OOSD External Lab Record

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SRS for Course Enrollment 1. Introduct on

!ro"lem Def n t on A student accesses the system to get information about the various courses offered by the college and can download forms for admission into various courses. One can get information about examination schedule and can check marks on the colleges website. The student however cannot make any changes in the data. A lecturer can access the system to check the schedule and update marks of students. A lecturer needs to be logged on to the system to perform his tasks. Every lecturer is allotted a user name and appropriate views by the D A. The D A is mainly responsible for the maintenance of the system. !is hob includes allocations of rights to different actors. The D A also updates the database whenever a function like admission takes place. The D A needs to ensure that there are no contradictions. !e defines the post"conditions and pre"conditions for different operations. The database is maintained on a server with a uni#ue $% address list. The data has to be protected from unauthori&ed accesses by providing security mechanisms like firewalls.

O"#ect $es Def n t ons

To reduce the expenses of the college by reducing the number of employees for entry and maintenance of records. To manage data more efficiently. To attract talented students and lecturers to choose the appropriate course according to their interest and talent. To reduce data redundancy and inconsistency. To display results on the internet. To make the software interface as user"friendly as possible.

'ecturer ( %erson teaching a particular sub)ect in the college *tudent ( %erson intending to either )oin some course in the college or already admitted +anagement ( The body managing the overall working of the college Database ( The total data stored through which the various actors interact and get re#uired information. $t is continually updated for each procedure completed. D A ( %erson in"charge of managing the database

%. &ener'l Descr (t on
!roduct !ers(ect $e This system is dependent on the database system of the college for providing details to students and other users. $t interfaces the users with a special user screen that has different features from the normal user screens. $t re#uires the users to login using a password. !roduct )unct on The various functions performed by the software are,

'ogin ( -ualifies users according their class and provides security and also improves the effectiveness of the software. Admission ( Allows students to get admitted to the college or check their marks if they are already admitted. .pdating of marks ( !elps the lecturers to update marks of students. /esults ( 0hich displays the marks in the website. +anagement of database ( Assists the D A in maintaining the database.

User C*'r'cter st cs The users are re#uired of possessing the following #ualities, highly motivated and conscientious1 computer literate not necessarily professionals1 related to the concerned college. &ener'l Constr' nts The system shall follow the following constraints in its design phase. 2ot more than 34 students are allowed to be admitted in a course. Atomicity of actions must be ensured.

+. S(ec f c re,u rements

)unct on'l Re,u rements 3.1.1 Login Accessing the database to read and manipulate data. Any user who logs in does so under his user name and password. Admission Steps involved /eceive the student details through electronic form 5heck the eligibility of the student and genuineness of the related documents 5heck the availability of the seats by referring the database *ubmit the student information to the database if the student is admitted and include the information in the records /eceiving the application fee from the admitted student Inputs *tudent information through electronic form Processing The student checks the database for re#uired course and applies. The system receives the application and checks for the eligibility of the student for the re#uired course. $f the eligibility criterion is satisfied1 the system checks the database for the availability of the seats in the desired course. $f there is a vacancy1 the student is admitted to the course and allotted a uni#ue roll number. The database is updated and the number of students in that course is incremented. The appropriate bill is dispatched to the student. Outputs %articulars if the admitted students are submitted to the database. $ssue fee receipt and identify the student. Constraints 2ot more than thirty students should be admitted into any course.



Updating marks Steps involved 5hecking the validity of the lecturer and verifying the password. Accepting the marks of the individual student of a particular course1 if entered by an authori&ed lecturer. .pdating the changes according to the marks allotted. Inputs .ser name and password of the lecturer. 5ourse and semester of the student1 whose marks are to be entered. /oll number and marks of the individual students. Processing The lecturer logins in order to enter the marks of their respective students. The system checks for the validity of the user name and password and allows access to the re#uired view 6example ( the lecturer can not access the salary database7 The database is updated according to the marks allotted by the lecturer. The changes are saved and displayed on the college results website. Outputs A message should be displayed after updating the marks in the database. Constraints The user must be included in the list of lecturers and have a valid user name and password The view must be created such that the lecturer must have access to the marks field of his own students A lecturer cannot have privileges to manipulate other areas of database. esults Steps involved Accepting the roll number Display the results for a given roll number Inputs 5ourse and semester /oll number Processing The student accesses the college website for the results. The system checks for the availability of marks for the semester and if available displays the results The student can only check the marks but cant update. Outputs 8or valid input1 display the result $f roll number is not valid1 display error message Constraints The course and roll number must be related to the concerned college. "anagement o# $ata%ase Steps involved Adding1 updating or deleting student information in the student database. Adding1 updating or deleting lecturer information in the lecturer database. Adding1 updating or deleting course information in the course database. Allocation and de"allocation of roles and privileges. +odifying the information1 constraints governing the college. Inputs .ser name and password to authori&e the D A.



*election of task. .ni#ue identification key incase the D A selects to update database so that concerned data item can be accessed. Processing The D A uses this function to manage the changes in database1 which occur due to other user cases1 and to perform other tasks specified for a D A. The D A logs into the system and then performs the re#uired task. Outputs 5onfirmation to the changes made. $n case any failure1 D A is informed and the changes are cancelled. Constraints Atomicity should be ensured1 that a particular task should perform totally or should be completely aborted. The changes made in the database should not be in conflict with the constraints specified. E-tern'l nterf'ce re,u rements External interfaces must be maintained by the central database as interpreted by the operator. *tudents re#uire a different interface as there is no need for them to login. !ard and soft copy reports shall be the only output maintained. These outputs shall be controlled by authori&ed management personnel.

!erform'nce Re,u rements All user re#uests shall be responded to within 3 to 9 seconds. /esponse shall be measured from the last entry keystroke to the appearance of an on screen reply. Des .n Constr' nts Design and development of the system shall confirm to college standards. The system is a )ava application which runs with the help of a reliable database management system. Attr "utes 3.!.1 Securit& 3.!.2 *ecurity of all files shall be a ma)or design re#uirement. Only authori&ed users shall be permitted to access the database. %asswords shall be assigned only by the authori&ed management personnel. Three unsuccessful access attempts shall be recorded in transaction log1 access shall be denied after the third unsuccessful attempt.

"aintaina%ilit& *oftware product documentation shall include design specification1 a commented listing 6a comment for every three executable lines of code71 a set of executable test cases and appropriate results. A user manual shall be provided in a reproducible form. elia%ilit& The college largely relies upon the database and so the system needs to be reliable.


Ot*er re,u rements 3.'.1 $ata%ase An efficient database management system shall be used as a back end1 which facilitates reliable and affective transactions.


Operations A backup of the database is created after each particular interval of time1 which can be used for recovery if needed.

Test n. All modules of the systems need to be tested separately and also the system as a whole to assure that the system works properly as per the re#uirement specification. Alpha and beta testing can be used for this purpose.

Use case Diagrams



offer courses


updation of marks DBA student results

take admission fees payment



allocation of privilages Data base

bill generation

mode of payement

maintainanace of database

) . 1: Use c'se d '.r'm for S/stem

Cl'ss D '.r'ms

name : String affiliation : String address : String code : integer admission( offer!ourses( '++& '

name : String id : Integer

'++& '


login( admission( offer!ourse( display"esults( maintainDB( allocation#f$rivilages( '

assign Courses



'++& &

name : String roll(no : Integer course(id : Integer takeAdmission( c)eck"esults( pay*ee( '++&

name : String lecturer(id : Integer course(id : Integer login( offer!ourse( update%arks(

admissionDetails( courseDetails( %arksDetails(




course(id : Integer lecturer(id : Integer offer!ourse(

) . %: Cl'ss D '.r'm for S/stem

Se,uence D '.r'ms0

user ': access t)e net(



.: give options(

/: select functions to be performed( 0: look for re1uired information(

2: perform t)e function(

) . +: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e S/stem

user ': access t)e net(



.: ask for t)e username and pass3ord(

/: enter username and pass3ord( 0: c)eck for validity(

2: aut)ori4e(

) . 1: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e Lo. n





': acess net and select login option

.: en1uire for username and pass3ord /: enter username and pass3ord 0: c)eck for validity

2: validate 5: give options 6: select offer courses option 7: get course details 8: give course details '9: display course details '': select course to offer '.: send details '/: save c)anges '0: logout

) . 2: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e offer course





': acess net and select update option

.: en1uire for username and pass3ord /: enter username and pass3ord 0: c)eck for validity 2: :alidate 5: en1uire for course and semester details

6: enter course and semester details 7: c)eck for validity of course and semester 8: validate course and semester '9: accept student marks

'': enter marks for all students '.: send details to dba '/: save c)anges '0: logout of system

) . 3: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e U(d't n. of M'r4s




': access net ; select result option(

.: provide result form(

/: give course ; semister( 0: c)eck for validity of course ; semister( 2: validate( 5: en1uire for roll number if validated(

6: enter roll number( 7: c)eck for validity of roll number(

8: validate and give result( '9: display result(

) . 5: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e Result )unct on

student ': access net ; select admission option(



.: provide relevant form for t)e selected course(

/: give necessary details and documents( 0: c)eck for avai lability of seats and el igibility(

2: admi t if selection criteria are met(

5: make necessary modifications(

6: allot roll number and dispatc) necessary billing(

) . 6: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e Adm ss on )unct on


system ': access net ; select namagement option(


.: en1uire for username ; pass3ord(

/: enter user name ; pass3ord( 0: c)eck for validity(

2: validate( 5: select task to be performed( 6: enter data( 7: save c)anges(

8: logoff(

) . 7: Se,uence D '.r'm for t*e M'n'.ement of D't'"'se

Coll'"or't on D '.r'ms

': access t)e net( /: select functions to be performed( user .: give options( 2: perform t)e function( system

0: look for re1uired information(


) . 18: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e S/stem

': access t)e net( /: enter username and pass3ord( user .: ask for t)e username and pass3ord( System

2: aut)ori4e(

0: c)eck for validity(


) . 11: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e Lo. n

': acess net and select login option /: enter username and pass3ord 6: select offer courses option '': select course to offer '0: logout lecturer .: en1uire for username and pass3ord 5: give options '9: display course details 2: validate 8: give course details system

'.: send details 0: c)eck for validity 7: get course details '/: save c)anges dba database

) . 1%: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e offer courses

': acess net and select update option /: enter username and pass3ord 6: enter course and semester details '': enter marks for all students '0: logout of system ,ecturer .: en1uire for username and pass3ord 5: en1uire for course and semester details '9: accept student marks


0: c)eck for validity 7: c)eck for validity of course and semester

'.: send details to dba

2: :alidate 8: validate course and semester

'/: save c)anges DBA


) . 1+: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e u(d't n. of M'r4s

': access net ; select admission option( /: give necessary details and documents( student .: provide relevant form for t)e selected course( 2: admit if selection criteria are met( 6: allot roll number and dispatc) necessary billing( system

0: c)eck for availability of seats and eligibility( 5: make necessary modifications(


) . 11: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e 'dm ss on

': access net ; select result option( /: give course ; semister( 6: enter roll number( student .: provide result form( 5: en1uire for roll number if validated( '9: display result( 2: validate( 8: validate and give result( 0: c)eck for validity of course ; semister( 7: c)eck for validity of roll number( system


) . 1+: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e Result

': access net ; select namagement option( /: enter user name ; pass3ord( 5: select task to be performed( 6: enter data( 8: logoff( DBA .: en1uire for username ; pass3ord( system

2: validate( 0: c)eck for validity( 7: save c)anges( database

) . 11: Coll'"or't on D '.r'm for t*e M'n'.ement of D't'"'se

Act $ t/ D '.r'ms

Access t)e net

student #ptions:' Admission. c)eck results

lecturer < DBA


,ecturer #ptions:' offer courses. updation of marks Admission c)eck result


#ptions:' Allocation of privilages. maintainance of db

updation of marks offer course maintaince of database

Allocation of privilages

log off

) . 12: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for S/stem

Access t)e net

enter t)e user name and pass 3ord = / times > retry on failure verify pass3ord on success Allo3 access to database

) . 13: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for Lo. n

Acess t)e net

#ptions: ' Admission?. !)eck "esults

$erform "esults *unction

!)eck *or Available !ourses


!)eck for availability of courses @ot Available Abort t)e process @ot Aligible

!ontinue t)e process

!)eck *or Aligibility Aligible Accept details t)roug) online form Admit t)e Student into course Allot "ollnumber and Dispatc) Billing to t)e student

%ake necessary c)anges in t)e Database

) . 15: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for Adm ss on

Acess t)e net

#ptions: ' Admission?. !)eck "esults

$erform Admission *unction

Accept !ourse and Semester

!)eck *or :alidity #f !ourse And Semester Abort t)e $rocess Invalid :alid Invalid Accept "oll number

!)eck :alidity #f "oll number :alid Display "esults

) . 16: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for Result )unct on

Acess t)e net

@ot :alid

:erification #f $ass3ord :alid

Abort t)e process #ptions:':-pdate Student Database+ . -pdate ,ecturer Database / -pdate !ourse Database 0 Allot "oles And $rivilages?2 #t)er %odifications

Access t)e desired function to be performed by t)e DBA

%ake @ecessary !)anges in t)e Database


) . 17: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for D9A )unct on'l t/

Acess t)e net

,ogin By ,ecturer

:erification #f $ass3ord Invalid Abort t)e $rocess :alid Accept !ourse and Semester from ,ecturer

"etry Invalid !)eck :alidity #f !ourse and Semester

Accept%arks eac) Student Save !)anges to Database


Fig 20: Activity Diagram for Updati g of Mar!s




data base

access t)e system

provide option

select function to be performed

look for re1uired function

provide details

give details to user

process and send c)anges

update database

save c)anges

) . %1: Act $ t/ D '.r'm for S/stem Us n. S: m L'nes

St'te c*'rt D '.r'ms


on Access

)ang up Active connected end of transition on Select $rocessing

error < print report Display Antry < ,ogin Axit < log off

on !ompletion

) . %%: St'te C*'rt D '.r'm for S/stem

Com(onent D '.r'ms

course enrollment+exe








) . %+: Com(onent D '.r'm for S/stem

De(lo/ment D '.r'ms

Data Base Server

intranet Ceb Server cable


internet $! 3it) Bro3ser

internet $! Cit) Bro3ser

internet @e3Device /

) . %1: De(lo/ment D '.r'm for S/stem

0rite the following contents of Each Diagram, :. ;. 3. <. 9. =. Aim Of Experiment /e#uirement *pecification Theory %rocedure to Draw the Diagram Observations and Analysis of Observations 5onclusions

Use C'se S(ec f c't on: $n order to better understand the various scenarios of a use case1 it is to be detailed. This is possible by writing use case specification. $t helps in making re#uirements complete1 consistent and unambiguous. The typical format of use case specification 6Detailing a use case7 is as follows, Use C'se ID: Use C'se N'me: Cre'ted 9/: D'te Cre'ted: Actors: Descr (t on: !recond t ons: !ost cond t ons: Norm'l )lo:: Altern't $e )lo:s: )re,uenc/ of Use: 9us ness Rules: Assum(t ons:

L'st U(d'ted 9/: D'te L'st U(d'ted:

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