Extra Points
Extra Points
Extra Points
Sources: Unless indicated, most points found in A Manual of Acupuncture, Peter Deadman, 2009. Ot er: Acupuncture: A Practical Guide to Classical and Modern Usage, Patrick Cunning am, 2000
Tai'an% !Greater% #upreme 7ang! .#olar Grace/ p. &'8 (ocation: 2n depression appro9imatel1 * cun posterior to t e midpoint 0et3een t e lateral end of t e e1e0ro3 and t e outer cant us. 2n deepest depression. "unction: Clear eat, reduce s3elling, mo$e local stagnation, 0enefit t e e1es (iton% !:ose ;pening! p. &'< (ocation: At t e top of t e nasola0ial groo$e, =ust inferior to t e ma9illa 0one. "unction: ;pen t e nose, Clear eat and deto9 fire poison. !:ose 2nflammation! p. &0*, Cunning am (ocation: (ateral to t e midline of t e nose, 0et3een 0one and cartilage, at t e top of t e triangle formed 01 t e 0one and cartilage. "unction: Clear eat and mo$e local stagnation.
)in*in +L,, &u'e +R, !Golden "luid % (i,uid, >ade "luid! p. &80 (ocation: "ound on t e su0lingual $eins on eit er side of t e frenulum of t e tongue. "unction: Clear eat and reduce s3elling, open orifices .mout , t roat/, speec (ailao !-undred (a0ors % ?a9ations! p. &'9 (ocation: 2 cun a0o$e and * cun lateral to G+*). "unction: ?ransform P legm and reduce s3elling, :ouris (ung and alle$iate coug Anmian !Peaceful #leep! (ocation: Mid3a1 0et3een ?4*8 and G520. @Ma1 0e near % on G5 *2. "unction: ?reats insomnia p. &'9
&ao'an !(um0ar H1es! (ocation: Appro9imatel1 E.& cun lateral to G+ E. .()/ "unction: 5enefits t e Iidne1s and strengt ens t e lo3 0ack.
S i.i/ ui0ia +)osen, !5elo3 *8t +erte0ra! p. &8) (ocation: 5elo3 t e spinous process of (&, on t e posterior midline. "unction: 5enefits t e Iidne1 and mo$es t e Go$erning +essel, Begulates t e C ong and Ben $essels. Good for urinar1 pro0lems, g1necological pro0lems and mo$ing t e fetus. -ei%uan0ias u !#tomac Controller (o3er # u! .Pancreas # u/ (ocation: *.& lateral to t e lo3er 0order of t e spinous process of ?<. "unction: Clears eat, generates fluids p. &8E
Liniao !Promote Urination! p. &0&, Cunning am (ocation: ;n t e anterior midline, 2.& cun 0elo3 t e um0ilicus, alf3a1 0et3een C+) and C+ &. "unction: Clear eat and promote urination, #top diarr ea, alle$iate intestinal pain.
2i%on%+0ue, !Uterus Point! % !Palace of t e C ild! p. &8' (ocation: ) cun 0elo3 t e um0ilicus, E cun lateral to t e anterior midline. "unction: :ouris es t e 0lood and regulates menstruation, Begulates ,i and alle$iates pain. San*iao*iu 3 4ipan% A?riangle Mo9a0ustionJ % A5eside t e :a$el Points p.&8'% p.&0& Cunning am (ocation: H,uilateral triangle 3it na$el as ape9, sides e,ual to 3idt of mout .smile/ "unction: ?reats a0dominal disorders suc as diarr ea, Shan disorder, Running Piglet, pain etc., Can 0e used for infertilit1 due to cold in uterus .mo9a/ @often treated 3it mo9a onl1 3% na$el Xion%tan% AC est -allJ (ocation: (ateral 0order of t e sternum, le$el 3it C+*8 "unction: :ouris es 7in K 5enefits Li, Mo$es Li of c est :o needle% Mo9a onl1 .usuall1 direct t read mo9a/ p. &0), Cunning am
S i0uan !?en Dispersing % Diffusions % Draining! p. &8< (ocation: "ound on t e tips of all t e fingers. @Generall1 0led, not needled. "unction: #moot es and Bestores t e ,i, Bestores collapse, Be$erses states of stagnation, pressure or to9icit1. Sifen% !"our Cracks % #eams! p. &8< (ocation: ;n t e palmer surface of t e inde9, middle, ring and little fingers, in t e center crease of t e pro9imal interp alangeal =oint .P2P =oint/. "unction: ?onif1 t e #pleen and Promote digestion, Clear eat and mo$e stagnation of digestate. @good for mala0sor0tion pro0lems in c ildrenM prick to e9tract 1ello3 fluid. !Hig t G osts % Pat ogens! p. &89 (ocation: .'/ are on t e dorsum of 0ot ands, mid3a1 0et3een t e margin of t e finger 3e0s and t e metacarpalFp alangeal =oint, 3 en a loose fist is made. .2/ are on dorsum of 0ot ands pro9imal to margin of 3e0 0et3een t um0 and inde9 finger. "unction: Clears eat and reduces s3elling, Deto9es poison @sore t roat, red e1e
Luo/ en !Contracted ;cciput!, !#tiff :eck! p. &<0 (ocation: ;n t e dorsum of t e and, 0et3een t e 2nd and Erd metacarpals, appro9. 0.& cun posterior to t e metacarpalFp alangeal =oint. .similar to ?4E/ "unction: Good for 3 iplas , stiff neck, neck sprain. &aoton%0ue !(um0ar Pain Point! p. &<0 (ocation: ?3o points on t e dorsum of eac and, 0et3een t e 2nd 6 Erd and t e )t and &t metacarpals, in a depression distal to =unction of metacarpals. .mid3a1 0et3een t e 3rist crease and t e metacarpoFp alangeal =oint/. "unction: ?reats acute lo3 0ack pain, lum0ar sprain .esp. if oneFsided/.
(ocation: 2n t e depression =ust pro9imal to t e midpoint of t e superior 0order of t e patella. "unction: Clears eat and 5enefits t e knee =oint.
Xi'an !H1es of t e Inee!, !Calf :ose! p. &<)
(ocation: A pair of points in t e t3o depressions, medial and lateral to t e patellar ligament, found 3it t e knee fle9ed. "unction: 5enefits t e knee =oint and reduces s3elling. "annan% Xue !Gall0ladder Point! p. &<&
(ocation: *F2 cun 0elo3 .B/ G5E), most tender point upon palpation. "unction: ?reats gallstones, acute C olec1stitis and postFsurgical gall0ladder pain. Lan8ei0ue !Appendi9 Point! p. &<)
(ocation: Appro9imatel1 2 cun 0elo3 .B/ #?E', palpate for most tender point. "unction: Clears eat and alle$iates pain, Mo$es and un0locks t e intestines. Nao4in% !Clear t e 5rain Point! p. &*9, Cunning am
(ocation: 2 cun pro9imal to #?)*, on a line connecting #?)* and #?E&. "unction: 2mpro$es mental clarit1 and memor1, mo$es local stagnation. S imian !2nsomnia Point! p.&*9, Cunning am
(ocation: At t e midpoint of t e 0ottom of t e eel. @@>AP location N more posterior "unction: Descends ,i from t e ead and Calms spirit. (afen% !Hig t 4inds! p. &<'
(ocation: ;n t e dorsum of t e foot, in t e depression 0et3een t e toes, .& cun pro9imal to t e margin of t e toe 3e0s. .) on eac foot/ "unction: Clears eat and regulates menstruation, Beduces eat and s3elling of t e foot. #ontraindications 3 Precautions: No 1o0a: Tai'an%, &u'ao, (iton%, (i'an, S i0uan, Sifen%, Luo/ en, &aoton%0ue, Lan8ei0ue, Anmien, Xi'an +some te0ts, No Needle, 1o0a onl': S imian, Liniao +durin% pre%nanc',, Xi'an +caution 83*oint capsule,, Xion%tan% #ontraindicated durin% pre%nanc': 2i%on%+0ue,, Liniao +see a5o9e,, 4ipan%, 4imen
E0tra Points not co9ered in Point I : II: +"eadman & #unnin% am /: "eadman: Liu ou .A5e ind t e 5allJ/, Hr=ian .A?ip of t e HarJ/, >iac eng=iang .AAd=acent to Container of "luidsJ/, -ai,uan .A#ea #pringJ/, -uanmen .AGate of #ufferingJ/, ?ituo .A(ift and #upportJ/, G ou=ian .AHl0o3 ?ipJ/, 5aic ong3o .A-undred 2nsect 5urro3J/ #unnin% am onl': Dang1ang .AAt 7angJ/, Limen .ALi DoorJ/, Du1in .A#ingular 7inJ/, :ei uai=ian .AMedial Maleolus ?ipJ/, 4ai uai=ian .A(ateral Maleolus ?ipJ/, (ongOuan .ADragon M1ster1J/
#P% 20*2