Ganotherapy The Miraculous King of Herbs
Ganotherapy The Miraculous King of Herbs
Ganotherapy The Miraculous King of Herbs
1970 China and Japan successfully planted Ganoderma in laboratory using spore separation 1975 Commercial production in Japan. 1980 Commercial production in Taiwan. 198 Commercial production in Malaysia.
cultivation method.
%. %&&' organic farming. (. $o chemical fertili)er insecticide hormone etc. 3. *ighly nutritional cultivation method using paddy brown rice powder etc. %. *ighest therapeutic effect is obtained from +ed ,anoderma. (. Many species are developed from +ed ,anoderma which is a common term for a family of gano species. 3. There are more than (&& species from the +ed family. -. . species have the highest therapeutic effect. /. "#$0s ,ano product is a combination of these . species.
Com"an- !."er$en+e
2. Fibre Separation
Treated with ultra6violet ray to enhance the therapeutic effect. Crush hard cover of the spores and reduce them into micro si)e using a special techni!ue developed by the company. 7ll active ingredients of ,anoderma are conserved throughout the process.
Gano#&era"- $n *enera)
8n the world today ma9ority of the population are in the state of :pre6illness: due to environmental pollution stresses and unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming diets which are high in fats cholesterol sugar salt and chemical additives. Under these circumstances it is wise to prevent any deterioration in health rather than see2 a cure after illness prevails as the saying goes5 ;<revention is better than cure.= Gano#&era"- is one of the holistic approached to alternative complementary medicine. The underlying belief is that our body is the best doctor. >ur body immune system when at its optimum condition is able to fight numerous diseases at one time 2nowing the priority and without having side effects. 7ll we see or feel is the reactions as it gets rid of the toxins and cure the illnesses. 8n ,anotherapy it uses Ganoderma extracts from the fruit body and its mycelium to gain health.
SCANNING7 "uring this process the body cells are chec2ed for Toxins and 8nactivity. Most of these
2inds of defects at the cell level are reported by way of +E1JECT8>$A through the external organs li2e eyes nose ear etc. This is 9ust a diagnostic phase which normally occurs within . wee2s of starting ,anotherapy and lingers for about /KL days.
D!TOXI8ICATION 9CL!ANSING:7 98 0 5ee;':7 "uring this phase the unwanted E harmful matters
3called the toxins4 are removed from the body. The body using its own natural excretory mechanism which is activated by ,anoderma carries out this process. This phase ta2es place for about / K %( days depending on the level and !uality of toxins.
"uring this process of detoxification water soluble toxins 3 eg. sugar uric acid 4 find their exit through urine and sweat. 1at soluble toxins 3 eg. cholesterol4 are easily disposed off through phlegm.
R!GULATION 91 < 1= mon#&' : 7 The bio6Chemical as well as bio6electric factors of the body are
balanced and the organ functions are regulated to normal levels.
BUILDING 9> < =/ mon#&' : 7 8n this phase the damaged cells are repaired and reconstructed.
8nactive cells are re6activated. Dody0s natural immune system is activated.
R!?U@!NATION 91 <
-ear' : 5 8t is a continuous process through6out life and during the process body gains youthfulness. >xidation of the cells prevented and ageing of the cells delayed. The natural immune system is activated at all levels.
>ne pair 3%+, M %,J4 in the morning on empty stomach and one pair in the evening on empty stomach 3about half an hour before Aupper4.
,ano dosage does not depend on the type of ailment. 8t is rather decided by the intensity of the ailment. 7ll patients may be grouped under any of the three broad classifications in order to arrive at the daily dosage.
<hysician0s advice should be followed for specific ailments. ,ano is consumed in addition to the medications prescribed by the physician. ,ano complements all other lines of treatment and it is not a replacement to medications which are prescribed specifically for diseases. <eople suffering from acute ,astric ailments Ulcers of the digestive system +espiratory allergies and Epilepsy should avoid consuming ,ano on empty stomach. 8n the case of terminally sic2 people gano is advised in addition to the other lines of medical care. 1or such advices good experience in ,anotherapy is essential. 8n the case of people suffering from congenital 3by birth4 defects and anatomical defects there may not be any direct improvement of the defect? but gano improves general health energy and immunity. 1or effective treatment of 8nfertility as well as 8mpotency personal counseling and the study of diagnostic reports are desirable. Experienced ganotherapist may be of great help. 7lways start the dosage with % pair a day during the first wee2 increase to ( - . during the following wee2s to reach the re!uired dosage schedule as indicated above. 8n the case of children below %& years and wea2Every old people start with ,J alone and then add +, to ma2e a pair.
Bene4$#' o4 U'$n* Ganoderma Bea(#- $' S;$nBDee"C B(# Hea)#& $' Ce))BDee"CC
,ano wor2s at Cell Jevel on the entire body. ,ano protects body from "iseases as well as "isorders. ,ano gives *ealth Nigour C Nitality. ,ano reduces stress? retards ageing process and increases life span. ,ano is effective for all age groups from Fomb to TombH ,ano suits anybody and everybody. ,ano has no interaction with other lines of treatment. 8t complements the same. ,ano overcomes the side6effects of other medications and relieves the patients. $o diet restriction. Jiberal dosage schedule? Mega dosages not harmful at all. $o Aide EffectsH $o 7ddictionHH ,ano is for everybody *ealthy as well as Unhealthy.
0 #in le herb i# able to i1e all the three bene(it# o( health to the h+man body2 which i# 1ery +ni3+e in the health #cience#. 4t i# an 5li'ir o( 6i(e7
R!CO@!R2 from the earlier ailmentsH %AINT!NANC! of the present good healthH 1ROT!CTION from the future problems to healthH GANO is for *ealthA whereas DRUGS are specific to D$'ea'e' 9or S-m"#om':
=0 Ca(#$on'
0 Rea+#$on'
amounts of toxins in the body that are being eliminated. 8n general one who has hypertensive constitutions or who ta2es large amounts of chemical drugs will easily have such a reaction. Aometimes urticaria may appear on the face or the body or even in the mouth. 7lso one may have edema diarrhea stomachache fever tinnitus blood pressure variation and increased excretion. These are not side effects. "o not worry. Continue use. The symptoms will lessen or disappear very soon. Aome phenomena resulting from herbal medicine or alimentary therapeutics are considered as side effect of the drug. 7ctually when these symptoms occur the disease will be cured gradually. Aomeone even emphasi)ed ;$o opposition effect reaction no cure.=
D&en a rea+#$on $' 'e,ereA #&e 4o))o5$n* '-m"#om' +o()d o++(r. a0 A+$d$+ +on'#$#(#$on
%. (. @. -. Nery sleepy even in the day time Thirsty and dry mouth Urination at night after gas passage 1or the following diseases these reactions may occur only in the short period of time5 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 9. 2. *ypertension5 heaviness in the head which may last for %6( wee2s 7nemia5 nosebleeds for women ,astric disturbances5 heat in the chest poor appetite ,astric ulcer5 pain ,astroptosis5 heavy feeling in the stomach hiccough Enteropathy? diarrhea *epatopathy hiccough or vomiting Cirrhosis of the liver5 bloody stool +enal disease? protein level may suddenly drop slight edema in the face "iabetes5 blood sugar may rise slight edema in the hands and feet *emorrhoids5 bleeding may occur occasionally
No#e7 T&e +on#en#' o4 #&$' re"or# are 3a'ed ("on re'ear+& re"or#' 4rom 4ore$*n +o(n#r$e'0 T&a# Ganoderma $' '($#a3)e 4or ('e a' a &ea)#& 4ood $' +on4$rmed 3- #&e'e re'ear+& re'()#'0 Re$'&$ Gano 9RG: Re$'&$ Gano is a 2ind of mushroom essence 3ganoderma lucidum4 widely 2nown as OBing of *erbs0. 8t is
established to have great effect for5 %. (. @. -. Acanning diseases Cleansing toxins +egulating body functions Ensuring recovery of health <reserving youthfulness
*ei#hi Gano contain# more than 2"" acti1e element# which can be di1ided into three cate orie# incl+din 3"8 o( water #ol+ble element#2 ./8 o( or anic #ol+ble element# and /8 o( 1olatile element#.
Volatile 5lement
Ganoder$+ !''en+e 9T&e Re*enera#$on:
Can help overcome s2in diseases. 1or beautification of s2in. Can be used for external application on s2in diseases mouth ulcer and external wound 37lso to stop bleeding4 *elps re9uvenate the body tissue.
"iseases are caused by imbalance of body function +, can help to detect hidden diseases in the body and proceed to regulate the body function Aymptoms shown by the body during regulation is 2nown as ailment reflection. 1rom the reaction we can identify the ailing area. This is 2nown as scanning effect of +, +, has the widest scanning range because it contains all the natural elements of ,anoderma water soluble organic soluble and volatile elements.
C)ean'$n* De#o.$4$+a#$on
Uric acid excess cholesterol fat deposits calcium deposits bad tissues and chemical accumulation are the toxins present in our body. 7mong herbals +, has the strongest effect in removing the above toxins Toxins are removed from our body by5 %4 Aweating (4 The circulation system 32idney C liver4 and then discharges from the body through urination and stool @4 Doils rashes phlegm and mucus discharge
D+rin deto'i(ication2 #ometime# the body (eel# warm and thir#ty. Thi# i# a #i n that the body need# more water to di#char e away the to'in#.
Dalancing effect to restore the body function bac2 to normal. Many reactions can be observed during regulation. This is a sign that the body is regulating itself and one should not worry about it >ne should continue to consume +eishi ,ano To monitor the reaction regulate the inta2e.
<rocess of building and regenerating body parts that have sustained in9uries or damage. Atrengthening the immune system physical strength and mental calmness more resistance to body disorders. Aupplying essential elements to the body such as minerals and triterpenoids for the recovery of body function
This is the ultimate aim to consume +eishi ,ano 8t is the process whereby our body is functioning at its optimum level which is actually a re9uvenating effect 3restore youthful appearance strength and peacefulness of mind.4
Gano+e)$(m 9GL: B is the mycelium of ganoderma lucidum. 8t supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins
and minerals supplement to our body. 8t serves as5
Con#en#' o4 GL
%. (. @. -. <olysaccharides >rganic germanium 7 whole spectrum of vitamins 7 whole spectrum of minerals
Con#en# o4 poly#accharide and or anic ermani+m $n *ano+e)$(m are 4o(r #$me' more #&an #&a# o4 *anoderma
S#ren*#& o4 GL
%. (. @. -. /. Drain tonic Enhance body resistance Cleanse toxins in the body <rovide vitamins and minerals supply Atrengthens gastric and 2idney functions
Bra$n #on$+B The brain system is the body0s main nerve system. >xygen enables the nerves to
function. The high level of organic germanium in ganocelium helps the brain to function more effectively because it supplies ade!uate oxygen to the brain. Fhen supplied with an optimum level of oxygen the brain will become well6developed. Therefore it is strongly recommended for children0s brain growth and development.
Ner,e '#a3$)$Ha#$on B Neins and nerve disorder lead to hearing problem. <oor eyesight or 2idney
disorder. ,anocelium helps in the nerve stabili)ation.
8(n+#$on' o4 "o)-'a++&ar$de'
%. *elp in preventing growth of abnormal cells and controlling their spread (. *elps stabili)e and strengthen body resistance system @. *elps reduce sugar level in blood and revive pancreas function
-. *elps prevent cell tissues destruction /. *elps discharge water soluble toxins
Add$#$ona) In4orma#$on
,anocelium can absorb organic germanium and minerals faster than ganoderma. 7ccording to a report from Japan ganocelium contains . &&& parts per million 3ppm4 organic germanium whereas ganoderma only has P&& to ( &&& ppm of organic germanium. 7 test conducted in a foreign country shows that ganocelium has better effect in controlling the growth of abnormal cells.
!2!S B T&e e-e' rea+# #o #&e +ond$#$on o4 #&e )$,er. a. Redd$'& e-e' 9e$#&er one or 3o#& e-e': B The liver has a high level of toxins. +eddish eyes are
an indication that the body is discharging the toxins.
b. B)(rr- !-e'$*&# B Usually occurs in the morning. 7n indication that the liver is regulating itself c. Da'#e d$'"o'ed 4rom #&e e-e' B This shows that the liver is not functioning properly and that
detoxification is in progress. 7lso indicates excessive amounts of acid in the body.
d. Tear- !-e' B Emotional disturbances indicated especially anger. e. Ten'$on $n #&e e-e' and e-e)$d' B Mental stress due to dissatisfaction or excessive wor2load NOS! B T&e no'e &a' a +)o'e a44$)$a#$on 5$#& #&e )(n*' and #&roa#0 a. R(nn$n* No'e B Toxic removal process from the lungs. Excessive level of acid in the body b. c. d.
3usually the body temperature is too high4. B)o+;ed No'#r$)' B The lungs have a high level of toxins. 7 regulating process for allergies of the nose SneeH$n* B +emoval of toxin process from the lungs. 7 regulating process for allergies of the nose Co(*&' B Coughing with a discharge of mucus means the removal of toxins from the body is in process. "ry cough means the lungs have an excessive amount of toxins in them. Thic2 mucus is usually discharged a few days after starting ganoderma. Coughing with itchy throat means that the removal of toxins from the throat and lungs is in process. Usually happens to heavy smo2ers and to those who breathe polluted air.
a. Dr- T&roa# B "etoxification process throughout the body. 8ndicates that the body needs
more water to discharge the toxins.
a. 1a)e L$"' B 7 wea2 digestive system. ,as inside the stomach. 7 lac2 of blood due to an improper b.
digestive system that leads to an insufficient amount of iron. The digestive system should be enforced with ganoderma before being treated with iron. Dr- and Cra+;ed L$"' B Too many toxic substances inside the stomach
a. Ton*(e or *(m '5e))$n* and "a$n B 8ndication of heart problems such as excessive fat wea2
valve function bloc2ed coronary etc.
b. Ton*(eA mo(#& #$''(e or *(m 5$#& ()+er' B 7n indication of excessive acid in the blood
a. B)o+;ed !ar B Excessive toxins in the 2idneys b. B)o+;ed !ar)o3e B +egulates the wea2 function of the 2idneys. Usually experienced with
painful soles in the morning that will decrease after ta2ing a wal2.
1er'"$ra#$on a. Sa)#- "er'"$ra#$on B Excessive amounts of uric acid in the body b. 8o() S5ea# B Dody emitting toxins by perspiring Ra'&e' and Bo$)' B The body is emitting toxic fat and non6soluble toxins. I#+&- ';$n 5$#& ra'&e' B The process of discharging toxins through the s2in due to excessive
consumption of modern medicine.
B)$'#ered and 5a#er- ';$n B The body is discharging water toxins. 7pply ganoderma powder to the Ha$r 4a))$n* o(# B 8ndicates a wea2 function of the 2idneys. $ew and healthy hair will emerge after
the process. spot.
1a$n4() Io$n#' 1. Ho# Sen'a#$on B 7n indication of in9ury to the 9oints or gout. 2. Non Ho# Sen'a#$on B 7n indication of rheumatism. 3. 1a$n $n #&e '&o()der' B 8ndicates that the blood vessels are hardening and an imbalance of the
metabolism function.
N(m3ne'' o4 #&e &and' B 8rregular blood circulation of the upper part of the body.
a0 N(m3ne'' o4 #&e )e4# &and and arm B 7n indication of a wea2 heart if the pain moves to the arm and stays there a heart attac2 may happen at any time.
N(m3ne'' o4 #&e 4ee# B 8rregular blood circulation of the lower part of the body. a. 1a$n4() So)e' B 7n indication of wea2 2idneys. Usually it0s caused by lac2 of exercise or b. c. d.
movement. 1a$n4() Hee)' B 7n indication of a wea2 sex function Ho# Sen'a#$on $n #&e 'o)e' B +egulating process of the 2idneys due to a wea2 sex function. I#+&$ne'' 3e#5een #&e #oe' B 7n early indication of the *ong Bong 1oot disease.
8$TE+$7J A8,$A
H!AD B Genera))- a)) rea+#$on' #&a# o++(r $n #&e &ead are re)a#ed #o #&e 3)ood +$r+()a#$on
'-'#emA &ear# and 3ra$n ner,e'0
1a$nJd$HH$ne'' a# #&e 4ron# '$de o4 #&e &ead B 7n indication of neurosis due to mental burden
and too much thin2ing.
1a$nJd$HH$ne'' a# #&e rear '$de o4 #&e &ead a. U""er "ar# B 7n indication of high blood pressure. b. Lo5er "ar# 9ne+;: B 7n indication of either high or low blood pressure. Heada+&e and *a''e' em$##ed o(# 4rom #&e ear)o3e' B 7n indication of migraine.
Bo$)' on #&e &ead B Toxic disposal in process. Aometimes due to migraine. D$HH$ne'' B 7n indication of insufficient blood supply or irregular blood circulation.
@om$# B Aign of asthma. Toxic disposal from stomach. @om$#$n* B)ood a. Red B)ood B "ead tissue disposal from the throat and lungs. b. Dar; B)ood B "ead tissue disposal from the stomach usually due to an ulcer. c. S#re''ed and #en'ed #on*(e B 7n indication of heart disease. d. T&$+; Sa)$,a B Toxic disposal process from the throat due to infection or +an+er.
a. b. c. d. e.
8reK(en# B 8ndication that the 2idney has an excessive amount of toxic. C&a);- B 7n indication of 2idney stones. O$)- B 7n indication of lipid waste in the 2idneys. T&$+; and 3ro5n$'& B 8ndicates that toxins are being disposed. B)ood- B Bidney stones or in9ured 2idney.
D$arr&ea B Cleansing toxic wastes from the colon. "iarrhea that immediately occurs after consuming
ganoderma indicates that there are abnormal cells in the colon. Con'#$"a#$on B Cleansing of toxins from the small intestine
8ae+e' 5$#& 3)ood a. Red B)ood B <iles or cancer problems in the intestine b. Dar; B)ood B Ulcer <roblems Dar; 8ae+e' B 8ndicates that the intestine is disposing toxic wastes
D>"8JI +E7CT8>$A
1a$n4() B ,enerally all bodily pain is caused by clogged vessels or arteries. a. S&ar" 1a$n B +egulating process for the nerves. b. N(m3$n* 1a$n B 7n indications of internal in9ury. c. ?o)#$n* 1a$n B +egulating process for nerves that is related to internal organs d. Ten'e 1a$n B <rocess of regulating blood circulation Hea,-JLaH-JT$red B 7cidic body. 8t indicates that the body is regulating itself and needs a good
Ho# Sen'a#$on B 7n indication that the body needs a lot of water to discharge toxins. L$*&#J8ee)$n* Re)$e,ed B 8ndicates that the body is fresh and that regeneration has begun.
EM>T8>$7J +E7CT8>$A
8ear4() B The 2idney is functioning wea2ly also low libido. Bad Tem"ered B Fea2 liver function. *igh blood pressure. Ner,o(' and Sad B Jungs not functioning properly !("&or$a#$+ B *eart function is wea2. Drain nerve system is poor. Dlood circulation is not functioning
properly. Dream- B "igestive system is wea2.