Dialogues For Beginners

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Dialogues for beginners

Dialogue 1 - Hello. My name's Pete. What's yours? - Ann - Nice name. I like it very much. - Thank you. You name's goo ! too. - It "as nice meeting you. - Thanks. It "as nice meeting you.

Dialogue 2 - What's the ate to ay! I "on er? - #un ay! the $th o% March. - What is it %amous %or? - &on't you kno"? It's International Women's &ay.

Dialogue 3 - Are lessons over? - Yes! they are. - Where're you going? Home? - No! to the 'ictures. My %rien 's "aiting %or me there. - (oo luck! then. (oo )ye. - Well! I'm o%%. #ee you later.

Dialogue 4 - Have you got any ho))ies? I have. I like *nglish. - #o o I. - &o you rea much? - Yes! )ecause I "ant to kno" *nglish "ell. - +h! let's talk *nglish %or a )it. - No o),ections to it.

Dialogue 5 - +h! ear! hurry u'- I'm trying to. - Well! come on. It's your %irst ay at school. - &o you "ant to )e late? - I'm rea y no". - +%% "e go-

Dialogue 6 - I on't think *nglish is easy. - Why o you think so? - .ecause I have to "ork har learning a lot )y heart.

Dialogue 7 - I'm going to )e an *nglish language teacher. - Why? - /or a num)er o% reasons. - What reasons! I "on er? - The main one is I like *nglish.

Dialogue 8 - What o you think the )est sort o% ,o) is? - *ngineering! I think. - I like me icine. - To my min the )est one is the one you like the most.

Dialogue 9 - I say! "here're you going? - To school! as you see. - Why so early! I "on er? It's only 01 o'clock no". - That's right! )ut I'm on uty! you kno".

- I see. - Where're you going? - To a %rien o% mine to 'lay chess. .ye-)ye. - .ye-)ye.

Dialogue 10 - Please give me that )ook. - What %or? - To have a look at it. - Here you are. - Thank you. - Not at all.

Dialogue 11 - Have you ha a goo ay at school? - Won er%ul- I've got three really goo marks- 2olly goo . 3ongratulations- Thank you.

Dialogue 12 - You're %ar too la4y. 5ook at your *nglish. Is this the )est you can o? - You kno" I'm no goo at *nglish. - An "hat a)out Physics? - I'm ashame o% mysel%. - You coul easily come to' o% the class. - I'll "ork har er! I 'romise.

Dialogue 13 - Well! hurry u'. - I'm trying to. .ut look! isn't there hal% an hour )e%ore school starts?

- Is that the right time? - I'm sure it is.

Dialogue 14 - #chool's almost over. - Yes! I kno". - Ho" many more ays? - #i6. - When o the holi ays start? - Ne6t "eek.

Dialogue 15 - Ho" i you en,oy your summer holi ays? - +h! yes! very much. I s'ent them at a youth cam'. - +n the south coast as usual "ith your el er sister? - Yes! )ut this time I "as alone. - Ho" lucky you "ere- That's right.

Dialogue 16 - 5ook here! this has got to sto'. You've come )ottom in nearly every su),ect. - *6ce't (eogra'hy. - Yes! in ee . You came secon to )ottom in that. - It "asn't really my %ault. I "as ill %or some time! "asn't I? - That's no e6cuse. - I'll im'rove. - I ou)t it.

Dialogue 17 - My )ag! 'lease. - Which one is it?

- It's one o% those! there. - This one? - No! not that one. - What colour? - It's )ro"n7 Yes. That's it. Thank you. - Not at all.

Dialogue 18 - #o you've 'asse your e6ams. - It "asn't all that i%%icult. - It's )ecause you "orke har ! I think. - Well! I "as all right in History! )ut I i n't o so "ell in 5iterature. - An ho" a)out your *nglish? - Not so goo ! only so-so.

Dialogue 19 - Hello! gla to see you- Hello! so am I. - To ay's your )irth ay! isn't it? - That's right. It's kin o% you to remem)er. - Well! many ha''y returns o% the ay. Here's a 'resent %or you. - +h! thank you. What )eauti%ul %lo"ers- I on't kno" ho" to thank you.

Dialogue 20 - Is 'ainting your ho))y? - Why o you think so? - .ecause there're a lot o% 'ictures in this room. - It's my el er )rother's ho))y. - I see! )ut "hat a)out you? - I 're%er )ooks.

Dialogue 21

- What shall "e have %or )reak%ast? - What a)out some )rea an )utter! t"o eggs an a cu' o% tea? - Well! I on't min ! )ut I' like to a some )iscuits. - +8.

Dialogue 22 - /ish? Again? - Why! I thought you like it. - I o! o% course! )ut not every ay. - Well! in that case I'll give you some meat. - Thank you. That'll )e )etter.

Dialogue 23 - (oo morning. (la to see you. - (oo morning. #o am I. - Won't you come an sit o"n? - I'm sorry! )ut I can't. - Why not! I "on er "hy? - I'm short o% time! you kno". - Well! then. What's u'? - I' like to see your sister. Is she in? - +h! no. #he's still at school.

Dialogue 24 - Hello! "ho's that? - Pete. - Hello! Pete. Ho" are you? - Hello! 9uite "ell. Thanks. What are you oing? - Playing chess "ith my %ather. - I' like to s'eak to *li4a. What's she oing? - Watching the T: 'rogramme. - #hall "e go to the cinema? I've got three tickets. - What's on? - A ne" %ilm. They say rather interesting.

- +. 8. We'll meet at the entrance. - #hall "e?

Dialogue 25 - Have you one your home"ork? - Not yet. - Why not? - I i n't have time last night. - That's no e6cuse.

Dialogue 26 - Mummy- - Yes! ear. What's the matter? You seem u'set? - Yes. - Well! "hat's ha''ene ? - You see ... I ... "ell ... - 3ome on no"! out "ith it- All right! then! i% you must kno". I've got a )a mark. - What? Again?

Dialogue 27 - I say! "hat's "rong? - Nothing. *verything's %ine. - Why are you crying! then? Will you tell me "hat's ha''ene ? - Well! you see! I've lost my )ook. - Have you looke %or it every"here in the room? - Yes. I still can't %in it.

Dialogue 28 - What are you looking at? - That )ook. - Which one? Point to it. - That one! there.

- +h! yes. .eauti%ul one! isn't it? - Yes! it is. I "ish I ha it. - #o o I.

Dialogue 29 - What a)out killing that %ly? - No. - Why not? - Why shoul I? - Isn't it annoying you? - No! it isn't. - Well! it's annoying me. - In that case you kill it yoursel%.

Dialogue 30 - Why are you s"itching on the ra io set? - #hall "e listen to the ; o'clock ne"s? - Isn't it too early %or that no"? - +% course not. It's alrea y one to ;.

Dialogue 31 - #hall I hel' you "ash? - Thanks! )ut I' rather o it mysel%. - As you like. It's a 'ity I can't hel' you or shall I try? - +h! no. &on't )other. - It's no )other at all.

Dialogue 32 - Will you hel' me! my )oy? - What o you "ant me to o! Mummy? - Will you 'olish the %loor to ay? - Is it my turn?

- Yes! it is. Your )rother i it last time. - +h! all right! then.

Dialogue 33 - Your things are lying a)out all over the room. - Well! "hat a)out it? - 2ust ti y them u'. - I'll think a)out it. - Ho" a)out oing it no"? - Well... i% you insist...

Dialogue 34 - What are you oing here? - I'm rea ing. Why are you asking me? - #orry! )ut I nee your hel'. - What can I o %or you? - Please )ring me a 'ail o% "ater. - With 'leasure.

Dialogue 35 - Will you co'y this te6t %or me? - #orry! )ut I' rather not. - Why not? - I on't %eel like co'ying. - Is that as i%%icult as all that? - No! )ut still! you have to o it yoursel%.

Dialogue 36 - *6cuse me. 3oul you hel' me! 'lease? - I'll try. What o you "ant? - #omething's "rong "ith my alarm-clock. - 5et me see ... #orry! )ut I can't hel'. You' )etter get it re'aire .

Dialogue 37 - What's the matter "ith you? - I'm not %eeling very "ell to ay. - &o you have a hea ache? - Yes! an a sore throat! too. - Well! in that case you' )etter stay at home. - +h! yes! I'll have to.

Dialogue 38 - I' like to go an 'lay %or a "hile. - .ut you've got to o your lessons %irst. - +h! I've alrea y one my home"ork. - Have you really? Then you may go.

Dialogue 39 - You kno" it's our mother's )irth ay soon. - Isn't it a)out time to think o% a goo 'resent %or her? - Well! I've a little sur'rise %or her. - Ho" nice- What? - This ra"ing. - Won er%ul- #he'll )e elighte .

Dialogue 40 - .elieve it or not- I've got three tickets %or to ay's %oot)all match- You on't say- That's "on er%ul- Will you come "ith us? - Well! you see ... I ... - Why are you hesitating? - Well! I' like to! )ut I' )etter ask my mother %irst.

Dialogue 41 - This is my ne" ress. What o you think o% it? - It's a very 'retty one. I'll )et it cost a lot. - It certainly i . - Where i you get it? - In 5on on. - <eally?

Dialogue 42 - 3an I see you %or a minute! 'lease? - What's u'? - &on't you kno" the ne"s? - What o you mean )y this? - There'll )e no classes tomorro"-

Dialogue 43 - What are you oing? *ating? 2am? - What i%%erence oes it make to you? - Well! you shoul n't eat in )et"een meals. - Why not? I "on er "hy? - It's inner - time soon. - All right! then.

Dialogue 44 - I "on er! "here my )ook is? - Why on't you ask your sister? - Has she ever touche my things? - Ho" shoul I kno"?

Dialogue 45

- Ho" are you %eeling to ay? - A )it )etter! thank you. - .ut i you call a octor. - No. - Why not! I "on er? - Well! I i n't think it "as necessary. .ut I'm going to )e no". - That's the )est 'lace %or you at the moment.

Dialogue 46 - What's the matter "ith you? - I'm not %eeling very "ell! octor. - What e6actly is the trou)le? - I've got an a"%ul hea ache. - Are you "orking har an getting too little rest? - Yes! I think so. - No"! you stay in )e until you're "ell.

Dialogue 47 - #orry! I'm a )it late! am I? - That's all right! arling. Take o%% your coat! "ash your han s an sit o"n at ta)le. - &inner's rea y! isn't it? - Yes! it is.

Dialogue 48 - Well! I think that's all the rea ing %or to ay. - Is it getting late? What time is it no"? - Time %or )e ! I think. - +.8. 3oming! Mummy. - No"! hurry u'-

Dialogue 49

- I on't "ant you %ighting. #to' it once an %or all. - #orry! )ut I ha to. He starte it. - I on't care "hat the reasons are. I %or)i you to %ight.

Dialogue 50 - Where're you going? I' like to kno". - To the 'laygroun . - What %or? - To 'lay %oot)all %or a "hile. Will you come "ith me? - I'm sorry! )ut I can't. I'm )usy no". - What a shame- (oo -)ye! then. - #o long.

Dialogue 51 - *6cuse me. &o you have a )all? - 3ertainly. Here! hel' yoursel% . - Thanks . - Not at all .

Dialogue 52 - Well! o you have anything arrange %or tomorro"? - Nothing e%inite. - Ho" "oul you like to go on an e6cursion? - Where to? - To +stankino To"er. - +h! yes! I' )e gla to-

Dialogue 53 - #hall "e go %or a "alk? - (oo i ea- Where to? - 5et's go to the 'ark.

- &on't you think "e' )etter go to the %iel s? - 5et me see... It's 0= o'clock no". We've got 'lenty o% time.

Dialogue 54 - Are you going out? - Yes! to the 'laygroun . &o you "ant to come? - Yes! I o. .ut I can't. - 3an't you? Why not? - .ecause I have to o my home"ork no". - +h! you can o it tomorro". - +h! no- There'll )e no time %or that tomorro". I've got to o it to ay. - Well! in that case I'll stay at home an hel' you. - Thanks. That's very nice o% you.

Dialogue 55 - I've got to go to the <ail"ay station. - What %or? - To meet a %rien o% mine. Ho" o I get there %rom here? - 3atch a )us. It's the 9uickest "ay! I think.

Dialogue 56 - I )eg your 'ar on. Is this the right "ay to Hy e Park? - I'm sorry! I can't tell you. - +h! "hat a nuisance- Why not? - You see! I'm stranger in these 'arts mysel%. - What shall I o! then? - Well! ask some)o y else or! even )etter! ask a 'oliceman. - Thank you. Much o)lige .

Dialogue 57 - Anything I can sho" you? - +h! yes! 'lease. I "ant some shoes.

- What si4e! colour? - >?! )ro"n! 'lease. - Here you are. - Thanks. May I try them on? - &o! 'lease. - They're all right. Ho" much are they? - 0= rou)les.

Dialogue 58 - 3an I hel' you? - Yes! I "ant a large )o6 o% chocolates %or a 'resent! 'lease. It's Mummy's )irth ay tomorro". - What a)out this one? - +h! yes. It'll o. Ho" much is it? - ;? 'ence! 'lease. Anything else? - Nothing else. Thank you.

Dialogue 59 - Will you )e going sho''ing to ay? - Why o you ask? - I' like to ask you a %avour. - What can I o %or you? - Woul you get me some sugar an )rea ? - 3ertainly! i% you give me some money. I'm very short.

Dialogue 60 - It's raining har at the moment. - An "e're )oth carrying 'arcels. - I'm a%rai o% getting "et. - Why not get a )us? - That's a goo i ea.

Dialogue 61 - What "oul you o i% you ha a lot o% money? - I' )uy a scooter. - .ut i% you can't )uy a scooter? - Then! I' )uy a )icycle.

Dialogue 62 - Hello- Is that nice? I ho'e you en,oy your )reak%ast! on't you? - +h! yes! very. Thanks. - May I sit at your ta)le! 'lease? - You're very "elcome. - Thank you.

Dialogue 63 - +h! ear! call your little )rother! 'lease. - He's u' in the tree. - Well! let him come o"n. - He says he "on't until you agree to 'lay %oot)all "ith him. - +h! no. I can't o that. I'm too ol to o that.

Dialogue 64 - What's his tele'hone num)er? - It sli''e my memory. I kno" it! )ut I can't think o% it. - Neither can I. - Well! it'll come )ack to me in a minute.

Dialogue 65 - What's that girl's name? - &o you mean the one in the )lue coat? - +h! yes! that's the one. - 5et me see... It'll come )ack to me in a moment.

- &on't tell me you've %orgotten it. - It's ,ust sli''e my min . - Think har ! "ill you? - It's ,ust on the ti' o% my tongue. - You must remem)er. - I've got it at last- 3aroline-

Dialogue 66 - &o you come to school )y )us? - Yes! )ecause I live a long "ay %rom school. An you? - +h! I al"ays "alk to school. I live near)y.

Dialogue 67 - What luck running into you- Ho" are you getting on? - Thanks. *verything's all right. I'm 9uite "ell. - You see! I "as ill last "eek. - What "as the matter "ith you? - I ha a col ! high tem'erature an a hea ache. - Poor you- You ha an a"%ul time I shoul think. - You're right.

Dialogue 68 - The "eather's %ine to ay! isn't it? - Yes it is. The sun's shining )rightly in the )lue sky. - Is it "arm in the street! I "on er? - I shoul n't think so. It's Novem)er no". - #hall I 'ut a coat on? - As you like. Are you a%rai o% catching col ? - 3ertainly. - All right! then.

Dialogue 69

- &o you like going to the 'ictures? - Not s'ecially. I 're%er the theatre. - &o you o%ten go to the theatre? - Yes! I o. - Ho" o%ten? - +nce or t"ice a month. It e'en s. - Not so )a ! I think.

Dialogue 70 - I'm going to have a 'arty on #un ay. 3an you come? - Yes! thank you %or the invitation. What time shall I come? - At @ o'clock! 'lease. - +. 8. That suits me.

Dialogue 71 - Ho" long shall "e have to "ait %or him? - I am a%rai I've no i ea. - Well! I ho'e he "on't )e too long? - I ho'e so! too. - Ho" a)out ringing him u'? - That's a goo i ea- 5et's.

Dialogue 72 - Ho" o "e get to the theatre? .y )us or tram? - *ither. .ut the tram takes much longer. - 5ook! there's a num)er > )us over there. Hurry u'- +h! no. I sim'ly can't. 5et's catch the ne6t one.

Dialogue 73 - What )us are you catching? - Num)er 1 to the sta ium.

- #orry to trou)le you! )ut shoul I catch the same )us %or the Post-+%%ice? - Yes! you can catch any )us to get there.

Dialogue 74 - 3an I get to the museum )y )us? - 5et me see...Why! yes. - What )us shall I take? - /irst you get a num)er ? )us. - An then? - Then! you 7 you "alk the rest o% the "ay. - Ho" long "ill it take me to get there! o you think? - A)out t"enty minutes.

Dialogue 75 - *6cuse me. - What is it? - 3an you tell me ho" to get to the circus? - 3ertainly. You nee a num)er A trolley-)us or a num)er 00 )us. - Which is the )est "ay to get there? - .y trolley-)us! I think. - Thanks a lot.

Dialogue 76 - *6cuse me. Please let me )y. - Are you getting o%% at the ne6t sto'? - I've got to get o%% at /leet #treet. - .ut that's the ne6t sto' )ut one! I think. - #orry! I i n't kno" that.

Dialogue 77 - Where to? - The <ail"ay station.

- You're going the "rong "ay. You're going a"ay %rom it. - +h! ear. What'll I o! then? - (et o%% at the ne6t sto'! cross the roa an take the same tram going the other "ay. - Thanks. &o I have to change? - No! not %or the <ail"ay station.

Dialogue 78 - I've )ought the tickets- Have you really? #'len i - Ho" i you manage it? - With the hel' o% a %rien o% mine. - Well one- It's a goo thing you "ere a)le to.

Dialogue 79 - Ho" much is an ice-cream? - Well! "hat sort o% ice-cream o you "ant? - This one! a choc-ice. - 0? 'ence! 'lease. - I'll have one! 'lease. - Here you are. - Thanks.

Dialogue 80 - 3oul you give me some money? - Ho" much o you "ant! I "on er? - #i6'ence! i% you can s'are it. - All right. When o you "ant it. - #traight a"ay! 'lease. - Here you are. - Thanks.

Dialogue 81

- +r er "hat you like. I'll 'ay. - A cou'le o% cheese san "iches! 'lease. - An "hat a)out a cu' o% co%%ee? - As you 'lease. - Anything else? - Thanks. I on't think I'll have anything else.

Dialogue 82 - 3an I get a cu' o% co%%ee? I'm so col an tire . - 2ust a moment... #orry! there's no co%%ee. - 3an't I have a glass o% milk! then? - There's no milk either! )ut you can have a cu' o% tea. - With 'leasure! i% it's hot.

Dialogue 83 - What oes that sign say? - 3an't you rea *nglish? - Why "oul I ask i% I coul ? - #hall I rea it to you? - That's "hat I "ant you to o.

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