Answer - HW 1 FI3104
Answer - HW 1 FI3104
Answer - HW 1 FI3104
Quantum phenomena are often negligible in the macroscopic world. a. Amplitude of zero-point oscillation for a pendulum l A = 2 g
T Ce
= Ce =C The tunneling probability is 1 c. Diffraction of a tennis ball n = 2d sin h = 2d sin n mv 2dmv sin = nh 2dmv = sin 1 nh 2 1.5 0.1 0.5 = sin 1 34 6.626068 10
= sin 1 ( 2.3 1032 )
This angle cannot be calculated and surely impossible. 2. a. Compton wavelength of electron h = 2.426 10 12 m me c b. Electron Thomson cross section e = 0.665245854 10-28 m 2 c. Bohr radius of hydrogen
a0 = 0.53A d. The ionization potential for atomic hydrogen E = 13.6eV e. The hyperfine splitting of the ground-state energy level in atomic hydrogen Hyperfine splitting = 2 f. The magnetic dipole moment of 7 3 Li nucleus
= (1.65335 0.00035 ) N
g. The proton-neutron mass difference m = mP mn
= 1.6726 1027 kg 1.6749 1027 kg = 2.3 1030 kg h. The lifetime of free neutron t = ( 885.7 0.8 ) second or in easy language: under 15 minutes i. The binding energy of a helium-4 nucleus EB = 28,300.7keV j. The radius of the largest stable nucleus r = 175pm
3. Rough estimate of a. Bohr radius (cm) h2 a0 = 0 2 = 52.9177 1010 cm me e b. Binding energy of hydrogen E = mc 2 Hydrogen atom: E = 2.3 1030 ( 3 108 )
= 2.07 10 13 Joule 1 Joule=6.24150974 1018eV , thus binding energy of hydrogen atom in electronvolt: E = 1.29 106 eV c. Bohr magneton eh B = 4 me
B = 9.27400915(23) 10 24 J/T
d. Compton wavelength of an electron h = mc = 2.4263102175 1010 cm e. Classical electron radius 1 e2 re = 4 0 me c 2
E0 = mc 2 = 938.272MeV 4. Explanation a. Photoelectric effect The study of the photoelectric effect led to important steps in understanding the quantum nature of light and electrons and influenced the formation of the concept of wave-particle duality. This photoelectric effect establishes the following facts: 1. When polished metal plates are irradiated, they may emit electrons; they do not emit positive ions. 2. Whether the plates emit electrons depends on the wavelength of the light. In general there will be a threshold that varies from metal to metal; Only light with a frequency greater than a given threshold frequency will produce a photoelectric current. 3. The magnitude of the current, when it exists, is proportional to the intensity of the light source. 4. The energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of the light source but varies linearly with the frequency of the incident light. This experiment gives a linear relation between electron kinetic energy and the frequency. b. Black body radiation spectrum The black body radiation spectrum establishes the fact that energy is not linearly proportional to the frequency. At low frequency, energy is proportional to frequency, but when the frequency gets higher, it will reach peak energy and then decreasing as frequency arise. In effect, the Planck formula showed that the quantization implied that the energy per degree of freedom was not the frequency-independent classical equipartition value kT, but rather an energy that was much smaller at high frequencies. c. Franck-Hertz experiment At low potentials, the accelerated electrons acquired only a modest amount of kinetic energy. When then encountered mercury atoms in the tube, they participated in purely elastic collision. This is due to the prediction of quantum mechanics that an atom can absorb no energy until the collision energy exceeds that required to lift an electron into a higher energy state. With purely elastic collisions, the total amount of kinetic energy in the system remains the same. Useful fact is that a free electrons kinetic energy could be converted into potential energy by raising the energy level of an electron bound to a mercury atom; this is called exciting the mercury atom. d. Davisson-Germer experiment The result of this experiment provides a wavelength which is closely matched the predictions of Braggs law. 5. Explain about Barrier Penetration!
According to classical physics, a particle of energy E less than the height U0 of a barrier could not penetrate the region inside the barrier is classically forbidden. But the wave function associated with a free particle must be continuous at the barrier and will show an exponential decay inside the barrier. The wave function must also be continuous on the far side of the barrier, so there is a finite probability that the particle will tunnel through the barrier. 6. Explain about hydrogen spectrum!
Hydrogen spectrum is the spectrum produced by excited electron on hydrogen atoms. This spectrum was produced by exciting a glass of tube of hydrogen gas with about 5000 volts from a transformer. It was viewed through a diffraction grating with 600 lines/mm. 7. Related to black body radiation, draw a radiation curves that represent Radiated Power Density from Planck Law!