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(AUTONOMOUS) Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad ASSIGNMENT QUESTION BANK B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA/MBA Name of the subject: WEB TECHNOLOGIES Subject Code: A1603 Semester: IV Common to : CSE & IT
PART-A (2 Mark Questions) Unit-I What are HTML tags? How does the tags switch a format on differ from those which switch it off? Which tags and sections must all HTML documents contain? How do you make headings and text larger or smaller? What is the difference between <title></title> and <h1></h1>? What is the need of dynamic web pages? List out different kinds of web pages? What is the difference between a static web page and a dynamic web page? Describe the different ways that styles can be added to a page? What is dynamic html? What is the main difference between dhtml and html? Define functions, arrays and objects? Develop the code to design a simple table with a left and right column with border 1. Give the use of onload and onclick event with example. What is the most important tool for adding colors to certain areas of the page rather than the entire background ? What are the benefits of using styles compared with placing formatting directly into the text of the Web page? What do you mean by Column Spanning and Row Spanning? Mention The Various Java Script Object Models. List out the various web browsers that are commonly used. Write the difference between Linked and Embedded Style Sheet What are the style precedence rules when using multiple approaches? List down the ways of including style information in a document? Why should you specify a background color if you are using an image for the actual background of your page ? Write a simple in java script that displays the line of text Welcome to Java Script Programming. What is parseInt function? Mention the functionalities of indexOf and lastIndexOf methods. List the rules followed by parse to convert the string. Mention the properties of the event object. Write the syntax of using shadow filters to the texts. What are the functionalities of dropShadow filter and light filter. Unit-II What are the different revolution in which XML is playing a major role? What is XML? What are the advantages of xml? What are all the xml language basics? What do you mean by entity, explain them with an example? What is the role of xml?

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Write a brief note on XML parsers? What is XML? How it is different from HTML? Write short notes on Apache web server. Write short notes on Jigsaw web server. Write short notes on Tomcat web server. What is the purpose of XML schema? What are the XML rules for distinguishing between the content of a document and the XML markup element? How is XML parsing done with SAX? Name the three flavors of Document Type declaration? How are web servers and web browsers related? What are all the xml language basics? What is XPath? What are the advantages of schema over DTD? What is the difference between mail server and web server? How a web server and web application server work together. What is a standard generalization markup language? List the functionalities of XML parsers. Mention the capabilities of PWS. What is an Internet Information Server? List the functionalities of W3C Jigsaw web server. Mention different PWS extension interpreters. What are the functionalities of Jakata project. List the files that is supported in Httpodbc.dll What is the importance of .htx files? What are the features of Apache web server? Unit-III What do you mean by HTTP servlet request and response? What is the procedure for initializing a servlet ? List the different methods of Java Servlet. What is the purpose of cookies? How is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting? What are the functions of Servlet container? Explain the servlet context. Name the different ways of session tracking. How can the session in Servlet be destroyed? What is the difference between doGet() and doPost()? What is the difference between the getRequestDispatcher(String path) method of javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface and javax.servlet.ServletContext interface? What is the difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig? What is the difference between the getRequestDispatcher(String path) method of javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface and javax.servlet.ServletContext interface? List out the difference between 2-tier and 3-tier model? What is a Session object? List out the difference between CGI and Servlets. List out the difference between get and post methods. Mention the steps to be followed in building and testing a simple servlet program. What are the methods that are central to the life cycle of a servlet. What is the importance of session tracking? Differentiate between HTTPServlet and GenericServlet. What is preinitialization of a servlet? What are the common methods used for sesson tracking? How to support Get and POST protocols from the same servlet? Mention the basic steps to JDBC form a servlet.

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Unit-IV List the different methods defined in document and window object of Java script. What is a java script statement? Give an example. How many JSP scripting elements are there and what are those? How can we include static files in the JSP page? Explain the advantages of JSP. What is JavaBeans? Is java bean complete component architecture or not. Write short notes on page directive. Write short notes on include directive. What is the procedure of accessing database from a JSP page? What is the key difference between using a <jsp:forward> and HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()? In JSP, how can you know what HTTP method (GET or POST) is used by client request ? Why DB connections are not written directly in JSPs ? Name the default value of the scope atribute of <jsp:usebean>. Name the implicit variable available to JSP pages that may be used to access all the other implicit objects. List the four key components of JSP? List the advantages of servlet over JSP What are the types of directives in JSP? List the JSP implicit objects? What is the purpose of plug-in? What is the advantage of JSP over servlets? List the advantages of java beans. List the interfaces in java beans. What is importance of BeanInfo interface. List the objects in JSP. Compare the features of servlets and JSP Mention any four roles I EJB application development. List the functionalities of EJB server and EJB container What are custom tag libraries? Unit-V What are the needs and benefits of CMS (content management systems)? Write short notes on content management systems. Write short notes on ASP. What do I need to run Active Server Pages? What is Active Server Pages? Who should use it? Who can create dynamic content with Active Server Pages? What are the main advantages of Java server faces? What are the available implementations of JavaServer Faces? What is Ajax? What are all the controls of Ajax? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ajax? Justify ASP.NET is a server-side technology. When an .aspx page is requested from the web server, the out put will be rendered to browser in following format. Difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write(). What namespace does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy? Discuss the process of execution for web application. Aslo State how .NET applications become platform independent. What is the purpose of App_theme folder? How toapply theme to a particular page. Suppose web page contain one textbox control. By looking in .aspx file how will you identify whether it is Html-sever or Web-servercontrol? What is use Panel Control in ASP.NET? What are ASP.NET Web Forms? What FileUpload Control in ASP.NET? List the features of Ruby. Name different CMS tools. What is the importance of @LANGUAGE statement?

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What is the function of asp.dll? What does an ASP file contains? What are the current trends in ASP? List different server-side active components. What are File System Objects? What is an option Explicit statement? PART-B (5 Mark Questions) Unit-I Design a web page for a library system, page should be in such a way that it should contain all book details- details include fields like Book name, Author name, ISBN and no. of copies available. The web page design should be performed using CSS. Develop the code using JavaScript for student information system. Student registration number should not be negative, if that is the case it should display a message using popup window. Illustrate concept and properties of CSS with an example. Explain in detail about CSS border and CSS outline. Create a HTML document for a company home page and explain. Create a HTML document that contains at least 200 words of text. The text of every starting word in the sentence should be blue, every last word in the sentence should be green and nouns should be yellow. Explain DOM event modeling in detail Explain how functions can be written in JavaScript with an example Design and create the page(s) for accepting the values of name and marks in a table then display them in the descending order of the marks. Explain the following input components in HTML forms with proper syntax of the corresponding HTML tags. a) Text Input b) Selectable list with multiple selection option c) Radio Buttons. Create a HTML form that has the following controls: (a) A TEXT control called firstName to collect the first name. (b) A TEXT control called lastName to collect the last name. (c) A TEXT control called email to collect the email address. (d) A TEXT control called phone to collect the phone number. (e) A SELECT control called softwarefor displaying a combo box with software list. (f) A SELECT control called os for displaying a combo box with operating systems. (g) A TEXTAREA control called txtArea for displaying problem description. (h) A SUBMIT control called submit for submitting the information Discuss the following in the form object? (a) Radio element (b) Text element (c) Math object (d) Button element (e) Data object Write about (1) ONLOAD (2) ONUNLOAD (3) ONFOCUS (4) ONSUBMIT What is a frame? What is the advantage of using a frame? Clearly explain the creation of frames with an example. Create a HTML document that has your image and your friends image with a specific height and width. Also when clicked on the images it should navigate to their respective profiles. Write a javascript to display the denomination of the amount deposited in the bank in terms of 100s, 50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, 2s & 1s. (Eg: If deposited amount is Rs.163, the output should be 1-100s, 1-50s, 1- 10s, 1-2s & 1-1s) Write a Javascript that reads an integer and determines and displays whether it is an odd or even


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number. 18. Write notes on (i) CSS border style properties (ii) CSS Text properties (iii)CSS Box model Create a HTML document that has the form with the following controls: (a) A text box to collect the customer's name. (b) Four checkboxes, one each for the following items: i. Four HTML textbooks for Rs.1000. ii. Eight XML textbooks for Rs.2000. iii. Four Javabeans books for Rs.2500. iv. Eight UML textbooks for Rs.1500. State the order of evaluation of the operators in the following JavaScript statements and show the value of x after each statement is performed; X=2%2+2*2-2/2; X=(3*9*(3+(9*3/(3))))); Write a script that inputs three integers from the user and displays sum, average, product, smallest and largest of these numbers in an alert dialog. Write a script that calculates the product of the odd integers from 1 to 15 and then outputs HTML text that displays the results. Explain different character processing methods with an example. Write a script that reads a series of strings and outputs in an HTML TEXTAREA only those strings beginning with the letter b. Write a CSS rule that makes all text 1.5 times larger than the base font of the system and colors it green. Explain DHTML object model with the help of diagram. Write a script to handle script errors by handling an ONERROR event. Write a script that allows you to apply transparency effects dynamically. Explain how to create image masks by applying mask filter with an example. Unit-II Create a XML document to store visitors information with fields like Name, Organization, Date and Time of arrival, contact number. Create a DTD to validate the document Discuss the flow of processing the authentication module in Apache and Jigsaw servers. With suitable example, explain different types of XML parsers. Create a XML document to prepare a table for employee with fields like Employee Name as EName, Employee ID as EID and employee salary as ESalary. Explain DTD sequences. What is XML? How is XML useful? How is XML compatible with others? What is an XML schema? With an example explain the working of XML schema. What is a namespace? Describe how a namespace is created with a relevant example. Explain the working of XML processors in detail. Also mention the purpose of XML processors. Explain how XLST works with neat illustrations. What are the goals of XML? Explain the four possible keywords in a DTD declaration with suitable examples. (a) Create a DTD for your daily schedule. (b) Write about SAX. With the help of an XML schema for the super market information management explain every feature available in schema (a) What is produced by the SAX parser? (b) What are the advantages of a SAX parser over the DOM parser? What are differences between DTDs and Schema? Write an application to create a XML document from a university employee database .The XML document should contain the following: i) Employee code ii) Employee Name iii) Designation



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iv) Address v) Department vi) The last twelve month performance summary 16. 17. 18. What is the difference between web server and web host?What are the names of some popular web server applications? Create a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address and date of birth details. Create a DTD to validate the document. Write an XML DTD to represent the Grade Card of a student which contains: (i) Name- Last, Middle, and First (ii) Subjects- Five subjects (iii) Assignments marks (iv) Total Marks (v) Result- Pass/Fail Explain the following terms related to XML. (a) XML parsing (b) XML browsers (c) XML editors (d) XML validators. Explain in detail about the following servers with its flow of processing in authentication module in an application. i) IIS ii) Apache Explain the capabilities of Personal Web Servers. Discuss different components in personal web manager dialog. Explain the features of Internet Information Server. Describe different components of Jigsaw server. Compare the features of Apache and Jigsaw web servers. Discuss the relationship between XML documents, DTDs, Parsers and applications. Enumerate how XML parsers build tree structures from XML documents. Write a simple XML program to manage simple contact list which uses a data island as data source for an HTML table. Discuss the need of standards in Extensible Markup Language. Write a brief note on standard generalization markup language. Unit-III Discuss the advantages of java beans. What are application builder tools? Explain the capabilities of the application builder tools. Discuss the servlet architecture and various interfaces invoked by servlet container and write a servlet program that handles HTTP get request containing data that is supplied by the user as a part of the request. Explain the following 1. Servlet interface 2. HTTPServlet Class Explain how Java Servlet perform Session Handling Create a Servlet that displays current date and time Explain the life cycle of a servlet. Illustrate with an example program Write a session tracker that tracks the number of accesses and last access data of a particular web page. Discuss about javax.servlet package. Discuss how servlets can be used to extend a web servers functionality. What are the security issues related to servlets? Develop a servlet that illustrates usage of cookies. What are the problemswith servlet? Explain testing of tomcat. Create user registration functionality for student to get registered with exam- result section. The registration page takes following information from user: user ID, password, confirm password, full name, and semester, roll no, email-id, and contact number. The registration servlet checks uniqueness of user ID among all users and if found unique then only stores registration information in database.


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Differentiate between the following: (i) GET and POST (ii) Servlet engines and Servlet chaining (iii) Session and cookies (iv) XML and SGML (v) Session bean and entity bean (a) Discuss the four types of JDBC drivers. (b) Give a note on javax.sql package. Write short notes on following: (a) Pure Java driver (b) Driver Manager (c) SQL query (d) Order by clause. What is the difference between URL encoding,URL rewriting, HTML escaping and entity encoding? Explain different methods in the life cycle of servlets Explain the steps in uploading my servlets. Discuss how to call one servlet form another servlet. Write a servlet program for blogging application. One servlet for login another for adding blogs and another for viewing blog information. Explain how client state is maintained using session and also explain about session tracking and session management using an example. Discuss the advantages of using servlets over traditional CGI scripts written in java. Explain difference packages that supports servlet request and responses. With suitable coding explain how a Servlet is used for server side programming. Explain how client state is maintained using session and also explain about session tracking and session management using an example. Unit-IV Discuss about the usage of JavaBean component in JSP. Explain the anatomy of JSP page. Give an overview of java software development kit. Write about the JSP processing. Explain the components of JSP. What are application builder tools? Explain the capabilities of the application builder tools. Develop a JSP to act as a simple search engine with the support of a necessary database. Web page will accept the topic name and JSP will be activated by a submit button. JSP will open relevant page with a set of relevant URLs for the topic. A Bean Interface is used by the developer. Justify the statement What is a Bean development kit? Also explain the use of JAR files in relation with java beans. Explain the design patterns for the bean events. Write a note on Custom-tag libraries. Discuss about usage of JavaBean Component in JSP. Write a JSP that handles empty form values.. Give a detail note on JSP action used for Java Bean manipulation. Develop a JSP for a news channel to conduct public opinion poll on any topic. Users will respond through yes/no answer. Later display the results in percentages. Create a login form for a mail server and JSP to validate and to perform appropriate actions. Explain the following: (a)Bound and constrained properties. (b)Bean Info Interface. Take the TickTock Bean available in BDK, build an application which controls the Colors Bean. Develop the necessary code to exhibit the bound properties of java beans with the above mentioned beans. What is a custom tag in JSP? Create a custom tag that will accept a full name and convert into initials. Write a JSP that allows the user to select an item from a list and to press submit button later prints the item on web page. A BeanInfo Interface is used by the developer"- show how this statement is justi_ed and explain with an example how BeanInfo serves the purpose.

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Create a login form for a mail server and JSP to validate and to perform appropriate actions. Develop a JSP to find the type, capabilities and version of each browser that visits your site. Write a JSP to demonstrate the usage of page and include directive Explain the steps to access database from a JSP page. What is javabean component? How to use JSP language elements for accessing beans in JSP pages? Write a program using Servlet/JSP that accepts the account number of a bank customer as input. The program should print the details of the account. Make necessary assumptions whereverrequired. Write a JSP Program, which displays a web page containing two web links one for showing schedule of counselling sessions at a Study Centre and other for FAQs on Programme on offer by the University. When one click on link Study Centre it goes to a page which show the counselling schedule for MCA students. Clicking on link for FAQs on Programme on Offer, another JSP page open, which consists of some FAQ related to different programme offered in the University. Write a program using JSP and JDBC to provide details of MCA/BCA/CIT students at a JNTU study centres. Also the program should enable any student to change his/her address. This program should provide the practical attendance detail of students in different semesters of MCA/BCA/CIT. Design an online book selling application using JSP . Consider a login validation page and also a search page for searching a book. Differentiate between include and page directive in JSP. Create an ASP/JSP application that allows the user to customize a Web page. Store the users name and preferences in a text file. The application should consist of three ASP/JSP files: one that asks the user to login and reads from the text file to determine if the user is known. If the user is not known, a second ASP/JSP file is loaded asking the user to choose their preference for foreground color, background color and image. Write the new users name and preferences to the text file. Next, display the page customized to this user using the users preferences that are stored in the text file. If the user is known at login, the normal page should be displayed? Unit-V Develop ASP applications to validate the number of question answered by a student. The format of the question paper will have five units and each unit has three questions carrying 10 marks. Students have to answer any two questions in each unit. Develop an application to evaluate these answers and display the result. All the questions can be assumed as objective type. Write short notes on : 1. JSF Technology 2. Ruby 3. AJAX List out the objects of ASP and highlight the features, properties, methods and events. How does Active Server Pages compare to CGI? Describe ASP and explain how ASP works. What do I need to run Active Server Pages? What is JSF (or JavaServer Faces)? What typical JSF application consists of? What is a Java server faces application? List out the difference between AJAX and Javascript? How to work with Silverlight a.How to access cross domain Web services from Silverlight without a policy file b. How to develop applications targeting both Silverlight and WPF c. How to encode video markers for consumption in Silverlight and WPF What are the 5 best Joomla extensions. Explain them with an example. Design and develop web form which consist two textbox username, password and login button and label for display message, when we click on login check password strength : (1) If password contain below 4 character then display message "weak" in green colour

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(2) If no. Of char is greater then 3 and less then 8 character display message "average" in blue colour (3) If no of char is more then 8-display message "strong" in red colour. Username and password are required fields, so put proper validator What is template in ASP.NET? Explain benefits of ASP.NET? List out Validation Controls. What is necessity of validations? Explain CompareTo and RequiredFieldValidator in detail. What is User Control? How the User Control is created? Explain in brief its events and limitations. Discuss the process of execution for web application. Aslo State how .NET applications become platform independent. Explain ASP.NET Page Life Cycle. What is CSS in ASP.NET? Compare CSS with HTML. What is ASP.Net? Explain feature of ASP.Net over ASP. Also Explain page-processing sequence of ASP.Net web page. Write design code for bind ename field of emp table to checklistbox control using sqldatasource asp.net control. How many types of cookies are available in ASP.NET? Explain each in brief Write a ASP application to demonstrate the AdRotator ActiveX component. Create a server-side include file containing the AdRotator code. Write an ASP that uses this serverside file. Briefly the discuss the needs and benefits of Content Management Systems. Explain the features of Silver light and Joomla Content Management Systems tools. Discuss different applications of Common Gateway Interface. Explain the capabilities of Common Gateway Interface. Explain the working of Active Server Pages. Discuss the usage of PWS and IIS in Active Server Pages. Justify the statement server-side ActiveX components usually execute faster than their scripting language equivalent. Write a ASP application to demonstrate the AdRotator ActiveX component.

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