2014 Foundation

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CIVL 4950 Integrated Civil Engineering Design Project

Foundation Engineering From Theory to Practice

Dr Benjamin Sun, RGE

CIVIL 4950

5 lectures on shallow foundations 6 lectures on deep foundations

CIVIL 4950

This lecture covers:

Foundation design practice in Hong Kong Common pile types in Hong Kong How to design foundations for the building project

CIVIL 4950


Published by GEO (2006)


Gives guidance for the design and construction of foundations in Hong Kong Technically oriented

CIVIL 4950


Published by the Buildings Department (2004)


Consolidates the practice commonly adopted in Hong Kong Intended for local use only Deemed to satisfy the Buildings Ordinance and related regulations

CIVIL 4950

Site Investigation A thorough understanding of the ground conditions of a site is a pre-requisite to the success of a foundation project.

CIVIL 4950

Design Philosophies


Global Factor of Safety Approach A lumped factor applied notionally to either the ultimate strength or the applied load Factor to cater for all uncertainties inherent in the design Limit State Design Approach Ultimate limit state governs safety; consider failure mechanisms due to loss of equilibrium, excessive deformation etc. Serviceability limit state beyond which structure cannot function as intended due to excessive deformation, vibration etc.

Current local practice

CIVIL 4950

Shallow Foundations

British Standard Code of Practice for Foundations (BS 8004:1986) d < 3m


GEO 1/2006 d a and d b

CIVIL 4950

Shallow Foundations: Pad & Strip Footings

CIVIL 4950

Shallow Foundations: Raft

CIVIL 4950

Presumed Allowable Bearing Pressure of Soils

According to Code of Practice for Foundations (2004),

CIVIL 4950


Ref: Malone (1987), A note on the design of large-diameter excavated piles in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Engineer

CIVIL 4950

Presumed Allowable Bearing Pressure of Soils

According to Code of Practice for Foundations (2004),

For Non-Cohesive Soils


400 Presumed Bearing, kPa


Submerged Dry



0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

SPT N-value

CIVIL 4950

Presumed Allowable Bearing Pressure of Soils

According to Code of Practice for Foundations (2004),

CIVIL 4950

Bearing Capacity Theory

Terzaghis Equation:

CIVIL 4950

Bearing Capacity Theory

Terzaghis Equation

Footing Size, B (m) qult qa

0.6 1 2 10

204 339 679 3395

68 113 226 1132

CIVIL 4950

Presumed Allowable Bearing Pressure of Soils

According to Code of Practice for Foundations (2004),

These values could be conservative for LARGE shallow foundations !

CIVIL 4950

Plate Load Test

Objective Confirm adequate bearing capacity (with no undue settlement)

CIVIL 4950

Plate Load Test: Test Procedure

According to Code of Practice for Foundations (2004),


=3 x 25 x = 18.75mm >11.5mm OK


CIVIL 4950

Plate Load Test: Limitations

Influence soil thickness

Actual Shallow Foundation

Plate Load Test

CIVIL 4950

Check Settlement

Source: CIVL 372 class notes

CIVIL 4950

Check Settlement

Source: CIVL 372 class notes

CIVIL 4950

Check Settlement

Source: CIVL 372 class notes

CIVIL 4950

Check Settlement Finite Element Method

CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations

CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundation Fundamental Mechanism

CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations: Soil Mechanics Principle

Shaft Resistance End Bearing

R = SCtsDz + Aqb

ts= c + Kssvtands

= bsv (where c=0)


qb= Nqsv



CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations: Bearing Capacity Factor

R = SCtsDz + Aqb ts= c + Kssvtands = bsv (where c=0)

qb= Nqsv

Ref: GEO 1/2006; Poulos & Davis (1980)

CIVIL 4950

Axially Loaded Bored Piles in Rock: Allowable Bearing Based on RMR Value

Ref: GEO 1/2006

CIVIL 4950

Axially Loaded Bored Piles in Rock: Allowable Bearing Based on RMR Value

Ref: GEO 1/2006

CIVIL 4950

Presumed Allowable Vertical Bearing Pressure for Granite & Volcanic Rock
Grade Total Core Recovery 100% (no weathered joint) Min. UCS (MPa) Presumed Allowable Bearing (kPa)


75 50
25 -

10,000 7,500
5,000 3,000

>85% >50%

Ref: Code of Practice for Foundations (2004)

CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations: Soil Mechanics Principle

Shaft Resistance End Bearing

R = SCtsDz + Aqb

ts= c + Kssvtands

= bsv (where c=0)


qb= Nqsv



CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations: Shaft Resistance Coefficient

R = SCtsDz + Aqb ts= c + Kssvtands

Ref: GEO 1/2006

= bsv (where c=0)

qb= Nqsv

CIVIL 4950

Shaft Resistance: Local Experience (based on SPT N-value)

R = SCtsDz + Aqb
ts= c + Kssvtands

Ref: GEO 1/2006

= bsv (where c=0)

qb= Nqsv

CIVIL 4950

Deep Foundations: With Down Drag Loads

CIVIL 4950

Common Piling Systems in Hong Kong

Common Piling Systems in Hong Kong

Displacement Piles

Replacement Piles

Steel H-Piles


Precast Prestressed Spun Concrete (PPC) Piles

Socketed H-piles

Open-ended Steel Tubular Piles

Large-diameter Bored Piles

CIVIL 4950

Pile Driving: Drop Hammers

Typically 8 to 16 tonnes Stroke generally limited to 1.2m (could be up to 3m for hard driving into marble) Relatively slow blow rate

CIVIL 4950

Pile Driving: Diesel Hammers

Ram lifted by fuel combustion Generates explosion when ram hits cylinder Does not work well with soft or yielding soil Noise, pollutant exhaust gases not common in populated areas

CIVIL 4950

Pile Driving: Hydraulic Hammers

Do not emit exhaust fumes Ram raised by hydraulic fluid, and falls freely on to pile Hammers can be equipped with poweractivated downstroke

16 ton hammer

CIVIL 4950

Pile Driving: Vibratory Hammer

Best suited for loose to medium dense sandy or gravelly soils Generally not for stiff clays Also not for precast or prestressed concrete piles because of high tensile stresses

CIVIL 4950

Noise Control

Issued pursuant to Section 9, Noise Control Ordinance For determining any permitted hours of operation for percussive piling

Reference: http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/noise/guide_ref/tm_pp.html

CIVIL 4950

Small Displacement Piles: Steel H-Piles

CIVIL 4950

Small Displacement Piles: Steel H-Piles

Load taken up by skin friction Typical 2950kN for S275 steel; 3600kN for S450 steel (223kg/m) Typically driven to soil with SPT of 150-200

CIVIL 4950

Small Displacement Piles: Steel H-Piles



CIVIL 4950

According to Code of Practice for Foundations:

CIVIL 4950

Small Displacement Piles: Steel H-Piles

30% of yield load

CIVIL 4950

Small Displacement Piles: Open-ended Steel Tubular Piles

Commonly used in marine structures and buildings on reclaimed land Diameters from 275mm to 2m Obstructions can be overcome by reaming from pile interior

CIVIL 4950

Large Displacement Piles: PPC Piles

CIVIL 4950

Large Displacement Piles: PPC Piles

Closed-end tubular sections of 400mm to 600mm diameter Maximum allowable axial loads up to about 3500kN Pile sections normally 12m long (welded using steel end plates) Not suitable for ground with significant boulders Careful control needed to prevent spalling, cracking and breaking Can be driven to soil with SPT blow count around 80

CIVIL 4950

Large Displacement Piles: PPC Piles

Alternative Cross Shoe

CIVIL 4950

Large Displacement Piles: PPC Piles

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles

Diameter between 100mm and 400mm up to about 60m deep Installed using drill rigs with down-the-hole hammer or rotary percussive drills Usually embedded in rock sockets (up to 1375kN working load) Working load of 700kN for piles installed in soil 1H:8V raking typical; 1H:4V maximum Limited capacity to resist lateral loads

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles Shaft Resistance in Rock

Code of Practice for Foundations...

Grade II/III

Grade III/IV

Note: Need a 20% reduction for grouting under water

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Mini-piles Shaft Resistance in Rock

Grade II/III

Ref: GEO 1/2006

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Socketed H-Piles

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Socketed H-Piles

Pile bore formed using Odex method (Overburden drilling with excentric bit) Uses a swing-out eccentric bit to enlarge hole for temporary casing Allows temporary casing to sink while drilling Pile bore in rock formed using down-thehole hammer

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Socketed H-Piles

Prebored hole typically 550mm (610mm OD casing in soil stratum) Socket length can be designed to match structural requirement Can be designed to resist horizontal loads by bending stiffness Can be installed to a depth of about 70m

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Socketed H-Piles

CoP for Foundations (2004) requirements:

Strength of cement grout 30MPa Allowable bond strength between Grade II/III rock & grout

= 700kPa (under compression) = 350kPa (under permanent tension)

Design bond strength at working load between H-pile and cement grout = 600kPa

to be reduced by 20% where groundwater is likely encountered nominal shear studs to be provided

End-bearing resistance is ignored

Recommended arrangement for shear bar at rock socket (Li, 2007)

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Socketed H-Piles Commonly used socketed H-piles in Hong Kong

H-pile Grade S450J0 305x305x149kg/m

Grade S450J0 305x305x186kg/m Grade S450J0 305x305x223 kg/m

Maximum design working capacity (kN)

~ 5100 ~ 6100

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles

System Layout

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Casing Driving Equipment


Provides constant oscillation with simultaneous downward or upward thrust on the casing Low vibration effect Not flexible for multiple pile size project Occupy relatively more working spaces

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Casing Driving Equipment


Low vibration effect Efficient in ground with obstruction Not economical in ground with no obstruction Occupy relatively more site area

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Overall Process

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Casing Driving Equipment Vibrator

Flexible for all pile sizes Vibration effects Casings joined by welding only

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Casing Connection

Temporary casing :

Bolted joint or weld spliced

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Bentonite Slurry (no casing)

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Rock Socketting

Reverse Circulation Drill

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Rock Socketting

Rotary Drill

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Rock Socketting Rock Chisel

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Bell Out Tools

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles

Nominal Pile Size* (m) Max. Bell-out Size (m) 1.0 Achievable Depth (m)

1.2 1.5#
1.8 2.0#^

1.8 2.3
2.3 3.0 80-120m 80-120m 45-70m 30-50m

2.5# 2.8 3.0#^
^ Using rotator

3.7 4.2 4.4
* Using RCD method (all)

# Using oscillator

CIVIL 4950

Replacement Piles: Large Diameter Bored Piles Rock Sockets Design Section 5.3.2(2), Code of Practice for Foundations

CIVIL 4950

Minimum Pile Spacing

For piles deriving capacities mainly from frictional resistance

Site Boundary

c/c Spacing >pD > 4B 1m

Ref: Code of Practice for Foundations (2004)

>pD/2 >2B 0.5m

CIVIL 4950

Minimum Pile Spacing

For piles deriving capacities mainly from end bearing

clearance 0.5m for end bearing piles


& 2D for rock socketed piles

Ref: Code of Practice for Foundations (2004)

CIVIL 4950

Workflow of Piling Design

1. Column plan and loading schedule
Result of structural models Code of Practice for DL&LL

2. Determine capacities of piles under compression and tension 3. Decide assumption and mechanism of piling system
e.g. raking pile to resist lateral load, rigid cap rotation

4. Piling layout optimisation

Load distribution (rigid cap rotation, flexible cap model) Load combinations check against capacities

5. Structural design
H-pile: combined stress check Bored pile: reinforcement design

CIVIL 4950

Capacity of Single Pile

Determined by: A. Structural capacity Strength of steel (H-pile, mini-pile, bored pile) Strength of concrete (bored pile) Allowable bond stress between steel and grout (socketed-H pile, mini-pile)
B.Geotechnical capacity Shaft resistance End bearing resistance Allowable bond between rock and concrete (socketed-H pile, mini-pile) Rock cone checking (for tension pile only)

CIVIL 4950

Typical Pile Cap Arrangements

Reference: Pile Design & Construction Practice (Tomlinson & Woodward, 2008)

CIVIL 4950

Load Distribution on Piles

Ref: GEO 1/2006

CIVIL 4950

Load Combinations
A. Compression (allowable)

B. Tension (allowable)

C. Tension (ultimate)

Ref: Code of Practice for Foundations (2004)

CIVIL 4950

Example: Mini-pile system for A&A works of station entrance

*No wind loads and, x-dir earthquake forces

Steel post to be supported by foundation

CIVIL 4950

Example: Mini-pile system for A&A works of station entrance (Contd)

Pile under each load case is calculated by: P ai = P / np + (My xi / xi2) +(Mx yi / yi2)
Pile Cap Mark : PC2 Co-ordin. of Pile Centre to Origin X Y (m) (m) -0.750 2.000 0.750 2.000 -0.750 0.500 0.750 0.500 -1.500 1.250 1.500 1.250 SUM

Pile Mark P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Area (A)
(Unit) 1 1 1 1 1 1


DL (kN) 426 426 30 30 0 0 913 LL (kN) 496 496 -58 -58 0 0 875 WX (kN) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WY (kN) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EQX (kN) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EQY (kN) -98 -98 -92 -92 -160 -160 -380 NSF (kN) 276 276 276 276 276 276 1104

LOAD COMBINATION Compression (All.) Pile Mark DL+LL +EQX +NSF (kN) 1198 1198 306 306 279 279 DL+LL +EQY +NSF (kN) 1296 1296 398 398 440 440 DL+LL +WX +NSF (kN) 1198 1198 306 306 279 279 DL+LL +WY +NSF (kN) 1198 1198 306 306 279 279 Tension (Allowable) Tension (Ultimate) DL+2.0I DL+2.0I DL+2.0I DL+2.0I DL+Ia- DL+Ia- DL+Ia- DL+IaaaaaEQX EQY WX WY 1.5EQX 1.5EQY 1.5WX 1.5WY (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) 426 328 426 426 426 279 426 426 426 328 426 426 426 279 426 426 -86 -28 -120 -28 -28 -86 -224 -86 -86 -28 -120 -28 -28 -86 -224 -86 0 0 -162 0 0 0 -242 0 0 0 -162 0 0 0 -242 0 MAX MIN MIN (Allowable) (Utimate)

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

(kN) 1296 1296 398 398 440 440

(kN) 328 328 -120 -120 -162 -162

(kN) 279 279 -224 -224 -242 -242

Capacities for single mini-pile, Compression, P = 1374kN Tension (all.) Ra = 687kN (assumed = 0.5 Pc) Tension (ult.) Ru = 1374kN (2 x Ra)

Max. compression = 1296kN < 1374kN (OK) Max. tension (all.) = 162kN < 687kN (OK) Max. tension (ult.) = 242kN < 1237kN (0.9Ru) (OK)

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