Health Bill Wins One Republican Vote: Pay Czar Wants A.I.G. To Reduce Promised Bonuses
Health Bill Wins One Republican Vote: Pay Czar Wants A.I.G. To Reduce Promised Bonuses
Health Bill Wins One Republican Vote: Pay Czar Wants A.I.G. To Reduce Promised Bonuses
October 14, 2009
Nine pages © 2009 The New York Times Visit The Times on the Web:
The Great Depression had its a waste of money. ment about their cost.
red, white and blue “U.S.A. Work The signs, which proclaim “The more we reflected on it,
Shelter Defies Town
Program” signs and the ubiqui- “Project Funded by the Ameri- the more we realized they were Brookville, Pa., which tried to
tous “We Do Our Part” blue eagle can Recovery and Reinvestment absolutely right: it’s not the best shut down a church-run home-
emblems, which can still be seen Act” over the red, white, blue and use of the money,” said Spear, less shelter, has agreed to pay
in the credits of films of the era. green logo of the stimulus, cost an who added that the decision would the church $100,000 to settle a
This recession has green high- average of $1,200 apiece in Geor- save money that could be spent on civil suit. The First Apostles’
way signs telling drivers when gia, said David Spear, the press more construction work. Doctrine Church, which runs
construction work was paid for secretary for the Georgia Depart- The use of signs for stimulus the Just for Jesus shelter near
by the stimulus program — but ment of Transportation. The sign projects was strongly encour- the business district, sued the
not in Georgia, which just be- issue became a lightning rod for aged by the Federal Highway town in November, saying it
came the latest of at least half a critics of the stimulus, and many Administration but not required. was infringing on its religious
dozen states to forgo the signs as of them complained to the depart- MICHAEL COOPER liberty. (NYT)
business Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4
DJIA 9,871.06 D 14.74 Dollar/YEN 89.76 D 0.08 gold (ny) $1,064.30 U 7.20 nikkei 10,076.56 U 60.17
NASDAQ 2,139.89 U 0.75 10-yr treasury 3.35% D 0.03 crude oil $74.15 U 0.88 ftse 100 5,154.15 D 56.02
Saudis Seek Compensation If Exports of Oil Fall So. Africa .1354 .1366
So. Korea .00085 .00085
Sweden .1425 .1434
7.3875 7.3199
1163.5 1166.3
7.0175 6.9735
Saudi Arabia is trying to enlist sue at international negotiations insurance, and funding,” Sabban Switzerlnd .9688 .9735 1.0322 1.0272
other oil-producing countries to scheduled for Copenhagen in De- said in an e-mail message.
support a provocative idea: if cember. This Saudi position has
wealthy countries reduce their The chief Saudi negotiator, Mo- emerged periodically as a source CIT Chief Will Resign
oil consumption to combat global hammad al-Sabban, described of dispute since the earliest glob- The CIT Group, the business
warming, they should pay com- the position as a “make or break” al climate talks, in Rio de Janeiro lender, said Tuesday that its chair-
pensation to oil producers. provision for the Saudis, as na- in 1992. man and chief executive, Jeffrey
The oil-rich kingdom has tions stake out their stance ahead Petroleum exporters have M. Peek, would resign at the end of
pushed this position for years in of the global climate summit long used delaying tactics dur- the year. Devastated by the down-
earlier climate-treaty negotia- scheduled for the end of the year. ing climate talks. They view any turn in the credit markets, CIT has
tions. While it has not succeeded, “Assisting us as oil-exporting attempt to reduce carbon emis- been trying to avoid bankruptcy
its efforts have sometimes de- countries in achieving economic sions by developed countries as a for months as it restructures its
layed or disrupted discussions. diversification is very crucial menace to their economies. operations. The company said
The kingdom is once again gear- for us through foreign direct in- JAD MOUAWAD that a search committee is form-
ing up to take a hard line on the is- vestments, technology transfer, and ANDREW C. REVKIN ing to find a successor . (AP)
Business Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5
Some Still Hope to Sell Music by the Month ent Networks, which makes
products that help wireless tele-
communications companies
SAN FRANCISCO — The idea with offices in Los Angeles and has managed to challenge iTunes, ship large volumes of data to
of selling monthly subscriptions San Francisco. with its many millions of users — phones and computing devic-
to a vast catalog of online music Rdio and similar startups are or enticed music lovers from pi- es. The deal represents about a
has met with only limited suc- reinventing a concept pioneered rating music. 20 percent premium over Star-
cess. That isn’t stopping a new earlier this decade by Rhapsody, But as CD sales continue to ent’s closing price on Monday of
batch of entrepreneurs from try- a service majority owned by plummet, and the music industry $29.03 a share. (NYT)
ing to make it work. RealNetworks, and the tamed searches for a profitable future,
The latest and perhaps most version of Napster, now owned entrepreneurs with various ap-
surprising entrants to the field by Best Buy. A few hundred proaches believe they can finally Europe Shoe Duties
are the European entrepreneurs thousand Rhapsody and Napster make music subscriptions work. BRUSSELS — The European
Niklas Zennstrom and Janus subscribers pay monthly fees of Rdio is hoping to introduce a mu- Union’s executive is proposing
Friis. In 2001, they created and fi- around $15 for the right to stream sic subscription service by early to extend antidumping duties
nanced Kazaa, one of the original an unlimited number of songs, at next year that offers seamless ac- on shoes imported from China
peer-to-peer file sharing services any time, from their PCs and mo- cess to music from both PCs and and Vietnam for a minimum of
that hurt the music industry. The bile devices. cellphones. The big challenge will 15 months, a compromise that
two have created and financed But with modest membership be to get licenses from the major aims to satisfy shoemakers and
a secretive startup called Rdio, growth at best, neither service music labels. BRAD STONE retailers alike in Europe. (NYT)
For Safety’s Sake, Hybrid Cars May Include Some Artificial Vroom
For decades, automakers have ly enhanced vroom. Indeed, just scribes as “a cross between a star- and on the Internet. The Pedes-
been on a quest to make cars as cellphones have ring tones, ship and a Formula One car.” trian Safety Enhancement Act of
quieter: an auto that purrs, and “car tones” may not be far behind Nissan is also consulting with 2009, introduced early this year,
glides almost silently in traffic. — an option for owners of electric the film industry on sounds that would require a federal safety
They have finally succeeded. vehicles to choose the sound their could be emitted by its forthcom- standard to protect pedestrians
Plug-in hybrid and electric cars, cars emit. ing Leaf battery-electric vehicle, from ultra-quiet cars.
it turns out, not only reduce air Working with Hollywood spe- while Toyota has been working Paul Scott, vice president of the
pollution, they cut noise pollution cial-effects wizards, some hybrid with the National Highway Traf- advocacy group Plug In America,
as well with their whisper-quiet auto companies have started tin- fic Safety Administration, the said he would prefer giving driv-
motors. But that has created a kering in sound studios, rather National Federation of the Blind ers control over whether the mo-
different problem. They aren’t than machine shops, to customize and the Society of Automotive tor makes noise, unlike, say, the
noisy enough. engine noises. The Fisker Karma, Engineers on sounds for electric Fisker Karma, which will make
So safety experts, worried that an $87,900 plug-in hybrid expected vehicles. its warning noise automatically.
hybrids pose a threat if pedes- to go on sale next year, will emit a The notion that battery E.V.’s “Quiet cars need to stay quiet —
trians, children and others can’t sound — pumped out of speakers and plug-in hybrids might be too we worked so hard to make them
hear them approaching, want au- in the bumpers — that the com- quiet has gained backing in Con- that way,” he said.
tomakers to supply some digital- pany founder, Henrik Fisker, de- gress, among federal regulators JIM MOTAVALLI
journal Wednesday, October 14, 2009 6
Kansas City
85/ 73
46/ 41
91/ 74 PC
46/ 40 C
91/ 75 PC
48/ 42 C
Cape Town
77/ 52 0.12
59/ 41 0
66/ 56 PC
61/ 45 PC
61/ 54 R
57/ 45 PC
High/low temperatures for the 20 hours ended at 4 p.m.
yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in inches) Los Angeles 69/ 61 0.03 68/ 61 Sh 80/ 59 S Geneva 56/ 45 0 50/ 36 S 46/ 32 S
for the 18 hours ended at 2 p.m. yesterday. Expected Miami 91/ 80 0 91/ 79 S 92/ 77 PC Hong Kong 89/ 79 Tr 86/ 75 R 84/ 73 PC
conditions for today and tomorrow. Mpls.-St. Paul 39/ 26 0 44/ 35 C 44/ 36 Sh Kingston 90/ 79 0.01 88/ 79 S 90/ 77 S
New York City 64/ 50 0 54/ 44 S 51/ 42 C Lima 71/ 61 0 68/ 61 C 68/ 57 C
Weather conditions: C-clouds, F-fog, H-haze, I-ice, PC- Orlando 92/ 73 0 90/ 71 PC 88/ 73 T London 62/ 41 0 64/ 46 PC 63/ 46 PC
partly cloudy,R-rain, S-sun, Sh-showers, Sn-snow, SS- Philadelphia 68/ 46 0 56/ 41 PC 52/ 42 R Madrid 78/ 50 0 73/ 54 S 68/ 48 S
snow showers, T-thunderstorms, Tr-trace, W-windy. Phoenix 82/ 66 0 88/ 66 S 95/ 68 S Mexico City 73/ 57 1.30 79/ 52 PC 81/ 52 PC
Salt Lake City 66/ 51 0.05 60/ 49 R 65/ 44 PC Montreal 44/ 37 0.18 41/ 28 C 43/ 25 PC
U.S. CITIES San Francisco 65/ 59 1.70 70/ 59 Sh 71/ 58 C Moscow 55/ 41 0.30 61/ 52 PC 54/ 41 PC
Yesterday Today Tomorrow Seattle 57/ 46 0 59/ 48 R 60/ 49 Sh Nassau 91/ 79 Tr 93/ 79 S 93/ 79 PC
Atlanta 73/ 57 0 60/ 59 Sh 66/ 50 C St. Louis 51/ 44 0 50/ 43 C 49/ 43 Sh Paris 60/ 41 0 57/ 41 S 55/ 37 S
Albuquerque 74/ 59 0 76/ 52 S 77/ 51 S Washington 73/ 50 0 54/ 45 PC 49/ 44 R Prague 45/ 37 0.24 43/ 37 Sh 39/ 36 Sn
Boise 65/ 41 0 64/ 49 C 65/ 48 PC Rio de Janeiro 82/ 72 0.12 84/ 68 PC 93/ 70 C
Boston 53/ 46 0.31 51/ 38 S 49/ 36 C FOREIGN CITIES Rome 67/ 48 0.08 68/ 48 PC 66/ 52 S
Buffalo 50/ 42 0 45/ 32 PC 44/ 29 PC Yesterday Today Tomorrow Santiago 60/ 45 0 65/ 43 PC 68/ 43 PC
Charlotte 76/ 46 0 52/ 50 R 55/ 45 C Acapulco 94/ 79 0 88/ 75 PC 88/ 75 Sh Stockholm 41/ 36 – 46/ 36 PC 50/ 36 PC
Chicago 47/ 34 0.02 48/ 38 C 47/ 40 Sh Athens 76/ 72 0 73/ 54 S 73/ 55 Sh Sydney 78/ 63 0 68/ 55 PC 73/ 54 PC
Cleveland 52/ 48 0 48/ 37 C 48/ 37 C Beijing 74/ 54 Tr 68/ 54 S 70/ 54 PC Tokyo 77/ 63 Tr 70/ 57 PC 70/ 55 S
Dallas-Ft. Worth 69/ 63 0.25 84/ 67 C 75/ 66 PC Berlin 49/ 36 0.16 45/ 36 C 43/ 36 R Toronto 51/ 39 0.01 45/ 30 PC 45/ 32 C
Denver 52/ 34 0 62/ 36 PC 64/ 37 S Buenos Aires 78/ 57 0 63/ 48 Sh 64/ 46 PC Vancouver 51/ 45 0 55/ 46 R 57/ 48 Sh
Detroit 50/ 43 0 48/ 37 C 49/ 38 C Cairo 87/ 72 0 90/ 73 C 97/ 79 PC Warsaw 44/ 40 0.12 36/ 32 Sn 36/ 32 C
sports journal Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9
Despite Firings,
After Loss, Angry Jets Wag Fingers at the Mirror Offenses Struggle
A day after the Jets blew three landing around 5 a.m. Ryan told role in the Jets’ demise. Coach N.F.L. coaches are copycats
fourth-quarter leads against the reporters Tuesday in a confer- Tony Sparano and the offensive by nature. But it may be a long
Miami Dolphins on national tele- ence call that he did not sleep. In- coordinator Dan Henning played time before someone copies the
vision, Kris Jenkins, nose tackle stead, he watched game film that master strategists, running boot- trend that swept training camp
and defensive leader, broke his was more horror movie before legs, fake bootlegs, three-step this summer: firing the offen-
silence. Jenkins, who declined to turning his attention to Buffalo, drops, seven-step drops, wide sive coordinator on the eve of
speak with reporters after the the Jets’ opponent Sunday. receiver screens, running back the season. The three teams
Jets’ 31-27 loss on Monday night, Ryan labeled his team’s prac- screens, and sets with anywhere that did it — the Buffalo Bills,
was still frustrated, angry and tice tempo last week “horrible,” from no receivers to four. the Kansas City Chiefs and the
embarrassed. and Jenkins agreed with the as- The Dolphins stymied the Jets’ Tampa Bay Buccaneers — are
“Now, the philosophy has to sessment. Jenkins, 30, banished pass rush by using maximum a combined 1-14.
change,” Jenkins said Tuesday thoughts of retirement this off- protection — two tight ends, two The Bills’ Dick Jauron ap-
in an interview. “With all our season by surveying the talent running backs and a receiver — pears to have the least job se-
talents, I don’t think there’s any- that surrounded him and thinking to eliminate pass-rushing lanes. curity of the three. Buffalo’s
thing wrong with talking a little the Jets could win a Super Bowl They sent running backs Ronnie no-huddle system has created
trash. But you have to back it up. this season. Brown and Ricky Williams right more confusion than points.
We have a coach I love. He is go- He does not care, he said, if at the defense, daring it to stop the Changing coordinators was
ing to demand a challenge. Play- teammates talk less trash or run — and then ran for 151 yards. not enough for Tampa Bay’s
ers have to understand what that more. “But the level of play has Along with three leads, the Jets Raheem Morris; he has already
means and play up to that level. to definitely increase,” said Jen- also squandered a chance to take changed quarterbacks.
“If not, it’s going to be a long kins, who had three tackles. “I sole possession of first place in the But the Chiefs’ Todd Ha-
season,’’ Jenkins added. “Be- mean me, everybody. Regard- American Football Conference ley may have the most prob-
cause basically, every week less of what our record says, that East, along with a three-game lems. In addition to the league’s
we’re picking a fight.” game was horrible. The defense lead on the Dolphins. Instead, 30th-ranked offense, he has the
Jenkins said Coach Rex Ryan just played horrible. It’s hard to they were left with a short week league’s worst defense — the
“ripped everybody” before the take that, as a man.” and an experience Ryan called only one allowing more than 400
team flew home to New Jersey, The Dolphins played their own humbling. GREG BISHOP yards a game. (NYT)