Keep It Running
Keep It Running
Keep It Running
hat exposure, and a strong desire to ing lectures were equally ardent lectures fore heading off to learn something new
get out of the city and actually do about why we shouldn’t believe all of about killing other humans.
something that mattered, led me to the gun magazines and newspaper arti- What a great life!
enlist in the Marine Corps shortly after cles bemoaning the adoption of the M14 I was initially terrified that we weren’t
my 17th birthday. and how this monstrosity would lead to spending enough time cleaning those
While I had fired rifles and pistols be- the demise of the Western World. old M1s, but they continued to work as
fore, my education was informal and gen- Surprisingly, when we got to the long as they were properly lubed and
erally limited to what my Dad and oth- Infantry Training Regiment (ITR) at moderately cleaned. Then I began wor-
ers remembered, as well as the articles in Camp Geiger, we were issued M1 Rifles, rying that the M14s might be more frag-
the various gun-related magazines of the and all of the T/E equipment was what ile if they required such constant atten-
time. Cleaning was something that took we would now consider old school— tion as taught at MCRD. How could that
on an almost formal overtone and was M1918A2s, M1919A4s, etc. The train- be? After all, they were similar in many
continued for three consecutive days. ing schedule was all field oriented and respects, so why did one require much
This paled in comparison to what I was we shot what was considered a lot (by more cleaning than the other?
taught in the Marine Corps Recruiting 1963 standards). On several occasions af- The short answer is that they don’t
Depot (MCRD), where cleaning was in ter returning late from the cold and wet require a different cleaning regimen be-
fact a religion, and reached Jesuitical North Carolina training sites, I marched cause they are different rifles—it is just
Wear on body
of bolt and
bolt cam pin.
Wear area on bottom of bolt carrier Wear on top of hammer where bolt
needs lubrication. carrier makes contact.
Viewed through ejection port, wear With less than 1,000 rounds fired,
can be seen on inside of receiver. carrier key on this bolt is starting to
Don’t forget to lube this critical area. show wear. If it shines, it needs lu-
is casually brushed aside in the bubble the tube with a wet patch. Leave the it with a fresh brush and patch. Spin that
gum (gun) forums. The serviceability of chemicals to do their work and get to the and then dry the chamber out. Clean out
her weapon is therefore moot. bolt/bolt carrier assemblies. the locking lugs with cotton swabs.
Here’s a news flash: Sand in the cham- Spray the bolt with either Slip 725 or Spray some Slip 725 into the upper
ber will stop most guns—M16s, AK-47s, Evinrude Johnson Engine Tuner and let receiver and the charging handle. Your
M24s, M1s, M9s and so forth. It is not it sit. toothbrush and cotton swabs work well
unique to the AR platform. Clean the bolt carrier assembly by here.
Cleaning is a hot-button topic, and a removing carbon from the bolt cam pin Take a few dry patches and clean the
great many (especially AR detractors) slot, inside of the bolt carrier (yeah, that barrel. Note that I don’t normally use a
really believe that the AR has to be kept chrome-lined thing where the bolt goes bore brush, and allow the cleaning fluid
meticulously clean to function. While in) and the bottom of the bolt carrier it- to take care of the bore.
having a clean gun is never bad, neither self. You can use a wet pipe cleaner to Before the rockets start flying, let
do you have to put up with the white clean the inside of the bolt carrier key, me state that I used to shoot Service
glove nonsense. but I rarely do. Do not put anything in- Rifle, and am a High Master and a
My cleaning regimen may be different side of the gas tube—it is unnecessary, Distinguished Rifleman. I rarely used a
from conventional protocol, but it works and you will only stick debris in there brush on my M14NM or match AR-15s.
and has stood the test of time. I normally that can do no good. If I felt that the bore was heavily fouled,
spend no more than ten minutes doing a Use your toothbrush and a rag to clean I ran several wet patches through it, and
field cleaning, and oftentimes less than the bolt, specifically the bolt lugs. Do not if I absolutely felt the need for a brush, it
that. If it takes you an hour, you are wast- concern yourself with the carbon build was nylon, not copper. Never ever use a
ing time on something or you are doing up on the bolt’s tail. No matter how you stainless steel brush in your barrel.
something wrong. clean it, it will just reappear the next time Understand that this is for a carbine,
This is the cleaning protocol that I use. you shoot it. I had an armorer once tell which by virtue of its definition is a
This isn’t “the” way, but rather “a” way. me that the carbon promoted corrosion. short-barreled rifle. The 5.56x45mm ser-
I don’t pretend to know everything, and That may well be if the gun is never shot, vice rounds and M4 carbines are certain-
I wind up learning something new al- but I have yet to see a working bolt cor- ly capable of hitting out past 500 meters,
most every day. Not using what is listed rode away. but it shines in fights that take place un-
below won’t necessarily get you killed, Attach the chamber brush to your der 200 meters. Bothering with inconse-
make you unattractive to a potential cleaning rod and scrub out the cham- quential increments may not be useful
mate nor make you unpopular at the lo- ber. I generally use a worn brush, wrap under these circumstances. However, if
cal gin mill. a wet patch around it and insert it in the you have an SPR type, by all means give
I’ll field strip the carbine and punch chamber. Spin it a few times and replace the care to that barrel that it deserves, but
cleaned with obsessive fervor, but rather
taking care of those particular areas that
affect functioning. Keep a gun book and
annotate it with a round count so that
you can figure out when certain parts
(extractor springs, gas rings, bolts and
barrels) need replacing. Replace these TACTICAL SHOTGUN ACCESSORIES
parts before they replace you.
Keep it lubed to reduce friction, and FOR THE PROFESSIONAL
understand that the more you use it, the
more parts need to be replaced. Accept OPERATOR
that as a fact of life and drive on. §
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[Pat Rogers is a retired Chief Warrant •‘ƒ˜™‹…L ƒ“† œ‡—‡ †‡˜‹‰“‡† ™” ˜™ƒ“† š• ™” —‡…”‹‘ ƒ“† •—”ˆ‡˜˜‹”“ƒ‘ ƒ„š˜‡N
Officer of Marines and a retired NYPD w‡ ”ˆˆ‡— ™œ” ˜™Ÿ‘‡˜L ƒ ˜™—‡ƒ’‘‹“‡† ‘”œ‡— ˜™”…Ž ‡‘‡›ƒ™‹”“ ƒ“† ƒ h‹‰ŠM™š„‡
Sergeant. Pat is the owner of E.A.G. Inc., †‡˜‹‰“ œ‹™Š p‹…ƒ™‹““Ÿ ˜‹‰Š™ —ƒ‹‘N a†ƒ•™‡—˜ ‹“…‘š†‡ ’”š“™‹“‰ •”‹“™˜ ˆ”—
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which provides services to various govern- ”š™ ˜™”…Ž˜ ƒ“† ‰—‹•˜ ˆ”— r‡’‹“‰™”“L m”˜˜„‡—‰ ƒ“† w‹“…Š‡˜™‡— •š’•˜N
mental organizations. He can be reached at] ALUMINUM ON-GUN SHELL HOLDERS
f‹“ƒ‘‘ŸL ”“M‰š“ ˜Š‡‘‘ Š”‘†‡— ˜”‘š™‹”“˜ ˆ”— •—”ˆ‡˜˜‹”“ƒ‘˜A fƒ„—‹…ƒ™‡†
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SOURCES: ™‹”“ ƒ“† œ‹‘‘ —‡’ƒ‹“ ˜‡…š—‡† ™” ™Š‡ œ‡ƒ•”“ ‡›‡“ ƒˆ™‡— ‡ž™‡“†‡† š˜‡N
Slip 2000 f”š—ML ˜‹žM ƒ“† ‡‹‰Š™M˜Š‡‘‘ Š”‘†M
Dept. S.W.A.T. ‡—˜ ƒ—‡ ƒ›ƒ‹‘ƒ„‘‡ ‹“ ar ƒ†ƒ•™‡—
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4697 Fairway —‡…‡‹›‡— ’”š“™ ˆ”— r‡’‹“‰™”“L
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 m”˜˜„‡—‰ ƒ“† b‡“‡‘‘‹N oš—
(888) 243-6725 b‡“‡‘‘‹ ˜Š‡‘‘ Š”‘†‡—˜ ‡›‡“ ‹“M
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MD Labs
Dept. S.W.A.T.
8333 Pecos Drive #4 mesa tactical
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 TEL: 949-642-3337 FAX: 949-642-3339
(928) 772-3021 S.W.A.T. DECEMBER 2006 75