Understanding Psychology

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We all use the principles of psychology everyday and probably dont even realize it.

When we spank our child for doing something wrong, we are utilizing the learning principle of punishment. When we get nervous right before we have to give that big speech, we are activating our autonomic nervous system. When we talk to ourselves in our heads, telling ourselves to "calm down," "work harder," or "give up," we are utilizing cognitive approaches to change our behaviors and emotions. This course is designed to give us a general idea of what psychology is, how information is developed, what we have learned about ourselves, and how psychology is applied to help improve peoples lives. So that we can get a better idea of how psychology works from basic theories and principles, through research, understanding and e!plaining results, to the actual application of psychological techni"ues.

What is Psychology #sychology is the study of cognitions, emotions, and behavior. #sychologists are involved in a variety of tasks. $any spend their careers designing and performing research to better understand how people behave in specific situations, how and why we think the way we do, and how emotions develop and what impact they have on our interactions with others. These are the research psychologists who often work in research organizations or universities. %ndustrial&organizational psychologists work with businesses and organizations to help them become more productive, effective, and efficient, and to assist them in working with their employees and their customers. #ractitioners, typically counseling and clinical psychologists,

work with individuals, couples, families, and small groups to help them feel less depressed, less an!ious, become more productive or motivated, and overcome issues which prevent them from living up to their potential.

The history of psychology The history of psychology as a scholarly study of the mind and behavior dates back to the 'ncient (reeks. There is also evidence of psychological thought in ancient )gypt. #sychology was a branch of philosophy until the *+,-s, when it developed as an independent scientific discipline in (ermany and the .nited States. #sychology borders on various other fields including physiology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, sociology, anthropology, as well as philosophy and other components of the humanities. #sychology as a self&conscious field of e!perimental study began in *+,/, when Wilhelm Wundt founded the first laboratory dedicated e!clusively to psychological research in 0eipzig. Wundt was also the first person to refer to himself as a psychologist and wrote the first te!tbook on psychology1 Principles of Physiological Psychology. 2ther important early contributors to the field include 3ermann )bbinghaus 4a pioneer in the study of memory5, William 6ames 4the 'merican father of pragmatism5, and %van #avlov 4who developed the procedures associated with classical conditioning5.

How Im helped from this course Understanding Psychology Through the study of psychology, % can understand the comple! mental processes that dictate human actions and also able to apply this understanding of human behavior to numerous situations and use their knowledge in their everyday life.

Improved Communication !ills $any prominent psychologists have e!plored how humans engage in communication. 7y developing an understanding of these individuals8 findings, % can better my personal communication skills and increase the effectiveness of my communication efforts. .nderstanding the psychology of human interactions also makes it possible for me to avoid potential pitfalls that can lead to a costly communication breakdown. "etter Understanding of elf #sychology can help me to understand how and why % feel as % do. Through a study of psychology, % can see that % am not alone in my emotions or ideas, even when it may seem that % am. 'dditionally, an understanding of psychological principles can help me to determine what you % can do to respond to unwanted emotions and alleviate painful or undesirable emotional situations.

#nhanced Understanding of $thers The study of psychology gave me a window into the actions of others. .nderstanding the emotional drives behind human actions can make it easier to comprehend seemingly incomprehensible actions. %t can also help me to improve my ability to assist others in dealing with emotional hardship or empathize with those struggling with a difficult dilemma. tronger Conflict %esolution !ills 7y learning about the reasons behind people8s actions in psychology % can become more adept at solving conflicts. When % understand how a person is likely to respond to a situation, and the emotional processes that lead to that response, % can more effectively predict how a situation will transpire. % will speak to an individual with whom % am having a conflict in a level&headed and logical manner. ome topics that Ive found interesting *. 7rain 9. )ye : )ar ;. $emory <. =arious hormones >. $otivation : )motion ?. Sensation : #erception ,. #sychological @isorder

+. #ersonality

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