Ielts Writing Samples

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1.Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities. Although a great deal of effort is being now made by governments all over the world, individuals also have a major role to play in the minimising global environmental hazards. To start with, one of the major reasons for the pollution of the environment is the uncontrolled use of automobiles. If individuals can make a conscious effort to change their lifestyle, by cutting down the use of private cars and use public transport, it would substantially reduce the burning of fossil fuels. For instance serious attempt should be made by individuals to travel to work regularly by buses and trains. The lack of public support can seriously hamper any government endeavour (attempt) towards the reduction of pollution. Again, people use enormous amount of plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. Individuals can make a great contribution for the protection of the environment, opting for (choose) eco friendly substitutes. An ideal way to do this is by using paper and cloth bags instead of plastic in supermarkets. Finally people should gradually withdraw from excess consumerism, which has greatly contributed to the over exploitation (khai thc qu of natural resources. This would mean that they should give greater priority to durable !bn" and reusable products in the shopping list, conse#uently !therefore"hence discouraging #use and throw$ culture. In conclusion, individuals have a crucial role !vai tro #uyet dinh" in joining hands with the government in reducing the harm caused to the environment. $. %ubjects such as &rt %port and 'usic are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as (nformation Technology. 'any people children suffer as a result of these changes. To what extent would you support or reject the idea of moving these subjects from school curriculum? %ubjects like art, sport and music nurture the talents and creativity of students in school. &emoving such subjects from the curriculum would definitely have a negative impact on the physical and psychological development of children of that age group. )ence, I would completely object !reject" the idea of removing these subjects, even if it is to fit in important subjects like Information Technology. Firstly, the purpose of education is not only to develop the academic ability of students but also to nurture their creative talents and sporting abilities, leading to the comprehensive growth !sup hat trien toan dien of the personality of an individual. If the above disciplines (subjects) are removed from school syllabus (curriculum) in order to accommodate new subjects, the real purpose of education would be defeated and it would be limited to academic pursuits alone. For example, if schools do not give opportunity to children who are gifted in music, dance and sports to develop their skills, it would certainly stunt the inborn talents !tai nang bam sinh . Apart from school hours, they hardly get a chance to engage in such activities. Hence school authorities should ensure that sufficient time is given to sport, arts and related activities, in spite of the pressure from new subjects. Secondly, if school hours are completed packed with academic subjects children would hardly get time to refresh their mind. This would mean that creative and recreational activities like music and sports would give them time to unload their pressures of academic studies and examinations. Furthermore, the opportunity to engage in activities of their interest would make education an enjoyable experience for children. For instance, most children are delighted in participating in sports after tedious hours !tired hours" of academic studies. It would also rejuvenate !refresh their minds and help them to get back to their studies. Finally, the study of academic subjects hardly gives any room for developing socialisation skills team work and leadership #ualities. 'hildren ac#uire such attributes by participating in extracurricular activities !hoat dong ngoai khoa" . To cite an instance ( or instance) , a team sport like soccer or a musical concert would help children to coordinate team activities and take up leadership. !n the other hand, there are people who argue that there is no harm in dropping extracurricular activities in order to find space for new subjects like information technology. They contend !cho rang that these new subjects are inevitable for children to develop their academic careers and they should find time apart from school hours to engage in non*academic pursuits. (owever, this reasoning does not seem to be very convincing as much of after)school hours are packed with home work or other academic projects. "part rom that, facilities and opportunities for such activities are very limited away from school.

#n conclusion, school authorities should find a suitable way to fit in subjects like information technology, without downplaying the importance of arts and sports. +. 'ore and more people claim that modern work patterns are a source of stress. ,hat do you think are the causes of this? -an you suggest some possible solutions? *odern work patterns have definitely led to a stress filled work environment . This could be attributed to several professional and personal issues guiding !affect"impact on +uality and productivity in modern work places. ,ffective management practices to deal with such situations can play a significant role in reducing the severity of this problem considerably. -irstly, capitalist free economies have encouraged increasing levels of competition in the market, which has led to a situation where companies compete with each other in order to establish the superiority of their products and services and increase profit. The major responsibility of achieving these goals would obviously be transferred to workers at various levels , who are forced to improve their skills at work. .hen people work in target oriented !co muc tieu dinh huong and +uality conscious work places, it would naturally increase their levels or stress. Again, companies often need to deliver their services within a stipulated time frame !khung thoi gian da an dinh with the re+uired +uality. To meet these deadlines, employees have to work for long hours and this can definitely lead to a stressful work environment. %trict supervisory policy of managerial staff is another prime reason for this situation. %oftware companies and travel agencies are ideal examples of such work practices. %cientific human resource management policies can tackle ! with" this situation +uiet effectively. I believe, the most obvious solution is to create relaxed environments at work, where employees can work effectively in a comfortable manner. -or example, most software companies today provide gym facilities and other sports activities for employees, which they can use during their break times. & further step would be, to reduce the hours of work, so that it may not exceed the physical and psychological capacity of workers. &nother possibility is to encourage workers to use their weekends and holidays more effectively by spending with their families or for picnics. In conclusion, a certain level of stress is inevitable in today$s workplaces but effective human resources policies can reduce it considerably. /. (n many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour. ,hat do you think are the causes of this?,hat solutions can you suggest? 0oor student behaviour is a major problem faced by schools across the globe especially in the western world $ This is due to (this can %e attri%uted to) certain sociological and psychological problems that are encountered, while bringing up children. /oth parents and teachers should play a responsible role in tackling !handling solving dealing with" this problem effectively. 0arents today have too many responsibilities, other than !apart from looking after the affairs of their families which has resulted in children getting less attention and care. 0arents need to inculcate !instill 1 truyen, khac sau good values in young children and discipline them at an early age, or else !if not it would result in disruptive !unruly behaviour at home and in school $ In many instances, children are left alone in the company of television sets, computer screens and toys, and conse#uently !as a conse#uence as a result" they fail to develop !lack interpersonal skills and human values, which they learn by interacting with their parents and siblings. Furthermore, parents provide them with many material comforts , which can sometimes (may) make them selfish and greedy. 'hildren who come from such family backgrounds (would) often create many problems for teachers and their schoolmates. 0arents should never shy away from !shirk their responsibility of 1 ne tranh trach nhiem spending +uality time with their children on a regular basis, which would help them to monitor their children1s behaviour and give suitable advice whenever there is a need. Another reason for problematic behaviour among children is that teachers lack effective training in dealing with children who have various behavioural and psychological inade#uacies !problems . 'hildren, who come from broken or problematic families, in order to ventilate their frustration, often create problems in schools, which can only be tackled by trained teachers or counsellors. *any teachers become defensive and show little tact when children show such behavioural abnormalities. ,rratic handling of such problems can result in !lead to aggravating the issue. I believe that this problem can be effectively addressed if parents and teachers are trained in scientific ways of dealing with children. %chools should appoint specially trained counsellors, who can assist teachers in dealing with problematic children. As mentioned above, both parents and teachers have a crucial role to play in normalising the behaviour of children in schools. %cientific ways of handling children with troublesome behaviour can go a long way in dealing with them efficiently.

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