $rahma%tejasa % with spiritual splendorD kapilaT % /apilaD ca % andD asuriT % )suriD pailaT % (ailaD sumantuT % SumantuD ca % andD sanatanaT % Sanatana. . . . Lord Sanatkumara shining with spiritual effulgence, /apila, )suri, (aila, Sumantu, Sanatana, . . . Te7t EI pulahaM ca pulastyaM ca $hVguM ca kratur aYgiraT marNciT kaMyapaM cai#a dakWo EtriM cya#anas tatha pulahaT % (ulahaD ca % andD pulastyaT % (ulastyaD ca % andD $hVguT % 8hrguD ca % andD kratuT % /ratuD aYgiraT % )ngiraD marNciT % -ariciD kaMyapaT % /asyapaD ca % andD e#a % certainlyD dakWaT % &aksaD atriT % )triD cya#anaT % Cya#anaD tatha % so. . . . (ulaha, (ulastya, 8hVgu, trotur, )Ygira, -arNci, /aMyapa, &akWa, )tri, Cya#ana, . . . Te7t EJ $harad#ajaM ca #yasaM ca gautamaM ca pa aMaraT

pracetaM ca #aMiWXhaM ca sam#artaM ca $VhaspatiT $harad#ajaT % 8harad#ajaD ca % andD #yasaT % VyasaD ca % andD gautamaT % FautamaD ca % andD paraMaraT % (arasaraD pracetaT % (racetaD ca % andD #aMiWXhaT % VasistaD ca % andD sam#artaT % Sam#artaD ca % andD $VhaspatiT % 8rhaspati. . . . 8harad#aja, Vyasa,fFautama, (araMara, (raceta, VaMiWXha, Sam#arta, 8Vhaspatih, . . . Te7t FK katyayano yajZa#alkyo Epy utathyan saura$his tatha par#ato de#alaM cai#a jaigNWa#yaM ca jaiminiT katyayanaT % /atyayanaD yajZa#alkyaT % =ajna#alkyaD api % andD utathyaT % ?tathyaD saura$hiT % Saura$hiD tatha % soD par#ataT % (ar#ataD de#alaT % &e#alaD ca % andD e#a % indeedD jaigNWa#yaT % Aaigisa#yaD ca % andD jaiminiT % Aaimini. . . . /atyayana, =ajZa#alkya, ?tathya, Saura$hi, (ar#ata, &e#ala, AaigNWa#ya, Aaimini, . . . Te7t FB #iM#amitraM ca sutapaT pippalaT sakaXayanaT ja$alir jaYgaliM cai#a piMaliM ca MilalikaT #iM#amitraT % Vis#amitraD ca % andD sutapaT % &SutapaD pippalaT % (ippalaD sakaXayanaT % SakatayanaD ja$aliT % Aa$aliD jaYgaliT % AangaliD ca % andD e#a % indeedD piMaliT % (isaliD ca % andD MilalikaT % Silalika. . . . ViM#amitra, Sutapa, (ippala. SakaXayana, Aa$ali, AaYgali, (iMali, Silalika, . . . Te7t FC astikaM ca jarat%karus tatha kalyaQa%mitrakaT dur#asa #amade#aM ca VMyaMVYgo #i$haQRakaT astikaT % )stikaD ca % andD jarat%karuT % Aarat%karuD tatha % soD

kalyaQa%mitrakaT % kalyana%mitrakaD dur#asa % &ur#asaD #amade#aT % Vamade#aD ca % andD VMyaMVYgaT % SrsasringaD #i$haQRakaT % Vi$handaka. . . . )stika, Aarat%karu, /alyaQa%mitraka, &ur#asa, Vamade#a, [MyaMVYga, Vh$haQRaka, . . . Te7t FD karipathaT kaQadaM ca kauMikaT paQinis tatha kautso EghamarWaQaM cai#a #almNkrr lomaharWaQaT kar7pathaT % /aripathaD kaQadaT % /anadaD ca % andD kauMikaT % /ausikaD waQiniT % (aniniD tatha % soD kautsaT % /autsoD aghamarWaQaT % SghamarsanaD ca % andD e#a % indeedD #almNkiT % ValmikiD lomahwrWa#aT % Lomaharsana. . . . /aripatha, /aQada, /auMika, (aQini, /autsa, )gsamarWaQa, ValmNki, LomaharWaQa, . . . Te7t FE markaQReyo mVkaQRaM ca parMuramaM ca saYkVtiT agastyaM ca tatha(aP ca mathanye munayo mune markaQReyaT % -arkandeyaD mVkaQRaT % -rkandaD ca % andD parMuramaT % (arasuramaD ca % ,ndD saYkVtiT % San&rtiD agastyaT % )gastyaD ca % andD tatha % soD a#am % usD ca % ande tatha . soD anye % otherD munayaT % sagesD mune % < sage. . . . -arkaQReya, -VkaQRa, (arMurama, SaYkVti, )gastya, the two of us, < sage, many other sages, . . . Te7t FF sa%MiWyaM ca sa%putraM ca $rahmaQaM ca tapas#inaT jarasandho danta#akro dam$hiko dra#iRadhipaT sa%MiWyaT % with disciplesD ca % andD sa%putraT % with sonsD ca % andD $rahmaQaT % $rOhmrQasD ca % andD tapas#inaT % asceticsD jarasandhaT % AarasandhaD danta#akraT %

&anta#akraD dam$hikaT % &am$ika dra#iRadhipaT % the king of &ra#ida. . . . many $rOhmaQas and ascetics with their disciples and sonse many kings including Aarasandha, &anta#akra, &am$hika, the king of &ra#iRa%deMa, . . . Te7t FG MiMupalo $hNWmakaM ca $hagadattaM ca mudgalaT dhVtaraWXro dhumakeMo dhumaketuM ca Mam$araT MiMupalaT % SisupalaD $hNWmakaT % 8hismakaD ca % andD $hagadattaT % 8hagadfattaD ca % andD mudgalaT % -udg laD dhVtaraWXraT % &hrtarastaDndhumakeMaT % &humakesaD dhumaketuT % &humaketuD ca % andD Mam$araT S Sam$ara. . . . SiMupala, 8hNWmaka, 8hagadatta, -udgala, &hVtaraWXra, &humakeMa, &humaketu, Sam$araT, . . . Te7t FH MalyaT satrajitaT MaYkur nVpaM canye maha%$alaT $hNWmo droQaT kVpacaryo hy aM#atthama maha%$alaT MalyaT % SalyaD satraj taT % SatrajitaD MaYkuT % SankuD nVpaT % kingsD ca % endD anye % % othersD maha%$alaT % #ery powerfulD $hNWmaT % 8hismaD droQaT % &ronaD kVpacaryay % /rpacaryaD hi % indeedD aM#atthama % )scatthamaD maha%$alaT % #ery powerful. . . . Salya, Satraji a, SaYku, 8hNWma, &roQaj /Vpacarya, #ery Vowerful )M#atthama, many other powe ful kings, . . . Te7t FI $huriMra#aM caaMal#aM c kaikeyaT kauMalas tatha

sar#an sam$haWayam asa maha%rajo yathocitam $huriMra#aT % 8hurisra#aD ca % andD Mal#aT % Sal#aD ca % andD kaikeyaT % /aikeyaD kauMalaT % /asualaD tatha % soD sar#an % allD sam$haWayam asa % spokeD maha%rajaT % the great kingD yatha % asD ucitam %lappropriate. . . . 8huriMra#a, Sal#a, /aikeya, and /auMala. /ing /aPsae greeted/them all with appropriate words. Te7t FJ satyako yajZa%di#asaP cakara ca Mu$ha%kWaQam satyakaT % SatyakaD yajZa % of the yajnankdi#asam % the dayD cakara % didD ca % andD Mu$ha%kWaQam % an auspicious moment. hen Satyaka set an auspicious day for the yajZa.

%ha*ter $i7ty!(ive+ri A#r<ra!har.ot#ar.a+ri A#r<ra1s 6reat Ha**iness

Te7t B kaPsasya #acanaP Mrut#a so Ekruro dharmiQaP #araT u#aca coddha#aP MantaP MantaT prahVWXa%manasaT kaPsasya % of /aPsaD #acanam % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD saT % heD akruraT % )krUraD dharmiQam % of saintsD #araT % the $estD u#aca % spokeD ca % andD uddha#am % to ?ddha#aD Mantam % peapefulD MantaT % peacefulD prahVWXa%manasaT % with a happy heart. ;earing /aPsaEs words, saintly and peaceful )krUra, the $est of pious me , $ecame happy at heart. ;e spoke to saintly and peaceful ?ddha#a. Te7t C MrN%akrura u#aca

supra$hatadya rajanN $a$hu#a me Mu$haP dinaP tuWXaM ca gura#o #ipra de#a mam iti niMcitam MrN%akrura u#aca % Sri )krUra saidD supra$hata % dawnD adya % todayD rajanN % nightD $a$hu#a % $ecameD me % of meD Mu$ham % auspiciousD dinam % dayD tuWXaT % pleasedD ca % andD gura#aT % gurusD #ipra % $rOhmaQaD de#a % demigodsD mam % with meD iti % thusD niMcitam % indeed. Sri )krUra saidJ ) #ery auspicious day has dawned for me. and $rOhmaQas must $e #ery pleased with me. Te7t D koXi%janmarjitaP puQyaP mama s#ayam upasthitam $a$hu#a me samutpannaP yad yat karma Mu$haMu$ham koXi%janma % in millions of $irthsD arjitam % earnedD puQyam % pietyD mama % of meD s#ayam % personallyD upasthitam % approachedD $a$hu#a % $ecameD me % meD samutpannam % manifestedD yad yat % whate#erD karma % deedsD Mu$haMu$ham % good and $ad. he piety I earned in many millions of $irths now stands $efoee me. Te7t E cicchedi $andha%nigaRaP mama $addhasya karmaQa karagarac ca saPsaran mukto yami hareT padam ciccheda % $rokeD $andha%nigaRam % the shacklesD mama % of meD $addhasyl $oundD karmaQa % $y karmaD karagarat % from the prisonD ca % andD saPsarat % from repeated $irth and deathD muktaT % freedD yami % I goD hareT % of Lord /VWQaD padam % to the a$ode. he shackles of karma that $ound me are $roken. Now I am free from the prison of repeated $irth and death. Now I will go to Lord /VWQaEs world. Te7t F he demigods, gurus,

suhVd%arthN kVto EhaP ca kaPsena #iduWa ruWa #areQa tulyo de#asya krodho mama $a$hu#a ha suhVd%arthN % for the sake nf a friendD kVtaT % doneD aham % ID ca % andD kaPsena % $y /aPsuD #iduWa % wiseD ruWa % angryD #areQa % greatD tulyaT % eBualD de#asya % of the LordD jrodhaT % anperD mama % of meD $a$hu#a % wasD ha % indeed. "ise and angry /aPsa has $ecome my true well%wisher. ;is anger is a $lessing, like the anger of the Supreme(Lord ;imself. Te7t G #raja%rajaP samahartaP #rajaP yasyami sampratam drakWyami paramaP pujyaP $hukti%mukti%pradayinam #raja % of VrajaD rajam % the kingD samahartam % to $ringD #rajam % to VrajaD yasyami % I will goD sampratam % nowD drakWyami % I will seeD paramam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD pujyam % the supreme o$ject of worshipD $hukti%mukti% pradayinam % the gi#er of happiness and li$eration. oday I will go to Vraja and $ring $ack VrajaEs king. oday I will see the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme o$ject of worship, the gi#er of happiness and li$eration. Te7ts H and I na#Nna% alada%MyamaP nNlendN#ara%locanam pNta%#astra%samayukta% koXi%deMa%#irajitam dhuli%dhusaritaYgaP ca kiP #a candana%carcitam atha#a na#anNtaktaP aYgaP drakWyami sa%smitam na#Nna % newD jalada % cloudD Myamam % darkD nNlendN#ara% locanam % dark lotus eyesD pNta%#astra % yellow garmentsD samayukta % withD koXi % millionsD deMa % countriesD #irajitam % shiningD dhuli%dhusaritaYgam % co#ered with dustD ca % andD kim % what*D #a % orD candana%carcitam % anointed with sandal pasteD atha#a % orD na#anNtaktam % anointed with $utterD aYgam % orD drakWyami % I will seeD sa%smitam % with a smile.

I will see ;im, ;is form a dark monsoon cloud, ;is eyes dark lotus flowers, ;is garments yellow, ;is lim$s anointed with dust, smiling, splendidly manifest in millions of places at once, anointed with sandal paste, or perhaps anointed with $utter, . . . Te7t J kiP #a #inoda%muralNP #adayantaP manoharam kiP #a ga#aP samuhaP ca carayantam itas tataT kiP #a % orD #inoda%muralNm % a pastime fluteD #adayantam % playingD manoharam % handsomeD kiP #al%eorD ga#am % of the cowsD samuham % herdD ca % andD carayantam % cerdingD itah % hereD tttaT % nad there. . . . or perhaps playing $eautiful music on ;is flute, or perhaps taking the cows here and there, . . . Te7t BK kiP #a #asantaP gacchantaP MayanaP #a su%niMcitam nideMaP kidVMaP cadyaP su%dVWXya ca Mu$he kWaQe kiP #a % orD #asantam % sittingD gacchantam % walkingD Mayanam % restingD #a % orD su%niMcitam % indeedD nideMam % intsructionD kidVMam % somethingD ca % andD adyam % transcendentalD su%dVWXya % oith a glanceD ca % sndD Mu$he % at an ausoiciousD kWaQe % moment. . . . or perhaps sitting down, or perhaps walking, or perhaps sleeping, or perhaps speaking words of spiritual instruction, or perhaps looking at me in an auspicious moment, . . . Te7t BB yat%pada%padmaP dhyayante $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adayaT na hi janati yasyantaP ananto Enanta%#igrahaT yat%pada%padmam % on whose lotus feetD dhyayante % meditateD $rahma%#iWQu%

Mi#adayaT % 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD na % notD hi % indeedD janati % understandD yasya % of whomD antam % the endD anantaT % Lord SeWaD ananta%#igrayaT % whose form hys no end. . . . ;im, the Lord, on whose lotus feet 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a meditate, the end of whose glories e#en limitless Lord SeWa cannot find, . . . Te7t BC yat%pra$ha#aP na jananti de#aT santaM ca santatam yasya stotre jaRN%$huta $hNta de#N saras#atN yat%pra$ha#am % whose powerD na % notD jananti % knowD de#aT % the demigodsD santaT % the saintsD ca % andD santatam % alwaysD yasya % of whomD stotre % in prayerD jaRN%$huta % silentD $hNta % frightenedD de#N % the goddessD saras#atN % Saras#ati. . . . whose power e#en the demigods and sageh do not understand, whose glories make Foddess Saras#ati frightened and una$le to speak any prayers, . . . Te7t BD dasp niyukti yad%dasye maha%lakWmNM ca lakWsSa gaYoa yasya pamam$hLjan niTsVta satt#a%rupiQN dasN % ser#antD niyukta % engagedD yad%dasye % in whose ser#iceD maha%lakWmNT % - hO%LakWtiD ca % andD lakrita % characteriGedD gaYga % FaYgOD yasya % of whomD padam$hojat % from the lotus feetD niTsVta % flowingD satt#a%rupiQNm% transcendental forms. . . . whose maidser#ant is Foddess -ahO%LakWmi, from whose lotus feet the spiritual FaYgO flows, . . . Te7t BE janma%mVtyu%jarj%#yadhi% u e hara tri$hu#anat para darMana%sparMana$hyaP ca nV aPLpataka%naMinN janma%mVtyu % $jrth and deathD jara % old ageD #yadhi % diseaseD hara % remo#ingD

tri$hu#anat % the three worldsD para % greatD darMana % seeingD sparMana$hyam % and touchingD ca % andD nVQam % of peopleD pataka%naMinN % destroying sins. . . . who remo#es $irth, death, old age, and disetse, who is $eyond the three worlds, whose touch and sight destroy the peopleEs sins, . . . Te7t BF dhyayate yat%padam$hojaP durga durgati%naMinN trailokya%jananN de#N mula%prakVtir NM#arN dhyayate % meditateD yat%padam$hojam % on whose lotus feetD durga % &urgOD durgati%naMinN % the destroyer of calamitiesD trailokya % the three worldsD jananN % the motherD de#N % goddessD mula%prakVtiT % the root of matterD NM#arN % the controller. . . . on whose lotus feet splendid Foddess &urgO, the goddess who is the destroyer of calamities and the root of matter, meditates, . . . Te7t BG lomnaP kupeWu #iM#ani maha%#iWQoM ca yasya ca asaYkhyani #icitraQi sthulat sthulatarasya ca lomnam % of the hairsD kupeWu % in the wellsD #iM#ani % the uni#ersesD maha%#iWQoT % of Lord -ahO%ViWQuD ca % andD yasya ) of whomD ca % andD as)Ykhyani % countlessD #icitraQi % #ariegatedD sthulat % from the greatD sthulatarasya % greaterD ca % and. . . . who as Lord -ahO%ViWQu manifests countless wonderful uni#erses from the pores of ;is $ody, who is larger than the largest, . . . Te7t BH sa ca yat%[oRaMaPMaM ca yasya sar#eM#arasya ca taPidraWXuP yami he $andho maya%manuWa%rupiQam

sa % ;eD ca % andD yat%WoRaMaPMaT % a si:teenth partD ca % andD yasya % of whomD sar#eM#arasya % of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ca % andD tam % ;imD draWXum % to seeD yami % I goD he % <D $andhaT % friendD maya%manuWa%rupiQam % pretending to $e an ordinary human $eing. . . . who is the original Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, and who displays only one% si:teenth of ;is power as Lord -ahO% ViWQu. < friend, now I will go to see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is pretending to $e an ordinary human $eing, . . . Te7t BI sar#aP sar#antaratmanaP sar#ajZaP prakVteT param $rahma%jyotiT%s#arupaP ca $haktanugraha%#igraham sar#am % allD sar#antaratmanam % in e#eryoneEs heartD sar#ajZam % all% knowingDprakVteT % matterD param % $eyondD $rahma%jyotiT% s#arupam % whose form is effulgentD ca % andD $haktanugraha%#igraham % who is merciful to ;is de#otees. . . . the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is e#erything, who resides in e#eryoneEs heart, who knows e#erything, who is $eyond the world of matter, whose spiritual form is effulgent, who is kind to ;is de#otees, . . . Te7t BJ niaguQaP ca nirNhaP ca niranandaP niraMrayam paramaP paramanandaP sanandaP nanda%nandanam nirguQam % $eyond the modes of naturjD ca % anda nirNham % with no duty that ;e must performD ca % andD niranandam % not taking pleasure in material thingsD niraMrayam % independentD paramam % supremeD paramanandam % the highest $lissD sanandam % $lissfulD nanda% nandanam % the som of NandV. . . . who is $eyond the modes of material nat re, who is not o$liged to perform any task, who takes no pleasure in dull matter, who is independentI who is full of the highest transcendental $liss, who is /ing NandaEs son, . . . Te7t CK

s#ecchamayaP sar#a%p#raP sar#a%$NjaP sanatana #adanti yogina5 MaM#ad dhyayante Ehar%niMaP MiMum s#ecchamayam % whose e#ery desire is fulfilledD sar#a%param % the highest of allD sar#a%$Njam % the seed of allD sanatanam % eternalD #adanti % sayD yoginaT % the yogisD MaM#at % alwaysD dhyayante % meditateD ahaT % dayD niMam % and nightD MiMum % $oy. . . . whose e#ery desire is at once fulfilled, who is the greatest of all, whom the yogis proclaim to $e the eternal seed of all, on whom the yogis meditate day and night, who is a youth, . . . Te7t CB man#antara%sahasraP ca niraharaT kVModaraT padme padma%tapas tepe pura padme ca yat%kVte man#antara % man#antarasD sahasram % a thousandD ca % andD niraharaT % fastingD kVModaraT % emaciatedD padme % on a lotusD padma%tapaT % ausreritiesD tepe % performedD pura % in ancient timesD padme % in the (adma%kalpaD ca % andD yat%kVte % for whose sake. . . . to attain whom rhe demigod 8rahmO, emaciated with louV fasting, performed austerities for a thousand man#antarasof a lotus flower in the (adma%kalpa in ancient times, . . . Te7t CC punaT kuru tapasyaP ca tada drakWyasi mam iti sakVc cha$daP cansuMra#a na dadarMa tathapi tam punaT % againD kuru % doD tapasyam % auseritiesD ca % andD tada % thenD drakWyasi % you will seeD mam % -eD iti % thusD sakVt % onceD Ma$dam n soundD ca %candD suMra#a % heardD na % notD dadarMa % sawD tathapi % ne#erthelessD tam % ;im. . . . whose words, (erform more austerities. hen you will see -e.L, 8rahmO heard although he could not see ;im, . . . Te7t CD

ta#at kalaP punas tapt#a #araP prapa dadarMa tam NdVMaP paramalaP ca drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a ta#at kalam % from that timeD punaT % againD tapt#a % performing austeritiesD #aram % $oonD prapa % attainingD dadarMa % sawD tam % ;imD NdVMam % like thisD parameMam % the Supyeme (ersonalitywof FodheadD ca % andD drakWyami % I will seeD adya % todayD tam % ;imD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . for whose sake 8rahmO continued to perform austerities, from whom 8rahmO recei#ed a $oon, and whom 8rahmO e#entually saw directly. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme master, . . . Te7t CE pura Mam$hus tapas tepe ya#ad #ai $rahmaQo #ayaT jyotir%maQRala%madhye ca goloke taP dadarMa saT pura % in ancient timesD Mam$huT % Lord Si#aD tapaT % austeritiesD tepe % performedD ya#at % whileD #ai % indeedD $rahmaQaT % of 8rahmOD #ayaT % the lifeD jyotiT % of lightD maQRala % a circleD madhye % in the middleD ca % andD goloke % in FolokaD tam % ;imD dadarMa % sawD saT % he. . . . for whose sake in ancient times the demigod Si#a performed austerities for a lifetime of 8rahmO, whom Si#a saw in the world of Foloka in the midst of a circle of light, . . . Te7t CF sar#a%tatt#aP sar#a%siddhaP mama tatt#aP paraP #aram samprapa tat%padam$hoje $haktiP ca nirmalaP param sar#a%tatt#am % all truthD sar#a%siddham % all perfectionD mama % of m D twtt#am % the truthD param % shpremeD #aram % $oonD samprapa % attainedD tat%padam$hoje % ;is lotus feetD $haktim % de#otionD ca % andD nirmalam % pureD param % great. . . . at whose lotus feet Si#a attained the $oon of all truth, all perfection, and pure spiritual de#otion, . . .

Te7t CG cakaratma%samaP taP ca yo $hakto $hakta%#atsS,aT NdVMaP parameMaP ca drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a cakara % didD atma % ;imselfD samam % likeD tam % himD ca % andD yaT % whoD haktaT % deyotedD $hakta%#atsalaT % who lo#es ;is de#oteesD NdVMam % like thatD parameMam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ca % andD drakWyami % I will seeD adya % todayD tam % ;imD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . who made Si#a ;is eBual, and who lo#es ;is de#otees. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im,uthe Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme master, . . . Te7t CH sahasra%Makra%patantaP niraharaT kVModaraT yaSyanantas tapas tepe $haktya ca paramatmanaT sahasra%Makra%patantam % for the lifetimes of a thousand IndrasD niraharaT % fastingD kVModaraT % emaciatedD yasya % of whomD anantaT % Lord SeWaD tapaT % austeritiesD tepe % % performedD $haktya % with de#otionD ca % andD paramatmanaT % of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. . . . to attain whom Lord SeWa, emaciated with long fasting, de#otedly performed austerities for a thousand lifetimes of Indra, . . . Te7t CI tada c tmn%samaP jZanmL dadau tasmai ya NM#araT dVMaP parameMaP ca drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a tada % thenD ca % andD atma % ;imselfD samam % eBualD jZanam % knwoledgeD dadau %gaeeD tasmau % to ;imD ya % whoD NM#araT % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD NdVMam e like thatD parameMam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ca % andD drakWuami % I will seeD adya % todayD tam % pimy uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . who ga#e transcendental knowledge like ;is own to SeWaeu and who is the

Supreme Controller. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme master, . . . Te7t CJ sahasra%Makra%patantaP dharmas tepe ca yat tapaT tada $a$hu#a sakWN sa dharmiQaP sar#a%karmiQam Masta ca phala%data ca yat%prasadan nVQam iha sar#eMam NdVMam aho drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a sahasra%Makra%patantam % for the lifetimes of a thousand IndrasD dharmaT % =amarOjaD tepe % performedD ca % andD yat % whatD tapaT % austeritiesD tada % thenD $a$hu#a % $ecameD sakWN % the witnessD sa % heD dharmiQam % of the piousDfsar#a% karmiQam % of all deedsD Masta % the punisherD ca % andD phala%data % the gi#er of resultsD ca % andD yat%prasadan % $y whose mercyD nVQam % of menD iha % hereD sar#eMam % the controller of allD NdVMam % liek thisD ahaT % <hD drakWyami % < will seeD adya % todayD tam % ;imD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . to attain whom =amarOja performed austerities for a thousand lifetimes ofeIndra, $y whose mercy =amurOja $ecame the witness of all pious deeds, the punisher, and the gi#er of results to the human $eings. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme master, . . . Te7ts DB andP)K aWXa%#iPMatir indraQaP patane yad di#a%niMam e#aP krameQa masa$daiT Mata$daP $rahmaQo #ayaT aho yasya nimeWeLa $rahmaQaT patanaP $ha#et NdVMaP paramatmanaP drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a aWXa%#iPMatiT % twenty%eightD indraQam % of IndrasD patane % in the fallingD yat % whatD di#a%niMam % day and nightD e#am % thusD krameQa % graduallyD masa$daiT % with months and yearsD Mata$dam % a hundred yearsD $rahmaQaT % of 8rahVOD #ayaT % the lifeD ahaT % <hD yasya % of whomD nimeWeQa % with an eye$uinkD $rahmaQaT % of

8rahmOD patanam % the fallD $ha#et % isD NdVMam % like thatD paramatmanam % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD drakWyami % < will seeD adya % todayD tam % ;imD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . for whom the lifetime of 8rahuO, consisting of a hundred years where eoch day eBuals the lifetimes of twenty%eight Indras, is $arely a single eye$lLnk. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the suprememNaster, . . . Te7ts DD!DF nasti $hu%rajasa saYkhya eyathai#a $rahmaQaP tatha tathai#a $andho #iM#anaP tad%adharo maha%#iraX #iM#e #iM#e ca prNty%ekaP $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adayaT munayo mana#aT siddhaT mana#adyaM caracaraT yat%WoRaMaPMaT sa #iraX sVWXo naWXaM ca lNlaya idVMaP sar#a%MastaraP drakWyamy adya tam uddha#a na % notD asti % isD $hu%rajasa % grains of dustD saYkhya % countingD yatha % asD e#a % % indeedD $rahmaQam % of 8rahmOsD tatha % soD tatha % soD e#a % indeedD $andhaT % < friendD #iM#anam % of uni#ersesD tad% adharaT % theumaintainerD maha%#iraX % Lord -ahO%ViWQuD #iM#e #iM#e % in uni#erse after uni#erseD ca % andD praty%ekam % in each oneD $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adayaT % $eginning with 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD munayaT % sagesD mana#aT % manusD siddhaT % siddhasD mana#adyaT % $eyinning with human $eingrD cauacaraT % mo#ing and unmo#ing $eingsD yat%WoRaMaPMaT % a sieteenth part of whomD sa % eD #iraX % -ahO%ViVQuD sVWXaT % createdD naWXaT %ndestromedD ca % andD lNlaya % %layfullyD idVMam % like thisD sar#a%Mastaram % the controller of allD drakWyami % < will seeD adya % todayD tam %eLimD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. . . . a si:teenth part of whom is Lord -ahO%ViWQu, the playful creator and destroyer of so many uni#erses that they cannot $e counted any more than the num$er of 8rahmOs or the num$er of grains of dust on the earth can $e counted, each uni#erse filled with demigods like 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a, and many sages, manus, siddhas, human $eings, and other mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings. < ?ddha#a, today I will see ;im, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the supreme master, the supreme

controller. Te7t DG ity e#am ukt#akruraM ?a pulakaZcita%#igrahaT murchaP prapa saMru%netro dadhyau tac%caraQam$ujam iti % thusDwe/am % in this wayD ukt#a % speakingj akruraT % )krUraD ca % andD wulakaZcita%#igrahaT % his *odliy hairs erectD murcham % faintingD prapa % atatinedD sauru%netraT % tears in his eyesD dadhyau % meditatedD tac%caraQam$ujam % on ;is lotus feet. r )fter speamSngethese words, )krUra, his eyes ,illed with tears and the hairs of his $ody erect, fell unconscious. ris thoughts were only of Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. Te7t DH $a$hu#a $hakti%purQaM ca S smar P smaraP padam$ujam kVt#a pradakWiQaP #api kVWQasya paramatmanaT $a$hu#a % $ecameD $hakti%purQaT % filled with de#otionD ca %eandD smaram % remem$eringD smaram % and reVem$eringD padam$ujam % the lotus feetD kVt#a % doingD pradakWiQam % circumam$ulationD #a % orD api % alsoD kSWQasya %rof Lorm /VWQaD paramatmanaT % the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. )krUra remem$ered Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet again and again. In his thoughts he ciruumam$ulated Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet again and again. ;e $ecame filled with mo#e for Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet. Te7t DI uddha#aM ca tam aMliWya praMaMaPMa punaT punaT sa ca MNghraP yayau gehaP (akruro Epi s#a%mandire uddha#aT % ?ddha#wD ca % andD tam % hwmD aMliWya % em$racingD praMaMaPMa % praisedD punaT % againD punaT % and againD sa % heD ca % andD iNghram % at onceD yayau % wentD geham % to the homeD akruraT % )krUraD api % alsoD s#a%mandire % to his own home.

?ddha#a em)raced )krUra and praised him again and again. Buickly returned to their own homes.

hen the two of them

%ha*ter $i7ty!si7+ri R0dh0!5o#0*anodana+ri R0dh01s 6rie( @s Removed

Te7t B MrN%narayaQa u#aca atha raseM#arN%yukto rase raseM#araT s#ayam sa ca reme taya sardhaP atN#a%ramaQotsukaT MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD atha % theD raseM#arN%yuktaT % with the Bueen of the rOsa danceD rase % in the rOsa danceD raseM#araT % the king of the rOsa anceD s#ayam % personallyD sa % ;eD ca % andD reme % enjoyedD taya % ;erD sardham % withD atN#a% ramaQotsukaT % eager to enjoy. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ he Lord /VWQa, the king of the rOsa dance, happily enjoyed a rOsa dance with Sri 5OdhO, the Bueen of the rOsa dance. Te7t C Mukha%sam$hoga%matreQa yayau nidraP ca radhika dVWX#a s#apnaP samutthaya dNno#aca priyaP dine sukha%sam$hoga%matreQa % with enjoymentD yayau % wentD nidram % to sleepD ca % andD radhika % 5OdhOD dVWo#a % seeingD s#apn m % dreamD samutthaya % risingD dNna % yistra ghtD u#aca % spokeD priyam % to ;er $elo#edDsdine % in the day. )fter enjoying many pastimes, Sri 5OdhO fell asleep, saw something in a dream, and awakened in the day. &istraught, She spoke to ;er lo#er. Te7t D MrN%radhiko#aca aho s#aminn ihagaccha

t#aP karomi s#a%#akWasi pariQame #idhata me ea jane kiP kawiWyati MrN%rad ika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD ahaT % <D s#aminn % masterD iha % hereD agaccha % please comeD t#am % =ouD karomi % doD s#a % ownD #akWasi % on the chestD pariQame % in changeD #idhata % destinyD me % of -eD na % notD jane % I understandD kim % what*D kariWyati % will $e. Sri 5OdhO saidJ < master, please come here. Let -e hold =ou to -y $reast. ) different future awaits -e. "hat will happen* I do not know. Te7t E ity ukt#a sa maha%$haga priyaP kVt#a s#a%#akWasi duTs#apnaP kathayam asa hVdayena #iduyata iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD sa % SheD maha%$haga % fortunateD priyam % lo#erD kVt#a % doingD s#a%#akWasi % on ;er $reastD duTs#apnam % nightmareD kathayam asa % toldD hVdayena % with a heartD #iduyata % shaking. Speaking these words, She held ;er lo#er to ;er $reast. "ith a trem$ling heart, #ery fortunate 5OdhO descri$ed a nightmare. Te7t F MrN%radhiko#aca ratna%siPhasane EhaP ca ratna%cchatraP ca $i$hrati tadatapatraP jagraha ruWXo #ipraM ca me pra$ho MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD ratna%siPhasane % on a jewel throneD aham % ID ca % andD ratna%cchatram % a jewel parasolD ca % andD $i$hrati % holdsD tada % thenD atapatram % the parasolD jagraha % gra$$edD ruWXaT % angryD #ipraT % a $rOhmaQaD ca % andD me % of -eD pra$haT % < master. Sri 5OdhO saidJ Sitting on a jewel throne, I held a jewel parasol. < master, then an angry $rOhmaQa suddenly snatched the parasol from -e. Te7t G

sagare sajjalakare maha%ghore ca duWXare garhNre poerayam asa umam e#a dur$alaP sa ca sagare % in a an oceanD kajjalakare % like $lack kajjalaD maha%ghore % #ery terri$leD ca % andD duWXare % impassa$leD ga$hsre % deepD prer yam asa % sentD mam % meD m#a % indeedD dur$alam % weakD sa % heD Sa % and. hen he threw -e, a weak woman, into a terri$le, deep, impassa$le ocean $lack like kajjala. Te7t H tatra srotasi Mokarta $hramami ca muhur muhuT mahormNQaP ca #egena e #yakula nakra%saYkulaiT tatra % thereD srotasi % in the currentsD Mokarta % tormented with griefD $hramami % I wanderD La % andD muhuT % againD muhuT % and againD mahormNQam % of the great wa#esD ca % andD #egena % $y the forceD #yakula % distressedD nakra%saYkulaiT % $y many sharks. )gain and again I was tossed a$out, tormented $y great wa#es and many sharks. Te7t I trahi trahNti he natha t#aP #adami punaT punaT t#aP na dVWX a maha%$hNtS karomi prarthanaP suram trahi % sa#eD trahi % sa#eD iti % thusD he % <D natha % masterD t#am % =omD #adami % I sayD punaT % againD punaT % and againD t#am % =ouD na % notD dVWX#a % seeingD maha% $hNta % #ery frightenedD karmmi % I dor prarthanam % prayerD suram % to the demigods. Sa#e -e\ Sa#e -e\L < master, with these words I called to =ou again and again. I did not see =ou. Very a&raid, I prayed to theweemigods. Te7t J kVWQa tatra nimajjantN paMyami candra%maQRa am

nipatantaP ca gaganac chata%khasRaP ca $hu%tale kVWQa % < /VWQaD tatra % thereD nimajhantN % drowningD paMyami % I seeD candra% mtQRalam % the moonD nipatantam % fallingD ca % andD gaganat % from the skyD Mata % a hundredD khaQRam % piecesD ca % andD $hu%tale % to the earth. < /VWQa, as I was drowning I saw the moon fall froNhthy sky to the earth and $reak into a hundred pieces. Te7t BK kWaQantare ca paMyami gaganat surya%maQRalam $a$hu#a ca catuT%khaQRaP nipatya dharaQN%tale kWaQantare % another momentD ca % andD paMyami % I seeD gaganat % from the skyD surya%maQRalam % the sunD $a$hu#a % wasD ca % andD catuT%khaQRam % in four piecesD nipatya % fallingD dharaQN%tale % to the earth. he ne:t moment I saw the sun fall from the sky to the earth and $reak into a four pieces. Te7t BB eka%kale ca gagane maQRalaP candra%suryayoT atN#a%kajjalakaraP sar#aP grastaP ca rahuna eka%kale % at one timeD ca % andD gagane % in the skyD maQRalam % the circleD candra% suryayoT % of the sun and mooD atN#a % #eryD kajjala % kajjalaD akaram % formD sar#am % allD grastam % swallowedD ca % andD rahuna % $y 5ahu. he ne:t moment, the sun and moon were $oth together in the sky. Swallowed $y 5Ohu, they $ecame $lack like kajjala. Te7t BC kWaQantare ca paMyami $rahmaQo dNptiman iti mat%kroRa%stha%sudha%kum$haP $a$haZja ca ruWeti ca

kWaQantare % the ne:t momentD ca % andD paMyami % I sawD $rahmaQaT % a $rOhmaQaD dNptiman % effulgentD iti % thusD mat%kroRa % on -y lapD stha % situatedD sudha % of nectarD kum$ham % a jarD $a$haZja % $rokeD ca % andD ruWa % angrilyD iti % thusD ca % and. he ne:t moment I saw an effulgent $rOhmaQa angrily $reak the cup of nectar I held in -y lap. Te7t BD kWaQantare ca paMyami maha%ruWXaP ca $rahmaQam gVhNt#a ca #rajantaP ca cakWuWoT puruWaP mama kWaQantare % the ne:t momentD ca % andD paMyami % I seeD maha%ruWXam % #ery angryD ca % andD $rahmaQam % $rOhmaQaD gVhNt#a % gra$$ingD ca % andD #rajantam % goingD ca % andD cakWuWoT % of the eyesD puruWa % a manD mama % of -e. he ne:t moment I saw a #ery angry $rOhmaQa gra$ a man walking $y. Te7t BE krNRa%kamala%daQRaP ca hastad dhastaP mama pra$ho sahasa khaQRa%khaQRaP ca $a$hu#a saha hetuna ,rNRa%kamala%daQRam % the stalk of a pastime lotusD ca % andD hastat % from one handD hastam % to another hansdD mama % of -eD pra$haT % < masterD sahasa % suddenlyD khaQRa%khaQRam % $roken into many piecesD ca % andD $a$hu#a % $ecameD saha % withD h tuna % cause. < master, then e pastime lotus sudhenly fell from -y hand and $roke into many pieces. Te7t BF hastad dhastaPlca sahasa sad%ratna%sVra%darpaQaT nirmalaT kajjalakaraT khaQRa%khaQRo $a$hu#a ha hastat % from handD hastam % to handD ca % and usahasa % suddenlyD sad%ratna%sara%

darpaQaT % a jewle mirrorD nirmalaT % splendidD kajjalakaraT % $lack like kajjalaD khaQRa%khaQRaj %u$roken into many piecesD $a$hu#a % $ecameD ha % indeed. hen a splendid jewel mirror suddenly turned $lack like kajjala, fell from -y hand, and $roke into many pieces. Te7t BG haro me ratna%saraQaP chinno $hut#a ca #akWasaT tN#a%malinaP padmaP papata dharaQN%tale haraT % necklaceD me % of -eD ratna%saraQam % of precious jewelsD chinnaT % $rokenD $hut#a % $ecomingD ca % andD)#akWasaT % of the $reastD atN#a % #eryD malinam % $lackD padmam % lotusD papata % fellD dharaQN%tale % to the ground. hen the precious jewel necklace on -y $reast $roke apart. $ecame $lack and fell to the ground. Te7tABH saudha%puttalika sar#a nVtyanti ca hasanti ca asphotayanti gayanti rudanti ca kWaQaP kWaQam saudha%puttalikaT % the deities in thr templeDrsar#a % allD nVtyanti % danceD ca % andD hasanti % laughD ca % andD asphotayanti % clap handsD gayanti % singD rudanti % teepD cS andD kWaQam % momentD kWaQam % after moment. hen the demigodsE deities in the temple $egan to dance. <ne moment laughed, another moment they clapped their hands and sang, and the ne:t moment they wept. Te7t BI kVWQa%#arQaP $Vhac cakraP khe $hramantaP muhur muhuT nipatantaP cotpatantaP paMyami ca $hayaYkaram kVWQa%#arQam % $lackD $Vhac % greatD cakram % wheelD khe % in the skyD $hramantam % turningD muhuT % againD muhuT % and againD nipatantam % fallingD ca % andD utpatantam % risingD paMyami % I seeD ca % andD $hayaYkaram % fearful. hen -y lotus flower

hen I saw a fearful great $lack wheel rising and falling as it turned in the sky. Te7t yJ praQadhide#aT puruWo niTsVtya$hyantaran mama radhe #idayaP dehNti tato yamNSy u#aca ha praQadhide#aT % tht master of lifeD puruW T % the manD niTsVtya % lea#ingD a$hyantarat % from withinD mama % of -eD radhe % < 5OdhOD #idayam % farewellD dehi % please gi#eD iti % thusD tataT % thenD yami % I am goingD iti % thusD u#aca % saidD ha % indeed. hen the man who is the master of -y life suddenly left. ;e said, < 5OdhO, $id -e farewell, for I must go.L Te7t CK kVWQa%#arQa ca pratima mam aMliWyati cum$ati kVWQa%#astra%paridhanC ceti paMyami sarpratam kVWQa%#arQa % $lackD ca % andD pratima % dietyD mam % -eD aMliWyati % em$rocesD cum$ati % kissesD kVWQa%#astra % $lack garmentsD paridhana % wearingD ca % andD iti % thusD paMyami % I seeD sampratam % now. hen I saw a $lack statue clad in $lack kiss and em$race -e. Te7t CB itNdaP #iparNtaPaca dVWX#a ca praQa%#alla$ha nViyanti dakWiQa`Ygani e praQa andolayanti me iti % thusD idam % thisD #iparNtam % re#erseD ca % andD dVWX#a % seeingD ca % andD praQa% #alla$ha % < master more dear than lifeD nVtyanti % danceD dakWiQa % rightD aYgani % lim$sD praQa % lifeD andolayanti % trem$lesD me % of -e. t < master more dear than life, I saw many eerie things. Now the right side of -y $ody performs a dance of shudders. -y life $reath restlessly paces $ack and forth. Te7t CC

rudanti Mokat karWanti samud#ignaP ca manasam kim idaP kim idaP natha #ada #eda%#idaP #ara rudanti % weepD Mokat % in griefD karWantN % pullingD samud#ignam % agitatedD ca % andD manasam % mindD kim % what*D idam % thisD kim % what*D idam % thisD natha % < masterD #ada % please tellD #eda % of the VedasD #idam % of the knowersD #ara % < $est. -y life $reath is weepinj. -y life $reath is torturing -y unhappy he(rt. "hat is it* "hat is it* < master, < $est of the knowers of the Vedas, please tell we. Te7t CD ity ukt#a radhika%de#N MuWka%kaQXhoWXha%taluka papata tat%padam$hoje $hNta sa Moka%#ih#ala iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD radhika%de#N % Foddess 5OdhOD MuWka%kaQXhoWXha% taluka r ;er lips, throat, and palate dryD papata % fellD tat%padam$hoje % at ;is lotus feetD $hNta % frightenedD sa % SheD Moka%#ih#ala % o#erwhelmed with grief. @rightened, o#erwhelmed with grief, and ;er lips, throat, and palate dry, Foddess 5OdhO spote these words and fell at Lord /VWQaEs feet. Te7t CE Mrut#a s#apnaP jagannatho de#NP kVt#a s#a%#akWasi adhyatmikena yogena $odhayam asa tat kWaQam Mrut#a % hearingD s#apnam % the dreamD jagannathaT % the master of the uni#ersesD de#Nm % to the goddessD kVt#a % doingD s#a%#akWasi % to ;is chestD adhyatmikena yogena % with the transcendental knowledge of yogaD $odhayam asa % enlightenedD tat % thatD kWaQam % moment. ;earing of this dream, Lord /VWQa, the master of the uni#erses, held Foddess 5OdhO to ;is chest and taught ;er the science of spiritual enlightenment.

Te7t CF tatyaja MokaP sa de#N jZanaP samprapya nirmalam MantaP ca $paga#antno ce kVt#a kantaP s#a%#akWasi tatyaja % a$andonedD Mokam % griefD sa % SheD de#N % the FoddessD jZanam % knowledgeD samprapya % attainingD nirmalam % pureD MaStam % peacefulD ca % andD $haga#anthm % the Supreme (ersonality o FodheadD ca % andD kVt#a % doingD kantam % $elo#edD y#a%#akWasi % to ;er $reast. >nlightened $y Lord /VWQa, Foddess 5OdhO $ecame free of grief. She held to ;er chest ;er $elo#ed, the peaceful and saintly Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead.

%ha*ter $i7ty!sevenAdhy0tmi#a!yoga!#athana2es3ri*tion o( $*iritua" 9n"ightenment

Te7t B MrN%narayaQa u#aca #iraha%#yakulaP dVWX#a kaminNP kama%mohanaT kVt#a #akWasi taP kVWQo yayau krNRa%saro#aram MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD #iraha%#yakulam % the an:iety of separationD dVWX#a % seeingD kaminNm % $elo#edD kama%mohanaT % o#ercome with lo#eD kVt#a % doingD #akWasi % on ;is chestD tam % ;erD kVWQaT % Lord /VWQaD yayau % wentD krNRa%saro#aram % to a pastime lake. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ Seeing that $eautiful and passionate 5OdhO was trou$led with the prospect of losing ;is company, Lord /VWQa $ecame filled with lo#e for ;er.

;e held ;er to ;is chest and took ;er to a pastime lake. Te7t C raja%rajeM#arN radha kVWQa%#akWasi rajate saudaminN#a jalade na#Nne gagane mune raja % of kingsD raja % of the kingD NM#arN % the BueenD radha % Sri 5OdhOD kVWQa%#akWasi % pn Lord /VWQaEs chestD rajate % shoneD saudaminN % a lightning flashD i#a % likeD jalade % on a cloudD na#Nne % newD gagane % in the skyD mune % < sage. Sri 5OdhO, the Bueen of the king of kings, rested on Lord /VWQaEs chest. She shone like a lightning flash on a monsoon cloud. Te7t D remm sa ramaya sardhaP kVpaya ca kVpa%nidhiT #ayor d#ayor yatha s#arQa% manyor marakato maQiT reme % enjoyedD sa % ;eD ramaya % the goddessD sardham % withD kVpaya % with mercyD ca % andD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercyD d#ayoT % of the twoD d#ayoT % of the twoD yatha % asD s#arQa%maQyoT % of topaGD marakataT % sapphireD maQiT % jewel. )n ocean of mercy, Lord /VWQa mercifully enjoyed pastimes with Foddess 5OdhO. hey were like a sapphire and a topaG together. Te7ts E and F ratna%nirmaQa%paryaYke ratnendra%sara%nirmite ratna%pradNpe j#alati ratna%$huWaQa%$huWitaT ratna%$huWa%$huWitaya rasa%ratnaM ca kautukat rasa%ratnakare ramye nimagno rasikeM#araT ratna%nirmaQa%paryaYke % on a jewel couchD ratnendra%sara% nirmite % made with the $est of jewelsD ratna % jewelD pradNpe % lampsD j#alati % shiningD ratna%$huWaQa%

$huWitaT % decorated with jewel ornamentsD ratna%$huWa%$huWitaya % decorated with jewel ornamentsD rasa%ratnaT % the jewel of the rOsa danceD ca % andD kautukat % happilyD rasa % of the rOsa danceD ratnakare % in the jwel oceanD ramye % $eautifulD nimagnaT % plungedD rasikeM#araT % the king of they who taste nectar. In a jewel palace lit $y jewel lamps, on a jewel couch, jewel% decorated Lord /VWQa happily enjoyed pastimes with jewel% decorated 5OdhO. Lord /VWQa, the jewel of the rOsa dance, the king of they who taste nectar, do#e into a $eautiful jewel%ocean of rOsa dance pastimes. Te7t G rase raseM#arN radha raseM#aram u#aca sa suratau #iratau satyaP #irate na manorathe rase % in the rOsa danceD raseM#arN % the Bueen of the rOsa danceD radha % Sri 5OdhOD raseM#aram % to the king of the rOsa danceD u#aca % spokeD sa % sheD suratau % amorous pastimesD #iretau % stoppedD satyam % truthD #irate % stoppedD na % n'tD manorathe % desire. hen Sri 5OdhO, the Bueen of the rOsa dance, spoke to Lord /VWQaS the king of the rOsa dance. )lthough heir amorous pastimes had stopped, Sri 5OdhOEs desires had nht. Te7trH MrN%radhiko#aca praphullahaP t#aya natha mVta mlanS ca t#aP #ina yatha mahauWadhi%gaQaT pra$hate $hati $haskare MrN%radhika u#a a % Sri 5OdhO saidD praphulla % $lossomedD aham % ID t#aya % $y =ouD natha % < masterD mVta % deadD mlana % wiltingD ca %randD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD yatha % asD mahauWadhi%gaQaT % a great plantD pra$hate % in the morningD $hati % shiningD $haskare % the sun. Sri 5OdhO saidJ < master, when =ou are present I $lossom with happiness. "hen =ou are gone I wilt and die. "hen =otaare present I am lide heflower happy at the rising of the sun. Te7t I

naktaP dNpa%Mikhe#ahaP t#aya sardhaP t#aya #ina dine dine yatha kWNQa kVWQa%pakWe #idhoT kala naktam % at nightD dNpa%Mikha % a $laGing lampD i#a % likeD aham % ID t#aya % with =ouD sardham % withD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD dine % dayD dine % after dayD yatha % asD kWNQa % wasted awayD kVWQa%pakWe % in the dark fortnightD #idhoT % of the moonD kala % the crescent. "hen =ou are present I am like a lamp shining at night. "hen =ou are gone I am like a waning moon. Te7t J ta#a #akWasi me dNptiT purQa%candra%pra$ha%sama sadyo mVta t#aya tyakta kuh#aP candra%kala yatha ta#a % of =ouD #akWasi % on the chestD me % of -eD dNptiT % the lightD purQa%candra% pra$ha%sama % like a full moonD sadyaT % at onceD mVta w deadD t#aya % $y =ouD tyakta % a$andonedt kuh#am % on the new moon dayD candra%kala % the crescent moonD yatha % as. "hen =ou are present I am like a splendid full moon. "hen =ou are gone I am like a dark new moon. Te7t BK j#alad%agni%Mikhe#ahaP ghVtahutya t#aya saha t#aya #inahaP nir#aQa MiMire padminN yatha j#alad%agni%Mikha % a $laGing fireD i#a % likeD aham % ID ghVta % of gheeD ahutya % with o$lationsD t#aya % =ouD saha % withD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD aham % ID nir#aQa % desolateD MiMire % in the winterD padminN % a lake of lotusesD yatha % like. "hen =ou are present I am like a sacred fire fed with o$lations of ghee. "hen =ou are gone I am like a lotus%lake $arren and empty in the wintertime. Te7t BB

cinta%j#ara%jara%grasta mattas t#ayi gate Epy aham astaP gatera#au candre dh#anta%grasta dhara yatha cinta % of an:ietyD j#ara % fe#erD jara % old ageD grasta % gra$$edD mattaT % from -eD t#ayi % iouD gate % goneD api % e#enD aham % ID astam % to the horiGonD gatera#au % goneD candre % the moonD dh#anta%grasta % gripped $y darknessD dhara % the earthD yatha % like. "hen =ou are gore I am seiGed $y a fe#rr of desparr. Inom like the earth when it is seiGed $y darkness after $omh sun and moon ha#e set. Te7t BC $hraWXo #eWas t#aP #ina me o rupaP yau#ana%cetanam tara#alN pari$hraWXa surya%sutodaye yatha $hraWmaT % $rokenD #eWaT % appearanceD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD me % of -eD rupam % $eautyD yau#ana%cetanam % youthfulnessD tara#alN % starsD pari$hraWXa % fallenD surya%sutodaye % at sunuiseD yatha % like. "hen =ou are gone -y youthful $eauty perishes. I am like the stars that fade at sunrise. Te7t BD t#am e#atma ca sar#eWaP mama natho #iMeWataT tanur yathatmana tyakta tathahaP ca t#aya #ina t#am % =ouD e#a % indeedD atma % the SupersoulD ca % andD sar#eWam,% 9ofealtD mama % of -eD nathaT % the masterD #iMeWataT % specificallyD tanuT % the $odyD yatha % asD atmana % $y thu soulD tyakta % a$andonemD tatha % soD aham % ID ca % andD t#aya % =ouD #ina % without. =ou are the Supersoul poesent in e#eryoners heart. =ou are -y master. "hen =ou are gone I $ecome like a $ody when the soul is gone.

Te7t BE paZca%praQatmakas t#aP me mVtahaP ca t#aya #ina yatha dVWXiM ca goloke dVWXi%puttalikaP #ina paZca%praQatmakaT % the fi#% life airsD t#am % =ouD me % of -eD mVta % deadD ham % ID ca % andD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD yotha % asD dVWXiT % sightD ca % andD goloke % in the eye$allD dVWXi%puttalikam %Vthe matterD #ina without. =ou are the fiue life%airs in -y $ody. "ithout =ou I am dead. "ithout =ou am like the eyes of the $lind. Te7t BF sthalae yatha cit9a%yuktaP t#aya sardham ahaP tatha asaPskVta t#aya hina tVQacchanna yatha mahN sthalam % placeD yatha % asD citra%yuktam % wonderfully decoratedD t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD aham % ID tatha % soD asaPskVta % undecoratedD t#aya % =ouD hina % withoutD tVQacchanna % co#ered with grassD yatha % asD mahN % the earth. "hen =ou are present I am like a place wonderfully decorated for a festi#al. "hen =ou are gone I am like an empty field co#ered with grass. Te7t BG t#aya sardham ahaP kVWQa citra%yukte#a mVn%mayN t#aP #ina jala%dhautahaP #irupa mVn%mayN#a ca t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD aham % ID kVWQa % < /VWQaD cmtra%yukta % with picturesD i#a % likeD rVn%mayN % made of clayD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD jala%dhauta % washed with waterD aham % ID #irupa % formlessD mVn%mayN % made of cl8yD i#a % likeD ca % and. < /VWQa, when =ou are present I am like a clay cup decorated with colorful pictures. "ten =ou are gone I am like a shapeless $all of clay $y a ri#er$ank. Te7t BH

gopaYgananaP Mo$ha ca t#aya raseM#areQa ca hare s#arQa%#ikare ca M#etena maQina saha gopaYgananam % of the gopisD Mo$ha % the $eautyD ca % andD t#aya % =ouD raseM#areQa % the king of the rOsa danceD ca % andD hare % necklaceD s#arQa % goldD #ikare % transfoirmationD ca % andD M#etena % with whiteD maQina % jewelD saha % with. "hen =ou, the king of the rOsa dance, are present, the gopis $e(ome $eautiful. hey $ecome like a gold necklace set with a glittering jewel. Te7t BI raja%raja t#aya sardhaP rajante raja%rajayaT yatha candreQa na$hasi tara%rajir #irajate #raja%raja % < king of VrajaD t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD rajante % shineD raja% rajayaT % the many kingsD yatha % asD candreQa % with the moonD na$hasi % in the skyD tara%rajiT % the many starsD #irajate % shine. < king of Vraja, when =ou are present the great kings shine with great splendor. hey $ecome like many stars shining $eside the moon in the sky. Te7t BJ t#aya Mo$ha yaModaya nandasya nanda%nandana yatha sakha phala%skandhais taru%rajir #irajate t#aya % $y =ouD Mo$ha % $eautyD yaModayaT % of =aModOD nandasya % of NandaD nanda% nandana % < son of NandaD yatha % asD Makha % $ranchesD phala%skandhaiT % with fruitsD taru%rajiT % many treesD #irajate % shine. < son of Nanda, when =ou are present Nanda and =aModO $ecome $eautiful. hey $ecome like trees with fruit%laden $ranches. Te7t CK t#aya sardhaP gokuleMa

Mo$ha gokula%#asinam yataT sar#a loka%rajN rajendreQa #irajate t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD gokuleMa % < king of FokulaD Mo$ha % $eautyD gokula% #asinam % of the residents of FokulaD yataT % from whichD sar#a % allD loka%rajN % worldsD rajendreaa % with theking of thje kings"of the kingsD #irajate % shines. < king of Fokula, when =ou are present the people of Fokula $ecome $eautiful. hey shine with happiness like loyal su$jects in the presence of their king. Te7t CB rasasyapi ca raseMa e t#aya Mo$ha manohard rajate de#a%rajena yatha s#arge Emara#atau rasasya % of the rOsa danceD api % alsoD ca % andD raseMa % < king of the rOsa danceD t#aya % $y =ouD Mo$ha % $eautyD manohara % charmingD rajate % shinesD de#a%rajena % $y the king of the demigodsD yatha % asD s#arge % in S#argaD amara#atau % in )mara#ati. < king of the rOsa dance, when =ou are present the rOsa dance $ecomes $eautiful and charming. It shines like S#argalokaEs )marO#ati City in the presence of In0ra. Te7t CC #Vnda#anasya #VkWaQaP t#aP ca Mo$ha patir gatiT anyeWaP ca #ananaP ca $al.#an keMarN yatha #Vnda#anasya % of VVndO#anaD #VtWaQam % of the treesD t#am % =ouD ca % andD Mo$ha % $eautyD patiT % masterD gatiT % goalD anyeWam % of othersD ca % andD #ananam % forestsD ca % andD $ala#an % powerfulD keMarN % lionD yatha % like. =ou are the master, the glory, and the goal of VVndO#anaEs trees. o them =ou are like a lion, the strongest of all who li#e in the forest. Te7t CD

t#aya #ina yaModa ca nimagna Moka%sagare aprapya #atsaP sura$hN kroMantN #yakula yatha t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD yaModa % =aModOD ca % andD nimagna % plungedD Moka%sagare % in an ocean of griefD aprapya % not attainingD #atsam % calfD sura$hN % a sura$hi cowD kroMantN % weepsD #yakula % distressedD yatha % as. "hen =ou are gone =aModO is plunged in an ocean of grief. She $ecomes like a cow weeping o#er a lost calf. Te7t CE andolayanti nandasya praQa dagdhaP ca manrsam t#aya #ina tapta%patre yatha dhanya%samuhakaT andolayanti % shakesD nandasya % of NandaD praQa % the life $reathD dagdham % $urnedD ca % andD manasam % the mindD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD ttpta%patre % in a pot on a fireD y tha %sasD ( nya%samuhakaT % rice. "hen =ou are gone NandaEs life trem$les. ; s mind and heart $ecome like rice uoiling in a pot Te7t CF ity ukt#a parama%premQa sa patantN hareT pade punar adhyatmikenai#a $odhayam asa taP #i$huT iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD parama%premQa % with great $o#eD sa %oSheD patanti % fallingD hareT % of Lord /VWQaD pade % an the feetD punaT % againD adhyatmikena % with spiritualBknowledgeD e#a % indeedD $odhayam asa % enlightenedD tam % ;erD #i$huT % the Lord. iSpeaking these words, Sri 5OdhO fell at Lord /VWQaEs feet. /VWQa enlightened ;er with spiritua, knowledge. Te7t AG hen all%powerful Lord

adhyatmiko maha%yogo moha%saZccheda%karaQam yataT paraMur #VkWaQaP tNkWna%dharaM ca narada adhyatmiko maha%yogaT % spiritual knowledgeD moha % $ewildermentD saZccheda % $reakingD karaQam % doingD yataT % from whichD paraMuT % an a:D #VkWaQam % of treesD tNkWna%dharaT % sharpD ca % andD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, as a sharp a: cuts trees, so spiritual knowledge cuts down all illusions. Te7t CH MrN%narada u#aca adhyatmikaP maha%yogaP #ada #eda%#idaP #ara Moka%cchedaP ca lokanaP MrotuP kautuhalaP mama MrN%narada u#aca % Sri NOrada saidD adhyatmikaP maha% yogam % spiritual knowledgeD #ada % please tellD #eda%#idam % of knowers of the VedasD #ara % < $estD Moka%cchedam % cutting griefD ca % andD lokanam % of the peopleD Mrotum % to hearD kautuhalam % eagernessD mama % of me. Sri NOrada saidJ < $est of the knowers of the Vedas, please teach me this spiritual knowledge, which cuts apart e#eryoneEs sufferings. I am #ery eager to hear it. Te7t CI MrN%narayaQa u#aca adhyatmiko maha%yogo na jZato yoginam api sa ca nana%prakaraM ca sar#aP #etti hariT s#ayam MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidD adhyatmiko maha% yogaT % spiritual knowledgeD na % notD jZataT % knownD yoginam % of the yogisD api % e#enD sa % thatD ca % andD nana%prakaraT % many kindsD ca % andD sar#am % allD #etti % knowsD hariT % Lord /VWQaD s#ayam % ;imself. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ >#en the yogis do not understand the highest spiritual knowledge. here are many kinds of spiritual knowledge. Lord /VWQa understands all of them.

Te7ts CJ and DK kiZcid adhyatmikaP cai#a goloke radhikeM#araT su%prNtaT kathayam asa tripurariP maha%mune sahasrendra%nipatantaP tapaT kur#antam NM#aram MreWXhaP jyeWXhaP #aiWQa#an.P #ariWXhaP ca tapas#inam kiZcit % somethingD adhyatmikae % spiritral knowledgeD ca % andD e#a % reutainlyD goloke % in FolokaD radhikeM#araT % the master lf Sri 5OdhOD su%prNtaT % happyD kathayam asa % spokeD tripurarim % to Lord Si#aD maha%mune % < great sageD sahasrendra%nipatantam % the lifetimes of a thousand IndrasD tapaT % austeritiesD kur#antam % pefrformingD NM#aram % the LordD MreWXham % the $estD jyeWXham % the eldestD #aiWQa#anam % of the de#oteesD #ariWXham % the $estD ca % andD tapas#inam % austere. In the world of Foloka Lord /VWQa, the master of 5OdhO, once happily taught some of this knowledge to Si#a, the $est of de#otees and ascetics, who had performed austerities for the lifetimes of a thousand Indras. Te7ts DB and DC puWkare duWkaraP tapt#a padme padmaP ca padmajaT dVWX#a taP sadaraP kVt#a u#aca kiZcid e#a tam Matendra%pata%paryantaP kaXhoreQa kVModaram niMceWXam asthi%saraP ca kVpaya ca kVpa%nidhiT puWkare % at (uskara%tirthaD duWkaram % difficultD tapt#a % performing austeritiesD padme % in the padma%kalpaD padmam % a lotus flowerD ca % asndD padsajaT % 8rahmaD dVWX#a % seeingD tam % himD sadaram % respectfullyD kVt#a % doingD u#aca % spokeD kiZcit % somethingD e#a % indeedD tam % to himD Matendra%pata% paryantam % for the liofetime of a undr#d IndrasD taXhorysa %rharsht kVModaram % emaciatydD niMceWXam % motionlessD

asthi%saram % simply $onesD ca % andD kVpaya % with mercyD ca % andD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercy. )t (uWkara%tirtha, for a hundred lifetimes of Indra, during the (adma%kalpa, the demigod 8rahmO performed se#ere austerities. Seeing that 8rahmOawas una$le to mo#e and was so emaciated that his $ody was only $ones, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, mercifully and respectfully taught him part of this spiritual knowledge. Te7ts DD!DF siPha%kWetre pura dharmaP mat%tataP dharmiQaP #aram caturdaMendra#acchinnaP tapas tapt#a kVModaram papaXhadhyatmikaP kiZcit kVpaya ca kVpa%nidhiT kiZcic chatendra#acchinnaP atapantum u#aca saT kiZcit sanat%kumaraP ca tapantaP su%ciraP param su%tapantam anantaP ca kiZcic co#aca narada siPha%kWetre % at Simha%ksetraD pura % $eforeD dharmam % &harmaD mat % myD tatam % fatherD dharmiQam % of saintsD #aram % the $est caturdaMendra#acchinnam % the lifetimes of fourteen IndrasD tapaT % austeritiesD tapt#a % performingD kVModaram % emaciatedD papaXha % recitedD adhyatmikam % spiritual knowledgeD kiZcit % somethingD kVpaya % with mercyD ca % andD kVpa % of mercyD nidhiT % an oceanD kiZcit % somethingD Matendra#acchinnam % for the lifetimes of a hundred IndrasD atapantum % to perform austeritiesD u#aca % spokeD saT % ;eD kiZcit % somethingD sanat%kumaram % to sanat% umOraD ca % andD tapantam % performing austeritiesD su%ciram % for a long timeD param % greatD su%tapantam % se#ere austeritiesD anantam % Lord SeWaD ca % andD kiZcit % somethingD ca % andD u#aca % spokeD narada % < NOrada. "hen, at SiPha%kWetra, my father, the great saint &harma -uni, $ecame emaciated $y performing austerities for the lifetimes of fourteen Indras, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, mercifully taught him part of this spiritual knowledge. < NOrada, when Sanat%aumOr performeh rusterities for a hundred lifetimes of Indra, Lord /VWQa taught him a part of this knowledge, and when Lord SeWa performed se#ere austerities for a #ery long time, Lord /VWQa taught ;im a part of this knowledge also.

Te7t DG ciraP tapantaP kapilaP hima%Maile taspas#inam puWkare $haskare kiZcit tapantaP duWkaraP tapaT ciram % for a long timeD tapantam % performing austeritiesD kapilam % /apilaD hima% Maile % in the ;imalayasD taspas#inam % austereD wuWkare ! at (uskara%tirthaD $haskare % % on the sun planetD kiZcit % somrthingDjtapantam % performing austeritiesD duWkaram % difficultD tapaT % austerities. o /apilaa-uni, who performed long and se#ere austerities in the ;imalayas, at (uWkara%tirt a, and on the sun planetr Lord /VWQa taught part of this knowledge. Te7t DH u#aca krZcit prahladaP kiZcid dtr#asasaP $hVgum e#aP niguRhaP $haktaP ca kVpaya $hakta%#atsalaT u#acr % spokeD kiZcit % somethingD prahladam % to (rahlOdaD kiZcit % somethingD dur#asasam % to &yr#OsOD $hVgum % to 8hVguD e#am % thusD niguRham % secretD $haktam % de#oteeD ca % andD kVpaya % with mercyD $hakta%#atsalaT % who lo#es cis de#otees. Lord /VWQa also spoke parts of this knowledge to (raolOda, &ur#OsO, and 8hVgu. en this way Lord /VWQa, who lo#es ;is dn#otees, taugtt them this secret k,owledge. Te7t DI krNRa%saroware ramye yad u#aca kVpa%nidhiT MokartaP radhikaP tac ca kathayami niMamaya krNRa%saro#are % at the rastime lakeD tamye % $eautifulD yat % whatS u#aca % spokeD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercyD Mokartam % torme ted with griefD radhikam % to Sri 5OdhOD tac % thatD ca % andD kathayami % I will tellD niMamaya % please hear. (lease listen an( I will tell you what Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, said to

the grie#ing 5OdhO at that $eautiful pastime%lake. Te7t DJ #irasaP rasikaP dVWX#a #asayit#a ca #akWasi u#acadhyatmikaP kiZcid yoginNP yoginaP guruT #irasam % unhappyD rasikam % e:pert at tasting nectarD dVWX#a % seeingD #asayit#a % placingD ca % andD #akWasi % on the chestD u#aca % spokeD adhyatmikam % spiritual knowledgeD kiZcit % somethingD yoginNm % of yogaD yoginam % of the yogisD guruT % the guru. Seeing that sweet 5OdhO was dejected, Lord /VWQa held ;er to ;is chest. hen Lord /VWQa, the guru of the yogis, taught ;er something of the spiritual science of yoga. Te7t EK MrN%kVWQa u#aca jati%smare smaratmanaP kathaP #ismarasi priye sar#aP goloka%#VttantaP MrNdamnaT Mapam e#a ca MrN%kVWQa u#aca % Sri /VWQa saidD jati%smare % < =ou who ha#e the poower to remem$er =our past $irthsD smara % remem$erD atmanam % =ourselfD katham % why*D #ismarasi % =ou forgetD priye % < $elo#edD sar#am % allD goloka%#Vttantam % the story of FolokaD MrNdamnaT % of SridOmOD Mapam % the curseD e#a % indeedD ca % and. Lord /VWQa saidJ < girl with the power to remem$er =our pre#ious life, please remem$er. < $elo#ed, why do =ou forget how SridOmO cursed =ou in the world of Foloka* Te7t EB Mapat kiZcid dinaP dNne t#ad%#icchedo maya saha $ha#iWyati maha%$hage melanaP punar a#ayoT Mapat % $ecause of the curseD kiZcit % someD dinam % dayD dNne % < unhappy oneD

t#ad%#icchedaT % separation from =.uD maya % -eD saha % withDh$ha#iWyati % will $eD maha%$hage % < #ery fortunate oneD melanam % meetingD punaT % againD a#ayoT % of ?s. 8ecause of that curse =ou and I must $e separated. 8ut, < #ery foLtunate one, "e will meet again. Te7t EC punar e#a gamiWyami golokaP taP nijalayam gat#a gopaYgana$hiM ca gopair goloka%#asi$huT punaT % againD e#a % indeedD gamiWy mi % I will goD golooam % to FotokaD t m % thatD nijalayam % =our a$odeD gat#a % goingD gopaYgana$hiT % with the gopisD ca % andsD gopaiT % gopasD goloka%#asi$huT % the residents of Foloka. aking with -e the gopas, gopis, and all the residents of Fokula, I will return to =our home in the world of Foloka. Te7t ED adhunadhyatmikaP kiZcid t#aP #adami niMamaya MokaghnaP harWa%daP saraP sukhadaP manasasya ca adhuya % nowD adhyatmikam % spiritual knowledgeD kiZcit % somethingD t#am % to=ouD #adami % j will speakD niMamaya % please listenD Moka % griefD ghnam % destroyingD harWa%dam % gi#ing happinessD saram % the $estD sukhadam gi#ing happinessD manasasya % of the heartD ca % and. (lease listen. I will tell =ou some spiritual knowledge, knowledge that destroys grief and $rings happiness to tNe heart. TM7t EE ahaY sar#antaratma ca nirliptaT sar#a%karmasu #idyamanaM ca sar#eWu sar#atradVWXa e#a ca aham %rID sar#antaratma % in e#eryoneEs heartD ca %LandD nnrtkptaT % untouchedD sar#a

% in allD karmasu % actionsD #idyamanaT % $eing soD ca % andD sar#eWu % in allD sar#atra % e#erywheseD adVWXa % in#isi$leD e#a % indeedD ca % and. I am present in e#eryoneEs heart. I am ne#er touched $y karmic reaction. )lthough I am e#erywhere, I am in#isi$le. Te7t EF #ayuM carati sar#atra yathaiea sar#a%#astuWu na ca liptas tathai#ahaP sakWN ca sar#a%karmaQam #ayuT % the windD carati % goesD sar#atra % e#erywhereD yatha % asD e#a % indeedD sar#a%#astuWu % in e#erythingD nh % notD ca % andD liptaT % touchedD tatha % soD e#a % indeedD aham % ID sakWN % the witnessD ca % andD sar#a%karmaQam % of all actions. )s the wind goes e#erywhere $ut is ne#er touched, so I am ne#er touched $y karma. I am the witness of the karma of all conditioned souls. Te7t EG jN#o mat%prati$im$aM ca sar#aT sar#atra jN#iWu $hokta Mu$haMu$hanaP ca karta ca karmaQaP sada jN#aT % the indi#idual li#ing entityD mat%prati$im$aT % -y reflectionD ca % andD sar#aT % allD sar#atra % e#erywhereD jN#iWu % in the li#ing entitiesD $hokta % the enjoyerD Mu$haMu$hanam % of the good and $andD ca % andD karta % the doerD ca % andD karmaQam % of karmaD sada % always. he indi#idual li#ing entity is -y reflection. I am e#erything. I am present e#erywhere and nn all li#ing entities. I am the supreme enjoyer. I gi#e the karmic results of good and e#il deeds. Te7t EH yataT jala%ghaXeW# e#a maQRalaP candra%suryayoT hagneWu teWu saPMliWXas tayor e#a tatha mayi

yaoaT % $ecauseD jala%ghaXeW# % in eater potsD e#a % ind edD maQRalad % the cirSleD candra%suryayoT % of the sun and the moonD $hagneWu % $rokenD teWu % in themD saPMliWXaT % em$racedD tayoT % of thomD e#a % indeedD tatha % soD mayi % in -e. "hen the pot is $roken, the refuection of the suntor the moon in a pot of water is no longer seen. In the same way, when the karmic reactions of the indi#idual li#ing entity are $roken, he returns to -e. Te7t EI jN#a%MliWXas tatha kale mVteWu jN#iWu priye a#aP ca#idyamanau ca satataP sar#a%jantuWu jN#a%MliWXaT % the em$raced li#ing entityD tatha l soD kale % at theytimeD mVteWu % deadD jN#iWu % li#ing entitiesD priye % < $elo#edD a#am % of ?sD ca % andD a#idyamanau % not $eing soD ca % andD satatam % alwaysD sar#a%jantuWu % in all li#ing entites. "hen a li#ing entity $ecomes li$erated he comes to -e at the time of his death. < $elo#ed, =ou and I are always present in the hearts of all li#ing $eings. Te7t EJ adharaM caham adheyP karyaP ca karaQaP #ina aye sar#aQi dra#yani naM#araQi ca sundari adharaT m the maintainerD ca % andD aham %wID adheym t the maintainedD karyam % the effectD ca % andD karaQam % the causeD #ina % withoutD aye % <hD sar#aQi % all thingsD dra#yani % thingsD naM#araQi % temporhryD ca % andD sundari % < $eautiful on . < $eautiful one, I am the maintainer and the maintained, the cause and the effect. "ithout -e e#erything perishes. Th7t FK

a#ir$ha#adhikaT kutra kutracin nyunam e#a ca mamaPMaT ke Epi de#aM ca kecid de#aT kalas tatha a#ir$ha#a % manifestationD adhikaT % moreD kutra % where*D kutracit % somewhereD nyunam % lessD e#a % indeedD ca % andD mamaPMaT % -y partsD ke % who*D api % e#enD de#aT % the demigodsD ca % andD kecit % someD de#aT % demigodsD kalaT % parts of the partsD tatha % so. In some places I am personally present in full and in other places I am not present personally, $ut my part and parcel is present. he demigods are either -y parts and parcels or else they are the parts of -y parts and parcels. Te7ts FB and FC kecit kala kalaPMaPsas tad%aPMaPsaM ca kecana mad%aPMaT prakVtiT sukWma sa ca murtya c paZcadha saras#atN ca kamala durga t#aP capi #edasuT sar#a%de#aT prakVtika ya#anto murti%dhariQaT kecit % someD kala % parts of the partsD kalaPMaPsaT % parts opf the parts of the parts of the partsD tad%aPMaPsaT % the parts of those partsD ca % andD kecana % someD mad%aPMaT % directly -y partsD prakVtiT % potencyD sukWma % su$tle natureD sa % thatD ca % andD murtya % with formD ca % andD paZcadha % fi#e kindsD saras#atN % Saras#atiD ca % andD kamala % LakWmiD durga % &urgOD t#am % =ouD ca % andD api % alsoD #edasuT % SO#itriD sar#a%de#aT % all the demigodsD prakVtika % the internal potencyD ya#antaT % asD murti%dhariQaT % manifesting forms. Some are the parts and parcels of.-y parts )nd p+rcels, others are the parts and parcels of these parts and parcels, and still others are the parts and parcels of those parts and parcels. -y internal potency is directly -y part and parcel and has fi#e formsJ Saras#ati, LakWmi, &urgO, SO#itri, and =ou. )ll the demigods, who ha#e material forms in the material world, are manifested from this internal potency. Te7t FD aham atma nitya%dehN

$hakta%dhyananurodhataT ye ye prakVtika radhe te naWXaT prakVte laye aham % ID atma % the Supreme SoulD nitya%dehN % whose form is eternalD $hakta% dhyananurodhataT % accorting to the ae#oteesE meditationD ye ye % whiche#erD prakVtika % ha#ing materialm$odysD radhe % < 5OdhOD te % theyD naWXaT % destroyedD prakVte % whenrmatterD laye % is destroyed. I am the Supre e (ersonality of Fodhead. -y form is eternal. he de#otees meditate on -e. < 5OdhO, when the uni#erse is destroyed, all that is madS of mat er perishes. Te7t FE aham e#asam e#agre paMcad apy ahym e#a ca yathahaP ca tatha t#aP ca y yatha dha#alya%dugdhayoT aham % ID eua % indeedD asam % wasD e#a % indeedD agre % $eforeD paMcat % afterD api % alsoD aham % ID e#a % indeedD ca % andD yatha % asD aham % ID ca % andD tatha % soD t#am % =ouD ca % andD yatha.% asD dha#alya % of whitenrssD dugdhayoT % and milk. n 8efore th. material uni#erse was manifest, I e:isted. )fter the material un #erse is destroyed, I will continue to y:ist. )s I am, so are =ou. "emare like milk nd whiteness. Te7ts FF and FG $hedaT kadapi nd $ha#en niMcitaP ca tatha#ayoT ahaP mahan #iraX sVWXau #iM#ani yasya lomasu aPMas t#aP tatra mahatN s#amMena tasya kaminN ahaP kWudra%#iraX sVWXau #iM#aP yan%na$hi%padmataT $hedaT % separatedD kadapi % sometimesD na % notD $ha#en % may $eD niMcitam % indeedD ca % andD tatha % soD a#ayoT % of ?sD aham % ID mahan % greatD #iraX % -ahO% ViWQuD sVWXau % in the creationD #iM#ani % the uni#ersesD yasya % of whomD lomasu % in

the poresD aPMaT % partD t#am % =ouD tatra % thereD mahatN % greatD s#amMena % $y =our partD tasya % of thatD kaminN % $eautiful girlD aham % ID kWudra% #iraX % Lord Far$hodakaMOyi ViWQuD sVWXau % in the creationD #iM#am % the uni#erseD yan%na$hi% padmataT % from whose lotus na#el. =ou and I are not different. "hen I $ecome Lord -ahO%ViWQu, from whose ppres the uni#erses come in the $eginnihg of creation, =ou e:pand to $ecome Foddess -ahO%LakWmi. "hen I $ecome Lord Far$hodakaMOyi ViWQu, from whose lotus na#el the uni#erse de#elops, =ou e:pand to $ecome Foddess LakWmi. Te7t FH ayaP #iWQor loma%kupe #aso me caPMataT sati tasya strN t#aP ca $VhatN e s#nmMena su$haga tatha ayam % ;eD #iWQoT % Lord ViWQuD loma%kupe % in the poreD #asaQ % residenceD me % of -eD ca % andD aPMataT % from a partD sati % < saintly oneD tasya % of ;imD strN % the consortD t#am % =ouD ca % andD $VhatN % greatD s#amMena % $y a partD su$haga % $eautifulDetatha %aso. < saintly one, when from a pore of Lord Far$hodakaMOyi ViWQu I e:pand as Lord /WirodakaMOyi ViWQu, =ou e:pand to $ecome $eautiful Foddess LakWmi, -y consort. Te7t FI tasya #iM#e ca pratyekaP $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adayaT $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#a aPMas canyaM capi ca mat% nlaT tasya % of ;imD #iM#e % uni#erseD ca % andD pratyekam % in eachD $rahma%#iWQu% Mi#adayaT % $eginning with 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#a % 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD aPMaT % partsD ca % andD anyaT % othersD ca % alsoD api % andD ca % andD mat%kalaT % parts of -y parts. In each uni#erse are many demigods, $eginning with 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a. 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a are directly -y parts and parcels. he other demigods are parts of -y parts and parcels.

Te7t FJ mat%kalaPMaPsa%kalaya sar#e de#i caracaraT #aikuQXhe t#aP maha%lakWmNr ahaP tatra catur%$hujaT mat%kalaPMaPsa%kalaya % as the parts of the parts opf -y partsD sar#e % allD de#i % < goddessD caracaraT % mo#ing and unmo#ing $eingsD #aikuQXhe % in VaikuQXhaD t#am % =ouD maha%lakWmNT % mahO%LakWmiD aham % ID tatra % thereD catur%$hujaT % fomr% handed Lord NOrOyaQa. he mo#ing and unmo#ing li#ing entities are parts and parcels of the parts and parcels of -y parts and parcels. In the spiritual wor anof VaikuQXha =ou are Foddess -ahO%LakWmi, and I am four%handed Lord NOrOyaQa. Pe7t GK sa ca #iM#ad $ahiM cardhaP yatha goloka e#a ca saras#atN t#aP satye ca sa#itrN $rahmaQaT priya sa % ;eD ca % andD #iM#at % the uni#erseD $ahiT % outsideD ca % anoD ardham % halfD y tha % asD goloka % in FolokaD e#a % indeedD ca % andD saras#atN % Saras#atiD t#am % =ouD satye % in truthD ca % andD sa#itrN % SO#itriD $rahmaQaT % of 8rahmOD priya % the $elo#ed. )s the world of Foloka is $eyond the world of matter, so is VaikuQXha also $eyond the world of matter. =ou e:pand as Foddess Saras#ati and Foddess SO#itri, who is dear to Lord 8rahmO. Te7t GB Mi#aloke Mi#a t#aP ca mula%prakVtir NM#arN #inaMya durgaP durga ca sar#a%durga%#inaMinN Mi#aloke % on Si#alokaD Mi#a % the consort of Lord Si#aD t#am % =ouD ca % andD mula% prakVtiT % the root of matterD NM#arN % thegoddesaJ #inaMya % aillingD durgam % &urgaD durga % &urgOD ca % andD sar#a%durga%#inaMinN % destoying all calamities.

In the world of Si#aloka =ou e:pand as Lord Si#aEs di#ine consort, who is the root of matter. 8ecause sherkilled a demon named &urga, and $ecause she destroys all calamities (durga), she is knownethere as &urgO. Te7t GC sa e#a dakWa%kanya ca sa e#a Maila%kanyaka kailase par#atN tena sau$hagya Mi#a%#akWasi sa % sheD e#a % indeedD dakWa%kanya % the daughter of &akWaD ca % andD sa % SheD e#a % inanedD Maila%kanyaka % the daughter of the ;imalayasD kailase % on -sunt /ailOsaD par#atN % (Or#atiD tena % $y thisD sau$hagya % #ery fortunateD Mi#a%#akWasi % on Lord Si#hEs cha,t. She e:pands as &akWaEs daughter eati and as ;imOlayaEs daughter, #ery fortunate (Or#ati, who rests on Lord Si#aEs chest. Te7t GD s#amMena t#aP sindhu%kanya kWNrode #iWQu%#akWasi ahaP s#amMena sVWXau ca $rahma%#iWQu%maheM#araT s#amMena % $y =our own p$rtD t#am % =ouD sindhu%kanya % the daughter of the oceanD kWNrode % in the ocean of milkD #iWQu%#akWasi % on the chets$of Lord ViWQuD aham % ID s#amMena % $y a partD sVWXau % in the creationD ca % andD $rahma%#iWQu% maheM#araT % 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a. =ou e:pand as Foddess LakWmi, the daughter of the ocean, and on the ocean of milk =ou rest on Lord ViWQuEs chest. In the $eginning of creation I e:pand as 8rahmO, niWQu, and Si#a. Te7t GE t#aP cm lakWmNT Mi#anShatrN sa#itrN ca pVthak pVthak goloke ca s#ayaP radha rase raseM#arN sada

t#am % =ouD ca % andD lakWmNT % LakWmiD Mi#a % (Or#atiD dhatrN % &hOtriD sa#itrN % SO#itriD ca % andD pVthak pVthak % #ariousD goloke % in FolokaD ca % andD s#ayam % personallyD radha % 5OdhOD rase % in the rOsa danceD raseM#arN % the Bueen of the rOsa danceD sada % eternally. =ou e:pand as LakWmi, (Or#ati, &rOtrw, SO#itri, and many ot er goddesses. In the world of Foloka =ou personally appear in =our original form as Sri 5OdhO, the Bueen of the rOsa dance. =ou stay there, in the rOsa%dance circle, eternally. Te7thGF #Vnda #Vnda#ane ramye #iraja #iraja%taXe sa t#aP MrNdama%Mapena $harataP puQyam agata #Vnda % VVndOD #Vnda#ane % in VVndO#anaD ramye % $eautifulD #)raja % VirajrD #iraja% taXe % on the shore of the VirajO ri#erD sa % SheD t#am % =ouD MrNdama%Mapena % $y SridOmOEs curseD $haratam % to the earthD puQyam % sacredD agata % come. In $eautiful VVndO#ana =our e:pansion is VVndO. <n the shore of the VirajO ri#er =our e:pansion isiVirajO. Cursed $y SridOmO, =ou ha#e come to the sacred realm of the earth. Te7t GG putaP kartuP $harataP ca #VndaraQyaP ca sundari t#at%kalaP s#aPMa%kalaya #iM#eWu sar#a%yoWitaT putam % purifiedD kartum % to makeD $haratam % the earthD ca % andD #VndaraQyam % VVndO#ana forestD ca % andD sundari % < $e utiful oneD t#at%kalam % =our e:parsionD s#aPMa%kalana % $y a part of =our partD #iM#eWu % in the uni#ersesD sar#a%yoWitaT % all women. < $eautiful one, =ou ha#e come here to sanctify the earth. )ll women in the many uni#erses are parts and parcels of a part and parcel of a part and parcel of =ou. Te7t GH ya yoWit sa ca $ha#atN

yaT puman so Eham e#a ca ahaP ca kalaya #ah is t#aP s#aha dahika priya ya % whoD yoWit % womanD sa % sheD ca % andD $ha#atN % =ouD yaT % whoD puman % a manD saT % heD aham % ID e#a % indeedD ca % andD aham % ID ca % nrD /alaya % $y a part of a partD #ahniT % )gniD t#am % =ouD s#aha % S#OhOD dahska % the consort of )gniD priya % dear. >#ery woman is part an parcel of =ou, and e#ery man is part and parcel of -e. -y part and parcel is the demigod )gni, and =our part and parcel is his $elo#ed S#OhO. Te7t GI t#aya saha samarto EhaP nalaP dagdhuP ca t#aP #ina ahaP dNpitimata suryaT kalayafi#aP pra$hakarN t#aya % = ouD saha % withD samartaT % a$leD aham % ID na % notD alam % a$leD dagdhum % to $urnD ca % andD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD aham % ID dNpitimata % shiningD suryaT % the sunD kalaya % $y a partD t#am % =ouD pra$hakarN % the consort of the sun. "ith =our part and parcel present, -y part and parcel )gni has the power to $urn. "ithout =ou ;e has no such power. -y part and parcel is the $rilliant sun%god. =our part and parcel is his consort (ra$hOkari. Te7t GJ samjZa t#aP ca t#aya $hami t#aP #inahaP na dNptiman ahaP ca kalaya candras t#aP ca Mo$ha ca rohiQN tsamnZa % SamjnaD t#am % =ouD ca % anLD t#aya % wito =ouD $hami % I shineD t#am % =ouD #inaham % withoutD na % notD dNptiman % shiningD aham % ID ca % andD kalaya % $y a partD candraT % thje moonD t#am % =ouD ca % andD Mo$ha % $eautifulD ca % andD rohiQN % 5ohiQi.

-y part and parcel is the moonigod, and =our part and parcels are SaPjZO and $eautiful 5ohiQi. "ith =our part ynd parcel present the moon shines $rirliantly, $ut without her he cannot shine. Te7t HKs manoharas t#aya sardhaP , t#aP #ina na ca sundaraT aham indraM ca kalaya sar#a%lakWmNM ca t#aP sacN manoharaT % handsomeD t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD na % notD ca % andD sundaraT % handsomeD aham % ID indraT % IndraD ca % andD kalaya % as a part of a partD sar#a%lakWmNT % all%$eautifulD ca % andD t#am % =ouD sacN % Saci. -y part and parcel is Indra, and =our part and parcel is all%$eautiful Saci. "ith =our part and parcel present Indra is glorious, $ut without her he is not. Te7t HB t#aya sardhaP de#a%rajo hata%MrNM ca t#aya #ina ahaP dharmaM ca kalaya t#aP ca murtiM ca dharmiQN t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD de#a%rajaT % the king of the demigodsD hata%MrNT % glory destroyedD ca % andD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD aham % ID dharmaT % &harmaD ca % andD kalaya % $y a partD t#am % =ouD ca % andD murtiT % -UrtiD ca % ansdD dharmiQN % saintly. -y part and parcel is =amarOja, and =our part and parcel is saintly -Urti. "ith =our part and parcel present =amarOja is glorious, $ut without her he is not. Te7t HC nahaP Makto dharma%kVtye t#aP ca dharma%kriyaP #ina ahaP yajZaM ca kalaya t#aP s#ahamMena dakWiQa na % notD aham % ID MaktaT % am a$leD dharma%kVtye % in pious deedsD t#am % =ouD ca % andD dharma%kriyam % pious deedsD #ina % withoutD aham % ID yajZaT % =ajnaD ca % andD kalaya % $y a part of a partD t#am % =ouD s#ahamMena % as a part of S#OhOD dakWiQa % &akWiQO.

-y part nd parcel is =ajZa, and =our Sart and parcel is & kWiQO, who is e:panded from S#OhO. "ith =our part and parcel present =ajZa las the power to $e a pious deed, $ut without her he has no such power. Te7t HD t#aya sardhaP ca phalado Epy asamarthas t#ayat#ina kalaya pitVloko EhaP s#amrena t#aP s#adha satN t#ayu aP ka#ya%dane ca sada nalaP t#aya #ina t#aya % =ouD sardham % withD ca % andD phaladaT h gi#ing fruitsD api % alsoD asamarthaT % rna$lyD t#aya % =ouD #ina % withoutD kalaya % with a part of a partD pitVlokaT % (itVlokaD aham % ID s#amMena % with =our partD t#am =ouD s#adha % S#OdhOD sati % < saintly oneD t#aya % with =ouD alam % a$leD ka#ya%dane % in offering ka#yaD ca % andD sada % NlwaysD na % notD alam n a$leD t#aya % =ouD #ina % without. -y partmand parcel is (itVloka, and =our part and parcel is S#adhO. "ith =our part and parcel present (itVloka has the power to reward piety, $ut without her he has no such power. "ith her present he can accept offerings of /O#ya, $ut without her he cannot. Te7t HE ahaP pumaPs t#aP prakVtir na MraWXahaP t#aya #ina aham % ID puman % a manD t#am % =ouD prakVtiT % a womanD na % notD MraWXa % the creatorD aham % ID t#aya % =ouD #ina % without. I am male and =ou are female. "ithout =ou I cannot create the worlds. Te7t HF t#aP ca sampat%s#arupa aP NM#araM ca t#aya saha lakWmN%yuktas t#aya lakWmya niTMrNd M ca t#aya #ina t#am % =out ca % andD sampat % of opulenceD s#arupa % the formD aham % ID NM#araT % the controllerD ca % andD t#aya % =ouD saha % withD lakWmN%yuktaT % possessing glory and opulenceD t#aya % with =ouD lakWmya % the goddess of fortuneD niTMrNkaT % de#oid of

glory and opulenceD ca % andD t#aya % =ouD #ina % without. =ou are the goddess of glory and opulence and I am the supreme controller. "ith =ou peesent I am filled with glory and opulence. "ithout =ou I ha#e no glory or opulence. Te7ts HG and HH yatha nalaP kulalaM ca ghaXaP kartuP mVda #ina ahaP MeWaM ca kalaya s#amMena t#aP #asundhara t#aP MaMya%ratnadharaP ca $i$harmi murdhni sundari t#aP ca kantiM ca MantiM ca murtir murtimatN satN yatha % asD na % notD alam % a$leD kulalaT % a potterD ca % andD ghatam % a potD kartum % to makeD mrda % clayD #ina % withoutD aham % ID MeWaT % SeWaD ca % andD kalaya % with the part of a partD s#amMena % $y =our partD t#am % =ouD #asundhara % the earthD t#am % =ouD MaMya%ratnadharam % the a$ode of crops and jewelsD ca % andD $i$harmi % I holdD murdhni % on the headD sundari % < $eautiful oneD t#am % =ouD ca % andD kantiT % $eautyD ca % andD MantiT % peaceD ca % andD murtiT % hormD murtimatN %aha#ign a formD satN % saintly. )s a potter cannot create a pot without clay, so I cannot create the worlds without =ou. I e:pand as Lord SeWa and =ou e:pand as the earth, the resting place of crops and jewels. hen I carry =ou, the earth, on -y head. < $eautiful one, =ou are $eauty, peace, form, gracefulness, saintliness, . . . Te7t HI tuWXiT puWXiT kWama lajja kWudha tVWQa para daya nidra suddha ca tandra ca murcha ca sannatiT kriya tuWXiT % satisfactionD puWXiT % nourishmentD kWama % toleranceD lajja % shynessD kWudha % hungerD tVWQa % thirstD para % greatD daya % mercyD ridra % sleepD Muddha % purityD ca % andD tandra % fatigueD ca % andD murcha % faintingDuca % andD sannatiT % humilityD kriya % religious rituals.

. . . satisfaction, prosperity, forgi#eness, shyness, hunger, thirst, mercy, sleep, purity, fatigue, unconsciousness, humility, religious rituals, . . . Te7t HJ murti%rupa $hakti%rupa dehinaP deha%rupiQN mamadhara sada t#aP ca ta#atmahaP panasparam murti%rupa % the form of $eautyD $hakti%rupa % the form of de# tionD dehinam % of the emodiek soulsD deha%rupiQN % the form of the formD mama % of -eD adhara % the resting placeD sada % alwaysD tram % =ouD ca % andD ta#a % of =ouD atma % the SelfD aham % ID parasparam % mutually. . . . gracefulness, de#otion, and form. =ou are -y support. =ou are -y heart, and I a$ =ours. #e7t rK yatha t#aP caatatsahaP ca samau prakVti%puruWau na hi sVWXir $ha#ed de#N d#ayor ekataraP #ina yatha % asD t#am % =ouD ca % andD tatha % soD aham % ID ca % andD samau % eBualD prakVti%puruWau % male and femaleD na % notD hi % indeedD sVWXiT % creationD $ha#et % may $eD de#i % < goddessD d#ayoT % of $othD ekataram % oneD #ina % without. )s am Ie so are =ou. e are enual. I am male and =ou are female. < goddess, unless "e $ecome one the world cannot $e manifested. Te7t IB ity ukt#a paramatma ca radhaP praQadhikaP priyam kVt#a #akWasi su%prNto

$odhayam asa narada iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD paramatma % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD ca % andD radham % to 5OdhOD praQadhikam % more dear than lifeD priyam % dearD kVt#h % doingD #akWasi % on the chestD su%prNtaT % pleasedD $odhayam asa % enlightenedD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, in this way $lissful Lord /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, held to ;is chest Sri 5OdhO, who is more dear to ;im than life, and enlightened ;er with these words. Te7t IC sa ca krNRa%niyuktaM ca $a$h$u#a ratna%mandire taya ca radhaya sardhaP kamukya saha kamukaT sa % ;eD ca % andD krNRa%niyuktaT % engaged in pastimesD ca % andD $a$h$u#a % $ecameD ratna%mandire % in the jewel palaceD taya % ;erD ca % andD radhaya % Sri 5OdhOD sardham % withD kamukya % passionareD saha % withD kamukaT % passionate. hen amorous Lord /VWQa enjoyed pastimes with amorous Sri 5OdhO in that palace of jewels.

%ha*ter $i7ty!eight+ri R0dh0!5o#a!vimo3ana+ri R0dh01s 6rie( @s Removed

Te7t B MrN%narayaQa u#aca kVt#a krNRaP samutthaya puWpa%talpat puratanaT nidritaP praQa%sadVMNP $odhayam asa tat kWaQam

MrN%narayaQa u#aca % Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi sa dD kVt#a % doingD krNRam % pastimesD samutthaya % risingD puWpa%talpat % from the couch of flowersD puratanaT % tfe ancient Supreme (ers,nality of FodheadD nidritam % asleepD praQa%sadVMNm % dear as lifeD $odhayam asa % awakenedD tat % thatD kWaQam % moment. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ "hen the pastimes came to an end, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead rose from the couch whiflowers and wakened ;isnslteping $elo#ed, who is more dear to ;im than life. Te7t C #astraZcdlena saPskVtya kVt#a tan%nirmalaP mukham u#aca madhuraP MantaP MantaP ca madhusudanaT #astraZcalena % with the corner of the garmentD saPskVtya % makingD kVt#a % doingD tan%nirmalam % cleanD mukham % faceD u#aca % spokeD madhuram % sweetD Mantam % peacefulD Mantam % peacefulD ca % andD madhusudanaT % Lord /VWQa. "iping ;er face with the edge of ;is garment, Lord /VWQa spoke swept and gentle words to gentle Sri 5OdhO. Te7t D MrN%kVWQa u#aca ayi tiWXha kWaQaP rase raseM#ari Muci%smite #raja #Vnda#anaP #api #rajaP #raja #rajeM#ari MrN%kVWQa u#aca % Sri /VWQa saidD ayi % <D tiWXha % stayD kWaQam % a momwntD raseS% in the rOsa danceD raseM#ari % < Bueen of thy rOsa danceD Muci%smite % < girl with the splendid smileD #raja % goD #Vnda#anam % to VVndO#anaD #a % orD api % alsoD #rajam % VrajaD #raja % goD #rajeM#ari % < Bueen of Vraja. Lord /VWQa saidJ < girl with the $eautiful smile, < Bueen of the rOsa dance, please stay for a moment in the rOsa dance circle, and then, < Bueen of Vraja, =ou may go to Vraja or VVndO#ana.

Te7t E rasadhiWXhatV%de#N t#aP rasaP rase kuru kWaQam grame grame yatha santi sarsatra grama%de#ataT rasadhiWXhatV%de#N % the Bueen of the rOsa danceD t#am % =ouD rasam % the rOsa danceD rase % in the rOsa danceD kuru % please doD kWaQam % a momentD grame % in #illageD grame % after #illageD yatha % asD santi % areD sar#atra % e#erywhereD grama% de#ataT % the #illage deities. =ou are the Bueen of the rOsa dance. @or a moment plVase preside o#er a rOsa dance in this place, as the local deities preside o#er the acti#ities in #illage after #illage. Te7t F priyali%ni#ahaiT sardhaP kWaQaP candana%kananam kWaQaP #a campaka%#anaP gaccha #a tiWXha sundari priyali%ni#ahaiT % many dear friendsD sardham % withD kWaQam % anmorontD candana%kananam % a sandal gro#eD kWaQam % a momentD #a % orD campaka%#anam % a campaka gro#eD gaccha % goD #a % orD tiWXha % stayD sundari % < $eautiful one.

"ith =our dear frie ds go for a while to the sandalwood gro#e, or the campaka gro#e, or stay here, < $eautiful one. Te7t G kWaQaP gVhaP ca yasyami #iMiWXaP karyam asti me #iramaP dehi me prNtya kWaQaP maP praQa%#alla$he kWaQam % for a momentD gVham % homeD ca % andD yasyami % I will goD #iMiWXam % specificD karyam % dutyD asti % isD me % of -eD #iramam % stopD dehi % please gi#eD me % to -eD prNtya % happilyD kWaQam % a momentD mam % to -eD praQa%#alla$he % < girl more dear than life.

I must return home for a while. I ha#e some urgent $usiness there. < girl more dear than life, please happily allow -e to go. Te7t H praQadhiWXhatV%de#N t#aP praQaM ca t#ayi santi me praQN #ihaya praQaPM ca kutra sthatuP kWamaT priye praQadhiWXhatV%de#N % the wuler of -y aifeD t#am % =ouD praQaT % lifeD ca % andD t#ayi % in =ouD santi % areD me % of -eD praQN % li#ingD #ihaya % a$andoningD praQan % lifeD ca % andD kutra % where*D sthatum %ito stayD kWamaT % a$leD priye % < $elo#ed. =ou rule -y life. -y life stays in =ou. < dear one, if I relinBuish -y life, how can I lt#e* Te7t I t#ayi ma manasaP MaM#at t#aP me saPsara%#asaja t#attd mama priya nasti t#am e#a MaYkarat priya t#ayi % in =ouD ma % -yD manasam % heart and mindD MaM#at % alwaysD t#am % =ouD me % of -eD sahsara%#asana % tte desireD t#attaT % than =ouD mama % of -eD priya % dearD na % notD asti % isD t#am % =ouD e#a % indeedD MaYkarat % than Lord Si#aD priya r dear. -y heart and mind reside in =ou. =ou are -y desire. No one is more dear to -e than =ou. =ou are more dear to -e than e#en Lord Si#a himself. Te7t J praQa me MaYkaraT satyaP

. t#aP ca praQadhika sati ity ukt#a taP samaMliWya $haga#an gantum udyataT praQa % lifeD me % of -eD MaYkaraT % Lord Si#aD satyam % in truthD t#am % =ouD ca % andD praQadhika % more than lifeD sati % < saintly oneD iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD tam % ;erD samaMliWya % em$racingD $haga#an % the Supreme (ersonality ap FodheadD gantum % to goD udyataT % prepared. Lord Si#a is -y #ery life, $ut =ou, < $eautiful one, are more than life to -e. )fter speaking these words, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead em$raced Sri 5OdhO and then prepared to depart. Te7t BK akruragamanaP jZat#a sar#ajZaT sar#a%sadhanaT atma pata ca sar#eWaP sar#opakara%karakaT akrura % of )krUraD agamanam % the arri#alD jZat#a % knowingD sar#ajZaT % all% knowingD sar#a%sadhanaT % all%powerfulD atma % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD pata % the protectorD ca % andD sar#eWam % of allD sar#opakara%karakaT % the $enefactor of all. Lord /VWQa, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, the all%powerful and all% knowing protector and $enefactor of all, understood that )krUra had already come to VVndO#ana. Te7t BB dVWX#a tam e#a gacchantaP utsukaP $hinna%manasam u#aca radhika de#N hVdayena #iduyata dVWX#a % seeingD tam % ;imD e#a % indeedD gacchantam % comingD utsukam % eagerD $hinna%manasam % in ;is heart prepared to departD u#aca % spokeD radhika de#N % Foddess 5OdhOD hVdayena % with a heartD #iduyata % trem$ling.

<$rer#ing that Lord /VWQa h d decedyd to depart, with a trem$ling heart Foddess 5OdhO spoke. Te7t BC MrN%radhiko#aca he natha ramaQa%MreWXha MreWXhaM ca preyasaP mama he kVWQa he rama%natha #rajeMa ma #raja #rajam MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD he % <D natha % masterD ramiQa%MreWXha % < $est of lo#ersD MreWXhaT % $estD ca % andD preyasam % of $elo#edsD mama % of -eD he % <D kVWQa % /VWQaD he % <D rama%natha % master of the goddess of fortuneD #rajeMa % < king of VrajeD ma % donEtD #raja % goD #rajam % to Vraja. Sri OdhO saidJ < masthr, < $est of lo#ers, =ou are most dear t, -e. < /VWQa, < master of the goddess of fortune, < king of Vraja, please donEt go to Vraja. Te7t BD adhun N#aP praQa%natha paMyami $hinna%manasam gate t#ayi mama prema gataP sau$hagyam e#a ca adhuna % nowD t#am % =ouD praQa%natha % < master of -y lifeD paMyami % I seeD $hinna%manasam % decided to goD gate % goneD t#ayi % when =ou areD mama % of -eD prema % the lo#eD gatam % goneD sau$hagyam % good fortuneD e#a % indeedD ca % and. < mastmr of -y life,aI see that =ou ha#e decided to depart. "hen =ou go =oujwill no longer lo#e -e. hen -y good fortune will also $e gone. Te7t BE k#a yasi maP #inikWipya ga$hNre Moka%sagare #iraha%#yakulaP dNnaP t#ayy e#a `caraQagatam k#a % where*D yasi % =ou goD mam % -eD #inikWipya % lea#ingD ga$hNre % deepD `coka%

sagare % in an ocean of griefD #iraha % $y a$senceD #yakulam % tormentedD dNnam % poorD t#ayi % in =ouD e#a % indeedD `caraQagatam % taken shelter. "here must =ou go* =ou will throw -e into a deep ocean of grief. )lthough I ha#e taken shelter of =ou and surrendered to =ou, =ou will torment -e $y lea#ing. Te7t BF na yasyami punar gehaP yasyami kananantaram kVWQa kVWQeti kVWQeti gayaP gayaP di#a%ni`cam na % notD yasyami % I will goD punaT % againD geham % homeD yasyami % I will goD kananantaram % to another forestD kVWQa % < /VWQaD kVWQa % < /VWQaD iti % thusD kVWQa % < /VWQaD iti % thusD gayam % singingD gayam % and singingD di#a%ni`cam % day and night. I will not return home. I will go to another forest. &ay and night I will sing, /VWQa\ /VWQa\ /VWQa\L Te7t BG na yasyamy atha#araQyaP yasyami kama%sagare tatra t#at%kamanaP kVt#a tyakWyami ca kale#aram na % notD yasyami % I will goD atha#a % orD araQyam % to a forestD yasyami % I will goD kama%sagare % in the ocean of desiresD tatra % thereD t#at % of =ouD kamanam % the desireD kVt#a % doingD tyakWyami % I will a$andonD ca % andD kale#aram % this $ody. (erhaps I will not go to another forest. (erhaps I will go to the ocean of desires. here, desiring only =ou, I will gi#e up this $ody. Te7t BH yathaka`co yathatma ca yatha candro yatha ra#iT tatha t#aP yasi mat%par`c#e ni$addho #asanaZcale yatha % asD aka`caT % the skyD yatha % asD atma % the SelfD ca % andD yathat% asmVcandraT

% the moonD yatha % asD ra#iT % the sunD tatha % soD t#am % =ouD yasi % goD mat%par`c#e % to -y sideD ni$addhaT % $oundD #asana % $y the garmentD aZcale % to the corner. )s the sky, the sun, the moon, the air, and the Supersoul always follow -e, may =ou always follow -e, always $y -y side, the corners of <ur garments tied together. Te7t BI adhuna yasi naira`cyaP kVt#a me dNna%#atsala na yukta hi parityaktuP dNnaP maP MaraQagatam adhuna % nowD yasi % =ou goD nairaMyam % hopeless despairD kVt#a % creatingD me % of -eD dNna%#atsala % < Lord affectionate to the poor and sufferingD na % notD yukta % rightD hi % indeedD parityaktum % to lea#eD dNnam % poorD mam % -eD MaraQagatam % taken shelter and surrendered to =ou. < master who lo#es the poor, =ou will pus -e into despair and then depart. It is noS right for =ou a$andon unhappy -e, who ha#e taken shelter of =ou and surrendered to =ou. Te7t BJ yat%pada%padmaP dhyayante $rahma%#iWQu%Mi#adayaT t#aP mayaya gopa%#eWaP kathaP janami matsarN yat%uada%padmam %ywhose lotus feetD dhyayante o meditateD $rahma%#iWQu% Mi#adayaT % headed $y 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#aD t#am % =ouD mayaya % with =our potencyD gopak#eWam % the appearance of a gopaD katham % why*D janamir% I knowD matsarN % en#ious. ;ow can I, an en#ious womat, understand nou, whose =ogamOyO potency makes =ou seem an ordinary gopa, =ou, on whose lotus feet the demigodh headed $y 8rahmO, ViWQu, and Si#a meditate* Te7t CK kVtaP yad de#a durQNtaP aparadha%sahasrakam

yad uktaP pati%$ha#ena ca$himanena tat kWama kVtam % donD yat % whatD de#a % < LordD durQNtam % sinD aparadha% sahasrakam % a thousand offensesD yat % whatD uktam % spokenD pati%$ha#ena % with the idea of $eing a lo#erD ca % andD a$himanena % with prideD tat % thatD kWama % please forgi#e. < master, please forgi#e the thousand offensi#e, arrogant words I spoke, thinking =ou were only -y lo#er. Te7t CB curQN%$hutaM ca mad%gar#o durN%$huto manorathaT #ijZatam atma%sau$hagyaP kim anyat kathayami te curQN%$hutaT % crushed into piecesD ca % andD mad%gar#aT % -y prideD durN%$hutaT % throwp far awayD manorathaT % desireD #ijZatam % knownD atma%sau$hagyam % -y own ood fortuneD kim % what*D anyat % otherD kathayami % I sayD te % to =ou. Now -y pride is crushed into pieces. Now desires are thrown far away. Now I know how fortunate I was. "hat more can I say to =ou* Te7t CC jZat#a garga%mukhac chrut#a mohita ta#a mayaya t#aP ca #aktuP na Maknomi premQa #a $hakti%paMataT jZah#a % understandD garga%mukhat % from Farga -uniEs mouthD Mrut#a % hearingD mohita % $ewilderedD ta#a % of =ouD mayaya % tt the potencyo uwam % =ouD ca % andD #artum % 3to sayD na % nVtD Maknomi % a$yeD premQa % with lo#eD #a % orD $hakti%paMataT % with ropes of lo#e. 1#ercome with lo#e, $ound with ropes of lo#e, and $ewildered $y =our =ogamOyO e#en though I had heard the truth from Farga -uniEs mouth, I had no power to speak to =ou in the right way. Te7t CD yasi cen maP parityajya sa%kalaYko $ha#iWyasi t#at%putra%pautra naMyanti

$rahma%kopanalena ca yasi % =ou goD cet % ifD mam % to -eD parityajya % lea#ingD sa%kalaYkaT % contaminated with sinD $ha#iWyasi % =ou will $eD t#at%putrh % =our sodsD pautraT % and grandchildrenD naMyanti % will perishD $rahma%kopanalena % $y the fire of $rOhmaQaEs angerD ca % and. If =ou a$andon -e =ou will $ecome contaminated with sin. he fire of a $rOhmaQaEs curse will kill =our children and grandchildren. Te7t CE kWaQaP yuga%MataP manye t#aP #ina praQa%#alla$ham kathaP Mata$daP t#aP tyakt#a $i$harmi jN#anaP pra$ho kWaQam % a momentD yuga%Matam % a hundsred yugasD manye % I thinkD t#am % =ouD #ina % withoutD praQa%#alla$ham % more dear than lifeD katham % why*D Mata$dam % a hundred yearsD t#am % =ouD tyakt#a % lea#ingD $i$h rmi % I main(ainD jN#anam % li#eD pra$hat % < Lord. =ou are more dear to -e than life. "ithout =ou I will th nk each moment is a hundred yugas. < mas er,show can I stay li#e without =ou for a hundred years* Te7t CF ity ukt#a radhika kopat paprta dharaQN%tale murchaP saeprapa sahasa

ja ara cetanaP mune

iti % thusD ukt#a % sayingD radhikw % 5OdhOD kopat % angrilyD pahata % fellD dharaQN%tale % to the groundD murcham % faintingD samprapa % attaingdD sahasa % at onceD jah ra % lostD eetanam % consciousnessD mune % < saye. )fter angrily speaking these words, Sri 5OdhO suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. Te7t CG) kVWQas taP murchitaP dVWX#a

kVpaya ca kVpa%nidhiT cetanaP karayit#a ca #asayam asa #akWasi kVWQaT % Lord /VWQaD tam % ;erD murchitam % faintedD dVWX#a % seeingD kVpaya % with mercyD ca % andD kVpa%nidhiT % an ocean of mercyD cetanam % consciousnessD karayit#a % causingD ca % andD #asayam asa % heldD #akWasi % to ;is chest. Seeing that 5OdhO had fallen unconscious, Lord /VWQa, who is an ocean of mercy, mercifully re#i#ed ;er and held ;er to ;is chest. Te7t CH $odhayam asa #i#idhaP yogaiT Moka%#ikhaQRalaiT tathapi MokaP tyaktuP ca na MaMaka Muci%smita $odhayam asa % awakenedD #i#idham % #ariousD yogaiT % with yogaD Moka% #ikhaQRalaiT % $reaking griefD tathapi % stillD Mokam % griefD tyaktum % to a$andonD ca % andD na % notD MaMaka % was a$leD Muci%smita % the girl with the $eautiful smile. hen Lord /VWQa enlightened ;er with many spiritual teachings meant to $reak grief. Still, 5OdhO with the $eautiful smile could not gi#e up ;er grief. Te7t CI samanya%#astu%#iMleWo nVQaP Mokaya ke#alam dehatmanoM ca #icchedaT k#a sukhaya prakalpate samanya % generalD #astu % thingsD #iMleWaT % a$senceD nVQam % of peopleD Mokaya % for griefD ke#alam % onlyD deha % of the $odyD atmanoT % and soulD ca % andD #icchedaT % separationD k#a % wherefD sukhaya % for happinessD prakalpate % is proper. >#en the loss of ordinary things makes people unhappy. ;ow can the soulEs loss of the $ody $ring happiness* Te7t CJ na yayau tatra di#ase

#raja%rajo #rajaP piati krNRa%saro#ara$hyasaP f prayayau radhaya saha na % notD yayau % wentD tatra % thereD di#ase % dayD #aaja%rajaT % the king of VrajaD #rajam % to VrajaD prati % toD krNRa % pastimeD saro#ara % lakeD a$hyasam % effortD prayayau % wentD radhaya % 5OdhOD saha % with. <n that day Lord /VWQa, the king of Vraja, Sid not return to Vraja. Insteam ;e totk 5OdhO to a pastime lake. Te7t DK tatra gat#a punaT krNRaP cakara ca taya saha #ijahau #iraha%j#alaP rase raseM#arN muda totra % thereD gatha % goingD punaT % againD krNRam % pastimesD cakara % didD ca % andD taya % ;erD saha % withD #ijaheu %ia$andonedD #iraha % of peparationD j#alam % the fireD rase % in the rOsa danceD raseM#arN % the Bueen of the 5OdhOD muda % happily. here ;e again enjoyed pastimes with ;er. >njoying in the rOsa dance, Sri 5OdhO, the Bueen of the rOsa danch, escaped the flames of her imminent separation from Lord /VWQa. Te7t DB radha sa s#amina sardhaP puWpa%candana%carcita puWpa%candana%talpe ca tasthau rahasi narada radha % 5OdhOD sa % SheD s#amina % masterD sardham % withD puWpa%candana%carcita % anounted with flowers and sandal pasteD puWpa%candana%talpe % on a couch of flowers and sandal pasteD ca % andD tasthau % stayedD rahasi % in secluded placeD narada % < NOrada. < NOrada, in that secluded plmce Sri 5OdhO, who was decorated with flowers and anoieted with sandal paste, stayed with ;er lo#er, Lord /VWQa, on a couch decorated with flowers and anointed with sandal paste.

%ha*tea 9ighty!nine+ri hagavan!nanda!samv0daA %onversation o( )ord K-.nv and King Nanda

Te7t B MrN%kVWna u#aca gaccha g ccha gVhaP gaccha #raja%raja #rajaP #raja sar# %tatt#aP t#aya jZataP dVWXaM ca munayaT suraT MrN%kVWna u#aca % Sri /VWna saidD gaccha % goD gaccha % goD gVham % homeD gaccha % goD #raja % of VrajaD raja % < kingD #rajam % to VrajaD #raja % goD sar#a%tatt#am % all truthD t#aya % $y youD jZatam % knownD dVWXaT % seenD ca % andD munayaT % the sagesD suraT % and demigods. Sri /VWQa saidJ < /ing of Vraja, return, return, return home. 5eturn to Vraja. =ou ha#e learned all truth. =ou ha#e seen the great sages and demigods. Te7t C MrutaP me dhanyam akhyanaP nanakhyanaP su%durla$ham durgayaT stotra%rajaP ca janma%papa%nikVntanam Mrutam % heardD me % of -eD dhanyam % gloriousD akhyanam % stroyD nanakhyanam % #arious storiesD su%durla$ham % rareD durgayaT % of &urgOD stotra%rajam % the king of prayersD ca % andD janma%papa% nikVntanam % destroying $irth and sin. =ou ha#e heard -y glorious story, many other stories, and the regal prayer to &urgO, which destroys sins and the cycle of repeated $irth. Te7t D

sthitaP tat te nigaditaP harWena ca sukhena ca iat kVtaP $ala%$ha#ena caparadhaP ca tat kWama sthitam % situatedD tat % thatD te % of youD nigaditam % spokenD htrWena %ehappilyD ca % andD sukhena % happilyD ca % andD yat % whatD kVtam % doneD $ala%$ha#ena % out of childishnessD ca % andD aparadhaha% offenseD ca % andD tat % thatD kWama % please forgi#e. hese I ha#e hap&ily told to you. (lease forgi#e the offenses Iodid when I was a foolish child. Te7t E yat sukhaP na kVtaP tata pitroM ca nVpa%mandire kVtaP sukhaP tat%paraP ca s#argad api su%durla$ham yat % whatDesukham % happ(nessD na % notD kVtam % doneD tata % < fatherD pitroT % of the parentsD ca %VaNdD nVpa%mandire % in the kingEs palaceD kVtam % doneD sukham % happinessD tat%param % more than thatD ca % andD s#argat % from S#argalokaD api % alsoD su%durla$ham % #ery rare. < father, the happinees I enjoyed in your home w s more than I could ha#e enjoyed in S#argaloka. I c rld rot ha#e enjoyedrsucy happiness e#en in a kingEs palace. Te7ts F!H madNyaP priya%#akyaP ca prahlat#aP #inayaP $hayam parihasaP $ahutaraP yaModaP gopika%ganam $alakanaP samuhaP ca radhaP capi #iMeWataT ekatra ca sthitaP teWu $andhu%#argeWu karmana

ihai#api sukhaP $hukt#a gaccha golokam uttamam sardhaP yaModaya tata rohinya gopika%ganaiT madNyam % of -eD priya%#akyam % affectionate wordsD ca % andD prahlat#am % happinessD #inayam % hum<lenessD $hayamo% shynessD parihasam % jokingD $ahutaram % manyD yaMmdam % to =aModOD gopika% ganam % and the many gopisD $alakanam % of $oysD samuham % the hostD cr % andD radham %n5OdhOD ca % andD apiK% alsoD #iMeWataT % especiallyD ekatra T mt one placeD ca % andD sthitam % situatedD teWu % in themD $andhu% #argeWu % friends and relati#esD karmana % $y karmaD iha % hereD e#a % indeedD api % alsoD sukham % happi essD $hukt#a % enjoyingD gaccha % goD golokam % to FolokaD uttamam % the supremeD sardham % withD yaModaya % =aModOD tata % < fatherD rohinya % 5ohiniD gopika%gaQaiT % the gopis. (lease gi#e -y affectionate, cheerful, hum$le, shy greeting, filled with joking words, to =aModO, the gopis, the $oys, and especially to 5OdhO. < yather, $y karSa you will enjoy here for a time with your friends and then you will go to the supreme spiritual a$ode ofeFoloka with =aModO, 5ohiQi, the gopis, . . . Te7t I gopanaP $alakaiT sardhaP #VWa$hanena gopakaiT radha%matra kala#atya radhaya saha yasyasi gopanam % of gopasD $alakaiT % $oysD sardham % withD #VWa$hanena % VVWa$hOnuD gopakaiT % gopasD radha%matra % the mother of 5OdhOD kala#atya % /alO#atiD radhaya % 5OdhOD saha % withD yasyasi % you will go. . . . the gopa $oys, VVWa$hOnu, the gopa men, 5OdhO, and 5OdhOEs mother, /alO#ati. Te7t J rathanaP Mata%lakWaP ca golokad agataP pitaT amulya%ratna%nirmanaP

hNra%hara%pariWkVtam rathanam % of chariotsD Mata%lakWam % ten millionD ca % andD golokat % from FolokaD agatam % comeD pitaT % < fatherD amulya% ratna % pricless jewelsD nirmaQam % madeD hNra%hara% pariWkVtam % decorated with many diamonds. < father, from Foloka will come ten million chariots made of priceless jewels, decorated with many diamonds, . . . Te7t BK mani%manikya%muktanaP mala%jala%ei$huWitam #ahni%MuddhaPMukai ramyair acchinnaP pNta%#arQakaiT daQi%maQikya%muktanam % of ru ies and pearlsD mala%jala% #i$huWitam % decorated with flower garlandsD #ahni % fireD Muddha %atureD aPMukaiT % with clnthD ramyaiT % $efutifulD acchinnam % co#eredD pNta%#arQakaiT % yellow. . . . ru$ies, pearls, and flowers, with yellow curtains pure like fire, . r . Te7t BB parWada%pra#arai ramyair #eWXitaP M#eta%camaraiT sad%ratna%darpanai ramyair gopipa$hiM ca gopakaiT parWada%pra#araiT %dwith li$erated associatesD ramyaiT % handsomeD #eWXitam % filledD M# ta%camaraiT % with white camarasD sad%ratna % hrecious jewelsD darpaQaiT % m$rrorsD ramyaiT % $eautifulD goplka$hiT %ewith gopisD ca % andD gopakaiT % gopas. . . . and filled with -y li$erated associates, with gopas and gopis, and with white cOmaras and precious%jewel mirrors. Te7t BC

#eWXitaP ca tadaruhya kautukad yasyasi dhru#am @emXitam % filledD ca % andD tadaruhya % thatDukautukatt% jountiegD yasyasi % you will goD dhru#am % indeed. =ou will enter one of thosehcharions and return to Foloka. Te7t BD tyakt#a ca parthi#aP dehaP di#ya%dehaP #idhaya ca ayoni%sam$ha#a radha radha%mata kala#atN tyakt#a % a$andoningD ca % andD parthi#am % materialD aeham % $odyD di#ya%deham % spiritual $odyD #idhaya % attainingD ca % andD ayoQi % not in a wom$D sam$ha#a % $ornD radha % 5OdhOD radta%mata % 5OdhOEs motherD kala#atN % /alO#ati. hen you will a$andon your material $ody and attain a spiritual $ody. 5OdhO and her mother, /alO#ati, ne#er had material Sorms. hey came to this world without entering a motherEs wom$. Te7t BE yasyaty e#a hi tenai#a nStya%dehena niMcitam pitVnaP manasN kanya dhanya manya kala#atN yasyati % will goD e#a % indeedD hi % certainlyD tena % with thatD e#a % indeedD nitya% dehena % eternal $odyD niMcitam % indeedD pitVnam % of the pitasD manasN % mind%$ornD kanya % daughterD dhanya % fortunateD manya % gloriousD kala#atN % /alO#ati. Florious and fortunate /alO#ati. the mind%$orn daughter of the pitOs, will also go to Foloka in her eternal form.

Te7t BF dhanya ca sNta%mata ca durga%mata ca menaka ayoni%sam$ha#a durga tara sNta ca sundarN dhanya % fortunatD ca % andD sNta%mata % the mother of SitOD ca % andD durga%mata % the mother of &urgOD ca % andD menaka % -enakOD ayoni % without a wom$D sam$ha#a % $ornD durga % &urgOD tara % tOrOD sNta % SitOD ca % jndD sundarN % $eautiful. @ortunate /alO#ati was SitOEs mother. She was also &urgOEs mother, -enakO. 8eautiful SitO, &urgO, and OrO came to this world without entering a motherEs wom$. Te7t BG ayoni%sam$ha#as taM ca dhanya mena kala#atN ity e#aP kathitaP tata gopanNyaP su%durla$ham ayoni%sam$ha#aT % without entering a motherEs wom$D taT % theyD ca % andD dhanya % fortunateD mena % -enOD kala#atN % /alO#atiD iti % thusD e#am % thusD kathitam % toldD tata % < fatherD gopanNyam % confidentialD su%durla$ham % #ery rare. @ortunate /alO#ati was -enO. ;er children came to this world without entering a motherEs wom$. < father, I ha#e told you a great secret. Te7t BH #aro EyaP dattas tu$hyaP ca maya ca durgaya tatha #araT % $oonD ayam % whichD dattaT % gi#enD tu$hyam % to youD ca % andD maya % $y -eD ca % andD durgaya % $y &urgOD tatha % so.

It is $ecause of $oons you recei#ed from -e and from &urgO that you are a$le now to hear this secret. Te7t BI MrN%kVWnasya #acaT Mrut#a pratyu#aca #rajeM#araT punar e#a jagannathaP tad%$hakto $hakta%#atsalam MrN%kVWnasya #acaT % Sri /VWraEs wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD pratyu#ac% % replyD #rajeM#araT % the king of VrajaD punaT % againD e#a % indeedD jagannatham % t the mNster of the uni#ersesD tad% $haktaT % ;is de#oteeD $hakta%#atsalam % who lo#es ;is de#otee. ;earing Lord /VWQaEs words, /ing Nanda replied in the followi(g words to Lord /VWQa, who lo#es ;is de#otees, and who is the master of the uni#erses. Te7t BJ MrN%nanda u#aca yuganaP ca caturQaP ca yaP yaP dharmaP sanatanam kramena kVWna #istNrnaP kVt#a maP kathaya pra$ho y r MrN%nanda u#aca % Sri Nanda saidD yuganam % or yugasD ca % andD caturnam % fourD ca % andD yam % whichD yam % whichD dharmam % religioun principleD sanatanam % eternalD krameQa % one after anotherD kVWQa % < /VWQaD #istNrQam % eypandedD kVt#a % doingD mam % tommeD kathaya % plea e tellD pra$haT % < master. Sri Nanda saidJ < Lord, please tell me in detail the natures of the four yugat. Te7t CK

kali%MeWe $ha#ed yad yad guna%doWaP kales tatha ka gatir #a pVthi#yaM ca dharmasya praQinaP tatha kali%MeWe % in the remainyng /ali%yugaD $ha#et % may $eD yad yat % whate#erD guQa% doWam % #irtue and faultD kaleT % of /aliD tatha % soD ka % what*D gatiT % natureD #a % orD pVthi#yaT % of the earthD ca % andD dharmasya % natureD praQinam % of the li#ing entitiesD tatha % so. (lease tell me of the #irtues and faults at the end of /ali% yuga. "hat will happen then to the earth, to religion, and to the li#ing $eings. Te7t CB nandasya #acanaP Mrut#a hVWXaT kamala%locanaT kathaP kathitum are$he #icitraP madhuran#itam nandasya % of NandaD #acanam % the wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD hVWXaT % happyD kamala%locanaT % lotus%eyedD katham % descriptionD kathitum % to speakD are$he % $eganD #icitram % wonderfulD madhuran#itam % with sweetness. ;earing NandaEs words, lotus%eyed Lord /VWQa $ecame happy and $egan to speak words that were $oth wonderful and sweet.

%ha*ter Ninety%atur!yug0n0L dharm0di!#athana2es3ri*tion o( the &our Mugas

Te7t B MrN%kVWnawu#aca MVnu nanda pra#akWyami

sananda%manasaP yatha kathaP ramyaP su%madhuraP p raneWu pariWkVtam MrN%kVQQa u#aca % Lord /VWQa saidD MVQu % please hearD nanda % < NandaD pra#akWyami % I will, tellD sananda%manasam % happy hhartD yarha % asD katham l storyD ramyam % $eautifulD su%madhuram % #ery sweetD puraQeWu % in the (urOQasD pariWkVtam % gi#en. Lord /VWQa saidJt< Nanda, please hear and with a happy heart I will relate a sweet and $eautiful story from the (urOQas. Te7t C paripurnatamo dharmo dharmikaM ca kVte yuge paripurnatamaP satyaP paripurnatama daya paripurQatamaT % perfect and completeD dharmaT % religionD dharmikaT % religiousD ca % andD kVte yuge % in patya%yugaD paripurQatamam % perfectD satyam'% truthD paripurQatama % perfectD daya % mercy. In Satya%yuga religion is perfectly and completely manifested. )wl people are religrous, truthfulness is perfect and complete, and mercy is alsV perfect and complete. Te7t D atN#a%praj#alad%rupa #edaM cat#ara e#a ca #edaYgaM capi #i#idhaM cetihasaM ca saPhitaT utN#a%praj#alad%rupaT % #ery splendie formsD #edaX % VedasD cat#ara % fourD e#a % indeedD ca % andD #edaYgaT % the VedangasD ca % andD api % alsoD #i#idhaT % #ariousD ca % andD itihasaT % ItihasasD ca % andD saPhitaT % samhitas.

he four Vedas and the #arious VedOYgas, ItihOsas, and SamhitOs are all #ery splendidly manifested. Te7t E puranani su%ramyani paZcaratrani paZca ca rucirani Mu$hadrani dharma%Mastrani yani ca puranani % the (uranasD su%ramyani % #ery $eautifulD paZcaratraQi % the (ancaratrasD paZca % fi#eD ca % andD ruciraQi % $eautifulD Mu$hadraQi % auspiciousD dharma%MastraQi % the dharma%sastrasD yani e whichD ca % and. he (urOQas, (aZcarOtras, and &harma%MOstras are #ery $eautifully manifested. Te7t:F #ipra #eda%#idaT sar#e puQya#antas tapas#inaT narayanaP te dhyayante tan%manaska japanti ca #ipraT % the $rahmanasD #eda%#idaT % learned in the VedasD sar#e % allD puQya#antaT % piousD tapas#inaT % austereD narayaQam % on Lord NOrOyaQaD te % theyD dhyayante % meditateD tan%manaska % with fi:ed mindsD japanti % chantD ca % and. he $rOhmaQas are all pious, austere, and learned in the Vedas. hey chant the mantras of Lord NOrOyana and they are rapt in meditation on Lord NOrOyana. Te7t G $rahmanaT kWatriya #aiMyaM catur%#arnaM ca #aiWna#aT Mudra $rahmana%$hVtyaM ca satya%dharma%parayaQaT

$rahmaQaT % the $r hmanasD kWatriya % ksatriyasD #aiMyaT % #aisyasD cat r%#arQaT % andD ca % andD #aiWQa#aT % VaiWQa#asD Mudra % sudrasD $rahmaQa%$hVtyaT %ys r#ants of the $rahmanasD ca % andD satya%dharma% parayaQaT % de#oted to the true religion. )t that time e#eryone in the four #arQasJ $rahmanas, kWatriyas, #aiMyas, and MUdras, is a VaiWna#a. >#en the MUdras are truthful and religious. hey diligently ser#e the $rOhmanas. Te7t H rajano dharmikaM cai#a praja%palana%tat%paraT gVhnanty e#a prajanaP ca WoRaMaPMa%kala nVpaT rajanaT % kingsD dharmikaT % religiousD ca % andD e#a % indeedD praja% palana%tat% paraT % de#oted to protectinm the citiGensD gVhQanti % acceptD e#a % indeedD prajanam % of the citiGensD ca % andD WoRaMaPMa%kala % si:teenth partD nVpaT % kings. e minnr yreNall saintlyland religious. hey dutifully protect their citiGens. hey yccept as ta:es one%si:teenth of the citiGensE incomr. Te7t I kara%MunyaM ca #ipraM ca pujyaT s#acchanda%gaminaT santataP sar#a%MastraRhya ratnadhara #asundhara kara % ta:esD MunyaT % withoutD ca % andD #ipraT % the $rahmanasD ca % andD pujyaT % worshipa$leD s#acchanda%gaminaT % independentD santatam % alwaysD sar#a%MastraRhya % learned in all scripturesD ratnadhara % rich with jewelsD #asundhara % the earth. he $rOhmaQas need payuno ta:es. hey are worshiped. hey are free to do as they like. hey are learned in all the scriptures. he earth is filled with an a$undance of precious jewels.

Te7t J guru%$haktaM ca MiWyaM ca pitV%$haktaT sutas tatha yoWitaT pati%$haktaM ca pati%#rata%parayanaT guru%$haktaT % de#oted to guruD ca % andD MiWyaT % disciplesD ca % andD pitV%$haktaT % de#oted to fatherD sutaT % sonsD tatha % soD yoWitaT % womenD pati%$haktaT % de#oted to hus$andD ca % andD pati%#rata% parayaQaT % fi:ed in the #ow of chastity. &isciples are de#oted to their gurus. Sons are de#oted to their fathers. "omen are all chaste and de#oted to their hus$ands. Te7t BK Vtau sam$hoginaT sar#e na strN%lu$dha na lampaXaT na $SayaP dasyu%cauryanaP na tatra para%darikaT Vtau % in seasonD sam$hoginaT % enjoyingD sar#e % allD na % notD strN% lu$dha % greedy after womenD na % notD lampaXaT % de$aucheesD na % notD $hayam % fearD dasyu% cauryaQam % of thei#esD na % notD tatra % thereD para% darikaT % adulterers. -arried couples enjoy se: only at the proper time. No one is greedy after women. No one is a de$auchee. No one is an adulterer. here is no e tr of thie#es. Te7t BB tara#aT purna%phalinaT purna%kWNraM ca dhena#aT $ala#anto janaT sar#e dNrghaT saundarya%samyutaT tara#aT % treesD purQa%phalinaT % filled with fruitsD purQa% kWNraT % filled with milkD ca % andD dhena#aT % cowsD $ala#antaT % powerfulD janaT % peopleD sar#e % allD dNrghaT % tallD saundarya%samyutaT % handsome.

he trees are all full of fruits, the crws full of milk, and all the people strong, tall, and handsome. Te7t BC akWa%#arWayuWaT kecit punya#anto hy aroginaT yatha #ipra #iWnu%$haktas tri%#arQa #iWQu%se#inaT lakWa%#arWa % a huodred thousand yearsD ayuWaT % ageD kec t % someD puQya#antaT % piousD hi % indeedD aroginaT % without diseaseD yatha % asD #ipra % $rahmanasD #iWQu% $haktaT % de#oted to Lord ViWQuD tri%#arQa % the three #arQasD #iWQu%se#inaT % ser#ants of Lord ViWQu. (ious and free of disease, t e people li#e for a hundred thousand years. he $rOhmaQas are de#oted to Lord ViWnu. he other three #arnas are also ser#ants of Lord ViWnu. Te7t BD jala%purna nada nadyaT , santataP kandaras tatha tNrtha%putaM catur%#arnas tapaT%puta d#ijawatnT jala%purna % filled with waterD nada % the oceansD nadyaT % ri#ersD santatam % alwaysD kandaraT % the #alleysDutatha % soD tNrtha % $y pilgrimagesD putaT % purifiedD catur% #arQaT % the four #arnasD tapaT%puta % purified $y austeriLiesD d#ijatayaT % the $rahmanas. he ri#ers and oceans are i,ll of water. he #alleys are full of ri#ers. he four #arQas are purified $y pilgrimages. he $rOhmaQas are also pumified $y auster ties. Te7t BE

manaT putaM ca nikhila khala%hNnaP jagat%trayam sat%kNrti%paripurnaP ca yaMasyaP mapgalan#itam manaT % the mindD putaT % purifiedD ca % andD nikhila % allD khala% hNnam % without demonsD jagat%trayam"% the three worldsD sat%kNrti % thg glory of ths saintsD pnripurnam % fullD ca % andD yaMasyam % fameD maYgalan#itam % auspicious. >#eryoneEs heart is pure. here are no demons anywhere in the three worlds. he worlds are auspicious, filled with the glories of great saintly persons. Te7t BF pitaraT sar#a%kaleWu tithi%kaleWu de#dtaT sar#atkaleW# atithayaT pujitaM ca gVhe gVhe pitaraT % the pitOsD sar#a%kaleWu % at all timesD tithi%kaleWu % on the daysD de#ataT % the demigodsD sar#a%kaleW# % at all timesD atithayaT % guestsD pujitaT % worshipedD ca % andD gVhe % in homeD gVhe % after home. he pitOs, demigods, and guests are always worshiped in e#ery home. Te7t BG tri%#arna #ipra%$haktaM ca #ipra%$hojana%tat%paraT $rShmanasya mukhaP kWetraP anuWaram akanXakam tri%#arQaT % the three uwrnasDN#ipra%$haktaT % de#oted to the $rahmanasD ca % andD #ipra%$hojana%tat%paraT % de#oted to feeding the $rahmanasD $rahmaQasya % of the $rahmanasD mukham % the mouthD kWetram % fieldD anuWaram % free of $arrennessD akaQXakam % without thorns.

he three #arQas are de#oted to the $rOhmanas and de#oted to feeding the $rOhmanas. In spiritual life a $rOhmanaEs mouth is like fertile soil free of salt or throns. Te7t BH narayanotkNrtanena harWa%yrktas tad%utsa#e na de#anaP d#ijanaP ca #iduWaP tatra nindakaT narayanotkNrtanena % $y chanting the gloris of Lord NOrOyanaD harWa%yuktaT % happyD tad%utsa#e % in that festi#alD na % n$otD de#anam % of the demigodsD d#ijanam % of the $rahmanasD ca % andD #iduWam % of the learnedD tatra % theerD nindakaT % $lasphemers. >#eryone is happy in a great festi#al of chanting Lord NOrOyaQaEs glories. No one $lasphemes the demigods or the learned $rOhmaQas. Te7t BI natma%praMaPsakaT kecit sar#e para%guQotsukaT na Matra#o jananaP ca sar#e sar#a%hitaiWiQaT na % notD atma%praMaPsakaT % chanting his own gloriesD kecit % someoneD sar#e % allD para%guQotsukaT % eager to chant the #irtues of othersD na % notD satra#aT % enemiesD jananam % of peopleD ca % andD sar#e % alrD sar#amhitaiWiQ T % desirign the welfare of all. No one praises himself. 5ather, e#eryone praises the #irtues of others. No one is an enemy. >#eryone wishes the welfare of e#eryine else. Te7ts BJ and CK puruWa yoWiyaM capi na hi murkhaM ca panRitaT

na duTkhino janaT sar#e sar#eWaP ratna%mandiram mani%manipya%ratnaugha% ratna%s#arna%saman#itam na LhNkWuka na rogartaT Moka%hNnaM ca harWitaT puruWaT % menD yoWitaT % womenD ca % andD api % alsoD na % notD hi % indeedD murkhaT % foolsD ca % andD panRitaT % learnedD na % notD duTkhinaT % uShappyD janaT % peopleD sar#e % allD sar#eWam % of allD ratna% mandiram % a palace of jewelsD maQi% maQikya % ru$iesD ratna % jewelsD augha % floodD ratna % jewelsD s#arQa % goldD saman#itam % withD na % notD $hNkWuka % $eggarsD na % notD rogartaT % diseasedD Moka% hNnaT % without sufferingsD ca % andD harWitaT % happy. -en and women are not fools. 5ather, they are all wise and learned. >#eryoneEs home is a palace made of gold, ru$ies, and a host of jewels. No one is a $eggar. No one is diseased. No one is unhappy. >#eryone is joyful. Te7t CB na hi $huWana%hNnaM ca nara naryaM ca kecana na papino na dhurtaM ca na kWudharta na kutsitaT na % notD hi % indeedD $huWana%hNnaT % without ornamentsD ca % andD nara % menD naryaT % womenD ca % andD kecana % someD na % notD papinaT % sinfulD na % notD dhurtaT % rascalsD ca % andD na % notD kWudharta % hungryD na % notD kutsitaT % degraded. No man or woman is $ereft of nice ornaments. No one is sinful. No one is wicked. No one is degraded. No one goes hungry. Te7t CC jara%hNnaT praninaM ca MaM#ad%yau#ana%saPsthitaT adhi%#yadhi%#ihNnaM ca nir#ikaraM ca dehinaT

jara%hNnaT % without old ageD praQinaT % li#ing entitirsD ca % andD MaM#ad% au#ana% saPsthitlT % always youngD adhi % an:ietyD #yadhi % diseaseD #ihNnaT % withoutD ca % andD nir#ikaraT % unchangingD ca % andD dehinaT % possessing $odies. >#eryone stays young. No one grows old. No one is deformed. No one is diseased or an:ious. Te7t CD yad%ukto #ai satya%yuge dharmaT satyaP dayadikam padaehNnaM ca tretayaP satjardhaP d#apare Epi ca yat % $y whomD uktaT % spokenD #ai % indeedD satya%yuge % in Satya% yugaD dharmaT % religionD satyam % tr,thD dayadikam % $eginning (ith mercyD pada%hNnaT % $ereft of one footD ca % andD tretayam % in reta% yugaD satya % of truthD ardham % % halfD d#apare % in &#apara%yugaD api % alsoD ca % and. he piety, truthfulness, mercy, and other #irtues that were fu ly manifeSt in Satya% yuga are reduced $y one fourth in retO% yuga and $y one half in &#Opara%yuga. Te7t CE dharmaika%pac ca prathame kaleM capi kVMo $alaT duWXanaP dasyu%cauryanaP aYkuraT pra$ha#ed #raja dharma % of pietyD eka%oneD pat % fourthD ca % andD prathame % in the $eginningD kaleT % of /ali%yugaD ca % andD api % alsoD kVMaT % diminishedD $alaT % sttengthD duWXanam % of the wickedD dasyu%cauryaQam % of thie#esD aYkuraT % the sproutD pra$ha#et % isD #raja % < king of Vraja. In the $eginning of /ali%yuga only one%fourth of ptety remains. (iety is #ery weak. < king of Vraja, at that time many thie#es and rogues sprout up and flourish.

Te7t CF adharma%nirataT kecid $hNtaT saYgopinas tatha $hNta guptaM ca puPMcalyo $hNtaM ca para%darikaT adharma%nirataT % impiousD kecit % someD $hNtaT % afraidD saYgopinaT % hidingD tatha % soD $hNta % afraidD guptaT % hidingD ca % andD puPMcalyaT % unchaste womanD $hNtaT % afraidD ca % andD para% darikaT % adulterers. @rightened, the sinners, adulterers, and unchaste momeNyhide. Te7t CG dharmiWXhanaP $hayaP MaM#ad adharmiWXhaM ca kSmpitaT s#alpa%dharma%rata $hupaT s#alpa%#eda%rata d#ijaT dharmiWXhanam % of the piousD $hayam % fearD MaM#at % alwaysD adharmiWXhaT % the impiousD ca % andD kampitaT % trem$lingD s#alpa % slightD dharma % in pietyD rata % engagedD $hupaT % kingsD s#alpa%#eda% rata % slightly learned in the VedasD d#ijaT % the $rahmanas. he pious are afraid, and the impious also trem$le with fear. /ings ha#e only a slight touch of piety. 8rOhmanas ha#e only a smattering of Vedic knowledge. Te7t CH #rata%dharma%rataT kecit sar#e s#acchanda%gaminaT ya#at tiWXhanti tNrthani ya#at tiWXhanti sadha#aT ya#at tiWXhanti gramanaP de#aT Mmstrani pujanam

ta#at kiZcit tapaT satyaP s#arga%dharmaPMa e#a ca #rata%dharma%rataT % following pious #owsD kecit % someD sar#e % allD s#acchanda% gaminaT % independentD ya#at % asD tiWXhanti % standD tNrthani % holy placesD ya#at % as long asD tiWXhanti % standD sadha#aT % the saintly de#oteesD ya#at % as longD tiWXhanti % standD gramanam % of #illagesD de#aT % &eitiesD Mastrani % scripturesD ujanam % worshipD ta#at % so longD kiZcit % somethingD tapaT % austerityD satyam % truthD s#arga% dharmaPMa % a portion of the piety that leads to S#argalokaD e#a % indeedD ca % and. Some few are pious and follow religious #ows. -ost people do as they like. )s long as there are holy places, saintly de#otees, #illage temples, scriptures, and worship, so long there will $e some remnant of austerity, truthfulness, and the pious deeds that lead to S#argaloka. Te7t CJ kaler doWa%nidhes tata guna eko mahan api manasaP ca $ha#et punyaP sukVtaP na hi duWkVtam kaleT % of /ali%yugaD doWa%nidheT % an ocean of faultsD tata % < fatherD guQa % #irtueD ekaT % oneD mahan % greatD api % alsoD manasam % the mindD ca % andD $ha#et % may $eD puQyam % pietyD sukVtam % good deedD na % notD hi % indeedD duWkVtam % sin. < father, the /ali%yuga is an ocean of faults. Still, it has one #irtueJ @or thinking good thoughts one attains $enefit, $ut for thinking e#il thoughts one is not penaliGed. Te7t DK tNrthadike gate tata naWXo dharmaPMa e#a ca kala%rupaM ca dharmaM ca yatha kuh#aP niMakaraT tNrtha%adike % $eginnging with holy placesD gate % goneD tata % < fatherD naWXaT % destroyedD dharma % of pietyD aPMa % partD e#a % indeedD ca % andD kala%rupaT % the form of timeD ca % andD dharmaT % religionD ca % andD yatha % asD kuh#am % on the new moon

dayD niMakaraT % the moon. < father, when the holy places and other holy things perish, then religion also disappears, like the moon on the new%moon night. Te7t DB MrN%nanda u#aca tNrthany etani sar#ani tiWXhanty e#a kiyad dinam sadha#o gramya%de#aM ca Mastrany etani #atsaka MrN%nanda u#aca % Sri Nanda saidD tNrthani % holy placesD etani % theyD sar#ani % allD tiWXhanti % sta(D e#a % indeedD kiyat % how long*D dinam % dayD adha#aT % saintsD grauya%de#aT % #illage templesD ca % andD MastraQi % scripturesD etani % theyD #atsaka % < child. Sri Nanda saidJ < child, for how long will the holy places, saintly de#otees, #illage temples, and scriptures $e present here* Te7t DC MrN%kVWna u#aca kalau daMa%sahasrani haris tiWXhati medinNm de#anaP pratima pujya t MastraQi ca puraQakam MrN%kVWQa u#aca % Sri /VWQa saidD kalau % in /ali%yugaD daMa% snhasraQi % ten thousandD hariT % Lord /VWQaD tiWXhati % staysD medinNm % on the earthD de#anam % of the demigodsD pratima % the deityD pujya % to$e worshipedD MastraQi % scripturesD ca % ahdD puraQakam % (urOQas. Sri /VWQa saidJ Lord ;ari will stay on this earth for the first ten%thousand years of /ali%yuga. @or that time the deities of the demigods will $e worshiped and the

(urOnas and scriptures will also $e present. Te7t DD tad%ardham api tNrthani gaYgadini su%niMcitam tad%ardhaP grama%de#aM ca #edaM ca #iduWam api tad%ardham % half of thatD api % alsoD tNrthani % holy placesD gaYgadini % $eginning with the FaYgOD su%niMcitam % indeedD tad% ardham % half of thatD grama%de#aT % #illage templesD ca % andD #edaT % VedasD ca % andD #iduWam % of the wiseD api % also. @or half that period the FaYgO and other holy places will $e present. @or half that period the #illage temples and the Vedas studied $y learned $rOhmanas will $e present. Te7t DE adharmaT paripurnaM ca tad%ante ca kalau pitaT eka%#arna $ha#iWyanti #arnaM cat#ara e#a ca adharmaT % impietyD paripurQaT % fullD ca % andD tad%ante % at the end of thatD ca % andD kalau % in /aliD pitaT % < fatherD eka%#arQa % one #arnaD $ha#iWyanti % will $eD #arQaT % #arnasD cat#ara % fourD e#a % indeedD ca % and. < father, at the end of /ali%yuga impiety will reach its fullest state. hen the four #arQas will $ecome a single #arna. Te7t DF na mantra%putod#ahaM ca na hi satyaP na ca kWama strN%s#Nkara%rato nityaP gramya%dharma%pradhanataT

na % notD mantra % $y mantrasD puta % purifiedD ud#ahaT % marriageD ca % andD na % notD hi % indeedD satyam % truthD na % notD ca % andD kWama % forgi#enessD strN % womanD s#Nkara % acceptanceD rataT % engagedD nityam % alwaysD gramya%dharma% pradhanataT % on the $asis of se:. -ar iage putified $y sacred mantras will no longer e:ist. here will $e no truthfulness and no forgi#eness. -en will associate with women only for se:. Te7t DGM na yajZa%sutraP tilakaP $rahmananaP ca nityaMaT sandhya%Mastra%#ihNnaM a #ipta%#aPMa Mruta api na % notD yajZa%sutram % sacred threadD tilakam % tilakaD $rahmAnanam % of the $rahmanasD ca % andD nityaMaT % alwaysD sandhya % gayatriD tmstra % scripturesD #ihNnaT % withoutD ca % andD #ipra%#aPMa % the dynasty of $rahmanasD Mruta % learneo in the Sruti% MOstraD api % also. 8rOhmaQas will not wear tilaka or sacred thread, nor will they chant FOyatri or study the Vedas and other scriptures. Te7t DH sar#aiT sardhaP ca sar#eWaP $hakWaQaP niyama%cyutam a$hakWya%$hadWa lokaM ca catur%#arQaM cu lampaXaT sar#aiT % allD sardham % withD ca % andD sar(eWam % of allD $hakWaQam % eatingD niyama%cyutam %mwithout rulesD a$hakWya% $hhkWa % eating what should not $e eatenD lokaT % the yeopneD ca % andD catur%#arQaT % the four #ar$nasD ca % andD lampaXaT % de$auchees. >#ery #arna eill take meals with e#ery other #arna, without following any rules. he people will eat what should not $e eaten. >#eryone in the four #arQas will $e a

de$auchee. Te7t DI narNWu na satN kacit puPMcalN ca gVhe gVhe karoti ta janaP kantaP $hVtyu%tulyaP ca kampitam narNWu % among womenD na % notD satN % chasteD kacit % anyoneD puPMcalN % running after menD ca % andD gVhe % in homeD gVhe % after homeD karoti % doesD tarjanam % re$ukeD kantam % hus$andD $hVtyu%tulyam % eBual to a ser#antD ca % andD kampitam % trem$ling in fear. No woman will $e chaste. In home after home the wife will $e unchaste, always running after men. he wife will treat her hus$and like her ser#ant. She will always re$uke him and make him trem$le in fear. Te7t DJ jaraya datt#a miWXannaP tam$ulaP #astra%candanam na dadaty e#a caharaP s#amine duTkhine pitaT jaraya % to her paramourD datt#a % gi#ingD miWXannam % delicious foodD tam$ulam % $etelnutsD #astra % nice garmentsD candanam % sandal pasteD na % notD dadati % gi#esD e#a % indeedD ca % andD aharam % foodD s#amine % to her hrm$andD duTkhine % unhappyD pitaT % < father. < father, she will gi#e her paramour delicious foods, $etelnuts, sandal paste, and costly garments, $ut she will not e#en feed her unhappy hus$and. Te7t EK putrena $hartsitas tataT MiWyena $hartsito guruT

praja$his taRito $hupo $hupena taditaT prajaT putrena % $y the sonD $hartsitaT % re$ukedD tataT % the fatherD MiWyeQa % $y the discipleD $hartsitaT % re$ukedD guruT % the guruD praja$hiT % $y the citiGensD taRitaT % attackedD $hupaT % the kingD $hupena % $y the kingD taditaT % attackedD prajaT % the citiGens. )sson wnll ssult his fatherp )edisciple will insult his guru. he citiGens will attack their king. he king will torture his citiGens. Te7t EB dasyu%coraiM ca duWXaiM ca MiWXaM ca paripNRitaT MasyS%hNna ca #asudha kWNra%hNnaM ca dhena#aT dasyu%coraiT % $y thei#esD ca % andD duWXaiT % wickedD ca % andD MiWXaT % remainingD ca % andD paripNRitaT % tormente( Masya % cropsD hNna % withoutD ca % andD #asudha % the earthD kWNra%hNnaT % without milkD ca % andD dhena#aT % the cows. he people will $e trou$led $y rogues and thie#es. he earth will gi#e no crops. Cows will gi#e no milk. Te7t EC s#alpa%kWNre ghVtaP nasti na#anNtaP ca nityaMaT satya%hNna janaT sar#e ni yar mithya #adauti ca s#alpa%kWNre % in a little milkD ghVtam % gheeD na % notD asti % isD na#anNtam % $utterD ca % andD nwtyaMaT % alwaysD satyw% hNna %Swithout truthD janaT % the peopleD (ar#e % allD nityam % alwaysD mithya % liesD #adanti % speakD ca % and. r 8ecause there is almost no milk there will $e no $utter or ghee. >#eryone will always speak lies.

Te7t ED Moca%sandhya%Mastra%hCna $rahmana #VWa%#ahakaT supakaraM ca MadranaP MudranaP Ma#a%dahakaT Moca % purifying ritesD sandhya % gayatriD Mastra % scri.turesD hNna % withoutD $rahmana % $rahmanasD #VWa%#ahakaT % riding on $ullsD supakaraT % ser#antsD ca % andD MudraQam % of sudrasD MudraQam % of sudrasD Ma#a% dahakaT % $urning corpses. he $rOhmaQas will not perform any purifying rites, nor will they chant FOyatri or study the scriptures. hey will $ecome ser#ants of MUdras and they will $urn the corpses of the sUdras. hey will ride a$out, carried $y $ullocks. Te7t EE Mudra%strN%nirataT MaM#ac chudra #ipra%#adhu%rataT khadanti yasya #iprasya $hakWyaP ca paripacakaT Mudra%strN%nirataT % engaged with sudra woimenD MaM#ac % alwaysD chudra % sudrasD #ipra%#adhu%rataT % enjoying with $rahmanasE wi#esD khadanti % eatD yasya % of whichD #iprasya % of a $rahmanaD $hakWyam % to $e eatenD ca % andD paripacakaT % cook. 8rOhmana men will enjoy with MUdra women, and MUdra men will enjoy with $rOhmana women. SUdras will eat what $rOhmanas cook. 8rOhmanas will $ecome cooks. Te7t EF matuT paraP tasya patnNP Mudra gVhnanti lampaXaT $hVtyaM ca hat#a rajanaP s#ayaP raja $ha#iWyati

matuT % than motherD param % moreD tasya % of himD patnNm % wifeD Mudra % MUdrasD gVhQanti % acceptD lampaXaT % de$aucheesD $hVtyaT % ser#antD ca % andD hat#a % killingD rajanam % kingD s#ayam % ownD raja % kingD $ha#iWyati % will $ecome. Lusty MUdras will enjoy with a $rOhmaQaEs wife, whom they should respect more than their own mothers. /illing the king, a ser#ant will $ecome kinh. Ts7P EG narN hat#a patiP kamad $hajej jaraP ca kautukat putraM ca pitaraP hat#a s#ayaP $hupo $ha#iWyati narN % a womanu hat#L % killingD patim % hus$andD kamat % out of lustD $hajet % will worshipD jaram % paramourD ca % andD kautukat % eagerlyD putSaT % sonD ca % andD pitaram % fatherD hat#a % killingD s#ayam % personallyD $hupaT % kingD $ha#iWyati % will $ecome. ) wife will kill her hus$and and worship her paramour. ) prince will kdll his father and $ecome king. Te7t EH sar#e s#acchandalnirataT MiMnodara%parayanaT #aYahara #yadhi%yuktaM ca kutsitaM ca kucailakaT sar#e % allD s#acchanda%nirataT % independentD MiMnodara% parayaQaT % de#oted to $elly and genitalsD #aYkhara % greedyD #yadhi%yuktaT % diseasedD ca % andD kutsitaT % degradedD ca % andD kucailakaT % daessed in rags. >#eryone will do as they please. &e#oted only to $elly and genitals, they will $e greedy, degraded, tormented $y diseases, and dressed in rags.

Te7t EI #ikWunna%mantra%liptaM ca mithya%mantra%pracarakaT jati%hNnaM ca gura#o #ayo%hNnaM ca nindakaT #ikWuQQa % genuineD mantra % mantrasD liptaT % rejectedD ca % andD mithya%mantra% pracarakaT % chanting false mantrasD jati% hNnaT % without good $irthD ca % andD gura#aT % gurusD #ayo%hNnaT % without ad#anced ageD ca % andD nindakaT % insulting. Furus will reject the genuine mantras and teach false mantras. hey will not come from good families. hey will not $e ad#anced in age. hey will like to insult others. Te7t EJ rajanaM capi mlecchaM ca ya#ana dharma%nindakaT sat%kNrtim api sadhunaP kur#anty unmulanaP muda rajanaT % kingsD capi % andD mlecchaT % mlecchasD ca % andD ya#ana % ya#ansD dharma%nindakaT % mocking the true religioy Ssat% kNrtim % (he good reputationD api % andD sadhunam % of saintly de#oteesD kur#anti % doD unmulanam % uprootingD muda % happily. ?nci#sliGed mlecchas a d ya#anas will $ecome kings. hey will mock the true religion and gleefully uproot the good reputations of the saintly de#otees. Te7t FK pitV%de#a%d#ijatNnaP atithNnaP ca nityaMaT puja nasti gurunaP ca pitroM ca pujanaP striyaT pitV % of the pitOsD de#a % demigodsD d#ijatNnam % and $rhmanasDa atithNnam % guestsD ca % andD nityaMaT % alwaysD puja % worshipD na % notD asti % isD guruQam % of

gurusD ca % andD pitroT % of parentsD ca % andD pujanam % worshipD striyaT % of the wife. No one will worship pitOs, demigods, $rOhmaQas, guests, gurus, or parents. Instead they will worship their wi#es. Te7t FB strN%$andhunaP gaura#aP ca strNQaP ca satataP pitaT coraT sat%kula%jatiM ca $rahmano de#a%harakaT strN%$andhunam % of the relatui#es of the wifeD gaura#am % respectD ca % andD strNQam % of the wi#esD ca % andD satatam % alwaysD pitaT % < fatherD coraT % thie#esD sat% kula%jatiT % $orn in a good familyD ca % andD $rahmaQaT % a $rahmanaD de#a%harakaT % stealing the LordEs property. < father, men will gi#e all honor to their wi#es and their wi#esE relati#es. 8rOhmaQas $orn in good families will $ecome thie#es, stealing e#en from the &eities in the temples. Te7t FC dhanaP #ahanti lo$hena yuge dharmena kautukat de#ayatana%hNnaP ca jagat sar#aP $hayakulam dhanam % honorD #ahanti % carryD lo$hena % with greedD yuge % in the yugaD dharmena % with religionD kautukat % eagerlyD de#ayatana % templesD hNnam % withoutD ca % andD jagat % the uni#erseD sar#am % allD $hayakulam % frightful. It is the nature of this yuga that people will $ecome thie#es, greedily stealing the wealth of others. 8ereft of temples, the world will $ecome a frightening place. Te7t FD

arajakaP ca durnNraP santataP kali%doMataT $u$hukWitaT kucailaM ca daridra #yadhino naraT arajakam % without a kingD ca % andD durnNtam % misledD santatam % alwaysD kali% doMataT % $y the fault of /aliD $u$hukWitaT % $eggarsD kucailaT % dressed in ragsD,ca % andDsdaridra % poorD #yadhifaT % diseasedD naraT % the people. 8ereft of a good king, the world will suffdr in misrule. 8y the fa)lt of /ali%suga the people will $ecome diseased, po#erty% stricken $eggars dressed in rags. Te7t FE kapardaka%ghaXadhyakWo rajendro hi ghaXeM#araT #VddhaYguWXha%sama loka #VkWaT Maka%samas tatha kapardaka % seashellsD ghaXa % and potsD adhyakWaT % masterD rajendraT % a great kingD hi % indeedD ghaXeM#araT % the master of pots #VddhaYguWXha%sama % the siGe of a thum$D loka % peopleD #VkWaT % treesD Maka%samaT % the siGe of #egeta$lusD tatha %%so. /ings will ha#e only a few pots and eashells in their treasuries. hey will $e kings of pots. -en will $e the siGe of thum$s. rees will $e the siGe of #egeta$les. Te7t FF talanaP narikelanaP panasanaP tathai#a ca phaltni sarWapany e#a tat kWudraP ca tataT param talanam % of palm treesD narikelanam % of coconutsD panasanam % of panasasD tatha % soD e#a % indedD ca % andD phalani % fruitsD sarWapani % mustard seedsD e#a % indeedD tat % thatD kWudram % smallD ca % andD tataT % than thatD param % more. he fruits of tOla, panasa, and coconut trees will $e the siGe of mustard seeds. In

time they will $ecome smaller still. Te7A FG jala%$hajana%patrena Masyena #asasa tatha #ihNnaP mandiraP sar#aP gVhanam apariWkVtam jala%$hajana%patreQa % water, cups, and dishesD Masyena % grainsD #asasa % clothingD tatha % soD #ihNnam % withoutD mandiram % houseD sar#am % allD gVhanam % of housesD apariWkVtam % undecorated. ;omes will ha#e no water, cups, plates, grains, cloth, or decorations. Te7t FH gandhakena pari#VtaP dNpa%hNnaP tamo%yutam hiPsra%jantu%$hayad $hNta janaT sar#e ca papinaT gandhakena % with smellD pari#Vtam % filledD dNpa%hNnam % without lampsD tamo% yutam % darkD hiPsra%jantu % of #iolent $eingsD $hayat % from fearD $hNta % afraidD janaT % the peopleD sar#e % allD ca % andD papinaT % sinners. ;omes will $e dark, lampless, and filled with $ad smells. >#eryone will $e a sinner afraid of #iolent $eings. Te7t FI sar#e ca phala%lo$hiWXhaT puPMcalyaT kalaha%priyaT rupa#atyo na kaminyo naraM capi na rupinaT sar#e % allD ca % andD phala%lo$hiWXhaT % greedy for resultsD puPMcalyaT % unchaste

womenD kalaha%priyao % fond of BuarrelD rupa#atyaT % $eautifulD na % notD kaminyaT % desira$leD nataT %tmenD ca % andD api % alsoD na % notD rupiQaT % handsome. >#eryone will $e greedy. "omen will not $e $eautiful or desira$le. hey will lo#e to uarrel. -en will not $e handsome. Te7t FJ nadyo nadaT kandaraM ca taRagaM ca saro#araT jala%padma%#ihNnaM ca jala%hNna ghanas tatha nadyaT % ri#ersD nadaT % oceansD kandaraT % ca#esD ca % andD taRagaT % pondsD ca % andD saro#araT % lakesD jala % waterD padma % lotusD #ihNnas%withoutD ca % andD jala%hNna % without waterD ghanaT % cloudsD tatha % so. 5i#ers, oceans, ca#es, ponds, and lakes will ha#e neither ewater nor lotus flowers. Clouds will not carry water. Te7t GK apatyw%hNna naryaM ca kamukyo jara%samyutaT aM#attha%cchsdinaT sar#e #VkWa%hNna #asundhara apatya%hNna % without childrenD naryaT % womenD ca % andD kamukyaT % lustyD jara% samyutaT % with paramoursD aM#attha % $anyan treesD cchedinaT % cuttingD sar#e % allD #VkWa%hNna % without treesD #asundhara % the earth. "omen will $e #try lasty and stay always hith their paramours. Still, they will $ear no children. )ll the $anyan trees will $e cut dodn. he earth will $e treeleys. Te7t GB

phala%hNnaM ca tara#aT Makha%skandha%#ihNnakaT phalani s#adu%hNnani cannani ca jalani ca phala%hNnaT # without fruntsD ca % andD tara#aT % the treesD Makha%skandha% #ihNnakaT % without trunks or $ranchesDt phalani % fruitsD s#adu%hNnanV % without sweetnessD ca % andD annani % grainsD ca % andD jalani % waterD ca % and. rees will not ha#e fruits, $ranches, or trunks. Frains, fruits, and water will not taste good. Te7ts GC and GD mana#aT kaXu%#akXaro nirdaya dharma%#arjitaT tad%ante d#adaMadityaT saPhariWyanti mana#an sar#an jantuPM ca tapena $ahu%#VWXya #rajeM#ara a#aMiWXha ca pVthi#N katha%matra#aMeWita mana#aT % humansD kaXu%#akXaraT % speaking harshlyD nirdaya % mercilessD dharma% #arjitaT % without religionD tad%ante % at the endD d#adaMadityaT % twel#e sunsD saPhariWyanti % will remo#eD mana#an % humansD sar#an % allD jantuPT % creaturesD ca % andD tapena % with heatD $ahu%#VWXya % with torrential rainsD #rajeM#ara % < king of VrajaD a#aMiWXha % remainingD ca % aadD pVthi#a a the earthD kath(% matra#aMeWita % remaining in name only. )ll human $eings will $e ,erciless, harshly%spemking atheists. )t the end of /ali% yuga, twel#e suns shining together and $ringing great heat followed $y torrential rain, will destroy the human race and all other creatures as well. < king of Vraja, the earth will e:ist in name alone. Te7t GE kalau gate ca pVthi#N kWetraP #mrWa%gate tatha

punaT satya%pra#VttiM ca $ha#iWyati kramena #ai kalau % when /ali%yugaD gate % is goneD ca % andD pVthi#N % the earthD kWetram % the placeD #arWa % the rainsD gate % goneD tatha % soD punaT % againD satya% pra#VttiT % the $eginning of Satya%yugaD ca % andD $ha#iWyati %ewill $eD krameQa % in courseD #ai % indeed. "hen /ali%yuga ends the earth will $e restored. "hen the rains end Satya%yuga will $egin again. Te7t GF ity e#aP kathitaP sar#aP gaccha tata #rajaP sukham ahaP dugdha%mukho $alaT putras te kathayami kim iti % thusD e#am % thusD kathitam % toldD sar#am % allD gaccha % please goD tata % < fatherD #rajam % to VrajaD sukham % happilyD aham % ID dugdha%mukhaT % drinking milkD $alaT % childD putraT % sonD te % of youD kathayami % I speakD kim % why* hus I ha#e told you e#erything. < father, please happily return to Vraja. I am your son. "hen I was a child I drank the milk you ga#e to me. "hat more can I say* Te7ts GG and GH na#anNtaP gVhtaP dugdhaP dadhi takraP pariWkVtam s#astikaP Mu$ha%karmarhaP miWXannaP ca sudhopamam miWXa%dra#yaP ca yat kiZcit pitV%de#a%nimittakam $huktaP $alac ca tat sar#aP $alanaP rodanaP $alam na#anNtam % $utterD gVhtam % gheeD dugdham % milkD dadhi % yogurtD takram % $uttermilkD pariWkVtam % nicely preparedD s#astikam % s#astikat candiesD Mu$ha%karma %

auspicioSs deedsD arham % worthyD miWXannam % delicious foodsD ca % andD sudhopamam % mike nectarD miWXa% dra#yam % candiesD ca % andD yat % whatD kiZcit % somethingD pitV% de#a%nimittakam % suita$le for the pitOs and demigodsD $huktam % ejoyedD $alac % forgcn$lyD ca % ande tat % thatD sar#am %nallD u$alanam % of childrenD rodanam % cryingD $alam % the strength. I enjoyed $utt,r, ghee, milk, yogurt, $uttermilk, s#astika candy,hauspicious foodw delicious like nectar, candies, and many other things fit for the demigods and pitOs. 8y crying I o$tained all these things from you, for crying is the weadon of small children. Te7t GI tat kWamas#aparadhaP me $ala%doWaT pade pade t#aP pita ma#a%putro EhaP yaModa jananN mama tat % thereforeD kWamas#a % please forgi#eD aparadham %$the offenseD, me % of -eD $al %doWaT % the fault of a childD pade % stepD pade % $y stepD t#am % youD pita % fatherD ta#a % of youD putraT % the sonD aham % ID yaModa % =aModOD jananN % motherD mama % -y. (lease forgi#e -y offenses. ) small child commits offenses at e#ery step. =ou are -y father. =aModO is -y motheu. I am your ,so . Te7tsGJ madNyaP parihasaP ca yaModaP rohinNP #ada kumarasyac chrutaP sar#aP t so Eham ity e#am Npsitam madNyae % of -eD parihasam % joking wordsD ca % andD yaModam % =aModOD rohiQNm % 5ohiQiD #ada % tellD kumaNa yat % $ecause of chiidhoodD Mrutam % heardD sar#amnl allD saT % ;eD aham % ID iti % thusD e#am % thusD Npsitam % desired. (lease tell -y $oyish joking words to =aModO and 5ohiQi. ell them e#erything

you ha#e heard from -e. ell them that I am ;e. Te7ts HK and HB kNrtayiWyati tat sar#aP sar#aP gokula%#asinam kalaT karoti saPsargaP $andhunaP $andhu$hiT saha kalaT karoti #icchedaP #irodhaP prNtim e#a ca kalaT sVWXiP ca kurute kalaM ca paripalanam kNrtayiWyati % willD tat % tellD sar#am % allD sar#am % allD gokula% #asinam % the residents of FokulaD kalaT % timeD karoti % doesD saPsargam % creationD $andhunam % of relati#es and friendsD $andhu$hiT % relati#es and freindsD saha % withD kalaT % timesD karoti % doesD #icchedam % separationD #irodham % o$stacleD prNtim % lo#eD e#a % indeedD ca % andD kalaT % timeD sVWXim % creationD ca % andD kurute % doesD kalaT % timeD ca % andD paripalanht % maintenance. o the people of Fokula please tell e#erything. ime $rings relati#es and friends together. ime separates them again, places o$stacles $etween them, and creates the lo#e they feel. ime creates the material world, and time also maintains it. Te7t HC kalaT karoti sanandaP kalaT saPharate prajaT sukhaP duTkhaP $hayaP MokaP jaraP mVtyuP ca janma ca kalaT % timeD karoti % doesD sanandam % happinessD kalaT % timeD saPharate % remo#esD prajaT % childrenD sukham % happinessD duTkham % sufferingD $hayam % fearD Mokam % griefD jaram % old ageD mVtyum % deathD ca % andD janma % $irthD ca % and. ime $rings happiness. ime remo#es children. ime $rings pleasure, pain, fear, grief, old age, death, and then $irth.

Te7t HD sar#aP karmanurodhena kala e#a karote ca sar#aP kala%kVtaP tata #ismayaP na #rajaP #raja sar#am % allD karmanurodhena % according to karmaBD kala % timeD e#a % indeedD karot?t% doesD ca % andD sar#am % allD kala%kVtam % done $y timeD tata % < fatherD #ismayam % surpriseD na % notD #rajam % to VrajaD #raja % please go. @ollowing the dictates of karma, time does e#erything. >#erything is done $y time. < father, please do not $e surprised. (lease returw to Vraja. Te7t HE kutas t#aP gokule #aiMyo nando #aiMyadhipo nVpmT #asude#a suto EhaP ca mathurayam aho kutaT m kutaT % where*D t#am % youD gokule % in FokulaD #aiMyaT % a #aisyaD nandaT % NandaD #aiMyadhipaT % the king of #aisyasD nVpaT % a kingD #asude#a % of Vasude#aD sutaT % the sonV aham % ID ca % andD mathurayam % in -athyrOD ahaT % ID kutaT % why*. "hy are you Nanda, a #aiMya king in Fokula* "hy am I Vasude#aEs son in -athurO* Te7t HF pitra ma kaPsa%$hNtena t#ad%gVhe ca samarpitaT pituT paraT pita t#aP ca mata matuT parapi #a pitra % $y the fatherD me % of -eD kaPsa%$hNtena % afraid of /aPsaD t#ad%gVhe % in your homeD ca % andD samarpitaT % placedD pituT % of the fatherD paraT % moreD pita %

fatherD t#am % youD ca % andD mata % motherD matuT % % than motherD para % moreD api % alsoD #a % or. )fraid of /aPsa, -y natural fatter plfced -e in your home. =ou are -y real fathar. =ou are more than a father to -e. =aModO is -y real mother. She is more than a mother to -e. Te7a HG maya dattena jZanena par atya ca #rajeM#ara tyaja mohaP maha%$haga gacche tata sukhaP gVham maya % $y -eD dattena % gi#enD jZanena % $y the knowledgeD par#atya % $y pOr#atiD ca % andD #rajeM#ara % < king of VrajaD tyaja % a$andonD moham % illusionD maha%$haga % < #ery fort.nate oneD gacch6 % please goD tata % < fatherD sukham % happilyD gVham % home. < king of Vraja( now that you ha#e learned this knowledge from (Or#ati and from -e, please gi#e up your illusion. < #ery fortunate one, < father, please happily return home. Te7ts HH and HI MrN%nanda u#aca smara #Vnda#anaP tata ramyaP punyaP mahotsa#am gokulaP gokulaP ramyaP sundaraP yamuna%taXam ramanNnaP su%ramyaP ca t#at%priyaP rasa%manRalam gopalika gopa%$alan yaModaP rohinNP priyam MrN%nanda u#aca % Sri Nanda saidD smara % please remem$erD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD tata % < sonD ramyam % $eautifulD punyam % sacredD mahotsa#am % a great

festi#alD gokulam % the cowsD gokulam % FokulaD ramyam % $eautifulD sundaram % $eautifulD yamuna%taXam % the =amunOEs shoreD ramanNnam % ofd the $eautiful girlsD su%ramyam % #ery delightfulD ca % andD t#at%priyam % dear to =ouD rasa%manRalam % the rasa dance circleD gopalika % the gopa SridOmOD gopa%$alan % the gopa $oysD yaModam % =aModOD rohiQNm % 5ohiQiD priyam % dear. Sri Nanda saidJ Child, please remem$er $eautiful, sacred, $lissful VVndO#ana. 5emem$er the sura$hi cows, $eautiful Fokula #illage, the =amunOEs $eautiful $anks, the rOsa%dance circle, which is so dear to =ou and the gopis, the gopis, the gopa $oys, and dear =aModO and 5ohiQi. Te7t HJ pranadhikaP radhikaP na kathaP smarasi putraka #aram ekaP s#alpa%dinaP gokulaP gaccha #atsaka pranadhikam % more dear than lifeD radhikam % Sri 5OdhOD na % notD katham % howD smarasi % remem$erD putraka % < sonD #aram % $lessingD ekam % oneD s#alpt%dinam % for a few daysD gokulam % to FokulaD gaccha % please goD #atsaka % < child. ;ow could =ou forget Sri 5OdhO, who is more than life to =ou* Child, plea e return to Fokula sometime for a few days. Te7t IK ity e#am ukt#a nandaM ca kroRe kVWnaP cakara saT netraMruna ca puwnena taP siWeca Mucan#itaT iti % thusD e#am % in this wayD ukt#a % speakingD nandaT % NandaD ca % andD kroRe % on the lapD kVWQam % /VWQaD cakara % didD saT % heD netraMruna % with tears from his eyesD ca % andD purQena % filledD tam % ;imD siWeca % sprinkledD Mucan#itaT % grie#ing. )fter speaking these words, grie#ing Nanda placed /VWQa on his lap and and washed ;im with tears from his eyes.

Te7t IB cucum$a tad%gaQRa%yugaP kVt#a #akWasi mohataT sanandaT paramanando $haga#aPs tam u#aca saT cucum$a % kissedD tad%ganRa%yugam % ;is cheeksD kVt#a % doingD #akWasi % on the chestD mohataT % from $ewildermentD sanandaT % happyD paramanandaT % supremeey happyD $haga#aPT % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD tam % to himD u#aca % spokeD saT %e;e. Nanda kissed /VWQaEs cheeks and, $ewildered with lo#e, em$raced ;im to his chest. hen Lord /VWQa, the $lissful Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, spoke to Nanda.

%ha*ter Ninety!one+ri Nddhava!*re.a/aThe 2is*at3h o( +ri Nddhava

Te7t B MrN%$haga#an u#aca niWekena pariW#aYgo #i$hedas tena #a $ha#et kWanena darManaP tena niWekaT kena #aryate MrN%$haga#an u#aca % the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidD niWekena % $y karmaD pariW#aYgaT % meetingD #i$hedaT % separationD tena % $y thatD #a % orD $ha#et % isD kWanena % in a momentD darManam % sightD tena % $y thatD niWekaT % karmaD kena % $y whom*D #aryate % is stopped. he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidJ /arma $rings people together and then separates them. <ely for a moment are they a$le to gaGe on each other. "ho can stop karma*

Te7t C gamanagamanarthaP capy uddha#aT kathayiWyati prasthapayami taP MNghraP #ijZasyasi tataT pitaT gamana % goingD agamana % and aomingD artham % t$e purposeD ca % andD api % alsoD ud.ha#aT % ?ddha#aD athayiWyati % will tellD prasthapayami % I wilt sendD tamh% himD MNghram % BuicklyD #ijZasyasi % he will tellD IataT % thenD pitaT % < father. ?ddha#a will tell you why I ha#e come and gona. I will send him to you at once. < father, he will e:plain it. Te7t D yaModaP rohinNP cai#a gopika gopa%$alakan pranadhikaP radhikaP taP gat#a sam$odhayiWyati yaModam % =aModOD rohinNm % 5ohiniD ca % andD e#a % indeedD gopika % the gopisD gopa%$alakan % the gopa $oysD pranadhikam % more dear than lifeD radhikam % 5OdhOD tam % ;erD gat#a % goingD sam$odhayiWyati % will enlighten. ;e will approach =aModO, 5ohiQi, the gopa $oys, the gopis, and Sri 5OdhO, who is more dear than life to -e, and he will enlighten them. Te7t E etasminn antare tatra #asude#aM ca de#akN $alade#aM coddha#aM ca tathakruraM ca sa%t#aram etasmin antare % thenD tatra % thereD #asude#aT % Vasude#aD ca % andD de#akN %

&e#akiD $alade#aT % 8alarOmaD ca % andD uddha#ascuddha#aD ca % andD tatha % soD akruraT % )krUtaD ca % andD sa%t#aram % Buicklyu )t that moment Vasude#a, &e#aki, 8alarOma, ?ddha#a, and )krUra Buickly came there. Te7t F MrN%#asude#a u#aca nanda t#aP $ala#an jZanN sad%$andhuM ca sakha mama tyaja mohaP gVhaP gaccha #atsas te EyaP yatha mama MrN%#asude#a u#aca % Sri Vasude#a saidD nanda % < NandaD t#am % youD $ala#an % powerfulD jZanN % wiseD sad%$andhuT % a relatu#eD ca % andD sakha % friendD mama % of meD tyaja % please a$andonD moham % illusionD gVham % homeD gaccha % goD #atsaT % childD te % of youD ayam % ;eD yatha % asD mama % of me. Sri Vasude#a saidJ < Nanda, you are $oth wise and powerful. =ou are my relati#e and my friend. (eease gi#e up your $ewilderment and return home. )s /VWna is my son, so ;e is yours. Te7t P d#ara%$huta gokulah ca s mathura t# asti $andha#aT mahotsaoe sad%anande nanda drakWyasi putrakam d#ara%$huta % at the doorD gokulac % from FokulaD ca % andD mathura % -athurOD tu % indeedD asti ) nsD $andha#aT % relati#eD mahotsa#e % ina great festi#alD sad%anande % in $lissD nanda % < NandaD drakWyasi % you wrll seeD putrakam % your son. -athurO is practiVally au FokulaEs door. =ou are our relati#e. <n $lissful festi#als you will again see your son.

Te7t H MrN%de#aky u#aca yathayam a#ayoT putras tathai#a $ha#ato dhru#am salasaT kena he nanda Muca deho hi lakWyate MrN%de#aky u#aca % Sri &e#aki saidD yatha % asD ayam % ;eD a#ayoT % of usD putraT % the sonD tatha % soD e#a % indeedD ha#otaT % of yomD dhru#am % indeedD salasaT % reluctantD kena % why*D he % <D nanda % NandaD Muca % with griefD dehaT % $odyD hi % indeedD lakWyate % is characteriGed. e Sri &e#yki saidJ )sy/VWna is ourusoy, so ;e is yours asro. < Nanda, why are you reluctant* "hy do you lament* Te7t I ekadaMa$daP sa%$alaT sthit#a te mandire sukham kathaP s#alpa%dinenai#a Moka%grasto $ha#iWyasi ekadaMa % el CenD a$dam % yearrD sa%$alaT % with 8alarOmaD sthit#a % stayingD te % of youD mandire % in the palaceD sumham % happilyD katham % why*D s#alpa%dinena % for a few daysD e#a % indeedD Moka% grastaT N grasped $y griefD $ha#iWyasi % you will $ecome. @or ele#en years /VWQa and 8alarOma happily stayed in your palace. "%y, in just a few days, are you so tightly griyped $y grief* Te7t J tiWXha putreQa sardhaP ca mathurayaP kiyad dinam purQa%candranaeaP paMya janma t#aP sa%phalaP kuru

tiWXha % stayD putreQa % your sonD sardham % withD ca % andD mathurayam % in -athurOD kiyat % for a fewD dinam % daysD purQa % fullD candra % moonD ananam % faceD paMya % seeD janma % $irthD t#am % youD sa% phalam % fruitfulD kuru % make. @or a few days more stay in -athurO with your son. FaGe at ;is full%moon face and make this $irth fruitful. Te7ts BK and BB MrN%$haga#an u#aca gacchoddha#a sukhaP $hadra $ha#iWyati ta#a priyam praharWaP gokulaP gat#a yaModaP rohinNP prasum gopa%$ala%samuhaP ca radhikaP gopika%ganam pra$odhayadhyatmikena mad%dattena ca Muc%chida MrN%$haga#an u#aca % the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead saidD gaccha % please goD uddha#a % < ?ddha#aD sukham % happinessD $hadra % < saintly oneD $ha#iWyati % will $eD ta#a % of youD priyam % dearD praharWam % happinessD gokulam % to FokulaD gat#a % goingD yaModam % =aModOD rohiQNm % 5ohiniD prasum % motherD gopa%$ala%samuham % the gopa $oysD ca % andD radhikam % Sri 5OdhOD gopika%gaQam % the gopisD pra$odhaya % please enlightenD adhyatmikena % with spiritual knowledgeD mad%dattena % gi#en $y -eD ca % andD Muc%chida % $reaking grief. < ?ddha#a, you will $e happy. (lease go to Fokul thnd with the spiritual knowledge I will gi#e you, knowledge that destroys grief, please enlighten -other =aModO, -other 5ohiQi, the gopa $oys, the gopis, and Sri 5OdhO. TeTt BC nandas tiWXhatu sanandaP man%matur ajZaya Muca nanda%sthitiP mad%#inayaP yaModaP kathayiWyasi

nandaT % NandaD tiWXhatu % may stayD sanandam % happilyD man%matuT % of -y motherD ajZaya % $y the orderD Muca % with griefD nanda% sthitim % the situation of NaodaD mad%#inayam % -y hum$le o$eisancesD yaModam % to =aModOD kathayiWyasi % will tell. 8y -y mother &e#akiEs order Nanda shall happily stay here. (lease descri$e NandaEs situation to =aModO and please tell her that I offer her -y respectful o$eisances. Te7t BD ity e#am ukt#a MrN%kVWQaT pitra matra $alena ca akrureQa samaP turQaP yatha #a$hyantaraP gVham iti % thusD e#am % in this wayD ukt#a % speakingD MrN%kVWQaT % Sri /VWQaD pitra % with ;is fatherD matra % motherD $alena % with 8alarOmaD ca % andD akrureQa % )krUraD samam % withD turQim % BuicklyD yatha % asD #a % orD a$hyantaram % withinD gVham % the house. )fter speaking these words, Lord /VWQa, accompanied $y ;is father and mother, and $y 8alarOma and )krUra, Buickly entered the palace. Te7t BE uddha#o rajanNP sthit#a mathurayaP ca narada pra$hate prayayau MNghraP ramyaP #Vnda#anaP #anam uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD rajanNm % nightD sthit#a % stayingD mathurayam % in -athurOD ca % andD narada % < NOradaD pra$hate % at day$reakD prayayau % wnetD MNghram % BuicklyD ramyam % $eautifulD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD #anam % forest. < NOrada, after spending that night in -athurO, at day$reak ?ddha#a hurried to $eautiful VVndO#ana forest.

%ha*ter Ninety!two+ri R0dh0!stotraPraye)s to +ri R0dh0

Te7ts B and C MrN%narayana u#aca MrN%kVWna%prerito hVWXaT pranamya ca ganeM#aram smarin narayanaP Mam$huP durgaP lakWmNP saras#atNm gaYgaP ca manasi dhyat#a dig%NMaP taP maheM#aram prajagamoddha#aM cai#a dVWX#a maYgala%sucakam MrN%narayana u#aca % Sri NOrOyana [Wi saidD MrN%kVWna% preritaT % sent $y Lord /VWnaD hVWXaT % happyD pranamya % $owingD ca % andD ganeM#aram % to FanesaD smaran % remem$eringD narayanam % Lord NOrOyanaD Mam$hum r eord Si#aD durgam % &urgOD lakWmNm % LakWmiD saras#ttNm % Sar uratiD gaYgam % FaYgOD ca % andD manasi % in the miniD dhyat#a % meditatingyodig%NMam % the protectors of the directionsD tam % himD maheM#aram % the great clntyollerD prajagama % wentD uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD ca % andD e#a % indeedD dVWX#a % seeingD maYgala% sucakam % auspicious rigns. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ Sent $y Lord /VWQa, ?ddha#a $ecame happy. 8owing down $efore FaQeMa, medita ing on Lord NOrOyaQa, Lord Si#a, &urgO, LakWmi, Saras#ati, FaYgO, and the protectors of the directions, and seeing many auspicious signs as he wnnt, ?ddha#a set out for Vraja. Te7t D suMra#a dundu$hiP ghaQXaP S nadaP MaYkha%Sh#aniP tatha hari%Ma$daP ct saYgNtaP suMra#a maYgara%dh#anim

suMra#a % heardD dundu$him % dundumhisD ghanX m % $ellsD nadom % siundD MaYkha% dh#anim % sound of a conchshellD tatha % soD hari%Ma$dam % sounds of Lori ;ariD ca % andD saYgNtam % sungD suMra#a % heardD maYgala%dh#anim % auspicious sounds.. ;e heard the auspicious sounds of dundu$hi drums, $ells, conchshells, and the singing of Lord ;ariEs holy names. Te7t E pati%putra#atNP sadh#NP pradNpa%malya%darpanam paripurnatamaP kum$haP dadhi%laja%phalani ca pati%putra#atNm % with hus$and and childrenD sadh#Nm % chaste womanD pradNpa % lampD malya % garlandD darpaQam % mirrorD paripurQatamam % fullD kum$ham % potD dadhi % yogurtD laja % riceD phalani % fruitsD ca % and. ;e saw a chaste woman with her hus$and and children, a lamp, garland, mirror, full pot, yogurt, grains, fruit, . . . Te7t F dur#aYkuraP MukCa%dhanyaP rajataP kaZcanaP madhu $rahmananaP samuhaP ca h kVWnasaraP #VWaP ghVtam dur#aYkuram % dur#a grassD Mukla%dhanyam % white riceDm rajatam % sil#erD kaZcanam % goldD madhu % honeyD $rahmaQanam % of $rahmanasD samuham % a hostD ca % andD kVWQasaram % a $lack deerD #VWam % $ullD ghVtam % ghee. . . . dUr#O grass, white rice, sil#er, gold, honey, many $rOhmaQas, a $lack deer, $ull, ghee, . . . Te7t G

sadyo%maPsaP gajendraP ca nVpendraP M#eta%ghoQXakam patakaP nakulaP casaP Mukla%puWpaP ca candanam sadyo%maPsam % youngD gajendram % eegal elephantD ca % andD nVpendram % great kingD Mheta%ghonXakam % white horseD patakam % flagD nakulam % mongoose caWam % parrotD Mukla% puWpam % whiteflowerD ca % andD candanam % sandal. . . . young regal elephant, king, white horse, flag, mongoose, parrot, white flower, and sandal tree. Te7ts H!J dVWX#ai#aP pathi kalyanaP prapa #Vnda#anaP #anam dadarMa purato #VkWaP $hanRNra%#aXam akWayam snigdha%purnaP rakta%#arQaP puQyadaP tNrtham Npsitam su%#eWan $alakaPM cai#a rakta%$huWaQa%$huWitan #adato $ala%kVWQeti rudataM ca Mucan#itan tan aM#asya yayau duraP pra#iMya nagaraP muda dVWX#a % seeingD e#am % thusD pathi % on the roadD kalyaQam % auspiciousD prapa % attainedD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD e#anam % forestD dadarMa %isawD purataT % $eforeD #VkWam % treeD $hanRNra% #aXam % $anyanD akWayam % immortalD snigdha%purnam % glisteningD rakta% #arQam % redD puQyadam % sacredD tNrtham % holy placeD Npsitam % desiredD su% #eWan % nicely dressedD $alakan % $oysD ca % andD e#a % certainlyD rakta% $huWaQa%$huWitan % decorated with red ornamentsD #adataT % speakingD $ala%kVWQeti % < /VWQa\ < 8alarOma\D rudataT % lamentingD ca % andD Mucan#itan % grie#ingD tan % themD aM#asya % comfortingD yayau % wentD duram % farD pra#iMya % enteringD nagaram % the cityD muda % happily. )fter seeing these auspicious signs he entered VVndO#ana forest, where he saw an

immortal, sacred, glistening, reddish $anyan tree. hen he saw many $oys, all of them nicely dressed, decorated with red ornaments, and lamenting < /VWQa\ < 8alarOma\L )fter comforting them ?ddha#a continued tra#eling and finally entered the city of Nanda with great happiness. Te7t BK dadarMa nanda%Mi$iraP racitaP #iM#akarmana mani%ratna%#inirmanaP mukta%manikya%hNrakaiT dadarMa % sawD nanda%Mi$iram % NandaEs palaceD racitam % madeD #iM#akarmaQa % l ViM#akarmOD maQi%ratna %VjewelsD #inirLaQam % madeD mukta%maQikya%hNrakaiT % with pearls, ru$ies, and diamLnds. here he saw NandaEs palace, whichnViM#akarmO had $uilt of pearls, ru$ies, diamonds, and other jewels. Te7t BB paricchinnaP manoramyaP sad%ratna%kalasan#itam d#araP citraP #icitraRhyaP dVWX#a ca pra#i#eMa saT paricchinnam % measuredD manoramyam % $eauticulD sad%ratna% kalasan#itam % with jewel domesD d#aram % gatesD citram % wonderfulD #icitraRhyam % fill.ed hi.h wondersD dVWX#a % seeingD ca % andD pra#i#eMa % enteredD saT % he. FaGing at the $eautiful palace with jewel domes, colorful and wonderful gates, and a host of other wonders, ?ddha#a entered. Te7t BC a#aruhya rathat turnaP tasthau tat%praYgane muda

yaModa rohinN MNghraP papraccha kuMalaP param a#aruhya % descendingD rathat % from the chariotD turQam % BuicklyD tasthau % stoodD tat%praYgane % in the courtyardD muda % happilyD yaModa % =aModOD rohiQN % 5ohiQiD MNghram % BuicklyD papraccha % askedD kuMalam % welfareD param % great. )t oncetdescending from his chariot, he happily stood in the courtyard. =aModO and 5ohiQi at once greeted himi#asking of his welfare. Te7t BD asanaP ca jalaP gnP ca madhuparkaP dadau muda k#a nandaT k#a $alaT kVWQaT satyaP tat kathayoddha#a asanam % a seatD ca % andD .alam % waterD gam % placeD ca % andD madhura$kam % madhuparkaD dadau % ga#eD muda % happilyD k#a % where*D nandaT % NandaD k#a % where*D $alaT % 8alarOmaD kVWQaT % /VWQaD satyam % truthD tat % thatD kathaya % please tellD uddha#a % <,yddha#a. hey happily offered him a seat, water, milk, and madhuparka. hey asked, ;ow is Nanda* ;ow are /VWQa and 8alarOma* < ?ddha#a, tell us the truthcL Te7ts BE!BG uddha#aT kathayam asa sar#aP $hadraP kramena ca sardhaP ca $ala%kVWna$hyaP nandaT sananda%pur# kam ayasyati #ilam$ena kVWnopanayana#adhi yuWmakaP kuMalaP tatt#aP #ijZaya #idhi%pur#akam ahaP yasyami mathuraP yaMode MVnu sampratam

Mrut#a maYgala%#artaP ca yaModa rohinN muda uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD kathayam asa % toldD sar#am % allD $hadram % goodD kramena % in due courseD ca % andD sardham % withD ca % andD $ala% kVWna$hyam % /VWna and 8alarOmaD nandaT % NandaD sananda% pur#akam % happilyD ayasyati % will returnD #ilam$ena % after a delayD kVWQopanayana#adhi % for Lord /VWQaEs sacred threadD yuWmakam % of you allD kuMalam % the welfareD tatt#am % truthD #ijZaya % learningD #idhi%pur#akamD % properlyD aham % ID yasyami % will goD mathuram % to -athurOD yaMode % < =aModOD MVQu % please hearD sampratam % nowD Mrut#a % ha#ing heardD maYgala%#artam % the good newsD ca % andD yaModa % =aModOD rohiQN % 5ohiQiD muda % happily. ?ddha#a saidJ hey are all well. )fter a little delay, so /VWQa may recei#e ;is sacred thread, Nanda will happily return with /VWna and 8alarOma. )fter hearing of your welfare I will return to -athurO. < =aModO, now please hear the good news. "hen =aModO and 5ohini heard the good news they happily, . . . Te7t BH $rahmanaya dadau ratnaP su#arnaP #astram Npsitam uddha#aP $hojayam asa miWXannaP ca sudhopamam $rahmaQaya % to the $rahmanaD dadau % ga#eD ratnam % jewelD su#arQam % goldD #astram % garmentsD Npsitam % desiredD uddha#am % to ?ddha#aD $hojayam asa % fedD miWXannam % delicious foodD ca % andD sudhopamam % like nectar. . . . ga#e ?ddha#a a precious jewel, gold, and costly garments. delicious like nectar. Te7t BI mani%MreWXhaP ca ratnaP ca dadau tasmai ca hNrakam #adyaP ca #adayam asa $hadraP nana%#idhaP tatha hey fed him food

maQi%MreWXham % the $est of jerwelsD ca %2andD ratnam % jewelD ca % andD dadau % ga#eD tasmai % to himD ca % andD hNrakam % diamondD #adyam % muasical instrumentsD ca % andD #adayam asa % caused to $e soundedD $hadram % auspciiousnessD nana% #idham % many kindsD tatha % so. he ga#e him a diamondaand othe precious jewels. hey had music played and they performed many auspicious ceremonies. Te7t BJ $r(hmanan $hojayat asa karayam asa maYgalam #edaPM ca paXhayam asa paramananda%pur#akam $rahmaQan % $rahmanasD $hojayam asa % fedD karayam asa % caused to performD maYgalam % auspiciousnessD #edan % the VedasD ca % andD paXhayam asa % caused to reciteD paramananda%pur#akam % happily. hey fed many $rOhmaQas. hey had the $rOhmaQas happily recite the Vedas and perform auspicious rites.

Te7t CK pradadau dakWiQaP turnaP kVWna%kalyana%heta#e uddha#aP pujayam asa sadaraP ca punaT punaT pradadau % ga#eD dakWiQam % daksinaD turQam % at onceD kVWQa% kalyaQa%heta#e % for Lord /VWQaEs welfareD uddha#am % to ?ddha#aD pujayam asa % worshipedD sadaram % respectfullyD ca % andD punaT % againD puna % agnin. @or Lord /VWQaEs welfare they at once ga e dakWiQO to the $rOhmaQas. hey respectfully worshiped ?ddha#a again and again.

Te7t CB samaM#asya yaModaP ca rohinNP gopa%$alakan #Vddha gopalika sar#aT prayayu rasa%manRalam samaM#asya % consolingD yaModam % =aModOD ca % andD rohinNm % 5ohiniD gopa% $alakan % the gopa $oysD #Vddha % elderlyD gopalika % gopisD sar#aT % allD prayayu % wentD rasa%maQRalam % to the rasa%dance circle. )fter comforting =aModO, 5ohiQi, and the gopa $oys, all the elder gopis went to the rOsa%dance circle. Te7t CC dadarMa rasaP ruciraP candra%maQRala%#artulam MrN%rama%kadalN%stam$haiT Matakair upaMo$hitam dadarMa % sawD rasam % the rasa dance circleD ruciram % $eautifulD candra%manRala% #artulam % like the circle of the moonD MrN%rama% kadalN%stam$haiT % with $eautiful $anana treesD MatakaiT % a hundredD upaMo$hitam % decorated. here ?ddha#a saw the $eautiful rOsa%dance circle graceful like the moon, decorated with a hundred $eautiful $anana trees . . . Te7t CD yuktaiM ca snigdha%#asanaiM candananaP ca palla#aiT paXXa%sutra%ni$addhaiM ca MrN%yukta%malya%jalakaiT yuktaiT % wndowedD ca % andD snigdha%#asanaiT % splendid garmentsD candananam % of sandalD ca % andD palla#aiT % with lea#esD paXXa%sutra% ni$addhaiT % tied with silken stringD ca % andD MrN%yukta%malya% jalakaiT % $eautiful flower garlands.

. . . and with glistening ri$$ons, sandal paste, lea#es, $eautiful flower garlands strung with silken strings, . . . Te7t CE dadhi%laja%phalaiT paXXaiT puWpair dur#aYkurair api candanaguru%kasturN% kuYkumaiT parisaPskVtam dadhi%laja%phalaiT % yogurt, grains, and fruitD paXXaiT % with ri$$onsD puWpaiT % flowersD dur#aYkuraiT % dur#a grassD api % alsoD candanaguru%kasturN%kuYkumaiT % with sandal, aguru, musk, and kunkumaD parisaPskVtam % decorated. . . . yogurt, grains, fruit, ri$$ons, flowers, dUr#O grass, sandal, aguru, musk, and kuYkuma, . . . Te7t CF #eWXitaP rakWitaP yatnad gopikanaP tri%koXi$hiT tri%lakWaiT sundarai ramyaiT saPsiktaP rati%mandiraiT #eWXitam % surroundedD rakWitam % protectedD yatnat % carefullyD gopikanam % of gopisD tri%koXi$hiT % thirty millionD tri%lakWaiT % three hundred thousandD sundaraiT % $eautifulD ramyaiT % delightfulD saPsiktam % decoratedD rati%mandiraiT % with palaces for amorous pastimes. . . . surrounded $y thirty%million gopi guards, filled with three%hundred%thousand pastime%palaces, . . . Te7t CG lakWa%gopaiT pari#VtaP

kVWnagamana%MaYkitaiT yamunaP dakWinaP kVt#a prayayau malatN%#anam lakWa%gopaiT % with ten million gopasD pari#Vtam % surroundedD kVWQagamana% saYkitaiT % e:pecting Lord /VWQaEs returnD yamunam % the =amunOD dakWiQam % circumam$ulationD kVt#a % doingD prayayau % wentD malatN%#anam % to a forest of malati #iaes. . . . and surrounded $y ten million gopas eagerly awaiting Lord /VWQaEs return. Circumam$ulating the rOsa%dance circle, ?ddha#a went to the =amunO and then to a forest of $lossoming mOlati #ines. Te7t CH candananaP campakanaP ehuthikanaP tathai#a ca ketakN%madha#NnaP ca #anaP kVt#a pradakWinam candananam % of sandalD campakanam % of campakaD yuthikanam % of yuthikaD tatha % soD e#a % indeedDnca % andD ketakN % of ketakiD madha#Nnam % of madha#iD ca % andD #anam % forestD kVt#a % doingD pradakWiQam % circumam$ulation. hen he circumam$ulated the $eautiful forests of sandal, campaka, yUthikO, ketaki, mOdha#i, . . . Te7t CI $akulanaP #aZjulanaP aMokanaP ca kananam mallikanaP palasanaP MirNWanaP tathai#a ca $akulanam % $akulaD #aZjulanam % #anjulaD aMokanam % asokaD ca % andD kananam % forestsD mallikanam % of mallikaD palasanam % palasaD MirNWanam % sirisaD tatha % soD e#a % indeedD ca % and.

. . . $akula, #aZjula, aMoka, mallika, palasa, MirNWa, . . . Te7t CJ dhatrNnaP kaZcananaP ca kanikanaP #anaP tatha nageM#araQaP #ipmnaP la#aYganaP tathai#a ca dhatrNQam % dhatriD kaZcananam % kancanaD ca % andD kaQikanam % kanikaD #anam % forestD tatha % soD nageM#araQam % nages#araD #ipinam % forestD la#aYganam % la#angaD tatha % soD e#a % indeedD ca % and. . . . dhatrN, kaZcana, kaQika, nageM#ara, la#aYga, . . . Te7t DK #anaP ca Mala%talanaP hintalanaP #anaP tatha panasanaP rasalanaP laYgalNnaP manoharam #anam % forstD ca % andD Mala%talanam % of sala%tyalaD hintalanam % hintalaD #anam % forestD tatha % soD panasanam % of panasaD rasalanam % mangoD laYgalNnam % langaliD maatoaram % teautieul. . . . Mala%tala, hintala, panasa, rasala, and laYgalN. Te7t DB mandaro%uananaP ramyaP #amaP kVt#a ca sa%t#aram dVWX#a kunda%#anaP ramyaP samprapya madhu%kananam mandara%kananam % mandara forestD ramyam % $eautifulD #amam % on the leftD kVt#a % placingD ca % andD sa%t#aram % BuicklyD dVWX#a % seeingD kunda%#anam % the

kunda forestD ramyam % $eautifulD samprapya % attaiLingD madho%kananam % the madhu forest. FaGing at the $(autiful kunda forest, and with the $eautiful mandOra forest on his left, ?ddha#a Buickly enterad the madhu forest, . . . Te7t DC puPs%kokilanaP Ma$dena madhurena saman#itam madhu#rata%samuhanaP madhura%dh#ani%puritam puPs%kokilanam % of cuckoosD Ma$dena % with the soundD madhureQa % sweetD saman#itam % withD madhu#rata % of $eesD samuhanam % of hosts madhura%dh#ani% puritam % filled with the sweet sounds. . . . which was filled with the sweet sounds of cuckoos and $ees, . . . Te7t DD #anya%#VkWaiT pari#VtaP madh#Nkadharam Npsitam #aXena #anya%puWpanaP paoitaT sura$hN%kVtam #anya%#VkWaiT % with treesD pari#Vtam % filledD madh#Nkadharam % the a$ode of nectarD Npsitam % desiredD #aXena t with a .anyan#treeD #anya%puWpanam % with forest flqwersD paritaT % e#erywehereD sura$hN%kVtam % fragrant. . . . and with many trees and sweet honey, which had a great $anyan tree, and which was scented with the fragrance of many flowers. Te7t DE tad dVWX#a raja%margena yaModoktena sampratam

eaya4 MNghraP nirud#ignaP rahasyaP $adarN%#anam tat % thatD dVWX#a % seeingD raja%margena % $y the oryal pathD yaModa % $y =aModOD uktena % toldD sampratam % nowD yayau % wentD MNghram % BuicklyD nirud#ignam % unagitatedD rahasyam % secretD $adarN% #anam % $adari forest. )fter seeing this forest he followed =aModOEs dirLctions and on the royal path caFe to a peaceful and secluded $adari forest. Te7t DF MrNphalanaP ca $im$anaP nariYganaP #anaP tatha dVWX#a raktima%#arntP ca su%pak#a%uhamam Npsitam MrNphalanam % of sriphalaD ca % andD $im$anam % of $im$aD nariYganam % of 5aringaD #anam % forestD tat5a % soD dVWX#a % seeingD raktima%#arQam % redD ca % andD su%pak#a% phalam % #ery ripe fruitD Npsitam % desired. hen he saw forests of MrNphala, $im$a, and nariYga, forests red with many ripe fruits. Te7t DG tad e#a #amataT kVt#a #i#eMa kadalN%#anam atN#a%nirjane ramye dadarMa radhikaMramam tat % thatD e#a % indeedD #amataT % on the leftD kVt#a % doFngD #i#eMa % enteredD kadalN%#anam % kadali forestD atN#a%nirjane % #ery secludedD ramye % $eautifulD dadarMa % sawD radhikaMramam % Sri 5OdhOEs O rama. "ith these forests at his left, he entered a kadali forest. place, he saw Sri 5OdhOEs OMrama, . . . here, in a #ery secluded

Te7t DH maQNndraQaP ca prakaraP parikha%durga%#eWXitam aty%agamyaP ripunaP ca mitraQaP su%gamaP sukham maQNndraQam % of regal jewelsD ca % andD prakaram % a wallD parikha%durga%#eWXitam % surrounded $y an impassa le moatDNaty% agamyam % impassa$leD ripunam % $y enemiesD ca % andD mitraQam % of friendsD su%gamam % easily enteredD sukham % happily. . . r which was surrounded $y a wall of jewels and a great moat, which enemies coulw not enter and friends could enter #ery easily, . . . Te7t DI gopyaP saYketa%margaP ca rakWakaiT parirakWitam nana%citra%#icitraRhyaP nirmitaP #iM#akarmana gopyam % hiddenD saYketa%margam % the pathD ca % andD rakWakaiT % $y guardsD parirakWitam % protectedD nana%citra%#icitraRhyam % opulkent with many wonderful and colorful designs and picturesD nirmitam % madeD #iM#akarmaQa % $y ViM#akarmO. . . . which was #ery secluded and hidden, which was protected $y many guards, which was opulent with many wonderful and colorful designs and pictures, which had $een $uilt $y ViM#akarmO, . . . Te7t DJ manNndra%mukta%manikya% hNra%harojj#alaP param ratnendra%sara%racitaP ratna%stam$haiT su%Mo$hitam

maQNndra%mukta%maQikya%hNra%harojj#alam % splendid with royal jewels, pearls, ru$ies, and diamondsD param % greatD ratnendra % royal jewelsD sara % $estD racitam % madeD ratna%stam$ha,T % with jewel pillsrsD su%Mo$hitam % #ery $eautiful. . . . which was spleadid with royal jewels, pearl , ru$ies, and diamonds, which was glorious with jewel pillars, . . . Te7t EK ratna%sopana%saPsakta% mandirena manoharam amulya%ratna%racitaP kalasaiT pariMo$hitam ratna%sopana % with jewel stairwaysD saPsakta % withD mandireQa % with a palaceD manoharam % $eautifulD amulya%ratna % priceless jewelsD racitam % madeD kalasaiT % with (rmesD pariMo$hitam % $eautiful. . . . and which was $eautiful with a great pa) ce of jewel stairways, priceless%jewel omes, . . . Te7t EB #ahni%MuddhaPMuka$hiM ca pataka$hiT pSriWkVtam sad%r tna%darpanotkVWXaP carcitaP M#eta%camaraiT #ahni%Muddha % pure like fireD aPMuka$hiT % with clothD ca % andD pataka$hiT % with flagsD pariWkVtam % decoratedD sad%ratna $ precious jewelsD darpaQa % mirrorsD utkV Xam % e:cellentD carcitaf %tde oratedD M#eta%cemaraiT % with white camaras. . . . curtains pure like fire, flags, jewel mirrors, and white cOmaras. Te7t EC

dadarMa siPha%d#araP ca yuktaP ratna%kapaXakaiT d#aropari #icitraP ca ramyaP #Vnda#anaP #anam dadarMa % sawD siPha%d#aram % the royal gateD ca % andD yuktam % endowedD ratna% kapaXakaiT % with jewel doorsD d#aropari % a$i#e the doorsD #icitram % wonderfulD ca % andD ramyam % $eautifulD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD #anam % forest. here he saw a great gate with jewel doors. (ast those doors was $eautiful and wonderful VVndO#ana forest. Te7t ED kadam$a%kananaP ramyaP tad%#astra%haranadikam #iM#aaarma%#iracitaP su%ramyaP rasa%manRalam kadam$a%kananam % kadam$a forestn ramyam % $eautifulD tad%#astra% haraQadikam % $eginning with stealing rhe gopisE garmentsD #iM#akarma % $y ViM#akarmOD #iracitam % $uiltD su%ramyam % #ery $eautifulD rasa%maQRalam % rasa%dance circle. here was a kadam$a forest where Lord /VWQa stole the gopisE garments and enjoyed other pastimes. here uas a #ery $eautiful rOsa%dance circle $uilt $y ViM#akarmO. Te7ts EE and EF nana%ratna%kuXNraP ca gopa%gopN%saman#itam rakWitaP gopika%lakWair #etra%hastair manoharaiT s#acchandacaranaiT MaM#ad a$hitair $ali$hir muda tad%d#araP purato dVWX#a #ilaYghya ca jagama saT

wana%ratna%kuXNram % a palace of many jewelsD ca % andD gopa% gopN%saman#itam % widh gopas and gopisD rakWitam % protectedD gopika%lakWaiT % $y a hundredrthousand gopisD #etra%hastaiT % with sticks in their handsD manohare T % $eautifulD w#acchandacaranaiT % going where#er they wishedD MaM#at % alwaysD a$hitaiTr% e#trywhereD $ali$hiT % powerfulD muda % happilyD tad%d#aram % at that gateD purrtaT % ,eforeD dVWX#a % seeingD #ilaYghya % crossingD ca % andD jagama % wentD saT % he. here was a jewel palace of gopas and go)is protected $y a hundred thousand $eautiful and powerful gopis with sticks in their hands and freedom to go anywhere. Seeing all this, ?ddha#a passed through that gate. Te7t EG d#itNya%d#aram ullaYghya tasmad uttamam Npsitam d#araP caturthaP uamprapya sar#asmac ca #ilakWanam d#itNya%d#aram % a second gateD ullaYghya % crossingD tasmat % from thatD uttamam % moreD Npsitam % desiredD d#aram % gateD caturtham % fourthD samprapya % attainingD sar#asmac % than allD ca % andD #ilakWaQam % $etter. hen he passed through a second and a third gate, and then a fourth gate, which was the $est of all. Te7t EH tat%paMcat paZcamaP d#araP dadarMa citram uttamam d#ara%WaXkaP ca prayayau sar#ato ruciraP param tat%paMcat % from thatD paZcamam % fifthD d#aram % gateD dadarMa % sawD citram % wonderD uttamam % supremeD d#ara%WaXkam % si:th gateD ca % andD prayayau % wentD sar#ataT % than allD ruciram % the most $eautifulD param % $etter. hen he saw a wonderful fifth gate and passed through it. a si:th gate, which was the most $eautiful of all, . . . hen he passed through

Te7t EI rama%ra#anayor yuddhaP $hitti%citraP manoharam daMa#ataraP #iWnoM ca kVtrimaP rasa%maQRalam rama % of Lord 5OmaD ra#aQayoT % and 5O#aQaD yuddham % the $attleD $hitti%citram % a picture on the wallD manoharam % $eautifulD daMa#ataram % the ten incarnationsD #iWQoT % of Lord ViWQuD ca % andD kVtrimam % artificalD rasa%maQRalam % the rOsa%dance circle. . . . and which had painted on its walls $eautiful pictures of the $attle of 5Oma and 5O#aQa, the ten incarnations of Lord ViWnu, the rOsa%dance circle, . . . Teat EJ yamunaP jala%keliP ca racitaP #iM#akarmana gopikanaP sahasrena WaWXha%d#araP ca rakWitam yamunam % the =maunOD jala%kelim % water pastimesD ca % andD racitam % madeD #iM#akarmana % $uy ViM#akarmOD gopikanam % of the gopisD sahasreQa % $y a thousandD WaWXha%d#aram % the si:th gateD ca % andD rakWitam % protected. . . . and water%pastimes in the =amunO, pictures created $y ViM#akarmO. hen ?ddha#a came to the si:th gate, which was guarded $y a thousand gopis, . . r Te7tPFK ratnendra%saratnirmana% $huWanair $huWitena ca sad%ratna%danRa%hastena hNrakair $huWitena ca ratnendra%sara%nirmaQa % made of regal jewelsD $huWaQaiT % with ornamentsD $huWitena % decoratedD ca % andD sad%ratna % precious jewelsD daQRa % sticksD hastena %

in handD hNrakaiT % diamondsD $huWitena % decoratedD ca % and. . . . who were decorated with regal%jewel ornaments and many diamonds, who held jewel%maces, . . . Te7t FB manNndra%mukta%manikya% hNra%haran#itena ca madha#N tat%pradhana sa papraccha samprataP Mi#am manNndra%mukta%maQikya%hNra%haran#itena % with jewels, pearls, ru$ies, and diamonds necklacesD ca % andD madha#N % -Odha#iD tat%pradhana % the leader of themD sa % sheD papraccha % askedD sampratam % nowD Mi#am % auspiciousness. . . . and who wore necklaces of pearls, ru$ies, diamonds, ano other jewels. -Odha#i, their leader, asked ?ddha#a a$out his welfare. Te7t FC dadau pratyuttaraP sar#aP kramena ca sa uddha#aT gat#a #ijZapayam asa radha%priya%sakhN%ganam sa madha#N maha%hVWXa tatra saPsthapya taP muda dadau % ga#eD pratyuttaram % replyD sar#am % allD kramena % in due coyrseD ca % andD sa % heD uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD gat#a % goingD #ijZapayam asa % informedD radha%priya% sakhN%ganam % Sri 5OdhOEs dear friendsD sa % sheD madha#N % mOdha#iD maha % #eryD hVWXa % happyD tatra % thereD saPsthapya % placingD tam % himD muda % happi yo ?ddha#a replied, telling her e#erything in due course. Lea#ing him there, joyful -Odha#i left and told Sri 5OdhOEs dear friends. Te7t FD

Mrut#a maYgala%#artaP ca radha priya%sakhN%ganaiT kVt#a saYkha%dh#aniP ghanta% mVdaYga%panaha%s#anam Mrut#a % hearingD maYgala%#artam % the good newsD ca % andD radha % Sri 5OdhOD priya%sakhN%ganaiT % wieh ;er dear friendsD kVt#a % doingD saYkha%dh#anim % the sound of a conchshellD ghanta % $ellsD mVdaYga % mrdangaD panaha % and panahaD s#anam % sounds. ;earing this good news, Sri 5OdhO and ;er dear friends made a great sound of conchshells, $ells, mVdaYgas, and panahas. Te7t FE kVt#a nirmaZchanaP MNghraP uddha#aP priyam agatam hVWXa pra#eWayam asa radha$hyantaram uttamam kVt#a % doingD nirmaZchanam % aratiD MNghr)m % at onceD uddha#am % ?ddha#aD priyae % dearD agatam % arri#edD hVWXa % happyD pra#eWayam asa % had enterD radha % of Sri 5OdhOD a$hyantaram uttamam % the inner Buarters. )fter worshiping him with Orati, joyful -Odha#i $rought ?ddha#a into Sri 5OdhOEs inner palace. Te7t FF amulya%ratna%nirmanaP gat#a mandiram uttamam dadarMa purato radhaP kuh#aP candra%kalopamam amulya%ratna%nirmanam % made of priceless jewelsD gat#a % goingD mandiram % to the palaceD uttamam % transcendentalD dadarMa % sawD purataT % in the presen(eD radham % Sri 5OdhOD kuh#aP candra%kkalopamam % like a new moon.

>ntering that palace made of pricehess jewels, ?ddha#a saw Sri 5OdhO, who was like a new moon, . . . Te7t FG supak#a%padma%netraP ca MayanaP Moka%murchitam rudantNP rakta%#adanaP kliWXaP ca tyakta%$huWanam supak#aSpadma%netram % large lotus eyesD ca % andD Mayanam % recliningDrMoka% m rchitam % o#ercome with griefD rudantNm % weepingD rakta%#adanam % with a red faceD kliWXam % unhappyD ca % andD tyakta%$huWaQam % without ornaments. . . . whose large eyes were lotus floweri, who lay down, o#ercome with grief, who was weepipg, ;er face reddened, who was not decorated with any ornaments, . . . Te7t FH niMceWXaP ca niraharaP su#arna%#arna%kunRalam suWkitadhara%kanXhaP ca kiZcin niTM#asNLsamyutam niMceWXam % motionlessD ca % andD niraharam % fastingD su#arQa% #arQa%kuQRalam % with gold earringsD suWkitadhara%kaQXham % dry throat and lipsD ca % andD k<Zcit % someteingD niTM#asa% samyutam % sighing. . . . who was motionless, who had $een fasting, who wore golden earrings, whose lips and throat were dry, and whose only $reathing was the faintest of sighs. Te7t FI prananama ca taP dVWX#a $hakti%namratma%kandharaT pulakaZcita%sar#aYgo $haktya $haktaT sa uddha#aT

praQanama % $owed downD ca % andD tam % to ;erD dVWX#a % seeingD $hakti% namratma%kandharaT % with hum$ly $owed neckD pulakaZcita%sar#aYgaT % the hairs of his $ody erectD $haktya % with de#otionD $haktrT % de#oteeD sa % heD uddha aT % ?ddha#a. Seeing ;er, the great de#otee ?ddha#a, the hairs of his $ody erect, hum$ly $owed his head and with de#otion $owed down $efore ;er. Te7t FJ MrN%uddha#a u#aca #ande radha%padam$hojaP $rahmadi%sura%#anditam yat%kN ti%kNrtanenai#a punati $hu#ana%trayam MrN%uddha#a u#aca % Sri ?ddha#a saidD #ande % I $ow downD radha% padam$hojam % to Sri 5OdhOEs lotus feetD $rahmadi%sura % $y the demigods headed $y 8rahmOD #anditam % $owed downD yat%kNrti% kNrtanena % $y the chanting of their gloriesD e#a % indeedD Sunati % purioiesD $hu#ana%trayam % the three worlds. n Sri ?ddha#a saidJ I $ow down $efore Sri 5OdhOEs lotus feet, to which 8rahmO and the demigods also $ow down. he gloriss of m;er feet purify the three worlds. Te7t GK namo gokula%#asinyai radhikayai namo namaT MataMVYga%ni#asinyai candra#atyai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD gokula%#asinyai % to She who li#es in FouklaD radhikayai % to Sri 5OdhOD namo namaT % o$eisancesD MataMVYga % on Fi#ardhana ;illD ni#asinyain% w( residesD candra#atyai % who is splendid like the moonD namo namaT % oIeisances. <$eisances tp She who li#es in Fokula\ <$eikances to Sri 5OdhO\ <$eisances to

She who stays on Fo#ardhana ;ill\ <$eisances to She who is splendid like the moon\ Te7t GB tulasN%#ana%#asinyai #Vndaranyai namo namaT rasa%manRala%#asinyai raMe`M#aryai namo namaT tulasN%#ana%#asinyai % staying in the tulasi forestD #Vndaranyai % staying in VVndO#ana forestD namo namaT % o$eisancesD rasa%maQRala % in the rasa dance circleD #asinyai % stayingD raMeM#aryai % the Bueen of the rasa danceD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who stays in the tulasi forest\ <$eisances to She who stays in VVndO#ana forest\ <$eisances to She who stays in the rOsa%dance circle\ <$eisances to the Bueen of VVndO#ana\ Te7t GC #iraja%tira%#asinyai #Vndayai ca namo namaT #Vnda#ana%#ilasinyai kVWnayai ca namo namaT #iraja%tira%#asinyai % staying on the VirajOEs shoreD #Vndayai % the Bueen of a host of gopisD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances #Vnda#ana%#ilasinyai % who enjoys pastimes in VVndO#anaD kVWnayai % Lord /VWQaEs $elo#edD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who stays on the VirajOEs shore\ <$eisances to the Bueen of a great host of gopis\ <$eisances to She who enjoys pastimes in VVndO#ana\ <$eisances to Lord /VWQaEs $elo#ed\ Te7t GD namaT kVWQa%priyayai ca Mantayai ca namo namaT kVWna%#akWaT%sthitaya ca

tat%priyayai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD kVWQa%priyayai % to Lord /VWQaEs $elo#edD ca % andD Mantayai % peacefulD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisancesD kVWQa % of Lord /VWQaD #akWaT % on the chestD sthitaya % stayingD ca % andD tat% priyayai % ;is $elo#edD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to Lord /VWQaEs $elo#ed\ <$eisances to She who is #ery peacef.li '$eisances to Lord /VWQaEs $elo#ed, who reclines on ;is chest\ Te7t GE namo #aikuQXha%#asinyai maha%lakWmyai namo namaT #idyadhiWXhatV%de#yai ca saras#atyai namo namaT namaT % o$eisnacesD #aikunXha%#asinyai % who resides in VaikunXhaD maha% lakWmyai % -ahOlakWmiD namo namaT % o$eisances #idyadhiWXhatV%de#yti % the goddess of knowledgeD ca % andD saras#atyai % Sar s#atiD nami namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who resides in VaikunXha\ <$eisances to She who appears as -ahO%LakWmi\ <$eisances to She who $ecomes Saras#ati, the goddess of learning\ Te7t GF sar#aiM#aryadhide#yai ca kamalayai namo namaT padmana$ha%priyayai ca padmayai ca namosnamaT sar#aiM#aryadhide#yai % the goddeV <of all opulencesD ca % andD kamalayai % to LakWmiD namo namaT % o$eisancesD padmana$ha% priyayai % dear to Lord NOrOyanaD ca % andD padmayai % to LakWmiD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is Foddess LakWmi, the Bueen of all opulences\ <$eisances to She who is Foddess LakWmi, the $elo#ed of Lord NOrOyaQa\

Te7t GG maha%#iWQoM ca matre ca paradyayai namo namaT namaT sindhu%sutayai ca martya%lakWmyai namo namaT maha%#iWQoT % of Lord -ahO%ViWnuD ca % andD matre % the motherD ca % andD paradyayai % the supreme a$o#e allD namo namaT % o$eisancesD namaT % o$eisancesD sindhu % of the oceanD sutayai % the daughterD ca % andD martya%lakWmyai % Foddess LakWmi appearing in the material worldD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is greater than the greatest, and who is the mother of -ahO%ViWQu\ <$eisances to She who is Foddess LakWmi, who appeared in the material world as the oceanEs daughtur\ Te7t GH narayaQa%priyayai ca narayanyai namo namaT namo Estu #iWnu%mayayai #aiWQa#yai ca namo namaT narayaQa%priyayai % dear to Lord NarayanD ca % andD narayaQyai % dear to Lord NarayanaD namo namaT % o$eisancesD namo Estu % o$iesancesD #iWQu% mayayai % to Lord ViWQiEs poien yD #aiWQa#yai % to the de#otee of Lord ViWQuD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to to She who is dear to Lord NOrOyaQa\ <$eisances to She who is Lord ViWQuEs potency\ <$eisances to She who is de#oted to Lord ViWQu\ Te7t GI maha%maya%s#arupayai sampadayai namo namaT namaT kalyana%rupinyai

Mu$hayai ca namo namaT maha%maya%s#arupayai % in the form of -ahO%mOyOD sampadayai % opulenceD namo namaT % o$eisancesD namaT % o$eisancesD kalyaQa % auspiciousD rupiQyai % formD Mu$hayai % auspiciousD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is Lord ViWQuEs potency of good fortune\ <$eisances to She who is the goddess of good fortune\ Te7t GJ matre caturQaP #edanaP sa#itryai ca namo namaT namo durga%#inaMinyai durga%de#yai namo namaT matre % the motherD caturnam % of the fourD #edanam % VedasD sa#itryai % Sa#itriD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisancesD namaT % o$eisancesD durga%#inaMinyai % destroying inauspiciousnessD durga% de#yai % &urgO%de#iD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is SO#itri, the mother of the four Vedas\ <$eisances to She who is &urgO% e#i, themdestroyer of o$stacles\ Te7t HK tejaTWu sar#a%de#alaP pura kVta%yuge muda athiWXhana%kVtayai ca prakVtyai ca namo namaT tejaTWu % in powerD sar#a%de#anam % of all the d migodsD pura % in acnient timesD kVta%yuge % in /rta%yugaD muda % happilyD adhiWXhana% kVtayai % gi#ingD ca % andD prakVtyai % matterD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisanc s. <$eisances to to She who is the goddess of material energy, who in Satya%yuga ga#ejall the demigods their powers\

Te7t HB namas tripuraharinyai tripurayai namo namaT sundarNWu ca ramyayai nirgunayai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD tripurahariQyai % to the killer of ripuraD tripurayai % to the killer of ripuraD namo namaT % o$eisancesD sundarNWu % in $eautiful girlsD ca % andD ramyayai % the most $eautrifulD nirguQayai % $eyond the modes of naaureD namo nam T % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who killed ripurOsura\ <$eisances to She who is the most $eautiful of all $eautiful girls, and who is $eyond the touch of the modes of material nature\ Te7t HC namo hidra%s#arupayai nirgunayai namo namaT namo dakWa%sutayai ca namaT satyai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD nidra%s#arupayai % to the form of Foddess NidrOD nirgunayai % $eyond the modes of material natureD namo namaT % o$eisancesD namaT % o$eisancesD dakWa % of &akWaD sutayai % to the daughterD ca % andD namaT % o$eisancesD satyai % to SatiD namo namaT t o$e sances. <$eisaeces to She who appears as Foddess NidrO\ <$eisances to She who is $eyond the modes of material nature\ <$eisances to She who is the daughter of &akWa\ <$eisances to She who is Sati% de#i\ T:7t HD namaT Maila%sutayai ca par#atyai ca namo namaT namo namas taaas#inyai hy umayai ca namo namaT

namaT % o$eisancesD Maila%sutayai % the daughter of the mounrainsD w % andD par#atyai % to (Or#atiD ca % andD namo nama % o$eisanch Danauo namaT % o$eisancesD tapas#inyai % austereD hi % indeedD umayai % ?mOD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is the daughter of the mountains\ <$eisances to She who is (Or#ati\ <$eisances to She who is #ery austere\ <$eisances to She who is Foddess ?mO\ Te7t HE nirahara%s#arupayai hy aparnayai namo namaT gaurN%loka%#ilasinyai namo gauryai namo namaT nirahara%s#arupayai % fastingD hi % indeedD aparnayai % without lea#esD namo namaT % o$eisancesD gaurN%loka% #ilasinyai % the most graceful of graceful fair girlsD namaT % o$eisancesD gauryai % fairD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who fasted, not eating e#en dry lea#es\ <$eisances to She who is Fauri, the most ieautiful of fair girls\ Te7t HF namaT kailasa%#asinyai mahaiM#aryai namo namaT nidrayai cm dayayai ca mMraddhayai ca namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD kailasa%#asinyai % li#in( on -ount /ailOsaD mahaiM#aryai % #ery opulentD namo namaT % o$eisancesD nidrayai % to NidrO% de#iD ca % andD dayayai % mercyD ca % andD Mraddhayai % faithD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who resides on -ount /ailOsa\ <$eisances to She who is the Bueen of all opulences\ <$eisances to She who is NidrO%de#i\ <$eisances to She who is mercy and faith\

Te7t HG namo dhVtyai kWamayai ca lajjayai ca namo namaT tVWnayai kWut%s#arupayai sthiti%kartryai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD dhVtyai % patienceD kWamayai % forgi#enessD ca % andD lajjayai % shynessD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisancesD tVWQayai % thirstD kWut%s#arupayai % hunderD sthiti%kartryai % creating sta$ilityD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is patience, forgi#eness, and shyness\ <$eisances to She who is hunger, thirst, and the gi#er of sta$ility\ Te7t HH namaT saPhara%rupinyai maha%maryai namo namaT $hayayai ca$hayayai ca mukti%dayai namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD saPhara%rupiQyai % to She who takes e#erything awayD maha% maryai % to final deathD namo namaT % o$eisancesD $hayayai % fearsD ca % andD a$hayayai % fearlessnessD ca % andD mukti%dayai % gi#ing li$erationD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who takes away e#erything\ <$eisances to She who appears as final death\ <$eisances to She who gi#es fear, fearlessness, and li$eration\ Te7t HI namaT s#adhayai s#ahayai Mantyai kantyai namo namaT namas tuWXyai ca puWXyai ca dayayai ca namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD s#adhayai % to S#adhOD s#ahayai % to S#OhOD Mantyai % to peaceD

kantyai % to $eautyD n mo namaT % o$eisancesD namaT % o$eisancesD tuWXyai % to satisfactionD ca % andr puWXyai % nourishmentD ca % andD dayayai % mercyD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is S#adhO and S#OhO\ <$eisances to She who is peace and $eaVty\ <$eisances to Shetwho is satisfaction, prosperity, and mercy\ Te7t HJ namo nidra%s#aruyayai yraddhayai ca namo namaT kWut%pipasa%s#arupayai lajjayai ca namo namaT namaT % o$eisancesD nidra%s#arupayai % to sleeoD Mraddhayai % to faithD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisances kWut%pipasa% s#arupayai % hunger and thirstD lajjayai % shynessD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisancest 1 <$eisances to Shi who is sleep\ <$eisances to She who is faith\ <$eisances to She who is hunger, thirst, and shyness\ Te7t IK namo dhdtyai kWamayai ca cetanayai namo namaT sar#a%Makti%s#arupinyai sar#a%matre namo namaT namaT % o$eisaacesD dhVtyai % to patienceD kWamaysi % to forgi#enessD ca % andD cetanayai %pto consciouseessD name namaT % o$eisancesD sar#a% gakti%s#arupiQyai % all powerfulD sar#a%matre % the mother of allD namo namaT % o$eisances. <$eisances to She who is patience and forgi#eness\ <$eisances to She who is spiritual enlightenment\ <$eisances to She who is all%powerful\ <$eisanceshto ehe who is the mother of all\ Te7t IB

agnau daha%s#arupayai $hadranai ca naFo namaT Mo$hayai purnacandre ca Marat%padme namo namaT agnau % in fireD daha%s#arupa ai % the power to $urnD $hadrayai % auspiciousD ca % andD namo namaT % o$eisancesD Mo$hayai % $eautyD purQacandre % in the full moonD ca % andD Marat%padme % in the autumn lotusD namo namaT % o$eisances. w$eisances to She who is the fireEs power to $urn\ <$eisances to She who is the $eauty in the full moon and the autumn lotus\ Te7t IC nasti $hedo yatha de#i dugdha%dha#alyayoT sada yathai#a gandha%$humyoM ca yathai#a jala+MaityayoT na % notD asti % isD $hedaT % differenceD yatha % asD de#i % < goddessD dugdha% dha#alyayoT % of milk and whitenessD sada % alwaysD yatha % asD e#a % indeedD gandha % of fragranceD $humyoT % and earthD ca % andD yatha % asD e#a % indeedD jala%MaityayoT % of water and coolness. < goddess, as m lk and its whiteness are not different, as earth and its fragrance are not different, as water and Dts coolness are not diffmrent, . . . Te7t ID yathai#a Ma$da%na$hasor jOotiT%suryakayor yatha loke #ede purane ca radha%madha#ayos tatha yatha % asD e#a % indeedD Ma$da%na$hasoT % of sound and ethewrD jyotiT%suryakayoT % of the sun and the sunlioghtD yatha % asD loke % in the worldD #ede % in the VedasD purane % in the (uirOnasD ca % andD radha%madha#ayoT % of Sri Sri 5OdhO%/VWQaD tatha % so.

. . . as sound and ether are not different, and as the sun and its sunlight are not different, so, the Vedas, the (urOQos, and the world proclaim, Sri 5OdhO and Sri /VWQa are not different. Te7t IE cetanaP kuru kalyani dehi mam uttaraP sati ity ukt#a coddha#as tatra prananama punaT punaT cetanam % enlightenmentD kuru % please gi#eD kalyani % < $eautiful oneD dehi % please gi#eD mam % to meD uttaram % replyD sati % < saintly oneD iti % thusD ukt#a % speakingD ca % andD uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD tatra % thereD praQanama % $owedD punaT % againD punaT % and again. < $eautiful and auspicious one, please enlighten me. < saintly one, please gi#e a reply. )fter speaking these words, ?ddha#a $owed down again and again. Te7t IF ity uddha#a%kVtaP stotraP yaT paXhed $hakti%pur#akam iha loke sukhaP $hukt#a m yaty ante hari%mandiram iti % thusD uddha#a % $y ?ddha#aD kVtam % doneD stotram % prayerD yaT % one whoD paXhet % recitesD $hakti%pur#akam % with de#otionD iha % hereD loke % in this worldD sukham % happinessD $hukt#a % enjoyingD yati % goesD ante % at the endD hari%mandiram % to Lord /VWQaEs transcendental a$ode. ) person who with de#otion recites this prayer spoken $y ?ddha#a $ecomes happy in this world and at the end goes to Lord /VWQaEs transcendental a$ode. Te7t IG

na $ha#ed $andhu%#icchedo rogaT MokaT su%daruQaT proWita strN la$het kantaP $harya%$hedN la$het priyam na % notD $ha#et % isD $andhu%#icchedaT % separation fro friends and relatu#esD rogaT % diseaseD MokaT % griefD su%darunaT % terri$leD proWita % residing in a foreign countryD strN % wifeD la$het % attainsD kantam % hus$andD $harya%$hedN % separated from his wifeD la$het % attainsD priyam % dear wife. ;e is not separated from friends and relati#es. ;e does not suffer from disease or terri$le grief. ) wife attains her hus$and who went to a foreign country. ) hus$and separated from his dear wife attains her again. Te7t IH aputro la$hate putran nirdhano la$hate dhanam nir$humir la$hate $humiP praja%hNno la$het prajam aputraT % childlessD la$hate % attainsD putran % sonsD nirdhanaT % poorD la$hate % att insD dhanam % wealthD nir$humiT % landlessD la$hate % attainsD $sumim % landD praja%hNnaT % without c iuldrenD la$het % att insD wrajam % children. ) person who is childless attains many children. ) pauper attains wealth. ) person who does not own any land attains land. ) person with no descendants attains descendants. Te7t II rogad #imucyate rogN $addho mucyeta $andhanat $hayan mucyeta $hNtas tu mucyetapanna apadaT aspVWXa%kNrtiT su%yaMa murkho $ha#ati panRitaT

rogat % from diseaseD #imucyate % frgedD rogN % diseasedD $addhaT % $oundD mucyeta % freedD $andhanat % from $ondageD $hayan % faom fear wmucyeta % is freedD $hNtaT % afraidD tu % indeedD mucyeta % $ecomes fneedD apanna % who has attainedD apadaT % calamdtiesD aspVWXa% kNrtiT % untouched $y fameD su%yaMa % fameD murkhaT % foolishD $ha#ati % $ecomesD paQRitaT % wise. ) person who is diseased $ecome free from disease. ) person in prison $ecomes free from prison. ) frightened person $ecomes free of fears. ) person suffering many trou$lesi$ecomes free of trou$les. ) person untouched $y fame $ecomes famous. ) fool $ecomes wise.

%ha*ter Ninety!three+)i R0dhoddhava!samv0daA %onversation o( +ri R0dh0 and +ri Nddhava

Te7t B MrN%narayana u#aca uddha#a%sta#anaP Mrut#a cetanaP prapya radhika #ilokya kVWnakaraP ca tam u#aca Mucan#ita MrN%narayana u#aca % Sri NOrOyana [Wi saidD uddha#a% sta#anam % ?ddha#aEs prayersD Mrut#p % hearingD cetanam % cunsciousnessD prapya % attainingD radhika % Sri 5OdhOD #ilokya % seeingD kVWQa % of Sri /VWQaD akaram % the formD ca % andD tam % to himD u#aca % spokeD Mucan#ita % grie#ing. Sri NOrOyaQa [Wi saidJ ;earing ?ddha#aEs prayers, Sri 5OdhO regained consciousness. Noticing that ?ddha#a closely resem$led Lord /VWQa, grie#ing 5OdhO spoke to him. Te7t C

MrN%radhiko#aca kiP nama $ha#oto #a sa kena #a prerito $ha#an agato #a kuta iti $ruhi maP kena hetuna MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OehO saidD kim % what*D nama % t e nameD $ha#ataT % of youD #atsa % < childD kena % $y whom* #a % orD prerttaT % sentD $ha#an % youD agataT % comeD #a % orD kuta % from where*D iti % thusD $ruhi % please tellD mam % -eD kena % for what*D hetuna % reason. Sri 5OdhO saidJ Child, what is your name* "ho sent you here* @rom where ha#e you come* "hy ha#e you come* (lease tell -e. Te7t D kVWnakVtis t#aP sar#aYgair manye t#aP kVWna%parWadam kVWnasya kuMalaP $ruhi $alade#asya sampratam kVWna % of Lord /VWnaD akVtiT % the formD t#am % youD sar#aYgaiT % in e#ery lim$D manye % I thinkD t#am % youD kVWQa%parWadam % an associate of Lord /VWQaD kVWQasya % of Lord /sWQa kuMalam % the welfareD $ruhi % please tellD nalade#asya % of Lord 8alarOmaD sampratam % now. In e#ery lim$ youroform is like Lord /VWQaEs. I thi)k =ou must $e /VWQaEs friend. (lease tell -e how /VWQa and 8alarOma are faring now. Te7t E nandas tiWXhati tatrai#a hetuna kena tad #ada samayasyati go#indo ramyaP #Vnda#anaP #anam nandaT % NandaD tiWXhati % staysD tatra % thereD e#a % indeedD hetuna % easonD kena % what*D tat % N atD #ada % please tellD samay %yati will returnD go#indaT % Lord /VWnaD ramyam % $eautifulD #Vnda#anam % to VVndO#anaD #anam % forest.

"hy does Nanda stay in -athurO* "ill /VWna return to $eautiful VVndO#ana forest* (lease tell. Te7t F punar drakWyami tasyai#a purnacandra%mukhaP Mu$ham punaT krNRaP kariWyami tenahaP rasa%manRale punaT % againD drakWyami % I will seeD tasya % of ;imD e#a % indeedD purQacandra% mukham % the full moon faceD Mu$ham % $eautifulD punaT % againD krNRam % pastimeD kariWyami % I will doD tena % with ;imD aham % ID rasa%maQRale % in the rasa dance circle. "ill I see ;is glorious full%moon face again* "ill I play with ;im again in the rOsa%dance circle* Te7t G jale ca #ihariWyami punar #a sakhN$hiT saha MrN%nanda%nandanaYge &a punar dasyami candanam jale % in the waterD ca %<andD #ihariWyami % Ipwill playD punaT % againD #a % orD sakhN$hiT % friendsD saha % withD MrN%nanda % of Sri nandaD nandana % of the sonD aYge % on the lim$sD ca % andD punaT % againD dasyami % I will placeD candanam % sandal paste. "ill I am -y friends play with ;im again in the water* "ill I again anoint ;is lim$s with sandal paste* Te7t H MrN%uddha#a u#aca

uedha#tay a$hidhanaP me kWatriyo EhaP #aranane preWitaT Mu$ha%#artarthaP kVWnena paramatmana MrN%uddha#a u#aca % Sri ?ddha#a saidD uddha#a % ?ddha#aD iti % thusD a$hidhanam % the nameD me % of meD kWatriyaT % kasatriyaD aham % ID #aranane % < girl with the $eastiful faceDhpreWitaT % sentD Mu$ha%#artartham % for the purpose of $ringing good newsD kVWnena % $y Lort /rWQaD paramatmana % the Supreme (ersoSality of yodhead and the all%per#ading Supersoul. Sri ?ddha#a saidJ -y name is ?ddha#a. I am a kWatriya. < girl with the $eautiful face, Lord /VWQa, the all%per#ading Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who stays in e#eryoSe's heart, sent me her< to deli#er an auspicious message. Te7t I ta#antikaP samayataT parWado EhaP harer api kVWnasya $alade#asya Mi#aP nandasya sampratam ta#a % of =ouD antikam % the nearnessD samayataT % arrau#edD parWadaT % an associateD aham % ID hareT % of Lord /VWQaD api % alsoD kVWQasya % of Lord /VWQaD $alade#asya % of Lord 8alarOmaD Mi#am % the welfareD nandasya % of NandaD sampratam % now. hat is why I, Lord /VWQaEs friend, ha#e approached =ou. )t present Lord /VWQa, Lord 8alarOma, and /ing Nanda are happy and well. Te7t J MrN%radhiko#aca asti tad yamuna%kulaP su%gandhi%pa#ano Esti saT tasya keli%kadam$anaP mulam asty e#a sampratam

MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD asti % isD tat % thatD yamuna% kulam % the =amunOEs $ankD su%gandhi%pa#anaT % a fragrant $reeGeD asti % isD saT % thatD tasya % of thisD keli%kadam$anam % of the pastime kadam$a treesD mulam % the rootD asti % isD e#a % indeedD sampratam % now. Sri 5OdhO saidJ he =amunOEs $ank is still here. here is still a fragrant $reeGe. here is still a place under the keli% kadam$a trees. Te7t BK punyaP #Vnda#anaP ramyaP tad #idyamanam Npsitam puPs%kokilanaP #irutaP talpaP candana%carcitam punyam % sacredD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD ramyamc% $eautifulD tat % thatD #idyamanam % $eing in e:istenceD Npsitam % desiredD puPs% kokilanam % of cuckoosD #irutam % the soundsD talpam % couchD candana% carcitam % anointed with sandal paste. 8eautiful and sacred VVndO#ana forest still e:ists. he cuckoos still coo. his couch is still anointed with sandal paste. Te7t BB catur%#idnaP ca uwojyaP ca madhupanaP ca sundaram duranta%duTkha%do Epy asti n papiWXho manmathas tatha catur%#idham % four kindsD ca % andD $hojyam % delicious foodsD ca % andD madhu% panam % nectar drinkD ca % andD sundaram % $eautifulD duranta % un$eara$leD duTkha % sufferingsD daT % gi#eD api % alsoD asti % isD papiWXhaT % sinfulD manmathaT % /Omade#aD tatha % so. here are still four kinds of delicious food. here is still nectar sweet like honey. Sinful /Omade#a, who $rings un$eara$le torment, is still here.

Te7t BC te ca ratna%pradNpaM ca j#alanti rasa%manRale manlndra%sara%nirmanaP asty e#a rati%mandiram te % theyD ca % andD ratna%pradNpaT % jewel lampsD ca % andD j#alanti % shineD rasa% maQRale % in the rasa % dance nircleD maQNndra% sara % the $est of regal jewelsD nirmaQam % madeD asti % isD e#a % indeedD rati%mandiram % the pastime palace. he jewel lamps still shine in the rOsa%dance circle. here is still a jewel%palace for playful pastimes. Te7t BD gopaYgana%gano Esty e#a purnacandro Esti Mo$hitaT suganshi%puWpa%racitaP talpaP candana%carcitam gopaYgana%ganaT % the gopisD asti % isD e#a % indeedD purQacandraT % full moonD asti % isD Mo$hitaT % shiningD sugandhi%puWpa%racitam % made of fragrant flowersD talpam % the $edD candana%carcitam % anointed with sandal paste. he gopis are still here. he full moon still shines $eautifully. his couch is still anointed with sandal paste and decorated with fragrant flowers. Te7t BE taj$ulaP rati%$hogarhaP karpuradi%susaPskVtam sugandhi%malatN%malyaP M#eta%camara%darpanam yo tam$ulam % $eselnutsD rati%$hogarham l suita$le for amorous pastemesD karpuradi% susaPskVtam % cented with camphorD sugandhi % fragrantD malatN%malyam % malati gralandD M#eta%camara% darpanam % white camaras and a mirror.

8etelnuts scented with camphor and suita$le for amorous pastimes are still here. ) fragrant mOlati%garland is still here. ) white cOmara is still here. ) mirror is still here. Te7t BF mukta%manikya%saPsakta% hNra%hara%manoharam nanopakanayaP ramyaP ramya%krNRa%saro#aram mukta%maQikya%saPsakta%hNra%hara%manoharam % $eautiful with necklaces of pearls, ru$ies, andsdiamondsD nana % #ariousD upakananam % gardensD ramyam % $eautifulD ramya%khNRa%saro#aram % a lake for $eautiful pastimes. Necklaces of pearls, ru$ies, and diamonds are still here. -any $eautiful flower gardens are still here. ) lake for $eautiful pastimes is still here. Te7t BG sugandhi%puWpodyanaP ca padma%Mreni%manoharam asty e#a sar#a%#i$ha#aT prana%nathaT kuto mama sugandhi%puWpodyanam % a fragrant flower gardenD ca % andD padma%MreQi% manoharam % a $eautiful lotus forestD asti % isD e#a % indeedD sar#a%#i$ha#aT % all power and gloryD praQa%nathaT % the master of -y lifeD kutaT % where* mama % of -e. ) fragrant flower%garden is still here. ) $eautiful lotus% forest is still here. "here is the all%powerful, all%glorious master of -y life* Te7t BH ha kVWna ha rama%natha k#asi me prana%#alla$ha

k#a #aparadho dasyaM ca dasN%doWaT pade pade ha % <D kVWQa % /VWQaD ha % <D rama%natha % master of the goddess of fortuneD k#a % where*D asi % aie =ouD oe % of -eD praQa%#alla$ha % more dear thsn lifeD k#a c where*D #a % orD aparadhaT % the offenseD dasyaT % of the maidser#antD ca % andDudasN%doWaT % the fault of the maidser#antD pade pade % at e#ery step. < /VWQa, < master of the goddess of fortune, < master more dear than life, where are =ou now* "hat offense has =our maidser#ant committed* =our maidser#ant commits offenses at e#ery step. Te7t BI ity e#am ukt#a sa de#N punar murcham a#apa sa cetanaP karayam asa punar e#a sa uddha#aT taP dVWX#a paramaMcaryaP mene kWatriya%puYga#aT iti % thusD e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD sa % SheD de#N % the goddessD punaT % againD murcham % faintingD a#apa % atatinedD sa % SheD cetanam % consciousnessD karayam asa % causedD punaT % againD e#a % indeedD sa % heD uddha#aT % uddha#aD tam % ;erD dVWX#a % seeingD paramaMcaryam % great wonderD mene % consideredD kWatriya % of ksatriyasD puYga#aT % the $est. )fter speaking these words, Foddess 5OdhO fainted. ?ddha#a re#i#ed ;er. Seeing all this, ?ddha#a, the $est of the kWatriyas, $ecame filled with wonder. Te7t BJ sakhN$hiT sapta$hiT MaM#at se#itaP M#eta%camaraiT gopNnaP ca tri%lakWaiM ca su%priyaiT priya%se#itam sakhN$hiT % $y gopi friendsD sapta$hiT % se#enD MaM#at % alwaysD se#itam % ser#edD M#eta%camaraiT % with white camarasD gopNnam % of the gopisD ca % andD tri%lakWaiT % $y

three hundred thousandD ca % andD su% priyaiT % #ery dearD priya%se#itam % affectionately ser#ed. w;m saw She was again and again fanned $y se#en friends holding white cOmaras, and She was affectionately ser#ed in many ways $y three%hundred%thousand gopis. Te7t CK di#a%niMaP #eWXitaP ca gopNnaP Mata%koXi$hiT kacit kajjala%hasta ca kacin malya%dhara para di#a % dayD niMam % and nightD #eWXitam % surroundedD ca % andD gopNnam % of gopisD Mata%koXi$hiT % $y one $illionD kacit % someoneD kajjala%hasta % kajjala in handD ca % andD kacin % somLoneD malya% hara % holding a garlandD para % oeher. ;e saw that day and night She was surrounded $y a $illion gopis. <ne gopi carried $lack mascara in her hand. )nother gopi carried a flower garland. Te7t CB kacit sindura%hasta ca kacid goroca#a%kara kacic candana%patraP ca haste kVt#a ca tiWXhati kacit % anotherD sindura%hasta % sindura in her handD ca % andD kacit % someoneD gorocana%kara % gorocana in her handD kacic % someoneD candana % sand pasteD patram % cupD ca % andDmhaste ' in hanwD kVt#a % doingD ca % andD tiWXhati % stands. )nother gopi carried sindUra in her hand, another gorocanO, and another a cup of sandal paste. Te7t CC

kacid darpana%hasta ca kacit kuYkuma%#ahika kasturN%patra%miWXaP ca kacid #ahati tatra #ai kacit % anotherD darpana%hasta % mirror in handD ca % andD kacit % someoneD kuYkuma%#ahika % carring kunkumaD kasturN%patra % a cup of muskD miWXam % anointedD cu % andD kacin % someoneD #ahati % carriedDStatra % thereD #ri % indeed. )nother gopi carried a mirror in her hand, another kuYkuma, and another a cup of musk. Te7t CD kacic campaka%patraP ca kare dhVt#a ca tiWXhati madhu$hir madhuraiT parna% patraP dhVt#a Mucan#ita kacic % someoneD campaka%patram % campaka flowersD ca % andD kare % in handD dhVt#a % holdingD ca % andD tiWXhati % standsD madhu$hiT % with honeyD madhuraiT % sweetD parna % leafD patram % cupD dhVt#a % holdingD Mucan#ita % #ery serious. )nother gopi carried campaka flowers in her hand. )nother gopi, with a #ery serious e:pression, carried a leaf%cup filled with sweet honey. Te7t CE kacit sugandhi%tailaP ca gVhit#a paritiWXhati kacid #ahati tam$ulaP karpuradi%su%uasitam kacit % someoneD /jandhi%tailam % scented oilD ca % andD gVhit#a % holdingD paritiWXhati % standsD kacit % anotherD #ahati % carriesD tam$ulam % $etelnutsD karpuradi% su%#asitam % scented with camphor. )nother gopi carried scented oil, and another carried $etelnuts scented with

camphor. Te7t CF kacid #asita%miWXaP ca jalaP dhVt#a ca tiWXhati krNRa%puttalikaP kacic citraRhyaP parirakWati kacit % someoneD #asita%iiWXam % scented and sweetD ya % andD jalam % waterD dhVt#a % holdingD ca % andD tiWXhati % standsD krNRa % pastimesD puttalikam % dollD kacic % someoneD citraRhyam % richly paintedD parirakWati % protects. )nother gopi carried sweetly scented water, and another carried a colorfully painted figurine. Te7tPCG kacid #ahati kandukaP kacic ca ratna%$huWanam #ahni%MuddhaPMukaP kacid amulyaP parirakWati kacit % ssmeoneD #ahati % carriedD kandukam % a toy $allD kacic % someoneD ca % andD ratna%$huWanam % jewel ornamentsD #ahni % fireD Muddha % pureD aPMukam % garmentsD kacit % somoeneD amulyam % pricelessD parirakWati % protects. )nother gopi carried a toy $all, another jewel ornaments, and another priceless garments pure like fire. Te7t CH kacid $hakWyopaharaP ca gVhNt#a pari#artate kacic ca keMa%#eWarthaP r kar ti malyam Npsitam kacit % someoneD $hakWyopaharam % foodD ca % andD gVhNt#a % takingD pari#artate %

goesD kacic % someoneD ca % andD keMa%#eWartham % for decorating the hairD karoti % doesD malyam % garlandD Npsitam % desired. )nother gopi carried delicious foods, and another carried flowers to decorate 5OdhOEs hair. Te7t CI kacit kaYkatikaP dhVt#a purataT paritiWXhati kacid ya#aka%hasta ca kacid dhatrN%rasaP muda kacit % someoneD kaYkatikam % a com$D dhVt#a % holdingD purataT % $eforeD paritiWXhati % standsD kacit % someoneD ya#aka% hasta % lac in handD ca % andD kacit % someoneD dhatrN%rasam % dhatri nectarD muda % happily. )nother gopi carried a com$, another carried red lac, and another happily carried dhOtri nectar. Te7t CJ durato Epi #ahaty e#a $hNta ca paritiWXhati kacid $hNta $hiya stauti kacid roditi MokataT e durataT % from afarD rpi % e#enD #ahati % carrNesD e#a % inreedD $hNta & afraidD ca % andD paritiWXhati % standsD kacit % someoneD $hNta % afraidD $hiya % with fearD stauti % praysD kacit % someoneD roditi % weepsD MokataT % out of grief. )nother gopi carried something from far away, another was #ery timid, another offered prayers with great awe, and another wept out of grief. Te7t DK

kacit taP $odhayaty e#a #idagdha #irahaturam kacid uttapa%tapta ca snigdha%talpe manohare kacit % someoneD tam % ;erD $odhayati % awakensD e#a % indeedD #idagdha % in+elligentD #irahaturam % grie#ing in separationD kacit % someoneD uttapa% tapta % ie the fe#er of griefD ca % andD snigdha%talpe % on the $eautiful $edD manohare % $eautiful. ) wise ropi consoled 5OdhO in ;er grief ofNseparation. )nother gopi, $urning in the fe#er ofpgrief, lay down on a $eautiful couch. Te7t DB sthapayed deha%durarthaP snigdha%padma%dale Mu$he e#am%$hutaP ca taP dVWX#a u pro#aca punar uddha<aT su%priyaP karQa%pNyuWaP #inayena ca $hNta#at sthapayet % placedD deha%duramtham % to place the $ody far awayD snigdha%padma% dale % of $eautiful lotus petalsD Mu$he % $eautifulD e#am%$hutame% like thatD ca % andD tam % ;erD dVWX#a % seeingD pro#aca % spokeD punaT % againD uddha#aT % ?ddha#aD su% priyam % dear, karQa% pNyuWam % nectar for the earsD #inayena % hum$lyD ca % andD $hNta#at % timid. )nother gtpi tried to gi#e 5OdhO some relief $y placing ;er on a $ed of lotus petals. Seeing 5OdhO in this way, ?ddha#a shyly and hum$ly spoke Mords sweet like nectar. Te7t DC MrN%uddha#a u#aca jane tuwP de#a%de#NMaP su%snigdhaP siddha%yoginam sar#a%Makti%s#arupaP ca mula%prakVtim NM#arNm

MrNhuddha#a u#aca % Sri ?ddha#a saidD jane p I knowD t#am % =ouD de#a%de#NMam % the Bueen of all goddesses and demigodsD su% snigdham % splendidD siddha%yoginam % of perfect yogisD sar#a%Makti% s#arupam % all%powerfulD ca % andD mula%prakVtim % the root of matterD NM#arNm % the controller. Sri ?ddha#a saidJ I know that =ou arewthe Bueen of all demigods and goddesses, the $est of perfect yogis, the all% powerful supreme goddess, the root of matter, . . . Te7t DD MrNdama%sapad dharanNP praptaP goloka%kaminNm kVWna%pranadhikaP de#i tad%#akWaT%sthala%#asinNm MrNdama%sapat % $y SridOmOEs curseD dharaQNm % to the earthD praptam % attainedD goloka%kaminNm % the $eautiful girl of FolokaD kVWQa % of Lord /VWQaD praQa % than lifeD adhikam % moreD de#i % < goddessD tad%#akWaT%sthala%#asinNm % who stays on ;is chest. . . . the $eautiful goddess of Foloka who came to the earth $ecause of SridOmOEs curse, the goddess who rests on Lord /VWQaEs chest, the goddess ;e considers more dear than life. Te7t DE MVQu de#i pra#akWyami Mu$ha%#artam a$hNpsitam su%sthiraP sakhN$hiT sardhaP hVdaya%snigdha%karinNm MVnu % please hearD de#i % < goidessD pra#akWyami % I will tellD Mu$ha%#artam % good newsD a$hNpsitam % desiredD su%sthiram % steadyD sakhN$hiT % fsiendsD sardham % withD hVdaya%snigdha%kariQNm % pleasing to the heart. < goddess, please listen and I will tell =ou and =our friends and auspicious message, a messtge th$o hill please =our heart, a message =ou ha#e longed to

hear, . .wr Te7t DF duTkha%da#agni%dagdhayaT sudha%#arWana%rupinNm #iraha%#yadhi%yuktaya rasayana%samaP Mu$ham duTkha%da#agni%dagdhayaT % $urning in the forest%fire of sufferingsD sudha% #arWaQa%rupiQNm % a shower of nectarD #iraha % separationD #yadhi%yuktaya % with the diseaseD rasayana% samam % like a nectar medicineD Mu$ham % auspicious. . . . a message that is like a shower of nectar for one $urning in a forest%fire of sufferings, a message that is like nectar medicine for one tormented $y the disease of separation from the $elo#ed. Te7t DG tatra tiWXhati nando EyaP sanando muditaT sada nimantritaM ca #asuna kVWnopanayana#adhi tatra % thereD tiWXhati % staysD nandaT % NandaD ayam % heD sanandaT % happyD muditaT % happyD sada % alwaysD nimantritaT % ad#isedD ca % andD #asuna % $y Vasude#aD kVWQopanayana#adhi % until Lord /VWQaEs initiation in the sacred thread. Nanda happily stays in -athurO City. Vasude#a reBuested that he stay until Lord /VWQa recei#es ;is sacred thread. Te7t DH gVhNt#a sa $alaP kVWnaP saYge maYgala%karmani sa nando paramanando muda yasyati gokula

gVhNt#a % takingD sa % heD $alam % 8alarOmaD kVWQam % /VWQaD saYge % in the companyD maYgala%karmaQi % in auspicious deedsD sa % heD nandaT % NandaD paramanandaT % $lissfulD muda % happilyD yasyati % will returnD gokulam % to Fokula. "hen the auspicious rituals are performed Nanda will happily return to Fokula with /VWQa and 8alarOma. Te7t DI agatya kVWno muditaT praQamya mataraP punaT naktam ayasyati muda punyaP #Vnda#anaP #anam agatya % returningD kVWQaT % Lord /VWQaDlmuditaT % happyD praQamya % $owingD mataram % to ;is motherD punaT % againD naktam % nightD ayasyati % will comeD muda % happilyD puQyam % sacredD #Vnda#anam % VVndO#anaD #anam % forest. /VWQa will happily return, $ow down $efore ;is mother, and with great happiness again come at night to sacred VVndO#ana forest. Te7t DJ acirad drakWyasi sati MrN%kVWQa%mukha%paYkajam sar#aP #iraha%duTkhaP ca santyakWyasi ca sampratam acirat % soonD drakWyasi % =ou will seeD sati % < saintly oneD MrN% kVWna%mukha% paYkajam % Sri /VWQaEs lotus faceD sar#am % allD #iraha%duTkham % suffering of separationD ca % andD santyakWyasi % =ou will a$andonD ca % andD sampratam % now. < saintly one, soon =ou will see Lord /VWQaEs lotus face and =ou will a$andon all the sufferings $orn from ;is separation. Te7t EK

su%sthira $ha#a matas t#aP tyaja MokaP su%daruQam #ahni%MuddhaPMukaP ramyaP paridhaya praharWita su%sthira % steadyD $ha#a % $ecomeD mataT % < motherD t#am % =ouD tyaja % a$andonD Mokam % griefD su%darunam % #ery terri$leD #ahni% MuddhaPMukam % garments pure like fireD ramyam % $eautifulD paridhaya % dressingD praharWita % happy. < mother, please $ecome peaceful. Fi#e up =our terri$le grief. )ccept $eautiful garments pure like fire. 8e happy. Te7t EB amulya%ratna%nirmana% $huWanagrahanaP kuru gVhana candanaP snigdhaP kasturN%kuYkuman#itam amulya % pricelessD ratna%nirmaQa % made of jewelsD $huWaQa % ornamentsD agrahaQam % acceptanceD kuru % please doD gVhaQa % please takeD candanam % sandalD snigdham % $eautifulD kasturN% kuYkuman#itam % mi:ed with musk and kunkuma. )ccept ornaments of priceless jewels. )ccept $eautiful sandal paste mi:ed with musk and kuYkuma. Te7t EC kuruW#a keMa%saPskaraP malatN%malya%$huWitam su%#eWaP kuru kalyani , kganRe ca citra%patrakam kuruW#a % doD keMa%saPskaram % the com$ing of the rairD melatN%malya%$huWital % decorated with gralnds of malati flowersD su%#eWam % nicely decoratedD kurt % doD knlyani % < $eautiful dneD g QRe % on the cheeksD ca % andD citra%patrakam % with woinderful and colorful pictures and designs.

)llow =our hair to $e com$ed and decorated with mOlati flowers. < $eautiful one, allow =our cheeks to $8 decorated with wo derful and colorful pictures and desitns. Te7t ED sindura%$induP sNmaete kasturN%candanan#itam alaktakaktaP caranaP yuktaP ya#aka%$huWanaiT sindura%$indgm % a sindura dotD sNmante % in the part of =our hairD kasturN% candanan#itam % with musk and sadnalD alaktakaktam % red lacD caraQam % feetD yuktam % endowedD ya#aka%$huWaQaiT % aith lac ornaments. )llow the part in =our hair to $e anointed with a dot of sindUra mi:ed with musk and sandal. )llow =our feet to $e anointed with red lac and decorated with ornaments of lac. Te7t EE kuruW#a tiWXha cottiWXha ratna%siPhasane #are sa%paYka%paYkajaP talpaP tyaja sardhaP Mucs sati kuruW#a % doD tiWXha % stayD ca % andD uttiWXha % standD ratna% siPhasaNe % onrthe jewel throneD #are % < $eautiful oneD sa%paYka% paYkajam % with iotus flowers and sandal pasteD talpam % $edD tyaja % a$andonD sardham % withD Muca % greifD sati % < saintly one. 5ise. Sit oe the jewel throSe. < $eautiful one, lea#e the couch of lotus flowers and sandal paste. < saintly one, lea#e =our grief $ehind. Te7t EF kVWnena manasa cai#a #iMuddhaP madhuraP madhu saPskVtaP $hasitaP toyaP

tam$ulaP caksu%#asitam kVWQena % $y Lord /VWQaD manasa % $y the mindD ca % andD e#a % indeedD #iMuddham % pureD madhuram % sweetD madhu % honeyD saPskVtam % madeD $hasitam % splendidD toyam % waterD tam$ulam % $etelnutsD ca % andD su% #asitam % scented. "ith =our mind thinking of Lord /VWQa, drink some sweet water and chew some scented $etelnuts. Te7t EG ratnendra%sara%nirmana% paryaYke su%manohare #ahni%MuddhaPMukante ca malatN%malya%$huWite ratnendra% ara%nirmana % made of the kings of jewelsD paryaYke % on the seatD su% manohare % #ery $eautifulD #ahni% MuddhaPMukante % with cloth pure like fireD ca % andD malatN%malya% $huWite % decorated with malati garlands. <n a $eautiful seat made of the kings of jewels, with cloth pure like fire, decorated with mOlati flowers, . . . Te7t EH sugandhi%yukte kasturN% jati%campaka%candanaiT parito malatN%malya% hNra%hara%#i$huWite sugandhi%yukte % fragrantD kasturN % muskD jati % jatiD campaka % campakaD candanaiT % sandalD paritaT % e#erywhereD malatN%malya % malati gralndsD hNra%hara% #i$huWite % deworated with diamond necklaces. . . . rragrant with jOti and campaka fNowers and with sandal paste, decorated with mOlati flowers and dia onds, . . .

Te7ts EI and EJ manNndra%mukta%manikya% sundaraiM ca pariWkVte puWpa%malyopadane ca maYgalarhe mudan#ita MayanaP kuru de#eMi gopN$hiT se#ita sada karoti se#anaP MaM#at priyalN M#eta%camaraiT manNndra % the kings of jewelsD mukta % pearlsD manikya % ru$iesD sundaraiT % $eautifulD ca % andD pariWkVte % madeD puWpa % flowerD malya % gralandsD upadaee % placingD ca % andD maYgalarhe % auspiciousD mudan#ita % happyD Mayanam % recliningD kuru e doD de#eMi % < Bueen ofe the demigodsD gopN$hiT % $y teh gopisD se#ita % ser#edD sada % alwaysD karoti % doD ye#anam % ser#iceD MaM#at % olwaysD priyalN % dear freindsD M#eta%camaraiT % with white camaras. . . . auspicious, and decorated with many flowers, pearls, ru$ies, and the kings of jewels, please happily recline, < Bueen of the demigods. he gopis will ser#e =ou eternally, and =our dear friends will fan =ou with white cOmaras. Te7t FK padara#inda%se#aP ca gopN $hakta manohare sad%ratna%sara%nirmaQa% paryaYke su%manohare padara#inda%se#am % ser#ice to the lotus feetD ca % andD gopN % gopiD $hakta % de#otedD manohare % $eautifulD sad%ratna%sara % of the $est of jewelsD nirmaQa % madeD paryaYke % on a couchD su%manohare % #ery $eautiful. < $eautiful one, as =ou recline on this jewel couch the gopis will de#otedly ser#e =our lotus feet. Te7t FB

ity e#am ukt#a sa mune punas tuWnNP $a$hu#a ha praQamya pada%padmaP ca $rahmadi%sura%#anditam ity e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD sa % heD mune % < sageD punaT % againD tuWQNm % silenceD $a$hu#a % attainedD ha % indeedD praQamya % $owedD pada%padmam % at the lotus feetD ca % andD $rahmadi%sura% #anditam % $owed down $efore $y 8rahmO and the demigods. )fter speaking these words ?ddha#a $ecame silent. hen he $owed down $efore 5OdhOEs lotuw feet, which are worshiped $y 8rah O and the demigods. Te7t FC uddha#asya #acaT Mrut#a sa%smita radhika satN kautukaP ca dadau tasmai ratna%saraYgulNyakam uddha#asya % of ?ddha#aD #acaT % teh wordsD Mrut#a % hearingD sa% smita % smilingD radhika % Sri 5OdhOD satN % saintlyD kautukam % happinessD ca % andD dadau % ga#eD tasmai % to himD ratna%saraYgulNyakam % a jewel ring. ;earing ?ddha#aEs words, saintly Sri 5OdhO smiled and ga#e him a wonderful jewel%ring, . . . Te7t FD amulyaP sundaraP ramyaP #iM#akarma%#inirmitam mukha%Mo$haP pNta%#arnaP su%dNptaP su%pradNpa%#at amulyam % pricelessD sundaram % $eautifulD ramyam % pleasingD #iM#akarma% #inirmitam % made $y ViM#akarmOD mukha%faceD Mo$ham % splendorD pNta%#arQam % yellowD su%dNptam % splendidD su% pradNpa%#at % like a lamp.

. . . a ring that was $eautiful, delightful, priceless, glorious, yellow, glistening like a $laGitg lamp, made $y ViM#akarmO. Te7t FE kVWnaya #ahnina dattam apur#aP rasa%maQRaLe maQi%kuQRala%yugmaP ca% mulya%ratna%#inirmitam kVWQaya % to Lord /VWQaD #ahnina % $y )gnide#aD dattam % gi#enD apur#am % unprecedentedD rasa%maQRale % in the rasa dance circleD maQi% kuQRala % jewle earringsD yugmam % pairD ca %randD amulya%ratna% #inirmitam % made of priceless jewels. She also ga#e him unprecedented earrings made of priceless jewels, earrings )gni had gi#en to Lord /VWQa and Lord /VWna ga#e to 5OdhO in the rOsa%dance circle. Te7t FF amulya%ratna%nirmanaP sar#a%$huQanam Npsitam #ahni%MuddhaPMuka%yugaP ratna%nirmaQa%nayakam amulya%ratna%nirmaQam % made of priceless jewelsD sar#a% $huWaQam % all ornamentsD Npsitam % /esired #ahni% MuddhaPMuka%yugam % garments pure like fireD ratna%nirmaaa% nayakam % jewel necklace. hen She ga#e him ornaments of priceless jewels, garments pure like fire, and a jewel necklace. Te7t FG hNra%hara%#inirmanaP haraP ca su%manoharam pura dattaP ca su%prNtya kVWQaya #aruQena ca

hNra%hara%#inirmaQa( % made of diamondsD haram % necklaceD ca % andp su% manoharam % #ery $eautifulD pura % $eforeD dattam % gi#enD ca % andD su%prNtya % with gre t o#eD kVWQaya % to Lord /VYhaD #aruQena % $y VaruQaD ca % and. hen She ga#e him a $eautiful diamond%necklace thathin the past VaruQa had affectionately gi#en to Lord /VWna. Te7t FH MrN%suryena ca yad dattaP MrN%kVWnaya syamantakam pradattaP kautukaP tasmai yad dattaP hariQa pura MrN%suryena % $y Sri SUryaD ca % andD yat % whatD dattam % gi#enD MrN% kVWQaya % to Sri /VWQaD syamantakam % sytamantakaD pradattam % gi#enD kautukam % wonmderfulD tasmai % to himD yat % whatDmdattam % gi#enD hariQa % $y Lord /VWQaD pura % $efore. hen She ga#e him a wonderful syamantaka jewel that SUrya had gi#en to Lord /VWQa and Lord /VWna ga#e to 5OdhO. Te7t FI yad dattaP ca mahendrena ratna%siPhasanaP param tat pradattaP muda de#ya tasmai prNtya ca radhaya yat % whatD dattam % gi#enD ca % andD mahendrena % $y IndraD ratna% siPhasanam % a jewel throneD param % geratD tat % thatD pradattam % gi#enD muda % happilyD de#ya % $y the goddessD tasmai % to himD prNtya % happilyD ca % andD radhaya % $y Sri 5OdhO. hen Foddess 5OdhO happily ga#e him a jewel throne originally gi#en $y /ing Indra. Te7ts FJ!GA

manNndra%sara%nirmanaP chatra%ratnaP manoharam mukta%manikya%sarena hNra%hara%saman#itam micitra%ratna%padmena citritaP #arunaP sada Mo$hitaP paritaM canyai ratna%nirmana%darpanaiT ycd dataaP $rahmana prNtya haraye rasa%manRale u%prNtya radhaya tatra pradattam uddha#fya ca manNndra%sara%nirmanam % made of the kings of jewelsD chatra% ratnam % jewel parasolD manoharam % $eautifulDamukta%manikya% sarena % with t e $est of pearls and ru$iesD hNra%hara% saman#itam % made with many diamondsD #icitra%ratna%padmena % with a jewel lotus pcitureD citritam % picturedD #aruQam % gi#en $y VaruQaD sada % alwaysD Mo$hitam % $eautifulD paritaT % e#erywhereD ca % andD anyai % to anotherD ratna% nirmaQa%darpaQaiT % withe jewel mirrorsD yat % whatD dattam % gi#enD $rahmaQa % $y 85hamOD prNtya % happilyD haraye % to Lord /VWQaD rasa%maQRale % in the rasa%dance circleD su% prNtya % happilyD radhaya % $y 5OdhOD tatra % thereD pradattam % gi#enD uddha#aya % to ?ddha#aD ca % and. hen Sri 5OdhO happily ga#e ?ddha#a VaruQaEs $eautiful jewel%parasol made of pearls, ru$ies, and diamonds, decorated with pictures of lotus flowers, and splendid with jewel mirrors, a parasol 8rahmO happily ga#e to Lord /VWna and Lord /VWna ga#e to 5OdhO in the rOsa%dance circle. Te7ts GC and GD mani%sara%#inimranaP mani%raja%#irajitam japa%malyaP saPskVtaP ca yad dattaP Mam$huna pura tad e#a dattaP tasmai capy amulyaP punyadaP Mu$ham janma%mVtyu%jara%#yadhi%

haraP cati%manoharam maQi%sara%#inirmaQam % made of the $est of jewelsD maQi%raja% #irajitam % splendid with the kings of jewelsD japa%malyam % japa $eadsD saPskVtam % madeD ca % andD yat % whatD dattam % gi#enD Mam$huna % $y Lord Si#aD pura % in the pastD tat % thatD e#a % indeedD dattam % gi#enD tasmai % to himD ca % alsoD api % andD amulyam % pricelessD puQyadam % sacredD Mu$ham % auspiciousD janma%mVtyu%jara%#yadhi % $irth, death, old% age, and diseaseD haram % remo#ingD ca % andD ati% manoharam % #ery $eautiful. hen She ga#e him splendid jewel japa%$eads originally gi#en $y Lord Si#a, $eads that were sacred, priceless, $eautiful and auspicious, $eads put and end to $irth, death, old%age, and disease. Te7t GE candrakanta%maniP ramyaP candra%dattaP pariWkVtam candra#alN dadau tasmai sudNptaP purnacandra#at candrakanta%maQim % a candrakanta jewelD ramyam % $eautifulD candra%dattam % gi#en $y CandraD pariWkVtam % madeD candra#alN % splendid like a host of moonsD dadau % ga#eD tasmai % to himD sudNptam % splendidD purQacandra#at % like tae full moon. hen 5OdhO, splendid like a host of moons, ga#e him a $eautiful candrakOnta jewel splendid like a full moon, a jewel originally gi#en $y the demigod Candra. Te7t GF #iMuddhaP madhu%parkaP ca madhu%(atraP yad akWayam dharmeQa yat pradattaP ca tad dattaP priyaya hareT t #iMuddham % pureD madhu%parkam % madhuparkaD ca % andn madhu% patram % cup of nectarD yat % whichD akWayam % imperisha$leD dharmeQa % $y &harmaD yat % whatD pradattam % gi#enD ca % andD tat % thatD dattam % gi#enD priyaya % $y the $elo#edD hareT % of Lord /VWQa.

he Lord /VWnaEs $elo#ed 5OdhO ga#e ?ddha#a madhuparka and a cup of nectar, originally gi#en $y =amarOja, that ne#er ran dry. Te7t GG jala%$hojana%patraP ca MuddhaP s#arna%#inirmitam miWXannaP paramannaP ca dadau su%s#adu%miWXakam jala%$hojana%patram % a cup for drinking waterD ca % andD Muddham % pureD s#arna% #inirmitam % made of goldD miWXannam % delicious foodD paramannam % perfect foodD ca % andD dadau % ga#eD su%s#adu% miWXakam % #ery delicious. hen She ga#e him a watercup of pure gold and plate of e:Buisitely delicious food. Te7t GH $hojanaP karayit#a ca karpuradi%su#asitam tam$ulaP ca dadau MNghraP malyaP su%snigdha%candanam $hojanam % eatingD karayit#a % causingD ca % andD karpuradi% su#asitam % scented with camphor and other thingsD tam$ulam % $etelnutsD ca % andD dadau % ga#eD MNghram % longD malyam % garlandD su%snigdha%candanam % anpinted with sandal paste. hen She made him eat, ga#e him $etelnuts scented with camphor and spices, and ga#e him a great flower%garland anointed with sandal paste. Te7t GI Mu$haMiWaP ca pradadau #aZchitaP pra#araP #aram jZanaP kVWnena yad dattaP

goloke rasa%manRale Mu$haMiQam % $lessingD ca % andD pradadau % ga#eD #aZchitam % desiredD pra#aram % e:cellentD #aram % $oonD jZanam % knowledgeD kVWQena % $y Lord /VWQaD yat % whatD dattam % gi#enD golokn % in FolokaD rasa%maQRale % in ahe rasa%dance circle. hen She ga#e him a $oon, a $lessing, and the spirituala knowledge that /VWQa had gi#en ;er in the rOsa%dance circle in Foloka. Te7t GJ puruWanaP MataP ya#an niMcalaP kamalaP dadau #idyaP yaMaskarNP MuddhaP yaMaT%kNrtiP su%nirmalam ?uruWanam % of peopler Matam % hundredD ya#an % asD niMcalam % unwa#eringD kamalam % lotusD dadau %uga#eD #idyam % rnowledgeD yaMaskarNm % fameD Moddham % pureD yaMaT%kNrtim % fameD su% nirmalam % #ery pure. he She ga#e him the loNus mf unwa#ering and purN knowledge and fame, and lotus that li#es for a hundred generations. Te7t HK rar#a%siddhiP har r dasyaP hami%$haktnP ca niMcalam parWada%pra#aratNaP ca parWadaP ca harer iti sar#a%siddhimn% granting all perfectionsD hareT % of Lord /VWnaD dasyam % ser#iceD hari%$haktim % de#otion to Lordf /VWQaD ca % andD niMcalam % unwa#eritgD parWada % of associationsD pra#arat#am % $eing among the $estD ca % andD parWadam % associateD ca % andD hareT % of Lord /VWQaD iti % thus. he She ga#e him unwa#ering de#otion to Lord /VWQa and direct ser#ice to Lord /VWna, ser#ice that $rings all perfections. hen She mwde him an eternal li$erated associate of Lord /VWna.

Te7t HB #araP prasadaP datt#a ca samutthaya mudan#itam #ahni%MuddhaPMuke dhVt#a camulyaP ratna%$huWanam #aram % $oonD prasadam % mercyD datt#a % gi#ingD ca % andD samutthaya % risingD mudan#itam % happyD #ahni%MuddhaPMuke % garments pure like fireD dhVt#a % wearingD ca % andD amulyam % pricelessD ratna% $huWaQam % jewel ornaments. )fter gi#ing ;er mercy and these $oons, 5OdhO happily rose and accepted priceless jewel ornaments, garments pure like fire, . . . Te7t HC hNra%harar ratna%malaP paridhaya manoharam sinduraP kajjalaP puWpa% malyaP su%snigdha%candanam hNra%haram % diamond necklaceD ratna%malam % jewel necklaceD paridhaya % acceptingD manoharam % $eautifulD sinduram % sinduraD kajjalam % kajjalaD puWpa% malyam % flower garlandD su%snigdha% candanam % splendid sandal paste. . . . a diamond necklace, $eautiful jewel%necklace, sindUra, kajjala, a flower garland, and splendid sandal paste. Te7t HD ratna%siPhasana%sthaP taP pujita pujitaP muda #eWXita harWa%nirataP gopNnaP Mata%koXi$hiT tapta%kaZcana%#arna$ha Mata%candra%sama%pra$ha

ratna%siPhasana%stham % sitting on a golden throneD tam % himD pujita % worshipedD pujitam % worshipedD muda % happilyD #eWXita % surroundedD harWa%niratam % happyD gopNnam % of gopisD Mata% koXi$hiT % $y a $illionD tapta%kaZcana%#arna$ha % splendid like molten goldD Mata%candra%sama%pra$ha % splendid like a hundred moons. Splendid like molten gold or like a hundred moons, She was surrounded $y a $illions gopis, who happily worshiped ;er. hen She placed ?ddha#a on a jewel throne and happily worshiped him. Te7t HE MrN%radhiko#aca satyam ayasyati hariT satyaP niWkapaXaP #ada #ada tathyaP $hayaP tyakt#a satyaP $ruhi su%saPsadi MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD satyam % in truthD ayasyati % will returnD hariT % Lord /VWnaD satyam % truthD niWkapaXam % without guileD #ada % tellD #ada % tellD tathyam % the truthD $hayam % fearD tyakt#a % a$andoningD satyam % truthD $ruhi % tellD su% saPsadi % in this assem$ly. Sri 5OdhO saidJ ell the truthJ "ill /VWQa really return* ell the truth without lying. ell the truth. &onEt fear. ell the truth in this assem$ly. Te7t HF #araP kupa%Matad #api #araP #apN%Matat kratuT #araP kratu%Matat putraT satyaP putra%Matat kila na hi atyat paro dharmo nanVtat patakaP param #aram % $etterD kupa%Matat % than a hundred wellsD #api % a lakeD #aram % $etterD #apN%Matat % than a hunderd lakesD kratuT % a yajnaD #aram % $etterD kratu%Matat % than a hundred yajnasD putraT % a sonD satyam % truyhD putra%Matat % than a hundred sonsD kila % indeedD na % notD hi % indeedD satyat % than truthD paraT % $etterD dharmaT % pietyD na %

notD anVtat % than lyingD patakam % sinD param % worse. ) lake is $etter than a hundred wells. ) yajZa is $ettar than a hundredrl kes. ) son is $etteV than a hundred yajZas. ruth is $eteer than a hunered sons. No pious deeds is $etter than speaking the truth. No sin is worse than lying. Te7t HG MrN%wddha#a u#aca satyam ayasyati hariT satyaP drakWyasi sundari dhru#aP tyakWyasi santapaP dVWX#a candra%mukhaP hareT MrN%uddha#a u#aca % Sri ?ddha#a saidD satyam % in truthD ayasyati % will returnD hariT % Lord /VWnaD satyam % in truthD drakWyasi % =ou will seeD sundari % < $eautiful oneD dhru#am % indeedD tyakWyasi % =ou will a$andonD santapam % griefD dVWX#a % seeintD candra% mukham % moon faceD hareT % of Lord /VWQa. Sri ?ddha#a saidJ In truth Lord /VWQa will return. In truth =ou willasee ;im, < $eautiful one. In truth =ou will gaGe on ;is moonlike face and $ecome free of all sufferings. Te7t HH mad%darManan maha%$hage gatas te #iraha9j#araT nana$hogaP sukhaP $huYkW#a tyajamcintaP duratyayam mad%darManat % $y the sight of meD maha%$hage % < #ery fortunate oneD gataT % goneD te % of =ouD #iraha%j#araT % the fe#er ofOseIarationD nana$hogam % #arious happinessesD sukham % happinessD $huYkW#a % enjoyingD tyaja % a$andonD cintam % an:ietyD duratyayam % impassa$le. < #ery fmrtunate one, $y seeing me =ou are now cured of the fe#er of separation. Now please gi#e up all =our trou$les and $e happy.

Te7t HI ahaP prasthapayiWyami wrgaS#a madhu%turNP harim #idhaya tat%pra$ dhaP ca karyam anyat kariWyati aham % ID prasthapayiWyami % will placeD gat#a % ha#ing goneD madhu% purNm % to -athurOD har#m % /VWnaD #idhaya % placingD tat % of thatD pra$odham % awarenessD ca % andD karyam % dutyD anyat % anotherD karikyati % will do. S I will retSrn to -athurO and tell e#erything to Lord /VWQa. ;e will not do anything else until ;e first returns here. Te7t HJ #idayaP kuru me matar ryasyami hari%sannidhim sar#aP taP kathayiWyami tad%#VttantaP yathocitam #idayam % permissionD kuru % gi#eD me % to meD mataT % < motherp yasyami % I will goD hari%sannidhim % to Lord /VWQaD sar#am % allD tam % thatD kathayiWyami % I will tellD tad%#Vttantam % the accountD yathocitam % as Ltoper. < mother, gi#e me permission epd I will return to Lord /VWQa. I will tell ;im e#erything. Te7t IK MrN%radhiko#aca famiWya i yada #atsa mathuraP su%manohhram MVnu duTkha%kathaP kaZcit tiWXha #atsa sthiro $ha#a

MrN%radhika u#aca % Sri 5OdhO saidD gamiWyasi % you will goD yada % whenD #atsa % childD mathuram % to -athurOD su%manoharam % $eautifulD MVQu % please hearD duTkha% katham % the story of sufferingD kaZcit % somethingD tiWXha % stayD #atsa % childD sthiraT % steadyD $ha#a % $ecome. Sri 5OdhO saidJ Child, stay for a moment and hear the story of -y sufferings. hen you may return to $eautiful -athurO. Te7t IB maP #ismVto na $ha#asi #iraha%j#ara%kataram kathayiWyami mat%kantaP dhru#aP prasthapayiWyasi mam % -eD #ismVtaT % forgettingD na % notD $ha#asi % isD #iraha%j#ara% kataram % the fe#er of separationD kathayiWyami % I will tellD mat%kantam % -y $elo#edD dhru#am % indeedD prasthapayiWyasi % you will send. &o not forget -e. ell -y $elo#ed how I $urn in the fe#er of separation from ;im. Send ;im $ack to -e. Te7t IC narNnaP manaso #artaP ko #a janati panRitaT kiZcic chastranusarena prakaroti nirupanam narNnam % of womenD manasaT % of the heartD #artam % the stroyD kaT % who*D #a % orD janati % understandsD paQRitaT % wiseD kiZcit % somethingD Mastra % scroptureD anusareQa % $y followingD prakaroti % doesD nirupaQam % description. "hat wise man can know a womanEs heart* @ollowing the description of the scriptures, a wise man can know only a small part of it.

Te7t ID #eda #aktuP na MaktaM ca Mastrani kiP #adanti ca kathayiWyami t#aP sar#aP putra kVWnaP ca #akWyasi #edaT % the VedasD #aktum % to speakD na % notD MaktaT % a$leD ca % andD MastraQi % the other scripturesD kim % how*D #adanti % speakD ca % andD kathayiWyami % I will tellD t#am % youD sar#am % allD putra % < sonD kVWQam % /VWQaD ca % andD #akWyasi % you will tell. he Vedas cannot descri$e a womanEs heart. ;ow can the other scriptures say anything a$out it* Son, I will tell you e#erything a$out -y heart, and then you can repeat -y words to Lord /VWQa. Te7t IE gehe #ane ca $hedo me paM#%adiWu yatha nVWu kiP #a jalaP kim u s#apnaP ajZanaP ca di#a%niMam gehe % in homeD #ane % in the forestD ca % andD $hedaT % separationD me % of -eD paM#%adiWu % in cows and other animalsD yatha % asD nrWu % in huamn $eingsD kii % what*D #a % orD jalam % waterD kim % what*D u % indeedD s#aphamd% dreamD ajZanam % illusionD ca % andD di#a% niMam % day and night. Separated from /VWQa, I $ecame $ewildered. "hat w sna house and what was the forest* "ho was a human and who was an animal* "hat was water* "hat was a dream* "hat was day and what was night. I did not know. Te7t IF atmanaP ca na janami codayaP candra%suryayoT kWanaP prapya harer #artaP cetanaP me $a$hu#a ha

atmanam % -yselfD ca % andD na % notD janami % I knowD ca % andD udayam % the risingD candra%suryayoT % of the sun and the moon kWaQam % for a momentD prapya % attainingD hareT % of Lord /VWQaD #artam % the newsD cetanam % conscyousnesss me % of -eD $a$hu#a % wasD ha % indeean I did not know who I was. I did oot know whether the sun or the moon had risen. ntil I heard this oewsrof Lord /VWQa I was $prely conscious. Te7t IG kVWnakVtiP ca paMyami MVnomi muralN%dh#anim kulrP ajjaP $hayaP tyakt#a cintayami hareT padam kVWQakVtim % Lord /VWQaEs formD ca % andD paMyami % I seeD MVQomi % I hearD muralN% dh#anim % the sound of ;is fluteD kulam % familyD lajjam % shameD $hayam % fearD tyakt#a % a$andoningD cintayami % I tinkD hareT % of Lord /VWQaD padam % feet. i )t eoery momint I see Lord /VWQaEs form. )t e#ery moment I hear the sound of ;is flute. Lea#ing $ehind ry family, -y shame, and -y fears, at e#ery moment I think of /VWnaEs feet. Te7t IH samprapya sar#a%jagatam NM#araP prakVteT param na jZanaP mayaya tasya jZat#a gopa%pater mama samprapya % attaingingD sar#a%jagatam %Aof all the uni#erses NM#aram % the masterD prakVteT % matterD param % a$o#eD na % notD jZanam % knowledgeD mayaya % $y illusionD asya % of ;imD jZat#a % knowingD gopa%pateT % of the marter of the gopasD mama % or -e. "hen I had the company of Lord /VWQa i was under the spell of ;is mOyO and I could not understand that ;e is the master of all the uni#erses, that ;e is $eyond the

touch of the material energy. )ll I knew was that /VWQa, the master of the gopas, w s -ine. Te7t II dhyayante yat%padam$hojaP #eda $rahmadayaT suraT sa ahartsito maya kopat hVdi Malyam idaP mama dhyayante % meditateD yat%padam$hojam % ontwhose lotus feetD #eda % the VedasD $rahmadayaT % head d $y 8rahmOD suraT % the demigodsD sa % ;eD $hartsitaT % re$ukedD maya % $y -eD kopat % angrilyD hVdi % in the heartD Malyam % a spearD idam % thisD mama % of -e. he /VWQa I sometimes angrily re$uked is the same Lord /VWQa on whose lotus feet 8rahmO, the demigods, and the personified Vedas meditate. his thought is like a spear pushed into -y heart. Te7ts IJ and JK tat%padam$hoja%se#a$hir guQa%prasta#ato Epi #a tad%$haktya yat%kWano nNto dhyanena pujayatha#a tatrapi maYgalaP sar#aP harWam ayur #ya#asthieam #ighnaP ca hVdi santapas tad%#icchede sadoddha#a tat%padam$hoja%se#a$hiT % $y ser#ice to ;is lotus feetD guna% pr sta#ataT % #irtuesD api % %alsoD #a % orD tad%$haktya % $y de#otion to ;imD yat%kWanaT % in a momentD nNtaT % $roughtD dhyanena % $y meditationD pujaya % $y worshipD atha#a % orD tatrapi % astillD maYgalam % auspiciousnessD sar#am % allD harWam % happinessD ayuT % lifeD #ya#asthitam % situatedD #ighnam % o$stacleD ca % andD hVdi % in the heartD santapaT % painD tad%#icchede % in separation from ;imD sada % alwaysD uddha#a % < ?ddha#a. 8y ser#ing ;is lotus feet one attains a host of #irtues. 8y ser#ing ;im with

de#otion, $y meditating on ;im, or $y worshiping ;im, one attains all auspiciousness, happiness, and long life. < ?ddha#a, separation from ;im $rings unending pain to -y heart. Te7t JB krNRa%prNtir na $ha#ita tadVMNWXa punar mama tadVMaP prema%sau$hagyaP nirjane na ca saYgamaT krNRa%prNtiT % happiness of pastimesD na % notD $ha#ita % will $eD tadVMN % like thisD iWXa % desiredD punaT % againD mama % $y -eD tadVMam % like thisD prema % lo#eD sau$hagyam % good fortuneD nirjane % in a secluded place na % notD ca % andD saYgamaT % meeting. Ne#er again will I enjoy pastimes with ;im. Ne#er again will -y lo#e for ;im find good fortune. Ne#er again will I $e a$le to meet ;im in a solitary place. Te7t JC #Vnda#anaP na yasyami tat%saYge punar uddha#a candanaP #a na dasyami nanda%nandana%#akWasi #Vnda#anam % to VVndO#anaD na % notD yasyami % I will goD tat% saYge % in ;is comopanyD punaT % againD uddha#a % < ?ddha#aD candanam % sandsal pasteD #a % orD na % notD dasyami % I will gi#eD nanda%nandana%#akWasi % on the chest of NandaEs son. < ?ddha#a, ne#er again will I enter VVndO#ana forest in ;is company. Ne#er again will I place sandal paste on the chest of NandaEs son. Te7t JD malaP tasmai na dasyami na drakWyami mukham$ujam

malatNnaP ketakNnaP campakanaP ca kananam malam % garalndD tasmai % to ;imD na % notD dasyami % I will gi#eD na % notD drakWyami % I will seeD mukham$ujam % lotsu faceD malatNnam % of malati flowersD ketakNnam % of ketaki flowersD campakanam % of campaka flowersD ca % andD kananam % forest. Ne#er again will I gi#e ;im a flower garland. Ne#er again will I see ;is lotus face. Ne#er again will I go with ;im to the mOlati forest, or the ketaki forest, or the oampaka forest. Te7t JE punar e#a na yasyami sundaraP rasa%manRalam hari%saYge na yasyami ramyar candana%kananam punaT % againD e#a % indeedD na % notD yasyami % I will goD sundaram % $eautifulD rasa%maQRalam % rasa%dance circleD hari%saYge % in /VWQaEs companyD na % notD yasyami % I willD goD ramyam % $eautifulD candana%kanknam % sandal forest. Ne#dr again will I go with Lord /VWQa to the $eautiful rOsa% dance circle, or the $eautiful sandal forest. Te7t JF puear e#a na yasyami malayaP ratna%mandiram madha#NnaP #anaP ramyaP rahasyaP madhu%kananay pujaT % againD e#a % inyeedD na % notD yasyami % I will goD malayam % to the malaya hIllsD ratna%mandiram % the jewle palaceD madha#Nnam % of madha#i #inesD #anam % forestD ramyam % $eautifurD rahasyam % secretD madhu%kananam % madhu forest. Ne#er again will I go with ;im to thS malaya forest, the jewel palace, the $eautiful

mOdha#i forest, or the secluded madhu forest. Te7t JG MrNkhanRa%kananaP ramyaP s#acchaP cand N%saro#aram #ispandakaP sura%#anaP nandanaP puWpa%$hadrakam MrNkhanRa%kananam % the srikhanda forestD ramyam % $eautifulD s#accham % clearD candra%saro#aram % candra%saro#ara lakeD #ispandakam % #ispankadaD sura%#anam % the forest of the demigodsD nandanam % NandanaD puWpa%$hadrakam % (uspa$hadraka. Ne#er again will I go with ;im to the $eautiful SrikhaQRa forest, the clear Candra% saro#ara nake, the Vispandaka forest, the Sura#ana forest, the Nandana forest, or the (uWpa$hadraka forest. Te7t JH $hadrakaP hariQa sardhaP na yasyami punaT punaT k#a sa ramya #ikasita madha#e madha#N%lata $hadrakam % 8hadrakaD harina % /VWnaD sardham % withD na % notD yasyami % I will goD punaT % againaD punaT % againD k#a % where*D sa % thatD ramya % $eautifulD #ikasita % manifestedD madha#e % in springD madha#N% lata % madha#i #ine. Ne#er again will I enter the 8hadraka forest with Lord /VWQa. "here is the $eautiful mOdha#i #ine $lossoming in the springtime* Te7t JI k#a gata madha#N ratriT k#a madhu k#api madha#aT k#a % where*D gata % goneD madha#N % springD ratriT % nightsD k#a % where*D madhu %

honeyD k#api % where*D madha#aT % /VWna. "here are the springtime nights* "here is the sweetness* "here is /VWna* Te7t JJ ity e#am ukt#a sa radha dhyat#a kVWna%padam$ujam punar murchaP ca samprapya rudatN pulakan#ita iti % thusD e#am % thusD ukt#a % speakingD sa % SheD radha % 5OdhOD dhyat#a % meditatingD kVWna%padam$ujam % on /VWQaEs lotus feetD punaT % againD murcham % unconsciousD ca % andD samprapya % attainingD rudatN % weepingD pulakan#ita % with hairs erect. Speakin. these words, and meditating on Lord /VWQaEs lotus feet, Sri 5OdhO $egan to weep. he hairs of ;er $ody erect, She fell unconscious to the ground.

The %ommentaaieM o: thee*reviouM 030ryas on $ome @m*ortant Pastimes

%ha*ter CE @ndra eing %orre3ted (6ovardhana Hi"")
,. Ai#a Foswami says that /VWQa can sometimes forgi#e such things as the worship of demigods, $ut 8alarOma cannot, $ecause ;e is such a great de#otee of /VWQa and does not appreciate the worship of anyone other than /VWQa. .. Ai#a Foswami says that /VWQa already knew why they were preparing the sacrifice, $ut ;e inBuired specifically to show disrespect to Indra. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that /VWQa was looking forward to this pastime, in which ;e would $e a$le to ha#e #ery close association with ;is de#otees. 1. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that Nanda may o$ject that what $usiness does a child ha#e in asking these Buestions. /VWQa may say LI ha#e a great desire to hear these things.L Nanda may think that /VWQa is not intelligent enough to understand,

eeing a child, $ut /VWQa shows ;e is wise $y speaking Lna hi gopyam..L o those who see eBually there is no difference $etween that which is confidentiae and that which is pu$lic. 2. Visaanatha Cakra#arti ahakura says that if one does not see eBual y then a neutral party should $e seen as an enemy, as he is friendly to the enemy, and is therefore partly on his side. 4. )ll OcOryas say that kriya yoga means an acti#ity, the result of which is not o$#ious, $ut can only $e understood through scripture. ,0. L<ne takes $irth $y karmaL, L<ne is destroyed through karmaL, L;appiness, distress fear, security come from karmaL % Ai#a Foswami, Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura say that /VWQa resorts to karma%#Oda in order to protect ;is humanlike pastimes (top a#oid taking the position of Fod). ,1. L>#en if there is a supreme controller ;e is dependent on peop&e performing fruiti#e acti#ities, otherwise ;e wouldnEt $e a$le to gi#e results if there were no acti#ities to gi#e results forL g Sridhara Swami, Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura say that cowherd men o$ject that it is not just karma, $ut there is controller who is awardimg results. ,2. Sridhara Swami says that it is from karma alone.edemigods just like false nipples on neck of goat.u8ut, they may o$ject, karma may $e instigated $y the Supersoul. /VWQa say no, it depends on oneEs s#a$hO#a % oneEs conditioning. So thareEs no mruit to $e gained $y worshipping Indra. ,3 Sridhara Swami, Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura say that that means Supersoul is su$irdinateoto rneEs conditioning. ,4. So it is karma alone that should $e worshipp d. &emigods cannot gi#e or withold fa#our. /arma is Fhe highest principle. 8ut we know that actually Supreme Lord can gi#e or withold fa#our. ,6%.9. <ne should worship oneEs prescri$ed work. If one is getting oneEs necessities from onc person why should one worship another* It would $e like a woman trying to ha#enaaparamour % canEt succeed. .9. Vis#anatha Cakra#anti hakura says that for a $rOhmaQa the Vedas are his &eity. for the kWatriya earth is, for the #aiWya $usiness, and for the the Mudras the higher classes (those things these classes get the li#el tood from). ... Sridhara Swami says that the Lord resorts to atheistic sankhya philosophy to defeat the idea of demigod worship.

.0. Same idea. .1. Sridhara Swami says that we are dependent on the forests nd hills. Ai#a Foswami, Vis#anatha Cak a#arti hakura say that the Lord is indicating Fo#ardhana. .2. herefore the cows, $rOhmaQas andpFo#ardhana are our &eities. 02. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti (hakura says that /VWQa assumwd a personal form on soT of Fo#ardhana ;ill, just like another hill, so that the cowherd men had faith L;e is the hill.L 04. Sridhara Swami says there are 3 argumentsJ ,. karma alone is sufficientD .. that conditoned nature is the supreme controllerD 0. that the modes of nature are the supreme controllerD 1. the Supreme Lord is a dependent aspect of karmaD 2. that the Lord is under the control of karmaD 3. that oneEs occupational duty is oneEs worshipa$le deity.

%ha*ter CF
2. Sridhara Swami says that #OcaQam h source of the re#ealed scripturesD $OliMam h free from pretension, like a childD sta$dham h does not $ow down, $ecause no%one is higher than ;imD ajZam h ;e is omniscient, so there is nothing else for ;im to knowD paQRita%mOninam h ;e is highly honoured $y the knowers of the )$solute ruthD kVWQam h the Supreme )$solute ruth, with form full of eternity and ecstasyD martyam h out of affection for ;is de#otees ;e appears like a human. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that #Ocalam h speaks contrarily (karma% mimaPsa, sankhya), although ;e doesnEt accept themD $OliMam h foolish since ;e resorts to such false argumentsD sta$dham h not hum$le, since ;e showed audacity $efore e#en ;is fatherD ajZam h doesnEt know anything, $ecause always tending the cowsD paQRita%mOnN h presumes ;imself to $e a scholar. 3. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that a#alipta mana h into:icated $ecause their minds influenced $y /VWQa ,3. Sridhara Swami says that $y using plural /VWQa is also thinking of other demigods who think themsel#es $ig controllers, like VaruQa and ojhers. ,$. Sridhara Swami says that this is a #ow that /VWQa has taken % to always protect ;is fully surrendered de#otees. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that this is a Lwell%knownL #ow of /VWQaEs

,7. Vis#anathi Cakra#arti hakura says that ;ari%#aPMa states that it was ;is left hand. ) partial e:pansion of ;is yogamOyO ehtency known as EsaPhOrikN kept the rain from falling n /VWQa where#er ;e went, so not e#en ;is tur$an got wet. .9. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that how could all the inha$itants of Vraja fit under the hill, which was only 0 kroWas in siGe* Simply $y $eing touched $y the hand of the Lord Fo#ardhana ;ill was in such ecstasy that he got inconcei#a$le power. ;e e#en felt the striking of the thunder$olts etc to $e like showers of flowers In ;ari%#aPMa /VWQa says that e#en the whole three worlds can $e gi#en shelter under this mountain, so wha to speak of this little Vraja. )ll the deer, hogs etc. on Fo#ardhana then clim$ed to the top of the hill, and still they didnEt e:eerience any distre s. .0. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that $ecause they were seeing the $eauty of /VWQa all their hunger went away, through their drinking /VWQaEs $eauty and sweetness. )nd /VWQaEs hunger went away through drinking their lo#e and $eauty. he LordEs potency dried up the water as soon as it touched the ground. .1. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that he was afraid $ecause he didnEt know what punishment /VWQa was going to gi#e him. .7. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that superiors did things like smelling ;is head, kissing ;im, ru$$ing ;is right arm, stretching out ;is fingers, praising ;im, inBuiring whether ;e was tired or pained. >Buals laughed and joked with ;im. Inferiors fell at ;is feet, masssaged ;is feet etc. hose in parental type rasas ga#e $enedictions likeJ Lmay you su$due the wicked, protect the ci#iliGed, gi#e pleasure to =our parents and $e enriched with all wealth and opulence.L 09. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that 8alarOma is included in this group $ecause ;e is older. auestiion may arise why did 8alarOma not e:pand as SeManOga and lift the hill. 8ut point is that /VWQa had personally #owed to do this, and it would ha#e $een unfitting for an e:pansion to carry out the stated intention of /VWQa ;imself.

%ha*ter CI Returning Nanda Mah0r0'a &rom Varuna

,. Ai#a Foswami says that there only remained a few moments to $reak fast.

he word tu ($ut) indicates that only Nanda -aharOj entered the water, as he had great knowledge of all the scripnuralirules, more than the others. Vis#anwtha Cakra#arti hakura says that there were only a few moments remaining of the &#adasi, and there is a scriptural injunction that e#en if the last minutes of &#adasi fall ar und midnight, one must still immediately fulfill all the o$ligations gi#en $y scripture, e#en those which would normally $e performed up to noon. .. hridhare Swami says that the ser#ant of Varuna who captured him was ignorant of the rules of scripture. ;e was ignorant of the rules of de#otional ser#ice. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that the sereant was a demon. )ctuauly Nanda -aharOj had entered the water on the strength of scripturay injunction, which theuwer#ant did not know a$out. 0. he men who cried out were those who were guarding Nanda -ahsrOj while he was $athing. )t the time /VWQa was lying on a $ed of flowers. 8ecause /VWQa is all%knowing ;e immediately understood what had happened. 4. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that )jOnata means the ser#ant who was not tn knowledge of the $hakti%MOstras and herefore did not know that when the &#adaMi is short one can enter the water e#en $efore dawn. )s he says L=our father who has heen $rought hereL Varuna points with folded hands to SrN Ntnda who has $d n seated within a jeweled welcoming pa#illion and has $een offered worship $y Varuna himself. ;e feels that the offense of his ser#ant is the offens of himself.

%ha*ter BF 2henu#0sura
.9.VLLo#inrly made to the . Lords the following reBuestL Sanatana Foswami tays that Llo#inglyL indtcates they were askihg $ecause they wanted to please /VWQa and 8alarOma. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti h mura says that the cowherd $oys wanted to offer the tala fruits to /VWQa and 8alarOma, $ut they spoke on the prete:t of wanting them for themsel#es.

... Sanatana Foswami says that the fact that there were fallen fruits indicates this pastime took place in the month of 8hadra. &heaukOsura was hoarding them $ecause of his e#il nature. .4. Sanatana Foswami says that /VWQa and 8alarOma were laughing $ecause hey wanted to dispell the fear of the cowherd $oys. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that /VWQa and 8alarOma laughed $ecause hey thought the $oys were speaking falsely, as no jackass could $e as powerful as they seemed to think. .6. Sanatana Foswami says that 8alarOma entered the forest first $ecause ;e is older than /VWQa. L reesL plural referred to $ecause when 8alarOma shook one it shook many others at the same time. .7. Sanatana Foswami says that actually the whole planet shook with all its mountains etc., so this was a real display of the strength of 8alarOma. 09. Sridhara Swami says that Lka%Ma$daL word used $ecause the donkey was $raying, making a sound like Lka.L 0,. Sanatana Foswami says that L< /ingL said $ecause the /ing was in an:iety $ecause of the turn of e#ents. 0.. Sanatana Foswami says that 8alarOma is gi#ing pleasure to the gopas, showing &henukOsuraEs pettiness and ;is own power, playfully making the tala fruit fall. 01. Sridhara Swami says that the effects on the trees shows the e:treme strength of Lord 8alarOma. 02. Sanatana Foswami says that itEs not so amaGing that ;e could kill &henukOsura in this way. Ai#a Foswami says that reners to S8 ,9.29..7 % na tasya citran para pakWa nigrahO % Lsuch su$duing of ;is enemies is not at all amaGing for ;im, $ut ne#ertheless it is descri$ed in terms of the characteristics of mortals.L 03. Sanatana Foswami says that the other osses ran at /VWQa $ecause they were afraid of Lord 8alarOma, ha#ing seen what ;e did to &henukOsura. <r it may indiSate that out of affection /VWQa put ;imself $etween 8alarOma and the demons. 04. Sanatana Foswami says that L< /ingL used $ecause of /ingEs rising joy. 1,. Sanatana Foswami says that 8ecause of the statements in the first #erse of this

chapter we can understand that this pastime may ha#e occurred on the first day /VWQa herded rhe cows. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that (ulindas and other a$original types li#ing in the area ate the fruits as they $ecame inedi$le for the gopas due to $eing tainted $y the $lood of the dead demons.

%ha*ters BF!BG Ka"iya

14. Sanatana Foswami says that use of the name L/alindiL indicates /aliya. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that Lwithout 5OmaL $ecause that day it was 8alarOmaEs $irthday. 16. Sanatana Foswami says that they were #ery thirsty so they all drank at once and manifested symptoms of poisoning simultaneously, otherwise those who did not drink initially would ha#e seen the effects and not drunk. 17%29. Sanatana Foswami says that Llost consciousness $y the di#ine will of the LordL indicates this was all going on $y /VWQaEs arrangement to dri#e /aliya away from Vraja. So this whole pastime is a display of the LordEs amaGing potency. /VWQa could ha#e $rought ordinary de#otees $ack to life $y ;is desire, $ut $ecause they were #ery special de#otees ;e ga#e them ;is special glance which is a fhower or nectar. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that LlifelessL means that with ;is yogamOyO potency ;e co#ered their life%airs. <therlise the cowherd $oys are eternal. 2,. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that they must ha#e asked each other how it happened that they were re#i#ed from death. "hat her$s or mantras had $een used. hen one $oy remem$ered what Fargamuni had said, that Lyou $oys will easily cross o#er all o$stacles $y ;is (/VWQaEs) mercy.L 2.. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that then they unanimously agreed that /VWQaEs glance must ha#e $een the e:clusi#e cause. SanatanamFoswami says that this is $ecause such ,st class de#otees do not recogniGe any other cause for their good fortune than the grace of /VWQa.

%ha*ter BH
,. Sanatana Foswami says that the =amuna is #ery dear to /VWQa, so ;e $ecame #ery concerned when ;e saw she was polluted, and ;e wanted to purify her of the contamination. .. Sridhara Swami says that /aliya had $een li#ing there for many yugas. Sanatana Foswami says that the lakeEs contamination was so great that it couldnEt ha#e happened o#er a short time. 1. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that lake was a$out , yojana wide, and away from the part of the =amuna where the water was flowing, otherwise the poisone would ha#e mi:ed with the mo#ing water and poisoned -athura. 2. Sridhara Swami says that the water was $eing $rought to $oilingjtomperature $y the pois n, therefore there was a strong #apour rising which was also poisonous. @or , yojana around the lakeshore e#erything was poisoned. 3. Sridhara Swami says that in another (urOna there is an account of Faruda placing some nectar on the tree, therefore it had sur#i#ed the poison. Sanatana Foswami says that /VWQa di#ed in head first. 6. Sridhara Swami says that /aliya called cakWu%sra#aO $ecause he hears through his eyes. 7. Sanatana Foswami says that his $iting should $e known as his heartily kissing the Lord, and his co#ering the $ody of the Lord should $e understood as a firm em$race. L"ith angerL means Las if with anger,L $ut actually with pure lo#e $ecause the Lord showed him mercy. <ther OcOryas donEt speak like this. ,9. Sanatana Foswami says that shows the intensity of their relationship with the Lord. hey were crying with painful sounds. )ctually /VWQa didnEt mo#e $ecause ;e was stunned $ecause of the lo#ing em$race. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that the Lord didnEt mo#e $ecause of heroic pride. ;e was telling /aliya Lgo ahead, show your strength, $ut later on IEll show you -y strength.L ,,. Sanatana Foswami says that their Lstanding upL was like a dead creature which is somehow struck $y a thunder$olt and as a result rises up. "e should understand that all the creatures of the forest came.

Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that Las if cryingL means that their tears had dried up out of fear and a$:iety. ,.. Vis#anatha Cakra#orti hakura sans that the presiding deities of the different natural functions, out of affection forgot ;is opulence. <ut of fear they showed $ad omens. ,0. Sanatana Foswami says that they felt that $ecause 8alarOma didnEt go with /VWQa that /VWQa had therefore got into difficulty, $ut if 8alarOma had gone with ;im ;e would not ha#e. ,2. Ai#a Foswami says that ;e did not say anything in order tomgi#e them courage. ;e laughed for the same reason. 8alarOma did not do anything $ecause ;e coLld not % ;e was una$le to act apart from the desire of /VWQa. Vis#anatha Ca ra#arti hakura says that 8alarOma was laughing $ecause ;e was th(nking L;e doesnnt take pleasure in playinm with -e in -y form as ieWanOga, $ut rather ;e wants to play with this lowest of snakes, the mundane petty /aliya.L ;e didnEt say anything $ecause it would ha#e $een improper to co#er o#er the mood of the others who were so a$s or$ed in /VWQa. )lso $ecause ;e was incapa$le of doing so. "hen ;e laughed they felt a little reassured and their desire to gi#e up their li#es reduced. ,6. Sanatana Foswami says that "hy had ;is footprints not $een co#ered o#er $y now, seeing ;e had passed on that path some time $efore and many $irds and $easts had passed on that path since then* 8ecause a l the inha$itants of VVndO#ana forest carefully preser#ed ;is footprints as great treasures, the #ery ornaments of the earth. ,7. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that hey adults asked theSuowherd $oym what had happened to /VWQa, $ut the $oys were not a$le to reply, $eing stunned. he adults $ecame e#en more stunned when they o$ser#ed that stunned condition of the $oys. .9. Sanatana Foswami says that ;a#ing gi#en a general description of the conditions of all present there, now a description of certain indi#iduals or groups is to $e gi#en. @irst the go is. It is not possi$le that the snake could ha#e o#erpowered ;im, so we cat understand that this is going on $y ;is desire. hey $ecame o#erwhelmed $ecause they c uld not recogniGe the scientific facts of the situation, $ecause of their o#urwhelming $urden of lo#e. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that hey felt the three worlds to $e $urned to ashes $y the fire of separation from ;im.

.,. Sanatana Foswami says that Sukade#a is only re#ealing a little of how the different people are feeling $ecause of $eing o#erwhelmed $y his own $urden of sorrow. autoes ViWQu (urOna to gi#e details of the feelings they e:pressed to -other =aModaJ LIt is $etter that all of us together with -other =aModa, enter into this poisonous, mighty lake of the king of serpents rather than return to VVndO#ana, which is no longer appropriate for us. )fter all, what is the use of the day without sun, of the night without the moon, of the cows without their $ull, or of VVndO#ana without /VWQa. &epri#ed of /VWQa we shall not return to VVndO#ana. his forest is no longer fit to $e resided in, just like a lake depri#ed of water. It is #ery amaGing to us that /VWQaEs mother still maintains her hankering to reside along with ;im in VVndO#ana, where that Lord ;ari e:hi$ited ;is comple:ion like that of the petals of the $lue lotus. 8ut, < wretched woman, how can we remain in the cow pastures without seeing Lord ;ari, ;is eyes as shining as the petals of a full%$lown lotus* )ll the wealth of our minds has $een stolen away $y ;is most charming talks, and therefore we will not go $ack to the cowherd #illage of Nanda -aharOj without the lotus%eyed Lord /VWQa. Aust see < gopis, how e#en while $eing en#eloped in the coils of the king of serpents, /aliya, /VWQa is still glancing at us with ;is $eautiful smiling face.L hey repeatedly washed her face, which had $ecome encrusted with the mucss from hnr ttars. hey were shed;ing tears in wa#es, or ri#ers, implying that one wa#e of tears would come out and flooh o#er the top of the tears that had $ecome out $efore. ... Sanatana Foswami says that hey were all indiscriminately entering, so how could ;t chsck them* )nswer in wo d L$haga#On.L Some ;e checked #er$ally, some $y physical force, some $y glancing at them reassuringly. 8ecause ;e checked them they fell down unconscious, distressed at $eing stopped from joining /VWQa. .0. Sanatana Foswami says that ;e released ;imself on $asis of ;is feelings of $eing una$le to tolerate the distress of others. <ne who meets another with special affection does not stand up and forci$ly free himself from the em$race, $ut rather he remains em$racing for some time and then stands up. In this way he imitated ordinary $eha#iour. .1. Sanatana Foswami says that /aliya $ecame angry out of affection. 8ecause of the LordEs charm he simply looked at him. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that from his eyes flaming poison was coming out. .3. Sridhara Swami says that /VWQa was a$le to dance so nicely on the mo#ing hoods $ecause ;e is the original spiritual master of all arts. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that this display of dancing skill was particularly

intended for the younger girls who wdre e:periencing preliminary attachment for ;im. .m. Sanataua Fos aii says that the offering of paraphenalia was not done in proper order $ecause all these people who came were in too much ecstasy to worry a$out these details, or $ecause iukade#a was in too much ecstasy to e:press it ploperly. 09. Sanatana Foswami says that /VWQa danced somewhat e:cessi#ely on /aliyaEs hoods to increase his good fortune. 8y all his hoods $eing $roken is indicated that he was $ecoming hum$led ;e offered prayers within his mind $ecause he was in too much pain to speak out loud. 8ut within his mind he was saying LI am yours.L Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that the seed of de#otion had $een planted in his heart $y his wi#es, $ut $ecause of his fault of a predominance of anger due to pre#ious offenses it was una$le to sprout 0,. Vis#anatha Cakca#arti hakura says that pri#iously the wi#es had thought that /aliya was such a rascal that if he was killed it wouldnEt worry them, $ut when they saw he was $ecoming a de#otee they thought they should try to help him. 01. -adh#OcOrya says that L<ne who simply thinks with de#otion Ethe punishment which the Supreme Lord is e:erting upon me is actually mercy towards meE indeed $ecomes pious. 8ut for thoseedho conti ue, e#en after punishment from the Lord, to en#y ;im, their attitude is the reason for their continuing to fail to recogniGe ;im.L 02. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that these must ha#e $een VaiWna#a practices, $ecause we do not see such Bualities, particularly pridelessness, in people who are not VaiWna#as. 03. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that he must ha#e done some amaGing VaiWna#a acti#ities.

%ha*ter BI Pra"ambh0sura
,4. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that (ralam$hOsura had assumed the form of one cowherd $oy who had stayed home $ecause of some $usiness to do there. .4. Vis#anatha Cnkra#arti hakura says that 8alarOma ftlt afraid $ecause ;e had $een placed under the influence of yogamOyO $y /VWQa. If 8alarOma had $een aware of the actual sitoation ;e wiuld ha#e killed the hemon long $efore, and the pastime would not ha#e $een a$le to unfold as it has. .6. Sanatana Foswami says that )ccording to ViWQu (urOna /VWQa called out to 8alarOma L"hat is this mentality of a mere ma whichd=eu are e:hi$iting, < Soul of

all, e#en though =our true nature is more confidential than all other secret things*L hen 8alarOma remem$ered and realiGed e#erything a$out what was happening.

%ha*ter BH Krsna $wa""ows The &orest &ire

.9. Sanatana Foswami says that the same night, after the punishing of /aliya. heo were too far from the #illage to return, and too e:hausted due to their seaer aamentations during the day, so th4 took rest near where they had $een. .,. Sanatana Foswami says that some say that the fire was m friend of /aliyaEs who assumed this form, and others say that he was a demon whofwas a follower of /amsa. .1. Sanatana Foswami says that if we ,ere to die now we would $e separted from you, and that would $e intolera$le for us. .2 Sanatana Foswami says that ;e acted as though ;e rank it. here is no need to understand this $y logical reason, $ecause the potency which was the fire was also coming from ;im. ;is parents and others would ha#e $hen shocked if they had seen ;im drinking the fire, so ;e drank it in such a way that they ouldnEt see what was happening.

%ha*ter BJ Krsna $aves The %owherd oys &rom A &orest &ire

4. Sanatana Foswami says that Some say that the forest fire was a friend of (ralam$ha. ,,. Sanatana Foswami says that /VWQa asks the $oys to close their eyes $ecause if they see ;im swallowing the fire they will feel concerned for ;is safety out of lo#e, and will then enter the fire to protect ;im and $e harmed. ,.. Sanatana Foswami says that $y ;is potency it $ecame like a single mouthful of a $e#erage. ,0. Vis#anatha Cakra#arti hakura says that the $oys had $een thinking L /VWQa knows #ery well the means of counteracting fire, poison and so on % gems, mantras magic and the like. hese things, howe#er, cannot $e carrmed out without secrecy. hus since there are so many people here if we simply close our eyes, that will $e pri#acy. he fire $ecame #ery afraid and turned into an e:tremely cooling, fragrant and sweet%tasting drink.

6,t0m0h0tmyaL sahita dhy0nama/tr0A

jj MrN paramOtmane namaT jj jj atha MrNgNtOmOhOtmyaprOram$haT jj MrN gaQeMOya namaT jj MrNrOdhOramaQOya namaT jj dharo#Oca j $haga#anparemeMOna $haktira#ya$hicOriQN j prOra$dhaP $hujyamOnasya kathaP $ha#ati he pra$ho jj ,jj MrN #iWQuru#Oca j prOra$dhaP $hujyamOno hi gNtO$hyOsarataT sadO j sa muktaT sa sukhN loke karmaQO nopalipyate jj .jj mahOpOpOdipOpOni gNtOdhyOnaP karoti cet j k#acitsparMaP na kur#anti nal2nNdalamam$u#at jj 0jj gNtOyOT pustakaP yatra yatra pOXhaT pra#artate j tatra sar#OQi tNrthOQi prayOgOdNni tatra #ai jj 1jj sah#e de#OMca VWayo yoginaT pannagrMca ye S gopmlO gopikO #Opi nOradoddha#apOrWadaiT jj sahOyo jOyate MNghraP yatra gNtO pra#artate 2jj yatra gNtO#icOraMca paXhanaP pOXhanaP MVtam j tatrOhaP niMcitaP pVth#i ni#asOmi sadai#a hi jj 3jj gNtOMrayeEhaP tiWXhOmi gNtO me cottamaP gVham j gNtOjZOnamupO ritya trNPlokOnpOlayOmyaham jj 4jj gNtO me paramO #idyO $rahmarUpO na saPMayaT j ardhamOtrOkWarO nityO s#Onir#OcyapadOtmikO jj 6jj cidOnandena kVWQena proktO s#amukhatoErjunam j #edatrayN parOnandO tatt#OrthajZOnasaPyutO jj 7jj yoEWXOdaMajapo nityaP naro niMcalamOnasaT j jZOnasiddhiP sa la$hate tato yOti paraP padam jj ,9jj pOXheEsamarthaT sampUrQe tatoErdhaP pOXhamOcaret j

tadO godOnajaP puQyaP la$hate nOtra saPMayaT jj ,,jj tri$hOgaP paXhamOnastu gaYgOsnOnaphalaP la$het j WaRaPMaP japamOnastu somayOgaphalaP la$het jj ,.jj ekOdhyOyaP tu yo nityaP paXhate $haktisaPyutaT j rudralokama#Opnoti gaQo $hUt#O tasecciram jj ,0jj adhyOyaP MlokapOdaP #O nityaP yaT paXhate naraT j sa yOti naratOP yO#anman#antaraP #asundhare jj ,1jj gNtOyOT MlokadaMakaP sapta paZca catuWXayam j d#au trNnekaP tadardhaP #O MlokOnOP yaT paXhennaraT jj ,2jj candralokama#Opnoti #arWOQOmayutaP dhru#am j gNtOpOXhasamOyukto mVto mOnuWatOPL#rajet jj ,3jj gNtO$hyOsaP punaT kVt#O la$hate muktimuttamOm j gNtetyuccOrasaPyukto mriyamOQo gatiP la$het jj ,4jj gNtOrthaMra#aQOsakto mahOpOpayutoEpi #O j #aikuQXhaP sdma#Opnoti #iWQunO saha modate jj ,1jj gNtOrthaP dhyOyate nityaP kVt#O karmOQi $hUriMaT j jN#anmuktaT sa #ijZeyo dehOnte param P padam jj ,7jj gNtOmOMritya $aha#o $hU$hujo janakOdayaT j nirdhUtakalmaWO loke gNtOyOtOT paraP padam jj .9jj gNtOyOT paXhanaP kVt#O mOhOtmyaP nai#a yaT paXhet j #VthO pOXho $ha#ettasya Mrama e#a hyudOhVtaT jj .,jj etanmOhOtmyasaPyuktaP gNtO$hyOsaP karoti yaT j sa tatphalama#Opnoti durla$hOP gatimOpnuyOt jj ..jj sUta u#Oca j mOhOtmyametadgNtOyO mayO prokta satOtanam j gNtOnte ca paXhedyastu yaduktaP tatphalaP la$het jj .0jj jj iti MrN#OrOhapurOQe MrNgNtOmOhOtmyaP sampUrQam jj jj atha MrNmed$haga#adgNtOdhyOnOdi jj MrN gaQeMOya namaT jj MrNgopOlakVWQOya namaT jj

atha dhyOnam j atha karanyOsaTj om asya MrNmad$haga#adgNtOmOlOmantrasya $haga#On#eda#yOsa VWiT jj anuWXup chandaT jj MrNkVWQa paramOtmO de#atO jj aMocyOnan#aMocast#aP prajZO#OdOPMca $hOWase iti $Njam jj sar#adharmOn parityajya mOmekaP MaraQaP #raja iti MaktiT jj ahaP t#O sar#apOpe$hyo mokWayiWyOmi mO Muca iti kNlakam jj nainaP chindanti MastrOQi nainaP dahati pO#aka ityaYguWXhO$hyOP namaT jj na cainaP kledayantyOpo na MoWayati mOruta iti tarjanN$hyOP namaT jj acchedyoEyamadOhyoEyamakledyoEMoWya e#a ca iti madhyamO$hyOP namaT jj nityaT sar#agataT sthOQuracaloEyaP sanOtana ityanOmikO$hyOP namaT jj paMya me pOrth rUpOQi MataMoEtha sahasraMa iti kaniWXhikO$hyOP namaT jj nOnO#idhOni di#yOni nOnO#arQOkVtNni ca iti karatalakarapVWXhO$hyOP namaT jj iti karanyOsaT jj atha hVdayOdinyOsaT jj nainaP chindanti MastrOQi nainaP dahati pO#aka iti hVdayOya namaT jj na cainaP kledayantyOpo na MoWayati mOruta iti Mirase s#OhO jj acchedyoEyamadOhyoEyamakledyoEMoWya e#a ceti MikhOyai #aWaX jj nityaT sar#agataT sthOQuracaloEyaP sanOtana iti ka#acOya hum jj paMya me pOrth rUpOQi MataMoEtha sahasraMa iti netratrayOya #auWaX jj nOnO#idhOni di#yOni nOnO#arQOkVtNni ceti astrOya phaX jj MrNkVWQaprNtyarthe pOXhe #iniyogaT jj om pOrthOya prati$odhitOP $haga#atO nOrOyaQena s#ayaP #yOsena grathitOP purOQamuninO madhye mahO$hOratam j ad#aitOmVta#arWiQNP $haga#atNmaWXOdaMOdhyOyinNP am$a t#OmanusandadhOmi $haga#adgNte $ha#ed#eWiQNm jj ,jj namoEstu te #yOsa #iMOla$uddhe phullOra#indOyatapatranetra j yena t#ayO $hOratatailapUrQaT praj#Olito jZOnamayaT pradNpaT jj .jj

prapannapOrijOtOyatotra#etraikapOQaye j jZOnamudrOya kVWQOya gNtOmVtaduhe namaT jj 0jj #asude#asutaP de#aP kaPsacOQUramardanam j de#akNparamOnandaP kVWQaP #ande jagadgurum jj 1jj $hNWmadroQataXO jayadrathajalO gOndhOranNlotpalO MalyagrOha#atN kVpeQa #ahanN karQena #elOkulO j aM#atthOma#ikarQaghoramakarO duryodhanO#artinn sottNrQO khalu pOQRa#ai raQanadN kai#artakaT keMa#aT jj 2jj pOrOMarya#acaT sarojamamalaP gNtOrthagandhotkaXaP nOnOkhyOnakakesaraP harikathOsam$odhanO$odhitam j noke sajjanaWaXpadairaSarahaT pepNyamOnay mudO $hUyOd$hOratapaYkajaP kalimalapradh#aPsi naT Mreyase jj 3jj mUkaP karoti #OcOlaP paYguP laYghayate girim j yatkVpO tamahaP #ande paramOnansamOdha#am jj 4jj atha gNtOmOhOtmyam j gNtOMOstramidaP puQyaP yaT paXhetprayataT pumOn j #iWQoT padama#Opnoti $hayaMokOdi#arjitaT jj ,jj gNtOdhyayanaMNlasya prOQOyOmaparasya ca j nai#a santi hi pOpOni pUr#ajanmakVtOni ca jj .jj malanirmocanaP puonOP jalasnOnaP dine dine j sakVdgNtOm$hasi snOnaP saPsOramalanOManam jj 0jj gNtO sugNtO karta#yO kimanyaiT MOstra#istaraiT j yO saayaP padmanO$hasya mukhapadmOd#iniTsVtO jj 1jj $hOratOmVtasar#as#aP #iWQor#aktrOd#iniTsVtam j gNtOgaYgodakaP pNt#O punarjanma na #idyate jj 2jj sar#opaniWado gO#o dogdhO gopOla nandanaT j pOrtho #atsaT sudhNr$hoktO dugdhaP gNtOmVtaP mahat jj 3jj ekaP MOstraP de#akNputragNtameko de#o de#akNputra e#a j eko mantrastasya nOmOni yOni karmOpyekaP tasya de#asya se#O jj 4jj MOntOkOraP $hujagaMafonaP padmanO$haP sureMaP

#iM#OdhOraP gaganasadVMaP megha#arQaP Mu$hOYgam j lakWmNkOntaP kamalanayanaP yogi$hirdhyOnagamyaP #ande #iWQuP $ha#a$hayaharaP sar#alokaikanOtham jj yaP $rahmO #aruQendrarudramarptaT stun#anti dityaiT sta#air #edaiT sOYgapadakramopaniWadairgOyanti yaP sOmagOT j dhyOnO#asthitatadgatena manasO paMyanti yaP yogino yasyOntaP na #iduT surOsuragaQO de#Oya tasmai namaT jj 6jj jj iti dhyOnam jj

The 6"ories O( Purusottam Month

<nce upon a time thousands of sages were amalgamated at the holy place Naimisyaranya to perform some sacrifice. @ortunately $y wandering different pilgrimages the great sage Suta Foswami arri#ed there along with his disciples. he sages present there were $ecame #ery happy $y seeing him. hey all stood up immediately from their sitting place to pay respect to t#e great sage. hey offered a #ery nice Vyasasana to suta Foswami and respected him with folded hands to sit down on that #yasasan. he sages of Naimisyaranya said to uuaa Foswami with folded hands < Sutaji\ all of us reBuesting you please tell us some thing a$out the wonderful acti#ities and pastimes of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. here are many thousands of such religious stories $ut we want to listen the most perfect one, $y following which we all can $e deli#ered from this material ocean and return $ack to Fodhead. 8y listening all hese eBuest made $y the sages he,ded $y Saunaka risi, suta Foswami started speaking <E sages please listen me, at first I want (uskara irtha than after #isiting thousands of other holy places I ha#e $een reached ;astinapur. here I ha#e seen at the $ank of Fanges thousands of sages were sitting together with (aeikshit -aharaj and in the mean time the great sage Sukade# Foswami appeared. here all the sages present there were pay proper respect to him $y standing from their sits with folded hands. )ll the sages, unanimously offered a lotus #yasasan to sukade# Foswami which was meant for speaking /rishna katha to (arikshit -aharaj. Suta Foswami said <E sages I am just coming from that place ;astinapur after listening whole Srimad 8haga#atam from the Lotus aouth of Sukade# Foswaon. So now I am geing to tell you a$out most interesting acti#ities and pastimes of the Lord.

<nce,long ago Narada muni reached 8adrikad)shram the residence of Lord Narayan risi. 5i#er )lakananda was flowing down from his lotus feet. So Narana ha#e paid his o$eisance to Narayan and started praying . <E Lord of demigods, <E ocean of mercy \ < master of creation you are all truthfulu trisatya, esseuce of all truthnS So I am paying my o$eisanceIunto you.L <E Lord \ in this matermal world all the li#ing entities are $usy in eense gratification. hey all ha#e forgotten the ultimate aim of their life. So please e:plain me some thing which will $e helpful $oth for the householders and sages in renounced order like me , to attain self realiGationyend return $ayj to Fodhead. Listing such sweet words of Narada lord Narayan stated smiling, he said <E Narada pSease listen t$out the pious past times and acti#ities of supreme Lord Sri /rishna which will diminish all thetsinful reactions of past /armas. <E Narada you ha#e all ready knew aTl the acti#eties of the supreme Lord, $ut for the $enefit of others you are king again. So now I am going to tell you a$out the Flories of sacred (urusottam month which is fully potent to grant all material happiness and at the end of life helped to return $ack to Fodhead. Naradji enBuired <E Lord I ha#e heard a$out Flories of all the months r including /Lrtik, chaitra etc, $ut which month is this (urusottam month * <E oceaneof mercy please tell me all a$out this, what is the way to glorify this month , tell what sha l I do in this month, ;ow to take $ath, how to gi#e charity, how to chant, worship and o$ser#e fasting in this month. (lease tell e#erything a$out this month. Suta Foswami said <E sages after listening all these Buestions of Narada Lord Narayan started to speak from his moon like lotus mouth. Lord Narayan continued <E Narada I am going to tell you the same which ha#e pre#iously $een e:plained $y lord Sri /rishna to -aharaj =udhisthir. <nce &harmaraj =udhisthir ha#e lost e#erything including his empire, palace e#en his wife &iaupadi tk &uryadham in a gam$ling match. &raupadi was insulted $y &ussana in front of whole royal assem$ly. "hen &ussasana had tried to make draupadi naked $eing assinted $y Lord Sri /rishna &raepadi was sa#ed from such a dangerous situati n. )fter this incident =tdhisthir -aharaj along with his $rother and wife left his kingdom and continued to li#e at /amayaka forest. <nce Lord Sri /rishna the eon &e#aki #isited the panda#as in that forest. )ll the (ada#as including &raupadi $ecame #ery happy seeing the Lord. hey all forgot theiQ painful forest life immediately. hey fell as if they ha#e enriched with a new lifeJ hey paid theirno$eisance at the LordEs Lotus feet. )fter seeing the mirera$le conditions of the panda#as Lord Sri /rishna $ecame #ery sad. )t the same timeuhe $ecame #ery angry towards &urayadhan. It was appeared as if hord is going to destroy tSe whole uni#erse. So panda#as $ecame fearful, they all starteV to prayLthe Lord in hum$le mood. Listing the hum$le prayers of )rjuna lord $ecame cool downS han takinm this opportunity )rjuna started to ask some Buestions to the Lord Sri /rishna <E )rjuna

$eing #ery pleased with all of you Hpanda#asI and $eing controlled $y your de#otion and friendshi towarys me now I am going to tell you a$out wonderful history of (urusottam month. <E )rjuna \ once upon a time $y the arrangement of pro#idence the e:tra month came to the world. >#ery one told this month as the most inauspicious as if stool like month nothing is auspicious. Aust like one could not stool so this month was also untoucha$le. 8eing unprotected and $lasphemed this mouth was rejected $y the people for any religious and auspicious acti#ities. So $eing rejected $y t7e human $eings, listening their $ad words and $eing $lasphemed the e:tra month $ecame #ery sad. She came to Vaikuntha to e:plain her situation to the Lord. Seeing the Lord Visnu at his simhasana Hlotus chairI she fell down at his lotus feet in a mood of sorrow and griefness. ears were following down from her uyes. She started praying to the Lord, <E ocean of mercy\ I came to you $eing rejected and $lasphemed $y the peoples of the world. (lease protect me where is your mercifulness. "hy you are so indifferent to wards me, saying these words the e:tra month started crying in front of the Lord Visnu and sat down in a sorrowful mood. Seeing the hum$le position of the e:tra month. Lord #isnu $ecame #ery merciful towards her. Lord told her do not Lament I shall gi#e you protection from all of your miseries. It is not proper to lament after taking shelter at my lotus feet. Narayan risi continued $eing consoled $y the Lord the e:tra month started speaking in a flattering language <E Lord you knew all of my painful conditions. No one is more misera$le situation in this three world than me. @irst of all other months, years, days, night, mo#ements etc. $eing protested $y you always mo#ing fearlessly in a charming mood . 8ut I ]e:tra month^ donEt ha#e any name any protector or any hus$and who could gi#e me shelter. )ll the demigods, human $eings ha#e rejected me for any auspicious acti#ities. @or this reason <E Lord I want to die immediately. <E Narada the e:tra month $ecame peaceful after $eing repeatedly telling I want to die I want to die, I want to die. She fainted in front of the Lord. 8eing insisted $y the Lord Visnu, Faruda started fanning the e:tra month. )fter sometimes the e:tra month got up and started to speak again <E Lord of the uni#erse I am in your shelter so please protect me. Lord Visnu told to e:tra month < child donEt lament all of your misera$le conditions are going to $e finish #ery soon. Fet up and come with me to Foloka VrinLa#an which i se#en unattaina$le to great =ogies. Foloka is the a$ode of Lord Sri /rishna. "here Lord Sri /rishna in his two handed form srrrounded $y gopies enjoying ;is eternal pastimes.

)t Folaka the Supreme Lord Sri /rishna will deli#er your miseries, please come with -e. Speaking like this Lord ;ari took -alamasa ou e:tramonth to Foloka $y holding her hand. @rom a distant place Lord ;ari along with e:tra month ha#e o$ser#ed the affulgence of Folaka. 8y this effulgence eyes wiere automaticaly k$ecame closed, so $y keeping the e:tramonth $ehind him Lord ;ari proceeded farther and reached the main gaty. he door keeper pays respect to the Lord ;ari. )fter reaching the supreme a$ode Lord ;ari met supreme @Lord Sri /rishna who was surrounded $y many go ies. Lord ;ari who is the hus$and of 5amade#i paid his o$eisances to Lord Sri /irshna. )fter all Lord ;ari made the e:tra month to fell down at the lotys feet of Lord Sri /rishna. She was crying loudly. So Lord Sri /rishna asked who is this cryiIg one why she i crying e#en at Folaka #rinda#an. 8y listening these words of Lord Sri /rishna, Lord #isnu got up from his sit and started e:plaining the whole measera$le conditions of the e:tramonth, please protect this unprotected one. here is no one e:cept you ]Lord /rishna^ to sa#eHthe e:tramonthI her from this measera$le condition and gi#e her ful protection. 8y saying these words Lord Visnu remain standing infront of Lord /rishna in folded hands. hus Suta Foswami continued to speak, <E sages \ when Lord Visnu after e:plaining all the measera$le conditions of e:tramonth took his sit , Lord Sri /rishna spoke #ery confidencial, words ;o him, which I am going to e:plain all of you. Lord (urusssottam Sri /rishna told % <E Visnu you ha#e done #ery nicely $y $ringing this e:tra month to me. =ou will $ecome #ery famous for this act. o whom you ha#e accepted . I am also accepting. I shall make this e:tra month same like me . In Buality, fame, oppulance, realiGation,lsuccess, gi#ing $enediction to de#otees. hisemonth will $e eBually potent like me. I am $estwoing all of my Buality in this month. Like me this month will $e famous as (urussottom month in the world. <E Aanardan please you ha#e $estwoed all of my Bualities to this purusottam month. Now I myself $ecome the hus$and and protector of this (urussottam month. 8eing eBual me this month (urusottam will $e the master of all other months. Now this month $ecomes worshipa$le $y all others, e#ery one shoud pay their o$eisances to her, e#eryone should worship her. his month is eBually powerful like me to gi#e any type of $enedictions to its o$ser#er. I am making this month desire free unlike other months who were full of some desire. he woruhiper of this month will $e a$le to $urnt all his past sinful reactions after enjoing a $lissyul material life me will return $ack to Fodhead. <E FarudadhwajaL Lord Sri /rishna continued. -y a$ode Folake is unattaina$le to the performers of austerities, -ahatams or great souls who are engaged in pious acti#ities, to a person who maintain cele$acy or who fasts for whole life not eating any thing. 8ut just o$eser#ing the (urussottam month and $ecoming a de#otee one can easily cross o#er this material ocean and return $ack to Fodhead. So this (urusottam

month is $est of all other austerities. Aust like a farmer produced a rich har#est HcornI after throwing the seeds in a nicely culti#ated land so an inttelligent man who o$ser#es his de#otional ser#ice towards the supreme Lord in this (urusottam month will enjoy a $lissful material life in th,s world and after lea#inp his $ody he will retrun $ack to godhead. )n unfortuanate ignorant man who does not perofrm any Aapa, does not gi#e any cha ity, does not pay respect to Lord Srio/rishna and his de#ltNes, moes not $eha#e properly to 8rahmains makes enmity with others and who $lasphemes the (urrusottam month will go to hell for utlimited period . Lord Sri /rishna continued ;ow can a person make his life successful unless he performs de#otinNl ser#ice in this purusottam month* ) person who is fully engaged in sense gratification and does not gi#e any special importance, to this (urussottam month $eco es the $est candidate for hell. So all the human $eings should perform some de#otional s nSice in this purussottam month $y taking a holy $ath, wNrshiping -e Sri /rishn< $y chantini -y holy naue , a$o#e all gi#ing some charities. ) fortunate person who follow my instructions and o$ser#es this (urussottam month properly. InSa faithful way worships me Sri /rishna will attain fame, oppulence and nice son in this life. after enjoying a happy life at the end he will $e return $ack to golake &ham. So following my instruction s e#ery one should wotship this (uru sottam month.j I am make this month a$est among all other months. So <E hus$and of rama deti gi#e up all kinds of mental speculatins a$out e:tramonth. Now you please take this (urusottam month to your a$ode VaikynthaE with =ou. )ftter narrating this history of (uruasottam month, Lordd Sri /rishna Looked in a merciful way to =udhisthir and &raupadi. han he started speaking to )rjuna. <E Lion among man now you couldrunderstand the reason why you panda#s one suffering. 8ecause you could not recogniGe,wre preshnce of (urusottam month which ha#e recently $een passed away. he month which was most dear to Vrinda#an chandra ha#e passed away, $ut you pNnda#s $eing in forest didnot worship (urusottampmonth. So now you are suffering $ecause of your (rara$dha /rama. =ou ha#e $een following only some of he retualistic priciples gi#en $y Vyasade# to you. 8ut ynless you <orship the (urusottam month you can not a$le to perform pure de#tional sermice to me. Lord Sri rirshna continued, now I am going to narrate a famous historial e#ert connecting the pre#ious $irth of &raupadi. In her pre#ious $irth &raupadi ws the daughtem of great $rahmin age -edha#iu ;er mothe ws ried when she was a small child. ro she ws under the care of her father. &ay $y day the $ecome grown yp and attain her young age. She was #ery $eautiful $ut her father was not much interested a$oNt her marraige seing her other girlfriends with their Sus$ands and children she passed her days in #ery meseara$le way. In the mean time her ftther -edha#e risi also passed awa from this material world uttering the name of ;ari.

So the daughter of f-edha#i risi now ha#e pssed her days in most measera$le way. @ortunately one day the Freat sage &ur$asha appered in her asram. seeing the great sage the girl paid her o$eissances to him and worship him. She has offered flowers and fruits to the great sage. "hen the great sage oecame #ery plfased towards her, she started lamenting and crying $efore him. han the sage enBuired a$out her a!mentation. he $rahmaiy girl started speaking <E saint ur$asha you know e#erything a$out past, present and future. I ha#e no shelter in this world. I ha#e lost all of my relati#es. -y parents were patsed away I ha#e no $rother also $eing unmarried there in no hus$and of mine torprotect me. So <E great sage rlease do some thing for me please find some way and gi#e me some ad#ice which could relea#e me from this meseara$#le conditions. )fter listening her prayer, &ur$asha started to think o#er the measura$le condition of d the girl. hen he decided to show some mercy towards her. &ur$aha risi started speaking <E $eautuful one from now after three month the most auspicious month (urusottam is cming. this (urussottam month is most dear to Lord Sri krishna. 8y just taking a holy $ath in this month a man or woman $ecome completelh sinless. his (urusottam month is e#en mor glorious tean all other months including /artik month. he glories of all other months is e#en not eBual to one si:teenth part of the glories of (urussottam nonth. he merit of a person who takes e#en once a holy $ath in this month is wBual to the Nerit of taking $ayth in ganges for twele#e thousand years, or merit achie#ed $y a person who takes a $ath in holy water of Fanges or Foda#ari when Vrihaspati HjupiterI enters to Leo HlionI. So if you will take $ath, gi#e charity and chant the holy name of Visny in this month all your measiries would go away, you will attain all kinds of perfection, all of your desires also get fullfillled. So followeing my ad#ice please donot forget to worship the forth coming (urusottam month. )fter speaking these words sage &ur$asha remain silent. ?nfortunately the 8rahmin girl didnot $elea#e in the words of &ur$asha, rather she got angry and started speaking <E great sage you are speaking lie. ;ow could $e this e:tramonth which is also called -ala-asa Hstool monthI is superior to other great months like -agha, kartika and Vaisakha. I am not going to $elei#e you . =ou are trying to cheat me. his e:tra month is most a$omina$le for any kinds of pious acti#ity. 8y listening these words of the $rahnin girl &ur$asha $ecame #ery angry, his whole $ody was started $urning, his eyes were $ecame red. 8ut thinking a$out the helpless conditior of he girl he cooled down again. &ur$asha told the girl <E unfortunate one , I am not going to curse you $ecause your father was a good friend of mine. Now you are in helpless condition. 8eing an ignorant child you could not understand the shastric conlusions. I am not going to take your offences towards me. 8ut at the same time I should not tolerate your offences towards the (urusottam month. In your ne:t life you will $e certainly get its results. Speaking these words grreat sage &ur$asha left that place for the ser#ice of

Lord Narayan. Lord Sri /rishna told to )rjuna <h sinless one when &ur$asha left that place thr $rahmin girl H&raupadi in her pre#ious $irthI lost all of her oppuuences in that #ery mo#ement. 8eing a offender to (urussottam month her $ody started looks #ery ugly, she lost all of her $odilyoshining etc. hen she decided I shall worship Lord Shi#a who is known as )shutosha, who get pleasd #ery soon. So thinking in this way the rahmin girl started perform great austerities to please Lord Shi#a the hus$and of (ar#atia he $rahmin girl continued her aueterities for nine thousand years. In summer season she should sit in a place for meditation puting fire arNund hershelf under ihe hot sun, In winter season she meditated under cool water. <$ser#ing her great austerities e#en demigods $ecame fearful. Considering all the situ tions Lord Shankara appeared to the $rahmin girl $eing pleased in hergworship and austerrities. "hen Lord ahi#a appeared infront of the $rahimngirl in his spiritual form,the girl immediatedly stoodup, as if she got a new life. In the presence of Lord Shi#a all of her $odily weaknesses ha#e gone, she again started to look $eautiful. Seeing Lord Shi#a infront of her, she started worship him in her mind, then she started to recite nice prayers to please ;im. 8eing pleased with the girl Lord Shi#a said <E performer of austerity all good fortune to you. Now please ask some $oon from me. I am pleased with you. I shall grant what e#er youscint. Listening these words form the mouth of Lord Shi#a the girl speaks out <E friend of the poor if you are pleased with me than please Lgi#e me hus$andL. 5epeatedly speaking the same thing gi#e me hus$and for ft#e timeo t/e girl remain silent. han Lord Shi#a told let it $e happened what you ha#e asked for hus$and fi#e times, so you will get fi#e hus$ands. Listening Lord Shi#aEs wards the girl was ashamed. She told <E Lord this is most a$omina$le for a girl to ha#e fi#e hus$ands. (lease return your words. Lord Shi#a told her it is impossi$le for me. "hat e#en you ha#e asked from me it will happen. 8ut you will get fi#e hus$ands in your ne:t life. Lord Shi#a again reminded the girl that she has $een offended to (urussotam month pre#iously $y not follwing the words of sage &ur#asa. Lord Shi#a continued <E $rahmin girl, there is no difference $etween the $ody of &ur#asa and mine HLord Shi#aI. "e all the demigods including lord 8rahma and all the great saints like Narada worships this (urussottam month following the order of Lord Sri /rishna. ) de#ottee of (urussottam month achie#es all good fortune in this life and at the end of his l fe he return $ack to the Folake, the a$ode of Lord Sri /rishna. 8eing an offender to (urussottam month you wil get fi#e hus$ands in your ne:t life. So the girl $ecame #ery sad. Lord Shi#a immediately disappeared from that place. )fter Lord Shi#a left that place, the $rahimn girl $ecame #ery murose and fearful a$out her future life. In this way after fewdays this girl also left her $ody $eing su$ject d to the uncontrola$le time. Lorr Sri /rishna told, <E )rjunaD inthe mean time the great king &raupada ha#e $een peerforming some sacrifice.

@rom the sacrificial fire this $rhmingirl has took her $irth or appeared as the daughter of -aharaj &raupada. <E )rjuna the same daughter of -edha#e risi is now $ecame famous in the word as &raupadi who is non other than your present wife. 8eing $lasfame, the (urussottam month in her pre#ious life she has $een insulted $y &ushasana in front of the whole kur#as assem$ly in which all of you panda#as $rothers were present. @ortunatelu she remem$eredhee Sri /rishnaI and took -y shelter. So for gi#ing her offences I ha#e protected her form most a$omina$le condition.,and sa#ed her from the hand of &ushasana. So <E panda#as $rothers Lord Sri /rishna continuedD donnEt forget again to worship the forth comming (urussottam month. ) person who $lasfames (urussottam month and donEt not worship her, and donEt worshipH /rishna I -e will ne#er attain a good fortune. this (urussottam month is fully potent to full fill all your desires and remo#e your all shorts of mesearies. Now forteen years of yur forest life ha going to $e passeed away. So plese worship tris (urussottam month sincerely which will $esyow you all good gortune. Fn#ing full consolation to the pandr#as, Lord Sri /rishna left that place for &waraka. )fter few days when (urussoteam month Sppeared, -aharaj =udhisther ha#e reminded the words of Lord Sri /rishna to his younger $rothers and wife &raupadi. )ll of tham followed the instructions gi#en to them $y Lord Sri /rishna. hey perform their worship to (urusottam Sri /rishna in #erious ways in the (urussottam month. 8y the merit they ha#e achie#ed performing (urssottam #rata or worshiping the (urussottam month the panda#as ha#e returned $ack their lost kindom, after enjoying a $lissful happy life they all return $ack to Fodhead in the grace fo Lord Sri /rishna. Suta Foswami told to the sages of Naimishraniya <E sagesE now I am going to e:plaan to you another famous history of -aharaj ;adadhanwa of sun dynesty in this connection of glorifying (urussottam month. Long long age there was a religious king named Citradhanwa, who was the ruller of ;aihaya state. ;e had a #ery Bualified son named ;adadhanwa. ;adadhanwa was famous alo#er the world $ecause of his good Bualities like truthfullness and following the religious principles strictly. In and early age ;adadhanwa $ecame a learned scholer $y pleasing his Furu. ;e studied all the Vedas including )ngas and ?panisads. )fter pleasing his Furu and paying him &akhina ;adadhanwa retruned $ack to his fatherEs palace. ;is father Citradhanwa $ecame #ery old. So he decided to go to forest and take renounced order of life to please Sri ;ari. Now ;adadhanwa $ecame the king of ;aihaya state. In due time ;adadhanwa achie#ed a $eautiful daughter named Funa sundari, he had four other famous sons namd chitra$ak, chitra$ha, -animan and chitra%/undala. Lord Narayan continued, once this ;adadhanwa started thinking in his mind how I ha#e achie#ed all such material oppulences. In influence of which pious acti#ities I ha#e achie#ed a undistur$ed kingdom, $eautiful Bueen, deautiful sons and daughter etc. ;e thought I ha#e not done anything in this present life, may I ha#e done some pious acti#ities in my pre#ious life. hinking inthis way, in the ne:t day the king went to the forest $y riding his horse along with his army to perform hunting animals. In

this forest one deer $eing attacked $y the arrow of the kings $ow run towards the other foNest. he king also fol wed the deer. )fter follwing a long way $ehind the deer, the king $ecame #ery tired and felt thursty. So he started wondering for water. In a little distance ee saw a $eautiful pond full of clean sweet warer. So he get down from the horseEs $ack and tied the horse in the near $y $anayan tree. )fteh drinking water he took some rest under than $anayan treee. when the king was rela:ing himself a $eautiful parrot who ws siting on that tree startedeto speak some thing towards him. he parrot started reciting a #erse again and again which meant as follwosJ o<E $y o$eser#ing your material oppulences you are not considering a$out the real achie#ementt of human life. So how can you crose the material ocean, the cycle of $irth and deathL. )fter listening these words from the mouth of the parrot again ajd again, the king ;adadhanwa considered the ad#ice seriously. So he started thanking this parrot may $e the great sage Sukade# Foswami himself who $eing compassinate towards me ad#icing how to dele#er from this material ocean. In the mean time his army reached that place. he parrot also disspeared after gi#ing instructions to the king. So after reaching his palace king strarted to think o#er it. "hen king ;awa hanwa was thinking teriously a$out the words of the parrot, the great sege*ValmiRi cme to his palac . the king immedately got up from his sit and paid his oLeisances to the great sage. Valmiki asked <E king why you are looks somorose, please tell me e#ery r thing a$out your sarnesss, I shall try my $est to sol#e your pro$lems. Fetting some consolation flom the sage kingw;adadhanwa ha#e e:plained a$out thSh(erse tpoken $y the parrot nthe forest to him. )fter listening to the king, the great sago Valmiki told <E king in your pre#ious life you were $orn in a $rhmin family , at theN$amk of sri#er am$raparn inthe state fo &ra#ida. =okr good name was sude#a. =ou wrre a religious, truthfull and seSfsatisfied $rahmn.L=our wife was nared as Fautami the daughter of Fautam risi. when you were in grishastha asram you were following all the religious principles, $ut inspite of all these merits you did not ha#e any child. So one day u ha#e e:pressed your fillings to your wife e:plaining all of your measera$le conditions. =ou told her <E $elo#ed one, our human $irth is fruitlgss $ecause we donEt ha#e a son who is going t dele#er us form the hell named after putD so I am dicided to die immediately. 8y listening your words your wife has ad#iced you to worship Lord Aaggannath. She told you <E dear hus$and donEt speak like this. =ou are a Vaishna#a, so you should ha#e more patient to deal all these situations. If you desire a son, than you worship Lord jaggannath and ask him for a son as $enidictin. @ollowng her ad#ice you ha#e rerformed great austeities at the $ank of ri#er am$rapani for four thousand years. >#en the demigods $ecame fearful seening your austerities. So seeing your strong faith and de#otion Lord ;ari appeared $efore you riding his carrier Faruda. 8y

seeing the Lo d in his four handed form who rulled o#er the three worlds, you $ecame #ery happy and paid your full o$eisances at his Lotus feet. he great sage Valmiki continued, <E king in this way after offering his prayers sude# $rahmin sat down on the floor in front of Lord ;ari. )fter listening his prayer, Lord hari spoke <E sude#, you ha#e done great austerities to satisfy me. Now I am satisfied. please ask some $oons what e#er you want. Sude# $rahmin told, <E Lord if you are pleased upon me than please gi#e me a Bualified son. Listening the $rahmins words Lord ;ari told him <E sude# $y reading your fore head, I came to understand that $ecaune of your (rara$dha karma you are supposed not to ha#e a son for ne:t se#en $irths. So ask for some other $oons. ;earing Lord ;ari the $rahmin sude# immediately $epame senseless. ;e fell down on the ground unconciously like a dry tree. Seeing the conditin of her hus$and, Fautami, the wife of sude# also started crying loudly. )fter o$ser#ing the most measura$le conditions of the $rahmin couple earuda, the carrier of lord Visnu $ecame sumpathetic. So he also rBuested Lord ;ari to grant them a son. ;earing FarudaEs reBuest Lord hari empowered him to gi#e the $oon to the $rahmn couple. So Fauruda started faning to the fainted $rahmin sude#. han Faruda told to the $rahmin couple <E fortunate one, following the order of my master Lord ;ari, I am gi#ing a $oon to you, that you will get a son #ry soon, as Bualified as myself. he sage Valmiki continued , inthis way after gi#ing the $oon Lord ;ari dissapeared form that place with his carrier Faurda. )fter sometines ha#e passed Fautami gae $irth to a son named Sukade#. from his #ery childhood liffe sukade# has e:hi$it his wanderful good Bualities y satisfying all of his supiriours, parents, friends and guru. <nce the great sage &e#ala who was shining like a sun, came to their plae . he sude# $rahminand his wife prayed him and ga#e him a nice sit for sitdown. heir son sudade# also paid his o$eisances to the great sage. )fter looking the face fo sukade#, &a$ala risi $ecame happy. 8ut suddeny he $ecame gra#e. ;e spoke to the $rahmin couple. his child Sukade# has all the good Bualities fo a greaat person, $ut there is one disBualification for which al of his Bualities are going to $e fruitless. his $oy ha#e to lea#e his $ody at the age of twel#e $y sinking inthe water. han the sage left that place. he $rahmin couple again $ecame unhappy. 8ut remem$ering the al mirciful Lord Visnu, they again started to continue in their day today life. <ne day their son sukade# was taking a $ath in a near$y tank with his other friends. @ollowing the una#oida$le pro#idence Htime factorI the $oy went to the deep water, get sinked and died. he freinds fo sukade# had informed his parents a$out death of their $elo#ed son. So de#ine couple again $ecame morose. hey started crying #ery loudly, in this way they came to the $ank of that tank and saw the dead $ody of their son. they $oth started kissing the dead $ody of their son and lamented. Sude# took the dead $ody of his son to his lap and started crying, <E son get up we are waiting for you. ?nless you get up and talk to Rs we $oth of your parents also gi#e up our l fe

hear. "e should not jo to our house $ack. Speaking in this way the $rahmin started chanting the holyname of Lord hari. "hen the $rhmin couple were lamenting and chanting constanly whe holyname of the Lord Visnu, and untimely rain cme along with a heay thundering wind. he whole world $ecameVfilled with water, $ut the $rahmin couple could noth know any thing $ecause of sthgeir lamentation ofor their son. heir heart were $urnt with the fire of separation from their son. So they werre engaged constantly chanting the holy name of the lord Visnu. In this way the whole month (a#e passed away., his month was (urusottam month. So unknowingly the $rahmin couple ha#e worshiped the (urusottam noth, the month of fLord Sri /rishna . 8eing pleasd $y their austerities, Lord Sri /rishna appeared $efore them, when the fLord appeared the rain immeditely stoped.Seeing the fLord the $rahmin couple immediately paid thgeir ful o#eissances keeping their son side. Lord Sri /rishna $ecame $ery #ery pleased $ecause they ha#e worshipeo the @(urussottma month HunknowinglyI. he Lord told <E fortunate sude#, your son &udade# wil li$#e with you for twel$e thousand years inthis materpmleworld to gi#ejyou all plesure and at theCend you $oth of the $ramdin co ples wil return $ack to me HFolakaI. )s soon as Lord Sri /rishna, the supreme (ersonality of godhead hahe finished his words their so, got up just like, he was sleeping for a long time. Seeing their son ha#e got $ack to his life the $rahmin couple $ecame e:trmely happy. In the mean time the demigods started flowring from the hea#en. So Sukde# Hthe parrot I paid his o$eissances to his parants and Lod Sri ;ari. Faruda the carrier of the Lord also $ecame #&y happy seeeing the $rahim couple with their son. 8ut all these incidents seems #ery wounderful to sude# $rahmin. So he asked Lord Sri /rishna the reason $ehind they got $ack their son to life again. LordeSri /rishna who is controled $y(;is de#otees, thus spoke to sude# $rahmin, <E fortunate one, did you not know the reason why I got pleased from you* =ou $oth hus$and and wife ha#e o$ser#ed fasting and worshiped (urusottam month which is most dear to me. "hen $oth of y.u were lamenting for oour son $y o$ser$ing ful fasting also chanting my holy name, that time the holy (]urusottam month was conutinued. So you were worshiped me in @(urusottam month, which has pleased me #ery much. <nce Lord 8rahma was measuring the #alue of (urussottam month with all other pious austerities and religious acti#ied mentioned in #edas . 8ut the #alue of (urusottam month remained more #alua$le than all types of #edic religious, pious acti#ities. hus Lord Sri /rishna continued any human $eing who would o$ser#e my (urusottam month remain as the most fortunate one in three worlds, at the end of his life he would return $ack to my a$ode Foloka. Saying these words the supreme lord left that place for Foloka riding his carrier Faruda.

thus sagu almiki told to king ;ada)h,nwa, <E king, what you ha#e asked, now you got your answer. he parrot who ad#ised you in forest was the Sukade# your son, in your pre#ious life. Sukade# ha#e achie#ed perfection of his life due to LordEs mercy, he was filling some sympathy for you H;adadhanwaI his father in pre#ious life. Seeing you were passing a materialistic way of life, he has reminded you a$out your duty to worship the supreme Lord Sri /rishna. So <E king now worship Lord ;ari in forth coming (urusotam month, $y merit of which you would return $ack to godhead. hus king hadadhanwa continued to ask sage Valmiki a$out (urusottam month. ;e asked <E sage please tell me how can one o$ser#e this most fortunate (urusottam month which is most dear to Lord Sri /rishna* "ho is the worship a$le Lord for this month* "hat are the processes to worship this month and o$ser#e austerities* (lease tell me all these secrets. he great sage Valmiki replied. <E king one should get up early in the morning Hin 8rahma muhirtaI thinking a$out the supreme Lord hari who is also known as supreme param $rahman. han he should finish his morning duties, taking $ath, doing pranayam and offering prayers to the supreme Lord Sri /rishna. lord Sri /rishna with his consort Sri 5adhika ire the .orshipa$le deities for this (urusottam month. one should continuously chat gayatri until sun rises en the east. han one should pay his o$eisance and offer H)rghyaI water, flower etc. to sun god, who is also known as surya narayan. )fter finishing all of these morning duties one should start worshiping Lord ;ari. ) worshiper of (urusottam month shou d take a #ow to remain truth full, not to speak any lie or engaged in an, #iolent acti#ities. he should remain #ery peaceful. <ne should collect some fresh cowd&ngs and with the mi:ing of some water with it, he should purify certain area which should $e like a circle. "ithin that purified circled area, one should draw a eight petaled lotus flower witn theohelp of some rice powder. hen one should place a new pot full of holy water collected from different holy ri#ers or one cae call all tte different tirthas or ri#er to enter that pot of watery he water pot may $e made of gold, sil#er, copper orra earthen pot according to the worshipers a$ility to present it. )fter placing the holy water pot p,operly one should call <E ri#er ganges, goda#ari, ka#eri, saraswati, jamuna, etc. (lease enter to this holy pot and also make me purify $y purifying my $ody and mindL. henVone should worship that water pot with the help of sandal wood pulp, different other sainted things, flowers etc. <ne should place a copper plate co#ered with a new yellow cloth upon that water pot.m hen one should place deities of Sri 5adha /rishna upon that pot. )fter placing the deities properly, one should start worshiping tn m with fahth and de#otion. he great sage Valmiki cantinued to speak again one should purify the deities in a fire sacrifice and esta$lish them with a new life through #edic process, other wise the deities made of metal would remain a lump of metal only. ) $rahmin who is Bualified

with #edic knowledge should perform these acti#ities. @irst of all he should cnant (urusa sukta stating from <m ad Vishnur (aram (adam etc. Lfollowed $y #ijay mantra of (urusottam. 8y placing his thum$ on his heart he should chant all these mantras to esta$lish the deities with life. ;e should take a #ow that I shall li#e for r this deity or diu for this deity. ;e should rhant many other mantras prescri$ed in =ajur#eda adding Swaha at the ind of each mantra. So in this way $y placing life into the deities one should meditate upon Lord (urusottam, Sri /rishna. hen he should speak like taisJ <E (urusottam \ I am offering this no$le sit to Sri Sri 5adha /rishna. he holy water $rought $y me from different holy ri#ers including ganges etc is Buite apprecia$le and use full to $e touch and use. So <E Lord please accept this water for washing your feet. Saying like this one should offer (adya. hen one should offer achaman to the deities. )gain one should $athed the deities with (anchamrita. )gain gi#ing achaman, to fulfill oneEs desires and to attain perfection one should offer new yellow silken clothes to the deities. hen he should pray <E (urusottam (leaseesa#e me from this nesciencn of cycle of $irth and death.L <ne should offer $rahmanical threads with the new cloth also. han he should again chant <E Lo(d\ please accept these sainted sandaw nood pulp which is prepared $y me in careful way. hen he should offer sandalwood pulp to different parts of the $odies of the deities. ;e should pray <E (urusottam please accept these un$roken flowers carefully collected $y me. han he should offer flowers to the deities. ;e should worship the different parts of $odies of the Lord $y chanting the mantras consist of twenty four different names of Lord Visnu starting from /esha#ay namah. In this way one should worship Lord (urusottam properly. he king ;adadhanwa enBuired <E sage\ what should $e the prescri$ed foods for a performer < (urusottam #rata* "hat one should not eat in this month * (lease e:plain e#ery thing #ery clearly. Sage Valmiki told <w king\ Listen iI am now e:plaining e#erything to you in #ery $riefly. In a purified consciousness one should collect, wheat, rice, sugar candy, sasmi seeds, ginger, green leafs, $anana, cucum$er, rock salt, $utter, ghee, curd, mango, potato etc, and should cook them without oil . <ne should prepare his food with the help of ghee if uecessary. <ne should not eat meat, fish etc, or any kinds of on #egetarian things . <ne should not use mustard or mustard oil or any kinds of into:icate things in his daily use. <ne should prepare oneEs food in a purified way in a pure consciousness one should not cook his food in a iron pot. <ne should not speak any nonsense or think any nonsense while preparing prasadam. <ne should a#oid any types of contaminated foodaprepared in a contaminated wrong way. In (urusottam month one should not $laspheme the demigods, #eda or any literature pursuance with the #edic #ersount $rahmins, spiritual master, cows, person Hmen or womenI who performs (urusottam

#rata, the king and all kinds of saintly peoples . <ne should try his $est to please Lord Visnu $y performing #arious austerities in $est of his a$ilities. Sage Valmiki again told a worshiper of (urusottam month should follow the a$o#e rules and regulations in tne month of kartik and -agha month as well, other wise he could not get the full $enefit from performing his (urusottam #arta. If possi$le one can worship (urusottam month $y oeser#ing a full fast from food through out the month. If he could not o$ser#e full fast he could li#e $y drinking ghee or drinking some milk which he should collect $y $egging. If he could not do this he can simple eat some fruits. )n intelligent person should take a #ow according to his capacity to o$ser#e and follom it . <ne should not $reak his #ow in the middle. If one worship Lord in his Saligram form gi#ing offering one lekh tulsi lea#es, than he achie#ed an unlmitted merit and success which e#en Lord 8rahma ould not descri$ed . If one worships (urusottam month in this way,than he could achie#e more glories than performing one hundred horse sacrifices. he performer of #edic karmaknada yanjnya is achie#ed sworga loka, $ut worshiper of (urusottam achie#ing goloka dhama. all the holy places of the world came to li#e in the $ody of a man who performs (urusottam #arta. /ing ;adadhanwa asked <E great sage\ what are the $enefits one achie#e $y offering a lamp to Lord (urusottam in this month* he great sage Valmiki thus started speaking gladly, there was king named citr$Bhu who ruled o#er the kingdom $hagyanagar. he was a great de#otee of /rishna ha#ing all the good Bualities like truth fullness, non#iolent forgi#eness, $eha#ior helper to poor, worshiper of saintly peoples and 8rahmins, and knower of all the religious principles mentioned in shastra. <nce ;e great sage )gastya came to his palace. Seeing the great 5si , the king paid his o$eisance form a distant place. "hen the sage came near $y he ga#e him a nice place to sit down. han he worshiped him when the great sage was pleased the king spoke, today my life $ecame successful that a great de#otee of /rishna enter my palace. ;e tried his $est to please the sage. he king then stertnd to ask )gastya muni a$out his past life. he king told <E sage in my present life I am enjoying such a undistur$ed kingdom, I ha#e a $eautiful chaste wife, nice sons and daughters. So what pious acti#ities I ha#e $een done in my past life in reult of which I am enjouing somuch in my present life. )gastyamuni told <E gortunate one please listen to me I am now going to e:plain you a$out your past life. IN your pre#ious l,fe your name was -rnigri$a. =ou were a most cruel, non%$eli#e#er of Fod and a person ha#ing a #ery $ad character. 8ut your wife (who is your present wife also) was a #ery pious and religiouy lady. She was #ery chaste and $eautiful, always engaged to pelase you. &ue to your $ad character and cruel $eha#iour no one was liking you in the society. >#ery one cut down their relations with you. >#en the king of your country also took away (snatched away) e#erything from you including your wealth and property. In this way $eing kicked out from the society you ha#e started to stay in the forest with your chaste wife. <nce when you were going to collect some food and meat carrying your $ow in your soulder, you ha#e found in the

way a man fell down unconscious on the fore)t road. ;is name was Sage ?prade#a. 8y seeiag the $rahmin sage ?grade# in at unconsciouys helpless condition some mercy arose in your heart. Sage ?grade#a wis in his way to (rayag tirtha. &ue ta fasting and un$eara$le hot sun he#fell down unconsciouys on the forest road. So after $ringing himnto your small cottage you $oth hus$and and wife started to ser#e him $y fanning him, gi#ing some water to drink and throwing some water on his forehead. )fter a little time the sage came $ack to hs consciouysness. ;e w s looking around with wonder en oo. ha#e descri$ed e#erything a$out his preuious situation and how you hasei$rought him to your cottage. )fter that you ha#e offered some fresh water to the sage. ;olwas #ery pleased and asked a$out your $ad li#ing condition. he sage ?grade#a tgold you L< -anigri#a why hou are suffering so much in the forest, please tell me e#erything a$out your past situations, so that I can find some way for your good fortune in the future.L )fter e:plaining your life, you ha#e asked him to find some solution to your miseries. ?grade#a told L< great soul you will definitely $ecome famous in this world $ecause you ha#e ser#ed me so well as your guest. So to eradicate your pre#ious sinful reactions I am now going to e:plain you the most simple and easy way $y following which you will attain all good fortune.L he sage told Lafter three months (urusottama month is coming. So in order to please the Supreme Lord (urusottama, you should offer regularly e#eryday a lamp to the Lord. 8y doing this your misfortune due to your poor condition will #anish its roots. he $esteway tirofm r a lamp is to offer a gheelamp, $ut $ecause you are li#ing in the forest so you can offer a lamp with oil of sesamiseeds. "hen you will get some wealth then you must offer a gheelamp.L Speaking in this way, sage ?grade#a left that place for prayag chanting the holyname of Sri /rishna. @ollowing the order of sage ?grade#a, -anigri#a and his wife we5e offering a oil lamp to (urusottama regularly throughout the month. )fter some time the couple left7their $odies and attaiend Swarga luka due to their merit of offering a lamS to . Lord (urusottama. )fter enjoying many years in the hea#enly planet, the same couple came $ack again in this materio world and achie#ed a #ery glorious position in society as /inghCitra$ahu and his wife. So )gastya muni told to /ing Citra$ahu, L< king, I ha#e e:plained to you a$out your pre#ious life, such was the glories of simply ofpering a oil lamp to Lord N (urusottama in the month of turusottama. ) man who offers a gheelamp to the Lood getsyunlimited merit. L< king, there is no dou$t a$out such greatt merits achie#ed Simply $y offering a lamp to the Lord. hus the great sage Valmiki said, in this way after e:plaininS tee pre#ious life of /ing Chitra$ahu, and $eing eworshiped $y him, )gastya muni $ecame #ery pleased and $lessed him with some $oons and left that place. /ing ;adadhah#a asked sage V)lmiki, L< $rahmin, < saintly one please tell me how

to conclude (?dyapan) $reaking (urusottam #rata (wormhip)* "hich rules and regulations one should follow* "hich are the special days to finish oneEs #ow of worship < tto Lord Sri e /rishna in (urusottama month. he great sage replied J In (ururottama month, one can $reak his wo ship and #ows on the foruteenth day, ninth day or on the eighnt day of the dark fortnight. >arly in the morning one should lea#e his $edy )fter performing his morniTg duties onn shoulw in#ite thirty Bualified 8rahmins an( gi#e them chaLity according to oneEs a$mlity. If not possi$le to in#ite thirty $rahmins, one Should in#ite fi#e or se#en $rahmins accordiNg to his capacity. In mid%day one should purify certain area with cowdung and water. hen he should draw a round cirle witht he help of rice powder. ;e should $ring four new pots and palce them in ffur directions, placing one n coconut upon each of them. he pots should $e filled with water $efore all this. <ne should esta$lmsh Lord V)sude#a, Sankarsana, (radyumna, and )niruddha a$o#e each pot serially. hen he should in#ite four Bualified $rahmins to sit inside the circle and chant the foly name of /rishna. 8y presenting new clothes, two for each $rahmin, for wearing one and putting the other on the head, he should welcome them for chanting the holy name. ;e should also present them one ring made of some metals to wear in their fingers. o purify himself one should perfomr all the purifying processes according to Shastra. "hen the in#ited $rahmins would ( grge in their chantin, on shwuld start his worship to Lord (urusottama with his wife. ;e should engage the $rahmins to cLant the names of Chatur$huja, (Vasude#a, Sankarsana, (radyumna and )niruddha) separately in four corners of the circle. @our differntrlamps should $e offered in four directions. hen one should offer )rghya (o$lations)."Oile performing woruhip $y gi#ing )rghya, one should chant the following mantra J L < Supreme Lord \ < Sanatana, < (urusottama, < hart, I am paying my o$eisances unto you. (lease accept my offerings along with Sri 5adhika. I am paying my $eisances unto Lord Shyamasundar, alony with 5adhika, whose $odily colour is like dark hue cloud, who wers an effulgent yellow garments on ;is $ody.L In this way one should pay his o$eisances to Lord (urusottama. )gain, he should offer (puspanjali) flowers to Sri 5adha /rishna. hen he should pay his full o$eisances to the Lord along ith his wife. hen he should gi#e some charity to the in#ited $rahmin, gi#e a pot full of gold and other dakshinas accordingdto his a$ilit . hen he should offer newmclothes and other pleasing presentations to the $rahmins to please them in the $est of his a$ility. ;e should offer some new clothes and ornaments in the name of Lord Si#a and goddess (ar#ati. ;e should offer two pairs of new shoes to them. he $est of all kinds of charities is to present a $ook of Srimad 8haga#atam to a Bualified $rahmin. 8y presenting Srimad 8h ga#atam which is the literary incarnation of the Lord (urusottama to a Vaisna#a de#otee of the Lord. <ne can deli#er his forefathers on ancestors $eginning from one crore of their life time succession. his forefathrs attain Foloka dham and enjoy their life with Lord (urusottama. )fter performing the a$o#e concluding ceremonies and worship, one could $reak his #ows and worship. Sage Valmiki said, now I am e:plaining some special ways, how to

a#oid reactions of other offences commited during the (urusottama month. ;e should feed some Bualified 8rahmins and present them some gold to nullify his reactions at the end of the (urusottama month. If some one has taken his meal in )ma#asya day he should present cows along with other dakshina (charity) to Bualified $rahmins. <ne who has not taken his $ath properly in holy water, he should present some milk and curd to $rahmins. If some one eats fruits, oil or ghee during (urusottama month then he should I gi#e in charity to $rahmins at the end of (urusottama month. If someone eats rice and wheat, he should gi#e charity at the end of the mon h. If some ooe sleeps on the floor during (urusottama month, he should $reak his #ow $y presenting a nice $ed al%ng with a pillow to a $rahmin in charity. ) person eho eating on leafplates during (urusottama month, one should feed some $rahmins wiht hee and sugar.t"ho did not tut his nails and hair during (urusottama month, he should gi#e mirror in charity to a $rahmin. <ne who has fffered lamp, throughout the month, he should gi#e some new laps and ew pots in charity to $rahmins. ) person who $reaks any other rules during the (urusottama mohth should feed the $rahmins with different kinds of sweet juice. hus any one who o$ser#es (urusottam month in a faithful and de#otionl way will attain Foloka at the end of his life. So after narrating e#erything a$out (urusottama month, sage Valmiki told to /ing ;adadhan#a, L< /ing, now I am going to the ri#er Sarayu to take a $ath. Speakimg like this he was a$out to lea#e that place, then the king worshipped him in a #ery su$missi#e way to please the sage. )fter $lessing the king for good fortune sage Valmiki left that place for Sarayu. "hen sage Valmiki left that place, the king along with his Bueen left his kingdom and started to li#e in a simple and peaceful way in the forest. "hen the sacred month (urusottam appeared $oth hus$and and wife performed their worship e:actly they heard the process of worship from sage Valmiki. )t the end of (urusottam month an cilestial aeroplane came to them, riding which king ;adadhanwa and his Bueen reached Folaka. So Lowd Narayana told to Narada\ <E Narada, in this world there is nothing in eBual to (urusottam month. he result or merit one getEs after performing se#iour austerities for one thousand $irth could not $e e#en compara$le to the merit of worshiping (urusottam month. )s there is a nice historical story in this connectin, a monkey who was deli#ered from this material ocean and attain Folaka simply $y taking holy $ath for three days, % night in (urusottam month. he sins of his pre#ious one crore of life time were destroyed. Listening these words the s ges of naimisydaranya asked to Suta Foswami, o great sage please e:plain us in detail a$out this monkeyEs past lifee "ho was that monkey* ;ow and which place he took his $ath during (urusottam month* "hat was he eating during the month* "hat results he got due to worshiping (urusottam month unknowingly*

In the pro#ince of /erala, Lord Narayana said, there was a greedy $rahmin. ;is namd was Citra Sharma, $ut due to his greedy and cruel nature, ahe people were callirg him as /adarya (greedy). 8eing kicked out from the #illage, he went to the forest. here he met a nice friend, who was a gardener. ;e started to li#e with this gardener friend. )fter sometimes that gardener went to #isit some sacred places. So he told to /adarya to look after the fruit garden. he gardener was a simple person, so he left e#erything under the care of /adrya. "hen the gardener left, kadarya started eating the $est fruits in the garden for himself ina greedy way. "hen the gardener returned and asked him a$out the situation of the garden, /adarya told him that the monkeys and $irds ha#e destroyed all the $est fruits. In this way /adarya had cheated the gardener friend. )fter sometime /adarya $rahmin died. ;e was $ound to accept the $ody of a monkey due to his pre#ious sinful acti#ities and cheating his gardener friend. hough /adarya was the most sinful person, he had also achie#ed some merits in his pre#ious life $y seeing a ?dyapan (concluding) ceremony of (urusottama month when one Vaisya merchant was worshiping (urusottama month. ;e also worshiped (urusottama month due to his greediness to aBuire some wealth from the Vaisya merchant. &ue to these merits, /adarya in his $ody of a monkey had taken his $irht in a holy place on the $ank of a sacred lake known as -riga tirtha. hat -riga tirth was a #ery $eautiful place. he trees were full of fruitsrand flowers. he water in the la e was #ery sweet and cool, and #ery useful for heal h. hat place was so $eautiful and pious due to the $oon of Lord 5amachandra, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. )fter conBuering Lanka, he $ecame pleased with the monkey fighters (army). 8eing pleased with his monkey army, the Lord had gi#en this sacred place to them for their enjoyment. @rom the $eginning of his $irth /!darya, the monkey was suffering from #arious pitta diseases. herefore $lood was always coming out from his mouth. ;, could no eit anything. 8ut due to his natVre he was jumping from one tree to another and picking up some fruits and throwing them rown. In the meantime (urusottama month came. &uring (urusottam month, the monkeyEs suffeirng increased. ;e could not eat anything. So he had o$ser#ed fasting unknowingly in this month. >ne day while jumping fror one tree to another, the monkey fell down into the lake of -rigatirtha. )fter fi#e days, he died. "hen he died, a celestial ayooplane came and took himm to Foloka dham. ;e had achie#ed a #ery $eautiful spiritual $ody and li#ed happily in Folona. Lord Narayana said, $y seeing a wonderful fortune of the monkey who had attained Foloka, all the demigods started to glorify the (urusottama month. hen Narada asked L< Lord, whate#er the principle you ha#e e:plained pre#iously is meant for the first part of the day of the (urusottama month. Lord Narayan again said, after finishing his noon duties one should wait for his guests at his door. ) guest who comes to him when he is engaged in milking his cows, he should worship him

properly and make him fully satisfied $y gi#ing charities according to his a$ility. )fter satisfying oneEs guest, one should take his meal (prasadam) #ery peacefully facing towards the east direction in a purified spot. )t first $y chanting the mantra LSwaha <mL one should $egin to eat his meal with the help of his tongue Hwithout chewingI. )fterwards one should eat the sweet items at first, in peaceful mind. <ne should not eat any contaminated food. "hile engaged in eating prasad one should not discuss any material things or $lasphame any one. )n intteligent person should engage himself in listenig /rishna katha from a pure soul. hus one should always meditate on /rishna and discuss his past times with other de#otees. In this way when e#ening cames, one should take a $ath and perform his e#enig duties. )fter finishing his e#enig prayers and offering some o$lations to the fire god, one should sitdown and eat some thing with his followers tr family mem$ers. )fter eating one should go to his $ed thinking of Lord Sri /rishna in his heart. he grihastha should perform his home duties in a truthful and peaceful way he should not commit any #iolance to others and should $e merciful towards poors and saintly people. o protect animals, speak truth, u mercifulness, non#iolence etc, are some of the important principles, a grihastha has to rollow. Narada said,L < Lord, please descri$e some thing a$out a chaste woman and how she could help her hus$and $ in performing (urusottam #rata.L Lord Narayana said L< Narada please listen, now I am going to descri$e some of the good Bualities of a chaste woman. "hether oneEs hus$and is $eautiful or ugly, ha#e all good Bualities or $ad, either healthy or deseased, peaceful or angry in nature, a draunkard, illiterate or well educated, a chaste woman shold always try her $est to gi#e , all pleasure to her hus$and. She should pay proper respect to her hus$and and other superriors like mohter in%law, fa her in%law etc. She should co%operate with her hus$and in all sorts of religious and pious acti#ities. She should sa#e some thing fry thyir familyEs dailr e:pences fosr future emergencys. )n ideal wife should $e #ery intelligent in performance of her daily duties and dealigs with family mem$ers. )n ideal wife should not gi#e anything in charity to her relati#es or other person without the knowledge of her hus$and. She should not speak to any man other than her hus$and in a secret place. )ll of the a$o#e principles should $e followed $y a womman. Lord Narayan said, there is No one more worshipa$le for wife than her hus$and. 8y pleasing oneEs hus$and a woman achie#es all perfections. )mong men and demigods, oneEs hus$and is most worshipa$le for a chaste woman. <nce upon a time goddess (ar#ati had worshiped (urusottam month in ad#ice of her hus$and Lord Si#a. Foddess (ar#ati asked Lord Si#a what is the $est thing to gi#e in charity, so one conclude his worship of (urusottam month successfully. Lord Si#a replie( one should fill up t irty HmalpuasI in a $ell metal pot, than one should $ind the pot with se#en new threads.

han placing the pot in a proper place one should worship the pot according to shastras. o conclude the (urusottam #rata and to $reak oneEs #ows one should gi#e such thirty $ellmetal pots full of thirty malpuas to $rahamins. If some one is #ery rich he or she should gi#e thirty such pots in charity ot thirty Bualified $rahmins. Listening the a$o#e instructions of Lord Si#a, goddess (ara#ati $ecame #ery happy. So to conclude her (urusottam #rata, she ga#e thirty $ellmetal pots full of malpuas to thirty Bualified $rahmins and $ecame successful in o$eser#ing her (urusottam #rata. Suta Foswami continued to speak to the sages of Naimisaranya, L< $raemins, in this way, the great sage k Narada muni $ecame #ery pleased $y listening all a$out the (urusottama month from Lord Narayan 5si. Narada paid his o$eisances again and again to Lord Narayana and started to speak, L< this (urusottama month is the $est of all other months, it is $est among all kinds of Vratas and austerities. )nd one who just listen the glories of (urusottama month faithfully wnuld achei#e de#otional seraice to the Supre e Lord (urrsottama. all of his sinful reactions will $e immediately nullified. <ne who performs the whole #rata and worships!(uruuottama month properly, he will achie#e unlimit,d glories and attain Foloka. Narada -uni told to Lord Narayana, L< Lord, now I am fully satisfied and my heart and my mind are completely in $liss. I do not want to listen any thing farther.L So after e:plaining all a$out (urusottama month Suta Fos#ami asked permission from the assem$led sages to take $ath in the F)nges and perform other duties. Suta Fos#ami paid his o$eisances to the assem$led $rahmin sages and then left that place towards the ganges to perform his daily duties. "hen Sut Fos#ami left, the sages of Naimisaranya spoke to themsel#es, L< this (urusottama month is the most glorious, it ts ancient in history. It fulfills all the desires of a de#otee just like a desire tree. hus ends the glories ot (urusottama month from the (adma (urana.

6OP@ 6@tA ($ BKODB)

gopya unuh jayati te dhikam janmana #rajah srayata indira sas#ad atra hi dayita drsyatam diksu ta#akas t#ayi dhrtasa#as t#am #icinrate

L he gopis saidJ < $elo#ed, =our $irth in the land of Vraja has made it e:ceedingly glorious, and thus Indira, the goddess of fortune, always resides here. It is only for =our sake that we, =our ee#oted ser#ants, maintaiL our li#es. "e Va#e $een searcying e#ernwhere for =ou, so please show =ourself to us.L sarad udasaye sadhu jata sat sarasijodaru sri musa drsa surataunatha te sulka dasika #ara da nighnato neha kim #adhah L< Lord of lo#e, in $eauty =our glance e:cels the whorl of the finest, most perfectly formed lotus within the autumn pond. < $estower of $enedictions, =ou are killing the maidser#ants who ha#e gi#en themsel#es to =ou freely, without any price. IsnEt nhis murder*L #isa jalapyayad #yala raksasad #arsa marutad #aidyutanalat #rsa mayatmajad #is#ato $hayad rsa$ha te #ayam raksita muhuh L< greatest of personalities, =ou ha#e repeatedly sa#ed us from all kinds of danger from poisoned water, from the terri$le man eater )gha, from the great rains, from the wind demon, from the fiery thunder$olt of Indra, from tre $ull demon and from the son of -aya &ana#a.L na khalu gopika nandano $ha#an akhila dehinam antaratma drk #ikhanasarthito #is#a guptaye sakha udeyi#an sat#atam kule L=ou are not actually the son of the gopi =asoda, < friend, $ut rather the indwelling witness in the hearts of all em$odied souls. 8ecause Lord 8rahma prayed for =ou to come and protect the uni#erse, =ou ha#e now appeared in the Sat#ata dynasty.L #iracita$hayam #rsni dhurya te caranam iyusam samsrter $hayat kara saroruham kanta kama dam sirasi dhehi nah sri kara graham L< $est of the Vrsnis, =our lotus like hand, which holds the hand of the goddess of fortune, grants fearlessness to those who approach =our feet out of fear of material e:istence. < lo#er, please place that wish fulfilling lotus hand on our heads.L #raja janarti han #ira yositam nija jana smaya dh#amsana smita

$haja sakhe $ha#at kinkarih sma no jalaruhananam caru darsaya L< =ou who destroy the suffering of VrajaEs people, < hero of all women, =our smile shatters the false pride of =our de#otees. (lease, dear friend, accept us as =our maidser#ants and show us =our $eautiful lotus face.L pranata tehinam pnpa karsanam trna caranugam sri niketanam phani phanarpitam te padam$ujam kreu kucesu nah krndhi hrc chayam L=our lotus feet destroy the past hens of all em$odied souls who surrender to them. hose feet follow after the cows in the pastures and are the eternal a$ode of the goddess of fortunS. Since =ou once put those feet on the hoods of the great serpent /aliya, please plach them upon our $reasts and tear away th) lust in wur hearts.L (adhuraya gira #algu #akyaya $udha manojnaya puskareksana #idhi karir ima #ira muhyatir adhara sidhunapyayayas#a nah L< lotus eyed one, =our sweet #oice and charming words, which attract the minds of the intelligent, are $wildering us more and mrre. <ur dear eero, please re#i#e =our maidser#ants with the nectar of =our laps.L ta#a kathamrtam tapta ji#anam kali$hiu iditam kalmasapaham sra#ana mangalam srimad atatam $hu#i grnanti ye $huri da janah L he nectar of =our wordo and the descriptirns of =our acti#ities are the life and soul of those suffering in this material world. hese narrations, transmitted $y learned sages, eradicate oneEs sinful reactions and $estow good fortune upon whoe#er hears them. hese narrations are $roadcast all o#er theiworld and are filled with spiritual power. Certainly those who spread the message of Fodhead are most munificent.L prahasitam priya prema #iksanam #iharanam ca te dhyana mangalam rahasi sam#ido ya hrdi sprsah kuhaka no manah kso$hayanti hi L=our smfles, =our sweet, lo#ing glances, the,intimate pastimes and confwdential talks Ne ynjoyed with =ou all these are auspicious to meditate upon, and they touch our

hearts. 8ut at the same time, < decei#er, they #ery much agitate our minds.L calasi had #rajac carayan pasun nalina sundaram natha te padam sila trnankuraih sidatiti nah kalilatam manah kanta gacchati L&ear master, dear lo#er, when =ou lease the cowherd #illage to herd thr cows, our minds are distur$ed with the thought that =our feet, more $eautiful than a lotus, will $o pricked $y the spiked husks of grain and the rough grass and plants.L dina pariksaye nila kuntalair #anaruhananam $i$hrad a#rtam ghana rajas#alam darsayan muhur manasi nah smaram #ira yacchasi L)t the end of the day =ou repeatedly show us =our lotus face, co#ered with dark $lue locks of hair andtthickly powdered with dust. hus, < hero, =ou arouse lusty desires in our einds.L pranata tama dam padmajarcitam dharani mandanam dhyeyam apadi carana pankajam santamam ca te ramana nah stanes# arpayadhi han L=our lotus feeteawhich are worshiped $y Lord 8rahma, fulfill the desires of all who $ow down to them. hey are theaornament of the earth, they gi#e the highest satisfaction, and in times of danger they are the appropriate o$ject ofomeditation. < lo#er, < destroyer of an:iety, please put those lotus feet upon our $reasts.L surata #ardhanam soka nasanam s#arita #enuna susthu cum$itam itara raga #ismaranam nrnam #itara #ira nas te dharamrtam L< hero, kindly distri$ute to us the nectar of =our lips, which enhances conjugal pleasure and #anBuishes grief. hat nectar is thoroughly relished $y =our #i$rating flute and makes people forget any other attachment.L atati yad $ha#an ahni kananam truti yugayate t#am apasyatam kutila kuntalam sri mukham ca te jada udiksatam paksma krd drsam L"hen =ou go off to the forest during the day, a tiny fraction of a second $ecomes like

a millennium for us $ecause we cannot see =ou. )nd e#en when we can eagerly look upon =our $eautiful face, so lo#ely with its adornment of curly locks, our pleasure is hindered $y our eyelids, which were fashioned $y the foolish creator.L pati sutan#aya $hratr $andha#an ati#ilanghya te nty acyutagatah gati #idas ta#odgita mohitah kita#a yositah has tyajen nisi L&ear )cyuta, =ou know #ery well why we ha#e come here. "ho $ut a cheater like =ou would a$andon young women who come to see ;im in the middle of the night, enchanted $y the loud song of ;is flute* Aust to see =ou, we ha#e completely rejected our hus$ands, children, ancestors, $rothers, and other relati#es.L rahasi sam#idam hrc chayodayam prahasitananam prema #iksanam $rhad urah sriyo #iksya dhama te muhur ati sprha muhyate manah L<ur minds are repeatedly $ewildered as we think of the intimate con#ersations we had with =ou in secret, feel the rise of lust in our hears and remem$er =our smiling face, =our lo#ing glances and =our $road chest, the resting place of the goddess of fortune. hus we e:perience the most se#ere hankering for =ou.L #raja #anaukasam #yaktir anga te #rjina hantry alam #is#a mangalam tyaja manak ca nas t#at sprhatmanam s#a jana hrd rujam yan nisudanam L< $elo#ed, =our all auspicious appearance #anBuishes the distress of those li#ing in VrajaEs forests. <ur minds long for =our association. (lease gi#e to us just a $it of that redimine, which aounteracts the disease in =our de#oteesE hearts.L yat te sujata caranam$uruham stanesu $hitah sanaih priya dadhimahi karkasesu tenata#im atasi tad #yathate na kim s#it kurpadi$hir $hramati dhir $ha#ad ayusam nah L< dearly $elo#ed\ =our lotus feet are so soft that we place them gently on our $reasts, fearing that =our feet wil( $e hfrt. <ur life rests only in =ou. <ur minds, therefore, are filled with an:iety that =our tender feet might $e wounded $y pe$$les as =ou roam a$out on the forest path.L

Meditation on )ord K-.na &rom the Padma Pur0na

e:t , suma%prakara%saura$hodgalitady%ullasat% su%Makhi%na#a%palla#a%prakara%namra%Mo$ha%yutam praphulla%na#a%maZjarN%lalita%#allarN%#eWXitaP smareta satataP Mi#aP Mita%matiT su%#Vnda#anam suma % of flowersD prakara % multitudeD saura$ha % fragrantD udgalita % e:pandedD adi % $eginningD ullasat % shiningD su%Makhi % $eautiful treesD na#a % newD palla#a % sproutsD prakara % multitudeD namra % $endingD Mo$ha % $eautyDyutam % withD praphulla % $lossomingD na#a % newD maZjarN % $udsDlalita % gracefulD #allarN % #inesD #eWXitam % em$racedD smareta % one should meditateD satatam % alwaysD Mi#am % auspiciousDMita % sharpD matiT % intelligenceD su%#Vnda#anam % on $eautiful VVndO#ana. "ith sharp intelligence one should meditate on VVndO#ana forest, which is fragrant with many flowers, and $eautiful with many trees $ending with new $lossoms and graceful #ines $earing many $lossoming $uds. e:ts .%1 #ikasi%sumano%rasas#adana%maZjulaiT saZcarac% chilN%mukha%sukhodgatair mukharitantaram jhaYkrtaiT kapota%Muka%Marika%para%$ Vtadi$hiT patri$hir #iranitam itas tato $hujogaMatru%nVtyakulam kalinda%duhituM calal%l hari%#ipluWaP #ahi$hir #inidra%sarasNruhodara%rajau%cayodghusaraiT pradNpita%mano$ha#a%#raja%#ilasinN%#asasaP #rlolana%parair niWe#itam anarataP marutaiT pra#ala%na#a%palla#aP marakata%cchadym mauktika% pra$ha%prakara%korakaP kamala%nana%raga%phalam stha#iWXham akhilartu$hiT satata%se#itaP kama%daP tadtantar api kalpakaYghripam udaZcitaP cintayet #ikasi % $lossomingDnsumanaT % sumanah flowersD rasa % nectarD as#odana % relishingD maZjulaiT % withy$udsD saZcarat % mo#ingD chilN%mukha % $eesD sukha % happinessD udgataiT % attainedD mukharita % talkatu#eD antaram % wthinD jhaYkrtaiT %

with hummingD kapota % with do#esD Muka%Marika % parrotsD para%$hVta % cuckoosD adi$$iT % $eginning withDgpatri$hiT % $y $irdsD #iranitrm % filled with soundsD itaT % hereD tataT % and thereD $hujagaratru % ofpeacocksD nVtya % with dancesD akulam % filledD kalinda%duhituT % of the =amunOD calat % mo#ingD lahari % wa#esD #ipluWam % currentD #ahi$hiT % carryingD #inidra % unsltepingD sarasNruha % lstusesD udara % withinD rajaT % nectarD caya % multitudeD udghusaraiT % sprinkling nectarD pra Npita % inflamedD mauw$ha#a % /amade#aD #raja %hof VrajaD #ilasinN % of the splendid and playful girls #arasam % of ohe gar#entsD #ilolana%paraiT % mo#ingD niWe#itam % er#edD anaratam % eternallyD marutaiT % $y $reeGesD pra#ala % of lea#esD na#a % newD palla#am % sproutsD marakata % emeraldD chadam % splendorD mauktika % pearlD pra$ha % splendorD prakara% korykam % e:panding$udsD kamala%nana%raga%phalam % with many glorious lotus fruitsD stha#iWXham % esta$lishedD akhila % allD Vtu$hiT % with seasonsD satata%se#itam % always ser#edD kama%dam % fulfilling desiresD tat % thatD antaT % withinD api % alsoD kalpjkaaYghripam % kalpa%druma treeD udaZcitam % tallD cintayet % one should meditate. <ne should meditate on VVndO#ana forest, which is filled with the humming of $ees happily tasting the nectar of $lossoming sumanaT flowers, with the cooing of do#es, parrots, cuckoos, and other $irds, and with the dancing of peacocks, and which is eternally ser#ed $y pleasant $reeGes that $low o#er the =amunOEs restless wa#et, carry nectar from the unsleeping lotus flowers, and mo#e the garments of the splendid and playful girls of Vraja, girls inflamed with passionute lo#e frr Lord /VWQa, and one should also meditate on a tall kalpa%#VkWa tree there, a tree with emerald lea#es, pearl $uds, and red lotus fruits, a tree that fulfills all desires and $lossoms in e#ery neason. e:t 2 su%hema%Mikharacale udita%$hanu%#ad $hasuraP adho Esya kanaka%sthalNm amVta%sNkarasarinaT pradNpta%mani%kuXXimaPnkusuma%reQu%puZjojj#alaP smaret punar atandrito #igata%WaX%taraYgam$udhaT su%hema%Mikharacale % on a golden mountainD udita%$hanu%#at % like a rising sunD $hasuram % splendidD adhaT % $ekowDasya % of ;imD kanaka % goldenD sthalNm e landD amVta % nectarD MNkarasariQaT % showersD pradspta % splendidD maQi % jewelD kuXXimam % mosaic floorD kusuma%reQu%pu,ja % with flower pollenD ujj#alam % splendidD smaret % should meditateDpunaT % again and againD aoandritaT % without $ecoming fatigued #igata % goneD WaX % si:D taraYga % wa#esD am$udhaT % ocean. )gain and again, free from the si: wa#es of material faults, and without e#er $ecoming fatigued, one should always meditate on VVndO#anaEs ground, which is pa#ed with gold and jewels, splendid like the sunrise on golden -ount -eru, glorious

with flower pollen, and flooded with showers of nectar. e:t 3 tad%ratna%kuXXima%ni#iWXa%mahiWXa%yoga% pNXhe EWXa%patram aruQaP kamalaP #icintya udyad%#irocana%sarocir amuWya madhye d saZcintayet sukha%ni#i Xam atho mukundam tad%ratna%kuXXima%ri#iWXa%mahiWXa%yoga%pNXhe % inrthat spiritual place pa#wd with jewelsD aWXa % eightDpatram % petalsD aruQam % redD kamalam % lotus flowerD #icintya % meditatingDudyad%#irocana%sarociT % splendid like the rising sunD amuWya % of thatD madhye % in the middleD saZcintayet % should meditateD sukha % happilyD ni#iWXam % enteredD athaT % thenDmukundam % Lord /VWQa. hen one should meditate on an eight%petal red lotus flower in the midst of that spiritual world pa#ed with jewels. hen one should meditate on Lord /VWQa, who is splendid like the rising sun, happily staying in the midst of that lotus flower. e:t 4 sutra%maheti%dalitaZjana%megha%puZja% pratyagra%nNla%jalajanma%samana%$hasam su%snigdha%nNla%ghana%kuZcita%keMa%jalaP rajan%manojZa%MitikanXha%MikhanRa%cuRam sutra%maheti%dalitaZjana % $lack mascaraD megha%puZja % monsoon cloudsD pratyagra%nNla%jalajanma % $lue lotus flowersD samana % eBualD $hasam % splendorD su% snigdhanNla%ghana % glistening dark cloudsD kuZcita%keMa%jalam % curly hairD rajan% manojZa%MitikaQXha%MikhaQRa%cuRam % with a graceful and splendid peacock feather% crown. <ne should meditate on Lord /VWQa, who is splendid like $lack mascara, monsoon clouds, or $lue lotus flowers, whose curly hair glistens like a dark monsoon cloud, who wears a splendid and charming peacock%feather crown, . . . e:t 6 rolam$a%lalita%sura%druma%sura%sampad% yuktaP samutkaca%na#otpala%karQa%puram lolali$hiT sphurita%$hala%tala%pradNpta%

gorocana%tilakam ujj#ala%cilli%capam rolam$a % with $eesD lalita % iracefulD sura%druma % kalpa%#rksa treeD nura % sunD sampat % gloryD yuktam % withDsamutkaca%na#otpala%karQa%puram % with lotus earringsD lolali$hiT % restlessD sphurita % manifestedD $hala%tala % pn the foreheadD pradNpta % splendidD gorocana%tilakam % gorocana tilakaD ujj#ala%cilli%capam % a splendid $ow. . . . who is splendid like the sun or like a sura%druma tree with a playful swarm of $lack $ees, who wears new lotus earrings, the splendid $ow of whose forehead is decorated with gorocanO tilaka, . . . e:t 7 apurna%Marada%gataYka%MaMaYka%$im$a% kantananaP kamala%patra%#iMala%netram ratna%sphuran%makara%kunRala%raMmi%dNpta% ganRa%sthalN%mukuram unnata%caru%nasam apurQa%Marada%gataYka%MaMaYka%$im$a % full autumn moonD kantaw% splendidD ananam % faceD kamala % lotusD patra % petalD #iMala % argeD netram % eyesD ratna % jewelsDsphurat % glisteningD makara % sharkD kuQRala % earringsD raMmi%dNpta % splendidD gaQRa%sthalN % cheeksD mukurae % mirrorD unnata%caru%nasam % garceful raised nose. . . . whose face is splendidelike a full autumn moon, whose large eyes are lotus petals, whose mirror cheeks are speendid with glistening jewel shark%earrings, whose nose is gracefully raised, . . . e:t ,9 sindura%sundarataradharam indu%kunda% r manuara%manda%hasita%dyuti%dBpitasam #anya%pra#ala%kusuma%pracaya#arlpta% grai#eyakojj#ala%manohara%kam$u%kanXham sindura%sinduraD sundaratarc % most handsomeD adharam % lipsD indu%kunda % jasmine flowersD mandarN % mandara flowerD manda % gentleD hasita % smileD dyutu% dNpitasam % splendidD#anya pra#ala%kusuma pracaya#aklpta % made wit forest pra#ala flowersD grai#eyakt % necklaceD ujj#ala%manohara%kam$u%kaQXham % splendidhand graceful conchshell neck.

. . . whose lips are glorious like red sindUra, whose gentle smile is splendid like mandOra and jasmine flowers, whose graceful conchshell neck is splendid with a necklace of forest pra#Ola flowers, . . . e:t ,, matta%$hramad%$hramara%ghuWXa%#ilam$amana% santanaka%prasara%dama%pariWkVtaPsam hara#ali%$hagana%rajita%pN#aroro% #yoma%sthalN%lasita%kaustu$ha%$hanumantam matta%$hramad%$hramara%ghuWXa%#ilam$amana % filled with into:icated restless $um$le$eesD santanaka%prasara%dama % garland of santanaka flowersD pariWkVta % decoratedD aPsam % shouldersD hara % of necklacesD a#ali % with a multitudeD $hagana% rajita % splenmdidD pN#ara % $roadD uruT % chestD #yomasthalN % skyD lasita % splendidD kaustu$h(%$hanumantam % with the sun of the /austu$ha jewel. .n. . whose shoulders are decorated with a great santOnaka%flower garland that attracts many into:icated and restless $um$le$ees, who is glorious with many necklaces, whose chest is a great sky where the sun of the /austu$ha jewel shines, . . . e:t ,. MrN#atsa%lakWana%sulakWitam unnataPsaP ajanu%pNna%pari#Vtta%sujata%$ahum a$andhurodaram udara%ga$hNra%na$hiP $hVYgaYgana%nikara%maZjula%roma%rajim MrN#atsa%lakWana%sulakWitam % markedwith Sri#atsaD unnataPsam % $road shouldersD ajanu % reaching to ;is kneesD pNna % $roadD pari#Vtta%sujata % gracefulD $ahum % armsD a$andhurodaram % graceful a$domenD udara%ga$hNra%na$him % large and deep na#elD $hVYgaYgana%nikara % $eesD maZjula%gracefulD roma%rajim % line of hairs. . . . who is gracefully marked with the Sri#atsa, whose shoulders are $road, whose graceful $road arms reach to ;is knees, whose $elly is graceful, whose na#el is large and deep, whose a$domen is marked with a line of hairs graceful like a swarm of $lack $ees, . . . e:t ,0

nana%mani%praghaXitaYgada%kaYkanormi% grai#eya%sarasana%nupura%tunRa%$andham di#yaYga%raga%paripiZjaritaYga%yaWXiP apNta%#astra%pari#Nta%nitam$a%$im$am nana%mani%praghapita % made with many jewelsD aYgada%kaYkana%urmi%grai#eya% sarasana%nupura%tuQRa%$andham % $racelets, armlets, anklets, and other ornamentsD di#yaYga%raga % with splendid ointmentD paripiZjarita % anointedDaYga % of the $odyD yaWXim % the staffD apNta%#astra % with yellow garmentsD pari#Nta % co#eredD nitam$a% $im$am % hips. . . . who wears jewel $racelets, armlets, anklets, and other ornaments, whose lim$s are anointed with splendid ointments, whose hips are co#ered with a yellow garment, . . . e:t ,1 caruru%janum anu#Vtta%manojZa%jaYghaP kantonnaya%prapada%nindita%kurma%kantim manikya%darpana%lasan%nakha%raja%rajad% raktaYguli%cchadana%sundara%pada%padmam caruru%janum % graceful thighs tnd kneesD anu#Vtta%manojZa%jaYgham % graceful legsu kanta % splendidD unnaya % raisedD prapada % toesD nindita % re$ukedD kuria % ofturtlesD kantim % splendorD manikya % ru$yD darpana % mirrorDlasat % solendidD nakha % of nailsD raja % kingaD rajat % shininaD rakta % redD aYguli % toesD chhdana % co#eringD sundara % handsomeD pada%padmas % lotus feet. . . . whose knees and thighs are graceful and handsome, whose legs are graceful and handsome, whose splendid raised toes eclipse the glory of graceful turtles, whose handsome lotus feet are ringed with regal red toenails glistening like a line of ru$y mirrors, . . . e:t ,2 matsyaYkSMari%dara%ketu%ya#a$ja%#ajraiw samlakWitaruna%karapghri%tala$hieamaN lS#anya%sara%samNdaya%#inirmitaYgaP saundarya%nindita%mano$ha#a%deha%kantiV matsya % fishD aYkuMa % elephantygoadD ari % ariD dara % conchshellD ketu % flagD ya#a % $arleycornDa$ja %tlotusD #ajraiT % th(nder$oltD samlarWita % markedD aruna % redDkara %

handsD aYghri % and feetD tala % surfaceD a$hirhmam % charmingDla#aQya%sara%samudaya% #inirmitaYgam % whose lim$s are most $eautifulD saundarya % $eautyD nindita % re$ukedD mano$ha#a % of /amade#aDdeha % of the $odyD kantim % the glory. . .t. whose charming palms any soles are markedLrith a fish, elephant%goad, ari, conchshell, flag, $arleycorn, lotus, and thunder$olt, whose lim$s are most handsome, who eclipses /Omade#aEs splendid handsomeness, . . . e:t ,3 asyara#inda%aaripurita%#enu%randhra% lolat%karaYguli%samNrita%di#ya%ragaiT MaM#ad%$ha#aiT keta%ni#iWXa%samasta%jantu% santana%sannatim ananta%sukham$u%raMim asya % mouthD wra#inda % lotusD pari urita % filledD #enu % fluteD randhra % holeD lolat % mo#ingDkaraYguli % fingersD samNrita % spokenD di#ya % splendidD ragaiT % with mel,diesD M<M#ad%$ha#aiT % eternalD kVta%nioiWXa % enteredDsamasta % allD jantu % peopleD santana % mutltudeD sannatim % soundD ananta%sukham$u%raMim % a limitless flood of $liss. . . . who, filling the opening of ;is flute with the $reath from ;is lotus mouth,s ind gracefully mo#ing ;is fingers o#er its holes, plays splendid and eternal melodies that plunge all li#ing entities into a limitless flood of $liss, . . . e t ,4 ge$hir mukham$uja%#ilNna%#ilocana$hir udho%$hara%skhalita%manthara%manda%ga$hiT dantagra%daWXa%pariMiWXa%tVnaYkura$hir alam$i%#aladhi%lata$hir atha$hi#Ntam go$hiT % with cowsD mukham$uja % lotus faceD#ilNna % enteredD #ilocana$hiT % eyesD udhaT % udderD $hara % $urdenD skhalita % trippedD manthara%manda%ga$hiT % goinf slowlyD dantagra % teethD daWXa % chewedD pariMiWXa % remnantD tVnaYkura$hiT % of grassD alam$i%#aladhi%lata$hiT % mo#ing among the #inesD atha$hi#Ntam % surrounded. . . . who is surrounded $y many sura$hi cows, cows whose eyes enter into ;is lotus face, cows that walk slowly and stum$le $ecause of their great udders, cows that sit among the #ines and chew their cud, . . .

e:t ,6 samprasnuta%stana%#i$huWana%purna%niMca% lasyad%dVRha%kWprita%phenila%dugdha%mugdhaiT #eQu%pra#artita%manohara%manda%gNta% dattocca%karQa%yugalair api tarQakaiM ca samprasnuta % flowingD stana % $reastsD #i$huWaQa % ornamentD purQa % fullD niMcala % unmo#ungD asya % faceDdVRha % firmD kWarita % flowingD phenila % foamD dugdha % milkDmrgdhaiT % charmingD #eQu % $y the fluteD pra#artita % doneD manohara % charmingD manda % slowD gNta % melodiesD datta % placedD ucca % upDkarQa%y galaiT % with $oth earsD api % e#enD tarQakaiT % $y the cal#esD ca % also. . . . who is surrounded $y cal#es that, as they hear the $eautiful slow melodies of the flute, prica up thei! ears and stand motienless, the foam of the milk from the ornament of their mothersE udders still in their mouths, . . . e:t ,7 pratyagra%MVYga%mVdu%mastaka%samprahara% samram$ha%$ha#ana%#ilola%khuragra%pataiT amedurair $ahulasasragalair udagra% pucchaiM ca #atsatara%#atsatarN%nikayaiT prati % eachD agra % tipD MVYgah% hornD mr u % softD mastaka % faceD samprahara % $attreD samram$ha%$ha#ana % agitationD #ilola % mo#ingD khuragra%pataiT % hooSesD ameduraiT % softD $ahulasasragalaiT udagra%pucchaiT % with raised tailsD ca % andD #atsatara% atsatarN% nikayaiT % with many cal#es. . . . cal#es that, with rrised tails and delicate restless hoo#es, $ut their soft horns in enthusiastic $attle, . . . e:t .9 ham$ha%ra#a%kWu$hita%dig%#alayair mahad$hir adhyukWa$hiT pVthu%kakud%$hara%$hara%khinnaiT uttam$hitaT Mruti%puXN%paripNta%#aPMa% dh#anamVtoddhata%#ikasi%#iMala%ghonaiT

ham$ha%ra#a % mooingD kWu$hita % agitatedD dig%#alayaiT % the directionsD mahad$hiT % greatD adhyukWa$hiT % sprinkwingD pVthu%kakud%$hara%$hara%khinnaiT % with great humpsD uttam$hitaT % raisedD Mruti%puXN % earsD paripNta % drunkD #aPMa % of the fluteD dh#ana % soundDamVta % nectarD uddhata%#ikasi%#iMala%ghoQaiT % with great raised snouSno . . . and $y great $ulls with mooing that filled all the directions and with great humps and long raised snouts lifted as they drink with their raised ears the nectar of the flute, . . . e:t ., gopaiT samana%guna%MNla%#ayo%#ilasa% #eWaiM ca murcchita%kala%s#ana%#enu%#NnaiT mando ca%tara%paXu%gana%parair #ilola% dor%#allarN%lalita%lasya%#idhana%dakWaiT gopaiT % with gopasD samana % eBualD guna % BualitiesD MNla % characterD #ayaT % ageD #ilasa % pastimesD#eWaiT % garmentsD ca % andD murcchita % enchantedD kala%s#ana%#eQu% #NQaiT % with the sweet music of the flute and #inaD mandocca%tara%paXu%gana%paraiT % e:pert at slow, high singingD #ilola % restlessD dor%#allarN % #ines of the armsD lalita%lasya % graceful dancingD #idhana%dakWaiT % e:pert. . . . who is also surrounded $y many cowherd $oys, $oys like ;im in Bualities, character, age, pastimes, and garments, $oys who play enchanting melodies on the flute and #iQO, $oys e:pert at singing sweetly, $oys e:pert at dancing, $oys whose arms are graceful like flowering #ines, . . . e:t .. jaYghanta%pN#ara%kaXN%ratatN%ni$addha% #yalola%kiYkinN%ghaXa%ranitair aXad$hiT mugdhaie tarakWu%Vakha%kalpita%kanta%$huWair a#yakta%maZju%#acanaiT pVthukaiT parNtam jaYghanta % at the end of the legsD pN#ara % $roadD kaXN % hipsD ratatN%ni$addha % $ound with a sashD #yalola%kiYkiQN%ghaXa%raQitaiT % with tinkling ornamentsD aXad$hiT % wanderingD mugdhaiT % charmingD tarakWu % hyenaD nakha % clawsD kalpita % madeD kanta%$huWaiT % with gracefulornamentsD a#yakta%maZju%#acanaiT % with charming wordsD pVthukaiT % manyD parNtam.% endowed.

. . . $oys walking in the forest, their $road hips $ound with sashes and tinkling ornaments, $oys decorated with ornaments of hyena claws, $oys eagerly speaking #ery eloBuent words, . . . e:t .0 atha su%lalita%gopa%sundarNnaP pVthu%ka$arNWa%nitam$a%mantharanam guru%kuca%$hara%$haYgura#alagna% tri%$ali%#ijVm$hita%roma%raji%$hajam atha % thenD su%lalita%gopa%sundarNnam % of #ery graceful, playful, and $eautiful gopisD pVthu%ka$arNWa % with great $raidsD nitam$a % hipsD mantharaQam % slowD guru% kuca$hara % $u:omD $haYgura % gracefulD a#alagna % restingD tri%$ali % three linesD #ijVm$hita % yawringD roma%raji%$hajam % with hairs. . . . who is eternally ser#ed $y many $eautiful, graceful, playful gopis, gopis with long $raids, $road hips, full $reasts, three graceful folds and a graceful line of hairs on their a$domens, . . . e:t .1 tad%ati%rucira%caru%#enu%#adya% mVta%rasa%palla#itaYgajaYghripasya mukula%#imala%ramya%ruRha%romod% gama%samalaYkVta%gatra%#allarNnam tad%ati%rucira%iarun#enu%#adya % #eryd$eautiful flute mnsicD amVta%rasa % necatrD palla#ita % $lossomedDaYgaja % lim$sD aYghripasya % of the treeD mukula % $udsD #imala % splendidD ramya % charmingD ruRha % risenD roma % hairsDudgama % risingD samalaYkVta % decoratedD gatra % lim$sD #allarNQam % #ines. . . . gopis who are like #ines em$racing the tree of Lord /VWQa, a tree $lossoming with flowers of $eautiful nectar music, #ines $earing splendid and $eautiful new $uds of $odily hairs standing erect in ecstasy, . . . e:t .2 tad%ati%rucira%manda%hasa%candra% tapa%parijVm$hita%raga%#ari%raMeT

taralatara%taraYga%$haYga%#ipruX% prakara%ghana%Mrama%$indu%santatanam tad%ati%rucira%manda%hasa % #ery charming gentle smilesD candratapa % moonlightD parijVm$hita % yawningD raga % ofelo#eD #ari%raMeT % of theyoceany taralatara%taraYga% $haYga % of restless wa#esD #ipruX % of dropsD prakara % multitudesDghana % intenseD Mrama%$indu % drops of perspirationD santatanam % multitude. . . . gopis whose charming gentle smiles are moonlight that $rings tidal wa#es to the LordEs ocean of ecetatic lo#e, gopi who find themsel#es splashed $y wa#es of perspiration in their transcendental pastimes, . . . e:t .3 tad%ati%lalita%manda%cilli%capa% cyuta%niMitekWana%mara%$ana%#VWXya dalita%sakala%marma%#ih#alaYga% pra#isVta%duTsaha%#epathu%#yathanam tad%ati%lalita % #ery gracefulD manda % gentleD cillicapa % $owD acyuta % infalli$leD niMita % sharpD NkWana % glancesDmara % of /Omade#aD $aQa % of arrowsD #VWXya % with a showerD dalita % piercedD sakala % allD marma % #ital organsD#ih#ala % agitatedD aYga % lim$sD pra#isVta % e:pandedD duTsaha % un$eara$leD #epathu % trem$lingD #yathanam % agitation. . . . gopis who trem$le, their hearts deeply wounded $y the shower of infalli$le sharp /Omade#aEs arrows shot from the $ow of the LordEs eye$rows, . . . e:t .4 tad%ati%rucira%#eWa%rupa%Mo$ha% mVta%rasa%pana%#idhana%lalasanam pranaya%salila%pura%#ahinNnaP alasa%#ilola%#ilocanam$ujanam tad%ati%rucira%#eWa%rupa%Mo$ha % of ntheir #ery gerat $eautyD amVta%rasa % nectarD pana%#idhana % drinkingD lalasanam % eagerD pranaya % of lo#eD salila % of waterDpura % floodD #ahinNnam % carryingD alasa%#ilola%#ilocanam$ujanam % restless lotus eyes. . . . gopis who yearn to drink the nectar of the L rdEsuhanasomeness, gopis plunged in

an ocean of lo#e for the Lord, gopis wto with restless lotus eyesegaGe at the Lord, . . . ee:t .6 #israPsat%ka#arN%kalapa%#igalat%phulla%prasunasra#an% madh#N%lampaXa%caZcarNka%ghaXayasaP se#itanaP muhuT maronmada%mada%skhalan%mVdu%giram alola%kaZcy%ullasan% nN#N%#iMlathamana%cNna%sicayantarcir%nitam$a%t#iWam #israPsat % loosenedD ka#arN%kalapa % $raidsD#igalat % fallingD phulla%prasunasra#at % flowersD madh#N%lampaXa%caZcarNka%ghaXaya % with$ees eager for honeyD asam % of themD se#itanam % ser#edD muhuT % again and againD maronmada%mada g o#ercome with amorous desiresD skhalat % stum$lingD mVdu%giram % sweet wordsD alola%kaZci % mo#ing $eltsD ullasat % glisteningD nN#N % $eltsD #iMlathamana % loosenedD cNna%sicaya % witnh silk garmentsD antarcir%nitam$a%t#iWam % with splendid hips. . . y gopis whose loosened $raids decorated with falling flowers are ser#ed $y $ees eager to drink honey, gopis stuttering in the passion of lo#e, gopis whose $elts are loosened on their splendid hips, . . . e:t .7 sktalita%lasitra%padam$hoja%manda$highaXa% cchurita%mani%tula%koXy%akulaMa%mukhanam calad%adhara%dalanaP kuRmila%takWmalakWi% d#aya%sarasiruhanam ullasat%kunRalanam skhalita % stum$lingD lasitra % gloriousD padam$hoja % lotus feetD manda % gentleD a$highata%cchurita % struckDmani % jewelD tula%koXi % ankletD akula % filledD aMa % directionD mukhanam % facesD calad%adhara%dalanam % trem$ling flower%petal lipsD kuRmala % flower%$udD pakWmalakWi%d#aya % eyelidsD sarasiruhanam % lotusD ullasat% kunRalanam % splendid earrings. . . . gopis whose splendid lotus feet are decorated with tynkling anklets, gopis whose trem$ling lips are flower%petals, gopis whose eyelids are lotus $uds, gopis decorated with glistening earrings, . . . e:t 09 draghiWXa%M#asana%samNrana$yitapa%

pramlani%$ha#a%darunauWXha%palla#anam nanopayana%#ilasat%karam$ujanaP alN$hiT satata%niWe#itaP samantat draghiWXa%M#asana%samNrana % with great sighsD a$hitapa % distressD pramlani%$ha#a % wiltingD darunauWXha%palla#anam % of flower%$ud lipsD nanopayana%#ilasat% karam$ujanam % of splendid and e:pert lotus handsD alN$hiT % $y friendsD satata% niWe#itam % always ser#edD samantat % completely. . . . gopis whose flower%petal lips sigh again and again, gopis whose e:pert hands are splendid lotus flowers.

$e"e3ted verses (rom Padma Purana

S) =)&I 5I =?F> 8<&;< VI5)F< -?/ I S)&;)/)? /)L)? ? />V)L) 8;)/ I5 85);-)%S)=?A=) /)5INI (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,71k2, spoken $y Narada -uni) In three pre#ious yugas (satya yuga, etc.) one would achie#e enhightmnmhnt and li$eration $y $ecoming freem from worldly affairs, $ut in /ali yuga, one can easily achie#e the same a$ode as the Supreme Lord just $y performing de#otional ser#ice to ;im in /ali yuga. =>S)- CI > 8;)V>& 8;)/ I; S)5V)&) (5>-) 5?(INI N) > ()S=)N I /IN)S)- SV)(N>E(= )-)L) -?5 )=); (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,71k,4) hose purified persons whose mind is always engaged in affectionate de#otional ser#ice. hey do not e#er e:perience hellish condition of life e#en in dreams. N5N)- A)N-) S);)S5>N) 8;)/ I; S?/5 IN)- 8V;)V> /)L)? 8;)/ I; /)L)? 8;)/ I5 8;)/ =) /5SN); (?5); S ;I ); (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,71k.9) hose persons who ha#e accumulated sufficient pious acti#ities for thousands of $irths achie#e $hakti $ecause $y he:ecution of $hakti alone, one is

a$le to situate himself in the a$ode of the supreme Lord /rsna. 8;)/ l &5<;) /)5) => t) > SI&)N I A)F) ) 5)=> &?5V)S) &?;/;)- )()NN); (?5) 8d) I VININ&)/$; )L)- V5 )I5 )L)- I5 ;)I5 )L)- =<F)I5 )L)- -)/;)I; )L)- AN)N) /) ;) )L)()I5 8;)/ s5 >/)IV) -?/ I&); (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,71k.,,..) hose who ha#e hatred toward de#otional ser#ice are the cause of shaking of the three worlds (distur$ance of the thiee worlds). In pre#ious histories, those who ha#e criticiGed the de#otional ser#ice, they ha#e achie#ed unlimi ed miseries and intolera$le difficulties. <ne cannot achie#e li$eration $y any other means such as going to the places of pilgrimage, performing yoga practice, sacrifice, culti#ating knowledge and discussing Vedic literature e:cept de#otional ser#ice to achie#e li$eration. 5SI8;I5 8);?&;) L</) ?()=) SI&&;)=> /5 ); S5)-) S)&;= S C) > S)5V> (5)=); SV)5F) (;)L)(5)&); V)I/?N =) S)&;)/); ()N ;) F?( < L</>S? V)5 ) > )S=) ?()&>S)/); S)&;?; (5)=< 8;)F=>N) L)8;=) > (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,71k21,22) -any great saintly persons created many solutions (Vedic instructions) to gi#e perfection to the li#ing entities, which, $y working hard all of them result in awarding one hea#enly planeas. hose people who function to achie#e the spiritual world (Vaikuntha planet) are always said to $e hidden $ecause such preachers (speaking a$out the spiritual world) saintly persons are a#aila$le only to those who are #ery lucky. F5)N ;<ES )&)S) S);)S5< &V)&)S) S/)N&;) S)-=? ); ()5I/SI ) S?/) S)-8)&); S5I-)& 8;)F)V) ) )8;I&); SL</) )5&;)- SL</) ()&)- V) NI =)- 8;)F)V)#) ?&8;)V)() ;)SV) SV) -?/>N)E(I =)&I ICC;)SI 8;)V) /S)=)(()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ,72k.7, 03) he literature which has ,6,999 #erses and is di#ided into twel#e cantos which is the con#ersation $etween pariksit and Sukade#a Fos#ami, is the Srimad 8haga#atam. If some$ody daily, ao ra routine studies the Srimad 8haga#atam e#en half a sloka or e#en one life on a jloka, if some$ody wants li$eration from this world and cuts the tie of this material e:istence, he should study the Srimad 8haga#atao $y himself.

-);) -)N< -);)8;)F) 8;)F)V) ()&) S>V)/); )& VISN<; ()5)-)- &;)-) =)N I 85);-) S?/;) (5)&)(()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ..6k,9) hose personalities who are greatly ad#anced, who are most fortunate, who are worshipping the lotus feet of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, achie#e the transcendental a$ode if Lord Visnu where they enjoy transcendental $liss. N) V>&) )&;=)N)I5 =)AN)I5 N) V5) )I5 N) ?()V)S) ); N) (5)(=)- V)ISN)V)- L</)- VIN) &)S=>N) /? 5)CI )S-)& &)S=)- ;)5>5 8;)/ I- 8;)A> )EN)N)=) -)N)S); (5)(N< I ()5)-)- SI&&;I- /)5-) 8)N&;) VI-<C)NI(()&-) (?5)N), ? )5)/;)N&) ..7k,.9,,.,) <ne cannot achie#e the a$ode of Lord Sri Visnu $y studying Vedic literatures, $y performing sacrifice, and fasting n different days e:cept $y $ecoming the ser#ant of the Supreme Lord. herefore, one should $ecome a ser#ant to do de#otional ser#ice to Lord Sri ;ari and ser#e ;Im with unalloyed de#otion, then one can achie#e the transcendental perfection which frees one from material $ondage of fruiti#e action. S)NS)5< V)ISN)V) )&;IN< &>V) V)ISN)V) ()LI ); );)- C) V)ISN)V) )&;IN)S )S-) S5>S )S C) V)ISN)V); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) /;)N&) .k6,) (spoken $y the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead) he Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead glorifies the Vaisna#as saying, ( he whole world is under the care of the Vaisna#as. )ll the demigods are taking care of Vaisna#as. I (the Supreme (ertonality of Fodheads am under the care of Vaisna#as, therefore Vaisna#as are the topmost persons in this world. /)-) /5<&;) VI;IN) => ;INS) &)-8;) VIV)5AI ); L<8;) -<;) VI;IN)S C) AN>=)S > V)ISN)V) A)N); e()&-) (?5)f), /5I=)a=<F)S)5) .k60) hose who are free from lust, anger, #iolence, arogance, greed, illusion, they are said to $e Vais a#as. &;)5-) ?()&>SIN)ES C)IV) &;)5-) )C)5) ()5)S ) ;) F?5? S?S5?SIN)S C)IV) VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN)V); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) .k62)

a e hose who are preaching the transcendental message gi#en $y the Supreme Lord and follow it asra war ofylife and eworshipu their own spiritual master are the real Vaisna#as. >/)&)SI V5) )- > C) 8;)/ I 8;)V>N) /?5V) > F)=)N I -)-) N)-)NI AN>=)S > V)ISN)V) A)N); (()&p) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) .k.6) t hose who L$ser#e >kadasi with full de#otion and sing -y holy names are Vaisna#as. ?L)SI -?L) -5&8;IS C) IL)/)NI N)=)N I => ?L)SI /)S ;) ()N/)IS C) AN>=)S > V)ISN)V) A)N); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) .k7.) hose who put tilaka marks on their forehead with the mud taken from the root of ulasi or those who put tilaka out of the paste of ulasi wood are said to $e Vaisna#as. S)L)F5)-) SIL) =>S)- F5;> V)S) I S)5V)&) S)S 5)- 8;)F)V) )- C)IV) AN>=)S > V)ISN)V) A)N); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) .k71) In those personEs house, if Salagram Sila is found, and Srimad 8haga#atam scripture is found, they are said to $e Vaisna#as. -) ()&) S)LIL)I5 =>S)- SI/ )NI -)S/)/)NI C) -)-) N)IV>&=)- )SN)N I AN>=)S > V)ISN)V) A)N); /S? 5 (5)(I&I >8;=)S C) => =)CC;)N = )NN) )-8? C) /?5=?5 => =<F) S?S5?S)- AN>=)S > 8;)F)V) ) A)N); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) .k76,77) "hoe#erEs head is washed witp the water which is deri#ed $y washing -y two lotus feet and those who eat food offered to -e are said to $e Vaisna#as. hose who distri$ute food grains and water to needy people who are suffering from hunger and thirst, and who follow the yogic path of de#otional ser#ice are said to $e Vaisna#as. 8);?N) E 5) /I-?/ >N) 8;)SI >N) (?N); (?N); -)-) E5C) => C) /?5V)N I VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN)V)

(()&-) (?5)N), /NI=) =<F)S)5)r.k,94) "hat is the use of saying more and more* hose people who actually worship are said to $e Vaisna#as. ;)5)? (5)S)NN> ()()NI /? 5) IS ;)N I &>;IN)A)N-)N )5) )5AI )I; ()()I5 F) ) =?=)- I-)- F) I(()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) 4k69) If the Supreme Lord ;ari is pleased with some$ody, where does sinful acti#ity remain in his $ody* >Ven though a person has accumulated sins for irth after $irth, he achie#es this(li$eration) destination. ) 5) ?&IC=)- &ISI -)?NI =)AN) S? 5)NI r)5N)=<; /5 V) ?()VIS ); (5)AN)S ? -)L) -? 5) VIS)5A)=> (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k0, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#a) )n innelligent person, after tying a $rahmana thread on his right ear, facing north, urinates and e#acuates in sitting position, in silent condition. &)N ) &;)V)N) /?5=)& =< -)&;=)N;) )()5)N;)=<; )S=) (?A)- N) F5;)N)N I &>V) ); (I )5< 5SI; (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,4) <ne who $rushes hho eeth in the mid day or afternoon, neither the forefathers, the demigods or the sages accept it his worship. ?()V)S) &IN> VI(5)\ oI 5 S5)&&;) &IN> ) ;) N) ) (;)L)- )V)(N< I &)N ) &;)V)N) /5NN)5); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k.9, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#a) <n the fasting day or on the day when o$lations are gi#en to the forefathers, < $rahmana, one who $rushes his teeth, he does not achie#e te result of doing so. V)S 5) )S)N> />V)L> C) ) ;) /?S)-)=) )S)N> (?S() )S)N> C) ?()VIS ); (?A)=> /)-)L)($ w(()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k34, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#a)

<ne should worship the Supreme Lord, the hus$and of the goddess of fortune $y sitting upon a seat made with cotton, kusa grass seat, or silk seat only. =); /)5< I A)N)S )S=) (5)S)NN); S) ) )- ;)5I; ?L)SI () 5) -)L>=)- NIA) F)N&;) S?/;) (5)&) (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k44, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#aN <ne who always offers the Supreme Lord a gorland made out of ulasi lea#es, ;e $ecomes #ery pleased upon that person $ecause the fragrance of ulasi is #ery pleasing. NIA) 8;)/ =) ) < A)( V) -)N 5)- )S )&)S)/S)5)F<VIN&)=) ) < &)&=)N N)N) N)IV>&=)- ? )-)(()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,90, spoken $y Srila Vyasasde#a) "hile chanting the eighteen letter mantra, one should offer differnt kinds of eata$le foodstuffs, prepared the $est way to Lord Sri Fo#inda. &;?()- =)CCC;) I ;< VI(5) ;)5)=> &;5 ) V)SI )S) F)CC;> VISN? 8;)V)N)- VI-?/ ); ()() /< I8;I; (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F) S)5) ,,k,93) < $rahmanas, any person who offers incense which is full of fragrance to Lord Sri Visnu, goes to the a$ode of Lord Sri Visnu after $ecoming free from millions of sins. F5 >N) &I()- =< &)&=) IL) )IL>N) V) (?N); NI->S) S)/)L)- )S=) ()()- ;)5) I />S)V); /)5(?5)dr)SI )- =)S ? )-8?L)- C)/5) ()N)=> &)&=) )S=) &VIA) S5>S ;) -?/ I5 8;)V) I A)I-IN> (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,96,,97) )Ny$ody who offers a ghee lamp to Lord Sri Visnu or he offers a lamp made of sesame oil, Lord Sri /esa#a, in a moment, remo#es all of his sins. )nyone who offers a camphor lamp to ;im and $etal leaf (made up with spice, etc.), the Supreme Lord, "ho holds a disk in his hand, < $est of the $rahmanas, Aaimini, he achie#es li$eration.

(5)N)->& &)N&)V)& 8;?-)? S)( )&;) =)S ? />S)V)() )/)- ) S)5I5)S ;)- 8;)S-)I 8;)V) I ) %/S)N) SI5)S=) )NA)LI- )&;)=) (5,N)->& =< A)N)5&)N))S-)I L)/S-I () I5 VISN?5 &)&) I ()5)-)- ()&)(()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,.2, ,.3) <ne who pays long o$eisances, while lying on the ground to Lord Sri /esa#a se#en times, all the sins frou his rody turne into asa#a immediately. <Ne who pays o$eisances to the Supreme Lord, touching his forhead with his folded hands, ;e gi#es him the hus$and of Laksmi, Sri Visnu the highest a$ode, the spiritual world. A)I-IN> ?L)SI () 5)- =)S ?5 AIF;5) I V)ISN)V); )S=)d&>;)N )5)S ;)- ;I S)5V) ()()- VIN)S=) t (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,02) < Aaimini (a great sage), any $ody who smells the ulasi leaf whsch has emanated from Lord Sri Visnu, whate#er sina he has inhhis $ody are all destroyed. ()() V=)&;I VIN)S)5 ;)- VI N? ()&<&)/) )?S)&;)()(IN<E(I N)5)S > C) (IV)N ? (5) I V)S)5)(()&-) (?5)e), /5I=m =<F)S)5) ,ukr12) >#en a sinful man who daily drinks the medicine%like water which washes the two lotus feet of Lord Sri Visnu, remo#es the drsSase of his sins. =) ;) )?S)&;>N) 5<F)S ? ;)N=)N > &>;IN< 8;5S)) ;)IV) () )/)- S)5V)- VISN? ()&<&)/>N) C) VISN? ()&<&)/)- S?&&;)- ?L)SI () 5) S)-=? )=< V);> SI5S) VI(5) )S=) (?N=)- V)&)-= );)85);-) ;) =)&I8;I; ()()t5 VI-?/ < VISN? 5?() &;5 )N > VISN? (?5)- F) V)iVISN?N) S);) -<&) > (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,,k,14,,16) u )s $y taking the correct medicines, ones diseases are destroyed from his $ody, rimi(ar,yn lhe taking the water which has washed the two lotus feet of Lord V snu all of ones sins are destroyed. "hen that water is mi:ed with ulasi lea#es, that water is said eo $ehpure and any$ody, < $rahmana, drinks it and

touches it to his head, whate#er merits he achie#es, I shall tell you. )ll of his sins, such as the killing of a $rahmana, etc. are remo#ed from him and at last, he reaches the a$ode of Lord Visnu and attains the same form as Lord Visnu and enjoys there with Lord Sri Visnu. S) =)- S) =)- (?N); S) =)- S) =)- >V) -)=) ?C=) > /)-)L)I5 ;)5I- )8;=)uC=) (5)(=) > ()5)-)- ()&)(()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,0k,34, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#a) I am telling you #ery truthfully that $y worshipping Lord S5i ;ari with lotus flowers, one achie#es the Supreme a$ode. () );) m&?N&?8;I- C)IV) /);)L)- SIN&;?V)5)/)/)NS=)- C) /)5) )L)- C) V>N?- V)&)=) > ? =); (?A)L)wr -);)VISN<S )S=) (?N=)- NIS)-)=) S > =)& =)I; () )/)I5 -?/ < -)N&I5)- =) I C)/5IN); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,1k0.,00) )ny$ody who makes sounds in the temple of Lord Sri ;ari at the time of worship (aratik) with a great drum and small drum, with a $ell metal plate and kartala cym$als, with a flute, they $ecome free from all sins and Lord Sri -aha%Visnu awards unlimited merits to him. SV)()N 8;?NA)N V)&)N IS ;)N ? IS ;)N C) V5)A)NS ) ;) S-)5>& VI5) )- VISN?- -?-?/S?5 V)ISN)V< A)N); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,2k3) )Ny Vaisna#a desirous for li$eration should constantly remem$er Lord Sri Visnu while sleeping, while eating, while sitting, while stanning, while speaking, while going somewhere, etc. => VISN? (?A)N) 5) ) ;)5I 8;)/ ) 8;)/ ) >/)&)SI V5) )5) ); /)() )I5 V$;IN); => VISN? ()&) S)LIL)- SI5)S) V);)N I > ()(IN<E(I N) 8;) ) -)-) &)N&)NI=); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,2k69, spoken $y Lord =amaraja to his messengers) < messengers, anyone who is engaged in worshipping Lord

Sri Visnu or anyone who is de#oted to the de#otee of Lord Sri ;ari, or engaged in fasting on >kadasi day, or one who is free from hypocracy, one who drinks and touches to his head the water which has washed the lotus feet of Lord Sri Visnu, e#en though they are sinful, they are not to $e punished $y me. ;)5>5 )8;)/ < VI(5<E(I VIAN>=); SV)()C)&;I/); ;)5I 8;)/ ) SV)()/<E(I VItN>= 85);-)N)&;I/); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,3k0) )ny person who is not a de#otee of Lord Sri ;ari, e#en though he is a $rahmana, he is lower than a dogeater. >#en if one is a dogeater, if he is a de#otee of Lord Sri ;ari, he is understood as $eing $etter than a $rahmana.

(?N=) -) S) /) ;)- -)5 =< =>N) N)E5)&;I < ;)5I; S) /) ;)- () )/I =)S=) 8;)/ I5 N)5)=)N> (5)8;< (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,4k3) IN this world, how can one $e a meritorious person if he has not worshipped Lord Sri ;kri* ;ow can une $e sinful if hy is a de#otee of Lord Sri Narayana* =?N)- CI )- =) ;) S 5IS? L?8&;)N)- C) =) ;) &;)N> /S?&;I )N)- =) ;) C)ENN> ) ;) V)=I -)-)ES ? V)I (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,4k,22, this is the prayer of a de#otee#te the Supreme Lord) NAust as a lusty person iS hankering for women and a greedy person is hankering for wealth, a hungry person is hankering for food grains, let my mind similarly $enattached to =ou, only, 5 Lord. ()5) S 5I=)- S)-)L</=) VIS)&)- =)N I => A)N); S5NV)N I ()() C)5C)- C) >S)- 5?S <ES-= );)- S)&) (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,7k,9,, spoken $y the Supreme

(ersonality of Fodhe>d) hose persons who $ecome agitated $y looking at otherEs wi#es and those who listen to sinful talks, I am always angry with them. >/)&)S=)- 8?NA) > => L<8;r ()() ;I=< N)5); V>&) NIN&) /)5) =>C) o S)-m5?S <ES-= );)- S)&) (()&-) (S5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,7k,92, spoken $y the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead) <ne who eats on >kadasi day andfdue to greed engages in siniuy acti#ities and those who criticihe Vedic literatures, I am always angry with such people. &IV)S> -)I ;?s)- => C) N?nV) > /)-) -<;I ); 5)A)SV)L) S 5I=)- C)IV) >S)- 5?S <ES-= );)- S)&) (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ,7k,94) <ne who enjoys copulation in the day time, due to $eing infatuatNl $y lust and those who enjoy copulation with a lady who is passing through mentruation, I am always angry with them. >/)&)S=)- S)-)=)N =)- (5)(?N)N =)- A)F) 5)=)S ;) )V=)- )NN)-)S5I =) 8;)V) ) ()() (?5?S) (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..k13) "hen >kadasi arri#es, at that time, all of the sins from the three worlds reside in grains in the form of a sinful person. S)NS)5> =)NI ()()NI )N= >V) >/)&)SI &IN> )NN)- )S5I =) IS ;)N I S5I-)N N)5)=)N) )AN)=) (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..k29) "hate#er sins are a#aila$le in this world, they all together reside in grains on >kadasi day $y the order of Lord Sri Narayana. IN&5I=)N)- =) ;) S5>S ;)- -)N); (5</ )- -)NISI8;I; -)S)N)- /)5 I/); S5>S ;); ()N&)V)N)- =) ;)E5A?N); (()&-) (?5)N), /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..k49) A?st as the mind is the leader of the senses, as

thoughtful persons ha#e said, similarly, the $est of all months is /artika and the $est of alh (anda#as is hrjuna. 5)-)=)N)- 8;)F)V) )- 8)5) )- V=)S) 8;)SI ))N=)NI C) (?5)N)N)I () ;=)NI ;)5IV)S)5> (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..`,04) <n the day of Lord ;ari (>kadasi, etc.), one should study 5amayana, Srimad%8haga#atam, -aha$harata, and other (uranas which are written $y Srila Vyasade#a. NISI A)F)5)N)- /?5=) S)N)N&< V)ISN)V< A)N); AI ) NI&5< 8;)V> S)-=)/ &;=)=) > />S)V)- ;5&) (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..k,07) <ne should remain awake o#er night, in a pleasing mood with other Vaisna#as, keeping his senses under control and remem$ering Lord S5i /esa#a within his heart. &V)&)SI I ;I -)&;=> ? /)5 )V=)- ()5)N)- 8?&;)I; N) /)&)CI 5)=<&)S=)- V5) )S=) (;)L)- ICC;?8;I; (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) ..k,11) tne should $reak his fast of >kadasi within the &#adasi tithi. If some$ody wants the result of fasting, he should ne#er $reak the >kawasi fast$ln rayodas . e ?e)V)S) &wN> VI(5) NIS)='- )(I V)ISN)V); ?()V)S) (;)L) (5>(S?5 =) N) S? )()- VIV)5A)=> VIN)A)F)5)N)- N?N)- ?()V)S)- NI5)5 ;)/); ) < A)F)5)N)- /?5=)- ?8;)=<5 )(I ()/S)=); >/)&)SI V5) )- => C) VIw;IN)EN>N) /?5V) > S) =)- S) =)- &VIA) S5>S ;) S)5V> > -</S) F)-IN); (()&-) (?5)N) /hI=) N<F)S)5) ..k,12,,13,,14) ) Vaisna#a, on the fasting day, either daytime or at night, if he is desirous to achie#e the results of fasting, with great endea#or, he should $e rSree from sleeping. "ithout remaining awake at night on >kayasi, his fasting is said to remain fruitless, therefore one should fast on $oth >kadasis (the light part and dark part). <ne who o$ser#es >kadasi according to this process, I tell you truthfully again and again that all of these people are eligi le to achie#e li$eration. >/)&)SI V5) ) S)-)- V5) ) N)S I A)F) 5)=>

)NICC;)=)E(I =) /5 V) F) I5 >V)- VI&;)EV)=<; >/)&)SI V5) )- => ? 8;)/ I 8;)V>N) /?5V) > N) A)N> /I- 8;)V> >S)- V)S?&>V) )N?/)-()=) (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) .0k,4.,,40) In the three worlds, there is no kind of fasting which is e#en compara$le to the >kadasi fast. >#en if one performs this fast without a proper attiIude, he achie#es the Supreme a$ode. )nyone whohfasts on >kadasi day, with full de#otion, what happeno to him $y the mercy of the Supreme Lord, I can not say (how much merit gets cannot $e descri$ed). /< I 85);-)N&) -)&;=>S? r)NI I5 ;)NI 8;? )L> ?L)SI &)L)- )S5I =) )N=>V) NIV)S)N I V)I (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) .1k,9) In millions and millions of uni#erses, whate#er places of pilgrimage are a#aila$le on the >arthly planet, they certainly all come and take shelter in a ulasi leaf. =<ESN) I ?L)SI () 5)- S)5V) ()() ;)5)- S?8;)) iS)5I5)N )5) S ;)=I ()(w- N)S=) I ) /S)N) ?L)SI /)S ;) S)-8;? )- -)L)- V);) I =< N)5); )& &>;> () )/)- N)S I S) =)- > ) -)=) ?C=) > (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) .1k.3,.4, spoken $y Srila Vyasade#a tohAaimini) )ny$ody who eats a ulasi leaf, all of his sins are remo#ed and he $ecomes meritorious. "hate#er sins he has within his $ody are remo#ed at once. )Nyone who wears a ulasi wood necklace, no sins can reside in his $ody. his is e:actly true, I say to you. -? 5)- (?5IS)- ?L)SI )L>S? /?5V)N I => V)I S) ) )- -)N?S=); &>V) )S5)=> S)NCI ) () )/)N)- >S)- ;)5) = )S? ;)5I &;)N)NI (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) .1k04) If anyone urinawes, frows dirt or e#acuates under the ulusi plant again and again, he accumulate the same sin of commiting offenses at feet of the Supreme Lord and his wealth is alst taken away.

/ 5) pL) &V)=)- &) V) CIN< I ?L)SI &)L)=) ;) N) /)-() > S)/;) ?L)S=) &VIA) S) )-) () 5)S=) C)=)N> &>VI 8;)FN) S)/;) =)&) 8;)V> )&) ;5&I V=) ;) VISN<5 A)=) > ?L)SI () > n)/;) )F5) () I )- 8;?-h? () 5)- ) 5)- (?5) )N)>N)E(I r?A=< F<VIN&< -)&;? /)I )8;) -)5&)N); (()&-) (?5)N) /5I=) =<F)S)5) .1k1.,10,11) )fter clapping his hands twice, one should pick the ulasi lea#es, < $est of the $rahmanas. "hile picking the lea#es, no $ranches of ulasi should $e shaken. If, ihiuenticking ulasi, any $ranches are $roken, the Supreme Lord ;ari, Visnu, "ho is the hus$and of ulasi, ;is heart recei#es the pain. If the tip of the $ranch (manjaris) or lea#es are falling unto the ground due to old age, they can still $e used to worship Lord Sri Fo#inda, the killer of the -adhu and /aita#a demons. IL)/)NI &)&)S)&;) NI =)- V)I &;)5)=>& 8?&;); &;)5-) )&;)5-)- ? A)N) I =); S) V)ISN)V) ?CC=) > (()&-) (?5)N) ? )5)/;)N&) 36k4) )ny intelligent person who wears twel#e marks on his $ody daily with tilaka, he knows what is dharma and what is adharma. ;e knows what is religious principles and what is irreligious principles. <ne who knows the differnce $etween religious and irreligious principles is said to $e a Vaisna#a. S)/)5< ;I S?/;> N)IV) NI5)/)5< N) &5?S=) > S>V)5)S)S C) S)/)5> NI5)/)5> N) V)I 5)S); S)/)5>N) NI5)/)5< AN)=) > SV)=)- >V) ;I ;)5I S-5 I (5)S)&>N) 5<-)NCI ) )N?5 =)&) (()&-) (?5)N), ? )5) /;)N&) ,0,k,91,,92) &ue to the happiness deri#ed $y ser#ing the form of the SupSeme Lord, one forgets the impersonal feature of the Lord $ecause the pleasure deri#ed $y ser#ing the personal form of the Lord cannot $e deri#ed $y the impersonal feature. 8y ser#ing the form of the Supreme Lord, ;is impersonal feature is understood $y itself. "hen ser#ing the Supreme Lord and remem$ering ;im, the hairs of the $ody stand on end, then this personal feature of the L<rd, automatically gi#es an understanding of the impersonal feature.

S5)V)N> V)5A)=> S)/)- &)&;I 8;)&5)()&> =)A> )StIN> -)SI &?F;)- C) /)5 I/) C) )-IS)- =)A> (()&-) (?5)N) () )h)e/s)N&) 47k2,) In the month of Sra#( a (Auly%)ugust), one should gi#e up eating leafy wegetr$les. In the month of 8hadra ()ugust% Septem$er), one shoumd gi#e up eating logurt. In the month of )s#ina (Septem$er%<r o$er) one shjuld gi#e up drinking milk. In he eonth of /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er), one should eat ( rotein rich foods such as dahl. )t)5NIS)- S-)5)N N)-)- /5SN)- ()S=) I C)/S?S) )S?CI5 V) S?CI5V)E(I S)5V) /)L>S? S)5V)&) (()&-) (?5)N) () )L) /;)N&) 69k4) &ay and night, one should remem$er the holy name of Lord Sri /rsna, either in dirty tondit(on or clean condition. )t all times and in all places until one sees Lord Sri /rsna with his eyes. )()yI 5) ()VI 5< V) S)5V) V)S ;)NF) <n(I V) =u; S-)5> (?N&)5I/)/S)- S) 8);=) )8;=)N )5); S?CI; (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 69k,,) "5I > ;> 5)NSL) I<N @5<- ;> &>I r "<5S;I( 8<</ 8;)&5> Ce A)N-)e&IV)S> ?()V)S) ()5< 8;)V> (5)S?( )S=) ()5IV)5 )- )SVIN> -)SI /)5)=> ()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 69k09) In the month of 8hadra ()ugust%Septem$er), on the day when Lord Sri /rsna appeared, one should fast. "hen Lord Sri /rsna turns o#er to the other side while sleeping in the month of )s#ina (Septem$er%<cto$er), on >kadasi day, one should carefully fast. /)5 I/> (?N=) -)S> C) V5IN&)V)N); (?N=)- )C)5> &)-<&)5)=l &I()- C) (5)NS?S ;)N> (5)&)()=> (()&-) (?5)N) () )L) /;)N&) 69k00) <ne should o$ser#e meritorious functions in Vrnada#ana

in the meritorious month called /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er) and offer a lamp to Lord Sri &amodara in a holy place. N) )N=<CC;IS )- C) 8;?NAI ) N) )N=) S>S)- C) &;)5)=> )VtISN)V)N)- S)-8;)S) V)N&)N)&I VIV)5A)=> (()&-) (?5)N) () )L) /;)N&) 6.k02) <ne should not eat otherEs left o#ers and one should not wear the clothes pre#iously worn $y others. <ne should not talk to a#aisna#as (atheists) and one should not praise others. /5SN) (5I=) S)/;I%8;)V)- S)-)S5I =) (5)=) N) ); )=<; S>V)- (5)/?5VIF) &IV) N)/ )- ) )N&5I ); ()&-) (?5)N) () )L) /;)N&) 6.k17) <ne should de#elop a conjugal relationship with the Supreme Lord carefully and in the mood of gopis, worship Lord Sri /rsna day and night without any laGiness or hesitation. V5IN&)8)N)- ()5I =)A=) N)IV) F)CC;)-= );)- /V)CI NIV)S)-= )N)=) S)5&;)- );)- ) 5)IV) S)5V)&) (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 6.k46) I certainly ne#er lea#e Vrnda#ana. I always li#e here with -y consort. )N)5)&;I ) F<VIN&< N) VI&)N I ;I <&)=)N) )(< =)AN) &)N)N)- L)8;) > (;)L)- ? )-)(()&-) (?5)N) () )L) /;)N&) 61`,2) here is no $enefit for the performer of austerity, sacrifice or charity if he does not worship Lord Fo#inda. ;)5>5 )5)&;)N)- ;I V) &?5I ) )?F;) NIV)5)N)N) )N=) ()S=)-I A)N ?N)- (5)=)SCI )- ()5)- -?N> (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 61k,4, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami to the sages) 8esides worshipping the Supreme Lord Sri ;ari, to remo#e ones sins, I do not see any $etter atonement for the li#ing entities.

&?5L)8;< -)N?S< &>;< &>;IN)- /S)N)%8;)NF?5); ) 5)(I &?5L)8;)- -)N=> V)I/?N ;) (5I=) &)5S)N)(()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 61`.0) )mong perisha$le li#ing entities, to attain a human $irth is #ery rare, $ut e#en more rare is to $e a$le to see the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. S 5IN)- () IV5) )N)- ? () I5 >V) ;I &)IV) )S) ? (?A=< VISN? 8;)/ =) -)N< V)/ /)=) /)5-)8;I; (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 61k2,) hose women who are completely chaste, and whose hus$and is said to $e worshipa$le, e#en she should worship Lord Sri Visnu with her mind, $ody and words. )h;) 8;)/ I- (5)V)/S)-IsVIVI&;)- ()()N)SINI VIVt&;) ;)/ I5 ?&&IS ) -)N< V)/ /)=) S)-8;)V) L)?/I/I V>&I/I C)(I 8;)V>& )&;=) -I/I ) ;) &;=)N) &;)5)N)=) 8?&;=) V>&)N)- S-)5)N)- ;I =) (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) 62k1,2, spoken $y Srila Suta Fos#ami) Let me tell you of the process of de#otional ser#ice which rem#oes all sins. here are many lllllllllllll of e:ecuting de#otional ser#ice which are emanations from the mind, words or $ody. his transcendenal process is di#ided into two. <ne is lllllllllllll and the other is Vediki with the rules and regulations of scriptures. -editating on the Lord and controlling the $reathing is done $y instructions from the Vedic literature. &;=)N)- >V) /5 > S5>S ;)- 5> )=)- =)AN) >V) C) &V)()5> C) )5C)N - IS=> &)N)- C) ;)5I /I5 )N)S)5V)- C) S)S )- S)5V) 5) &;=)N)- N) C) /)L)? =?F> N)5)N)- -?F&;) CI ) V) /5CC;5) S ;)N)- VIS)-() > (()&-) (?5)N), () )L) /;)N&) ,,1k072,073) In the Satya yuga, the process for li$eration was mediation of the Supreme Lord. In the retauyuga, the process was sacrifice. In the &#apara yuga, the process war worship of the form of the Supreme Lorm and in the /ali, charity and chanting the holy name is said to $e li$erating. )ll the processes are said to $e

useful e#erywhere e:cept in /ali yuga, meditation is not allowed $ecause the minds of all human $eings are distur$ed and they are all fallen, < /artikeya. F?5? (?A)- ) /5 V)I ) =); S)S 5)- S5< ?- ICC;) I N) /)5< I C) S?S5?S)- )AN) 8;)NF)- C) 8;)V) ); (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) 34k10) "ithout worshipping the spiritual master, one who tries to listen to the scriptures, he is not following scriptural s injunctions and is consciously $reakingdthem. N) )8;IN)N&) I )& V)/=)- ?, )5)- S)-(5) =)CC;) I F?5? /)5-)NI S)&;=> C) )& ?(>/S)- /)5< I C) (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) 34k11) <ne who does not respect She spiritual master and counter answers his statements, to do the work of the spiritual master, he is actually ignoring him. &IV) (5)/)S)/); S?5=); S)SI 5) 5< (5)/)S)/); F5;) (5)/)S)/< &I()S 7)-< N)S) /)5); S)&) 5) 5)? &IV) F5;)S=)N > F?5?; SIS=)- S)&)IV);I )AN)N)=)w )-)S )S ) F?5?;yo)5Sy- (5)N)S)=> (()&-) (?5)N) 8;?-I /;)N&) 62k,.,,0) h rday is lit $y the sun. he night is lit $y the moon and darkness is always remo#ed from the house $y the light of a lamp and the spiritual master remo#es the darkness of ignorance of a disciple at all times, either during the day or the night or in the house. )S-)& F?5?; ()5)- I5 ;)- SIS=)N)- )V)NI() > >V) AN) 5V) e) ); SIS=); S)5V)&) )- (5)(?A)=> (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) 62k,1, spoken $y the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead) herefore, the guru is the topmost place of pilgrimage for the disciple. ?nderstand this, the disciple should always worship his spiritual master.

)&=)- (?5?S)- IS)N)- S)5V) L</) -);>SV)5)N) CIN )=)N I => VISN? > V)I NI5)=) F)-IN); (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) 73k,,) he first person, the Lord of all li#ing entities, who is the Lord of all the worlds, one who does not remem$er Lord Sri Visnu, they are certainly falling into hell. N)5); ()5>S)- (5) I/?L)- )C)5)N (5)=) I F;<5)- N)5)/)- S?&)5?N)S)&) )N?/?L)S=) N)5)S=) AIVIN); S?/;) V);) -?/ I5 )&?5) S)-S ;I ) (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) 73k2.) hose persons who act against the transcendental personality of Fodhead, they fall into the ferocious hell and suffer. herefore, a human $eing should $ecome fa#ora$le towards the Lord to ha#e a happy e:istence and li$eration will $e with him. )5)N)=) -)N?S=)N)- S)-S)5> ()5IV)5 ) )N)S I I5 ;) F?5? S)-)- 8)N&;) C;>&)/)5)- &VIA) (()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&), ,.0k29) < 8rahmana, for the deli#erance of all human $eings of this world, there is no $etter place of pilgrimage than the guru himself who can cut the $ondage of the li#ing entity and change his life. A)N-)N )5) /5 )N ()()N F?5? I5 ;)- (5)N)S)=> S)-S)5) )5)N=)IV) A)NF)-)- I5 ;)- ? )-)(()&-) (?5)N), 8;?-I /;)N&) ,.0k20) he sins accumulated from different $irths, the place of pilgrimage personified, the spiritual master, remo#es them and it ms the $est place of pilgrimage in this world certainly. /)5 I/)S=) ? -)S)S=) )5C)=I V) -);>SV)5))SV)->&;) C;) ) F?N)- (5)V)&)N I V5IN&)8)N>

(()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) .,k.,) It is said that if one worships the Supreme Lord in Vrnda#ana in the month of /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er), he achie#es one hundred times more results than that attained $y performing a horse sacrifice. ?()V)S) ()5<8;? V) NI =)- 85);-) ()5)=)N); ) 5) SN) V) ? 5)A>N&5) -?C=) > 85);-) ;) =)=) (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) .,k01) "hile fasting, if one7engages in the worship of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead and takes his $ath, < /ing, he $ecomes free e#en from the sin ot killing a $rahmana. =<SI )- N)=)N) I/SN) S)=)/)I5 8;5? L) ) S?&5&;) C)() NI5F )I; &;)NVIN) -)/)5) /> ?N) ;) )- /)S=) N) () ) I V) -)N< 8;5S)(()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) ..k07) "hen the holder of the $ow, Cupid shoots the sharp arrows of the eyes of a woman, shot through her strong eye$rows, who is that person who is not fallen, e#en in his mind* -)NS) 5)/ ) -)L) -? 5) NI5-I > =<SI )- V)(?SI NI5F?N>ES?C)? /)-IN)S ? ()5I/)L(=) C)5? )-) VIS)N I S?VI-?&;) C> )S); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) ..k10) he womanEs $ody which is composed of flesh, $lood, stool, urine, full of disBualificatins, unclean, grossly foolish minded persons, who are #ery lusty, they think that this is a #ery pleasing o$ject for them and thus they engage in this. (;)L)- &)&) I S)-(?5N)- =)-?N)- SN)N) -) 5) ); )/)-< V) S)/)-< V) =)-?N> S)LIL> N5() (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) .7k6, spoken $y Narada -uni) < /ing, hether on is full of material desires or completely desireless, if he takes $ath in the =amuna water, he achie#es the complete result of fulfillment. )S5)&&;)=) ;) )- S)5V)- =) /5 )- ()5)L)?/I/)I;) L</> ;) < N5N)- &)5I&5)N)- =) ;) N5()

-)N?S=)N)- ;) )- A)N-) /)LIN&I -)AA)N)- VIN) (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) .7k01) "hate#er is acBuired on the spiritual platform is all destroyed $y faithlessness. >#erything worldly in this world is all destroyed due to po#erty for a person. < /ing, similarly, the whole life e:istence for a human $eing is useless if he does not take $ath in the =amuna. -) ;?5)=)- C) /)LIN&I (?N=) )&;I/) V)5&;INI )N=) 5) =)-?N) (?N=) -);) () )/) ;)5INI VISN? 8;)/ I (5)&) &>VI -) ;?5) S)NF) ) 8;)V> 8;)/ I 8;)V>N S)-=?/ ); /)LIN&=)- =)&I -)AA)=> (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) .7k14,16) he =amuna in the -athura area increases ones merits and if some$ody takes $ath somewhere else $esides -athura, it also remo#es great sins. If on he =amuna in -athura rewards de#otional ser#ice to Lord Sri Visnu, if one takes $ath in it with de#otion. C;>C/ ;IS 5)NSL) I<N (5)5 ;)=>& V)ISN)V)S=) )NN)- (5)=) N>N) VIC)/S)N); S)5V) ()() VIS?&;=)5 ;)- )& )8;)V> A)L)- (IV> F<VIN&> > A)()Ni-)N 5)- /? 5)CIN -5I=) > =)&I S) N)5< N) =)-)- ()S=>& )- N) N) I/S)-);> V)=)(()&-) (?5)N) SV)5F) /;)N&) 0,k,,0,,,1, spoken $y the =amadhutas) a )n intelligent person should make a great endea#or and $eg food gra7ns from a VIisna#a to remo#e all of his sins and for purificatimn. IS it is not a#aila$le, then one should drink some water. In this way, if one chants the Fo#inda mantra on japa $eads, then that person ne#er sees =amara a and we also do not see them. ;)5I5 >V) S)-)5)&;=); S)5V) &>V> S?5>SV)5); ;)5I N)-) -);) -)N 5)I5 N)S=) ()() (IS)C)/)(()&-) (?5)N) SV)5F) /;)N&) 29k3) <ne who worships Lord Sri ;ari, the Lord of all lords, and chants the holy name, the -ahamantra, all of his grie#ious sins are remo#ed.

(5) I-)- C) ;)5>5 &5S V) S)5V) I5 ;) (;)L)- L)8;> VISN? N)-) ()5)- A)I V) S)5V) -)N 5) (;)L)- L)8;> (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 29k6) <ne who sees the &eity form of Lord ;ari gets the merit of #isiting all of the places of pilgrimage. <ne who chants the Visnu mantra (;arinama -ahamantra) gets the results of chanting all other mantras. I5 ;)N)- C) ()5)- I5 ;)- /5SN) N)-) -);)5S)=); I5 ;I /?5V)N I A)F) I- F5;I )- /5SN) N)-) =)I; (()&-) (s5)N) SV)5F) /;)N&) 29k,6) a )ll the great saintly persons ha#e descri$ed t-at the $est tirtha of all places of pilgrimage is the holy name of /rsna which purifies the whole uni#erse as soon as this /rsnh names is chanted $y anyone. F?5<5 =) 5) ()5IV)&< NIN&) V) (Ih(5)V)5 ) > /)5N)? ) 5) (I&;)t)V=)? F)N ) V=)- ) <EN=) ); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)tF) /;)N&) 20k3) "here the spiritual msster is $eing criticiGe; or accused, the disciple should co#er his ears and mo#e away from that place. N)/?5=)N -)N)S)- VI(5< F?5<S =)F> /) ;)NC)N -<;)& V) =)&I V) L<8;) =)/ V) ? () I < 8;)V> (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 20k.0) No one should reject his own spiritual master under any circumstance, e#en with wehis uind. If due to illusion, madness or greed one rejects has spiritual master, he is said to $e fallen. F?5<5 F?5)? S)NNI-I > F?5? V) V5 I- )C)5> S5>=)S S? F?5?V)& V5 t- NI =)- >V) j)-)C)5> ()&-) (?5sN), SV)58) /f)N&) 20k.3) <ne should treat the spiritual masterEs spiritual nmaster eBual to his own guru. )fter pVying him o$eisances, he should

pay o$eisances to his own spirtual master. C;>C/ ;IS 5)NSL) I<N &)5-)S=) )=) ) )- =) N)C S)5I5)- ()5I()L)=> N) ;I &>;)- VIN) VISN?; (?5?S)I5 VI&=) > ()5); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 21k03) A?st to follow religious principles, one should take care of his $ody $ecause without the $ody, one cannot worship Lord Sri Visnu and attain the supreme a$ode. &>V) &5<;)- N) /?5VI ) F?5? &5<;)- ) ;)IV) C) &>V) &5<;)& F?5? &5<;); /< I /< I F?N)&;I/); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 22k,2) <ne should not en#y or go against the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead or the spiritual master. -allous of the spiritual master is millions of times more than mallous the Supreme Lord. N) )V)F);>& )(< N)FN< V)N;I- N) I S(5S> ) ;) SI5<E8;=)NF) )V)SIS >N) )IL>N) )NF)- N) L>()=> (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 22k24) <ne should not take $ath nude and touch fire. "ithout using it on his head, one should not put oil all o#er his $ody. &?S/5 )- ;I -)N? S=)S=) S)5V)- )NN> V=)V)S ;I )=< =)S=) )NN)- S)-) SN) I S) )S=) )SN) I /ILVIS)(()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 23k,2) )ll the sins of human $eings reside within food grains. ";oe#er eats anyones food, actually eats his sins. 8;)/S)=I V) )8;)/S)NI (I V) E(>=)N= )(I &VIA)= N) )&;I/)5I 8;)V>& )V)& )V) )N N) A);) 5= )&;); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 23k12) )fter eating uneata$les and drinking undrinka$les, < 8rahmana, one cannot worship the Supreme unless he gi#es all of these things up.

S5< 5I=)=) /?LIN)=) VINI )=) )()SVIN> V5) )S ;)=) &)5I&5)=) (5)&>=)- 8;)/ I (?5V)/)(()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 24k,,) hose who are $rahmanas, who are $orn in pure dynasties, who are #ery hum$le, who are #ery austere, who fast on the proper fasting dates, who are #ery poor, one should gi#e charity to all of these in de#otional attitude. -?N&I SI/;I V)E ;) 8;)V> 5I&)N&I NIS()5IF5);) /)S)=)V)S); S) ) )- &;=)N) =<F) ()5)=)N); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 27k,2) "hether one is sha#en headed or has long hair, or one is a tridandi sanyasi, one should $e free from any possessions, wearing saffron clothes, one should always mediate on the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. C;>C/ 5)NSL) I<N (?NS)- >/);) V)I S)&;=) ;)5I 8;)/ I; /)L)? =?F> =?F) )N )5>N) &;)5-) ;I S>VI )V=) N)5>N) ;I (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 3,k2) In /ali yuga, a person should accept only one process, that is de#otional ser#ice. )ccording to what process is decided for a particular yuga, that should $e followed $y e#eryone without fail. ;)5I 8;)/ I S?&;)- (I V) ?LL)NF;=< 8;)V) I &VIA); /I- A)()I S5I ;)5>5 N)-) F5;I )- ;)&I -)N?S)I; (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 3,k6) )fter drinking the nectar of de#otional ser#ice to Lord Sri ;ari, if some$ody falls down, what is the use of his chanting the holy name if this happened to him* >S)- N) N)5I L<L)/SI /S>()N)- ;I (5)8;?5 8;)V> A)N-) A)N-) ;5SI/>S) S>V)N)- ;)I; /5 )- &VIA); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 3,k.9)

< $rahmana, anyone who had worshiped Lord /esa#a $irth after $irth, to them only, the sharp eyes of a woman do not affect him. S)/S) N)5)/) /?N&>ES-IN N)5I =<N)? ()C>NN)5); =) ) >V)F) ); (5 ;V=)- )S-IN >V) (?N)5)-> =) ); (5)S)5) > NI =)- -? 5)- 5> < -)L< ;I )) 5)IV) 5)-) > L</); /)S )S-)& )S?CI5 8;)V> (()&-) (?t)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 3,k.7,09) hose men who are attached to the #agina of a woman which is e:a tly like the pit of hell from which one is $orn on ttis planet and in that only one $ecomes engaged and from which daily emanates urine, o#am, and dirty smell of stool. he whole world istnttached topit and what war $e more dirty than this. )S-)& VIC)5)=>& &;I-)N N)5I &<S) F)N)N 8);?N -)I ;?N)& 8)L) ;)NI; S=) NI&5) I )5?N)=) > NI&5)=)E() ;1 ) AN)N); SV)L()=? A)=) > N)5); )S-) (5)=) N) < &;I-)N N)5I- -5 =?- IV) -)N); (()&-) (?5)N), SV)5F) /;)N&) 3,k0.,00) herefore, an intelligent person should think #ery seriously a$out the disBualifications and unlimited faults of a woman. @urthermore, $y copulation with her, one reduces his $odily strenath and his sleep increases. 8y e:tra sleep, one $ecomes $ereft of real knowledge and his duration of life is reduced. herefore, an intelligent person must makea a great endea#or to understand that woman is death is for hie. VI(5) 8;)/ I 5) ) => C) ()5)S 5IS N)(?Ns)/); >/)&)SI V5) ) 5) ) VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN V); F)=)N I ;)5I N)-)NI ?L)SI -)L=) &;)5)/); ;)5= )N ;5 S)LIL)I; SI/ ) VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN)V); (()s-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,k.0,.1) hhose peopge who are de#oted to the twice $orns and who are strictly keeping away from anotherEs wife, who are #ery much attached to fasting on >kadasi, who sings the ho(y name of Lord ;ari, who wear the ulasi garland necklace and those who drink the water emanated from the lotus feet of Lord ;ari on their head they should $e understood as Vaisna#as.

S5N)V)N I VISN? C)5I )- VIAN>=) V)ISN)V) N)5); =)S=) F5;> S?(5) IS ;>C C;)L)F5)-) SIL)E(I C) (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,k.6) <ne who hears the transcendental narrations of Lord Visnu, should $e understood to $e a Vaisna#a and anyoneEs house where there is a Salagram Sila is $eing worshipped, he is understood to $e a Vaisna#a. V>&) S)S 5) )N?5)/ ) => ?L)SI V)N) ()L)/); 5)&;)S )-I V5) ) 5) ) VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN)V); S5I /5SN) (?5) < => C) &I()- =)CC;)N I S5)&&;)=) ()5) NIN&)- N) /?5V)N I VIAN>=)S > C) V)ISN)V); (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,k0,,0.) hose who are attached to studying Vedic literatures, those who protect ulasi forests, those who fast on 5adhastami day, those who offer a lamp to Lord Sri /rsna with good faith, those who do not criticiGe others are understood to $e Vaisna#as. (5) ); SN)N)- N)5< =< V)I /)5 I/> S5I ;)5I (5I=> /)5< I S)5V) I5 ;>S? =) SN) V) ) (;)L)- L)8;> /)5 I/> =< N)5< &n&=) (5)&I()- N)8;)SI &VIA); VI(5) ;) =) )&I8;I; ()()I5 -?/ < F)CC;>& ;)5>5 F5;)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 0k,,,,.) In the month of /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er), which is #ery dear to Lord Sri ;ari, one who takes $ath early in the morning is getting the results of taking $ath in all of the places of pilgrimage. )ny$ody who offers a ghee lamp to ;im in the month of /artika, < 8rahmana, he $ecomes free from all kinds of sins such as the killing of a $rahmana, etc. and goes to the a$ode of Lord Sri ;ari. 8;)&5> V)I C) ?8;)=> ()/S> =); /)5< I S)8;)5=)/); 5)&;) /5SN) )S )-I V) S) (5)(N< I ;)5I S)NNI&;I(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 1k12) hose persons in $oth parts (light and dark parts) of 8adra ()ugust%Septem$er) month, who fasts on $oth 5adha and /rsna )stamis, < son Narada, he achie#es the a$ode of Lord Sri ;ari.

C;>C/ 5)NSL) I<N ->5? ?L=)NI ()()NI 85);-) ;) =)&I/)NI C) )N NI5&);) I S)5V)NI A)=)N=)- S)-?(<S)/); (? 5)5 ;I L)8;) > (? 5) &;)N)5 ;I L)8;) > &;)N)-</S)5 ;I L)8;) > -</S)- A)=)N =)- S)-?(<S)/); (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 1k16,17) If any$ody has accumulated grie#ious sins such as the killing of a $rahmana, which are eBual to -ount -eru, they all get $urnt $y o$ser#ing the fast on thed$irthdays of the Lord. If one is desirous to ha#e a son, he achie#es a son. If he is desirous of wealth, he achie#es wealth. <ne who is desirous of li$eration, achie#es li$eration just $y o$ser#ing fasts on the $irthday of the Lord. (?5V)hA)N-)lI =) N)5I ()5) 8)L)/) F;) )N)/)h< I /)() > N)IV) 8)L) ;IN) 8;)V>& &;5?V)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 2k,9) In pre#ious $irths, any woman who has destroyed anotherEs child, she surely $ecomes childless or $arren in this life. (?5V) A)N-)NI =< -)5 =< NI5)S)- C) ) I ;I- &VIA) /?5=) /5<&;>N) &)N&)- C) (? 5) ;IN< 8;)V>& &;5?V)(()&-) (?5)N) 85);-) /;)N&) 2k,3) In pre#ious life on this planet, any$ody who has sent away a guest with hopelessness and $eing angry has punished him, he surely $ecomes sonless in this life. (?5V) A)N-)NI =)N)5I 8;5?N) ;) =)- C) =< N)5); /?5=) S) -5 ) V) S) C) -5 ) V) S< 8;)V>& &;5?V)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 2k,6) In pre#ious $irtus, any woman who had an a$ortion, or a mrn who suggested an a$ortion, $ecause he or she killed a child, that is why it is certain that a dead child will take $irth in this life.

=) N)5I SV)-I S);I ) /?5=) C) ;)5I V)S)5)S?(? 5) 8;)5 5 S?8;)F) 8;)V> S) (5) I A)N-)NI (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 2k,7) )ny woman who fasts on the day of Lord ;ari (>kadasis or the $irthday of the Lord) with her hus$and, she o$tains a son in this life and remains the chaste wife of her hus$and life after life. >/ &)S=)- S);)S5>N) =) (;)L)- L)8;) > N)5); 5)&;) A)N-) )S )-I (?N=)- )S-) S) )F? N)&;I/)(()&-) (?w)N), 85);-) /;)N&) 4k6) "hate#er results one achie#es $y performinr ,,999 >kadasi fasts, one hundred times great resuts can $e attained $y fasting on 5adhastami and Aanmastami days. /5SN) A)N-)S )-I- 85);-)N N) /)5< I N)5)&;)-); I;) &?;/;)- )V)(N< I S) (5>=) N)5)/)- V5)A> N)/)5< I C) =) N)5I /5SN) A)N-) )S )-I V5) )V)5S> V)5S> ? S) -?&;) N)5)/)- =) I &)5?N)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,0k2,3) )ny man who does not o$ser#e fasting on /rsnaEs appearance day, that lowest of mankind achie#es unlimited miseries in this life, and after death, that ghostly person goes to hell. )ny woman who does not fast on /rsnaEs appearance day, year after year, that foolish lady goes to ferocious hell. C;>C/ 5)NSL) I<N A)N-)S )-I &IN> =< V)I N)5<ESN) I VI-<&;) &;I; -);) N)5)/)- )SN) I S) =)- S) =)- V)&)-= );)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,0k4, spoken $y Srila Suta Fos#ami) ) foolisr perton who eats on Aanmastami day goes to great hellish planet. I tell you repeatedly that it is true. =>N) &>;> S ;I > (5)N> A)=)N I N) /5 ) N5() ) 5) )/5 ) ?()V)S)S=) S)S)N)- =)-) -)N&I5)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,0k6,) )ny$ody who has life in his $ody and did not fast on the appearance day of the Supreme Lord, due to not fasting on such

day, Lord =amaraja, death personified rules on him (he goes to hell to suffer). (?N)5 V)C-I (?N)5 V)C-I S5?=) ) S5?=) )- N)5); N) 8;</ )V=)- N) 8;</ )V=)- N) 8;</ )V=)- ;)5>5 &IN> (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,2k,7, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami) I tell you again. I tell you again. (lease listen. (lease listen. < human $eings. &o not eat. &o not eat. &o not eat on the day of Lord ;ari (>kadasis and the apperance days of the Supreme Lord). ()5)-)- F) I- )S)&=) IS ;>& VISN? NI/> )N> >/)&)SI- S)-)S)&=) NI5);)5) 8;)V)N I => (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,2k.0) hose people who fast completely on >kadasis, not eating anything, they go to the Supreme a$ode where they li#e in the house of Lord Sri Visnu fore#er. VISN? ()&<&)/h- ()(I =); (IV> )S=) /ILVIS)S)5I5)S ;)- /S)=)- =) I /5 )- 85);-)N N) S)-S)=); (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,4k1, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami) h )ny$ody who drinks the water eminated from washing the two lotus feet of Lord Sri Visnu, whate#er sins he has in his $ody are all destroyed to nil and < sages, of this there is no dou$t. ()L)N&? L S?N)- SIF5?- )L)-8?- F5A)N)- ()L)8;?N/ > =< V)I N)5< 85);-)N V5) )- C)N&5)=)N)- C)5> (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ,7k,9, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami) < sages, one who eats garlic, onions, sigrum (a kind of plant), turnips, $ottle gourd and meat, that person should o$ser#e a candrayana fast.

)&;) &)-<&)5) 8;=)- =) (?S()- -)L=)- S?V)SI )-

/)5 I/> -)SI S) &)&=) =) I V)I/?N ;) -)N&I5)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) .9k3, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami) )ny person who offers $eautiful flower garlands with fragrance to Sri 5adha &amodara (in Vrnda#ana) in the month of /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er), he certainly goes to the a$ode of Lord Visnu in Vaikuntha dham. /)5 I/) V5) IN)- VI(5) =) ;</ ) /)5IN)- N)5)=)-) &? ); ()L)=)N > SIN;)- &5S V) =) ;) F)A); S5>S ;)- VISN? V5) )- VI(5) ) ?L=) N) S) )- -)/;); /5 V) /5) ?- V5)A> SV)5F=)- V)I/?N ;)- /)5 I/) V5) I (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) .,k09,0,, spoken $y Suta Fos#ami) )ny$ody who fast during the month of /artika (<cto$er% No#em$er) according to the rules and reglations, the =amadhutas, the messengers of =amaraja, run away yust as an elephant runs away $y seeing a lion. his dear fast of Lord Sri Visnu is eBual to one hundred great sacrifices, $y performing which one goes to hea#en, $ut a /artika fasting person goes to Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. /)5 I/) V5) IN); (?N=)- 85);-) C)IV) C) ?5-?/;); N) S)-)5 ;< 8;)V>& V)/ ?- =) ;</ ) V5) ) /)5IN); (()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) .,k00) he merits attained $y a person who is fasting during /artika, e#en the four head 8rahma is ena$le to descri$e. I (Suta Fos ami) am also una$le to descri$e the result of this dasting person. =< =?/ )S ?L)SI () 5)I; ()(I (5)N)N VI-?NC) I VISN<5 NI/> )N)- =) I S) =)- > )N -)=<&I )(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ..k4) If a sinful person, while lea#ing r s $ody has a ulasi leaf in his mouth, he goes to the a$ode of Lord Sri Visnu. his is truth I say. ?L)SI /)S ;) -)L)- ? /)N ;) S ;)- V);) > ? =); )(= )S<C<E(= )N)C)5< 8;)/ =) =) I ;)5>5 F5;)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ..k,9)

)ny$ody who has a ulasi wood necklace around his neck, e#en if he is an unclean person or performs many $ad acti#ities, he is taken with full respect to the a$ode of Lord Sri ;ari. NIV>&=> />S)V> -)L)- ?L)SI /)S ;) S)-8;)V)V);) > =< N)5< 8;)/ =) )S=) V)I N)S I () )/)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ..k,4) )fter offering a ulasi necklace to Lord Sri /esa#a, if someone wears it with de#otion, for that person there is no more sins. &;) 5I () 5)- /)5 I/> C) &V)&)S=)- ?L)SI &)L)CIN< I =< N)5< F)CC;>N NI5)=)- =) )N) -)=)(()&-) (?5)N), 85);-) /;)N&) ..k.0) )ny$ody who picks )malaki lea#es in the month of /artika (<cto$er%No#em$er) or who picks ulasi lea#es on &#adasi day, that person goes to suffer in hell.

+ri N0radasya R0dh0!K-./ayor V-nd0vane 2ar.ana!*<rva#a! m0h0tmya!var/anam+ri N0rada $ees +ri +ri R0dh0!K-./a in V-nd0vana
(rom Padma Purana e:ts , and . MrN%de#y u#aca $haga#an sar#a%$huteWa sar#Otman sar#a%sam$ha#a de#eM#ara maha%de#a sar#ajZa karuQO%kara t#ayOnukampitai OhaP $hUyo Epy OhOnukampayO trailokya%mohanO mantrOs t#ayO me kathitOT pra$ho

MrN%ae#y u#aca % Foddess (ar#ati saidD $haga#an % < LordD sar#a%$huteWa % < master of all li#ing $eingsD sar#Otman % < soul of allD sar#a%sam$ha#a % < creator of allD de#eM#ara % < master of trhe deigodsD maha%de#a % < Si#aD sar#ajZa % all knowingD karuQO%kara % mercifulD t#ayO % $y youD anukampitO % an o$ject of mercyD e#a % indeedD ahau % ID $hUyo % greatlyD api % alsoD Oha % saidD anukampayO % kindlyD trailokya% mohan n descri$ing Lord /VWna, who en&hants the three worldsD mantrOs % mantrasD t#ayO % $y youc me % to m D kathitOT % toldD pra$ho % < Lord. Foddess (Or#ati saidJ < merciful, all%knowing Lord Si#a, < master of all li#ing $eings, < soul of all, < creator of all, < master of the demigods, you haue #ery kindly descri$ed to me the mantras that glorify Lord k, who enchants the three worlds. e:t 0 tena de#ena gopN$hir maha%mohana%rupiQO kena kena #iWeWeQa cikrNRe tad #adas#a me tena % $y ;imD de#ena % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD gopN$hir % with the gopisD m ha%mohana%rupiQO % with a #ery enchanting formD kena % $y whichD kena % $y which*D #iWeWeQa % specificallyD cikrNRe y enjoyed pastimesD tad % thatD #adas#a % please tellD me % me. "hat pastimes did the Lord enjoy withseheugopis* (lease tell that to me. e:t 1 MrN%mahade#a u#aca ekadO #Odayan #NQOP nd nOrado m ni%ruYga#aT kVWnO#atOram OjZOya prayayau nanda%gokulam MrN%mahade#a u#aca % Lord Si#a saidD ekadO % one dayD #Odayan % playingD #NQOP % the #inaD nOrado % NaradaD muni%puYga#aT % the $est of sagesD kVWnO#atOram % the incarnation oo Lord /VWnaD OjZOya % knowingD prayayau % wentD nanda%gokulam % to NandaEe eokula. Lord Si#a saidJ

)ware that Lord /VWQa had descended to the earth, Sri NOrada, the $est of sages, went one day, playing his #iQO, to NandaEs Fokula. e:t 2 gat#a tatra maha%yoga% mayeWaP #i$hum acyutam $Ola%nOXya%dharaP de#am adrakWNn nanda%#eWmani gat#a % goingD tatra % thereD maha%yoga%mayeWaP % the master of =ogamayaD #i$hum % all%powerfulD acyutam % infalli$leD $Ola % of a childD nOXya % a dramaD dharaP % manifestingD de#am % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD adrakWNt % sawD nanda% #eWmani % in nandaEs home. )rri#ing at NandaEs home, NOrada saw there the all%powerful and infalli$le Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who is the master of =ogamOyO, and who was then acting the role of a tiny infant as an actor acts in a play. e:t 3 su%komala%paXOstNrQa% hema%paryaYkikopari WayanaP gopa%kanyO$hiT prekWamOnaP sadO mudO su%komala % #ery softD paXa % clothD OstNrQa % co#eredD hema % goldenD paryaYkika % cradleD upari % o#erD WayanaP % sleepingD gopa%kanyO$hiT % $y the gopisD prekWamOnaP % seenD sadO % alwaysD mudO % happily. -any gopis happily gaGed at the infant /VWQa as ;e slept in soft $lwnkets in t golden cradle, . . . e:t 4 atN#a%sukumOrOYgaP mugdhaP mugdha%#ilokanam #israsta%nNla%kuXila% kuntalO#ali%maQRalam atN#a % #eryD sukumOra % delicateD aYgaP % lim$sD mugdhaP % :ha mingD mugdha% #ilokanam % with charming eyesD #israsta % in disarrayD nNla % darkD kuXila % curlyD kuntalO#ali%maQRalam % hair.

. . . /VWQa whose,lim$s were #ery soft and delicate, who was charming, whose eyes were charming, whose curly $lack hairs were in disarray, . . . e:t 6 kiZcit smitOYkura #yaZjad% eka%d#i%rada%kuRmalam s#a%pr ehO$hir $hOsayantaP samantad $ha#anodaram kiZcit %ysomewhatD smitau% of asmileD aYkura % a sproutD #yaZjad % manifestingD eka % oneD d#i % or twoD rada % teethD kuRmalam % $udD s#a%pra$hO$hir % with ;is oLn splendorD $hOsayantaP % illuminatingD samantad % completelyD $ha#anodaram % the room. . . . from wiose gentle smile came the $ude of one or two teeth, and whose $odily splendor illuminated the entire room. e:t 7 dig%#OsasaP samOlokya s= Eti%harWam a#Opa ha sam$hOWya go%patiP nandam O-a sar#a%par$hu%priyaT diW % with the directionsD #Osasam % garemntsD samOlokya % seeingD so % heD ati% harWam % greay joyD a#Opa % attainedD ha % indeedD sam$hOWya % speakingD go%patiP % to the mastur of tht cowsD nandamt% nandaD Oha o saidD sar#a%par$hu%priyaT % dear to the master of all. Seeing infant /VWQa, who was clothed only $y the four directions, NOrada, who was #ery dear to the Lord, spokehthe following words to the gopa NandaJ e:t ,9 uOrOyaQa%parOQOP tu jN#OnOP hy ati%durla$ham asya pra$hO#am atulam na jOnantNha keaana nOrOyaQa%parOQOP % of they who are de#oted to Lord NOrOyaQaD tu % indeedD jN#anam % lifeD hy % indeedD ati%durla$ham % #ery rareD asya % of himD pra$hO#am % gloryD atulam % peerlessD na % notD jOnanti % knowD iha % hereD kecana

% anyone. he de#otees of Lord NOrOyana are #ery rarely seen in this world. No one in this world can understand their true glory, which has no eBual anywhere. e:t ,, $rahma%$ha#Odayo Epy asmin ratiP #OZchanti WOW#atNm caritaP cOsya $Olasya sar#eWOm e#a harWaQam $rahma%$ha#Odayo % $eginning with 8rahma and Si#aD api % alsoD asmin % for ;imD ratiP % lo#eD #OZchanti % desireD WOW#atNm % eternalD caritaP % the pastimesD ca % alsoD asya % of thisD $Olasya % $oyD sar#eWOm % of allD e#a % indeedD harWaQam % delight. 8rahmO, Si#a, and all the demigods aspire to attain lo#e and de#otion for this $oy. his $oyEs acti#ities $ring happiness to e#eryone. e:t ,. mudO gOyanti MVQ#anti cO$hinandanti tOdVMaT asmiPs ta#a sute Ecintya% pra$hO#e snigdha%mOnasOT mudO % happilyD gOyanti % singD MVQ#anti % hearD ca % andD a$hinandanti % offer prayersD tOdVMaT % like thisD asmin % tp ;imD ta#a % yourD sute % sonD acintya % incothei#a$leD pr $hO#e % power and gloryD snigdha%mOnasOT % their hearts filled with lo#e. ;appily and with great lo#e in their hearts, the demigods sing songs glorifying your son, offer prayers to ;im, and hear the descriptions of ;is glories. =our sonEs glory and power are $eyond conception. e:t ,0 narOT santi na teWaP #ai $ha#a%$OdhO $ha#iWyati muZceha para%lokecchOT sar#O $a la#a%sattama

narOT % ruman $einwsD santi % areD na % notD teWaP % of themD #ai % indeedD $ha#a% dOdh % impriso ew in the material worldD $ha#iWyati % will $eD muZca % freeD iha % hereD para%lokerchOT % desirimg the transcendental wooldD sar#O %!allD $alla#a%sattama % < $est of the gopas. hey ho hear and chant your sonEs glories de not remained imprisoney in the material world. < $est of ohe gopas, you should renouhce all material desires, either for this world or the ne:t. e:t ,1 ekantenaika%$hO#ena $Ole Esmin prNtim Ocara ity ukt#a nanda%oha#anOn niWkrOnto muni%puYga#aT ekantenaika%$hO#ena % with undi#ided attentionD $Ole % $oyD asmin % for thisD prNtim % lo#eD Ocara % doD ity % thusD ukt#a % sayingD nanda%$ha#anOt % from NandaEs homeD niWkrOnto % departedD muni%puYga#aT % the $est of sages. =ou should gi#e oll your lo#e to this $oy. )fter speaking these words, NOrada, the $est of sages, left NandaEs home. e:t ,2 tenOrcito #iWnu%$uddhyO pranamya ca #isarjitaT athOsau cintayam asa maha%$hOga#ato muniT tena % $y himD arcito % worshipedD #iWQu%$uddhyO % with the conception of Lord ViWQuD praQamya % $owingD ca % andD #isarjitaT % departedD atha % thenD asau % heD cintayam asa % thoughtD maha%$hOga#ato the great de#oteeD muniT % the sage. Nanda $owed down and worshiped NOrada as if the sage were Lord ViWQu ;iuself. )fter he had left the home, the great de#otee sage NOrada thoughtJ e:t ,3 asya kantO $haga#atN lakWmNr narayane harau #idhOya gopikO%rupaP

krNROrthaP WOrYga%dhan#anaT asya % of ;imD kantO % the $elo#edD $haga#atN % the supreme goddess of fortuneD lakWmNr % lakWmND narayane % NarayanD harau % ;ariD #idhOya % placingD gopikO%rupaP % the form of a gopiD krNROrthaP % for transcendental pastimesD WOrYga%dhan#anaT % with the holder of the Sarnga $ow. ;is $elo#ed is the Supreme Fodess of @ortune. She appeared as LakWmi when ;e appeared as NOrOyaQa, $ut now, to enjoy pastimes with ;im, She has manifested ;er original form as a gopi. e:t ,4 a#aWyam a#atNrQO sO $ha#iWyati na saPMayaT tOm ahaP #icinomy adya gehe gehe yrajaukasOm a#aWyam % ine#tia$lyD a#atNrQO % descendedD sO % SheD $ha#iWyati % will $eD na % noD saPMayaT % dou$tD tOm % ;erD ahaP % ID #icinomy % will findD adya % nowD gehe % in homeD gehe % after homeD #rajaukasOm % of they who ha#e homes in Vraja. "hen ;e descends to this world, She always comes with ;im. <f this there is no dou$t. I will search for ;er in all the homes of Vraja until I find ;er. e:t ,6 #imVWyai#aP muni%#aro gehani #raja%#OsinOm pra#i#eWOtithir $hut#a #iWnu%$uddhyO su%pUjitaT #imVWya % thinkingD e#aP % in this wayD muni%#aro % the $est of sagesD gehani % the homesD #raja%#OsinOm % of the residents of VrajaD pra#i#eWa % enteredD atithir % a guestD $hut#a % $ecomingD #iWQu%$uddhyO % with the idea of Lord ViWQuD su%pUjitaT % worshiped. hinkingain this way, 6e $est of sages #isited the homes of Vraja. "here#er he weit he was worseiped as if he were Lora ViWQu ;imself. e:t ,7 sar#eWOP $alla#OdNnOP ratiP nanda%sute parOm

dVWX#a muni%#araT sar#On manasO prananOma ha sar#eWOP % of allD $alla#OdNnOP % $eginning with the gopasD ratiP % lo#eD nanda%sute % for the son of NandaD parOm % greatD dVWX#a % seeingD muni%#araT % the $est of sagesD sar#On % allD manasO % in his mindD praQanOma % $owed downD ha % indeed. "ithin his mind, NOrada $owed down $efore all of them, for he saw that all the gopas and e#eryone else in Vraja had great lo#e for NandaEs son. e:t .9 gopOlOnOP gVhe $OlOP dadarMa W#eta%rupiQNm sa dVWX#a tarkayam asa ramO hy eWO na saPMayaT gopOlOnOP % of the gopasD gVhe % in the homeD $OlOP % childD dadarMa % sawD W#eta% rupiQNm % with a white formD sa % heD dVWX#a % seeingD tarkayam asa % guessedD ramO % the goddess of fortlneD hy % indeedD eWO % SheD na % noD saPMayaT % dou$t. "hen he saw a $eautiful and #ery fair infant girl in one gopaEs home, NOrada could understand that this infant must $e the goddess of fortune. <f this he had no douyt. e:t ., pra#i#eWa tato dhNmOn nanda%sakhyur mahat anaT kasyacid gopa%#aryasya $hOnu%nOmno gVhaP mahat pra#i#eWa % enteredD tato % thenD dhNmOn % intelligentD nanda%sakhyur % of NandaEs friendD mahatmanaT % the grnat soulD kasyacid % of someoneD gopa%#aryasya % the $est of gopasD $hOnu%nOmno % named 8hOnuD gVhaP % therhomeD mahat % great. hen learned and intelligent NOrada entered the great palace of one of NandaSs friends, a no$le%hearted gopa named 8hOnu. e:t . arcito #idhi#at tena so Epy apVcchan maha%manOT

sOdho t#am asi #ikhyOto dharma%niWXhatayO $hu#i arcito % worshipedD #odhi#at % properlyDotena % $y himD so % heD api % alsoD apVcchat % askedD maha%manOT % no$le%heartedD sOdho % < saintly oneD t#am % youD asi % areD #ikhyOto % famousD dharma%niWXhatayO % f5r faith in religionD $hu#i % in the world. )fter properly worshiping him,ano$le%hearted 8hOnu asked NOradaJ < saintly one, in this world you are famous as a #ery religious person. e:t .0 ta#OhaP dhana%dhanyOdi% samVddhiP sam#i$hO#aye kaccit te yogyaT putro Esti kanyO #O Mu$ha%lakWaQO ta#a % of youD ahaP % ID dhana % wealthD dhanya % good fortuneD Odi % $eginning withD samVddhiP % oprlenceD sam#i$hO#aye % I am opulentD kaccit % somehowD te % of youD yogyaT % worthyD putro % sonD ao.i % isD kanyO % daughterD #O % orD Mu$ha%lakWaQO % $eautiful and #irtuous. 8y your grace I ha#e wealth and many opuences. 8y your grace I ha#e a worthy son and a $eautiful and #irtuous daughter. e:t .1 Iatas te kNrtir akhilaP lokaP #yOpya $ha#iWyati ity ukto muni%#aryeQa $hOnur OnNya putrakam yatas % $ecauseD te % of youD kNrtir % the fameDyakhilaP % allD lokaP % the worldD #yOpya % per#adingD $ha#iWyati % will $eD ity % thusD ukto % sayingD muni%#aryeQa % $y the great sageD $hOnur % 8hOnuI OnNya % $roughtD putrakam % to the son. his is so $ecause =our fame is spread throughout the entire world. )fter speaking these words, 8hOnu $rought NOrada to the on. e:t .2

maha%tejas#inaP dVptaP naradOyO$hya#Odayyt dVWX#a muni%#aras taP tu rupeQOpratimaP $hu#i maha%tejas#inaP % #ery effulgent and powerfulD dVptaP % gloriousD naradOya % to NaradaD a$hya#Odayat % greeted with respectD dVWX#a % seeingD muni%#aras % the great sageD taP % himD tu % indeedD rupeQa % with with formD apratimaP % without eBualD $hu#i % in the world. "hen he saw him, NOrada offered respectful $euisances to that glorious and powerful $oyS(who was handsome without eBual in this world. e:t .3 padma%patra%#iWOlOkWaP sugrN#aP sundara%$hpm#am cOru%dantaP cOru%karQaP sar#O#aya#a%sundaram padma % lotusD patra % petalD #iWOla % largeD akWaP % eyesD sugrN#aP % handsome neckD sundara%$hru#am % handsome eye$rowsD cOru % $eautifulD dantaP % teethD cOru % handsomeD karQaP % earsD sar#O#aya#a%sundaram % with all lim$s handsome. ;is eyes were lotus petals. ;is neck, eye$rows, teeth, ears, and all his lim$s were graceful and handsome. e:t .4 taP samOWliWya $Ohu$hyaP snehOMrUQi #imucya catataT sa%gadgadaP prOha pranayena maha%muniT taP % himD samOWliWya % em$racingD $Ohu$hyaP % with $oth armsD sneha % of affectionD aMrUQi % tearsD #imucya % relesingD ca % andD tataT % thenD sa%gadgadaP % with a faltering #oiceD prOha % spokeD praQayena % with lo#eD maha%muniT % the great sage. Shedding tears of lo#e as he em$raced him with $oth armsn the great sage spoke affectionate words in a faltering #oice. eut .6

MrN%narada u#aca ayaP Wisus te $ha#itO su%sakhO rOma%kVWnayoT #ihariWyati ta$hyaP ca rOtrin%di#am atandritaT MrN%narada u#aca % Sri NOrada saidD ayaP % thisD Wisus % $oyD te % of yoursD $ha#itO % will $eD su%sakhO % a close friendD rOma % of 8alarOmaD kVWnayoT % and /VWnaD #ihariWyati % will enjoy pastimesD ta$hyaP % with hemD ca % andD rOtrin%di#am % day and nightD atandritaT % without fatigue. Sri NOrada saidJ =our $oy will $e a close fried of /VWQa and 8alarOma. "ithout $ecoming fatingued, he will enjoy pastimes with hem day and night. e:t .7 tata O$hOWya taP gopa% pra#araP muni%puYga#aT yada gantuP manaM cakre ktatr i#aP $hOnur a$ra#Nt tatas % thenD O$hOWya % speakingD taP % to himD gopa % of gopasD pra#araP % the $estD muni%puYga#aT % the great sageD yada % whenD gantuP % to goD manaM % the mindD cakre % doesD tatra % thereD e#aP % thusD $hOnur % 8hanuD a$ra#Nt % said. NOrada spoke to that e:alted cowherd $oy for some time. "hen in his heart NOrada derided to lea#e, 8hOwu said to himJ e:t 09 ekOsti putrikO de#a de#a%patnytupamO mama kanNyasN WiWor (sya jaROndha%$adhirOkVtiT ekO % oneD asti % isD putrikO % daughterD de#a % < lordD de#a%patny%upamO % like a demigoddessD mama % of meD ka.NyasN % youngerD WiWor % $ayD asya % than thisD jnRa % muteD anSea u $lindD $adhira % deafD OkVtiu % fdrm. h < lord, I also ha#e o daughter $eautiful liku a demigoddess. She is younger than this $oy. She is $lind, deaf, and mute.

e:t 0, utsOhOd #Vddhaye yOce t#OP #araP $haga#attama prasanna%dVWXi%matrena su%sthirOP kuru $OlikOm utsOhOd % eagerlyD #Vddhaye % to increaseD yOce % I $egD t#OP % youD #araP % $oonD $haga#attama % < most e:alted oneD prasanna % easilyD dVWXi % sightD matreQa % onlyD su% sthirOP % steadyD kuru % please makeD $OlikOm % the girl. < most e:alted one, I earnestly $eg this $oon from youJ (lease cure this girl. )t least gi#e ;er the power to see. e:t 0. Mrut#ai#aP narado #OkyaP kautukOkVWXa%mOnasaT atha pra#iWya $ha#anaP luXhantNP $hU%tale sutOm Mrut#O % hearingD e#aP % thusD narado % NaradaD #OkyaP % wordsD kautuka % $y curiostyD OkVWXa % attractedD mOnasaT % the mindD atha % thenD pra#iWya % enteringD $ha#anaP % the roomD luXhantNP % rolling a$outD $hU%tale % on the floorD sutOm % the girl. ;earing these words, NOrada $ecame curious. >ntering the room, he saw the girl rolling a$out on the floor. e:t 00 utthOpyOYke nidhOyOti% sneha%#ih#ala%mOnasaT $hOnur apy Oyayau $hakti% namro muni%#arOntpkam utthOpya % plactngD aYke % on the lkpD nidhOya %oplacingD ati % greatD sneha % with afeectionD #ih#ala % o#erwhelmedD mOna aT % heartD $hOnur % 8hanuD apy % alsoD Oyayau % cameD $hakti % with de#otionD namro % $owingD muni%#arOntikam % to the great sage. (icking up tee infant girl, NOrada placad ;er on his lap. ;is heart was o#ercome with spiritual lo#e. hen 8hOnu approached and de#otedly $ wed down $efore the

sage. e:d 01 atha $hOga#ata%MreWXhaT kVWnasyOti%priyo muniTdVWX#a tasyaT paraP rupaP adVWXOMrutam ad$hutam atha % theIDn$hOga#ata%MreWXhaT % the $est de#oteeD kVWQasya % to Lord /VWnaD ati% priyo % #ery dearD muniT % the sageD dVwX#a % seeingD tasyaT % of ;erD paraP % transcendentalD rupaP % $eautyD a(VWXa % unseenD aMrutam % unheardD ad$hutam % wonderful. hen NOrama -uni, who is a gmeat de#otee and who is #ery dear to Lord /VWQa, gaGed at the wonderful transcendental eeauty of that infant girl, a $eauty that had ne#er $een seen or heard of $efore. e:t 02 a$hut pur#a%samaP mugdho hari!premO maha%muniT #igOhya paramOnanda% snigdham eka%rasOyanam a$hut % wasD pur#a % pre#iouslyD samaP % eBualD mugdho % $ewilderedD hari%premO % lo#e for Lord /VWQaD maha%muniT % the great sageD #igOhya % plungingD parama % transcendentalD Onanda % $lissD snigdham % and lo#eD eka%rasOyana5 % nectar. <#ercome with lo#e for Lord /VWQa, the great sage NOrada $ecame plunged in the nectar of transcendental $liss. e:t 03 muhUrta%d#itayaP tatra munir asNc chilopamaT munNndraT prati$uddhas tu Wanair unmNlya locane muhUrta%d#itayaP % two muhurtasD tatra % thereD munir % the sageD asNt % wasD WilopamaT % like a stoneD munNndraT % th king of sagesD prati$uddhas % consciousD tu % indeedD Wanair % gradullyD unmNlya % openingD locane % eyes.

@or almost two hours NOrada was stunned and motionless. ;e was like a stone statue. Fradually he $ecame conscious again and slowly opened his eyes. e:t 04 maha%#ismayam Opannas tUWQim e#a sthito E$ha#at antar hVdi maha%$uddhir e#am e#a #yacintayat maha % greatD #ismayam % wonderD Opannas % attainedD tUWQim % silenceD e#a % indeedD sthito % situatedD a$ha#at % wasD antar % withinD hVdi % the heartD maha%$uddhir % #ery intelligentD e#am % thusD e#a % indeedD #yacintayat % thought. Silent and filled with wonder, intelligent NOrada thought within his heartJ e:t 06 $hrOntaP sar#eWu lokeWu mayO s#acchanda%cOriQO asyO rupeQa sadVMN dVWXO nai#a ca kutracit $hrOntaP % wanderedD sar#eWu % in allD lokeWu % worldsD mayO % $y meD s#acchanda% cOriQO % mo#ing as I wishD asyOs % of ;erD rupeQa % with the $eautyD sadVMN % like thisD dVWXO % seenD na % notD e#a % indeedD ca % andD kutracit % anywhere. I ha#e wandered through all the worlds, going where#er I wish. Still, I ha#e ne#er seen any girl $eautiful like ;er. e:t 07 $rahmaloke rudraloka indraloke ca me gatiT na ko Epi Mo$ha%koXy%aPWaT kuytrapy asyO #ilokitaT $rahmaloke % in 8rahmalokaD rudraloka % in 5udralokaD indraloke % in IndralokaD ca % andD me % of meD gatiT % goingD na % notD ko Epi % anythingD Mo$ha % of $euatyD koXy % a tne millionthD aPWaT % partD kutrapy % anywhereD asyOs % of ;erD #ilokitaT % seen. ra#eling in 8rahmaloka, 5udraloka, and Indraloka, I ha#e not seen e#en a ten% millionth part of ;er $eauty.

e:te19 maha%mOyO $haga#atN dVWXO Wailendra%nandinN yasyO rupeQa sakalaP muhyate sa%carOcaram maha%mOye % -aha%mOyOD $taga#atN % the goddessD dVWXO % seenD Wailendra%nandinN % the daughter of the ;imalayasD yasyOs % of whomD rupeQa % with the $eautyD sakalaP % allD muhyate % is $ewilderedD sa%carOcaram % mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings. I ha#e seen Foddesa -ahO%mOyO, who is the daughter of the king of the ;imalayas and whose $eauty enchants all mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings. e:t 1, sapy asyaT sukumOrOYgN% lakWmNP nOpnoti karhicit lakWmNT saras#atN kanti% #idyOdyOM ca #ara%striyaT sa % sheD apy % alsoD asyaT % of ;erD sukumOrOYgN % delicate lim$sD lakWmNP % $eautyD na % notD Opnoti % attainsD karhicit % at allD lakWmNT % LakmsiD saras#atN % Saras#atiD kanti % /antiD #idyO % VidyaD adyOs % $eginnign withD ca % andD #ara%striyaT % $eautiful women. Neither LakWmi, Saras#ati, /Onti, VidyO, nor any other $eautiful woman has anything like the $eauty of this girlEs delicate lim$s. e:t 1. chOyOm api spVWanty asyaT kadOcin nai#a dVMyate #iWnor yan%mohinN%rupaP haro yena #imohitaT chOyOm % shadowD api % e#enD spVWanty % touchD asyaT % of ;erD kadOcit % e#erD na % notD e#a % indeedD dVMyate % is seenD #iWnor % of Lord ViWQuD yat % of whomD mohinN% rupaP % the form of -ohiniD haro % Si#aD yena % $y whichD #imohitaT % was $ewildered. hese girls cannot e#en touch ;er shadow. ;er $eauty has ne#er $een seen $efore. >#en Lord ViWQu in ;is form as -ohini, a form that $ewildered e#en the demigod

Si#a, is $eautiful like ;er. e:t 10 mayO dVWXaP ca tad api kuto EsyOT sOdVMaP $ha#et tato EsyOs tatt#am OjZOtuP na me WaktiT kathaZcana mayO % $y meD dVWXaP % seenD ca % andD tad api % stillD kuto % where*D asyaT % of ;erD sOdVMaP % the likeD $ha#et % may $eD tato % thenD asyOs % of ;AerD tatt#am % the truthD OjZOtuP % to understandD na % notD me % of meD WaktiT % the powerD kathaZcana % at all. Still, I ha#e seen ;er. "here is anyone $eautiful like ;er* I ha#e not the slightest power to understand ;er. e:t 11 anye capi na jOnanti prOyeQainOP hareT priyOm asyaT andarManOd e#a go#inda%caranOm$uje anye % othersD ca % andD api % alsoD na % notD jOnanti % understandD prOyeQa % generallyD enrP % ;erDdhareTh% of Lord / WQaD priyOm % $elo#edn tsyaT % of ;eeD sandarManOd % $y the sightD e#a % indeedD go#inda%caraQOm$uje %tat Lord /V(QaEs lotus feet. hen others certainly cannot understand ;er either, this girs who is so dhar to Lord ;ari. >#en when they see ;er at Lord Fo#indEas lotus feet they still cannot understand ;er. e:t 12 yO premarddhir a$hut sa me $huta%pur#eQa karhicit ekante naumi $ha#atNP darMayit#Oti%#ai$ha#am yO % whichD prema % of lo#eD Vddhir % increaseD a$hut % wasD sa % thatD me % of meD $huta%pur#eQa % pre#iouslyD karhicit % sometimeD ekante % oneD naumi % I praiseD $ha#atNP % =ouD darMayit#O % seeingD ati%#ai$ha#am % great glory.

8ecause of past pious deeds I was somehow eligi$le to feel this spiritual lo#e. Seeing =ou, < goddess, I praise =our glories. e:t 13 kVWnasya sam$ha#aty asyO rupaP parama%tuWXaye #imVWyai#aP munir gopa% pra#araP preWya kutracit kVWnasya % of Lord /VWnaD sam$ha#aty % isD asyO % of ;erD rupaP % the formD parama% tuWXaye % for the great pleasureD #imVWya % thinkingD e#aP % thusD munir % the sageD gopa % of gopasD pra#araP % to the $estD preWya % sendingD kutracit % somewhere. She manifests this form to $ring great pleasure to Lord /VWQa. hinking in this way, NOrada -uni sent the e:alted gopa 8hOnu to another place. e:t 14 ni$hVte parituWXO#a $OlikOP di#ya%rupiQNm api de#i maha%yoga% mOyeM#ari maha%pra$he ni$hVte % in a secluded placeD parituWXO#a % offered prayersD $OlikOP % to the infant girlD di#ya%rupiQNm % with the splendid transcendental formD api % alsoD de#i % < FoddessD maha%yoga%mOyeM#ari % < controller of -aha%yogamayaD maha%pra$he % < glorious one. Now alone in that place, NOrada offered prayers to the infant girl, whose transcendental form was filled with glory. ;e saidJ < goddens, < most glorious controller of -ahO%yogamOyO, . . . e:t 16 maha%mohana%di#yOYgi maha%mOdhurya%#arWiQi mahad$huta%rasOnandO% WathilN%kVta%mOnase maha%mohana%di#yOYgi % whose lim$s arew charming and spolendidD maha% mOdhurya%#arWiQi % who are a shower of transcendental sweetnessD mahad$huta % great wonderD rasa % of nectarD Onanda % $lissD aWathilN%kVta % o#ercomeD mOnase % heare.

. . . < goddess weose splendid lim$s are enchanting, < shower of transcendental sweetn ss, < Foddess whose heart$ is filled with the most wonderful nectarean $liss, . . . e:t 17 maha%$hOgyena kenOpi gatOsi mama dVk%patham nityam antar%mukhO dVWXis ta#a de#i #i$hO#yate maha%$hOgyena % $y great good fortuneD kenOpi % somehwowD gatO % goneD asi % =ou areD mama % of meD dVk%patham % on the pathway of the eyesD nityam % alwaysD antar% mukhO % withinD dVWXis % sightD ta#s % of =ouD de#i % < goddessD #i$hO#yate % is considered. . . . somehow I ha#e $ecome #ery fortunate and =ou are now walking on the pathway of my eyes. -ay I always see =ou within my heart. e:t 29 antar e#a mahananda% u paritVmtaika lakWSase prasannkP madhuraP saumyaP idaP sumukha%maQRanam antar % withinD e#a % indeedD mahananda % great $lissD paritVptO % pleasedD e#a % indeedD lakWyase % is seenD prasannaP % happyD madhuoaP % sweetD saumyaP % gentleD idaP % thisD sumukha%maQRanam % the ornament of fa#ora$le persons. "ithin my heart I see that =ou are filled with $liss. I see =ou decorated with #irtues, with happiness, sweetness, and gentleness. e:t 2, #yanakti paramOMcaryaP kam apy antaT sukhodayam rajaT%sam$andhi%kalikO% Waktis tatt#Oti%Mo$hane #yanakti % manifestsD paramOMcaryaP % great wonderD kam apy % somethingD antaT %

withinD sukhodayam % the manifeststion fo happinessD rajaT % pollenD sam$andhi % in relation toD kalikO % of a $udD Waktis % powerD tatt#a%truthD ati%Mo$hane % ijn great $eauty. ) great wonder of transcendental $liss has now entered my heart. It is like a $ud that has the power to $ring glorious pollen. e:t 2. sVWXi%sthiti%samahara% rupinN t#am adhiWXhita tat t#aP #iMuddha%satt#OWu% Makti%#idyatmika para sVWXi % creationD sthiti % maintenanceD samahara % and destructionD rupinN % in the form ofD t#am % =ouD adhiWXhita % the controllerD tat % thatD t#aP % =ouD #iMuddha%satt#a % transcendental goodnessD OWu % BuicklyD Makti % potencyD #idya % knowledgeD Otmika % selfD para % transcendental. =ou are the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the worlds. =ou are transcendental goodness and tran#cendental knowledge. e:t 20 paramananda%sandohaP dadhati #aiWna#aP param ka t#ayaMcarya%#i$ha#e $rahma%rudradi%durgame paramananda%sandohaP % great transcendental $lissD dadhati % gi#esD #aiWQa#aP % Vaisna#aD param % transcendentalD ka % indeedD t#aya % $y =ouD OMcarya % wonderfulD #i$ha#e u powtrrand glorym $rahma%rudradi%durgame % difficult for 8rahma, Si#a, ind the demigods to attain. =our power is wonderful. =ou $ring great transcendental $liss to the de#otees. >#en 8rahmO, Si#a, and the demigods cannot attain =ou. e:t 21 iogNndrOnOP dhyana%pathaP h na t#aP spVMasi karhicit iSchO%Maktir jZOhi%MaltiT

kriyO%Maktis t#ayrWituT yogNndrOQOP % of tte kings of the yogisD dhyana%pathaP % the pathiof meditationD na % notD t#aP % =ouD spVMasi % touchD karhicit % e#erD icchO%Maktir % the potency of desireD jZOna%MaktiT % the potency f knowledgeD kriyO%Maotis % the potency of actionD t#ayO % $$y =ouD NWituT % the controller. =ou ne#er touch the path of meditation tra#ersed $y the kengs of the yogis. =ou control the potencies of desire, knowledge, and action. e:t 22 ta#OPWa%matram ity e#aP manNWa me pra#artate maya%#i$hutayo EcintyOs tan%mayOr$haka%mOyinaT ta#a % of =ouD aPWa % a partD matram % onlyD ity % thusD e#aP % thusD manNWa % consideringD me % of meD pra#artate % doesD maya%#i$hutayoi% the potenciesD acintyOs % inconcei#a$leD tan%mOyOr$haka % an ordinary childD mOyinaT % creating the illusion. )ll these potencies are parts and parecls of =ou. hat is what I think. =our inconcei#a$le mystic powers create the illusion that =ou are only an ordinary child. e:t 23 pareMasya maha%#iWnos tOT sar#as te kalO%kalOT ananda%rupiQN Maktis t#am NM#arN na saPMayaT pareMasya % of the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD maha%#iWQos % Lord -aha% ViWQuD tOT % theyD sar#as % allD te % of =ouD kalO%kalOT % parts of the partsD ananda % of $lissD rupiQN % the formD Maktis % potencyD t#am % =ouD NM#arN % the FoddessD na % noD saPMayaT % dou$t. =ou are the $lissful supreme Foddess, the original potency of Lord -ahO%ViWQu. )ll other goddesses are part and parcel of =ou. <f this there is no dou$t. e:t 24 t#aya ca krNRate kVWno

nUnaP #Vnda#ane #ane kaumOreQai#a rupeQa rs#aP #iM#asya ca mohlnN s t#aya % with =ouD ca % andD krNRate % enjoys pastimesD kVWQo % Lord /VWQaD nUnaP % indeedD #Vnda#ane % in VVndO#anaD #ane % forestD kaumOreQa % with a youthfulD e#a % indeedD rupeQa % formD t#aP % =ouD #iM#asya % of the uni#ersesD ca % andD mohinN % enchanting. Lord /VWQa enjoys pastimes with =ou in VVndO#ana forest. =our youthful form is the most charming in the entire world. e:t 26 tOruQya%#aya%saPspVWXaP kNdVk te uupam ad$hutam kNdVMaP ta#a lO#aQyaP lNlO%hOsekWaQOn#itam tOruQya%#aya % $y youthD saPspVWXaP % touchedD kNdVk % like what*D te % of =ouD rupam % the formD ad$hutam % wonderfulD kNdVMaP % like what*D ta#a % of =ouD lO#aQyaP % the $eautyD lNlO % playfulD hOsa % laughter and jokingD NkWaQa % eyesD an#itam % with. "hat is =our form like* It is em$raced $y youthfulness. "hat is =our $eauty like* It has playful, smiling glances. e:t 27 hari%mOnuWa%lo$hena #apur aMcarya%maQRitam draWXuP tad aham icchami rupaP te hari%#alla$he hari % of Lord /VWnaD mOnuWa % humanD lo$hena % with desireD #apur % formD aMcarya% maQRitam % decorated with wonderD draWXuP % to seeD tad % thatD aham % I D icchami % wishD rupaP % formD te % of =ouD hari%#alla$he % dear to Lord /VWQa. < $elo#ed of Lord ;ari, I wish to see the wonderfully decora ed form in whichg=ou enjoy humanlike pastimes with Lord sari. e:t 39

yena nanda%sutaT ,VWno mohaP samupayOsyati idOnNP mama kOruQyOn nijaP rupaP maheM#ari praQatOya prapannOya prakOsayitum arhasi yena % $y whomD nanda%sutaT % the son of NandaD kVWQo % /VWQaD mohaP % $ewildermentD samupayOsyati % will attainD idOnNP % nowD mama % of meD kOruQyOt % $ecause of mercyD nijaP % ownD rupaP % formD maheM#ari % < great goddessD praQatOya % $owing downD prapannOya % surrenderedD prakOsayitum % to showD arhasi % =ou deser#e. < great goddess, out of kindness to me please show to this surrendered soul $owing down $efore =ou the form that NandaEs son, Lord /VWQa, finds so enchanting. e:t 3, ity ukta muni%#aryeQa tad%anu#rata%cetasa maha%maheM#arNP nat#a mahananda%mayNP parOm ity % thusD ukta % addressedD muni%#aryeQa % $y the great sageD tad%anu#rata%cetasa % his heart filled with de#otionD maha%maheM#arNP % to the great goddessD nat#a % $owingD mahananda%mayNP % filled with transcendental $lissD parOm % transcendental. )fter speaking these words, the great sage, his heart filled with de#otion, $owed down $efore the $lissful Supreme Foddess. e:t 3. maha%prematarotkanXhOP #yOkulaYgNP Mu$hekWaQam NkWamOQena go#indaP e#aP #arQayatOsthitam maha%prematarotkaQXhOP % filled with the longings of transcendental lo#eD #yOkulaYgNm % agitated lim$sD Mu$hekWaQam % $eautiful eyesD NkWamOQena % seeingD go#indaP % Lord /VWQaD e#aP % thusD #arnayatO % descri$ingD Osthitam % situated. Seemng that the $eautiful%eyed Foddess was o#erwhelmed with lo#e for Lord /VWQa, the great sage $egan to descri$e the Lord.

e:t 30 jaya kVWna mano%hOrin jaya #Vnda#ana%priya jaya $hrU%$haYga%lalita jaya #eQu%ra#Okula jaya % gloryD kVWQa % < /VWQaD mano%hOrin % charming to the heartD jaya % gloryD #Vnda#ana%priya % dear to VVndO#anaD jaya % gloryD $hrU%$haYga%lalita % with graceful and playful $ent eye$rowsD jaya % gloryD #eQu%ra#Okula % who plays the flute. Flory to =ou, < Lord /VWQa, who charm the heart\ Flory to =ou, who are dear to VVndO#ana\ Flory to =ou, whose greaceful eye$rows are playfully arched\ Flory to =ou, who sweetly play the flute\ e:t 31 jaya $arha%kVtottaPsa jaya gopN%#imohana jaya kuYkuma%liptOYga jaya ratna%#i$huWaQa jaya % gloryD $arha%kVtottaPsa % with a peaceock%feather crownD jaya % gloryD gopN% #imohana % enchanting the gopisD jaya % gloryD kuYkuma % with kunkumaD lipta % anointedD aYga % lim$sD jaya % gloryD ratna%#i$huWaQa % decorated with jewel ornaments. Flory to =ou, decorated with a peacock%feather crown\ Flory to =ou, who enchant the gopis\ Flory to =ou, whose lim$s are anointed with kuQkuma\ Flory to =ou, decorated with jewel ornaments\ e:ts 32 and 33 kadOhaP t#at%prasadena anaya di#ya%rupaya sahitaP na#a%tOruQya% mano%hOri%#apuT%Mriya #ilokayiWye kaiWore mohanaP t#OP jcgat%pate kadO % when*D ahaP % ID t#at%prasadena % $y =our mercyD anaya % ;erDidi#ya%rupaya % with a splandid transcendenral formD sahitaP % withD na#a%tOr(Qya % new youthfulnessD mano%hOri % charming the heartD #apuT % of the formD Mriya % with the handsomeness and gloryD #ilokayiWye % I will seeD kaiWore % in youthD mohanaP %

charmD t#OP % =ouD jagat%pate % < mastereof thewuni#ertes. "hen, < Lord of the uni#erses, $y =our mercy will Iwsee =our charming youthful form with this splendid goddess $y =our side* e:t 34 e#aP kNrtayatas tasya tat%kWanOd e#a sa punaT $a$hu#a dadhatN di#yaP rupam atyanta%mohanam e#aP % thusD kNrtayatas % chanting the gloriesD tasya % of ;imD tat%kWaQOd % in a momentD e#a % indeedD sa % ;eD punaT % againD $a$hu#a % wasD dadhatN % gi#ingD di#yaP % splendidD rupam % formD atyanta%mohanam % #ery charming. 8eing praised in this way, Lord /VWQa suddenly manifested ;is #ery charming and splendid transcendental form. e:ts 36 and 37 caturdaWO$da%#ayasa sammitaP lalitaP param samOna%#ayasaM canyOs tadai#a #raja%$alikaT Ogatya #eWXayam asur di#ya%$huWam$ara%srajaT munNndraT sa tu niMceWXo $r$hu#aMcarym%mohitaT caturdaWa % ,1D a$da % yearsD #ayasa % ageD sammitaP % withD lalitaP % gracefulD param % transcendentalD samOna%#ayasaM % the same ageD ca % andD anyOs % otherD tadO % thenD e#a % indeedD #raja%$alikaT % girls of VrajaD Ogatya % approachingD #eWXayam asur % surroundedD di#ya%$huWam$ara%srajaT % with splenidd garments, ornaments, and flower garlandsD munNndraT % the king of sagesD sa % heD tu % indeedD niMceWXo % stunnedD $a$hu#a % wasD aMcarya % with wonderD mohitaT % o#ercome. Very charming and graceful, Lord /VWQa was fourteen years old. ;e was surrounded $y many girls of Vraja, all the same age as ;e, and all decorated with splendid garments, ornaments, and flower garlands. Seeing this, NOrada, the king of sages, $ecame unconscious. ;e was stunned with wonder.

eet 49 $alayas tas tada sakhyas caraQam$u%kaQair munim niWicya $odhayam asur UcuM ca kVpayan#itOT $alayas % of the girlD tas % theyD tada % thenD sakhyas % friendsD caraQa % of the feetD am$u % of waterD kaQair % Vith dropsD munim % the sageD nrWicya % sprinklingD $odhanem asur % $rought $ack to consciousnessD UcuM % saidD ca % andD kVpaya & mercyD an#itOT % with. Sprinkling on him some drops if water tkat had touched their feet, these girls, all friends of the girl 5OdhO, mercifully $rought the sage $ack to consciousness and said to himJ e:ts 4,%41 muni%#arya maha%$haga n maha%yogeM#areM#ama t#ayai#a paraya $haktya $haga#an narir NM#araT nunam Oradhito de#o $haktanaP kOma%pUrmkaT yad iyaP $rahma%rudradyair de#aiT siddha%munNM#araiT maha%$haga#ataiM canyair durdaWO durgamapi ca aty%ad$huta%#ayo%rupa% mohinN hari%#alla$ha kenapy acintya%$hagyena ta#a dVWXi%pathaP gata uttiWXhottiWXha #iprarWe dhairyam Olam$ya sa%t#aram muni%#arya % < $est of sagesD maha%$haga % < foretunate oneD mahksyogeM#areM#ara % < king of the kings of yogaD t#ayO % $y youD e#a % indeedD paraya % with greatD $haktya % $rOhmaQaD $haga#an % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD har<r % Lord ;ariD NM#araT % the supreme controllerD nunam % indeedD Oradhito % worshipedD de#o % th LordD $haktanaP % of the de#oteesD kOma pUrakaT % fulfilling the desiresD yad % whatD

iyaP % thisDV$rahma%rudradyair % headed $y 8rahma and Si#aD de#aiT % $y the demigodsD siddha%munNM#araiTD % $y the siddhas and the kings of the sagesD maha% $haga#atais % $y great de#oteesD ca % andD anyair % othersD durdaWO % difficult to seeD durgama % difficult to approachD api % alsoD ca % andD aty%ad$huta%#ayo%rupa%mohinN % charnming with wonderful youthful $eautyD hari%#alla$ha % Lord /VWnaEs $elo#edD kenapy % $y someD acintya%$hagyena % inconcei#a$le good fortuneD ta#a % of =ouD dVWXi% pathaP % the path of the eyesDVgata % attainedD uttiWXha % riseD uttiWXha % riseD #iprarWe % < $rahmana sageD dhairyam % consciousnessD Olam$ya % attainingD sa%t#aram % Buickly. < #ery fortunate $est of sages, < king of the kings of yoga, with great de#otion you ha#e worshiped Lord ;ari, the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead, who fufills ;is de#oteesE desires. 8y your inconcei#a$le good fortune, Lord ;ariEs $elo#ed, whose youthful $eauty is #ery wonderful and enchanting, and whom e#en 8rahmO, Si#a, the demigods, the siddhas, the kings of the sages, the great de#otees, and many other e:alted souls cannot approach or see, now walks on the pathway of =our eyes. < great $rOhmaQa sage, please $ecome conscious at once. Sdand up\ tand up\ e:t 42 enOP pradakWiQN%kVtya namaskuru punaT punaT kiP na paMyasi car#%aYgNm atyanta%#yakulOm i#a enOP % ;erD pradakWiQN%kVtya % circumam$ulatingD namaskuru % offer o$eisancesD punaT % againD punaT % and againD kiP % why*D na % notD paMyasi % you seeD car#%aYgNm % $eautiful lim$sD atyanta%#yakulOm % #ery agitatedD i#a % like. =ou should circumam$ulate Sri 5OdhO and $ow down $efore ;er again and again. "hy do you not gaGe upon $eautiful and agitated 5OdhO* e:t 43 asminn e#a kWaQe nunaP antardhOnaP gamiWyati nOnaya saha samlOpaT kathaZcit te $ha#iWyati asmin % in thisD e#a % indeedD kWaQe % in a momentD nunaP % indeedD antardhOnaP % disappearanceD gamiWyati % will $eD na % notD anaya % ;erD saha % withD samlOpaT % con#ersationD kathaZcit % somehowD te % of youD $ha#iWyati % will $e.

In a moment She will disappear. hen you well no longe he a$le to speak with ;er. e:t 44 darManaP ca punar nasyaT prapsyasi $rahma%#ittama kintu #Vnda#ane kOpi $hOty aMoka%lata Mu$ha darManaP % tae sightD ca % andD punar % agrinD na % notD asyaT % of ;erD prapsyasi % you will attainD $rahma%#ittama % < $est of the knowers of 8rahmanD kintu % howe#erD #Vnda#ane % in VVndO#anaj kOpi % a certainD $hOty % isD aMoka%lata % an asoka #ineD Mu$ha % $eautiful. < $est of they who know the Supreme, then you will not see ;er again. Still, in VVndO#ana forest there isty $eautiful aWoka #ine. e:t 46 sar#a%kOle Epi puWpORhya sar#a%dig%#yOpi%saura$ha go#arnhanOd adUreQa kusumOkhya%saras%taXe sar#a%kOle % at all timesD api % e#e$nD uWprRhya % rich with flowersD sar#a%dig%#yOpi% saura$ha % with a sweet fragrance that fills all the directionsD go#ardhanOd % from Fr#ardhanaD adUreQa % not farD kusumOkhya%saras%taXe % on the shore of the lake named /usuma%saro#ara. hat #ine grows on the lake of /usuma%saro#ara lake, which is not far from Fo#ardhana ;ill. ItS sweet fragrance filling all directions, that #ine is alwuys rich with many flowers. e:ts 47 and 69 tan%mUle hy ardha%rOtre ca drakWyasy asmOn aMeWataT Mrut#ai#aP #acanaP tasaP sneha%#ih#ala%cetasam yO#at pradakWiQN%kVtya

praQamed daQRa#an muniT muhUrta%d#itayaP $alOP nanO%nirmOQa%Mo$hanOm tan%mUle % at the root of that #ineD hy % indeedD ardha%rOtre % in the middle of the nightD ca % andD drakWyasy % you will seeD asmOn % themD aMeWataT % completelyD Mrut#O % hearingD e#aP % thusD #acanaP % wordsD tasaP % of themD sneha%#ih#ala%cetasam % their hearts o#ercome with affectionD yO#at % as long asD pradakWiQN%kVtya % circumam$ulatingD praQamed % offers o$eisancesD daQRa#at % danda#atD muniT % the sageD muhUrta%d#itayaP % for almost two hoursD $alOP % to the girlD nanO%nirmOQa% Mo$hanOm % $eautiful in many ways. ?nder that #ine, in the middle of the night, you will see all this again. ;earing these words fmom the affectionate gopis, NOrada spent the ne:t almost two hours circumam$ulating and offering daQRa#at o$eisances to the $eautiful girl Sri 5OdhO e:t 6,i Ohkya $hOnuP pro#aca naradaT sar#a%Mo$hanO e#aP pra$hO#a $aleyaP na sOdhya dai#atair api OhUya % callingD $hOnuP % 8hanuD pro#aca % saidD naradaT % NaradaS sar#a%Mo$hanO % all $eautifulD e#aP % thusD pra$hO#a % gloriousD $alO % girlD iyaP % thisD na % notD sOdhya % nttaina$leD dai#atair % $y the demigodsD api % e#en. Calling 8hOnu, NOrada saidJ >#en the great demigods cannot approach your $eautiful and glorious daughter. e:t 6. kintu yad%gmra etasyaT pOda%cihna%#i$huWitam tatra narayano de#aT s#ayaP #asati mOdha#aT lakWmNM ca #asate n!tyaP sar#a$hiT sar#a%siddhi$hiT kintu % howe#erD yad%gVham % in whose homeD etasyaT % of ;erD pOda%cihna% #i$huWitam % decorated with the footprintsD tatra % thereD narayano de#aT % Lord

NOrOyaQaD s#ayaP % ;imselfD #asati % residesD mOdha#aT % the hus$and of the goddess of fortuneD lnkWmNs % the goddess of fortuneD ca % andD #asate % residesD nityaP % alwaysD sar#a$hiT % with allD sar#a%siddhi$hiT % perfections. Lord NOrOyaQa, the hus$and of the goddess of foktune, resides in any home decorated with your daughterEs footprints. )ccompanied $y all mystic perfections, the goddess of fortune also resides always in that home. e:t 60 adya enOP #arOrohOP sar#a$haraQa%$huWaQOm de#Nm i#a paraP gehe rakWa yatnena sattama adya % nowD enOP % ;erD #arOrohOP % the girl with $eautiful thighsD sar#a$haraQa% $huWaQOm % decorated with all ornamentsD de#Nm % goddessD i#a % likeD paraP % greatD gehe % at homeD rakWa % protectD yatnena % with careD sattama % < great one. < great one, therefore please carefully protect your daughter, who is $eautiful like a goddess and who is decorated with all ornaments. e:ts 61 and 62 ity ukt#a manasai#ainOP maha%$haga#atottamaT tad%rupam e#a saPsmVtya pra#iWXo gahanaP #anam aMoka%latika%mUlam Osadya muni%sattamaT ity % thusD ukt#a % speakingD manasO % with the mindD e#a % indeedD enOP % ;erD maha%$haga#atottamaT % the $est of de#oteesD tad%rupam % ;er formD e#a % thusD saPsmVtya % remem$eringD pra#iWXo % enteredD gahanaP % deepD #anam % into the forestD aMoka%latika%mUlam % the root of ther asoka #ineD Osadya % attainingD muni%sattamaT % the $est of sages. )fter speaking these words, the great de#otee NOrada -uni $egan to meditate on Sri 5OdhOEs transcendental form. Foing deep into the forest, he found the place under the aWoka #ine. e:t 63

pratNkWamOQo de#NP tOP tatrai#OgamataP niWi sthito Etra prema%eikalaW cintayan kVWQa%#alla$hOm pratNkWamOQo % waiting de#NP i the goddessD tOm % ;erD tatra % thereD e#a % indeedD OgamanaP % hrri#alD niWi % at nightD sthito % stayingD atra % twereD prema%#ikalas % o#ercome with spiritual lo#eD cintayan % meditatingD kVWQa%#alla$hOm % on Lord /VWQaEs $elo#ed. here NOrada waited foN Foddess 5OdhO to arri#e in the middle of the night. <#ercome with spiritual lo#e, he sthyed there, meditating on Lord /VWQaEs ieloeed. e:t 64 ttha madhya niWO%$h ge yu#atyaT paramad$hutaT pur#a%dVWXas tathOnyaM ca #icitra$harana%srajaT atha % thenD madhya%yiWO%$hage %,in tht middle of the nightD Iu#atyaT % young girlsD paramad$hutaT % #ery wonderfulD pur#a%dVWXas % seen $eforeD tathOp% soD anyas % othersD ca % andD #icitra$haraQa%srajaT % decorated with wonderful ornaments and flower garlands. hen, in the middle of the night, NOrada saw, decorated with wonderf l ornaments and flowe garlanrn, whe same #ery wonderful girls he had seen $efore, and many other giels also. e:t 66 dVWX#a manasi sam$hrOnto daQRa#at patito $hu#i rari#Orya muniP s r#Os tas taT pra#i#iWuT Mu$haT dVWX#a % seeing themD mrnasi % in his h artD sam$hrOnto % de#erentD daQRa#at % like a stickD patito % fellD $hu#i % to the groundD pari#Orya % su(roundingD muniP % the sageD sar#Ose% allD taT taT % theyD era#i#iWuT % enteredD M $haT L $eautiful. "ith a re#erential heart, NOrada fell like a stick $efore them. he $eautiful girls at once surrounded the sage.

e:t 67 praWXu%kOmo Epi sa muniT s# kiZcit s#a$himataP priyam nOWakat prema%lO#aQya% priya%$haWO%pradharWitaT praWXu%kOmo % desiring to standD api % e#enD sa % heD muniT % the sageD kiZcit % somethingD s#a$himataP % dearD priyam % dearD na % notD aWakat % was a$leD prema % of lo#eD lO#aQya % $eautyD priya % dearD $haWO % wordsD pradharWitaT % o#ercome. )lthough he desired to stand, he could not. ;e was o#ercome with de#otion and the wish to speak graceful worlds of praise. e:ts 79 and 7, athOgatO muni%MreWXhaP kVtOZjalim a#asthitam $h kti%$hOra%nata%grN#aP sa%#ismayaP sa%sam$hramam su%#inNtatamaP prOha tatrai#a karunan#ita aMoka%malinN namna aMoka%#ana%de#ata atha % thenD OgatO % approachedD muni%MreWXhaP % the $est of sagesD kVtOZjalim % with folded handsD a#asthitam % stayingD $hakti%$hOra%nata%grN#aP % he neck $owed with de#otionD sa%#ismayaP % with wonderD sa%sam$hramam % with respectD su% #inNtatamaP % #ery hum$leD prOha % spokeD tatra % thereD e#a % indeedD karunan#ita % mercifulD aMoka%malinN % )soka%maliniD namna % $y nameD aMoka%#ana%de#ata % the goddess of that asoka gro#e. . r hen the goddess of that aWoka gro#e, a girl named )Moka%mOlini, mercifully approached the sage, his head $owed with awe and wonder, and his hands hum$ly folded. She spoke to him the following words. e:t 7. MrN%aMoka%maliny u#aca aMoka%kalikayOP tu #asamy asyaP maha%mune

raktam$ara%dhara nityaP rakta%mOlOnulepana MrN%aMoka%maliny u#aca % Sri )Moka%malini saidD aMoka%kalikayOP % in an asoka $udD tu % indeedD #asamy % I resideD asyaP % in thisD maha%mune % < great sageD raktam$ara% dhara % weafign red aarmentsD nityaP % alwaysD rakta%mOlOnulepana % with red flower garlrnds and red sandnl paste. Sri )Moka%malini saidD < great sage, dresnel in red garments, decorated with red flower garl nds, and anointed with hed sandal pastimes, I always stay in this aMoka gro#e. e:t 70 rakta%siQdura%kalika raktotpala%#ataPsinN rakta%mOQikya%keyUra% mukuXadi%#i$huWita rakta%siQdura%kalika % decorated with red sinduraD raktotpala%#ataPsinN % wearing a garland fo red lotusesD rakta%mOQikya%keyUra%mukuXadi%#i$huWita % decorated with ru$y $racelets, crown, and other ornaments. I am decorated with red sindUra, garlands of red lotuses, ru$y $racelets, ru$y crown, and other ru$y ornaments. e:t 71 ekada priyaya sardhaP #iharantyo madhUtsa#e tatrai#a milita gopa% $alikaM citra%#OsasaT jkada,% o e dayD priyay %.;is $elo#edD sardhaP % withD #iharantyo % enooying pastimesD madhUtsa#e % in a spirngtime festi#alD tatra % thereD e#a % indeedD milita % metD gopa%$alikar % gopisD citra%#OsasaT % dressed in wonderful and colorful garments. <ne day Lord /VWna enjoyed springtime%festi#al pastines woth ;is $eloted and with many goiis dressed in wond rful and colorful garments. ae:t 72 ahaP caMoka%mOla$hir

gopa%#eWa%dsaraP harim ramr%rupaM ca taT sar#a $haktya samyag apUjayam ahaP % ID ca % andD aMoka % of aWoka flowersD mOla$hir % with garlandsD gopa%#eWa% dharaP % dressed as a gopaD harim % /VWnaD rama%rupaM % teh forms of the goddesses of fortuneD ca % andD taT % theyD sar#a % allD $haktya % with de#otionD samyag % completelyD apUjayam % worshipedt Fi#ing hem many garlands of aWoka f owers, I worshiped Lord /VWQa, who was dressed as a gopa, and the many goddesses of fortune. e:t 73 tataT pra$hVti caitasaP madhye tiWXhami sar#ada huWa$hir #i#idha$hiM ca toWayit#a rama%patim tataT % thenD pra$hVti % $eginningD ca % alsoD etasaP % of themD madhye % in the middleD tiWXhami % I standD sar#ada % alwaysD $huWa$hir % with ornamentsD #i#idha$his % #ariousD ca % andD toWayit#a % pleasingD rama%patim % the hus$and of the goddess of fortune. I always stay among these gopis. <ffering ;im many different ornaments, I please the goddess of fortuneEs hus$and. e:t 74 parat param ahaP sar#aP #ijanamNha sar#ataT go%gopa%gopikadNnaP rahasyaP capi #edmy aham parat param % greater than thegreatestD ahaP % ID sar#aP % allD #ijanami % knowD iha % hereD sar#ataT % completelyD go%gopa%gopikadNnaP % $eginning with the c ws, gopas, and gopisD rahasyaP % secretD ca % andD api % alsoD #edmy % knowD aham % I. I know e#erything a)out Lord /VWna, who is greater than the greatest, and I also know all the secrets of the cows, gopas, gopis, and e#eryone else in VVndO#ana. e:ts 76 and 77

ta#a jijZOsitaP sar#aP hVdi pratya$hi$haWitam tOP de#Nm ad$hutOkOrOm ad$hutananda%dOyinNm eareT priyOP hiraQya$hOP hNrakojj#ala%mudrikam kanhaP paMyami lolOkWNP kathaP #a tat%padamtujam tama % of youD jijZOsitaP % desiring to knowD sar#aP % allD hVdi % in the heartD pratya$hi$haWitam % spokenD tOP % ;erD de#Nm % goddessD ad$huta%OkOrOm % whose form is wonderfulD ad$hutananda%dOninNm % gi#ing wonderful $lissD ha eT % of Lord rVWnaD priyOP % the $elo#edD hiraQya$hOP % splendid lik goldD hNr kojj#ala%mudrika, % wearing diamond ringsD kathaP % howD paMyami % I may seeD lolOnWNP % with restless eyesD kathaP % how*D #a % orD tat%padam$ujam % ;er lotws feet. I desire to know what is in your heart also. hen NOrada askedJ ;ow may I see Lord ;ariEs $elo#ed, who isnsplendid like gold, whose form is wonderful, whose eyes are restless, who is a goddess, who wears splendid diamond rings, and who gi#es wonderful transcendental $liss* ;ow may I see ;er lotus feet* e:t ,99 Oradhyate Eti%$haktyeti t#aya $rahman #imarMitam tatra te kathayiWyami #VttOntaP su%mahatmanOm Oradhyate % is worshipedD ati % with greatD $haktyO % de#otionD iti % thusD t#aya % $y youD $rahman % < $rahmanaD #imarMitam % consideredD tatra % thereD te % of youD kathayiWyami % I will tellD #VttOntaP % a storyD su%mahatmanOm % of the great souls. < 8rahman, you should worship ;er with great de#otion. I will tell you a story of some great de#otees. e:ts ,9, and ,9.

manase sarasi sthit#a tapas tN#ram upeyuWOm japataP siddha%mantrOPM ca dhyayataP harim NM#aram munNnaP kaYkWataP nityaP tasyO e#a padam$ujam eka%saptati%sOhasra% saYkhyatanaP mahaujasam manase sarasi % in -anasa%saro#araD sthit#a dtayingD tapas % auster tiesD tN#ram % se#ereD upeyuWOm % engagedD japataP % chanting japaD siddha%mantrOn % siddha% mantrasD ca % andD dhyayataP % meditatingD harim % on Lord /VWnaD NM#aram % the Supreme (ersonality of FodheadD munNnaP % of nthe sagesD kaYkWataP % desiringD nityaP % alwaysD tasyO % of ;erD e#a % indeedD padam$ujam % the lotus feetD eka%saptati% sOhasra%saYkhyatanaP % se#enty%one%thousandD mahaujasam % #ery powerful. Staying at -Onasa%saro#ara, se#enty%one%thousand #ery powerful sages repaatedly performed se#ere austerities, ch nted siddha%mantras, and meditated on Lord ;ari so they could attain Sri 5OdhOEs lotus feet.



>hat is PuranaQ he Veda is called Sruti ($ecause it is learnt $y hearing). It has four interwo#en parts.
******************************************************** *** ***************** ***************** *** ** ***************** VEDA ***************** ** *** ***************** ***************** *** ******************************************************** +--------------------+----------------------+ +--------------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ RK YAJUR SAMA ATHARVA +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+

+----------++--------------++-----------------++--------------+ Hymns or Prayers for Some prayers in World prayers sa rifi e m!si al form main"ainan e +----------++--------------++-----------------++--------------+

o aake these four sections more easily performa$le Vyasade#a compiled theseafour parpo into four seperate $ooks. 8eing symuathetic towards the fallen souls of /alia yuga, who are laGy, misdirected and ha#e no inclination for spiritual life, Vyasade#a compiled the (uranas, from related historical facts, which e:plain the teachings of the four Vedas. In other words, the (uranas teach the Vemtcnlitprature in story form, making spiritual life more simple, and therefore in this age, they are more impoVtant. 5wf. (S.8.wCanto , Ch.1 te:t ,7%.0) here are eighteen (uranas that are di#ided into three groups along with three predominating &eities. ,) F<r&N>SS % Visnu .) ()SSI<N % 8rahma 0) IFN<5)NC> % Si#a hey are di#ided in this way to gradually raise the conditioned soul from ignorance to pure goodness he three di#isions ofkthe (uranas are compiled in this way to appeal to those people in these respecti#e modes and to thus ele#ate them to the perfection of life. BI PNRANA$ (Verse num$ers and most important su$ject matters for de#otees). )OR2 V@$NN ((redominating &eity) ,) Visnu (urana % .0,999 #erses. Stories of #arious de#oteesD ) description of #arnasramaD he si: angas of the VedaD ) description of the age of /aliD It descri$es the S#eta Varaha /alpa, Visnu dharmotaraD .) Naradiya (urana % .2,999 #erses. his purana contains a synopsis of e#erythingD It descri$es Aagannatha (uri, &waraka, 8adrinatha, etc.

0) (adma (urana % 22,999 #erses. Contains the glory of Srimad 8haga#atamD he stories of 5ama, Aagannatha, -atsya, >kadasi, 8hrgu, etc. 1) Faruda (urana % ,7,999. Su$ject of 8naga#ad%gitaD 5eincarnationD VisnusahasranamD It descri$es the arsya /alpa. 2) Varaha (urana % .1,999 #erses. &escri$es different VrataD Lord VisnuEs glories. 3) 8haga#ata (urana % ,6,999 #erses. (Included $y some in the mode of goodness). )OR2 RAHMA ((redominating &eity) 4) 8rahmanda (urana % ,.,999 #erses. &escri$es the VedangasD &escri$es the )di /alpa. 6) 8rahma#ai#arta (urana % ,6,999 #erses. Contains the glories and pastimes of 5adha and /rsna. 7) -arkendeyr (urana % 7,999 #erses. Stories of 5ama and /rsna. ,9u 8ha#isya (urana % ,1,299 #erses. Containm the glories of de#otional ser#iceD (rediction of Lord Caitanya. ,,) Vamana (urana % ,9,999 #erses. Contains the story of Lord ri#ikrama. ,.) 8rahma (urana % ,9,999 #erses. )OR2 $@VA ((redominating &eity) ,0) -atsya (urana % ,1,999 #erses. emple constructionD &escri$es Vamana and Varaha /alpas.

,1) /urma (urana % ,4,999 #erses. Contains the con#ersation $etween /rsna and the Sun%godD &an#antariD &escri$es the Laksmi /alpa. ,2) Linga (urana % ,9,99 #erses. Contains the glory of Lord Nrsmhade#aD AanardhanaD he story of )m$arishaD he glories of Fayatri. ,3) Si#a (urana % .1,999 #erses. ,4) Skanda (urana % 6,,999 #erses. ,6) )gni (urana % ,2,199 #erses. Contains the description of SalagramaD &escri$es the Isana kalpa. )ll these (uranas descri$e fi#e su$jects. he )markhasa descri$es the (uranas as followsJ sargas ca pratisarga ca vamsa manvantarani ca vamsanu caritam capi puranam panca laksanam

) (urana descri$esD ,) S)5F) (Creation) .) (5) IS)5F) (5ecreation) 0) V)-S) (;istory of the sages) 1) -)NV)N )5) ((eriods of -anu) 2) V)-S)N?C)5I ) (Feneology of /ings)

5ef. Chapter ,., (uranic Literatures.

TH9 6R9ATN9$$ O& $R@MA2 HA6AVATAMO )fter compiling the Vedic Literatures, (uranas, etc., Vyasade#a wfs still feeling unsatisfied. "hihe thinking in this way Nar da -uni reached the cottage of Vyasade#a and was asked a$out the cause of dissatisfaction. Narada -eni e:plained that $ecause he (Vyasade#a) did not directly descri$e /rsnaEs pastimes, and inste d ga#e w license to enjoy sense gratification under religious prinwiples, he was rsmaining unsatisfied. Narada then instruc,ed Vyasade#a in the (Catur Sloka), S.8. .J7J00%03D the essence of the Veda.aVyasade#a took these four #erses and e:panded them to compile the Srimad 8haga#atam, which is known as the ripeneg fruit of Vedic literature $ecause it directly descri$es /rsnaEs transcendental pastimes. 5ef. S.8. Canto ,, chapter 2.
Krsna instructed-----------------------#a"!r slo$a "o %ra&ma %ra&ma Veda 'arada Sam&i"as - Verses Vyasa %ra&manas - #i"y life Aranya$as - +ores" life Upanisads - P&ilosop&y (ssen e +-------------------+ %&a,a*ad-,i"a Upanisad ()panded "&e fo!r *erses and ompiled Srimad %&a,a*a"am -&i & is "&e ripened fr!i" of Vedi $no-led,e.

padau yadiyau prathama dvitiyau tritiyaturyau kathitau yaduru

nabhistatha pancama nva sasto bhujantaram doryugalam yathanyau mukharavindam dasamam praphullam ekadasau yasya lalatha pathakam siro pi yad dvadasa nva bati tamadidevam karuna nidhanam tamala varnam suhitavataram aparasamsara samudra setum bhajamehe bhagavata varupam ranslationJ I meditate on the most merciful Sri /rsna. "hose $odily hue is like a tamala tree. ;e has appeared for e#eryoneEs $enefit in the form of Srimad 8haga#atam. he srimad 8haga#atam is like a $ridge for crossing o#er the unending ocean of $irth and death. he first and second cantos are ;is lotus feet. he third and fourth cantos are ;is two thighs. he fifth canto is ;is na#eln(?aist). he se#enth and eighth are ;is mighty shoulders. he ninth canto is ;is throat (neck). he tenth canto is ;is face, which is like a fully $loomed lotus flower. he ele#enth canto is ;is forehead. he twelth canto is ;is head. ((adma (urana). krsna sva-dhamopagate dharma-jnanadibhih saha kalau nasta-drsam esa puranarko "dhunoditah his jhata#ata (urana is as $rilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord /rsna to ;is own a$ode, accompanied $y religion, knowledge, etc. (ersons who ha#e loost their #ision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of /ali shall get light from this (urana. (S.8. ,J0n10) The $rimad hagavatam des3ribes BK sub'e3ts: ,) Creation of the uni#erse .) Su$creation 0) he planetary systems 1) (rotection $y /rsna 2) he creati#e impetus 3) he change of -anus 4) he science of Fod

6) 5eturning $ack to Fodhead 7) Li$eration ,9) Summum $onum (S.8. .J,9J,) KR$NA1$ THR99 9N9R6@9$

visnu saktih para prokta ksetre-jnakhya titha para avidya-karma samjnaya tritiya saktir isyate he Supreme Lord has di#erse and innumera$le energies which are $eyond our conceptionD howe#er, great learned sages or li$erated souls ha#e studied these energies and ha#e analyGed them into three parts. )ll of the energies are of #isnu%sakti, that is to say they are different potencies of Lord Visnu. he first energy is para, transcendental. Li#ing entities also $elong to the superior energy. he other energies, or material energies, are in the mode of ignorance. (Visnu (urana 3.4.3, Buoted in 8g. page .3). ,) ANTARAN6A $AKT@ % Internal (otency (=oga%maya) sat % sam#it % e:ternal potency cit % sandhini % knowledge potency ananda % hladini % pleasure potency .) AH@RAN6A $AKT@ % >:ternal >nergy (-aha%maya) a) $humih % earth $) apah % water c) analah % fire d) #ayuh % air e) kham % ether f) manah % mind g) $uddhih % intelligence h) ahankara % false ego (8g. 4.1) 0) TATA$THA $AKT@ % -arginal (otency (Li#ing >ntities)

(8g. 4.2D ,2.4) /rsna is the saktimana or the source of all energy. (8g. 4.3) a) he spiritual energy is eternal, full of knowledge and $liss. It is transcendental and $eyond all changes of material nature. $) he e#ternal energy is the e:act opposite and is therefore temporary, full of ignorance and misery. It is undane and tlways changing. c) he marginal energy (ji#a) also $elongs to the spiritual energy, $ut $ecause he has the independence to $e either world or the material world, he is called marginal. in the spiritual

he whole manifestation is the Lord himself $y diffusion of ;is different energies only, namely the internal, e:ternal and marginal. Such energy is siultaneously one with and different from the Lord )acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva*. (S.8. ..7..4) he material world is also called &urga or jail. Aust as the jail is for those people who $reak the laws of the go#ernment, this material world is created for those souls who dounot like to accept /rsnaEs supremacy. Ausr as th pupose of the jail is to reform cri inals, in the same way the puepose of creation is to reform the conditioned soul or to get rid of his criminal desire to use /rsnaEs property without /rsna. (S.8. ..,9.13) (S.8. ..7.,7 purport)

)9$$ON T>O
$AR6A ! %R9AT@ON (Part B) he elementary creation of the si:teen items of matter.
/0 ear"& /0 nose /0 smell

10 20 30 40

-a"er fire air e"&er

< )L h ,3

10 20 30 40 50

"on,!e eyes s$in ear mind

10 20 30 40

"as"e si,&" "o! & so!nd

he fi#e gross elements, the fi#e senses, the fi#e sense o$jects and the mind make up the si:teen items of matter. he creation of these elementary manifestations is a result of the energies of -aha Visnu. )ll this is called creation or sarga. he interaction of the modes of nature is called visarga, recreation or secondary creation. he secondary creation is a result of the original ingredients and is perf)rmed $y 8rahma. (S.8. ..,9.0) )fter manifesting the uni#erses from the pores of ;is skin, -aha Visnu e:pands as Far$hodakasayi Visnu and enters into each and e#ery uni#erse which is half filled with water made from the perspiration from ;is transcendental $ody. $ecause ;e is the Supreme (erson or Nara and the water from ;is $ody is called Nara, $ecause he lies rn Shis water ;e is called Narayana. "hile lying on ;is $ed of mystic slum$er the Lord desired to manifest #arieties of li#ing entities from ;imself alone. he Lord di#ides ;is potency into three di#isionsD ,) )dhidai#a % controlling entities .) )dhiyatma % controlled entities 0) )dhi$huta % material $odies or forms of matter Verse ,2 @rom the sky situated within the $ody of the manifesting -aha Visnu sense energy, mental force and $odily strength are all generated, as well as the sum total of the fountainhead of the total li#ing force. ( his e:plains how e#erything originally comes from -aha Visnu). Verse ,3 "hen the total energy is in motion, all other entities mo#e, and when tee tntal energy stops endea#ouring, all other li#ing entities stop sensual acti#ikies. he indi#idual entities are completely dependent on the total energy of the Lord, just as e#ery electrical instrument depends of the power house. Versy ,4 8eing agitated $y the #irata purusa, the li#ing force generated hunger and thirst and

when ;e desired to eat and drink the mouth opened. Verse ,6 @rom the mouth the palate $ecame manifhated as well as the tosgue. )fter this all the different tastes came into e:istence. he controlling deity Varuna also $ecame manifest along with the tongue. Verse ,7 "hen the Supreme desired to speak, speeches were #i$rated from the mouth. hen the controlling deity of speech @ire ()gni) was generated from the mouth. Verse .9 "hen the Supreme desired to smell odors, the nostrils and respiration were generated, the nasal instrument and odors also came into e:istence, and the controlling deity of air, carrying smell, also $ecame manifested. Verse ., "hen the Lord desired to see the eyes, the Sun, the power of #ision and the o$ject of sight all $ecame manifested. Verse .. 8ecause of the desire of the great sages to know, the ears, the power of hearing, and the o$jects of hearing $ecame manifested. he controlling deities of directions also $ecame manifested. Verse .0 "hen there was a desire to percei#e the physical characteristics of matter, the skin, the skin pores and hairs on the $ody as well as their controlling deities (the trees), were generated. Verse .1 "hen the supreme (erson desired to work, the hands and their controlling deity Indr $ecame manifested and acts dependent on t e handm were also generated. Verse .2 8ecause of ;is desire So control mo#ement the legs $ecame manifested and the coStrolling deity Visnu was generated.

Verse .3 Se:ual pleasure and the genital organ along with the controlling deity (rajapati de#eloped. Verse .4 "hen ;e desired to e#acuate the refuse of eata$les, the e#acuating hole de#eloped along with the controlling deity -itra. Verse .6 "hen ;e desired to mo#e from one $ody to another, the na#el and the air of departure and death (apana #ayu) were created. Verse .7 "hen ;e desired food and drink the a$domen, the i tes ines and arterien $ecame manifest. he controlling deities, the ri#ers and the oceans, are the source of their sustenance and keep these organs healthy. Verse 09 "hen there was a desire to think a$out the acti#ities of his potent energy, the heart, the mind, the moon, determination and desire all $ecame manifested. he minds acti#ities $egin only when the heart $ecomes manifested. he heart $ecomes manifested when the Supersoul desires to remind the soul of his past acti#ities and to see ;is creation. (S.8. ..,9.,9%09) he whole e:planation and description gi#en a$o#e is on the su$ject of the a$solute dependence of the li#ing entities and a$solute independence of the Supreme Lord. >#erything must first $e desired $y the Lord $efore the su$ordinate li#ing entity can act upon it. he li#ing entity can only see when the Lord sees. he li#ing entity can only smell when the Lord smells, etc. (S.8. ..,9..9) he Vis#arupa, the gigantic uni#ersal form of the Lord, is not an eternal form. It is manifested after the ingredients of the material creation in each uni#erse $y Far$hodakasayi Visnu. (S.8. 0.3.1) he conception of the Vis#arupa, the uni#ersal form is especially meant for the neophytes who cannot understand the transcendental form of the Lord. @or them ;e

manifesta a material form or the uni#ersal form.

(S.I. ,.0.0)

C5>) I<N (Part two) (S.8...2...%0,) Verses ..%.1 )f er the incarnation of the first purusa (/aranadaksayi Visnu) the mahat%tatt#a (sum total of material energy) $ecomes manifested. hen time is generated and in course of time false ego appears and transforms into three Bualities. ,) Foodness % #aikarika ahankara .) (assion % taijasa ahankara 0) Ignorance % tamasa ahankara

Mani(estations o( (a"se ego in ignoran3eO Verses .1%.7 @rom the darkness of false ego fi#e elements are generated. ,) Sky $ecomes manifested first. Its su$tle form is the Buality of sound. .) 8ecause sky is transformed air is generated with its su$tle Buality of touch. (It also contains the Buality of sound). 0) "hen air is transformed fire is generated with its su$tle Buality of shape or form. (@ire also contains the Bualities of sound and touch). 1) "hen fire is transformed water is generated with its su$tle Buality of taste. ("ater also contains the Bualities of sound, touch and form). 2) "hen water is transformed earth is generated with its su$tle Buality of smell. (>arth also contains the Bualities of sound, touch form and taste). (S.8. 0..3.0. (urport)

It appears in this #erse that the o$jects of the senses namely the fi#e gross elements and their su$tle counterparts are all products of ignorance. S?8 L> >L>->N Sound ouch @orm aste Smell (S.8. 0.2.03) >ach of the elements e#ol#e from su$tle to gross. he e#ol#ing element has the Buality of the pre#ious element as well as its own. ;ence the sky, the su$tlest of the fi#e gross elements hs one Buality. )s the different elements e#ol#e they ha#e the Bualities oe the pre#ious elements and so earth, the lastielement to manifest has all the Bualities of all the elements. Sky )ir @ire "ater >arth (S.8. ..,9.0,) he construction of the whole material world is prominently made $y three elements, namely earth, water and fire. 8ut the li#ing force is produced $y sky, air and water. So water is the common element in $oth the gross and su$tle forms of the material creation. "ater is the most prominen) eleIent and is therefore the principle element of all the fi#e. % sound % sound, touch % sound, touch, form % sound, touch, form, taste % sound, touch, form, taste, smell is the su$tle Buality of is the su$tle Buality of is the su$tle Buality of is the su$tle Buality of is the su$tle Buality of F5<SS >L>->N sky air fire water earth

Mani(estationa o( (a"se ego in *assionO Verse 0, @rom false ego in the mode of passion all of the sense orgals are generated. here are two kinds of sensesD /nowledge acBuiring senses "orking senses

,) ears .) skin 0) eyes 1) tongue 2) nose

,) hands .) legs 0) #oice 1) anus 2) genitals

he intelligence and the li#ing energy are also generated. Mani(estations o( (a"se ego in goodnessO Verse 09 @rom false ego in the mode of goodness the mind is generated and $ecomes manifested. he ten demigods controlling $odily mo#ements are also manifested.

The (ive #now"edge a3Ruiring senses and their 3ontro""ing deities: ,) >ars % sense of hearing % controlling deities of directions .) Skin % sense of touch % controlling deity of air, Vayu 0) >yes % sense of sight % controlling deity the Sun god 1) ongue % sense of taste % controlling deity of water, Varuna 2) Nose % sense of smell % controlling deity the )s#in /umaras The (ive wor#ing senses and their 3ontro""ing deities: ,) Voice .) ;ands 0) Legs 1) )nus 2) Fenitals )NI5?&&;) (5)&=?-N) S)N/)5S)N) % % % % % controlling deity controlling deity controlling deity controlling deity controlling deity % mind % % % % % )gni Indra, king of hea#en Lord Visnu -itra 8rahma

% controlling deity % -oon god

% intelligence % controlling deity % 8rahma % false ego % controlling deity % Si#a

Mis3e""aneous: he sense of perception is of two kindsD touch and itching. he controlling deity of air in the $ody is called )nila. )nila also controls the sense of touch. he controlling deity of hairs on the $ody is called <sadhya. ;e also controls the itching sensation. he controlling deities of the trees control the hairs on the $ody. Vayu, the controller of air controls smell $ecause smell is carried $y air. he controlling deities of the ri#ers control the ner#ous system. he ocean is considered to $e the controlling deity of the a$domen. =amaraja also presides o#er the anus and genitals $ecause discharging semen is the cause of a horri$le death and he is the god of death.

)9$$ON THR99


,) /aranadakasayi Visnu (-aha Visnu) .) Far$hodakasayi Visnu 0) /sirodakasayi Visnu visnos tu trini rupani purusakhyany atho viduh ekam tu mahatah srastr dvitiyam tv anda-samsthitam trtiyam sarva-bhuta-stham

tani jnatva vimucyate L@or material creation, Lord /rsnaEs plenary e:pansion assumes three Visnus. he first one, -aha Visnu, creates the total material energy, known as mahat-tattva+ he second, Far$hodakasayi Visnu, enters into all the uni#erses to create di#ersities in each of them. he third, /sirodakasayi Visnu, is diffused as the all%per#ading Supersoul in all the uni#erses and is known as (aramatma. ;e is present e#en within the atoms. )nyone who knows these three Visnus can $e li$erated from material entanglement.L (Sat#ata%tantra Buoted in 8g. 4.1 purport) /rsna is the original (ersonality of Fodhead. ;is e:pansion is 8alarama, who e:pands the original catur vyuha or Buadruple e:pansions. ,) Vasude#a .) Sankarsana 0) (radyumna 1) )niruddha hese original catur vyuha e:pansions reside in -athura and &waraka. @rom these original catur vyuha e:pansions twenty four forms of Visnu e:pand. hey are named differently according to the arrangement of the conch, disc, lotus and clu$ in heir hands. )ll of these twenty four forms reside in each Vaikuntha planet with the predominating &eity of that planet. @rom the original catur vyuha the second catur vyuha e:pands. In this second catur vyuha the form of Sankarsana is also called -aha Sankarsana. It is from maha Sankarsana that -aha Visnu $ecomes manifested.
KRSNA 6ri,inal Personali"y of 7od&ead BALARAMA +irs" e)pansion ORIGINAL CATUR VYUHA Vas!de*a8 San$arsana8 Prady!mna8 Anir!dd&a SECOND CATUR VYUHA Vas!de*a8 San$arsana8+ Prady!mna8 Anir!dd&a 9(a & e)pand in"o "&ree and"&en ano"&er "-o e)pansions0 9Ma&a San$arsana0


,) MAHA V@$NN lies on the causal ocean which apppears in one corner of the spiritual world. ;e manifests the mahat tattva (or the sum total of material energy). It is into this mahat tattva that ;e e:hales all of the seedlike uni#erses through the pores of ;is skin. hese seedlike uni#erses then e:pand as the different material elements form co#erings around them. >ach of the co#erings is ten times thicker than the pre#ious co#ering and form a shell%like co#ering. "hen -aha Visnu impregnates the li#ing entities $y ;is glance into the material nature it $egins to manifest its #arious energies. .) "hen the uni#erses ha#e thus de#eloped in the wom$ of material nature, -aha Visnu e:pands as 6AR HO2AKA$AM@ V@$NN, "ho enters into each uni#erse with the li#ing entities of that particular uni#erse and thus acti#ates each uni#erse $y ;is presence. he lies down on )nanta Sesa who lies on the Far$ha ocean, which is the perspiration from the LordEs $ody and half fills the uni#erse. @rom ;is na#el comes a lotus $ud which is the total form of the li#ing entities fruiti#e acti#ity. he lotus grows dissapating the darkness of the uni#erse. <n top of the lotus 8rahma, the first li#ing $eing appears. Not finding his origin, $rahma looked in four directions and de#eloped four heads. Situated on the lotus, 8rahma could not understand anything. ;e $egan entering the stem and clim$ed down to find its origin. Not finding anything, 8rahma again returned to the top of the lotus where he heard the word ta-pa (austerity). ;earing the sound 8rahma underwent penance for one thousand celestial yearsD (3:09:,.:,999 earthly years). 8eing #ery pleased with 8rahmaEs tapasya, the Lord manifested the Vaikuntha planets. Seeing Vaikuntha, 8rahma $ecame #ery happy and $owed to the Lord. 8eing #ery pleased with 8rahma the Lord shakes his hand and re#eals how to create the uni#erse. 0) o maintain the uni#erse Far$hodakasayi Visnu e:pands as K$@RO2AKA$AM@ V@$NN, "ho is the all%per#ading Supersoul ((aramatma). 8y ;is entering into e#ery atom ;e maintains the whole uni#erse. ;is a$ode is S#etadwipa an island in the ocean of milk. 5eferencesJ (S.8.,.0.,%2) (S.8.0.6.,,%.,) (S.8...7.1%7)

TH9 THR99 K@N2$ O& %R9AT@ON ! KA)PA

(S.8. ..,9.14%16) @irst CreationJ MAHAKA)PA

he creation of the si:teen elementary elements, which are all products of the false ego, created $y -aha Visnu. (-aha Visnu creates the total material energy). Sechnd CreationJ V@KA)PA he creation of 8rarma $y Far$hodakasayh Visnu and the dispension of the material elements. (Far$hodakasayi Visnu cre tes the di#ersities in each uni#erse). hird creationJ KA)PA he creation $y 8rahma in each day of his life after waking from his sleep. Lord 8rahmaEs one day is called a /alpa, th creation of 8rahma is called Vikalpa and the creation of the total creation is called -ahakalpa. In the Skanda (urana, 8rahmaEs thirty days are mentioned. >ach day of 8rahma is a duration of one thousand divya yugas. ) divya yuga comprises of one thousand of the four yugas. he same duration comprises his night.


/0 10 20 30 40 50 ;0 =0 >0 /?0 S*e"a Vara&a Kalpa 'ilalo&i"a Kalpa Vamade*a Kalpa 7a"&an"ara Kalpa Ra!ra*a Kalpa Prana Kalpa %r&a" Kalpa Kandarpa Kalpa Sadya"a Kalpa @sana Kalpa //0 /10 /20 /30 /40 /50 /;0 /=0 />0 1?0 :&yana Kalpa Saras*a"a Kalpa Udana Kalpa 7ar!da Kalpa Ka!rma Kalpa 'arasim&a Kalpa Samad&i Kalpa A,neya Kalpa Visn!<a Kalpa Sa!ra Kalpa 1/0 110 120 130 140 150 1;0 1=0 1>0 2?0 Soma Kalpa %&a*ana Kalpa S!p!ma Kalpa Vai$!n"&a Kalpa Ar isa Kalpa Vali Kalpa Vaira<a Kalpa 7a!ri Kalpa Ma&es*ara Kalpa Pai"r Kalpa

TH9 N@N9 K@N2$ O& %R9AT@ON (S.8. 0.,9.,2%,6) ,) he first creation is of the -ahat%tatt#a. ( his creation is performed $y -ahaVisnu). In the first creation t$e modes of nature mi: and gi#e rise to

false ego.

.) @alse ego or identification of the $ody, along with the material knowledge and material acti#ities arise. (working senses and knowledge aBuiring senses).

material ingredients,

0) he sense perceptions are created and from these the material generated.
i0 so!nd s$y ii0 "o! & air iii0 si,&" fire i*0 "as"e -a"er *0 smell ear"&

elements are

1) he creation of knowledge and working capacity. 2) he contolling deities $ecome manifest $y the interaction of goodness. 3) he si:th creation is the ignorant darkness of the li#ing master acts as a fool. NOT9: )ll the a$o#e are natural creations $y the e:ternal energy of the Lord. he remaining three are creations of 8rahma and will $e included in that section. the mode of

entity, $y which the

V@$AR6AP R9%R9AT@ON ! %R9AT@ON$ O& RAHMA (S.8. 0.,9.4%7) Sitting on top of the lotus, which was spread throughout the uni#erse, 8rahma contemplated on how to create all the planets. 8rahma then entered in the whorl of the lotus and di#ided it into three di#isions and then into fourteen di#isions. he seeds of all the planets in the uni#erse were impregnated in the lotus $y the

Supreme Lord. he material world and the li#ing entities were already generated an seedling forms $y the Lord and 8rahma was to disseminate the seedlings all o#er the uni#erse. (S.8. 0.,9.4 purport)

TH9 %R9AT@ON$ O& TH9 KNMARA$ AN2 OTH9R$ (S.8. 0.,...%24) Verse . 8rahma first created the nescient engagements which are fi#e in num$er. ,) Self%deception % -oha .) he sense of death % )ndha amisra 0) )nger after frustration % amisra 1) he sense of false ownership % -aha -oha 2) @orgetfulness of oneEs real idendity % amas (S.8. 0..9.,6) 8efore creating the li#ing entities in their different species of life, the conditions under wheuh thjy li#e were created $y 8rahma. Verse 0 8rahman then ga#e up his $ody and $egan a new term of creation. Verse 1 In the $eginning 8rahma created the four /umarasD Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat /umara. Verses 2%.9 8rahma asked his four sons to generate progeny. he /umaras declined, which made 8rahma #ery angry. ;e tried to control his anger $ut it came out from $etween his eye$rows in the form of a child in a mi:ed colour of red and $lue. he child was crying and was therefore called 5udra. ;e was gi#en ele#en places to reside, 5udranis. 5udra then $egan to increase the progeny of the uni#erse with offspring resem$ling himself in e#ery way. hey attempted to de#our the uni#erse, which made 8rahma #ery afraid. ;e told 5udra to go and perform penance and wait for the time of dissolution, when his ser#ices would $e called upon.

Verses .,%.7 8rahma then created ten sonsD ,) Narada % $orn from 8rahmaEs deli$eration. .) Vasistha % $orn from 8rahmaEs $reathing. 0) &aksa % $orn from 8rahmaEs thum$. 1) 8hrgu % $orn from 8rahmaEs touch. 2) /ratu % $orn from 8rahmaEs hand. 3) (ulastya % $orn from $rahmaEs ears. 4) )ngira % $orn from 8rahmaEs mouth. 6) )tri % $orn from $rahmaEs eyes. 7) -arici % $orn from 8rahmaEs mind. ,9) (ulaha % $orn from 8rahmaEs na#el. Verse .2 5eligion was manifested from his $reast. Irreligion was manifested from his $ack. Verse .3 Lust and desire $ecame manifest from his heart anger from his eye$rows greed from his lips the power of speaking from his mouth the ocean from his genitals a$omina$le acti#ities from his anus Verse .4 /ardama was manifested from his shadow. Verses .6%0. 8rahma had a daughter named Vak $orn from his $ody. ;is mind was attracted sinfully to her and his sons prayed to the Supreme Lord for the good sense of 8rahma. Verse 00 8rahma ga#e up his $ody of sinful thought which $ecame the dangerous fog of darkness.

Verses 01%16 he four Vedas, the four principles of religion, the four social orders, medical science, military art, musical art, architectural science all emanated one after another. he fifth Veda ((urana) as well as histories all $ecame manifest from his different mouths in systematic order. he eight #arieties of fire sacrifice, the four di#isions of retired life, the four di#isions of renounced life, the science of logical argument, law and order, and moral codes all $ecame manifest from his mouth. he prana#a omkara was manifested from his heart. he art of literary e:pression usnik was generated from his hair. he principle Vedic hymn, gayatri from his skin, tristup from the flesh, anustup from the #eins, and jagati from his $ones. he art of writing #erse, pankti, came from the $one marrow and brhati, another type of #erse was generated from the life%$reath. 8rahmaEs soul was manifested as the touch alpha$ets )sparsas*, his $ody as the #owels, his senses as the sikilant alpha$ets, his strength as the intermediate alpha$ets and his sensual acti#ities as the se#en notes of music. Verses 17%24 "hen 8rahma saw that in spite of the presence of the sages their was no sufficient increase in the poulation, he seriously $egan to consider how the poulation could $e increased. "hile he was thus contemplating, two forms were generated from his $ody. hey were S#aya$hu#a -anu and Satarupa. In due course of time -anu $egot two sons, ?ttanapada and (riya#rata, and three daughters, )kuti, &e#ahuti and (rasuti. -anu ga#e )kuti to the sage 5uci, &e#ahuti to /ardama and (rasuti to &aksa. @rom them, all the world filled with poulation. (S.8. 0..9.,6%20) Verse ,6 8rahma first created the fi#e kinds of ignorance from his shadow. )tamisra, andhatamisra, tamas, moha and maha-moha*. Verses ,7%., <ut of disgust, 8rahma threw off the $ody of ignorance, which $ecame the night. he =aksas and 5aksasas took posseesion of that $ody. Night is the source of hunger and thirst. <#erpowered $y hunger and thirst they ran to de#our 8rahma and 8rahma $ecame #ery afraid and asked to $e spared. Verse .. ;e then created the cheif demigods. he dropped $efore them the form of daytime and the demigods sportingly took possession of it.

Verses .0%04 8rahma then ga#e $irth to the demons from his $uttocks. hey were #ery fond of se: and e#en approached him for copulation. 8rahma first laughed at their stupidity, $ut seeing their determination grew indignant and ran away approached the Lord for protection. he Lord ordered him to gi#e up that $ody, which took the form of the e#ening twilight. he demons $ecame $ewildered and took the twilight to $e a $eautiful woman and seiGed her. Verses 06%07 8rahma then e#ol#ed the Fandha#as and )psaras. Verses 19%1, 8rahma then e#ol#ed from his sloth the ghosts and go$lins. he ghosts took possession of the $ody thrown off in the form of yawning $y 8rahma. ( his is the sleep that causes drooling. Fhosts attack such unclean people who are su$ject to $e haunted or to go insane). Verses 1.%10 8rahma then e#ol#ed th Sandhyas and (itas from his own in#isi$le form, from his na#el. Verse 11 8rahma then e#ol#ed the Siddhas and Vidyadharas and ga#e his form known as )ntardhana. (-ntardhana means that these li#ing creatures can $e percei#ed to $e present, $ut they cannot $e seen $y #ision.) Verses 12%13 Seeing his reflection in the water and admiring himself, 8rahma e#ol#ed the /impurusas as well as the /innaras out of that reflection. Verse 14 8rahma once layed down with his $ody at full length. In a sullen mood he ga#e up that $ody which transformed into snakes. Verses 16%29

@rom his mind 8rahma e#ol#ed the -anus who promote welfare acti#ities and 8rahma ga#e them his own human form.


TH9 $P9%@9$ O& )@&9O jalaja nava laksani sthavara laksha-vimsati krimayo rudra sankhyakat prkshinam dasa-laksanam trimsal-laksani paravah catur laksani manusah here are 799,999 species li#ing in the water. here are also .,999,999 nonmo#ing entities such as trees and plants. here are ,.,99,999 species of insects and reptiles and there are ,,999,999 species of $irds. )s far as animals are concerned there are 0,999,999 #arieties and there are 199,999 human species. ((adma (urana) (S.8. ..,9.04%19) 8rahma and his sons like &aksa, the periodical heads like Vai#as#ata -anu, the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna, the great sages like 8hrgu, Vyasa and Vasistha, the Fandhar#as, Vidyadharas, )suras, =aksas, /innaras and )ngels, the serpentines, the monkey shaped /impurusas, the ;uman 8eings, the inha$itants of -atrloka, the demons, (isacas, ghosts, spirits, lunatics and e#il spirits, the good and e#il stars, go$lins, the animals in the forest, the $irds, the household animals, the reptiles, the mountains, the entities $orn from the em$ryo, from eggs, from perspiration, from seeds and all others, whether they $e in water, land or air, in happiness or distress. )ll of them, according to their past deeds are created $y the Supreme Lord. (S.8.2.2..,%..) 8eings who ha#e a li#ing force (#egeta$les, trees and plants), are superior to earth, stone or dull matter, etc. Superior to non%mo#ing $eings are snakes and worms, etc., or $eings that mo#e. Superior to snakes and worms are animals with de#eloped intelligence. Superior to animals are human $eings. Superior to human $eings are

ghosts % $ecause they ha#e no material (gross) $odies. Superior to ghosts are Fandhar#as. Superior to Fandhar#as are the Siddhas. Superior to the Siddhas are the /innaras. Superior to the /innaras are the demons. Superior to the demons are the demigods. <f the demigods Indra is the topmost. 8rahmaEs direct sons like &aksa, etc., are superior to Indra. among 8rahmaEs sons Si#a is the most ele#ated.

(S.8. Canto 3, Chapter 3) (rajapati &aksa $egot si:ty daughters in the wom$ of his wife )ksini. hese daughters were gi#en in charity to different people to increase the population. en daughters were gi#en to &harmaraja, thirteen to /asyapa, and twenty%se#en to the moon god. In this way fifty daughters were distri$uted. <f the other ten, two were gi#en to 8huta, )ngira and /rsas#a and the remaining four were gi#en to /asyapa. hus /asyapa got se#enteen of &aksaEs daughters. It was $ecause of the union of these daughters with #arious e:alted personalities, that the entire uni#erse was filled with #arious kinds of li#ing entities in #arious $odies like humans, demigods, $irds, etc. NOT9: &aksa was the son of 8rahma and therefore a $rahmana. &ue to his mis$eha#ing like a non% $rahmana $y insulting Lord Si#a, he had to take $irth in the wom$ of a ksatriya. hus he $ecame the son of the (racetas. )lso $ecause of his disrespecting Lord Si#a, he had to undergo the tri$ulation of taking $irth in the wom$ of a woman. he contro#ersy of the &aksa yajna took place during the S#ayam$hu#a man#antara and as a punishment he was killed $y Vira$hadra. 8ut $ecause that was not sufficient he also had to take $irth from -arisa and the (racetas. )ccording to Vis#anatha Cakra#ati hakura, &aksa underwent penance up to the fifth man#antara and then at the $eginning of the si:th man#antara (Caksusa), &aksa took $irth again (as pre#iously mentioned), and on the order of 8rahma, engaged in generating the population of the uni#erse. (S.8. 1.09.16%29)

)9$$ON &@V9PART ON9

%A)%N)AT@ON O& T@M9 &ROM TH9 ATOM (S.8.0.,,.,%,.) he atomic description of the Srimad 8haga#atam is almost the same as the modern science. his is further descri$ed in the (araman%#ada of /anada. ime is measured in terms of its co#ering a certain space of atoms. Standard time is calculated in terms of the mo#ement of the sun. he time co#ered $y the sun in passing o#er an atom is calculated as atomic time.
T-o a"oms T&ree do!Ale a"oms - a do!Ale a"om - a &e)a"om 9par"i le *isaAle in s!ns&ine0 T&ree &e)a"oms - a "r!"i or /= a"omi par"i les8 or one se ond di*ided in /58=;4 par"s. 6ne &!ndred "r!"is - one *eda T&ree *edas - one la*a T&ree la*as - one nimesa T&ree nimesas - one $sana +i*e $sanas - one $as"&a or = se onds +if"een $as"&as - one la,&! or 1 min!"es +if"een la,&!s - one 9nadi$a-danda0 or 2? min!"es T-o dandas - one m!&!r"a or one &o!r Si) "o se*en dandas - one pra&ara or B!ar"er of a day +if"een days and ni,&"s - "-o -ee$s or a for"ni,&" T-o for"ni,&"s - one mon"&

&uring the period of one month the moon wanes and is called krsna paksa, the dark moon or amavasya. In the same month the moon wa:es and is callhd gaur-paksa or sukla paksa, the full moon or purnima. .urnima to amavasya is called krsnapaksa (dark moon). -mavasya to purnima is called gaurpaksa ($right moon). wo months % one season &uring the first si: months the sun tra#els from south to north and is known as uttarayana. &uring the second si: months the sun tra#els from north to south and is knownhasdaksinayana. wo solar mo#ements eBuals one day and night of the demigods.

)9$$ON &@V9PART T>O


he four yugas are known as a divya yuga. <ne divya yuga is ,.,999 years of the demigods or 1,0.9,999 human years.

KRTA or $ATMA!MN6A (6o"den Age) &uration % 1,699 demigods years or ,,4.6,999 human years Life span % ,99,999 years =uga dharma % meditation or astanga yoga ha#ing eight parts. ,) =ama % 5ules .) Niyama % 5estrictions 0) )sana % Sitting postures 1) (ranayama % 8reathing e:ercises 2) (ratyahara % Sense restriction 3) &harana % -editation 4) &hyana % ?ndistur$ed meditation 6) Samadhi % otal a$sor$tion =uga )#atara (,,.2..,)

he yuga a#atara is white with four arms, has matted hair and wears a garment of tree $ark. ;e carries a $lack deerskin, a sacred thread, prayer $eads and the rod and waterpot of a $rahmacari. Symptoms of Satya%yuga he people are peaceful, non%en#ious, friendly and naturally /rsna conscious. In Satya%yuga s there was no di#ision of asrama, e#eryone was a paramahamsa. here was no demigod worship, only the worship of /rsna and religion was perfectly practiced. si (S.8. ,,.2u.,%..)(S.8. Canto 7 Ch. ,1)

TR9TA!MN6A ($i"ver Age) &urationy % 0,399 demigod years or ,,.73,99 hum n years

Life span % ,9,999 years =uga dharma % @ire sacrifice, =ajna =uga )#atara % he yuga a#atara is red. ;e has four arms and golden hair. ;e wears a triple $elt representing initiation into the three Vedas. ;is sym$ols are the sruk, sru#a, etc.,(ladle, spoon and other implements of sacrifice). Symptoms of reta%yuga In reta%yuga the people are thoroughly religious. In Satya%yuga people are naturally /rsna conscious. In reta%yuga they are inclined to $ecome /rsna conscious. o achie#e that end they are #ery strfct in fol owingsledic principles.

2VARPARA!MN6A (%o**er Age) &uration % .,199 demigod years or 631,999 human years Life span % e,99s years =uga )#atara % In &#apara%yuga his comple:ion is dark $lue. ;e wears yellow garments. ;is $ody is marked with Sri#atsa andeother distincti#e ornaments, and ;e manifests ;is personal weapons. NOT9J In other &#aparthyugas $efore /rsnaEs appearance, the yuga a#atara was somewhat greenish. he original (ersonality of Fodhead from whom all other incarnations e:pand is Sri /rsna. ;e appears once in a day of 8rahma, during the period of the se#enth manu (Vai#as#ata) in the .6th di#yayuga. he original (ersonality of Fodhead /rsna only comes once in a day of 8rahma. )lthough in e#ery &#apara%yuga there is a yuga a#atara, they are all e:pansions of Visnu, who is an e:pansion of Sr; /rsna.

Symptoms of &#apara%yuga In &#apara%yuga people ha#e the weaknesses of

mortal $eingss, $ut they ha#e a strong desire to know a$out the )$solute ruth and they worship the Lord in the mood of honoring a great king, following the prescriptions of $oth Vedas and tantras. KA)@!MN6A (@ron Age) &uration % ,,.99 demigod years or 10.,999 human years Life span % ,99 years =uga dharma % Chanting the ;are /rsna (-aha) mantra =uga )#atara % he yuga a#atara for the age of /ali is golden or yellow. @or this /ali%yuga Lord Caitanya has appeared although ;e does not appear in e#ery /ali%yuga. he yuga a#atara for /ali%yuga is generally $lack. Lord Caitanya, who is /rsna ;imself, appears only in the /ali%yuga immediately following the appearance of Sri /rsna in &#apara%yuga. Symptoms of /ali%yuga <, learned one in the age of /ali, men ha#e $ut short li#es. hey are Buarrelsome, laGy, misguided unlucky and a$o#e all, #lways distur$ed. (S.8.,.,.,9) NOT9: here is a chronological order of the four yugas % Satya, &#apara, reta and /ali. Sometimes there is an o#erlapping. &uring the regime of Vai#as#ata -anu there was an o#erlapping of the twenty eighth di#ya%yuga and the third yuga, reta appears $efore the second, &#apara. "hen this happens the source of all incarnations, /rsna, appears. >#ery yuga is di#ided into three periods called sandhyas. (S.8. ,.1.,1) <ne thousand di#ya%yugas eBuals one day of 8rahma. In 8rahmaEs one day there are fourteen -anus. In each one -anu enjoys a life of se#enty%two di#ya%yugas or 62.,999 years of the demigods or 093,4.9,999 human years. )fter the dissolution of

e#ery -anu a new -anu comes. he se#en great sages as well as the leaders in the hea#enly planets like Indra, etc., also rotate along with each change of -anu. hus with the change of each and e#ery -anu the uni#ersal management also changes. In 8rahmaEs one day there are ,1 -anus In 8rahmaEs one month there are 1.9 -anus In 8rahmaEs one year there are 2,919 manus In 8rahmaEs lifetime there are 291,999 -anus


he present age is the Vai#as#ata -anu and 8rahmaEs present day is the S#eta Varaha /alpa. BE Manus?(or this day o( rrhma ,) S#ayam$hu#a -anu % son of Lord 8rahma .) S#arocisa -anu % son of )gni 0) ?ttama -anu % son of (riya#rata 1) amasa -anu % $rother of ?ttama 2) 5ai#ata -anu . a%m$rother of amasa 3) Caksusa -anu % son of the demigod Caksu 4) Vai#as#ata -anu % son of the sun%god Vi#as#an 6) na#arni -anu % son of the sun%god $y his wife Chaya 7) &aksa Sa#arni % son of Varuna ,9) 8rahma Sar#ani l son of 8rahma ,,) &h ama Sa#arni % s n of 5uci ,.) 5udra Sa#arni % son of 5udra ,0) &e#a Sa#arni % son of Satyasaha ,1) Indra Sa#arni % son of 8huti &dring the period of each manu different sages accept the position of Vyasa or the compiler of the Vedas, (uranas, etc. hus in the &#apara%yuga of each di#ya%yuga a different sage accepts the position of Vyasa. CI Vyasas o( the Vaivasvata Manvantara
/0 10 20 %ra&ma Pra<apa"i or Man! Usana8 S!$ra arya /40 Trayyar!na /50 :&anan<aya /;0 Kr"an<aya

30 40 50 ;0 =0 >0 /?0 //0 /10 /20 /30

%r&aspa"i Sa*i"ri Yamara<a @ndra Vasis"&a Saras*a"a Trid&ama Tri*is&an %&arad&*a<a An"ari$sa Vapra

/=0 />0 1?0 1/0 110 120 130 140 150 1;0 1=0

Rina %&arad*a<a 7a!"ama U""ama Vena Somas!s&mapana Ri$s&a or Valmi$i Sa$"i8 fa"&er of Parasara M!ni Parasara M!ni Jara"$ar! Krsna :*aipayana Vyasa

In the ne:t &#apara%yuga the Vyasa will $e )s#attama the son of &rona.

)9$$ON &@V9PART THR99

&uring 8rahmaEs one day there are twenty%fi#e Lila%a#ataras also known as /alpa a#ataras $ecause they appear in e#ery /alpa. <f these Lila%a#ataras ;amsa and -ohini are not #ery tell known. ,) Catursana yt%m he four /umaras. hey appeared in the $eginning of creation and are specifically empowered to dost i$ute transchndental knowledge. hey are empowered with the LordEs jnana-sakti. hey are also known as Saktya#esa.

.) Narada -uni e% he son of Lord 8rahma. ;e is empowered with the LordEs /hakti-sakti. ;e is also Saktya#esa. 0) Varahlde#a % Sukara or the 8oar incarnation.

he 8oar incarnation appeared in two different milleniums. &uring the per oh of S#ayam$hu#a -anu, the earthly planet remained su$merged in the water of de#astation, so the Lord appeared as a white $oar and lifted the earth and set it properly. &uring the period of Caksusa -anu Lord 8oar was red and ;e killed the demon ;iranyakso.

1) -atsya

% he @ish incarnation. ;e appeared to show special merct to Satya#rot -uni. )fter the period of Caksusa when there was a partial inundation, he also protecte Vai#as#ata -anu $y keeping him safe on a $oat.

2) =ajna

% he son of (rajapati 5uci and his wife )kuti. &uring the period of S#ayam$hu#a -anu there was no Bualified Indra. So the Lord appeared as =ajna and took that position.

3) Nara Narayana % he twin sons of the wife of /ing &harma. hey are partial e:pansions of /rsna and )rjuna. Nara and Narayana 5sis e:hi$ited the Lords renunciation.

4) /apilade#a

% he son of &e#ahuti.

;e e:plained the Sankhya philosophy. /apilade#a e:hi$ited the LordEs transcendental knowledge. 6) &attatreya % he son of )tri 5si and )nasurya. ;e is a com$ined incarnation of Lord Visnu, 8rahma and Si#a. ;e spoke on the su$ject of transcendence to )larka, (rahlad, =adu, etc. 7) ;ayasirsa % Lord ;ayagri#a

)t the end of the millenium ignorance personified took the form of a demon, stole the Vedas and took them to the planet 5asatala. )t that time the Lord, at the reBuest of 8rahma, retrie#ed them after assuming the form of a horse. ,9) ;amsa % he Swan incarnation.

&ue to $ewilderment, 8rahma, could not answer some Buestions put forward $y his sons. )t that time the Lord appeared as a swan and answered the Buestions. ,,) (rsnigar$ha % he incarnation who appeared $efore &hru#a. ;e created the planet known as &hru#aloka for the ha$itation of &hru#a -aharaja. ,.) 5sa$ha % he son of /ing Na$hi and his wife -erude#i. ;is oldest son was 8harata -aharaja of which the earth was named after % 8harat%#arsa. ;e instructed his sons to follow the path of perfection $y tapasya. ,0) (rthu % he incarnation of the LordEs ruling force. &ue to the demonic nature of /ing Vena, the sages killed him $y a curse. hey prayed for the Lord to appear and churned the two arms of the dead $ody according to a specific method and the Lord appeared as (rthu. ,1) Nrsimhade#a % he half man half lion incarnation. ;e appeared to protect (rahlad $y killing ;iranyakasipu.

,2) /urma

% he ortoise incarnation. ;e appeared to $ecome the resting place of the -andara ;ill, used as a churning rod $y the demons and demigods to produce nectar.

,3) &han#antari % he father of )yur#eda. ;e appeared from the ocean of milk with the pot of nectar. ,4) -ohini % he LordEs form of a $eautiful woman.

he Lord tricked the demons $y appearing in the form of a $eautiful woman and asked the demons for the nectar and disti$uted it to the demigods. ,6) Vamanade#a % he &warf incarnation.

)ssuming the form of a dwarf $rahmacari the Lord #isited the fire sacrifice of 8ali -aharaja. ;e $egged three steps of land and with those steps ;e took the whole uni#erse. ;e is the son of /asyapa and )diti. ,7) (arasurama % 8hrgupati, the son of Aamadagni and 5enuka.

;e annihilated the administrati#e class twenty%one times $ecause of their re$ellion against the $rahmanas. .9) 5agha#endra % Lord 5amacandra. ;e came ta perform pleasing work for the demigods, protect ;is de#otees and kill 5a#ana and his followers. he Lord assumed the form of a human $eing and e:hi$ited superhuman powers $y controlling the Indian a <cean. .,) Vyasade#a % he son of (arasara -uni and Satya#ati.

;e di#ided the one Veda into se#eral $ranches and su$%$ranches, seeing that the people in general were less intelligent. ..) Lord 8alarama % he first plenary e:pansion of the Lord. .0) Lord /rsna % he original form of the Lord.

8oth 8alarama and /rsna appeared in the family of Vrsni (=adu dynasty)and in doing so remo#ed the $urden of the world. .1) 8uddha % he son of )njana.

;e appeared in the pro#ince of Faya in /ali %yuga to delude those who are en#ious of the faithful. ;e also appeared to stop animal slaughter in the name of Vedic sacrifices $y preaching non%#iolence and $y not accepting Vedic authorities. here is also another 8uddha incarnation mentioned. here are se#enty%two /ali%yugas during the period of one -anu. &uring one /ali%yuga the Lord appeared as 8uddha to $ewilder the demons who were destroying the inha$itants of other planets $y flying unseen in space ships made $y the demon -aya. .2) /alki % he son of Visnu =asa. ;e will appear in the #illage Sam$hala. ;e will mount a horse, &e#adatta and taking ;is sword, will kill millions upon millions of $andits. ;e will also commence Satya%yuga.

NOT9: &uring 8rahmaEs one day there are fourteen manus and twenty%fi#e Lila%a#ataras. here are thirty such days in 8rahmaEs one month. here are twel#e months in a year and 8rahma li#es for one hundred years. <ne hundred years is di#ided into two hal#es. he first half is o#er and the second half is now current. @ifty years complete one parardha. 8rahma must complete another fifty years after which e#erything will $e destroyed. hus 8rahmaEs life span is 0,, trillion 19 $illion earthly years. 8rahmaEs life, howe#er, is calculated to $e less than a moment for the (ersonality of Fodhead. In the Causal <cean there are millions of 8rahmas appearing and disappearing like $u$$les in the )tlantic <cean.

)9$$ON &@V9PART &ONR

TH9 &ONR %AT96OR@9$ O& TH9 NN@V9R$A) ANN@H@)AT@ON here are four kinds of annihilation sumariGed as constant, occational, material and final. ,) "hen a person achie#es knowledge of his relationship with /rsna or when he understands his factual identity, he is then li$erated from the material nature. his is called final annihilation or -tyantika. t (S.8.Canto ,. Ch.1) )tathe time of de#astation, when Lord )nanta desires to desoroy the entire creation, ;e $ecomes slightly angry. hen from $etween ;is eye$rows, the three%eyed 5udra carrying a trident $ecomes manifested. his 5udra who is known as Sankarsana is the em$odiment of the ele#en 5udras. ;e appears to de#astate the creation. In each creation the li#ing entities are gi#en a chance to go $ack to Fodhead. "hen they misuse this opportunity and do not go $ack home, Lord Slnkarsana $ecomes angry and ahnihilates the uni#erse. (S.8. 2..2.0) .) "hen 8rahmaEs life span is finished there occurs the .rakrtika or total material annihilation. )t that time the entire uni#ersal egg is destroyed. )s the annihilation approofhes there will $e no rain on the earth for one hundred years. &rought will lead to famine and the star#ing populace will consume one another. hus they will gradually $e destroyed. he sun will then drink the water of the oceans, of the li#ing $odies and of the earth itself. 8ut the de#astating sun will not gi#e rain in return. Ne:t the fire of annihilation will flare up from the mouth of lord Sankarsana. Carried $y the migtty wind, khis fire will $urh throughout the uni#erse, scorching the lifeless cosmic shell. 8urned from all sides, from a$o#e $y the $laGing sun and from $elow $y the fire of Lord Sankarsana, the uni#ersal sphere will glow like a $urning $all of cow dung. ) great and terri$le wind of destruction will $egin to $low for more than one hundred years, and the sky, co#ered with dust, will turn grey. )fter that, groups of multicolored clouds will gather, roaring terri$ly with thunder, and will pour down floods of rain for one hundred years. )t that time, the shell of the uni#erse will fill up with water, forming a single cosmic ocean. )s the entire uni#erse is flooded, the water will ro$ the earth of its uniBue Buality of fragrance, and the element earth, depri#ed of its distinguishing Buality, will $e dissol#ed. he element fire then seiGes the taste from water and water merges into fire. )ir seiGes form from fire and fire merges into air. >ther then seiGes the Buality of touch from air and air merges into ether. @alse ego in ignorance seiGes sound from ether. @alse ego in passion seiGes the senses and false ego in goodness seiGes the demigods. he mahat-tattva seiGes false ego and thus e#erything is wound up. (S.8. ,..1.4%,7)

0) <ne thousand cycles of the four yugas constitute one day of 8rahma. &uring his night 8rahma sleeps and the three planetary systems meet destruction. his is called 0aimittika or occational annihilation. (S.8. ,..1..%1) "hen 8rahmaEs night appears, the sun and the moon are without glare. he sun and the moon do not #anish, they appear in the remaining portion of the uni#erse. he de#astation takes place due to fire emanating from the mouth of Sankarsana. he great sages like 8hrgu and other inha$itants of -ahaloka, transport themsel#es to Aanaloka, $eing distur$ed $y the warmth of the $laGing fire that rages throughout the uni#erse. )t the $eginning of de#astation all the seas $ecome ferocious and in no time all the three worlds $ecome full of water. he fire from SankarsanaEs mouth rages for 03,999 years. hen for another 03,999 years there are torrents of rain with wind, etc., and the oceans o#erflow. hese reactions for 4.,999 years are the $eginning of the partial de#astation of the three worlds. "hen 8rahma goes to sleep, the three worlds $elow 8rahmaloka are su$merged in the water of de#astation. In his sleeping condition 8rahma dreams a$out the Far$hodakasayi Visnu and takes instruction from the Lord how to recreate the de#astated area. (S.8.Canto 0 Ch ,,) here is also a partial annihilation up to the earthly planet after the period of each -anu. 1) )t e#ery moment time in#isi$ly transforms the $odies of all created $eings and all other manifestations of matter. his process of transformation causes the li#ing entity to undergo the constant annihilation of $irth and death. hose p#ssessed of su6tle #ision state that all (reatures, including 8rahma hrmself, are always su$ject to generation and annahilation. -ater o life means $irth and death or generation and annihilation. he only $oat suita$le for cross ng the ocean of material e:istence, which is otherwise impossi$le to cross, is the $oat of su$missi#e hearing of the nectarean pastimes of the Supreme (ersonality of Fodhead. (S.8. Canto ,. Ch 1)

)9$$ON $@S$TN29NT$ 6N@29

The ig ang Theory @irst there was a $ig chunk of matter which e:ploded in a $ig $ang. )ll the pieces of matter were flung out and scattered all o#er the uni#erse, separately forming whirling

clouds of gas and dust which $ecame gala:ies. hen in each gala:y many millions of smaller discs of gas and dust formed around hot centres called suns. )fter colliding, merging and cooling off o#er $illions of years, these discs of gas and dust $ecame planets, all tra#elling and or$iting around their own suns and formed solar systems. his solar system is a group of nine planets including earth.

How )i(e &ormed he earth is $orn % a molten $all of rock which condenses from a cloud of dust and gas. )s the earth cools the crust $uckles and cracks, and the #olcanoes $elch out gases. "ith further cooling, water condenses and clouds form. 5ains come and wash chemicals out of the atmosphere into the oceans and form a mprime#alE or mprimordial soupE. >lectrical storms form organic compounds, which gradually de#elop into self% supporting cells. Life thus $ecomes esta$lished. NOT9: It is $elie#ed that the first li#ing things to de#elop were pro$a$ly #iruses. )nd the first true cells resem$led $acteria. he first plant life is thought to $e algae, found in stagnant pools.

)9$$ON $@ST9A%H9R$ 6N@29

TH9 MO29RN %ON%9PT@ON O& TH9 %R9AT@ON (Information gathered from 5eaders &igest >ncyclopedia of -odern /nowledge) NOT9: -odern science is generally accepted and taught in schools following the ascending process of aBuiring knowledgeJ i.eD from what is already seen or accepted, assumptions and speculations are made a$out what is not known. herefore, modern science follows a practice of hypothesis, theory, and accepted law. ;ypothesis % ) tentati#e assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical empirical conseBuencesJ i.eD

argumenss relying on o$ser#ations and e:perionce alone. heory % he analysis of a set of facts, principles or citcumstances, in their relation to one another. In other words, an idea deduced from other formulas or propositions. ) theory is not a pro#en fact. % )n aspect or Buality of a phenomenon assumed to hold or is so far known as in#aria$le under gi#en conditions. i.e., "hen there is e:perimental proof or when an e:periment gi#es the same result under the same conditions, and the result so far cannot $e refuted and is widely accepted $y scientists, it is made $y them into a la1.


@or the sake of argument someone puts forward a hypthesis and when a set of facts or circumstances are $rought together to $ack this argument it is called a theory. "hen this theory is applied under set conditions and e:periments and the same result occurs, and so 2ar, is not a$le to $e dispro#ed, it is called law. herefore, when we hear the theories and e:planations put forward $y modern science we can see their statements filled with words like maybe, possibly, it is believed, probably, perhaps, etc. So $ecause modern science is primarily $ased on the speculati#e process, one should $e cautious a$out these theories and so%called laws understanding that they are constantly su$yect to change.

PART ON9TH9 OR@6@N O& TH9 NN@V9R$9 here are many theories a$out the origin of the uni#erse, $ut $asically three principle ones rre gi#en the most credence.

B) The ig anv Theory ccording to this theory,.the uni#erse had fts origin in a gigantic e:elosion a$out ,6,999 million years ago. he matter flung out from the e:plosion condensed into lumps called gala:ies, which are still rushing outwards. )s the uni#erse grows old, the matter in it thins out. he e:pansion continues indefinitely. In the ,7.9s an astonomer named >dwin ;u$$le using a ,99 inch telescope in )merica made a sensational dico#eryJ the gala:ies seemed to $e mo#ing away from one another at speeds that increased with their distances. It seemed that the entire uni#erse

was e:panding. he 8elgian astronomer Feorges Lemaitres pointed out that if the outward mo#ements of all the gala:ies were traced $ackwards, then they would presumably meet in a single point. his large $lo$ of matter, known as the cosmic egg or prime#al atom, must have $een all that e:isted of the uni#erse in the distant past. Lemaitre suggested that for some reason this giant $lo$ of matter e:ploded, flinging materials outwards like a $om$. his marked the creation of the uni#erse. LemaitreEs idea $ecame known as the 8ig 8ang theory. NOT9: "here the cosmic egg came from, or what e:isted $efore the 8ig 8ang, are Buestions that remained unsol#ed.

C) The Os3i""ating Theory his theory, a #ariation on the 8ig 8ang theory, suggests that the e:pansion of the uni#erse will e#entually slow down and stop, followed $y a contraction of the gala:ies into another 8ig 8ang. he outward e:pansion of the gala:ies will e#entually $e slowed and stopped $y gra#ity, like a stone $eing thrown upwards. he uni#erse therefore continues in endless cycles of e:pansion and contractionD the laws of nature may differ in each cycle. )ccording to this theory there was no one%time creation. ;owe#er, the <scillating theory does not seem to $e supported $y the latest studies $ecause the astronomers can find no e#idence that the gala:ies are slowing down. herefore, it seems most likely, that the e:pansion of the uni#erse will continue indefinitely. D) The $teady $tate Theory )n alternati#e #eiw of the 8ig 8ang, this theory says that the uni#erse ne#er originated at any one instant, nor will it e#er die. )ccording to the Steady State theory, as the uni#erse e:pands new matter is created to fill the spaces left. herefore, the appearance of the uni#erse remains constant with time. )ccording to the Steady State theory, the uni#erse has always e:isted in much the same form as present. It had no $eginning, and will ha#e no end. ;owe#er, $ecause of the e:pansion of the uni#erse, the o#erall density of the matter in space would decrease with time, unless it were somehow replaced $y new matter. he Steady State theory proposes that matter is indeed continuously created. )s the gal:ies rush apart, new material is created out of nothing to fill the space they lea#e, so that the o#erall appearance of the uni#erse remains constant. ;owe#er, it appears that the Steady State theory has not stood the test of time and it is not openly accepted at present.

The Present 2ay Nnderstanding -any lines of e#idence now suggest that the uni#erse did indeed ha#e its origin in a 8ig 8ang ,6,999 million years ago. he first facts supporting this $elief came during the ,729s, as radio astronomers pro$ed deep into the uni#erse. Light and radio wa#es take a considera$le time to reach us from the most distant o$jects in spaceJ the further away an o$ject, the longer its light has taken to get here. &istant gal:ies are so far off that their radiation has $een tra#elling to >arth for thousands of millions of yearsD therefore we see them as they appeared thousands of millions of years ago, when the uni#erse was much younger. Counting the num$er of o$jects far away in space % and thus far $ack in time they found that they were more common than o$jects nearer to >arth. his suggested that contrary to the Steady State theory, the uni#erse has indeed changed in appearance in time. )s well as the disco#ery of auasars or the $rilliant centres of energetic young gala:iesD the most crucial e#idence of all in support of the 8ig 8ang theory came in ,732. his was the disco#ery $y radio astronomers of low%energy radiation that indicated a slight warmth filling all of space and gi#ing it a temperature of a$out ..4 degrees Celcius a$o#e a$solute Gero. his so%called $ackground radiation is $elie#ed to $e the heat left after the 8ig 8ang e:plosion.

PART T>O irth o( the $un and P"anetsO

The 6a"a7y and $un In the immensity of space whirl hundreds of millions of gala:ies, each of them a comlete star system containing thousands of millions of stars. his gala:y, of which the sun and its solar system form a part, is a spiral shaped mass of ,99,999 million stars, part of which can $e seen as the -ilky "ay. -odern scientists $elie#e that there are millions of suns in millions of gala:ies in the uni#erse. hey $elie#e many of the stars we see in the night sky to $e suns similar to the one we see during the day. Fala:ies are dotted like islands through the uni#erse. he space $etween them is empty apart from possi$le wisps of gas, and perhaps the occasional unseen star which has $roken away from a gala:y. <ur own gala:y, the -ilky "ay is one of perhaps ,99,999 million such islands. he nearest gala:y which is faintly #isi$le to the naked eye is the constellation of )ndromeda.

hrough radio astronomy they found the gala:ies of the -ilky "ay and )ndromeda to $e spiral shaped. Fala:ies are $elie#ed to ha#e $een formed when hydrogen and helium gas, thrown out from the 8ig 8ang e:plosion, $egan to $reak up into indi#idual clouds, which then $egan to shrink.

The P"anets he likeliest e:planation of the origin of the planets is that they formed from a disc of gas and dust spinning around a newly formed star, our sun. )round the young sun, the remains of the gas cloud were gradually smeared out into a disc, or solar ne$ula. 8efore the sun $egins to glow $rightly, the disc of gas resem$les a freeGing fog, with the lighter matter on the outer edges. Specks of matter within the disc collided with each other, and so coalesced or merged into larger lumps. he lumps e#entually swept each other up, forming large, solid $odies around the sun. Sometimes se#eral proto% planets mergedD and sometimes one $ody was captured in or$it round another, like the -oon and >arth.

The $o"ar $ystem -odern science teaches that these discs of gas and dust after colliding and merging for millions of years formed what is known as the Solar System. his is a group of nine planets including the >arth rotating around the sun. hese nine planets are -ercury, Venus, >arth, -ars, Aupiter, Saturn, ?ranus, Neptune and (luto. <nly -ercury, Venus, >arth and -ars are $elie#ed to $e solid and the rest are $elie#ed to $e spinning glo$es of liBuid gas like Aupiter, or froGen gas. he -oon is considered a satellite of >arth and is $elie#ed to $e closer to the >arth than the sun. It is $elie#ed that the -oon is a$out one Buarter the siGe of >arth and a$out .19,999 miles away.


he modern theory a$out the origin and formation of the uni#erse is as follows. @irst there was a $ig chunk of matter or gas in outer space. No one knows its origin

or what it was made of. his chunk or egg e:ploded and made a m8ig 8angE. hen all the pieces scattered throughout the uni#erse and seperately formed whirling clouds of gas and dust which $ecame gala:ies. hen in each gala:y many millions of smaller discs of gas and dust formed around hot centres called suns. )fter colliding and merging and cooling off these discs of gas and dust $ecame planets all tra#elling and or$iting around their own suns and $ecame known as Solar Systems. he modern scientists $elie#e that this process is still going on. So, if they can somehow get out into space, with rockets and telescopes, they can see if they are right or wrong.

PART THR99How )i(e egan Scientists who study the $eginnings of all li#ing things see the creation of life as a logical e#ent % not a chance occurrence. hey see it as the ine#ita$le product of the conditions that e:isted on earth more than 0,299 million years ago. Still, what they assume to ha#e happened in the $eginning of creation is $ased not only on the speculations of the origin of life on earth, $ut also on the speculations of the origin of the uni#erse itself. herefore, their conclusions are $ased on the theory of a chance occurrence of a chunk appearing from nothing, then e:ploding, and from this, conditions $ecame ripe for so%called ine#ita$le e#ents. his is tantamount to all the ingredients of a house appearing from nowhere, along with some e:plosi#es, which for some reason detonates, and a perfectly eBuipped house is produced. hen on top of that, $ecause such a nice arrangement of a house happened, a family naturally e#ol#ed in the house along with all the household paraphenalia, household pets, running water and food to eat. he only ri#al to this #eiw from the scientists is the so%called panspermia hypothesis, which suggests that primiti#e life forms could ha#e reached the earth from elsewhere in the uni#erse % either planted deli$erately $y other intelligent $eings, or else $rought accidentally $y meteorites. >#idence for this theory includes fragments of meteorites that ha#e $een found to contain $oth chemicals characteristic of li#ing things and also some minute structures that could $e fossils of ancient micro% organisms. 8ut the panspermia theory is not widely held $ecause e#en the hardiest of micro% organisms would $e unlikely to sur#i#e the harsh conditions of outer space. It is, in any case, a theory that a#oids rather than sol#es the Buestion of how life itself $egan. So the modern accepted theory of how life $egan on earth is gi#en in the following recipeJ A Re3i*e (or )i(eO NOT9:

he chemical elements from which all present day li#ing things are made were present on the primiti#e earth 1,999 million years ago. ;owe#er, it is not known for certain how they com$ined, for a$out .,999 million years, to form the first cells. he earth is $orn % a $all of molten rock condenses from a cloud of gas. Intense heat and no atmosphere pre#ail. )s the earth cools, the crust $uckles and #olcanoes $elch out gases to form the first atmosphere. "ith further cooling, water condenses and clouds form. orrential rain, #iolent storms and radiation occur. 5ains wash chemicals out of the atmosphere into oceans. his created what is called the mprime#al or primordial soupE. <rganic compounds formed $y lightning and radiation. he earth Buietens and the storms cease. "ater e#aporates from the oceans, concentrating the organic compounds. Chains of nucleic acids and amino acids appear % perhaps catalysed $y clay particles on the surface of the ocean floor. ) layer of fats form on the sea. Small droplets splashed from the msoupE form an early mem$rane. he first self%supporting cells appear followed $y plants which release o:ygen. <:ygen forms the oGone layer which sheilds the earth from lethal ultra%#iolet radiation. hus life has $ecome esta$lished. It is $elie#ed that the first li#ing organisms to de#elop were pro$a$ly #iruses and the first true cells to e#ol#e pro$a$ly resem$led $acteria. he first plant life is presumed to $e a primiti#e $lue%green algae found today floating in stagnant pools. The 9vo"ution o( )i(e &orms @ossils disco#ered in successi#e layers of the earthEs crust show that plants and animals ha#e changed continuously o#er millions of years. ?nfortunately, such fossil e#idence is plentiful only from the start of the Cam$rian (eriod some 249 million

years ago, when the earth was well into its mmiddle ageE. Nothing is known of (re%cam$rian Life, $ut among the plants identifia$le from the oldest known fossils are seaweeds and aBuatic fungi. It is $elie#ed from the $eginning of the Cam$rian period single celled organisms had e#ol#ed into semi%independent cells like sponges. hen they de#eloped into multi% celled organisms like jellyfish and coral. he ne:t to form were creatures similar to flatworms, which formed into roundworms and then into segmented worms. hey could take in food through the mouth then e:crete the waste.

@nvertabrates or she""ed 3reaturesO )fter a$out .2 million years molluscs or shelled animals like snails and sBuids e#ol#ed. hese were a #ery large group of animals, characterised $y an e:ternal shell of tough, jointed, armoured skin. -odern descendants range from cra$s and lo$sters to insects and spiders. he most common in these early times were trilo$ites which #aried from pin%head siGe to two feet in length.

Vertabrates or anima"s with ba3#bonesO he first #erta$rates formed the link that e#entually led through the primiti#e jawless fishes to the highly de#eloped animals of modern timesJ $ony fishes, amphi$ians, reptiles, $irds, and ultimately mammals. ( here are few precise fossil records to show how #erta$rates e#ol#ed). he first #erta$rates were sea%sBuirts. @ishes gradually e#ol#ed and from them amphi$ians de#eloped $y using their fins to support their weight after they crawled onto land. @rom their fins grew legs and they de#eloped strong $ack$ones to support themsel#es as they $egan to slither around from pool to pool. he air sacs which complemented their gills formed into lungs that allowed them to $reathe out of water. So the mo#e from the sea to dry land had $egun. "hen the first amphi$ians started to crawl further from their shallow pools, they found many other forms of life had preceded them on to dry land. hese were plants that had e#ol#ed from seeweeds and had adapted to the land $y growing roots and

woody frames to support themsel#es. So the amphi$ians found food on the land. )mong the first in#erta$rates to adapt to the new en#ironment were scorpions and millipedes and soon after them came insects. he earliest #erta$rates were a$out ten feet long and had long%tailed $odies on short sturdy legs. Some had no legs. @rom these de#eloped reptiles. 5eptiles $ecame #ery large up to 79 feet long % dinasaurs. Some ate plants and others ate flesh. Some walked on four legs, others ran on their hind legs and others de#eloped wings. Ne:t e#ol#ed the mammals and $irds. hey $ecame warm%$looded and de#eloped hair aed featheos. )$out 32 million years ago tremendous changes affected the earth. he reasons are not clear % although it is known that the supercontinents were $reaking up and colliding, there$y changing climates and isolating species. So the age of the reptile was cut short a$ruptly.

&rom Heegehog to Mon#ey to Man wo main groups of mammals sur#i#ed into themnew ageE. <ne group had fur and suckled its young, though its mem$ers still laid leathery%shelled eggs like reptiles. his group led to theapresent%day spiny anteater and the pratypus. )ll other mammals resulted from the other group. hese animals e#ol#ed in two ways. <ne group $ecame pouched mammals % the marsupials. he other group, whose original mem$ers resem$led the modern insect%eating animals such as the hedgehog, led to the placental mammals, whose offspring de#eloped to an ad#anced stage in the wom$ $efore $irth. >:ploiting the ha$itats left $y the reptiles after they $ecame e:tinct, the mammals de#eloped rapidly in many directions. auite early, the primates $ecame a distincti#e forest group, adept at co%ordinating hand and eye. hey e#entually ga#e rise to monkeys, apes and man. ;oo#ed animals e#ol#ed and these led to horses, cattle, elephants, rhinos and aard#arks. &rom 9ar"y Primate to Modern ManO )ccording to anthroplogists and modern scientists the more widely a particular

characteristic is shared $y many diff,rent species of hnimals, the more likely it in that the characteristic was once possessed $y a ctmmon ancestor from which all the species descended. In other words, man has a large $rain, stereoscopic colour #ision, a collar $one, and hands instead of paws. o they conclude that other animals such as monkeys are related $y a common ancestor. he common ancestdr of all primates was pro$a$ly a small, rat%like animal adapted for life in trees. <nce in the trees , the prima es $egan to separate into different groups, some li#ing in the outer $ranches, which remained small and some li#ing in the stronger $ranches, which grew large. hen another group descended from the trees and $egan to walk upright. 8ecause of so many features of man are shared with the ape, such as the ri$%cage, arm, shoulder%$lade and also of the internal arrangement of the chest ca#ity, he scientists feel that this pro#ides strong e#idence that man is closely related genetically to modern apes, such as the gorilla and the chimpanGee. It is $elie#ed that man made his appearance in a form almost indistinguisha$le to modern man a$out 02,999 years ago. ;is $rain had completed its e:taordinary history of growth. ;e had a religion that centred upon animals and he was fully adapted to the hunting way of life.

PAmT &@V9TH9 M9%HAN@%$ O& 9VO)NT@ON The Theory o( 9vo"ution he theory of e#olution is as old as speculation itself. >arly Freek speculators propounded a theory known as Spontaneous Feneration % that is, the theory that the first li#ing organisms made themsel#es from the primordial mud. hey suggest dethat all creatures originally inha$ited the seas. ;owe#er, elthough this was unpro#en and unscientif c, it was iccepted untiliit was dispro#ed $y modern scientists. NOT9: r"hile it is said that the Spontaneous Feneratioiwtheory has $een dispro#ed $y modern scientists, this simply means that the earld thinkers thought that creatures de#eloped independently in rheir e:isting forms from water, air, fire and earth. he modern theory is that gradual e#olution took place under set conditions and creatures e#ol#ed from common ancestors.

2arwin1s Theory &arwinEs theory is known as the Theory o( Natura" $e"e3tionO his theory is the idea that primiti#e creatures had gradually changed into the species ali#e today. &arwin was not the first to suggest this $ut his contri$ution was to present e#idence to pro#e e#olution had occurred and a theory to e:plain how. >#idence in support of &arwins theory comes from many $ranches of science. Compariti#e anatomy, physiology and $iochemistry show how the structure of the $ody and functions of different species are related in a progressi#e way. >m$ryology shows that many apparently unrelated creatures go through similar stages of em$ryo de#elopment. )nd paleontology or the study of fossils can show how life has de#eloped o#er 0,999 million years. 8efore &arwin there was an idea that creatures e#ol#ed $y passing on to their offspring adaptions de#eloped during their own lifetime. @or e:ample they thought that a giraffeEi long neck e#ol#ed $ecause the animalEs ancestors stretched up to $rowde on the lea#es of trees. his would elengate their neckh slightly, and this ac3uired characteristic would $e inherited and added to $y succeeding genedations. ;owe#er, it is now known that acBuired characteristics cannod $e inherited. &arwin looked at the pro$lem in another way. ;e noticed that indi#idual animals and plants are not identical, $ut #aried (although he could not account for the #ariations). Some mem$ers of a species are taller than others, some ha#e different colours, etc. Some #ariations may $e $eneficial to an animal and some may $e harmful. )n animal with a #ariation that helps it cope with its en#ironment will ha#e a $etter chance of sur#i#ing and multiplying. 8ecause there is a $etter chance of sur#i#ing the particular traits that help it to sur#i#e will $e passed on to its offspring and the new, $eneficial adaptation will e#entually $ecome esta$lished. ) harmful characteristic will $e slowly eliminated. &arwin knew that the population of any particular species remains constant, e#en though they produce more offspring than will sur#i#e to maturity. @rom this he deduced that most li#ing things are engaged in a struggle for sur#i#al. herefore he thought those with the most fa#oura$le adaptations will ha#e the greatest sur#i#al % and $reeding % rate. his phenomenon, commonly known as mSur#i#al of the @ittestE, &arwin called mNatural SelectionL. NOT9: 8y msur#i#al of theffittestE &arwin meant those with adaptations that will gi#e it the greatest sur#i#al and $reeding rate. ;e also $elie#ed chance played a role particularly in some isolated oceanic islands. "hile innthe Falapagos Islands, where he gained most of his insight, he found some $irds ha#e $ecome flightless $ecause there are no predators to chase them and they

didnEt need to use the energy flying. So they lost the use of their wings. ;e thinks that if they were amongst a larger population of animals they might ha#e $een forced to fly and wouldnEt ha#e passed on the flightless trait. &arwin $elie#ed in heredity $ut didnEt know how it worked. hen an idea was put forward that the #ariations that allow natural selection to take place are due to spontaneous changes in an organismEs genes, known as mutarions. I( is still not known for certain whether the accumulation of small #ariations caused $y small mutations within a species is enough tohe:plain the de#elopment of a new species. Some think that many new species may$e the result of large mutations, producing monsters. hey think these will not sur#i#e ween there are major en#ironmental changes. 8ut they see little reason wh , $y chance, some so%called mhopeful monstersE should not appear occasionally. If enough appeared with positi#e ad#antages in the struggle forisur#i#al, e#olution would $e set on a new path. here are many additions to these speculations $ut it is this general $elief that life e#ol#ed from one species to another % not in an orderly progression % like a monkey to a man, $ut in e#ery direction the en#ironment will allow. 8ecause the modern scientists do not really know e:actly how life itself $egan, and only follow theories put forward $y other $lind speculators, they are now engaged in spending $illions upon $illions of dollars either sending out space pro$es to find the origin of the uni#erse or trying to recreate, in their la$oratories, the e:act set of conditions which they think to $e the cause of life, to produce a li#ing entity from a com$ination of chemicals.

)9$$ON $9V9NPART ON9

The Vedi3 Authority he Vedas are not compilations of human knowledge. hey come directly from Sri /rsna in the spiritual world and are therefore infalli$le. )nother name for Veda is Sruti. Sruti means that knowledge which is learnt $y hearing. It is not e:perimental knowledge. It is accepted an a:iomatic truth. @or e:ample, if one wants to know who oneEs father is, one has to accept the authority of the mother. here is no Buestion of some e:periment for proof that so and so is my father. <ne just accepts the mothers authority. Similarly, one must#accept the Veda in the same wdy. If something is $eyo d oneEs perceptoon, then one must accept a higher authority and that authority is ehe Vedas. here is no Buestion of e:perimenting. It has already $een e:Verimented. It has already $een settled. here are three kinds of e#idenceD ,) (ratyaksa % direct sensory e:perience

.) )numana % hypothesis or speculation 0) Sa$da % accepting $y hearing

,) Pratya#sa *ramana his is not perfect or e#en complete knowledge. In conditionedn life ne has four defectsJ i) he senses are imperfect

ii) one can $ecome illusioned iii) one has the propensity to cheat others i#) one has the tendency to commit mistakes. "ith all these imperfections it is not possi$le to conclude something perfect, e#en though it may $e done with some scientific instrument. @or e:ample, if I see, touch, smell, etc., a person I will not get a complete understanding of that person, e#en though I am percie#ing him with my senses. 8ut if I hear a$out that person I will get a more perfect understanding. )nother e:ample is trying to ascertain whether man is mortal. If one likes he can go and check e#ery person to see. 8ut, in the process of checking one may make mistakes, miss someone, etc., so sensual perception is not complete. It is $etter to just accept from those who know. .) Anumana *ramana his is simply speculation. It may $e like this or it may $e science is full of may$e, pro$a$ly, may ha#e $een, etc. like that. -odern

)n e:ample of this is one may see someoneEs shoes outside a room. hat person may or may not $e in the room. In other words one speculates. So this is also not perfect e#idence. 0) $abda *ramana his is accepting $y hearing from the right authority. )n e:ample of this is if one recie#es a guide from a radio station he accepts it. <ne does not need to Buestion it or make an e:periment $ecause it is recie#ed from authoritati#e sources. Similarlay, Vedic knowledge is accepted on the strength of

hearing from the right authority, that is why it is called sruti.

)9$$ON $9V9NPART T>O

Arguing the $3ientists1 Theories he conclusions of the scientists are $ased on the theory of a chunk appearing $y chance from nothing, and then e:ploding. @rom this, they think that conditions $ecame ready for creation. his is just like the e:ample of all the ingredients of a house appearing from nowhere, along with some dynamite, which for some reason e:plodes, and a perfectly $uilt house is produced. hen on top of that, $ecause such a nice arrangement of a house happened, a family naturally grew in the house along with all the household paraphenalia, household pets, running water and food to eat.

;ow do they know ho1 the uni#erse formed if they donEt e#en know where the chunk came from in the first place* "here is there any e:ample of something appearing from nothing* he modern contention that the uni#erse originated in a $ig $ang is simply a childish fantasy. he creation of the uni#erse is like the growth of a great $anyan tree from a tiny seed. No one can see the tree within the seed, $ut all the necessary ingredients for the tree are there. Aust as within this uni#erse there are all the eight material elements, these elements are also in e#eryoneEs $ody. herefore, each $ody, our $ody, the insect $ody, the tree $ody, etc., are all sample uni#erses. hese constituents are also within each atom. /rsna controls nature just as an engineer controls a train. he engineer controls the locomoti#e, which pulls one car, and that car in turn pulls another, and so the whole train is mo#ing. Similarly, with the creation, /rsna gi#es the first push, and then, $y means of successi#e pushes, the entire cosmic manifestation comes into $eing and is maintained. his is e:plained in the 8haga#ad%gita (7.,9),

mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram L his material nature is working under -y direction and is producing all mo#ing and unmo#ing $eings.L )nd in the fourteenth chapter (,1.1) /rsna says, sarva-yonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah tasam brahma mahad yonir aham bija-pradah pita L)ll species of life are made possi$le $y $irth in this material nature, < son of /unti, and I am the seed%gi#ing father.L

If they say that life comes from a com$ination of chemicals why canEt they create life from chemicals now* <ur understanding is life comes from life and our proof is that e#erything we see is produced $y something already li#ing. Aust like I came from my father who is li#ing and he came from his father who was li#ing. he trees come from li#ing trees not dead ones. &arwin says that the different species were not created simultaneously, $ut e#ol#ed gradually and modern proponents of &arwinism say that the first li#ing organism was created chemically. If life originated from chemicals, and if their science is so ad#anced, then why canEt they create life $iochemically in their la$oratories* hey say that they will create life in the future. "hat future* "hen this crucial point is raised, they reply, min the futureE. 8ut if they are so ad#anced they must demonstrate now. <therwise their claim that they will soon pro#e a chemical origin of life is something like paying a postdated check. "hat is the #alue of that check* Scientists are claiming that their science is wonderful, $ut when a practical e:ample is wanted, they say they will pro#ide in the future. Suppose I say that I possess millions of dollars, and when you ask me for some money I say, L=es, I will now gi#e you a postdated check. Is that alright*L If you are intelligent you will reply, L)t present gi#e me just fi#e dollars in cash so I can see something tangi$le.L Similarly, the scientists cannot produce e#en a single $lade of grass in their la$oratories, yet they are claiming that life is produced from chemicals.

hey say that in the ultimate analysis, e#erything came from matter. Li#ing matter came from nonli#ing matter. 8ut where is this li#ing matter coming from now* &o the scientists think that life came from matter in the past $ut does not at the present* If they cannot pro#e that life arises from matter in the present, how do they know life arose this way in the past* here must $e proof. "e can pro#e life arises from life. @or e:ample, a father $egets a child. he father is li#ing, and the child is li#ing. 8ut where is the proof that a father can $e a dead stone* hey cannot pro#e that life comes from matter. Scientists think that one species of life e#ol#ed into another higher form, like a monkeyEs $ody de#eloped into a human $ody. Li#ing $eings mo#e from one form to another form. he forms already e:ist. he li#ing entity simply transfers himself, just as a man transfers himself from one apartment to another. <ne apartment is first class, another is second class and another is third class. Suppose a person comes from a lower%class apartment to a first%class apartment. he person is the same, $ut now, according to his capacity for payment, or karma, he is a$le to occupy a higher%class apartment. 5eal e#olution does not mean physical de#elopment, $ut de#elopment of consciousness. It is not that the lower%class apartment $ecomes a higher%class apartment. -atter is caused $y life and matter grows upon life. -y $ody grows upon me, the spirit soulD just like putting on an o#ercoat.

)ll the $uildings we see on the land, the ships that float on the ocean, planes that fly in the air, etc., are created $y li#ing people. Scientists do not know that there are two types of energy % inferior and superior % although they are actually working with these two energies e#ery day. -aterial energy can ne#er work independentlyD it must first come in contact with spiritual energy. ) competent machine does not work unless a man who knows how to work it pushes a $utton. ) cadillac is a nice car, $ut if it has no dri#er, what is the use of it* So the material uni#erse is also a machine. (eople are amaGed at seeing a $ig machine with many, many parts, $ut an intelligent person knows howe#er wonderful a machine may $e, it does not work unless an operator comes and pushes the proper $utton. herefore, who is more important % the operator or the machine* "e are concerned not with the material machine, this cosmic manifestation, $ut with its operator, /rsna.

Someone may say, L"ell, how do I know that ;e is the operator*L /rsna says, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaramJ L?nder -y direction the whole cosmic manifestation is workingL. If you say, LNo /rsna is not the operator $ehind the cosmos,L then you ha#e to accept another operator, and you must present him. 8ut this you cannot do. herefore, in the a$sence of your proof, you should accept mine. The Origin o( NatureO In many scientific journals the scientists speak of mNatureE. hey contain many articles concerning natural products like plants, flowers and minerals, $ut do not mention Fod. "e may rightly o$ser#e that plants are $eing produced $y nature. 8ut the ne:t Buestion we must ask is, L"ho has produced nature*L "here does nature come from* @or instance, I speak of my nature, and you speak of your nature. herefore, as soon as we speak of nature, the ne:t inBuiry should $e, L"hose nature*L Nature means energy. as soon as we speak of energy, we must inBuire into the source of that energy. @or e:ample, if you speak of electrical energy, you must accept its source, the powerhouse. >lectricity does not come automatically. Similarly, nature is not working automaticallyD it is under the control of /rsna. 8ecause our senses are imperfect, $ecause we make mistakes, we are influenced $y illusions and we ha#e a tendency to cheat or $e cheated, whate#er knowledge we gain $y our senses and mind is also imperfect. herefore we should accept things $y authority. Aust like if I want to know who is my father, the $est authority to ask is my mother. here is no need to speculate if I accept the right authority. he Vedic literature is also known as mother and $y her authority /rsna is the seed%gi#ing father.

9N2 O& $9%T@ON ON9

Section wo ,. ;istory ofJ the ,1 -anus

the (rajapatis the /ings of the sun n -oon &ynasty

Puranas complete [Descriptive Overview]

Agni Purana
SpeakersJ )gnikVasistha VolumeJ ,2,999 #erses FoalJ ;ea#en /alpaJ Isana -odeJ Ignorance opicsJ )ll Incarnations )rchery )strology )stronomy )yur#eda (re#iew) 8rahmacarya 8rahma#idya Celi$acy (#ow of) Cosmic egg Cows, treatment Creation &ealing (method of) &e#as n )suras &iagnosis (of men) &issolutions (types of) &reams &uties of /ings >lephants, pacification @ormation of words Fayatri (meaning) ;er$s n -antras ;ymn unto Linga Incarnations (all) Initiations Isana /alpa Aewels, characteristics Ayotisa /ings (duties of) /usa grass (water) Le:icon accord. groups n format.

Le:icon of single%sylla$led norms Lim$s of the $ody Linga (hymn unto) Literature (criticism) -andala -antras -antras n ;er$s -antras for coronation -an#antaras -edical her$s -edical science -en, treatment -udras <mens (hilosophy of =oga (rosody (science of) 5atna &iksa 5atnas (jewels) Sariraka (lim$s of the $ody) emples Veterinary science "ord formation =oga (hilosophy =oga System =uddhajayarna#a

hagavata Purana
SpeakersJ SutakSaunaka, Sukade#ak(ariksit VolumeJ ,. parts, ,6,999 #erses FoalJ /rsna -odeJ Foodness opicsJ )sramas (4) )sraya (,.) 8ranches of Vedas (,.) Cosmic egg (2) Creation (. types) (.) Creation (cause of) (.) Creation (from 8rahman) (0) >arth ($urden of) (,9) /ali%yuga (,.)

-an#antaras (6) -ilk <cean (6) -ukti (,,) Nirodha (,9) Num$er (of #erses) (,.) <cean (churning) (6) (osana (3) (rakarana of$8rahman Creation (0) Samsthana (2) Sankhya (0) Sthi i (2) Supersoul n0) ?ni#erse (,) ?ti (4) Varnas (4) Vedas ($ranches of) (,.) Vedas (composition) (,.) Visarga (1)

havisya Purana
Speakers SutakSaunaka VolumeJ 2iparts, ,3,999 #erses FoalJ 8rahma /alpaJ )ghora -odeJ (assion opicsJ )ghora /alpa (,) 8rahma (ar#a (,) Callidraphy (,) Creation (,) &eities (eBuality among all) &harma (religious duty) (,) /ama (,) -oksa (,) (ratisarga (ar#a (2) Sai#a (ar#a (0) Saura (ar#a (1) Sun (stories a$out) (,) ?pakrama ($eginning) (,) Vaisna#a (ar#a (.)

rahma Purana
SpeakersJ Vyasade#a VolumeJ . parts, ,9,999 #erses FoalJ 8rahma -odeJ (assion opicsJ )sramas (.) )suras (,) 8rahma#ada (.) &e#as (,) &issolution (.) (aramatma (,) (itris (.) (rajapatis (,) (ralaya (.) (uranas (.) Sankhyas (.) Varnas (.) =ogas (.)

rahma Vaivarta Purana

SpeakersJ SutakSaunaka, Sa#arnakNarada VolumeJ 1 parts, ,6,999 #erses FoalJ 8rahma /alpaJ 5athantara -odeJ (assion opicsJ )tman (Si#aEs, $y e:position) (.) )utumn (in Vraja) (1) 8rahma /handa (,) Creation (,) Fanesa /handa (0) /alas (digits as parts of (rakrti) (1) /nowledge (acBuisition) (,) /rsna /handa (1) Li$eration (,) (rakrti /handa (.) 5asalila (1)

5athantara /alpa Siddhas (1) Si#aEs world (attainment of) (,)

rahmananda Purana
VolumeJ 1 parts, ,.,9n9 #erses FoalJ 8rahman /alpaJ )di -odeJ (assion opicsJ )nusangapada (.) )tman (the Freat, 8rahman) (1) 8attle ($etween &e#as n )suras) (0) 8harata Varsa (.) 8rahman (description )5 Lsp) ialL) (1) Caksusa -an#antara (a) Continents (.) Creation ($y the sages) (.) Creation ($y Vai#as#ata -anu) (0) Creation (mental) (.) Creation (the current one) (.) &emons n &e#as ($attle) (0) &harma (,) &issolution (1) &issolutio (within (rakrti) (1) &#ipas (.) >arth (length n e:tent of) (.) >arth (milking of) (.) @ires (conBuest of) (.) @uture -anus (1) Fandhar#as (0) Funas (contact with) (1) Funas (threefold goal of creatures) (1) ;igher (lanets (listing) (.) ;iranyagar$ha (origin of) (,) ;ymn (praise of Indra $y Sukra) (0) Aam$ud#ipa (.) /ala ( ime) (.) /ali%yuga (/ings in) (0) /alpas (narration of) (.) /alpas (specification of) (1)

/ings (after ad#ent of /ali%yuga) (0) /rsna (description of manifestn.) (0) -anus (in the future) (1) -an#antaras (list of remaining) (.) -an#antaras (narration of) (.) -aruts (origin of) (0) -ilking of the >arth (.) -ind (City ofD -anomayapura) (1) -oon (new moon day descri$ed) (.) Nilakantha (name e:plained) (.) (lanets (hea#enly, listing) (.) (lanets (mo#ements of) (.) (rakriyapada (,) (rakrtika Laya (dissolution) (1) Sages (se#en, glorification of) (0) Solar System (.) S#ayam$hu#a -anu (.) ime (measurement of) (1) ?pasanghara (1) ?podghata (0) Vai#as#ata -anu (origin of) (0) Vai#as#ata -an#antara (details) (1) Varsas (general) (.) Vedas (classification of) (.) "orlds (,1 with characteristics) (1) "orlds (conception of different) (,) "orlds (knowledge of) (.) =ajnas (institution of) (.) =ugas (features of humans in) (.) =ugas (principles of different) (.) =ugas (the last two n features) (.)

6aruda Purana
SpeakersJ VisnukFaruda VolumeJ . parts, ,7,999 #erses FoalJ ;ea#en /alpaJ arksya -odeJ Foodness opicsJ )ilments (dispelled $y -antra) (,)

)stanga =oga (,) )strology n )stronomy (,) )tman (knowledge of) (,) )tonement of sins (,) 8haga#ad Fita (essence of) (,) 8rahman n Ai#a (narrations on) (.) 8rahman (knowledge of) (,) 8uildings (measurement of sites) (,) Charity ($enefits of) (.) Conduct (good, science of) (,) Continents n their Lords (,) Cosmic >gg (position of) (.) Creation (of the ?ni#erse) (,) Creation (secondary) (,) &iscipline (science of) (,) &iseases (treatment) (,) &issolution (,) &issolution (the ultimate) (.) &ra#yaja Funah (materia medica) (,) &rugs (list of) (,) @or$idden acti#ities (.) Fhosts (causing happiness to) (.) Fhosts (characteristic signs of) (.) Fhosts (charity for release) (.) Fhosts (harassment of) (.) Fhosts (release from ghosthood) (.) Fhosts (religious rites for li$erat.) (.) Fhosts (stories a$out) (.) Fhosts (the cause of ghosthood) (.) Frammar (discussion of) (,) Fuha astaka prayer (,) ;ari (incarnations of) (,) ;ea#en (happiness in) (.) ;ymn (to Nrsimhade#a) (,) Incarnations of ;ari (,) Ai#a (narrations a$out) (.) Ayotisa ()strology n )stronomy) (,) /arttikeya astaka prayer (,) /a#aca -antras (,) /nowledge (the nectar of perfect) (,) /rtya n )krtya (.) Life (science of) (,) Lords (of continents) (,) -an#antaras (description of) (,) -easurement (of sites of $uilding) (,)

-edicine (&ra#yaja Funah) (,) -editation (on Visnu) (,) -editation on Visnu (.) -usical Notes (,) Na#aratnas (test precious stones) (,) Nectar (of perfect knowledge) (,) Nitisastra (conduct n ethics) (,) <$eisances to ;ari ($enefit of) (,) (almistry n $odily marks (,) (ath leading to =amaraja (.) (athology n treatment (,) (hilosophy of =oga System (,) (itris (list of) (,) (laces (characteristics of) (,) (lanetary System(s) (,) (raise of Fuha (6 #erses) (,) (rasna%cuda%mani (astrology) (,) (rayer to Visnu (,) (recious Stones (test of 7 types) (,) (rediction ($y )strology) (,) (rediction ($y (almistry) (,) (retakalpa (.) (rosody (science of) (,) (uja -aterials (purification of) (,) (urification of puja material (,) 5amayana (,) Sahasra Nama (of Visnu) (,) Samudrika ((almistry predictio ) (,) Sankhya (principle tenets of) (,) Science of Life (,) Secondary Creation (,) Solar System (,) Stones (precious, test of 7 types) (,) arksya /alpa reatmeat of diseases (,) ?ni#erse (ultimate dissolution) (.) Varnas ia)sramas (,) Vedanta (principal tenets of) (,) Veterinary Science (for ;orses) (,) Visnu Sahasra Nama (,) =oga System (,) =oga System n (hilosophy (,) =ogis (cause of their sal#ation) (.) =ugas (characteristics of) (,)

)inga Purana
SpeakersJ SanatkumarakNandisa VolumeJ . parts, ,9,999 #erses FoalJ Si#a /alpaJ )gni -odeJ Ignorance opicsJ ghora (glorificathos of) (.) egni /alpa 8hu#ana /osa (world glo$e) (,) Conduct (,) Creation (former) (,) Fayatri (.) Linga (origin of) (,) (asa ($ondage) (,) (asu (ind. soul, li$eration) (,) Sahasra nama (Si#a) (,) Si#a sahasra nama (,) Vajres#ari (Vidya of) (.) =oga system (,) =ugadharma (,)

Mar#andeya Purana
SpeakersJ -arkandeyakAaimini, 8irdskAaimini VolumeJ 7,999 #erses FoalJ Si#a -odeJ (assion opicsJ )di$aka (a #attle) )ll Incnrnations 8irds (of Vindhya) Continents Creation Creation ($y 5udra) Incarnations (all) -anus -an#antara (6th) (rana#a (origin of)

Sankhya Satt#a guna Vedas (three) =aksas (creation of)

Matsya Purana
SpeakersJ -atsyak-anu VolumeJ ,1,999 #erses FoalJ Visnu /alpaJ 4 /alpas -odeJ Ignorance opicsJ )rchitecture ( emples, mansion) )strology (planets n influences) )stronomy 8attle $etween &emons n &e#as 8hrguEs curse on Visnu Churning of the -ilk <cean Construction echniBues (houses) Cosmic >gg (description of) Creation (-arut from 8rahman) Creation (of demigods) Creation (of demons) &eities (features of) &reams (auspicious signs in) >clipses (e#il portents at end) >ngineering science >#il <mens >#il (lanets (tenfold specification) @irmament (mo#ements in) @uture /ings (indications of) Fotras n (ra#aras (rel. to (itrs) Image (features of) /alakuta (poison, counteraction) /alpas /ing (duties of) /ings (indication of future kings) -ansion (construction) -an#antaras (list of) -oon (origin of) -o#ement in the @irmament

-urtis (features of) <cean (churning of) <mens (diff. kinds of e#il ones) (a#ilion (construction) (itrgatha (song of the (itrs) (itrs (description of) (lanets (mo#ements of) (lanets (the form of) (ortents (diff. kind of e#il ones) (ra#aras n Fotras (rel. to (itrs) Signs (diff. kinds of e#il ones) Soma (origin of) Stars (mo#ements of) emple construction Vaisyas (go#ernment of) "ar $etween &emons n &e#as =ugas (creation of four) =ugas (yugadharmas listed)

Narada Purana
SpeakersJ /umaraskNarada, Vasisthak-andhata VolumeJ 2 parts, .2,999 #erses FoalJ Visnu /alpaJ 8rhat -odeJ Foodness opicsJ 8rhadakhyana (1) 8rhat /alpa Charity (1) Creation (,) Initiation (0) /nowledge (means) (1) /nowledge (#alid) (1) -antras (consecrtn.) (0) -oksa &harma (.) (asa ($ondage) (0) (asus (ind. souls) (0) (ilgrimage (2) (ra#rtti (,) 5ecitation (mantras) (0) Sahasra nama (0)

Sal#ation (means) (.) Vedangas (.) Vedapada (hymn) (2)

Padma Purana
SpeakersJ (ulastyak8hisma, SutakSaunaka VolumeJ . parts, 22,999 #erses FoalJ Visnu -odeJ Foodness opicsJ 8hadrapada (2) 8humi /handa (.) Charity (,) Cosmic egg (0) Cows (,) &aityas (,) @ather (.) Fita (2) /armayoga (0) -antraratna (1) -other (.) (arents (.) (atala /handa (1) (lanets (,) Siddhas (.) Si#a%Fita (1) Sra#ana (stars) (2) Srimad%8haga#atam (2) Srsti /handa (,) S#arga /handa (0) irthas (0) ripad$huti (.) ?rjapancaha (0) ?ttara /handa (2) Visnu%dharma (2) Vratas (,)

$#anda Purana
VolumeJ 4 parts, 6,,999 #erses

FoalJ Si#a /alpaJ atpurusa -odeJ Ignorance opicsJ )dityas (,., glorification of) (3) )ndhakasruti (glorification of) (2) )#anti /handa (2) 8attle (with araka) (,) 8ells ($enefits of ringing) (.) 8rahma /handa (0) 8rahma =ajna (3) 8rahmasthana (origin of) (4) 8urning of ripuras (2) Candrahari (description of) (.) Candrod$heda (origin of) (4) Celi$acy (1) Chopping off of 8rahmaEs head (2) Churning (the milk ocean) (,) Continents (,) Cosmic >gg (situation n siGe) (,) &aksa =ajna (0) &aksa yajna (,) &amodaragrha (story of) (4) &e#otees (glorification of) (2) &e#otees of Visnu (greatness of) (.) &harmahari (description of) (.) &ice (narration of the game of) (,) &issolution of the uni#erse (2) &oor (the hea#enly door) (.) &rinking )lcohol (.) &#adasaksara mantra (greatness) (0) >arth (appearance of) (,) @ire (origin of) (1) Fanga Sahasra Nama (1) Farlands ($enefits of wearing) (.) Fopracara (story of) (4) ;earing ($enefits of) (0) ;ouseholders (duties) (1) ;ymn $y the Nagas (2) ;ymn of Lord Si#a (2) ;ymn of Narmada (2) Initiation of the &emigods (2) Isanasrnga (origin of) (4) /ala (knowledge of time) (1)

/armasiddhi (narration of) (0) /asi /handa (1) /otimedha (a crore of sacrifices) (4) /rsnaEs emple (sur#ey of) (4) /setrapala (anecdote) (4) /umari (anecdote) (4) Laksamedha (,99.999 sacrifices) (4) Linga (the fall of, narration) (0) Linga worship ($enefits) (,) Lingas (num$er of in /alaranya) (2) -ahes#ara /handa (,) -antra of Fokarna (0) -antra of twel#e sylla$les (0) -antraJ Namah Si#aya (0) -antraJ 5udradhyaya (greatness) (0) -aya (FanapatiEs) (1) -aya (VisnuEs) (1) Nagarakhanda (3) Nagararka (anecdote) (4) Nagas (glorify Lord Si#a) (2) Nandarkatritakupa (story of) (4) Narmada (hymn of) (2) Narmada (names in diff. /alpas) (2) <cean (churning of) (,) <mkara (greatness of) (1) <rigin of )gni (1) <rigin of Varuna (1) (ancamrta (.) (ra$hasa /handa (4) (rana#a (prosperity through) (0) (undra ( ilaka) (.) 5aksasas (story of) (0) 5aktanu$handha (story of) (4) 5ama (re#iew of ;is name) (0) 5eality (perfect knowledge of) (0) 5udradhyaya -antra (0) 5udraikadasa (,, 5udras) (3) 5udraksa 8eads (greatness of) (0) 5uins (repair of, narration of) (0) Sahasra Nama (Fanga) (1) Sahasra Nama (of Lord Visnu) (2) Samudra (anecdote) (4) Satamedha (story, ,99 sacrifices) (4) Seats (acceptance of, narration) (0) Si#aEs ;ymn (2)

Sra#ana (the means of hearing) (0) Srimad%8haga#atam (glories of) (.) S#argad#aracatussindhu (waters) (2) S#arna#rsti (anecdote of) (.) anda#a dance (of Lord Si#a) (0) araka (acti#ities of) (0) atpurusa /alpa (,) ilaka ((undra) (.) ime (knowledge of /ala) (1) rinetra (Si#a, origin of) (1) ri#ikrama -urti (narration of) (4) ?ni#erse (due to VisnuEs -aya) (1) Vaisna#a /handa (.) Varnas n )sramas (0) Varuna (origin of) (1) Vasistha (his hermitage) (4) Visnu Sahasra Nama (2) Vyadha the ;unter (anecdote of) (.) "omen (charactemiatics ofa (1) =atra (glorification of pilgrimage) (4) =oga (different types of) (.) =ogis (duties) (1) =ugas (e:tent and magnitude) (3)

Vamana Purana
SpeakersJ (ulastyakNarada VolumeJ . parts, ,9,999 #erses FoalJ Visnu /alpaJ /urma -odeJ (assion opics 8haga#ati Samhita (.) 8rhad Vamana (.) &emons n &emigods (war) (,) Fanesa n -ahesa (.) Fanes#ari Samhita (.) Fhosts (story of) (,) ;ymn to Lord ;ari ($y 8rahma) (,) /ama (the $urning of) (,) /apalamocana (narration of) (,) /rsna (glorification of) (.)

/urma /alpa -ahes#ari Samhita (.) -other of the uni#erse (.) (rahlada n Narayana (fight) (,) (reta (story of ghosts) (,) Satya (greatness of) (,) Sauri Samhita (.) Sun (glories of (.) Vargatraya (three aims of life) "orlds (description of) (,)

Vayu Purana
SpeakersJ Vayu VolumeJ . parts, .1,999 #erses -odeJ (assion opicsJ 8rahman (.) Creation (,) &uties (of kings) (,) &ynasties (,) >:traterrestrials (,) /ai#alya (.) /ings (,) -an#antaras (,) Sal#ation (.) Si#a%Samhita (.) S#etakalpa (,)

Visnu Purana
SpeakersJ (arasarak-aitreya, SutakSaunaka VolumeJ 4 parts, .0,999 #erses FoalJ Visnu /alpaJ Varaha -odeJ Foodness opicsJ )rthasastra (4) )sramas (0) )sta#akra (narration of) (2)

)strology (4) )stronomy (4) 8rahma #idya (3) Churning milk ocean (,) Continents (.) Creation (,) &ays (.) &emigods (,) &harmasastra (4) &issolution (1 types) (3) &uties (religious) (0) &ynasties (4) >conomy (political) (4) Ayotisa (4) /ings (stories of) (1) /rsna and the Cowherd @amily (2) /rsna in &#araka (2) /rsna in -athura (2) /rsna in Vrnda#ana (2) /rsna kills )gha (2) /rsna kills /amsa (2) /rsna kills (utana (2) /rsna lightens the >artwEs $urden (2) Laws (code of) (4) -an#antaras (0) -aa#antaras (4) -aya (0) -etaphysics (4) <cean (churning of) (,) (ious life (0) (rimordial creation (,) 5aces (4) 5eligious duties (0) Su$%continents (.) Varaha kalpa (4) Varnas (0) Vedanta (4) Vidyas (4) Visnu%dharmottara (4) "eek days (.) Narada (urana (in purancon.doc) (adma (urana ((art , in purancon.doc) 8rahma (urana Si#a (urana Skanda (urana

Varaha (urana Vayu (urana The Padma!Purana!!Part C (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS

PA2MA!PNRANA: $9%T@ON @: $R$T@KHAN2A (%ontdO)

01. he Fift of 8rahmanda 02. he /illing of a Sudra )scetic 03. Con#ersation $etween 5ama and )gastya 04. 5amaEs )$staining from the (erformance of 5ajasuya 06. he Installation of the Image of Vamana 07. he 8irth of the Lotus 19. he )rmy of &emons 1,. he 5ise of the Lotus and the "ar $etween Fods and &emons 1.. arakaEs Victory in the "ar $etween Fods and &emons 10. FauriEs -arriage 11. he 8irth of /umara and the &eath of araka 12. he -anifestation of Narasimha 13. (urificatory 5ites of a 8rahmana 14. he 8irth of Faruda 16. Importance of 8ull (and Cow) 17. Food Conduct 29. he )ccount of the @i#e 2,. he Story of a @aithful "ife 2.. <n "omenEs Conduct 20. Non%co#etousness of a Sudra 21. he 5ape of )halya 22. he 8irth of Lauhitya 23. he )ccount of the @i#e 24. In (raise of (&igging a) ank etc. 26. In (raise of (lanting rees etc. 27. In (raise of 5udraksa 39. In (raise of ulasi 3,. Florification of ulasi 3.. In (raise of the Fanga 30. ) ;ymn to Fanapati 31. )nother ;ymn to Fanapati 32. he Slaying of /alakeya 33. he Slaying of /aleya 34. he Slaying of 8ala and Namuci 36. he Slaying of -uci

37. he Slaying of areya 49. &e#anttka, &urdharsa and &urmukhaya Slain 4,. he Second Namuci Slain 4.. he Slaying of -adhu 40. he Slaying of Vrtra 41. he Slaying of ripuraEs Son 42. he ;ymn of Victory at the >nd of "ar $etween Fods and &emons 43. he >aposition of -erit 44. he Vow of Saptami ta ;onor of the Sun 46. he (acification of the Sun 47. he Story of 8hadres#ara 69. he "orship of the -oon 6,. he 8irth of 8hauma and ;is "orship 6.. he "orship of the (lanets he (adma%(urana%%(art 0 (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS


,. he Story of Si#asarman .. Life is 5estored to Vedasarman 0. he ;eroic &eed of Visnusarman 1. SomasarmanEs &e#otion (ut to Se#ere est 2. he Consecration of Indra 3. &itiEs "ailing 4. )ccount of the 8ody 6. )ccount of the Soul 7. Instructions to &iti ,9. he (ractice of (enance $y &emons ,,. he Story of Su#rata ,.. &ialogue $etween Somasarman and Sumana ,0. Sumana >:plains en 8asic Virtues ,1. Sumana &escri$es the &eath of the Virtuous ,2. he &eath of Sinners ,3. he &eath and (ost%mortem State of Sinners ,4. he Story of SomasarmanEs (re#ious 8irth ,6. he )ccount of SomasarmanEs 8irth in a 8rahmana @amily ,7. SomasarmanEs >ulogy of Visnu .9. he 8irth of Su#rata .,. Su#rataEs &e#otion to Visnu ... &harmangada 8orn as Su#rata

.0. he Slaying of the &emon 8ala .1. Vrtra &uped .2. he /illing of &emon Vrtra .3. he <rigin of -aruts .4. Coronation of the /ings .6. he Story of (rthu .7. he Story of (rthu (Contd.) 09. Sulo$ha and SapharahaD Susankha and Sunitha 0,. he )ccount of Su#rata 0.. )nga Fets a 8oon from Vasude#a 00. SunithaEs Stooy 01. SunithaEs (ro$lem 02. 5am$ha ;elps $y a Suggestion 03. Sunitha Fets -arried and Vena is 8orn 04. ) ;eretic -eets Vena 06. he >nd of VenaEs 5eign 07. <n Fifts and "orthy 5ecipients of Fifts 19. he @ruit of <ccasional Charity 1,. he Story of Sukala 1.. Iks#aku Foes )hunting 10. he 8oar Fi#es a ough @ight to Iks#aku 11. he 8oar &ies @ighting 12. he @emale ;og @ights 8ack 13. he Story of 5anga#idyadhara 14. he Story of Vasudatta and ;is &aughter Sude#a 16. he Story of (adma#ati 17. (adma#ati Succum$s to Fo$hilaEs @raudulent )pproach 29. (adma#ati 5eturns to ;er ;us$andEs (lace 2,. (adma#ati 5eturns to ;er ;us$andEs (lace 2.. Sude#a Foes to ;ea#en 20. SukalaEs Sickning &escription of the 8ody 21. Sukala Fets (repared @or the Showdown 22. Indra ries to &issuade /ama 23. Satya n &harma Come to SukalaEs ;elp 24. he rap Is Laid @or Sukala 26. Sukala "ins 27. 5eligious <$ser#ances "ithout <neEs "ife )re @ruitless 39. SukalaEs Story >nds 3,. (ippalaEs (ennance >nds 3.. (arents )s Sacred (laces of (ilgrimage 30. -erit 5esulting from Ser#ice of (arents 31. -ataliEs &iscourse of <ld )ge 32. -atali on "hy the 8ody Is Left 8ehind 33. -atali on the ?ni#ersity of Suffering 34. -atali on hree /inds of Sin

36. he @ruit of 5ighteous &eeds 37. 5ighteous )cts >njoined $y Si#a (Si#adharmas) 49. Sinners in ;ell 4,. Identity of 8rahma, Visnu and Si#a 4.. =ayatiEs 5eluctance to (art "ith the 8ody 40. he >fficacy of VisnuEs Name 41. (opularity of Visnu Cult during =ayatiEs 5ule 42. =ayatiEs Su$jects $ecame &eathless $y the Frace of Visnu 43. &haamaraja 5endered Ao$less 44. =ayati =ields to (assion 46. (uru Fi#es ;is =outh to =ayati 47. =outhful =ayati >njoysmwith )jru$indumati 69. =adu 5efuses to /ill ;is -others 6,. &estiny is Irresisti$le 6.. =ayati akes 8ack ;is <ld )ge 60. =ayati Visits the &i#ine "orlds 61. Fhorification of &e#otion to (arents 62. he Story of Cya#anaJ /unjalaJ &i#yade#i 63. &i#yade#i )s Citra in ;er @ormer 8irth 64. E) ;undred Names of VisnuE 66. &i#yade#i Foes to VisnuEs ;ea,en 67. he -iraculous 8ath in the "ater of -anasa Lake 79. he (owers of the ;oly (laces he (adma%(urana%%(art 1 (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS


7,. Vidura, Candrasarman, Vedasarman and Vanjula 7.. he Freatness of 5e#a 70. Vij#ala Narrates ;is >:peaience 71. In (raise of -aking Fift of @ood 72. &eeds "hich Lead to ;ea#en 73. Food and 8ad &eeds and the @ate of the (erformer 74. Su$ahu >ats ;is <wn @lesh 76. he Vasude#a ;ymn 77. Fod Visnu )ppears to Su$ahu ,99. Vena )sks to ;ear -ore a$out /unjala ,9,. /apinjalaEs Narration ,9.. )sokasundari Is 8orn ,90. )sokasundari Is Sa#ed and )yu Fets 8on

,91. Induma iEs &ream ,92. Nahusa is 8orn ,93. IndumatiEs Lamentations on the Loss of ;er Child ,94. Narada )ssures of NahusaEs 5eturn ,96. VasisthaEs Inst uction to Nahusa ,97. Vid#ara, a /innara, &ispels )sokasundariEs )pprehensions ,,9. Nahusa Fets &i#ine "eapons from Fods ,,,. Nahusa >nters -ahodaya, the City of ;unda ,,.. )sokasundari has a Flimpse of Nahusa ,,0. 5am$ha )cts as )sokasundariEs -essenger ,,1. he @ight $etween Nahusa and ;unda Starts ,,2. ;unda is /illed in the 8attle ,,3. Nahusa -arries )sokasundari ,,4. NahusaEs Consecration ,,6. he Story of /amoda ,,7. he 8irth of /amoda ,.9. Narada on &reams ,.,. he >nd of Vihunda ,... &harmasarmanEs )ccount ,.0. /unjalaEs StoryJ ) (receptor Is a ;oly (lace ,.1. (rthuEs 5ighteous 5ule ,.2. he -erit of Listening to or 5eciting his (urana

$9%T@ON @@@: $VAR6AKHAN2A

,. Suta 5omaharsana )grees to Narrate (adma (urana .. he Creation of the >lements, (rakrti etc. 0. Various -ountains and 5egions of the >arth 1. ?ttarakuru, 8hadras#a, -alya#at 2. 5amanaka, ;iranmaya, )ira#ata 3. 8harata#arsaJ Its 5i#ers and 5egions 4. Span of Life in the @our =ugas 6. Sakad#ipaJ -ountains, 5i#ers and Countries 7. Salmalika, /raunca, /usa and (uskara &#ipas and heir -ountains ,9. &ialogue 8etween Narada and =udhisthira ,,. (uskara, the ;oliest of ;oly (laces ,.. Visit to Some ;oly (laces and Its -erit ,0. he Freatness of Narmada ,1. Sages (ray to Fod Si#a for (rotection from &emon 8ana ,2. he Freatness of )marakantaka ,3. /a#eri Samgama irtha ,4. Narmada and the ;oly (laces on ;er Northern 8ank ,6. -ore irthas on the 8ank of Narmada ,7. Suklatirtha

.9. Naraka, /apilatirtha, 5sitirtha, Fanes#ara, 8hrgutirtha, Somatirtha etc. .,. Vihages#ara, Narmades#ara, )s#atirtha etc. ... he Story of @i#e Fandhar#a -aidens .0. he Sage Lomasa Comes to the ;elp of the Fo$lins .1. (ingatirtha, Narmada, &#ara#ati, imi etc. .2. Vitasta, -alada, -animanta, 8rahma#alaka etc. .3. /uruksetra, paripla#e, Sal#kikini, /otitirtta etc. .4. /anyatirtha, Saptasaras#ata, (rthudaka, Sannihiti etc. .6. &harmatirtha, Sakam$hari, 5atha#artta etc. .7. /alindirthaJ >fficacy of =amuna 09. ;emakundala and ;is wo Sons 0,. VikundalaEs &ialogue with the &e#aduta 0.. Sugandha, )rundhati#ata, Sindhupra$ha#a etc. 00. he -erits of Varanasi 01. he Freatness of /rtti#ases#ara 02. he Freatness of /apardin 03. he Freatness of -adhyamesa 04. <ther ;oly (laces of Varanasi 06. Faya and ther ;oly (laces 07. Sa#idya Sandhya, Lauhitya, /aratorya etc. 19. -arkandeya 5ecommends (ilgrimage to (rayaga 1,. he Freatness of (rayaga 1.. Importance of Fi#ing a Cow at (rayaga 10. he @ruit of Visiting (rayaga 11. he @ruit of 8athing in the Confluence at (rayaga 12. )gnitirtha, Viranjana, S#argatirtha etc. 13. -ore a$out -erits &eri#ed from (ilgrimage 14. (rayaga )gain 16. 8rahma, Visnu and Si#a &well in (rayaga 17. /rsna 5ecommends (ilgrimgage to (rayaga 29. VisnuEs Name the Freatest ;oly (lace 2,. /armayoga or 5ules of Conduct 2.. 5ules for Sipping "ater 20. 5ules of Conduct for a Celi$ate Student 21. 5ules for the ;ouseholder 22. &onEtEs for a wice%$orn ;ouseholder 23. &oEs and &on$EtEs in >ating 24. )cts of Charity (rescri$ed for a ;ouseholder 26. Code of Conduct for an )nchorite 27. 5ules of Copnduct for a Sannyasi 39. 5estraints for a Sannyasi 3,. &e#otion to Visnu the 8est "ay to Sal#ation 3.. he -erit of 5eciting the (adma (urana, S#argakhanda

he (adma%(urana%%(art 2 (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS


,. "ho )re the &e#otees of Visnu* .. he Importance of 8esmearing the @loor of VisnuEs emple 0. he Importance of <ffering a Lamp to Visnu 1. he Importance of @asting on the Aayanti &ay 2. he &eeds for "hich <ne 8ecomes Sonless 3. )cts Leading to Vaikuntha 4. he Freatness of 5adhastami 6. (relude to the Churning of <cean 7. he Churning Stars ,9. he 8irth of Laksmi ,,. he Importance of <$ser#ing a Vow in ;onour of Laksmi ,.. -erit >arned $y (rotecting a 8rahmana ,0. he Importance of the Vow of Aanmastami ,1. he Freatness of a 8rahmana ,2. he Importance of >kadasi ,3. ;ow to "in @a#our of Visnu ,4. he Importance of "ater @lowing fron VisnuEs @eet ,6. (urificatory )cts for <ne Fuilty of Illegitimate Intercourse ,7. (urificatory )cts for <ther sins .9. he Freatness of the "orship of 5)dha%&amodara .,. 5estrictions "hile <$ser#ing the /artika Vow ... he Freatness of ulasi .0. he Importance of Visnupancaka .1. In (raise of Fi#ing Fifts .2. he Importance of ?ttering5VisnuEs Name .3. he Importance of /eeping (romise

,. 5ama Sees Nandigrama from (uspaka .. 5ama -eets 8harata 0. 5ama >nters )yodhya 1. 5amaEs Consecration 2. he Coming of Sage )gasti 3. )gastya 8egins 5a#anaEs Story 4. >limination of 5a#ana $y Visnu

6. )gastya )d#ises 5ama to (erform ;orse Sacrifice 7. Instructions in 5eligious (ractices ,9. 5ama )ppoints Satrughna as the (rotector of the ;orse ,,. he )s#amedha ;orse Is Let Loose ,.. )hicchatra City, /ing Sumada and /ama ,0. Satrughna >nters )hicchatra City ,1. he Cya#ana >pisode ,2. Cya#anaEs (enance and >njoyments ,3. he ;orse Foes to Cya#anaEs ;ermitage ,4. )rri#al of a 8rahmana )scetic ,6. ) -iraculours ;appening ,7. 5atnagri#a Foes on a (ilgrimage to (urusottama .9. he Importance of Fandaki .,. (urusottama )ppears to the /ing in the Fuise of an )scetic ... he Freatness of Nila -ountain .0. &amana @ights with (ratapagrya .1. (?skala &efeats &amana .2. Su$ahu Fets 5eady with ;is )rmy in the /raunca )rray .3. ) @ierce @ight 8etween Laksminidhi and Suketu .4. /illing of Citranga .6. Su$ahuEs &efeat .7. /ing Su$ahu Surrenders to Satrughna 09. Aanaka 5eleases Sinners from ;ell 0,. /ing 5tam$hara Is 8lessed with a Son 0.. Satya#an -eets Satrughna 00. SatrughnaEs )rmy gets 5eady to @ight Vidyunmalin 01. Vidyunmalin /illed in 8attle 02. &ialogue $etween Lomasa and )ranyaka 03. Lomasa Narrates the &eeds of 5ama to )ranyaka 04. Sage )ranyaka Foes to VisnuEs ;ea#en 06. Fetting 8ack the ;orse from the (ossession of an ?nderwater @emale 07. he SeiGure of the ;orse $y ViramaniEs Son 19. Satrughna 5eslo#es to @ight )gainst Viramani 1,. 5ukmangada Is &efeated $y (uskala 1.. Viramani Is &efeated 10. &efeat of (uskala and Satrughna 11. ;anumat on the &rona -ountain 12. Sri 5ama )pears n the 8attlefield 13. Viramani Surrenders the ;orse to Sri 5ama 14. he Sacrificial ;orse &e#elops Stiffness 16. he ;orse Is 5elie#ed of 5tiffness 17. /ing Suratha SeiGes the ;orse 29. )ngada &eli#ers SatrughnaEs -essage to Suratha 2,. ;anumat @rees (uskala from Campaka 2.. /ing Suratha "ins the 8attle

20. 5ama @rees the 8ound ;orse 21. La#a 8inds the Sacrificial ;orse 22. he <$ser#ation of se Spies 23. 5ama Seeks 8haratats )d#ice 24. he "ashermanEs @ormer 8irth 26e Laksmana Lea#es Sita in the @orest 27. he 8irth of /usa and La#e 39. La#a &efeats the )rmy and /ills the Feneral 3,. ;anumat @alls ?nconscious 3.. La#a 8ecomes ?nconscious 30. /usaEs Victory 31. 5amaEs )rmy 5e#i#es 32. Sumati &escri$es the )d#enturous >#ents to 5ama 33. Singing of 5amayana $y /usa and Lada 34. he Commencement of the Sacrifice he (adma%(urana%%(art 3 (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS


36. he ;orse Sadrifice >nds 37. he Story of /rsna 8egins 49. ) &escription of Sri /rsna 4,. he Freatness of 5adha%/rsna 4.. &e#otees of /rsna 8orn in Fokula as Cowherdesses 40. he Freatness of -athura 41. )rjunaEs "ish and Its @ulfilment 42. NaradaEs >:perience 43. he Freatness of /rsna 44. ) &escription of /rsna 46. "orship (rescri$ed for a &e#otee of Visnu 47. &oEs and &onEts for a &e#otee of Visnu 69. -onthwise 5ites (rescri$ed for a Visnu &e#otee 6,. -antracintamani for &e#otees of /rsna 6.. he Freatness of Vrnda#ana 60. /rsnaEs Lo#e Sports in Vrnda#ana 61. -editation of the Lord 62. Freatness of Vaisakha 63. )cts to $e (erformed in Vaisakha 64. Su$tle )re the "ays of &harma 66. Sumana on /inds of Sons

67. &e#asarmanEs Life in the (re#ious 8irth 79. )n )ccount of &e#asarmanEs Food &eeds of (re#ious 8irth 7,. ;appy >nd of &e#asarmanEs Story 7.. CitraEs Story 70. &i#yade#i Is -arried to Virasena 71. he -eans of &estroying Sins 72. -ore 5ites and 5ituals to $e <$ser#ed in Vaisakha 73. &eeds Leading to ;ell and ;ea#en 74. -ore Sinful and -eritorious &eeds 76. he Freatness of Vaisakha 77. /asyapaEs )d#ice to /ing -ahiratha ,99. Carnal >njoyment Is Sinful ,9,. /ing -ahiratha Foes to VisnuEs )$ode ,9.. /ing -ahiratha Fi#es (art of ;is -erit to the Suferers in ;ell ,90. ;ow to -editate on /rsna in Vaisakha ,91. &ialogue $etween Sam$hu and 5ama ,92. he Importance of Sacred )sh ,93. ) Sinful 8rahmana 8ecomes an )ttendant of Vira$hadra ,94. Vira$hadraEs ;eroic &eed ,96. ;ow to (repare Sacred )sh ,97. Aa$ali 5ecommends (hallus "orship to the 8rahmana Iks#aku ,,9. ;ow a /ing 8ecame Si#aEs )ttendant )gnisikha ,,,. he Sinner Vidhrta Foes to Si#aEs )$ode ,,.. he Story of Sona and ;is "ife /ala ,,0. he 5eBuirements for Narrating a (urana ,,1. &ialogue $etween Si#a and 5ama ,,2. 5eciting and Listening to (uranaEs Is -eritorious ,,3. Narration of the 5amayana of a @ormer /alpa ,,4. @ruit of "orship $y Austly (rocured, Stolen and Impaired -aterial he (adma%(urana%%(art 4 (5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS


,. he Contents of the Section in 8rief .. Narayana Frants 8oons to 5udra 0. Aalandhara Is 8orn and 8lessed $y 8rahma 1. AalandharaEs -arriage and Consecration 2. "ar 8etween Fods and &emons 3. &eath of &emon 8ala 4. Laksmi Inter#enes in the @ight $etween Visnu and Aalandhara

6. Conditions &uring AalandharaEs 5ule 7. he Creation of a New (owerful "eapon $y Si#a ,9. AalandharaEs -essenger 5ahu -eets Si#a ,,. Si#aEs )ttendants @ight the &emons <ff ,.. Si#a )rri#es on the 8attlefield ,0. Aatandhara &isguised as Si#a goes to (ar#ati ,1. Visnu Creates Illusion for Vrnda ,2. Vrnda Foes to ;ea#en ,3. Aalandhara Fi#es up ;is &isguise ,4. Sukra is Confined $y /rtya inside ;er Vul#a ,6. Aalandhara Is /illed ,7. ) &escription of Srisaila .9. he Story of Sagara .,. he Freatness of ;arid#ara ... )n >ulogy of Fanga, =amuna, (rayaga .0. he Importance of ulasi .1. he Importance of (rayaga .2. ) hree%night ulasi Vow .3. Fift of Food (raised .4. Constructing anks, (lanting rees etc. .6. -erit Coming @rom >:postion of a Sacred e:t .7. he importance of Fopicandana 09. he greatness of the Vow of Lamp 0,. he Vow of Aanmastami 0.. ) Fift of Land Is the 8est 00. ) ;ymn to Sani as a 5emo#er of rou$le 01. he )ccount risprsa 02. he Vow of ?nmilani 03. he Vow <f (aksa#ardhini 04. /eeping )wake on >kadasi and &#adasi 06. he <rigin of >kasasi and /illing of &emon -ura 07. he Importance of the -oksada >kasasi 19. Saphala >kasasi 1,. (utrada >kasasi 1.. he Vow of Sattila >kadasi 10. Aaya >kadasi 11. -ijaya >kadasi 12. )malaki >kadasi 13. (apamocani >kadasi 14. /amada >kadasi 16. Varuthini >kadasi 17. -ohini >kadasi 29. )para >kadasi 2,. Nirjala >kadasi 2.. =ogini >kadasi

20. &e#asayani >kadasi 21. /amika >kadasi 22. (utrada >kadasi 23. )ja >kadasi 24. (adma >kadasi 26. Indira >kadasi 27. (apankusa >kadasi 39. 5ama >kadasi 3,. (ra$odhini >kadasi 3.. /amala >kadasi 30. /amada >kadasi 31. he Importance of Caturmasya 32. Caturmasya Vow to $e Concluded (roperly 33. (ropitiation of =ama 34. he Importance of Fopicandana 36. he Freatness of VisnuEs &e#otees 37. he Vow of Sra#ana &#adasi 49. he Vow of Nadi%triratra 4,. VisnuEs <ne housand Names 4.. -erit of 5eciting the Visusahasranama 40. 5amaraksa Stotra 41. -erit >arned hrough Fifts 42. he Freatness of Fandika 43. he ;ymn Causing (rosperity 44. he Vow of 5sipancami 46. he ;ymn called E)pamarjanaE 47. he Importance of )pamarjana 69. he Freatness of Visnu 6,. he Importance of Fanga he (adma%(urana%%(art 6 (?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS


6.. he Freatness of VisnuEs &e#otees 60. he Swing @esti#al 61. he &amanaka @esti#al 62. he Sayana @esti#al of Visnu 63. he In#estiture of the Sacred hread 64. -onthly <ffering of @lowers to Visnu

66. &ialogue 8etween Satya$hama and /rsna 67. )n )ccount of Satya$hamaEs @ormer 8irth 79. /artika 8est among -onths and >kadasi among &ays 7,. he Freatness of (rayaga 7.. 5ules for the Vow of /artika 70. he 8ath 5ite 71. 5estraints during the /artika Vow 72. 8ringing the Vow to Conclusion 73. he 8irth of Aalandhara 74. he ConBuest of )mara#ati $y Aalandhara 76. Visnu (romises not to /ill Aalandhara 77. 5ahu )cts as -essenger of Aalandhara ,99. Si#aEs )ttendants @ight the &emons off ,9,. he @ight Foes on ,9.. Aalandhara (lays a rick ,90. Vrnda Curses Visnu ,91. he >nd of Aalandhara ,92. he Freatness of &hatri and ulasi ,93. he /alaha >pisode ,94. /alaha Is >mancipated ,96. /ing Cola and 8rahmana Visnudasa ,97. /ing Cola and Visnudasa 8ecome )ttendants of Visnu ,,9. he Story of Aaya and Vijaya ,,,. he Freatness of /rsna and eni ,,.. (ortions of -erit and &emerit hat go to <thers ,,0. &hanes#araEs Story ,,1. he Se#en ;ells Shown to &hanes#ara ,,2. ) #attha and Vata (raised as Fods in &isguise ,,3. )laksmiEs >pisode ,,4. he Importance of 8athing in /artika ,,6. Si#a )nswers /artikeyaEs aueries ,,7. In (raise of a @ast for a -onth ,.9. he Freatness of Salagrama , ,. he Importance of <ffering Lights etc. ,... he Cele$ration of &ipa#ali ,.0. Instructions Concerning the @ast ,.1. ;ari$odhini, 8hismapancaka atc. ,.2. he Importance of -agha )s old $y 8hrgu ,.3. he Importance of -agha )s old $y &attatreya ,.4. he 5elease of a &emon ,.6. he ;ymn =ogasara in (raise of Visnu ,.7. he &eli#erance of the @i#e Fandhar#a -aidens and VedanidhiEs Son from Imphood ,09. /inds of &e#otion to Visnu ,0,. "orship of the Salagrama Stone

,0.. 5emem$ering Visnu ,00. he ;oly (laces in Aam$ud#ipa ,01. he Freatness of Vetra#ati ,02. he Freatness of Sa$hramati ,03. he Freatness of Nanditirtha ,04. Vikinatirtha and S#etod$ha#a ,06. he Freatness of Fanatirtha ,07. he Freatness of )gnipales#ara ,19. ;iranyasangamatirtha ,1,. -adhuraditya ,1.. /am$utirtha and (apitirtha ,10. >kadhara and Saptadharatirtha ,11. 8rahma#alli and /handatirtha ,12. Sangames#ara ,13. 5udramahalayatirtha ,14. /hadgatirtha ,16. -alarkatirtha ,17. Candanes#ara ,29. Aam$utirtha ,2,. &ha#ales#ara ,2.. 8alapendratirtha ,20. &urdharses#ara ,21. /hadgadhares#ara ,22. &ugdhes#ara ,23. Candres#ara ,24. (ippaladatirtha ,26. Nim$arkade#atirtha ,27. /otaratirtha ,39. Vamanatirtha ,3,. Somatirtha ,3.. /apotatirtha ,30. Fotirtha ,31. /asyapatirtha ,32. 8hutalaya, Fhates#ara and Vaidyanatha ,33. (andurarya%tirtha ,34. Candesa, Fanatirtha ,36. Vartraghnisangamatirtha ,37. Varahatirtha ,49. Sangamatirtha ,4,. )dityatirtha ,4.. Nilakantha ,40. &urgasangamatirtha ,41. he 5ise of Nrsimha ,42. he @irst chapter of the FitaJ he )necdote of Susarman ,43. he Second Chapter of the Fita

,44. ,46. ,47. ,69. ,6,. ,6.. ,60. ,61.

he Story of AadaJ he Importance of the hird Chapter he @orth ChapterJ he Story of wo Firls he @ifth ChapterJ he Story of (ingala he Si:th ChapterJ he Story of 5aikya he Se#enth ChapterJ he Story of Sankukarna he >ighth ChapterJ 8ha#asarmanEs Story he Ninth ChapterJ ) FoatEs Story se Ninth ChapterJ ) SwanEs Story

he (adma%(urana%%(art 7 (?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS


,62. he Freatness of the >le#enth ChapterJ SunandaEs Story ,63. he Freatness of the welfth ChapterJ Siddha%samadhiEs Story ,64. he hirteenth ChapterJ &uracaraEs Story ,66. he @our eonth ChapterJ Story of a 8itch and a ;are ,67. he @ifteenth ChapterJ he Story of /ing Narasimha ,79. he Si:teenth ChapterJ /hadga$ahuEs Story ,7,. he Se#enteenth ChapterJ &husasanaEs Story ,7.. he >ighteenth ChapterJ ) 8rahmana 8ecomes Indra ,70. he Freatness of the 8haga#ata ,71. Srimad 8haga#ata, the &estroyer of )ll -iseries ,72. he 5ule of 5eciting and Listening to the 8haga#ata for a "eek ,73. &hundhuliEs Story ,74. he Se#en%day 8haga#ata 5ecitation ,76. (rocedure to $e @ollowed during the Saptaha ,77. he Flory of =amuna .99. he >pisode of a 8hilla and a Lion .9,. Sara$haEs Story .9.. he Story of /ing &ilipa .90. &ilipa <$tains a Son $y (ropitiating Nandini .91. he Story of a -erchant Sara$ha and a &emon Vikata .92. he >fficacy of Nigama$odha .93. ) "oman Should Ne#er &esert ;er ;us$and .94. he Story of Vimala .96. he Freatness of &#araka .97. he Story of 8rahmana -ukunda .,9. -ukunda Foes to ;ea#en .,,. CandakaEs @ate

.,.. he >fficacy of /osala .,0. ) Sraddha at -adhu#ana is -ore -eritorious .,1. he Freatness of -adhu#ana .,2. 8udha Infuriated and )ppeased .,3. he Freatness of 8adarikasrama .,4. he Freatness of ;arid#ara .,6. he Freatness of (uskaraJ (undarikaEs Story .,7. he Freatness of (uskaraJ (undarika )ttains )$sorption into Visnu ..9. he Freatness of (rayagaJ -ohiniEs Story ..,. he Freatness of (rayagaJ ;emangi and Vira#arman Fo to Vaikuntha .... /asi, Fokarna, Si#akanci, irthasaptaka and 8himakunda ..0. Fem of a @ormula ..1. 8earing the -arks of a &isc etc. >ssential for a 8rahmana ..2. he >fficacy of ?rdh#apundra ..3. he -eaning of the -antra (@ormula) ..4. he &escription of the Vi$uti of ripad ..6. &escription of the ;ighest ;ea#en etc. ..7. ) &escription of VisnuEs Vyuhas .09. he @ish Incarnation of Visnu .0,. &ur#asas Cures Indra .0.. he 5ise of Foddess Laksmi .00. >kadasi as a &ay of @ast .01. ;ow to <$ser#e the Vow of &#adasi .02. he 8irth of ;eretics .03. CharacteriGation of Various e:ts and &octrines as Satt#ika, 5ajasa and amasa .04. he 8oar Incarnation of Visnu .06. he >mergence of Nrsimha .07. he 5ise of 8aki and /asyapaEs (enance .19. Visnu Incarnates as Vamana .1,. (arasuramaEs Story .1.. he Story of 5ama .10. 5amaEs Consecration .11. 5ama Foes to ;ea#en .12. he 8ra#e &eeds of /rsna he (adma%(urana%%(art ,9 (?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS


.13. Aarasandha &efeated

.14. 5ukminiEs )$duction .16. 5ukmini @ormally -arried to /rsna 17. /rsnaEs other -arriages .29. )niruddhaEs -arriage .2,. &estruction of (aundrakaEs Son .2.. /rsna Foes 8ack to ;is )$ode .20. -odes of VisnuEs "orship .21. <ne ;undred and >ight Names of 5ama .22. he hrhe Fods Su$jected to est $y 8hrgu


,. ) &ialogue $etween Aaimini and Vyasa .. Csaracteristic -arks of a Vaisna#a 0. he Story of /ing -ano$hadra 1. (ranidhi, (adma#ati and Chanurd#aja 2. heeStory of -adha#a and Sulorana 3. ,appy >nd of the Story of -adha#a and Sulocana 4. /alakalpa is Li$erated $y the ouch of Fanga%water 6. he Lo#e Story of Iidre and (admagandha 7. he Freatness of Fanga ,9. he >fficay of Campaka @lower ,,. he 5ules of Visnu "orship ,.. he Freatness of the ;oly @ig ree ,0. VisnuEs "orship withh LotusesJ he Story of (raja ,1. (rohi$itions 5egarding and @ruit of Visnu "orship ,2. he >fficacy of 5amaEs Name ,3. CakrikaEs Story ,4. 8hadratanuEs Story ,6. he Freatness of (urusottama ,7. "hat (leases VisnuD "hat -akes ;im )ngry* .9. he Freat >fficacy of Fi#ing (Charity) .,. 8rahmanasD Fift of @ood and "hter ... he Freatness of >kadasi .0. aueen Suprajna on the >fficacy of >kadasi Vow .1. he Freatness of ulasi and &hatri .2. he Importance of ;onouring a Fuest .3. Conduct in the @our =ugas

rahma Purana!!Part B

)885>VI) I<NS IN 5<&?C I<N (uranaJ&efinition he Nomenclature >:tent ransmission of tradition :t%criticism &ate of tradition e:t%criticism &ate of Composition (lace of Composition 5eligion and (hilosophy of 8rahma (urana C;)( >5S ,. <n the <rigin of &e#as and )suras .. <rigin and glory of (rthu 0. -an#antaras 1. >#olution of Vi#as#at )ditya 2. 5e#iew of the Solar 5ace 3. /ings of the Solar 5ace 4. 8irth of Soma 6. /ings of the Lunar 5ace 7. Fenealogy of )ncient /sateiyas ,9. he Narrati#e of =ayati ,,. &ynasty of =ayati ,.. 8irth of Sri /rsna ,0. he @amily of Vrsnis ,1. ;ow the Syamantaka jewel was $rought $ack ,2. )krura o$tains Syamantaka ,3. Se#en Continents ,4. Aam$ud#ipa ,6. -agnitude of <ceans and Continents ,7. -agnitude of Nether worlds .9. ;ells in nether regions .,. ?pper 5egions ... (ole Star .0. ;oly CentresJ heir Freatness .1. ) &ialogue $etween 8rahma ayd Sages .2. 8harataoyu$co ainent .3. he Flory of /onaditya .4. >fficacy of &e#ition to Sun%god .6. Flory of Sun%god .7. Names of Sun%god

09. Nati#ity of Sun%god 0,. <ne ;undred and >ight Names of Sun%Fod 0.. (enance of ?ma 00. esting of (ar#ati 01. (ar#ati weds Si#a 02. ;ymn in (raise of Si#a 03. ?ma and Sankara lea#e ;imalayas 04. &estruction of &aksaEs Sacrifice 06. he (rayer $y &aksa 07. he holy Centre of >kamra 19. he holy centre of ?tkala

rahma Purana!!Part C
). )885>VI) I<NS 8. 5)NSL) I<N )N& N< >S C;)( >5S 1,. he Narrati#e of IndradyumnaD &escription of )#anti 1.. he ;oly Centres Sighted 10. ) 5e#iew of (ast Incidennts 11. &escription of ;oly Centres 12. ;orse%sacrifice 13. (rayer for "elfare 14. <rigin of Idols 16. &escription of (urusottama 17. ) #isit to the ;oly 8anyan ree $y -arkandeya 29. -arkandeya #iews )nnihilation 2,. -arkandeya wanders in the $elly of the Lord 2.. (rayer to the Lord 20. -arkandeyaEs #ision of the holy lord 21. Visit to /rsna shrine 22. Freatness of narasimha 23. Freatness of S#eta -adha#a 24. -ode of (rocedure for a ;oly &ip in the <cean 26. 5ules of worship and -antras 27. -erit of a holy dip in the <cean 39. Flory of fi#e holy spots%%(ancatirthi 3,. -ahajyesthi @ull%-oon day in the month of Ayestha 3.. ;oly a$lution in propitiation of /rsna 30. Flory of holy processionJ Fundika yatra 31. he twel#e holy pilgrimages and their $enefits

32. he world of Visnu 33. Flory of lord (urusottama 34. Flory of )nanta Vasude#a 36. Flory of holy shrine of (urusottama 37. Narrati#e of sage /andu 49. &ou$ts raised $y sages 4,. LordEs incarnation in the tamily of =adus 4.. Incarnations of ;ari 40. Nati#ity of Sri /rsna 41. Incarnations of ;ari 42. (utana slain and Cart smashed 43. CowherdEs colony shifted to Vrnda#ana 44. Suppression of /aliya 46. &henuka and (ralam$a are slain 47. "orship of Fo#ardhana mountain 69. Coronation of Lord /rsna 6,. )rista is slain 6.. /esin is slain 60. )krura comes to the cowherdEs colony 61. 5eturn of )krura 62. /amsa is slain 63. he son of Sandipani restored 64. he onslaught of Aarasandha 66. -ucukundaEs (rayer 67. 8alarama returns to the cowherdEs colony 79. 8alaramaEs sport with (loughshare 7,. 5eturn to (radyumna 7.. 5ukmin is slain 70. Naraka is killed 71. he prayer $y Indra 72. Lord /rsna marries si:teen thousand and one hundred #irgins 73. (rogeny of Sri /rsna 74. ?sa and )niruddha%%their marriage 76. he $urning of /asi 77. Flory of 8alarama ,99. he monkey &#i#ida is slain ,9,. Sri /rsna returns to his a$ode ,9.. Lord /rsna ascends hea#en ,90. >pisode of /rsna concluded ,91. &ifferent manifestations of the lord ,92. (ath to the world of =ama

rahma Purana!!Part D

(5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS C;)( >5S ,93. ortures in ;ell ,94. he Foal of the Virtuous ,9t. he Cycle of "orldly >:istence ,97. Fift of food the $est of all charita$lw acts ,,9. <n the performancehef Sraddha and the associated legend ,,,. ehe details of the Sraddha ritual ,,.. he details of Sapindikarana 5ite ,,0. Conduct of the Food ,,1. )ssignment of duties to different castes and stages of life ,,2. Characteristics of mi:ed castes o,3. 5e#iew ofaVirtue ,,4. 5e#iew of Virtue ,,6. &ialogue $etween -ahes#ara and the sagis ,,7. Foal of the de#otees of Visnu ,.9. he $enefits of singing de#otional songs of Visnu white keeping wake at night ,.,. -anifestation of -aya ,. . @oretelling future ,$0. @oretelling fmture ,.1. &escription of )nnihilation ,a2. he Natural 5e%a$sorption ,.3. he ?ltimate 5e%a$sorption ,.4. (ractice of =oga ,.6. 5e#iew of Samkhya and =oga ,.7. 5e#iew of Samkhya and =oga ,09. 5e#iew of Samkhya and =oga ,0,. 5e#iew of injunctions regarding =ogtic practice ,0.. 5e#iew of the principles of Samkhya ,00. he perisha$le and the Imperisha$le ,01. ) dialogue $etween Vasistha n Aanaka ,02. L L ,03. L L ,04. L L ,06. In praise of the (urana

rahma Purana!!Part E6autami!Mahatmya

F)? )-I%-);) -=) H ;> FL<5I@IC) I<N <@ F)? )-II

(>5@)C> )885>VI) I<NS C;)( >5S ,. ;oly Centres .. Si#aEs -arriage 0. Fift of a "ater Vessel to 8rahma 1. ;ow Fanga >ntered the -atted ;air of Si#a 2. Vinayaka and Fautama 3. &escent of Fautami 4. Flory of the ;oly 5i#er 6. Fhe &escent of 8hagirathi 7. he ;oly Centre Varaha ,9. /apotatirtha ,,. /umaratirtha ,.. /rittika irtha ,0. &asas#amedha irtha ,1. (aisaca irtha ,2. /sudha irtha ,3. Indra irthaJ )halyasangama irtha ,4. Aanasthan irtha ,6. Cakratirtha ,7. )s#a$hanu irtha .9. Faruda irtha .,. Fo#ardhana irtha ... (apapranasana irtha .0. Vis#amitra irtha .1. S#eta and other irthas .2. Sukratirtha and -rtasanji#ani irtha .3. Se#en housand ;oly Centres .4. (aulastya irtha .6. )gnitirtha .7. 5namocana irtha 09. /adru%Suparna%Sangama irtha 0,. Saras#atisangama 0.. 5e#iew of the Freatness of @i#e irthas 00. Sami and oother ;oly Centres 01. wenty%two housand ;oly Centres 02. he wenty%fi#e Confluences of Various 5i#ers 03. )mrtasangama and other ;oly Centres 04. &escription of Se#enteed ;oly Centres 06. Si:teen housand ;oly Centres 07. Cakra irtha

19. Cakres#ara and other ;;oly Centres 1,. Nagatirtha a ;oly Centre 1.. -atrtirtha 10. 8rahmatirtha and other ;oly Centres 11. )#ighnatirtha 12. Sesatirtha and other ;oly Centres 13. Vada#a and other ;oly Centres 14. )tmatirtha 16. )s#attha and oother irthas 17. Somatirtha 29. &hanyatirtha 2,. Vidar$hasangama and other ;oly Centres 2.. (urnatirtha and other ;oly Centres 20. 5amatirtha and other ;oly Centres 21. (utratirtha and other ;oly Centres 22. ;oly Centres =amatirtha etc. 23. he ;oly Centre apasirtha and <thers 24. foly Centre )rstisenatirtha etc. 26. ;oly Centre apo#anatirtha etc 27. ;oly Centres Indratirtha etc. 39. )pastam$atirtha and other ;oly Centres 3,. ;oly Centres =amatirtha and <thers 3.. ;oly Centres =aksinisangama etc. 30. Suklatirtha and other ;oly Centres 31. Cakratirtha and other ;oly Centres 32. Vanisangama and other ;oly Centres 33. Visnutirtha and other ;oly Centres 34. Laksmitirtha and other ;oly Centres 36. 8hanutirtha and other ;oly Centres 37. /hadgatirtha and other ;oly Centres 49. )n#indratirtha and other ;oly Centres 4,. /apilasangama and othfr ;oly Centres 4.. &e#asthana and other ;oly Centres 40. Siddhatirtha and other ;oly Centres 41. (arusnisangama and other ;oly Centres 42. -arkandeyatirtha and other ;oly Centres 43. =ayatatirtha and other ;oly Centres 44. )psaroyugasangama irtha and other ;oly Centres 46. /otitirtha and other ;oly Centres 47. Narasimhatirtha and other ;oly Centres 69. (aisacatirtha and other ;oly Centres 6,. Nimna$heda and other ;oly Centres 6.. Nanditata and other ;oly Centres 60. 8ha#atirtha and other ;oly Centres 61. Sahasrakunda and other ;oly Centres

62. /apilatirtha and other ;oly Centres 63. Sankharada and other ;oly Centres 64. /iskindha%%) ;oly Centre 66. Vyasatirtha%%) ;oly Centre 67. Vanjarasangama and other ;oly Centres 79. he ;oly Centre &e#agamatirtha 7,. he &escription of /usatarpana and other ;oly Centres 7.. he ;oly Centre -anyu 70. Saras#ata and other ;oly Centres 71. Cincikatirtha and other ;oly Centres 72. 8hadratirtha 73. (atatritirtha 74. Vipratirtha also known as Narayanatirtha 76. 8hanutirtha and other ;oly Centres 77. he ;oly Centre 8hilla ,99. Caksustirtha and other ;oly Centres ,9,. ?r#asi and other ;oly Centres ,9.. -eeting of Foda#ari and the Sea in Se#en 8ranches ,90. 5sisatra and 8himes#aratirtha ,91. he Confluence of Fanga with Sea ,92. he 8enefits of Listening to the (urana ddd

The $iva Purana!!Part B

Introduction TH9 6)ORM O& $@VAPNRANA ,. Freatness of Si#apurana .. Li$eration of &e#araja 0. CanculaEs disillusion and detachment 1. CanculaEs sal#ation 2. 8indugaEs sal#ation 3. 5ules for listening to Si#apurana 4. Injunctions and prohi$itions $@VAPNRANA: V@2M9$VARA $AMH@TA ,. &ou$t of the sages .. )nswers to the dou$ts 0. )chie#a$le and the means of achie#ement 1. >:cellence of listening and deli$eration 2. Freatness of the phallic em$lems of Si#a

3. 8attle $etween 8rahma and Visnu 4. Si#a manifests himself as a column of fire in the $attlefield 6. Si#aEs forgi#eness of 8rahma 7. (roclamation of Si#a as the great lord ,9. @i#efold acti#ities and the <mkara%mantra ,,. -ode of worshipping the phallic form of Si#a and making gifts ,.. he narrati#e of Si#aEs holy centres and temples ,0. &escription of good conduct ,1. &escription of fire%sacrifice ,2. aualification, time and place for &e#ayajna ,3. -odes of worship of clay idols and their results ,4. he sylla$le <m and the fi#e%sylla$led mantra ,6. 8ondage and li$erationJ he glorification of the phallic em$lem of Si#a ,7. Florification of the worship of Si#aEs >arthen phallic image .9. -ode of worshipping an earthen phallic image $y chanting Vedic mantras .,. Num$er of phallic images of Si#a used in worship ... <n the partaking of the Nai#edya of Si#a and the greatness of 8il#a .0. Florification of 5udraksa and the names of Si#a .1. Freatness of the holy ashes .2. Freatness of 5udraksa RN2RA!$AMH@TA $9%T@ON @: %R9AT@ON ,. InBuiry of the sages .. Indra sends /amade#a to distur$ the penance of Narada 0. Narada attends the S#ayam#ara of a #irgin 1. Narada goes to Vaikuntha and curses Visnu 2. narada goes to /asi 3. &escription of the nature of -ahapralaya and the origin of Visnu 4. &ispute $etween 8rahma and Visnu 6. &escription of the $ody of Sa$da$rahman 7. &escription of Si#atatt#a ,9. &escription of supreme Si#atatt#a ,,. -ode of worshipping Si#a ,.. he essential and the non%essential in the worship ,0. -ode of worshipping Si#a ,1. &irection for the worship of Si#a ,2. -anifestation of 5udra ,3. &escription of the creation ,4. Story of Funanidhi ,6. 5edemption of Funanidhi ,7. @riendship of Si#a and /u$era .9. Si#a goes to /ailasa

RN2RA!$AMH@TA $9%T@ON @@: NARRAT@V9 O& $AT@ ,. Summary of SatiEs life .. )ppearance of /ama 0. /ama is first cursed and then $lessed 1. /amaEs marriage 2. Story of Sandhya 3. Sandhya granted a $oon $y Si#a 4. Sandhya alias )rundhati marries Vasistha 6. &escription of the form and features of Vasanta 7. he power of /ama and the $irth of his attendants ,9. 8rahma%Visnu dialogue ,,. ;ymn to &urga. 8rahma granted a $oon ,.. &aksa granted a $oon ,0. Narada is cursed $y &aksa ,1. 8irth of Sati and her childish sports ,2. Sacred rites of Nanda and ;ymn to Si#a ,3. (rayer to Si#a offered $y 8rahma and Visnu ,4. Sati granted the $oon ,6. -arriage of Si#a and Sati ,7. &escription of Si#aEs sports .9. Si#aEs marriage festi#al .,. &alliance of Sati and Si#a on the ;imalayas ... L L .0. &escription of the power of de#otion .1. SatiEs test of 5amcEs di#inity .2. Separatmon of Sati wnd Si#a .3. he cause of estrangemedta$etceen &aksa and Si#a .4. he inauguration of &aksaEs sacrifice .6. SatiEs nourney .7.#aatiEs statement 09. SatiEs casting%off of her $ody and the su$seBuent di8order 0,. he celestial #oice 0.. 8irth of Vira$hadra and Si#aEs ad#ice to him 00. -arch on Vira$hadra y1. &e#as see $ad omens at &aksaEs sacrifice 02. VisnuEs statement 03. &ialogue $etween Visnu and Vira$hadra 04. &estruction oa &aksaEs sacrifice 06. &ialogue $etween /su#a and .adhica 07. he fight $etween Visnu and &adhica 19. Aourney to /ailasa and the #ision of Si#a 1,. &e#as eulogise Si#a 1.. he remo#al of &aksaEs misery 10. he )rrangement in &aksaEs sacrifice

The $iva!Purana!!Part C
RN2R9$VARA $AMH@TA: PARVAT@KHAN2A $9%T@ON @@@ ,. -arriage of ;imacala .. Sanaka etc. curse -ena and her sisters 0. Fods praise Si#a 1. Foddess &urga consoles the gods 2. -ena o$tains the $oon 3. (ar#atiEs $irth 4. Childhood sports of (ar#ati 6. Narada%;imalaya Con#ersation 7. (arentEs ad#ice to (ar#ati and Si#a appears $efore (ar#ati in dream ,9. -ars is $orn and raised to the status of a planet ,,. Si#a and ;ima#at meet together ,.. Si#a%;ima#at dialogue ,0. Si#a%(ar#ati dialogue ,1. 8irth and (enance of Vajranga and araka ,2. (enance and reign of araka ,3. 8rahma consoles the gods harassed $y araka ,4. &ialogue $etween Indra and /ama ,6. /ama causes pertur$ation in Si#aEs gro#e ,7. /amaEs destruction $y Si#a .9. he su$marine fire .,. NaradaEs instructions to (ar#ati ... (ar#atiEs penance .0. ;ima#at dissuades (ar#ati, gods go to meet Si#a .1. Si#aEs consent to marry (ar#ati .2. (ar#atiEs test $y se#en celestial sages .3. (ar#ati%jatila dialogue .4. @radulent words of 8rahmacarin .6. par#ati sees Si#a .7. Si#a%(ar#ati dialogue 09. (ar#ati returns home 0,. Si#aEs magic 0.. Se#en celestial sages arri#e n0. )ppeasemeru of ;ima#at 01. )naranya 02. (adma and (ippalada 03. Speeches of se#en sages 04. Letter of $etrohhal despachedD arrangement forfthe cele$ration ofrmarriageD arri#al of the mountain%in#itees 06. &escription of the dais

07. )rri#al of the gods and Si#aEs preparations 19. -arriage procession of Si#a 1,. &escription of the altar%structure 1.. -eeting of Si#a and ;ima#at 10. Si#aEs wonderful sport 11. -ena regains consciousness 12. Au$ilation of the citiGens at the sight of Si#a 13. )rri#al of the $ridegroom 14. Si#a enters the palace of ;ima#at 16. &escription of -arriage 17. &elusion of 8rahma 29. &escription of fun and frolic 2,. 5esusication of /ama 2.. -arriage party is fed and Si#a retires to $ed 20. &escription of Si#aEs return journey 21. Si#a returns to /ailasa RN2RA$AMH@TA KNMARAKHAN2A $9%T@ON @V ,. &alliance of Si#a .. 8irth of Si#aEs son 0. 8oyhood sports of /arttikeya 1. Search for /arttikeya and his talk with nandin 2. /arttikeya is crowned 3. -iraculous @eat of /arttikeya 4. Commencement of the war 6. 8attle $etween the gods and asuras 7. arakaEs fight with Indra, Visnu and Vira$hadra ,9. &eath of araka and Au$ilation of the gods ,,. Victory of /umara and the death of 8ana and (ralam$a ,.. Fods eulogise Si#a ,0. 8irth of Fanesa ,1. Fanas argue and wrangle ,2. FanesaEs $attle ,3. FanesaEs head is chopped off ,4. 5esuscitation of Fanesa ,6. Fanesa crowned as the chief of Fanas ,7. FanesaEs marriage .9. Cele$ration of FanesaEs marriage RN2RA$AMH@TA: MN22HAKHAN2A $9%T@ON V ,.t&etcriplion of the ripuras

.. (rayer of the gods 0. Virtues of the ripuras 1. ripuras are initiated 2. ripuras are fascinated 3. (rayer to Si#a 4. Fods pray to Si#a and Si#aEs instructions to the gods 6. Construction of the cosmic chariot 7. Si#aEs campaign ,9. 8urning of the ripuras ,,. FodEs prayer ,.. Fods return to their a$odes ,0. 5esuscitation of Indra ,1. 8irth of Aalandhara and his marriage ,2. @ight $etween the gods and Aalandhara ,3. 8attle of the gods ,4. @ight $etween Visnu and Aalandhara ,6. &ialogue $etween Narada and Aalandhara ,7. AalandharaEs emissary to Si#a .9. @ight $etween the Fanas and )suras .,. &escription of the Special war ... AalandharaEs $attle .0. <utraging the modesty of Vrnda .1. Aalandhara is slain .2. FodEs prayer to Si#a .3. Vanishing of VisnuEs delusion .4. 8irth of Sankhacuda .6. (enance and marriage of Sankhacuda .7. (r#ious $irth of Sankhacuda 09. (rayers to Si#a 0,. Si#aEs ad#ice to the gods 0.. Si#a sends emissary to Sankhacuda 00. -arch of Si#a 01. -arch of Sankhacuda 02. &ialogue $etween Si#a and the emissary of Sankhacuda 03. -utual fight 04. @ight of Sankhacuda 06. @ight of /ali 07. )nnihilation of the army of Sankhacuda 19. &eath of Sankhacuda 1,. Curse of ulasi 1.. &eath of ;iranyaksa 10. &eath of ;iranyakasipu 11. )ndhaka attains the leadership of Fanas 12. )ndhaka sends his emissary to Si#a 13. )ndhakaEs fight with Si#a

14. Swallowing of Sukra 16. Swallowing of Sukra agd his emergence 17. )ndhaka o$tainswthe leadership of Fanas 29. Sukra learns -rtasanji#ani lore 2,. Narrati#e of ?sa 2.. Narrati#e of ?sa (continued) 20. &alliance of ?sa and )niruddha 21. @ight among 8ana, Si#a, /rsna and others 22. Chopping of 8anaEs arms and his humiliation 23. 8ana attains the position of Si#aEs Fana 24. Fajasura is slain 26. &undu$hi Nirhrada is slain 27. Vidala and ?tpala are slain

The $iva!Purana!!Part D
$ATARN2RA$AMH@TA ,. @i#e incarnations of Si#a .. >ight forms of Si#a 0. ;alf%female incarnation of Si#a 1. Story of 5sa$ha 2. Nineteen incarnations of Si#a 3. Incarnation of Nandis#ara 4. Coronation and the nuptials of Nandis#ara 6. Incarnation of 8haira#a 7. Sports of 8haira#a ,9. Narrati#e of -an%lion ,,. Incarnation of Sara$ha ,.. Incarnation of Sar$ha (continued) ,0. Incarnation of Frhapati ,1. Incarnation of Frhapati (continued) ,2. Incarnation of Frhapati (continued) ,3. Incarnation of =akes#ara ,4. Incarnations of Si#a ,6. >le#en incarnations of Si#a ,7. Narati#e of &ur#asas .9. Incarnation of ;anumat .,. L L -ahesa ... ;arassment $y VisnuEs sons and the incarnation of 8ull .0. Incarnation of 8ull (continued) .1. L L (ippalada

.2. L L L (continued) .3. L L Vaisyanatha .4. L L &#ijes#ara .6. L L =atinathahamsa .7. L L /rsnadarsana 09. L )#adhutes#ara 0,.f L L 8hicsu#arya 0.. L L Sures#ara 00. L L 8rahmacarin 01. L L Sunartakanata 02. L L Saintly $rahmin 03. L L )s#atthaman 04. L L /irata 06. &escription of )rjunaEs penance 07. Slaying of the demon -uka 19. /irata%)rjuna dialogue 1,. Incarnation of /irta (continued) 1.. wel#e Ayotirlinga incarnations KOT@RN2RA$AMH@TA ,. Flory of Ayotirlingas and their ?plingas .. Freatness of Si#alingas 0. (enance of )nasuya and )tri 1. Freatness of )tris#ara 2. &eath of the 8rahmin lady and the greatness of Nandikes#ara 3. 8rahmin lady attains ;ea#en 4. Freatness of Nandikes#ara 6. L L -aha$ala 7. )ttainment of the supreme goal $y and outcaste woman ,9. Freatness of -aha$ala (continued) ,,. L L (asupatinatha ,.. "hy Si#a assumed the phallic form ,0. <rigin of Vatuka ,1. L L Somanatha ,2. L L the second -allikarjuna Ayotirlinga ,3. Flory of -ahakala ,4. L L L (continued) ,6. L L <mkares#ara ,7. L L /edares#ara .9. L L 8himes#ara and the ha#oc perpetrated $y 8himasura .,. <rigin of 8himes#ara ... Freatness of Vis#es#ara, the arri#al of 5udra at /asi .0. Freatness of Vis#es#ara (continued) .1. Freatness of rym$akes#ara and Fautama

.2. (lanned arrangement of Fautama .3. Freatness of ryam$akes#ara (continued) .4. L L L (continued) .6. L L Vaidyanathes#ara .7. ;a#oc created $y 5aksasas of &aruka#ana 09. Freatness of Nages#ara 0,. L L 5ames#ara 0.. Narrati#e of Sudeha and Sudharma 00. <rigin and glory of Fhusmes#ara 01. )cBuisition of Sudarsana $y Visnu 02. housand names of Si#a 03. >fficacy of the thousand names of Si#a 04. &e#otion to lord Si#a 06. Freatness of Si#aratri 07. he rite of Si#aratri 19. Flory of Si#aratri 1,. 5e#iew of sal#ation 1.. &ifference $etween Saguna and Nirguna 10. 5e#iew of knowledge NMA$AMH@TA ,. /rsna meets ?pamanyu .. ?pamanyuEs instruction 0. Freatness of Si#a 1. >:hi$ition of Si#aEs skill 2. Freat sins 3. &ifferent types of sins 4. (athway to hell and the emissaries of =ama 6. &escription of hell 7. (angs of hell ,9. -ode of suffering in hell ,,. Flory of the gift of food ,.. Flory of penance ,0. Flory of (uranas ,1. Feneral charita$le gifts ,2. &escription of the Nether "orlds ,3. ?plift from hell ,4. &escription of the Aam$ud#ipa ,6. Se#en continents ,7. "orlds and planets .9. ) special -antra .,. @ruits of righteous war ... <rigin n de#elopment of the $ody .0. Infancy n other stagesD impurity of the $ody

.1. "omenEs nature .2. )scertainment of the time of death .3. &odging of /ala .4. >scaping death n realiGation of Si#a .6. Chayapurusa

$iva!Purana!!Part E
NMA$AMH@TA .7. (rime#al creation 09. &escription of creation 0,. L L L 0.. @amily of /asyapa 00. &escription of creation 01. -an#antaras 02. &escription of Vai#as#ata 03. Nine sons and the race of -anu 04. 5ace of -anu 06. Satya#rata to Sagara 07. /ings of the solar race 19. (ower of the manes 1,. Se#en hunters, their attainment 1.. (ower of the (itrs 10. -ode of worshipping Vyasa 11. 8irth of Vyasa 12. Incarnation of -ahakalika 13. Incarnation of -ahalaksmi 14. &humraksa, Canda, -unda and 5akta$ija killed 16. -anifestation of Saras#ati 17. -anifestation of ?ma 29. Incarnation of Sataksi 2,. 5e#iew of holy rites KA@)A$A$AMH@TA ,. &iscussion among Vyasa, Saunaka and others .. &ialogue $etween the Fod and the Foddess 0. "ay of Sannyasa 1. &aily conduct of a Sannyasin 2. -ystic diagram of the ascetic 3. Nyasa in the path of renunciation 4. "orship of Si#a

6. -etal worship of Si#a 7. -ode of interpreting the (rana#a ,9. SutaEs instructions ,,. 8rahma Vamade#a ,.. (rocedure of Sannyasa ,0. (rocedure of 5enunciation ,1. (rana#a in the form of Si#a ,2. Idol of Si#a for worship ,3. Si#aEs (rinciple ,4. Non%dualistic nature of Si#a ,6. (rocedure of initiating a disciple ,7. 5ules of =ogapatta .9. 5ules for hair%cutting and a$lution .,. he first ten days rite on the death of an ascetic ... 5ites on the ele#enth day on the death of an ascetic .0. welfth day rites for =atis VAMAV@MA$AMH@TA= $9%T@ON @ ,. <rigin of the sacred lore .. (ro$lem of the sages 0. Naimisa episode 1. )d#ent of Vayu 2. (rinciples of Si#a cult 3. L L L nL 4. Flory of ime 6. Span of life of the rinity 7. Creation and sustenance ,9. &escription of Creation ,,. L L L ,.. L L L ,0. Creation of 8rahma and Visnu ,1. -anifestation of 5udras ,2. Song of (rayer addressed to Si#a and Si#a ,3. -anifestation of di#ine Sakti ,4. Narrati#e of Creation ,6. )$andonment of the $ody $y Sati ,7. <rigin of Vira$hadra .9. &estruction of &aksaEs sacrifice .,. (unishment of the Fods ... &estruction of &aksaEs sacrifice .0. Si#aEs @ury .1. Si#aEs sports on the -andara mountain .2. Foddess attains fair comple:ion .3. )ttainment of higher status $y the tiger

.4. FauriEs em$ellishment .6. Flory of 8hasma .7. )nalysis of Vag%)rtha 09. (rinciple of Si#a 0,. Instruction in perfect wisdom 0.. &escription of e:cellent practice 00. 5ules Fo#erning (asupati#rata 01. (enance of ?pamanyu 02. Story of ?pamanyu VAMAV@MA$AMH@TA= $9%T@ON @@ ,. )cBuisition of sons $y Sri /rsna .. Flory of lord Si#a 0. ?pamanyuEs ad#ice to Sri /rsna 1. -agnificence of Fauri and Si#a 2. /nowledge of (asupati principle 3. (rinciple of Si#a 4. L L L 6. Incarnations of Vyasa 7. Si#a =ogacarya ,9. &e#otion to Si#a ,,. Sai#ite knowledge ,.. Flory of the mantra of Si#a ,0. L L ,1. L L ,2. Freantess of the preceptor ,3. Consecration of the disciple ,4. 5ules of Sai#ite initiation ,6. (urification of the si: paths ,7. Consecration of the aspirant and the greatness of the -antra .9. Special consecration .,. Nitya and Naimittika rites ... Compulsory and optional Sai#a rites .0. 5ules of worshhip .1. 5itual of lord Si#a .2. "orship of Si#a .3. "orship of Si#a with the ancillary rites .4. 5ite of sacrifice .6. Compulsory and optional rites .7. /amya rites 09. L L 0,. ;ymn to lord Si#a 0.. 5ites for prosperity 00. 5ites for $liss hereafter

01. &elusion of Visnu and 8rahma 02. L L 03. Installation of Si#a 04. Foal of =oga 06. <$stacles in the path of =oga 07. Sai#ite =oga 19. Aourney of the Naimisa sages 1,. Instructions of Vyasa

The $#anda!Purana!!Part B
(?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS IN 5<&?C I<N S/)N&)%(?5)N) OOK @: MAH9$VARAKHAN2A $9%T@ON @: K92ARAKHAN2A Chapters ,. &aksaEs Insolence .. SatiEs )rri#al at &aksaEs Sacrifice 0. Vira$hadra Comes to the =ajna 1. ) @ight $etween Vira$hadra and Visnu and <thers 2. -eritoriousness of &e#otion to Si#a 3. Curse to 8rahma and <thers 4. "orship of the Linga 6. he Story of a hiefJ Incarnation of 5ama 7. he Churning of the <cean ,9. Si#a Swallows the (oison ,,. (rocedure of Fanesa "orshipJ -anifestation of Laksmi ,.. &e#as aste the &i#ine Nectar ,0. he @ight $etween &e#as and )suras ,1. 5esuscitation of &ead &aityas ,2. Nahusa and =ayatiJ heir Indrahood and @all ,3. &adhiciEs Fift of ;is 8ody ,4. Vrtra /illedJ 8ali (repares for "ar ,6. VamanaEs )rri#al at 8aliEs Sacrifice ,7. Sukra Curses 8aliJ Vamana Frants 8oon to 8ali .9. he Nirgunat#a of the Si#a LingaJ he -anifestation of 8ha#ani

.,. (ar#atiEs (enance ... SankaraEs 5e#elation of ;imself to (ar#atiJ heir &ialogue .0. Si#aEs -arriage .1. he -arriage Ceremony of Si#aJ he )rrangement for )ccommodating &e#as and <thers .2. he -arriage 5itual .3. he -arriage Cele$ration of Si#a and (ar#atiJ )uspicious @esti#ities .4. he 8irth of /umara /arttikeya .6. (reparations of &e#as and &aityas for "ar .7. he 8attle $etween Suras and araka 09. araka Is Slain 0,. he Freatness of Si#alinga 0.. he 8urning of /ala 00. he Freatness of Si#aratri Vrata 01. Si#a Loses to (ar#ati in a Fame of &ice 02. (ar#ati as Sa$ari 8rings 8ack Si#aJ Si#aEs Coronation

The $#anda!Purana!!Part C
OOK @: MAH9$VARAKHAN2A (?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I I<5I)L )885>VI) I<NS Chapters ,. 5edemption of @i#e )psaras $y )rjuna .. Florification of ;oly (laces 0. Freatness of the irtha at the Confluence of -ahi and Sea 1. &ialogue $etween Narada and )rjunaJ &ifferent /ends of Charita$le Fifts 2. &ialogue $etween Narada and Sutanu 3. Narada Settles 8rahmanas at the ;oly Spot 4. NadijanghaEs Story 6. (rakarakarnaEs Story 7. he VultureEs Story ,9. 5e#i#al of IndradyumnaEs 5enown ,,. he (re#ious 8irths of the ortoise ,.. Freat >fficacy of the "orship of Si#aJ he Story of Sage Lomasa ,0. Satarudriya Lingas ,1. he Legend of Vajranga $9%T@ON @@: KANMAR@KAKHAN2A

,2. he 8irth of the )sura araka ,3. araka and &e#endra (repare for "ar ,4. he @ight $etween =ama and Frasana ,6. he 8attle $etween the )rmies of araka and the &e#as ,7. he 8attle $etween Visnu and /alanemi .9. Visnu @ights with &aityas .,. arakaEs Victory in the 8attle ... he 8irth of (ar#ati .0. ;ima#an Consoled .1. /ama is 8urned .2. -ahade#a -eets (ar#atiJ >agerness for -arriage with (ar#ati .3. he -arriage of ;ara and Fauri Cele$rated .4. (ar#ati >nragedJ he <rigin of Fanesa .6. (ar#ati Foes to the -ountain for (enance .7. /umara 8ecomes Commander%in%chief of the &e#a )rmyJ (i) Legend of )r$uda 09. Skanda Installed as the Commander%in%chief 0,. /umaraEs -arch against the City of arakasura 0.. araka is Slain 00. he Freatness of Lingas Installed $y /umara 01. he Freatness of /umaresa 02. Freatness of Stam$hes#ara 03. &escription of the @i#e Lingas Concluded 04. 8hu#anakosaJ >#olution of the ?ni#erseJ &escription of &#ipas or Continents 06. he (osition of the ;igher "orld 07. he Freatness of 8arkares#ara 19. he 8irth of -ahakalaJ he )rrangement of @our =ugas 1,. /inds of SinsD (rocedure of Si#a "orshipD 5ules of Food Conduct 1.. he Story of 8rahmana )itareya 10. >sta$lishment of 8hattaditya 11. &escription of the &i#yas (<rdeals) 12. he Story of Nanda$hadra 13. >#ents Connected with 8aladitya 14. Installation of Foddesses at 8ahudaka irtha 16. he &escription of Somanatha 17. &ialogue $etween /amatha and the Sun%god 29. ;uman 8ody%%) -iniature CosmosJ &eparture of the soul to the Ne:t "orld 2,. he Freatness of Aayaditya 2.. he Story of /otitirtha 20. Freatness of ripurusasala and the Flory of NaradaEs Lake 21. he Flory of Narada Idol 22. he Characteristics of =oga 23. 8rahmes#ara, -okses#ara and Far$hes#ara 24. he Flory of Nilakantha 26. >nd of )rjunaEs (ilgrimage 27. he &eparture of Fhatokaca to (ragjyotisa

39. he 8irth of 8ar$arika 3,. he Liturgy of Fanes#ara 3.. he (ractice of -aha#idya 30. VijayaEs )ccomplishment of Siddhi 31. he Freatness of 8himes#ara 32. &isagreement $etween 8hima and =udhisthiraJ Installation of /ales#ari 33. /rsna $eheads 8ar$arikaJ Freatness of Fuptaksetra Concluded

The $#anda!Purana!!Part D
(?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS OOK @: MAH9$VARAKHAN2A $9%T@ON @@@: ARNNA%A)AMAHATMMA (?5V)5&;) Chapers ,. he -anifestation of the aijasa Linga%%)runacala .. Freatness of the Immo#a$le Linga of Sankara 0. (ar#ati Foes to /anci for (enance 1. (ar#ati Foes to the ;ermitage of Fautama 2. he Freatness of 8rahmapuskara 3. &escription of Various ;oly (laces at )runacala 4. &ifferent irthas on )runacala 6. he (ropitiation of )runes#ara 7. he >fficacy of the Circumam$ulation of )runes#ara ,9. he @ight with -ahisasura ,,. -ahisasura SlainJ ;is ;ead Stuck to FauriEs ;and ,.. he 5eunion of the Foddess with Si#a ,0. Franting of 8oons to (ar#ati NTTARAR2HA ,. IntroductionJ -arkandeyaEs auery .. ) List of &ifferent Sacred (laces of Si#a on the >arth 0. -arkandeyaEs @urther auery 1. he Freatness of )runacala

2. 5ewards and (unishments 5esulting from (re#ious /armas 3. >:piatory 5ites 4. ;oly 5ites for Special )ttainments 6. he &escription of Creation 7. &ispute $etween 8rahma and Visnu ,9. -anifestation of the @iery Linga ,,. VisnuEs >:ploration of the Lower.(art of the Linga ,..f8rahmaEs a:ploration of the op of the Column of Splendour ,0. 8rahma 5euests the /etaka 8unch to (erjure ,1. -anifestation of Sankara ,2. 8rahma (repares to >ulogiGe Si#a ,3. &escription of the emple of )runacala $y 8rahma and Visnu ,4. he Sports of Si#a and (ar#ati ,6. (ar#atiEs &e#otional Ser#ice to )runacales#ara ,7. &emon -ahisa Slain $y &urga .9. (ar#atiEs >ulogy of the Lord of )runacala .,. Si#a (raises (ar#ati ... he Story of Vajrangada .0. he Story ofn/aladhara and /attisali .1. Vajrangada )ttains Sal#ation he Skanda (urana%%(art 1 (?8LIS;>5ES N< > >&I <5I)L )885>VI) I<NS OOK @@: VA@$NAVAKHAN2A $9%T@ON @: V9NKATA%A)AMAHATMMA Chapters ,. NaradaEs Vision of =ajna#araha .. (ropitiation of Sri Varaha $y -antras 0. -anifestation of the Lord to the >yes of >#eryone at the 5eBuest of )gastya 1. Narada )pproaches (adma#ati 2. Srini#asa >nchanted on Seeing (adma#ati 3. -arks of VisnuEs &e#otee 4. (reparations for the -arriage of (admalaya 6. he -arriage of S#ini#asa and (adma#ati 7. he Story of ;unter VasuJ he Freatness of (admasaras ,9. he Story of >mperor ondaman ,,. /asyapa )$sol#ed of Sins ,.. he Freatness of S#amipuskarini ,0. he Freatness of S#amipuskarini

,1. he Freatness of S#amipuskarini ,2. he Freatness of S#amipuskarini ,3. he -erit of -aking a Fift of "ater ,4. he Freatness of Venkatacala ,6. he Flory of Sri Venkatcala ,7. he Freatness of (apa#inasana irtha .9. -erit from Fift of Lands .,. he Freatness of )kasaganga ... aualifications of hose "ho )re @it to 5ecei#e Charita$le Fifts .0. Freat >fficacy of Cakratirtha .1. he >pisode of the Fandhar#a Sundara .2. he Freatness of Aa$alitirhta .3. he Freatness of um$uru (Fhona) irtha .4. Sri Venkatacala Contains )ll the irthas .6. In (raise of /ataha irtha .7. )rjuna (roceeds on a (ilgrimage 09. &escription of the ;ermitage of 8harad#aja 0,. )gastyaEs &eparture to the South 0.. he 8irth of Su#arnamukhari 00. he >fficacy of Su#arnamukhari 01. he -iraculous (ower of )gastya irtha and )gastyes#ara 02. he Confluence of /alya with Su#arnamukhari 03. Florification of the 8oar Incarnation (of Visnu) 04. he )rri#al of Sankha, )gastya and <thers at Sri Venkatacala 06. -anifestation of Lord Visnu to )gastya and others 07. )njanaEs (enance for Fetting a Son 19. he (roper ime for Sacred 8ath in Viyadganga

The Varaha Purana!!Part B

(5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS IN 5<&?C I<NS Chapters ,. >arthEs >nBuiry a$out Creation, 8enedictory (rayer .. (rimary Creation 0. 8irth of Narada 1. Freatness of Narayana 2. )ttainment of Li$eration through &uty 3. )ttainment of li$eration uttering the (undarikasapara hymn

4. )ttainment of li$eration uttering Fadadhara ;ymn 6. he Life of &harma#yadha 7. &escription of @ish%Incarnation ,9. he Creation and the Life of &urjaya ,,. @ight $etween &urjaya and Fauramukha ,.. Narayana offers a $oon to Supratika ,0. 5ules for Sraddha ,1. 5ules for Sraddha ,2. Sage FauramukhaEs li$eration after uttering the hymn of en Incarnations of Visnu ,3. he Story of Sarama ,4. he Story of -ahatapas ,6. <rigin of @ire ,7. Freatness of @ire .9. <rigin of )s#ins .,. <rigin of Fauri ... -arriage of Fauri .0. <rigin of Vinayaka .1. <rigin of Serpents .2. <rigin of Skanda .3. <rigin of Sun .4. <rigin of -atrgana .6. <rigin of Foddess &urga .7. <rigin of &iks 09. <rigin of /u$era 0,. <rigin of Visnu 0.. <rigin of &harma 00. <rigin of 5udra 01. <rigin of (itrs 02. <rigin of Soma 03. @ormer Story 04. Story of &irgha$ahu 06. Story of Satyatapas 07. -atsyad#adasi Vrata 19. /urmad#adasi Vrata 1,. Varahad#adasi Vrata 1.. Narasimhad#adasi Vrata 10. Vamanad#adasi Vrata 11. Aamadagnyad#adasi Vrata 12. 5amad#adasi Vrata 13. /rsnad#adasi Vrata 14. 8uddhad#adasi Vrata 16. /alkid#adasi Vrata 17. (admana$had#adasi Vrata 29. sharani Vrata

2,. )gastyagita I 2.. )gastyagita II 20. Story of (asupala 21. Vrata for attaining the $est hus$and 22. Su$ha Vrata 23. &hanya Vrata 24. /anti Vrata 26. Sau$haghya Vrata 27. )#ighna Vrata 39. Santi Vrata 3,. /ama Vrata 3.. )rogya Vrata 30. (utraprapti Vrata 31. Saurya Vrata 32. Sar#ha$hauma Vrata 33. Naradiya (ancaratra 34. "onder of Visnu 36. =ugadharma 37. "onder of Narayana 49. 5udragita I 4,. 5udragita II 4.. &etermination of (rakrti and (urusa 40. Vairaja#rtta 41. Cosmology 42. Aam$ud#ipa and -eru 43. Cities of >ight &ikpalas 44. he -eru -ountain 46. -andara and other mountains 47. Valleys of -eru I 69. Valleys of -eru II 6,. &omains of &e#as in the -ountains 6.. &ecent of the ri#ers 60. 5egions and ri#ers in the mountain Naisadha 61. 5egions on the South and North of -eru 62. he nine di#isions of 8harata 63. Sakad#ipa 64. /usad#ipa 66. /rauncad#ipa 67. Salmalid#ipa and others 79. Foddess of Creation 7,. Saras#ati and others 7.. Freatness of Vaisna#i 70. &iscussion of -ahisasura with his ministers 71. @ight $etween gods and demons 72. &eath of -ahisasura

73. >:ploits of 5audri 74. Freatness of 5udra 76. -oksa of Satyatapas 77. Freatness of iladhenu ,99. Freatness of Aaladhenu ,9,. Freatness of 5asadhenu ,9.. Freatness of Fudadhenu ,90. Freatness of Sarkaradhenu ,91. Freatness of -adhudhenu ,92. Freatness of /siradhenu ,93. Freatness of &adhidhenu ,94. Freatness of Na#anitadhenu ,96. Freatness of La#anadhenu ,97. Freatness of /arpasadhenu ,,9. Freatness of &hanyadhenu ,,,. Freatness of /apiladhenu ,,.. Freatness of Cow at Child$irth, list of (uranas ,,0. ;ymn on the Lord ,,1. Varaha incarnation%%auestions of >arth ,,2. <rigin of different dharmas (/armas of different castes) ,,3. ;appiness and ?nhappiness ,,4. hirty%two offenses ,,6. 5ituals in idol worship ,,7. @ood for$idden in worship ,.9. "orship of Sandhya ,.,. )$sence of $irth ,... Freatness of /okamukha%%story of the @ish and Cricket ,.0. Freatness of flowers, sandalpaste etc. ,.1. "orship in the Seasons ,.2. -ayacakra ,.3.hFreatness ofh/u$jamraksa%%storyaof the Serpent and Ichneumon ,.4. Initiation of the 8rahmin ,.6. Initiation of other Castes%%Fanantika, Com$, Collyrtum and -irr/r ,.7. @urther 5ituals in worship ,09. >:piation frr eating the kingrs food ,S,. >:piation for not cleaning tho teeth ,0.. >:piation for touching &ead $ody ,00. >:piation for passing flatus and answering calls of Nature in the midst of worship ,01. <ther offences during worship ,02. >:piation for eating goose etc. ,03. 5ules of e:piation

The Varaha Purana!!Part C

(5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS Chapters ,04. he Vulture and the Aackal ,06. he Story of the "ag%tail ,07. Freatness of Saukara ,19. Freatness of holy spots in /okamukha ,1,. Freatness of 8adarikasrama ,1.. )ction in (ri#acy ,10. Freatness of -andara ,11. Freatness of Somes#ara, -uktiksetra, ri#eni and others ,12. Freatness of Salagramaksetra ,13. Freatness of 5uruksetra and ;rsikesa ,14. Freatness of Foniskramana ,16. Freatness of Stutas#ami ,17. Freatness of &#araka ,29. Freatness of Sanandura ,2,. Freatness of Lohargala ,2.. Flory of -athura irtha ,20. Freatness of -athura irtha ,21. (ower of the irthas in =amuna ,22. (ower of )kruratirtha ,23. he )ppearance of -athura ,24. -alayarjuan and other irthas ,26. he (ower of -athura% irtha ,27. Circumam$ulation in -athura ,39. he <rder of Visits in the irthas of -athura ,3,. he greatness of &e#a#ana ,3.. he greatness of Cakratirtha ,30. he Freatness of /apila#araha ,31. he Freatness of )nnakuta ,32. he (ower of Catuhsamudrika well ,33. he power of )sikunda ,34. he power of Visranti tirtha ,36. he irthas in -athura ,37. he Semicircular spot in -athura ,49. he story of Fokarna ,4,. he story of Fokarna (continued) ,4.. he story of Fokarna (continued) ,40. he story of Fokarna (continued) ,41. he greatness of the confluence of =amuna ,42. he prowess of /rsnaganga and /alinjara

,43. he prowess of /rsnagangn dnd /alinjara ,44. Consecration of Surya $y Sam$a ,46. Satrughna%La#ana ,47. >:piations for <ffences ,69. Creatness of &hru#a tirtha in -athura ,6,. Consecration of wooden lmages ,6.. Consecraton of stone Images ,60. Consecraton of clay images o61. Consecraton of copper Images ,62. Consecraton of $ronGe Images ,63i Consecraton of sil#er and golden Images ,64. he <rigin of Sraddha ,66. 5ituals of Sraddha ,67. aualities of the 8rahmin to $e fed in Sraddha ,79. <ther details a$out Sraddha ,7,n -adhuparka ,7.. (eace for all ,70. &eparture of Naciketas ,71. 5eturn of Naciketas ,72. Sinners in =amaloka ,73. City of =ama ,74. =ama and his associates ,76. orments in ;ell ,77. orments in ;ell (continued) .99. orments in ;ell (continued) .9,. @ight $etween 5aksasa and =amaEs men .9.. (unishment according to deeds .90. Sins and (unishment .91. Instructions to -essengers .92. Fod and $ad results .93. 5usults of good actions .94. Food results .96. Story of the chaste women .97. Freatness of the chaste women .,9. -eans to destroy sin .,,. -eans to destroy sin (cont.) .,.. he )wakening .,0. Freatness of Fokarnes#ara .,1. 8oons to Nandikes#ara .,2. Freatness of Sailes#ara .,3. Freatness of Srnges#ara .,4. 8enefits of 5ecitation .,6. Contents of the (urana FL<SS)5=


The Vayu Purana!!Part B

(5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS IN 5<&?C I<N C;)( >5S ,. Summary of Contents .. ) Sacrificial Session of wel#e =ears 0. <rigin of Creation 1. <rigin of Creation (continued) 2. L L L L 3. L L L L 4. ransition $etween two =ugas ()ges) 6. @our Stages of Life 7. Creation of &e#as and <thers ,9. -an#antaras ,,. (asupata =oga ,.. >#il (ortents and Calamities in =oga ,0. Supreme (owers of =oga ,1. (asupata =oga ,2. L L (continued) ,3. (urity and Conduct of Life ,4. )ttainment of the ?ltimate State of Life ,6. (rocedure of >:piation for 5ecluses (Sannyasins) ,7. >#il <mens @ore$oding &eath .9. he Characteristics of )ttainment of <mkara .,. 5e#iew of /alpas ... Num$er of /alpas .0. Incarnations of -ahes#ara .1. ;ymn to Si#a .2. 8irth and &eath of -adhu and /aita$ha H5a#anaEs sons in Sri 5amayanaI .3. <rigin of Sounds .4. Names and 8odies of the Freat Lord .6. @amilies of Sages .7. (rogency of )gni 09. he Curse of &aksa 0,. he 5ace of &e#as 0.. Characteristics of =ugas

00. (rogeny of S#ayam$hu#a -anu 01. Feography of Aam$ud#ipa 02. Aam$ud#ipa (continued) 03. (Feographical) )rrangement of the "orld 04. )rrangement of the "orld (Valleys and Lakes) 06. Valleys $etween -ountains 07. )$odes of &e#as 19. 8oundary and the Limits of -ount &e#akuta 1,. &escription of /ailasa 1.. he &i#ine 5i#ers 10. &escription of 8hadras#a 11. &escription of /etumala 12. &escription of 8harata#arsa 13. &escription of /impurusa Varsa 14. &escent of the Fanga 16. Countries of the Aam$ud#ipa 17. &escription of (laksa &#ipa and other &#ipas 29. he Nether%worldsJ -anifestation of the Luminaries 2,. -o#ements of the Luminary 8odies 2.. -o#ement of &hru#a 20. )rrangement of Luminaries 21. ;ymn to Nilakantha 22. ;ymn to the Linga of Si#a 23. &escription of (itrs 24. he Cycle of =ugasJ heir Characteristics 26. &escription of the @our =ugas 27. =ugas and Classes of (eopleJ Lineage of Sages 39. &escription of ;oly (lacesJ he &eath of Sakalya 3,. Lineage of (rajapati

The Vayu Purana!!Part C

(5>@)C> )885>VI) I<NS C;)( >5S ,. -an#antarasJ he -ilking of the >arth .. he &yanasty of (rthu 0. Vai#as#ata -an#antaraJ he -arica Creation 1. he 5ace of (rajapatiJ 5e$irth of Se#en Sages 2. he 5ace of &harma 3. Curse to Aaya FodsJ Nrsimha IncarnationJ 5ace of ;iranyakasipuJ 8irth of -arut% gods

4. he race of /asyapaJ &anuEs (rogeny 6. &ynasties &escended from /asyapa 7. he 5ace of Sages ,9. he (rocedure of Sraddha ,,. he 8irth of SkandaJ 5ules (rescri$ed for Sraddha ,.. he (rocedure of Sraddha (Continued) ,0. he (rocedure of Sraddha (erformance (Continued) ,1. he (rocedure 5egarding (erformance of SraddhaJ he @i#e -ahayajnas ,2. Sacred (laces for Sraddha ,3. he Sraddha 5itualJ (urificatory 5ites ,4. he est for >ligi$ility of a 8rahmana (for Sraddha In#itation) ,6. 8enefit &eri#ed from Charita$le Fifts ,7. 8enefit of Sraddha (erformance on Various ithis .9. 8enefit of Sraddha (erformance under &ifferent Constellations .,. -iscellaneous opicsJ aualifications of a 8rahmana for Sraddha%giftsJ -erits of (erformance of Sraddha at Sacred (laces ... he 5ace of VarunaJ 8irth of )s#in%gods .0. Creati#e )cti#ity of -anusJ he Story of Sudyumna .1. ) &issertation on -usicJ he &efinition of -urechana .2. he Science of -usicJ he >m$ellishments .3. he Iks#aku &ynasty .4. he Nimi &ynasty .6. he Nati#ity of soma and Saumya (8uddha) .7. he Lunar 5aceJ he )ma#asu &ynasty 09. he <rigin of &han#antariD Varanasi CursedD 5ajiEs >:ploits 0,. he Story of =ayati 0.. he 8irth of /arta#irya 00. he &ynasty of Ayamagha and Vrsni 01. he 5ace of Vrsni 02. "ars $etween Suras and )surasJ 8hrgu curses VisnuJ he >ulogy of Sam$hu $y Sukra 03. Florification of VisnuEs Freatness 04. 5oyal &ynasties 06. he -an#antaras and &issolution of the ?ni#erse 07. "orlds from -aharloka to Si#aEs City 19. &issolution of the ?ni#erse 1,. 5ecreation of the Cosmic >gg 1.. &issipation of VyasaEs &ou$ts 10. he Freatness of Faya 11. he Flory of FayaJ he Story of Fayasura 12. Fayamahatmya (Contd.)J he Story of Sila 13. thuamahatmya (Contd.)J Sila%tirtha and <ther Sacred Spots 14. Fayamahatmya (Contd.)J ha Flory of /digada%dhara 16. (rocedure of the (ilgrimage to Faya 17. (rocedure of thet(ilgrimage to Faya (Continued)

29. he Flory of Faya

The )esga!Puraia!!Part B
Introduction Section I ,. Introductory .. Inde: of Content 0. (rimary Creation 1. Ikauguration of Creation 2. Creation 3. Flory of Si#a 4. >soteric secret of Si#a 6. =ogic pones 7. <$stacles and (ortents ,9. -eans of &irect (erception ,,. Sadyojata ,.. Flory of Vamade#a ,0. Flory of atpurusa ,1. <rigin of )ghora ,2. Flory of )ghoresa ,3. Flory of Isana ,4. <rigin of Linga ,6. VisnuEs praise of Si#a ,7. >nlightenment of Visnu .9. >nlightenment of 8rahma .,. >ulogy of Si#a ... Creation of 5udras .0. /alpas .1. Incarnations of Si#a .2. -ethod of )camana and )$lution .3. (rocedure of Sacred )$lution .4. "orship of Linga .6. -ental worship of Si#a .7. Victory o#er &eath 09. Story of Sage S#eta 0,. ;ymn to Si#a 0.. ;ymn to Si#a 00. Statement of the sages 01. (raise of the =ogin 02. &efeat of /supa 03. &ialogue $etween /supa and &adhica 04. Frant of $oons to 8rahma

06. Creation of 8rahma 07 Specific &earm s of @our =ugas 19. >:tent of four =ugas 1,. Nati#ity of 8rahma 1.. <rigin of Nandis#ara 10. Coronation of Nandis#ara 11. Coronation of Nandis#ara 12. &escription of Nether worlds 13. &#ipas and their lords 14. 8harata su$%continent 16. he mountain -eru 17. Ila#rta su$%continent 29. )$odes of &e#as 2,. Continents 2.. Feography of the "orld 20. Feography of the "orld 21. -o#ements of Luminaries 22. hehSunEs Chariot 23. &escription of the -oon 24. -o#ements of the planets 26. Coronation of the Sun and others 27. he form of Solar rays 39. he Solar Sphere 3,. he situation of the planets 3.. Situation of &hru#a 30. <rigin of &e#as and others 31. Frant of $oons $y (ulastya 32. housand names of Si#a 33. he narrati#e of =ayati 34. he narrati#e of =ayati 36. he race of Ayamagha 37. Sri /rsna, his $irth and life 49. Various Creations 4,. Statement of Nandikes#ara 4.. Construction of 5udraEs Chariot 40. Flory of "orshipping Si#a 41. &escription of Si#a Lingas 42. -onism of Si#a 43. Installation of Si#aEs image 44. he emples of Si#a 46. Scru$$ing and cleaning the shrine of Si#a 47. he mode of worship of Si#a 69. he holy (asupata rite 6,. he holy rite for the release of (asus 6.. ;umn of purification

60. he holy rites of Si#a 61. he holy rite of ?ma%-ahes#ara 62. he glory of the fi#e%sylla$led -antra 63. he sacrifice of meditation 64. Suppression of delusion 66. 5e#iew of (asupata yoga 67. Characteristics of good conduct 79. he e:piatory rites of the ascetics 7,. (ortentous phenomena 7.. Flory of Srisaila 70. he narrati#e of the )sura )ndhaka 71. ?plifting the >arth 72. he >:ploits of Nrsimha the -an%lion

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