Udl Unit Plan - Proviences Lesson 6
Udl Unit Plan - Proviences Lesson 6
Udl Unit Plan - Proviences Lesson 6
Universal Design for Learning Representation 1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information: pictures, text, maps, power point presentation. 1.2 Offer alternatives for visual information: power point, maps, pictures. 2.5 Illustrate through multiple media: power point, white board. 3.1 Activate or supple background knowledge: Bell work/APK for each lesson. 3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships: using the maps to show the relationship of NB to Canada and the world.
Outcomes GCO: Provincial Identity - Place SCO: 3.1.1 locate their province in the Atlantic region, Canada, North America, and the world 3.1.2 describe the major physical features, climates, and vegetation of their province and the Atlantic region 3.1.3 examine where people live and how people make a living in their province SWBAT (in student friendly terms): Over the next few lessons we as a class will identify New Brunswick on a map of Canada and the world. Talk about some major physical features of Atlantic Canada, the people and where they work. Assessment (formative/summative, self/peer) What prior data is informing your instruction? Students will be assessed on a knowledge target by their ability to identify the cities on the map of New Brunswick. The skill targets will include observational assessment of the students plotting those labels on the map provided. Bell work question: On the map of New Brunswick, at your desk, please label as many cities in NB as you can What assessment strategies will measure the learning from the outcomes? Students will complete bell work of naming as many cities on the map of New Brunswick as they can. This will provide an opportunity to assess their prior knowledge of the topic. After covering the map of New Brunswick and highlighting some of key points about the province, we will assess students understanding by observational assessment while they complete the designing a stamp activity. After a class/group presentation of the stamp a summative assessment will be tallied for each student based on their participation in the class discussion, their knowledge of the material, stamp depiction, and understanding of the outcomes of provincial identity. Timeline / Elaboration Before (APK) 5-10m Bell work: Ask students to name and label a map with as many cities as they know on the map of NB. Question: On the map of New Brunswick at your desk please label as many cities in NB as you can
Required Materials, Tools and Technology Computer White board Power point (See attached) SMART Board Internet access Handouts (see attached) http://www.timeforkids.com/fil es/TFK_USPS_0.pdf Coloring utensils Chart paper Tourism NB Video http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=0fVLi6v72-c
Special Concerns At this time we are not aware of any special considerations that need accommodation and therefore we are designing our lesson around the multiple intelligences. The teacher will ensure a classroom temperature of 22C has been established to allow for optimal learning.
Action and Expression 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies: students will be able to look at maps, pictures and also produce a stamp within their table groups. 5.1 Use multiple media for communication: power point, pictures, maps. 5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition: using coloring utensils to create a stamp activity, coloring map of NB, and directions.
Differentiation Showing a power point, using maps, pictures and videos will appeal to our visual, kinaesthetic, Verbal/Linguistic, Muisical and Mathematical/Logical learners.
In-Class Support Computer SMART Board Internet access Tourism NB Video http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=0fVLi6v72-c
Engagement 8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives: the agenda and unit/lesson objectives will be placed on the white board and reviewed with the students for each lesson. 8.3 Foster collaboration and community: Working within their table groups, students will be able to collaborate with their peers. 9.1 Develop self-assessment and reflection: Students will be able to work individually for the bell work to assess their own prior knowledge of the topic and reflect on previous lessons.
During 25m Answers to the bell work will be given to the students and I will label a map on the overhead with the 8 cities of New Brunswick by the teacher so students can visually see the location of each city. I will provide a detailed explanation of New Brunswick in accordance with the NB curriculum.. The topic I have selected to cover in this lesson is set forth by the curriculum document as: 3.1.3 examine where people live and how people make a living in their province I will show a power point (see attached) about the areas of New Brunswick and discuss how people live and where they work in NB. Since this is the last lesson in the unit on place, I would like to tie the lessons all together by an activity about New Brunswick. After the description of the people of the province, the students will be asked in their table groups to design a stamp for the province of NB. I will quickly review the previous lesson why stamps are important in a popcorn style question period and examine a sample of a Canadian stamp with the class. On the handout provided to the students, it reminds students of the components of a stamp by giving a picture example of a stamp from the previous lesson. I will review this handout prior to the activity and check for understanding before students begin the activity. On chart paper provided, students will need to design a stamp for NB in their table groups. Students will be given approximately 8 10 minutes to complete the activity. After completing the activity the groups will present their stamp design and why they included the components into a stamp. Opportunity for individual/small group instruction This lesson provides opportunities for the students and myself to interact with each other as well as the student with their peers. There will group discussions as well as group work within the groups. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on the material during the group activity. They will also have the opportunity to critically think about the lesson when they design a stamp for New Brunswick. After 5m Once all groups have presented, I will wrap up the lesson and review the handout, the outcomes, and answer any questions the students may have about the lesson. Then show a video from Tourism NB to wrap up the Place unit on NB. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fVLi6v72-c)
Cross-curricular Connections Language Arts: GCO: 1 Students will speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. Visual Arts: Outcome Gr. 3-5: Describe artworks using appropriate vocabulary.
Reflection After visualizing the unit through the lesson plans, I am excited to see how it all comes together. I cannot wait to see what the students come up with for their stamp design. I feel confident that the students will enjoy the ability to be creative in this lesson.