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COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: CENG 5131 Engineering Applications CLASS NO: 22017 SEMESTER: Spring 2014 LOCATION: UH-Clear

La e! "elta 241 MEETING TIME: #$e%#&$r 5:30p'-(:50p' INSTRUCTOR: )r* #&o'as "illon +,,ice : 2-1-2-3-3-42 .UHCL/ E)A0L: 1illon2$&cl*e1$ 3A4: 2-1-2-3-3-70 "ept* Secretar5: 2-1-2-3-3-50 OFFICE HOURS: +,,ice &o$rs are sc&e1$le1 on #&$rs1a5 ,or 1 &o$r 65 appoint'ent* COURSE DESCRIPTION: #&e co$rse presents a t&oro$g& st$15 o, 'o1ern engineering tec&ni7$es e'p&asi8ing 'at&e'atical 'et&o1s* As is co''on in in1$str5 to1a5! t&e pro6le's 9ill 6e sol:e1 $sing a 'at&e'atical pac age 1esigne1 ,or s$c& pro6le's* St$1ents 9ill 6e a6le to not onl5 sol:e :ario$s pro6le's 6$t also plot t&e res$lts 9it& t&e )A#LA; so,t9are* COURSE PREREQUISITE: Gra1$ate Stan1ing TEXT/COURSE MATERIALS: 1* Applied Partial Di ere!tial E"#ati$!%& 't( editi$!! 65 <ic&ar1 Ha6er'an! =earson! 2013* (The text is available from the bookstore by special order!) 2* A1:ance1 Engineering )at&e'atics Using )A#LA;! 2n1 e1ition! 65 #&o'as L* Har'an! >a'es "a6ne5 an1 Nor'an <ic&ert! ;roo s Cole! 2000* 3* The Student Edition of MATLA ! t&e :ersion ,ro' t&e )at&9or s* Note: )A#LA; 9ill 6e $se1 in ot&er co$rses s$c& as "S=! "igital Controls! etc* 4* +t&er 'aterials as appropriate to s$pport an1 en&ance t&e learning e?perience* COURSE OB)ECTI*ES: 1* St$15 t&e 'at& necessar5 to sol:e pro6le's in Engineering an1 Co'p$ter Science* 2* =rogra' an1 "oc$'ent =ro6le's $sing )A#LA; so,t9are* 3* Appl5 co'ple? :aria6les to 1i,,erential e7$ations an1 3o$rier Anal5sis 4* Use 3o$rier tec&ni7$es to c&aracteri8e linear s5ste's 5* Sol:e 1i,,erential e7$ations 9it& Laplace #rans,or's (* Appl5 :ario$s a1:ance1 'at&e'atical tec&ni7$es to engineering pro6le's METHODOLOGY: #&is co$rse 9ill 6e lect$re 6ase1 on t&e 'at&e'atics an1 a$g'ente1 9it& t&e $se o, )A#LA;* ATTENDANCE POLICY: Atten1ance 9ill 6e re7$ire1*

ASSIGNMENT POLICY: Assign'ents are 1$e at t&e 6eginning o, class* QUI++ES: Eac& #$es1a5 class 9ill 6egin 9it& a s&ort 7$i8 6ase1 on t&e 'aterial ,ro' t&e lect$res gi:en 1$ring t&e prior 9ee * HOME,OR-: Ho'e9or 9ill 6e assigne1 to &elp 9or t&ro$g& e?a'ple calc$lations in t&e te?t an1 e?pan1 5o$r no9le1ge* All 'at&e'atics &o'e9or assigne1 ,or t&is class '$st 6e co'plete1 an1 t$rne1 in at t&e 6eginning o, t&e class* HOME,OR- RULES: Ho'e9or 9ill consist o, sol:ing 'at& pro6le's on paper! as 9ell as progra''ing $sing )A#LA;* =lease 6e a1:ise1 to ,ollo9 t&e ,ollo9ing r$les ,or t&e gi:en assign'ents* A* )at&e'atics Ho'e9or 1* All 'at& pro6le's s&all 6e co'plete1 on paper accor1ing to t&e instr$ctions gi:en at t&e ti'e t&e pro6le'.s/ are assigne1* 2* Ho'e9or is assigne1 eac& 9ee an1 1$e t&e ,ollo9ing 9ee 65 5:30 =) #&$rs1a5@ ;* =rogra''ing Ho'e9or .1ea1line :aries/: Late 9or A -10B per 1a5 1* ;rie,l5 1escri6e t&e pro6le' to 6e sol:e1 6e,ore atte'pting t&e sol$tion* 2* Crite t&e e7$ations to 6e sol:e1 3* "escri6e t&e sol$tion 'et&o1 .,lo9c&art! 1escription! etc*/ 4* Crite t&e )A#LA; co1e! incl$1ing C+))EN#S@ 5* 0ncl$1e na'e an1 st$1ent 0" n$'6er in t&e &ea1er (* #$rn in all 9or a/ E?planation 6/ Co1e c/ =lots 7* Han1 in pro6le's in t&e or1er t&e5 9ere assigne1 -* )a e t&e res$lts clear .Circle ans9ers! e?plain res$lts! etc*/ D* C&en an e?planation o, t&e res$lts is re7$este1! t&e n$'erical sol$tion 9ill not 6e s$,,icient* 10* ;e Neat E i, 0 cannot rea1 t&e sol$tion E no cre1it@@ FINAL A*ERAGES: 3inal a:erages 9ill 6e 1eter'ine1 65 t&e ,ollo9ing assign'ents an1 9eig&ting: Ho'e9or .)at& =ro6le's/ )A#LA; F$i88es .)ini'$' 10/ )i1ter' e?a' 3inal E?a' 20B 20B 20B 20B 20B

COURSE OUTLINE a..$rdi!/ t$ Har0a! Te1t >an 14 .#$e/ E +pening Lect$re MATLAB a!d C$#r%e .$!te!t% C$0ple1 *aria2le% Li!ear E"#ati$!%& Li!ear Tra!% $r0ati$!% Ei/e!3al#e%& Serie% Di ere!tial E"#ati$!% Ort($/$!al F#!.ti$!%& C&apter 1 C&apter 2*1! 2*3! 14*1! 3*2! 3*7! (*2! (*3 C&apter 3*-! 4*1! 4*2! (*2! (*3 =arts o, C&apter 5 an1 (*4! (*5 C&apter 2*10! 7*4

)arc& .#;"/ E )0" #E<) E4A) ;E3+<E S=<0NG ;<EAG F$#rier A!al4%i% a!d Lapla.e Tra!% $r0% Di/ital Si/!al Pr$.e%%i!/ 5Di%.rete E"#ati$!% 6 tra!% $r0% a!d FFT *ari$#% Te.(!i"#e% Di ere!tiati$!& I!te/rati$!& Opti0i6ati$!& Pl$tti!/ )a5 - .#&$r/ 3inal E?a' =arts o, C&apter 7! - an1 D

C&apter 10 an1 11

=arts o, C&apters 12! 13! an1 14

GRADING: #&e gra1ing polic5 o, t&is co$rse 9ill ,ollo9 t&e gra1ing s5ste' as o$tline1 in t&e Catalog o, t&e Uni:ersit5 o, Ho$ston-Clear La e .2012-2013/* A : D3-100B C : 73-7(B A: D0-D2B C: 70-72B ;H : -7--DB "H : (7-(DB ; : -3--(B " : (3-((B ;: -0--2B ": (0-(2B CH : 77-7DB 3 : 0-5DB ADA: UHCL co'plies 9it& t&e A'ericans 9it& "isa6ilities Act o, 1DD0* St$1ents enrolle1 at t&e $ni:ersit5 'a5 re7$est acco''o1ations ,or 1isa6ilities 65 contacting t&e A"A Coor1inator ,or UHCL* #&e A"A Coor1inator ,or UHCL is t&e Coor1inator o, "isa6ilit5 Ser:ices locate1 in t&e Healt& an1 "isa6ilit5 Ser:ices +,,ice .2-1-2-3-2(27/* An5 in1i:i1$al 9it& a 1isa6ilit5 in t&is co$ntr5 is co:ere1 65 t&e A"A! regar1less o, t&at in1i:i1$alIs race! se?! age! religion! national origin! an1 regar1less o, citi8ens&ip stat$s* ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: #&e Honest5 Co1e is t&e $ni:ersit5 co''$nit5Is stan1ar1 o, &onest5 an1 is en1orse1 65 all 'e'6ers o, t&e Uni:ersit5 o, Ho$ston-Clear La e aca1e'ic co''$nit5* 0t is an essential ele'ent o, t&e Uni:ersit5Is aca1e'ic cre1i6ilit5* 0t states: I 7ill 2e ($!e%t i! all 04 a.ade0i. a.ti3itie% a!d 7ill !$t t$lerate di%($!e%t48

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