Socio Economic Survey For The Year 2010-11: Objectives

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Socio Economic Survey for the year 2010-11

A family's socioeconomic status is based on family income, parental education level, parental occupation, and social status in the community such as contacts within the community, group associations, and the community's academic performance of the family. In addition, families with high socioeconomic status often seek out information to help them better prepare their young children for school. In case of families with low economic background may find it difficult to support their childs education. The middle class parents take an active role in their childrens education and development by using controlled organized activities and fostering a sense of entitlement through encouraged discussion. Families with lower income do not participate in this movement, causing their children to have a sense of constraint. A division in education attainment is thus born out of these differences. Lower incomes families can have children who do not succeed to the levels of the middle income children have, a greater sense of entitlement, more argumentative, or better prepared for adult life. The studies in Psychological Science found that children of parents with a high socioeconomic status tended to express more "disengagement" behaviors than their less fortunate peers. In this context, disengagement behaviors represent actions such as fidgeting with other objects and drawing pictures while being addressed. Other participants born into less favored circumstances tended to make more eye contact, nods as signs of happiness when put into an interactive social environment. The more fortuitous peers felt less inclined to gain rapport with their group because they saw no need for their assistance in the future. The survey helps the college to know about the socio- economic background of the students and design the activities and / or programs that would help the institution to focus on holistic development of the student.

Objectives To know the socio -economic background of the student at the entry level

Methodology The questionnaire prepared based on the objective of the study. Questionnaires were administered to the students to complete and supplementary information was obtained from the admin department. Data collected was analyzed using statistical tools.

Limitations The analysis is based on the information provided by the students during the survey. Any conceptual error is purely based on the students understanding of the questions given in the questionnaire.

Data Analysis and Findings

Table showing Family Type
Particulars Number of Students Percentage Nuclear Family 75 94.93% Joint Family 4 5.07%

The average age of student at the entry level is 18 years. Family type plays integral roles in childrens development about 94.93% of the students are from nuclear family. Table showing Place of Residence
Place of residence No. of Students Percentage

With parents In a rented room / PG / hostel In a shared flat with other friends In a relatives house Any Other

72 4 3 -

91.13% 5.06% 3.79% -

The analysis of the data shows that 91.13% of the respondents stay with parents. Only 5.06% stay in hostel and 3.79% stay in relatives house. An analysis of the place where the students stay shows that majority of our students is placed within 15km to 20km radius from the college. Table showing Hobbies and Areas of interest of the students
Particulars Pencil Sketching 3 3.7% Dance Singing Coin Collection 2 2.5% Indoor Games 30 37.97% Outdoor Games 40 50.06% Painting Any Other 45 56.96%

No. of Students Percentage

25 31.64%

6 7.59%

11 13.92%

About 3.7% and 13.92% are involved in hobbies like pencil sketching and painting respectively. The 31.64% are interested in dancing and 7.59% are singers and 2.5% of them are interested in coin collection. Indoor and outdoor games help in mental and physical wellbeing of a human body. About 37.97% and 50.06% of the respondents are interested in indoor and outdoor games

respectively. About 56.96% of the respondents are interested in other activities like craft work, cooking, gardening and so on.

Table showing No. of Students having Mobile Phone


Yes No

No. of Students 24 54


30.37% 69.63%

The telecommunication now has stepped into every peoples life and home. It has become a part of student life about 69.63% of the students have personal mobile and only 30.37% dont have a personal mobile.

Table showing No. of Students doing part time job


Yes No

No. of Students 9 70


11.39% 88.60%

The 11.39% of the students have taken up part time jobs and are working as data entry work in accounts firm, running private tuitions, helping their parents in their petty business.

Table showing No. of Students having a Bank Account and ATM Cards Bank Account ( No. of Students ) 35 44 ATM Cards ( No. of Students ) 30 49


Percentage 44.30% 55.69%

Percentage 37.97% 62.02%

Yes NO

The above table shows that 44.30% of the respondents have bank account and 55.69% dont have. This shows that not many students have banking experience, though most of the students are from commerce back ground. Among the students who have bank account only 30 students have ATM cards and rest dont have.

Table showing the Educational Background of the Students Parents and Siblings
Particulars Below SSLC SSLC PUC / Diploma Under Graduate Post Graduate Professional course Not answered





25 11 12 9


12 7 13 15 4 5 1 1

15.19 8.86 16.46 18.99 5.06 6.33 1.27 1.27

5 3 1 9 1 4

6.33 3.80 1.27 11.3 9 1.27 5.06



3 3

3.80 3.80

8 18






Sibling 1 - M


2 1 1

2.53 1.27 1.27

F Sibling 2 - M F Sibling 3 - M F

3 3 1 3 1

11.39 1.27 5.06

1 4


From the above table it is clear that 10.1% of our students father and 22.7% of mother education level is below SSLC. The 29.1% and 36% of our students father and mother have studied till SSLC. The 31.65% of father and 13.92% of the mother have studied only till PUC/Diploma, 15.19% of father and 8.86% of the mother have studied till under graduation, 6.33% of the father and 3.80% of the mother have studied till post-graduation and 2.53% of the students father have pursued professional courses. An analysis of educational qualification of our students sibling shows that about 32.91% of them have minimum of PUC/ Diploma education. More than 45% of the siblings studied till under graduation, about 20% have done post- graduation and about 5% have undergone professional education. This shows that parents have given importance in educating the children about their children though majority of them have only basic or minimum education.

Table showing the Occupation of the Students Parents Particulars

Employed in Public Sector Employed in Private Sector Employed in

Father 14 14 15

Percentage 17.72% 17.72% 18.99%


Mother 1 3 2

Percentage 1.27% 3.805 2.53%

Govt. Office Farmer Wage labour Petty Business Self Employed Retired Professionals Any Other / Home Makers

1 2 8 16 3 2 4

1.27% 2.53% 10.13% 20.25% 3.80% 2.53% 5.06% 3 67 1 2


1.27% 2.53% 3.80% 84.81%

An analysis of the occupation our students father shows that 17.72% of them employed in public sector,17.72% of them employed in private sector, 18.99% of them employed in govt. office, 1.27% depend on farming, 2.53% of them are wage labours, 10.13% are involved in petty business, 20.25% are self-employed, 3.80% are retired employees, 2.53% are professionals and 5.06% of them are employed in other areas. An analysis of the occupation our students mothers shows that 1.27% of them employed in public sector, 3.80% of them employed in private sector, 2.53% of them are employed in govt. office, 1.27% are involved in petty business, 2.53% are self-employed, 3.80% are professionals and 84.81% of them are home makers and are not employed.

Table Showing Monthly Income of the Families

Particulars No. of Students Less than 5,000 5 5,000 15000 19 15,000 25,000 17 25,000 35,000 12 35,000 45,000 9 45,000 and above 16








The analysis of the monthly income of the families shows that 6.32% earn less than 5,000; 24.05% earn between 5,000 to 15,000; 21.51% of them earn between 15,000 to 25,000; 15.18% of them earn between 25,000 to 35,000; 11.39% of them earn between 35,000 to 45,000 and 20.25% of them earn above 45,000. The monthly income of majority of the families is between Rs.5, 000 to Rs.25, 000. This shows that most of our students are from the middle income families.

Table showing kind of Ration Card Own by the Families Particulars Antyodaya / Red Cards BPL Cards APL Cards
No. of Students 3 12 64 Percentage (%) 3.79% 15.18% 81.01%

Majority of our students belong to middle class families thus 81.01% of them own APL cards, 15.18% of them own BPL cards and 3.79% of them own Antyodaya cards.

Table showing assets owned by our family Particulars Bicycle Two wheeler Car Desktop Computer with internet connection Desktop Computer without internet connection Laptop with internet connection Laptop without internet connection
No. of Families 22 49 26 24 19 33 10 Percentage (%) 27.84 62.02 32.91 30.37% 24.05% 41.77% 12.65%

An analysis of standard of living of our students families shows that 27.84% own bicycle, 62.02% own two wheeler and 32.91% of them own car. 30.27% own desktop computer with internet and 24.05% of them own desktop without internet connection, this shows that more that 50% of them own desktop computers at home. The 41.77% of them own laptop with internet connection and 12.65% own laptop without internet connection. This shows that more than 50% of our students have access to computer facilities at home. Table Showing the Families Staying In Own and Rented House Particulars Own House Rented House Lease House No. of Families 24 49 6 Percentage (%) 30.37% 62.02% 7.59%

An analysis of thaw above data shows that about 30.37% of the families stay in own house, 62.02% of the families stay in rented house and 7.59% of the families stay in leased house.

Table Showing Involvement of Family Members in Decision Making

Purchase and sale of fixed asset Purchase. and sale of ornaments
No. 49 55 3 6 % 62.03 69.62 3.80 7.59 0.00 2 1 2.53 1.27 0.00 12 15.19 15


Purchase of home appliance

No. 50 58 7 7 2 1 1 % 63.29 73.42 8.86 8.86 2.53 1.27 1.27 0.00 18.99

Raising of loan

Marriage related issues and decisions

No. 56 54 11 11 3 4 2 % 70.89 68.35 13.92 13.92 3.80 5.06 2.53 0.00 14

Constructi on house

Education of family member

Savings and investment

No. Father Mother 54 39 6 5 1 2 2

% 68.35 49.37 7.59 6.33 1.27 2.53 2.53 0.00

No. 45 46 4 4

% 56.96 58.23 5.06 5.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

No. 56 39 6 3 2

% 70.89 49.37 7.59 3.80 2.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.92

No. 59 54 9 11 4 5 1

% 74.68 68.35 11.39 13.92 5.06 6.33 1.27 0.00

No. 54 45 8 3 2 1

% 68.35 56.96 10.13 3.80 2.53 1.27 0.00 0.00 20.25

Sibling 1 - M F Sibling 2 - M F Sibling 3 - M F

10 Yourself







(About 20 respondents have not answered this question)

An analysis of involvement family member in major decision making in the family shows that in most of the family father is the major decision maker. In about 50% of the families mothers involve in decision making. In few of the families even the grown up childrens are involved in decision making mainly in case education of family members and marriage. This shows that in few families parents are involving children in decision making.

Table showing Involvement of Family Members in Social Activities

Particulars Currently a member of Self Help Group/ doing petty business Currently a member of NGO/ social group / association Closely associated with NGO/ social group / association Social worker / Involvement in protest against social evils No. of Families
11 3 2 4

Percentage (%)

13.92% 3.79% 2.53% 5.06%

Political Leaders / Political figure / Political Followers


An analysis of involvement of family members in social activities shows that only 13.92% of the families are members of Self Help Group (SHG), 3.79% are members of NGOs, 2.53% of them are closely associated with NGOs or social group, 5.06% of show involvement in protest against any evils in the society or social workers and about 5% of the family members are political leaders and political figures. A further informal cross check of the respondents response about political background of families members shows that their family members have contested in local counselor election and Panchayat elections.

Conclusion The majority of our students are from the middle income families with moderate socioeconomic status. Usually the parents of middle class have success in preparing their young children for better career because they have access to resources to promote and support young children's development. They are able to provide their young children with high-quality child care, books and other equipments to encourage children in their course of learning. Also, they have access to information regarding their children's health, as well as social, emotional, and cognitive development. The analysis of socio economic condition of the current student at the entry level shows that the college can focus on its objective of holistic development effectively if it can convey to the parents about the path it would use in order to create an holistic personality and seek their continuous support in all its activities over a period of time. There is certainly a portion of students whose economic condition doesnt support to continue their education in private institutions like ours. The institution can focus on supporting these unprivileged students which would in turn help to improve the socio-economic condition of the family.

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