Welcome To The Multimedia Fusion 2 / The Games Factory 2 Demo!
Welcome To The Multimedia Fusion 2 / The Games Factory 2 Demo!
Welcome To The Multimedia Fusion 2 / The Games Factory 2 Demo!
Clickteam Multimedia Fusion 2 and The Games factory 2 allow you to create impressive applications and games for various platforms with no programming skills or knowledge. - Main differences between the products : The Games Factory 2 is the less-featured version. !t doesn"t support alpha channels# doesn"t support additional e$tensions# has a limited set of features. !t also supports only one optional e$porter# the %&F e$porter# that allows you to save %&F files for 'do(e Flash )layer. 'pplications created with TGF2 can (e sold# (ut have a forced end screen. Multimedia Fusion 2 supports alpha channels# lots of additional e$tensions and supports all the e$porters *%&F# i+%# 'ndroid# ,-'# etc.. /ou create commercial applications as far as you include the 0Created with MMF20 logo in the introduction# end or credit screen*s. of your application. Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer has more o(1ects# more features and the commercial applications you create with it are logo free. - Time limit : this demo version is limited to 23 days *note: days you don"t use it are not taken into account# i.e. this version will usually last more than 23 days# unless you use it every day.. 'fter this delay you"ll have to purchase the full version if you wish to continue using it. - Applications : this demo allows you to save your work# (ut you can"t (uild stand-alone applications# screen-savers# 4ava applets# !nternet applications. The full version allows you to (uild stand-alone applications in various formats *5,5# %C6# 4ava# etc. for your users7friends to play them on their machines or devices. - !porters : &hen the demo starts# you can select the optional e$porters you wish to test *%&F# i+%# etc.. The demo version will display the specific options and o(1ects for the e$porters you have selected. !t doesn"t allow you to (uild applications with these e$porters and when you run the application you will see the result with the )C runtime# not the real runtime of the e$porter# which usually has some differences and limitations compared with the )C runtime. - !amples : this demo is provided with a limited set of e$amples# listed in the 8i(rary tool(ar. To load an e$ample# open the 5$amples folder in the 8i(rary tool(ar# open the su(-folder that contains the e$ample you want to open and then drag and drop the e$ample to the &orkspace tool(ar. - Graphic libraries : this demo is provided with a few graphic li(raries# displayed in the 8i(rary tool(ar. /ou can drag 9 drop o(1ects from the 8i(rary tool(ar to the frame editor. - "ound effects : this demo contains a few sound effects you can use in your applications. They are located in the %amples folder of the MMF2 :emo folder. The full version of Multimedia Fusion 2 comes with a wealth of additional e$tensions# e$amples# graphics# sound effects# and music files you can use royalty free even for your commercial applications. - !tension #ac$s : additional e$tension packs are availa(le for the full version of Multimedia Fusion 2 and Multimedia Fusion :eveloper 2# these (onus packs don"t work with this demo version.
- Tutorials : we recommend you to follow the Choco(reak tutorial to discover the (asics of Multimedia Fusion 2 and create a fully working (reakout game in less than ; hour< 'dditional tutorials are availa(le in the 8earning 6esources page on clickteam.com# http:77www.clickteam.com7we(site7usa7tutorials. -ote: some of these tutorials might not work with this demo# due to the lack of some e$tensions# see a(ove. - "upport : do not hesitate to ask =uestions in our forums# Clickteam provide full support for Multimedia Fusion 2 and the Games Factory 2. Thank you for your interest in our products < Clickteam.