Narita Binti Noh 10 - 24 PDF
Narita Binti Noh 10 - 24 PDF
Narita Binti Noh 10 - 24 PDF
Msc in Civil Engineering (Structure) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA(UiTM) MALAYSIA OCTOBER 2010
ABSTRACT The structural use of steel in the construction industry is continually growing rapidly across the world as a main construction material. The use of steel as a construction material has its own advantages such as strength, lightness and ductility but it also possesses considerable challenges with regard to slenderness, stability, fire resistance, geometric imperfections and other structural requirements. Thus, single story portal frame offers engineer with high efficiency of structural design. However, current analysis approach still inadequate in examine the stability of the pitched portal frame. Hence there is a need to study on the effect of the pitched angle toward portal frame when it subjected to different types of loading. Therefore, a parametric study on single story of portal frame in sway mode had been carried out to determine the effective length value and second order effect method by using LUSAS modeller (ver. 4.3). The result shows that, effective length by using LUSAS procedure and manual procedure are comparatively the same. However, second order effect method shows that amplification using buckling load approach and national load approach is slightly underestimate compared to second order analysis. Keywords: steel; second order effect; effective length
ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 General Problem Statement Objectives Scope of Work And Limitation of Study Assumption
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 2.1 General Portal Frame 2.1.1 Arrangement system 2.1.2 Loading system 2.1.3 Connection used 2.2 Method of analysis and geometric non linearity 2.2.1 First order elastic 2.2.2 Second order elastic 2.3 2.4 Design approach In plane stability check
2.5 2.6
Frame classification Buckling load 2.6.1 Computer based 2.6.2 Effective length by using manual procedure Issues in effective length method
19 21 22 23 25 29 31 32 33
Second order effect 2.7.1 National load approach 2.7.2 Buckling load method 2.7.3 Second order elastic analysis
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Introduction Overall Methodology Preliminary Studies Execution of Modeling in LUSAS 3.3.1 Step of Modeling Description of Geometry Model Meshing Geometric Properties Material Properties Boundary Condition
44 45 46 46 47 47 48 39 41 42 43
3.3.2 Loading Input 3.3.3 Analysis Stage 3.4 Data Analysis 3.4.1 Effective length value(manual) 3.4.2 Effective length factor (LUSAS)
48 51
3.4.3 3.5
52 54
Documentation Process
CHAPTER 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Introduction Verification Process Mode of failure Buckling load 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 Point Load Uniformly Distributed Loading 55 57 59 60 61 67 73 74
Effective Length 4.4.1 4.4.2 Effective Length Method for Point Load Effective Length Value for Uniform Distribution Loading 4.4.3 Corrected Effective length Value for Uniformly Distributed Loading
80 87
Second Order Effect 4.5.1 4.5.2 Point Load Uniformly Distributed Loading
Descriptions Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 beam column interaction equation for stability check similarities and difference between AISC,CAN, EC3 and AS41001990 Frame dimension that had been developed in L U S A S General stiffness coefficients Kb for beams Approximate values of Kb for beam subjected to axial compression Summary of second order analysis Summaries of verification result
Descriptions Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 A Schematic Diagram Of Single Story Portal Frame Effective length method Second order effect Column bracing in unbraced frames Schematic comparison of load deflection behaviour Structure behaviour P-delta effect Sway and non sway buckling mode Effective length ratio LE/L for member in rigid jointed frames Alignment chart for determining k-factor in AISC -LFRD Buckled mode for different end connections k- factor for columns with rigid connections Frame deflection; (a) first order; (b) second order Pitched roof frame (a) loading position; (b) anti symmetric buckling mode; (c) symmetric buckling mode Fundamental concept of equivalent initial deflection Portal frame with uniform cross-section Schematic representation of incremental-iterative solution procedure Displacement variable in Updated Lagrarian formulation of a planar beam Frame dimension An overview of the methodology flow chart Flow chart of the verification model process Flow chart of execution modeling process Modeling in LUSAS Indicating the position of point load Indicating Position of UDL Distribution factors for continuous column Effective length factor, k for columns of sway frames Typical anti symmetric mode of failure Buckling of a frame for each frame configuration Normalization buckling load and effective length Relationship of normalize buckling load with respective of pitched angle Buckling load with respect to pitched angle for uniform distributed load Ratio of buckling load to zero angle frames with respect to pitch angle Normalize effective length value versus pitched angle Page 2 3 4 9 13 13 18 20 21 21 24 26 30 30 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 47 47 49 50 59-60 61-66 66 67 68-72 73 74-79
Figure 2.12 Figure 2.13 Figure 2.14 Figure 2.15 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 (a) Figure 3.6 (b) Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2(a-p) Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5(a-p) Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7(a-p)
Figure 4.8 Figure 4.9(a-p) Figure 4.10 Figure 4.11 Figure 4.12(a-p) Figure 4.13(a-e) Figure 4.14(a-e) Figure 4.15 Figure 4.16(a-e) Figure 4.17
Effect of k value with respect to pitch angle for entire model Normalize k-effective length value versus pitched angle Overall effect of k-value normalize toward pitched angle Summaries of beam stiffness due to axial forces Comparison of effective length value for LU AS A, MANUAL & CORRECTED versus pitched angle Relationship of kamp with respect to Xcrit according to pitch angle Relationship of normalized kamp with respect to )xrit according to pitched angle Relationship between normalized kamp with respect to Xcrit for all frame Relationship between normalize kamp with respect to terit accordance to pitched angle Relationship between normalize kamp with respect to \crit for all frame
The structural use of steel in the construction industry is incessantly rising rapidly across the world as a main construction material compared to others. The use of steel as a construction material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Steel offers designers with relatively high strength, lightness and ductility. However, it also possesses substantial challenges with regard to slenderness, stability, fire resistance, geometric imperfections and other structural requirements (Wang, 2008). Thus, steel framing are very common to the construction industry players especially in portal frame due to their high structural efficiency compared to other material.
Portal frame can be define as a structural framing system consisting of a girder supported by two stanchions to which it is connected with sufficient rigidity to hold unchanged the original angles between the intersecting members as drawn in Figure 1.1. The connections between the columns and the rafters are designed to be rigid connection where they can carry bending moment and evade the building leaning over or racking in
the width due to sideways forces. Then it leads to the reduction of size of the rafters and the span can be increased for the same size rafters. This makes portal frames a very efficient construction technique to use for wide span building in warehouses, barns and pavilion. Portal frame can be constructing as single story or multi story depending on the intended design and it was likely design to have pitched angle in order to allow the movement of water on the roof.
Furthermore, portal frame are commonly design and constructed by having slender column and with wider bay width. Then, this particular structural frame needs to be check for the structural stability that involved of interaction between beam column behaviors as a whole system. Therefore, column buckling resistance need to be properly checked by calculating effective length method or second order analysis. Since, a past decade there are restriction and limitation on the technology wise, therefore effective length have been used widespread throughout the world. Since, portal frame is a
combination of beam and column structures element; hence the effective length can be determined by considering the effect of the beam column interaction effect by equating the structural stiffness. For the simplicity, code of practice such as EC3, AISC and BS5950 provide charts and monograph to find the effective length value according to sway and non sway condition. On the other hand, the chart was developing for rectangular frame but not for pitched portal frame. Thus, chart provided by the code of practice not be able to solve the entire problem regarding the frame stability for pitched portal frame due to the difficulty of finding the effective length, k as in Figure 1.2.
k L
Figure 1.2: Effective length method In addition, it is impossible to have an ideal cross section without any imperfection in straightness in structural members. Hence approximate second order analysis has been produce by previous researchers in order to encounter the problem regarding the imperfection and well knows as P-A effects that lead to the additional secondary overturning moment as in Figure 1.3, whereby the first order moment was not valid anymore. Since, the technology becomes more advanced and quite a number of software has been developed in order to simplify the calculation of second order analysis by providing amplification value, kamp. However most of the research was done on multistory frame and the roof is orthogonal but very rare on pitched portal framed. Thus, it is suggested to develop appropriate analysis procedures to quantify the relevant effects
in the structures and clarify several issues concerning the geometrically nonlinear global behavior of plane pitched-roof frames by using different types of loading.
+ PA
Single story portal frame offers engineer with high efficiency of structural design in terms of bay width, member sizes and column height. Even though the effective length method is available in the different codes of practice but it was based on the assumption as mention above. Therefore, chart and monograph are not adequate to solve the entire engineering problem regarding the column buckling resistance in frame system. Hence second order effect method was introduced to incorporate with the P-A effect. However, most of the study conducted in previous investigation by other researchers only mean for orthogonal portal frame not pitched roof frame. Hence there is a need to study on the effect of the pitched angle toward portal frame when it subjected to different types of loading. Therefore, a parametric study on single story of portal frame in sway mode had been carried out to determine the effective length value and second order effect method by using LUSAS modeller (ver. 4.3).
The objectives of this study are: i. To d e t e n t e the effect of pitch angle on the elastic buckling load of portal frame by using LUSAS " To determine the effect of pitched angle on second order effect of portal frame by using LUSAS i". To compare effective length and second order effect between LUSAS and hand calculation using BS5950.
This study was conducted on frame stability by adopting various methods which are second order effect method and effective length method of portal fmme with pa-uetric study on coluum height, bay span and pitched angle. The entire section member was determined by adopting reeommeuded size from PERWAJA catalogue. Hence hand calculation and modeling stimulation by using LUSAS had been carried out and the finding will be discussed m the Chapter 4. However, this study is valid for the elastic portion of analysis with uniform structural cross section using umversal beam provided with the mode of buckling is only for i p l a n e
b u c k l i n g i n v o | v e d rf
However, the comparison only made for pitched augle but not for columu heigh, and bay width due to different member sizes adopted in each frame.
This study had been conducted by assuming: i. ii. iii. The behaviour of the frame is elastic The frame used is moment resisting frame with rigid joint, Frame experiencing in plane sway mode.
By definition
connected together in skeletai arrangements which transfer the applied loads to the snppotts (Trahair et. a!; 2008). Furthermore, frame can be divided into three which are triangulate frame, two dimensional frame and three dimensional frames. Those frames are classified based on structural behavior. However, mnlti storey or mnlti bays of orthogonal frame or pitched fames was fall , the two dimensional frames which are substantial to bending action and axial forces in structural member. Therefore, father discussion only covered on behavior and stability aspect of two dimensional frames primary on portal frame that subjected to the in plane loading only.
Portal frame
Portal fame broadly used for industrial, commercial and leisure buildings such as pavilion and stadium which covers large areas without intermediate columns. According .0 Kumar and Santha (2010) portal frame commonly constructed by using hot-rolled sections, supporting the roofing and side cladding via eold-formed purlins and sheeting mils. In addition, Saka (2003) claimed that portal frame build by using steel as a
construction material involved lower construction cost compared to other material due to the its own material properties.
In extension, there are a lot of design concept was being adopted for construction of a portal frame in order to reduce the sizes of the structural member and cut down the construction cost. For an instance, most of the portal frame design was involved of tampered structure rather than uniform cross section as mention in PERWAJA catalogue. Since, the loading from the top are considerably bigger, therefore usage of plate element also adopted for rafter fabrication. However, since this research was limited to uniform cross section member, therefore the effect of tempered section and plate element will not discuss further in this chapter toward portal frame behavior.
Meanwhile, Saka (2003) suggested having four different form of pitched portal frame design as pitched roof portal frame with pinned-base stanchions, pitched roof lattice girder with fixed-base stanchions, pitched roof trusses with fixed-base stanchions and space trusses with fixed-base stanchions. However, pitched roof portal frame with pinned-base stanchions was frequently adopted in construction site due to economical reason compared to fixed support system.
Knowing that, the behaviour of portal frame is dependent to it arrangement system, loading system, and types of connection used in the whole framing system due to loading transferred from structural member to the support system. Hence all of the three factors will be discuss further in next sub topic.
Arrangement system
Arrangement system includes either it was design as single bay, multi storey or both. This is because, the arrangement of the frame system may manipulate the buckling strength of the frame system as mention by Yura (1971), which multi bay frame experiencing higher buckling strength compared to single bay frame condition as drawn in Figure 2.1.
Yura (1971) explained that all columns in a frame system must sway concurrently as recommended in the BS5950, EC3 and AISC. Based on Figure 2.1, it can be said that if the two exterior columns reach the buckling reached their individual column buckling load; the whole system will not buckle. This is because the exterior column did not experience independent buckling load yet, thus it will contribute to the shear resistance on exterior column. Hence, lead to the stabilizing effect, where the exterior columns act as brace system for the structure and effective
length of some of the columns could be reduced to 1.0. Furthermore, it is recommended to treat each column individually by assuming the frame are rigidly jointed and alignment chart can be adopted for calculating the total buckling strength of a system. Thus, shows that sidesway buckling can be considered as a total story phenomenon and not as individual failure.
In general, sidesway will not occur until the total frame load on a story achieves the sum of the potential individual column loads for the unbraced frame. Thus, shows that single story with single bay of portal frame can be considered as worse case in determining the effective length value because they only stand with the exterior column without any additional interior column to brace the exterior column.
Loading system
When a frame is or can be considered as two-dimensional then its behaviour is similar to that of the beam-columns of which it is composed. Therefore the failure was dependent on the position of the loading system applied either in plane or out of the plane. With in-plane loading only, it can be predicted to fail either by in-plane bending, or by flexural torsional buckling out of its plane. However, this research only concerned on the in plane behaviour of the frame system when it subjected to load.
Connection used
There are three common connection used in framing system especially in portal frame design such as simple connection, semi-rigid and rigid connection. According to Ashraf et. al. (2007) frames with simple connections, it was assume to be pinned and the moments transmitted by the connections are small, and often can be neglected, and the members can be treated as isolated beams. However, it becomes contradict when the connections used are semi-rigid or rigid because moment interactions between the members become significant. Note that, this research only focused on unbraced single story rigidly connected portal frame; therefore most of the discussion was based on the rigid frame behavior.
A rigid joint may be defined as a joint which has sufficient rigidity to prevent relative rotation between the members connected. Commonly, proper welded and bolting system is assumed to be rigid. Generally rigid joint was assumed stiffer and stronger than frames with simple or semirigid joints. Because of this, rigid frames offer significant economies, while many difficulties associated with their analysis have been greatly reduced by the availability of standard computer programs (Trahair et al.,; 2008). It is because there a lot of analysis types can be performed in order
to evaluate the stability of a rigid frame either in elastic region or inelastic part as discusses in next sub topic.
There are different levels of analysis with various level or enhancement which can be used for structural design including linear analysis and second order elastic analysis in order to incorporate the nonlinearity effect of a steel structure which is geometric non linearity, material non linearity and non linear force boundary condition as in Figure 2.3. Since this researched is governed for elastic region, therefore advanced analysis will not be discussed further in Figure2.2. 2.2.1 First-Order Elastic: First order elastic analysis considered as the most basic of analysis method and common approach in routine design, where the material and geometric are modeled to be linear elastic and equilibrium is expressed on the undeformed configuration of the structure. However, first order elastic analysis does not give any direct measure of frame stability (Galambos; 1997).
Second-Order Elastic Meanwhile second order analysis consider the material are linear and geometry are considered to be non linear. Where the equilibrium is calculated based on deformed geometry of the structure. In addition load-deflection curve commonly being
plotted from rigorous iterative method until it reach to a certain limit, called as elastic stability limit structure. The elastic stability limit calculated by using second order incremental analysis is similar but distinct from the elastic critical load (Xcrit) calculated by a classical stability (eigenvalue) analysis. Differences in two limits arise because the elastic stability load corresponds to equilibrium in the deformed configuration, whereas the elastic critical load is calculated as a bifurcation from equilibrium from the undefomed geometry. Additionally, elastic loads are usually calculated for idealized conditions that not represent the actual loading (Galambos; 1997).
. . ;';.'1T - V "'
Lateral Deflection, A
Design approach
In framing system, stability check are crucial in order t o ensure the buckling resistance is more than buckling load either about minor axis or major axis. Although present of differences of design approach between different code of practice but all of them are employ both method either using effective length method or second order method. If the effective length method are employ therefore, moment should not be amplified and vice versa in order to fulfill frame stability checking as in Table 2 . 1 . Thus shows that, code of practice provide t w o options in determining the instability check due t o limitation of the both method that will be discussed further. Table 2 . 1 : beam column interaction equation for stability check Code of practice BS5950
< 1
<Pc Pn(KL)
4 ^ = 1 ,
9 <pbMn
= 1,-
. . . M' Ml - 0 . 9 0 x ^ - = 1 , = 1 <p'Mpx (p'Mpx <P'Py P' EC3 M' = 1.56 1 <p'M py V P' \( P' -T5-+ <p'PYJ\<pPy
0 6
> 0 2
My = (p'Mpy
Where Pu =required axial compressive P nCKL)= nominal strength of member as concentrically loaded column Mu = maximum second order elastic moment within span or at ends of member Mn = nominal bending capacity of member in absence of axial loading <Pb> <Pc= resistance factors for axial compression and bending equal to 0.85 and 0.9, respectively. My, Mx, P = axial force and maximum second order elastic moments within member about x and y axes (p'= effective resistance factor mx, my= equivalent uniform moment factors Mx=maximum major axis moment in the segment length Lx governing Pcx My= maximum minor axis moment in the segment length Ly governing Pcy Fc= axial compression Z= section modulus Pcx= compression resistance considering about major axis only Pcy compression resistance considering about minor axis only
All members resisting axial compression would buckle if the applied axial force were large enough and buckling can be define as failure mode characterized by a sudden failure of a structural member subjected to high compressive stress, 15
where the actual compressive stress at the point of failure is less than the ultimate compressive stresses that the material is capable of withstanding. This mode of failure is also described as failure due to elastic instability. Thus, stability check should be performed in order to ensure the resistance of buckling load is more than the applied load (Moy; 1991). The checking should include buckling about major axis and minor axis. However, buckling in the plane of the frame is more complicated than in normal beam column elements because there is normally no bracing in the plane of the frame. Kumar and Kumar (undated) together with Nishino and Ai (2002) explain that, for compression members in rigid-jointed frames the effective length is directly related to the restraint provided by all the surrounding members. In a frame the interaction of all the members occurs because of the frame buckling as a whole rather than single column buckling. Therefore, checks for the stability of the frame must consider the entire frame stiffness. The in-plane stability checks for portal frames in BS 5950-1: 2000 differ from those for beam and column buildings due to the axial loads in portal rafters have a much greater effect on the stability of the frame compared to the axial loads in common beam and column buildings (King;2001, Silvestre and Camotim;2006). Although the subject of frame stability is a mature one, the approaches for consideration of stability in the design of steel frames vary depending on the specification adopted throughout the world.
Classically, frame stability check was based on effective length value, k which incorporated with beam and column stiffness. Availability of chart and