Words of Wisdom From Imam Ali (AS)

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Words of

Wisdom from
Imam Ali (AS)

Selections from the sayings and

preaching of Amir Al-Muminin Ali ibn This saying comprises two
abi Talib (peace be upon him) phrases:

1. Amir al-muminin, peace be The first sentence relates to

upon him, said: charity and Amir al-muminin
Incapability is a catastro- has described it as an effec-
phe; endurance is bravery; tive cure, because when a
abstinence is riches; self- man helps the poor and the
restraint is a shield (against destitute by charity they pray
sin); and the best compan- for his health and recovery
ion is submission (to from the depth of their hearts
Allah’s will). and therefore their prayer is
granted and brings him cure.
2. Amir al-muminin, peace be In this connection, there is
upon him, said: Knowledge the saying of the Holy
is a venerable estate; good prophet that, “Cure your
manners are new dresses; sick by charity.”
and thinking is a clear mir-
ror. The second sentence relates
to the disclosure of actions
3. Amir al-muminim, peace be on the Day of Judgment,
upon him, said: Charity is namely that the good and bad
an effective cure, and the deeds which a person per-
actions of people in their forms in this world cannot be
present life will be before perceived by human senses
their eyes in the next life. because of the veil of materi-

74 ■ ......... The Seeker • First Year • No. 1 • February 2004

al elements but on the Day of quence of fear is disap-
Judgment when material cur- pointment and of bashful-
tains will be lifted they will ness is frustration.
so appear before the eye that Opportunity passes away
there will be no possibility of like the cloud. Therefore,
denial by anyone. Thus, make use of good opportu-
Allah has said: nities.

On that day shall so come If a man fears that people

out people (from their may think him ignorant and
graves) in therefore feels bashful in
(scattered) groups, to be asking an important and nec-
shown their own deeds. essary issue then this mis-
Then he who has placed bashfulness would
done an atom-weight of result in his being deprived
good shall see it. And he of knowledge. Therefore, no
who has done an atom- sane person should feel bash-
weight of evil shall see it ful about making enquiries.
(Quran, 99: 6-8) Thus, an old man who was
learning despite old age was
4. Amir al-muminin, peace be asked whether he did not feel
upon him, said: Meet peo- ashamed of learning in old
ple in such a manner that if age and he replied: “I do not
you die they should weep feel shame for ignorance dur-
for you and if you live they ing old age, then how can I
should long for you. feel shame for learning in old
age.” Of course, to feel
To the person who behaves shame in doing things which
with others with benignity are really bad and mischie-
and good manners, people vous is the essence of
extend their hand of coopera- humanity and nobility; for
tion, they honor and respect instance, those immoral acts
him and shed tears after his which are bad according to
death. Therefore, a person religion, intelligence and
should lead such an agree- ethics. In any case, the first
able life that no one should kind of bashfulness is bad
have any complaint against and the second one is good.
him, nor should he cause any In this connection, the Holy
harm to anyone so that dur- Prophet’s saying is that:
ing life he should attract oth- Bashfulness is of two kinds,
ers and after death too he bashfulness of intelligence
should be remembered in and bashfulness of foolish-
good words. ness. The bashfulness of
intelligence is knowledge
5. Amir al-muminin, peace be whereas the bashfulness of
upon him, said: The conse- foolishness is ignorance.

......... The Seeker • First Year • No. 1 • February 2004 ■ 75

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