Marilyn Ferguson
Marilyn Ferguson
Marilyn Ferguson
Marilyn Ferguson
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Marilyn Ferguson (April 5, 1938 in Grand Junction, Colorado October 19, 2008) was an American author, editor and public speaker, best known for her 1980 book The Aquarian Conspiracy and its aliation with the New Age Movement in popular culture. A founding member of the Association of Humanistic [citation needed] Ferguson published and edited Psychology, the well-regarded science newsletter Brain/Mind Bulletin from 1975 to 1996. She eventually earned numerous honorary degrees, served on the board of directors of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and befriended such diverse Marilyn Ferguson, gures of inuence as inventor and theorist Buckminster circa 1980. Fuller, spiritual author Ram Dass, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Ilya Prigogine and billionaire Ted Turner. Ferguson's work also inuenced Vice President Al Gore, who participated in her informal network while a senator and later met with her in the White House.
1 Youth and early writing career 2 The Brain Revolution and Brain/Mind Bulletin 3 The Aquarian Conspiracy 4 Religious and other criticism 5 Impact and reissue 6 Aquarius Now 7 Death and reaction 8 Books 9 References 10 External links
national magazines as Cosmopolitan. Later she wrote freelance articles for Time and other publications. After living briey in Houston, Texas, she moved to California with her second husband, Mike Ferguson, in 1968. That year, she published her rst book, on home economics, with her husband as co-author.
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sense of "breathing together," as one of her great inuences, the philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, had done before her.
Unabashedly positive in its outlook, the (// book was praised by such diverse gures /oclc/299846396) as philosophical writer Arthur Koestler, who called it "stunning and provocative," commentator Max Lerner, who found it "drenched in sunlight," and United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, who described it as "remarkable" and "epoch-making." Psychologist Carl Rogers credited her with having "etched, in unforgettable vividness, the intricate web of changes shaping the inevitable revolution in our culture," and said the book "gives the pioneering spirit the courage to go forward." Philosopher and religious scholar Jacob Needleman predicted that the book would help to make "New Age" thinking "more understandable and less threatening" to the general public in America. This was borne out by its success, as The Aquarian Conspiracy steadily climbed to the best-seller list and its viewpoint began seeping into the popular culture. Before long the book was being credited as "the handbook of the New Age" (USA Today) and a guidepost to a philosophy "working its way increasingly into the nation's cultural, religious, social, economic and political life" (New York Times). Although the book was not explicitly political, it expressed early enthusiasm for the radical centrist perspective. In the "Right Power" chapter Ferguson writes, "Radical Center ... is not neutral, not middle-of-the-road, but a view of the whole road. From this vantage point, we can see that the various schools of thought on any one issue - political or otherwise - include valuable contributions along with [1] error and exaggeration".". The book was eventually translated into some 16 foreign languages, and Ferguson became a sought-after speaker across North America and around the world, eventually traveling as far as Brazil, Sweden and India to convey her hopeful message. In 1985 she was featured as a keynote speaker at the United Nationssponsored "Spirit of Peace" conference, where she appeared along with Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
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had marked much of the 1970s. Most persistently, some religious groups contended that the "conspiracy" was an attempt to subvert Christian views. This view, most notably expressed by author Constance Cumbey in her 1983 book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, was restated as recently as 2007, when one online essayist wrote that the Christian church rightly discerned the New Age movement, as outlined in Fergusons book, to be demonically inspired in [2] It was inaccurately anticipation of the ultimate unveiling of . . . the antichrist. alleged that Ferguson, herself raised and conrmed a Lutheran, had written the book at the behest of the Stanford Research Institute with the goal of overtaking western culture with Eastern mysticism.
Aquarius Now
The long-planned Aquarius Now, after near-publication in several previous forms, appeared in 2005. The book, published by Red Wheel/Weiser, was well-received, though less commercially successful. Following its release Ferguson continued to develop projects, share ideas and advise other authors. In 2007 she moved to Banning, California, near her son and his family.
Ferguson died unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack on October 19, 2008. Her death was widely noted in the national and international media. The Los Angeles [3] Times described her as a "galvanizing inuence," and quoted her U.S. publisher, Jeremy Tarcher, who described his own personal epiphany when he rst met with Ferguson and recognized the potential of the information she had collected. The New York Times called The Aquarian Conspiracy "the Bible of the New Age," and mused that the once-radical ideas of her "benign conspiracy" may now seem [4] commonplace. Oering a tribute on the website (also on the Hungton Post's website), best-selling physician-author Deepak Chopra described Ferguson as "a one-woman movement for hope." He recalled being a young doctor who was studying meditation when he came across The Aquarian Conspiracy in the early 1980s, and realized the book had instantly unied a movement that otherwise seemed to be resigned to the fringes. At her death, Chopra wrote, Ferguson could rest in the knowledge that "a watershed had been crossed," and that her "leaderless revolution" had steadily gained force around the world in the [5][6] generation since the book was written. The Aquarian Conspiracy was re-issued in a "Tarcher Cornerstone" edition in August 2009, featuring a new introduction by Jeremy Tarcher. In October 2009, Ferguson received a posthumous Distinguished Alumna award from Mesa State College. Divorced in 1978, Ferguson was subsequently married to Ray Gottlieb from 1983 to 1991. She retained the last name of her second husband, with whom she had three children: Eric Ferguson (born 1964), Kristin Ferguson Smith (born 1967) and Lynn Ferguson Lewis (born 1969).
The Brain Revolution: The Frontiers of Mind Research (Taplinger Publishing, 1973) ISBN 0-8008-0961-0, ISBN 978-0-8008-0961-4, ISBN 978-0-8008-0961-4, ISBN 0-8008-0961-0 The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time (J.P . Tarcher, 1980; 1987) ISBN 0-312-90418-5, ISBN 978-0-312-90418-0, ISBN 978-0-312-90418-0, ISBN 0-312-90418-5, ISBN 0-87477-116-1, ISBN 978-0-87477-116-9, ISBN 978-0-87477-116-9 ISBN 0-87477-116-1 PragMagic: Ten Years of Scientic Breakthroughs, Exciting Ideas, and Personal Experiments That Can Profoundly Change Your Life (Pocket Books, 1990) ISBN 0-671-66824-2, ISBN 978-0-671-66824-2, ISBN 978-0-671-66824-2, ISBN 0-671-66824-2 Aquarius Now: Radical Common Sense and Reclaiming Our Personal Sovereignty (Red Wheel/Weiser, 2005) ISBN 1-57863-369-9
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"Brain/Mind Bulletin"
1. ^ Ferguson, Marilyn (1980). The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s. J. P . Tarcher Inc. / Houghton Miin, pp. 22829. ISBN 978-0-87477-191-6. 2. ^ Jackie Alnor,, 8/7/07. 3. ^ Elaine Woo, Los Angeles Times B10, 11/2/08. 4. ^ William Grimes, New York Times A33, Wednesday, 11/5/08. 5. ^ Deepak Chopra, "Marilyn Ferguson: An Appreciation" ( /intentchopra/2008/11/marilyn-ferguson-an-appreciati.html). November 7, 2008. 6. ^ "Marilyn Ferguson: An Appreciation" ( Deepak Chopra. Hungton Post. November 7, 2008.
External links
Authorized Website for Marilyn Ferguson ( Biographical information ( /MarilynFerguson.html) Interview by Daniel Redwood ( /scr/interview.asp?Id=185) Quotations 1 ( Quotations 2 ( Excerpt ( Additional links ( /MarilynFergusonlinks.html) [1] ( [2] (,0,4530223.story) [3] ( scp=1&sq=marilyn%20ferguson&st=cse&oref=slogin) [4] ( Retrieved from " oldid=600481484" Categories: 1938 births 2008 deaths American social sciences writers New Age writers People associated with the Human Potential Movement People from Grand Junction, Colorado People from Banning, California Radical centrist writers Writers from Colorado
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Colorado Mesa University alumni University of Colorado alumni This page was last modied on 20 March 2014 at 18:04. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-prot organization.
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