Italian Earthquake Study - Science

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Shock waves. The 2012 earthquakes in EmiliaRomagna killed 27 people and caused major damage.


ROMEA pair of deadly earthquakes that the chair, Peter Styles of Keele University struck the north of Italy in 2012 could have in the United Kingdomas well as Franco been triggered by the extraction of petroleum Terlizzese, an engineer at Italys Ministry of at a local oil eld, according to an interna- Economic Development. tional panel of geoscientists. In its report, dated February 2014, The groups long-awaited and as-yet- ICHESE refutes one alleged factor: the unpublished report, commissioned in the development of a 3.7-billion-m3 natural wake of the disaster that killed 27 and injured gas deposit in an aquifer above an active hundreds in the Emilia-Romagna region, could have important political CAVONE OIL FIELD and economic ramifications, some EMILIAscientists say. While previous ROMAGNA FERRARA REGION RIVARA studies in other countries have MODENA linked earthquakes to gas and oil exploration, human casualties have been very rare. Fear of humanmade 29 May 2012 seismicity has already triggered erce 20 May 2012 opposition against new oil and gas drilling efforts in Italy, and Vasco Errani, the president of the EmiliaRomagna region, announced in May last year that all new requests for hydrocarbon geological fault near the village of Rivara exploration in the quake area would be put on in the Po Valley, close to the two epicenters. hold until the commission delivered its report. Drilling for the facility had yet to begin when Sources with close knowledge of the study the quakes struck. But the panel does nger say it was presented to the Emilia-Romagna another site: the Cavone oil field, owned regional government at least a month ago, and operated by Gas Plus. Science has seen but that politicians at both the regional and the conclusions of the report, which says national level are nervous about its effects it cannot be excluded that activities there and are delaying its release. Although phrased initiated the 20 May quake, whose epicenter cautiously, the panels conclusions could lead lies about 20 km away. the presidents of Italys regions to turn down Changes in stress and pressure within new requests for fossil-fuel exploration; Earths crust resulting from both the removal existing production could also be hit. of oil and the injection of uids to enhance The panel, known as ICHESE, was oil flow would almost certainly not have asked in late 2012 to review possible links been sufcient on their own to have induced between hydrocarbon production and the a major earthquake, the experts explain. But earthquakes, a magnitude-5.9 event on 20 it is possible that the fault involved in the May 2012, and a magnitude-5.8 event 9 20 May tremor was close to the breaking days later. ICHESE consists of two Italian point, and that the human-induced changes and three foreign geoscientistsincluding in the crust, although extremely small, were


Edwin Cartlidge is a science writer in Rome.


VOL 344

11 APRIL 2014


Published by AAAS

Downloaded from on April 11, 2014

Human Activity May Have Triggered Fatal Italian Earthquakes, Panel Says

enough to trigger the earthquake. That quake could in turn have triggered the 29 May event by further altering crustal stress. The group reached this conclusion on the basis of a correlation between increased output from the Cavone eld beginning in April 2011 and rising seismicity in the area before 20 May 2012. They say this link should now be backed up by a physical model incorporating the fluid dynamics in the reservoir and in the surrounding rocks. Styles did not respond to questions about the report, and a spokesperson for Gas Plus says the company cannot comment on the ndings. But an earth scientist who asked not to be named argues that several factors rule out a connection between crude oil production at Cavone and the 20 May earthquake: an absence of small quakes induced directly by the oil production, the signicant distance between oil eld and epicenter, and the plants modest output of about 500 barrels a day. Geoffrey Abers of Columbia University cautions that these factors wouldnt necessarily rule out a link. Three tremors with magnitudes between 4.5 and 5 in Denver in 1967 have been attributed to chemicals being pumped down a deep well, he notes, even though injection had stopped more than a year earlier and taken place up to 10 kilometers from the quakes epicenters. And three quakes with magnitudes 5 and above that occurred in Oklahoma in November 2011 were probably a result of wastewater being pumped into a depleted oil well, even though the volumes involved were quite small. We think that in Oklahoma the injected water was jacking up the pressure in just the right place, Abers says, and that caused a cascading sequence of earthquakes. Some Italian geologists worry the political noise that the report could generate will discourage rational and open discussion about the seismic risks of oil and gas development. Similar fears were aired after the LAquila earthquake, which killed more than 300 people 5 years ago this week. In its aftermath, seven experts were each sentenced to 6 years in prison for downplaying seismic risk ahead of the deadly event, a sentence that some, though by no means all, scientists believed betrayed ignorance by the public and the judiciary about the uncertainties inherent in science. An appeal in the LAquila case is pending.

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