CBTC Project

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Communications-bas ! t"ain cont"o# $o" t% t"a$$ic mana& m nt

Communications-based train control for the traffic management

Some of the top 30 world's busiest metros in terms of annual passenger rides utilise a CBTC system Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) is a railway signaling system that ma es use of the telecommunications between the train and trac e!uipment for the traffic management and infrastructure control" By means of the CBTC systems# the e$act position of a train is nown more accurately than with the traditional signaling systems" This results in a more efficient and safe way to manage the railway traffic" %etros (and other railway systems) are able to impro&e headways while maintaining or e&en impro&ing safety" ' CBTC system is a (continuous# automatic train control system utili)ing high-resolution train location determination# independent of trac circuits* continuous# high-capacity# bidirectional train-to-wayside data communications* and trainborne and wayside processors capable of implementing 'utomatic Train +rotection ('T+) functions# as well as optional 'utomatic Train ,peration ('T,) and 'utomatic Train Super&ision ('TS) functions"( BASIC BLOCK/ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM OF CBTC:

ne&er be passed by the other trains on the same trac " These points are communicated to ma e the trains automatically and continuously ad.ust their speed while maintaining the safety and comfort (.er ) re!uirements" So# the trains continuously recei&e information regarding the distance to the preceding train and are then able to ad.ust their safety distance accordingly"

%ain applications/
0) 'utomatic Train ,peration ('T,) is an operational safety enhancement de&ice used to help automate operations of trains" %ainly# it is used on automated guideway transits and subways which are easier to ensure safety of humans" %ost systems elect CBTC systems are modern railway signaling systems that can mainly be used in urban railway lines (either light or hea&y) and '+%s" -n the modern CBTC systems the trains continuously calculate and communicate their status &ia radio to the wayside e!uipment distributed along the line" This status includes# among others parameters# the e$act position# speed# tra&el direction and bra ing distance" This information allows calculation of the area potentially occupied by the train on the trac " -t also enables the wayside e!uipment to define the points on the line that must to maintain a dri&er (train operator) to mitigate ris s associated with failures or emergencies" %any modern systems are lin ed with 'utomatic Train Control ('TC) and in many cases 'utomatic Train +rotection ('T+) where normal signaller operations such as route setting and train regulation are carried out by the system" The 'T, and 'TC1'T+ systems will wor together to maintain a train within a defined tolerance of its timetable" The combined system will marginally ad.ust operating parameters such


as the ratio of power to coast when mo&ing and station dwell time# in order to bring a train bac to the timetable slot defined for it 2) 'utomatic train protection ('T+) in 3reat Britain refers to either of two implementations of a train protection system installed in some trains in order to help pre&ent collisions through a dri&er's failure to obser&e a signal or speed restriction" 4ote that 'T+ can also refer to automatic train protection systems in general# as implemented in other parts of 5urope and elsewhere" 3) 'utomatic Train Control ('TC) is the term for a general class of train protection systems for railways that in&ol&es some sort of speed control mechanism in response to e$ternal inputs" 'TC systems tend to integrate &arious cab signalling technologies and the use more granular deceleration patterns in lieu of the rigid stops encountered with the older 'utomatic Train Stop technology" 'TC can also be used with 'utomatic train operation ('T,) and is usually considered to be the safety-critical part of the system"

,&er time there ha&e been many different safety systems labeled as 'utomatic Train Control" The term is especially common in 6apan# where 'TC is used on all Shin ansen (bullet train) lines and on some con&entional rail lines as a replacement for 'TS" 7eference/ Busiest Subways" %att 7osenberg for 'bout"com# +art of the 4ew 8or Times Company" 'ccessed 6uly 2002" -555 Standard for CBTC +erformance and 9unctional 7e!uirements (0:;:"0-0<<<)"=2> -555 7ail Transit ?ehicle -nterface Standards Committee of the -555 ?ehicular Technology Society# 0<<<" 'ccessed 6anuary 2000" CBTC +ro.ects" =:> www"tsd"org1cbtc1pro.ects# 200@" 'ccessed 6une 2000" CBTC Aorld Congress +resentations# Stoc holm# 4o&ember 2000 =0B> 3lobal Transport 9orum" 'ccessed Cecember 200 ST'99 -4 CD'735 4'%5/

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