DILG Memo Circular 2013327 8dbee763d1
DILG Memo Circular 2013327 8dbee763d1
DILG Memo Circular 2013327 8dbee763d1
26, 2013
Volunteerism is the essence of people's participation in governance in the Philippine setting. Cultural practices such as the Bayanihan (for the Tagalog speaking) or Dagyaw (for the Visayan speaking) are rooted in volunteerism. Too great a task for one person to accomplish becomes easy and light when shared by many at no cost to the one concerned. A free helping hand from everyone is all the community needs to achieve its lofty goals especially when work becomes play in carefully scheduled activities like the summer volunteer programs through volunteer services. There are endless opportunities and possibilities in achieving bigger and greater goals in volunteerism capitalizing on the strength that every individual member of the community may contribute freely. There is wisdom in the saying that goes: "Two heads are better than one" and similarly in "There is synergy in numbers." Citizenship on the other hand carries with it the obligation along civic consciousness aptly exemplified in the famous quote "ask not what your country can give to you, but ask what you can give to your country". Free services given to the country are ideal manifestations of good citizenship that would redound to national development and progress. A single helping hand if multiplied by a multitude of committed, eager and willing hands at the community level is a tremendous achievement in pushing the economy forward. It is along the context of volunteerism that good governance could greatly be enhanced at the local government levels if untapped human resource could be harnessed and mainstreamed into community endeavors in the different service areas of local governance. The civil society organizations, business sector, religious sector, professional groups, medical group, or even retirees and students on vacation are a potential resource for the volunteer and citizenship program. The Volunteer and Citizenship Program (VCP) is a program for harnessing available human resources in the community towards productive ends which otherwise would not be possible without the program. Basically, committed volunteers can enrol in the program to volunteer their services for free in their chosen areas of expertise and interest.
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) through the Local Government Academy (LGA) shall have the following aims:
To institute a policy framework that will guide the implementation of the VCP of the LGA-DILG in support of Republic Act 9418 otherwise known as the Volunteer Act of 2007; To provide directions to implementing structures within the LGA, DILG through the Local Governance Resource Centers (LGRCs) and local government units; and To contribute in enhancing the relationships and partnerships within the
voluntary and civil society sector with that of the local governments sectors of society.
and other
PROGRAM COMPONENTS 3.1 Establishment of Volunteer Database Management The program will seek to set up a mechanism to establish and sustain a volunteer database management system built up from walk-in or online
applications as well as in coordination with the various volunteer networks. 3.2 Capacity Building The program will provide competency- based capacity development
interventions to LGA, DILG-LGRRCs and LGU focal persons to implement the various aspects of the Yep. Strategy of implementation will be devised to ensure the conduct of capability building programs at the national and local levels. 3.3 Information and Education Campaign Information dissemination and educational campaigns will be conducted by developing print-based materials, uploading of online or web-based information and utilizing other forms of media that will ensure maximum exposure of the program. 3.4 Establishment of a Volunteer Help Desk There shall be in each LGU a Volunteer and Citizenship Desk that will be set up to act as coordinator of the VCP at the LGU level. Mechanics and requirements for the establishment of the desk shall be incorporated in the Implementation Guidelines to be developed by the LGA.
Monitoring and Evaluation This program will utilize Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System (RBME) to ascertain the effectiveness of the program and its impact on the LGU systems, processes, services and beneficiaries.
Awards & Recognition Awards and recognition system shall be developed to acknowledge exemplary LGUs and volunteers who were able to make a lasting impact to recipients of services provided through the VCP. This would be done in coordination with the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA).
ROLES AND RESPONSmILITIES 5.1 Local Government Academy Government (LGA-DILG) Department of the Interior and Local
5.1.1 5.1.2
Provide the policy framework and guidelines for the implementation of the Volunteer and Citizenship Program (VCP); Coordinate with the Philippine National Volunteer Service Agency (PNVSCA local government units and national volunteer organizations in the implementation of the Volunteer Act of 2007 which is the basis in the formulation of this Memorandum Circular; Coordinate with the DILG regional offices/Local Governance Regional Resource Centers (LGRRCs) on the implementation of the VCP; Conduct research and forums to discuss issues affecting volunteerism and citizen's involvement in local development activities; Develop information and communication campaign materials on the VCP; Design and conduct capacity building interventions on the VCP for DILG and local government volunteer and citizenship desk focal persons; Develop a results-based monitoring and evaluation system for the program; Institute an awards and recognition mechanism for outstanding LGUs and volunteers in coordination with the PNVSCA; and Maintain a database on the supply of volunteers and LGU demands for their services) and resources available for volunteering activities. DILG Regional Offices/ Local Governance Regional Resource Centers Provide focal persons on VCP) preferably the LGRRC Focal Person on Citizenship and Public Education; Send participants to the orientation and capacity building programs of the LGA on the VCP; Monitor compliance of LGUs in the implementation of the VCP; Maintain and update the regional database of available volunteers and LGU capacity gaps and demands; and Conduct IEC campaign on the VCP for LGUs.
Local Government
Designate a focal person on VCP; Conduct IEC campaign on the VCP at the local level; Implement matching of volunteers with the existing demands or gaps at the local governments based on the capacity development agenda; 5.3.4 Maintain a profile and database of locally available volunteers; 5.3.5 Provide office space and equipment for the VCP desk focal person to implement VCP programs and activities; 5.3.6 Send participants to the orientation and capacity building programs of the LGA and DILG- LGRRCs on the VCP; 5.3.7 Provide available resources to implement VCP programs and activities; 5.3.8 Encourage local companies to set up volunteer program as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR); 5.3.9 Provide standard criteria on the selection of individual volunteer or group; 5.3.10 Provide allowances and incentives, as far as practicable, to volunteer/s assigned in the localities; and 5.3.11 Monitor and assess volunteer/s performance