CAS Reflections

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CAS Reections!

Enterprise (Creative, service)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" In my position as combined chief visionary ofcer and chief marketing ofcer, my roles involved both dealing with core business strategy and marketing. The latter involved use of creativity as well as leadership skills in order to produce and distribute marketing materials, including promotional videos and posters. As chief visionary ofcer, it was my duty to help decide how the business could most efciently be run. The communication skills required to lead and motivate volunteering peoples is one potential area for development.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" In producing promotional materials, I had to use new and unfamiliar technologies. Our proposed ventures required many permissions before we could commence planning; gaining these was often challenging due to the very bureaucratic systems in place. Another challenge involved the often tight deadlines for project completions, which involved time management. Persuading people, from within and outside the group, to partake in promotional activities was somewhat challenging.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" As chief visionary ofcer, core business strategy was one area I was involved in. This included determining what activities should be carried out and when. Some activities planned and initiated with my input include inter alia a concert, Christmas card selling, and bake sales.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" The enterprise group is run in a business style manner. As a c-level executive my role was crucial in leading my subordinates and to maximise their productivity.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" Enterprise was run hebdomadally during lunch times however as an executive it was necessary to attend additional meetings with members of staff and other team members, both during and after school hours. Similarly the production and selling of products involved additional time, for example the promotional videos were lmed during lunch and break times but edited after school.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" All prots from our ventures were donated to the charities involved with the travel and adventure program. Alleviating poverty is an issue discussed globally by political and business leaders, and is one of the millennium development goals. Although relatively small, our contributions to charitable organisations help to reduce the issue of poverty.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" When dealing with charity and related issues, it is very important to consider ethical consequences of actions. One example of how we considered potential ethical implications concerned the proposed usage of our retained prots from the previous academic year, which had been promised to certain Cambodian charities. It was proposed that we could use this as funding for our new products, Christmas cards, and repay it after selling these, however if, as was a possibility, our prot from the selling of the Christmas cards was not enough to repay the borrowed money, it could be considered equivalent to stealing from charity. This issue was no longer applicable when the school offered to, in exchange for using our card design as the school Christmas card, pay for our printing costs. Other ethical issues involved non-maximisation of our time, and in particular whether certain disruptive individuals should be allowed to continue in enterprise. It was decided unanimously by the executive team that a mass ring of non-useful group


members should carried out, and this resulted in a visible boost in our productivity, allowing our charitable contributions to be increased.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" In my key leadership position, my communicative skills were improved. I also learnt business related skills.#


Basketball (Action)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" Developed basketball skills and playing as part of a team.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" Tried new unfamiliar positions on the court, for example defensive roles.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" Being a team sport, working together is extremely important.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" Even when playing on a losing team, I put in as much effort as when winning. I attended quite regularly.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" Developed team skills as well as increased understanding of basketball including rules, techniques and tactics.#


2020 English Teaching Project (Creative, service)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" Involved communication skills, one possible area for development. It also involved teaching skills and preparation. In many circumstances the pupil asked questions and suffered problems unforeseen, and thinking quickly to resolve these was very important.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" It was a new challenge to communicate with a person speaking a different language, and even harder to teach.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" We planned a Christmas themed lesson in which all pupils worked collaboratively. There were also other lessons which were conducted in groups.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" When teaching we worked in pairs. Working in parallel with my partner was imperative, to avoid repetition and to ensure that each of were not trying to lead the lesson to a different area.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" Outside teaching time, we created resources for use in lessons, and also rough lesson plans.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" Learnt about the issues faced by people that cannot communicate in English.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" The possibility of teaching incorrect things, for example wrong grammar, was considered, however it was impossible to ensure these did not happen, as our understanding of the English language is not perfect, however to reduce such mistakes, textbooks and other teaching resources were often used and consulted. Another issue concerned time management, for example by arriving late we deprived our student of knowledge.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" Learnt how to teach basic English and learnt about some aspects Chinese language and culture.#


Cambodia Trip 2013 (Creative, action, service)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" I learnt that I am good at shovelling gravel, however there is area for improvement in my sand shovelling skills, as sand sediments are more ne.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" The entire trip was very challenging. We were forced to wake up at an unreasonably early time each morning, and then had no choice but to eat stale food only suitable for the lowest classes of society. Following this we were coerced to act as slaves completing manual labour tasks, including shovelling and carrying gravel and mud. The short lunch break only rewarded us with food so terrible that it made me hunger for my roommates esh. After our break we returned to the schools to continue our activities in the heat and humidity. In the evenings we were sent to the town centre where we had our only decent meals, although surrounded by sounds including the screeches of begging children, shouts of prostitute touting salesmen and beeping rickshaw drivers alongside the clinks of from the silverware. Back in the hotel, I had difculty sleeping because the beds were excessively hard, and my roommate made strange sounds in the bathroom throughout most of the night.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" We planned how to avoid the throng of rickshaw drivers that attempted to molest us. Our planning proved to be mostly inadequate.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" I had to collaborate with others in order to survive.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;! For the entire trip I was committed to creating maximum levels of banter." Prior to the trip I raised money to ensure that we would have enough resources to complete tasks in the schools. Throughout the trip I had to persevere at many stages. When leaving our rooms, it was almost impossible to exit without injuring our hands on the door handles, in one case leading to signicant bleeding. Through perseverance I discovered a technique to avoid this. When doing the manual labour tasks, it was very challenging to not become covered in lth. Through perseverance I learnt how to combat this challenge. When paving dirt paths it was very hard to carry the concrete tiles. Through perseverance I managed to. During meals it was a struggle to swallow every bite. Through perseverance I learnt how to combat this. Whilst working it was extremely challenging to deal with the heat. Through perseverance and using sunblock I succeeded in managing the effects of this heat. At one point the basket I was using to carry gravel broke. After this incident I persevered to ensure that the new baskets I used would not break, and succeeded.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" I helped ensure that impoverished young Cambodians have access to decent education facilities by paving dirt paths and creating recycling bins. ! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;! I considered the effects of my actions on the people surrounding me, including the school's students and other locals.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" I developed my shovelling skills and also learnt how to carry sand and gravel. I was taught how to cut fruit as part of a Cambodian cooking course, and have found this skill to be very useful, although exceptionally hard to master. #


Photography (Creative)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" I learnt that I am quite good at framing shots but that I need to focus more on composition. ! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" I experimented with different styles such as street photography, macro photography and low light photography.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" Not applicable. ! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" I collaborated with other photographers by modelling for their photographs. This helped my photography because I was able to learn how other photographers think whilst composing their shots. ! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" I applied the new skills I had acquired outside of school when taking photographs, including applying the techniques to iPhoneography and snapchats.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" Not applicable. ! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" Learnt how to alter camera settings to improve photographs. ! #


Tennis (Action)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;" Although I was already adept at playing tennis, there was potential for me to improve my technique, for example by incorporating more topspin and improving the ball toss for my serves.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" My training involved some unfamiliar situations, for example I was not very accustomed to playing from near the net.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" I had to plan session timings with my coach and book courts for these times.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" I played some doubles matches which involved working with my partner.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" I used the feedback from my coach to improve my technique.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" I developed an array of skills relating to tennis, including gripping the racket, running around the court, winning matches and handling tennis balls.#


Gym (Action)! CAS Objective One: Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth;! To improve I could experience gains in my deltoids, abs, forearms and triceps. My major strength is having massive pectorals.! CAS Objective Two: Undertaking new challenges;" It has been very challenging to deal with my massive gains.! CAS Objective Three: Planning and initiation of activities;" I had to contact my personal trainer to arrange sessions.! CAS Objective Four: Collaboration with others;" I collaborated with my personal trainer to get more gains.! CAS Objective Five: Perseverance and commitment to work;" At the start I persevered even though my gains were minimal. Through commitment to my training I began to experience huge gains.! CAS Objective Six: Engagement with issues of global importance;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Seven: Consideration of ethical implication of actions;" Not applicable.! CAS Objective Eight: Development of new skills;" I improved my lifting technique

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