PD 8550

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Today is Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Tenth Congress

Republic Act No. 8550

February 25, !!8

AN ACT PR"#$%$N& F"R T'( %(#()"P*(NT, *ANA&(*(NT AN% C"N+(R#AT$"N "F T'( F$+'(R$(+ AN% A,-AT$C R(+"-RC(+, $NT(&RAT$N& A)) )A.+ P(RT$N(NT T'(R(T", AN% F"R "T'(R P-RP"+(+ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: : +ection . Title. - This Act shall be known as /The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998./ C'APT(R $ %eclaration of Policy an0 %efinitions +ection 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy o the !tate: "a# to achie$e ood sec%rity as the o$erridin& consideration in the %tili'ation, (ana&e(ent, de$elop(ent, conser$ation and protection o ishery reso%rces in order to pro$ide the ood needs o the pop%lation) A le*ible policy towards the attain(ent o ood sec%rity shall be adopted in response to chan&es in de(o&raphic trends or ish, e(er&in& trends in the trade o ish and other a+%atic prod%cts in do(estic and international (arkets, and the law o s%pply and de(and,lawphi1 "b# to li(it access to the ishery and a+%atic reso%rces o the -hilippines or the e*cl%si$e %se and en.oy(ent o /ilipino citi'ens, "c# to ens%re the rational and s%stainable de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent and conser$ation o the ishery and a+%atic reso%rces in -hilippine waters incl%din& the 0*cl%si$e 0cono(ic 1one "001# and in the ad.acent hi&h seas, consistent with the pri(ordial ob.ecti$e o (aintainin& a so%nd ecolo&ical balance, protectin& and enhancin& the +%ality o the en$iron(ent, "d# to protect the ri&hts o isher olk, especially o the local co((%nities with priority to (%nicipal isher olk, in the pre erential %se o the (%nicipal waters) !%ch pre erential %se, shall be based on, b%t not li(ited to, Ma*i(%( !%stainable 2ield "M!2# or Total Allowable

3atch "TA3# on the basis o reso%rces and ecolo&ical conditions, and shall be consistent with o%r co((it(ents %nder international treaties and a&ree(ents, "e# to pro$ide s%pport to the ishery sector, pri(arily to the (%nicipal isher olk, incl%din& wo(en and yo%th sectors, thro%&h appropriate technolo&y and research, ade+%ate inancial, prod%ction, constr%ction o post-har$est acilities, (arketin& assistance, and other ser$ices) The protection o (%nicipal isher olk a&ainst orei&n intr%sion shall e*tend to o shore ishin& &ro%nds) /ishworkers shall recei$e a .%st share or their labor in the %tili'ation o (arine and ishery reso%rces, " # to (ana&e ishery and a+%atic reso%rces, in a (anner consistent with the concept o an inte&rated coastal area (ana&e(ent in speci ic nat%ral ishery (ana&e(ent areas, appropriately s%pported by research, technical ser$ices and &%idance pro$ided by the !tate, and "&# to &rant the pri$ate sector the pri$ile&e to %tili'e ishery reso%rces %nder the basic concept that the &rantee, licensee or per(ittee thereo shall not only be a pri$ile&ed bene iciary o the !tate b%t also acti$e participant and partner o the 4o$ern(ent in the s%stainable de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent, conser$ation and protection o the ishery and a+%atic reso%rces o the co%ntry) The state shall ens%re the attain(ent o the ollowin& ob.ecti$es o the ishery sector: 1) 3onser$ation, protection and s%stained (ana&e(ent o the co%ntry5s ishery and a+%atic reso%rces, 2) -o$erty alle$iation and the pro$ision o s%pple(entary li$elihood a(on& (%nicipal isher olk, 6) I(pro$e(ent o prod%cti$ity o a+%ac%lt%re within ecolo&ical li(its, 4) 7pti(al %tili'ation o o shore and deep-sea reso%rces, and 5) 8p&radin& o post-har$est technolo&y) +ection 1. Application of its Provisions. - The pro$isions o this 3ode shall be en orced in: "a# all -hilippine waters incl%din& other waters o$er which the -hilippines has so$erei&nty and .%risdiction, and the co%ntry5s 200-na%tical (ile 0*cl%si$e 0cono(ic 1one "001# and continental shel , "b# all a+%atic and ishery reso%rces whether inland, coastal or o shore ishin& areas, incl%din& b%t not li(ited to ishponds, ishpens9ca&es, and "c# all lands de$oted to a+%ac%lt%re, or b%sinesses and acti$ities relatin& to ishery, whether pri$ate or p%blic lands)lawphi1 +ection 2. Definition of Terms. - As %sed in this 3ode, the ollowin& ter(s and phrases shall (ean as ollows: 1) Ancillary Ind%stries - ir(s or co(panies related to the s%pply, constr%ction and

(aintenance o ishin& $essels, &ears, nets and other ishin& paraphernalia, ishery (achine shops, and other acilities s%ch as hatcheries, n%rseries, eed plants, cold stora&e and re ri&eration, processin& plants and other pre-har$est and post-har$est acilities) 2) Appropriate /ishin& Technolo&y - adaptable technolo&y, both in ishin& and ancillary ind%stries, that is ecolo&ically so%nd, locally so%rce-based and labor intensi$e) 6) A+%ac%lt%re - ishery operations in$ol$in& all or(s o raisin& and c%lt%rin& ish and other ishery species in resh, brackish and (arine water areas) 4) A+%atic -oll%tion - the introd%ction by h%(an or (achine, directly or indirectly, o s%bstances or ener&y to the a+%atic en$iron(ent which res%lt or is likely to res%lt in s%ch deleterio%s e ects as to har( li$in& and non-li$in& a+%atic reso%rces, pose potential and9or real ha'ard to h%(an health, hindrance to a+%atic acti$ities s%ch as ishin& and na$i&ation, incl%din& d%(pin&9disposal o waste and other (arine litters, dischar&e o petrole%( or resid%al prod%cts o petrole%( or carbonaceo%s (aterials9s%bstances, and other, radioacti$e, no*io%s or har( %l li+%id, &aseo%s or solid s%bstances, ro( any water, land or air transport or other h%(an-(ade str%ct%re) :e orestation, %nso%nd a&ric%lt%ral practices s%ch as the %se o banned che(icals and e*cessi$e %se o che(icals, intensi$e %se o arti icial ish eed, and wetland con$ersion, which ca%se si(ilar ha'ards and deleterio%s e ects shall also constit%te a+%atic poll%tion) 5) A+%atic ;eso%rces - incl%des ish, all other a+%atic lora and a%na and other li$in& reso%rces o the a+%atic en$iron(ent, incl%din&, b%t not li(ited to, salt and corals) <) Arti icial ;ee s - any str%ct%re o nat%ral or (an-(ade (aterials placed on a body o water to ser$e as shelter and habitat, so%rce o ood, breedin& areas or ishery species and shoreline protection) =) 3atch 3eilin&s - re er to the ann%al catch li(its allowed to be taken, &athered or har$ested ro( any ishin& area in consideration o the need to pre$ent o$er ishin& and har( %l depletion o breedin& stocks o a+%atic or&anis(s) >) 3losed !eason - the period d%rin& which the takin& o speci ied ishery species by a speci ied ishin& &ear is prohibited in a speci ied area or areas in -hilippine waters) ?) 3oastal Area91one - is a band o dry land and ad.acent ocean space "water and s%b(er&ed land) in which terrestrial processes and %ses directly a ect oceanic processes and %ses, and $ice $ersa, its &eo&raphic e*tent (ay incl%de areas within a land(ark li(it o one "1) kilo(eter ro( the shoreline at hi&h tide to incl%de (an&ro$e swa(ps, brackish water ponds, nipa swa(ps, est%arine ri$ers, sandy beaches and other areas within a seaward li(it o 200 (eters isobath to incl%de coral ree s, al&al lats, sea&rass beds and other so t-botto( areas) 10) 3o((ercial /ishin& - the takin& o ishery species by passi$e or acti$e &ear or trade, b%siness @ pro it beyond s%bsistence or sports ishin&, to be %rther classi ied as: "1# !(all scale co((ercial ishin& - ishin& with passi$e or acti$e &ear %tili'in& ishin& $essels o 6)1 &ross tons "4T# %p to twenty "20# 4T, "2# Medi%( scale co((ercial ishin& - ishin& %tili'in& acti$e &ears and $essels o

20)1 4T %p to one h%ndred i ty "150# 4T, and "6# Aar&e co((ercial ishin& - ishin& %tili'in& acti$e &ears and $essels o (ore than one h%ndred i ty "150# 4T) 11) 3o((ercial !cale - a sche(e o prod%cin& a (ini(%( har$est per hectare per year o (ilk ish or other species incl%din& those raised in pens, ca&es, and tanks to be deter(ined by the :epart(ent in cons%ltation with the concerned sectors, 12) 3oral - the hard calcareo%s s%bstance (ade %p o the skeleton o (arine coelenterate polyps which incl%de ree s, shel$es and atolls or any o the (arine coelenterate ani(als li$in& in colonies where their skeletons or( a stony (ass) They incl%de: "a) skeletons o antho'oan coelenterates characteri'ed as ha$in& a ri&id a*is o co(pact calcareo%s or horny spic%les, belon&in& to the &en%s coralli%( as represented by the red, pink, and white corals which are considered precio%s corals, "b) skeletons o antho'oan coelenterates characteri'ed by thorny, horny a*is s%ch as the antipatharians represented by the black corals which are considered se(i-precio%s corals, and "c) ordinary corals which are any kind o corals that are not precio%s nor se(i-precio%s) 16) 3oral ;ee - a nat%ral a&&re&ation o coral skeleton, with or witho%t li$in& coral polyps, occ%rrin& in intertidal and s%btidal (arine waters) 14) :e(arcated Areas - bo%ndaries de ined by (arkers and assi&ned e*cl%si$ely to speci ic indi$id%als or or&ani'ations or certain speci ied and li(ited %ses s%ch as: "a# A+%ac%lt%re, sea ranchin& and sea ar(in&, "b# /ish a&&re&atin& de$ices, "c# /i*ed and passi$e ishin& &ears, and "d# /ry and in&erlin&s &atherin&) 15) :epart(ent - shall (ean the :epart(ent o A&ric%lt%re) 1<) 0lectro ishin& - the %se o electricity &enerated by batteries, electric &enerators and other so%rce o electric power to kill, st%pe y, disable or render %nconscio%s ishery species, whether or not the sa(e are s%bse+%ently reco$ered) 1=) 0ndan&ered ;are and9or Threatened !pecies - a+%atic plants, ani(als, incl%din& so(e $arieties o corals and sea shells in dan&er o e*tinction as pro$ided or in e*istin& ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations or in the -rotected Areas and Wildli e B%rea% o the :epart(ent o 0n$iron(ent and Cat%ral ;eso%rces ":0C;) and in the 3on$ention on the International Trade o 0ndan&ered !pecies o /lora and /a%na "3IT0!#) 1>) 0*cl%si$e 0cono(ic 1one "001) - an area beyond and ad.acent to the territorial sea which shall not e*tend beyond 200 na%tical (iles ro( the baselines as de ined %nder e*istin& laws) 1?) /A;M3s - the /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces Mana&e(ent 3o%ncils)

20) /ar(-to-Market ;oads - shall incl%de roads linkin& the isheries prod%ction sites, coastal landin& points and other post-har$est acilities to (a.or (arket and arterial roads and hi&hways) 21) /ine Mesh Cet - net with (esh si'e o less than three centi(eters "6 c()) (eas%red between two "2) opposite knots o a %ll (esh when stretched or as otherwise deter(ined by the appropriate &o$ern(ent a&ency) 22) /ish and /ishery9A+%atic -rod%cts - incl%de not only in ish b%t also (oll%sks, cr%staceans, echinoder(s, (arine (a((als, and all other species o a+%atic lora and a%na and all other prod%cts o a+%atic li$in& reso%rces in any or() 26) /ish 3a&e - re ers to an enclos%re which is either stationary or loatin& (ade %p o nets or screens sewn or astened to&ether and installed in the water with openin& at the s%r ace or co$ered and held in a place by wooden9ba(boo posts or $ario%s types o anchors and loats) 24) /ish 3orral or DBakladD - a stationary weir or trap de$ised to intercept and capt%re ish consistin& o rows o ba(boo stakes, plastic nets and other (aterials enced with split blood (attin&s or wire (attin&s with one or (ore enclos%res, %s%ally with easy entrance b%t di ic%lt e*it, and with or witho%t leaders to direct the ish to the catchin& cha(bers, p%rse or ba&s) 25) /ish in&erlin&s - a sta&e in the li e cycle o the ish (eas%rin& to abo%t <-16 c() dependin& on the species) 2<) /ish ry - a sta&e at which a ish has .%st been hatched %s%ally with si'es ro( 1-2)5 c() 2=) /ish pen - an arti icial enclos%re constr%cted within a body o water or c%lt%rin& ish and ishery9a+%atic reso%rces (ade %p o poles closely arran&ed in an enclos%re with wooden (aterials, screen or nylon nettin& to pre$ent escape o ish) 2>) /isher olk - people directly or personally and physically en&a&ed in takin& and9or c%lt%rin& and processin& ishery and9or a+%atic reso%rces) lawphi1 2?) /isher olk 3ooperati$e - a d%ly re&istered association o isher olk with a co((on bond o interest, who ha$e $ol%ntarily .oined to&ether to achie$e a law %l co((on social or econo(ic end, (akin& e+%itable contrib%tion to the capital re+%ire(ent and acceptin& a air share o the risks and bene its o the %ndertakin&s in accordance with %ni$ersally accepted cooperati$e principles) 60) /isher olk 7r&ani'ation - an or&ani'ed &ro%p, association, ederation, alliance or an instit%tion o isher olk which has at least i teen "15) (e(bers, a set o o icers, a constit%tion and by-laws, an or&ani'ational str%ct%re and a pro&ra( o action) 61) /isheries - re ers to all acti$ities relatin& to the act or b%siness o ishin&, c%lt%rin&, preser$in&, processin&, (arketin&, de$elopin&, conser$in& and (ana&in& a+%atic reso%rces and the ishery areas, incl%din& the pri$ile&e to ish or take a+%atic reso%rce thereo ) 62) /ish -ond - a land-based acility enclosed with earthen or stone (aterial to i(po%nd water or &rowin& ish)

66) /ishin& Boat94ear Aicense - a per(it to operate speci ic types o ishin& boat9&ear or speci ic d%ration in areas beyond (%nicipal waters or de(ersal or pela&ic ishery reso%rces) 64) /ishery Mana&e(ent Areas - a bay, &%l , lake or any other ishery area which (ay be delineated or ishery reso%rce (ana&e(ent p%rposes) 65) /ishery 7perator - one who owns and pro$ides the (eans incl%din& land, labor, capital, ishin& &ears and $essels, b%t does not personally en&a&e in ishery) 6<) /ishery ;e %&e and !anct%aries - a desi&nated area where ishin& or other or(s o acti$ities which (ay da(a&e the ecosyste( o the area is prohibited and h%(an access (ay be restricted) 6=) /ishery ;eser$e - a desi&nated area where acti$ities are re&%lated and set aside or ed%cational and research p%rposes) 6>) /ishery !pecies - all a+%atic lora and a%na incl%din&, b%t not restricted to, ish, al&ae, coelenterates, (oll%sks, cr%staceans, echinoder(s and cetaceans) 6?) /ishin& - the takin& o ishery species ro( their wild state o habitat, with or witho%t the %se o ishin& $essels) 40) /ishin& &ear - any instr%(ent or de$ice and its accessories %tili'ed in takin& ish and other ishery species) "a# Acti$e ishin& &ear - is a ishin& de$ice characteri'ed by &ear (o$e(ents, and9or the p%rs%it o the tar&et species by towin&, li tin&, and p%shin& the &ears, s%rro%ndin&, co$erin&, dred&in&, p%(pin& and scarin& the tar&et species to i(po%nd(ents, s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, trawl, p%rse seines, :anish seines, ba& nets, paalin&, dri t &ill net and t%na lon&line) "b# -assi$e ishin& &ear - is characteri'ed by the absence o &ear (o$e(ents and9or the p%rs%it o the tar&et species, s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, hook and line, ishpots, traps and &ill nets across the path o the ish) 41) /ishin& $essel - any boat, ship or other watercra t e+%ipped to be %sed or takin& o ishery species or aidin& or assistin& one "1) or (ore $essels in the per or(ance o any acti$ity relatin& to ishin&, incl%din&, b%t not li(ited to, preser$ation, s%pply, stora&e, re ri&eration, transportation and9or processin&) 42) /ishin& with 0*plosi$es - the %se o the dyna(ite, other e*plosi$es or other che(ical co(po%nds that contain co(b%stible ele(ents or in&redients which %pon i&nition by riction, conc%ssion, perc%ssion or detonation o all or parts o the co(po%nd, will kill, st%pe y, disable or render %nconscio%s any ishery species) It also re ers to the %se o any other s%bstance and9or de$ice which ca%ses an e*plosion that is capable o prod%cin& the said har( %l e ects on any ishery species and a+%atic reso%rces and capable o da(a&in& and alterin& the nat%ral habitat) 46) /ishin& with Co*io%s or -oisono%s !%bstances - the %se o any s%bstance, plant e*tracts or .%ice thereo , sodi%( cyanide and9or cyanide co(po%nds or other che(icals either in a raw or processed or(, har( %l or har(less to h%(an bein&s, which will kill,

st%pe y, disable or render %nconscio%s any ishery species and a+%atic reso%rces and capable o da(a&in& and alterin& the nat%ral habitat) 44) /ishworker - a person re&%larly or not re&%larly e(ployed in co((ercial ishin& and related ind%stries, whose inco(e is either in wa&e, pro it-sharin& or strati ied sharin& basis, incl%din& those workin& in ish pens, ish ca&es, ish corrals9traps, ishponds, prawn ar(s, sea ar(s, salt beds, ish ports, ishin& boat or trawlers, or ish processin& and9or packin& plants) 0*cl%ded ro( this cate&ory are ad(inistrators, sec%rity &%ards and o$erseers) 45) /ood !ec%rity - re ers to any plan, policy or strate&y ai(ed at ens%rin& ade+%ate s%pplies o appropriate ood at a ordable prices) /ood sec%rity (ay be achie$ed thro%&h sel -s% iciency "i)e) ens%rin& ade+%ate ood s%pplies ro( do(estic prod%ction#, thro%&h sel -reliance "i)e) ens%rin& ade+%ate ood s%pplies thro%&h a co(bination o do(estic prod%ction and i(portation#, or thro%&h p%re i(portation) 4<) /oreshore Aand - a strin& o land (ar&inin& a body o water, the part o a seashore between the low-water line %s%ally at the seaward (ar&in o a low tide terrace and the %pper li(it o wa$e wash at hi&h tide %s%ally (arked by a beach scarp or ber() 4=) /%lly-de$eloped /ishpond Area - a clean le$eled area enclosed by dikes, at least one oot hi&her than the hi&hest loodwater le$el in the locality and stron& eno%&h to resist press%re at the hi&hest lood tide, consists o at least a n%rsery pond, a transition pond, a rearin& pond or a co(bination o any or all said classes o ponds, and a %nctional water control syste( and prod%cin& in a co((ercial scale) 4>) 4ross Tonna&e - incl%des the %nderdeck tonna&e, per(anently enclosed spaces abo$e the tonna&e deck, e*cept or certain e*e(ptions) In broad ter(s, all the $essel5s 5closed-in5 spaces e*pressed in $ol%(e ter(s on the bases o one h%ndred c%bic eet "that e+%als one &ross ton#) 4?) Inland /ishery - the reshwater ishery and brackishwater ishponds) 50) Aake - an inland body o water, an e*panded part o a ri$er, a reser$oir or(ed by a da(, or a lake basin inter(ittently or or(erly co$ered by water) 51) Ai(ited Access - a ishery policy by which a syste( o e+%itable reso%rce and allocation is established by law thro%&h ishery ri&hts &rantin& and licensin& proced%re as pro$ided by this 3ode) 52) Man&ro$es - a co((%nity o intertidal plants incl%din& all species o trees, shr%bs, $ines and herbs o%nd on coasts, swa(ps, or border o swa(ps) 56) Ma*i(%( !%stainable 2ield "M!2) - is the lar&est a$era&e +%antity o ish that can be har$ested ro( a ish stocks9reso%rce within a period o ti(e "e)&) one year) on a s%stainable basis %nder e*istin& en$iron(ental conditions) 54) Mi&ratory species - re ers to any ishery species which in the co%rse o their li e co%ld tra$el ro( reshwater to (arine water or $ice $ersa, or any (arine species which tra$el o$er &reat distances in waters o the ocean as part o their beha$ioral adaptation or s%r$i$al and speciation: "a# Anadro(o%s species - (arine ishes which (i&rate to reshwater areas to

spawn, "b# 3atadro(o%s species - reshwater ishes which (i&rate to (arine areas to spawn) 55) Monitorin&, control and s%r$eillance "a# Monitorin& - the re+%ire(ent o contin%o%sly obser$in&: "1# ishin& e ort which can be e*pressed by the n%(ber o days or ho%rs o ishin&, n%(ber o ishin& &ears and n%(ber o isher olk, "2# characteristics o ishery reso%rces, and "6# reso%rce yields "catch#, "b# 3ontrol - the re&%latory conditions "le&al ra(ework# %nder which the e*ploitation, %tili'ation and disposition o the reso%rces (ay be cond%cted, and "c# !%r$eillance - the de&ree and types o obser$ations re+%ired to (aintain co(pliance with re&%lations)lawphi1!"# 5<) M%nicipal isher olk - persons who are directly or indirectly en&a&ed in (%nicipal ishin& and other related ishin& acti$ities) 5=) M%nicipal ishin& - re ers to ishin& within (%nicipal waters %sin& ishin& $essels o three "6) &ross tons or less, or ishin& not re+%irin& the %se o ishin& $essels) 5>) M%nicipal waters - incl%de not only strea(s, lakes, inland bodies o water and tidal waters within the (%nicipality which are not incl%ded within the protected areas as de ined %nder ;ep%blic Act Co) =5>< "The CI-A! Aaw#, p%blic orest, ti(ber lands, orest reser$es or ishery reser$es, b%t also (arine waters incl%ded between two "2) lines drawn perpendic%lar to the &eneral coastline ro( points where the bo%ndary lines o the (%nicipality to%ch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the &eneral coastline incl%din& o shore islands and i teen "15) kilo(eters ro( s%ch coastline) Where two "2) (%nicipalities are so sit%ated on opposite shores that there is less than thirty "60) kilo(eters o (arine waters between the(, the third line shall be e+%ally distant ro( opposite shore o the respecti$e (%nicipalities) 5?) Con-&o$ern(ental or&ani'ation "C47) - an a&ency, instit%tion, a o%ndation or a &ro%p o persons whose p%rpose is to assist peoples or&ani'ations9associations in $ario%s ways incl%din&, b%t not li(ited to, or&ani'in&, ed%cation, trainin&, research and9or reso%rce accessin&) <0) -ayao - a ish a&&re&atin& de$ice consistin& o a loatin& ra t anchored by a wei&hted line with s%spended (aterials s%ch as pal( ronds to attract pela&ic and schoolin& species co((on in deep waters) <1) -earl /ar( Aease - p%blic waters leased or the p%rpose o prod%cin& c%lt%red pearls) <2) -eople5s 7r&ani'ation - a bona ide association o citi'ens with de(onstrated capacity to pro(ote the p%blic interest and with identi iable leadership, (e(bership and str%ct%re) Its (e(bers belon& to a sector9s who $ol%ntarily band the(sel$es to&ether to work or and by the(sel$es or their own %pli t(ent, de$elop(ent and &reater &ood) <6) -erson - nat%ral or .%ridical entities s%ch as indi$id%als, associations, partnership,

cooperati$es or corporations) <4) -hilippine waters - incl%de all bodies o water within the -hilippine territory s%ch as lakes, ri$ers, strea(s, creeks, brooks, ponds, swa(ps, la&oons, &%l s, bays and seas and other bodies o water now e*istin& or which (ay herea ter e*ist in the pro$inces, cities, (%nicipalities, and baran&ays and the waters aro%nd, between and connectin& the islands o the archipela&o re&ardless o their breadth and di(ensions, the territorial sea, the sea beds, the ins%lar shel$es, and all other waters o$er which the -hilippines has so$erei&nty and .%risdiction incl%din& the 200-na%tical (iles 0*cl%si$e 0cono(ic 1one and the continental shel ) <5) -ost-har$est acilities - these acilities incl%de, b%t are not li(ited to, ishport, ishlandin&, ice plants and cold stora&es, ish processin& plants) <<) -%rse !eine - a or( o encirclin& net ha$in& a line at the botto( passin& thro%&h rin&s attached to the net, which can be drawn or p%rsed) In &eneral, the net is set ro( a boat or pair o boats aro%nd the school o ish) The botto( o the net is p%lled closed with the p%rse line) The net is then p%lled aboard the ishin& boat or boats %ntil the ish are concentrated in the b%nt or ish ba&) <=) ;eso%rce ;ent - the di erence between the $al%e o the prod%cts prod%ced ro( har$estin& a p%blicly owned reso%rce less the cost o prod%cin& it, where cost incl%des the nor(al ret%rn to capital and nor(al ret%rn to labor) <>) !ea ar(in& - the stockin& o nat%ral or hatchery-prod%ced (arine plants or ani(als, %nder controlled conditions, or p%rposes o rearin& and har$estin&, b%t not li(ited to co((ercially-i(portant ishes, (oll%sks "s%ch as pearl and &iant cla( c%lt%re#, incl%din& seaweeds and sea&rasses) <?) !ea ranchin& - the release o the yo%n& o ishery species reared in hatcheries and n%rseries into nat%ral bodies o water or s%bse+%ent har$est at (at%rity or the (anip%lation o ishery habitat, to enco%ra&e the &rowth o the wild stocks) =0) !ecretary - the !ecretary o the :epart(ent o A&ric%lt%re) =1) !%perli&ht - also called (a&ic li&ht, is a type o li&ht %sin& halo&en or (etal halide b%lb which (ay be located abo$e the sea s%r ace or s%b(er&ed in the water) It consists o a ballast, re&%lator, electric cable and socket) The so%rce o ener&y co(es ro( a &enerator, battery or dyna(o co%pled with the (ain en&ine) =2) Total Allowable 3atch "TA3) - the (a*i(%( har$est allowed to be taken d%rin& a &i$en period o ti(e ro( any ishery area, or ro( any ishery species or &ro%p o ishery species, or a co(bination o area and species and nor(ally wo%ld not e*ceed the M!2) =6) Trawl - an acti$e ishin& &ear consistin& o a ba& shaped net with or witho%t otter boards to open its openin& which is dra&&ed or towed alon& the botto( or thro%&h the water col%(n to take ishery species by strainin& the( ro( the water, incl%din& all $ariations and (odi ications o trawls "botto(, (id-water, and baby trawls# and tow nets) C'APT(R $$ -tili3ation, *anage4ent, %e5elop4ent, Conser5ation an0 Allocation +yste4 of Fisheries an0

A6uatic Resources +ection 5. Use of Philippine Waters. - The %se and e*ploitation o the ishery and a+%atic reso%rces in -hilippine waters shall be reser$ed e*cl%si$ely to /ilipinos: -ro$ided, howe$er, That research and s%r$ey acti$ities (ay be allowed %nder strict re&%lations, or p%rely research, scienti ic, technolo&ical and ed%cational p%rposes that wo%ld also bene it /ilipino citi'ens) +ection 7. Fees and Other Fishery Char es. - The rentals or ishpond areas co$ered by the /ishpond Aease A&ree(ent "/AA# and license ees or 3o((ercial /ishin& Boat Aicenses "3/BA# shall be set at le$els that re lect reso%rce rent accr%in& ro( the %tili'ation o reso%rces and shall be deter(ined by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That the :epart(ent shall also prescribe ees and other ishery char&es and iss%e the correspondin& license or per(it or ishin& &ear, ishin& accessories and other ishery acti$ities beyond the (%nicipal waters: -ro$ided, %rther, That the license ees o ishery acti$ity in (%nicipal waters shall be deter(ined by the Aocal 4o$ern(ent 8nits "A48s# in cons%ltation with the /A;M3s) The /A;M3s (ay also reco((end the appropriate license ees that will be i(posed) +ection 8. Access to Fishery !eso"rces. - The :epart(ent shall iss%e s%ch n%(ber o licenses and per(its or the cond%ct o ishery acti$ities s%b.ect to the li(its o the M!2 o the reso%rce as deter(ined by scienti ic st%dies or best a$ailable e$idence) -re erence shall be &i$en to reso%rce %sers in the local co((%nities ad.acent or nearest to the (%nicipal waters) +ection 8. Catch Ceilin #imitations. - The !ecretary (ay prescribe li(itations or +%ota on the total +%antity o ish capt%red, or a speci ied period o ti(e and speci ied area based on the best a$ailable e$idence) !%ch a catch ceilin& (ay be i(posed per species o ish whene$er necessary and practicable: -ro$ided, howe$er, That in (%nicipal waters and ishery (ana&e(ent areas, and waters %nder the .%risdiction o special a&encies, catch ceilin&s (ay be established %pon the conc%rrence and appro$al or reco((endation o s%ch special a&ency and the concerned A48 in cons%ltation with the /A;M3 or conser$ation or ecolo&ical p%rposes) +ection !. $sta%lishment of Closed &eason. - The !ecretary (ay declare, thro%&h p%blic notice in at least two "2# newspapers o &eneral circ%lation or in p%blic ser$ice anno%nce(ents, whiche$er is applicable, at least i$e "5# days be ore the declaration, a closed season in any or all -hilippine waters o%tside the bo%ndary o (%nicipal waters and in bays, or conser$ation and ecolo&ical p%rposes) The !ecretary (ay incl%de waters %nder the .%risdiction o special a&encies, (%nicipal waters and bays, and9or other areas reser$ed or the %se o the (%nicipal isher olk in the area to be co$ered by the closed season: -ro$ided, howe$er, That this shall be done only %pon the conc%rrence and appro$al or reco((endation o s%ch special a&ency and the concerned A48 and /A;M3: -ro$ided, %rther, That in (%nicipal waters, ishery (ana&e(ent areas and other areas reser$ed or the %se o the (%nicipal isher olk, closed season (ay be established by the concerned A48 in cons%ltation with the /A;M3 or conser$ation or ecolo&ical p%rposes) The /A;M3s (ay also reco((end the establish(ent o closed seasons in (%nicipal waters, isheries (ana&e(ent and other areas reser$ed or the %se o the (%nicipal isher olk) +ection 0. 'ntrod"ction of Forei n A("atic &pecies. - Co orei&n in ish, (oll%sk, cr%stacean or a+%atic plants shall be introd%ced in -hilippine waters witho%t a so%nd ecolo&ical, biolo&ical and en$iron(ental .%sti ication based on scienti ic st%dies s%b.ect to the bio-sa ety standard as pro$ided or by e*istin& laws: -ro$ided, howe$er, That the :epart(ent (ay appro$e the introd%ction o orei&n a+%atic species or scienti ic9research p%rposes) +ection . Protection of !are) Threatened and $ndan ered &pecies. - The :epart(ent shall declare closed seasons and take conser$ation and rehabilitation (eas%res or rare, threatened and endan&ered species, as it (ay deter(ine, and shall ban the ishin& and9or takin& o rare, threatened and9or endan&ered species, incl%din& their e&&s9o sprin& as identi ied by e*istin& laws in conc%rrence with concerned

&o$ern(ent a&encies) +ection 2. $nvironmental 'mpact &tatement *$'&+. - All &o$ern(ent a&encies as well as pri$ate corporations, ir(s and entities who intend to %ndertake acti$ities or pro.ects which will a ect the +%ality o the en$iron(ent shall be re+%ired to prepare a detailed 0n$iron(ental I(pact !tate(ent "0I!# prior to %ndertakin& s%ch de$elop(ent acti$ity) The preparation o the 0I! shall or( an inte&ral part o the entire plannin& process p%rs%ant to the pro$isions o -residential :ecree Co) 15>< as well as its i(ple(entin& r%les and re&%lations) +ection 1. $nvironmental Compliance Certificate *$CC+. - All 0n$iron(ental I(pact !tate(ents "0I!# shall be s%b(itted to the :epart(ent o 0n$iron(ent and Cat%ral ;eso%rces ":0C;# or re$iew and e$al%ation) Co person, nat%ral or .%ridical, shall %ndertake any de$elop(ent pro.ect witho%t irst sec%rin& an 0n$iron(ental 3o(pliance 3erti icate "033# ro( the !ecretary o the :0C;) +ection 2. ,onitorin ) Control and &"rveillance of Philippine Waters. - A (onitorin&, control and s%r$eillance syste( shall be established by the :epart(ent in coordination with A48s, /A;M3s, the pri$ate sector and other a&encies concerned to ens%re that the isheries and a+%atic reso%rces in -hilippine waters are .%dicio%sly and wisely %tili'ed and (ana&ed on a s%stainable basis and conser$ed or the bene it and en.oy(ent e*cl%si$ely o /ilipino citi'ens) +ection 5. A"-iliary 'nvoices. - All ish and ishery prod%cts (%st ha$e an a%*iliary in$oice to be iss%ed by the A48s or their d%ly a%thori'ed representati$es prior to their transport ro( their point o ori&in to their point o destination in the -hilippines and9or e*port p%rposes %pon pay(ent o a ee to be deter(ined by the A48s to de ray ad(inistrati$e costs there or) ART$C)( $ *-N$C$PA) F$+'(R$(+ +ection 7. ."risdiction of ,"nicipal/City 0overnment. - The (%nicipal9city &o$ern(ent shall ha$e .%risdiction o$er (%nicipal waters as de ined in this 3ode) The (%nicipal9city &o$ern(ent, in cons%ltation with the /A;M3 shall be responsible or the (ana&e(ent, conser$ation, de$elop(ent, protection, %tili'ation, and disposition o all ish and ishery9a+%atic reso%rces within their respecti$e (%nicipal waters) The (%nicipal9city &o$ern(ent (ay, in cons%ltation with the /A;M3, enact appropriate ordinances or this p%rpose and in accordance with the Cational /isheries -olicy) The ordinances enacted by the (%nicipality and co(ponent city shall be re$iewed p%rs%ant to ;ep%blic Act Co) =1<0 by the san&&%nian o the pro$ince which has .%risdiction o$er the sa(e) The A48s shall also en orce all ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations as well as $alid ishery ordinances enacted by the (%nicipal9city co%ncil) The (ana&e(ent o conti&%o%s ishery reso%rces s%ch as bays which straddle se$eral (%nicipalities, cities or pro$inces, shall be done in an inte&rated (anner, and shall not be based on political s%bdi$isions o (%nicipal waters in order to acilitate their (ana&e(ent as sin&le reso%rce syste(s) The A48s which share or border s%ch reso%rces (ay &ro%p the(sel$es and coordinate with each other to achie$e the ob.ecti$es o inte&rated ishery reso%rce (ana&e(ent) The Inte&rated /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces Mana&e(ent 3o%ncils "/A;M3s# established %nder !ection =< o this 3ode shall ser$e as the $en%es or close collaboration a(on& A48s in the (ana&e(ent o conti&%o%s reso%rces) +ection 8. 0rant of Fishin Privile es in ,"nicipal Waters. - The d%ly re&istered isher olk or&ani'ations9cooperati$es shall ha$e pre erence in the &rant o ishery ri&hts by the M%nicipal93ity 3o%ncil p%rs%ant to !ection 14? o the Aocal 4o$ern(ent 3ode: -ro$ided, That in areas where there are special

a&encies or o ices $ested with .%risdiction o$er (%nicipal waters by $irt%e o special laws creatin& these a&encies s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, the Aa&%na Aake :e$elop(ent A%thority and the -alawan 3o%ncil or !%stainable :e$elop(ent, said o ices and a&encies shall contin%e to &rant per(its or proper (ana&e(ent and i(ple(entation o the a ore(entioned str%ct%res) +ection 8. Users of ,"nicipal Waters. - All ishery related acti$ities in (%nicipal waters, as de ined in this 3ode, shall be %tili'ed by (%nicipal isher olk and their cooperati$es9or&ani'ations who are listed as s%ch in the re&istry o (%nicipal isher olk) The (%nicipal or city &o$ern(ent, howe$er, (ay, thro%&h its local chie e*ec%ti$e and actin& p%rs%ant to an appropriate ordinance, a%thori'e or per(it s(all and (edi%( co((ercial ishin& $essels to operate within the ten point one "10)1# to i teen "15# kilo(eter area ro( the shoreline in (%nicipal waters as de ined herein, pro$ided, that all the ollowin& are (et: "a# no co((ercial ishin& in (%nicipal waters with depth less than se$en "=# atho(s as certi ied by the appropriate a&ency, "b# ishin& acti$ities %tili'in& (ethods and &ears that are deter(ined to be consistent with national policies set by the :epart(ent, "c# prior cons%ltation, thro%&h p%blic hearin&, with the M93/A;M3 has been cond%cted, and "d# the applicant $essel as well as the shipowner, e(ployer, captain and crew ha$e been certi ied by the appropriate a&ency as not ha$in& $iolated this 3ode, en$iron(ental laws and related laws) In no case shall the a%thori'ation or per(it (entioned abo$e be &ranted or ishin& in bays as deter(ined by the :epart(ent to be in an en$iron(entally critical condition and d%rin& closed season as pro$ided or in !ection ? o this 3ode) +ection !. !e istry of ,"nicipal Fisherfol1. - The A48 shall (aintain a re&istry o (%nicipal isher olk, who are ishin& or (ay desire to ish in (%nicipal waters or the p%rpose o deter(inin& priorities a(on& the(, o li(itin& entry into the (%nicipal waters, and o (onitorin& ishin& acti$ities an9or other related p%rposes: -ro$ided, That the /A;M3 shall s%b(it to the A48 the list o priorities or its consideration) !%ch list or re&istry shall be %pdated ann%ally or as (ay be necessary, and shall be posted in baran&ay halls or other strate&ic locations where it shall be open to p%blic inspection, or the p%rpose o $alidatin& the correctness and co(pleteness o the list) The A48, in cons%ltation with the /A;M3s, shall or(%late the necessary (echanis(s or incl%sion or e*cl%sion proced%res that shall be (ost bene icial to the resident (%nicipal isher olk) The /A;M3s (ay likewise reco((end s%ch (echanis(s) The A48s shall also (aintain a re&istry o (%nicipal ishin& $essels by type o &ear and other boat partic%lars with the assistance o the /A;M3) +ection 20. Fisherfol1 Or ani2ations and/or Cooperatives. - /isher olk or&ani'ations9cooperati$es whose (e(bers are listed in the re&istry o (%nicipal isher olk, (ay be &ranted %se o de(arcated ishery areas to en&a&e in ish capt%re, (aric%lt%re and9or ish ar(in&: -ro$ided, howe$er, That an or&ani'ation9cooperati$e (e(ber whose ho%sehold is already in possession o a ishery ri&ht other than or ish capt%re cannot en.oy the ishin& ri&hts &ranted to the or&ani'ation or cooperati$e) +ection 2 . Priority of !esident ,"nicipal Fisherfol1. - ;esident (%nicipal isher olk o the (%nicipality concerned and their or&ani'ations9cooperati$es shall ha$e priority to e*ploit (%nicipal and de(arcated

ishery areas o the said (%nicipality) +ection 22. Demarcated Fishery !i ht. - The A48 concerned shall &rant de(arcated ishery ri&hts to ishery or&ani'ations9cooperati$es or (aric%lt%re operation in speci ic areas identi ied by the :epart(ent) +ection 21. #imited $ntry 'nto Overfished Areas. - Whene$er it is deter(ined by the A48s and the :epart(ent that a (%nicipal water is o$er ished based on a$ailable data or in or(ation or in dan&er o bein& o$er ished, and that there is a need to re&enerate the ishery reso%rces in that water, the A48 shall prohibit or li(it ishery acti$ities in the said waters) +ection 22. &"pport to ,"nicipal Fisherfol1. - The :epart(ent and the A48s shall pro$ide s%pport to (%nicipal isher olk thro%&h appropriate technolo&y and research, credit, prod%ction and (arketin& assistance and other ser$ices s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to trainin& or additional9s%pple(entary li$elihood) +ection 25. !i hts and Privile es of Fish3or1ers. - The ishworkers shall be entitled to the pri$ile&es accorded to other workers %nder the Aabor 3ode, !ocial !ec%rity !yste( and other bene its %nder other laws or social le&islation or workers: -ro$ided, That ishworkers on board any ishin& $essels en&a&ed in ishin& operations are hereby co$ered by the -hilippine Aabor 3ode, as a(ended) ART$C)( $$ C"**(RC$A) F$+'(R$(+ +ection 27. Commercial Fishin 4essel #icense and Other #icenses. - Co person shall operate a co((ercial ishin& $essel, pearl ishin& $essel or ishin& $essel or scienti ic, research or ed%cational p%rposes, or en&a&e in any ishery acti$ity, or seek e(ploy(ent as a ishworker or pearl di$er witho%t irst sec%rin& a license ro( the :epart(ent, the period o which shall be prescribed by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That no s%ch license shall be re+%ired o a ishin& $essel en&a&ed in scienti ic, research or ed%cational p%rposes within -hilippine waters p%rs%ant to an international a&ree(ent o which the -hilippines is a si&natory and which a&ree(ent de ines the stat%s, pri$ile&es and obli&ations o said $essel and its crew and the non-/ilipino o icials o the international a&ency %nder which said $essel operates: -ro$ided, %rther, That (e(bers o the crew o a ishin& $essel %sed or co((ercial ishin& e*cept the d%ly licensed and9or a%thori'ed patrons, (arine en&ineers, radio operators and cooks shall be considered as isher olk: -ro$ided, %rther(ore, That all skippers9(aster ishers shall be re+%ired to %ndertake an orientation trainin& on detection o ish ca%&ht by ille&al (eans be ore they can be iss%ed their ishworker licenses: -ro$ided, inally, That the lar&e co((ercial ishin& $essels license herein a%thori'ed to be &ranted shall allow the licensee to operate only in -hilippine waters se$en "=# or (ore atho(s deep, the depth to be certi ied by the CAM;IA, and s%b.ect to the conditions that (ay be stated therein and the r%les and re&%lations that (ay be pro(%l&ated by the :epart(ent) +ection 28. Persons $li i%le for Commercial Fishin 4essel #icense. - Co co((ercial ishin& $essel license shall be iss%ed e*cept to citi'ens o the -hilippines, partnerships or to associations, cooperati$es or corporations d%ly re&istered in the -hilippines at least si*ty percent "<0E# o the capital stock o which is owned by /ilipino citi'ens) Co person to who( a license has been iss%ed shall sell, trans er or assi&n, directly or indirectly, his stock or interest therein to any person not +%ali ied to hold a license) Any s%ch trans er, sale or assi&n(ent shall be n%ll and $oid and shall not be re&istered in the books o the association, cooperati$e or corporation) /or p%rposes o co((ercial ishin&, ishin& $essels owned by citi'ens o the -hilippines, partnerships, corporations, cooperati$es or associations +%ali ied %nder this section shall sec%re 3erti icates o -hilippine ;e&istry and s%ch other doc%(ents as are necessary or ishin& operations ro( the concerned a&encies: -ro$ided, That the co((ercial ishin& $essel license shall be $alid or a period to be deter(ined by the :epart(ent)

+ection 28. Commercial Fishin 4essel !e istration. - The re&istration, doc%(entation, inspection and (annin& o the operation o all types o ishin& $essels plyin& -hilippine waters shall be in accordance with laws, r%les and re&%lations) +ection 2!. !e istration and #icensin of Fishin 0ears Used in Commercial Fishin . - Be ore a co((ercial ishin& $essel holdin& a co((ercial ishin& $essel license (ay be&in ishin& operations in -hilippine waters, the ishin& &ear it will %tili'e in ishin& shall be re&istered and a license &ranted there or) The :epart(ent shall pro(%l&ate &%idelines to i(ple(ent this pro$ision within si*ty "<0# days ro( appro$al o this 3ode) +ection 10. !ene3al of Commercial 5oat #icense. - The co((ercial ishin& boat license shall be renewed e$ery three "6# years) The owner9operator o a ishin& $essel has a period o si*ty "<0# days prior to the e*piration o the license within which to renew the sa(e) +ection 1 . !eport of Transfer of O3nership. - The owner9operator o a re&istered ishin& $essel shall noti y the :epart(ent in writin& o the trans er o the ownership o the $essel with a copy o s%ch doc%(ent within ten "10# days a ter its trans er to another person) +ection 12. Fishin %y Philippine Commercial Fishin Fleet in 'nternational Waters. - /ishin& $essels o -hilippine re&istry (ay operate in international waters or waters o other co%ntries which allow s%ch ishin& operations: -ro$ided, That they co(ply with the sa ety, (annin& and other re+%ire(ents o the -hilippine 3oast 4%ard, Mariti(e Ind%stry A%thority and other a&encies concerned: -ro$ided, howe$er, That they sec%re an international ishin& per(it and certi icate o clearance ro( the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, %rther, That the ish ca%&ht by s%ch $essels shall be considered as ca%&ht in -hilippine waters and there ore not s%b.ect to all i(port d%ties and ta*es only when the sa(e is landed in d%ly desi&nated ish landin&s and ish ports in the -hilippines: -ro$ided, %rther(ore, That landin& ports established by canneries, sea ood processors and all ish landin& sites established prior to the e ecti$ity o this 3ode shall be considered a%thori'ed landin& sites: -ro$ided, inally, That ishworkers on board -hilippine re&istered ishin& $essels cond%ctin& ishin& acti$ities beyond the -hilippine 0*cl%si$e 0cono(ic 1one are not considered as o$erseas /ilipino workers) +ection 11. 'mportation of Fishin 4essels or Constr"ction of 6e3 Fishin 5oats. - -rior to the i(portation o ishin& $essels and the constr%ction o new ishin& $essels, the appro$al9clearance o the :epart(ent (%st irst be obtained) +ection 12. 'ncentives for ,"nicipal and &mall7&cale Commercial Fisherfol1. - M%nicipal and s(allscale co((ercial isher olk shall be &ranted incenti$es which shall incl%de, b%t are not li(ited to, the ollowin&: "a# at least ten percent "10E# o the credit and the &%arantee %nds o &o$ern(ent inancin& instit%tions shall be (ade a$ailable or post-har$est and (arketin& pro.ects or the p%rpose o enhancin& o%r isher olk co(petiti$eness by red%cin& post-har$est losses) F%ali ied pro.ects shall incl%de, b%t shall not be li(ited to, ice plants, cold stora&e, cannin&, wareho%se, transport and other related in rastr%ct%re pro.ects and acilities, and "b# the :epart(ent shall %ndertake the ollowin& pro&ra(s: 1) a capability-b%ildin& pro&ra( or tar&eted parties shall be de$eloped by the :epart(ent to pro(ote &reater bankability and credit worthiness o (%nicipal and s(all-scale co((ercial ishers) !%ch pro&ra( shall incl%de or&ani'in& acti$ities,

technolo&y trans er, and skills trainin& related to co((ercial ishin& as well as credit (ana&e(ent) 4ro%ps and cooperati$es or&ani'ed %nder the pro&ra( shall ha$e priority access o$er credit and &%arantee %nds established %nder this 3ode, and 2) an in or(ation ca(pai&n shall be cond%cted to pro(ote the capability b%ildin& and credit pro&ra(s) The ca(pai&n shall ens%re &reater in or(ation disse(ination and accessibility to tar&eted isher olk) +ection 15. 'ncentives for Commercial Fishers to Fish Farther into the $-cl"sive $conomic 8one. - In order to enco%ra&e ishin& $essel operators to ish arther in the 001 and beyond, new incenti$es or i(pro$e(ent o ishin& $essels and ac+%isition o ishin& e+%ip(ent shall be &ranted in addition to incenti$es already a$ailable ro( the Board o In$est(ents "B7I#) !%ch incenti$es shall be &ranted s%b.ect to e*ha%sti$e e$al%ation o reso%rce and e*ploitation conditions in the speci ied areas o ishin& operations) The incenti$e shall incl%de, b%t not be li(ited to: "a# lon& ter( loans s%pported by &%arantee acilities to inance the b%ildin& and ac+%isition and9or i(pro$e(ent o ishin& $essels and e+%ip(ent, "b# co((ercial ishin& $essel operators o -hilippine re&istry shall en.oy a li(ited period o ta* and d%ty e*e(ptions on the i(portation o ishin& $essels not (ore than i$e "5# years old, e+%ip(ent and paraphernalia, the period o e*e(ption and &%idelines shall be i*ed by the :epart(ent within ninety "?0# days ro( the e ecti$ity o this 3ode, "c# co((ercial ishin& operator o -hilippine re&istry en&a&ed in isheries in the hi&h seas shall be entitled to d%ty and ta* rebates on %el cons%(ption or co((ercial isheries operations) 4%idelines shall be pro(%l&ated within ninety "?0# days ro( the e ecti$ity o this 3ode by the :epart(ent, and "d# all applicable incenti$es a$ailable %nder the 7(nib%s In$est(ent 3ode o 1?>=: -ro$ided, That the ishin& operation pro.ect is +%ali ied or re&istration and is d%ly re&istered with the B7I) +ection 17. Complement of Fishin 4essels. - 0$ery co((ercial ishin& $essel o -hilippine re&istry when act%ally operated, shall be (anned in accordance with the re+%ire(ents o the -hilippine Merchant Marine r%les and re&%lations) +ection 18. ,edical &"pplies and #ife7&avin Devices. - All ishin& $essels shall be pro$ided with ade+%ate (edical s%pplies and li e-sa$in& de$ices to be deter(ined by the 7cc%pational !a ety and Gealth 3enter: -ro$ided, That a ishin& $essel o twenty "20# 4T or (ore shall ha$e as a (e(ber o its crew a person +%ali ied as a irst aider d%ly certi ied by the -hilippine Cational ;ed 3ross) +ection 18. !eportorial !e("irements. - 0ach co((ercial ishin& $essel shall keep a daily record o ish catch and spoila&e, landin& points, and +%antity and $al%e o ish ca%&ht, and o -loaded or transship(ent, sale and9or other disposal) :etailed in or(ation shall be d%ly certi ied by the $essel5s captain and trans(itted (onthly to the o icer or representati$e o the :epart(ent, at the nearest desi&nated landin& point) +ection 1!. !eport of ,eteorolo ical and Other Data. - All $essels and cra ts passin& na$i&ational lanes or en&a&ed in isheries acti$ity shall be re+%ired to contrib%te to (eteorolo&ical and other data, and shall assist the :epart(ent in doc%(entation or reportin& o in or(ation $ital to na$i&ation and the ishin& ind%stry) +ection 20. Color Code and !adio Fre("ency. - /or ad(inistrati$e e iciency and en orce(ent o

re&%lations, re&istered ishin& $essels shall bear a color code as (ay be deter(ined by the :epart(ent and (ay be assi&ned a radio re+%ency speci ic and distinct to its area o operation) +ection 2 . Passa e. - 3o((ercial and other passa&e not in the re&%lar cond%ct o isheries acti$ity shall be (ade at desi&nated na$i&ational lanes) +ection 22. Transshipment. - /orei&n ishin& $essels wishin& to a$ail o land, air and sea acilities a$ailable in the -hilippines to transport ishery prod%cts which are ca%&ht o%tside -hilippine territorial waters to its inal destination shall call only at d%ly desi&nated &o$ern(ent-owned or -controlled re&ional ishport co(ple*es a ter sec%rin& clearance ro( the :epart(ent) +ection 21. Operation of !adio Comm"nication Facilities on 5oard Fishin 4essels. - The :epart(ent shall pro(%l&ate &%idelines in the operation o radio co((%nication acilities on board ishin& $essels and the assi&n(ent o radio re+%encies speci ic and distinct to area o operation in coordination with the Cational Teleco((%nications 3o((ission) +ection 22. Use of &"perli ht. - The n%(ber and watta&e o s%perli&hts %sed in co((ercial ishin& $essels shall be re&%lated by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That the %se o s%perli&hts is banned within (%nicipal waters and bays) ART$C)( $$$ A,-AC-)T-R( +ection 25. Disposition of P"%lic #ands for Fishery P"rposes. - -%blic lands s%ch as tidal swa(ps, (an&ro$es, (arshes, oreshore lands and ponds s%itable or ishery operations shall not be disposed or alienated) 8pon e ecti$ity o this 3ode, /AA (ay be iss%ed or p%blic lands that (ay be declared a$ailable or ishpond de$elop(ent pri(arily to +%ali ied isher olk cooperati$es9associations: -ro$ided, howe$er, That %pon the e*piration o e*istin& /AAs the c%rrent lessees shall be &i$en priority and be entitled to an e*tension o twenty- i$e "25# years in the %tili'ation o their respecti$e leased areas) Therea ter, s%ch /AAs shall be &ranted to any /ilipino citi'en with pre erence, pri(arily to +%ali ied isher olk cooperati$es9associations as well as s(all and (edi%( enterprises as de ined %nder ;ep%blic Act Co) >2>?: -ro$ided, %rther, That the :epart(ent shall declare as reser$ation, portions o a$ailable p%blic lands certi ied as s%itable or ishpond p%rposes or ish sanct%ary, conser$ation, and ecolo&ical p%rposes: -ro$ided, inally, That two "2# years a ter the appro$al o this Act, no ish pens or ish ca&es or ish traps shall be allowed in lakes) +ection 27. #ease of Fishponds. - /ishpond leased to +%ali ied persons and isher olk or&ani'ations9cooperati$es shall be s%b.ect to the ollowin& conditions: "a# Areas leased or ishpond p%rposes shall be no (ore than 50 hectares or indi$id%als and 250 hectares or corporations or isher olk or&ani'ations, "b# The lease shall be or a period o twenty- i$e "25# years and renewable or another twenty- i$e "25# years: -ro$ided, That in case o the death o the lessee, his spo%se and9or children, as his heirs, shall ha$e pree(pti$e ri&hts to the %ne*pired ter( o his /ishpond Aease A&ree(ent s%b.ect to the sa(e ter(s and conditions pro$ided herein pro$ided that the said heirs are +%ali ied, "c# Aease rates or ishpond areas shall be deter(ined by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That all ees collected shall be re(itted to the Cational /isheries ;esearch and :e$elop(ent Instit%te and other +%ali ied research instit%tions to be %sed or a+%ac%lt%re research

de$elop(ent, "d# The area leased shall be de$eloped and prod%cin& on a co((ercial scale within three "6# years ro( the appro$al o the lease contract: -ro$ided, howe$er, That all areas not %lly prod%cin& within i$e "5# years ro( the date o appro$al o the lease contract shall a%to(atically re$ert to the p%blic do(ain or re orestation, "e# The ishpond shall not be s%bleased, in whole or in part, and ail%re to co(ply with this pro$ision shall (ean cancellation o /AA, " # The trans er or assi&n(ent o ri&hts to /AA shall be allowed only %pon prior written appro$al o the :epart(ent, "&# The lessee shall %ndertake re orestation or ri$er banks, bays, strea(s, and seashore rontin& the dike o his ishpond s%b.ect to the r%les and re&%lations to be pro(%l&ated thereon, and "h# The lessee shall pro$ide acilities that will (ini(i'e en$iron(ental poll%tion, i)e), settlin& ponds, reser$oirs, etc: -ro$ided, That ail%re to co(ply with this pro$ision shall (ean cancellation o /AA) +ection 28. Code of Practice for A("ac"lt"re. - The :epart(ent shall establish a code o practice or a+%ac%lt%re that will o%tline &eneral principles and &%idelines or en$iron(entally-so%nd desi&n and operation to pro(ote the s%stainable de$elop(ent o the ind%stry) !%ch 3ode shall be de$eloped thro%&h a cons%ltati$e process with the :0C;, the ishworkers, /AA holders, ishpond owners, isher olk cooperati$es, s(all-scale operators, research instit%tions and the acade(e, and other potential stakeholders) The :epart(ent (ay cons%lt with speciali'ed international or&ani'ations in the or(%lation o the code o practice) +ection 28. 'ncentives and Disincentives for &"staina%le A("ac"lt"re Practices. - The :epart(ent shall or(%late incenti$es and disincenti$es, s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, e l%ent char&es, %ser ees and ne&otiable per(its, to enco%ra&e co(pliance with the en$iron(ental standards and to pro(ote s%stainable (ana&e(ent practices) +ection 2!. !eversion of All A%andoned) Undeveloped or Under"tili2ed Fishponds. - The :0C;, in coordination with the :epart(ent, A48s, other concerned a&encies and /A;M3s shall deter(ine which abandoned, %nderde$eloped or %nder%tili'ed ishponds co$ered by /AAs can be re$erted to their ori&inal (an&ro$e state and a ter ha$in& (ade s%ch deter(ination shall take all steps necessary to restore s%ch areas in their ori&inal (an&ro$e state) +ection 50. A%sentee Fishpond #ease A reement 9olders. - Golders o ishpond lease a&ree(ents who ha$e ac+%ired citi'enship in another co%ntry d%rin& the e*istence o the /AA shall ha$e their lease a%to(atically cancelled and the i(pro$e(ents thereon to be or eited in a$or o the &o$ern(ent and disposed o in accordance with r%les and re&%lations pro(%l&ated thereon) +ection 5 . #icense to Operate Fish Pens) Fish Ca es) Fish Traps and Other &tr"ct"res for the C"lt"re of Fish and Other Fishery Prod"cts. - /ish pens, ish ca&es, ish traps and other str%ct%res or the c%lt%re o ish and other ishery prod%cts shall be constr%cted and shall operate only within established 'ones d%ly desi&nated by A48s in cons%ltation with the /A;M3s concerned consistent with national isheries policies a ter the correspondin& licenses thereo ha$e been sec%red) The area to be %tili'ed or this p%rpose or indi$id%al person shall be deter(ined by the A48s in cons%ltation with the concerned /A;M3: -ro$ided, howe$er, That not o$er ten percent "10E# o the s%itable water s%r ace area o all lakes and ri$ers

shall be allotted or a+%ac%lt%re p%rposes like ish pens, ish ca&es and ish traps, and the stockin& density and eedin& re+%ire(ent which shall be controlled and deter(ined by its carryin& capacity: -ro$ided, %rther, That ish pens and ish ca&es located o%tside (%nicipal waters shall be constr%cted and operated only within ish pen and ish ca&e belts desi&nated by the :epart(ent and a ter correspondin& licenses there or ha$e been sec%red and the ees thereo paid) +ection 52. Pearl Farm #eases. - The ore&oin& pro$isions notwithstandin&, e*istin& pearl ar( leases shall be respected and allowed to operate %nder the ter(s thereo ) Cew leases (ay be &ranted to +%ali ied persons who possess the necessary capital and technolo&y, by the A48s ha$in& .%risdiction o$er the area) +ection 51. 0rant of Privile es for Operations of Fish Pens) Ca es) Corrals/Traps and &imilar &tr"ct"res. - Co new concessions, licenses, per(its, leases and si(ilar pri$ile&es or the establish(ent or operation o ish pens, ish ca&es, ish corrals9traps and other si(ilar str%ct%res in (%nicipal areas shall be &ranted e*cept to (%nicipal isher olk and their or&ani'ations) +ection 52. 'ns"rance for Fishponds) Fish Ca es and Fish Pens. - Inland ishponds, ish ca&es and ish pens shall be co$ered %nder the ins%rance pro&ra( o the -hilippine 3rop Ins%rance 3orporation or losses ca%sed by orce (a.e%re and ort%ito%s e$ents) +ection 55. 6on7O%str"ction to 6avi ation. - Cothin& in the ore&oin& sections shall be constr%ed as per(ittin& the lessee, licensee, or per(ittee to %ndertake any constr%ction which will obstr%ct the ree na$i&ation in any strea(, ri$er, lakes, or bays lowin& thro%&h or ad.oinin& the ish pens, ish ca&es, ish traps and ishponds, or i(pede the low o the tide to and ro( the area) Any constr%ction (ade in $iolation hereo shall be re(o$ed %pon the order o the :epart(ent in coordination with the other &o$ern(ent a&encies concerned at the e*pense o the lessee, licensee, or occ%pants thereo , whene$er applicable) The :epart(ent shall within thirty "60# days a ter the e ecti$ity o this 3ode or(%late and i(ple(ent r%les and re&%lations or the i((ediate dis(antlin& o e*istin& obstr%ction to na$i&ation) +ection 57. 6on7O%str"ction to Defined ,i ration Paths. - Cothin& in the ore&oin& sections shall be constr%ed as per(ittin& the lessee, per(ittee, or licensee to %ndertake any constr%ction which will obstr%ct any de ined (i&ration path o (i&ratory ish species s%ch as ri$er (o%ths and est%aries with a distance deter(ined by the concerned A48s in cons%ltation with and %pon the reco((endation o the /A;M3s) +ection 58. !e istration of Fish 9atcheries and Private Fishponds) etc. - All ish hatcheries, ish breedin& acilities and pri$ate ishponds (%st be re&istered with the A48s which shall prescribe (ini(%( standards or s%ch acilities in cons%ltation with the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That the :epart(ent shall cond%ct a yearly in$entory o all ishponds, ish pens and ish ca&es whether in p%blic or pri$ate lands: -ro$ided, %rther, That all ishpond, ish pens and ish ca&e operators shall ann%ally report to the :epart(ent the type o species and $ol%(e o prod%ction in areas de$oted to a+%ac%lt%re) ART$C)( $# P"+T9'AR#(+T FAC$)$T$(+, ACT$#$T$(+ AN% TRA%(+ +ection 58. Comprehensive Post7harvest and Ancillary 'nd"stries Plan. - The :epart(ent shall cond%ct a re&%lar st%dy o isheries post-har$est operations and ancillary ind%stries, in the or(%lation o a co(prehensi$e plan or post-har$est and ancillary ind%stries) It shall take into acco%nt a(on& others, the ollowin&: "a# detailed and clear &%idelines on the distrib%tion, constr%ction, (aintenance and %se o post-har$est in rastr%ct%re acilities,

"b# e*tension o credit and incenti$es or post-har$est operations, "c# pro(otion and stren&thenin& o se(i-processin&, processin& and handlin&, "d# de$elop(ent o do(estic ish(eal ind%stry, "e# de$elop(ent o isheries ship-b%ildin& and repair as a $iable ind%stry, " # de$elop(ent and stren&thenin& o (arketin& acilities and acti$ities, incl%din& the pricin& syste(, with e(phasis on collecti$e (arketin& and the eli(ination o (iddle(en, "&# increased participation o cooperati$es and non-&o$ern(ental or&ani'ations in posthar$est operations and ancillary ind%stries, and "h# inte&ration o isheries post-har$est operations into the national isheries plan) +ection 5!. $sta%lishment of Post79arvest Facilities for Fishin Comm"nities. - The A48s shall coordinate with the pri$ate sector and other concerned a&encies and /A;M3s in the establish(ent o posthar$est acilities or ishin& co((%nities s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, (%nicipal ish landin& sites, ish ports, ice plants and cold stora&e and other ish processin& establish(ents to ser$e pri(arily the needs o (%nicipal isher olk: -ro$ided, That s%ch post-har$est acilities shall be consistent with the 3o(prehensi$e -ost-har$est and Ancillary Ind%stries -lan) +ection 70. !e istration and #icensin of all Post79arvest Facilities. - All post-har$est acilities s%ch as ish processin& plants, ice plants, and cold stora&es, ish ports9landin&s and other ishery b%siness establish(ents (%st re&ister with and be licensed by the A48s which shall prescribe (ini(%( standards or s%ch acilities in cons%ltation with the :epart(ent) +ection 7 . 'mportation and $-portation of Fishery Prod"cts. "a# 0*port o ishery prod%cts shall be re&%lated whene$er s%ch e*portation a ects do(estic ood sec%rity and prod%ction: -ro$ided, That e*portation o li$e ish shall be prohibited e*cept those which are hatched or propa&ated in accredited hatcheries and ponds, "b# To protect and (aintain the local biodi$ersity or ens%re the s% iciency o do(estic s%pply, spawners, breeders, e&&s and ry o ban&%s, prawn and other ende(ic species, as (ay be deter(ined by the :epart(ent, shall not be e*ported or ca%sed to be e*ported by any person, "c# /ishery prod%cts (ay be i(ported only when the i(portation has been certi ied as necessary by the :epart(ent in cons%ltation with the /A;M3, and all the re+%ire(ents o this 3ode, as well as all e*istin& r%les and re&%lations ha$e been co(plied with: -ro$ided, That ish i(ports or cannin&9processin& p%rposes only (ay be allowed witho%t the necessary certi ication, b%t within the pro$isions o !ection <1"d# o this 3ode, and "d# Co person, shall i(port and9or e*port ishery prod%cts o whate$er si'e, sta&e or or( or any p%rpose witho%t sec%rin& a per(it ro( the :epart(ent) The :epart(ent in cons%ltation with the /A;M3 shall pro(%l&ate r%les and re&%lations on i(portation and e*portation o ish and ishery9a+%atic reso%rces with the 4o$ern(ent5s e*port9i(port si(pli ication

proced%res) +ection 72. 'nstr"ments of Wei hts and ,eas"res) and :"ality 0rades/&tandards. - !tandards or wei&hts, $ol%(e and other (eas%re(ents or all ishery transactions shall be set by the :epart(ent) All ish and ishery prod%cts or e*port, i(port and do(estic cons%(ption shall (eet the +%ality &rades9standards as deter(ined by the :epart(ent) The A48 concerned shall, by appropriate ordinance, penali'e ra%d%lent practices and %nlaw %l possession or %se o instr%(ents o wei&hts and (eas%res) C'APT(R $$$ Reconstitution of The :ureau of Fisheries an0 A6uatic Resources an0 Creation of Fisheries an0 A6uatic Resources *anage4ent Councils ART$C)( $ R(C"N+T$T-T$"N "F T'( :-R(A- "F F$+'(R$(+ AN% A,-AT$C R(+"-RC(+ +ection 71. Creation of the Position of Undersecretary for Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces. - There is hereby created in the :epart(ent o A&ric%lt%re the position o 8ndersecretary or /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces, solely or the p%rpose o attendin& to the needs o the ishin& ind%stry, to be appointed by the -resident) !%ch 8ndersecretary shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# set policies and or(%late standards or the e ecti$e, e icient and econo(ical operations o the ishin& ind%stry in accordance with the pro&ra(s o the &o$ern(ent, "b# e*ercise o$erall s%per$ision o$er all %nctions and acti$ities o all o ices and instr%(entalities and other o ices related to isheries incl%din& its o icers, "c# establish, with the assistance o the director, s%ch re&ional, pro$incial and other ishery o icers as (ay be necessary and appropriate and or&ani'e the internal str%ct%re o B/A; in s%ch (anner as is necessary or the e icient and e ecti$e attain(ent o its ob.ecti$es and p%rposes, and "d# per or( s%ch other %nctions as (ay be necessary or proper to attain the ob.ecti$es o this 3ode) +ection 72. !econstit"tion of the 5FA!. - The B%rea% o /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces "B/A;# is hereby reconstit%ted as a line b%rea% %nder the :epart(ent o A&ric%lt%re) +ection 75. F"nctions of the 5"rea" of Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces. - As a line b%rea%, the B/A; shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# prepare and i(ple(ent a 3o(prehensi$e Cational /isheries Ind%stry :e$elop(ent -lan, "b# iss%e licenses or the operation o co((ercial ishin& $essels, "c# iss%e identi ication cards ree o char&e to ishworkers en&a&ed in co((ercial ishin&, "d# (onitor and re$iew .oint ishin& a&ree(ents between /ilipino citi'ens and orei&ners who cond%ct ishin& acti$ities in international waters, and ens%re that s%ch a&ree(ents are not

contrary to -hilippine co((it(ent %nder international treaties and con$ention on ishin& in the hi&h seas, "e# or(%late and i(ple(ent a 3o(prehensi$e /ishery ;esearch and :e$elop(ent -ro&ra(, s%ch as, b%t not li(ited to, sea ar(in&, sea ranchin&, tropical9orna(ental ish and seaweed c%lt%re, ai(ed at increasin& reso%rce prod%cti$ity, i(pro$in& reso%rce %se e iciency, and ens%rin& the lon&-ter( s%stainability o the co%ntry5s ishery and a+%atic reso%rces, " # establish and (aintain a 3o(prehensi$e /ishery In or(ation !yste(, "&# pro$ide e*tensi$e de$elop(ent s%pport ser$ices in all aspects o isheries prod%ction, processin& and (arketin&, "h# pro$ide ad$isory ser$ices and technical assistance on the i(pro$e(ent o +%ality o ish ro( the ti(e it is ca%&ht "i)e) on board ishin& $essel, at landin& areas, ish (arkets, to the processin& plants and to the distrib%tion and (arketin& chain#, "i# coordinate e orts relatin& to ishery prod%ction %ndertaken by the pri(ary ishery prod%cers, A48s, /A;M3s, ishery and or&ani'ations9cooperati$es, ".# ad$ise and coordinate with A48s on the (aintenance o proper sanitation and hy&ienic practices in ish (arkets and ish landin& areas, "k# establish a corps o specialists in collaboration with the :epart(ent o Cational :e ense, :epart(ent o the Interior and Aocal 4o$ern(ent, :epart(ent o /orei&n A airs or the e icient (onitorin&, control and s%r$eillance o ishin& acti$ities within -hilippine territorial waters and pro$ide the necessary acilities, e+%ip(ent and trainin& there or, "l# i(ple(ent an inspection syste( or i(port and e*port o ishery9a+%atic prod%cts and ish processin& establish(ents, consistent with international standards to ens%re prod%ct +%ality and sa ety, "(# coordinate with A48s and other concerned a&encies or the establish(ent o prod%cti$ity enhancin& and (arket de$elop(ent pro&ra(s in ishin& co((%nities to enable wo(en to en&a&e in other isheries9econo(ic acti$ities and contrib%te si&ni icantly to de$elop(ent e orts, "n# en orce all laws, or(%late and en orce all r%les and re&%lations &o$ernin& the conser$ation and (ana&e(ent o ishery reso%rces, e*cept in (%nicipal waters, and to settle con licts o reso%rce %se and allocation in cons%ltation with the C/A;M3, A48s and local /A;M3s, "o# de$elop $al%e-added ishery-prod%cts or do(estic cons%(ption and e*port, lawphi1 "p# reco((end (eas%res or the protection9enhance(ent o the ishery ind%stries, "+# assist the A48s in de$elopin& their technical capability in the de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent, re&%lation, conser$ation, and protection o the ishery reso%rces, "r# or(%late r%les and re&%lations or the conser$ation and (ana&e(ent o straddlin& ish

stocks and hi&hly (i&ratory ish stocks, and "s# per or( s%ch other related %nctions which shall pro(ote the de$elop(ent, conser$ation, (ana&e(ent, protection and %tili'ation o isheries and a+%atic reso%rces) +ection 77. Composition of 5FA!. - As a line b%rea%, the B/A; shall be headed by a :irector and assisted by two "2# Assistant :irectors who shall s%per$ise the ad(inistrati$e and technical ser$ices o the b%rea% respecti$ely) It shall establish re&ional, pro$incial and (%nicipal o ices as (ay be appropriate and necessary to carry o%t e ecti$ely and e iciently the pro$isions o this 3ode) +ection 78. Fisheries 'nspection and :"arantine &ervice. - /or p%rposes o (onitorin& and re&%latin& the i(portation and e*portation o ish and ishery9a+%atic reso%rces, the /isheries Inspection and F%arantine !er$ice in the B/A; is hereby stren&thened and shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# cond%ct isheries +%arantine and +%ality inspection o all ish and ishery9a+%atic prod%cts co(in& into and &oin& o%t o the co%ntry by air or water transport, to detect the presence o ish pest and diseases and i o%nd to harbor ish pests or diseases shall be con iscated and disposed o in accordance with en$iron(ental standards and practices, "b# i(ple(ent international a&ree(ents9co((it(ents on bio-sa ety and bio-di$ersity as well as pre$ent the (o$e(ent or trade o ende(ic ishery and a+%atic reso%rces to ens%re that the sa(e are not taken o%t o the co%ntry, "c# +%arantine s%ch a+%atic ani(als and other ishery prod%cts deter(ined or s%spected to be with ishery pests and diseases and pre$ent the (o$e(ent or trade ro( and9or into the co%ntry o these prod%cts so prohibited or re&%lated %nder e*istin& laws, r%les and re&%lations as well as international a&ree(ents o which the -hilippines is a !tate -arty, "d# e*a(ine all ish and ishery prod%cts co(in& into or &oin& o%t o the co%ntry which (ay be a so%rce or (edi%( o ish pests or diseases and9or re&%lated by e*istin& ishery re&%lations and ens%re that the +%ality o ish i(port and e*port (eet international standards, and "e# doc%(ent and a%thori'e the (o$e(ent or trade o ish and ishery prod%cts when o%nd ree o ish pests or diseases and collect necessary ees prescribed by law and re&%lations) ART$C)( $$ T'( F$+'(R$(+ AN% A,-AT$C R(+"-RC(+ *ANA&(*(NT C"-NC$)+ ;FAR*Cs< +ection 78. Development of Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces in ,"nicipal Waters and 5ays. /isher olk and their or&ani'ations residin& within the &eo&raphical .%risdiction o the baran&ays, (%nicipalities or cities with the concerned A48s shall de$elop the ishery9a+%atic reso%rces in (%nicipal waters and bays) +ection 7!. Creation of Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces ,ana ement Co"ncils *FA!,Cs+. /A;M3s shall be established in the national le$el and in all (%nicipalities9cities ab%ttin& (%nicipal waters as de ined by this 3ode) The /A;M3s shall be or(ed by isher olk or&ani'ations9cooperati$es and C47s in the locality and be assisted by the A48s and other &o$ern(ent entities) Be ore or&ani'in& /A;M3s, the A48s, C47s, isher olk, and other concerned -7s shall %nder&o cons%ltation and orientation on the or(ation o /A;M3s) +ection 80. Creation and Composition of the 6ational Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces ,ana ement

Co"ncil *6FA!,C+. - There is hereby created a Cational /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces Mana&e(ent 3o%ncil hereina ter re erred to as C/A;M3 as an ad$isory9reco((endatory body to the :epart(ent) The C/A;M3 shall be co(posed o i teen "15# (e(bers consistin& o : "a# the 8ndersecretary o A&ric%lt%re, as 3hair(an, "b# the 8ndersecretary o the Interior and Aocal 4o$ern(ent, "c# i$e "5# (e(bers representin& the isher olk and ishworkers, "d# i$e "5# (e(bers representin& co((ercial ishin& and a+%ac%lt%re operators and the processin& sectors, "e# two "2# (e(bers ro( the acade(e, and " # one "1# representati$e o C47s in$ol$ed in isheries) The (e(bers o the C/A;M3, e*cept or the 8ndersecretary o A&ric%lt%re and the 8ndersecretary o the Interior and Aocal 4o$ern(ent, shall be appointed by the -resident %pon the no(ination o their respecti$e or&ani'ations) +ection 8 . Terms of Office. - The (e(bers o C/A;M3, e*cept the 8ndersecretary o A&ric%lt%re and the 8ndersecretary o the Interior and Aocal 4o$ern(ent, shall ser$e or a ter( o three "6# years witho%t reappoint(ent) +ection 82. F"nctions of the 6FA!,C. - The C/A;M3 shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# assist in the or(%lation o national policies or the protection, s%stainable de$elop(ent and (ana&e(ent o ishery and a+%atic reso%rces or the appro$al o the !ecretary, "b# assist the :epart(ent in the preparation o the Cational /isheries and Ind%stry :e$elop(ent -lan, and "c# per or( s%ch other %nctions as (ay be pro$ided by law) +ection 81. The ,"nicipal/City Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces ,ana ement Co"ncils *,/CFA!,Cs+. - The M93/A;M3s shall be created in each o the (%nicipalities and cities ab%ttin& (%nicipal waters) Gowe$er, the A48 (ay create the Baran&ay /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces Mana&e(ent 3o%ncils "B/A;M3s# and the Aakewide /isheries and A+%atic ;eso%rces Mana&e(ent 3o%ncils "A/A;M3s# whene$er necessary) !%ch B/A;M3s and A/A;M3s shall ser$e in an ad$isory capacity to the A48s) +ection 82. F"nctions of the ,/CFA!,Cs. - The M93/A;M3s shall e*ercise the ollowin& %nctions: "a# assist in the preparation o the M%nicipal /ishery :e$elop(ent -lan and s%b(it s%ch plan to the M%nicipal :e$elop(ent 3o%ncil, "b# reco((end the enact(ent o (%nicipal ishery ordinances to the san&&%nian& bayan9san&&%nian& panl%n&sod thro%&h its 3o((ittee on /isheries,

"c# assist in the en orce(ent o ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations in (%nicipal waters, "d# ad$ise the san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod on ishery (atters thro%&h its 3o((ittee on /isheries, i s%ch has been or&ani'ed, and "e# per or( s%ch other %nctions which (ay be assi&ned by the san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod) +ection 85. Composition of the ,/CFA!,C . - The re&%lar (e(ber o the M93/A;M3s shall be co(posed o : "a# M%nicipal93ity -lannin& :e$elop(ent 7 icer, "b# 3hairperson, A&ric%lt%re9/ishery 3o((ittee o the !an&&%nian& Bayan9-anl%n&sod, "c# representati$e o the M%nicipal93ity :e$elop(ent 3o%ncil, "d# representati$e ro( the accredited non-&o$ern(ent or&ani'ation, "e# representati$e ro( the pri$ate sector, " # representati$e ro( the :epart(ent o A&ric%lt%re, and "&# at least ele$en "11# isher olk representati$es "se$en "=# (%nicipal isher olk, one "1# ishworker and three "6# co((ercial ishers# in each (%nicipality9city which incl%de representati$e ro( yo%th and wo(en sector) The 3o%ncil shall adopt r%les and re&%lations necessary to &o$ern its proceedin&s and election) +ection 87. The 'nte rated Fisheries and A("atic !eso"rces ,ana ement Co"ncils *'FA!,Cs+. - The I/A;M3s shall be created in bays, &%l s, lakes and ri$ers and da(s bo%nded by two "2# or (ore (%nicipalities9cities) +ection 88. F"nctions of the 'FA!,Cs. - The I/A;M3 shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# assist in the preparation o the Inte&rated /ishery :e$elop(ent -lan and s%b(it s%ch plan to the concerned M%nicipal :e$elop(ent 3o%ncils, "b# reco((end the enact(ent o inte&rated ishery ordinances to the concerned san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod thro%&h its 3o((ittee on /isheries, i s%ch has been or&ani'ed, "c# assist in the en orce(ent o ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations in concerned (%nicipal waters, "d# ad$ice the concerned san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod on ishery (atters thro%&h its 3o((ittee on /isheries, i s%ch has been or&ani'ed, and "e# per or( s%ch other %nctions which (ay be assi&ned by the concerned san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod)

+ection 88. Composition of the 'FA!,Cs. - The re&%lar (e(bers o the I/A;M3s shall be co(posed o the ollowin&: "a# the chairperson o the 3o((ittee on A&ric%lt%re9/isheries o the concerned san&&%nian& bayan9panl%n&sod, "b# the M%nicipal93ity /isheries 7 icers o the concerned (%nicipalities9cities, "c# the M%nicipal93ity :e$elop(ent 7 icers o the concerned (%nicipalities9cities, "d# one "1# representati$e ro( C47, "e# one "1# representati$e ro( pri$ate sector, and " # at least nine "?# representati$es ro( the isher olk sector which incl%de representati$es ro( the yo%th and wo(en sector) The 3o%ncil shall adopt r%les and re&%lations necessary to &o$ern its proceedin&s and election) +ection 8!. &o"rce of F"nds of the FA!,Cs. - A separate %nd or the C/A;M3, I/A;M3s and M93/A;M3s shall be established and ad(inistered by the :epart(ent ro( the re&%lar ann%al b%d&etary appropriations) C'APT(R $# Fishery Reser5es, Refuge an0 +anctuaries +ection 80. Fishin Areas !eserves for $-cl"sive Use of 0overnment. - The :epart(ent (ay desi&nate area or areas in -hilippine waters beyond i teen "15# kilo(eters ro( shoreline as ishery reser$ation or the e*cl%si$e %se o the &o$ern(ent or any o its political s%bdi$isions, a&encies or instr%(entalities, or propa&ation, ed%cational, research and scienti ic p%rposes: -ro$ided, That in (%nicipalities or cities, the concerned A48s in cons%ltation with the /A;M3s (ay reco((end to the :epart(ent that portion o the (%nicipal waters be declared as ishery reser$es or special or li(ited %se, or ed%cational, research, and9or special (ana&e(ent p%rposes) The /A;M3s (ay reco((end to the :epart(ent portions o the (%nicipal waters which can be declared as isheries reser$es or special or li(ited %se or ed%cational, research and special (ana&e(ent p%rposes) +ection 8 . Fish !ef" e and &anct"aries. - The :epart(ent (ay establish ish re %&e and sanct%aries to be ad(inistered in the (anner to be prescribed by the B/A; at least twenty- i$e percent "25E# b%t not (ore than orty percent "40E# o bays, oreshore lands, continental shel or any ishin& &ro%nd shall be set aside or the c%lti$ation o (an&ro$es to stren&then the habitat and the spawnin& &ro%nds o ish) Within these areas no co((ercial ishin& shall be allowed) All (arine ishery reser$es, ish sanct%aries and (an&ro$e swa(p reser$ations already declared or proclai(ed by the -resident or le&islated by the 3on&ress o the -hilippines shall be contin%o%sly ad(inistered and s%per$ised by the concerned a&ency: -ro$ided, howe$er, That in (%nicipal waters, the concerned A48 in cons%ltation with the /A;M3s (ay establish ishery re %&e and sanct%aries) The /A;M3s (ay also reco((end ishery re %&e and sanct%aries: -ro$ided, %rther, That at least i teen percent "15E# where applicable o the total coastal areas in each (%nicipality shall be identi ied, based on the best a$ailable scienti ic data and in cons%ltation with the :epart(ent, and a%to(atically desi&nated as ish sanct%aries by the A48s in cons%ltation with the concerned /A;M3s) C'APT(R #

Fisheries Research an0 %e5elop4ent +ection 82. Creation of a 6ational Fisheries !esearch and Development 'nstit"te *6F!D'+. - In reco&nition o the i(portant role o isheries research in the de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent, conser$ation and protection o the co%ntry5s isheries and a+%atic reso%rces, there is hereby created a Cational /isheries ;esearch and :e$elop(ent Instit%te "C/;:I#) The Instit%te shall or( part o the Cational ;esearch and :e$elop(ent Cetwork o the :epart(ent o !cience and Technolo&y ":7!T#) The Instit%te, which shall be attached to the :epart(ent shall ser$e as the pri(ary research ar( o the B/A;) The o$erall &o$ernance o the Instit%te shall be $ested in the 4o$ernin& Board which shall or(%late policy &%idelines or its operation) The plans, pro&ra(s and operational b%d&et shall be passed by the Board) The Board (ay create s%ch co((ittees as it (ay dee( necessary or the proper and e ecti$e per or(ance o its %nctions) The co(position o the 4o$ernin& Board shall be as ollows: "a# 8ndersecretary or /isheries - 3hair(an "b# B/A; :irector - Hice 3hair(an "c# C/;:I 0*ec%ti$e :irector - Me(ber "d# -3AM;: 0*ec%ti$e :irector - Me(ber "e# ;epresentati$e ro( the acade(e - Me(ber " # o%r "4# representati$es ro( the pri$ate sector who shall co(e ro( the ollowin& s%bsectors: - Me(bers I I I I M%nicipal /isher olk 3o((ercial /ishin& 7perator A+%ac%lt%re 7perator -ost-Gar$est9-rocessor

The C/;:I shall ha$e a separate b%d&et speci ic to its (anpower re+%ire(ents and operations to ens%re the independent and ob.ecti$e i(ple(entation o its research acti$ities) +ection 81. :"alification &tandard. - The Instit%te shall be headed by an 0*ec%ti$e :irector to be appointed by the -resident o the -hilippines %pon the reco((endation o the &o$ernin& board) The 0*ec%ti$e :irector shall hold a :octorate de&ree in isheries and9or other related disciplines) The or&ani'ational str%ct%re and sta in& pattern shall be appro$ed by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, howe$er, That the sta in& pattern and re(%nerations or scienti ic and technical sta shall be based on the +%ali ication standards or science and technolo&y personnel) +ection 82. !esearch and Development O%;ectives. - ;esearches to be done by the C/;:I are e*pected to res%lt in the ollowin&: "a# To raise the inco(e o the isher olk and to ele$ate the -hilippines a(on& the top i$e "5# in the world rankin& in the ish prod%ctions,

"b# to (ake the co%ntry5s ishin& ind%stry in the hi&h seas co(petiti$e, "c# to cond%ct social research on isher olk a(ilies or a better %nderstandin& o their conditions and needs, and "d# to coordinate with the isheries schools, A48s and pri$ate sectors re&ardin& the (a*i(%( %tili'ation o a$ailable technolo&y, incl%din& the trans er o s%ch technolo&y to the ind%stry partic%larly the isher olk) +ection 85. F"nctions of the 6F!D' . - As a national instit%te, the C/;:I shall ha$e the ollowin& %nctions: "a# establish a national in rastr%ct%re %nit co(plete with technolo&ically-ad$anced eat%res and (odern scienti ic e+%ip(ent, which shall acilitate, (onitor, and i(ple(ent $ario%s research needs and acti$ities o the isheries sector, "b# pro$ide a $en%e or intensi$e trainin& and de$elop(ent o h%(an reso%rces in the ield o isheries, a repository o all isheries researches and scienti ic in or(ation, "c# pro$ide intensi$e trainin& and de$elop(ent o h%(an reso%rces in the ield o isheries or the (a*i(%( %tili'ation o a$ailable technolo&y, "d# hasten the reali'ation o the econo(ic potential o the isheries sector by (a*i(i'in& de$elop(ental research e orts in accordance with the re+%ire(ents o the national isheries conser$ations and de$elop(ent pro&ra(s, also possibly thro%&h collaborati$e e ort with international instit%tions, and "e# or(ally establish, stren&then and e*pand the network o isheries-researchin& co((%nities thro%&h e ecti$e co((%nication linka&es nationwide) C'APT(R #$ Prohibitions an0 Penalties +ection 87. Una"thori2ed Fishin or $n a in in Other Una"thori2ed Fisheries Activities. - Co person shall e*ploit, occ%py, prod%ce, breed, c%lt%re, capt%re or &ather ish, ry or in&erlin&s o any ishery species or ishery prod%cts, or en&a&e in any ishery acti$ity in -hilippine waters witho%t a license, lease or per(it) :isco$ery o any person in an area where he has no per(it or re&istration papers or a ishin& $essel shall constit%te a pri(a acie pres%(ption that the person and9or $essel is en&a&ed in %na%thori'ed ishin&: -ro$ided, That ishin& or daily ood s%stenance or or leis%re which is not or co((ercial, occ%pation or li$elihood p%rposes (ay be allowed) It shall be %nlaw %l or any co((ercial ishin& $essel to ish in bays and in s%ch other ishery (ana&e(ent areas which (ay hereina ter be declared as o$er-e*ploited) Any co((ercial ishin& boat captain or the three "6# hi&hest o icers o the boat who co((it any o the abo$e prohibited acts %pon con$iction shall be p%nished by a ine e+%i$alent to the $al%e o catch or Ten tho%sand pesos "-10,000)00# whiche$er is hi&her, and i(prison(ent o si* "<# (onths, con iscation o catch and ishin& &ears, and a%to(atic re$ocation o license) It shall be %nlaw %l or any person not listed in the re&istry o (%nicipal isher olk to en&a&e in any co((ercial ishin& acti$ity in (%nicipal waters) Any (%nicipal isher olk who co((its s%ch $iolation shall be

p%nished by con iscation o catch and a ine o /i$e h%ndred pesos "500)00#) +ection 88. Poachin in Philippine Waters. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any orei&n person, corporation or entity to ish or operate any ishin& $essel in -hilippine waters) The entry o any orei&n ishin& $essel in -hilippine waters shall constit%te a pri(a acie e$idence that the $essel is en&a&ed in ishin& in -hilippine waters) Hiolation o the abo$e shall be p%nished by a ine o 7ne h%ndred tho%sand 8)!) :ollars "8!J100,000)00#, in addition to the con iscation o its catch, ishin& e+%ip(ent and ishin& $essel: -ro$ided, That the :epart(ent is e(powered to i(pose an ad(inistrati$e ine o not less than /i ty tho%sand 8)!) :ollars "8!J50,000)00# b%t not (ore than Two h%ndred tho%sand 8)!) :ollars "8!J200,000)00# or its e+%i$alent in the -hilippine 3%rrency) +ection 88. Fishin Thro" h $-plosives) 6o-io"s or Poisono"s &"%stance) and/or $lectricity. "1# It shall be %nlaw %l or any person to catch, take or &ather or ca%se to be ca%&ht, taken or &athered, ish or any ishery species in -hilippine waters with the %se o electricity, e*plosi$es, no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstance s%ch as sodi%( cyanide in the -hilippine ishery areas, which will kill, st%pe y, disable or render %nconscio%s ish or ishery species: -ro$ided, That the :epart(ent, s%b.ect to s%ch sa e&%ards and conditions dee(ed necessary and endorse(ent ro( the concerned A48s, (ay allow, or research, ed%cational or scienti ic p%rposes only, the %se o electricity, poisono%s or no*io%s s%bstances to catch, take or &ather ish or ishery species: -ro$ided, %rther, That the %se o poisono%s or no*io%s s%bstances to eradicate predators in ishponds in accordance with accepted scienti ic practices and witho%t ca%sin& ad$erse en$iron(ental i(pact in nei&hborin& waters and &ro%nds shall not be constr%ed as ille&al ishin&) It will likewise be %nlaw %l or any person, corporation or entity to possess, deal in, sell or in any (anner dispose o , any ish or ishery species which ha$e been ille&ally ca%&ht, taken or &athered) The disco$ery o dyna(ite, other e*plosi$es and che(ical co(po%nds which contain co(b%stible ele(ents, or no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstances, or e+%ip(ent or de$ice or electro- ishin& in any ishin& $essel or in the possession o any isher olk, operator, ishin& boat o icial or ishworker shall constit%te pri(a acie e$idence, that the sa(e was %sed or ishin& in $iolation o this 3ode) The disco$ery in any ishin& $essel o ish ca%&ht or killed with the %se o e*plosi$e, no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstances or by electricity shall constit%te pri(a acie e$idence that the isher olk, operator, boat o icial or ishworker is ishin& with the %se thereo ) "2# Mere possession o e*plosi$e, no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstances or electro ishin& de$ices or ille&al ishin& shall be p%nishable by i(prison(ent ran&in& ro( si* "<# (onths to two "2# years) "6# Act%al %se o e*plosi$es, no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstances or electro ishin& de$ices or ille&al ishin& shall be p%nishable by i(prison(ent ran&in& ro( i$e "5# years to ten "10# years witho%t pre.%dice to the ilin& o separate cri(inal cases when the %se o the sa(e res%lt to physical in.%ry or loss o h%(an li e) "4# :ealin& in, sellin&, or in any (anner disposin& o , or pro it, ille&ally ca%&ht9&athered isheries species shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent ran&in& ro( si* "<# (onths to two "2#

years) "5# In all cases en%(erated abo$e, the e*plosi$es, no*io%s or poisono%s s%bstances and9or electrical de$ices, as well as the ishin& $essels, ishin& e+%ip(ent and catch shall be or eited) +ection 8!. Use of Fine ,esh 6et. - It shall be %nlaw %l to en&a&e in ishin& %sin& nets with (esh s(aller than that which (ay be i*ed by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That the prohibition on the %se o ine (esh net shall not apply to the &atherin& o ry, &lass eels, el$ers, tabios, and ala(an& and s%ch species which by their nat%re are s(all b%t already (at%re to be identi ied in the i(ple(entin& r%les and re&%lations by the :epart(ent) Hiolation o the abo$e shall s%b.ect the o ender to a ine ro( Two tho%sand pesos "-2,000)00# to Twenty tho%sand pesos "-20,000)00# or i(prison(ent ro( si* "<# (onths to two "2# years or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent at the discretion o the co%rt: -ro$ided, That i the o ense is co((itted by a co((ercial ishin& $essel, the boat captain and the (aster isher(an shall also be s%b.ect to the penalties pro$ided herein: -ro$ided, %rther, That the owner9operator o the co((ercial ishin& $essel who $iolates this pro$ision shall be s%b.ected to the sa(e penalties pro$ided herein: -ro$ided, inally, That the :epart(ent is hereby e(powered to i(pose %pon the o ender an ad(inistrati$e ine and9or cancel his per(it or license or both) +ection !0. Use of Active 0ear in the ,"nicipal Waters and 5ays and Other Fishery ,ana ement Areas. - It shall be %nlaw %l to en&a&e in ishin& in (%nicipal waters and in all bays as well as other ishery (ana&e(ent areas %sin& acti$e ishin& &ears as de ined in this 3ode) Hiolators o the abo$e prohibitions shall s% er the ollowin& penalties: "1# The boat captain and (aster isher(an o the $essels who participated in the $iolation shall s% er the penalty o i(prison(ent ro( two "2# years to si* "<# years, "2# The owner9operator o the $essel shall be ined ro( Two tho%sand pesos "-2,000)00# to Twenty tho%sand pesos "20,000)00# %pon the discretion o the co%rt) I the owner9operator is a corporation, the penalty shall be i(posed on the chie e*ec%ti$e o icer o the 3orporation) I the owner9operator is a partnership the penalty shall be i(posed on the (ana&in& partner) "6# The catch shall be con iscated and or eited) +ection ! . 5an on Coral $-ploitation and $-portation. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person or corporation to &ather, possess, sell or e*port ordinary precio%s and se(i-precio%s corals, whether raw or in processed or(, e*cept or scienti ic or research p%rposes) Hiolations o this pro$ision shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent ro( si* "<# (onths to two "2# years and a ine ro( Two tho%sand pesos "-2,000)00# to Twenty tho%sand pesos "20,000)00#, or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent, at the discretion o the co%rt, and or eit%re o the s%b.ect corals, incl%din& the $essel and its proper disposition) The con iscated corals shall either be ret%rned to the sea or donated to schools and (%se%(s or ed%cational or scienti ic p%rposes or disposed thro%&h other (eans)

+ection !2. 5an on ,"ro7Ami Other ,ethods and 0ear Destr"ctive to Coral !eefs and Other ,arine 9a%itat. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person, nat%ral or .%ridical, to ish with &ear (ethod that destroys coral ree s, sea&rass beds, and other ishery (arine li e habitat as (ay be deter(ined by the :epart(ent) DM%roA(iD and any o its $ariation, and s%ch si(ilar &ear and (ethods that re+%ire di$in&, other physical or (echanical acts to po%nd the coral ree s and other habitat to entrap, &ather or catch ish and other ishery species are also prohibited) The operator, boat captain, (aster isher(an, and recr%iter or or&ani'er o ishworkers who $iolate this pro$ision shall s% er a penalty o two "2# years to ten "10# years i(prison(ent and a ine o not less than 7ne h%ndred tho%sand pesos "-100,000)00# to /i$e h%ndred tho%sand pesos "-500,000)00# or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent, at the discretion o the co%rt) The catch and &ear %sed shall be con iscated) It shall likewise be %nlaw %l or any person or corporation to &ather, sell or e*port white sand, silica, pebbles and any other s%bstances which (ake %p any (arine habitat) The person or corporation who $iolates this pro$ision shall s% er a penalty o two "2# years to ten "10# years i(prison(ent and a ine o not less than 7ne h%ndred tho%sand pesos "-100,000)00# to /i$e h%ndred tho%sand pesos "-500,000)00# or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent, at the discretion o the co%rt) The s%bstance taken ro( its (arine habitat shall be con iscated) +ection !1. 'lle al Use of &"perli hts. - It shall be %nlaw %l to en&a&e in ishin& with the %se o s%perli&hts in (%nicipal waters or in $iolation o the r%les and re&%lations which (ay be pro(%l&ated by the :epart(ent on the %se o s%perli&hts o%tside (%nicipal waters) Hiolations o this pro$ision shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent ro( si* "<# (onths to two "2# years or a ine o /i$e tho%sand pesos "-5,000)00# per s%perli&ht, or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent at the discretion o the co%rts) The s%perli&ht, ishin& &ears and $essel shall be con iscated) +ection !2. Conversion of ,an roves. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person to con$ert (an&ro$es into ishponds or or any other p%rposes) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o si* "<# years and one "1# day to twel$e "12# years and9or a ine o 0i&hty tho%sand pesos "->0,000)00#: -ro$ided, That i the area re+%ires rehabilitation or restoration as deter(ined by the co%rt, the o ender sho%ld also be re+%ired to restore or co(pensate or the restoration o the da(a&e) +ection !5. Fishin in Overfished Area and D"rin Closed &eason. - It shall be %nlaw %l to ish in o$er ished area and d%rin& closed season) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o si* "<# (onths and one "1# day to si* "<# years and9or ine o !i* tho%sand pesos "-<,000)00# and by or eit%re o the catch and cancellation o ishin& per(it or license) +ection !7. Fishin in Fishery !eserves) !ef" e and &anct"aries. - It shall be %nlaw %l to ish in ishery areas declared by the :epart(ent as ishery reser$es, re %&e and sanct%aries) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o two "2# years to si* "<# years and9or ine o Two tho%sand pesos "-2,000)00# to Twenty tho%sand pesos "-20,000)00# and by or eit%re o the catch and the cancellation o ishin& per(it or license) +ection !8. Fishin Or Ta1in of !are) Threatened or $ndan ered &pecies. - It shall be %nlaw %l to ish or take rare, threatened or endan&ered species as listed in the 3IT0! and as deter(ined by the

:epart(ent) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o twel$e "12# years to twenty "20# years and9or a ine o 7ne h%ndred and twenty tho%sand pesos "-120,000)00# and or eit%re o the catch, and the cancellation o ishin& per(it) +ection !8. Capt"re of &a%alo and Other 5reeders/&pa3ners. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person to catch, &ather, capt%re or possess (at%re (ilk ish or DsabaloD and s%ch other breeders or spawners o other ishery species as (ay be deter(ined by the :epart(ent: -ro$ided, That catchin& o DsabaloD and other breeders9spawners or local breedin& p%rposes or scienti ic or research p%rposes (ay be allowed s%b.ect to &%idelines to be pro(%l&ated by the :epart(ent) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o si* "<# (onths and one "1# day to ei&ht "># years and9or a ine o 0i&hty tho%sand pesos "->0,000)00# and or eit%re o the catch, and ishin& e+%ip(ent %sed and re$ocation o license) +ection !!. $-portation of 5reeders) &pa3ners) $ s or Fry. - 0*portation o breeders, spawners, e&&s or ry as prohibited in this 3ode shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o ei&ht "># years, con iscation o the sa(e or a ine e+%i$alent to do%ble the $al%e o the sa(e, and re$ocation o the ishin& and9or e*port license9per(it) +ection 00. 'mportation or $-portation of Fish or Fishery &pecies. - Any i(portation or e*portation o ish or isheries species in $iolation o this 3ode shall be p%nished by ei&ht "># years o i(prison(ent, a ine o 0i&hty tho%sand pesos "->0,000)00# and destr%ction o li$e ishery species or or eit%re o non-li$e ishery species in a$or o the depart(ent or its proper disposition: -ro$ided, That $iolator o this pro$ision shall be banned ro( bein& (e(bers or stock holders o co(panies c%rrently en&a&ed in isheries or co(panies to be created in the %t%re, the &%idelines or which shall be pro(%l&ated by the :epart(ent) +ection 0 . 4iolation of Catch Ceilin s. - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person to ish in $iolation o catch ceilin&s as deter(ined by the :epart(ent) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o si* "<# (onths and one "1# day to si* "<# years and9or a ine o /i ty tho%sand pesos "-50,000)00# and or eit%re o the catch, and ishin& e+%ip(ent %sed and re$ocation o license) +ection 02. A("atic Poll"tion. - A+%atic poll%tion, as de ined in this 3ode shall be %nlaw %l) Hiolation o the pro$ision o this section shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o si* "<# years and one "1# day to twel$e "12# years and9or a ine o 0i&hty tho%sand pesos "->0,000)00# pl%s an additional ine o 0i&ht tho%sand pesos "->,000)00# per day %ntil s%ch $iolation ceases and the ines paid) +ection 01. Other 4iolations. - The ollowin& isheries acti$ities shall also be considered as a $iolation o this 3ode: "a# /ail%re to 3o(ply with Mini(%( !a ety !tandards) - The owner and captain o a co((ercial ishin& $essel en&a&ed in ishin& who, %pon de(and by proper a%thorities, ails to e*hibit or show proo o co(pliance with the sa ety standards pro$ided in this 3ode, shall be i((ediately pre$ented ro( contin%in& with his ishin& acti$ity and escorted to the nearest port or landin& point) The license to operate the co((ercial ishin& $essel shall be s%spended %ntil the sa ety standard has been co(plied with) "b# /ail%re to 3ond%ct a 2early ;eport on all /ishponds, /ish -ens and /ish 3a&es) - The /AA o the holder who ails to render a yearly report shall be i((ediately cancelled: -ro$ided, That i the o ender be the owner o the ishpond, ish pen or ish ca&e, he shall be

s%b.ected to the ollowin& penalties: "1# irst o ense, a ine o /i$e h%ndred pesos "-500)00# per %nreported hectare, "2# s%bse+%ent o enses, a ine o 7ne tho%sand pesos "1,000)00# per %nreported hectare) "c# 4atherin& and Marketin& o !hell /ishes) - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person to take, sell, trans er, or ha$e in possession or any p%rpose any shell ish which is se*%ally (at%re or below the (ini(%( si'e or abo$e the (a*i(%( +%antities prescribed or the partic%lar species) "d# 7bstr%ction to Ca$i&ation or /low and 0bb o Tide in any !trea(, ;i$er, Aake or Bay) - It shall be %nlaw %l or any person who ca%ses obstr%ction to na$i&ation or low or ebb o tide) "e# 3onstr%ction and 7peration o /ish 3orrals9Traps, /ish -ens and /ish 3a&es) - It shall be %nlaw %l to constr%ct and operate ish corrals9traps, ish pens and ish ca&es witho%t a license9per(it) !%b.ect to the pro$ision o s%bpara&raph "b# o this section, $iolation o the abo$e-en%(erated prohibited acts shall s%b.ect the o ender to a ine ran&in& ro( Two tho%sand pesos "-2,000)00# to Ten tho%sand pesos "-10,000)00# or i(prison(ent ro( one "1# (onth and one "1# day to si* "<# (onths, or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent, %pon the discretion o the co%rt: -ro$ided, That the !ecretary is hereby e(powered to i(pose %pon the o ender an ad(inistrati$e ine o not (ore than Ten tho%sand pesos "-10,000)00# or to cancel his per(it or license, or to i(pose s%ch ine and to cancel his per(it or license, in the discretion o the !ecretary: -ro$ided, %rther, That the !ecretary, or his d%ly a%thori'ed representati$e, and law en orce(ent a&ents are hereby e(powered to i(po%nd with the assistance o the -hilippine 3oast 4%ard, -C--Mariti(e 3o((and: -ro$ided, inally, That any person who %nlaw %lly obstr%cts or delays the inspection and9or (o$e(ent o ish and ishery9a+%atic prod%cts when s%ch inspection and9or (o$e(ent is a%thori'ed %nder this 3ode, shall be s%b.ect to a ine o not (ore than Ten tho%sand pesos "-10,000)00# or i(prison(ent o not (ore than two "2# years, or both s%ch ine and i(prison(ent, %pon the discretion o the co%rt) 0$ery penalty i(posed or the co((ission o an o ense shall carry with it the or eit%re o the proceeds o s%ch o ense and the instr%(ents or tools with which it was co((itted) !%ch proceeds and instr%(ents or tools shall be con iscated and or eited in a$or o the 4o$ern(ent, %nless they be the property o a third person not liable or the o ense, b%t those articles which are not s%b.ect o law %l co((erce shall be destroyed) +ection 02. Commercial Fishin 4essel Operators $mployin Unlicensed Fisherfol1 or Fish3or1er or Cre3. - The owner9operator o a co((ercial ishin& $essel e(ployin& %nlicensed isher olk or ishworker shall be ined /i$e h%ndred pesos "-500)00# each or e$ery (onth that the sa(e has been e(ployed and9or 7ne tho%sand pesos "-1,000)00# or e$ery (onth or each %nlicensed crew (e(ber who has been e(ployed) +ection 05. O%str"ction of Defined ,i ration Paths. - 7bstr%ction o any de ined (i&ration paths o anadro(o%s, catadro(o%s and other (i&ratory species, in areas incl%din&, b%t not li(ited to ri$er (o%ths and est%aries within a distance deter(ined by the concerned /A;M3s shall be p%nished by i(prison(ent o se$en "=# years to twel$e "12# years or a ine ro( /i ty tho%sand pesos "-50,000)00# to 7ne h%ndred tho%sand pesos "-100,000)00#or both i(prison(ent and ine at the discretion o the co%rt, and cancellation o per(it9license, i any, and dis(antlin& o obstr%ction shall be at his own e*pense and con iscation o sa(e) +ection 07. O%str"ction to Fishery #a3 $nforcement Officer. - The boat owner, (aster or operator or any person actin& on his behal o any ishin& $essel who e$ades, obstr%cts or hinders any ishery law

en orce(ent o icer o the :epart(ent to per or( his d%ty, shall be ined Ten tho%sand pesos "-10,000)00#) In addition, the re&istration, per(it and9or license o the $essel incl%din& the license o the (aster isher(an shall be canceled) +ection 08. Prom"l ation of Administrative Orders. - /or p%rposes o ishery re&%lation or other ishery ad.%st(ents, the :epart(ent in cons%ltation with the A48s and local /A;M3s, shall iss%e /ishery Ad(inistrati$e 7rders or re&%lations or the conser$ation, preser$ation, (ana&e(ent and s%stainable de$elop(ent o ishery and a+%atic reso%rces) C'APT(R #$$ &eneral Pro5isions +ection 08. Fisherfol1 &ettlement Areas. - The :epart(ent shall establish and create isher olk settle(ent areas in coordination with concerned a&encies o the &o$ern(ent, where certain areas o the p%blic do(ain, speci ically near the ishin& &ro%nds, shall be reser$ed or the settle(ent o the (%nicipal isher olk) Cothin& in this section shall be constr%ed to $est ownership o any resettle(ent area to a (%nicipal isher olk or who( said areas (ay ha$e been reser$ed or or had been act%ally &ranted to) +ection 0!. ,"nicipal Fisheries 0rant F"nd. - /or the de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent and conser$ation o the (%nicipal reso%rces, there is hereby created a /ishery 4rant /%nd to inance ishery pro.ects o the A48s pri(arily or the %pli t(ent o the (%nicipal isher olk) The a(o%nt o 7ne h%ndred (illion pesos "-100,000,000)00# is hereby appropriated o%t o the :epart(ent5s allocation in the 4eneral Appropriations Act "4AA# to s%pport the 4rant /%nd) /or this p%rpose, the :epart(ent (ay seek inancial assistance ro( any so%rce and (ay recei$e any donation there ore) +ection 0. Fishery #oan and 0"arantee F"nd. - -%rs%ant to !ection =, Article KIII o the 3onstit%tion, there is hereby created a /ishery Aoan and 4%arantee /%nd with an initial o 7ne h%ndred (illion pesos "-100,000,000)00#, which shall be ad(inistered by the Aand Bank o the -hilippines) The %nd shall be (ade a$ailable or lendin& to +%ali ied borrowers to inance the de$elop(ent o the ishery ind%stry %nder a pro&ra( to be prescribed by the :epart(ent) /or the sa(e p%rpose, the :epart(ent (ay seek inancial assistance ro( any so%rce and (ay recei$e any donation there ro() +ection . Fishin 4essels Development F"nd. - There is hereby created a /ishin& Hessels :e$elop(ent /%nd to enhance the b%ildin& and9or ac+%isition o ishin& $essels) This shall be a lon&-ter( loan acility that shall be ad(inistered by the :e$elop(ent Bank o the -hilippines) The a(o%nt o Two h%ndred and i ty (illion pesos "-250,000,000)00# per year or i$e "5# years is hereby appropriated o%t o the :epart(ent5s allocation in the 4AA to s%pport this :e$elop(ent /%nd) +ection 2. &pecial Fisheries &cience and Approfishtech F"nd. - The :epart(ent shall pro$ide s%bsidy or %ll technical and inancial s%pport to the de$elop(ent o appropriate technolo&y, both in ishery and ancillary ind%stries, that are ecolo&ically so%nd, locally so%rce-based and labor intensi$e, based on the re+%ire(ent and needs o the /A;M3s) An initial a(o%nt o 7ne h%ndred (illion pesos "100,000,000)00# shall be a%thori'ed or the p%rpose o a !pecial /isheries !cience and Appro ishtech /%nd, and therea ter shall be incl%ded in the 4AA) +ection 1. A("ac"lt"re 'nvestment F"nd. - An A+%ac%lt%re In$est(ent /%nd in the (ini(%( a(o%nt o /i ty (illion pesos "-50,000,000)00# shall be established or so t loans which shall be e*tended to (%nicipal isher olk and their or&ani'ation who will en&a&e in a+%ac%lt%re, and or the de$elop(ent o %nderde$eloped

or %nder%tili'ed inland ishponds) +ection 2. Other Fisheries Financin Facilities. - In addition to isheries credit &%arantee, &rant and other si(ilar acilities &ranted %nder this 3ode, +%ali ied /ilipino isher olk and isheries enterprises shall en.oy s%ch other acilities &ranted the( %nder e*istin& and9or new laws, specially as to r%ral credit, with pre erence bein& &i$en to isheries cooperati$es) +ection 5. Professionali2ation of Fisheries 0rad"ates. - There is hereby created a /isheries Board o 0*a(iners in the -ro essional ;e&%lation 3o((ission to %p&rade the /isheries -ro ession: -ro$ided, howe$er, That those who ha$e passed the 3i$il !er$ice 0*a(ination or /isheries shall a%to(atically be &ranted eli&ibility by the /isheries Board o 0*a(iners: -ro$ided, %rther, That they ha$e ser$ed the ind%stry in either p%blic or pri$ate capacity or not less than i$e "5# years: -ro$ided, inally, That the irst Board 0*a(ination or B)!) /isheries 4rad%ates shall be cond%cted within one "1# year ro( the appro$al o this 3ode) +ection 7. Up radin of &tate Fisheries &chools/Colle es. - The :epart(ent, in coordination with the 3o((ission on Gi&her 0d%cation "3G0:#, :epart(ent o 0d%cation, 3%lt%re and !ports ":03!#, and Technical 0d%cation and !kills :e$elop(ent A%thority "T0!:A#, shall %p&rade !tate /isheries !chools93olle&es which pro$ide both or(al and non- or(al ed%cation: -ro$ided, howe$er, That the 3G0: shall incorporate Appro ishtech in the c%rric%la o isheries schools9colle&es) The :epart(ent and the 3G0: shall .ointly or(%late standards to %p&rade all isheries schools9colle&es) /isheries schools9colle&es that do not (eet (ini(%( standards shall be closed) +ection 8. 'ncl"sion of Fisheries Conservation &"%;ects in &chool C"rric"l"m. - /isheries conser$ation s%b.ects shall be incorporated in the c%rric%la o ele(entary and secondary schools both pri$ate and p%blic) +ection 8. $d"cational campai n at all levels. - The :epart(ent, the 3G0:, the :03! and the -hilippine In or(ation A&ency shall la%nch and p%rs%e a nationwide ed%cational ca(pai&n to: "a# help reali'e the policies and i(ple(ent the pro$isions o this 3ode, "b# pro(ote the de$elop(ent, (ana&e(ent, conser$ation and proper %se o the en$iron(ent, "c# pro(ote the principle o s%stainable de$elop(ent, and "d# pro(ote the de$elop(ent o tr%ly /ilipino-oriented ishin& and ancillary ind%stries) +ection !. 'nfrastr"ct"re &"pport. - The :epart(ent in cooperation with concerned a&encies shall: "a# prepare and i(ple(ent a nationwide plan or the de$elop(ent o (%nicipal ishin& ports and (arkets, "b# prioriti'e the constr%ction o ar(-to-(arket roads linkin& the isheries prod%ction sites, coastal landin& points and other post-har$est acilities to (a.or (arket and arterial roads9hi&hways, "c# identity co((%nity in rastr%ct%re acilities s%ch as ish landin& ports, ice plant and cold stora&e acilities in cons%ltation with ishery cooperati$es9associations and prepare plans and desi&ns or their constr%ction that wo%ld be consistent with international en$iron(ental

i(pact, "d# establish and (aintain +%ality laboratories in (a.or ish ports and prescribe the hi&hest standards or the operation and (aintenance o s%ch post-har$est acilities, "e# arran&e and (ake representations with appropriate %ndin& instit%tions to inance s%ch acilities or the %se o the ishery cooperati$es9associations, " # de$elop and stren&then (arketin& acilities and pro(ote cooperati$e (arketin& syste(s, and "&# pro(ote and stren&then local isheries ship-b%ildin& and repair ind%stry) +ection 20. $-tension &ervices. - The :epart(ent shall de$elop cost-e ecti$e, practical and e icient e*tension ser$ices on a s%stained basis, in addition to those pro$ided by state ed%cational instit%tions, especially to (%nicipal isher olk in %nde$eloped areas, %tili'in& practicable and indi&eno%s reso%rces and &o$ern(ent a&encies a$ailable, and based %pon a syste( o sel -reliance and sel -help) +ection 2 . Protection of &ensitive Technical 'nformation. - The :epart(ent shall take s%ch (eas%res as (ay be necessary in order to protect trade, ind%strial and policy in or(ation o /ilipino isher olk, isheries owners9operators, entreprene%rs, (an% act%rers and researchers, when disclos%re o s%ch in or(ation will in.%re the co(petiti$eness or $iability o do(estic isheries) +ection 22. Assistance in Collectin 'nformation. - The :epart(ent, in coordination with other &o$ern(ent entities concerned, (ay re+%ire /ilipino representati$es abroad and orei&n-based personnel to assist in the collection o isheries data and in or(ation) +ection 21. Chartin of 6avi ational #anes and Delineation of ,"nicipal Waters. - The :epart(ent shall a%thori'e the Cational Mappin& and ;eso%rce In or(ation A%thority "CAM;IA# or the desi&nation and chartin& o na$i&ational lanes in ishery areas and delineation o (%nicipal waters) The -hilippine 3oast 4%ard shall e*ercise control and s%per$ision o$er s%ch desi&nated na$i&ational lanes) +ection 22. Persons and Dep"ties A"thori2ed to $nforce this Code and Other Fishery #a3s) !"les and !e "lations. - The law en orce(ent o icers o the :epart(ent, the -hilippine Ca$y, -hilippine 3oast 4%ard, -hilippine Cational -olice "-C-#, -C--Mariti(e 3o((and, law en orce(ent o icers o the A48s and other &o$ern(ent en orce(ent a&encies, are hereby a%thori'ed to en orce this 3ode and other ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations) 7ther co(petent &o$ern(ent o icials and e(ployees, p%non& baran&ays and o icers and (e(bers o isher olk associations who ha$e %nder&one trainin& on law en orce(ent (ay be desi&nated in writin& by the :epart(ent as dep%ty ish wardens in the en orce(ent o this 3ode and other ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations) +ection 25. &tren thenin Prosec"tion and Conviction of 4iolators of Fishery #a3s. - The :epart(ent o L%stice ":7L# shall e(bark on a pro&ra( to stren&then the prosec%tion and con$iction aspects o ishery law en orce(ent thro%&h a%&(entation o the c%rrent co(ple(ent o state prosec%tors and thro%&h their contin%o%s trainin& and reorientation on ishery laws, r%les and re&%lations) +ection 27. Forei n 0rants and Aids. - All orei&n &rants, aids, e*chan&e pro&ra(s, loans, researches and the like shall be e$al%ated and re&%lated by the :epart(ent to ens%re that s%ch are consistent with the /ilipini'ation, de(ocrati'ation and ind%striali'ation o ishin& ind%stry and the de$elop(ent o the entire co%ntry) +ection 28. ,andatory !evie3. - The 3on&ress o the -hilippines shall %ndertake a (andatory re$iew o

this 3ode at least once e$ery i$e "5# years and as o ten as it (ay dee( necessary, to ens%re that isheries policies and &%idelines re(ain responsi$e to chan&in& circ%(stances) C'APT(R #$$$ Transitory Pro5isions +ection 28. ,oratoria. - The :epart(ent shall, %pon the reco((endation o the B%rea%, ha$e the power to declare a (oratori%( on the iss%ance o licenses or co((ercial ishin& $essels to operate in speci ied area or areas in -hilippine waters or a li(ited period o ti(e i there are indications o o$er ishin& bro%&ht abo%t by a decrease in the $ol%(e and si'es o ish ca%&ht therein or or conser$ation or ecolo&ical p%rposes) Co new licenses and si(ilar pri$ile&es on e*ploitation o speci ic ishery areas in -hilippine waters and a+%ac%lt%re prod%ction areas shall be iss%ed in accordance with this 3ode) !%ch (oratoria shall not e*ceed i$e "5# years ro( the e ecti$ity o this 3ode) +ection 2!. Form"lation of 'mplementin !"les and !e "lations. - An Inter-a&ency 3o((ittee is hereby created to or(%late r%les and re&%lations or the %ll i(ple(entation o this 3ode within ninety "?0# days o its e ecti$ity: -ro$ided, howe$er, That the or(%lated r%les and re&%lations shall be s%b(itted to both Go%ses o 3on&ress or in or(ation and &%idance) !%ch r%les and re&%lations shall take e ect %pon p%blication in a newspaper o &eneral circ%lation) The Inter-a&ency 3o((ittee shall be co(posed o the ollowin&: "a# !ecretary o A&ric%lt%re as 3hair(an, "b# !ecretary o the Interior and Aocal 4o$ern(ent, "c# !ecretary o 0n$iron(ent and Cat%ral ;eso%rces, "d# !ecretary o L%stice, "e# !ecretary o /inance, " # !ecretary o B%d&et and Mana&e(ent, "&# !ecretary o Aabor and 0(ploy(ent, "h# !ecretary o Cational :e ense, "i# 3o((issioner o 3i$il !er$ice 3o((ission, ".# :irector o B/A;, "k# 0*ec%ti$e :irector o -3AM;:, "l# 4eneral Mana&er o -/:A, "(# 7ne "1# representati$e ro( each o the ollowin&: "a)1# The Aea&%e o -ro$inces,

"a)2# The Aea&%e o 3ities, "a)6# The Aea&%e o M%nicipalities, "a)4# The Ai&a n& (&a Baran&ay, "n# ;epresentati$e o the (%nicipal isher olk,lawphi1 "o# ;epresentati$e o the co((ercial ishers, "p# ;epresentati$e o the non-&o$ern(ent or&ani'ations in$ol$ed in ishin& concerns, and "+# A representati$e ro( the acade(e co(in& ro( the speciali'ed isheries instit%tion) C'APT(R $= Final Pro5isions +ection 10. Appropriation. - The s%( necessary to e ecti$ely carry o%t the pro$isions o this Act d%rin& the irst year o i(ple(entation shall be so%rced ro( the b%d&et o the :A9B/A; and other a&encies per or(in& isheries-related %nctions: -ro$ided, howe$er, That s%ch a(o%nt as (ay be necessary to carry o%t the pro$isions o !ections =?, 10?, 110, 111, 112, 116 are hereby appropriated o%t o the %nappropriated %nds o the Cational Treas%ry) The 3on&ress o the -hilippines shall pro$ide or the appropriations o the :epart(ent, the C/;:I and the /isheries !cholarship -ro&ra( or the s%cceedin& years to be incl%ded in the ann%al 4AA) +ection 1 . !epealin Cla"se. - -residential :ecree Co) =04, as a(ended by -residential :ecree Cos) 1015 and 105>, -residential :ecree Co) ?==, as a(ended, 0*ec%ti$e 7rder Co) ?<=, !eries o 1?>4, 0*ec%ti$e 7rder Co) 11<, !eries o 1?>=, 0*ec%ti$e 7rder Co) 2?2, !eries o 1?>=, 0*ec%ti$e 7rder Co) 4=6, !eries o 1??1 and other e*istin& laws e*cept ;ep%blic Act Co) =<11, decrees, e*ec%ti$e orders, and r%les and re&%lations or parts thereo , which are inconsistent with this 3ode, are hereby repealed or (odi ied accordin&ly) +ection 12. &epara%ility Cla"se. - I any portion or pro$ision o this 3ode is declared %nconstit%tional or in$alid, the other portions or pro$isions hereo , which are not a ected thereby, shall contin%e in %ll orce and e ect) +ection 11. $ffectivity. - This 3ode shall take e ect i teen "15# days a ter its p%blication in the 7 icial 4a'ette or in two "2# newspapers o &eneral p%blication) Appro$ed: February 25, !!8lawphi1

The Aawphil -ro.ect - Arellano Aaw /o%ndation

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