Call Notice
Call Notice
Call Notice
Public Corporation
ANNUAL AND SPECIAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS CALL NOTICE The Shareholders of LIGHT S.A. (Company) are hereby called to meet at the Annual and Spec al Shareholders !eet n"s to be held cumulat #ely on Apr l $%& $'(%& at $)*' pm& at the Company+s head,uarters at A#. !arechal -lor ano& (./& part& $nd floor& corr dor A& Centro& c ty and state of 0 o de 1ane ro& n order to dec de on the follo2 n" a"enda) Annual Shareholders !eet n") () Ta3e an account n" of mana"ement& e4am ne& d scuss and #ote on the - nanc al Statements for the f scal year ended on 5ecember *(& $'(*6 $) 5ec de on the allocat on of net ncome for the f scal year ended 5ecember *(& $'(* and the d str but on of d # dends6 *) 5ef ne the number of effect #e and alternate members of the 7oard of 5 rectors6 *) 8lect the effect #e and alternate members of the 7oard of 5 rectors6 9) Instate the Aud t Comm ttee and elect ts effect #e and alternate members6 .) 5eterm ne the total annual remunerat on of mana"ers6 and :) 5eterm ne the total annual remunerat on of members of the Aud t Comm ttee. Spec al Shareholders !eet n") () 5ec de on the lon";term ncent #e plan ; IL< of mana"ers6 and $) 0ect fy the #ar able remunerat on for the year $'(* of the mana"ers. Informat on to Shareholders) <ursuant to C=! 0ul n" >o. (.9?@(& as amended by C=! 0ul n" >o. $/$?@/& the m n mum percenta"e re,u red to re,uest a cumulat #e #ote s f #e percent (9A). The r "ht to re,uest the adopt on of a cumulat #e #ote shall be e4erc sed as set forth n para"raph ( of Art cle (%( of La2 >o. .%'%?:.. In order to e4ped te the process of hold n" !eet n"s& t s re,uested that Shareholders& pursuant to Art cle $(& para"raph (& of the 7yla2s of the Company& depos t proof of the r boo3 entry shares& ssued by the depos tary or custod an nst tut on at A#. !arechal -lor ano& (./& A (& (st floor& corr dor 5 (--0)& Centro& 0 o de 1ane ro ; 01& se#enty;t2o (:$) hours n ad#ance of the !eet n"s& as 2ell as that the pro4 es for the shareholders& pursuant to Art cle $(& para"raph $& of the 7yla2s& depos t the r nstruments of po2er of attorney at the same address& also se#enty;t2o (:$) hours pr or to the !eet n".
In add t on& the shareholders shall present the follo2 n" documents) Ind # dual Shareholders Ident f cat on document 2 th photo (Ident ty Card (0G)& -ore "ner Ident ty Card (0>8)& 5r #er+s L cense (C>H) or profess onal assoc at on dent ty card& and n the case of part c pat on by po2er of attorney& the s "nature of the "rantor shall be notar Bed and the documents descr bed here n shall be presented by the respect #e po2er of attorney. Corporate Shareholders Cert f ed copy of the Art cles of Incorporat on or Art cles of Cr"an Bat on n force and corporate documentat on 2 th po2er of representat on (elect on of mana"ers and?or po2er of attorney& and n the case of part c pat on by pro4y nstrument& the pr nc pal+s s "nature shall be notar Bed)6 and Ident f cat on document 2 th photo (0G& 0>8& C>H or profess onal assoc at on dent ty cards off c ally reco"n Bed n 7raB l) of the le"al representat #e(s). In#estment -unds Cert f ed copy of the restated byla2s of the fund and the Art cles of Incorporat on or Art cles of Cr"an Bat on of ts adm n strator to"ether 2 th corporate documentat on e# denc n" po2ers of representat on (elect on of mana"ers and?or po2er of attorney& and n the case of part c pat on by pro4y nstrument& the pr nc pal+s s "nature shall be notar Bed)6 and& Ident f cat on document 2 th photo (0G& 0>8& C>H or profess onal class cards off c ally reco"n Bed n 7raB l) of the le"al representat #e(s). In the e#ent of representat on& the Shareholder shall comply 2 th the terms of Art. ($. of La2 >o. .%'%?:.& accord n" to 2h ch the pro4y shall ha#e been appo nted 2 th n less than one (() year& as a shareholder& adm n strator& la2yer re" stered 2 th the 7raB l an 7ar Assoc at on or be a f nanc al nst tut on. In case of a pro4y nstrument n a fore "n lan"ua"e& th s shall be accompan ed by the corporate documents for the le"al ent ty and the po2er of attorney duly translated nto <ortu"uese& notar Bed and re" stered 2 th the 7raB l an consulate. <ursuant to Art cles .& ('& and ($ of C=! 0ul n" %/(?'@& all the nformat on necessary for understand n" of the matters to be d scussed and dec ded s a#a lable to the shareholders on the Internet on the 2ebpa"e of the Secur t es Comm ss on (222.c#m." and on the 2ebpa"e of the Company ( 0 o de 1ane ro& Apr l @& $'(%. SDr" o Ala r 7arroso Cha rman of the 7oard of 5 rectors
jms/70728.doc 4/11/14