Synopsis - Find Dream Job
Synopsis - Find Dream Job
Synopsis - Find Dream Job
By Sumit Kumar
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This project is aimed at developing an online search portal for the placement details for job seekers. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an Online Job Portal for job seekers. Job Seekers logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. Visitors/Company representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Job aspirants. The job seekers simply can login with their email id & password & then apply to the specific jobs to which their requirements suit. By registering through the job portals, the job seekers receive notifications for the vacancies available in companies & thereby they can apply to the job. Job portals send immediate alerts to the registered job seekers whenever a job opportunity suiting their requirements comes up. Getting quick updates give you the advantage of approaching the recruiter sooner than others. Besides all this in the near of Internet technology where almost all the work is done through Internet, one can easily find the right job instead of roaming here & there in search of job. Job portals even can be helpful for those who want to make a career in foreign countries as the data available is worldwide. So job portals are a very good source for candidates seeking job & for recruiters as well. Need of The System:We need job portals now day because of their easiness & moreover the benefits we get from these portals. Job Portals provide a platform for the employers to meet the prospective employees. The job portal presents the employers with options to post online questionnaires and latest news to the employees. The portal has the tips to build admirable
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resume and information on dos and donts for the interview. Easy data collection and storage feature of the portal helps in finishing the tasks comfortably and quickly. The employers can get quick returns for their investment as the portal incorporates a simple and quick recruitment method. Features As On Offer In Job Portal: Job Catalogue from every sector and industry. Job Search Options (Expertise, Location, Keyword search, remuneration etc.) Resume Services. Professional Guidance for making resumes. Job Alert Services. Job Application Details and Interview Schedules. 24*7 Support and Assistance. Multiple Resumes upload. Help and Guidance whenever required. Group Apply for multiple jobs.
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Problem Definition
To find the relevant job according to the profile is not an easy task for the candidates. If someone is in need to find an urgent job then he has no such platform to find the right job for his profile. And if someone goes direct to company and tell them that he needs a job, think how odd it looks and if a company is looking for candidates for their vacant positions then how can they find out who is looking for job. If anyhow they find some candidates after putting too much efforts and call them for interview, may be some candidates will not attend interview for some reasons or they are not interested to join. If company fails to find the right one candidate then again too much effort is to be put to find out the candidates again. So there should be such a platform that provides all the facilities for the Candidates, Employers, and Consultants from where candidate can find relevant job according to their profile and Companies and Consultants can also find good candidates easily and call them for walk-ins. This kind of platform provides an efficient way to find right job and right candidate in few days with much less effort. The proposed system provides the best industry services in Job Portal Industry. It has many good quality features that provide best services to the industry. Candidates can easily search jobs from anywhere where they have internet facility. Job is very important for the Job Seeker. If s/he does not get good or relevant job according to his/her profile then the candidate will be in trouble because salaried persons have limited savings so management without job will be very hard for employee. So this system helps this kind of persons well. On other side, companies and consultants are also looking for good candidates but fail to find right candidate. With the help of this system, they can easily find the right one candidate. This platform is the need of every industry and for every jobseeker.
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Project Category
OOP: Programming Paradigm means organizing principle of a program. It is an approach to programming. The Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is a programming approach to the solution of problems in which all computations are performed in the context of objects. OOP is basically a design philosophy to design the solutions of problems, applications and computer programs through the object-oriented approach. Where Object: It is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior. It consists of data fields and methods together with their interactions. Thus, it can store data and has its interface through methods. An object is an abstraction of some real-world object. OOP stands on the three core principles, namely, Abstraction Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism
These are often referred to as three pillars of OOP. Abstraction: Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations. It is the concept of simplifying a real world concept into its essential elements. It is used to help make software less complex. Abstraction is of two types: Procedural Abstraction and Data Abstraction. Procedural Abstraction: It is a situation (process) in which a programmer when using a certain procedure, does not need to worry about all the details of how it performs its computations. Rather s/he
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only needs to know how to call it and what it computes. It makes the programmers view of the system simpler. Data Abstraction: Data abstraction is a named collection of data that describes a data object. It allows handling data bits in meaningful ways. The idea is to group together the pieces of data that describe some entity, so that programmers can manipulate that data as a unit. There are many abstractions in an object-oriented program. Objects and classes are the two of those abstractions. Class: A class is simply a representation of a type of object. It is the blueprint/ plan/ template that describes the details of an object and from which the individual objects are created. In other words, a class is an abstraction of a set of objects that share common properties and relationships. Encapsulation: The wrapping up of data and operations/methods (that operate on the data) into a single unit (called class) is known as Encapsulation. It is the most fundamental concept of OOP. The concept of encapsulation is also known as data hiding or information hiding. Encapsulation is a way to implement Abstraction. Inheritance: Inheritance is the capability of one class of things to inherit capabilities or properties from another class. It is the concept we use to build new classes using the existing class definitions where existing (original) class is known as base or parent class and the modified one is known as derived class or subclass or child class. The concept of inheritance facilitates the reusability of existing code and thus improves the integrity of programs and productivity of programmers. Polymorphism: Polymorphism is a generic term that means 'many forms'. Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form. More precisely, it is a property by which the same message can be sent to objects of several different classes, and each object can respond in a different way depending on its class. Polymorphism is the key to the power of object oriented programming.
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Job Seekers Modules: Job Seeker Registration Resume/Cover Letter Services Apply For Job Job Alerts Search Jobs Employers Modules: Employer Registration Post A Job Hardware Interfaces:Minimum Configuration required:Server Side:1. RAM:- 512 MB or More 2. CPU:- Pentium 2.0 GHz or Higher 3. Hard Disk:- 40GB or More Client Side:4. RAM:- 512 MB or More 5. CPU:- Pentium 2.0 GHz or Higher 6. Hard Disk:- 40GB or More Software Interfaces:Front End :- ASP.Net C# (MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2010) Back End :- MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005 Memory Constraints:Minimum Requirements: 2GB RAM for Server 20 GB External Memory Storage (Hard Disk Drive) for Server Operations: User-Friendly Interface Required knowledge of all processes involved Easy To Navigate
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Login Level For Security Functionality Control Constraints for proper inputs are applied Site Adaptation Requirements: A place for computer if desired is required. Seating area for operator to be made with ergonomics in view. Product Functions:Product shall perform following functions:User Characteristics:User is basic computer savvy but need to be adapted to computerized environment across the organisation. Constraints:Time and Transition is constraint. At no point of time, manual processes can be stopped, which shall challenge updated data to be transited into computer based system. Assumptions:User shall not do much change in structure of manual records that shall form basis of database structure. Neither user at any level of organisation is reluctant to go for computer based technology. Dependencies:There is straight dependency on user providing information about processes and structures and reports. SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: External Interfaces:User Friendly. Color Scheme as per the color scheme of organisation. Menu Driven Authorization Level. Data is viewable in User-Customized form.
Addition of suppliers, printers, customers, employee, catalogue (design) records. Performance Requirements:Should be robust. Should be recoverable. Fast processing of functions. User flexibility.
Logical Database Requirements:DFDs have to be drawn to understand logical database and relationship between tables and cascading extents of modification in database. Design Constraints: Standard Compliance. Software complies with industry level readymade solutions standards. And also follows up gradation scalability features. Software System Attributes:Reliability Availability Security Maintainability Portability Additional Comment:Software requires support of all levels of user of organisation, as changes in information is an ongoing process and hence transition/acustomizations to new environment requires training at both mental and technical level. Change Management Process:Changes shall be brought about in parallel implementation style as results and training of new software have to be verified by user staff. Supporting Information:The software shall follow PROTOTYPING MODEL APROACH and targeted to be implemented as soon as first module is prepared and accordingly further implementation will be done on the basis of users information.
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A PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) chart is a graph that represents all of the tasks necessary to a projects completion, and the order in which they must be completed along with the corresponding time requirements. Certain tasks are dependent on serial tasks, which must be completed in a certain sequence. Tasks that are not dependent on the completion of other tasks are called parallel or concurrent tasks and can generally be worked on simultaneously. PERT charts are more preferable over Gantt charts because they more clearly identify task dependencies; however, the PERT chart is often more challenging to interpret. As such, project managers frequently employ both methodologies.
Project Phases Feasibility Study System Analysis System Design Database Design Coding & Design System Integration System Testing System Implementation User Training PostImplementation Review Total Days Days 6 10 15 10 30 5 4 3 2 5 90 Activity A B C D E F G H I J
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15 C 10 10 6 A Start B E H D 30 F
5 G
4 2 3 I J Finish
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File / Database
Input / Output
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Level 0 DFD
Advertisement Details
Discussion Details
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Existing User
Log in Process
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Registration Process
Log in Process
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JobSeekers_Registration Table
Valid User
Update Profile
Job Alerts
Career Discussion Resume /Cover Letter Services
Advertisement Module
Career Discussions
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Update Profile
Employers Details
Valid User
Post A Job
Career Discussion
Advertisement Module
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Admin. Name
Admin. ID
Skills Required
Contact No.
Company Name
Candidate Name
Contact No.
Is a
Years of Experience
Date of Advertisement
Job Seeker
Applies For
Career Discussion
Start Date
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Database Design
Database Design is the process of producing a detailed Data Model of a database. This Logical Data Model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language (DDL), which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each entity. The term Database Design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the Logical Design of the base data structures used to store the data. In the relational model these are the tables and views. In an object database the entities and relationships map directly to object classes and named relationships. However, the term database design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the Database Management System (DBMS). The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will be carried out by the Database Designer. Usually, the designer must: Determine the relationships between the different data elements. Superimpose a logical structure upon the data on the basis of these relationships.
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Data Type
Varchar(50) Varchar(20)
Not Null Not Null
Name of the jobseeker Password of the seeker, entered in encrypted form. Must accept alphanumeric values. Email id of the user will also be used as primary key to identify the user. Contact details should be filled including contact no. Comma Separated skills of user. Degree Name. University from which degree was taken. Year in which degree was taken. Flag to check whether the candidate is fresher or Experienced. The path from where the resume is to be uploaded is given in this field. Name of the compay user is working in. Contact details of the company. Companys website. Employers will Rate the Employee. Address of the jobseeker.
Primary Key
Not Null
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Field Name
Login_Id Company_Details
Data Type
Varchar(50) Varchar(100)
Constraints Description
Primary Key Not Null Primary email id of the recruiter should be entered which will be treated as primary key. Company details should be entered that includes company name, location, address, industry and company description in brief.
Contact details should be filled including contact no. Companys website. Email id of the employer. Address of the employers company.
Field Name
Job_Id Job_Description Number_of_Vacancies Skills_Required Apply_Till
Data Type
Numeric(10) Varchar(200) Numeric() Varchar(100) Date(20)
Primary Key
Job-Id should be entered to login. Brief Job description should be provided. Number of positions vacant should be provided. Skills required for the job. Last date to apply for the specified job must be mentioned in this field. Experience required to apply for specific job is required in this field. Employer-Id should be provided. Number of votes by the viewers is given here. Date of posting job is to be given here.
Not Null
Employer_Id Number_of_Votes
Varchar(20) Numeric
Foreign Key
Not Null
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Field Name
Apply_Id JobSeeker_Id Job_Id
Data Type
Numeric Varchar(20) Numeric(20)
Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key
Auto-Generated primary key. Job seekers Id used for login is to be provided. Job-Id to which the job seeker is applying must be entered to apply to a job. The date on which the job is applied for is to be a specified here.
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
The advertisement to be posted is to be posted by specified Advertisement-Id allotted. The Id of the employer whose Id is registered to the portal, is to be mentioned here. The date on which the request for advertisement is given is to be entered here. Request details including the request content to be uploaded on the portal. For how many days the advertisement is going to be there on portal is to be mentioned.
Foreign Key
Not Null
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Field Name
Upload _Id User_Id
Data Type
Numeric(20) Varchar(20)
Primary Key Not Null
Auto-Generated Id. The person uploading content must enter the id he is registered with on the portal. The file to be uploaded must be mentioned with proper title. The path of file to be uploaded must be there. Date on which the file is uploaded is to be given.
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Employers Modules
Employer Registration Post A Job
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Modules Description
Common Modules
Login Process Login is a process of security and to make the website safe from the intruders we incorporate this mechanism for our registered users. If the user already has an account on the job portal, he can simply login with his user id & password allotted to him at the time of registration. Every time the user visits the website, he/she will login with the same email-id/username & password and then would be navigated to their desired webpage. Update Profile Module By logging in the account the seekers can update their profiles with the various add-ons in their education or their skills with the profile update option. Rating Module In this module Jobseekers will rate the job postings and employers can rate the resumes of the Jobseekers to increase the visibility and popularity of the useful information available on the website. Upload/Download Useful Information This module enables the users of the website to exchange useful information and pointes required for cracking interviews and related to the jobs. This information will be available in different file formats. Advertisement Module In this module, the facility to advertise on our website is provided to interested employers, companies, businesses. Advertisements of the various educational courses with the institutes can be a great help to students willing to go for further studies.
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Employers Modules
Employer Registration The Recruiters/Employers looking for fresh or experienced talent can create their account on the website by entering their details like name, location, description of the company, contact details, designation etc. and thus getting registered. Post a Job This module is designed for recruiters searching for the right candidate matching their skills. Employers can post the job on the portals with proper details including job type, years of experience required and the skills they are looking for. They can post the job by logging in to their account & thereby can find right candidates.
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Testing Approach
Unit and Integration tests focus on functional verification of a module and incorporation of modules into software architecture. Unit testing uses white-box testing techniques. Integration testing ensures mapping of modules developed onto software architecture design. It uses black box testing techniques. Validation tests demonstrate meeting of software requirements including functional, behavioral, and performance requirements. Black box testing techniques are used extensively. System testing incorporates the software into a larger system settling with other system elements (e.g. people, data, hardware, etc.).
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1. Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach - By Roger S. Pressman 2. Professional Asp.Net - By Wrox Publication 3. Programming In C# - By Balaguruswamy 4. SQL: A Beginners Guide - By Andy Oppel and Robert Sheldon
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