Chapter 6

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6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes

Introduction and Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence . . . . . . . . . . . Random Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function . . . . The Histogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some Important Probability Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 6.7.4 6.7.5 The Uniform Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Binomial Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Poisson Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Exponential Distribution 3 5 10 15 17 21 25 25 26 28 29 30 32 37 40 40

The Gaussian (Normal) Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.8 6.9

Statistical Averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint and Conditional Density Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.1 Denition and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.10 Random Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6.10.2 Ensemble Averages and Stationarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.3 Time Averages and Ergodicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11 Autocorrelation and Power Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.1 Autocorrelation and Autocovariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.2 Power Spectral Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.3 Deterministic Power and Energy Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.12 Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes . . . . . . . 6.12.1 Expected Value of the Output Random Process . . . . . . . . . 6.12.2 Autocorrelation Function of the Output Random Process . . . . . 6.12.3 Power Spectral Density of the Output Random Process . . . . . . 6.12.4 Cross-Correlation between Input and Output Random Process . . .

42 43 49 49 53 55 66 66 67 68 70

6.11.4 Examples of Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectral Densities 57

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Deterministic Signals:

Introduction and Denitions

Random Signals:

can be expressed in form of a mathematical equation can be reproduced exactly with repeated measurements
Examples for Random Signals:

cannot be repeated in a predictable manner cannot be described by mathematical equations or tables

Number of car accidents in Lubbock during 1 year Quantization noise in an A/D converter Background noise in speech transmission Speckle noise in synthetic aperture radar images Tossing a coin

Life expectance of an engine Outcome of a roulette game Data transmission Bio-medical signals Rolling a dice

Random Experiment: Experiment with random outcome that is repeatable and for which the outcome of each experiment is not predictable.

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6.1 Introduction and Denitions

Sample Space S : Set of all possible outcomes if a random experiment. Examples: 1. Tossing a coin 2. Rolling a die 3. Rolling two dice 4. No. of phone calls per day 5. Life expectance of an engine 6. Angular position of a pointer 7. Quantization error in an ADC

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7

= = = = = = =

{head, tail} {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} S2 S2 ={(1,1),(1,2),. . . ,(6,5), (6,6)} 0 , 1, 2, 3, . . . [0, ) [0, 2 ) [0, Q) or S7 = [Q/2, Q/2)

Event A: Subset of the sample space A = S: A = : A consists of a single element of S : Examples:

S. certain event impossible event elementary event

Tossing a coin: S = {head, tail}, A1 = {head}, A2 = {tail}, A3 = {head, tail} Rolling a die: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, A1 = {3}, A2 = {2, 4, 6}, A3 = {# 5} Quantization error in an ADC: S = [Q/2, Q/2), A1 = [0, Q/2), A2 = Q/4, A3 = (Q/4, Q/4)

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6.1 Introduction and Denitions



Denition: In order for an operator P that assigns a real number, called the probability, to each event A in the sample space S , to be a valid probability assignment, it has to satisfy the following 3 axioms:

0 P (A) 1 P (S ) = 1 if A1 and A2 are mutually exclusive (or disjoint) events, i.e. the occurrence of one outcome precludes the occurrence of the other, then: P (A1 or A2) = P (A1 A2) = P (A1 + A2) = P (A1) + P (A2)

Venn Diagram:

A2 A1

Example: Tossing a Coin S = {head, tail}, A1 = {head}, A2 = {tail}, A3 = {head, tail}

P (head) = P (A1) = 0.5, P (tail) = P (A2) = 0.5, P (head or tail) = P (A3) = P (A1) + P (A2) = P (S ) = 1

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Properties of Probabilities:

) = 1 P (A), P (A P () = 0

= S A: complementary event to A with A

P (A1 + A2) = P (A1) + P (A2) P (A1A2) with P (A1A2): probability of the joint occurrence of A1 and A2

S A1 A2 A1 A2

Example: Rolling a Die Sample space: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} Certain event:

6 : k=1
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.2 Probability 6

P (S ) = P (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) =

P (k ) = 1

For a fair die all elementary events are equally likely:

P (1) = P (2) = P (3) = P (4) = P (5) = P (6) =

Probability of an odd number:

1 6

P (1 + 3 + 5) = P (1) + P (3) + P (5) =

Probability of a number smaller 5:

3 6

P (# < 5) = P (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = P (1) + P (2) + P (3) + P (4) 4 = 1 P (5) + P (6) = 6

Example: Number of Phone Calls to a Given Number During a Certain Time Period Sample space: S = I N0 = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . Elementary event Ai: exactly i calls come in.

P (Ai) cannot be equally likely since:

: i=0

P (Ai) = 1

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Estimation of Probability P (A): (A) for the probability P (A) that the event A occurs is given by the An estimate P relative frequency of occurrence of A: (A) = NA P N with N : number of times the experiment is repeated NA: number of times the event A occurred The estimate is the more accurate the larger N is. For N the deviation from the probability P (A) generally tends towards zero. Example: Tossing a Coin A fair coin is tossed 100 times, head occurs 51 times, tail occurs 49 times. (head) = 51 , (tail) = 49 P P 100 100

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Example: Rolling a Fair Die The following plots show the relative frequency of occurrence of the event that the number is 1 or 2 when rolling the die 100 times and 800 times.
result is 1 or 2 1 relative frequence of occurrence relative frequence of occurrence 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 20 40 60 no. of experiments 80 100 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 200 400 600 no. of experiments 800 result is 1 or 2

Compare to:

P (1 + 2) = P (1) + P (2) =

2 = 0.33 6

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Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence

Conditional Probability P (B |A): Probability of the event B knowing that event A has occurred.

P (AB ) = P (A) P (B |A)

Conditional Probability P (A|B ): Probability of the event A knowing that event B has occurred.

P (BA) = P (B ) P (A|B )
With P (AB ) = P (BA) we obtain Bayes Theorem:

P (A) P (B |A) = P (B ) P (A|B ) or P (B |A) =

P (B )P (A|B ) P (A)

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Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence


Example: Binary Data Transmission A binary data source sends a 0 with probability 0.4 and a 1 with probability 0.6. The data is transmitted through an erroneous channel. The probability for a 0 to be received correctly is 0.9, the probability for a 1 to be received correctly is 0.95. In case of an error, a 1 is received instead of a 0 and vice versa.
transmit signal x P(x=0)=0.4 0 erroneous transmission channel P(y = 0|x = 0) = 0.9 receive signal y 0 P(y=0)

P(y = 1|x = 0) = 0.1 P(y = 0|x = 1) = 0.05 P(x=1)=0.6 1 P(y = 1|x = 1) = 0.95 1 P(y=1)

Conditional Probabilities (knowing what happens at the transmitter):

Probability to receive a 0 if a 0 was sent: P (y = 0|x = 0) = 0.9 Probability to receive a 1 if a 0 was sent: P (y = 1|x = 0) = 0.1 Probability to receive a 1 if a 1 was sent: P (y = 1|x = 1) = 0.95 Probability to receive a 0 if a 1 was sent: P (y = 0|x = 1) = 0.05
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Joint Probabilities:

Probability to send a 0 and receive a 0: P (x = 0 y = 0) = P (x = 0) P (y = 0|x = 0) = 0.4 0.9 = 0.36 Probability to send a 0 and receive a 1: P (x = 0 y = 1) = P (x = 0) P (y = 1|x = 0) = 0.4 0.1 = 0.04 Probability to send a 1 and receive a 1: P (x = 1 y = 1) = P (x = 1) P (y = 1|x = 1) = 0.6 0.95 = 0.57 Probability to send a 1 and receive a 0: P (x = 1 y = 0) = P (x = 1) P (y = 0|x = 1) = 0.6 0.05 = 0.03
Probabilities to receive a 0 or 1:

Probability to receive a 0: P (y = 0) = P (x = 0 y = 0) + P (x = 1 y = 0) = 0.36 + 0.03 = 0.39 Probability to receive a 1: P (y = 1) = P (x = 0 y = 1) + P (x = 1 y = 1) = 0.04 + 0.57 = 0.61

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Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence


Conditional Probabilities (knowing what happens at the receiver): Probability that a 0 was sent if a 0 is received: P (x = 0 y = 0) P (x = 0)P (y = 0|x P (x = 0|y = 0) = = P (y = 0) P (y = 0) Probability that a 1 was sent if a 0 is received: P (x = 1 y = 0) P (x = 1)P (y = 0|x P (x = 1|y = 0) = = P (y = 0) P (y = 0) Probability that a 1 was sent if a 1 is received: P (x = 1 y = 1) P (x = 1)P (y = 1|x P (x = 1|y = 1) = = P (y = 1) P (y = 1) Probability that a 0 was sent if a 1 is received: P (x = 0 y = 1) P (x = 0)P (y = 1|x P (x = 0|y = 1) = = P (y = 1) P (y = 1)
transmit signal x 0 erroneous transmission channel P(x = 0|y = 0) = 0.923

= 0)

= 0.923

= 1)

= 0.077

= 1)

= 0.934

= 0)

= 0.066

receive signal y 0 P(y=0)=0.39

P(x = 1|y = 0) = 0.077 P(x = 0|y = 1) = 0.066 1

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P(x = 1|y = 1) = 0.934


Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence

Statistical Independence: Two events A and B are called statistically independent, if P (B |A) = P (B ) and thus:

P (AB ) = P (A) P (B |A) = P (A) P (B )

Example: Rolling Three Dice Determine the probability that all three dice show a 6.

P (die 1 = 6 die 2 = 6 die 3 = 6) = P (die 1 = 6) P (die 2 = 6) P (die 3 = 6) 1 1 1 1 = = 6 6 6 216

Example: Binary Data Transmission Check for the binary data transmission example, whether the events x and y are statistically independent. In case of statical independence we have:

P (x = i y = j ) = P (x = i) P (y = j ),

i, j = 0, 1

P (x = 0) P (y = 0) = 0.4 0.39 = 0.156 = P (x = 0 y = 0) = 0.36 P (x = 0) P (y = 1) = 0.4 0.61 = 0.244 = P (x = 0 y = 1) = 0.04 P (x = 1) P (y = 1) = 0.6 0.61 = 0.366 = P (x = 1 y = 1) = 0.57 P (x = 1) P (y = 0) = 0.6 0.39 = 0.234 = P (x = 1 y = 1) = 0.03
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.3 Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence 14


Random Variables

So far, the outcomes of a random experiment were described verbally, e.g. head and tail for tossing a coin. The description of an event A can become long and cumbersome. Random Variable: A random variable X maps each of the possible outcomes of a random experiment to a real number. X : SI R
random experiment real axis X (1 ) X (2 ) 1 * 3 * sample space S * 2 X (3 )

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Random Variables



Tossing a coin: S = {head, tail} X (head) = 0, Rolling a die: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} X (1) = 1, X (2) = 2, X (3) = 3, X (4) = 4, X (5) = 5, X (6) = 6
Another valid but less intuitive mapping is:

X (tail) = 1

X (1) = 5.6, X (2) = , X (3) = 0.5, X (4) = 34.6, X (5) = 99, X (6) = 56.7 Rolling two dice: S = {(1, 2) : 1, 2 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}
Event A: sum of numbers is larger than 8

A = {(1, 2) : 1 + 2 > 8}
Random variable:

X ((1, 2)) = 1 + 2

P (A) = P (X > 8)

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Random Variables


Angular position of a pointer on a rotating wheel: S = [0, 2 )

Event A: angle lies in the interval [/4, /2)

A = { : [/4, /2)}
Random variable:

X () = /rad

P (A) = P (/4 X () < /2)


Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function

The cumulative distribution function FX (x) associated with a random variable X is dened as: FX (x) = P (X () x) The probability density function (pdf), denoted by p(x) or pX (x), of a random variable X with cumulative distribution function FX (x) is given by:

d p X (x ) = FX (x) or FX (x) = dx
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pX (t) dt

6.5 Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function


Properties of the Cumulative Distribution Function FX (x):

0 FX (x) 1 for all x I R FX (x1) FX (x2) for all x1, x2 I R with x1 < x2 lim FX (x) = 1,
x x

lim FX (x) = 0

xx0 +0

lim FX (x) = FX (x0), i.e. FX (x) is continuous to the right

For a discrete random variable X (i) with associated probabilities P (i), the cumulative distribution function can be expressed as: FX (x) =


P (i)u(x X (i))

Properties of the Probability Density Function p(x):

p(x) 0 for all x I R


p(x) dx = 1

For a discrete random variable X (i) with associated probabilities P (i), the probability density function can be expressed as: p(x) =
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: i=0

P (i) (x X (i))

6.5 Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function

Example: Tossing a Fair Coin

S = {head, tail},
Random Variable:

P (head) = P (tail) = 0.5

X (head) = 0,
Cumulative distribution function:

X (tail) = 1


FX (x) =
Probability density function:

0 for x < 0 0.5 for 0 x < 1 1 for x 1

p(x) = 0.5 (x) + 0.5 (x 1)

FX (x) 1 0.5 x 0
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(0.5) x


6.5 Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function

Example: Angular Position of a Pointer on a Rotating Wheel Sample Space: S = [0, 2 ) All angles in the range from 0 to 2 are equally likely


p(x) =

0 for x < 0 K for 0 x < 2 0 for x 2

p(x)dx =

p(x)dx = 2K = 1

Probability density function and cumulative distribution function:


p(x) =

0 for x < 0 1/2 for 0 x < 2 0 for x 2


FX (x) =

0 for x < 0 x/2 for 0 x < 2 1 for x 2

FX (x) 1 0.5 x


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6.5 Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function


Probability that the angle lies between /2 and 3/2:

3 3 P( < X ) = FX ( ) FX ( ) = 2 2 2 2
Probability that the angle is exactly :


p(t) dt =

1 2

P (X = ) =

p(x) dx = 0


The Histogram

Tabulation of the frequency of occurrence of a random variable within preset ranges. The total number of events is equal to the number of sets (also called cells). The normalized histogram is obtained by dividing the height of each cell by the total number of events. The normalized histogram provides an estimate for the probability density function p(x) of a random variable.

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The Histogram


Example: Tossing a Fair Coin

S = {head, tail},

X (head) = 0,

X (tail) = 1,
0.7 0.6

P (0) = P (1) = 0.5

Histogram: tossing a coin 400 times

Normalized histogram: tossing a coin 400 times

200 0.5 150 Nx/N 100 50 0.1 0 0 0 x 1 N


0.4 0.3 0.2

0 x

Estimated probability for X = 0 and X = 1:

(0) = N0 = 208 = 0.52, P N 400

(1) = N1 = 192 = 0.48 P N 400

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The Histogram


Example: Angular Position of a Pointer on a Rotating Wheel


S = [0, 2 ),

X (angle) = angle/rad,

p(x) =

0 for x < 0 1/2 for 0 x < 2 0 for x 2

Normalization of the histogram for a continuous random variable: N (xi) = xi xi P N where xi denotes a cell of width xi.
Histogram: 400 experiments, 10 cells 50 15 Histogram: 400 experiments, 50 cells

40 10 30

20 5 10

Nx 0 1 2 3 x 4 5 6 0 0

3 x

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The Histogram


Histogram: 4000 experiments, 10 cells 500 100 400 80 300


Histogram: 4000 experiments, 50 cells


Nx 100 0 0 3 4 5 6 x Normalized histogram: 4000 experiments, 10 cells 1 2




3 4 5 6 x Normalized histogram: 4000 experiments, 50 cells

0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1

0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1



3 x

3 x

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The Histogram



Some Important Probability Distributions

The Uniform Distribution

Random variable X is equally likely within the range [a, b].

p(x) =

1 for a x b ba 0 otherwise FX (x) =

for x < a

xa for a x b ba 1 for b < x

p(x) 1 1 (b a) x 0 0.5

FX (x)

Examples: quantization noise of an ADC, angular position of a pointer on a rotating wheel

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6.7 Some Important Probability Distributions



The Binomial Distribution

Lets assume that a random experiment has two mutual exclusive events A and B with probabilities P (A) = p and P (B ) = 1 p = q . The experiment is repeated n times. The random variable X is assigned the value i if event A occurs exactly i times out of the n repetitions. The probability for X = i, i = 0, . . . , n is given by:

P (X = i) = n i


i n i

binomial coecient:

n i

n! i!(n i)!

Number of combinations to place i occurrences of event A on n possible positions: n! n(n 1)(n 2) (n i + 1) = (n i)! Out of these there are i! combinations that we cannot distinguish between. Probability density function and cumulative distribution function:

p(x) =

n : i=0

P (X = i) (x i) =

n : n i=0


i n i

(x i)

FX (x) =

n : i=0

P (X = i)u(x i) =

n : n i=0


i n i

u(x i)

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6.7 Some Important Probability Distributions


Example: Rolling a die n times A die is rolled 4 times. Sketch p(x) and FX (x) for the event that a 3 occurs on top of die i = 0, . . . , 4 times. Event A: number on top of die is 3, P (A) = p = 1/6. Event B : number on top of die is not 3, P (B ) = q = 1 p = 5/6. Probability density function:
4 : i=0 4 : 4 i=0

p(x) =

P (X = i) (x i) =

(1/6) (5/6)


(x i)

i P (X = i) 4 0 (1/6)0(5/6)4 0 4 1 (1/6)1(5/6)3 1 4 2 (1/6)2(5/6)2 2 4 3 (1/6)3(5/6)1 3 4 4 (1/6)4(5/6)0 4

= = = = =

4! 4 4 (5/6) = (5/6) = 0.482 4! 0! 4! 1 3 1 3 (1/6) (5/6) = 4 (1/6) (5/6) = 0.386 3! 1! 4! 2 2 2 2 (1/6) (5/6) = 6 (1/6) (5/6) = 0.116 2! 2! 4! 3 1 3 1 (1/6) (5/6) = 4 (1/6) (5/6) = 0.015 1! 3! 4! 4 4 3 (1/6) = (1/6) = 7.71 10 4! 0!

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6.7 Some Important Probability Distributions


p(x) (.482) (.386) (.116) (.015) (7.71e-3) 0 1 2 3 4 x 0 1 0.5

FX (x)


The Poisson Distribution

The exponential distribution depends on a parameter t. It approximates the binomial distribution for large n. ti P (X = i) = exp(t) i! Probability density function and cumulative distribution function:

p(x) =


ti exp(t) (x i), i!

F X (x ) =


ti exp(t) u(x i) i!

Examples: number of particles emitted over a time duration in radioactive decay, number of telephone calls arriving at a switching venter during a certain time period, binary data transmission with low error rates
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The Exponential Distribution

The exponential distribution depends on a parameter t.


for x < 0


for x < 0

p(x) = t exp(xt) for x 0

probability density function 2 t=2 t=1 t=0.5 1.5

FX (x) =

1 exp(xt) for x 0
cumulative distribution function


0.6 1 FX(x) 0.4 0.5 0.2 t=2 t=1 t=0.5 0 1 x 2 3 4 0 1 x 2 3 4 0 1 p(x)

0 1

Examples: characterization of waiting times for processes without aging, e.g. time period between two calls at a calling center, time to repair a defect component of a system
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The Gaussian (Normal) Distribution

The Gaussian distribution depends on parameters m I R and > 0. It is also denoted as N (m, 2) distribution.

p(x) =

1 2 1


(x m) 2 2


FX (x) =

probability density function 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 m=1, =3 m=1, =1 m=3, =0.5

(y m) 2 2


cumulative distribution function 1 m=1, =3 m=1, =1 m=3, =0.5


0.6 FX(x) 0.4 0.2 4 3 2 1 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 0 5


0.1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 x 1 2 3 4 5

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6.7 Some Important Probability Distributions


The integral for the cumulative distribution function FX (x) cannot be evaluated in closed form and requires numerical evaluation. Normalized Gaussian Distribution:

P (X (m + k )) =

1 2


(y m) 2 2


Substitute z = (y m)/ :

P (X (m + k )) =

1 exp 2

z 2


Using the Q-Function (tabulated in appendix I of the textbook)

Q(x) =

1 exp 2

z 2


we obtain

P (X (m + k )) = 1 Q(k)
A random variable has a Gaussian distribution if it depends on many independent random variables with identical distribution. Examples: Electrical energy consumption in a metropolitan area, noise in a transmission channel, arbitrary measurement errors
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Statistical Averages

A random variable is completely determined by its probability density function p(x) or its cumulative distribution function FX (x), respectively. In many cases p(x) and FX (x) are dicult to estimate and knowledge about the average outcome of a random experiment is sucient (e.g. average life expectance of an engine, average time spent in a waiting queue, average gain/loss of a slot machine). Expected Value E {X }: For a random variable X with probability density function p(x), the expected value E {X } = mX is given by:

E {X } =

x p(x)dx = mX

If X is a discrete random variable that takes the value xi, i = 1, 2 . . . N < , with probability P (X = xi), then

p(x) =

N : i=1

P (X = xi) (x xi),

E {X } =

N : i=1

xi P (X = xi)

The expected value is also called mean value, average value, or rst moment.

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Statistical Averages


nth Moment of a Random Variable X : E {X } =


x p(x)dx

A knowledge of all the moments of a random variable, provided they are nite, species a random variable as completely as a knowledge of the probability density function. The second moment is called the mean-square value of X and its square root is called the root mean square (rms) value of X .

nth Central Moment of a Random Variable X : E {(X mX ) } =


(x mX ) p(x)dx

The second order central moment E {(X mX )2} is called the variance of a random variable X . It measures the average quadratic deviation of X from its average value mX .
2 X

= E {|(X mX )| } =

(x mX ) p(x)dx

X is called the standard deviation of X and is an indicator for the eective width of the probability density function (the larger X the more spread out is the pdf of X ).
Chebyshevs Inequality:

P (|X mX | > k X ) < 1/k

Dr. Tanja Karp 6.8 Statistical Averages


Example: Tossing a Fair Coin

S = {head, tail},

X (head) = 0,

X (tail) = 1,
p(x) (0.5) (0.5)

P (0) = P (1) = 0.5

Probability density function:

p(x) = 0.5 (x) + 0.5 (x 1)

0 1 2

Average value mX :

2 Variance X :

E {X } =

x p(x)dx

E {(X mX ) } =

(x 0.5) p(x) dx

= 0.5

x (x) + (x 1) dx = 0.5(0 + 1) = 0.5

= 0.5

(x 0.5) (x) + (x 1) dx
2 2

= 0.5 (0 0.5) + (1 0.5)

Standard deviation: X = 0.5

= 0.25

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Statistical Averages


Example: Angular Position of a Pointer on a Rotating Wheel

S = [0, 2 ),
Probability density function:

X (angle) = angle/rad
p(x) 1/2


p(x) =

0 for x < 0 1/2 for 0 x < 2 0 for x 2

2 Variance X :

Average value mX :

E {X } =

x p(x)dx

E {(X mX ) } =

(x ) p(x) dx 1 2 3

1 = 2

x dx =

1 2

(x ) dx =

Standard deviation: X =

1 3

Dr. Tanja Karp


Statistical Averages


Properties of the Mathematical Expectance Operator E {.}:

Linearity: X = aX1 + bX2, E {X } = E {aX1 + bX2} = a E {X1} + b E {X2}

with X , X1, X2: random variables and a, b: real constants

Function of a random variable:

Y = g (X ),
with X , Y : random variables

E {Y } = E {g (X )} =

g (x)p(x)dx

Repeatedly taking the mathematical expectance: E {E {X }} = E {X } Properties of the variance: X = E {(X mX ) } = E {X } mX Y = aX + b, Y = E {(Y mY ) } = a X
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

with X , Y : random variables and a, b: real constants

Dr. Tanja Karp 6.8 Statistical Averages 36


Joint and Conditional Density Functions

In many cases a random experiment depends on several random variables. Example: Determine how the likelihood to be overweight ed depends on the age of a person.
random experiment: choosing one person

height X1 (1 ) X1 (2 )



X2 (1 ) X2 (3 ) X2 (2 )

X3 (2 )

1 * 3 *

* 2

X1 (3 )

X3 (3 ) X3 (1 )

sample space S

Joint Cumulative Function:

FX,Y (x, y ) = P (X x, Y y )
where X and Y are two random variables dened on the same sample space S .

Dr. Tanja Karp

6.9 Joint and Conditional Density Functions


Joint Probability Function:

2 pX,Y (x, y ) = FX,Y (x, y ) x y

x y

FX,Y (x, y ) = P (X x, Y y ) =

pX,Y (t, s) ds dt

where X and Y are two random variables dened on the same sample space S . Marginal Probability Function:

pX (x) =

pX,Y (x, y ) dy,

p Y (y ) =

pX,Y (x, y ) dx

Marginal Cumulative Distribution Function:

x x

FX (x) = P (X x, Y ) =

pX,Y (t, s) ds dt =

pX (t) dt

F Y (y ) = P (X , Y y ) =

pX,Y (t, s) ds dt =

pY (s) ds

Dr. Tanja Karp

6.9 Joint and Conditional Density Functions


Conditional Density Function: pX,Y (x, y1) pX (x|y1) = , pY (y1)

pX,Y (x1, y ) pY (y |x1) = pX (x1)

pX,Y (x, y ) = pX (x|y ) pY (y ) = pY (y |x) pX (x)

Statistical Independence: Two random variables X and Y are called statistically independent if their joint probability density function satises pX,Y (x, y ) = pX (x) pY (y ), i.e. the value of one random variable is independent of the value of the other.

Dr. Tanja Karp

6.9 Joint and Conditional Density Functions


6.10.1 Denition and Examples

Random Processes
random variable

random experiment X (t , 1 )

1 1











* 1 * i * 3 * 2

* X (t , ) 2

0.5 0 0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

* X (t , 3 )

1 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

sample space S

X (t , i )











Dr. Tanja Karp 6.10 Random Processes


Random Process: A random process X (t) describes the mapping of a random experiment with sample space S onto an ensemble of sample functions X (t, i). For each point in time t1, X (t1) describes a random variable. Example: Rolling a Die Random variable: X = i if number i is on top of the die Random process: Y (t) = X cos(0t). Example: Tossing a Coin N Times Random variable: Xn = 0 if the nth result is head, Xn = 1 if the nth result is tail Random process: Y (t) =
Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 4 ) t
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.10 Random Processes



Xn rect(t n + 0.5).

Y (t , 2N ) t

Example: Filtering a Random Process

Y (t) = h(t) X (t) =

h( )X (t )d

X (t), Y (t): random processes, h(t): lter impulse response

6.10.2 Ensemble Averages and Stationarity

For each time instance of a random process, the average value, variance etc. can be calculated from all sample functions X (t, i). Expected Value E {X (t)}: For a random process X (t) with probability density function pX (t)(x), the expected value E {X (t)} = mX (t) is given by:

E {X (t)} =

x pX (t)(x)dx = mX (t)

Variance X (t):

X (t) = E {|X (t) mX (t)| } =

Dr. Tanja Karp 6.10

|x mX (t)| pX (t)(x)dx

Random Processes


For a stationary random process the probability density function is independent of time t, thus the expected value and the variance are also a constant over time.

pX (t)(x) = pX (t+t0)(x), mX (t) = mX (t + t0) = mX ,

6.10.3 Time Averages and Ergodicity

t, t0

X (t) = X (t + t0) = X

So far, the average value and the variance of a random process X (t) were calculated based on the probability density function pX (t). However, in practical experiments the probability density function of a random process is often unknown. Also, in many cases, there is only one sample function X (t, i) available. Therefore, it is favorable to average over time instead of taking the ensemble average. Average Value mX (i):

mX (i)
2 Variance X ( ) : i 2 X ( ) i

1 = lim T T

T /2

X (t, i)dt
T / 2

1 = lim T T

T /2 T / 2 i

(X (t, i) mX ) dt

Dr. Tanja Karp

Random Processes


ensemble average

random experiment X (t , 1 )

1 1











* 1 * i * 3 * 2

* X (t , ) 2

0.5 0 0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

* X (t , 3 )

1 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

sample space S

X (t , i )

time average
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2



Dr. Tanja Karp


Random Processes


Ergodicity: A stationary random process X (t) is called ergodic, if the time averages of each sample function X (t, i) converge towards the corresponding ensemble average with probability one. In practical applications ergodicity is often assumed since just one sample function is available and therefore the ensemble averages cannot be taken. Example 1: Random process: X (t) = A cos(0t) A: discrete random variable with P (A = 1) = P (A = 2) = 0.5 0: constant Ensemble average:

mX (t) = E {X (t)} = E {A} cos(0t) = 1.5 cos(0t)

For 0 = 0 the random process is not stationary and we are not allowed to take the time average.

Dr. Tanja Karp


Random Processes


Example 2: Random process: X (t) = A A: discrete random variable with P (A = 1) = P (A = 2) = 0.5 Ensemble average:

mX (t) = E {X (t)} = E {A} = 1.5 the ensemble average is independent of time.

Time averages:

mX (1)

1 = lim T T 1 = lim T T

1 X (t, 1)dt = lim T T T / 2 1 X (t, 2)dt = lim T T T / 2

T /2

T /2

T /2

1 dt = 1
T / 2 T /2

mX (2)

2 dt = 2
T / 2

time averages taken for dierent sample functions are not identical to the ensemble average, the random process is thus not ergodic.

Dr. Tanja Karp


Random Processes


Example 3: Tossing a Coin N Times Random variable: Xn = 0 if the nth result is head, Xn = 1 if the nth result is tail. Random process: Y (t) =
Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 1 ) t Y (t , 4 ) t Y (t , 2N ) t
N 2 n=1

Xn rect(t n + 0.5)

Ensemble average:

mY (t) = E {Y (t)} = 0.5

Time average: Sample function Y (t, i): Coin is tossed N times and we observe n1 times head and n2 times tail.

m Y ( i )

1 = N

Y (t, i)dt =

1 n2 (n1 0 + n2 1) = N N

for N , n1 and n2 converge towards N/2 and mY (t,i) = mY (t) = mY . The random process is thus ergodic.
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.10 Random Processes 47

random process X (t ) with pdf pX (t ) (x)

stationary random process with pdf pX (x)

ergodic random process: time average=ensemble average

Dr. Tanja Karp


Random Processes



Autocorrelation and Power Spectra

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance


We are interested in how the value of a random process X (t) evaluated at t2 depends on its value at time t1. At t1 and t2 the random process is characterized by random variables X1 and X2, respectively. The relationship between X1 and X2 is given by the joint probability density function

X (t , 1 )

1 1 0.5











X (t , 2 )

0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

0.5 1

X (t , 3 )

0.5 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2


pX1 X2 (x1, x2)

Autocorrelation Function:
X (t , i )

RXX (t1, t2) = E {X1 X2}













= E {X (t1) X (t2)} =

Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11

x1x2pX1X2 (x1, x2)dx1dx2


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra

Autocovariance Function:

CXX (t1, t2) = E {(X (t1) mX (t1)) (X (t2) mX (t2))}

(x1 mX (t1))(x2 mX (t2)) pX (t1)X (t2)(x1, x2)dx1dx2 = RXX (t1, t2) mX (t1)mX (t2)

2 CXX (t, t) describes the variance X (t) of a random process.

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance Function of a Stationary Random Process: The joint probability density function of a stationary process does not change if a constant value t is added to both t1 and t2.

pX1 X2 (x1, x2) = pX (t1)X (t2)(x1, x2) = pX (t1+t)X (t2+t)(x1, x2)

The autocorrelation function then only depends on the dierence between t1 and t2

RXX (t1, t2) = E {X (t1) X (t2)} =

x1x2pX (t1)X (t2)(x1, x2)dx1dx2


Dr. Tanja Karp

x1x2pX (0)X (t2t1)(x1, x2)dx1dx2 = RX,X (0, t2 t1) = RX,X ( )


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Since the average value is a constant, the autocovariance function is given by:

CXX (t1, t2) = E {(X (t1) mX ) (X (t2) mX )}

(x1 mX )(x2 mX ) pX (t1)X (t2)(x1, x2)dx1dx2

(x1 mX )(x2 mX ) pX (0)X (t2t1)(x1, x2)dx1dx2

= CXX (0, t2 t1) = CXX ( )

Properties of the Autocorrelation Function of a Stationary Random Process:

Symmetry: RXX ( ) = RXX ( ) Mean Square Average: RXX (0) = E {X (t)2} 0 Maximum: RXX (0) |RXX ( )| Periodicity: if RXX (0) = RXX (t0), then RXX ( ) is periodic with period t0.

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Wide Sense Stationary (WSS) Random Process: A random process X (t) is called WSS if the following three properties are satised:

The average value of the random process is a constant: mX (t) = mX The autocorrelation and autocovariance function only depend on the time dierence = t1 t2: RXX (t1, t2) = RXX (t2 t1) = RXX ( ) CXX (t1, t2) = CXX (t2 t1) = CXX ( )
2 The variance is a constant and nite: X = CXX (0) = RXX (0) m2 X <

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance Function of an Ergodic Random Process:

1 RXX ( ) = lim T T 1 T T
T /2

T /2

XT (t, i)XT (t + , i)dt

T / 2

CXX ( ) = lim

(XT (t, i) mX )(XT (t + , i) mX )dt

T / 2

XT (t, i): sample function of random process X (t) windowed to be of length T (starting at T /2 ending at T /2).
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11 Autocorrelation and Power Spectra 52


Power Spectral Density


Description of random processes in the frequency domain Calculation of the Fourier Transform of a sample function is not useful We assume in the following that the random process considered is at least WSS if not stationary.
The power spectral density (psd) of a WSS random process X (t) is dened as the Fourier Transform of the autocorrelation function RXX ( ):

SXX ( ) = F{RXX ( )} =

RXX ( ) exp(j )d

Inverse transform:

1 RXX ( ) = 2

SXX ( ) exp(j ) d

Properties of the Power Spectral Density:

SXX ( ) = SXX ( ),
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11

SXX ( ) 0,
Autocorrelation and Power Spectra

Im{SXX ( )} = 0

Ergodic Random Process x(t): Autocorrelation Function:

T /2 T /2

Rxx( ) = lim

1 T T

xT (t, i)xT (t + , i)dt = lim

T / 2

1 T T

xT (t)xT (t + )dt
T / 2

Power Spectral Density:

Sxx( ) =

Rxx( ) exp(j )d
T /2

1 = lim T T 1 = lim T T
T /2

xT (t)xT (t + )dt exp(j )d

T / 2

xT (t)
T / 2 T /2

xT (t + ) exp(j )d dt
XT ( ) exp(jt)

1 = XT ( ) lim T T

xT (t) exp(jt) dt
T / 2

XT ( )XT |XT ( )|2 ( ) = lim = lim T T T T

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra



Deterministic Power and Energy Signals

Power Signal: The autocorrelation function and the power spectral density can also be calculated for a deterministic power signal f (t). In this case, the signal simply replaces the random process. With fT (t) = f (t) rect(t/T ) we obtain for the autocorrelation function:

1 Rf f ( ) = lim T T
and for the power spectral density:

T /2

fT (t)fT (t + )dt
T / 2

Sf f ( ) =

FT ( )FT ( ) |FT ( )|2 Rf f ( ) exp(j )d = lim = lim T T T T

Note that we obtain the power of f (t) as

1 P = Rf f (0) = lim T T

T /2

1 2 fT (t)dt = 2

Sf f ( )d

T / 2

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Energy Signals: For an energy signal f (t) an energy autocorrelation function can be dened as

Rf f ( ) =

f (t)f (t + )dt = f ( ) f ( )

Applying the Fourier Transform to the energy autocorrelation function, we obtain the energy spectral density as:

Sf f ( ) =

Rf f ( ) exp(j )d = F ( )F ( ) = |F ( )|

We obtain the energy as

E = Rf f (0) =

f (t) dt =

1 2

Sf f ( )d =

1 2

|F ( )|

which restates Parsevals Theorem.

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra



Examples of Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectral Densities

Example 1: Sinusoid with Random Phase Angle Random process:

X (t) = A sin(0t + ) A, 0: constant values, : random variable with probability density function p(x): p(x) =
Average value:

1/2 for x < 0 otherwise

mX (t) = E {X (t)} = E {A sin(0t + )}

A sin(0t + x)p(x) dx 1 A sin(0t + x) dx = 0 2

The average value is a constant and independent of t. Since mX = 0 the autocorrelation and autocovariance functions are identical.
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11 Autocorrelation and Power Spectra 57

Autocorrelation function:

RXX (t1, t2) = E {X (t1)X (t2)} = E {A sin(0t1 + ) A sin(0t2 + )}


2 sin(A) sin(B ) = cos(A B ) cos(A + B )

2 2

RXX (t1, t2) = E {0.5A cos(0(t2 t1)) 0.5A cos(0(t2 + t1) + 2)} = 0.5A E {cos(0(t2 t1))} 0.5A E {cos(0(t2 + t1) + 2)} = 0.5A cos(0(t2 t1)) 0 = RXX ( )
The autocorrelation function only depends on = t2 t1 but not on the absolute values of t1 and t2. Power spectral density:
2 2 2

SXX ( ) = F{RXX ( )} = F{0.5A cos(0 )} = 0.5A F{cos(0 )} = 0.5A ( ( 0) + ( + 0))

Ergodicity: If the random process is ergodic, we obtain the same results for the average value and the autocorrelation function by taking the time averages over one sample function.
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11 Autocorrelation and Power Spectra 58

Let us assume the sample function X (t, i) has a phase angle i:

X (t, i) = A sin(0t + i)
Average value (time average):

mX (i)

1 = lim T T 1 = lim T T

T /2

X (t, i)dt
T / 2 T /2

A sin(0t + i)dt = 0 = mX
T / 2

Autocorrelation function (time average):

RX (i)X (i)( ) = = = =

T /2 1 lim X (t, i)X (t + , i)dt T T T / 2 T /2 1 2 A sin(0t + i) sin(0(t + ) + i)dt lim T T T / 2 T /2 A2 1 lim cos(0 ) + cos(0(2t + ) + 2i)dt 2 T T T /2 A2 cos(0 ) = RXX ( ) 2

Time averages of one sample function and ensemble averages are identical the random process is ergodic.
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.11 Autocorrelation and Power Spectra 59

A = 1, 0 = 2
Sample Functions 1 X(t,1) 0 1 1 X(t,2) 0 1 1 X(t,3) 0 1 1 X(t,4) 1.5 0 1 1 X(t,5) 0 1 0.5 1 2 0.5 Autocorrelation Function R


5 0

5 0.5 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Power Spectral Density SXX() 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 t in sec

0 10


Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Example 2: Binary Data Transmission A binary sequence is transmitted by rectangular pulses of width Tb. The amplitude of the pulse is determined by each bit, i.e. it is one if the bit is one and zero if the bit is zero. We assume that ones and zeros are equally likely and that each bit is statistically independent of all others. Using ergodicity, we obtain the following results from a sample function X (t, 1): Average value (sample function of length N bits with n1 ones):


1 = E {X (t, 1)} lim T T

T 0

1 X (t, 1)dt = lim N N Tb

N Tb 0

X (t, 1)dt

1 n1 = lim [n1 1 Tb + (N n1) 0 Tb] = lim = 0.5 N N Tb N N

Autocorrelation function:

1 RXX ( ) = E {X (t, 1)X (t + , 1)} = lim T T = 0.25( (t) + ( /Tb))

Power spectral density:

X (t, 1)X (t + , 1)dt


SXX ( ) = F {RXX ( )} = 0.25(1 + Sa (Tb/2))

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Sample Function 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 0.75 X(t,1)

Autocorrelation Function R



0.5 0 5 10 t/Tb 15 20


Shifted Copies of Sample Function 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 X(t+0.3T ,1)

0 5

0 /Tb

Power Spectral Density SXX() 0 5 10 15 20 0.75

X(t+T ,1)

0.5 0 5 10 15 20 0.25

X(t+1.5T ,1)

10 t/Tb



0 15


0 Tb



Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Example 3: Deterministic Energy Signal

f (t) = rect(t 0.5)

Energy autocorrelation function:
E Rf f ( )

f (t)f (t + )dt = ( )

Energy spectral density:

Sf f ( ) = F{Rf f ( )} = Sa (/2)
Autocorrelation Function Power Spectral Density

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 4 Sff() 2 0 2 4 Rff()

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 15




Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


Example 4: White Noise A random process n(t) is called white noise, if it has a constant power spectral density of /2 watts per Hz measured over positive frequencies. If in addition the random process has zero mean (mn = 0), the power spectral density is given by:

Snn( ) = /2
Autocorrelation function:

for all

Rnn( ) = F

{Snn( )} =

(t) 2

Since only the rst and second moment of the process are known, the probability density function cannot be uniquely determined. In the case of a Gaussian probability density function, the process is called white Gaussian noise. If the white Gaussian noise is added to the signal, we denote it as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra


White Gaussian Noise 3 2 1 n(t) 0

1 2

5 t


Rnn () (/2)

Snn () /2

Dr. Tanja Karp


Autocorrelation and Power Spectra



Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes

Excitation of an LTI system with sample function x(t, i) of a stationary random process x(t).

x(t , i )

LTI system h(t )

y(t , i )

Sample function y (t, i) of the output random process y (t):

y (t, i) = h(t) x(t, i)

6.12.1 Expected Value of the Output Random Process

my = E {y (t)} = E {x(t) h(t)} = E

x(t )h()d

E {x(t )} h( )d =

mx h( ) exp(j 0 ) d = mxH (0)


Dr. Tanja Karp


Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes



Autocorrelation Function of the Output Random Process

Ryy ( ) = E {y (t)y (t + )} = E {(x(t) h(t))(x(t + ) h(t + ))}




h( )x(t )d

h()x(t + )d

h( )h()E {x(t )x(t + )} dd


h( )h()Rxx( + )dd

h( )h( + )d Rxx( )d
R E ( ) hh

Rhh()Rxx( )d = Rhh( ) Rxx( )

E Rhh ( ): Energy autocorrelation function of the system impulse response

Dr. Tanja Karp 6.12 Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes 67


Power Spectral Density of the Output Random Process

Syy ( ) = F{Ryy ( )} = F{Rhh( ) Rxx( )} = F{Rhh( )} F{Rxx( )} = F{Rhh( )} Sxx( )


Rhh( ) = h( ) h( ) h( ) H ( ),

h( ) H ( )

Rhh( ) H ( )H ( ) = |H ( )|
and thus

Syy ( ) = Sxx( ) |H ( )|

Rxx ()

x(t , i )

LTI system h(t ) RE hh () |H ()|2

y(t , i )

Ryy () = Rxx () RE hh ()

Sxx ()

Syy () = Sxx ()|H ()|2

Dr. Tanja Karp


Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes


Example: Ideal Lowpass Filtering of White Noise Input random process ni(t):

Snini ( ) = 0.5 0.5 ( ) = Rnini ( )

Ideal lowpass lter:

HLP ( ) =
Output random process no(t):

1 for | | < c 0 otherwise

Snono ( ) = Snini ( )|HLP ( )| =

Power of output random process:

0.5 for | | < c 0 otherwise

P no =

1 2

Snono ( )d =

1 2

0.5d =

c = fc 2
Sno no ()

/2 c c
Dr. Tanja Karp 6.12

HLP () 1 Sni ni ()

/2 c


Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes


Cross-Correlation between Input and Output Random Process

The autocorrelation function describes the statistical properties of two random variables X1 and X2 taken from the same random process at times t1 and t2, respectively, X1 = X (t1) and X2 = X (t2). The cross-correlation function describes the statistical properties of two random variables X1 and Y2 taken from two dierent random processes X (t) and Y (t) (here input and output of an LTI system) at times t1 and t 2, respectively, such that X1 = X (t1) and Y2 = Y (t2). It is dened as:

RXY (t1, t2) = E {X (t1)Y (t2)}

For stationary processes, it simplies to:

RXY ( ) = E {X (t) Y (t + )}
Two random processes X (t) and Y (t) are called uncorrelated if

RXY (t1, t2) = E {X (t1)Y (t2)} = E {X (t1)} E {Y (t2)} = mX (t1) mY (t2)

They are called orthogonal if

RXY (t1, t2) = 0,

for all t1, t2.

Dr. Tanja Karp


Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes



Rxy ( ) = E {x(t) y (t + )} = E {x(t)(x(t + ) h(t + ))}





h()x(t + )d

h()E {x(t)x(t + )} d

h()Rxx( )d = h( ) Rxx( )

Example: System Identication An LTI system with unknown impulse response is excited with a white noise random process ni(t) with power spectral density Snini = /2. The output noise process is no(t). The cross-correlation between input and output noise process is given by: Rnino ( ) = h( ) Rni,ni ( ) = h( ) ( ) = h( ) 2 2

Dr. Tanja Karp


Excitation of LTI Systems with Stationary Random Processes


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