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Application: Maritime Delimitation in The Black Sea

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led in the Registry of the Court on 16 September 2004




enregistre au Greffe de la Cour le 16 septembre 2004



2004 General List No. 132


I, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by the Government of Romania, of which I am the Agent, have the honour to submit to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with Article 40 (1) of its Statute and Article 38 of its Rules, an application instituting proceedings brought by Romania against Ukraine in the following case. I. SUBJECT


1. The dispute between Romania and Ukraine concerns the establishment of a single maritime boundary between the two States in the Black Sea, thereby delimiting the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones appertaining to them. II. THE FACTS 2. In 1997, following a complex process of negotiations, Romania and Ukraine concluded two legal instruments. These were the Treaty on Relations of Co-operation and Good Neighbourliness between Romania and Ukraine, signed at Constant a on 2 June 1997 (the Treaty on Relations Annex 1) and an additional Agreement, concluded by exchange of letters of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two States (the Additional Agreement Annex 2). Both entered into force on 22 October 1997. By these agreements, the two States assumed the obligation to conclude a Treaty on the State Border Rgime between Romania and Ukraine, as well as an Agreement for the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the two countries in the Black Sea. At the same time, the Additional Agreement provided for the principles to be applied in the delimitation of the above-mentioned maritime areas, and set out the commitment of the two countries that the dispute could be submitted to the International Court of Justice, subject to the fullment of certain conditions (set out in paragraph 4 below). Both the Treaty on Relations and the Additional Agreement were registered by Romania with the Secretariat of the United Nations Organization, according to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations 1. 3. Between 1998 and 2004, 24 rounds of negotiations were held on the subject of the establishment of the maritime boundary. However, no result was obtained and an agreed delimitation of the maritime areas in the Black Sea was not accomplished. In order to avoid the indenite prolongation of discussions that, in the opinion of the Romanian side, obviously cannot lead to any outcome, Romania hereby seises the Court with the dispute between the two
1 Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine (with exchange of letters), Constant a, 2 June 1997 (United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 2159, p. 335).

2004 Rle gnral no 132


[Traduction] Je, soussign, dment autoris cette n par le Gouvernement de la Roumanie, dont je suis lagent, ai lhonneur de soumettre la Cour internationale de Justice, conformment au paragraphe 1 de larticle 40 de son Statut et larticle 38 de son Rglement, une requte par laquelle la Roumanie introduit une instance contre lUkraine en laffaire dcrite ci-aprs. I. OBJET

1. Le diffrend opposant la Roumanie et lUkraine concerne ltablissement dune frontire maritime unique entre les deux Etats dans la mer Noire, qui permettrait de dlimiter le plateau continental et les zones conomiques exclusives relevant deux. II. LES

2. En 1997, lissue dun processus complexe de ngociations, la Roumanie et lUkraine ont sign deux instruments juridiques, savoir le trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, sign Constant a le 2 juin 1997 (le trait de bon voisinage annexe 1), et un accord additionnel, conclu par change de lettres entre les ministres des affaires trangres des deux Etats (l accord additionnel annexe 2). Ces deux instruments sont entrs en vigueur le 22 octobre 1997. Aux termes de ceux-ci, les deux Etats ont contract lobligation de conclure un trait relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, ainsi quun accord en vue de dlimiter le plateau continental et leurs zones conomiques exclusives en mer Noire. Paralllement, laccord additionnel nonait les principes appliquer pour dlimiter les zones maritimes susmentionnes et consacrait lengagement des parties porter leur diffrend devant la Cour internationale de Justice, si certaines conditions taient remplies (ces conditions sont indiques au paragraphe 4 cidessous). Le trait de bon voisinage et laccord additionnel ont t enregistrs par la Roumanie auprs du Secrtariat de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, conformment larticle 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies 1. 3. Entre 1998 et 2004, vingt-quatre sries de ngociations ont t tenues en vue dtablir la frontire maritime. Cependant, ces ngociations ont t infructueuses et il na pas t possible de convenir dune dlimitation des zones maritimes en mer Noire. Pour viter que ne se prolongent indniment des discussions qui, selon elle, ne peuvent de toute vidence aboutir au moindre rsultat, la Roumanie, par la prsente requte, saisit la Cour du diffrend qui oppose les
1 Trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine (avec change de lettres), Constant a, 2 juin 1997 ; Nations Unies, Recueil des traits, vol. 2159, p. 335.

4 parties concerning the delimitation of their maritime boundary in the Black Sea, and respectfully requests the Court to proceed to the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the two States in the Black Sea and to establish a single maritime boundary for this purpose. III. THE JURISDICTION


4. Article 4 (h) of the Additional Agreement concluded by Romania and Ukraine in 1997 provides that : If these negotiations shall not determine the conclusion of the abovementioned agreement in a reasonable period of time, but not later than 2 years since their initiation, the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine have agreed that the problem of delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones shall be solved by the United Nations International Court of Justice, at the request of any of the parties, provided that the Treaty on the rgime of the State border between Romania and Ukraine has entered into force. However, should the International Court of Justice consider that the delay of the entering into force of the Treaty on the rgime of the State border is the result of the other Partys fault, it may examine the request concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones before the entering into force of this Treaty. 5. The negotiations on the Agreement for the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of Romania and Ukraine have by far exceeded the two-year period specied in Article 4 (h). Furthermore the treaty referred to in the Additional Agreement the Treaty between Romania and Ukraine on the Romanian-Ukrainian State Border Rgime, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance on Border Matters was signed at Cerna ut i, on 17 June 2003 (Annex 3) and entered into force on 27 May 2004, the date of the exchange of the instruments of ratication (see, in Annex 4, a copy of the Protocol of the exchange of instruments of ratication). 6. Thus, the two conditions set forth in Article 4 (h) of the Additional Agreement have been fullled, and the Court has jurisdiction over the present dispute between Romania and Ukraine in accordance with Article 36 (1) of its Statute. IV. THE LEGAL GROUNDS


7. The applicable law for solving the dispute is represented by the relevant provisions of the Additional Agreement concluded in 1997 and of the 1982 Montego Bay United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to which both Romania and Ukraine are parties, as well as other relevant instruments binding on Romania and Ukraine. 8. In particular, the 1997 Additional Agreement provides, in Article 4, that the two States shall apply in the delimitation process the following : (a) the principle stated in Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, as applied in State practice and in international case law ; (b) the principle of the equidistance line in areas submitted to delimitation where the coasts are adjacent and the principle of the median line in areas where the coasts are opposite ;

5 deux parties au sujet de la dlimitation de leur frontire maritime en mer Noire, et prie respectueusement la Cour de procder la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives des deux Etats en mer Noire et dtablir cette n une frontire maritime unique. III. LA


4. Lalina h) de larticle 4 de laccord additionnel conclu par la Roumanie et lUkraine en 1997 stipule ce qui suit : si ces ngociations naboutissent pas la conclusion de laccord susmentionn dans un dlai raisonnable, mais au plus tard deux ans aprs leur ouverture, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine sont convenus que le problme de la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives sera rgl par la Cour internationale de Justice de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, la demande de lune ou lautre des parties, condition que le trait relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat entre la Roumanie et lUkraine soit entr en vigueur. Toutefois, la Cour internationale de Justice pourra connatre de la demande relative la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives avant lentre en vigueur de ce trait si elle constate que le retard de lentre en vigueur de celui-ci sest produit par la faute de lautre partie. 5. Les ngociations concernant laccord sur la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives de la Roumanie et de lUkraine ont de loin excd le dlai de deux ans prvu lalina h) de larticle 4. En outre, le trait vis dans laccord additionnel le trait entre la Roumanie et lUkraine relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat roumaine-ukrainienne, la collaboration et lassistance mutuelle en matire de frontires (annexe 3) a t sign Cerna ut i le 17 juin 2003 et est entr en vigueur le 27 mai 2004, date laquelle les instruments de ratication ont t changs (voir, lannexe 4, la copie du protocole dchange des instruments de ratication). 6. Les deux conditions poses lalina h) de larticle 4 de laccord additionnel tant ds lors remplies, la Cour a comptence pour connatre du prsent diffrend entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, conformment au paragraphe 1 de larticle 36 de son Statut. IV. LES



7. Le droit applicable pour le rglement du diffrend est contenu dans les dispositions pertinentes de laccord additionnel conclu en 1997 et de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer signe Montego Bay en 1982, laquelle la Roumanie et lUkraine sont toutes deux parties, ainsi que dans dautres instruments pertinents liant les deux pays. 8. Larticle 4 de laccord additionnel prvoit en particulier que les deux Etats devront appliquer, lors du processus de dlimitation : a) le principe nonc larticle 121 de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer du 10 dcembre 1982, tel quil est appliqu dans la pratique des Etats et la jurisprudence internationale ; b) le principe de la ligne dquidistance dans les zones dlimiter lorsque les ctes sont adjacentes et le principe de la ligne mdiane lorsque les ctes se font face ;

6 (c) the principle of equity and the method of proportionality, as applied in State practice and the decisions of international courts regarding the delimitation of continental shelf and exclusive economic zones ; (d) the principle according to which neither of the Contracting Parties shall contest the other Contracting Partys sovereignty over any part of its territory neighbouring the area submitted to delimitation ; (e) the principle of taking into account the special circumstances of the area submitted to delimitation. 9. The Additional Agreement thus represents a lex specialis between the two States, and the delimitation required from the Court must be determined in conformity with the ve principles set out in Article 4 of the Additional Agreement. 10. Romania considers that the method of delimitation of the disputed maritime areas in the Black Sea, as well as the resulting boundary, as proposed by Ukraine during the negotiations, do not correspond to the relevant provisions of the Additional Agreement that have to be applied to the case. Consequently, Ukraine has failed to respect Article 4 of the Additional Agreement. Furthermore Ukraines position does not produce an equitable solution as between the two States as required by Articles 74 and 83 of the 1982 Convention.

V. DECISION REQUESTED 11. Reserving the right to complement, amend or modify the present request in the course of the proceedings, Romania requests the Court to draw in accordance with the international law, and specically the criteria laid down in Article 4 of the Additional Agreement, a single maritime boundary between the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the two States in the Black Sea. (Signed) Bogdan AURESCU, Agent of the Government of Romania. 13 September 2004. I hereby (certify) authenticate the signature of the Agent of Romania. 16 September 2004. (Signed) Iulian BUGA, Ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

7 c) le principe de lquit et la mthode de la proportionnalit, tels que ceux-ci sont appliqus dans la pratique des Etats et dans les dcisions des instances internationales concernant la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives ; d) le principe selon lequel ni lune ni lautre des parties contractantes ne peut contester la souverainet de lautre sur une quelconque portion de son territoire adjacente la zone dlimiter ; e) le principe selon lequel les circonstances spciales de la zone dlimiter doivent tre prises en compte. 9. Laccord additionnel constitue donc une lex specialis entre les deux Etats, et la dlimitation demande la Cour doit tre effectue conformment aux cinq principes noncs larticle 4 de cet accord. 10. La Roumanie considre que la mthode de dlimitation des zones maritimes contestes en mer Noire ainsi que la frontire qui en dcoule, telles que proposes par lUkraine au cours des ngociations, ne sont pas conformes aux dispositions pertinentes de laccord additionnel qui doivent sappliquer en lespce. De ce fait, lUkraine na pas respect larticle 4 de laccord additionnel. Qui plus est, la position adopte par lUkraine naboutit pas une solution quitable entre les deux Etats comme le prescrivent les articles 74 et 83 de la convention de 1982. V. DCISION

11. Tout en se rservant le droit de complter, amender ou modier la prsente requte au cours de linstance, la Roumanie prie la Cour de tracer conformment au droit international et, tout spcialement, aux critres noncs larticle 4 de laccord additionnel, une frontire maritime unique entre le plateau continental et les zones conomiques exclusives des deux Etats en mer Noire. Lagent du Gouvernement de la Roumanie, (Sign) Bogdan AURESCU. Le 13 septembre 2004. Je certie que la signature de lagent de la Roumanie est authentique. Le 16 septembre 2004. Lambassadeur de Roumanie auprs du Royaume des Pays-Bas, (Sign) Iulian BUGA.


Bucharest, 10 September 2004. I have the honour to inform you that in accordance with paragraph 1, Article 42, of the Statute of the Court and paragraph 2, Article 40, of the Rules of Court, the Government of Romania has appointed Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Secretary of State within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, as its Agent, and Mr. Cosmin Dinescu, Director General for Legal Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, as its Co-Agent in the case Romania v. Ukraine, concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of Romania and Ukraine in the Black Sea. All communications relating to this case should be sent to the Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located at 55, Catsheuvel, 2517 KA The Hague. (Signed) Mircea Dan GEOANA, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania.

[Traduction] Bucarest, le 10 septembre 2004. Jai lhonneur de vous informer que, conformment au paragraphe 1 de larticle 42 du Statut de la Cour et au paragraphe 2 de larticle 40 de son Rglement, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie a dsign M. Bogdan Aurescu, secrtaire dEtat au ministre des affaires trangres de la Roumanie, comme agent, et M. Cosmin Dinescu, directeur gnral des affaires juridiques au mme ministre, comme coagent en laffaire qui oppose la Roumanie lUkraine au sujet de la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives des deux Etats en mer Noire. Toutes les communications relatives cette affaire doivent tre adresses lambassade de la Roumanie auprs du Royaume des Pays-Bas, sise 55, Catsheuvel, 2517 KA, La Haye. Le ministre des affaires trangres de la Roumanie, (Sign) Mircea Dan GEOANA.


Annex 1 TREATY







[Translation 1] Romania and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties, Convinced that good neighbourliness, mutual respect and co-operation between the two States correspond to the fundamental interests of their people, Aware of their common strategic interest in the strengthening of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and stability of each of them, Welcoming the positive historical changes in Europe and animated by the common endeavours towards a united Europe, which should become a continent of peace, security and co-operation, Being guided by the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and starting from the primacy of the generally recognized principles of international law, Reafrming their determination to accomplish the commitments contained in the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter for a New Europe, as well as in other documents of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Convinced that the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms represents an important premise for building a new Europe, united by the common values of democracy, freedom and rule of law, Condemning the unjust actions of the totalitarian rgimes and military dictatorships that, in the past, have adversely affected the relations between the Romanian and Ukrainian peoples and being convinced that overcoming the painful legacy of the past may be achieved only by strengthening the relations of friendship between the two peoples, aimed at building a united Europe, Considering that the objective evaluation of the past will contribute to the strengthening of mutual understanding and condence between the two States and peoples, Convinced of the need for the two Contracting Parties to achieve an active policy, oriented towards the future, of good understanding and condence, good neighbourliness and partnership, Taking into consideration the potential of the two countries and their opportunities for developing mutually benecial bilateral co-operation, Have agreed upon the following :
1 Translation supplied by the Government of Romania (United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 2159 (I-37743), p. 335).


Annexe 1 TRAIT




[Traduction 1] La Roumanie et lUkraine, dnommes ci-aprs les parties contractantes , Convaincues que le bon voisinage, le respect mutuel et la collaboration entre les deux Etats correspondent aux intrts fondamentaux de leurs peuples, Conscientes quil est de leur intrt stratgique commun de consolider lindpendance, la souverainet, lintgrit territoriale et la stabilit de chacune dentre elles, Saluant les changements historiques positifs qui se sont produits en Europe et animes par laspiration commune vers une Europe unie continent de la paix, de la scurit et de la coopration, Se guidant daprs les buts et les principes de la Charte de lOrganisation des Nations Unies et partant du primat des normes gnralement acceptes du droit international, Rafrmant leur dcision de respecter les engagements prvus dans lActe nal dHelsinki, la Charte de Paris pour une nouvelle Europe et les autres textes de lOrganisation pour la scurit et la coopration en Europe, Convaincues que le respect des droits de lhomme et des liberts fondamentales reprsente une prmisse importante pour ldication dune Europe nouvelle, unie par les valeurs communes de la dmocratie, de la libert et de lEtat de droit, Condamnant les actes injustes des rgimes totalitaires et des dictatures militaires qui, par le pass, ont nui aux rapports entre le peuple roumain et le peuple ukrainien et convaincues que la liquidation de lhritage douloureux du pass ne peut se faire que par le dveloppement de relations amicales et de coopration entre les deux peuples, qui aspirent ldication dune Europe unie, Considrant que lvaluation objective du pass contribuera au renforcement de lentente et de la conance rciproques entre les deux Etats et les deux peuples, Convaincues de la ncessit pour les deux parties contractantes de mettre en uvre une politique active, oriente vers lavenir, de bonne entente et de conance, de bon voisinage et de partenariat, Compte tenu du potentiel des deux pays et des possibilits qui soffrent eux de dvelopper une coopration bilatrale rciproquement avantageuse, Sont convenues de ce qui suit :
1 Traduction fournie par le Gouvernement roumain et revise par lOrganisation des Nations Unies (Nations Unies, Recueil des traits, vol. 2159 (I-37743) p. 335).

12 Article 1 1. The Contracting Parties base their relations on mutual respect and condence, co-operation and partnership. 2. The Contracting Parties shall observe, in their mutual relations as well as in the relations with other States, the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of the Helsinki Final Act : sovereign equality, refraining from the threat or use of force, inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity of States, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference in the internal affairs, respect for human rights, equality of rights and the right of peoples to self-determination, co-operation among States and fullment in good faith of obligations under international law. Article 2 1. The Contracting Parties, in accordance with the principles and norms of the international law and with the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, reafrm that the existing border between them is inviolable and therefore they shall refrain, now and in the future, from any attempt against this border, as well as from any demand for, or act of, seizure and usurpation of part or all the territory of the other Contracting Party. 2. The Contracting Parties shall conclude a separate Treaty on the rgime of the border between the two States and shall settle the problem of the delimitation of their continental shelf and of economic exclusive zones in the Black Sea on the basis of the principles and procedures agreed upon by an exchange of letters between the ministers of foreign affairs, which shall take place simultaneously with the signature of the Treaty. The understandings included in this exchange of letters shall enter into force simultaneously with the entry into force of this Treaty. Article 3 1. The Contracting Parties reafrm that they shall not have recourse, in any circumstances, to the threat of force or use of force, directed either against the territorial integrity or political independence of the other Contracting Party, or in any other manner which is inconsistent with the principles of the Helsinki Final Act. They shall also refrain from supporting such actions and shall not allow a third party to use their territory to commit such activities against the other Contracting Party. 2. Any problems and disputes between the Contracting Parties shall be solved exclusively by peaceful means, in accordance with the norms of international law. Article 4 1. The Contracting Parties, aware of the indivisible character of European security, shall co-operate to build a united Europe, consisting of peaceful, democratic and independent States. In accordance with their international commitments, they shall contribute to promoting a policy of co-operation and good neighbourliness, to strengthening stability, peace and security in their region and on the continent. 2. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in order to consolidate the measures for strengthening the condence among States and for prevention and peaceful settlements of regional conicts.

13 Article premier 1. Les parties contractantes fondent leurs relations sur la conance et le respect mutuels, la coopration et le partenariat. 2. Les parties contractantes respectent, dans leurs relations rciproques, ainsi que dans leurs relations avec dautres Etats, les principes de la Charte de lOrganisation des Nations Unies et de lActe nal dHelsinki : lgalit souveraine, le non-recours la menace ou lemploi de la force, linviolabilit des frontires, lintgrit territoriale des Etats, le rglement pacique des diffrends, la non-ingrence dans les affaires internes, le respect des droits de lhomme, lgalit des droits et le droit des peuples disposer deux-mmes, la coopration entre les Etats et lexcution de bonne foi des obligations assumes conformment au droit international. Article 2 1. Les parties contractantes, conformment aux principes et aux rgles du droit international, ainsi quaux principes de lActe nal dHelsinki, rafrment que la frontire qui les spare est inviolable et, en consquence, elles sabstiendront, maintenant et lavenir, de toute atteinte cette frontire ainsi que de toute demande ou action ayant pour but daccaparer et dusurper tout ou partie du territoire de lautre partie contractante. 2. Les parties contractantes concluront un trait distinct sur le rgime de la frontire entre les deux Etats et solutionneront le problme de la dlimitation de leur plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives de la mer Noire, sur la base des principes et des procdures convenus par un change de lettres entre les ministres des affaires trangres, effectu lors de la signature du prsent trait. Les accords convenus dans cet change de lettres entreront en vigueur en mme temps que le prsent trait. Article 3 1. Les parties contractantes rafrment quelles ne recourront en aucun cas la menace ou lemploi de la force, soit dirigs contre lintgrit territoriale ou lindpendance politique de lautre partie contractante, soit de toute autre manire incompatible avec les dispositions de la Charte des Nations Unies et les principes de lActe nal dHelsinki. De mme, elles sabstiendront de soutenir de telles actions et ne permettront pas une tierce partie dutiliser leur territoire pour dployer des activits de ce genre contre lautre partie contractante. 2. Les problmes et diffrends qui pourront surgir entre les parties contractantes seront rgls uniquement par des moyens paciques, conformment aux normes du droit international. Article 4 1. Les parties contractantes, conscientes du caractre indivisible de la scurit europenne, collaboreront ldication dune Europe unie, constitue dEtats paciques, dmocratiques et indpendants. Conformment leurs engagements internationaux, elles contribueront la promotion dune politique de coopration et de bon voisinage, de consolidation de la stabilit, de la paix et de la scurit dans leur rgion et sur le continent. 2. Les parties contractantes collaboreront en vue de renforcer les mesures visant accrotre la conance entre les tats, an de prvenir et de rsoudre les conits rgionaux dune manire pacique.

14 Article 5 The Contracting Parties shall strengthen and enhance their co-operation, within the framework of international organizations, including the regional and sub-regional ones. They shall support one another in their efforts of integration in the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Article 6 1. Should a situation arise which, according to the opinion of one of the Contracting Parties, could threaten peace and international security, the Contracting Parties shall have consultations on the measures likely to contribute to reducing tensions and eliminating the above-mentioned situation. 2. The Contracting Parties shall organize regular consultations at various levels on security and disarmament measures of mutual interest and shall inform each other on the fullment of obligations assumed on the basis of international documents in this eld, to which both Contracting Parties have subscribed. 3. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in the military eld, on the basis of separate agreements between their competent State institutions. Article 7 1. The Contracting Parties, on a bilateral and multilateral basis, shall actively contribute at the process of disarmament in Europe, to the further reduction of the armed forces and armaments, to levels corresponding to their defence needs. 2. The Contracting Parties shall act together in order to maintain and strengthen the rgime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, for its strict observance, as well as for the prohibition of production and/or use of mass destruction weapons. Article 8 The Contracting Parties, in accordance with the European Framework Convention on Trans-frontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, shall encourage and support the direct contacts and mutually benecial co-operation between territorial-administrative units from Romania and Ukraine, in particular in the border areas. They shall also facilitate the cooperation between territorial-administrative units within existing Euro-regions as well as within the newly created Upper Prut and Lower Danube Euroregions, to which territorial-administrative units from other interested States may also be invited to participate. The Contracting Parties shall act in order to include this co-operation within the relevant activities of the European institutions. Article 9 The Contracting Parties shall enhance the co-operation between them, as well as with other riparian States to the Danube and Black Sea, in all elds of common interest. Article 10 1. In order to ensure the deepening and strengthening of bilateral relations, as well as to achieve an exchange of views on international issues, the Contracting Parties shall favour regular contacts between their local and central bodies

15 Article 5 Les parties contractantes renforceront et tendront leur coopration dans le cadre des organisations internationales, y compris les organisations rgionales et sous-rgionales. Elles sappuieront mutuellement dans leurs efforts dintgration aux structures europennes et euro-atlantiques. Article 6 1. Au cas o surgirait une situation qui, de lavis de lune des parties contractantes, pourrait reprsenter une menace pour la paix ou la scurit internationales, les parties contractantes procderont des consultations sur les mesures prendre en vue de contribuer rduire la tension et mettre n cette situation. 2. Les parties contractantes se consulteront rgulirement, divers chelons, sur les questions dintrt mutuel concernant la scurit et le dsarmement et sinformeront sur lexcution des obligations assumes aux termes des instruments internationaux dans ce domaine auxquels toutes les deux ont souscrit. 3. Les parties contractantes fonderont leur collaboration dans le domaine militaire sur des accords distincts entre leurs organes dEtat comptents. Article 7 1. Les parties contractantes contribueront activement, tant sur le plan bilatral que sur le plan multilatral, au processus de dsarmement en Europe, la rduction des forces armes et des armements, jusquaux niveaux correspondant aux ncessits de la dfense. 2. Les parties contractantes agiront de concert pour le maintien et la consolidation du rgime de non-prolifration des armes nuclaires, pour le strict respect de ce dernier, ainsi que pour linterdiction de la production et/ou lemploi des armes de destruction massive. Article 8 Les parties contractantes, conformment aux dispositions de la conventioncadre europenne sur la coopration transfrontalire entre les collectivits ou les autorits territoriales, encourageront et appuieront les contacts directs et la collaboration rciproquement avantageuse entre les units administratives territoriales de Roumanie et dUkraine, surtout dans les zones frontalires. De mme, elles contribueront la collaboration entre les units administratives territoriales des deux Etats dans le cadre des Eurorgions existantes, ainsi que des Eurorgions du Haut Prut et du Bas Danube nouvellement cres, laquelle peuvent tre invites participer des units administratives territoriales dautres Etats intresss. Par leurs actions, les parties contractantes sefforceront dinclure cette coopration dans le cadre des activits correspondantes des institutions europennes. Article 9 Les parties contractantes largiront leur coopration rciproque, ainsi que leur coopration avec les autres Etats riverains du Danube et de la mer Noire, dans tous les domaines dintrt commun. Article 10 1. An dassurer le dveloppement et lapprofondissement des relations bilatrales et deffectuer des changes de vues sur les questions internationales, les parties contractantes favoriseront les contacts rguliers entre leurs organismes

16 and institutions. In this respect, meetings between the two heads of State or Government or between the ministers of foreign affairs shall take place annually, when the implementation of this Treaty shall also be reviewed. 2. The Contracting Parties shall encourage the further development of interparliamentary relations. Article 11 The Contracting Parties shall support the development of direct contacts between their citizens, as well as between the non-governmental organizations and civic associations from the two countries. Article 12 1. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate, at the bilateral level and within international conferences and organizations, in order to develop and implement the international standards concerning the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities. 2. The Contracting Parties shall consult each other, whenever it will be necessary, in order to enhance and harmonize their national legislation in this eld, to develop human contacts and solve humanitarian issues of common interest. Article 13 1. In order to protect the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of the Romanian minority in Ukraine and Ukrainian minority in Romania, the Contracting Parties shall implement the international norms and standards dening the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, as they are stipulated in the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the Protection of National Minorities, as well as in : the Document of the Copenhagen Conference on the human dimension of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 29 June 1990 ; the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities (resolution 47/135), 18 December 1992 ; and Recommendation 1201 (1993) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on an Additional Protocol on the rights of national minorities to the European Convention on Human Rights, with the understanding that the above-mentioned Recommendation does not refer to collective rights nor does it oblige the Contracting Parties to grant those persons the right to a special status of territorial autonomy based on ethnic criteria. 2. The Romanian minority in Ukraine includes the Ukrainian citizens, regardless the regions in which they live and who, as an expression of their free will, belong to this national minority by virtue of their ethnic origin, language, culture or religion. The Ukrainian minority in Romania includes the Romanian citizens, regardless the regions in which they live and who, as an expression of their free will, belong to this national minority, by virtue of their ethnic origin, language, culture or religion. 3. The Contracting Parties pledge to adopt, if necessary, appropriate measures in order to promote, in all elds of economic, social, political and cultural life, the complete and genuine equality between persons belonging to national minorities and those belonging to the majority of the population. In this

17 et leurs institutions centrales et locales. A cet effet, des rencontres au niveau des chefs dEtat ou de gouvernement ou entre les ministres des affaires trangres auront lieu annuellement, loccasion desquelles sera galement examine la question de lexcution du prsent trait. 2. Les parties contractantes encourageront le dveloppement continu des rapports interparlementaires. Article 11 Les parties contractantes appuieront le dveloppement des contacts directs entre leurs citoyens, ainsi quentre les organisations non gouvernementales et les associations civiques des deux pays. Article 12 1. Les parties contractantes collaboreront, tant sur le plan bilatral que dans le cadre des organisations et des confrences internationales, en vue de dvelopper et de mettre en uvre les normes internationales relatives la promotion et la protection des droits de lhomme et des liberts fondamentales pour tous, y compris les droits des personnes appartenant des minorits nationales. 2. Les parties contractantes se consulteront, chaque fois que cela se rvlera ncessaire, en vue de perfectionner et dharmoniser leur lgislation nationale dans ce domaine, de dvelopper les contacts humains et de rsoudre les problmes caractre humanitaire dintrt commun. Article 13 1. En vue de protger lidentit ethnique, culturelle, linguistique et religieuse de la minorit roumaine dUkraine et de la minorit ukrainienne de Roumanie, les parties contractantes appliqueront les rgles et normes internationales qui dnissent les droits des personnes appartenant des minorits nationales, telles qunonces dans la convention-cadre pour la protection des minorits nationales du Conseil de lEurope, ainsi que dans le document de la runion de Copenhague de la confrence sur la dimension humaine de lOrganisation pour la scurit et la coopration en Europe, du 29 juin 1990, la dclaration de lAssemble gnrale des Nations Unies sur les droits des personnes appartenant des minorits nationales ou ethniques, religieuses et linguistiques (rsolution 47/135) du 18 dcembre 1992 et la recommandation 1201 (1993) de lAssemble parlementaire du Conseil de lEurope relative un protocole additionnel la convention europenne des droits de lhomme sur les droits des minorits nationales, tant entendu entre les parties contractantes que cette recommandation ne se rfre pas aux droits collectifs, ni noblige les parties contractantes accorder aux personnes vises le droit un statut spcial dautonomie territoriale sur la base de critres ethniques. 2. La minorit roumaine dUkraine comprend les citoyens ukrainiens, quelle que soit la rgion o ils vivent, qui, selon leur libre choix, appartiennent cette minorit en raison de leur origine ethnique, de leur langue, de leur culture ou de leur religion. La minorit ukrainienne de Roumanie comprend les citoyens roumains, quelle que soit la rgion o ils vivent, qui, selon leur libre choix, appartiennent cette minorit en raison de leur origine ethnique, de leur langue, de leur culture ou de leur religion. 3. Les parties contractantes sengagent prendre, en tant que de besoin, les mesures adquates en vue de promouvoir, dans tous les domaines de la vie conomique, sociale, politique et culturelle, lgalit complte et relle entre les personnes appartenant des minorits nationales et celles appartenant la majo-

18 regard, they shall take into account, correspondingly, the concrete conditions of the persons belonging to national minorities. 4. The Contracting Parties reafrm that the persons to whom this article refers have the right, exercised individually or together with other members of their group, to express freely, preserve and develop their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity, the right to preserve and develop culture, free from any attempt of assimilation against their will. They have the right to fully and effectively exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms, without any discrimination and in conditions of equality before the law. The persons belonging to these minorities have the right to effectively take part in the public affairs, including through elected representatives in accordance with the law, as well as in the cultural, social and economic life. 5. The Contracting Parties shall create for the persons belonging to the Romanian minority in Ukraine and Ukrainian minority in Romania the same conditions for the study of their mother tongue. The Contracting Parties reafrm that the above-mentioned persons have the right to be instructed in their mother tongue in an appropriate number of public schools and institutions for education and specialization, located accordingly to the geographic distribution of the respective minorities. They also have the right to use their mother tongue in relations with public authorities, according to national legislation and international commitments undertaken by the two Contracting Parties. 6. The Contracting Parties recognize that, in exercising their right to association, the persons belonging to these minorities may establish and maintain, according to internal legislation, their own organizations, associations, as well as educational, cultural and religious institutions. 7. The Contracting Parties shall respect the right of persons belonging to national minorities to have access to information and mass-media in their mother tongue, as well as to freely exchange and release information. They shall not create obstacles concerning the establishment and use by these persons of their own mass-media, in accordance with the internal legislation of each Party. The persons to whom this article refers have the right to maintain contacts among themselves and across borders with the citizens of other States and to participate in the activities of national and international non-governmental organizations, at national and international levels. 8. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from measures which, by altering the proportion of population in areas inhabited by persons belonging to national minorities, are directed against the rights and freedoms of these persons which result from international standards and norms mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present article. 9. Any person belonging to a national minority, who considers that its rights protected by this article have been violated, has the right to submit a claim to the relevant State authorities, using the existing legal proceedings. 10. The Contracting Parties recognize the duty of persons mentioned in this article to be loyal to the State whose citizens they are, to observe the national legislation, as well as the rights of other persons, in particular of those belonging to majority of the population or other national minorities.

19 rit de la population. A cet gard, elles prendront en compte dune manire adquate les conditions concrtes dans lesquelles se trouvent les personnes appartenant des minorits nationales. 4. Les parties contractantes rafrment que les personnes vises par le prsent article ont en particulier le droit, exerc individuellement ou conjointement avec dautres membres de leur groupe, de sexprimer librement, de prserver et de dvelopper leur identit ethnique, culturelle, linguistique et religieuse, et le droit de maintenir et de dvelopper leur propre culture, labri de toute tentative dassimilation contre leur gr. Elles ont le droit dexercer pleinement et dune manire effective, en ce qui les concerne, les droits de lhomme et les liberts fondamentales, sans aucune discrimination et dans des conditions de pleine galit devant la loi. Les personnes appartenant ces minorits ont le droit de participer, dune manire effective, aux affaires publiques, y compris par lentremise de reprsentants lus conformment la loi, ainsi qu la vie culturelle, sociale et conomique. 5. Les parties contractantes creront, pour les personnes appartenant la minorit roumaine dUkraine et la minorit ukrainienne de Roumanie, les mmes conditions pour ltude de leur langue maternelle. Les parties contractantes rafrment que les personnes susmentionnes ont le droit de sinstruire dans leur langue maternelle, dans un nombre adquat dcoles et dinstitutions denseignement et de spcialisation publiques, dont lemplacement tiendra compte de la dissmination gographique de leurs minorits respectives. Ces personnes ont galement le droit demployer leur langue maternelle dans les rapports avec les autorits publiques, conformment la lgislation nationale et aux engagements internationaux des parties contractantes. 6. Les parties contractantes reconnaissent que, dans lexercice de leur droit dassociation, les personnes appartenant ces minorits nationales peuvent crer et maintenir, conformment la lgislation interne, leurs propres organisations et associations, ainsi que leurs propres institutions caractre ducatif, culturel ou religieux. 7. Les parties contractantes respecteront le droit daccs linformation et aux mdias, en leur langue maternelle, des personnes appartenant des minorits nationales, ainsi que leur droit dchanger et de diffuser librement les informations. Les parties contractantes ne feront aucun obstacle la cration et lutilisation par ces personnes, conformment la lgislation interne de chacune des parties, de leurs propres mdias. Les personnes vises par le prsent article ont le droit de maintenir des contacts entre elles et au-del des frontires avec des citoyens dautres Etats et de participer aux activits des organisations non gouvernementales, tant sur le plan national que sur le plan international. 8. Les parties contractantes sabstiendront de prendre toute mesure qui, en modiant les proportions de la population dans les zones habites par des personnes appartenant aux minorits nationales, aurait pour but de limiter les droits et liberts de ces personnes, qui dcoulent des normes et rgles internationales mentionnes au paragraphe 1 du prsent article. 9. Toute personne appartenant une minorit nationale, qui considre que les droits dont elle jouit en vertu du prsent article ont t transgresss en ce qui la concerne, peut adresser une ptition aux autorits dEtat comptentes, en utilisant les procdures lgales en vigueur. 10. Les parties contractantes reconnaissent lobligation incombant aux personnes vises par le prsent article dtre loyales envers lEtat dont elles sont les citoyens et de respecter la lgislation nationale et les droits des autres personnes, en particulier de celles appartenant la population majoritaire ou aux autres minorits nationales.

20 11. None of the provisions of this article shall be interpreted as limiting or denying human rights, as recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Contracting Parties or the agreements concluded between them. 12. None of the provisions of this article can be interpreted as implying any right to undertake any action or commit any activity contrary to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations or to other obligations resulting from international law or to the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act and of the Paris Charter for a New Europe, including the principle of territorial integrity of States. 13. The Contracting Parties, in order to co-operate in monitoring the commitments undertaken according to this article, shall create a joint inter-governmental Commission which shall hold at least one annual session. Article 14 1. The Contracting Parties shall create favourable conditions for the development of mutually benecial bilateral economic and trade relations and shall develop the mechanism thereof, according to the norms and practice of international trade. They shall mutually grant, in their economic relations, the most-favoured-nation clause, as stipulated in their bilateral agreement. 2. Each Contracting Party, according to its internal legislation and the international law, shall create favourable conditions for the economic activities carried out on its own territory by physical persons and legal entities of the other Contracting Party, including for the mutual promotion and protection of investments. Article 15 The Contracting Parties shall create the necessary conditions for an efcient co-operation in the eld of fundamental and applied scientic research, of development and implementation of advanced technologies. They shall support the enhancement of direct contacts between scientists, research, design and production units and other institutions in these elds. Article 16 1. The Contracting Parties, according to their possibilities, shall develop cooperation in the area of protection and improvement of the environment, elimination of the consequences of industrial accidents and natural disasters. They shall co-operate in the area of rational use of natural resources, of expansion of ecologically safe production, of implementation of efcient measures for the protection and revival of nature, in order to improve the environmental security of the two countries. 2. The Contracting Parties shall enhance co-operation between them and with other States and international organizations, in order to prevent, reduce and control the pollution of the Danube and Black Sea waters. 3. The Contracting Parties shall inform one another, without delay, on the occurrence of an environmental disaster or industrial accident, which might have trans-boundary effects and on the measures taken for the elimination of its consequences. 4. The Contracting Parties shall conclude a special agreement on the bilateral co-operation concerning the issues of environmental protection.

21 11. Aucune des dispositions du prsent article ne sera interprte comme limitant ou remettant en cause les droits de lhomme qui sont reconnus dans la lgislation des parties contractantes ou les accords conclus entre elles. 12. Aucune des dispositions du prsent article ne peut tre interprte comme confrant le droit dentreprendre une activit ou de commettre une action contraires aux buts et aux principes de la Charte des Nations Unies, dautres obligations dcoulant du droit international ou des dispositions de lActe nal dHelsinki et de la charte de Paris pour une nouvelle Europe, notamment au principe de lintgrit territoriale des Etats. 13. Les parties contractantes, en vue de cooprer pour veiller au respect des engagements prvus dans le prsent article, creront une commission mixte intergouvernementale qui se runira au moins une fois lan. Article 14 1. Les parties contractantes creront les conditions favorables au dveloppement de leurs relations conomiques et commerciales bilatrales rciproquement avantageuses et en amlioreront le fonctionnement, conformment aux rgles et aux pratiques du commerce international. Elles saccorderont rciproquement la clause de la nation la plus favorise dans les relations conomiques, dans les conditions prvues par leur accord bilatral. 2. Chaque partie contractante, conformment sa lgislation interne et au droit international, crera des conditions favorables au dveloppement des activits conomiques menes sur son territoire par les personnes physiques et morales de lautre partie contractante, notamment pour la promotion et la protection rciproques des investissements. Article 15 Les parties contractantes creront les conditions ncessaires une coopration efcace dans le domaine des recherches scientiques fondamentales et appliques et du dveloppement et de lintroduction des technologies de pointe. Elles appuieront le dveloppement de rapports directs entre les scientiques, les units de recherche, de conception et de production et dautres institutions actives dans ces domaines. Article 16 1. Les parties contractantes dvelopperont leur collaboration dans la mesure de leurs possibilits dans le domaine de la protection et de lamlioration de lenvironnement et de llimination des suites des accidents industriels et des catastrophes naturelles. Elles collaboreront dans le domaine de lutilisation rationnelle des ressources naturelles, du dveloppement des productions non polluantes, dans la mise en uvre de mesures efcaces pour la protection et la rgnration de la nature, en vue damliorer la scurit cologique des deux pays. 2. Les parties contractantes accrotront leur coopration rciproque, ainsi que leur coopration avec les autres Etats et les organisations internationales, en vue de prvenir, de rduire et de contrler la pollution des eaux du Danube et de la mer Noire. 3. En cas de dsastre cologique ou daccident industriel pouvant avoir des effets transfrontaliers, les parties contractantes sinformeront mutuellement ce sujet, ainsi que sur les mesures prises an den faire disparatre les consquences. 4. Les parties contractantes concluront un accord spcial portant sur la coopration bilatrale pour les questions de protection de lenvironnement.

22 Article 17 The Contracting Parties shall expand co-operation in the eld of the transport, including by assuring the free transit of persons and goods on their territories, in accordance with their national legislation and international practice. To this end, they shall conclude relevant agreements. Article 18 The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in order to harmonize their policies and programmes for the development of national infrastructures, including the energetic systems, as well as transport and communication networks. Article 19 1. The Contracting Parties shall develop co-operation in the areas of culture, science and education. 2. The Contracting Parties shall support the mutual acknowledgment of the cultural values from the two countries by their citizens, shall support the governmental, public and individual initiatives in this direction and shall contribute to the development of exchange between creative unions, associations, cultural, scientic and educational institutions. 3. The Contracting Parties shall develop co-operation, including that based on direct agreements between universities and other educational institutions, research and scientic institutions and centres of the two countries and shall support exchanges of pupils, students, professors and scientic researchers. 4. The Contracting Parties, according to their internal regulations, shall encourage co-operation and direct exchanges between archives, libraries and museums and shall provide access of researchers and other citizens of the other Contracting Party to the existing documentary sources belonging to these institutions. 5. The Contracting Parties shall encourage the study of the Romanian language in Ukraine and the Ukrainian language in Romania and to this end they shall create adequate conditions and facilities, in particular by supporting training of professors and organization of the education. 6. The Contracting Parties shall conclude corresponding agreements on the mutual recognition of study documents and high-school and university diplomas, as well as scientic titles and academic degrees. 7. The Contracting Parties shall conclude corresponding agreements and programmes, in order to full the provisions of this article. Article 20 The Contracting Parties shall co-operate for the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural monuments and Romanian memorial sites in Ukraine and of the Ukrainian ones in Romania, and in accordance with the legislation of each Party, shall provide access to them. Article 21 The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation in the area of massmedia. They shall support the efforts directed towards mutual and objective information of the citizens of the two countries and, to this end, shall encour-

23 Article 17 Les parties contractantes largiront leur coopration dans le domaine des transports, notamment en garantissant la libert de transit des personnes et des marchandises sur leur territoire, conformment leur lgislation nationale et aux normes et pratiques internationales. Elles concluront, cet effet, les accords qui conviennent. Article 18 Les parties contractantes collaboreront en vue dharmoniser leurs politiques et leurs programmes de dveloppement des infrastructures nationales, notamment des systmes nergtiques, ainsi que des rseaux de transport et de tlcommunication. Article 19 1. Les parties contractantes dvelopperont leur coopration dans les domaines de la culture, de la science et de lenseignement. 2. Les parties contractantes uvreront pour mieux faire connatre leurs citoyens les valeurs culturelles des deux pays, soutiendront les initiatives prises en ce sens, tant sur le plan public que sur les plans civique et individuel, et contribueront llargissement des changes entre les groupes de crateurs, les associations et les institutions culturelles, scientiques et denseignement. 3. Les parties contractantes dvelopperont la coopration, notamment sur la base daccords directs, entre les universits, les autres tablissements denseignement et les institutions et centres de recherche scientique des deux pays, et soutiendront les changes rciproques dlves, dtudiants, de professeurs et de chercheurs scientiques. 4. Les parties contractantes, conformment leurs rglementations internes, encourageront la coopration et les changes directs entre les archives, les bibliothques et les muses, et assureront laccs des chercheurs et autres citoyens de lautre partie aux sources documentaires qui sy trouvent. 5. Les parties contractantes encourageront ltude de la langue roumaine en Ukraine et de la langue ukrainienne en Roumanie, et creront cette n des conditions et des possibilits adquates, en particulier par le soutien accord la formation des professeurs et lorganisation de lenseignement. 6. Les parties contractantes concluront les accords qui conviennent concernant la reconnaissance rciproque des certicats dtudes et des diplmes de n dtudes pour lenseignement secondaire et suprieur, ainsi que des titres scientiques et acadmiques. 7. Les parties contractantes, an de mettre en uvre les dispositions du prsent article, concluront les accords et mettront sur pied les programmes qui conviennent. Article 20 Les parties contractantes collaboreront en vue de conserver et de restaurer les monuments historiques, culturels et commmoratifs roumains en Ukraine et ukrainiens en Roumanie, et den assurer laccs, conformment la lgislation de chacune des parties. Article 21 Les parties contractantes encourageront la coopration dans le domaine des mdias. Elles appuieront les efforts dirigs vers linformation rciproque et objective des citoyens des deux pays et, cette n, elles encourageront lchange

24 age the exchange and free dissemination of information regarding the social, political, economic, cultural and scientic life in their countries, according to their internal regulations and the international commitments undertaken by them. Article 22 The Contracting Parties shall develop co-operation in the eld of health care and medical research, tourism and sports. They shall be concerned with the social protection and insurance of their citizens within the territory of the other Contracting Party and shall conclude adequate agreements to this end. Article 23 The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in the struggle against criminality, including organized crime, terrorism, air and maritime piracy, illicit trafcking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, explosive and toxic substances, nuclear and radioactive materials, as well as smuggling of cultural goods and values. To this end, they shall conclude specic agreements and shall promote common actions in the framework of international co-operation in these elds. Article 24 1. The Contracting Parties shall develop their consular relations, as well as co-operation in the area of mutual legal assistance in civil, family and criminal matters. 2. In order to create appropriate conditions for transportation of goods and carriage of passengers across the Romanian-Ukrainian border, the Contracting Parties shall co-operate for the improvement of the border crossing proceedings and customs control and shall take measures in order to create new border checkpoints and to develop the existing ones. To this end, they shall conclude appropriate agreements. Article 25 The Contracting Parties shall conclude, on the basis of this Treaty, separate agreements in elds of mutual interest. Article 26 The present Treaty is not directed against any third State and does not infringe upon the rights and obligations which result for the Contracting Parties from bilateral and multilateral treaties concluded by each of them with other States and international organizations. Article 27 The present Treaty is concluded for a period of 10 years. Its validity shall be automatically extended for further periods of 5 years, unless any of the Contracting Parties noties, in writing, at least one year before the expiration of the respective validity period, its decision to denounce the Treaty. Article 28 The present Treaty shall be subject to ratication, in accordance with the respective constitutional procedures of each Contracting Party and shall enter into force at the date of the exchange of the Instruments of Ratication.

25 et la libre diffusion dinformations concernant la vie sociale, politique, conomique, culturelle et scientique de leurs pays, conformment leurs rglementations internes et leurs engagements internationaux. Article 22 Les parties contractantes dvelopperont leur coopration dans le domaine de la protection de la sant et de la recherche mdicale, du tourisme et du sport. Elles attacheront une importance particulire la protection et lassurance sociales de leurs citoyens se trouvant sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante et, cette n, elles concluront les accords qui conviennent. Article 23 Les parties contractantes collaboreront dans la lutte contre la criminalit, notamment contre le crime organis, le terrorisme, la piraterie arienne et maritime, les oprations nancires illicites, le trac illgal de stupants, darmes, de substances explosives et toxiques, de matriel nuclaire et radioactif, ainsi que la contrebande, notamment de biens et dobjets de valeur culturels. Elles concluront cette n les accords qui conviennent et encourageront des actions communes dans le cadre de la collaboration internationale en ces domaines. Article 24 1. Les parties contractantes dvelopperont leurs relations consulaires, ainsi que leur collaboration dans le domaine de lassistance juridique rciproque en matire civile, familiale et pnale. 2. Les parties contractantes, an de crer les conditions adquates pour la circulation des personnes et des marchandises travers la frontire roumanoukrainienne, collaboreront en vue damliorer les procdures de passage de la frontire et de contrle douanier, et prendront les mesures qui simposent pour ouvrir de nouveaux postes frontaliers et dvelopper les postes existants. Elles concluront cette n des accords spciques. Article 25 Les parties contractantes concluront, sur la base du prsent trait, des accords distincts dans les domaines dintrt rciproque. Article 26 Le prsent trait nest dirig contre aucun Etat tiers et est sans prjudice des droits et obligations des parties contractantes qui dcoulent des traits bilatraux et multilatraux conclus par chacune dentre elles avec dautres Etats et organisations internationales. Article 27 Le prsent trait est conclu pour une dure de dix ans. Sa validit sera prolonge automatiquement par nouvelles priodes de cinq ans si aucune des parties contractantes ne notie par crit lautre, un an au moins avant lexpiration de la priode de validit concerne, son intention de dnoncer le trait. Article 28 Le prsent trait sera soumis la ratication conformment aux procdures prvues par la lgislation de chaque partie contractante et entrera en vigueur la date de lchange des instruments de ratication.

26 Article 29 The present Treaty shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations Organization, in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. Done at Constant a, on 2 June 1997, in two original copies, each in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages, both texts being equally authentic. For Romania : [Emil CONSTANTINESCU] For Ukraine : [Leonid KUCHMA]

27 Article 29 Le prsent trait sera enregistr au Secrtariat de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, conformment larticle 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies. Conclu Constant a, le 2 juin 1997, en deux exemplaires originaux, chacun en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, les deux textes tant galement authentiques. Pour la Roumanie : [Emil CONSTANTINESCU] Pour lUkraine : [Leonid KUCHMA]













[Original Romanian text 1] [Texte original en roumain1]

1 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 2159 (I-37743), p. 323. Nations Unies, Recueil des traits, vol. 2159 (I-37743), p. 323.


















[Translation submitted by Romania]


Bucharest, 2 June 1997. Dear Mr. Minister, With reference to the provisions of Article 2 of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine, signed today, 2 June 1997, I have the honour to propose to you the following : 1. The Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine shall conclude, not later than 2 years from the date of the entering into force of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine, a Treaty on the rgime of the State border between the two States, on the basis of the principle of succession of States regarding borders, according to which the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine does not affect the existing State border between Romania and Ukraine, as it was dened and described in the Treaty of 1961 on the rgime of the RomanianSoviet State border and in the appropriate demarcation documents, valid on 16 July 1990 the date of the adoption of the Declaration on the State sovereignty of Ukraine. 2. The Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine shall grant the right of free transit to the Black Sea for river and sea-going ships under their national ags, on the channels of the Chilia branch of the Danube which, in accordance with their legislation, are opened for navigation. The concrete aspects of this right of transit shall be established in an Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine regarding the navigation on the internal waterways. 3. The Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine agree to conclude an Agreement on the condence and security-building measures in the areas near to the common State border, within the framework of which Ukraine shall commit itself, among others, not to locate offensive military devices on the Island of Snakes, which belongs to Ukraine, according to the above-mentioned paragraph 1. 4. The Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine shall negotiate an Agreement on the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones in the Black Sea, on the basis of the following principles and procedures :


Annexe 2 E u CHANGE







[Traduction tablie par le Greffe partir de la version anglaise]


Bucarest, le 2 juin 1997. Cher ministre, Me rfrant aux dispositions de larticle 2 du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, sign ce jour, le 2 juin 1997, jai lhonneur de vous proposer ce qui suit : 1. Le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine concluront, au plus tard deux ans aprs la date dentre en vigueur du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, un trait relatif au rgime de la frontire entre les deux Etats, sur la base du principe de la succession dEtats en matire de frontires, en vertu duquel la proclamation de lindpendance de lUkraine na aucune incidence sur sa frontire actuelle avec la Roumanie, telle que dnie et dcrite dans le trait de 1961 relatif au rgime de la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUnion sovitique et dans les documents de dmarcation correspondants, en vigueur le 16 juillet 1990 date de ladoption de la dclaration sur la souverainet dEtat de lUkraine. 2. Le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine octroieront le droit de libre transit jusqu la mer Noire aux navires uviaux et maritimes battant pavillon des deux pays sur les chenaux du bras Chilia du Danube qui, conformment leur lgislation nationale, sont ouverts la navigation. Les modalits pratiques de ce droit de transit seront xes par un accord entre le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine concernant la navigation sur les voies navigables intrieures. 3. Le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine conviennent de conclure un accord sur le renforcement de la conance et de la scurit dans les zones adjacentes la frontire dEtat commune, par lequel lUkraine sengagera notamment ne pas placer de moyens militaires offensifs sur lIle aux serpents, qui appartient lUkraine, conformment au paragraphe 1 ci-dessus. 4. Le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine ngocieront un accord relatif la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives des deux Etats en mer Noire, sur la base des principes et procdures suivants :

42 (a) The principle stated in Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, as applied in the practice of States and in international jurisprudence. (b) The principle of the equidistance line in areas submitted to delimitation where the coasts are adjacent and the principle of the median line in areas where the coasts are opposite. (c) The principle of equity and the method of proportionality, as they are applied in the practice of States and in the decisions of international courts regarding the delimitation of continental shelf and exclusive economic zones. (d) The principle according to which neither of the Contracting Parties shall contest the sovereignty of the other Contracting Party over any part of its territory adjacent to the zone submitted to delimitation. (e) The principle of taking into consideration the special circumstances of the zone submitted to delimitation. (f) Until reaching a solution concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf, the Contracting Parties shall refrain from exploitation of the mineral resources of the zone submitted to delimitation, the co-ordinates of which shall be established at the beginning of negotiations on the basis of the above-mentioned principles. However, the Contracting Parties may establish, by common agreement, locations of some areas in this zone the resources of which shall be jointly exploited. The companies authorized by the Contracting Parties shall establish the conditions for exploitation and distribution of the prot by special agreements. (g) Negotiations for the conclusion of this Agreement shall begin as soon as possible, during a period of three months from the date of the entering into force of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine. (h) If these negotiations shall not determine the conclusion of the above-mentioned agreement in a reasonable period of time, but not later than 2 years since their initiation, the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine have agreed that the problem of delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones shall be solved by the United Nations International Court of Justice, at the request of any of the parties, provided that the Treaty on the rgime of the State border between Romania and Ukraine has entered into force. However, should the International Court of Justice consider that the delay of the entering into force of the Treaty on the rgime of the State border is the result of the other Partys fault, it may examine the request concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones before the entry into force of this Treaty. May I propose that, if you accept the above-mentioned proposals, this letter, together with your letter of reply having an identical content, shall constitute an agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine. Please accept, dear Mr. Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration. (Signed) Adrian SEVERIN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

43 a) le principe nonc larticle 121 de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer du 10 dcembre 1982, tel quil est appliqu dans la pratique des Etats et la jurisprudence internationale ; b) le principe de la ligne dquidistance dans les zones dlimiter lorsque les ctes sont adjacentes et le principe de la ligne mdiane lorsque les ctes se font face ; c) le principe de lquit et la mthode de la proportionnalit, tels que ceux-ci sont appliqus dans la pratique des Etats et dans les dcisions des instances internationales concernant la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives ; d) le principe selon lequel ni lune ni lautre des parties contractantes ne peut contester la souverainet de lautre sur une quelconque portion de son territoire adjacente la zone dlimiter ; e) le principe selon lequel les circonstances spciales de la zone dlimiter doivent tre prises en compte ; f) jusqu ce quune solution soit trouve pour la dlimitation du plateau continental, les parties contractantes sabstiendront dexploiter les ressources minrales de la zone dlimiter, dont les coordonnes seront tablies au dbut des ngociations sur la base des principes susmentionns. Les parties contractantes pourront toutefois tablir dun commun accord le primtre des parties de cette zone dont les ressources seront exploites en commun. Les socits commerciales autorises par les parties contractantes tabliront, par des ententes spciales, les conditions dexploitation et de partage des bnces ; g) les ngociations sur la conclusion de cet accord commenceront ds que possible, dans un dlai de trois mois compter de la date dentre en vigueur du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine ; h) si ces ngociations naboutissent pas la conclusion de laccord susmentionn dans un dlai raisonnable, mais au plus tard deux ans aprs leur ouverture, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine sont convenus que le problme de la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives sera rgl par la Cour internationale de Justice de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, la demande de lune ou lautre des parties, condition que le trait relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat entre la Roumanie et lUkraine soit entr en vigueur. Toutefois, la Cour internationale de Justice pourra connatre de la demande relative la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives avant lentre en vigueur de ce trait si elle constate que le retard de lentre en vigueur de celui-ci sest produit par la faute de lautre partie. Si les termes ci-dessus vous agrent, je propose que la prsente lettre, avec votre lettre de rponse ayant un contenu identique, constitue un accord entre le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUkraine. Je vous prie daccepter, Monsieur le ministre, les assurances de ma plus haute considration. Le vice-premier ministre, ministre des affaires trangres, (Sign) Adrian SEVERIN.


[Translation submitted by Romania]


2 June 1997, Kyiv. Mister Minister, With reference to the provisions of Article 2 of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Ukraine and Romania, signed today, 2 June 1997, I have the honour to propose to you the following : 1. The Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania shall conclude, not later than 2 years from the date of the entering into force of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Ukraine and Romania, a Treaty on the rgime of the State border between the two States, on the basis of the principle of succession of States regarding borders, according to which the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine does not affect the existing State border between Ukraine and Romania, as it was dened and described in the Treaty of 1961 on the rgime of the SovietRomanian State border and in the appropriate demarcation documents, valid on 16 July 1990 the date of the adoption of the Declaration on the State sovereignty of Ukraine. 2. The Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania shall grant the right of free transit to the Black Sea for river and sea-going ships under their national ags, on the channels of the Chilia branch of the Danube which, in accordance with their legislation, are opened for navigation. The concrete aspects of this right of transit shall be established in an Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania regarding the navigation on the internal waterways. 3. The Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania agree to conclude an Agreement on the condence and security-building measures in the areas near to the common State border, within the framework of which Ukraine shall commit itself, among others, not to locate offensive military devices on the Island of Snakes, which belongs to Ukraine, according to the above-mentioned paragraph 1. 4. The Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania shall negotiate an agreement on the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones in the Black Sea, on the basis of the following principles and procedures : (a) The principle stated in Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, as applied in the practice of States and in international jurisprudence. (b) The principle of the equidistance line in areas submitted to delimitation where the coasts are adjacent and the principle of the median line in areas where the coasts are opposite. (c) The principle of equity and the method of proportionality, as they are


[Traduction tablie par le Greffe partir de la version anglaise]


Kiev, le 2 juin 1997. Monsieur le Ministre, Me rfrant aux dispositions de larticle 2 du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre lUkraine et la Roumanie, sign ce jour, le 2 juin 1997, jai lhonneur de vous proposer ce qui suit : 1. Le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie concluront, au plus tard deux ans aprs la date dentre en vigueur du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre lUkraine et la Roumanie, un trait relatif au rgime de la frontire entre les deux Etats, sur la base du principe de la succession dEtats en matire de frontires, en vertu duquel la proclamation de lindpendance de lUkraine na aucune incidence sur sa frontire actuelle avec la Roumanie, telle que dnie et dcrite dans le trait de 1961 relatif au rgime de la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUnion sovitique et dans les documents de dmarcation correspondants, en vigueur le 16 juillet 1990 date de ladoption de la dclaration sur la souverainet dEtat de lUkraine. 2. Le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie octroieront le droit de libre transit jusqu la mer Noire aux navires uviaux et maritimes battant pavillon des deux pays sur les chenaux du bras Chilia du Danube qui, conformment leur lgislation nationale, sont ouverts la navigation. Les modalits pratiques de ce droit de transit seront xes par un accord entre le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie concernant la navigation sur les voies navigables intrieures. 3. Le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie conviennent de conclure un accord sur le renforcement de la conance et de la scurit dans les zones adjacentes la frontire dEtat commune, par lequel lUkraine sengagera notamment ne pas placer de moyens militaires offensifs sur lIle aux serpents, qui appartient lUkraine, conformment au paragraphe 1 ci-dessus. 4. Le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie ngocieront un accord relatif la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives des deux Etats en mer Noire, sur la base des principes et procdures suivants : a) le principe nonc larticle 121 de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer du 10 dcembre 1982, tel quil est appliqu dans la pratique des Etats et la jurisprudence internationale ; b) le principe de la ligne dquidistance dans les zones dlimiter lorsque les ctes sont adjacentes et le principe de la ligne mdiane lorsque les ctes se font face ; c) le principe de lquit et la mthode de la proportionnalit, tels que ceux-ci

46 applied in the practice of States and in the decisions of international courts regarding the delimitation of continental shelf and exclusive economic zones. The principle according to which neither of the Contracting Parties shall contest the sovereignty of the other Contracting Party over any part of its territory adjacent to the zone submitted to delimitation. The principle of taking into consideration the special circumstances of the zone submitted to delimitation. Until reaching a solution concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf, the Contracting Parties shall refrain from exploitation of the mineral resources of the zone submitted to delimitation, the co-ordinates of which shall be established at the beginning of negotiations on the basis of the above-mentioned principles. However, the Contracting Parties may establish, by common agreement, locations of some areas in this zone the resources of which shall be jointly exploited. The companies authorized by the Contracting Parties shall establish the conditions for exploitation and distribution of the prot by special agreements. Negotiations for the conclusion of this Agreement shall begin as soon as possible, during a period of three months from the date of the entering into force of the Treaty on the Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Ukraine and Romania. If these negotiations shall not determine the conclusion of the above-mentioned agreement in a reasonable period of time, but not later than 2 years since their initiation, the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania have agreed that the problem of delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones shall be solved by the United Nations International Court of Justice, at the request of any of the parties, provided that the Treaty on the rgime of the State border between Ukraine and Romania has entered into force. However, should the International Court of Justice consider that the delay of the entering into force of the Treaty on the rgime of the State border is the result of the other Partys fault, it may examine the request concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones before the entry into force of this Treaty.

(d) (e) (f)



May I propose that, if you accept the above-mentioned proposals, this letter, together with your letter of reply having an identical content, shall constitute an agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Romania. Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration. (Signed) Ghenadi UDOVENKO, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

47 sont appliqus dans la pratique des Etats et dans les dcisions des instances internationales concernant la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives ; le principe selon lequel ni lune ni lautre des parties contractantes ne peut contester la souverainet de lautre sur une quelconque portion de son territoire adjacente la zone dlimiter ; le principe selon lequel les circonstances spciales de la zone dlimiter doivent tre prises en compte ; jusqu ce quune solution soit trouve pour la dlimitation du plateau continental, les parties contractantes sabstiendront dexploiter les ressources minrales de la zone dlimiter, dont les coordonnes seront tablies au dbut des ngociations sur la base des principes susmentionns. Les parties contractantes pourront toutefois tablir dun commun accord le primtre des parties de cette zone dont les ressources seront exploites en commun. Les socits commerciales autorises par les parties contractantes tabliront, par des ententes spciales, les conditions dexploitation et de partage des bnces ; les ngociations sur la conclusion de cet accord commenceront ds que possible, dans un dlai de trois mois compter de la date dentre en vigueur du trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre lUkraine et la Roumanie ; si ces ngociations naboutissent pas la conclusion de laccord susmentionn dans un dlai raisonnable, mais au plus tard deux ans aprs leur ouverture, le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie sont convenus que le problme de la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives sera rgl par la Cour internationale de Justice de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, la demande de lune ou lautre des parties, condition que le trait relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat entre lUkraine et la Roumanie soit entr en vigueur. Toutefois, la Cour internationale de Justice pourra connatre de la demande relative la dlimitation du plateau continental et des zones conomiques exclusives avant lentre en vigueur de ce trait si elle constate que le retard de lentre en vigueur de celui-ci sest produit par la faute de lautre partie.

d) e) f)



Si les termes ci-dessus vous agrent, je propose que la prsente lettre, avec votre lettre de rponse ayant un contenu identique, constitue un accord entre le Gouvernement de lUkraine et le Gouvernement de la Roumanie. Je vous prie daccepter, Monsieur le ministre, les assurances de ma plus haute considration. Le ministre des affaires trangres, (Sign) Ghenadi UDOVENKO.




[Original Romanian text] [Texte original en roumain]






[Original Ukrainian text] [Texte original en ukrainien]





Annex 3 TREATY BETWEEN ROMANIA AND UKRAINE ON THE ROMANIAN-UKRAINIAN STATE BORDER RGIME, COLLABORATION AND MUTUAL ASSISTANCE ON BORDER MATTERS [Translation submitted by Romania] Romania and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as Contracting Parties, in their desire to develop friendly relations in the interest of both States and their peoples, having in mind the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and mutual respect, in their desire to develop relations of collaboration on the basis of the principles and provisions set forth in the Treaty on Relations of Good Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine and in the Agreement additional to it, concluded by an exchange of letters of the ministers of foreign affairs of Romania and Ukraine, signed at Constant a, on the 2nd of June, 1997, taking into account the provisions of the domestic legislation of the Contracting Parties on matters of State border, as well as the norms and the principles of international law in this regard, have agreed upon the following : CHAPTER I STATE BORDER LINE Article 1 The State border between Romania and Ukraine passes on the ground as dened and described in the Treaty between the Government of the Peoples Republic of Romania and the Government of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics on the Romanian-Soviet State Border Rgime, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance on Border Matters, signed at Bucharest, on the 27th of February, 1961, as well as in all the corresponding demarcation documents, the maps of the State border between the former Peoples Republic of Romania and Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, the protocols of the border signs with their draft sketches, the corresponding annexes and their additions, as well as the documents of verications of the State border line concluded between the former Peoples Republic of Romania/Socialist Republic of Romania and the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics in force on the 16th of July, 1990 the date of the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as in the annexes and additions to the above-mentioned documents which may be concluded between the Contracting Parties during the period of validity of this Treaty, with the exception of the sector of the State border line above-dened, that passes from the Northern meeting point of the State borders of Romania,





[Traduction tablie par le Greffe partir de la version anglaise] La Roumanie et lUkraine, ci-aprs dnommes parties contractantes , dsireuses de dvelopper des relations amicales dans lintrt des deux Etats et de leurs peuples, ayant prsents lesprit les principes de lgalit souveraine, de lintgrit territoriale, de linviolabilit des frontires et du respect mutuel, dsireuses de dvelopper des liens de collaboration fonds sur les principes et dispositions noncs dans le trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, sign Constant a le 2 juin 1997, et dans son accord additionnel, conclu par change de lettres entre les ministres des affaires trangres de la Roumanie et de lUkraine, compte tenu des dispositions de la lgislation interne des parties contractantes en matire de frontires, ainsi que des rgles et principes du droit international dans ce domaine, sont convenues de ce qui suit : CHAPITRE I TRAC

Article premier La frontire qui spare la Roumanie et lUkraine passe par les endroits dnis et dcrits dans le trait entre le Gouvernement de la Rpublique populaire de Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUnion des Rpubliques socialistes sovitiques relatif au rgime de la frontire commune, la collaboration et lassistance mutuelle en matire de frontires, sign Bucarest le 27 fvrier 1961, ainsi que dans tous les documents de dmarcation correspondants, les cartes sur lesquelles gure la frontire dEtat entre lancienne Rpublique populaire de Roumanie et lancienne Union des Rpubliques socialistes sovitiques, les protocoles relatifs lemplacement des bornes, avec leurs croquis, annexes correspondantes et documents additionnels, de mme que dans les documents approuvs par lancienne Rpublique populaire de Roumanie/Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie et lancienne Union des Rpubliques socialistes sovitiques relatifs linspection de leur frontire commune, en vigueur le 16 juillet 1990 date dadoption de la dclaration de souverainet dEtat de lUkraine, ainsi que dans les annexes et textes additionnels aux documents susmentionns qui pourront tre conclus entre les parties contractantes pendant la dure de validit du prsent trait, lexception du segment de la frontire dEtat dnie ci-dessus qui va du point de jonction septentrional des frontires de la Roumanie, de lUkraine et

58 Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the Southern meeting point of the State borders of these countries, and continues, from the border sign 1439 (buoy) on the outer limit of Ukraines territorial waters around the Serpents Island, up to the point of 45 05 21 north latitude and 30 02 27 east longitude, which is the meeting point with the Romanian State border passing on the outer limit of its territorial sea. The territorial seas of the Contracting Parties measured from the baselines shall permanently have, at the meeting point of their outer limits, the width of 12 maritime miles. If objective modications due to natural phenomena which are not related to human activities and that make it necessary for these co-ordinates to be changed are noticed, the Joint Commission shall conclude new protocols. The State border line, on its whole length, shall remain unchanged, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise. The elaboration of the new documents on the State border does not represent a revision of the existent border between Romania and Ukraine. CHAPTER II MAINTENANCE OF THE STATE BORDER LINE Article 2 1. The State border is marked on the ground by border signs. The characteristics of each border sign as well as its position to the border are established in the documents of demarcation and verication, in documents on triplex connium signs as well as in other documents that shall be elaborated in future. 2. For those sectors of the border waters where, due to certain natural phenomena, the conguration of their shores or river-bed has changed, or changes in comparison to the situation existent at the conclusion of the demarcation documents in force at the time of the verication of the State border line are noticed, the Contracting Parties, taking into account the provisions of Article 12 of the present Treaty, shall elaborate new documents on the State border line, in two copies, in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages, which shall enter into force on the receipt of the last notication on the fullment by the Contracting Parties of the necessary domestic procedures. Article 3 1. The Contracting Parties undertake to maintain the State border on all its length, in order that its tract be clear and visible. 2. For the land sectors of the State border, a border corridor is created, having a 10 metres width 5 metres from the border line on each part that must be cleansed of vegetation. It is forbidden to erect installations or constructions in this corridor, except for those designed for the guard of the State border. 3. The cleansing of the border corridor is achieved by each of the Contracting Parties on its territory. The competent organs of the Contracting Parties shall inform each other on the delays of execution of the cleansing works at least ve days prior to their beginning. 4. For the water sectors of the border, the places around the border posts



59 de la Rpublique de Moldova au point de jonction mridional des frontires de ces pays, et continue, depuis la borne 1439 (boue) indiquant la limite extrieure de la mer territoriale de lUkraine autour de lIle aux serpents, jusquau point situ 45o 05 21 de latitude nord et 30o 02 27 de longitude est, qui est le point de jonction avec la frontire dEtat de la Roumanie la limite extrieure de sa mer territoriale. Les mers territoriales des parties contractantes mesures partir des lignes de base auront toujours, au point de jonction de leurs limites extrieures, une largeur de 12 milles marins. Si est constate lexistence de modications objectives causes par des phnomnes naturels, non lies aux activits humaines et appelant une modication de ces coordonnes, la commission mixte dressera de nouveaux protocoles. La frontire dEtat, sur toute sa longueur, restera inchange, sauf si les parties contractantes en dcident autrement. La production de nouveaux documents relatifs la frontire dEtat ne constitue pas une revision de la frontire existante entre la Roumanie et lUkraine. CHAPITRE II ABORNEMENT

Article 2 1. La frontire dEtat est marque sur le terrain par des bornes. Les caractristiques de chaque borne ainsi que son emplacement sur la frontire sont tablis dans les documents de dmarcation et dinspection, les documents relatifs aux bornes de triple frontire, ainsi que les autres documents qui seront produits lavenir. 2. Pour les parties des eaux frontires dans lesquelles la conguration des rives ou du lit a chang en raison de phnomnes naturels, ou dans lesquelles sont constats des changements par rapport la situation qui existait au moment o ont t tablis les documents de dmarcation en vigueur lors de linspection de la frontire dEtat, les parties contractantes tabliront, en tenant compte des dispositions de larticle 12 du prsent trait, de nouveaux documents relatifs la frontire dEtat en deux exemplaires, en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, lesquels entreront en vigueur la rception de la dernire notication attestant que les parties contractantes ont accompli les formalits internes requises. Article 3 1. Les parties contractantes sengagent entretenir la frontire dEtat sur toute sa longueur an que son trac soit clair et visible. 2. Pour les secteurs terrestres de la frontire dEtat, il est cr un couloir frontalier dune largeur de 10 mtres 5 mtres partir de la frontire de chaque ct , qui devra tre dpourvu de vgtation. Il est interdit driger dans ce couloir des ouvrages ou des installations, lexception de ceux ayant pour objet la protection de la frontire dEtat. 3. Chacune des parties contractantes est charge de dboiser le couloir frontalier sur son territoire. Les organes comptents des parties contractantes sinformeront mutuellement du calendrier dexcution des travaux de dboisement au moins cinq jours avant leur commencement. 4. Dans les secteurs comportant des eaux frontires, lemplacement des

60 shall be cleansed on a radius of 2 metres around them and direct visibility between the border posts bearing the same number shall be assured. Article 4 1. The Contracting Parties shall take all necessary measures for the guard and maintenance of the border signs and shall punish the persons guilty for the movement, deterioration or destruction of the border signs or of their components. 2. In the case of disappearance, destruction or deterioration of the border signs, the competent organs of the Contracting Parties shall immediately take measures in order to repair or restore them. The competent organs of the Contracting Parties performing the works for the restoration or repair of the border signs or of their components shall inform in writing the corresponding organs of the other Contracting Party at least 10 days prior to the beginning of these activities. 3. Moved, deteriorated or destroyed border signs or their components shall be repaired or restored by that Contracting Party whose citizens have induced the said prejudice. If the guilty persons are not identied, the repair or restoration of the border signs will be accomplished by that Contracting Party that is responsible for their maintenance. Any activity related to the reconstruction, replacement or movement of the border signs is performed with the agreement, and in the presence of, the representatives of the other Contracting Party. 4. If necessary, the competent organs of the Contracting Parties may install additional border signs, by mutual agreement. In the same way, they may change the site of the destroyed or deteriorated border signs or of those exposed to destruction or deterioration and re-place them in safe locations. During the execution of these works, the tract of State border line established in the demarcation documents is not modied. 5. Regarding the realization of the works of reconstitution and establishment on the ground of the border signs, documents and protocols of the border signs in two copies, in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages that must correspond to the other documents they are enclosed to, shall be elaborated. These documents shall also be elaborated for the additional border signs. Article 5 1. The maintenance of the border signs is done by the Contracting Parties as follows : (a) the Romanian Party maintains the border posts and direction signs on its own territory, as well as the buoys and centre landmarks bearing uneven numbers that are placed on the State border line ; (b) the Ukrainian Party maintains the border posts and direction signs on its own territory, as well as the buoys and centre landmarks bearing even numbers that are placed on the State border line. 2. The maintenance of the triplex connium signs is done according to distinct agreements between : the Governments of Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Hungary ; the Governments of Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. 3. The Contracting Parties undertake to maintain the shape, dimensions, colour and site of the border signs in accordance with the provisions resulting from the demarcation documents of the State border.

61 poteaux-frontire devra tre dgag dans un rayon de 2 mtres et une visibilit directe devra tre assure entre les poteaux-frontire portant le mme numro. Article 4 1. Les parties contractantes prendront toutes les mesures qui simposent pour protger et entretenir les bornes et sanctionneront toute personne coupable davoir dplac, dtrior ou dtruit les bornes ou lun de leurs lments. 2. En cas de disparition, de destruction ou de dtrioration de bornes, les organes comptents des parties contractantes prendront immdiatement des mesures pour les rparer ou les remettre en place. Les organes comptents des parties contractantes qui effectueront des travaux an de rparer ou de remettre en place des bornes ou leurs lments en informeront par crit leurs homologues de lautre partie contractante au moins dix jours avant le commencement des travaux. 3. Les bornes ou leurs lments qui ont t dplacs, dtriors ou dtruits seront rpars ou remis en place par la partie contractante dont les responsables des infractions sont ressortissants. Si les responsables ne sont pas identis, la rparation ou la remise en place des bornes sera effectue par la partie contractante qui il incombe de les entretenir. Toutes les activits lies la reconstruction, au remplacement ou au dplacement des bornes sont menes avec laccord et en prsence des reprsentants de lautre partie contractante. 4. Sil y a lieu, les organes comptents des parties contractantes pourront placer des bornes supplmentaires dun commun accord. De la mme manire, ils pourront changer lemplacement de bornes dtruites ou dtriores ou qui risquent de ltre et les placer dans des endroits moins exposs. Lors de ces travaux, le trac de la frontire dEtat tabli dans les documents de dmarcation ne sera pas modi. 5. La remise en tat et la pose de bornes sur le terrain seront consignes dans des documents et protocoles tablis en deux exemplaires, en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, qui devront correspondre aux autres documents auxquels ils seront joints. De tels documents seront galement tablis pour les bornes supplmentaires. Article 5 1. Lentretien des bornes par les parties contractantes sera rparti comme suit : a) la partie roumaine assurera lentretien des poteaux-frontire et des bornes de signalisation situs sur son propre territoire, ainsi que des boues et repres centraux placs sur la frontire dEtat portant des numros impairs ; b) la partie ukrainienne assurera lentretien des poteaux-frontire et des bornes de signalisation situs sur son propre territoire, ainsi que des boues et repres centraux placs sur la frontire dEtat portant des nombres pairs. 2. Lentretien des bornes de triple frontire sera effectu conformment aux accords distincts conclus entre les Gouvernements de la Roumanie, de lUkraine et de la Rpublique de Hongrie ; les Gouvernements de la Roumanie, de lUkraine et de la Rpublique de Moldova. 3. Les parties contractantes sengagent conserver la forme, les dimensions, la couleur et lemplacement des bornes conformment aux dispositions des documents de dmarcation de la frontire dEtat.

62 4. Each Contracting Party shall inform the other Contracting Party, through diplomatic channels, on the colour of the border posts installed on its own territory and on the national symbols on these posts. Article 6 1. The verication of the state and position on the ground of the border signs, as well as the state of the border corridors on their own territory is done individually by each Contracting Party. 2. The joint verication of the border signs and corridors is done every two years, in the summer, in the terms established by mutual agreement. 3. If there is a need for a supplementary joint verication of the border signs and corridors, the competent organs of a Contracting Party shall inform, in writing, the competent organs of the other Contracting Party. Such verication must begin no later than 15 days from the moment of the receipt of the notication. 4. At the end of the joint verication, a protocol in two copies, in the Romanian and Ukrainian language shall be elaborated. Article 7 1. The restored and additional border signs must correspond in shape, dimensions and aspect with the existent border signs. 2. The placement of the additional border signs is done commonly by the competent organs of the Contracting Parties, and the expenses of this operation are equally shared. 3. The reconstitution of the disappeared, destroyed or deteriorated border signs is done by the competent organs of the Contracting Parties, with the participation of experts. CHAPTER III THE USAGE OF THE BORDER WATERS, RAILWAYS AND ROADS, AS WELL AS OTHER COMMUNICATION INSTALLATIONS CROSSING THE STATE BORDER Article 8 1. All the rivers, rivulets, channels and maritime waters, within the limits of the sectors crossed by the State border line, are considered border waters. 2. The Contracting Parties shall take all necessary measures so that during the exploitation of the border waters the provisions of this Treaty and other bilateral and multilateral agreements on this matter be observed. Article 9 1. On the navigable border rivers, the vessels of the two Contracting Parties are entitled to sail on the main navigable channel no matter the State border line on these rivers. Other navigation means are allowed to sail on the border waters only up to the State border line. 2. The navigation means of one of the Contracting Parties may land on the bank of the river or the sea shores of the other Contracting Party if in danger (calamity, damage, etc.). The owners of these means have the obligation to inform in the shortest delay the representatives of the border or local authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory these means are found. In such cases, the said authorities shall give them the necessary help.


63 4. Chacune des parties indiquera lautre, par la voie diplomatique, la couleur des poteaux-frontire installs sur son propre territoire et les symboles nationaux afchs sur ceux-ci. Article 6 1. Les parties contractantes inspecteront chacune de leur ct ltat et lemplacement des bornes sur le terrain, ainsi que ltat des couloirs frontaliers se trouvant sur leur territoire. 2. Linspection conjointe des bornes et des couloirs frontaliers sera effectue tous les deux ans, en t, selon les modalits tablies dun commun accord. 3. Sil y a lieu de procder une inspection conjointe supplmentaire des bornes et des couloirs frontaliers, les organes comptents de lune des parties contractantes en donneront notication par crit aux organes comptents de lautre. Cette inspection devra commencer au plus tard quinze jours compter de la date de rception de la notication. 4. A lissue de linspection conjointe, un protocole sera tabli en deux exemplaires, en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne. Article 7 1. Les bornes remises en tat et les bornes supplmentaires devront correspondre, dans leur forme, leurs dimensions et leur aspect, aux bornes existantes. 2. La pose de bornes supplmentaires se fera conjointement par les organes comptents des parties contractantes et les frais y affrents seront partags galement entre eux. 3. La reconstruction des bornes disparues, dtruites ou dtriores sera effectue par les organes comptents des parties contractantes, avec la participation dexperts. CHAPITRE III USAGE

Article 8 1. Tous les cours deau, ruisseaux, chenaux et eaux maritimes se trouvant lintrieur des limites des secteurs traverss par la frontire dEtat sont considrs comme des eaux frontires. 2. Les parties contractantes prendront toutes les mesures ncessaires pour que soient respectes, dans le cadre de lexploitation des eaux frontires, les dispositions du prsent trait et des autres accords bilatraux et multilatraux pertinents. Article 9 1. Sur les cours deau frontaliers navigables, les navires des deux parties contractantes seront autoriss emprunter le chenal navigable principal sans tenir compte de la frontire dEtat. Les autres engins de navigation pourront naviguer sur les eaux frontires seulement jusqu la frontire dEtat. 2. Les engins de navigation de lune des parties contractantes pourront accoster sur la rive dun cours deau ou le rivage de la mer de lautre partie contractante en cas de danger (catastrophe, avarie, etc.). Les propritaires de ces engins seront tenus dinformer dans les plus brefs dlais les reprsentants des autorits frontalires ou locales de la partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle ils se trouvent. Dans de tels cas, lesdites autorits leur procureront laide ncessaire.

64 Article 10 All the navigation means of the Contracting Parties that sail in the border waters must have : (a) the vessels their own State ags, their names or registration numbers ; (b) the boats their own State ags or the symbols of the State ags at the poop or the prow and their registration numbers. The names and numbers are painted in black or white colour and must be clearly visible from both shores. During night time, all the navigation means must have their navigation lights on. Article 11 The rules of navigation in the border waters of the navigation means belonging to the border authorities of the Contracting Parties, as well as the way of co-operation during the guarding of the State border shall be established by mutual agreement in a distinct protocol between the border authorities of the Contracting Parties, that shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the last notication of its approval. Article 12 1. The Contracting Parties shall undertake the maintenance in good state of the border waters and shall take all necessary measures to prevent the premeditated destruction of their banks. 2. If the bed of the river, rivulet or border channel is modied due to natural phenomena, the Contracting Parties shall take the appropriate measures according to the bilateral agreements in force. 3. In order to assure the stability of the State border line, the bed of the border waters cannot be changed unilaterally. 4. If, as a result of the actions of one of the Contracting Parties in the border waters, the banks have been deteriorated or their bed or their owing rgime have been modied, then the respective Contracting Party must reconstitute the deteriorated banks and bring the bed to its original position, according to the documents mentioned in Article 1 of the present Treaty. 5. The situation and the direction of the owing border waters must, as much as possible, remain unchanged. For this purpose, the Contracting Parties shall take, by mutual agreement, the necessary measures to remove the accidental obstacles that might induce changes to the beds of the border rivers, rivulets and channels. The expenses for the common works are shared equally by the Contracting Parties, unless they convene otherwise. 6. The building in the border waters or on their banks of any constructions that might lead to modifying the bed of these waters or their owing rgime shall be done in accordance with the bilateral agreements in force. 7. In order to prevent the modications of the bed of the border rivers, rivulets and channels, the banks of these border waters must be consolidated where the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties, by mutual agreement, nd it necessary. The execution of these works and the bearing of the expenses are incumbent upon the Contracting Party that the bank belongs to. 8. The natural ow of the water from the border running waters and from their contiguous easily ooded regions during the rising of the waters can not

65 Article 10 Tous les engins de navigation des parties contractantes naviguant dans les eaux frontires devront indiquer : a) pour les navires : le pavillon de leur Etat, leur nom ou numro dimmatriculation ; b) pour les bateaux : le pavillon de leur Etat ou les symboles de ce pavillon la poupe ou la proue et leur numro dimmatriculation. Les noms et numros devront tre peints en blanc ou en noir et tre clairement visibles depuis les deux rives. Pendant la nuit, tous les engins de navigation devront avoir leurs feux de navigation allums. Article 11 Les rgles de navigation dans les eaux frontires applicables aux engins de navigation appartenant aux autorits frontalires des parties contractantes, ainsi que les modalits de coopration dans le cadre de la protection de la frontire dEtat, seront tablies dun commun accord dans un protocole distinct entre les autorits frontalires des parties contractantes, qui entrera en vigueur la date de rception de la dernire notication relative son approbation. Article 12 1. Les parties contractantes sengagent maintenir les eaux frontalires en bon tat et prendre toutes les mesures ncessaires pour prvenir la destruction prmdite de leurs rives. 2. Si le lit dun cours deau, dun ruisseau ou dun chenal frontalier est modi en raison de phnomnes naturels, les parties contractantes prendront les mesures appropries conformment aux accords bilatraux en vigueur. 3. An de garantir la stabilit de la frontire dEtat, le lit des eaux frontalires ne pourra pas tre modi unilatralement. 4. Si, par le fait de lune des parties contractantes dans les eaux frontalires, les rives de celles-ci sont dtriores ou leur lit ou rgime modis, ladite partie contractante devra reconstituer les rives dtriores et rtablir le lit de ces eaux en ltat initial, conformment aux documents mentionns larticle premier du prsent trait. 5. La situation et le cours des eaux frontires courantes doivent, dans la mesure du possible, demeurer inchangs. A cette n, les parties contractantes prendront dun commun accord les mesures ncessaires pour enlever les obstacles accidentels susceptibles de causer des changements dans le lit des cours deau, des ruisseaux et des chenaux frontaliers. Les frais occasionns par ces travaux communs seront partags de manire gale entre les parties contractantes, sauf si elles en dcident autrement. 6. La construction dans les eaux frontires ou sur leurs rives de tout ouvrage susceptible de causer des changements dans le lit ou le cours de ces eaux seffectuera conformment aux accords bilatraux en vigueur. 7. Pour empcher que soit modi le lit des cours deau, ruisseaux et chenaux frontaliers, les rives des eaux frontires seront consolides aux endroits o les autorits comptentes des parties contractantes, dun commun accord, lestimeront ncessaire. La partie contractante laquelle la rive appartient sera charge de lexcution de ces travaux et en assumera les cots. 8. Lcoulement naturel des eaux frontires courantes et des eaux provenant des rgions contigus facilement inondables en priode de crue ne pourra tre

66 be changed or burdened to the prejudice of the other Contracting Party by building and rebuilding installations or constructions in water and on the banks. Article 13 1. The matters related to the construction, repair and exploitation of the communication means that cross the State border, when setting up new State border crossing points and when establishing the air corridors, shall be regulated by distinct agreements between the Contracting Parties. 2. The data and documents related to the transportation of the materials necessary for the execution of the works mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present article shall be communicated to the border authorities of the other Contracting Party in due time. Article 14 The Contracting Parties shall take all necessary measures for the maintenance in appropriate state of the sectors of the railways, roads and navigable ways, at the points where they cross the State border. CHAPTER IV FISHING, HUNTING, FORESTRY, SUBSOIL EXPLOITATION AND THE PROTECTION THE ENVIRONMENT AT THE STATE BORDER Article 15 1. Fishing in the border waters is allowed up to the State border line, according to the domestic legislation of each of the Contracting Parties, subject to the interdiction of using explosive or poisoning substances or substances of any other nature that might lead to mass destruction of, or affecting, the sh. 2. The protection and the development of the pisciculture in the border waters shall be regulated by a distinct agreement. Article 16 Hunting is allowed up to the State border line according to the domestic legislation of each of the Contracting Parties. Shooting and chasing the game over the State border are forbidden. Article 17 If, due to natural phenomena or during the woods cutting, trees fall over the State border line, the competent organs of the Contracting Parties shall inform each other in this respect and shall take measures to transport them on the territory of the Contracting Party that they originate from. In such situations, the transportation of the wood over the State border is done without paying custom duties or any other duties. Article 18 The works of prospecting and exploitation of the subsoil may be done up to the outer limit of 20 metres from the State border, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise.


67 modi ni frein au dtriment de lautre partie contractante par la construction et la reconstruction dinstallations et douvrages dans les eaux et sur les rives. Article 13 1. Les questions lies la construction, la rparation et lexploitation des voies de communication qui traversent la frontire dEtat, lors de la cration de nouveaux points de passage de la frontire dEtat et de ltablissement de couloirs ariens, seront rgles par accords distincts entre les parties contractantes. 2. Les donnes et documents concernant le transport des matriaux ncessaires lexcution des travaux viss au paragraphe 1 du prsent article devront tre communiqus en temps utile aux autorits frontalires de lautre partie contractante. Article 14 Les parties contractantes prendront toutes les mesures ncessaires pour maintenir en bon tat les segments des chemins de fer, des routes et des voies navigables qui traversent la frontire dEtat. CHAPITRE IV PCHE,

Article 15 1. La pche dans les eaux frontires est permise jusqu la frontire dEtat, conformment la lgislation interne de chacune des Parties, tant entendu quil est interdit dutiliser des explosifs, des substances toxiques ou des substances de toute autre nature qui pourraient entraner la destruction massive des poissons ou leur nuire. 2. La protection et le dveloppement de la pisciculture dans les eaux frontires seront rgis par un accord distinct. Article 16 La chasse est permise jusqu la frontire dEtat conformment la lgislation interne de chacune des parties contractantes. Il est interdit de tirer sur le gibier et de le poursuivre au-del de la frontire dEtat. Article 17 Si, en raison de phnomnes naturels ou pendant la coupe du bois, des arbres tombent en travers de la frontire dEtat, les organes comptents des parties contractantes sen informeront rciproquement et prendront des mesures pour transporter ces arbres sur le territoire de la partie contractante do ils proviennent. En ce cas, le transport du bois dun ct lautre de la frontire dEtat est exonr de droits de douane et de toute autre charge. Article 18 Les travaux de prospection et dexploitation du sous-sol peuvent tre effectus jusqu une distance de 20 mtres de la frontire dEtat, sauf si les parties en dcident autrement.

68 Article 19 1. In case a re breaks out in the proximity of the State border line, the Contracting Party on whose territory it occurred must take all measures to locate and extinguish the re and must not allow its spreading across the State border line. 2. If the re spreads across the State border line or there is an imminent danger for such a spreading, the competent organs of the Contracting Party on whose territory the re occurred shall immediately inform the competent organs of the other Contracting Party. Article 20 The Contracting Parties shall take the necessary measures for the protection of the environment, and, in case of a danger of pollution, their competent organs shall immediately inform each other in this respect, and shall take the necessary measures according to the provisions of a distinct agreement in this eld. CHAPTER V THE ROMANIAN-UKRAINIAN JOINT BORDER COMMISSION Article 21 1. In order to full the corresponding attributions present Treaty, within three months from its entry into Border Romanian-Ukrainian Intergovernmental Joint after referred to as the Joint Border Commission, composed of the Romanian and Ukrainian delegations. provided for by the force, the Permanent Commission, hereinshall be constituted,

2. Each delegation shall be formed according to the legislation in force of the Contracting Parties and shall be composed of : the head of delegation, one deputy and ve members. The notication on the appointment of the heads of delegation is done through diplomatic channels. 3. The heads of delegation may co-operate directly in respect of the activity of the Joint Border Commission. When needed, the heads of delegation may employ in the Joint Border Commission the necessary number of experts and other specialists. 4. Each Contracting Party bears the expenses of its delegation. The expenses for the verication of the tract and marking of the State border are shared equally by the Contracting Parties. 5. For executing works on the ground, joint working groups shall be constituted comprising Romanian and Ukrainian subgroups. Each subgroup shall consist in one head, its deputy, three members and technical staff. The composition of the joint working groups is approved by the heads of delegation of the Joint Border Commission. 6. The Joint Border Commission : (a) executes the common verication of the State border line, every seven years in the land sectors and every ve years on the border waters ; (b) according to the results of the verications of the State border line, elabo-

69 Article 19 1. Si un incendie se dclare proximit de la frontire dEtat, la partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle cet incendie a lieu doit prendre toutes les mesures pour en dterminer lemplacement et lteindre et ne doit pas le laisser se propager au-del de la frontire dEtat. 2. Si le feu se propage au-del de la frontire dEtat ou sil y a un danger imminent que cela se produise, les organes comptents de la partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle lincendie sest dclar en informeront immdiatement les organes comptents de lautre partie contractante. Article 20 Les parties contractantes prendront les mesures ncessaires pour protger lenvironnement et, sil y a un danger de pollution, leurs organes comptents sen informeront immdiatement et prendront les mesures ncessaires conformment aux dispositions dun accord distinct en la matire.


Article 21 1. An dexcuter les tches incombant respectivement aux parties en vertu du prsent trait, il sera cr, dans les trois mois compter de la date dentre en vigueur du trait, une commission mixte permanente intergouvernementale roumano-ukrainienne des frontires, ci-aprs dnomme commission mixte des frontires , qui sera compose de la dlgation roumaine et de la dlgation ukrainienne. 2. Chaque dlgation, forme conformment la lgislation en vigueur des parties contractantes, sera compose dun chef de dlgation, dun chef adjoint et de cinq membres. La notication de la dsignation des chefs de dlgation se fera par la voie diplomatique. 3. Les chefs de dlgation pourront cooprer directement pour ce qui concerne les activits de la commission mixte des frontires. En tant que de besoin, les chefs de dlgation pourront solliciter, au sein de la commission mixte des frontires, le concours du nombre ncessaire dexperts et dautres spcialistes. 4. Chacune des parties contractantes prendra en charge les dpenses de sa dlgation. Les frais affrents linspection du trac et labornement de la frontire dEtat seront rpartis galement entre les parties contractantes. 5. Pour lexcution des travaux sur le terrain, des groupes de travail mixtes, comprenant un sous-groupe roumain et un sous-groupe ukrainien, seront constitus. Chaque sous-groupe sera compos dun chef, de son adjoint, de trois membres et dune quipe technique. La composition des groupes de travail mixtes sera approuve par les chefs de dlgation de la commission mixte des frontires. 6. La commission mixte des frontires : a) procdera linspection conjointe de la frontire dEtat, tous les sept ans dans les secteurs terrestres et tous les cinq ans dans les eaux frontires ; b) tablira, partir des rsultats des inspections de la frontire dEtat, des

70 rates annexes and additions to the demarcation documents in force, in conformity with the provisions of the present Treaty, as well as of Articles 1 to 4 of the Treaty between the Government of the Peoples Republic of Romania and the Government of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics on the Romanian-Soviet State Border Rgime, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance in Border Matters, signed at Bucharest, on the 27th of February, 1961, of the Treaty on Relations of Good-Neighbourliness and Co-operation between Romania and Ukraine, signed at Constant a, the 2nd of June, 1997, and the Agreement additional to it, concluded through an exchange of letters of the ministers of foreign affairs of the two States. These documents shall be elaborated in two copies, in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages, and shall enter into force on the receipt of the last notication on the fullment, by the Contracting Parties, of the necessary domestic procedures ; prepares documents on the necessity to reconstruct the deteriorated banks of the border waters and to bring their beds to the original position, according to the documents mentioned in Article 1 of this Treaty ; if needed, prepares proposals on the exchange of sectors adjacent to the State border ; solves the matters on the placement of the additional border signs, on the moving of those in danger of destruction or of their components to safe sites ; accommodates the technical characteristics of the border signs ; fulls other tasks related to the maintenance of the State border line ;

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

(h) elaborates technical instructions for the joint working groups. 7. The Joint Border Commission establishes its own working regulation that is approved by the Governments of the Contracting Parties. 8. The ofcial languages of the Joint Border Commission are Romanian and Ukrainian. 9. The meetings of the Joint Border Commission shall take place whenever necessary, but no less than twice a year, on the territory of each Contracting Party alternatively. The conclusions of the Joint Border Commission shall be registered in protocols, done in two copies, in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages. If the Joint Border Commission cannot reach a mutual decision on certain matters, then these shall be solved on diplomatic channel. 10. The members of the Joint Border Commission and the persons invited by the Commission to its works cannot be deprived of their freedom on the territory of the other Contracting Party ; the personal belongings, ofcial documents, technical and transportation means are inviolable and are exempt from custom duties or any other duties. 11. During the works for the verication of the State border line, the members of the Joint Border Commission and the persons whose expertise is needed by the Commission for these works are issued certicates for the crossing of the State border. The certicates shall be issued according to the domestic legislation of the Contracting Parties. 12. The time, the order and the place of crossing the State border by the members of the Joint Border Commission, the experts and the other specialists

71 annexes et textes additionnels aux documents de dmarcation en vigueur, conformment aux dispositions du prsent trait, ainsi quaux articles 1 4 du trait entre le Gouvernement de la Rpublique populaire de Roumanie et le Gouvernement de lUnion des Rpubliques socialistes sovitiques relatif au rgime de la frontire commune et la collaboration et lassistance mutuelle en matire de frontires, sign Bucarest le 27 fvrier 1961, au trait de bon voisinage et de coopration entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, sign Constant a le 2 juin 1997, et son accord additionnel conclu par change de lettres entre les ministres des affaires trangres des deux Etats ; Ces documents seront produits en deux exemplaires, en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, et entreront en vigueur sur rception de la dernire notication attestant que les parties contractantes ont accompli les formalits internes requises ; tablira les documents ncessaires en vue de reconstruire les rives des eaux frontires et de rtablir le lit de ces eaux en son tat initial, en cas de dtrioration, conformment aux documents viss larticle 1 du prsent trait ; laborera, au besoin, des propositions concernant lchange de secteurs limitrophes de la frontire dEtat ; rglera les questions relatives limplantation de bornes frontires supplmentaires, et au dplacement vers des endroits non exposs des bornes qui risquent dtre dtruites ou de leurs lments ; harmonisera les caractristiques techniques des bornes frontires ; remplira dautres tches se rapportant lentretien de la frontire dEtat ; laborera des instructions techniques pour les groupes de travail mixtes.

c) d) e) f) g) h)

7. La commission mixte des frontires tablira son propre rglement intrieur, qui sera approuv par les gouvernements des parties contractantes. 8. Les langues ofcielles de la commission mixte des frontires seront le roumain et lukrainien. 9. La commission mixte des frontires se runira en tant que de besoin, mais au moins deux fois par an alternativement sur le territoire de lune et de lautre des parties contractantes. Les conclusions de la commission mixte des frontires seront consignes dans des procs-verbaux dresss en deux exemplaires, en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne. Si la commission mixte des frontires ne peut rendre de dcision conjointe sur certaines questions, celles-ci seront rgles par la voie diplomatique. 10. Les membres de la commission mixte des frontires et les personnes invites par la commission participer ses travaux ne pourront tre privs de libert sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante ; leurs effets personnels, documents ofciels, matriel technique et moyens de transport seront inviolables et exonrs de droits de douane ainsi que de toute autre charge. 11. Pendant les travaux dinspection de la frontire dEtat, les membres de la commission mixte des frontires et les personnes dont les avis dexperts seront requis par celle-ci pour accomplir ces travaux se verront dlivrer des permis pour franchir la frontire dEtat. Ces permis seront dlivrs conformment la lgislation interne des parties contractantes. 12. La date, lordre et le lieu de franchissement de la frontire dEtat par les membres de la commission mixte des frontires, les experts et les autres spcia-

72 executing works on the State border shall be established in each particular case by the Joint Border Commission. 13. If necessary, the Contracting Parties shall exchange data from the topogeodetic network and cartographic and airphotogrammetric materials for a 5-kilometres-width strip along the State border, including those documents that according to the domestic legislation of the Contracting Parties are classied or secret. These documents can only be used to prepare the materials for the verication of the tract of the Romanian-Ukrainian State border line. The Contracting Parties are obliged to give to the materials and information received a similar nature and degree of protection. Neither of the Contracting Parties is entitled to hand over to any third party these materials and information without the preliminary written agreement of the Contracting Party who delivered the respective materials and information. 14. Within a year from the entry into force of this Treaty, the Joint Border Commission shall begin the joint verication of the Romanian-Ukrainian State border line and on the basis of its results shall prepare the following documents : (a) the protocols of description of the tract of border line between Romania and Ukraine ; (b) the album of the topographic maps of the State border line between Romania and Ukraine ; (c) the protocols of the border signs which are established on the State border between Romania and Ukraine, with their topographic draft sketches ; (d) the table of co-ordinates of the border signs ; (e) the nal protocol of joint verication of the State border between Romania and Ukraine. CHAPTER VI BORDER EMPOWERED OFFICERS, RIGHTS Article 22 1. In order to full the tasks provided for by this Treaty, there shall be appointed : border empowered chief ofcers ; deputies of the border empowered chief ofcers ; border empowered ofcers ; deputies of the border empowered ofcers.



2. The border empowered chief ofcers and their deputies are appointed by the Governments of the Contracting Parties. The border empowered ofcers and their deputies are appointed by the border empowered chief ofcers. 3. The Contracting Parties shall inform each other, through diplomatic channels, on the appointment of the border empowered chief ofcers and their deputies. The border empowered chief ofcers shall inform each other about the appointment of the border empowered ofcers and their deputies. Article 23 1. The border empowered chief ofcers are competent to : (a) carry out the corresponding provisions of the present Treaty ;

73 listes effectuant des travaux sur la frontire dEtat seront tablis dans chaque cas particulier par la commission mixte des frontires. 13. Sil y a lieu, les parties contractantes changeront des informations provenant du rseau topo-godsique ainsi que des lments cartographiques et aro-photogrammtriques concernant la bande dune largeur de 5 kilomtres le long de la frontire dEtat, y compris des documents qui, au regard de la lgislation interne des parties contractantes, sont condentiels ou secrets. Ces documents ne pourront tre utiliss que pour tablir les pices destines linspection du trac de la frontire roumano-ukrainienne. Les parties contractantes seront tenues de confrer aux lments et informations reus le mme statut et le mme niveau de protection. Ni lune ni lautre des parties contractantes ne pourra communiquer ces lments et informations une tierce partie sans laccord crit pralable de la partie contractante qui les a fournis. 14. Dans un dlai dun an compter de la date dentre en vigueur du prsent trait, la commission mixte des frontires commencera linspection conjointe de la frontire roumano-ukrainienne et, sur la base des rsultats de cette inspection, produira les documents suivants : a) un relev du trac de la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUkraine ; b) un recueil des cartes topographiques de la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUkraine ; c) un relev des bornes installes sur la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUkraine, accompagn de croquis topographiques ; d) un tableau des coordonnes dimplantation des bornes ; e) le protocole nal de linspection conjointe de la frontire entre la Roumanie et lUkraine. CHAPITRE VI AGENTS

Article 22 1. Aux ns des tches prvues par le prsent trait, seront dsigns : des des des des directeurs des frontires ; adjoints aux directeurs des frontires ; agents des frontires ; adjoints aux agents des frontires.

2. Les directeurs des frontires et leurs adjoints seront dsigns par les gouvernements des parties contractantes. Les agents des frontires et leurs adjoints seront dsigns par les directeurs des frontires. 3. Les parties contractantes sinformeront rciproquement, par la voie diplomatique, de la dsignation des directeurs des frontires et de leurs adjoints. Les directeurs des frontires sinformeront rciproquement de la dsignation des agents des frontires et de leurs adjoints. Article 23 1. Les directeurs des frontires : a) mettront en uvre les dispositions pertinentes du prsent trait ;

74 (b) analyse the situation in the guard and the supervision of the State border line and give mutual support in this respect ; (c) co-ordinate the border empowered ofcers activity and approve the minutes of their working meetings ; (d) solve the issues upon which the border empowered ofcers could not agree. 2. The border empowered ofcers are competent to : (a) take measures to prevent the violation of the State border rgime ; (b) conduct joint investigations and elaborate minutes referring to border events and violations of the State border rgime and, when necessary, take measures for the sampling, conservation and guard of the evidences discovered on the place where these facts were committed ; (c) examine and establish the damages produced as a result of the violations of the rules of the State border rgime and take the necessary measures in collaboration with the competent organs of the Contracting Parties ; (d) organize the delivery-reception of the persons, domestic animals and goods which reached the territory of the other Contacting Party because of force majeure or accidentally ; (e) ensure the functioning of the means of communication ; (f) analyse the cases when false, counterfeit or invalid documents were used to cross the State border and the activities aiming to counteract the illegal migration and the appearance of organized crime at the State border and mutually inform on these ; (g) organize, once every two years, joint controls of the border signs and corridors and inform the Joint Border Commission about the results of these controls ; (h) full other tasks provided for in the present Treaty. 3. The border empowered ofcers shall inform each other immediately about : (a) the violation and the preparation to violate the State border rgime ; (b) natural disasters and environment pollution which has extended or could extend on to the territory of the other Contracting Party and the measures taken in this respect ; (c) the oating means belonging to the other Contracting Party which crossed the State border without approval ; (d) the passing over the State border with airplanes or other ying devices by violating the overight rules and their illegal stay on the territory of the other Contracting Party ; (e) the carrying out in the proximity of the State border of works which can produce damages on the territory of the other Contracting Party ; (f) other data and issues relating to the guard of the State border, the control of its crossing by individuals, means of transport and goods, as well as the observance of the State border rgime which impose the adoption, in the shortest delay, of common measures. Article 24 1. The border empowered chief ofcers shall hold meetings at least once a year, alternatively, on the territory of each Contracting Party.

75 b) analyseront la situation relative la protection et la surveillance de la frontire dEtat et se procureront une aide mutuelle cet gard ; c) coordonneront les activits des agents des frontires et approuveront les procs-verbaux de leurs runions de travail ; d) rgleront les questions sur lesquelles les agents des frontires nauront pas pu se mettre daccord. 2. Les agents des frontires : a) prendront des mesures pour empcher les infractions au rgime de la frontire dEtat ; b) mneront des enqutes conjointes et dresseront le procs-verbal des incidents frontaliers et des infractions au rgime de la frontire dEtat et, sil y a lieu, prendront des dispositions pour recueillir, prserver et protger les lments de preuve dcouverts sur les lieux des faits ; c) examineront et constateront les dommages causs par les infractions aux rgles du rgime de la frontire dEtat et prendront les mesures ncessaires en collaboration avec les organes comptents des parties contractantes ; d) organiseront le transfert et la rception des personnes, des animaux domestiques et des biens qui sont arrivs sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante en cas fortuit ou de force majeure ; e) veilleront au bon fonctionnement des moyens de communication ; f) analyseront les cas dans lesquels des documents faux ou non valides ont t utiliss pour franchir la frontire dEtat et les activits menes en vue de lutter contre les migrations illgales et le crime organis la frontire dEtat, et sinformeront rciproquement cet gard ; g) procderont conjointement, une fois tous les deux ans, linspection des bornes frontires et des couloirs frontaliers et aviseront la commission mixte des frontires des rsultats de cette inspection ; h) sacquitteront dautres tches prvues dans le prsent trait. 3. Les agents des frontires informeront immdiatement leurs homologues en cas : a) dinfraction ou de prparatifs en vue de commettre une infraction au rgime de la frontire dEtat ; b) de catastrophe naturelle ou de dgradation de lenvironnement stendant ou pouvant stendre au territoire de lautre partie contractante, et de mesures prises cet gard ; c) de franchissement non autoris de la frontire dEtat par des engins de navigation appartenant lautre partie contractante ; d) de franchissement de la frontire dEtat par des aronefs en violation des rgles de survol ou de prsence illgale daronefs sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante ; e) dexcution proximit de la frontire dEtat de travaux susceptibles de causer des dommages sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante ; f) de tout autre lment ou problme li la protection de la frontire dEtat, au contrle de son franchissement par des personnes, des moyens de transport ou des biens, ainsi quau respect du rgime de la frontire dEtat, appellant ladoption, dans les plus brefs dlais, de mesures communes. Article 24 1. Les directeurs des frontires se runiront au moins une fois par an alternativement sur le territoire de lune et de lautre des parties contractantes.

76 2. The border empowered ofcers shall hold at least two meetings per year, alternatively, on the territory on each Contracting Party. 3. There can be other working meetings, besides those already planned, at the proposal of one Contracting Partys border empowered ofcer, which will take place on the territory of the initiating Contracting Party. 4. The unplanned working meetings for the investigation in commune of the violations of the State border rgime shall be held at the place where these facts were committed. 5. Experts may be invited to participate in the working sessions, according to each border empowered ofcers decision. 6. The problems which do not request for the personal participation of the border empowered ofcers may be solved through correspondence or by other means of communication. Article 25 The border empowered chief ofcers and their deputies, the border empowered ofcers and their deputies may cross the State border to full their duties in their sector of responsibility on the basis of the certicate issued in this respect. Article 26 1. The border empowered chief ofcers, the border empowered ofcers and their deputies, as well as their assistants and experts who participate at joint activities on the territory of the other Contracting Party cannot be deprived of their freedom ; personal goods, ofcial documents, technical and transport means are inviolable and are exempt from customs duties or any other duties. 2. The persons mentioned at paragraph 1 of the present article may wear uniform while staying on the territory of the other Contracting Party. Article 27 While investigating the circumstances regarding the breach of the State border rgime, the border empowered ofcers may hear the persons involved, the witnesses and the experts and take any other measures to collect the evidence related to the violation produced, according to the internal legislation of the Contracting Parties. Article 28 1. The results of the meetings and working sessions of the border empowered chief ofcers and the border empowered ofcers, as well as those of the investigations regarding the violation of the State border rgime shall be recorded in protocols, done in two copies, each one of them in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages, both texts being equally authentic. 2. If necessary, other documents elaborated as a result of the performed investigations shall be annexed to the protocols. 3. If the border empowered chief ofcers have divergent opinions, the issues which constitute the object of the divergence shall be recorded in the protocols as a distinct entry and shall be solved through diplomatic channels. 4. In case of joint investigation of the border events, the border empowered ofcers shall elaborate protocols containing the results of the performed investigations, to which sketches, photos, declarations shall be annexed. 5. The protocols of the meetings of the border empowered chief ofcers are approved according to the internal legislation of each of the Contracting Parties.

77 2. Les agents des frontires se runiront au moins deux fois par an alternativement sur le territoire de lune et de lautre des parties contractantes. 3. Dautres runions de travail, outre celles dj prvues, pourront avoir lieu, sur proposition dun agent des frontires de lune des parties contractantes, sur le territoire de la partie contractante qui en aura pris linitiative. 4. Les runions de travail extraordinaires organises pour enquter conjointement sur les infractions au rgime de la frontire dEtat se tiendront sur les lieux des faits. 5. Des experts pourront tre invits participer aux runions de travail, sur dcision de chacun des agents des frontires. 6. Les problmes ne requrant pas la participation personnelle des agents des frontires pourront tre rsolus par voie de correspondance ou par dautres moyens de communication. Article 25 Les directeurs des frontires et leurs adjoints, ainsi que les agents des frontires et leurs adjoints, pourront franchir la frontire dEtat pour sacquitter de leurs fonctions dans leur secteur de comptence au moyen du permis dlivr cet effet. Article 26 1. Les directeurs des frontires, les agents des frontires et leurs adjoints, ainsi que leurs assistants et les experts qui participent aux activits conjointes sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante, ne pourront tre privs de libert ; leurs effets personnels, documents ofciels, matriel technique et moyens de transport seront inviolables et exonrs de droits de douane ainsi que de toute autre charge. 2. Les personnes vises au paragraphe 1 du prsent article pourront porter leur uniforme sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante. Article 27 Lorsquils enquteront sur les circonstances entourant une infraction au rgime de la frontire dEtat, les agents des frontires pourront entendre les personnes concernes, ainsi que les tmoins et experts, et prendre toute autre mesure pour recueillir les preuves concernant linfraction, conformment la lgislation interne des parties contractantes. Article 28 1. Les rsultats des runions et sances de travail des directeurs des frontires et des agents des frontires, ainsi que les rsultats des enqutes sur les violations du rgime de la frontire dEtat, seront consigns dans des procsverbaux, dresss en deux exemplaires, lun et lautre en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, les deux textes faisant galement foi. 2. Sil y a lieu, les autres documents labors dans le cadre des enqutes seront joints en annexe aux procs-verbaux. 3. En cas de dsaccord entre les directeurs des frontires, les questions qui en font lobjet seront consignes dans les procs-verbaux sous un article distinct et seront rgles par la voie diplomatique. 4. Si une enqute conjointe sur des incidents frontaliers est mene, les agents des frontires tabliront le procs-verbal de ses rsultats, auquel seront joints les croquis, photographies et dclarations. 5. Les procs-verbaux des runions des directeurs des frontires seront approuvs conformment la lgislation interne de chaque partie contractante.

78 6. The border empowered ofcers shall forward the protocols of the working sessions, for approval, to the border empowered chief ofcers. Article 29 The border empowered ofcer of any Contracting Party, that has received from the border empowered ofcer of the other Contracting Party any information related to the occurrence of a breach of the State border rgime, is obliged to undertake immediately measures to counteract this violation. The border empowered ofcers of the Contracting Parties shall permanently inform each other about the measures taken and their results. Article 30 1. The persons who have crossed the State border illegally but unintentionally shall be handed over within 48 hours from the moment of their detainment to the border empowered ofcer of the Contracting Party from whose territory they have come, under the condition that they should not have committed a crime on the territory of the delivering Contracting Party. The goods they carry with them shall be handed over at the same time, if it is proven that those goods have been brought on to the territory of the other Contracting Party. A protocol on the handing-over and the reception of the persons who passed the State border unintentionally shall be elaborated. 2. The handing-over and the reception of their own citizens, of the citizens of third States and of the stateless persons that have crossed illegally the State border shall be regulated by a separate agreement. 3. The Contracting Parties agree that neither of them has the right to refuse the reception of the persons mentioned at paragraph 2 of this article if it will be proven that the person passed the State border from the territory of the receiving Contracting Party. Article 31 1. The border empowered ofcers shall inform each other about the crossing of domestic animals over the State border and will take the necessary measures for their search and return. 2. The delivery of the domestic animals is organized by the border empowered ofcers, according to the provisions of the internal legislation of the Contracting Parties, in the proximity of the place of the State border crossing. 3. The border empowered ofcers shall take the necessary measures for the search and return of the goods which, due to natural phenomena, have been removed from the territory of one Contracting Party on to the territory of the other Contracting Party. 4. In case of delivery of the domestic animals which have trespassed the State border and of goods which have been removed across it, a protocol shall be elaborated, mentioning the quantum of the expenses for the maintenance and the sanitary-veterinarian assistance, the guard and transport of these animals, as well as the quantum of the expenses for the conservation and transport of the goods, which are calculated according to the provisions of the internal legislation of the delivering Contracting Party. 5. No compensation shall be paid to the owners of the domestic animals and of the goods that could not be found. Article 32 1. In case of natural disasters, the persons who nd themselves in the proximity of the State border area may cross the State border at any place and at

79 6. Les agents des frontires transmettront aux directeurs des frontires les procs-verbaux des runions de travail, pour approbation. Article 29 Lagent des frontires dune partie contractante, qui aura reu dun agent des frontires de lautre partie contractante un lment dinformation concernant une infraction au rgime de la frontire dEtat, sera tenu de prendre immdiatement des mesures pour remdier cette infraction. Les agents des frontires des parties contractantes sinformeront rciproquement et en permanence des mesures quils auront prises et de leurs rsultats. Article 30 1. Les personnes ayant franchi de faon illgale mais non intentionnelle la frontire dEtat seront remises, dans les quarante-huit heures de la date de leur mise en dtention, lagent des frontires de la partie contractante depuis le territoire de laquelle elles sont arrives, condition quelles naient pas commis dinfraction grave sur le territoire de la partie contractante qui les transfre. Les biens transports par ces personnes seront remis au mme moment sil est tabli quils ont t transports sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante. Il sera dress un procs-verbal du transfert et de laccueil des personnes ayant franchi la frontire involontairement. 2. Le transfert et laccueil par une partie contractante de ses propres citoyens, de citoyens dEtats tiers et dapatrides ayant franchi illgalement la frontire dEtat seront rgis par accord distinct. 3. Les parties contractantes conviennent que ni lune ni lautre na le droit de refuser daccueillir une personne vise au paragraphe 2 du prsent article sil est tabli quelle a franchi la frontire dEtat depuis le territoire de la partie contractante daccueil. Article 31 1. Les agents des frontires sinformeront rciproquement du franchissement de la frontire dEtat par des animaux domestiques et prendront les mesures ncessaires pour les rechercher et les renvoyer. 2. Le retour des animaux domestiques sera organis par les agents des frontires, conformment aux dispositions de la lgislation interne des parties contractantes, proximit du lieu o la frontire dEtat a t franchie. 3. Les agents des frontires prendront les mesures ncessaires pour rechercher et rendre les biens qui, en raison de phnomnes naturels, ont t dplacs du territoire de lune des parties contractantes vers le territoire de lautre. 4. Lors du renvoi danimaux domestiques ayant franchi sans autorisation la frontire dEtat et de biens ayant t transports travers celle-ci, il sera dress un procs-verbal indiquant le montant des frais engags pour lentretien et laide sanitaire et vtrinaire, la protection et le transport des animaux, ainsi que le montant des frais de conservation et de transport des biens, calculs conformment aux dispositions de la lgislation interne de la partie contractante qui assure le renvoi des animaux et des biens. 5. Aucune indemnisation ne sera verse aux propritaires danimaux domestiques et de biens qui nauront pu tre retrouvs. Article 32 1. En cas de catastrophe naturelle, les personnes qui se trouvent proximit du secteur de la frontire dEtat pourront franchir celle-ci en tout lieu et tout

80 any time and may remain on the territory of the other Contracting Party until the end of the mentioned natural disasters. Those persons are obliged to inform immediately about this situation the authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory they are. 2. If a natural disaster occurs in the proximity of the State border of a Contracting Party the rescue teams of the other Contracting Party, by joint agreement with the empowered border ofcers, can cross the State border, in order to provide the necessary assistance, at whatever time and place, and may remain on the territory of the respective Contracting Party, in the affected area, for the period necessary for giving assistance. 3. The equipment, the means of transport and the materials necessary for providing assistance, as well as the objects of personal use introduced on the territory of one Contracting Party by the rescue teams of the other Contracting Party are exempt from customs duties or any other duties on the condition of their compulsory return on the territory of the Contracting Party from where they were introduced. 4. The return of the persons mentioned at paragraph 1 of this article and of the rescue teams shall be done through the ofce of the empowered border ofcers of the Contracting Parties through the nearest border checking points. 5. The passage of the persons who reside in isolated localities, in order to benet from urgent medical assistance, on the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall be permitted under the same conditions. Article 33 The crossing of the State border by persons and means of transport shall be done through border crossing points, on the basis of a separate agreement. Article 34 The persons whose entry on the territory of a Contracting Party was denied shall be received immediately back by that Contracting Party from whose territory they have come. The empowered border ofcers of the Contracting Parties shall inform each other about the return of the persons whose passage was not permitted. Article 35 The passage across the State border by the persons who maintain the railways, the highways or other installations crossing the State border, as well as by those persons who carry out works on the border waters, shall be regulated by separate agreements. If the persons mentioned at paragraph l of this article have to cross the State border through other places than the crossing points, in order to carry out certain works, they shall inform the empowered border ofcers at least 72 hours before the beginning of the works. The empowered border ofcers of the Contracting Parties shall inform each other in due time about the crossing of the State border by these persons. Article 36 1. Following the investigation of the border events and of the violations of the State border rgime the empowered border ofcers shall assess the damages produced. The assessment of the damages and of the modality of compensation shall be

81 moment et demeurer sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante jusqu la n de ladite catastrophe. Ces personnes devront avertir immdiatement de cette situation les autorits de la partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle elles se trouvent. 2. Si une catastrophe naturelle se produit proximit de la frontire dEtat dune partie contractante, les quipes de sauvetage de lautre partie contractante, dun commun accord avec les agents des frontires, pourront franchir la frontire dEtat an de procurer laide ncessaire, au lieu et au moment de leur choix, et demeurer sur le territoire des parties contractantes respectives, dans les zones sinistres, pendant le temps ncessaire pour procurer leur aide. 3. Lquipement, les moyens de transport et le matriel ncessaires pour procurer lassistance, ainsi que les effets personnels apports sur le territoire de lune des parties contractantes par les quipes de sauvetage de lautre partie contractante, seront exonrs des droits de douane et de toute autre charge, condition quils soient ramens sur le territoire de la partie contractante depuis lequel ils ont t introduits. 4. Le retour des personnes vises au paragraphe 1 du prsent article et des quipes de sauvetage seffectuera sous la supervision des agents des frontires des parties contractantes par les postes frontires les plus proches. 5. Le passage des personnes habitant des lieux isols en vue de bncier dune aide mdicale durgence sur le territoire de lautre partie contractante sera autoris dans les mmes conditions. Article 33 Le franchissement de la frontire dEtat par les personnes et les moyens de transport seffectuera par les points de passage de la frontire, aux termes dun accord distinct. Article 34 Les personnes nayant pas t autorises entrer sur le territoire dune partie contractante en provenance de lautre partie contractante seront immdiatement autorises par celle-ci revenir sur son territoire. Les agents des frontires des parties contractantes sinformeront rciproquement du retour des personnes dont le passage na pas t autoris. Article 35 Le passage de la frontire dEtat par les personnes charges de lentretien des chemins de fer, des autoroutes ou dautres ouvrages traversant la frontire, ainsi que par les personnes qui effectuent des travaux dans les eaux frontires, sera rgi par des accords distincts. Si les personnes vises au paragraphe 1 du prsent article doivent, an deffectuer certains travaux, franchir la frontire dEtat ailleurs que par les points de passage, elles en informeront les agents des frontires au moins soixante-douze heures avant le dbut des travaux. Les agents des frontires des parties contractantes sinformeront rciproquement et en temps utile du franchissement de la frontire dEtat par ces personnes. Article 36 1. Aprs avoir enqut sur les incidents frontaliers et les infractions au rgime de la frontire dEtat, les agents des frontires valueront les dommages. Lvaluation des dommages et des modalits dindemnisation se fera confor-

82 effected according to the provisions of the internal legislation of that Contracting Party on whose territory the damages were produced. 2. If the person responsible for the damages cannot be identied, they shall be covered by the Contracting Party from whose territory they were caused, except for the cases when the damages were produced as a result of extraordinary circumstances or of natural disasters. CHAPTER VII FINAL PROVISIONS Article 37 The present Treaty or any of its provisions cannot be interpreted as providing for the change of the State border line between the Contracting Parties, as dened and described in the present Treaty. The divergences in the interpretation and the application of the present Treaty shall be solved through diplomatic channels. Article 38 The provisions of the present Treaty do not affect the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties resulting from the bilateral or multilateral international treaties to which they are parties, as well as from the relevant acquis communautaire of the European Union. Article 39 The present Treaty is concluded for a period of 10 years and shall be automatically extended for new 5-year periods, unless one Contracting Party noties the other Contacting Party of its intention to terminate its validity at least 6 months before the expiration of the respective period. Chapters I and VII shall be automatically extended for further 5-year periods and are not submitted to denunciation. Article 40 The present Treaty shall be submitted to ratication and shall enter into force on the moment of the exchange of the instruments of ratication, which shall take place at Bucharest. The present Treaty shall be registered at the United Nations Secretariat, according to Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. Done in Cerna ut i, on the 17th of June, 2003, in two original copies, each of them in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages, both texts being equally authentic. For Romania, (Signed) Ion ILIESCU. For Ukraine, (Signed) Leonid KUCHMA.

83 mment aux dispositions de la lgislation interne de la partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle les dommages ont t causs. 2. Si lauteur des dommages ne peut tre identi, ceux-ci seront couverts par la partie contractante du territoire partir duquel ils ont t causs, sauf dans les cas o les dommages sont dus des circonstances extraordinaires ou des catastrophes naturelles. CHAPITRE VII DISPOSITIONS FINALES Article 37 Le prsent trait ou lune quelconque de ses dispositions ne sauraient tre interprts comme portant modication de la frontire dEtat entre les parties contractantes, telle que dnie et dcrite dans le prsent trait. Les diffrends relatifs linterprtation et lapplication du prsent trait seront rgls par la voie diplomatique. Article 38 Les dispositions du prsent trait sont sans prjudice des droits et obligations des parties contractantes dcoulant des traits internationaux bilatraux et multilatraux auxquels elles sont parties et des acquis communautaires pertinents de lUnion europenne. Article 39 Le prsent trait est conclu pour une dure de dix ans et sera prorog de plein droit par nouvelles priodes de cinq ans, sauf si lune des parties contractantes indique lautre, au moins six mois avant la date dexpiration de la priode correspondante, quelle compte mettre n au trait. Les chapitres I et VII seront prorogs de plein droit par nouvelles priodes de cinq ans et ne pourront faire lobjet dune dnonciation. Article 40 Le prsent trait sera soumis ratication et entrera en vigueur la date de lchange des instruments de ratication, qui aura lieu Bucarest. Le prsent trait sera enregistr auprs du Secrtariat de lOrganisation des Nations Unies, conformment larticle 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies. Conclu Cerna ut i, le 17 juin 2003, en deux exemplaires originaux, chacun en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne, les deux textes faisant galement foi. Pour la Roumanie, (Sign) Ion ILIESCU. Pour lUkraine, (Sign) Leonid KUCHMA.



[Original Romanian text] [Texte original en roumain]





















Annex 4 PROTOCOL ON THE EXCHANGE OF THE INSTRUMENTS OF RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY BETWEEN ROMANIA AND UKRAINE ON THE ROMANIAN-UKRAINIAN STATE BORDER RGIME, COLLABORATION AND MUTUAL ASSISTANCE IN BORDER MATTERS [Translation submitted by Romania] The undersigned, Bogdan Aurescu, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, and Teol Bauer, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Romania, Have done at Mamaia, on 27 May 2004, the exchange of instruments of ratication of the Treaty between Romania and Ukraine on the RomanianUkrainian State Border Rgime, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance in Border Matters, signed at Cerna ut i, on 17 June 2003. The instruments of ratication have been veried and found to be in duly and appropriate form. In accordance with the provisions of Article 40 of the Treaty, it entered into force on the day of the exchange of the instruments of ratication, respectively 27 May 2004. Therefore the present Protocol was done, signed in two copies, each of them in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages. Mamaia, 27 May 2004. (Signed) Bogdan AURESCU. (Signed) Teol BAUER.



[Traduction tablie par le Greffe partir de la version anglaise] Nous soussigns, Bogdan Aurescu, secrtaire dEtat au ministre des affaires trangres de la Roumanie, et Teol Bauer, ambassadeur extraordinaire et plnipotentiaire de lUkraine en Roumanie, avons procd Mamaia, le 27 mai 2004, lchange des instruments de ratication du trait entre la Roumanie et lUkraine relatif au rgime de la frontire dEtat roumaine-ukrainienne, la collaboration et lassistance mutuelle en matire de frontires, sign Cerna ut i le 17 juin 2003. Les instruments de ratication ont t vris et trouvs en bonne et due forme. Conformment aux dispositions de larticle 40 du trait, celui-ci est entr en vigueur la date de lchange des instruments de ratication, cest--dire le 27 mai 2004. En consquence, le prsent protocole a t conclu et sign en deux exemplaires, chacun deux en langue roumaine et en langue ukrainienne. Mamaia, le 27 mai 2004. (Sign) Bogdan AURESCU. (Sign) Teol BAUER.



[Original Romanian text] [Texte original en roumain]



CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, Mr. Iulian Buga, Ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, hereby certify that all the translations in English of documents in Romanian and Ukrainian attached to the Application which Romania led today in the Registry of the Court are accurate. The Hague, 16 September 2004. (Signed) Iulian BUGA, Ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


ATTESTATION Je soussign, M. Iulian Buga, ambassadeur de la Roumanie auprs du Royaume des Pays-Bas, certie par les prsentes que toutes les traductions anglaises de documents en roumain et en ukrainien joints la requte que la Roumanie a dpose ce jour au Greffe de la Cour sont exactes. La Haye, le 16 septembre 2004. Lambassadeur de la Roumanie auprs du Royaume des Pays-Bas, (Sign) Iulian BUGA.


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