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Assignment 1

Due Monday, February 3, 2014

Please write your family and given names and underline your family name on the front page of your paper. 1. [20 points] Assume there are two computer systems: (i) One that uses xed-point decimal arithmetic with 2 digits after the decimal point and 3 digits before the decimal point (i.e. ddd.dd). The digit required for the sign is separate and you dont need to worry about it. (ii) Another that uses oating-point decimal arithmetic with 3 digits mantissa (after the decimal point) and 1 digit for the exponent (i.e. .ddd 10d ). The digits required for the sign of the mantissa and the sign of the exponent are separate and you dont need to worry about them. Compute the results of the following ve arithmetic operations on each computer system. Assume that all computer operations return the correctly rounded result (i.e. the number closest to the correct answer in the representation being used). Indicate if rounding, overow or underow occurs. (260 + 1.27) + 0.1 260 + (1.27 + 0.1) 3.08 0.1 3.08 0.01 900 100

What is the range of representable numbers (i.e. the range of numbers for which no overow happens) in each of the two systems? What is the range of numbers for which underow happens in each of the two systems? (Assume that, in the xedpoint system, the rst decimal digit can be zero, while, in the oating-point system, only normalized mantissae are allowed.) 2. (a) [10 points] Find the condition number of f ( x ) = 1 x 1 , and study for what values of x in IR the function f ( x ) 1 + 2x 1 + x is ill-conditioned. (You may need to use de l Hospitals rule.) 1 1 x [10 points] Consider the (numerical) stability of the computation of the expression (as it is given) for 1 + 2x 1 + x some x close to 0, either positive or negative. Explain what problems the computation of the expression 1 x 1 may give rise to. Propose a mathematically equivalent expression that is likely to be more stable for x 1 + 2x 1 + x close to 0, and explain. [10 points] Write a matlab script that, for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 15, and x = 10i , computes f ( x ) as is given in (a) and as you proposed in (b). Also compute the relative error assuming the expression you proposed in (b) is the exact result. Comment on the results. The script should look like the following: for i = 1:15 x = -10(-i); f = (1-x)/(1+x) - 1/(1+2*x); ff = ?; % fill-in your proposed expression fprintf(%10.2e %22.15e %22.15e %12.4e\n, x, f, ff, (f-ff)/ff); end Do not alter the output format. Note: In (b), we are interested in the stability of an expression that computes f ( x ) and not in the conditioning of f ( x ). Submit a hard-copy of your code and output, together with any explanations and comments. Also submit your code electronically through the cdf system.



3. (a)

[5 points] Give the Taylors series for the function f ( x ) = cos x about the point 0, writing explicitly all terms of the Taylor polynomial t 4 ( x ) of degree 4 and the remainder R6 . Note that there are only 3 non-zero terms in t 4 ( x ). Indicate t 4 ( x ) and R6 . Note that the remainder involves x and an unknown c . Indicate the (smallest) interval where c lies. [5 points] Using t 4 ( x ) approximate cos 1. Using R6 , give an upper bound (as sharp as you can) for the (absolute value of the) error of the approximation to cos 1. Explain how you got the bound. [10 points] Give the Taylors series for f ( x ) = cos x about the point 0, in a form so that the (2 n)th term (for a general n) of the Taylor polynomial t 2n ( x ) of degree 2 n and the remainder R2n+2 are shown explicitly. Using R2n+2 , give, in terms of n and x , an upper bound (as sharp as you can) for the (absolute value of the) error in the approximation to cos x arising from t 2n ( x ). Assignment 1 C. Christara

(b) (c)


-2(d) [10 points] How would you use the Taylors series in (c) to obtain an efcient and accurate approximation to cos x for (i) x = 2? (ii) x = 4? (iii) x = 6? (iv) some large x (e.g. x = 63)? Generalize for any x and explain. [20 points] Let A IRnn be a strictly column diagonally dominant matrix. Show that A is nonsingular. Hint: Starting from a generic strictly column diagonally dominant matrix (or sub-matrix), apply one step of Gauss elimination.



Assignment 1

C. Christara

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