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AP Momentum 2012 Pre Test Answers

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Momentum Multiple Choice 1. The SI unit of momentum is which of the following? a) b) c) d) 2.

Nm N/s Ns N/m

= change of momentum = Force * time = impulse 2!!! "g t#uc" t# $eling t 2! m/s?

Wh t is the momentum of a) b) c) d)

1.!%1!2 "gm/s 2.!%1!& "gm/s 4.0X104 kgm/s = 2000kg 20 m/s = mv = p &.!%1!' "gm/s


if )ou pitch b seb ll with twice the "inetic ene#g) )ou g $e it in the p#e$ious pitch* the m gnitude of its momentum is ) b) c) d) the s me. 1.41 times as much. doubled. & times s much. +,1/2 m$2 , - m .1.&1m/s)2 , 2/ p, m$ , m.1.&1m/s) , 1.&1 /


If the momentum of n ob0ect is doubled* b) wh t f cto# will its "inetic ene#g) ch nge? ) b c) d) 2 4 1/2 1/& p=mv = m2v k = ! mv2 k= ! m"2v



!1!2"g tennis b ll* initi ll) mo$ing t speed of 12 m/s* is st#uc" b) # c"et c using it to #ebound in the opposite di#ection t speed of 13 m/s. Wh t is the ch nge in momentum of the b ll? a) b) c) d) !.(1 "gm/s = !.42 "gm/s 1.1 "gm/s 1.# kgm/s = p= mv $ mvo

m"v%vo = .0&0 kg " %1#m/s $ 12 m/s


5 1!!2"g footb ll lineb c"e# mo$ing t 2.! m/s t c"les he d2on n 3!2"g h lfb c" #unning (.! m/s. Neglecting the effects due to digging in of cle ts* ) b c) d) the lineb c"e# will d#i$e the h lfb c" b c"w #d. the halfback 'ill (rive the linebacker back'ar(. #0kg*) m/s * 100kg *2 m/s neithe# pl )e# will d#i$e the othe# b c"w #d. this is simple e/ mple of n el stic collision.


5 sm ll c # meshes with l #ge t#uc" in he d2on collision. Which of the following st tements conce#ning the m gnitude of the $e# ge collision fo#ce is co##ect? ) b) c d) The t#uc" e/pe#iences the g#e te# $e# ge fo#ce. The sm ll c # e/pe#iences the g#e te# $e# ge fo#ce. +he small car an( the truck e,perience the same average force. It is impossible to tell since the m sses nd $elocities #e not gi$en.


5 '!2"g pitching m chine .e/cluding the b seb ll) is pl ced on

f#o6en pond. The m chine fi#es

!.&!2"g b seb ll with speed of (' m/s in the ho#i6ont l f#iction. Wh t is the #ecoil speed of the pitching m chine? .5ssume negligible f#iction.) ) b c) d) 7. !.1& m/s 0.2# m/s !.4! m/s &.&%1!( m/s 0 = .40 kg ")- m/s . -0 kg " ,

Two ob0ects collide nd stic" togethe#. 8ine # momentum a b) c) d) is (efinitel/ conserve(. is definitel) not conse#$ed. is conse#$ed onl) if the collision is el stic. is conse#$ed onl) if the en$i#onment is f#ictionless. 1.!2"g ob0ect mo$ing to the

1!. 5 (.!2"g ob0ect mo$es to the #ight t &.! m/s. It collides he d2on with left t 2.! m/s. Which st tement is co##ect? a) b) c d)

The tot l momentum both befo#e nd fte# the collision is 2& "gm/s. The tot l momentum befo#e the collison is 2& "gm/s* nd fte# the collision is ! "gm/s. +he total momentum both before an( after the collision is 0ero. None of the bo$e is t#ue.

11. 5 bullet mo$ing t (!! m/s is fi#ed into 1.!!2"g bloc". The bullet eme#ges .the bullet does not embedded in the bloc") with h lf of its o#igin l speed. Wh t is the $elocit) of the bloc" #ight fte# the collision? 1ou nee( to kno' the mass of the bullet ) b) c) d) 1.'! m/s 2.74 m/s (.!! m/s 24( m/s mb )00 = mb 1-0 m/s . 1 kg vo'

12. 5 sm ll ob0ect collides with l #ge ob0ect nd stic"s. Which ob0ect e/pe#iences the l #ge# m gnitude of momentum ch nge? ) b) c d) the l #ge ob0ect the sm ll ob0ect 2oth ob3ects e,perience the same magnitu(e of momentum change. C nnot be dete#mined f#om the info#m tion gi$en.

1(. Two st#on uts* of m sses 1! "g nd 3! "g* #e initi ll) t #est in oute# sp ce. The) push e ch othe# p #t. Wh t is thei# sep # tion fte# the lighte# st#on ut h s mo$ed 12 m? ) b) c d) 1&. When ) b) c) d) 1' m 13 m 21 m 2& m c nnon fi#es

&0kg " 12m/ t = #0 kg "(/t &0 kg "12 m = #0 kg "( 5eparation = 12 m . 4 m = 21m c nnonb ll* the c nnon will #ecoil b c"w #d bec use the


ene#g) of the c nnonb ll nd c nnon is conse#$ed. momentum of the cannonball an( cannon is conserve( . ene#g) of the c nnon is g#e te# th n the ene#g) of the c nnonb ll. momentum of the c nnon is g#e te# th n the ene#g) of the c nnonb ll.

1'. 5 1!!!2"g c # t# $eling t 2' m/s #uns into the #e # of

stopped c # th t h s

m ss of 1'!! "g

nd the) stic" togethe#. Wh t is the speed of the c #s fte# the collision? ) b) c) d) '.! m/s 10 m/s 1' m/s 2! m/s 1000kg "2-m/s 10 m/s , .1000kg . 1-00kg

11. 5 #ubbe# b ll nd lump of putt) h $e e9u l m ss. The) #e th#own with e9u l speed g inst w ll. The b ll bounces b c" with ne #l) the s me speed with which it hit. The putt) stic"s to the w ll. Which ob0ects e/pe#iences the g#e te# momentum ch nge? a the ball p= m"v%v o p =m " % vo % vo = % 2 mvo ball b) the putt) p= m"v%vo p =m " 0 % vo = % 1 mvo putt/ c) :oth e/pe#ience the s me momentum ch nge. d) C nnot be dete#mined f#om the info#m tion gi$en. 14. 5 const nt 1.!2N net fo#ce cts fo# &.! s on a) b) c) d) 2.! m/s 12 m/s 13 m/s 233 m/s p , < t 12 "g ob0ect. Wh t is the ob0ect;s ch nge of $elocit)? p , 1 N . & s ) , 2& Ns 2& Ns , m$ 24 Ns,2.0m/s 12kg

13. The #e unde# the cu#$e on a b) c) d) impulse. momentum. wo#". "inetic ene#g).

<o#ce $e#sus time .< $s. t) g# ph #ep#esents

17. 5 =ing2=ong b ll mo$ing e st t speed of & m/s* collides with st tion #) bowling b ll. The =ing2 =ong b ll bounces b c" to the west* nd the bowling b ll mo$es $e#) slowl) to the e st. Which ob0ect e/pe#iences the g#e te# m gnitude impulse du#ing the collision? a b) c) d) Neither6 both e,perience( the same magnitu(e impulse.%N78+9N5 +:;<= >?8 the =ing2=ong b ll the bowling b ll It;s impossible to tell since the $elocities fte# the collision #e un"nown.

2!. In n el stic collision* if the momentum is conse#$ed* then which of the following st tements is t#ue bout "inetic ene#g)? a b) c) d) kinetic energ/ is also conserve(. "inetic ene#g) is g ined. "inetic ene#g) is lost. none of the bo$e.

21. When is "inetic ene#g) conse#$ed? a b) c) d) in elastic collisions in inel stic collisions in n) collison in which the ob0ects do not stic" togethe# in ll collisions

22. 5 #ubbe# b ll with speed of '.! m/s collides he d2on el stic ll) with n identic l b ll t #est. Wh t is the speed of the initi ll) stopped b ll fte# the collision?

) b) c) (

6e#o 1.! m/s 2.' m/s -.0 m/s 1st ball 'ith stop

2(. 5 '! > g# m mo$ing ?1! m/s collides he d2on with st tion #) b ll of m ss 1!! g. The collision is el stic. Wh t is the speed of e ch b ll immedi tel) fte# the collision? a b) c) d) %).) m/s an( .&.@ m/s ?(.( m/s nd 21.4 m/s 21.4 m/s nd ?(.( m/s ?1.4 m/s nd 2(.( m/s p = .0-0kg"%&.@m/s . .100Ag ").) m/s = .-kg m/s

.0-0kg "10m/s = .- kg m/s = po

2&. (.!2"g ob0ect mo$es to the #ight with speed of &.! m/s. It collides in pe#fectl) el stic collision with 1.!2"g ob0ect mo$ing to the left t 2.! m/s. Wh t is the tot l "inetic ene#g) fte# the collision? ) b) c) d) 42 @ )& B 2& @ !@ ! )kg "4m/s

. ! & kg " 2.0 m/s 2 = )& B

2'. 5 f#eight c # mo$es long f#ictionless le$el # il#o d t# c" t const nt speed. The c # is open on top. 5 l #ge lo d of co l is suddenl) dumped into the c #. Wh t h ppens to the $elocit) of the c #? ) b) c d) It inc#e ses. It #em ins the s me. ;t (ecreases. p = mv ;f m goes up than v 'ill (ecrease C nnot be dete#mined f#om the info#m tion gi$en.

College Prep Momentum Pre-test p= mv

K.E. = mv2


26. A projectiles speed and mass are doubled. Its momentum will then be a) b) c) d) e) 27. doubled unchanged quadrupled halved quartered

p = 2 m 2 v = 4 mv m v mv

A projectiles speed and mass are doubled. Its kinetic energy will then a) b) c) d) e) increase by 2x remain unchanged increase by 4x increase by 6x increase by 8x K.E= (2m) (2v)2 = 8x (m) (v)2

28. An object in motion must have I. Acceleration may have a) I only b) II only c) I and II d) I and III e) I, II and III II. Momentum will have III. Potential Energy may develop

29. An explosion occurs in space. a) b) c) d) e) the kinetic energy of all of the fragments remains constant the total kinetic energy of the fragments decrease the total momentum of all the fragments remains constant the total momentum of the fragments decrease none of the above

30. While floating motionlessly in a space station a 50 kg women pushes a 100 kg man. He sails away at 1.0 m/s and she 0 kg m/s = 100 kg (1.0m/s) + 50 ( -2.0m/s) a) remains motionless b) moves in the opposite direction as the man at 2.0 m/s c) moves in the opposite direction as the man at 1.0 m/s d) moves in the same direction as the man at 2.0 m/s e) moves in the same direction as the man at 1.0 m/s

31. While floating motionlessly in a space station a 50 kg women pushes a 100 kg man. He sails away at 1.0 m/s. Which of the following is true? Newtons third law a) The force the women puts on the man is greater than the force the man puts on the woman b) The force the women puts on the man is less than the force the man puts on the woman c) The force the women puts on the man is equal to the force the man puts on the woman d) The force the women puts on the man depends on the center of mass of the woman and the man

32. While floating motionlessly in a space station a 50 kg women pushes a 100 kg man. He sails away at 1.0 m/s. Which of the following is true? a) The change in momentum of the women is greater than the mans change in momentum b) The change in momentum of the women is less than the mans change in momentum c) The change in momentum of the women is equal to the mans change in momentum d) The change in momentum of the women is zero because the momentum is transferred to the man If the change in momentum is the same then the impulse will also be the same 33. A tank car coasting frictionlessly horizontally along the rails has a leak in its bottom and dribbles several thousand gallons of water onto the roadbed. In the process it a) b) c) d) e) speeds up slows down remains at the same speed loses momentum gains momentum

34. An open railroad car filled with coal is coasting frictionlessly. A person on board starts throwing the coal horizontally backward straight off the car, one chunk at a time. The car a) b) c) d) e) speeds up slows down travels at a constant speed speeds up and then slows down speeds up or slows down depending on the horizontal speed of the coal

35. A can of whipped cream floating in space develops a hole in the bottom from which it squirts backward a mess of gas and cream at a constant speed with respect to the can. The can will a) b) c) d) e) accelerate forward (assuming the gas and cream are escaping) move forward at a constant speed remain at rest first speed up and then slow down when the gas runs out none of the above

36. In an elastic collision in a closed system

1. Kinetic energy is conserved 2. Linear momentum is conserved 3. Kinetic energy is lost a) I only b) II only c) III only d) I and II e) II and III

37. A 100-kg pitching machine (excluding the baseball) is placed on a frozen pond. he machine fires a 0.!0-kg baseball "ith a speed of 3# m$s in the horizontal friction. %hat is the recoil speed of the pitching machine& (Assume negligible friction.) a) b) c) d) 0.1! m$s 0.'( m$s 0.70 m$s !.!)103 m$s

Show your work to receive credit for this problem po = p 0 = mb vb + mp vp 0 kg m/s = .40 kg ( 35 m/s ) + ( 100 kg) ( v ) v = -.14 m/s velocity therefore a speed of .14 m/s 3(. A 3.0-kg ob*ect mo+es to the right at !.0 m$s. ,t collides head-on "ith a -.0-kg ob*ect mo+ing at - !.0 m$s. %hich statement is correct& a) b) c) he total momentum both before and after the collision is 1' kg.m$s. he total momentum both before and after the collision is -1' kg.m$s. he total momentum before the collison is /1' kg.m$s0 and after the collision is 0 kg.m$s. d) he total momentum before the collison is -1' kg.m$s0 and after the collision is 0 kg.m$s. e) he total momentum both before and after the collision is zero. 1ho" 2our "ork to recei+e credit for this problem po = m1v1 + m2v2 3.0 kg ( 4.0 m/s ) + 6.0 kg ( - 4.0 m/s ) = - 12 kg m/s 33. A 1000-kg car tra+eling at #0 m$s runs into the rear of a stopped car that has a mass of 1#00 kg and the2 stick together. %hat is the speed of the cars after the collision&

a) b) c) d) e)

#.0 m$s 10 m$s 1# m$s 20 m/s '# m$s

1ho" 2our "ork in order to recei+e credit for this problem po = p mc voc = ( mc + mc2 ) v12 mc voc = v12 = 1000 kg ( 50 m/s) = 20 m/s ( mc + mc2 ) (1000 kg + 1500 kg)

!0. A #0 kg mo+ing /'0 m$s collides head-on "ith a stationar2 ball of mass 100 kg. he collision is elastic. %hat is the speed of each ball immediatel2 after the collision& a) b) c) d) /-.7 m$s and -13.!7 m$s -6.7 m/s and +13.47 m/s --.7 m$s and /3.3 m$s /-.7 m$s and -3.3 m$s

1ho" 2our "ork in order to recei+e credit for this problem Light onto h av! "i## ca$s th #ight to % v %s di% ction and th h av! to mov &o%"a%d Therefore a and d are not possible 50 kg ( 20 m/s ) = 50 kg ( v1) + 100 kg ( v2) 50 kg ( 20 m/s ) = 50 kg ( -6.7 m/s ) + 100 kg ( 13.47 m/s ) 1000 Goodson = - 350 Goodson + 1350 Goodson 50 kg ( 20 m/s ) = 50 kg ( -6.7 m/s ) + 100 kg ( 3.3 m/s ) 41. What is the impulse of the following collision? Show your work.

Impulse = Area = b h = (.5s - .1s ) ( 10 N ) = 2 N s Force as a function of time for the collision of a cart on a 'all
12 Force in Ne'tons 1! 3 1 & 2 ! 22 ! !.2 !.& time in secon(s !.1 !.3 Se#ies1

42. What is the impulse of the following collision? Show your work. Impulse = Area = b h = (.9s - .1s ) ( 5.0 N ) = 2 N s Force as a function of time for the collision of a cart on a 'all
1 ' force in ne'tons & ( 2 1 ! 21 ! !.2 !.& !.1 !.3 1 1.2 time in secon(s Se#ies1

43. Which of the above collisions involves a larger average force and why? Shorter Time larger force Larger time smaller force F=p=2Ns =5N F = p = 2 N s = 2.5 N t (.5-.1 s) (.9s-.1s)


Using a ballistic pendulum what must be known in order to determine the original velocity of the pendulum. 1) mass of bullet 2) mass of pendulum 3) change in height of pendulum/ball system vob = ( mb + mp) 2 g h mb

45. What is conserved when a paint ball collides with the pendulum mbvob = ( mb + mp) vbh vob = ( mb + mp ) vbh mb the momentum of the ball and the pendulum the kinetic energy of the ball and pendulum the momentum and kinetic energy of the ball and pendulum neither the momentum or kinetic energy of the ball and pendulum

a. b. c. d.

46. What is conserved when a paint ball and pendulum swing to a maximum height. a. b. c. d. the momentum of the ball and the pendulum the energy of the ball and pendulum the momentum and energy of the ball and pendulum neither the momentum or energy of the ball and pendulum

( mb + mp) vbp2 = ( mb + mp) g h vbp2 = g h vbp2 = 2 g h vbp = 2 g h

vob = ( mb + mp ) 2 g h mb

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