PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at www.pip.org.
Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.
PIP will not consider requests for interpretations (inquiries) for this Practice.
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2. References ................................... 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices ................ 2
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1.1 Purpose This Practice provides designers with guidelines for the application and selection of weight measurement systems. 1.2 Scope This Practice provides guidelines to aid designers in the application, selection, and installation of equipment used to measure weight in an industrial application. These guidelines include electronic methods of measuring weight in nonmechanical and hydraulic systems. Specific design requirements are found in PIP PCCWE001 Weighing Systems Criteria.
Applicable requirements in the latest edition, revision, or addendum of the following codes, standards, and references shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. Requirements modified by this Practice, owners referenced drawings, or a purchase order shall take precedence over published specifications. 2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP PCCWE001 - Weighing Systems Criteria PIP PCSPS001 - Packaged Equipment Instrumentation Specification PIP PCSPS010 - Small General Purpose Packaged Equipment Instrumentation Specification
accuracy: The degree of agreement between the result of a measurement and the true value; that is, the degree to which the system performs weighing functions within an acceptable or desired tolerance and is stated in percentage of full-scale reading continuous system: captures the weight of a discrete object or material while it moves through or across a scale. Continuous systems require minimal personnel intervention (i.e., weigh feeders, gravimetric feeders, loss-in-weight feeders, etc.) repeatability: The degree to which the system reads the same value when the measured weight is applied repeatedly in the same manner with the same quantity and under constant conditions scale: measures the weight of an object. The object can be manually, semi-automatically, or automatically placed on and off the scale (e.g., small scales, bag feeders, cylinder scales, truck scales, etc.).
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static system: weighs a static object and determines how much material is contained within the object. Static systems require minimal personnel intervention (i.e., load cells, load beams, strain gauges, etc.). stay rods: intended to rigidly constrain or stay the vessel and constitute the primary lateral restraint system on most vessels. Stay rods are an active part of the weighing system. safety check rods: backup members, performing the sole function of holding the vessel in check and preventing gross tipping or wobbling. Safety check rods are not an active part of the weighing system.
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As long as the mechanical error in a given system is linear with deflection and independent of the environment, the inherent system repeatability will be greater than its accuracy. In most process applications, repeatability is more important than accuracy. In buy-and-sell applications, accuracy becomes more important, and these systems will require more frequent calibration and high repeatability. 4.6 Custody Transfer The designer must ensure that all contractual agreements and local, state, and federal regulations are met for custody transfer applications. This Practice does not provide the information needed to meet these agreements and regulations. 4.7 Output Signals A weighing system will provide an output signal to interface with other equipment, printers, displays, or control systems. The signal format of each system varies by manufacturer. These are the typical signal formats available: 4.8 Serial communication (i.e., RS-232, RS-485) Parallel communication (i.e., BCD, printer ports) 4 to 20 mA
Load Calculations Performing load calculations will help determine whether the weighing system can meet the application requirements. Static weighing systems require load calculations to determine the system design. These are typically custom installations having interacting forces that must be considered. Continuous weighing systems and scales are typically package units, and the vendor will have published load specifications or will design the system to meet required specifications.
Structure The support structure affects the performance of a weighing system. A multidisciplinary engineering effort should be undertaken to ensure that the support structure is designed properly for the weighing system being installed.
Environmental Considerations Outside forces can affect weigh systems. These forces can change the degree the system provides a desired measurement within the stated specifications. The designer should be aware that weather, mechanical vibration, structure, piping, temperature, and unaccounted weight will affect the performance of the weighing system.
Electrical Electrical considerations are important in determining where the weighing system will be installed. The designer must consider electrical area classifications, wiring methods, signal distances, and radio frequency interference (RFI) interferences.
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Maintenance and Calibration Weigh systems require routine maintenance and calibration to maintain accuracy and operation. The frequency of maintenance and calibration depends on the complexity of the system and the accuracy desired. The calibration of custody transfer systems depends on regulatory requirements and/or contractual agreements. The designer should also consider accessibility and installation of the weighing system to reduce maintenance and calibration time.
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load. Manufacturers typically state the accuracy based on the total weight capacity of the weigh system. The accuracy of the measured live load is determined using the ratio of the live load to the total weight capacity. Example - Consider a 6,000-gallon reactor that contains approximately 50,000 lb of material. The requirement is to measure the contents of the reactor to within +0.25% of live load. The dead load is 50,000 lb, the live load is 50,000 lb, and the gross weight is 100,000 lb. The load cell system is rated for a total capacity of 120,000 lb, and the stated system accuracy is 0.1%, or +120 lb. The accuracy of the live load measurement is +120 lb of 50,000 lb, or +0.24%, which is more than 2 times greater than the stated system accuracy. The ratio of the live load to system capacity will be adjusted to get the desired accuracy for the live load measurement.
High-Accuracy Systems Static weighing systems can achieve system errors of less than 0.05% for buy-and-sell applications and 0.25% for other applications. The following mechanical requirements are recommended to achieve these accuracies: The weighing vessel should be fully supported by transducers. The number of load transducers may vary depending on the size of the vessel and the support structure. Load transducers should be supported by a rigid structure. Precision load transducers with full temperature compensation should be used. Load transducers should be protected from heated process vessels to protect the transducers from heat-related damage. Mechanical restrictions from attached piping and lateral restraints should be avoided. Highly flexible piping attachments are recommended. Rigid conduit should not be connected directly to the load transducers. Flexible conduit should be used to eliminate side forces from reaching the load transducers. Process heating systems that use hot gas or steam should be avoided when hot oil or water can be used. Hot gas or steam can produce variable buoyancy.
Low-Accuracy Systems System errors of greater than 0.25% require less stringent mechanical requirements than do high-accuracy systems. The weighing vessel need only be partly supported by load transducers, typically one or two on any side. The contents of the weighing vessel should be self-leveling, and the vessel should not have partitions, so that the load fraction carried by the transducers remains unchanged.
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November 2002 Load transducers should be supported by a rigid structure. General purpose load transducers without temperature compensation are acceptable. Load transducers should be protected from heated process vessels to protect the transducers from heat-related damage. Mechanical restrictions from attached piping and lateral restraints should be avoided. Highly flexible piping and attachments should be used. Rigid conduit should not be connected directly to the load transducers. Flexible conduit should be used to eliminate side forces from reaching the load transducers. 5.3 Load Transducers The load transducer consists of an elastic element to which strain gages are bonded. When the mass to be measured is applied to the elastic member, the strain gage will change its resistance in direct proportion to the mass applied. Therefore, load transducers are electronic devices that translate changes in force into changes in resistance. Typical load transducers used in static weighing systems are load cells and load beams. 5.3.1 Load Capacity The capacity of the load transducers is determined by estimating the dead load, live load, and gross weight of the system. The total weight capacity is typically 25% to 50% greater than the gross weight, which accounts for unequal load distribution and dynamic loads. Because the accuracy of the system is based on the total weight capacity of the load transducers, correct sizing of the load transducers will provide better system accuracy. 5.3.2 Load Cells Load cells are permanently installed on a vessel or structure to measure weight by detecting deformations. As weight causes the load cell to deform, a bonded Wheatstone bridge assembly converts the deformation to an electrical signal. Typically, several load cells are used to measure one weight. The load cells are placed around a vessel and summed together to get the total weight. Load cells provide accurate weight measurement of materials contained within a large vessel or structure. Load cells can be either compression load cells or tension load cells. Compression load cells are placed between the weight being measured and a rigid structure, a concrete surface, or the ground. Tension load cells are placed between a rigid structure and a weight that hangs below it (see Table 1). Listed below are some general considerations when using load cells in compression. The load cell should be attached to the more rigid structure, either the vessel support or supporting structure.
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November 2002 The load cell should not deviate from initial plumb during operation, or calibration accuracy may be compromised. When choice is not apparent, mount the load cell with the load button down. Expansion assemblies are used to accommodate thermal expansion or contraction of a vessel relative to the support structure to minimize side-loading of the load cell. They are generally used when the vessel temperature differs from ambient temperature. Thermal insulation pads are used to reduce heat conduction from a heated vessel to the load cell allowing the load cell temperature to remain close to ambient. This prevents error caused by temperature variances. 5.3.3 Load Beams A load beam is a cantilevered device that measures vertical shear force while rejecting all nonvertical forces such as side load, torque, and torsion. The bending of the load beam is measured and converted to a weight. Load beams are used in compression application and typically are more expensive and have less capacity than load cells. 5.3.4 Installation Simulated load transducers are used in place of the actual transducer during the installation of the vessel. The simulated transducer has the exact dimensions of the load transducer. This prevents damage to the load transducer during construction and allows the vessel to be installed and aligned. Once the load transducers are installed, welding shall not be permitted around the transducers. Heat and induced current can damage the transducers. 5.4 Excitation/Summing Units The electronic summing unit distributes excitation to individual load cells, sums the outputs from the load cells, and provides a signal to the signal-processing unit. 5.5 Signal-Processing Units The signal-processing unit receives a low-level voltage signal from the excitation/summing unit and converts it into a weight measurement. The unit produces an output signal that can be sent to a receiver instrument or control system. Typically the processing units are microprocessor based with many different functions and features. Comment: Careful study the manufacturers specifications will ensure that the functions and features of the processing unit provide the required information.
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Environmental Considerations Several environment factors can affect the accuracy and repeatability of the weighing system. Appropriate steps should be taken to eliminate these factors in the system design. The following should be considered during the design stages. 5.6.1 Weather Outdoor installations are affected by weather. 5.6.2 Mechanical Vibration Vibration from any surrounding equipment can affect the electronic signal conditioning. 5.6.3 Temperature When load transducers are directly subjected to radiant heat or wind chill, a nonuniform temperature gradient can occur that produces a zero shift in the load transducer output. 5.6.4 Unaccounted Weight Any additional weight in the weighing vessel or any item connected to the weighing vessel will change the dead load, which will affect the measurement of the live load. Unaccounted weight can be water, ice, snow, personnel on the weigh system, ladders, tools, trash, etc. Water, ice, and snow will require some type of permanent physical shelter. Posted signs, gates, handrails, and walkways can be installed to notify and prevent personnel from unknowingly adding weight to the weighing system.
Vessel Design The weighing vessel is the vessel or container that holds the material being measured. The selection, design, and mounting of the vessel are important to the overall performance of the weighing system. The weighing vessel will generally be a rectangular or cylindrical vessel. Examples of a rectangular vessel are hoppers and bins that are normally mounted vertically. Cylindrical vessels such as tanks can be mounted horizontally or vertically. 5.7.1 Vessel Mounting - General The vessel should be installed so that force is evenly distributed to the load transducers. If force is not evenly distributed between the load transducers, than one or more of the transducers can be overloaded and incur damage. The vessel should be supported so that it does not tilt or lean when a live load is introduced. This will prevent the addition of unwanted error. 5.7.2 Vessel Mounting - Tension or Compression The weighing vessel can either be hung from the support structure using tension load cells or placed on top of the support structure with compression load cells placed between the vessel and structure. Either method can
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provide highly accurate readings. Although the plant layout typically determines the method used, the following table is a guideline. The maximum weigh system accuracy and stability will always be obtained when the vessel is mounted on compression load cells on a rigid concrete foundation. This eliminates or reduces error caused by deflection, alignment, and vibration. When extreme accuracy is required (<0.05%), the compression load mounting approach should be considered first.
Table 1. Vessel Mounting, Tension or Compression Design Factor
Weight Limit
Compression Mounting
Unlimited, for eight or fewer vessel supports. Load distribution is very difficult with more than eight supports. Load cells alignment may vary during service because of floor deflection, local support beam twist, or vessel deformation causing small calibration errors. Load beams require lowfriction expansion assemblies or bearing yokes. Thermal insulation pads minimize heat conduction to load transducers. Load beams typically do not require lateral restraints. Load cells almost always require lateral restraints. A function of the stiffness of the structure and vessel support structures
Tension Mounting
Typically 10,000 to 20,000 lb gross weight
Load cell alignment is unlikely to vary significantly in service since the tension flexure rods and spherical washers tend to accommodate local support deflections. Differential motion between the vessel and its support structure is accommodated by adjusting the length of the tension flexure rods.
Lateral Restraints
Tends to be more sensitive because of the reduced structural stiffness and damping capability caused by the tension linkage
Vessel Mounting - Number of Supports This aspect of the vessel design is straightforward using the following guidelines. Upright cylindrical vessels should have three supports. This simplifies load transducer installation because the load distribution between the supports is automatic. Gapping between the load transducer and the vessel support is eliminated because three points determine a plane.
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Exceptions - More than three supports may be required if greater stability is required in the presence of high wind, seismic load, or massive fluid sloshing within the vessel. Vessels with large capacities greater than 1,000,000 lb will require more supports. Rectangular vessels generally have four supports to accommodate the vessel geometry, symmetry, and steel structure framework. Horizontal cylindrical vessels typically have two saddles positioned symmetrically a short distance from each end. Depending on the stability and accuracy required, three or four supports are placed under saddles. 5.7.4 Vessel Restraints Lateral restraints are mechanical devices designed to secure a weighing vessel to the structure to maintain initial alignment throughout service and to prevent the vessel from translation or rotation. Lateral restraints are typically required on weighing systems that use load cells. Conventional restraints are stay rods and safety check rods. Many different styles of stay rods and safety check rods are available. Weighing systems that use load beams do not require restraint systems. The load beams are bolted directly to the vessel and structure, which eliminates the need for any additional restraints. Safety check rods should be considered for extreme conditions such as high winds on a tall silo. 5.7.5 Vessel Support Brackets The vessel support bracket should be designed for the application. Support brackets should be situated at the maximum vessel centerof-gravity elevation whenever convenient. In such a configuration, the vessel will be inherently stable, the lateral restraints will be away from the plane of support, and the need for safety check rods will be minimized. Angular deformation of the support bracket on the vessel should be less than 0.5 degrees under gross vessel weight. This will avoid compromising system accuracy. Some means of jacking the vessel should be provided to accommodate installation and maintenance of the load transducers. Brackets should be positioned so that load transducer installation and maintenance is not impeded by equipment, foundations, or structure. This will reduce installation and maintenance time. 5.7.6 Process Heating Systems Steam or heated gas should not be used in a jacketed vessel when hot oil or water can be used. Use of hot oil or water in such vessels will provide stable buoyancy with temperature and pressure that will enhance system accuracy.
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Vessels with Agitators The agitator motor shall be situated and mounted on the vessel for the most uniform weight distribution among the load transducers, especially when the weight of the agitator assembly is an appreciable portion of the gross vessel weight. This will reduce the potential overload of one or more of the load transducers and will permit the use of lower capacity transducers for better weighing system resolution. Comment: Internal baffles or counter-rotating agitator blades will reduce fluid slosh and enhance the stability of the weighing system.
Lifting Lugs for Calibration Weights Specify weight-lifting lugs on vessels that will require periodic dead weight calibration. A lug should be provided for each load transducer and be situated near the base of the vessel. This will help accommodate the jacking device and dead weight blocks. Position the lugs symmetrically around the vessel and align with each load transducer to preclude tipping of the vessel especially with three or fewer supports. Maintain adequate clearance with surrounding equipment for jacking weights.
Vessels with Nonlevel Material Design the inlet and outlet ports for symmetric loading and unloading of material. This will help weighing system accuracy by maintaining uniform load on the transducers and keeping the vessel upright.
Structural Design The design of the structure that supports the weighing system is important to the overall performance and accuracy of the system. The structure should be designed to provide rigid support of the vessel and transducers to prevent unwanted errors. The main concerns are deflection of the support structure and tilting of the weight vessel. The following guidelines will aid with the design of the support structure. 5.8.1 Support Deflection - Under Gross Vessel Weight The vessel support brackets should not tilt more than 0.5 degree. This will prevent cosine error in the load transducers and nonlinear mechanical restrictions. The vessel support structure should deflect uniformly, generally less than 0.5 degree. This will prevent nonlinear mechanical restrictions between the vessel and piping or lateral restraints. The vessel support plane should not tilt more than 0.5 degree during any external, temporary, or permanent event. An external event is anything that puts weight on the structure but was not accounted for during the initial installation (e.g., new equipment, boxes, barrels, or other stored items). A temporary event is any weight temporarily added to the system (e.g., forklift traffic, level changes in nearby
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vessels, etc.). A permanent event is a change in the structure caused by settling of foundations or modifications to the structure. 5.8.2 Load Transducer/Support Beam Alignment The load transducers should be aligned with the centerline of the support beam to avoid twisting of the beam under load, so that the system calibration accuracy is not compromised. 5.8.3 Diagonal Beam Support The load transducers should be situated near vertical columns to minimize support deflection. The preferred installation would be to provide a diagonal support beam in the corner of the structure by the vertical column and place the load transducer on the diagonal support. 5.8.4 Vessel Interaction When weighing adjacent vessels, the vessels should be structurally isolated from each other to minimize cross-talk or interaction between the two vessels. If this is not done, then weight changes in one vessel will affect the readout of the other vessel. Some options to isolate the vessels are as follows. The desired method is to provide rigid concrete piers on a firm foundation. The next best method is to provide separate support frames for each vessel, all the beams being the same size and length. The least favorable alternative is a sharing by the two vessels of a common support member. 5.8.5 Stiffening Existing Structures When a weighing system is to be installed in an existing structure, the structure should be stiffened as needed to prevent deflections in the structure. This may require additional bracing. 5.9 Piping Design The one factor that most often compromises weighing system accuracy is the mechanical restriction from piping connections to the vessel with insufficient flexibility or displacement capability. Accuracy of weighing systems in a freestanding vessel fully supported by load transducers on firm supports can approach 0.1%, but any attachment to the vessel can affect the accuracy and calibration of the weighing system. Piping in particular will cause nonlinearity in the weight measurement. Piping should be brought horizontally into/from the vessel. Vertical piping connections should be avoided. The following guidelines will help eliminate piping design errors. 5.9.1 Flexible Piping As a general rule, all piping attachments to the vessel should be flexible. The pipe should always meet the pressure rating and process chemistry for each specific application. The following are general rules for piping.
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November 2002 On high-pressure systems (>25 psi), use schedule 10 stainless steel pipe instead of schedule 40 carbon steel. Filament-wound, glassreinforced piping is suitable for applications up to 200F and 125 psi when allowed. Expansion joints and universal joints are recommended and should be positioned horizontally to avoid vertical thrust forces. On low-pressure systems (<25 psi), use nonmetallic flexible piping devices whenever possible. The piping should be supported from the same floor that the vessel rests upon. This tends to minimize differential thermal expansion and differential support (floor to floor) deflection problems between the piping and vessel. All piping runs to the vessel should be inspected after installation to ensure that the piping does not contact any other pipe, steelwork, ductwork, etc. Any contact will become a source of nonlinear mechanical restriction to the weighing vessel. 5.9.2 Flexible Piping Devices Flexible piping devices such as expansion joints, universal joints, flexible couplings, flexible hoses, and ducts should be installed in horizontal piping runs adjacent to the weigh vessel to avoid vertical thrust forces. Pressure buildup inside flexible piping joints can put unwanted force on the vessel. The following are general rules for installing these devices. Any flexible device should not be stretched or compressed excessively to compensate for piping misalignments at fit-up. Flexible hose should be used for the final connection to the vessel where large displacements must be accommodated. If this is not practical, then consider using two expansion joints or flexible couplings in series with a small length of pipe between to make a universal joint. Rigid insulation should not be used on expansion joints and flexible hoses; use heat-trace cable instead. If a flexible device must be mounted vertically to the top of the vessel, it should be supported by the support structure, not by the vessel. On vented systems feed piping should enter the vessel through clearance ports so that the piping is not in contact with the vessel. The piping should be supported from the structure just beyond the vessel, and a very flexible dust boot can be added as needed. 5.10 Electrical Design Improper wiring details can sometimes generate mechanical restrictions to the weighing vessel or can cause weighing system calibration errors. The following guidelines should avoid these problems.
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5.10.1 Flexible Conduit Flexible conduit should be used between the moving load transducer (or vessel) and the stationary support structure. It is advisable to provide a drip leg to prevent moisture or chemical accumulation at the cable entry, particularly in outdoor installations or wash-down areas. 5.10.2 Transducer Cable Length The load transducer cables should be the same length between the summing box and the transducers. These cables typically are ordered in either standard or custom length. None of the cables shall be shortened because this will alter the system calibration. The excess cable should be coiled either inside or outside the summing junction box, depending on whether conduit is required for the cable. When longer cable is required for a transducer, as much as 25 feet can be added to an individual transducer without adding significant error to the system. Comment: Where cables are lengthed to fit, load transducer output will be altered. Generally output will decrease by 0.03% (0.1 ohms/350 ohms) for every 10 feet of cable added. The error is known and can be calculated according to the wire size and the trasnducer manufacturers specifications. Therefore it is important to keep the cable the same length and within manufacturers specifications.
5.10.3 Grounding The weighing vessel should be grounded to the building structure or grounding system because the vessel is sitting on the load transducers and is not permanently bonded to the building structure. A bonding jumper should be attached to the vessel and building structure or grounding system. The wire should be installed with sufficient slack to prevent mechanical restrictions to the weighing vessel. This will prevent the load transducers from being the only ground path. 5.10.4 Electrical Area Classification Where installed, all equipment, conduit, wiring, and enclosures should meet the electrical area classification. 5.11 Calibration Two methods of calibration are used for static weighing systems: electronic substitution and dead weight. The choice of method will depend on the equipment manufacturer and the accuracy of the system. 5.11.1 Electronic Substitution Method Systems that have a full-scale accuracy of >0.25% normally perform the electronic substitution method (i.e., batch processes that require repeatability more than actual weight). This method assumes that the vessel is free of significant mechanical restrictions. An electronic calibrator is used to simulate the load transducers. Electronic substitution is fairly easy to
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perform and does not require additional equipment to remove weight from the load transducers. 5.11.2 Dead Weight Method Systems that have a full-scale accuracy of <0.25% normally perform the dead weight method (i.e., buy-and-sell or applications that require actual weight). This is the only method recognized by weights and measures agencies. Special installation procedures and techniques are required to perform the calibration. This method is not recommended unless required for weights and measures certification or where accuracy of better than +0.25% is required.
Weigh Scales
Scales can be permanently installed or portable. This includes mechanical and electronic scales that range in size from bench-top units to large truck or railcar weighing systems. The object to be weighed must be placed on the scale for measurement. This Practice addresses only electronic-type scales. Electronic scales use the same components (load cells and electronics) as those of a static weight system. Scales are typically designed and manufactured as packaged units. Comment: Scales are specialized package systems. Rather than designing a custom-built system, use other PIP Practices to ensure that the vendor provides a packaged system that meets PIP Practice requirements.
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Electronic Scales Electronic scales are used from the laboratory to the loading dock. They can measure any weight and size of object and are usually very accurate.
Truck or Railcar Scales Truck/railcar scales, which measure large objects, are permanently installed; compression load cells and electronics measure the weight. These are specialized scales that must meet stringent standards if used for custody transfers.
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