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Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap TD52

Steam Traps The Thermo-Dynamic steam trap cycles periodically to discharge condensate very near to steam temperature. It is unaffected by waterhammer or superheat.
Model PMO Sizes Connections

600 psig 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1 NPT stainless steel

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Pounds of condensate per hour continuous discharge at saturated steam temperature to atmosphere

Inlet Pressure psig barg 3.5 5 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 .24 .34 .69 1.4 2.1 3.5 5.2 6.9 10.3 13.8 17.2 20.7 24.1 27.6 31.0 34.5 37.9 41.4

3/8 TD52 1/2 TD52L 180 185 190 200 215 245 305 370 500 610 700 790 880 960 1050 1100 1160 1250

1/2 TD52 TD52 3/4 TD52L 3/4 300 310 345 410 465 575 700 810 1000 1140 1270 1410 1530 1630 1730 1830 1910 2000 405 420 470 560 640 810 1000 1160 1450 1670 1900 2100 2250 2430 2600 2750 2900 3050

TD52 1 640 670 725 865 980 1200 1470 1750 2200 2600 2900 3250 3500 3780 4020 4250 4450 4700

Limiting Operating Conditions

Max. Operating Pressure (PMO) 600 psig(42 barg)

Max. Operating Temperature 800F (427C) at all operating

Minimum pressure for satisfactory operation is 3.5 psig, (0.24 barg). Maximum back pressure should not exceed 80% of the inlet pressure under any conditions of operation, otherwise the trap may not shut.

Pressure Shell Design Conditions

Max. allowable pressure

600 psig/up to 800F 42 barg/up to 427C

800F/0-600 psig 427C/0-42 barg

Max. allowable temperature

Construction Materials
No. 1
2 3 4 5

Typical Applications
Steel (with ENP) Steel Steel (with ENP) Steel ASTM A743 GR. CA40F AISI 420 ASTM A743 GR. CA40F Type 304

Body Disc Cap Insulator Nameplate Cover

Stainless Stainless Stainless Ceramic Stainless

Steam main drainage and tracer lines, process equipment, laundry and kitchen equipment, superheated steam applications, outdoor installations subject to freezing.

Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. TI-2-516-US 09.09


Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap TD52

Type 3/8 TD52 1/2 TD52L 1/2 TD52 3/4 TD52L A 2 50.8 2.7 68.6 2.7 68.6 2.8 71.1 2.8 71.1 3.3 3.8 8 B 1.03 26.2 1.24 31.5 1.24 31.5 1.56 39.6 1.56 39.6 1.91 46 C 2.2 55.9 2.5 63.5 2.5 63.5 2.8 71.1 2.9 73.7 3.4 86.4 (nominal) in inches and millimeters D 1.7 43.2 1.7 43.2 1.8 45.7 1.8 45.7 2.1 53.3 2.5 63.5 E 1 25.4 1.2 30.4 1.2 30.4 1.5 38.1 1.5 38.1 1.8 45.7 F .4 10.2 .4 10.2 .4 10.2 .4 10.2 4 10.2 6 15.2 Weight .84 lbs .38 kg 1.2 lbs .54 kg 1.2 lbs .54 kg D 1.94 lbs .88 kg 1.94 lbs 88 kg 3.13 lbs 1.42 kg B
From equipment being drained From equipment being drained
withdrawal distance


3/4 TD52

1 TD52


Freeze resistant installation

valve strainer TD-Trap valve

strainer (optional)

Recommended installation


The preferred installation is in the horizontal position as close as possible to equipment being drained. Install strainer (20 mesh) upstream and full port isolating valves upstream and downstream of trap. Piping to and from the trap should be at least equal to or one size larger than trap connection. Do not weld pipe connection to trap. Body material is not suitable for welding. For freeze resistant installations, all drains must be pitched toward the trap for gravity flow. Trap must be installed vertically, discharging downward. Discharge piping must be self-draining.

Spare Parts Sample Specification

Steam trap shall be all stainless steel thermo-Dynamic disc type with connections on a common center line, which will operate in any position. Integral seat design with hardened disc and seating surfaces. Trap to have integral insulating cap.


This product can be maintained without disturbing the piping connections. Complete isolation of the trap from both supply and return line is required before any servicing is performed. The trap should be disassembled periodically for inspection and cleaning of the disc and seat. The only wearing parts of the trap are the disc and seat rings, which should be inspected and cleaned periodically. Slight wear can often be corrected by resurfacing on a lapping plate. Caution: Only perform maintenance after trap has been isolated. Complete installation and maintenance instructions are given in IM-2-516-US, which accompanies the product.

Disc Cap Assembly

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TI-2-516-US Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016


Telephone: (803) 714-2000 Fax: (803) 714-2222


Spirax Sarco, Inc. 2009


Steam Traps

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