Journal08 - pg32-35

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The Journal

Product does not matter, Service does

Shri Jagendra Kumar
Corporate Head (Trg.)
Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd., Jaipur.

While insurance is a price competitive arena, trust as part of the project - shortsightedly frittering away the
and customer service play huge roles in attracting and value.
retaining customers. Excellent customer service is the ASSURANCE Vs INSURANCE:
key to gaining new customers and customer retention.
Recognizing their inability to develop truly proprietary The Concise Oxford Dictionary brings out the subtle
products in the fast-moving global environment, many difference between the two terms. Assurance refers to
Insurers are migrating towards the supply of services those insurance policies which guarantee payment on
to generate growth. This is a shortsighted strategy. death of the person whose life is insured or on expiry
“Services” are knowledge intensive and typically local. of the prescribed period, whereas insurance refers to
This type of business is usually subject to intense local those policies where payment would be made only in the
competition and cannot easily be scaled up for consistent prescribed circumstances - death or accident happening
revenue growth and profit margins. India has a vast within a specified period. Both Life and General
potential that is waiting to be tapped and this could be insurance segments are regulated by the IRDA. While
achieved when sufficient competition is generated and it the life insurance has nothing to do with Tariffs, general
is exposed to the developments in the rest of the world. insurance market was dominated by tariffs. January 1,
The insurance sector was, therefore, opened up for private 2008 heralded the long-awaited de-tariffed or free-pricing
sector participation with provision for limited foreign regime, lifting pricing restrictions in the motor and fire &
equity exposure. We have now seven years experience engineering segments that form about 70% of the general
of the public and private sector operating together in the insurance business in India. De-tariffing is the biggest
market. Inflexion point for the industry since liberalization. The
move comes in the wake of partial pricing flexibility
Insurers are attempting growth through systems introduced in January last year, and will culminate in the
integration and services must recognize that their services impending product-wording flexibility from April 2008.
offerings put them into direct competition with some Tariffs have long compelled general insurance companies
of their best customers – the local systems integrators. to operate under a fixed price band and to stick to policy
It is true that the manufacturer has the advantage of wordings set by Insurance Regulatory and Development
additional margins and proprietary product applications Authority. Further, they didn’t have the liberty to offer
knowledge – but the integrator has the advantage incentives to the insured to get covered for specific risks,
of being local and can often defect to competitors’ or to downplay coverage in areas where there is scope to
products. With aging technology, many products are remain self-insured.
becoming commodities - available from several sources
with marginally different features and benefits. At this A SLEW OF CHANGES:
stage, the lowest cost producer usually wins. In a global Now, with the opening up of the market, a slew of changes
market, requirements change quickly, margins shrink are in the offing: reduced premium prices, increased
and remotely based suppliers lose market-share. Today, product customization, focus on risk-based pricing and
lots of products have melted away through rapid and improved customer services. With the cap on pricing
widespread dissemination of the information in the gone, de-tariffing will bolster innovation and creativity
global arena. Practical knowledge that produces need among insurers. Differential pricing is, however, subject
based quality products at low cost has now become to IRDA approval to protect the policy holder’s interests.
a commodity - everyone knows how to do it. In many Players are likely to focus on risk-based pricing, which
cases, the western world chased cheap products in the will help insurers make a proper assessment of the risks to
Far East and educated the locals with their knowledge which a client is exposed, and tailor the product to cover

January-June 2008

those risks — at a price compatible with such risks. This premiums will vary depending on driving, usage and
will entail substantial investment in risk advisory and risk maintenance records. Insurance is a cyclical industry that
management tools, technology and systems, and client. functions on demand and supply dynamics, and it will
So far, players focused on distribution reach, developing take anywhere from three to eight years for the industry
products and investing in technology, operations to stabilize. Margins and premiums may take a big hit in
and processes; the game will now shift to product motor and fire & engineering in the immediate future.
differentiation, segmentation, superior customer service The entry of new players will exert a further downward
and building brand image. Low margins in the corporate price pressure. Companies are looking at alternative
sector have forced insurers to turn their attention to the channels like ‘direct to customer’, the internet and
retail space. And de-tariffing will accelerate this shift in mobiles to reduce operational costs and acquire pan India
focus. The impact will be more pronounced in the motor presence. The introduction of any product or scheme
segment, which currently accounts for 45% of general involves a lot of research work and market feasibility
insurance premiums, as motor insurance is mandatory studies. Before designing the product, an insurer has to
for all vehicle owners and there’s a greater awareness make a comprehensive study of international benefits
here compared to fire & engineering. and the various models that are used in insurance
PSU’S Vs. PRIVATE: markets worldwide. In India, they conduct a study
of the consumers’ perception of a product and their
Which product should one choose for quick issuance, less expectations, the barriers to adoption and options in
cumbersome documentation, the plans offered and claim distribution. Insurers then come up with critical factors
settlement? The competition is between four government- which may ensure the success of new scheme.
owned companies, and all private players. PSUs suffer
mainly on account of issuance and settlement of claims. DISTRIBUTION PRACTICES:
PSUs even have more or less standard plans. Like in Intermediaries continue to play a pivotal role in distribution
health products, while they cover only accident and for their access to a larger number of individual and
sickness expenses, hospitalization, emergency (medical) corporate customers. The need for training, recruitment
evacuation, repatriation of remains and baggage loss, and professionalism has become greater, though, brokers
the private players also cover the baggage delay, loss of need to help customers sift through the maze of policies.
passport, flight delays etc. If there is a delay in take-off Not many brokers today fully understand the different
by more than 12 hours, one is given US $ 10 for meals. businesses or their clients’ needs. Many brokers have
The premium for a private insurance policy is Rs.5 or a ‘chalta hai’ attitude because rates were more or less
Rs.10 more than a PSU policy, but the add-ons and the fixed or standardized; now they need to show their
value for money is incomparable. New, aggressive players competence in specialized services to attract customers.
might use price as a means to grab market share. Industry Simple products, on the other hand, may be sold over the
players point out that this is a common phenomenon counter. In the UK, 60% of the motor insurance business is
witnessed in several countries that moved to free market done over the internet and phone. Internet sales will have
pricing. China, for instance, saw a great deal of blood- a limited role due to connectivity issues. Distribution costs
letting for two years. However, prices are expected to need to be one-tenth of urban levels. General insurance
move to realistic levels after companies factor in the claim companies are expected to play the volume game and
and servicing costs. As the industry matures, customers expand their base geographically to spread risks. As a
will learn to pay for the risks they get covered for, and result, rural forays — through NGOs, co-operative banks
for advice and services. Once IRDA allows companies to and government sponsored programmes — will get a
rejig terms and conditions of policies, segmentation will fillip. The challenge in rural areas will be establishing a
increase. Companies may offer specialized services to cater cost effective distribution mechanism while maintaining
to high net worth individuals/high-premium customers, service levels. As the focus shifts to ‘direct to customer’
and even track customer profiles on a one-to-one basis. marketing, branding will play a greater role.
Niche insurance firms are likely to enter the market. SERVICE LEVEL-THE BENCHMARK:
A WIN-WIN SITUATION: In the de-tariffed market service levels has become the
It’s a win-win situation for customers. They are in for benchmark for brand building and brand recall. Only
better bargain as they’ll need to pay only for the risks those insurers with a strong brand will survive. Customers
applicable to them. For example, in motor insurance, will have more room to negotiate for the best price and

The Journal

they will gravitate towards companies with strong brands. worlds, insurance agents and brokers are beginning
There are 18 general insurance companies right now, to offer customers the convenience of accessing their
with few more slated to enter the market this year. While accounts online. By doing so, policyholders can gain access
general insurance ad spends are only about 20% that of to their personal information and insurance coverage,
their life insurance counterparts, it is believed that this gap request changes to policies and download certificates of
will come down significantly. And given the number of insurance-all at the click of a mouse. With his unwavering
consumer touch-points involved distributors, sales people, focus on ways in which technology can improve the
call centre executives — from pre-sales to post-sales to relationship between customers and insurers, there is a
claims to renewals, investments in service standards are new breed of insurance industry Chiefs - one who strives
bound to multiply as well. Each interaction or experience to lead the company from a product and line-of-business-
has the potential to build or destroy the brand. centric orientation to a customer-centric paradigm.
In addition to the growth of insurance market the other The detariffed regime has begun in the insurance sector.
area where there is significant beneficial change with There is a complete change in the pricing pattern of
the entry of private insurance companies is the area of insurance products in the new regime. Insurance products
insurance intermediation. Till two years ago, the only shall henceforth be priced depending on the risk profile,
mode of distribution of insurance products was the claims history and the place of operation. Hence, premium
agent. The industry have today alternate channels like amounts vary from one person to another and also
bancassurance, brokers, corporate agents and direct depending on the topography. Of course, insurers have
marketing through internet. Though it is too early to
reduced rates on portfolios such as fire and householder’s
predict, bancassurance has the potential to emerge as a
policies where the claim ratio is less. Sometimes, software
significant distribution mechanism. Banks have not only
products billed as “business solutions” really end up
data from which they can identify potential clients, but
being part of the problem rather than part of the solution.
have also extensive reach and provide a point of contact
Steep learning curves for complex software, along with
for the insured. The Bank branch unlike an agent cannot
changes in process, can generate resistance in the very
be elusive after the sale of the product and has to respond
workers who are supposed to benefit from the solutions.
to the needs of the insured. If there is proper disclosure
Well-focused software products, however, really do solve
at the time of sale of policy and efficient post sale service,
there will be significant increase in the use of this model business problems and are welcomed by users. In the
by the insurers to enlarge their business. The insurance insurance industry, that translates into better customer
broker offers the most efficient distribution system service. Many people deal with customers within their
through which clients purchase commercial insurance. As own companies. Internal customers are those people and
the non-life insurance market opens gradually, the value employees who might use your services and products,
of the insurance broker’s role will be better understood. who reside in the same company. For example the
There are increasing opportunities to serve the needs of computer department and human resources department
midsize companies and small enterprises by delivering serve internal needs.
the specific services these clients need and in the way they CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT:
want them delivered. In spite of the proliferation of the
Now CRM technology can help improve customer
intermediary channels, the traditional agent continues to
service and customer contact. Communication with
play a dominant role in the sale of insurance policies.
customers and marketing often overlap since the same
CUSTOMER BASED INDUSTRY: strategies for communicating effectively with customers
While insurance is a price competitive arena, trust also result in good marketing. Here you’ll find material
and customer service play huge roles in attracting and to help you use information about your customers to
retaining customers. Learn more about best practices, communicate effectively. More companies are moving
customer service approaches in car, house, and business towards supplying self-service to customers to replace
insurance. Although the technology is still in its early face-to-face-contact. Call centers are often under-staffed
stages, more insurance agents and brokers are beginning and employees are over-worked. Now it has become
to embrace the concept of online customer self-service. important to improve customer service within the call
Like their counterparts in the banking and securities center environments.

January-June 2008

ULTIMATE CUSTOMER SERVICE: promise them a healthy life instead? It may take some
The new generation companies claim to grow by customer time to bring up in its current state and to make sure
service, and by tuning up technology, training staff, and it provides advantage to every stake holder. Insurance
tackling existing markets. Private players are picking up companies today are confronted with many challenges:
increasing losses partly due to higher costs for claims
market share from competitors. Most companies have
processing; lower investment revenues due to weak
information technology (IT) departments that are critical
equity markets; and impending loss of market share for
to the success of the business. They provide services
organizations where insurance is not the core business,
primarily to internal customers. Find information here
such as the automotive industry. The claim settlement in
about how IT and IT employees can improve the service
PSU companies does take a very long time due to red tape,
they provide to customers. The insurance industry has
but private companies have streamlined the process. In
witnessed increased convergence and consolidation.
the detariffed regime, general insurance companies have
Differentiation is difficult as products and services are
been allowed to fix their own prices for products offered
becoming commoditized. With technology emerging as
by them. Competition among insurers has led to falling
the key enabler and customer expectations increasing,
prices. But, to zero down on the cheapest deal, one needs
the insurance sector has to rethink the way services are
to know about other deals too. People want to cover their
configured and delivered. The nature of the industry
family, but don’t have the time to run after the agents
demands that records and transactions span a long period. of various companies to decide on a product? Internet’s
This underscores the need for process efficiencies. Insurers the way to go for the right selection. With policies and
also need to address diverse regulatory requirements and products available online, the cheapest deal could be
corporate governance demands driven by mandates such just a click away. Buying insurance online makes the
as the Insurance Act, 1938. task easier. For those looking for general insurance
DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES: products, such as health, home, travel or car insurance,
Indian insurance industry is witnessing a demographic the online version can be a boon in the detariffed regime.
Even pension plans provided by life insurers that come
change in the country and the younger generation which
without any life cover are ideal online plans to buy.
is exposed to the outside world demands products and
services which are at par with what is available in the Increasing revenue is especially possible by selling more
advanced countries. This is the biggest challenge. Indian policies and selling at lower risks. Insurance companies
insurance companies can face this challenge and provide have to identify the right customer segments (high
services on par with services provided in the advanced potential, low risk) and to address the right products. This
countries. The regulatory regime is happy to facilitate this also means reducing time-to-market for new products.
process whenever its intervention is required. At present, most people buy insurance products through
an individual agent or a bank. However, these entities
In addition to the growth of insurance market the other
normally deal with products of only one company. So,
area where there is significant beneficial change with the
you may not get the right deal at the right price from
entry of the private insurance companies is in the area of
them. It may be too early to say that corporates are jostling
insurance intermediation. If there is proper disclosure at for space in the health insurance market but they are
the time of sale of policy and efficient post sale service, there definitely trying hard to create a niche here. Those taking
will be significant increase in the use of intermediaries by lead are the life insurance companies and banks. Take the
the insurers to enlarge their business. The new insurance myriad offers in health that have sprung up in the last
shopping websites act as online brokers and help in few months— HDFC’s Health Plus International credit
access and compare deals offered by various companies, card, LIC’s critical care rider and Tata AIG’s insurance
and then pick the one best suited to customers Normal called Health First. Even ICICI Prudential, Bajaj Allianz
brokers, too, serve the same purpose, but their operations has come up with their health products. Their target is to
are largely restricted to high volumes and, hence, their increase revenue and achieve greater profitability while
main clients are corporate houses and big organizations. lowering process costs and still attracting more customers
Any insurer may have a long-standing dream to design a to the organization. To achieve this, insurance companies
product that truly is an end-to-end cover for the customer need to develop new sales channels and offer innovative
with the promise of low cost coverage. Why provide products. Also, proactive improvements in service and
treatment to people only when they are sick? Why not claims management are in great demand.


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