Green Buildings

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Mahendra S Jayalath Sr. Green Building consultant and LEED AP

EnergySolve International (Pvt) Ltd

July 30, 2010

Presentation Layout

Impact of buildings on resources Green objectives Benefits from developing green buildings Green certification and its benefits Green requirements and levels of certification Barriers, failures of green concepts and responsible stakeholders Certification procedure

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Building Impact on Resources

40-50% primary energy use 70% electricity consumption 40% CO2 emissions 15% potable water use

Build Green to Reduce above IMPACTS!!

Graphics from USGBC

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Sustainable Development - Driving Force

Sustainable design, design with nature, environmentally sensitive design, holistic resource management - regardless of what it's called, "sustainability," the capability of natural and cultural systems being continued over time, should be the key!

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Environmental Issues

Green Design Objective

Adopt practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of construction and operations of building on the environment and occupants in five broad areas:

Sustainable site planning Safeguarding water and water efficiency Energy efficiency and renewable energy Conservation of materials and resources Indoor environmental quality

Graphic from USGBC

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Anticipated Benefits
Environmental benefits

Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption

Economic benefits

Improve the bottom line

Health and safety benefits

Enhance occupant comfort and health

Community benefits

Minimize strain on local infrastructure and improve

quality of life

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Economic Benefits
Competitive first costs

Integrated design allows high benefit at low cost by

achieving synergies between disciplines and between technologies

Reduce operating cost

Lower utility costs significantly

Optimize life-cycle economic performance

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Economic Benefits
Increase building valuation and ROI

Using the income-capitalization method: asset value =

net operating income (NOI) divided by the capitalization rate (return). Quantify financial benefit in terms of Return On Investment (ROI) instead of payback time.

Decrease vacancy, improve retention

Marketing advantages
Reduce liability

Improve risk management

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Economic Issues


Productivity Benefits
Improve occupant performance

Significant improvements in national productivity in the

US Student performance is better in daylit schools.

Reduce absenteeism and turnover

Providing a healthy workplace improves employee


Increase retail sales with daylighting

Studies have shown ~40% improvement

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Direct Incentives

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Perceived Business Benefits

25-30% operating cost reductions 10-15% building value increase 20-25% return on investment 5-10% occupancy ratio increase 5-7% rent ratio increase

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Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the worlds greenest buildings.
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Certification Categories

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010


Why Was LEED Created?

Facilitate positive results for the environment,

occupant health and financial return leading to sustainability. Define green by providing a standard for measurement Prevent greenwashing (false or exaggerated claims) Use as a design guideline Recognize leaders Establish market value with recognizable national brand Raise consumer awareness Transform the marketplace!

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

LEED Certification Recognition of Quality Buildings & Benefits

Environmental Stewardship

Third party validation of achievement Contribute to growing knowledge base LEED certification plaque to mount on building Official certificate Receive marketing exposure through USGBC Web site,
case studies, media announcements

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010


Tool Identified for Certification:

Green Building Rating System used by US Green

Building Council (LEED - Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)
Scores sustainable sites water efficiency energy and atmosphere materials and resources indoor environmental quality Innovation credits
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Measures Applicable to Sri Lanka: Sustainable Sites

Reduce Impact on Land

Reuse Old/Contaminated/Disturbed Sites Erosion and Sedimentation Control Transportation Storm water discharge Waste water discharge

Reduce Impact on Infrastructure

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Measures Applicable to Sri Lanka: Water Efficiency

Potable Water Use Reduction Through
Innovative Technology water saving

fixtures Graywater Systems Efficient Landscape Design Rain Water Harvesting

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Measures Applicable to Sri Lanka: Energy Efficiency

Energy Performance Design and Layout HVAC Lighting Building Commissioning Measurement and Verification Instrumentation & Monitoring Renewable Energy

On-site renewable energy Purchase of green power

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Measures Applicable to Sri Lanka: Resource Efficiency

Recycling Waste Reduction Process Efficiency Appliance Standards

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Measures Applicable to Sri Lanka: Indoor Environmental Quality

Eliminating Indoor Pollutants and Chemicals Controlling Moisture to Avoid Fungal/Microbial Growth Control indoor CO2 levels by providing fresh air

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LEED-NC Point Distribution

Five LEED credit categories

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Technical Overview of LEED

Integrated design and construction process Optimizes environmental and economic factors Four levels of LEED-NC V3 certification:

Certified Level Silver Level Gold Level Platinum Level

40 - 49 points 50 - 59 points 60 - 79 points 80+ points (106 possible)

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010


Barriers Include

Perceived additional initial costs; Lack of expertise/Knowledge; Circle of blame designers and contractors say clients dont ask for it, clients say designers dont provide it; Perceived additional risks, both technical and market orientated; Communication problems between different professionals and trades; Conservative industry; Lack of Commitment and understanding; Lack of Incentives.

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010

Impact on Building construction/operations

20- 25% increase in construction costs! 30 40% reduction in operational costs!

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ICU Stanford Hospital

Artificial windows installed at a cost of

$1,000/ft2 Patients hospitalized for shorter periods Complained less Required less pain medication Considered to be well worth the cost

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Brandix Casualwear, Seeduwa

Energy cost reduction by 50% 60% reduction is water consumption 95% waste recycling Limited artificial light with 100% daylighting during most parts of day ASHRAE indoor comfort levels to increase productivity and quality by estimated 35% Reduced absenteeism with improvement health standards to 2% Reduction of fossil fuels for daily transport and other installation usages


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LEED Projects in Sri Lanka

Brandix Casualwear, Seeduwa Platinum VTA, Ahangama Silver VTA, Samanthurai Silver Jay Jay Childrenswear, Seethawaka Gold Brandix Centre for Inspiration Gold MAS Thurulie, Thuhiriya - Platinum MAS AITC, Thulhiriya Gold V3 HNB, Nittabuwa Expected Gold Beira Industries, Horana Expected Silver Ulagalla Walawwe, Anuradhapura Expected Silver Brandix Essentials, Koggala Expected Silver

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Final comments

Green facilities are healthier for occupants,

use less energy and water and have less of an impact on the environment! However, the challenge for experts is to building cost effective installations and not build green at ANY COST!!!

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010



Thank you

An EnergySolve Presentation July 30, 2010

SLEMA Annual Sessions - 2010


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