Harmony Spencer's Resume

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PA8MCn? S.

(Parmony WrlghL)
lLhaca, n?
(802) 839-9339, harmony.spencer[gmall.com

(+,-.- %/00121 lLhaca, n? AnLlclpaLed May 2014
8. A. lo Iootoollsm, Mloot. wtltloq
CA: 3.381. Ponors: ueans llsL, lall 2010

3"#(& 4 %)33$*(%&'()*5 "67"8("*%"
9:;21< =->1? 81$?1 lLhaca, n? leb 2012-CurrenL
commoolty Ootteocb osslstoot ot Noo-ltoflt Otqoolzotloo
uaLa enLry, admlnlsLraLlve asslsLance, wroLe arLlcles for enewsleLLer, drafLed
press releases, creaLed soclal medla conLenL and asslsLed wlLh markeLlng
ldeas, deslgned promoLlonal maLerlals, Labled for organlzaLlon aL local evenLs,
creaLed phoLo slldeshows, posLed onllne sales.
@))# A/<0BC:B1 Los Angeles, CA Aug 2013-uec 2013
Jltotlol loteto
CuraLed arLlcles Lo posL dally Lo Lhe slLe (www.good.ls), wroLe arLlcles,
conducLed research, asslsLed wlLh soclal medla analyLlcs, moderaLed spam,
asslsLed wlLh ouLreach Lo onllne communlLy.
',1 A:;2 @:<0? Los Angeles, CA SepL 2013-uec 2013
lobllclty loteto
AsslsLed wlLh medla ouLreach, soclal medla, asslsLed wlLh 1he Wl ng Cl r l s '
?ou1ube channel, posLed arLlcles for Lhe Wlng Clrls on varlous slLes, asslsLed
wlLh onllne research.
%/<;100 &0DE;: 3-2-F:;1 lLhaca, n? !an 2013-March 2013
Jltotlol loteto
WroLe proflles for Lhe magazlne and blog posLs for magazlne's webslLe,
conducLed lnLervlews and Lranscrlbed edlLor's lnLervlews.
:1:31B:- urblno, lLaly Summer 2012
MoltlmeJlo Iootoollsm stoJy obtooJ ptoqtom
8esearched and reporLed long-form feaLure sLory ln forelgn counLry,
produced mulLlmedla conLenL for a webslLe, lncorporaLed vldeo, audlo,
graphlcs, maps and lnLeracLlve elemenLs, worked wlLh an lnLerpreLer.
',1 (+,-.-; lLhaca, n? SepL 2010-May 2012
5toff wtltet, copy eJltot
WroLe news sLorles for Lhe arL and enLerLalnmenL secLlon of Lhe lLhacan, an
award-wlnnlng weekly sLudenL producLlon. Copy-edlLed news sLorles.

A)8G "67"8("*%"
ken & 8eLLy's, Lander, W?, stote ossoclote, Summer 2013
Pannafords SupermarkeLH 8arre, v1, cosblet, 2009-2012
llanders MarkeLH Chelsea, v1, stote ossoclote/cosblet, 2008-2009

(*'"8"5'5 &*# 5G(==5
CreaLlve wrlLlng, Lravel, fllm and 1v. Speaks proflclenL lrench and elemenLary Spanlsh and lLallan.
roflclenL ln llnal CuL ro x, Avld, Adobe lndeslgn, Abode hoLoshop, Adobe llash, proLools,
soundslldes, MlcrosofL Cfflce, Wordpress, PooLsulLe cerLlfled.

8eferences upon requesL.

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