"Juden Raus!" (Jews Out!) - History's Most Infamous Board Game
"Juden Raus!" (Jews Out!) - History's Most Infamous Board Game
"Juden Raus!" (Jews Out!) - History's Most Infamous Board Game
wentieth-century proprietary board games have been characterized as being based on a theme and representing an aspect of real life (Parlett 2000). Games have been designed that simulate the range of human activities, from hunting and gathering, to war, business and economics to human relationships. Many such games have as their theme the teaching of moral values (Goodfellow 1998). The New Game of Virtue Rewarded and Vice Punished (1820, by Darton) was one of the first mass-produced board games to reveal moral underpinnings. Other games teach values indirectly through images used in the game design (Averbakh 1995). Most of these games can be seen within the values perpetuated by western democracies. But any value system can be incorporated into a board game and then used to teach whatever the game designer desires. This paper presents a brief overview of game types that must be considered racist. One such game from the Nazi period in Germany is described in detail. The game Juden Raus! (Jews Out!) has as its theme the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany and may be the most infamous board game in history.(1) Cultural historians use board game studies to document a societys changing values over time since games exemplify the cultural values of the societies that play them (Whitehill 1999: 116). As a result, the history of racism is reflected in the theme of many board games. Some of these games use racist images, others make use of racial themes in the rules of play. Three American games will serve as examples. Two games from the Milton Bradley Company use racist images of African Americans: The Game of Ten Little Niggers (circa 1895) and Snake Eyes (circa 1930) (Whitehill 1992: 129). Both card games have racist illustrations, but racism is not an explicit theme of the game, and racist attitudes are not directly reflected in the rules (Dennis 1986). The third example Gunsmoke (1958, by Lowell) incorporates racist themes in the rules of play by giving one side an unfair advantage. The game depicts the mythic American confrontation between Cowboys and Indians each player representing one side. The pieces representing Native Americans can be killed and removed from the game, while the Cowboy pieces can only be captured and are always in play. As Polizzi & Schaefer write: The odds of winning the game are slightly in favor of the cowboys (Polizzi 1991: 113). The principal example of racism studied here is Juden Raus! (Jews Out!). It was published in Germany during the Third Reich period by Gnther & Company, Dresden, and distributed by the firm of Rudolf Fabricius at Bad Neusalza-Spremberg. Two copies of the game are known to exist. One copy is currently on display at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. A second copy of the game is in the collection of the Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library in London. Information about the game was sent to us by Acting Director Ben Barkow.
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Cultural Background
The persecution of the Jews and other minority groups in Nazi Germany began as political repression, and ended as perhaps the worst genocide in human history. In 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of the so-called Weimarer Republik and the first concentration camp for political dissidents was established at Dachau. In September 1935 the Nuremberg laws deprived Jews of all political rights in Germany, and in October 1937 Jewish property was confiscated. In 1938 Jewish passports were revoked, trapping hundreds of thousands of Jewish people within territories controlled by Germany. In November 1938, a nation-wide pogrom, the Reichspogromnacht, which the Nazis called Reichskristallnacht began against Jewish people. This event, better known as Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) refers to the smashing of windows of Jewish shops and synagogues during these actions carried out by the organizations of the NSDAP. Soon after, the deportation of tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps began (Barnavi 1992). It was in this cultural context that Juden Raus! was made available to the public. On December 5, 1938, one month after Kristallnacht the distribution firm of Rudolf Fabricius offered a 33.1/3% discount on Juden Raus! at the price of RM 4.50.
The dimensions of the board are 50 x 60 cm, the board is cardboard with cloth hinges. On the board are 13 specially marked circles with pictures of Jewish storefronts. On reaching these places a hat representing a Jew is awarded to the player. The game board has three areas of text. The first sentence says: Zeige Geschick im Wrfelspiel, damit Du sammelst der Juden viel! (Display skill in the dice game, so that you collect many Jews!). The second reads: Gelingt es Dir 6 Juden rauszujagen, so bist Du Sieger ohne zu fragen! (When you succeed in driving out 6 Jews, you will be winner beyond all question!). On the lower portion of the game board can be seen caricatures of a man, a woman and a child, in the style in which Jews were stereotyped at that time (figure 1). The writing below them reads: Auf nach Palstina! (Off to Palestine!). This graphic echoes a description given by Victor Klemperer in his diary (Klemperer 1995: 398). Under March 1st 1938 one reads: Sie [i.e. the Nazis] haben keinen Sinn fr ihre eigene Komik... Ihre bewute Komik ist Niedertracht gegen Wehrlose: Hier in Dresden ist heute ein Faschingsumzug: Auszug der Kinder Israel (They have no sense for their own humor... Their deliberate humor is meanness towards the helpless: Today there is a carnivals procession here in Dresden: Exodus of the children of Israel). This
Fig. 1. Game board. (Collection of Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, London)
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carnivals procession was typical Nazi cynicism making a joke out of the Exodus story from the Bible.(2) The fact that the expulsion of the Jews has been made a subject of the procession seems to fit very well into the general theme and graphic imagery of the game and may have inspired the games anonymous author. There are two types of game pieces. The men clearly represent the German Police and can be identified by the coat and belt drawn on the pieces, as well as the cone like hat, buttons and boots which appear very similar to the uniforms worn by the German police at the time (Berenbaum 1993). The pieces are made of painted wood, and measure 5.8 cm x 1.8 cm. (figure 2). The hats are 3.5 cm in height, 1 cm in diameter and are made of paper and may have yellowed with age. The faces on the hats are drawings of grotesque stereotypes of Jewish facial features similar to those drawn on the game board. One copy of the game has a leather beaker for throwing dice but Mr. Barkow was uncertain whether this came with the game or was added by the anonymous donor.
G a m e R u l e s [ a s t r a n s l a t e d f ro m t h e G e r m a n ] ( f i g s . 3 & 4 ) ( 3 )
JEWS OUT! The up-to-date and outstandingly jolly party game for grown-ups and children. From 2 to 6 players can take part in this extraordinarily amusing and up-to-date family game. Equipment: 1 die, 6 figures and 36 little hats. Each player takes one of the figures numbered 1 to 6. The method of play is as follows: Each player rolls the die and places his figure on the start-square of the street whose number is equivalent to that of the number thrown. Whoever occupies Street One is the leader and plays first. Each in turn then rolls the die and moves his figure the appropriate number of spaces towards the central square. If, having crossed the town wall, he lands on a square marked with a Jewish house, he gets a hat from the game leader and caps his figure with it. On his next throw he starts moving his figure back towards the collection-point and hands the hat back in. If a player has thrown a six (for example) and is now three spaces away from the collection point, he can hand the hat in and then go forwards three spaces. This coming and going between the town wall and the central square continues until one player has got six hats over to the collection point. Having handed in his sixth hat, he then goes back over the numbered squares to the central square. The first to do this wins First Prize. The other players can either carry on playing for position, or divide the remaining prizes among themselves according to how many hats they managed to collect. Another method of play: When a figure has been capped, the person playing it continues moving forwards, according to the number thrown, towards the central square. If he there encounters another figure with a hat or hats, he can capture its hat or hats and bring them back to his own collection point. In following this method of play, it is possible for a player who
Fig. 3. Rulebook cover. (Collection of Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, London)
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is either on his way either to the central square, or coming back from it, to land on several marked squares, and consequently to collect several hats to bring to the collection point. When he has handed in six hats, he must go back to the central square. If he is the first to do this, he wins First Prize. Published by Gnther and Co., D.
Fig. 6. Fabricius promotion flier (photograph U. Schdler). (Collection of Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, London)
Raus! may not move along the city wall but only along the streets. The games are similar in that both have the red center point as well as the places outside the wheel/city wall where the captured pieces have to be assembled. Finally the hats especially designed for the capturing method of Fang den Hut, are also used to depict the captured Jews. This clearly demonstrates that it was this harmless and successful board game that inspired the anonymous author of Juden Raus!.
Game History
The facts concerning the history of the game are few and contradictory. A search of the state archive of Sachsen at Dresden showed that between 1935 and 1945 there were two companies with the name Gnther & Co., the publisher of Juden Raus!. One of them had been canceled from the registry of trade by 1937. It is not known what type of com-
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pany it was, since it is not mentioned in the address books between 1935 and 1938. The second company is mentioned in the address-book for the first time in 1940. This company dealt with textiles. The owners were Kommerzienrat Georg Gnther and his wife. The address of the company was Dresden A 16, Gabelsbergerstrae 25, and after 1945 Uhdestrae 33. The company existed until 1950. There is no evidence in the state archive that either of the two companies published this board game. However, the company address written on the rule sheet for Juden Raus! reads: Gnther & Co, Dresden, A 16. Little information can be gathered about Rudolf Fabricius, the games distributor. From the archive of the city of Bad Neusalza-Spremberg comes the information that Fabricius (born 1902) was a dealer in food products. Since November 25, 1938 he registered as Herstellung, Fabrikation, Vertrieb und Grohandel von und mit Neuheiten. The flier promoting the game distributed by Fabricius was included in the donation of the game to the Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library. The flier dates December 5, 1938 and states that the game was now being sold at 33% off its regular price (figure 6).
A very different and unexpected opinion is expressed in a review published in the SS paper Das Schwarze Korps, 52, December 29, 1938, p. 7 (figure 7). The review is full of anti-Semitic propaganda and is very critical about the game. The unknown author feels that the game trivializes the anti-Semitic policies favored by the paper and that the international press will use the games existence to make the policies look completely ridiculous. The authors main objection is that the game manufacturer is trying to profit from the Nazi slogan Juden raus (Jews out) to promote the sale of the game. The article translates as follows: Jewish problem in the dice cup In a circular to its customers the company Rudolf Fabricius at Neusalza-Spremberg i. Sa. [i.e. in Sachsen, the author] states: Juden raus! has been published in impeccable, tasteful form and strong style. There would be nothing wrong with this statement, if it would be a political insight or a commentary to the measures we have undertaken to fend off the Jewish rabble of murderers. Yet the declarations of the Fabricius company do not regard the impeccable form, with which the German people has reacted against the crimes of the Grnspans and their lot, nor do they regard the strong style of Hermann Grings answer to those crimes. It is just quite about the supposedly tasteful form and solid design of a ... parlor game, where tiny little figures of Jews are slowly but surely deported to Palestine by the help of the dice cup. The political slogan Jews Out is exploited here as a big seller for all toy shops and trivialized to an amusing pastime for little children! This invention (DRGM. Nr. 1 446 399!) is almost a punishable idea, perfectly suitable as grist to the mills of hate of the international Jewish journaille, who would show around such a piece of mischief as a proof for the childish efforts of the nazistic Jews-haters with a diabolic smirk, if it would appear before her crooked nose. We do not slave ourselves away with the solution of the Jewish question, to relieve able manufacturers of toys of their worries about a great big seller or to help children with an amusing little game. We dont push out the black Jews, and how often has it to be said, to make room for the not less dubious thirst for action of the white Jews. Let this be told to the Fabricius Company, before it dedicates itself to the realization of its somewhat rash dream to publish its completely unwelcome big seller for Grodeutschland at the forthcoming fairs in spring! Jews out! yes of course, but also rapidly out of the toy-boxes of our children, before they are led into the dreadful error that political problems are solved with the dice cup. The public reaction to the game can not be assessed but circumstantial evidence indicates that the game sold very poorly. The game is mentioned by Barbara Rogasky, who writes (without giving further sources) that the game was widely distributed and that by 1938, when the politics of the Nazis still aimed at the forced emigration of the Jews, this game had sold over 1 million copies (Rogasky 1999: 41). But the information
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from the Fabricius advertisement as well as the article in Das Schwarze Korps contradicts her statement: the game was published very late in 1938 and was to be promoted only in 1939. It is most likely therefore that Rogasky was mislead by the company advertisement, which tried to promote a big seller right from the beginning. It seems very unlikely that the game could have been successful in the face of condemnation by the SS and the resulting threats to Rudolf Fabricius. The state archive at Leipzig, where the documents concerning the fairs at Leipzig are preserved, confirmed by letter that the Fabricius company was not present at the toy fair in 1939 nor was the game promoted there, despite the companys previous announcement. Unfortunately no information was available concerning Fabricius presence at the fair at Vienna in 1939.
Juden Raus! has been known to a handful of scholars for many years. It has been used as evidence by museums and college courses on the holocaust of the extent of antiSemitism in Nazi Germany. In the course of our research many scholars replied that they had heard or thought they saw somewhere information about the game that, although interesting, cannot be substantiated. As is the case with many games, a mythology of rumors has developed around Juden Raus!. One rumor has it that the two existing copies were prototypes and that the game was never published, while a contradicting rumor states that Juden Raus! was manufactured but was so unpopular that it was given away for free. Another rumor claims a third copy of the game was recently sold to a private collector through internet auction. There is even some talk of a different (and more blatant) anti-Semitic game of the period described as a death camp version of parchisi where the goal of the game is to be the first to deliver Jews a position on the game board which symbolized the place of their murder. Several people have claimed to have heard of this game, but no version is known to exist. Anyone with information about the rumors mentioned above are asked to contact the authors.
Juden Raus! is not a Nazi board game as it is sometimes called. There is no Nazi symbolism used in the game design and the article published in Das Schwarze Korps shows that the game was disdained at least officially in a major publication of the most important Nazi organization. But its true history may never be known for certain and many unsubstantiated rumors about the game exist. What insights are achieved from Juden Raus! about Nazi culture? It is hard to imagine a family sitting at a table playing a game that taught racial hatred. Yet it seems there were people like Rudolf Fabricius who imagined that some families would do just that. Fabricius was one of those mere supporters who thought to make some profit by following in the wake of Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda. Today most people react with disbelief or disgust when informed of the games existence. Juden Raus! shows that after decades of propaganda, anti-Semitism was so deeply rooted in German society in the 1930s, that someone thought it would be a good subject for a childrens game.
Racism is present in many board games, but Juden Raus! is unique in its portrayal of how racism manifests itself in society and is a terrifying example of the banality of evil. However, this games message of hatred still resonates today. If it were renamed Muslim Serbs Out! or Rwandan Tutsis Out! this timeless theme of racial hatred could easily be updated. There are many areas of the world where such a game might still find a receptive audience. Juden Raus! reminds us that the events of this terrible period in world history are not confined to the past. Viewed in this light the game becomes more then just a distasteful footnote to the history of board games. Juden Raus! is a warning to us all.
Averbakh, Yuri L. 1995. Board games and Real Events. In: de Voogt, A.J., ed., New approaches to board games research: Asian origins and future perspectives, Leiden: 17-23. Barnavi, Eli. 1992. A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People. New York. Bell, Robert C. 1979. Board and Table Games from Many Civilization. Revised Ed. New York. Berenbaum, Michael. 1993. The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust.... Boston. Dennis, Lee. 1986. Warmans Antique American Games 1840-1940. Elkins Park, PA. Glonnegger, E. 1999. Das Spiele-Buch, Uehlfeld. Goodfellow, Caroline. 1991. A Collectors Guide To Games and Puzzles. London. Goodfellow, Caroline G. 1998. The Development of the English Board Game 17701850. In: Board Games Studies 1: 70-80. Klemperer, Viktor. 1995. Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten. Tagebcher 1933-1941. Berlin. Parlett, David. 1999. The Oxford History of Board Games. Oxford. Polizzi, Rick and Schaefer, Fred. 1991. Spin Again: Board Games from the Fifties and Sixties. San Francisco. Reurich, Lucien. 1995. Towards a Philosophical Characterization of Playing Games. In: de Voogt, A.J., ed., New approaches to board games research: Asian origins and future perspectives, Leiden: 185-189. Rogasky, B. 1988. Smoke and Ashes. The Story of the Holocaust, New York. Rogasky, B. 1999. Der Holocaust. Ein Buch fr junge Leser, Berlin. Whitehill, B. 1992. Games: American Boxed Games and their Makers 1822-1992, Radnor. Whitehill, B.1999. American Games: a historical perspective, Board Games Studies 2, 116-141.
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1. Special thanks to: David Parlett, Dr. Irving Finkel at the British Museum, Ben Barkow and Rosemarie Nief at the Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, Mr. Paulik and Mr. Wagner at Bad Neuensalza-Spremberg, Dr. Stephen Feinstein, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota. 2. It is important to note that as the procession commenced the on lookers were encouraged by the organizers to shout Juden Raus! at the Jewish participants. 3. We are indebted to David Parlett for the translation from German to English.