BA FTD 05 - en
BA FTD 05 - en
BA FTD 05 - en
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Do not use the unit in areas exposed to high amounts of dust or ash, in areas where there is inadequate ventilation, or near combustible materials. An explosion could occur. Do not perform disassembly or rebuilding. Fire, electric shock or burns could result. Never look at the sun through the telescope. Loss of eyesight could result. Use solar filter for sun observation. Do not use the carrying case as a footstool. The case is slippery and unstable so a person could slip and fall off it. Do not wield or throw the plumb bob. A person could be injured if struck. Secure handle to main unit with locking screws. Failure to properly secure the handle could result in the unit falling off while being carried, causing injury. Tighten the adjustment tribrach clamp securely. Failure to properly secure the clamp could result in the tribrach falling off while being carried, causing injury.
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Power supply
Do not use voltage other than the specified power supply voltage. Fire or electrical shock could result. Do not use damaged power cords, plugs or loose outlets. Fire or electric shock could result. Do not use power cords other than those designated. Fire could result. Do not place articles such as clothing on the battery charger while charging batteries. Sparks could be induced, leading to fire. Use only the specified battery charger to recharge batteries. Do not heat or throw batteries into fire. An explosion could occur, resulting in injury. To prevent shorting of the battery in storage, apply insulating tape or equivalent to the terminals. Otherwise shorting could occur resulting in fire or burns. Do not use batteries or the battery charger if wet. Resultant shorting could lead to fire or burns. Do not use connect or disconnect power supply plugs with wet hands. Electric shock could result. Do not touch liquid leaking from batteries. Harmful chemicals could cause burns or blisters.
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When mounting the instrument to the tripod, tighten the centering screw securely. Failure to tighten the screw properly could result in the instrument falling off the tripod, causing injury. Tighten securely the leg fixing screws of the tripod on which the instrument is mounted. Failure to tighten the screws could result in the tripod collapsing, causing injury. Keep hands and feet away from the tripod shoes when fixing the tripod in the ground. A hand or foot stab wound could result. Tighten the leg fixing screws securely before carrying the tripod. Failure to tighten the screws could lead to the tripod legs extending, causing injury.
The TheoDist FTD 05 is equipped with Class 3R laser source for distance measuring, and with laser plummet, do not look directly into the laser beam. Doing so could cause eye damage. Do not frequently start and shut down the laser plummet, which may cause damage to it.
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Mount the instrument on the wooden tripod, because the metal tripod will shake, and it will decrease the observing precision. The tribrach will affect the precision of the instrument; you should check the screw on it. It must be tighten in order to protect the instrument. Before your measurement, check all the settings and the parameter of the instrument carefully. Never carry the instrument on the tripod to another site. Turn the power off before removing the battery.
Other Precautions
If the instrument is moved from a warm place to an extremely cold place, internal parts may contract and make the keys difficult to operate. This is caused by cold air trapped inside the hermetically sealed casing. If the keys do not depress, open the battery cover to resume normal functionality. To prevent the keys from becoming stiff, remove the connector caps before moving the instrument to a cold place. Protect the instrument from heavy shocks or vibration.
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Take out the instrument from the case and put it back.
o o o Lays down the instrument carrying case with lid up. Unlock the case and open it. Take out the instrument from the case with care.
Put instrument back to the case o o o Cover lens of the telescope with the lid. Make the instrument horizontal with vertical brake hand wheel and circular bubble face up. And objective lens faces down. Put the instrument back to the case. Close the case and lock it.
4.3.1 Cautions:
o o o o o o When the instrument is working on, dont remove the battery. Before removing the battery, turn off the power to the instrument. When installing/removing the battery, make sure that moisture or dust particles do not come in contact with the inside of the instrument. Periodically wipe clean the pole with the cleaning cloth to keep them free of dirt. Please charge the battery at this temperature range 0~45. Before storing the battery, you should charge it full, and you should charge it every three months at least. If not doing so, the battery will discharge by itself, and the voltage will be very low. Life of the battery will be affected. The temperature and the humidity will affect the battery discharge speed. So we advice you store the battery in a dry room and the temperature range should be 0~20.
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If there is no power, the instrument will give an alarm every ten seconds, and display Battery is low. You should finish the measurement quickly, saving data and changing another battery. Or not the power will be shut off after one minute.
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Press this key to turn power on, press and hold it to turn power off. Cancel the input data or return to the previous screen. LCD lighting switch.( press and hold it to turn on laser plummet) Select the function matching the soft keys. Enter the angle measurement mode.(cursor move to left) Enter the distance measurement mode(cursor move to right) Enter the coordinate measurement mode(cursor move to up) Enter the setting-out measurement (cursor move to down) Enter the user-defined function from basic measurement mode Enter the main menu from basic measurement mode Input the numerals or alphabets.
Numeric/Alpha key
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Inputting alphabets Example: Record the station data input the point as STN.
Press<123/ABC>, switch to inputting alphabets mode, A would display on right side of screen. Press[STU]once, displayS Press[STU]twice, displayST Press[MNO]twice, displaySTN Press<F5>to confirm input, the cursor move to the second line.
Inputting numerals Example: Record the station data input the height of instrument as 1.45 m.
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Pressing [] can delete the character before cursor. When the cursor located at the first place of the frame, pressing [] can delete all the character in frame. Pressing [] can move cursor to character to you want to amend, input again.
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Place the instrument on the tripod carefully, loosen the centre screw little, and move the instrument lightly, until the hammer ball coincides with the station point, then tighten the centre screw to make sure it is secured to the tripod.
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6.2.4 Levelling the instrument accurately Follow the step, until you rotate the instrument and the bubble always in centre. Tighten
the centre screw.
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Power ON/OFF
Confirm that the instrument is levelled and centred precisely. Press the power key, instrument is powered on. The instrument will make a sound of beep, a self-check is run ,while the screen display the instrument model information, instrument number and the software version number. If the instrument is normal, screen display "Turn telescope" prompt. Rotate telescope, the instrument will make a sound of beep, and vertical angle index setting finished, enter basic measurement mode.
Caution: When the battery capacity is insufficient to support the instrument normal working, press the power key, the screen will display battery is low, and the instrument will turn power off automatically. After power on, you should pay attention to the mark indicates the battery power remaining on screen. Confirm that the battery power is enough for work; otherwise you should replace the battery or charge the battery. If over range is displayed, the instrument tilt sensor is indicating that the instrument is out of level, need to be levelled once again. Due to vibration or strong wind, the angle display is unsteady. You should turn off the tilt angle compensation before measurement. Please see below for details.
The TheoDist FTD 05 has a tilt compensatorit can compensate the error that cause by tilt of vertical axis. The following explains how to check the tilt angle value and turn on/off compensation function.
(2) Press [ANG] to enter angle measurement mode, press [>>] to enter the second page; press [TILT] to display tilt angle of vertical axis.
(3) Press [ON] or [OFF] to turn on or off the function of compensation. Press [ESC] to exit after setting.
To set automatic tilt compensation after power on, please see "13.Setting parameters of instrument".
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7 Basic measurement
Basic measurement includes angle measurement, distance measurement, coordinate measurement.
Angle measurement
Before the measurement, please inspect once more and make sure the instrument is levelled and centred precisely.
After power on, press [ANG] key on the panel to enter the angle measurement mode, carrying on the function related to measurement of angle. The function allocated at two pages, can be switched by pressing [> > ].
(1) Collimate the first target Press [0SET] in the first page of the angle measurement mode screen.
(2) Press [OK], the target direction's horizontal angle is set as 000 ' 00 "
(3) Collimate the second target; the horizontal angle displayed is the included angle between two target points (564735).
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(1) Collimate the target and press [HSET] in the first page of the angle measurement mode.
Angle inputting rule: degree value and minute value are separated by ., and minute value and second value do not need to separate, like 4523 ' 07 ", should input 45.2307.
Setting a horizontal angle by holding the angle (1) In the first page of the angle measurement mode, press [>>] to enter the second page. Turn the instrument by the horizontal clamp and horizontal fine motion screw until the horizontal angle is displayed as the required value.
(3) Collimate the target, and then press [REL] to set the target angle to the required value.
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(2) Press [A/%] once again the display mode switches back to normal mode.
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(1) Press [REP] in the second page of angle measurement mode to begin with the angle repetition measurement.
(3) Collimate the second target and press [OK]. The included angle between two target points is displayed. Press [CE] to cancel last measurement and redo it.
(5) Re-collimate the second target, press [OK], the added value of the horizontal angle and the average value of the horizontal angle are displayed. The times of measurement is displayed also. Repeat the step 2,3, and continue the measurement. When the measurement is complete, press [ESC]. The maximum times of angle measurements that can be made are 10.
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(1) Sight the target point. (2) In the second page of the angle measurement mode, press [OUTP], the horizontal angle and the vertical angle data displayed on the screen are output to the peripheral equipment.
Distance measurement
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If the weather correction is not required, set the ppm value to 0. The ppm data can also be entered directly.
(2) Press [EDM] to come in EDM setting screen. The current atmospheric correction factor is displayed.
(3) Press [PPM], input the temperature and air pressure value, press [OK], the atmosphere correction factor is calculated automatically and the EDM setting screen is restored. Press [0PPM]: Atmospheric correction factor returns to 0 and temperature and pressure are set to the default values. When ppm value entered directly, temperature and pressure values will be cleared.
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(1) Press [MODE] in the distance measurement mode to come in distance measuring mode setting screen.
(2) Press [F5] to get to the second page, press [F1] to complete the setting and exit.
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(3) Press [MODE] in the distance measurement mode to come in distance measuring mode setting screen; press [F3] to select the Fine Average mode.
(4) Input measuring times5, press [OK] to complete setting and exit.
When using the laser-pointer function, be sure to turn off the output laser after distance measurement is completed. Even if distance measurement is cancelled, the Laser-pointer function is still operating and the laser beam continues to be emitted.
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(1) In the distance measurement mode, press [MEAS] or press the key [DIST] on the panel to start measurement. When measurement starts, EDM information (distance measuring mode, prism constant value, and atmospheric correction value) is displayed. After a short time, a short beep sounds, and the measured distance data, vertical angle, and horizontal angle data are displayed.
(2) Press [STOP] to stop measuring distance and return to the distance measurement mode screen. If the single measurement mode is selected, measurement automatically stops after a single measurement. During fine average measurement, the average value of the distance is displayed and on the right side of the screen the number of the measuring times is displayed also. When the measuring times reach pre-determined number, the measurement will stop automatically.
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(1) In the distance measurement mode, press [DISP] to display the horizontal distance, height difference, horizontal angle
(2) Press [DISP] again, switch to display the slope distance, vertical angle, horizontal angle
When the instrument was shipped from the factory, the default display is the horizontal distance, vertical angle, horizontal angle .if you want to set other combinations, please see 13. Setting parameters of instrument
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(3) This function only outputs the slope distance, vertical angle and horizontal angle.
Coordinate measurement
By measuring the angle and the distance of target point, the TheoDist FTD 05 can get the threedimensional coordinates of the target points (N, E, Z).
After power on, press [COORD] key on panel to enter the coordinate measurement mode.
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(2) Press F1 to select entering station data (3) Input the station coordinates, press [OK] If only measuring plain coordinates of target point, Z0 may not be input.
(4) Input the instrument height, press [OK] to complete setting up the station.
If only measuring plain coordinates of target point, the instrument high may not be input. When you wish to read in the registered coordinate data in the memory, press [READ]. See 7.3.2 "Reading in registered coordinate data". The entered station data remains until setting up station once more, even when the power is cut off.
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ExamplePress [F2] in menu <Select A File> to select the current JOB. Note: The current JOB is a JOB that instrument used to store measurement data, it can be selected in Memory management mode or in Recording data mode
(1) Press [LIST] to list all point data in the selected file and search for the required point.
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In < Coord.Meas./Setup> menu, Press [F2] to select STN orientation Inputting the direction angle (1) In <Select Orient.Method> menu, press [F1] to select Input BS direc.ang., then input the direction angle of the back sight point and press [OK].
(2) Collimate the back sight point accurately; press [OK], the horizontal angle of instrument is set as the required direction angle.
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The coordinate values of the target are calculated using the following formula: N1=N0+SsinZcosAz E1=E0+SsinZsinAz Z1=Z0+ScosZ+ih-fh N0: Station N coordinate S: Slope distance ih:Instrument height E0: Station E coordinate Z: Zenith angle fh:Target height Z0: Station Z coordinate Az: Direction angle Please get confirmation again before measuring: The instrument levelled and centred well. Battery full charged. The atmosphere correction and the prism constant are set correctly. Setting up station completed. Prism centre is already collimated and returned signal strength is suitable.
Press [MEAS] in the coordinate measurement mode, or press [COORD] key on the panel to start measurement.
When measurement finished, the coordinate value of the target is displayed. (1) Press [MODE] to select distance measuring mode. (2) Press [EDM] to turn on laser pointer, select reflective target type ,set the atmosphere correction and the prism constant, please see7.2 distance measurement (3) When the height of the target or instrument has been changed, press [HT] to input the height of target or instrument before measuring next target.
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The point to be found based on the horizontal angle from the reference direction and the distance from the instrument station.
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(3) Input the horizontal distance from the instrument station to the position to be set out and the included angle between the reference and the point to be set out, then press [OK] If no input in the angle input line, the system namely takes setting-out angle by the instrument current horizontal angle. (4) Press [HSET], input the angle value of reference direction, collimate the reference direction, and then press [OK] to finish instrument orientation. If orientation of instrument previously completed in coordinate measurement mode or angle measurement mode, this step can be left out. (5) The horizontal angle difference between the sighted target and the point to be set out is displayed, and the arrow indicates which direction the target should be moved. : Looking from the station, move the prism to the left. : Looking from the station, move the prism to the right. (6) Rotate the top of the instrument until 00000 displayed. When the horizontal angle difference is within 30 , will be displayed. (7) Collimate the reflective target, press [MEAS] to start distance measurement., the horizontal distance difference between the target and the point to be set out is displayed, and the arrow indicates which direction the target should be moved. : Move the prism (reflective target) forward : Move the prism (reflective target) away Pressing [MODE] can change setting-out measuring mode. Press [EDM] to turn on laser pointer, select reflective target type ,set the atmosphere correction and the prism constant, please see4.2 distance measurement When repeat measuring mode or tracking measuring mode is used for setting-out, the result will be displayed in real-time while sighting the prism (reflective target) without pressing any key.
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Coordinate setting-out
Setting-out coordinates measurement is used to set out the point whose coordinates is known. After inputting the coordinates of the point to be set out, the instrument calculates the setting-out horizontal angle and horizontal distance and store them in the memory. By selecting the horizontal angle and then the horizontal distance setting-out functions, the required coordinate location can be set out.
To find the Z coordinate, you had better attach the prism to a pole etc. with the same target height.
(1) In < Select S-O Mode> menu, press [F2] to select "S-O Coordinate".
(2) In< S-O Coordinate >menu, press [F1] to select "Station data", input the station coordinate and the height of instrument. Please see "7.3 coordinate measurement". If instrument station has been set up in the previous coordinate survey, this step can be left out. (3) In menu < S-O Coordinate >, press [F2] to select "STN Orientation", set the direction angle of the back sight point. Please see "7.3 coordinate measurement". If direction angle has been set in the previous coordinate survey, this step can be left out.
(4) Press [F3] to select "Start S-O". Input coordinates (Np,Ep,Zp) of the setting-out point, press [S-O].
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(5) Measure and enter the height of the reflective target, press [OK]. If setting-out plane coordinates only, this step can be left out.
(6) Following the same steps mentioned in 8.1 Distance & Angle setting-out, complete the plane coordinates settingout. (7) Press [CRD] to record the coordinates of the measuring point. (8) Pressing [DIFF] can see the difference between the current coordinate and the setting-out coordinate.
(9) Observe the height difference between the target and the required point which displayed on the third line. move the prism upward. move the prism downward. Move the prism upward and downward until the value displayed on the fourth line is 0m. When the height difference approach 0m two arrows will be displayed When all the values displayed on the screen are 0, then the setting-out point is just located at the bottom of the pole that the prism attached to (10) Press [DIFF] to see the difference between the current coordinate and the setting-out coordinate. Press [ESC] to finish this point setting-out measurement and continue the next point. Distance scale correction in the coordinates setting-out measurement. The TheoDist FTD 05 can carry out the distance correction of Average Elevation and Projection by setting a scale factor .In the second page of menu <S-O Coordinate > ,Press [F1] to select "Scale correction", and enter correction factor. Distance scale correction also can be set in parameter setting mode, please see "13. Setting parameter of instrument". For details about distance scale correction, please see "13. Setting parameter of instrument".
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Select a JOB for recording data Before starting measurement and recording data, a JOB should be selected at first.
(1) Input the JOBs name, and then press [OK]. If the JOB already exists in the memory, then it will be selected as the current JOB for recording data, or the instrument will ask you if a new job should be created. Press [LIST] to display JOB list in the memory, and select a JOB from the list. (2) Press [YES] to create a new JOB and enter <Recording Data> menu. The current JOB can be selected in Memory management also, please see 10.1.2 Select a JOB.
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Station point and direction angle data are the same in data recording mode and normal coordinate measurement mode, and can be entered or changed.
(3) Input point number, code, height of the instrument, then press [OK] to store the station data into memory. Press [JOB]; re-select a JOB to store data. Press [VIEW] to view data stored in the current JOB. please see 9.6 Review the data in the current JOB When editing code, the code registered in memory can be recalled and read in.
(4) Press [OK] to confirm the station data, return to <Recording Data> menu.
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Set back sight direction angle and record the direction angle data
(1) Press [F2] in <Recording Data> menu to select "STN orientation".
(2) According to the same steps described in"7.3.1 Station construction ", input back sight direction angle or input back sight point coordinates, then the instrument prompt to collimate the back sight point.
(4) Input point number, code, prism height, press [OK] to store the direction angle data into memory.
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Press [DIST] to measure and record distance data. Press [ANG] to measure and record angle data. Press [CRD] to measure and record coordinate data.
(2) Collimate the target, press [CRD] or press [COORD] key on the panel to start coordinate measurement.
(3) The measurement results are displayed when measurement finished. If the target point situated in which a prism cannot be installed directly or cannot be sighted, press [OFFS] to calculate the data of the target point by carrying out Offset-Measurement program. Please see 12.2 OffsetMeasurement.
(4) Press [REC] to record the measured data marked *. Input point number, code, reflector height, and then press [OK] to store the coordinate data in memory.
(5) Continue measuring next point. Distance data include slope distance, vertical angle, horizontal angle; Coordinate data include N, E, Z coordinates; Angle data include vertical angle, horizontal angle.
(6) Press [ALL] to perform measurement and automatically record the results. In this case, the point number is the last point number add one, the code and prism height remain the same. When the measurement results recording finished, the results will be displayed for two seconds, then the screen of last step is restored.
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The below options can be set in data recording mode: (1) Sequence of measuring and recording The sequence can be set as "measure first, then edit" , means that measure the target point first, then input point number, code, prism height(this is default setting by factory); or "edit first, then measure" , means that input point number, code, prism height first, then measure the target point and record the data. (2) Automatic coordinate calculation When this option is set, the instrument will automatically calculate coordinate of target point and store it to the JOB after measuring and recording distance data. Its very useful in traverse measurement. (3) Select distance measuring mode Select a distance measuring mode special for recording mode.
Example for setting automatic coordinate calculate option: (1) In the second page of <Recording Data> menu, press [F2] to enter the configuration menu. (2) Press [F2] to select "Auto coord.calc". (3) Press [F2] to enable the function, and then press [ESC] to return. The settings of option will remain until being changed once more even when power is cut off.
It is possible to display the data recorded in the current JOB in data recording mode.
(2) Press [F3] to select View JOB, then list of the data stored in the current JOB is displayed.
(3) Move cursor to select the point number to be displayed and press [VIEW]. Details of the point data are displayed. For more about the operation, please see "10.1.1 Review and delete record in JOB"
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Measure and record data in basic measurement mode by pressing one key
For the convenience of users, there is a [USER] key on the panel of the TheoDist FTD 05, whose function can be defined by user (Please see "13.3 define function of the USER key"), default function is set as "measure and record data" by factory, the following explain how to measure and record data quickly by press [USER] key in basic measurement mode.
(3) When measuring finished, point number of the target and name of the current JOB will be displayed 2 seconds, then a short beep will sound, the measured data is stored in the memory automatically. If pressing [EDIT] on this screen in 2 seconds, it is possible to edit the point number, code, prism height and select another JOB. Please see "9.4 recode measurement data".
(4) Point number will add one automatically; continue to measure the next point.
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10 Memory management
After power on, press [MENU] key on the panel to enter the main menu, select "F2- Memory Manager" to enter memory management mode. In this mode, you can perform the function related to JOB and data in instrument's memory.
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(2) Press [F1] to select VIEW to display the list of point records stored in the JOB. Type of the record is indicated in brackets.
Method of operating point record list Press [] [] to move the cursor up and down from line to line; [F1]([1X>>])is a speed-up key, It can be set that when pressing [ ] [] , cursor moves according to a line, one page, two pages, or three pages.(key caption 3X>>,6X>>,9X>> ) Press [TOP] to move the cursor to the lists beginning. Press [LAST] to move the cursor to the lists end. Press [SRCH] to input point number and search for it. Press [VIEW] to see details of the point.
(3) Move cursor to the desired point; press [VIEW] to display details of the point record.
(5) Press [DEL]. Deletion confirmation is displayed. Press [YES] to delete the point and return back to list of points. Press [NO] to cancel the deletion and return back to the screen of viewing
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(1) In the list of JOB, press [] [] to move cursor to the desired JOB and press [OPTN] to enter <JOB Manager> menu.
(2) Press [F2] to select the JOB and return back to JOB list.
(2) Press [F2]. Deletion confirmation is displayed. Press [YES] to delete the JOB and return. Press [NO] to cancel the deletion and return.
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(4) Enter coordinates of known point then press [OK].The coordinate data is recorded in the memory and screen in step 3 is restored. (5) Point number add one automatically; continue to enter coordinates of the next point. Repeat the steps above to input coordinate data of all known points. Press [ESC] on the panel to finish input and return to <Known Coord> menu. In the second page of <Memory Manager> menu, select Input coordinate can inputting known point coordinates into a JOB, the procedure is the same as described above.
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(2) Press [F2] to select List and view, the list of known point of memory is displayed. Method of list operation, please see "10.1.1 Review and delete record in JOB".
(3) Move cursor to the desired point; press [VIEW] to display details of the point.
(4) Press [DEL]. Deletion confirmation is displayed. Press [YES] to delete the point and return back to the list of known points. Press [NO] to cancel the deletion and return back to the screen of viewing detail of the point.
(3) Press [YES] to confirm the operation and all the known point will be deleted.
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(3) Input code then press [OK], the code is stored in memory and the screen is restored. Press [ESC] key on the panel to finish inputting and return back to <Code> menu.
(2) Press [F2] to select "List", the code list is displayed on the screen.
(3) Press [] [] to move cursor to code you want to delete, then press [DEL], the code will be deleted.
(4) Press [ESC] to finish this procedure and return to <Code> menu. Press [F3], selecting Clear in <Code> menu can delete all code in memory.
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(2) Press [F3] to select Format memory. A confirmation screen is viewed. Press [NO] to abort the operation. Press [YES] to delete all data in memory.
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11 Data communication
The measurement data of JOB stored in memory of instrument can be transferred to a PC and the known coordinate data also can be transferred from PC to the internal memory of instrument. Press [MENU] key on the panel after power on to enter main menu, then select "F3-Communication" to enter data communication mode.
(1) Press [F3] to select "Comms setting" in <Communication> menu. The current setting is displayed.
(2) Press [F5] to enter the first page of <Comms Setting> menu.
(4) Press [ESC] to return to <Communication> menu. The baud rate can be set in parameters setting mode also, please see "13.Setting parameters of instrument".
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(5) When transferring complete, the JOB list screen is restored. You can select and send next JOB.
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(3) E.g. select creating a new JOB used to receive known point coordinate data. Press [FILE] to enter <Select A File> menu.
(5) Input JOB name, then press [OK], new JOB will be created and return to screen of last step.
(6) Press [YES] to start receiving data from PC. The number means amount of data received.
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12 Application Program
The TheoDist FTD 05 provides Setting-out measurement, Offset measurement, Missing line measurement (MLM), Remote elevation measurement (REM), Resection measurement, Area calculation programs for measuring personnel to suit various applications, besides the basic measurement functions(angle measurement, distance measurement, coordinate measurement). The setting-out measurement program has been introduced in the previous chapter. The following will introduce other application program.
After power on, press [MENU] key on the panel to enter the main menu, in the second page of the menu, choose <F1-Program> to enter the <Program> menu.
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Press [] [] to move the cursor up and down and select the known point. Press [ADD] to add a known point for resection. Press [REOBS] to re-enter or re-observe the selected known point. Press [CALC] to start resection calculation Press [Y/N] to make the known point selected joining for calculation or not.
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(9) Collimate the last known point, press [SET] to set the direction angle and finish setting up station, and then exit.
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(2) Press [ADD] to input and measure the other points in the
same way as described above.
(3) Repeat the steps until all required known points are input and measured.
(5) Press [ERR]. The standard deviation which describes the measurement accuracy is displayed. Press [ESC] to return to the previous screen.
In some cases it is impossible to calculate the coordinates of an unknown point if the unknown point and three or more known points are arranged on the edge of a single circle. If it occurs, try to take one of the following a) Move the instrument station as close as possible to the centre of the triangle. b) Observe one more known point that is not on the circle. In some cases it is impossible to calculate the coordinates of the instrument station if the included angle between the known points is too small. It is difficult to imagine that the longer the distance between the instrument station and the known points, the narrower the included angle between the known points. Be careful because the points can easily be aligned on the edge of a single circle.
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When the offset point is positioned to the left or right of the target point, make sure the angle formed by lines connecting the offset point to the target point and to the instrument station is almost 90. When the offset point is positioned in front of or behind the target point, install the offset point on a line linking the instrument station with the target point.
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(4) Press [F1] to select "Distance". Procedure request inputting the direction of offset point and horizontal distance from the target point to the offset point. Press [MEAS] to re-observe the offset point. (5) Press [DIREC] to switch the direction of the offset point. Forward: Closer than the target point. Rear Beyond the target point. Left On the left of the target point. Right On the right of the target point.
(6) Example: if the offset point on the left of the target point. Press [F3] twice to select "Left". (7) Input the horizontal distance between the offset point and target point. Press [OK], the distance and angle of the target point are calculated Press [REC] to record the results. Press [CRD] to switch the screen display from distance values to coordinates values. Press [CE] to return to step 4, re-input the distance and angle of the offset point. Press [OK] to finish the offset measurement.
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(1) Set the offset points close to the target point, making sure the distance from the instrument station to the target point and the height of the offset points and the target point are the same. Then following same steps described in "12.2.1 Distance offset measurement", complete measurement of the offset point. (2) Press [F2] to select offset mode as Angle. Procedure will prompt sighting the target point. (3) Sight the target point accurately, press [OK], the distance and angle of the target point are calculated. Press [REC] to record the results. Press [CRD] to switch the screen display from distance values to coordinates values. Press [CE] to return to step 4, re-sight the target point. Press [OK] to finish the offset measurement. (4) Press [CRD], the coordinates of target point are displayed (assuming that the instrument station has been constructed).
(5) Press [SD&A], return to display the distance and angle of the target point again.
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Press [MODE] to select distance measuring mode. Press [EDM] to turn on laser pointer, select reflective target type ,set the atmosphere correction and the prism constant, please see7.2 distance measurement
(2) Sight the starting point, press [MEAS]. The instrument starts to measure the starting point and display the result after measurement completed.
(3) Press [OK] to confirm the measurement result. The procedure prompts measuring the end point.
(4) When the measurement is complete, slope distance, horizontal distance and height difference between the end point and the starting point are calculated and displayed.
(5) Press [SD/%], the gradient between two points is displayed on the first line of screen. Press [1-PT] to re-observe the starting point.
(6) Press [SD/%] once more, return to display the slope distance.
(7) Sight the next target point and press [2-PT] to observe it. Slope distance, horizontal distance and height difference between multiple points and the starting point can be measured by this way.
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(1) Observe the starting position and target following steps 1 to 3 in "12.3.1 Measuring the distance between 2 or more points".
(3) Press [YES] to change the last measured point to the next starting position. Perform MLM following steps 2 to 3 in "12.3.1 Measuring the Distance between 2 or more points".
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The TheoDist FTD 05 has two REM measurement modes: use a reflective target height or not use. When using a reflective target height, the REM will select the reflective target as a reference point. If no reflective target height is used, the REM will select ground point of the reflective target as a reference point.
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(3) Input the reflective target height and press [OK]. The procedure prompts measuring the reflector first. Press [MODE] to select distance measuring mode. Press [EDM] to turn on laser pointer, select reflective target type ,set the atmosphere correction and the prism constant, please see7.2 distance measurement (4) Collimate the centre of the reflective target; press [MEAS] to start measurement. When measurement is complete, the results are displayed. (5) Press [OK]. The REM measurement is started. Sight the object, the height from the ground to the object is displayed. While rotating the telescope, the height are calculated and displayed in real time. Press [MEAD] to re-observe the reflective target. Press [PSMH] to re-enter the reflective target height. Press [STOP] to stop REM measurement.
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(3) Collimate the centre of the reflective target; press [MEAS] to start measurement. When measurement is complete, the results are displayed.
(4) Press [OK] to confirm the measurement results. The procedure prompts collimating the ground point of the reflective target. (5) Collimating the ground point of the reflective target and press [OK]. The REM measurement is started. Sight the object, the height from the ground to the object is displayed. While rotating the telescope, the height are calculated and displayed in real time. Press [GRND] to re-sight point on the ground.
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The number of specified coordinates points: 3 or more, 30 or less. Be sure to specify points on an enclosed area in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, or the calculated result will not be correctly. For example, like figure above, the points should be specified in the order: 12345 or 54321. When only measuring boundary points to calculate area, the instrument station and back sight direction angle may not be set .But when mixing the measurement point, the known point coordinate to calculate area, the instrument station and back sight direction angle must be set, to ensure that all points involved in the calculation are within the same coordinate system.
Slope area: The first three points specified (measured/read-in) are used to create the surface of the slope area. Subsequent points are projected vertically onto this surface and the area calculated.
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(2) Sight the first boundary point and press [MEAS] to start measurement. When measurement finished, the measured values are displayed.
(4) Following the same steps as mentioned above, complete measuring other boundary points in clockwise or counterclockwise direction. When the number of the measured points is enough at least 3, the area of the polygon enclosed with these points can be calculated. Pts.: number of specified points. (5) Press [CALC] to calculate and display the area of the polygon enclosed with the boundary points. H.area : horizontal area S.area: slope area
[ESC] to return to the boundary point list. Press [OK] to finish the area calculation function.
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12.5.2 Calculate area from input known point coordinate (1) In the second page of <Program> menu, press [F2] to
select "Area calculation". (2) Press [INPUT]. Press [READ] to read in registered coordinate data in memory by inputting the number of known point. Please see7.3.2 Coordinate measurement /Reading in registered coordinate data Press [REC] to record the input coordinate data in memory.
(3) Input the coordinates of the first known point, press [OK].
(4) Following the same steps as said above, complete inputting other known points in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. When the number of the known points is enough at least 3, the area of the polygon enclosed with these points can be calculated. Following step is the same as12.5.1 Calculate area from measuring boundary point.
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Angle *Distance Coordinate *Off On * 1 5 10 *Zenith Vertical SD+VA+HA *HD+VA+HA HD+VD+HA Off *On *Off K=0.14 K=0.20 *Off
Select basic measurement mode after power on. Select whether tilt angle compensation function is enabled. Select the minimum display angle reading Select vertical angle display for zenith 0 or Horizontal 0 Select prior display combination in the distance measurement mode Select whether to turn on/off long distance measuring mode (600m above, using prism) Select whether earth curvature and refraction correction is enabled, and set the refraction coefficient. Please see details below. Select whether distance scale correction is carried out when calculating coordinates, and input the scale factor. Please see details below. Select order of coordinate display Select to retain presetting angle after power off Select dms(360), gon(400G) or mil(6400M) for angle unit Select meter or feet for distance unit, Select temperature unit in atmosphere correction. Select air pressure unit in atmosphere correction. Select whether to turn power supply off automatically if no operation of instrument in twenty minutes. Select baud rate for data communication.
Scale correction
On *N E Z ENZ Off Off *dms gon mil *m ft * F *hPa mmHg inHg None *20 1200 bps 2400 bps 4800 bps *9600 bps 19200 bps
Coord.display H.angle on-memory Angle unit Distance unit Temperature unit Pressure unit
Comms setting
Correction for refraction and earth curvature The TheoDist FTD 05 can correct the measurement error of horizontal distance and height difference caused by atmosphere refraction and earth curvature.
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refraction modulus0.14 or 0.20; earth curvature radius6372 km; vertical angle from horizontal plane; slope distance;
Scale correction
The TheoDist FTD 05 can carry out the distance correction of Average Elevation and Projection by setting a scale factor. If there's a need for this correction, the scale factor should be calculated and entered in instrument's memory by user. Please refer to some professional book about surveying for more details. The correction will be performed using the following formula: (1) The distance on the projection plane: HDg = HDscale factor HDg The distance on the projection plane. HD The distance on the ground. (2) The distance on the ground: HD = HDg/ scale factor Note: When the scale factor is set, it will affect all functions relate to coordinate measuring. Scale factor input range: 0.98-1.02 .Default value is 1.000000(This means no correction is carried out.)
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(1) Adjust the level adjustment capstan screw, with the accessory adjusting pin and return the bubble towards the centre of the plate level vial. However, correct only one-half of the displacement by this method.
(2) Correct the remaining 1/2 amount of the bubble displacement with the levelling screws. (3) Rotate the instrument 180or 200g around the vertical axis once more and check bubble movement. If the bubble is still displaced, then repeat the adjustment.
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Shift the bubble to the centre of the level by adjusting three capstan adjustment screws on the bottom surface of the circular level, with the accessory adjusting pin. (see diagram)
15 Maintenance
If the instrument is moistened by the rain, please make it dry immediately. Always clean the instrument before returning it to the carrying case. Then lens requires special care. First, dust it off with the lens brush to remove tiny particles, then wipe it with the lens paper or clean soft cloth. If the display is dirty, carefully wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. To clean other parts of the instrument or the carrying case, carefully wipe the surface of the unit with a slightly damp cloth moistened in a mild detergent solution. Do not use any organic solvents cleaning the display, key panel and the carrying box. Store the instrument in a dry room where the temperature remains fairly constant. Often check the tripod for loose fit and loose screws when it is used for a long time. If any trouble is found on the rotatable portion, screws or optical parts, please contact our company. If the instrument will be not used for a long time, disjoin the instrument and the battery and charge the battery at least once every month. When the instrument is not used for a long time, check it at least once every 3 months, following the steps in14. Check and adjust. When removing the instrument from the carrying case, never pull it out by force. The empty carrying case should be closed to protect it from moisture. Check the instrument for proper adjustment periodically to maintain the instrument accuracy.
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16 Error message
Over range
The instrument is tilted beyond the vertical compensation range. (3')
What to do
Re-level the instrument or turn off the tilt compensation in the bad conditions. If the message displays again, repair is required. Check and re-enter the coordinate of sight point or resetting the instrument station.
Signal off
Offs.limit exceeded
Wrong face
Error detected
EDM wrong
Bad memory
The N.E coordinates of back sight point are set the same as the instrument station coordinates during setting back sight azimuth. Measuring conditions are poor, and there is not any reflective light for measuring distance. The distance between settingout point and the instrument station exceed the instrument measuring range During setting of the vertical circle index error or during setting of the tilt compensator zero point error, the offset value measured is out of range. During setting of the vertical circle index error or during setting of the tilt compensator zero point error, when sighting target in Face 1 and Face 2,the difference of horizontal angle is not 180(30'). Displayed when any abnormality occurs in angle measuring system. Displayed during the system running a self-check, any abnormality is detected in EDM. Theres abnormality in internal memory system
Re-sight the target or use reflective sheet for target. Check and re-enter the settingout point or reset the instrument station again. Redo it and confirm the operation procedure is correct. If the message displays again, repair is required. Redo it and confirm sight the same target accurately in Face 1 and Face 2.
Turn off the power and turn it on again, if the message displays again, repair is required. Turn off the power and turn it on again, if the message displays again, repair is required. Turn off the power and turn it on again, if the message displays again, repair is required.
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17 Specifications
Aperture: Magnification: Image: Field of view: Minimum focus: 45mm 30 Erect 130 1.5m
Minimum display :
Fine measurement: Rapid measurement: Tracking measurement:
Measuring time:
Fine measurement (repeat): Rapid measurement(repeat): Tracking measurement:
Atmospheric correction:
ppm input range: Prism constant correction:
Angle measurement
Minimum display:
Standard deviation:
Measuring time: Range of compensation:
Level parameter
Circular level Plate level:
Nickel hydrogen battery BDC25H: Working duration20: Lithium battery BDC40L: Working duration20
Temperature range
Operating: Dimension Weight
When performing reflector less measurement, the possible measurement range and precision will change on the target reflection factor, weather conditions and location conditions. Object: Kodak Gray Card, 90% reflective, and object in shade, or sky overcast, no scintillation No haze, visibility about 40km, overcast, no scintillation Measurement with prism or reflective sheet.
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1 3 4 2, 5, 6 USB
Pin Number
N/A Signal ground Input Receive serial data bits Output Transmits serial data bits Unused
1 2 3 4
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18 About us
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19 Index
geo-Fennel GmbH Kupferstrae 6 D-34225 Baunatal GERMANY
Managing Director: Bernd Vogel Trade Register Kassel HRB 5084 USt-ID-Nr. DE 812297519
Service Holger Brinkmann Volker Dormann Steve Spth Fon: +49 (0) 5 61 / 49 21 45 Fax: +49 (0) 5 61 / 49 72 34 E-Mail:
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