This project report on Job satisfaction of the employees in Pioneer eSolutions Private limited consists of the Companys profile, its SWOT Analysis, data collection of the companys ey !unctional Areas "ith respect to various departments of the company
and collection of data on the level of job satisfaction of the employees in the company# Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited throu%h the use of a &uestionnaire on job satisfaction'
The project further consists of the analysis of the data collected and presented on the job satisfaction of the employees in the company and also the functional analysis of the company on the basis of its ey !unctional Areas'
The project is then concluded "ith the findin%s of the study, practical e(perience %ained by the trainee in the Company and the su%%estions made on the basis of findin%s and observation of the trainee'
Chapter-1: COMPANY PROFILE The first chapter of the project report consists of the profile of the company, nature of the company, or%ani)ational structure, leadership team of the company, si)e of the company, mar*et share and position of the company and the sources of data collection'
Chapter-2: SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY The second chapter of the project consists of the SWOT Analysis of the company' SWOT stands for Stren%ths, Wea*nesses, Opportunities and Threats of the company' ,t further consists of the -ni&ue Sellin% Point .-SP/ of the company'
Chapter-3: ATA COLLECTION AN PRESENTATION The third chapter of the project report consists of the collection of data on the companys ey !unctional Areas and the collection of data on the level of job satisfaction of the employees in the company and the presentation of the data collected throu%h the use of pie charts
Chapter-!: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY The fourth chapter of the project report consists of the analysis of the data collected and presented on the level of job satisfaction of employees in the company throu%h the use of charts and the functional analysis of the company'
Chapter-": SUMMARY AN CONCLUSIONS The fifth chapter is the conclusion part of the project report "hich consists of the findin%s of the study, the practical e(perience %ained in the company, uni&ueness of the company and the su%%estions made on the basis of findin%s of the study'
<' Soft"are development and standardi)ation' <' The 5ranch Office of Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' "here the trainee has under%one :< days summer trainin% is in 67$3, "hereas the 37A6 O!!,C7 of the Company is 4-=4AO2' Thus, the complete address of the +ra),h O%%&,e -here the tra&)ee ha. /)0er1$)e tra&)&)1 is as follo"s> COMPANY A RESS:Ne- e'h&
Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' =#+0,-pper 4round !loor, Ansal Chamber #0, 5i*aji Camaplace,=' Puram 2e" 6elhi # ++??@@' COMPANY WE+SITE: """'pioneer#e#solutions'com COMPANY CONTACT NO: ?++#:+@+@A@B ?++#@:@:@A@B Company has its 3ead Office in 2UR2AON# C$(pa)* T*pe: Privately 3eld C$(pa)* S&3e: Over +0? employees Hea0 $%%&,e: 2UR2AON 4Har*a)a5 I)0/.tr* T*pe> ,nformation and Communications Technolo%y F$/)0e0: 0?+0
As the 3ead office of Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' is located in 4ur%aon' Thus, the 3ead office address is as follo"s> The 4ur%aon office address is as follo"s>
2/r1a$) C$rp$rate
Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' Opp'Air !orce School, Old 6elhi =oad, 4ur%aon#+00??+.3r/
development, soft"are implementation, maintenance and support' 8' Pioneer is operatin% out of 4ur%aon, and development office for 4overnment of ,ndia projects in 2e" 6elhi, Pan ,ndia' :' Pioneer vie"s its people as their %reatest assets and %uide them to"ards accomplishment throu%h constant support, trainin% and cooperation in a safe environment, resultin% in hi%h employee retention' They also encoura%e team "or* and motivate our people to collaborate in the %ro"th of the company' <' Pioneer is a C??+, 0??A certified company by ,SO' @' Some of the clients of Pioneer e Solutions Pvt' $td' are as follo"s> +' Tata 4roup' 0' 6epartment of 7lectronics and ,nformation Technolo%y' 8' 1inistry of !inance' :' 1inistry of !oods' <' 1inistry of Water =esources' @' 1inistry of =ural 6evelopment' B' 1inistry of Tourism'
VISION OF THE COMPANY We believe in a start from DAs is and achieve DTo 5eE state "ithin the timeline'
MISSION OF THE COMPANY Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited is dedicated to providin% the people, services and solutions our clients need to meet their information technolo%y challen%es and business %oals' +' Wor* to understand the needs and re&uirements of our clients before proposin% a solution' 0' 6evelop responsive proposals that provide cost#effective solutions to our clients needs' 8' 6eploy the ri%ht of people and products to deliver value#added services and solutions to our clients' :' !ollo"#up on the &uality of our services and solutions to our clients' <' Appreciate the trust that our clients put in us as "e "or* "ith them to improve their business and information technolo%y'
<' 5usiness consultin% to represent the services across the value chain of ,CT industry'
T$p Ma)a1e(e)t a)0 >e* Per.$))e' P$.&t&$). &) a +/.&)e.. As you develop your business plan, a Dmana%ement teamE needs to be pulled to%ether, "ith serious thou%ht %iven to the *ey positions that need to be filled and "ho should fill them' The path of least resistance should be avoided # that is, placin% close friends and relatives in *ey positions simply because of "ho they are' There are t"o criteria to justify placin% someone in a position on your mana%ement team' !irst, does the person have the trainin% and s*ills to do the jobH Second, does the person have the trac* record to prove his;her talentsH Often, a mana%ement team evolves over time' 1embers of your team may "ear several hats until the company %ro"s and the company can afford the additional team members' A lar%e business may have some or all of the follo"in% positions' Top Management Positions +' Ch&e% E=e,/t&7e O%%&,er 4CEO5 $r Pre.&0e)t ## This person "ill be the drivin% force behind the companyI he or she "ill ma*e thin%s happen, put to%ether the resources to support the company and ta*e the product to the mar*et place' 0' Ch&e% Operat&)1 O%%&,er 4COO5? Whether called an or%ani)er, an inside mana%er or an operations person, this person is the one "ho "ill ma*e sure company operations flo" smoothly and economically' 3e or she is responsible for ma*in% certain that necessary "or* is done properly and on time' An understandin% of details of the business and an enjoyment of handlin% details are necessary'
8' Mar@et&)1 Ma)a1er ## !e" businesses can be successful "ithout mar*etin% their products to the customer' The individual in this slot must have both mar*etin% and industry e(perience' :' Ch&e% F&)a),&a' O%%&,er 4CFO5 Jou may "ish to establish t"o positions or combine both roles into one' The responsibility of one role is to see* moneyI that is, to loo* for investors and deal "ith ban*s, lenders, etc' This function also could be assi%ned to another team member, such as the C7O or the 4eneral 1ana%er' The responsibility in the Controller role is to mana%e money and "atch over the assets of the company' ,t is not uncommon to have the same individual see* money and mana%e money' <' Pr$0/,t&$) Ma)a1er ## 4ood production mana%ers "ith specific industry *no"led%e and e(perience are sometimes difficult to find' The term DLe7e'. $% Ma)a1e(e)t refers to a line of demarcation bet"een various mana%erial positions in an or%ani)ation' The number of levels in mana%ement increases "hen the si)e of the business and "or* force increases and vice versa' The level of mana%ement determines a chain of command, the amount of authority 9 status enjoyed by any mana%erial position' The levels of mana%ement can be classified in three broad cate%ories> 1# T$p 'e7e' A A0(&)&.trat&7e 'e7e' 2# M&00'e 'e7e' A E=e,/t$r. 3# L$- 'e7e' A S/per7&.$r* A Operat&7e A F&r.t-'&)e (a)a1er.
1ana%ers at all these levels perform different functions' The role of mana%ers at all the three levels is discussed belo">
head specific departments .such
as accountin%, mar*etin%, production/ or business units, or "ho serve as project mana%ers in flat or%ani)ations' 1iddle mana%ers are responsible for implementin% the top mana%ementGs policies and plans and typically have t"o mana%ement levels belo" them' -sually amon% the first to be slashed in the Gresi)in%G of a firm, middle mana%ement constitutes the thic*est layer of mana%ers in a traditional .tall pyramid shaped/ or%ani)ation'
directly in
above non# oversees
The or%ani)ational tier for supervisors positioned mana%erial employees' the performance of as foreman, $o"er mana%ement
a business %enerally
line boss,
6elivery 3ead
6elivery 1ana%er
Operation 1ana%er
Sales 1ana%er
2# 6urin% the summer trainin%, the trainee has communicated "ith the employees of different levels over there' Their names are as follo"s> +' 1r' =ahul umar 0' 1r' Puneet 4rover 8' 1s'Tanisha :' 1r# 2iladri 5husan <' 1r'Amit umar @' 1s' 6ha*shita Jadav B' 1r'Puneet Sharma
CHAPTER-2: SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY SWOT a)a'*.&. $% the ,$(pa)* 2#1# Stre)1th. a)0 Wea@)e..e. $% the ,$(pa)*
+' The U)&F/e Se''&)1 Pr$p$.&t&$) 4USP5, or U)&F/e Se''&)1 P$&)t, is a mar*etin% concept first proposed as a theory to e(plain a pattern in successful advertisin% campai%ns of the early +C:?s' The -SP states that such campai%ns made uni&ue propositions to the customer that convinced them to s"itch brands' 0' Theodore $evitt, a professor at 3arvard 5usiness School, su%%ested that, M &%%ere)t&at&$) is one of the most important strate%ic and tactical activities in "hich companies must constantly en%a%e'M 8' The term has been used to describe oneGs Mpersonal brandM in the mar*etplace' Today, the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects' :' The USP $% P&$)eer eS$'/t&$). P7t# Lt0# is that it has %reat potential to ma*e %overnance more transparent and participatory by providin% a ran%e of e(pert professionals to its 4overnment clients "ho contribute their best efforts to"ards the success of e4overnance projects'
3#1# ATA COLLECTION C$''e,t&$) $% 0ata re1ar0&)1 C$(pa)*:. @e* %/),t&$)a' area.
The Company Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' "here the trainee has under%one @ "ee*s summer trainin% is a private Company' ,t is into e4overnance' Thus, the Company provides manpo"er to its clients, "hich are# 2,C and other ,ndian 4overnment 1inistries for "or*in% on various e4overnance projects of the ,ndian 4overnment' Such employees hired by Pioneer, "or* off#site on the client location "hich are 4overnment 1inistries but are on payroll of the vendor Company itself,i'e, Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' and the Company is basically into 3uman =esources' Some of the clients of the Company are as follo"s +' Tata 4roup' 0' 6epartment of 7lectronics and ,nformation Technolo%y' 8' 1inistry of !inance' :' 1inistry of !oods' <' 1inistry of Water =esources' @' 1inistry of =ural 6evelopment' B' 1inistry of Tourism' The other *ey functional areas of the Company are 5usiness 6evelopment.Sales/, Accounts, Operations and ,T' The data collected in each *ey functional area of the Company are#
The 56 department of the Company is basically the SA$7S department' Their main tas* is to brin% e4overnance projects from their clients 2,C and other 4overnment 1inistries for the e(ecution of e4overnance project "or*' The 56 department of the Company is also responsible for coordinatin% "ith the project coordinators of their client site to *eep a chec* over the flo" of "or* done' Some of the competitors of Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' are as follo"s> +'eCentric' 0'Nue Consultants 8'1;s ,AP :',51' <'1icrosoft' @'Paradise ,nfotech' B'3C$ ,nfosystems $td' A'C1C $td' They have the responsibility to coordinate "ith the other departments of the Company intimatin% them about the re&uirements %iven to the Company by their clients, providin% other departments the "or* order number and its specifications' They have to *eep themselves updated "ith the &uality and &uantity of "or* done by the manpo"er provided by the Company to their clients'
The Company is basically into human resources, it supplies manpo"er to its clients#2,C and other 4overnment 1inistries for "or*in% on e4overnance projects, "ho are appointed by the Company for permanent basis or contractual basis and are on the payroll of Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' but are suppposed to "or* at the Companys client site' The 3= department of the Company is %iven the re&uirement for a job position for "or*in% on e4overnance projects of their 4overnment clients' These re&uirements are fulfilled "hen the suitable candidates "ho match the Job 6escription are selected by the 3= department after bein% shortlisted and selected by their clients' Such selected employees are on the payroll of the Company itself and are re&uired to "or* at the client site' These e4overnance projects and their "or* order are brou%ht to the Company by the 56 employees' The 3= department is than informed about the "or* re&uirements by the 56 department' The off#site employees of the Company are appointed for permanent or contractual basis by the 4overnment clients, and are on the payroll of Pioneer eSolutions Pvt' $td' The payroll processin% is done by 3= department,"herein,the number of "or*in% days of the off#site employees and the leaves ta*en by them is determined on the basis of the their attendance sent by them to the 3= department on monthly basis' ,n terms of si)e of the manpo"er of Pioneer eSolutions, the Company consists of around 0?? employees' The 67$3, 5ranch Office consists of over A? employees' The 3= department of the Company is responsible for issuin% offer letter to the ne" appointees of the Company' Also, the 3= department issues releivin% and e(perience letter to its former employees, that too, both throu%h mail and courier'
Since the Company provides manpo"er to its 4overnment clients as per the re&uirement and Job 6escription %iven by thm to the Company, the off#site employees of Pioneer are on the payroll of Companys 6elhi 5ranch office' The Accounts department has to coordinate "ith the 3= department for the receipt of the attendance of Companys off#site employees, since the attendance of such employees is sent o the 3= department' On the basis of their attendance for a particular month, their salary is made for a month in the basis of their number of "or*in% days, half "or*in% days ta*en by them and the number of leaves ta*en by them in a month' ,f there is any delay in the receipt of the attendance of the off#site employees of the Company, their salary %ets delayed as "ell' The salary processin% of the off#site employees of eCentric is done by the Accounts department of the 6elhi 5ranch Office throu%h the use of a soft"are called E'e,tr$)&, C'ear&)1 Ser7&,e $r ECS'
The Operations department *eeps a chec* over the "or* done by the Company in each department by coordinatin% "ith them' They have the responsibility of *eepin% the bac*# up of the "or* done by the Company' The tas* performance activity is initiated by the Operations department of the Company'
This department ,thus, maintains the data of all other departments of the Company by coordinatin% "ith them by *eepin% record of the "or* done by them'
Since all the "or* in most of the Or%ani)ations, "hether lar%e or small, is done throu%h ,T no"#a#days' 7mployees in the Company are more reliable on usin% computers and internet for performin% their tas*s than by doin% them manually' Companies use computers instead of re%isters and documents to save their important and confedential information, "hich if *ept in files and re%isters are prone to dama%e and theft' Also, ,ntranet and 7(tranet facilities have made place for themselves in the Or%ani)ations' 1any soft"ares are developed by the pro%rammers as Companys ,ntranet and 7(tranet to enable the employees of the Company to do their "or* "ith much ease and reliability' I)tra)et is the internet connection "ithin the Company that can be accessed by the members of the Company only' E=tra)et is the internet connection bet"een the Company and its sta*eholders,i'e, customers, clients, creditors, etc' The access to the Companys 7(tranet can be based on a username and pass"ord or an ,P address' <'+' The Company feeds all the relevant data of its employees and all its confedential data re%ardin% the Company and its employees throu%h a soft"are called MANA2EMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM $r MIS ' This ,ntranet facility throu%h the 1,S soft"are can be accessed by the Company members throu%h an employee username and pass"ord' 6ealin% "ith 1,S is done by all the departments of the Company, since one or the other information is re&uired by all the departments for attendance, joinin% formalities, issuin% them releivin% and
e(perience letter, payment of salary to the employees, or to update their latest information because the Company maintains the 1aster 6ata of its employees for further references as "ell'
The salary of the off#site employees of the Company are made throu%h the soft"are called as ELECTRONIC CLEARIN2 SERVICE OR ECS 'The 7lectronic Clearin% Service .7CS/ is an electronic mode of payment for transactions that can be used for ma*in% bul* payments or receipts' This facility is used by Companies for ma*in% bul* payment of amounts to"ards distribution of dividend, interest, salary, pension, etc', or for bul* collection of amounts to"ards telephone ; electricity ;"ater dues, ta( collections, loan installment repayments, periodic investments in mutual funds, insurance premium etc' This is normally for bul* transfers from one account to one or many accounts or vice#versa' 7CS payments can be initiated by any institution .called 7CS user/ "ho have to ma*e bul* or repetitive payments to a number of beneficiaries'
+'+' The topic of the project report of the trainee "as Job Satisfaction in the employees in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' +'0' The sample si)e ta*en for the research "as 0<' The data on the level of job satisfaction of employees in the company "here the trainee has under%one si( "ee*s summer trainin% has been collected throu%h the distribution of &uestionnaire on job satisfaction to the employees of the Company' +'8' The &uestionnaire consists of +0 &uestions in the form of statements on the job satisfaction level of the employees of the Company# Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' The &uestionnaire has been prepared on $i*ert !ive point Scale' +':' After the data has been collected throu%h the use of the &uestionnaire, all the statements have been presented in the form of &uestions alon% "ith its responses presented throu%h the pie#charts alon% "ith their interpretations' +'<' The objective of the study is to determine the level of job satisfaction of the employees in Pioneer esSolutions Private $imited' The sample si)e ta*en "as 0<' These 0< respondents "ere the on#site employees of the Company' +'@' The &uestionnaire on the job satisfaction of employees in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited has been attached at Anne(ure'
2# Re.ear,h Meth$0$'$1*
TOP,C O! T37 =7S7A=C3 Job Satisfaction of the employees in Pioneer eCentric Solutions Private $imited' =7S7A=C3 P=O5$71 To *no" the level of job satisfaction of the on#site employees in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited'' SA1P$7 S,O7 O! T37 =7S7A=C3 The sample si)e ta*en for the study is 0<' These 0< respondants are the on#site employees of the Company#Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited, "here the trainee has completed the si( "ee*s summer trainin%' SA1P$,24 A=7A The study has been conducted by the trainee at the Company itself and amon% the on#site employees of the Company#Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' =7S7A=C3 O5J7CT,L7 +' To study the level of job satisfaction of the employees "or*in% in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' 0' To determine the factors "hich helps the trainee to understand the factors "hich affect the level of job satisfaction of the employees "or*in% in the Company' =7S7A=C3 ,2ST=-172T A self desi%ned &uestionnaire on the topic of the research#Job Satisfaction of the employees in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited, has been used to collect the data "hich consists of +0 &uestions framed on $i*ert !ive Point Scale
STAT,ST,CA$ TOO$S -S76 The statistical tools used to analy)e the data collected "ere fre&uency distribution and pie dia%rams' $,1,TAT,O2S O! T37 ST-6J +' The study has been conducted at the Company#Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited throu%h the distribution of self#desi%ned &uestionnaire on Job satisfaction to determine the factors responsible for satisfyin% the employees of the Company' the employees "ere &uite hesitant to %ive true responses and cthis mi%ht affect the reliability of the study conducted' 0' The sample si)e ta*en for the research is 0<, "hich includes the on#site employees of the Company' The sample si)e ta*en is neither too lar%e nor too small' Thus, the responeses per indiviual is e(pected to differ in case the sample si)e increases'
3# ata Pre.e)tat&$)
N'+' 6o the employees in the Company feel encoura%ed to come up "ith ne" and better "ays of doin% thin%sH
!i%ure 2o'8'+ I)terpretat&$) 80P of the employees stron%ly a%reed that they feel encoura%ed to come up "ith ne" and better "ays of doin% thin%s in the Company and the remainin% @A P of the employees a%reed that they feel encoura%ed comin% up "ith ne" and better "ays of doin% thin%s in the Company'
N'0' 6o the "or* done by the employees in the Company %ives them a feelin% of personal accomplishmentH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#B A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#+@ Table 2o'8'0 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES NEUTRAL 2umber of 7mployees#0
Neutral 8%
Agree 64%
!i%ure 2o'8'0 I)terpretat&$) 0AP of the employees stron%ly a%reed that the "or* done by them %ives them a feelin% of personal accomplishment, @:P of the employees a%reed that the "or* done by them %ives them a feelin% of personal accomplishment and the remainin% AP of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that the "or* done by them %ives them a feelin% of personal accomplishment'
N'8' 6o the employees in the Company have re&uired tools and resources to do their job "ellH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#0 A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#+A Table 2o'8'8 NEUTRAL 2umber of 7mployees#<
Neutral 20%
!i%ure 2o'8'8 I)terpretat&$) 7i%ht per cent of the employees of the company stron%ly a%reed that they have been provided "ith the re&uired tools and resources to do their job "ell in the company, B0P of the employees only a%reed that they have been provided "ith the re&uired tools and resources to do their job "ell in the company and the remainin% 0?P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that they have been provided "ith the re&uired tools and resources to do their job "ell in the company'
N':' 6o the employees in the Company feel that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ellH
Neutral 16%
Agree 64%
!i%ure 2o'8': I)terpretat&$) 0?P of the employees of the Company stron%ly a%reed that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ell, @:P of the employees a%reed that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ell and the remainin% +@P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ell'
N'<' 6o the employees feel that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its informed about the matters affectin% themH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#@ A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#+8 Table 2o'8'< NEUTRAL 2umber of 7mployees#@
Neutral 24%
!i%ure 2o'8'< I)terpretat&$) 0:P of the employees stron%ly a%reed that they feel that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them, <0P of the employees only a%reed "ith the statement and the remainin% 0:P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them'
N'@' Are the employees of the Company able to correct the problem up to their clients satisfaction, "hen their clients are dissatisfiedH
!i%ure 2o'8'@ I)terpretat&$) 0:P of the employees stron%ly a%ree that they are able to correct the problem up to their clients satisfaction, "hen their clients are dissatisfied and the remainin% B@P of the employees a%reed that they are able to correct the problem up to their clients satisfaction, "hen their clients are dissatisfied'
N'B' 6o the employees understand "hy is it important for the Company to value diversity in their "or*place as the employees "or*in% in the Company differ in their a%e, %ender, race, culture, etcH
Agree 56%
!i%ure 2o'8'B I)terpretat&$) ::P of the employees stron%ly a%reed that they understand "hy is it important for the Company to value diversity in their "or*place as the employees "or*in% in the Company differ in their a%e, %ender, race, culture, etc and the remainin% <@P of the employees a%reed that they understand "hy is it important for the Company to value diversity in their "or*place as the employees "or*in% in the Company differ in their a%e, %ender, race, culture, etc'
N'A' 6o the employees feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilitiesH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#0 A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#+: Table 2o'8'A NEUTRAL 2umber of 7mployees#C
Strongly agree 8% Neutral 36% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Agree 56%
!i%ure 2o'8'A I)terpretat&$) 7i%ht per cent of the employees stron%ly a%reed that they feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilities, <@P of the employees a%reed that they feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilities and the remainin% 8@P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that they feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilities'
N'C' 6o the employees feel that their Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality of "or* done in the CompanyH
Neutral 16%
Agree 52%
!i%ure 2o'8'C I)terpretat&$) 80P of the employees stron%ly a%reed that their Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality of "or* done in the Company, <0P of the employees a%reed that their Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality of "or* done in the Company and the remainin% +@P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that their Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality of "or* done in the Company'
N'+?' Are the employees informed by the 1ana%ement about the activities %oin% on in the CompanyH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees# < Table 2o'8'+? A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#0?
!i%ure 2o'8'+? I)terpretat&$) 0?P of the employees stron%ly a%reed that they are informed by the 1ana%ement about the activities %oin% on in the Company and the remainin% A?P of the employees a%reed that they are informed by the 1ana%ement about the activities %oin% on in the Company'
N'++' Are the employees of the Company satisfied "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or*H
Neutral 20%
!i%ure 2o'8'++ I)terpretat&$) +@P of the employees stron%ly a%ree that they are satisfied "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or*, @:P of the employees a%reed "ith the statement that they are satisfied "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or* and the remainin% 0?P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that they are satisfied "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or*'
N'+0' Are the employees satisfied "ith the opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their CompanyH STRON2LY A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#8 A2REE 2umber of 7mployees#++ Table 2o'8'+0 NEUTRAL 2umber of 7mployees#++
Strongly agree 12% Neutral 44% Agree 44% Strongly agree Agree Neutral
!i%ure 2o'8'+0 I)terpretat&$) +0P of the employees of the Company stron%ly a%ree that they are satisfied "ith the opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their Company, ::P of the employees a%reed that they are satisfied "ith the opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their Company and the remainin% ::P of the employees neither a%reed nor they disa%reed "ith the statement that they are satisfied "ith the opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their Company'
:' The *ey functional areas of the Company are 5usiness 6evelopment, 3uman resources, Accounts, Operations and ,nformation technolo%y' <' All the employees of the Company a%ree that they feel encoura%ed to come up "ith ne" and better "ays of doin% thin%s, i'e' they are *een on adoptin% ne" and innovative ideas of doin% their "or* so that their "or* does not become monotonous and leads to boredom' Also, if the company %oes alon% "ith the concept of chan%e and innovation in its technolo%y, 3= practices and strate%ies and brin%s chan%e in the "or*place in a positive manner then people "ill not resist to chan%es as they "ill understand that the chan%e is for their betterment' This mutual co#operation bet"een the Company and its employees leads to job satisfaction amon% the employees of the company' @' 1ajority of employees a%ree that their "or* %ives them a feelin% of personal accomplishment' And if this is the case, it indicates that the employees are satisfied "ith their "or* and are able to cope up "ith "or* stress thus, leadin% to job satisfaction amon% the employees of the Company' B' 1ajority of employees of the Company a%reed that they have re&uired tools and resources to do their job "ell e(cept the fe" employees "ho %ave neutral response "hich indicates that some employees of the Company mi%ht not be satisfied "ith the "or* related facilities provided to them by the Company or mi%ht not be havin% ade&uate amount of resources to perform their tas* "ell' Provision of at least basic "or* related facilities to the employees is a must to be follo"ed by the Companies so that they can perform their "or* properly and produce %ood results of their "or* to the 1ana%ement' Provision of "or* related
facilities to the employees by the Company is a must and affects the job satisfaction level of the employees' A' 7mployees of the Company must be "ell a"are of the Companys vision and mission' ,f the employees are "ell informed about their job description as per the %oals and objectives of the Company then the employees "ill be able to perform better as they "ould be clear of their "or*#related %oals and "ill determine on their o"n in "hat "ays is their performance %oin% to affect the Company and their level of job satisfaction in the lon% run' As per the analysis on the data presented, ma(imum employees of the Company feel that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ell' C' Accordin% to the data presented, many of the employees of the Company feel that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them' The ratio of the employees opinion on the same is 8>+, i'e' majority of employees feel that they are bein% informed about the matters affectin% them by the Company and in concern "ith the rest of the employees "ho %ave neutral responses, the Company should improve its communication process and ta*e steps to inform their employees about the matters relatin% and affectin% to them "hich "ill help them to perform better and "ill increase their level of job satisfaction' +?' 7mployees of the Company a%ree that they are able to correct the problem up to their clients satisfaction, "hen their clients are dissatisfied "hich increases their level of job satisfaction and motivation as "ell' The clients of the Company are 2,C and 4overnment 1inistries'
++' 7mployees of the Company understand that it is important for the Company to value diversity in their "or*place as the employees "or*in% in the Company differ in their a%e, %ender, race, culture, etc' ,n every "or*place across the nation, people have are different "ith each other in one or the other aspect' 7specially if "e tal* about ,ndia, people here belon% to different states and re%ions possessin% different culture, bac*%round, e(periences, values, etc, thus, these factors need to be considered by the Companies "hen dealin% "ith their manpo"er so that they do not feel offended by the Company on any of the above mentioned %rounds' +0' A job "ith such job description "here employees are able to sho" their s*ills and abilities to the Company increases the motivation level of the employees as they feel that their *no"led%e and s*ills are of use and relevance to the Company and the Company values their potential to "or* effectively and efficiently' 1a*in% use of ones s*ills in performin% the tas*s efficiently is one of the factors "hich motivates employees and leads to job satisfaction amon% them' Thus, many employees of the Company feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilities e(cept the fe" "ho needs to be %iven more challen%in% tas*s so that they become satisfied "ith their "or* and do not leave the Company' +8' 7mployees of the company feel that they are informed by the 1ana%ement about the activities %oin% on in the Company so that they *no" "hat is to be done by them and do not feel alienated from the 1ana%ement of the Company' this feelin% of belon%in%ness ma*es them feel attached to their Company and they perform "ell understandin% that their "or* is directly or indirectly %oin% to affect the performance of the Company in a positive or a ne%ative manner'
+:' As mentioned in the above analysis, many employees of the Company feel that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them' The level of satisfaction of the employees of the Company "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or* also affects their level of job satisfaction in the Company as they are the ones "ho have to do their part of job and they have the ri%ht to spea* for their ri%hts' 5oth the points are inter#related and fulfillment of both of them "ill increase the level of job satisfaction of the employees of the Company' +<' The ratio of the satisfaction level of the employees of the Company in conte(t "ith their opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their present Company is 8>0' 7mployees usually loo* for more challen%in% "or* related activities so that they can "ider their scope of career advancement and enhance their performance in the Company' They either loo* for increments in their salary or promotions' Thus, the Company should provide its capable employees "ith career advancement opportunities so that it increases their motivation level and sense of responsibility to do their "or* better' This leads to job satisfaction amon% the employees of the company'
The salary processin% of the off#site employees of eCentric is done by the Accounts department of the 6elhi 5ranch Office throu%h the use of a soft"are called 7lectronic Clearin% Service or 7CS' The Accounts department has to coordinate "ith the 3= department for the receipt of the attendance of Companys off#site employees, since the attendance of such employees is sent o the 3= department' On the basis of their attendance for a particular month, their salary is made for a month in the basis of their number of "or*in% days, half "or*in% days ta*en by them and the number of leaves ta*en by them in a month' !# Operat&$). This department maintains the data of all other departments of the Company by coordinatin% "ith them by *eepin% record of the "or* done by them' They have the responsibility of *eepin% the bac*#up of the "or* done by the Company' The tas* performance activity is initiated by the Operations department of the Company' "# I)%$r(at&$) Te,h)$'$1* The Company feeds all the relevant data of its employees and all its confedential data re%ardin% the Company and its employees throu%h a soft"are called 1A2A47172T ,2!O=1AT,O2 SJST71 or 1,S' -se of 1,S enables the company to ma*e reports on the basis of data colected at the lo"er level of mana%ement and then in the decision ma*in% process at the top level of the mana%ement' The salary of the off#site employees of the Company are made throu%h the soft"are called as 7$7CT=O2,C C$7A=,24 S7=L,C7 O= 7CS' 7lectronic Clearin% Service .7CS/ is an electronic mode of payment for transactions that can be used for ma*in% bul* payments or receipts'
provide them "or* related tools and resources so that their "or* does not %et affected' B' 7mployees of the Company feel that they have clearly defined &uality %oals to perform their roles and responsibilities "ell' A' 1ajority of employees of the Company feel that their Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them and the rest of them "ho %ave neutral responses, the Company needs to improve its communication and decision#ma*in% process' C' The employees of the Company able to correct the problem up to their clients satisfaction, "hen their clients are dissatisfied' +?' The employees understand that it is important for the Company to value diversity in their "or*place as the employees "or*in% in the Company differ in their a%e, %ender, race, culture, etc and the "or* culture and climate is maintained in the "or*place accompanied by team "or* and coordination "ithin all departments of the Company' ++' The employees feel that their job ma*es %ood use of their s*ills and abilities and for the ones "ho neither a%reed nor disa%reed "ith the statement, the Company needs to provide them "ith challen%in% and s*ill based job so that they can brin% out their abilities and become capable of holdin% mana%erial positions in the Company'
+0' 1any of the employees feel that their Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality of "or* done in the Company' +8' The employees are informed by the 1ana%ement about the activities %oin% on in the Company' +:' The ratio of the employees of the Company "ho feel satisfied and dissatisfied "ith the level of their involvement in the decisions that affect their "or* is :>+' +<' Some of the employees are satisfied "ith their opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in their Company and some are not sure about them %ettin% opportunity of %ood career advancement'
+# LESSONS LEARNT 1# EXPERIENCE OF TRAININ2 IN THE COMPANY +' The e(perience of "or*in% in the Company by the trainee as a part of the summer trainin% "as nice and over"helmin%' The "or* environment of the Company "as pleasant and comfortable' 0' The employees "or*in% over there in the Company "ere helpful, *no"led%eable people "ho "ere also *een on supervisin% the trainee on various "or* related methods and share their *no"led%e on their "or* responsibilities as apart of their job description in the Company' 8' ,n the initial days of trainin%, the trainee "as %iven theoretical *no"led%e about the people "or*in% over there in the Company and their roles and responsibilities in the Company as per their desi%nation' :' The trainee "as %iven trainin% under the accounts department of the Company "herein the trainee "as %iven the responsibility of ma*in% the salaries of Companys off#site employees' <' The "or*in% conditions of the Company "ere %ood and satisfactory' The employees "ere provided "ith the "or*#related facilities to its employees' @' The doubts and &ueries of the trainee "ere "elcomed and ans"ered by the employees "or*in% over there and they "ere cooperative enou%h to help and %uide the trainee in preparin% the project report as "ell' B' Considerin% everythin%, the trainin% "ent successfully and the *no"led%e %ained over there in the Company as a trainee "as satisfactory'
2# PRACTICAL >NOWLE 2E 2AINE IN THE COMPANY The trainee has completed the si( "ee*s summer trainin% in Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' The trainee "or*ed in the Company as an Accounts trainee "here the trainin% "as provided to the trainee primarily for ma*in% the salary of off#site employees of the Company' The trainee "as provided the trainin% to "or* on soft"are called as 7lectronic Clearin% Service .7CS/' 7CS is soft"are "hich is a part of Companys 1ana%ement ,nformation system .1,S/ to ma*e salaries of the employees' The 7lectronic Clearin% Service .7CS/ is an electronic mode of payment for transactions that can be used for ma*in% bul* payments or receipts' This facility is used by Companies for ma*in% bul* payment of amounts to"ards distribution of dividend, interest, salary, pension, etc', or for bul* collection of amounts to"ards telephone ; electricity ;"ater dues, ta( collections, loan installment repayments, periodic investments in mutual funds, insurance premium etc' This is normally for bul* transfers from one account to one or many accounts or vice# versa' 7CS payments can be initiated by any institution .called 7CS user/ that have to ma*e bul* or repetitive payments to a number of beneficiaries'
+' 4roup dynamics is follo"ed in the Company' 0' 7ffective leadership alon% "ith effective communication follo"ed in the Company by the 1ana%ement and the employees of the Company' 8' 7mployees of the company are "illin% to learn ne" "ays and aspects of performin% their tas*s' :' Chan%es initiated by the top mana%ement are accepted by the middle and lo"er level mana%ement in the Company "ith a positive approach to achieve their individual and or%ani)ational %oals' <' There is fi(ation of responsibility for the "or* performed by the employees in the Company as everyone is clear of their roles and responsibilities to"ards themselves and to"ards the company'
C# SU22ESTIONS The su%%estions on the basis of trainees observation and analysis of the data collected and presented in the previous chapters on the level of job satisfaction of the emp?loyees of the Company are as follo"s# +' The employees of the Company should be %iven a feelin% of personal accomplishment by providin% them "ith more challen%in% jobs to enhance their s*ills and *no"led%e and provide them the opportunity to sho" their hidden caliber' 0' The job related facilities provided to the employees should be improved so that their "or* is not hampered and for those "ho do not feel satisfied "ith the tools and resources provided to them, the Company needs to identify and fulfill their "ants because if the employees are satisfied only then they "ill be able to put in their hard "or* and best efforts to accomplish their assi%ned tas* and %oals' 8' The communication process should be improved as there are fe" employees "ho feel that the Company does an avera%e job of *eepin% its employees informed about the matters affectin% them and their communication flo" should be improved so that the employees are a"are of the matters affectin% them' :' The level of involvement of the employees in the decisions that affect their "or* should be increased as they have the ri%ht to as* for their necessary "or*#related re&uirements from the Company' <' The career advancement opportunities of the employees in the Company should be enhanced so that the employees do not become job hoppers as a result of job dissatisfaction' ,f the employees feel that they do not have any further %ro"th prospects in their present Company, then they are e(pected to leave the Company in search of another job "hich <@
"ill provide them career %ro"th opportunities in future, thus, increasin% their job satisfaction level from the ne" job'
WE+SITES +' """'pioneer#e#solutions'com 0' http>;;en'"i*ipedia'or%;"i*i;Or%ani)ationalQstructure 8' http>;;*alyan#city'blo%spot'com;0?++;?<;levels#of#mana%ement#top#middle# and'html :' http>;;"""'as*'com;&uestion;"hat#is#primary#and#secondary#data <' http>;;"""'rediff'com;business;report;"hat#is#electronic#clearin%# service;0?++?B?A'htm @' http>;;"""'businessdictionary'com;definition;mana%ement#information#system# 1,S'html B' http>;;corporatedir'com;company;pioneer#e#solutions#private#limited A' http>;;pioneer#e#solutions'com; C' http>;;opencorporates'com;companies;in;-B0C??3=0?+0PTC?:@<?8
ANNEXURE 1 6ear =espondent ,, 1anish Sin%h, an 15A student of 4itarattan ,nternational 5usiness School, 44S,P-, 2e" 6elhi, is under%oin% si( "ee* Summer Trainin% in the Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited for the purpose of preparin% my Summer Trainin% Project =eport on the topic# G$6 Sat&.%a,t&$)# !ollo"in% %iven are fe" &uestions on the topic of my Project for the evaluation of Job Satisfaction level of the employees in the Company# Pioneer eSolutions Private $imited' , *indly re&uest you to %ive me your opinion by fillin%#up the &uestionnaire, "hich "ill help me to complete this Summer Trainin% Project =eport' The information %iven by you "ill be *ept confidential and "ill be used only for this project "or*'
2A17> A47 .please tic* mar*/> 0? Jears # 8? Jears . / 8+ Jears # :? Jears . / :+ Jears # <? Jears . / 1A$7 . / !71A$7 . /
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5elo" are certain &uestions, "hich spea* about the Job Satisfaction level of the employees in the Company' Please ta*e a fe" minutes to tell us about your job and ho" the or%ani)ation assists you'
2eutral 8
A%ree :
, feel encoura%ed to come up "ith ne" and better "ays of doin% thin%s' 1y "or* %ives me a feelin% of personal accomplishment' , have the tools and resources to do my job "ell' On my job, , have clearly defined &uality %oals' The Company does an e(cellent job of *eepin% employees informed about matters affectin% us' When a client is dissatisfied, , can usually correct the problem to their satisfaction' , understand "hy it is so important for my Company to value diversity .To reco%ni)e and respect the value of differences in race, %ender, a%e, etc'/ 1y job ma*es %ood use of my s*ills and abilities' 1y Supervisors 1ana%er visibly demonstrates a commitment to &uality' , am informed by the 1ana%ement about the activity %oin% on in the or%ani)ation'
0 8 : <
++ +0
, am satisfied "ith my involvement in the decisions that affect my "or*' , am satisfied "ith the opportunity to %et a career advancement option available in this company' Than* Jou for your co#operation'