SPE MPD Presentation

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The presentation introduces Managed Pressure Drilling and Transocean's operations in Ghana.

MPD is an adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular pressure profile throughout the wellbore.

Advantages of MPD include constant bottom hole pressure and ability to navigate narrow drilling windows and enable early kick detection.

Managed Pressure Drilling

Society of Petroleum Engineers- Ghana Kenny Thomson


To Give an introduction to Transocean and our operations in Ghana Ghana I t d Introduce M Managed d Pressure P Drilling D illi
Explain Conventional drilling E l i M Explain Managed dP Pressure D Drilling illi Advantages of MPD MPD Equipment and Rig Considerations MPD risks and control measures MPD Rewards History / Future of MPD

Close with Questions and Discussion


129 Offshore drilling units 50 Offices and Training centres 30 Countries C 6 of the worlds 7 Continents

50 High-Specification Floaters 25 Mid-Water Mid Water Floaters

9 High High-Spec Spec Jack Jack-Ups Ups 44 Standard Jack-ups

2 Ultra Deepwater Drillships g p Jack-Ups p 4 High-Spec Under Construction


G lf of Gulf f Guinea G i Region R i




702 BAL


Region Summary Ultra Ult D Deepwater t Drillships D ill hi 2 Semi Submersibles 4 Jack-Ups 6


GSF Monitor

Jack-up rig pp Bottom Supported 25ft-400ft Water Depth Cte d'Ivoire

Transocean Marianas Sedco Energy

MAR Semi-Submersible M Moored d 7000ft of water

Basic spec

ENR Semi-Submersible Dynamically positioned 7500ft of water

Discoverer Spirit
Dynamically positioned 10,000ft of water Self Propelled Drill ship Liberia

Transocean People
18,000+ , Employees p y g globally y
Transocean will be Universally recognized for innovation and excellence in unlocking the worlds offshore resources We will be our Customers trusted partner and their p preferred solution Provider

MPD Definition e to
An adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular pressure profile throughout the wellbore

International I t ti lA Association i ti of f DrillingContractors


Conventional Surface Eq.

Top Drive

Mud Pump

Mud Pit


Conventional Drilling

Drillingfluidpumpeddownstring Returnsbackup pannulustosurface

Drilling fluid provides a barrier against formation pressure

BlowOut Preventor

To Prevent influx to the wellbore:

Bottom Hole Pressure must be greater than Formation Pressure

Formation Pressure

BHP = Phyd + Pcirc BHP Pf


Drilling Window

LessthanPore Pressure=Influx toWellbore

Well Depth

Fracture Pressure PorePressure Drilling Window

Greaterthan FracturePressure =Breakdownof formationie Fluid losses



While drilling:

BHP = Phyd y + Pcirc

Top Drive, Rotates and circulates fluid through drill string Drill pipes racked
When stopping circulation for Connections:

BHP = Phyd + Pcirc Connection

Well Depth Fracture Pressure BottomHole Pressure PorePressure

Top of drill string



Real life well diagram

NarrowDrilling Window Cannotaffordto loosethe pressurefrom Circulation,will takeaninflux

Well W ll Depth

Fracture Cannotincrease Pressure muddensity,will PorePressure Pressure


breakdown formation

Real life well diagram

NarrowDrilling Window Cannotaffordto loosethe pressurefrom Circulation,will takeaninflux


ThisWellis UnDrillable!
Narrow DrillingWindow

Well W ll Depth



Fracture Cannotincrease Pressure muddensity,will PorePressure Pressure


breakdown formation

Can make C k P Previously i l U Un-drillable d ill bl wells, Drillable.

Two main reasons: Constant Circulation through connections y , back pressure p applied pp Pressurised fluid system, at surface to act through entire system Constant and Controlled Bottom Hole Pressure throughout entire section.


Advantages of MPD

Drilling gwithMPD
FluidDensity +Friction +backpressure

DrillthroughNarrow DrillingWindows NolossinBottomHole Pressureduring connections Increasedvisibilityof unfavourablewell conditions Greatercontrolofdown b bottom h hole l pressure

Well Depth
Staticweight: Fluiddensity



MPD Surface Eq.

Top Drive
Constant circulation
Mud Gas separator


3Part TelescopicJoint

Mud Pump

Mud Pit


SurfaceAnnular FlowSpool Topof MarineRiser

Choke manifold


MPD Equipment
Circulating Subs Addition to Drill floor mud manifold Side entry subs on top of each drill pipe stand Drilling fluid routed through Side inlet hose during connections
Nextstand ofDrillpipe

Check Valves

Sideinlet hose

MPD Equipment
Rotating circulating device; RCD
Positioned in Marine riser string near surface Sealing elements are tight against drillpipe Elements housed in bearing which c rotates otates with t d drillpipe p pe System is pressurized below RCD
Prevents returnsfluid passingup theannulus Sealing elements sealaround drillpipe

Bearing rotateswith drillpipe


MPD Equipment
Flow Spool Spool, Surface Annular
Flow spool directs returning fluid from annulus through flexible flow lines

Surface annular p FlowSpool Flowlines

Topof Marine Riser

Surface annular in place in case of emergency where annulus pressure may y exceed RCD pressure rating. g Annular can be closed to work on RCD while maintaining pressurised system


MPD Equipment
Choke Manifold
Downstream fluidflow Coriolis meter

All returns fluid passes through Choke Manifold Hydraulic chokes are where surface back pressure is applied Coriolis Mass flow meter All fluid downstream of Choke Manifold is atmospheric pressure

Flowline hoses


MPD Equipment
Mud Gas Separator, Separator cuttings cleaning

If gas is detected in returns fluid, it is routed through MGS Gas is vented up to highest point on rig at tip of derrick Fluid continues to Shakers where solids are removed Everything thereafter is the same as conventional drilling


MPD Equipment
Control and Display system

FlowIn FlowOut

Back Pressure

Choke position


Rig Considerations
Non MPD moonpool

MPD equipment in moonpool

ChokeManifold T l Telescopic i J Joint i t RCD SurfaceAnnular FlowSpool TopofMarineRiser


Rig Considerations
E Each h rig i i is unique i with ith diff different td designs i and d equipment i t MPD compatibility is a large scale engineering project


Rig Considerations
Non standard operation p MPD rig up in moonpool We introduce new Operating procedures, Testing regimes, Maintenance plans and Rig up procedures New to our crews, training and familiarisation is essential. essential Training helps ensure a safe and efficient operation


Risks of MPD & Controls in place

No Static flow check Downhole problems may be masked by Constant Circulation and Surface Pressure Controls: Signature testing provides expected trends Close monitoring of trends carried out by MPD operator Example Signature tests and trends observed


Risks of MPD & C Controls in place

SurfaceBackPressure Loss of back pressure or circulation Well will go underbalance Influx may be taken

Drilling gwithMPD
FluidDensity +Friction +backpressure

Well Depth
Staticweight: Fluiddensity

Controls: Redundancy of circulating equipment Two chokes in choke manifold


Risks of MPD & C Controls in place

Plugging of surface equipment Controls: Built in redundancy Flushing points

6 Fl li Flowlines 18Marine Riser

4Choke Manifold

6linesbackto shakers

Rewards of MPD
Thisis to Scale!!
Early Kick Detection


Assets Environment


MPD History
Rig Name
Trident 8 Sedco 601 Sedco 601 Roger W. Mowell Constellation II High Island VII Deepwater Frontier Actinia Arctic III Harvey H. Ward Shelf Explorer Trident IX Sedco 601 GSF Explorer GSF Rig 135 Actinia Marianas HH Ward

Rig Type
Jack Up Semi Sub Semi Sub Jack Up Jack Up Jack Up DP Drillship Semi Sub Semi Sub Jack Up Jack Up Jack Up Semi Sub DP Drillship Semi Sub Semi Sub Semi Sub Jack Up

Cabinda Indonesia Indonesia Malaysia Egypt Gabon India India Libya Malaysia Malaysia Indonesia Malaysia Indonesia Nigeria Malaysia Ghana Indonesia

Gulf Santos Santos Talisman BP Total Reliance Reliance ENI Talisman Talisman Pearl Petronas MSEC Addax Petronas ENI Pertamina

2003 2004 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2011 - 2012 2012 2012

PMCD PMCD w/ Surface BOP PMCD w/ Risercap CBHP CBHP HPHT CBHP, CBHP, HPHT CBHP, Concentric Riser CBHP, Concentric Riser ECD, HPHT, Reconfigurable Riser CBHP CBHP UBD (Low Head Drilling) CBHP CBHP, PMCD, Riser Degassing CBHP, HPHT PMCD w/Risercap CBHP, HP PMCD

Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Ongoing


PressurizedMudCapDrilling ConstantBottomHolePressure


HighPressureandHighTemperature UnderBalancedDrilling


MPD Future / CAPM C Constant t t Annular A l P Pressure M Management t

CAPM is a Transocean product D lG Dual Gradient di t D Drillingilli Hi h d Higher density it d down h hole, l li lighter ht fl fluid id i in marine i riser i Closed circulating system for enhanced kick detection

Bending gtheCurve inDeepwater


Sunset,April13th 2012 TransoceanMarianas

To Give and introduction to Transocean and our operations in Ghana Introduce Introduce Managed Pressure Drilling Advantages: ConstantBottomHolePressure NavigateNarrowDrillingWindows EarlyKickDetection Questions? Response Discussion.


Contact details:
Managed Pressure Drilling in Gulf of Guinea Kenny y Thomson ( (Nigeria) g ) Kenny.Thomson@Deepwater.com +234 813 767 4883 Ghana Human Resources Enquiries Sheila Ocansey y (Ghana) ( ) Sheila.Ocansey@deepwater.com +233 302 743906

Managed g Pressure Drilling g and CAPM Iain Sneddon (UK) Iain.Sneddon@Deepwater.com +44 1224 427759

Managed g Pressure Drilling g and CAPM John Kozicz (US) john.kozicz@Deepwater.com +1 713/232-7388


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