Democracy & Re Localization
Democracy & Re Localization
Democracy & Re Localization
Breakouts on
“Democracy & Relocalization:
Applying Democracy in the Face of Corporate Power”
Notes by Ruth Caplan. Alliance for Democracy
These two breakout sessions were designed on a participatory model around three questions:
What we are doing now; What we would like to be doing; Who we’d like to work with. Resource
people attending the workshop included: Dave Lewit, Alliance for Democracy; Suren Moodliar,
Mass Global Action; Adam Friedman, Citizens for Voter Choice; and May Louie, Dudley Street
Neighborhood Initiative.
The notes from the two breakout sessions were combined to share the richness of both sessions
and to encourage wider collaboration. Any additions/corrections are most welcome.
Specific initiatives
• Promote participatory budgeting
o Control the use of taxpayer dollars in order to humanize our representative system
o Give people a direct say in how tax dollars are spent in their neighborhood
• Establish real home rule for MA communities and cities
o Idea of home rule is not having to ask the state legislature for permission to pass
local budget or pass ordinances to protect the community
o MA home rule law still requires localities to request permission of state
• Create a grassroots movement connecting food, environment and health
• Use IRV to create space for more parties and more platforms
• Use Community Development banks to support community value system and get people
to cooperate
We hardly had any time to address this, but in the second workshop, there were a few specific
• Artists and musicians
• Getting beyond white privilege and realizing other voices are not being heard
o Form personal relationships as basis for reaching out
o Reach out to help others, rather than asking others to help you, which means
taking the time to understand what specific communities really care about and
how you can build support in your own community
• Boston Workers Alliance (unfortunately they were not able to join either workshop)
o Build support in your neighborhood for CORI reform (Criminal Offender Record
Information) The CORI reform bill for which Commonwealth CORI Coalition is
lobbying (History: H3523/S1608)
Working together is really up to all of us. In the two breakout sessions, there were many
wonderful participants. We are sharing names, e-mails, phone numbers so you can be in
touch with each other and find ways to work together.